#elliot b confession
rededgecitycouncil · 6 months
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I wrote something special for Elliot last night. Roses are red, violets are blue. I’m using my hand and thinking of u.” -Anonymous @elliotbooker
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wrightingdungeon · 4 months
SDV Bachelors reactions to birthday gifts
Forgive the rust last time i made one of these was 2017/18. Coming out of a “retirement”
Alex: You had already helped him build the man cave at the saloon, He had Gus and Emily help him confess with a beautiful dinner, now it was Alex’s birthday, and truth be told you had NOTHING. You had been focusing on the Luau and all your time and energy went into that. Walking into the kitchen to make breakfast and think, you saw it, His mother's music box proudly on the fireplace mantle. You would never touch the box due it how it had begun to age, but you did remember the song. Alex woke up to an empty bed and an empty home. Getting up he looked around for you. “Baby?” He saw you had been out because there were ingredients on the counter, but it's like you just vanished. Walking outside to see if you had gone out to get something from the farm he saw it empty, shrugging and getting ready he went about his day, knowing you would pop up. He was watering the crops and taking a break every now and again to spray the dog, your dog loved biting the water so much, it reminded him of when Dusty was a puppy. “Alex!” He heard you yell out, turning to look he smiled seeing you walk over to him, hiding something? “What is that baby?” He asked turning off the water. “I wanted to get you something, but I didn't know what.” He watched as you pulled out a pretty little box. “I had Robin and Clint's rush make it….I hope you like it.” He took the box and looked at it noticing it looked like his music box, winding the key and opening it, tears flooded his eyes, it was his music box! But the music was clearer, it wasn't dulled with age. “Farmer…” Looking at you tears running down his face he grabbed you into a hug. “I don't deserve you.”
Elliot: What do you get a person who's a living romance novel protagonist? That question racked your brain over and over, flowers? Not enough… More Ink? Not good enough…What do you get for Elliot? Looking over at his study your eyes flashed with an idea. He wasn't able to bring his piano with him when he moved in with you. Robin had no idea how to build a piano so now you are stuck biting your nails that Elliot's new piano won't be there on time for his birthday, stupid train. On his birthday it was not delivered before he woke up so plan B was in order. You spend the whole day pampering him, just caught lobster, a new duck feather pillow you definitely did not panic make two days ago, and all sorts of colored inks that you now owe Emily a few favors for. As you both were sitting at the table eating a Cappuccino Mousse Cake, you heard a loud knock at the door. “Who at this hour?” Elliot asked going to stand. “I got it, birthday boy.” Watching him sit with a smile you opened the door and peeked outside seeing the piano on dollys ready to be moved in. Looking out into the distance seeing Linus, Robin, and Willy running off you smiled making a note to pay them back for the late-night rush delivery. “Elliot, come here actually. I have one more gift.” You leaned back and opened the door wide so he could see the shiny new piano. “Oh my…My Love…I” It was the first time you had seen the smooth talker voiceless. “You truly are sent from the heavens…”
Harvey: Looking out the bus window Harvey sighed, he rarely left Pelican Town, but you had insisted he shut down the practice for a day or two, reassuring if something happened Maru knew almost as much as he did and could hold the town over for a few days. “Can I ask where we are going now?” He asked turning back to look at you. “Nope.” was all you said as you flipped a page in your book. “At least a city or the bus stop's name?” He asked blinking his eyes at you knowing he might be able to sweeten you up, looking up from your book with a small smirk on your lips all you said was “Z” Oh you were driving him crazy, he loved it, but he wanted to know! He had loved surprising you with the Hot Air Balloon Ride so this was probably just payback. An hour later Pam pulled into Zuzu City’s bus station and looked back. “I’ll see you in three days.” Your first day was just walking around looking at shops, a museum, going out to a nice dinner. “You know Farmer, this is a nice trip. Thank you for this gift.” He tilted his head confused hearing you giggle. “Oh, Harvey wait till tomorrow.” He had no idea that you had this planned, He gripped your hand tight and looked up swearing he could touch the bottom of the plane if he just reached up. “You Like your gift?” He heard you call over the roar of all the airplane engines. An airshow, you had brought him to the Zuzu city airfield to watch an air show. “Way better than the balloon….” He said stuck in child-like wonder, only to be pulled out of it by you kissing him. “Now I’d agree better than the balloon.”
Sam: You and Sam lived together now, but he hadn't seen you in a few days, and when he did you were busy hauling wood, glass, and other stuff up to Robins, something to do with the basement. He knew you were a busy Farmer, but he didn't think you were so busy you couldn't give him a kiss or a hug. He was sitting on the porch strumming his guitar, trying to figure out if he had said something? Did something? Forgot your Birthday! Wait no his birthday was coming up….His Birthday was coming up. He sat up and smiled thinking he figured it out, it had to be his birthday, it was silly, but he began to follow you around. All he saw was you cutting trees, shearing sheep, and bringing it to Robin. After a few days of playing spy and starting to wonder what was happening with Robin and your basement. One day he came home and noticed all his band equipment was gone, his heart was crushed, was he wrong about everything. “Sam? Is that you?” He heard you call from the basement. “Baby where are my drums…” He whines softly while making his way to you. “Come down here…I actually need your help…” Making his way down his heart exploded, there on the other side of the basement was a recording booth, an actual recording booth, you were sitting in the middle of his drum set all sprawled out. “I tried to set it up like you showed me….but I think I’m doing it wrong…” All Sam could do was hug you with tears in his eyes. “For me?” His head was buried in your shoulder, and you could feel the tears falling. “Sam baby, I-I’m sorry I'll get it fi-” He kissed you before you could finish. “I love you so much, Farmer.”
Sebastian: Your brain hurts staring at the screen, tabs upon tabs open. Lore about goblins, elves, healers, tanks, balancing encounters, and how to create a functioning story. Solarion Chronicles was so fun when Sebastion and Sam helped you with it, but now you are starting to think your mind will explode if you try to understand how to keep initiative in order. It paid off though a month later on Sebastian’s Birthday you had the home decked out, Sam helped you make food and drinks that are in Solarion Chronicles, and Abigail showed up for Sebastian and helped set up the map. Hearing Sebastian’s key in the door the three of you sprinted to your hiding spots, you pulled out a laser pointer and got your cat to help turn off the main light. “I’m back…You home baby?” He called out placing his helmet on the table next to the door and flicking on the light. “SURPRISE!” The three of you hopped out scaring Sebation a bit. “Holy Yoba!!! What's happ-” His voice trailed off looking around the house before his eyes landed on you three sitting around the coffee table, You behind the DM screen. “Roll for initiative, Sebby.” He smiled as he ran and hopped over the back of the couch landing next to Sam and Abigail with a soft comfy bounce, the three amigos ready for battle once again.
Shane: Shane was on the edge of the couch seat watching the Tunnelers play, it was a recording, but he loves Gridball and you loved seeing him happy. Looking over at him ready to set your plan into action, first things first get him to go to the kitchen and get “Napkins”. Reaching over to Shane to grab a slice of pizza, you ‘accidentally’ let it fall onto his shorts, you did the laundry anyway so fine with you. “Oop sorry Honey…” grabbing the remote pausing the game and pointing to the kitchen. “I ran out of paper towels but there are napkins in the top drawer, by the sink.” You said trying hard to keep an ‘I sowwy’ puppy face on. “It's alright, I would have done it if you hadn't.” He joked getting up and tossing the lost pizza towards the doggo. A grinch-like smirk crawled onto your face hearing the drawer open. “Baby there's no napkins just… Tickets?” He looked over at you like you had just told him to put shoes on his head. “Really? What kind of tickets~?” You asked letting him see your smirk. “What kind? Uhh” He looked at the tickets moving them a bit to focus his eyes. “They are….There Tunnelers Tickets!?!?” He was looking back and forth from ticket to you, ticket, you, ticket “Hold up this is next month!!?!” Back to you. “Really!! How did those get there!!” Giggles were pouring out of you now. “Why? What did I do?” He asked looking up at you. “One it's your birthday, two you have been a great help on the farm since Joja left.” Shane came back over to you pressing you into the couch and hugging you close and tight. “How did I get so lucky.”
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pyramidsoul · 2 years
Tribute to P. Kennedy, G. Palermo, P. Dietz and M. McCann for their job
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Detective Patrick Francis Kennedy
Detective Kennedy is the one who led the Dahmer’s interrogation with detective D. Murphy and the attorney W. Patrickus. Better known as “Pat”, he decided to follow his father’s and great-grandfather’s steps becoming a policeman, turning himself a detective in the crime division later after moving to Milwaukee.
He received the order to go to the Oxford Apartments, and proceeded with the arrest of the suspect Jeffrey Dahmer. Subsequently he led the interrogation and, thanks to his endearing personality, he succeeded on creating a bond with the serial killer himself. With a mutual trust, he spent lot of time with Dahmer for several weeks getting a full confession, for then attending and testify the man’s trial.
After years, Pat went back to the academy and later began teaching criminal justice at two Wisconsin institutions. He also joined various documentaries about the Dahmer’s case, as the most notorious one “The Jeffrey Dahmer Files” - came out in 2012. He even wrote a book telling his experience (it was called “Dahmer Detective” at first but then it changed to “Grilling Dahmer”).
Pat died in 2013 because of an heart attack at 59.
“I can’t say that I really did, because when I looked at Jeffrey Dahmer, what surprised me the most during the six weeks I talked to him was how very much like you and me he really was. I had breakfast with him, I had lunch with him, I would bring the paper in, showing what the people were saying about him. And it sounds weird that we became friends but we were kind of friendly. We were friends.” - P. Kennedy, 2012.
Doctor George B. Palermo
The psychiatrist George Palermo (whose real name is Giorgio Benito Palermo) was born in Tarquinia, an old city in Italy, and he graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Bologna in 1951. After moving back and forth from Rome to Wisconsin, he came back as a Professor of Criminology at Marquette University.
During Jeffrey Dahmer’s trial psychiatrist G. Palermo was called to offer an objective assessment of the defendant’s mental state. He took stand on 6th February 1992, where Dahmer pleaded guilty to the murders but claimed he was insane, a claim that was shot down by Palermo at trial. Palermo is been one of the few people who irritated and made Dahmer laugh, shaking him out of his stone-like stand.
Palermo served on the faculties of schools around the world and wrote books and scholarly articles, and lectured in places like Russia, China and Japan on a subject many might find revolting. He also liked visiting galleries in Rome because he was an art lover. On October 22, 2005, the Mayor of that time Alessandro Giulivi conferred on him the honorary citizenship of Tarquinia.
George died in 2016 at age 91.
“He looked as if he was used to it, that the courtroom was no hostile environment as far as he was concerned, and that he would get this over with nice and quickly. He was relaxed, urbane, smiling, often joking, slightly superior in manner, friendly and patient. He was patently a nice man and an amusing companion who would make a splendid dinner-guest.” - The Shrine of Jeffrey Dahmer.
Doctor Park Elliot Dietz
Differently to his physician father and grandfather, Dietz is a forensic psychiatrist, criminologist and he also has consulted for television shows as Law & Order, Law & Order: Los Angeles and Kiss The Girls. He even published books called “Autoerotic Fatalities” and “Psychotherapy and the human predicament: A psychosocial approach”. He’s known for forensic psychiatry and for his expert testimony in high profile criminal cases.
Dietz was hired by the prosecution to evaluate Dahmer's claim that he was "guilty but insane", and so he spent 18 hours with him. He spoke with Dahmer, they watched Dahmer’s favorite movies and porns together, and Dahmer talked with him about the shrine. During his two days of testimony, Dietz held the trial professionally going through every one of the fifteen counts of homicide with a view to deciding in each case whether Dahmer knew right from wrong at the time of the offence and whether his actions betrayed a capacity to conform to the law if he had wanted to.
Park Dietz is also president and founder of Park Dietz & Associates, Inc. and TAG - Threat Assessment Group, Inc. The first is an association of professionals in the psychiatric and forensic field. The second is about educating institutions and individuals about the prevention of violence.
Today the psychiatrist P. Dietz is still alive at age 74, still working.
“Dr Park Dietz made his appearance in the witness-box on Wednesday, 12 February. It was immediately apparent why he was saved until the last, for there was about him an aura of unassailable proficiency. He was alert, meticulous, fastidious, precise, patiently prepared to suffer the task of explaining difficult concepts to the untutored. Like a reluctantly cynical professor, he had learnt that you have to speak slowly if people are to grasp your meaning, and you have to use simple words.” - The Shrine of Jeffrey Dahmer.
Attorney Edward Michael McCann
E. Michael McCan was both attorney and politician, an he prosecuted numerous high-profile cases during his tenure as district attorney. He went to Milwaukee after he studied and graduated in Detroit and Cambridge, and he served as a prosecutor working under district attorneys, handling criminal appeals heard by the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
McCann is a catholic moral man who was asked to obtain the conviction of Jeffrey Dahmer in 1991. After two weeks of the trial, McCann delivered his closing argument for the prosecution, describing Dahmer as a sane man, in full control of his actions, who simply strove to avoid detection. He argued that by pleading guilty but insane to the charges, Dahmer was seeking to escape responsibility for his crimes. Once again, McCann defeated Boyle’s defence, and Dahmer was ruled to be sane and got his sentence to life imprisonment.
Unfortunately in the last years McCann was in the middle of critics of political, social and economic nature, and so he abandoned the scene in 2007. Following his departure from office in January of that year, McCann joined Marquette University Law School, where he became a Boden Teaching Fellow and adjunct professor of law. Today he’s retired and he’s living quietly at age 87.
“Opposing him would be the District Attorney, Michael McCann, a kindly, compassionate man who felt the burden of his duty to represent the community and give expression to their outrage. He was thorough in preparation, remorseless in presentation, and only appeared unforgiving. He was a deeply moral man whose passionate advocacy reflected his outrage and did not have to be contrived.” - The Shrine of Jeffrey Dahmer.
Drawing note: I started sketching this art with Pat, as I saw his unique, even goofy, appearance. He looked like a Pixar character, so I decided to draw him in my style to have some fun. I didn’t plan to make a whole drawing with multiple characters at first, but then I sketched Palermo as well since his appearance was so cartoonish too. At the end I decided to amplify the canvas so I could add two additional characters and I decided to include Dietz and McCann. These four are the involved people of Dahmer’s case who hit me the most, and I decided to dedicate them a drawing. I don’t mean to minimize the gravity of the case with this drawing, I don’t want to treat it like a tv series making fanarts out of it, but instead it wants to be a tribute for their amazing job during the case, in my personal own artist way. I don’t mean to offend/disrespect anybody with it. If this causes troubles or unease to somebody, I won’t think twice and I’ll delete it right away. Thank you for reading!
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the-solver-system · 4 days
can I have a basic lore rundown of code & bones
Okay so, let's start at the manor!
B and R were both worker drones at the Elliot manor, though they were different rankings and in different sections so they basically never interacted.
B was a prototype for a new super high-tech model of drone, so she didn't have to do too many chores and was more like a show animal.
R was an older model of worker drone, so she had to do all the basic chores and stuff. Though she struggled due to being a trash drone Tessa found, and her being an older model.
R also eventually got the solver, though it was before V did.
Basically the whole manor thing we see in episode 5 plays out the same except R also has to be fought off.
and then more recently
Cantor was raised by Alice, but he eventually grew fed up and fled. They broke into outpost 3 (I finally learnt the name of it!!) and managed to go unnoticed. They chopped their hair, and tried integrating with the other drones. They went to school, though they weren't liked by most of the classmates. That is, except for Uzi. Cantor and Uzi got along great and often hanged out.
Though eventually, Cantor got an idea. They told Uzi they were sneaking out, took one of the key things, and left. It didn't take long for a murder drone to try and attack them, though they got away. Not without getting an idea though.
Cantor cut off both of their legs, and half of one of their arms. They used old disassembly drone and worker drone bodies to make their body resemble that of a disassembly drone. They also used oil to dye their hair from white to black. AND!! They added two more voice boxes to themselves!
Eventually, they found a disassembly drone that caught their eye. Most disassembly drones had monotone hair, but this one had a very eye catching brown color. It interested Cantor, and they decided to attempt to revive the drone.
It took a LONG time, but eventually they were successful. The drone awakened, and after being told what happened, introduced herself as Serial Designation B.
She invited Cantor to join her squad, but they were hesitant. They confessed to B they were a worker drone, but B.. surprisingly didn't kill them. Since Cantor gave B an upgrade so she didn't need to kill the worker drones, she really didn't see the point. She wasn't all that loyal to the company.
Eventually B led Cantor to her old squad, consisting of Serial Designation U and Serial Designation I. The two warmly welcomed Cantor and were thankful B was alive, even if she now looked different.
Cantor wanted to try again. Try to bring another drone back to life. So they scavenged parts, and eventually found a disassembly drone body and a worker drone body they wanted to bring back. But, they decided to fuse the two together. After also adding in their own code to make sure the drone functioned, the drone awakened. Cantor gave them the name Cryp, and everything was fine and dandy.
Though not for long.
Something happened to Cantor, they changed. Sometimes they would be more reserved and aggressive, to the point sometimes they would attack B. A drone they saw as their sibling. One time they attacked Cryp, and Cryp died. Fatal Errored.
Cantor was distraught and tried and tried to get them back. They had brought drones from the dead before, surely, SURELY, they can do it again... right?
but no matter what they tried, Cryp wouldn't power back on.
B and Cantor drifted apart, to the point they were passive aggressive and sometimes spiteful to each other.
Though one day when Cantor went exploring, they found R. a drone trembling, desperately trying to fly but their wings refused to budge. Their tail was ripped off, and they were sobbing.
Cantor helped R, and she told him about her old squad. Consisting of V, N, and J. She was forgotten, not in any company records and her name not remembered by any of them. She was just a shield to them, since she was able to regenerate from any amount of injury incredibly quickly and felt no physical pain.
Cantor gave R a new tail, but couldn't do anything for her wings. He invited R to join their squad and she accepted.
R noticed how distant B and Cantor were, and tried to get them to get along. They refused, but R kept pushing. She was normally quiet but she saw how much these two were hurting and just wanted to help.
Eventually, she witnessed Cantor's solver form beating down on B. Telling her that Cryp's death was all her fault, forcing her to stare at what was once Cryp.
R decided that was enough, and tackled Cantor.
Cantor snapped out of it, and was out of the solver mode.
It took a long time but eventually B and Cantor talked it through, and tried to figure out ways to keep the solver away.
They decided to leave the squad, both because they didn't want U and I to get hurt, but also because they two didn't want to stop killing worker drones. B and Cantor tried to get R to stay behind as well but R refused, so they left (and brought Cryp along as well).
Eventually they found an abandoned pod to hunker down in and stayed there. Cantor set up a lab in a hidden basement under the pod, and everything seemed okay.
Then episode 8 happens.
yeaahh idk how to explain that, lets just say they were confused as hell somewhere else and just trying to survive.
After, Cantor decides to drag B and R back to Outpost 3 to check on everyone else. Surprisingly, they're let in. Cantor is confused but grateful, and heads to Uzi's house.
He knocks, and Uzi opens the door. She doesn't know who he is at first until she hears their voice.
"Hey Uzi, wanna hang out?"
She just starts absolutely sobbing, and tackles Cantor into a hug, she lets Cantor and his friends inside and they all catch up.
I could get into the rest of it but this is already really long, though if y'all want more I'd be happy to deliver!!!
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you write so well for mirage omg!! I love your writing of him and I literally simp for him so much lol I will get on my hands and knees and BEG for some mirage x gn! reader where they're just wrestling and having fun until something slips from either of them saying their romantic feelings for the other PLEASE thanks if you do this request!!!
Training| Elliott "Mirage" Witt
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Reader: Gender netural | Mirage x Reader (romantic)
Warnings: none
Notes: Okay so I may have taken a scene from Daredevil and kinda drew inspiration from one of the romance scenes
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"You want to train with me?" Y/n asked, hands on their hips as they looked at Elliott.
They both stood in the training room's padded boxing ring; both dressed in their work out clothes: Y/n in loose clothing, joggers, and a tank top with Elliott in sweats and a tank top, shoes already off before stepping into the ring.
"Yeah, that a bad thing?" He asked.
Y/n's hands went from their hips to tucking into their inner elbows as they crossed their arms; "You think you can take me then?"
"Any day, any time."
Y/n laughed, "Oh really?"
"Yeah! Really!" Elliott argued, "Why think I can't take you?"
Y/n smirked, "Honest to whatever god is out there? No."
"Oh yeah?!" Elliott continued, "Well- I could!"
"Oh come on, be serious!" Y/n teased, "Do you know who I train with?"
"Yeah yeah, the murder bot!" Elliott waved Y/n off, "I could easily beat you- especially if a bag of bolts in a loin cloth can!"
"yeah? Fine." Y/n spoke, "who's down first loses, I win I'll tell Rev that you think he's just a- what was it? A bag of bolts in a point cloth, and if you win..."
"If I win you have to do the dishes at the bar and clean the grill."
"Done deal."
And they shook on it.
It was more fun than it was trying to win a bet. They circled each other for a good minute, Elliott throwing punches, Y/n dodging with ease, ending in Y/n grabbing Elliott's punch and throwing him back into the ring ropes. Elliott luckily caught himself before he could trip over himself and turned around the face Y/n again who just shrugged with a shit-eating smirk.
"You gotta try harder than that, Witt." Y/n fasely complained; "I thought this was meant to be difficult."
Elliott only came back fircer, Y/n dodging, they clearly pissing off their fellow legend. Y/n caught his punch again throwing Elliott, quick to throw Elliott behind them once more and-
Y/n had smacked Elliott's ass, and hard too, "Been wanting to do that for a long time now. I can't help but touch the sweet cake, ya know?"
Elliott's face was red, but most noteably, his ears. He'd be lying if he said the ass smack wasn't welcomed. He turned back to face Y/n.
"B. Be serious!"
"I am." Y/n told the smirk on there face only got bigger, "I don't look serious to you Elliott?"
Elliott huffed in frustration. He rushed back at Y/n, who decided it was time to actually fight in Elliott's mind. Y/n grabbed another one of Elliott's punches. Elliott fought back this time: he refused to be fooled a third time and went for Y/n's legs. They quickly overstepped Elliott's sweep, and Y/n threw Elliot over there leg, catching him before he would loose his footing.
Something stopped Y/n. Maybe it was the way Elliott looked up and into their eyes. Or the desperate grip Y/n had on Elliott has on Y/n's wrist.
Y/n liked that.
The desperate grip.
The look in Elliott's chocolate brown eyes.
Y/n let go of Elliott's tank top, he hitting the the ground with a thud, Y/n's body following through, letting there hands support most of there weight.
It was silent, Elliott staring up at Y/n: neither seemed to blink as they stared another down.
"I like when you look at me like that." Y/n confessed out of the blue: Y/n's mind stuck in his chest next to there heart.
"U.Uh. l.l.like what...?" Elliott asked gulping down his nerves.
"Desperate." Y/n answered, "just like how you grabbed me to not drop you."
"I..." Elliott mumbled, "I...am..."
Y/n's head tilited in curiousity: Elliot could have laughed; he thought it was cute. Y/n looked down at Elliott's lips. Then, back up at Elliott in the eye.
It was quicker than anticipated, Elliott licked his lips subconsciously: Y/n leaned down to kiss him barely after Elliotts tounage retreated and Elliott's head came up to meet him half way. Desperation settled into content as Y/n rolled on there back; Elliot taking the top spot and laying across Y/n's bottom inbetween there legs.
Elliott pulled away for a moment: "I really wish I would of lost sooner."
Y/n chuckled, "You'd loose later too."
"Uh yeah you would."
"That a bet."
"You lost the first one."
Eliott rolled his eyes playfully, and Y/n chuckled once more.
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Elliot Alderson X Reader Angsty Love Confession Prompt
!TW: Anxiety, implied mention of self harm and suicide (as a worry), implied suffering from depression, hint to plan of committing suicide, implied plan of self harming, phrase ‘dead body’!
“Can’t you see that there are people who care about you, Y/n?” Elliot asked, his voice trembling briefly; he was worried because you’d locked yourself in the bathroom after you’d been fighting with him, and he didn’t want to lose you or see that you’d hurt yourself again. “That I care about you?” Elliot pried, desperate for you to open the door and show him that you were okay, but you felt as if you couldn’t. “Why are you even doing this, Y/n?” Elliot questioned, a hint of frustration in his voice.
You grimaced; you thought that maybe he could guess why you were doing this. “I’m doing this because this is just too much for me now, Elliot,” you expressed, your eyes beginning to glisten over with tears, “I can’t act like this anymore; like I don’t love you..” Elliot frowned, bowing his head slightly. “But you keep proving to me, or showing me that you could never love me, and - do you know how much that hurts, Elliot?” You inquired, and Elliot began to feel guilty; he did have feelings for you, but he just didn’t want things to change between you and him so drastically. “Are you even still listening to me?” You questioned, and Elliot wouldn’t know what to say, subconsciously connecting his forehead to the door. “Fine,” you muttered, “don’t worry; you won’t have to bother looking after me ever again soon-”
“No-!” Elliot exclaimed, becoming even more desperate as he attempted to open the door again, and he even tried to throw himself against it; he didn’t want to lose you. “I can’t lose you, again!” Elliot cried, and you hesitantly set the razor back down on the shelf. “Don’t make me lose you again,” Elliot begged, his voice weak; he was trying not to cry.
You hesitantly stood up, leaning against the bathroom door. “So - You’d only believe that I love you when you’re on the verge of losing me?” You guessed, and Elliot winced, a pained expression on his face.
“No!” Elliot claimed, silently begging you to open the door. “Why - Why would you even think that, Y/n?” Elliot inquired, and you grunted; you couldn’t believe that he was being so oblivious.
“Seriously, Elliot?” You retorted, and Elliot fell quiet, wishing he’d treated you differently in the past. “You never believe me! If I told you I loved you tomorrow, would you even believe me?” You asked, and Elliot nodded quickly.
“Of course I would,” Elliot answered, and you scoffed.
“You’re only saying that because you don’t want to deal with a dead body in your bathroom,” you uttered, and Elliot shook his head, a hurt look on his face.
“Look,” Elliot began nervously, “I didn’t want to tell you like this, Y/n, but - You’re leaving me no other options - I-.. I love you, Y/n, I was just too scared to tell you before, and - I can’t ignore my feelings any longer, I see that now; I don’t want to hurt you anymore. I see that we should stop dancing around it, b-because all it’s doing is hurting us both; I should have known before that this would happen, and I’m sorry for being so blind.”
You reluctantly opened the bathroom door, and Elliot expressed relief, before he threw his arms around you. You held him at arm’s length, and he suddenly found that he felt too nervous to look you in the eyes. You grimaced, a hurt look on your face; you were beginning to think that he hadn’t meant what he’d previously said. “You were lying,” you murmured, and Elliot panicked, shaking his head quickly as he held your arms tightly; he was worried that he would still lose you. “It’s like you never really see me,” you mused, your voice trembling briefly, “I’m standing right in front of you, but you still don’t see me!”
“I do see you,” Elliot contradicted, “d-do I really have to spell it out for you? I love you, Y/n!” You fell quiet, your eyes searching his greyish blue ones. “A-Are you happy, now?” Elliot pried, his voice cracking.
You wanted to hear him say the three words again, so you pretended as if you didn’t believe him, though you felt as if you could, now. “I - I don’t know, Elliot, it feels like you’re just saying it-”
“I’m not!” Elliot cried, before he brought himself to place his hand on your cheek. “I love you, okay? I love you!” Elliot exclaimed, before he began to cry, surprising you.
You wrapped your arms around him to comfort him, and he returned the hug, sobbing quietly. “I know, Elliot,” you reassured him, “I just wanted to hear you say it again.” Elliot smiled weakly up at you, before he hesitantly connected his lips to your’s.
Hope you enjoyed this prompt! ❤️
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storiesofsvu · 8 months
happy law and order thursday!!
Okay, city tv has registered that I’m not actually in Toronto and now we’re back to the backwards viewing order…
OC first:
My goldfish brain has half forgotten if we’ve seen this blonde dude before or if I just know him from somewhere else.
There’s so much goddamn tension between bell and the other captain, like there is no way they haven’t fucked…
Ugghh mama bear belllll…. Heck yes to these parents watching out for their kids, nothing gets past them lol.
Still don’t like/understand jet using air pods instead of official ear pieces…
Okay, yes Reyes was on his way to blowing the op, but jet didn’t need to jump right in, she kinda fucked the whole thing up.
Bruh… is that bitch dead? Do we need to start reminding the younger generations they need therapy too?
Okay, good, shrink time it is! Bonus that it’s Ayanna’s personal shrink, not department, a: more personal. B: proves that she’s in therapy and we know she likely needs it.
They might be exes, they might be frenemies, but they certainly do work an interrogation room great together
I feel like gunfire in the midst of a gas station parking lot where all the fuel is, is a deadly idea… that could have gone so much worse. Esp considering this is in relation to bombing cases…
I know a lot of it is likely just the era that the show was created/originally airing but the differences in the squad room designs between departments baffles me.
Elliot really out here lecturing his own brothers like he didn’t up and leave out of nowhere. God I hate this shit lol.
L&O now. How much attention will I pay?
Jfc… that dead body was a jump fucking scare
What is WITH all the shaky cam tonight, ugh.
I have said it before and I will say it again: Samantha Maroun goes shopping with Rita Calhoun.
Fuck, cases like this fucking suck. But like, legality wise, they’re right. It’s easier to get the perp behind bars by just using the more solid case they have with the rich white victim. If they try to get justice for all the victims, it’s way more likely that they case can and will be thrown out or land on a not guilty verdict. Ugh. Politics
If they need to prove that the vic and the perp didn’t have sex at the sex club on the night of the murder…why not just run a rape kit? Or would some kind of exam like that just be part of the autopsy?
More shaky cam… loving this.
Also why the fuck did my subtitles disappear halfway through this episode? I’m deaf… I need this shit..
Seriously that crime scene photo needs to come with a fucking warning. Jesus
Okay. SVU time
Wonderful. I’ve gotten my subtitles back. Thank god.
This is a weird start… hmm…
Getting even more interesting��� ngl…
Okay, circling back around, I thought we might be about to get a plot twist of ray being the perp.
UUGHH. I saw a tweet about a new female officer/detective and as much as we all hope that she’ll stick around for more than a season… if Officer Gomez is the new squad member, she’s a woman poc so the chances of her sticking around are slim to none, lets be fucking real.
 Okay, don’t get me wrong. I know that this girl is tiny and she’s an escort, but if a man came in and confessed to rape you’d still take him immediately into an interrogation room. This is a double standard. Especially cause she’s young, thin and pretty, I’m not going to ignore that or let that slide either. *side eye* (like yes, we later do get to the point that she was forced at gun point, but they don’t know that til after. Everything is complicated and there’s lots of lines crossing over and blurring but my statement still stands)
When are they gonna make Bruno an actual part of the team? Why is he still just a guest star?
Man, it’s gotta be hella hard nowadays when it comes to taxis and shit. You have legit taxi’s, multiple companies, gypsy cabs and multiple ride share apps and companies.
Odafin Tutuola only knows about robin egg blue because of Phoebe… there is no way he would know otherwise.
This doctor clearly fucking rich as hell, fuck
HOW does the SEX CRIMES unit currently not have any women working for it??!! (I’m not counting liv cause she’s the captain and irl she would not be in the field, she’d be constantly swamped by paperwork). Even in this episode, it would be helpful to have either terry or fin and a female cop going to talk to a vic/potential vic, if I had been assaulted in any form, remembering it or not I wouldn’t be very open to talking about it if they were talking to me like that, both playing the alpha role. At least with Velasco he can slip into a more soft, quiet, supportive type of conversation/questioning…
“where do you keep your receipts” is something that ALWAYS blows my fucking mind on these shows as a bartender. I DO NOT GET IT. Maybe it’s cause we have tap/card machines that don’t require signatures in Canada, but like…we don’t keep receipts, and even when there are the ones we do keep, they don’t have names, they don’t even have the full credit card number on them, so there would be no way to track someone. We had 250 people in the room each night and as a bartender, unless they had a tab with me, or a personal connection/were a good tipper/conversationalist, I’m not gonna remember them. Our reservations are usually for large groups, so sure we have a single name/card on file, but there’s no way to pin point someone out of their 4-40 people friend groups.  Random bar/service industry things that drive me wild on tv shows. That’s all.
Okay, we’re taking the bracelet off, I think that’s some progress finally.
You know, I wouldn’t mind commercial breaks if they weren’t the same fucking commercials every damn time. That’s the issue with live streaming shit. I miss cable…
“well…they’re idiots, but at least they’re consistent” LOL
Ice T really said “hold on…I need to earn my paycheque for the season” with the amount of screen time he has this ep…
Wait…what’s the plan here? The cops have talked to the perps, there’s no way they wouldn’t be sus about ray coming back in on this. Why not send Velasco or other cops in to bribe the things out and play the ray role? This seems like a bad idea lol.
“wife is here” WHY DID NO ONE TELL VELASCO??
Why don’t we get to go to court anymore?!
Who is this defence attorney? She looks familiar.
I need to raid Velasco’s closet. This coat and sweater look so fucking cozy. They’re mine now.
Glad to see liv branching out to a new type of therapy.
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inseparableduo · 1 year
Send 💞 for Muse A to comment on Muse B’s relationships and/or people they know [ idk if they're just lore ocs or occasional side muses, but if it's okay Elliot to Darla? ]
Meme || Accepting!
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Elliot sighed and patted 'Darla's' head. "Jenny..." He was at a loss for words. Not even sure where to start or how to address this. He had kept his distance for long enough. He knew how much she valued her freedom, and he hated to overstep but... He really just couldn't stand back and watch that for much longer.
"I know you don't have the best experience with love and maybe that's my fault, but..... Jenny, that person didn't love you. Somebody who loves you would never hurt you like that."
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"You don't think I know that? That's the closest I will ever get to love. I'm not.... Nobody want's me, Elly. No one. The only time someone want me is when they want to hurt me. If the only way I can get someone to look at me. Really look at me is to play the perfect victim, then I'll take it... I don't want to be alone anymore. You and Andrew have people that love you, but... all I have is you guys and.. I don't want to be left behind." It's then her composure would break completely as she broke down in tears. As she finally confessed to something, she didn't have the strength to tell her own twin.
Elliot was quick to bring her into his arms. "That's not true. There is someone waiting for you. You're worthy of love, Jenny." He whispered as he started to pat her head. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and hummed a soothing melody. She didn't stop crying, but, she did feel safe in her older brother's arms.
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astra-galaxie · 2 years
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"I love my children and would do anything for them!" - Evangeline Clayton
Biographical information
Full Name: Evangeline Clayton (née Blackwood)
Alias(es): Evan Blackwood (pseudonym)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Status: Alive
Age: 47 (season 3)
Birth: 1969
Race: Human
Nationality: Scottish
Origin: West Lothian, Scotland
Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom
West Lothian, Scotland (formerly)
Cedric Clayton (husband)
Eliza Clayton (daughter)
Elliot Clayton (son)
Esther Clayton (daughter)
Blackwood Forge and Tannery
SOMBRA (unwillingly & formerly)
Height: 5'5" Age: 47 (season 3) Weight: 134lbs Eyes: blue Blood: A-
Evangeline is the mother of the Clayton siblings. She's also where Elliot inherited his goth style from. Her black hair is pulled into a high ponytail tied by a purple band with silver spikes wrapped around the base. She wears dark makeup consisting of black eyeliner and lipstick, which makes her sky-blue eyes stand out. Her bangs are brushed to the right side, partly obscuring her eye. While hard to see behind her hair, she wears a set of silver stud earrings.
For Evangeline's clothes, she wears fitted black jeans with a dark leather belt with a matching pouch that rests on her right hip. She has a dark green shirt, a deep purple trench coat and black high-heeled boots with silver chains hanging from her ankles. Lastly, she wears black, fingerless leather gloves, a silver engagement ring and her gold wedding band on her left hand, and a silver necklace with an amethyst stone in the middle surrounded by four thistle flowers, each flower representing a member of her family.
Per her suspect appearance in The Brave and the Dead, it is known that Evangeline eats Halo-halo, has visited the Caribbean and knows electronics.
Evangeline Clayton is a Scottish blacksmith and leatherworker married to Cedric Clayton. Together they own a mansion in Cheltenham, England, where they raise their three children: Eliza, Elliot and Esther. The couple often travels for work to meet with clients and occasionally deliver merchandise.
She made her debut in The Brave and The Dead after her Highland Dirk was discovered on a crime scene. It was revealed that the victim insulted her skills as a mother, but ultimately, Evangeline was found innocent of the murder.
During the additional investigation, she and Cedric confessed to their connection to SOMBRA. They told Anders and Carmen that their children's lives were threatened, and if they disobeyed SOMBRA or tried to leave, the organization would kill their kids.
After once again proving their innocence to the Bureau, the couple began working towards regaining their children's trust and love. Evangeline knows that the road to her family's recovery will be long and hard, but with Cedric and their children at her side, she knows a better life and future awaits them.
Evangeline made a small cameo alongside her family when they reunited with Elliot in New York to celebrate the Bureau's victory over SOMBRA. She was relieved to see her son was okay after everything he'd been through with his team. But even more so, she was happy to hear that he would come home with them once the Bureau finished their work. After spending so much time dealing with SOMBRA controlling her and Cedric, she looked forward to spending time with their kids as a family like they always wished to be.
Story Information
First appeared: The Brave and the Dead
I got her and Cedric's names from the parents Cedric and Evangeline Brown from the first Nanny McPhee movie
Her style varies from Gothic to punk
She is also a big fan of Steampunk
She suffers from sudden migraines and night terrors since being beaten into a coma by SOMBRA
She also has muscle weakness in her left leg and uses a cane she custom-built for herself on her bad days
She always smells like smoke and leather because of her job
She started going by the name Evan Blackwood because people didn't take her seriously as a blacksmith because she was a woman
She gets a sense of smug satisfaction when people are shocked to find out she's the legendary Evan Blackwood
Even though most now know her real identity, she still uses the name by habit
Her favourite kind of present to receive are handmade. She prefers these over store bought because it shows how much love the giver put into the gift. It's why she treasures all of the cards and little gifts her children have made her over the stuff people have bought for her
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This is the reference image I used for Evangeline's necklace.
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This is the logo I designed for Evangeline. She puts it on everything she makes so that people know who crafted the item.
Disclaimer: Character design was created using Rinmarugames Mega Anime Avatar Creator! I have only made minor edits to the design! Background courtesy of CriminalArtist5
Links to my stories:
The Case of the Criminal (Ao3/Wattpad) Killer Bay (Ao3/Wattpad) Where in the World are the Killers? (Ao3/Wattpad)
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Why did you elbow me? 185
Achilles Castle part 87
Lemonade and lies PART 30
Mentions Olivia Benson from law and order SVU.
Tanner: pov I bet that was hard for her Mr Castle says you have no idea she was a control freak at the time, she is not so much a control freak anymore. Having health issues does that to you. Her father was told by her therapist to Film and take pictures of her recovery as much as possible, that way she and her Dr's can see how far she has come down the road.
Castle: pov Some of it she hasn't seen since then it's too hard for her to watch. I still remember it like it was yesterday her dad was nice enough to text me a video labeled Katie's first steps. The therapist says I'm doing really good and don't need to use the wheelchair anymore just the crutches.
Dave: pov Alexis maybe we should make a video montage for the charity day at college. To show what type of damage a bullet can do and what it's like to recover from heart surgery . I just don't know how we would get the footage. Maybe we can ask around to see if people have footage of their recovery so we can use it. Or.
Alexis: pov Dave I know what you are going to say I will call my dad and ask him if there is any footage of Beckett from when she was recovering. I know it's not a pleasant topic or memory for Beckett. Dad should be done with therapy soon.
Kate: pov turns out the car might have been tampered with before the accident, hmm interesting I say goodbye to the mechanic and head back to the hospital to pick up Castle. The traffic wasn't too bad. Once I help Castle into the car we stop to pick up some food. He suggests brown rice bowls since they are my favorite. The line inside isn't that long and the guy knows me pretty well since I come here so much. He even gives me a free strawberry smoothie.
Castle: pov At the precinct Kate is carrying in the bags of food while I use my crutches. In the briefing room she put the food down Ryan and Esposito are explaining what they found in the papers which isn't much. Kate tells them what the mechanic said about the car being tampered with before the accident.
Kate: pov the smoothie tastes so good. I think I ate to much food after lunch the 4 of us keep looking through the papers the boys found they are a bunch of papers that proved that Blair did not cause the accident, Ryan is suddenly shouting that he found the evidence that points us right to our killer now that we know who the killer is I will send the boys to go pick up the killer. .
Esposito: pov the house looks a mess and run down, we are not sure if anyone is home, no one replies to our shouts so me and Esposito break the door down and clear the house room by room. I let Ryan handcuff our suspect who is resisting arrest.
Ryan: pov back at the station Kate says she will handle the interrogation of our killer. I put our suspect in interrogation room 1. Kate walks in the room and tells Tammy we have proof she killed her sister and that the accident that her boyfriend died in was not Blair's fault because the car had been tampered with by you Tammy. We have proof I talked to the mechanic who worked on the car before the accident.
Castle: pov I make my way over to Kate's office on my crutches, I want to do something special tonight for dinner, maybe go out. Kate suddenly starts laughing. I ask her what is so funny she says something Liv said on the phone to her. She had a random meeting at 1pp and some guy spilled his coffee on her. It took a few seconds before she realized it was Elliot who was in a rush because he was in trouble for something that had to do with his anger issues. Liv also has a rape case and the husband confessed to everything in 1 minute because he say's its not rape if you are married. I guess her day isn't going well and I have no comment on the last thing. Kate says Liv was lucky she had her bag in the car from last night and could quickly change her shirt.
Esposito: pov Castle is now in Kate's office talking with her, he brushes her hair out of her face. We solved our case, and it turns out the twin sister Tammy killed Blair because she was hanging with Tammy's boyfriend and in a shocking turn of events Tammy tampered with the car, the night of the accident she caused the accident and car fire wow.
Kate: pov ugh I have so much paperwork and I'm starting to get tired. Castle says, Kate if you don't want to go out to eat or are too tired it's fine, I know you have issues going out to eat and don't do well with very large crowds.
Castle: pov I head to the breakroom to answer my phone. It is Alexis calling, she mentions her and Dave are thinking about adding a video montage since Alexis picked the heart charity and Dave picked the end gun violence one for charity day at their college. They both want to know if there is any footage of Kate during her recovery and can I ask Kate if she would be willing to let them use the footage for the video. I tell them I know there is some footage from what Jim told me and will ask but I don't know what her answer will be. She is a very private person. I ask Kate if she is ready to head home. The ride home didn't take that long. I decided to ask Kate about the footage. To be continued. ……….
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hits1000 · 1 year
Top Songs of 1968 - Hits of 1968
Top Songs of 1968 - Hits of 1968 Top Songs of 1968 including: 1910 Fruitgum Company - Simon Says, Amen Corner - Bend Me, Shape Me, Aphrodite's Child - Rain And Tears, Aretha Franklin - I Say A Little Prayer, B J Thomas – Hooked On A Feeling, Barry Ryan – Eloise, Bee Gees - I've Gotta Get A Message To You, Bobby Goldsboro – Honey and many more! Subscribe to our channel to see more of our content! 1. 1910 Fruitgum Company - Simon Says 2. Adriano Celentano - Azzurro 3. Amália Rodrigues - Vou dar de beber à dor 4. Amen Corner - Bend Me, Shape Me 5. Aphrodite's Child - Rain And Tears 6. Aretha Franklin - I Say A Little Prayer 7. B J Thomas – Hooked On A Feeling 8. Barry Ryan - Eloise 9. Bee Gees - I've Gotta Get A Message To You 10. Bee Gees - The Singer Sang His Song 11. Bobby Goldsboro - Honey 12. Canned Heat - On The Road Again 13. Cass Elliot - Dream A Little Dream Of Me 14. Cliff Richard - Congratulations 15. Des O'Connor - I Pretend 16. Diana Ross & The Supremes - Love Child 17. Dion - Abraham, Martin & John 18. Dorthe - Sind sie der Graf von Luxemburg 19. Engelbert Humperdinck - A Man Without Love 20. Eric Burdon & The Animals - Sky Pilot 21. Gary Puckett & The Union Gap - Lady Willpower 22. Gary Puckett & The Union Gap - Young Girl 23. Georgie Fame - The Ballad of Bonnie and Clyde 24. Gianni Morandi - Scende La Pioggia 25. Harry Nilsson - Everybody's Talkin' 26. Heintje - Mama 27. Janis Joplin - Piece Of My Heart 28. Jeannie C. Riley - Harper Valley PTA 29. Jimi Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower 30. Joe Dassin - Ma Bonne Etoile 31. Johnny Taylor - Who's Making Love 32. Juan Y Junior - Anduriña 33. Karina - Las Flechas del Amor 34. Leapy Lee - Little Arrows 35. Los Canarios - Get On Your Knees 36. Love Affair - Everlasting Love 37. Love Affair - Rainbow Valley 38. Manfred Mann - The Mighty Quinn 39. Marisol - Corazón Contento 40. Marvin Gaye - I Heard It Through The Grapevine 41. Mary Hopkin - Those Were The Days 42. Massiel - La, la, la 43. Nina Simone - Ain't Got No, I Got Life 44. Otis Redding - (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay 45. Patty Pravo - La Bambola 46. Pop Tops - Oh Lord, Why Lord 47. Richard Harris - MacArthur Park 48. Roberto Carlos - Se Você Pensa 49. Sheila - Petite Fille De Français Moyen 50. Simon & Garfunkel - Mrs Robinson 51. Status Quo - Pictures Of Matchstick Men 52. Steppenwolf - Born To Be Wild 53. Sylvie Vartan - Comme un Garçon 54. The Band - The Weight 55. The Beatles - Hey Jude 56. The Beatles - Ob-la-di Ob-la-da 57. The Box Tops - Cry Like A Baby 58. The Casuals - Jesamine 59. The Doors - Hello, I Love You 60. The Equals - Baby Come Back 61. The Grass Roots - Midnight Confession 62. The Human Beinz – Nobody But Me 63. The Moody Blues - Voices in the Sky 64. The Rascals - A Beautiful Morning 65. The Rolling Stones - Jumpin' Jack Flash 66. The Tremeloes - My Little Lady 67. The Zombies - Time of the Season 68. Tom Jones - Delilah 69. Tom Jones - Help Yourself 70. Tommy James & The Shondells - Mony Mony Related Searches: Greatest Hits of 1968, Best Jukebox 1968 Playlist, Late 1968 Non Stop , Top 1968 Non Stop, Mix 1968 Compilation, Best 1968 List, Late 1968 UK, Best 1968 Playlist, Best 1968 Non Stop, Best 1968 Video, Greatest 1968 Non Stop, Mix 1968 Playlist, Best Jukebox 1968 List, List of 1968 Mix, Top 1968 USA, Best Songs of 1968, Top Music 1968, Hits of 1968 Relate Hashtags: #songsof1968 #hits1968 #songs1968 #listof1968mix #hits1968 #bestsongs1968 #classic1968playlist #greatest1968nonstop #best1968list #best1968video #top1968mix #greatest1968video #mix1968playlist #top1968nonstop #mix1968compilation This Youtube channel does not receive any advertising income, we are very grateful for any Paypal donation, no matter how small, to continue making videos about the history of music. Link: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=HEHMNQ4E3T3ML https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atYzeYEJiOQ
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rededgecitycouncil · 9 months
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Elliot is yummy as fuck. - Anon @elliotbooker
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chrancecriber · 2 years
Radio NET Bulgaria (October 14, 2022)
23:55 JEANETTE HARRIS - Thankful (feat. Joel Bowers) 23:49 CHRIS GODBER - Sophisticated 23:46 DAVE BRADSHAW JR. - Jumpstep 23:41 RHYTHM LOGIC - Logically Speaking 23:37 RANDY SCOTT - Tempo 23:33 ZOLBERT - Free 23:28 J. WHITE - Just Ride 23:24 JULIAN VAUGHN - I Wanna Love You 23:20 KIM WATERS - Shakedown 23:16 ESTYLE - Keep It Simple (feat. Magdalena Chovancova, Robert Fertl & Damon Dae) 23:12 ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY - Who Knows 23:08 PETER HEROLD - Comfort Zone 23:04 NORMAN BROWN - Brighter My Light Shines 23:00 TIM BOWMAN - Sunset 22:57 TWENTYEIGHT - Monday Night 22:52 ADELE - Lovesong 22:49 SAGI REI - Rhythm Is A Dancer (Verano Chill Out Mix) 22:43 SMOOTH DELUXE - Boulevard Rouge 22:36 KITARO - Matsuri 22:33 SYLVERING - Strangelove 22:27 MICHAEL E - Close To You 22:23 ANDAIN - Promises 22:19 METAHARMONIKS - Confession 22:15 LEO ROJAS - Farewell 22:10 THE THRILLSEEKERS - Synaesthesia (Solarsoul Chilled Remix) 22:03 351 LAKE SHORE DRIVE - Soiree Rouge (feat. Blueberry) 21:57 YANNI - One Man's Dream (Hi-Res Audio, 4K-Ultra-HD) Ledovskiy Valeriy Remix 21:53 JES - Imagination (Richard Robson Remix) 21:48 TRIANGLE SUN - White Song 21:44 BLANK & JONES - Risin' To The Top (Original Mix) 21:40 ATB - I Was Wrong To Let You Go (Lounge Version) 21:33 SUNLOUNGER - Heart Of The Sun (Chill Version) 21:29 MARGA SOL - Love Dust 21:24 PAROV STELAR - You Got Me There 21:20 SEVEN24 - Oasis (Original Mix) 21:16 LINKIN PARK - My December 21:11 SAGI REI - Fall Again 21:05 PROJECT BLUE SUN - Ibiza Zouk (Sunny Mix) 20:59 SMOOTH DELUXE - Wonderful Micronesia 20:54 SYNTHETICSAX - Beach (DJ Rostej Remix Chillout Dreams) 20:48 RUSLAN-SET, V.RAY - The Voice Of Star (Union Sense Remix) 20:44 PIANOCHOCOLATE - Les Souvenirs (Original Mix) 20:40 MENZI - Zug nach nirgendwo 20:31 EUPHONIC TRAVELLER - Crescent Bay (Original Mix) 20:28 SOUND BEHAVIOUR - Arena 20:24 THE UNDERDOG PROJECT - Summer Jam (Unplugged) 20:19 SHAUN ESCOFFERY - Into The Blue (Mark De Clive-Lowe Remix) 20:11 KITARO - A Passage Of Life 20:06 DINKA - Magnolia (Original Mix) 20:01 THOMAS LEMMER - Through My Father's Eyes 19:58 SYLVERING - Just An Illusion 19:52 VIVIAN LACOSTE - Clair Del Mar 19:47 REUNITED - Sing It Back (Shazz Man Chill Mix) 19:45 INNA - Hot (Chill Out Remix) 19:39 COASTLINE - Adriatic Sea (Lounge Cafe Chillout Del Mar Mix) 19:34 KENNY FONTANA - U R The Sun (Toni Rivera Mix) 19:28 MICHAEL E - Promise 19:24 ANDAIN - You Once Told Me 19:18 JOSEPHINE SINCLAR - Paradise Deluxe 19:13 ALBERT ST. BARTH - Sabor Do Lounge 19:10 METAHARMONIKS - Doors 19:06 LEO ROJAS - The last Of The Mohicans 19:01 MANDALAY - Beautiful (7'' Canny Mix) 18:56 MARTINIQUE LE SOUFFLEUR - El Guapo 18:52 JENS BUCHERT - Polaris (JB feat. Shine) 18:47 351 LAKE SHORE DRIVE - Summernights 18:41 JES - Heaven (Orange Project Del Sol Interpretation) 18:36 BLANK & JONES - Coming Home (Afterlife Mix) 18:31 ATB - Still Here 18:25 LA CAINA - I Gotta Know Now 18:21 LAZY HAMMOCK - Star 18:16 GUENTER HAAS - Secret Diary 18:12 JAMES BUTLER - Coastline 18:07 CLAUDE CHAGALL - Sunset Buddha 18:01 ADELE - Skyfall (Skerdi M & Angelo DownTempo) 17:55 YOGEE, TWEET, MISSY ELLIOT - Thugman (Lounge Remix 2011) 17:52 VINTAGE - Eva (Roman B & Vova Baggage Slow Mix) 17:47 ZETANDEL - Glowing Spots (Original Mix) 17:43 WILLIAM FITZSIMMONS - Psychasthenia 17:37 VECHIGEN - No Fear (Summer Vibes Chill Mix) 17:31 VLAD ZHUKOV - Nothing (W&D Chill Out Vocal Mix) 17:24 AMBITUS - Answers 17:20 OCEAN DRIVE, DJ ORISKA - Without You (Acoustic Version) 17:17 KATO, JON - Turn The Lights Off (Bullytrax Campfire Mix) 17:13 KIRSTY HAWKSHAW, TENISHIA - Reason To Forgive (Piano Mix) 17:09 MATT DAREY, STAN KOLEV, AELYN - Follow You (Acoustic Version) 17:04 NUAGE, N4M3 - Sunday Morning (Original Mix) 17:00 NITIN SAWHNEY - Breathing Light 16:59 DARREN RAHN - Talk Of The Town 16:55 KIM SCOTT - Golden 16:51 JEANETTE HARRIS - Oh So Good 16:47 CHRIS GODBER - Starting Over 16:43 PAUL BROWN - 24 16:39 HANK BILAL - Glass Slipper 16:35 ZOLBERT - Find The Light 16:31 RANDY SCOTT - Cabo 16:27 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Look to the Sky 2020 16:23 NORMAN BROWN - Missin' You 16:18 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Enchantment 16:14 THREESTYLE - Smoothies (feat. Magdalena Chovancova & Robert Fertl) 16:08 DAVID PETROSYAN - By Happy 16:04 BIRDS OF A FEATHER - Stand Together 16:00 MARCUS ANDERSON - Karsen's Song 15:56 JAREZ - Love Like This 15:51 JIM ADKINS - 49th & Broadway 15:45 JEANETTE HARRIS - Here & Now 15:40 CHRIS GODBER - Lifetime 15:36 JULIAN VAUGHN - Remember The Time 15:31 KIM WATERS - The Moment I See You 15:27 ZOLBERT - One Step Closer 15:23 RANDY SCOTT - Potion 15:19 PATRICK YANDALL - Always There 15:14 DREW DAVIDSEN - Alexander's Dream 15:09 KEITH MASON - Ascended 15:04 THREESTYLE - Beat (feat. Magdalena Chovancova & Robert Fertl) 15:00 KIM SCOTT - Block Party 15:00 RICK HABANA - I'll Be There (feat. Will Donato) 14:54 JONATHAN FRITZEN - A New Beginning 14:50 JOEL DEL ROSARIO - Delicious Vinyl Outro 14:46 JACKIEM JOYNER - Last Dance 14:43 JEANETTE HARRIS - 12 57 (feat. Marcus Anderson) 14:39 RICK BRAUN - Love Will Find a Way 14:34 AMANDUS - Chrome Improvement 14:30 CHRIS GODBER - Can't Help Believin 14:26 DEMETRIUS NABORS - Perseverance 14:21 ZOLBERT - Pacific Coast Highway 14:17 RANDY SCOTT - Serenity 14:12 DAVID PETROSYAN - Everytime You Go 14:08 ROB TARDIK - The Right Time 14:04 JULIAN VAUGHN - Bona Fide 14:00 No One Else Would Ever Do (feat. Magdalena Chovancova, Robert Fertl & Dw3) 13:58 TONY SAUNDERS - Speak to My Heart 13:54 RICK HABANA - Rum Factory 13:50 PHIL DENNY - Tryst 13:46 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Euphoria 13:39 KIM SCOTT - Bright Eyes 13:35 JEANETTE HARRIS - Just Keep Holding On 13:31 RICK BRAUN - Notorius 13:26 AMANDUS - Floating Cloud 13:22 CHRIS GODBER - Summer Solstice 13:18 ZOLBERT - Back Home 13:13 WARREN HILL - Oh Girl 13:09 RANDY SCOTT - Side Steppin' 13:04 DEMETRIUS NABORS - Overjoyed (feat. Doobie Powell) 13:00 JESSY J - Manhattan (Gregg Karukas feat. Jessy J) 12:58 EVERETTE HARP - Wait 4 U 12:54 NORMAN BROWN - West Coast Coolin' 12:49 DAVID PETROSYAN - Forgive Me 12:45 THREESTYLE - Giant (feat. Magdalena Chovancova & Robert Fertl) 12:41 BRIAN SIMPSON - Out of a Dream 12:35 WALTER BEASLEY - Hydra 12:30 KHARI, CABRAL, JIVA - Show Me The Way 12:26 RICK BRAUN - Missing in Venice 12:22 STEVE COLE - Living Out Loud 12:17 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Slomotion 12:13 ZOLBERT - Something 12:09 FOSTINA DIXON - More 12:04 AMANDUS - Love Will Be Our Strength (feat. Uli Brodersen) 12:00 JAZZ HOLDOUTS - Mary's Song 11:59 ROB TARDIK - No Limits (feat. Vincent Ingala) 11:55 JEANETTE HARRIS - Passing Time 11:51 BRIAN BROMBERG - Come To Me 11:47 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Celebration 11:43 CHRIS GODBER - Courageous 11:40 RANDY SCOTT - T.G.I.F. 11:34 JOYCE COOLING - Daddy 11:30 DR. DAVE FT. THE HOUSECALL BAND - Octane 11:26 DARRON COOKIE - 32 Days 11:22 DEMETRIUS NABORS - Get on the Floor 11:17 NILS - A Walk in the Park 11:14 RICK HABANA - Cocktails 11:10 THREESTYLE - Vision (feat. Magdalena Chovancova & Robert Fertl) 11:05 KIM SCOTT - Give Thanks 11:00 AMANDUS - Groove Infection (feat. Uli Brodersen) 10:56 DAVE KOZ - All The Love In The World 10:51 DANNY LERMAN - Gotcha! 10:47 DEON YATES - Quintastic 10:43 JEANETTE HARRIS - Summer Rain (feat. Joel Bowers) 10:38 MEKIEL REUBEN - Stop Stalling 10:35 NORMAN BROWN - Up 'N' At 'Em 10:30 RANDY SCOTT - Elevation 10:25 DAVID PETROSYAN - Talk to Me 10:21 CHRIS GODBER - Rain 10:16 ADAM HAWLEY - While You Were Dreaming (Feat. Michael Lington) 10:12 ROB TARDIK - Walk It Like You Talk It (feat. Roberto Vally) 10:08 BRAD ALEXANDER - Just Between Us (feat. Donald Hayes) 10:04 BONEY JAMES - Batucada (The Beat) 10:00 0to Nothin (feat. Magdalena Chovancova, Robert Fertl & Latonya Black Gilliard) 09:57 DARRON COOKIE - Dining In 09:52 AMANDUS - Quarter to Midnight 09:48 SERGEY CHIPENKO, DAVE KOZ - Kindness (Remastered 2021) 09:43 DEMETRIUS NABORS - Sensuality 09:38 AL DEGREGORIS - Sandbox 09:34 JEANETTE HARRIS - Ja'licious 09:30 3RD FORCE - Breakout 09:26 RICK HABANA - Journey 09:21 RANDY SCOTT - Mellow Flow 09:16 AVENUE BLUE - Nightingale (feat. Jeff Golub) 09:13 CHRIS GODBER - At Last 09:08 ALEXANDER ZONJIC - Motor City Sway 09:04 LARRY CARLTON, PAUL BROWN - Miles And Miles To Go 09:00 KIM SCOTT - Treetops 08:59 GREGG KARUKAS - Two Hearts Make One 08:54 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Sailing Away 08:50 SEAN U - Magic Hour (feat. Blake Aaron) 08:46 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Cut Loose 08:42 DEE LUCAS - Zimbabwe 08:38 DEMETRIUS NABORS - Shine (feat. Randy Scott) 08:34 ROB TARDIK - Perserverance (feat. Roberto Vally) 08:30 JEANETTE HARRIS - The Ride (feat. Darrell Crooks) 08:26 NORMAN BROWN - The King Is Here 08:22 DAVID PETROSYAN - Endless Love 08:17 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - When I See The Sunshine In You 08:12 RANDY SCOTT - Jade Mountain 08:09 CHRIS GODBER - Without You 08:05 DARRON COOKIE - Another Day at Work 08:00 EARNEST WALKER JR - Bourbon Chill 07:58 STEVE COLE - Life Is a Groove 07:54 EUGE GROOVE - Lay It Down 07:50 PEET PROJECT - Be Free 07:46 LARRY CARLTON, PAUL BROWN - Say What's On Your Mind 07:42 JACOB WEDD - Near the Amazon 07:39 NICHOLAS COLE - Soulmate (Feat. Chieli Minucci) 07:34 RICK HABANA - Round We Go 07:30 JONATHAN FRITZEN - A Funky Night 07:26 NICK COLIONNE - Let's Get Serious 07:22 LEBRON - Green Light 07:18 PAOLO RUSTICHELLI - Vagabond 07:12 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - Black Milvus 07:08 DEMETRIUS NABORS - Sugar Love 07:04 SEAN U - Sunburst 07:00 KARLTON JONES - The Answer 06:58 RANDY SCOTT - You're My Joy 06:53 CRAIG SHARMAT - Nite Moves 06:48 CINDY BRADLEY - I'm All Ears 06:44 DARRON COOKIE - Calling on You 06:38 CHIELI MINUCCI - Leilani 06:34 LARRY CARLTON, PAUL BROWN - Soul Searchin' 06:29 ROB TARDIK - That's a Strut 06:25 DIRK K - It's On 06:21 MICHAEL HAGGINS - Gift To The World 06:17 JONATHAN FRITZEN - To the Top (feat. Vincent Ingala) 06:12 OLI SILK - Where I Left Off 06:08 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - Hello Major Minor 06:04 ILYA SEROV - Ironic 06:00 THE SAX PACK - Sooner Or Later 05:57 PETER HEROLD - Still the One 05:54 SEAN U - Key West 05:50 NORMAN BROWN - Spirit Power 05:46 RICHARD ELLIOT - Breakin' It Down 05:41 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - Montgomery Station 05:35 PETER WHITE - Romance Dance 05:31 RICK HABANA - White Sand 05:27 DARRON COOKIE - Other Places 05:23 PEET PROJECT - River Cruise 05:19 THREESTYLE - Reasons 2 Love 05:15 JAZZ IN PINK - Come For Me 05:10 OLI SILK - Bring Back Those Days 05:05 WARREN HILL - La Dolce Vita 05:00 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Sweet Spot (feat. Paul Brown) 04:59 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - His Love For You 04:56 MILES GILDERDALE - Remind Me (To Never Let You Slip Away) 04:52 ILYA SEROV - Heat (feat. DAVE KOZ) 04:48 SEAN U - Xlr8 04:44 HIROSHIMA - Lanai 04:40 ROB TARDIK - Two Much Fun 04:35 TERJE LIE - Crazy Groove 04:32 FRANK SUTTON - After The Storm 04:28 PETER WHITE - Moonlight Montreal 04:24 DARRON COOKIE - Pressure Point 04:21 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Dancing Galaxies 04:16 RICK HABANA - Loungin' (feat. Jackiem Joyner) 04:12 FREDDIE FOX - Forever 04:08 OLI SILK - All We Need 04:04 NORMAN BROWN - It Keeps Coming Back 04:00 DAVID PETROSYAN - In the Island 03:58 PETER HEROLD - Your Power 03:54 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - Elfer Raus! 03:50 RICHARD ELLIOT - Sly 03:45 KIM WATERS - Stay Together 03:40 PEET PROJECT - Downtown Therapy 03:36 KENNEY POLSON - Blessed 03:32 CHRIS STANDRING - Love Street 03:29 ROB TARDIK - Walk It Like You Talk It (feat. Sandra Bouza) 03:24 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Electric 03:20 PIECES OF A DREAM - For Real 03:15 MARCHIO BOSSA, RYU ZEE SU - Somewhere 03:12 JESSY J - Sugar Fish (Paul Brown feat. Jessy J) 03:05 OLI SILK - Just an Allusion 03:00 JACK LEE - Amalfi (Feat. Nathan East & Steve Ferrone) 02:57 JOE MCBRIDE, THE TEXAS RHYTHM CLUB - Gentle Rain 02:54 RICK HABANA - 5th Ave 02:50 JAZMIN GHENT - Amends 02:47 JEANETTE HARRIS - Can't You Tell 02:43 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Happy Go Lucky 02:37 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - Longing For The Bride 02:33 ROCCO VENTRELLA - See You Smile 02:29 RICHARD ELLIOT - Snapshot 02:24 NORMAN BROWN - The North Star (feat. Marion Meadows) 02:21 PETER HEROLD - Heartbeat 02:17 ROB TARDIK - Let's Get Together 02:13 DAVID PETROSYAN - This Is My Way 02:08 REGGIE CODRINGTON - Waterfalls 02:04 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Love Will Overcome (feat. Jackiem Joyner) 02:00 OLI SILK - Ahead of the Weather 01:57 PEET PROJECT - Rosy Cheeks 01:53 PHIL DENNY - Feel Alright (Feat. David P. Stevens) 01:48 JEFF KASHIWA - The Name Game 01:44 FOSTINA DIXON - Good Vibes 01:40 BRIAN SIMPSON - Saturday Cool 01:35 KIM WATERS - Stay with Me Tonight 01:31 JAZZ HOLDOUTS - Kisses 01:28 RICK HABANA - On My Way 01:23 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - Too Much 01:17 BRIAN BROMBERG - Thicker Than Water 01:13 JOYCE COOLING - Global Cooling 01:09 ROB TARDIK - Synergy (feat. Vincent Ingala) 01:05 WAYMAN TISDALE - Front Runna 01:00 NAJEE - Rendezvous 00:58 OLI SILK - Latin Haze 00:54 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Domino Effect 00:50 MIKAEL - The Weather 00:46 RICHARD ELLIOT - Authentic Life 00:42 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Magical (feat. Boney James) 00:37 NORMAN BROWN - Don't Make Me Wait 00:33 DAVID PETROSYAN - Midnight Groove 00:29 DR. DAVE FT. THE HOUSECALL BAND - Cecil's Groove 00:25 MARCO ALBANI - Freedom (feat. Martino Onorato, Umberto Vitiello) 00:22 PEET PROJECT - Show You My City 00:17 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - Dancing On Golden Streets 00:13 RICK HABANA - Lady Luck 00:08 NELSON RANGELL - Reasons 00:04 KIM WATERS - Running to Love 00:00 JAEE LOGAN - You Can't Love Her
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doodlboy · 3 years
All that drama for everyone to end up playing "whos line is it anyway"????
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sublimecatgalaxy · 3 years
Hiii could you do a fluff alphabet for Elliot??
Hell yeah I can.
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
He would definitely value the quiet times at home with you, his fingers plucking his guitar string while you did homework or played on your phone.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
I think that Elliot is the type of guy to really look at and admire hands. He loved to hold your hands and he liked to feel your fingers dragging against his scalp when you would simply run your fingers through his hair.
He also thought your intelligence was beautiful, your random knowledge of random things would always make him laugh.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Elliot is definitely the type to want to help but not really knowing what to do. He would ask you if you needed anything from him or a glass of water. He would definitely let you come to him, his arms ready to hold you and his shirt ready to catch your tears.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He really didn't allow himself to think about the future all that much but when it comes to you, he wanted to brainstorm a bit. He would much rather discuss plans for the future with you rather than by himself. He would feel weird daydreaming about marrying you, especially if you guys hadn't talked about it yet.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
It would definitely depend on the type of mood he was in. He would be very protective over you in public, always keeping a watchful eye on you regardless of the situation. But he never felt the need to be like on top of you. He would say he's more passive in all of his love and care.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Elliot and you would definitely get more caught up in stupid arguments compared to big full blown fights. It would be over stupid shit like where you put the keys. Eventually your fight would end with Elliot apologizing, even when he wasn't in the wrong. He didn't like when you were upset in general, especially if he could help it.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He's definitely the type to thank you for shit that he doesn't have to. He would also be the type to thank you after letting him rant or get emotional. Maybe it was because he wasn't used to being emotional or showing his feelings but you made it known that he could. He was grateful for that validation.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
With all the secrets he's had in his past, he wanted to be done with hiding and secrets.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
You would definitely help him out of the funk that he'd be in after the whole Rue and Jules debacle. He was mad at himself and with his drug issue, he just didn't know where he was in life and where he wanted to go. You would help him ween off a bit, to stick to only weed or only cigs.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
He would definitely get upset when people would look at you or talk to you in ways that he was only allowed to. He hated when you were visibly uncomfortable at someone elses staring or flirting and he would not hesitate to stand up for you.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Uh yeah. Duh.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
It would definitely be this thing that was just known. He'd feel a bit silly confessing his feelings in a dramatic way, just wanting you to know that he loved you through his actions. You always knew that he cared and loved you, there was no doubt about it.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Okay. Though he had a knack for music, he would not propose to you through song, contrary to popular belief. He wanted it to be unexpected and he'd want it to be a surprise. He would be the type to remember the spot of your first date and make it meaningful. He wouldn't drop down on one knee, but just take the box out, setting it down on the table in front of you as he grinned.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
He would definitely call you 'bubba' and 'bubs'. Baby and sweetheart are definitely up there on the list too.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He would definitely be surprised the first time he realized it. It would be like a slap to the face, especially because he thought that he was so emotionally unavailable. Apparently not because he was ready to become the most emotionally available for you.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He would be the type to post private pictures of you guys. Like a picture of you on his lap, your face tucked in his neck so the world didn't know your identity. He was a very private person but that didn't mean that he didn't like to raise some questions from his friends.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He would definitely have the communication skills to figure out issues with you. He'd upfront about how he feels, most of the time unapologetically. He wanted you to know how he was feeling all the time and he hoped that him being that way, that it would bring the same out in you.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He'd definitely write you some songs without hesitation. It was an easy way for him to communicate exactly how he feels and he loved the smile that it brought to your face every time he would pluck at his strings. It was cliche and creative, something that neither of you really minded that much.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He wanted you to be happy and he would go above and beyond to ensure that you feel that you have everything you want.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He liked that you guys didn't have a routine and that you would fly by the seat of your pants most of the time. He liked that you both enjoyed a variety of activities and different food styles.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He would be understanding about almost anything. He struggled when you were upset about something but refused to talk about it. That's when he would get a bit frustrated cuz he needed you to talk about what you were feeling so he can help you.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
He really didn't have much other people in his life so he would value you more than anyone. You were his whole world and the reason he got up in the morning. You were his muse and the smile on his face. If something happened to you, he would be gone.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
I think that Elliot is way more of an animal dad compared to an actual dad. I think he is way more into cats and dogs, liking their company way more than children. Not that he didn't want to be a dad, he just pictured himself with pets.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
He would be affectionate if he was territorial in public. He'd make out with you in front of anyone if it meant that people knew you were his. Other than that, in public, he would be pretty reserved, maybe an arm around your shoulder and the occasional kiss on your cheek or temple.
In public, anything goes with this boy. He really liked to be between your legs, on his stomach, with his head resting on your tummy. He liked to feel your fingers in his hair from this position.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He'd be the type to not tell you he misses you until you're back in his arms. He'd be a tough guy all day if you were out and about running errands but the minute you were home, he'd be on you, his arms wrapped around you.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He would always talk things out with you. If something was wrong in your relationship, he'd want to figure it out with you. He wasn't the type to make quick decisions without involving you. He would sit down and talk about your issues for hours if it meant that you guys were all good and that you felt good. That's what mattered to him.
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xmanicpanicx · 4 years
Mammoth List of Feminist/Girl Power Books (200 + Books)
Lists of Real, Amazing Women Throughout History
Bad Girls Throughout History: 100 Remarkable Women Who Changed the World by Ann Shen
Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls by Elena Favilli & Francesca Cavallo
Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls 2 by Elena Favilli & Francesca Cavallo
Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Immigrant Women Who Changed the World by Elena Favilli & Francesca Cavallo
Brazen: Rebel Ladies Who Rocked the World by Pénélope Bagieu, Montana Kane (Translator)
Rejected Princesses: Tales of History's Boldest Heroines, Hellions, and Heretics by Jason Porath
Tough Mothers: Amazing Stories of History’s Mightiest Matriarchs by Jason Porath
Women in Science: 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World by Rachel Ignotofsky
Bygone Badass Broads: 52 Forgotten Women Who Changed the World by Mackenzi Lee
Wonder Women: 25 Innovators, Inventors, and Trailblazers Who Changed History by Sam Maggs
The Little Book of Feminist Saints by Julia Pierpont
Rad Women Worldwide: Artists and Athletes, Pirates and Punks, and Other Revolutionaries Who Shaped History by Kate Schatz
Warrior Women: 3000 Years of Courage and Heroism by Robin Cross & Rosalind Miles
Women Who Dared: 52 Stories of Fearless Daredevils, Adventurers, and Rebels by Linda Skeers & Livi Gosling 
100 Nasty Women of History by Hannah Jewell
The Warrior Queens by Antonia Fraser
Sea Queens: Women Pirates Around the World by Jane Yolen
The Book of Gutsy Women: Favorite Stories of Courage and Resilience by Hillary Rodham Clinton & Chelsea Clinton 
Fight Like a Girl: 50 Feminists Who Changed the World by Laura Barcella
Samurai Women 1184–1877 by Stephen Turnbull
A Black Woman Did That by Malaika Adero
Tales from Behind the Window by Edanur Kuntman
Amazons, Abolitionists, and Activists: A Graphic History of Women's Fight for Their Rights by Mikki Kendall
Witches and Pagans: Women in European Folk Religion, 700-1100 by Max Dashu
Mad and Bad: Real Heroines of the Regency by Bea Koch
Modern HERstory: Stories of Women and Nonbinary People Rewriting History by Blair Imani
Individual and Group Portraits of Real, Amazing Women Throughout History
Alice Paul and the Fight for Women's Rights: From the Vote to the Equal Rights Amendment by Deborah Kops
Vanguard: How Black Women Broke Barriers, Won the Vote, and Insisted on Equality for All by Martha S. Jones
Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A Life by Jane Sherron De Hart
The Firebrand and the First Lady: Portrait of a Friendship: Pauli Murray, Eleanor Roosevelt, and the Struggle for Social Justice by Patricia Bell-Scott
I Am Malala: The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban by Malala Yousafzai, Christina Lamb
Life Undercover: Coming of Age in the CIA by Amaryllis Fox
Native Country of the Heart: A Memoir by Cherríe L. Moraga
The Soul of a Woman by Isabel Allende
Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly
Ashley's War: The Untold Story of a Team of Women Soldiers on the Special Ops Battlefield by Gayle Tzemach Lemmon
Alice Diamond and the Forty Elephants: The Female Gang That Terrorised London by Brian McDonald
Women Against the Raj: The Rani of Jhansi Regiment by Joyce Chapman Lebra
Girls to the Front: The True Story of the Riot Grrrl Revolution by Sara Marcus
The Amazons: Lives and Legends of Warrior Women Across the Ancient World by Adrienne Mayor
Rise of the Rocket Girls: The Women Who Propelled Us, from Missiles to the Moon to Mars by Nathalia Holt
The Women of WWII (Non-Fiction)
Women Heroes of World War II: 26 Stories of Espionage, Sabotage, Resistance, and Rescue by Kathryn J. Atwood
Skyward: The Story of Female Pilots in WWII by Sally Deng
The Women with Silver Wings: The Inspiring True Story of the Women Airforce Service Pilots of World War II by Katherine Sharp Landdeck
The Unwomanly Face of War: An Oral History of Women in World War II by Svetlana Alexievich, Richard Pevear (Translation), Larissa Volokhonsky (Translation)
Les Parisiennes: How the Women of Paris Lived, Loved, and Died Under Nazi Occupation by Anne Sebba
To Serve My Country, to Serve My Race: The Story of the Only African-American Wacs Stationed Overseas During World War II by Brenda L. Moore
Standing Up Against Hate: How Black Women in the Army Helped Change the Course of WWII by Mary Cronk Farrell
Sisters and Spies: The True Story of WWII Special Agents Eileen and Jacqueline Nearne by Susan Ottaway
A Woman of No Importance: The Untold Story of the American Spy Who Helped Win World War II by Sonia Purnell
The White Mouse by Nancy Wake
Code Name Hélène by Ariel Lawhon
Code Girls: The Untold Story of the American Women Code Breakers Who Helped Win World War II by Liza Mundy
Tomorrow to be Brave: A Memoir of the Only Woman Ever to Serve in the French Foreign Legion by Susan Travers & Wendy Holden
Pure Grit: How WWII Nurses in the Pacific Survived Combat and Prison Camp by Mary Cronk Farrell
Sisterhood of Spies by Elizabeth P. McIntosh
Spy Princess: The Life of Noor Inayat Khan by Shrabani Basu
Women in the Holocaust by Dalia Ofer
The Light of Days: The Untold Story of Women Resistance Fighters in Hitler's Ghettos by Judy Batalion
Night Witches: The Untold Story of Soviet Women in Combat by Bruce Myles
The Soviet Night Witches: Brave Women Bomber Pilots of World War II by Pamela Jain Dell
A Thousand Sisters: The Heroic Airwomen of the Soviet Union in World War II by Elizabeth Wein
A Dance with Death: Soviet Airwomen in World War II by Anne Noggle
Avenging Angels: The Young Women of the Soviet Union's WWII Sniper Corps by Lyuba Vinogradova
The Women of WWII (Fiction)
Among the Red Stars by Gwen C. Katz
Night Witches by Kathryn Lasky
Night Witches by Mirren Hogan
Night Witch by S.J. McCormack
Flygirl by Sherri L. Smith
Daughters of the Night Sky by Aimie K. Runyan
The Lost Girls of Paris by Pam Jenoff
Code Name Verity series by Elizabeth Wein
Front Lines trilogy by Michael Grant
The Alice Network by Kate Quinn
All-Girl Teams (Fiction)
The Seafire trilogy by Natalie C. Parker
Elysium Girls by Kate Pentecost
The Good Luck Girls by Charlotte Nicole Davis
The Effigies trilogy by Sarah Raughley
Guardians of the Dawn series by S. Jae-Jones
Wolf-Light by Yaba Badoe
Undead Girl Gang by Lily Anderson
Burned and Buried by Nino Cipri
This Is What It Feels Like by Rebecca Barrow
The Wild Ones: A Broken Anthem for a Girl Nation by Nafiza Azad
We Rule the Night by Claire Eliza Bartlett
Tigers, Not Daughters by Samantha Mabry
The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion by Fannie Flagg
Saving CeeCee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman
Bad Girls Never Say Die by Jennifer Mathieu
The Secret Life of Prince Charming by Deb Caletti
Kamikaze Girls by Novala Takemoto, Akemi Wegmüller (Translator)
The Island of Sea Women by Lisa See
The Passion of Dolssa by Julie Berry
The Scapegracers by Hannah Abigail Clarke
Sisters in Sanity by Gayle Forman
The Scandalous Sisterhood of Prickwillow Place by Julie Berry
The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix
The Lost Girls by Sonia Hartl
Hell's Belles series by Sarah MacLean
Jackdaws by Ken Follett
The Farmerettes by Gisela Tobien Sherman
A Sisterhood of Secret Ambitions by Sheena Boekweg
Feminist Retellings
Stepsister by Jennifer Donnelly
Poisoned by Jennifer Donnelly
Girls Made of Snow and Glass by Melissa Bashardoust
The Girl Who Fell Beneath The Sea by Axie Oh
Kissing the Witch: Old Tales in New Skins by Emma Donoghue
Doomed by Laura Pohl
The Seventh Bride by T. Kingfisher
The Boneless Mercies by April Genevieve Tucholke
Seven Endless Forests by April Genevieve Tucholke
The Queens of Innis Lear by Tessa Gratton
A Thousand Nights by E.K. Johnston
Kate Crackernuts by Katharine M. Briggs
Legendborn series by Tracy Deonn
One for All by Lillie Lainoff
Feminist Dystopian and Horror Fiction
The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
The Grace Year by Kim Liggett
Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand
Godshot by Chelsea Bieker
Women and Girls in Comedy 
Crying Laughing by Lance Rubin
Stand Up, Yumi Chung by Jessica Kim
This Will Be Funny Someday by Katie Henry
Unscripted by Nicole Kronzer
Pretty Funny for a Girl by Rebecca Elliot
Bossypants by Tina Fey
We Killed: The Rise of Women in American Comedy by Yael Kohen
The Girl in the Show: Three Generations of Comedy, Culture, and Feminism by Anna Fields
Trans Women
Redefining Realness: My Path to Womanhood, Identity, Love & So Much More by Janet Mock
Nemesis series by April Daniels
American Transgirl by Faith DaBrooke
Tranny: Confessions of Punk Rock's Most Infamous Anarchist Sellout by Laura Jane Grace
A Safe Girl to Love by Casey Plett
Gracefully Grayson by Ami Polonsky
Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars by Kai Cheng Thom
Becoming Nicole: The Transformation of an American Family by Amy Ellis Nutt
George by Alex Gino
The Witch Boy series by Molly Ostertag
Uncomfortable Labels: My Life as a Gay Autistic Trans Woman by Laura Kate Dale
She's Not There: A Life in Two Genders by Jennifer Finney Boylan
An Anthology of Fiction by Trans Women of Color by Ellyn Peña
Wandering Son by Takako Shimura
Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg
Feminist Poetry
Women Are Some Kind of Magic trilogy by Amanda Lovelace
Wild Embers: Poems of Rebellion, Fire and Beauty by Nikita Gill
Fierce Fairytales: Poems and Stories to Stir Your Soul by Nikita Gill
Great Goddesses: Life Lessons from Myths and Monsters by Nikita Gill
The Girl and the Goddess by Nikita Gill
A Bound Woman Is a Dangerous Thing: The Incarceration of African American Women from Harriet Tubman to Sandra Bland by DaMaris B. Hill
Feminist Philosophy and Facts
The Creation of Patriarchy by Gerda Lerner
The Creation of Feminist Consciousness: From the Middle Ages to Eighteen-Seventy by Gerda Lerner
Misogyny: The World's Oldest Prejudice by Jack Holland
White Tears/Brown Scars: How White Feminism Betrays Women of Color by Ruby Hamad
We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Dear Ijeawele, or a Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Colonize This!: Young Women of Color on Today's Feminism by Bushra Rehman
Feminism is for Everybody: Passionate Politics by bell hooks
Here We Are: Feminism for the Real World by Kelly Jensen
The Equality Illusion by Kat Banyard
White Feminism: From the Suffragettes to Influencers and Who They Leave Behind by Koa Beck
Everyday Sexism by Laura Bates
I Have the Right To by Chessy Prout & Jenn Abelson
Feminism and Nationalism in the Third World by Kumari Jayawardena
The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir
How to Suppress Women's Writing by Joanna Russ
Invisible No More: Police Violence Against Black Women and Women of Color by Andrea Ritchie
Ain't I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism by bell hooks
Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment by Patricia Hill Collins
But Some of Us Are Brave: All the Women Are White, All the Blacks Are Men: Black Women's Studies by Akasha Gloria Hull, Patricia Bell-Scott, Barbara Smith Women, Race, and Class by Angela Y. Davis This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color by Cherríe L. Moraga, Gloria E. Anzaldúa
Half the Sky: Turning Oppression Into Opportunity for Women Worldwide by Nicholas D. Kristof & Sheryl WuDinn
Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches by Audre Lorde
Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay
Difficult Women by Roxane Gay
Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body by Roxane Gay
Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture by Roxane Gay
This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color by by Cherríe Moraga & Gloria Anzaldúa
Power Shift: The Longest Revolution by Sally Armstrong
Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower by Brittney Cooper
Hood Feminism: Notes from the Women That a Movement Forgot by Mikki Kendall
Had It Coming: What's Fair in the Age of #MeToo? by Robyn Doolittle
She Said: Breaking the Sexual Harassment Story that Helped Ignite a Movement by Jody Kantor & Megan Twohey
#Notyourprincess: Voices of Native American Women by Lisa Charleyboy
Girl Rising: Changing the World One Girl at a Time by Tanya Lee Stone
Dead Blondes and Bad Mothers: Monstrosity, Patriarchy, and the Fear of Female Power by Sady Doyle
Sisterhood is Powerful: An Anthology of Writings from the Women's Liberation Movement by Robin Morgan (Editor)
Girls Make Media by Mary Celeste Kearney
Rock She Wrote: Women Write about Rock, Pop, and Rap by Evelyn McDonnell (Editor)
You Play the Girl: And Other Vexing Stories That Tell Women Who They Are by Carina Chocano
Things We Didn't Talk About When I Was a Girl: A Memoir by Jeannie Vanasco
The Portable Nineteenth-Century African American Women Writers by Henry Louis Gates Jr. (Editor), Hollis Robbins (Editor)
Shrill: Notes from a Loud Woman by Lindy West
A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf
Believe Me: How Trusting Women Can Change the World by Jessica Valenti and Jaclyn Friedman Bread Out of Stone: Recollections, Sex, Recognitions, Race, Dreaming, Politics by Dionne Brand
Other General Girl Power/Feminist Awesomeness
The Edge of Anything by Nora Shalaway Carpenter
Kat and Meg Conquer the World by Anna Priemaza
Talk Before Sleep by Elizabeth Berg
The Female of the Species by Mandy McGinnis
Pulp by Robin Talley
Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera
How to Save a Life by Sara Zarr
That Summer by Sarah Dessen
Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen
Honey, Baby, Sweetheart by Deb Caletti
The Girl With the Louding Voice by Abi Daré
Mrs. Everything by Jennifer Weiner
Beauty Queens by Libba Bray
Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
American Girls by Alison Umminger
Don't Think Twice by Ruth Pennebaker
The Color Purple by Alice Walker
In Love & Trouble: Stories of Black Women by Alice Walker
You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down: Stories by Alice Walker
Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo
Sula by Toni Morrison
Rose Sees Red by Cecil Castellucci
A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik
Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu
Rules for Being a Girl by Candace Bushnell & Katie Cotugno
None of the Above by I.W. Gregorio
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
Orlando by Virginia Woolf
Everything Must Go by Jenny Fran Davis
The House on Olive Street by Robyn Carr
Orange Is the New Black by Piper Kerman
Queens of Geek by Jen Wilde
Lady Luck's Map of Vegas by Barbara Samuel 
Fan the Fame by Anna Priemaza
Puddin' by Julie Murphy
A Heart in a Body in the World by Deb Caletti
Gravity Brings Me Down by Natale Ghent
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See
The Summer of Impossibilities by Rachael Allen
The Dead Girls of Hysteria Hall by Katie Alender
Don't Tell a Soul by Kirsten Miller
After the Ink Dries by Cassie Gustafson Girl, Unframed by Deb Caletti
We Are the Ashes, We Are the Fire by Joy McCullough 
Maybe He Just Likes You by Barbara Dee
Things a Bright Girl Can Do by Sally Nicholls
The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart
Uprising by Margaret Peterson Haddix
The Cure for Dreaming by Cat Winters
Dress Coded by Carrie Firestone
The Prettiest by Brigit Young
Don't Judge Me by Lisa Schroeder
The Roommate by Rosie Danan
Tomboy: A Graphic Memoir by Liz Prince
Surpassing the Love of Men: Romantic Friendship and Love Between Women from the Renaissance to the Present by Lillian Faderman
All the Single Ladies: Unmarried Women and the Rise of an Independent Nation by Rebecca Traister
Paper Girls comic series by Brian K. Vaughan
Heavy Vinyl comic series by Carly Usdin
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