#viv please actually develope her
sir-subpar · 1 year
Redesigning/Reimagining Hazbin's Characters-1 (Charlie)
I tried y'all, I really did, but I didn't have much to work with. Sorry about the cut off, the shoes did not go as planned.
So- How'd I do? Tell me your thoughts!
(I'll go in depth under the cut)
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Okay, so, where to begin..
Well, first, I'll start by stating the obvious.
I don't like Charlie's design. If you like it, fair enough, but it's just not working for me.
There's thr usual problem of- you guessed it- Too. Much. Red.
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Red eyes, red background, red details, red clothing, red cheeks, red Bang style, red under sleeves (even though the shirt is supposedly White when you look at the chest area, but then you see around her wrist and it's a dark red for no reason. I'm willing to bet that the animators just forgot which color goes where because the color palette is just red, pink, white, and black. Over and over again.
Next: I get that she's supposed to be bubbly, and happy-go-lucky, all that stuff. But to be honest, I feel like it would be more interesting if she actually wasn't that nice.
I feel like one thing that would be fascinating is the idea that she wants to help people, but she's out of touch. She's one of the most powerful things in Hell after all. She doesn't understand the point of the lower class People. Plus, she's never been out of hell, she doesn't know what Earth is like, or what heaven is like.
I feel like a version of her where she is trying to do good, but is ruthless or harsh in the way she does it, could both be entertaining- and provide character devolopement as she learns how nuanced proper care is.
Also, if she's the second / third most powerful thing in hell, she shouldn't be scared of Alastor. I don't mean that he can't be in the series or anything, I feel like there would still be plenty of uses for him. But with her being a high class royal, and as powerful as she is, she shouldn't need to rely on him for his power or his money for that matter.
I understand the idea that maybe Lucifer Cut Her Off from funding because he basically disowned her or whatever, so maybe funding could be an issue, but even so, she should not be afraid of Alastor.
I like the idea that she intimidated people into going into her hotel so she could "fix" them, not realizing that the fear of her wrath is the only thing keeping people there.
Or maybe the whole hotel thing could be an act of defiance against her father fitting, as "history repeats itself" (referencing Lucifer's defiance of God in biblical lore)
Perhaps she does good things, but isn't all that nice to begin with. But she attempts to be friendly and relatable without understanding how to ACTUALLY relate to or approach others.
How does all of this tie into my design of her?
A few things:
1. Viv said at some point that Charlie was meant to look like a porcelain doll, which... She doesn't look like at all. (I do like her new ponytail. But other than that I don't like the design.)
To me, she just looks like Ellen DeGeneres with long hair and clown makeup.
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Don't believe me? Look:
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So, I made her more doll-like. But it wasn't enough. It was too simple.
Then, it hit me: in a lot of movies with demons or ghosts, oftentimes a doll gets possessed by said demon/ghost.
I'm not even afraid of dolls personally, but I know a lot of people who are
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So What if, Charlie did the same? Maybe her true form is something really scary, so in an attempt to come across as more approachable, she has some sort of doll-like shell? (But, unbeknownst to her, most people are very afraid of dolls. So it does very little to actually help. I think that's some decent comedy potential.
Plus, imagine her having stiff or janky movements, like she doesn't actually fit that well in her body.
It's all appearances
2. The horns.
I actually kind of liked her weird demonic form, at least I liked the horns and the moving hair, but since I decided not to give her a crown, I gave her those weird 4 horns with decorative string tied between them, as a way to make it appear *similar* to a crown. Plus as a reference to the whole 'demonic' thing
I kind of used Sofia from "Harmony and Horror" as a reference. (Btw, great analogue horror series on YouTube, highly recommend it)
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3. I did make Charlie's hair a bit darker, but just a little. That was in reference to part of Lucifer's lore, which said that when he fell from heaven, not only did his feathery angel wings burn away into bat wings, but his once golden hair burned into a dark red. So I decided that for Charlie, her hair is darker, but since she's trying to do good, it turns lighter.
But yeah, I'm honestly not sure about her outfit, I'm probably going to experiment with that in the future. But overall I'm okay with how this turned out.
It took me a few times, as you can see here:
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I Don't Bite (Woso Prompt)
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11. I don't bite. I mean, not unless someone asks me.
I have to admit I first read it with Leah’s voice in my head.
TW : Alcohol
You’ve only been at Arsenal for a few months, but your integration went well. The fact that you speak good English and know Viv and Victoria well from your national team probably helped a lot. You’re pretty close to the others too, but you have to admit that if there’s one player you’re less close to, it’s Leah Williamson.
Because the very moment you first saw her, you developed the dumbest biggest crush on her.
You blush when she talks to you, you can’t help but look at her everytime you have the chance and you find yourself regularly browsing through her Instagram hidden in your bed. You have the perfect impression of being a teenage fool and you suspect that you are ridiculous in Leah’s eyes.
Tonight, you’re all out celebrating Amanda’s birthday, and maybe the alcohol was consumed a little too much. You’re not the type to drink too much, but Leah's here and you have to find a way not to drool in front of her. She's incredible and you swallowed your drink wrong when she arrived with Lia. It amused Kyra very much beside you who gave you blows in the back to prevent you from choking.
This is the only time you’ve ever cross eyes with Leah. Around 3:00 in the morning, you decide it’s time for you to go home. Some of your teammates are already gone and the others are a little scattered throughout the establishment. After saying goodbye to those who were with you at the table, you get your things and go out.
It’s been many minutes since you lost Leah’s eyes, but you didn’t expect to face her as you walked through the door.
"Where are you going?" asks the blonde, frowning.
"I... Uh… Home. See you tomorrow" you mumble.
You rush past her but you are surprised when you feel Leah’s hand grabbing your biceps to turn you in her direction.
"Are you walking home?"
"Yes? I don’t live far"
"It’s three in the morning, you never read news?"
You look at her without understanding, as she rolls her eyes. And Lord have a mercy, this dress is doing things to you.
"I’m taking you home, I don’t want to risk finding you slit in an alley. I didn’t drink anything tonight."
Her tone leaves no room for compromise, but you find yourself trying to contradict her.
"Leah, I swear I’ll be fine."
"Please. I don’t bite. I mean, not unless someone asks me"
She answers you on the cocky tone that characterizes her and you have the impression that you will catch fire on the spot when her gaze plunges into yours.
Leah takes your stutter for an acceptance and takes you with her to her car parked a little further. Your heart rate is way too high for a simple car ride. The silence that reigns during the journey doesn't seem to bother Leah who sings the different musics that pass on the radio, following to the different indications that you give her.
When you get to your home, Leah turns off the engine and looks at you for a few seconds. While you were about to open your mouth to thank her, she got ahead of you by speaking first.
"I see you, you know?"
"I don’t understand" you answer after a few seconds of silence.
"I see you looking at me. Blush whenever I talk to you or look at you."
If someone could give you the ability to turn into a mouse and run away from that car forever, you would. She talking about blushing, you’re probably turned into a tomato.
"I- I’m sorry" you whisper staring straight ahead.
"Don’t be. I think it’s pretty cute"
This has the merit of surprising you enough that you turn your eyes in her direction. The surprise must be on your face since Leah laughs softly while leaning in your direction.
"Actually I think you are very cute"
Are you dreaming or have you passed a portal for a parallel dimension without realizing it? You look at Leah carefully and you find yourself again immersed in her blue eyes.
"I look at you too, you know" she whispers as she looks at you, laying a hand on your cheek.
You’re too shocked to realize it, but Leah is just as hypnotized by you as you are by her. You see her gaze sliding from your eyes to your lips and you also approach your face from hers when she leans in your direction.
Her lips get on yours and you feel your brain freeze. The feeling is even more pleasant than you could imagine in your hours of perdition. Her kiss is soft but also so sensual it makes your head spin.
Her thumb caresses your cheek and goes down to your jaw and then your neck to hold your face against hers. She add her tongue in the kiss when you whisper and you have to hold you back from jumping over the shifter and sitting on her.
"Maybe I’ll want to bite you after all" Leah said maliciously against your lips when you have to take your breath again.
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flower-boi16 · 6 months
Can Viv please give Vaggie actual character moments that AREN'T connected to Charlie somehow? Like seriously, me and many others have talked before how Vaggie revolves around Charlie, but it's really more than just her not being developed beyond "Charlie's girlfriend", ALL of Vaggie's major character moments have to do with her relationship with Charlie in some way.
In episode 3, Vaggie sings a song about wanting to be a good girlfriend to Charlie and supporting and protecting her, episode 7, Carmila sings about Vaggie needing to drive herself by her love for someone she cares about, clearly referring to Charlie.
She's even defined by Charlie IN UNIVERSE. In Out for Love, one of the lyrics is "fuel yourself with the fear of losing that somebody who's you're reason to live".
This line implies that, Vaggie can only be Charlie's girlfriend because Charlie is "Vaggie's reason to live...".
Just. Please. GIVE US AN ACTUAL ARC FOR VAGGIE THAT'S NOT RELATED TO CHARLIE. Any actual character moments, development, etc, fucking ANYTHING. You can have Vaggie's relationship with Charlie be a major part of her character but don't have that be her ONLY defining trait. Give her some actual development or growth as a character.
I'm really convinced that Viv doesn't know how to write love interest characters without them being defined by their lover, first there was Millie now this.
(....planning on making a rewrite for Vaggie soon!)
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dreamwreaver · 2 months
@tacsorium I decided to answer in a post because it's too long for a reply.
To answer your question; some of the intrigue might be based on earlier drafts where Charlie was going to have crushes on men (including al) but end the series with a girlfriend. But also, Charlie and Alastor are dark reflections of one another so their dynamic is inherently going to be something that's interesting to watch. I can't say for certain what route they want alastor's potential manipulation to take; however they have already shown us inserting himself as a wedge between Charlie and those who have the potential to be closest to her, namely her father and vaggie. And, romantic or not, Charlie is being set up to be alastor's "person" his exception to all his personal rules. We know he doesn't like being touched without consent and yet he allows Charlie to do as she pleases with him.
As for chaggie, no, I don't feel like they felt like a couple personally. But my issues with that is solely how little vaggie feels like a complete character outside of Charlie that affects my perception of that dynamic. I'm not opposed to them being a couple, but I am annoyed I don't feel as invested as I should. Their relationship is supposed to be a core element and instead it's just... kind of there. And in a show where there's tons of diversity in sexual and orientation it feels like chaggie's relationship should hold more importance.
Lumity is probably not as apt a comparison since we did get to see it develop over two seasons before they actually got together. Did they have episodes where they went on dates? No, did the plot often get in the way of them being happy? Yes. But at the same time it felt like Luz's romantic connection with amity added more stakes instead of none. Falling for a witch was thematic too since it was part of what sent belos himself over the deep end. And here the villain sees what he deems "another poor human" falling for the same trap that took his brother from him. But Luz also doesn't love amity just because she's a witch, we saw at the time that luz and amity originally didn't get along.
One other ship that seems to be more in line which chaggie is Pearl and rose from Steven universe. Right down to the "do it for her" song "whatever it takes". The problem is that Pearl and rose did have thousands of years together, and even still the betrayal of rose deciding to be with Greg and have Steven cut her to the bone. But Pearl was made for Rose, in a very literal sense. Vaggie it feels to some extent would have fallen for the first person to show her kindness in that vulnerable state and it so happened to be Charlie, there's a sense of indebtedness in both situations. The reason it works for Pearl and rose is that part of pearl's journey in steven universe is learning how to be her own gem, her own person, both in and out her romantic relationships.
Vaggie... doesn't get any of that. And fine, whatever, it's not my show. I don't know what Viv has planned next. But I do feel that we can all agree that if they were going to bother to give vaggie her angel wings back (a topic that's a whole other rant) they could have at least paid it off by having Charlie be rescued by her angelic girlfriend instead of Lucifer ex machina once again. Punching Adam in the face was fine, funny even, but love interest rescuing the falling party is like visual story beat basics.
In short, I don't hate chaggie. I just wish the show had given me more to like. Charlastor fills a trope I like of heroine/villain. It's the trope of "I can fix him/I can make her worse". And as an asexual, it's the chance to explore a character who thinks he's above silly things like attraction of any kind to be walloped by feelings and suffer. I really just want to make Alastor suffer is what it comes down to.
Hope this answers any questions you had for me!
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
Armchair Psychology Anon here again (not a real psych just notice patterns)
People may start to come to the conclusion that Viv has "mommy issues" (4Chan and Viv criticals certainly have), and obviously that there are problems with the way women are written in HB.
Everyone is quick to defend Viv, that "Charlie is the main character, and has a girlfriend!!"
Charlie is allowed to be the main character because of the relationship she has with her dad.
It's also theorized that Vaggie will die...
Also... naming your characters after female genitals isn't exactly flattering.
Lute (slang for dickrider)
Honorable Judge Gina (I know Brandon came up with that, but Viv still found it hilarious apparently)
Nurse Pussyface
Where are the male names? We don't really have anybody named after male genitals?
I'm starting to notice that bigger female characters only get development when they directly are in contact with male ones on screen.
Charlie and Alastor will be a big one, as apparently he's a father figure sent to protect her by her real mother.
Charlie and Lucifer, which apparently will be decently healthy even if it's rocky. Gotta explore those loving father/daughter relationships more.
Rosie/Lilith and Alastor is also interesting because Viv is trying to build Rosie up as this great character everyone in Hell seems to know and love, but guess what? She's Alastor's friend.
Charlie and Angel may have an interesting dynamic as well. But I'm sure Angel will actually get more development on his own that don't relate to other characters.
Cherri and Angel is interesting, because people will point to their relationship saying that Cherri is a good friend to Angel. But what's her development beyond that? Does she only exist to prop Angel up? Maybe not, since Addict hinted at a mysterious (ironically male) figure from her past.
I have a feeling Niffty will also be treated as a silly joke and won't be taken seriously either. But hey, she's also Alastor's friend! So that gives her some value, right?
Then obviously we have Moxxie and Millie, (we all know the issues there) and the other characters from HB.
Loona doesn't get much of her own development outside of Blitz. Hell, her backstory is only shown through HIS memories. Anyone catch that?
Via also has one interesting character trait that is outside of her father. (Her interest in the stars doesn't count since that directly relates to her father and his job). Her love of weird taxidermy. You know else loves weird taxidermy?
But then look at the GF leak. She gets more development because it directly relates to Blitz and her dad. And I believe she has every right to be furious.
So the gist of what I'm saying, is that unless the female character is given interests that Viv likes, has a rocky but loving relationship with her father, is a wild party girl, or is used to prop up a male character, they will be treated like garbage or not cared about.
The female characters in her shows only have value when it comes to their relationships with men or that Viv can project herself onto.
I know we've all said it before, and we'll all say it again, but please, for the love of god, Viv...get real therapy for this.
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angellic-critique · 8 months
Honestly my biggest fear is to end up writing my characters the same way vivzie does, I feel like she doesn't even try on certain characters(female characters and literally any other that isn't her "uwu baby boi must be protected at all costs" characters like stolas, angel dust). Like imagine completely missing the point of your own character/srs
to everyone pre-release worries and anxieties just as much as I have-- Please take this time to read or explore different interests of books or authors of subjects and genres you like ! In the era of internet where the golden age of information is rusting into brainrot, the less time online anymore the better. I've been taking javascript/python tutorials for myself attempting to make a dating simulator for literal years at this point and its bounced around to the point of where I branched off to develop my own murder mystery 2-d sidescroller !
I wish for this to be a farewell letter to the crushed hopes and dreams I had for the original hazbin pilot and crew has moved on to other things whereas viv attempted to spitefully keep a story she clearly doesn't have any passion over- it is very evident over her lack of care for her own characters purely for the monetary gains of attempting and sadly wriggling her way into industry the way she did is so abhorrent to the world of genuine art and animation I grew up with.
Has Vivzie ever read a Felix the Cat comic strip or Dilbert even Hägar The Horrible? Does she even know about the history and strive of depth that animation has been at for hundreds of years? Does she even like comics, clearly not if she doesn't even have the patience to write her own and horribly rush whichever story she's interested in that day. I've never seen a careless writer be this selfishly unashamed to write literal garbage and surface level 'intrigue' of design and then falling flat face first at EVERY step. Hope she becomes as unbearable of a director as John K. is because honestly even though I'm cringing making that comparison, it's pretty fair in my book considering the outright ABUSE she has always trying to talk or hoard artists into her 'pet project' I recommend above anything else to watch Dan Stamanolous' 'Moral Orel' if you want an actually funny dark comedy or Christy Karacas' fast paced dark horror comic-come-to-life Superjail! for good animattion that doesn't belittle its audience... *[Trigger Warnings for Adult Swim-esque outdated 2007 humor and light transphobia, read for your own triggers if you dont want to though, please!]
The fact that Stollitz is written so flimsily like a wattpad fanficiton of tropes rolled into one is astounding to me, I used to like the dynamic pre-season 2 as I've mentioned on here and @tired-hellowl so I really don't want to get a headache going into how I USED to like it-Realizing the problematic consent issues all of STOLASS is, I physically cannot watch another Helluva or Hazbin promo anymore without rolling my eyes into the back of my head.
To the anons and people who used to also enjoy vivs work, there are other artists and there are other stories to tell. If you wish to be inspired from Dante's Inferno/Hell or WESTERN CHRISTIAN BASED RELIGION keep in mind what source material you're doing because I don't even think vivzie has picked up the bible once in her life.... And I say this as a drifter in the world who believes in reincarnation I don't really vibe with the athiest stereotypes however, I don't believe in most religion but more power to people that do get hope and love from their teachings and cultures.
She entirely missed the mark for several years, nearly a decade. Viv has had time and time again chance and opportunity to give a chance of storytelling with demons and what does she do? Adult Cartoon that has the demons scream 'FUCK SHIT DAMNIT DAMNIT LOOK IM SO HORNY AND SILLY AND WACKY WOAHH THE SCREEN IS CONSTANTLY MOVING YOU CAN NEVER HAVE A SECOND TO BREATH IN ANY AMOUNT OF WORLBUILDING OR SETTING BECAUSE FUCK. YOU.'--
I have said this time and time again- there is no substance or worth about Helluva Bosses or Hazbins writing, even without the show not being released because Amazon seems ashamed about it, I know it'll be a shitshow.
Honestly at this point I agree with the redesign community, take any character you used to like and rewrite them until it's unrecognizable from the original source material, let those fuckers in space fight alien pirates or hell take them out of the heaven and hell trope and just flip it on it's head entirely out of earth or wherever you want to set your story! I'm personally redesigning angel to be a slight aid to my addiction help via rewriting him into my murder mystery heheh while keeping the sexual abuse and recovery in mind because woah that shit happened to me too man !!!
I wish the best to any future writers, animators, programmers, lovers of animation or art, you can do what you put your mind and hands to! Spread more positivity and love then hate in this world please guys, this'll be the last time I pop in I promise I'm trying to get a better job and hopefully get accepted in a community college that i've been on the fence over trying to do more online coding ! The sky is the limit!<3
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ravenalla · 1 year
Please correct me if I’m wrong but from what I know Helluva Boss is written by only three people right? That being Viv, Brandon, and Adam. And while I’m sure ideas are bounced around here and there with the team, the way this season is going is begging for an actual writers room with more experienced people. Not saying those three don’t have any experience, but it’s clear they don’t know how to mesh the comedy and serious moments together well at this point. Part of writing is knowing when you need to omit stuff because it doesn’t fit the tone or story progession that you have established, even if you very badly want to include it. The writing for Helluva Boss in contrast feels they are forgoing any sense of coherence so they can stuff in whatever they like even if it goes against previously established plot points and try desperately to get to you pity these awful characters instead of letting them learn from their mistakes and grow as people naturally. Again, if this had stayed a dark comedy, that would have been passable, but now they are trying to tell a serialized dramatic story with arcs and emotion, and it’s just failing because that is not these writers expertise. This is complete speculation, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Viv’s aversion to any form of criticism is affecting it.
How many times must we see something terrible happen to Stolas because the show wants you to keep crying and pitying over without having these characters actually navigating it themselves? How many times will Blitz acknowledge he’s an awful person but not actively try to change his behavior in anyway and revert to the exact same character the next episode? How many times will Moxxie have to learn confidence because it’s the only arc they can think to do with him while Millie is a walking prop and Loona flip flops between liking her dad and physically abusing him for no reason? To the people who keep saying “just wait the shows not over yet!” we are basically halfway through season 2, there is no damn reason why Millie shouldn’t have had ANYTHING on her own yet or why Blitz and Stolas should be repeating the same “uwu he doesn’t love me” scene over and over again. If you give us what should be moments of character development but never actual show it through their actions or behaviors after the fact, it’s not character development at all, it’s cheap scenes you threw in cause you wanted the guise of something serious without actually taking the screentime to commit to it. And yes, the Stolas Blitzo stuff is probably going to pay off eventually, but it’s annoying for the audience to watch this will they won’t they game in almost every single episode just waiting for when the characters will finally change or have at least SOME type of acknowledgement of all they’ve been through instead of just keeping the status quo of another “Stolas looks sadly at his phone,” “Blitzo doesn’t really care about him until there’s one millisecond showing maybe he does 🥺.” Unless your a hardcore shipper, people won’t stick around with that forever.
The show wants to have world-building, quirky characters who are bad people, tons of villains, funny sex jokes, emotional investment, and a complicated romance, but there’s a reason lots of media fails when it tries to be everything at once. The Stolitz plot behind every episode now is sabotaging parts of the show that promised wacky demon assassin adventures, and the less serious moments like the Loona doctor B plot in turn ruins the atmosphere of the dramatic scenes associated with the Stolitz plot. They wanted to show a serious abusive arranged relationship through Stella, but they also wanted her to have be a campy bad guy so Stolas could have a reason to cheat on her so he wouldn’t look like the bad guy. This leaves us with confusing contradictions like Stella written as being legit mad about him cheating and wanting him dead while hinting at them having at least a positive public image as a family once through the background paintings, to suddenly her not having ever cared about him and seeking him out “cause she likes tormenting him” while she also now didn’t want him killed I guess because she’s opposed to the divorce because the Goetia want them together??, but then wanting him killed AGAIN after even though the Goetia probably always wanted that guy alive and her brother has to come in for no reason to make her look like an absolute dumbass.
Same with Loona. They try to give her development with Blitz, but they never do anything with it and by the next episode she’ll be beating the shit out of him again. “She’s a moody teenager!” She’s a woman in her twenties and I don’t care about her sometimes finding appreciation for her dad when she’ll just kick him in the nuts right after because physical abuse against a spouse is serious but with a daughter it’s funny I guess. And again, the entire argument fans have to justify this constant loop of creating and forgetting about character development is “just wait they probably have a plan.” Nah bro I’m pretty sure they just still wanted to throw edgy dark comedy in there and to do that they had to ignore any positive character changes it seemed like happened until a future episode specifically is written to continue that arc. Also the world building and class system in general is just bad when they actually choose to acknowledge it, which is rarely. It’s still so unclear whether hellhounds are seen as actually sentient autonomous people or pets, and it just makes scenes with Loona super weird sometimes. Same with imps, for an apparent underclass they sure seem to be able to go wherever they want and do whatever they want without too much trouble, and until the latest episode we’ve never seen any imp discrimination be a major factor besides comments from Stolas (which we are now choosing to ignore because Stolas can’t be a bigot that has to learn to be a better person, Stolas is perfect 🙃)
Yikes this got longer than I meant it to but overall Helluva Boss just could really benefit from some more inputs in the writing, not just ideas for story or jokes but someone who actually knows how to properly balance and structure this kind of stuff into an episode. As is it feels very disjointed, especially this season. I don’t think this show would ever be perfectly for me, just because I don’t find the humor at all funny and that’s kind of what makes the show, but at the very least it’d be nice if the actual plots and world these characters navigate was fun to watch, but most of the time it’s just not anymore, because you don’t get to actually see most characters interact or what their relationships are, and if you do they hardly ever change from what they were until suddenly it’s relevant for the plot. Blitz is uncomfortable around Stolas and is tired about being treated like a play thing, wait no now he’s turned on by Stolas’s flirting even though we’ve never seen that before and this is right after they literally had a huge fight, wait nevermind now Blitz doesn’t care again. Moxxie is always weak and sensitive when an episode is about him but suddenly super strong and has no problems killing in any other episode (“We’re not going up there just to massacre we need clients! -S1E3, exactly what he and Millie do to an entire audience of innocent bystanders in the Cherub episode and they don’t care). Stolas is super perverted and sees Blitz as an object, wait nevermind we’re just gonna change his entire fucking backstory so his behavior will look justified even though that man would literally have to be a the dumbest person in Hell to not see Blitz did not care and was actively repulsed by him all throughout season 1, yet continued to act that way to his supposed “first friend” because..he thought it was a sexy game or something they were playing? Even as a retcon for an excuse it’s still bad. Helluva Boss has no rules it sticks to, no jokes or character behaviors it refrains from even if it harms the quality, it’s just a badly written fanfic with pretty animation.
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bahja-blix · 8 months
Oliver the Deaf/Mute imp kid controversy
During my break from most platforms due to family issues and me not wanting to indulge myself on most platforms for peace and quiet I pondered something during that time. I wanted to do something fun Regarding lil Oliver who Finally has a name after all the backlash Viv got for NOT naming her Deaf or possibly Mute character...
I wanted to try to crack exactly what Fizz and Oliver said and how accurate it is which will require me to also learn more along the way and it's thanks to the fact that I actually have an official Sign language Dictionary that has real pictures that teaches a reader how to Sign when speaking with your hands, what to Sign, and much more. The book itself was given to me as a gift from a licensed Sign Language and Deaf speaking and assisting teacher who was awesome to talk to. She specializes with Special Needs and other forms of Disabilities in her class such as Autism, ADHD, (Both in which I have but were diagnosed many years apart) or other Disabilities on the spectrum or differing conditions. And I've kept it since then.
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This is Oliver, Olive or Ollie for short. Say Hi :D
He uses Sign Language to speak and is possibly both Deaf and Mute however I'm going off research regarding his condition/disability.
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Here is the book from front to back ^^
As I read and look around at the endless adventure of learning a new Language and cracking what the show Signed it will also further my development of more accurately developing my own characters that are either Mute, Deaf, Or both. Some of them are main characters and either speak fluent Sign Language along with another Language taught via writing which is hard work but can be achieved over time. Some don't speak another language. Some of them are secondary, supporting etc. there's Always a role for them. Kuma is one of them, She's a main character of a series I'm working on. I'll show her later once she's finished in design. She is Both Deaf and Mute and uses a hearing aid to help hear from her Left Ear. She mainly speaks fluent Sign Language via hands or writes what she says. She's fluent in Japanese writing all in which took her years to learn by special teachers. She's treated as a person from thick and thin. Unlike how Viv treats her characters. Kuma originally comes from Tokyo Japan but moved internationally to California for college.
If you have any questions regarding my journey please don't hesitate to ask ❤️🙏
EDIT: I absolutely despise how Vivziepop writes her characters when it comes to "Trying" to represent something. That's why I was inspired to write this! That's why wanted to step in and be entirely goal oriented when representing stuff you can't do Viv. Viv sucks at representation in every way shape and form. From writing harmful stereotypes of All kinds, to misrepresenting the LGBT plus community I've been in for almost a decade, SA, SHrsd, Domestic Abuse victims (I hate to dig up a huge part of my past however... I fall into all those three categories too... Bcus my biological dad... Did unspeakable things to me...), to the way she writes her women vs guy characters in a non equalized way, the way she writes about drug abuse or alcoholics, and not give two shits about their development to the way she literally didn't give a shit about Oliver AND misrepresents the Disabled community that I'm ALSO in and left Oliver nameless UNTIL her audience CALLED HER OUT for that like... What the hell went through your head when you sat at the round table of yours with your team you call "Geniuses" like... Deaf Imp Child????? DEAF FUCKING IMP CHILD???? LoooooL! Stop trying Viv it's over! Your own political party doesn't like your ass no more neither wether traditionalized old school Dems like me or Modernized Americanized Dems. Everyone who saw through your bullshit regardless of who they are or where they lean don't want your shit anymore because you failed everyone around you multiple times for YEARS. I've found out So MANY things about you mate. I actually looked up to you... Lots of us did... And you only get worse from here. Your audience ain't the bigot unless they actively boot lick and kiss your ass. Valid criticism wether Harsh or Not is NOT "hate" lmao 🤣 love how thats your favorite go to word. Maybe come up with something original to call your audience you sack of poorly packaged horse shit, mmk! (Pilot Angel Dust reference btw if you get it)
Off topic but Viv really went Too far >:(
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bbgliker-teehee · 8 months
thoughts on ep 8 (huge spoilers):
-the only thing i had a good laugh at was katie killjoy's "congratulations for charlie and her crew for not being fucking useless for once", and nifty killing adam.
- was alastor's use of the word "fuck" supposed to be intimidating?? it just... ruins his character imo. pilot al would never.
- i despise charlie in that ep ngl. you're the princess of hell, and yet you're completely useless? i swear if she actually stepped up, we could've finally had a female character achieve something, but no. charlie is a baby, and lucifer had to come save her. she had no growth at all. maybe finally tossing the "kind" act to save the people she loves, but no. even pentious dying didn't do anything to her in terms of useful enragement or power. vanny (god, i refuse to call her vaggie) had a whole arc on ep 7 about fighting for the people she loves and how the thought of losing that should empower her, and it did. but with charlie, she just stayed the same. fuck, even angel had more development even if it also doesn't make sense (he is still chained to val and not free, nothing has changed) you can definitely tell viv plays favorites. also, dazzle died and she just?? doesn't acknowledge it???? and "dad pls stop adam has had enough 🥺". he. literally. slaughterd. thousands. of. sinners. for. eternity. what. is. your. issue. you're all about "my people shouldn't be slaughtered" and then defend the guy who is directly responsible.
-its so madly disappointing that in H*B the other sins get over-complicated and large designs when enraged and charlie is just. tail & horns. i like lucifers a tiny bit more but even the literal ruler of hell has a weak "beast" form. also how can they have a whole hellborn species directly referencing baphomet (the candle demons) and then lucifer literally has the horns & the flame too???
- ofc lilith is bad. bet she made a deal to stay in paradise and away from adam.
- "hey one of your patrons died. lets build a new hotel"
- more V's in season 2? oh god. please do one tying right and kill val off. or put him in suffering for all eternity. best thing: angel takes over, kills him, and becomes an overlord replacing val. istg since angel is still stuck i wouldn't be surprised if they did something like episode 4 again.
- i desperately wanted to like something about this show, but its impossible...
sorry for the insane long rant...
The finale was just a big old nothing Burger to me honestly...
Hell, just to be nice I was gonna name something interesting that I actually liked and I couldn't name anything lol
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ms-cartoon · 8 months
Episode 1 really feels like episode 2 and some things/plot seem like season 2. [Hey they probably didn't know there getting two seasons.] But if you didn't seem the pilot and you didn't know these character. Then you just get throw in and All these characters are just there.
Exactly. . . . Viv should've realized by now that not EVERY BEING ON EARTH watched the pilot before putting the show in production. Regardless, you still need to take time to develop your story and characters. It's all about taking things slow. Focus on the main thing first (all the while throwing in some hints about a reveal here and there) THEN you can focus on something else. Even if there's a second arc you want to explore (in each episode mainly) have it be your B plot. B plots are technically stories focused on your secondary characters. Plus, the letter B is second to A, meaning #2. So have the focus on your secondary characters be your #2 plot instead of your #1 plot (your main plot).
For instance, your #1 main plot; focus on Charlie trying to figure out a way to redeem her sinners and send them to heaven. Meanwhile, we can also focus on Angel in a few episodes, and explore his troubles working for Valentino, being your #2 plot. Maybe while Charlie can focus on achieving her goal, she and the rest of the characters can help Angel get out of his situation. And since Viv really wants to make this show about relationships between characters, she can try and develop some sort of bond between Angel and Charlie. I bring up Charlie cuz he was the first to accept her offer to live in the hotel, even though he doesn't believe in the idea of redeeming sinners. A friendship could blossom between the two and Angel could have more trust in Charlie. Charlie is fully aware of the troubles Angel is having now and should be more determined than anything to help him get out of his situation. And if Viv wants to give him a boyfriend, she can WAIT on that.
Another thing to work on is focusing on the main characters' conflict, what they're up against, and the story involving them first, THEN you can introduce new ones and focus on their arc (without fast-pacing it).
We already have a conflict going on with the villainous Angels and them exterminating sinners and we've introduced Adam and Lute as our first new antagonists. They can stay as our main antagonist until the season ends. We DO NOT need another conflict involving Vox figuring out a way to bring down Alastor in that same season (with only eight episodes mind you). That can wait for another season. Viv will probably forget about that shit anyway.
Don't just make things clear for newcomers, do the same for people who already watched the pilot, cuz there are at least some hints they aren't gonna grasp that they are meant to already know. Me for example: It came as a shock to me that Husk was an overlord.
... Actually, shocked isn't the right word. But it was unexpected.
Some people say that pilot watchers should've already taken the hint that Husk was in Overlord in the pilot just cuz of a picture scene that was shown:
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In the pilot, Vaggie tells Angel about Alastor, and the picture of him and all the other overlords is shown. If you look closely, Husk is standing right behind Alastor (so is Niffty), Okay . . . I can understand them hinting at the "overlord Husk" thing by showing him as a silhouette, making it hard to recognize him. Then again, this is completely brushed over in like 3 seconds with the camera moving upward with Husk is off-screen. So of course I'm not gonna immediately see him and theorize that he was an overlord. That's why it came off-guard when he revealed it. Not only that, but NIFFTY is there too!? She's right beside Alastor, shown as a silhouette along with Husk and the rest of the Overlords. So what . . . you're gonna tell me that Niffty was an overlord too, but then made a deal with Alastor at some point and ended up losing her title?? (Seriously, PLEASE don't tell me that) No way in hell u can convince me she was an overlord too just cuz she was shown here. IDK why she's shown here. There's not much character in her anyway apart from "Hehe! Me is psycho! Me like bad boys! Hehe!"
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teeth-cable · 1 year
You everr realize that Vivziepop is completely bullshitting when it comes to ethnic casting because of Millie?
Like we are definitely getting imp human disguises for merch reasons so its definitely going to come up.
But like if Millie is black then her family should be played by black VAs but all of them are white VAs. Like I don't think Millie is adopted since she looks like a younger version of her mother.
The best course would then be making Millie white and no we can't use Erica being the original VA as evidence because that was always meant to be a temp casting.
But then this creates an issue in Helluva Boss having no fucking diversity like Vivziepop doesn't have to answer to corporate demands to make the ENTIRE CAST white. She can choose to add diversity.
If she makes Millie black that's also showcasing a huge issue in Helluva's lack of diversity in its main group of characters and Millie could come off as a token. Then you have the fact Morgana and Ed would come under fire for taking POC roles as well as Spindle allowing it unless Vivziepop retcons Millie as adopted or half siblings with Sallie.
Like Into The Spiderverse had half its human cast be POC and it answered to corporate demands. Then Across The Spiderverse without spoiling anything has a MAJORITY of the cast be POC.
Now you can argue Spiderverse is based off existing material unlike Helluva but those existing materials had put effort into adding POC in the first place. And guess what Spiderverse had consulted actual minorities when it came to development of the project.
Vivziepop is latina but she's white passing so she needs to consult people who don't pass to get a better understanding overall on things. Like I'm disconnected from my own culture but just because I'm part of it doesn't mean I have a full picture of it.
Vivziepop also isn't black, asian or indigenous so if she's telling stories that features them she needs to do research and consult people.
She actually consulted Morgana about Sallie May being trans thankfully but... I never hear any talk about other people she talks to which shows poor ass attempts. Like Morgana's insight is valid but she does not speak for all trans people and yes you aren't going to please everybody with representation but just consulting a SINGLE PERSON is insane. We also know Viv according to leaked screenshots has or had some form of transphobia so she absolutely needs to consult more people if she's trying to change and do better especially if she's writing about a trans character.
Like Morgana being a white transwoman will not have the same experience as a black transwoman for example. Like I know that from actively trying to learn about trans people.
Like there's a youtuber UnicornofWar who made a video about how the show RWBY is terrible at handling its racism allegory. Now Unicorn is white but actively went out of their way to consult multiple POC for the video and did a shit ton of research. Now I will say Unicorn in the past has said ignorant things about stuff like white washing (thinking its ok because of art style color pallets back then) in earlier videos but currently denounces that viewpoint (note: Unicorn as far as Im aware has never said anything with vile. I have to clarify so I don't misrepresent their person and people don't assume Unicorn like said a slur) and actually apologizes for their ignorance.
Has Vivziepop ever denounced her old views or behavior? Has she apologized for being ignorant in certain things? Is making a serious effort to change? Has Vivziepop researched throughly and listened to POC insights or concerns?
As far as I'm aware she hasn't.
I have noticed Viv's weird choices for Millie as a black character. I hate to say this but Millie is supposed to be token rep which to me is weird because nobody was pressuring Viv to add rep to her shows. I will say this even in a universe where Viv hired black VAs to voice Millie's family and did do properly research and consulted black people, Millie would still be considered token rep because she is the only the only main character in the show to not have an self-centered EP and has the least amount of screentime.
It makes me wonder if the reason why the IMPs don't have a canon human form yet is because Viv doesn't want to draw POC characters. She has shown she knows the importance of these disguises and they sell well on merch but the only characters who have canon human forms are Stolas and Loona, two white characters who arguably don't even need them. Blitzo is voiced by Brandon Roger who is a mixed Filipino (It's also canon Blitzo looks like Brandon Roger and Blitzo and Brandon Roger are intertwined together so it doesn't make sense for Blitzo to be white), Millie being a black woman, and Moxxie, despite what you might believe is a mixed Latino.
The POC rep we already have isn't good either. In Spring Broken, Verosika and her gang, who the majority are POCs, gets arrested and Verosika makes a joke about sucking police dicks to get out of jail. Having a POC character make a rape joke about police corruption unironically is not funny. Moxxie's mom is obviously supposed to be Latina, falls into the trope of nice POC women who get brutally abused and killed by their white husbands. This actually could have work and wouldn't be as tokenizing if 1. we got to learn about Moxxie's mom as a person and 2. her death wasn't solely use to be angst bait for a male character.
The Spiderverse crew actively puts effort and consulted with POC about characters from their culture. During the early stage of writing for Pavitr Prabhakar, the writing team struggled writing his character and called his VA, Karan Soni to help them write and consult on the character. Thanks to Karan Soni's contribution for Pavitr Prabhakar, he is beloved by desi people alike. Viv doesn't do that and probably will never. She has shown time and time again, she doesn't respect religions, using their symbols as an aesthetic and for monetary gain. Viv's designs for black and other POC characters are terrible, them alway never having POC features and looking racial ambiguous as hell and she ignored the criticism from black and POC people for these POC characters.
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helluvatired · 8 months
my predictions for hazbin season finale
(keep in mind that this is all just speculation and analysis, so i can be totally wrong in the end lol)
starting with the scenes in the order of the trailer, this is when chaggie have already reconciled, so it's probably the end of ep 7 or the first part of ep 8
and all the windows and doors are nailed down, so they are probably preparing for extermination
i really think this scene will be the end of a song, because it looks a lot like
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in this scene we have the characters ready to fight, and everyone seems to have a piece of the exorcists' weapon. alastor must have finally said that it is possible to kill an exorcist
these people in the background could be people who heard charlie's announcement or just the cannibals from cannibal town (i talk more about this below)
and most likely it's cherri on the left too!!
now angel has a new outfit, but it's all ripped (he looks like he's wearing a cropped lmao)
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and he's wearing the same hat as in the prequel! so i think he will have more development too (or at least more backstory)
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now going back to the ripped clothes, i can think of three options:
he had his clothes ripped in battle
(what i most want to happen please please) angel will have a moment similar to fizz
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in the next scene charlie is with alastor's mic, probably to make an announcement in the cannibal town (this scene in the future shows that it is the same scenario and alastor is singing with charlie (and rosie!!)) so this would be after alastor reveals that he knows exorcists can be killed
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in this scene, many were thinking (including me) that this scene would take place at a time when angel had a relapse or when she discovered the complete truth about valentino, but seeing it now i think that would be unlikely because we only have 2 more episodes and we need to talk about how carmilla killed an exorcist; vaggie is an exorcist; tell this to the rest of the cast; the extermination
i watched this at minimum speed and there is a frame where she is smiling before crying, so my guess is that this was right after they came back from heaven
charlie is happy and proud of them but remembers everything that happened in heaven and breaks down in tears, without any hope
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the next scene is vox, i think he is safe as he watches the hotel on the day of the extermination
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this scene can be either a battle scene or a training scene
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by the way, i want so much this verse to be a foreshadowing. may vaggie have her revenge
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the next scene is this, chaggie painting a wall
this could be either the present where they have already reconciled or the past (i really would prefer this because i want more flashbacks) where they are cleaning up the hotel for the first time
but anyway, this scene is definitely them cleaning up the hotel, we just don't know if it's the first or second time
and if it is the second time, this opens up questions, because in the series it was alastor who repaired the hotel
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and speaking of the devil, here he is. he is defending the hotel once again probably on the day of the extermination
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and now we have adam ready to punch someone!
i don't think lute or adam are going to die, actually i can't even say if it's because i genuinely don't think so or because i just don't want them to die lol
they were cool antagonists, and i feel like they still have potential, maybe they would fall or come back even stronger in the second season
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so about adam, i honestly don't know if we're going to have an epic battle with adam with the other exorcists. like, i hope we do! but adam seems to be too cowardly to fight a fight that he knows he could risk dying, that's why he didn't want to go down to hell when one of the exorcists was killed for the first time
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but i hope we at least have a fight with some unnamed exorcists!!
ok, so i think that covers everything, i think i'm done
so viv dropped this bomb on Q&A (it's on her channel!) and now i'm going to make my speculations about who might not die (considering it will be a permanent death)
charlie - the protagonist
vaggie - the protagonist's girlfriend, they just had a fight and made up, i don't think what this death will contribute to the plot
angel and husk - it's been confirmed that they are slow burn, so yeah, they can't be a couple if one is dead
niffty and sir pentious - they are the funny characters, they are good to break the ice when some scenes are too heavy. once again i don't think what this death will contribute to the plot
alastor - he is one of the biggest antagonists, he still has so much potential and mystery to be solved
cherri - she still has so much to work on herself, it wouldn't make sense to kill her without any development
lucifer - while i think he might die in later seasons, i don't think it makes sense for him to die now, he's barely reconnected with his daughter again, and is it time for him to die?there are still things to be explored, like his circus and his wife for example
the Vs - it doesn't make sense for them to die now if they were barely introduced, there are still more things that can be explored
carmilla - although i can see it happening, i really hope not, it seems too soon to me. again, she still has a lot of things that can be explored, like her backstory or how she killed the exorcist
now it's time for my speculation about who will die: one of charlie's pets
looking at the cards, we have one of razzle and dazzle as giants, most likely defending the hotel, perhaps one or both of them will be seriously injured
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but my bet is on keekee
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keekee is the hotel key, and some of the cards shows what will happen to the hotel, it will be destroyed
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(unless this destruction is when the guys who were after mimzy attacked)
and apparently the hotel is going to have a big renovation too??
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by the way while i was looking for the cards i saw that charlie's pitchfork hadn't been shown yet, so maybe it can make an appearance in the season finale??
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checkoutmybookshelf · 10 months
Prequels are Hard, but This One Nailed It
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As all Star Wars fans know, prequels are HARD. You have a less developed version of a beloved character and it's very easy to either be too predictable or to make the character significantly less interesting in comparison to their more mature and experienced version. Add to that the potentiality for "baby warrior swings a BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG sword" simplicuty of character given Viv's off-page future/history (depending on which direction you're coming at it from), and it's kind of miraculous that this book was as awesome at it turned out to be. But it was awesome, it had BOOKS and PASTRIES, and they threw in a necromancer for funsies. Let's talk Bookshops & Bonedust.
Hello, if you're finding my blog for the first time, please be aware that there are MASSIVE SPOILERS below the break.
Being the dumbass newbie who gets skewered on mission one absolutely sucks. But where most baby warriors would hear "Newbies who rush in die most of the time" wouldn't take any time to reflect on that as they convalesce, Viv actually does, and spends her entire time in Murk remembering that she's young and dumb and probably should look before she leaps now or else Rackham might not take her back. I appreciated that impetus to learn and develop a new habit.
I also adored that Viv had a good example of a life after being a soldier of fortune in Maylee. Maylee was such a fascinating combination of experience and vulnerability in everything from her understanding of where she and Viv were in their lives and still choosing the joy in the time they had to being so delighted over the book of fancy pastries that she was willing to leverage her clout to support Fern because it was important to Viv. The foreshadowing for Legends & Lattes in Maylee just in general was amazing, and the whole theme of "at another time and in another place, this might have been perfect but we're in this time and place so we make do" was just weirdly heart-wrenching? Like, we KNOW Viv has a happy ending coming, but it doesn't actually soften the intensity of the here-and-now feelings, and that is SO LIFE I can't even. This whole relationship was fascinating, and I loved getting to see this summer romance.
Then we come to Fern, the absolutely delightfully foul-mouthed proprietor of the titualr bookshop. I very nearly CRIED when we got the first description of this little shop. HOW could you keep BOOKS in such terrible conditions??? But the love and work that Fern and Viv put into the shop, and the sheer delight of watching Fern read people and match them to books was fun. I also appreciated the combination of subtle homages to classic and contemporary books and book trends--the bundles of mystery books with themes on the wrappers was just delightful.
This is also where we shout out Potroast, because POTROAST IS THE HERO OF THE NOVEL AND NO, YOU WILL NOT CHANGE MY MIND ON THIS. Sassypants gryphets are my new favorite thing.
Finally, we come to Varine. I generally am not a necromancer girl, but Varine is delightful because she's just living her best villain life. She's not terribly complex, she's not terribly well developed, but she doesn't NEED to be. She NEEDS to be scary and fun, and both those boxes were ticked.
At this point, I want to highlight another seriously awesome thing that a good friend of mine point out: This book is super woman-heavy. The named male characters are more plot devices than actual people, and all our main characters are badass ladies. Even the irascible Iridia--head gatewarden and indisputable authority in the town--is female. This entire book is badass women politicking at and supporting each other and all I can say is...MORE OF THIS PLEASE. More women-dominated cozy fantasies with sassy gryphets. I love this and I hope Baldree keeps writing in this universe, because I would happily dive into more of these books.
Overall, Bookshops & Bonedust was a delightful read that didn't really feel like a prequel. It had none of the prequel weaknesses or pitfalls, and was just a sheer delight to read.
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flower-boi16 · 8 months
Even in the episode attempting to give Millie depth still has her revolved around Moxxie because she feels insecure that her own husband gets more attention than her like damn Millie's entire character is literally nothing without Moxxie huh?
Viv, can you please give Mille actual traits beyond "killer" and "Moxxie's wife"? Like seriously a big problem with Millie's character is that SHE BARELY IS ONE. She's just very one-dimensional and has gotten little development so far beyond "Moxxie's Wife". And Vaggie has the same problem; they don't get much development beyond their relationships with their respective lovers.
If you want your relationships in your shows to be good you need to make sure the love interest to your other character is an actual character first, they can't just be defined by their lover. Millie is just so underdeveloped of a character and the show kinda fails at whatever attempts at "depth" it tries to give her.
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elfcollector · 1 year
i am asking about dovecole. please tell me more about them and how they came together
so in terms of the How'd This Come To Be, it's actually quite a slow burn! their first kiss isn't until shortly before trespasser lmao. this is because, frankly, they both have a lot of shit to cope with before being in a relationship would be even kind of healthy.
one of the reasons they get along so well initially is that they're in a very similar spot of being 'technically a young adult but functionally very new to being in the world.' cole is in the body of a young adult (he's probably around 19-21 by inquisition) and mooostly has the mind of a young adult, but Existing like this is extremely new to him! and dove is technically ninteen at the beginning but in a very real way she hasn't grown or matured past the age of eleven, because that's when she was made tranquil. and now that she's not she has to learn, all over again, how to be a person in the world. they're both young in a way that only they can really understand.
cole is an enormous comfort to dove, and she to him, because they have this commonality ( in addition to the fact that they're both good people with beliefs and ideals that are fairly aligned ). cole is one of the few people who can accurately understand what dove is feeling, sometimes better than she can — though being around her is extremely overwhelming for him initially — not only because he's an empath but also because he gets, more than anyone, how fucking overwhelming it is to be a person. and dove can understand better than anyone — even solas — what it's like to go from being so little to SO MUCH. dove sees herself more clearly via cole than she can otherwise, and vice versa
they do develop fairly childish crushes on each other not that long after meeting — i have a drabble somewhere on this blog where dorian notes that cole in particular gets a little lovestruck around her — but neither really have the context to understand the feelings beyond 'i like being around this person a lot.' so they just end up spending a lot of time around each other! as cole becomes more human and dove starts catching up on her actual age, especially post - game, dove starts to realize that what she feels for cole is explicitly romantic. she's not sure if cole feels the same way, but she knows that even if he turned her down they'd remain friends and she'd still be happy. so she tells him she's in love with him! cole is so happy to talk about it with her because it helps him realize oh shit THAT'S what these feelings are?
this happens about a year after the end of the game, and they take some time to just. be in love with each other and see how that feels and where it takes them. it's only four months or so out from trespasser that they officially decide to Be Together, partially because that's when dove's hand starts to act up and they're both subconsciously like 'if i die/if dove dies i want us to be together for the rest of my/dove's life.' this is when they have their first kiss! it's very natural and sweet and they're both so giddy. leliana thinks its adorable. cassandra, on the other hand, wishes they would stop being so lovey dovey in public. not because she's not happy they're happy but because oh my god this is so mushy
speaking of, they don't overtly tell most of the companions, which means the ones that haven't stayed with the inquisition full time between the game and DLC don't find out until said DLC. (varric, as ever, is the exception.) it's funny! sera and viv are both more supportive than you'd expect
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The KPS:
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"Hello and heya!! My name's Vivian. Vivian Vex. (She/They) Transfem butch/futch/femme Cyborg/Cybernetic Succubus, but who I am doesn't revolve around sex and violence (anymore). It revolves around humor, VERY dumb memes like that barely qualify legally as memes, MLP, Fallout, Halo, and loving and supporting the people around me, not least of all my 15-year Partner and love of my life, Zander<3 I'm a surrogate mom to a lot of people, and will do almost- and will do *anything* to protect trans kids, trans people, or any marginalized folk. I love you. And I'm proud of you. I'm glad you're here<3"
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"Hiya!! :3 My name's AlexZander Maxwell Belmont, (They/He/She/Cat) transmasc genderfluid catboy/catgirl/catenby! I'm a mage from the tropics, and beneath my 'Smol evil catte bean >:3' persona, I'm very soft-spoken, and try to be kind and understanding towards everyone, as does Viv, my Wife and love forever<3 I like Half-Life, fresh fruit, Halo, and being outdoors! prrrbt prbt :3"
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"Good Evening, I assume. My name is Professor Yarrow or Wilson (depending on my mood) Turingley Hrothwell. Pronouns are He/They. I'm chief of research and development, and head of Psychologistics at the Kintsugi-Pentimento Society. I enjoy tea, research (particularly into plurality and other mental matters) and spending quiet moments with my loved ones: My partner Zander, and my wonderous GNC son Jonas. Warm regards, Yarrow/Wilson."
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"Hai!!! :D My name's Pinkie Pie, and I'm a kinda ace-spectrummyy bisexualish lesbainish pony with she/her and im trying out pink/pink pronouns!! Im the most recent member of the system, and i love everypony here! They're all so nice and friendly and supportive, oh, I really like sweets and parties and Twilight and soda and baking and making friends and candy and everything! Everywhere! If I could, i'd give everypony in the whole world a biiiiig hug!! I LOVE ALL OF YOU, DONT FORGET TO SMILE AND DO STUFF THAT MAKES YOU SMILE! LOVE YOUUUU!!"
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"hey. my name's Jonas. Jonas Kujo. some of my friends call me Shen, or sometimes Jojo. Aroace, he/they pronouns please. im a pretty soft, quiet dude. but... i love trans people. my people. I'll do anything, and fight anyone for you. Pinky promise. i have a fire in me that won't go out. I'm a JoJo. and I'm gonna save the world."
Not pictured/without comment: Smiley, a Yes Man fictive who helps out when other folks are under a lot of emotional toil, and has repaired me several times after stress damage<3 -Vivian
"Howdy! Ah'm Workhorse, an Applejack fictive, she/her. I'm just now startin' to stretch my legs, but y'all might hear from me soon. Take care, y'all! :D"
Raer Gorebeest, It/Its/Itself, is a Wendigo who enjoys drawing with crayons, scaring people, biting things, and and many other violent possibly triggering actions, but don't worry!! It's actually very sweet and lovey, and kinda just a big kid! -Zander
All others didn't want a spotlight, but are still as much a part of the family as an others. Feel free to ask about us and stuff, we're pretty open, friendly folks.
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