jude-thedude98 · 1 year
Oh poet,
Search for me when lost words become lost feelings.
Oh poet,
I am right here, right where you left me in your last dealings.
Oh poet,
I urge you, USE me, a sword and a shield I'll be to fight against all beings that are against we.
Oh poet,
They do not hate you, they merely do not understand our relationship.
Oh poet,
Get angry, pressingly tag my pages with your raging lyrical graffiti — ink blotting every person that has caused us to feel this way today.
Oh poet,
You can cry on me too, trust and believe I will dry your tears up with stains of fame — hold on, someday you....will be famous.
Oh poet,
For every sweat dropped from brows, every blood dripped from ows, every letter typed/written out — you will be rememembered.
The Pen, The Pad, & The Poet by Mr. PoetAll
Pass this along to 3 poets who inspire you to remind them that they, too,are important.
Let's see how far this goes!
Feel free to write your own words to this too:
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alex-a-roman · 2 years
who are your favorite tumblr poets? What is your favorite published poem?
My favorite tumblr poets, in no particular order except alphabetical, are: @artymys @aubriestar @autumnsunshine10 @elvedon @jonaswpoetry @mikefrawley @poppiesandpromises @unmondefou
It's hard to pick one favorite published poem, but I'm choosing a poem called "Plumb" by George Bacovia, a Romanian poet. In English that would be "Lead". Here's the translation if I made you curious:
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dolores-hazy · 2 years
Who is/are your writer-crush(es)?
These are the writers here (at least that my burnt out brain allows me to remember) that keep me coming back for more with their resonant works:
I know I am surely forgetting some what with all the talent showcased here every day, so this list is by no means complete.
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definegodliness · 2 years
✨ 🎶 when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶 ✨ <33
Last five songs I listened to were:
Pink Floyd - Wish you were here Tame Impala - Let it happen The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby ABBA - Chiquitita Erasure - A little respect
Thank you for thinking of me! Also shout-out to @allnightsong2 who tagged me for this same music game. 🎶
I'm tagging @natureandprose , @betterthannonfiction , @sdbea , @cosmicbirch8 , @jonaswpoetry , @undertheheart , @poppiesandpromises , @wordrummager , @real-fanta-sea , and @autumnsunshine10 ; if you'd like to and haven't been asked already, I am way behind the bandwagon on this one :p
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enslavedmind · 2 years
Your writings are really beautiful!
May I ask what inspires you to write ? And which books and poets or poems have inspired u? What would you recommend to a budding writer ? Because I am struggling to write for a few months now.... I just dunno where nd how to start again.... 😃😭
hi there! thank you so much for saying that!!
i started writing when i was in high school, but really started to perfect my craft around age 19. with time and lots of practice, i finally found my rhythm and my voice. i was initially inspired by my ex, i wrote her lots of poems, good and bad. then eventually, i started to open myself up and give my followers more pieces of me.
honestly, i'm not inspired by famous poets or books, but rather my surroundings, my life, my experiences and those i have met here on tumblr. to name a few: @anonymous-hoper, @jonaswpoetry, @adamantseal, @drearydaffodil, @fantodsdhrit, @milkyspine...
my advice to you is this: write. write every day. write even if you think it's shit. write. write. write. the more you write, the more comfortable you will be. the more experienced you will be. read and write. listen to music. explore your life, your mind, your neighborhood. find inspiration in the smallest things. i believe in you.
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15 Questions, 15 Mutuals I was tagged by @the-hollow-quiet (…) 1.Are you named after anyone? Not that I’m aware of. But I’ve altered my name and also made up a new one. Identity crisis? 2.When was the last time you cried? Don’t remember, we’re talking decades. 3.Do you have kids? No, and no plan, possibility, or passion. 4.Do you use sarcasm alot? Only to the face in the mirror. 5.What’s the first thing you notice about people? Their presence. 6.What’s your eye color? Blue, but someone once told me they weren’t, but blue is undeniably true. 7.Scary movie or happy ending? Don’t particularly like scary movies, never seek them out but am likely to endure if tricked. Happy endings work well as I regard them as pure fantasy. 8.Any special talents? I wish. 9.Where were you born? In the land of shame and long shadows. My poetry might give further clues. North Europe is a good starting point. 10. Hobbies Watch paint dry. 11.Do you have any pets? No, never had an interest in pets. 12.What sports do you play/have you played? Ice hockey, football, basketball, volleyball, rounders, handball, cross country and alpine skiing, swimming, running, high jump, long jump. 13.How tall are you? 182 cm according to my passport, but I’m sure I’m shrinking. 14.Favorite subject in school? Too long ago to remember clearly but I’ve always had a fascination with languages. Probably because communication is not my strong suit. 15.Dream job? I’ve only had one job in my life so I suppose that was a dream job. Now that’s behind me I’m not sure I ever want to work again. Had an idea once of becoming a writer but that thought was lost in the mist of time. I’m not sure if we’re mutuals any more but I’ll tag a few on this side of the pond. @giraffevader @definegodliness @jonaswpoetry @hangingoninquietdesparation @dg-fragments @shipshapewithsliders
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jonaswpoetry · 5 years
Lockdown prompts
I was chatting with @anonymous-hoper about being in lockdown and offered to send writing prompts to keep her occupied, to which she suggested we both take part. So then I thought, why not invite anyone & everyone to take part?
All prompts were produced through a handy-dandy random word generator; the first generation pulled a prompt of any word ‘type’, and then each prompt got a random noun, verb, and adjective to be used in the piece.
For clarity — the first word is the overall prompt, and the 3 subsequent words are to be included in the body of what you write. The prompt word can be included too, but doesn’t have to be. Feel free to use alternate forms of words if they help you write.
1. Monstrous — woman, emphasise, ceaseless
2. Oil — payment, hurt, blue-eyed
3. Conductor — outcome, realise, cautious
4. Fossil — resource, balance, comprehensive
5. Young — opportunity, evolve, slow
6. Stereotype — energy, account, luxuriant
7. Exemption — problem, see, unaccountable
8. Ruin — paper, pretend, strong
9. Church — imagination, include, joyous
10. Abridge — preparation, diminish, fixed
Please tag with #lockdownprompts or message/@ me and I’ll reblog things here. My own poetry has dried up so I might as well swell this blog with the writing of others.
Good luck, and have fun!
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vooo-doo-dolll · 4 years
I built a paper castle,
I made it from scraps
And pieced it together
With glue.
It’s as strong as stone;
Don’t you see it?
There are archers on the walls
Over there,
Knights are on horses,
And men armed with swords.
There are people here as well,
Seeking shelter from the threats outside.
Yes, can’t you see it too?
Nothing can happen to the castle
You know.
The dragons can roar and try with all their might;
But this castle will not fall to her enemies.
Why are you looking at me like that?
We’re safe within these walls;
Nothing can get to us,
Nothing can hurt us,
Don’t you see it?
Can’t you feel it?
Why do you shake your head in disbelief?
Why are you looking at me like that?
You yell and say,
“Stop playing games! Just grow up already!”
With that,
You smashed my castle.
You laid waste to my people,
My home,
And my heart.
--Raven in the Matchbox
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jude-thedude98 · 1 year
Hey everyone just answered a wonderful ask and because of the content inthe ask I've been challenged to spread positivity. So with the last Ten (10) ppl in my notifs I challenge yall to tell us 5 (five) things that make you happy!
@reaganlikesvag @deathontheworld @cccchhhhaaarrrlliie @green-water-for-social-anxiety @butterflyssandspiders420 @jonaswpoetry @scatteredthoughts2 @fairydrowning @homeboygirl @roseangelx
Don't forget to spread rhis on to the last ten in your notifs.
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alex-a-roman · 1 year
5 Songs I love
@poppiesandpromises tagged me to list 5 songs I'm obsessed with lately. Thank you!
Eddie Vedder - Society
Wintersleep - Orca
Rotting Christ - The Raven
David Guetta - She Wolf
Justin Furstenfeld - Morning Everything (thanks @unmondefou for the rec.)
Tagging (no pressure): @unmondefou @artymys @jonaswpoetry @dreamingthougths @winged-wolf-s-collection-of-arts @zelphafrost
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adamantseal · 5 years
Your eyes are the light in my night sky twinned flame a home reflected
a single glance and I reach the hearth of no longer needing venture for a whim
in your arms the circle of spring’s pear tree I am white blossoms held a crown of petals blooming
my hands caress every seed your mouth will speak— threading our souls to an omnipotent star
For @jonaswpoetry and @angelatrest  on their wedding day. Congratulations!
By @adamantseal and @readsal​
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sutfinaticpoems · 5 years
The way I walked before the torture
I used to walk through the fields
of love and truth
The sun was gold and the grass
long enough to tickle the butterflies
with wildflowers,
the rainbows of the mountains
you could see them in my eye
But when my eyes touched the death
of evil circumstance
I was gone
but I will always anchor
in the light and love I know is real
His eyes were my clearest ally
Every time I saw them
music would invade my soul
I never questioned
who I was or where I was going
without clear insight
muddy water started to boil
My light was a beacon for all to transpire
I’m still me
in this shell
of death
A labyrinth of an elaborate swirl
that won’t end in this realm
but somewhere
our humanness can’t touch
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Thank You.
I just really wanted to say Thank You, to all who has sent a kind message checking up on me or helping me through this. It means so much to me. To have people I can trust to share this with, seek advice from or just be in the company of whilst being so conflicted and confused or hurt and angry from the pain of what happened. 
In all honesty, I always grew up thinking I’d always be alone to face what I had to with no help or support. Tumblr has allowed me to meet a few of the most incredible friends and people I could’ve never thought to meet. I’ve learned so much about respecting myself, internalizing their kind voices instead of the abusive ones I grew up with and being vulnerable and trusting because there are the very few people who more than deserve that. People I respect with my entire heart inside out. 
Despite what life throws at me, knowing I’ve had your company or presence in my life makes me feel ever grateful and blessed. I hope I can give something back to your lives too. 
No matter how much darkness or bad there might be in the world, knowing there are lights like you whom exist with your kindness and wisdom inspires me to continue fighting. 
I hope I can be such a light in another’s life in the future as you have been to mine. 
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dirtysouthpawpoetry · 6 years
Incompetent tongue
From dawn ‘til midnight
I’m ever twisting birdsong
From an incompetent tongue
Stiff with sheer exhaustion; my
Melodies are naught more than
Some several sighs in sequence
Sold for the cost of breathlessness
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soulreserve · 7 years
Thank you for all the love and attention!
Aww you are welcome! Your poems are wonderful. Keep on
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nutmegthings · 8 years
Jarvey, Doxy, Werewolf?
From this Harry potter creature themed ask
Jarvey: What is your favorite comeback?
I avoid confrontation as much as I possibly can, and so don’t find myself in a position to use comebacks… ever…. but if I do find myself in an argument I’ll usually just turn my oppositions argument back on themselves. Otherwise just a general ‘Ya mums chest hair’ if I’m joking round.
Doxy: Have you ever been mistaken for anyone?
no one interesting really, no. 
when I was in the early years of highschool there was me and four other girls with blonde (ish) hair in our class, and our home room (we don’t actually call it that here but I forget what we used to call it) teacher couldn’t be fucked remembering who was who, so we were all dubbed ‘the blondies’ and were constantly ‘mistaken’ for eachother as a result.
I’ve also been sitting in my car waiting for my husband outside a computer shop. I had apparently forgotten to lock my doors because a middle aged man opened my passenger side door and hopped straight in, set down his bags and then said hi to me. I basically grabbed the nearest threatening object and said “um excuse me???”. He kinda freaked and said he thought I was his daughter come to pick him up.
but yeah those are the only times.
Werewolf: Is there something about your life or yourself that you can’t control?
Mostly everything tbh. But I guess the major one is anything to do with my father in law who is an abusive manipulative c*** that my husband still loves. but anyway that’s a longer story for another time, or perhaps for no time ever.
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