#emily x sara
remember-the-fanfics · 8 months
Earthborn (Hazbin Hotel Reader Insert)
Oh geez this made me realize I have religious trama while writing this.
Spoilers if you haven't actually watched hazbin hotel.
Also apparently the characters are taalll. Minus Niffty
Just test on how I'll write hazbin hotel so to be continued or not
"Go fuck yourself pompous prick!" (Y/n) yelled at Adam, their anger getting to them.
"Don't speak to me like that! You came from me!" He responded. "You are alive because I fucked-."
"Up, yeah I know. Being God's chosen people, Adam and Eve. Cast out after eating the apple, had two sons and one killed the other. Blah blah, I was raised in church." They told him. "And in a club in elementary school about the Bible so I know a bunch."
Charlie and Vaggie looked at each other in confusion, (Y/n) never talked about these parts of their past.
"Then why are you arguing with me?!"
"Because if you get to be here after getting banished from the garden by God himself then I see no reason why Sinners that want change themselves to get shouldn't." (Y/n) said staring at Adam with their arms crossed.
The Angels watching started to whisper to themselves.
"(Y/n), you know why you are here." Said Sara. "Please do not get involved with the next issue until we get to that."
(Y/n) looked way up to where Sara and Emily were seated. "Very well, apologizes I just wanted to get that out of the way." They bowed while speaking before standing straight. "...This is probably has to do in how I've been in hell?"
"Yes, (Y/n) (Middle Name) (L/n), you are still earthborn, not yet a sinner or a winner, have been in hell for just less than a year. How did you get there?"
Shocked faces across the room from everyone minus (Y/n), who looked uncomfortable with being called their full name.
"(Y/n) is that true?" Asked Charlie, surprised at the information. She knew (Y/n) didn't look like a sinner, kept a more humanoid look than most and was shorter than most of the people at the hotel.
"Yeah, I'm still human or well Earthborn as it was called. I didn't tell any of you since I didn't want you to worry." (Y/n) told Charlie look at her and Vaggie. "How did you even know?" They asked the Seraphim in charge. "I have an... okay disguise." Looking at themselves, with pointy ears,sharper teeth, and their eyes were not a normal color. They atleast didn't look human enough to question.
"We can tell by your soul. It still shows your the weight of your sins or what not. Not like I forget what one of my millions of too many great-grandchildren look like." Said Adam and with a grin and a snap of his fingers, (Y/n) felt the necklace they wore break in peices as the magic it held broke with it.
"I would rather be dead than be related to you, prick." (Y/n) said with deadpan look.
"It took awhile to realize you weren't just a weird sinner soul so we told Sara when we noticed all of you earlier." Said Lute, finally butting in before Adam could argue again.
"(Y/n) how did you get into hell?" Sara asked again, tried of this again.
"Not sure? Its kinda just a blank space between being on earth and then in hell." They answered with a shrug. "I found someone to help me somewhat look the part and then Vaggie found me while I was wondering around."
The earthborn was complete being too nonchalant with being in hell.
"Why didn't you tell anyone about not being from hell?" Asked Emily, earning a look from Sara.
"Well I mean at first for safety and then to keep anyone from worried about me? I'm kinda more... fragile compared to anyone else since demons and sinner have... an easier time getting up from a normal serious injury than I would." (Y/n) having to think of what they said before they actually saying it.
"I threw you off a building into a fight, how did you survive that?" Questioned Vaggie.
"Well Angel Dust caught me slash soften the fall and I mostly hide until Husk picked me up to leave."
"Why have you been helping Priness Charlie Morningstar with her project even when you are earthborn?" Asked Sara.
"Because it's a good cause? If I was a sinner I would want the hotel to be there to even give me a small chance to get into heaven even if you all don't believe in it. It's a humane way of handling the population down there. If redemption can happen to people while they are alive, why wouldn't it happen while they are dead and in hell? As along as they put in the effort to be good person, they should be a good person."
"If you know the words of the Bible why didn't you spread it down there?"
"Because being pushy to the wrong person could end me? And they really don't really think highly of you all. Plus for me if you heard how people like me would end up there for something out of their control, I would have trama with it."
"Why are you talking about it now if you have an issue with the Bible and God?" Questioned Adam.
"Oh, mostly because I'm pissed off. I don't have an issue with God, at all. It's people with opinions that wrote the book that got translated to many time with out checking by people who also had opinions. The Bible is.. fine. Heck, I didn't even knew there was a Lilith involved until Charlie told me."
(Y/n) sighed, taking a deep breath.
"What's gonna happen now? Are you going to kill me? Actual make me a sinner? Send me back making seem crazy or thinking this is all a weird dream until I actually die?" They asked. "Because if you send me back crazy, I'm gonna actually kill myself."
"No! Let's not do that, please." Pleded Emily to Sara, scared for (Y/n)'s safety.
"Of course, I wouldn't want you to do that." Said Sara.
"Because the Bible says it's a sin or because you actually don't want me too?" Questioned (Y/n), they were tired of this.
"They could become an Exorcists, it would be funny." Said Adam, laughing at the thought of (Y/n) killing their friends.
"How many times do I have to tell you I would rather die than be anything associated with you?"
"You're soul has yet to be judged but you've seen more than any earthborn have seen in many decades. You could stay in heaven as Winner or angel. We could send you back to earth. Which would you want to do?"
"I want to continue to help Charlie see this though." Said (Y/n).
"Your soul would be damned forever, (Y/n) as a sinner. I would not let that happen to any earthborn in your place in good conscious."
"Then send me back as I am. When I die, wherever that may be judged me as I will be."
"(Y/n), you're too young for-."
"It's Hell, I know but it can be nice when you get use to it just like Earth. Please just let me help until I'm ready to go home."
"...Very well, I'll give you till a month time to sort this out for yourself."
Gives you enough time to help for get set for extermination.
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pitchsidestories · 2 months
so american II Felicitas Rauch x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1912
a/n: hi, we hope you enjoy reading this oneshot, your feedback is always appreciated. <3
New starts could be hard. You knew that.
And you imagined they were even harder when you moved to a whole different continent.
But why the hell did your coach pick you out of all the players on the team to show the new player around?
It was not like you didn’t have anything to do in your free time. And you didn’t even know this woman.
She was german, played for their national team and she was a defender. That was all you could recall about her as you impatiently waited in front of the training grounds for her.
You checked the time on your phone. She was already late. What was that again about germans always being punctual?
But then she appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Her dark hair was tied back into a messy bun and she flashed you an apologetic smile.
You bit your lip. Maybe this wasn’t the worst way to spend your afternoon.
“Hello, Felicitas. Welcome to the Courage. I’ll show you around.“, you smiled brightly at her.
“Hi, y/n. Thank you. You can call me Feli by the way.“, she said. Her excitement was almost tangible.
You nodded once: “Alright, Feli. Let’s start with the training grounds.“
“Yes, please.“
You opened the gate to let you two in. Everything was quiet and empty, very different from the normal chaos of your training sessions.
You turned to Feli: “Follow me.“
“Right behind you.“, she grinned. That was, in fact, a lie. She walked right beside you, you could feel her eyes lingering on your side profile.
You suppressed a smile. She was not being subtle at all.
With every bit of professionalism, you continued your tour. You opened the door to a building and let your new teammate peek inside.
“Those are the changing rooms and over there are our physios.“, you explained, pointing towards a door down the hallway.
Feli nodded, taking in her new work place.
“Let’s look at the training pitches.“, you suggested and walked her back outside to the bright green grass.
A thought popped into your head all of a sudden and you stopped in your tracks: “Hey, Feli?“
The German defender looked at you with big eyes, a blush rising into her cheeks: “Uhm, yeah?“
“You’ve already seen your apartment, right?“, you asked her, slightly unsure about how much you were actually supposed to show her.
Feli visibly relaxed: “I did.“ With curious interest, she followed up with: “Are we neighbours? If so, I’d really appreciate any coffeeshop recommendations nearby.“
You laughed, a little surprised by her question: “Yes, I live close by. I can show you where you can get the best coffee.“
“Thanks. I can’t wait for the coffee date.”, she grinned excitedly.
“Coffee date?”, you lifted an eyebrow amused.
“I meant meeting for coffee, might got lost in translation.”, Feli cleared her throat nervously.
“Sounded a bit different, but okay.”, you shrugged smiling.
“Not my fault that you interpreted it that way.”, the German defended herself as she opened her bun only to redo it.
For a moment you had to shake yourself, Feli was right, maybe you misread her glances at you, and the defender looked at everyone that way. But a little part inside you doubted this.
“Right, so these are the pitches we get to work on, that’s the end of our little tour. Do you have any questions left?”, you asked her politely.
“Yes, when will we meet for a cup of coffee?”, she questioned beaming.
“I meant a real question, Feli.”, you rolled your eyes at her playfully.
“It’s a real question and I want a real question.”, Feli demanded with a charming smile on the lips.
“I’ll walk you home and we can get coffee on the way, Deal.”, you offered sighing. This woman took more time than you expected, you didn’t know if this was a good or a bad thing yet. A hot drink sounded great now. The winter sun shone down on the two of you, but you couldn’t wait until it was warmer again.
“Deal.”, she nodded happily.
“Okay, let’s go.”
“This is my favourite coffee shop.”, you declared later when you reached it.
Immediately the scent of fresh coffee beans and delicious sweets hit Felis nose who closed her eyes for a second.
“It’s really nice and it smells so good in here.”, the defender confirmed.
“You should try the cinnamon buns they’re very delicious. The owner’s wife is Swedish, and she bakes the best in town.”, you recommended.
“I think I’ll give them a try. You want to share one?”, Feli wanted to know.
“Yes, why not?” You waited until she took her first bite of the baked good before adding curiously. “And what do you think?"
“They’re really good.”, the German admitted.
“I told you so. I hope you’ll enjoy your time with us.”, you replied delighted.
“With those cinnamon buns and this coffee, I’ll.”, the brunette winked. Leaving a club she had stayed at so long and a league the player was so familiar with was a big change for her. Sitting next to you in that cozy coffeeshop assured Feli that the brave move was the right decision. You made her feel at home away from home.
“You’ll fit in great with the team, we’re all a bit addicted to coffee and occasionally sweet treats.”, you observed.
“Those are my kind of people.”, she answered cheerfully while you both finished drinking your coffees.
“You must be exhausted from your first day. I’ll get you to your front door.”, you decided.
Feli reluctantly agreed but still let you walk her home.
You hugged her goodbye in front of her door: “See you, Feli.“
But as you pulled away and turned around to leave, her hand closed around your wrist.
You looked back at her in surprise.
“Thank you, y/n.“, she said politely. There was something else in her voice, something earnest that you didn’t know how to interpret.
So you just smiled back at her: “You’re welcome.“
“Really.“, she emphasized.
“It was a pleasure.“
Feli opened her mouth like she wanted to say something but quickly thought better of it.
You waited for a moment in hopes that she would finally say what she wanted to say.
“What if I… want a date without the coffee? Or with coffee, if you’d want that…“, she stammered eventually.
Your face dropped. She was asking you out. “Seriously?“
The defender nodded: “Yes.“
“You just know me for a day.“, you pointed out.
“I know when I like someone. And I only asked for a date…“
You were still a bit confused about this situation but also very flattered. You had to appreciate her willingness to take a risk. And she was definitely your type.
“Yes, I’d like to go on a date with you, Feli.“
Her whole face lit up once the words were out: “You do?“
“I do.“, you confirmed with a laugh.
This would later prove to be one of the best decisions you ever made. Your first date turned to a second date and then into a third. You began seeing each other so often that you didn’t know where the dating ended and your relationship began.
And you had to admit, that it improved your playing when Feli was on the field with you. You even made it on the USWNT roster for the Olympics which meant you would be playing against your girlfriend in the group stage.
It was the game you were most excited for. When you finally arrived at the stadium and went out on the grass for the pitch inspection, you spotted Feli waving at you.
You walked over to give her a quick hug before rejoining with your teammates, not sure if your new coach would appreciate you spending too much time before the game with the German players.
You watched from the other side of the pitch as Ann-Katrin Berger, a goalie you knew from the NWSL, approached Feli.
“So are y/n and you…?“, she started, waiting for Feli to finish.
“A couple. Yes, why?“, Feli replied with a grin.
The goalkeeper shrugged nonchalantly: “Just asking.“
“How did you know?“
“I just know those things.“
Feli raised her eyebrows: “It’s your gaydar, huh?“
“It’s better than the regular gaydar.“, her German teammate smirked.
“Sure, Ann.“, Feli rolled her eyes before she motioned for you to come join her. “Y/n, come here.“
“Hi Ann, Feli was so excited to see you again.”, you greeted the goalkeeper warmly.
“She was? She’s such a baby.”, the older woman commented smirking.
“I’m not.”, Feli protested quickly.
“Yeah, more like Cinni is her baby.”, you corrected Ann.
“Cinni?”, she looked surprised between your girlfriend and you.
“She means my dog cinnamon.”, the defender explained blushing.
“I know what she means. I’m surprised you let her call your dog Cinni.”, Ann remarked.
“She’s allowed to say that because Cinnamon fell hard for her at first sight.”, Feli responded.
“Just like Feli herself.”, you teased her lovingly.
“I can tell.”, the goalkeeper grinned at you both.
“Y/n, we got to go back inside.”, Emily called for you.
“Coming!” With an apologetic smile you turned your head back to the two Germans. “Sorry, I’ve to leave.”
You could feel Felis eyes on you as you walked to your American teammate who was already waiting.
“Stop staring, we need to go too.”, Ann reminded the defender laughing.
“Exactly, stop being cute we’ve to play against her team.”, Sara interjected while giving her friend a side hug as they walked to their changing room.
“I know that.”, Feli playfully pushed the Frankfurt defender away.
“Let’s beat them.”, the short haired woman chirmed.
They lost 4:1 against your team.
“Y/n, don’t take too long.”, Emily requested once she noticed that you were about to console your girlfriend.
“I promise I won’t.”, you reassured her.
“Feli, hi.”, you softly put a hand on the brunette’s shoulder.
“Hi.”, she looked up with a sad smile on her face.
“Do you still want to swap jerseys?”, you asked the defender cautiously.
“You think I’m mad at you because you beat us? It’s only the group stage.”, Feli answered, the sadness was gone.
“Ah, there’s your smile again.”, you observed happily.  
“Now give me your jersey.”, the football player demanded grinning.
“She’ll sleep in that tonight.”, Sara intervened chuckling.
“Ew, gross.”, you wrinkled your nose.
“Sara.”, your girlfriend clicked her tongue.
“Y/n.”, Emily shouted in the background.
“I’m on my way.”, you told your teammate.
“See you soon, Feli.” When she didn’t let you go, you added. “I really got to go, Liebling.”
“Wait you forgot something.”, Feli whispered before kissing you.
“Ew.”, Sara pretended to throw up jokingly in the background, but you both ignored her.
“Shut up, Sara!”, you two replied.
Rude.”, the older defender pouted.
From the corner of your eye, you saw Sara shaking her head in amusement before your girlfriend draw your attention back to her. This kiss tasted sweeter than the win.
Later when you were back in your hotel room which you shared with Emily who was reading her e-book you saw that Feli send you a photo which was taken in the changing room, her hair was slightly messy, and she was wearing your jersey proudly. The message underneath the picture said: Good night, Liebling. Sweet dreams.
And you indeed slept sweet that night with the feeling that you were very much loved.
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 2 months
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“I can definitely understand that it’s hot watching complex female characters who have agency and who are trying to navigate the world and understand themselves. Like, that is hot,” nonbinary actor D’Arcy says.
“And is very different from, I suppose, more two-dimensional portrayals of female sexuality.” 
Cooke adds: “I guess what’s alluring, and quite scintillating, is that they all live in quite close proximity to each other,” noting “House of the Dragon” Season 1’s focus on keeping its characters near the Iron Throne in King’s Landing.
“Stealing these loaded looks with someone that you fancy and that’s forbidden, that’s hot. It’s all hot.”
“We had a lot of conversation at the beginning about, is this a feature or a flaw?” Hess says.
“There’s a lot of births, do we want to see a lot of births? My thinking was, every single childbirth I’ve ever seen on television, in any show, in any genre at any time, has always looked exactly the same: the woman lying on her back with her feet in the stirrups and doing the pushing and the baby comes out.”
“In my experience, women give birth in vastly different ways.”
“I thought we should show them all and they be really, really different, separate experiences and not just, now there’s that birth scene and we all know exactly what it looks like.”
“She gets in and [her sons] Jace and Luke have gone and got a dragon’s egg and want her to look at it.”
“And I just remember responding, ‘Wow, that looks perfect,’ but not looking at them at all, I was looking in the other direction.
“And that felt like what a lot of parenting is probably like.”
“That moment in the carriage where Alicent’s hungover son asks her if she loves him, and she says it by smiling and saying, ‘You imbecile.’
“Like, it’s so obvious, this is all for you.”
“Everything that I’ve done.”
“Everything that I’ve sacrificed.”
“All the awful things I’ve done in order to facilitate your ascension is because I love the bones of you.”
“There’s an element of queerness to it,” Hess says.
“Whether you see it that way or as just the unbelievably passionate friendships that women have with each other at that age.”
“I think understanding that element of it sort of informs the entire rest of their relationship… Even though they’re driven apart by all these societal, systemic elements and pressures and happenings, at the core of it, they knew each other as children, and they loved each other and that doesn’t go away.”
Hess continued: “Olivia has told me she believes — and this is her headcanon — that they at some point kissed or made out or had some kind of physical interaction that Alicent’s mother found out about and forbade.”
“And that was Olivia’s head story, ‘Oh, I can’t do that. That’s not right.’ And that’s the background for her in their relationship going forward. I would be 100% down with that.”
“But when it comes to our iterations of the characters, too much has happened and too much time has passed to probably even recognize those fledgling feelings.”
“But Condal and Hess weren’t “necessarily interested in ever defining” what that love meant in terms of the women’s sexuality.”
“I happen to be a queer woman, but I know straight women who had ‘Heavenly Creatures’ -esque, romantic friendship with their best friend at that age,” Hess said.
“That’s something that I think, probably — I don’t want to stereotype anybody – but it seems to be more a phenomenon with young women than it is with men, probably because whether you’re queer or not, society cares less if you’re physically intimate with each other or hugging or touching each other.”
“You can have sleepovers and sleep in the same bed and nobody cares.”
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thestarlightforge · 18 days
So y'all, this video essay is SO GOOD. It's long, but a delightful analysis, I choked on coffee more than once from laughter... Just all around wonderful. Have a look :)
96 notes · View notes
sapphiclover-tv · 9 months
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oeuvrinarydurian · 3 months
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Happy Snarky Little Shit Sunday. One of my favorites of all time.
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talatomaz · 2 years
imagine | bau x fem!reader x legends
a/n: this takes place during ‘rusty’ where the bau deals with an unsub who believes he’s from a parallel universe. and honestly, this idea has been in my drafts since the episode aired almost 3 years ago
warnings: usual canon violence.
word count: 2.9k
masterlist | navigation | request rules
when R encounters a case where an unsub believes he’s from a parallel universe, she finds that there’s more truth to that claim than she’d like to admit
i do not give you permission to repost or translate my fics on any platform - likes/reblogs are okay and are much appreciated
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A famous writer once said ‘we must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.’
And if that wasn’t the most apt description for your life, you didn’t know what was. Albeit the life originally planned for you didn’t exactly line up with the life you were living now, it still kept you alive. But no one in your present life knew about your former one. Hell, you’d surely be locked up on insanity claims if you ever broached the subject. Especially being surrounded by a team of psychological profilers.
But this current case was threatening to reveal your past. And you didn’t know how much longer you could keep up the lie…
You and your team were investigating the vast number of decapitations of father figures and were struggling to find a connection; only believing that the unsub was simply killing surrogates of his own father for reasons yet to be revealed. But it ended up being so much more than that.
As you continued to work the case, though you couldn’t pinpoint it, you had this lingering feeling of being watched. You’d even caught glances of familiar eyes staring at you. The more you tried to shake it off, the more foreboding the feeling became. And it had all come to a head when the BAU were looking at the victims’ bodies in the Denver police station.
Your eyes narrowed as Luke placed post-it notes of symbols next to each contusion found on the different bodies. The symbols were eerily familiar but your mind struggled to make the connection.
“They may be mathematical symbols, perhaps part of a larger expression.”
Catching the last part of Tara’s explanation, it was like a switch had gone off in your brain. You hadn’t seen this equation, or at least these characters that formed part of the equation, in several years.
Oh shit.
“Schrodinger’s equation.”
The words slipped past your lips before you could stop it.
“You’re right. They form the basis of Schrodinger’s equation.” Spencer agreed as he walked up to the board and wrote the full equation down.
Seeing the expression face-to-face, so to speak, had you fighting to keep your panic under control. Between the feeling of being watched to this case to the equation which you’d vehemently used with an old team member to perfect a certain time travelling device, you worried at how much water this case held.
“It describes the probability that a particle will behave in a certain way in a certain place in a certain time.” Spencer continued to explain.
“The wider implications of this gave rise to Everett’s ‘Many Worlds’ theory. Which is that reality is, as we know it, is only one of many possible universes.”
Almost as if on autopilot, you gave a brief insight into something which had taken up a significant amount of your time in your previous life.
You’d realised your slip when you saw your whole team looking at you, even Spencer, with confusion written on their face. Whilst they knew you were smart, when you’d taken upon this life, you deliberately omitted several details, such as your affinity for science and all things physics, specifically inter-dimensional travel.
“Oh I-uh-saw it in a tv show once.” You lied, clearing your throat in an attempt to provide yourself with some sort of a reprieve. Luckily, that came in the form of Tara, who’d jokingly referenced ‘Doctor Who’.
“Okay, so does our unsub think he’s in a parallel universe?” JJ, your partner, asked which only facilitated the pounding of your heart. More so because you’d been on edge ever since you’d taken this case than in fear of your team finding out who you really were.
The rest of the debate became muffled as you drowned out your team’s voices - too busy on finding the missing link that was the linchpin of what you were feeling than adding to the conversation.
“Hey. Hey.”
The gentle rouse of your shoulder coupled with the whispered shout of your name had you jolting as you tried to clear your mind. Blinking, you looked up from your chair to see a blonde staring down at you.
For a moment, you could have sworn it was your old captain.
But that didn’t make sense.
She couldn’t be here.
None of them could.
Shaking your head to clear the cloudiness, your eyes refocused as you looked up at JJ.
“You okay? You seem a little distracted.”
The seasoned profiler’s eyes were narrowed in concern as she tried to discern your behaviour.
“Y-yeah, I’m good. Sorry, just got a lot on my mind.”
“I’ll say. You even sounded like Spence for a moment there with all that science-y talk.” JJ joked, playfully nudging you with her shoulder.
“You know you can talk to me right? About anything?”
The previous levity in her voice was replaced with a tone of seriousness and motherly-esque concern.
Thankfully, before you could give another half-assed excuse, Emily burst through the door.
“We got another victim. Let’s go.” Your Unit Chief called after you so you followed her and Mendoza to the crime scene.
            ✧── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
After you’d all collectively delivered the profile, your team, specifically you, JJ, Tara, Reid and Luke converged back in the office as you tried to predict the unsub’s next moves. Albeit, you were distracted because the nagging feeling of being watched had come back.
Canvassing the office, you looked to see if anyone was paying any particular attention to you or your team - which was when you finally locked eyes with a patrol officer. Analysing their behaviour, they didn’t carry themselves in the normal way cops did, which inherently raised further flags in your mind.
“Maybe we just need to step back and look at things differently.”
As JJ spoke, you excused yourself. Ignoring the confused protests of your team, you walked up to the officer and stopped in front of them.
“Who are you?”
The officer’s lips curved into a smile but what stuck with you was how familiar the smile was. Almost as if you’d seen it before.
“Wow, I’m offended.”
As you opened your mouth to speak, you were suddenly flanked by JJ and Tara.
“Who are you?” This time, the question was sternly repeated by JJ.
Instead of outwardly replying, the officer leaned in closer to you - unknowingly to you, they slipped something into your pocket - and whispered something that had your back straightening and the hairs on your neck standing up in revered shock.
“Hey, lil T.”
Your jaw practically dropped in shock. It was a nickname you’d not heard in almost 3 years and only one person called you that.
Your team members were too focused on your reaction to notice that the shapeshifter had disappeared.
Suddenly the pieces began to fall into place.
The familiar eyes you kept catching lingering on you belonged to Charlie, a notorious shapeshifter who was a member of the Legends. That likely meant that the rest of your old team was here, including your sister.
And if they were here, it meant that someone was displaced out of time or universe and, considering the nature of your current case, you’d correctly figured out that it was the unsub you were searching for. He really must be from a parallel universe. Another Earth.
But you couldn’t figure out how he got here.
Especially after the Crisis on Infinite Earths which led to the formation of Earth Prime and your eventual move to this Earth.
“Who the hell was that? Did you know them?” JJ asked, her hand on the small of your back.
Instead of replying, you were interrupted by a vibration coming out of your blazer pocket. Fishing in the pocket, you pulled out the phone and stared at the device. Answering the phone, you spoke cautiously, “Hello?”
“God, I have missed your voice!”
“Cisco?!” You whisper shouted into your phone.
Why was he randomly calling you out of the blue? Unless…oh fuck.
“I’ll be right back. I’m fine, I promise.”
Not waiting around for JJ or Tara’s reply, you walked into an empty office and began to speak freely.
“What the hell is going on, Cisco? Why is Charlie here?”
“Yeah, um, about that…”
“Let me guess, someone stole one of the extrapolators, didn’t they?”
There was a slight pause before your friend answered, “Maybe.”
“Fuck. This is not what I needed right now. How did this happen?”
Cisco then went on to explain that meta human who had once had razor sharp knives for hands had somehow broken into Star Labs and stolen the inter-dimensional travelling device.
You scoffed at his explanation, “Explains why this guy’s able to decapitate heads so easily. God, how many times have I said that you guys need better security?”
“Back up, decapitation as in heads removed from their bodies? Oh, that’s nasty.”
“It’s also my job to catch this person, Cisco. What the hell am I supposed to do?”
“Well, from what I can tell from the location tracking and mechanical data, the device is broken which is why this guy hasn’t travelled back to Earth Prime. But you’re gonna need to get that device back before you arrest him.”
“Now, how in the world do you expect me to do that?”
            ✧── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
After ending the call with Cisco, you knew you had to clear things up with JJ before you could follow his instructions. Dragging the latter into the empty office you’d just been in, you watched as she stared at you with her arms folded across her chest.
“Are you in some kind of trouble? Tell me I shouldn’t be worried.”
“I’m okay, JJ. Honest. I just-” you sighed, “I didn’t realise it but I know that officer. They were from my past. A long time ago.”
“And that phone call?”
“Was from an old friend I’ve not spoken to in years. It just surprised me, is all. But I promise I’m okay. Go on, use those profiling, lie detector powers on me. You’ll see.”
JJ laughed dryly before smacking you on the arm, “Shut up.”
Then she sobered and abruptly brought you in for a tight hug which you returned.
“I’m here for you, alright? You’re my family and I love you.”
“I love you too.” You replied back before smiling when she pulled away and held your face in her hands.
In the corner of your eye, you spotted Charlie in the far end of the station signalling for you to follow them.
“How about I get us some actual drinkable coffee from one of the coffee shops near by whilst we’re waiting for Garcia to come back to us?”
“Sounds like a great idea. I’ll call you if anything happens.”
Your timely suggestion was merely a ploy to get out of the station so you could meet up with the Legends like Cisco had instructed you too.
Reaching the empty alley way that Cisco had led you too, you rocked back and forth on your heels before turning when you heard the voice behind you.
“Lil T. It’s so great to see your face.”
You couldn’t help the smile that painted your face when you saw Charlie in their true form and moved to hug them.
“I still can’t believe you’re here.” You said, hugging your friend closely.
Opening your eyes, you froze when you saw two other people approaching. One of whom had tears springing to your eyes.
Pulling away from Charlie, you flung yourself into your sister’s arms as the tears fell shamelessly down your face.
“Oh my god. Zari, I never thought I’d see you again.”
“Me either. I’ve missed you so goddamn much. Are you okay?”
Your sister asked, cupping your face similarly to how JJ had done so minutes earlier.
“Better now that you’re here.” You hugged Zari again, your head resting against her neck as you tried to engrave this moment in your mind forever. Especially since you didn’t know when you’d next be able to see her again.
“What am I? Chopped liver?”
You laughed at your old Captain’s interruption and hugged her too, “Hi, Sara.”
After you’d all quickly caught up, you’d relayed what Cisco had told you causing the three of them to nod.
Grabbing your hand, Zari slipped the bracelet on your wrist, knowing you knew exactly what you needed to do.
            ✧── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
“We should split up.”
After your conversation with the Legends, you’d gotten a call from JJ who’d told you that they’d figured out the unsub’s identity and where he’d likely be. Which is how you ended up at the entrance of an abandoned gold mine.
Running into the mine, you weaved in and out of the tunnels trying to locate Kyle Peters. Then you heard cries and yelling which led you to the unsub and the two children he’d kidnapped. You knew your team was following closely behind you so you only had a small window of opportunity to get what you needed.
As Kyle continued to wrestle with his demons, you peered your head around the rocky man-made tunnel and used the air totem that Zari had given you to discreetly lift the broken extrapolator from his jacket pocket that was close to him and use the wind powers to let it travel to you. Grabbing it with your free hand, you pocketed it with a relieved sigh and then stepped out into the open to confront the unsub.
The rest of your team flanked you as you tried to talk the unsub down.
“Kyle, I get it. Believe me, I do. I know what it’s like to be displaced from your home, your family, from everything you know and to find yourself alone in this new world.”
“No! I have to fix it!”
You knew you had to steer the conversation to prevent any mention of the extrapolator device.
“But you have to face the truth, Kyle. These sacrifices you’ve been making won’t fix things. It won’t bring back your son. Kyle, face the truth. He’s gone. Ethan’s gone.”
You countered, keeping your voice level as your gun remained trained on the murderer.
“God, I’m so sorry.” Kyle started to cry as he dropped the axe to the ground.
Holstering your weapon, you approached the unsub and cuffed him before handing him off to another officer.
“Here you go.”
You said, handing the broken extrapolator to Sara who thanked you.
“Oh and you can take the totem back. Thanks for letting me borrow it.”
Zari stopped you by placing her hand on yours, “Keep it. We found a way a while ago to split the power in two so now we can both have one. It also means we’ll have a way to see each other. In the totem, I mean. We can be connected.”
“We’re always connected, Z.”
“You know there’s always a spot open for you if you want to come back.”
“I appreciate it but I think I’m okay here. This is my life now. And honestly, it’s a good one. We get to fight bad guys and not those with powers and stuff and we’re making a huge difference here.”
Sara nodded in bittersweet resignation.
“I’m going to miss you.”
You hugged Zari again, “I’ll miss you too. I really should be getting back but say hi to everyone back home for me, will you? And tell Cisco that I’ll kick his ass myself if he lets another one of our tech pieces get stolen again.”
“I’ll pass on the message.” Sara said as you all laughed.
            ✧── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
Having finished with your debriefs - and finding relief in the fact that Charlie had memory wiped Kyle’s mind so he wouldn’t reveal the extrapolator’s existence - you were on the jet back to the BAU with your team.
“All this talk about alternate realities. Who do you think you’d be in a parallel universe?” JJ asked you and Reid.
You laughed as Spencer explained why he’d be a cowboy and how the rest of the team fit into his world.
“What about you?” JJ turned to face you.
Laughing to yourself, you realised that this was the one time you could actually tell your team the truth and not worry that they would commit you.
“I would probably be a part of time travelling legends who rectify anachronisms or wrinkles in time with the help of our other Earth-bound superhero friends who fight crime. If all of that existed, of course.” You added when JJ smirked at you with a raised brow.
Her focus then shifted to the bracelet on your wrist.
“Oh hey, I didn’t see that bracelet before. It’s beautiful.”
Looking down at the totem, a soft smile appeared on your face, “It’s a family heirloom. I have one piece and my sister has the other.”
JJ reciprocated your smile as she wrapped her arm around your shoulder, allowing you to burrow into the blanket that she had draped over her.
With JJ’s cheek resting on your head as she hugged you close, you felt your heart settle.
Deep down, you knew you’d made the right choice. The Legends was your past but the BAU and this team were your future.
And there was nowhere else you’d rather be.
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arrow-v-flash-polls · 10 months
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Following the results of the first polls which of these two already winning Felicity ships is your favourite?
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cloudlessly-light · 10 months
Both of these will obviously be filthy, cause ya know, I’m me and I’m a perv
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lowcountry-gothic · 1 year
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Stills from Hulu’s Saint X, by Paloma Alegría. 
Sule Thelwell as Desmond, Jayden Elijah as Edwin Hastie, Josh Bonzie as Clive “Gogo” Richardson, Kenlee Townsend as young Claire, West Duchovny as Alison Thomas, and Bre Francis as Sara Lycott.
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loveofstelena · 8 days
Multicouples • Just Us
0 notes
remember-the-fanfics · 6 months
Belated April Fool's! Had this thought on the first but was at work so enjoy it now!
If GenZ!Overlord!Reader went to Heaven instead of hell
I lost any kind of format along the way, tell me if you find it, I would like it back.
• You appeared at the Golden/Pearly gates in a panic confused state, yelling as soon as you saw the person watching over the gate.
• Scaring Saint Peter which made him yell and then you both were yelling
"Why are you screaming?!"
"Because you were screaming!"
"Well I'm sorry for screaming! Where am I?!
• Saint Peter told you this was Heaven and ask for your name, after giving it he confirmed you were ment to be here.
• Asking him how you died because it was a blur to remember
• Telling you only the Seraphim would know and that you would get some of it back when you adjust to being a Winner.
• Cue you walking off to find a Seraphim before he finished and Peter quickly following you because you have no idea where you were going.
• Quickly running into Emily talking to some winners, seeing you with Peter went to greet you.
• Seeing you were young, more young than most Winners when they appear, most usually have mid 20's to mid 40's age look.
• Asking her if she would know how you died.
• Emily telling you that Sera would know being the High Seraphim.
"Why is her name is just a part of Seraphim?"
• Emily lead you and Peter to Sera's office.
• Sera confused on why would Emily and Peter bring a new winner to her.
• Asking your question again, Sera repeated Peter saying you'll remember in time.
"I wasn't alone before I died! I just want to know if-."
"You're sibling is alive, you made quite sure of that."
"Oh thank God... Wait can I say that here?"
• You left with Peter for him to show you to where you would stay in Heaven.
• You quickly became friends with Emily, getting to know most of the winners and angels that go to her.
• Emily enjoyed having someone younger than her to hang out with, well technically physically she's older than most of the winners but mentally she's older than you.
• She even showed you how to fly with your new wings with minor issues.
• You had barely any control to begin with so when you got high enough your wings decided to forget how to fly.
• Ending with you crashing on the ground or into people.
• One time you crashed into a window of Sera's office, one of your few injuries in Heaven.
"(Y/n)! You need to be more careful of yourself." Said Sera, quickly coming over to you. "Are you alright?"
"Oh shoot, I'm sorry!" You said getting off the ground trying to shake off shards of glass. "I told Emily that I shouldn't fly in the area yet.." You quickly noticed you had cuts, that were bleeding gold.
"You're injured, let's me see it." Said Sera before hovering her hand over you, with a subtle light, she had quickly healed your injuries. "There, you should be healed now."
You looked up at her with awe in your eyes.
"You can do magic?!"
• Quickly asking her if you could do magic
• Saying that you could probably do small amount like the rest of the winners to help with day to day.
• Emily came in and you rushed to her with a new found interest and Emily was quickly on border to help you learn
• Almost leaving Sera alone to clean up the mess you made before making your way back but she ushered you and Emily away saying she could handle it.
• Quickly your lessons with Emily turned into flying and magic lessons with the help of other winners.
• Finally getting the hag of flying, you flew through what magic that you could be taught from the winners.
• After finding an injured Angel that you never before with what hopefully not blood on them (you didn't ask)
• She did not want to be seen by any of the winner when you appeared out of nowhere.
• You were young for even a winner, she noticed quickly, wondering why a child was bothering her.
• Asking if her wing was alright, it looked like it went though hell.
• Saying yes before hissing in pain when you faintly touched it
"If you thought it was injured why would you touch it?!
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you!"
• Quickly shutting up when in a flash of light of your own, healed her wing.
• Still apologizing to her and introducing yourself.
• She introduced her self as Vaggie, saying she was apart of Heaven's Army.
• You obviously questioned why Heaven had an army since it's Heaven.
• Vaggie said it was for incase anything happened, explaining her injury as training gone wrong.
• You believed her, not knowing what day it was and where she was just before.
• You told her to be more careful and if she ever want, you could meet up again.
• After giving her where to usually find you during the day, leaving to find Emily to tell her.
• Emily was with Sera for the day, so you found both of them.
• Explaining what had happen to the two of them.
"You must be alot strong than most Winners, (Y/n)." Said Emily, looking to Sera for information.
"Yes, usually only Angel could heal or do any decent amount of magic, I'll have to see about." Said Sera. "Why don't you two go celebrate (Y/n)'s magic with some ice cream? I'll look into this."
• Sera quickly got into contact with the winner turned archangel, Adam, about meeting with you.
• Telling to not be to inappropriate around you nor tell you anything that he shouldn't.
• He said he would try atleast.
• You meet Adam and Lute at a train area that you never seen before because usally winner dont come over here
• Neither of the two was expecting someone so young so Adam didn't think you were actually (Y/n).
• After realizing who you were, instantly trys to get you make a holy beam of light to shot something because he's never really met someone who died and was possibly almost as powerful as he is.
• He's still number one
• After demonstrated what he ment, you did it on a less large scale because damn Adam just about destroyed a whole chunk of the ground.
"Well Danger tits, I don't think we're dealing with a winner anymore. They're fucking archangel like me!" Said Adam watching you do some minor things he showed you.
"Do you think Sera would let them know or join us, sir?" Asked Lute.
"Ha fuck no." Said Adam laughing, "If you haven't noticed they close with Emily and they're a kid."
"The file that Sera sent over is that they died just after they turned 18." Said Lute. "...Protecting their brother, sir." Adam stiffened at the mentioned of it.
"Of course... the old man does like doing shit in mysterious ways." Said Adam, noticing (Y/n) was talking to another recruit.
"Hey Vauh-gie!" He yelled across the area before heading towards the two.
"Adam, sir." Said Vaggie, (Y/n) noticing the way Adam said Vaggies name.
"Why you over here talking to the recruit kid?" Asked Adam, using (Y/n) as something to lean on.
"Just catching up, she was wondering why I was here." Said (Y/n).
• Lute quickly got Vaggie to leave you and Adam some inane task while you told Adam he said Vaggie's name wrong.
• He told you he knew her name and he was correct but you defend her saying it's her name, she decided how it pronounced.
• You soon had weekly training with Adam and sometimes Lute, who wanted you to have some fighting skill.
• But Lute quickly found out that you wouldn't fight unless absolutely needed to
• Having a way with words you could talk down any arguments that the exorcists had when they would have solved it in a fight
• Lute would rather have them brawl than listen to another conversation about talking about your feelings.
• You quickly became a favorite among most of the exorcist, being around Adam and Lute most times.
• The two treated you like a kid most of the time when you weren't training.
• Adam saw the betterment of Humanity in you, reminding him of what his first two sons could have been like
• Being the opposite of what happened to Able and Cain does that.
• Lute saw you as reason to keep Heaven safe
• Not wanting you to ever actually use your training to protect yourself
• Because why would you? You're in Heaven, nothing can hurt you, right?
• You would show Emily what you could do after every training session.
• You learned how to make non-dangerous fireworks to help Emily bring joy to the winners.
• Sera would tell you that God had chosen you to be an archangel, that would usally come with a job but you were to young for any of it so she let you help with Emily job.
• You were a chaotic force of good to excit people, telling them new kind of jokes.
• Emily had to stop you from making to many dark humor jokes, everyday.
• Some Winners would ask if something was still a thing and you had no idea what they were talking about Like 'Wat?'
• Then them explaining what it was and purpose.
• You would never have to take a history class again with how much people talk about the past to you.
• Winners would forget that you are too young for something.
"You had to use a brick as phone?"
• Having friends with most angels and winners was nice, you were just as popular as Emily these days.
• Then Adam and Lute came back from what they told you was a training expedition that they do yearly.
• With Vaggies halo (they disposed of her wings, to graphic for you to see.)
• Lute and Adam explained that Vaggie had died in an accident after betraying Heaven.
"Oh... I thought Angels couldn't die?" You muttered, trying to wipe the tears from your eyes.
"She stopped being Protected by... the holy light when she betrayed us." Said Lute, trying to come up with an excuse.
"Don't think sweat about it, kid. You still have these two badasses here to keep you safe." Said Adam.
"I didn't think I could lose anyone here.
• The two tried to comfort you, never seeing you cry before.
• In their own messed up way.
• Cursing vaggie in vain in their heads.
• They hung around you the next few days, keeping you company while you mourn your friend.
• Emily would bring you snacks to try and cheer you up.
• Sera sent a letter saying that she wished you well and take the time you need.
• The next few year went in a blur, everyday was the same.
• Helping Emily with the winner, train with Adam and Lute, chat with Sera every few days, and having lunch with Saint Peter.
• You never would have guess that time worked differently than on earth.
• Definitely not expecting your younger brother showing up one day, being older than you.
• Finding you with Emily, the same age you were that day.
"(Y/n)?" He said looking right at you, you looked confused for a second before realizing who he was.
"Frederick? Freddy? What are you doing here?! You should be alive!" You said before rushing for a bone crushing hug.
"I died at 87, I'm guess time works differently up here." He said, "I knew you would be up here, I lived a good life and done good things just for the possibility to see you again."
"I missed you! Let me tell you everything!" You said,
• Introducing Emily to your brother and telling her you need to catch up.
• She excitedly ushered you away saying she can handle things.
• Emily told Sera after the day was done
• Frederick answered all your questions and you answered his.
"So am I your older brother now?"
"Not a chance. You're still my little brother, just not quite that little anymore."
• Introducing him to everyone, not taking an issue when Sera wanted to meet him alone.
• Sera wanted to see if he had any magical prowess like you did.
• He had more than a normal winner but not enough to be in the class of Archangel like you and Adam.
"Would you do anything to protect (Y/n)? They are quite naiveté when it comes to certain things, being so young when they died. You're older and wiser than them now."
• Sera gaslighting
• Frederick questioned where it was going and had to swear not to tell a soul about what Sera was about to say.
• He was surprised when told than Heaven sent angel down to hell to kill sinners.
• Sera telling him that she didn't tell (Y/n) about this because of their age and unwilling to hurt people without reason.
• But he had time and age to come to term that somethings need to happen for the greater good.
• So he joined in with Adam and Lute, training for the extermination day.
• Telling you that he wanted to train his magic as well with them.
• Adam meeting the last peice of the puzzle of your death, who you died protecting, your own brother.
• Adam got along with him well enough, being a bad influence on him.
• Lute trained him on fighting, going hard to make sure he could protect Heaven and you.
• Probably had a version of out of love, the toxic version.
• After another portion of time, Emily told you that the princess of hell was coming for a meeting to talk about the redemption of sinners souls.
• You were excited about the concept, seeing potential about it.
• Youre brother didn't think so, telling you that they were in Hell for a reason.
• Sera didn't want Emily or you to meet anyone coming from Hell but the two of you convinced her.
• Meeting up with the group after they got past the gate.
• Seeing Charlie and someone who looked very familiar
• Clapping after Peter and Emily's song.
"Good job Em and Pete!" You said cheering the two.
"So um who are exactly?" Asked Charlie, exited to meet another angel.
"Oh I'm (Y/n), I help Emily to keep the Winners happy. I'm an winner turned Archangel like old man Adam." Introducing yourself to the two.
"You're friends with Adam?!" Said Charlie, not expecting Adam to actually have friends.
"Yep, trained me. He's been training my brother now of days, Freddy."
• She wasn't expecting you to be siblings with one of the main antagonist from her meeting with Adam.
• Frederick kept shutting her idea down and trashed talked her along with Lute.
• You were the exact opposite of your brother.
• When Adam, Lute, and your brother saw you with Charlie and Vaggie showing them around with Emily and Sera.
• They were pissed, Lute had to stop both from trying to fight them in the open.
"They don't need to be influenced by a hellspawn."
• When Adam and Lute went to bothered Vaggie, Frederick went to you to the Zoo.
• Keeping an eye on Charlie and making side japs at her until you intervened.
"Dude if you're gonna be a butt to her then leave."
• He quickly stopped making fun of Charlie, just stared at her from your side.
• With Lute and Adam, they questioned if you realized who Vaggie was.
• With a no, they said how unimportant she must have been.
• In the court room, you stood next Adam.
• Pointing out hole in his responses.
• After believing that this Angel Dust should be here, you questioned with Emily.
• With the big extermination day reveal, you and Emily were shocked.
• "Neither of you knew?"
• That what Adam and Lute does once every year, and now with your brother
"I just want to protect you, this is for the great good, you will not get hurt for me again."
"I don't need to be protected! There's no good in any of this, you hurt me doing so."
• Then the whole Vaggie reveal, you were pissed at Adam and Lute.
"You said she died! You hurt her and left her there to do so! You let me mourn when she was alive!"
"Kid, listen she didn't do what was needed so we didn't need her anymore! She defied the order and must of paid the price."
"There would be nothing to pay if you didn't murder anyone! She spared a kid, younger than I, and you said she defied the order? There is no order to this!"
• Then you were arguing with everyone you trusted but Emily.
• Sera dismissing the court saying no soul in Hell could be saved.
• Then Adams threat to Charlie's hotel, portaling the two back.
• You decided that you weren't gonna sit here safe while they fright for their soul
• You weren't a kid like Heaven treated you.
• So you jumped in after them to fight against everyone you knew.
Just some facts between hell and Heaven Genz!Reader
• When in hell you had to learn to be grown up quickly, while Heaven kept treating you as a kid.
• Frederick wouldn't be an antagonist in the hell version because he wouldn't have a reason to be
• I was gonna write about your older sibling but I'm tried, I've been working on this for a week+
• The end is up to fate, do you fight Heaven and get stuck in hell or does your old friends and family drag you back?
• Most youngs souls that died get reborn but there are some cases that slip though so they would be stuck where ever they got sent.
• Heaven you is less chaotic and speak your mind because it's Heaven,
Okay love yall I'm gonna go look at other fanfics
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pitchsidestories · 4 months
woso fanfics masterlist
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II player x player x reader
II player x player
II Arsenal WFC x Teen!Reader
birds of a feather
II Mariona Caldentey Masterlist
II Steph Catley Masterlist
II Kyra Cooney-Cross Masterlist
II Laia Codina Masterlist
II Emily Fox Masterlist
II Kim Little Masterlist
II Katie McCabe Masterlist
II Victoria Pelova Masterlist
II Alessia Russo Masterlist
II Leah Williamson Masterlist
II Laura Wienroither Masterlist
II Lotte Wubben-Moy Masterlist
II Lia Wälti Masterlist
II Barcelona Femení x Reader platonic
Pizza girl
the kids are alright
early twenties
II Ona Batlle Masterlist
II Aitana Bonmatí Masterlist
II Cata Coll Masterlist
II Caroline Graham Hansen Masterlist
II Patri Guijarro Masterlist
II Mapi León Masterlist
II Kika Nazareth Masterlist
II Fridolina Rolfö Masterlist
II Salma Paralluelo Masterlist
II Irene Paredes Masterlist
II Alexia Putellas Masterlist
II Keira Walsh Masterlist
II Millie Bright Masterlist
II Lucy Bronze Masterlist
II Niamh Charles Masterlist
II Erin Cuthbert Masterlist
II Sam Kerr Masterlist
II Zećira Mušović Masterlist
II Guro Reiten Masterlist
Manchester City
II Kerstin Casparij Masterlist
II Lauren Hemp Masterlist
II Alanna Kennedy Masterlist
II Leïla Ouahabi Masterlist
II Jill Roord Masterlist
Eintracht Frankfurt
II Sara Doorsoun Masterlist
II Laura Freigang Masterlist
Other clubs
II Georgia Stanway x Reader
lost and found
II Jen Beattie x Reader
Girlfriend Material
II Mary Earps x Reader
There is light at the end of the tunnel
II Jenni Hermoso Masterlist
II Élisa De Almeida x Reader
we'll always have Paris
II Hayley Raso x Reader
It only hurts this much right now
II Felicitas Rauch x Reader
so american
II Valentina Giacinti x Reader
To Rome with Love
II Misa Rodríguez x Reader
One night in Ibiza
II Grace Clinton Masterlist
II Ana Maria Crnogorčević Masterlist
II Esme Morgan Masterlist
Retired players
II Ali Krieger x Reader
Welcome to New York
You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
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(instead of writing your 69th essay about how Taylor Swift is a closet lesbian)
Starting off with my holy trinity:
Rina Sawayama (she/her, bi/pan): if you follow me you're probably aware of what a huge Rina fan I am. Lots of pop and rock, with a chunk of her earlier songs being R&B. Her debut album SAWAYAMA (my favourite album of all time!!) was her major breakthrough moment as it received critical acclaim and her sophomore album Hold the Girl made her the highest charting Japanese artist in the history of the UK. Known for her musical versatility, she made her acting debut in John Wick 4. I recommend: Cherry, Frankenstein and Bad Friend
Janelle Monáe (she/they, bi/pan): pop, funk, neo-soul and psychedelic. They have an entire series of concept albums about an android named Cindy Mayweather (her ALTER EGO?!) as she commits the crime of falling in love with a human. Lots of social commentary. Her album Dirty Computer comes along with a narrative film and a book taking place in its world. She's starred in movies like Antebellum, Glass Onion and Moonlight. I recommend: Electric Lady, Django Jane and Pynk
Raveena Aurora (she/her, bi): Experimental pop, R&B and soul. Her second album Asha's Awakening is a concept album following the journey of Asha, a Punjabi space princess, as it explores Aurora's South Asian identity and past relationships. Such a beautiful and soft voice to die for. I recommend: Headaches, If Only and Kathy Left 4 Kathmandu
Moving onto some other artists I like:
Boygenius: a band comprising of three sapphic women- Phoebe Bridgers (indie darling™), Lucy Dacus and Julien Baker (the first two are bi while the third is a lesbian). Indie, folk and alternative rock. Very melancholic. I urge you to check out their individual projects too (especially Phoebe's, I love her Punisher album). I recommend: Emily I'm Sorry, Satanist and True Blue
Kelela (she/her, queer): R&G, electronic and alternative R&B. Her debut EP Hallucinogen covers the beginning, middle and end of a relationship in reverse chronological order. Her second album Raven showcases Black futuristic art, which I fuck with. I recommend: Contact, The High and Bluff
Zolita (she/her, lesbian): dark-pop, R&B and electropop. She incorporates witchcraft into her music and mvs. She literally has an EP called Sappho what more could you want? I recommend: Holy, Ashley (the sapphic Speak Now) and Bedspell
Victoria Monét (she/her, bi): pop and R&B. She's written songs for artists like Ariana Grande (7 Rings) and Chloe x Halle (Do It). Go stream her Jaguar EP you will thank me later. I recommend: Touch Me (erotic sapphic song), Cupid and Love U Better
And finally some honourable mentions (can't make this post too long now can I): mxmtoon, Michelle Zauner, Arooj Aftab, Sir Babygirl, Dodie, Chloe Moriondo, Lauren Jauregui, Baby Queen, Sara and Teagan, The Butchies, Sofya Wang and Melissa Etheridge
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alldancersaretalented · 3 months
Studio Switch List 2024/25
(also includes late season switches)
Link to "How many studio switches so far?"
-> Elite Studio of Dance
Jordyn Hay
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
B. Bernard C. Butler M. Caryl L. Caver E. Defoe K. Heath I. Lewis C. Nielson A. Peterson S. Peterson A. White
-> Kinetic Dance
Mary Anne Serpas
-> Mather Dance Company
Sally Schulz
-> N10 Dance Studios
Juliette Birchard Jonah Guzman
-> Renner Dance Company
Connell Gocke
-> The Merge (new studio!)
Leila Pitcovich
-> The Moxie Movement (new studio!)
Beeta Barkhordar Harper Fish Bailee Hill Sky White
-> The Union (new studio!)
Veda and little sister Mia Weisz-Marin
-> Tribe Seven
Cate Block
3'N Motion Studio
-> BLA Dance Academy
Molly Weber Margaux Struble Chloe Todman
4th Street Dance Centre
-> Northern Force Dance Company
Hazel Brown Olena Brown
Adage Dance Center
-> K2 Studios
Dylan Kubo Aspen Walton
Adrenaline Dance Company
-> Prodigy Dance Studio
Bellarose Ramos
AE Dance Productions
-> The Company Space
Hazel Kinnick
All American Dance Factor
-> Evolve Dance Complex
Madison Virostek
Allegro Performing Arts Academy
-> Pave School of the Arts
Lily McFarland
AM Dance
-> Studio X
Brooklyn Abrams Alana Cato Asyah Lewis Baileigh McJimson Leiyah Nova
-> The K Project Dance Company
Aubrey Davis Jaden Gonzalez Rosalyn Gutierrez
Amirian Ballet Academy
-> Royal Danish Ballet School
Emma Crawford
Apples Dance Lab
-> Evolve Dance Complex
Payten Butler Sara Wren
Artistic Motion Dance
-> Abstraction Dance Company
Giselle Pilorin
-> Devotion The Movement
Sydney Duke Sunnie Pelant
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Zoe Baker GG Mier Katie Rosa Piper Ryder Tatum Ryder
Art Of Technique
-> The Washington School Of Ballet
Kaitlyn Brandely
Augusta West Dance Studio
-> CCJ Conservatory
Zoe Lewis
Avanti Dance Company
-> CAP The Company
Natalie Jahn
-> Mather Dance Company
Hayden Goren Reese Goren
-> N10 Dance Studios
Saige Hibbard
-> West Coast School of the Arts
Eva Graziano
Bay Area Houston Ballet & Theatre
-> Boston Ballet II
Sophia Jones
Bayer Ballet Academy
-> John Cranko Schule
Amelia Chen
Big City Dance Center
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Alex Cyncewicz
Brava Dance
-> Westchester Dance
Emily Pierog
Burbank Dance Academy
-> ABT Junior Co
Manuela De Souza
Cache Valley Civic Ballet
-> Creative Dance Academy
Kate Baldwin Sophia Baldwin
Camarillo Academy of Performing Arts
-> Bobbie's School of Performing Arts
Peyton Root Ryan Root
Canadian Dance Unit
-> Vlad's Dance Company
Quinn Powers
CanDance Studios
-> Club Dance Studio
Preslie Ball
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Colette Stutzman
-> The Union (new studio!)
Crystalyn Chesko
Carlsbad Dance Centre
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Ansel Mullick Camille Mullick Evelyn Mullick
Cary Dance Prudctions
-> Renner Dance Company
Marlee Thomas
CC & Co Dance Complex
-> Renner Dance Company
Connell Gocke Olivia Roberson
Centerstage Dance Academy
-> West Florida Dance Company
Ava Starr Rodriguez
Center Stage Dance Company
-> JBP Entertainment
Bianca Lewis
Center Stage Dance Gymnastics
-> The Fenyx Project
Arielle Miles
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio
-> The Moxie Movement (new studio!)
Halston Fisher Oakley Fisher Tatum Fisher
Charliz Balicao Dance Company
-> Larkin Dance Studio
Payton Mueller
Cincinnati Ballet Professional Training
-> Alabama Ballet
Caroline Love Jenna Renfield
City Ballet San Francisco
-> Boston Ballet II
Maddie Austin
CityDance Conservatory
-> Boston Ballet School II
Lucian DeBellis
CJ Dance Crew
-> Club Dance Studio
Madi Cole MaKinley Cole
Club Dance
-> ??
Ashton Wullbrandt
-> Dance Studio C
Gwyneth Woods
-> Elite Dance Pro
Madisyn Rose Amos Kennedy Cicerelli Abby Honstad Jaida Morin Payton Stowe
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Tilly Allen Brinley Bennett Brynlee Bulbulian Lainey Bulbulian Makena Cameron Pallas Chiste Olivia Clouse Kensley Colman Charlotte Cook Sophia Dasalla Avery Dunwell Lena Funk Mia Funk Jaycee Grant Kalista Greer Kanon Greer Kaylan Greer Oakley Hill Goldie Hill Birdie Hill Alaina Igleski Kaydence Lawton Arianna Mendez Callie Mendez Harper O'Malley Dannika Ren'ee Quiroz Tatem Robinson Leslie Soto Nicole Soto Tatum Strauss Kate Valentine Aubrey Williams
-> Illusion Dance Company
Madyson Barney
-> Prodigy Dance PAC
Taeya Stosich Tinley Stosich
Complexity Dance Center
-> Vision Dance Alliance
Ava Dowling London Dowling
Concept Pavielle
-> Larkin Dance Studio
Siena Paradeau
Conservatory of Dance Arts
-> The Merge (new studio!)
Ella Andrews Sarah Blady Charlotte Dean Sophie Dean Calli Hollenbeck Lilly May Hartley Murla
Cypress Dance Project (closing!)
-> The Fenyx Project
Ahmya Tovar Jasleen Tovar
-> Tribe Seven
Avery Farris Gracelyn Harris Kyndle McCormick Frankie Miranda Mia Narvaez Tana Nickerson Evelin Peterson Lily Savarese Paislynn Schroeder Gabriella Slay Dalilah Soto Frankie Soto Kayla Tanea Abigail Wade Melody Thiel Rianna Weck Rosalie Wickman
Cypress Elite Dance Studio
-> The Fenyx Project
Charlie Mae
Dance Academy of State College
-> Evolve Dance Complex
Emma Girdany
Dance Arts Centre ATL
-> Dance Lab (new studio!)
Ryn Andersen Tarin Belizaire Izzy Bensinger Nina Kitchen Daniella Lerman Samantha Wilson
Dance Arts Centre
-> Summit Dance Shoppe
Beckett Eberhard Britta Eberhard
Dance Connection 2
-> Club Dance Studio
Claire Pistor
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Jaxon Adamson Juliette Ridenour Scarlett Ridenour
Dance Connection Scottsdale
-> The Collective PHX
Madee Richardson
Dance Deluxe
-> Club Dance Studio
Dana Homes
-> Dance Connection 2
Kamryn Arnold
-> Elektro Dance Academy
Sunday Smith
Dance Dimensions PAC
-> The House Dance Complex
Sophia Hasson Victoria Safahi
Dance Enthusiasm
-> Murrieta Dance Project
Liciana Vun
-> Phunk Phenomenon Dance Studio
Landon Indeglia
Dance Exposure 2
-> The Vision Dance Alliance
Morgan Wendt
Dance FX
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Aryanna Lafontaine Cooper
Dance Inc Company
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Lauren Allan
Dance Lab OC
-> Dmitri Kulev Classical Ballet Academy
Maggie Till
Dancemark Studio
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Katie Bishop
Dance Republic
-> Club Dance
Annabelle Greenamyer Scottie Greenamyer Abigail Patton
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Kaia Roseland
Dance Studio C
-> Elite Dance Pro -> Dance Connection 2
Charlotte Rathjen
-> Impact Dance
Maizey Miller Savannah Miller
Dance University
-> Impact Dance Academy (new studio!)
Olivia Cherpak Stella Cherpak Chiara Siragusa Mila Steven
Dance Unlimited Miami
-> Stars Dance Studio
Mila Talab
The Dance Zone
Katelyn Miranda
-> The Living Dolls Dance Factory
Olivia Martinez
Dance Unlimited Colorado
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Fiona McDonald
Dance Vision
-> Becky Nalevanko's Dance Studio
Aria Telander
-> Academy of Nevada Ballet
Naya Fowler
-> The Rock
Brielle Bonas Parker June
-> Club Dance
Kelsey Jackman Makayla Jackman
-> DC Dance Factory
Kendall Kolodge
-> Evoke Dance Movement
Vida Lemos
-> Hyphen Conservatory
Haley Bertino
-> North County Academy of Dance
Ella Nani Knight
-> Pave San Diego
Paisley Publico Polly Jo Publico
Dancers Edge
-> Club Dance
Emerson Van Houten
Dancers World Production
-> K2 Studios
Claire Zhang
Dance Vision
-> The Academy
Cece Nguyen
Dansations Competition Team
-> The Vision Dance Alliance
Brady Horne
DC Dance Factory
-> The Vision Dance Alliance
Harper Bowen
Dellos Dance Academy
-> The Academy
Kendall Krajewski
Diverse Elements
-> Dance Connection Scottsdale
Kenna Bonhote
-> Dance Connection 2
Peyton Whited
Divine Dance Center
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Kallie Niday
DMdance Company
-> The Merge (new studio!)
Kinsley Gainer Taylor Jenkins Tyler Jenkins
Dmitri Kulev Classical Ballet Academy
-> ABT Junior Co
Clara Riggs
-> Boston Ballet II
Pavel Kulev
-> Elite Classical Coaching
Summer Lily
-> European School of Ballet
Annabel Kohn
-> San Francisco Ballet School
June Freeman
-> Westside Dance Project
Fiona Poth
DNA Dance Creatives
-> Prodigy Dance PAC
Jackson Ruekert
Drapers Center for Dance Education
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Rhauri Samuels
-> The Rock School For Ballet
Samuel Gauss
Dynamic Dance Company
-> Stars Dance Studio
Victoria Crupi
Dynamic Dance Refinery
-> New Level Dance Company
Sophia Hernandez-Gonzalez
Elektro Dance Academy
-> Dance Deluxe
Alexis Gizzo
-> Eternal Dance Company
Madyson Koch
-> LA Dance
Kinsey Joan
-> The Collective PHX
Julianna Aispuro Tenley Anthony
Elevate Dance Academy
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Sidney Sullivan
Elite Classical Coaching
-> Academie Princess Grace
Morgan Ligon
-> Royal Ballet School
Izzy Keesee
Elite Dance PAC
-> Hyphen Conservatory
Lillie Lanier
Elite Dance Pro
-> Club Dance
Peyton De La Cerda Mila Michael Lucia Piedrahita Sophia Schiano River Segerman
-> Rhythm Dance Complex
Gavin Schwarze
-> The Collective PHX
Alexa Schwarze
Elite Feet Artists Company
-> Stars Dance Studio
Norah Hurley
Elise Flagg Academy Of Dance
-> Central PA Youth Ballet
Ella Wilke
Ellison Ballet
-> ABT Junior Co
Victoria Papakalodouka
Encore Dance Arts
-> The Collective PHX
Laila Faith
Eternal Dance Company
-> CanDance Studios
Alaina Martinez
-> Gateway Dance Center
Juniper Wakefield
Evoke Dance Movement
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Eleanor Bullock Lucia Jade Frazier Emmy Claire Khaiden Tayah Klimuck Dylan Schaffer Maya Steinman
Evolve 26
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Blayklee Balthazar
Evolve Dance Complex
-> CCJ Conservatory
Cami Vorhees
-> Power Dance Company
Maya Rogers
Evolution Dance Center
-> North County Academy Of Dance
Presley McGraw
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Casey Archibald Liv Barrelli Karisma Colyan Kirrana Colyan Ava Cucker Elyse Dueler Alli Esposito Avery Fumillari Sofia Galati Joya Garner Sofia Gorman Kendall Hensley Kaylie Koehnen Brianna Lee Isla Marshall Emma MacKay Everly McGraw Ellie Miles Avril Overlock Drew Overlock Danielle Smart Kirra Stradwiser Vivienne Tolentino Lyla Yuceit Brooke Zamoff Shayne Zell
Expressions Dance & Music
-> Tribe Seven
Francesca Casaretto Gabi Woods
Fearless Dance Company
-> K2 Studios
Marilyn Castaneda
Flashdance Studio
-> Houston Ballet Academy
Patricio Lopez
FLEX Dance and Fitness
-> The Southern Strutt
Grace Marvella
Freckled Frog Dance Studio
-> K2 Studios
Vallerina Athena
Fusion Dance Force
-> Blueprint Dance Project
Emily Deal Abigail Monahan Abby Rodriguez
Fusion Studios
-> Mather Dance Company
Brooke Kim Mariana Simoes
Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
-> Dance Deluxe
Bradley Kawa Breckyn Kawa
Gotta Dance Company AZ
-> The Collective PHX
Avah Gonzalez Gabriella Gonzalez Valencia Gonzalez
Gotta Dance Company CA
-> Stars Dance Studio
Tristan Jones
Greenwich Conservatory of Classical Ballet
-> Dance Town
Cassie Coughlin
-> Mather Dance Company
Lydon Thach
-> The Academy
Lia Turrieta
Hart Academy of Dance
-> The Academy
Lia Turrieta
Hathaway Academy of Ballet
-> somewhere in the Netherlands
Kennedy Kahler
Heart & Sole Performing Arts
-> Gotta Dance Company
Leigha Jessee
Hollywood Ballet School
-> United Ballet Academy
Isobel Lehman
Houston Ballet Academy
-> Boston Ballet
Sam Stampleman
-> Boston Ballet II
Michael Dadlez Layla Porter
Hudson Dance Academy
-> Avanti Dance Company
Melody Garcia
Hyphen Conservatory
-> Mather Dance Company
Makaela McCosar
iBallet Studio
-> Elite Classical Coaching
Aviva Brock
Impact Dance
-> Club Dance Studio
Bostyn Thomas Holland Thomas Presley Thomas
In Motion Dance Project (closing)
-> ??
Mila Bonilla Anniston Clarke Adrienne Diaz Bella Flores Mia Flores Lily Holbrook Isabella Luciano Mali Photnetrakhom Madeline Terry Joey Webber
-> Dance Universe
Ellie ?
-> Marshall Ellis Dance School
Renee Forseth
-> New Dimensions Dance
Annalee Ramb
-> Starz Dance Company
Elissa Loryn Sadie Moore Isabella Peixoto
-> Orlando Ballet School
Sylvie Rock
-> Underground Movement
Lila Blood Kristyeliz Laureano Valerie Santana Izzy Warren
-> Xplosive Dance Academy
Levi Caicco Valeria Luciano Isabella Quartaro Olivia Rock Abigail Torres Adeline Vozza
Innovate Dance Studios
-> Avanti Dance Company
Pressly Loomis
Inspire Dance Complex
-> K2 Studios
Eliana Guzmán Isabela Guzmán Cali Rucker Arrow Yarbrough
Inspired Movement Dance
-> Innovate Dance Studios
Brooke Toro
Intensity Dance Academy
-> Evolve Dance Complex
Lydia Onder Bryn Onder
Intensity Dancer's Studio
-> Dance Town
Nicole Losada
In The Spotlight Dance Studio
-> Summit Dance Shoppe
Quinn Caroline
JBP Entertainment
-> BLA Dance Academy
Ashton Kinsleigh
JDI Dance Company
-> 4PM Dance
Addelyn Muesso
Jean Leigh Academy of Dance
-> Tari's School of Dance
Stella Vince
Joffrey Ballet School Texas
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Ella Waitz
Jump Dance Company
-> Impact Dance Academy (new studio!)
Natalie Boone Reese Gilman Chloe Mullins Claire Sorensen Addison Weimann
Jun Lu Performing Arts
-> Bayer Ballet Academy
Athena Hu
Just off Broadway
-> Club Dance Studio
Kaia Erby
-> Elite Classical Coaching
Sadie Daniels
-> Stars Dance Studio
Zoe Swope
K2 Studios
-> ??
(Jessica Sutton) (Rebecca Sutton)
-> Studio X
Jeanne Garcia Zoey Garcia
-> The Academy
Kynzli Reece
Kaos Dance Elite
-> The Company Space
Taylor Smith
Kat & Co
-> Evolve Dance Complex
Anthony Labritz
Katies Dance Connection
-> Elite Danceworx
Taya Osso
Kick Dance Studio
-> The Vision Dance Alliance
Violet Kolb
Kinetic Dance
-> The Merge (new studio!)
Catherine Owen
Kozmic Edge
-> Q3 Dance Company
Angelina Mendez
LA Dance AZ
-> Dance Connection Scottsdale
Syvon Stokes
Larkin Dance Studio
-> Studio 4
Lola Boisen
-> Concept Pavielle
Grace Sullivan
-> Elite Classical Coaching
Savannah Manzel
Legacy Dance Productions
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Mckenna Gerrits
Legacy Productions Miami
-> Stars Dance Studio
Emily Pina
Lovett Dance Center
-> Hyphen Conservatory
Logan Macy
Major Productions Studio of Dance
-> Impact Dance Academy (new studio!)
Hailey Schneider
Master Ballet Academy
-> Ballet West
Melanie McIntire
-> Club Dance Studio
Hazel Silverman (also continues training at MBA)
-> John Cranko Schule
Gracie Kirkwood Lillian Rossman
-> The Rock School For Ballet
Keagan Pickett
Mather Dance Company
Mia Santiago Savy Witeck
-> The Academy
Eliana Weiss
Mekka Dance Project
-> Tribe Seven
Ainsley Scott
Meta Fair Burns Dance
-> Kinetic Dance (new studio!)
Kylie Dalrymple
Miami City Ballet Pre-Pro
-> Boston Ballet II
Olivia Santos
Miami Dancity Studios
-> Stars Dance Studio
Sabrina Lorente
Michelle's Dance Xplosion
-> Nor Cal Dance Arts
Jaxon Albano
Michigan Dance Alliance
-> Artflux Dance Lab
Mattie Mair Millie Morante
Milele Academy, LLC
-> DC Dance Factory
Eisley Beer
MJ's House of Dance
-> Blueprint Dance Project
Kiley Holgerson Ava Azzaretto Caiden Boltz Cassidy Boltz
Monterey Peninsula Ballet Theatre
-> Bayer Ballet Academy
Harper Palmer
Move By Morrelli
-> Artistic Fusion Dance
Lilianna Hales
Murrieta Dance Project
-> K2 Studios
Jaedon Diaz Kloey Diaz
MVP Elite
-> 3'Motion Dance Studio
Mackenzie Mucha Madison Mucha
N10 Dance Studios
-> ??
Ariella Truong
-> 4PM
Jordan Eskenazi
-> Dance Star Academy of Performing Arts
Avery Margarita
-> Premier Youth Dance Academy
Clara Han
-> Project 21
Annie Hu Madison Ng
New Level
-> Stars
Kenny Braga Reese Braga
NJ Center of Dance
-> The Vision Dance Complex
Bella Baldino
No Limits Dance Company
-> CCJ Conservatory
Rylie Sickles
Northern Force Dance Company
-> Larkin Dance Studio
Aria Johnson Sloane Johnson
North Shore Dance Academy
-> Dance Enthusiasm
Juliana Desilets Ellie Fanning Sophie MacKenzie Callie Wilkins Molly Wilkins
-> ??
Sarah Kuy
-> K2 Studios
Amelia Faizi Ella Montano
-> Mather Dance Company
Mila Malone Sierra Yen
-> Nebraska Dance
Sophia SantaMaria
-> Project 21
Reese Arkin Valeria Ochoa
-> Studio X
Jordyn Rockett
On Pointe Dance Studio
-> K2 Studios
Giuliana Bressler
Orlando International School of Dance
-> Starz Dance Company
Layla Jordan
Palm Beach Academy of Dance Arts
-> Dance Universe
Hattie Selene
Panama City Dance Academy
-> Kinetic Dance (new studio!)
Maisie-Rose Burkey
Paula Carr Dance Academy
-> Elektro Dance Academy
Eliza Gee
Pave School of the Arts
-> Evoke Dance Movement
Addyson Paul
-> Innovate Dance Studios
Quinn Briscoe
-> Mather Dance Company
Alexa Rauth Ava Rauth
Kennedy Bush
-> Project 21
Stella Fisk Liv Matson
-> The Moxie Movement (new studio!)
Kenzie Arrendondo Talia Ayumi Gemma DeSola Kinsley Dunn Kassidy Dunn Ellie Iwamoto James Iwamoto Harper Fisk Marlowe Fisk Tatum Fisk Kirsten Jeslyn Kailey Longshore Kassidy Luong Sophia Monje Alexa Paul Goli Ranekouhi Rylee Stabeck Isaiah Wang Hadley York
-> South County Dance
Hayden Calder
Perception Dance
-> Premier Dance
Madison Smith
Perfect Pointe Dance
-> Studio X
Danya Chang
Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre School
-> Ballet West Academy
Carina Fulop
Platform Dance
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Arielle Michalak
Precision Dance Conservatory
-> Dance Universe
Teagan Sanchez
Premier Youth Dance Company
-> Elite Classical Coaching
Greysen Fowler-Allen
Prestige Dance Institute
-> Renner Dance Company
Kensley Phillips
Profusion Talent
-> Studio X Dance Complex
Dallas Soffel
Project 21
-> ??
Ally Choi Airi Dela Cruz
-> CAP The Company
Dillon Barron
-> CA School of Classical Ballet
Aliya Yen
-> Stars Dance Studio
Leilani Lawlor
-> Westside Dance Project
Makeila Bartlett
Project Performer
-> Pave San Diego
Nora Aminlari
Renner Dance Company
-> Club Dance Studio
Ania Siri Olivia Siri
Republic Edge Dance Company
-> Tribe Seven
Adalynn Delaney Alayna Jeneva Cali Lynch Aubrey Warren
Revolution Dance
-> Dance Zone
Kaylin Gabosch
Rize All
-> Elite Studio of Dance
Carissa Chueng Roxanna Chueng
-> Natiomas Dance Method
Ayla Polendav
-> University Cheer Force
Addelyn Skube
Rockly Mountains Ballet Academy
-> San Francisco Ballet School
Shylee Sagle
Russian Masters Ballet
-> Dmitri Kulev Classical Ballet Academy
Sheridan Stone
San Clemente Dance
-> Variant Movement
Alana Ting
SFLA Dance Complex
-> Dance Enthusiasm
Addison Parker
Skyra Studios
-> Mather
Sienna Morris
Sol Studio SSD (closing!)
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Phoebe Fatula Hayden Goebel Makenna McGrath Lily Parraga Riley Platenberg Gabby Reiss Tiffany Robinson Keira Segal
Soul Studio Dance
-> West Florida Dance Company
Callie Ludtke
South County Dance
-> K2 Studios
Paige Garrett Reese Garrett
-> Mather Dance Company
Gabby Campos
Southland Ballet Academy
-> ABT Junior Co
Alisa Xu
-> Pacific Dance
Natalie Chiang
South Tulsa Dance Co
-> Next Step Dance
Allyn Green
Stage One Dance Studio
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Katie Kim
Starstruck Performing Arts Center
-> Perception Dance
Jacey Erwin Kinley Winn
Steps N Motion Dance
-> K2 Studios
Aspen Roberts
Studio 1 Dance Academy
-> Club Dance
Hadley Taylor
-> The House Dance Complex
Lyla Martin
Studio 4
-> Larkin
Elle Boudewyns Reese Ottney Leah Pribyl Vera Souvannavong
Studio 19 Dance Complex
-> Elite Dance By Damian
Alexis Crystal
-> Evolve Dance Complex
Carina Simone
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Kaitlyn Allen
Studio 702
-> The Rock
Peyton Nowacki Addison Price Hailey Stuck Taylor Stuck
Studio Bleu Dance Center (closing!)
-> ??
Kristin Mitchell
-> Art of Technique
Abigail Daisy Olivia Rosiek Chloé Le Pettigrew Victoria Zhang
-> Cerdafied Dance Studios
Nick Shalin
-> CityDance Conservatory
Kennedy Thompson
-> Dance Academy of Loudoun
Madelyn Cuttin Addie She
-> Enchanted Stage
Lily Mendoza Ellie Myers Mina Oemler
-> Ignite The Light Performing Arts
Zion Landis
-> LM Premier Dance
Grace Wright
-> Mission Dance Project (new studio!)
Lily Carmello Ava Doell Aubrey Franklin Kayleigh Jo Ellie Myers Brianna Norgrove Emily Parinello Brooklyn Smith Stella Tullio Jessica Zhang
-> NOVA Elite Dance Alliance
Nicole Ocean
-> Rise Dance Center
Kennedy Mirabella Maddy Mirabella
-> TDC Dance
Ja Pelle Nayeli Wilder
-> The Dance Lab VA (new studio!)
Leilah Bell Lily Rae Bolno Audrina Brudner Bellatrix Castillo Isabella Plotczyk Ashlan Scheide Mina Terry Gina Zhang
Studio G Dance Company
-> Art In Motion Conservatory of Dance
Madilyn Rexrode
-> Artistic Edge
Devin Dalmolin
Summer's Danceworks
-> The Union (new studio!)
Cienna Fernow Ellah Perry
Summit Dance Shoppe
-> Concept Pavielle
Gabriella Maggitt Carrigan Paylor
-> Larkin Dance Studio
Lucy Mae Dunn
Synergy Academy Utah
-> Center Stage Performing Arts Studio
Corra Blake
Tapio School of Dance and Gymnastics
-> CCJ Conservatory
Landry Leon
TDA Prep
-> Exhibit 3 Dance
Avery Maycunich
Temecula Dance Company
-> K2 Studios
Bailey Dalton
Texas Academy of Dance Arts
-> Tribe Seven
Gatsby Lasala Quinlyn Lasala
The Academy
-> Evoke Dance Movement
Ella Carlson
-> K2 Studios
Laci Stoico
-> Mather Dance Company
Bella Puskar
-> The Next Big Thing Academy
Peyton Barron
-> The Platform Dance Studio
Malia Williams
-> YYC Dance
Kinsley Oykhman
The Art of Classical Ballet
-> Hollywood Ballet School
Kya Massimino
Theatre Arts
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Hallee Francisco
The Ballet Clinic
-> Russian Ballet Academy
Sarina Rosenblum
The Center Stage Dance Studio
Blakelyn Scifres
The Collective PHX
-> CanDance Studios
Sasha Landreaux
-> Club Dance Studio
Ellie Laird Zoie Laird
-> Elite Dance Pro
Alivya Alfonso
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Breckyn Kawa -> Dance Deluxe Bradley Kawa -> Dance Deluxe
-> Russian Ballet Academy
Mila Hiatt
-> The Union (new studio!)
Addy Gaffney
-> Studio X
Kinley Cunningham
The Dance Academy of Puyallup
-> The Company Space
Isabella Scandale
The Dance Centre NJ
-> The Vision Dance Alliance
Savanna Grae
The Dance Complex
-> Larkin Dance Studio
Maddyn Bauermeister Henley Raak
The Dance Institute
-> Stars Dance Studio
Maribel Weishaar
The Dance Scene
-> Studio X
Desi Alcala
The Dance Space
-> Tribe Seven
Penelope Church
The Dance Spot
-> Danceology
Alessandra Escobar-Moeller
-> Mather Dance Company
Kennedy Molino
The Element Dance Center
-> The Academy
Sunnie Stanley
The Living Dolls Factory
-> Legacy Dance Studio
Lilliana Gonzalez
The Movement Complex
-> Stars Dance Studio
Victoria Reich
The NINE Dance Academy
-> Canadian Dance Company
Shaunaughsey Meagher
-> Vlad's Dance Company
Evelyn Rego Ivy Mae Rego
The Platform Dance Studio
-> CCJ Conservatory
Kaydence Mardis
-> Dance Connection 2
Jordyn Castle
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Clara Lawless Lily Lawless Stella Lawless Arielle Michalak Charlotte Reese
The Rage Dance Complex
-> Studio 1 Dance Academy
Tennasyn Faith Giselle Miranda
The Rock Center For Dance
-> ABT Junior Co
Crystal Huang
The Southern Strutt
-> CCJ Consevatory
Annsley Huff
The Talent Factory
-> K2 Studios
Ileana Cruz Sienna Legitt Natalie Pan Quinn Pan
The Vision Dance Alliance
-> New Jersey Ballet Company
Kennedy Anderson
The Why Movement
-> Tribe Seven
Grace Gerszewski
Titanium Arts Lab
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Julliana Gould
Trademark Dance Academy
-> The Vision Dance Alliance
Braelynn McKenna
Variant Movement
-> New Level Dance Company
Gabby Terschluse
Way 2 Move - Dance & Movement
-> Dance Town
Alexa Oviedo
West Coast Dance Complex
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Emily Bach
West Coast School of the Arts
-> Hyphen Conservatory
Rebeca Gomez Garza
West Florida Dance Company
-> Stars Dance Studio
Ella Dobler
-> The Southern Strutt
Macey Strickland
WestMet Classical Training
-> Sarasota Ballet School
Madelyn Murphy
Westside Dance Project
-> ??
Diana Kouznetsova Isabella Kouznetsova
-> European School of Ballet
Annabel Kohn
-> Hyphen Conservatory
Esme Chou Olivia Marquez
-> San Francisco Ballet School
Izzy Howard
Woodbury Dance Center
-> Larkin Dance Studio
Kylie Roach
Xtreme Dance Studio
-> The Rock School
Blake Metcalf
-> Project 21
Emma Walters (also continuing training at YLAB)
Your Haven Dance Company
-> West Florida Dance Co
Kylee Kay
Youth American Ballet Company
-> Boston Ballet II
Natalie Cardona
125 notes · View notes
scekrex · 7 months
Okay, okay, okay, ANOTHA ONE. Winner!reader who got lost in Heaven on his first, because Adam forgot that he was supposed to give him a tour and simply kept walking while Reader got distracted and went after something shiny that he thought would look nice on Adam. Now cue in Brandon Rogers skit with a "mother" looking for her son Timmy. Just Adam running around and screaming "Y/N!!!!" and asking around, cause he's totally shitting himself. He lost a soul IN HEAVEN of all places. After some time he sits down on a bench in a park or something, completely exhausted and distressed, when suddenly the reader appears behind him, placing a shiny little tiara between his mask horns saying: "✨👸🌺You're a fucking pretty princess!🌺👸✨" while holding ice cream in the other hand and Adam just looks at him like:
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You can end it however you want, cause honestly you're gonna nail it either way 💁🏻‍♂️
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Babes, I fucking love you for that request. I feel like I'll write so many crack fics for Adam n Reader just bc of you and I'm fucking ready for it
Lost and Found
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, this is a crack fic (kinda)
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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When you had first appeared in Sera's office you had been confused and overwhelmed, the little girl, her name was Emily, was full of energy that you weren't able to deal with at that point. She had been all in your face and while you were aware that it was all good intentions, it made you feel like stumbling right into a panic attack.
So Sera had made a call with some guy named Adam, she hadn't explained who he was and why she called him and not someone else but once Adam had arrived at Sara's office, you understood. The guy was a lot more chill than Emily, sure he could talk a lot - that was the first thing he had proven once he had entered the office - but he wasn't draining you by doing so. He wasn't all up in your face either and you appreciated that a lot.
So once you two had introduced yourself to each other, the two of you took off.
The streets weren't as full and crowded as you had expected them to be. Heaven was painted in bright colors, pastel blue, white and gold were the most common colors you came across. Adam was currently rambling about some chick that he had fucked a couple weeks ago at one of his gigs, you weren't really paying attention though, you were too focused on all the shiny lights that surrounded you.
So your attention was on many things, on everything but Adam, the person you probably should've focused the most on considering that you had no clue where exactly in heaven you two were. And when the two of you walked past a jewelry store you couldn't help but walk right through the door. In your mind you thought Adam would notice and follow you - or wait outside the store.
Well, Adam didn't even notice you were gone at first, he was too caught up in his storytelling. So he continued to walk through the streets of heaven for a good twenty minutes without you. That was until the man stopped to look at you - or at least that was why he turned around. But you weren't there.
For how long had he been walking alone? Where were you and why weren't you following him anymore? A wave of panic hit him. What if Sera would find you all alone without him in sight? He'd be in so much trouble if that were to happen.
So he walked in the direction he came from, checking every back alley he had walked past but he couldn't find you. “Y/N?” he called out for you as he entered yet another back alley, hoping he'd get a response. He tried to remain as calm as possible, that wasn't easy considering that he had just lost a fucking soul in heaven. Oh he was so fucked if he weren't to find you by sunset. He was so fucked if Sera were to find out.
Another wave of panic shot through his body as he rushed out of the alley. He grabbed an angel who just went about his day by his shoulders, shook him slightly as his voice filled with panic got louder and louder, “Have you seen my-” Adam stopped for a moment. His what? You weren't his. Ah, fuck this, “Have you seen the dude I'm supposed to watch? He's about this tall,” he raised his hand to show the angel - who was slightly frightened by Adam's behavior - how tall you were, “clearly gay and has a thing for me, but we haven't had the talk yet.” The second the angel started to shake his head Adam was gone, calling out your name over and over again.
“You fucking little shithead, get your sexy ass over here,” Adam yelled, earning himself a few strange looks from bypassing angels, he couldn't care less though. A panicking expression was visible on his mask as he continued to walk all the way back to where you and him had come from. He opened a door to one of the countless stores you two had passed, “Y/N are you in there? You better get the fuck out if you are!” The customers inside the store looked at Adam in confusion and disgust for yelling so loud. He slammed the door shut and crossed the street to enter a park, maybe you had seen some kind of animal or whatever bullshit it was a soul like you were interested in.
“C’mon you little bitch, I'll let you fucking do drugs if you move your ass over here right now,” that was a total lie, obviously it was, but Adam was trying to get you back and he really had no idea how to do it properly.
Another angel walked up to him, she seemed slightly worried about the situation that was playing out, “Have you tried retracing the steps?” Adam shoved her out of the way, “Fuck, you think I'm stupid? Of course I have!” The lady who just had wanted to help flinched away from the first man and was quick to take off once his attention had shifted away from her.
He rushed through the entire park, even looked at the entire thing from above in hope he would be able to spot you, but nothing. Once his feet were back on the ground he broke down on a park bench, his hands were covering the LED face that was displayed on his mask and he was done with it, there was no way he'd find you before sunset - which was when Sera was expecting the both of you to return.
He was completely fucked, there was no way he'd be able to explain to Sera what had happened. And even worse: what if you got hurt? Shit, he didn't even know why he cared about that, you were just some random soul he had met a couple hours ago but yet there he was, worrying about your fucking ass.
Adam flinched when he heard the sound of metal clicking against his mask and turned his head around. There you were. A soft smile was curled around your lips and you held a cone of ice cream in your hand as if nothing had happened, “Y’know,” you started to speak up and pointed to the thing that was resting on top of his mask now, “For someone who talks about ‘fucking bitches’ a lot you're a fucking pretty princess.”
Adam reached for the object you had placed on his head and looked at it closely. It was a fucking golden tiara. It had tiny purple gemstones attached to it and it surprisingly fit his aesthetic pretty well. He stared at the shiny accessory for a moment before he put it down on the bench, got up and lifted you over the bench he had been sitting on. Before you knew it your ice cream cone landed on the ground and Adam pulled you into a bone crushing hug, your feet still dangling in the air, you simply decided to wrap them around his waist. The taller man didn't seem to mind it all that much.
“Don’t you fucking dare to ever run off again you little shithead,” he whispered as he held you, the face of his mask was pressed flush against your neck. “And I thought I was the one having a thing for you when clearly it's not one sided,” you teased the first man, your hand playfully grabbing his horns and pulling him away from your neck to look at him. “You heard that?” he asked in a mix of anger and embarrassment. “Yeah,” you shrugged, “Next time when you're looking out for me, do better.” Adam couldn't help but simply stare at you in pure disbelief. There was simply no fucking way he had missed you. “Also,” you looked down on the ground where your ice cream cone was melting, “You owe me ice cream, idiot.”
“I swear I'll fucking get you a shirt that says 'If lost, return to Adam' or some shit in case that ever happens again,” Adam mumbled and even though he sounded slightly annoyed, he seemed pretty happy you were back. “Oh, it will happen again, trust me,” you simply grinned.
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