#end white supremacy.
alwaysbewoke · 9 months
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padawan-historian · 5 months
Pick up your copy of the Macklemore Manifesto and share with every friend, aunty, and neighbor until Palestine is free.
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thashining · 3 days
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intersectionalpraxis · 9 months
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I just... how depraved can one be? I'm running out of words to describe these sadistic, vile, and dangerous racist zionists.
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odinsblog · 5 months
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Mark Hamill: “I firmly stand with Darth Vader and the Empire.”
Jennifer Lawrence: “I firmly stand with President Snow and the Capitol.”
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afriblaq · 26 days
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craignflowers · 7 days
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End whiteness!
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splitsabers · 2 months
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Cal Kestis - Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
Saber Series: White
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hussyknee · 1 month
USAmericans saying that those who joined the military to escape poverty and prison shouldn't be called beneficiaries of imperialism make me laugh. Poverty is the main reason why people join militaries the world over, dipshit. The fact that you would have starved at home if they hadn't needed you to massacre people and lay waste to their countries makes you a beneficiary. They victimized you first but you chose to become their foot soldier. And now you're butthurt that the people whose families you killed call you an oppressor.
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alwaysbewoke · 9 months
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padawan-historian · 8 months
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Ten years from now when the world has its Remembrance Day for the Victims of the Palestinian Genocide, we will remember the death politics that Israel, the US, Britain, and Germany committed to preserve their imperial impulses. They are not democracies, they are death factories.
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sissa-arrows · 8 months
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Translation of the screenshot:
“What western countries do not understand with Palestine is everything that they did not / still do not understand with the countries they colonized, namely: your rights are not worth more than ours, your lives are not worth more than ours, your destiny is not worth more than ours. The colonial arrogance that serves as your moral compass, the supposed superiority of your “civilized” values, the contempt that you have for the justice that you claim while massively bombing the oppressed, enough of it!”
Rima Hassan, the person who wrote this tweet, is a Palestinian refugee born in a refugee camp in Syria but her mother eventually decided to bring her children in France. Rima is an international law jurist.
Her account
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intersectionalpraxis · 8 months
To the anons telling me I'm endangering Jewish people with my posts, despite being VERY clear zionists are not a reflection of those practing Judaism (and also the fact I have shared the solidarity and direct action protests from anti-zionist Jewish people multiple times on my posts), I am here to remind you that the REAL danger (which has been researched and documented by organizations, such as the Southern Poverty Law Center), is that white supremacists are the hugest threat to the safety of Jewish people and many communities around the world who aren't white and Christian. Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim people and allies like me are NOT threats to your safety, so please stop it.
And saying that it's bad to say that a genocide should end -that settler violence needs to end because over 30,000 Palestinian people are being slaughtered and bombed to death... maybe think a bit more critically before sending me your messages. Here's a video to help you start unpacking your biases, but it surely is only a start:
Stop living in an echo chamber and do more research. Watch Palestinian content creator's and people with lived experiences in Gaza, West Bank, and East Jerusalem. There are a ton of resources available. And if you don't, you're just as complicit in this ongoing mass genocide against Palestinian people.
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limetarte · 5 months
It’s okay to stutter. There is nothing wrong with stuttering. You can stutter and that’s okay. It’s not wrong, it’s not bad. It’s not unnecessary, it’s a natural part of life, it’s involuntary and that’s okay.
Yes, stutter. Yes, you can stutter. Do stutter. Anything saying otherwise is a lie and wrong. Anything saying or even implying that “stuttering is bad” or that “you’re not allowed to stutter”, is ableist. It’s lies, fake, untrue. It’s ableism. Which is wrong.
You don’t have to conform. You don’t have to do anything. You don’t have to look like a robot, you don’t have to act like a robot. Even A.I. stutters. It’s natural and there’s nothing wrong nor “undesirable” about it.
Yes, it might be inconvenient, but it’s not bad for that reason. Inconvenience is a part of life. Nothing wrong with inconvenience. Nothing wrong with taking your time [to speak]. Nothing wrong with stuttering.
You can inconvenience people (in the sense, that it’s okay and there’s nothing wrong nor bad about it). Do inconveniences. The reason they’re looked down upon is because they challenge the systems, specifically capitalism, but all the other ones as well too.
You have time. Everyone has the time to listen to you, speak and stutter. You have the time to stutter. And that’s okay.
It’s okay to take up space. It’s okay to take up time. It’s okay to take up noise space. It’s okay to take up noise space, space and time. It’s okay to take up space in other people’s minds, thoughts and feelings. There’s nothing wrong with taking up any kind of space. You are not an inconvenience. You’re not an inconvenience, nobody is, no one is, not you, not user, not us. You are enough as you are. You are whole. You are worthful.
It’s alright and fine to stutter. Your feelings are valid and okay too. I know it’s hard, I know the systems, which are reproduced into society and by people, are insidious and attack everyone saying that “it’s this”, “it’s that”, and blah blah blah. We know they make us feel like and think that it’s bad, like it’s wrong, they make us feel mad, sad and other negative emotions for not conforming, and those emotions and feelings are valid. There’s nothing wrong with them. They’re real and true. 💙💙 So yes, do stutter 💙
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afriblaq · 4 days
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violottie · 5 months
fuck zionists. white supremacist scumbag fucks.
"Do you know who the scum of the planet is?! Zios! Imagine what they do EVERYDAY for fun to the indigenous people of Palestine." from Asma Abu-Dahab, 30/Apr/2024:
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