#empathy is learned fanart
sweeneydino · 7 months
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No matter how different they look and how dangerous they seem to others, they're still her sibling
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Her can obsessed dragon sibling
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ithinkdogshouldvote · 6 months
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POV: you are Willy Stampler
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bubblingsteam · 5 months
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roger-d0dger · 6 months
MFW ppl continuously talk about how much they hate Roger and want him to die 💜
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/J I don’t care anymore lmaooo. I can’t expect people to understand the nuances of ASPD and how societal structure allows them to lead normal lives; and that the lack of that structure is the direct cause of the events in the book.
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cloudmancy · 5 months
it really does drive me crazy trying to interact with any of the popular fantasy high posts on here. because people will say with their whole chest they hate and have got no sympathy for the rat grinders and that a) jawbone should've punched kipperlilly for coming to him with her Undiagnosed Mental Health Issues (you know, like the ones adaine used to have in freshman year?) b) the bad kids should take them all someplace to 6v1 them one by one and cold blooded murder them (??????) c) whole heartedly hate and make fun of them for being scared and alone and dead when they went on an adventure with a teacher and adult who was supposed to PROTECT them in a place they weren't prepared for.
the rat grinders were just. normal students. they are more like you than you could ever be like the bad kids. they were mid & they didn't want to be so they pushed themselves too fast too far and now all of them have got the worst survivor's guilt on earth on top of actively having to serve the rage incarnation of a dead god.
if you have the cognitive dissonance where one of the bad kids was in the plot line and you'd be drawing fanart making angsty meta crying about your poor baby forced into a bad situation and turn around and go 'lol nah shoot THESE guys in the head though' when it's an NPC I can only assume you've not understood narrative parallels or learned empathy past, like, a kindergarten level
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somniumfaults · 2 months
“If that time comes, I'll kill you. I promise… I'll kill you. I love you. I'm the one who’ll make your wishes come true. It has to be me.”
a warmup that I got really inspired for! I saw this quote on twitter and was immediately reminded of this fanart of Rui! I've been obsessed with this art since it was posted, and I couldn't not take the opportunity to write smth based on it!
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pairing: rui mizuki/reader
rating: teen
prompt: “If that time comes, I'll kill you. I promise… I'll kill you. I love you. I'm the one who’ll make your wishes come true. It has to be me.”
tags: implied major character death
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As a curse-bearer, Rui should understand your plight more than anyone else in Darkwick did. The anger, the resignation, the fear and alienation of your own body. The clawing desperation and willingness to do anything—everything—necessary to try and get back some sense of control and a semblance of how things used to be. Becoming something other than human… it was too much for one person to take, no matter what Ed waved his hand dismissively at.
The ghouls didn’t understand, because how could they? Empathy could only go so far when the foundation of one’s experiences differed fundamentally. Their transformation, for better or worse, had been a product of their own wishes, regardless of how individual ghouls felt regarding the matter. How could you or Rui relate to that in the slightest? Who had offered the two of you a choice in becoming Other?
As it was, even he could only understand you to a point. At least he had the option to live. At least he could pick himself back up one piece at a time and learn how to pretend everything was fine. At least, at least, at least… At least he could offer you reprieve.
He couldn’t understand what it was like for you, so how could he fault you for curling in on yourself and breaking down in front of him, sobbing at the unfairness of it all? It was unfair. You didn’t deserve to simmer in the anxiety of knowing each passing day was another closer to becoming something that was no longer you. You didn’t deserve to live in fear, knowing that all the bonds you were making at Darkwick would end in mutual violence when that timer ran out. Unlike him, you were something pure. You deserved to stay that way.
Was it really so unreasonable for you to confess that you didn’t want to deal with your burden anymore? 
… If there was anything about being cursed that he understood, it was that.
It was why, despite the acid that crept up his throat and threatened to leave his voice hoarse, he made a promise to you—a promise so soft that you almost missed it.
“When the day comes,” he said with a vulnerability you had never heard of him before, as if bearing his soul to you, “that you feel you really can’t take this anymore… you can rely on me. I’ll give you a hug to make everything better, okay? You won’t have to worry anymore. You’ll be loved.”
He smiled mournfully.
“Until death do we part, right?”
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kilarthmac · 4 months
Let's talk about Caelum.
I'm gonna preface this with saying that everyone is entitled to their opinions, and if once you're done reading this you decide you don't want to follow me or you want to block me, that's completely up to you. I'm not trying to change your opinion or attack anyone who has a different one than mine, I just wanted to put my two cents out there.
I also wanted to say that whatever your opinion on the matter is, it's yours and yours alone, and you should respect the opinions of other people even if they don't match up. I personally do not sexualize Caelum, but I do think he is an adult with childlike characteristics, and those two statements are not mutually exclusive. He can be an adult, but he also doesnt have to be put in adult situations.
It's okay to have strong feelings one way or the other about this topic, but it is not okay to harass people or go on a witch hunt for those with the opposite opinion to give them shit about what they think. If you disagree with someone and do not want to see their stuff on your timeline, just block them or scroll away. You alone are responsible for your own dash, you cannot make other people responsible for what you see on your timeline.
All that being said, I do not like how the fandom treats Caelum and Empathy Daemons in general.
My stance on the matter is that Empathy Daemons as a whole are adults, but because of how E'Laetum created them, they tend to have childlike characteristics. Those who say that Empathy Daemons are ALL children blatantly ignore the fact that Regulus is an Empathy Daemon as well, and that he has been shown to have adult tendancies (his BA, getting possessive over his charge, etc) while also maintaining his childlike characteristics (telling his charge a bedtime story to sleep, having a very one dimensional view of himself and his charge, etc). This is where I have a problem whenever I see people try to say that all Empathy Daemons are children. Regulus is clearly an adult. There is no "reading between the lines" about this.
Caelum is also an Empathy Daemon, but he is a very different character than Regulus. He is a lot more childlike compared to Regulus. He gets his words mixed up, he likes sweets, he likes hugs, etc. But in his most recent video (Your Bakadere Empathy Daemon Friend Visits You), even he says that he almost went down a path similar to Regulus' until Delphinus stepped in and assigned him to Freelancer, and that stopped him from falling (timestamps from 2:40 - 3:18, and 8:45 in that video). It may be uncomfortable for some people to think of Caelum as going down the same path that Regulus did, but this video clearly shows that he had the potential to. Caelum and Regulus are not as different as one may think.
Erik has also said himself that D(a)emons step out of the Elision Well as adults and they do not age. Of course they don't know everything so they still have to learn, but that's not the same as being a child. On top of the most recent Redacted 101 video, take this screenshot from Wonderworld (previously Redacted Records, when Erik was still in the server) from 2020, where Erik talks about how D(a)emons coalesce.
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He even mentions how in earlier Caelum videos he didn't know what he wanted the d(a)emon life cycle to be yet, and that's why he had Caelum state that he was a "kid daemon" at one point.
Not to mention the fact that in the official timeline, it shows that Caelum coalesced in 1999, and is even older than Damien.
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At the end of the day, Caelum is a fictional character. Whatever someone ends up deciding to make of him is their choice, this is a fandom after all. If it really bothers you to see what certain people make, block them and move on. DO NOT berate them for their headcanons or fanart or whatever else. People are allowed to have their own headcanons, make their own fics, and draw their own fanart. This is a fandom space, and people are allowed their creative liberties.
Anyways, that has been my two cents. Feel free to voice your opinions in the comments if u want to, but please please be respectful and don't attack anyone.
TLDR; I don't sexualize Caelum but I do think he and all Empathy Daemons are adults (ex: Regulus), everyone should respect everyone else's opinions and just block what they don't want to see on their timelines, and the fandom needs to chill out lol
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rainytypology · 1 year
Enneagram Type 4
An overview of an enneagram type. Not an expert. May change later.
Type 4
Center: Heart/Image/Shame
Other triads: Reactive, Withdrawn, Frustration
Basic motivation: Create a unique identity, make personal significance
Basic fear: Being forgotten, not feeling important
Wings: 4w3, 4w5
Disintegration/stress: 2
Integration/growth: 1
- Strengths -
In tune with emotions
Expressive and creative
Have an eye for beauty/aesthetics
Tries to be genuine, be themselves
- Weaknesses -
Can be moody and overly sensitive
Self conscious
Feel defective
Can be self pitying
Focus too much on themselves
- 4w3 -
The 3 wing adds a spit of spark to the typically melancholic 4 core. A bit more outgoing and friendly. May feel envious of others more often. Want to have validation and praise for their unique accomplishments. 3 wing helps them set goals, which are usually aligned with expression and creativity. 4s want to make a mark/influence on the world and 3 wants to be successful in making that mark. They want their uniqueness to be seen.
- 4w5 -
4 and 5 are both withdrawn types, so it's no surprise 4w5s are often introverted and/or private. Independent type who does what they want. Can intellectualize their emotions. Can get lost in their own world as they are focused on building their creativity and skills rather than focusing on relationships.
Disintegration: 2
Disintegration to 2 can cause a 4 to lose sense of their independence, instead throwing themselves into relationships. They want to be rescued somehow without putting much effort into building genuine connections. Very clingy and intrusive.
Integration: 1
Integration to 1 can cause a 4 to become more objective and more bold to take actions towards their desired goals and dreams. They learn not to be trapped in their self absorptions. They learn to control/balance their feelings so they are less moody. Integrating 4s have a desire to contribute to the world and make a better difference rather than simply only doing things they want whenever they want.
Subtypes of 4
- Sp 4 -
Sp 4 is the most internalized and least expressive about their pain and suffering compared to the typical 4. They learn to deal with it by themselves. They want to be recognized and accepted for being so "tough" for not complaining about going through heavy things. They may instead look for those who are visibly suffering in order to provide empathy and help for them.
- Sx 4 -
Sx 4 is the most expressive and intense. They want to be their most authentic selves and chase after their desires. They are very deliberate in trying to attract others with their unique and genuine character - with the way they dress, act, any sort of self expression, they need people to like their uniqueness. They can be more assertive with their needs, which can be used to cover up the actual sadness they have inside. They have a deep need to prove they are worthy.
- So 4 -
So 4 is the most connected to their suffering and will openly show this. They compare themselves a lot to others and feel shame for not having the traits they envy. They want to be accepted but fear their flaws will drive people away. Inferiority and victim complex. There is a lot of inner conflict of wanting to be original and different but fearing having something wrong with them and longing for others acceptance.
Enneagram list
Side blogs:
Kpop astrology @rainy-astrology
Kpop fanarts @rainy-artworks
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infriga · 10 months
Content I wish there was a bit more of in the dbh fandom:
More Content with Connor Markus AND Kara interacting and dealing with shit together, especially in post-game stories. For some reason Kara content is always separate from the other two mains, I wanna see more shenanigans with all 3 of them.
More Connor & Luther interactions. They have so much in common! They can bond over their guilt from being forced to harm other androids before eventually deviating out of empathy! Also they can bond over learning how to not throw themselves into the line of fire at a moment's notice all the time lol.
More Luther content in general. He mostly just gets paired as an accessory with Kara and I wanna see more of him.
More Markus/Josh content. I don't even actually ship them I just think the amount of Mosh content is disproportionately low compared to most other Markus ships. He deserves some ship action too!
More North/Josh content. I DO ship them and the fact that more people don't ship them baffles me considering how much tumblr loves to ship characters who bicker with each other and are treated as polar opposites. Even just some more friendship content with them would be nice.
More Josh content in General. He's an important member of Jericho too but he gets shafted a lot in fics and fanart compared to the other two.
Some ATLA AU content where Markus is the Avatar and Connor is the disgraced Fire Nation Prince hunting him down. C'MON PEOPLE IT'S RIGHT THERE HOW IS THIS NOT MORE OF A THING?! Simon can be the water tribe teacher, Josh can be the earth nation teacher, North can be the Fire Nation teacher, Hank can be Connor's older role model figure who tags along with him and helps him develop his moral compass, Nines can be the terrifying smarter faster stronger younger sibling who also goes after Markus when Connor fails too many times (aka when he lets Markus and other criminal benders escape too many times huehuehue), Amanda can be the Fire Lord (yes I know she's literally an ice queen but you can't tell me she doesn't also fit the sinister manipulative leader character who Connor would be desperate to make proud and live up to her expectations), Kamski can be a former Avatar who shows up to give cryptic advice occasionally. Gavin would be the commander character who constantly gives Connor shit similar to Zhao. IT WORKS SO WELL GUYS. Kara doesn't slot in as well as the others but we can fit her in there somehow, she can maybe be one of the people who moved into that one air temple and repurposed it. It's just kinda wild how well most of the characters/roles would fit the au scenarios so I'm surprised I haven't seen it before when I've seen at least one take on an Avatar AU for almost every other fandom I've been in.
I am aware that I can create more of this content myself but I am currently working on graduating university and getting a job so for now I'm just gonna make a wistful post about it.
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sillysillyprice · 1 month
Oh poor salt but well it is fault if he had talk and aloof that then maybe just maybe like man being a simp is good but express yourself is better ! Like dammit! Oh but we'll whatever poor him I understand him I too had a crush on someone before but we'll never confess and after we got separate and he lately came back to my school but we'll now I don't feel anything and well.....I'm getting a bit work up......but tell silent salt that in another universe (my au) hil and his angel are happy together and even two kids......but I don't have name for them one is born before corruption and the other after corruption but yeah good luck with your au and I'll do my best to stay informed oh and by the way can you explain more about the beast while corruption things? Please oh and a little bonus this is a picture I got in X
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I'm sorry to hear that, it must have been sad at the time, but at least it's in the past now and you can move on, that's a good thing! Staying in the past is not good
Salt is a serious, quiet and completely mature knight, but if he knew that he would jump with excitement to at least be able to be with his angel in another universe!
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things about beasts during corruption... let's see
— Shadow Milk
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— He is the culprit of everything that happened, but why did he do it? Why cause so much chaos and destruction? ... because he was bored and wanted to screw the witches
— He hates everyone without exceptions! Well, if there is one exception, it's a cursor-shaped cookie that he sympathizes with hehe
— When he was Light Milk he wrote an entire library (and more), but Shadow Milk is a fool! He can't even read! His brain was melted and now he has mush in his head
— Mystic Flour:
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— She was the third to fall against Shadow Milk
— The veil (hood or whatever it's called, I don't know about clothes) makes her look like she's in mourning despite wearing white because, She is indeed in mourning, unable to overcome the death, through her own fault, of all those she loved, friends, and her own son
— And speaking of her son, Leftover Flour, he didn't show up because she had a partner or had a crazy night, but it was a gift from the witches so that she could learn what empathy was
— Eternal Sugar:
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— the second to fall under the control of Shadow Milk
— Since the corruption began she was not well, her ideas became more and more irrational, until they sealed her, And if absolute solitude in imprisonment ended up blowing her fuses and removing the screws she had left, she is literally crazy
— she ate the cookie dough on the grounds that they wouldn't find them, But it was useless! Everyone knew there were cookies dying
— Burning Spice:
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— The last to fall was the one who resisted the most but in the end he could not avoid being controlled
— And it's not just a saying, he was literally controlled, he became another puppet of Shadow Milk for a while
— When it was finally sealed, he says he was able to feel relieved, at least in part
— Silent Salt:
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— The first to give in, he didn't even put up any resistance
— he doesn't like killing in the slightest, he only did it to please Shadow Milk
— decided to change his name because "Service" even sounded like a bad joke
By the way, the fanart is very nice! The artist who made it is definitely talented
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bobbybutterfly · 7 months
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Sunny and Luna fanart!
Shout out to me procrastinating on my long term project! Also should out to @sillyprettyfairy for their lovely response to my last post🥰.
I originally wanted to only draw Luna as I don't really like her fashions. I wanted to resign her. Her best outfit was the chrome bodysuit dress in my opinion.
As inspiration I used cyber and mall goth. I like how her dreadlocks turned out to look like wires.
Sidenote but outside of custom made dolls (and the one Zendaya doll) I never seen dolls with dreads.
I included Sunny because... I don't remember. I made a lot of her clothes be knitted. I imagine she really got into the hobby one winter and just went CRAZY! 🤯
Something I got to draw is Luna with a knitted black hat with bat wings.
Besides the usual issues with anatomy (grrrr hands) I'm quite pleased with the illustration. What do you think of it?
Since the last post I rewatched the whole of season 1 and I got an idea for a head cannon/au?
Both Sunny and Luna are autistic but it shows in different ways.
Sunny is very emotional, feels great empathy, loves to be around others and make them happy. I think she also masks a lot, she's very anxious about what others think and scared she might lose people she loves.
Disclaimer! I haven't seen any episodes with Luna, I only read the wiki and seen some videos about the later seasons.
Luna struggles with feeling emotions and empathy. She appears cold and likes to be alone. She's at peace with who she is and doesn't try to hide it like Sunny. I imagine they had a falling out because Sunny always pushed on her to hang out with others. Luna does eventually come around to making friends. Realizing that she doesn't have to be with someone 24/7 and share everything with them. Maybe Sunny even learns a bit from her about setting healthy boundaries.
I have a lot of things I'm working on, but it is a pretty good idea for a fanfiction. What do you think?
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sweeneydino · 6 months
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Best friends(siblings)
For @alicat54cwriting
Thank you sm for the suggestion 💓
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skyeslittlecorner · 7 months
Hey love, I was wondering how your oc looked like and personality? Cuz I couldn’t find anything on your blog
I hope you didn't waste too much time on this, because there's really nothing to look for. Never revealed her. I can serve you with my texts, but when it comes to talking about my own OCs, I'm terrible at it-
But it seems better late than never, so meet my lady.
Huge, huuuge thanks for @katy-the-same-as-tsuki for help in design and info card (she's basically Evi's Godmother), and @vilaenor for cutest chibi fanart! 🧡 I myself cannot even hold a pencil, my tool of crime is a quill, so thanks again!!!
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[For interested, more info below the cut!]
As a child, she was a ray of happiness, learning to play instruments with her flutist mother, and spent a lot of time in the forests and mountains near where she lived, camping with her father. That day, she was preparing for the first try to reach the summit of Mount Bukhsansan with her parents. Waking up early in the morning, checking her child's backpack, she was excited like never before. Until bangs and slashes rang out on the first floor. Scream, blood, police sirens. She doesn't remember much from that day, but from that moment on, everything changed.
The family friends who took care of her were lovely. They acted as if she were their niece, and she truly adored them, but the whispers full of pity and the memories mixed with nightmares made her head brain go wild. Her vigor turned into outbursts interspersed with days of stoic silence. What was going on in her mind? Even psychologists didn’t know. She aimed to find out who destroyed her life and take revenge. No more loved ones will be taken away from her.  For this purpose, she was ready to make a pact with the devil himself. 
The summit of Mount Bukhsansan isn’t the hardest to reach, but for her broken heart, it’s higher than Mount Everest. And she decided that one day she will climb it. The day, when her heart will feel light again, will be a farewell to the past and the beginning of her new life.
Strong, rational and cold as Antarctica. Like a sharp knife that always hits the target. Distant friends think of her as a machine fueled by delusions, when her loved ones suffer seeing this wounded child lose herself in her own spiral of madness.
She knows survival and self-defense very well and spends a lot of time practicing. Persistent, or rather, damn stubborn. Her trust issues and high intelligence only make it worse, because she became a master at rationalizing her illusions.
Seems to have no empathy. However, this is the result of the fact that she has been through a lot and small problems do not make an impression on her. Deep down, she understands others' emotions well, but first she would have to deal with her own.
Worked in a small music store to earn money for criminology studies.
Her parents came to Korea from Europe, hence her tall height.
The first days in Hell were a shock, and Satan got hit in the head as soon as he got within a meter. Self-defense reflexes. He truly misses those times.
Never starts a fight on her own, has to be provoked. Unless it's Satan. His very existence is a provocation (affectionate). More like a hunter who hides and watches preys.
Meeting Andrealphus shattered her worldview. It was only when she saw their similarity that she began to question her priorities.
Her fixation on porn began when she was having a huge crisis. Filled with emptiness, she wanted to feel anything. Over time, this numbness passed (or rather she got used to it), but once she became a connoisseur, why not continue.
She would rather fix the tap than do the laundry. Just doesn't like household chores, that’s why Minhyeok was doing it.
Ending note
I tried to marry the canon with my own ideas to keep as many features from the game as possible, and at the same time give her at least some depth. Some people asked about her, so I leave it to you, feel free to do whatever you want!
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lacefuneral · 1 month
i started dungeon meshi this morning. i hadn't done any research besides what i learned thru cultural osmosis. here are my thoughts so far:
i assumed senshi was the main character, and i assumed that laios was a Quiet Aloof Sidecharacter that became a Fan Favorite due to Being Blonde, so i rolled my eyes every time i saw fanart of him
apparently laios is actually The Main Character and people like him because he is Insane and appears to have some sort of obscure offshoot of tetraphilia where the act of Consuming monsters arouses him instead of the monsters themselves, and he never ever shuts up about it. this is utterly fascinating to me and i'd like to study him in a jar
however comma. it IS weird to me that there's so many blonde characters. ok moving on
senshi is even more awesome than i originally realized (and i was greatly looking forward to meeting him). i want to fuck this old man more than i wanted to previously
marcille has suffered more than jesus christ. queen i hope you get the girl
falin's got that High Empathy autism
i am a gay man but i'm femme4butch so i will admit that namari makes me blush a little. where are the trans men like this and why aren't they sending me love letters in the mail
watching this show is significantly more dangerous than watching the food network. show of make you Hungry
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cool-thymus · 5 months
can i get uhhh no3 and a no10 for the nart questions pls? (hi thymus!!)
Hiiii, Ard! thanks for being interested in my opinion xD I'll start with THE question hehe
10. OTP Who could that be...? 🤔😅 I'm going to use this opportunity to finally make a verbal statement about why i love my otp so much. I started watching Naruto as an experiment in 2022 (at the ripe age of 28) and the land of waves arc got to me: Haku's death (and the way Zabuza used him -yes, i have beef with that guy) got my empathy involved, and Kakashi-sensei charmed me by being incredibly cool AND mysterious. The mysterious part about the origin of his sharingan intrigued me the most: what do you mean "a friend gave it to him"??? who is this friend? where is he? are they still friends? All those questions needed answers. So i learned about Obito Uchiha (mostly through fanart). Then i cried my eyes out watching Kakashi Gaiden and stalled the war arc as long as i could because i knew what was going to happen, and by then i’d already fallen in love with them beyond reason.
Before anything else, this ship is so powerful because separately Kakashi and Obito are incredibly well-written characters. Yes, they complete each other and share their arc till the end, but nevertheless, each of them is autonomous, believable, complex, and deep. They are both the main dish. So the dynamic, the bond they establish between them feels true and natural. One has this sunshine personality, is kind, caring, tenderhearted, and fun; the other has too much to deal with for his age: being a genius will mess with your pride and sense of worth, but not with your tiny, pure, brave heart. Kid Obito and kid Kakashi are so precious, you wanna shield them from everything that is wrong with the world. And then tragedy №1 and tragedy №2 happen that push these two boys to realize they were supposed to be each other’s lifeline. Obito got a head start over Kakashi though. When Kakashi finally sees Obito for who he really is, the sacrifice is already made, leaving Kakashi attached to his lifeline that goes nowhere. 
Tragedy №3 crushes their souls one more time and marks the beginning of the horrendous paths they take: Kakashi drowning himself in guilt and the violence of ANBU missions; Obito being groomed, brainwashed and manipulated into a gruesome conspiracy that perverted his ideals. And despite everything that happens next, they still hold on to their lifeline (the shared sharingan serving as the visualization). They are loyal to each other in their own ways. Kakashi lets his memory of Obito guide him and help him live, while Obito never seeks vengeance or takes the eye back. He even goes beyond imaginable and saves Kakashi’s life one last time. 
They were written to be tragic, but they were also meant to be special. If only Kishimoto had more sympathy and allowed Obito another chance. Those two precious boys could start all over. And this time, post war, their respect, longing, sorrow, adoration, grief, regrets, hopes would be shared, and the love that had struggled to grow for so long would finally be in full blossom.
(and they’re both hot af)
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3. Favorite villain
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(No worries, sweet anon, i don’t consider Obito a villain xD) The key villains like Madara or Danzo remind me of middle-aged men who get hung up on conspiracy theories and start believing that they have the world figured out. So they are more annoying than scary to me. And a villain should be frightening, i think. In the ninja world this would be Orochimaru. He’s an egomaniac, a sensible madman, who is deceitful, merciless, and cruel. We were shown such atrocities, so much abuse, torture, and physical pain inflicted on innocent people. And for what? I’m not sure i fully understand his motives: was it out of fear of death? Or is this just him doing what he loves? He IS the worst, and yet, by the end of shippuden he turns into a comedy bit?! Seriously?! This is all kinds of wrong xD But the facts remain, he is a good villain, creepy and scary.
To lighten up the mood i'll attach this scene from Rock Lee and his Ninja Pals that shows the funniest wtf-ish way to defeat Orochimaru xD (now i wonder what else Kakashi can do with his water jutsu ..)
the nart questions
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dingergum · 6 months
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(Characters are from @canisalbus)
Something very different from what i usually draw and from my last Vaschete fanart. I love those guys so i really wanted to make more fanart, but i didn't know what to draw exactly.
Here, i tried to paint Machete, Vasco and Smollchete in the style of the character portraits in Disco Elysium. I don't think i quite achieved that effect, but i still liked the end results.
Smollchete is further away from the usual character portraits in DE, but it was on purpose because i wanted to emphasize how he's just a little guy. And the little guy gets smaller and smaller...
In retrospective (because i finished this art a few days ago) Disco Elysium's style of painting doesn't really seem to mix the colors, which i did a lot here, specially on Machete. Also not a lot of gradients like i did on Vasco. They also shade with much more wild and different colors.
I'm going to put all the rest of my madman ramblings below. It's long and your mileage may vary if you played Disco Elysium or not (no spoilers tho.)
Okay, so... As i had the idea of making these disco elysium style portraits but with the gay catholic dogs, i had just beaten Disco Elysium. And so, as i was doing my things in my day to day life, waiting for the opportunity to actually draw them, i kept thinking about skill interactions with the boys, like if your main character talked to them and had enough points in the skill.
Things like Half-light identifying Machete as a brutal and hardened survivor just by looking at his eyes, but Physical Instrument doesn't believe that because Machete looks like just a spindly noodle. And Half-light would be like no bro, trust me, this guy is hardcore.
Shivers or Spirit-de-Corps would tell you how Machete is treated among his fellow bishops and how he's either vilified or seen as a tool. And at that Inland Empire would pipe in saying “He is treasured. But not here.” because yeah we love him. Despite almost everyone in his world hating his guts
Also yeah Reaction Speed clocking Machete as super paranoid. Specially considering maybe in this universe you'd be investigating one of his assassination attempts or maybe even something sinister that Machete had done.
Reaction Speed: “His eyes dart across the room, checking if you have any backup. Then, a twitch of the ear, followed by a sideways glance." Logic: "He is making sure he isn't being flanked.” Inland Empire: “But he's all alone...”
I also feel like Rhetoric would have a field day with Machete. Like, finally, a worthy opponent.
Empathy would get the feeling that despite his reputation, that there is someone else behind Machete's bug eyes, someone other than Machete, the pale eminence. If you have enough points in a skill, it would try to pipe in saying who they think it is, judging Machete (e.g: Authority: "A man superior to you."; Pain Threshold: "It's just sweet pain all the way to the bone."; Half-Light: "A survivor."; Encyclopedia: "The inside lining of the eye is covered by special light-sensing cells that are collectively called the retina. It converts light into electrical impulses. Behind the eye, your optic nerve carries these impulses to the brain. The macula is a small extra-sensitive area in the retina that gives you central vision.") concluding with Drama: "No one he'd want you to know, sire."
That would trigger a dialogue option for an Empathy white check to try and see who's actually behind Machete's eyes and see beyond his reputation and demeanor. I'd imagine you would get a +2 if you talked to Vasco before. And if you pass the check, the screen would go white and Machete's model and portrait would change to Smollchete and you'd be able talk to him for a moment, the little guy, and learn a little bit more about his backstory, stuff that he hides behind the Machete persona. That's why i painted Smollchete too. I don't think Empathy has this same kind of metaphysical effect like others skill in-game, but i thought it would be cool.
Talking to Vasco for the first time would just straight up heal you 1 morale. No skill check necessary. Here, have some free morale.
Your Encyclopedia would recognize his coat of arms and maybe deduce that Vasco is a diplomat or a politician. Then your Composure would tell you straighten your posture and put up your serious face, Suggestion would tell you to flatter him while adressing him strictly formally, but the two of them would be thrown off-kilter as Vasco starts acting very casual and down-to-earth. Maybe Authority would judge his attitude to be unfitting of someone in such position. Idk. This is all random ramblings that were bouncing in my head that i needed to let out.
Hope this isn't too weird, i just had a lot of time between having the idea to draw this and actually sitting down to draw it, so these ideas were just popping up in my head. I wish i could've just put those in the tags, but it waaaay exceeds the tag limit.
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