#enjoy the most basic band that I like lmao
irritablepoe · 8 months
i couldn't care less about carnival.
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zivazivc · 5 months
What kind of nu metal music fits Les's band?
First of all I gotta clarify that I sent this ask myself because I accidentally lost the original through constant editing and drafting. I realize I could just make a regular text post but I'm quirky like that, and a question is a nice little attention grabber for those who are interested.
It's hard to point at one song and say this is their sound, because A: I'm picky, B: the band's style changes over time, and C: I don't know what I'm doing lmao
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This answer is very long uhh I don't seem to be able to form short responses, mi scusi 😅
Back at home the brothers' music and then also the first year on the road with Flea the band sounds like the albums Music and especially Grassroots by 311. (Grassroots is such a banger of an album, I listen to it all the time, really recommend.)
Hed's the main influence on the band's sound because he's the main vocalist, songwriter and overall the most invested in the band succeeding (Les's main concern is making ends meet, and Flea is just enjoying the ride lol). At the start Hed and Les have had basically no contact with Rock Trolls so even though they're both more metal/punk than regular rock, their "rock side" is softer at this point. Hed also grew up with hip hop because of his peers so there's a lot of rapping in his lyrics. And he also incorporates reggae into his style a lot because of his favorite uncle, Kymani (one of the guys who live with Ish) who is a Reggae Troll. Hed is pretty much a sponge when it comes to music, much like Floyd. The closest I can come to describing his genre is a fusion of Rap Metal and Reggae Rock which are both already fusion genres jskksdjsk
(The band 311 has two singers and oddly they both sound like Hed and Les to me. SA Martinez (the higher of the two voices) sounds 100%, exactly like how I've imagined Hed's voice in my head. For Les I have a different voice claim because Les's personal style of music is much different from the band, but Nick Hexum (the lead vocalist here) is still in the second place when it comes to voice alone. Imagine my enthusiastic surprise finding voices for both brothers in the same band 😄)
examples from the two albums:
While driving around and performing small gigs they come in contact with the alternative and nu metal scene and meet a lot of Rock Trolls (mostly various Metal Trolls) and other mixed trolls, and in the following couple of years their sound gradually becomes heavier (Hed rediscovers screamo lol) and they go from rock to metal.
A year into their "touring" is also around the time Hed meets and starts dating Liv and gets her to join the band. Liv's genre has the heaviest sound of all of them (Industrial/EBM), which influences Hed and the band too. And with Liv on the drums, Hed takes over DJ-ing and is also able to put more focus on the vocals, which also makes Les step down and only sing backing vocals with the rest of the band if needed.
The band in this era sounds like the album Revolution by Insolence and to some degree Introduction to Mayhem by Primer 55.
examples from the albums:
Two years into the bands existence is when Floyd runs into them. At first he's more just standing there, observing their practices and performances warily, because he's had bad experiences with Rock Trolls in his one year alone and metal music still kinda freaks him out at this point. But he soon starts joining in in melodic parts and then it progresses into him singing longer and longer segments because he has the strongest vocals of everyone. And once he saves enough of his earnings for a guitar he starts playing the rhythm guitar too. (The guitar he took with him when he left the Troll Tree got stolen before he met the band.)
I guess I should clarify: Flea is the lead guitarist, Les is the bassist, and Liv and Hed switch on the drums and DJ-ing depending on the track. At one point they also get a keyboard.
It's also not that long before Hed and Floyd start actively writing songs together, sharing each others notes, and they start to split the singing parts more evenly. Hed even teaches Floyd screamo techniques, because he thinks Floyd has a great voice for them (He is correct, Floyd has a mean scream 😁).
During this time the band still pretty much sounds like Revolution by Insolence but with more melodic singing parts from Floyd (and screaming/shouting lmao). I think Verge of Umbra is another good band to compare, it sounds more clean and Floydy but still Hedy. (Man, I should write scientific research papers skjdkjf)
↑↑↑ song with the lyrics from the drawing at the top
From here on out I'm a bit unsure how the band's sound develops, but I'm pretty sure Floyd would unintentionally infect them with a mild case of radio friendliness (Pop trolls can't help their in your face nature lmao 😞). So for now I'm stopping here...
This took me days of searching and writing so I would appreciate to hear any thoughts you have if you've come this far and given some of the songs a listen. :)
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
FOURTHGRADE ; dating hcs
warnings ; language, talk of substances, talk of like makeout stuff (not in great detail or anything but yk)
genre ; fluff
requested by ; @th0tblckgrl
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guys, he isn't dumb, he just lacks common sense I swear
he excells in tech classes and art stuff
math and science will be his downfall (real tbh)
always films you doing tricks and shit
has a whole vhs worth of film of raw, unedited footage of you two skating together (mostly you) and stupid cute shit he's caught on camera
he titles it "y/n/n <3" with a red sharpie too.
dyeing his hair w him
he never switches out that bleach & pink istg
it makes for good hangouts and stuff tho
you watch his gecko for hours while he's doing homework and shit
she's just so adorable omg
he likes you on top when you're making out and shit
he loves being straddled and being able to hold you by the waist and shit
he's not super clingy or anything but he loves his hand holding and cuddles
he has acne, and if you do too, oh my lord match made in heaven
he loves tracing your scars with his infamous red sharpie and it stains your face for almost a day lmao
he likes picking at your bacne just through impulsive thoughts
"ow! Jesus christ!"
"sorry! it was ready to pop, I swear"
dude Ray loves you two together sm
he's your biggest shipper <3
fuckshit constantly teases you two
I personally hc that fourthgrade is asexual so here's context for the next one
since he's ase (and even if you are two! me too twin) you guys don't take it all that sexual, and gets a little icked when the guys make jokes about you two fucking sometimes
most the time he laughs it off but other days he's just eughhh
and you instantly turn to whoever made the joke and silently shake your head and do the 'you're dead sign' with a respectful face iykwim
he likes staring in your eyes sometimes and getting lost in them
when he's writing movie scripts for fun, he uses you as a faceclaim (along with the other boys tbh) for whatever lead there is or the leads love intrest/best friend. everytime without fail
basically just fanfiction about you two
again like fuckshit, friendship before relationship
matching belts or band shirts
if you also dye your hair fun colors, he dyes it for you
movie nights every night I swear
getting high with him in the dead of night on a friday/saturday night >>>>
hugging him from behind too 💔💔💔
I'm not like trying to infantilize him, he's just a softie for u
stealing shopping carts and bringing them back to skate locations is just a tradition
a lot of times Ray and Fuckshit are busy and they leave ruben and stevie with you so you guys are basically a little family doing fun shit
skating around town, going to the public pool, chilling inside gas stations, renting movies, trauma dumping etc
you're literally just ruben and stevies parents
the ultimate comedy group too 💀
shit, you, fourth, fuckshit and ray are actually way too funny when you're super drunk/high at parties
like you'll be in your own corner watching over ruben and stevie playing uno and start talking about testicul bombs and radioactive cum??? (based on a true story)
alr that's all I got I hope u enjoyed LOL
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scekrex · 4 months
i will most likely appear often so HAH
So like adam has a band right? And they make copious amounts of merch, like think adam plushies and shit, and ftm or male reader finds this merch in a random store and just decides to splurge on adam plushies and shirts and all this crap because he wants to support his boyfriend yea? It can be fallen adam or angel adam, adam’s adam lmao
(i wanted to add ftm because i am ftm, u can make it just plain male if that works better!)
Nuh uh bitch, you want ftm so we're making it ftm also this turned out a lil short but I hope you like it nonetheless.
That’s my fucking boyfriend, you intolerant cunts
pairing: Adam x trans!male!reader
warnings: language, reader gets misgendered (once)
note: not beta read bc fuck you
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Having a famous boyfriend wasn’t always a good thing, especially when said boyfriend was Adam. It was bad enough that basically all of Heaven knew him for being the first man, the fact that Adam had decided to also be the lead singer and the face of his own band made it even worse, because that gave strangers an actual reason to walk up to Adam and talk to him. And now people did not only know Adam, they also knew you. He wasn’t very subtle about dating you - not that you wanted him to be, you found it quite adorable how proud Adam was of having you as his boyfriend. But Heaven’s people could be complicated and less tolerant - a thing you had to learn the hard way.
The intolerance of people had been way worse when the brunette and you had just started dating years ago, back then people didn’t even know Adam was bisexual. You and him were walking through Heaven’s streets, having a nice chat while also enjoying each other's company. The first man had his arm wrapped around your waist, he made it quite obvious that he liked you, not only by the way he looked at you every now and then, but also by his body language. The tip of his wing rested on your shoulder, he had you pressed close to his side - seeming a little overprotective and maybe even possessive.
That was when a small crowd of people surrounded the both of you, taking pictures of you and your boyfriend without your consent and asking Adam a million questions. Out of reflex you pressed your body against Adam’s side, trying desperately to escape the curious eyes and the flashing cameras. Adam was quick to raise his wing and shield you from their view. “How are you?” one of them asked Adam, not noticing that they were interrupting a sweet moment between boyfriends. “Can we take a picture together?” another angel asked as they took a picture of Adam without his consent. “Who’s the chick you’re hiding?” And that question made you tense up. A chick. They thought you were a woman. But before you were able to correct them, the first man pushed the noisy people out of the way - and let’s just say that he wasn’t gentle about it - as he hissed, “That’s my fucking boyfriend, you intolerant cunts.”
But then there were the bright sides of having a famous boyfriend - the merch. Well, actually there were more bright sides than just merch, but seeing shirts with your boyfriend’s face printed on it was quite hilarious to you and the fact that multiple stores in Heaven sold the merch of Adam’s band with such pride made it even better. The store you were in that very day made it even better. The brunette had told you a couple weeks ago that he and his band were working on selling plushies of themselves - he had explained that chicks loved cute shit and given that the majority of their fans were women that made a lot of sense. At least to you and Adam.
You stepped up to the shelves and took a closer look at the new plushies and you chuckled how inaccurate they looked. You didn’t know whether Adam and his band mates wanted them to look like that or if the production simply fucked up, but knowing your boyfriend and his friends, they most likely were too lazy to design them to look accurate. You grabbed one of the Adam plushies off the shelf - it was surprisingly soft - and without thinking twice about it you put the soft plushie in the shape of your boyfriend in your shopping cart. The other plushies on the shelf followed and the shirts hanging from the wall didn’t remain untouched either - let’s just say that you were quite surprised by how many different printed shirts they had with Adam’s face on it, because fuck, there had been a lot.
When you got back home from grocery shopping a couple hours later, Adam chuckled at how you tried to drag the quite heavy bags into the kitchen before he decided to help you with it. “The fuck did you buy? Rocks?” he joked as he lifted the heavy bags onto the kitchen counter. The brunette opened one of the bags to help you put away the groceries and when he was met with one of the plushies he and his band mates started to sell not so long ago, he raised an eyebrow at you. You simply shrugged, grabbed the bag filled with merch and pulled it off the counter, “Someone’s gotta support your ass after all.” And Adam couldn’t really argue against that.
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loafeebuns · 2 months
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Soooo where to begin,, this won’t be too organized and I’m really just copypasting in their artfight info lmao, I guess I’ll give super basic character intros plus old and new art of them, starting with NC! It isn’t a surprise but I love this dude, Nine Circles is my favorite hard demon and I’ve thought of so much regarding his backstory and just AGHH,, For four years now HELP,, oldest art of him is on top and latest is on the bottom! (Again they’re mostly all on twitter, sorry for the huge aa watermarks)
Nine Circles ♦️
He/Him 🏳️‍⚧️ | Rank 3 Demon (Middle ranked) | NC type - FLASH WARNING!!
- The first type of his kind.. a species of demon capable of strobing bioluminescent lights to stun and prey on mortals. Among the NC levels he is almost like a big brother figure more than anything else, even when they tower over him lol,,
- Extroverted, reckless, snarky, devil may cry son of a bit- with questionable morals.. doesn’t really care for most mortals as they’re out to get him,, but loves and is loyal to his friends and enjoys teasing other demons hweheh!!
- He’s from the gd capital city, a rarity for demons to be found so close to super heavy human populations, so he’s quick, and can stealth around easily. He doesn’t always make the brightest decisions especially when battle is initiated, there he kinda just go crazy go stupid until it ends up working out 👍
- His role in the world is complicated, as the first NC demon he is essentially what started the influx of demons being created in his image. Before that though he himself was created to achieve an exterior goal. Demons are artificial beings and during the time he was made there was just hugeee prejudice towards him and others like him, he’s infamous among mortals and demons ahehhehee.. but this time was especially rough as he along with his peeps needed to band together,,
Also fun bonus fact! Normal sunlight actually strains the hell out of his eyes! He prefers keeping them hidden away either under hair, hood, etc only fully revealing em once it’s dark! He sees via cartoon logic!
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warmsol · 5 months
hi bestie 😚 can we get an lil update on Kai plsssss, like what my man been up to 💕
omg hiiii i’m so happy to see you pop in i hope you’ve been well ;-; as requested here’s your favorite guy’s update ✨
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uhhh i got a lil long winded here, so i stopped myself before i went too overboard!
he’s now working at an elementary school as a part time music teacher! he’s even writing and producing their school musical! crazy, right? over the last year, kai realized there’s so much more he can do with his love of music. (band life has flopped, basically) after becoming a father, he began to notice how much he actually enjoys being around children, and teaching them something he loves has brought a lot of happiness in his life. (is this the same guy who said he never wanted to be a dad and literally rejected it at all costs?) anyway, the other half of the time he still takes on solo gigs in bars, and runs his soundcloud, lmao.
speaking of kai and fatherhood! he’s fallen in love with being arielle’s dad. he can’t imagine life without her. he’s a complete and total softie for his daughter. whatever she wants or needs, he will give. that being said though, he doesn’t want anymore children, mostly because he’s convinced that arielle is the most perfect human to exist so how could he duplicate that twice? 
marriage troubles??? while kai and ashton are very much in love, there have been a few rifts in their relationship. (it can’t be all rainbows and butterflies, sadly. especially if kai is involved.. oh did i say that out loud?) as we know, kai has made amazing progress with his self discovery journey but that doesn’t mean he’s all good all the time. kai has a tendency to get bored, he craves change and chaos. without it he almost feels.. empty? he often self sabotages, and while he’s suppressed those feelings recently, it’s coming to a point. which has led kai and ashton to couple’s counseling. kai has been a little…. flirtatious and carless to say the least. kai and boundaries? yeah that’s something he likes to test. constantly! in his darkest moments, he often questions if he’s capable of long term commitment. and it scares him, because he loves ashton and doesn’t want to ruin it. :/ but don’t worry, they’re dedicated to figuring it out. ashton won’t give up on his boy so easily.. as he's said many times.
kai and elia! they are good friends. they text and facetime now and then, even send each other snapshots of their life. kai has a bit of an attachment to elia, he can’t seem to fully let her go. he wants her in his life in whatever form he can get. (and elia feels the same) they communicate and understand each other as friends much better than they ever did as lovers. buuut there is tension when makoa is brought up, for obvious reasons. he wants her to be happy, but still isn’t convinced it’ll be with him. like, we know he's makoa's number 1 hater through and through. that hasn't changed.
kai and jasmin are closer than ever. jasmin is probably kai’s best friend. there was a time he was cruel to his sister (and the entire world around him) but as they’ve aged they have realized they’re all each other has since they don’t speak to their parents. sadly since jasmin still lives in sulani, they don’t see each other as much as they like but that leads me to my next point!
kai and ashton want to get a summer home in sulani. 🤭 y’know, get away from the city, enjoy the beach.. be near jasmin! oh, and it just so happens his dear friend lives there.. and he wants to see her more often too. (makoa just popped a blood vessel) but anyway, that opens up sooo many possibilities for reconciling, right? beach days with the fam, arielle and elia's twins growing up together.. how could makoa and kai still hate each other after all that future bonding time? (jk they'll find a way)
all in all, kai is doing his best. he's still got some deep rooted issues to work through, and maybe some of it will never go away....... but he IS happy. most the time, anyway.
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prongsfish · 2 months
thank you kind sir for your service 🙇‍♀️ <3
i can't remember if i mentioned this in my original notes dump, but he 100% went to bali for holidays like every year. if not bali, the crouch family was going to singapore. but he would have hundreds of little bali souvenirs, tons of clothes that he haggled for (his lack of moral guilt combined with his insane competitiveness would make him an AMAZING haggler, for better or for worse), have gone to all the tourist spots a hundred times over- he's given all the monkeys in the monkey forest names and he remembers ALL of them. he goes to the same few hotels every time and the staff know him by name because he's there so regularly (and also very obnoxious. he's hard to forget). he sleeps in bintang singlets all year round.
he is constantly shocked and dramatic about things that people at hogwarts (whether muggle au or not, i still imagine him in boarding school with the skittles) say despite having spent most of the year in the uk for several years. people mention having never gone to/not enjoying the beach and he FLIPS his SHIT. he is absolutely distraught at the idea. in a muggle au, he can't fathom non-compulsory voting and whenever anyone complains about politics in the uk he says that maybe it'd be better if they actually made people vote. he basically will tell anybody who makes the mistake of listening about how much better australia is to everywhere else and gets furious at even the slightest insinuation that he's from the uk.
his accent is moderate, which means that people don't always immediately pick up on him being from australia even if they can tell his accent is different. it's worst at the beginning of the school year, though, after he's gotten used to talking to other australians for two months, and nobody can understand a word he says through his accent and heavy use of slang (which he refuses to translate).
he does also complain a lot about thinks in australia he dislikes, despite how much he praises it. he complains about how much things cost, how many less stores there are, how few bands tour there, etc. but if anyone else said something negative about australia he'd punch them in the face. he hates australia about as much as he loves australia, but more than anything else it's HIS country and nobody else is allowed to say shit.
okay that's it for now, it's hard to identify specific headcanons for aus barty because i think there's a lot of things i don't realise are specific to australia because i've lived here my whole life lmao.
oohh unrelated side note but i got a haircut yesterday and it's even more of a mullet than it's ever been before, so that's fun, it definitely feels like the type of haircut barty would have lol
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doubledyke · 8 months
what kinda music would the eds like?
oh dude
you'll be shocked to learn that all their tastes are based on my own.
to me eddy is a big Music Enjoyer™ and i think he goes through phases, but his overall taste is expansive. he's is obviously into disco - abba, sylvester, bee gees, EWF, kool and the gang, barry white. i see him enjoying old funk/soul/r&b - bootsy collins, the gap band, chaka khan, curtis mayfield, patrice rushen. pop/country oldies - nancy sinatra, dusty springfield, patsy cline, brenda lee, peggy lee, loretta lynn. 40s, 50s & 60s girl groups cuz that's what his mom likes- andrews sisters, mcguire sisters, ronettes, marvelettes, etc. 80s dance - the egyptian lover, pretty tony, debbie deb, newcleus, loose ends, madonna. 90s house and dance - crystal waters, la bouche, lisa stansfield, robin s, real mccoy. other 90s pop - aaliyah, britney, sugar ray, backstreet boys, nsync, aqua, smash mouth ace of base, TLC, destiny's child. a touch of ska with sublime, 311. other random stuff - fatboy slim, louis prima, azalea banks, limp bikit, shaggy, dua lipa (gay), the prodigy. there's so much more honestly but basically anything i like is what eddy likes 😳 he's like the catch all haha.
edd also loves music but i tend to think of stuff that reminds me of him vs. what he would actually listen to. crystal castles to me is edd music because i'm gay and emo but i don't think he'd really listen to them outside of the gothedd au that exists only in my head lmao. things i do think he'd listen to include kraftwerk, aphex twin, boards of canada, daft punk, massive attack, agnes obel, avalanches, burial. most of which he discovers through eddy of course. some outliers might be tool, muse, enya, anita baker (don't ask ok). there's other stuff i'm sure but that's probably enough for now.
ed is harder for me to nail down cuz i see him as mostly a rock/metal fan and even though i grew up listening to it, i've never gone super deep into the genre tbh. his favorite bands are primus and death grips. others would be alice in chains, nirvana, SOAD, melvins, butthole surfers, smashing pumpkins, black sabbath, metallica, rob zombie/white zombie. he might be into other 80s metal, black metal, sludge metal. none of which are anything i listen to so i couldn't tell ya what artists.
BUT other folks have made some great playlists for ed and the eds in general which i'll link here.
@mkorpse13's ed playlist
@mysticbeaver's ed and eddy playlists
@owmylasagna-blog's playlists for all the eds
@fish-bowl-2 has a great playlist for general eene vibes as well
my playlists for all three are here. not super long but i might add to them at some point.
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sunny-reis · 1 year
hcs - enha as college students
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notes: this isn't even an x reader (it may be in the future 👀) lmao, this is all lighthearted and i by no means intend to insult or deface any of the enhas or see them fr fr this way
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heeseung: comp sci major w/a music minor
deep down would definitely want his degrees to be the other way around
but he would probs realize cs just leads to more of a stable job (not with ai on the rise tho 😍 we love going into a doomed field of study)
(as a cs kid i’m ABSOLUTELY projecting onto my little headcanons about him)
i think..he’d be a NORMAL person that enjoys programming more than learning abt computer hardware or theory
seeing as he’s normal he’d HATEEEEE object-oriented programming (the complex part of programming OUGHGG)
he’d probably know exactly what to minor in for his dream job: music production
he’d DEFINITELYYY be in the school orchestra as a piano
he’s not mysterious enough for a bass, annoying enough for a violin or trumpet, or quirky enough for a cello
he’s an attention whore he wouldn’t even LOOK at the violas 💀
but yeah overall i think he’d know his plans for the future down to a T
probs has an internship at microsoft (derogatory)
now for the most important question
would he be a tech bro?
absolutely NOT
for those that aren’t as familiar with tech bros
just imagine a redditor alpha male with horribly gelled hair that brings the LOUDEST gaming pc to class with a horribly oiled, light-up keyboard, and makes sleazy comments about the one or two girls in every comp sci class
in other words: a woman in cs’ worst nightmare (send help i’m one of TWO girls in a class full of tech bros.)
but yeah he wouldn’t be like that at all
he’d definitely suck at rizzing up women (bro plays LoL in 2023, the year of our lord, need i elaborate?)
i can easily imagine him coming into class with gray sweatpants, a white t-shirt and flannel over, and a double-shot coffee from starbucks every day
he’d probably be the most decent-looking dude in every cs-related class i can’t even lie
for the dudes reading this: if you ever need an ego boost, do basic self-care and dress well (maybe even put on basic makeup), and join a cs class
the amount of mid ass incels with no concept of self-care will immediately make you the most attractive man in the class i kid you not
neways enough of me projecting 💀
as a music student
i could absolutely see him eat up every composition assignment (where you compose your own piece of music)
although i feel like he’d have a teacher that prefers classical music that’d be PISSED every time he submits something non-conventional
omg imagine him composing a whole dubstep instrumental for class
if the music production thing doesn’t work out he’d start a band with a bunch of losers in his dad’s garage and make horrible music that’d still get a decent amount of listens and attention bc he’s hot
it’s giving fallout boy but not emo
maybe shitty indie at best
more utc !
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jay: english major w/a philosophy minor
first of all
his ass would NOT know philosophy is mostly math before signing up
i don’t think he’d be bad at math at all but he’d fs be regretting it all
but then he’d debate dropping out until whoop there’s only a semester left until it’s over. too late.
he’d dress up for every class for SUREEE
one word: beige.
he IS light academia pinterest
studyblr WISHES it was him fr
macbook user. i don’t need to explain.
he’d probably have his life together on the outside
bullet journal and aesthetic notion and all
i feel like he’d prefer discussions and deep thought (hence the philosophy) and debates over analysis
he’d LOVE discussing his thoughts abt different texts in class
he would NOT like writing out analyses abt random ass stories tho (hs english was a NIGHTMARE)
argumentative essays are his BITCH fr
i think he’d lose points for focusing more on broader concepts and going just a tad too off-topic in analytical essays, instead of focusing on details and cause-effect relationships and all that
now for the important part: his life outside of college
ik for a FACT he’d be the most likely to have a thriving social life outside of school out of all of enha
don’t @ me it’s not my fault the rest of them are MAIDENLESS – heeseung plays LEAGUE for crying out loud !!
probably goes out to the mall or new attractions like museums every weekend
even tho he minors in arguably one of the hardest fields of study ??
bro would finish up calc III homework in less than an hour 🤯
i bet he’d be there on a scholarship too 😒lucky ass
jake: international relations (global politics) major, no minor
note: ik the average writer would probs make him a physics major but that’s BOOOORING and overdone, plus i just don’t see it 🤷
EXTREMELY IMPORTANT NOTE !!! IR ≠ political science !!! IR focuses on politics around the world, pol sci is more of how internal governments work
(i’m also heavily projecting here bc i’m a politics student send your prayers please and thank you)
i pity IR majors
this boy is TIRED 25/8
tbh the thing with IR isn’t that the content’s hard
a (paraphrased) quote from my IR teacher: “political scientists are lazy, all they do is come up with generic concepts and slap an ‘-ism’ at the end”
it’s moreso the reading and writing.
god the reading.
politics textbooks are so big and expensive it hurts my wallet just to look at the library-issued textbook i have
he’d be running on caffeine and a prayer, no sleep we die like men
not that he’d be a bad student !!
i could definitely see him being that one student that asks the teacher the silent questions no one asks bc they think it’ll make them look stupid (ie. asking them to repeat what they just said or explain a not-so-complex theory)
would definitely word vomit about politics, current and past, to the rest of the enhas (but just to make sure he remembers it all, you gotta respect the grind man)
none of them would understand a thing
jake: “yeah so it’s stupid how there are a whole bunch of states fighting over the south china sea when it’s technically international waters [please don’t quote me on this it’s like 2 am and i’m pulling stuff out of my ass] and therefore has no legal ‘owner’ haha isn’t that stupid?”
the rest of enha, maybe except for jay: 👁️👄👁️
jay: “ermmm akshully 🤓👆it’s in the name, china has legal rights over the south CHINA sea bc it borders it”
i can picture it vividly
imma be honest this man would be a MESS
he’d probably make (futile) attempts to get his shit together like a notion pro subscription, trying to sleep on time, a gym membership, you name it
sadly that’s just the life of a politics student
it’s so hectic it’d be hard to keep up with, but it’s jake, he’d somehow stay afloat
he’d probably come to his minimum wage job after class half-dead but his manager and coworkers would take pity on him and let him sleep in the janitor’s closet
would probably be clinging to the whole “just get through tomorrow and it’ll get better” mentality
it does not. sigh
sunghoon: undeclared until sophomnore (second) year, kinesiology (bio?) major
man honestly
this mf would be irrelevant
probs has a generic major and says absolutely nothing in class
if you blink he’d probs disappear
i feel like he’d initially wanna go for med but then he’d hear about the whole you’re-gonna-sacrifice-the-best-years-of-your-life-for-this-field-of-study thing and said NOPE lmao
which is reasonable
with the amount of ppl doing med in the world he wouldn’t think it’d make a difference if he decided to switch
i feel like he’d just be there for the ride 💀smth abt wanting to “experience all life has to offer” (not in a rich, just here for the business degree way, but more of an “i don’t need a degree to get a job but it might make it easier” way)
so yeah he decides to major in kinesiology, the study of movement according to google
disclaimer i’m not a bio person at ALL so any misinformation is completely unintentional and i will NOT be held at gunpoint to do research about a college major for HEADCANONS at ass o’clock in the morning
he has a decently light workload and therefore a healthy amount of free time
on the occasional he does get a painful assignment he’d procrastinate until he’d staying up and cussing out his past self for not doing it earlier
tbh i don’t think he’d be a horrible OR amazing student
he’s truly MID mid
maybe an average of like … 75% which really isn’t bad tbh the american education system has conditioned us into thinking it is but let’s be fr other than philly cheese steaks what exactly have we ever gotten right.
….neways again
he’d be something like a jack of all trades, master of none
overall a chill guy 9/10 would be fun to hang out with
now for the best part
frat boy sunghoon
idk anything abt frat or sorority life – i’m asian the only thing close to a sorority i’d be in would be like … the school orchestra or book club 💀my parents would kill me – so don’t take everything i say for gospel
you bet your ass he’d be at every party
100% for the booze and vibes he wouldn’t even be there to flirt or rizz ppl up (he’s a self-aware man he knows he has negative rizz but that’s what makes him so ALLURING)
wouldn’t get high or anything tho he’s not all abt that life (that life being running away from the popo)
i’d trust him to walk me home tbh
he wouldn’t hurt a fly the most he’d do is like … attempt to verbally abuse jay
sunoo: art major, english lit. minor
you saw it coming don’t lie
he’d be amazing at art honestly
making a portfolio would be his Thing yk
yk those big artists that are all about “working on the impulse” and not doing anything until they do ridiculous shit to get over art block
that’s him
but he slays every time he gets over it
god i feel like he’d be the perfect college friend after jay
he definitely has his shit together
i’m talking he does his assignments on time, probably has a half-paid merit scholarship, works a decent job at a taco bell just off of campus, and somehow has a will to live and time to go to the mall every weekend
the thing is, he’s not the most perfect college friend bc he’s slightly more fun-focused and free-spirited than jay, who’s a perfect mix of both
neways no more talking abt other enhas it’s sunoo’s time to shine 😠
i bet his dorm would be the most organized and decorated too oughhgh
he’d be the lucky mf that gets the biggest dorm on the first floor (with like two other roommates but they respect his privacy and all that)
he’d probably be able to get away with dorm policy violations (ie. cooking with an iron or something Not meant for cooking in his dorm instead of the nasty ass moldy ass communal kitchen) by batting his eyelashes and sweet-talking to the woman that oversees the dorms or smth (i’m blanking and i completely forgot what it’s called)
overall the luckiest bitch ever
we should all aspire to be sunoo tbh
if you’re a man and you’re not sunoo … thin fucking ice. do better. /hj
jungwon: biochem major, going for med (specifically oncology, the study of cancer?)
sorry in advance to any ppl in medical 🫶i’m gonna get every part of this wrong lmao
he’s one of Those Guys that’s known exactly what they’re doing since like … middle school
important question: would it be bc he gave into the classic asian parent pressure into becoming a doctor?
they might've played a tiny role in it but i think he'd genuinely wanna go into medical bc he's insane
definitely gets the best scores out of everyone in his class (idk if they use bell curves in med but if not he’d get solid 90s on everything)
i could see him with his life together tbh
homework always done a week before, healthy lunches he makes himself, clear skin, all that jazz
definitely has a merit-based scholarship
probably got a 1560 on the SAT too 😒 lucky ass bitch
i hate to say it
i really do
but he'd be the mf that reminds the teacher abt homework
“ermmmm mr. kim you said we had a pop quiz at the end of class” followed by him being beaten to a pulp
(w reaction/lh)
really cares about getting into a good med school
would DEFINITELY have like two internships every summer
so to recap: basically every asian med student ever (i’m friends with far too many rip med kids)
at least they won't be replaced with ai …
heeseung crying in the distance
for a med student i feel like he’d be busy 24/7 but he wouldn’t Look like it?
like if you’ve seen a med student, even in hs, they look like they lost a fight to a rabid raccoon
but for some reason jungwon has his shit together like the neurotypical know-it-all he is 😒/lh please don’t kill me
seeing as he’s known what he wants to do since like … middle school in this au, i think he’d fs be on top of all the content he’s learned, if not ahead of everyone else
i’d trust him to be my doctor 🫡
actually no i wouldn’t
riki: theater major w/a visual art minor (get it bc he’s a minor) (i’m hilarious LAUGH)
he’s a quiet little guy, definitely sits in the back of the lecture hall
would milk the SHIT out of being a minority for scholarships and applications
i'm talking his common app essay abt being socially isolated and politically aware, i'm talking abt using any and all minority scholarships possible – in the eyes of the law (and the college board), riki is now half hispanic
i’d say his grades would be pretty decent, not much in the A+ zone (96-100) but at the very least, B+’s
really not that bad tbh
he’d SO be a theater kid in hs
tell me he wouldn't be those mfs that have the whole hamilton soundtrack memorized and break out into random song and dance at inappropriate times
i bet he’d ship hamilton and laurens 💀
i feel like he'd like art as a class but suck at meeting deadlines and portfolio assignments n stuff
which is valid tbh i don’t think any kind of teacher of the arts (not just visual) should be too strict abt that
classes with him and sunoo would make him INSUFFERABLE omg
if you put them next to e/o they won't shut up
which is cute don't get me wrong
but makes trying to work IMPOSSIBLE
but when they're separated he’d be dead silent
you wouldn't even notice he's there tbh
overall a dedicated student with the occasional tendency to be silly and goofy
i feel like his resume would be pretty to make up for the lack of content actually on it
i'm talking canva pro graphics, fancy fonts, graphic design is his passion (not literally)
logically the best career path for him based on his degrees would be a set designer …
but obv he’s either an actor or the manager
probably an actor being a stage manager SUCKS
(don’t get me wrong it’s fun i’ve done it before but oh my GOD. if you ever wanna lose hair really fast become a backstage manager it’ll work 100%)
bonus: best-dressed in class
sunoo - you’ll never catch him slipping tbh 🤷 he’d have the most free time out of the others and would probably spend his time going out and putting together silly little outfits and being cute and adorable bc it’s kim sunoo That’s Just How He Is
jay - light academia light academia light academia light academia light academia
sunghoon (unintentionally) - his sense of style in college would be mid, truly meh, nothing special to look at but his looks make up for the boring attire (hubba hubba 😍) – the type to wear a white t-shirt, timbs, and jeans to class every day (get it 2017 jungkook 😍), maybe even a jacket. his sense of style would be as spicy as salt so not spicy at all, it’s giving unseasoned, boiled chicken
riki - he just Doesn’t Care but thankfully all the items in his closet would be usable (thanks to sunoo, that man would NOT let riki leave the house without running his outfits by him. his logic is that no best friend of his should look like a dumpsterfire !!)
jungwon - similar to jake, no time !! matching sweatshirts and sweatpants ftw
jake - politics majors have no sanity or connection to the real world bc it drives you INSANE after a month, cut him some slack :(
heeseung - the venn diagram of ppl with no sense of fashion and cs majors is a circle.
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bigassmoth · 1 year
The balders gate squad would be especially interesting with an inexperienced/virgin Tav (thinking few or no romantic and or sexual partners)
Obviously their first order of business is to make fun of you, and then tease you, and also bully you, and finally to make it a permanent inside joke.
But having someone so untouched by the wounds of love and lust also makes them protective- especially Gale, Astarion who found that sex ruined lives and left unhealed wounds.
Lae'zel and Wyll are protective, wrongly assuming that your inexperience means innocence. They cannot help but want to preserve your singleness- as in actively stepping in when you are flirted with. Something about you being so untouched makes the knightly instincts in them rise. This isnt to keep your purity, its to keep you from being used for your body. Laezel is also considerate of your emotional affections as well, seeing it as predatory for people to receive (or gods forbid pursue) your affections when they have no intention of bedding you.
Wyll is practical, polite, safe, and just gently teasing. He encourages you to have casual sex if you are interested but then basically talks himself into being scared for you. "They must be clean. They had better be able to afford a room in a tavern at least. Of course they should open the door for you. Don't bed with anyone who talks ill of their sister. Oh and-"
Lae'zel pulls a lot of "lmao lameass virgin" rhetoric. You say ANYTHING and shes like "how would you know when you've always entered a cold bed?" because it is so amusing to her. That being said she is possessive of her band members and distrustful of everyone else. She doesn't want you to be looking for any hookups because she assumes you will somehow sleep with the shadiest dangeriest serial killer near the gate.
Shadowheart is the most neutral about this, a very "its just ok" stance towards the carnal acts. There are more important things in life and if the (idiot horndogs) other party members are anything to go by, you aren't missing out on much. But she will tell you to accept any flirtatious advances so long as Lae'zel is within earshot to get upset by her words
Gale believes you should get some ass! Its good stress relief! Just dont go too crazy with your feelings and try to choose someone of equal power and social standing so theres not weird imbalances ha ha...ha.
Astarion....yikes. half "oh well i can fix that for you ;))" and half "never let anyone into your bed it will never end well". He can't decide if he likes you too much to sleep with you or too much to not sleep with you.
Karlach is conflicted because on one hand she would totally be out there if she could but on the other, she can't exactly project her feelings onto you. If you express any interest in getting a hookup then she starts going "oh! what about her? ah no wait, look at his hips! sleep with him!" as if you could just waltz over there and sleep with whomever you wanted (Karlach believes you could do it). But if you mention anything about emotional intimacy she completely understands and becomes your number one defender- which isn't helpful. She does a lot of "Tav hasn't found the right one yet, you are all just jealous because you sleep around like whores >:I" and then both of you are being laughed at
Now if they begin to develop romantic or sexual feelings towards you, all of them of course want you out of the market. No more shopping, you have a delicious body at home to enjoy.
Some are more aggressive about warding off potential suiters (Lae'zel, Astarion, Karlach) while others take a subtle approach (Gale, Shadowheart) and Wyll is a nice mixture of firm and polite. Of course if you feel deeply compelled to sleep with someone they won't stop you- just present themselves as an annoying obstacle to step over. And of course they will cross their fingers that whatever bitch's bastard you are sleeping with fails to meet your expectations.
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cosmo112 · 7 months
@junobutterflyden + @juno-of-wonderland
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Jack -
He thinks you’re so amazing, usually to himself he thinks it’s odd a SavannahClaw student looks after cacti.
He wants to make your coffee for you and jogs to your house to make sure it stays warm
He drinks healthier stuff though. Probably some natural remedies because it’s gentle on his sensitive senses
He surprisingly isn’t scared of cats. And they aren’t scared of him (minus grim) so he just feeds stray animals and sends you cute pictures.
He does have a pout when you pet other dogs- I mean. You didn’t hear that from me
Idia -
He thought he’d like a cringy relationship. Before realizing it’s so annoying to trying to pry a chick off him. And the smol owo nonsense
He has cat ears that match his hair color. Almost burned them by accident while blushing.
He’s got amazing contacts for cosplays and wants matching costumes with you so bad he wants to be your princess peach to bowser :((
He takes you home to his parents and freaks out while you just chat with his family. (You met after STYX)
He drinks G-Fuel and calls it basically water. Worm man
Floyd -
You wake up with scratches and drool all over you because he uses you like a pillow and sniffles sadly when you try and get up.
Scary guard dog
He can and will use the squeeze card to keep you out of classes. Or threatens to eat the freshmen if they try and take you lmao.
Writes letters to you in crayon bc of the fun colors and he wants the wax to stay forever. Unlike pen ink which feels professional and strict.
He doodles you in class and shows it to you, then pins it up in his room when you praise it. His artwork will never be touched by the hands of mortals. Unless he moves out of his dorm, he takes it everywhere.
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Beel -
He is like Floyd but much more gentle. He nibbles on you while you sleep especially around his pact mark
He sometimes wishes he was your first but is happy where he is with a burger date <3
He’d go anywhere with you, and probably knows the most about calories. Like those memes of certain nationalities being able to do incredible math really fast when it comes to certain things? He can count calories and be 99.99% accurate
He would read his own fanfics and take that for note. Yes
He actually prefers flat drinks. He doesn’t DISLIKE, sodas, he just like how he can drink more without making his tummy ache.
Mammon -
He’s your FIRST. And will take more of your firsts aggressively first save, first time with a certain game, etc
He would feel pouty if he loses a game and tries to play it off how the game is either impossible or he let his younger brothers win.
Secretly learns your favorite food and brings you burnt mush instead :3
He would love a band with you, or if you made a devil-patreons so he can make so many accounts and buy you out.
Number one crybaby.
Leviathan -
Drinks sodas daily and claims its water with extra ingredients
He enjoys the texture of fish and scales. Though he hates animal fur
Probably also allergic to drinking anything that isn’t carbonated, he likes the bubbles and the fizz. Makes him feel energized
Though he hates burping. He feels like it’s such a normie thing.
Refuses to hold your hand. Instead he will wrap his tail around you, claims it’s how he’ll remind these idiots that you’re the only human he likes.
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Xiao -
He only shared his Almond tofu for one, that’s you bb <3 though he’ll act like it’s nothing
His name means speed for a reason, he’ll give the smallest and fastest kisses, nervously yelping when you kiss him
He squeals and disappears. And goes to cry to cloud retainer and Zhongli that his human’s too brave :((
He sniffles when you try and defend him. He’s a freak 2 me so he probably loves that you, a mortal human, can defend him, an adeptus
He’d be a freaky Yandere. He has no idea what humans do and he gets a pass bc of it.
Kaveh -
Mr.Perfectionist? That’s what safari says anyways.
He’s got pretty blonde syndrome, everyone thinks he’s goofy. I THOUGHT HE WAS A SILLY GUY. Turns out he’s a perfectionist.
He wants your outfits either to match or to be nothing alike unless with a theme. You cannot have both.
He would prefer flat drinks like Beelzebub, makes him feel civilized and fancy. But he’d either want to chug as much wine as possible. Dryer the better. Or despise alcohol no in between
He needs predictability. So much please don’t surprise him much :(
Bennet -
He’s such a goofy boy! I haven’t met him but I understand, he’s Kalim shaped.
He giggles and kisses your cheeks and hugs you after adventures well done. When he comes home from commissions.
He also probably drinks apple juice and giggles after shaking it up and making it look like fizzy beer and drink it and use the apple juice as a pretend being drunk
He looks into our world. Seeing all the bad, frowns and says “you guys don’t have adventures?”
He gives off the vibes of younger brother who gags when being fed greens, gotta make it into something else
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Checkmate >:3
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sapphicnunnery · 5 months
Hello! this is just a quick about-me post to get people introduced to me and my practice. This is quite a long post, so if you don't want to read all of it, it'll be broken up into a few distinct sections of basic info, my practice (witchcraft), my practice (religion), and my hobbies/interests. If you have any other questions, feel free to send an ask or leave it in the comments. I'm doing my best to format this, so if you have any advice for formatting, please leave that in the comments too :)
Basic info:
You can call me Rook or Cloud
Any pronouns, but i especially prefer they/them and it/its
I'm a minor, so proceed with some caution, and dni if you're uncomfy with that
Genderqueer (possibly genderfluid? idk lmao)
Practicing witch (eclectic/heathen) :0
Writer (including some poetry)
Artist (of many kinds)
Entomology, mycology, ornithology, lepidopterology, herpetology, and botany (i really like biology if you couldn't tell)
I also sew, embroider, and crochet!
My practice (witchcraft):
I'm a witch!! Eclectic is pretty accurate for me, but I do use a lot of heathenry in my practice. I collect crystals for both spiritual purposes and the fact that they're generally pretty cool :) I tend to do mostly low-energy spells, but I do enjoy larger and more elaborate rituals and spells when I have the time and motivation. I love divination, and would absolutely love to do readings for people if anyone wants one! you can just send me an ask if you'd like. I'm most experienced with tarot cards and oracle cards, but I also use pendulums, playing cards, tasseomancy (tea leaf reading), osseomancy (bone throwing/reading, although you don't just have to use bones for this), and more! currently I'm researching spirit work, shadow work, plant spirits, and astral projection/the astral realm.
My practice (religion):
I'm a pagan!! I only work closely with Loki, so I also use the term Lokean. Loki is my patron deity, so I work very very closely with him, and I'd love to tell you guys about him! Previously I have worked with the fae, but I wasn't taking it seriously enough, and didn't know enough to really do it properly. I may start working with them again now that I've learned more about myself and my beliefs. I also may start working with Lucifer, but I need to keep researching him.
My hobbies/interests:
As mentioned above, I love biology in general, but I am especially interested in entomology, mycology, ornithology, lepidopterology, herpetology, and botany. I am an amateur houseplant collector, and my most prized specimens are my (very small) Monstera albo, my (very large) pothos with 9+ inch long leaves, and my huge fiddle leaf fig! I'm currently planning on starting to pin insects, raise moths, and raise mantids. I love Dungeons and Dragons, so I'd love to geek out about that with somebody >:) I also do a lot of fiber work when I have time, specifically embroidery, sewing, and crocheting. I enjoy learning about music-theory, and compose a little bit. my favorite bands are Fall Out Boy, Ghost, Witchfinder General, Candlemass, Tom Lerher, and Chappel Roan. I also write, draw, paint, and sculpt!
Alright, that should be it! Sorry, that was definitely a lot, but thanks for reading to the end :DD See y'all later!
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Howdy! I would love to hear more about the music you listen to if you’re down! It seems like we have really similar taste and I’m always looking for new tunes. What are your fav bands and songs that you think not enough people know about? Do you have any recs? Hope you’re having a good day!
omg thank you!! i love to talk about my music taste teehee
ok so as i said, lately i've been enjoying a lot of car seat headrest, but probably my best find recently has been the taxpayers. i am practically addicted to their stuff. my favourite songs from them are a documetation of most recent events, no lodging for the mad, weapon of god, and invader. seriously more people need to listen to the taxpayers!!!
the mountain goats is pretty stereotypical tumblr music, but specifically their newest album, jenny from thebes, is something i really enjoy. idk if that's an unpopular opinion, i've seen a few people call it too showtune-y, but it really calms me down for some reason.
will wood,, has probably been the most important artist in my life in recent years lmao. he's the only artist that survived my sudden change in music taste back in 2021. i can't even name a specific album as my favourite (though icimi is the one i listen to the most consistantly), all of them are so good. especially the lyrics are probably what got me so invested in his music in the first place.
bit of a wildcard, but leevi and the leavings! very famous old finnish band, though i only recently started listening to them lol. their sound basically defined finnish music back in the day, and listening to music in my own language has a unique feeling to it.
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foliejpg · 4 months
sage @puppyboymikeyway submitted a bunch of fob asks from this post so here ya go <3 putting it under a read more bc its a novel 😭
dead on arrival: which of andy's haircuts is your favorite?
honestly i liked when he had the short bob and it was straight. he looked more like a lesbian then than usual
grand theft autumn: which was the first fall out boy song you heard and liked?
actually its this song 😭 i remember hearing it in a hot topic when i was around 15-16 and going home to look up the lyrics on my computer, then listening to every album straight through from tttyg to srar straight through in order lol srar had just come out
saturday: best concert you've attended?
my first fob show is special to me bc i got m&g tickets, so is the albany show this past march bc i got to meet them again with my boyfriend and a bunch of friends<333 but the best concert that the artist has put on i mean. i have to come clean i am a bit of a swiftie and the eras tour was crazy 😭 and fenway last year during tourdust because patrick did wams during the medley just for me<333 that's My Song
the pros and cons of breathing: do you own any fall out boy albums on cd or vinyl?
yes! here's a picture because there's a lot 💀 not pictured is the we didn't start the fire 7" because its so tiny i didn't see it until after i took the picture lmao
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grenade jumper: trohmania or bass spin?
i gotta go with the bass spin sorry joe<3
the patron saints of liars and fakes: last big regret?
i wish i went to the madison square garden show in march but i couldn't afford the tickets</3
cork tree
our lawyer: worst fob rumor you've heard?
i can't really think of one? all i can think of is that one interview where patrick says the worst one he heard was that he was actually 31 and not 21
nobody puts baby in the corner: favorite 80's film?
who framed roger rabbit, clue, and that's all i can think of 😭 i'm not a big movie person
sixteen candles: favorite fob mv?
young and menace, america's suitehearts, hmlag, dance dance
the music or the misery: favorite bonus track?
from now on we are enemies and my heart is the worst kind of weapon, but i like the acoustic version of the latter way more<3
my heart is the worst kind of weapon: last time you said something you regretted?
bro i can't think of anything i don't listen to myself talk 💀
this ain't a scene, its an arms race: patrick in cardigans or patrick in sweaters?
SWEATERS lemme see that fabric stretch
thnks fr th mmrs: best memory?
i have no idea lmao when i met fob idk i have a really bad memory
don't you know who i think i am?: which high school stereotype would you describe yourself with?
is "snot nosed know it all who thinks she's better than everyone else but is just sheltered and bratty" a stereotype
fame < infamy: do you like black cards?
i'm a fake fan i've never listened 💀 bebe is a queen though
lullabye: opinion on 'elisa stans?'
i don't know what that means these asks are from 2018 but everyone should leave fob's family alone <3
27: favorite instrument
BASS. i love bass guitar i need to feel it in my chest
w.a.m.s. which job would you prefer, waiter/actress/model/singer?
singer bc i enjoy singing and used to be good at it lol i can't act and food service freaks me out i don't want to be responsible for other people's food and also modeling just seems awful 💀
west coast smoker: favorite 80's band?
i love the smiths and joy division bc i'm a basic emo<3
where did the party go: bass lines or guitar solos?
bass lines a million times over!!!! plus sometimes guitar solos make my ears ring 😅
death valley: who would you most like to be greeted by in the afterlife?
idk my cat kayla she passed when i was like 6 she was a good girl or my cat china (my mom named her 💀) she was a good girl too. lots of good girls here
irresistible: which mv was your favorite?
the original one with the basketball game they're so goofy lmao
the kids aren't alright: if you could send a message to yourself five years ago, what would it say?
run for the fucking hills girl!!!!!!!
jet pack blues: which was your favorite fall out boy era?
this one because they're all happy and healthy and living their best lives, having lots of fun on stage and being weird and interacting with fans again<333
novocaine: cause of your last time in the hospital?
uhhhhh i can't remember the last time i was in the hospital lmao
favorite record: do you collect cds or vinyls?
both! i have a lot of both lol
young and menace: are you excited for the future of fall out boy?
of course<3 i hope whatever they do next is satisfying creatively for them because i would rather wait a few years for new music than have them go back to working themselves to the bone and exhausting themselves so i'm sure whatever comes next will be worth the wait, stardust certainly was<3
champion: what's your proudest moment as a fan of them?
i don't knowwww i really like the little corner of the internet i'm in with some friends and mutuals and i get a lot of asks/msgs from ppl so i like that i've made a comfy little space for ppl to talk about fob<3 does that count lol idk i'm also proud of them for like. still doing what they're doing at their age those crusty old men
wilson: if you could purchase one thing being advertised in the wilson video, what would it be?
sunshine riptide: if you could say one thing to the band, what would it be?
i would say thank you for making art and i would also corner pete and maKe him tell me about the pool ball strike at the beginning of disloyal order he can't get away with this anymore
WHOOOO BOY okay thanks for sending all those i hope you enjoy this essay<3
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exploding-boxes · 5 days
God forbid i have free time and free will
So basically, i was bored and i listened to a lot of Depeche Mode album because i have a creepling addiction to this band. I decided to put my favourite song of each album and a justification.
Speak and Spell (1981) - Boys Say Go ! Like my dad said “That’s a song from a fucking gay bar”. And to this I can only awnser yes, that’s why I like it lmao. I mean, just look at those guys in the 80’s and tell me they’re straight.
A Broken Frame (1982) and Construction Time Again (1983) I did not listen to those but will one day
Some Great Reward (1984) - Lie To Me, I love every song from this album but I fucking love the chorus with the “Come on and lay with me, come on and lie to me” it just sounds really nice. I also really like Martin Gore repeating the last words during the chorus, it’s nice and adds something that I like. I love everything about this song and album though
Black Celebration (1986) - Here Is The House, the way the chorus sounds with the double voice is really nice. I like the sounds of clocks and we have a lot of them around my house so the intro is almost familiar to me lol. The lyrics “Here is the house, where it all happens, those tender moments under this roof” are just so cute though I know they’re talking about sex because it’s a Depeche Mode song, what do you expect ?? I love this whole album and it’s the first one I listened to :)
Music For The Masses (1987) - Behind The Wheel. Not my favourite album but a song I really like. I really thought it was a song about not driving when you drank because I’m really fucking dumb but, well, no, of course, it’s Depeche Mode, it’s about sex. I really like the kinda mysterious vibe the song has and the layering of instruments that slowly arrive are really nice
Violator (1990) - Enjoy The Silence, most of the time, a song has a good reason to be popular, well it’s totally understandable in this situation. This song slaps, is honestly really relatable (“Words are very unnecessary, they can only do harm”), the clip where he climbs a mountain dressed as a king always makes me laugh for some reason and well it just slaps, an amazing song
Songs Of Faith And Devotion (1993) - Rush, it sounds so aggressive for no reason but I love it. The bass is *chef’s kiss*, that break with the (kinda) echo part is amazing and is a good buildup, that whole song makes me feel powerful though I’m a little 170cm shit. I overall like this album though it’s not my fav
Ultra (1997) - Useless, I didn’t listen to the whole album and it’s the only song I’ve listened to yet but it hits hard, IT’S THE MOTHERFUCKING BASS AND GUITAR SOLO, IT’S TOO GOOD !!
Exciter (2001) - Dream On, well, another album I didn’t listen to lol. But I clearly remember my dad doing the laundry at 3 am with this blasting of the speaker. The guitar is really nice though I can clearly tell it won’t stay my fav when I’ll listen to the full album lol
Playing The Angel (2005) - John The Revelator, definitely one of my fav though that’s one of my no skips albums. I just like the vibe, the little beep boops at the beginning (you can tell I have no musical knowledge by that single sentence). I can’t stop trying to make a transition between the part where he says “He’s a smooth operator” and Smooth Operator by Sade because I’m an absolute idiot. Overall I really like this song. I’m always gonna say this but the parts where Martin Gore sings with Dave Gahan are really nice and their voices match well together
Sounds Of The Universe (2009) - Wrong. AGAIN i did not listen to that album but my dad made me listen to this song once and I fell in love. Again, lyrics are relatable as fuck sometimes, especially the “There’s something wrong with me chemically, something wrong with me inherently […] I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means”. Anyways, another song I love
Delta Machine (2013) and Spirit (2017) I did not listen to those lol
Memento Mori (2023) - Don’t Say You Love Me, that’s a James Bond soundtrack, you can’t convince me otherwise. It sounds so classy, I’m a sucker for good violins and the depressing as fuck lyrics. With this album we’re likely to never get any new album from DM because, well they’re getting a bit old we say goodbye to Andrew Fletcher, the amazing keyboardist. But I honestly think this album is a good conclusion (if I can say it like that) to this amazing career
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hoeforinarizaki · 2 years
Type: Headcannons + Scenario
Inarizaki x Fem!Singer!Reader (Whole Team)
Summary: You're a singer, and from a popular girl band. Sometimes, you just don't know how to express gratitude for your friends and so instead, write a song dedicated to them.
No Warnings! But Just Cursing From Me.
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Feral bitches alert, get your tasers ready.
Jk– anyways, basically at first they didn't know you were a singer because you never really openly sang to anyone.
...Or did so in general because you want to surprise your team. You've had a pretty hard time expressing your own emotions through words, like some other people.
And boom! One day came the thought of like...
"Why don't i just write some lyrics and make a song dedicated to them?" No shit sherlock could've done that like two weeks ago smh– 😒
ANYWAYS...so it took lots of time but you managed to get help from your bandmates to finish doing the song.
Ugh they're such good friends mine could never
And by 'it took lots of time' i mean in a week. I'm an impatient hoe leave me be *sobs* 😭
First of all, before the day of the surprise performance you texted Kita the night before and told him and the team to get to the gym early because of an "announcement".
He was confused on why you didn't just tell the GC but we just want to see them honestly /j
The moment morning came, you and your material gworls bandmates set up your shit and all that before the boys had arrived first.
Congrats, you made it just in time before Kita came.
Manz is NEVER LATE. Periodt 👏
He was looking at the music equipment like "who tf is gon' use all of this during volleyball practice"–
Boi not everything in gym is centered about you and your musty crusty team 🤡 jk i love you guys most. If you don't believe me look at my username.
The moment the rest finally arrived, the cue had started. Definitely not Suna immediately taking his phone out–
Nah actually he gon' take a video. You better prepare.
So now let's talk about their reactions...Kita may actually be the most emotional one to me for some reason. People say he's not much of a person for expression but..
HE LOVES YOU SO IT'S OKAY BABES 😍 okay lol i'll stop so let me just say it. You know that scene in S4 where Kita cries after getting his team jersey? Yep.
He looked like that. His eyes were ready to make waterfalls. But how you ask?
Ah, here we go. Of course you make meaningful lyrics.
And Kita was very touched by them. And because of that, manz was the first to realize the song was for them.
He's like, "You made this for us...? Oh. I'd have never thought you think of us that way" while close to tears I'M SUCH A DAMN SIMP UGH 😫
Aran's totally just looking at the scene while "👁👄👁" is just written all over his face lmao like rlly? You??
He's just gonna be shocked when you hit the high notes.
You're perfection to me shawty, whoever says otherwise shall face the wrath of the daddy captains– and no fr stop saying you aren't you're more than enough <3
So back to the boys, Suna's definitely just recording. Yep, i really can't leave that out.
Though you can actually see a small smile forming from his mouth because damn you so pretty up there 💞
Onto Atsumu and Osamu...oh boy.
If you don't like being cat called or disturbed in the middle of performances, you're gonna hate them /j
Ah yes, the daily life of the Miya Twins ft. (Y/N) 💀
Omimi and Akagi just looking there, awestruck and love filled in their eyes damn i love them shdisishsjksks
Anyways, so the moment you finally get off stage, you are gonna be swarmed with men. Congrats, they're already part of your harem but you made them simp even more ✨️
Compliments coming from the twins, Kita looking at you thinking of a hundred ways to ask you of marriage–
It's getting too obvious i like him isn't it...it's true tho, he prob would be thinking of that lol.
Anyways, i hope you enjoy your fox boy harem 🦊💘
BONUS: Because the were mesmerized as hell by your band's performance they're thinking of recruiting your bandmates for their team theme song during matches.
Haha yeah, good luck dealing with that, main vocalist.
Scenario Time!
(Please listen to the song if you want! And read the english lyrics after if you want to know how emotional it is *wink*)
"Tsumu, i swear if you don't shut the fuck up.."
The sounds of booming music was heard from the gym, the calming sound of the bass along with the melodious sound of the keyboard right in tow. You were right inside– singing and conveying your feelings to the audience you had gathered.
'Even if my heart froze over, you would always be there to embrace me and tell me, "it will be okay".'
From behind his phone's screen, Suna sticks his tongue out at the twins fighting. "Hear that? I always comfort (Y/N) when she's lonely more than you two." This ticks them off. Atsumu glares right at the pussy hair boy, seemingly jealous.
"Shush, Suna!"
This keeps going on and on until the moment Kita finally tells them to stop. He just wants to hear your beautiful voice and nobody else's. Just– let him have a moment.
'And believe the world will change, it's so filled with kindness. So much that tomorrow will be dazzling, too.'
Aran had nearly begun sobbing. "What a good hearted girl." He quietly praises while watching you stand right up in front of the stage, with the biggest smile on your face as you sang.
"Can she be mine?" Akagi deadpans, stars almost coming out of his eyes. I'm afraid to tell you that you gotta get in line, (Y/N)'s already got these other boys–
It was done, the sounds of the instruments began to fade and you look to your team, soft expression never fading once. It was that time on that they had known you would never leave them, because with those lyrics alone, you definitely chose to stay.
Clapping. You wanted to hear that most. Because you tried hard to confess– maybe a bit too hard just thinking about the song, but it was worthwhile to see some of the boys's rare smiles.
Ah yes...both sides agree it was a real blessing to have you on their team. No take backs.
The song may have been short, but the time you'll be spending together with them will live on forever. They don't need the memories, but sometimes, exceptions can also matter.
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