#enjoy the final round. i seem to remember it being...aggressive in length
novelconcepts · 2 years
So, Chapter 8, aka "Shit just got real:"
I love, love, love the way Jamie’s nurturing magic translates into stage performance and engaging with her audience. I also love “grows stronger, and softer…” and that Dani (and you) recognizes both of these as directions of growth.
I love Dani Clayton, but I normally don’t have a whole lot in common with her. However, you’ve got me all aboard for her violent hatred of Peter during the batter scene. But also: I’ve seen the show, I know how this scene goes. But you’ve managed to write it in a way that stirs my disgust with this dude and my dismay at this relationship all over again. 
“What Peter and Rebecca have is vibrant, passionate, ambitious—but it is not kind. It does not pause to listen. It lurks in the shadows, banging up the walls and scuffing the furniture.” I think  you’ve said that you’re not particularly religious, so I hope this doesn’t offend you, but this bit recalled the famous Bible text on love in a way that I find really cool, even if it’s not at all what you intended (and I should be absolutely clear that you’re pointing out the ways in which Peter and Rebecca are everything that text says love isn’t)
That said, while Jamie and Dani’s love is beautiful, this whole “we’re just going to pour all the leftover magic between us into sex” vibe is…very alarming. 
Also, “cold tile into bruised kneecaps” nice subtle way to point out this isn’t exactly the first time this has happened. 
I really like Hannah’s philosophy of building a band on trust, but I gotta say, inviting Peter to be part of such an endeavor is a cardinal mistake.
What a colossal asshole. Honestly. Also, if a coworker established that they could replace—and outdo—me at work without breaking a sweat, I would be a) on my best behavior, and b) busting ass for the foreseeable future. The fact that this is Peter’s response is just…ugh. 
“He hadn’t devised a punishment for Dani. He hadn’t looked at her at all. She supposes that was the point, in the end: to Peter Quint, she has only ever been wallpaper.” Don’t know if you meant it this way, but this was a neat little echo of the fact that Peter and Dani never met in canon. 
“This, she can’t entirely stop thinking, feels like a rage borrowed from another source.” 😬 It does seem legit, though, that Viola would reserve a particular type of rage for Men Behaving Badly.
“They’re friends, Dani realizes . . . Friend is a calling card that tends to come with others stapled to the back.” The fact that Dani has seemingly never had a normal friend is just…upsetting. 
I absolutely adore these three women making the show work by the seat of their pants in order to spite Peter Quint.
Speaking of whom, have we perhaps seen the last of him? A girl can dream…
Can’t believe you transformed “What if I’m here with you…living our lives…but I’m really just her?” into “What if I’m here, railing you against the piano, but I’m really just her?” Not sure whether to laugh or cry.
[frantically smashes Next Chapter button]
You’ve picked up on so much of the detail work I was going for, I am delighted. I’m not religious, no, but I was raised Catholic, and I’ve heard the “love is patient, love is kind” bit many times (including at my own wedding, from my father). Not sure I can think of two words less descriptive of the Peter/Rebecca relationship--or more descriptive of the Dani/Jamie one. This story getting a long deep-dive into how different those two are was just the biggest love letter to the foil work in the show.
As for the end, uh. Viola channeling into Dani in ways she maybe doesn’t even recognize was a huge part of this piece, and sometimes that looks like...railing someone against a piano. What can you do.
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fourfucksake · 4 years
let it snow
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request: Can you do something with Chris sleeping with a friend? Maybe she comes and stays over and it snowed to hard for her to leave. They watch a movie and drink a little and it leads to rough sex on the couch?
pairing: chris evans x fem!black!reader
warnings: language, smut
word count: 2k
p.s i’m sorry for being inactive! i’m fine, just lazy
Visiting Chris right before Christmas was a tradition that we both shared for a long time. A few years ago, we met while filming a movie together, and our friendship blossomed very quickly. Being casted for that movie was my first role ever; back then, the show-biz, “the” Hollywood was truly one big puzzle that I had to solve on my own. The role I had wasn’t big nor significant, but it meant everything to me. The memories from those filming days were so close to my heart. Not to mention the friendship I built with Chris Evans that was also very dear to myself.
In that movie, I played the girl Chris slept with several times and at the end she finally got him to solve a mystery which led to a plot twist. Despite this description, the role wasn’t really that big, and I only had like three scenes where my character was somehow important. As imagined, all the sex talks we had as our characters were the start of me developing crush on him. Yes, I adored him as a fan for years but after that once scene where we almost kissed (and had to reshoot it way too many times) made me go crazy over him. It was downright embarrassing that literally no man that I have ever slept with made me as turned on as Chris did by almost kissing me.
“Chris!” I yelled while greeting him, giving his body a warm hug. His huge arms wrapped around me always gave me the snuggest feeling inside, I loved the smallest touch of his affection on myself. A loud laugh left my lips as he picked me up, completely erasing the distance between us. I gave him a small peck on a cheek before my feet were back again on the ground. “No Dodger?” I asked out of curiosity after not being able to spot one of my favourite creatures. “Nope, not today. He is with Scott, I left him there since I only came to this house for a couple of days before going back to my brother’s. Didn’t want to move him around like that, you know?” He explained as he rested his shoulder on the doorframe while I undressed from the heavy winter clothing. I hanged my big, fluffy coat and took my boots off before we entered his big living room.
Our “Christmas Dinner” was filled with laughs and banter. I almost forgot how amusing Chris really was, he always did everything to make the other person laugh out loud. Being with him was always great fun and however horrible that sounds I was ecstatic when the snowfall outside transformed into an apocalypse. Of course, I pretended that I really need to head back home, and nothing will stop me, but Chris refused to let me leave in this weather. After twenty minutes of going back and forth in argument, I gave up. He seemed pleased which was a relief because I would’ve hated feeling like I’m not wanted.
Chris made us both a cup of hot chocolate as we continued to talk. We made a promise regarding Christmas gift, swearing on each other’s lives that they will only be unwrapped on an actual Christmas Day. Still, I had a feeling he will open his as soon as I leave through that door. My eyes rolled as he deliberated about how his gift was surely better than mine, Tired of his annoying whimpers, I picked a TV remote and started looking through films on Disney+. “This will shut you up for like an hour or, at least I hope so,” I said with a silly face and showed him the middle finger as he laughed in response.
Focusing on the TV screen, I tried not to think about different, erotic scenarios of the both of us. His presence near me was enough to make my thoughts livid. His hand was placed on my knee, which I could not stop thinking about, no matter how hard I tried to. If Chris knew what my dirty thoughts were including him in, he would most likely show me where the door is. Or, possibly, throw me out of the window. I couldn't help but stress in his presence. It was simply not possible not to. When I thought I could control myself around him, he would start stroking my thigh, driving my consciousness crazy. He could sense that I was nervous, or at least I thought that he could, because he looked at me with his bug puppy eyes. He said nothing, just stared in the bluntest way possible. I returned the stare, unable to form words that would make any sense.
Gazing into my eyes, he positioned his hand on my cheek. Involuntarily, a familiar shiver ran through my entire body. Ugh, he was perfect, and I hated him for it. I just knew I was not the only girl to feel this way about him. You didn’t have to know him to lust over his self. I opened my lips as he began to approach me, getting closer to my face with every millisecond. Our lips finally joined in a passionate kiss. My hand quickly rested on top of his, caressing the skin on his fingers which were placed on my face. My hormones were screaming and in a spare of the moment, (and inflow of confidence) I moved onto his laps and sat on them straddling. I took over the situation with dominance, but Chris quickly took it back when he put his hands on my ass and lifted me up to lay myself on my back on the couch.
“I wanted to do this for so long, you have no idea,” He whispered right into my lips as his hand slipped under the fabric of my sweatshirt. A long, drawn-out moan escaped my mouth as his lips found their way to the skin on my neck. I was panting hard with my mouth open. One of my hands landed between the locks of his hair that I pulled on. I cursed softly under my breath as his fingers tightened on my hip and then moved to my breasts that were still covered by the fabric of my top and lace bra.
“So damn beautiful.”  His words sounded like a tune to my ears. Now, I could confirm that no compliments sounded better than those formed by Mr. Chris Evans himself. His fingers sneaked into my private part once again as they slipped under my leggings. I consciously and willingly let them do so. I was already excited, maybe even more than I wanted to admit. Rarely has a man managed to bring me to this state by not doing anything special, but Chris definitely did.
My mind was full of thoughts concerning what we were doing in this very moment. Has he already done this with some other naive aspiring actress? Am I just another name on his long list waiting to be crossed out? My morals and standards, and more importantly, my substantial self-respect were all screaming at me right about now. Unfortunately, my thirst and excitement won the arguments inside my head. “Chris, p-please,” I whispered and desperately pulled the hair at the top of his head. “F-Fuck me,” My lips finally formed a dreadful plea for more.
Chris didn't wait any longer, as if I gave him an order that he had to obey. He quickly deprived my body of all of its clothing, his hungry gaze followed my flesh this whole time. He was discovering every inch of my skin for the first time, concentrating on it as if he wanted to remember every single detail. I did not want to do any worse than him, therefore my hands also started a fight with his clothes, aggressively removing them from his body.
“Condom, I need-“ He mumbled inexplicably, the second part of his sentence was most certainly inaudible but at least I understood what he started looking for from its first part. I watched him out as his fingers grabbed the fabric of his pants. He reached out to the pocket, grabbing a silver wrapper between his two fingers, and I stared at it with a rather surprised look. He was prepared for this and I let him. He knew or at least he wanted this to happen. And I let him. Stupid girl.
My eyes followed him precisely as he returned to me. His knees settled on the couch and I opened my own wide for him to view. I licked my two fingers slowly before directing them to my pussy, slowly caressing and massaging it. Chris was watching me this whole time and his gaze was getting more and more hungry which undoubtedly stimulated all my senses.
Our eyes reconnected and we both smiled at each other at the same time. I licked my lips as I watched the rubber material slide smoothly over his swollen cock. He got closer to me and hit my entrance with his dick several times which was met with a loud moan escaping my lips. I was seconds away from begging him to push inside of me, but my needs were met with his sudden actions. Satisfied was an understatement as I felt his impressive length penetrating my inside.
From the first thrust, his hips moved quickly, with force. I felt him whole, from his core to his round tip. I felt his body pressing onto mine as his balls slapped my flesh with each movement. I tilted my head back and gasped like a wounded animal. My hand blindly travelled to his muscular torso, digging my long nails into his skin. He hissed in response, but his movements became faster, only adding extra pleasure to my private part. I felt my insides pulsing in response to his dick slamming onto me.  
Chris grabbed my leg under the calf and placed my heel on his shoulder. I took advantage of this placement and stretched my leg at the knee as I placed it as comfortably as possible on his shoulder. My hand rested on my boob, which I squeezed, and his eyes rested on the new image in front of him. We didn't exchange a single word, but we both gave each other the right glances that boldly approved of every move on our part.
Feeling ecstatic to say the least, I enjoyed every moment. I needed this. I needed to forget about the world, cool my abusive emotions and relish this quick experience. He gave me precisely what I craved. Moreover, I was confident he adored it just as much, which I saw from the droplets of sweat running down his forehead and from his plump lips producing multiple curse words as his body moved within me. His chest rose quickly and fell rapidly with each hard thrust. I rolled my eyes in pleasure, unable to help myself. I was so close to the orgasm that the man of my dreams was driving me to.
Feeling his warmth inside of me made me toes curl. This was so fucking good. I could confidently say that he too enjoyed himself, which the droplets of sweat running down his forehead and a bunch of swear words escaping his plump lips indicated. His chest rose and fell quickly with each hard thrust. Unable to help themselves, my eyes rolled in great pleasure. My breathing was rapid and unsteady as he drove me to a needed orgasm. I couldn’t feel his cum inside of me but his moans and pleads ensured me of his sweet release.
We looked at each other’s eyes when our breathing finally normalized from all that we have done right on that poor couch. Thankfully, I sensed no strange atmosphere in the air that could foreshadow the end of our friendship. Everything seemed so normal, so platonic and I felt an unimaginable sense of relief. “Round two?” He scanned my face with a smirk placed on his lips and flames in his eyes. I smiled in response because no words were needed to answer his question. My legs wrapped around his hips once again, his posture bent down in order to link our lips in a kiss, indicating a fresh start to our next game.
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slippinmickeys · 5 years
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To catch up, here are chapters one and two. 
The next morning, Mulder met Scully in the kitchen and wordlessly handed over two Tylenol and a glass of water. She threw back the dusty pills, and assessed him over the rim of the glass.
“Thank you,” she said, and he nodded. “Did your sister forgive you?”
“I’ve been granted a temporary reprieve,” he said, and Scully walked around him to pour herself a bowl of cereal. “She’s interning with the local police department this summer, she asked me to come down to the station in a few days so she can show me around. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to be scared straight or if she’s letting me off the hook, but either way I promised to be on my best behavior.”
“What kind of internship?” Scully asked, spoon halfway to her mouth.  
“I’m not exactly sure. Some kind of Women in Law Enforcement thing. She’ll mostly be getting coffee for dispatch, I think, but occasionally she’ll get to shadow a female detective, so she’s pretty stoked.”
“Sounds cool,” Scully said. Then, “...I don’t think she likes me.”
“She was just upset last night. Totally my fault. She’ll come around.”
Mulder plopped down next to her and poured a bowl of cereal for himself.
“What’s on the docket for today?” he asked her. He poured milk into his bowl slowly until it submerged the flakes like a rising tide.
“Med school applications,” she said, her mouth half full.
“And who are the lucky schools?” he asked.
“Stanford, UCLA, Michigan State and Columbia,” she said, “they’re amongst the few still accepting applications for this fall.”
“Not Georgetown?” he said, casually.
“Georgetown, too,” she said, “I love it here. I would love to stay. I do plan to apply, but…”
“But when I inquired, they said their spots were filled and that they rarely make exceptions.”
“Too bad,” he said.
“Too bad,” she agreed.
They ate the rest of the meal in silence.
It had taken days to fill them out, but Scully had left the post office after mailing her applications and felt as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She was finally going after what she herself wanted and felt jubilant at the prospect. For too long she’d let other people’s expectations for her guide her life. She walked down the sidewalk feeling lighter than air.
The dull roar of an engine on the street pulled her attention and she turned to see Mulder sitting on his motorcycle next to her, pulling off his helmet.
“I thought that was you,” he said with a smile, which she returned. “You get all your applications out?”
She nodded, grinning.
“You make it out of the local police station without having to post bail?” she asked with a smirk.
“Just barely,” he said, then reached back and unsecured a second helmet, holding it up to her. “Want to go for a ride?” he asked.
She looked at the bike skeptically. Motorcycles had always freaked her out a bit.
“Come on, Scully, it’s a Saturday, live a little.”
She narrowed her eyes at him.
“Why not?” she said.
“Atta girl,” he said, grinning. He helped her fit the helmet over her head, securing it under her chin. He lifted her visor before putting his own helmet on, and said “Hold on tight, okay?”
He mounted the bike and she climbed up after him, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist. The leather jacket he wore was warm from being in the sun.
He kick-started the bike and it roared to life beneath her. She felt a thrill as he pulled away from the curb and picked up speed, the wind teasing the hairs on her bare arms. She wondered if Mulder could feel her heartbeat as it pounded against her chest and into his back.
They crossed the river and he merged onto the parkway, the bike surging forward like a tracer round. She rested her helmeted head onto his back and watched the city give way to forest, neither knowing nor caring about their destination. After about ten minutes, he pulled off into a the small parking lot of a scenic overlook, the brown water of the Potomac rushing past them at the base of the hill they were perched on. He cut the engine and she slid off the side of the bike, reaching up to take her helmet off.
Mulder followed, his gaze piercing as she shook out her hair. She set the helmet on the seat, and he did the same. She turned to look around.
“This is pretty,” she said, “I’ve never been out here.”
“Me neither,” he laughed, and shook the jacket off his shoulders.
The June day was approaching full heat and the breeze that came up off the river was muggy and rich. They walked a little way past the lot and into the shade of several large maple trees. There was a neat rock retaining wall that ran the length of the lookout, and they each hopped over and sat down on it. Far below them the river purled off toward the Chesapeake, dotted occasionally with a kayak or sailboat. The air held the decadent smell of petrichor from rain the day before.
She looked over at Mulder, at his strong profile, the chiseled set of his jaw. He turned to her and caught her looking. Smiled.
The heather grey tee shirt he wore looked overwashed and soft. She had to stop herself from reaching out and rubbing it between her fingers.
“How’s Samantha doing today?” she asked.
“Better,” he said, relieved. “She’s thrilled with this internship. It sounds like she’s really taken to it.”
“I’m glad to hear that,” Scully said.
They sat in silence for a few minutes.
“Hey, when do you start your new job?” she asked.
“Monday,” he said, his eyes wide. “They already have patients on the schedule.”
She put her hand on his shoulder.
“You’re about to be a real live grown-up, Mulder,” she said, “you ready?”
“Do I look ready?” he asked, pushing his shoulders back. If he’d been wearing a tie, he would have straightened it.
She turned to face him. Took the opportunity to look her fill.
“Mm… yes,” she finally said.
“There was a hesitation there, Scully,” he said playfully.
“There was no hesitation,” she played back.
“There was a decidedly skeptical hesitation.”
She pursed her lips.
“Listen, far be it from me to undermine your confidence…” she started.
“But?” he led.
“But don’t most grown men own furniture?” she teased, bumping her shoulder into his companionably.
He tilted his head back, busted.
“If that’s how you feel about it, how about you come shopping with me tomorrow?” he said.
“For furniture?” she laughed.
“That doesn’t sound like a good time?” he deadpanned.
“Let’s just go now,” she laughed again, “we’ll stack it on the handlebars and taunt the traffic cops.”
“You joke, but I’m serious. Come furniture shopping with me tomorrow.”
She narrowed her eyes at him.
“I guess it depends,” she finally said, “will we need Frohike’s truck?”
He laughed.
“How about if I borrow the truck, but not the Frohike?”
“Deal,” she said, “And all joking aside, is there any reason in particular we can’t go this evening? I mean, I’m free, and I’d hate for a newly minted grown-up like you to develop back problems from another night on the floor.”
She bumped into him again, enjoying their repartee. His face got an odd look to it.
“Actually, I have plans tonight,” he said.
“Oh?” she said, “hot date?”
“I don’t know about hot,” he said, “but I do have a date.”
She felt her stomach drop, then remembered telling him I’m thrilled to be single right now. She felt a small moment of grief.
“Oh, do tell,” she said, sounding entirely too cheerful.
“The uh, detective that Sam is shadowing, asked me out today. I felt kind of cornered, couldn’t say no.”
Mild relief.
“Aggressive, huh?” she said.
“Something like that,” he answered. “Anyway, are we on for tomorrow? I’ll buy you lunch.”
“Now that’s an offer I can’t refuse,” she said.
The warm breeze sloughed through the trees and settled between them.
True to his word, after breakfast, Mulder went out and rolled back an hour later with Frohike’s truck, but not Frohike.
“He wanted me to pass along his love,” Mulder said when Scully hopped into the cab.
“Is that all?” she asked, pulling the seatbelt across her lap.
“Definitely not,” Mulder said, “but I value my life.”
The truck was a late ’70s Chevy Silverado in metallic brown. It had a manual transmission and only got AM radio. A corner of the floor was rusted out and she could see the road flying beneath them.
“What’s our first stop?” she asked, fiddling with the radio to try to get a signal.
“I’m thinking bed,” he said, “in deference to my old man body.”
She smiled and the truck rumbled on, the transmission tacky. He had to kick the clutch at every stop light.
“Know where you’re going?”
He tapped the side of his head.
“Got it all mapped out.”
The only radio station that would come in was transmitting a baseball game, so they listened to it in silence for a few minutes. Finally her curiosity got the better of her.
“So,” she said, “how was the date?”
“Not bad, actually,” he replied, stealing a look at her as if to gauge her reaction.
She made sure to keep her expression neutral, pressed the vee of her toes hard into her flip-flops.
“She’s intense, but funny,” he said. “Not sure if I see it going anywhere, but she asked if I wanted to go out again.”
She could feel his eyes on her and kept staring straight ahead.
“You should go,” she said. Stop talking, Dana.
“Yeah.” No.  
“Oh, we’re coming up on the mattress store,” he said, “see if you can see a parking lot.”
They walked into the mattress store, eyes practically bugging out of their heads. It looked like close to an acre of nothing but bare white mattresses as far as the eye could see. There were SALE! Posters hanging above almost every section and cardboard cutouts of showcase models leaning against every third mattress.
Mulder took a step back.
“I’ll keep sleeping on the floor,” he said, “nothing is worth this.”
Scully grabbed his arm.
“Mulder,” she said, “you need, what? A bed, dresser and desk?”
He nodded.
“Then we’re practically a third of the way there. Come on.”
She pulled him along like a recalcitrant toddler.
It took about 10.2 seconds before they were met with a smiling salesman. By that point, Mulder seemed to have recovered.
The man was short, balding and entirely too chipper for his own good.
“You and the missus looking for a new mattress?” the man asked, “You know mattresses expire after eight years.”
She opened her mouth to correct him, but Mulder grabbed her arm.
“Yes,” he said, “the missus and I are looking for a new mattress. You have any newlywed discounts?”
The salesman waggled his eyebrows.
“I’ll see what I can do.”
He marched off ahead of them and Scully hissed “what are you doing?”
“Trying to save a little money,” he whispered back, “go with it.”
The salesman stopped in front of a row.
“Now, this here line is your best bet for what we like to call active sleepers,” at that he gave an exaggerated wink, “you folks looking for soft or firm?”
“Oh, my wife likes it firm,” Mulder said. Scully rolled her eyes.
The salesman moved to the end of the row.
“These are going to be the firmest on this end, getting softer as you move to the left. Why don’t you two lay down on a few and see if any of these speak to you.”
A new customer walked into the store then, and the salesman excused himself and ambled over to greet them.
“I’m not going to speak to you if you keep that up, Mulder,” she said.
“Keep what up?”
“My wife likes it firm,” she repeated in a low voice.
“What?” he said, all innocence.
“I’m leaving,” she said and he grabbed her wrist as she turned.
“Wait,” he said, laughing, “I’m sorry. He’s just lobbing these softballs out there, and I gotta take a swing. I’ll stop.”
She gave him a look.
“I will,” he said, putting on a straight face, still holding onto her arm, “just help me pick out a bed and we can get out of here. Scout’s honor.”
She relented and they cautiously sat on a few mattresses before getting comfortable. Eventually they were sprawled out next to each other, debating the merits of quilt-top vs foam.
The salesman finally came back over.
“Y’all have any questions?” he asked.
“Just one,” Mulder said, propping himself up onto his elbows. The salesman looked at him expectantly, “is that newlywed discount still on the table?”
They pulled into the parking space behind the building a few hours later hauling several large boxes containing the unassembled pieces of a matching set of a dresser, desk and nightstand. The bed would be delivered later that afternoon.
They were able to haul them up the two flights of stairs with a minimal amount of arguing which both pleased and surprised Scully.
They dumped them on the floor of the living room before plopping wearily onto the sofa.
“Oh God,” Mulder said, eyeing the mess of cardboard before them, “We have to assemble them.”
“What do you mean ‘we?’”
Mulder looked at her, his lips almost pouting and she laughed.
“Oh come on, it’s not like you have to build them from scratch, they give you directions,” she said, “If you’re lucky, they’re even in English.”
“You’re making this worse.”
“And enjoying myself immensely,” she said, “Do you have any tools?”
“Do you?” he asked.
“Of course, I do,” she said.
“Please grant a moment of silence for the death of my masculinity,” he said, dropping his head.
She swatted his shoulder.
“Stop being patriarchal,” she said, “I’ll help. Let me grab my tools.”
Three hours later they were drinking iced tea on the small loveseat on their balcony while the sun sunk slowly below the horizon, the cotton candy clouds a riot of color above them.
“I’m never moving again,” Mulder said, “tell Ellen she can sleep on the couch when she gets back. Or she can sleep with you. I’m done.”
Scully chuckled and wiggled down lower into the cushions. The temperature had dropped with the sun and she was still wearing a tank top and shorts, her feet bare.
“You cold?” Mulder asked her.
She shrugged.
“A little,” she said.
“Here,” he said, and pulled off the sweatshirt he was wearing, handing it over to her.
“Thanks,” she said, pulling it over her head. It was still warm from his body and smelled like sandalwood and a little like sweat. She wanted to pull it up to her nose and give it a big whiff, but she resisted. When he put his arms back down, he rested one on the back of the loveseat behind her. He wasn’t touching her, but she could maybe tell he wanted to.
“You nervous about tomorrow?” she asked.
“A little,” he said, smiling.
He had a tee shirt on under his sweatshirt, and it was riding up a tiny bit, the skin of his hip showing. He took a sip of tea, and she wondered for a moment what he might taste like.
“You’re going to do great,” she said.
He turned to look at her, serious.
“Thanks, Scully.”
“Don’t mention it,” she said dismissively.
“I mean, for everything.”
The moment felt weighty. She could practically feel the heat from the skin on his arm above her, and knew if she touched it it would be warm and exquisitely soft.
“Tell me another random and arcane fact,” she said, settling further into the loveseat, the collar from his sweatshirt brushing her jaw.
“In New York City,” he said, turning his face to hers, “on Broadway medians between 63rd and 76th streets, biologists discovered a new species of ant.”
She raised her eyebrows at that.
“They call it the ManhattAnt,” he smiled.
“Naturally,” she smiled back.
If she let herself, she could fall in love with him; absolutely, irreversibly. It’d be as easy as taking a breath.
He drained the rest of his tea and stood. She sat up.
“You want your sweatshirt back?” she said, her hand on the hem.
He waved her back down.
“Keep it,” he said, “I know where you live.” He then jerked a thumb in the direction of his bedroom. “Gonna try out that new bed,” he said, and opened his mouth like he was about to say something else. He shook the ice left over in the glass and looked down at it. “I… I had a good day today, Scully. Thank you.”
She gave him a close lipped smile.
“Night,” he said, drifting slowly off toward his bedroom.
“Night,” she said back.
She waited until his bedroom door closed before going inside. She slept in his sweatshirt.
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DiC Dub. vs Sub, Episode 21/25 - “Jupiter Comes Thundering In”/”Jupiter, the Brawny Girl in Love” Pt 2
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After so long, here is part two!!
Because of the massive break in between the two, I’ve had to switch gears a little with my explanations, but hopefully they’ll still appear coherent! Without further ado, the remainder of this episode of Dub vs. Sub!
Previously, I covered the manners in which the episode begins to establish the foundation for both diverging character arcs. Propped with knowledge from both Beryl and Kunzite, Zoisite takes his charge with perfect grace and professionalism. Meanwhile, DiC's Zoycite is introduced as being far keener, promisingly relentless, and a more dangerous adversary. If Zoisite was concealing his fangs, as it were...then we were introduced to Zoycite flashing hers.
If it sounds like I'm bashing a dead horse with this difference a lot,  perhaps it's also because the DiC dub seems to do so with as much vigor. Certainly, I can't assume writers' intentions when they re-wrote the character for DiC. However, DiC seemed to find as many opportunities as they can to showcase Zoycite's contrary presentation of Zoisite's original character as often as they can, even when they didn't necessarily have to...
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This bit of exposition was given right at the very beginning of the DiC version when no such introduction was made in the original. Possibly, DiC made this change to ramp up the story's dramaticism. However, DiC's reputation for obvious exposition leads me to believe otherwise, especially when it starts cropping up in later episodes more frequently, and for no other reason. 
(For example, yes, I understand that the following screenshots are referring to Lita / Makoto. However, if you look at Zoycite’s arc as a whole, it is also an excellent setup to the infamous “Disguise” episode...and I feel it is also a great representation of why DiC so desperately wanted to sow these character changes into Zoycite. For if they hadn’t, and Zoycite remained exactly as Zoisite in all manners except gender... how different would “she” be, a beautiful female soldier fighting for love, than another titular character we know?)
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Anyways, I digress, and will return to the above bracketed point once we reach that particular episode. In the meantime, please enjoy the following comparisons remaining from the episode below...
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1. Zoycite’s keenness, and further proof that DiC can’t stand empty sound space, even if it’s to imply a character’s softly - and ominous - coming).
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2. I wish there was a way I could put audio clips in these tumblr posts, because I do love how both these characters are still portrayed with a sense of play...Zoycite’s acrid, saccharine poison, and Zoisite’s breathy, cotton-candy kiss of death.
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3. If I could put in audio clips, this is where we would hear Zoycite’s syrup literally curdle - her voice rips into an edge of monstrous roughness, similar to other other monster-of-the-day characters that were also portrayed by the same actress. Meanwhile, Zoisite’s actor speaks with a softness of a snake beginning to gently suffocate you..
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4. Goddamnit Zoi, you are so fucking cute, I will never get over how you call out your own name like you’re a fucking pokemon <3.
(Side Note: Zoisite’s use of his own name may seem vain, but I tend to read it less as a form of vanity, and more of a form of cute-speak. It’s yet another way he downplays the perception of his potential: to evoke the sense of adorableness, of femininity, a way to startle the opponent into a sense of lowered security. Honestly, I’m sure this isn’t so much of an actual farce he puts on and is genuinely how he expresses himself, both on the job and at home, but it works! Note that in the future, whenever Zoycite uses the same tactic, she never says it in the same, diminutive cute way. Her spell-cast is always aggressive, shouted in determination and confidence).
(Extra Side-Note: Another +1 for how many times Zoycite will say she is excited to please Queen Beryl. I’m keeping count for an explicit reason. Infer that what you will, and please imagine it with the same kind of “ding” that’s heard in CinemaSins.)
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5. I mean, apart from the usual (Zoycite’s kneejerk reaction is to be antagonistic, while Zoisite is actually only politely informing Makoto that she does not have to engage, etc, ...he literally does not coax, mock or challenge. We will see later that Zoisite treats physical bloodshed and confrontation as unnecessary and only as a last resort, while Zoycite is spurred by challenges) - I also love how Zoycite’s dialogue also reflects this difference. I’ve talked at length at how Zoisite is always unfailingly and elegantly polite before, and now look at Zoycite’s speaking mannerisms: uncouth, aggressive, and filled to the brim with attitude when the opportunity arises. ‘SCUSE ME, indeed!
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6.Further point regarding Zoycite and Zoisite’s divergent opinions of physical or violent confrontation: one disparages it, considering it barbaric, and that he is above it (often literally). The other laughs in the face of it, and has no qualms dishing it out as a threat...or is more than ready to follow it through.
(Also: buzz off omfg)
In fact, we see their opinions play out beautifully below:
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7. After being punched, compare these reactions: one promising brutal threat, and the other fucking gobsmacked it even happened. Also, their differences in priorities.
While that may sound like I’m making a dig at Zoisite, I am legitimately not. I know this scene tends to be one of the ones that famously evoke the idea of Zoisite’s vanity, but I tend to read it another way. Yes, Zoisite’s face is precious to him, and yes, it could also be read as a stereotypical portrayal of a feminine gay character. 
However, this scene is not meant to illicit laughter. Nor it is not meant for us to startle with incredulity of how silly it is that he is upset his face his hurt. In this scene, Zoisite is truly shocked - his words are less an angry tantrum and more a statement of startled fact. He hadn’t anticipated Makoto could get that close to him, could actually touch him, much could actually strike him. And, in a place that is fiercely protective of, not because of his vanity...but because it is a precious commodity in the main force that drives his arc. (Yes, it’s Kunzite.) It’s no surprise that Zoisite’s beauty and “beautiful face” gets mentioned so often at key moments in his character development. His arc starts with a punch in the face, rises with gentle caresses, and - after a similar injury - crashes.
All of these subtleties, however, are swapped entirely in Zoycite’s case. Her face is not a fragile commodity by which she holds dear...in fact, it is of little importance to her. Her immediate concern is vengeance - more so than the injury on her face, it is her ego is bruised, and damn anyone who dares to make that mark.
Anyways, before I digress further, let’s round back up to the remainder of the episode. These last few scenes only continue to consistently show the differences in Zoycite’s and Zoisite’s professional approach. There isn’t as deep to note, with one exception at the very end...
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8. If you haven’t already caught on, Zoycite really wants this fucking crystal.
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9. Up above, DiC makes as much of an effort to showcase how much joy Zoycite derives from her job. Being a Negaverse warrior is an excellent honour - your true self - and boy, is she enjoying exerting her power over those below her. Zoycite’s ambition is demonstrated not as an ideal professional characteristic, but the potential in her to throw a coup if she wanted to. She is power hungry, and that grows recklessly to dangerous heights as her arc progresses. Notice that Zoisite says none of these things...because it isn’t power he seeks. He approaches his subject with almost professional indifference: he seeks no more than the objective of his task. And don’t worry, “it will only take a moment”.
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10. This has always been one of my favourite scenes. I just love how Zoisite politely “nopes” out, while Zoycite - and I fully believe it - has a fucking victory celebration. (Don’t think for a moment Zoycite is just jesting, she probably told Malachite to set out the champagne before she left on the mission!)
And again, note the increased victorious laughter, where there was none before...
And FINALLY, the one ODD thing that happens a LOT throughout DiC’s version of this character arc. Remember how I mentioned in a previous instalment that DiC seemed to like to inject extra dialogue and laughs that could exposit Zoycite as a fundamentally meaner character than Zoisite?
Hey look, it happened again:
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Like, this may not seem like much of a deal, but think about it. We had a scene earlier where Zoisite’s words basically remained the same in conversion (the “order” scene). We’ve had many instances where the original dialogue/script did not need to be changed, and yet was tweaked in just certain places. This seems like a wholly unnecessary change, so why do it?
The answer is: in changing Zoisite’s gender, DiC encountered a whole other problem. And that problem was: a female solider character, who’s primary motivation was love, a love that could be read as more complex, established, and equally both inspirational and problematic ...could end up becoming an unintentional role model for DiC’s demographic. Figuratively speaking, the tragedy by which we all love Kunzite and Zoisite’s humanity for carried a message that DiC feared might be misconstrued as another example of a miracle romance - because at that point, superficially, the character would no longer be any different than Sailor Moon. iIf Zoycite also fought for love, then her motivations would blow a hole right in the Power of Love message that DiC’s Sailor Moon stood for. And, if she was as dedicated to Malachite as Zoisite was to Kunzite - questionably so - it would also rip a massive hole in DiC’s message of Girl Power. 
I’ll talk more about this in greater detail as those essential scenes crop up throughout the arc. For the time being, let’s simply observe that for all the animosity Zoycite gets in the DiC version (even by other characters in the same universe), that Zoisite was never perceived in the same way, even by his enemies. And there’s a reason for that.
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niqhtlord01 · 5 years
Humans are Weird: Space Pirates
A merchant’s perspective.... The crew of the transport ship Morbis Ulta were led down into the holds one by one by their captors. Jenka had kept his head down and hoped that the boarders wouldn’t execute him if he just kept following their instructions and so far his plan was working. The battle had been roughly thirty minutes, but for Jenka and the rest of the crew it had felt like an eternity.  The Morbis Ulta had been part of a merchant convoy running shipments between the Mumbari and Slitch spheres of influence. Each of the transport ships in the convoy were the size of a city roughly but only needed a small skeleton crew to manage them. A couple dozen engineers, technicians, and other miscellaneous personnel came out to a total of less than a hundred souls per ship. Most of the remaining manpower needed was filled out by mechanical helper bots.  Additionally the convoy had been given an escort by the merchant’s guild of three Gemini cruisers. Long sleek ships that appeared as slender crystals glistening in starlight, the Gemini were always happy to lend them out when a profit was to be made for an easy job.  There had been no reported danger in the stellar pathways the convoy was to take and the escort was mainly there to clear a path through a asteroid field that sometimes drifted in and out of the route. The merchant’s guild had calculated it would be easier to use the cruisers weapons to clear a path through the drifting asteroids then it would be to reroute around them.  Jenka was on the bridge running diagnostic checks on subsystems when the convoy reached the edge of the asteroid field. The three transport ships had grouped together and the escorts had taken position around the bow, port, and starboard of the convoy. The rear didn’t need protection as the main firepower would be used to clear the asteroids ahead of them.  They had just begun blasting through the asteroids when all hell broke loose.  Hidden in the asteroid belt, three unknown ships suddenly powered up and made a mad dash towards the convoy. The captain of the Morbis tried hailing them several times but was eventually cut off when the Gemini cruisers switched from firing at asteroids to the new ships. Clearly the cruiser commander was not going to take any chances with these new ships and treated them as hostiles.  Energy lances shot out from their guns followed swiftly by a barrage of missiles streaking through the void towards their ever encroaching targets, but these new ships had chosen their ambush point wisely as hardly any of the weapons fire ever reached their shields.  The drifting asteroids acted as a natural barrier and got in the way of the oncoming fire, detonating them into a shrapnel of rock that further impeded the fire. Little did we know that the real danger wasn’t just in front of us, but all around us.  Out of no where a large asteroid smashed into the engines of the Morbis Ulta and crippled her. Jenka remembered being sent flying from the impact and unsteadily rising to his feet to see similar asteroids ramming the other two convoy ships. As one of the asteroids began drifting away Jenka was alarmed to see that booster engines had been attached to the rock and had essentially turned it into a massive missile.  He shouted a warning to his captain who attempted to relay it to the escorts but by then it was two late. From every corner asteroids began moving of their own free will and speeding to the escort ships with ramming speed. One of the escorts took an asteroid right into the bridge leaving it a floating husk voiding atmosphere. The other two switched fire from the enemy vessels and began taking shots at the oncoming asteroids as their gunnery crews began wildly firing in all directions.  To Jenka’s horror he saw a pair of asteroids with a massive chain between them, the kind he once saw at a dry dock on a world he dropped cargo off at. The two asteroids missed a Gemini cruiser but was caught by the chain pulling the asteroids to spin around the escort in a swirling motion until through sheer strain the entwined cruiser was split in half by the ever tightening chain.  The last cruiser didn’t last much longer after that. It had attempted to about face and make a run for it but by then all of the asteroids had begun smashing into it until finally the vessel exploded from the damage.  One by one the enemy vessels pulled up alongside the disabled convoy ships and boarding tubes extended to the airlocks.  The captain had ordered all crews to prepare to repel borders, but honestly Jenka knew the crew would be as useful as a gang of Rakvargs trying to kill a Morgalik with twigs. The real defense would come from the mechanized helpers who were programmed with defense initiatives.  Jenka watch through the bridges security feeds as the airlock doors were blown open and a steady stream of unknown individuals rushed forward. The mechanized helpers were waiting and engaged the borders in hand to hand combat. Their bodies were designed to lift thousand pound cargo containers and easily shrugged off small arms fire.  Jenka began thinking they might have a chance until he saw a massive intruder that appeared to be a Predatoria. The fish like alien rushed several of the helpers and simply ripped them apart with their bare hands as if they were made of paper. Behind them came a far smaller intruder who began throwing small discs that mag-locked on to the helpers and then short circuited them.  It was only a matter of time before the intruders had reached the bridge doors and had blown them open, after which Jenka quickly found himself in his current predicament. After reaching the holding bay that led to the cargo containers behind a reinforced security door. The surviving crew were  put together in a large group. Jenka saw the Predatoria circling them, his mouth wide with a toothy grin as he ran his tongue across scores of razor sharp teeth. Jenka saw the smaller intruder from the screen at a nearby console with a series of wires running to it from a small device. If he had to guess the creature was attempting to bypass security and open the cargo hold doors.  “Captain on deck!”  Jenka’s attention was torn away as the Predatoria made their announcement and the surrounding intruders straightened up.  From down the long hallway leading to the holding bay Jenka could hear a ever growing clanking sound. Through the dark corridor a figure began to take form until finally they stepped into the light of the chamber. To Jenka’s surprise it was something he had never thought to see in person.  A human.  A human woman to be more percise, he noted as his eyes ran along the length of their body. The “captain” as the, Predatoria had called her, was a seemingly young human female. She wore a long brown coat that was nearly touching the ground and a long brimmed hat with a feather sticking out of it.  Underneath the coat Jenka could see a variety of straps and pouches interwoven across a seemingly form fitting black body glove that clung to her like a second skin. Each of the straps was carrying to Jenka’s alarm a different weapon or blade which he imagined she was proficient in. Though the most eye catching feature wasn’t the coat or the hat or the questionable second skin outfit, but a mechanical lump of metal that protruded out where the lower half of her left leg should be.  In the place of flesh was a sleek steel finished section of metal that seemed to be alive as it pulsed and flashed with interconnected wires and lights.  Jenka was drawn away from further observing the captain when a new figure emerged from the hallway. Standing nearly twice the height of this captain, a imposing Hydra lumbered into the chamber on four legs and gazed about with its five heads. These creatures were known to be highly aggressive and yet the human was acting as if only a light breeze had passed her by.  “I will get straight to the point.” the intruder captain spoke. “ I am the pirate captain Amelia Starfeld, and you are all my prisoners.”  She began pacing towards the group of captives and they parted to let her pass. “Do what I say without question and you will all be set free with no trouble. Fail to follow those simple rules and we will not have such a pleasant time.” She reached Jenka and looked down at him as if he was nothing more than a spec of dirt. “Are you the captain of this rust bucket?” The directness of the question left Jenka stuttering to reply to which Amelia rolled her eyes. “Clear this one is not.”  “Wouldn’t be the first time you left someone babbling captain.” The Predatoria joked from the edge of the group. A few of the other pirates chuckled before shutting up when Amelia’s eyes glanced in their direction. “Now is not the time for jokes Mr. Fig.” she remarked.  “Neither is it a time for that ridiculous leg of yours either but you don’t see us complaining about it.” The reply came from over the shoulder of the small alien still working on the terminal.  Amelia firmly planted her good foot in the ground and hefted her metal leg. “Hello? It is a classic pirate motif.” She waved her metal leg for all to see. “All the best pirates from my world had peg legs. Without it it doesn’t complete the outfit.”  “Then all your famous pirates had terrible style.” Mr Fig remarked earning another round of laughter from the surrounding pirates.  “You’re not one to talk either Mr. Fig.” The small pirate remarked again as they pulled out several more colored wires. “You look like you jumped into a dumpster and put on whatever was there.” Mr. Fig looked down at his outfit. “I only wear what I kill. It’s not my fault my prey has terrible fashion sense.”  The small alien finally turned around and flashed a grin under their over-sized goggles. “No, it just means you have terrible sense in picking prey.” The surrounding pirates enjoyed another round of laughter before a warning growl from Mr. Fig silenced them. “If you weren’t so important Mr. Tipples I wouldn’t mind killing you for your tiny outfit. It might make a nice glove to wear so that every time I looked down at it I could remember your last dying breath.”  Amelia stamped her peg leg several times for silence. “That’s enough squabbling you two. My day is busy enough already without fashion talk.” “Yes captain, sorry captain.” came Mr. Fig and Mr. Tipples responses.  Amelia turned her attention back to the captives.  “Simple question then. Will the captain step forward and unlock this door?”  When no one stepped forward Amelia stamped her leg again and the Hydra moved towards her.  “I’m trying to be a team player here,” she said as the several heads of the Hydra wrapped around her, “but my patience does have its limits. Open. The. Door. Now.” She let go of the Hydra who slowly advanced on the nearest captured crew member and began loudly hissing, several strands of drool dripping from its mouths.  “Enough!” Jenka turned around to see the Morbis captain stand up. “I’m the captain of this vessel. If you promise to not harm any of my crew I will open the doors.”  “Bit late for that old timer.” Mr. Tipples replaced the panel and entered a series of key codes. The massive cargo doors began slowly retracting to the cheers of the pirates.  Amelia turned to the captain and smiled. “That was always the plan. We do so abhor violence after all.”  Without saying another word she moved towards the ever growing opening to the cargo hold flanked by Mr. Fig and Mr. Tipples. She was the only one to enter while the other two stood guard at the entrance. “Right lads, you know the drill.” Mr. Fig spoke as he casually pulled something from his teeth and flicked it at one of the nearby captives. “Captain gets first pick of the loot then everything else is divided up.” The pirates nodded eagerly and glanced hungrily at the entrance to the cargo hold imagining what treasures lay within.  Several minutes passed and Jenka couldn’t help but notice that the pirate captain had still not returned. Some of the pirates surrounding them were getting antsy as the time passed and still Amelia had not returned. They cast glances at Mr. Tipples who in turn looked up at Mr. Fig who simply shrugged.  He turned around and called out into the cargo hold. “Captain, everything alright in there?”  No reply... “Captain?” Mr. Fig called a second time with a hint of more concern then before.  The surrounding pirates were now growing concerned and hefted their weapons at their captives. Mr. Fig was just about to step into the cargo hold when Amelia suddenly appeared again from the gloom startling them.  “Jesus captain. A little warning next time before yo-” Amelia glared at Mr. Fig and the sudden look of raw hatred and anger on her face silenced him. Jenka noticed the other pirates take a cautious step backwards as if they knew something that look meant and were just as terrified as the Predatoria.  Amelia moved towards the captain of the Morbis Ulta, not bothering to wait for the other captives to move out of the way she merely shoved them violently out of her path.  At reaching the captain she grabbed him by the collar and lifted him to his feet, her eyes glaring like knives into his soul.  “Did you know what you were transporting?”  The captain stuttered as he struggled in the surprisingly strong grip of Amelia. She slapped him across the face sending him flying back to the floor.  “Did.You.Know?” Her voice was as sharp as a knifes edge as she looked around at the rest of the crew.  Jenka was unaware why the cargo would have upset the Amelia so much. All it was were products being sold to the Slitch Empire.  Without saying another word Amelia stamped her leg three times and once again the Hydra appeared at her side. She gestured to the cowering captain on the ground and spoke only one word.  “Feast.”  All five mouths of the Hydra shot open and the creature surged past Amelia. The captain began screaming as the five heads latched on to him and began biting off chunks of flesh one at a time. He cried and shouted for help as he tried to crawl away only for the Hydra to tear into his legs and pull him back.  Jenka recoiled at once putting as much distance as he could from from the horrific scene before him. Several other crew members rushed to their captains side to protect him but the Hydra turned on them just as rapidly. Teeth latching on to throats before ripping them wide open and leaving the gasping crew members bleeding out on the floor.  Jenka turned away from the nightmare unfolding before him to see Amelia camly walking away towards Mr. Fig.  She whispered something to him, then returned into the cargo hold.  Mr. Tipples looked up at Mr. Fig in confusion but with one glance something was communicated between the two of them. Mr. Tipples nodded and then followed after Amelia into the hold.  “Aim for their legs. No kill shots. Captain want’s her pet to have its meals alive.”  Without further orders the pirate crew hefted their weapons to their sides and began firing into the captives. True to their orders none of the shots killed anyone but sent them sprawling to the floor with cries of pain on their lips from the weapons fire.  Jenka tried to stand but was soon himself gunned down.  For a moment he was distracted by the ground shattering pain in his lower body until he heard a growing hissing sound. He barely was able to turn his head around to see All five of the Hydra’s heads now looking at him with starved eyes, blood dripping from their mouths.  Jenka was crying desperately as he crawled away, struggling for every inch that could be put between him and that monster.  The hissing grew louder and louder as he began to sob and claw his way over other crew members laying down on the cold deck.  The last thing Jenka felt was the tightening grip of five mouths latching on to his back and dragging him kicking and screaming backwards to his painful demise.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A gruesome finish to a space fairing story for sure, but so many questions are left unanswered.  Why did Amelia suddenly break her word and order the deaths of her captives? What cargo was the Morbis Ulta transporting that could so unnerve the Pirate queen of the asteroid belt? Why did her crew stand back and watch their captain’s pet feast on living people?  Find out in the next chapter of Humans are Weird: Space Pirates, A Pirate’s Perspective. 
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poisonedjoinery · 5 years
The Golden Gangster - Part Two
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Authors Notes: I have an idea where I want this one to go, and I am hoping I can do it justice in written form.
Summary: The offer you gave to Ivar has been willingly accepted, doing the one thing you wished never to do again. Now that you work for him you are finally seeing the savage he truly is.The problem, you’re starting to enjoy yourself.
Warnings: Torture, some minor gore, background check reveals assault, sexual abuse (no graphic info), drugs and drink driving (nothing explicit) - if you feel there should be other warnings please do let me know.
Part One
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Shutting your front door behind you, you leant back against it and let out a shuddering breath. You seemed to have been holding it in the whole drive home. He had been intrigued by what you had offered him, what's more he had accepted it. He had wanted you to prove your skills, gain him more wealth. He was surprised when you refused, so had you to tell the truth. He found it cute that you didn't want to take from "innocent" people, that the only people you would take from were those who were greedy and cruel. Much like him. He seemed to become inpatient with that, had asked you 
"What if I don't accept that rule?"
Your palms were sweating at the thought of your response. In that moment you had thought about your ma' and all the other countless people who had suffered because of a family members fuck ups.
"Then the next time your men show up at my door, they wont return in the same condition."
Your words had been cool, meant to surprise. If anything his eyes had burned more brightly, like the idea of you causing someone pain aroused him some how. Shuddering you rubbed your arms, trying to warm yourself from the cold that had seeped into your soul. Bolting the door, you moved upstairs to run a hot bath. 
Slipping into its hot contents, you shut your eyes enjoying the warmth and comfort it gave you. Never in a million years did you think you would be back doing this again. Hacking.
When you had first been caught, you had only been fifteen years old. You had always had a knack with computers. It originally started as fixing them, then coding, then... you can’t actually remember how it had come about. You just knew you wanted to teach someone a lesson. Your headmaster to be exact. He had been a sly and arrogant man. You had hated the way he leered at girls, the way he spoke openly of seducing younger women. Knowing he had a wife at home. You had seen his wife once, she had had a black eye. You had stripped him of all his money, all his properties and valuables. Passed it all to his wife. You had then put put his letter of confession and resignation to the school and police. The money he had laundered through the school, the abuse he had bestowed upon his wife. You had enjoyed watching his downfall, the look of fear upon his face as he was carted away.
A shrill tone brought you back to the present. Glancing over to the side you saw your mobile had flashed up with a text message. Quickly drying your hands you reached for it, opening the message.
“(Y/N), meet me tomorrow at 1pm at Bjorn’s Bar. Ivar.”
Your blood ran cold. He had said he would contact you once he had a job he needed doing. How had he got one so fast. You could just not turn up, but then he would torment your mother for your failings. Your hands shook slightly as you replied.
You was in the big game now.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
You woke the next morning, blurry eyed and feeling heavy from the lack of sleep. Even though you had been exhausted, it had taken hours for the sweet bliss of sleep to come. Pulling yourself from your bed, you made your way to the kitchen making yourself a coffee and toast. 
You’d just sat down when a loud knock came from your door.
“Now what.” 
Pulling the door open you found yourself face to face with Ivar. A slow smile spread across his face,
“Good Morning (Y/N), it’s nice to see... so much of you this morning.”
Flushing bright red you stepped behind the door a little, anger running through you.
“What the bloody hell do you think you’re doing here!” Shrugging a little, he moved over the threshold looking around your living room.
“My morning meeting finished early, so I decided to come to you instead.”
Glaring at his cronies, you shut the door in their face. You didn’t need them leering at you too. Turning back round, Ivar had settled himself in your armchair.
“Did you not think it polite to call first!” 
Tilting his head a little his gaze ran up the length of your legs, stopping at the white cotton shorts that barely covered your modesty. 
“Well... yes maybe. But if this is what I can expect...” Reaching out he brushed one of his fingers against your thigh and grinned.”
“I rather like being impolite.”
Slapping his hand away, you moved to the stairs.
“As you can’t be a grown up, I’m going to get dressed.”
“I will wait here then little dove.” 
Turning you felt his gaze on you as you took the stairs two at a time.
When you returned downstairs, Ivar was no where to be seen. Panicking you rushed round to the kitchen and then to the garden. You found him walking round your rose bushes.
“Enjoying yourself?” You had a moment of odd feeling as he turned to face you. The sun glinted off of his dark hair, his eyes lightening brighter than usual.
“Yes I am... you’ve done well with a limited amount of space.” You frowned at him,
“Thanks. I did have something better but you took it when my father owed you money.” You saw, with satisfaction, that he looked annoyed.
“Well, I needed to get paid.” Folding your arms you glared at him.
“What do you want Ivar. You sure as shit didn’t stop by here to admire my garden.” 
Sighing, he reached into his inside pocket and pulled out a sheet of paper.
“I need you to find this guy for me, he has now been avoiding me for two weeks.” Raising your eyebrows you muttered under your breath,
“I can’t imagine why.”
Reaching out he grabbed your wrist.
“He owes me, and if he doesn’t pay up I will take it in other ways.”
Wrenching your arm from his grip you stepped back.
“You promised me you wouldn’t take it out on innocent people.”
He shrugged, leaning more on his cane.
“And I’m not, the only people who come to me are arrogant and selfish. So... can you find him or not?”
Taking a breath you glanced down. You didn’t want to help him, but if it prevented him from harassing your ma’ then you would find anyone he needed.
“I’ll find him.”
His smile was slow,
“Once you have found him, come to the hotel. We can discuss your work load further then.” Before you could answer him, his phone rang.
Looking down at the caller ID, he nodded.
“I shall see you later, at the hotel.” With that he walked back through your house, answering his call as he did. You heard the front door close, and you was left alone. The feeling of dread, fear and excitement a hurricane of emotion coursing through you.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You spent the best part of the day hunting this guy down. The more you found out about him, the more your skin crawled. He had been the centre in a number of complaints from women working within his offices. He had been let off on multiple drug charges, drink driving, assault and many other offences. You felt sick reading everything he had gotten away with. But due to his obsession with fine dining, drugs, fast cars and hookers his vast inheritance had been greatly depleted. You had also found pictures of the women he had assaulted, claiming that they had “wanted it”. Some of the pictures were of girls who weren’t old enough to be classed as “women”. Your stomach churned, nausea rising fast.
Pulling all the information you could, you loaded it onto a USB and placed it in your bag. You wanted to scrape this mans life issues and worthlessness from your skin. You felt dirty just reading what he had done. Picking up your phone you punched in your ma’s number, and waited for her to answer.
Speaking with her had always made you feel better, hearing her voice, the little noises that sounded as she pottered about the house, baking or putting the washing away. What ever was spoken about, you always felt content and relaxed afterwards. You spoke in length with your ma that afternoon. She told you about a new cake recipe that she had found in her favourite magazine, and how her next door neighbour had just repotted their garden. You felt your sickness drain away. You told her that you would take her out at the weekend to get new garden supplies, as well as plants to pot. After a while, you hung up the phone sending love and promises of seeing her soon. You hadn’t really noticed the time, not until a message pinged through onto your phone.
Message: - 
(Y/N), I am hoping that you are currently on your way, but have been way laid by traffic. I would like it if I didn’t have to send out a search party for you - Ivar
Your blood boiled. He had made this message seem like he was worried as to your safety. But instead it held an aggressive tone, that if you did not reply or bring him what he needed he would find you himself. Pulling in a deep breath you glanced at your bag where you had put the USB. Grabbing it and your keys you headed to your car, teeth gritted in fury. Speeding your way to the Goldenview, you fired off one text back.
Message: - 
I’m coming.
Parking your car, you headed to the lobby entrance where you found two of Ivar’s men waiting.
“Take me to him.”
You didn’t wait for them to respond, you just headed to the elevator punching the button for the highest floor. Both men entered, standing either side of you like sentries as you was gradually taken higher and higher, entering the realm of the Gods. As soon as the door dinged open, you stepped out striding towards Ivar who was currently looking out over the city. Reaching his side you slapped the USB into his chest glaring at him.
“I wasn’t way laid my lord. I merely wanted to enjoy a few hours peace. I needed it to get rid of the vile dirt that sat upon my persons after reading up on your man.” Your fingers trembled, you wanted to slap him as a smirk crossed his handsome face.
“I was worried about you, my lady.” Glancing down at the USB, he held it out to one of his men. Taking it, the bigger man walked to a laptop and placed the drive in, pulling up all the information you had gained. Ivar’s gaze never left yours, even as you bared your teeth to him. 
“Mr Ragnarson, we have him sir.”
“Perfect.” Gently touching your chin he winked at you.
“Wait for me here (Y/N), I will be back shortly.” Turning he went to leave, picking up his black suit jacket as we went. Blanching, you dropped your bag storming up behind him,
“I’m not some dog you can command, and I am not one of your brainless lackeys.” It surprised you at how quickly he turned to face you, causing you to step back slightly.
“I would like you to wait here, as I would like to reward you for your work.” Smiling slightly he stepped into the elevator, pulling on his jacket as the door closed behind him. Staring dumb founded, you became aware of one of Ivar’s men standing at one of the doors leading off of the main room.
“Mr Ragnarson wanted to ensure you were comfortable Miss (Y/L/N).” Opening the door he held it open for you. Walking over you looked inside. The floor was a plush navy blue carpet. the walls a soft cream with small paintings decorating them. A vast sofa sat in the middle of the room, the same navy as the carpet. A table of food sat in one corner with a bottle of champagne on ice. The room was lit by a gentle crackling fire, soft jazz came from a record player. Stepping inside, you felt the world disappear behind you. The noise of the city faded away, the smell of the food invading your mind.  You didn’t hear the door close behind you.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You’re not sure how long you stayed in the room for. Could have been minutes, it could have been days. You had taken your shoes off, feeling your toes sink into the thick carpet. You sighed in bliss at the feel of it. Looking over the table you saw that the food was a selection of meats and cheeses, fresh fruits and breads.
“May as well make myself comfortable.” you muttered to yourself.
Placing some food on a plate and pouring a glass of champagne, you moved to sit on the sofa slowly relaxing into its soft confines. You could feel the weight of the day slowly slipping away from your mind and shoulders. The food tasted amazing, the fruits sweet and tart, the bread was still warm, the meats and cheeses full of flavour. You managed to eat three full plates before you began to feel the gentle tug of sleep pulling at your eyes.
You woke some time later to a shrill scream. Sitting up quickly you glanced around you forgetting for a moment where you was. The fire had died down now, its soft glow ebbing gently. The scream came again, it was an ear splitting scream. One of pain. You could hear low mumblings, and racked, dry sobs. Glancing around you looked for your bag.
You had left it in the other room when you first came to see Ivar. Looking at the table you saw a sharp knife sitting on the cheese board. Snatching it up, you walked to the door to listen, your footfalls muffled by the thick carpet. The voices you heard were deep, low things. It surprised you though that you could hear someone laughing. A soft laugh that chilled your flesh. Gently tugging open the door, you looked out to see what was going on. There wasn’t anyone in the main room, but it seemed to be coming from a room opposite. Slowly stepping out, you glanced around to find the main room empty. Moving swiftly to the other room, you leant against the wall and looked around the partially open door. What you saw inside, made the food you had eaten churn and climb up your throat.
“Oh gods.” Had you spoken that allowed? Stumbling away you held your hand to your mouth.
“(Y/N)? Please... come join me a moment.” Ivar’s voice drifted out from the room you tried to run from, but he had heard you. Slowly turning you walked back to the door glancing inside. There on a chair sat the man you had hunted down for Ivar. Hunted down. You had found the information and handed it to Ivar, sentencing this man to certain death... by the looks of it. You felt a twinge of sympathy for the man. NO! You couldn’t feel sorry for him, not after what you had found out about him. You forced yourself to look at him, really look at him.
His face was bloody, his shirt in tatters. He had fingers missing from his left hand. One of his legs was broken, the other had the kneecap missing. One of his eyes was swollen shut, his cheek was split open, the corner of his mouth and been sliced causing the split to run outwards. Creating a macabre smile, painted in blood.
“(Y/N), I’m sorry you had to see this.” You looked at the man who was standing next to the bloody mess. He was scratching the side of his head with a blade, his face and hands were covered in blood. His shirt sleeves had been rolled up to his elbows, the material soaked through in red. Your breath caught in your chest, a slow burn forming in your stomach.
His smile was wide, his white teeth glinting through the red. His eyes shone brightest blue, causing you to become entranced by them. Even though the scene in front of you was a brutal, and ugly thing to see. You couldn’t help but find yourself being pulled towards Ivar. The way he looked. The man made torture look like a GQ photoshoot. 
“Please... help me... please... he’s... he’s mad.” 
Your gaze was pulled from Ivar, to the man in the chair. Tears and snot smeared his already stained face. He seemed to think you would be the one to help him. Help. Your mind flashed back to the image of the young girl he had beaten and assaulted. How she must have begged for help, begged him to stop. Stepping in closer, you moved to stand in front of him.
“Help you? Help, you?!” Raising your hand you pressed the knife you held into his chin. Your voice shook as you spoke.
“How many times did those young girls beg you to stop... beg you to help them?” He snivelled loudly,
“I... I’m sorry... I need help I... I’m sorry... please...p..please just let me go.” A loud ringing seemed to fill your ears. All you could see was the times your ma had sobbed because everything she worked for had been taken. Taken because a selfish man thought it his right to take what wasn’t his. A selfish man, just like this one. You realised that a calm had washed over you, a cold, unrelenting calm. How many times had you dreamed of doing this to the man that had ruined your life, your ma’s life.
“No... no I don’t think so. You see, men like you don’t deserve help. What you need... is to be taught a lesson.” Jerking your hand to the side, you created a deep cut along his jaw bone. Blood spurted out, flecking your hands. From somewhere behind you, you heard Ivar move, his voice murmuring out quietly. But still you heard it. Just one word.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Part Three Coming Soon.
Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it. If you would like to be tagged do let me know.
Tags: @queenmissfit @hallowed-heathen @crazyandanonymous4u @november7378 
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listoriented · 5 years
“B”een There
done that.
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So here ends my time playing games that start with the letter B. Thanks for reading! It's been three years plus change. Back in early 2016 when I pondered how the world might look when I finished another letter, I never imagined, even from that unsteady ground, just quite how different things would become (in terms of global political-psychological landscape) - though really all the top-down drama happened that year, and everything since then has just felt like the normalisation and ratification of it, this splintered-systemic madness, the post-parody, post-fake fake-real. Or whatever you want to call it.
Nor did I imagine that it would take me so long. But, life. I went overseas, moved houses, moved cities, went through a breakup, started a PhD, rode a bike, read some books, faffed around. I anxiously played hundreds of hours of Rocket League; I ticked off every achievement in Mini Metro; I spent too long trying to remember what I was doing in Stardew Valley. I reviewed some games over at Gamecloud, which wrapped up earlier this year.  Time accumulated in a predictable but upsetting way.
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Beloved demigod of gaming blogs RPS went through a full staff turnover, pretty much. It's weird, man. VR happened but remains a bit beyond my periphery, even if it gets brought up from time to time in the groupchat. Battle Royale games weren't a thing a few years ago, then they became everything, now they are still a big deal, the biggest deal, or maybe a large-medium deal, or just a large part of the background - I honestly don’t know how to quantify this. Steam's ubiquity has slipped markedly, through a mixture of managed negligence and increasingly aggressive competition. The inherent limitations of being bound to one commercial distribution system on one hardware platform have always been at the back of my mind, but I do increasingly wonder if my time would be better spent on a project that dug through other veins. The answer is, for now, that sometimes you've gotten keep doing the thing you said you were gonna do, if no other reason than because. 
Tumblr, our home since 2016, has gone through its own shifts and controversies in this time too. They no longer seem to allow unencoded links (so no-one ever knows what they’re clicking on), it became less friendly to adult content, and as of today apparently Tumblr has been sold on to wordpress. I don’t really know the implications of this last thing.
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Some Maths
I played fifty one games beginning with B. Of the forty-eight that I'd deem to have some notional metric of completability, twenty-four of those I (often in the most flexible sense possible), "completed". 50%: Not as bad as I'd expected, TBH, especially as that includes a couple of painful six/seven game streaks where I didn't finish anything.
Ceremonious Award Giving for Games Starting with ‘B’
It is always hard to pick favourites, and from any given vantage point they tend to change. Nevertheless, an act of self-canonisation is in order, as is tradition. Given the nature of this project, I do put a lot of value in titles that surprise me in one way or another. Batman: Arkham Asylum and Bulletstorm were equal Best Goofy Action surprises (it pays having low expectations, sometimes), with an honourable mention to Brigador. The Banner Saga was the most surprisingly thought provoking. Davey Wreden’s autoficitive The Beginners Guide gets the Anodyne Prize for Most Enjoyably Difficult To Put In A Box. 
Botanicula was probably my Favourite (total) Revisit, or the best non-surprise. 
B was a letter characterised by a few high-budget action series (of which my favourite part was Bioshock 2 (Minerva's Den)), held up by substrate of modest indie things of varying impact. My attention span was all over the place, too. We had a lot of short forays with little to say, but there was there were also more than a few wordier attempts at thought. I'm bad at judging what makes "good" writing, particularly of my own, which I oscillate between accepting and loathing, but I can tell you which games/posts took the cake for length and effort: Baldur's Gate for longest playtime; Burnout: Paradise for highest word-count (and longest gestation period); Battleblock Theater for the most time-consuming method of putting a post together; The Beginners Guide for the most times played through a game in order to try and parse it; Braid for the most external reading and referencing.  
I think the most absurdly Expensive-at-purchase game here was Battlefield: Bad Company 2, which also gets the newly thought of I Can’t Believe It Still Has Functioning Online Multiplayer prize. I'm handing the Most Disappointing badge to Broken Age, despite (or because of) already having played it a bunch before attempting it for the list, though Before the Echo (fka Sequence) takes the Aquanox Award for game I inexplicably sunk the most time on trying to finish despite not really enjoying. I hold the Most Contempt for Breach & Clear. Black Mirror had the Worst Voice Acting, and it was also the Oldest Game here (2003), at least in terms of no-significant-alterations though depending on how you want to factor in remasters and remakes, you might alternatively give that prize to Broken Sword (1996) or Bionic Commando Rearmed (1988). Blueberry Garden was Purchased Most Long Ago, in 2009, though the Aquaria Trophy for Longest Unplayed Incumbent goes to Bob Came in Pieces, which I'd bought in 2010 then never installed (it's pretty good, it turns out!). However, the special Emotional Closure Award goes to Baldur's Gate, with which I already had nearly two decades of fond, scattered memories, before finally finishing for the first time during this project.
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More Maths
When I started this letter I had 438 games in my steam library. Right now I have 1049 games, which is almost exactly three times the amount I had when I started this blog in October 2015 (~350). I've played 70 games total. A further 57 entered the list behind the marker, into the exempt scorched land of the already visited alphabet, which means we're at 127/1049 = 12.11% of the way through the list, which is a +7% increase on where we were at three years ago. That's not nothing. But at 2.5% per year, it's not a lot. Globally, the average human lifespan is 68 years.
Terrifying Implications For the Future
The maths says that the current terms aren't working, that I'm drowning in a heady mixture of my own relentless consumerism, hesitation, and procrastination from this task which is itself an avenue of procrastination - that at this rate I will probably die (or certainly give up) before even getting to the halfway point, and that we can't continue like this in good faith. 
So I'm going to get a bit reckless, even change the rules slightly, in order to try and breathe new life into this thing. All games must still be played for at least an hour - yes, that one stands. But. BUT. I'm setting a hard time limit of one week, from one game to the next, post to post. For now at least. No more lofty words about striving to "finish" games as a rule rather than exception. It's quantity over quality (pretending for a second that quality was ever a concern) from here on out, business over pleasure, irreverence over lengthy considerations, scrapbooking over essays.
On the bright side, this means I can have a weekly posting schedule. Let's say Tuesdays? Tuesdays seem like a good day for posting.
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A couple of other things: 
List Oriented now has a ko-fi tip jar, just in case you, dear reader, enjoy this blog - or did before it went completely silent for the first half of this year - and feel like helping to pay for my caffeine addiction and/or encouraging me to keep going with this task. 
Another thing I want to do is compile a list of links to good places for games-writing and other things that I like, because a) I feel like such a page would be helpful for me to keep a record, even if for nobody else; b) my conception of the internet is permanently stuck in 2008 but also; c) it's hard to remember where to look for good things on the internet, sometimes, these days, given our habitual over-reliance on various platforms to direct us to CONTENT. But one thing I want to include is a list of other places where people are doing this kind of list-oriented project thing. I remember a bunch of them sprung up a couple of years back when we gained a brief and relative flash of notoriety, though I’m not sure how many stuck at it. If you yourself are doing one, or you’re aware of any others who are, Let Me Know! 
Anyway, looking ahead. C. An obtuse but interesting letter. Not so many of the big-hitters. A buuuuunch of city builders and management games, a few influential and/or janky platformers, more than a handful of puzzlers, some famed RTS series, a heap of question marks, a coupla interesting art things and a few uh *squints* Shooting Game. Happily for me, a lot of titles that I've not yet gotten round to giving a go, so this will be all...fresh.
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I have a vague memory from when I got through A, of looking ahead to C and thinking at least it was a much more compact section than B, at the time, some light on the other side of what I'd already known would be a slog. But here we are three years later, and now there's fifty seven such games beginning with C, so there goes that thought. You'd think, having identified the consumerist-excess problem that catalysed this stupid thing, I would have stopped buying game bundles at some point, made this ridiculous project a bit easier for myself, a little more plausible for everyone else. 
But, we must continue. It's a new day. A new letter. A new schedule.
The way is long and it is littered with videogames.
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above: “celebrating” my “achievements” with a ‘b’eer
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bts-b18 · 5 years
Crossing The Line - Chapter 3
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Crossing The Line
A Taekook& Yoonmin Story. Genere: highschool!au, Fluff, Angst, Smut
Summary: Former volleyball player and now trainer of the schools volleayball team Taehyung feels drawn to freshman and trouble maker Jungkook. What will happen when such different characters collide? Can Taehyung get past the wall of agression and hate Jungkook has build around his heart for all the years? Yoongi and Jimin are stepbrothers. Jimin however developed feelings which are stronger than brotherly love. Can he keep this a secret? Warning: step-sibling incest Part: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04
03 - Proximity
“Yah!!! …Jungkook, wake up!!”
“Come on, open your eyes!!”
With a loud groan Jungkook tried to open his eyes. His lids felt as heavy as stones. Everything was hazy. With his consciousness returning, so did the feeling of pain that crept down all of his back and deep in his stomach. Jungkook tried to focus on the face hovering in front of him. Who was that? Shutting his eyes again he tried to remember where he was.
“Don’t you dare to faint again Jeon Jungkook!”
Pushing himself upright he suddenly remembered everything. The fight, the way Taehyung had tried to shield him and how they had…
Oh shit…
His leg! That was his fault, for letting the other guy join the fight. Because of him he had been hurt. Jungkook saw the older boy’s pain by the way he was grabbing the stairs they were sitting on, knuckles turning white. Still, his worried gaze was fixed on Jungkook.
“You idiot! Why did you follow me here?” Jungkook yelled. How could the other guy have been so naïve?
Instead of replying Taehyung just simply asked: “Do your parents know that you have a part-time job?”
The softness in his voice unnerved Jungkook. Why did this guy always stay so calm?
“This is none of your fucking business…”
“Is your leg okay though?”, the raven-haired boy asked now. Gaze dropping to the side not bearing to look the other male in the eye.
Taehyung slowly shook his head.
“It’s going to be all right. We should get going. Can you walk?”
At that Jungkook shrugged. He would be fine. He had gone through way more pain before.
Taehyung tried to lift himself off the stairs, failing miserably as his leg gave in. Reacting intuitively Jungkook caught the brunette, saving him from falling back at the stairs. His eyes dropped to Taeyhungs left knee. In order to examine his knee Taehyung had pulled up his training pants and now there was a big red scar visible, running over the length of his knee. Shocked Jungkook looked up, meeting eyes with Taehyung. The brunette’s eyes were fixed on him trying to figure out what was going on in Jungkooks head. They stayed like that for a moment. Simply looking at each other.
Suddenly Jungkook was aware of how close they were sitting. His hand was at Taehyungs back still and their tights were touching. Clearing his throat, he put as much space between them as it was possible on the narrow stairs.
“Yah! Why do you say your all right when you are clearly not?” he shot, fighting the heat that rushed to his face.
At that Taehyung smiled. He crooked his head to the side, still looking at Jungkook.
“Why do you pretend to be so bad, when you’re not that bad of a guy in reality?”
“Yah! Did I ever say I was bad?” Jungkook exclaimed feeling even more embarrassed. However, he could not stop the smile that was tugging at the corners of his mouth.
“I think I never met a bad guy who said that he was bad.” Taehyung mused.
They stayed silent for some time until Jungkook looked up.
“Why did you take the beating for me?”
“Well a team captain is responsible for his team members, right? Also, I couldn’t let them beat you up, while I was just standing there watching…”
“Didn’t you think that you might get hurt?”
“I can no longer play, so what do I have to lose?” Taehyung stated looking at his knee with resignation.
They stayed silent again until Jungkook was fidgeting uncomfortably on the stairs. “Let me walk you home.”
Taehyungs eyes widened in surprise. Then a wide smile spread on his features causing Jungkook to smile as well.
 Jungkook and Taehyung were walking down the street, the older leaning on the shoulder of the younger. He was still limping, his left knee causing him too much pain to walk properly.
“My home is right here. I can walk the last bit myself.” Taehyung stated, letting go of Jungkook’s shoulder. Turning around the raven-haired boy looked at Taehyung trying to maintain an unfazed look.
“I just want to make this clear: I will join the team because you took the beating for me. Also, you have personal leverage against me since you know about my part-time job and we are not allowed to work after school ended.”
The brown-haired guy shook his head. “I wont use any of this to force you to join the team. If you really don’t want to join, I will ask the coach to let you go.”
“It’s not like I don’t want to play Volleyball. Its more that I don’t want to play in a team that has no future.” Jungkook mumbled crossing his arms.
Taehyung froze. He stepped closer until his face was only inches away from Jungkook’s. “Listen, we got into the finals last year. And the year before we were under the best eight. We have a good chance to win this year.”
“Also…. It is the last chance for Namjoon and me...” he added his eyes turning sad. Then suddenly he stepped back, his expression getting cold.
“But I guess you can not understand that.” And with that he turned around.
“Good night Jungkook. Your secret is safe with me.”
Jungkook’s heart was beating like crazy. In a daze he watched Taehyung walking down the street.
“Tae, I didn’t mean…” he tried but got no reaction out of the older guy. And then he was gone around the corner leaving Jungkook standing alone and confused.
 The next day Jungkook showed up for practice, surprising everyone including himself. Something had pushed him to go there. Maybe the challenge and wish to prove himself. He wasn’t sure but he knew, now that he had decided to join the team, he would not back down! So, the following week he trained hard, sticking to the special training schedule Taehyung had made for him. And hard it was indeed, pushing Jungkook to his limits.
The manager and co-trainer tried many times to get Taehyung to loosen the tight plan he had made for the younger guy. But Taehyung stayed firm, stating that Jungkook had a lot to learn if he wanted to join the others when the competition began.
On one day Jungkook had to save the balls the other team members were throwing him. It was an impossible task, since all of them were throwing the balls at the same time. However, Jungkook tried his best without getting too annoyed. Seokjin jumped at any chance to humiliate him, throwing balls were Jungkook could not reach. Since the trainer team was away in a meeting nobody was there to stop Seokjin. With the time he got bolder, even throwing a ball directly at the raven-haired boy.
“Oh, I’m sorry my hand slipped!”, he exclaimed. His tone making sure that Jungkook knew that this was no accident.
This got Jungkook. Even if he had endured the mockery before, a direct assault he could not accept. He made a few big steps towards Seokjin yelling: “What’s wrong with you and your ultra-broad shoulders, huh?”
“Keep practicing newbie!”
Closing the space between them, Jungkook bumped his chest into Seokjin’s. The air was thick with aggressive energy. One of the other teammates rushed forward trying to hold Seokjin back.
“Let’s don’t fight Hyung, okay?”
Jimin and Yoongi had been sitting at the side of the field watching, since they wanted to spend the time after practice with Jungkook. Now they were sprinting over, giving Jungkook backup in case it came to a fight.
“You did that on purpose didn’t you?!”, Jungkook spat.
“And? So what? Nobody wants you here. You are a liability to the team!”, Seokjin taunted again, enjoying the reaction he got out of the younger boy.
“Shut the fuck up!!! Don’t talk to Jungkook like that!” Jimin yelled throwing himself at Seokjin. But before he could land a punch, Yoongi pulled him back, locking his arms around his wrist.
“Don’t get yourself in trouble again, please.” Yoongi pleaded quietly.
Before any of the boys could react any further Taehyungs deep and intimidating voice cut through the air: “Stop right there!”
He hurried over the filed, Namjoon and Victoria right at his heels. The effect of his presence was immediate. Seokjin took a step back and also Jungkook seemed to relax slightly at the sight of the older male.
“You, come with me. We need to talk.” He stated, looking at Jungkook. His voice was cold, his face motionless even though his eyes showed his disappointment with the raven-haired boy.
“This is none of your business!” Jimin snapped stepping in front of Jungkook protectively.
Taehyung regarded him with a cold glance: “I wasn’t talking to you.”      
“It’s okay Jimin…” Jungkook reassured and followed Taehyung. Jimin however wasn’t going to let his friend walk off alone. So, he followed Jungkook and was himself followed by Yoongi who tried to keep his stepbrother out of trouble.
 Frustrated, Taehyung plunked his notebook down on the table. Before he could say anything Jungkook started to defend himself: “The broad shoulder guy started first!”
“I think, I made clear that the team never should have fights?” Taehyung asked, taking a step towards Jungkook.
“If you can’t control yourself you shouldn’t stay...” he added more to himself.
“No matter what you do. You won’t get rid of me so easily!”
“Listen…”, Taehyung sighed pushing up his round glasses. “If this is still about you being afraid that I will tell someone about your part-time job, you can be reassured: I have better things to do.”
“That’s not it…” Jungkook began uneasy, looking away.
“I… I’m doing it for my mum.”  
“So, you are a mama’s boy huh?”
At that Jungkook’s head shot up, trying to figure out if Taehyung was making fun of him. However, there was nothing in the older male’s face that indicated mockery. Just a calm and closed expression so typical for the brunette. Still Jungkook felt the need to explain himself: “No! The thing is just, that I don’t want to let her down anymore. She said that she wants to see me playing on the field one day, so I want to do this for her.”
Taehyungs eyes softened considerably at that, however his expression remained indiffered and he crossed his arms.
“Do you really believe someone can play on the field that easily?”
Jungkooks eyes widened, making him look like a startled bunny: “You can…”
“What?” Taehyung interrupted him harshly.
“Train me? You said yourself that you believe I have talent!”, Jungkook                blurted out hopefully.
“Also, there is nothing difficult about volleyball anyway.” He quickly added trying to regain his posture.
Surprised Taehyung raised his eyebrows and took another step closer.
“Nothing difficult you say?”
Jungkook just shrugged. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a smirk appearing on Taehyungs face.
“Then better prepare yourself.”, the older male whispered in a voice so low and raspy that it made a shiver run down Jungkooks spine.
With that Taehyung took a big step back and gestured Jungkook to follow him back to the training hall, looking so indifferent again that Jungkook wondered if he just had imagined that switch in Taehyungs behavior.
 Back at the training hall Taehyung personally oversaw Jungkooks training. The rest of the team got trained by Namjoon, who took extra care that Seokjin didn’t have a minute to rest. This was his punishment for picking a fight with Jungkook earlier. Jungkook however didn’t have an easy time either. He had to bounce the ball on his hands over his head again and again while Taehyung gave little corrections such as: “In front of your forehead.” Or “Keep your balance!”.
While watching Jungkook intently, Taehyung noticed how strong the youngers arms were. He wore a withe sleeveless top which was cut low on both sides showing off his well-defined muscles. Jungkook caught the other male staring, causing him to lose sight of the ball that was currently in the air. It came crushing down on his face making him wince.
“I asked you to throw it with your fingers, not your head.”, Taehyung mused.
Jungkook ignored the comment and went after the ball that was rolling away on the field. Coming back, he was rubbing his eyes which stung a bit after the ball had bounced on them.
“Are your eyes okay?”, the brown-haired male asked, concern in his voice. “Let me see.”
With one step Taehyung closed the space in between them, grabbing Jungkooks chin softly. He tilted the youngers head back slightly, coming so close Jungkook could feel Taehyung breath on his cheek. Jungkook felt like he forgot how to breathe. His skin was burning were Taehyungs fingers were. He tried to take a deep breath, in order to calm down his racing heart. As soon as he did so he realized it was a mistake: His nose filled with the smell of Taehyung causing him to swallow hard. What was happening with him? Why was being this close to the other male, make him feel feverishly hot? Before he could think more, Taehyung let got of his chin.
“Looks fine.”, he concluded.
On the other side of the filed Seokjin stood frozen to the spot. He could not believe what he had just seen. The pang of jealously made him sick to his stomach. He had to get rid of Jungkook, no matter what…
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heartofhryule · 6 years
Breath of the Wild: Captured Memories - Chapter 7
Preface and Disclaimer; First and foremost; SPOILER WARNINGS. If you have not played The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, or completed the Captured Memories Quest and want to stay unspoilered for it, DO NOT READ. Keep Reading link provided for that reason. 
So I am writing these as I play through BotW for the first time - which means they probably won’t be ‘one-a-day’ consistent - I have finally gotten all of the memories, but not yet gone for the final fight at Hyrule Castle. #Soon. I will post them as I can though! Promise! I also plan to include links to the cutscene for you to watch at the bottom, if so desired - at least for the ones I can find. Any other warnings that become necessary, I will add for content as I go. For now, enjoy! [All Chapters here for your reading enjoyment.]
Y’all… Dammit Salty Bird. I got irritated all over again rewatching the scenes to get the dialog for Revali’s scenes. He’s SUCH a well written character... and I hate him. Well, hate is strong. But I really, really dislike him a lot. Even when he “gets better” he’s still a !@#%%^&^er. But, I like this chapter, and I hope you will too. Chapter 7 - Revali’s Flap
The Rito Village, and land surrounding, was genuinely breathtaking. The wood and canvas huts that served as both homes and shops were built around the landscape’s large peaks of sandstone. This design allowed wind to blow through the village unhindered without disrupting structural integrity. At this altitude and in the region, Link was chilled. Pretty much constantly. But, he’d bought some new armor from the nice Rito vendor in trade for some amber and a few sapphires he’d found. Now he was nice and toasty warm.
Sitting by the cooking pot inside a part of the village’s inn, Link stared into the fire as his dinner marinated. He’d been here before. He could feel it, and this was not a place soon forgotten. It might have been if it was the first place he’d come, but even then the striking beauty of the land, difference in architecture, and the colorful individuality of its inhabitants were like nothing else in all of Hyrule.
Maybe that was the opinion of an ignorant Hylian child that he had once been. He had grown up in and around the Zora Domain in the Lanayru Province. This knowledge was coming back to him slowly, and explained why he’d gone there first. It also meant the Zora had never seemed odd to him, though consequently neither had they seemed particularly awe inspiring in a long, long while. The Rito however, were a different story.
Ladelling out his dinner from the pot, simmered fruit for the moment as he was cold, tired and in need of foraging for some supplies, Link leaned back against the solid wood support beam of the hut. Simmered fruit made him think of his mother - now that he remembered her face. She made the best, and had taught him long ago. It always made him feel better.
He needed that right now. There was a long way to go for him to find all the locations in Zelda’s album, and take back control of two more Divine Beasts from Ganon. He was tired, and had only arrived less than an hour before, deciding that he was going to eat something before speaking with the Tribe Chief. In the sky overhead, Vah Medoh let out a shrill and bone chilling cry. The enormous ancient technology flew overhead in the shape of a bird, stone and metal kept aloft by gigantic propellers and magic. Glancing up, and giving a good, long look at the Calamitous energies pulsing through the construct, Link ate his simmered fruit quickly.
No rest for the weary, as it were.
After eating, he asked directions to speak with the Rito Chief and had the oddest interaction. It was as though the Chief could tell he was the fallen hero, but couldn’t accept it. Link had stopped bothering to try and explain it to people months ago at this point. He was told of Teba, and that perhaps the warrior could help him, if nothing else the Chief was worried.
But it was the following conversation with Teba’s wife that ignited something in Link. She showed him Revali’s Landing, a flight platform just outside her home named for the Champion of the Rito from a century ago. Looking at it, Link was taken by a memory.
Standing out on the center of the flight platform, Link craned his neck and shielded his eyes to look up at the impressive Vah Medoh high above him. It truly was an impressive piece of ancient technology, and he’d listened intently to Zelda lament at great length that she would never be able to set foot on such a marvel. The sky was the clearest blue surrounding the Divine Beast, and wind cool despite the sun’s warmth. But then, it was always cool in the Hebra region.
Just as Link had the thought he should probably go find the Rito Champion, as that was whom he had climbed the peaks to see on behalf of Zelda, the wind picked up. At first it was small, but it rapidly build to a steady cyclonic breeze that seemed to come from beneath the platform.
In the blink of an eye and the flash of dark grey feathers, the Rito Champion appeared from below. Shooting up into the air high above, Revali spread his charcoal and white feathered wings, gliding down to a light and graceful landing before Link.
“Impressive, I know,” the Rito archer said in his normal, smug tenor. “Very few can achieve mastery of the sky. Yet I have made an art of creating an updraft that allows me to soar. It’s considered to be quite the masterpiece of aerial techniques, even among the Rito.” Revali turned to pose dramatically, one wing lifted where he was backlit by the sun in the beautiful day.
Link managed to not roll his eyes at Revali’s grandiloquence, giving him a tight-lipped smile. Revali didn’t like him - Link knew this. The Rito felt within his superior self image that he should have been the Princess’s appointed knight as he was clearly the most capable and worthy of the Champions. Clearly.
Though the Rito had never said those words exactly, it was the undertone of every word, sneer, snort and action the Champion took while in Link’s presence to date. Somehow the Hylian knight had a feeling this interaction would be no different.
Link found Revali cutting him a sharp look, speaking again before the knight could give a syllable of proper greeting. “With the proper utilization of my superior skills, I see no reason why we couldn’t easily dispense with Ganon,” be boasted with a bow. Hopping down from the railing on which he’d perched, Revali tucked his wings behind his back as if about to give a dissertation (which Link had no doubt he was going to do just that). Strolling forward, Revali’s expression was one of barely contained detestation. “Now then, my ability to explored the firmament is certainly of note… But let’s not- and pardon me for being so blunt-” he said as his tone changed from fairly condescending to outright patronizing, “Let’s not forget the fact that I am the most skilled archer of all the Rito.”
“Oh here we go,” Link muttered to himself into the wind.
“Yet despite these truths, it seems I have been tapped to merely assist  you. All because you happen to have that little darkness sealing sword on your back. I mean, it’s just… asinine.” The only thing that prevented Link from drawing his sword then and there and teaching this megalomaniac of a Rito a lesson, was self control. As Revali’s red-feather rimmed, green eyes cut snidely to him, Link crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. The absurdity of this entire monologue was as laughable as it was insulting. Clearly, Revali liked hear the sound of his own voice.
“Unless,” the Rito Champion added after a moment, “You think you can prove me wrong?” He took one large step closer to Link. The bird man who was a good head taller than the Hylian leaned in, beak to nose and invading Link’s personal space aggressively. “Maybe, we should just settle this one on one.”
Link opened his mouth to say that he had no problem with Revali… not until this conversation at least, but the archer turned away and continued his drama. “But where?” he asked the wind, one wing crossed his chest as the other pretended to stroke his beak in thought. “Oh, I know! How’bout up there?!”
With a grand sweep of one wing, Revali motioned to the sky, where Vah Medoh was soaring past, making its rounds. “Oh! You must  pardon me,” Revali chuckled, his tone even more supercilious than before, “I forgot you have no way of making it up to that Divine Beast on your own.” The last words were spoken with actual open aggression as the Champion spread his wings sharply, and took to the skies, leaving Link behind on the platform.
As Revali grew smaller towards Vah Medoh, and the vision began to fade, the Rito’s parting jab echoed the skies. “Good luck sealing the Darkness!”
As he came back to himself, Link was being stared at oddly by Teba’s concerned wife. Apparently she’d asked if he was alright, while he’d been lost to the past. “Oh, I’m sorry, yes - thank you ma’am.”
Giving him an uncertain look, she touched a delicate wing to her beak. “If you’re sure… you seemed… angry? Irritated at least. Are you well?”
Cracking his neck at the legitimate frustration Revali’s personality had left him with, he nodded. “It was… just not a pleasant memory, ma’am. Sorry to space out like that- but I promise, I will find your husband, and bring him back alive.
“Oh thank you!” she said sincerely. “Please… be safe.”
The knight held his shoulder and looked around the topside of Vah Medoh. The Windblight Ganon creature that had held control of Vah Medoh for so long was gone, fallen to the Master Sword. Well the Master Sword, and a not insignificant amount of bomb arrows.
Staring at the Main Control panel ten yards from where he stood, injured and exhausted, Link smirked to himself. He should just sit down, right here, and bake some apples to eat so he could regain a bit of his strength. It had been a hard fight! It had taken a lot out of him! And Revali could sit around and complain all he wanted, since there wasn’t anything the spirit of the Rito Champion could do about it.
He deserved as much for the prickly and haughty manner in which he’d been speaking while Link tried to subvert Ganon’s corruption. Though the change in tone as the hylian’s repeated successes went on had not gone unnoticed by the knight.
No, No Link wouldn’t keep him waiting… that would have been cruel. With a sigh, Link closed the distance between himself and the Main Controls, setting the Shiekah slate on the tablet as he had so many times elsewhere. The bulb, large as a room and intricate with ancient energy, changed from orange to blue, and pulsed once… twice… three times as Vah Medoh was not returned to control of the Champions.
“Well I’ll be plucked,” Revali’s echoic, ethereal voice said from behind him, “You defeated him, eh?” Link cut his eyes over his shoulder and turned around, braced for a potentially long and self absorbed speech. There Revali stood, incorporeal as both Daruk and Mipha had been, green spirit fire dancing around him where he had just landed. Spreading his wings wide, Revali seemed reserved… for Revali. “Who would have thought?”
Looking at each other a long moment, Link felt… differently than he had before. Mipha and Daruk had been his friends, people he cared a great deal for. Revali and he had not been friend, and even actively disliked one another a century ago. And yet, there was still a sadness in Link’s heart, seeing the Rito Champion’s spirit.
Noting that the archer dropped his gaze and looked away before he spoke, the Rito’s next words were surprising to the hylian. “Well done.”
But Revali continued, and the moment was over. “I suppose I should thank you now that my spirit is free. This returns Medoh to its rightful owner.” With a grand gesture to the sky of one wing, Revali straightened, clearly meaning himself. “Hmph,” he added with a callous expression. “Don’t preen yourself just for doing our job.”
Link pressed his lips together and raised one eyebrow. “Oh yes. We could never have that from any Champion,” he mumbled sardonically. If Revali heard, he didn’t show it.
“I do suppose you’ve proven your value as a warrior. A warrior worthy of my unique ability. The sacred skill that I have dubbed Revali’s Gale!” Despite the posing and flapping of wings, Link forgave the Champion’s drama in the face of the nicest thing  Revali had ever said about or to him.
With yet another set of dramatic movements, Revali’s spirit summoned and sent an orb of green spirit energy hurtling at Link, and as it entered him body, a familiar, strong whirlwind kicked up, lifting Link from his feet and tossing him into the air quite unexpectedly. With a flip and twist, Link landed without injury on one knee, and looked back up to the Rito… in gratitude.
“It’s now time to move on and start making preparations for Medoh’s strike on Ganon. But,” Rivalli gave a small smirk, “Only if you think you’ll still need my help while fighting inside Hyrule Castle.” It wasn’t an apology, but even a small admission that he’d been wrong so long ago was enough to inspire forgiveness entirely in Link’s heart. Revali quickly ruined the moment again by added, “Feel free to thank me now.”
Rolling his eyes, Link noticed the now familiar gold light that meant his time on the Divine Beast was over, and was shocked to hear Revali say, “Or.. .nevermind. Just go. Your job is far from finished you know.” The Rito Champion was glancing at him sidelong. Finally turning away and lifting his beak to the sun, Link was fading away already when he heard the final words of his old self appointed rival.
“The Princess has been waiting an awful long time.” Revali’s Flap - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doMVZikgnNE Freeing Vah Medoh - https://youtu.be/uxP8BqemAvc?t=1413
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dracoyoflam · 4 years
WYW Chapter 5: Prisoner
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Hermione woke up laying on a hard floor and in complete darkness. She couldn't see anything in the room but she decided to try to feel her way around just in case. She stood up very slowly to keep her balance, being in the pitch black made her dizzy.
It of course didn’t help that she had a head wound from being knocked unconscious. She could feel the dried blood in her hair and the headache that she knew would last a while, however it wouldn’t stop her from trying to get out of the damned place, so after a deep breath she walked as slowly as she could with her arms stretched out in front of her. When she finally touched a wall, it startled her for a moment before she could compose herself and move closer to put her back against the wall. Moving around the room very slowly with her back firmly pressed to the wall, she noticed that there were no things hanging on them, which at that current moment, pleased her quite a bit. She didn't have to worry about knocking into anything, so when she knocked into a bed and fell on to it face first she started breathing very quickly and her eyes felt like they were open more than they should be. But she didn't care. She just wanted to find a way out. She moved gently across the bed, trying not to make any noise, and once she felt the edge she carefully stepped off. Immediately she pressed her back against the wall again, where it belonged for the time being, and stood in place trying to catch her breath so she could calmly move on. It felt like she had been in the room forever, however she knew she hadn’t, since she had only been awake in the room for a few minutes. Finally, she started sliding along the wall again. This time careful not to run into anything else. When she made it down the length of the wall, she felt a small table in the corner and quietly went around it, keeping her hands in contact with the wall as best she could. Sooner than she had expected it, she had reached another corner, so she turned smoothly and kept going. Her hand eventually touched a door knob and she reached down with both hands to turn the handle and yank, but it wouldn't open. It was locked. She felt around on herself to see if she had her wand, but of course she didn't. This fact scared her more than any other, without her wand, she was basically defenceless. She turned back to the door and started pulling on the handle as hard as she could. She wouldn't accept that she was trapped in a dark room, alone, wandless and scared. Her thoughts began to wonder wildly, without any direction it seemed. She thought to herself, 'I guess this is my life flashing before my eyes.' She closed her eyes even though it was dark enough to have no need for it. She squeezed her eyes tighter and tried to focus on the things flashing around in her mind. As she did, tears started to form in her eyes. Her mind stopped. It was like everything just stopped and stood still for a moment. As quick as it had stopped, it started again but with only one image... Draco. Hermione started to cry more, even though she didn't fully understand why. She knew she was scared but she also knew it wasn't the reason for it. She squeezed her eyes even tighter if it was even possible, and tried to focus more on Draco. He was her friend. A great person, a wonderful friend and an absolutely brilliant wizard. She pulled as hard as she could on the door knob and as she did, the door opened. Hermione fell onto her back and hit her head hard enough to make her even dizzier. She looked up into the doorway. Someone was watching her and she knew it was a man. She sat up and looked into the man’s face. The light behind him was so bright and the room was so dark that she couldn't see any of his features. The entire front of the man was black. "What do want from me?" She asked sternly. The man laughed a little and took a step forward. "I want you," he replied calmly. The man pulled a wand from his pocket and waved it at the wall next to the door. Then the man reached over with his hand and flicked on a switch. The light came on so bright that is seemed blinding to Hermione. The switch was hidden by magic. Hermione looked back at the man and immediately knew who it was. "Blaise..." It was all she could get out in her shock. He just gave an evil smile and stepped forward, closing the door behind him. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Ginny opened her eyes slowly; she had been awake for several minutes and had lain there with her eyes firmly closed. There was the warmth of another body next to her, their arms around her stomach, and for the love of Merlin she hoped and prayed it wasn’t who she thought it was. Of course, Merlin was not on her side today; she slowly sat up and removed her brother’s arms from her abdomen, careful not to wake him. Ron didn’t even stir as she sat on the edge of his bed, looking down at herself she sighed in relief, she was still wearing her clothes from the night before plus a dark blue shirt that belonged to her brother. His room could get extremely cold at night, even with the warmth of two bodies. So they hadn’t done anything stupid, Ginny had mixed feelings about this, she was glad but disappointed at the same time. The two of them had stayed up till the early hours, talking and snuggling with the occasional kiss, their hopes had raised and they’d enjoyed themselves, Ginny couldn’t remember the last time she’d giggled so much. They had talked about anything and everything, deliberately avoiding their predicament, reminiscing about times when they were younger and laughing at how clumsy Ron had been, in fact still was. Ginny had told him how hard she found it at times, to be the youngest, and he had replied that he knew how she felt, being the youngest boy and all. As she sat there with a small smile on her face remembering the previous night, there came a shout from below her. “Ginny? Ron?” it was Harry’s voice. Ginny jumped off her brothers bed and glanced quickly at his clock on the bedside table, it said eleven o’clock. “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!” she whispered to herself in dismay. “Ron! Wake up” she hissed as she threw his shoes at him. Ron sat bolt upright in bed and looked round his room in alarm, on seeing Ginny he looked down at himself then back at her. “What?” he shrugged as he spoke. “Harry is here, now! He’s coming up the stairs,” she rushed to the door and opened it slightly, voices and footsteps could be heard from below, both getting progressively louder. “Crap!” he leapt out of bed and hurried to her side. “Go out there then,” he gave her a push and she went flying out the door, just as Harry appeared at the top of the stairs. “Ginny! There you are! Where’s Ron?” he looked round for Ron, then noticed Ginny wasn’t wearing her normal pyjamas, causing a curios expression to cross his face. “He’s coming. Come on, Ronald!” she urged loudly. Ginny soon realized the look on Harry’s face and put her arms around her midriff self-consciously. “Working late, you know how it is,” she tried to sound calm and collected as she gave an excuse, before he could reply Ron stumbled out of his room pulling on a new shirt. “Morning, Harry. What brings you here?” Ron spoke in such a relaxed tone Ginny found it almost hard to believe, this was Ron, he was never calm and most certainly never collected. “Well, uh…you both better come downstairs,” suspicion had overridden his sorrow and he surveyed them cautiously before continuing. “I’ve got some bad news,” _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Draco was in a really good mood on his way to work the morning after giving Hermione dance lessons. He was actually surprised that Hermione had agreed to the lessons, but they’d had a lot of fun together, almost too much fun. His walk had a little bounce to it and he just couldn't stop smiling. Draco didn't notice anything or anyone while he walked; he was enjoying the memories from last night. When he finally arrived at his office building he came out of his daydreams to see that there were Aurors all over the place. He searched around and finally saw a distressed looking Harry across the lot. After a pause Draco quickly pushed aside anyone in his way until he reached Harry. "Harry. What's going on?" Harry Potter turned on his heel to stare at Draco, his face was distraught and anyone could tell that something serious was going on. "You haven't heard?" Harry whispered more to himself than to Draco. "Well no, why do you think I'm asking you? Tell me what's going on." As he was talking he noticed that Ron and Ginny were also standing by the building looking very upset, and giving each other uneasy glances. Draco grabbed Harry's shoulder and started to look around more aggressively. "Draco, calm down, just go wait with Ron and Ginny while I figure out what I can." "Harry... Where's Hermione?" Harry shook his head while looking at his feet before finally answering. "Draco, just go wait with the others... please." "Please…Harry, just…answer me... “He glanced around one more time before finally continuing in a whisper, "Where's Hermione?" Harry grabbed Draco by the top of his arm and pulled him aside. When they finally got out of the crowd, Harry let Draco go and he turned his back slowly away from him. “Hermione has gone missing… We have a witness that saw what happened. We’re told that someone knocked her out and took her. Harry paused for a moment, studying his old enemy’s reaction. “We don’t know who it was but we do know that it was a man. He wasn’t seen but the witness heard his voice.” Draco leaned heavily against the brick wall and roughly ran his fingers through his hair. “Do you have any leads to who it could be?” Harry shook his head sadly and glanced around. “We have no idea. There’s no trace from whoever took her. All we have is a bit of blood but not enough to think it was a serious wound.” Draco quickly looked up into Harry’s face and suddenly looked very angry. “Hermione was taken, there’s no lead, and you find blood which is probably hers, but it isn’t serious! Merlin, Harry! How can you say that?” Harry glanced around again before grabbing Draco by the arm for the second time and pulling him away to a more secluded area of the lot. Harry put his finger to his lips to tell Draco to be quiet. “Draco, I’m telling you this because you are one of Hermione’s best friends, you have the right. This is confidential, no one else can know yet. The Ministry is looking into it and we’re checking out the witness. Calm down and try to think of anyone that you think might want to harm Hermione.” Draco yanked his arm out of Harry’s grip and started to walk away. After just a couple of feet he turned his head back over his shoulder. “Hey, Harry…. Who is the witness?” Harry hesitated a moment then finally answered, “Parkinson… Pansy Parkinson.” _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- “Where do you think she is?” Ron slumped down heavily on the sofa in the Burrow. Ginny paced on the rug in front of him, her hand wiping tiny droplets of sweat off her forehead, Ron had noticed she always did that when she was worried. “I don’t know,” she replied after a pause, stopping to glance at him before continuing her route around the rug. She didn’t have a clue where Hermione could be, she didn’t know anyone that would have wanted to take Hermione from outside her home. “I think Parkinson is a bit suspicious though, we should interview her again,” he conjured a mug of tea for himself and offered her one too, she declined and sat in the armchair next to the warm fire. Perhaps her brother was right, they should interview her again, because to be honest she had acted strangely. “When do you suppose we do that?” she asked, lifting her legs onto the armchair and bringing them up to her chest. “Tomorrow, but you need to sleep, you look exhausted,” he watched her as she lay her chin on her knees and closed her eyes. “I guess,” her eyes were still closed and she yawned slightly as she spoke. Ron stood and made his way towards her, when she didn’t react to his movement he carefully scooped her up in his arms and began the journey up the staircase. She weighed surprisingly little and he hoped her illness hadn’t begun to return to her. Ginny had become anorexic during her last year of Hogwarts, it had been a serious scare for the whole family as she was taken to St Mungo’s twice, her lowest point had been when she weighed a miniscule 50 pounds. She had looked like she was wasting away and Ron had never been able to get the horrible image of her out of his head. Ron finally reached his bedroom and pushed open the door with his foot, he placed his sister softly on the bed and leant down to kiss her, as he did she opened her eyes and kissed him on the mouth firmly. He was shocked at first and tempted to pull away, but after a second he couldn’t bring himself to do it and he kissed her back, careful to be gentle with her. Once he couldn’t breathe properly anymore he pulled away and looked at her with a cocked eyebrow. “What was that for?” he sat down on the bed beside her and began to stroke her hair, she closed her eyes again with a smile on her face. “Cause I love you,” he only just heard her as she was very close to falling asleep now, he grinned at her reply and kissed her head gently. He continued to stroke her hair until her breathing turned into quiet snores, he then scooted into the bed beside her and lay down facing her. She was so beautiful, this was the perfect time for him to look at her and study every tiny freckle on her smooth face. After a while his eyes began to droop and he finally fell asleep along side his sister. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Hermione laid on the bed in the dark with both of her hands tied together above her head. She could already feel the bruises forming on her body and her clothes were wet with blood. She had unfortunately spent the day being cursed by Blaise and had a feeling that tomorrow would be worse. Hermione turned her body as well as she could and sat up facing her tied hands. She quickly tried to untie the rope and after about 10 minutes of trying she finally quit. The ropes were cursed to stay tied until the same person who cast the spell wants it untied. Hermione sat in silence unmoving for a while before she finally lay down and rolled herself into a small human ball. She began thinking about her friends… Harry and how many times he saved the world from Voldemort… Ron and the way she used to feel about him while they were in Hogwarts, something that they tried for a while but didn’t work out… Ginny and how they have girl talks, well how Ginny talks about girl stuff to Hermione. Draco… As she thought the name she felt herself change but in what way, she didn’t know. She realized that she missed him the most even though he was the last person she saw before being captured. She felt tears starting to form in her eyes and couldn’t help but let them fall. She was going to die here and she knew it, she just didn’t know when. She started thinking about all the horrific things that Blaise would probably do to her and she started to cry even more franticly. She was so terrified that she was going to die, she didn’t think there was a possibility she would survive. When she finished with that last thought she began thinking about Draco again. She didn’t want to die without seeing him again. She didn’t know why it was just him and not the rest of her friends but she just guessed it was because they were closer than the others. ‘That’s what it has to be.’ She thought to herself. She thought back on all of her memories of Draco and finally stopped crying. “I’m not going to die like this, a coward who cries and begs to be released.” She whispered to herself. “I will see you again, if it’s the last thing I ever do.” She wiped her tears away and told herself that as long as she was prisoner, she would never cry again. She felt herself get very determined and angry, after all that’s what she would need to survive what was in store for her. The next day, or so she thought, Blaise came back to the dark bedroom for Hermione. He pulled her out of the room and down the hall like last time but instead of being afraid, she stood tall and was ready to take whatever he threw at her.
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sarahjane0886 · 7 years
Your First, Your Last
@katieamazeballs (She's getting a second one from her requests since she just dealt with the wrath of Irma, I promise I'll spread the love to the rest of you all evenly here on out.)
"I may not be your first love, your first kiss, first sight, or first date but I just want to be your last everything."
"What am I going to do? How am I going to tell him this? The tour, the show, the new clothing line. Everything. The studios. Fuck!" She said pacing back and forth in her bathroom that she shared with her boyfriend of 3 years. "What if he, no he wouldn't do that. Would he, no, he wouldn't leave me. We've talked about this. We want this. We just didn't talk about it for right now. There's so much going on right now. How could we have? Oh my god. He is going to leave me. That's what's going to happen. I can't tell him this. I'll keep it a secret. I can do that, right? Can I do that. I can do that. It'll work. Oh my god, I don't even know if this is happening. I think I'm going to be sick."
"Beep, beep, beep." Went her cell phone letting her know that the timer she had set 5 minutes ago was finished however she felt that sickness rising quickly in her stomach and rather than looking at the stick which seemed to  be mocking her, she spent the next few minutes bending over the toilet.
"Hey, hey, are you okay?" Val said appearing next to his girlfriend, he grabbed a bottle of water which was sitting on the counter next to her and a wash cloth. He knelt beside her and ran his hand up and down her back.
"Val, where, when, I thought...." She stammered realizing just how close he was to finding out.
"I got out early. Why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well." He said getting ready to help her stand.
"No, no, I'm okay. I'm alright." She said pulling away from him not wanting to see what was on the counter. She knew from being with him for all of 3 years that he was going to help her to the sink and to brush her teeth. That damn stick was sitting directly next to the wash basin.
"Babe, you're as pale as they come, and you're shaking." Val said softly as he reached for her.
"I'm fine!" She snapped as she also became dizzy at the same time and grabbed the counter.
"No, you're clearly not." He said reaching for her again intending on making her brush her teeth and making her lay down with him.
"Fuck." She said as she caught glimpse of the positive sign on the stick. His eyes followed hers as he finally saw the stick sitting on the sink.
"Babe, is that? Is it? Are we?" He stammered letting go of the grip he had on her arm.
"I, yeah, I'm sorry. I know we weren't planning on it and we have so much going on. I mean, I'm on the pill Val. I don't know what happened. I'm sorry." She rambled as quickly as she could trying to fix the situation.
"Why, wait you're sorry?" He said confused.
"Yes. I mean we're not married for one. We're both at the height of our careers, your fashion line. We both have the show and the tour coming. How is this going to work, it's going to mess everything up. Our parents, oh my god. How do we even tell them? They are going to be so disappointed." She continued on and on. He froze for a moment before leaving her standing alone in the bathroom. She felt her heart sink to the bottom of her stomach. Her eyes filled with tears. This was it. This was the moment that everything in the world that she had ever wanted was going to slip away. She leaned against the counter and pressed her face into her hands as hot tears began to pour out.
"Princess." Val's voice startled her as she opened her eyes and saw him on one knee in front of her reaching for her hand.
"Val, what are you....."
"Sharna May Burgess, the last 3 years of my life have been some of the best years. Now this wasn't exactly how I planned on doing this. I wanted to be fancy, take you out, maybe go to the pier, surprise you with roses and then ask. But this, this is exactly what feels right and that's what's most important with us. Us, from the moment we started, has felt perfect. I may not be your first love, your first kiss, first sight, or first date but I just want to be your last everything. I want that because I know it's what's meant to be. I know that whatever life throws at us, we'll get through it together, because we're us. I love you Sharna May, i've loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you. It just took sometime to get through my thick skull. But since then, we've been perfection. And that perfection is going to include this." He said reaching forward and resting his hand on her belly.
"Sharna May, will you do me the honor of being the last girlfriend I'll ever have by becoming my fiance and then my wife? Will you marry me?"
"Yes, Val, yes." She whispered out, shock filling her voice and body. He slipped the ring out of his pocket and slide it on her finger before standing up to meet her.
"I love you." He said before leaning in to kiss her.
"I love you too, so much. And guess what, you do get a first. You get to be my first and last husband." She said as she leaned in to kiss him once more.
9 months down the line found the couple in the hospital about to deliver their baby girl. Sharna had been pushing for what felt like ever to her but had been about 35 minutes.
"I can't. I can't do it anymore. She's just staying in there." She said collapsing back against Val who was sitting behind her. Her hands were clenched tightly in his as sweat dripped down her face.
"Yes, you can. Come on princess. A couple more and then she'll be here." Val encouraged. Sharna felt a surge of energy and aggression at her husband all at the same time.
"Fuck you. Remember when you thought you were being sweet and said you wanted to experience a bunch of lasts with me. Well I hope you enjoyed your last round of sex because I'm never allowing you to touch me again. How's that for a last? Owwww, fuck. Make it stop." Her yelling turned to whimpers as pulled his arms seemingly around her body trying to shield herself from the onslaught of pain.
"Come on Sharna, the head is out. Two more pushes and you'll be holding your baby girl." Dr. Abrahams coaxed.
"Come on princess, let's meet our baby." Val said as he pressed a kiss to her temple before bracing her up a little more. She screamed and pushed two more times before the screams that filled the room were no longer hers, they were the first screams of their baby girl. The next two hours were a flurry of motions as the baby was laid on Sharna's chest and the two were given time to meet their little girl. Then she was whisked away to be checked and cleaned up while Sharna finished and had the same experiences.
"Hi sweet girl." Val said once the hustle and bustle died down. The baby was tucked against her mother as the two rested. Val was sitting beside them, one arm around Sharna with the other under Sharna's arm holding the little one.
"Did we ever pick a name?" Sharna asked. The two had gone back and forth a thousand times on what they had wanted but had never formally agreed on a name.
"Alyse Lauren." Val whispered. It had been the name they had both kept coming back to but had never made it official.
"Alyse Lauren Chmerkovskiy. I love it." Sharna whispered. The little one opened her eyes and yawned gently looking briefly at her parents before snuggling in and falling back asleep. Sharna and Val opted to just remain there quiet as they enjoyed what would be their first child but certainly not their last.
**That's a wrap. :) Hope you guys loved it. I promise that starting tomorrow I'll get back to Fix You & Begin Again. I was visting family who is moving from New York to San Diego so while I was soaking up as much time as I could with them, we were also packing. Then my return home was met with lots of "I missed yous" and time settling back into home. In the meantime however, I hope you thoroughly enjoyed this one as much as I enjoyed writing it. Don't forget to like it up and let me know what you thought. And keep the quotes coming. These have been amazingly fun and challenging (we know I excel at length and lots of words lol) for me. I love you guys so much! Thank you for allowing me to share something I love with all of you and allowing me to grown and explore things at the same time. I will be forever grateful. XX
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animeride-blog · 7 years
Top 10 Cutest Anime Girls https://animeride.com/blogs/6716/top-10-cutest-anime-girls/ #AzusoNankano, #ChitogeKirisaki, #EucliwoodHellscythe, #MashiroShiina, #MiuAmaha, #RuriGokou, #SeikoShinohara, #Top10CutestAnimeGirls, #UrarakaOchako, #YokoLittner
New Post has been published on https://animeride.com/blogs/6716/top-10-cutest-anime-girls/
Top 10 Cutest Anime Girls
Before I start, I want to say that this is my list. I understand if you don’t completely agree with me, but please, no hate. Now, with that out of the way, let’s begin!
10) Miu Amaha: Mashiro Iro symphony
Miu is a third-year student of Yuihime Girls’ Academy. She lives in a house nearby the school with her mother and two cats. She is the founder and president of the Nuko club. The club is to care for various animals. She also works part-time at a maid cafe. named Dolce to earn money for activity of the club the Nuko Club is not an official club, so the club’s budget is not supplied by the school. She is very kind
9) Ruri Gokou: Oriemo
As much as I hate this anime’ Ruri gouko was my first anime crush. She is an otaku who takes interest in watching teenage anime and dislike cute animes. She also goes online from time to time to chat with other anime watchers who seem to can’t make friends. Her online name is Kuroneko, meaning ‘black cat’
Kuroneko is also known for her dark clothing and scarlet eyes. She cosplays daily in gothic lolita clothing similar to those worn on her favorite anime, Maschera ~Lamentation of the Fallen~. However, it is revealed that scarlet isn’t her real eye color; she just wears contacts (her real irises are lavender). She writes doujinshi and novels, but none of her works are popular. Kuroneko is very intelligent and has a large vocabulary, making her works too sophisticated for the average reader.
8) Yoko littner: Gurren lagann
Yoko was born in Littner village. Later on, she would meet up with Simon and kamina while fighting the Gunmen attacking Simon and Kamina’s village, Giha Village. Afterward, she travels with them and their Gunmen to help fight the evil Spiral King. In the anime, Simon makes advances towards her which are ignored as she is developing feelings for Kamina which are eventually returned. Her main weapon is a sniper rifle which she uses effectively to help take out Gunmen.
After the time jump in the anime she works as a teacher taking the name ‘Yomako’. When the Anti-Spirals attack she returns to Kamina City and busts Simon out of jail. She participates in the battles against the Anti-Spirals up to their defeat after which she returns to her island to teach further generations.
7) Azuso Nankano: k-on
Azusa is a talented guitarist, while she claims to be a beginner, she has been playing since she was in fourth-grade. Both her parents are in a Jazz Band, although never seen on screen, because of this Azusa often enjoys visiting jazz clubs.
Azusa at first was unsure about joining the Light Music Club, and originally showed interest in joining the Jazz Appreciation Club but was hesitant against joining beacause “It didn’t quite seem the same as real jazz.” Azusa finally decided to join the Light Music Club after Ui brings her to there live performance at the school festival.
6) Mashiro Shiina: sakurosou no pet
She is a world famous artist who transferred into Suiko as a second-year to learn how to draw manga. Although her artworks are widely admired by the world in spite of her young age, she knows nothing other than drawing, and has an extreme lack of common sense and living ability. Due to this, Sorata is forced to handle Mashiro’s living chores, to the point that he even has to pick out underwear for her, or she will go out without them.
She has very bad grades, since she cannot pay attention to the class, but she can still pass the make-up exams by remembering all of the answers with her art talent.
5 ) Uraraka Ochako: my hero academy
Ochaco is a petite, slender teenage girl. She has fair skin, big round brown eyes, and shoulder-length brown hair which sports two long locks beside her face and a short bob at the back. She also has little pads on the top of each of her fingers, similar to the pads on an animal’s paws, which are used to activate her Quirk.
4) Seiko Shinohara : Corpse Party
Seiko is an extremely cheerful and energetic girl who enjoys playing around with her friends. She often comes across as immature and crass and makes over-the-top outbursts that surprise everyone around her, but her friends are able to put up with it. She generally tries to maintain this personality even while trapped inside Heavenly Host, though the grim reality of their situation nearly causes her to suffer from an emotional breakdown several times.
She is not without a responsible side, however, which she developed after her mother disappeared two years ago in order to support her father and care for her three younger siblings. She easily becomes upset whenever anyone takes her feelings towards her mother’s disappearance lightly
3) Chitoge Kirisaki: Nesekoi
 Chitoge is very smart and completely fluent in both English and Japanese despite growing up in America, being half-Japanese. She is somewhat forgetful, aggressive and quick to attack someone who gets on her nerves. However, once someone gets to know her better, she becomes very talkative and nice. Similar to Raku, Chitoge is the type to go out of her way to help someone. For example, when Raku lost his pendant once again from the chain being broken, Chitoge had secretly gotten the Beehive gang to help fix it for him and gave it back later that night. She is also one to be totally oblivious to love. When her friend asked her to diagnose her about her sickness, (which was actually love) she did not know what to do.
2) Emilia: re:zero
Emilia is good natured and likes to take care of others, though Emilia herself refuses to admit it, instead thinking of it as her own selfishness. She is indifferent to her own appearance, leaving puck to take care of her clothes and hair. Because her appearance is similar to the witch, she has received unfair discrimination from others. She sometimes acts like a child and is unacquainted with the world as she used to live in the woods with other Elves, though despite this she still works hard to become a king.
1) Eucliwood hellscythe: is this a zombie?
At first, she seems to be emotionless and mute (or has a preference not to talk) but is in fact very kindhearted to her friends and other people. At one point, Ayumu even goes so far as to call her the most caring person he’s ever met. Eu is also shown to be a very forgiving person.
Eucliwood later admits that she is ashamed and even terrified of her abilities, and she wished for someone to be by her side in spite of her frightening ability. It appears that she has found that person in the form of Ayumu himself. He also provides her with comfort when she thinks about her many insecurities and she is shown to take these feelings to heart.
This list is based on my own choice. Feel free to comment about your cute AnimeGirls :). Thanks for Giving your precious time to us. Have a Nice Day !
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ladystylestores · 4 years
Beauty CEOs on Key Leadership Lessons from Coronavirus – WWD
Alex Keith
Chief Executive Officer, P&G Beauty
What skills are most important to lead people through crisis?
Defining the true priorities, focusing everyone on them, and clarity and consistency of communication are essential during a crisis of this magnitude, when there is so much that needs to be done. While listening is a critical leadership skill all the time, it is absolutely fundamental at a time like this. This includes listening to employees and to our consumers to understand their needs, and responding with deep empathy.
What changes do you think will be permanent?
I’m so proud of my organization’s ability to make decisions much more intuitively, primarily as a result of the speed the situation demands. Given the length of time we are spending navigating this crisis, fast and intuitive decisionmaking will be a well-developed muscle for our people, and we’ll benefit from it into the future. It will definitely enable us to emerge from this period stronger than when we entered it.
What has been a silver lining for you in the midst of the crisis?
No jet lag!
Alex Keith  Courtesy Photo
  Artemis Patrick
Executive Vice President, Chief Merchandising Officer, Sephora Americas
What have you learned as a leader?
I love to interact with people in person. I always prefer a phone call or one-on-one conversation over sending an e-mail. This personality trait isn’t exactly conducive to working from home. As a leader, I’ve learned that I need to flex other muscles to keep the human connection going with my team, my colleagues and our brand partners, whether that’s a quick check-in over the phone, a Zoom happy hour or just a short e-mail or text to say, “Hi I’m thinking of you.” As leaders, we are conditioned to always be on the go, and this pandemic has made me acknowledge and appreciate the small moments of pausing to checking in on people in different ways.
What changes do you think will be permanent?
The return to science, facts and experts on important issues. In beauty, specifically, we’ll continue to see a movement toward products that are truly efficacious, with science and testing behind them. We were already seeing this before — with more and more consumers relying on peer reviews and educating themselves on product ingredients — but this will most certainly accelerate.
What has been a silver lining for you in the midst of the crisis?
Spending more time with my husband and nine-year-old daughter. Although I’m on Zooms and calls all day long, even a quick break to have a meal with them is a blessing, and I’m not losing sight of how special it is. Oh…and working all day in pajamas isn’t half bad either.
Artemis Patrick  Courtesy Photo
  Dave Kimbell
President, Ulta Beauty
What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned about leadership?
In the most challenging times, an organization’s culture is truly tested. I’m grateful for the work we’ve done over the years to build a team environment based on strong values, collaboration and trust. With our collective focus on significant organizational and operational decisions, I continue to see our teams taking care of each other, supporting new directions and trusting one another explicitly. As a leader at Ulta Beauty, I take great pride in the culture we have built with and for our associates.
Coming out of this crisis, I’m certain that I will forever be committed to fostering a strong, positive culture that’s ready to tackle anything. Trust within an organization allows agility to come naturally, confidence to make and follow through with hard but important decisions, and aggressive goals to be accomplished collaboratively.
What changes do you think will be permanent?
It’s interesting to think about this time through the lens of human connection. Before this crisis, technology and social media allowed us, in some ways, to be more connected than ever, but in other ways left many people feeling isolated and disconnected. As COVID-19 has forced time apart from one another physically, I think it’s interesting how greatly our human desire for connection has been reinforced. And, as we collectively navigate through this transformative time, our acknowledgement of this need is here to stay.
In everyday life, that means pausing to see the beauty around us and to care for each other. In business, this will advance innovation and fuel an increased convergence of physical and digital, perhaps with a bit more emotion. How these elements come together will meet new consumer behaviors. I anticipate significant in-store innovation to reimagine trial and discovery while keeping safety at the core. The underlying desire for connectivity is lasting and true — we need one another and will continue to enjoy tangible experiences together, even if they are a bit different from what we once experienced.
What’s been a silver lining for you in the midst of this crisis?
I’ve seen more passion, enthusiasm and excitement across the entire Ulta Beauty family. Our mission and values are truly coming to life and that is a real silver lining as a leader at this company. Despite our distance, we’re working closer than ever and will come out of this stronger, more nimble and ready to accelerate. Our teams have demonstrated an ability to move quickly, uncovered new ways to work, rose to uncharted challenges and at every turn, acted with care and confidence. We’ll carry these collaborative, passionate traits forward together.
Personally, I’ve had extended time with my college-aged daughter and son who is in high school that I know wouldn’t have happened otherwise. It’s unexpected and I love it, although I’m sure there are many nights they’d rather be with their friends instead of filming another TikTok with mom and dad! These are days we will all remember forever, and we’re fortunate to be living through this together.
Dave Kimbell  Courtesy Photo
  Frédéric Fekkai
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Fekkai
What have you learned as a leader during the crisis?
First, that remote meetings don’t have to feel remote. If you’re the host, make it a point to always be the first to turn on your video and greet the team. Encourage everyone to turn on their video, but let them know in advance, so they can prepare. Address everyone by their names and be genuine and relaxed with occasional laughs. Second, don’t just respond to the moment. Plan the future. In the midst of a crisis, we seem to focus on extinguishing fires. As a leader, my primary focus has been shifting from short-term to long-term vision to prepare for the best possible future. Finally, take extra care when sharing bad news such as layoffs with compassion. Offer an explanation about the economic conditions that led to the decision. Stress that it has nothing to do with performance, but is the result of an unprecedented crisis.
What changes do you think will be permanent?
Business travel will be reduced tremendously. Working from home will be more tolerated as we see that we are more productive. With the new normal, people will be more frugal. Lavish and ostentatious parties and bling-bling fashion will phase out. Casual comfort style will surge.
What has been a silver lining for you in the midst of the crisis?
The support and camaraderie among our competitors in the industry has been amazing. Specifically, I appreciate those who took the time to lead and organize ceo/founders meetings and round tables, like Elana Drell-Szyfer, the ceo of Révive Skin Care.
Frederic Fekkai  Courtesy Photo
  Jonathan Zrihen
Chief Executive Officer, Groupe Clarins
What have you learned as a leader during the coronavirus pandemic?
The key role and responsibility is to be an exemplary corporate citizen and a strong relay to implement swift sanitary decisions during a pandemic. We did so by protecting our employees and their families, and participating in the sanitary efforts by reorganizing our production facility to produce hydroalcoholic gel for hospitals to fight the virus.
What changes do you think will be permanent?
Digital penetration, not only for transactions, but for all types of services. In addition, the usage of home-office and digital solutions in the work environment. The rise of ecological- and safety-consciousness. The preservation of human life is more important than the economy.
What has been a silver lining for you in the midst of the crisis?
To take advantage of these unique circumstances, to enjoy every day — some of the simplest yet totally fulfilling pleasures in life, such as moments with my family, reading, jogging or walking in a park with my kids.
Jonathan Zrihen  Courtesy Photo
Karissa Bodner
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Thrive Causemetics
What have you learned as a leader during the coronavirus pandemic?
I’ve learned just how flexible and resilient our team is and how important that is. Our entire office started working from home two months ago, and everyone has risen to the occasion to make sure all operations are running as smoothly and efficiently as possible. We’ve definitely had to pivot some of our work flows, but the team has been creative when finding workarounds. In particular, having our Chief Wellness Officer, Erin Brower, on staff has been fundamental to the success of our team’s well being. She provides meditations, mindfulness moments, mental health support, training on healthy communication and conflict regulation and more to ensure our team is supported all the time and it’s been especially helpful during COVID-19. 
What changes do you think will be permanent?
As stay-at-home orders went into effect across the country, a lot of brands pivoted to connect with their audiences in a way they’ve never done before through their various social platforms. I think brands will continue to find new ways to engage with their consumers digitally knowing how beneficial it is for both parties.
Philanthropy and fund-raising is another aspect I can see having a more permanent fixture across industries. I predict brands will incorporate philanthropy in a bigger way into their business models moving forward. Giving back has always been our number-one priority and the reason I founded Thrive Causemetics, so I can’t wait to see how other brands continue giving back to the community.
Lastly, the additional measures and increased care that brands are taking to ensure the safety, health and wellness of their employees will be permanent. We’re seeing growing consumer interest around how companies treat their workforce, which will create a better future for all employees.
What has been a silver lining for you in the midst of the crisis?
How people have come together to help those that are in need of aid. So many brands and individuals have been coming up with innovative and impactful ways to give back to their communities, whether through raising funds, donating meals or offering services. We hosted a donation day where 100 percent of the profits from sales on thrivecausemetics.com would go to Meals on Wheels, Baby 2 Baby and Feeding America and it was our most successful campaign thus far. I was blown away by our community’s support and am proud to say that we were able to donate $350,000 from one day’s profits to these three incredible organizations. We also made a commitment to expand our giving to a total of $1 million through much-needed funds and products to women impacted by the coronavirus, including frontline workers and women-owned small businesses. I’m so passionate about giving back and finding new ways to help others and to see the world coming together in such a pure way during an essential time gives me hope for the future.
Karissa Bodner  Courtesy Photo
  Marc Rey
Chief Executive Officer, Shiseido Americas; Chief Growth Officer, Shiseido Group
What have you learned as a leader during the coronavirus pandemic?
For the first time, I realized the relevance of some advice I once received from an ex-general of the Marine Corps: “When the terrain differs from the map…go with the terrain!”
Nothing could have prepared a business leader for what we have faced. A pandemic like this was obviously not in any of our plans or risk scenarios, and the authorities were understandably struggling to give clear, actionable guidelines.
So, I went with the terrain. Together with my unbelievable team, we put the safety of our employees first, navigating based on the facts and data at hand in what we hoped was a pragmatic and effective way.
I was also comforted in the confirmation that company values can be genuine. Shiseido’s “People First” philosophy has indeed been our main guiding principle during this crisis. 
What changes do you think will be permanent?
Unquestionably, this crisis gave another huge boost to beauty digital sales, which were already flourishing. I believe this boost is permanent and will even amplify with the repeat purchases of people who have switched to digital from brick-and-mortar.
The store experience will be altered forever. As an industry, along with our retail partners, we are going to have to reinvent the in-store experience, integrating concerns of hygiene, safety and traceability. To do this, we will need to heavily leverage technology (hopefully reducing promotional levels along the way would also be a great idea).
Most companies are going to have to revisit their risk management strategies and challenge their zones of vulnerability based on the learnings from this crisis.
What has been a silver lining for you in the midst of the crisis?
In all truth, I struggle to find anything good in this terrible pandemic, [but] I believe that ultimately it will be a wake-up call, and that America will adapt and come back stronger, as we always do.
I also believe that this crisis has illustrated how technology, well used, can make a real, positive difference. The same crisis 20 years ago would have been much worse on all fronts — health, business, communication, etc.
Finally, I’ve been amazed at how so many people on the Shiseido Americas team have risen to the occasion.  As a leader, it feels really good and I am incredibly proud of them.
Marc Rey  Courtesy Photo
  Megan Grant
President, L’Oréal Luxe U.S.A.
What have you learned as a leader during the coronavirus pandemic?
The most important skill to lead people through a crisis is constant communication. First and foremost it’s about people, so connecting authentically on a personal level is equally as important as staying connected on the business. I believe in leading with empathy, always, but especially now, as we are all experiencing unique challenges and need to support one another as we adapt to new realities and ways of working.
What changes do you think will be permanent?
Fundamentally the biggest change is the dramatic shift to e-commerce, which had already very much begun before the crisis. While at home, consumers are not only evolving how they shop, but also how they engage with brands. We are listening intently and gaining valuable insights that will help us better serve consumers online and off-line in the future.
What has been a silver lining for you in the midst of the crisis?
There have been many, but for me it’s the nightly family dinners. This is the first time we have all been able to spend so much quality time together with no distractions. It is a time that I will never forget and am very appreciative to have.
Megan Grant  Courtesy Photo
  Nancy Twine
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Briogeo
What have you learned as a leader during the coronavirus pandemic? 
How important it is for the entire organization to hear from leadership frequently and to have transparent dialogue around business strategy and performance.  It’s important for the team, at all levels, to understand how leadership is thinking and pivoting as new information emerges. Not only does it keep everyone informed, it helps enhance the spirit of community and trust which is crucial during such an uncertain time.
What changes do you think will be permanent? 
I think we’ll see consumers gravitating to a greater extent towards products and services that are geared towards self-care, wellness and health.  Proactive treatment and wellness rituals that consumers are investing in during this time will likely sustain beyond COVID-19.
What has been a silver lining for you in the midst of the crisis? 
Our team has grown even closer.  We’re in constant contact over video conferences throughout the day. Being able to be vulnerable and candid about the ups and downs everyone is experiencing has created a unique closeness amongst our entire team.
Nancy Twine  Courtesy Photo
  Philippe d’Ornano
President, Sisley Paris
What have you learned as a leader during the coronavirus pandemic?
We all know that a crisis reveals people and character, and it’s a moment where you know if you’ve done good work in building your team, putting talents together. We had a fantastic response from our teams all around the world during this period. We employ more than 100 nationalities, and they’ve been incredibly united – much more than the countries, actually. They worked incredibly hard, also. Some telework, some work in the field. There have been really very rich, human moments.
We tried, on our side, to be [up to] the challenge. Our factories remained open to support the economy. We tried to support our teams and communicate as much as we could; to support our suppliers and clients by remaining open and maintaining orders, and support those around us, like hospitals. We sent stocks of masks to China, and then they sent back like 10 times the same amount two months later.
That’s really what’s wonderful with the company, and especially for us, as a family business, to feel a human community at work during a crisis period.
What changes do you think will be permanent?
I’m most inclined [to say] what changes I don’t want to be permanent. One of them is social distancing. People are isolated. They don’t travel anymore. They telework. If you walk in the streets of Paris or New York, people are frightened when they go by you. You can see the fear in their eyes, and it’s contrary to what we’re about: We are a family business. We are in cosmetics. We’re about service. We’re about advice. We’re about interaction. We’re about care.
What I want is to not accept a society, which would change that. We should go back to what cosmetics are about.
So it’s a bit of a reverse answer to the question. I deeply feel that we can’t accept some changes to be permanent. Telework is great, but we need also to be together. We want the shops back open. We want the service, and we — at least in our company — are going to do all we can to bring this back.
What has been a silver lining for you in the midst of the crisis?
The resilience of the company. In the States, with all the stores closed, we were less than 20 percent down. Our digital team, our master class, even the stores working with us [contributed]. Our hair business, for example, is positive. We’re growing. We had a positive month of April.
There’s the fact, also, that we are an international company. The stores in Europe [were] closed, [while] the stores in Asia were working. In the U.S., we find other ways to contact our customers.
With this resilience you see the deep needs in our society for the products we sell, and how important they are — even more than just for the fact that they’re antiaging, they’re beautifying. They bring something to society which is very important.
Philippe d’Ornano  Courtesy Photo
Pierre-André Terisse
Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer, Coty Inc.
What have you learned as a leader during the coronavirus pandemic?
The Coty culture has always been known to be resilient and entrepreneurial. Lately, that collective team courage and intelligence has come through even more — an ability to adapt and go beyond usual work in ways none of us had imagined before COVID. As a leader, it is a reminder that creativity can always thrive even, and maybe especially, in the most difficult circumstances.
What kinds of communication have been most resonant and why?
The current pace of change has been a test of communications. Internally, the frequency of communication is naturally increasing to ensure everyone is well connected with the fast-moving response of our business. We are hosting regular global connects to cascade decisions locally and then relying on regional and local leaders to drive a steady and accelerated flow of communications with their teams.
Through this, the overall dialogue has become more straight forward; we have too many things to face to lose time.
With the safety of our teams, partners and consumers as our number-one priority, our communication has also become more compassionate. People are craving a sense of solidarity and purpose more than ever. We have thousands of associates tuning in live for leader video interviews. So many have sent messages of thanks and pride for our efforts to produce and donate hand sanitizer.
What changes do you think will be permanent?
Every trend that pre-existed COVID-19 is accelerated: the rise of digital and e-commerce, sustainability, clean beauty, flexible workplaces, responsive and adaptive supply chains.…It will be up to us to take advantage of the momentum as we come through this period.
What has been a silver lining for you in the midst of the crisis?
For me personally, being grounded has eliminated a lot of wasted time in my schedule, especially time spent traveling between our offices. I do miss the in-person connections, of course, but having the extra time has been a benefit during this crisis. As a leader, I see our teams facing unknown issues with creative and daring ideas. They are coming up with new solutions. COVID-19 is a tragedy in many aspects, but I hope it helps us invent a better tomorrow.
Pierre Andre Terisse  Courtesy Photo
  Sunny Jain
President, Beauty and Personal Care, Unilever
What have you learned as a leader during the coronavirus pandemic?
When you take care of people, people will take care of business. Putting people first has always been a guiding principle in my career, but never have I seen it quite so clear and in focus as now. Our teams are so much more than the roles they do and the projects they lead — they are friends, loved ones, caregivers. I am incredibly proud of the actions we’ve taken as a company to help protect the lives and livelihoods of our people, and also those in our extended value chain through supplier cash-flow relief.
There is no speed limit during a global pandemic. Agility becomes so important. The situation is so fluid and people are looking towards trusted companies and brands to listen, react and deliver in record time.  Not only through products and services but how they are being of service at this time.
And we’re seeing the impact our campaigns can have on society and our planet. Dove released its #CourageIsBeautiful campaign to thank all the front-line heroes and our deodorant brand, Degree, is encouraging millions of people to move more at home, recognizing that movement is a powerful tool to maintain physical and mental wellbeing.
What changes do you think will be permanent?
Once people start shopping digitally they rarely go back if they’ve had a good experience. So, I expect the shift to e-commerce we were already seeing, will not only accelerate, but stick.
We’ll also see an increase in virtual interactions within our teams and with external partners. We can also expect to see innovation for all types of virtual technology and interactions including more augmented reality experiences. In the past weeks there have been lots of firsts, just recently we celebrated 10 years of the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan, which for the first time was held as a global virtual event with external stakeholders from all around the world.
New needs are emerging, and we are doing our best to anticipate what people will need and want as we move forward. The importance of maintaining a healthy and clean lifestyle will be a sustained shift. People are also looking to brands to have a positive social impact now more than ever. Our Lifebuoy soap brand has for many years run the world’s largest handwashing program and during the current crisis has been working to communicate strong hygiene practices through public service advertising. Seeing the sudden demand grow, we’ve also launched the brand into 38 new markets in just 100 days — including its country of origin, the U.K. — and donated more than 20 million products to various organizations and initiatives globally.  And in North America we’ve launched Suave hand sanitizer, to provide an affordable hygiene product from a brand consumers trust, at speed.
What has been a silver lining for you in the midst of the crisis?
I have two young children and being close to them as I work from home has been a significant silver lining during a difficult period. It has been a juggling act for sure, but being at home all the time means we have lunch together as a family and it is one of the best parts of my day. My daughter has even been drawing me pictures to decorate my home office.
It’s also given me a chance to connect with friends, family and colleagues differently but more frequently. Isn’t it interesting how this period has made many of us reach out and seek a face-to-face, well, screen-to-screen, human connection where perhaps we might have fired off a text or an email in the past? Instead of waiting for one-off events, I’ve been able to have many more conversations and have built deeper relationships. I’ve seen incredible support from our teams offering cooking tips, social events, coffee check-ins, all virtually. It really has been amazing to see the human community spirit shine through.
Sunny Jain  Courtesy Photo
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