#ember's end
meadow-roses · 6 months
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When you're ready A piece of a fallen sky is too heavy I could be by your side if you let me You don't have to carry it all -When You're Ready, Molly Tuttle
don't get me wrong- I love the green ember a lot. I just think. there was some missed potential in this plot thread driven by personal taste lol
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the-chaotic-christian · 8 months
Smalls really is just out here running on coffee and his desire to fight death itself before admitting his feelings for Heather, isn't he, and no one's gonna stop him
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annabellebuns · 6 months
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Whoever requested out to the world to do this, here ya are.
Aftermath of trashing chad’s house on Ember Island 👍
(Released after they found out who these hooligans are)
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catsharky · 9 months
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Yeah I was right and there was no way I was getting the rest of this done without making you all wait another month or two, so I just went to the next good break point. We're officially past the halfway point with Astarion though, so not too much longer before you actually get to see Rolan again!
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aangarchy · 1 month
The funniest thing about the boiling rock episodes is zuko telling sokka at the start how this prison houses the most dangerous and notorious criminals of the fire nation as well as war prisoners, and then at the end they just let one of them tag along without ever asking him what he was in for. Could have brought a serial killer to meet the fucking avatar and they'd be none the wiser
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nelkcats · 1 year
The Wish
Danny wasn't Desiree, he didn't have the power to fulfill wishes or gain power from it, but he did have subjects. And each of his subjects wanted something different, and since becoming Ghost King he had done his best to fulfill them. Or at least, fulfill the ones that were reasonable.
But there were so many ghosts, many ghosts he didn't know, from all corners of the Infinite Realms, and some had requests that while he could fulfill, maybe it wasn't the best thing for him to do.
The wish he had heard the most was "kill the Joker," Danny didn't know who the Joker was. Maybe a mass murderer taking into account all the angry souls who wanted the same thing. And he would be willing to kill him, but that would be a headache regarding universal balance.
Danny debated how to solve the problem without destroying the delicate balance of the Realms; then he was visited by a soul, a teenager who felt like a ghost but at the same time not (a broken soul? That was rare). The soul had a peculiar request, "let me come back, I will kill the Joker."
Danny frowned, he didn't think creating a halfa with a vengeful obsession was a good idea. But before he could give his verdict, the soul was ripped from his hands.
Danny wanted to deny his request, he wouldn't wish an existence like him on anyone, but if he didn't help that soul might disappear. Such "Lazarus pits" were not infallible, they were rotten, full of contaminated ectoplasm, and Danny knew it (he would have to deal with that later), but he also knew that with a little of his help Jason would survive.
Reluctantly he complied with the teenager's request and Jason returned to the realm of the living. Unbeknownst to Jason he had tied his soul to the King's request (to kill the Joker, not that Jason knew that, or would complain if he ever found out).
Danny, of course, was worried about the boy (halfa?), and decided that if Jason hadn't accomplished his "mission" in about 5 years he would bring him back to the Realms, maybe teach him about everything. He needed to get the kid another obsession anyway.
Bruce never let Jason kill the Joker, and the 5 years went by pretty fast. Danny decided it was time to visit Jason, and maybe take him back.
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muffinlance · 8 months
Hi! I really appreciated your/the community's discussion on Embers. I'm new to the fandom and it helped me pinpoint what about it I didn't like. However the reason I picked it up was because I really enjoy Ace/non romance focused pieces, which are why I love yours! I was wondering if you have/know of any non-ship centric ATLA fics (besides yours which are ofc the GOAT!)
Anyone got recs? Off the top of my head, The Dragon King's Temple by Kryal and aloneintherain's adorable family-and-friends-oriented fics. The Family You Choose by TunaFishChris. Haicrescendo has tons of great stuff too, you'll just need to filter by gen. In general: Avatar tag, filter by gen and sort by kudos. They're definitely rarer then paired fics but Avatar happily has some gen gems.
Edit: Also the Learning to Fly series by starofjems!
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silvkatt · 16 days
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“What a horrible fate you have found, little star.”
mfw i suffer everywhere fr
List of AU Reshes and their owners:
@aura-morgenstern , @mistyplace-ghost , @lonksadventures , @thera-theadventurist , @sol-the-wasteland-sky-kid , silvkatt (me), @black-suns-rim , @felix-krain , @princessjadyn15 , @kokosovc
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the-crimson · 1 year
I’m just spinning q!bbh in my mind rn I’ve got theories and analysis and bits of it are a stretch and it is rambly and long so it’s going under a cut but here we go XD
Everything he’s done since the eggs were taken has been so incredibly deliberate and he developed this plan when he was in the depths of the greatest despair. According to what he told Baghera today, he developed this plan before the anger stream when he lava cast the presidential office as that was part of the plan to draw out the workers.
So Bad blatantly lying and gaslighting and just being incredibly suspicious to everyone today feels deliberate. It feels like he’s intentionally burning these bridges. The whole gun debacle is a great example of this. I saw a post that suspected bbh took Ron to test Baghera and her loyalty to him by doing something he knows she’d disapprove of and while I don’t think that’s why he took Ron, I defiantly think that’s part of it.
The whole gun thing I feel is Bad’s test for Forever. Bad has lied to his face and changed the story so many times that even when Bad tells him the truth Forever doesn’t care. I think Bad is intentionally pushing Forever just like he is Baghera. He’s pushing him to see what it would take for Forever to cut ties. It’s brutal and is actively hurting Forever just like how Baghera was hurt learning what Bad had done to Ron.
Bad feels no guilt for what he’s done to Ron. All he cares about is what others would think of his actions. He knows what he’s doing is “wrong” but he doesn’t care. Such black and white morality is beneath him. He’s doing what he thinks is necessary.
And that includes his own self destruction. He is testing all of these relationships knowing full well that he might destroy them. He knows Baghera is so much more moral than him and has such a higher value of life so he intentionally showed her something that would shatter her perception of him. Bad knows that trust is very important to forever so he intentionally lies and gaslights him knowing full well that Forever may never trust him again.
Bad created this plan when he was at his lowest point. On an average day, Bad’s value of his own life is nonexistent. He designed a plan to uncover how the federation spies on them knowing full well that it could turn everyone against him. That sure sounds familiar doesn’t it? Bad’s proposed this exact same plan under different circumstances(“joining” the feds to make them worse so everyone revolts against them inspired by his building inspector bit”). He doesn’t care about himself and is willing to throw himself to the wolves and make everyone hate him if it means defeating the federation and getting their children back. Previously, bad never went through with the plan because he wasn’t as desperate but now… during the depths of his grief after the kids were stolen, there was nothing holding him back from complete self annihilation.
I think Tubbo discovering/catching on to bbh’s kidnapping put a hitch in Bad’s plans because now his tests for others are being influenced by an outside variable he can’t control, that’s why he spent the whole day doing damage control. He’s trying to spin the story in such a way that he’s still somewhat in control of the situation. He knows that the cats out of the bag. Everyone is going to suspect him now so what does he do? He spends the day making himself even more suspicious. He admitted to torturing foolish in the past. He admitted to imprisoning forever during the happy pills arc. He admitted to planning on abducting a player in the future. He’s making himself look so much more guilty.
Everything he does is with intent. What could be the intent here? He’s told several people that he wants to be arrested so he has access to the federation prisons/facilities. He’s told several people that he is capable of kidnapping/torturing someone. He denies he’s guilty of Ron’s disappearance while simultaneously making himself look guilty. Is he trying to push the federation? To see if they actually will arrest him? All fingers point to bbh and the federation knows this - they basically say so in the journals Tubbo found. But they continue doing nothing. The workers are warned to stay away from him at all costs but… why wouldn’t they just arrest him? They’ve done so to others for less. That’s the question I want Tubbo to be asking. He’s smart enough to realize there’s something off here. Yes bad has a guy in his basement but why hasn’t the federation done anything about it?
Maybe that’s Bad’s test for Tubbo. Bad knows Tubbo is fiercely intelligent and that he can’t bullshit has way past him so he gave Tubbo so much. Yes there was a lot of bullshit but Bad intentionally gave Tubbo more ammunition against him. Is that Bad’s test? If Tubbo finds proof that Bad has Ron in his basement and the federation continues not to act, will that clear Tubbo of suspicion in his eyes? Tubbo knows the worker Bad is trying to find, is Bad giving Tubbo a chance to unknowingly prove himself by uncovering Bad’s secret? “Has anyone ever told you your too smart for your own good, Tubbo?” It sounded like a threat but it could have been an invitation.
Fred has become an incredibly important npc and I have a feeling he is the key to unlocking the mysteries of the eggs and the great evil. I’m pretty sure he’s the one in the radio transmission that talks about why the eggs disappeared and Ron said he overheard Fred talking about the evil. Fred knows so much more than he lets on and one way or another, the players are gonna find out.
I’m also fascinated by Bad’s conversation with Bagi about Boo. Only after Bagi confessed to telling Forever about the secret did Bad put in his clipboard that she passed the test. We’ll how did she pass the test? She told someone about his secret. We’ll, she came clean about it. She told someone she thought was Bad’s best friend then admitted it. She wasn’t trying to go behind his back and thus was trustworthy. However, as the day went on and Bagi learned about Ron, this changed. Her perception of Bad changed and Bad updated his notes about her in response. She went from trustworthy to sometimes trustworthy to be careful what you tell her. She still passed the test but the level of trust dropped dramatically - which is so fascinating.
At the end of it, I think… through all of this, Bad is gonna burn all his bridges in order to find the eggs and destroy the federation. He’s accepted that at this point. He was so dismissive of Baghera’s concerns for Ron and Bad and almost felt like he was placating her, just telling her what she wanted to hear. If Baghera interferes with Ron, I don’t think Bad will accept that and he would sacrifice their relationship to continue his plans. If anything, I could see him releasing Ron into Baghera’s hands only to capture Fred in his place - and this time he wouldn’t tell a soul.
Just the sudden switch in attitude when everyone triggered his radar was palpable. “Get out of my house or die” he was so furious that this test had been interrupted but he masked it while with baghera. When Bad went flying into the hall of grim shouting at everyone to get out and attacking them mercilessly, you could feel the rage (part of that was the lore secrets being accidentally revealed but still) the entire visit with Ron was a performance for both Ron and Baghera and I feel so bad for Baghera because she’s in an impossible position.
She wants to be there for Bad she wants to support him but this… this is so far beyond what she is willing to excuse from him. This has crossed so many lines but there isn’t any turning back. She doesn’t want to lose Bad either through breaking his trust or being taken by the federation but at the same time she can’t stand by and do nothing. She needs to help him. Unfortunately, that means it’s highly likely Bad will end up immolating their friendship if she pushes too hard.
And just the way Bad acts around Ron is so fascinating. It’s all a performance. The large furnished home. The fridge full of food. The fish. The weird attachment Bad shows - almost a reverse Stockholm syndrome - while simultaneously talking over/for Ron in such a dehumanizing way. It’s so fascinating in the moments when the mask falls away. When Bad was watching Baghera talk to Ron - idk if it was just me - but I felt like Bad was a hawk observing it’s prey. He plays up the sugary sweetness and dependence but he still feels like a tiger prowling the bars of his cage eyeing the snacks on the other side. It’s the way he moves and what he choosss to look at during these scenes idk bbh’s body language is insane and I could devote an entire essay to analyzing it
Like Bad’s stream title before he started stream, there are only two sides. Either ur with him or against him and the only thing he values is finding the eggs and tearing down the federation. He doesn’t care if everyone grows to hate him. He doesn’t care if he grows to hate himself. There are no lines he won’t cross. It’s all worth it. It’s all inevitable.
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lukmarc10 · 1 year
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hellohellowelcome · 2 months
all of those think-pieces and chapter predictions about an iz//cha confession, iz//cha floating in the sky together because of ochako's quirk (and that spirited away art), iz//cha kiss, i'll admit I was getting a bit scared despite the fact that none of that would've made any sense....only for nothing of the sort to take place
instead we got izuku + ochako comforting and uplifting each other in a way only they can given what they've gone through,, finally smiling,, being the best friends they are (also surrounded by their other friends!!)...oh I smiled and cheered. going to sleep tonight with a smile, horikoshi your mind, I knew I could trust you
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meadow-roses · 1 year
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SMALLS!!! he's a great little guy who does not commit war crimes (long speeches before meals)
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feyres-divorce-lawyer · 4 months
Haddie Re-Reads Wings and Embers and Plots Murder
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sure jan. imagine how insecure you have to be that you go picking fights with twenty three year olds when you’re five hundred
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oh yeah but they could’ve send fae nesta there, right?!
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so he knew how easy it was to break into the manor and still left no protection. “cost them their lives” well all the workers and servants fucking died and nesta and elain were Made anyway, so thanks for nothing igz
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take a shot every time cassian sexualizes nesta in his pov
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lmaoooo. nesta i miss you, come home plish😔
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literally no understanding of personal space, fucking dumbass
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god he’s so weird. “is your maidenhead intact” westerosi lord looking headass
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i’m gonna kill him. i’ll find a way
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yes, nesta, yes he has
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WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH??! “a diversion” she clearly does not want to tell you dipshit
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anyone? yea ok, go find feyre and we’ll see
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honestly just go marry her atp like actually
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“bigot” yeah cuz a human hating the fae who literally had their ancestors enslaved for millenia is the bigot. and they do have good reasons, what the fuck is this shit. sarah your racism is showing again.
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this is so horrifying. like i’m actually scared for her. nesta run pls
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that works too
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brother eughh
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 years
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I never quite finished these two cards the first time i tried making a PJO major arcana and I never posted them. I really like the designs though so I’ll probably try to do something similar when I draft them again
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catsharky · 1 year
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I'm sobbing and clawing at the screen begging Larian to just let my Tav give more hugs because so many of these characters need it.
WIP cause this is getting colours, I just like how the lines look
Edit: Colours
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the-raging-tempest · 6 months
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To celebrate that it’s been a year since I played Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous. And I still love the world and characters in this game.
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