#hey ! I see you may be mischaracterizing this person a bit
My views of jamikali (from someone who doesnt ship it but also doesn’t judge those who do)
im at the point where I don’t like or ship jamikali because i think its toxic (that is my opinion btw, if you don’t think it is then that’s alr because opinions are not facts ^^) but also I want them to be friends. Like. I want them to work on themselves for a bit and then begin working on their friendship again. At the same time though, I don’t think I can ever see them in a romantic relationship simply because of the trauma inflicted on both ends from both ends. Even if it was unintentional, it’s there.
i accidentally went crazy in the tags so if you want more feel free to read those 😭
#I saw a tik tok talking about this ship and one of the comments said that people who are against the ship mischaracterize the two more#which confused me a bit#because I’ve seen a lot of jamikali shippers portray Kalim as a harmless cinnamon roll sunshine boy when he has much more to his character#but then I was like#tf it doesnt matter if you ship it or not#I see scarabia mischaracterized a lot#and I think it’s because the en translation left out a lot of jamils story#so it was seen more of his family willingly working for kalims#rather than them being literal unpaid servants#i think they should redo the the translation#also mischaracterizing characters although bad happens#like maybe you just got into the fandom and haven’t finished the story#or maybe you have trouble writing certain kinds of characters because you don’t personally understand how they act#and thats okay as long as you try your best#imo mischaracterization is only bad if a. the characters are completely different. B. things from the character’s personality or story are#emoved by choice#(fuck you tag limit)#or C. The person is informed of mischaracterizing someone and proceeds to ignore it#if it’s someone who may be new to writing or the fandom or someone who is maybe just misinformed then I feel like you can just tell them#hey ! I see you may be mischaracterizing this person a bit#let me inform you how and what you can do better#(nicely)#twisted wonderland#twst#jamil viper#disney twisted wonderland#twst wonderland#kalim al asim#opinion#went crazy in the tags whoops
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emilibro · 3 months
Ughhh I'm so sorry to be an ass but I see so much popular art on tumblr and around the internet that really woobifies both Laios and Kabru and their relationship, especially when they're together.... You guys are aware that Laios eats monsters the way people would like. Eat animals, right? He's not crazy or stupid or sadistic or anything. He has a special interest and it's monsters.
Furthermore, his past having himself and his sister be shunned for their interests in the abnormal made him develop a distaste for humanity. Laios has just thought monsters were way cooler since he was a kid, and Falin really looked up for him for his dedication to his interests and personal code of moral ethics. He never loved his sister less for her abilities, he admired her for what made her different. Because he's fucking awesome and they're autistic as hell.... they both went through so damn much. Laios never fit into the military, into his hometown, he barely fit into most groups of adventurers since he met Marcille, chilchuck, and company, and two of the members of that original party didn't care enough to join him. His feeling of worthlessness to his friends in the beginning of the story are enough to make him imagine a whole scenario in between major chapters where he was the one who was eaten.. and he thought nobody except Falin would care enough to save him.
Point being Laios has a much richer character that goes ALONGSIDE his special interest in monsters. Which honestly is more comparable to, like. A fucking biologist. Not a monsterfucker, not a cannibal, none of that shit. Monsterfuckers are cool as a monsterfucker but he's not one.. he's more like a furry man.... And he's not stupid he's just. Autistic. Why are we making autistic characters with a silly side seem stupid? Everyone has dumb moments sure but like.. he's really smart guys... there's a reason he's such a good leader outside of his ability to listen to his party members. Don't fall for the mischaracterization of Laios that his party members originally set for him before major important arcs guys...
And Kabru. Oh my God. Kabru. Kabru is also autistic but for humans, social interactions and culture... he's a nerd for politics and the humanities, and I'll avoid saying much more to avoid spoilers for non-manga readers but you'll see more of that as time passes. But he's not the type to be easily flustered. Laios only gets to him, not even because he's that difficult to read, but because he catches him off guard. He's an interesting critter, bro. And Kabru definitely sees that. It takes time to respect that, but within a period of time he learns to see him as a relatively competent adventurer and places a lot of faith from him. On some level, this guy has learned to understand this very interesting autistic guy who is forward with his feelings that a very autistic Kabru hasn't learned to understand. That's what makes their relationship so cool, man. He's not cold in reality (though people may perceive him that way due to backstory motivations and attitude within the dungeon), but he's a lot more serious than this... c'mon guys.. let's be a little real here please.... at this point I barely like Labru anymore because they've been so like. Babied. Woobified. Whatever the word is man. I'm starting to appreciate their friendship more as a friendship now because I just think the beautiful qualities I saw in their romance have been sort of overlooked or misinterpreted. Nowadays I just think their platonic relationship is beautiful. Sighs.
Farcille is awesome though and these girls are awesome slay
Edit: hey guys, I wanna address a couple of things here! For one, this isn't intended to be ship hate. Labru is a perfectly valid ship - rather, I'm just not a fan of how deep the mischaracterization of both characters runs, and how it results in the subsequent babying of their relationship. While it's driven me personally away from the romance a bit, I have no problem with the ship itself. Additionally, Farcille has its own issues with woobification that could use some addressing, I just haven't had to see as much mischaracterization on my feeds. Maybe in a future post I'll address some of my personal peeves with many people's characterization of Farcille, ESPECIALLY Falin.
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archivalofsins · 1 month
Seeing discussions around headcanons in the Milgram fandom is such a mixed bag. Especially when the conversation turns to mischaracterization, flanderization, and how out of character a headcanon may be.
Becuase I'm just here like this is the fandom that thinks characters into existence and out of existence while calling it theory.
Just fucking appreciate this is being called a headcanon and not being treated as canon.
Like I'd love to sit around and be like,
"Hey, isn't it a bit of a stretch to separate a character into neat little tropes for one's own personal convenience and entertainment?"
"These characters wouldn't be that nice to each other in canon."
And I definitely love going to the three alter theory, something that is presented as fact,
"That character just actually doesn't exist in canon. This is a wild fanonization and bastardization of how this disorder works that focuses on a vocal minority of those who have it. This interpretation is rooted in so much projection that I think people will be personally offended if it's shown to be incorrect or left 'unconfirmed'. Because they literally threw a fit at the implication, it was wrong previously and doubled down. At that point, it's just a headcanon and preferred way to interpret the events laid out to us. I don't argue subjective truths if they're having fun, good for them."
Because honestly when something is presented as a headcanon who the fuck is it hurting?
Not me, I can tell anyone that for certain. Why the fuck should I care? It's not my head it's not my canon.
Something being labeled as a headcanon isn't presenting itself as the facts of the situation. It's not claiming to be a good faith unbiased reading of the media. Even if it was presented as that I know on a core level, some people can just be wrong or can't be bothered to read even if they say they are reading.
People can wind up cherry-picking information, having too much personal investment in the situation, or certain interpretation to remain neutral. Sometimes, I'm like that. At the end of the day we're all only human and fans of this media. There's no exactly right way to be a fan of a media and what that looks like will vary from person to person.
Now some may think,
All that really matters is if that person is having fun with the piece of fiction that they are a fan of. Fiction is here for the personal entertainment of the one viewing it. If a certain way of viewing the work is entertaining to someone else, then more power to them.
"Well, that's just your personal feelings on the matter. Yet, if their headcanon doesn't align with canon then they're just flanderizing the characters. This is dismissive of all the work the author put in to create such an enriching world brimming with great characterization. Plus it's unfair to people who really like and accept the character as they are."
Firstly, no one needs a justification to dislike someone else's headcanons or theories. We all have our own likes and dislikes. Not everything online is going to be tailor-made for every person. Free yourself from this commitment to giving takes you dislike that much energy.
Because from first hand experience no one in this fandom or any fandom really gives a fuck about what the source material is saying. Fans will make any stretch that allows them to get to their favored conclusion. Regardless of what canon or even the creator may say to contradict that conclusion.
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A prime example of this in the Milgram fandom is the three alter theory. Something at this point people may think I'm being unnecessarily harsh on, but it truly is just a case of it being the most blatant example of the point I'm trying to make.
Because Deco literally one of the creators of this series came on mic and said there were two Mikoto's and look where we still are,
Maristelina Translation
Please don't let people pretend they're canon compliant and unbiased now. Because Mikoto is a great example of that being false. It didn't matter how many times this was spelled out to the fandom or blatantly said.
From the second trial CD cover,
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To lyrics of within his second trial song,
"Just the two of us, relieved, aren’t you? I’ll protect you (us)."
Right back to one of the people who created and worked on it spelling it out for everyone to see.
Some individuals disliked the writer's statement on this matter so much they started to push forth the idea that the creator was autistic and just didn't know. All in order to support their interpretation of the text. Even though she had just stated it was not her intent to write an autistic coded character and whether she herself is autistic does not change that lack of intent.
Here's an example not related to Milgram as well. Recently, the creator of Dungeon Meshi was asked if she intentionally wrote Laois as autistic. She stated that she hadn't written him with that intent. Needless to say, some people were not happy with that answer. Because it ruined their headcanon of the character and directly contradicted their interpretation of the text.
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Anime News Network
So, let's not play games this isn't just a Milgram fandom issue.
Everyone is capable of taking things too far in this regard no matter what fandom they're in.
People can take their interpretations of media way too far at times regardless of the media itself. What's happening with Ryoko Kui isn't new. I've personally heard people speculating about if Deco or Yamanaka have dissociative identity disorder along with other diagnoses simply based on the things they create. People have speculated about creators based on what they create so often there's a whole game about it,
The Beginner's Guide (made by the same guy that made The Stanely Parable)
This is something that has been going on since long before even I was born. That's how common this is and exactly why I find it interesting to note where some people's suspension of disbelief rigidly ends. What breaks the immersion. How willing people are to assume about another human being but downright hostile to the idea that people would have opinions on a piece of media that don't alogn with their own.
What's a viewers line? The thing that will be too much for them. That one facet that will make them go no this is too out of character for me. Regardless of if the information is coming from another fan or the creator themselves.
"Well actually Yuno says in her second voice drama that,
To keep on our main example,
To some assuming/theorizing there are more alters in Mikoto's case despite what has been publicly stated is fine because in their subjective opinion it adds more nuance and is truer to life. However, the same person may respond to someone else headcanoning Yuno and Kotoko as friends poorly with a response like this,
"Really? If you ask me, Kotoko is someone I would never want to make my friend, though. She's the type to pick a conclusion from the very beginning and won't actually talk with you."
So, they'd never be friends. The canon has made that super clear. Did you even watch the source material. Clearly not. It's just too much of a stretch and it's breaking my immersion... I mean she'd never be friends with her she said so herself! It is that simple! The source material spelled it out- Jeez, does anyone even care about canon as much as I do?"
Again I'm only using Yuno and Kotoko as an example because it's an easy reach. It can be any completely platonic, mundane headcanon, that has no impact on the source material and causes no harm to anyone.
To use another example the theory that Futa was becoming wrapped up in Amane's religion. Despite having an abundance of canon foreshadowing as evidence it was treated more as a silly headcanon. It was pushed against and viewed as just a silly leap of logic comparable to that of headcanon with no basis in the source material. Except on top of that some people were very consistently harrassed for presenting this as a possibility at all.
Meanwhile dudes who aren't joining cults be like (this is sarcasm and being used to again highlight how little canon matters to people),
22/04/19 (Futa’s Birthday)
Futa: Ahh…… I’m not wrong…… I wasn’t doing anything wrong...... Shut up, why are you going on an on about something so minor…… It has nothing to do with you…… Aaahhh……
Amane: Oh, were you talking to yourself, Futa-san? Or maybe there’s something there you’re able to see?
Futa: ……! O-oh, it’s just you. It’s nothing. ……but well, on that note. Hey. Don’t you have anything happening too? Since being in here, just suddenly getting anxious. Feeling as though loads of people are all there condemning you, telling you you were wrong.
Amane: ……I’m fine. I don’t know what you’ve done or what it is you’re worried about, but I think if there’s something you believe in, you should stay true to it. It’s not something that should waver just because other people said something. I personally don’t plan on changing my own beliefs even if I’m told I’m wrong either…… ……today is your birthday, correct? I’ll pray for God to keep you under his care.
November 23, 2022
"Bless me, please, with one more chance."
23/04/19 (Futa’s Birthday)
Futa: ……! Oi, is it just you. Don’t scare me like that. You shouldn’t just stand there saying nothing. Hah, what? Did you just come to laugh at me for being weak? Dumb brat.
Amane: No. I just came to observe. To see what people are thinking. To see who is being corrupted. What about you, Kajiyama Futa?
Amane: It goes without saying. Because there’s something far more important than the voices of people we can’t even see. People are able to get back up again. As long as there’s something to guide them. Kajiyama Futa, by coincidence today happens to be your birthday, correct? Don’t you think it’s a good opportunity to be reborn? If, right now, you could shake off those around you trying to drag you down to depravity, and could change––
Futa: I understand even less of what you’re saying than I did before.
Brat, you’re on the side who weren’t forgiven too, right? ……so why can you still stand. Don’t you can hear it too? The voices blaming us. ……I don’t have the energy to do anything like this.
23/07/05 (Mu’s Birthday)
Futa: Oi, you. Is he ok? He’s not even left his room lately.
Mu: You mean Haruka-kun? Hmm. Yeah, probably. I’ve been bringing all his meals to him so he should be fine. Isn’t that great of me?
Futa: Hah? Who the hell says that sort of thing about themself. ……ah, no, well, right now I understand a bit. When you’re feeling down, it’s nice to have someone who relies on you and accepts you. The rest of us can’t really understand you from where we’re standing. But well, if you’re Haruka’s “salvation” then I guess it really is great.
Mu: Salvation……? I don’t know what you mean. Futa-kun, you don’t sound like yourself. Did you hit your head or something? Oh, wait, you actually did, didn’t you. Ahaha. Ah, putting that aside though, did you know it’s my birthday today?
23/01/17 (Mahiru’s Birthday)
Amane: Happy birthday. Mahiru-san. How is your body feeling?
Mahiru: ……ah, Amane-chan. Thank you. Yeah, I’m fine. Now I can move around if I use a wheelchair…… It’s all thanks to Shidou-san looking after me……
Amane: I’ll give you one warning. The two of you are dabbling in something tabooed. If you continue to go against the way of nature like this, you’ll just bring an early death upon yourself. Think hard about this.
Mahiru: Amane-chan……? Are you really Amane-chan……?
Futa-kun, you don’t sound like yourself.
24/04/19 (Futa’s Birthday)
Futa: ––Hey, are you really ok with this? If you come with me, there’s a chance you can be saved too…… Haruka.
Haruka: Yeah…… I’ve made my mind up. I have, something, that I have to do.
Futa: Ah, is that right…… Haruka, you know, you’re an idiot. There’s no way…… that will save you……
Haruka: Yeah, thank you. I’m glad you came to talk to me, Futa. Um, thank you, for being so kind. Really. But, I’m sorry. This is all I’m able to do……
I believe all this shows that it really doesn't matter if the way one chooses to interpret the media complies with what's stated within canon or suppirted by the people who made it. At least from my perspective it's never really seemed to matter that much to the people grandstanding as though it does. I'm a rigidly canon compliant person, especially when it comes to analysis and fan works. Still even I just come up with stuff for fun sometimes that's only natural. I do this while fully understanding it won't ever be canon and I'm fine with it not being canon. Some things can just be for me and me alone.
Now I personally believe being canon compliant is fun because it shows a person ways to break canon if they want to. I'm the type of person who reread the source material to write fan fiction or goes out of their way to get a light novel just for the purpose of better understanding tge characterization. Because that's how I personally enjoy myself.
However, I've recognized from personal experience that's not how many people enjoy themselves. Based on those experiences I can say fandom spaces are generally a do as I say not as I do type of area when it comes to discussions around canon. Where the only take away can be sometimes it matters sometimes it doesn't. Yet when boiled down to it- This is just another bias where people can say I can see it because I like it then go it can't be that because I don't like that.
This isn't always a bad thing either as long as it's not taken to some extreme like assuming the diagnoses and experiences of the people who wrote the thing.
For me it's easier to come to that conclusion and not put so much attention on the sometimes brash opinions of others when I just go,
Outside of doing that this is just how people engage with media generally. Yes, from my perspective it seems as though some believe canon only exists when they need it to dismiss interpretations they personally don't like and support the ones they do. Yet from someone else's perspective that would just be them having fun and taking their interests seriously. I would be taking things too seriously and in bad faith by looking into that more deeply. Because no one has the right to tell someone else how they should enjoy things.
It's fine for people to have preferences in how they engage with things or choose not to engage with them.
"No one cares about canon. Outside of using it as an excuse to prop up what they like and bash what they don't canon does not matter."
I feel this is a fair conclusion to come to based on my personal experiences with fandom generally. In instances I've been told the writer of the thing wrote it wrong, canon should be ignored, this is why death of the author exists,
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Canon and the authorial intent doesn't matter especially when it contradicts the things that the person viewing the work wants to believe. It's no longer about what the work is saying but about what one thinks it's saying. Despite both of these things being important to having a clear understanding of what one is being presented with.
Someone can write a paper starting with,
"I believe everyone should be happy and able to pursue their dreams."
But if you find out the intent behind that paper a few paragraphs in is supporting segregation the author's intent begins to really matter.
Like if a few sentences in the paper goes,
"This is why I believe we should respect the publics stated preference to keep our schools segregated. So, that everyone can get the appropriate and safest education."
The intent ceases to be ignorable in that instance. However, not everyone is just going to go on the record and say that. Not everything is always going to present itself in such an overtly bias way. This is why knowing the authors intent and beliefs can only give readers a better understanding of what they may possibly be internalizing.
A better example of this is the Harry Potter book series. Death of the author doesn't change who wrote that series. It just gives people the right to interpret the series however they want. Death of the Author says go headcanon! Go ham if you want to take the unambiguous sexism, classism, antisemitism, and racism out of this book franchise in order to allow yourself to take away a positive lesson from it then do that if that's what's helpful to you. Hell, do that with every book you ever read if you see fit. Once it's published it's out of the authors hands you can do anything with it.
Yet that doesn't stop those implications from existing in the framework of the text or other people who read the same thing from wanting to unpack and discuss those implications. Or even just discuss the shortcomings of the author themselves.
Death of the author does allow people to dissociate the author, their background, and intent from the text they've written. Yet, that's not a good thing because those biases that are sometimes deeply intrenched in bigotry will still remain in the text and may go unquestioned by the people reading it.
When a book describes a black child as looking adult for their age Death of the Author goes don't question why the writer may have said that and the biases this may imply. Just know this black child being described looks like an adult. This is a reference to a real description of a black thirteen year old I read in a children's book by the way. Like black children and children of color are generally described as looking mature for their age in not only fiction but in the news.
However, Death of the Author would tell you that background information isn't that important for understanding what you've been presented with. That you can just take the story as it is without needing any outside information. Death of the author leaves it to the one viewing the works at that time to either go oh I guess black children just look adult for their age or hey I don't look twenty at twelve or thirteen what the fuck.
Something that is completely subjective to the viewers proximity to the thing being discussed.
Yet, knowing the authors background would give context to descriptive choices such as these when it comes to describing black and other people of color in their work. Especially if it's a consistent pattern in said work. Death of the author says fuck that interpret the page however you want if you think certain sorts of children look older than they are or adult for their age take it as it is if not question it a little.
I don't believe I have to explain how this mindset exacerbates many of the arguments surrounding media in this day and age. I feel like this one is very self-explanatory. This is why while not difficult to separate a work from it's author it is irresponsible to do so. Simply because those are the people who made it. They shaped and created it without them the thing quite simply would not exist for better or worse and their biases can be seen throughout it.
Do you have to know every detail about the creator of everything you ever watch, read, or enjoy? No. Yet when the intent is told to the audience over and over if one cares about canon then they should at least take the intent into consideration as well. Because authorial intent shapes the canon. To those who believe that canon matters that much which I truly believe is no one but if there are people who seriously do-
Then look at canon analyze it, ask questions about it- Ask things like why would the author frame it this way, or say x here. People shouldn't just reach for canon when they need to kick down someone else's headcanon in order to feel validated in their own interpretation of the work.
Especially when in cases where the shoe is on the other foot and canon doesn't support our own beliefs we all have a habit of going some variation of,
"Well the author and the text did say x but this is my personal headcanon and how I like to the view it."
"I mean authors can be wrong sometimes too guys. Death of the author and all that. The writer just fumbled my interpretation is way better. Check out my fix it fic."
"I mean I like it still but they just did my fave so dirty. It's like people can't just write [insert sort of person here] well anymore."
Yet when it's someone else's headcanon this sort of talk suddenly becomes-
"Why can't the fandom stop flanderizing [insert character here]."
"Why does everyone treat [insert character here] as ignorant and naïve?"
"Why does everyone have this hyperviolent interpretation of [insert brown character here] regardless of how kind they're presented being in canon?"
Okay now I'm just putting very unsubtle jabs at fandom interpretations I've seen and personally disliked. Try to guess the fandom? Spoiler alert you can't because this behavior is simply that common.
Or to get back on track-
"This headcanon friendship and this au scenario are so out of character."
Man I wonder why it's like these are headcanons or something? Things that aren't trying to present themselves as fact but instead are creating a scenario where someone else's favorite characters can interact with each other. Because that person may not feel they get enough of that in canon.
It's not an in depth character study or a analysis of the series as a whole with cited instances of these characters saying, "Hey you're not that bad actually. I think we could be friends."
Unlike whatever the fuck was going on with Mikoto where they created a new guy and then consistently ignored authorial intent wherever it was contradictory to that guys existence. That was actually presented as fact and what the author was intending by some which is kind of different from going this is my headcanon. Plus given my continued wretched experiences with Mikoto's fans I feel like I have every right to be petty about this.
This is me being petty I could take this part out but no that was bullshit. What I had to go through in fandom in general was bullshit. How people have treated people for interpreting things differently from them is bullshit. The only thing it can come off as is entitlement plain and simple. So, yeah to me discussions around that were a stretch but a headcanon is a headcanon.
It's not presenting itself as a fact and it can be so easily ignored. No one needs evidence to make one because it's not a theory. It's in the name. It's a canon the person viewing the thing has made up in their own head. Headcanons do not and have never had to be canon compliant. These are something completely independent from canon.
But what about the three alter theory you just dragged aren't those people just having fun too- That is a theory being presented as fact- Widely so. Despite everything implying or downright stating it is not the case. Nothing can hurt that idea because it's the idea people want to be true. They'll keep believing it because it's helpful to their personal enjoyment. Which I guess at that point makes it fall under being a headcanon but it hasn't been presented as such.
Even still I've made it clear on numerous occasions that I have no issue with people who just like this interpretation for their personal enjoyment. Outside of the one instance of me being overtly petty the only reason I brought that up in this case was because I was trying to highlight how little canon and authorial intent matters and it happened to the best example of that.
Yet outside of this situation I rarely think of this concept unless it is brought up to me. Personally I wouldn't say this is a bad thing to believe or tell people to stop believing it. Unless they're treating dissociative identity disorder like a monolith and saying it can only present one way. However, if that's not happening I don't tend to care because how other people enjoy themselves and the things they like is their business.
If viewing it that way makes someone else happy then I'm happy for them.
The point of this post is literally just me going it's fine to believe what you want especially if it enhances your enjoyment of the media. Yet, respecting that other people have the right to believe whatever they want too is just as important. Like don't be hypocrite about it.
Plus it's far easier to just say I don't like this headcanon or when the relationshio between these characters are explored in this way without labeling the thing being discussed as contradictory to canon.
We all know it's a headcanon, it's an exploration of characters, it's not canon compliant. It's in the name.
"Buh-but, Gunsli some people might only see fanon and thinks that's the characters canon relationship or how the character is in general."
However, I'm certain that to many others how I interpret canon is fanon and I've got no doubt that to some people the views other fans hold are just fanon as well. I can't help just thinking of this whenever I hear someone complaining about another person's interpretation being to out of character or a stretch,
Oh, I know. I have first hand experience with that from the three alter theory. People will see that theory parroted over and over in theory videos, art, analysis etc and think this character exists. So, welcome to my reality.
See something in fanon you don't like- Just ignore it. Let the people have their fun. It's not that big of a deal or if it's really so bothersome do what fans have been doing for years and make some here's why x fandom reads x character wrong content. Because chances are if the interpretation provided annoys yiu it does annoys someone else. Yet there is no reason.to just tell someone having fun that you think they're wrong. Even though it's tempting and people can be really wrong.
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Because in Milgram we seriously don't have enough information about these characters to say that this is the case.
Even when I make complaints like that (such as this post) it just feels like,
I have too much self-awareness to not go well if this isn't the pot calling the kettle black. Like come on it's fucking funny! This is the interpretation show what the fuck else am I supposed to feel other than how runny this is. Like if someone is in the interpretation fandom and they hate interpretations- How did they like survive this long?
Certainly, it doesn't feel that good when it's an idea one doesn't agree with themselves. I know trust me I know. Yet it doesn't feel much better when someone is just openly being an ass about your genuine interests either.
Even when some person feels that what the other is saying is so obviously not canon that they view it as diminishing to the narrative and the characterization it provides. It's not a fun feeling to have characters you like flanderized but it's not fun to have the characterization you like to view a character under labeled as fladerization either. This is a lose-lose situation where the only real solution is to try to be kind to one another.
Because at the end of the day if no one is being hurt by someone else's interpretation, if someone isn't spreading misinformation, or diminishing the lived experiences of others then just let them have their fun.
This is just how fandom works. People are free to believe whatever they want regardless of what the text says. If I wanted to fucking I don't know say that the guy Kotoko jumped and Mikoto were friends. I could do that I'm well within my right and I wouldn't have to explain why. I can just headcanon them as college classmates now. Fuck it they're around the same age.
But that's- Exactly how it fucking works.
If I wanted to fucking I don't know say that Kotoko's dad was also Mikoto's father who left his family for a new one and they are actually half siblings. I could do that too. No one can stop me. I could just say that's my headcanon and that would be the end of that.
There's not a discussion to be had. I'm using my imagination. My imagination isn't rooted in fact like my theories. I do what the fuck I want with my imagination- It's mine.
Be free from canon. That is why headcanons exist. If you're not writing an analysis or theory fuck being canon compliant. Hell some people aren't canon compliant even when they're writing stuff that one would hope people were being faithful and aware of the canon while writing.
I like canon. I find joy in dissecting canon and seeing how it ticks. That is enjoyable to me. Yet some people can just write theories solely because they would like something to be the case then cherry pick around the point they want to make. No one is immune to bias and I don't think I am.
Go off.
Do it make that headcanon. No one here can stop you. Because no one in this fandom has any high ground. None whatsoever. Not even me. I make it abundantly clear that I'm bias and if I'm not writing an in depth theory I'm not adhering to canon as rigidly.
I try to separate my biases from what I write but I do have them. I'm not infallible even theory to an extension is a form of fan work that can be riddled with bias and drenched in justifications. Still it's important to let others have their own opinions and space to express them.
Again unless they are blatantly spreading misinformation or bigotry that's harmful to others I really can't stress this enough. This is not what any of the things listed here do on their own that's something individuals choose to do completely outside of these things. At their core these interpretations are all just others ways for people to enjoy the thing they care about.
"But do they really care about it if they have to change so much just to enjoy it?"
"Is it selfish to make a favorite shape and love it."
That's subjective. It's perfectly fine for anyone to do what Kazui sings in Neo-Neon and,
Which yes is a selfish thing to do. Because a person is not letting the thing just be what it is. Instead one is just making it into what they want it to be. However it's not as though this is being done to a real person or causing someone real harm. It's fine to just enjoy things how one finds most enjoyable to them as long as we can all respect that not everyone is going to enjoy things the same way.
Just try not to rain on other people's parade.
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Here's some rules and heads-ups of how I'll be running this account.
Important Note: Hey @ilikepjo24 here. When I'm posting on my main, I'm not in character, when I'm posting here, you're speaking to Velvette.
1) Minors are not allowed. This account will absolutely, 100%, without a shadow of doubt contain talk of substances, cursing, harassment, sexual themes and other illegal stuff you'd expect to see in Hazbin Hotel related content that minors should absolutely not interact with. Additionally, I'm almost 30 years old, I don't want to speak with minors online. Minors shouldn't be speaking with me. Stay safe kids.
2) If, for whatever reason, a situation occurs where I must break character, then whatever I have to say as not!Velvette will be in double parenthesis as seen here -> "((...))". If you see me commenting under a post with this at the end of the comment "/📱", then this is Velvette speaking. If that's not there, then I'm talking off character.
3) Despite this being a Velvette RP account, I will, on occasion, do things that may be OOC. But there's not much Velvette character reading, so there's not much chance of mischaracterization, so we may or may not have different views of what OOC might mean.
4) I know Velvette is British, but I'm not, and English isn't my first language so expect grammatical errors (maybe even spelling ones, when I type too fast)
5) Some of my Velvette interactions will be affected by my personal views and headcanons (like this one) of Velvette. If you're looking for a 100% in character RP, this is not it.
6) My Velvette has the background I talked about in this post on my main. This will affect the way I interact with other RP accounts. So you might want to check it out.
7) I'm not too sure how I feel about doing smut. This is my first shot at RP, so currently I'd rather keep it PG-13 until I get more comfortable with the character. If you're reading this post +1 year after I first posted it (11/07/2024, DD/MM/YYYY) feel free to assume that by the time you're reading this, I've probably gotten used to the character by now, and I might be doing some sexual RP.
8) In case you didn't read the posts I linked earlier, my Velvette's sexuality is gray-A omnisexual (+pillow princess), so this will affect any type of romantic/sexual RP I may or may not do.
9) If you're an RP account, pls pls pls pls pls interact, I'm really excited about this, I really want to do this, it looks so fun, so humor me?
10) I will follow back most of the rp accounts that follow me, I might just take some time to follow you back, but I'm not ignoring you, I'm just looking for an opportunity to sit down and go over your rules to avoid overstepping your boundaries.
11) If you're an RP account that chose to interact with me, and I'm making you uncomfortable or bothering you or getting a bit too much at times, call me out on it please. I promise I won't get offended. Sometimes I can't tell people's boundaries with ease, so if I overstep or become overwhelming/annoying, let me know!
12) I'll try to use British slang, I promise. I, however, do not use British slang in my day to day life, so I might cock it up (see what I did here?)
13) I'll try to be active a lot, since Velvette would def be on her phone 24/7, but I also have a life, so if you notice that I'm not posting for some time it's because of that life getting in the way. I'm a teacher, so it's likely that I'll be less online during the school year, especially on week days. But I'll do my best to keep up with everything!
14) All the RP posts I'll do with be tagged as "RP:[character name] by [username}" (E.g RP: Valentino by [insert username]), so if you want to avoid seeing RP's of a specific character or a specific version of a character or a specific mun, go ahead and filter that out.
15) All posts I'll make/reblog while in character will be tagged as "In character RP" and "In character reblog" if it's not an original post of mine, while if I ever make a post as Kate (me) instead of Velvette, I'll tag it as "Off Character".
16) Oftentimes, instead of adding a seperate thought within the RP, I'll simply put my off character thoughts in the tags.
17) Any asks I might receive will be tagged as "Asks" additionally to other tags that might fit in this situation. And whenever I drop my Velvette lore I'll tag that as "Velvette (Mun's Version)".
18) If a post I make on character as a reply/reaction to posts of other RP creators I follow/am mutuals with/interact with, that will be tagged as "dash affairs" and I'll link the post I'm referring to, to avoid confusion.
19) When I talk as Velvette, the letters will be pink! (E.g "Seriously? You let yourself wander outside wearing that?")
20) If you don't fw with poc or LGBTQIA+ individuals, we ain't gonna be friends. You're not gonna like me or my Velvette and I won't like you either so don't waste your time or mine and just block or I will.
21) I'm not going to post anything activism or politics related in this blog. If you care to know my opinions on politics or other news, check my main for any posts I might have made/rebloged. If I haven't made/rebloged a post on a subject you really need to know how I feel about for whatever reason, I suppose you can send a message and ask, but I'm not guaranteed to respond, since I might be uneducated on the subject, which is probably why I didn't post about it in the first place. But keep it on the main, not here.
22) I don't have issues with any ship. I know some people are sensitive to proshipping, I'd say I'm nonchalant towards it. Bigots are my only DNI, so if you're a proshipper follow if you want ig. I don't fw all ships but I'm not against any either. If I don't like your ship, I simply will not bring it up in conversation, and if you do, I'll let you know I'm not a fan of said ship. But I'm not gonna block or unfollow anyone due to shipping preferences. Ship whatever you want, I don't really care.
I think that'll be all for now! I'll probably return and edit this as I see fit, so you might want to return here sometimes, but I don't think there will be any major changes. Kisses Darlings!
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lightlycareless · 2 years
Chapter 29 - thoughts.
Hey everyone! Back again with some behind-the-scenes from the latest chapter, chapter 29! (Which I totally recommend reading over here before diving into this post if you want to avoid spoilers, or out-of-context spoilers, that is 🤭)
Just a reminder, this is something extra to the chapters, and not really necessary. So if you don’t want to read it, it’s completely fine ❤
Per usual, here are the warnings: not proofread, everything is candid here lmao and spoilers!!
Now, without further ado, on to the notes:
I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before, but writing the part where the characters are finally starting to move on from certain important events, the “after the storm comes the calm” in a way is always so… difficult to me. Like, wow, all that stuff happened and the characters have to be like “ah, well, this is just another typical tuesday my friends! On we go with our lives!” it’s so… baffling and difficult for me to write down, I feel as if I were rushing through things, but at the same time, if I let them ruminating in the aftermath of these successions I’ll never finish the story 😂 So I apologize if some things seem to be a bit… weird with the pacing 😭
Good thing I made Y/N notice that too 😂 (that was kind of writing a jab at me) Well, it was only natural that the characters would grow some kind of resistance to these things, after all, they already survived through the difficult part, guess the rest should be somewhat easier….
Anyways :> Even when I already had the basic plotline of what I wanted to portray in this chapter (or for the rest of the story, that is haha) I still had some difficulties writing it down, so in the end, I decided to set it as some kind of continuation from the last one and expand on what the estate was thinking of the whole Y/N-Naoya-Naobito situation, but from a closer perspective, that is, from the “masters”: Jinichi, Ogi, Naobito, and finally, Junko—all whom I didn’t specify before.
I kept Jinichi’s somewhat kind personality per the extras in volume 17, although it’s clear that Y/N is still hesitant about him haha and I get it. He’s quite intimidating, just like his brother 😂 (I can’t wait to advance the story a bit more to write down what I had planned for him in the story vs what actually ended up happening) and he’s like part of the main branch, you know? Y/N doesn’t want to intermingle with them any more than she has to. 
But he’s trying, I’ll give him that. Misunderstood for certain, I just hope Gege doesn’t put anything out there regarding him that will have me 💀 anyways, it was hilarious for me to read how Y/N was basically “Uh, I… remind you of someone everyone hates?” but on a larger scale, I guess it makes sense. Most people in the estate (even though some started to like her) dislike her too hahah—still, Toji got the short end of the stick :’( I wonder what their relationship would’ve been…
From there, Ogi and Junko. 
Junko is, without a question, one of my favorite characters from the Zen’in family. I just… I don’t know, I have a thing for mother’s who were put through hell and yet, still loved their children despite what their environment was pushing them to. It accurately represents trauma and how it affects people. I just wish some readers of the manga would see that 😂 it still baffles me to see how mischaracterized she was… and how little we got from her in the manga! I truly believe Maki was cursed by Mai when she told her to destroy everything. (There’s so many things I want to know, but that’s for another time)
Now, Junko having her “change of heart” was something that made me sad, ngl. She was slowly opening up to Y/N, mainly because of the fondness she was showing to her daughters… but nooooo Ogi and to come along and ruin everything, per usual.
I tried to state that Junko is… well, nothing more than a victim in this house and that most of the things she’s doing while in the estate is a replication of what’s expected of her. More likely than not she probably would’ve kept quiet about it, since it’s not her business to comment on what happens with the masters or what they decide to do (the main reason as to why she kept quiet about Naoaki, even though she was highly disapproving of) yet, she knew that her duty to Y/N and whatever mistake she committed was going to be a direct reflection of her, and her husband, so it’s why she decided to start acting horribly towards her.
I really, really, hate writing (or even implying) just how abusive Ogi really is towards Junko. It might’ve not been stated in the manga, but I feel that given the context we were provided around Ogi’s point of view regarding his daughters (how quick he was to attack Mai, and subsequently Maki), and the misogynistic environment, that couldn’t be too far fetched. Adding that unfortunately, it’s something that happens alot in real life with marriages that well, I don’t know, were forced to happen, and with Junko, coming from a traditional family, she couldn’t do anything but take it and act as she’s expected… yeah. It’s self explanatory.
(To believe that Ogi is out there, believing he’s carrying all of the burdens… Come on sir—guess delusion truly runs in the family.)
I can’t imagine what Mai and Maki were put through when they were younger, having to see their mother suffer in silence… I wish Gege would’ve told us more of their dynamic instead of giving us that rushed interpretation of a complex relationship between mother and daughter’s 💀 But I’m here to fill the voids agjakjsghaskjghjas
Still, I can’t stay that angry at Ogi, after all, I do have something planned for him :)
But let’s move to another topic:
Ok, now that is something most of you did not expect (if not all, let’s be real, not even I expected it!) It kind of just dawned on me one day as I was looking through past character ask’s, stumbling into the “nicknames they would like”.
I stated that Naohiko would like to be called a brat (in a very specific context) and it made me wonder, well, who would dare call him something like that?
That’s where the serious, no-nonsense, Hitomi came along. She’s already demonstrated that she’s not afraid of standing up and calling out bs when it happens (Chapter 12, when Naoya is questioning the ladies if Y/N hadn’t done something personally to affect her health and Hitomi was like: NO, with Mariya immediately dismissing her to avoid worsening the already tense situation lol) so I thought: “Oh yeah, definitely. If someone were to put others back in their place, it would be her”
I’m planning on writing how the first meeting between Naohiko and Hitomi went 🤭 had the draft there for a while now, just need to polish it.
Guess we’ll see where this goes as the story progresses :>
From there, the parts that I didn’t like writing because it just felt straight-up silly, and that is, when Hitomi, Haruko, Mariya, and Y/N are basically planning how to avoid Naoya and his weird plan. 
Writing them so… hastily trying to save Y/N from another sour predicament just made me feel bad for them 😂 as if whatever they did, it would never work because Naoya is just too big of a force to avoid, and I guess Mariya knew that too, that’s why she didn’t argue with Y/N that much when she voiced her change of plans.
I just wish for them to have a moment of peace 😭 please, Naoya… just leave them alone.
The other person that knew this, and if I’m being honest perhaps the person that was being more “sensible” about it was Naoaki, because even if Y/N wanted to escape her husband, he was just going to find another way to bring her along. At least this way she’ll be able to find out how her health has been faring… if that’s what Naoya truly intends in doing, anyways.
Ah… Naoaki saying that he would’ve taken her if he could is just 🥺 AND THAT KISSING SCENE AT THE BEGINNING AAAAAAHHAH guess something really is brewing between the two, and we got front seats for it 🤭 just like Hitomi and Naohiko, I wonder where this will go… Imagine the kind of face Naoya would have if he’d seen them??? He would’ve lost it that’s for sure!!
And finally… Ranta’s plan.
Reading y’all’s theories was certainly… interesting. I like how we basically gave up on any kind of logic from them and just assumed the worst 😂 and I can’t blame y’all, it’s basically all that has been happening whenever the two are involved.
Still, the truth is... Ranta is very kind-hearted, so I guess we can always expect good things from him in a way, although his intentions are... eh, I mean, he was like “Take her out, and spend some time together” and how he wanted that to happen… is sus. Very sus, Ranta, how dare you corner Y/N like that?!
Well, surely we didn't expect him to be like: “Take Y/N out on a date for no apparent reason, as if nothing happened” with Y/N responding: “Sure!” and neither did he, that's why he went ahead to set that fail-safe regarding the urgency of her health (He's the one that instructed Naoya to tell the servants about her being cautious and what not, although dear husband was already thinking it, he just needed reassurance, you know?) But we shall see if it works for them 😂 place your bets, everybody!
Ranta really out there trying to save his ship, even going as far as gaslighting Naoya into believing nothing was going on with Naoaki and his wife that one night. I’m sure he wasn’t able to sleep that night without Ranta rushing to his aid. Ah, to have good friends 😅
Also, I hope it was somewhat implicitly clear that Naoya was not doing any of these things out of the goodness of his heart, he’s still acting through the volitions of others and that… agh, man, it’s like one step forward, two backwards 😭
And the way he was acting so “love-struck” with her? Nah, that was not… no. If someone told me that, someone I have a relationship of animosity with for example, I’d be like “get those ugly ass compliments away from me I DO NOT CARE” those words mean nothing... as of now.
I hope a miracle comes through with them in the following chapters, if not… 😭
Anyways, the last part… the clothes!!
I missed detailing their garments, I still remember when I used to do that at the beginning of the story, but as it went on, that kind of fell into irrelevance 😂 I mean, there was a war going on… how could I 😭
The way Y/N’s staff dressed her up to go out with Naoya was… how do I say it, baffling? I can’t believe any of them were happy to get her all nicely when she was to go out with someone they all definitely hated. I’m sure they were all thinking of doing the bare minimum, but with Junko looming around, they probably didn’t have much say.
Still, here are the things I imagined she wore: her kimono right over her, (I remember seeing another one that I like better than this one, but I just couldn't find it anymore... 😭) and her hair clips right over here (without the long, silver dangling thing)
(P.S. Remember that yellow kimono with the blue obi from chapter 12? Keep that in mind for the following chapters… haha)
Naoya should be grateful he’s even seeing her like that, Naoaki is the only one that deserves so at this point :3
I wonder how many things she got at the wedding reception… and how many of them she actually got to keep, considering that the things Hinata sent to her to “ease” her homesickness never arrived so…
I really don’t know how everything is going to pan out once in writing, but all I know is that I’m super excited about it, and more to share it with all of you!
As always, these are just comments/notes that I thought influential when writing the chapter, so if there’s something that I missed that you guys wish for me to expand on, don’t hesitate to send me an ask! I’ll be sure to respond to the best of my ability without spoiling the story, of course.
Thank you so much for tuning in for a new update, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, take care, and hope to see you soon!
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suhmayzooka · 3 years
Drop your daisuga thesis monarch
asking me about daisuga on iwaoi day smh 
oh well....if you insist.............oh no my hands are on my keyboard............i guess i have to talk about daisuga.............
the thing about daisuga is i feel almost everyone ships it but not many people have it as their number 1 otp, you know? i actually discovered the otp:true search function on ao3 just to filter out allllllll the fics that have them as a background pairing. there is a dedicated daisuga fanbase responsible for some of the loveliest works i’ve had the pleasure of consuming, but aside from them a certain majority of hq fans completely mischaracterize daisuga and then have the nerve to complain about daisuga based on their mischaracterizations!!
“daisuga is boring” ???? “daisuga is heteronormative” ???????!?!??!?!?!?!!?!?!?!??!???!?!?!?! i feel like non-daisugaists live in an alternate world because how. HOW do you look at daisuga and have THESE be the top two thoughts that come to mind??
there’s this amazing compilation of some canon moments so i won’t rehash everything there, just pointing to it because this!!! this is not boring!!!!!!!!!!! 
people look at daisuga and see the parents of karasuno, off to the sidelines while the main relationship has its ups and downs. and that’s okay......but daisuga literally have their own angsty story too!!! they’ve got some drama!!! they’ve got some development!!
WHO stayed with karasuno when the team was the flightless crows??? WHO stayed on karasuno after the failed second year ??? WHO stayed on the team after the fallout with asahi and noya ?????? when everyone was thinking that karasuno had lost its glory, that there was no hope left in sight, that they should give up and quit, WHO STAYED ON?????? WHO WAS DETERMINED TO SUPPORT KARASUNO NO MATTER WHAT???? DAICHI. AND. SUGA.
they could’ve quit. at multiple points. but they DIDN’T. they support each other and they support the team. when daichi suggested quitting the team after they lost to seijoh WHO encouraged him to stay? SUGA. 
SUGA’S WHOLE CHARACTER ARC IS ABOUT FEELING WORTHLESS. HE’S SURPASSED BY KAGEYAMA. HE’S IN HIS FINAL YEAR OF VOLLEYBALL AND HE’S NOT EVEN ON THE TEAM’S STARTING LINEUP. HE’S GIVING OVER HIS POSITION TO A FIRST YEAR WITH ZERO EMOTIONAL/INTERPERSONAL SKILLS. do you know how HUMILIATING this is??? how ASHAMED he feels???? he’s the vice captain, he’s supposed to be the guy people look up to, and instead he has to hand it all over to a NEWBIE. he’s selfless and able to recognize it’s for the better, but STILL...
holy FUCK, in my opinion this is the opposite of the boring flavorless team parents thing certain people make it out to be. people praise haikyuu for its realism and attention to characterization and development, but somehow when it comes to suga they look away ??? your uwu sugamama has this whole arc going on, did you all forget?????? 
and daichi KNOWS. hE KNOWS SUGA FEELS INSECURE LIKE THIS. SO HE GOES OUT OF HIS WAY TO HYPE HIM UP. that proud “well, suga is a pretty darn good setter!” scene plays in my mind at random times. 
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rent. free.
he treats suga so gently. so sweetly. so much care and devotion in everything he does. suga’s always looking out for the team, but he’s always looking out for suga. in return suga’s the only person who really gets daichi. he’s the only one who can lecture daichi!!! because they have that bond, that trust between them, built ONLY OUT OF THEIR STRONG RELATIONSHIP AND BELIEF IN EACH OTHER.
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and while i’m on the topic. can we talk about the way fandom depicts suga? 
a bunch of hq characters have this fandom portrayal that’s so completely different from their canon personalities (e.g. fanon kuroo’s a sex god, fanon hinata is an innocent baby who can’t do anything. etc etc). but MY GOD. WHERE THE HELL DID SUGAMAMA COME FROM???? the suga that I KNOW isn’t an uwu soft angel who loves his little children....he’s a fucking CHAOTIC MENACE!!!! yes, he’s warm and kind to the first years, and is well-liked by the team because of this (he may not be an exceptional player, but he’s able to get karasuno to a good point when they play because of the respect and trust the rest of the team has in him).....but he’s also really mischievous?? and playful?? and just overall this really cool example of “hey, this guy seems like a nice, responsible upperclassman—oh shit, no he’s just as wild as the rest of them.” the guy. is EIGHTEEN. he’s an EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD DUDE. HE’S NOT A MOM. HE’S A SHIT WITH A HEART OF GOLD. he’s not running up to his children like “oh no! my poor babies! whatever have you gotten yourselves into?” he’s the INSTIGATOR.
canon suga would bully fanon suga.
anyway back to daisuga. 
suga is NOT some weak-willed housewife who can’t function without his husband. HE’S the one constantly knocking sense into daichi!!! they need each other, in the least codependent way.
daichi’s,,,,, a bit of an airhead??? he’s so obivious to yui’s feelings omg it’s so painfully funny to watch. and isn’t,,, isn’t he ALSO a bit of a mess?? i know i didn’t hallucinate him SETTING OFF THE FIRE ALARM WHILE FIGHTING WITH THE BASKETBALL CAPTAIN??? HELLO??????
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BRO??!?!?!??!??!? THIS is your uptight responsible boring father figure??????
suga knows daichi’s a damn dork. he TEASES him about it because yes.....they have jOKES. they BANTER?? SUGA’S THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN DO THIS TO DAICHI. 
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and in return, DAICHI is the one who can really understand SUGA’S insecurities.
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daichi keeps suga grounded (side note i learned daichi’s name means earth which is so fitting because he’s literally the strong core of the team....he holds it all together and that extends to suga). 
and then people say they’re “boring” for being “bland and domestic?”
do you know what domesticity is a sign of?? a foundation of TRUST. a longstanding buildup of learning each other, of adjusting to letting another person into your life and heart. of letting yourself feel love and be loved in return, to a point where you don’t need flashy signs of love or extravagant displays of affection. because you know that you love and you know they love you back, and you know that it’s the deepest love from the innermost part of your soul that won’t fizzle out because you’re not constantly on edge, waiting for the next big event in your relationship. because you know that the love you feel now isn’t dependent on anything but the time and dedication you’ve put into cultivating such a relationship, and you make the decision to keep loving even if it’s “boring” or not as “exciting” as before. it’s not about sparks and butterflies at the sight of your partner anymore, but a steady assurance that this is the person who makes you feel like home.
that’s daisuga.
daichi keeps suga grounded, but suga keeps daichi looking onwards.
and that’s why, no matter what, daisuga is the relationship i have always come back to in my seven years as a haikyuu fan. it’s not about feeling the sparks of passion. it’s about feeling at home with the person who understands you best.
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ruby-whistler · 3 years
Are you normal or do u sometimes go "IVE BEEN SCARED OF SLEEPING WITH THE LIGHTS ON(off? Idk its hard to decipher)"/lyrics -curious anon
me: oh boy, can't wait to try and make a tumblr blog! Before i do i should research it- *what in the hecking heck is an xkit*
djskdjsk i had no idea what an xkit was until yesterday and when i got it i got too confused and uninstalled it - dw curious anon i don’t use it either i just vibe and do whatever i guess. if you tag correctly and make good posts things should work out, can’t wait to see your acc around!
I got some sad-ist merch :DDD!!
yooo!! that’s so pog for you! it’s probably pretty comfy :D
me standing ominously in your askbox waiting to rec my fav fics:
fjsjdjsk i literally just finished passerine i still have 80 more (some of which are like 300k words long) on my to-read but uh if they have c!dream mischaracterized i’ll not be reading them anyways so it’s very hit-or-miss, will probably get through some of them quicker-
After many moons spent under the dsmp, seeing discourse and analysis alike, i have come to the conclusion i simply do not have the energy to care about any lore outside of c!tubbo and c!tommy's and will only defend them. And that is ok. It is ok to not watch or care about all dsmp or want to discourse about them or analyze. Idk man was thinking deep thoughts today
it’s ok to watch entertainment and enjoy it the way you want to! it’s great to want to enjoy or talk about your fav character!
the problems come up when you attack other people for their perspectives on the medium or spread misinformation about different characters based on only watching the perspective you like, but you know - if you’re not doing analysis, you really don’t need to look that deep into it.
it’s ok to just chill. your feelings about characters are valid! :D so yeah i agree with you! let people with different opinions exist if they’re also being respectful (e. g. tagging correctly).
Hey ik u worked with animgician's newest vid and i found a not-crit (i rlly think) little thought on it if u wanna see it
yoo feel free to send it in!!
No one: me: *shuffles around* wanna hear about my cool warden c!tommy au?
may i interest u in a little bit of my writing? If not that is ok i just wanna see if my writing is any good before working on a fic lol
Anyways if i am not in the askbox for a little it is because i am now writing a proper fic thing out. Wish me luck o7 -curious anon (i have three different lyrics i am going to be incorporating and a little analysis and just a smidgen of projection)
Ruby do u wanna read a little something i wrote? *does the little fingers thing* its really short just a headcanon with a little prose
i sure do! that sounds rlly cool - are you sure you don't wanna make a post about that on your own account though? i don't mind seeing it at all but i think the c!tommy tag would be able to appreciate that au better than my followers. you've gotta find the right target audience, y'know? /lh
though of course i'd love to see your writing, i'm sure it's great! looking forward to it :]
Ayo i remembered u talking about how punitive punishment doesn't work the other day so i want to discuss. What would u consider to be a fitting "punishment" for c!dream's canonic killing of mexican dream?/gen
i mean... we're not trying to - being against punitive justice is about the fact punishment is wrong, not just certain types of it. asking me what a "fitting punishment" would be is sort of very not getting the point.
hurting people further is not going to teach them anything and it’s not going to help anyone, why is it necessary?
so the answer is: none. he shouldn’t be punished, actually! he should learn on his own that what he did wasn’t right, and that’s about it. that’s the thing about transformative justice. him becoming a better person who Wouldn’t Do That again because it goes against who he is.
however, there’s also restorative justice, which is working to “make it up” to the victims. to which i propose; dream has the revival book and could literally bring him back once he is out of the prison. give him some powder maybe. md would probably be chill w/ that.
Yknow. In all my time in dsmpblr i can confidently say that the main differnece between c!dream apologist/enthusiants and c!wilbur/sam ones is that the c!wilbur/c!sam ones want their fav to have a breakdown and c!dream ones want theirs to get positive reinforcement /hj /lh
i’m pretty sure the sam and wil ones also want them to get better/get redeemed, at least deep down, but i get what you mean! you’re *glances at the 🟩⛏ gc where all we do 24/7 is write angst about c!dream being terribly hurt and then we cry about it* 100% correct. no angsters who like the pain here *nervously laughs* we all just want him to heal and be happy for the rest of his life with no heart-shattering breakdowns whatsoever! /s /lh
Hope ur having a great day m8 :]] -curious anon (also i have a new canon fact i wanna share. In quackity's alt lore stream yesterday he said (to the best of my memory) that "no law/juridsiction exists on the dream smp to prevent one from building anywhere" so i guess that clears up the big debate on wheather or not c!dream had a right to enforce rules (or basically the arguement that he owned the server by divine rule)
no i’m - i’m pretty sure that’s just how it works. dream still owns the smp, but he himself has said wayy back at the beginning “everyone can build and go wherever they want” and that was that. it was one of his rules on the smp, it was his main problem with l’manberg. being able to build anywhere were the rules that he “had the right” to enforce. and he did, not because he was a god, but because it was his smp, his home that he claimed for his friends. wouldn’t call it a big debate, it’s really that simple.
O U C H-
also for the old phil ask. Hes a bad dad because of how he treated ghostbur. I will elaborate if u want
didn’t ghostbur just say “i’m not wilbur” and philza said “you’re not my son” and they went on with their day? weren’t they actually in agreement that he wasn’t the same as wil when he was alive? i don’t remember him really treating him badly tbh other than disowning him which seems fair to me, because ghostbur was a literal stranger to phil at that point?
wish you a nice day, curious anon! (i’ll be back on my essays and answering other asks now, so i might not reply right away :])
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cutepresea · 4 years
6-8 Innocent Sister: Nightmarish Premonition
Apologies again for the spam. Parts 9-15 will be up either tomorrow or the next day.
If you want to blacklist these, you can use either the tag #innocent sister for just this event, or #xdu event scripts or #xdu scripts
Reminder that these are copied straight from XD Unlimited itself, so any grammatical weirdness, mistranslations, and/or mischaracterizations are not my doing.
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Serena: "Ngh... Why can't I get to sleep?"
Serena: (Seems like Sis is sleeping just fine.)
Serena: (Now that I'm here, I feel a little jealous. She has so many reliable allies and friends.)
Serena: (She works alongside five other wielders, has a big facility supporting her, and so many other things...)
Serena: (I know I should be happy! She seems to be enjoying herself, even when she's knee-deep in Noise.)
Serena: (But...)
Serena: (At the same time, it makes me realize just how much I missed during those seven long years.)
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Serena: (I'm glad I got to see those two. They seemed the exact same, even if they're taller than when I knew them.)
Serena: (I didn't mean to be so timid, but they were being so nice to me in front of everyone...)
Serena: (Still, it felt like there was just the tiniest gap between who they were long ago, and who they are now.)
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Serena: (But Sis! She's still the same person she always was. She'll always be my older sister, no matter what.)
Serena: (The same old Sis, just like I remember her.)
Serena: (She said she works for S.O.N.G., I think. I hope me and Mom can transfer here one day.)
Serena: (Mom looked really pleased to see Maria again, too.)
Serena: (Maybe I can ask her about transferring when I get back. But then there'd be no wielders at F.I.S.)
Serena: "Dear me... All this thinking has made me sleepy. Maybe I can finally drift off now."
Serena: "Good night, Sis."
Serena: (Being in the same bed as Sis is so cozy... I wish we could stay like this forever.)
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Maria: "Considering the fact you came all the way here, I don't mind if you skip training."
Serena: "I don't want to skip training, especially not when I can train with you!"
Maria: "Oh, we have guests... It's Shirabe and Kirika."
Kirika Akatsuki: "Rise and shine!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Good morning."
Serena: "Good morning, you two."
Maria: "Well, you're both here early today."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Yes. We're on a mission to enhance ourselves."
Kirika Akatsuki: "Twice the flavor at the same old price!"
Maria: "Well, since you're both here, how about we all train together?"
Serena: "Yes, I'd love to train with you two!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Then I guess this'll be a tag team battle!"
Serena: "In that case, how about Sis and I be on a team, and you and Tsukuyomi-san can be the other?"
Maria: "That sounds like a plan!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "We're right in the middle of a big mission, remember? We won't be going easy on you."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "That's right. Our team-attack is now roughly 30% stronger than before."
Serena: "Don't worry! Me and Sis are more than a match for you two."
Maria: Hehe. You all set? I'll take the lead, so back me up."
Serena: "I'll be right behind you!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "We can't underestimate her, even if she's been asleep for years!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "I think we're going to be just fine."
Kirika Akatsuki: "Whoa! I didn't think she'd be that strong!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "That was a narrow defeat... But I enjoyed myself quite a bit."
Serena: "Me too!"
Maria: "All of us training together like this reminds me of the old days at the F.I.S. facility."
Serena: "Wow, now that you mention it..."
Serena: "It's surprising, though. I didn't realize that both you and I wield Airget-lamh, Sis."
Maria: "Y-Yeah... While you were asleep, they managed to take another fragment of Airget-lamh and make me a pendant."
Maria: "I had to go through lots of compatibility training."
Serena: "I see. We really must be sisters if we both wield the same Gear!"
Maria: "......"
Serena: "By the way, you two, your teamwork is incredible!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Shirabe and I are supposed to be the strongest, deadliest team around!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Our Gear was originally one, after all."
Serena: (I hope I can fight them without them going easy on me sometime soon. But to do that...)
Serena: "Do you think I could transfer here, too?"
Maria: "Well..."
Maria: "...Yeah, maybe. That would be nice."
Serena: "I'll try asking Mom when I get back."
Maria: "Sure, but make sure not to worry her too much, okay?"
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Genjuro Kazanari: "Let's discuss what we know about Nephilim's behavior."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Good plan, Master!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "I'll have Elfnein-kun begin by explaining our current situation."
Elfnein: "Of course. By observing Nephilim's behavior, we can see that it seems to view wielders as food" [1]
Chris Yukine: "Because it matures by consuming relics, right? So if we're such easy targest, why did it go for the vault?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "That's right... Back then, it ignored us and headed for the vault instead."
Elfnein: "I have never seen that kind of behavior from an independent, immature Nephilim."
Elfnein: "Based on this, we can assume that there may be someone manipulating it."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Come to think of it, Nephilim also slammed the ground in order to get away from us at one point."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Okay, I want to hear your thoughts. Was there anything that seemed suspicious to you while you were there?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Considering the facility was under F.I.S.'s control, there were plenty of things that I'd call suspicious."
Hibiki Tachibana: "I mean, Professor Nastassja seemed like a good person, but... I don't know. I can't say for sure."'
Genjuro Kazanari: "I see. Still, that world is fortunate to have her alive."
Sakuya Fujitaka: "It feels like they're using more than just remotely controlled tech that monitors relic signal patterns."
Aoi Tomosato: "Perhaps they're using some sort of relayed system of hidden cameras..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "It doesn't appear so easy to see what the villain is trying to do here."
Elfnein: "Well, they have had seven years to set it all up."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Whatever the case may be, we should all stay on our guard."
Elfnein: "There is a chance that whoever is using Nephilim could also be holding information pertaining to Frontier."
Elfnein: "And if that is true, then that person must also be looking for the key that opens it-- Shenshoujing."
Elfnein: "I think you're better off staying away from the parallel world this time, Miku-san."
Miku Kohinata: "All right, I understand..."
Maria: "Commander Kazanari, I have something I want to talk to you about--"
Aoi Tomosato: "Noise patterns confirmed! According to our reports, evac of the affected location has already begun!"
Sakuya Fujitaka: "Their location is close to where they last appeared, and there's a whole horde of them!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Let's go, Tsubasa-san!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Right!"
Chris Yukine: "I'll make mincemeat outta every last one of them!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "We can continue our discussion later, but first..."
Maria: "Of course. We're moving out!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "We're coming too!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Yeah!"
Serena: "Me too."
Maria: "No, Serena. I want you to stay here."
Genjuro Kazanari: "She's right. If it got out that you're an unregistered wielder, it'd cause us all sorts of trouble."
Serena: "But I've trained with her before! Fine, I understand..."
Miku Kohinata: "How about we both wait for everyone here together, Serena-chan?"
Serena: "Okay."
Serena: "Be careful, Sis."
Maria: "Don't worry. There's no way the Noise will get the better of me."
Serena: "Welcome back, Sis!"
Maria: "Good to see you, Serena."
Maria: "Don't hug me so tight. I have something I need to discuss with the commander, so I may be a little while."
Serena: "All right."
Maria: "I won't be long. Take care of Serena for me."
Kirika Akatsuki: "You got it! We'll keep her in our custody!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "She's not a criminal, Kiri-chan."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Well, how about we show you around HQ?"
Serena: "Thank you. This place is huge, so I've been wanting to explore it some more."
Kirika Akatsuki: "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Now then, what did you want to discuss, Maria-kun?"
Maria: "I was wondering if you could let Serena stay here."
Genjuro Kazanari: "You want me to keep her safe for a little while, you mean?"
Maria: "No, I mean allow her to transfer to our world. Permanently."
Genjuro Kazanari: "What?! Are you serious, Maria-kun?!"
Maria: "I am. In her world, she's the only wielder left who can fight."
Maria: "Even if she has our help to defeat Nephilim, for her to carry that burden by herself..."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Maria-kun..."
Genjuro Kazanari: "If we temporarily registered her here, then what would happen to her world?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "With their only wielder gone, they'd be unable to handle the Noise. The damage would be inconceivable."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Do you really want Serena-kun to abandon her world?"
Maria: "...Fine, then! I'll go to the other side with her!"
Elfnein: "Please remain calm. I also cannot agree to let anyone, let alone a wielder, move worlds permanently."
Maria: "But..."
Elfnein: "The effect it would have on both worlds would be monumental. It may seem a cold thing to say, but it's true."
Maria: "I know that, but still..."
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Maria: "Good morning, Serena. You look like you had a good night's sleep."
Serena: "Mmh... Good morning, Sis."
Serena: "Hey... You don't have to be at S.O.N.G. HQ every day, right Sis?"
Maria: "That's right. I'm not on standby today, actually."
Serena: "Well then I have a favor to ask."
Maria: "What's the matter? You seem so serious."
Serena: "I'd like to go outside. I never get to go outside back at the base."
Serena: "Although... I guess I'm probably asking too much."
Maria: "Not in the slightest. Come on, let's go outside!"
Serena: "Yay! I'll go get ready!"
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Serena: "Sis, what's that really tall building over there?"
Maria: "That's the Sky Tower. It has an aquarium, and the view from the top isn't half bad, either."
Serena: "Wow, really? I want to go up top!"
Maria: "Sure, I'll take you up there."
Serena: "Hey! Look over there! Won't those cakes and puddings go bad if they're just left at the store front?"
Maria: "Hehe. Those are just plastic models!"
Serena: "Seriously?! But they look so real... and tasty."
Maria: "Well, how about I buy you the real thing on our way back?"
Serena: "Really?! Thank you, Sis! I don't eat that many sweets back at the research facility... Oh!"
Maria: "What did you find now?"
Serena: "That dress is so pretty..."
Maria: "I think it'd look really good on you, Serena."
Maria: (...I guess she couldn't have imagined going clothes shopping back at the facility.)
Maria: "If you really like it, then I'll buy it for you."
Serena: "Ah, that's not what I meant! I didn't mean to make you buy it for me..."
Maria: "Don't worry about it. Consider it a present from me."
Serena: "...Are you sure?"
Maria: "Look, there's no need to hold back when you're with me, okay?"
Serena: "Thank you so much, Maria-nee-san!"
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Maria: "Looks like the sun's setting. We should head home soon."
Serena: "Yeah... But don't forget about the cake, okay?"
Maria: "As if I'd forget! Kirika and Shirabe told me that store makes the most delicious pastries--"
Passerby 1: "It's the Noise!"
Passerby 2: "Help, somebody! Please!"
Maria: "Psh!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "The Noise have reared their ugly heads! Get over there immediately!"
Maria: "I'm way ahead of you!"
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Maria: "Is this all of them? This'll be over in a flash!"
Maria: "Seilien coffin airget-lamh tron."
Maria: "Stand back, Serena! Raaah!"
Serena: "Seilien coffin airget-lamh tron."
Maria: "What are you doing?!"
Serena: "I'm not letting you fight alone. Not when I'm here!"
Maria: "Fine... Let's get this over with, then!"
Serena: "Yeah!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Maria-san! Serena-chan! Where are the Noise?!"
Maria: "I'm afraid we already finished the main course."
Chris Yukine: "I'm not about to complain about dessert, though!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "At least there's something left over for us!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "We'll finish off the rest, thank you!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Let's do this!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Is it all over? I barely got a punch in... But at least they didn't cause any damage!"
Serena: "There were so many people around at first, I was afraid that would go much worse."
Maria: "Wait, something's coming... It's not human!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Nephilim! It's even bigger than last time!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "It's matured?!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "That must be due to the relics it stole."
Maria: "We can't let it run wild. We need to stop it, here and now! Ignite Module, Drawn Blade!"
Serena: "I-It's N-Nephilim?! My feet... They're shaking..."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Stay behind me, Serena. I'll keep you safe."
Chris Yukine: "If we work together, that thing won't touch her!"
Serena: "Th-Thank you... Both of you..."
Maria: "Shirabe, Chris! You two keep Serena safe. Hibiki, Tsubasa!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I'll cut down these Noise like a flash of lightning!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "We'll protect her, whatever comes our way! Time for Ignite!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Hyaaaaaah!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Tachibana! To the left!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Okay!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "A fireball, eh? No matter!"
Chris Yukine: "...Damn. She totally cut it in half."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "As long as we can see its attacks, this'll be simple. Finish it, Maria!"
Maria: "Raaah!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "It staggered! W-Wait, what?"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "It disappeared... So that was just another reflection."
Maria: "Looks like it. Well, at least we drove it out of here."
Serena: "S-Sis... Is it... Is it gone?"
Maria: "Yes, it's gone now."
Serena: (I was shaking so bad, I couldn't do anything...)
Maria: "Thank you all so much for protecting Serena."
Hibiki Tachibana: "That thing is only going to keep getting stronger."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "If we leave it unchecked, it'll wreak utter chaos!"
Maria: "We have to take it down before it comes to that, then."
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Tsubasa Kazanari: "We've returned, Commander."
Genjuro Kazanari: "So, you crossed paths with Nephilim again."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Yes. And now it's even more powerful than last time."
Kirika Akatsuki: "It vanished because it was only a reflection, right?"
Elfnein: "Perhaps, but I think its ability to transgress upon our world is lesioned upon taken damage."
Elfnein: "Like before, I theorize that it disappeared due to taking too much damage before it could fully materialize."
Elfnein: "However, Nephilim's true likeness remains intact. Attacking its reflection does nothing to its real body."
Maria: "So what you're saying is that we'll have to take it down on the other side."
Genjuro Kazanari: "We don't know how fast Nephilim matures by consuming relics, but we mustn't let it reach its complete form."
Chris Yukine: "If it gets even bigger and starts rampaging around an urban area, we won't able to lay a hand on it." [2]
Genjuro Kazanari: "Precisely. I know you've just fought, but Maria-kun, Tsubasa, Hibiki-kun. Get ready to head to the other side."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Okay! It's bound to be looking for its next meal. That research facility could be in trouble."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I'm way ahead of you. I knew I needed to be ready to head back ASAP."
Maria: "Well, I can't fault you there."
Elfnein: "If it grows stronger and strengthens Gjallarhorn's link to their world, Nephilim may very well appear here."
Elfnein: "And if that happens..."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Both worlds are in serious danger."
Maria: "We'd better get going, then."
Serena: "Sis..."
Maria: "What's the matter, Serena?"
Serena: "Is Nephilim going to get even scarier?"
Maria: "Oh, Serena..."
Maria: "It's going to be okay. I won't let it hurt you, I promise!"
[1] Missing a period
[2] "we won't be able to"
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fe3h blogging 6 because organizational skills are for losers
oh hey yuri get to join chess club[3:24 PM]balthus DID go to the officers academy twice I’ve been trying to reconcile the route differences... it should be that everything that happens in a different route is also possible in the route you are looking at which ever one that may be. Now all there is is figuring out why those differences exist. or alternately to come up with a probability model to explain those differences. Let’s take the major difference of CF vs VW, AM, and SS. In CF unlike the other routes, Rhea is not captured, she organizes the knights and joins with Faerghus. In CF unlike other routes Byleth chooses to side with Edelgard and Rhea attacks them in the Holy Tomb, this is the only difference. Rhea is incredibly entitled when it comes to Byleth and so takes Byleth’s choice as a deep betrayal as the one who was supposed to be on her side chose not to be. In the battle of Garreg Mach, Rhea then also doesn’t entrust the Church to Byleth. Now how does this connect to Rhea avoiding capture in the battle? It could be she was more on guard after the Holy Tomb in BE, it could be that overall Rhea is likely captured but there is a chance she isn’t. Either way because she isn’t captured, she is there to rally and organize the knight’s of Seiros. In the other routes why didn’t Seteth do it? idk man. The Knights and Faerhgus together are better able to fend off the Empire and with the added security, keep Cornelia, the Agarthans, and Edelgard from framing Dimitri with assassination. Thus in CF Faerghus is in a more unified and powerful position with Rhea running the show. Never quite got why Garreg Mach was abandoned by all the sides given how much the characters talk about its strategic location etc. etc. In SS Rhea degenerates and causes the church to become a rampaging hivemind. Rhea is assumedly also in the palace in AM, but we do meet her in VW. This leads to a few possibilities, either she also dragon degenerated in those routes but the credits roll before we get to see that or she doesn’t. Either way she hold the potential to do so. This is probably the strongest probability argument in the game as we are shown no reason why she does in SS but does not in VW. Rhea is like a ticking time bomb. Maybe they should have blood minstrated like half the church. And then the Agarthans, are they just chilling around underground in AM? yeah, probably. They’re probably back to biding their time just like they have the past 1000 years.
I would like to talk about the three categories by which I evaluate how much I like a character in a series. 1. Personal preference: how much does the character's personality appeal to me on a personal level. Would I want to be friends with this person in real life. Do I just really wish they were real and want them in my life? 2.  Character writing: how well written is the character. How good is their character arc? What is the grade of execution? 3. Role in the story: what do they bring to the series as a whole. If they are a villain, are they a good villain? Comic relief. The Bro character. No matter the archetype, how well is it done. What is their narrative and thematic significance.
Let's look at the 3 Lords of Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Please note that due to the branching story line and the ability of the player to choose the cast, I will not be focusing on a character's role in story as much as I usually do. Edelgard Personal preference: low. Her personality clashes with mine Character writing: high. Three Houses characters in general are well written. Edelgard feels like a person, her behavior is internally consistent, she's always herself. One of her main flaws explored in the game is how Edelgard will tunnel-vision and double down on a decision, a path even when it is no longer the best option. Role: high. In Crimson Flowers and to a lesser extent Silver Snow Edelgard acts as the central character, she drives the story. As the villain in 3/4 routes, Edelgard is incredibly interesting, acting as a counter point to the other Lords as well as to Byleth in Silver Snow.
Dimitri Personal preference: low. At first I didn't care, and then he was just annoying. He was solidly #2 on my to-punch-list in Azure Moon after Gilbert. Character writing: high. Dimitri has the easiest to notice character arc in the game as it is the main focus of Azure Moon. As such the most time is spent on his arc and it is very strong. The journey Dimitri goes on as he struggles with himself and his trauma is well written, its only weakness being that it hinges on the player (me) caring about him (which I do not). Role is the story: medium high. the overarching story of the rightful king reclaiming his throne nicely parallels the story of Dimitri reclaiming himself. Thus the external journey mirrors the internal one. Azure Moon most strongly brings the human element to Three Houses and this is both a strength and a weakness.
Claude Personal preference: very high. I wish I had a Claude in my life. His personality meshes well with mine and my life would be enhanced with the addition of his company. When I say Claude is my favorite, this is the category I am usually talking about. Character writing: high. Claude has the subtlest characterization and character arc of the Lords, this is further obscured due to mischaracterization by the English localization team and English voice actor. The characters in Three Houses in general are brilliant and Claude is no exception. He's complex and multifaceted as any real person is, and seeing him grow in to his own in Verdant Wind is a beautiful thing. Role in story: high. Claude's role in the Three Houses is also very interesting, his objectives especially in White Clouds turns the game into a mystery thriller which is breaking edge for a Fire Emblem Game. Claude's background is also a bit different from the others and so following along his story, you are able to gain perspective and see all of Fodlan for what it really is.
Jeralt personal preference: meh writing: good role: dad
wait. wait. so are the 4 apostles are called saints in the intro, but were they also children of the goddess?  so i can see indech and macuil dipping after the war of heroes and cethalenn went into a regenerative coma so that takes her and cihol out of the picture, but where were the 4 apostles during the war?  and why does balthus' pants have a specially colored patch for his crotch.  ... did balthus go to the academy twice?  dimitri really went “i’d be nice to just sink into the earth you know” huh. i just started cindered shadows so i can't really comment but... the whole "abyss is necessary for garreg mach" is such horse shit. like oooohhhhh we must have an oppressed underclass to maintain our standard of living.  why do the ashen wolves even exist. its not like there's a school down there and yet a bunch of people have uniforms.  its not like they took some of the officer's academy uniforms either. why waste resources making custom uniforms? oh hey yuri get to joisn chess club. balthus DID go to the officers academy twice. I wonder what happened to Constance. Also hello??? Intsys you have a kidnapping and torture as backstory problem, especially when its happening to female characters. Hapi get’s kidnapped, tortured and then imprisoned, no wonder the life has left her eyes. Also I don’t trust this Aelfric dude. He set up the ashen wolves “house”, but wouldn’t those resources be better spent on food and medicine. nepotism ho! your parent were good so you must be too
anyone else find Jeralt and Sitri's relationship a little weird. Hundreds of years old dude romances incredibly sheltered 19 year old with little life experience. and she and alfric idolized Jeralt when they were young. sitri was born in 1139 and died 1159 from childbirth.  I mean yeah Sitri's an adult and totally consenting and loving, and the relationship is pretty cute and sweet, but.... its kinda weird.... Like when you hear about a 30 year old dating a 60 year old, everyone's well into adulthood, they're consenting adults who can do whatever they want,  i have no objections,... but its still kinda weird. WHAT'S WORSE IS THAT THEY DEVS HAD LITERALLY NO REASON TO DO THIS they could have made her any age they wanted to. She could have been 35. but nooooo they didn't do that
the part that bothered me about maneula's writing. Is how the writers talk down on her for having emotions. You see this strongly in the hanneman+manuela paralogue. Where they make her do something impulsive which has negative consequences, which is fair. But then the game punishes her for being too emotional. "being too emotional" now where have i heard that critique before. This is especially in contrast to the game praising hanneman's intellectual rationality. how do i say this... whenever hanneman and manuela argue the game always takes hanneman's side and is overly harsh on manuela.  Oh hanneman is right that she should not have run off after a rumor about the death knight like that, but its the framing of the scene that bothers me.
the way people talk about the abyss reminds me of the goldfish bowl metaphor. the abyss provides sanctuary, but in it thye are also trapped. huh so edelgard doesn’t recognize dimitri. people sure do like aelfric, reminds me of a cult of personality, but it seems so genuine... A great rhea’s golems are back. they talk!! I was just joking about people’s souls being bound in there!!! aelfric is one of the cardinals!!!!! I've been trying to find these dude for months!!!!! you hear these lines going on and on about the cardinals. oh. he’s part of the seiros hivemind then. hey kids. if he’s a cardinal than the church probably already knows. this don’t tell the church stuff sounds like a trap. that letter is suspicious af. yuri clearly wants something, but what is he up to,,,
Yeah.. it really sounds like the 4 apostles were nabateans, but if that were so are constance, hapi, balthus, and yuri really descended from them? the 4 saints bloodlines in adrestia are from those gifted blood by the saints. yet i do believe the 4 apostles fled to different corners of fodlan, what remains in question is only if there in their new homes they gave blood (like rhea did to save jeralt), or actually did have kids.
i cant believe balthus got put on the bus via giant bird. ah so aelfric and yuri are cooperating with the agarthans. thats what they were up to. wow yuri really is fandom claude, i can still hear those idiots complaining that claude wasn’t up to anything and that he didn’t betray byleth. huh so yuri is struggling with split loyalty and the solution he came up with was to help aelfric but give byleth hints. 
constance calling the holy mausoleum a wretch hovel in on par with sylvain calling the dining hall filthy. huh so that was what yuri was planning. wasn’t expecting the double agent ploy.
so this does not take away from aelfric's decisions, but if rhea hadn't been a coward and just buried sitri instead of keeping her is storage where anyone could find her, this never would have happened. who know's maybe aelfric would have still made horrible decisions, but not this one horrible decision.
wait wait wait. rhea, what happened last time you used the chalice to try and resurrect sothis. what beast was created then? wait wait. nemesis dies and sothis’ heat and bones were retrieved in 91. the blood chalice ritual happened in 185. That’s enough time for rhea to have conducted her first experiment implanting the creststone into someone and having them live out their full life.
 prior to cindered shadows i thought claude had 2 given names much like many real world people of dual identity do (multiracial people, chinese americans, japanese americans, etc.), so claude is his name but he also has an almyran name. now though I am leaning towards the idea that claude is a name he took up upon entering fodlan given what he says to balthus at first and the presence of a claudia riegan in the past. from the feast of decadence: where is boramas? and i hope the bit about watching northern swordsmen ripped apart by wild animals at dinner was a play or something. why do books end up in the abyss anyways. why not burn them throughly. rhea certainly knows people have been living down there.  i wonder who built abyss. its older than garreg mach for sure.  real ironic how the blue lions idolize loog when he was an agarthan pawn not unlike edelgard.  rhea's choice contributed to the power imbalance between sreng and duscur compared to faerghus chevalier became village elder and gave everyone blood during wars. half got crests half turned into demonic beasts. that solves that. 1/4 down
i can’t believe aubin almost died in a ditch before yuri’s mom saved them. well that’s one more person with a really long life span
balthus: describing "bashbros" me: its called a life partner. "Balthus became son-in-law to the great commander, Nader" ... what. also why is the balthus yuri pairen ending the only one balthus ends up broke and on the street in. also where's my holst supports. scratch that. WHERE IS HOLST. oh yeah and you all were crying about byleth potentially outliving everyone, well yuri does too
ashen wolves supports that should have happened. Balthus: Manuela. Yuri: Mercedes. Hapi: Ignatz, Petra, Claude. Constance: Lorenz
Also let judith be a playable character. Claude and balthus already have like half a support with her.
why do feel like yuri and sylvain would be a disaster. and disaster in that they'd hurt each other's feelings
claude whenever balthus opens his mouth: shut up shut up shut up. shut up and go away. goddess. please. no. i enjoy seeing claude annoyed more than i probably should
me taking the fe3h developers by the shoulders and shaking them furiously: WHY DON'T CLAUDE AND HAPI GET A SUPPORT. THEY EVEN BOTH HAVE CELESTIAL MOTIFS!  claude would also empathize with hapi as an outsider of sorts, as well as both sharing a desire to explore the world.  i think the riegan crest and timotheus crest got mixed up in development. in tarot readings the moon is associated with darkness, an unclear mind, madness, creativity etc. it suits "dark dragon" far more than "star dragon". but that doesn't explain why claude gets the unique combat art Fallen Star me one again taking the fe3h developers by the shoulders and shaking them furiously: WHY DON'T YURI AND ASHE HAVE A SUPPORT!! THE APPARENTLY ALREADY KNOW EACH OTHER. THEY HAVE SIMILAR BACKGROUNDS. THEY'RE BOTH FROM FAERGHUS. THEIR BATTLE DIALOG SAYS MEANS THEY WANT TO BE FRIENDS
No bathus/manuela support either LET THEM MAKE POOR LIFE CHOICES TOGETHER. Balthus can have a little milf, as treat
...  yuri is very pretty in part 2
Edelgards biggest flaws are her desire for control and her stubborness or the way she will double down on a decision and refuse to budge. Claude's biggest flaws are his inability to trust, and showing his hand too late. A bit more on that last part. A large part of Claude's strategies involve downplaying his side and biding his time. This strategy is especially weak though to an aggressive opponent like Edelgard who can bulldoze him before he has time to play out his plan. Part of the problem is that Claude is very reactive but not very proactive (its one of the reasons I like pairing him with Edelgard and Petra). He won't just go for something the way Edelgard does, he's wait for the right opportunity. This difference you can also see in how the deal with the Church. Edelgard declares war on them because she thinks they are the root of Fodlan's social problems and need to be taken down. She makes a decision she believes in and readies herself for the consequences. Claude actually believes much of the same (The Church is the root of Fodlan's problems) but would much rather avoid those consequences (fall out with the Church). You see in Verdant Wind he will make use of the Church because the are useful. He's even willing to spout Church rhetoric and propaganda (Byleth as a Church symbol) if it suits his end goal of transferring power to an individual who will shape Fodlan's future to his liking (he does have an altruistic and humanitarian goal much like Edelgard). However in doing so he risks empowering the Church even more. In short Claude will put up a facade that he doesn't agree with on an ideals level and so is always in danger of that facade becoming real and failing his goals. yeah so claude character development has him learning to trust and being more proactive in his goals. so i like pairing him with characters that put him on a similar growth trajectory
wait how are the Fetters of Dromi (Aubin) and Vajra-Mushi (Chevalier) around simultaneously with Aubin and Chevalier. Aubin was last seen 20 years ago and the tales of elder giving blood don’t seem ancient, so were they recently killed?
ok if the vajra-mushi is a replica, what’s it a replica of? that implies an original. and its still able to turn people into demonic beasts. how????
unpopular opinion: I hate seteth. his face pisses me off and every time he opens his mouth I want to punch him. please die.
You know... i'd expected someone to have written a modern au of felix and sylvain being roommates with unresolved sexual tension.... but no its been 9 months and I haven't seen anything. Oh I've seen roommates where its like the new and uncomfortable experience of sharing space with someone you dont know and I've seen modern au where they are childhood friends. But i seriously have not seen the specific scenario where they are childhood friends AND roommates. Like... uuugh its just sylvain. But also uuggh its just sylvain?!? Maybe I'll just have to do it myself... but im no good at writing... 
What if glenn was 160cm but the kids never noticed (except sylvain) because they're so much younger
I want a spin off fighting game starring ferdinand and caspar. Honestly i just wanted to see ferdinand get into a fistfight with someone like in his support
On a fandom level I think the golden deer are the least popular for a number of reasons:
1. some of the characters only reveal their depth in supports and paralogues. Or in other words you must seek out these character to get to know them. Ex: Lorenz, Leonie, Ignatz. I mean without doing their supports you'd never know that Ignatz is the smoothest out of the Golden Deer the the most likely to get a date. If Sylvain is a poser, Ignatz is the real deal 2. Related to the above the writing sometimes relies too heavily on a character gimmick. Ex: Raphael, and Lysithea to a degree 3. Compared to other houses there are less established dynamics. Other characters (Linhardt and Caspar, BL childhood friend squad, etc.) can play off of each other and this can make them more emotionally accessible to a player. In the beginning especially the golden deer act more like co-workers than friends, they are the least cohesive as a house (which means their growth is that much more delicious). 4. the golden deer route in general is less popular and some characters don't appear in other routes so the sheer amount of exposure these characters get is less than other houses. a lot of people in the "fandom" have only played one or 2 routes and those usually include either azure moon or crimson flower/silver snow. people will also just delete or add things to characters.
OK Jp audio thoughts: tiny grandma sothis Alois is gravelier and yells a lot  I've been replaying the line where claude giggles in the jp audiio. How do i record audio ignatz is such a BABY in the japanese version. Like a small bunny Edelgard sounds more princessy Claude is more light hearted, less sassy more... boyish? like that one old school boy character trope that used to be a main character thing and is now more a side character thing eng dimitri more yell-y and feral.  jp dimitri is a lot more subdued and dead inside. but the delivery of the lines makes what he is saying all the more disturbing. dissonant serenity.
your path lies across my grave is such a raw line
Why did yuri get a different part 2 sprite.  he should age the same rate jeralt did. And in his paired ending with byleth? He apparently looks about the same after decades
Hilda and catherine would be EXCELLENT war masters if the devs weren't sexist
So almyra's big. We don't know how big. Fodlan is 2/3 of europe and almyra is bigger so i imagine there's a diverdity of biomes. I imagine the south coast is mediterranian. But that hinges on how subtropical adrestia is. Medditerranian climates are most common at 30-40 lattitude. The map of almyra we can see on the map is the same lattitude as faerhgus. This could be the greenest part of Almyra. I imagine almyra has both hot and cold deserts with a large plain covering the center. The rest would be scrubland/chaperral. All we know is that claude grew up somewhere with no big trees. I imagine that almyran government is more meriocratic than fodlan but that may vary region to region. I have an idea for both a centralized and decentralized almyra. Each regions leader is like the strongest most organized person around. A bit of nepotism may be involved. The exception would be the coast region which is more sedentary (some parts of almyra are semi nomadic) and may have a republic. Decentralized almyra would work kinda like the eu or us with seperate nations and a mediator for when almyra needs to act as a whole. That mediator aids negotions between regions and keeps things together. Mediator would be a council/appointed position. In a centralized almyra there still wouldn't be a monarachy. The king would choose a sucessor. So the king's kid would have a better chance than anyone but its no garuntee. I like the idea that like the 30 closeat relatives has a last one standing system as part of the selection system. This would allow for a dynastic style if ruling where there's a ruling clan but not direct line of descent 
Everyone keeps drawing older felix with long hair but I'm half convinced that 3 years post game he just lops,it off one day or gets a buzzcut
So a lot of people including me have long suspected Claude had an Almyran name and the validation right now just feels so great. Khalid!  Given his dialog in cindered shadows I think its more likely Khalid is the name his parents gave him and Claude is the name he took up upon coming to Fodlan
Things have never been easy for Claude, he says in his s support that he's going, to do it (the whole game/war) all over again. It's heavily implied that things to not end well for Claude outside of VW. i don't think the Almyrans would value a surrender to a fodlander tho. Claude in VW proves his competence as a military commander and leader by controlling all of fodlan. Its stated in some of his paired endings that the current king has some say in who the next king is as Claude had to earn his father's approval to ascend the throne. Don't forget that the general Almyran populace hates Claude. He has to prove himself by their standards before any respect is given and in SS/CF/AM he doesn't do that. Remember that the Fodland stereotype is of cowards and that Almyra values spectacles of strength/fighting prowess over tactical efficiency (invading fodlan's throat isn't for the purpose of gaining land/etc. its for the warriors to show off how strong they are), so they wouldn't value strategically weakening your nation (leicester) to stave off imperial invasion, to them that just looks like cowardice and incompetance. not only that he endangered and wasted Almyran soldiers in fighting a foreign war. Remember that no one really knows about Claude's plans outside of VW, he keeps his cards (too) close to his chest, and in non-VW routes the facade of weakness becomes a reality and all his schemes crumble. and he has little to show for his time in fodlan. Claude is less likely to experience character growth outside of VW, but I think there is potential for Claude's character growth outside of VW. One reason for this I'm just not a fan of Byleth's dating sim powers where everyone just falls head over heels for them. For every character and especially the lords, Byleth acts as a catalyst for the character's growth, but Claude (of the lords) is the least dependent on Byleth so I do believe he could have found some of the connections seen in VW if not to that extent. (also I'm a sucker for found family)[4:22 PM]But Byleth does act as the heart and glue of the golden deer so things wouldn't be that great for Claude and co 
So we cam see both turkic and persian influences in almyra but I've always wondered at the balance. From the turkic side we have the warrior culture and horse riding. This is also where my speculations on a nomadic society and non monarchy forms of government come from. Also note turkic (central asia, like the mongols) and not turkish (one of the turkic ethnicities). On the other side is ancient persia which was a center of science, technology and learning, a materially wealthy empire with imperial dynasties. These are very different and so balancing headcanons has always been challenging to honor both sides. You can see people are all over the spectrum in fandom.
im a caught between the dual desires of seeing sylvain succeed at something and be really cool, and seeing sylvain publicly make a fool of himself. sylvain miserable for mundane reasons is such a good look. I pin Sylvain in a headlock and force 2 gallons of respect women juice down his throat
In any universe. Claude's weekly schedule would fill me with terror.
Leonie and dorothea both have "I know a guy" vibes
A while ago I complained that the fodlan calendar doesn’t make sense. Why does the year begin on month 4? Well I recently got around to reading through the abyss library and it confirms that fodlan used to be on the gregorian calendar with months 1-12 lining up with our january-december which in a lot of countries are just month/moon 1-12 and then seiros and the church brought in a new calendar system (imperial year and "___ Moon" naming system). so combined with the other hints from the agarthans (un symbol, ICBMs, etc.), pretty much confirms that fodlan is indeed a post apocalyptic modern world. So the weird calendar system DOES have an in universe justification!
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e-louise-bates · 5 years
For the OC asks: 4, 12, 22, 23, 24, 26, 31, 44
4.  A character you rarely talk about?
This one is tricky, I’m known to happily babble about my characters given the slightest provocation. In general, though, I talk the least about all my characters from FTS, and out of those characters, the one I talk the least about would be ... Captain Miles. He’s mostly there to be a mild antagonist, but darned if I didn’t go and write a short story that showed a different side to him, and now I’m secretly fond of him even if he is a PITA. My original plan, if I ever wrote a sequel, was to kill him off so Sapphira could be the captain, but now I don’t know if I could do that. Besides, it’s kind of fun having the captain be a jerk, even if that does mean Sapphira gets stuck as First Mate a little bit longer. Hey, if Will Riker and Chakotay could survive it, so can she.
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
My friend A.M. Offenwanger creates brilliant characters, and I’m particularly fond of Cat in her Septimus series. A librarian (woo-hoo!) who falls through a portal to a magic world and promptly sets about making a better life for herself there, who is practical and romantic both, and who is not a starry-eyed teenager--well, sometimes I feel like Angelika wrote those stories just for me.
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how? 
I have a very small readership, so not too many people have even had the chance to mischaracterise my characters. Although I did have a beta reader tell me Pauline, my historical mystery protagonist, was too perfect and needed some flaws, but that was mostly my fault for making her flaws too subtle. They were there, but I could see how one could miss them.
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
My first conception of Maia (MMD) was dull, dull, dull. The goal was to make her the type of person who let others impose upon her, and who took on more responsibility than she ought, and the result was, naturally enough, a protagonist who was so boring even I couldn’t stick around to wait for the transformation. My dad suggested adding some curiosity to her personality, and as I was doing that she became more practical and strong-minded and less likely to let everyone and their brother impose upon her--though still overly burdened with responsibilities she ought not to carry, and still letting her family impose--and then there she was, a whole person, not just a wet dishrag. For which we may all be truly thankful.
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
Oh, I would love to meet Len (MMD). He’s so much fun, and I’m pretty sure he’d drag me into trouble, but then he’s also pretty good at getting himself (and others) out of trouble, and every once in a while, I wouldn’t mind a little trouble to stir things up. Besides, he’s dreamy.
26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will? 
Ah, the joys of independent publishing. I do have editors, but if I feel strongly enough about a character, I have the power to ignore their suggestions and carry on. I don’t usually ignore them, because they are usually right (see 22, above), but if it ever came down to it, I have the final call for all my characters. Until they run away with me. So I suppose maybe once in a while I have changed a character against my will, but only because they have insisted on changing themselves.
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
The difficulty with writing stories set in either the past or the future is that I really can’t imagine any of my characters with a tumblr blog. Especially since most of the time I barely know what I’m doing on here. I suppose if Helen (G&G) was alive now she would have one for fashion design, and it would be all aesthetics and moodboards.
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
My OCs all tend to be living, breathing people--which can cause problems when they try to take over the story (see 26, above), but overall I love it. I’ve never had to fill out a character sheet or write an elaborate backstory for a character, because they tend to be already fully developed; even if I don’t know all the details yet, I know they will emerge as necessary. I can be really sketchy on plot, I am constantly reminding myself that a little description is necessary so that my story is not all talking heads, but characters do live for me, and they are one of my chief joys in writing.
Thank you for the ask, @isfjmel-phleg!
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cutepresea · 4 years
4-8 A Light That Pierces the Clouds: Miku’s Battle
Again, sorry for the spam. This will be it for now. Parts 9-15 will come later.
If you want to blacklist these, you can use either the tag #a light that pierces the clouds for just this event, or #xdu event scripts or #xdu scripts
Reminder that these are copied straight from XD Unlimited itself, so any grammatical weirdness, mistranslations, and/or mischaracterizations are not my doing.
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Miku Kohinata: (Hibiki...)
Hibiki Tachibana (flashback): "Psh! Get out of the way!"
Miku Kohinata (flashback): "Huh? Ahh!"
Miku Kohinata: (She must have been protecting me.)
Miku Kohinata: "I knew Hibiki hasn't changed. I want to talk to her more. No, I have to..."
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Genjuro Kazanari: "Thank you for all for gathering. Let's start discussing some countermeasures for the Karma Noise." [1]
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Where's Kohinata?"
Maria: "She has some business to tend to. Something very important."
Chris Yukine: "That's right."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Is that so?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "First off, I want to parse what we know about the Karma Noise. Tell us what you know again."
Maria: "Sure. That Karma Noise is--"
Genjuro Kazanari: "I see. This may be a bit more difficult than I'd imagined."
Maria: "There isn't much we can do here. The most we wielders can do are combo attacks or win through attrition."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Wait, when you say here... Do you mean that there are other methods?"
Chris Yukine: "Something like that. We also have S2CA and Ignite."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "What are those? Why can't they be used?"
Chris Yukine: "S2CA combines Superb Songs while Ignite utilizes the berserk state."
Maria: "To use S2CA, you'll need a certain girl who specializes in joining hands together."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "So that means we need the Hibiki Tachibana from your world?"
Maria: "That's right. And currently, she's in no condition to fight."
Chris Yukine: "It'd be nice if the idiot here could do it, but it's impossible to pull off without some practice."
Maria: "Right. And she may be fundamentally different from our Hibiki. That's why this method can't be used."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "What about Ignite? Though I must say, that "berserk state" sounds pretty ominous."
Chris Yukine: "Our Gears have this thing called an Ignite Module."
Genjuro Kazanari: "An Ignite Module, you say?"
Maria: "With the magic blade Dáinsleif as a core, it triggers an artificial berserk state, converting it into power."
Maria: "But against the Karma Noise's curse, it'll cause the wielder to go truly berserk. It's a double-edged sword."
Genjuro Kazanari: "So you're saying that teamwork is the only effective method?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "In that case, we will just have to join forces. With us three plus Kohinata, that's four wielders who can--"
Chris Yukine: "We already saw that that wasn't enough last time."
Maria: "Yeah. We can make up for it a little through teamwork, but it'll be difficult without Hibiki's help."
Chris Yukine: "We'd be better off having over wielders, that's for sure."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Sure, it would be beneficial if we could get her to work with us, but..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "But we can't know whether she'll cooperate or not. I don't think this is a good idea."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Tsubasa..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "If better teamwork defeats the Karma Noise, I'll do everything in my power to improve. Will you help me?"
Chris Yukine: "Of course we will."
Maria: "Well, it's all we can do right now."
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Maria: "I think things are starting to take shape."
Chris Yukine: "It's not a bad idea, is it? Though then again, we're two people short."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "......"
Maria: "What's the matter, Tsubasa?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Is it really possible to work together with Hibiki Tachibana? I'm still a bit hesitant..."
Maria: "What makes you say that?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "We've crossed paths in the battlefield numerous times. I've tried to convince her to join Section 2 before."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "She just always says she doesn't care. All she does is appear when there's Noise and do her own thing."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I don't know what she's thinking, and I highly doubt we can work together toward a common goal."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "And to think someone like that is wielding Gungnir. I mean..."
Chris Yukine: "She's just upfront, that's all. And a dumbass."
Maria: "Yeah. I think that's just who she is."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "But that's Hibiki Tachibana in your world. It doesn't necessarily mean she's the same as the one here."
Maria: "I'm not so sure. Gjallarhorn links to branches of a bigger river, but it doesn't affect that river's flow."
Maria: "That's why there shouldn't be major differences in their personalities and preferences. At least for now."
Chris Yukine: "There're loads of small differences in every world. Some have Gears, some don't. Sometimes people are gone."
Maria: "I was surprised seeing how different she is from the Hibiki I know, but maybe they are essentially the same."
Maria: "I was saved by how upfront she is."
Chris Yukine: "...Me too."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I hope that's the case... But how do you plan on convincing her to work with us?"
Maria: "We'll let the expert deal with that."
Chris Yukine: "Yeah. She's the perfect one to deal with that idiot."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Expert?"
Maria: "Yes. Her best friend is hard at work as we speak."
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Hibiki Tachibana: "Hmph! Hah!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "...What? What do you want?"
Miku Kohinata: "I'm sorry. Is this a bad time?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "You're just like the others. Why do you keep showing up? Who do you think you are to me?"
Miku Kohinata: "Oh, right. I haven't explained yet."
Miku Kohinata: (I think parallel worlds and Gjallarhorn are top secret, but... No, if I lied, she wouldn't trust me" [2]
Miku Kohinata: "Um, we're--"
Hibiki Tachibana: "A different me from a different world..."
Miku Kohinata: "Yeah. I know it must be hard to take in..."
Hibiki Tachibana: "...Whatever."
Hibiki Tachibana: "If you've got nothing else to say, go away. You're distracting."
Miku Kohinata: "Um, Hibiki, I was hoping we could talk some more."
Hibiki Tachibana: "I have nothing to say to you."
Miku Kohinata: "Please don't say that. During that fight the other day, you protected me, right?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Me? Protect you?"
Miku Kohinata: "Yeah, you did. That's why I want to thank you."
Hibiki Tachibana: "That wasn't my intention. Don't get the wrong idea."
Miku Kohinata: "No, you did protect me."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Don't assume things. I twas just a coincidence. No need to thank me for that."
Miku Kohinata: "Even so, nothing changes the fact that you helped me Hibiki, so... Thank you."
Hibiki Tachibana: "...Whatever."
Miku Kohinata: "Huh? Hibiki, where are you going?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "I'm going home. Don't follow me."
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Hibiki Tachibana: "What the hell's up with her?"
Miku Kohinata (flashback): "Even so, nothing changes the fact that you helped me Hibiki, so... Thank you."
Hibiki Tachibana: (Me... Help her? That's impossible. I don't help people.)
Hibiki Tachibana: "Helping... Psh, as if I'd do that."
Hibiki Tachibana: (No one's ever helped me, so why would I help anyone else? I never have and never will.)
Hibiki Tachibana: (What is this feeling... My chest feels weird...)
Hibiki Tachibana: "No, it doesn't hurt, though. Something as stupid as this could never make my heart ache."
Hibiki Tachibana: (I don't need anyone else because I'll end up alone anyway. I should've been alone from the start.)
Hibiki Tachibana: "It's the Noise... I have to stop them!"
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Maria: "There were only regular Noise this time."
Chris Yukine: "I just wish that stupid Noise would come straight to us so we could just be done with it."
Maria: "...Do you think she'll cooperate?"
Chris Yukine: "Considering how the last fight went, not yet."
Miku Kohinata: "Hey, umm... Can I ask you something?"
Chris Yukine: "What's up?"
Miku Kohinata: "When we fought that Karma Noise, I thought Hibiki protected me."
Chris Yukine: "You think so?"
Miku Kohinata: "Yeah... It looked like she was leading the Noise so that their attacks didn't damage the city."
Maria: "She was doing that?"
Miku Kohinata: "That's why I think Hibiki's still Hibiki. Maybe it's all subconscious, but she tried to protect everyone."
Miku Kohinata: "That's what I thought at least... But what do you think?"
Chris Yukine: "You're overthinking it, aren't you? I understand how you feel about her protecting you..."
Miku Kohinata: "But if that was the Hibiki I know..."
Maria: "Perhaps. But we still can't say for sure yet."
Miku Kohinata: "...I guess, you're right."
Maria: "But it goes without saying that you know her the best and share the strongest bond."
Maria: "That's why I'm going to respect your judgement."
Miku Kohinata: "Maria-san..."
Chris Yukine: "I will, too. You do know that idiot the best."
Miku Kohinata: "Chris... Thank you both."
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Genjuro Kazanari: "I took the data from the Karma Noise you fought to adjust the simulator. Give it a whirl."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Thank you so much, Commander Kazanari."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Don't mention it. This is the least I could do."
Chris Yukine: "...W-Wait! You did the adjustments?!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "I did... Why the surprise?"
Miku Kohinata: "I didn't know you could do that..."
Maria: "Wait. The Commander Kazanari we know is actually quite adept at fighting..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "He's a fighter, you say?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "I do know some basic self defense, but I have no other martial arts knowledge."
Genjuro Kazanari: "This might not make up for it, but when it comes to handling machinery, I'm your man."
Genjuro Kazanari: "I watch a lot of sci-fi movies to gain inspiration for all kinds of inventions. I also own lots of patents."
Chris Yukine: "Y-You do?! You're kidding me!"
Miku Kohinata: "I guess there ARE lots of differences between worlds..."
Maria: "Sci-fi movies?"
Maria: (In our world, the Commander likes to watch action movies.)
Maria: (In the world with Kanade Amo, I heard Commander Kazanari was big into mystery... Wait!)
Maria: "No, that can't be right... It can't be... right?"
Chris Yukine: "What's wrong?"
Maria: "It's nothing..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "The simulator's been updated for us. How about we hop in for some training?"
Miku Kohinata: "Yeah, let's do that."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Looks like it needs a little tuning."
Maria: "Yeah. I think the real thing was much stronger."
Chris Yukine: "I feel we're lacking something big. I thought our teamwork was on point, though..."
Miku Kohinata: "I'm sorry. If only I was stronger..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "It's not your fault, Kohinata. None of us are strong enough."
Miku Kohinata: "But I'm the most inexperienced amongst the wielders."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "If you're going to say that, then I have the smallest output..."
Maria: "Enough trying to one up each other in weaknesses. None of us are strong enough. We need more firepower."
Chris Yukine: "Looks like we're going to have to get her to cooperate after all."
Maria: "I think you're right."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Hey, how about we carry on training some more? I think there's still more we can do."
Miku Kohinata: "Oh... I'm sorry. I..."
Maria: "It's fine. Go ahead. There's a job only you can do."
Chris Yukine: "Good luck in convincing that idiot."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I'm sorry I couldn't help more."
Miku Kohinata: "That's not true. Now I'd better get going."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Miku-kun's gone, so I'll take this lull to analyze the data and make some more improvements."
Genjuro Kazanari: "If you need it, you're free to use this simulator as much as you wish."
Chris Yukine: "It's just the three of us now. What do you want to do? I wouldn't mind continuing."
Maria: "I think we should work on our teamwork."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "In that case... I have a favor to ask."
Chris Yukine: "What?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I want to know more about the power of your Ignite Module, since it's apparently able to beat Karma Noise."
Maria: "I don't mind telling you about it, but Ignite isn't really the ideal way to counter the Karma Noise."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "That doesn't matter. It pains me to say, but I don't feel like I'm using my Gear to its full potential."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I want to know what potential, what power, Ame no Habakiri has so that I can become stronger."
Maria: "Ignite uses another relic as its core, so strictly speaking, it's not only your Gear's potential."
Chris Yukine: "But the Gear itself outputs the berserk power, so it's still relevant. Let me show you!"
Maria: "Hey! Are you seriously just going to use it like that?"
Chris Yukine: "Those simulated Noise battles weren't doing it for me, anyhow. Let's show off what we can really do!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Thank you, I really appreciate it!"
Chris Yukine: "Ignite Module! Drawn Blade!"
Maria: "Oh well... Ignite Module! Drawn Blade!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "That output was amazing! So that's the power of going berserk..."
Maria: "Yeah. This is one of the Symphogear's functions. It's a controlled state of berserk power."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "You said that it's a double-edged sword, but why? Is it something to do with the Karma Noise's curse?"
Maria: "The Ignite Module uses a fragment of the magic sword Dáinsleif."
Maria: "Dáinsleif's curse and the Karma Noise's curse both amplify a person's destructive impulses."
Maria: "And when the two curses overlap, it creates an uncontrollable destructive impulse that drowns out your will."
Chris Yukine: "In other words, using it in front of the Karma Noise will make you go truly berserk, so we can't use it."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "That's unfortunate... You have this power, yet you can't use it."
Chris Yukine: "Yep. If we could use it freely, the Karma Noise would be nothing!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Is that true?"
Maria: "I wouldn't go that far, but they would be easier to fight, that's for sure."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "......"
Chris Yukine: "What's wrong? Why'd you go all quiet all of a sudden?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I want you to use that power to spar with me."
Maria: "Are you serious? This may be training, but you could get hurt... Or worse."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I don't mind. As the guardian and sword of this world, I must become stronger."
Maria: "Very well then. Let's do this."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Thank you. You too, Yukine."
Chris Yukine: "Are you sure? A two vs one fight is kinda..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I'd rather it be tough. The higher the hurdle, the more effort I'll have to put in."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "As the sole wielder of Section 2, and as the blade of this world, I will become stronger!"
Chris Yukine: "You better not blame me for whatever happens!"
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Miku Kohinata: "So you're here again..."
Hibiki Tachibana: "......"
Miku Kohinata: "Do you like the forest?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "......"
Miku Kohinata: "There's something I want to ask of you, Hibiki."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Huh?"
Miku Kohinata: "I want to fight alongside you, Hibiki, so that we can take on that Karma Noise."
HIbiki Tachibana: "...We're already fighting them."
Miku Kohinata: "That's not it. We're doing separate things. I want us to work together."
Miku Kohinata: "We can't defeat that Karma Noise by ourselves. We need your help, Hibiki."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Help? From me?"
Miku Kohinata: "Yeah. If we all joined together, I'm sure--"
Hibiki Tachibana: "In that case, how about you make me?"
Miku Kohinata: "...Huh? Hibiki?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Balwisyall nescell gungnir tron."
Hibiki Tachibana: "I'm not cooperating with anyone. If you want me to, then you'll have to do it by force."
[1] There's an extra "for" in this line. "Thank you all for gathering."
[2] They switched between parentheses and quotation marks in this line
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cutepresea · 4 years
10-4 The Sirius of Zwei Wing: Power Checked, Berserk Impulses
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Reminder  that these are copied straight  from XD Unlimited itself, so any  grammatical weirdness, mistranslations,  and/or mischaracterizations are  not my doing.
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Genjuro Kazanari: "You performed admirably in yesterday's battle."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Are you doing all right, Kanade-san?"
Kanade Amo: "Yeah, I'm fine now."
Kanade Amo: "They said I just overdid it a bit and exhausted myself. A good night's sleep and I'll be good as new."
Hibiki Tachibana: "What a relief... I was really worried when you fainted."
Kanade Amo: "Sorry to make you worry like that."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Now then, let's get started."
Genjuro Kazanari: "As you all know, we managed to recover the complete relic, Brisingamen, thanks to your efforts."
Genjuro Kazanari: "This means we'll be able to proceed with our plan to use it as the basis of our Bergelmir counter-strategy."
Maria: "What is that Brisingamen, anyway?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Yeah. It looked like a flamethrower that shoots, like, a LOT of flames."
Ryoko Sakurai: "Brisingamen was the necklace of the Norse goddess Freyja, imbued with the power of fire."
Ryoko Sakurai: "The complete relic was originally being studied by a research team affiliated with the EU."
Ryoko Sakurai: "Once I found that the enemy had Bergelmir, I placed a request to have them lend it to us."
Maria: "That seems awfully generous of them."
Ryoko Sakurai: "They were reluctant to agree, at first, but when I told them we were up against Bergelmir, they relented."
Ryoko Sakurai: "They'd also read the German military documents, and upon hearing that Bergelmir had been activated--"
Maria: "They figured there was a chance that Brisingamen might activate too."
Ryoko Sakurai: "Bullseye! Better to lend it out in the hopes that it activates rather than leaving it dormant forever."
Maria: "...Good grief, researchers are a different breed entirely."
Hibiki Tachibana: "But that thing isn't even at its full power yet, right?"
Maria: "Once that mosnter reaches its final form, it'll be truly terrifying."
Hibiki Tachibana: "But if we have that Bri-whatchamacallit, we can fight it, right?"
Ryoko Sakurai: "Yes, but it's not quite that simple. It's only just activated, and even I'm still learning about it myself."
Hibiki Tachibana: "I see..."
Maria: "Even so, you'll have to figure this out fast. We don't have much time."
Ryoko Sakurai: "Yes, I'm well aware of that."
Kanade Amo: "So, um... Could you let me use it?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Kanade-san?!"
Kanade Amo: "Even ordinary people can use complete relics, but we need to get right up to Bergelmir to fight it, right?"
Kanade Amo: "Wouldn't it be best for a wielder to use it?"
Ryoko Sakurai: "You've got a point... But I can't allow that."
Ryoko Sakurai: "You yourself experienced how difficult and how dangerous using a Gear and relic at the same time can be."
Kanade Amo: "Y-Yeah, but..."
Ryoko Sakurai: "Using two relics at once has a high chance of creating backlash so harsh it makes the user go berserk."
Ryoko Sakurai: "You were already showing signs of doing just that yesterday."
Kanade Amo: "I know..."
Kanade Amo: "Even so!"
Kanade Amo: "Even so... If this thing is our last hope of rescuing Tsubasa, then... Please let me be the one to use it."
Hibiki Tachibana: (Kanade-san...)
Ryoko Sakurai: "I understand why you're feeling so desperate."
Ryoko Sakurai: (Kanade-chan has no Ignite Module, making her a relatively less capable combatant out of the gate.)
Ryoko Sakurai: (And even her link coefficient is the lowest we've ever seen. I understand her almost painfully well.)
Ryoko Sakurai: "As a researcher, I cannot approve of an idea that I'm not confident will succeed."
Kanade Amo: "Rgh..."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Hold on, Ryoko-san."
Ryoko Sakurai: "Hibiki-chan?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "If it looks like she's going to go berserk, we'll stop her."
Hibiki Tachibana: "There was one time when I got my hands on a relic with my Gear on, and I couldn't control myself, either."
Hibiki Tachibana: "However! When that happened, my friends... Tsubasa-san and Chris-chan saved me!"
Maria: "That's right. If she goes berserk, we will stop her."
Kanade Amo: "You..."
Ryoko Sakurai: "Are you confident that you'll be able to stop her?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Not at all! But... We'll definitely stop her, I just know it!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "And I mean every word! Even if it costs me my life!"
Ryoko Sakurai: "Sheesh... You try to warn people and they just don't listen."
Ryoko Sakurai: "You Gungnir girls are hopeless. You're so rash, stubborn, and single-minded."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Hehe. But it's exactly what makes you powerful. It's true that we'll need to maximize our odds of success."
Genjuro Kazanari: "But on the other hand, the Gears you girls wield get their power from the human heart."
Genjuro Kazanari: "It's a miraculous power that can turn unlimited possiblities into reality."
Genjuro Kazanari: "If you three can bind your thoughts into a single spear, there's no hardship you can't overcome!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "There's nothing an old man like me could say that would make the dreams of the young falter."
Ryoko Sakurai: "Oh, Genjuro-kun. You've always had a fire in your belly, haven't you?"
Ryoko Sakurai: "Okay, then. Fine. But on one condition."
Ryoko Sakurai: "First, I want you to do a simulator run. If you seem to be losing control, I'm shutting it down, okay?"
Kanade Amo: "Thank you, Ryoko-san."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Thank you so much!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "May you strike clean and true, girls."
Genjuro Kazanari: "And please... Rescue Tsubasa."
Hibiki Tachibana: "You got it! We're the Gungnir girls, and we never back down!"
Maria: "I'm only an ex-Gugnir girl, by the way."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Nuh-uh! Once a Gungnir girl, always a Gungnir girl!"
Ryoko Sakurai: "Things are only going to get riskier from here, so we're counting on you to save her."
Kanade Amo: "I'll save her this time. Even if it costs me my life."
Hibiki Tachibana: (That's right... Kanade-san wasn't able to save this world's Tsubasa-san.)
HibikI Tachibana: (We can't let her relive that tragedy. No matter what it takes, we have to save Tsubasa-san!"
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Genjuro Kazanari: "Testing one two, Kanade Amo's synchronous control test of Gungnir and Brisingamen shall now begin."
Kanade Amo: "Okay, I'm counting on you, old man."
Maria: "If anything happens, we'll be on standby in the simulator control room."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Don't worry, Kanade-san! Everything's gonna be A-okay! Right?"
Kanade Amo: "It will. I'll figure it out somehow."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Good luck in there!"
Ryoko Sakurai: "Now then, fasten Brisingamen to your arm."
Kanade Amo: "Hey, are you sure I can hold this normally? Last time, flames just suddenly burst out and stuff."
Ryoko Sakurai: "It'll be all right. I was able to enact a few controls on it."
Ryoko Sakurai: "If you look closely at the bangle, you should see something that looks like a switch."
Kanade Amo: "Oh, this thing?"
Ryoko Sakurai: "Don't hit that just yet. That activates and deactivates it."
Ryoko Sakurai: "And if need be, I can even shut it down from here. If I think it's too risky, I plan on stopping the test."
Kanade Amo: "Understood."
Maria: "She still hasn't started it yet, it seems."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Huh? Why does it look like that?"
Ryoko Sakurai: "Brisingamen was originally a necklace, but that'd interfere with the pendant, so I made it into a bangle."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Uh... Are you sure it's okay to do that to something you're only borrowing?"
Ryoko Sakurai: "Well, I don't think they'll mind since I just made it into a bangle and added a control mechanism."
Ryoko Sakurai: "There are no changes to the relic's core itself, so it won't be a problem to return it to its original form."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Oh, okay then!"
Maria: "Shh! It looks like she's about to start."
Ryoko Sakurai: "Whoops, that's right. I need to be monitoring this."
Kanade Amo: "Croitzal ronzell gungnir zizzl..."
Ryoko Sakurai: "Gungnir activated. Link coefficient is stable."
Ryoko Sakurai: "Now why don't you activate Brisingamen next?"
Kanade Amo: "All right..."
Kanade Amo: (Brisingamen! Lend me your strength!"
Kanade Amo: "Yaaaah!"
Kanade Amo: "Ngh!"
Kanade Amo: "Agh... Aaaaaah?!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Kanade-san, hang in there!"
Kanade Amo: "M-My body... My mind... It feels like they're... Being torn apart...)
Kanade Amo: (But I won't let it beat me... I can't...)
Kanade Amo: "With this power... I will... save Tsubasa!"
???: "You are a fool."
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Kanade Amo: (What's that voice?)
???: "Is saving Tsubasa really what you believe  you want?"
Kanade Amo: (Of course it is.)
???: "But you can't save her. You couldn't have her. All because you're powerless."
Kanade Amo: (And that's exactly why, more than ever, I need this power!)
???: "Despite knowing that too much power will only destroy you?"
Kanade Amo: (Believe me, I'm well aware!)
???: "Is she even someone worth saving in the first place?"
Kanade Amo: (What do you mean?)
???: "She's not even your missing wing! She's a different person who just happens to look the same."
Kanade Amo: (Well...)
???: "You can forget about ever being able to fly with her again."
Kanade Amo: (Shut up!)
???: "The revulsion you feel is right on the mark. You know it's true."
Kanade Amo: (Be quiet...)
???: "All you're doing is trying to make up for the past."
Kanade Amo: (Stop it!)
???: "You can never make up for your sins. You can never bring back what's been lost."
Kanade Amo: (I know that! I do! But--)
???: "You've been deceiving yourself all along."
Kanade Amo: (What would you know?!)
???: "I know everything you know..."
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Kanade's Silhouette: "Because I AM you."
Kanade Amo: (What?!)
Kanade's Silhouette: "I don't need her."
Kanade Amo: (That... can't... be true...)
Kanade's Silhouette: "Don't you remember? You hated her."
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Kanade (Past): "Look at you, cowering behind the grown-ups!"
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Kanade (Past) "I hate that stupid look on your face! Do I really scare you that much?!"
Kanade Amo:  (AAAAAAAAAAH!)
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Kanade Amo: "AAAAAAAAAAH!"
Ryoko Sakurai: "We're at T-plus one minute since her brainwaves and link coefficient entered the danger zone."
Ryoko Sakurai: "It's unlikely she'll be able to bring herself back under her own control. Continuing any further is too risky."
Genjuro Kazanari: "...That's enough. Stop the test."
Ryoko Sakurai: "Acknowledged. Forcibly shutting down Brisingamen."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Kanade-san..."
Maria: "Don't look so despondent. This is only her first attempt. You can't give up on her just yet."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Yeah... I guess you're right."
Ryoko Sakurai: "Brisingamen is being forcibly shut down."
Ryoko Sakurai: "Her link coefficient is dropping rapidly. It's caused Gungnir to cease functioning as well."
Kanade Amo: "Huff, huff, huff..."
Kanade Amo: "Ngh..."
Kanade Amo: (Did I... fail?)
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Alicia: "......"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Just what are you planning to do?!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Are you going to feed me to that monster, after all?"
Alicia: "I'm sure it would appreciate the meal..."
Alicia: "However, for now, I'd like to hear you sing."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Wait..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: (Is that my Gear pendant?)
Tsubasa Kazanari: "You're just giving this back to me? No catch?"
Alicia: "Your powers cannot defeat it. That much as already been proven."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "If me having my Gear is meaningless, wouldn't hearing me sing be just as meaningless?"
Alicia: "No. I believe you'll find that you'll need to wield it, soon enough."
Tsubasa Kazanari: (Alca-Noise?!)
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I see. So I have no choice but to sing, then."
Alicia: "I assume you understand now?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: (Guess I don't have much of a choice.)
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I don't know what you're after, but seeing as I'm in the palm of your hand, I'll play along for now."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Imyuteus amenohabakiri tron..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Yaaah!"
Alicia: (She jumped back to open up distance?)
Tsubasa Kazanari: "This is Tsubasa Kazanari! Section 2, please respond!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "...Guh, no response!"
Alicia: "If you're thinking of calling for help, I'd suggest giving up now."
Alicia: "There are no communication signals where we are, and certainly no way to detect your Aufwachen waveform."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Rgh..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: (Maybe I could break my way through the glass and escape?)
Tsubasa Kazanari: (But would I be able to shake off that monster?)
Tsubasa Kazanari: (There's snow in every way I look. This can't be Japan. There's never snow around this time of year.)
Tsubasa Kazanari: (Could I actually make it anywhere across this tundra?)
Tsubasa Kazanari: (Or maybe I could defeat all these guys, destroy the electronic interference, and contact the outside world?)
Tsubasa Kazanari: (Frankly, neither choice sounds especially promising.)
Alicia: "I don't think you have the time to squander on deep thoughts right now."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Guh! It can even send down a rain of fire?!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "All right, then. If you want to hear my song, then here it is!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Yaaah!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Send as many as you want. I'm not going down!"
Alicia: "I see. You certainly are resilient."
Alicia: "But how long can you hold out against a horde like this?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: (Why does she keep sending them one wave at a time?)
Tsubasa Kazanari: (If she can summon this many, why not summon them all right away and then surround me?)
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Yaaah!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: (Is there a limit as to how many she can summon at once?)
Tsubasa Kazanari: (Or is the point to simply make me fight?)
Tsubasa Kazanari: (If that's the case, then why?)
Alicia: "Splendid. Your reputation precedes you."
Alicia: "You fight just as the rumors say."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "It feels like you've turned me into a gladiator."
Alicia: "Is that not precisely what a sword would desire?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "A sword with no will is no sword. A battle without a cause is no battle for a warrior."
Alicia: "Do any battles truly have a cause?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "You say this while you keep trying to fight me?!"
Alicia: "Yes. It's a contradiction, I know."
Alicia: "But to change the world, we must forge a path of contradictions which leads to the world beyond."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "What are you talking about?"
Alicia: "I doubt you'd ever be able to understand."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "The other day, you said your goal was world peace."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "But to be honest--"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I think it's all a farce! Is this what the world needs in order to achieve peace?!"
Alicia: "You must be rather skilled at fighting if you have this much leeway for idle talk."
Alicia: "Very well, then. Allow me to share my plan."
Alicia: "I need the power of your songs to defeat those who would oppose me, those who oppose peace."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I do not sing simply to defeat my enemies!"
Alicia: "But you sing in order to kill the Noise. Is that not what a Symphogear wielder does?"
Alicia: "Is that not what Kanade Amo does?"
Alicia: "If it's not to defeat your enemies, then what DO you sing for?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "......"
Tsubasa Kazanari: (I'm not from this world--)
Tsubasa Kazanari: (My feelings, though, are unbending, regardless of what world I'm in.)
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I sing for people who like my songs."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "If I can make those people smile even a little, then I'll brandish my sword proudly."
Alicia: "Smiles... A rather naive response for a Symphogear wielder who's supposed to protect the world."
Alicia: "Bringing smiles to a handful of peons isn't going to change the world."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Maybe my songs alone won't do that. But songs have the power to change the world."
Alicia: "If such a song exists, I would love to hear it!"
Alicia: "Before your world is sealed off, prove to me what this power you speak of is truly capable of."
Bergelmir: "Grrraaaaaah!"
Alicia: "Next up, you'll be facing my precious Bergelmir."
Tsubasa Kazanari: (She wants me to fight that monster?)
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Bergelmir... So that's the monster's name!"
Alicia: "Yes. Do you think your fleeting dreams can endure in the face of its overwhelming presence?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I'm ready to take on any foe."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Now then... Here I come!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Yaaaah!"
Bergelmir: "Graaaaugh!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: (I slash and slash to no effect... This is an incredibly resilient monster.)
Tsubasa Kazanari: (Fighting like this won't get me anywhere. But what can I do?)
Tsubasa Kazanari: (Aha!)
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I can stop its movement with my Shadow Weave! Yaaah!"
Bergelmir: "Grrraaaaaah?!"
Alicia: "Bergelmir can't move?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: (This is my chance!)
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Yaaaaaah!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I'm done playing along with your games, Alicia Bernstein!"
Alicia: "You are a fool if you think you can escape!"
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Tsubasa Kazanari: (There's nothing but snow as far as the eye can see. It'll be hard to find my way back to civilization.)
Tsubasa Kazanari: (But if I can get far enough away from the compound, I should be able to get a signal...)
Tsubasa Kazanari: (If I can do that, I can let Section 2 know what's going on.)
Tsubasa Kazanari: (But still, with this brutal snowstorm, I'd probably freeze to death if I didn't have my Gear.)
Tsubasa Kazanari: (Will I get a signal before I exhaust my own strength?)
Tsubasa Kazanari: (My fate is in the hands of the heavens now...)
0 notes
cutepresea · 4 years
4-4 A Light That Pierces the Clouds: A World Without Sunshine
Sorry again for the spam.
If you want to blacklist these, you can use either the tag #a light that pierces the clouds for just this event, or #xdu event scripts or #xdu scripts
Reminder that these are copied straight from XD Unlimited itself, so any grammatical weirdness, mistranslations, and/or mischaracterizations are not my doing.
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Genjuro Kazanari: "Well? Did you get anything out of Hibiki-kun?"
Maria: "No, nothing."
Maria: "We tried to get in contact several more times, but she barely spared a word for us."
Maria: "We can't have a conversation, let alone ask questions. I'm honestly not sure what to do."
Chris Yukine: "Seriously, what's her deal? Is she really the same person?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "I'm sorry."
Chris Yukine: "Nah, you don't gotta apologize, old man."
Maria: "I don't suppose you know why she might be acting this stubborn?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Well..."
Maria: "If there's anything you know, would you mind telling us?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "......"
Maria: "I realize it may be difficult to talk about, but we need all the help we can get at this point."
Maria: "If we can't get her to talk to us, then we're at a complete impasse."
Genjuro Kazanari: "All right. I'll tell you all I'm authorized to."
Chris Yukine: "So you do know something then."
Genjuro Kazanari: "She has a troubled past. She hasn't been willing to trust anyone after what she went through."
Genjuro Kazanari: "We tried to reach out and support her several times, but unfortunately, she wouldn't hear us out."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Whether fighting Noise is a hobby or a mission for her, I can't say, but she always shows up to fight."
Maria: "You mentioned a troubled past?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "She survived a certain incident..."
Maria: "You mean the Zwei Wing concert? When the Noise attacked during Tsubasa and Kanade Amo's performance?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "So you've heard of it. That'll make this simpler then."
Genjuro Kazanari: "She was subjected to baseless slander and blame by the victims' families because of the fact she survived."
Genjuro Kazanari: "She had nobody but her own family. And yet, she was even mistreated by the one place she could call home."
Genjuro Kazanari: "That must have hurt her in ways I can't imagine. But since we weren't involved, we'll never really know."
Chris Yukine: "Whoa. Back up real quick, old man."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Hm?"
Chris Yukine: "You just said she had nobody but her family. But what about her friend?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Friend? Who are you talking about?"
Maria: "Miku Kohinata."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Kohinata? Hmm... I heard she didn't have anyone she was close to."
Chris Yukine: "What the?"
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Chris Yukine: "What the hell's going on here?"
Maria: "Either way, she's apparently not Hibiki Tachibana's friend here."
Chris Yukine: "Well then where is she? She's always tagging along with that moron."
Maria: "I'm not sure. We can't be sure if she's alive somewhere else or already dead... or whether she even existed."
Chris Yukine: "Hey, don't say creepy stuff like that."
Maria: "At any rate, that's not what's important right now."
Maria: "We at least now have a grasp of Hibiki's situation and background in this world."
Maria: "Moreover, we need her to tell us about the Noise she encountered."
Chris Yukine: "Regardless of how she feels about it?"
Maria: "That's not what I'm saying. But our priorities have shifted a bit."
Chris Yukine: "Rgh! More Noise?!"
Maria: "Maybe she'll come to fight them. It'll be a chance to make contact."
Chris Yukine: "It's not like we could just ignore the Noise, anyway."
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Tsubasa Kazanari: "Do you two mind helping me out?"
Maria: "Sure. What's the situation?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "They're still evacuating the nearby civilians. We can't let the Noise make their way any further into town."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I really need backup, so it'd be a big help."
Chris Yukine: "Forget backup, it looks like she's come to stick her nose into things."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Tachibana, huh?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "......"
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Sakuya Fujitaka: "Noise signals have gone dark."
Aoi Tomosato: "No serious damage taken by the wielders, either."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Having reinforcements from a parallel world is proving to be a big help."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Too bad we can't ask them to stick around permanently."
Sakuya Fujitaka: "C-Commander! We're getting new Noise signals!"
Aoi Tomosato: "Wait... If the signal is this big--!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Could it be the thing from the other day?!"
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Chris Yukine: "I think that mostly does it."
Maria: "Yes. Now we can finally have some time to talk to her."
Hibiki Tachibana: "......"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Watch out! There's a powerful Noise signal near your position! It's very likely the one from the other day!"
Maria: "Well, looks like we don't need to ask her for details anymore."
Chris Yukine: "Yeah. Guess this thing exists in this world too, huh?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "What's with that Noise? Why does it look like that?"
Maria: "That's a Karma Noise. It's no ordinary foe, so be on your guard."
Hibiki Tachibana: "......"
Maria: (This signal... It must be the Noise she saw the other day.)
Chris Yukine: "Let's take it down quickly before it gets away!"
Maria: "I'm on it!"
Maria: "It's regenerating again?!"
Chris Yukine: "Dammit! This thing won't let up!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Rrraaaahhhh!"
Chris Yukine: "You idiot! Don't rush in without thinking!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Ahhh!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Huh?!"
Maria: "Yaaaagh!"
Maria: "Whew... I barely made it in time."
Chris Yukine: "Are you all right?!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Mind your own business!"
Chris Yukine: "What?!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Everyone looks out for themselves. Nobody ever helps me when I need it."
Chris Yukine: "What are you talking about?"
Maria: "Wait! The Karma Noise just..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "It vanished."
Maria: "Maybe it's because people were evacuated from the surrounding area?"
Chris Yukine: "Dammit! We were so close, and now we have to start all over again."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Rgh!"
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Miku Kohinata: "Nice weather today, huh?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Yeah. It's a perfect day for ice cream."
Miku Kohinata: (She's looking a little better.)
Hibiki Tachibana: "I wonder what Chris-chan and Maria-san are up to right now."
Miku Kohinata: "You don't need to worry about them. Right now, you just need to focus on yourself, Hibiki."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Haha, sorry, sor-- Ugh!"
Miku Kohinata: "Hibiki?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Urgh! Ah... Aaaaah!"
Miku Kohinata: "Hibiki?! What's wrong?! Hibiki!"
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Hibiki Tachibana: "Miku..."
Miku Kohinata: "Hibiki..."
Hibiki Tachibana: "I'm sorry... I'm putting you through so much stress."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Urgh!"
Miku Kohinata: "Don't push yourself, Hibiki! You shouldn't try to stand up yet."
Miku Kohinata: "Once you're feeling a little better, do you want to head home? Let's just take a moment to rest here, okay?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Okay..."
Miku Kohinata: (Why is she getting so weak like this?)
Elfnein: "Miku-san, I have some news. Could you come to the control room?"
Miku Kohinata: "Sure."
Miku Kohinata: "Sorry, Hibiki. I'm just going to talk with the others real quick."
Hibiki Tachibana: "......"
Miku Kohinata: "I'll be right back. You just wait here, okay?"
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Tsubasa Kazanari: "What's Tachibana's condition?"
Kirika Akatsuki: "How's she doing?!"
Elfnein: "We've run several medical tests over the last few days, but sadly, we still don't know what's causing it."
Miku Kohinata: "......"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Hibiki-kun's state of exhaustion is abnormal. It's safe to say that this probably isn't any normal illness."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Do we have any ideas? Or even a tiny hint?"
Elfnein: "We don't know the cause, but her neural pulse is growing more and more erratic by the day."
Elfnein: "I believe her physical exhaustion is mainly in due to her mental state."
Miku Kohinata: "Her mental state?"
Elfnein: "Yes, that's right."
Elfnein: "You mentioned earlier that Hibiki-san had been having nightmares. Do you know what they were about?"
Miku Kohinata: "Well, I..."
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Hibiki Tachibana: "It's a terrible, terrible nightmare."
Hibiki Tachibana: "I'm sealed away in the darkness, and there's nobody else around."
Hibiki Tachibana: "I'm suffering, and yet no one comes to help me."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Nobody to laugh with, no one to take my hand..."
Hibiki Tachibana: "It hurts so, so much deep inside. And at some point, I just started to accept it."
Hibiki Tachibana: "I'm scared."
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Genjuro Kazanari: "Hibiki-kun was having nightmares that intense?"
Kirika Akatsuki: "That can't be right!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Yeah. Hibiki-san has all of our support."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "And yet something's going on. But what could it be?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Why now?!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "The Noise may aggravate Tachibana's condition. We're going, you two."
Kirika Akatsuki: "On it!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "We need Hibiki-san to get her proper rest, after all."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Kohinata, you stick by Tachibana's side."
Miku Kohinata: "Thank you, Tsubasa-san. You be careful too, Shirabe-chan, Kirika-chan."
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Miku Kohinata: "Hibiki, I'm back."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Mi... Miku?"
Miku Kohinata: "Are you awake?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Yeah. I thought I heard the alarm a little while ago."
Miku Kohinata: "It's okay. Tsubasa-san, Shirabe-chan, and Kirika-chan are handling it. You just relax."
Hibiki Tachibana: "i see..."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Ah... I'm hopeless. I want to go out there and fight to hlep people, but in my condition..."
Miku Kohinata: "Look, your mission now is to take it easy and rest. Don't you get any funny ideas."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Take it easy? You mean, just for now, right?"
Miku Kohinata: "Hibiki?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "What's going to happen to me? At this rate--"
Miku Kohinata: "Nothing's going to happen to you. I swear on it... I swear that I'll never let anything happen to you."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Miku..."
Miku Kohinata: "I told you, it'll be fine. Now get some rest."
Hibiki Tachibana: "...Sorry."
Miku Kohinata: (Why...)
Miku Kohinata: (Why does Hibiki have to suffer these awful nightmares?)
Miku Kohinata: (What's making her feel so alone?)
Miku Kohinata: (What can I do to ease her suffering?)
Miku Kohinata: (I don't know... I don't know what to do, Hibiki.)
0 notes
cutepresea · 4 years
3-2 Kimono Rumble: A World Without Wielders
Again, sorry for the spam.
If you want to blacklist these, you can use either the tag #kimono rumble for just this event, or #xdu event scripts for all these posts in general.
Reminder that these are copied straight from XD Unlimited itself, so any grammatical weirdness, mistranslations, and/or mischaracterizations are not my doing.
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Chris Yukine: "Here we are. Another day, another world."
Kirika Akatsuki: "Nothing seems too different."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Yeah. Are we really in a parallel world?"
Chris Yukine: "That's usually how it is. If you take a good look, you'll find plenty of differences."
Chris Yukine: (I didn't think they'd send three of us to investigate.)
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Genjuro Kazanari: "There was an alert from Gjallarhorn this morning. I'm sorry, but I'll need you to investigate it."
Kirika Akatsuki: "Sure! You can count on us!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Please let us go."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Shirabe-kun, Kirika-kun, I understand that you're enthusiastic, but--"
Maria: "You two..."
Kirika Akatsuki: "We both want to lend everyone a hand."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "We want to do whatever we can to help. As wielders... and as comrades."
Genjuro Kazanari: "I see. But neither of you have much experience in parallel worlds. You'll need another wielder with you."
Elfnein: "I agree. Investigating parallel worlds brings with it many unknowns, along with difficult battles."
Elfnein: "We have dealt with Karma Noise and other powerful Noise in the past, so being in a team of three is a must."
Maria: "Then I'll--"
Kirika Akatsuki: "You should come along with us, Chris-senpai!"
Chris Yukine: "S-Sure..."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "We would really appreciate it."
Kirika Akatsuki: "Yeah, yeah! Come with us!"
Chris Yukine: "W-Well, if you really want me to..."
Maria: "Shirabe... Kirika?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "That settles it. You three will lead the investigation."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Roger."
Kirika Akatsuki: "All right!"
Chris Yukine: "Understood."
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Chris Yukine: "But why me? Poor Maria looked like she was about to cry..." [1]
Kirika Akatsuki: "We want her to rest a little. She's been on missions for so long now, and she hasn't had any time to rest."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "And besides, Maria is too kind to us."
Kirika Akatsuki: "Yeah. We can't help but let her spoil us. We have to get stronger so we can support her when the time comes."
Chris Yukine: "I see. So you chose me as your most dependable senior then."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Maria is good friends with Tsubasa-san, and Hibiki-san has Miku-san..."
Kirika Akatsuki: "I figured you that you were probably pretty lonely by yourself, Chris-senpai." [2]
Chris Yukine: "Well excuse me for living by myself!"
Chris Yukine: "Hey, is that the Noise?!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "We have to hurry!"
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Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "I knew it was them!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Where are the wielders in this world?!"
Chris Yukine: "I guess we'll have to deal with the Noise ourselves!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Yup!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Wait, there's someone over there!"
Chris Yukine: "He's being protected by the Self Defense Force."
Kirika Akatsuki: "Maybe he's some kind of VIP? Looks like he's wearing a white co--"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Hm?! Something doesn't feel right here."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "You, too? I'm getting goosebumps."
Chris Yukine: "I don't feel anything... Anyway, let's go help them!"
Soldier A: "They're defeating the Noise..."
Soldier B: "Who are those girls?"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Looks like this area's clear of Noise."
Kirika Akatsuki: "Not a problem for us seasoned wielders!"
Chris Yukine: "That level of Noise was never going to be an issue, anyhow."
Chris Yukine: "So, who are you guys?"
Soldier A: "W-We're soldiers from the Self Defense Force. We appreciate your help, but who are YOU?"
Chris Yukine: "We're..."
Chris Yukine: "Hey, what do you think we should call ourselves?"
Kirika Akatsuki: "W-W-Wait a minute! How would I know?!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Umm, we're part of S.O.N.G.-- No, I mean Special Disaster Response Team Section--"
Soldier B: "Special Disaster what now? I don't know any civilian organization that goes by that name."
Chris Yukine: "What?! H-Hey! What's going on here?!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "You mean there's no Section 2?!"
Soldier A: "I have no idea what you're talking about!"
Soldier B: "They seem fishy to me. Maybe we should restrain--"
Chris Yukine: "Hold on! There's nothing fishy about us!"
Soldier B: "That's what a fishy person would say. Now stand still while we restrain you."
???: "That is enough!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Whaaaa?! Brrrrrr!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "That voice... It's making all the hairs on my body stand up."
Dr. Ver: "We owe these girls our lives! They are true heroes!"
Dr. Ver: "You will follow my orders, and put down your weapons."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "The Doctor?!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "A-Anyone but him!"
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Dr. Ver: "You can relax. I must say, your battle prowess was something to behold."
Chris Yukine: "S-Sure..."
Dr. Ver: "Oh? What's wrong? Why are you moving so far away?"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Get away!"
Dr. Ver: "Was there something I did to make you hate me? Why must you treat me so coldly?"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "I'm sorry, but I...need a little more time to process this."
Dr. Ver: "Huh? Well no matter. Just take your time."
Dr. Ver: "Anyway, how about a little self-introduction. I am the world's leading researcher of relics, Dr. Ver!"
Dr. Ver: "Those things you girls were wielding earlier, they have to be the relics themselves, surely!"
Chris Yukine: "I mean, yeah, but..."
Dr. Ver: "So my eyes didn't deceive me! There is a technology which activates and wields relics. Fascinating!"
Dr. Ver: "But even more fascinating are those songs you sung in battle. Tell me all about their power! Don't be shy!"
Chris Yukine: "H-Hey, slow down there! Don't you come near me!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "So we don't exist in this world."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Not only that, there might not be Symphogears, either. Section 2 doesn't exist, after all."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "But that overeager pushiness... That's exactly like the Doctor we knew."
Dr. Ver: "Wonderful... Just wonderful! Show me more! Tell me more! Come on, don't be shy!"
Chris Yukine: "Oh, geez! Fine! Just calm down a little!"
Dr. Ver: "My god... I never would have thought that parallel worlds existed. Let alone Symphogears or the Sakurai Theory."
Dr. Ver: "It seems that your world is much more developed in relic research compared to mine."
Chris Yukine: "You don't have any wielders here?"
Dr. Ver: "None. At least, none that my esteemed self is aware of, anyhow."
Dr. Ver: "But to think that relics respond to song... How splendid! How incredibly romantic!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "What I want to know is how you guys deal with the Noise without the wielders of Section 2?"
Dr. Ver: "It's just like you saw earlier. The US Military and Japanese SDF work in tandem to deal with them."
Dr. Ver: "However strong the Noise may be, we aren't helpless. Although I can't say we're very effective either."
Dr. Ver: "Except ever since the incident the other day, we've been witnessing abnormalities."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Abnormalities?"
Chris Yukine: "Just what happened in that incident--"
Kirika Akatsuki: "What is that alarm?! A cup noodle timer?!"
Dr. Ver: "No, some Noise appeared. Didn't think they would return so quickly..."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "The Noise!"
Chris Yukine: "Where are they located?!"
Dr. Ver: "Do you really want to go?"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Of course!"
Dr. Ver: "My goodness... My eyes truly weren't mistaken. You girls are just the finest, bravest heroes I've ever--"
Chris Yukine: "Yeah yeah yeah, just tell us where the damn Noise are already!"
Dr. Ver: "I-I understand... Then let me guide you there."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "But why, Doctor?"
Kirika Akatsuki: "It's too dangerous."
Dr. Ver: "My overwhelming curiosity must be quenched! I simply must see you fight up close and personal!"
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Dr. Ver: "Wonderful... Just wonderful! Such exquisite displays of battle prowess!"
Chris Yukine: "That's kind how it goes with our Symphogears."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "They're designed specifically to defeat the Noise."
Kirika Akatsuki: "This amount of Noise is a walk in the park for us!"
Dr. Ver: "Hehe... Wonderful, just wonderful..."
Kirika Akatsuki: "Ugh... I feel sick..."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "I know he looks the same, but he's a different person, Kiri-chan."
Kirika Akatsuki: "Yeah, I know that, but... Ugh."
Chris Yukine: "So, about that abnormality you mentioned earlier?"
Dr. Ver: "Recently among the Noise, there have been specimen that appear quite different from the rest."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "That black cat looked like it was a hurry." [3]
Chris Yukine: "Who cares about some cat? So what do these weird Noise look--?"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Hm? More Noise?"
Dr. Ver: "No way, is that--?!"
Chris Yukine: "Heh! It's just some Noise! I'll finish this easy!"
Chris Yukine: "What?! My attack didn't work?!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "It cut her bullets in half!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "I don't believe it..."
Chris Yukine: "Dammit! How about you try this on for size?!”
Chris Yukine: "You've gotta be kidding me! Even that got sliced in half?"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Diiiiiiiie!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "I'm joining in!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Aah!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Aaaaah!"
Chris Yukine: "Hey! Don't trip over nothing!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "We just got a bit careless, that's all! Let's go, Shirabe!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Okay!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: (We tripped over nothing? Something isn't right here...)
Kirika Akatsuki: "Our attacks aren't even making a scratch!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "It's seeing right through all of our attacks."
Chris Yukine: "You cheeky little--! I'll get you!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Chris! You can't go alone!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "The both of you need to calm down!"
Chris Yukine: "Guh! Watch out!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Whoa! We're gonna crash!"
Chris Yukine: "I'm trying to dodge here! Get out of the way!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Now you're just talking crazy!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Look! It's going to attack!"
Chris Yukine: "Aaaah! What?! H-Hold on!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "How?! It cut through my attack like it was nothing!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Stand back!"
Chris Yukine: "Tch... Now we know this isn't some ordinary Noise. Time to go all in!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "You got it!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Roger!"
Chris Yukine: "What is this thing?!”
Kirika Akatsuki: "It's deflecting all our attacks..."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "It's not just that. Unlike the regular Noise, it's watching our movements."
Chris Yukine: "You know, I feel like I've seen this thing's movement before."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "I was just thinking the same."
Kirika Akatsuki: "I don't have any pals that move like that!"
Chris Yukine: "Guess we've gotta get this tricky bastard with one big attack!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "And it's not even a Karma Noise..."
Kirika Akatsuki: "Time for a fully powered attack!"
Chris Yukine: "Don't stop now! Keep pushing!"
Chris Yukine: "All right!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "We managed to take it down..."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "But I'm exhausted..."
Kirika Akatsuki: "Hm? What is this?"
Chris Yukine: "What the? It doesn't look like a Noise fragment."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "But it came from where that Noise vanished. It must be related in some way."
Dr. Ver: "Thank you all for such a wonderful display. I feel I saw every aspect of your power!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Great, now I feel sick again..."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Pull yourself together, Kiri-chan."
Dr. Ver: "Oh? Looks like the SDF and US Military finally arrived. They certainly took their sweet time..."
Soldier: "Doctor! What happened to the Noise here?!"
Dr. Ver: "Those girls cleared them all out! And they didn't leave a single straggler, might I add!"
Soldier: "Huh? You mean those girls in the strange outfits?"
Dr. Ver: "How rude! Can't you tell how wondrous this is?! This is precisely why I hate the uncultured!"
Soldier: "S-Sorry, Doctor!"
Dr. Ver: "Whatever. Everything's fine here, so explain the situation to your unit, and return to base. We're done here."
Soldier: "I-I see..."
Kirika Akatsuki: "They're giving us funny looks."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "It's like they don't believe we defeated the Noise."
Chris Yukine: "Don't pay them any mind. They're free to choose whether to believe it or not."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Chris-senpai even didn't retort back at them."
Kirika Akatsuki: "We're going to see flying pigs at this rate!"
Chris Yukine: "Oh, I get it. So that's how you two see me."
Kirika Akatsuki: "N-Not at all. That was just a figure of speech, like a joke, that's all."
Dr. Ver: "Hehe. You three get along wonderfully well; precisely how a relationship between senpai and kohai should be."
Chris Yukine: "You've got it all mixed up. I'm the senior here! What makes you think I'm their kohai?!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "She's letting this whole senpai thing get to her head."
Kirika Akatsuki: "You can say that again."
Dr. Ver: "I mean, they didn't see you fighting, so it's natural for them to doubt your abilities."
Chris Yukine: "By the way, that Noise from earlier is the abnormality you mentioned, isn't it?" Is it all over now?"
Dr. Ver: "It's not quite that simple. There's more than one of those Noise."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "There are more?"
Dr. Ver: "Yes, there are."
Kirika Akatsuki: "We barely beat one of them with the three of us teaming up. How many more are there?"
Dr. Ver: "Well... There is likely a few dozen more at least."
Chris Yukine: "A few dozen?!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "No way..."
Kirika Akatsuki: "That can't be right! How's that possible?!"
Dr. Ver: "That Noise absorbs relic fragments. I calculated that number based on the number of fragments that exist."
Chris Yukine: "Fragments? Wait, like the one from earlier!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "You mean this?"
Dr. Ver: "My god... It's exactly as I thought."
Dr. Ver: "This is a fragment of Muramasa."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Muramasa?"
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Dr. Ver: "Sorry for making you come all the way here. I thought it would be better to explain on-site."
Chris Yukine: "On-site? What do you mean?"
Dr. Ver: "This shrine is where a Muramasa blade was housed."
Dr. Ver; "They are cursed blades, crafted by the blacksmith Muramasa Sengo."
Kirika Akatsuki: "C-Cursed blades?"
Dr. Ver: "Yes. They may not have as deep a history as other relics, but they are said to have cursed the Tokugawa family."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "I've heard the name before, but I didn't know they were cursed..."
Dr. Ver: "They indeed embody a powerful curse, and the Muramasa enshrined here was the very first ever made."
Dr. Ver: "It is a bona fide cursed blade that has taken who knows how many lives."
Dr. Ver: "It brings misfortune to anyone or anything that comes near it."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Misfortune... Could it be that we felt sick in battle because of the blade?"
Dr. Ver: "It must be. In fact, those who have touched it directly have all been struck with some kind of misfortune."
Kirika Akatsuki: "That's one scary sword..."
Chris Yukine: "D-Don't be scared of it. It's just some curse..."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "So how does the Muramasa effect the Noise?" [4]
Dr. Ver: "I do not know. But right after a failed activation experiment, those special Noise started appearing."
Kirika Akatsuki: "You tried to activate a relic? What were you thinking?!"
Dr. Ver: "I was against it! But those barbaric government imbeciles got greedy and forced the Muramasa's activation!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "And then the activation failed, causing it to shatter?"
Dr. Ver: "Yes. Muramasa went berserk, and then shattered instantly as a result."
Dr. Ver: "The shattered fragments scattered over a vast area. If they had only let me handle the experiment!"
Dr. Ver: "Ahem. But I digress. The Noise that were affected by Muramasa--the ones with Muramasa fragments--"
Dr. Ver: "We call them Warrior Noise."
Dr. Ver: "We had no way to deal with them. We either fled, or waited for them to carbonize their victims--"
Dr. Ver: "--But now thanks to you all, we have a ray of hope! You are true--"
Kirika Akatsuki: "True what?"
Dr. Ver: "No, it's too early to say. Anyway, that is what happened in this world."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "You know, there's something about that Noise's name..."
Kirika Akatsuki: "Like, I get it, but it's pretty cliché if you ask me."
Dr. Ver: "That was something the higher-ups decided on. At the end of the day, they make all the decisions."
Chris Yukine: "So these Warrior Noise were affected by Muramasa, making them stronger?"
Dr. Ver: "Yes. There are no other possible causes I can think of."
Chris Yukine: "You know, I think we've found the abnormality we're looking for."
Kirika Akatsuki: "No doubt about it!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "I agree."
Dr. Ver: "I hate to ask this knowing full well that you're visitors from a parallel world, but would you help us?"
Chris Yukine: "Sure. That's why we're here in the first place."
Kirika Akatsuki: "Yeah! Our mission is to resolve that abnormality!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "It's ultimately our problem, too."
Dr. Ver: "Thank you so much! I knew I could count on you all! Hehe..."
[1] Chris doesn't use others' names outside of very rare cases and here she didn't used "aitsu" in Japanese rather than "Maria"
[2] There's an extra "you" in this line
[3] They left out a word, "in a hurry"
[4] They should have used "affect" rather than "effect"
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