#en oooooo
Hellfire (Priest! Miguel O’Hara x Demon! Fem! Reader) one shot
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Oooooo Im very happy about this one. Based of the song from the hunchback of Norte dame. No idea how this got to the word count it did lol. Not proofread.
Religious imagery(Catholicism specifically), questioning of faith, the lyrics of the song does contain a certain that can be seen as distasteful/offensive, reader is a demonic entity (almost like a succubus), nsfw content but no smut (mdni), semi-dub con(???) (reader trying to convince Miguel to give into her, but it’s mostly teasing touches and stuff.), cursing, mentions of hell.
(Y/N)- Your name.
Word count: 2.6K
Confiteor deo
Beatae Mariae
Semper virgini
Beato Michaeli archangelo
Sanctis apostolis
Omnibus sanctis
With a heavy sigh, Miguel placed his rosary and his bible on his office’s desk. Another Sunday completed, all the services for the day were finished, along with clean up and the classes for the kiddos. It was now getting dark, the sun setting, leaving a beautiful painting of pink and orange hues in the sky. The church bells struck once, twice, three times, then one last time, signifying another hour having passed as Miguel put on his winter coat and gloves, because surely,it was still snowing outside , his heavy footsteps echoing throughout the empty ancient church. He stops at the start of the wooden pews, turning towards the front and placing his right hand to the top of his forehead.
“En el nombre del Padre.” (In the name of the father.)
His hand travels to the middle of his chest.
“Y del Hijo.” (The son)
To his left shoulder.
“Y del Espíritu…” (And the holy…)
To his right shoulder.
“Santo, Amén.” (spirit, Amen.)
Lastly, he brings his hand up and places a gentle kiss on the side of it, his eyes never leaving the stain glass portrait of the Virgin Mary that hung in the middle of the top of the stage as he said the prayer, before turning back around and exiting the church, a familiar sense of dread filling his chest as he closes the door behind him.
Beata Maria, you know I am a righteous man
Of my virtue I am justly proud (et tibit pater)
Miguel couldn’t sleep, he wouldn’t sleep.
He rubs his large hands over his face, his eye bags have been getting darker lately, he’s been lacking energy, and thanks to the little sleep he’s been receiving, it was only making it harder for him to fight off the temptation of sin. But it’s not like he could have a full night's rest, not when… Miguel shook his head in an attempt to rid the vile and unholy thoughts. Maybe tonight will be different, that was the lie he told himself every night.
Miguel placed his toothbrush back into the little blue cup onto his bathroom sink, bringing up a small, white hand towel to clean off the excess water that was spread on his lips, and began to run down his chin and onto his neck.
what a delicious sight.
Once he finally finished cleaning up the water on his chin, he dragged the towel over his sink counter to clean the water he had spilled while brushing, before placing it back on its little hook and exited the bathroom, turning off the lights and closing the door.
Maybe he wouldn’t have the same problem every night if he didn’t look so tempting, only sleeping in gray sweatpants.
He does a once-over of his house, making sure all the doors and windows are locked. Before finishing stopping in front of his bedroom, freezing right before the threshold of the door. His hands go up and join together in a praying signal, whispering for protection under his breath.
Like that’s ever helped him.
Beata Maria, you know I'm so much purer than
The common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd (quia peccavi nimis)
The second he took the step into his bedroom, he felt a shiver run down his back. It felt like the temperature dropped once he walked in, he swore if he focused hard enough, he’d be able to see his own breath.
Despite his fight or flight senses screaming at him to run, he continued to venture further into his master bedroom. A simple wooden cross with golden accents hung over his bed, his eyes fixated on it. Miguel O’Hara, was a man of faith, he had to be in order to be the priest of his community’s church. He’s poured his whole life, soul and being into his religion, having been raised catholic since he was a mere infant. So why was it that every night, when he’d stared at the cross over his bed, the one that was supposed to protect him, did he start to doubt?
Then tell me, Maria, why I see her dancing there?
Why her smoldering eyes still scorch my soul? (cogitatione)
It always started the same.
He’d sleep somewhat soundly for a good amount of the night, once he was able to get his mind to stop racing.
He looked so adorable asleep, despite his colossal size.
He moves a lot, so his bed always becomes a bit disheveled, a pillow on the floor or a blanket halfway off the bed. Some light snores and some drool dripping out the corner of his mouth.
How could such a holy man be so delicious looking?
It was 3 am. Witching hour.
“… up~”
“Wake up.”
I feel her, I see her
The sun caught in her raven hair
Is blazing in me out of all control (verb o et opere)
Miguel’s eyes shot open. Chest heaving as he takes rapid short breaths, his body covered in a thin layer of sweat. His eyes darting around his dark room in an attempt to find the source of the voice, only lifting his head as he did so.
He knew you were here.
Finally he finds a pair of dark glowing eyes at the foot of his bed, how did he miss it in the first place? He chalks it up to panic. A silence fell over the two of you for what felt like hours, an all too familiar sense of panic (and to Miguel’s horror, slight arousal) filled his senses. Finally, you break the silence.
“My my my… if it isn’t my favorite priest…” You said in a sing-songy tone, as you slowly climbed onto the bed, making Miguel’s stomach twist. He should push you off of him, he should banish you to the depths of hell, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it for some reason. He was paralyzed. You stopped crawling once you were fully over him. “Oh father… help me for I have sinned.” You said in a mocking tone, a shiver ran down his back once again as he let out a shaky breath, feeling your sharp fingernails trail down his chest, and stopping at the waistband of his sweats tugging at the band slightly.
Like fire
Finally coming to his senses, (much to your dismay) he finally pushes off you. Landing on the floor to the left side of the bed, with a small “oof” as he quickly scrambled to the over side of the bed in or to create distant between the two of you.
“Get out.” Miguel growled as he readjusted his sweats. You didn’t respond, rather, you brought your hand up to move some hair that had gotten into your face as you slowly walked around the bed and towards him. You looked how you always did when you would visit him. You could even be mistaken for a human if it weren’t for the horns, the wings and the long nails.
“Don’t act like that now, father. Aren’t you tired of this little game we play every night?” You asked with a head tilt, continuing to walk towards him as you spoke, your sentence coming out slow and drawn out, your tone nothing but pure seduction. Miguel closes his eyes as if they would deafen your words. Every step you take forward, he takes one back, before the back of his knees eventually hits the back of his bedside table, his hands going behind him to help stabilize himself to keep from falling back on top of it. “You pretend you don’t enjoy this-“
“I don’t.”
“Oh yeah?”
“It’s the truth.”
“Then why, pray tell, are you hard, father?” You smirked as you spoke., eyes drifting down to a very visible bulge in his sweats. “Have I finally done my job? Will this be the night you fall victim to temptation?” You said in a surprised, yet smug tone. Miguel felt his face burn up, a hand going behind him in search of something. “I will say, you do look quite handsome on your knees. I can give you something so much better to worship than God. You just have to give in to me, give in, father. Give in. Give in. Give in. Give. In.” You chant those two words like a mantra, your eyes begin to glow as you got closer, you were at arms length now. Your steps and words came to a sudden halt.
This fire in my skin
This burning desire
Is turning me to sin
Your eyes narrowed at the rosary Miguel was holding up in front of you in an attempt to protect himself from you.
“That’s not a very nice way to treat your guest.”
“You’re lucky I don’t banish you back to hell where you belong.” His words make you scoff and roll your eyes.
“Oh please, you would never. You and I both know that. Now put that thing down so I can corrupt my favorite human.” You attempted to move closer, only for him to double down. “Tell me Miguel, if you were really gonna ‘banish’ me or whatever. Why haven’t you done so already? I’ve been coming to you for a few weeks now? If you really wanted to get rid of me for good, you would have done so already. You’re a priest for god’s sake-“
“Don’t you dare use the Lord’s name in vain.”
“I’m a demon.” You deadpanned.
He hated to admit that you were right, he hated that he knew that you were. He’s surprised that you haven’t gotten bored in this game of cat and mouse yet. Every night you would appear in his room at the sametime, attempting to seduce him while he spat empty threats at you. Why hasn't he just gotten rid of you yet? It’s not like he doesn’t have the power to do so or the equipment. Maybe he was going insane, maybe he was losing it, or maybe…
No. He couldn’t.
He can’t just throw away his whole life’s work just because a demon who happened to be conventional pretty keeps pestering every night. He couldn’t allow himself to give in to temptation. He wouldn’t allow himself to be corrupted by your glowing eyes that seem like they could stare into his soul forever, or your sultry voice that made his heart skip a beat, your plump lips that would pull up into a smirk whenever you’d question him, how the say you would tilt your head made him weak in the knees- oh how he wish he could worship your body on his knees like you were a goddess- no, fuck.
“Get out.” Miguel repeated, his voice becoming tighter, his knuckles turning white. He takes a step forward, you take one back and frown. “Get. Out!”
He blinks, you're gone.
It's not my fault (mea culpa)
I'm not to blame (mea culpa)
It is the gypsy girl the witch who sent this flame (mea maxima culpa)
It’s been a few weeks since your last visit, much to Miguel’s surprise. He should be relieved, he should be thanking the heavens up above that he was finally able to extract such a vile presence from his life, he doesn’t feel a pit in his stomach when he enters his own home anymore, it doesn’t feel like the temperature in his room is 20 degrees colder than it is in the hallway leading into it anymore, he doesn’t feel like like there’s this constant ghost lingering over his shoulder anymore. So why wasn't he at peace?
Your lack of presence was almost just as unbearable. In a twisted way, he became accustomed to it. Maybe this was another of your tricks, attempting to perform classic conditioning on him. Get him used to you by the constant attention from your nightly visits, butter him up despite his protest, making his body burn up with the way your touch lingers on his body too long, the way his eyes always drop to your mouth when you lick your lips, the way the word father would leave your lips in a way that made it sound like you’ve just sinned and he was the only one who could help you reach eternal salvation again, just to pull it all away from him within a snap of a finger to see how long it would take for him to crumble. You were Pavlov, and Miguel was just the dog whose mouth started to water at the sound of a bell.
The church was empty besides himself, he was kneeling before the crucifix that was placed next to the portrait of the Virgin Mary, eyes closed, his hands folded together in a fist as he he dips his head down, nose touching his hands as he silently prayed for forgiveness for allowing you to slowly chip away at his self-restraint. He heard the large front door open, he didn’t open his eyes but his head came up as he spoke.
“I’m sorry my child, the church is closed.”
“I needed to see you though, father.”
Miguel’s eyes snapped open. He knew that voice all too well.
It's not my fault (mea culpa)
If in God's plan (mea culpa)
He made the Devil so much stronger than a man (mea maxima culpa)
“How-“ Miguel was stunned, not only have you reappeared after weeks, you were also standing inside of a church, his church. You looked so beautiful, you looked like an actual human, your nails, although still sharp and point looked more like acrylics rather then claws, you weren’t dawning your bat-like wings and your horns weren’t poking out of your hair, if Miguel had passed by you on the street, he’d be none the wiser. It only made him crack more, imagining what it would be like in a different world where there wasn’t shame and taboo keeping him away from you. Where you aren’t a soulless, heartless creature. “How’s you get in here?” He finally got the question out, his eyes narrowed into slits as he took a step back, almost fumbling his footing and tripping.
“We can enter churches if we find a weak point.” You stated as you made your way towards him, Miguel’s eyes dropped instantly to your hips, how they swayed with each step you take, his mouth went dry and he instinctively licked his lips. “I wonder what that weak point is?” You teased as you stopped in front of him, your lips pulling up into a smirk.
Protect me, Maria
Don't let this siren cast her spell
Don't let her fire sear my flesh and bone
Destroy Esmeralda
And let her taste the fires of hell
Or else let her be mine and mine alone
He don’t know how it happened, one minute he was standing face to face in front of you, then the next, you both were in his office in the back of the church, you were sitting on top of his desk as he kneeled in front of you, his rough hands wondering and running around your legs, and he planted soft light kisses all over them. In between each one, he’d whispered a small pile of forgiveness from God, but he couldn’t stop himself anymore.
Now gypsy, it's your turn
Choose me or your pyre
Be mine or you will burn
“You never told me your name…” Miguel mumbled into your skin, his face buried against your inner thigh as he looked up at you.
“You wouldn’t be able to pronounce my actual name. Just… call me (Y/N).” You cooed as you ran a hand through his hair, before bringing it down to his cheek. Miguel leaned into your touch, closing his eyes. He was completely and utterly yours now.
“(Y/N)…” He whispered the name like a prayer.
Kyrie eleison
God have mercy on her
Kyrie eleison
God have mercy on me
Kyrie eleison
But she will be mine
Or she will burn
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kuroo-suno · 6 months
Hey, random question but ik you read some shoujo manga. Do you have any recommendations?
omg i sure do!! sorry if this is long i just really love shoujo ( ‘́⌣’̀) completed series are at the top and currently releasing are after, and i wrote a little about each one (though it's based on memory so it's not exactly detailed).
hopefully at least one of these is enjoyable! i've read loads more but these are some that stick out ♥
Chorokute Kawaii Kimi ga Suki
☆ Intimidating, misunderstood sweetheart ML and an endearingly goofy and super-weak-to-romantic-gestures FL
☆ one of my all-time favourites UGH. FL and ML are both completely different outside of school but in vastly different ways and thanks to a chance encounter, they meet and discover that perhaps they both have a little more to offer than what's on the surface ♥♥♥♥
Kanojo ga Kawaisugite Ubaenai
☆ demon ML comes to the human world disguised as a high school student to complete a test to become the next demon lord and the FL has never had friends before and couldn't read any romantic (or warning) signs if they were printed on the inside of her eyelids. ML is also sooo weird and awkward and provides a lot of comic relief
Kawaisugiru Danshi ga Ouchi de Matteimasu
☆ FL is a star employee, but an absolute scrub once she gets home so she offers her friend/ML to live with her rent-free in exchange for his cooking and cleaning services (and to keep her from getting involved with losers)
Living no Matsunaga-san
☆ FL moves into her uncle's boarding house while her parents care for her grandmother and her roommates are quite the array of individuals, including the older ML who shows he cares by being a crabby little nag-machine
Natsuaki-kun wa Kyou mo Kokuhaku Shitai
☆ Aloof and seemingly disinterested ML (main character) pines HARD for the world's cutest girl and is desperately trying to confess
Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet
☆ i wish i could read this for the first time again tbh. FL gets a job as a live-in housekeeper for a famous author (ML) to help pay back her dad's debts. ML is icy and distant, but FL has a heart of gold fr. This series made me laugh and cry numerous times and reading the last chapter was so bittersweet because i loved getting a conclusion but didn't want it to end yk? (from the same author as hirunaka no ryuusei and uruwashi no yoi no tsuki so no surprise it's 10/10)
Daifuku-chan to Ouji-sama
☆ Small-town girl moves to the city for university (and to find new love). One of her boarding house roommates is a 10/10 but their first meeting doesn't exactly leave the best impression~
Hikaeme ni Itte mo, Kore wa Ai
☆ one of my all-time favourites?? Super school-focused, perpetually stressed FL comes across the battered and bruised delinquent ML in the rain and patches him up. He makes sure to repay the favour (insert saluting emoji here)
Kaoru Hana wa Rin to Saku
☆ modern day romeo/juliet situation except no one dies! ML and FL are from rival schools (lower-class, bad grades vs wealthy scholars) and are perceived very differently. ML is soft and sweet despite his appearance and encounters FL as a customer at his family's cake shop. She treats him differently than others have (read: like a human person) and oooooo it's so sugary!!
Super no Ura de Yani Suu Futari *technically seinen but........
☆ 45 y/o ML's only joys in life are going to the convenience store to talk to his favourite bubbly cashier and smoking out back with an edgy young woman who he's definitely more familiar with than he realizes..........
Uruwashi no Yoi no Tsuki
☆ FL presents much less feminine than her peers earning her the nickname of "prince" and she's always treated as such. But then she meets ML who is a fellow """prince""" and he sees her for who she is and appreciates her beauty both inside and out~
Yamaguchi-kun wa Warukunai
☆ FL has an unfortunate run-in with a creep on the train en route to her first day of high school and is saved by her delinquent classmate (ML). he's in everyone's bad books but the more she learns about him, the more determined she gets to change his reputation
Yubisaki to Renren
☆ FL is a deaf and lovely, but sheltered, college student and has a chance encounter with the ML, who is much more worldly and adventurous than she is annnnd cue tears fr
i almost added about 600 000 000 000 more but i'll hold back for now LOL if you have any recs or want to talk shoujo, please don't hesitate to reach out!!
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marciii-neko · 2 months
Si quieren dejar una sugerencia o algo para que dibuje con Jack hanma, Hanayama o Pickle de baki oooooo Raian Kire o otro personaje de Kengan me dicen en la bandeja de preguntas mauu
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oooooo ctm estaba soñando que iba caminando de noche en la calle y se iban sumando a mi camino wnes dd mi edad más o menos que me querían puro jotear se notaba (inofensivos por lo demás) pero uno de ellos derechamente me decía "me gustan zorras" JSJDJAJA que weaaaa bastaaaaaa
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oooooo let's see. Drabble drabbly mcdrabbly drabble....
Hottie: Steven Grant Trope: One Bed Challenge: You may or may not know about the alters yet..... Yes, this is a selfish ask because I deserve nice things.
I love you.
Unconventional Alterations
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AN: Hey Dani-darling! I hope all this fluff doesn’t make you sick!
Beta’d by @weekendgothgirl, dividers by @firefly-graphics, moodboard and banner by me. Spanish help by @aquariusbarnes
Main Master list | Challenge Master list
Summary: The hotel’s cocked up and you and Steven have got to share not only a room, but also a bed. He seems more worried about this than you. What’s he hiding?
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Relationship: Steven Grant and Reader (currently platonic)
Word Count: 1.5k
CW: THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED, Fluff, Worried Steven, Rude Jake, Mediator Marc, some nasty words in Spanish, budding relationship, English slang.
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You almost ran into Steven’s back, as he came to an abrupt halt in the doorway of the hotel room. His very British exclamation had a giggle bubbling up your throat until you peered over his shoulder and saw what had caused his outburst.
You scootched past him and dropped your flight bag onto the carpet.
“Bugger, indeed. Stands to reason though? They lost our booking and can only offer us a twin room instead of the two we’d booked, and now…” You gestured towards the one queen sized bed in the middle of the small room. Its gaudy red and gold bedspread was literally mocking you.
“I’ll go back down, Seshat. I’ll get it sorted, no bother. A quick nip down the apples and pears.”
Steven looked worried, as though you were going to accuse him of doing this on purpose.
“No, don’t worry, Ste. We’ll make it work. I’m too tired to argue with the desk clerk again.”
He still looked worried, wringing his hands.
“You’re sure? Yes, of course you are. You alway are. Ha-ha.” His little bark of laughter was forced and a thought came over you. Maybe he wasn’t worried that you were upset about sharing a room, and now a bed. Maybe it was him who had the problem; him who, for some reason, didn’t want to share with you.
You walked over to where he was standing, still in the open doorway. Nudging him out of the way, you shut the door, then steered him over to perch on the edge of the offending bed. You sat down opposite him, on the small couch.
“Talk to me, Steven. Are you okay about this? I get the feeling that you’re not.”
He cocked his head to the side, obviously thinking about how to respond.
“Okay. The thing is…I’m not really used to sharing a room with somebody else. Let alone a bed. I’m…erm… used to my own physical space. If you know what I mean. Bit of a Billy-no-mates, me.”
You couldn’t help your smile, and you lent forward to pat his knee.
“I get it, Ste. I’m used to sleeping alone too. Look at us; the Undateables, right? Well, all those other folk out there are gonna be missing out! And we’ll manage for tonight, won’t we?” His lips quirked up in a ghost of a smile. “I’d say I’d take this sofa, but from the way it’s digging a spring into my ass as I speak, I’m afraid I’m not that generous.”
Steven’s smile widened further, and he slapped his hands against his thighs, before standing up. 
“Well, in that case, I’ll use the bathroom first, if that’s okay? And you can decide which side of the bed you want?”
You nodded, and he rifled around in his suitcase, pulling out a wash bag and what looked like flannel pyjamas. He scurried into the en suite, and you heard the door lock with a ‘snick’.
While you waited for him, you investigated your small room. The TV only had a few basic channels on, but there were some radio stations, so you switched it to a generic one to cancel out the deafening silence. You pulled out the drawers on the desk, finding the small bible and the hairdryer. There wasn’t a lot else to check out in the small space, so you unpacked all the items you’d need now, and organised the things you’d need in the morning, then set about loosening the bed sheets. 
It was then that you heard an unexpected noise. Steven was talking to someone in the bathroom. For a moment you thought that maybe he was having a phone call, but then you spotted his cell lying on the top of his suitcase. Confused, you tiptoed to the closed door and put your ear up against it.
“What am I going to do? I’m gonna be next to her. All night! You two better bloody well behave! What kinda man do you take me for? I can be a gentleman. And we like her. I’m not gonna do anything to scare her off. Okay, it’s not really you I’m worried about. Qué dices? No es mi culpa que seas una marica y no le puedas decir. Do I even want to know what he said? Probably not.”
Now you were even more confused, because that was Steven, talking as he normally would, but he was also speaking with an American accent, and then also in Spanish, and each voice could easily be someone else. 
If Steven were triplets. 
Separated at birth.
And raised in different countries.
You shifted your weight to get comfortable, but unfortunately knocked your hip against the desk next to the bathroom door, causing it to creak.
“Silencio! Escuché algo. Creo que está afuera. What? Jake thinks she’s outside the door. Shitting hell, that’s just what I need. No. What are you doing? Marc… don’t do it… don’t…”
The door jerked open and you jumped back. There wasn’t really any way to make the situation look any different than what it was. Steven stood there in his flannel pjs, but he didn’t appear to actually be Steven. Yes, he looked like him, but there was something a little…off.
“Umm… are you okay, Ste?
“He calls you Seshat, doesn’t he? Egyptian goddess of writing and record-keeping? Suits you. I’m Marc by the way.” 
Steven/Marc held out his hand and smiled at you. This wasn’t the nervous, quiet Englishman you knew. No, this was a cocksure, smooth talking American guy. You took a step back and eyed him, suspiciously.
“Yeah, I catalogue all the museum artifacts, but can I just ask, what the fuck is going on?”
“Oh right, umm, how can I put this? I’m Marc. Marc Spector. I suffer from Dissociative Identity Disorder, or DID. And…umm.. Steven -Ste -is one of my alters.”
“You’ve got a split personality?”
The man in front of you winced.
“Well, that’s a bit of an outdated term, really. But although I have one body, I have three distinct personalities, with different thought patterns, and moralities, and likes and dislikes.”
“There’s three of you in there?”
“Hang on…”
His eyes narrowed for a second, his face darker. Dangerous.
“Hola, mi hermosa escriba. Es bueno conocerte. Desearía que Steven fuese más hombre para decirte lo que nos encantaría hacer contigo.”
“Erm… what?”
“That was Jake. He was… admiring you.”
“Your third personality is a pervert?”
“No, he’s just very passionate and he likes you. To be honest, we all like you.”
You stepped back and sat on the bed, heart racing and eyes wide.
“Ste likes me? ‘Likes me’ likes me? But he never said anything.”
“Well, he’s not the most confident. Jake and I have him beat in that department”
“And, err… is Steven still here? Like can I talk to him?”
“Oh yeah, sure. We don’t normally chop and change like this. It’s just this sharing a bed situation. It’s got us all a bit twisted up.”
He moved to the sofa, sat down, closed his eyes and took a breath. You could almost see a physical change to him; his shoulders slumping, his expression taking on a more worried look. You moved off the bed to kneel in front of him, taking his hands in yours. They were clammy.
“Ste? Is that you?”
“Err. Yeah. So… this is a bit of a cock up on my part. You weren’t supposed to find out like this.”
You let out a snort.
“You mean you were going to get around to telling me?”
“Well…if you put it that way… in a word… no.” He rubbed his hand over the back of his neck.
“Hey. I’m still here. I haven’t run away screaming. Not yet at any rate. Although, that Jake is a strange one.”
“Yeah. He’s very… passionate.”
You giggled. “So Marc said.”
You both lapsed into silence, still holding hands. The radio continued playing in the background. But there was a question on the tip of your tongue, something dying to come out and be asked aloud.
“Marc also said that you like me. Well he said that all of you like me. Suppose that makes your life a bit easier. What if two of you liked me but the other couldn’t stand me? Could make it awkward on dates.”
Steven looked at you, like a deer caught in headlamps.
“Dates? What? You’re joshing me, aren’t you?”
You giggled again. “I’m not sure what ‘joshing’ is, but I’m trying to say that, if you want, I wouldn’t mind going on a date with you, Steven Grant. Although, not being rude, it might be nice if it was just us two to start with. 
“Oh. Yeah. Sure. That would be peachy… I mean great.”
“Well let me get changed into my pyjamas and maybe we can have our first date now. Sharing a bed and talking; getting to know each other better. And you can tell me about the other two as well.”
“Isn’t it a bit unconventional for this to be a date?”
“You’re an unconventional man. You’re sharing your brain with two other guys.”
You rose, picked up your nightwear and wash kit, and walked towards the bathroom. Just before you went in, you stopped and turned back to him.
“And Ste, tell Jake that I understand Spanish and he should be nicer to you.”
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Jake says:
What are you saying? It’s not my fault if you’re a pussy and can’t just tell her.
Quiet! I heard something. I think she’s outside the door.
Hello beautiful scribe. It’s good to meet you. I wish Steven was man enough to tell you what we would love to do with you.
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Tag list: @christywantspizza @jobean12-blog @tuiccim @sidepartskinnyjeans @flordeamatista @krissy25 @bodeckersdiamonddoll @goldylions @luxeavenger @wheezy-stucky @doasyoudesireandlive @chemtrails-club
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soleminisanction · 1 year
reading the batman #136 backup while squinting my eyes at what failsafe said... that batman needs be taken down if he goes too far... and then failsafe looks behind him at the zur robin suit and glows red… saying that batman's gone too far……… so in conclusion: my best guess for what zdarsky's setting up is that bruce DID install another zur in one of the robins somehow (presumably tim since he's the one zdarsky's fcousing on rn) and if that's the case then consequences for it could get very interesting...
Oooooo, that would be fun. Bruce didn't seem to know about either Failsafe or Zur-En-Arrh's secret secondary stash of gear so I'd bet it's actually Zur-En-Arrh who did the installing. And he did set up the multiversal versions of ZEA that might be up to something as well, throwing a Robin into the mix would make sense.
I agree that it's almost certainly going to be Tim. In addition to being Zdarsky's focus, the suit seemed to be sized for him -- it looked too small for the way that artist draws Jason or Dick, but a little too big for Damian, and it definitely wasn't fitted for a (cis)girl. It makes thematic and logistical sense, too.
That would be a ton of fun, it'd be so interesting to see what Zdarsky interprets as "Robin when you take Tim out of the equation" the same way ZEA is meant to be for Bruce and Batman.
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lipid · 1 year
Hi moni
I deleted tumblr for a hot minute but im back bc im really high
But i wanted to tell you i love you yourw such a cool mutual. Pero mira mira
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Cuando vi esto. Pensé. Oooooo. Como el icon de moni. Que chistoso. Oh wait. No. Not the same as their icon. I was wrong.
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Snoppy for you
HOLI TORIIII justo hoy estaba pensando en ti :D i love you tooo!!!!! you're also such an amazing cool mutual 🥰🥰🥰💜🫶🏼💜🫶🏼💜🫶🏼 TE QUIERO MUCHOOO
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unos emojis de animalitos q hice :D ^ que bueno que regresaste uvu
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s0ft-heaart · 6 months
Un tema moral podría ser el defender otras ideologías y/o culturas, pero de mala manera.
Por ejemplo el típico caso de un gringo siendo defensor de no ser racista, pero que con su forma de serlo lo termina siendo de igual manera. No sé cómo se podría definir el tema, podría ser "La paradoja del falso justiciero" por ponerle algo de color 😂
oooooo ta weno, pero me estoi calentando caleta la cabeza con el tema pq tg q exponerlo en inglés y en vdd igual me siento un poco insegura hablando tanto uwu
les dejo las indicacciones del trabajo por si les surge otra idea, mi topic era el current moral issues
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just-system-rambling · 9 months
TW: government "oversight", tracking of private data
I hate how fearmongering and straight up lying is used to trick people into thinking that everything they do is NOT watched by authorities and/or corporations.
Cookies, in your browser, track you. Anything used for advertising? It's tracking you. If you disable cookies, they "fingerprint" your browser based on your operating system and features you have on your browser.
I've had old friends try to bring up "oooooo imagine if the government watches what you are doing".
They already do. It's observation en masse, but it exists.
There is a law a lot of larger countries have (in capitalist/socialist heavy areas) where governments get around not being able to "spy" on their own people by sharing information about other governments' citizens with other governments.
There is a main 5 countries, then one referred to as "9 eyes", and then an additional 5 (referred as 14 eyes).
A VPN only hides your location. If you change nothing about your behavior, it's useless for making your internet activity discreet, if that's why you are using it.
Disabling cookies in your browser makes it hard to be tracked, but if you have things that are unique about your browser (the theme, addons/extensions, settings), it doesn't do much overall other than reduce how targeted the ads you receive are.
Using Tor as a browser does nothing if you use it like a normal browser. Even the guide to Tor explains this.
If you want to be seen as "invisible", you need to do this:
Use a specific browser for the invisible activity (ex. researching political parties, shopping, researching controversial topics in your country). Do not ever use this browser for anything else. This browser needs to have an ad blocker used by at least several million people. Any extensions need to be used by millions of people. For best results, use a Virtual Machine which will have a different serial number than yours. Before you open the browser, turn on your VPN (or change it to a specific country of which you always use and only use for that browser). Ensure that you leave all settings to default other than disabling cookies and, if you want to be more careful, disabling JavaScript. If you disable JavaScript, you will find that most of the internet is much more difficult to navigate. But, your browser will not be able to share as much if you do.
What I just described is almost exactly what is explained by Tor in how they explain to use the Tor browser. I struggle to understand why, I have friends that are also highly familiar with software and web development, and should know how tracking works, that still fall into being fearmongered over their personal information being tracked.
If you are using the internet, you are being tracked. What matters for how easily it identifies you, is how much information about you is kept all together. Which, most people have almost all their information together.
Remember that information is "en masse", meaning that generally specific details are not restricted to individual people.... but if you want the tracking to not carry between say different online accounts - keep them separate.
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rosquinn · 8 months
eyy rosquinator 3000 me preguntaba si ves los vídeos de un canal de yt sobre mitología llamado archivo mitológico :D
OOOOOO hola silver estoy suscrite pero nunca he visto ninguno, me imaginé que serían en plan la versión hispana de overly sarcastic productions
son buenos?
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snaillamp · 8 months
But only if we stab him with truth serum syringe(im not sure if its possible medically, since it would make it less effective when injected to muscle??? I think, lol. And i dont know if truth serum actually exists. Please dont laugh at my poor medical knowledge)
CAN ANNA GET THERE QUICKLY I LOVE HER SHE MIGHT JUST MURDER HIM FOR NOT TELLING. and uhh, maybe her son can just go and hug enjar, and she will shut up to not making him upset. Or I just crave some uncle en stuff, hahaha.
Btw, I know it's not really relevant right now, but are those in chronological order?
Oooooo okkkkk ask dayyyyy, ill start planning it :) Truth serum will definitely be administered.
and there is defintely more Anna and Jonas content coming up, its gonna be adorable :D
the list that i put the arcs in aren't in chronological order, however the order i post the stories in is chronological, but you can read them in any order you want really.
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ms-moonlight-inn · 2 years
I’ve heard your latinx 👀 any songs in Spanish you consider certified Gallavich anthems?
OooOoo, have you come to the right place.
*rubs hands together*
Ok, if we're talking about the quintessential heartbreak song, it's a toss up between "No Volveré" (I adore the Pedro Infante version) or "Por Tú Maldito Amor" (Vicente Fernández has rights here).
A much more modern take on this theme would be Ozuna's "El Farsante."
Now, for that sexy, sexy...
Damn, if feel like you can't go wrong with "Vente Pa' Ca" by Ricky Martin ft. Maluma (like, that man really said, "nos comimos boca a boca en el sillón" 🥵🥵🥵)
And pretty much anything Romeo Santos, that dude's voice just has that romance drip.
Rosalia's "Di Mi Nombre" is ALL about the conquest. Have you seen that music video? The way she bounces onto that bed, then does those flamenco hands? 😏 Yeah...
Ok. For the sweetness, look no further than Camilo. yuP. You know I'm about to suggest "Vida De Rico" & "Tattoo." Fuck it, throw "Tutu" in there, too. But "Vida De Rico" is fucking tops here.
Shit, I feel like I'm missing a bunch of songs here. The sweet songs are always the hardest to remember. Why is that? 😆😂
Ok, don't kill me on this one, this is one's bit of a history lesson, as well as a reminder of how wide a category Latinx music is. (Note how wide & varied this list is.)
Anyway, Freddy Fender's "Sugar Coated Love" is just a sweet (pun intended!) & fun rockabilly Tex-Mex jam number. If you've ever thought of a Gallavich western AU, you HAVE GOT to add some good-ass Tex-Mex music references to it. Freddy Fender is the dude for that. 🎸
Ok, fuck, i should be working on Lottery, but this ask got me super excited. I love talking music just as much as I love talking fic.
Thank you for this amazing ask.
Lemme know if you have any specifics I didn't hit upon. 🫶
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Oooooo, I'm excited to see the new project, and also start reading your re: series
//I hope you enjoy it.
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theguardianace · 1 year
16 20 34 for the pjsk ask game :3
16. Favorite alt vocal?
Ok. I am a Rui fan at heart so I do have to go with Rui Fixer as the number one... but Rui Odore Orchestra, Shizuku Shoujo Rei, and Kanade Saisei are huge honorable mentions
20. Favorite 4* you have?
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Rui fes...
Easily one of my favorite card stories. And that's saying something. He's lived his whole life dreaming for the stars, the stage, and his friends, and now he's truly found them all. The fact his fragment sekai is the only one to feature other characters in it... he loves his friends so much he created an entire world... i love him so much look at how far he's come
34. Mixed event lineup you want?
Oooooo.... the possibilities are endless..
Back when Carnation Recollection came to EN, I offhand mentioned having a Kanade Emu focused event where Emu teaches K how to grieve (not that Emu's the best at that either, but she's doing her best). K deserves some love and light in her life, and Emu would benefit from not bottling her negative emotions.
Toya Mafuyu event where they bond over music providing an escape from a hard home life. That would be interesting. Throw a Tenma, Shinonome, and a VS in there for emotional support.
yeah mixed events are awesome! love them so much. so much potential in every lineup
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Aww May getting Bobby to eat :')))
Themmmm :')))
Bobby and Buck but also Bobby and May <333
Oop the plane!!
:OOOOO it is!!!!!
Ooope he not doin good xD
Idk if I'd call this purgatory lol, you ain't dead yet
Bobby goin through it fr xdd
But also 😬😬😬😳😳😳😳
Wait what?
XD Bobby now is not the time for loving Athena even though it is always that time lol <333
C'mon Buck you can figure this out :'(((
(I'm a few minutes behind and I don't remember much of this conversation lol)
YES it's not about what they think of you :')))
AAHHH Athena <33
Not my brain for a second going TO PULL THE PLUG??? as if that was ever in the plans xDD
Awww Bobby :'((
And also for you but we know you're just gonna say Bobby lol
Meanwhile coma Buck just like UGGHHH I know!!!
XDD why are you such a jerk here lol
:'OOO themm!!!!
You don't need that Buck :'(( you have them in this world now, and you don't need the past, you have the future :'((!!!
AAAHHHHH yeahh :'DDD!!
"I'm gonna feel guilty about that one" XDD BUT AAHHHH :'DDD
XDDDDD this dang hallway thing lol
We've come full circle XD
But everything's not perfect here lol
YES Buck you shove past him
:OOOOOO B U C K ???!!?!?
Well yeah you have been talking to yourself this whole time I guess lol
C'mon Buck breatheeee 😭😭😭
NO here is not as good as there
C'mon c'mon c'monnn
Yes you don't have much time!!!
A A A A A A A A H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Y E S S S S W H O O O O O!!!!!
Y'ALL CAN'T PULL A "FIX YOU" ON ME 😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰
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newjeansphoning · 2 years
DN: ¡¡¡ y a veces cuando veo a Bunnies en el escenario, me acuerdo de esas estrellas!!!
DN: bunnies = 🌠
DN: bunnies = dani atrapasueños
DN: jeje
DN: [ENG] ¡¡ok!! ¡¡una ultima pregunta!!
DN: ¿el traje de escenario que te gusto hace poco??
DN: oooooo
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