#embarrased to say this joke went over my head for far too long
bisexualdawnsummers · 6 months
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js-a-writer · 1 year
Tewksbury x fem!Reader I honestly dont mind if this is an angst oneshot, its completely up to you. If you want some more structure lmk and ill come up with some💜
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Summary : *the request*
Warnings : just pure fluff
*not proofread*
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Tewksbury was taking a walk through the park he always go through, today he wasn't in any rush, as he had nothing iportnat he needed to do. He was sitting on a bench, just enjoying the scenery, when he noticed a girl, she had an easle in front of her and it appeared that she was painting something.
He saw other pieces of art scattered around her when he looked back at her, she quickly snapped her head back to the painting. He was curious but decided just to ignore it, seeing as he was a Lord now, and she might just be surprised so see him in the park around this time of day.
About an hour goes by, and Tewksbury noticed the girl staring at him more and more. She thought she was being sneeky, but much to her avail, she was not. He got suspicious, thinking 'what if she's going to kill me... maybe she's like the man in the brown bowler hat!' His suspicions were proved wrong when he snuck up behind the girl to see her painting him, sitting on the park bench.
She went to look over to the bench again, to see him not there. She looked at her surroundings, trying to find the young lord. Her long hair flowingas she did so. Tewksbury took notice of this and the way her face contorted into one of frustration and confusion as her eyes kept searching for him.
He hid behind he easle as she stood up to see if maybe he was coming back. But when she saw nothing, she sat back down and looked up to her easle, flinching and falling backwards off of her stool, as she screamed out in shock.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. I was just curious as to what you were painting." he said in a calming tone, trying to seem less intimidating. He truly didn't mean to scare her he just wanted to see how far she would go to find him again.
"No, it's fine. It's my fault honestly." she spoke softly, almost like a whisper, as he saw her cheeks heat up in embarrasment. "Don't be embarrassed, it looks really good, it's almost like staringat a refelction of myself." he spoke trying to reassure her everything was fine.
"It's not finshed, I haven't finished the face." she said softly. Tewksbury could see the panic fade from her features but saw it twist up into somthing he though tto be sadness? HE couldn't make her sad, not on their first encounter. He wanted to see eachother more, and if he made her sad there was no way she would want to see him again.
So he ran, all the way back to the bench he had previouslybeen sitting at, in the same position he was sat in just before he had terrifieed the poor girl. "What are you doing?" sh easked curious as to why he would run all the way over there and pose the same. "Letting you finish your painting, you said you didn't finish the face, so finish it. You can't leave a portrait undone now can you?" he told her, wantnig to make her happy again.
So she did, she finsihed the painting, only about 25 minutes later, she was finally done and called him over. "So, what do you think?" she asked quite giddily he noticed. "It's wonderful, I must have this hung up in my castle, if I can take it." he sent a quizical look her way. "I think I quite like this one, maybe I want to keep it..... I'm only joking ofcourse you can have it." she said teasing him. "Great, how much do I owe you for it?" he asked ready to pay full of whatever price you named. "It's free, you can have it. It is a painting of you ofcourse, and I didn't really ask befoe starting it." she told him. "Nonsense, I must pay you.... Well atleast let me take you somewhere, I would like to spend more time with you if you would like that too?" he said when she shook her head, as to say, 'you don't have to pay for it'.
Sh eofcourse said yes, and he helped pack up her painting supplies so they could go somehwre else, somewhere more private. They ended up going to a meadow and her drawing more sketches of him and the field, as he wathed her with admiration in his eyes. They asked questions about eachother trying to learn different things about one another.
"Well I live in a cottage with my mother,, we live right down that pathway," she stated as she pointed to a pathway leading out of the meadow. "we're not very rich, but we make the most of it. It's just my mother and I, it always has been, and she works at the bakery she owns in town."
A few minutes go by and she stops talking to draw the daisies in the field again, as he once again admires her and her beauty. "Can I see your sketch book?" he asked. She handed it to him, he flips through the pages seeing pictures of him from today, and scenery from all over London. He was astonished. He saw mor epictures of things like flowers, and what he guessed was her mother.
"These are extraordinary, you have to publish these somewhere.You could make a fortune off of these." he suggested fasinated by her artwork. "They're not that good. I probably wouldn't sell anything, and even if I did, I have no where to sell and no way to get the word out." she tried dissmissing the suggestion convinsing herslef it would never work.
"You could sell them in the park, I could help. Not with the painting ofcourse but everything else." she obliged sayikng sh ecould try in a few days.
He looked at her again, admiring her beauty and everything else about her. He thought of how much he liked her, possibly even loved her! That couldn't be he's only known her but less than 24 hours, but it feels right, he loves her!
Meanwhile she thinks about how she's gotten to know more about him these past few hours,she had a feeling towards him but she couldn't quite label it just yet. They were both admiring eachother for a few moments longer before he blurted out, "Can I kiss you?" in the softest most love-sick tone he could have mustered.
He hesitated before going to appologise. But before he could she responded, not with words but with a chaste kiss, full of love and admiration. That's what that feeling love, she finally figured out what it was, it was love!
"I love you!" they both said in unison, giggling and sealing it with another kiss, more passionate this time. Knowing how they both had felt.
I guess you could say, this was love at first sight.
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Thank you so kuch for this request @nix-rose I loved writing it and hope you love it just as kuch as I do.
Make sure to keep leaving requests and voting on polls. ⤵️
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iwadori · 3 years
Tee’s self ships - wedding edition (what they say to you when you walk down the aisle)
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Tee x Sakusa - Teeyomi
“God, you’re beautiful” he said pretty loudly making your guest laugh, he stares at you and takes a deep breath and opens his mouth to say again “really Tee you are beautiful.” He did kind of stare at you for a while so the officiator had to step in and ask “are we going to proceed with the wedding,” which made Sakusa turn red in embarrasment.
The wedding was great, Kiyoomi was in awe of how good you looked for the most part and whenever you or anyone caught his long stares he would just say “can’t a man just compliment his wife?”
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Tee x Atsumu - Teesumu
“Holy shit Tee, your smokin’” he said earning a smack in the back of his head from his brother, which made you giggle. He pulled you into a quick hug and whispered in your ear “I can’t wait to get you alone,” which he technically didn’t whisper since he got another hit from his brother who murmured “save that for later.”
And tsumu definitely did save that for later, he couldn’t keep his hands off of you even when you were trying to talk to your guest. When Atsumu took his fondling a bit too far for the public too see, Osamu was always there to give him a nice hit in the head which Atsumu complained with “but Samuuu don’t you agree that Tee is hot?”
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Tee x Bokuto - Teetarou
“WOAH TEE YOUR GOREGOUS!” He yelled, loudly. Making Akaashi and you wince at the same time. “Bokuto you’re being a bit too loud” Akaashi said tapping him on the shoulder. “ oh sorry everyone!” He says to the guest “ But c’mon look at Tee isnt she beautiful like WOW she’s going to be my wife like my wife!! Isn’t that crazy”
It took about 15 minutes to stop Bokutos rambling on how beautiful he thinks you are. And the wedding commenced and then after you got officially married, Bokuto then begin to ramble how you were officially “Bokuto Tee.”
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Tee x Osamu - Teesamu
“Oh my-“ was all he said before Atsumu yelled from behind him “Cat got yer tounge Samu” to which Osamu went to go lunge for his brother before you gave a little glare to them both so they could acknowledge where you guys where right now “sorry Tee” they both said with their heads down.
In the reception, when everyone was partying, Osamu pulled you to the side and said “Tee, I never got to say this earlier because of that idiot Sumu, but when I say you walk down the aisle all I thought was...” he said pausing, as he saw your excited look waiting for him to finish his sentence “oh my god, I’m hungry” you gave him a bored look and elbowed him in the stomache before he said “ I’m joking Tee, joking I really wanted to say was “Oh my god I’m the luckiest man alive”
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Tee x Suna - Rinteerou
“Damn” was all he said as he blinked and then gave you a once over before saying again “you’re hot” which definitely made your cheeks warm.
When it came to Suna’s speech, which you assumed wouldn’t be long as he wasn’t a man of many words you were suprised to hear “ Tee, when I first saw you I knew you were a special since you were like a godesss, from your personality to your intelligence to your beauty no one can ever top that and I don’t think anyone will since Tee, your beautiful inside and out.”
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A wedding gift from me to you doll, @teesumu
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aestheticsuwu · 4 years
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I see forever in your eyes
Sam LaRusso x Miguel Diaz
( Binary Boyfriends + RobbyxDoug + lawrusso + Carmanda ) part 2
.... ...
Sam thought it wasn't that bad being forced to go on a triple date . She gets to see Miguel ,  that reminds her to text him to bring her favorite hoodie of his . They would be leaving at 7 and by the time they would come back she would be cold .
Letting her dad know she was going out , she goes to her room to get ready . Deciding on a black blouse and jeans with some black sandals that her mom. bought her last week . They started their shopping an annual thing including Carmen .
She was glad that both parents were happy as well . Carmen was awesome and beautiful as her mom . Her little brother was upset at first but he's getting used to it , he decided to stay with mom after the divorce .
She was more closer to her dad , so she thought it was best for her to stay with him . Soon after Mr. Lawrence moved in , and then Robby came along as well . Sometimes Robby stays with Shannon when he's allowed .
They have Sunday dinners  that consisted of her dad , mom , Mr.Lawrence,  Carmen , Miguel , her brother and Robby . Sometimes Demetri comes along if he isn't hanging out with Hawk
Demetri has sleepover visitation and he can stay as long as he wants . His foster mom isn't the best , so dad makes sure Demetri is alright .
Demetri was her best friend aside from Aisha , Aisha is usually now with Tory now they had became an item .
But Demetri was more like another brother that sometimes annoys her but she loves dearly . She would always have his back as well Robby would . And if Demetri needed them to feel comfortable on this important date , well let it be it .
....... ........ Miguel Pov ...... ....... .....
Grabbing his hoodie for Sam , he  bid his goodbye to YaYa once she gives him la bendicion . Quickly texting Sam that they were heading out already , pocketing his phone and keys inside his pocket of his jeans .
He walks out until he reaches the dojo , scanning to see if Hawk was there . He hears him first before he sees him . Guess they both got there at the same time .
" El Serpiente ! "
" Hey man , you nervous for your first date with your first crush ever ! ."
" pftt me ! Nervous ! no way ! I'm chill ."
He gave him his signature ' really bitch ' . Guess he had to refresh his memory of yesterday that he ruined for him to hang out with Sam .
" Yeah chill like yesterday , you were shiting bricks to ask out your life time best friend because you had enough of watching yasmine flirt with Demetri . "
" Receipts or it didn't happen " Oh he really wants to go there , pretending to reach for his phone to show evidence of said events . Watching the smug look disappear and replaced embarrassment.
" Guess I will then "
" Okay ! stop ! I'm really nervous I just don't want to ruin this date . Although I imagined our date to be the two of us , but I guess you can keep me in check if I fuck up . And also hopefully Doug won't cause a scene . "
" Don't worry , whats a wingman for ? " Smiling as they do their cool handshake . Hearing a  car coming close they realise it's Doug . Quickly jogging to hop in , putting  music on to get their confidence and mood on .
.... .... ...
So far so good , Hawk and Doug didn't make a scene once he realised his date was Robby.  Sam was perfect as always, they both tried to ease the air with some casual conversations .
 Throwing out compliments for everyone . And if Sam and him weren't OTP then he didn't know what will . Although number 1 OTP would be Sensei and Mr. LaRusso , nobody  could ever be better than those two .
Hes going off topic , Now here they are sacrificing their day to helping out their friends that are in need to become a couple for they could all finally rest at night and not wonder when those two idiots will realise their feelings ....
At least for him .
Anywho , Robby and Doug seemed not to get the memo of getting rid of the awkwardness.  Looking at Sam , communicating through his mind and eyes for the others wouldn't hear . He could try whispering but he can't risk it .
He totally didn't blush when the waitress caught him making weird faces as she came over to take their orders.
.... ..... ...
" That was embarrasing ! "
" What ! Easy for you to say she only saw me , you had your back towards her . "
He pouted to prove a point and looking at the other way . Giggling as she hold his hand , trying to make him look at her . She tells him she's sorry and promise to buy him ice cream .
Miguel could only ignoring Sam's cute voice and big blue eyes and obviously ice cream for so long . As reward she gives him a quick kiss .
" I love you  . "
" I love you too Sammy."
..... .... ..
His excuse that he would give to sensei would be that he wasn't involve with the disappearance of Robby.  He was there and then in a second he wasn't.  Or .......
He could just put the blame on Hawk , he will be missed .
They all decided to get ice cream as they all came to conclusion that both Robby and Doug would come back . Doug didn't take his car , keys and wallet was there . He has to come back for it , guess now they are all having ice cream as he was promised .
" I don't know about you but this ice cream was the best I've had . Maybe because I shared with you . "
His heart still beats so fast when Sam says cute cheesy things , but he couldn't help but tease a little about it . It was payback for the incident at the dinner .
" Yeah same but mainly because it was free , Ow ! " 
He almost tripped from the sudden push she gave him . Laughing at the cute glare she was giving him . He runs after her once she decides to walk faster to Hawk and Demetri .
" I'm kidding ! I love everything more when your part of it . Especially when you give me kisses . "
" Even Eskimo kisses "
" Especially those but you can't tell anyone it would ruin my status . "
Their joking banter stops when Demetri questions out loud if that was Doug carrying Robby . It was hard when the shorter of the two had his head tucked in and both had their hoodies up . Sam calls out to them , it's confirmed when they look at their direction , showing their faces .
...... ...... Sam ........
 " Robby are you okay ? Where were you two , we were worried . ! " 
" I'm alright Sam , Me and Doug went for a walk and I hurt my ankle , hence why Doug is giving me a piggyback ride . "
" Oh I thought you decided to climb him like a tree cause - "
" Demetri ! " Robby tightens his arms around Doug while  shouting to make Demetri quiet  . By the looks they hit it off , Letting the taller boy take Robby to her car , she says goodbye to Hawk and Miguel .
" Today was a success , and all thanks to you for giving the push hawk needed to finally ask out Demitri . "
She swings their hands around wanting to make their time last . Miguel hugs her as he talks .
" Thank you ! But I couldn't do it without you making Yasmine flirt with Demetri . We make a great team ! . "
" Sam , look ! " By hearing Demetri voice she turns around to the direction of her car where she sees Robby kiss Doug . Turning around giving Miguel one last time before saying goodbye .
Entering the car , she ask if Robbys ok . Once giving the signal to Demetri to voice out their thoughts , she laughs the whole ride at home listening to Robby and Demetri argue .
Sidenote : This Part 2 of triple date . Side mention of Lawrusso and Carmanda. Thank you to @oceluna for the boost of confidence!! . Kinda wrote Miguel a lil bit like xolo funny personality in here . Also Aisha x Tory mentioned . Hope you guys like it !
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
Breaking in Grey
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A/N: Like forreal I know this someone requested with an URL and I tried finding that someone but I couldn’t find her but I finished it and I hope she likes it. It’s not long and it’s how I felt when I was going through similar things. 
REQUEST:Hi! Can you make a story that has to do with a gryffindor reader who has a rough past(her parents divorced at a young age, shes lived with mom and her mom keeps trying to find someone else but never finds someone), and last time she saw her mom, her mom was drunk and started talking about how disappointed she in in the reader, making the reader slowly start to break. Sorry if this is too much detail lol, also i feel like either Sirius or James would work for this, whichever fits! Love your books
WARNING: Idk really how to say it but this fic can be triggering to some people who have a problem with mental health or any suicidal thoughts, or alcholism so I advise that if any of the topics makes you feel uncomfortable just don’t read it. 
It felt as if your world was grey. Not black, nor white but grey. Grey as in seeing the dead roses on the shelves, faltering into depths of sorrow. Grey as in the room smelt of alcohol, not much of a flavor, more plain alcohol and dullness.
“Mom!” you called out from the hall, only a sports bag over your shoulder as you opened the door to the living room. 
The reek entered your nostrils like a wave and you took a step bag, just trying to pull yourself together. You fixed your grimace into a straight face and saw her in the arms of a man. 
You couldn’t believe it. You couldn’t. 
Not thinking twice, you just went through the door. You’ll call a taxi but will you have enough money? It’s better to just wait for the bus but what if you’re going to miss the train?
“Fuck!” you ran your hands through your hair and gritted your teeth. You wanted to dig your nails into your scalp and peel the skin off. You were so angry! So furious and sad at the same time that you just plopped yourself on the stoop and let your head fall on your knees.
Everything. Everything was shit. Your whole life! 
Your dad- where was your dad? WHERE!? 
You wanted to cry. No, you wanted to scream. No, you wanted to run into a wall but no, not that either. You just wanted to hurt yourself because you couldn’t hurt the person who made you hurt. You wanted to release some of the tightness and the pain inside of you because it damn hurt. 
You didn’t have a ride. You didn’t have anything really.
“I’ll be damned!” you heard someone shout but you only nuzzled closer into your arms. It wasn’t meant for you anyway. “My pretty transfiguration partner.” you shot your head up, finding blue eyes and a matching grin looking at you. 
“Great.” you said, quickly wiping off the sorrow and the pain, placing allmighty smile on your face. “Lolly?” he offered you one from his hands as one was already in his mouth, throwing itself from one side to the other. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be on your way to the choo choo?” he started to joke as he sat down next to you, looking at you and noticing something about your smile. 
“Yeah, I am.” you stood up and slung the sports bag over your shoulder, walking away. 
You really weren’t in the mood to joke around with someone who has only been your transfiugration partner in your fourth year and most of the time just played around, making rucus with his friend. 
He really wasn’t anybody to you except some asshole. 
“Hold up, girly.” he ran after you, catching up and walking by your side. 
You felt your throat go sore, your eyes wanting to tear up but you didn’t let them. 
Can’t he just leave you alone?! It’s not like you had enough last night! It’s not like you’re a worthless, unintelligent freak! It’s not like you were the biggest mistake ever made! It’s not like you’re just a burdon to everybody and everything and just wish to evaporate into disappointment that you are! 
Your throat squeezed but you swallowed the dry feeling back inside. 
He noticed. 
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” your voice was raspy, barely creating any sound at all.
“I can give you a ride?” he asked, eyes watching yours but you only shook your head, walking faster.
“No, thanks. I’ll walk.” it wasn’t much stronger but it was understandable and you hoped he got the hint to just leave. 
Yet, he didn’t. 
He stepped in front of you, holding you still in his arms. 
“Ger’ off me!” you pushed his hands away and took a step back. “Don’t you get it! Leave me the hell alone!” you stared at him, eyes watering as if you’re about to break into a thousand little pieces. Your legs became numb, as if somebody cut you under your knees. He could see you barely standing and he could see you breaking in front of him but all he could see was how this fourteen year old girl, who sat next to him in Transfiguration with bright eyes and adorable laugh, pushing and shoving him away whenever he made a snarky remark about other students in the class. The girl who shot him a glare whenever he was too mean to someone. The girl who shushed him one too many times but never enough to keep him quiet. The girl he thought was cute but never much interested in him. The girl that was his Transfiguration partner one whole year until that year passed and they went back into being strangers. 
That girl he thought he didn’t know at all. The girl he thought would be just another face to remember in the future was now the girl he saw breaking just as he broke once upon a time ago.
That girl. The girl breaking. 
He took a step forward, despite all the stares passers gave him. “I won’t leave until you-”
“Why do you care!” it was more of an accusation than a question and he could feel it in your tone. “LEAVE ME ALONE!” you turned around and started running with a heavy bag on your shoulder that kept dragging you down. 
You could hear him calling out but the tears were already falling and you didn’t want him to see you. You didn’t want anybody to see you. This was embarrasing. You losing it on the streets was embarrasing. 
So you dropped the bag and you ran faster than you ever did in your life. And you ran- you ran so fast until your legs made you fall into the wet grass underneath you, somewhere in the nowhere. 
You looked up, crying and weeping like a child. Hell, you were still a child. 
You didn’t ask for magical powers. You didn’t ask dad to leave. You didn’t ask to have a mother to hate you. You didn’t ask for Sirius Black to be there when you were at your lowest. You didn’t ask to be alive so why the hell were you! 
All alone in this grey world. 
You couldn’t stop. You couldn’t stop wailing and weeping into the existance. You dug your fingers into the dirt, feeling it gather under your nails. The grass got slick among your fingers and the leaves were so sharp they cut. 
You didn’t hear the sound of a motorbike. You didn’t hear the call of your name and you didn’t hear him approaching until he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into him. 
A girl he didn’t know and he was holding her in his arms as if she was the most important being in the world for him. As if it was fragile and he was keeping it from breaking. 
“It’s alright. I’m here.” he whispered and you cried, holding onto his arms.
Because at first you didn’t believe it. That he was there, Sirius Black. The boy who sat next to you in Transfiguration class but never exchanged a word after that. You had somebody to hold and somehow that made it better. 
And like your heart was filling up the space in your throat, you heard yourself speak. “I’m alone!” you sobbed, crying and holding onto him. “She hates me! My own mother hates me and my dad doesn’t even care!” you cried and cried and you didn’t know but those words hit home with the boy. 
Yet he didn’t break. He already broke once and once was enough. He had James. You have him now. 
“You’re not alone, you hear me.” he whispered, almost ordered you to listen. “It’s not about them. It’s about what she thinks, what he thinks. You’re stronger without them. You’re stronger because of them. You’re strong.” 
“How would you know? You don’t even know me.You don’t even notice me.” you looked up as he offered you a comforting smile. Not the one he usually gives you but the one that just gives you the feelign of empathy. 
“The hell are you talking about? I know you.” he looked far at the distance. “I may not know your background but I have a feeling of how it feels. I know you like to hit me with a book- and one of the thick ones. Quite harshly too.” he started to joke a bit and you let out a laugh. 
Merlin, you hated when somebody could make you laugh when you were angry.
“And I do notice you. I notice when you come down in the morning, you seem to run back up because you always forget something. You wear buns most of the time because they are the easiest thing to do. Just plop your hair up but there are days you come down with braids and I like those days. Back in Transfiguration I could see you wearing this parfume that was really nice- I don’t know which one it was but it always smelled so nice and you always smelled nice. You had that parfume for a while but then it stopped and I could only smell the cheap ones whenever we passed by. I didn’t mind the cheap ones. They didn’t smell bad but the one you had before was really great. Sometimes you would smell like a fresh summer breeze and I would always try to get closer to you in Transfiguration because you always smelled so good. It’s one of the things I really took notice in and noticed that you always smelled good.” 
You were speechless. You haven’t expected that at all from him. Not from him and not so bluntly. He just said it like it wasn’t odd or creepy. It wasn’t thought. If somebody told you that one normal day, you’d think it’s odd but he told you now and it felt... it made you feel better. You were noticed. You still are. 
And you didn’t do anything except continue to look up at him and then follow his gaze into the field of nothingness. 
“You’re not alone. Not anymore.” he squeezed you gently. “You may think you are but you’re not. It’s always like that with us.”
“The family disappointments.” he quirked an eyebrow. “We are so used to being talked down on. For not following simple rules or obeying but that’s just an excuse for their pathethic decisions and pride. They put all of their flaws and faults on us but we’re not them. “ he looked into your eyes, ordering you to listen one more time. “You’re not what they say you are. You’re not what they make you believe you are. You’re better and stronger. You’re all they can’t be.” he kept looking into your eyes as you kept looking up into his.
And there was this moment of just you, him and the field of nothingness. The wet grass was damping your clothes and his words cleared your enough to realize that. You’re not alone. Not anymore. Not when he’s here and his eyes were the exact proof you needed to feel that. 
He removed himself from you and offered you his hand, grinning. “So are we going to catch this train or not?” 
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jae-daddy · 4 years
Chubby (15)
Jaebum AU Series 
one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten / eleven / twelve / thirteen / fourteen / sixteen
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pairing: im jaebum x reader  genre: angst, romance, drama, mature  plot: you are getting bullied and jaebum decides to fake date you  a/n: this chapter is sponsered by sour skittles lmao <3 not edited, i hope y’all like it :) 
“Yah, are you stupid?” She glared at you. You groaned as you tried getting up from the nurse’s bed. She gently pushed you back down, and let out a loud and heavy sigh. 
“Y/n, I’m not saying this to be funny, or to sound strong, or whatever,” she looked into your eyes. You noticed the new wound on her bottom lip, and the bruise of her left cheek. You felt tears prickle your eyes as the image of those girls crowding around her flashed through your mind. 
“You are my friend, y/n,” Nora says, as she takes your cold hands into her warm ones. “I know you want to protect me. I want to protect you too. But jumping into those kind of situations, against seven other girls, is just stupidity.” 
You looked away from her soft gaze. 
You felt embarrased. Embarrased that you shared this horrible memory, that this was your reality, that you couldn’t even protect her properly and probably made it worse for her. 
“Next time, help me by getting help,” she told you softly, as she touched your chin making you face her. “Get help. Call someone. Don’t jump in.”
She held your collarbone where a purple bruise darkened. 
“You jumping in doesn’t help. All it does is make it the both of us instead one. Okay?”
You nodded, as your chin began trembling, as tears began streaming down your face. “Okay.”
The fluffy white clouds in the blue skies would’ve tricked anyone into believing it was a beautiful cool spring day, but the bitter chill that seeped through the old windows of the building reminded you otherwise. 
Winter had slowly creeped up, and it was getting colder with every passing day. You were surprised it hadn’t snowed so far into the season. However, the weather always so nice. The past few months had been ridden with storms and endless downpours of rain making the early winter colder. 
You stuffed your hands into your pocket of your winter jacket, as you let out a sigh. You wished for something hot and warm right now, but you didn’t want to go out of the old music room. 
You knew leaving this sanctuary would leave you exposed to the judging eyes of everyone, and you didn’t want to risk the chance of running into Jenny. 
The bullying had easied miraciously. Maybe pretending to go out with Jaebum did really help, but it didn’t deter everyone. Some still continued to treat you like trash as you passed the hallways alone. But never when you were with Jaebum, and that seemed to be often. 
Jaebum never left your side in school. At first, it made you nervous. You didn’t like the attention, you didn’t like the stares. And most of all, you hated being a burden on Jaebum. You hated that he carried you around everywhere to protect you from their harsh words. 
But as time has passed, you didn’t mind Jaebum next to you. 
You didn’t feel like a burden as much anymore. 
Not when Jaebum would sometimes forget the watching eyes and let out a laugh as you both joked. Not when Jaebum would hold your hands through the halls, or open doors for you. Not when Jaebum would smile at you and look at you as if you were the only good thing in the world. 
Im Jaebum was nothing like you thought he would be. He was all the good parts you expected him to be. You knew he was kind, nice and caring. But you had also thought he was a sex obessed succubus. 
Atleast that’s what the rumours painted him to be. They painted him like a sex god. As the boy who would only pay attention to anyone as long as he could gain something from them. 
But that wasn’t true. 
Jaebum was a dork. Jaebum was a good friend. Jaebum didn’t need anything in return for all that he was doing for you. Jaebum was a good person with a heart of gold. 
It bothered you that Jaebum wasn’t being sexual with you, because that’s what his nature was made out to be. But Jaebum never touched you more than he needed to. And even when he did, he did it cautiously. His eyes always looking into yours, searching for permission. His hands were always warm, large and gentle. 
Even in moments when you were so near that you could feel his minty breath dance on your lips. Even in moments when you wanted nothing more than Jaebum, his body, his lips, his hands all over you. Even in moments, where all Jaebum needed to do was breath the word and you’d snap and fall into him. Jaebum always managed to pull back, always stopped it before it went to far. 
You sighed as you slid down the wall, and sunk onto the floor. Your knees pressed against your chest, your head leaning against it. The music gently carried from your earphones, and you let it loosen you up a bit. 
You hummed lightly, closing your eyes, as your wrapped your arms around your knees. 
“I can’t wait to hear you sing,” his voice spoke over the music, resting in my chest feeling golden. He sat down two cups of hot chocolate and a bag of snacks. 
He sat down next to you, his shoulders pressed against yours. You tummy flipped, and your cheeks tinted pink. Jaebum didn’t notice and continued, “I always hear you hum, but never sing. I’m sure you’ll sound good.” 
Your cheeks got warmer at his compliment. You avoided his gaze, not sure how to reply.
“Maybe someday,” you replied, trying to sound cool about it, despite your racing heart. He thought you sounded good. 
Instead you searched through the back, and picked out the packet of sour skittles. You squealed happily as you turned towards Jaebum. 
“How did you know?!” You had been craving it for a whole week now, but never got around to buying it. You gave him a wide grin as you carefully opened the packet and held it out to Jaebum. “Hand.”
You took them out on Jaebum’s hand picking out the green ones, and putting them into your mouth. 
Jaebum hated any artifical food that was coloured green. 
“Thanks,” Jaebum mumbled before stuffing the lot in his palm into his mouth. His face contured as the sourness for the candy sharply assaulted his tastebuds. You laughed, as he shivered before chewing furiously. 
“Have the hot chocolate before it gets cold,” Jaebum gestured to the two cups between you two. You picked yours cup, sipping it slowly, letting the warm chocolate sink into your body. 
You smiled, as you thought of how much the drink reminded you of Jaebum. It was warm and sweet just like him. The darkness of eyes stealing the colour of the hot drink. His eyes were like hot chocolate; warm and soothing. He was hot chocolate. 
You looked over to Jaebum who was looking at you intently. Your cheeks tainted pink as you bit your lip. 
“What?” You whispered after a moment when he continued to look at you. 
Jaebum couldn’t help but think back to the first time you both were in this room together. He couldn’t help but compare you to the timid, shy girl who didn’t want to eat because she thought she deserved to. He couldn’t help but feel joy and find humour at how you stared at him, asking him questions, instead of stealing your gaze away from him.
He smiled to himself as he looked at you, making you frown in return. 
You narrowed your eyes at him, as making his smile get wider. 
“Jaebum, stop,” you pouted. “What is it? Why are you smiling at me like that?” 
You stared as the light from the heaven shown into the little room on the fourth floor of the old building. 
Jaebum threw his head back, his locks falling back. His throat long, his skin soft begging you to place a kiss on it. His voice bounced of the walls, his shoulders shaking as he barked out a laugh. 
You couldn’t even be upset anymore. 
You couldn’t even remember anything, as Jaebum laughed. 
The light radiating of him, his skin glittering emitting the sunlight. His dark locks glistening, the darkness breathing in the light, as swayed gently with his movement. His red lips open and turned upwards, his eyes squeezed shit, making his long lashes graze his high cheekbones. 
He was beautiful. 
He was breathtaking. 
You stared at him in awe, as he slowly settled down. He peeked at you from the corner of his eyes, as he coughed out the remaining laughter. 
He didn’t say anything. He reached over and patted your head before rubbing your hair. 
Your lips parted, as you stared at him in shock. You were sure your cheeks were as red as tomatoes, as you peered at him through your lashes. 
Jaebum smiled, and sat back down.
You stared at him. He was playing with you. 
You reached over and rubbed his black hair; you couldn’t help but notice the silkiness of it. It’s touch just as it looked like it would be. 
Jaebum gaped at you, taken aback. His long hair lay over his eyes, covering it slightly. But you could see enough to see the surprise in them, slowly turning into mischieve. 
“Jae, no-” Your yelp was cut off as Jaebum leaned in towards you. He was so close you could feel his warm breath fall over your lips. His eyes darkened, as they rested on your parted lips before meeting your wide eyes. 
Your heart shivered, as excitment and the urge to kiss him ran over you like an electric wave. 
His hands placed beside you on either side, caging you in. It made him surround you. It made him take over your mind completely, so all you could think about was him. 
“Jae,” you whispered, your chest heaving. You leaned back slightly, but Jaebum followed you. He came in closer like you were a magnet pulling him towards you. 
He was closer now; much, much closer now. So close that the slightest movement would make your lips brush against his soft ones. 
He lifted one of his and placed them on your waist. The slightest thought of Jaebum feeling the curves of your plump waist crossed your mind, but instantly they vanished, as Jaebum parted his lips. 
You wanted to lean in closer. You wanted nothing more than to press your lips against him, and pull his body onto you. You wanted nothing more than to kiss Im Jaebum. 
But, you didn’t. You couldn’t. You couldn’t move even if your wanted to. Your whole body stilled with anticipation as your blood ran hotter with every passing second. 
Kiss me. You thought, as if Jaebum could magically read your mind. 
But maybe he could. 
Jaebum’s eyes darted from your lips to your eyes; searching, reading. He smiled lightly, before looking back at your lips. His hands on your waist tightened, as he swallowed nervously. 
You closed your eyes, your hands moving from your skirt onto Jaebum’s jacket. Your fists clutching it, tightly. 
You felt Jaebum move for a second, the warmth of his breath moving for a spilt second. But then he was back. His one hand still on your waist, the other now on your cheeks. 
Your chest rose and fell. Your sweaty palms holding onto Jaebum’s jacket. Your eyes closed tightly. Your lips waiting for Jaebum’s.
After what felt like eternity, you felt the slightest brush of lips pressing against yours, when a loud shrill ran through the room. 
He jerked away from you. 
Your eyes snapping open, your arms outstretched from holding Jaebum’s jacket. 
Jaebum stared at you, and you felt yourself burn up. You were sure your whole face was on fire, as you looked away from Jaebum. 
Oh my god. 
Before Jaebum could say anything, you quickly grabbed your hot chocolate and ran out the classroom mortified. 
Jaebum walked into the room fifteen minutes after you. The lesson had started, but the teacher didn’t address Jaebum as he strudded into class and settled in his seat beside you. 
You felt his gaze remain on you the whole time, and lowered your head. You let your hair fall and become a curtain between Jaebum and your burning beetroot face. 
After a minute, you saw a green box slide onto your desk. It was the sour skittles packet. Upon closer look you saw a white note peeking out. You pulled it out, and could tell Jaebum was watching. 
Sorry you couldn’t resist my charm. 
You looked over at Jaebum, letting out a little snort. 
Someone snickered from in front of you, under their breath, “pig.”
Jaebum’s eyes darkened, his fist clenched, but he kept his gaze on you, watching you. 
You reached out and touched his hand, before giving him a small smile. 
This time Jaebum snorted, loudly, obnixiously. Even the teacher froze, but he didn’t turn around. He remained facing the board, his pen stopped midstroke. The whole class froze over, and no one let out a peep. 
Until from infront of the room, a girlish snort came. 
You looked over, and you couldn’t believe. 
She remained facing the front of the room, as the whole room erupted into a quiet roar of commotion. 
Jenny. It was Jenny. 
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adenei · 4 years
Can you please write something about Molly catching Ron and Hermione during a heated snogging session? 😆
Hi anon! I combined this one with an ask about Hermione seeing Ron’s baby pictures. Hope you enjoy! Thanks for the ask.
(Un)Welcome Interruptions
Hermione had chosen to stay in while Harry, Ron and Ginny went out for a fly. She’d made herself cozy on Ron’s bed, settling into a historical fiction book she’d checked out of the local library in Ottery St. Catchpole. She was still staying with the Weasley’s while her parents worked on packing up their life in Australia and prepared to move back home at the beginning of August.
As she was reading, the door opened and Ron walked in, “Hey,” he said as he shut the door behind him and walked over to join her on the bed.
“I thought you were going for a fly..?” Hermione asked him.
“I did, but then I decided I’d rather be with you, unless...did you want to be alone?” Ron waited for her response.
Hermione shut her book and moved over to make room for him. “Not at all! I’m glad you came back. We barely get much alone time,” she said as she smiled.
“I think Ginny was thinking the same thing when she told me to shove off after a few laps. Not that I want to think about them…” Ron trailed off as he made a disgusted look on his face. 
“Then don’t,” Hermione said as she grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him gently over her. 
Ron wasted no time letting his lips meet hers. He still had a hard time believing he could do this whenever he wanted. Well, mostly whenever he wanted. Everytime they snogged, they fell into an easy rhythm, and it just felt like they fit together. With Lavender, it was always a struggle to know what she wanted and when she wanted it. But with Hermione, he just knew by the way she’d sink into him, or pull him closer, or with the little whimpers that her voice would make as he deepened the kiss.
One of those instances was right now. He heard her almost purr into him, and he opened his mouth slightly, allowing his tongue to graze her bottom lip before he gently pushed it into her mouth. Hermione tilted her head back, letting him in eagerly, and meeting his with her own. Their tongues danced as he felt Hermione’s hands slide under his shirt and up his back. He felt himself harden and pushed gently into her leg so she could feel what she was doing to him. 
Ron used his one arm to prop himself up so he wouldn’t crush her delicate form, while the other hand moved up her torso and settled on her breast. He reluctantly moved his mouth away from hers and made his way down to her neck, stopping to nibble on her ear lobe and continuing on until he found the tender spot just above her shoulder he knew she liked. Hermione’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as she let out a soft moan.
Neither of them were aware that the door had opened until they heard Mrs. Weasley say, “Hermione, I found something I thought you might want to- OH DEAR HEAVENS!” as Ron and Hermione jumped apart faster than you could say magic. 
“Honestly, you two! At least have the sense to silence or lock the door! Not that you two should be doing that anyways, you’re far too young! Only eighteen!” Mrs. Weasley was not ashamed in the slightest as she was scolding them for their carelessness.
Well at least all our clothes were on, was the only thing Ron could think of as he righted himself. Why couldn’t she have walked in on Harry and Ginny?
Mrs. Weasley continued to drone on. “Yes, there will be none of that under my roof. Not until you’re married at least. If Bill and Fleur can follow the rules…” she clucked her tongue at them. Yeah, right, Ron thought.
“Speaking of, Hermione I thought you might like to look through this.” She handed her the book. “This door stays open!” Without another word, Mrs. Weasley took off down the stairs leaving them alone again, but with the mystery book.
“What is it?” Hermione asked as she flipped it over. It looked old and well worn, and handmade too, almost like a-
“Oh, no Hermione you can’t look at those!” Ron said as he made to grab for the book.
 She swiftly moved it out of his way. “And why not?”
“Because it’s my baby book. You don’t really want to see baby pictures, do you?”
“Are you being serious right now? Of course I do!” Hermione said as she laughed.
“No!” Ron was still attempting to grab at the book.
“I don’t think so! You can either let me look at them here with you, or I’ll go down to Ginny’s room and admire your cute baby bottom in private,” she said as she gave him a wicked grin.
“You’re awful, y’know that?”
“Oh, but you love it,” she teased.
“I do,” Ron admitted.
“So, what’ll it be?”
“Fine, but only if I get to see yours when your parents return,” he bargained.
Hermione hadn’t really thought about that implication, but reluctantly agreed regardless. She began combing carefully through the pages, reading the captions that went along with each photograph. “Wow, you were long even out of the womb, weren’t you?”
“Yeah, I guess I was,” Ron shrugged. “I didn’t realize Mum had all of these. Not sure when she had the time to make the book with four of us being five and under running around the house like terrors.”
“I’m sure if she didn’t make it when you were a baby, she kept the photos and was able to get to it when it was a bit quieter around here. It’s got everything here, too!” Hermione noticed.
She was right, everything from monthly pictures, to his first solid food, crawling, first steps, the infamous bathtub photo every parent managed to get, and his first words were even written down. 
“Well, I guess there’s nothing too embarrasing in there,” Ron said as he watched the baby pictures slowly morph into him as a toddler, then to a young boy. The most well worn picture of them all was the one of Ron and his dad at the Chudley Cannons game.
“You were such a cute baby,” Hermione gushed.
“Yeah, not really sure what happened,” Ron let out a chuckle at his own poorly made joke.
“You turned into a handsome adult, that’s what,” Hermione smiled lovingly at him. “I hope our kids are this cute,” she continued without thinking. When she realized what she’d said, she tried to backtrack as her face felt like it was on fire. “Oh! I didn’t mean- Not that I-”
Hermione didn’t realize that Ron’s initial shock had turned into a shy grin at Hermione’s flusteredness, “I hope so, too,” he told her.
“Really?” she said, her mouth forming that cute little surprised face he loved so much. 
“Well, yeah, ‘s long as you want them, too,” he said, taking the book from her and closing it before placing it gently on the floor. 
“I do eventually, I think, yes,” Hermione was still flustered, not expecting to have that conversation right now. 
Ron leaned in and kissed her tenderly, “Now, where were we?” 
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rosegoldannie · 5 years
Tell Me no Lies - Chapter 13
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That was how Rowan found her, several hours later: curled up as much as she could, fast asleep yet still bawling. For as long as she lived, Aelin knew that she would never forget the panic in his voice when he’d found her.
“Aelin? Aelin! What--are you alright? What happened? Are you hurt?” His artfully calloused hands skimmed over her body, never quite touching her. 
Slowly, she lifted her head, taking in his panic-blown eyes, the paleness of his cheeks. For a split second, she wanted to come clean about everything; the pain, her inability to walk, the car crash, Arobynn, everything.
And then she remembered. This was Rowan. 
Rowan who would be gone in just a few months. 
Rowan, who once he left, she’d likely never hear from again.
Something impossibly similar to dissapointment flooded her.
So instead, Aelin held her head high, met his eyes, and lied. “I fell.”
Nearly two weeks had passed since their non-fight. Rowan remained near-silent, but was always just an arm’s length away, and constantly watched her every move.
Even now, as he was chopping vegetables for their first-annual Friendsgiving, he had somehow managed to keep her in his direct line of sight, as if he didn’t trust her to not fall again -- which she would not, seeing as she had been all but forced to take the last few days off of work, after a particularly embarrasing evening where she had been unable to get out of bed, having no feeling below the waist. Rowan had been drawn into her room by the sobs, and she had lied yet again, that time saying she had thrown her back out at work, lifting a patient.
Her roommate let out a sharp curse, throwing down the knife with a sharp clang. Aelin glanced over, from her place perched atop the counter. Rowan was examining his finger, where a small drop of blood had beaded. He let out another colorful curse. 
Carefully lowering herself to the floor, Aelin gripped his hand, any butterflies in her stomach drowned out by her training. Rowan made a weak attempt to pull back, but she held on tight. “I’m a nurse; let me take a look.”
He fell silent, contemplative.
As she carefully cleaned, then bandaged his cut, Aelin glanced up to find his eyes trained soley on her, damn near staring into her soul. Aelin blanched, and found it difficult to look away. Those butterflies in her gut returned with a vengance, threatening to burst up into her throat. “Why are you mad at me?” She stammered, still holding his gaze.
Rowan blinked, then blinked again. “I-I’m not.” He said, gently withdrawing his hand, and turning to brace his hip against the sink so he could face her fully. “I just… wish that you’d told me you had a boyfriend.”
Her face scrunched up. “I don’t, though.” She murmured.
“You… what?” Rowan crossed his arms, his eyebrows drawing together. “But I saw you kiss that Chris guy…”
A light smirk tugged at her lips. “Chaol. He’s not my boyfriend anymore, Ro.” For the first time, no dissapointment tugged at her, reminded her that she was alone. “Chaol’s married. We broke up a long time ago, and we were just catching up. The only reason we kissed is that Arobynn doesn’t know we’ve broken up.” Then, as an afterthought, she added, “Though he probably does now.”
Rowan held her gaze, searching, searching, searching. “This Arobynn, what does he look like?”
She froze, a small joke dying on her tongue as that dread at last made its home in her gut. “Tall, auburn hair, muscular.”
Her roommate was silent for several long moments. “I’ve seen him.” He murmured.
“You what.”
“I’ve seen him.”
Panic siezed her, the thought of losing Rowan as she’d lost Sam, those gorgeous brown eyes nothing but ash in the wind, scarred, ruined, burned flesh. Then the image of Rowan in his position, sprawled across that cursed damned dining room table, motionless. Lifeless. Blood spattered across the walls, where those green eyes--
Aelin shoved away from him, ignoring the pain as she bolted into the bathroom and crashed to her knees before the toilet, and heaved up her lunch. 
Loud footsteps, then a careful, tentative hand rested on her shoulder, and, when she didn’t push him off, began to rub slow, soothing circles.
Once she was finished, she flushed the toilet, slammed the lid, and allowed Rowan to help her up to sit.
Kneeling before her, he braced his hands against her calves. “Aelin…” He began, some hidden-yet-completely-not-hidden emotion swimming in his eyes. 
“Don’t. Please.” She muttered, allowing her head to drop dangerously close to his shoulder. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
Just then, her phone buzzed, and Aelin jerked away from him as if she’d been burned. 
Get over here. Now. It’s Lys.
Aelin froze, that stupid, sickening feeling forcing its way back. After asking several times, Rowan simply took the phone from her, reading the text aloud.
At last, she met his eyes, a question burning between them. Can you drive me to his house?
“Of course,” Rowan murmured, standing and offering her his hand, “just go grab a jacket.”
She nodded, scampering as fast as her legs and back would allow, to her room. After pulling on the first hoodie she saw, she realized it was Rowan’s, as their laundry had been increasingly mixed up together. She couldn’t find the will to change.
Rowan was waiting by the door for her, a strange look all too similar to a blush spread across his cheeks when he realized she was wearing his sweatshirt.
Tentatively, he took her hand in his, and led them down to his car, holding the door open for her.
A bolt of dissapointment rippled through her when he didn’t take her hand again once he was merged out into traffic, but she ignored it, and instead opted to watch the city pass them by. As always, Aelin loved to watch her city change throughout the seasons. Loved the trees, how they gradually lost their leaves. How they went from calm, green serenity to flaming orange or red, a mirror image of her eternally burning soul.
Her roommate let out a sigh as they parked in front of Aedion’s house.  He paused for several seconds before speaking. “I don’t suppose you’ll tell me the truth about who Arobynn is, will you?”
Aelin’s jaw dropped. She blinked, staring at him. “I…” Some part of her truly did want to confide in him, in those green eyes that somehow always managed to know what she needed. But then that damned voice returned, whispering that he would be gone forever in a matter of months. “...I’m sorry, Rowan. I can’t.”
Biting his lip, he nodded slowly. “Okay.” At last, he faced her, those forrests, those hidden realms within his eyes near glowing in the dim light. “You know that you can talk to me, right?” He leaned forward a slight bit, allowing his arms to rest on the center console. “I’m here for you, Princess. I mean it.”
Tears pricked her eyes, as Aelin scooted towards him as much as her seat would allow. Lowering her head, she quickly swiped at her cheeks. “Thank you,”
Strong hands gripped her shoulders, guiding her up to face him. “Aelin, I’m serious. Whatever this is… I will help you get through it.”
At last, words failed her as those tears flowed down her cheeks. Throwing her arms around him, she buried her face against his neck. Strong arms wound around her as she murmured, “Thank you thank you thank you,” into his shirt.
When they at last pulled apart, his nose brushed against hers, and she was stunned to find their lips only inches apart. Even more stunned by the realization that she was blatantly staring at his, slowly leaning forward. The final nail in the coffin was when she realized Rowan wasn’t moving away. If anything, he was also slowly leaning forward.
Just as their lips were about to meet, a sharp knock on her window had them jumping apart, as if they were teenagers caught making out. It might have been her imagination, but as she turned to face Manon, Aelin thought she heard a low groan come from her roommate.
“Let’s go, we’re waiting.” Manon huffed, hands on her hips, jaw set against the chill. “Stop your make-out sesh and get inside!”
A flush spread across her face - that was most definitely not due to the cold - as she climbed out from the car, and was utterly unable to look at Rowan, except for a small apologetic smile as she shut the door. Though, apologetic for what, she didn’t know. Was it because they’d damn near kissed, or because they’d been interrupted?
Aelin shook those thoughts from her head as she followed Manon into the house, Rowan not far behind.
Inside, Aedion was holding a pale, shaking Lysandra, murmuring something to her that was far too low to be overheard, the rest of their friends were spread throughout the living room. Surprise coated Aelin’s features when her eyes landed upon Evangeline--Lysandra’s sixteen year old sister--curled up by the fireplace, with Hollin’s--Dorian’s eighteen year old brother, who for all intents and purposes was an absolute pain--arm draped uncertainly around her shoulders.
Settling in next to her cousin, as Rowan went to speak with Dorian, Aelin found herself genuinely afraid to speak, as if it would shatter whatever peace her friends had had. “What happened?” She murmured.
Aedion opened his mouth, his lower lip trembling with fury, those Ashryver eyes glowing in the firelight. But it was Hollin of all people, who answered. “Arobynn.”
Lysandra slid away from Aedion to rest against Aelin’s shoulder. Elide, and who Aelin surmised to be Yrene, Chaol’s new wife, came over to them. “I was at work,” her friend began shakily, holding Elide’s gaze, “and I had gone out to my car… and I found a note in the glove compartment.” Lysandra paused, swiping at her glistening cheeks, mascara running down her beautiful face. “All it said was, ‘I’m back.”
Across the room, Chaol let out a harsh curse.
After several tense moments, Evangeline cleared her throat. “After volleyball, I, uh, I was walking home--hell I was in front if the school, and this car drove up, and it followed me for several blocks, and the guy inside kept telling me he was your friend--” She looked pointedly to her sister. “--and that you’d sent him to pick me up. I knew who it was, and luckily Hollin saw what was happening and gave me a ride, but…”
Shaking his head, Aedion scoffed. “The prick’s getting bolder.”
Dorian made a noise of agreement. “He’s been lurking outside my work for a few days now,” He muttered, watching his brother, love and some other emotion swimming in his azure eyes. 
“Same here.” Rowan stated, his eyes trained on Aelin, as they had been for the last half hour.
Elide, who had since returned to Lorcan, and was now curled into his side--something more than a few people had smirked at--nudged Lorcan with her elbow. “What? Oh, that. Do any of you know of a woman named Maeve?”
“She’s Arobynn’s wife,” Lysandra murmured, her eyes unfocused.
Lorcan made a noise deep in his throat. “She’s been harrassing Elide for a while,” He admitted. Several heads snapped in their direction at that. “She’s been showing up anywhere we go; Work, the gym, the store, you name it, she’s there.” After several moments, his voice took on a dangerous undertone. “She threatened Elide this afternoon.” He paused, and met the eyes of each and every person in the room. “Whatever this is, whatever bad blood has caused it, we need to end it before someone gets killed.” He met Aelin’s gaze, something akin to sorrow in his obsidian eyes. “Again.” 
Grief turned her vision watery for several minutes as everyone discussed their next steps, and how they could combat the harrassment and threats.
At last, it was agreed that they would all go to the police and file restraining orders against both Arobynn and Maeve. Though, deep down Aelin knew that would do nothing to stop them until Arobynn decided he’d had his fill of punishing and tormenting them.
tag list:  @sailorsassley​ @whiskeybusiness1776​ @mad-scientist-pyromaniac​ @la7sorcellerie​ @dayanna-hatter @mis-lil-red
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zanesgirlfriend · 6 years
I think I like you (part 1, possibly?)
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a/n: this is my first imagine ive ever done and it's based off of a fanfiction i wrote a lil while ago
summary: y/n is a chef and david wants her to come over and cook for him, and she has trouble holding back her feelings
word count: idk kinda long tho
also not my gif lol
I was at the gym, doing a cooldown on the treadmill after my 2 mile run, when my music stopped playing through my headphones. I looked down and checked my phone and I saw a FaceTime from David.
Of course, my heart skipped a beat. I've had a crush on him since I met him, so I wondered 'What the hell would he want at 11pm on a Wednesday?' I answered the call, and saw my sweaty face and greasy hair on the screen, embarrased about my appearance in front of my 3-month crush.
"Hey!" I said, out of breath from running. I put my phone on the treadmill as I attempted to smooth my hair.
"Hey, y/n, do you wanna come over?" He asked, his cute face making me smile.
I laugh, "Well that depends, do you want me to hang out or do you want me to cook for you?" I watched his dimple appear as he chuckled.
"Umm, both?" He responded. Of course I would do either, because I couldn't resist his cuteness, but I knew he didn't just want to hang out, which made my heart sink a little bit.
"Fineee, what do you want to eat?" I grab my phone and water bottle as the treadmill stops, heading back to the locker room.
"I want spaghetti and your famous meatballs." He begs. In my head I thought, 'I want your meatballs.' but I didnt know if that would be too far.
"Very simple request, but okay. Can I go home and shower first or do I have to come now?" I asked, wanting to look better before I saw him in person.
"Now, you can shower here, after I eat." He smiled at the end of his words.
"Wow I love being your personal slave." I joke. Hearing his cute laugh made me smile, as I found my gym bag.
I entered Davids house, carrying grocery bags, my gym bag, and my phone. I slid my shoes off and went to put my things down in the kitchen as I called "David?" I heard the toilet flush in the bathroom as he walked out into the living room. "Hey." I said awkwardly, noticing nobody else was here. Usually when we hang out, all of his friends were around, and he was filming something, but tonight we were alone. I really wished I looked better.
"Y/n! I'm starving." He came over and gave me a hug, and I tried not to lift my arms for the sake of his nose. I was only wearing a sports bra and leggings, so I felt very conscious of my body touching his.
"I'm making you food, shush. Where is everybody else?" I started to get some pots and pans out of his cabinets, proud that he bought all of these dishes just for when I come cook for him.
"Everyone's busy, even Natalie, and I'm stuck here editing all night alone, and Chipotle is closed so here you are." He made it sound as if I was a last resort, which I scowled at. "Not that Chipotle is better than you, and plus I'd rather hang out with you anyway and . . ." He stopped, kind of flustered. I looked up from meatball making and noticed him blushing.
"Well I'm glad I can keep you company." I smiled.
David sat with his laptop on the island and edited while I cooked, making small conversations every now and then.
Once I finished and handed him his plate, I walked over to my bag to get my clothes so I could shower. I scrambled, realizing I didn't bring a shirt. "Y/n? Y/n?" David called me. I turned around flustered because I didn't hear what he'd said.
"Sorry, what?" I looked at him.
"You're not going to eat with me?" He sounded dissappointed. I couldn't help but feel bad when he made that sad face.
"I need to shower because I feel gross, but I also forgot to bring a shirt so I guess I can't shower anyways." I tried to explain. It's not like I usually eat with him, normally I would just cook, clean up, and leave. I walked over to him, but he jumped up before I could reach him
"Yeah I feel you. Here you can borrow one of my shirts." He says as he leads me into his bedroom. I felt my face heat up. He handed me one of his merch shirts and a towel. "I think these are clean?" He questioned. I thanked him and took a shower.
After my shower I ate, and sat with him while he edited, he asked me what I thought was funny and what he should cut from the vlog, making me feel like he actually wanted me there.
The whole time I watched him edit I couldn't help but notice how close we were and how our legs were touching. I felt like I was back in high school, and he was my high school crush. Once he finished editing and started uploading his vlog, he leaned his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes. My heart was beating faster than it ever has, and my stomach was doing flips. 'Should I tell him I have a crush on him?'
"Hey y/n, I don't wanna make anything awkward, and I know this is the first time we've hung out, but . . ."
'Is he gonna tell me he has a crush on me? Does he like me back? Wait what?' I thought to myself, missing the end of his sentence.
"Wait what?" I asked him.
"Will you stay here tonight?" He repeated himself. My heart slightly sunk, but then I realized this was a big step, especially since I had a crush on him.
"Yes, of course." I smiled. Then, and I don't know why, but I asked him "Is there anything else you want to say?" I could tell by the way he picked up his head that he was confused. Or was he?
"Actually, yeah, but I wasn't going to tell you because I'm not really sure yet, but I think I should just tell you anyway." My heart sped up again as he said that.
"Tell me what?" I choked out.
"I think I like you."
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ninjagoruinedmylife · 6 years
"An Awkward Prom" - a.k.a thing i promised to to and i haven't sleep yesterday to finish it rip me
Aaaaalright folks, so. Today is ninjago oc day which i was really REALLY REALLY hyped for, considering the fact that i have an oc i developed lately. Her name is Ange and she is daughter of Karlof and next elemental master of metal (i think i mentioned her here once or twice tho). And, because we are dorks, me and @clumsinessinperson made Ange and Ali’s oc, Nozomi, meet and ~fall in love~ *dabs* So, to celebrate it, we did a kind of… collab thing for them?? Ali drew a beautiful fanart of this two and i wrote a short fic about a situation that is connected with it. I hope you’ll like it!!
(Also im tagging @evelinaonline bc she threw this event and also she really wanted to see what was this secret thing i was working on with Ali XD)
Ange realised that there is no turning back way too late.
She was pretty chill whole day - hell, she nearly forgot about this whole school prom. Two hours before it, when notification on her phone ringed, she nearly got a heart attack. She had to prepare and, to be honest, she sucked when it came to subject of looks.
She threw nearly most of the things from her closet while looking for a blue dress she bought a few weeks ago. After all, she found it in a washing mashine, all curled up with other clothes. Ange sighed deeply and ironed it as fast as she could, hoping that she won’t burn a hole in it. When she was putting the cloth on, her hands were trembling and she started breathing heavily. Now she regretted every decision she made about this event - signing in being the first one, buying way too high heels being the second, and inviting Nozomi being the third.
At first she thought that this will be great idea. They knew each other for so long, Ange never met someone who would understand her so much and stay with her no matter what… But after they said that they are going there as friends, girl started wondering if she didn’t want to invite him from other reason than “I don’t have anyone else to ask.”
Maybe it wasn’t too late to call him and tell that something happened and she can’t go to the prom. Maybe she could tell that she had an asthma attack and… No, he would still come to see if she’s okay. Maybe she could announce that her father came to visit… Bad idea as well, Karloff lived way too far to randomly come to her. Ange tried to come up with some kind of solution while she was brushing her hair, painting her nails, putting on makeup. She ended up with no ideas and completly awful eyeshades. She accidentally chose the brown ones instead of the silver ones and now she looked like if she played with dirt and didn’t washed her face in few days.
When she did everything in her power to save her image, phone ringed again. She grabbed it with one hand, the other still busy paiting her face, and she didn’t even need to put it up to her ear to hear a loud rock music and even louder voice of a familiar man.
“Ya ready, kid?!” Ronin asked in his usual manner. “We’ll be next to your house in about ten minutes, so I sure hope you are! See ya then!”
And that he hanged off.
Ange sighed and her determination only grew. After she finally finished her makeup, she put on some silver jewelery she kept with her since she had to first move to Ninjago City, and then run away from anacondrai warriors. It was the only thing that reminded her of her mum - a pair of round earrings, long necklace decorated with blue crystals, and three big rings engraved with some strange patterns. She used to have a habit of not going anywhere without them on. Not only from sentiment, though; she knew she could easily change it in deadly weapon in the time of the biggest need.
Luckily, today no one was gonna kill her (besides for her own embarrasment, of course), so she could wear it only for aesthetic reasons.
Ange looked at herself in the mirror and she even smiled. She wasn’t looking half as bad as she thought she would, to be absolutely honest. She still felt way too tall and fragile, but she could even pass as an attractive person! That was an achievement to celebrate, but she had no time to bake a victorious cake and open up the shampain.
She stood in front of the door, holding her phone tight and waiting for a call from either Nozomi or his father, but the first thing she heard was a familiar noise that went through the window.
“Hell no.” Girl mumbled under her breath when she turned around.
Right next to her balcony, floated R.E.X. - huge flying ship that belonged to Ronin. She blushed a bit from both fury and awkwardness, and walked towards it. Her neighbours were gonna look at her strange again.
“We don’t have a whole day!” Ronin yelled when she came close enough to hear his words. “Don’t act like if you are on a walk in a park, come here faster!”
Ange hissed with frustration and moved her hand a bit. Metal bars that surrounded her balcony suddenly changed their place and turned into a bridge for a girl to walk on a ship. She looked around, a little worried that someone saw her - good, no neighbour around. She still felt hella anxious when it came to using her powers around people she didn’t know.
She sat next to Ronin and looked at her right. On his other side was Nozomi, who waved to her awkwardly. His whole face was completly red, like if someone threw tomatoes at him. When Ange smiled and waved back, he started looking a bit more relaxed.
Ronin still hadn’t started flying again - he nodded constantly to the rythm of a very loud, very agressive and very scary (in girl’s opinion) song. This state would last even longer if Nozomi didn’t react.
“Dad”, boy sounded slightly annoyed. “Remember? We have to go.”
“As you said, we don’t have a whole day, sir.” Ange coughed due to how much smoke R.E.X. producted.
“Oh, yeah. Good idea, kiddos.” Ronin cracked a smile and then they started flying so fast that Ange got scared if they won’t end up dying soon. “So. How is this whole art school thing going, girl? I remember a good ol’ times when we didn’t had a time for a stuff like that, I’m telling you. You had to work hard from the day you were born, or you had to start stealing, and you probably know what I chose…”
And it felt like with every word, he got faster and faster.
Ange, who was now not even a little red, but completly pale, looked at her friend over his dad’s shoulder and whispered:
“Can we kill him, please?”
“We don’t know how to fly this thing,” Nozomi shook his head sadly. “We would die sooner than he will kill us.”
It was good that they mastered the art of reading lips movement through all this time. In other case, they wouldnt talk about subject like that near Ronin and, what’s even more important, they couldn’t understand each other. Meanwhile, man was still rambling about how much schools suck when you can become a criminal.
“Oh, didn’t he try to learn you? Maybe you know some basic stuff…”
“You forgot an important part - I don’t want my dad to die!”
“Who are you planning to kill?!” Ronin screamed in their terrified faces after the vehicle stopped in front of a huge building. ‘He turned off the music few seconds ago, so he probably didn’t hear much’, Ange realised and felt a big weight leaving her chest. If she survived this, she will survive tonight’s prom for sure.
“Uuuh…” Nozomi scratched the back of his neck.
“My teacher!” Ange interrupted. “My math teacher, sir.”
“I bet he’s a pain in the ass, huh?” Ronin laughed shortly. “Okay, kiddos, go. Have fun, don’t do drugs, and blablabla. I’ll come and pick you up at 11.”
If a moment ago Ange thought that this was gonna be the easier part of the evening, the fear of what was gonna happen returned when she came out of the ship. She stood in front of her school and Nozomi soon joined her. Everyone from her school, now dressed all elegant, looked at R.E.X. with open mouths. Which meant that they saw her as well. And they saw her with Nozomi.
Even bigger damnit.
“Is everything okay?” Her friend looked at her, seemingly worried. “You look nervous as hell.”
“I always AM nervous as hell, Nozomi.” She answered and then started walking towards the entrace. “It’s not a big deal today, though.”
“I hope so, we came here to… have fun. Or whatever normal teenagers do during proms.” Boy frowned and then blushed. “It’s so strange. I’m not sure if it was a good decision to take me with you, Ange. I’m a terrible dancer and I don’t know anyone here…”
“Hey”, she grabbed his hand. “I asked you to go with me because I know I’ll have fun with you. You are my best friend after all.”
“You forgot to add that I’m your ONLY friend.” Nozomi smiled mischeviously, and then he looked down at their holding hands with a frown. “Hm, won’t they all think that we are dating? You know, holding hands and stuff is usually pretty romantic, as far as I remember from all those movies.”
He laughed, as if he just said a good joke, but girl noticed a growing blush on his face a minute before anxiety hit her.
“Ugh, I-” Ange let go of his hand immediately, feeling a lump in her throat growing and growing. “I’m sorry for that, if I made you feel bad or-”
“I mean, it’s not like I don’t like it or something-” boy grabbed her wrist and looked down. “I just guess that at this point I can stand people looking at me because I’m with a person I’m most comfortable around, and not because I stole something.”
 She wasn’t ready to answer somehow for that and, luckily, she didn’t had to.
They heard a really loud rock music once again, and when they turned around, they saw Ronin running in their direction with a camera.
“I forgot to take a pic of ya two!” He took a few deep breaths and then got camera higher. “Okay so, stand somehow to look nice, and then say "cheese” or some other bullshit… Ready?“
They looked at each other with awkward expressions, but after a minute Ange placed her hand on Nozomi’s back and he wrapped his arm around her waist. Both awfully blushing teenagers tried to put normal smiles on their faces, and without any more word Ronin took a photo.
"Okay, now I’m leaving for real, I promise!” He screamed when he was getting back to his vehicle.
Ange sighed. Maybe this prom won’t be such a tragedy.
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I did this... It's an embarrasing number5xreader
Title: That's bullshit in any Language.
(I don't mean to be rude. It's a line Five says to the handler. Ill put un this post part 1 and 2.)
So. This is Five living his life with the Sparrow Academy, and you are an editor that wants to publish his story. It's a few years After you came back to 2019... And it might have some of my ideas on time travel and the comission. Nothing canon or comic canon because i haven't had time to read it yet. Sorry for the grammar.
Chapter 1:
There are plenty of your reasons that I don't understand. Why did you come back? Was it really because of your family or was saving the world that matters? Did you came back just to help them? or because you love them?.-
Those words hit the brain of your interlocutor like a gold lingot adorned with a lemon peel. Effect only achieved by the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster, which was very far from this part of the universe.
-What do you mean by that?-. He replied annoyed, you were sitting next to a window, in front of you there was a young adult. You were wearing a white blouse and ankle-length skirt. -Well, if you have powers that go beyond reason, and you are capable of leasing with the physical laws that bind everyone else, shouldn't you understand that these are simply events that had to happen in a certain order so that your brothers and everyone else should simply disappear? .-
-What?- He said sissing, with a very pissed off look. You had spent the afternoon listening to his fantastic story. As an assistant to the chef editor at a science fiction publishing house, you thought the young man was trying to sell you his story. Mostly because of the effort he made to make it seem real, he probably wanted to give it a transmedia approach. You thought that perhaps it could work, uploading an internet page, a video game for smartphones and several Facebook pages would sell well too, you saw the future and it was probably easily adapted to the cinema or to a series, you even thought about the fanfiction. If you hadn't detected so many narrative problems… Which on the other hand gave realism to these misfits.
The expression on Five, the pseudonym under which he introduced himself, made it clear that he couldn't believe what he was hearing. But that's how new artists are, they live in their stories, their delirium. And it's understandable. You began talking again. -What Mr. Reginald told Diego, seems to me, it's true for everyone. But at least he's honest about it. In all their actions, these guys are all marked by their father, it’s really their main drive to act.-
You felt a slight guilt, someone so fanatical about their own creation had to put a lot of himself into it, so probably Diego, Klaus, Vanya and all of the others were just a human personification of a hurt part of his adolescence. -Excuse me for telling you this but even with fifty-something years you went to your father for advice. A man who was not older than you in his timeline. Even in the middle of all that conspiracy. You chose to believe in him. -
The young man seemed somewhat nervous, he was sweating a bit and his eyebrows were narrowing in a strange way. -Are you from the association?- he said sweating - Is this a new kind of psychological attack?-. These clarifications gave you a bad feeling, but you decided to joke: -Do you see me with a briefcase?-. It didn't seem to work as you liked. His face showed a terrible aversion and you felt fear. You took your things and left enough money to pay for your coffees, on the table.
-I think it is an excellent work of fiction, Mr. Five. But I think you should solve your problems and calm down a bit before you want to publish it. I don't know what had happened to you to come up with all this but it seems to me that with a good medication and a correct edition you could go far. You are still young and you could even have a great future as an author. But I can't work with someone in your current state.- You took your card out of the bag and gave it to him somewhat shakily. His face changed from rage to disbelief and you left a bit angry and scared.
He scrutinized the white card, it was made with a fancy paper. It had “Dark Horse Books" printed in black. -In my dimension these are "comics" instead of books - he smiled. He hit his head on the table "> your last name <,> your first name <",> phone number <,> office address <.
He realizedrealizado were just a smart girl. -She's probably right. Maybe in all this time I have just lived as a scared child under the table of a man who is not even my father, but the one from Sparrow Academy. After all, even the idiot Luther decided to make his life of his own in this world ...-.
Five called Diego. -Hello brother, another Apocalypse? - Five heard a tone that wanted to be playful but actually sounded concerned. -None, I just want to chat. Are you available for dinner? .-. Five had started college not long ago. Mr. Hargreeves had gotten the adoption papers of Five just as he would have been one of the boys he previously adopted. So everyone was amazed when that young man who looked about 20 "was actually 34".
When you were at home doing office work, you were surprised to know that your appointment for that day had been canceled and that you had stayed all afternoon listening to a poor schizophrenic or drug addict speak.
Chapter 2:
The uneasiness of the meeting with the boy passed and a few weeks later you had time in your schedule for a new interview with the young man who was supposed to arrive on that occasion. You have had coffee and the middle-aged man left.
Nothing out of the ordinary. More stories about zombies and society, it would be edited because it was an acquaintance of the manager. You were beginning to rethink working with that strange young man and his story. You remembered that sometime in your teens you heard about some babies that were born a without their mothers having been pregnant. And a kind of low-profile superhero league that most people took as a hoax to divert attention from things like Watergate, the White House affair among other things.
Probably if the boy was right you were looking at an excellent informant. And it could be an amazingly revealing book ... Especially with all the mythology surrounding JFK. You turned to the window and the young man was watching you from the other block. That again, gave you the chills. You saw him cross the street. It was fortunate that your cup did not have more than the sip you took or you would have spilled it all over yourself.
The young man sat in front of you, the husband of the owner of the cafeteria asked the young man what he wanted. The boy looked stunned. "HAZEL?" The man looked at him for a moment, because that was his ñame but the man was no acquaintance of him. "Excuse me young man, I don't remember meeting you." The boy laughed. -Don't worry, you reminded me of a friend, but it can't be you. It's good to see you anyways.- The man served their coffee somewhat puzzled and walked to talk to his wife, the woman turned her head the table and denied knowing him. Ultimately, neither of them knew who the young man was. This definitely raised several questions but you didn't know which ones. Mostly mportant, what would the young man talk about now?.
You were silent for a while. Five had his hands in his pockets. And you kept looking at the street. You saw how the steam from the coffee made waves above the cup. Again you wear a shirt and skirt. This time a white one with polka dots. Nothing that you could know of but the boy had been a bundle of confusion the last few days. He was not very enthusiast about human company, but he decided to separate from all his previous life experiences and for this he began studying economics. So meeting you at that moment in those clothes made him really dubious about why he was talking to you. Was he really addicted to the apocalypse as you and Diego said?.
Tired of the silence, you asked him a question that seemed uncomfortable for both of you. -The previous time, you only told me your nickname, Mr. Hmmm.- The man looked at you with surprise and smiled at you. -Francis... Reginald, Hargreeves.- you raised your eyebrows. Behind all that delirium, the young man did not look like a Reginald, although on a second thought he dressed like an upper-class young man. He was probably one of those rich young men whose excessive education, gets them a little upset with the world before they should be done with it. -You can call me Frank ... or Five. My siblings, they usually call me Five. So as not to be confused with my father. - The young man seemed somewhat annoyed.
-Oh, it's okay Frank. -, -What do you think of the proposal? . Despite the trust that the young man had placed in you, there was something that prevented you from treating him as a young man of his age. He obviously was not over 23. You didn't know if it was his story, where he is over 60 years old, if it was perhaps his possible mental illness or the aura of presumption that accompanied him.
-Ohhh. I discussed some of that with some of my siblings. They do not agree.- You imagined him sitting at an empty table like the last supper. Except he was just talking to himself. -I see you still don't believe me.-, the young man took out his phone and showed you a picture of him with his family. You could see a huge man, a condecorated policeman, a renowned violinist, an underground model who had worked for several covers with your publishing house, an actress who had just won an Oscar and the little brother. Now that you saw him next to all his family, his story was starting to make a little more sense. Besides, they were all obviously different. Now you thought that the young man could not be more than 21 ... And that it must be difficult to be good by the side of those successful siblings.
The young man seemed to guess your thoughts or maybe it was the pious look you gave him. -Whatever you are thinking, is not the case. I just study for fun. I actually work in a government agency. And believe it or not, for a couple of years I have been in therapy for the post traumatic stress that living so many years alone caused me. Stranded at the end of the world Dolores!-. The young man clapped his mouth quickly, that seemed to hurt. He turned completely red. You didn't know if it was because of the hit or if he had said something embarrassing. While he was telling you his story, his subconscious was quite careful to hide all the details from you about his wife, named Dolores.
And that was. Curiously, the point that he had discussed earlier days with his psychologist, apparently he had not understood (or had not wanted to understand) that the talk he had with you reminded him of his Wife. Only this time, it was really a person outside of himself who answered him with such sharpness and intelligence. And he wasn't going to accept it.
Not knowing all that internal debate, you took another sip of the coffee. "My name is in case you are interested." You said upset. He lowered his hands from his face, it was completely red. -Yes, I know , I just remembered someone while talking to you. - There was no going back after that statement. "Thank you for taking an interest in my story and for listening to a complete stranger say nonsensical things." He now seemed like a completely different person. This boy's range of emotions is a carnival.
-Don't worry, it's part of my job. To tell the truth, I confused you with a young writer and I was quite tough because he is a recommended person to whom we must publish.-. You smiled at him. Apparently the young man liked your comment. -Wow, I must be flattered then.-, -Pretty much actually. We are a very famous publisher present all over the world.-, -And timelines ... it's a joke.-. The young man said when he saw your expression. -For such and such a reason. I look very young. But I think there is something that is not clear to you ... I am also 34. I am not really a young person.- Five had decided to start living according to the age of his brothers. Since he had that opportunity.
You had a pleasant talk, and exchanged phones with the young man. Since the one he had was your work phone number. Probably something good had come out of this confusion. It had gotten quite late, and you had to be on the other side of the city. To finish a part of the work you needed to get up early the next day, a taxi would cost you a lot. The young man saw your concern. -I can take you home, if you want,-. He said with a mischievous smile. You didn't know what he was planning. But you accepted, and walked with him to a parking lot, while you were walking, he asked your address and places near your house, -Oh! I understand, near <>> and that <<< >>>, of course I do know what building you are talking about.- He said while rubbing his chin and doing some imaginary calculations in the air. Being quite far from people, he asked you to take him tightly by the arm. You took it and suddenly you felt something pull you back. You closed your eyes. Next, you were in front of your building.
"What had just happened?" You saw him up, he was a little taller than you and he had a mocking laugh. -I'm sorry that teleportation is not a gift that everyone has. But at least you already tried, right? -. You felt how your intestines took their place again and you got a bit nauseous. You ran to some nearby bushes but you were lucky that you weren't as sick as you thought. You wiped yourself with your sleeve. And you thanked him a bit puzzled. You saw him inquisitively. You had so many questions, but none seemed prudent to be the first. He laughed. He actually seemed like he was quite nice and smart when he wasn't an arrogant know-it-all. If all the things he said to you were true, then he probably did know a lot more than your average citizen.
He accompanied you to your door, said goodbye to you with a kiss on the cheek. He disappeared in front of you with a beam of blue light. Now you had an existential crisis knowing that the world had already ended twice in a past and a future that were actually the past of the present that you lived. And that was nothing at all digestible. After seven years working without missing a single day due to illness, you decided to take a week of unforeseen rest.
I had this posted here too: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26520721/chapters/64640455#workskin
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