#with the thread of sex and love and control and magic all twisted together it only felt right to bind them into a scene like that
novelconcepts · 2 years
So, Chapter 8, aka "Shit just got real:"
I love, love, love the way Jamie’s nurturing magic translates into stage performance and engaging with her audience. I also love “grows stronger, and softer…” and that Dani (and you) recognizes both of these as directions of growth.
I love Dani Clayton, but I normally don’t have a whole lot in common with her. However, you’ve got me all aboard for her violent hatred of Peter during the batter scene. But also: I’ve seen the show, I know how this scene goes. But you’ve managed to write it in a way that stirs my disgust with this dude and my dismay at this relationship all over again. 
“What Peter and Rebecca have is vibrant, passionate, ambitious—but it is not kind. It does not pause to listen. It lurks in the shadows, banging up the walls and scuffing the furniture.” I think  you’ve said that you’re not particularly religious, so I hope this doesn’t offend you, but this bit recalled the famous Bible text on love in a way that I find really cool, even if it’s not at all what you intended (and I should be absolutely clear that you’re pointing out the ways in which Peter and Rebecca are everything that text says love isn’t)
That said, while Jamie and Dani’s love is beautiful, this whole “we’re just going to pour all the leftover magic between us into sex” vibe is…very alarming. 
Also, “cold tile into bruised kneecaps” nice subtle way to point out this isn’t exactly the first time this has happened. 
I really like Hannah’s philosophy of building a band on trust, but I gotta say, inviting Peter to be part of such an endeavor is a cardinal mistake.
What a colossal asshole. Honestly. Also, if a coworker established that they could replace—and outdo—me at work without breaking a sweat, I would be a) on my best behavior, and b) busting ass for the foreseeable future. The fact that this is Peter’s response is just…ugh. 
“He hadn’t devised a punishment for Dani. He hadn’t looked at her at all. She supposes that was the point, in the end: to Peter Quint, she has only ever been wallpaper.” Don’t know if you meant it this way, but this was a neat little echo of the fact that Peter and Dani never met in canon. 
“This, she can’t entirely stop thinking, feels like a rage borrowed from another source.” 😬 It does seem legit, though, that Viola would reserve a particular type of rage for Men Behaving Badly.
“They’re friends, Dani realizes . . . Friend is a calling card that tends to come with others stapled to the back.” The fact that Dani has seemingly never had a normal friend is just…upsetting. 
I absolutely adore these three women making the show work by the seat of their pants in order to spite Peter Quint.
Speaking of whom, have we perhaps seen the last of him? A girl can dream…
Can’t believe you transformed “What if I’m here with you…living our lives…but I’m really just her?” into “What if I’m here, railing you against the piano, but I’m really just her?” Not sure whether to laugh or cry.
[frantically smashes Next Chapter button]
You’ve picked up on so much of the detail work I was going for, I am delighted. I’m not religious, no, but I was raised Catholic, and I’ve heard the “love is patient, love is kind” bit many times (including at my own wedding, from my father). Not sure I can think of two words less descriptive of the Peter/Rebecca relationship--or more descriptive of the Dani/Jamie one. This story getting a long deep-dive into how different those two are was just the biggest love letter to the foil work in the show.
As for the end, uh. Viola channeling into Dani in ways she maybe doesn’t even recognize was a huge part of this piece, and sometimes that looks like...railing someone against a piano. What can you do.
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darkpoisonouslove · 3 years
Prey on the Heart
Summary: Valtor is on the hunt when his hound makes an unexpected discovery - Griffin is on the premises and defenseless against his rage over her betrayal. Valtor has to decide what catch he’s after - her head or their love. AU.
CW: Blood, dog bites, injury neglect, non-graphic violence and sex
This has been an outlined idea for almost 11 months. It was supposed to be an entry for Whumptober last year but I managed to turn it back into romance instead of torture somehow. I never got around to writing it unti today the universe conspired to bring it into existence and I am so happy to have finally finished it!
Love Again by Dua Lipa is giving me feels for this AU so give it a listen if you want.
The tufts of yellowed grass barely rustled under his feet as he followed the hound south. A little further and they'd leave the borders of the Coven's estate for the uninhabitable wasteland his mothers hadn't bothered to purchase even at the low cost of Obsidian land.
The rainless summer had left the otherwise infertile ground dry and cracked, no prints marring it's hardened surface. The hound was relying purely on her animal instincts and despite the boost from his magic, his senses couldn't catch up. He was barely keeping up with Violet herself glancing around for a trace on the foliage of what she'd sniffed.
He caught a strangled scream without the need to strain his ears. It was loud and clear despite the attempt to muffle it. He'd thought it was an animal the hound had shot after but that scream... It was a human voice. A familiar voice.
He followed the sound, steps hurried and heavy on the ground to chase away any game in the vicinity but he'd have his prize regardless. Unless he was dreaming or under one of mother Lysslis' illusion spells.
He called the dog back to lead him to where she'd left her victim. He'd seen Violet do her thing under Lysslis' training. Whenever she got her teeth into something, it wasn't getting away before she let go. And it wasn't getting away after that either.
Violet's teeth had a wet red tint to them, muzzle damp with blood and saliva as her nostrils expanded voraciously with every breath from the heavy copper smell. She circled him frantically and dashed forward only to run back to him in an attempt to prompt him to catch up with her speed. At least she was happy with her find.
An unusual circle of trees formed a perfectly lined up clearing in the forest. Stepping inside it left him face to face with a lone tree in the middle that was keeled over and charred. It must have been stricken by a lightning but its sturdy, forked roots had grounded it deep in the soil to make it the only thing standing in the clearing.
Leaning on the other side of it, partially concealed by its thick trunk, was none other than Griffin. Her hands trembled as she tightened the knot on the bandage she'd wrapped around her bleeding calf. She hissed when the dirty rag she'd torn from the hemline of her tattered and muddied dress constricted the tender wound Violet had left in her wake. And to think Griffin had been the one who'd gifted him the hound when she'd still been a pup that had fit in the palm of his hand. Valtor had even named her after Griffin, the striking shade of her hair coloring everything from his sketches to the very dreams his subconscious concocted. If she hadn't left so soon after presenting him with the puppy, Violet may have remembered her scent. Not that that would have given her a chance against Lysslis' conditioning of all hunting dogs, including Valtor's personal hound.
Griffin's eyes pinned the hound where it was pacing from one side to another behind Valtor's legs with her tail wagging and her labored breaths filling the silence of his own lungs. The sight of him had Griffin's whole body tensing as her hands hit the tree bark behind her back and she scrambled to her feet.
Her movements were lagging from the pain and panic dripping from her hunched form. Her hair fell down her back matted with red where she'd brushed it back with bloodied hands. Large chunks of unrefined obsidian crystals were strapped to her wrists with clumsy threads of silver into bracelets that ran up her arms under her sleeves.
She'd made those herself–in a hurry–her magic pulling the crystals and metal straight from the core of the planet. They would have impeded any other witch considering his own mothers' magic was notably subdued by the large deposits of obsidian under the planet's surface but not her. Crystals were one of her areas of expertise–and the reason why she'd walked into his life–yet even her knowledge had failed her along with her luck. She'd made it to the very edge of the territory controlled and owned by the Coven under the protection of the black crystals she'd adorned herself with to ward off dark magic but still not far enough.
It had been fear cutting off her magic to prevent her from fashioning herself a bandage the way she'd crafted her protection charms. Her golden eyes were wide like pits of inextinguishable fire and her chest wasn't moving to push the ample cleavage her dress left exposed into the forefront of his mind. She'd had an easier time drawing breath with the weight of his head nestled over her ribcage, over her heart beating steadily with the promise of her presence.
Valtor's step forward echoed like a gunshot in her body. Her back pressed into the tree, muscles pulled taut with compressed energy readying her to pounce.
"Run." His first word to her. He could have lost a bet that it would be a vile curse in a lost language only she could understand. "I dare you." She'd turned her back and left unprompted. If she still abode by that logic, then she'd have to stay.
Griffin swallowed. "You're going to hunt me down like an animal?" Her teeth gritted as she strained against her eyes slipping from his form.
His fingers clenched to white around the cold metal of his shotgun. Her jaw would have been dust in his grip where he wanted it to tip her head back and pin her gaze with his. She'd forced him to endure far greater pain being the one left behind. She hadn't earned the right to writhe and scream in agony.
"Violet here is an animal," he extended his hand and the hound pressed her head into his open palm. She always obeyed his calls, never running off where she wouldn't hear him and come back. "She is loyal and dependable which is more than I can say about you." He may have named the dog after Griffin but he'd raised Violet to never follow in her footsteps.
"So I am less than an animal to you, too?" Her gaze darted to the dog and back – to the piece of herself she hadn't stolen from him.
Valtor frowned, hand stilling between Violet's ears to make her rub it in his fingers insistently. He ignored her.
"What do you mean to me too?" Once again Griffin took precedence. Over his hunt, over his dog, over his own heart. Only his stomach sank from the prediction of what he'd hear from her mouth.
"You think I came here on a picnic with only the dress on my back?" Griffin stood steady on her feet, her tenacious nature breathing life into a smirk he had to bite back.
He hadn't given thought to the circumstances of their meeting. Her aching form in front of his eyes was everything. One blink and she'd melt away, swept up into another one of the portals the locations of which she was best at estimating. Indeed her presence on top of her disheveled state posed multiple questions he hadn't paid mind to. He was making it too easy for her to deceive him again.
"Your mothers chased me down and electrocuted me to the point of nearly frying my organs," her arms crossed over her belly to raise alarms in his head. If anything gave him the strength to best mother Tharma, it would be the rage over touching what was his. Griffin was a central part of that even if revenge was all that was left between them. That and the truth she spoke. "They kept me locked up for weeks in a tiny shoe box where I couldn't even stand up straight and only let me out last night. Right as darkness fell for me to read on the star-filled sky that it was the first day of hunting season."
There was disdain in her voice instead of the fear everyone else held for the way his mothers took beauty and strength and twisted it into despair. They had taken her love of astronomy and turned it into the herald of her death sentence. Just like they'd repopulated the area around their estate with hunting game only to have their fill of murdering unsuspecting animals.
Griffin's eyes burned so fiercely he half expected the tree behind her to catch fire. "They let me out to be your prey." And she'd dashed for the quickest route out of there. She hadn't come back for him.
"You betrayed me."
Violet sat down on her hind legs, body taut like a string and tail beating harshly into the dust. She would leap at the smallest shift in him.
Griffin was like a rock in front of him. His fire wouldn't touch her and his bullets would bounce back at him. "They are enslaving people and I didn't know I was helping them."
He hadn't told her. All he could have given her had been the illusion of a choice. She never would've picked him if he'd let his mothers force her to lay the world at their feet. It had been the only chance the two of them had had to be together.
"I had to put an end to it."
"You betrayed me!" Valtor raised the shotgun, his hands shaking too violently to aim it more precisely than just in Griffin's general direction as he stalked closer. Violet was growling on his left to keep his flank safe. "I gave you my everything. You were all I had and you left!"
All the riches flowing into Obsidian under his mothers' direction and Griffin's accurate calculations of opening portals to other planets were resources for the Coven's needs, not for his personal use. He wasn't even allowed in certain rooms of the mansion. The magic in his very veins had been embedded there by his mothers' efforts and lessons. Griffin had been the one building a little home with him in the room they'd come to share, she'd been the one putting a heartbeat in his palms only to leave him clutching empty sheets with a cold blade sticking out of his chest.
"Bursting your heart into atoms is exactly what you deserve." He stalked closer, the cool barrel of his shotgun and Violet's razor-sharp teeth were his only defense. The obsidian on Griffin's wrists weakened his magic and the shine of her eyes had obliterated his resolve to chase her down even from his memories.
Griffin's eyes hardened, hands balling into fists. "If you're going to shoot me, do it!" she grabbed the shotgun and pressed it into her bare skin.
The force threw him off balance and he stumbled forward, pushing the stiff metal into her sternum while her breath invaded his mouth with their faces inches apart. "Do not. Tempt me," he growled, his fingers twitching from her audacity to wrap around her throat and force more breath from her.
"Do it!" Griffin was still gripping the shotgun close to her heaving chest unafraid of the fire that could burst from the contact. "I knew this–seeing you again–would be the end of me. But if taking the shot is what will take your pain away, then I'm ready to go. As long as it will let you live." Her eyes lost focus and her head lulled, a small smile tugging at her lips and his heartstrings as her gaze dropped to Violet.
The dog was pacing behind him to no reason or direction. Her nose was lowered into the dirt in defeat.
Valtor forced Griffin's head back with the barrel of his shotgun until their eyes were locked together. "Do you think I'm that dumb? That I'll believe you after all your lies?" He had to watch out for the hands. One wrong move and they'd be in his chest again. Or his would be in her hair under the clink of his forgotten shotgun to draw a moan out of her that would melt him in a puddle at her feet.
"It doesn't matter what you believe, what either one of us believes." Vulnerability was sealed in her eyes like they were amber preserving history. Bullets wouldn't work on them. Shattering them would only spill the truth of his own wrongdoings. "It will not change the fact that I love you." A gasp came – from him or from her. "You can cut me open and reach inside me to feel it if you need to. It will still be there once my heart has stopped. Not even the planet can absorb it."
His hands shook as the shotgun trailed back between her breasts. The dry ground would soak up her blood instead of water and the forest would claim her body but the energy pouring from her wouldn't disappear in the well in the planet's core. Obsidian absorbed negativity from all over the universe to cleanse it and Griffin had thought it fair to trade protection for resources borrowed from other planets when it had little to no of its own. But she was offering her life to him for nothing in return. She was offering the purity of her love and that wasn't something the planet could protect from or swallow.
Valtor licked his lips. His mouth watered in her proximity for her to plant her deception into it. Yet his tongue hardly moved with his words in the breeze her breath was on his taste buds. "You're playing mind games. This is nothing more than manipulation." She could be an inch from his face and hop into a portal to the other end of the universe in the blink of an eye. And he hadn't been able to follow despite the pull in his heart.
"Nothing's stopping you from pulling the trigger. Or taking your hunting knife and carving out my heart." The blade weighed on his chest from its secret pocket as her voice reverberated through him. "Go ahead! Eat it like I always knew you would. And once its in your system, so will be my love." Her hand slid down the barrel of the shotgun, her fingers bathing his in their heat. "It will be a part of you, flowing through your veins and making you mine forever. Death by your hand does not scare me. I'll never die inside you."
The metal burned in his hand. Or that was the love for her that had never gone out. Not even at the look of the vast blackness of the sky where she could have disappeared forever. "You know I won't-"
"I know you want to." Griffin's hand slipped on top of his, colder than the blade of his knife over his heart. "But you won't. You pull that trigger and you lose me forever. You're not going to cause yourself that pain. Not even after I ran away." Her skin was like stone grinding against his to chip away his resistance. She knew him to his selfish core. Having her love forever inside him where he wouldn't be able to touch it wouldn't be enough even if she wouldn't be able to leave again.
"How could you bring my heart back after you fled with it?" It was right there clasped between her teeth. A kiss would free it and tugging at it with all his might would rip it to shreds. It was a miracle Griffin hadn't chewed it to bits when Violet's teeth had sunk into her flesh.
"Because we belong to each other. With each other." Her heart trembled in her pulse point for him to see. "No portal between worlds can change that. Not the one that took me away and not the one that brought me back."
How could he kill her when simply hating her would pull her out of his arms? Taking a step back would make him crumble under his self-loathing. He couldn't be the one to take her away from himself. Not when she was right there like a vision. One only she could make come true.
"Would you have ever come back if my mothers hadn't dragged you here?"
"Does it matter?" her voice was like a gunshot in his ears, like the weapon in his hand had gone off pressed into his own chest rather than hers.
The metal clanked as it hit the ground where he threw it and a shot echoed through the forest on accident that had Violet barking frantically. It could have been Griffin's magic wringing the bullet from his shotgun to drop him dead – he didn't care. His fingers had the freedom to tangle in her purple tresses again and a moan greeted him on her lips when he pulled her to his mouth.
No. It didn't matter. It didn't matter what could have happened when she was in his arms, chest pressing into his with her ragged breaths. She returned his kisses, teeth sliding over his lips to mark her territory like her life depended on it although she could pick up his shotgun and leave a hole in his chest. All she had to do to get away with murder was part with several hairs and blink back the tears from having them torn away in his death grip. Yet, all she was grasping at were the lapels of his coat to hold him in the reach of her kisses. She was still giving him everything she had with the threat to her life gone. It was all the proof he could want.
Her legs wrapped around his waist as he hoisted her against the tree. The bandage on her calf was wet with blood under his fingers but she was pulling him closer like she'd lost her mind to love and couldn't understand it was impossible to push herself into him more. Her magic would be no use for healing in her state and his would be no use at all.
Her skin was still soft despite the odd chilliness that had fallen over it and broke under his teeth on her collar bone to let him have her blood. Her wet flesh welcomed him as he entered her once he'd pulled all the fabric of her dress and underwear out of his way. His fingers dipped under her neckline to find her breast but brushed over dried mud instead. The rough surface of confusion threw him back into a questioning stare aimed at her.
"My chest was pierced by the Obsidian belladonna your mothers pushed me on." Obsidian threads from the land ran through the plant to claim each part of it and give it a crown of crystal-edged petals. The black crust was like a blade that cut through the flesh to release the poison of the belladonna directly into the bloodstream. Only Griffin's magic had saved her life from the toxins rushing from the roots to the petals of the plant. "The blood from the wound would draw the dog to me for sure in case my deep frozen state interfered with my scent." She didn't have to tell him it had been mother Belladonna's idea and magic to do all of that to her.
Valtor ran his hands over every inch of her in his reach. Her skin had remained cold after a full night of running. He had refrained form startling her with his magic but the heat of it passed from him into her to leave her body all his to claim with Belladonna's frost retreating from it. Griffin was burning now, hot moans dropping from her mouth with every thrust as she reached a hand under her dress to stroke them both further into the heights of pleasure. His open-mouthed kisses to her neck let him feel every breath and his tongue leaving a warm, wet trail over the column of her throat had her gasping. He'd cover her all in himself to erase the horror they'd been subjected to.
"We have to get you out of here." His mothers would finish the hunt themselves if he came back to the mansion without a trophy for their walls.
"Get the dog out of here." Griffin's voice wavered as she moved her palm under his shirt to brace herself on his abs. She let out a shuddering sigh, eyelids falling over the suns of his world. "We don't need public. She already saw enough." Griffin licked her lips, head falling back to thud against the tree trunk lightly with every push of his hips into her. Her back would be bruised with reminders of the movements they'd shared like they were one.
Valtor's whistle had Violet's attention and he sent her to keep the perimeter clear. His mothers wouldn't dirty their hands right away and she could hold her own against any other Coven member to buy him and Griffin time to talk.
He'd spend eternity watching Griffin's face scrunched up in concentration as she grabbed at her pleasure, hips matching his motions, but they had no more than a couple hours. "We need a plan."
Griffin knit her eyebrows at his interruption. "I had one right before they dragged me out of my life. I found a small island of pure amethyst orbiting an uninhabited planet." Energy currents turned all kinds of crystal structures into mini heavenly bodies. Someone with her talents had no trouble finding all the curiosities of space. "I was going to go there. Live on the planet and meditate on the island to clear my thoughts and overcome my grief." Amethyst was good for that. Just the shade of her hair cleansed his mind from agony to leave him clutching harder at the purple strands to keep them from slipping through his fingers.
"I wasn't dead." Abandoned but not dead. Not yet. He'd retreated into the dreams of a sky set ablaze in violet by a rising sun. They'd become his poison and his cure until she'd come back to put his heart back together.
Griffin's eyes snapped open, tears gleaming all over their gold. "I was dead to you."
"Not dead. Never dead." His fingers slid over the top of her breast to the wound she'd closed with mud to make her the one shivering. Her cold, lifeless body stuffed in his mind would force him apart at the seams.
"I was hoping there I would come up with a strategy for future action," Griffin continued to distract him. She rolled her hips into him and gave him a moan to ensure her success.
"Good." He leaned in to pant against her ear. "You continue according to plan then." His mothers would never look for her there. The only resource they'd ever pursued was human lives. His job had been to keep her distracted so she'd do the groundwork unknowingly.
"What about you?" He could hear her frowning over the pain of her nails digging into his abs.
He grabbed her wrist and pressed it harder into him so she'd be branded over his body. "I can't come. They'd put everything into finding us. It'd be more dangerous."
Griffin pushed her body flush against him, all of her weight falling on his muscles with her back barely brushing the tree. Her teeth were gliding over his neck but she pierced him with her voice instead. "You can't go back without my corpse."
He kissed her forcefully, tongue stuffing her mouth to trap the words there. They'd suffocate with no oxygen and Griffin yielded to him for a moment, pulling him closer until they were out of breath.
They fell back on the tree and a whimper was forced from her lips. Their mouths were just an inch away, breath mingling between them in perfect harmony. He had to be the one to speak first and keep the magic alive.
"You left once because there were people who needed help." Because he'd lied to her that that wasn't the case to keep her to himself. Her heart was bigger than his and he'd tried to cut it down in fear of the difference between them.
"I'm not losing you again." Because her heart was so big, he had a home. And she could give the same to others, too. "Once you have a plan, we end this once and for all and you'll never leave my side again." He had to let go of her hand to slip his fingers between her legs and drive her wild with his love for her.
Griffin was the one grabbing his wrist now. "I don't want to leave you with them again." Her fingers clasped his in a firm grip despite the trembling of her body. "They'll pay you back for not bringing their plan for us to fruition."
"They can't. Without you they need someone else to open portals for them." He'd picked up enough from the time they'd spent together to do that job without giving her perfect results. No one else could fill that role for his mothers' plan and the punishment for letting Griffin escape hadn't been nearly severe enough thanks to his usefulness. "You already gave me a weapon against them." He stroked his fingers over her arousal. It was only his place to be the source of her shaking. She deserved all the pleasure she could stand.
"I've made you a weapon for them," Griffin arched into his touch to escape the guilt she was trying to pile on herself.
Valtor thrust into her with all the vigor she'd given him to make her eyes roll in the back of her head and her thighs quiver around him. "They won't get to use me long but you're the only one who can find out how to stop them. You have to be protected." If his mothers wanted her dead instead of brainwashed and turning Obsidian into their empire of slavery, then she was dangerous enough to bring them down. "I'll come for you. Now come for me."
It was not a scream of passion. It was an uttered love confession that made him weak in the knees. Supporting her was the only thing keeping him upright through his weakness. She was still bleeding – not just from her calf, but from her chest, too. If having his heart hadn't mended the wound he'd left on hers with his lies, he had to give her more. He had to send her away to heal so that the world could become a home for them again.
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thishintoflove · 4 years
"Bad Blood" - A Bloodsucking Bastards Fanfic
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TSwift Songfic Week Day 7 (we made it, ya’ll!)
Pairing: Max Phillips x F!Reader
Warnings: Mature but not explicit (still 18+ though please). Language, Non-descriptive mentions of sex, Blood drinking, Non-consensual vampirism
Warnings: You and Max were in a happy, established relationship until one night he accidentally goes too far... and you wake up as a vampire.
A/N: I actually had a lot of fun writing for Max, I hope he’s in-character enough! As a current MBA student, I’ve definitely experienced guys with his same “business bro” vibe.
You were going to be angry at him for the rest of eternity.
How many times did you tell him that you weren’t ready to be turned yet? It felt like a million times. You needed more time, you wanted to think about it more, it was a big decision…
And then he messed up. He made a mistake. It was an “accident”.
That didn’t mean you weren’t still pissed at him.
Did you think we'd be fine?
Still got scars on my back from your knife
So don't think it's in the past
These kind of wounds they last and they last
The night of “the incident” started like any other. You and Max have been dating for a couple of months at this point and you’ve established a regular nighttime routine. He’d come over after work, he’d watch you and distract you with kisses as you made dinner for yourself, you’d settle down together on the couch for a show or movie, and then he’d fuck your brains out until midnight.
It was a good routine and it worked well for you both. You didn’t mind that your boyfriend was a vampire, which meant you could never actually share a meal together. You ate your dinner at a normal hour, and then later in the night, Max would have his. Sometimes he’d leave your bed and go out on a midnight hunt but other nights... you let yourself be the meal. At first you were wary of letting him feed from you, but he promised he’d be gentle and he was. Working it into your sex life was just a bonus. It actually felt good most of the time. The venom stung at first but as soon as it worked its magic, it spread a numbing, calming sensation through your veins. Vampires wanted compliant prey, so you figured it made sense.
Tonight was one of those special nights. Max loved it, obviously. He swore your blood tasted better than any other human he’d tried so far. For your part, you were just pleased to see your boyfriend so giddy. You loved watching his face light up like a kid on Christmas when you responded ‘yes’ after he asked permission.
“You’re so good to me, baby,” he muttered, sucking your lower lip between his teeth as he kissed you. You moaned into his mouth and shifted your hips against his pelvis as you writhed beneath him on the bed. He had one leg between your thighs and your arms were wrapped around his shoulders and back, desperate for as much friction as possible.
“You feel so good,” you hummed, wanting to feel him everywhere. He pulled back a little and grinned down at you,
“Not as good as you, baby,” he replied. He trailed kisses along your jaw before moving down to your neck. You gasped and gripped the hair at the back of his head as he zeroed in on a particular spot. He devoted his entire focus to this new area- kissing and licking it until your entire body was covered in goosebumps.
His lips closed around the spot he was nuzzling and suddenly his teeth were sinking in. His tongue prodded at the raw spot as his teeth sunk beneath your skin, pulling a soft whimper out of you. The way he attacked the wound made you wince, all of his slowness and caution gone. The effect his feeding had on you was unsurprisingly intense-- one moment you couldn’t catch your breath, the next your breath came too fast.
Your teeth caught on your bottom lip but that did nothing to stifle your gasp as his hand slid to your thigh as he fed. The sound seemed to encourage him. All he did was suck-- suck the whole area dry of any moisture, and that suction was so hard it hurt but your body went flush with warmth and pleasure just the same. You always felt a little ashamed after, a little bit twisted and guilty when you recalled your enjoyment of this process.
Suddenly you felt more lightheaded then usual, and one of the last lingering threads of your rationality screamed at you to stop this. Max didn’t typically feed for this long- usually it was a couple of swallows and then he pulled back… but he wasn’t stopping this time.
“Max,” you gasped, knowing you couldn’t take much more-- you could feel your limbs going dangerously numb. “Max...stop...”
Your calls were soft, more pleading than insistent, and they didn’t seem to reach Max. He growled, the possessive sound echoing through your body. You could sense a wave of darkness crashing over your consciousness, and you realized that you were going to die. You were too weak to do anything, but you let out a sigh as the darkness took you. At least if you had to die now, you could say you died in the arms of someone who loved you.
But you didn’t die. Not really.
When you came back to yourself, Max was still there-- sitting as still as a stone statue at the end of the bed, watching you closely with wide, worried eyes.
You felt different. Everything seemed loud and bright, as if all your senses were supercharged. And your body… it felt… still. As if everything inside of you had just stopped, but your mind was still active. You finally realized what happened: you were dead. Or more accurately, you’d died and now you were a fucking vampire. A look of horror must have crossed your face because Max quickly reached for your hands and pleaded,
“I’m so sorry, love, please…. I didn’t mean to, you have to believe me-”
“Get. Out.”
Your voice was raw and strained. You couldn’t believe it. How could you have let this happen? How could he have let this happen? Max promised he’d always remain in control with you, but he didn’t. He couldn’t control himself and now you were a monster. Just like him.
“I never meant for it to go this far, but at least I stopped myself before you went dry!” Max babbled, desperately trying to meet your eyes but you remained frozen in place, staring at the wall. “You’re not dead, you’re just… like me now. That’s not so bad-”
“I said, get out, Max!” you yelled, ripping your hands away and standing from the bed. You crossed your arms across your chest, trying not to cry when you realized you couldn’t feel your own heartbeat. Then you realized you couldn’t cry either.
Max didn’t move to touch you again but you heard him stand from the bed- your new senses giving you a clear image in your mind of what he was doing even though your back was turned. “Baby, please listen-”
“Don’t make me say it again. You’ve done enough. Now leave me alone.”
He sighed, but he didn’t argue anymore. You remained frozen in place as he gathered his things and left your apartment. You didn’t move until you heard his car driving away down the street.
And when you did move, finally, you went hunting. Because the only thing you could focus on, besides your intense anger at Max, was your extreme desire for human blood.
Now we got problems
And I don't think we can solve them
You made a really deep cut
And baby now we got bad blood
You took two weeks paid vacation after Max turned you. Getting the time-off approved was easy since your boss was also your guilty (potentially ex) boyfriend.
When you did come back to the office, the other vampire employees welcomed you with open arms. You felt a little more like your old self as you jumped back into your regular work routine, but on your second day back Max called you into his office for a private meeting. You’d been avoiding him for two weeks- ignoring his texts, calls, and emails- and you braced yourself for the awkwardness of having your first conversation happen at the office.
“Glad to have you back,” he said, standing up behind his desk and gesturing for you to sit down.
You frowned at his casual tone. “Yeah. Well. Even vampires have to pay the bills, right?”
You thought you noticed his perfect grin falter for a moment before he quickly shook it off with a chuckle.
“That is so true. I’m glad to see you getting back into the swing of things.”
You merely hummed in response, eyeing him warily as he slowly circled his desk and came to stand right in front of you. His business smile slowly melted into a sultry smirk as he leaned forward towards you,
“So… is it safe to assume that you’re here because you’re ready to pick up where we left off?”
“Oh Max, I know you’re not that stupid,” you grumbled, glaring at him as he reached out to card his fingers through your hair.
“What do you mean?”
You responded by grabbing his hand and easily flipping him over your shoulder using all your new vampire strength, so that he landed hard on the ground behind your chair.
“You’re not forgiven. I’m still mad at you,” you growled, turning to look at him on the floor. He wasn’t actually injured, obviously, but he looked hurt and confused.
“Baby pleeeease, I miss you!” he whined, giving you a pouty face that you used to find adorable before he’d accidentally turned you into a damn vampire without your consent.
“Stop it. I told you I need more time.”
“Fine.” he pouted, standing up and smoothing out the wrinkles in his dress shirt. “I can wait. You’ll forgive me eventually.”
“We’ll see about that,” you said with a roll of your eyes.
“You will. You’ll realize that this is actually a gift. And I know I shouldn’t have done it so soon, but I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
You stood up from the chair and shook your head as you prepared to leave his office.
“Whatever you say, Max…”
Now did you think it all through?
All these things will catch up to you
And time can heal but this won't
So if you come in my way, just don't
“I have a surprise for you!”
Max’s sing-song voice interrupted your peaceful lunch break. As a vampire, you obviously had no need for human food, but you still preferred to take a break at lunch time. You were currently alone in the break room, reading a magazine and enjoying the silence. You frowned at Max as he waltzed into the room.
“No need to frown, baby! I brought you a treat.”
He was grinning and holding something behind his back. You carefully shook your head and lay down your magazine. “I’m not your baby anymore, Max.”
“Not right now maybe, but you’ll take me back after you see what I’ve brought you!”
“Fine, I’ll bite,” you replied with a roll of your eyes, “What is it?”
Max pulled the object from behind his back and held it out to you. You tilted your head, trying to figure out what it was, before you realized it was a blood bag. A hospital grade, completely filled, blood bag.
“I know you don’t like the idea of ‘getting messy’ during work hours-”
“You mean I don’t like committing murder and sucking people dry during work hours? Yes, you’re correct,” you interrupted, rolling your eyes again.
“Well… I found a solution for you. Easy, portable, delicious blood on-the-go!”
You frowned in disapproval. “You can’t just steal blood from donation centers!” you told him incredulously, not caring when his face fell at your disappointed tone, “Where did you even get this? The Red Cross? The hospital? There are people who really need this stuff!”
“Who cares?” Max replied, looking genuinely confused, “They’re all going to die at some point anyway.”
You shook your head, “This is why I wasn’t ready to be turned. You’ve lost your humanity and I’m not ready to jump onboard the ‘fuck the whole human race’ train yet. I know you thought you were being sweet, but this is wrong.”
“Oh. Well if you don’t want it…”
A growl rose in your throat as those words left his lips. As much as you disagreed with his methods, your new vampire instincts were screaming at you to snatch the blood bag from his hands and gulp it down until you were finally satisfied. The scent of the blood called to you, sang to you in the sweetest tone, and it was taking everything you had not to completely lose it right now.
“No, I’ll take it,” you said a little too quickly, reaching for the bag, “Just don’t do it again.”
Max smirked as he handed the blood bag over.
“That’s what I thought. I remember what it’s like to be a new vampire”, he said quietly, stepping closer to you, “how hungry you are before you’re able to improve your tolerance and time between feedings… I’m just trying to help you.”
He leaned forward and placed a small kiss on the top of your head, but you snarled and pushed him back. He merely chuckled as he watched you rip open the blood bag and begin to suck it down.
“That’s my girl,” he murmured. He backed away and casually leaned against the door frame. If you were thinking straight, you’d feel annoyed and even embarrassed to have him watch you sink into a feeding frenzy but your human mind was long gone. So you sucked every drop of blood from the bag as he stared in admiration.
Oh, it's so sad to think about the good times
You and I
'Cause baby now we got bad blood
As much as you were still angry at Max, you really did miss him.
Things were going really well in your relationship before he made the fatal mistake. You had a lot in common. You were both focused on succeeding at work, you both hated whining and incompetence, and you shared a similar sense of humor. But you weren’t sure how you were supposed to forgive such a major breach of trust.
Rationally you knew it was a mistake and that you’d agreed to him feeding from you in the first place, and accidents happen… but the irrational side of you wanted to stay mad at him. It was easier to have someone to blame. It let you off the hook as you tried to grapple with your new reality and decide if it was something you really did want. Being a vampire really wasn’t that bad, once you got used to it...
“You heading home soon? It’s past six.”
Speak of the devil…
Max’s voice interrupted your thoughts and you glanced up at him. He was hovering at the edge of your desk, his briefcase in one hand and his jacket over his arm. He gave you a small smile but his eyes were cautious, knowing that you were still mercurial around him.
“Yeah I’m just wrapping things up. I have one more report summary, and then I’ll go.”
“Okay,” he said, nodding, “Keep up the good work then. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He was letting you go, and something about that made your non-beating heart soften. He was already walking toward the door when you called out,
“Or I could head out now…”
He slowly turned, and you knew him well enough to recognize that he was desperately trying to hide a smirk.
“Great, I’ll hold the elevator for you.”
You smiled and grabbed your bag. You weren’t going to let him off the hook just yet, but you knew you’d be able to forgive him someday. After all, you had all of eternity.
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keelywolfe · 4 years
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FIC: Pet the Kitty ch.2 (spicyhoney standalone)
Summary: Edge does not resent that his cat is utterly shameless when it comes to Stretch. (He just wishes he could do the same)
Notes: This was supposed to be a oneshot but achirding had a thought and it became chapter 2! Based entirely on their idea, please enjoy!
Tags:  Spicyhoney, Lemon Goodness, Rough Sex, Yearning, Jealous of a Damn Cat
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
Edge lay back on the sheets, panting, legs clumsily sprawled apart and one arm dangling off the side of the bed. His long fingers grazed against the carpeted floor, the sharpened tips catching as he tried to convince his wits to gather themselves back together in a coherent fashion. Slumped next to him, Stretch was much the same or at least Edge could pretend that his gaspy breathing was not only from exertion. If they were both equally overwhelmed, then there was no winner, was there, no matter what Stretch’s sly grin said.
The radio was on and playing cheerful pop music, a feeble concession to his neighbors, and Edge had long since moved the bed against an unshared wall where the thump of the headboard wouldn’t earn any irritated shouts or worse, glares in the hallway on the way down to get his mail.
Edge shifted again, grimacing as the linen beneath him clung clammily to his bones. They would need washing again, he noted absently, the sheets. Damp with sweat and other various fluids, heavy with the cloying scent of magic tangled in sex, spicy-sweet. Black sheets, the color not chosen for its aesthetic but for its tendencies to hide stains and purchased more recently than Edge wanted to admit. Before Stretch, his sheets had been simple and utilitarian, simple white cotton washed once a week with hot water and strong detergent. It took less than one night with Stretch to convince him that those would no longer suit. Once Edge found himself inviting Stretch over to put the bed to regular use, he’d gone for something a little more pleasing. It was well worth the price of a higher thread count when they slid against his bones as he was dragged across them, knees and elbows digging in as he scrabbled to brace himself or the achingly sensitive rub of his sacrum grinding into the softer linens. Sheets that hid a multitude of stains and were gentle against bones? More than worth the price.
Sex with Stretch was not what he’d expected when they first started this. For one, for such a lazy shit, he had more stamina that Edge would ever have expected and that blasted, obnoxious attitude of his was much less annoying when coupled with a sly grin and a tongue that was clever with far more than silly puns.
Sex with Stretch. Words that Edge would never have imagined putting together in a sentence that included himself, but if he’d ever managed to put aside his disbelief long enough to consider it, he would have pictured himself as the one in charge. Taking control, guiding their sexual calisthenics to the foregone conclusion. But from their very first time Stretch trod right over the very idea to pin Edge down, his slim fingers bracketing Edge’s wrists like cuffs of bone and keeping them there until he’d crudely teased out a first orgasm with nothing more than the subtle, rhythmic pressure of his knee.
Thus far, he’d dominated every one of their encounters and even less believable to him was that Edge found he liked it. Fuck that, he could at least be honest with himself in the privacy of his own mind; he loved it. Loved being able to lie back and hand over the steering wheel to someone else, his usual iron need to command shoved firmly into the backseat while he could only shudder with bliss, writhe against his expensive sheets and take what was forcibly given to him in hitherto unknown delight.
If there was any minor complaint, it was only the increase in his laundry and…ah. Well. There was one other issue.
Edge felt the faint brush of soft fur briefly against his dangling hand and then Doomfanger leapt on the bed, her loud baby cry demanding attention as she butted her head rudely against Stretch’s bare hip.
“hey, there, pretty miss.” Stretch automatically reached down to pet her, scratching the delicate points of her ears as she began to purr loudly enough that Edge could feel the vibration through the mattress. Edge bit back the entirely unreasonable demand for that easy affection to return to him. The faint ache at his pubis, the disjointed feel of his hips and knees was a fair sign he’d just gotten plenty of attention, not to mention his very recent memory of Stretch’s tongue curling wetly against his cunt. Driving into him as Edge tipped his head back and stared unseeing at the ceiling until he could no longer bear it. Closing his sockets achingly tight, his hands scrabbling desperately over Stretch’s skull and leaving behind faint scratches as he arched up and came.
He’d had all of that not even a half hour ago and he refused to be jealous of his damned cat, even when Stretch cooed to her about being a pretty girl while he struggled to his feet. His knees seemed to still be unsteady and Edge bit the tip of his tongue against asking Stretch to stay at least long enough for his joints to settle.
Pathetic to quibble about the aftermath. He’d gotten what he wanted, Stretch gave as good as he got and took what he wanted from these…sessions. Whatever else he wanted was as nebulous as the night sky Stretch liked to watch with the others, their telescopes set up in the backyard as they went over star charts and internet pages, and Edge sometimes brought them hot chocolate and snacks, listened to Stretch’s teasing laughter and silly puns, and it made some emotion clench in Edge’s chest that felt almost the same as seeing Stretch being so gentle and sweet to his cat.
Doomfanger made a sound of displeasure as Stretch stopped petting her to skin into his pants, the waistband already drooping enticingly down his pelvis as he hauled his hoodie over his head and hid the exposed bone. Something rattled in his hoodie pocket and Stretch reached into it with one hand, gripping beneath the cloth. He coughed faintly and looked ill at ease as he said, “oh, uh, by the way, i brought you something.”
That made Edge blink in surprise. Presents certainly weren’t a regular occurrence, past the one time Stretch brought a sackful of Chinese takeout with him, both of them slurping delicious noodles and fried rice right from the waxy white containers, and when Stretch finally pushed him down on the sofa, his kiss tasted of orange chicken and soy sauce, rich and ridiculously delicious.
This was no cheap offering. The box Stretch pulled out of his pocket was long and narrow, bearing the mark of a local jeweler. He held it out wordlessly and Edge tugged the sheet carelessly over his lap before he took it, his fingers trembling faintly as he lifted the lid to see the contents.
A collar.
All the heady anticipation rising in him deflated, draining out of him like water through a sieve. It was a lovely collar to be sure, obviously handcrafted and the leather precisely stamped with a delicate skull motif surrounded by ornate curlicues and shapes. Dangling from it was a gold tag etched in flowing script, a single word, his own name, ‘Papyrus.’
Lovely, yes, but it was difficult to stifle his rising disappointment. Of all the gifts in all the world that Stretch could give him, it was something for his cat.
Ridiculous, he told himself savagely. It was a gift and certainly a pricy one, and he was not about to let Stretch see any ingratitude for it.
“It’s lovely,” he admitted, and he could only helplessly admire the way Stretch lit up, his odd uncertainly brightening into dazzling glee.
“yeah? i was hoping you’d like it, i…i wasn’t sure,” he laughed a little unsteadily, “i spent a lot of time thinking about it, you know?”
“Of course I like it,” Edge assured him. He hefted it in one hand, admiring the dark leather against the paleness of his bones. It was certainly excellent craftsmanship and if its intended audience wasn’t likely to fully appreciate that, then Edge could certainly do it in her place.
“good, that’s good, ‘cause i was thinking—” Stretch trailed off as Edge pulled Doomfanger over, ignoring her plaintive meows as he slipped off her old collar, a basic affair from the local pet store, and carefully fastened on the new one. He noted grudgingly that the dark brown leather looked even better against her wheaten fur. She twisted in his hold, tail lashing as she tried to see what he was to do to her, and Edge soothed a hand down her spine as he adjusted her new adornment.
He frowned, tugging at the collar. It slid far too loosely, he could easily fit three fingers or more beneath it and the buckle was on the very last hole. “Hm, it’s a little big.” He glanced at Stretch and his face was falling into dismay, his previous delight fading. Edge added hastily, “Of course, it shouldn’t be a problem to add another hole.” Or three, honestly, the creator should have asked for a better measure before he made it. It was a shame to see any shoddiness in such lovely work.
A hectic flush was rising in Stretch’s face, a bright mottled orange against his cheekbones and Edge cursed himself for bringing it up. He could have had it adjusted without saying anything and instead he’d made Stretch self-conscious about his gift. “I love it,” Edge said, trying for reassurance.
From the way Stretch flinched, his attempt was miserable failure. “…great. yeah. that…that’s great.” Stretch ducked his head and ran a hand over his skull, slim fingers clattering softly over the bone. “i’m glad. um. i guess i better get going.”
It was peculiar to see him so discomfited and uncertain, especially here in his bedroom. Stretch fairly oozed confidence whenever they were together, and Edge let that dominance wash over him every time with the force of an ocean wave, trusting enough to give himself over to Stretch’s control.
Trust, yes, he trusted Stretch in a way Edge never had another, and a renewed sense of guilt filled him for making Stretch think he didn’t like his gift when honestly Edge never expected any to begin with. Edge wasn’t particularly skilled in seduction in any sense of the word, but this time he made an attempt. He gently pushed Doomfanger aside despite her offended yowl of protest to lounge back on the messy sheets, stroking a hand down his femur in generous offering as he tried out a purr of his own, “Are you sure?”
Pale eye lights flicked over his bare bones lingeringly, tracing his femurs, his pelvis, the scarred bones of his ribs, only to falter at the level of his chin. Stretch only stepped further away, towards the door as he stammered out, “y-yeah. see you later.” And with that, he turned abruptly on his heel and walked out, closing the door quietly behind him.
Edge sighed and flopped back again without any pretense of eroticism, dragging the comforter over his suddenly chilled bones. Fanger took that as an invitation of sorts, picking her way delicate across the sheets to settle into Edge’s covered lap. He stroked her soft fur and tried to push aside his unreasonable upset. It certainly wasn’t her fault Stretch gave her a present. It was still difficult to even believe. A present for his damned cat, even if it was a lovely one. Edge rubbed his knuckles against Fanger’s throat where the purring vibration met the collar, fingered soft fur and leather. When he touched the delicate tag, it tinkled against the bare bone with a bell-like chime. Absently, he traced his name with a fingertip, the delicate, curling script flowing across glimmering metal. His name.
A flashbulb went off inside his head with a near blinding pop and Edge was scrambling to his feet before he even fully understood, snatching clothes haphazardly from the floor and hopping on one foot as he struggled to pull up his trousers, already calling a frantic, “Wait!”
The pavement was cold against his bare feet as he dashed outside and Edge paid it no mind, jogging out to the sidewalk to look down the street. The sidewalk was empty, hardly a surprise, Stretch wasn’t about to walk home when a quick shortcut would do. He stood there uselessly in rumpled trousers, his unbuttoned shirt hanging open and his hands dangling emptily at his sides as he groaned aloud, a frustrated, wordless growl. He was an idiot, an absolute fool, and—
“looking for something?”
Edge whirled around with a gasp, his soul pounding. Stretch was leaning against the side of the building, a cigarette in hand, and the sight of him, slouched down in that ridiculous hoodie of his and a curious, lopsided smile curving his mouth did unreasonable things to Edge’s soul.
“More like someone,” Edge said. He took a step closer and hesitated, assaulted with vague uncertainty as he asked, “That…that wasn’t for my cat, was it.”
That smile widened teasingly, “dunno, it did look pretty good on her.”
Edge swallowed hard, his mouth suddenly dry. “Stretch—”
He shrugged and took a drag off his cigarette, exhaling a perfect smoke ring that drifted towards Edge, hovering briefly over his head in a nicotine-tainted halo. “guess it’s for whoever you think should wear it.”
An offer and a compromise in one, giving him the choice. As if there was one. Edge licked his teeth, their sharp points prickling lightly against his tongue, watched Stretch watching him, that slow, sinuous movement crackling in his darkening eye lights.
“Come put it on me?” Edge asked hoarsely.
“i can do that, kitten,” Stretch said, only his voice was the one purring, titillatingly rough, shivering its way down Edge’s spine. He tossed his cigarette aside and stepped forward, his touch cool against Edge’s suddenly overheated face as Stretch cupped it in both gentle hands and kissed him.
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“Shaking It Off...?’: Is the Magicians Surviving Post-Quentin in Season Five?
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 Editor’s Note: Spoilers for the current season of The Magicians lie ahead. Read at your own risk.
 I still can’t listen to it.
 Every time I was at work, the radio loved to drop in Taylor Swift. I admit it. I love Taylor Swift. It was earned respect so I won’t knocked it. However, when I heard ‘Shake It Off,’ I changed the station. Why? Because I was reminded every time.
 The Magicians Episode 4, Season 1…Quentin Coldwater in the mind asylum. Him singing it. It was a turn left moment in a somewhat serious scene that was hilarious.
 But I was always reminded when I heard the song. Now…
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 Quentin Coldwater was dead.
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 In case you missed it, the fourth season of The Magicians went out with a bang. In order to save the world and his friends, Quentin Coldwater sacrificed himself. It was a heartbreaking moment and yes, there were tears at the gang’s tribute to him with a cover of ‘Take on Me.’ It was also shocking because who would have thought a show would kill off their main character, the character that viewers are brought into the show by. Even ballsier? Leaving the main character dead, confirmed immediately after the episode aired that night by way of internet interviews from the producers.
 That was the world viewers were coming into walking into Season Five.  Unlike Supergirl which I dropped in Season Four due to the on-the-nose political writing, I was curious to see how the writers would play the death of their main character.
 So how was it?
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 Did Someone Order an Apocalypse?: Raising the Stakes in Season Five
 After a season where magic was rationed out, this season was different. Now there was too much magic. How much? So much that people were exploding for crying out loud.
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 As a result, there were plot threads being introduced. You had Penny being made a professor at Brakebills and dealing with the presence of a signal that one of his Traveler students was hearing. You had Kady struggling with being the leader of the hedgewitches while being in the middle of a mystery involving the disappearance of a book depository. Most importantly, there was a Pig running around, encountering Julia and saying an apocalypse was coming.
 Hm…the end of everything. While the Magicians has had moments that were life and death, I do not think it has actually dealt with an apocalypse. It sounded so Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And it was during one of these moments of too much magic that the apocalypse was supposed to happen.
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 And this was all in light of the fact that Quentin was only dead a month. Alice, Julia, and Elliot were the ones who were hit the hardest by his passing. Julia was Quentin’s best friend. Alice was Quentin’s girlfriend. Elliot was his woulda, coulda, shoulda. But as usual, the world as they knew it needed saving.
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 And there were casualties on the way to the apocalypse. Penny lost his ability to control his Traveler abilities so much so that he could accidentally kill himself now. Dean Fogg was lost to a whole dimension in Kady’s pursuit of the book depository. In the gang’s attempt to stop the apocalypse, they succeeded. But there was a BUT.
 WRONG apocalypse.
 All that struggle. Encountering goddesses with agendas. The return of evil hedge witch Marina who was behind the depository mystery. Kady almost was killed by an assassin. Elliot and Margo got stuck in a time loop.
 It was all for the wrong apocalypse. You see the Pig was talking about a whole other apocalypse that was coming. One that appeared to be tied into another plot thread from last season involving Elliot and Margo being trapped at one point in the Narniasque land of Fillory 300 years in the future and its future ruler the Dark King.
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 The Power of Three: Character Development in Season Five
 Magic comes from pain.
 Eliot said that to Quentin in the first season. Over the course of the seasons, that has truly held up quite well. Going into Season Five, there was still plenty of it. And that brought me to the character development for Julia, Alice, and Eliot specifically. Their pain. Their grief over Quentin’s death.
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 I loved Julia’s Season Four arc. The ‘is she or isn’t she still a goddess?’ arc. She had been practically redeemed in Season Three. She had sacrificed her being on a higher plane for her friends. And where did she go from here? From here led to a new relationship with Penny, getting to get close with her best friend Quentin again, and have a chance to be a full goddess again. However, that was snatched away from her by the Monster and so was Quentin. She was human again with no magic…until her pain over Quentin’s death, bringing her magic back to the surface.
 And that miracle was what was driving Julia this season. She was determined to not have Quentin’s death be in vain. She was going to stop those apocalypses. She was so determined that it was revealing cracks in her relationship with Penny. In fact, they broke up…just in time to find out that Julia was pregnant. So would Julia keep focusing on stopping apocalypses to honor Quentin’s memory, or would she focus on herself and her future which may or may not include Penny?  Oh, the dilemma…
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 And then we had Alice…
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 Honestly, I haven’t liked Alice since Season 2. She was cute. She was brainy. She wore glasses. And Niffin experience, while a great plot twist for those of us who hadn’t read the books, really tainted her. And any sympathy she got for her pain was destroyed by betraying the gang by helping the Library at the end of Season Three. I enjoyed everyone giving her the business in Season Four. 
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So I was saddened to see Quentin take her back. Especially with someone better hanging in the wings.  
That said…the pain that Alice felt for Quentin dying. The staying in her room. Her wearing his clothes. Her trying to resurrect him. That felt real. And for the first time, Alice felt like a person again. She felt like Alice. And as the current season has progressed, a new persona has taken over: old Alice. The last few episodes had brought back the brainy, the problem solving, and dare I say it the cute Alice from the early seasons. From the darkness, she had come back into the light.
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 And finally, there was Eliot. Eliot spent the majority of Season Four possessed by an ancient Monster. A Monster who was on a mission to resurrect his even more dangerous sister. In the process of Eliot trying to find a way to contact Quentin, Margo, and the gang, it was revealed that there was a scene not revealed to the audience. Back during the Season 3, Episode 5 episode “A Day in the Life,” Quentin and Eliot were trapped in a time loop of sorts and lived a whole life together. Fell in love. Had a child together. Died. In the end, quick thinking brought them back. And it was over…right?
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 It turned out that Quentin and Eliot had had a talk. Proof of concept. Most people took a chance when they got into a relationship. Here they had a whole lifetime and saw they worked together. So…Quentin wanted to make it real. The debatably straight character wanted to give it a go…but Eliot pulled away. Being trapped in a Monster gave Eliot that push. The push he needed to get free and tell Quentin that he was ready to give it a go.
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  So of course…Quentin died.
 And just like that…they became Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s Tara and Willow. They became like The 100’s Clarke and Lexa. What did I mean? I meant that the ‘Bury Your Gays’ trope struck again. You know, the trope in literature and tv where two people of the same sex cannot be happy and if they found happiness it usually ended in tragedy. And the fact that Quentin got some form of closure with Alice in terms of their relationship while he did not with Eliot was quite the tragedy for fans.
 While I personally would have liked to see some closure for those two (called Queliot by their fans) due to the relatability of their situation (which happened more in real life than people thought), I was pleased to see that in the latest season that Eliot was definitely dealing with his unsolved feelings about Quentin. Not only did he find some closure to it, he even got to some closure with Alice as well since they had quite a bit to deal with between each other. Bonus, Eliot had been bantering with the Dark King, this season’s potential Big Bad who happened to be flirting with Eliot.
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 A happy ending for our resident gay man? This is The Magicians. So…iffy. LOL!!! Especially after that reveal in Episode 9.  So time would tell how the relationship between Eliot and Sebastian the Dark King would resolve itself.
 Speaking of…
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 Pieces of a Puzzle: Using Plot Threads that Work Well in Season Five
 While a lot of the seasonal plot arc had to do with the gang dealing with apocalypses, there was also the arc having to do with the Dark King who usurped Margo’s rule of Fillory. Fans got to meet him in a clever introduction during Alice’s and Eliot’s quest to give closure to Quentin. Thus, the tension between Sebastian the Dark King and Eliot began.
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 In another blog I did ( https://someplace-that-is-else.tumblr.com/post/183733192088/well-fuck-how-i-fell-into-syfys-the ), I mentioned that protagonists were only as good as their antagonists. The more complex the antagonist, the better. And if the Dark King was to be the main villain this season, the writers did him right. On one hand, there was the burgeoning relationship between him and Eliot and the fact that Fillory worshipped him for his ability to push back the invading Takers. On the other hand, it was revealed HE was behind the Takers being in Fillory in the first place and was immortal to being killed. Add on to that the reveal in Episode 9:  Sebastian was one of the Chatwin siblings, brother to the Beast…
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...still the best villain in this series. His goal:  to resurrect his lost love. Given the gang was dealing with the aftermath of Quentin’s death, how could they not relate? How could we? Things were more murky.
 Meanwhile, there was the mystery of the signal. As mentioned earlier, the increase in magic meant there were a lot of new traveler magicians coming into their abilities with no one to guide/teach them. Enter Penny the only Traveler alive to tell the tale. At first Penny was reluctant, but he attempted to. That was how he met Plum, one of his students who was hearing the mysterious signal. In the process of hearing the signal, Penny lost his abilities. And to add on to the mystery…Plum...
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... was ALSO a Chatwin. Whom daughter…Jane, the Beast aka Martin or Sebastian…remained to be seem.
 And then there were two.
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 Finally, there was the world seed. I had greatly enjoyed seeing Alice morph back into her brainy persona that I remembered from the first two seasons. At the same time, she had started a bantering friendship with another magician who was some expert in possibilities. And from some notes left around by Quentin, Alice and this student had been creating a world seed. The belief…that it could create a whole new world. Leave it to Quentin to be gone, but NOT forgotten.
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 How that would come into play with Plum, the Dark King’s plans, and the Fillory apocalypse was too early to know. It was recently announced by the SyFy Channel that they had cancelled The Magicians. Insert eyeroll here given my colorful history with SyFy. However, the producers of The Magicians have always mentioned that they wanted to adapted the last book in the series The Magicians’s Land for one of their seasons. And all signs of what I knew to happen in the book revealed this current season was loosely based on that book (in the book Quentin was still alive for example). So it would be interesting to see how it all ended for everyone.
 With a bang…or a whimper?
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  #themagicians #syfychannel #syfy #whoorderedanapocalypse #buffythevampireslayer #buffyreference #glory #seasonfive #taylorswift #quentincoldwater #shakeitoff #aha #takeonme #apocalypse #supergirl #raisingthestakes #plotthreads #characterdevelopment #grief #queliot #writing #narnia #darkking #magic #buryyourgays #powerofthree #puzzlepieces #signal #seed #withabang #withawhimper
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oskea93 · 5 years
Think of You Part Six
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Hey guys!!!  It’s been a long time and i’m sorry for the wait. So this is the pivotal chapter when the relationship between Caroline and Nikki begin. The chapter contains smut.... I personally suck at writing smut, so if it’s terrible, i’m sorry. So from here on out, the story will consist of my own ideas and also the story timeline. Everything that happens in the movie will happen in this story but i’ve added twist and turns to go with it. 
So with that, I hope you guys enjoy this update. Please let me know what you think. I love reading the comments you guys leave! If you would like to be tagged in the story, please let me know!!! 
Warning: Smut, Language
He was amazing.
They were all amazing! The way they interacted with the crowd and made the stage their own was incredible. Even though their music was much heavier than the stuff I listen too, I couldn’t help but dance along as they rocked out. Even though it was hotter than Hades outside, the four guys showed no sign of slowing down. They hydrated themselves with bottles of Jack Daniels, which wasn’t exactly smart, but it seemed to make them even more energized. I was in total awe.
The set must have lasted an hour before they came running off stage. Nikki was second to last, carting his bass with him. I watched as Tommy scooped Mac into his arms, running off with her down the ramp. Vince ran off with the girl from before and Mick walked off last with a Jack Daniels bottle. Before I could say anything to Nikki, he pulled me into his arms and pressed his lips to mine. I was a little shocked at first but I slowly started to kiss back as well. My arms wrapped around his sweaty neck as his snaked around my waist.
“How’d you enjoy the show?” Nikki asked between kisses. I was so caught up in his lips that his question was blocked out. “Caroline?”
“What?” I snapped out of my little daze. He started laughing, repeating his question. “Oh-”I started. “It was great!” I exclaimed. “You guys were amazing.” A huge smile spread across his face. The smile was short lived seeing as I dove right back to his lips. There was something about those lips and the kissing, I needed more and more. The kissing became so intense that I didn’t even realize Nikki had hoisted me up against the wall, causing my legs to wrap around his waist. This was so out of character for me but he was so intoxicating!
“Get it Sixx!” A voice yelled out. I opened my eyes to see who the voice belonged too, soon realizing how close I was to having sex right in front of these people. “Nikki-“ I muttered. “We have to stop.” I pulled my face away from his. He took this as an advantage to go for my neck, making my insides grow more with want. I never had a man make me feel this way and I was liking it. I was starting to give into my inhibitions as his lips, tongue, and teeth teased my poor neck. My parents would have a heart attack if they were to appear at this moment. Their perfect little girl, who attended Sunday School and got perfect grades, was now pushed against a grubby wall with her legs wrapped around the waist of a rock star…. Where did they go wrong?
“Nikki.” I moaned. Oh God, no one has ever made me moan like that before. At this point, I don’t know whether it was my anxiety or the fact that I really was about to have sex in public, but I quickly pushed his body away from mine.
“What’s the matter?” Nikki asked breathlessly. “Did I do something wrong?”
I quickly adjusted my romper, trying not to make eye contact with those that were around us. I knew they were watching, waiting for Nikki and I to give them another show. “Caroline?” Nikki spoke again. I didn’t want to look at him but I could hear the worry in his voice. This was probably the first time a girl has ever pushed him away.
“I, uh-“ I started to stutter. “I’m, uh, I’m sorry.” I was so flustered due to my own thinking and also due to the fact that I wanted his lips back on mine or just anywhere on my body. Oh my gosh, Caroline! What are you even saying?! Who is this person and what did she do with the old Caroline Daniels?
Nikki stared at me for a second before a huge grin spread across his face and he started to laugh. I could feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Was he laughing at me? He probably thought I was such a dork. “What’s so funny?” I asked.
He continued to laugh as his arm wrapped back around my waist, pushing me against the wall yet again. My heart, which was already beating hard, started to race even harder. The warm feeling that I had felt earlier was coming back and I was starting to lose control once again.
His laughing died down, a smirk taking its place. “You’re absolutely gorgeous.” Oh yeah, my heart was defiantly about to pop out of my chest now. I could feel his fingers dancing along my back. I was praising and also kicking myself for wearing a romper with a low-cut back.  “You wanna get out of here?” His eyes turned a deeper shade of green, his voice lowering down an octave. All I could do was nod my head, my ability to speak throwing itself out the window. I watched as Nikki laced our fingers together, leading the way down the hall.
In the mist of my sexual frustration, I had forgotten all about Mac and where she could be. I know she made off with Tommy but surely she wouldn’t have left without telling me. I tried to look for her as I trailed behind Nikki but she was nowhere to be found. As I was looking for Mac, I didn’t realize that Nikki had stopped, causing me to crash into his body. “You okay?” He asked. We were stopped in front of a dressing room door. “I’m fine.” I gave him a small smile. “I thought we were leaving?” I asked.
The same smirk from before spread across his lips, “I have to change.”
It didn’t occur to me that he needed to change before leaving the building. I figured he was gonna go out in public with his costume on, I don’t think he would care anyway. Before I could say anything else, he pushed the door open, pulling me into the room with him. I stood in the middle of the room as he closed and locked the door behind him. His eyes never leaving mine, making me very anxious (in a good way).
“I could step out so you can change or maybe turn my back, and you just tell me when you’re ready.” I was rambling again. As I rambled, Nikki slowly made his way towards me, that damn smirk still plastered on his face. “You have a magazine? I can read a maga-“
His lips connected with mine, ceasing anymore words from coming out of my mouth. My arms instantly wrapped around his neck as his found their favorite spot, my waist. The kissing started out slow but quickly sped up and became more feverish. My fingers threaded through his dark hair as his lips traveled down my neck and collarbone. Moans were flying out of my mouth as he nipped, kissed, and sucked on the exposed skin. Even though I loved the feeling of his lips on my neck and chest area, I wanted those lips all to myself. I don’t know what possessed me to be so rough but I pulled him back by the hair, reconnecting our lips. I became so preoccupied by those lips that I didn’t even realize he was walking us towards the couches at the edge of the room. Hell, I didn’t even notice when I landed on my back and Nikki was right on top of me. I was in another world, a world of ecstasy!
I can count on one hand how many times I’ve had sex.
Each of those times seemed to be the same experience but just involved a different guy. It was the same position, feeling, and it was downright boring. I’ve heard Mac and other girls talk about having the best orgasms of their life. I remember Mac telling me that one guy she had sex with made her orgasm numerous times but also made her scream so loud the neighbors heard her! She told me about the different positions and the way his tongue did most of the pleasing. I couldn’t even get a guy to use tongue when kissing me, let alone go down “there” and use his tongue. To say I was jealous would be an understatement. I wanted to feel that way. I wanted a guy to please me in that way….
“Nikki-” I was losing control. My moans were growing louder and louder. “Nikki, please?” I was shaking at this point as Nikki’s tongue worked it’s magic. It happened in a matter seconds. Last time I checked my romper was still on and all we were doing was kissing. The next thing I know, I’m completely naked and Nikki’s head is in-between my legs. I don’t even know how I got to this point but I wasn’t gonna stop him either. If this was the feeling Mac was talking about, then I’ve defiantly been missing out!
Did that really just happen?
I looked in the mirror, seeing a very disheveled image staring back at me. My hair was no longer in a ponytail and showed that it had been pulled and messed with extensively. My hair was mainly my fault but the discolored places on my neck and collarbone belonged to Nikki Sixx. I should have known that there would be marks on my body when it was happening but I was in another world and didn’t care. The hair I could fix but there was no way to cover the marks he had made. Maybe I have some foundation I can put on them! I began to look through my bag but was disappointed to see that I only had lipstick. That for sure wasn’t going to help me. Maybe Nikki had something I could use to cover up with. A scarf would be too noticeable, but maybe he had a jacket or something.
I began to look around the room. Parts of his stage clothes were thrown on the floor, along with the high heeled boots he had worn. I didn’t see anything I could use as a cover-up. Hopefully, he would just take me home and I won’t have to worry about going out in public.
“Hey babe-“ I quickly snapped into a standing position as his voice rang from the bathroom. Seconds later, he emerged in street clothes and his hair at a normal height. His face was bare and I could see the small stubble that circled his mouth. It was the same stubble I had felt earlier tonight. “You ready?”
“Ready for what?” I asked. Was there something I needed to be ready for? He continued to smile, taking my hand in his and leading us towards the door. I watched as he unlocked the door, showing us the outside world once again. “Where are we going?” I decided to ask. I would totally be up for something to eat right about now.
“Doc and the record company are throwing us a party tonight.” He began. “It’s more of a celebratory thing.” He sounded excited. I mean I would be excited too if my band just performed in front of thousands of people and killed it. The only problem was that I wasn’t excited to go in front of people, especially with all these marks on my body. I even had marks on my thighs, my thighs! As soon as they lay eyes on me they would know what we did. Even though we didn’t have traditional intercourse, oral sex is still considered a sexual act. They would probably think I was a whore and only with Nikki for his fame. I mean if I saw someone that was in my shoes, I would probably think that of them as well….
“It’s about time you go here!”
I flinched as Mac pulled me into her arms. She was super drunk, so it was untelling how many drinks she’s had. “Where have you been?” She slurred as she pulled away from. She had a giant, drunk smile on her face as she examined me closely. I knew that she could already tell what I had done. Mac and I had a sixth sense like that. Her sixth sense seemed to work better than mine though.
I cleared my throat nervously, “We’ve been at the venue; Nikki had to change.” What a crappy excuse, Caroline. “The traffic’s pretty bad too.” She looked at me knowingly, glancing back to Nikki, who was speaking with Tommy. “Bullshit.” She simply stated. She quickly grabbed me by the arm, telling Nikki that she had to speak to me in private, before pulling me through the crowd of people. She pulled me into the less crowded kitchen, lightly pushing me against the cabinets. “Spill.”
My eyes went wide at her demand, “Spill what?” I stuttered. She rolled her eyes as she took another drink from her cup. “Nothing happened, Mac.” I lied. She knew I was lying. I mean you can take one look at my neck and see that I was lying. I don’t know why I was trying to hide it. Mac was my best friend. I could tell her anything, but I didn’t want her knowing what I had just let happen.
“I know you fucked Nikki.” She said matter-of-factly. “You have fucking hickies all over your neck, Caroline.” I grimaced at her choice of wording. I always hated when people used that word to describe sex.
“I can assure you I didn’t have sex with him, Mackenzie.” I muttered. “We just-“ I tried to form the right words. “We just fooled around a little.”
She let out an annoyed laugh, “You’re totally lying right now.”
Before I could defend myself, a group of people flooded into the kitchen, making more noise than was necessary. I looked over at Mac, “Can we just talk about this later.” I asked weakly. She nodded her head before leaving me to rejoin the party. I could tell she was mad but I didn’t feel like explaining myself right now. The more I thought about it, the more upset I became. I soon followed her lead and went back out to the living room. The scene was wild. People were having sex all over the place: on the couch, against the wall, on the stairs, and in the closets. The people that weren’t having sex were either drinking alcohol or doing drugs off the furniture. It was total debauchery!
My head snapped in the direction of my name being yelled. Nikki was waving his arm in the air, signaling for me to join him on the couch. I made my way through the wall of people, finally reaching the white couch where Nikki was sitting. There were other girls sitting on the couch as well, all of them giving me dirty looks as I took my seat. They were scantily dressed in short skirts and tops that showed their stomachs. They had patent leather high heels with fishnet stockings. Their hair was sky high and their faces were caked with makeup. I couldn’t help but feel underdressed. I didn’t have sky high hair or my face full of makeup. My hair was in a tight ponytail and most of my makeup had worn off during the concert and of course the after show festivities. My romper showed a bit of skin but nothing like their outfits. I also didn’t have heels on. I hated high heels and they were a pain to walk in. I don’t see how they could walk in those things. Plus, how can you wear fishnet stockings?
“Where’d you go?” Nikki’s lips landing on my bare shoulder brought me out of my thoughts. I turned to look at him confused. Mac had told him and Tommy that she needed to talk to me, was he not listening? I explained to him that Mac needed to speak to me in private but I don’t think it mattered anyway. His lips continued to nip at my shoulder. I couldn’t help but look over at the other girls that were still perched on the couch. They were boring holes into my skin as Nikki focused on me instead of them. I felt a bit uncomfortable at them looking at us yet it kind of satisfied me. It showed them that Nikki Sixx picked a Plain Jane girl over them.
“Let’s go somewhere private.” Nikki whispered in my ear. His teeth suck into my neck, almost vampire like. I was at a loss for words, only nodding my head. He seemed to have that effect on me. I quickly stood up from my position but was hoisted in the air by Nikki. I didn’t have time to react since his lips crashed into mine. I immediately wrapped my legs around his waist as he walked us to wherever we were going. Wolf whistles and cat calls were made by those around us. Normal me would have pushed him away and walked away but I was put in a trance every time his lips touched my body. He was a drug to me. He was a very powerful drug that brought a feeling I’ve never felt before.
Too bad I couldn’t be that powerful drug for him…
@ithinkimhardcore @theabductionofpersephone @triplehaitches @sighsophiia @divaanya @fandomshit6000 @primal-screamer @lauravic @jonesie32 @queen-introvert
If you want to be tagged, let me know!!
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dragonfics · 6 years
Heat Wave Part 6 - Spicyhoney
Heat Series Masterlist
Ship: Spicyhoney (UF Papyrus/US Papyrus)
Summary: So selfish, so utterly selfish. Edge prefers to tackle his heats alone. His LV only makes him a threat to his partners. But... Rus always makes things better. For once Edge just. Doesn't want to be alone.
Tags: Heat fic, smut, lemons, penetrative sex, top + sub Rus, bottom + dom Edge, LV issues, unintentional violence, broken bones, hurt no comfort, angst, non-graphic injuries, sad ending (I promise to make things better... later)
Word Count: ~1.9k
Notes: No one actually requested this (though I still swear someone did. I think some awful human being with a twisted mind planted this in my head *narrows eyes*). It needed to be written, though. I have a couple of other Spicyhoney requests which will come later, so don’t worry, I’m not done with the boys yet! Be warned, this one hurts. Make sure you’ve read the tags.
Read on AO3
Below the cut
Edge narrowed his sockets, eyeing Rus up and down. It was seldom that he found the sweatpants and hoodie combo arousing, but right now, it was making his magic incredibly agitated. “Well?” he said impatiently. “Are you just going to stand there gawking at me?”
Rus smiled weakly and sighed, approaching the bedside. “how long have you been like this?”
“A couple of days.” Edge avoided his eye.
“a couple of days! edgelord, why didn’t you call me sooner, you dumb bastard?”
“I didn’t think it would get this bad,” Edge snapped. “And… my heats can be difficult to—to control.” He didn’t tell Rus he’d spent two hours tethering his LV before he’d called. It was still rippling just beneath the surface, itching to escape. He needed this. Now. “I don’t want to put you in harm’s way,” he said, breathing out.
Rus sat down on the bed, crossing his legs. “don’t put yourself through this pain on my behalf. i can take care of you.” He touched Edge’s arm with cool fingertips, and a shiver ran down Edge’s spine. Swallowing, he shook his head.
“I don’t think you understand. My LV…” He didn’t miss the fear that flickered across Rus’s face. His LV still unsettled Rus. He tried to hide it, but Edge didn’t miss the way he flinched when he raised his voice too much, or the way he shrunk in on himself when Edge got angry. “If you leave now, I won’t be upset with you,” he said, resigned.
“no.” Rus shook his head firmly and shuffled closer to Edge. “i’m staying. come on, let’s get these clothes off.” Edge hid a smile. Clearly, Rus’s obstinance exceeded his fear. He was relieved—and a touch guilty for feeling so.
Rus unbuttoned his shirt, his delicate fingers brushing Edge’s ribs. Edge watched his hands, so careful and practiced, and touched Rus’s face. Rus smiled at him as he reached for his jeans. Mouth flooding with magic, Edge drew Rus down and kissed him softly. Rus sighed against his mouth and ran his hands down his spine. Magic shuddered through Edge and he turned them over, lowering Rus onto his back and straddling his hips. He deepened their kiss and Rus murmured, “let me get your pants off.”
Edge pulled back a centimetre. “You first.” Rus’s face flushed and his eye-lights dilated, glittering gold. He tugged off his sweatpants while Edge removed his shirt, using the opportunity to take him in, every enticing inch of him. Magic condensed at his pelvis, burning insistently, and he leaned down, closing his mouth around Rus’s floating ribs. His teeth scraped softly against the bone and Rus exhaled.
“what do you want, sweetheart?” he whispered. “talk to me.”
“Your cock,” Edge said, rubbing Rus’s pelvis coaxingly. Rus’s response was quick. His length pressed against Edge’s femur, and Edge purred, grinding against it with his own magic. His cunt was slick, and there was a dull burn in his pelvic cavity.
“you want me to prep you?” Rus asked, reaching for his cunt. Edge snatched his wrist and pulled it away, a hostile burn igniting within him. Rus winced softly and the impulse faded just as quickly as it had built. Edge loosened his grip, his soul twisting.
“I—I’m sorry. No, no I don’t need prep. I can’t wait.”
Rus nodded slowly. “okay. just... take it easy, love.”
“I know, I’m sorry, I—I didn’t mean to…”
“i know.”
“I won’t hurt you, I promise.” More a promise to himself than to Rus. Smiling, Rus took his hand and kissed across his knuckles.
“i know you won’t.”
Shutting his eyes, Edge gathered his composure and pressed both Rus’s hands above his head. Rus was compliant, lying back. “Just—let me control this, okay?” Edge said steadily. “I need to be able to control it.”
“it’s all you, sweetheart,” Rus said patiently. Breathing out, Edge adjusted his position in Rus’s lap, lining his cock up. He sank onto it and Rus let out a quiet moan. “shit…” Edge kept going, taking him deeper. It pinched a little, the pressure just too much, but his need for sex overwhelmed his discomfort. His heat curled within him, like flames licking at the inside of his ribcage. He took Rus all the way and grunted, sucking in slow, deep breaths. “you good, precious?” Rus asked. “don’t overdo it.”
“I’m fine,” Edge said, sharper than intended. He lifted his hips and sank down again, the slide easier this time. Gradually, he built a comfortable rhythm, rocking in Rus’s lap. Rus closed his eyes, magic rushing to his face. Soft waves of it coloured his bones as sweat built on his skull. Leaning down, Edge kissed his parted teeth, and the tight coils of pressure in him loosened.
He pressed himself against Rus’s chest, listening to him whine as he rode him slowly. “edge, oh…” Rus bucked into him and he grunted, his pleasure building. He rubbed his clit, inhaling as Rus moaned.
“You sound so beautiful,” he gasped, gripping Rus’s jaw and kissing him hard. “Fuck, I’m—I’m so close, oh…” He pressed his face into the crook of Rus’s neck, breathing him in. Rus gave a cry and his warm release filled Edge.
Discomfort twinged in Edge’s soul, his climax still not quite there. He needed to reach his own peak before his frustration made him erratic.  He closed his eyes, clinging tightly to control, and drew Rus into his arms, riding him hard. Rus clung to him, nibbling on his shoulder, then squirmed, giving a soft groan of overstimulation. “Sorry,” Edge breathed, “I’m n—nearly there.”
“s’okay, love,” Rus said breathlessly. “i’m right here.” Edge rubbed his clit hard, gasping and impaling himself on Rus’s cock. He squeezed Rus’s shoulders, pushing himself to his climax. As his orgasm pulsed through him, he clutched on hard, and Rus yelped. “ah—a bit tight there, precious, and i don’t mean your cunt.”
“Fuck—I’m sorry,” Edge grunted, letting go all at once and rolling off him. Still reaching for the final threads of pleasure, he rubbed his clit, soaking in the aftershocks of his orgasm. He panted, his voice strained. “I didn’t mean to—did I hurt you?”
“no, i’m okay, sweetheart. i’m just fine.” Rus was breathing heavily beside him, lying on his back. He wiped sweat off his skull and rolled over. “okay, dick is out of commission for a few minutes…” He reached for Edge. “but i can still—”
Edge pushed his hand away. “No, I’m done for now.”
Rus blinked. “are you sure?” he asked, shifting closer. “heats take longer than that to get rid of.”
Edge closed his eyes. His LV was battering against his carefully constructed walls, as if the sex had only weakened them. Keeping his cool, he exhaled, nodding. “It’s okay. I—I need to stop. For now. Maybe we can continue later.”
Rus’s expression crinkled with worry, but he nodded. “if that’s what you need.” He fidgeted, then slid off the bed, tugging on his pants. “okay, well… i can come back later, or—”
“Stay with me.” Edge swallowed. “Please.” He shouldn’t have asked. He knew he shouldn’t be trying to keep Rus here. So selfish, so utterly selfish. But he needed him. If he left, there would be nothing keeping Edge from snapping.
And of course, Rus complied at once. With a relieved smile, he climbed back into bed with Edge, snuggling against his shoulder. “of course, i’m right here.” He kissed Edge’s cheek, settling against him. Edge couldn’t return his smile. The guilt was suffocating him. But he did hold Rus, breathing him in, and reminded himself he had a reason to keep himself together. It would be enough. It had to be.
Rus wasn’t entirely surprised when he awoke to Edge’s warm magic and wandering hands. He laughed sleepily and shifted back into him, feeling his hot breaths against his neck. “ready for round two, precious?” Edge was silent, but he was pushing himself very persistently into Rus, who squirmed. “alright, edgelord, at least let me get my pants off before you…” He trailed off as he turned over, his soul turning to ice.
Edge’s sockets were blank, his expression cold and vacant. This wasn’t Edge. This was—he was losing himself. Rus took a deep breath, not daring to move. He reminded himself that Edge hadn’t hurt him. Yet. He—he could still handle this. He lifted his hand, brushing Edge’s jaw with his fingertips. “sweetheart—edge. it’s me. it’s rus.” He cursed the quaver in his voice. His soul was beating so rapidly he could hear it.
Edge tilted his head in an unnatural, stiff movement, and Rus flinched. He gave a gentle push with his magic, projecting a gentle wave of calm. “it’s okay,” he whispered faintly. “i’m not going to hurt you.” You’re not going to hurt me. “i just want to help…” He rested his palm against Edge’s face, looking determinedly into the black space in his sockets. He took a deep breath. “it’s going to be o—AH!” A scream tore from his throat as Edge caught onto his wrist, crushing it in his grip. He pushed Rus into the mattress and towered over him. The air was sharp and static, and Rus trembled.
“it’s just me,” he whispered in a fragile voice. “edge—” He whimpered when Edge growled quietly, his hold on Rus tightening. His wrist throbbed. The joints felt shattered. “please,” Rus sobbed. “edge, please—” Edge caught him around the throat and he choked. His grip wasn’t hard enough to cut off Rus’s air, but the way he dug his fingertips between Rus’s vertebrae made them seer with pain. Rus was frozen, too terrified to struggle.
Tears burned his sockets, and he closed them. He didn’t want this to be his last memory of Edge…
“... Rus?” Edge’s voice was faint, and a touch confused. Then, more frantic, “Rus! Fuck, I—no, no, no. I didn’t—” He scrambled away and Rus opened his eyes, still rooted in his position. Edge’s eye-lights were blown wide with panic—eye-lights. He was himself. “I—I hurt you,” he said brokenly.
Rus winced, trying not to let Edge see his tears. “no... it’s nothing… it’s—it’s okay.” His wrist ached deeply, and his throat felt raw. “i’m f—ine.” He choked on the word and squeezed his sockets shut, ducking his head. He couldn’t move the fingers on his right hand.
“No, no, it’s not fine. I hurt you… I hurt you, Rus!” Edge pulled back when Rus tried to crawl closer. “Stay back! Don’t—”
Rus swallowed, shaking his head determinedly. “it’s okay, you—you still need help. you need me. let me h—”
Edge held him at arm’s length, shaking his head wildly. “Don’t come near me, you idiot! Get out!”
Tears blurred Rus’s vision, but he persisted. “let me s-stay,” he whimpered. “edge, please…”
“Get out!”
Rus flinched, pulling back sharply. Edge’s eye-lights were burning red, and magic flared at his hands. A sob wracked Rus’s chest and he teleported away, landing in the darkness of his own living room. He fell back against the wall and slid to the floor, hugging himself. His whole body was shaking, and he couldn’t stop sobbing. He cradled his wrist to his chest. The pain was growing sharper and more incessant. His vertebrae throbbed.
But more than anything, there was a deep, longing ache in his chest, right at the centre of his soul. He buried his face in his knees and cried. He just wanted Edge to hold him.
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jmret · 6 years
good sounds from 2018
Advance Base - Animal Companionship Alice Bag - Blueprint American Pleasure Club - A Whole Fucking Lifetime Of This An Horse - "Get Out Somehow" Ashley McBryde - Girl Goin' Nowhere Bacchae - Bacchae Bad Moves - Tell No One Bat Fangs - Bat Fangs Beach House - 7 Bedbug - "Lilies" Bernice - Puff LP: In the air without a shape Big Ups - Two Parts Together Black Belt Eagle Scout - Mother Of My Children Black Dresses - WASTEISOLATION / HELL IS REAL Blithe Field - Days Drift By Boygenius - Boygenius Braids - "Collarbones" / "Burdock & Dandelion" Bristletongue - Femme Florale Brockhampton - "SAN MARCOS" Camp Cope - How To Socialise & Make Friends Cardi B - "I Like It" CHAI - PINK Charli XCX - "5 In The Morning" / "Focus" / "No Angel" / "1999" Charly Bliss - "Heaven" Closer - All This Will Be Conor Oberst - "No One Changes" / "The Rockaways" Control Top - "Type A" CupcakKe - "Quiz" Dear Nora - Skulls Example Devi McCallion & Katie Dey - Some New Form Of Life Dilly Dally - Heaven Dirty Projectors - Lamp Lit Prose Diva Sweetly - "Detox Island" Earl Sweatshirt - Some Rap Songs Emily A. Sprague - Mount Vision Empath - Liberating Guilt And Fear / Environments  Empress Of - "When I'm With Him" / "Timberlands" Flasher - Constant Image Forth Wanderers - Forth Wanderers Frankie Cosmos - Vessel Fred Thomas - Aftering Free Cake For Every Creature - The Bluest Star Friendship - Shock Out Of Season Gabby's World - Beast On Beast Gia Margaret - There's Always Glimmer Girls Rituals - Im Desperate gobbinjr - ocala wick Guerilla Toss - Twisted Crystal Half Waif - Lavender Harmony Tividad - Oove Is Rare Haru Nemuri - "Kick In The World" Hatchie - Sugar & Spice Helena Hauff - Qualm Hop Along - Bark Your Head Off, Dog Hour - Tiny Houses / Anemone Red Human People - Butterflies Drink Turtle Tears IAN SWEET - Crush Crusher Illuminati Hotties - Kiss Yr Frenemies James Blake - "If The Car Beside You Moves Ahead" / "Don't Miss It"  Jonny Greenwood - Phantom Thread Kacey Musgraves - Golden Hour Kero Kero Bonito - "Only Acting" Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper - "Shallow" Lala Lala - The Lamb Lana Del Rey - "Mariners Apartment Complex" / "Venice Bitch"  Let's Eat Grandma - I'm All Ears Lisa/Liza - Momentary Glance Long Neck - Will This Do? Low - Double Negative Lucy Dacus - Historian Majetic - Club Dread Many Rooms - There Is A Presence Here Mary Lattimore - Hundreds Of Days Mathew Lee Cothran - My First Love Mends My Final Days Mitski - Be The Cowboy Mountain Man - Magic Ship Muncie Girls - Fixed Ideals Natalie Prass - The Future And The Past Nice Try - Nice Try Noname - Room 25 Now, Now - Saved Oneohtrix Point Never - Age Of Ovlov - Tru Palberta - Roach Goin' Down Petal - Magic Gone Pllush - Stranger To The Pain Pool Kids - Music To Practice Safe Sex To Post Pink - "You Real" / "Moon" Remember Sports - Slow Buzz Renata Zeiguer - Old Ghost Retirement Party - Somewhat Literate Rico Nasty - Nasty Robyn - Honey (Sandy) Alex G - "Fay" SASAMI - "Callous" / "Not The Time" Screaming Females - All At Once serpentwithfeet - soil Shannen Moser - I'll Sing Sir Babygirl - "Heels" / "Flirting With Her" / "Haunted House" Snail Mail - Lush Soccer Mommy - Clean SOPHIE - "Immaterial" Sorry - Home Demo/ns Vol II / "2 Down 2 Dance" / "Starstruck" Spirit Of The Beehive - Hypnic Jerks Strange Ranger - "New Hair" Superorganism - Superorganism Superteen - Over Everything Swearin' - Fall Into The Sun Thin Lips - Chosen Family Tim Hecker - Konoyo Tirzah - Devotion Tomberlin - At Weddings U.S. Girls - In A Poem Unlimited Vince Staples - FM! Vundabar - Smell Smoke Waxahatchee - Great Thunder Weakened Friends - Common Blah Wednesday - Yep Definitely Whitney Ballen - You're A Shooting Star, I'm A Sinking Ship Worlds Greatest Dad - Get Well Soon Wye Oak - The Louder I Call, The Faster It Runs Yowler - Black Dog In My Path
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rabidfangirlteehee · 6 years
Thoughts on The Crimes of Grinderwald ( Spoilers ahead)
The Good
The one thing I did appreciate in this movie ( apart from Jude Law as Dumbledore he was great actually the cast minus Depp i did like. Depp in my opinion just does not make a good Grinderwald) was their effort to show how Grinderwald and Supremacists like him might entice others. Voldemort wasn't shown recruiting anyone who didn't already share his views in the books. But Grinderwald is at a stage where he wants to be able to sway the common Witch/Wizard to his side and incorporate his ideology. So he does things like incite a crowd causing a auror to kill after a perceived attack ( in self defense) and then citing it as a example that the other side are the clear villains here.
Or saying things like he doesn't consider muggles to be inferior just different and offers others a chance to change the future between magic folk and muggles in public. But then in private refers to them as beasts of burden before ordering the murder of a muggle baby.
Or using fear of a dangerous and uncertain future to push the general public to pick a extreme option to prevent a more terrible outcome.
Its not done perfectly and there are alot of flaws. But the attempt to illustrate how Grinderwald and supremacists like him minipulate is something I appreciate.
The bad
Tying up plot threads from the last movie: Namely Credence's death and Jacob having his memory back. I would have liked a better explanation. I think its possible that I might get one in the next movie for at least Credence but even if that is true it still made a sloppy transition from the end of the last movie because Credence's unfair life and death was a pretty big deal in the last movie.
The blood pact: Its never explicitly said that Dumbledore is gay or likes Grinderwald. But I could have accepted it due to the mirror scene, the closer than brothers line and Dumbledore constantly claiming he couldn't fight Grinderwald but offering no explanation as to why. It seemed to me that it was strongly implying he had still had feelings and therefore couldn't face Grinderwald. Despite them not explicitly saying this. But then they went and ruined it by putting in the blood pact. I mean you still have a couple scenes implying things but it kinda makes things feel less compelling. It would have been a much stronger arc if you saw Dumbledore muster the conviction to face Grinderwald despite having feelings. More than some plot convenience blood pact which prevented the confrontation. That being said they could have easily had a moment where there past relationship was brought up despite the dumbass blood pact. Like there is 0 reason to dance around the subject. Still there are sequels so maybe it will be brought up in those so I wont be too harsh now.
Nagini: With all the scandal involving the whole thing about Nagini being secretly a woman I felt that Rowling had pushed it for a purpose. It didn't really improve the original hp story in any way but I wondered if it maybe added to this one. If it had anything to add to this series it wasn't added in this installment. Nagini had a bit part and her cursed to a snake form was something that was not really important at all. Maybe it will for the next movie but from what was revealed in this one I don't really see how.
The only one strong enough to stop Grinderwald/Dumbledore:  The ministry pushes Dumbledore to kill Grinderwald insisting he is the only one strong enough to. And admittedly Dumbledore is strong the Ministry should want him on board. But they act as tho Dumbledore is their only chance. This push to make this a one on one fight makes no sense. As far as I know unlike Voldemort Grinderwald was powerful but had nothing that made him effectively immortal. And the same could be said for Dumbledore. Dumbledore was a strong force against Voldemort not because of his magical strength but because his tactics made Voldemort Falter and Dumbledore could outwit him. And Harry was a strong Force because he made this unkillable thing disappear as a baby. Grinderwald might see Dumbledore as a powerful foe but if he has him under a blood pact then why is he so keen on killing him? Shouldn't he be more interested in world domination? Shouldn't that be what this story is focused on? But no what ties all the different sides together is their interest in Credence. And Grinderwald is interested in him because he can defeat Dumbledore. Even more importantly Dumbledore got the Order of Merlin for defeating Grinderwald so ya he was strong but would he really have that much of a reputation before he did? In terms of fighting skill I mean. His work in alchemy is another story.  Also tied to this is the ministry pushing Newt to go after Credence and join the Ministry. Like Dumbledore is one thing but why are you so interested in recruiting a magical biologist to be a auror. Its like if you were asked to pick the ideal person for a manhunt in New York and your choice was Jane Goodall.
Queenie: This really stood out to me because I really liked her character in the first movie. So in this movie she enchants Jacob to marry her. This isn't a unappealing idea to him infact it is a kinda ideal end goal for him but there are good reasons why he's afraid to pursue this and they are all legitimate reasons to say no. He has every right no say no even if he has feelings for her and likes the idea of being married to her. Its his choice and she was going to steal that from him. She probably would have if Newt hadn't intervented. And if that was shown to develop her character and make her undergo an arc and be held responsible for her actions I would have accepted that. But its not. Jacob doesn't really get mad at her or point out how fucked up it was she did that. Newt never tells Jacob that it was when he is pining for her after. Its never mentioned that this is a thing that might need to be discussed when he sees her again. In fact the only issue to arise from this is Queenie wants to take a risk and get married and Jacob thinks its too risky and Queenie sees it as cowardly. This could be a interesting arguement in its own right but this argument completely glosses over the you just mind controlled me plot point.
And then to make things worse she then joins Grinderwald because....? Like ya he offers her the chance to marry Jacob by changing the rules about this kinda thing. But even if you discount the whole thing about her reading minds and possibly seeing the baby incident, she really believed him that fast? She is a little eccentric but she's not stupid. But lets say she was desperate and believed him. She could clearly see and tell that this idea of joining Grinderwald was turning him off and pushing him away from her. So she chooses to join Grinderwald to be closer to Jacob when by joining Grinderwald will only push them apart based on his reactions to him. Or maybe she will just enchant him again cuz clearly no one sees it as a huge deal.
Im sorry I harp on this a bit but when it comes to men being minipulated into sex or romance or relationships via magical means( love potions or enchantments) Rowling treats the thing as casual. Not seriously fucked up. Even for Merlope from what I remember the problem was more that the dad left she became distraught and died and her actions led to Voldemort being a thing. How fucked up her actions were are kinda glossed over. Same with Romilda Vane trying to drug Harry. Or Mrs Weasely casually mentioning she used love potions in school as if it was this perfectly acceptable thing.
Aurelius Dumbledore: Why just why? And then they added that shit about Dumbledore's family being tied to Pheonixes. Not every interesting thing about a character needs a special unique power or birthright. It would have been fine if Dumbledore just befriended Fawkes and Fawkes followed him because they got along well. Like no special prophecy needed. It felt like Rowling just needed a good twist as to who Credence was because he was actively searching for his family to find out more about himself. So he had to be related to someone very important. But why go with that at all? The most unique thing about Credence was that he was a obscurus. That's not a genetic thing. Finding out who your family is wouldn't help with that. Wouldn't it make more sense if he sought out someone who did know about Obsuruses ? Like say Newt? In fact that would also get Newt involved without the whole Ministry pushing a magical biologist to become an auror subplot. He could be trying to keep Credence safe while the ministry wants to lock him up because of Grinderwald's interest in him. Grinderwald is interested in the power he posesses and not just because its a good way to kill Dumbledore but in general, and Yusuf wants him dead because he thinks Credence is Corvus. And Newt just wants to help him because he thinks Credence should be able to be free. And eventually the problem is solved because Love and familiarity was apparently the way to handle the Obscurus and Credence has finally met someone who gives two shits about him. Newt.
Instead you get Dumbledores Secret brother and Credence being obsessed about his heritage because he's a orphan of course he is.  Not that orphans would by default have interest in who their birth parents were, but it just feels like the stereotypical plot for a orphan when you could have done something else that could be ( in my opinion) more interesting. 
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horrorhousereview · 7 years
The Wicker Man: 1973 versus 2006
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My introduction to the Wicker Man was hearing again and again how terrible the 2006 version was. So of course, I went out of my way to see it first and foremost. As I’d expected, it was so bad it was wonderful, and I couldn’t understand why people hated it quite so much. Until of course I watched the original 1973 version, which I found to be utterly captivating, and a quite serious film. Only then could I fully appreciate the folly of what came after.
1. The Wicker Man (1973)
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First and foremost, this is the first British film I’ve reviewed on my blog, and I have to say that it was refreshing to see such a different style to the usual American fare, or the Asian tropes I’ve become familiar with. The film has a serious tone throughout, and was filmed on location in Scotland (though it’s meant to be some mysterious island in the movie).
The film begins when a police officer arrives at the remote British island by water plane in order to investigate a missing girl, whose disappearance months ago had been reported to the mainland anonymously. The islanders don’t tolerate strangers, and at first deny any knowledge of the girl. Later, the officer is able to discover that the girl is indeed real, and they admit that she’s real but dead. When at last her corpse is exhumed much later in the film, the coffin is empty, save for a hare. The movie is nearly entirely about this officer trying to discover the mystery of the missing child, while simultaneously uncovering the disturbing truth about the island.
We find out rather quickly that the islanders aren’t Christian like our officer, but instead practice some old, bizarre form of paganism. Every rite and ritual seems centred around sex and death, and the British didn’t shy away from nudity in this film, which I appreciate and not just for lewd reasons. The whole of it feels both captivating and disturbing at once. We see throughout the film as well a reversal of gender roles to go along with the reversal of religions. The girls go to school while the boys do not. In sexual acts, the women are always seen on top.
There are weird sex rituals in the cemetery at night, folk medicines at an apothecary with jars full of foreskins. There are bizarre and unexplained scenes like a woman nursing a child in one arm while holding out an egg in her other hand. Maypole dancing for the little boys while the girls are taught of its phallic significance in their one room schoolhouse. Nude bonfire jumping, and a plethora of lewd folk songs throughout the film. The combination of sights and sounds and rituals is completely entrancing to watch, and I found myself falling in love with it even as I was disturbed by the undercurrent of something being very wrong with these people.
Another thread that is more subtle throughout the movie is the question of whether these pagan practices actually work or carry some power. My instinct for most of the film was to say no, and that they’re simply crazy. But there is a scene in which the woman in the room next door sings out to the police officer and he seems to be fighting some sort of mind control. Is he weak willed? Or does she hold some power over him? A later scene in the movie implies, but does not confirm, that they tried to drug him. Could drugs have explained the earlier scene as well? Inconclusive.
The film culminates in the iconic way: with a wicker man lit on fire, and our hero being sacrificed to the ancient gods. Though I was familiar with the scene already in a vague sense, I hadn’t been prepared for just how impactful the final shot would be. The people dancing, the ritual music, the impressive flames shooting up this massive structure, with the screams of dying farm animals in the background as well. The Christian aspect was perhaps a little heavy handed, but it was also moving in that the islanders no doubt found the officer’s religion to be as bizarre and ridiculous as he found their own -- and indeed so much was pointed out throughout the film.
This was a movie without a happy ending, or even a clear resolution, and that made it all the more enjoyable. The first film that comes to mind with a similar end would have to be the surprise twist at the end of Friday the 13th, only in the Wicker Man it isn’t a surprise so much as a grim inevitability.
I honestly can’t say I have any significant complaints about the movie, which is a rare treat.
Final rating: 10/10
2. The Wicker Man (2006)
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As hilarious and iconic as the 2006 version of the movie is at times, I didn’t initially see why it was so hated. That is, until I saw the 1973 version. In comparison, the 2006 version does a great disservice to a fantastic film. The idea: to modernize the setting and make the location and tone of the film more American, is an idea I can get behind. Unfortunately, they killed many of the more interesting aspects of the original film, added complete nonsense, and did the bulk of it with poor acting on the part of the two main protagonists.
The film starts completely differently. Our officer in this case is seen helping what will become the missing girl and a strange woman, on the side of the road, only to see them be killed horrifically. But then the bodies are never found, lending mystery to the whole event. We see the officer suffering from frequent psychotic breaks, a theme which is played up throughout the movie, and detracts from the clever gas-lighting of the original film. Our officer, right off the bat, is identified as an unreliable narrator, much to my disappointment. And what is the point of his bouts of psychosis? Are we meant to assume that the others are doing this to him, via some magic? Or is it just meant to add confusion to the movie? Regardless of intent, it sits awkwardly in the narrative.
The missing child in this film, we find out, is the officer’s own. The mother is the one who allegedly wrote him for help, and is his ex-fiancé. Where is the mystery in the original film, of who this girl is and who sent the letter?
The main thread of the plot isn’t the only thing that has changed. The music of the first film is entirely absent, as is the sex. The sexual aspect is one of the main themes in the original and is the thread that ties everything together, and here it’s been entirely sterilized and scrubbed out of the narrative. We don’t get to see any boys dancing the maypole outside the school. We don’t see any of the weird mystery imagery like the woman with an egg in the cemetery. And the reason our officer is a target in this film has nothing to do with his virginity. Indeed, his blood link to his daughter on the island is instead what appeals to them.
The matriarchal aspect remains prominent, but they decide that in addition to produce coming from the island, honey is another major export. Nearly everything in the film revolves around the bees, and bee metaphors. Instead of relying on pagan roots, they mostly rely on flawed bee analogies, referring to our officer as a “drone” in the end. The men on the island are silent and used only for breeding and the most menial of tasks, but it comes across as heavy handed and obvious rather than the subtle role reversal seen in the 1973 version. The only thing in the entire film that I’d say the newer version did better was the fact that in the 2006 version of the film, the island is run by a woman, versus the man in 1973. The island’s matriarch, for me, is more in keeping with the rest of their societal norms, even given the explanation for it in the original film.
One of the main themes in both movies is that of a sort of pagan religion. In the first film, however, we’re given to understand that the old religion was artificially revived by the island’s patriarch’s ancestor, in order to more easily control them. And yet it is in the original film that the religion seems more developed and real. In the newer version, by contrast, we hear from the matriarch that her ancestors always practised this religion, and escaped to the island to avoid persecution. Yet in the newer version of the film, the religion feels anemic and fake.
The film’s final scene, for me, was also lacking. The “acting” in this scene could be referred to as chewing on the scenery. The wicker man itself was less impressive visually, and auditorially as well (a lack of squawking animals, singing, the roar of flames), and the lack of religious ceremony makes the onlookers less impactful. Even the costumes are less theatrical. And rather than ending on the morbid note of the burning, the writers decided to add an epilogue. Six months later, two of the ladies from the island are back on the mainland, again using strange men for their nefarious purposes. And thus ruining the final tone of the film entirely, at least for me.
If you’re looking for a hilarious movie, you might gain some real enjoyment out of this film, especially if you get the director’s cut for the notorious bee scene. But if you are looking for a quality film, perhaps give it a miss.
Final rating? 4/10
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impalaimagining · 8 years
Ask Nicely
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Headcanon request: Sam (or Jared 😉) with a Daddy kink please and thanks you 🙏🏼  - @spontaneousam
Word Count: 2,530
Warnings: all the smut, daddy!kink, dom!Sam, a little bit of edging, oral sex (female receiving), Sam’s monster cock, cursing, dirty talk, tiny bit of breeding!kink, barely any plot. *shrugs* fluff at the end, though, as per usual, a touch of angst.
A/N: I went with Sam, since I’ve written two Jared pieces recently. Plus, this seems more along the lines of a Winchester thing. I have never written daddy kink before, at least not like this. Holy wow. I hope this is okay. I’m really nervous about posting this. Also decided to add this to my Smut-entine’s Day masterlist because I included a few kinks in here. This shit is fucking raunchy. I’m not sorry. 
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You flinched as the door slammed shut and Sam’s boots pounded toward your bedroom. Pulling the towel from your hair, you ran your fingers through it quickly. You hadn’t gotten dressed yet, Sam would be happy about that at least. He threw your door open without knocking, whatever, it was his room too.
“Hey, you okay?” You took a tentative step in his direction before he closed the gab between the two of you and crashed his lips into yours.
“No.” He spoke between kisses.
You let it go, not wanting to push the issue. The hunt had gone bad somewhere along the lines, that much you could tell. Sam’s mouth was hot, and he smelled like beer. His kisses were needy and demanding, and you knew what was coming next.
“Gonna make you mine, baby girl.” He grunted, hoisting your legs up around his waist before tossing you back onto the bed. “Lose the towel.” He stood at your feet.
You peeled the towel back from your body and shimmied so you could get it out from under you, not missing the opportunity to give Sam a show. As you wiggled to get the towel free, your breasts bounced slightly, and Sam’s eyes darkened at the movement. Once the towel was free, you held it between two fingers and dropped it dramatically before both hands moved back to cover your breasts.
“Do it,” Sam instructed.
You knew what he meant, he didn’t have to say anything else. Massaging the mounds slowly, you pushed them together before pulling one nipple between two of your fingers and rolling it. You held back a moan, biting your lip to stifle the noise.
“Let me hear you, princess.” He coaxed as his eyes bore into you.
You moaned fully then, the sound surprising even you. Sam had been gone for a few days, and you were in desperate need of some contact. You let your eyes fall closed as you continued teasing yourself. Sam started unbuttoning his shirt, dropping it to the floor with a soft thud and crumpling noise. His t-shirt went next, then the unmistakable soft clanging noise of the metal on his belt buckle filled your ears. His pants pooled around his ankles and he stepped out of them, kicking them off his foot and nudging the bed with his knee, telling you to open your eyes.
When you did, you gasped. You’d heard him undressing, but damn if the sight of him almost naked in front of you, cock bulging in his underwear, didn’t make the damp arousal between your legs even wetter. The tiny smirk on his face definitely was not helping, and the way his eyes ran over your exposed body made you squirm.
Sam ran a hand down his stomach, then hooked his thumb into the waistband of his underwear, pushing them down his thighs and off his legs, tossing them into the pile of the rest of his clothes. He knelt at the foot of the bed and grabbed your thighs, yanking you toward him until your ass was barely on the bed.
“I missed you,” he said softly, breath ghosting over your wet core.
You weren’t sure whether he was talking to you or your glistening pussy, but you didn’t care. You needed Sam as soon as possible. One hand left your chest and ran down your stomach until you lifted it to thread into Sam’s hair.
“Did I say you could stop?” His head snapped up and his eyes met yours.
You shook your head quickly and brought your hand back up to continue working on your nipples.
“You want me to taste you, baby girl? Want me to fuck you with my tongue?” He kissed and nipped at your inner thigh as his hands held your legs.
“Fuck,” you groaned. “Yes, Sam. Please.” You twisted a nipple, pulling and pinching, the sensations shooting down to your clit.
“Hmm?” Sam hummed against your leg, not approving of your response.
“Yes... Daddy.” You bit your lip as he glanced up at you from between your thighs, a wicked grin on his face.
He dove in then, tongue teasing you by circling your clit, running over your outer lips before dipping into your slit just enough for you to feel it, but not enough to give you what you needed.
“Sam, please. Let me touch you.” You begged, a writhing mess above him.
He moaned against your center, the vibrations shooting to every nerve ending in the area. You took it as your cue, so you let one hand travel down, pushing against your ribs, then your stomach, then you carded your fingers through Sam’s soft locks. You tugged lightly, letting him know you liked what he was doing, and you felt him smile against you.
Sam’s tongue pressed against your clit, flattening and applying the perfect amount of pressure. He pulsated the wet muscle on your sensitive bud, driving you wild. His hand trailed from your thigh up the inside of your leg where he gave a light squeeze. He slid his long fingers up on either side of his tongue and parted them, exposing your most sensitive area to his relentless tongue.
“Fuck!” You cried out as he moved his fingers down and plunged them into you.
He curled them just right, pressing the pads of his middle and index fingers against your sweet spot. The feeling of his fingers mixed with his warm tongue lapping at you had you flying over the edge in no time.
But you had to ask first.
“Shit, Sam, I-” You swiveled your hips and whimpered when he stopped and looked up at you.
His lips were shining, covered in his spit and your arousal. His hair was mussed from you running your hand through it, and his cheeks were pink as he breathed heavily. His fingers were deep inside you, and he was wiggling the tips of them just enough to keep you on the edge, but not enough to let you go.
“I’m so close...” You breathed. “Sam, please, let me cum for you.” You tried to move, to fuck yourself on his fingers, but his other hand splayed across your stomach and held you still.
“Ask nicely.” He instructed, licking his lips.
“Please, can I come for you, Daddy? Can I show you what you do to me? How much I love everything you do to me, Daddy?” You propped yourself up on one elbow while your other hand moved gently over Sam’s scalp, massaging it lightly.
“When I say so, got it, baby girl?” He lowered his head again before I could give him an answer.
His tongue was working its magic again, fingers pumping in and out, grazing your g-spot with every thrust. You started clenching around his fingers, doing your best to hold back. Just as you were about to give in, to let go and deal with the consequences later, Sam stopped, pulling his face and his fingers away from you.
You whined, and actually felt tears prick in your eyes like you were about to cry if he didn’t let you finish. Then Sam climbed over you, one hand reaching behind your back and flipping you over on top of him. You settled your knees on either side of his hips and reached down to line him up, but he stopped you.
“You’re gonna ride my face, okay?” He let go of your wrist and gripped your hips, pulling you up his body until you were straddling his shoulders.
This was new. Sam usually wanted to be in control while he was going down on you, but he let you take the lead on this one.
“If you’re not okay, just tell me. We’ll go back to how it was before, alright?” He looked up at you as you were leaned down, head resting on the top of the headboard.
“I’m okay, Sam,” you said, both of you breaking character for a brief moment, just long enough for him to get your consent.
“Ride my tongue, baby girl.” His fingertips dug into your hips as he shifted you.
Your dripping center was hovering over Sam’s mouth, and you could feel his ragged breaths coming out in short puffs.
“Ready when you are, princess.” His tongue darted out and flicked against your clit for a half a second.
You gasped, then lowered yourself onto his chin. Sam’s hands simultaneously held your hips and your ass, and you had to take a moment to appreciate how massive everything about this man actually was. His tongue worked below you, your thighs tightening and threatening to give out at any second.
“Mm, yeah, Daddy. Fuck, your tongue is so good.” You reached down and pushed your fingers into Sam’s hair appreciatively while your other hand gripped the headboard so tightly, your knuckles were white.
Sam groaned and you felt his body move as his hips bucked up into the air. You took a glance behind you and noticed his erection standing almost entirely straight into the air, throbbing and threatening to give at any moment. His hands squeezed your ass as he sealed his lips around your clit and sucked gently. That was it.
“Fuck! Oh, Sam. Oh God, Sam!” You swirled your hips around a few times, riding out your orgasm.
You moved down Sam’s body again, until your face was level with his. You kissed him deeply, your tongue tracing over his slick, swollen lips, and you tasted yourself. Sam flipped you again, so that you were on your back, arching up into him.
“Easy, baby girl. Gotta take it slow.” He kissed over to your jaw and down your neck.
You knew he was right. Even with his fingers attempting to stretch you slightly earlier, you still weren’t open enough for his monster cock. Sam’s hand moved down your body as he sucked a nipple into his mouth, again swirling his tongue and flicking it across the sensitive spot. His teeth grazed and dug in just a little, the perfect amount of pain added to the pleasure. 
His fingers pushed into you slowly, sliding in and out with ease. He added a third and began scissoring them apart, just a bit. You thrashed your head to the side and bit the inside of your arm. Sam came back over you, one hand still working, while the other one reached up and held your chin, turning your face away from your arm.
“Let Daddy hear those pretty noises,” he growled.
His fingers jammed into you, deeper than they had been, and you let go.
“Sam!” You yelled, the loud sound echoing off the empty walls.
“That’s it baby. Wanna hear you scream.” He urged you on, the sensitivity from your first orgasm making it much faster to find this one.
Suddenly, Sam’s fingers were gone, leaving you even more empty than before. Before you could complain, the velvety head of Sam’s cock was against your slit. He brought both hands up on either side of your head and ducked down to kiss you ravenously. His teeth pulled on your lips, sucking and biting them as he slowly prodded his way inside of you. 
The stretch hurt, burned like you’d never taken Sam before, regardless of how many times he’d fucked you into the mattress. You sucked in a sharp breath through your teeth, but threw your head back and moaned.
“You take my cock so good, baby girl.” Sam lifted his hips and looked down to see the junction of your bodies.
You just whimpered. No words could find their way to your mouth, not like this. Sam chuckled darkly at the sounds that came from you. He was loving every second of this.
“Gonna wreck your tight little pussy, you hear me? You’ll never take another cock like you take mine.” He grunted as he began rocking in and out of you.
You were coming undone already. Your two previous orgasms had nothing on this one, you already knew. The build up was stronger, more heated, and you were desperately clinging to the edge, not wanting to let go until Sam told you it was okay. 
“You ready, baby girl?” His voice was wrecked.
Oh, thank God.
You nodded and clawed at his back, hoping the physical clinging would help the mental clinging as well.
“Fuck, [Y/N], gonna fill up this little cunt with my cum.” He grunted, slamming into you, jostling you up the bed.
You reached up and pressed your palms against the headboard for leverage as you bucked your hips up to meet his thrusts.
“Yeah, baby. Take my cock. Gonna have my babies...” He thrusted harder, but more sloppily.
Babies? What the fuck? 
You felt him pulse inside you. He was close.
“Fuck, Sam! Give it to me!” You attempted to shout between moans and pants.
He spilled into you, coating your walls with his hot, thick cum. You fell over the edge, walls clenching and fluttering around Sam’s slowly softening length. He worked you both through your orgasms, panting and heaving while you kissed one another like there was no tomorrow. Sam pulled out of you slowly, then rolled off to lay beside you. You moved and laid your head on his chest while you ran your fingers through the short curly hairs littering his toned pecs.
“What happened, baby?” You whispered, looking up at him through your lashes.
“Just really needed to get home to you.” He shook his head.
“C’mon Sam, talk to me.” You propped yourself up and rested your hand on his cheek, turning his head toward you.
“It was a shifter. And I don’t know how, but it looked just like you. Sounded like you, said the same things you would’ve said, damn it.” He sniffled and let you wipe his eyes.
“I’m right here, baby. I’m not going anywhere.” You leaned down and kissed him reassuringly.
“I know. I got you. I just can’t... I can’t lose you, [Y/N].” Sam wrapped his arms around you and crushed you to his chest, kissing the top of your head as you snuggled into him.
“You never will.” You kissed his chest, then your curiosity took over. “Hey, what was that about babies?” You pulled back and looked up at him.
“Shit. I’m sorry. I um... hah. I have this crazy fantasy about getting you pregnant. How beautiful you’d look carrying my baby, and I know you’d be an amazing mom.” He sighed.
“It’s alright Sam. Maybe someday. Not right now. We need to focus on getting Dean back before we can bring any more Winchesters into this screwed up world.” You chuckled lightly, but then gave Sam a look that told him you’d do anything for him to bring Dean back from being a demon.
“I love you.” He whispered and kissed you.
“I love you too.” You rested your head on his chest again and drifted to sleep, not knowing that Sam hadn’t slept in almost a week, staying up to find Dean, find a cure for the Mark, find anything that could help Sam get his big brother back.
Forever Tags:  @jpadjackles @abbirae99 @cyrilconnelly @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms @sandlee44 @mysteriouslyme81 @arctickristina @spontaneousam @smoothdogsgirl @aingealcethlenn @love-kittykat21  @plaid-lover-bay25 @randomthings077 @supernaturally-writing @everythingintensifies @just-a-touch-of-crowley @thegreatficmaster@devilgirlsarah @spnstarships @elliewinchesterr @punkrxckrat @therewillbeblood @thewhisperingfox @jensen-jarpad @mamaredd123 @petrovadixon @enchantedcas @wheresthekillswitch @mogaruke @lynnebla @youtubehelpsmesurvive
Sam Tags:  @gabyreyes19 @cleverdame @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @arryn-nyx @growningupgeek @i-just-wanna-live-gc @ohmychuckitssamanddean  @revwinchester @tas898 @carbonated-beverage  @brewsthespirit-blog @immawinchestersgirl13 @eccentricsammy @samgirlforeverandalways
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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For the week of 23 September 2019
Quick Bits:
Action Comics #1015 introduces Naomi to the broader DC Universe as she reaches out to Superman to help understand her powers, from Brian Michael Bendis, Szymon Kudranski, Brad Anderson, and Dave Sharpe. It’s pretty great. There’s a nice amount of humour and optimism here as she stumbles her way through.
| Published by DC Comics
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Amazing Spider-Man #30 is a tie-in to Absolute Carnage as Peter tries to keep Normie and Dylan safe from Norman, but also gives us more insight into Kindred. It definitely feels like they’re setting him up to be either Flash or Harry, but that could just be misdirection. Great art from Ryan Ottley, Cliff Rathburn, and Nathan Fairbairn.
| Published by Marvel
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Angel #5 is the other prelude to the Hellmouth event and is much more prelude-y than the integral Buffy the Vampire Slayer #8. This is more the continuation of Angel’s gathering the team story, introducing us to this interpretation of Gunn and his history. Gleb Melnikov and Roman Titov do some killer work here.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Bad Reception #2 is even better than the first issue as we get a better look at the characters and the mystery of the murders at the wedding kicks off in earnest. Juan Doe is really doing a great job of building tension here, with scheming and planning going on, making you question who could possibly be the perpetrator here.
| Published by AfterShock
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Batgirl #39 complicates things further as Oracle seeks out a way to bring Batgirl down and pockets of violence among otherwise peaceful citizens begins to erupt after Luthor’s offer. Cecil Castellucci, Carmine Di Giandomenico, Jordie Bellaire, and AndWorld Design are delivering a very nice multi-layered story here.
| Published by DC Comics
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Batman/Superman #2 gives a fairly epic confrontation with an infected SHAZAM as Batman and Superman learn more of The Batman Who Laughs’ plan. I do find it interesting that this isn’t being branded as a “Year of the Villain” tie-in, but it is largely integral to that, as well as continuing the thread from Metal. Gorgeous artwork from David Marquez and Alejandro Sanchez, really leaning in to the epic scope of a Superman vs. SHAZAM battle.
| Published by DC Comics
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Bettie Page Unbound #4 concludes Bettie’s multiversal adventure with a trip to Neverland. David Avallone, Julius Ohta, Ellie Wright, Sheelagh D, and Taylor Esposito have delivered an interesting trip through Dynamite’s various properties, so it’s kind of weird to end on Peter Pan, but it’s still good.
| Published by Dynamite
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Black Panther #16 sees Daniel Acuña outdo himself with the artwork. This issue is beautiful as T’Challa resumes the reins of governing Wakanda and we get a showcase of Storm vs. some remnants of the Emperor’s regime.
| Published by Marvel
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Black Science #43 is the end. In many ways, these two parallel worlds of a rebellious Grant and a submissive Grant live up to the spirit of the entire series in microcosm, showing us what happens through both inaction and action, and how many terrible choices Grant ultimately makes regardless of where he ends up. Rick Remender, Matteo Scalera, Moreno Dinisio, and Rus Wooton have given us an incredible story here.
| Published by Image / Giant Generator
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Bloodshot #1 is an action-packed debut from Tim Seeley, Brett Booth, Adelso Corona, Andrew Dalhouse, and Dave Sharpe. It’s basically Bloodshot against a paramilitary group, with some seeds of that same paramilitary group meeting with the G7 leaders to sanction hunting and killing Bloodshot.
| Published by Valiant
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Bronze Age Boogie #6 concludes this series from Stuart Moore, Alberto Ponticelli, Giulia Brusco, and Rob Steen. It’s been fun, reminiscent of some of the weirdness of Doom Patrol, but definitely not a knock-off. Very happy to find out there’s another special coming.
| Published by Ahoy
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Criminal #8 turns the spotlight on Jane for part four of “Cruel Summer” from Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips, and Jacob Phillips. It’s interesting as to how more complex and complicated this arc keeps getting as more layers are revealed through each character, including the set up here for what possibly is going to bring all the plans down.
| Published by Image
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Deadly Class #40 kicks off “Bone Machine” as Saya and Maria get a reunion and Helmut tries to get revenge for Petra. In the latter, we find out that Petra’s people are pretty much nuts. Great art from Wes Craig and Jordan Boyd.
| Published by Image / Giant Generator
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Detective Comics #1012 goes full bore on Freeze’s mad science experiments for reanimating dead tissue, as he has his teams kidnap women with similar characteristics as his wife. Peter J. Tomasi, Doug Mahnke, Jaime Mendoza, David Baron, and Rob Leigh are certainly making this feel unnerving.
| Published by DC Comics
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Doctor Mirage #2 is more wondrous storytelling from Magdalene Visaggio, Nick Robles, Jordie Bellaire, and Dave Sharpe. The art is phenomenal, bringing together some weird surrealism and detailed ancient spaces, and its interesting to see the selfishness driving Shan.
| Published by Valiant
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Ether: The Disappearance of Violet Bell #1 begins the third volume in this series from Matt Kindt, David Rubín, and Kike J. Diaz. It’s pretty bleak. Despite being brought to life through the gorgeous artwork of Rubín and Diaz, everything has more or less gone to crap in Boone’s life. His friends and family are either dead or hate him and now Ether itself is being corrupted. Add to that a mystery, and you’ve got a compelling start here.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Harleen #1 is really damn good. I’m not one to like romanticizing the relationship between Harley Quinn and the Joker, but damn if Stjepan Šejić and Gabriela Downie don’t manage to make this a beautiful and compelling story of an intelligent woman’s descent into madness.
| Published by DC Comics / Black Label
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Justice League Dark #15 continues to be one of the best things currently being published by DC, going deep into the dark side’s history and continuity and coming back up with some fascinating character developments and changes into something new. James Tynion IV, Alvaro Martínez Bueno, Raul Fernandez, Brad Anderson, and Rob Leigh are working magic here. It should also be interesting to see what kind of nightmare Man-Bat has turned himself into now.
| Published by DC Comics
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Mall #2 deepens the mystery of why and how Andre was framed, while gang warfare threatens to fully erupt. I really quite like the world-building that Michael Moreci, Gary Dauberman, Zak Hartong, Addison Duke, and Jim Campbell are doing here and love the artwork.
| Published by Vault
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Manor Black #3 gives us most of the answers as to what’s going on in this penultimate chapter from Cullen Bunn, Brian Hurtt, and Tyler Crook. The designs for the wild magicians are really neat.
| Published by Dark Horse
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The Plot #1 is a great start to this old-school horror from Tim Daniel, Michael Moreci, Joshua Hixson, Jordan Boyd, and Jim Campbell. There’s a mix of family secrets, dark horror in the past, and monsters ready to bury them all. The art from Hixson and Boyd is incredible.
| Published by Vault
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Relics of Youth #1 is an intriguing start from Matt Nicholas, Chad Rebmann, Skylar Patridge, Vladimir Popov, and AndWorld Design. This first issue sets up an interesting mystery of six kids with matching tattoos, each having weird visions of an island. As they set out to try to find whatever it is, they find that there’s so much more going on.
| Published by Vault
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Resonant #3 sees everything get worse. As their dad is still away, captured for use in what looks like a labour gang, Bec and Ty see their relationship crumble, torn apart over waiting for him and not knowing what to do. David Andry, Alejandro Aragon, Jason Wordie, and Deron Bennett continue to make this one of the most unique post-apocalypse tales out there, with a very interesting focus on the characters.
| Published by Vault
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SFSX #1 is another refugee from Vertigo being shuttered, presenting a world where a puritanical Party has taken control and is enacting strict “purity” laws in regards to sex and conduct. Tina Horn, Michael Dowling, and Steve Wands create a fairly interesting world here, with some hints that everything might not be what it seems with the Party.
| Published by Image
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Strikeforce #1 is an interesting debut from Tini Howard, Germán Peralta, Jordie Bellaire, and Joe Sabino. It’s a very weird team, brought together through being framed by a race of shapeshifters left after the War of the Realms.
| Published by Marvel
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #98 steps closer to the end of “City at War” as the turtles regroup and everything changes with Stockman winning the election. It’s amazing as to how quickly things have changes this arc, it makes you wonder how much is going to stick around as a new status quo after #100.
| Published by IDW
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Thanos #6 concludes the series from Tini Howard, Ariel Olivetti, Antonio Fabela, and Joe Caramagna. It’s interesting how this ties into the broader arc of what’s also going on in the current Guardians of the Galaxy series, with Gamora and Magus.
| Published by Marvel
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Tommy Gun Wizards #2 continues this excellent series from Christian Ward, Sami Kavelä, Dee Cunniffe, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou. The blend of magic with Prohibition era crime is a wonderful mix.
| Published by Dark Horse
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The White Trees #2 concludes this wonderful mini from Chip Zdarsky, Kris Anka, Matt Wilson, and Aditya Bidikar. The feeling of old friends turned to resentment continues here in very interesting ways and we get a twist in the tale that really changes things.
| Published by Image
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Wonder Woman #79 continues “Loveless” as the world continues to fall apart after the death of Aphrodite and Luthor’s doom spreads. Really nice to see art here from Scot Eaton.
| Published by DC Comics
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Other Highlights: Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales #2, Avengers #24, Avengers: Loki Unleashed #1, Batman: Nightwalker, Books of Magic #12, Captain America #14, The Crow / Hack/Slash #3, Dial H for HERO #7, Evolution #18, Faithless #6, Fearless #3, Fight Club 3 #9, The Flash #79, Freedom Fighters #9, From Hell: Master Edition #7, Ghost Spider #2, Immortal Hulk: Director’s Cut #4, Invader Zim #47, Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance #1, Jughead’s Time Police #4, Knights Temporal #3, Lumberjanes #66, Marvel Comics Presents #9, Marvel Team-Up #6, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #43, New Mutants: War Children #1, Powers of X #5, Punisher Kill Krew #3, Queen of Bad Dreams #4, Ragnarok: The Breaking of Helheim #2, Rick & Morty #54. The Ride: Burning Desire #4, RWBY #3, Secret Spiral of Swamp Kid, Sera & The Royal Stars #3, Star Trek: Discovery - Aftermath #2, Star Wars: Age of Resistance - Kylo Ren #1, Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order - Dark Temple #2, Star Wars: Target Vader #3, Star Wars Adventures #26, Superior Spider-Man #11, Warlord of Mars Attacks #4, Wolverine Annual #1
Recommended Collections: Angel - Volume 1, Captain America - Volume 2: Captain of Nothing, Cyber Force: Awakening - Volume 4, Deathstroke: Arkham, Ghostbusters: 35th Anniversary Collection, The Goon - Volume 1: Ragged Return to Lonely Street, Kaijumax - Volume 4: Season Four - Scaly is the New Black, Mae - Volume 2, Monstress - Volume 4, Paper Girls - Volume 6, Secret Warps, TMNT - Volume 22: City at War Pt. 1
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d. emerson eddy feels like a nap.
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Can thrillers really be feminist?
For The Pool
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There is a dead woman. She is bloodied and battered. She’s probably naked, she’s almost definitely beautiful. A ruggedly handsome detective with a dark past stands over her and shakes his head at the sadness of it all. A steely look enters his eyes as he resolves to avenge this horrible waste of female flesh.
The above may read as sarcasm, but it’s an all too familiar opening for the crime genre. All stats seem to show that thrillers are overwhelmingly read by women and yet we still have to regularly negotiate the uncomfortable or downright problematic treatment of women and women’s bodies. But, increasingly, people are saying enough is enough. The team adapting Robert Galbraith/JK Rowling’s Cormoran Strike books for TV have recently publicly criticised the “voyeuristic level of violence against women” in TV dramas. And, when it comes to books, there is an increasingly noisy collection of female characters wielding axes, cocktails and secrets, and an ever-deepening pool of writers questioning whether there’s another way to explore our darkest fears without having to sacrifice any feminist principles.
There’s still a strangely intense fascination with women who write crime and thrillers; still regular thinkpieces, even documentaries, where women writing about violence are treated a little like dogs walking on their hind legs. It smacks uncomfortably close to the rather Victorian belief that women couldn’t be surgeons because of their constitutions, as if dealing with blood coming out your vagina once a month would make you more, rather than less, squeamish. And, despite this, more and more male writers are writing under genderless or even outright female names. Author Martyn Waites describes the books he writes as himself as “more complex, more metaphorical, the kind of things things I like in writing” whereas (although it’s unclear if these are Waites or the journalist's words) when he writes as Tania Carver, the books are “simpler” and “more mainstream”.
Last year, Terrence Rafferty wrote a piece for The Atlantic called “Women Are Writing The Best Crime Novels”. The title of the article is deceptively positive and, among his praise for specific books, the piece is full of frustrating, patronising assumptions about female writers and readers. Even though it’s male writers choosing to write under female pseudonyms, apparently it’s “a bunch of very crafty girls” sneaking in, redefining the genre. On the subject of recent megahits like The Girl On The Train, Rafferty goes on to explain that “writers of the current school tend to favour a volatile mixture of higher-pitched first-person tones: hectoring, accusatory, self-justifying, a little desperate. Reading these tricky 21st-century thrillers can be like scrolling through an especially heated comments thread on a web site of wandering unaware into a Twitter feud”. Leaving aside that the horrors of comment threads or Twitter trolls are distinctly male-dominated, the language used here shows that, even very loosely masquerading as praise, there’s a deep discomfort with the way women have changed the crime and thriller market.
But, as with many things, peel away the layer of men making things weird (#notallmen) and you have a lot of women (and some men) getting on with actually interrogating what writing a feminist thriller really means. Erin Kelly’s latest book, He Said/She Said, revolves around a Ched Evans-esque rape trial, after a couple see what appears to be a sexual assault during an eclipse at a festival. The book grew from the idea of a crime taking place during an eclipse, not the desire to write a feminist thriller, but as Kelly says, “It must be feminist, because I’m getting emails from Men’s Rights Activists telling me that I’m a rabid man-hater.”
Kelly’s book explores sexual assault head-on; it’s at times a difficult book to read, but it shows that thrillers can tackle these things without slipping into gratuitous descriptions of violence against women. “The best thrillers don’t deny the female condition, but hit the sweet spot between exploiting real-life victims for cheap thrills and turning a novel into a morality play. I agonised over using an allegation of rape as a plot device,” Kelly says. “More so than I ever have when writing a murder. But for every sensitive, thoughtful examination of rape in fiction there are literally thousands of raped and murdered and mutilated women whose victimhood is little more than a plot device. I knew I was treading on eggshells, but I walked with incredible care. I researched this book more thoroughly than anything else I’ve ever written.”
Ruth Kenley-Letts, the executive producer for Strike, said “great efforts had been taken to treat the crimes against female victims with sensitivity on screen” and it’s something book editors are increasingly sensitive too as well. “It’s a tough one,” Sam Eades, a commissioning editor at Orion, says. “It’s important for fiction to reflect the society we live in – and violence against women happens to those we love and care abou – but that’s not to say I wouldn’t love to read a thriller that explored the world how it could be, not just as it is now.” Alison Hennessey, a commissioning editor for crime at Bloomsbury, has issued a blanket ban on books that start with the rape or murder or a woman being investigated by a male detective: “There are enough of these books out there already, and enough violence in the world, frankly, that I’m not interested in contributing more to that unless the book was doing something to explore why this happens.”
I can’t help but think of the people who defend the level of sexual violence in Game Of Thrones by saying it’s historically realistic, or that’s just what would have happened in a society like that, even though it’s a society where there is also magic and dragons. Art in whatever form is important because it lets us explore how we feel and react to the real world, and yet it is fiction – it does not have to do or be anything. But if fiction is where we explore life, thrillers are where we explore fear. They arguably don’t work if they’re not tense, uncomfortable reads. I had to stop reading He Said/She Said at several points to calm down, and I worked myself up into a righteous fury reading Little Deaths by Emma Flint – but at what was going on in the story, not because of the way the writer was handling it. “I don’t know a single woman who has never been made to feel threatened or afraid,” Flint says. “Our real-life experience gives an extra frisson of terror to reading about a woman being followed home, a woman who has a stranger sit next to her in an otherwise empty train carriage. We are used to being afraid that we will become victims.”
So, it’s not that these subjects shouldn’t be tackled in thrillers (as Kelly says, “I read this shit on my phone every day – not to explore it is just another kind of silencing”) – it’s how to skirt a very delicate line without tipping into gratuitous and exploitative presentations. How do you write a book about people doing awful misogynistic things without writing an awful misogynistic book? There’s no easy checklist of how to make a thriller feminist, and everyone has their own definition of what that means. But, as Kelly says: “I think any novel that makes the reader think seriously about the fact that women still cannot move through the world with the same ease as men can be read as feminist. Sometimes the authorial intent to write a feminist novel is clear, but with crime fiction it’s more of a Trojan horse. Big Little Lies arguably got more women examining their prejudices about domestic abuse than a Guardian editorial.”
Here are a few of our favourite feminist thrillers to try:
THE POWER BY NAOMI ALDERMAN It would be impossible to not mention the book that won this year’s Baileys Prize. A tense, blistering, darkly humorous look at what might happen if women suddenly became the physically stronger sex. It’s impossible to read it without interrogating your own perspective on gender.
LITTLE DEATHS BY EMMA FLINT A startlingly insightful, intelligent read about the way society closes its walls against women who are not what they are asked to be and the way the patriarchy is terrified by the women it cannot control, and how far it will go to reassert that control.
HE SAID/SHE SAID BY ERIN KELLY A pageturner that tackles sexual assault head-on. When a couple witness what seems to be a rape during an eclipse, they get embroiled in a court case and the lives of the two people affected. It always puts plot and character first, but isn’t afraid to interrogate how we decide who we believe and who to trust.
PULL ME UNDER BY KELLY LUCE Coming out next month, this scratches at the edge of the genre, as there is no trail of bodies or plot twists. Instead, it’s a tight, intense portrait of one woman’s psychological state as she tries to leave behind the legacy of a horrifying act she committed as a 12-year-old. A sharp literary read about guilt and anger.
OUT BY NATSUO KIRINO From one extreme to the other, this shocking, violent crime novel follows four female friends working together in a factory who band together to try and cover up the murder by one of them of their abusive husband, and things escalate from there. One for readers who like their biting feminist commentary with some dismemberment.
THE WOMAN WHO RAN BY SAM BAKER While it’s a little awkward to mention a book by the co-founder of the site, a list of feminist thriller recommendations would be incompletely without this modern take of Anne Brontë’s The Tenant Of Wildfell Hall. Not quite a retelling, but playing with Brontë’s themes of gossip, broken relationships and carving out your own identity.
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