#confession 312
not a vent but i feel like celebrating because i'm finally for once not getting insecure over canon x canon/selfship stuff involving my f/o!! ^_^
- 🌧️
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"One of favorite r/shittydaystrom theories is that the Menk from "Dear Doctor" episode of ENT are the ancestors of the Pakleds from TNG episode "Samaritan Snare.""
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rededgecitycouncil · 9 months
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Elliot is yummy as fuck. - Anon @elliotbooker
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jttwconfessions · 3 months
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theoncehopefulone · 28 days
“312 days—that’s how long it lasted.
In the beginning, it was a mystery—my brown eyes met your green, a quiet spark in shared glances, a dance, a few laughs. We were the beginning of a forbidden love, much like Romeo and Juliet.
The weeks blurred together as minutes stretched into hours. We found each other after work, during work, at events. We shared cocktails, confessions, and secrets once kept hidden. The nights we spent together burned as brightly as the days.
But all good things come to an end. That kiss, stolen in the maze of a party, marked the beginning of our unraveling.
The weeks passed, and what was once a beautiful friendship, a love so warm, slowly crumbled to dust—scattered and carried away by the wind.
312 days—they’ll stay with me, like small fragments lodged deep in my heart.”
— My head past midnight
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queering-ecology · 6 months
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Chapter 11. ‘fucking close to water’: queering the production of the nation by Bruce Erickson (part 1)
“A Canadian is someone who knows how to make love in a canoe” (attributed to Pierre Berton, Raffan 1999b, 225) and “Making love in a canoe is the most Canadian act that two people can do” (45)
Except…actually-- “a Canadian is someone who THINKS he knows how to make love in a canoe” (Ferguson 1997, 158) And it turns out that the person attributed with the quote (Berton) confessed that he did not come up with it.
The canoe is a popular symbol of the Canadian Nation—it’s [been] on currency, sits in the Canadian Embassy in Washington, has been an official gift from the state to foreign dignitaries, and is a part of  the multi-million dollar nature tourism industry…(311)
The construction of nationalism requires a narration of national identity that attempts to override the experiences of the national citizens. There will always be a gap between the ideal image of the nation and the actual performance of the nation in the lives of the subjects within the nation, and the dissemination of nationalism occurs in the processes by which that gap is overcome (Bhabha 1994) (311)
The failure of canoe sex within Canadian nationalism suggests a failure that connects sexuality, nature, and race to the future existence of the state. (311)
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Biopower (Foucault)-- shows how the construction of identity in modern capitalism is intimately a part of the production of capitalism. National identity is made into an active part of the biopolitical frame of the nation, such that identity becomes another form of labor that is focused upon normalizing and controlling bodies and pleasures. As Foucault reminds us, sexuality stands at the heart of modern power, and its discourse arose along with imperialism and the power of the modern nation-state. (312)
In the modern world, our quest for identity is inherently productive, as late capitalism relies upon the desires of identity to fuel patterns of consumption.
“Put another way, nations require particular sentiments of attachment, ones that often rest at least in part on the erotic”—Steven Maynard (2001)
Relationship of landscape to the canoe—about hiding the actual form of the relationship with landscape, whether racist colonialism or the production of heterosexuality, to accomplish a fetishizing of the leisured, supposed innocent connection to the land of the new world. (313)
Columbus’s image of the new world was eroticized from the start:
“In 1492, Christopher Columbus blundering about the Caribbean in search of India, wrote home to say that the ancient mariners had erred thinking the earth was round. Rather, he said, it was shaped like a woman’s breast, with a protuberance upon its summit in the unmistakable shape of a nipple—toward which he was slowly sailing (1995, 21) (313)
Europeans have long eroticized the land of America from the moment of its naming and ‘discovery’, yet the common interpretation of this myth as a form of amor patriae hides the heterosexuality implicit within such genealogies.
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Performativity: “it is not that heterosexuality is natural and queer denaturalizing; rather heterosexuality is naturalizing, concealing the masquerade of the natural that queer makes manifest” (Prosser 1998, 44) 314
“Performativity must be understood not as a singular or deliberate ‘act’ but, rather, as the reiterative and citational practice by which discourse produces the effects that it names” (Judith Butler 1993, 2) 314
The claim of nationhood=sex in a canoe naturalizes the relationship between the heterosexual image of the nation and the landscape the ‘performance’ takes place
But the failure of the performance (basically no one ACTUALLY has sex in canoes despite the popularity of the quote)…so it can work like a metaphor… it is not the mere ability to canoe or even to have sex in a canoe that embodies the Canadian-ness but rather the reiteration of desire to canoe in Canada—a desire for Canadian canoeing—that embodies the Canadian-ness through the canoe. This desire privileges heterosexual white desire over any different, non-national, or perverse forms of canoeing pleasure. (314)
Sexuality is not about the truth of the matter but about the power of truth (315)
Foucault: power over sexuality relies on cooperation of two regimes; disciplinary power (focused on the control of individual bodies, increasing capabilities to fuel efficiency, aligning mechanic repetitions toward efficiency) and politics focused on controlling populations—Species body (Foucault 1978, 139) (315) (regulatory controls focused on the reproduction of life, the control of birth and death). These regimes produce a mode of biopower (315)
Capitalism would not have been possible without the controlled insertion of bodies into the machinery of production to economic process (Foucault 1978, 141) 315
Sexual identity, as Foucault shows, is made to be part of that production, an argument only proven more and more correct by the increasing power of the “pink” dollar under capitalism (316). (rainbow capitalism)
Then by extending our examination into the realm of colonialism—our understanding of sexual identity and capitalism is tacitly coded by race, and nation. According to Stoler, racism is not “an aberrant, pathological development of state authority n crisis but a fundamental ‘indispensable’ technology of rule—as biopower’s operating mechanism (Stoler 2002, 159) (316)
These same logistics of sexual control (regulation of bodies and species body) occur at the level of race, specifically as part of a national dream. (316) (the american dream=nuclear family)
“Race anchors a distinction in the use of land that justifies the colonial existence of the nation state. It was the productive use the land in North America that allowed European subjects to justify their acquisition of all the fertile and useful land occupied by First Nations peoples. (i.e. John Locke, Gilbert Sproat) 312-317
The 'failure' of the race allowed for the deployment of sexuality to work in tandem with the techniques of state racism such that populations and bodies, of both the colonized and the colonizer, were subject to the regulations of race and sexuality (317)—>The Reservation System; a space established in which to monitor the reproduction (and in many cases the hoped-for death (see Francis 1992 and Bracken 1997) of First Nations communities…census data, marriage regulations, identity papers utilized to fence in populations that stood in the way of the state to the landscape (317)
“A crucial part of the subjugation of …Native peoples was the destruction of their erotic, gender and social life and the imposition of European social and sexual organization…this story of extreme cultural, social, and physical violence lies at the root of the Canadian state” (Kinsman 1996, 92) (317)
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nancy-drew · 8 months
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tmf-confessions · 10 months
Bc i have a memory span of a teafork I forgot whether I sent this in or not but,
Idk if this is a hot take but: I actually kinda like Luke?? Not that he has any genuine depth and he's probably one of my least favorites but I still like him? Like he's mid but honestly I'm just waiting 4 season 2 to happen so we can see which type of trauma he gets like a starter Pokemon just give him time he's a bit slow (same w Stacy and Elliot and Sadie and literally all side characters)
confession #312
real asf. i like luke cause he's a white bread character though, but i can't wait to see what character depth he gets in s2
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If you're the person from the news who's paralyzed after a Bewear attack I'm pretty sure that was my Fluffykins who ran away right after evolving. Idk what I did wrong I dressed her up so pretty and snuggled with her all the time!!
Confession #312
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tdlosk-confessions · 4 months
TeruKai is cute, underrated ship
[Confession 312]
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sometimes i kinda just needa be held by the cheeks n' told ima good kid,, idfk why i put this here too after than long ass dumb post </3 soz guyz ill be fuckin' silly again,, maybe make n' anon for myself, dunno
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Person who wrote the "Dear Doctor" confession here. The only things I regret about my confession is not capitalizing r/ShittyDaystrom and forgetting to find the person who came up with the theory in the first place so I can credit them🤦‍♂️
Posting this as a response to a previous confession.
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orthodoxydaily · 11 months
Saints&Reading: Saturday, october 28, 2023
october 15_october 28
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Saint Euthymius the New of Thessalonica and Mt Athos, in the world was named Nicetas, and he was a native of the city of Ancyra in Galatia. His parents, Epiphanius and Anna, led virtuous Christian lives, and from childhood their son was meek, pious and obedient. At age seven he was left fatherless and he soon became the sole support of his mother in all matters. Having entered military service, Nicetas married, on the insistence of his mother. After the birth of a daughter, he secretly left home in order to enter a monastery. For fifteen years the venerable Euthymius lived the ascetic life on Mount Olympus, where he learned monastic deeds from the Elders.
The monk went to resettle on Mount Athos. On the way he learned that his mother and wife were in good health. He informed them that he had become a monk, and he sent them a cross, calling on them to follow his example. On Mt Athos he was tonsured into the Great Schema and lived for three years in a cave in total silence, struggling with temptations. Saint Euthymius also lived for a long time as a stylite, not far from Thessalonica, instructing those coming to him for advice and healing the sick.
The monk cleansed his mind and heart to such an extent that he was granted divine visions and revelations. At the command of the Lord, Saint Euthymius founded two monasteries in 863 on Mount Peristeros, not far from Thessalonica, which he guided for 14 years, with the rank of deacon. In one of these his wife and mother received monastic tonsure. Before his death he settled on Hiera, an island of Mt Athos, where he reposed in 898. His relics were transferred to Thessalonica. Saint Euthymius is called “the New” to distinguish him from Saint Euthymius the Great (January 20).
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The Hieromartyr Lucian, Presbyter of Antioch, was born in the Syrian city of Samosata. At twelve years of age he was left orphaned. Lucian distributed his possessions to the poor, and went to the city of Edessa to the confessor Macarius, under the guidance of whom he diligently read Holy Scripture and learned the ascetic life. For his pious and zealous spreading of Christianity among the Jews and pagans, Lucian was made a presbyter.
In Antioch Saint Lucian opened a school where many students gathered. He taught them how to understand the Holy Scriptures, and how to live a virtuous life. Saint Lucian occupied himself with teaching, and he corrected the Greek text of the Septuagint, which had been corrupted in many places by copyists and by heretics who deliberately distorted it in order to support their false teachings. The entire Greek text of the Bible which he corrected was hidden in a wall at the time of his confession of Christ, and it was found during the lifetime of Saint Constantine the Great.
During the persecution of Diocletian, Saint Lucian was arrested and was sent to prison in Nicomedia, where for nine years he encouraged other Christians with him to remain steadfast in their confession of Christ, urging them not to fear tortures or death.
Saint Lucian died in prison from many terrible tortures and from hunger. Before his death, he wished to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ on the Feast of Theophany. Certain Christians who visited him brought bread and wine for the Eucharist. The hieromartyr, bound by chains and lying on a bed of sharp potsherds, was compelled to offer the Bloodless Sacrifice upon his chest, and all the Christians there in prison received Communion. The next day the emperor sent people to see if the saint was still alive. Saint Lucian said three times, “I am a Christian,” then surrendered his soul to God. The body of the holy martyr was thrown into the sea, but after thirty days dolphins brought it to shore. Believers reverently buried the body of the much-suffering Saint Lucian.
Saint Lucian was originally commemorated on January 7, the day of his death. Later, when the celebration of the Synaxis of Saint John the Baptist was appointed for this day, the feast of Saint Lucian was transferred to October 15.
Although he was only a priest, sometimes Saint Lucian is depicted in the vestments of a bishop. The Stroganov Guide for Iconographers was published in Russia in 1869, based on a 1606 manuscript. There Saint Lucian is depicted wearing a phelonion and holding a Gospel. He does not wear the omophorion of a bishop, however. Another handbook, the Litsevoy Podlinnik, states that Saint Lucian is to be depicted with the omophorion.
It may be that the Russians thought of Saint Lucian as a bishop because of his importance to the Church, and so that is how they depicted him. Similarly, Saint Charalampus (February 10) is depicted as a priest in Greek icons, and as a bishop in Russian icons.
Source: Orthodox Church in America_OCA
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12 Therefore, since we have such hope, we use great boldness of speech 13 unlike Moses, who put a veil over his face so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the end of what was passing away. 14 But their minds were blinded. For until this day the same veil remains unlifted in the reading of the Old Testament, because the veil is taken away in Christ. 15 But even to this day, when Moses is read, a veil lies on their heart. 16 Nevertheless when one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.
JOHN 5:24-30
24 Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life. 25 Most assuredly, I say to you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God; and those who hear will live. 26 For as the Father has life in Himself, so He has granted the Son to have life in Himself, 27 and has given Him authority to execute judgment also, because He is the Son of Man. 28 Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice 29 and come forth-those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation. 30 I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me.
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appleinducedsleep · 2 years
2022 Tumblr Top 10
1. 376 notes - Jul 26 2022
She hoped to be wise and reasonable in time; but alas! alas! she must confess to herself that she was not wise yet. (Jane Austen, Persuasion)
2. 312 notes - Mar 6 2022
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3. 272 notes - Jul 26 2022
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4. 241 notes - May 13 2022
the whiplash of the Clueless poster in the Senior Year (2022) movie, and then having Alicia Silverstone be a minor character
5. 221 notes - Jul 15 2022
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6. 181 notes - Jan 16 2022
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7. 180 notes - Apr 17 2022
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8. 168 notes - Feb 20 2022
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9. 167 notes - Aug 18 2022
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10. 158 notes - Jun 21 2022
it will always be a bitter disappointment to me that whenever I say ‘I love walking’, no-one remarks ‘oh like that Elizabeth...
Created by TumblrTop10
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I posted 4,757 times in 2022
312 posts created (7%)
4,445 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@franzis-frantic-thoughts (LMAO)
I tagged 4,748 of my posts in 2022
#misc - 1,183 posts
#rqg - 454 posts
#fanart - 431 posts
#described - 282 posts
#ofmd - 280 posts
#dracula daily - 240 posts
#tma - 224 posts
#fan art - 222 posts
#hamid saleh haroun al tahan - 206 posts
#rusty quill gaming - 200 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#given we live in germany in a city my mum knew it couldn’t have been a snake. and when my brother said he would never go back to kindergarte
My Top Posts in 2022:
Take heart afresh, dear husband of Madam Mina
Finally a male character is referred to as a woman’s husband. Move over, “Dracula’s Brides”. “Mina’s husband” has arrived.
456 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
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[ID: A two panel meme showing stills from CW’s “Supernatural”. In the first, Castiel, crying, is confessing his love. In the second, Dean stares back impassively. He’s saying “The queen is dead.” /end ID]
653 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
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[ID: A tweet by Maddy Searle (@Maddy_abstract), posted on October 14th, around 3 pm BST. It reads “Sadly, I am among some staff cuts at Rusty Quill, so I am available for work in podcast/radio sound design, production, directing. 3+ years experience with clients including Stripped Media and Picturehouse Cinema. Links to my work below.” followed by aforementioned link with a headshot of Maddy /End ID]
So Maddy is leaving RQ, citing “staff cuts” and thereby implying it wasn’t her decision, following a rather surprising hiatus at Rusty Quill which affected Chapter & Multiverse, Trice Forgotten, as well as Patreon Bonus content, such as Problemagicians and Compulsory Film Appreciation.
At the same time, RQ is putting out multiple updates daily for their stupid little TMA ARG. teasing “The Magnus Archives 2″.
What. The actual fuck. Is going on in this company.
They’re Rusty Quill. Not “The Magnus Archives Incorporated”. They have other shows that have fans. They have other shows that could make them money, if they only promoted them decently.
The Magnus Archives had a great ending, stop milking a dead cow and instead focus on the ones that are still alive.
Stop shooting yourself in the foot.
Can’t believe I’m supporting this shit show with a patreon subscription. I am seriously going to reevaluate this decision.
EDIT: The tweet has since been deleted, but Maddy’s bio still reads “Formerly @TheRustyQuill” on twitter. Go and send her some love.
951 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
I’m so glad Lucy and Mina saw some good cows today. If TMA has taught me anything, it is that seeing good cows means everything is well and nothing bad is about to happen.
1,484 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Yesterday, I was told by a friend that it’s really unfair to call Boris Johnson a cunt because he has neither the depth nor the warmth of a vagina and he definitely has worse hair.
9,899 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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I posted 5,199 times in 2022
That's 2,652 more posts than 2021!
320 posts created (6%)
4,879 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 434 of my posts in 2022
#purpleStrxnger - 312 posts
#stranger things - 140 posts
#mileven - 131 posts
#mike wheeler - 108 posts
#el hopper - 93 posts
#eleven - 85 posts
#purplestrxngerasks - 72 posts
#mileven headcanons - 49 posts
#mileven hc - 47 posts
#mike x eleven - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 126 characters
#i have unfinished hizzie fics i need to finish and post im so sorry to the hizzie people who requested/gave me ideas ajakaksjs
My Top Posts in 2022:
I honestly don't know why I decided to scroll through the Mike hate tag
I knew it would piss me off
I was just curious as to what they were saying about my boy
But, you know, it's all dumb shit
Saw a lot of people encouraging Jonathan to literally beat up Mike in season 5
Like okay, good to know you want Jon to go to jail and Will and Nancy and pretty much everybody to be absolutely pissed at him
I don't wanna rant too much but,,,
What's the point of so many byler shippers hating on Mike??? Like, "Oh my gosh, Mike is a complete oblivious asshole, he should go die in a hole but I really hope him and Will finally get together next season, HAHA" like what??? How does that make any sense to anybody??
Also a lot of people being like, "Oh, Mike and El are gonna breakup and then El's gonna see the "real" Mike for the first time because she no longer has him on a pedestal and she's gonna see how badly he treats Will and then she's gonna be totally pissed at him and hate him so much, lmao" like are you guys serious???
OH and some of my favorites are the ones saying that in season 5, they want literally everyone (yes, everyone. Even Joyce and Nancy and Will and El. Literally the entire main cast) to turn against Mike because they all "realize he's a major asshole who does and says nothing right and treats them all like shit" so therefore he apparently deserves no love from anyone ever
Oh, and don't even get me started on the amount of people claiming they want season 2 Mike back because "he was the best" and "he was the happiest" and "he treated everyone way better" and "he was so much nicer to Will", etc., etc.
If I see one more person claiming that season 2 was Mike's best/happiest season, I will not apologize for my resulting actions
So, anyways, that's the end of my little rant. In conclusion, I should really stop peeking at the Mike hate tags because they always do nothing but piss me off, so yeah, there's that
Have a good day all of my lovely followers and mutuals that I very much love and appreciate, hope you're doing great!!!! 💜💜💜
106 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
what if i write a story about steve and robin, the buckley twins, who share one brain cell, and their adventures of trying to seduce the badass reporter and the emo rocker, huh? then what?
114 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
Okay but
In st5, I NEED a scene between Mike and El where she's responding to his love confession speech and telling him that she does need him and want him and that she always will and that she loves him for exactly who he is, too
I mean, even if it's a flashback or it shows them talking and Mike says something kinda self-deprecating about his and El's relationship to which in response, El's like, "Remember what I told you in the van?" And Mike's just like, "...yeah, but I'm just saying-" and El's just like, "No, Mike. I mean it. I. Need. You. I promise. Okay?"
Like seriously, I need that acknowledgment, it's necessary, man. For the sake of Mike's sanity and self-worth, HE needs it
I mean, honestly, chances are that it DID happen, considering they spent 2 whole days cuddled up in the van together, but still, I want to see it!!! Please!!!
If it doesn't happen, imma write it out
I actually might write it out before season 5
Probably soon
I won't be able to resist, tbh
121 notes - Posted July 22, 2022
Okay, but
Why in hell are there so many people that continuously claim that El needs to be single in order to be independent and become the person she's meant to be? Single and independent are not synonyms. Independent does not mean alone. That's not how it works. They're not interchangeable. You don't need one in order to have the other.
No matter who you do and don't ship, my point still stands. There's so many people that have said it. And among those people, there's so many that claim she needs to be single in order to be herself, to be independent, and use that as their excuse for thinking El and Mike need to breakup, but then go and say that Mike and Will can get together afterwards. Or that El and Max can get together afterwards. If someone needs to be single in order to be independent, does that make everyone else who is in a relationship dependent? Not their own person? Hell no.
And I've also seen so many people claim that El takes after Mike. That Mike is always pushing his likes and interests on habits onto El. That he doesn't let her be her own person and that's what makes their relationship so "bad". That's what makes them have so many issues. Especially in season 3. But no, it's the opposite. They had so many issues in season 3 because El is independent. Because they are two different people. If El wasn't her own independent person, she wouldn't of gone to Max. She wouldn't of followed Max's lead and broken up with Mike. She wouldn't of gone on this whole journey of discovering new parts of herself and as well as exploring all of her relationships with people and then also returning to her relationship with Mike of her own free will and choice if she was not an independent person. If El was solely dependent on Mike and her personality and existence was based on Mike's specifically without her making any of her own choices, she would never have broken up with him in the first place. And in season 4, she wouldn't of argued with him so much.
Mike and El have their issues because they are both 2 different, very independent people who are also both very much teenagers and very much human. But everytime they've had an issue, they've worked through it, just like two people who are in a relationship and want to stay in that relationship do. Some people say that at the end of season 4, they're at their weakest point in their relationship. But no, it's the opposite, they're actually at their strongest. Why would it show them cuddled up together in the hospital while visiting Max if they were still having issues? It's been made plenty clear that if El is mad at Mike, she doesn't want to be around him, so she would definitely not be leaning against his shoulder and holding onto him if she was still upset with him, no matter what was going on around them at the time.
So I've said it before, I'm saying it now, and I will continue to say it in the future. Mike and El are both independent people, even while together. El does not need to breakup with Mike in order to be her own person or to be independent. That is not how it works. Mike and El can both be their own person while also being together. They both are their own person while being together. Just because that person isn't who you personally want them to be, doesn't mean that they aren't their own person or that they need to change some part of them or their life in order for things to be "solved". And El especially does not have to have some "I don't need a man" mentality and lifestyle in order to be her own, usual, badass and awesome self. She's already badass and independent and awesome and incredible and intelligent and unique whether she's in a relationship with Mike or not. Her relationship status does not decide her personality and character and it never has and it never will.
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See the full post
132 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to know better
Tagged By: @buckywilsonbarnes Thank you for the tag!! 💜
Three Ships: Sambucky, IronWinter, Stuckony (Buct I'm a major multi-shipper so I ship almost everything 😂)
First Ever Ship: Dude, it was during my Twilight phase that I really started shipping so my first ever ship would be like,,, Bella/Jasper, lol
Last Song: Starving By Hailee Steinfeld
Last Movie: Fantastic Four (2012), it was my first time seeing any fantastic four movie, tbh
Currently Reading: Well non-fic-wise, I'm reading Midnight Sun by Stephanie Meyer and Alice by Christina Henry. Fic-wise, I'm currently reading a Sambucky fic called Carry On, Carry On by Fen_Telban on AO3, as well as The Flowers Tell A Story, a Stuckony fic by QJK13 on AO3
Currently Watching: Teen Wolf. I'm on Episode 8 of Season 2 at the moment!
Currently Consuming: Nothing, tbh
Currently Craving: A country fried steak from anywhere that makes one, omg. Literally my favorite meal, hands down. Luckily, we're going to Cracker Barrel for my birthday this month and they have one that's so good 😌
Tagging: @buckybeardreams @sergeantbbarnes @marvelsgirl616 @just-two-kids-from-brooklyn @ace-of-gay @breakablebarnes @peoplealwaysleave89 @olstansoul @we-are-n0t-d0ing-get-help @hallecarey1
You don't have to do it if you don't want!!! Just thought it would be fun 💜
187 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
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