#emoved by choice
My views of jamikali (from someone who doesnt ship it but also doesn’t judge those who do)
im at the point where I don’t like or ship jamikali because i think its toxic (that is my opinion btw, if you don’t think it is then that’s alr because opinions are not facts ^^) but also I want them to be friends. Like. I want them to work on themselves for a bit and then begin working on their friendship again. At the same time though, I don’t think I can ever see them in a romantic relationship simply because of the trauma inflicted on both ends from both ends. Even if it was unintentional, it’s there.
i accidentally went crazy in the tags so if you want more feel free to read those 😭
#I saw a tik tok talking about this ship and one of the comments said that people who are against the ship mischaracterize the two more#which confused me a bit#because I’ve seen a lot of jamikali shippers portray Kalim as a harmless cinnamon roll sunshine boy when he has much more to his character#but then I was like#tf it doesnt matter if you ship it or not#I see scarabia mischaracterized a lot#and I think it’s because the en translation left out a lot of jamils story#so it was seen more of his family willingly working for kalims#rather than them being literal unpaid servants#i think they should redo the the translation#also mischaracterizing characters although bad happens#like maybe you just got into the fandom and haven’t finished the story#or maybe you have trouble writing certain kinds of characters because you don’t personally understand how they act#and thats okay as long as you try your best#imo mischaracterization is only bad if a. the characters are completely different. B. things from the character’s personality or story are#emoved by choice#(fuck you tag limit)#or C. The person is informed of mischaracterizing someone and proceeds to ignore it#if it’s someone who may be new to writing or the fandom or someone who is maybe just misinformed then I feel like you can just tell them#hey ! I see you may be mischaracterizing this person a bit#let me inform you how and what you can do better#(nicely)#twisted wonderland#twst#jamil viper#disney twisted wonderland#twst wonderland#kalim al asim#opinion#went crazy in the tags whoops
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jtc-x-change · 1 year
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JTC/American Airlines Mentoring Impact: “The Bridge”Are You Proud Of Your Career Choice? I AM!! I had the privilege this morning to share my job duties on “Career Day” at a Elementary school in Irving Tx. Wow, what a great time it was. I taught 1st and 4th graders the importance of Teamwork, Following Directions, and my role with American Airlines. Some of my co-workers will mention how good things use to be at my job. That is their perspective! For me, my job keeps getting better and better. One of the things I have learned over the years is that it is not about my job as much as it is about my mindset and how I see the opportunity I have been blessed with!! I will let that one simmer!! Big thanks to my Bosses and Supervisors for giving me the approval to represent American Airlines! That is not taken lightly. I remain thankful and Proud for my career choice. I am living my best years!! E.Wilson "The Inspirator" More pictures and videos to come!!! “Thank You JTC Supporters” The JTC is still on the Move in 2023! “Full Steam Ahead” “Loving My Life” “Giving Hope” “Living On Purpose” Worldwide 🌎 Inspiration www.jtconthemove.org #ewilson #business #jtconthemove #doitforthekids #ministries ##prisons #missions #seniors #mentors #texas #legacy #ministries #impactinglives #prisons #missions #seniors #mentors #twu #AmericanAirlines #homeless emove #doitforthekids #ministries ##prisons #missions #seniors #mentors #texas #legacy #ministries #impactinglives #prisons #missions #seniors #mentors #twu #AmericanAirlines #homelessness (at Irving, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqtSOqzP694/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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A systemic (not individual) approach to content moderation
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As Mike Masnick is fond of saying, “Content moderation at scale is impossible.” The evidence for that statement is all around us, in the form of innumerable moderation gaffes, howlers and travesties:
Blocking mask-making volunteers to enforce a mask-ad ban;
Removing history videos while trying to purge Holocaust denial;
Deplatforming antiracist skinheads when trying to block racist skinheads;
Removing an image of Captain America punching a Nazi for depicting a Nazi.
But in a forthcoming Harvard Law Review paper, evelyn douek proposes that content moderation at scale can be improved, provided we drop the individual-focused “digital constitutionalism” model in favor of systemic analysis and regulation.
The paper opens with a blazing, lucid critique of the status quo, the “first wave,” “standard model” that moderation scholars call “New Governors.” In this model, the platforms have a set of speech policies about what you can say, enforced by moderators. This produces a “decision factory” where thousands of human moderators make billions of calls and when they get it wrong, the platform steps in as a kind of courtroom to hear appeals.
This has been a disaster. The calls are often wrong and the appeals process is either so cursory as to be useless or so slow that the thoroughness doesn’t matter. It’s a mistake to conceive of platforms as “a transmission belt implementing rules in an efficient and reliable way, organized around a limited set of hierarchically organized institutions and rights of appeal.”
But more importantly, these individual appeals and the stories of how they go wrong give no picture of what’s happening with speech on the platform as a system, what kind of speech is being systemically downranked or encouraged.
And even more importantly, focusing on how moderators (or filters) react to speech is wildly incomplete, because almost everything that’s important about platforms’ speech regulation happens before the moderator gets involved.
All this is background for douek’s proposal: a “second wave” of regulatory thinking that addresses platform speech regulation as a systemic problem, rather than a bunch of atomized “paradigm cases.”
Douek says the time is ripe for this second wave, because the internet and automated moderation have “made more speech possible, tractable and regulable than ever before.” Second wave regulation treats the whole business as a system, one that has to be understood and tweaked in the round, in a process that douek calls “moving slowly and fixing things.”
So what’s wrong with first-wave moderation? For starters, the focus on human moderator calls misses the vast majority of actual moderation choices, which are fully automated. Facebook removed 933 million pieces of content in 2021!
How does Facebook make 933 millions takedown decisions? Well, for starters, a vast majority of these are based on behavior, not content. Platforms devote a lot of resources to spotting “coordinated” activity — disinformation campaigns, organized harassment.
These takedowns aren’t run by the companies’ moderation teams — they’re under the remit of the security teams. That means that the standard demand for explanations for moderation choices is off-limits for all of these removals. The security teams maintain “security through obscurity” and say that disclosing their methods would help attackers evade them.
Removals aren’t just about harassment and disinfo — vast amounts of content is automatically removed by spam classifiers, a process that “gets almost no attention in content moderation debates.” As Tarleton Gillespie says, “[r]emoving spam is censoring content; it just happens to be content that nearly all users agree should go.”
Much of this automated takedown stuff isn’t just systemic within a single platform — the platforms coordinate with each other and governments to identify and remove objectionable content. Beyond those relationships, third-party fact-checkers are able to remove content without the platforms’ intervention (indeed, the whole deal is that these fact-checkers are independent and thus unsupervised by platforms). Even so, the decison of which fact-checkers to hire, and what their determinations mean for content on the platform is hugely consequential and entirely at the discretion of the platforms’ management.
And of course, “removal” is only the bluntest tool in the content moderator’s toolbox. The primary means of content moderation is downranking — “the number of times we display posts that later may be determined to violate our policies.” This is what Julie Cohen calls “content immoderation.”
Almost no regulatory attention is devoted to content immoderation (notwithstanding the GOP obsession with “shadow banning”) and yet it has all the problems — and advantages — of takedowns. Content immoderation is a locus of exciting stuff, with live proposals to let users control what’s recommends, to mass-delete post comments, and to nominate their own mods.
All this systemic moderation is on the rise, douek says, because the “paradigm case” model doesn’t actually resolve moderation problems. What’s more, these systemic interventions involve a lot of choices — for example, algorithms must be configured to prefer false negatives or false positives. These choices “are insensitive to context and provide little explanation for their decisions.”
It’s also an area that regulators largely ignore, even as they encourage it, imposing “ever-shorter deadlines for platforms to take content down while also expecting context-specific adjudications and procedural protections for users.”
This has real consequences, like censoring posts by Palestinians during violence in Gaza or Syrians’ evidence of war crimes. These errors were foreseeable consequences of the platforms’ choices about where to set the false positive/negative dial. They’re the foreseeable consequences of demanding rapid takedowns.
All of this has prompted loud calls for regulation, with “users feeling disempowered,” and the obvious deficits of a lack of competition and choice “raising concerns about a handful of platforms’ outsized power.”
These problems have created “legitimacy deficits” that make it harder for users’ to accept the platforms mistakes as honest errors, leading to louder calls for regulation. But those calls — and the response — are trapped in a “legalistic discourse” that wants to make the platforms’ speech courts better.
This is grounded in three assumptions:
“speech interests are special and especially resistant to systemic governance”
decisions about speech “must be individualistic”; and
“perfectibility is a necessary and desirable goal of speech regulation.”
Douek describes this as an American framework, with speech rules being “sacred individual rights,” which interferes with the idea of assessing platforms’ speech regulation as grounded in structure and process whose outcomes are best assessed over time.
Of course, the US has a First Amendment tradition (and restriction) that puts strong limits on what kinds of interventions governments can make. Despite this, US governments from local to federal have long been “concerned with the threat that private economic power poses to expressive freedom,” something that has emerged anew as antitrust has surged.
This power-focused analysis thinks about speech systemically, and works more like a class action than an individual case. It has to move beyond the obsession with takedown/leave-up decision, and the appeals process. Instead, it has to focus on design choices about fact-checkers, algorithm design and sensitivity. Most of all, we need to break free of the trap of requiring ever-shorter takedowns of ever-broader categories of speech, with stronger rights of appeal for when this goes wrong.
Focusing on individual cases isn’t just impractical, it’s unhelpful, for four reasons:
Individual cases do little to illuminate systemic problems;
Appeals processes do little to fix systemic problems;
Transparency about individual judgments isn’t transparency into system design;
Fixing things for individuals can make them worse for the group.
The individual-focused speech system “creates perverse incentives.. to report ever larger numbers, which is what regulators come to demand and what platforms boast about achieving.”
So if we accept that it’s time to move onto a second-wave paradigm of content regulation, what would that look like?
Douek begins with “separation of functions,” modeled on administrative agencies that break apart “businesses, rule-writers and rule-enforcers.” That would mean putting “a wall between those concerned with the enforcement of content moderation rules and those whose job performance is measured against other metrics, such as product growth and political lobbying.” The enforcers would report to a different chain, disconnected from “product growth or advertising revenue.”
In second-wave regulation, complaints could be channeled through an external regulator that could conduct investigations and sanction companies for failing to make disclosures.
What kind of disclosures? For starters, disclosing “contacts with third-party decisionmakers” -and those third parties should not include government actors with “special reporting channels to flag posts to be taken down to platforms” unless “the frequency and basis of such informal orders appearing in platforms’ transparency reporting.”
Platforms should be required to retain data about decision-making processes and disclose “information about the broader functioning of their systems”:
“distribution of errors in their content moderation that might highlight weak areas in platforms’ enforcement capacities”;
“the effectiveness of interventions other than taking posts down like reducing the distribution of or labelling certain posts”;
“how changing platform design and affordances (for example, making reporting mechanisms easier to use or increasing the number of emoji reactions users can give posts) affects the way users use their services.”
Some of this is now making its way into legislation; the Platform Transparency and Accountability Act,” which has “a conditional safe harbor for platforms from liability for violation of privacy or cybersecurity laws if they exercise reasonable care when providing access in accordance with such mandates.”
Douek proposes annual reporting requirements, forcing companies to disclose their moderation plans. These disclosures must “publicly explain the purpose of their rules, how they will enforce them, and how they will guard against risks to such enforcement.”
Douek argues that this is a powerful means of providing regulators “with basic information they currently lack about the systems they seek to regulate.” She sees four main benefits here:
“Requiring planning forces platforms to think proactively and methodically about potential operational risks” — the opposite of “move fast and break things”;
“Creat[ing] documentation of decisions and their rationales, facilitating future review and accountability”;
“Transparent plans facilitate broader policy learning for regulators and across industry… [showing] industry best (or worst) practices.”
[Facilitating] public involvement and comment.”
Douek acknowledges that all of this is dependent on effective quality assurance, and that this is hard. But: “The only thing worse than trying to define ‘quality’ is not trying.”
When it comes to appeals, douek sees a role for “aggregated claims.” These would review “all adverse decisions in a certain category of rule violation over a certain period.” This would help “identify institutional reform measures that could address system-wide failures or highlight trends and patterns.” This isn’t just a more efficient ways of dealing with claims — it’s a way of fixing systemic problems.
This may all seem dissatisfying, a slow-moving, largely self-regulating process that has few teeth. But douek argues that this is the first step to better regulation — just as the FTC’s practice of forcing companies to publish and stand behind their privacy policies created evidence and political will for privacy regulation. In other words, it’s the essence of “move slow and fix things.”
I found this paper very exciting, especially in its diagnosis of the problems with first-wave content moderation and its identification of the systemic issues that approach left out. That said, I found the critique a lot crisper than the recommendations — which is par for the course, I think. A good analytical framework for understanding systemic problems is a necessary starting point for crafting a remedy. Douek’s done something very important here, but I think there’s lots of work to do on what comes next.
Image: 陳韋邑 (modified) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzlFOEJ1MiA
CC BY 3.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode
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divyakit · 5 years
Divya Kit Effects
Divya Kit Effects Body Toxin Removal And Improves Digestion
The human body without being aware of it keeps collecting toxins from the environment. The body is used to a certain level of toxicity but the level keeps increasing these toxins need to be expelled regularly or else it can be extremely life threatening and hazardous for health. The aura and the chakras of the body need balancing!
You may not Realise the harm caused by environmental factors on the body but slowly-slowly these harmful pollutants seep into the system and disrupt its normal functioning. This shows up in the form of acute digestive disorders or other diseases. Whether it is the food we consume or the soap we use to have a bath, all these keep contributing to the toxin build up in the body. Something needs to be done about this and some preventive measures are imperative!
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The environmental factors that surround us have a strong impact on our body and we need to take corrective measures, we can make use of Ayurveda- we can use the Divya Kit from Divyaupchar and see how the Divya kit effects our body positively within a period of time.
We are all faced with the dilemma of eating nutritious foods. But the problem arises when we have to resist the desires of the palate and the tongue. There are a variety of yummilicious fast foods available in the markets which are almost impossible to resist. These foods are the first meal choice a person makes when he or she is excessively stressed or engrossed in the job for hours and hours.
The fast food that we choose as a “home diet” supplement is chemical laden and full of toxins, but we eat it because it is extremely palatable and easily available. You may notice that after a few days your stomach feels bloated and uncomfortable. Prolonged “fast food meals” help in increasing the toxicity levels in the body and soon the body feels lethargic and joints and muscles become stiff and painful. Detoxifying the body becomes imperative.
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You may not realise but simple tasks like having a bath may also contribute to the increase of toxins in the body. The lotions we use, the shampoos, soaps, conditioners are laden with harmful chemicals . The toxins seep into the body through the skin because it is the largest organ we have. This shows up as puffy eyes, rashes, skin irritation, acne, and eczema. It’s not the products that are acting on the skin but it is the reaction of the body because it is unable to bear the high toxin levels. take a few consultancy sessions with the Ayurvedic practitioner at Divyaupchar  and understand the Divya kit side effects before you pick the Dr shuddhi package for yourself, you will not regret it, we are sure of this. Ayurveda has always been extremely beneficial in taking care of the human body and encourages it to nurture and repair from within, so go for it!
Toxins are extremely harmful and can ultimately cause adverse health effects such as mess up the cellular level and the DNA make up. High toxicity levels have also shown birth defects in babies. The cell phone radiation, chemicals in food and air surrounding us, processed food, beauty products we use; all contain chemicals that may not be very good for the human body.
Unknown to us we face a lot of stress and tension in our daily life and this compromises the immunity of our body. Feeling discomfort or experiencing a low feeling is also a result of excessive toxin overloading in the body. We also experience an ability to focus on important aspects of life, may feel unduly distracted, and face memory loss and confusion because of over exposure to chemicals and toxins. The essential minerals, vitamins, and hormones can be removed from the body and replaced by inflammation caused by toxin overdose. Protect the natural body function, study the Divya Kit side effects and then buy one for yourself.
People often suffer from auto immune disorders because of the high stress levels in their lives. Their bodily functions become erratic. You can slow down pamper yourself by eating right and reducing substance abuse. Cut down on preserved foods, artificial flavourings, colorants and improve the condition of your stomach. Take a look at the Divya Kit effects and then try it out. Soon you will notice that the constantly upset stomach and bowel movements get regulated. Constipation and bloating feels better and toxins can be eliminated and chronic fatigue reduces.
Have you ever stood next to a person who stinks of body odour? Whatever we ingest or consume food it breaks down and is excreted from the body in the form of urine, sweat, bad breath, or strong odours from the body. Whatever we inhale or consume is removed from the body in this form and this indicates that the toxins are being thrown out.
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Chronic fatigue is definitely influenced by toxins that are present openly in the environment in the form of solvents, pesticides and metals. The kidneys have to slog to throw out the waste matter it is collecting rapidly. This again leads to fatigue and low energy levels, so try to take preventive measures before you are faced with such a situation. Chronic toxin exposure can cause tiredness, lethargy, itching, cognitive issues, and inflammation in organic systems. The Divya kit can help out people with its ability to: 1) Control hormonal imbalance
2) Aura and chakra is enhanced
3) Detoxify the body regularly
4) Improve the digestion in the body
5) Helps remove wastes from body
6) Cleanses glands, organs and cells in the body
7) Increases immunity
8) Improves nutrition
9) Cleanses body from deep within
10) Cells are rejuvenated and body is kept nourished and healthy
11) Blood circulation is improved
12) Blood is purified
The Divya Kit or Dr shuddhi package consists of the Shatayu Urja Tablet, Shatayu Detox and Divya Amrit Ras. While taking care of the body the Divya Kit also contributes in helping the body stay slim and in shape. This is the best way to improve metabolism and look young. Ayurveda takes care of the whole body and contributes in keeping it fit and healthy.
Original Posted: https://onlinedivyakit.blogspot.com/2020/01/divya-kit-effects-and-side-effects.html
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urbanwheelz · 3 years
Urban Wheelz presents Electric Scooters for Sale in Australia
Having your conveyance is very essential because one cannot completely depend on public transport all the time. But it is not always necessary to invest your hard-earned money in costly and high fuel consuming vehicles. Today, many stylish electric scooters work wonderfully and more efficiently than any other vehicle.
In addition to being cost-effective electric scooters have a great number of advantages in their operation. They can comfortably enter crowded areas where other types of vehicles cannot go. And can also park in tiny areas where other automobiles are not allowed. This allows scooter owners to travel nearly anywhere without needing to worry about parking.
If you are planning to purchase fashionable scooters, they are available with online companies at reasonable prices. And Urban Wheelz is one of them. It is a locally owned and operated online store. We bring the best and boldest range of e-transport to Far North Queensland. From the Urban Commuter to the Thrill Seeker, we have a great range of stylish e-transport and protective products to suit your needs.
Wide arrays of Electric Scooters are available in the Urban Wheelz store. The choices are different in sizes and designs that can surely captivate your senses but never make you feel disappointed. And we present the best electric scooters for sale in Australia. You can choose from a great variety of scooters; the KAABO, E-GLIDE, EMOVE, BIRD, SUMO, SEGWAY NINEBOAT, and the RAZOR. All these electric scooters are thoroughly designed by considering varying needs as to ages, weight, and environment.
Undoubtedly, these electric scooters proved to be top of the line and the perfect choice for many. These achievements are rooted in razor's cutting-edge technology and practical perspective of people's lifestyle. With what has been said and stated by people who have tried these electric scooters, it is safe to say that one will find Urban Wheelz electric scooters a great deal and a safe buy.
For more information or to know more about Urban Wheelz or more please, call us at 07 4051 3681 or visit our website HERE; https://www.urbanwheelz.com.au/
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kathydsalters31 · 4 years
The Very Best Professional Pet Grooming Supplies You Can Use in the house
Our site makes use of cookies. By continuing to utilize our site, you accept our use of cookies. To see what cookies we serve as well as establish your very own choices, please testimonial our Cookie Policy. Learn More.
Caring for Your Dog By Elisabeth Geier This post includes affiliate links. Find out more right here. Grooming your pet isn’t nearly maintaining her tidy
. And it’s not everything about looks, either! Regular grooming helps preserve your pet
‘s wellness, as well as it’s likewise an excellent method to hang out and also bond with your pet dog. Make your grooming session reliable and also fast– also delightful– by using the high-grade grooming supplies preferred by specialists.
When we think about brushing materials, we often tend to think of popular pet items for customers, such as the Furminator and also grooming gloves. However, there’s a broader world of brushing materials around precious by the pros.
Professional groomers use tried and true, durable pet grooming equipment that stands up to frequent use for everything from de-shedding to eye treatment, ear treatment, and also odor control. Groomers additionally tend to recognize what works, not just what ‘s fashionable. With that said in mind, we’ve looked into the very best specialist pet brushing devices you can make use of in the house. Prior to You Shop for Grooming Supplies
All pet dogs need regular layer like look, really feel, as well as scent their best. Also the so-called
hypoallergenic breeds benefit from a normal routine of skin-stimulating cleaning, nail trims, and oral treatment. Long-haired types and dogs with double, curly,or uncommon layers will certainly require even more regular pet grooming and may need some special tools to look their ideal. Prior to you begin gathering pet dog grooming products, research the grooming
demands of your pet’s type. We have in-depth overviews to grooming your Siberian Husky and Yorkshire Terrier, for example.
Xander the Malamute Professional groomers recommend these fundamentals for most dogs (and their individuals): Dog hair shampoo as well as bathing tools to cleanse your canine’s coat( natural animal hair shampoos are offered)Combs to detangle hair, get rid of mats, and promote glossy layers
Bristled or rubber animal brush for getting rid of undercoat as well as smoothing hair on shorthaired pets
Clipper and/or shears to trim long hair
Toenail grinder to securely submit nails (instead of a nail leaner)
Once you understand what you need, keep reading for our referrals for the best specialist pet dog brushing devices and also products.
8 Essential Dog Grooming Supplies
< img class= "alignnone
wp-image-161349 size-full”src =”https://www.rover.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Flying-Pig-table.jpg”alt=”Flying Pig table”width =” 394 “height=”550″data-lazy-srcset=” https://www.rover.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Flying-Pig-table.jpg 394w, https://www.rover.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Flying-Pig-table-215×300.jpg 215w”data-lazy-sizes=”(max-width: 394px)100vw, 394px”> You might be wondering: do I really need a grooming table? Many people manage without one at home. If your family pet calls for normal pet grooming, a professional-quality table can be a substantial assistance. This durable, steel-framed table holds up to 300 extra pounds as well as has nonskid feet and a non-slip table top for added protection. The adjustable brushing arm has a loop that holds your dog in position while you comb, trim, as well as enhance their layer. And also the built-in basket keeps all your grooming products in arm’s reach. The table comes in three sizes– select the one that best fits your pet. Find on Chewy Shhh, don’t tell your canine, yet showering is a large component of quality pet dog treatment. Pros enjoy handheld shower attachments because they permit more control when bathing and washing pets, from a pint-sized peanut to an adorable giant. If you’ve been using the old bath-and-bucket method of washing your pet dog in the bathtub, this device might change your life!
The WaterPik design comes highly-rated by groomers and also at-home bathers alike. It consists of pipes and also adapters to link to your shower, energy sink, or outside faucet.
Find on Chewy
Have you been utilizing your hairdryer to dry off your dog after a bath? You won’t believe the difference a pet-specific dryer makes. Expert groomers rely on “HV clothes dryers”to speed up along the
drying out process. This small-but-mighty version from Flying Pig has a 10-foot pipe, so the base (and also sound) aren’t also close to your dog. It comes with a filter and also 2 various nozzles for a concentrated stream of air.
Shop on Chewy If you’re choosing where to splurge on brushing products, begin below. When it comes to pet clippers, pros recognize finest. Economical electric trimmers may get you via a couple of brushing sessions, however if your pet dog requires routine pet grooming, it’s worth it to purchase a specialist version that will certainly last. The trick remains in the high quality of the clipper blade. Since of their resilience as well as convenience, Andis is one of the most preferred clipper brand names among professional groomers. The detachable blades allow you change out dimensions for different layers. And the lengthy, sturdy cable makes it simple to maneuver around your canine. This model comes specifically recommended for poodles. Wahl is an additional highly-regarded brand for clippers to consider. Find on Chewy Find on Amazon Nail care for your dog can be challenging. Several professional groomers favor
nail mills to toenail clippers or leaners. Because rotary tools slowly sand down the nail without danger of cutting too close to the quick, that’s. And also great deals of canines are extra comfortable with grinders once they get utilized to them. The ConairPro corded version, understood for its longevity and also stamina, includes compatible stone/sander add-ons. Find on Chewy Ordinary scissors aren’t specific or sharp adequate to safely cut your pet dog’s hair and aren’t optimal for a quality coat-care routine.
These professional brushing shears have stainless-steel blades and an ergonomic manage. Utilize them to cut around your dog’s toes, ears, as well as various other locations where accuracy counts.
Along with straight sheets (right- or left-handed), Andis’ line of shears consists of ball-tipped as well as rounded shears,
Buy on Chewy Professional groomers utilize slicker brushes to get rid of dead hair build-up– which truly assists beam up your pet dog’s layer and decrease shedding. This version has a soft-grip manage for comfy and safe grooming. Buy on Chewy You can grab a pet dog comb at any pet dog supply store, but expert groomers swear by these easy-to-clean stainless-steel designs. Utilize them on long-haired pet dogs to r emove tangles, mats, loosened hair, as well as dirt. Or, run them across short coats for an ending up luster. This is one device every expert groomer carries in their package. Buy on Chewy Need Dog Grooming? If you aren’t quite prepared to tackle full pet grooming, obtain your canine started with a check out from a professional. Rover provides dog brushing in several cities. To schedule
a groomer, usage this page. Additional Reading When you’re all set to tackle some major grooming sessions with your dog, we have some history products. These articles will aid both of you delight in the experience.
Elisabeth Geier is a pet, teacher, and also author supporter with substantial animal managing experience as well as a soft place for bully breeds
and also big orange tabbies.
sidebar The Dog People E-newsletter Join and obtain $ 25 off family pet resting and also canine strolling!
source http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/the-best-professional-pet-grooming-supplies-you-can-use-at-home/
from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-very-best-professional-pet-grooming.html
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barryswamsleyaz · 4 years
The Very Best Professional Pet Grooming Supplies You Can Use in the house
Our site makes use of cookies. By continuing to utilize our site, you accept our use of cookies. To see what cookies we serve as well as establish your very own choices, please testimonial our Cookie Policy. Learn More.
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Caring for Your Dog By Elisabeth Geier This post includes affiliate links. Find out more right here. Grooming your pet isn’t nearly maintaining her tidy
. And it’s not everything about looks, either! Regular grooming helps preserve your pet‘s wellness, as well as it’s likewise an excellent method to hang out and also bond with your pet dog. Make your grooming session reliable and also fast– also delightful– by using the high-grade grooming supplies preferred by specialists.
When we think about brushing materials, we often tend to think of popular pet items for customers, such as the Furminator and also grooming gloves. However, there’s a broader world of brushing materials around precious by the pros.
Professional groomers use tried and true, durable pet grooming equipment that stands up to frequent use for everything from de-shedding to eye treatment, ear treatment, and also odor control. Groomers additionally tend to recognize what works, not just what ‘s fashionable. With that said in mind, we’ve looked into the very best specialist pet brushing devices you can make use of in the house. Prior to You Shop for Grooming Supplies
All pet dogs need regular layer like look, really feel, as well as scent their best. Also the so-called hypoallergenic breeds benefit from a normal routine of skin-stimulating cleaning, nail trims, and oral treatment. Long-haired types and dogs with double, curly,or uncommon layers will certainly require even more regular pet grooming and may need some special tools to look their ideal. Prior to you begin gathering pet dog grooming products, research the grooming
demands of your pet’s type. We have in-depth overviews to grooming your Siberian Husky and Yorkshire Terrier
, for example.
Xander the Malamute Professional groomers recommend these fundamentals for most dogs (and their individuals): Dog hair shampoo as well as bathing tools to cleanse your canine’s coat( natural animal hair shampoos are offered)Combs to detangle hair, get rid of mats, and promote glossy layers
Bristled or rubber animal brush for getting rid of undercoat as well as smoothing hair on shorthaired pets
Clipper and/or shears to trim long hair
Toenail grinder to securely submit nails (instead of a nail leaner)
Once you understand what you need, keep reading for our referrals for the best specialist pet dog brushing devices and also products.
8 Essential Dog Grooming Supplies
< img class= “alignnone
wp-image-161349 size-full”src =”https://www.rover.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Flying-Pig-table.jpg”alt=”Flying Pig table”width =” 394 “height=”550″data-lazy-srcset=” https://www.rover.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Flying-Pig-table.jpg 394w, https://www.rover.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Flying-Pig-table-215×300.jpg 215w”data-lazy-sizes=”(max-width: 394px)100vw, 394px”> You might be wondering: do I really need a grooming table? Many people manage without one at home. If your family pet calls for normal pet grooming, a professional-quality table can be a substantial assistance. This durable, steel-framed table holds up to 300 extra pounds as well as has nonskid feet and a non-slip table top for added protection. The adjustable brushing arm has a loop that holds your dog in position while you comb, trim, as well as enhance their layer. And also the built-in basket keeps all your grooming products in arm’s reach. The table comes in three sizes– select the one that best fits your pet. Find on Chewy Shhh, don’t tell your canine, yet showering is a large component of quality pet dog treatment. Pros enjoy handheld shower attachments because they permit more control when bathing and washing pets, from a pint-sized peanut to an adorable giant. If you’ve been using the old bath-and-bucket method of washing your pet dog in the bathtub, this device might change your life!
The WaterPik design comes highly-rated by groomers and also at-home bathers alike. It consists of pipes and also adapters to link to your shower, energy sink, or outside faucet.
Find on Chewy
Have you been utilizing your hairdryer to dry off your dog after a bath? You won’t believe the difference a pet-specific dryer makes. Expert groomers rely on “HV clothes dryers”to speed up along the
drying out process. This small-but-mighty version from Flying Pig has a 10-foot pipe, so the base (and also sound) aren’t also close to your dog. It comes with a filter and also 2 various nozzles for a concentrated stream of air.
Shop on Chewy If you’re choosing where to splurge on brushing products, begin below. When it comes to pet clippers, pros recognize finest. Economical electric trimmers may get you via a couple of brushing sessions, however if your pet dog requires routine pet grooming, it’s worth it to purchase a specialist version that will certainly last. The trick remains in the high quality of the clipper blade. Since of their resilience as well as convenience, Andis is one of the most preferred clipper brand names among professional groomers. The detachable blades allow you change out dimensions for different layers. And the lengthy, sturdy cable makes it simple to maneuver around your canine. This model comes specifically recommended for poodles. Wahl is an additional highly-regarded brand for clippers to consider. Find on Chewy Find on Amazon Nail care for your dog can be challenging. Several professional groomers favor
nail mills to toenail clippers or leaners. Because rotary tools slowly sand down the nail without danger of cutting too close to the quick, that’s. And also great deals of canines are extra comfortable with grinders once they get utilized to them. The ConairPro corded version, understood for its longevity and also stamina, includes compatible stone/sander add-ons. Find on Chewy Ordinary scissors aren’t specific or sharp adequate to safely cut your pet dog’s hair and aren’t optimal for a quality coat-care routine.
These professional brushing shears have stainless-steel blades and an ergonomic manage. Utilize them to cut around your dog’s toes, ears, as well as various other locations where accuracy counts.
Along with straight sheets (right- or left-handed), Andis’ line of shears consists of ball-tipped as well as rounded shears,
Buy on Chewy Professional groomers utilize slicker brushes to get rid of dead hair build-up– which truly assists beam up your pet dog’s layer and decrease shedding. This version has a soft-grip manage for comfy and safe grooming. Buy on Chewy You can grab a pet dog comb at any pet dog supply store, but expert groomers swear by these easy-to-clean stainless-steel designs. Utilize them on long-haired pet dogs to r emove tangles, mats, loosened hair, as well as dirt. Or, run them across short coats for an ending up luster. This is one device every expert groomer carries in their package. Buy on Chewy Need Dog Grooming? If you aren’t quite prepared to tackle full pet grooming, obtain your canine started with a check out from a professional. Rover provides dog brushing in several cities. To schedule
a groomer, usage this page. Additional Reading When you’re all set to tackle some major grooming sessions with your dog, we have some history products. These articles will aid both of you delight in the experience.
Elisabeth Geier is a pet, teacher, and also author supporter with substantial animal managing experience as well as a soft place for bully breeds
and also big orange tabbies.
sidebar The Dog People E-newsletter Join and obtain $ 25 off family pet resting and also canine strolling!
from Lucky Dog Solutions http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/the-best-professional-pet-grooming-supplies-you-can-use-at-home/
from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.tumblr.com/post/623532840688173056
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thetopnotchmovers · 6 years
Local movers | Top Notch Movers Inc.
Local movers, about us. Let’s begin our blog with the quick description of who we are: 
We are, a moving company, located within the radius of a hundred miles from your home. Our services include relocation, packing, storage, handling of unique or antique items and purging of the old furniture.
Local movers offer hourly rates, timely response, and almost immediate service. Also, you can visit our office and talk to us in person.
What is the difference between local and long-distance movers?
Local movers won’t charge you based on weight, space, or the item count. Usually, we bill based on the amount of time taken to do your move. Also, local movers don’t do the inventory of the items and only work with the smaller size trucks.
Looking for local movers? It is easy to find them if you know where to look for them. Nowadays it is hard to find a reliable and dependable moving company. Fortunately, we can provide you with all the necessary information on how to get it done. First, let’s begin by pointing out some of the necessary qualifications.
 Local movers must be
Licensed by the department of transportation and the state.
Insured enough to provide a sufficient reimbursement in the case of an accident.
Located in the county or the state in which you are in.
Now you know what qualifies a local mover, go ahead and check if the mover of your choice can meet the required standards.
 Check with your local movers about their licenses and accreditations.
For every state, there are different resources to look thru. In this post, we will go thru the list for the Florida local movers.
To do all the checks you need to call your mover and ask to provide you with all the local and state licenses. Everyone must have USDOT number, state license number, and a county license number.
 For example, let’s take Top Notch Movers information.
Our USDOT number is 2431847, you can look up all the details on us by going to the USDOT Company Snapshot page, inputting our number and searching.
Local license for moves will be MV653. Unfortunately, Broward County won’t provide the necessary information online, but you can always call them and check if the company that you’ve chosen is eligible to do business in the county.
When registering with the state, local movers such as Top Notch Movers should get an IM number. Our is IM2241. to check if it is valid, or to look up any other moving company, go to the website of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Input the name of the mover, or their license number and click the search button.
After making sure that the movers you’ve chosen are licensed you can continue with the next step of the research.
 Find a moving company with enough insurance to handle your local move.
What is enough insurance? For everyone, it can vary drastically. Therefore, you must understand what exactly you are looking for. Cost of the insurance depends on the type of the property that you are living in or the value of the goods that you have to move. First, we would like to explain a bit more about the insurance for your move.
Department of Agriculture and Consumer services provided a detailed description on what kind of minimum coverage local movers must have:
Moving companies are required to assume some basic liability by carrying legal liability valuation and insurance coverage. 
Moving companies must also carry cargo legal liability coverage (loss or damage to household goods resulting from the negligence of the mover, its employees or agents, in an amount not less than $10,000 per incident).
Movers must provide motor vehicle coverage, including combined bodily injury and property damage liability coverage in the following minimum amounts:
$50,000 per occurrence for a commercial motor vehicle with a gross weight of fewer than 35,000 pounds.
The law also provides for a limitation on the release of the mover’s liability for the value of a shipper’s goods at a rate not less than 60 cents per pound, per article.
Your mover must disclose this limitation of liability to you, in writing, at the time the estimate or contract for services is executed and prior to any services being provided to you. Your mover must also inform you of the opportunity to reject or select additional valuation for goods being moved.
 Local movers, insured? Yes, but is it enough? 
In simple words, for any truck that weighs less than 35,000 pounds movers must have $50,000 dollars of coverage. This way they can offer a reimbursement in case of an accident. Such accidents can include damage to the property or bodily injury.
When it comes to the loss or a substantial damage to your household goods as a result of the move by the employees or agents of the company, you can be entitled to the reimbursement of not less than $10,000 per incident. This depends on the level of coverage your movers carry.
Be aware, most of the local movers will only take a limited liability for the value of your goods at a rate not less than 0.60 cents per pound, per article. In South Florida, the majority of the local movers will offer this coverage, to avoid additional expense and make your move more affordable to you.
However, sometimes it can be a good idea to purchase an additional insurance. Usually, we suggest our clients purchase an additional protection when it is needed. This can help a lot when they are looking to move antiques, valuables and other items with a high valuation.
 Confusing? Don’t worry. Let us clarify it for you. 
Think of what you have to move, and how far are you moving it to. This can help you to make a right decision. Go ahead and move all your valuables such as art and electronics yourself. It might be a good idea to do so.
Have to trust the local movers with all the antiques and valuables? Buy an additional insurance. Check online, there are plenty of options available. Some of our favorites:
Baker International moving insurance
eMove insurance
 Make sure to call them, check their coverage options and prices.
Bottom line. If you are moving within the county, and don’t have any expensive stuff, we suggest going with a standard liability. This can save you money and can be beneficial to your overall moving budget.
On the other hand, if you are moving within the state and try to relocate your favorite china and antique items we recommend getting an additional coverage.
 Local movers, were should I look for them?
Fairly simple questions with a simple answer. Online will be the best place to look for local movers. Google maps may be the best place for you. Google maps provide the location, rating, hours and much more information about the local business. We suggest looking at the Google maps before looking anywhere else.
Check out our listing in Google Maps. 
When you’ve got your local movers, make sure to check their reputation. Sites like Yelp, Angie’s list or HomeAdvisor can help. Read reviews about the company, and responses from the management. This way it will be easier to sort out all the information you need.
Keep in mind, that some of the reviews on the sites like movers.com or movingreviews.com can be fabricated. Their interface allows to create an unlimited amount of accounts and leave reviews with no filtration. Therefore, we can’t suggest those resources.
On the other hand, Yelp, Angie’s list, and HomeAdvisor have much better protection against the fraud, and their filtration is better than anywhere else. Movers or other companies cannot buy reviews and cannot pay to be in the highlight. This is why we prefer those sites.
 The estimate provided by the movers. Local moves, and how to understand for what do local movers charge.
There isn’t a lot of difference between the types of the estimates between the long distance or local movers. However, long distance movers charge based on weight, size, or item count. On the other hand, local movers charge based on hourly rate. In most cases, to get an accurate estimate you need to make sure that the person who talks to you on the phone knows his job.
When talking to the representative, make sure to explain all the details of your move and your concerns. Most of all, describe your furniture well, mention the details for the fragile items.
 What do you need to explain to the representative of the moving company:
When are you looking to move?
What are the zip codes that you are moving from and to?
What type of the property that you have, a house, an apartment or maybe a townhome.
Are there any stairs or elevators involved?
Tell the representative about your bulky items and custom-made furniture
Mention all the glass tops, glass doors and any fragile item that movers need to pack and move.
Indicate how many bedrooms you have, how many beds, and what sizes are those beds.
With the information provided by you, any experienced representative of a moving company will be able to offer you an accurate estimate. Keep in mind, with local movers you can only expect a bulk estimate, accurate but not a guarantee.
I would suggest having a spare cash available on the day of your move in case it takes longer time than expected.
 I don’t like the idea of a bulk estimate. We have a solution for you!
In case you are looking for a binding, flat rate estimate, we suggest requesting a walk-thru with a moving company. After a walk-thru, moving company will be able to provide you with a guaranteed price. This will allow you to calculate your budget better.
We suggest asking for a visual estimate in case you have three or more bedrooms to move. Remember, the more goods you have, the harder it is to provide you with an accurate price over the phone.
 What you must check to avoid any surprises
Companies can provide you with a detailed estimate and tell you that everything you need is included. However, we suggest reading and examine your estimate carefully before booking the date. Some of the movers use shady tactics to get your business.
The last thing you need on the day of your move is to deal with the additional charges and the movers. Relocation can be hectic as it is, why make it more complicated? Look thru the estimate and check if necessary services are included in your offer. What exactly do you need to check?
Do movers provide disassembly and reassembly of the furniture as a part of the estimate?
Packing of the furniture with pads included in the cost of the move?
If there is an extra cost for stairs, long carry or elevator use.
Are there any additional charges for the truck usage, miles or gas?
Are there any fees for the processing of the payment?
Checking with the movers about these services can play a crucial role in your decision. Some of the local movers offer better rates but have tons of hidden fee’s. We prefer to provide our clients with all the necessary information upfront. This way you don’t have to worry about being charged for every single thing.
 Local movers must be open to the conversation.
Last, but not least important. Local movers usually depend on their clients and care about the reputation. When calling, talk to the customer service and moving experts. See how they talk to you and if they are responsive.
Movers have to be very friendly and be able to assist with any questions that you as a customer might have. Moving involves a lot of people and scheduling. With the right customer service and dispatch department, your move will be pleasant and hassle-free.
 What local movers have to offer when communicating their business to you: 
Detailed moving estimate when you call
Answers to all the questions that you might have
Proper follow thru, not every minute call.
Prior to booking, dispatch department must inform you of a date and time available for you to choose.
When booked, receipt of the deposit and the copy of the estimate must be provided.
Dispatch department must call you a day before your move to confirm.
Crew leader must call you at least 30 minutes in advance before the arrival.
Customer service must be responsive and polite when answering your concerns if such appear.
When the job is done, movers need to provide you with all the receipts and a copy of a final bill.
In the end, customer service needs to follow up with you to check how was your overall experience.
These are essential requirements for any successful and worry-free move. Unfortunately, many of the companies in Florida won’t be able to communicate with you as described. Most of the businesses won’t pay much attention to the request of the client after the job is booked.
This is why it is so hard to find reliable local movers in Florida, or anywhere else in the U.S. Good thing that we know the company who can provide you with this level of services. 
 Top Notch Movers, top-rated local movers in South Florida.
When we opened in 2009, we began to provide moving services for the customers in South Florida. Most of our moves were local and within the tri-county area. We learned a lot about our clients since then. This helped us to improve and provide an exceptional level of service.
Our company meets all the standards of the moving industry. Fully licensed, insured and well equipped. At Top Notch Movers we provide a wide variety of services at the most affordable cost.
To be better of assistance, Top Notch Movers have three different locations across South Florida for your moving needs. Lauderhill, Pembroke Pines, and Boynton Beach. This allows us to offer competitive rates and better arrival timeframes than most of the moving companies in South Florida.
We hope that you liked our article about the local movers. If you are looking for more informative blogs and information regarding the relocation services, we suggest following us on our social networks. This way you can stay up to date with the most informative posts about the movers.
You can find more information related to the topic, read our blog. To get more information about Top Notch Movers, call our office today.
 Call us, or e-mail today. Our experienced personnel will be happy to assist with any of your questions or moving needs. After all, we are always a move ahead.
The post Local movers | Top Notch Movers Inc. appeared first on Top Notch Movers.
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jesseksottile · 7 years
Front Load vs Top Load: Deodorizing Your Smelly Washer
Deciding on the perfect washing machine for your home can be a difficult choice. You may have heard reviews or opinions on both front load washing machines and top load washing machines. The reality is that when you are deciding on what type of washing machine you want in your home it all comes down to personal preference. Front load washing machines have gained popularity in recent years as the new type of washing machine but every product has its downfalls. In recent years, sales of front load washers have started to decline as more concerns about their large price tag and the unwelcomed smells and mold growth have caused red flags for consumers. Is a smelly washer solely associated with front load washers or can your top load washing machine also acquire a pungent odor? And what can you do to expel all odors from your washing machine once and for all!
How to Get Rid of Smell in Washing Machine
Has a smell started to develop in your laundry room, making its way into the fabric of your clothes? There is nothing worse than pulling out a fresh load of clothes from your washing machine and smelling nothing but a musty odor. Washing machines happen to be an item in your home that you neglect to clean, simply on the pretenses that it cleans itself, or so you thought. It makes sense to think that our washing machines give themselves a bath every time the detergent is placed in the machine but in reality, the detergent is the leading culprit to odors permeating from your washing machine. Methods for removing the odors trapped in your washing machine are out there and most people will type in their Google browser desperate to find an effective method to remove the odors. But what really is the best method to use to remove smells from your washing machine, is it vinegar?
Should You Use Vinegar in Washing Machine?
Vinegar is a common product used in the cleaning of washing machines, as many people believe it provides the necessary powers to remove odors trapped in your washing machine. Vinegar, however, is a byproduct of fermented ethanol, which is a natural acid that is often used as a rinse acid, and therefore when you use it in your washing machine it can sit on your rubber seals and damage the rubber. If you don’t want to replace hoses and seals then you may want to think again before you use vinegar in your washing machine.
Tips for Top Load Washing Machine Smells
Top-load washing machines have been around for many years as the “top” washing machine to have in your home. With the backlash of the smelly front load washer epidemic, people are taking a closer look and smell at their top load washer to see if their washer is odor-free. Washing machines have been associated with a musty or mildew smell due to the bacteria and mold that can be growing inside your machine. The tub of your washing machine can be a breeding ground where the mold/bacteria thrive in the moist, dark environment. The best defense is to cut off the food supply for these microorganisms so they have a less desirable area for making a home. This means leaving your washing machine open after running a cycle, to let the moisture expel from the machine. Also, limiting the quantity of fabric softener and detergent you place in your machine. Some people tend to go heavy-handed when placing detergent and fabric softener in their top load washing machine which in return can cause odors in your machine as well as damage your clothes in the long-run.
How to Clean Front Load Washer
The transition from top load washing machines to front load washing machines has taken some time for those in the United States to adapt to as difficulties have arisen with the prominent issues that front load washers have presented to those that own one. With the funky odors and sometimes mechanical issues that can be attributed to front-load washing machines the stigma around this style of washing machine has increased. The biggest issue for many to contend with is the odors and smells that can get trapped inside your washing machine, and spread onto your “clean clothes”. The main culprit behind these odors and smells in your washing machine is the rubber seal that goes around the door of your front load washing machine. Over time fabric softeners and laundry detergent will leave behind a residue that gets trapped inside of the rubber seal and this can add to the strong mildew smell in your washing machine. Also, body soils on your clothes can also get stuck inside the rubber seal, creating a nasty culmination of smells.
How can you remove this mildew smell from your front load washing machine and finally get it smelling clean, along with your clothing? The OdorKlenz Washing Machine Deodorizer is designed to eliminate and neutralize odors trapped in your washing machine. Run your washing machine with an empty load, all you need to add is a ½ cup of the OdorKlenz Washing Machine Deodorizer in the detergent slot, and place your machine on a normal agitation, warm water cycle. You can apply this method to your top-load washing machine as well to rid odors from your washing machine.
OdorKlenz Washing Machine Deodorizer
$9.99 $12.99
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Removes Musty Smells from Front Load & Top Load Washer. HE Friendly, Non-Toxic, & Fragrance-Free
Click here for more details
Add to cart
Washing machine smells can be an overall frustrating thing to deal with as odors can travel onto your clothing and towels. Making sure your washing machine is odor free will help minimize laundry work and leave your items smelling fresh and clean and not dirty and mildewy.
Front Load vs Top Load: Deodorizing Your Smelly Washer published first on http://odorklenzsite.tumblr.com/
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naturallykrich · 7 years
Hey all! I hope that you’re having a fantastic week! I’m back with my first post of the summer. What better way to do that than to tell you about a new hobby of mine.
I’ve never really been one for plants. I mean, I love them, but keeping them alive has been my main problem. And when I first met Nicholas, he had a cactus in his kitchen..oh wait, I mean a dead cactus in his kitchen. My first thought was, “how on Earth do you kill a cactus?”
Neglect. Neglect is what killed that cactus.
So between my plant killing and his cactus neglect, we didn’t sound like a good gardening team. Like Kevin Hart said, “we didn’t look good as a unit” lol.
Anyway, I have really bad allergies and aside from every medications that make me sleepy, I needed some relief. I was now in the market for indoor plants that would purify the air. With a bit of research, I came across the Dracaena plant. It’s name is derived from the Ancient Greek word for “female dragon”, which is why I named it Daenerys (the mother of dragons). Game of Thrones fans will understand.
    According to the site Top Tip Spot, the Dracaena “removes not only benzene and formaldehyde from the air, but also xylene and toluene” those sound like things that I don’t wanna breathe in, and this plant doesn’t need a lot of light of water…sounds right up my alley.
It’s doing great so far, and I’ve even added a couple more to the family. The next one that we bought was the Neon Pothos, I haven’t named this one yet, but I’m open to suggestions.
Then we found out about the cutest little garden shop here in our town called, Porches, with just one visit, you can’t help but fall in love with this place. The air in the store is fresh, because, duh, trees and plants galore! And the fact that oldies play in the background means this is a place I could spend a lot of time in. Check out their Facebook page here if you’d like more info #supportsmallbusiness. From Porches, we came home with another air purifying plant, The Spider plant, of course I had to name this one Peter Parker because if I didn’t name it after Spider Man, then what kind of person am I?
I can’t write this post without also mentioning the succulent plant that I managed to bring back from the brink of death. It was in the backyard, and I didn’t pay it much attention. The only way I can describe its appearance is that it looked like a dried up artichoke. With a little TLC (I sang ‘Waterfalls’ to it everyday…kidding!) With some Tender Loving Care, I was able to get it to not only open up and flourish, but to also grow a couple extra stalks? vines? I don’t know what they are, but it’s on a nice road to recovery.   
    I’m on a break from work, so I figured that this was the perfect time to get plants and learn as much as I can about them. I’ve become attached, so there is no other choice than to take care of them the very best that I can. I truly feel that my allergies and such reactions to those allergies have lessened. I don’t wake up as congested as I used to and that is a big deal. When I could only breathe out of one nostril, I realized how much I took advantage of my nasal passages. I fully appreciate them now, btw.
Of course now that I’ve got this new hobby, I want all of the things. I had to run out and buy a watering can, a little shovel that is just the cutest…I think next on my list is some gardening gloves. I don’t know why, but I’m just pretty sure I need them.
Because of the nice clean air, and the dash of natural home decor that these amazing plants bring, it’s hard not to feel like my mood is elevated and my energy has increased. Like Nicholas said, like fire, these plants “boost morale”.
Thank you so much for stopping by today, I’ll keep you updated with their progress in future posts. Have a great day! I’ll get back to trying to stay cool in this 108 degree weather that we are having today.
  Thank you for reading,
      My Thumb is Turning Green Hey all! I hope that you’re having a fantastic week! I’m back with my first post of the summer.
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decor10 · 7 years
My Blog
New Post has been published on http://www.cozyblog.life/blog/50-wine-cooler-concepts-for-any-fashion-and-room-1199
50 Wine Cooler Concepts For Any Fashion And Room
A wine cooler is an all-essential piece in bars and cellars. It assures the perfect temperature for alcoholic drinks, but it can also serve as an aesthetic attraction. Those who acquire fine wines and require to exhibit them superbly have several choices to explore. Shelves and stacks, floor-to-ceiling coolers and small fridges, fixed in wooden frames or generating use of steel holders, they are obtainable in a broad assortment of versions. Moreover, a bunch of accessories add artistic worth to your solution. Experts paid focus to climate handle which is digitally adjustable and illuminating spots that highlight the bottles discreetly. Wine savoring is an experience that demands excellency check our taste by exploring the gallery below!
also see: 10 Clever Gifts For Wine Lovers
Refined, imposing winery
If you afford a generous area for the winery, then make use of it! The 1 above functions a floor-to-ceiling bottle stack that make the items seem like an exhibition of fine tastes. One the other hand, liquors that need to be stored at a reduced temperature have a wine cooler ‘booked’ nearby. Last, but not least, the equipment! A poster with ‘instructions’ or a painting depicting a sizzling glass of wine will immediately beautify the room.
also view: 10 Special Gift Suggestions for Wine Glasses
Make use of neglected spaces
Make a sketch of how you’d like to have the objects disposed. You will be shocked to see how several neglected corners in your property can be transformed in catchy wineries. One particular factor to spend attention at: the ambient temperature has to be between 60-80° Fahrenheit. If the ambient temperature is outdoors this selection, the performance of the wine fridge may be affected. For illustration, putting your unit in severe cold or hot circumstances could lead to interior temperatures to fluctuate.
also view: Funky and Rustic: twenty Wine Barrel Wonderful Transformations
The rustic touch
A lot of wineries depend on traditional influences. Wicker baskets, heavy logs, paintings on wood, dried flowers or herbs are amongst the typical decorative elements. I have to admit that the massive wooden frame above is a statement piece. Insert a bottle rack within and you will receive an authentic item.
also see: 20 Ideas of How to Recycle Wine Bottles Wisely
Suggestions for gaining area
The wine fridge retailers up to a greatest amount of bottles securely. The experts advise that you optimise loading with numerous ideas. First of all, remove tape from shelves once unit is stable and ready for storage. Secondly, disperse the bottles evenly to keep away from concentrating weight in 1 spot. Bottles should not touch both the back of the cabinet or the stage at the bottom. Thirdly, only pull out 1 rolling shelf at a time. Never ever attempt to pull much more than one particular.
Care and upkeep
How do you clean the wine cooler? Flip off the power, unplug the appliance, and take away all items which includes all shelves. Wash the within surfaces with a solution of warm water and baking soda. Wring extra water out of the sponge or cloth when cleansing location of the controls, or any electrical components.
An elegant cellar featuring transparent glass walls with arches
A fashionable living room featuring a white sophisticated bar nearby
Exquisite and high end finishings
This cellar features floor to ceiling wooden racks, a hefty concrete island in the middle and a black leather sofa for pampering the visitors. The interior feels intimate, noble and also very unique.
House Wine Cellar Design and style Tips Home Wine Cellar Style Tips Residence Design Suggestions Best Photographs – Residence Interior Decor Ideas
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fashionkibatain · 7 years
Originally published on Going On Vacations? Here Is Your Holiday Cosmetics Checklist! written by Anam Faruqui on Anam Faruqui
Going on a holiday can be fun, but the packing part isn’t so fun. It can be confusing to decide what to pack and what not to pack. Apart from clothes, it can be difficult to decide which cosmetics and skincare products to pack. You can’t carry everything you own for obvious reasons. We have compiled a holiday cosmetics checklist to make your packing a breeze.
Holiday Cosmetics Checklist
A Cleanser
This goes without saying: you need a cleanser to get rid of all the dirt and grime on your face. Apart from that, you need to remove makeup every night before going to bed. Do not get lazy here, as not removing making up before sleeping can clog your pores and make you break out. That’s the last thing you would want on a holiday, I assume. Go for a multi-effect cleanser which not only cleanses your skin but is also moisturizing. A seaweed cleanser is also a good idea as it is an emulsifying ingredient which can even remove waterproof makeup, dust, and dirt. This will completely purify your skin. Seaweed is also a good ingredient for repairing skin as it has marine minerals. That is why it soothes and balances your skin.
Also Read: Review: Eveline Pure Control SOS Deep Cleansing Face Wash Gel
Sometimes cleansing alone is not enough. You need a scrub which sloughs away dead skin cells to reveal healthier new skin. After using a delicate cleanser to gently wash the skin, use a scrub to get rid of excess sebum decomposition, so that the skin soft and clean. It will also remove blackheads, improve skin’s texture, minimize large pores and help with acne. However, you do not need to exfoliate every day. Thrice a week is enough. Over exfoliating can, in fact, be harmful to your skin.
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A primer fills in your pore. It prepares your skin for makeup. Your skin will look refined after the use of a primer. Your makeup will glide on more smoothly after the use of a primer. Get a compact size or travel size primer for your holiday so that it doesn’t take too much space. It will be easier to carry for you. If you can find a primer which is fortified with collagen, it will be even better, Collagen is the building block of your skin. Constant use of it will repair your skin and help it help. This will be very helpful if you have scars. The reason why our skin takes so long to heal when we grow up is that our collagen levels deplete as we age. Collagen can be thought of as an anti-aging ingredient too. When we grow old, our collagen levels diminish. That’s why you get wrinkles and fine lines.
Also Read: Pore Minimizing Products For A Flawless Skin
Essence Cream
The use of essence is more common in Korea. In fact, an essence is one of the most important ingredients in Korean skin care routine. Wondering what essence is?  Though it may look like a toner, essence is not a toner. Essence is more like a watery lotion. It contains active ingredients which are delivered to the deepest layer of your skin to hydrate, moisturize, and heal it. Mind you, essence is not a serum. It doesn’t have as many active ingredients as a serum does. Essence balances the pH of your skin. Essence is also anti-aging. In fact, some essence can even accelerate the activation of an anti-aging gene and revitalize the skin itself. Soft, moisturizing, easy to absorb, essence doesn’t leave your skin sticky.  Essence hides your pores and tightens your skin.
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You always need a sunscreen. A sunscreen protects you from the harmful effects of the UV rays of the sun. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can be damaging to your skin. You should also wear a sunscreen if you are not planning to get tanned. Even if you do want to get tanned, spending hours under the sun without a sunscreen is not a good idea. Sunscreen is an important item on your holiday cosmetics checklist. Go for a sunscreen with the added effects of moisturization and anti-aging. Make sure you choose a sunscreen with suits your skin type. Sunscreen is especially important if you are going to a very sunny place.
Also Read: Learn To Use a Sunscreen Properly
Repairing Cream
Our skin goes through a lot of wear and tear. Sunlight, dirt, environmental stress, mental stress, and bad eating habits are all harmful to your skin. It is a good idea to have something which repairs and heal your skin. Rejuvenating cream is also a very important item on your holiday cosmetics checklist as people usually eat very unhealthy during holidays. This can show up on your skin. To counter those effects, always carry a cream/serum which is healing. These creams promote the release of new healthy cells to make your skin look younger, brighter, and smoother.
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Even those of us with a perfect skin suffer from hyperpigmentation of some sort. If not that, most people have dark circles. Concealer is your best friend to deal with these issues. It will help you hide your imperfections. Do not slather on concealer on your whole face like a foundation. Only use it on your problem areas. Concealer is the king when it comes to hiding flaws. Different colors are used to hide different flaws. For instance, a green concealer is usually used to hide red marks and acne. An orange or a red concealer is used to hide dark circles. It is a good idea to buy a small concealer palette which has all the colors. The combination of double-concealment is great for achieving a flawless complexion. Just make sure you do not use too much, or else your makeup will look cakey. If you use concealer, foundation, and powder correctly, you can achieve a flawless looking face. 
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Eye Makeup
Another must have product on your holiday cosmetics checklist is eye makeup. You can carry a small eye shadow palette with you which has your favorite colors for you. Apart from that, you can keep a mascara and some eyeliners. Do not go overboard here or you will pack thing you won’t even need during your vacation.
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Lip And Cheek Stain
When traveling, we are usually short of space. Instead of carrying many blush palettes and lipsticks, just keep some lip and cheek stains. A lip and cheek stain is a multi-purpose tint that you can use on your lips and face both.
Also Read: Look Good Without Makeup
Essential Oils
Do not forget to pamper your skin and hair during holidays Carry a multi-purpose essential oil that can be used on both your skin and hair. An essential oil will moisturize your skin and hair. Use an oil on your hair before shampooing. For your skin, just dab some drops of essential before sleeping so that it can repair your skin as you sleep. Be very careful with the use of essential oils as they are very concentrated. Most essential oils are not safe to be used on their own, they must be diluted with other carrier oils like almond oil. If the science of essential oils scare you, just abandon this idea and carry a carrier oil instead. Almond oil is a good choice here as it is great for both your hair and skin. Almond oil has vitamin E which has rejuvenating properties. If you have an oily skin, avoid using oils during your holidays as oils might break you out.
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You never know which shampoo your hotel is going to have, so it is better to carry your own shampoo. Buy a travel size bottle so that you can carry it easily. Try to go for a moisturizing shampoo so that your hair looks sleek and smooth while you are traveling.
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Along with a shampoo, carry a travel-size conditioner with you. A conditioner moisturizes your hair intensively. Your hair may look dry without the use of a conditioner.
Also Read: Home Remedies For Dry And Damaged Hair
Going on holidays is a memorable experience. You get to see new places and new cultures. But, it is easy to get carried away. Do not neglect your skin while on vacations. Remember to take off your makeup every night before sleeping. Although it is ok to indulge occasionally, do not go overboard with unhealthy meals. Most of all, make sure you pack according to holiday cosmetics checklist!
Also Read: Makeup Essentials in Your Bag
Which item is a must on your holiday cosmetic checklist? Share with us in the comments below!
Also Read: Bedside Beauty Essentials
The post Going On Vacations? Here Is Your Holiday Cosmetics Checklist! appeared first on Fashion Ki Batain.
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naturecpw · 7 years
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How to Never Get Bitten By Any Bug Ever Again
We may all have our own opinions about which season is the best, but it’s hard to argue that summer isn’t awesome. There's the warm weather, all the fun water and beach activities, and so many opportunities for hiking, biking, camping, and other outdoor adventures.
Unfortunately summer can also feel a bit creepy-crawly, thanks to all the mosquitos, ticks, and other bugs joining in on our outdoor fun. Not only are these bugs a pain to deal with (think itchy and painful bites), some can even cause major health problems such as severe allergic reactions or chronic illnesses.
While this might sound like some pretty scary stuff, the good news is that insect bites rarely cause serious disease Plus, there are many simple things you can do to minimize risks. Follow this handy-dandy guide to know which bugs to watch out for, what issues they can cause, and how to reduce the chances of getting bitten, stung, or sick.
The Bugs to Watch Out For
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Where You’ll Find Them: Bees and wasps are found across the U.S. and in all sorts of locations in the summer, from the woods to people’s homes. Bees in particular may be drawn to bright clothing or sweet foods (so maybe choose neon or ice cream, not both.)
What to Watch Out for: In most cases, stings from these insects cause slight or moderate discomfort, including a sharp burning pain, redness, or some swelling. As much as four percent of people have severe allergic reactions to these stings and need immediate medical treatment
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Where You’ll Find Them: These tiny mites are found in brushy, weedy, and grassy areas across much of the U.S.
What to Watch Out for: Chiggers bites, which often occur in areas with tender skin (e.g. ankles, backs of knees, and armpits) or where clothing restricts the bugs’ movement (e.g. areas covered by belts or elastic) can cause welts and be incredibly itchy. Luckily, chiggers do not carry any diseases transmissible to humans in North America—so the biggest issue you’ll have to deal with is discomfort.
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Where You’ll Find Them: There are many types of biting flies, including black flies, deer flies, horse flies, and midges (Just to name a few!). Biting flies are present across the U.S. but are usually most prevalent around water, where they lay their eggs.
What to Watch Out for: With the exception of mosquitoes (discussed below), biting flies generally do not carry diseases and are only a nuisance. In rare cases, deer flies can transmit Tularemia, a rare bacterial disease that results in a high fever. It’s potentially fatal, but can be treated effectively with antibiotics if caught early.
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Where You’ll Find Them: Mosquitos always like to crash the party. They are found practically everywhere on the planet and are most common around water, where they breed. They’re most active at night and around dawn and dusk. Mosquitoes are also drawn to carbon dioxide and skin odor, so they might be more likely to bite if you’re active. And it’s not all in your (or your friend’s) imagination—some people really are more attractive to mosquitoes than others.
What to Watch Out for: Most mosquito bites often cause little harm except for leaving itchy bumps and spots where the insects feed. But they do occasionally transmit serious diseases, including West Nile Virus, malaria, and some types of encephalitis. Recently, dengue fever and a disease called Chikungunya, which are not typically found in the continental United States, may have been transmitted in Florida.
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Where You’ll Find Them (besides your nightmares): Although most scorpions are harmless, the bark scorpion, which can be found in the southwestern U.S., has venom poisonous to humans. They are most likely to be found outdoors under logs and tree bark and also sometimes hide out indoors.
What to Watch Out for: Bites can be painful and cause some numbness or tingling. Symptoms of a severe reaction include twitching, unusual movements, sweating, or altered blood pressure or heart rate. If these symptoms are present, seek immediate medical attention.
Where You’ll Find Them: There are only a few kinds of spiders that are dangerous to humans, especially black widow, brown recluse, and hobo spiders. As with scorpions, these spiders can be found both indoors and out and across North America. Fortunately tarantulas have weak venom and only look scary as heck.
What to Watch Out for: Symptoms of bites needing medical attention include pain, blistering, or skin lesions at the site of the bite, as well as increased sweating, difficulty breathing, and fever.
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Where You’ll Find Them: Ticks are small arachnids found across most of the U.S., particularly in grassy or wooded areas, where they climb onto people and animals as they walk by.
What to Watch Out for: Ticks can carry several illnesses, including Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, and anaplasmosis, which are spread by different species of ticks and are respectively more prevalent in different parts of the country. Lyme disease is now the most common vector-borne illness in the United States.
Your Action Plan
Take a deep breath! None of the information above should scare you into staying indoors all summer—especially because there are tons of reasons why going outside is good for your health. Rather, take these steps to minimize your exposure to bugs and learn to recognize early symptoms of any possible diseases.
1. Bee less attractive.
Bees and wasps are attracted to what they think is food, so cover foods and keep picnic areas clean. Also be aware that brightly colored clothing and perfumes or scented body products may attract them and other bugs as well.
2. Bee prepared.
For bee stings: Know the symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction, which include hives or other skin reactions, difficulty breathing, or swelling of the throat and tongue. If any of these symptoms are present following a sting, it’s important to seek emergency services. It’s also helpful to carry epinephrine shots, such as an EpiPen, whenever traveling with someone with a known allergy to bees.
For tick bites: Know the common symptoms of Lyme disease, which include fever, chills, aches and pains, and a rash visible at the site of the bite (In particular, bites associated with lyme disease sometimes produce a red, bulls-eye-shaped rash). Go to a doctor if you experience fever, headache, muscle or joint pain, extreme fatigue, or other symptoms described above—these may be signs of an illness. Many tick-borne illnesses can be treated with antibiotics or other means, but earlier treatment is better.
For mosquitos: Symptoms of these mosquito-transmitted illnesses generally include body and muscle aches, fever, headaches, fatigue, joint pain, and stiff neck. Treatments for mosquito-borne illnesses vary—medicine is available to treat malaria, while West Nile Virus, encephalitis, and Chikungunya are caused by viruses and generally have to run their course, similar to the cold or flu.
For spiders: If you experience any of the reactions described above, try to identify or capture the spider, clean and ice the bite, and seek medical attention. Treatment will depend upon the type of spider and severity of the bite.
3. Play nice.
Don’t swat at bees, wasps, or other bugs—it will only make them defensive and more likely to sting! Instead, calmly move away from their flight path.
4. Keep off the grass.
Some places have more bugs than others, so it may make sense (and be more enjoyable) to avoid particularly buggy areas. Ticks are most common in tall grass and shrubs, so it’s best to walk or run on trails that are mowed or less brushy . Mosquitoes breed in standing water, its best to avoid (or move quickly through) these habitats. Additionally, eliminating sources of standing water around the home—such as buckets or wheelbarrows—can help reduce their numbers.
5. Practice safe recreation: Always use protection.
One of the easiest ways to keep bugs away is to use clothing to minimize exposed skin. It’s not always fun to wear extra clothing in the summer, but doing so can also help you minimize some impacts from sun damage. Try wearing shoes, pants, long-sleeved shirts, and other clothing to minimize exposed skin, tuck your pants into your socks (leg warmers, summer style), wear a hat (or a bandana tied over your head), and wear light-colored clothing so it’s easier to spot (and remove) any ticks or crawlies that try to hitch a ride.
When sleeping in areas with lots of mosquitos, consider using a bed net to keep bugs away while you sleep. Likewise, stay in screened-in areas during peak bug times. If out and about when mosquitos are most active, consider using a head net (It's fashionable and useful!).
6. Know basic first aid.
Treat mild bites with general first aid, such as washing or icing the bite, removing bee stingers, and using an over-the-counter pain reliever if needed.
7. Use repellents.
If avoiding bugs isn’t doing the trick, there are numerous options for repelling them.
* DEET is a widely used and effective insect repellent, but can be toxic at very high levels. Although DEET has gotten a bit of a bad rap, it is safer than its reputation suggests and can be a reasonable choice when bug protection is needed. Products containing up to 30 percent DEET are generally considered safe for adult use and are often as or more effective than other products.
* Natural botanical oils are found in many repellents, but the effectiveness of these varies widely. Some—including lemongrass and thyme—may repel insects effectively   , but many do not. Not only do botanical products, such as citronella, clove, and lemongrass oil, vary in their effectiveness, but because they are not tested at the same level as chemicals, they may carry high levels of allergens. The most effective botanical products generally contain oil of lemon eucalyptus, an extract of an Australian tree. It’s most active compound, para-methane 3-8, diol (PMD) can perform as well as lower-concentration DEET.  
* Picaridin is another synthetic compound that mimics piperine, a natural compound produced by plants. Picardin has similar effectiveness to DEET without some of the same potential risks, making it a good option to consider.
* Permethrin, an insecticide (not technically a repellent) that is naturally derived from chrysanthemum flowers, can be applied to tents or clothing to reduce bites from mosquitoes, flies, and ticks   . Clothing treated with permethrin has been shown to reduce the number of tick bites.
When choosing a repellent, be sure to read the label. Effectiveness varies based upon the type of repellent, its concentration, and how often it’s reapplied. Also be aware that it’s more effective to apply sunscreen and repellent as two separate products: Put sunscreen on first, then the repellent.
Life’s an Itch! The Takeaway
It’s pretty much impossible to avoid all bug bites, but the good news is that the vast majority are merely annoying. By knowing where pests like to hide out and taking steps to minimize contact with them (and knowing what to do in the event of a bite or sting), you’ll do a lot to preserve both your health and your sanity.
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Edit Samsung NX500 4K videos in Pinnacle Studio
The Samsung NX500 is a fun, great little camera with lots of the same horsepower and technology from the larger NX1. The NX500 also shares similar video recording capabilities as the NX1, including ultra-high-res 4K video, in both Ultra HD 3840 x 2160 and Cinema 4K 4096 x 2160 resolutions. Ultra HD video is recorded at 30fps, while Cinema 4K video -- not surprisingly given the 'cinema' name -- is pegged at 24fps. Like the NX1, video is recorded using the new, space-savingH.265 HEVC video codec, which takes up about half the amount of memory card space as the oft-used H.264 codec. The point here, you will find it a painful experience to load Samsung NX500 H.265 4K MP4 footage to Pinnacle Studio. Although Pinnacle Studio is compatible with H.265 codec, a compressed export H.265 .mp4 from Samsung NX500 is not ideal for editing. What's more, Pinnacle Studio can handle 4K footage without much problem, but it is extremely hardware intensive. When you tried to upload some 4K MP4 recordings from NX500, you will find it's hard work. To solve those problems, the quick workaround is to transcode Samsung H.265 4K MP4 footage to Pinnacle Studio natively supported formats. Along with some help from third-party software, it can be done effortlessly. Here I share a simple guide on how to convert Samsung NX500 H.265 4K footage for editing in Pinnacle Studio smoothly. If you're facing the issues, read on to find the answer. First you need to download aPubsoft HD Video Converter. Overall, the program is the best 4K Video Converter for Samsung NX500 4K files, which will export Pinnacle Studio friendly file format- AVI. The video format keeping the original quality on Windows 10. Besides Pinnacle Studio, this 4K Video Converter can also output professional transcoders like WMV for Windows Movie Maker, MPEG for Premiere/After Effects, DNxHD for Avid Media Composer, MPEG-2 for PowerDirector and more. For Mac users, aPubsoft HD Video Converter for Mac is the alternative choice. Just download it and follow the tutorial below to get the work done. Free download Samsung H.265 Video Converter: Hot Source: 2017 Best Windows 10 Video Converter and Top 5 Free Video Converter for Windows 10 Convert DVD/Video/Audio, Download Online Videos to iPhone 7 or 7 Plus XMedia Recode Mac Alternative: Convert Video/DVD/Audio in macOS Sierra Convert Samsung NX500 H.265 4K MP4 to AVI for editing in Pinnacle Studio Step 1. Import Samsung NX500 H.265 4K footage Install and Launch the Samsung NX500 to Pinnacle Studio Converter. Click "Add File" button to load the Samsung NX500 H.265 4K files you want to convert, or directly drag and drop the NX500 H.265 4K footage to it. Step 2. Select output format for Pinnacle Studio Click "Profile" button to choose "HD Video > AVI Video(*.avi)" as the best video format for Pinnacle Studio. Tip: If necessary, you can click "Settings" button and enter "Profile Settings" panel to adjust video size, bit rate, frame rate, sample rate and audio channels. If not, just keep the video size as original. Step 3. Start the H.265 4K video to AVI conversion Click on the "Convert" button, and the Samsung 4K Video Converter will convert Samsung NX500 H.265 4K MP4 video to AVI for Pinnacle Studio on Windows with high video and audio quality. When the Samsung NX500 4K MP4 to AVI conversion finished, click "Open Folder" button to get the exported AVI files and then import the converted Samsung NX500 H.265 4K MP4 files to Pinnacle Studio for further editing on Windows 10/8.1/7/XP. 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Edit Samsung NX500 4K videos in Pinnacle Studio
The Samsung NX500 is a fun, great little camera with lots of the same horsepower and technology from the larger NX1. The NX500 also shares similar video recording capabilities as the NX1, including ultra-high-res 4K video, in both Ultra HD 3840 x 2160 and Cinema 4K 4096 x 2160 resolutions. Ultra HD video is recorded at 30fps, while Cinema 4K video -- not surprisingly given the 'cinema' name -- is pegged at 24fps. Like the NX1, video is recorded using the new, space-savingH.265 HEVC video codec, which takes up about half the amount of memory card space as the oft-used H.264 codec. The point here, you will find it a painful experience to load Samsung NX500 H.265 4K MP4 footage to Pinnacle Studio. Although Pinnacle Studio is compatible with H.265 codec, a compressed export H.265 .mp4 from Samsung NX500 is not ideal for editing. What's more, Pinnacle Studio can handle 4K footage without much problem, but it is extremely hardware intensive. When you tried to upload some 4K MP4 recordings from NX500, you will find it's hard work. To solve those problems, the quick workaround is to transcode Samsung H.265 4K MP4 footage to Pinnacle Studio natively supported formats. Along with some help from third-party software, it can be done effortlessly. Here I share a simple guide on how to convert Samsung NX500 H.265 4K footage for editing in Pinnacle Studio smoothly. If you're facing the issues, read on to find the answer. First you need to download aPubsoft HD Video Converter. Overall, the program is the best 4K Video Converter for Samsung NX500 4K files, which will export Pinnacle Studio friendly file format- AVI. The video format keeping the original quality on Windows 10. Besides Pinnacle Studio, this 4K Video Converter can also output professional transcoders like WMV for Windows Movie Maker, MPEG for Premiere/After Effects, DNxHD for Avid Media Composer, MPEG-2 for PowerDirector and more. For Mac users, aPubsoft HD Video Converter for Mac is the alternative choice. Just download it and follow the tutorial below to get the work done. Free download Samsung H.265 Video Converter: Hot Source: 2017 Best Windows 10 Video Converter and Top 5 Free Video Converter for Windows 10 Convert DVD/Video/Audio, Download Online Videos to iPhone 7 or 7 Plus XMedia Recode Mac Alternative: Convert Video/DVD/Audio in macOS Sierra Convert Samsung NX500 H.265 4K MP4 to AVI for editing in Pinnacle Studio Step 1. Import Samsung NX500 H.265 4K footage Install and Launch the Samsung NX500 to Pinnacle Studio Converter. Click "Add File" button to load the Samsung NX500 H.265 4K files you want to convert, or directly drag and drop the NX500 H.265 4K footage to it. Step 2. Select output format for Pinnacle Studio Click "Profile" button to choose "HD Video > AVI Video(*.avi)" as the best video format for Pinnacle Studio. Tip: If necessary, you can click "Settings" button and enter "Profile Settings" panel to adjust video size, bit rate, frame rate, sample rate and audio channels. If not, just keep the video size as original. Step 3. Start the H.265 4K video to AVI conversion Click on the "Convert" button, and the Samsung 4K Video Converter will convert Samsung NX500 H.265 4K MP4 video to AVI for Pinnacle Studio on Windows with high video and audio quality. When the Samsung NX500 4K MP4 to AVI conversion finished, click "Open Folder" button to get the exported AVI files and then import the converted Samsung NX500 H.265 4K MP4 files to Pinnacle Studio for further editing on Windows 10/8.1/7/XP. 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