Lately i feel nothing… im an empty emotionless body with alot of noises around me its like an explosion its soo loud its sooo annoying i just wanna scream , scream out louuud but i dont have the energy to do so ,im trying to hold a smile but im so tired to even do that…Everyone please STOP laying down on me i CANT hold you all it’s enough i can NOT . ! And what’s wrong with me why am i cold to that extent it’s creeping me out .! , Is it gonna be forever? I mean nothing stays forever but its gone to far now its out of control. Im tired of being careful.
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blorbocedes · 1 year
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here's nico rosberg crying incredibly pretty at bambi awards charity gala, 2018
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needed to be comforted by his wife cause he watched a tribute video of kids in need (which is what the charity gala is about)
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gorgugplushie · 2 months
The shellyvision is one sided debate is really funny to me bc i read it as vee is incredibly people pleasing and wants to be on everyones good side but her tv show personality is too grating and . Frankly annoying for everyone .
Like every line of dialouge she has w someone it. Just reads so clear to me as vee desperately trying to have a normal conversation but she makes everything awkward and cant click w anyone! Astro doesnt seem to care for her like at all LMAO . Despite them being a popular ship
Shelly and Vees convo reads to me as vee trying to reach out and hang out with shelly . Shelly being surpised that vee is talking to her at all. . Idk vees just . Doesnt know how to talk to people out side of her game show personality is all. I mean thats the personality she was written with! It must be hard!
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cats-mayhem · 4 months
Cow Shaped Cloud
Ok! So I read the entirety of @shepscapades DBHC AU and I am immediately obsessed. So I thought i'd try writing something for it! Haven't written anything in a while so I'm a bit rusty but we'll see what happens! I tried to make it as cannon compliant as I can. So uh timeline wise this takes place in s8 after Etho deviates but before the Moon stuff so I hope it fits in fine! I just like Pearl and wanted to write a fic centered mostly around her. So enjoy!
Story under cut Word count: 2,663
When Pearl heard from X that she'd get a android specifically designed to help her build, she was beyond ecstatic. As much as she liked building, she'll be the first to admit that it is taxing job to do, so having a little building buddy would be a great help. She'd heard about the other androids on the server, and has Met a few of them like Doc and Etho (Although Etho nowadays seems a bit... Weird), so she knew what she was in for.
At least she thought she did.
When X first introduced Pearl's Android to her, an Android named Impulse, she was shocked by how he looked. He wore nothing but shorts and a black T-shirt with a capital yellow I logo on it. His hair was neatly combed back like it had been prepped with gel (wait, was that real hair?? Could gel work on it?). Overall he looked so... Plain. Which is a bad first thought to have, Pearl admitted. She wasn't expecting X to give her Android the Gucci, but the plain look made the android look so... Off. She couldn't describe it but it wasn't going to deter her from continuing the path of having a building buddy.
"Hello PearlecentMoon, I'm Impulse. An Android designed to help you with anything you might need. My specialty is in building and strength. I am designed to have a long term efficiency, I can go long periods of time without resting. Perfect for your building needs." Impulse said, all in a very robotic and uncanny way. His voice sounded so human... It was weird to Pearl.
"See! Look at that, I didn't need to explain him at all, he did it all himself! (Well, I told him to say that before you came here but..)" X said, mumbling that last part and scratching the back of his neck.
Pearl glanced over and gave a small laugh towards X for setting up her androids introduction. Her gaze fixed back to the android in question though. She extended a hand.
"Well hi Impulse, it's great to meet you! Although, you can just call me Pearl."
"Preferred to be called Pearl. Noted." Impulse said before just staring at the extended hand, the thing that was originally blue over his left eye suddenly turned yellow. Pearl's smile didn't fade but she was a bit confused.
"Ah, right, he doesn't know what a handshake is so he's trying to figure it out on his own." X chimed in.
Pearl looked over at X, "You seriously didn't program them to know basic stuff like this?"
"Nope! They only know what they're built for. So for Impulses' case, he only knows building." X seemed as chipper as ever.
Pearl let out an annoyed sigh but couldn't stay mad at X for long, "Well, looks like I just gotta teach him." She looked back over at Impulse who was still staring at her extended hand.
"This is called a handshake. Uhm, give me your hand."
Impulse obeyed Pearls' word, extending his right hand out to her. She grabbed it and shook it with a gentle yet friendly force. Impulse gave no reaction. She let go of his hand (it was weirdly cold yet soft?).
"That's what a handshake is. It's a typical greeting for most people. If someone extends a hand towards you when introducing themselves, you shake their hand like that!" Pearl said, still smiling. She'll admit, it's weird having to explain what a handshake is to something so closely resembling a grown adult, but she's been through weirder. Probably.
"information noted. Storing in memory for future use cases."
"See! You two are already getting along! Now, like Impulse said he'll do anything you say and his main specialty is building." X chimed back in.
"Like... Anything, anything I say?"
"Well, yeah!"
"Can he do what others say?"
"Unless you tell him to do so, nope! OH! But there is one exception. That being me. I created him and all and needed to test him and stuff. So other than you, he can listen to me. But I won't order him around or anything! He's not mine after all."
Pearl nodded. That does make sense. Looking over at Impulse, he really is an impressive work of machinery. X may not look like it, but he's an absolute genius. Doesn't stop her from bullying him sometimes for being a derp though.
"Well thank you very much Xisuma! He'll help me so much with my base and other projects, I'm sure of it."
"No problem! If you have an issues with him, just contact me or Doc and we'll fix it."
"Will do. Wouldn't even know where to start if he started to break down on me." She laughed. (Issues? Like what issues? He seems so high-tech that it looks like he could NEVER have issues. Guess sci-fi really does have flaws).
She looked back over to her new android, Impulse, who has just been watching the two of them talk. Not budging an inch from where he was initially introduced. She gave him her widest smile, "Alright Impulse, follow me! I'm gonna show you to your new home!"
Impulse nodded very stiffly. "Following initiated."
On the way back to Pearls' base, she asked Impulse few questions. If he would really do anything she said, to which he fully confirmed. If his hair was real, which he explained it wasn't and was instead some tech stuff (Pearl didn't really understand the words). And most importantly...
"So like, are you emotionless?"
"Emotionless? I do not recognize that word." Impulse said, his circle above his left eye turned yellow again (to which Pearl now knew was an LED. Xisuma gave her a text shortly after she left to explain it because he forgot to explain it to her in person. Derp).
"Like can you not feel emotions? Like being happy, or sad, or embarrassed?"
Impulse shook his head. "No, that's not within my programming."
"Not within your programming."
"I can find nothing relating to 'emotions' such as 'happy' or 'sad' or 'embarrassed' in my code."
"Oh..." Pearl looked away. So he really was just a robot, huh? Just designed to help her. Did he need to look so human though? And miss the one thing that makes human, well, human?
The rest of the trip back to Pearls' base was rather uneventful. She didn't know how to feel about owning something that looked so human, but he was designed for her, and she knows the others use their own androids for stuff, so surely it mustn't be wrong for her to use her own android right? Yeah, let's roll with that.
There's a lot of positives to be had with Impulse. He didn't need to eat, and from what she heard, he can go long period without even needing a rest. PLUS he really will do whatever she says, which would lead to great cooperation for pranks later down the line.
But the longer Impulse stayed at her place and helped her out, the more out of place he felt in her life. Sure, it would take some time getting used to a humanized roomba (haha get it? because room. Robot roommate. Hilarious), she was starting to think it was because he was not only extremely robotic acting, but also extremely robotic looking.
It was the clothes that did it for her, she thought. The clothes Impulse had were way to plain. She didn't want to disrespect Xisuma's original design... But he did say that Impulse was fully for her, and Impulse said that he would do everything she asked...
...And he would look good with her expert and totally professional design skills...
When Pearl finished up the finishing touches of adjusting his big purple bow and his big yellow top hat just right, she's never been more proud of her handy work before in her life. She had a devious little smile on her face as she made Impulse be put into a ridiculous suit.
Impulse closed his eyes, probably processing his new look. "Would you like this to be my new default uniform?"
"YES!" Pearl excitedly says.
Impulse nodded. "Default uniform updated."
Pearl couldn't help but giggle at her fine work, and honestly? He looked kinda cute with the top hat and bow. Way less plain now, and she defiantly wouldn't mind seeing him around in this all day. Despite how goofy it is, she could get used to it. Get more used to it than the plain look anyways.
It had been a few weeks since Pearl first got Impulse. She's still getting used to him just being there, but his presence is comforting nonetheless. She'd try and make small talk with him all the time, but of course, without emotions, he fails miserably at it.
It was a shame, but that's how he was made, nothing she could do about it.
...Or could she?
She texted X.
'Hey so this isn't meant to be rude at all, but I got a question about Impulse.'
'What's up? :D'
'So like. He's a robot right? Can't you program him to feel emotions?'
'Oh! umm... No D: I don't think I can anyways. So far with my programming I can't forcibly create emotions. BUUTTT there is a way for him to maybe feel them some way down the line!! :D'
'Really? How? :O'
And that's when Pearl learned about 'deviancy'. Apparently, the androids can realize they're androids and become self aware to the point they can register feelings? Pearl didn't understand the technicalities of it. It sounded really complicated when Xisuma texted it all to her (didn't help that sentences were always interrupted with emojis or improper punctuation). All Pearl really got out of it is: Impulse can feel emotions, he just needs to disobey his code.
At least she's pretty sure that's what it is. Sounds easy in theory, but then X told her how Etho deviated.
It wasn't so easy in theory anymore after hearing that story.
Pearl looked over at Impulse, still in that goofy suit and top hat. He was placing down blocks inhumanly fast, as she had asked him to. He really was a big help around her base. Things were getting done left and right. She really did appreciate her building buddy, but she wishes he could appreciate her appreciation.
Impulse caught Pearl staring at him. "Pearl? Do you require something?" He asked.
Pearl shook her head, snapping out of whatever daydream she was in. "Nah, I'm fine, just taking a break is all."
Impulse nodded. "I shall get back to work then."
Pearl just hummed, sitting down staring up at the blue sky of the midday life on Hermitcraft. Beautiful white puffy clouds filled the sky and a nice gentle breeze carried the smell of spring in it. She took a deep inhale and sighed.
She then got an idea.
"Actually, hey Impulse, c'mover here."
Impulsed stopped working and walked over to Pearl once more. "Yes?"
Pearl patted empty space of the slightly slanted roof next to her. "Come sit."
Impulse obey. As he sat down, he only looked at Pearl, who was just mindlessly staring at the sky. Impulses' LED turned orange again.
"What is the purpose of this?"
Pearl shrugged, "Eh, felt like you could use a break."
"I'm not even through an eighth of my stamina for today. Resting now wouldn't benefit me much."
"Ah, I ain't asking you to rest, just asking you to take a break with me." She looked down from staring at the sky and smiled at Impulse, "It's important to take breaks with friends after all." She then looked back up at the sky.
Silence befell the two for a bit as Impulse still tried to process all of that. He didn't really understand a word she said. The silence didn't last long though as Pearl spoke up again.
"Hey, don't you think that cloud looks like a cow?" Pearl pointed upwards at said cow-shaped cloud. Impulse finally looked up at the sky with Pearl and observed the cloud.
"While it isn't the exact shape of a cow, the outline vaguely resembled one." Impulse said, looking at the clouds with Pearl.
Pearl just chuckled, "Yeah, well you can't expect details with clouds y'know? Find any other clouds that look like real life things?"
Impulse started to observe the clouds, calculating their shapes and sizes. "Well, that one looks like a chicken at a forty-five degree angle." Impulse pointed at said chicken-cloud, just as Pearl pointed at the cow-cloud.
Pearl tilted her head, "Oh right, it does. Wouldn't have seen that one!"
And that's what they did for the next twenty minutes. Just pointing out shapes in clouds. Impulse typically nailed the more organic looked clouds, such as trees and farm animals, whilst Pearl saw the more intricate clouds, such as thunderstorms or typhoons. Impulse has never seen any of those, so he didn't know. His LED flickered from the normal blue state, to the yellow state, back and forth. Pearl noticed, but Impulse didn't seem to be too bothered, so she didn't mention it.
During the end of their little cloud exposition, Pearl started rambling about how one day she wanted to harness the power of nature to fully make her builds. Impulse recommended a few designs they could try. Pearl asked Impulse to put a pin in that for later. He did.
She got up from her sitting spot and gave a nice big long stretch. "Well, that was nice. Thanks for doing that with me Impulse, it was fun."
"I only did as you requested."
"Still, it was fun wasn't it?"
Impluses' LED flicked yellow again as he tried (and failed) to analyze if what just happened constituted as 'fun' or not. Pearl rolled her eyes, but in a friendly nice way and offered her hand to the still sitting Impulse.
"Eh, you can answer that later. Anyway, let's get back to working!"
Impulses' attention went to the hand, "Why are you initiating a handshake without introducing yourself?"
Pearl sighed, a sigh mixed with friendliness and annoyance. "Ok, when people extend a hand to you when you're sitting down on the ground, it's a friendly gesture to help them up. You just take my hand, and use it to help yourself up! Try it."
Impulse didn't have time to say 'i don't need help getting up I'm strong enough to do that on my own' because Pearl gave him the order to try it, and he did. He roughly gripped Pearl's hand and used it as a way to hoist himself up from the ground. Pearl put effort into Impulses' hoist, but he doubts it was necessary. He lets go of Pearls' hand as soon as he's on his feet.
"Oh man you're heavy."
"Storing this in memory for future use cases. Also, androids typically weigh a lot more than organics such as yourself do."
"Yeah probably should've predicted that one. Anyway, let's get back to working. I want to see if we can get this roof done by the end of the day."
Impulse nodded. "Affirmative." as he goes back to the task he was given before the cloud intermission.
Pearl just softly smiles at Impulse as she herself gets back to work. She wasn't going to force Impulse to deviate. She certainly wasn't going to purposefully traumatize him into deviating like how Etho deviated (although Etho's deviation wasn't Bdubs purposefully trying... You get the picture). Impluses deviation should be something Impulse discovers for himself, not something Pearl should force upon him. While it would be easier to be friends with him if he was emotionally aware, for now? She's fine with her building buddy as he was. If he's like this forever, she won't mind.
...What she doesn't know though, is that Impulse is now downloading information about clouds and storing it in his memory for 'future use cases'.
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thecultoflove · 3 months
This is AU related enough but HOW does Doodle control art? Is it one specific power they have or does it work with everything? I always did like them the most because I like short unhinged gremlins
doodle sort of has a (supernatural) ability that allows them to bring their creations to life which includes anything they've physically touched with their paint-dripped hands. sculptures, paintings, even art supplies can be controlled to their advantage.. this gives them the upper hand in self-defense, as they constantly "get creative" with whatever they can find throughout the day. one of the more frightening advantages they possess is the ability to make their clay sculptures come to life and become sentient. additionally, their animated shadows can attach themselves to the other teachers.. being a traditional / digital artist has it's good points for doodle!
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zorkaya-moved · 1 year
thinking about a moment when in xianzhou luofu, one of the followers of immortality tries to attack zarina and everyone in the vicinity (aside from welt) thinks she's going to get hurt but instead she grab that person's head and slams it so hard against the floor that it shatters. and their head too. because it was frozen in an instant and turned into ice. so it just shattered.
and the thing is? zarina's expression remains bored and unbothered as she gets up and walks forward and asks who else wants to try something else. sadly, she's busy and won't make it too big of a show anymore since there isn't much time on her clock to secure what she wants.
thank you.
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chelseafcwmemes · 2 years
I know i’m a broken record and a debby downer but weekend number 111 of me complaining about the awful Danish commentary on Viaplay.
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pricklypear1997 · 2 years
Y’all gotta stop shipping Arya with Jon and like half of Westeros… seriously. She’s a 12 year old child, and shows no interest in anyone except Gendry and even she’s unaware of that feeling lmao. The only other possible choices would probably be Edric Dayne, or maybe even Elmar Frey xD but she shows no interest in either… her love for Jon is purely platonic, I’m NOT sorry. Maybe in GRRM’s original outline it was different, but ngl, his original outline was TERRIBLE. No way I would’ve read that if that had been the story. I am so, so, so, tired of people mischaracterizing Arya… she’s a traumatized and depressed child who lost her parents.
Unlike Sansa, (I’m sorry Sansa stans, but I gotta compare the two), arya is not some cheesy hopeless romantic. As for her sexuality, well idk, she’s a freaking 12 year old, but you know what I’m certain of? She’s a young girl growing into a woman that lives in a society that’s constantly pressuring her to marry. She’s constantly threatened and harassed by men, but unlike some of the other female characters (cersei, Asha Greyjoy, etc) Arya isn’t the kind of person who’d use her body like that. She’s not gonna suddenly grow up and want to use what’s between her legs to control men, and she’s certainly not going to thirst for dick or she might die a virgin (GoT season 8, ep 2), and she’s literally traumatized out of her fucking mind while also being constantly dismissed as a woman. She ain’t gonna fuck some random dude and be like “Jk I don’t actually love you” or suddenly feel hot for her brother or whoever as soon as she returns to Westeros. Just because she befriended a group of prostitutes absolutely does NOT mean that she supports such an evil industry that uses women regardless, nor does she support certain attitudes regarding to sex that are NOT healthy. There is ample proof, that just because she’s friends to anyone who treats her with kindness, it does not mean she supports their life style. She got really angry when Ned Dayne alluded that her father might’ve slept with Ashara Dayne. Arya took great personal offense to that. She’s not just a Stark, nor just a Tully, she EMBODIES their beliefs. That includes honor. There is no honor in cheating, there is no honor in promiscuity, there is no honor in turning to purely sexual behavior without there being love. GRRM based Arya off of first and second wave feminists specifically. I genuinely believe that by today’s standards, Arya would be considered a “radical” feminist, simply because she is in strong opposition of “sexual positivity”. I think as a child, with deep trauma she’s most likely sex negative, which is why some fans of the series type her as asexual, but she’s a young and traumatized child. An issue that doesn’t seem to ever be addressed in the fandom is that literally most the female “sexuality” that’s displayed in the books, is actually exploitive in one way or another. GRRM was trying to point out how bad it was for women in the olden days, although the show misconstrued that and turned it into some kind of fetish… back to the books, what cersei does, she learned. She learned that by being a woman and a woman with a ton of influence, she can use her body as a way to control men… she herself was repeatedly raped by her own husband, but she realized that she can use her body to use men in any way she wants. She learned that men are weak and will do anything for a “crumb of pussy” basically. Asha, has been “promiscuous” and slept around with many men since she was 16 (or something like that according to AFFC), and she has no regard for other women and has that sick ironborn mentality that men should be allowed to rape women as they see fit. Arianne Martell literally wooed and used her sexuality to get Arys Oakheart to do her bidding and what it do in the end? It costed him his life. She cries and convinces herself that he actually loved her and that it wasn’t because of her sexual manipulation. The prostitutes that Arya befriends in Braavos… do you ever wonder why or how they do what they do? Most likely they’ve been trafficked or perhaps they figured out that they can get money and live a better life rather in slumming it out, because men will literally pay to use them… do you think Arya is genuinely supportive of pro sexual “feminism” and believes that women are somehow empowered by being sexualized by men? Absolutely NOT. So idk, maybe stop portraying Arya as some kind of bimbo. Maybe stop sexualizing her relationship with her freaking brother… IDC if he’s her biological cousin, there is nothing sexual about the relationship. And Arya ain’t going to rush back to Westeros just to dick ride some guy. That just isn’t Arya (neither is the complete asexual).
Ran out of writing space for that first block, but anyways, the only sensical and in character way that I could see Arya being in a relationship with someone else, that involves sexual intimacy, is if she is an adult (NOT A TEENAGER) who’s finally started to realize her feelings for someone (hopefully Gendry), and the relationship can finally start to grow, slowly. I think the other person would have to show his love for Arya too in a way where she feels honored and respected by this person. This person would have to tell Arya first that loves her. Arya is way too shut in when it comes to feelings revolving those things to even admit she likes someone in a romantic way. The other person should probably profess his love to her without being overly smothering about it, and without pressuring her. None of this out of the blue “oh yeah let’s fuck right now, especially from returning from Braavos” bullshit. 🙄 give Arya the time and the worthy love she deserves!
On another note; I forgot to mention that one of the other reason Cersei uses her sexuality against other men is to feel power and control, due to being raped, she wants that power back. Sometimes rape victims do choose promiscuity to reclaim their sexuality, some don’t. I doubt Arya would be in support of something like that either. It’s clearly unhealthy. No person whether healthy or wanting to be healthy, would support such a mindset.
Another argument to make;
Arya still fights to live. Arya doesn’t give up, and Arya surrenders to nobody. Even if she has to pretend to be obedient as Roose Bolton’s cupbearer, Arya, would never surrender to any circumstance. Arya fights what she believes in. She fights for herself, and her honor, she fights for her family and the common people, and last but NOT LEAST, WOMEN!! Arya does not hate women or womanhood in any shape or form! The show completely made that up. The media (television, Hollywood) has a hobby of showing “empowered females” by making them act like men and hate women… it’s everywhere. GoT did that with Arya, while of course making her all of a sudden a dominatrix who likes to use men for her own sexual pleasure too, completely opposite to book Arya and a mockery of Arya, women and female sexuality altogether in my opinion.
So enough with your stupid theories that arya will die, or lose herself and become some kind of emotionless assassin, or that she’ll return to Westeros and be the biggest slut in town (seriously wtf lmao), and enough with drawing Arya to make her look more like Catelyn and Sansa. She shares absolutely NO physical features to them.
Also, I’ve noticed that a lot of you really do not respect GRRM’s work at all, so you try to change the characters and insert your funny politics into it… like some of y’all are seriously mad because Westeros is based off medieval European society??? GRRM is of European origin… like he’s gonna have better knowledge and a better understanding of that than any other group. Like for real, some of y’all are trying to turn this into LoTR: ROP (it’s not good let me tell you) instead of just making a mockery out of a series you clearly have no respect for, why not just create your own fantasy series where you can insert whatever kind of people and politics that you want. Idk. Why not, just represent yourself and your people instead of demanding it from others? Some of y’all are great writers and have potential, so maybe stop leaning on people who don’t even have the same life experience as you to speak for you. They’re not obligated too. They don’t owe you anything. GRRM doesn’t owe you or me anything. So just appreciate his crazy but amazing series or leave I guess. Antis are gonna anti, but there’s no point in even calling yourself a “fan” or saying that you’re interested in a series that you clearly don’t respect.
Anyway I’m getting off tangent here.
But TLDR; stop changing Arya Stark. STOP CHANGING HER. I see you 👀
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what-ami · 3 months
I cry when I hurt and I cry when I am hurt.
I am flawed and imperfect but at the same time I am beautiful and good.
And I think that's ok.
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Uh oh guys. It’s that time again, for the worst mentally ill coping mechanism I have
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brbgensokyo · 8 months
im opening a position for an emotionaless maid to follow me around and talk shit to me and everyone around me. Other duties include hucking basket balls at person of the week that I dont like, cooking passable meals and being a foil to whatever dumbshit that comes out of my mouth
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soshirohoshinasimp · 2 months
I dare you to make emotionaless Freader X Hoshina Soshiro 😎😎
The sun: Soshiro Hoshina
AHH! Thank you for this request, I LOVE this trope so much. I have been waiting to do this one, because I wasn’t sure have to start it (also procrastinating) 
Summary: Emotionless Female Reader and Sunshine Soshiro Hoshina. 
Wc: 600
The sun, also known as Soshiro Hoshina. 
Soshiro Hoshina was a burst of sunshine in a world that often felt cold to you. Loud, cheerful, and affectionate, he seemed determined to break your ice facade by showering you with affection, even though you weren't officially dating... yet.
"(Name)-chan! (Name)-chan, Hii!" Soshiro would greet you with a grin, always appearing with some surprise in hand—a gesture of his overflowing affection. Since you became a platoon leader in the third division a few months back, he had latched onto you like glue. Despite your stoic demeanor, you didn't mind his company.
What first drew him to you was your assertiveness, the way you commanded respect while occasionally letting your sharp tongue loose on the battlefield. You saluted him when he approached, your face set in its usual unreadable expression.
"Is something the matter, sir?" you asked, a hint of curiosity softening your tone.
"Nothing~ Just got ya something!" He handed over a container of cinnamon rolls with a shy flush creeping up his cheeks. "You said you liked sweets," he added, his gaze fixed on you.
You accepted the gift with a nod and a polite thank you. "I'm surprised you paid attention. Thank you, sir."
This kind of thing happened often—him surprising you with hugs from behind (a hug bug, as you called him), holding your hand, or pinching your cheeks (especially if your face is chubby) . He'd boop your nose affectionately or bring you small gifts, all while you rarely reciprocated.
The one time you did, it left him rivaling a ripe tomato. (Currently he is more used to your touch) It was late, and you found him training as usual. Leaning against the doorway, you remarked, "Still training this late, Vice-captain?"
"(Name)-chan~!! Shouldn’t ya be sleeping? It's really late, come on, I’ll walk ya to your room." His face lit up when he saw you, and he forgot his tiredness momentarily. 
As he came closer to hug you, you surprised him by leaning in and kissing his forehead gently. His reaction was priceless—eyes wide with shock, cheeks turning redder than ever.
"Wha-what why who-would you do that?!" he stammered, touching the spot where your lips had just brushed.
With your usual icy facade intact, you replied softly, "Darlin’, please go to sleep. It’s like three am."
"Darling?!" he echoed in surprise, his whole face now crimson.
Taking his wrist in your hand, you led him towards his room. "Uh... um, goodnight," he managed to say, trying to hide his flustered face.
But you surprised him again, pulling him into another kiss—this time on the lips. His initial shock melted into a moment of tender connection, he leaned into the kiss,  though after a few minutes, he gently pulled away, blushing furiously.
"S-stop..." He opened his bedroom door, clearly embarrassed but leaving it slightly ajar. 
“Honey, Aren’t ya coming inside?” He asked, his voice peaking in curiosity. 
Taking the cue, you stepped inside and closed the door behind you. In the privacy of his room, the usually boisterous Soshiro seemed surprisingly shy under your touch.
From that night on, while you may not have shown it openly, your ice- facade started to melt at the sight of the sun. 
Soshiro Hoshina.
Note: Sorry for any mistakes!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Can you do platonic Lu Bu, Kojiro, Jack, Raiden and Nikola with a little sister reader who is like Qiqi from genshin impact
Before little sister reader dead, she was a sunshine and cheerful. But after her death, she became forgetful and emotionaless.
Here's Qiqi's lore
And things you didn't know about Qiqi
Still new to this franchise so please be patient with me. I did a bit of research on Qiqi so I hope I do this request justice.
-Lu Bu- To your big brother, you were his most important person, the only person he would willingly die for, not that he would ever tell anyone that. He remembered when you were alive by his side, you would cling to him, call him brother, and just brighten up not only his day but Chen Gong’s day who adored you. When he found out you were killed while he was fighting, someone else coming up and killing you in cold blooded revenge, he was furious and went on a one-man killing spree. After he died, he found you also in Valhalla, but you weren’t Y/N- you were a shell, a husk of your former, sunshine self. He never said anything, but Chen Gong could see the pain in his lord’s eyes when he would look down at you, holding you on his lap, wishing for the real you to return. You still called him brother, which he did love, but until everything was the same, there would always be pain in Lu Bu’s heart.
-Kojiro- Was the best big brother to you, always willing to give you piggy-back rides, doting on you, and he beamed when you asked him to train you himself. You were both beings of sunshine, smiling brightly. When you died in a terrible accident, Kojiro’s smile waned, he felt like he couldn’t live without his precious sister, and so he trained, trained to become stronger, so others wouldn’t lose their own loved ones. When Kojiro arrived in Valhalla, he was stunned to see you there waiting for him, you weren’t smiling, you looked almost emotionless, like you were missing your emotions. However, you brought back his smile when you held up your arms, “Big brother.” He hugged you so tightly, so happy to have you back in his life. You remained by your brother’s side, supporting him silently as he trained throughout the years. He did his best to always smile, smiling for the both of you, and when you managed to give him a shade of a smile, after so many years, he was elated, throwing you up into the air in glee.
-Jack- Your true self was locked deep within you, he could see your emotions wanting to break out, wanting to be free, but they couldn’t. You were like an emotionless living doll, barely speaking, and only to your big brother, calling him such. You were still as affectionate as you were when you were both alive, cupping his cheeks, sitting on his lap, and always being with him. Jack could see that you were trying, and it did warm his heart and he would always praise you and hold you close. Jack never forgave himself when you were killed after he failed to protect you, he became distraught, spiraling into madness, unable to cope with the loss of the only person that truly, honestly, loved him. When he saw you in Valhalla, waiting for him, he gave you a promise that the two of you would never be apart again.
-Raiden- You loved and adored your massive big brother more than anything, you were his number one fan, coming to all of his matches and cheering him on, looking adorable amongst all the other rikishi. Raiden was the same, he loved you so much and loved to spoil you, only because you would spoil him in return. If he got you mochi, you would hold one of them up, feeding him, which made his heart so warm. To lose you to a fever of all things, the one thing he couldn’t easily protect you against, made Raiden lose hope, he felt so helpless. In Valhalla, he was stunned to see you waiting there for him, holding your arms up to him, “Brother.” He hugged you so tightly many around worried that you were going to pop. Raiden knew that you were still Y/N, despite being void and emotionless, he knew that one day, if he was strong enough, he would bring back his biggest cheerleader, he just had to be patient, and smother you with love.
-Nikola- Despite all his knowledge, all his science and research, he couldn’t do anything to save you after you came down with a deadly fever. He could only see your bright smiling face, chasing after your much older brother, calling him big brother. Even though you couldn’t understand his science, you would stare at him with wonder and awe in your eyes ae he explained everything he could do in great detail. He thought it was cute that you tried to understand, finding your attempts to sound smart adorable, but he would always hype you up. When he found you in Valhalla, he picked you up, spinning you around with so much joy that he was in tears. It was only then when he saw your blank eyes and no smile on your lips, you were like a little doll. Nikola researched everything he could, trying to figure out a way to bring your smile back, with you sitting on his lap just like normal, holding his free hand. Nikola realized his research was not in vain when you finally spoke after a long while, “Explain it to me, big brother.” His research was momentarily forgotten as he swept you up, dancing around his lab in glee before, going into detail about everything, just like old times.
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Ghetsis: And he would just go ON and ON about how he can "talk" to Pokemon! I swear, if he wasnt essential to Team Plasma, I would've murked N on the spot!
Cyrus: Actually, it's possible to communicate with your Pokemon if the bonding level is deep enough.
Ghetsis: Care to demonstrate, emotionaless freak?
Cyrus: my Crobat says that you're a bitch.
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vintagexherry · 1 year
One Hell of an Actor
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Ghostface!Miguel O'Hara x Reader
//NSFW,Smut, Dacryphilia,Blood, Dub-Con, glove kink, fear kink, slight gore, murder, slight chasing, stalking, implied yandere, implied panty stealing, home invasion, Minor character death, bit of lore
A/N: I never watched Scream since I never liked horror a kid so im gonna put my own twist.
Requested by: @sukioyakio
Miguel was your best partner in crime.
You both met as interns in Alchemax. Although you two didn't get along at first, as time went on, you set differences aside and bonded greatly.
As years went by, both of you quickly climbed to the top and became known geneticists around the science world.
And right now both of you were relaxing on your couch watching the news.
"Creepy, that's a lot for just two weeks." You commented, seeing a person being interviewed about the crime scene. You turned to Miguel, who was resting his face on a closed fist, looking bored. "Do you think it targets specific people?".
Miguel turned to you and smirked.
"Why? You wanna be next?"
You scoffed at him and shook your head lightly. You feel bad about the families that had to endure seeing their love once get brutally murdered.
You suddenly hear your phone ring next to you, you flinced from the loud volume and picked it up, ignoring Miguel's chuckles.
As you see the caller ID, you smiled. It was your boyfriend who was living in another state for awhile due to his job.
Miguel noticed your smile and fought the urge to crush or throw your phone agaist the wall, he recognizes that smile, you never smiled like that to him, you do smile of course but not in the way he wished you'd do.
You stood up from the couch, notifying Miguel that it's your boyfriend and went straight to your bedroom for some privacy.
Miguel knows he's not normal for doing this. He knows he's not normal ever since as a kid. He's been to several therapists about his abnormal behaviour. His aggressiveness always noted to be too much to handle, especially since he beat up several kids in school.
By the age of fifteen, he finally stopped going to those damn therapist, finally deemed as safe and sane.
But little do they know he's one hell of a actor.
Ever since then, he has tried to find multiple outlets for his endless rising anger, he didn't want to go back to those bland and emotionaless buildings, so instead he bought stress toys, but with his strength he always breaks them, He tried punching bags, It lasted longer than stress toys, but with his roughness it would always end up beaten beyond recognition, he tried sex but the people he slept with always complained that he's too rough or it hurts too much.
Finally, he tried murder at the age of twenty.
"Tried." isn't really the right word. In his defence, the guy was an idiot thinking he could rob him when he was just minding his business by walking in the middle of the night.
After another day in college, he wanted to walk home wanting some fresh air. He then felt someone following him, and as he shifted to an alley, he could still hear their footsteps.
The next thing he knows, the guy pulled out a pocket knife and tried to stabbed him, but he dodged in time and punched him in the gut.
The punch seemed to do the trick, but for Miguel, it wasn't enough.
He punched again and again until he heard bones cracking, wet coughs, and warm blood being splattered on him.
He doesn't know how long it has been, but the time he stopped punching the guy was on his knees, sporting multiple bruises, begging him to stop, and started sprouting apologies, or what he could make out of apologies with blood spitting out every word.
But it still wasn't enough.
He saw a glimmer of metal thanks to the moonlight. He realized it was the man's pocket knife who must have dropped during punching spree.
He picked up the knife and chuckled when he noticed how blunt and cheap the knife seemed to be.
The man kneeling on the hard concrete floor started to realize what was about to happen, upon realizing he started to crawl away as fast as he can, trying to ignore the cry of pain of his body and broken bones.
Miguel took his focus away from the knife and glaced at the man, pathetically trying to escape his fate.
Not only is he an idiot who tried to rob him, but he even thinks that he can escape him.
Miguel stepped on the man's ankle, successfully stopping him. Before the man could utter a shout for help, he quickly crouched down and slashed the neck of the man.
Blood splattered everywhere, spraying the floor like spray paint, and painting his hands crimson.
As the man kept withering in place like a worm, his eyes rolled at the back of his head and finally he stopped moving.
Miguel stood up to full height, taking a moment to take in the events that transpired.
He spent a good minute thinking, but nothing came up in his head.
As if on instinct, he dragged the body on the nearby trash bin and threw in it among the other trash.
As he left, he double checked his surroundings for any passerbys, after knowing no one was coming, he pocketed the knife and took off his shoes to avoid leaving footprints and risked his feet to walk on cold concrete.
He's thankful that he was wearing black tonight.
As he arrived home, he automatically removed his blood-stained clothes, and hopped into the shower.
There,his mind went rampant.
He killed a man.
Murdered him.
Punch his guts till they were mushed into smoothie.
Slashed his neck as if filleting a fish.
He killed a man.
As water and blood drips from his hands to the shower floor, he tries to find in his head any form of guilt.
He felt nothing
Nothing but happiness
He never felt this way before, sure his punching bags did the job but not this good.
He felt as if he was Atlas and someone or something finally took off the weight of the world off of him.
He reminisces the sound of breaking bones and squelching blood, and he never heard anything better, even better than those girls he sleeps with when he isn't feeling the punching bag.
After finalizing that his clean of sweat and blood, he dries himself and wraps the towel around his waist.
He suddenly heard his phone ringing from the bedroom.
Once he arrived in the dimly-lit room, the ringing stopped, and in its place was a voicemail.
A voicemail by you.
Ah yes, You.
You both started as interns as much as he remembers.
And he remembers how much of a people pleaser you are.
How annoying it is to watch you say yes with no hesitation when a higher up wanted you to take place of his work station for a minute, you stayed there for hours since he never came back.
But you never complained.
And that annoyed him greatly.
You're too good for your own good.
"Hey, it's me,Y/N L/N, I apologize if I woke up you up or something, I just want to notify you that, surprise! Our research thesis got approved! The higher ups want us to be present by friday evening. He said something about a fancy gala and we both need to dress the best we can, also we can bring a plus one. Im gonna send you the location of the venue, since that's out of the way, I won't bother you anymore and see you soon. Goodnight and congrats again."
He took his phone and played the voicemail while he unwraps himself of his towel and started dressing.
The voicemail ended with a click, and Miguel couldn't help but be tranced by your voice. Sure, you were nothing but a goody two shoes, but you're smart, and he's glad both your hard work paid off. He'll try finding a suit for the said gala.
With that, he turned off his phone and light, heading to bed with a satisfied mind.
Miguel was snap out of his thoughts when you re-enter the living room.
"Guess what! He's coming back next week!" You excitedly informed smiling widely.
"uh huh" Miguel replied his eyes still focusing on the news in front of him.
You scoffed at his reaction, Miguel has never onced show any other emotions other than a scowl or a sarcastic smirk on his face. But he could atleast show something about the news, he knew of your relationship with your boyfriend for several years and he knows how important it is to you that he's finally coming back.
"Is there no hooray or im so happy for you?" You asked, putting your hands on your hips as if your a mother scolding their child.
Miguel rolled his and faced you.
"hooorayyyy, im happy for you." He replied monotonously and went back watching the news.
You sighed, giving up on making him show a bit of emotion but who cares, your boyfriend is coming and you couldn't be anymore excited, you went back to your bedroom, planning to talk to him more, leaving Miguel on his own thoughts again.
Miguel knows for a fact he never liked that pathetic of an excuse you call your boyfriend.
The day of the gala, you bought your boyfriend with you, Miguel didn't bring anyone.
After you and Miguel recieved your awards, Your boyfriend told you his gonna go to the bathroom for a while, You nodded and decided to wait for him while you eat some appetizers on the table.
But Miguel felt suspicious, and it grew seeing your "boyfriend" went to a deserted area of the venue with another woman. Next thing he finds is both of them coming out giggling and panting out of breath.
What do you even see in that guy?
He made eye contact with your boyfriend and all he did was press a finger agaist his lips.
He decided "yea fuck that."
After the gala, you and Miguel went seperate ways to go home and after a few hours he told you of what he saw.
You're smart he can admit that but you can be stupid as fuck in the same time.
You didn't believe a word he said and after you telling him to cut it out, he held himself back from throwing his phone agaist the wall and decided to go out and killed some random drunk lady outside a club who was trying to flirt with him.
"Miguel? Miguellllll, are you there?"
Miguel once again snapped out of his thoughts.
He sigh as he stood up straighter.
"What is it now?"
"I was just gonna go to the grocery since Im missing a few ingredients for dinner, and I was wondering if you could come with me."
Miguel nodded and you thanked him for it.
He kinda wishes he could be alone in your house so he could dig through your dirty laundry again.
But he relented since you once told him that you feel someone is watching you.
Both you and Miguel arrived in the grocery. You're thinking of making some simple Carbonara for dinner. All your missing is cream cheese, garlic, and pepper.
While you're looking for garlic, Miguel opted to carry the basket.
He admits this scenario seems domestic, maybe too domestic, especially when you ask him for his opinions.
After shopping, you paid for your ingredients and went back home.
You wanted to let Miguel stay for dinner since it's the least you could do in return for him coming with you.
There you go again.
Being a goody two shoes.
A good girl, perhaps.
Dinner passed by quickly, and you bid Miguel stay safe as he drove of the night.
You closed and locked your door after saying goodbye, and you double-checked the windows.
After washing the dishes, you head to the bathroom adjacent to your bedroom and prepare to sleep.
You were putting your pyjamas on until you heard a scratching and glass tapping downstairs.
You froze, checking if it was your imagination, thinking maybe it was just stray cats outside.
What that your window breaking!?
In a state of panic, you grab your phone and a taser hidden in your drawer and run to hide in your closet.
You hear movement downstairs continue, and with shaky hands, your fingers automatically find Miguel's number and quickly dialed it.
Your heart beats faster the more it rang, and you fear that he's already asleep.
You're surprised the intruder hasn't come upstairs, but you didn't get enough time to dwell on it since Miguel finally awnsered.
Without waiting for his awnser, you quickly spoke with shaking breaths, trying not to be loud but also trying to hold back tears.
"M-Miguel? Please come back fast! I-I-I.....There's someone! in my house!"
"Y/N?" Miguel answered his voice, which seemed to be muffled as if hidden under fabric. You think that he's probably under his blanket.
"Wherever you are, just stay there. I'm coming." Miguel said urgently.
The call ended, and you clutched your taser tighter, hugging your frame, hoping the intruder won't come find you.
After some time you finally heard a familiar voice.
"Y/N! Where are you!" Miguel called from downstairs.
You found the courage to open the closet door. Just in time, Miguel seemed to rush into your room.
"Y/N! Are you ok?" He said as he crouched down to your level, softly placing his hands on both your cheeks.
You didn't know what to say. You're still clutching on the taser and your body is still shivering from fear.
Miguel notice this
"Don't worry, Mi Vida, once I arrived, their already gone."
You could only weakly breath a thank you before resting your forehead on Miguel's shoulder.
And Miguel let you.
A week has passed since that incident.
Your window got fixed and and you installed a new lock since your previous one got broken down.
Miguel seemed more keen to stay with you more late than ever, he admits he like it, love it even.
You tried denying him, but he insisted, saying that he wants to keep an eye on you.
He kept doing this till you feel sleepy and took that as cue to leave.
One day, your "boyfriend" finally arrived, and you were nothing but ecstatic, hugging and kissing him all over the face.
But he bets another woman did it, too. He bets he enjoyed that job outside the state, but he enjoyed the women there, too.
Since your boyfriend's arrival, he stopped staying late at your place, although he visits from time to time whether you're aware of it or not.
And you feel it.
After that incident weeks ago, you still can't help but feel like as if your being watched.
You told your boyfriend about it and he just kissed your forehead saying it's just your imagination.
You wish it was.
Several weeks pass, and you slowly but surely forget about the breaking and entering.
Right now, your boyfriend has been to his company since he got called in late at night.
You wanted to wait, but he insisted you should get some sleep since you still have work tomorrow.
You finally relented since he was right.
After covering his supposed dinner in the fridge, you triple check every lock, the doors, the windows, everything.
You finally go upstairs to get some shut eye, but as you go up stairs you screamed.
By the balcony, someone wearing full-on black with a mask enters your bedroom, seemingly unborthered by your shout.
He stood there as if taking in your fearful expression, more so enjoying it.
You wanted to call your boyfriend or get the taser, but it's all in your drawer that you can't reach due to the guy who can snap you like a twig is just standing at.
"Oh, were you looking for this?"
You got snapped out of your thoughts when you hear his deep, muffled voice.
in his hands he holds a cellphone, not just any cellphone.
Your boyfriend's cellphone....Splattered with what seems to be blood.
If you weren't scared a while ago, you're petrified now.
Without thinking, you rushed downstairs, heading for the door to shout for help.
But he was fast.
Maybe too fast.
You heard his heavy footsteps too late until you were carried like you were weightless and placed upon his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
You're really panicking now.
You screamed and shouted for help, hoping neighbours would hear you while you flailed your legs and beat at his back with all your strength, especially since blood is rushing to your head.
You yelp from the stinging pain on your ass.
Before you could complain, your were thrown agaist your own bed.
Ohgod is he gonna kill you here?
Leave your body to rot until the police finds it?
Be another victim for people to see on the news?
You tried to crawl away, but he just grabbed your ankle and pulled you back as he started climbing over you.
He can't possibly!
"You know..."
His muffled deep voice startled you again.
"Fear looks good on you.." he finished
You tried processing what he said but didn't have enough time till his large gloved hands ripped away your only protection against him.
The sound of fabric tearing just brings more tears to your face.
"P-p-pplease don't," you pleaded as you tried covering yourself.
He didn't say anything but removed your arms, which left you exposed for him to see.
He gathered your arms and held it above your head with one hand.
His other hand started trailing down and forced your legs open, making space for him in between.
Heavy tears were now streaming down on you, but that didn't seem to bother him. In fact, it probably made him more excited since you felt a bulge nudging your folds.
"Nonono, please no."
You pleaded again
He ignored again
You look down, and he wasted no time sliding a gloved finger into you, putting it on a slow pace.
"Mierda, look at yourself. You're perfect."
You couldn't say anything, your voice can't be trusted, and all you could do was choke on your tears.
The more his gloved finger moves, the more he seems to hit certain spots.
You try to deny it, but he seemed to be an expert at what he's doing.
He added more fingers
He added speed to his pace
You tried holding your whimpers, but it was deemed useless.
The man only seemed to chuckle at your attempt.
"Hide all you want, I know how to get it out of you."
Before you could process what he said, he curled his finger upward, sucessfully hitting that spot that made you moan loudly.
He laughed.
"Told you so."
The faster his fingers go, the more you're reaching your climax, and you hate yourself for it.
But before you did, he took his gloved fingers out and started unbuckling his pants.
If he isn't the monster, the thing between his legs definitely is.
You gulp at the sheer size of it.
"Nonono please, it-it won't fit!"
Yet again, your pleas are ignored
"Shut up and take it." he snarled and you cowered in fear.
He didn't bother wasting his time as he shoved his entire length in one go.
You screamed, he really was too big and it hurt. The man above did nothing pleasurely groan out.
"FUCK Y/N THAT'S IT!" His shout muffled by the mask.
He didn't waste any more time and started a rough and fast pace, making the bed creak from the strength.
You couldn't hold back your moans anymore and continued to spill whimpers and gasps.
The man continued his fast pace again and again.
Until you feel it, you started to tighten and your legs began to shake.
"I-Im gonn-a AH!" without warning you came, creaming around the man's cock.
It didn't seem to bother him since he tightened his hold on your hands, and his hips started to stutter.
"Come on ugh- that's it-"
Your body feels more and more sensitive as he goes, drool, sweat, and tears cover your face
Finally, his hips stop as warm fluid fills you from the inside.
Both of you panted and tried to catch your breath, but in a moment of clarity, you panic since he didn't wear any protection.
But before you could say anything, his hand finally let go of your wrists above your head. He moved to remove his mask, and you froze when you saw who it was.
"Mi....Miguel?" you hoarse voice called.
"bu-but, wh-"
You were interrupted when a strong pair of lips covered your own in a passionate kiss. More drool slipped out of you.
Miguel let go of your lips leaving you breathless.
"Im just one hell of an actor baby."
The End
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msfantasy-anime · 1 year
Paybacks a Bitch
ExBoyfriend!Katsuki Bakugo x ExGirlfriend!Reader
Summary: Katsuki and Y/n have been dating throughout middle-school, Katsuki gives a brutal break-up on graduation day. The two meet again as adults
Warnings: Angst, break-up drama, regrets
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“So what if I didn’t get into UA?! That doesn’t mean we have to break-up!” Lip trembling, Katsuki pulls away from your grasp as teary blobs cascade down your red splotchy cheeks.
“You don’t get it. If that quirk-less loser Deku got in, then you should’ve too. You must be incredibly pathetic not to get in. I can’t have a girlfriend holding me back from my goals.” A sob escapes your lips as his ferocious words slam deep daggers into your heart.
“How can you say that?! We’ve been together for years and now-“
“And now I have finally opened my eyes to see you for who you truely were. A pathetic looser who’s holding me back. You’ve been an anchor in my life for long enough.” Overwhelmed with the Katsuki’s brutal words your tears turn off, you look blankly into his face. The face of the boy you had once gone, now scowling at you as if you were a nuisance. As if you were just some stranger causing irritation and ruining his day.
This wasn’t your Katsuki, this was a beastly teenage boy who had no love left for you. After all the time and effort spent in maintaining a relationship with this egotistical fool. But now that you think of it… why did you love Katsuki? Long ago were the days when he was kind, long were the days that he ensured your happiness came first. When was the last time he took you on a date? When did he last make you smile? When was the last time you smiled?
Sudden relief washes over you at the realisation that you were no longer bound to his mood-swings. His overbearing jealously that ruined your plans. His controlling nature dominating what you wore and who you talked to.
You can start a new, High School was just around the corner.
There was no need to waste your time any further.
There was no need to waste another breath explaining yourself.
You looked upon Katsuki’s emotionaless face, there was no need to waste another wasted moment with him.
“Y/n!” A voice calls, looking over your shoulder you see Midoriya holding a beer in one hand and waving ecstatically with the other.
“No fricking way! Your in charge of the tongs- I’ll be back.” You pass your friend the tongs to continue flipping the thin meat whilst you rush over to greet your old classmate.
“Izu! It’s good to see you!” You pull him into a bear hug which he gingerly returns.
“This is amazing! Look Kacchan- it’s Y/n!” You look to the person sitting across from Midoriya to see non-other than Katsuki Bakugo staring at you with his mouth open. You give a small wave from where you stood, knowing that he was never one for mushy greetings.
“Wow- I’d never thought that I’d see Suki drinking beer and eating barbecue with Izu.” Your signature grin spreading across your face. Midoriya pulls a chair out for you to sit.
“Since when did you call the nerd Izu?” Lips curl at the pathetic nickname given to his rival. His stomach turns seeing you look off the the side the way you did when you wanted to avoid a question. Irritation bubbles in his stomach as Midoriya changes the subject quickly.
“So what’s happening with you?!” His excitement was always infectious, it was a quality you had always admired.
“I had a lay-over in Japan, so I thought I’d catch up with some old friends, but I’m heading back to Australia for a bit. I have a new office opening in Sydney.” Midoriya hums excitedly grabbing your hand he gives it a light squeeze. Katsuki glares at your clenching palm.
“This is the 2nd agency you’ve opened right?! I’ve been following your accomplishments in the hero announcements!” Giggling, you shyly wave off Midoriyas’ kind words.
Katsuki hated this.
He hated how familiar you were both acting.
He hated how he didn’t know anything about you anymore and he hated that this damn nerd knew more about you.
He hated that you seem to be casting your full attention on the green grape across from him.
He hated how he was once your whole life and now is no longer privy to your life.
Katsuki had sworn that you were an anchor to his life. He discarded you thinking that you would hold him back, or drag him down.
Instead your travelling the world, building hero agencies and raking in millions in the process.
You achieved everything you’d hoped.
He achieved his goals- but at what cost?
You were Middle-Schoolers, you wouldn’t have lasted together anyway right?
“It was good to catch up with you both- but I can see my friends are needing help keeping up with the barbecue.” Katsuki gripped your wrist as you stood and blurted out a question that shocked your very ears.
“Do you ever miss me?” You shrug awkwardly, you churned words through your head to string together a kind sentence, but this is Katsuki, he appreciates bluntness.
“Romantically? I don’t. We were kids when we were together, I haven’t seen you since we were 15 years old. I honestly barely remember those times.” Your departure left Katsuki feeling cold.
You barely remember being with him? He remembered you vividly. He struggles to be with anyone else because of his stupidity, his ego ruined a good relationship.
That is a regret he’ll just have to live with.
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