#emergency board-up services
coastalrestorationca · 8 months
Rebuilding from the Ashes: Expert Fire Damage Restoration Solutions
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Embark on a journey of renewal with our comprehensive fire damage restoration services. Our expert team is dedicated to helping you rebuild your property and your life after the devastation of fire. From assessing the damage to implementing effective restoration strategies, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Trust in our experience and expertise to transform the ashes of destruction into the foundation of a brighter future. Coastal Restoration CA Newport Beach CA (949)899-9242 https://coastalrestorationca.com/
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ruins-of-gods · 28 days
Something that I think Warhammer 40,000 storytellers miss sometimes is the sheer scale of their setting. I mean, don't get me wrong - I love the big, dramatic clashes, the characters you can buy in mini form and their convoluted, interwoven lore, the dramatic combats against unstoppable foes across a thousand ruined worlds. But that's the top of the setting, as it were - the most powerful beings in the universe, all fighting for supremacy. And at ground level, the level of the ordinary person, are so many other stories.
Did you know that a Lunar-class void cruiser has a crew of 95,000? Nearly a hundred thousand people, aboard a spaceship five kilometers long. A city, flying through outer space to wage war. Many of those people are proper trained soldiers, fresh from some academy or veterans of long, grueling campaigns, and many more are pressed into service, begrudgingly laying their lives at their Emperor's feet. But, unless the ship is currently actively involved in a really bloody campaign, most of those people were born aboard that ship. Most of their parents were born aboard it. And their grandparents. And their great-grandparents. Lineages stretching back centuries, so far that the original soldier who came aboard has been forgotten. A lot of those people probably know, on some level, that they're aboard a ship flying through space - but a lot of them probably don't, and I guarantee you almost none of them understand what that means. This ship is their world. To look out the window means madness so often that they avoid it - not that windows are readily available anyway. Most of them probably barely even understand that they're fighting. All they know is that when the readouts on their analog instruments display like so, when they hurry to obey the blared orders through the klaxon, the Emperor is pleased with them. They were born into that world. When they were children they did smaller tasks the adults couldn't. Their entire existence was winding metal corridors, laid out according to some archaic design, any logic that might dictate their layout long since degraded after millennia of ignorant maintenance, lit only by emergency lights that have long since become the default. They learned how to read an angle readout or how to relay an order perfectly the way another child might learn history or math. When they grew up, their service was flawless, born of pride and ignorance, and when they grew old and died, their legacy was remembered until it was forgotten. Many were killed in battle, but who cares? They gave their lives to the Emperor - a name whose meaning they don't understand, but whose importance they believe in wholeheartedly, all but synonymous with the commanding officers up above.
Sometimes, the klaxons sound a specific command, and every person on board who understands what it means feels a deep, awful dread as they run to their battle stations. They don't know what a warp jump is. They don't understand they're going from one place to another by the fastest way available. All they know is that, for a time, the ship dips into hell. The corridors go wrong. Things and people might not be where or what they were before. Daemons stalk the halls, and must be killed by any who can hold a lasgun. The overcrowded berths, the little nooks that families find for themselves - they are not private anymore. They are not safe. Things drift through the shift that do not care about the laws of physics, but that delight in killing and torturing human beings. Vast energies shake the ship and tear parts of it away - their home, their world, their existence, the biggest thing they can imagine, assaulted by something bigger. Is it the Emperor's punishment for failure? Is this what battle is? What's going on? They don't know, and no one who does can be bothered to tell them. The dread of those who have seen this before is even worse, because they don't know how long it will be. It might be just a few hours. It might be days, or weeks, or months, or years, or decades. It might be centuries, as the captain of the ship goes hunting daemons deep in the warp - the officers live that long, after all, and have little care for those who don't. There will be people born in hell, who spend their entire lives fighting from the day they can stand, and who die in hell, as old age and need catch up to them and they curl up in a corner to perish. To them, it isn't even hell. It's just the world. The world is death and pain and cruelty, an infinite metal box through which monsters stalk, and sometimes you must run to a battle station and do as you're ordered to do. And sometimes, as they reach forty or fifty or even a ripe old sixty, the ship drops out of the Warp, and, for the final years of their life, they are granted a life of relatively safe service better than anything they ever hoped to dream of.
Those are the kinds of stories I want to see more of. Super-soldiers fighting each other is cool, yes, but I want to see this universe explored. I want stories from the perspective of those that keep the Imperium going, or the aeldar, or the tyranids, or anyone, really. There's just so much potential in this setting. It deserves it.
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johnalison123 · 2 years
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fans4wga · 1 year
SAG-AFTRA president Fran Drescher's strike announcement speech
Thank you. Thank you everyone for coming to this press conference today. It's really important that this negotiation be covered because the eyes of the world and particularly the eyes of labor are upon us. What happens here is important, because what's happening to us is happening across all fields of labor. By means of when employers make Wall Street and greed their priority and they forget about the essential contributors that make the machine run. We have a problem. And we are experiencing that right at this moment. This is a very seminal hour for us.
I went in, in earnest, thinking that we would be able to avert a strike. The gravity of this move is not lost on me, or our negotiating committee, or our board members, who have voted unanimously to proceed with a strike.
It's a very serious thing that impacts thousands if not millions of people, all across this country and around the world. Not only members of this union, but people who work in other industries that service the people that work in this industry. And so it came with great sadness that we came to this crossroads, but we had no choice. We are the victims here; we are being victimized by a very greedy entity.
I am shocked by the way the people that we have been in business with, are treating us. I cannot believe it, quite frankly. How far apart we are on so many things. How they plead poverty, that they are losing money left and right while giving hundreds of millions of dollars to their CEOs. It is disgusting. Shame on them. They stand on the wrong side of history at this very moment.
We stand in solidarity, in unprecedented unity. Our union and our sister unions and the unions around the world are standing by us, as well as other labor unions. Because at some point the jig is up. You cannot keep being dwindled and marginalized and disrespected and dishonored. The entire business model has been changed. By streaming, digital, AI. This is a moment of history that is a moment of truth. If we don't stand tall right now, we are all going to be in trouble. We are all going to be in jeopardy of being replaced by machines and big business who cares more about Wall Street than you and your family.
Most of Americans don't have more than $500 in an emergency. This is a very big deal, and it weighed heavy on us. But at some point, you have to say no. We’re not going to take this anymore. You people are crazy. What are you doing? Why are you doing this? Privately they all say we’re the center of the wheel. Everybody else tinkers around our artistry, but actions speak louder than words. And there was nothing there. It was insulting.
So we came together in strength and solidarity and unity with the largest strike authorization vote in our union's history. And we made the hard decision that we tell you, as we stand before you today. This is major. It's really serious and it is going to impact every single person that is in labor. We are fortunate enough to be in a country right now that happens to be labor friendly. And yet, we are facing opposition that was so labor unfriendly. So tone deaf to what we are saying. You cannot change the business model as much as it has changed and not expect the contract to change too.
We are not going to keep doing incremental changes on a contract that no longer honors what is happening right now with this business model that was foisted upon us. What are we doing? Moving around furniture on the titanic? It's crazy.
So the jig is up, AMPTP. We stand tall. You have to wake up and smell the coffee. We are labor and we stand tall and we demand respect. And to be honored for our contribution. You share the wealth because you cannot exist without us. Thank you.
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barefoot-joker · 6 months
Snake in the Garden Pt 4~ Yandere!Lucifer X Reader
Hey, guys! Welcome to Snake in the Garden Part 4! In this chapter we meet a few new characters, so I hope I got their personalities right. I do hope you all like the new chapter as I had a lot of fun writing it. As always, enjoy and I hope you have a great day/night!
Words: 2395
Warnings: Swearing
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5
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I heaved as I ran through the streets of Hell. I couldn’t get enough air to my lungs and my legs were growing weary of the journey. However, I kept my eyes on the marquee and just kept going. You’re almost there, Y/n! Come on! Soon you’ll be free!
I didn’t take the time to look at the demons surrounding me but my ears caught all of the screams, moans and conversations as I passed. A couple of times I was grabbed at, but I just shoved them away and continued my trek. When I reached the gate of the hotel I stopped to catch a breather, my hand grasping the iron bars to steady myself. I looked back from where I came, the palace a tiny speck in the distance. I wanted to pat myself on the back but I knew I wasn’t in the clear. Until I was back home Lucifer could rear his head at any moment. Speaking of the Devil, I wondered how long it would be till he noticed I was gone.
Taking in a few more breaths, I walked up the cobblestoned hill to the front door. The marquee shone a bright red and I felt like I was bathed in blood. Stopping at the front door, I marveled at how intricate it was. The stained glass formed a circus tent pattern and the rim held a golden tint to it. Bringing my hand up, I knocked on the glass, a knot forming in my stomach. What if all this work was for nothing? Would the Princess even listen to my case?
I didn’t have much time to think when the door opened. In front of me stood a tall, lean man dressed all in red. Among his red and black hair, black deer antlers stood and what I assumed to be his ears straightened in surprise. His red eyes felt different compared to Lucifer’s, his feeling more sinister. His grin seemed to grow wider as he looked me up and down. “Hello, my dear. Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel. I’m Alastor, the hotel’s facility manager. How can I be of-”
I rushed past him and slammed the door shut, my nails digging into the golden wood. “-service to you?”
I spun around to face him, my eyes blown wide in panic. “I need to speak to Charlie! Please, it’s an emergency!”
I clasped my hands tight in prayer and tried to make myself look as vulnerable as possible. “Charlie isn’t here at the moment, I’m afraid. She’s out on some business with Vaggie. The two of them should be back soon though.”
I groaned and hung my head in despair. How long will she be gone?
I lifted my head back up and let out a slight shriek at how close the deer man was. He was practically on top of me, our noses almost touching. “Though I could speed along the process if I was told what constitutes an emergency.”
I hadn’t noticed it before but as the man spoke his voice held a static to it, almost like an old radio. “Listen, Alastor was it? I don’t feel comfortable sharing that with you.”
“Hmm. I guess you’ll just have to wait then. Husker, make this sinner feel at home.”
I looked to the left and saw a bar that looked way too out of place. Blue boards made up the walls and floor while the dark oak bar top sat in the middle. The cat demon, Husker, looked up from drying a glass and sighed. Alastor wrapped his arm around my shoulder and dragged me over to the bar, shoving me at a stool. I sat on top of it and gulped as the radio man kept eyeing me from his post nearby. “What’ll you be havin’?”
“Oh, um, a water is fine.”
“Not much of a drinker, eh?”
“No. Besides, I don’t really drink around strangers.”
Husker shrugged and turned his back to me. When he returned to my side, he placed a rocks glass in front of me on the bar top. I grabbed it and sipped my water. “So, I couldn’t help but overhear you’re in an emergency. Got some loan sharks after you or somethin’?”
“Oh no, much worse. It’s a long story.”
“I’ve heard my fair share of long stories as a bartender.”
“I just don’t feel comfortable sharing. I’d much rather wait for Charlie.”
“I can respect that. Hell is a rough place and if you’re not careful it can swallow you whole. I learned that the hard way.”
He sighed and continued to dry glasses. As I sipped my drink, I glanced over to see Alastor still staring at me. That maniacal grin never leaving his face and his eyes cool and calculating. “So um, what’s Alastor’s deal? Why does he keep staring at me like I’m fresh meat at the butchers?”
“He’s always like that, scoping out the new guests. But a word of advice, don’t make a deal with him whatever you do. You think your life is horrible now, you got another thing comin’ with him.”
“I see.”
Suddenly I felt something grazing my ankles. I peered down to see a very short woman with a red bob, a stripe of yellow hair in front of her one giant pink eye. My eyes widened upon seeing the silver blade in her hands. The female looked up and a giant grin spread across her thin lips. “You're not meant to be down here, are you?”
“You smell…human. Sinners have a certain scent and you don’t have it. We’ve got a live one, guys!”
She hopped into my lap and grabbed the top of the nightgown. I gulped at how the knife was slightly pointed at my throat. “You’re pretty for a live one, not that I’ve seen many like you before.”
“How rude of me! I’m Niffty! I clean.”
She shook me back and forth. “A live one, hmm?”
Suddenly I felt a hand tighten on my shoulder. I looked back to see Alastor, the end of his smile reaching well past his eyes. “You didn’t quite introduce yourself to us, did you, my dear?”
“Leave her alone, Alastor!”
“Tsk, tsk, Husker. I just want to know what I should call our newest arrival.”
“I, I, I-”
I stopped when I heard the front door open, two voices chatting as they came inside. I had never been more thankful for a door to open. “Oh, hey guys! What’s going on,” The tall blonde asked.
She looked so similar to Lucifer so she must be Charlie. “We’ve got a live one, Charlie! And to think she was trying to hide,” Nifty replied.
The Princess turned her red gaze to me and I quickly threw off the deer and housekeeper. I got down on my knees and looked up at the blonde. “Please Charlie, you have to help me! Your dad is fucking crazy-”
“Oh you must be Y/n!”
My heart dropped. No. No, no, no, no. How much does she already know?
Lucifer’s daughter scooped me up to my height and pet me on the head. “It’s so lovely to finally meet you! My dad has sent me several pictures but you look much prettier in real life. But what are you doing all the way out here? Shouldn’t you be planning a wedding?”
“That’s my problem! I don’t want to be here! Please, you’ve got to help! I’m begging you!”
I could feel tears come to my eyes as I pleaded my case. Charlie’s eyes softened and she placed her hands on my shoulders. “Here, let’s take a walk. Vaggie, can you put our shopping away?”
“Of course, honey.”
“Come on.”
The blonde took me by the shoulders and led me up the grand staircase. We went up a few floors before stopping in a room that resembled a library. Charlie ushered me to sit in one of the leather armchairs and then she followed my lead. “So tell me everything. I’m sure my dad left out a few key details.”
I did. I told her how the two of us had met up until I had been forced to say yes to marrying him. While I told my tale, she didn’t say anything. She just hummed at key parts. “So can you help me?”
“I want to, I really do. However, my dad-”
“Fucking kidnapped me, Charlie! Do you really want me to go back to that?!”
She opened her mouth to say something when suddenly her phone rang. She pulled it out of her red suit jacket and her eyes widened. “Oh no.”
“It’s my dad.”
“Shit! I’m not here!”
“You see the good in others don’t you, Charlie? Can’t you see the good in you helping me?”
She bit her lip before sighing. She clicked the answer button and held the phone to her ear. “Hey, dad. What’s up?”
Lucifer didn’t even need to be on speaker as I could hear him shouting from the phone. “Charlie dear, thank goodness you picked up! Look, I’m in serious trouble and need your assistance.”
“What can I do for you?”
“My darling bride Y/n is gone! Vanished! I left her to her own devices and when I came back she’s left me! I thought someone took her but then I found this rope hanging out the bathroom window and have you seen her? I don’t know how long she’s been gone for and I don’t want her out and about by herself. Hell’s too dangerous!”
Charlie and I made eye contact and I begged her to not give me up. Her grip tightened around her phone and I could see the battle going on in her head. 
“Sorry dad, I haven’t seen her. I’ll keep an eye out though.”
“If you do find her please make sure she’s unharmed. I want my dear apple to be in one piece after all.”
“You’ve got it. But, hey, I’ve got to go. Vaggie’s calling me. I’ll talk to you later.”
“Okay, thank you sweetie.”
“You’re welcome. Love you. Bye.”
She disconnected the call. I let out the breath I was holding. She did it. She actually was going to help me! 
“Okay, I know somebody who can get you back to Earth. But we’d better hurry. My dad sounds like he’s getting close.”
“Thank you so much, Charlie! I really do appreciate it!”
“Hurry now!”
She summoned a dark trenchcoat and fedora from thin air. I quickly put them on and out the front door we went. Our walk felt just as long as when I had run to the hotel, but this time demons didn’t seem to bother us. It was probably because the Princess of Hell was with me. We continued walking until we stopped at a very large mansion. Out front was a cobblestone drive and a fountain spraying water. Charlie and I walked up to the double set of dark blue doors and she knocked. They opened to reveal an imp butler, a small white mustache hiding his lips. “Hello, Princess! What can we do for you?”
“I need to speak with Stolas. It’s urgent, Pringles!”
“Follow me.”
We strutted inside and the little butler led us to a study. “I’ll let him know you’re here.”
“Thank you, Pringles.”
“Of course, Princess.”
The door shut behind him. The study was quite large with several bookcases housing thousands of novels near the walls. A desk with a tall, navy and gold chair sat behind a dark oak desk. The place seemed very fitting for a Prince. As we waited I found myself playing with my engagement ring. I willed myself to stop but my fingers kept rubbing it. Don’t get cold feet now, Y/n. You’re almost home free.
I heard the navy blue door open and I turned to see a very tall, skinny owl man. He wore a dark red jumpsuit with a wine red cape draped on his shoulders. White and black feathers made up the collar and they mingled with his own gray feathers. A smile found its way to his beak when he spotted us. “Charlie! It’s so good to see you, my dear!”
The two hugged and when he pulled away, he looked at me with his four red eyes. “Who might this be? A friend of yours?”
“Stolas, this is Y/n. My dad captured her and brought her down to Hell. We need to send her home to Earth.”
“Ah, so this is the infamous Y/n I’ve heard about. It’s a pleasure to be meeting you.”
He bowed. How many people has Lucifer told about me?
“But why would you want to go back to Earth? You’re getting married in a few months.”
“Because I don’t belong here! I was fucking kidnapped and am becoming a bride against my will! Please Mr Stolas, let me go home!”
“Have you and Lucifer made a contract together?”
“I mean have you signed anything that he has given you?”
“No, I don’t believe so.”
He bowed his head. “Then I can help. Just let me get my Grimoire.”
He held up his hand and a blue and gold book came flying towards him. The book looked heavy as it floated in the air but the owl Prince paid it no mind. He flipped through each of the pages until he landed on one. “Y/n, if I do this for you I cannot guarantee your safety. I know Lucifer. He’ll be looking for you until you’re in his grasp again.”
“That’s fine. As long as I can go back.”
“Very well.”
He chanted out a spell and before I knew it a purple portal materialized before my very eyes. “Go quickly now. I can’t hold this open for long.”
“Thank you, both of you. I appreciate it!”
I walked through and not a minute later the portal closed behind me. I looked around and smiled. I was back in my house in the hallway. I laughed triumphantly and threw off my disguise, making my way to the living room. I stopped when I heard the crunching of what sounded like…chips? I looked over to my couch and I felt my eyes widen.
“There you are! It took you long enough!”
@ladymothbeth @cosmic-spider @l0vedoe @stormz369 @strawberry-gothic @repostingmyfavs @purplechan9 @caniseethefourthsword @rl800 @froggybich @txpchhhhhhh @stayinguplate @theonlykawaiigod-blog @vash-yuu @musicb33nsstuff @zennylz @rosieposie005 @weirdgirlislonely @noxianwarmason @luksusowejachty234567 @nicky190i @flutistbyday2020 @insanepurplegrapes @rin22 @b-connie @yepperoniro @halparkebitch
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megalony · 6 months
One In A Million
This is an Evan Buckley imagine that I had an idea for, I hope you all like it. Any feedback would be lovely. I am trying to work my way through requests and trying to branch out into writing for Bobby too.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii  @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @gillybear17 @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29
Evan Buckley Masterlist
Summary: While out on a call, Evan manages the unthinkable to save a girl. And afterwards, he can't seem to get her out his head.
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"LAFD, ma'am we're coming in."
The team followed after Bobby into the apartment, letting their captain lead the way through the living room and ahead towards the balcony on the far side of the room.
They had been apprehensive when this call came through the radio. A young woman was hanging onto a sign on the side of an apartment building. She had fallen off the balcony. They all knew this was going to be a tricky one to get the woman back to safety.
"Chim, set up the winch, Eddie get a harness on. That balcony isn't safe we're not taking any chances." Bobby shook his head to himself when he stepped cautiously out onto the balcony.
Dispatch told them a woman had fallen off her balcony, not that she had fallen through it. The rail had broken. She must have been leaning on the rail when it gave way and she had fallen down. It was lucky that she had managed to fall onto an advertising sign, but it wasn't ideal. They didn't know how sturdy the sign was or if it would be able to hold her for long.
Bobby walked over to the right side of the balcony and leaned over the side without touching the rail, just to be safe. "Ma'am, LAFD here. We're going to get you off there, how are you doing down there?"
"H-help!" (Y/n) tried to tilt her head back but looking up made her feel dizzy and sent her head spinning.
Her arms were trembling from how tense they were. She had landed with a thud on the metal beam supporting the advertising board. It had been a stroke of luck that when she fell, she managed to curl her arms around the beam before she slid off.
She had her legs dangling down in the air, weighing her down as gravity had a tight hold over her lower waist. Her fingers were starting to cut into the metal and her arms felt like they were being shredded to pieces. But she had no choice. If she loosened her arms or let go for a second, she would fall. If she fell, that would be it. Nothing was going to save (Y/n) from that long drop down to the harsh pavement below.
How had this even happened? How was her balcony rail so fragile and unsafe that leaning her hips onto it to water the hanging baskets had broken it? One moment she was trying to water the plants, then she was suddenly falling face-first down towards the sign.
(Y/n) wasn't sure who called the emergency services but she owed them a debt for calling and getting the fire department down here so fast.
"We're going to get you, don't worry just try and stay calm while we get someone down to you."
"I-it's moving," Tears continued to stream down (Y/n)'s face and she pressed her chin into her arm rather than risk trying to look up above her again.
When Bobby realised what she was referring to, he bit his lip and turned to face the team. Chimney was still setting up the winch to get Eddie hooked up who was putting on his hard-hat and trying to shimmy into a harness as as fast as he could.
"Alright, Buck, Hen I want you to go down a few levels, get into any apartment you can and look at that advertising sign and let us know if it's going to hold out or not."
Evan nodded and followed after Hen, bustling out the apartment and back down the stairwell they had just run up with all their equipment. They didn't like the look of this. They had no time to try and get an airbag set up on the ground and with how high up they were, it wouldn't be safe to set it up either. But if that poor girl fell, she wouldn't survive the crash landing.
They went down five floors and found an apartment directly beneath the one they had just been in. They had to stay on the East side of the building so they could see the woman and the sign she had fallen onto.
"Good morning, we're LAFD. Can we go take a look out your window please?" Evan put the brightest smile on his face that he could muster and stood tall when the elderly woman opened the door. The surprise and panic was evident in her eyes. She hadn't called the fire department. She didn't need any emergency assistance.
But the moment she nodded, Evan rushed past her and made a beeline for her window while Hen told her what was going on.
"Eddie's getting hooked up to climb over, are you two downstairs?"
"We're five floors down… that sign doesn't look good Cap, I don't know how long it will hold out."
Evan opened the window and peered out but his upper lip curled in distaste when he looked up. The sign wasn't supposed to hold any weight. It was bolted onto the side of the building, but it was lightweight metal beams and a thin metal frame. It wasn't there to hold up someone's weight and when the woman was dangling in mid-air like that, she was weighing down even more on the frame.
Reaching his hand up, Evan nudged his hard-hat further back on his head so he could keep looking up. His lower abdomen and hips pressed bruisingly into the window frame and his hands gripped the open edge of the window to steady himself. Evan wouldn't want to join the woman and hang out the window or fall down.
He could see Eddie leaning over the edge of the balcony as he tried to hurry and get rigged up to the harness and winch. The plan was to lower Eddie down, let him get a harness around the woman and winch them both back up to her balcony. At least if they got the harness or some rope around her she would have a safety net of some kind.
"We gotta do something… it's gonna break." Evan peered back inside to look over at Hen but he could see the anguish in her eyes.
What could they do? What did Evan expect them to be able to do for her from down here?
"Get me over now!" Eddie waved his hand at Chimney as he climbed up over the rail and tried to edge over the side. He had to get down. He could see the beam was starting to break, she was going to fall. "(Y/n) I'm coming down now. Go, go- fuck!" He jumped over the side but he wasn't quick enough. She had fallen.
A horrible, gut-wrenching scream left (Y/n)'s lips when the beam snapped. There was nothing else for her to hold onto and nothing below her that could catch her fall and hold her up. She was going to fall all the way down to the pavement. She would splatter across the floor like an awful work of art. They would have to peel her off the pavement.
She didn't want to die like this.
Panic boiled up in Evan's chest like a wildfire and spread throughout his body. His arms started to shake and his fingertips went numb with anxiety and it took all his effort to keep his eyes open.
He moved before he could think better of it and stretched his arms out in front of him like he was reaching out for the sun itself. Evan felt the girl slide through his arms and she fell a lot faster than he was expecting, as if gravity had been put on triple speed. But when she went through his arms, he pulled and clenched them as tightly as he could. His fingertips scrunched into any part of her body that he could, digging through her shirt and into her chest so much he almost broke through her skin.
Evan's knees bashed into the wall beneath the window and his hips and groin slammed into the window frame causing him to groan. A broken sound left his lips as his jaw clenched and his eyes snapped shut from the pressure that was now weighing on his whole body and pulling him down.
"I- I've got you! Hold on!"
When he felt the woman's hands grasping at his biceps and digging into his shoulders, Evan tried to lean back but he felt like he was about to fall out the window along with her.
"Help!" He screamed, gasping and clawing for breath when the woman started to slide through his arms. He pinned his elbows into her sides and pulled until her chest was meshed into his and her stomach was bashed into the wall.
Someone had caught her.
(Y/n) thought all the firemen had been up in her apartment, she had heard voices up there.
Her mind had been working in overdrive, ready to commit to the thought that this was her last few moments on Earth. This was it. She was going to see everything flash before her eyes seconds before she hit the ground. But a pair of strong arms bolted around her waist a mere two seconds after she started to fall.
Her knees bashed horribly into the wall and her head slammed into the man's shoulder but she tried to move quickly. (Y/n) tried to dig her nails into his shoulders to secure herself against him, unsure how he was even managing to hold her up right now. She wasn't a child or as light as a feather and she had been falling, that would make her weigh more and make it ten times harder to catch her and keep hold of her.
(Y/n) swung her aching legs around and pressed her heels into the wall to try and stabilise herself and support some of her weight because she could tell the man holding her was starting to slide out the window.
A desperate cry left (Y/n)'s lips when she felt the man start to fall down with her. If she didn't let go, was she going to drag someone else to their death?
"Oh God." Evan choked as he buried his face in the crook of the woman's neck and shoulder. He could feel his feet leaving the floor as his body tipped forward.
(Y/n) wasn't sure whether she voiced her thoughts or if this man just happened to know what she was thinking. Because he growled "I'm not letting go." Into her neck with such certainty that (Y/n) was determined he had read her mind. But she would rather him let go and say that he tried to save her than kill himself trying.
"I got you Buck." As fast as she could, Hen bolted over to Evan and wrapped her arms around his lower chest.
She dug her nails into his button up shirt and heaved as she pulled him backwards. Hen lifted one leg up and braced her foot on the wall for added momentum to push herself back and she pulled Evan into her chest as he finally started to straighten up and pull the woman with him.
Another scream left Evan's lips, mingling in with (Y/n)'s horrified yelps and bumbling pleas. Finally, with one last heave, Evan suddenly propelled backwards and barged into Hen before he toppled to the floor on his back. He gasped and groaned as he pulled the girl with him and she seemed to fly through the window before she landed on top of him with a thud.
He'd done it. He saved her. He actually saved a woman falling through the air. He caught her.
He caught her!
"Cap, he- fucking Hell, Buck caught her! We've got her in through the window, you'd better come down." Hen gripped her radio as she pushed up onto her knees and clapped her hand on Evan's shoulder.
How on Earth had he managed to do that? The odds were one thousand to one that he could actually catch her and not let her slide through his hands or fall with her. He had a split second to hold onto her before she disappeared and he'd managed to do it. Hen hoped someone had been recording this.
Evan opened his eyes and tried to catch his breath back as he looked down at the woman laid on top of him. She had moved her arms to bind them around his chest. Her head was tucked up into his neck and she was breathing very shallow and fast like she couldn't take in a proper breath.
He looped his right arm around her waist and pressed his left hand against his temple as he tried to gasp for air.
He found his hand going up and down her back as they both heaved and grumbled, trying to understand what had just happened and what they had managed to do. No one was going to believe this. No one would believe what Evan had done here today.
After a few seconds, Evan felt his breaths starting to slow down so he pressed his palm to the floor to try and sit them both up. His eyes rolled and he went dizzy for a few seconds while Hen rubbed his back and told him to breathe deeply.
"Are… are you okay?" He croaked hoarsely as he began to glide his hand up and down her back again.
"You… how did you… thanks." Words spluttered past (Y/n)'s lips and when she looked up at him, she could barely get her eyes to focus on him. Tears distorted her vision but she could scarcely make out a tender smile that made her stomach turn to mush.
She had no idea how he managed to do that, but she was going to be forever in debt to him.
Evan wasn't sure how he had done that either, but he couldn't stop a beaming smile from lighting up his face. He felt the girl shaking all over and it was causing him to shudder back and forth against her. He began to worry that she was about to pass out from how little air she was breathing in. All she seemed to be doing was panting and wheezing.
When Hen leaned over, about to try and ease the girl from his arms, Evan shook his head. She was frightened- no, she was traumatised. If she wanted to cling to him and reassure herself that she was alive and safe, Evan didn't have a problem with that.
"You're okay, I've got you." He began rubbing his hand up and down her back while he closed his eyes and concentrated on counting each breath he took.
He was sure he heard the elderly woman whisper 'Bless you' when she patted his shoulder and it made him grin. Evan had had a lot of scrapes and brushes with death. But if this miracle didn't secure his place in Heaven, he didn't know what would.
"Let's get you both up and checked over."
Hen held her hands out towards the girl tucked up in Evan's chest and hovered behind her when Evan tried to help her up. He held her hips and shuffled up to his feet, pulling her along with him just as the rest of the team filtered into the apartment.
As soon as she was on her feet, (Y/n) felt all the blood drain down from her head to her toes.
Her hands fumbled to try and hold the man's shoulders but she couldn't get a good grip anymore, everything was turning to jelly. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and her knees caved in, unable to hold her up. She didn't have the right balance back with gravity yet.
"Wow- okay, okay I've got you." Evan wasn't sure how he managed to hold her up when he felt like he wanted to do the same thing. But he bound his arms tight around her waist and stretched his arm along her spine so his hand could cup the back of her neck and hold her head up. He didn't want her getting a neck injury or hurting herself even more than she already had.
He slowly went back down to the floor, kneeling on the carpet with the girl slumped on his chest and her face smushed into his shoulder.
He was grateful when Hen reached out and helped to turn her around and carefully stretch her legs out. They propped her back up against Evan's chest and he let her head loll against his neck as he weaved his arms beneath hers.
One hand curled into a fist and Evan started to rub his fist up and down her sternum to try and bring her back round while Hen waved the team over as they barged inside.
When Chimney dropped a medic bag beside her, Hen looked around and found a blood pressure cuff and slipped it up (Y/n)'s arm. She watched Eddie slump down into the chair at the table behind Evan and Bobby knelt down beside Evan with a hand on his shoulder and a broad smile. What Evan had just done was reckless, but it had also been brave and he pulled it off.
Bobby dreaded to think how Evan would have been if he risked that again and didn't manage to catch her. If this situation turned out the way they all thought it would, Evan would have been inconsolable if he didn't manage to save the girl and let her slip through his arms.
"W-what's her name?" Evan looked between the team with wide eyes. He had saved this girl, he had caught her mid-air and pulled her through a window and he didn't even know her name.
"(Y/n), are you back with us honey?" Hen gave her hand a light squeeze while Evan carefully cupped her chin and tilted her head out from his neck so he could look down at her.
A quiet murmur left (Y/n)'s lips and when she tried to open her eyes, they danced around the room, unable to focus on anything in particular.
"BP is through the roof, administering blood thinners just to be safe." Hen found some blood thinners in her bag and injected them into (Y/n)'s elbow before she could sense the pain or realise what was going on. The last thing they needed was (Y/n) having a blood clot or risking a stroke.
Bobby waved at Chimney and asked him to go fetch the stretcher before he moved to talk to the apartment owner. He was going to have to do a report about this and talk to the building manager. If that balcony was unsafe, there could be numerous other people in danger of a fall just like (Y/n).
"Okay, honey I'm just gonna take a look at you."
(Y/n) tried to nod but she couldn't manage it. All she managed to do was flop her hand around until she found the man's wrist. She gripped him almost as tightly as he had held her through the window and a smile fluttered across her lips when he patted her hip.
He wasn't quite sure where to put his hands on her in case he hurt her or was inappropriate, but she seemed perfectly fine with his hand on her hip and his other hand near her thigh as she gripped his wrist tightly.
Reaching out, Hen gently lifted (Y/n)'s top up and began examining her chest but when she winced, Evan guessed it wasn't good. "You've broken a few ribs, you'll need an X-ray."
Her harsh landing on the metal beams had definitely broken a few ribs on her left side and maybe some on the right. But she was lucky not to have done any further extensive damage or puncture a lung on impact.
Evan's nose crinkled when he leaned his chin over (Y/n)'s shoulder and looked down at her arms which hen started to examine. She had quite a few deep scratches along her forearms and down near her wrists too. Clearly clinging to that beam had done as much harm as it had done good. She would be littered with bruises in a few days and she would need to be careful that she didn't get those cuts infected.
"No other broken bones. Let's get you on a drip, then we can head down to the hospital."
"H-have I thanked you yet?" (Y/n) flopped her head to the side so she could look up at her knight in shining armour. She smiled up at him and blinked a few times to clear her fuzzy vision and try to get a better look at him.
"You're welcome." He whispered with a sheepish smile pulling at his lips.
He looked up to the left when he felt a hand clamp down on his shoulder and he looked up to see Eddie staring down at him with raised brows. "You, are one lucky bastard."
When a wisp of familiar hair caught his eye, Evan turned to the left instead of the right. His lips quirked and his right hand continued to glide up and down his left arm that continued to ache and throb beneath the bandage. Suddenly Evan didn't care about heading back to the emergency room and being signed off by the doctor.
He turned left, ignoring the signs pointing straight ahead to get back to the emergency room he had been sat in an hour ago. And he made his way down towards the X-ray unit after the girl that had caught his attention.
A shiver bolted down (Y/n)'s spine and she paused in the corridor and spun on her heels so fast her shoes squeaked against the polished floor.
"Oh!" Her lips curved up into a bright smile and something flashed in her eyes and made Evan's stomach jump with adrenaline.
He thought it was her. He thought it was the girl who hadn't been able to leave his mind for the last two weeks. The last time Evan saw her, they had brought her down to the X-ray unit after her fall, but that was where the team had to leave her. They couldn't stay with her; more specifically, Evan couldn't stay with her.
He had to get examined himself and then finish the last five hours of his shift running on an adrenaline high that lasted well into the night. Evan didn't get to see her again after leaving her at the hospital and part of him felt bad.
The other part of him felt cheated. Evan felt cheated that he had managed to save this girl and he didn't get to talk to her or know anything about her. All he knew was that she got to live another day.
"It's you! Are you okay?" (Y/n) felt the sudden urge to reach out and wrap her arms around him, but she held back when she realised his left arm was bandaged up.
He was here. Her saviour, her knight in shining armour was here in the hospital. (Y/n) had such a dreaded feeling that she was never going to see him again after the fire department dropped her off here. She thought that was it, she might catch a glimpse of him on tv, but not in person.
"Yeah, yeah, just a minor burn. How are you… I've been wondering about you." Evan lowered his arm down to his side and moved to lean his shoulders back against the wall so they weren't blocking the corridor.
He smiled brighter when (Y/n) moved to stand in front of him. She was so close that he could almost feel each breath she took and the way she smiled up at him made his knees go weak.
"Honestly, I'm not sure how I am. Did… did you know someone recorded you catching me? The odds of being able to do that are like, one in a million. I cheated death because of you."
Tears trickled down (Y/n)'s face and her lips parted in shock when Evan reached out and brushed them away before he could stop himself.
All she could think about was how he had managed to save her. If that had been anyone else trying to catch her or anyone else falling, it wouldn't have worked. She didn't know how he managed to do that. Watching the video back was even worse because it looked fake, it looked too good to be true.
A camera crew and about four different people on the ground below had recorded it and each version was the same, proving it was true but it still didn't feel real to (Y/n). She almost died. Fate had intervened at just the right time and decided she deserved another chance, and she didn't know why.
"I almost dropped you." Evan murmured quietly while his eyes trained on his feet. He could still feel her slipping through his arms. He could feel gravity clawing at her and trying to drag her away from him.
"I'm so grateful you didn't."
Evan's eyes darted up from his feet to look at her when he felt her hand reach up and cup the side of his face. Her touch made his heart have palpitations and his stomach fluttered with adrenaline that made him go lightheaded.
"Do I get to know your name? Or do I have to start calling you my hero?" She felt him lean into her touch which made her arm tremble but when he smiled at her like that, (Y/n) just wanted to faint.
She didn't even know his name. She didn't know anything about her very own personal saviour. Her firefighter. The man she had to keep calling her hero because she didn't know his name. Despite all the videos up online and the one that the media kept replaying, they didn't name him. They just said one of LA's finest firemen from the 118 station.
And (Y/n) didn't have the nerve to go down to the station to thank him. She didn't know if he would of appreciated it or if she would of been an inconvenience, getting in the way when he was trying to work.
Fate seemed to be on their side, bringing them together again today.
"Everyone calls me Buck, but you can call me Evan."
"Well Evan, thank you, truly. I owe you a debt I don't think I could ever repay." (Y/n) owed him her life, there was nothing she could do that would repay her debt to him or thank him enough for what he had done for her. Even if it had been chance or fate that allowed him to save her, he still tried. At that exact moment, at just the right time, he managed to save her.
She went to drop her hand but stopped when Evan reached out to cup her wrist before she could pull away. He leaned further into her touch and smiled as his thumb stroked across the back of her hand.
"I think you could repay me by going out on a date with me. Fate let me save you for a reason, didn't it?"
A shiver rolled down (Y/n)'s spine and made her knees quake but she was unable to bite back her smile that spread across her lips. Fate had brought them together in a strange, unfamiliar way, and what better way to test out why fate had done that than to go out together.
(Y/n) knew she wanted to get to know the man that saved her, whether that was by going out on a date or just trying to be friends. But a date with someone so kind, modest and sincere felt like the best thing in the world and it was the perfect way to repay him for catching her.
"I suppose I could take my hero out on a date."
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wingedcat13 · 1 month
Tell No Lies
[Part One of the third Synovus installment.]
Living on a tropical island didn’t mean the weather was always sunny.
Your island wasn’t in quite the right spot to really get the worst of the monsoon season - too far on the eastern side of the Pacific - but you did still get plenty of rainstorms. When that happened, your group of minions battened down the hatches, triple checked the generators, and usually played cards or other bored games. Sorry, board games.
Sometimes you played, sometimes you didn’t. You weren’t playing this time, because you were catching up on some reading. Sans costume, slumped sideways in a chair, one hand on the cup of hot chocolate you had requested and immediately forgotten about.
Then your phone had dinged.
That was weird, because during storms you didn’t usually have service - technology hadn’t yet beaten Mother Nature entirely. But there were the underwater cables that had been set up to provide internet access, and emergency calls.
And that was more than enough for an entity like Optix to get through when it wanted to. Even when your phone was set to silent.
With a small sigh, you had set the book aside and reached for the screen. An email from Optix: the subject line, in all caps, “INVITATION.”
You opened it, scrolling past the gold-adorned letterhead to the digital party invitation. You read it. You deleted it. You reluctantly pulled it from the trash folder to read it again. You forced yourself to read it a third time.
‘Thank you for informing me.’ You replied to Optix, before sliding the phone away. The book came to rest comfortably against your chest, pages down, probably doing all kinds of damage to the spine. You stared up at the ceiling, ignoring the present to alternate between stewing over the possibilities of the future and miring yourself in the past.
Eventually, your field of vision had been interrupted by a slow-moving face, drifting in from your peripheral. One eyebrow raised, only inches from your own face, it continued moving slowly and smoothly past where most people would have reached a limit.
“Dude.” Alexandria said, “You haven’t even blinked in like. Two minutes.”
Your erstwhile ‘apprentice’ was using her abilities to float over you. Wearing her suit, which had been modified recently to include panels of bright color against the near-black gray you’d initially designed, she looked sleek and surreal. And older than seventeen, though maybe you just couldn’t judge ages past ‘young’ anymore.
“Hello, Menace.” You’d greeted her placidly. “How goes the Great Pacific Vandalism Project?”
Alexandria beamed, and floated away an inch or so to a more comfortable speaking range. She’d finally gotten a better handle on equilibrium in flight, so her gestures as she talked no longer caused her to wobble in whatever direction she indicated. “It went great! We finally managed to get that CEO.” Her grin widened, “Right in the middle of a press conference.”
“It was satisfying.” A different voice had agreed, as another costumed figure moved into your general field of view. This one didn’t lean over you, but rather settled into the chair opposite, and helped themself to your hot chocolate. Cold chocolate, by now.
A bit of concentration had changed that, as the thief raised the mug to consider it. Their dark blue form-fitting suit had changed in recent times as well, now featuring more delicate details around the neck and wrists. Not quite scales, not quite flourishes, not quite vines, picked out in a slightly darker shade. The short cape at the hips now had flared ends, rather than a pointed tip. It had an elegance that Menace’s suit lacked.
Or perhaps that was the wearer?
“Naiad.” You’d been certain that your tone hadn’t changed. “Welcome back.”
Minerva had lifted the stolen mug in salute, and allowed you a trace of a smile. Crime agreed with her - even if she only rarely agreed with it. Once the straight-laced, impeccable hero Athena, she was now known much more widely as the Naiad: a bioterrorist with a strong cult following among ecology groups.
Over the past year, she had very publicly and very precisely targeted companies who were responsible for much of the pollution going into the Pacific Ocean. Working alone at first, then allowing Menace to join her, she had made trips to the great garbage patches that floated in the ocean’s wide expanse, and returned their contents very directly to sender.
Cars, homes, persons, factories and distribution centers (while they were closed and no one was present; employees were innocent until proven guilty) were all fair game. The only way to be sure of immunity from the Naiad’s attacks was to publicly document cleanup efforts, make donations to the groups who did the same, and implement vast reductions in pollution.
It was good mother/daughter bonding time for the two of them. You knew your presence would only overshadow their efforts, so you simply offered aid and tips during the planning phases. And there was the standing unspoken fact that you would appear to bail them out, if it ever became necessary. So far, it had not been necessary.
Minerva had even admitted, grudgingly, that this new angle on life was, at times, fun.
And that, really, plus the trace of a smile, is what had given you a terrible idea.
What was even more terrible was that Minerva had agreed.
She stood now at your shoulder, just a step behind, while your invitation was inspected by a man who had gotten very tense at your approach. His costume was patterned in pale yellows and purples, a strip of rainbow draped over his collarbones. You couldn’t make out much expression behind the mask, but you didn’t really need to when you could hear the material creaking as he prepared to square up.
“I am… confused.” He allowed, considering the printed invitation. “You - do know this is a hero’s wedding, right?”
“I’m aware.” You answer flatly, the helmet giving you a wonderfully crisp punctuation. You’ve made only the slightest concessions to the event’s formality in the form of a nicer, gilt-edged cape with decorative clasps, and white rose corsages at your wrists to indicate your intention of peace. “I don’t begrudge you the confusion, Sun Dog. I will be grudging if you attempt to deny me entry.”
Sun Dog hesitated a moment more. You really didn’t want to hurt the man, no one you knew of did - which was probably why he was the bouncer at this particular event. It was hard to hate the person whose sole job was disaster response and relief.
Just when you were resigning yourself to this going poorly at the gate, Naiad leaned forward over your shoulder. Her costume had been adapted to include a floor-length skirt in a blue ombre, slit to the thigh on the sides and revealing the usual suit’s leggings beneath, and her arms were bare to the shoulder except for jewelry in the places of her normal accents. She’d pinned her hair up with sea-shell and coral pins, with deep purple pearls for earrings. You stopped breathing, attempting to be as still as possible to prevent any of those decorations catching on part of your ensemble.
“Parhelion. We’ll cause no trouble.”
The name clearly meant something to him. Sun Dog’s body language changed, shifting rapidly through a few shades of things you didn’t know him well enough to identify. None of them were hostile, though, so you gave the man his moment to process.
“I… had my suspicions, but…” Sun Dog shook his head, “Sorry. Not the time or the place. Glad you’re alright - Naiad, is it?” At her confirming nod, he continued, “Anyway, the invitation is legitimate, I’m just surprised you actually came. Uh. Guest book is ahead, gift table to the left. Good luck?”
You nodded regally and moved further into the venue, gaudily bedecked in white and taupe and glittering silver and gold. At the guest book, you confined your signature at first to the simple stylized S that was popular among bored schoolchildren. Naiad signed more gracefully, and pressed the pen back into your hand. You contemplated stealing it to make a point, but added the remaining letters to your name in a normal script instead.
Naiad was also the one to place your gift - a small black box with a silver ribbon - among the bright and shiny assortment of well-wishes, though that was more a matter of practicality. If you’d put it there, everyone would’ve assumed it was a bomb.
And the entire time, you were surrounded by people in costume. Some had made little to no alteration to their standard getups. Others had clearly commissioned outfits specifically for this event. Those who were part of the wedding party were all in what felt to you like mockery of their usual garb; the same shapes and silhouettes, but in shades of champagne and adorned with glitter, their masks or helms altered to match each other.
You didn’t stand out as much as you might’ve. There were heroes who dressed in dark colors and full-coverage helmets. It was the cape that really made your silhouette distinctive, which was why you’d shortened it from its usual wide floor-length to a slimmer, knee-length drape. And besides, who would invite Synovus to a wedding? Particularly this wedding?
Abruptly, you wished that changing your outfit hadn’t felt like so much of a concession, a surrender. You wished that you could’ve hemmed and hawed between narrow or wide skirts, short or long sleeves, backless or high necked. Layers of chiffon, of deep blue with tiny flickering gems in blues and greens and purples, a clear blue sash at the waist, or perhaps a shawl around the shoulders -
But that kind of wishful thinking is what got you here in the first place. The moment passes. Your suit is familiar, fitting, and practical. The rosettes at your wrists feel like chains.
You hear the first whispers from one of the bright costumes around you. Is that Synovus?
You turn to Naiad, “We should find our seats.”
You were, rather mercifully, seated to the back and one side, in a portion of the room not quite as well lit. The set up was rather traditional, with everyone split down rows, and the aisle in the center. You were on the bride’s side, and couldn’t honestly have said what the name of the groom was.
A few of the heroes had taken to eyeing you. Before they could investigate or act on their suspicions blindly (you knew which one you thought was more likely), the music started.
And the lights went out.
Your hand found Naiad’s in the darkness, and you lifted it to your helmet so she could feel you shake your head. Not me. Your power was quiet, the shadows entirely natural. You remained still, watching the attendees shift and begin to whisper. Most of them must have been warned ahead of time - prudent, considering how many of these people you’d fought. How many of them had you given a fear of the dark?
When a light appeared, it was not natural, nor electric. Nor was it yours. A pale silver glow began at the foot of the aisle, illuminating from beneath one high heel. Then another. On the next step, the first light began to float, turning from a spot on the floor into a small orb of light. Others joined it, like so many small sparkling stars.
In this way the bride, the hero Dazzler, made her way down the aisle.
You had to admit, it was a stunning display. On occasion, one of the lights would twirl around her, granting tantalizing glimpses of her dress and playing off the crystals in her hair. The pale silver glow was soft and alluring, and in the darkness of the room, it made her seem as though she were a deity of creation; the steps she took forming reality in her wake.
At the altar, she paused, to hand off her bouquet. Then she turned to face the crowd, raised her hands, and called all of the globes of light to encircle her and the man in a suit who was presumably her groom. They formed the shape of a heart, then faded as the room’s lights came back on.
Everyone oohed and awed appropriately. Naiad shifted, and you realized you still held her hand. Without conscious thought, your grip had tightened. Abruptly, you let go.
The two of you sat in silence as the ceremony began.
Once everyone had moved to the tables, you actually thought you might get through this without being officially recognized by anyone other than Sun Dog. That was both a relief, and mildly insulting.
Naiad had given you questioning glances since you had left the ceremony, but you’d yet to provide an answer. You’d warned her before you arrived that you would speak as little as possible once inside the venue - your voice would certainly give you away. Naiad had said that was the consequence of being a monologuer. You’d protested, vociferously, because it was true.
But as the guests were mingling, the open bar being besieged, the instant your shoulders started to relax, there was a high pitched shriek from somewhere behind you. Not a shriek of terror or anger or surprise. One of joy.
Of course.
The syllables of your name filled the air, broken into three and a half parts. There was a frantic rustle of cloth and the rapid clicking of heels. Then arms wrapped around your middle, and a heavily perfumed, glittery weight slammed into you.
You, very judiciously, did not move.
“I’m so glad you came!” Dazzler gushed, moving around in front of you. She let her arm trail as she did, so that she never lost contact with you. You felt like you were being circled by a shark. Up close, the makeup and glitzy hair-pieces felt like an attack. “You never RSVP'd! I’d almost given up hope!”
You still had not moved, even to turn your head. Dazzler pouted at you, and you tried to ignore that you knew she was just looking at herself in your helmet’s reflection. Around you, half the guests had abandoned their chairs or their place in line at the bar, half-starting, ready to leap into action. Every single pair of eyes in the place was fixed on the two of you.
And you knew that this was exactly why Dazzler had invited you. You’d known when you received the invitation. You knew when you decided to attend. Because this kind of bullshit was exactly why you’d harassed her into moving to a different continent.
“Many felicitations, Diane.” You reply, as though she isn’t doing her damnedest to make a scene. As though she’d cornered you in a hallway, instead of the middle of the banquet hall. “I get invited to so few parties - I can’t imagine why.”
Laughing, Dazzler moves to swat you on the arm, and transitions from that to looping her arm through yours. “Oh, Syn. People just don’t know you, that’s all! Come on, say hello to everyone with me, it’ll-”
You have no intention of being dragged off by Dazzler to become arm candy. But before you can find a way to elegantly maneuver out of the situation, Naiad is stepping between you.
“Perhaps things have changed since my wedding.” Without a filter, Naiad’s voice is not far off from Athena’s. She’s taking a terrible risk to do this, that someone will identify her by her past persona and its questionable end. But Athena never took quite that tone of condescension. “But greeting the guests is typically something one does with their groom.”
“Oh.” Dazzler steps away, a tiny frown creasing her brow. She’s not used to having competition. Not used to being thwarted by anyone who isn’t you. Still, she recovers quickly, laughing again and holding the back of one hand to her forehead. “Of course! With all the preparations and everything, I forgot there’s so many steps! You must remember, right? All the decisions you have to make, and then there’s so many people here -”
Again, Naiad cuts her off, “Then we wouldn’t want to monopolize so much of the bride’s time. Happiness - and many years of it - to you both.”
She raises an arm to your back, and automatically, you reciprocate. It makes you a unified front, automatically reinforcing her words. You know everyone here will remember this. Naiad is now permanently associated with Synovus.
“Be well, Dazzler.” You add, so no one will think this is some kind of catfight you allowed to happen. You’re not sure that thought was coherent, actually, but saying something seemed important at the time.
Together, you and Naiad turn away, moving to your assigned seats in a corner. The rest of the room is silent, except for the music no one thought to pause. Dazzler’s bridesmaids - most of them heroes themselves - swarm her, whispering furiously.
Dazzler raises her voice to be heard by everyone when she responds, “Oh, we used to date.”
“I dislike that I can’t even call that woman a menace without besmirching my daughter’s name.” Naiad said, some time later.
The two of you had sat in silence while the room slowly restored itself to a cautious order. No one had forgotten you were there, but some seemed to accept that you were here peacefully. Given that you were not going to remove your helmet, and therefore could not actually consume anything, both you and Naiad had eaten before you came. This also spared the nervous waitstaff the task of servicing your - otherwise empty - table.
You let out a long, slow exhale, below what your helmet will verbalize. “Calling her anything will please her, in the end. Any attention is good attention, and if it lets her play the virtuous victim, all the better.”
Naiad glances back at you, gauging something. “She fooled you?”
You wince, attempt to communicate something solely by facial expression, and fail utterly because you’re wearing a helmet. How to describe what you’d seen in Dazzler once?
“I…. Wanted very badly to be someone worth effort. She caught me by surprise. It wasn’t until much later I realized she actually believed….” You break off, grimacing.
Naiad’s head tilts in a way that suggests she’s raising her brows at you. “Believed you loved her?”
“No - no, I knew she thought that. I wasn’t - I was young.”
These had been the days before Rosie, before Doll. Before there had been anyone but you, still running from and hunting any of Sunhallow’s surviving lieutenants. Nineteen and alone and then suddenly there was someone telling you otherwise, someone with a power of light so like and so different from your father’s.
“She felt.” You say finally, “That we were… destined. Her light, to my darkness. That I was… tameable.”
It had taken some years of retrospection to put the pieces together, but you had. Dazzler had wanted a tame villain; proof she was worth loving enough that it erased your identity in the process. Justification for everything she was, because she was the ‘good’ half. The ‘pure’ one.
“Oh for fuck’s sake.” Naiad mutters. She raises one hand, as though to pinch the bridge of her nose, but settles for bracing against the mask’s thick material.
“That too. But as I said - we were young.” Your voice was dry, and a little bit weary. Dazzler exhausted you, even now.
“Does she-?” Naiad cuts herself off, looking to re-affirm that Dazzler (and her groom) are on the other side of the room. Still, she lowers her voice, “Does she… know, then?”
Your laugh is bitter, but it is a laugh, “No. No, I got away before she learned all my secrets.”
You tap the table, curving your hand to make a small alcove where only you and Naiad can see your palm, and summon a small flicker of light. Then you let your hand fall flat again, extinguishing it.
“I am complete without her, by whatever metric you care to use.”
Naiad nods, accepting that explanation. There had been glasses of water on the table when you arrived, and she’d pulled one closer to claim it. You can tell she’s thinking by the way she traces its rim. You can tell she’s upset in some way by the way the water in the glass rises to follow her movement.
“How’d you explain the tattoo?” She asks mildly.
“She never saw it. I think she believes I have scars I don’t want anyone to see.”
A tattoo was a kind of scar, in a way, so it hadn’t been a lie. And it had fit with the image of you Dazzler so wanted, for you to have been broken and abused. Ashamed.
Naiad narrows her eyes, “If you were lovers, then-“
“Don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to, my dear.”
She leans back in her seat, taking the glass with her. She sips at the water and surveys the crowd. You pretend not to be surveying her. Dazzler was not a secret, per se, but the details of how you’d felt about it are not something you’ve ever shared.
You need to stop giving Minerva your secrets. Particularly when she doesn’t realize how many of them she holds.
The music is upbeat and space-filling. Loud enough that conversations are confined to their groups, but not loud enough you have to shout to be heard. You’re pretty sure this song is on one of Menace’s playlists - something by Chappell Roan.
“Synovus, why are we here?” Naiad asks finally. You willingly give up any attempt to identify the song to consider the question.
“Because I’ve never been to a wedding. Well, no, that’s not quite true. I’ve never been a guest at a wedding.”
Naiad’s gaze drifts to the middle distance, and she downs the remaining water like she wishes it was something stronger. You silently slide another glass over towards her - they set the tables for six apiece.
“Whose wedding were you in?” She asks, making conversation.
“Mine. Technically.” It’s a long story.
Minerva - no, Naiad, you need to think of her that way in the field - had been toying with the stem of the second glass. Now she stopped, becoming very still. At first, your attention pivots to your surroundings, searching for the threat.
Then Naiad says, flatly, “Explain.”
“It wasn’t - like this.” You wave a hand. “I - this was after Dazzler. There wasn’t - I’m not still married.”
“It lasted a week, as we’d agreed at the start, the identities were fake, and we swore to never speak of it to each other again.”
It had been a last grasp at normalcy. You didn’t have a social security number, you hadn’t had a community in which to undergo rites of passage that weren’t geared towards Sunhallow. You’d never been to a public school or a prom or a fucking football game. But getting Vegas married and having a honeymoon, then immediately divorcing?
Well that you could do.
“Who did you even do this with?” Naiad asks, flabbergasted and possibly appalled.
“Ah.” You wish you could sip water, to buy yourself time. “Tallflawes.”
Naiad’s outraged, “What?” Is drowned out, however, by the sound of shattering glass, as a blurred figure drops through the roof.
It’s a bad idea to crash a wedding. Lots of people, most of them easily rallied to at least half the attendees’ defense. It’s worse when more than half the guests have superpowers.
The good news was that no one had to worry about the falling glass - there were four or five different barriers flung up immediately.
The bad news was that it was absolute fucking chaos for five minutes. You hope no one attending had epilepsy.
You, of course, had no intention of intervening. This wasn’t your doing, you were going to be blamed for it regardless, so you might as well enjoy the show. But then you’d recognized the invader as Prodigy. And he was alone.
And the only thing he was yelling, over and over, was your name.
So you stood, removing the white rosettes at your wrists as casually as someone adjusting cuff links. You called to the shadows you’d been keeping at bay. You dialed up the volume of your helmet’s speaker.
And as everyone in the room except Naiad - including Prodigy - found themselves wrapped in solid darkness, you bellowed into the room,
You also had a small loop of shadow kill the music, because you never did a thing by halves.
As the room suddenly quieted, Prodigy came to drift in the middle of the space. The hum of his hoverboard was the loudest thing in the room at the moment. He wasn’t even struggling against your bonds.
And when he neither complained nor cracked a smile, only looking at you with wide wild eyes and tendrils standing on end, you felt your stomach drop. You knew even before he said, “They’re coming, Synovus! My homeworld - they sent a ship!”
[I did say this was the one where they went to space. Buckle up, everybody, it’s time to dance!
Which Chappell Roan song is playing? Whichever one you personally believe is funniest and/or most tragic. Tag it!
Links to Ao3.]
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hyggetrait · 2 years
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🚑 Welcome to the White Willow Memorial Hospital 🏥
Functioning Hours:
Open 24 hours a day, 7 days week. 
White Willow Memorial is an integrated healthcare system providing quality care to local and global communities of the Sims world. Located in the central point of Magnolia Promenade, White Willow Memorial is acclaimed for its excellent care teams and specialist. With around the clock emergency room, two state of the art surgery room, a pediatric office, and a birthing suite for any expecting patient, White Willow Memorial staff is prepared to take the best care of you and your loved ones.
Gallery Id: NicoleSimblr (check the ‘include custom content’ or it won’t show up). Click here for the lite cc version.
Finally able to share the long-awaited hospital build. I hope you all love it and it lives up to your expectations! 
Floor plan and additional information, including CC list and how to set up birth suite below. 
Floor Plan
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Important Information
Enable bb.moveobjects when placing down
I tried to playtest as much as I could for birthing experience but did not have time to try out with the doctor career, so I apologize in advance for any hiccups.
I used gshade preset spring bubbles by jayica, so colors might look different for you
Please tag me if you use this build, it makes me so happy to see my lots be part of your sims stories! 
This built was primarily made to be used with pandasama’s birthing mod. I recommend potentially removing the door (or locking access) to the pediatric room and the doctors office in the second floor to ensure your sim sticks to the birthing suite. 
Speaking of the birthing suite, if I want my sim to have a regular birth using the pandasama birth mod, then I start off with the default hospital bed already in the room and when the time comes to deliver I go into build mode (bb.enablefreebuild) and switch the hospital bed for the surgery machine. If you want to go c-section route then use the birthing suite up until its time and then go into the surgery room (I recommend the one at the very end of the hallway which has the baby decor)
CC Information 
Note the “*” denotes the costom content that is not required for functional gameplay but just simply decor to add more realism. Essentially, House of Harlix, Pierisims, and Tud’s CC are must.
Tuds - 2nd Wave Set (Couches all over the hospital)
Pierisims - The Office, MCM (for offices)
Harrie - Octave, Brownstone, spoons (windows, bookshelves, clutter)
Harlix - Livin Rum' (table), Tiny Twavellers (wallpaper)
PandaSama  - Birth Mod (for sonogram machine)
CharlyPancakes - The Lighthouse Collection (books in offices)
Awingedllama* - All sets (used plants for clutter)
Brazen Lotus - Party Poppers (balloons in maternity suite)
Aeonpixels *- Medicare Ads (not necessary but recommend for posters around hospital & meternity suite)
RVSN* - Skewl is Kewl (school board, not really needed just a detail)
Syboulette -Hippocrate Set (simlish service navigation sign in hallway and ambulance (note this is very high poly, you could just get a makeshift one from the gallery like I did for the cc lite version!)
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ratherbefangirling · 3 months
Bts reaction: travelling together
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He sees you as a long term partner so he considers paying for the trip an investment
Would love it if you keep him company while he packs. Plays music in the background. Asks your opinion about your clothes.
Packs an extra hoodie which he has noticed you love even though it's old and worn out.
When you're actually travelling you'll be keeping the important things safe eg his passport and boarding pass and the currency etc
He'll gladly let you be in charge.
That doesn't mean he won't help out whenever he can. He's always ready to talk to the information desk or anyone you need him to.
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Most likely to surprise you to a weekend getaway.
It's probably a stay cation at a cabin in the woods. In the soop vibes.
camping, fishing, barbecue, driving
He's got it covered.
You're probably going to eat well. And just reconnect with nature.
There is nothing hectic about the trip. Its very soothing. Just spending time with your favourite person.
Infact he's most likely to agree to involve your mutual friends or even non-mutual friends. It's about having a good time.
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The hotel is going to be nice. Swimming pool and breakfast buffet included.
You're going to end up going to a very obscure destination. You may or may not have heard of the existence of such a place but he's totally prepared so you can rely on him.
From medicine and guide books to emergency money. He's totally prepared..
Yoongi loves trying local food and local art/souvenir stores.
You're getting couples items. Will be sad if you loose them. Will treasure them forever
Wants to see the electrical appliances shop just to check out more music making appliances.
Totally do whatever you want to do. If you want to visit a lot of places he'll accompany you but if you just wanna chill he's equally happy.
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Mans a planner. So dont be too surprised if he plans everything like before and after.
You are going shopping before the trip. Matching couples pajamas and sheet masks and keychains and shoes (or maybe no shoes considering the Korean superstition that if you give shoes to your lover they leave)
He's packed and ready days before the trip.
Will judge you if your luggage looks dirty.
Probably prefers guided tours. You're going on every extra activity too.
Unless it's something scary. He's not going on a roller coaster. He'll take your picture though.
There's going to be a lot of pictures and videos. And you're going to wear couple outfits all the time.
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A lot of plans but just wants to lie down and hang out by the pool or a scenic place unless you have a set itinerary
But if you want to laze around will convince you to go out because you haven't spent all this money just to stay in a hotel room.
Will randomly pull you in alleys to steal kisses.
Loves walking around and shopping for souvenirs for everyone
Enjoys having you all to himself.
Will pout if you don't pay him attention.
Loves exploring the night life.
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There for the vibes
Room service king
Expect odd hours, driving around a sports car, a whole lot of music and singing and dancing randomly.
Will serenade you impromptu
Very calm. Nothing can phase him..
Loves taking pictures of the scenery.
Enjoys the vacation thoroughly. He's swimming, snorkeling, making funny videos.
The only thing is he's not eating anything spicy. Likely half his luggage is ramen
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Most likely to make a Travel blog
Will try to convince you to go to every thrill seeking activity. Meticulously plan a fun trip that can be enjoyed by both of you.
There will be Random gaps in that itinerary to lounge around
Despite everything he's a last minute packer his list of essentials is a bit unhinged. More like to forget a change of clothes than his speaker.
Laundry fairy 🧚‍♂️ ✨️ 💖
Very content to lounge around and just skip the itinerary.
Loves trying different foods and plans to make some at home.
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faeriekit · 20 days
Brought to you by your local children's librarian! 😊
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The library today is, obviously, closed. Thank goodness. However, we were open earlier this weekend, and I was grateful to have been given a chance to make a labor day display in the children's department!
And Y'ALL. Pickings were SLIM. Believe it or not, but society at large does NOT like teaching children about worker's rights, unionizing, and negotiations! 😭 Never fear, however, because I, under an extreme time crunch (3pm on a friday right before labor day) came up with a short list on kids' books that might help get thoughts flowing on what Labor Day means to us as a country. Good ol' 'Merica or whatever we're saying these days.
Behold: a kid's labor day reading list! ⬇
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The candy conspiracy : a tale of sweet victory is classic "boss gets a dollar, I get a dime" story about the power of labor and bargaining. With candy! 🍫🍭🍬 Quick, sweet, and good enough to eat.
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Click Clack Moo: Cows that Type is a great story about negotiating for better working conditions. That's right, the barnyard goes on strike for electric blankets and a diving board in the duck pond! A silly, quick read, told largely by the typewritten letters from the cows themselves. Click Clack, Moo!
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Hey, remember when children used to have to work countless hours for pennies a day if that just to possibly die or be permanently disfigured on the job? The traveling camera : Lewis Hine and the fight to end child labor is the story of one man's quest to document child labor all across the country in hopes of finally ending it for good— through the work of the National Child Labor Committee. Remember to thank labor laws for the good they've done in your life!
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Every student in the country ought to learn about exactly how many people died unnecessary deaths in the industries before workplace safety laws were implemented nationwide. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire : core events of an industrial disaster is a nonfiction title about the how and whys of this horrific event. The most famous of its kind, we should not forget the people lost due to casual workplace cruelty and the demands of overwork.
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Teach children to respect blue collar and working class heroes in Real Superheroes: a celebration of essential workers! From the people who keep our towns and cities free of debris and contaminants to healthcare professionals to emergency services, every down and dirty job is held by someone who keeps our towns up and running. Thanks, everyone! (I also recommend Night Job for the same reasons; very sweet, very good at portraying what a school janitor does as their work.)
I was going to add a book on the Mine Wars in West Virginia, since one recently published for a younger age group, but it was more teen than kid friendly unfortunately so I ended up cutting it. I was able to find another book on a different circumstance, however:
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The real history of the transcontinental railroad covers a bevvy of relevant topics from the displacement of Native people in the west, the exploitation of Chinese immigrants, worker's rights, and the lingering ghost of Manifest Destiny that haunts this country to this day. Not every kid is ready for intersectional thinking on racism, xenophobia, and colonization, but at the very least, kids are very good at recognizing when a situation is "fair" or "unfair". Let them chew on this for a little bit and see what conversations come out of it.
Happy Labor Day, everyone! Be safe, be strong, and work in groups!
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johnwickb1tsch · 5 months
bittersweet ~ a yandere!John Wick x fem!reader sunshine/grump coffee shop AU... Part 33 all chapters
WARNING: NSFW, SEXUAL CONTENT, YANDERE SH!T. Plz take care. I luv u all. 😘
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As it turns out, the Underworld provides a whole slew of services designed to deal with circumstances just like this. Medical care, emergency home repair–and body disposal, all for the price of a handful of gold coins.
You sit with John as a man your lover so descriptively calls Doc sews up Wick’s wounds. There is blood on your face, and your silk pjs. Dog sits on your foot, clearly anxious about letting either one of you out of his sight. In the same spirit, John’s good hand is clasped in yours, or yours in his–neither of you have been able to let go. 
Another man known simply as Charlie orchestrates the removal of the collection of corpses through the house. Yet more tattooed tradesmen work on boarding up the blown out window in the kitchen with a big piece of plywood. 
It’s a miracle, really, the house didn’t burn down. 
“Thought you’d left all this behind you, John?” asks Doc, making a neat knot in the former assassin’s side. 
“So did I.”
“What will you do?”
“The same thing I always do when I’m lost. Talk to Winston.” 
The two men share a snort of laughter you don’t entirely understand. 
When Doc finishes with John he gives you a bottle of pain meds, and a bottle of what are, as far as you can tell, pharmacy grade amphetamines. “In case he has to work again.” You take them with wide eyes and a nod, praying to whatever devil might be listening that that won’t be necessary. 
You’re fairly certain that no one up above is interested in any of you anymore. 
You killed a man. 
You killed a man with a gun to save John, and you do not feel sorry at all. 
Numb, perhaps, but not sorry. 
John groans as he adjusts himself on the couch. You reach out to steady him, helping him best you can. He is heavy, and you look at the stairs with doubt. “Maybe we should sleep down here tonight?”
He blinks at you, undoubtedly thinking you incredibly naïve. “We can’t stay here, baby. It’s not safe.”
“Where will we go?” 
“We’re going to the city,” says John, sounding weary as a man twice his age. “I know a place. Can you drive?”
You have to admit you’re a little dizzy from the whiplash. In the span of a few hours, you’ve gone from being locked up like a princess in the castle, to murdering a man, and now John is going to let you drive?
He must read the blatant surprise on your face. He doesn’t like it, his grip tightening on your hand. “These are bad, bad men who would eat you for breakfast. You’ve got to stick with me.” 
You bristle at this, because even though you absolutely should be thinking about escape? You’re not. You were thinking about how you were going to manage taking care of him in this state, and it pisses you off that he’s still so fucking worried about controlling you that he can’t see the writing written in blood on the wall. 
Or at least, written in blood, on the kitchen floor. 
“You asshole,” you say for the second time tonight. It wins you a lordly scowl that for some fucked up reason thrills you to the tips of your toes. But it’s too late to turn back now. “Were you there, when I fucking shot a man for you? Maybe this is just business as usual for you, but it’s fucking new to me.”
He clenches his other fist on his knee, seeming to count to ten with his eyes closed. “I’m sorry,” he finally grinds out. “I know…Are you alright?”
You guess that you put up a good enough front that he forgot that maybe he should ask. Good on you. Maybe.
“No, not really,” you answer truthfully. “But I don’t have any choice, do I?”
He actually has the grace to cast his eyes down, seeming to really think on what you’re saying. “You had a choice,” he muses quietly, his thumb sliding over your knuckles. “In the kitchen.”
You stroke Dog’s head for something to do with your other hand, which is shaking. Your thundering heart beats painfully in your chest. From the corner of your eye you take in this anomaly of a man. This man, who kidnapped you, who has been playing mental games with you for months, who has kept you prisoner, who has taken your body to heights you never even knew were possible, who has spoiled you, who has adored you and degraded you all in the same breath–this man, who somehow, you know you love with your whole heart. 
“John…” He tilts his head to look at you, his eyes glazed with pain. You’re not sure if it’s physical or mental at this point. “Did you really think I could shoot you?”
Perhaps he did, because in his mind, the only acceptable answer to a wrong against you is murder. 
Perhaps in the brutal world he’s occupied since he was just a child, it is. 
Suddenly he can’t meet your eyes. “Maybe I would deserve it, y/n.”
The fact that he knows that is definitely a good sign. 
But the tricky truth is–it wasn’t all bad. And the good? The good was almost worth the bad, you dare to think now that you’ve survived it. You know better than to say that, because you know you are in the midst of a negotiation right now.
“I love our life together, when you’re sweet to me, John. I only want to murder you when you boss me around. And I only mean that figuratively.”
A huff of laughter escapes him; there is a glimmer of hope in his miserable dark eyes. You know it’s insane, after everything he’s done, but you feel sorry for this man. 
“If you would just treat me as an equal, instead of constantly trying to control me…” I’ll be your ride or die. You can’t bring yourself to say it aloud yet. He already has enough power over you. “Do you think…that’s something we can work on?”
He could have pushed you over with a feather, when slowly he nods, bringing your knuckles to his lips to kiss them. “If you don’t want to murder me after everything I’ve done to you…maybe anything is possible.”
You on the other hand, can only blink. Did you just hear what you think you heard? 
That blood-pressure induced ringing has returned to your ears again. The explosion and gunfire surely didn’t help, but somehow this is far more momentous to you. Your surprise for the magnitude of this admission surprises you, and you must show it in the lift of your brows. It makes him smile ruefully; you’re not sure why the sight of it squeezes your heart so. 
You are not so stupid as to think this traumatic event has healed him miraculously, knocked some loose screw back into place. The mind doesn’t work like that. But just maybe, it did put some things into perspective. You are allies now against a mutual cause, rather than enemies of each other. And just maybe, when you tell him that you don’t want to leave him, he will actually believe you from now on. 
“Anyway…I can drive the Rover…” you say with confidence, even though you are still utterly flabbergasted he’d even give you the opportunity. “I don’t know about the ‘Stang.” The Mustang you think you could manage in an emergency, but it’s been a long time since you had to drive a stick, and being responsible for his baby doesn’t sit well with you. 
“That will do.” He grumbles, mostly to himself, “I’ve got to teach you to drive. There is so much I need to teach you.”
You’re not sure what he means by that. You are too tired to hash it out completely right now, but you sense that something, a whole lot of something, has changed in the past few hours between you.  
He makes to get to his feet with a groan–and can’t quite. “Maybe I am too old for this shit,” he grouses. 
“John, you got shot, stabbed, and fought off ten heavily armed assassins. I think you can count tonight as a win.”
Again, that bitter huff of laughter escapes him. You help John to his feet, trying to steady him as best you can. If he’d injured one of his legs badly you would be so fucked; there was no way you could carry him.
“Um…who were they?” You realize you haven’t even talked about who was just trying to kill him. You suppose you already think you know the answer, but then again you could be wrong.
“Camorra goons, I’m pretty sure,” hisses John, clearly in pain. “Guess I should have kept someone alive for questioning…I’ve always been bad at that.”
You press your lips, because it shouldn’t be funny…but if you don’t laugh about it, you might cry. Your life has been so weird lately, it almost just seems par for the course in a way. 
“John…” you chortle and sigh. “Surely the d’Antonio kid gets the picture now? You’ve killed everyone he’s sent after you? Why can’t these assholes just leave you alone?” Why the prince of the Camorra would court such trouble is beyond you. 
“Good question.” He groans as he takes a step, his good arm slung over your shoulder. “The young ones, especially the second or third generation, think they have to prove themselves. Or maybe…he loved his mother and wants me dead. It’s a faint possibility.” 
“Italian boys and their mothers.” 
John chuckles a little, then winces. “Please, sweetheart,” he entreats you. “Don’t make me laugh.” 
Maybe you are a silly creature, but hearing the endearment for you warms something in your heart that had been left out in the cold for too long. “Fine,” you agree, even though humor is absolutely your biggest coping mechanism. “Tell me what we need to do next?” 
“We need to pack.”
“Ok. What?”
“Suits, and guns.” 
You guess in a nutshell, that was the essential distillation of his world, once upon a time. Now, quite against your will, you both are being kicked back into it. By the look in John’s dark eyes, for some reason you have a feeling it’s the Camorra who are going to regret it. 
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ahonice · 1 year
not my boyfriend
luke hughes x fem reader
word count: 9.6k (the google doc was forty pages long idk what happened i got carried away)
warnings: jokes about dying/being killed, drinking, mentions of harassment (none actually happens though, just a topic discussed.) cursing, party games, lots of fighting that could’ve been avoided, VERY unrealistic scenarios and timelines lol, reader is stubborn for no reason and pisses me off (sorry)
note: this takes place during luke’s first full season as a devil. also idk how season tickets work with the devils so... hope y’all enjoy, leave feedback and lmk what you think, love y’all babes <3!!!
growing up in newark meant you were a devils fan by default. which wasn’t a bad thing, your father was a season ticket holder and often took you to games with him as you were the only one of your siblings who was still living at home.
you were the youngest of five, all others being boys, and the university you attended was only a five minute drive from your house so instead of moving into the dorms you continued to live at home. 
at each game you always wore unmarked jerseys, shirts, and hoodies. no number or last names on any of them, you weren’t a big enough fan to have a jersey that branded you so you stayed content with your blank ones. 
it was the home opener for the devils and your father dragged you, along with all your brothers, out to attend the game with him. he managed to get tickets right behind the devils bench this year, you didn’t even want to know how much money he had to spend to get them. 
“dad isn’t this a bit much? the game is going to be the exact same if we were sitting in our normal seats, two levels above.” you asked him once everyone was situated and comfortable in their seats.
“oh shut up y/n, these seats are great and who knows maybe you’ll catch the eye of a cute hockey player and you can live out your trophy wife fantasies.” your brother, who was sitting two seats down from you, teased.
“shut up david.” you said reaching over your other brothers to hit him, which you did…three times.
“would you two cut it out, you’re attracting a crowd.” your father scolded.
he was right, not only were a few people sitting behind you watching, but so were a couple people on the bench in front of you.
you groaned in embarrassment and hid your face in your brother gavin’s shoulder. 
“kill me gav, kill me.” your voice was muffled.
“number forty three is staring pretty hard right now y/n.” gavin wiggled his eyebrows at you.
you shot your head up and made, brief, eye contact with a boy who looked around your age before he quickly looked away. another player, who looked just a little older than you, laughed at him before giving you a wink.
“i’m serious gavin, shoot me right here.” you said, pointing between your eyes. “like i’m a horse that just broke it’s leg.”
after the game you went to dinner with your family before you parted ways. you had picked up your coworkers shift because he had a family emergency and wasn’t able to come in. during the summer between your senior year of high school and your freshman year of college you attended bartending school. you thought that working in the night life industry, especially as a young attractive woman, that you would be getting a lot of money in tips.
and you were correct.
your grandparents were covering your tuition, and since you were living at home there were no room and board charges, but you did have a car to pay for, books and school supplies, as well as an addiction to shopping that you had to support. so the job really was great.
it was a nice cocktail, lounge, styled bar. lots of business meetings took place, and overall upper class patrons were the ones who would visit. it wasn’t rare that local celebrities would stop by, or new yorkers wanting a lower tax on their tequila sunrise. so when a few people on the new jersey devils roster walked in, nobody was surprised. 
“y/n i’ll take bottle service for them tonight if you cover my side of the bar while i’m out? we can split their tip 70/30.” your coworker brian suggested after seeing them all make their way towards the private section, meaning they would not be ordering drinks themselves like all the other people in the establishment. 
“60/40, it’s a saturday night brian.” he rolled his eyes before agreeing, making his way over to the group as you began writing down tickets.
with brian gone you were now the only one behind the bar, it being a busy saturday night you didn’t really have any time to yourself. constantly getting new orders, or people confused why you needed their card to open a tab, you weren’t really planning on taking a break anytime soon. 
“what can i get you?” you asked whoever sat in the seat across from where you were currently fulfilling orders. you didn’t look up to properly acknowledge the customer, but you know they heard you because your question was quickly followed by a long “uhhhhh” before you placed the drinks you had been working on infront of their respective owners.
“while you uhhhh on that, i’m gonna go help customers that know what they want.” you didn’t really mean to be so rude, but you didn’t have time to provide good customer service.
“wait!” you had barely turned around before the customer stopped you. “i’m sorry, it’s just that i am not twenty one, so i don’t know what i can order here.”
“you’re not old enough to drink? how the hell did you get in? because if you used a fake i’m sorry but i’m gonna have to cut it.” you finally looked up from the glasses in front of you to see who exactly you were speaking with. he looked familiar, you couldn’t figure out where you knew him from. probably just a student you’ve seen around campus.
“no it’s nothing like that. i’m here with some of my teammates.” he nodded his head towards the private section where you could see brian making them drinks.
you looked back at his face again before the realization hit you.
“you were the player staring at me earlier.”
“you were the girl that slapped her brother in front of everyone earlier.”
you blushed at his recollection of you, he blushed at yours as well. 
“guilty.” you both said at the same time, causing some laughs to let out before the moment was interrupted by some people on the other side of the bar yelling that they wanted their drinks.
“i’ll be back in a little bit, sorry.” you apologized to the boy before turning to start making the drinks that the customers had ordered nearly five minutes ago, audibly groaning at the line that was forming all around the bar and the amount of people now entering.
it ended up being nearly thirty minutes before the rush of orders you had gotten was cleared and you had time to go back to where that boy was sitting. you weren’t surprised that he was no longer there, but you were disappointed. 
you decided to take the rare break to your advantage and poured yourself a glass of apple juice, savoring the taste before you brought your attention towards the group in the back. brian must’ve really been working for those tips because you had never seen a group so entertained in your life. 
making eye contact with the boy, you smiled as he stood up from his seat, excusing himself from the group being met with a smirk from the guy he was sitting next to, who you recognized as the one who winked at you earlier.
“you know you guys are paying for bottle service, you don’t have to come up to the bar to order drinks. it’s kinda what it was made for.” you said once the boy had sat down in the seat he was in just an hour before.
“i know, but i don’t want the guys to make fun of me for ordering orange juice.”
“are you assuming that i wouldn’t make fun of you? because i would, and i will. i’m team apple juice.” you said, raising your glass filled with apple juice, into the air. 
“can’t drink on the job?” 
you laughed at how stupid of a question that was, just because you worked as a bartender doesn’t mean you have no decorum. “ couldn’t even if i wanted to, i’m nineteen.” 
“oh so you’re my age, well a year younger.” he smiled to himself. “i’m twenty.”
you nodded at his words, too busy closing out a tab to respond.
“how can you work here though? if you’re nineteen. don’t you have to be twenty one?” he asked.
“no, you need to be eighteen to serve alcohol in the states.” you responded, not even looking up.
“got it.” he trailed off, it quickly became awkward as you were too busy to give him the attention he was obviously looking for. “i’m luke by the way, don’t think i told you my name yet.”
“i’m y/n, but i’m pretty busy right now so maybe you could go back to your table. i don’t mean to be rude, but i can’t spend my whole shift talking to you and not working.” you told him, noticing the long line that was beginning to form again.
“oh yea of course, sorry. umm i’ll see you around.” luke said, getting up.
you didn’t respond and just walked over to the other side of the bar where the people who had been waiting the longest were.
luke sighed before walking back over to his group.
“what’s the matter lukey? couldn’t impress the hot girl by ordering an orange juice.”
“shut up jack.”
it was only five days later that your father was bringing you along to another devils game and once again you got dressed in your unnamed jersey and a pair of leggings. you had work right after, having taken the closing shift tonight so you would be able to enjoy the game for at least an hour and a half before you would have to go.
“dad please tell me we aren’t in those seats again. you don’t need to be wasting your money like that, our usual seats are just fine.” you spoke as you followed your dad through the arena.
“sweetie, it is my money to spend and i wanted this. i never miss a home game, all of the money spent is being spent for good use.” you father responded, making his way down towards the glass. 
you had arrived after warm ups were finished so now you were just waiting for the game to actually start. playing a game on your phone, you were easily pulled into a trance and didn’t even realize that the players had made their way onto the ice until your father nudged you.
“y/n would you pay attention? the boy is looking at you again.” your head shot up at his words and you quickly made eye contact with the boy from last week, luke. 
he waved at you before turning around before you even had the chance to wave back.
“that was weird.” you said, not to anyone in particular, but you weren’t aware of your volume because that same guy that winked at you began laughing and pushed luke who was visibly blushing.
“can i get an orange juice? on the rocks.” 
you turned around to see number forty three smiling at you, his hand behind his neck in an awkward stance.
“is your group here today? we didn’t get any mentions of bottle service being needed tonight.”
“yeah, it was a last minute thing. i asked if we could come to this bar instead of the one we had planned on going to.”
“why? because the orange juice is that good?”
“without a doubt.” 
you laughed at his words before looking over at your coworker. 
“do you wanna do bottle service tonight? or should i?”
“i’ll do it. the general manager is here tonight and you know how she gets when it’s a group of men getting bottle service.” 
“got it, thank you brian.”
you looked back to see luke staring at you confused.
“why doesn’t she like men getting bottle service?”
“it’s not that, there have just been a few too many cases of us having to kick people out because of their behavior towards female bartenders.” 
“has that ever happened to you?” his voice suddenly angry, causing you to look at him funny.
“cool it casanova.” you laughed, ignoring his question because you have. that’s just what comes with a job in the night life industry though. “i have to get back to work, but i’ll see you around luke.” 
dejected, luke made his way to where his teammates were sitting.
“did you fuck up again?” 
“yes…? i honestly don’t know.”
it had been two weeks since that night.
you hadn’t been able to make it to any of the devils games due to coming down with a bug, also causing you to miss school and work. it definitely wasn’t ideal considering it was nearly thanksgiving break, which meant it was nearly finals week. but you couldn’t complain, it was always nice to do nothing but binge watch investigation discovery and drink yellow gatorade all day.
“dad can i come with you to the game tonight? my fever is gone and i haven’t been sick in three days. i need to get out of the house badly.” you asked your father once he made it home from work.
“sure sweetie. i’m planning on leaving in half an hour, i want to make it to warm ups tonight.”  he replied, shuffling through the mail.
“got it dad, i’ll go get ready.”
you quickly got ready for the game. deciding that you wouldn’t wear any makeup tonight, your eyelash extensions were enough to carry the rest of the face. tying your hair into a braid, you got dressed in an unmarked devils hoodie and leggings before throwing your shoes on.
“dad i’m ready if you wanna leave a little earlier.” you called out from upstairs, spraying your perfume on.
“sounds good hun, i’ll meet you in the car.” 
you were really excited for tonight's game, mainly because this was your first outing in civilization in nearly fourteen days, but a little part of you was excited to see luke again. 
a little part of you was afraid he had forgotten who you were, as you had only interacted a handful of times. 
a loud honk ripped you from your thoughts as you could hear your father yelling from outside.
“i’m about to leave without you y/n.”
you sat in your seat playing on your phone as you anxiously waited for the game to start
“what’s got you so jittery?” your father asks, noticing your legs bouncing. “does it have anything to do with number forty three?”
your eyes widened at the second question that came from your father’s mouth.
“i have no idea what you’re talking about.” you spoke defensively.
“well i thought i might ask because he has been staring at you since he got onto the ice.”
you had been so caught up in your thoughts that you missed warmups beginning, and looking up you met luke’s eyes.
you gave him a smile and a small wave, which he returned before number eighty six rammed into his shoulders and luke went back to what he was supposed to be doing.
after the game you decided to tackle the large load of school work that had been piling up from your sick days.
you managed to spend a good three hours uninterrupted before your phone began ringing. you picked it up to see your general manager's contact shown on the screen. groaning you answered the call, hoping she wasn’t going to call you in because there is nothing worse than a friday night shift.
“hey y/n, i’m sorry to bother you but this boy is currently asking about you at the bar and i need to know if you know him or if i need to ban him from the property.” she spoke.
your eyes widened, a little scared because this wouldn’t be the first time that you’ve had creepy men asking about you on your nights off.
“what is his name?” you ask, you doubted it but there was a chance you did know him.
“luke hughes.” you heard him yell in the background.
“yes darlene, i know him. he is harmless, please let him leave the jail cell.” you joked, knowing for a fact she had him held captive in the office. 
“he wants your number.” she whispered.
“just give it to him, and seriously let him go. him and his teammates tip a lot.”
from: *** *** ****
from: *** *** ****
this is luke. 
from: *** *** ****
i’m a little nervous that your boss gave me a fake number just so i would leave her alone, so if you could respond that would be greatly appreciated.
to: *** *** ****
i’m sorry, but you’ve reached the rejection hotline. the person who gave you this number is not interested.
from: *** *** ****
to: *** *** ****
i’m totally kidding.
to: *** *** ****
this is y/n lmao.
from: luke hughes
that is not funny.
over the course of the weekend you and luke texted a lot. 
mainly just basic information. favorite food, tv shows, some random questions.
from: luke hughes
why do you wear blank jerseys?
from: luke hughes
and blank everything else? you never have a name or number on you at games.
to: luke hughes
that’s just not something i’m into.
to: luke hughes
there isn’t a hockey player i like enough to wear their name or number.
that wasn’t entirely true. 
while you were a devils fan by default, you were a hurricanes fan and sebastian aho enthusiast by choice. 
you had multiple jerseys and shirts with his name and number all over them, but the devils only played the hurricanes on home ice a limited time each season so you weren’t able to break out your collection all that often. 
luckily for you, the hurricanes were playing the devils at the prudential center in five weeks and that was one of the only things you were truly looking forward to these days, as sad as that sounds.
“the boy who keeps asking for you is here.” brian said to you as he entered the office. 
“what do you mean keeps? darlene just told me about the one time.” you responded, turning your attention off of the roblox game you were playing and towards your coworker.
“because i’ve only ever gotten darlene involved once. he kept asking for your schedule that night and i nearly called the cops.do you know how scared i was? not for you of course, just of the amount of paperwork and witness reports i’d have to deal with. did i ever tell you about the time that one psycho came in here with a butter knife and threatened–” 
“brian focus.” 
“right sorry. he has come in asking for you at least ten times now. if you want me to kick him out i will, i’ve been working out.” brian finished his rant by flexing his muscles, that weren’t even there.
“you’re 5’7 brian. no amount of muscle will make up for that.” you started, picking your phone up. “i’ve got it don’t worry, but thanks.”
to: luke hughes
are you stalking me?
to: luke hughes
because i will get a restraining order against you.
to: luke hughes
i don’t care how attractive you are.
from: luke hughes
so you think i’m attractive?
to: luke hughes
is that seriously all you got from that??
to: luke hughes
from: luke hughes
will do.
from: luke hughes
as long as you agree to go out with me this week.
to: luke hughes
to: luke hughes
but only because i would like to go one night without my coworkers asking if they need to place your image on the blacklisted board.
from: luke hughes
yeah totally “only because”…
“so you expect me to believe that after the game tonight you are going out with luke hughes. the rookie player for the new jersey devils?” your father asks.
“yes dad.” you deadpanned.
you had told him of your plans for after the game tonight forty minutes ago and he does not believe you in the slightest.
“what did you take for your migraine earlier?” he asks, chuckling. “oh no, did you get into my medicine cabinet? i’m pretty sure i bought those painkillers back in ‘eighty-nine.” 
“you’re hilarious. now can we leave please? warm ups are already almost over.” you said, unamused, while your father was bent over laughing at his stupid joke. “i’m going without you.”
“like hell you are.” he said, snapping up right and marching over to the front door. “if you are telling me the truth i have to meet this boy and talk to him…to ask him if you’re blackmailing him into this.”
he added that last part once he was already outside, you groaned as you heard him laughing from inside the car.
to: luke hughes
i will be waiting in the car park after the game whenever you get out.
to: luke hughes
also my dad wants to meet you.
to: luke hughes
he says it’s because he needs to make sure i’m safe, but really he just thinks i’m lying to him about your existence in my life.
“sweetie when is he coming? it is late and i’ve got work in the morning.” your father asks, for what feels like the hundredth time.
“dad, i’ve already told you that you can leave. i don’t need you here.” you replied, for what felt like the hundredth time.
“what if he kidnaps you? or kills you? he’s got money, he could cover it up in an instant.” he snaps his fingers when he said instant to emphasize his point.
“i would never do that sir.” a different voice cut in.
both you and your fathers heads whip around and you’re met with the sight of luke, looking very good in his suit.
“holy shit y/n you weren’t lying to me.” your dad says, walking up to where luke was standing to shake his hand. “let me tell you kid, i thought my daughter had lost her mind.” 
“dad. please stop.” you stated, annoyed at his behavior, finding a spot to stand next to luke. 
“right. sorry sweetie.” he said before turning his attention back towards luke. “have her home no later than midnight.” 
“yes sir.” luke stated, before your dad turned around and walked towards his car.
“so where are we going?” you ask. “you’re dressed like we’re going to a five star restaurant and i’m dressed like we’re going to a drive thru.” you explained, pointing to the major differences in your attire.
“i’ll meet you halfway.”
“is it too late to tell you that i prefer qdoba?” you told luke as he pulled into the parking lot of a chipotle.
“i think i should take you home.” luke joked, before running around the car to open your door for you, slightly tripping in the process. 
“i should warn you though, i get queso and guac on my burritos.” you told him, knowing that he would be paying.
“what? that’s like an extra seven dollars.” he complains, holding the front door open for you to walk in.
“should’ve taken me to qdoba, it’s free there.” 
the night went very well.
you and luke talked about anything and everything. 
it was fifteen minutes to midnight when luke pulled up in front of your house to say goodbye.
noticing that the lights were on, luke asked if your father really stayed up to see if he had brought you home on time.
“i can guarantee he is currently in his recliner and snoring.” you told luke before you both started walking up the porch steps.
“well i had lots of fun tonight. you should really send me a text whenever you’re bored at work, i can always use my celebrity status to get in while being underage.” luke said once you had made it to the front door.
“your C-list celebrity status?” you started.
“-oh come on, i’m a b-list at least.” he cut in.
“don’t you have better things to do than sit at a bar and drink orange juice?” you finished your thought.
“honestly no. i don’t have any friends in jersey that aren’t my teammates.”
“well if you ever want to go to a party or hang out with me and my friends you always can, just text me if you’re ever bored at home.” 
you said your proper goodbyes and once you stepped into your house you saw your father asleep in his recliner.
to: luke hughes
i told you he would be asleep. he would never know if we actually stayed out past curfew.
from: luke hughes
did you catch him mid snore in that photo? that’s honestly a violation.
from: luke hughes
i’m bored.
to: luke hughes
what am i supposed to do about that?
from: luke hughes
to: luke hughes
to: luke hughes
do you not have a game tonight? because i’m planning on attending a frat party tonight if you would like to tag along.
to: luke hughes
unless you are now above frat parties after finishing school.
from: luke hughes
i’d love to join you.
to: luke hughes
great! i was planning on getting there at 10:30. do you just want to drive to my house? my friends are taking me btw and we could always just double buckle.
from: luke hughes
yea sure. what should i wear?
to: luke hughes
oh nothing too fancy just a tuxedo.
to: luke hughes
bowtie included.
from: luke hughes
i hate you.
“will you all please promise to be nice to him and be on your best behavior? i think i actually like this one and i don’t him to be scared away.” you warned your friends who were currently in your room pregaming.
“hey don’t look at me, i’ll be nice as hell to your new boy toy.” your best friend, trinity, spoke. you rolled your eyes at her before looking at the boys who crowded on your floor.
“cal, bass, and tyler.” you spoke firmly, attempting to intimidate them. “i swear to god if any of you make him uncomfortable, all of my images and videos from syllabus week are getting posted on the main.”
“sir yes sir!” the three shouted in unison, only causing your eyes to roll back further into your head.
“just please be welcoming. talk to him, get to know him, do not force him to play rage cage if he does not want to.” you emphasized that last point at kade.
“if he doesn’t willingly play rage cage he isn’t the one for you y/n.”
you were about to make a snarky comment but were cut off by your phone going off.
from: luke hughes
hey i’m outside. should i knock or wait out here?
to: luke hughes
just come inside, front door is unlocked. 
to: luke hughes
we’re upstairs in my room, just follow the sound of shitty music. my friend bass has aux tonight.
you could feel the nerves bubbling up in your stomach. you hadn’t informed the group that your luke was luke hughes, they were all devils fans and were in the know about things so they definitely know who he is.
“he is coming upstairs right now, y’all i’m serious, best behavior.”
the sound of a knock made all five heads turn towards the door.
“no fucking way-”
“shut it!” you cut cal off. “hey luke, come in. there are shooters on my desk if you want something to pregame with. trinity is sober tonight so you don’t have to worry about driving.”
luke makes his way over to your dresser and grabs three shooters before making his way towards the spot next to you.
“everybody this is luke, luke this is everybody.” you motioned your hands back and forth. “tyler, cal, trinity, and bass.” 
you pointed to your friends, who were looking at the two of you with shock and disbelief on their faces, as you named them.
“let’s go to the party, i wanna play rage cage.” 
“is bass your real name or is it just a nickname?” 
after arriving at the party you and your group established where trinity would be all night everyone started asking luke questions, the majority of them were about hockey and the nhl before you texted the groupchat and told them to shut their fucking mouths about his career.
“nickname. my name is sebastian, but this one-” bass grabs onto your shoulders and pulls you in front of him. “-says there is only one sebastian in her life and i am, unfortunately, not him so she started calling me bass and everybody else just latched onto it.”
you glared at him before speaking. “i was being sarcastic when i told you that, and you came up with the fucking nickname.”
“yeah, it’s not y/n’s fault you share a name with the love of her life and future husband.” tyler said, giggling after you hit his stomach.
“okay let’s go play rage cage, y’all need to shut up.” you said making your way outside, trinity informed everyone that she would stay in her spot and to text her if it is urgent. “luke do you play rage cage?”
it was an important question. 
sure most people favor cup pong or even flip up as a party game, but rage cage was what you and your friends dominated at every function.
“i have never played it before. haven’t even heard of it.” luke shrugged. 
everyone’s movements paused for a second before hell froze over.
“you’ve never heard of it?”
“what fucking school did you go to?”
“y/n get him out of my face.”
you weren’t even sure who said what, but luke had a slightly scared look on his face. 
“they’re joking luke, let me teach you how to play.”
“so your future husband's name is sebastian? should i even continue pursuing you?” luke asked, jokingly, once you two were left alone in the backyard, tyler had drank one too many bitch cups and needed to be nursed back to health.
“i am most definitely not marrying him. he is six years older than me, lives hundreds of miles away, and also knows nothing of my existence.” you informed luke before finishing your drink. “you should definitely continue to pursue me.”
from: luke hughes
are you coming to the game tonight?
from: luke hughes
i have a proposition for you, if you are.
to: luke hughes
i’m listening
from: luke hughes
you wear my jersey tonight, and in return i win the game.
from: luke hughes
it’s a win-win situation
to: luke hughes
yea for you. i get nothing out of it.
to: luke hughes
also i do not own a jersey with anyone’s name on it, let alone yours.
to: luke hughes
and you are NOT buying me one. if i want a jersey i will pay for it myself…or my father will.
from: luke hughes
from: luke hughes
but when you become my girlfriend you have to wear my jersey, no matter what.
to: luke hughes
okay, if i become your girlfriend i will wear your jersey.
from: luke hughes
not if, when.
to: luke hughes
i’ll see you tonight weirdo.
“your boyfriend is waving at you.” 
“david shut up he isn’t my boyfriend.” you responded to your brother, shoving him.
you waved back at luke before his smile dropped and he pointed towards the jersey david was wearing. how you didn’t see the name and number on the back before? you didn’t know.
“are you seriously wearing luke’s jersey right now?” you placed your head in your hands knowing the conversation that would come of this. “he asks me to wear it before every home game and i never do, and now my own brother is wearing his jersey and not me.”
“why won’t you wear his jersey?” your brother asks, finishing off his beer. “-and don’t give me that bullshit answer of you never wear anyone’s jersey. you wear aho’s.”
“that’s because sebastian aho is sebastian aho.” you deadpanned. “there has never been a player, besides aho, that i have liked enough to wear their number. i’m not a fan of anyone…besides aho.”
“yeah, but luke’s your boyfriend.”
“oh my god he isn’t my boyfriend, do you ever listen to me? idiot.”
“so your brother wears my jersey, but you don’t?” 
the sound of luke’s voice drew your attention away from the tab you were closing out at work. “i knew you were gonna show up tonight. remind me again why i decided to give you my schedule?”
“because i’m awesome.” luke answered, taking a seat in front of you. “-but of course not awesome enough for you to wear my jersey.”
“are we still on that?” you asked, handing luke a pop. 
“yes we are.” he stated blankly. “seriously i don’t understand why you won’t just wear my jersey. you said you didn’t want to pay for one, and that i couldn’t pay for one. but now that i know your brother has one i would very much appreciate it if you would wear it, to at least one game.”
“i’ll think about it.”
your answer was no. that was three weeks ago and you still had yet to wear a jersey with the number forty three on the back.
tonight you were excited. 
the carolina hurricanes were playing the devils at the prudential center tonight and you and your friends all got seats behind the canes bench. none of them were canes fans, but this one the one game a year that you had the opportunity to sit near sebastian aho and you would be damned if you missed out on that opportunity. 
from: luke hughes
you coming tonight?
to: luke hughes
to: luke hughes
so are trinity, bass, tyler, and cal.
from: luke hughes
oh great, i haven’t seen them in a bit.
from: luke hughes
are you guys going out after the game? it’s a friday night.
to: luke hughes
yes we are. cal’s frat is hosting this sport night thing if you wanna come with.
to: luke hughes
just bring a jersey to change into after the game.
from: luke hughes
oh crap i don’t own any jerseys.
to: luke hughes
you’re hilarious bud.
to: luke hughes
but just so you know i’m not sitting in my usual spot tonight. my brothers are sitting with my dad tonight.
“no fucking way.”
that was the first thing you heard as you got in bass’ car.
“what?” you asked, everyone looked at you in disbelief.
“you are wearing aho’s jersey.” tyler replied, speaking for everyone in the car. “and you’re dating luke hughes.”
“i am not dating luke, you guys know that.” you deadpanned, you were getting sick and tired of people mistaking you for luke’s girlfriend. almost as much as you were sick and tired of not being luke’s girlfriend. “-and you also know that i am a loyal sebastian aho supporter before anything else.” you added the end in a lighter tone of voice. 
“alright, but when luke gets upset with you tonight you cannot be angry when we tell you we told you so.”
the rest of the car ride only one thing, a question, was on your mind, would he really get upset with you?
“oh my god!”
“how many times are you gonna say oh my god tonight y/n?” trinity asked.
she had a point. it was like the only thing that was coming out of your mouth.
“never.” you deadpanned. “sebastian aho is right in front of me. my future husband is right in front of me.” you got more giddy by the end of your statement.
“oh wow y/n, you’re blushing.” cal poked your side. “that’s pathetic.”
“lover boy, two o’clock. does not look happy.”
you looked over to your right and saw luke looking at you with an expression you couldn’t quite read, but bass was right, he did not look happy.
“GOAL!” you screamed, shooting up from your seat. “SUCK IT DEVILS!”
“alright calm down y/n.” tyler said, laughing at you.
“NO! sebastian aho just scored his second goal of the night, if he gets one more i’m gonna lose it.” you replied, sitting back down.
“oh god you haven’t lost it yet?”
to: luke hughes
hey! sorry about the game, you played great :)
to: luke hughes
if you do want to come to the party we’ll be at this is the address.
to: luke hughes
12345 house street
to: luke hughes
i hope to see you there.
“so is your boyfriend coming tonight?” cal asked. 
“not my boyfriend.” you started. “and i don’t know. i just texted him the address for him to meet us there if he wants.”
“ok. real talk,” trinity started. “do you want him to be your boyfriend?” 
“i do-”
you were cut off by the screaming of your four friends.
“shut it.” you snapped, effectively shutting them up. “i do want him to be my boyfriend, but i have no idea if he wants me to be his girlfriend. i mean we’ve known each other for three months and he has talked about us dating in the past but he hasn’t asked me out yet and i don’t know if he ever will.” 
“y/n don’t be like that. i can tell by the way he looks at you and acts around you that he likes you, a lot, and also he looked jealous as hell when he saw whose jersey you were wearing tonight.” bass said, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. 
“okay enough with the pity party, lets go to the party. i need a drink.” 
from: luke hughes
not really in the mood for a party tonight. 
to: luke hughes
oh ok. 
to: luke hughes
well i’ll see you soon, yeah?
“luke isn’t coming tonight.” you told the group, an upset look rested on your face.
“oh…well it’s probably nothing. i wouldn’t want to go out and celebrate a loss.” trinity said, giving you a reassuring smile. 
“ok i seriously need a drink now.” 
it has been over a week since the game and luke hasn’t spoken to you once. 
all texts have been left unanswered, he hasn’t come to visit you at work, and when you were at the game two days ago he didn’t look at you once.
you were working the closing shift tonight, and it was a monday so it was not very busy. in the past you would text luke and he would arrive as soon as he could, but you stopped attempting to communicate with luke two days ago, after the game. he made it clear he no longer wanted anything to do with you.
“y/n, someone is at the bar asking for you.” you looked up from the wall you were staring at in the office to see brian. “not the usual one though. did you and your boyfriend break up?” 
you had a little bit of hope that it was luke for just a moment, before brian told you it wasn’t him. “he’s not my boyfriend. never was.”
you stepped out of the back room to see the other hughes brother sitting at your bar.
“hello jack. what do i owe the pleasure?” you ask, planting yourself across from him.
“we need to talk about you and luke.” he replied curtly.
“there is no me and luke, he has made it very clear that he is no longer interested in being my friend anymore.” you said, pouring a drink for no one, you just needed something to do.
“that’s the thing. he does want to be your friend, more than that. this past week he has not shut up about you and how you guys weren’t talking anymore. what happened?” jack asked, grabbing the now finished drink and bringing it to his lips.
“i don’t even know. we were planning on going to this party at my friends frat together and then after your guys’ game against the hurricanes he flaked out and hasn’t spoken to me since. i’ve reached out and haven’t gotten anything back, i was at the game on saturday and he didn’t even look at me, so if he is upset that we aren’t talking then he is just upset with himself.” you took a moment to catch your breath before looking at jack.
“whose jersey did you wear to our game against the hurricanes?” 
“sebastian aho’s. why?”
jack let out a chuckle and shook his head. “makes sense. he was muttering stupid sebastian aho and fucking homewrecker the whole way home and bunkered himself in his room for days.” 
“i always refused to wear his jersey to games, or his anything, and now i’m realizing i probably pissed him off by wearing someone else’s name and number when i’ve been telling him the whole time i’ve known him that the reason i won’t wear his stuff is because i don’t wear anyones.” you told jack, pouring another drink.
“i wouldn’t say he is pissed off. he is definitely upset though.” jack starts, standing up. “i think you should come to our game this thursday-”
“i always go to your games.” you cut him off. “well come to our game this thursday wearing his jersey. i think that is all he wants…well that and you being his girlfriend.” jack finished, not giving you a chance to respond before walking out the front doors.
“david please, just let me borrow your jersey for one night.” you begged your brother over the phone.
“no can do little sis. just go buy your own, i mean it might be beneficial to own your own luke hughes jersey when luke hughes is your boyfriend.”
“david i’m not even gonna say it, but seriously? where am i gonna find a jersey on such short notice?” “at literally any store in newark. walk down mainstreet and you’ll probably find five in the front window of shops.” david answers, the sarcastic tone in his voice pissing you off further.
“goodbye. i’m gonna go walk around looking for a jersey in the freezing cold now.”
to: luke hughes
hey. i know we haven’t talked in a little bit but i spoke with your brother the other day. 
to: luke hughes
i’m going to the game tonight, if you would be willing to let me see you after i would really appreciate it.
to: luke hughes
i would like to talk to you.
you weren’t able to find a jersey with luke’s number on it so you wore a blank jersey tonight, which kind of crushed your original plan for the evening, but you still had to try.
“are you sure sweetie? because i have no issue waiting until he shows up.” 
“yes dad, i’m sure. i’ll be fine, please go.” you assured your dad, pushing him towards his car.
it wasn’t until forty minutes later that you heard footsteps approaching you. you turned your head around and frowned at the sight of jack hughes walking your way.
“sorry i’m not the brother you wanted to see, but luke left as soon as he could and ubered back to our apartment.” 
you nodded in defeat. “thank you for telling me. i’ll just order myself an uber home then…tell luke i said good game and if he ever wants to talk he can message me.”
“why don’t you tell him yourself.”
trinity would literally die if you told her whose car you were currently sitting shotgun in. 
“luke made it pretty clear he doesn’t want to talk to me, or even see me. i don’t think this is a good idea jack.”
jack had convinced you that the best thing to do in this situation was to confront luke directly. not as much convinced you, but rather offered you a ride home and said he had to make a stop on the way, that stop being his and luke’s place. 
“y/n luke is miserable not talking to you, and that is making me miserable.”
“well he wouldn’t be so miserable if he would just text me back, he is the one choosing to not speak to me. can we just get this over with? drive faster.”
“luke’s room is down that hall, second door to the right.” jack informed you, you thanked him quietly before making your way to luke’s room. 
you knocked gently and got no response so you knocked again, a little harder.
“jack i’m not in the mood right now. go away.” 
you tried to speak up but nothing came out, so you just knocked again.
“jack i’m serious. this whole y/n situation is messing with my head, i played awful tonight and i just want to go to sleep.”
“well if it’s messing with you so much and making you as upset as jack says it is then maybe you should just text me back and we can figure out how to fix this.” you spoke, frustration clear in your tone. 
you didn’t give him the chance to respond before you made your way out of their apartment and towards the stairwell, ordering an uber as you ran down the steps.
once outside you saw that your uber was about five minutes away so you were forced to just stand there and wait. from: luke hughes
i’m sorry.
from: luke hughes
please come back up. 
to: luke hughes
from: luke hughes
please. let's talk about this.
to: luke hughes
i’ve given you many chances in the past week for us to talk and you’ve ignored me each time.
to: luke hughes
it’s my turn to be upset now.
that was two weeks ago and you haven’t seen or spoken to luke since.
you went to your mothers house is oregon for christmas and came back to new jersey today. 
the second you ended your gift exchange with your father you went up to your room and opened your texts with luke.
from: luke hughes
y/n i’m sorry.
from: luke hughes
please talk to me.
from: luke hughes
merry christmas, i got you a gift. i asked your coworker brian where you’ve been, he said it that you were spending christmas at your moms this year so i’ll give it to you when you get back.
from: luke hughes
please text me when you get back.
from: luke hughes
i need to see you.
you spent a few moments contemplating whether to send a text or to continue ignoring him, even if the later was driving you crazy.
before you could stop yourself you sent a message, and got one back immediately.
to: luke hughes
i’m back in newark.
from: luke hughes
on my way
you slightly panicked when you realized that after nearly a month of silence between the two of you, luke was now going to be in front of you and in your presence again. you didn’t know what you were going to say, worry filled you thinking about the many outcomes that could happen.
“sweetie, luke is at the door for you.”
you timidly stood up and took a deep breath or two before making your way downstairs. 
“hey luke, let’s go up to my room to talk.” 
luke nodded before stepping inside, giving your father a proper greeting before heading up the stairs.
“ok, so can you start off by telling me why you ghosted me for a full week?” you asked him once he had sat down on your hammock chair, you across from him on your bed.
“you wore someone else’s jersey.” luke started, letting out a deep breath afterwards. “after you told me for months that you never wear anyone’s jersey, so you wouldn’t wear mine.”
the sound of your friends yelling “i told you so” played in your head, but you pushed it aside to focus on what was happening in front of you.
luke was now in your closet, where he would find your many, many, aho items.
“luke please get out of my closet.” you were angry, he had no reason to be searching your things.
“how many things do you own of him. jesus.” luke said once he finally walked back into your bedroom. 
“luke i’m sorry that i lied to you about never wearing anyone else’s jersey, but is that seriously why you ignored me?” you were a little skeptical of his reasoning.
“why did you ignore me for multiple weeks?” luke ignored your question.
“because you were the one leaving me on read and skipping out on our plans, but then you went around telling people you were miserable not talking to me as if i was the one who failed to reach out and that made me angry. i gave you so many opportunities luke…and you didn’t take up any of them. so i got mad and i knew i was about to leave town for two weeks and i didn’t really wanna communicate with you during my vacation.”
“why did you lie to me?” luke asked, now taking a seat next to you on your bed.
“i honestly don’t know. i’ve only ever worn aho’s number, just feels weird wearing someone else’s. and i was being honest, other than aho, there has never been a player i like enough to wear their jersey until now.” you sat up from your spot and walked over to one of the gift boxes sitting on your floor, during your gift exchange with your dad you received a devils jersey with the number forty-three and hughes on the back as well as some shirts and hoodies with the same thing. “these were all gifted to me for christmas. i asked for them. i wanted to wear your jersey, i have for a while now, but i was just unsure of what it would mean. can you tell me why you got so angry?” you asked the question that had been on your mind for weeks.
“y/n i like you and i want you to be my girlfriend, i never asked you though because you wouldn’t even wear my fucking jersey no matter how much i begged you to so why would you say yes to being my girlfriend.”
“god luke again with the fucking jersey, i don’t get the big deal it’s just a piece of fabric.” you yelled, getting frustrated. 
“it means something! ok y/n, it means something.” he starts. “there is a difference between wearing a jersey as a fan and wearing a jersey as a girlfriend, something personal and intimate, and you won’t even wear my jersey as a fucking fan.”
it felt like you were talking in circles and it was driving you crazy. 
“that is what i’m saying luke. i didn’t ever wear your jersey because i didn’t know what it would mean. i didn’t know if we were friends or something more, and wearing your jersey could’ve given us both the wrong ideas.”
“what idea would it have given you?” luke asked, taking a step towards you.
“that i’m something more to you than a friend, and i didn’t want to think that because it isn’t true” you admitted the truth, it wasn’t that you didn’t want him getting the wrong idea, but rather yourself. “-and i don’t like to get my hopes up.” 
luke didn’t respond, he just sat there in silence for what felt like an hour, but was probably closer to three minutes.
“luke if you want to leave, just go. i’m sorry i ruined our friendship, i wish you the best in the rest of your career and life-” 
your words were cut off by lips touching yours, luke’s lips.
after a few moments you broke the kiss, not liking how fast it was progressing.
“luke what was that-”
“i like you, y/n. as more than a friend, that is why i wanted you to wear my jersey so badly. i wanted to feel special, because you have this rule about never wearing anybody’s jersey, but you wore mine and you wore mine because i mean something to you whether that be a friend or something more, i just wanted to feel like i meant something to you.” luke practically yelled, interrupting you.
“i feel like we are both making the same points, but just phrasing them differently each time.” you spoke, trying to choose your next words carefully. “what do we do now? how do we move past this?” 
“well, you could agree to go on a date with me and wear my jersey to the next home game. that would be a start.” luke offered, grabbing both of your hands. “-you could also let me kiss you again, i’d really like that.”
“sweetie are you almost ready? we’re gonna miss warmups.”
“coming dad.” 
you quickly made your way downstairs, checking your appearance in the multiple mirrors you passed by on the way towards the car.
“wearing your boyfriend's jersey i see?” your father quipped once you got into the driver’s seat, he demanded you drive because you had just gotten a new car.
“not my boyfriend.” was all you said in response.
“still? that boy needs to grow a pair.”
from: luke hughes
are we still on for after the game? 
to: luke hughes
yup! meet me in the car park when you’re done?
from: luke hughes
after the game you parted ways with your father, him taking an uber home and leaving you with your car to drive you and luke around tonight. which isn’t traditional, especially for a first date, but you loved betty, your new car, and you wanted to drive her.
“wow the new car is dope y/n.” 
you turned around and saw jack and luke walking towards you, the older hughes speaking.
“-and nice jersey, next time wear an eighty six for me, yeah?” 
“never gonna happen jack.” luke started, before turning his attention to you. “you ready to go?” 
“yes i am, you can put your bag in the trunk.” i opened up the trunk with my keys before getting in the driver's seat. “where are we going?” 
“i’ll give you directions as you drive.” luke said, plugging his phone into the aux.
a few minutes later you pulled into a qdoba. 
“wow you know me so well hughes.”
“i just didn’t feel like paying extra for your queso and guac.” luke deadpanned.
“yeah right, i know i’m turning you into a qdoba enjoyer.” you teased as you entered the restaurant.
after getting our food luke gave me an address of where to drive for our late night picnic. it was a lookout place that luke had found when he first moved here, you had been here multiple times as well and knew of a good place to sit.
“follow me” you hopped over the barbed wire fence and waited until luke made it over to start walking again.
“are you sure this is allowed?” luke whispered.
“i know for a fact that it is not, but it’s fine no one is here right now it’s after dark.” you said back at full volume, earning a loud shhhh from luke in the process.
you walked a little bit more before you made it to your favorite ledge, you could see all of newark from here and a little bit of new york, but when you looked up there was a perfect view of the stars.
“how did you find this place?” luke asked, digging into his food.
“i was hiding from the cops one night and me and tyler ended up here.” luke’s eyes widened at your story. “i’ll tell you more about that later, but ever since i’ve been coming here.” 
we continued to eat and talk about random things until it was time to go.
“we should probably go, it’s nearly midnight.” 
once you finished the drive back to luke’s apartment you got out of the car to say your goodbyes.
“well i had a lot of fun tonight, we should do it-” luke cut you off by kissing you. “you have to stop doing that.” you teased.
“sorry, it’s just that you look really good in my jersey, like really good. i was struggling not to jump over the glass when i saw you during warmups.” luke admitted, going in for another kiss. “look y/n, i was wondering if you maybe wanted to be my girlfriend?” a blush crept up luke’s neck as he spoke.
“i would love that.” you replied, a blush spread across your cheeks.
we said our goodbyes and you drove home, not expecting your father to be awake on the couch.
“oh you’re awake?” you asked, taking your shoes off.
“yeah just wanted to make sure you were safe.” your dad replied. “how is your boyfriend?”
“he is great.” you replied smiling, not correcting him for once because now he really was your boyfriend.
note: BOOOO HAPPINESS no but this literally took me a month to finish because i had absolutely no energy and no inspo to write anything. idk if i like this yet…but ANYWAYS hope y’all enjoyed, leave feedback, have a great day, love y’all babes. 
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yaut-jaknowit · 11 months
How bout something with a yautja and their partner (either human or yautja) gets hurt, like broken back level of hurt and the two just go through the ups and downs of recovery/healing together till the partner who has got hurt learns how to walk again and what not. How they get hurt up to you lol
When the Stars Align
Pairings: Gawtin (Female Yautja) x Reader
Word Count: 5942 (Whoops. A whopping ten pages)
Summary: For the year, you were closing up your cabin deep in the forest. It's done well and served its purpose during the warmth months but winter was coming. On the last night up there, you were walking the property only to come across a wounded animal.
Author Note: I hope it was okay to turn this a little different than you wanted it. If you want something else, let me know! I felt like this could be used as an excuse to finally reveal where reader met Gawtin originally. Little warning of blood, birth (not descriptive).
Part 2
Around the cabin deep in the forest was miles and miles of forest barely occupied by any other people. A life you wished to enjoy longer before reality crashes back down on you. The cool crisp air attempted to bite through your jacket, almost nipping at your skin. Winter was coming soon. The poor little cabin situated far from civilization was unreachable during this time. Which meant, at this time, it was time to close it down.
Food and some drinks had to be retrieved. All the pipes had to be blown out so they didn’t freeze and burst open. Any clothing you wanted back home was to be packed into the extra bags you’ve brought. Windows had to be boarded up. Lastly, the power shut off.
Alone, you sat out by the large fire pit, observing the flickering flames. The warm it produced was enough for you to sit outside comfortably with just a simple jacket.
Up here, this far in, there was no cell service, not to even call for an emergency. If you were in trouble, you had to either solve the problem yourself or somehow get yourself into range. Both options were difficult to obtain in the middle of an emergency. When it came to survival, that’s what you had to do unfortunately.
A sketch book and pencil sat in your hands, used but forgotten about currently. Thoughts crowded your mind too much to think clearly. Coming up here was always a great stress reliever when life became too hectic. Wintertime sucked. Unable to escape reality for just a weekend and be stuck at a job that drains you or able to just come up to enjoy nature at its finest.
Softly, your eyes closed. The forest grew louder, ears picking up every little sound possible from your spot. The fire before you continuing to crackle and pop at times. A constant source of heat to fight off the chill of the beginning night. This was your last night up for the year. You’ll be back up in late April and early May to reopen it for the year and enjoy it all over again.
Warm air turned the cool air surrounding you into a steam for just a moment. You stood up and stretched out. The sketch book in your hand was placed to the side, pencil on top of it. If you couldn’t get out of your thoughts, you needed to clear them. There were only so few things possible to do so.
You walked up the short three steps on the deck and into the cabin. It was small, reliable though. For years, since the seventies or so, it has withstood a freak tornado, too many wildfires to begin to count, and many thunderstorms. The lightning was always a danger and caused you to panic at every strike heard or seen. It’s seen many people as your family has shared throughout lots of members.
The flashlight you were searching for was swiped off the counter. Out the door you went. With the light in hand, you started to make a path you’ve taken so many times before. A path you could probably walk blind on. Content as can be, you were alert and mindful but still enjoyed nature.
Water running would be heard at the edge of your hearing, barely there. The creek. A tiny river that ran through the acres of land you now owned. Just on the other side was a thick marsh you didn’t dare step into again. Last time, you lost a flip flop to its depths. You stayed on the safe side and on the path that buddies up with the creek until a certain point.
But you stop. Despite the quiet creek, the forest… it was dead silent. No bugs. No birds. Not a single sound to disrupt the unease in the air. Your entire body tenses, fear pumping into your veins. The flash in hand slowly swiveled around to survey the area only to come up empty handed. Your ears strained to heard something but it was like the forest suddenly died.
Throughout your years, you knew there was something out there. Something dangerous. All you had on you was a switch blade. No bigger than five inches. If a creature came after you, the thing would offer little to no help against a true predator. Your hand patted the spot it sat in your jacket pocket for double measure. Same place it was earlier.
From there, your steps were light, soft on the way back to the safety of the cabin. Not a predator hunting but prey surviving. Your heart was racing in your ears, almost drowning out the sound of the creek. This was a feeling you’ve never felt before up here. Never. Yes, there’s bears, wolves, and cougars but this was different. Your throat bobbed, eyes being vigilant.
Something you didn’t notice before was a liquid glowing bright in the dark atmosphere. Like a moth to a light, you stepped up to it. It truly glowed. A liquid, neon green. As if someone had broken a glow stick and drippled it along the forest floor… and left a handprint on the next to you. A massive handprint. It was smeared partial but could easily engulf your head.
Of course, the first thing to come to mind was Bigfoot. As stupid as it sounds, what else could’ve made a print that large?! Who else was out here this far? Nothing or no one you knew.
You swallowed your apprehension and diverted from the well-worn path. Away from the creek and further into the forest you grew up in. You stalked the trail of this glowing liquid. It stood out like a sore thumb in the growing night.
Labored, painful wheezing rasped in the silent forest, breaking the pause of sound. For just a heartbeat, you felt relief there was something creating noise out here only to realize the meaning. A creature, probably wounded, was causing this entire situation. Your shoulders sagged before you pushed forward.
Through the dense foliage, you saw a lump covered in the green goo and furrowed your brows. The light from your torch was pointed at it. Said lump shuttered.
Stunned into terror, you choked on a gasp at the sight of this… this humanoid monster on its side. Dark eyes were pinned on your trembling frame. With one of its arms, it weakly sits up as if it was going to crawl up to you. Its other arm lashed out. A guttural snarl releasing from its strange mouth. A wounded animal cornered is the first thing that came to mind at the sight of it.
The deep, bloody wounds that covered its body prevented it from moving much more. That didn’t stop it from creating noises of warning and unspoken threats. More green fluids gushed out. Blood. The glowing stuff was its blood. You shuffled through your knowledge to figure if anything had glowing blood like this. At least anything native to this area.
But nothing.
Tears were welled in its strange, inhuman colored eyes. Instantly, your heart ached at the sight of the poor thing in pain and writhing on the ground, coated in blood. You, yourself, made a saddened noise, brows furrowed in sorrow.
As your eyes scanned along its dark skin, they stopped on something that stunned you once more. Its belly was extended, rounded. You took notice at sharp bulge for a moment. A baby. A baby had just kicked. Shit.
If you were terrified or concern for not only your life but for its before, you were definitely now. A mother was someone to be afraid of. Mama bears were no joke. But the fact this thing looked like it could kill you like any other predator in this forest, you lost all color on your face. The only thing stopping you from turning tail and running was the wounds that downed it.
Consider it stupid, you lowered yourself down to your knees, hands clasped in front of you. At your movement, the thing hissed a deadly call. The flashlight pointed at the ground before the creature. This thing watched with intent, not letting you out of its sight for a moment, not even blinking.
Its breathing was ragged and wet sounding. Horrible to be in such a position as an upcoming mother and terribly wounded. You blink slowly, like you would do to a cat and slightly lowered you head, like a dog. “He-hey,” you tried, voice cracking involuntarily. You huffed at the sound. It stayed silent besides its breathing. “You’re injured.” At that point, you could’ve slapped yourself silly. As if it didn’t know it was wounded. It grunted, hand fisting the pine needle blanketed grounds.
“Sorry, that was stupid of me.” You sighed before introducing yourself to it. All the while you did this, you continued to keep your voice low and soft. Truly though, in its eyes, you couldn’t tell if it could understand you or was gathering the will to pounce on you.
“I would like to help you, if you let-“ The creature snarl, head bowed, chin tucked as its arm wrapped around its abdomen. You notice the way its extended belly contracted slightly on itself.
Not only was this an expecting mother, but a mother in labor. You gnawed at your lip to the point copper could be tasted on your buds. How were you going to salvage this? What could be done? Did this thing even understand what you’re saying?!
Its head whipped up, eyes back on you. You hadn’t moved. “You’re in labor. Fuck, you’re in labor. I-I can help, maybe,”  you rambled and ran a hand through your hair. The action had it hissing at you. Instantly, you stopped and returned to your former position. “Sorry, just nervous.” You took a short pause to gather your thoughts again. “I don’t know why you’re hurt but those wounds need to be cleaned and bandaged. The fact you’re in labor doesn’t help.” It released a clicking, wet hiss.
Sometimes, you needed to learn to get to the point. Even in troubling times. “Okay, okay. I can help you to my cabin. It’s not too far from here. I can tend to your wounds. I don’t know much about birth but I can adapt quickly.” Hopefully. This was never a situation you thought was possible.
With a pause, you had a chance to fully look at it. To be honest, its face looked like if someone turned a crab into a human. You weren’t disgusted or concerned by the way it looked. Just something you’ve never even seen before.
The top of its head was a shaped like a dome. At the edges of said dome was strange parts that jutted out like a crest or crown. Similar to dreads, thick, long strands that looked like rubber fell from its head. The rest of its body was human enough looking. Just the face was nothing from here you’ve every seen or heard about before.
Her arm around its belly tightened as it seemed study, judge you from the safe distance between the two of you. You stayed exactly where you were, despite the way your legs protested. You had to gain her trust, even if it’s just the tiniest sliver for her to come to the cabin with you. Deep inside of your heart, you felt awful for what’s happened to her. If you were in a situation like this, you hoped someone had a kind enough heart to help you.
Slowly and deliberately, you raised both of your hands in the air, flashlight pointing up into the air. A sign to show her you are no threat. “Please, I just want to help you,” you pleaded, brows furrowed, and put all of your sincerity into your words. Deep, bone chilling bellowed shook the ground under your feet.
Like a stone wall crumbling, she sagged in her spot with a hefty groan. Her massive head bowed, eyes on the ground now.
Hope grew inside of you at the sight. Was she going to accept your offer? You’d feel awful leaving her out here like this. Even though you didn’t create the situation she was in. You continued to gnaw at you bottom lip as you let her take all the time in the word. You timidly rested your arms back on your legs, showing no signs of moving or aggression.
Barely noticeable, she dipped her head in confirmation. You had to stop yourself from cheering before the realization hit you. This unidentifiable creature understood you. She knew what you were saying. At least this made things possibly simpler for you.
First thing first: getting her on her feet and to the cabin. “I’m going to stand up now and walk over to you. Is that okay?” you stated and stayed where you were crouched until seeing her head bob. Relief bubbled in your system. You did exactly what you said. All of your movements were slow, timid, calculated in each step over to her. She hissed at first before quieting down.
Once close enough to her, you officially noticed the size of this creature. Massive. Entirely powerful and huge. This was just from looking down at her.
From here, you knelt down again to get to her level and access the damage up close now. You cringed at the sight of so many wounds but saw stitching a few healing marks. You tilted your head but didn’t bring it up. It was unknown if she could respond to you.
“Like I said, I have a cabin close by. Are you able to walk, or at least get to your feet so I can help you?” you questioned quietly, afraid to go any louder. The last thing you wanted was to enrage her somehow. Her eyes watched your every move carefully.
The moment her muscles twitched into movement, you leaped back, ready to bolt. She stopped immediately. Nervously, you laughed quietly and rubbed at the back of your neck. “Sorry,” you apologized and approached her again. One of your hands was outstretched for her to take. All she did was brush it off with a bellow and used a tree to struggle to her feet.
Your jaw dropped. She towered completely over you. If you thought of her as massive on the ground, this was totally different on her own two feet. Your eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. Fear consumed your emotions due to the fact you were frozen on your spot.
A guttural, pained groan snapped you from your thoughts. She still had an arm swaddling her abandoned, head temporarily bowed. You cleared your thought. “A-alright, we better get you to the cabin,” you broke the awkward silence and stared up at her. There was no chance to even try and carry her. Her weight alone could crush you like the bug you are compared to the creature.
Yet, at the sight of her, you knew she wouldn’t be able to walk on her own. Timidly, you inched towards her, observing her body language just in case. “You can use me as a crutch?” you offered and stopped once a foot away from her. She hissed out but made no move of aggression. You flinched at the noise, antsy. She did not like your suggestion.
The way she leaned against the tree gave you any idea though… Her making it back to the cabin on her own would either take far too long or she just wouldn’t make it anyhow. “Please. Take in all the issues against you, please,” you begged and shown within your eyes that all you meant was to help her.
She made a noise akin to an alligator. A tree was her support for the moment. She leaned forward to get closer to her face, careful of her wounds and belly. “I just want to help, okay?” you repeated, voice barely above a whisper. She released a snort that blew hot air into your face. A small part of your mind believed she was probably thinking on how you were going to withstand her weight. It was worth a try in your eyes.
When you didn’t back down, she reached out to place hand on your shoulder that engulfed it. The hand surely matched the print you saw earlier. You could see the fact her palm along would take up your entire face or simply snap your neck if she saw fit. A shaky breath released from your tense lungs.
More weight was shifted onto your fragile form as she left the tree. Neon blood smeared on the dark bark in her wake. She did her best to conceal her heavy, rasping breathing but this close to her, you heard the rattle in each inhale and exhale. Your heart ached at the sound, brows furrowed. What in the world could’ve done something like this?
Once the creature moved away from the tree, she nudged you forward. Like a cane, you let her use you to stable herself from tree to tree. Thankfully, this far into the forest, it was more wild, less groomed by your family. This meant more foliage and trees crowding each other. The creature swayed, stumbling behind you.
At one point, her legs nearly buckled. That caused what felt to be three hundred pounds to be shoved onto all at once. Thankfully, a tree had saved you from being crushed into a pancake. A tinge started in your back though. Great.
The pace both of you traveled at could’ve rivaled a snail. From the many breaks she had to take – not that you blamed her, to the fact she had to drag her feet. Making progress through the night was incredibly hard. The strain she put on you and lack of sleep were starting to catch up to you.
Your first yawn of the night began as you stepped into an all to familiar area around the cabin. It was part of the area that’s easily maintained. The trees here were sparser as you struggled to keep her up on her legs between the trunks. Your legs ached horribly after the unknown amount of time it has taken to get her this far.
Biting through the pain and yawns, you finally see the dark cabin through the foliage and felt the last bit of adrenaline enter your system. With this newfound energy, you marched on and got her to the steps of the front door. Once there, the creature switched her weight to lean on the porch’s support beam. You, yourself, rested against the cabin’s wall, breathing heavily. At least that’s over.
Sluggishly, you dragged yourself up the steps and opened the old door. For a moment, your eyes glanced around to find the best place for her to be. The bedroom is what came first. Sheets can either be washed and replaced. You glanced back at her with a sorrowful look. The poor thing was struggling to stay on her legs, still holding onto her stomach.
Her eyes narrowed. A low growl sounded in the back of her throat. You threw up your hands to show you’re still no threat to her. You gnawed again at your bottom lip while just standing there. All you could do was pray she understood you meant not ill intent towards her or her baby.
You stepped back from the door and made a grand sweeping motion. “This is my cabin.” The creature took a lungful of air, scenting the place. Slowly, she trudged up the three steps and onto the porch. It groaned and creaked underneath her massive size. Due to her size alone, she was unable to stand up completely, partially hunched over.
Green blood stained the wood, leaving behind a deadly trail in her wake. Instead of fretting over a small mess, you guided her into the place and over to the only bedroom. You opened the door and helped her inside. “I hope this is okay for you. The tub definitely wouldn’t have fit you and the living room probably wouldn't have been comfortable for you.” In all honesty, the cabin didn’t have much to offer besides the forest it was surrounded in. Not that you minded. But, in the moment…
Once she was sat down on the bed, you stepped away careful, hands partially raise. “Is-is this okay?” you asked and stood back to lean against the dresser behind you. Her eyes had yet to leave your exhausted form. But for the first time, they darted around the room before resting on you again. Her massive head dipped once, thick dreads shifting with the movement. You had to stop yourself from smiling brightly.
This wasn’t over. You pushed off of the dresser and walked over to the bathroom that was connected. There was a first aid kit somewhere in here.
It didn’t take long for you to return back to her side with the supplies. Carefully, you opened the box to show her the contents. “This is a first aid kit. It medical supplies so I-“ the box was swiped from your hands and into hers. You jerked your arms back and checked for any injuries. Nothing. You relaxed and watched as she dug through to find what she wanted.
With a sigh, you left again to get a bowl and some towels. Those wounds of her weren’t bleeding heavily anymore but they still needed to be cleaned up. You stepped back towards her timidly and showed off what you had. With a jerk of her head, she motioned for them to be set off to the side. You raised a brow but placed the bowl on the nightstand. The towels were tossed next to her.
The creature had its eyes on you again. Now, in the light of the cabin, you realized they were purple! A beautiful shade that easily caught your attention. But, you shook yourself free from your thoughts. She had lowered head, body tense, ready to lunge. Curses were forming in your brain as you stepped away from her, arms raised.
She followed your every move but never made one of herself. When you got to the door, she released a deadly snarl. Your first reaction was to slam the door closed. The cabin went quiet, besides the low crackling of the dying fire outside.
Okay then. You popped your lips and tried to piece the whole the situation together. What had you just done? All you could do was stare blankly at the closed door for a few long, unspeakable minutes. Then, you pulled yourself up by the bootstraps and trudged outside. The fire couldn’t be left out to burn all night.
By the fire again, you plopped down on a wooden bench and stared into the flickering flames. Next to you was the discarded sketch book and pencil. They felt heavier in your hands after picking them back up.
What had you done? Why was your heart so naïve to these things?! A wounded creature – or whatever that thing is – isn’t something you bring inside of your house? Cabin? Whatever. You groaned and cradled your head into your hands. “What am I going to do?” The things had kicked you out of your own cabin after you offered it shelter and medical supplies.
It’s a mother though, in labor. That thought pulled at your heart strings, making you feel horribly guilty. A hand ran through your locks of hair. Tomorrow is a new day. Could you even sleep while knowing that thing was in there with you? Was it hungry? You brought it water, though not drink.
Your mind was all over the place, trying to decipher the next course of action for the upcoming day. As you sat, alone, you felt eyes on you. Immediately, your head whipped up to find the window to the bedroom. There, in the dim light of the room, was the creature, watching you. Did it need something?
Both of your legs strained under your body but carried you to the bedroom door. Softly, your knuckles racked against the wood. “Are you okay? Do you need help?” Your voice was barely above a whisper, ear listening for movement.
Then, the door was ripped open. In a bout of terror, you reeled away, back slamming into the wall behind you and gasped harshly.
From many moments ago, the mother’s body was fairly cleaned up now. This allowed you to notice the fact she wore no shirt to cover her enlarged breasts. A squeak passed your lips. You shied your eyes away to look at the floor, stupid as it might be.
The creature huffed before making a clicking noise of sorts. Your eyes darted up to her face for only a second. She sighed once more. A warm, massive hand wrapped around your bicep and tugged you into the room. You released a yelp and squirmed in her hold. “Hey, wait! Please don’t hurt me,” you pleaded and did everything in your power to get free.
It took a fraction of her strength to push you back into a wall and effectively pinning you there. Instinctively, you bowed your head, body shaking like a left on a tree.
Nothing was done to you. Untensing a little, you glanced up at the towering figure as she peered down at you. Despite no words, her actions spoke loudly. She wasn’t going to hurt you. Your body relaxed, for the most part. “So, uh, what do you need?” you questioned and clutched your sketch book to your chest.
She stepped away from you and partially turned her back towards you. It was still a mess of wounds and glowing blood. “You want me to help you?” Stupid to ask as she was wanting you to already. Your nerves were getting the best of you.
Despite looking like nothing from this world, she expressed a deadpanned look. “Okay, okay, sorry. Just wanted to make sure. Alright?” You held up your hands, one holding the book. She snorted airily before grunting, claws flexing.
You cleared your throat. “If you don’t mind me asking… how far along are you?” A coppery taste touched your buds the longer you worried at your lips. She took a momentary pause before pointing at the ground. For a second, it was hard to figure out what she was doing. “Oh! Now, now. Got it…” So, you were right.
Before you had a chance to move away from the wall, a deadly hand encased your throat and pinned you hard against. A threatening, bone chilling snarl ripped from her throat next to your ear. The warning loud and clear. Then, she backed away and sat down on the bed. Like nothing had happened.
After shoving your heart back into your chest from your throat, you shakily walked up to her. Her back was facing you, allowing you to see all the past scars and new wound decorating it. A part of you wanted to reach out and touch them but reframed from doing that.
Fairly enough, the sheets were barely contaminated by her blood. A part of you appreciated that. Less of a job to clean up later. The towels you’ve given her earlier were half used, soaked in neon green blood. You grabbed a clean one, dipped it in the semi dirty water, before reaching out towards her back. “I’m going to touch your back now, okay?” you stated and only moved when given permission to wipe off her back.
Stroke after delicate stroke, dried and wet blood was washed away. The hours of the night went on as you worked on stitching close any large cut. Glancing at one of the round wounds in her back, you noticed something lodged in it. Carefully, you plucked a pair of tweezers and let her know your intentions.
It was delicate work to pull the unknown object from her flesh. Finally, you were able to get a good grasp and tugged it free. More blood gushed out. You placed a clean towel with even pressure on the newly opened wound.
In the grasp of the tweezers… was a bullet. You dropped it by accident but froze up. Something had shot her. Fear battled anger. Who in the hell shot her?! That meant someone trespassed onto your property to injure her. Your hands shook from boiling rage as new light shined on the situation. Someone had shot a mother. A clearly pregnant mother!
Instead of letting yourself get distracted, you focused back on the task on hand. It wasn’t long before the wounds were cleaned and covered. You stepped away from the lumbering giant, hands and clothing soaked with her blood. A shower was desperately needed after this has passed. “How do you feel?”
She turned around to face you, legs hanging over the edge of the bed now. A deep breath filled her lungs. The creature carefully stretched out her muscles to test her ability. Once she seem satisfied, she nodded her head. Either in gratitude or acknowledgment, you didn’t know. “Are you hungry?” This made her stop to think for a moment then nodded again.
Okay, communication was achievable, thankfully. You pressed your lips together in thought. “So… what do you eat?” Downright, she looked to be a predator with the size of those teeth. No herbivore on this planet had teeth like that. “I’m guessing meat?” Another nod.
Meat was something you could do. Right as you were about to leave, a thought came to mind. “Raw or cooked?” You realized your mistake. “Raw?” A nod. Makes sense.
You dug through the fridge and pulled out meat you were thinking of cooking up tonight. Someone else was in dire need of it. So, you go back to the bedroom and offered it to you. “Does this work? It’s all I have.” She took it.
Like the meat eater she is, the mother tore into the packaging and consumed the meat quickly. In such a quick manner, you didn’t have time to even get a word out. Hopefully, that could tie her over for a while. But she was eating for two, soon to be one. That reminded you of the other dire situation occurring in her belly.
Nervously, you scratched at the back of your neck. “So, the baby? You said you were having it now… is there anything I could do to help?” She stared at you. If this was the answer you were getting, then that means nothing to you. You sighed and picked up the sketch book from the dresser. “Okay, I’ll just be in the living room if you need me.”
Just like you said, you returned to the living, book in hand. Despite the weariness in your bones trying to drag you to sleep, you sat on the couch, sketching. Your pencil danced across the paper with an easer to sometimes chance it.
A piercing roar rattled your cabin. You awoke with a jolt, head whipping up to figure what was happening. A pencil stuck to your face fell down into the open sketch.
Pained, wheezing gasps and growls sounded from the only bedroom. You flinched at the sound of torture in the room. No wonder why the birth rate was on a decline.
Against your better judgement, you stalked over to the opened door and peered around the corner. Next to the bed was the creature, standing two wobbling legs. One of her hands was gripping the headrest so hard it had left a handprint in the metal. Her other hand was tearing into the drywall. You swallowed, throat bobbing as you observed the laboring mother, unsure on how to help. Your first mistake was to take a breath in to speak.
Her head snapped over to you. Shit. A deafening roar shook the house to its foundation. The mother pushed off of the wall and marched over to you. Like the prey you are, you were frozen to your spot. This thing stop right in front of your trembling form and roar right in your face. Spit flying to land on your skin as she huffed and puffed with caged anger.
Deep in your chest, you find your voice timidly. “Wha-what can I-I do to, to help?” is all you can say for the life of you.  The creature snarled threatening and took another step forward. Was this your demise? A lesson you weren’t going to learn from.
Her threatening display was done. She went over to the bed, knelt down, and rested her upper half on top of it.  With a sigh, you left but only to return with your sketch book. You didn’t know if she wanted someone to be in the room with her as this went only. If you were in a situation like this, you would like to have some comfort, even if it was a stranger.
Due to the way she didn’t react, you guessed it was okay with her. More hours of the night went along until the morning sun rose in the dawn. It took all of your effort to stay away during the process.
Once the night became day, you heard a shrill, squeaky, loud cry. Your head shot up, knocking against the wall behind you. The pain was brushed off as you watched the new mother cradle a sticky, gross green blob in her arms and flop against the bed. She purred a low noise to the baby and clicked to it, mandibles twitching playfully.
A wide smile broke across your face at the endearing sight. The sketch book in hand was closed and set off to the side but you stayed where you were. This was a mother and baby moment, you weren’t going to disrupt that by moving. The poor mother had gone through enough within the last twenty-four hours. She didn’t need the stress of you moving around.
The mother turned her head over to you and locked eyes. You tensed, unsure of her intentions. To break the ice, you spoke up softly. “Quite a cutie?” you tried but a loud knocking scared you.
Immediately, the creature snarl and cradled her baby closer all the while attempting to stand. You need to sooth her rose. You put your hands out as if calming a wild animal. “Wait, wait! Don’t! Let me go check it out, okay? Stay here and quiet,” you said and walked out of the room after she didn’t make any more moves to get up.
All the living room curtains were closed still from the night. The curtain next to the front door was white and let you see the outline of someone. Shit. Fuck! Mentally, you cursed up a storm as you tried to think of a good reason on why any one would be out here. Then, the creature popped into your mind. The bullet holes. She was being hunted. And these people were the hunters.
Determination flooded your system. You marched back into the bedroom, bypassing the confused but protective look on the mother’s face, and went up to the nightstand. In there was a gun your father kept up here all the time. In case of an emergency. This was one. You pulled the weapon out and checked it out. It had bullets in it. You turned to the mother. “Stay in here, please. I’ll deal with them, alright?”
The window caught your attention. You rushed over and closed the curtain. Luck had to be on your side.
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princeloww · 7 months
The Real St. Judes: Gartloch Hospital - History (abridged)
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The Scottish Lunacy Act of 1857 saw the creation of the Glasgow District Lunacy Board. The act, through these boards, aimed to establish and operate "district asylums", which would house patients unable to pay for the already existing "Royal Asylums".
In 1889, the Gartloch Estate was purchased by the City of Glasgow for approximately £8600 (~1 million today). The Glasgow District Lunacy Board were to turn it into an asylum for the mentally ill, and Gartloch Hospital would open in 1896.
In the early 1900s, a tuberculosis sanitorium was opened.
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During World War II, Gartloch was temporarily transformed into an Emergency Medical Services Hospital; the psychiatric patients were transferred and housed in other hospitals. After the war, the tuberculosis sanitorium was shut.
Gartloch would fall into the hands of a different board (Board of Management for Glasgow North-Eastern Mental Hospitals), after joining the NHS in 1948.
Although there were 830 beds in 1904, by 1990 there were apparently only 530 - this being just under the amount available when it first opened.
In its last few years, Gartloch would fall under the Greater Glasgow Community and Mental Health Services NHS Trust. In 1996, the hospital officially closed, and was essentially abandoned, until 2003, when plans to turn Gartloch into a village began.
Now, there is a village, "Gartloch Village", surrounding the hospital. The main body, the iconic front we see in Donna Franceschild's TOTA, standing derelict and with boarded windows.
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Oh, it's also apparently haunted, according to two nurses.
What was the hospital like?
I've nabbed these (like most of the other information - although I cross-referenced the rest (such as the years) from wikipedia and some other archives) from this article on hiddenglasgow.com.
I was born and lived at 2280 Gartloch Rd (East Cottages) of Gartloch Hospital. My Father, Bill Milne was the Bacteriologist at Gartloch Hospital Laboratory. My Mother was Helen and was the hospital hairdresser. My memories of Gartloch are the most wonderful memories ever. We had the most perfect childhood. The children of employees were involved in lots of differant ways. I remember especially the farm. Our house looked onto the busy fields and the Bishop Loch. We spent many happy summers pickinf tatties with the patients. And in the long cold winters, skating on the Bishop Loch. Christmad parties in the hospital involved all the staff, their children and patients. We got to know many of the patients who had been there most of their lives. Some had been admitted the the unit because of ''having a child out of wedlock'' I have so many stories to tell this page is not big enough! I would love to hear from anyone who remembers Gartloch or who lived/worked there.
Pattie Milne [04/02/2004]
I was talking with my gran t'other night about Gartloch (her maw died in there!) and she remembers these two women that used to walk about when she went visiting. One of them was about 4 foot nothing and the other about 6 foot. They walked up and down the hall, not saying a word to each other, but every now and then the taller one would repeatedly slap the little one on the head (that story seemed funnier when my gran told it!).
Crusty [30/01/2004]
There are a few more interesting stories on the linked article, so if you're interested, I recommend you check them out.
Finally: Takin' Over the Asylum (and other pop culture)
Takin' Over the Asylum aired on the 27th of September, 1994. The six-part drama was filmed in a disused wing of Gartloch, while the hospital was still open and functional. The hospital would close only 2 years after the airing of the show.
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Gartloch's iconic, gothic towers would play a key role in the show, and be instantly recognisable to any viewer of TOTA.
Although it shut down in 1996, TOTA would not be the only media produced about the hospital. Wikipedia states that a film was produced in 2005, named (appropriately) "Gartloch Hospital", that covered the history of the hospital. This film went on to win an award in 2007, at the Scottish Mental Health Art and Film Festival, for "Best Factual Film".
Although hidden away, Gartloch hospital has an undeniably interesting history. Personal accounts from the hospital seem to paint it as a fun place, where patients and staff seemed to get along. Knowing the horrors of early mental health treatment, and the abuse many would suffer in these sort of places, we can only hope that these accounts are true and create an accurate image of life surrounding the hospital.
And I wrote all this because I really like David Tennant. Good night
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Note the decorative peaks on the towers - they are absent from the rest of the photos. They were reportedly removed in the late 1930's.
Very interesting archive that goes into the history of Gartloch: (link) (source of above images)
Timeline and personal memories: (link)
Overview: Wikipedia (gartloch, Takin' Over the Asylum)
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xxwitchylanexx · 3 months
Smooth Sailing... Or Maybe Not Cloud x Reader
All aboard the Shinra-8.
No major plot spoilers
Chapter 7
“Guys, Y/n isn’t here yet.” Aerith said as the ramp to the hold folded back into the dock.
Cloud’s blood rushed in his ears and his pulse pounded in his wrists as he scanned the dock for any sign of you. He felt compelled to act to do something though no options seemed to be viable. He should have asked you how you planned to board when he saw you in the street. Frustration and disappointment settled into the pit of his stomach. If it wasn't for Yuffie he probably could’ve met back up with you or hell boarded together instead of running around in the chaos and fending for himself. Even as the boat lurched forward into the vast sea he couldn’t tear his gaze from the dock hoping that’d you pop in at the last second. “Shit.” Guess that’s that then.
“We could still turn back.” Tifa said, her knit brows, downcast eyes and wobbly frown mirrored his own inward emotions.
“No, they’ll be looking for us. It’d be better for her if we just moved on.” Aerith opened her mouth to argue, but he didn’t give her any time to argue. “No use standing around. Let’s go.” Cloud pushed past his two friends as they shared a concern-ridden look.
He wanted to turn back, no way in hell he’d tell them that, but the problem still stood. This was the only boat leaving tonight and the port would be too guarded tomorrow. They’d have no other chances to get to the next continent.
“Damn shame.” Barret says as he pushed one of the shipment crates to the side. “That girl had skill. I tell ya, we were clear on the otha side of the crowd ‘n she came running in, grabbed my arm, and shot that damn throwing star. Saved Shinra’s slimy ass.”
“Wow,” Aerith whispered under her breath, “That’s impressive.” Her usual mirthful personally now dejected despite her attempt to ease the bleak vibe in their team. “I guess we’ll have to rely on you for all our sharp shooting needs now.” Generally Cloud took more delight in jabs directed at Barret, but he couldn’t find it in him to be amused.
“Hey!” Barret yelled in objection as Aerith smiled sadly to herself.
“I sure hope she’s alright.” Tifa spoke quietly to herself, from Cloud’s side.
“You should be more worried about us.” Cloud said shooting his group a sharp glare. “Now focus.” It was better this way; is what he told himself. He could finally escape the overwhelming attraction. He’d made sure that any interaction with you was short and to the point, but he could feel your eyes on him from time to time and they set his body on fire. What originally started as curiosity on his end was quickly ramping up into something else. Something that terrified him to his core. It wasn't the parting he’d wanted, but maybe that was better too.
The sticky humid sea air smacked Cloud immediately the moment he emerged from cool air conditioning of the second class cabins. Junon had reeked of it too, however there was nothing out on the sea that would cover up the salty breeze.
The overhead sound system trumpeted around the ship about some card tournament as Cloud weaved through waves of tacky palm shirts and khaki shorts, the vacationers faces all a faded blur. His focus was on the great round information center, among other services, in the center of the vessel to join up with the rest of his friends.
They were huddled off in the corner nearest the counter. They were having their own little discussion of hushed words to avoid eavesdroppers, the girls saw him approach. Words died on their lips as he neared them except for Barret, who chose to keep that ridiculous sailors uniform on, so Aerith elbowed him discreetly to shut him up. Cloud inwardly scoffed. Like I wouldn’t notice.
He scratched at the back of his neck as he wondered if he should pry or not. The idea that they were talking about him behind his back had an itch crawling under his skin. “What’s up?”
“Oh, just talking about Queen’s Blood.” Tifa answered, though from the way her eyes darted to anything but his own told Cloud everything he needed to know.
“You going to enter, Cloud?” Aerith asked. Another diversion.
“Not interested.” He replied flatly.
“Oh come on!” Aerith insisted.
“It’ll be fun!” Tifa said at the same time. The smile actually reached her eyes this time.
“I’ll take that as a ‘yes’” Barret planted a meaty hand on his shoulder. Cloud shrugged him off and huffed a heavy sigh. He found himself yielding to their pressure despite wanting to be by himself. Odin only knows he could use a distraction from the silence in his bunk only accompanied by his forlorn thoughts, and his friends discussing him in private only aided in his isolation.
Each one stepped in line to register for the tournament. He scanned the area like he always did as he waited for his turn. As he stepped to the counter a faint blur of pale blue streaked across his peripheral. Lightning shot down his spine as his feet carried him in the direction he saw it, his heart thrashing against his ribs with every step closer, his eyes unmoving from his target.
He faintly acknowledged his friends asking what was up behind him as they followed behind through every weave in and out of the masses but all he could focus on was the possibility of you. Twenty feet, ten, five. His gloved hand reached out to touch the lithe woman not even a foot apart, yet, hesitated last second his hand frozen in the space between you two. What if it wasn’t you? He could turn back right now, walk away and continue on his path, but… What if it was you? His body made the choice for him moving on its own at the possibility of ghosting along your flesh before settling firmly on your shoulder. “Hey.” His voice came out in a low murmur.
Every second seemed to stretch on for hours as she turned. His thoughts going a thousand miles and stopping altogether all at once. He could hear nothing but the blood pounding in his ears and each breath he inhaled as he burned the way each strand of hair moved and glowed in the slowly sinking sun as she shifted into his memory. How the e/c sparks in your eyes slowly brightened and the curve of your lips twitched up as you took him in. The roars of laughter and heart felt relief, and sheer joy, that surely brought attention to the ragtag group of friends behind him.
“Took you long enough. I was starting to worry you guys didn’t make it.” Your lips spoke, and the sound had his heart stopping before an easing comfort blew through his entire being like a cool night breeze rustling through the trees in the Woodlands. A sensation he could only associate with you as you danced along with hundreds of lightning bugs with the moonlight illuminating your hair much like the sunset did now. However something was off. You looked a little faint, your natural s/c tinged with a faint green. Your eyes didn’t crinkle in the corners like they usually did when you smiled and you weren’t as alert as he knew you were.
“How the hell’d you get on this boat!” Barret voice thundered in his ear and as if he turned a TV up the rest of the surrounding noise filtered back into Cloud’s senses. Aerith and Tifa pushed past him to each hug a side as he stumbled backwards a bit, his hand clutching the air at the loss of your warmth.
“I have a ticket.” You said blankly. Barret huffed, unsatisfied with your answer. “Well it’s more of a travel pass. I can board whenever I need to.” You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. “Excuse me.” Cloud furrowed his brows as a frown pulled at his lips. You broke away from the girls, ignoring their worried questions, and leaned over the railing. He nearly grabbed you again until he heard you retching violently over the side. Were you sick?
“Y/n, you okay?” Tifa asked as she rubbed your back.
You straightened back up, wiped your mouth with the back of your arm, and returned to the conversation. “I, unfortunately, get severely seasick. So now that we all reunited I’m going to find a room.” He sympathized with you. Before he became a soldier he too got all kinds of motion sickness: car, boat, plane- you name it he had it. “You guys should go enjoy yourselves.”
“And leave you all alone?” Aerith asked.
“Trust me. You don’t want to sit around and watch me toss my stomach contents.” You put a hand over your stomach as you fought a wave of nausea before pushing past them and headed back inside before you halted. You turned to them and with a forced smile you wished them good luck and a ‘Have fun’ before you blended into the crowed once again. Only his eyes didn’t move from your body till the doors to the cabins physically shielded you from the intensity of his stare.
“Shall we, then?” Aerith asked and Tifa nodded along. The two being the first ones to break away to explore and find a match to join. Barret was next, but not before smacking him roughly on the back. “Snap outta it, soldier boy.”
He shook his head before noticing Red was watching him too. His big round ocher eye seemingly pierced through Cloud’s carefully crafted walls that kept his true thoughts, feelings, and insecurities guarded from the world. He quickly tore his gaze from the red beast as if that would keep himself concealed. Red hadn't said anything before he departed. Only the pitter patter of his paw pads against the deck signaled that Cloud was left on his own once again. Only this time he didn’t feel as heavy.
Perhaps if he had truly been on his game he would've noticed the prying brown eyes that invaded your entire reunion.
Cloud laid down the final card that secured his victory in the third round. A sense of pride washed over him as the edges of his mouth subtly lifted at her disapproving grunt and her over dramatic way of throwing herself against her chair, the loose shoulder of her kimono slipping down another half inch. He despised this woman. Out of all the weirdos they ran into in Wall Market, Madam M was his least favorite. The teasing, the smooth innuendos, her cold and uncaring demeanor; it made him sick. She was the most helpful, sure, but only because it benefits her.
“Fine. You win, Cloud. I have to hand it to you, though, that performance certainly hit all the right spots.” her words like as honey that oozed with lasciviousness. He’d roll his eyes if it wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of getting under his skin. So he settled with just getting off his chair and securing his sword to his back. He planned to say absolutely nothing to her until she grabbed his wrist tightly, her gaudy nails gently tapping against his skin. “That girl you were with earlier- the h/c girl in the dreadfully bland blue dress, how is it you know her?”
He didn’t give her the satisfaction of facing her, he only looked over his shoulder. He immediately regretted listening to her at all with the way her eyes sparkled like he fell for the bait she so generously tangled in front of him. How could he not when you were the subject? “What’s it to you?”
She ran her hand from his wrist to his palm, her fingers tracing over the worn lines of his gloves before he snatched it back. She let her arm fall like a scolded child with a ‘hmph’ before observing her perfect manicure. “I raised a girl that looked identical to her.” Her statement caught him off guard as he instinctively turned to look at her. He felt a sudden rush of protectiveness rip down his body, that rivaled the sensation he’d get when guarding one of his friends, and anger settled in the pit of his gut. “Though that girl, was trouble. Ruthless. Soulless. It’s probably just a coincidence of course, since she died. But, I’d keep an eye on her lest you wake up with her knife at your pretty throat.”
He didn’t bother to answer her. His feet took off towards the cabins on their own intent on finding you despite him lacking your room number. He stopped mid way between the counter and the doors. What was he going to do, barge in and interrogate you when you’ve given him no reason to doubt you? It could just be another way to mess with his head, though Madam M has never just downright lied to him before.
His name called over the intercom again to start the next match. He weighted his options make an ass of himself or mind his own business. It’s not like he was an open book. As he stalked back to the table to his next match a chill ran down his spine. What kind of childhood did you have to endure, if you truly were the same girl?
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half-dead-ham · 2 years
With chaos brings Justice
My last entry for the DpxDCshipweek, sad I couldn't get through it in it entirety, but happy I made some for it at all!
links: [Ao3] Wc: 6656 Cw: implied/referenced torture
John Constantine was a man of few pleasures. He liked booze, nights with a full bed and belly, and keeping his head attached to his shoulders.
 So when he felt a surge of chaos magic flood the board room of the Justice League Watchtower one long morning into their bi-monthly meeting that for some reason he decided to show up to, he felt any chance of him recovering this day with booze or food leave the solar system entirely.
 Before the other Leaguers even felt the pressure change that came with teleporting magics John was on his feet, readying a defence spell just in case who (or what) decided to attack first, talk second. ‘Course the other gits just saw him knock back his chair with a flask of whatever he’d poured himself last night and thought for a second he was trollied.
 He always loved it when the other blokes did that. Fuckin’ hell, where was Zatanna when you needed her?
 He would’ve cracked a smile when the rest of them finally got the memo that sumthin’ foul was afoot, but John was too focused on the fact that he recognized the magic to try and play this off as anything but deadly serious. Why was he the only one here that was able to deal with this particular brand of chaos? Why couldn’t he have bloody stayed home like all the other bloody times he’d missed a meeting?
 The magic was perceptible now, a swirling red cloud hovering over the conference table like it might start raining blood, a static in the air, the smell of lamp oil and chaos magic making John's nose twitch. There wasn’t any use in trying to fool himself as a figure formed in the cloud, and any trace of those lovely effects of his bevvy of choice went straight out the airlock.
 A pale-faced child emerged from the mist, curly black hair with two styled points partially obscuring a set of beady black eyes that looked down their nose at the group surrounding the table.
 “Klarion,” the teen turned to John, expression unusually flat. The witch boy Hadn’t yet said anything, and his blasted familiar kept its place on his shoulder, hissing but not leaping into action.
 Now that John got a good look at the chaos magic user he almost wanted to look surprised. Klarion had changed his style; no longer was he dressed in puritan settler chic, now he wore dark jeans with black converse, a white t-shirt with the runic symbol for creation in red, and a black sleeveless overcoat. It looked grunge, and John could almost appreciate it.
 “Now what does the infamous Witch Boy need that he’s ‘ported in 'on our lovely gathering?” John asked, seeing as the teen (an’ he looked like a proper teen now, didn’ he?) wasn’t feeling especially chatty. His defensive spell was almost complete, if John could just keep the lil shit distracted for a little longer-
 “Stupid heroes, I have come because I have a task for you,” the Witch boy announced, looking like he sucked a lemon while saying it.
 John could see a few others in the room looking at each other in confusion, but he kept his eyes firm on the brat in front of him. “Oh? An’ what task would require our services, oh mighty mage?”
 The Witch Boy’s eyes narrowed at him, clearly not liking the sarcasm in his tone. Surprisingly, to him at least, Klarion turned to Superman, not falling to the taunt like he would’ve before.
 “Someone I respect has been captured by the American government, and while I would have no problem raising the place to the ground myself-” more than a few of the heroes present tense at that, “-this person would only find more trouble in me doing so.”
 Now that brought up a nice heap of questions for the surrounding men in tights. Why, or better yet how does Klarion know someone that needs help from the Justice League. Someone who he apparently respects enough to go for help from a group of stuffy adults with sticks shoved so far up their-
 "And why should we help you?" The big ol' Bat asks what's on the tip of everyone's tongues.
 Klarion turns to the Caped Crusader with the most serious expression John had ever seen on the Witch Boy. "Because the High King of the Dead needs help escaping the living, and you guys love to make sure this stupid plane of existence doesn't fall to war."
   "You seriously aren't helping, Witch Boy!" Danny calls out to the cackling teenager as he evades yet another tentacle from the thing coming out of the side of a large floating island. More of a mountain, really, but Danny's a little too tied up to care.
 "Hit 'em again!" The pale-faced teen on the sidelines jeered as the ghost boy shot off another volley of ectoblasts towards what he's starting to dub as a hermit-ectopus. Grimacing, Danny did just that, raining a hail of green towards the writing mass of tentacles, finally pushing the thing back in its cave enough so that he could seal the entrance with ice.
 With that out of the way, Danny could finally take a breather. He put his hands on his knees for stability as he panted, annoyed. Ancients curse that stupid Witch Boy, he may not need to breathe in this form, but that was one hell of a workout. 
 The cackling to his left was finally starting to die down, but not before he heard the idiot making his way closer. One final exhale and he straightened back up, giving the other teen a side glare Mr. Lancer would be proud of.
 "Give me one good reason I shouldn't soup you right now, cat boy," he demanded with a scowl as he crossed his arms.
 "'Cause you still need me to help you get that stupid antidote for your stupid friends!" Klarion quipped back immediately, smug smirk stuck on his face. "Besides, it's not like your weak little can'll be able to do anything to me."
 "You're the one who poisoned them in the first place," he sneered back, letting his hatred of the other boy leak out through his aura while trying not to worry himself over Sam and Tucker back home.
 Klarion got closer, smirk growing menacingly wider, "Well who was the ghost that kept ignoring me? This is your fault and you know it."
 Danny said nothing, just punched Klarion in the face before flying off into the mountain grumbling, leaving the Witch Boy to deal with the blood falling onto his tie by himself.
   "Constantine, what do you know about this 'High King of the Dead'?" Batman asked after pulling the mage into the hall. They had left Superman to deal with the details and negotiations. He's always been better at that.
 "Not much, Batsy," John sighed, really wishing he could pull out a smoke. If it weren't for those blasted 'no smoking' rules the furry in front of him enforced, he'd be chugging like a train right 'bout now.
 Batman simply glared at the man for a moment before John got the unsaid ‘well, get on with it’. “Alright, alright, I do know some things, but I don’t know how useful they’ll be!”
 John sighed, “Not much information about the ruling body of the dead gets through to the realm of the living, that whole ‘dead men tell no tales’ bit. What I know of a King of the dead was that he was a right bastard that wanted his cake and e’ryone else's. Got locked in some coffin or what have you by his ruling court, and hasn’t been heard from for about two millennia ‘til the new one came about.”
 “And this new king, is he anything like the last one?”
 Before John could confirm or contradict the question a sharp laugh came from the other side of the conference doors. The two detectives looked at each other before heading back in, Klarion watching from his seat on the table as they rejoined the group.
 “The new High King of the Dead is nothing like the last one,” the Witch Boy stated with a sneer.
 Batman turned to Superman, asking with a silent tilt of the head. He got a head shake and shrug in return. “We were talking about why he would need us specifically when he just started laughing.”
 “Oh?” The occult detective spoke up, “And what makes you say that? If you respect him he must be pretty similar, eh? Why do you or him need our help?”
 Klarion looked down, a pinched expression taking over his face. “He’s nothing like me. He’s good.”
   Wind tore through Danny’s hair as he flew up to the massive Vortex rampaging through mid- America. He could barely see five feet in front of him before a tree or the rare car nearly takes him out of the sky. Klarion’s magic could be seen on his ten o’clock, trying to stop the raging wind before it throws something at him too. Danny dove to grab onto the magic caster, turning him intangible before the broad side of a barn could crash into him.
 “What did you even do to make him this angry‽” Danny yells over the wind, pulling the concentrating Witch boy to another spot so they could be harder to hit. It doesn’t help, as half a tree still nearly decapitates them.
 “Absolutely nothing!” Klarion ground back through his teeth, “He just started chasing me through the Realms! I thought I could lose him in this plane but he just followed me!”
 Another tree sailed their way, and Danny had to drag the other teen out of its path. He shot a volley of ectoblasts at some clumps of dirt launching themselves at them, breaking them up before they were close enough to hit them.
 “How long ‘til your spell finishes‽” Danny asks, throwing more ectoblasts into the swirling vortex of carnage. The tornado consumes them greedily, returning fire with debris from an old storage barn it had picked up.
 “Not fast enough!” Klarion shouts back, now flying under his own power as the harder parts of the spell conclude.
 They weave through projectiles after that, Danny obliterating the larger objects thrown their way so Klarion could focus more on his spell. They were at least lucky enough that they had lured Vortex out to farm country, where they could easily provoke him out of the way of any towns. That left just the crops and their tools for the weather ghost to throw.
 At least, until Danny spotted some larger buildings.
 “Better speed that spell up, Witch Boy!” Danny urged, realizing they were heading towards the city, and fast.
 “I’m going as fast as I can!” Was all the other teen could retort as he ground his teeth further, doubling his efforts anyway. Red light swirled fiercely around the pale boy, encircling him and his familiar before suddenly launching outwards to wrap around the tornado. The wind picked it up easily, quickly turning the angry winds and clouds above a sickening blood red colour. A triumphant grin spreads across Klarion’s face at the turn of events, a giggle bubbling up before being stolen by the wind. Danny would almost be scared at the situation if it were him that smile was going against, but right now he was just a little relieved.
 Klarion spoke one final word to his spell, and with it the red smoke pulsed bright, lighting up the whole cloud before the funnel just disappeared, leaving some dark yet still clouds above them. Danny could only stare at the sight in awe.
 “What did you do dude?” He asked, noticing the odd change in the air around them. It was strangely still, almost-
 “I froze the air in place, of course,” Klarion huffed hotly, and Danny turned his awed gaze to the teen next to him.
 “You froze the air?” 
 “Well,” Klarion’s cheeks started to gain an almost normal complexion as his blush rose at the attention. “It’s not frozen frozen, but I made it so it wouldn’t move. So yes, I froze the air.”
 When Danny didn’t move or change his expression Klarion’s blush only grew. Teekl gave a lax “meow” from the Witch Boy’s shoulders, breaking Danny’s trance and allowing Klarion the time to unruffle his proverbial feathers. The witch Boy coughed lightly in his hand as he turned away.
 “Teekl’s right, shouldn’t you be doing your job now? I’ve done all the hard work, pick up the slack Ghost Boy.” Only his familiar saw the light green blush spread over the ghosts cheeks before he gave a nod and flew off towards where he could sense the weather spirit.
 “Meow,” Teekl commented playfully.
 Klarion blushed harder, “Oh shut up you hairball.”
   The Javelin was speeding into earth's atmosphere towards the Americas, half of the Leaguers who had been in the meeting previously plus one chaos mage nestled inside. They had decided an impromptu rescue mission was in order, despite some worries of the Witch Boy leading item into a trap.
 Batman remedied this by keeping Superman on standby, Shazam on call, and taking Manhunter with them to catch any lies the teen might be telling them.
 The plane was dead quiet, and it was honestly making Hal antsy, especially sitting so close to someone they consider an enemy. His solution? Small talk.
 “So,” the green lantern drawled as he swiveled his chair to face the teen. “From the way you talk about this King it sounds like you have something a little more than ‘respect’ for the guy. Care to elaborate?”
 Klarion gave the Green Lantern a long side eye, making Hal even antsier in his seat. Seriously, how can a kid this dorky be this creepy?
 A terse meow from the cat in the boy’s lap and the stare broke, and suddenly Hal felt he could breathe again. Klarion sighed heavily, like the topic exhausted him before he even started, but before Hal could rescind his words the Witch Boy was talking.
 “The King of the Dead and I have known each other for a few years now,” he started. “And while at the beginning we were basically at each other's throats, after his coronation we figured out we didn’t really want to be enemies anymore. Looking back we had probably already decided that without saying anything, but it just got awkward to think about after.”
 “This king was crowned recently?” Batman asked from his place at the wheel.
 “Within the last three years, if I remember right,” Klarion replied flippantly. The Bat nodded, taking his focus back to flying to their charted destination. Not wanting more stifling silence, Hal picked the conversation back up.
 “If you’ve known the King of the Dead for over three years you guys must be pretty close, huh?”
 The Witch Boy huffed, “Yes, you could say that.”
 “So could you maybe tell us more about him? What’s he like? Does he have a hobby? Don’t leave us hanging man!” Hal was encroaching on a jeer with his tone, though he died down quickly at the flat stare he received from both mage and familiar. If Diana hadn’t spoken up he might've been afraid of turning into a toad.
 “I am also curious, Klarion. You haven’t told us much about someone you seem to care greatly over, anything you could tell us about them would help us settle whatever dealings they have with the American government.” At the moment the princess mentioned the government Teekl was on alert, Klarion’s expression soured with the change.
 “The ‘dealings’ they have with your stupid higher powers is that they want to hunt his kind for sport and resources,” He spat, to the astonishment of the league members. Bruce and Diana shared a glance from the front seats, dread seeping into Bruce’s gut at the news.
 “Could you explain that further? We need to know if we want to fix this,” Diana asked more seriously, motioning for Hal to take her seat as copilot so she could focus more on the conversation at hand.
 (Hal was thankful for the distraction.)
 “Your government,” the teen hissed, eyes glinting dangerously red before settling back to their eerie black. “Has been trying to catch Phantom since before I met him. They’ve deemed anything that holds ectoplasm in their body as unfeeling and mindless, and deemed them worthy of extermination and experimentation.”
 “That can’t be legal, non-humans are protected under the Metahuman rights acts.” Diana comments with a frown.
 Klarion rolls his eyes at the princess, “Everyone says that when they hear it, but I assure you, Phantom has talked my ear off about the Anti-ecto acts more times than I care to count. They’re real, and heavily enforced.”
 Diana gave a sidelong glance to the front of the ship, noticing Batman already searching for these ‘acts’ while ever so slightly speeding up their flight. It was worrying that even Bruce didn’t know about this, considering his incessant need to keep up with things that could inevitably cause harm to those he wants to protect. She left that for him to deal with, refocusing the conversation back to lighter topics. “You mentioned ‘Phantom’, is this the king’s name?”
 The Witch Boy gave a small hum, hand moving to idly stroke Teekl’s fur as they settled with the change of topic. “He told me it was originally the name he chose for himself when he started protecting his little town, and by the time he was crowned the ghosts all knew him by that name and it stuck.”
 “Oh? The king is a hero?” Aside from Deadman, she had never heard of any spirits calling themselves heroes. Though it wasn’t entirely a surprise that another spirit wished to help others from beyond the grave.
 Another hum from the teen in front of her, face reading more thoughtful as he presumably went back to the first time they had met. “Yes, he was doing something incredibly stupid, though he called it ‘heroic’ at the time. I still don’t see why he needed to destroy that artifact after he rewrote reality, but then again he was still a boy when he did that.”
 “Pardon?” Diana said, stunned. Klarion either didn't notice the stunned silence he had created or didn’t care as he continued.
 “After that I went to play with him every so often, sometimes playing a few pranks so he would stop ignoring me. He absolutely hated me when we first started, but I like to think I grew on him,” the Witch Boy gave a smirk at the memory, still not noticing the silence in the shuttle.
 She could feel Hal’s eyes on them, incredulity practically oozing from his seat in front of her. Instead of meeting the Green Lanterns with one that was sure to match, she looked to J’onn, who had quietly been assessing their guest the whole flight. He had his head cocked as he faced the teen, but nodded when Diana turned. The boy told no lies.
 They might need to reassess this King of the Dead’s threat level.
   A cacophony of cheers resound in the courtyard of Pariah’s Keep, now renamed officially to Phantom’s Fortress with the crowning of the new king. Danny peered out from beyond the curtain to the courtyard, his ascendance ceremony freshly ended and a crown of arora and ice twirling lazily over his snow white hair.
 “I still can’t believe this many ghosts want me on the throne… I thought everyone hated me with the way I chase them out of Amity all the time…” He marveled to himself, still not quite believing what just happened. He was a King now. He had people to rule. And they actually liked him.
 Though with the reputation of the last king, he supposed that a potato could’ve taken the throne and they would’ve been happy.
 “Is it that hard to believe that maybe you aren’t that hard to like?” A voice jokes from behind the new king, and turning from his peeping spot he couldn’t help the grin that spread. Klarion was standing not too far behind him, one arm behind his back in the clothes they picked out together. He looked good, like he belonged in this century now, and even with his posture radiating nervous energy, Danny could tell he was a lot more comfortable in a t-shirt and jeans than that stuffy puritan suit.
 “I was thinking those odds were in-phantasmal, but I guess the chance was higher than I thought. I’m glad you could make it.” His smile grew slightly at the pink tint to the Witch Boy’s ears, but he went against the thought of pointing out how cute it was.
 Klarion scoffed, as though the notion of not coming was even something that crossed his mind. “As a lord of chaos, it would be remiss of me to not show up for the coronation of a potential fellow lord. Besides, you asked me to come specifically, it would be impolite to refuse.”
 Danny gave a snort at the response, he knew very well that if the other teen didn’t want to be here he would’ve refused the invitation outright. It was nice not having to fight the other anymore, after the battle with Vortex they started fighting less and hanging out more, Danny could even take him to the mall now without a struggle. Sure, Klarion was still trapped in the past with his underground village, but slowly he was starting to relax, have some fun that didn’t destroy everything around him.
 It was nice to hang out with someone he didn’t have to hold back with.
 “So, is there a reason you’re just standing there awkwardly?” Danny asked, letting a chuckle escape at the flat stare he received. A year ago he would’ve gotten a magic blast to the face for that.
 Instead Klarion sighed, eyes glancing around the ornate hall before sighing again. “I figured- I mean- I- ugh…” the Witch Boy kept stuttering before petering off into a grumble. Danny accidentally let another chuckle escape at how cute the other teen was being, causing said teen to glare a hole into the carpet, before letting out a growl. He stomped up to Danny, so close he had to back up a step or they would be in each other's personal space, and suddenly his vision was full of orange and purple with a spatter of red.
 Another step back put the colours in focus. A bouquet of flowers was being thrust towards him by a furiously blushing Klarion, whose eyes were currently on a rather interesting vase.
 “What are these for?” Danny asked as he relieved the bouquet from the others' vice grip.
 “For you, to congratulate you on becoming king. The orange ones are lilies, the purple flowers are irises and gerberas, and the little red ones are bloody williams. The lady at the store said they say “I’m happy for your success” in flower language.” Klarion looked like he was ready to say more, he probably had a whole speech about these, but Danny just couldn’t get over the fact that one of the biggest (previous) pains in his ass just started blushing and gave him flowers.
 “Thank you,” he said, cutting off whatever Klarion was rambling about with a genuine smile. Klarion stared for a second, before blinking and clearing his throat.
 “Of course,” he replied, blush spreading all the way down his neck.
   The Javelin touched down a ways off of a squat white building. It was rather nondescript, save for the perimeter fencing circling the compound lined with guards.
 “This is the place?” Batman asked tersely as they disembarked the plane. None of the armed men had seen them yet, it would give them the advantage in the infiltration.
 “I wouldn’t lie to you about something so important,” the Witch Boy replied, narrowing his eyes at the compound before them. He could feel Danny in there, the strange mix of life and death energies radiating off the half-ghost was an ever present comfort to the Witch boy by now, and he was especially glad for it now.
 He wouldn’t have been able to find him so quickly without it.
 “I sense something heavy in the compound,” Manhunter noted with a frown.
 Batman, ever the detective, wanted to know more, “Elaborate.”
 The martian’s face twisted as he focused, reaching out with his mind to better read the heavy -no, oppressive- cloud that covered the compound, before gasping, recognition and anguish passing over as he physically recoiled. Green Lantern was there to steady him by the shoulders before he could so much as stumble.
 “What did you feel?” The Dark Knight compelled once it was clear there were no lasting effects of his reaching out.
 “Pain,” he replied shakily. “So much pain and suffering, hanging over the building like a fog. It is unnaturally powerful, if I hadn’t known beforehand, I would assume an entire city was under attack and not a single building.”
 The Dark Knight said nothing, simply taking what was said to heart. He moved forward with purpose, but before he could get too far a hand held him back. “Wait.”
 Batman looked down at the chaos mage, a single hand splayed out over his chest. “You need to know some things before I take you in there.”
 The  miniscule tilt of the taller man’s cowl was all Klarion needed to continue. “The facility is phase proof, the martian won’t be able to density shift through the walls, and the nature of their weapons are similar to Green Lantern’s constructs. You won’t get hurt badly if they hit you, but I’ve been told they burn.” All vital things to know. Batman's strategy would have to account for this, but he could still sense something from the teen, and so kept quiet.
 “And when we find Phantom? Get every agent you can out of there. He doesn’t like senseless killing, but I will not leave that building standing.”
 Batman gave a single nod, and with that Klarion enveloped the five in the red mist of his magic.
 The plan was rather simple, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern were to be dropped off at the entrance to the building as a distraction and to round up the agents while Klarion, Manhunter and Batman were to use Klarion’s magic to infiltrate and locate the King. Klarion’s mist acted as a memetic, letting the gaze of the agents fall past them on their way through the building as they ran deeper to where he could feel Danny. They had to be careful to not touch anyone though, as the moment they did they would be able to see them.
 “Why can’t you teleport us in?” Baman asked as they rounded another stark white corner into another stark white hall.
 “Death energies, do strange things to magic,” Klarion panted his reply. He was not used to actually running, and he couldn’t figure out why some humans actually liked doing the activity. “With so much, charged death and ectoplasm in the air, better to not cause an explosion. So soon.”
 Another swerve and he could feel Danny more, could almost taste that distinct flavour of citrus and menthol, the strange combination of ectoplasm and life that surrounded his ghost. The smell of citrus was strong though, and Klarion was desperately hoping he wasn’t too late with this rescue. The first real good thing he tries to do and he ends up a moment too late.
 “The source of the pain is drawing nearer,” Manhunter informs them as they pass a windowed room. Batman breaks off to take a look inside, calling to the other two to keep going. Klarion never stopped.
 One more corner and the acidic sour smell of citrus was assaulting their noses, and they started passing doors more resembling operating room entrances than offices. Lights were still on over a few as they passed, and Klarion made sure to snake a coil of mist into those that did, leaving screams and indistinct, cut off pleas in their wake. Those ones especially could rot in hell for all he cared, the smell of everdeath roiled off those rooms, alluding to whatever horrors might have been performed in them. He knew only a fraction of the ectoplasm spilt in there was from the one he cherished, but that made them no less guilty.
 The final turn led them to a hall lined with a different type of door, these ones steel grey tinted green. Klarion loathed to see the colours he associated with his spirit used in a mockery against him, keeping Danny away from him. He stalked down, using his magic to blow every door off its hinges as he passed until he hit the one his beloved was in. Turning to face it, he held up his hand, willing his magic to grasp it and tear it from the wall, throwing it down the hall and uncaring what was in the way.
 Emotion charged ectoplasm rolled out of the small cell, settling around their feet like fog and weakly intermingling with klarion’s magic.
 The sight made the mage want to puke. And weep. And decimate this measly world that would dare touch his soul like this.
 Were it not for the Martian's presence he just might have.
 Danny was there, shackled to the wall with chains at his wrists and ankles, head weighed heavy by the collar around his neck and the fucking muzzle on his face. The ghost made no move to the light that now filtered into the space, he hung limply from his chains, lifelessly. Only the faint glow around Danny’s frame gave away that he was not yet truly ended.
 But the green.
 A shaky breath from behind the mage reminded him where he was, and he urgently entered the room. He went to work on the manacles, seemingly seamless, but with one whispered word they were releasing Danny into his arms.
 “Is he?..” The martian started, too afraid to finish the sentence lest it become a reality.
 “No,” Klarion breathed out shakily. “No he’s still… He’ll recover.” He has to.
 “He’s so young,” Manhunter observed with a pained face as Klarion lowered to the floor of the cell, turning the ghost so he could hold him by the shoulders while he worked on getting his ankles freed.
 “He was even younger when he started,” with Danny's ankles freed, all that was left was the inhibitor collar and that damned muzzle. He did away with the muzzle first, desperate to see his cherished spirit's face. No magic was needed for it, thankfully, just a simple lock keeping it around the halfa’s face. Klarion gingerly removed the offending device, tossing it at a wall and making a note of obliterating it before he left. There were already chafe marks around Danny’s cheeks and on his nose, green and nearly raw from it pressing his jaw shut.
 How long has he been here for them to look so raw?
 Klarion had only been away for two months at the most, off on some insignificant errand after finding the piece of an artifact drifting in the Realms. Insignificant because apparently while he was away, his cherished one had gotten captured trying to save one of his people from this moronic group. When he had finally returned, he had to be informed about his capture. The rage he felt then… He hopes Danny wouldn’t be too mad at him for the damage he caused to the Fortress.
 A breathy groan followed by a sharp intake of breath and subsequent coughing brought Klarion out of his what if spiral. Danny was waking up, bleary eyed and confused at first -no doubt concerning his orientation- but a few seconds after the couches settled green eyes focused on black.
 “Hey, Rion,” the ghost king gave a small watery smile. “Glad you could finally make it. How was  your adventure?”
 “Stupid ghost-” Klarion has to reel back the power he was putting behind his voice with a breath that came out more like a sob. “Do you know how worried I was when you weren’t in Amity? In the Fortress? I was away for two damn months and you almost got yourself ended Danny!”
 Danny gave a chuckle that teetered into more of a cough as he weakly wiggled in Klarions lap. “They tried to grab Lunch Lady and Boxed Lunch, what was I supposed to do? It's my job as king to keep them safe-”
 The outburst silenced the ghost with a small snap of his jaw, followed by a cut off groan at the soreness from its disuse. A light cough broke the tense silence, and Danny sat up slightly to see what made it, eyes immediately sharp with alertness for any possible danger. His eyes landed on Martian Manhunter and that sharpness melted away to confusion.
 “Is that- why- Am I dreaming?” He stuttered, looking between the Justice leaguer and his lover. “Did I pass out so hard I’m actually dreaming my boyfriend came to save me with Martian Manhunter right now? Someone pinch me.” Klarion obliged the request and Danny yelped in pain. “Yep, okay, not a dream. Cool,” He whimpered, eyes now glued to the martian.
 Klarion went back to the task of freeing the ghost from his restraints, but hesitated before taking the collar off. “Do you have enough power to stay in this form if I take this off you?” He asked cautiously.
 Danny looked down, trying to see the band of metal around his neck, but quickly gave up with a sigh. “Probably not, it's taking most of my energy just to stay awake and talk right now.” He looked ashamed to say it, but Klarion was relieved to get a straight answer about his condition for once.
 “I’ll leave it on until we get you somewhere safe then,” Klarion whispered before readjusting his hands and standing up with the ghost boy bridal-style. The energy must have been draining from his cherished, as he only jolted at the movement. He could see Danny's eyes getting heavy, his head pitching forward before righting itself a few more times.
 “You’ll be there when I wake up… Right?” The Ghost boy asked, voice slurring with the effort to remain conscious. Klarion nodded once as he kissed the ghost's forehead -warmer than it should be- and walked back out of the cell. “Of course, my spirit. Rest.”
 One more wobbly nod and the ghost’s eyes closed. Klarion straightened, reigniting his magic with the help of Teekl and pushing it to blow the rest of the cell doors off their hinges. A few other ghosts floated out, and Manhunter helped a few more into the hall. They left slowly, with magical fire crackling in the prison that once held his spirit, catching the ectoplasm alight as the Witch Boy’s face contorted.
 The trip back to the Javelin was shorter than the trip into the facility, without the need to be covert they were able to retrace their steps through the building at a much faster pace. Batman regrouped with them just before the exit, and out in the grounds Green Lantern and Wonder Woman had done a great job of distracting and subduing most of the agents. One of them must have gone in and rounded up the scientists too, because they were tied up in a neat little pile a ways off.
 Good, he could burn this place to the ground without worry then.
 Klarion didn’t stop his stride out the compound as his magic spread to lick the walls, fire sparking to life where it touched. He didn’t stop to watch as the fire spread up the walls unnaturally fast, as it spread into the building through the holes it was melting in the reinforced glass. He didn’t pause when an explosion hit the air, the fire most likely finding the medical wing or the weapons vault.
 Klarion only stopped once Danny was securely in the small medbay of the Javelin, held securely in place for takeoff.
   Danny came to slowly, letting the ectoplasm of the Ghost Zone fill his lungs as he breathed deeply… Wait. Ectoplasm? Ghost Zone?? Lungs???
 Screw waking up slowly, Danny bolted up from wherever he was sleeping… and immediately regretted it. A massive headache assaulted his senses, along with about a dozen other aches and pains from his capture, most notably his jaw and starving stomach. Still, assessing the situation came before anything else, so he tried to make himself vertical despite his body's protests. Until a hand on his chest stopped him.
 Klarion met his bleary eyed confusion with a stern stare. He pushed down once more and this time Danny didn’t protest the movement. “It wasn’t a dream?” Danny croaked out, only a little bit surprised at how dry his voice sounded.
 “No it wasn’t a dream,” Klarion replied softly as he pressed a straw to Danny's lips. He was grateful for the first full drink of water he’d gotten in… he doesn't remember how long.
 “And Martian Manhinter? Was he real too then?” Danny asked when his throat no longer felt like sandpaper. Klarion hummed an affirmative as he put the cup back on the nightstand, idly stroking Teelke with his offhand. He takes a second to process that before he nearly bolts up again, startling the familiar and mage alike.
 “Is the Justice League here‽‽”
 A pregnant pause followed the exclamation before the Witch Boy gave a snort, snickering to avoid outright laughing at the bedridden ghost. “No, I left the little humans to fly back to their clubhouse while I took you back to the Realms with a portal.”
 Deflating with the explanation, Danny’s eyes travelled the embroidered constellations on the canopy of his bed, finally relaxing enough to appreciate where he was. Home. He took another deep breath, feeling his ectoplasm replenish itself more than it had in the last month in the GIW facility. The ectoplasm combined with the pine and fire smell of the mage sitting beside him only enforced the fact that he wasn’t there anymore. Tears threatened to fall with that thought.
 His boyfriend came for him. He didn’t doubt he would, but the days passed along and he was starting to lose hope. But not only did Rion come for him, he brought the Justice League, a group he knows Rion has beef with. Traitorously, a tear managed to escape and roll down into his hair.
 “You know, I’ll have to go talk to the League now that you’ve told them about me,” Danny commented, desperate to get out of those thoughts and ignoring the way his voice wobbled.
 “I’m sure you will,” Rion replied, no doubt with a roll of his eyes. “But you need to heal first. You’re in no shape to go talk to a bunch of stupid humans right now.”
 Danny gave a snort, “Those ‘stupid humans’ helped you get me back, right? Maybe drop the stupid when we see them next.”
 Rion only grunted in reply, and so they lapsed into silence again. Danny felt sleep pulling at his mind again, now that he knew he was truly safe with his beloved mage beside him. He didn't fight it for long, but he needed to say one more thing before he truly allowed himself to start healing.
 “Rion,” he mumbled out, getting the attention of the mage with a hum. “Thanks for coming to get me, love you.”
 A rare kind of smile passed the pale teen’s lips then, soft and kind. “I love you too, Danny.”
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