jude-thedude98 · 2 years
Freewritestyle by Mr. PoetAll
Maybe it's time to think extreme
The Last Olympians
Rick Riordan's
Next book
Percy Jackson The Extremist
Np longer taking time for the steam sense
Game cards to Believe it
Bpiling over is explanations
Demigods n monsters
Fighting allegations
We fight against those who fight against us
If not for us then against ue
That's a spiritual Sense
Change back
To who we used to
Say that
We are
Clean yourself up
A peaceful bar
Dove into irish springs
You always inspire me @jonaswpoetry , @emijott
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emijott · 4 years
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Kindness is it, kids.
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Hey beautiful! For the color ask game I have a few! Yellow, Turquoise, Sea green, Beige, and red!
Bonus: Who is your favorite actor?
Hey sweet peach! 🖤
Yay! Thanks for sending me some of these. I love stuff like this. So let’s get started!
Yellow: name of an artist you think is under appreciated
This was actually a lot harder to answer than I expected. This is why it took me so long to reply to your ask because of this question. I started looking through my music library and started picking out a few different artists there who I thought were under appreciated for various reasons. But then - since I’m such an over thinker - I thought about visual artists that I thought were under appreciated too. Then I thought about artists on tumblr like you who I thought deserve a lot of recognition for their works too. And my brain was like ‘I can’t answer this question!’
So this may be cheating, but I’m gonna say we’re all under appreciated artists in our own ways. Whether others don’t appreciate us or we don’t appreciate ourselves, whether the world says we’re not kids anymore and we should just grow up or whether we think we’re not good enough to be considered artists, whatever the reason, we are all under appreciated artists. Cause even the engineer can look at their work and see the beauty in it like a gardener sees the wonder of their harvest like the dancer feels the rhythm like the pulse of their life blood like the writer who loves how every word comes together like an intricate pattern, all part of the design. If we love doing it and it excites us, makes us passionate, then it’s our canvas. We’re all artists, and we’re all under appreciated.
Sea green: Can you fold a fitted sheet?
If by fold, you mean roll up in a ball of fabric frustration and throw it in the closet with the rest of the bed sheets, then I’m a pro. If not, then nope, no, definitely can not. You mean there are people who can? Magicians.
Beige: have any pets? What are their names?
I do have a pet! My family’s got a dog. He’s a blue Weimaraner. We used to have a silver Weimaraner too, but he got sick :(
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That’s them in the picture. The silver was named Kuzco, and the blue is named Kronk like from Disney’s the Emperor’s New Groove (my dad’s favorite Disney movie 😂)
Red: describe your favorite shirt
Okay so I’m about to demonstrate my nerdiness and how I enjoy a play on words or numbers or both in this case. You’ll see what I mean in a second. So my favorite shirt is one of my black softball sweatshirts that’s big and comfy on me. It’s got my last name, Baker, on the back and 221B underneath it. This is awesome to me cause it’s got multiple references. One is my softball number is 22 and I played first base which is often shorted to 1B. The second reference is to one of my favorite literary characters: Sherlock Holmes who lives at 221B Baker St. I’m such a nerd lol.
Bonus: who is my favorite actor?
Ugh! Another hard one! There’s so many great ones out there. But there are some who I’m like I’ll watch this just because they’re in it, and they are in no particular order: Paul Rudd, Robert Downey Jr., and Denzel Washington. And there are some classic Hollywood stars I love and am combing through their stuff too like Lucille Ball and Katherine Hepburn.
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unbossed · 4 years
emijott replied to your post: What will remain of you after the last person who...
That’s so beautifully deep.
Nah, just a middle-aged dad who’s so stoned he can’t feel his elbows. Thanks, though.
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badly-drawn-piplup · 6 years
HEY YOU!!! YEAH YOU!!! You are amazing and deserve the world!!! Pass this on to two of your favorite tumblers
Thanks! You are too, y’know?
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jarel-dot-thepoet · 5 years
Hi Jarel, haven't heard from you in awhile. Just dropping by to let you know I'm thinking of you and hope life is blessing you and your creative soul🖤
Hey Emi! You are the sweetest; thank you for this! As I was having a rough time getting back into the work scene while still writing; things have been really good otherwise! I'm on the brink of publishing my first poetry book — that's the reason for the hiatus, ha! Thank you again for the love and blessings! I do pray God has been blessing such a creative being in you as well! 🖤
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mynameisnotcelia · 4 years
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@emijott I remember our mutual 6-word-challenge and as I wrote this on my own personal life, I thought you would also relate to it since your 6-word poem was on empathy.
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kindnessisstillhere · 4 years
Daily I find some reason for pride,
Some reason that I haven’t failed,
2 months of trying for self-confidence,
And wondering if it’s just defence.
Can I try something new?
Something I still don’t know how to do,
But that’ I’ve heard helps a hundred times,
Even more than memorising lines?
Could I forgive all those mistakes,
Mine and others harmless little takes?
Perhaps I’m worth apologising to,
And that should include my own sorrys too.
Perfection has never been achievable,
Never been a goal that’s reachable.
Errors happen and mistakes are made,
That doesn’t mean improvements fade,
Just that I can try again,
Take a breath and start once more,
And even that doesn’t need to be a chore.
Dear Myself, whomever you are today,
I’m sorry for the mistakes I’ve made,
And the things you’re now worrying over.
Dear Me from yesterday, this morning, before,
If we can fix it or correct it, you’re fine,
No grudges held, and all is forgiven.
I learnt a new lesson I might’ve missed,
And that’s worth more than any list.
Dear my friends from yesteryear,
Dear my work mates in all the jobs,
Dear strangers stressed in the streets,
If we’ve crossed and something went wrong,
A word said that fell to harm,
Or a conversation that caused alarm.
You’re forgiven for all that came from you,
And you know what I forgive myself as well,
Hoping that perhaps you have too.
Mistakes are made.
We live and we learn,
But today I forgive myself and forgive you all too.
@emijott you mentioned wanting to be tagged in one of my poems and well writing this made me feel really peaceful so I thought you might like to read it too.
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jude-thedude98 · 2 years
Midnights With You
I dream of sorrows.
Lo siento mi corazon.
I have love for you,
but waters run deep;
and I, am deeper than the ocean.
I tag along with sting, rays.
Burnin' sensaysh.
No, ...my name is
I'm creud;
like The Crucible.
To which makes me feel better
Garbage boy
Gay Bi
Can take all the shit you throw
Wonder why?
Maybe cause I'm already low
Basin' it off of: arthritis, retinitis pigmentosa, mental health awareness, ya know?
Independent (need no pity)
Or maybe cause it's I'm already on The Grow
& The Go (
Hold— Wait— Takes A Minute —
Cousin Advice
Know It WILL Come
If you blow the negativity to SMITHereens
You'll experience The Greatest Overcome (bienvienedo)
I can't take fake fuckers.
Ass kissers.
The shit you dump on me;
I dump on you!
Dirt on your head in Farsi!
Look'n it up? (...It rhymes)
Verbal grand larceny,
theft auto;
xonin in N out of burgers
Misspelled words.
Meat me like s scent to your nose.
Firm respect,
sit back and caress.
Watch sex of the mind undress
Lust; after these words, yes,
I will start a new stanza.
Lines are bars a man msde.
Lakes are lands God made.
No more saying bars!
Keeps me locked up...
Lands keeps me grounded.
Right now -
vroom vroom
I jzoom jzoom
past the hours.
I don't think you read.
Eyes closed,
straight nose,
mouth closed.
I'm T I
Major scale, high.
Low enough that I'm h-i
like the red script in The Bible.
I'm talking, so, listen!
I'm jude-thedude98
n I'm here to catch your interest!
This opening poem is written by jude-thedude98 on October 30, 2022 and entitled, "Midnights With You".
This story is about the trials and tribulations of pleasing others before yourself.
aLwAyS bE y0URsElF
F' the naysayers. (<Period)
@jonaswpoetry , @emijott it's jarel. Lost my account info
I'm back!!!!!!!
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emijott · 5 years
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Hey pretty lady. I just wanted to drop by and wish you a happy weekend. Hope you and your family have everything you need during this crazy time. Love you bunches sweet pea! Let me know if you need anything! Also. Also. You are the best. Okay byeeeeeee!
Emijott! 🖤 Hello darling!
I’m so glad you dropped by. I always enjoy interacting with you. I hope you have a happy weekend as well, and I pray you and your family are safe, well, and happy during all this craziness too. Love ya bunches, peaches! And, of course, I reciprocate your offer. If you need anything, you know where to find me. And I think you’re a little confused. YOU’RE the best! I’m so glad we’re friends. Okie dokie byyyyyeeeeeee!
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the-widening-room · 4 years
Waves lapping upon my ears, Vitriolic release enveloping, As I let go of the Void. Slipping back into ecstasy Anchored. But still Floating.
It’s been far too long since I’ve posted, or really even written, anything. This jumped out of me last night in a very powerful, overwhelming way. Hopefully someone else can get something from it too.
Also, I want to dedicate this piece to really two of my most prominent writing influences that I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing in some capacity:
@emijott (Truly some of the most profound poetry I’ve ever personally read.The flexibility of words is awe-inspiring, & it never fails to leave me shaken. Also one of the most genuine, encouraging individuals I’ve ever talked to on the internet, which is always such a nice reprieve; especially in something as personal & self-criticism inducing as writing.)
@danger-writes (Full disclosure: one of my oldest friends in life, if not my oldest; he’s also going to be one of the next great authors with his stories. If entrancing world building centered around unique & magical characters is your thing, look no further, or at least stop & have a peak on your way. I likely would have never even attempted picking writing back up if not for our days-long discussions about what it means to both of us.)
I hope to start writing/posting more with this crazy world getting crazier.  Hell, maybe even start trying to turn it into something bigger than just a “blowing off mental anguish/delight” exercise. We shall see. Thanks for reading.
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honey-andbone · 5 years
Bold The Fact (tag game)
Rules: Bold everything that applies to you and tag 10 people you’d like to know better.
I got tagged by @thewritertiffany thank u lovely I'm really excited to participate!
I’m over 5′5 / I wear glasses / I wear contacts / I have blonde hair / I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing / I have one or more piercings / I have at least one tattoo / I have blue eyes / I have dyed or highlighted my hair / I have gotten plastic surgery / I have or had braces / I sunburn easily / I have freckles / I paint my nails / I typically wear makeup / I don’t often smile / I am pleased with how I look / I prefer Nike to Adidas / I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport / I can play an instrument / I am artistic / I know more than one language / I have won a trophy in some sort of competition / I can cook or bake without a recipe / I know how to swim / I enjoy writing / I can do origami / I prefer movies to TV shows / I can execute a perfect somersault / I enjoy singing / I could survive in the wild on my own / I have read a new book series this year / I enjoy spending time with friends / I travel during school or work breaks / I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship / I have been single for over a year / I have a crush (? we'll see not sure yet) / I have a best friend I have known for ten years / My parents are together / I have dated my best friend / I am adopted / My crush has confessed to me / I have a long-distance relationship / I am an only child / I give advice to my friends / I have made an online friend / I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell / I have watched the sunrise / I enjoy rainy days / I have slept under the stars / I meditate outside / The sound of chirping calms me / I enjoy the smell of the beach / I know what snow tastes like / I listen to music to fall asleep / I enjoy thunderstorms / I enjoy cloud watching / I have attended a bonfire / I pay close attention to colors / I find mystery in the ocean / I enjoy hiking on nature paths / Autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle / I am the mom friend / I live by a certain quote(s) / I like the smell of sharpies / I am involved in extracurricular activities / I enjoy Mexican food / I can drive a stick-shift / I believe in true love / I make up scenarios to fall asleep / I sing in the shower / I wish I lived in a video game / I have a canopy above my bed / I am multiracial / I am a redhead / I own at least three dogs
tagging time!
@emijott @arty-the-hufflepuff @starrys0ul @illusionofmyself @writings-of-a-narwhal @kiexen @honiewrites @jadedwolfe @ad-astra-per-scientiam @thatwriterofsorts
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sirius-the-dogstar · 5 years
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@emijott coffee request was called??
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badly-drawn-piplup · 5 years
emijott mentioned you in a post
@elegantpiplup I will probably too. At least for the time being, it is just a downer compared to before the purge. The whole site is stagnant now.
I used to agree with that and I still agree that a great deal was lost, but for better or worse, there is still a ton of activity and I’ve always reveled in obscurity but there’s always the chance of something getting popular, even now. 
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strkundies · 6 years
emijott replied to your post “had lunch with my aunt today. her cancer is back… she doesn’t think...”
Praying for your aunt and you. Don’t know what you believe, but I’m sending all the good thoughts I can. @strkundies
Thank you <3 <3 This means a lot.
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