#enjoy the goof and silly or be GONE
alexxuun · 11 months
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This is coming from someone who enjoy sad stuff, It’s ok to enjoy happiness for a bit guys.
“I just know [insert character] is going to die in the next mo-” No. Delete. Gone. Enjoy the goof or perish.
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
Congratulations on the 1k followers. Love your writing and your updates make my day.
This is an ask for cant believe she is gone. Can you write a sirius x shy reader where she's very quiet one. She thinks she doesnt deserve him and then sees him with another girl although the girl might've surprised Sirius out of nowhere or someone in polyjuice pretending to be him.
She backs away from him and you can decide what happens but please a fluffy and happy end.
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Sirius Black x fem! shy! reader
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Summary: Y/n is the polar opposite of her boyfriend but after seeing a girl flirt with him all through class, she doesn’t feel good enough
Warnings: swearing, hurt/comfort, established relationship, James being the best, mentions of sex and kissing
A/n: 1.9k words, thank you x that’s so sweet of you to say! I hope you like it 💛
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Navigation | Sirius Black Masterlist | Celebration
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Clutching your books to your chest, you entered Herbology, about to walk over to your normal spot but it was already taken by someone else. You couldn't see their face, just that they had brown hair and from their cloak was a Ravenclaw. You stood there for longer than you should of, debating whether to go up and ask for your normal seat, next to your prefect boyfriend…or to just find the next available one
Your decision was made for you when the girls fingers run up and down your boyfriends’ arm. Turning away, you spot James trying to make something out of paper in the back so you head over 
He doesn’t react when you sit down, just continues making what you think is a flower as he follows steps written on his arm “This look like a…” he holds it up to you, but from his confused look he was clearly expecting his usual partner
Sirius and James used to sit together, but when Sirius took an interest in you he switched seats so he could be close. James didn’t mind at all, he knew Sirius would do the same for him if it meant he could sit next to a certain Miss Evans
James looks over towards Sirius but you keep your eyes trained on the weirdly shaped flower he was still half holding up “What'd he do?” he asks and your eyes snap towards him “I swear whatever it was he’s probably not even realised” he continues, his words more than genuine but it didn’t make you feel better
You weren’t much of a talker, sure you had gotten comfier with Sirius’ friends but your words were still barley a whisper “Nothing” 
He tilts his head “Then why you sitting here? Not that I don’t enjoy the lovely company…the Ravenclaw I’m usually with talks all the bloody time” he chuckles to himself and you smile shyly
“My seats taken” you say simply, not sure if James can pick up the sadness in your voice
He did, and his heart ached for you. Sirius had confessed to him that he was scared he was too much for you, of course he didn’t know you felt too little for him. Ironic that in reality you were the perfect balance
“Well” James smiles at you, deciding, as future best man at your wedding, he should cheer you up “Does this look like a flower?” he holds the paper towards you, twirling it around
James was a goofy person…not as cute a goof as your guy but still it was endearing. You shake your head, nose crunching
He lets out a laugh, one attracting the rooms attention “Fuck” he shakes his head, tone light-hearted “It’s supposed to be a cherry blossom” he explains and then goes on to show how sweet James Potter could really be “You see once in like 2nd year, Lily said that she hates flowers because they die. So I was out with your Sirius this summer and saw this book for making origami flowers...and now I want to make her a bouquet of them because they’ll last forever” he smiles as he talks, Lily was a very lucky girl
“If she doesn’t love you for that then she’s silly” you tell him in probably the longest sentence he’d ever heard from you
He smiles “Thanks futures Mrs Pads” he winks and your eyes widen
James chuckled to himself at how worked up you got over being called Sirius’ future misses as class began. While you just focused on the passage of your book, he caught the eye of Sirius who gave him a small smile mouthing
‘She okay?’
James bobs his head, holding up his hand and teetering it, watching as Sirius’ eyebrows knitted
‘why is talk-y girl sitting there’ James gestures with his hand
Sirius rolls his eyes 'She needed help with something’ he answers shrugging
The girl had come to ask him a question and he obliged, of course by the time she had stop talking enough for him to actually answer said question class had started and he could not longer ask her to politely fuck off.
He tries to catch your eye but you won’t look at him so he turns his gaze to James ‘Don’t let her leave’ he asks
James nods giving him a little salute before holding up a flower for judgement, poking his cheek smiling as Sirius mouths ‘pish mate’ before turning around to face the front
You couldn’t pay attention during class, your were supposed to be cutting samples and then identifying them, but really it was spent trying to ignore the girls giggles at your boyfriend and watching James make his the little flowers. You offered to help but he said it wouldn’t mean as much if he didn’t make them himself, and you thought that was so sweet
You wondered if Sirius would want someone to do that for him, so you started making him a little flower, following one of the more complex guides since James decided to just plop the book on the desk, since his written instructs were all smudged and he now had the words ‘fold three times’ written backwards on his cheek
Near the end of class, you saw Sirius smiling and talking with the girl, watching her fill in the conversation and him nodding along. Looking down at your little flower you shoved it in your cloaks pocket, realising that it was a silly thing to make him amd really everything you could offer was kind of silly. You barely talked in public, got flustered easliy, not to mention you couldn't even go up and ask someone for your own seat...it was no wonder people questioned whether you two were actually together.
When class ended you pretty much bolted out of the class room, so fast that James only turned away to pick up his bag then you were gone
“Where is she?” Sirius comes up to the desk, watching as James comedically looks around 
James cringes “I had one job” he admits nodding
Sirius nods too “You had one job” he repeats beginning to walk out before stopping “Yes…yes…no… definitely no…yes” he points to the assortment of flowers “I’m still mad at you though...but these are pretty and that one matches your eyes” he points at James before walking out leaving the boy chuckling
As Sirius gets out of the class he sees you quickly making your way around the large courtyard, since after a prank last week there were now hedges in the way of the regular path to the castle entrance
“This is gonna hurt” he prepares himself running towards the hedges and jumping over them, thank merlin of his padfoot side or there was no way he could jump high enough
You were still in your rush when someone landed, quite literally in front of you…and you soon realised that someone was your boyfriend
“Siri?” you say mostly to yourself, hearing giggles and laughs from other passing near by
He groans turning onto his side, leaning on his elbow “Hello darling” he winks, clearly out of breath and in immense pain but still his smooth flirty self
“Are you okay?” you crouch in front of him, looking a little worried
He nods, shifting to sit up on the ground “I am now” he reaches his hand out, thumb flicking over your cheek
Your smiles tug up but your insecurities come back as the girl from earlier passes
“Thanks Siri” she says in flirty tone
He smiles at her giving an awkward kind of wave before turning to look at you, heart aching as he sees your saddened look, chewing your gum bellow your lips, a habit he noticed you did when you were upset
“Darlin” he gets your attention but his sudden movement closer spooks you and you fall onto your arse, skirt flipping up, not so much you were exposed but from his angle he couldn’t help admiring just a little
He leans forward “You okay?” he asks
You nod your head, shying away as people pass
“Hey!” you let out a squeak at your boyfriends’ tone but then realise he’s talking to some Hufflepuff walking by “Only I get to look at her like that!” he warns him, looking slightly menacing before he turns to you, face softening “Sorry” he kisses your nose, fixing your skirt for you
“Thank you” you give him a tiny smile
His hands rest on your knees, chin leaning on them like he wasn’t in the middle of the courtyard or the path leading around it but in your dorm instead
“Missed you in class”
“You did?” you wonder tilting your head, he didn’t seem like he missed me, you think but feel guilty for it
“Course I did” he kisses your bare knee, thumbs rubbing gently into the skin
You bite your lip, looking around to see no one around, most now at their next class. You return back to him, thinking for a moment before you speak
“Why…” you hesitate “Why are you with me?” 
He tilts his head in surprise “Why am I with you?” he repeats the question, making sure he heard it right
You nod
“Because I love you” he says with ease “And you make me happy, and on top of that you’re the most adorable person on the planet” he smiles at you, his heart aching you had to ask but he understood why you did
Your heart flutters but your insecurities remain
“I don’t talk a lot” you admit as if you’re trying to talk him out of his sweet confession
“And I talk too much” he tells you, shifting to sit next to you, his heart warming as you absentmindedly pick out a leaf from his hair
“Darling” he wraps his arm around you “Do you love me?” he asks, slight insecurity in his voice seeping through
You nod right away, shuffling closer into him and he kisses your temple
“Good, because I love you more than anything. More than stealing Remus’ chocolate, or James’ mums cooking, way more than pranking Slytherins and you know how excited I get about that...especially after” he says nudging his nose into your cheek and you giggle shyly “You’re the perfect girl for me, siriusly" you both giggle at that one before he cups your cheek "You’re more than enough y/n” he says firmly, looking in your eyes
“But I didn’t…”
“You didn’t need to say it because I have the same...yet opposite fear. I feel like I’m too much…that…” he takes a breath “That I’m just annoying you” 
You pout at him “You aren’t annoying, I love listening to you talk…you have a nice voice” you confess taking your hand out of his hand reaching into your pocket, pulling out the flower “I made you this in class” you give it to him
His mouth parts looking at you then the flower, smiling brightly as he takes it “No one’s ever gave me a flower before” he takes it from you, pressing a lingering kiss to your cheek
“You’re my flower” you say quietly 
He nuzzles into your hair “And you’re mine” he whispers
You turn your head to face him, noses brushing before he leans in, lips meeting softly. His hand comes up to cup your cheek, fingers hooking gently at your jawline to pull you just that little bit closer
"Why are you on the ground?" the two of you break away to see James with an amused smile, around 20 little paper flowers cradled in his arms
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Thank you for reading 💛
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
hey girlyyyy ❗❗❗ why do i feel like im bothering you when its quite literally just a request box🧍
but anyway !!! Following with the previous request of meeting with chuuya after years. Can i ask for like, a glimpse of their relationship? Like they're keeping it a secret from both their agencies so they have to be sneaky to meet each other like silly little lovers💗🤞😭😭
sakjhjkhfahfsh oh my god nahhh the sillies 🙈 you are never bothering me by sending me an ask. i am a pathetic and lonely creacher and i kick my silly little legs and let out my horrendus little giggles whenever someone sends me an ask. i am elated every time.
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♡ pairing: Chuuya Nakahara x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: Romeo and Juliet, but you and Chuuya aren't as fucking stupid as those kids were. (sorry, I'm just having a goof- you and Chuuya are navigating secretly dating while being members of opposing groups)
♡ wc: 1.6k
♡ cw: Reader and Chuuya flirt and talk about sex (they're a couple guys. C'mon now), swearing.
note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHUUYA!! Good timing for me to finish this one hey? lol I hope you enjoy it! Apologies for errors- maybe I should write a Chuuya birthday thing?
Part 1 (you don't have to read it but it provides context for this)
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Chuuya had gotten there before you. He was sitting on a bench across the footpath from the restaurant, absentmindedly on his phone. It was no fancy place, one may say casual or even rustic. But once, a long time ago as teenagers, Chuuya had taken you there one evening when you were feeling down and you'd enjoyed yourself enough to decide that it would be a good place to go back to. Maybe get the same meals as that time, and recreate some cherished memories.
You stood around the corner of the block, making sure that there weren't too many witnesses around. You'd gone through a world of effort to conceal your relationship with the mafioso. You'd changed his contact name, turned off your notifications and even made sure to eradicate all traces that you two spent time together, which hurt the most of all. You felt that just a simple picture of the two of you wasn't asking too much.
The two of you seldom contacted one another during work hours. Considering the Agency tended to work within the daytime while the Port Mafia took over the night, you didn't have much time to communicate with one another, much less meet up in person. When you did, you both had to be cautious that none of your coworkers were around. It had gotten exhausting rather quickly, but the two of you continued to try nonetheless.
Weekends were really the only days that you could sometimes see one another. That's why, on an overcast Sunday, you and Chuuya had decided to go on a lunch date together. You were mostly sure that you wouldn't be bumping into any other Agency members, and yet you scurried along the street like a cautious mouse.
You called his name, and when he turned and saw you he smiled.
"How are you?" You asked him as you approached. He stood up and pulled you into his embrace once you reached him.
"I'm glad to see you, baby."
"You ought to be! It took so much effort to get here without rousing suspicion," you whined, pulling away and squeezing his shoulders. Chuuya cocked an eyebrow at you.
"Huh? Have you told them anything?"
"They're detectives, Chuu!" you responded, giving him a nudge. "It's hard to keep a secret when you're surrounded by detectives all the time. I'm pretty sure Ranpo knows already- or at least he's caught on to the fact that I'm seeing someone."
"Y'know, the one with the hat and cape...he trapped you in a book once?" Chuuya pursed his lips and nodded. "He's a genius."
"I know," he sighed. "At least Dazai doesn't know...probably."
"Nah, he doesn't," you confirmed, "If he did, he'd have brought it up with me by now. And I dunno how I'm gonna approach that conversation at all."
"Just give me a call when it happens. I'll beat the shit out of him," he muttered, sourly. You giggled, pulling him back into your arms.
"I can always count on you, can't I?"
"'Course you can, babe," he pressed a kiss to your cheek. "Sorry you gotta go through all that, by the way."
"I can't imagine it's much easier in the Port Mafia? Y'know, to be dating an Agency member."
"Eh, it's not so bad when you're an executive." He shrugged with a sigh. You cast him a mischievous grin.
"Oh, yeah. I keep forgetting you're all authoritative and strong like that," you teased. Chuuya blinked, before he wrapped his arm around your waist.
"Forgetting? Maybe I should jog your memory." You narrowed your eyes at his suggestive tone.
"Oh? How so?" You smirked. Chuuya tapped his lips.
"Hm...got any more kinks I don't know about?"
"Keep it in your fuckin' pants, Chuu!" You laughed, swatting his arm. "Imagine if there were children here."
"If you keep encouraging me there might well be," he retorted, and you gasped.
"You're a goddamn menace." Chuuya chuckled at your blunt statement. "Ah...anyway, we should go inside. We'd be less conspicuous that way, and we've been loitering around here long enough as is."
He nodded, and you both went inside. After entering the door Chuuya opened for you, the scent of the place filled your nostrils and it was like you'd visited for the first time. You stood in the entranceway for a moment, a small smile formed on your lips.
"Something wrong?" Chuuya asked, passing you and shutting the door. You shook your head.
"No, nothing's wrong," you quickly replied before taking a step forward. "It's just...been a while."
"...it has, yeah," Chuuya agreed, placing his hand on your back. "Glad to be back here."
~ ~ ~
Fifteen minutes flies by so fast when you're enjoying your time. Fifteen minutes with Chuuya felt more like fifteen seconds. You'd ordered your food, caught up on each others' recounts of the past week, Chuuya made an obligatory complaint about Dazai, and then Chuuya's phone rang twice.
The first time he'd just ignored it, and you'd tried to do the same, but the second time he let out an aggravated breath and pulled it out of his pocket, eyes briefly flickering towards the screen which you didn't have the time to get a good peek at. Chuuya glanced at you, both apparently frustrated and apologetic.
"Sorry, hon. I have to take this one, but I'll make it quick, alright?"
"It's okay, don't worry about it." You smiled as you said this, but your facade dropped once he disappeared to take the call. You didn't blame Chuuya for being busy, but lamented the fact that the two of you couldn't seem to spend any amount of time together uninterrupted. It was almost as if everybody really did know about your relationship and were doing all they could to keep it apart.
He was back before long, taking his seat across from you at the table and letting out an exhale.
"Did something bad happen?"
"Nah, just got into a bit of an altercation. Managed to sort it out though, so it's fine. Nothing to worry about." Chuuya placed his hand atop yours. "Where were we?"
"...I think you were bitching again. About Dazai?" You replied, balancing your hand on your palm with a grin.
"Yep. It's your favourite thing to do, right?"
"Besides you..." he mused, and you bit back a laugh. "I'd say so. But I can't help it. You know that best, don'tcha?"
"He's still lazy at the Agency. In fact, he's probably gotten worse. Sometimes I have to physically force him to come with me when we have jobs together," you rolled your eyes. "That being said though, he can be so overbearing sometimes, fuck's sake."
"Eh, if I were him I'd be protective of you too. Maybe the single thing I can't blame him for, actually," Chuuya scowled, taking a sip of water. "Wish I could spend as much time with you as he does, though. That might be nice..."
As you acknowledged that sentiment, an idea popped into your head. You suddenly sat upright.
"You and I should go on a trip. A road trip, or a vacation or something like that."
"A trip?" He repeated, confused.
"Mm. We wouldn't have to worry about anybody seeing us, and we'd be able to relax and actually spend time together," you explained. "We could even just...go camping or something. That's not that expensive, right? We'd have to travel pretty far, though..."
"I'd be willing to go anywhere as long as you're there," Chuuya shrugged. You turned to him, before smiling.
"That's adorable of you, sweetie."
"Money wouldn't be an issue. It's the time I'm worried about, and how we'd both be able to leave at the same time without suspicion," he continued.
"I just called you adorable and you're gonna go ahead and ignore me?" You scowled, folding your arms over your chest. "I see how it is."
"Aw, sorry babe. I didn't mean for it to come across like that," he apologised, taking your hand and pressing his lips to your knuckle. "I'm just concerned, that's all."
"I know, I get it..." you gave him a sad smile. "I wish we didn't have to be like this. I get so jealous when I see couples together out and about. I want that to be us!"
"Maybe one day. Just...not today though. Neither of us can afford it right now, y'know?" He murmured. "I would want absolutely everybody around me to know that you're my partner. If it wouldn't put you in danger, I mean."
"You're that proud of me, huh?" You queried, rubbing your thumb over Chuuya's gloved hand. He looked at you as if that were a stupid question.
"'Course I am. I can't really show it now, but I promise I am," he answered sincerely, staring into your eyes. "Okay?"
"...I'll choose to believe you for now," you replied, sarcastically. "But one day you better prove it in the most dramatic and flamboyant way possible, got it?"
Chuuya smiled. "I'd give you the whole world if you asked for it, Y/N."
"Oh, maybe that's a little too dramatic," you hastily replied. "...maybe we should just stick to dinner dates for now, m'kay?"
"Whatever you'd like, baby. I'll just save the world for another time."
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fedyushka, @flower-of-darkness
and thank you @bibilovedit for the request!
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z00mbi3sstuff · 19 days
Little Secret
The poll is finally done, so here's a part of my Twi x Male!Reader
I didn't quite finish it since I ran out of ideas🥲
but I hope you like it!
Notes: Twi and reader are the same age; male!reader; reader is seen as generally smaller than Twi; bi Twilight? Bi Twilight.; secret realtionship which is really unnecessary; getting caught; being silly together
Twilight is glad to finally be back in Ordon Village, his lovely home. He can't wait to see all of the familiar faces and places, and of course, his beloved boyfriend.
You two met not too long ago, but it sparked between you right from the beginning when you first moved to Ordon. Almost everyone in town thinks you two have something going on, and you do.
But the catch is that you haven't made it public yet, acting as 'roommates' when in reality you always snuggle up together or goof around while working on the ranch.
It isn't really necessary to keep it a secret, since most people would be really supportive, but you've decided to keep doing it for now until you've figured something out.
He might be home, but now he has the Chain in tow, hoping they don't find out just yet, even though he's sure that they would be accepting of his unique relationship. But there's always a what if that stops him from actually being open about his same sex relationship.
You were relaxing at the ranch after taking care of everything around the ranch, waiting for him to come back soon.
The sound of some knocking at the door snaps you out of your thought. You feel giddy and excited to see him, hoping its actually Twilight waiting behind the door.
He's been gone for so long you can't wait to throw your arms around him and kiss him over and over again.
... Until you opened the door and saw 8 other men with him at the front door, with all of them looking awfully similar to each other.
"Uhm... everyone, this is my... roommate!"
Twilight informed the others nervously. Giving you a quick side glance, signaling you to play along.
"Yep. I'm [Name], nice to meet you all."
You greet them and wave a bit before stepping to the side to let them in. The boys quickly fill the room while most of them look around curiously after your allowance.
You had quickly leaned all their names, or well, their nicknames. But it was still quite confusing having to call your beloved Link *Twilight*.
You wait for a moment until asking the question you've been thinking of for the past minute.
"It's already pretty late, should I cook something for dinner?"
Twilight was about to gladly offer his help just to spend some more time with you, but Wild quickly came first.
"I could help! The name's Wild, just to fresh up your memory."
Wild suggested and stepped forward, with Twilight deciding to keep his mouth shut so he wouldnt raise any suspicion.
"Alright then. How about some fresh pumpkin soup? Im sure Link has told you about it before." You say to the others and take a look at all of them.
"Let's see if it's as good as his."
The oldest says. He seems to have red and blue markings on his face, and is also noticably taller than the average Hylian.
"I'll try my best to compete."
You say and let out a small chuckle as you walk to the kitchen with Wild in tow, giving Twilight one more sorry look while all the others scattered around the ranch.
After a while of cooking enough soup foe everyone, you call all the boys into the kitchen, which soon gathered at the dinner table to try your pumpkin style soup.
All of them sat around the dinner table as you put the cooking pot in the middle and make sure to give every Link enough to be full for the day. It was nice sitting with so many people at the table, as if you were family. Seeing all of their expressions as they try your soup made you giggle.
You soon sat down next to Twilight after giving everyone a fair portion to eat. Twilight sneeaks his hand on your thigh while enjoying your self-made pumpkin soup. It had a more sweet aroma to it and seemed like the perfect at home medicine.
After dinner, everyone has scattered once again, leaving you and Twilight in the kitchen with the dirty dishes. There was no one here with you two, so the two of you were enjoying your alone time with some playful teasing.
You bump your hips together with his from the side playfully and he gets you back with a poke in your side, making you both chuckle.
"I'm glad you're back. I missed your *oh so muscular body*. And you too of course."
You say to tease him a little bit, still feeling quite giddy.
"I missed you too, especially this."
The rancher replied before patting your rear, making you gasp and nudge his side.
"Really now? What about this?"
You replied and put your hands against his chest before leaning in for a long awaited kiss.
Twilight immediately reacted and pulled you closer by your waist, basically melting in your hands.
Both of you were really getting into it, ignoring the world around you before both of you started to hear footsteps approaching the kitchen.
You both quickly create some distance and act like nothing has happened.
You soon see the same tall blonde man from earlier round the corner. You could even mistake him as the father of all these boys.
"You two are taking awfully long. Do you need any help?"
The man asked with his soothing voice.
"We're fine."
"Everything's alright."
You and Twilight state before putting the remaining dishes into the cupboards after cleaning all of it properly. You lean closer to Twilight and whisper to him.
"So that's your 'Dad'?"
You whisper to your secret significant other teasingly, but it seems like Time heard you.
"Do you really call me your father when I'm not around?"
The man speaks up again and smiles softly as he walks over to give you a firm handshake.
"Please, call me Time."
You nod slightly and shake his hand.
"[Name], if you didn't hear me earlier."
You answer and chuckle a little but still feel kind of nervous, since he and your Link are probably very close.
Time seems to notice the awkward behavior between the two men but decides to ignore it.
"Ah, right. I came here to tell you two that we will be going into town to restock our supplies."
The older man looks at Twilight and then at you.
"Do you wish to come with us?"
He flashed you a quick smile while waiting for you answer.
"Oh, thank you, but I have to decline your offer. I still have some work to do here at the ranch."
You politely decline his invitation before Twilight takes the opportunity.
"I think I should stay here too. I already have enough supplies, and [Name] over here might need some help."
Twilight looks over to you and flashes you a smile. And you do the same.
"Yes. That would be really nice."
Time looks between the two of you, already suspecting something, but showing no signs of it.
"I understand we will try to be back in an hour to assist you later."
Both you and Twilight nod and glance at each other, trying to hide your smiles.
You're finally gonna be alone, which will definitely result in lots of kisses and hugs.
"Don't do anything while we're gone."
Time says jokingly and he leaves the room, making both of you blush.
It wasn't long until all of the boys left. Leaving you and Twilight with the ranch all to yourselves.
After waiting for a minute or two, you pretty much just throw yourself at your boyfriend, feeling needy after having to wait for him for so long.
"Whoa there darlin'. Don't just attack me like that."
He chuckles and gives you a toothy smile, his canines showing that you love oh so much.
"I'm sorry but I couldn't resist."
You answered softly and hugged him tighter.
"I missed you so much."
You muffled into his chest, making his cheeks turn red.
"Missed you too sweetheart."
He replies and picks you up to carry you to the couch.
"I can walk myself, you know."
You spoke but still showed a small smirk on your lips.
He then let's himself fall down on the couch while you're still laying safely in his arms, a squeak escaping your lips.
You were about to speak up as Twilight starts smothering you in kisses out of nowhere, but of course you didn't mind getting so much affection from your silly boyfriend.
After quite a while of being touchy feely and messing up the neatly placed blankets and pillow on the couch, both of you decided to go a more calmer route. Which mean picking out your favourite book and reading to him while he lays on your flat chest, not being able to resist squeezing your sides with his hands.
It was amazing getting to cuddle your beloved again after so long. But you still had lots of catching up to do.
Just as Twilight was falling asleep on you while you were starting another chapter, you hear someone open the door to the Rancher's home.
Twilight was already asleep at this point, but you couldn't just wake him up again. He's just too cute!
Before you could choose what decision to make, Warriors had turned the corner, standing at the foot of the couch and looking at Twilight as he's sleeping soundly on his roommates chest.
"Oh... sorry to interrupt."
Warriors blurted out. His body doesn't know how to respond to this sight.
And you don't either.
And another is done!!
This is not as good as I wanted it to be, but it's okay ig
I currently don't have any ideas so please recommend me some stuff to make😓
Bye Bye!
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bitchwhoreofastorm · 8 months
Jurgen was enjoying a peaceful morning of deep contemplation in his chambers when the sound of a fierce argument arose just outside of his door. Long experience with his compatriots gave him the wisdom to arise and begin to drag his desk in obstruction of the entrance, but alas, he was too slow; the wooden door was thrown open with a violent clatter, and the incarnate of fury roiled into the room.
"I've had enough of her!" bellowed Hoag. The dark, diminutive man was practically frothing at the mouth, frenziedly waving about something Jurgen couldn't quite see. "Enough of her, Wind-Caller, she ought to be stopped! She ought to-- she ought to be put down like a dog!"
"You're over-reacting!" Barfok shouted from further down the passageway.
Jurgen briefly contemplated whether he could push Hoag back down the stairs, but in that moment of hesitation, Hoag had already forced his way past the desk that had meant to keep him out, penetrating Jurgen's previously-serene sanctum. "Deal with her, Wind-Caller!" Hoag spat, "Deal with her or I'll-- I'll--"
"My King," Jurgen interrupted him, pinching his own nose. "Let's all calm down for a moment. What has she done now?"
"I'll tell you what she's done!" Hoag shouted. "She's gone and anthropomorphized my lunch!" And he thrust his hands towards Jurgen.
The object in Hoag's hands was a haunch of roast ox, but it held itself with a dignity that surpassed its humble origin. In the light glinting from its marinated surface it surveyed the room with calm acceptance, observing its crude surroundings with the plain-hearted absence of judgement that set all of Skyrim's peasants apart from their supposed betters. It remained steady as Hoag waved it at Jurgen, unperturbed, as if thinking: 'And you are the so-called leaders of this Empire? You are the men I should call Lord?'
"He's over-reacting!" Barfok had finally appeared in the doorway, panting from the long climb, her pale hair disheveled and falling out of its braids. "It's a joke," she protested to Jurgen, "A silly joke, a prank, that's all!"
"A joke!" roared Hoag, pivoting around. "You bitch, it's a guilt-evoking metaphor for the lowest of my subjects! How am I supposed to eat it now!"
"If you get queasy when your lunch alludes to the petty-folk you send out to die into battle, well, that says more about you than it does about my pranks, doesn't it!"
The ox haunch regarded this argument with bemusement. As did Jurgen.
"She's been at this all day," said Hoag through gritted teeth, returning his attention to Jurgen. "She went and messed with Chemua's soup--"
"Oh that was funny," Barfok guffawed.
"-- Turned it into a complex metaphor for shame. Put him in the foulest mood. And now she goes and ruins my lunch! You've got to make her quit it, Jurgen. Morale's bad enough out there without her turning things into allusions and euphemisms and such!"
Jurgen exhaled through his nose. "Barfok," he said patiently, "Stop turning people's food into literary devices."
"Hey!" Now it was Barfok's turn to push her way into the room, crossing her arms defensively in front of her chest. "Don't you take his side because he's a wimp! It's a joke, Jurgen, a silly little goof-about to make the men laugh. He's the only one who's got a problem with it!"
"Yes, well, he's louder and more irritating. We don't stop a baby bawling because the baby's in the right."
"I'm no babe!" Hoag interjected. "I'm your King even now, Wind-Caller!"
Does this man deserve fealty? the roast ox seemed to say, when Jurgen's gaze fell upon it. He closed his eyes briefly.
"Barfok," said Jurgen, "Please, just-- stop."
A shadow fell over Barfok's usually-jolly face. She narrowed her eyes and lifted her chin at Jurgen, staring at him coolly from over her round cheeks. "Why should I?" she said slowly.
"I'm begging you, Sister in Kyne! Do me a favour and keep the peace?"
"Aye, you hear him? Keep the peace!" Hoag directed his wrath once more at Barfok. "You're toeing the treason line, sabotaging us like that! We're getting our arses beat by the elves and you think it cheers anyone up when their saltrice is a biting allusion to the evils of occupation? Get a grip, woman!"
"Stop yelling at me!" Barfok snapped. "I don't take orders from either of you! Nay, not even you, Wind-Passer! And I ent standing here while a couple old nannies squeal at me to mind my manners! Look, Hoaga, even your ox thinks you're pathetic!"
The ox haunch did, indeed, seem to have taken on a scornful air. It had borne witness to the discourse of Nirn's most powerful men, and it had come away disenchanted with both the airs of power and those that bore it. Its scathing observation was enough to bring them to shame.
"Hoag," Jurgen said tersely, "She has a point. I can't control her. Why not go to Ysmir about her?"
The hue of Hoag's face had deepened to a striking crimson. "Because he agrees with her," he said through gritted teeth.
"Ysmir has a sense of humour," Barfok said with pride.
"He encourages her tomfoolery!"
"I framed his chambers with subtle imagery of a forsaken homeland, and you know what? He liked it."
"Traitors and soul-sick fools, both of you!"
"Well," announced Jurgen, as calm as a man being judged by a haunch of meat could possibly be, "That settles it. You just have to let her do as she pleases."
Hoag's face flushed, somehow, even redder. "Let her!" he roared indignantly. "Let her lose this war with japes!"
"And what can you do about it?" Barfok asked smugly. "I'm the stronger Tongue."
"We can't command her, Hoaga," said Jurgen. "So. You'll just have to live with it."
"Damn you! You're meant to be the peace-making one! Can't you negotiate with her?"
"Oh, keep whinging, Hoaga, I'll turn your trousers paradoxical next!"
"The matter is settled," said Jurgen firmly. "Now, both of you, get out of my chambers."
"To Apocrypha with you, Wind-Caller! You know what?" Hoag turned his attention to Barfok, waving his accusing haunch in Jurgen's direction. "Why don't you mess with him this time? Hey? Why don't you, I don't know, fill his desk with symbolism or something!"
"Why, Hoaga, you know I'd do anything you ask!" Barfok said cheerfully.
Jurgen blinked. "Wait--"
He had barely begun to inhale for a counter-thu'um before Barfok sung out three crisp dovahzul words. Nothing happened, but everything was subtly, slightly different, as if they had just slipped from one dream to another-- disconcerting non-transition.
Jurgen blinked again. "Barfok," he said slowly, "What did you just--"
"Oh, would you look at the time, Hoaga!" Barfok butted in. "I'm late for my lunch! Good talk, Jurgen, dremyollock, make sure to shut your windows!" And before Jurgen could intercept her she had lurched out of the door and was rushing down the stairs, leaving behind only the receding sound of triumphant cackling.
Hoag looked from the doorway, to Jurgen, and then, finally, to the large window that dominated one side of the room. He drew in a breath. "Now that's just grim," he muttered, before taking a morose bite of his ox haunch. And, without further explanation or farewell, he turned and followed Barfok out of the room, leaving Jurgen in much-desired solitude.
For several seconds Jurgen stood facing the doorway. He pressed his fingertips to his temples. He contemplated whether he had the courage to turn around.
Finally, he turned to face the window.
The curtains hung limp against the pane, like the sails of a ship bereft of air, betraying a stagnation, a stranding, a loss of all will to go on. Though the window was open, no breeze stirred them, as if Kyne herself had abandoned the sorry scraps of fabric. Against the backdrop of the clear sky outside, the faded blue of them was outright depressing...
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pupphe-additions · 4 months
✬Evie’s Closest Male Idol Friends pt 1✬
Evie x Wooyoung (Ateez) 10/10
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Quote: “Sometimes, home is a person.” Dynamic: Soulmates
His contact in her phone is “My Soulmate”
They often send each other stupid selfies.
Constantly telling each other “I love you” whenever they can.
Evie enjoys clinging to Wooyoung and will often take a lot of pictures with him of them hugging.
They are constantly bullying and teasing one another. Evie says it's her love language. 
They constantly flirt to the point the other members of their respective groups tell them to get a room after a while.
Wooyoung likes when Evie buries her face in his chest when they hug after not seeing each other for a while.
Wooyoung easily flusters Evie and he uses that to his advantage when they are together.
Wooyoung often praises Evie, his favorite is “good girl” because it makes her blush.
Evie has two of Wooyoung’s hoodies and she always gives them back when they stop smelling like him, he always gives them back to her after he washes it and sprays it with his perfume/cologne.
Evie sends pictures of herself in his hoodies when she misses him, in these photos she’s always pouting showing her naturally cute side.
Wooyoung enjoys it when Evie randomly sends him selfies especially if it’s a silly one with one of the members of Skz.
Wooyoung calls her “angel” a lot and it always makes Evie blush.
They are absolutely obsessed with one another. 
They are very loud and crazy together.
Evie often falls asleep with her head on his shoulder when they sit next to each other.
They make pinky promises when they want to make sure they won’t break it.
Constantly complimenting one another no matter what they are doing.
Emoji spam when they don’t have anything in particular to talk about.
Evie winks at Wooyoung often and blows him kisses.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Evie x Chanyeol (EXO) 9/10
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Quote: “We were a family of weirdos, I had to admit.” Dynamic: Big Brother Little Sister
His contact in her phone is “Crazy Bro”
Met when Evie was still a trainee under SM, as soon as they met Chanyeol basically adopted her on sight as his little sister.
They don’t hang out in person a whole lot maybe once or twice, however they message each other often to keep in touch.
Evie always promotes EXO’s comebacks on her instagram.
Chanyeol enjoys spoiling Evie especially on her birthday.
They made each other friendship bracelets.
When Evie surprised Chanyeol by going to an EXO concert the other boy cried as he hugged her saying into the mic “I’m surprised that my little sister came to see us tonight. Thank you so much Nari, I missed you so much. I hope life has been treating you well.”
Fans adore seeing the limited interactions they get from these two as it’s always goofy and wholesome.
Evie always goes to Chanyeol when she needs to be cheered up, he always picks up when she calls.
Chanyeol always speaks highly of Evie when he mentions her and has always called her little sister when talking about her.
They’ve done a photoshoot where they just goof off and have fun. Most of the photos are extremely blurry but they adore those photos.
Chanyeol jokes about stealing Evie’s dogs because he finds them to be so cute.
Chanyeol has gone to a few Skz concerts to show his support for the younger girl. Everytime she spots him she tries even harder to make her performance perfect to try and impress him.
Evie accidentally video called him while she was pooping and it went viral after she talked about it on her Instagram, she was very embarrassed and hung up immediately after she realized he had picked up. 
Everytime Evie sees Chanyeol she just smiles like an idiot and her mood is instantly lifted.
She’s said that Hudson (her biological brother) has personally thanked Chanyeol for helping take care of Evie while she was an SM trainee and for making her feel like she has a safe place to go when he’s busy.
Chanyeol always teases her for being short.
Evie bullies Chanyeol every chance she can.
Chanyeol has given her a hoodie before because he knows she enjoys 'stealing' people’s clothes and she keeps it in her closet next to the hoodies she stole from Wooyoung.
She calls Chanyeol often when she can’t sleep and will talk nonsense till she passes out.
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toki-hotel · 11 months
you need to do more Gustav<3 I LOVE IT
Gustav Schafer Relationship Headcannons
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• He loves taking care of you. He will make you food and do little tasks to make your life easier. Making your life easier means a lot for him, and the same goes if you make sure to do the same for him. Gifts and acts of service are definitely his love language.
• An amazing cook. He loves trying new recipes and will randomly bring you a plate to taste test stuff. You're his little guinea pig 😋 Tell him you're craving something or miss your grandmas cooking. He will go to the end of the Earth to make it for you.
• Don't ever say anything bad about his cooking though! Even if he acts like it's fine, it will float around in his head all day. You guys will be laying in bed at night almost having fallen asleep and he will turn over to you to ask, "Was it too much Garlic?" or "You really didn't like it?" You better fucking pretend to enjoy it because he will take it personally 😭
• He falls for you HARD. If he loves you, than you aren't his number one, you're his ONLY one. He imagines a future with you and expects to grow old together.
• He loves goofing off. Will get into silly moods, and the best thing to do is let it run its course. If you hype him up, then it will get crazy and he will end up hurting himself or crashing. By then, he is too tired to do anything, and you will be left to take care of him.
• He will do anything to make you laugh. This means putting on the silliest outfit or making a fool of himself. He doesn't care as long as you're smiling.
•He gives the best bear hugs and snuggles. Pulls you on top of him constantly.
• Loves smacking your ass. I don't know why but I just see it. Wants to see it jiggle, and if you have a lighter skin tone than he wants to leave marks.
• Have y'all seen his hands?? He has thick fingers and I can only imagine how they feel.
• I see him as more of a soft dom, but he loves having you on top of him. He loves the view.
• Gustav definitely loves nipple play. He will twist, pull, bite and smack them RAW. He loses himself in it.
• His face gets so red omg he blushes hard. He's not even embarrassed or anything, it just happens when he is turned on.
AN: Hey guys sorry I've been gone for a while, I was finishing up my schooling and I just started working full time. I love Gustav he is so cute and such husband material. Anyways plz let me know what you guys think <3
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ts4ritsa · 1 year
Omg can u pls to Amythest x fem reader, IVE BEEN LOOKIGN ALL AROUND THIS APP AND HAVENT SEEN ANYTHING OF HER, ty 💗💓🤭
✧ amethyst headcanons :
in a relationship with you (fem reader but is pretty gn)
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- Even before you two got in to a relationship, you and Amethyst were quite close and often spent a lot of time together — goofing off in public, sleeping in together, or just exploring places around the area
- Since Amethyst has always been a lively, easygoing, and energetic person, it wasn’t really noticeable to anyone that she had a particular liking to you at first. But soon, anyone could see that Amethyst had an obvious attachment to you
- Obviously, all the Crystal Gems had known about it, and they all encouraged her to be honest about her feelings towards you and told her to think about it
- With all their helpful advice, Amethyst was able to come out of her shell and eventually, she confessed her feelings to you!
- In the beginning of your relationship, you've discovered that despite her tough exterior, she's a softie at heart and loves to do all sorts of things with you
- She loves going on wild adventures with you — you two have explored all sorts of abandoned buildings, gone on hikes in the forest, and even snuck into Funland after hours. You love how fearless she is and how she always encourages you to step out of your comfort zone
- While you two may go around and cause chaos together, Amethyst also enjoys quieter moments with you. She loves to cuddle up on the couch and watch movies together, especially if they're cheesy romantic comedies
- You've lost count of how many times you've watched this one romance thriller movie together, but it’s adorable, because you get to see her emotional side
- While Amethyst is usually a relaxed person, she can get pretty protective over you. She will absolutely not stand for anyone that judges or talks badly about you, and if anyone or any gem tried to harm you, she would not hesitate to stand in front of you and fight
- Amethyst may need reassurance from time to time — sometimes she can’t help but feel insecure about herself in your relationship. Amethyst knows that you love her, and she loves you, but whenever she sees you praise or complimenting anybody who (she thinks) is better than her in a certain area, she worries that she wouldn’t ever be able to impress you as much as they did
- But besides all of that, Amethyst and you are very affectionate with each other in public. She loves PDA, and you guys love using your relationship to be cheesy and silly with each other when there’s others around. It’s funny to see people’s faces, especially Pearls
- Dating Amethyst has been an adventure, but you wouldn't have it any other way. You love her wild spirit and her soft heart, and you can't wait to see where your next adventure takes you
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a/n : ik this request is like soo old my bad😖
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okay for the character ask game I couldn’t decide on characters or numbers, so I just threw some random characters and numbers together, and you can decide which apply the most to what character. Whatever you like!
SQ, Jeffers, Garrison, Nicholas, Kate, and Rhonda
1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20
What do you like or dislike about this character?
SQ - in the show, I like his introspection and that they fleshed him out to not just be Curtain's adopted son who loves art and is under his control (in both a good and bad way). My only issue is that he's not in season 2, we were robbed!! As for the books, I like that what starts out as comic relief ends up being a horrifying realization that this poor teenager is brainswept so much that he can't remember what he's saying. What I dislike is that we never get to see him grow beyond that. Yes, we see him choose kindness (which is great btw) over Curtain, but I wish we had actually gotten to see him in Riddle of Ages besides a quick mention.
Jeffers - I love that he gets to be goofy. Sure the Ten Men in the books were scary, but they let him just be whacky! And why not? I love characters that get to goof around and be silly, especially if they're not supposed to. Plus, you can tell the actor playing him is having a blast and that's how you know a character is well-done. I just wish he had been in season 1, but I'm glad you put him in S.O.S. so I can enjoy him there, Bods!
Garrison - I like that this character exists, first of all. I know book Curtain is the type to want to keep the science secrets to himself, but show Curtain needs a science person to delegate Whisperer stuff to. After all, when would he have time to do this?
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(did I want an excuse to put this GIF in again? Yes, yes I did. It was too funny to resist.)
But seriously, I also love that while she does bend to Curtain, she does try to stand up to him in her own way. There's a complicated dynamic there (made more complicated by reading @nobodysdaydreams S.O.S. AU fanfic, which you should read if you haven't yet because OH BOY does it change things about Garrison for you) and it's so interesting to analyze. Also, she's just a little bit quirky and I love her for that.
Nicholas - in the show, I love that they gave him issues!!!! They made him anxious and the way Tony Hale makes his posture more stooped is *chef's kiss* lovely. His "excuse me - *cut to loud screaming montage*" is TOO RELATABLE. I think they were so right for that. Also, making him more directly responsible for Curtain's downfall was a great choice (though I don't actually blame him because he was a literal child it wasn't his fault; if anything, I blame the adoptive parents for separating twins and just not coming back for the other that's so messed up??? Who does that?????). The only thing I dislike was that they basically cut down his narcoleptic attacks to nearly nothing by the second season, almost like they didn't exist. Like, y'all, come on, don't do that!
As for the books, I love his wisdom, compassion and how he always makes time for the children. He always seems to know what they're thinking and is able to encourage them in their darkest hour. Although, I have a love/hate relationship with how they cured his narcolepsy in TPD because on one hand, I hate the "curing disability narrative", but on the other he actively hated it and wanted it gone (plus he had to suppress his emotions so much because of it) that I can't really blame him for wanting it gone...hard to know how to feel on that one!
Kate - KATE MY BELOVED!!! Again, I love everything about her. For show Kate, I love how fast-paced she is. It always makes me laugh when she says something like, "Tower. Scale it. Now!!!" It's so funny to me. Emmy did an amazing job bringing that aspect to life. Show Kate is also rougher around the edges -- I don't hate it because it's more realistic...it's just sad. :(
As for book Kate, I like that she brute forces her way to solutions. Oh she doesn't understand this maze? Guess she's running through the vents. I always admired her agility (and wished I could be that cool!!). I also like that she had to grapple with the dark urge of violence because it makes sense, she's the muscle of the team, why shouldn't she end the bad guys once and for all? A dark theme, sure, but I'm glad TLS didn't hold back on it.
Rhonda - Show Rhonda is so cool because she's so good at mediating within the group and I love that she also tries to fight in her own way against Curtain outside of their work with the society. We love to see some small acts of activism!!! No notes, amazing character.
For book Rhonda, I love how caring she is. She just always finds a way to show the group in big and small ways that she cares about them. I feel like if anyone is neurotypical in that group, it's her, and for once I mean that in a good way (let's be real, someone probably needs to be to remember things and help with social cues) /j. I wish we got to see more of her!
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Nicholas - in the books, that he learned ASL for Violet in his prequel book! I took 3 ASL classes and while it shouldn't be a big deal for a hearing person to learn sign language for a Deaf person, many times they won't. I love that he automatically accommodated her needs, rather than trying to make her accommodate him. As for the show, the screaming scene comes to mind, but I like that he reads aloud to his friends, I think it's sweet :)
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Garrison - Giants by Imagine Dragons
Soooo again I had to manually pick this song since I don't really think of MBS characters + music together (which is weird of my brain to do, but whatever!). The reason I picked this song is because it's about addiction and someone reflecting on what they've become because of it. I think it especially applies to your S.O.S headcanon of Garrison and how she is in season 2. Wish I had a happier answer. :(
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Jeffers - that y'all gaslit me into thinking his name was Jeepers (s/o to @mvshortcut for reassuring me I was right) and that we have Secure the Perimeter Saturday. I think it's beautiful. 😍 ❤️
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Rhonda - I haven't seen anything I truly despise, but it definitely irks me when she gets forgotten (or whitewashed, I was worried the show was going to do that). She's such an interesting character and deserves to be included as much as possible!!!!!! Again, it's nothing I've actually seen, but if I had to pick.
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Rhonda - yes, I think so! She'd get the worst end of the bargain dealing with my eccentricities, but I honestly think we could make it work. I'd do my best to try to make things easier for her living with me lol.
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
Kate - 🪣 ...sorry, I had to!
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
Kate x Reynie - Sorry not sorry, I've always been a Kaynie girlie!!!! I enjoy that TMBS didn't dive into romance at all because it's good to get a break from that. Unfortunately, I'm a hopeless romantic and, at least in the books, I saw potential for something to grow when they got older (like when Reynie gets electrocuted by Curtain in TPD and Kate holds his hand while crying...that scene BROKE ME 😭 😭 😭 ).
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
Garrison x Curtain - idk if anyone actually ships this (I haven't seen it, I'm just adding it to the mix for consideration), but the thought of this makes me want to barf. Just....nah.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
Nicholas - I've always admired his relationship with Milligan. If you're able to gain the loyalty and friendship of someone who's lost all of their memories, you're doing something right. :) I know Nicholas is always going to feel responsible for Curtain's misdeeds, and by extension, Milligan's memory loss (in both the books and show since Curtain is his brother and Nicholas is too much of an empath to not feel some kind of guilt), but I truly admire how he treats Milligan as someone to be taken seriously and who he wants to help.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Jeffers - I don't know if this crossover is allowed, but can you imagine if Moocho Brazos and Jeffers became friends outside of Curtain's influence? I don't know, I just feel like they would be besties and potentially great together in a fight. Moocho would totally break out some cool helicopter fighting moves and Jeffers would do...something?
I hope you enjoy these answers. This was super fun, Bods!!
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moriiartist · 2 years
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PAIRING: Demon!Tangotek x GN!Reader
SUMMARY: You thought it was a joke. A goof. A funny ‘ha-ha’ story to tell to your friends later- how you tried to summon a demon. However, things haven’t exactly gone to plan, and now you’re stuck trying to send a resident to hell back to where he belongs. Too bad that he’s decided that’s wherever you are.
WARNINGS: Language, body horror, demonic imagery, blood and injury, self-mutilation/self-harm (as part of a ritual), fire, implied/referenced murder
A/N: Hey there demon(s), it’s me, ya boi. I lowkey may have stayed up past midnight to get this out on time, but we’re not going to talk about that!!! I had a lot of fun with this fic, and I really think it shows. Enjoy!
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The chalk slid smoothly over the kitchen tile, the soft, rasping sound that it elicited filling your ears. Dust as black as pitch already coated your palms, the pads of your fingers, your skin- smeared shapes like the handprints of an absent-minded artist.
An intricate pattern of concentric circles, squares, and lines spread like flowering nightshade from where you were, kneeling in the center. They, too, were as dark as if they had been burnt into the ceramic; the loose powder surrounding the thick, confident marks looked like ashes.
Sitting back on your heels, you inspected your work with a critical eye. A hundred bucks was a hundred bucks, and if you didn’t at least try one of the spells in the old, creepy grimoire you’d found in the attic, you weren’t getting a cent.
Actually, in that case, you’d be getting negative cents. 
You’d like to think that you were a reasonable, well-adjusted person. You’d finished college and gotten your degree, you worked a six hour shift at the local bookstore, and you put in an effort to keep in touch with your friends.
Which is why summoning a demon was somewhat uncharacteristic for you.
Your college roommate had invited you to hang out at their house last weekend, and of course, you’d accepted. They, a couple of their buddies they’d brought along, and you started drinking. You got buzzed. Then, naturally, you all started talking about random shit.
Of course, that random shit included all the weird and probably-cursed cult paraphernalia that had been left behind in the house that you’d moved into.
Your roommate had dared you, words almost slurred beyond comprehension, to try out one of the spells you’d found. At this point, you were nearing the point where you were starting to black out; your brain was starting to shut down, but your body got all ‘eye of the tiger’ and soldiered on.
So, like a dumbass, you agreed.
And bet one hundred dollars on it.
(To be fair, you never said you were smart. Just reasonable.)
You honestly felt quite silly standing there in the middle of your kitchen, staring down at the dark symbols you’d copied with a painstaking hand. Although you’d fully committed to winning this stupid bet after five days of twiddling your thumbs, you’d underestimated the amount of time it’d taken to get through the ritual. You’d started at around seven thirty, and it was now almost one.  
In your defense, the book wasn’t easy to read. Most of it was in some strange, latin-like script that hurt your eyes if you stared at it too long; words slithered across the paper like rattlesnakes if your gaze unfocused for even a moment.
Luckily for you, however, you had ignored the ominous thoughts in the back of your head that begged you to stop now before it was too late and managed to reach the final step in your handy dandy ‘how-to-summon-a-demon-for-dummies’ guide. Hooray!
All that was left was the sacrifice.
Stepping back, careful not the smudge the chalk lines that were already starting to flake from the combined force of the AC system and the vibrations of your footfalls, you crossed over the salt circle that enclosed the whole shabang.
Tea candles- those little ones that you buy in bulk to put in Jack O’ Lanterns- flickered ominously, crackling and spitting not dissimilarly from oil in a pan. You had dimmed all sources of light beyond those candles and the nightlights plugged into the wall, so the flames cast eerie, dancing shadows all over the room.
You grimaced, regarding the kitchen knife placed on the counter next to you. The blade gleamed red and gold, flashing as you delicately picked it up.
The sight of blood wasn’t new to you, nor did it freak you out, but drawing it from yourself was an entirely different matter from the times you’d fallen and scraped your knees as a kid. It was different when you were doing it- when you were drawing blood from yourself intentionally. It made something underneath your skin writhe with discomfort.
Steadying your grip as much as you could, and ignoring the slight tremor in your hand, you pressed the point of the knife to the meat of your thigh. You’d read somewhere that the fattier parts of the body the better regarding pain- and you weren’t about to stab yourself in the ass.
You gritted your teeth as you drew the blade across your skin. A part of you wanted to shut your eyes and look away, but the more logical side commanded you to pay attention despite the sharp, stinging pain. 
Despite the shallowness of the cut, it was already bleeding profusely. Rivulets of thick, coppery liquid already ran down your leg, dripping down onto the flat of your bare foot. In the low light, your blood almost looked as black as the chalk still coating your palms. The air filled with the faint scent of metal and salt. 
Hastily, you set the knife down with a clatter. Pressing your fingers to the wound, you hissed at the sparks of pain that erupted from the contact. Blood mixed with the powder on your hands, coagulating into a sludgey mess that clung to your skin.
You flicked some of the mixture off of your hands and into the circle, pursing your lips to soften your disgust. The book had never specified how much of your blood should be used, and although you really wanted to win the bet, you weren’t about to sacrifice a pint to a ritual that might not even work.
A mix between a groan and a gag tore itself from your throat as you pressed a palm flat to your wound, watching more blood begin to drip from the gaps in between your fingers. With your other hand, you reached blindly for the tape and gauze that you’d set aside specifically for this moment, tearing a thick wad of the stuff off with your teeth and messily taping it to your thigh.
It wasn’t really sanitary, but then again, it wasn’t as if anything else you were doing was.
Fumbling with the book, you winced as you smeared chalky blood over the pages- staining the fragile paper with black-grey-red fingerprints. You flipped through the pages somewhat frantically, muttering curses to yourself as pain once again twinged through your leg. After a tense moment, you exclaimed softly to yourself.
You’d highlighted the incantation to summon the demon, and the garish yellow-green pigment now glared up at you from the page. The book must’ve been made with parchment or something, because the color was soft and fragmented at the edges unlike the clean, hard cut of highlighter on printer paper.
Clearing your throat, you ignored the way the letters slipped in and out of focus, mirage-like, and began to read.
“Primo ad nonum daemones,” you incanted, nearly choking as the syllables ran like water from your mouth, “vocationem meam audite et attendite.”
Immediately, the guttering tea candles stilled. Every dancing flame went straight and tall, burning white-hot. The dimmed lights buzzed, and an electrical hum seemed to fill the air. Your stomach swooped- the same sensation that one would beget standing at a precipice. 
“ Sanguis meus gratis inferis datus est, et mihi paciscor.”
When did it get so cold? Your skin was chilled and damp with sweat, breath stuttering in your lungs from the shiver that wracked your body. The low hum that filled the back of your mind seemed to intensify. Static was all you could hear.
The voices whispering in your ear shrieked soundlessly, then disappeared.
“Caro mea velamen tollit, ossa mea signaculum portant, et anima- et anima mea ligat.”
Each word that escaped from your mouth burned your tongue like a firebrand, each more painful than the last. You felt like you were choking on your own blood as you spat out the last syllable, shuddering uncontrollably.
At some point, you had dropped the book. It was burning, delicate paper and dark leather cover flaking into ashes.
You couldn’t move, could hardly breathe; With each passing moment the pressure inside your chest increased, like someone had gripped your heart and decided to squeeze. Distantly, you recognized that your limbs were trembling.
“Quod fit non recipi.”
The lights cut out, and, like a great exhale of breath, the candles extinguished.
For a few heartbeats, the only sound was your ragged breathing. Then, something shuffled in front of you. Something hard and sharp slid across the tile, sounding an awful lot like the knife still resting on the countertop. 
Freezing, you felt your heart began to beat faster, hammering at your ribcage. Even your chest stilled, and you swallowed thickly to suppress a whimper. It smelled like a nauseating mix of sulfur and your own blood.
“Well,” a masculine voice murmured, tone colored with a mixture of surprise and amusement. “It’s certainly been a long time since someone’s had the guts to summon me.”
In a blink, the lights were reignited. However, instead of the warm, yellow hues that you’d been familiar with your entire life, they were blue. The tall, still flames that rose from the candlewick looked like they’d been carved out of luminous blue ice, hardly seeming to move.
You’d be more awed by it if you weren’t distracted by the dark figure standing in the center of the ritual circle.
It wasn’t very big- only a few inches taller than you, if you had to guess, and shaped like a person; two legs, two arms, and a head attached to a torso. However, everything about it was off. 
It’s arms were too long, fingers tipped with glossy claws brushing the sides of its knees. It’s legs were longer at the ankle, forcing it to balance on its toes. It’s proportions were too different- like a poorly made puppet.
Every movement, from the tilt of its head to the roll of its shoulders was too smooth, too easy. Like there was no muscles, no internal structure to add resistance. You couldn’t contain your gasp as it’s neck made a horrendous, wet crack, spinning well past the limits of the human body to survey the room.
A long, black tail snaked out from behind it, pooling to the floor. Shards of what looked like volcanic glass were embedded in its forehead in the mockery of a crown, dripping with black and red blood. Similar pieces were buried in its spine and shoulders, bristling like spines.
“Shit,” you murmured.
With another snap, its head spun back around.
The demon’s face was pale, almost bloodless, and you could see the spiderweb of blue-black veins that ran below the surface. Pitch black holes were nested where its eyes should be, white, cat-like pupils narrowed in on your trembling figure. It grinned as you made eye contact, running a blue tongue over- what the hell, how many teeth does this guy have?!
If you squinted, it would almost look human. A spiky, aggressively emo human- but a human nonetheless. However, since you had somewhat of a sense of self-preservation, you weren’t doing that. No- you were wide-eyed and gaping, glued to the floor as you stared at the monstrosity before you.
“Excuse me,” it chirped, looking far too smug for its friendly tone to be genuine. “You summoned me, didn’t you?”
You blinked down at what remained of the grimoire. “... I guess.”
It grinned brilliantly, still with too many needle-like teeth. “Excellent!”
Then, it stepped over the salt circle. You hardly had time to squawk before it had seized your chin in its hands, turning your face this way and that as it inspected you. You would’ve pulled away, but the brush of the demon’s talons against the delicate skin of your throat was enough to have you falling still.
Every piece of media about demons you’d ever seen were different, but one thing seemed to largely hold the same: they couldn’t cross salt circles. It was one of the only effective ways to trap them, besides silver mirrors and maybe not summoning them in the first place- at least, according to what you’ve seen.
And then this asshole goes and dropkicks that knowledge into the fucking sun.
“Oooh,” it hummed, gaze calculating. “You’re a looker, aren’t you.”
It glanced down towards the hasty bandage job you’d done, a sly smile playing on its lips. It reached down, either oblivious to or ambivalent to your protests, and ran a finger through the still-drying blood.
Licking its hand clean, it’s pupils flared, growing to the size of nickels. “Tasty, too.”
Regaining your nerve, you shoved it away, stumbling back. It watched you go with an almost disappointed (?) expression, folding its arms across its chest. You finally stopped when your back hit a wall, refusing to take your gaze off the creature in front of you.
“... What the hell,” you managed to croak out. Was this shock? Were you going into shock?
The demon smirked. You were really starting to hate it when it did that.
Picking up the knife you’d set on the counter, it toyed with blade, whetting it against its talons. It paused, looking at it contemplatively, before rolling its eyes back to you.
“You’re new to this, aren’t you?”
It wasn’t a question.
Hesitantly, you nodded. While you were seriously regretting your decision to summon a demon of all things instead of, like, one of the easier spells, you didn’t see a point in lying to it about that. As far as you knew, magic wasn’t real up until two minutes ago.
The demon sighed. “Alrighty then. I thought you would be- it makes more sense.
“So, this is how this thing works. You ask for something- I don’t know, you want some guy who crossed you to mysteriously disappear, endless riches, fame and beauty- and I make it happen!”
It’s eyes gleamed red. “For a price, of course.”
Despite your fear, you deadpanned. The last thing you were doing was signing a deal with the devil. “No, thank you.”
“You don’t have a choice,” it countered. “You summoned me. I can’t return back to my realm until our, ah… business is complete.”
You threw your hands up. “Well, I’m not selling my soul or whatever else a creature of darkness would want!”
The demon pouted, looking almost offended for a moment. You didn’t trust it. “Hey- rude. Depending on the boon, I would only ask for, like, your childhood memories. Maybe your firstborn?”
“This is not helping your argument,” you sighed, glaring at it hollowly. It stared at you, grin melting until its expression was blank and unreadable. It’s tail lashed, slashing bluntly at the floor.
“If you don’t make a deal, I’m stuck here with you,” it cautioned once more.
You bared your teeth at it. “Fuck. You.”
It blinked, and for a moment you thought that this was it, you were going to die. Your last moments would be spent with a creature that wanted your soul for nefarious purposes, you would never get those hundred dollars-
The demon laughed, nearly doubling in on itself from the force. After a few seconds it looked back up at you, wiping a tear from its eye that sizzed as it hit the floor. In a blink, it was in front of you, staring at you with blown pupils. 
“You’re delightful,” it whispered, sounding awfully delighted itself. “This is going to be so much fun.”
You blanched as it took your hands in its own, flipping over one to press a sharp kiss to your inner wrist. The demon grinned up at you, sly.
“Good luck getting rid of me now, angel. I’ll have your soul whether you want me two or not.”
It stood up, lengthening the spine until it towered over you. Its pupils burned in the shadows cast across its face, exactly the same as the flames at its back.
“The name’s Tango, sweetheart. You won’t forget it.”
There’s no turning back now for you- you were his. Tango would make sure of it.
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@blufr0st​ @itsonlydana​ @amearla​ @bapthadapper​ @redactedsouls​ @sina-the-idiot @icarusthefoolish @blockyshieldmaiden  
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xhanisai · 7 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Cheers for the tag @mostmagical !!!
1 - How many works do you have on AO3?
2 - What's your total AO3 word count?
3 - What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly Miraculous Ladybug at the moment. I do want to write some for Soul Eater and Gintama.
4 - What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
#LetMarinetteDrinkCoffee2K19 (9918 kudos)
Bite off more than you can chew and you'll choke (6355 kudos)
Speak now, regret later (3710 kudos)
Only idiots try to woo those who are already in love with them (2958 kudos)
Without you, what is the point? (1510 kudos)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do try my best to respond. They always make me happy and I love knowing my readers' reactions and thought processes regarding the stories I wrote. If I don't reply, it's mainly because I'm overwhelmed and tired hahah! But every comment always makes my day and I do reread them.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It's probably got to be "Goodbye" is bitter. It's a SpyXFamily story and I killed off the entire Forger family. My readers' tears were a joy to drink in a mug.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
A lot of my stories surprisingly have happy endings. I think the most tooth-rotting one would be Wo Ai Ni! which is an ML fic. It's literally fluff and fluff and so much fluff and if you love seeing Adrien being a madly in love silly goof with one Marinette Dupain-Cheng and being a hot mess about it, this is for you.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Surprisingly, I haven't gotten any hate on my stories every since I started writing for ML. I did get death threats from this one buffoon over a pairing in my last fandom but I put that menace back in his place and since then he hasn't gone after anyone else in the fandom :)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
My name is MissEcchi for a reason LMAO. There's so much smut I haven't even posted publically yet because they need polishing and editing and I'm a lazy bitch. Here's a few I've written for ML (and they're all and always will be lovesquare~)
Unmasked - Identity reveal, mutual pining and some comedy.
Red - Identity reveal, vampire Chat noir (after getting zapped by an akuma).
Paperthin - Identity reveal, mariblanc!!!!!, angst, happy ending.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have ideas for many! Just haven't written them out to fruition yet unfortunately. I do have an Ouran High school x Miraculous crossover story that has been chilling in my WIP docs for years lol...
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Some dumbass kids thought they were slick when they re-uploaded my stories on wattpad. Got them taken down. I haven't checked around since then so I hope no one else has done that.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Plenty! Here's a few I did with @seas-of-silver
Murder On The Dancefloor
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
LOVESQUARE OF COURSE. Especially mariblanc!!!!!!!
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
In my last fandom, I had a multi-chaptered fic that I haven't updated since 2018 I believe? It was my most well written story in that fandom and I did enjoy writing what I did. I don't know if I'll ever finish it because I just no longer have the same love and passion I had for it. I'd rather it's left the way it is rather than trying to give it a half-assed ending.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've been told I'm really good at writing emotions, especially with angst and comfort. I'm a huge slut in making my favourites go through the most horrendous, traumatising experiences ever and then have them look after each other. I also think I write battle scenes decently, especially when I'm in the mood. I like to enforce how powerful the heroes can be and make the akuma battles more brutal than as showcased in canon.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Currently, I think my weakness is that I write too much. I do waffle a lot in my stories because I'm very peculiar on my pacing and trying to time things. This also makes the writing progress more complicated than it should be and it is why most of the stuff I've written haven't been published yet because the editing takes too long.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I enjoy doing that a lot! But I do try my best to make sure to not do it too much because of language barriers. So the dialogue in the other language is either mundane or something simple. I've got the advantage of having learned a few languages since childhood at home and at school.
I have spotted that some people who like to add dialogue in a different language just used Google translate which is hilarious, especially when the translation is wrong or makes no sense.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Sonic The Hedgehog...
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
It's got to be Connecting Everything (Connecting To Everywhere)! It is the story I've always wanted to write and I just love horror and supernatural. I've always wanted to read an ML horror fic where lovesquare are still miraculous weilders and everything is pretty much the same except they've gotta deal with ghosts and demons too hahaha. It is my least popular ML fic unfortunately and I do hope I can reel in more readers! It is still ongoing and ch2 is a work in progress.
Thanks again for the tag, Magical!
I tag @gale-gentlepenguin , @seas-of-silver , @lalunaoscura , @ladyofthenoodle , @theflashdriver and everyone else who wants to do it! No pressure!
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trrickytickle · 1 year
Imagines- ATLA characters + enjoying tickling  💧⛰️🔥💨
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done request for @darkprince1110! he asked for the ATLA characters enjoying tickling in a romantic/friendly way, and I hope I narrowed that down nicely because I wrote a whole essay HAHA.  this is assuming the characters all like tickling+being tickled- i headcanon some don’t, but this is my little fantasy land and i can do whatever i please! heheh ^^
AANG isn’t shy about enjoying tickling (what’s not to enjoy? He likes playing games with his friends, laughing and goofing around- he’d love it!). He finds himself as a ler as often as he is a lee, tickling his friends and driving them towards the point of revenge. He flits around and jumps and sneak-attacks his lees and laughs with them when they’re silly piles on the floor from his skilled fingers, and swats and bends at his ler instigating a tickle-fight he knows he’ll lose.  However asking for tickles, that’s a whole different bushel of papayas. He’s embarassed about wanting to be tickled- who would just offer themselves up like that? He’s only asked one person in his life 100 years prior, Monk Gyatso- it just happened naturally with his friends. He’s never felt vulnerable enough to tell Sokka and Toph, and most of all *gulp* Katara. The one person in the Gaang he’d feel the most comfortable with telling would ironically be Zuko- he’s proven himself to be understanding and compassionate. 
It’s no secret that KATARA is the uptight and matronly type. She’s considerate but also can be no fun at times, but when it comes to tickling, her stony facade falls. As a tickler, she goes all-out and loves it. Her complex mastery of waterbending throughout the journey to defeat the Fire Lord have been used much to the detriment of her fellow Gaang members. (namely Sokka and Toph, who have a tendency to get on her nerves.) During tender moments with Zuko and training sessions with Zuko, she does manage to sneak a few tickles in, and finds lees’ reactions adorable. Her voice recieves a teasy lilt when she gets a particularly bad spot.  She’s quite closed-up and vulnerable about her enjoyment in tickling hence her personality, and that is all due in part to the trauma of losing her mom, who would tickle-attack her and Sokka along with Hakoda before her passing. It’s a kids game to her at heart, and the Gaang had helped her rediscover that previous zeal she had for it by being family to her and each other. Sokka in particular likes to exploit this the most by siccing the other benders on her.  It takes a lot to get to Katara’s ‘lee side. Everyone in the Gaang had found out she was ticklish one way or another- she doesn’t hide it well despite how she acts. When she does try to hide it, she stumbles over her words and struggles to try not to laugh. 
Her brother SOKKA is also uptight- but for different reasons. He’s goofy, aloof and lax, and his attitude makes for the perfect annoying ler. Back in the South, he’d stick his hands into Katara’s parka and squeeze her sides to annoy her, and these dirty tricks haven’t changed since he joined the Gaang. However being on the recieving end was once something he hated. Ticklishness was a weak trait, and in return, Katara would humble him by getting her revenge. He’d sulk and groan and protest- but deep down, he enjoys it as much as being the ler. In the Gaang, this changed. Tickle fights with Aang were as common an occurence as when said airbender would destroy the cabbage merchant’s cart. Key-word fight- he still puts up a fight when he’s completely restrained. His “no”s mean “yes”, and Toph can sense this and decides to be a little shit about it until he admits he likes being tickled. 
TOPH herself, however, had never even been hugged by her parents. She’s touch-deprived, emotionally available and withdrawn, leading to a shameful enjoyment in tickling. Flustered lee, turns red, and her usual bravado is gone. WEAK to raspberries, but loves them. However she isn’t shy at all about loving her revenge or being a tickly menace in general. The most frequent victims to her torment are Katara and Aang (how fitting, the two lovers)- because they’re the ones she fights with the most, but what Toph’ll say is that they’re pansies. Lily livers. The works. Once tickled Zuko till he was breathless for burning her feet.  Back to her lee-ness. She prefers being the ticklee despite evidence above. It’s comforting, nice and gives her the warm fuzzies she hates oh-so-much. 
SUKI, a skilled Kyoshi warrior, gets all blushy and squealy at the mention of tickling. She can barely apply her own face-paint without those thoughts creeping into her mind. Dating Sokka, one of the many serial ticklers in the group has its benefits- she doesn’t even have to ask. She’s a lee at heart, and no one would think it- (she always backs up her tooootal LACK (sarcasm) of enjoyment in tickling- h-hey, it’s not like I LIKE being a giggling mess at someone’s fingers... yeah!) but she does love her revenge, especially on Sokka. Of course, when she gets closer to the girls of the Gaang, they tickle her frequently and of course, they get theirs at her skilled hands. The only person she’s too scared to tickle is Zuko- he puts up a brooding front.  ZUKO is a ball of pent up rage. He’s frustration, and he’s a stickler to his values. And he’s also ticklish. Like Sokka, he sees it as a sign of weakness. Azula and her friends would play all sorts of tickle games on poor Zuzu as a kid, and he sort of internalized the names they called him (”weak”, “helpless”, “adorable”). As a brooding, angst-filled hothead, he grits his teeth and holds in his laughter a lot. As a lee, his face burns bright red and he growls and he kicks and he clutches his stomach and he does everything in his power to stop laughing- and stop liking it. As a result of this, he goes way too far as a ler, and has to apologize for his Azula-esque behavior. When he first said he liked tickling to the Gaang, it was loud, proud and fiery in typical Zuko fashion, and they just stood confused while he showed off his spots ardently. 
AZULA is a ler. She loves tickling others, and uses all sorts of implements- lightly tracing Mai’s blunt daggers over ticklish spots, her own long nails and cooing, teasing tactics. She’s sadistic and relentless and loves it. However, like with Toph, she’s an incredible lee. It’s all over her face. I mean, the mommy issues? Girl needs a tender hug that isn’t from a straitjacket. She admitted it to Mai and Ty Lee, who tackled her and reversed the roles for once, and she reacted unsuprisingly with anger. However, when she is tickled, she melts into the ler’s arms. She doesn’t want to move, she just wants to stay, and laugh, forevermore.  MAI, the second half of Azula’s crew, is also- surprise- a ler. Her nails are blunt with a sharp edge that makes them killer, and her affinity for blades makes her fingers skilled and quick. She may seem bored and stony all the time, but secretly, tickling is fun to her. You read that right- being a ler and laughing her head off makes her smile, and it’s not only because she kind of instinctively does- it’s just really nice to let go.  She frequently tickles her little brother, Zuko and TY LEE, because they’re the only ones who’re allowed to retaliate. The circus performer herself also enjoys tickling, but especially on the recieving end. She’s staged many acts where her ticklish tummy was the centerpiece of it all, and asked to be tickled by her childhood friends. She spills the beans on others’ tickle spots as well as her own out of instinct, and will chipper on and on about tickling and say the word way, way more than the others I’ve mentioned on the list. She’s basically a walking, contorting, tumbling tickle spot and she’s proud of it, baby!
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ramblingcoyote · 1 year
Trigun Stampede thoughts
So far I am really enjoying Trigun Stampede. It's an interesting reimagining of the original story and the animation is stunning. The only things I'm kind of off on is the pacing of the show and certain points of Vash's character. I understand 12 episodes is a small amount of time to fit a lot of story in so I can understand them condensing story points to fit but I think the show could have also benefited with having slightly longer episodes. Then it wouldn't feel quite so rushing with each episode. But, they do still do a very good job of story telling.
The other thing is how Vash acts concerning his guilt and sadness. In the manga and 90's anime It was a point that Vash sometimes goofed around and acted silly as a way to cover how heavy he felt. Now the Stampede Vash does act a little silly at moments but it feels more like those moments where you'd figure he'd goof around a little, instead he sleeps. Don't get me wrong, it is very cute when he sleeps and I can see the idea of him constantly tired from all he goes/ has gone through but it just feels odd not seeing that particular character trait as much. Again, it might just be a writing point for the tone of this show but I am a little bummed not to see his style of humor coping because it was something I connected with with the character in the manga and 90's anime. The show is amazing, you can tell so much hard work went into it and I would definitely recommend it along with the original anime and the manga to see all the story lines and how they compare.
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wxniesrxse · 2 years
Can you please make trainee a reaction when they fight also like have argumemts with there girlfriend? Thank you
Well here it is! Idk if this is how you wanted it to be but I tried! This look more like reader being a jealous sh💩tty partner 🤣 but anyways enjoy!
YORCH ( understanding & calm & helpful )
"Why did you lie!" You yelled at him. Your eyes about to pour tears out. You went to a wedding event with Yorch. You've never expected for a certain women to come to that wedding event but then again you remember she's a family member of the couple that got married. That women is still in love of Yorch. When you two were in high school, she bullied you because you were dating the "love of her life". She made your life miserable in high school and you hated her. "I asked you if she was coming and you said she's wasn't! You know how much I hate her!" You cried covering your face with your hands. " I-I know! And I'm sorry....but I didn't want to go alone...I wanted you by my side....Yn-". "Quiet! Yorch....I hate lies! You should've told me the truth, we've not gone there....". Yorch watch you with a sad expression. He couldn't believe that you seeing that women again made you get all nervous and angry. He understood about the pass and he was always there to protect you but you showed to much weakness and that disappoint him. " Yn....you shouldn't let her affect you...not anymore..." he walk closer to you. His hands delicately place themselves onto your shoulders. " I know you're strong...I know you're-". " Yorch I'm going to my room...." You said running to your room leaving a sad and upset Yorch watching you run off. " I will help you to overcome this..." he mumbled to himself.
Leo ( tries to control his emotions)
" you know what....I'm sick of this! Are you using your busy job as an excuse to cheat on me with someone else?..." You stood in front of the door blocking Leo from going out. Lately Leo has been to busy with his job as a music producer, helping trainees to make their own music . So he has to be there at work the entire day. He no longer spends time with you like he used to and that bother you a lot. Even before this when he had time to be with you he worked as a music producer and with the trainees as well so why so suddenly he can't no longer spend time with you? Well you only have one answer. The most common answer....he's cheating. Leo scoffed at you finding your words silly. " No, im heading to my job...what makes you think of that?..." He raised up his voice a little, tilting his head to the side trying to figure out what's wrong with you. " you no longer spend time with me! You're cheating on me!" You yelled. You felt anger rise in you as you hit his chest with your tiny fists. Once Leo felt you hit him, he closed his eyes and shoved backwards because of the force. He felt annoyed about your stupid thoughts. "Are you serious right now?....." he raised up his voice again but tried to calm himself. He had a poker face. He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose and above. " Yn, baby, I wouldn't do that to you, I can't, I don't have the time to cheat nor am I interested to do it" Then he smiled and walk close to you, putting his hands to touch the sides of your face. "I have amazing projects coming for the trainees, that's why I'm working hard....once things gets done, I'll be back with you... okay?" He whispered as kiss you slowly. You kiss back but then pulled away and hug him. " I just don't want to lose you!". He smiled. " you won't".
SANGWON ( calm but feels sad and uncomfortable arguing)
" Yn! I think I'll be able debut this time-" He was so happy to tell you this news but his happy smile turned into a frown once he heard your reply. " you said that too last year and you didn't debut...please stop dreaming....actually how about you stop goofing off with your dumb friends, I feel like you're just there to play instead of spending time with me! You're wasting time with them!"'you cried out loud spilling all your anger. Sangwon look at you and couldn't recognize you. " why are saying that?....look if you have problems with your parents again don't take your anger on me....I didn't do anything to you" He said in a sad tone. He didn't even look at you his eyes avoiding you and staring blankly at the tiny table in front of him. He look like he wanted to cry but he hide it with a blank face. " what? It's my parents and you! Y'all don't love me!" You yelled with crying tears as you look at him beside you. He look down at his hands. His fingers slightly pinching the skin of his hand. Could it be he feels uncomfortable of the situation? He was being awfully too quiet. " say something!" You shout still looking at him. Sangwon look back you at you with watery eyes. " say what?.... your words about how I should I give up my dreams hurt me...... There's nothing to say..."he said with no emotion. His voice sounding calm and soft. You felt like shiiiiiiii💩 even more.
WOOCHAN ( first tries to cheer you up but if can't succeed he'll get frustrated and yelled later apologize)
"Yn which fast food or restaurant should we try today?..." he asked excited holding your hand while walking in the street. " I don't know...you pick...." You said not showing any care. " oh come on, don't let me decide by myself...what if you don't like it?" He pouted pinching your cheek between his fingers. " nah you pick I'll be okay with it" you slightly smile. "Alright then..." he grinned and look everywhere to see if any place catch his attention. " oh this one! I always wanted to go to that-". "No Woochan! Not that one pick another one!" You whined. "B-but why not? You said I can choose and you'll be okay about it..." He stopped walking and look at you confused. Still holding your hand. " I've heard that place is toooo dirty..." you comment. "What? Really? Should we check if it's true?". You let go of his hand. " are you doubting me?? You're doubting your own girlfriend? How dare you?!" You raised up your voice.  Woochan look at you as if you were crazy. He look afraid. "Y-y-Yn! Baby! Are you o-okay? Why are you getting mad?" He put a hand on your shoulder and his other hand caressing your face. " I'm not mad!" You said....madly. Woochan let's go of you. " you're acting childish! Maybe I should stop pampering you with everything" he try to tease you but you didn't smile. Now he was the one getting mad and frustrated. " what it is women! What! Tell me and I'll fix it! Just stop giving me an attitude!" He raised up his voice on you for the first time. You look at him with wide eyes. " y-you yelled at me?" You said with watery eyes. " I- no wait Yn! I'm sorry!" He yelled as you ran back home.
JAMES ( tries to explain first about the situation with no lies. If you still not convinced he'll get tired and frustrated for not making you understand he's telling the truth, so he'll just leave because he's tired of arguing)
" Zhao Yufan!!!....." you yelled from your room. " oh crap she's mad..." James mumbled to himself. He learned that whenever you say his whole real name that means you're really mad at him. "Yes baby?" He said pressing his lips together tightly his body tensing. "Who's this women?! Huh? She's a woman Yufan! Not even a teenage girl! Why is she following you! And why is she commenting on your pictures that you're very handsome? Huh? Who is she to you!" You show him his phone. The screen on Instagram and the photo of a beautiful girl. "Wait babe calm down!....first of all she's not lying when she says I'm handsome, second,she's not a woman she just turned 17 last week, and as you can tell she's clearly latina, and Latina girls are naturally like...like t-that! Their body are big- bigger? What am I even saying?!" James struggle to even finish his sentence because of the suspicious look you're giving him. " that point is," he raised his index at you. " she's just a friend! My friends and I met her last week in the dance battles we have every month! What's the problem? She's a very nice person what can I do about that?" He shakes his head to the sides as he throws his phone towards the couch. Then he falls to the couch looking tired. " You better be telling me the truth because I wouldn't forgive you...." You said still angry. James looked annoyed and didn't feel like arguing. " honestly you're the one that is disappointing me....the fact that you do not trust me and even go through my phone is so messed up....I've never done that to you because I trust you....." He said in a stern way. He stood up from his couch and left your house leaving his phone there. Now you felt bad for doing this. He didn't took his phone with him so how are you going to call him?
JAYJAY ( will argue back, and yell back, and scream back, and cry back, and then later he will apologize, then you two will get back together. For god sakes he's 16!)
This time he was the one who started the argument. " YN......I don't like hanging out with your friends " he confessed. You dip your French fry in the bbq. "Why? They're so nice" you raised an eyebrow. "They are but they're annoying too....they're so giiirrrly and conceited " my dad bought me the latest new automobile, my family and I went to queen Elizabeth's birthday party" Jay mimicked their squeaky voices. " next time your friend ,F/n, is gonna say she and her puppy travel to the moon with her private spaceship" JayJay laughed. " pfff you're just mad because she's rich!" You argue as you didn't like how he was talking about your best friend F/n. " You forgot I'm rich too? But I don't show off like she does....I don't like show offs" JJ expressed with a teasing smile. "JayJay! Although she's rich! She's a girl that went through a lot! I'm not letting you down talk about her like that!" You said angry throwing a French fry at his face. Jay stopped smiling and look at you with surprise. He also throws a French fry at you. "Alright then! Defend your best friend! Im leaving!" He put on his school backpack. " Jay wait! This isn't fair! I've never talk bad about your friends! Why are you suddenly saying this-". Jay was making his way to the entrance door about to leave the restaurant. "You're friend F/n try to seduce me". He stopped and look back at you. "What?" You said. " yeah you're friend try to seduce with money and promise me things....you're friend in a fake!" Jay yelled and left the restaurant.
JIHOON ( the listener, after you done talking, he'll talk calmly probably raise his voice a little but quickly stop. If things get bad he'll feel stressed about it) " hoonie in the future you and I will get marry" you said as you daydream in class next to him. "Yeah sure..." he glance at you with a funny look. Of course you're joking when you say this.....right or...." I'm being serious.....once we turn 20 we'll get married and have 10 kids together! Five little Hoonies and five little ynies!" You said excitedly. Jihoon wide his eyes as he look at you with fear. " ha! Hahaha! You're so silly Ynie...cute" he rubbed your head and faked laughed. You slam your hands against the desk. " I'm serious! Han Jihoon!" You got close to his face trying intimidate him. Jihoon swallow his ball of saliva stuck in his throat. " No!" He said. " of course not!" He yelled nervously. " you don't want to have a feature with me?! " you whispered out loud. " you don't think I'm the only one for you? Then....that means you don't love me at all!" You cried. " No! Yea! I mean no-yes!....agh! You're pranking me right?" Jihoon grasp onto his own hair. " you know what Jihoon......we're done! It seems that you don't want a feature with me" you said separating your desk from his. " No YN! Wait we have to talk!" He whispered back. You ignore him. Jihoon look down at his desk feeling stressed about the situation. He still thinks you're just messing with him but still he feels frustrated.
Thank You For Reading 📖
( also on wattpad and IG )
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21witnokidz · 1 year
Chapter 9
Warnings: Angst, Almost rape, long chapter
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“You all got the plan?”
You, Arthur, Hosea, and Bill were getting ready to rob a mansion. Everyone who lived in the mansion were gone. Dutch even decided to tag along when he heard how big the house was.
Fuck you were excited. Everyone was here and ready to cause trouble.
Hosea pulled Arthur aside.
“Please look after Y/N. Make sure nothing happens”
“Hey what do ya think I’ve been doing all this time?”
You all, one by one, sneaked through the back doors. Arthur insisted he stay in front of you. You hadn’t killed anyone yet but you had surely shot someone. You looked through drawers and chests. Boxes underneath beds and everything. They had so much jewelry you were gonna sell some and keep some for yourself.
“Y/N lookie”
Arthur called out
He was holding a fancy hat.
“Oh this is a nice hat but I want something a rough cowboy would wear”
You two started looking through the closet. Arthur pulled out a fancy suit and began to throw it on. You found a nice dress and slipped it on. You two looked at each other in the mirror and started laughing.
Arthur put on a few rings and hooked your arms with his.
“Yes my name is Arthur Morgan of the royal family and this is my duchess Y/N the fourteenth”
Arthur said in a silly British accent.
“Oh my dear darling shall we go for some tea?”
“Oh yes we shall”
Dutch knocked on the door and opened it only to find you and Arthur goofing off.
“When you two are finished we’re gonna be going back to the camp. You’ll be alright here?”
“Yes yes go on Sir Dutch leave us be”
You said still with your fake accent.
He just had a confused look on his face but decided it was best he’d not ask so he closed the door and left.
“We’ve got this whole mansion to ourselves now Y/N! Who knows what trouble we could get up to”
Arthur said in his thick southern drawl as he crept up to you putting his arms around your waist.
“Arthur I’m not gonna fuck you right now!”
Arthur had a disappointed look on his face.
“We gotta do it in the master bedroom first”
Arthur’s face lit up and he grabbed your hand and booked it to the master bedroom. There he threw you on the bed and got rid of that dress. Although he was struggling with his suit he got it off eventually. He kissed you and even though y’all had no condoms he had gotten used to the pull out method.
“Sex in a rich man’s house. Can’t get any better than this!”
As you two did your thing you couldn’t even hear the front door opening. In walked a group of goons. About 4 of them. Not like your type of goons but real nasty ones.
“See I told you this house was empty. Let’s hurry before they come back”
As one of the goons walked up the stairs he could hear the noises and the things Arthur was doing to you in the master bedroom. He kicked open the door and startled both of you.
“Ohhh lookie here. We got two lovers enjoying each other. Hey… hey I know you! You’re that dancer girl from the other town! And you’re that boy she was with. Now that I think about it when I left that saloon I had 10 dollars missing from my pocket. Wanna tell me how that happened?”
You were frozen but Arthur was alert the whole time.
“Y/N run!”
You thought about how your mother told you to run when she got killed and you like to think you not listening to her is what made you survive. But that was a year ago. You’ve changed. As soon as he told you to run you bolted out the door not caring you were naked.
The goon tried to catch you but you slipped out the doorway and all his other goons came upstairs to try and see what was going on. All of them went into the room where Arthur was in but one of them saw you and ran after you.
You ran into the room where your gun was but before you could grab it the goon tackled you to the ground.
“That was some show you put on back in that saloon. How bout you give me another one? You’re a little whore ain’t ya? Or how’s about I make you and your little boyfriend fuck each other while we watch and we’ll kill ya afterwards. You done fucked up for stealing our money and now yer gonna pay”
The goon pulled his pants down and rubbed his dick on your ass and you’ve never felt more disgusted in your life. You reached as hard as you could for your gun but just couldn’t reach.
You scratched the goons neck and he pulled away in pain. You lunged forward and grabbed the gun and the goon ran towards you. You shut your eyes and squeezed the trigger.
You felt his body fall on top of you and you opened your eyes and pushed him off quickly.
Arthur ran into the room half naked, covered in blood with no shirt on looking all over. His eyes finally found you and you were naked, covered in blood, and crying. He then saw the dead body next to you surrounded in blood.
“Oh my god Y/N”
He got down and hugged you.
“It’s ok. You’re ok”
You shook in his arms and he grabbed the cover from the bed and wiped the blood off of you.
“Arthur he- was gonna- he pulled his pants down”
“But he didn’t!.. But he didn’t”
Arthur pulled back and grabbed your hands.
“You killed him. It’s over. You protected yourself”
He picked your clothes up and gave them to you to help you put them on. You guys rode back to the camp and you immediately ran into your tent.
“What happened? What took so long?”
Bessie asked
Arthur ignored her and followed you.
“Y/N I’m sorry-“
“Just get out”
Arthur walked out and went into the woods to clear his mind.
“I’ll go talk to him”
Dutch followed him
Arthur knew Dutch was following him so he decided to quicken his steps and walk faster.
“You need to tell me what happened back there son”
“Just leave it alone Dutch”
“You can’t just ignore it”
“Dutch I swear to god I’m not in the mood”
“You gotta say something-”
Arthur turned around and snapped
“IT WAS ALL MY FAULT!! If I hadn’t asked her to do that stupid strip tease back then none of this would’ve happened. If we never stayed behind to be childish instead going with y’all back to camp everything would be fine! Y/N was about to get seriously hurt and it’s all because of me! I’m supposed to protect her! Make her feel safe! Me!”
Dutch had never seen Arthur cry before so he knew this was serious.
Arthur was breathing hard at this point,  pretty much hyperventilating. He grabbed his hair and started pulling at it. He fell to his knees and started punching the ground till his knuckles bled.
“Arthur stop!”
He didn’t listen and kept going.
Dutch grabbed his hands and pulled him into a hug. He’d never done that before. Arthur was full on sobbing, wetting Dutch’s shirt.
“I wanted to marry her. Now I can’t do that because… I’m not worthy”
“Now you listen to me Arthur. You two are gonna get through this. Believe me. I know it seems impossible now but if you truly love each other you’ll get through this”
“No Dutch I’m worthless. She’s not gonna love me after this”
“That’s not true”
“I’m never gonna be good enough for her Dutch.”
“Arthur! What would you think Y/N would say if she heard this?”
“She’d agree with me and call me trash”
“If you truly think that then maybe you really aren’t good enough for her”
“Dutch… I just wanna make everything right”
“And you will you just need time”
Arthur hugged Dutch.
“No matter what happens. You stay with me through thick and thin okay? You’re like a- a father to me. I mean that”
“I know son. I know”
It was the next day and Hosea decided to stay with you while Dutch, Arthur, and Bill went out. Arthur begged Hosea to stay but he insisted he’d leave.
“You know Y/N maybe this wouldn’t of happened if you would stop wearing such revealing clothes like I told you”
Bessie said
You stayed quiet not wanting to yell at this woman. Not for her sake but for Hosea’s.
“Maybe you should just stop going out with the boys and stay here with me instead of going out there. You can now see it’s not safe for girls”
God Bessie used to be so nice. What the hell happened?
“Besides, bein a gunslinger is not ladylike”
“What do you want from me!? You want me to be a lady blah blah blah. I’m doing the best I can and you’re the only one who has a problem with it!”
You got up and stormed over to the men’s shaving area and took some clippers and chopped off a piece of your hair.
“There! That good enough for you!”
You chopped another piece off and another. Soon all you hair was buzzed down but not completely bald.
“Now I look like a boy. Will that finally shut you up”
Bessie just stared at you which caused you to break down.
“Don’t you think I know it’s hard being a girl? I know being a boy is easy especially when you’re in a gang like this. I don’t wanna be a boy but I don’t wanna be ‘ladylike’ or whatever it’s called. I’m just doing the best I can”
Hosea came around to see what all the commotion was to only to see your hair on the ground.
“Oh my god”
“I’m fine Hosea. It’ll grow back. You can call it woman hysteria or whatever but this is what I want”
You went through Arthur’s stuff to put on some of his clothes and walked back out to present yourself to Bessie.
“If that’s what you want Y/N”
She got up and walked away.
Hosea cleared his throat
“Well I guess we should start calling you (boy version of your name)”
You just stared at him.
“I’m sorry”
You heard the boys get back from there whereabouts and saw the shock on Arthur’s face. It made you want to cry. He got off and walked towards you. He just stared at you and smiled.
“I love it”
He had a hat in his hands. A rough cowboy hat.
“I think it’d look better with this though”
He put the hat on you and adjusted it to make sure it fit. He then swiped the rim and flicked it up.
You slowly put your arms around Arthur and buried your face in his chest, closing him in a hug. Arthur’s ring was burning heavy in his pocket but he decided now wasn’t the time.
“Y/N we found out who those men were and we might know how to find the man with the piggie birthmark”
Dutch spoke up. You looked at him and listened attentively.
“They’re apart of a gang called the O’Driscolls”
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toksinblack · 2 years
I usually don’t share my thought on much of anything on the internet, but seeing how negative people, especially on Twitter are about Dream smp ending really rubbed me the wrong way. 
I want to preface this by saying that this is all coming from my subjective experience and taste. You have complete right to disagree with me, I would love to have a conversation.
It feels like no matter what the ccs would have done, people would have been unsatisfied, because it seems like people had huge expectations for a silly minecraft roleplay server. I feel like if we look back at the lore streams themselves, they were never serious with maybe the exeption of exile and even then exile had plenty of goofing around, which people forget in favour of dramatic scenes. The fandom ourselves being angsty and hyperfocusing on those scenes does not help either.
Like with a lot of things the problem is that people take everything too seriously, at least regarding the ending, not the abuse portrayal (I have no experience with it, so I can't speak on it). I’ve consumed a lot of media in my life and spent a lot of time dwelling on how things could have been better. And don’t get me wrong, being able to critique is a usefull skill that helps us learn on other writer’s mistakes. But also being able to enjoy things not for what they could have been but for what they are made my life so much better.
It’s kinda funny how people say that the ending was rushed and dragged out simultaneously. Was it rushed? Personally, I don’t think so. Were lore streams far and few between? Yes. But also I don’t wish for them to have streamed everyday, like during quarantine. Again, personally, I have a full-time job, personal life and other interests and hobbys, so I wouldn’t be able to keep up.
I understand, that people probably wanted something grandiose, that involved every person on the server. But I have the feeling that it was simply not possible. I understand people being upset that Techno’s house is gone. I am too. But even if it was around, we almost never would've see it in lore. I'm content with going back to older vods and seeing both the house and Techno preserved in that small window in time. Unchanged. Forever.
What I don't understand is people on Twitter posting shit like "abuse apoligism??!!" And oh boy I'm gonna bite someone's fingers off. No, not it's not. People have already said this but I'll repeat for thr people in the back. Sympathy =/= forgiveness. Different people will have different interpretations of Tommy's last words. I saw the sorry as "I'm sorry things had to be this way" when he realized him and Dream ultimately wanted the same thing. It's this bitter realization that if things went differently they could have had happy lives. Or it could be "Sorry I have to kill you, I didn't want to kill anybody in the first place". It can be different things and forgiveness is not one of them. You think a guy who, just a few days prior, scolded c!Dream apologists will have his character forgive his abuser? Guys, please, have more faith in him than that, jeez.
I don't know which one it is: viewer's either a) inability to engage with media critically and taking everything on a surface level or b) willingness to engage with media and ccs in worst faith baffles me, either way.
There are also sentiments floating around that fans' time and energy, that they put into supporting the story over the past 2,5 years, was somehow 'wasted' by an unsatisfactory ending. Sure you can dislike it, but it shouldn't and does not take away from the fun and enjoyment we collectively had in that time period. It's not about the destination, it's about the journey.
Regarding the nukes, it's great that they used an already established pieces of lore, instead of pulling something out of their asses or going with a Deus Ex Machina. Admittedly, I haven't kept up with Tubbo lore, from what I've seen the nukes got stolen and they dropped the storyline, so to bring them back in an impactful way creates nice continuity.
I also understand from what I've seem that people wanted a good ending. That after all that suffering the characters deserved a nice happy live. I've got nothing to say on that, I enjoy angst. It has a right to exist.
And I understand the ccs wanting to flip over a new leaf, instead of letting everyone live and continuing with their characters. Yes, people have emotional attachments to these characters, but if they stayed in the same world they would've had to navigate through 2 years of lore and relationships that have accumulated and viewers would have been not happy if they got that lore wrong. So starting over allows them to have new storylines, new relationships without having to trip over preexisting convoluted mess that is dsmp lore. Everything has to end. Let's let go.
On that note, what upsets me is that a lot of lore streams are fucking lost media now. I loove how Wilbur made his lore videos, they're bite sized and easy to follow. I was trying to pick out important exile streams recently and god damn it's impossible. There will be them joking around, one important line and then another hour of not really important stuff, I swear.
In conclusion: let's enjoy thing for what they are and engage with media in good faith please. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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