#enfp entp couple
sashaart · 2 years
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MBTI duos (◕‿◕✿)
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sallypumpkin · 2 years
My favorite romantic couples :
ENTJ man x ENFJ woman
INFJ woman x INTP man
ENTP man x ENFP woman
INFP woman x INTJ man
ESFP man x ISFJ woman
ESTJ man x ISTP woman
ISTJ woman x ESFJ man
ISFP woman x ESTP man
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oya-oya-okay · 1 month
Tag game!! Your personality type (mbti) and:
A character with your mbti!!! My — INFJ🦐
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A character that suits you as an mbti couple!!! For me, INFJ — ENFP, ENTP
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HERE!!! 👈 The personality type of the characters
And you can use the internet if you don't know the compatibility😇💗💗💗 (AND you can use different pictures that you want to show the character or not, as you want!!💞)
Tagging: @oyatochie and anyone who wants to try it!!!❣️❣️❣️
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generic-whumper · 11 months
MBTI & Whump!
This is just a fun silly lil’ poll, nothing serious! I’m just wondering if there is a predominant (or a couple/few predominant) MBTI type(s) that are into Whump. The term “Whump” here is all encompassing, it can be whatever type of Whump, nothing in particular.
What’s MBTI? It stands for “Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator.” You can take a common (FREE) test here to figure out your type if you want!
For the reminding types, comment the affiliated emoji to vote! I will make a separate tally after the poll is closed and share results!
ISTP (Vituoso) - 🛠️
ISFP (Adventurer) - 🎨
ESTP (Entrepreneur) - 🧑‍💼
ESFP (Entertainer) - 🎙️
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typing-mbti · 1 year
About MBTI romantic compatibility
In this post I want to talk about my personal thoughts based on what I observe about MBTI romantic compatibility or romantic compatibility in general.
Because remember, MBTI isn't enough when looking for a partner; there can be:
Very different people of the same type
Similar people of very different types
It also depends on what similitarities and differences mean for you.
Think at colors: there are colours which matches armonically to you but maybe you still preferer a "very similar" colour that accompany you or "very different" one that make you natural color stands up
1) COMPATIBLE if you look for an armonical balance between your differences (dichotomies) and similarities (same primary function but inverted and same process thoughts of the other two functions)
E/I + P/J difference or also F/T or N/S depending on what is the primary function (change the other). F/T or N/S lead to apparently more differences but deeply same way to process some thoughts (exactly same middle cognitive functions)
Example: INTJ x ENFP or ENTP
Example: ISFP x ESFJ or ENFJ
2) SIMILIAR: same type or similiar in many things (but not having the same primary function and thinking process can still lead to a not so small difference): you prefer having more similitarities with your partner (e.g. both introverted)
Change just a letter (be conscious that usually the S/N difference alone could still lead to a strong difference)
Example: INTJ x INTJ or ENTJ or INFJ or INTP (or also ISTJ)
ABOUT changing only the last 2 dichotomies: it will lead to a more complex mix between similarities and differences, usually it can be great at times but can also lead to many misunderstandings, for this reason I see more friendships than romantic partners on these.
Example: INTJ x INFP
Example: ESTP x ESFJ
3) DIFFERENT: very different type or opposite type: you feel safe with a companion that can do the things you can't do.
Example: INTJ x ESFP, ESTP, ESTJ, ISFJ,...
Is it immature?
If all you look for is just a personality type yes, but if you consider many things among which a specifically personality type... no. People choose their partner based on physical appearance, interests, sympathy, familiarity, style of life... and choosing based on the way a person perceive and process reality that affect every part of their daily life is nothing but deep.
"BUT if you both are willing to make it work..."
I will be honest here on my opinion. We are not talking about getting along with colleagues or in family or something forced, but with romantic relationships. It's so natural to look for a "compatible" friendship, why not with romance? Friends can be many while a romantic partner is hopefully just one and for every day of our life; and every relationship is already difficult by itself without us making it more complicated. We will live and share everything with our partner, make decisions with them, see and talk to them everyday: for this reason I personally don't see why we can't be selective.
So... is MBTI compatibility important? Depends
My personal opinion is that compatibility in general is very important, but not each couple needs MBTI compatibility to work well.
Your perfect match depends on who you are and what you look for in a partner.
-> Some thoughts to consider for wishing to have MBTI compatibility or not:
If your MBTI type is a huge part of who you are and your mental process - choose YES
Passions, interests, character and other things have a huge impact of who or your partner are more than MBTI - choose NO
You are selective and look for deep understanding of who you are to feel completely gotten - choose YES
You get along easily with others and feeling get is not your primary need (or not by a partner), you enjoy and look for other things - choose NO
Your process thoughts deeply, analyse others and observe a lot - choose YES
You are in tune with the ambience more than focusing too deeply on the others, you are more practical and a doer - choose NO
Your answer can be different of the one of your partner. For example an INFJ chooses her ENFP for MBTI compatibility because she wants to have long conversations and feel mentally connected with him while ENFP chooses her for the way she treats him and prefers spending time doing some hobbies together. So their relationship's will won't match.
If you wish for MBTI compatibility:
I will repeat it another time: MBTI isn't enough! There are always other things that defines us as values, humour, interests, style of life, mentality. So your life partner will be one of the personalities you get along with: not all will work perfectly with you!
MBTI isn't a guarantee! There is no perfect balance and every couple needs work.
If you wish for other kind of compatibilities:
Still be conscious about your personalities! Sometimes feelings cover our differences and you are ok with how are some things now but maybe in the future you or your partner will look for other things.
Be aware! Not thinking about it doesn't remove their type and your similarities/differences, the best is knowing your MBTI types and still be sure it's the best for you! MBTI knowledge in any case could always help in your journey.
Some example of couples I know:
MBTI compatible couples:
ISFP x ENFJ: natural match and they also share the same way to see life - worked
ESFP x ISFJ: compatible but the mental disorders of one destroyed their relationships and also their interests didn't match - didn't work
Not MBTI compatible couples:
INFP x ISTJ: they have the same values of family and both looked for a companion that can do what they couldn't, and feel safe in the differences of the other - worked
INFP x ESTJ: they loved the differences because they made them feel safe, during life they realized they needed to feel understood by the other and suffered for the lack of similitarities - didn't work
Be careful and choose what is best for YOU depending on what you and your partner look for in a relationship. Because at the end knowing what you want in your love life and waiting until you find it is the most important thing! If you want read this last part by thinking at different characteristics other than MBTI.
Different partner: more work to to but they can help you with doing the things you can't do. Always looking for an opposite partner can be sometimes linked to low self esteem, or positively to a strong adaptation ability.
Similiar partner: less work to do but you will have the same limits and face the same problems. Always looking for a very similar partner can be sometimes a sign of immaturity, or positively of a sensitive trait.
I'll say it again:
I talked about MBTI compatibility but remember that MBTI doesn't describe us totally so choose wisely considering that person completely!
And work with your defects and mental disorders, with them every relationship is destined to fail or be unhealthy or toxic.
Maybe you are thinking "love is blind"... to our mind maybe yes, but unconsciously is linked to how we see ourselves deeply.
Feelings may last some time but having a partner hopefully will last a life.
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I wish you all the best love life :)
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mbtiblogfun · 1 year
MBTI INFP romantic pairings and couples:
Lol yes it’s back! A lot of people seemed to really like those posts, so I thought I'd do an update since I found a couple more examples recently. However this time I'm gonna compile them all into this one post instead doing individual all over again lol. I compiled a pretty good list so I hope you guys like it! Also Happy 69th post! Woohoo! 🥳 (Yes I’m childish like that lmao)
Carlos de Vil (INFP) and Jane (ISFJ) - Descendants
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Ashlynn Ella (INFP) and Hunter Huntsman (ISFP) - Ever After High
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Sybil Crawley (INFP) and Tom Branson (ENTP) - Downtown Abbey
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Furukawa Nagisa (INFP) and Okazaki Tomoya (ISFP) - Clannad
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Allison Cameron (INFP) and Gregory House (INTJ) - House M.D
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(I was hesitant to put this one bc they technically weren't really ever a thing but they did have feelings for each other)
Allison Cameron (INFP) and Robert Chase (ISTP) - House M.D
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Allen Ginsberg (INFP) and Lucien Carr (ENFP) - Kill Your Darlings
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I was hesitant to include them as well because they have a complex relationship, but I don't wanna spoil lol. So for those of you who do know what I mean, I'd honestly just say it depends on your pov (like with house and cameron).
Agustin (INFP) and Julieta (ISFJ) Madrigal - Encanto
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Cameron James (INFP) and Bianca Stratford (ESFJ) - 10 Things I Hate About You
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Izumi Miyamura (INFP) and Kyouko Hori (ESFJ) - Horimiya
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Kou Sakuragi (INFP) and Naoya Nifuji (ENFJ) - Wotaki
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**Note, I think most of their screen time together as a couple is in the OVA
Dorthy Boyd (INFP) and Jerry Maguire (ESFJ/ENFJ)
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It's been a while since I've seen the movie but ik he's def Fe dom.
Mia Thermopolis (INFP) and Michael Moscovitz (ISFP) - Princess Diaries
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Mia Thermopolis (INFP) and Nicholas Devereaux (ESTP) - Princess Diaries 2
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Alrighty that's it for now lol
Let me know what you think! :) Feel free to share any thoughts or recommendations!
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everydayyoulovemeless · 10 months
Hey, if this isn't too much, I'd love to hear your headcannons on what the FO4 companions MBTI personalities are, and maybe some other ideas of how they'd react to certain things because of their MBTI.
Fo4 Companions MBTI Types
➼ Word Count » 0.8k ➼ Warnings » None ➼ A/N » I literally love that you asked bb, I have the strongest bouts of MBTI obsessions and you asked at the right time <3
MacCready - ISTP - He gets frightened really easily due to him running under constant stress that builds up from how determined he is to work hard. He's terrified of finding himself lost or alone and will do anything he can to keep the people in his life so he doesn't have to be any of that.
Nick - INTJ - He has an innate need to be seen as capable in anything he does and can sometimes overwork himself just so he can feel like he's making a difference. He needs to set aside time to be alone just so he can reset his mind and feel grounded again. (he'll usually do this at night when Ellie and Sole are asleep)
Cait - ESTP - Cait wants to have a sense of control in her life, and in her past, turned to drugs to feel that. She gets incredibly angry when she feels people aren't listening to her and will either react loudly or completely isolate herself for a couple of days. She's working through it, but she'll still snap at times.
Danse - ISTJ - Danse is idealistic when it comes to the Brotherhood and has a habit of ignoring everything else to focus and believe solely in what he imagines. He can sometimes go overboard with these ideals and can be ridiculously stubborn when anything has something to do with the group.
Preston - INFJ - He's always open to hearing other people out, even at the cost of his own health. He doesn't care how burnt out or exhausted he gets, if someone needs a shoulder to cry on, he's there. It overwhelms him at times but he feels as if it's his duty to push through to do what it takes to make others happier.
Codsworth - ESFJ - He likes to feel valued and will always be doing as much as he can to be seen as such. It'd destroy him if you saw him as anything less than helpful and constantly making an effort to hold a part in whatever settlement you have him stationed at.
Piper - ENFP - She's extremely perceptive to other people's moods, it's how she dictates if someone's lying to her or not. Her extroverted nature can make her restless, as she's on a constant search to fulfill her desire in getting the truth out to people.
Curie - INTP - She likes to work near rivers or streams, no matter how irradiated they are. That kind of peaceful environment reminds her of all the things she used to read in books and is just generally more favorable to work around. She just feels as if she can think clearly with the sound of flowing water in the background.
Strong - ESTP - Strong never really liked the idea of strictly working under Fist and doing whatever he had ordered. He instead likes being able to do his own thing while also being guided throughout the wasteland. He hates authoritarian figures and likes the freedom of roaming he gets now that he's left Trinity Tower.
Hancock - ENTP - He takes his job as mayor very seriously and is persistently trying to better himself and his community, no matter how negatively others view it. He takes a lot of pride in the Goodneighbor residents and would do just about anything to keep this place afloat and with the same morals that built it up: freedom and equality.
Deacon - ENTP - Deacon loves to multitask and can frequently be seen doing as many jobs as possible all at the same time. If you look close enough, you'll see how much it drains him physically, but it's easy to miss with how upbeat and enthusiastic he is. He does it to avoid dwelling on any past mistakes. He feels like he's making it up by doing all these extra things.
X6-88 - ISTJ - As hard as it is to spot, he's very sensitive to criticism and can't take any form of assessment anyone might perform over his capabilities. It makes him feel vulnerable and he hates it.
Dogmeat - ESFP - Happy and energetic, Dogmeat almost has an unending amount of stamina when it comes to literally anything. He loves following you around, and as long as you're willing to keep him, he'll be with you till the end.
Old Longfellow - ISTP - He can empathize with others really easily and is constantly searching for a sense of comfort in anything he does. It's one of the reasons he likes dogs so much, they're familiar to him and he can count on them to be just as loyal as himself.
Gage - ESTP - He doesn't take the loss well, whether that be money or the people he cares about. That being said, he's ridiculously protective when it comes to both of those things and wouldn't dare to let either slip away from him.
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saku-chann · 2 years
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ENFP & ENTP 🥰❤️😈
Illustrations of the MBTI couple.
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I honestly didn't expect this ! but so many voted for these two and now I ship it too, they are a good match, I feel like they'll make a fun couple and complete each others 💙 I hope you like it !
Who's next ? 🤔
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mbtiinteractions · 1 month
Pets for each MBTI type
INTJ : Praying Mantis
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With its unmistakable death stare, cautious predatory immobility and elegant, solitary behaviour, added to its cold, robotic movements, mantis perfectly match with INTJ’s personality.
Pros : needs a few space, doesn’t eat a lot (like two insects twice a week), temperature and humidity conditions easy to maintain, fun to watch hunting (if you've got three hours to kill)
Cons : lives only 1 year, can’t be kept in group (unless you want to cause a massacre), needs live preys
INTP : Pacman Frog
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Lazy, often nocturnal (but often with weird sleep schedule), usually half-buried in the soil, unmoving, and hating the company of other frogs, this is the perfect pet for INTPs.
Pros : does not require a great deal of care or a lot of space, is quiet (unless you annoy it), doesn’t need to be fed often (once a week when it’s adult), wouldn't try to socialize with you
Cons : sometimes try to eat your fingers, has some temperature/hygrometry requirements, needs live preys
INFJ : Leaf Insect
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Discreet, blending in with the background, moving only slightly to avoid being noticed – yet mysterious and beautiful, stick or leaf insects could be the strange and silent companions of INFJ.
Pros : eats leafs (easy to find), is quiet, does not require a lot of space, temperature and humidity conditions easy to maintain, is cheap, very easy to breed (by parthenogenesis)
Cons : lives only 1 year, sometimes hard to be found in its terrarium, doesn't understand metaphysical discussions
INFP : Tortoise
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Slow, shy, a little clumsy but absolutely adorable and surprisingly endearing, tortoises are somehow similar to INFP ; just like them, they can get easily scared and sometimes hide into their shells.
Pros : is very calm, lives for many years, eats fresh vegetables, is really cute (I mean, look at it, isn’t it one of the cutest things you’ve ever seen ?)
Cons : needs a lot of space, a lighting and a heating system (it’s very sensitive to temperature variations), is solitary, can enter into hibernation, can easily get health issues
ENTP : Rats
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Because no sane person would ever think of adopting rats, this is the best choice for ENTPs. Actually, rats are really smart, playful, sociable and affectionate, capable of learning some funny tricks !
Pros : are easy to keep, would adapt their sleep schedule to stay as long as possible with their human, are cheap, omnivorous, will terrify people who are scared of rats, eat their own faeces (I mean, now that’s taking recycling seriously !)
Cons : live only 3 years, too gregarious to be kept alone (but beware of adopting a male/female couple, they would have too many babies), must have toys in their cage or they'd get bored
ENFP : Cockatoo
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Weird, funny, incredibly curious and gifted, cockatoos can be both the most cute and the most annoying pets - ENFPs, what are you waiting for ? Adopt cockatoos !
Pros : has a long lifespan (several decades), is really smart and endearing, can learn human speaking, is funny, affectionate and friendly with humans
Cons : expensive, needs a lot of space, needs a diverse and varied diet (fruits, seeds, vegetables...), needs constant attention, is LOUD (but I don't think this one is actually a con for ENFPs...)
ENTJ : Ants
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Have you always dreamed of being a ruler, a god ? Of having an army, a whole people entirely depending on your wise decisions ? With an ants colony, that dream will come true : you'll finally become the absolute master of many living beings !
Pros : reasonably affordable (highly depending on the spieces), do not need a lot of space (only an appropriate terrarium) and a lot of food, won't discuss your orders
Cons : can escape and invade home, won't necessarily understand all of your war strategy commands
ENFJ : Mini Pig
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Smart, cute, empathetic and endearing, pigs living with their ENFJ human friend won't have to fear ending up as sausages !
Pros : original pet, is really friendly with humans, can eat the same food as you, contrary to popular belief is clean and intelligent, affordable price
Cons : needs enough space to live happily (a garden), often needs to be adopted in pairs, needs to be educated (as dogs for example)
ISTJ : Hamster
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Meticulous, quiet and mostly odour-free : hamsters have many qualities that certainly may arouse ISTJs' interrest. Plus, they are extremely cute and some of them are even cuddly !
Pros : cheap, won't need a lot of space (1.5 m² at least), enjoy repetitive tasks such as organising their piles of food, tidying their nest, running in their wheel...
Cons : live only 3 years, can't be kept together (because they would fight for their territory), are nocturnal, eat their own faeces
ISTP : Cat
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Do I need to explain ?
Pros : won't give a single fuck
Cons : won't give a single fuck
ISFJ : Rabbit
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Cuddly, cute, cuddly, did I already say cute ? Rabbits are very expressive and need to be cared for, to be cocooned in gentleness so that they don't get anxious !
Pros : live about 10 years, are cuddly, soft, will communicate with you (body language + sounds)
Cons : need space (a garden), reproduce very quickly, can be easily stressed
ISFP : Canary Bird
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These little artists spend their time singing, and often display bright, varied and enjoyable colours !
Pros : relatively cheap, easy to take care of, can live up to 10 years, pretty colours and sing nicely
Cons : need company (adopt 2 birds if you can’t spend time with them) but can display an agressive behaviour if two males are set together, don’t like to be touched a lot
ESFP : Budgies
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Loud and incredibly gregarious, these little parrots can actually learn several words and will always keep you company. Their whole life is a party !
Pros : cheap, live about 8 years, easy to take care of, all but boring, very friendly with any living being (sometimes even with cats and dogs), will play with anything and nibble everything in sight (mostly your hair and earrings).... both smart and dumb little birds
Cons : need company (if you don’t have time for them, adopt at least 2 budgies), can get really, REALLY noisy and sometimes chaotically mischievous
ESTP : Ferret
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A little hyperactive, annoying brat who’ll never miss a chance to make a mess of your personal things !
Pros : funny, friendly and playful, smart and can be potty-trained – plus really cute !
Cons : not the easiest pet to be taken care of, subject to illnesses if kept in bad conditions, males can be agressive, will quickly degrade your personal property if you don’t watch them
ESTJ : Goldfish
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You’re busy with your work and don’t have time to put pressure on take care of a pet ? Then, an aquarium with some fancy goldfishes is the best option to display your love of animals without taking up too much of your precious time !
Pros : silent, won’t disrespectfully discuss your orders kind advices, actually pretty smart (contrary to the popular belief), great as an office decoration (but need enough space : chose an appropriately-sized aquarium, or they’ll get sick and you’ll have to pay for sick leave see a vet)
Cons : are often misunderstood : goldfishes aren’t dumb memoryless animals, they need enough space, not a small circular aquarium (their normal lifespan is about 15 years, but they often live much less because of bad keeping conditions), have some specific temperature, pH and sanitation requirements (and therefore appropriate equipments)
ESFJ : Dog
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Are all ESFJs dogs, or are all dogs ESFJs ? That’s really a good question.
Pros and Cons : pretty much the same as an ESFJ child
(nah, seriously : inform yourself before adopting a dog, or any other animal for that matter!)
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suguru-getos · 4 months
Oh. INTRESTING. I just realised I should think about self ships more 😭 but okay here we go 😎
my self ship would be with Suguru. Definitely. Not the cult leader tho 😭 just a little rewind right there. You see the high school Suguru? Yeah cool. I only claim him.
>>> How would be better like when I'm off?
It'd definitely hurt him too with me. (because that's what I've seen with people around me, you know when that loud and bubbly one goes silent ?! Even though you know they'd be fine it's just so ouch. As if something's missing. Yeah, my personality is more or less like Satoru, he's ENTP I'm ENFP. which by the way, did you know? Fits INTJ in compatibility better hehe yeah I see him as a threat so what? 😤) and since his rationality is something I"d value, he'd have to do the tougher job of being my backbone rather than getting away with just sympathizing and giving me rational and "harsh truth" perspectives when I come to him with the problem that's bothering me. He knows if tries to be soft with me or bullshit me with sympathy I'd see it right away. So that.
>>> I HC our relationship to be such that it makes everyone jealous because he's definitely smiling and laughing around me more (not because he's smitten or sth, because I'm his personal clown ✨). That's what I am about most of the times. Hyped up over the smallest things. Hehe.
>>> Jealous. Huh. Interesting. I'm a women in stem, and you must know how the ratio is always so heavy on men"s side. So naturally I have a lot of them hitting on me at all the points of time. 😂
>>>And another thing is, I'm an extrovert socialising with people all the time so he might be annoyed on how to get my attention on him out of all the other people i hangout with (Again, not my words 😂😭) little does he know he has all of it since day 1. But that'd be only an issue before we get together, because he'd never know if I view him differently/romantically or not 😭 because "you're this energetic with everyone. How am I to know?"
>>> I and Satoru would definitely always be bickering over how he lets me get away with spam texting but not him. Hehe. Suguru's reasoning? "You're annoying, she's not *shrug*"
I say I don't think any self ships but then I go on full on spam mode (I hope you don't mind it, if you do please be honest about it and lmk like "I just asked for headcanons not a ONESHOT you idiot🔪) somehow wow😭 but yeah. That's how I see it, sunshine x grumpy (kind of?) Trope.
(Which made me think, neither of us actually like yapping about ourselves too much so we'd just be having hours and hours of discussions about different topics. The quality time discussion is a love language kinda couple. )
Now YOUR TURN. *hands over the pen*
lmfaoooo why not the cult leader sugu? he has such a dominant rizzly energy my self ship revolves around him and i’d bark like an animal for cult leader sugs 🙇🏻‍♀️🥹
-> also that’s so cute omg?? i am an intj/entj hybrid so i love myself enfps 🫵🏻 they bring such a lovely vibe around. (my irl best friend is an enfp) & i’d die for her. <33 suguru would love you so much, you’d be his breath of fresh air & when you go down, so does his existence. i hc him as super empathetic to people he cares about, so if you’re down, he’s rock bottom. :33 hello 👋 another stem major here’s your crown 👑 gorgeous ‼️ i’ve graduated in 2022 from stem so i know how the life’s like. 😉 suguru would be disgustingly jealous fr fr you attract everyone with your positivity.
-> suguru would definitely appreciate your bickering with satoru & blabbering. it would make him feel good that two of the people he loves the most are talking/being together 💋
grumpy x sunshine is my favorite troupe so this post made me intensely happy. 🪷🥰 also, that’s alright for the long post, only made fun of how people can see a character so similarly yet so differently!!
-> as of my own self ship headcanons, i’ll post them cus i’d yap more than you istg 😭 he’d love when i wear a saree tho ‼️🙇🏻‍♀️
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sashaart · 2 years
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INTP x ENTP (。◕‿‿◕。)
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mbti-enemies · 2 years
Hey guys! What do you think would be a good song to represent the vibes of each mbti?
here we go!
ISFJ: Better Now (Acoustic), Oh Wonder
INFJ: Lovers Rock, TV Girl
ESTP: Devil's Advocate, The Neighbourhood
ESFP: Better When I'm Dancing, Meghan Trainor
ENTP: Paris, The Chainsmokers
INFP: Mr Sandman, SYML
ISFP: Vanilla Baby, Billie Marten
ENTJ: Boyfriend, Dove Cameron
ENFJ: Treat People With Kindness, Harry Styles
ENFP: Golden, Harry Styles
ISTP: Louder than bombs, BTS
ISTJ: Photograph, Cody Fry
ESTJ: U Know What's Up, from Pixar's Turning Red
ESFJ: What Make You Beautiful, One Direction
INTP: Come A Little Closer, Cage The Elephant
INTJ: Wires, The Neighbourhood
infj here and i'll quickly own up to this being my music taste although god knows how many songs i have gotten to due to recommendations from intj (actually you know what i've italicised those songs/artists) literally love her for her songs recs but anyways couple things: // 1. i just wanna say thank you for the ask because twas SO fun to do, (<333) and // 2. also i had to do a lil research for like two of them and in doing so i found this album with a song for each of the mbti types! thought it was quite cool so: MB-LP, Greg McLeod
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welivetodream · 2 years
Every MBTI couple: Part 1
ENFP×INTJ: the classic; it's like sunshine and butterflies standing next to Darth Vader. Tbh love the dynamic, the bounce off and the contrast.
INFJ×ENTP: they are like the smart couple who argues a LOT just beacuse they are both good at arguing about random stuff. They would fight a lot but they rarely get mad at eachother cuz they understand eachother at a deeper level and just love to argue regardless.
INTP×ENTJ: if I am talking about myself......I do find ENTJs super attractive. The low and high energy contrast works, both are thinking types, and they are the couple who makes fun of EVERYONE else and respects just eachother.
ISFP×ESFJ: they are probably the most loving couple in the list. You have the shy one and the doting extroverted one. Their relationship is like the one you think of when you hear "healthy relationship"
INFP×INTJ: the most used one ig in fictional stories. Another nice contrast and probably having the most slow burn material. I think they both secretly find eachother adorable...but never say it.
ISTP×ISFP: both are creative and down to earth. Will have one of the most low key yet healthy relationships. Since both are introverts, most dates would be in the house or isolated artistic locations.
ESFP×ESTP: A crazy trainwreck you can't help but watch go down
ESTP×INTP: I can see either becoming one of the best or worst relationships ever. The reason I find it cute is cuz my two main characters of my book are these two types and their relationship and chemistry is super cute.
ESFP×INTJ: they say opposites attract
ESFJ×ISFJ: emotions are oversaturated....
ISTP×ISFJ: .....(every person I pair up with ISTP makes the overall couple lowkey and cool) anyways, ISTP would teach ISFJ to not apologise for everything and focus more on themselves and ISFJ would teach ISTP to feel more emotions and enjoy life a little.
INTP×INTJ: they are the couple that never leaves the house, work on thier hobbies, don't interact with anyone and live their life in peace and comfort of being with someone just like you
ENFJ×ESFP: Tbh they are the couple all of us are jealous of
ISTJ×ESTJ: Both of them are organised and hard working. Would definitely not hate each other but are way too similar to have balance.
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riverennn · 9 days
what do you think is each of your characters' MBTI?
here you go! also included a couple new characters i've yet to introduce here too xP
River - INFP
Oaken - INFP
Jesse - ENFP
Autri - ESFP
Sheila - ISTJ
Kayla - ENFP
Psychic - ISTJ
Fear - ISFP
Myth - ENTP
Toxica - ESTP
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mbti-sorted · 2 months
Mining the relationship chart
I was editing the interpersonal tag to update relationship info (many thanks to @infj-zen for her work finding most of these), and figured, why not just compile it all in one post? Here are all the current relationships found as of April 2024:
ESTP men end up married to ESFP, ESTJ (ended badly), ESFJ, ISTJ, ISFJ, ENTJ and INTP women.
ESTP women end up married to ESFP, ESFJ, ISTP, ISFP, ISFJ, ENTP (ended badly), ENFP, ENTJ and INTP (ended) men.
With a few exceptions, ESFPs date and marry almost every type, including their own.
The exceptions are for ESFP men with ISTP & ENFJ women (ended), INTJ women (no examples), and for ESFP women with ENFJ men (no examples) and INTP men (ended).
I have examples of ESTJ men with ESFP, ESFJ, ISFP, ISFJ, ENTP, INFP and INFJ women.
I have examples of ESTJ women with every type except other ESTJs. The only two types with whom they have not had a successful relationship (that I've found) are ESTP and ISTJ men.
I have examples of ESFJs with ESTP, ESFP, ESTJ, ESFJ (not often), ISTP, ISFP, ISTJ, ISFJ, ENTJ and ENFJ (ended).
ESFJ women also end up with ENTP, ENFP, INTP and INFP men.
I have examples of ISTP men in relationships with ESTP, ESTJ, ESFP, ESFJ, ISFP, ISTJ, ISFJ, ENTP, ENFP, ENTJ and ENFJ women.
I have examples of ISTP women with ESFP, ESFJ, ENTP, ENFP and ENFJ men. All but the ISTP with the ENFP and ENFJ are no longer together. (Needs more examples!) I believe my sister knows an ISTPx INFP couple.
I have examples of ISFP men in relationships with ESTP, ESFP, ESTJ, ESFJ, ISTJ, ISFJ, ENFP, ENTJ (ended), and INFP women.
I have examples of ISFP women in relationships with ESFP, ESTJ, ESFJ, ISTP, ISFJ, ENTP, ENFJ, INTP (private), and INFP (ended) men.
I have examples of ISTJ men with ESFP, ESTJ (ended), ESFJ, ISFJ, ENTJ, INFP, INFJ women.
I have examples of ISTJ women with ESTP, ESFP, ESFJ, ISTP, ISFP, ISFJ, ENTP, ENTJ, INTJ, INFJ men.
I have examples of ISFJ men in relationships with every S-type but ISTP and ISFJ women.
I have examples of ISFJ women in relationships with every S-type (save ISFJ), plus ENTP, ENFP and INTP men. Also a private example of one with an INFP man (ended).
I have examples of ENTP men married to every type but INTP, INFP and INFJ, although they’ve been known to date both INFP and INFJ. I don’t yet have lasting relationships between ENTP men and STP women, although it certainly does happen.
I have fewer examples for ENTP women, but so far most of them are with ENFP or INTJ men. Also can be found with ESFP, ESTJ, ISTP, or INFJ men.
I have examples of ENFP men with every S-type woman but ISFP. One example found with an ISTJ man (ended). The only N-type women they don't end up with are INFP and ENFP.
I have examples of ENFP women with ESFP, ISTP, and ISFP men, plus every N-type man except ENFP, INTP and INFP.
This one surprises me a bit, so I'm probably lacking in examples.
I have examples of ENTJ women with ESTP, ESFP (yikes!), ESFJ, ISTP, ISFP (ended), ISTJ, ENTP, ENFP, INTP, INFP and INFJ men.
I have examples of ENTJ men with ESTP, ESFP, ESTJ, ESFJ, ISTJ, ENFP and ENFJ women.
I have examples of ENFJ women with ESFP (ended), ESFJ (ended), ISTP, ENTP, ENFP, ENTJ, INTP, INFP men.
I have examples of ENFJ men with ESTJ, ESFJ (ended), ISTP (ended), ISFP, ENFP women.
I have examples of INTP men with ESTP (ended), ESFP (ended), ESTJ, ESFJ, ISFP (private example), ISFJ, ENTJ, ENFJ and INTJ women.
I have examples of INTP women in a relationship with ESTP, ESFP and ENFP men. Needs more examples!
I have examples of INFP women in relationships with ESFP, ESTJ, ISFP (most of them), ISTJ, and ENTP (ended) men.
I have examples of INFP men with ESFP, ESTJ, ESFJ, ISFP (ended), ENTJ and ENFJ women. Also one INFJ (ended), one ISFJ (private example - ended), and that one couple my sister knows with the ISTP woman.
For men, lasting relationships with ESFP, ESTJ, ISTJ, ENTP, ENFP.
For women, lasting relationships with ENTP, ENFP, INTP.
Most INFJs marry STJs, and EFPs. Sometimes an INFJ will date or marry an ENTP. I have met one instance of an INFJ woman with an INFP man (ended).
INFJ men also end up with ENTJs.
*When I say (ended) I mean that I have zero known instances of that relationship working out. I have not marked relationships with (ended) if even one instance of the relationship has worked out.
**If you're wondering about LGBT relationships, they're harder to get good data on as there aren't so many couples where both people have public profiles. So far they're still choosing to pair off with the same people as their straight counterparts, but, for example, a male ISFJ could pair off with someone that would be typical for either a straight ISFJ man or a straight ISFJ woman.
***The sample size for this data is still pretty small, so take all info with a grain of salt!
****Updated Jun 11/24
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funkymbtifiction · 1 year
Hello, I hope you’re doing well
I have a couple of questions, I’m of the opinion that being an ENTP 5 is as possible as ENFPs being 4s, so please do humor me if you don’t think so. I wanted to ask how to tell if they have inferior Si or Fe? since I think being a 5 will cause problems for tertiary Fe development.
My other question is, assuming someone is a 5w6, which tells could tell me if theyre a so/sp 5 or sp/so 5?
Thank you
I think Stephen Hawking might have been a 5-core ENTP, but I won’t swear to the Enneagram side of it. The way he constantly reversed his own arguments, tore apart his earlier “irrational” thinking, and revisited his topics, changing his mind frequently on various matters suggests Ne-dom. Beyond that, ENPs are way more open-minded and fluid in their thinking regardless of Enneagram type than their introverted counterpart. A 5-core INTP is going to be logically rigid in scrutinizing things for logical soundness and deeply withdrawn, but an ENTP 5 is going to want to share their ideas and thoughts even if they are a 5, and is going to be less attached to their ideas with the easy changeability of dominant Ne (nothing is sacred and held onto for long, it’s all passing in the night, and reversing my previous conclusion is automatic if I land on a better theory).
Stackings aren’t my forte, but so/sp 5 cares more about communication and maintaining professional connections (sharing what they know as a way to contribute to society -- the “professor” 5) than the sp/so 5, who is more self-contained and casual about social interactions.
Stacking works like this -- whatever your point of neurosis and over-focus is, is your dominant instinct; your second instinct is something you are consciously aware of and casual about. So an sp/so 5 is a lot more neurotic about guarding their resources and minimizing their footprint than they are about connections, and an so/sp 5 is a lot more neurotic about how they are coming across, the relationships they are building, and how they are contributing in their field of interest than they care about their resources. So/sp 5 is casual about resources; sp/so is casual about connections and shared expertise. So/sp 5 wants to make an impact through their intellectual contributions, and sp/so 5 just does not want to be infringed on -- left alone to think and maintain autonomy.
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