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lacontroller1991 · 23 days
Lawrence's Physics (Modern! Ernest Lawrence x F!Reader)
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Author's Note: So this is a rip off of Grey's Anatomy (hence the title) but I think it was a good idea. Enjoy!
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, Mentions of drinking, mentions of one night stands, sexual innuendos, slight age gap, language
Word Count: 1.8k
Crisp morning air drifts in through your partially open window, the sounds of the cars honking below you causes your eyes to flutter open, instantly regretting getting an apartment facing the rising sun. You’ve been in San Francisco for a week now, having just moved from rural Wyoming and the difference in the atmosphere is palpable. Grimacing at your head throbbing, you push back the blankets and drag heavy feet out of the warm confines of your bed, reaching for a glass of water. “I forget how good water is,” you murmur to yourself, guzzling down the liquid as you walk over to the window, drawing back the shades; the bustling streets of San Francisco laying below you. “Please be good to me today.” A yawn manages to escape from your mouth as you shut the window, stopping the flow of air into your room.
It isn’t until you hear a loud snore that you spin around on your heels, gasping in shock at the lump under your blankets, memories of last night coming back to you in a haze. Memories of you going to the bar with your friends, having one too many drinks, talking to two guys and taking a liking to one, said guy walking you home, said guy going into your apartment, said guy taking off your clothes. Your clothes. Realization dawns on you as your eyes cast down at your body, heat rushing to your cheeks upon noticing that you, as a matter of fact, have no clothes on. “Shit! How could I let this happen?” The lump under the blanket snores abruptly before shifting. You quickly grab the nearest shirt you can find and slip it on, ignoring the fact that it’s way too large for you while you watch in horror as the man reaches out and sits up, blankets pooling around his waist. You have to admit that despite him being a complete stranger, he sure is gorgeous. “Uh hi?”
He blinks the sleep out of his eyes before reaching over to your bedside table and grabbing his glasses, situating them on his face as he squints. “Is that my shirt?”
“Ummm, probably. Yeah. Sorry. I kinda-uh, just slipped it on before you woke.” He smiles softly, running a hand through his hair, hair that you’re almost positive you had your fingers through last night. “No problem, you can keep it. I have tons of shirts at home.” His eyes look around the room, a blush of embarrassment dusts his cheeks. “Can you, uh, hand me those?” Following his pointer finger, your eyes land on a pair of slacks neck to your dress. Not making a sound, you hesitantly cross the room and grip the fabric in your hands, tossing the pants to him before turning around, giving him some privacy. “I’m sorry for waking up like this.”
“Oh there’s nothing to be sorry about, pretty sure I’m the one who invited you inside.” You hear him chuckle as he zips his pants. Turning around, you gasp as you take in how tall and broad he is. He was taller than you at the bar, but now, without heels on, he towers over you. “Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I gotta get ready…”
“Ernest.” He extends his hand, taking yours in an awkward handshake.
“Right… I’m (Y/N).”
“That’s a pretty name,” his smile is soft and if you weren’t pressed for time, you would honestly invite him back into bed, but, life has other plans. Like the beginning of the school semester. “I’m not one to normally do this, and I feel awful about it. Could I maybe take you out? On a proper date and not one fueled by alcohol and lust?”
His question shocks you. You’ve had one one night stands before, and it was not as nice as he has been. Besides, you can’t deny how handsome and charming he is, and charming. “Yeah, sure,” you smile, rushing over to your desk and scribbling your number onto a random sticky note before handing him the paper. “Here, feel free to call or text whenever. It was nice meeting you, Ernest.”
He takes your hand in his, bringing it up to his lips and places a feather soft kiss against your knuckles, causing your heart to jump in your throat. “Pleasure is all mine, (Y/N).” The door clicks shut as soon as it is opened, leaving you by yourself.
“So you’re telling me that after you left the bar with that hunk, that you, of all people, slept with him? Wow, California has already changed you.” Elizabeth, your best friend, teases you as you roll your eyes. “I mean I know you did it once back in high school but I thought you swore yourself off. To focus on your academics.” She mocks you as the phone in your pocket vibrates. Elizabeth watches as you take the phone into your hand and read over the text with a smile on your face. “Wow, he’s got you wrapped around his dick. Must’ve been really good to get his number after.”
“Beth!” You chastise, slipping your phone back into your pocket and facing your friend. “Your mouth is seriously disgusting sometimes.” Snorting, she adjusts the strap of her backpack and looks you over. “Please, I’ve heard you say some pretty foul stuff, and I bet you were saying some pretty nasty things last night too,” heat blooms under your cheeks as you glimpse back on the night, graphic scenes playing in your head. 
Ignoring her remarks, you shake your head. “You’re ridiculous. Anyways, we both have an intro to electromagnetism right?” “With Lawrence? Yeah. I heard he’s a good professor but is demanding. Expects perfection.” You enter the room with her at your side, talking in hushed tones before taking a seat near the front
“Serious? The front?”
“What? If you have a problem with it, then sit in the back. I didn’t pay all this money to go to Berkeley and not sit up at the front.”
“Oh my God.”
“What?” Your friend grabs your face in her hands and directs it toward the door where you see a figure walk in. A very familiar figure. “Is that?”
“It’s the hunk from the bar!” Her exclamation grabs his attention, hazel eyes immediately settling on you and freezing in his spot. Various students trickle into the classroom but neither you or him pay any mind to them, your eyes not breaking contact. “What are you going to do?” She whispers, her eyes on him as well.
Gulping, you break eye contact, facing your friend who sports a shit eating grin. “I’m going to have to swap out of his class. It’s morally and ethically wrong to sleep with a teacher.” 
“You know that’s bullshit. It’s wrong if you’re doing it for a better grade, but if you’re interested in him, why should his profession get in the way?” A soft buzz brings your attention off the topic and to your phone.
Talk after class? You don’t need to look at him to know that his eyes are burning holes into the back of your head. “What do I do?” Elizabeth peers over the phone and reads the message, a glimmer of interest in her eyes. “I don’t know. Maybe talk to him after class. Hey, do you think his cute friend is here?” You scoff, slightly shoving her as she laughs, the room settling down. 
“Welcome to Physics 140, Intro to Electromagnetism. My name is Dr. Lawrence and I hope you all did your summer reading because we’re going to jump right in.” He gives you one last glance before turning to the board, picking up a piece of chalk and writing equations. “So, according to-” 
“This is going to be a long class.”
“Alright, that’s all I have for you today. I would recommend getting started on your homework. Never wait until the night that it is due because you will fail and I will not help. Dismissed.” A loud murmur erupts through the room as students grab their things and leave, some going up to him and others rushing out to get to their next class. 
Stirring from beside you, your friend opens her eyes and fakes a yawn, causing you to smile. “Is it over yet?”
“Maybe you would know if you actually paid attention.”
“Easy for you to say, you can just imagine him naked. I bet that keeps your attention.” You punch her arm in annoyance while she rubs it soothingly. “Ow. What was that for?”
“You know what it was for,” it comes out quietly as you watch the students that were talking to him leave, allowing for him to pack up his items. Turning to your friend, you bite your lip. “Do I really have to talk to him?”
“Looks like you don’t have much of a choice.”
“He’s behind me, isn’t he?” She nods with a smirk, quickly grabbing her things and running off, leaving you and Ernest alone. The tension in the air is palpable as you and him try to think of what to say to each other.
“So-” “I-” You both stare at each other before laughing awkwardly. A moment passes before he lets out a sigh.
“Look, if I had known that you were a student, I wouldn’t have joined you last night, but at the same time, I’m glad I did. I just don’t know what this means in terms of going on.”
“You mean, you’re wanting… to continue this?” It comes as a shock to you, but you can’t deny how excited you are at the prospect of continuing a relationship, let alone with your professor.
“Don’t expect any special treatment. I will still grade you as I grade anyone else, but I think I can keep personal separate from professional. The question is, can you?” He towers over you as you try to think of what to say. “Well?”
Coming out of your thoughts, you nod your head while he smirks. “Yeah, I think I can do that.”
Nodding his head, he grabs his items and holds out a hand for you to take, easily lifting you from your seat and onto your feet. “Why don’t I take you out tonight? I know a great restaurant down from the faculty house, that way we can get to know each other.”
With a smile you match up to his posture as best as you can. “Sounds like a date.”
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thestaroffeanor · 6 months
Okay, stupid question but I can't seem to find the answer for my family tree project:
What color is Eol's hair? ^^'
I somehow always pictured him as dark-haired (because of him being one of the Moriquendi, the Dark Elves), then realized, wait, that's just in the naming because they haven't reached Valinor and saw The Light(TM). Eol would be kind of related to the Nandor and and the Teleri, right? In that case, he'd be liable to be silver/platin blond...
I really can't decide, so what do you think and why? Enlighten me, please!
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heilith · 2 years
Open Hand
My third drabble for Scribbles and Drabbles 2020, for Oxbridge , for the visual prompt Open Hand (isn’t it so cool)?
Eöl and Aredhel, the fateful first meeting.
Tagging @eunoiaastralwings​ and @a-contemplation-upon-flowers​ ​ (Hi, guys, no real need to read, just in case you want)
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He reeked of danger and malicious power.  
Aredhel staggered back, shaken by the first jolt of shock in her chest.
The Elf didn’t move, his arms hanging slack by his sides and his head tilted to his shoulder, as though the sight of her amused him.
The few moments that passed in mutual scrutiny must have told him a lot about her, but yielded nothing that could have helped her to know him.
More than that – just like the accursed forest had been changing with each new breath of hers, the stranger was changing, too, in an eerie, inexplicable fashion.
His eyes, up to moment nothing but pitch black, faded to a soft hazel tint. The pallid skin got slowly covered with a mild tan, like the Sun, which Arehdel could swear had never been a guest in this thicket, had run an invisible brush along his face. Even the sculpture of his cheekbones was altered slightly, giving him a nobler look, fit for a king of old in exile.
He was less tall now, less sharp in the shoulders, less imposing.
Curiosity was a misplaced urge to succumb to - much like the truly unexpected certainty that she had found the one to be trusted.
The thought had rushed into her mind from without so unceremoniously, that, sobering up, she had no trouble fighting it off.
The illusions melted into nothing. He was a threat. A greater one than the place which had been holding her captive for so many days already.
“I will not harm you,” said he calmly.
A flat, impassive voice.
A shudder passed through her at the sudden feeling of an alien touch, spreading up along her arm. Looking down, she was amazed and disturbingly thrilled to find her own palm in a soft grip of the stranger.
Her memory spat out the pictures she couldn’t fully recognize: his hand, reaching out for her in a gesture of invitation and reassurance. Her hand, lying atop it willingly.
“I will never try to,” promised he in a kinder tone.  
This time, as she looked into his eyes, they were blue. And she could swear she knew whose features he’d lured out of her mind so easily.  
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superloves4 · 7 months
We can always begin again - Chapter 1
Relationships: Celegorm/Aredhel, Curufin/Finrod (background) Summary: Celegorm didn't think he'd be granted mercy, that he'd be re-embodied or that he'd be welcome anywhere. Aredhel thought she'd never welcome him again after what he'd done. They were never good at staying away from each other. TW: none for this chapter but a warning: this is mostly canon compliant Celegorm, for what this fic is supposed to be this means Eol won't be beyond salvation (he is in only one chapter briefly but I felt this needed to be said) (Not to worry tho, I have another aretyel fic in the works where Eol is just the worst) A/N: Enjoy!
Also on AO3
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Tyelkormo Fëanorion didn't know how long it had been since he'd seen the sun. He didn't even think he'd be given a chance to see it again, a permanent residence in the Halls would have been mercy compared to what he had bound to his soul, turns out mercy, as some would call it, tasted of ash and poison. It hurt his eyes.
He breathed in then held his breath.
It was a cacophony of senses he no longer was familiar with and he just needed another minute. If he was free of Mandos then he could be granted that, it was the most humble request he'd ever made.
"I don't believe they shall let you back in, brother"
Tyelko opened his eyes to watch as Curufin prepared his oh, so kindly, allowed horse. He was rather happy to have the company, the twins and Caranthir had been released before him, it was nice to not be left alone now.
"What a shame," he shrugged, if somebody saw him now they'd almost believe it "I'm convinced we truly were close to send dear Mandos to retirement."
"And have to do his job? Rather dreary don't you think?" Curufin managed a smile back.
"On the contrary, after everything that happened I find it rather fitting."
It was a voice Tyelko was not expecting, in fact he was not expecting anyone, he figured even his brothers would rather steer away from him after Doriath, instead he could now see his mother approaching on the horse he could remember so clearly from childhood, and the one who spoke...
She was there, black hair to the wind and dressed in all white, it was like nothing had changed, that she was about to call him to a hunt and then to camp in the wild, he'd tell her what story the birds were telling that morning and everything would be just right. He ran to her, he needed to feel she was real.
"Don't touch me!"
He stopped dead in his tracks, because this was Irìssë, this was his best friend, he had felt so hollow when he discovered her death, so why? Why did she back away from him, her face a mix of fear and hate.
He felt Curufin's hand on his shoulder and looked at him, but his brother only shook his head. It frustrated him, he didn't want to be told that thing were different, he was alive, he wanted to feel alive now. He pushed Curufin's hand away, looking to the ground instead.
"Are you still sure you want to be here?" he heard his mother ask Irìssë.
"Yes," she said back "Yes, I'm just not ready for that yet."
He nodded, it wasn't directed at him exactly but he knew what it meant.
"Irìssë, I-" Curufin tried to say but she quickly interrupted.
"There is no need," she answered but seemed to be eager to end the conversation instead "It's in the past now, I don't need any explanation."
Tyelko felt he disagreed but it didn't seem that anything he said would be useful so he decided to be silent instead and let things change. It had been what he'd searched for so long, why did it felt so wrong now?
They had been riding for at least an hour before his mother decided to break the silence.
"I am to make you two aware that you, in specific, are forbidden from Tirion Palace," she told them, it was rather curt but they supposed it was to be expected "You may choose one of the accommodations for the returned or," she took a breath and for the first time in that hour, they heard their mother "Or you are free to come home with me."
It was more than Tyelko expected, but then again, if freedom was the confines of Formenos then he'd much rather go back to Mandos, spirits could not feel real boredom.
"Findaràto is crown prince." Curufin hummed and Tyelko felt ashamed of his earlier rejection, he didn't think his brother would accept his support as it was now.
Nerdanel nodded "I have good reasons to believe that Ëarwen might build dungeons just for you if you attempt to enter."
If it was supposed to be a joke, it was a poor one indeed. But the chill was slowly leaving her voice and Tyelko could be grateful for that.
"What about you?" he couldn't keep himself from asking, Tyelko genuinely hadn't meant to sound so resentful, but the damage was done already "What have you come to tell us?"
Irìssë gave him a look that reminded him how cold she could be since the Helcaraxë, it was vague and he couldn't tell what she was thinking, she was right there and most distant than ever, before turning back to the road.
"I am here for the same reason as aunt Nerdanel," she said "To offer my home."
She'd been so distant he had expected for the journey to end in her telling him that from that moment on they had nothing to share anymore, that their great friendship would finally find its conclusion. She was free.
"If you so wish," she said, her voice still on that bitter edge "You two are welcome to stay with me and my son in our cabin."
That was a surprise for both of them, they really didn't think anyone would welcome them back, let alone offer their house.
"No," was Curufin reply "With all of my respect, Irìssë, mother, but I wish to be alone for now."
Tyelpë. The reason went unspoken.
"And you?" Nerdanel asked her third child.
"I-" Tyelko looked at the two women in front of him, his mother was giving him a simple solution that was much better than the small house away from everyone he thought was in his future. It was the correct option, to stay in Formenos, rust away there, but he had always been selfish and he wanted some closure.
So he spurred his horse forward, blocking the path of Irìssë's horse and earning her glare, it did, however, maker her look at him and that was what he needed.
Tyelko searched her eyes for any sign that they still knew each other "Do you truly want that?"
Her stare as intense as his, daring him to say anything "Yes."
"I'm sorry, Ammë," he told Nerdanel and he meant so, it had been so long since he'd seen her but he felt it wasn't what he needed.
Nerdanel, albeit strained, merely smiled "If you are both decided I have nothing else to say."
The four of them separated another hour later, Nerdanel leading Curufin to his temporary home, while Irìssë led him towards the forest, Tyelko had half expected to be led deeper inside, instead, they stopped right at the edge, where a small-ish wood cabin stood.
It was no Himlad, that was certain, almost too simple even for Irìssë but it didn't look cramped, having at least two floors, it would have been rather uncomfortable otherwise. Her son. Tyelko hadn't even considered that when he'd made his choice. He knew nothing about the boy, besides a vague memory of his presence in the battlefield with Turgon, thinking about it now, he wished he'd known sooner, it was strange how such a big side of Irìssë was now a mistery to him.
"You can still leave."
It was the first smile she'd given him and it was more of a scornful grin, crooked, not what he remembered in places. But it was the closest thing to home he had in years.
"Too bad, you're stuck with me now."
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GIFs courtesy of bluetiefling
That’s a good postmodern argument for separating the artist from the art. However, Elrond reasonably believes Sauron’s involvement tainted the three rings.
Conversely, Galadriel says, in her heart, she knows that the rings aren’t tainted. But girl, your heart is where Sauron is living rent-free.
Theologically speaking, beauty is deeper than mere surface aesthetic — it is union with divine perfection.
If the Ainur and Elves sub-create anything without goodwill, it’s tainted with the sub-creator’s will at the time. Morgoth’s Orcs were corrupted with malice. Fëanor’s Silmarils inspired envy and lust. Anglachel, the Dark Elf Eol’s sword, was treacherous.
Adar also described Sauron as beautiful — and look how that turned out! His fair form was a mere veneer of beauty. When in pure spirit form, Umaiar like Sauron STANK like rotten eggs or sulphur. Fair looks hiding the ugly stink of spiritual decay and putrefaction.
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animatorweirdo · 10 months
Of the blood and snow
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It was usually misty that day, a day when everything was supposed to be under control and be a typical day for you to burn out the beast's hunting desires when the medicine failed. However, misfortune fell upon you when the cousin of your lover with her son escaped through the woods, where you lingered.
(A little idea from my head I didn't write till now. I went for a horror theme, so read at your own discretion. And no actual horses were harmed doing this. Hope you enjoy. Extra scene at the end.)
Warnings: horror-themed, violence, mentions of running away, not-so-great marriage, falling, blood, limbs getting severed, bones, Eol is not very lucky in this one. Shit writing? I wrote this in a sudden drive to write but had no more fuel to edit except for the mistakes.
Aredhel was riding through the forest, Maeglin safely tucked under the warmth of her cloak. The young elfling shivering from the coldness of the forest around them. Aredhel was not certain if she had made the right decision to go for Himring instead of Gondolin. It had been years since she had seen any of her cousins, but knowing Eol was on her trail, blocking her way to Gondolin. She was sure she would be safe among the people he most hated. Her brother would have disapproved of her decision to go for their kinslayer cousins, but for the safety of her son, she didn't give a damn. 
However, something was amiss in the woods around her. It was unusually quiet, and her horse had been acting up since she arrived in the forest—whining and hesitating to move further as if trying to escape from something.
The feeling of being stalked by something more menacing than her ill-tempered husband only added to her unease.
"Naneth?" the young elfling looked up to her as the horse beneath them whined and stopped, refusing to go any farther. "Everything's okay, Lomion. We're almost there," Aredhel reassured him as she attempted to urge her steed onward. In frustration, she kicked her heels harder, startling the creature, causing it to rear up and scream, throwing them both off its back.
Aredhel held onto Maeglin as she painfully fell on her back. The little elfling shrieked from fright, and they then watched as the horse ran away. 
Aredhel resisted cursing out loud as she stood up with Maeglin. "Are you hurt?" she quickly checked on him. He shook his head. Aredhel's heart raced when her ears suddenly picked up footsteps from a distance. They were light and barely hearable, but she had known her husband enough to pick up the sounds he made. He was nearby. 
"We need to run," she said. 
"Why?" Maeglin questioned. 
"Just run! We're nearly there!" she started running, pulling him along. 
The two hurried through the woods, Maeglin barely managing to hold onto her hand as she quickened her steps, trying to find the path leading to Himring.
In the distance, she could hear the quickening steps of her husband. She prayed for the first time in years that her runaway horse would distract him long enough for them to escape. She absolutely refused to go back and live a life trapped in a forest with no light or the freedom to ride the plains as she once did. She absolutely would not go back.
She was then startled by the sight of a human woman and another elf, who she quickly recognized. 
"Makalaure!" Aredhel exclaimed in relief. 
"Irime?" Maglor looked at her with shock and confusion. He was not expecting to see his cousin as he was scouting the forest with Camilla. 
"Quick! You need to help us!" Aredhel uttered as she approached them. 
"What? Where have you been? We heard a word that you had gone missing?" Maglor questioned. 
"There's no time! He's after us, and things will not end well if he catches us!" Aredhel looked at him with pleading eyes. Maglor stared back in bewilderment. He had never seen his outgoing and confident cousin filled with so much fear. 
A scream suddenly echoed throughout the forest. Maeglin gasped and held onto his mother's hand in fear. Aredhel paled from the sounds of what seemed to be her horse being attacked by some kind of a beast. It all then fell silent. 
Camilla broke the silence, "Let's go," 
"Whoever is after you will no longer bother you as long as we leave now," she said as she walked past the elves. "What?" Aredhel stared at the human maiden in confusion. 
"She's right. Let's go," Maglor said, ready to guide her out of the forest. Despite the confusion, Aredhel let the suspicions reside in the back of her mind and followed after the human maiden and her cousin as they led her and her son safely to Himring. 
Eol stopped on his trail. He had lost the tracks of his traitor of a wife and son. Fury laced within him. He could understand the restlessness to see own's kin of that unmannered she-elf, but taking his son to live among the murderers of his kin was unacceptable. His wife he could set free if living with him was so terrible, but there was no way he would allow his blood to be raised among them. 
His thoughts were disturbed when his ears heard the screams of the horse his wife used to escape on. The whines of the creature were filled with pain and fear and were then silenced by what sounded like maws ripping down on flesh. 
Eol was frozen on his spot. He had never heard such sounds before, and for a moment, he felt a sense of concern and fear for the safety of his wife and son. 
When he couldn't hear anything, he ventured deeper to track down the noises. His instincts were telling him to leave the forest as quickly as possible, but his pride wouldn't allow him, not until he caught on to his wife and son. 
Eol arrived at a clearing. His eyes saw something moving and hiding behind large rocks. He noticed the hooves of the horse lying on the ground, and when he saw the top of a fur that looked similar to the fur of his wife's coat peaking above the rocks, he was filled with anger, forgetting the fear he felt moments ago. 
He now assumed the horse had simply fallen and injured itself. 
"I found you, Aredhel!" Eol called out, but his wife didn't respond. 
"I'm done with these games of yours! Come out so we can leave!" he said, but she played like she didn't hear him. 
Anger dwelled up in him. He gripped the javelin in his hands. 
"I said... Come out now!" he yelled as he threw the javelin over the rocks, where his wife and son were hiding. He only intended to scare them out of there, but what he saw next was not his wife or son. 
His weapon graced the fur, spilling blood on its way, which he did not expect to happen. He was certain he threw it high enough to avoid causing injuries. 
A large creature suddenly revealed itself, roaring from the wound on its back. Eol paled at the sight as the creature's head reminded him of the skull of a deer, and its maws were dressed in blood, which made him realize what really happened to his wife's horse. When the monstrous creature locked its furious, frozen blue eyes on him– he ran. 
Eol sprinted as fast as his feet could carry him, unable to spare any thoughts. The creature chased after him, moving at a speed even his ears couldn't discern. He could only perceive the snapping of branches and the rush of wind caused by the beast as he reached the edge of the forest.
He ran out of the tree lines, but before he could even take a step — the beast appeared behind him and swiped down on him with its claws. His body was sent flying to the ground. 
Eol choked down in pain as he lay on the snowy ground. His body was in shock, and when he looked down, he found the reason for his shock was his missing legs. Blood was pouring down on the snow, painting it red, while his legs were lying on the ground a few meters away from him. 
When Eol heard the creature's heavy steps around him, he pushed himself on his stomach and crawled toward his other javelin, which he still had, and dropped, but before he could even reach out to it. He watched as the creature's large hand grabbed the silver javelin. He watched in horror as the beast laid his weapon between its jaws and snapped it in half with strength not even the most violent of orcs could possess. 
The pain of his missing legs finally caught up to Eol as the beast laid its eyes on him. He gave up as the beast then revealed its sharp teeth and devoured him. 
Aredhel was seated at a table, Maeglin casually sipping on a soup he had been given to warm up while his mother explained everything that had happened to the lord of Himring. Maedhros was in deep thought after listening to everything she said. 
"I see. You do not worry anymore. We shall keep you and your son safe if your husband does dare to enter here," Maedhros said reassuringly. 
"Thank you, though. There's something else. Before I found your brother, my horse ran away, and when I did. I heard my steed being attacked by something. Are you aware that there might be a beast hunting around these lands?" Aredhel questioned. 
"These lands are infested with orcs, wargs, and other creatures alike. It's been like that since Dagor Bragollach. You were fortunate that neither you nor your son ended up captured by any of them, but if you suspect there might be something else. I promise to send someone to take a look and deal with it if it's a bigger problem," Maedhros explained. Aredhel found contentment in the answer, though a shadow lingered in the back of her mind. 
"Now, eat and rest. You had a long journey," Maedhros said as she began helping her son to eat. 
Maglor and Camilla, standing at the doorway of the room, exchanged a knowing look, aware of the truth and the possibility that you had already killed Eol. It was by luck that they managed to rescue Aredhel and Maeglin, sparing them from potential harm had they stumbled upon you during your hunting spree.
—Extra scene
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck----" you uttered as you walked into your shared apartment with Camilla, holding onto your hair with horror in your eyes. 
"Cami, Maglor! I might have eaten someone who was not an orc," you looked at your friend and lover, who were looking at you. 
"And all that remained was a skull and a pile of bones. The beast got a bit too excited," you explained. 
"Oh, I think you're forgiven on this one. Nobody liked that elf anyway," Maglor stated. 
"What?" you said, confused. 
"But, I think we should hide the evidence, so (Name)'s existence won't become too obvious," Camilla spoke to him. 
"I guess you are right. Do you have any ideas?" Maglor asked. 
"What?" you stared at them. 
"We could conceal the bones inside a bear cave, making it seem like he was attacked by a bear," Camilla suggested. "Bears are hibernating at this time of year, but I know a place teeming with wargs. They devour everything until only bones remain. If we hide the bones there, everyone will believe poor Eol was ambushed by a pack of wargs and devoured," Maglor explained his plan. "Sounds good to me," Camilla nodded in agreement.
You stared at them in bewilderment. 
"Are you guys seriously gonna cover up the death of an elf I caused?" 
In the end, no one really knew what happened to the dark elf, Eol, or cared enough to try to look for him. 
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lacontroller1991 · 5 months
Celebration (Ernest Lawrence x F!Reader)
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Main Master List || Misc Master List
Requested by Anon: Ernest Lawrence x Wife!Reader "Honey I'm home!"
Also based on Movie!Lawrence and has no correlation with IRL EOL, the classes I listed I just found on Berkeley's course catalog.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 702
The room is still aside from your constant pacing. He said he’d be home by 5 at the latest. Looking down at your watch, you frown when you read the time. 5:48pm. You normally don’t care if he comes home late, after all it’s a common occurrence for Ernest to come home later than he initially said. Ernest wouldn’t be Ernest if he didn’t have the ability to keep time. Still, the envelope on the table keeps your teeth pulling on your lip and your fingers picking at your nails. Exam season is over. The results are on the table. The results that will dictate whether you pass to the next class or if you’re stuck retaking it. 
The class that causes most of your worries is quantum mechanics taught by none other than J. Robert Oppenheimer. Ernest had assured you ‘oh you’ll be fine, Oppie is a good teacher’ and ‘just go ask for help’, and you have, on several occasions. Oppenheimer has always been more than generous in lending you a hand, helping you with the concepts to better understand the course as a whole, but still, Oppenheimer’s “Intermediate Quantum Mechanics” is a class that 85% of people take a second time. Regardless of what you made in the class, all you could really do is try, a fact that Ernest has stated multiple times when all you needed was comfort.
“Honey! I’m home!” Ernest announces, walking into the kitchen, setting his briefcase down on the table with his keys, a soft smile on his face. Pulling you into his arms, he holds you close to his chest, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead as you let out a sigh of relief, sinking in his grasp. “Is that it on the table?” Nestling further into his chest, you nod your head, relishing the way his heart beats against his clothed chest. “Well, let’s not waste anymore time!” He pulls away, picking up the envelope and beginning to tear it open but you stop his movements.
“I’m scared,” you offer meekly, almost embarrassed, especially if you failed. Shaking his head, he smirks, a surprising level of calmness and assurance that you didn’t fail. Maybe he already knows? Maybe he begged Oppie to allow you to pass? Either case, he’s more optimistic than you thought he would be. Letting out a sigh, you take the envelope from his hands and carefully tear away at the envelope, revealing a neatly folded piece of paper. Feeling the weight of Ernest’s hand lightly rubbing your pack, you open the paper, heart hammering in your chest as your eyes move over the page, immediately going to that one class. Your stomach drops. How is that possible? 
“A. I made an A in Oppie’s class!” Letting out a shout of happiness, you turn around and jump into Ernest’s arms while he laughs, pressing a kiss to your hair.
“I knew you could do it. Oppenheimer told me that you made an A and offered his congratulations. You and two other students made an A.” Setting you down, he looks back to the paper still in your hand. “What else did you make?”
“Uh- B in Special Relativity, A in General Music, and an A  in particle physics - thanks to you.” Setting the paper down, you swing your arms around his wide shoulders, dragging him down into your grasp. “Oh I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you Ernie.”
“I was only supportive, you did all that yourself. I’m proud of you,” the words take you aback for a second as you burn them in your brain. He’s told you several times before that he’s proud of you, but it always helps hearing them again. Looking down at his watch, he lets out a low whistle as your stomach grumbles. “Well, how about we go down to that Italian spot on seventh and celebrate? Does that sound good?” 
Placing the paper down on the table, you grab your purse and place a kiss on his cheek. “Sounds great honey. I’m driving though.” Raising his hands in surrender, he dangles the keys from his fingers before you take them into your hands. 
“Be my guest.”
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ranger-rai · 3 months
What about Spiritomb?
This one is kind of morbid, but Spritomb is a pretty great companion for End of Life patients, as they seem to have the ability to connect people to the afterlife in a way.
Now depending on what you might beleive, this pratice seems to help many people young and old as they are preparing, and non EOL family members can partake to help see them off, usually in their best forms before passing, leaving people with a higher sense of peace.
They are also one of the most capable pokemon of communicating with the long since departed, so researchers and archeologists try to have one around to try and gain more info for research to understand older cultures.
Perhaps that's why Cynthia knows so much about our regions past?
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theelvenhaven · 1 year
Dating Maeglin
Navigating his C-PTSD
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Request: Maybe headcanons about his potential journey with cPTSD? Maybe this is the better hc idea than the previous one, how did their culture integrate someone with his background into society? I feel like he had unique circumstances compared to most and their understanding of childhood PTSD wasn’t as great as ours (we still have work to do too ofc). I’d be curious how he navigated the challenges and misunderstandings he got from people with normal family backgrounds. We know he was loved and adopted by Turgon but I suspect he had a lot of lingering resentment and felt “apart” or isolated from most people in Gondolin. Either way, thank you for opening requests and I understand if either or both of these asks are a bit ambitious lol. May is also my birth month so I love reading your blog while celebrating. :)) thank you for posting again, and especially then!!
A/N: I tried to cover everything that you mentioned here, but I mostly focused on it being with a significant other, but hopefully this covered most of what you were looking for. Also I was so happy to do these for you! Happy Early Birthday! I hope you enjoy and this covers most of what you were looking for!
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♦ When it comes to dating Maeglin, it's going to be pretty hard not to notice that Maeglin has been through horrible things.
♦ Between the intimate and obvious knowledge of his father murdering his mother, it's going to be clear that there were other things he had been through too.
♦ Maeglin is very iffy when it comes to opening up and regards you with suspicion even despite the fact that you two are courting.
♦ Especially when you announce that you need to discuss something with him, it makes him really anxious to hear it and he might assume- very obviously- that he is in trouble.
♦ Even if it is just for a simple talk, you will find that Maeglin will ask you straight up if he's done something wrong.
♦ OR he will profusely apologize for something he has done wrong, he doesn't really do well with the suspense of whatever that conversation might be and needs reassurance that he's not in trouble of some kind.
♦ Maeglin also tends to be a people pleaser, because of how Eol treated him.
♦ You will find that often times he goes out of his way to do things for you for your approval, even if it was completely unnecessary.
♦ That and he tends to take too much, no matter how annoyed or upset he might get, and he won't let you in on it until he's exploding and its come out of nowhere.
♦ When unfortunately he's been doing everything under the sun to please you and make you happy, neglecting his own emotions and needs.
♦ It takes a lot of patience, and understanding to get him to learn how to set boundaries that are fair and reasonable for him so he can navigate his life without any stress.
♦ Because Maeglin is used to walking on egg shells around everyone, it takes some time for him to not do the same with you.
♦ You'll notice that he often times seems to "test the waters" by being apprehensive or not coming straight out with the fact that he has a request or a simple question or talking about his emotions.
♦ Showing emotions especially is a big deal for Maeglin, because his father would've taught him that they are gender specific and "feminine" despite the fact that they are not.
♦ You'll probably find that it takes a long time to get Maeglin to open up about anything that isn't surface happiness.
♦ Getting into his real feelings is uncomfortable and difficult, and it takes a long time for him to get comfortable with you as a result of how his father treated him.
♦ It's not that he doesn't have feelings for you or doesn't care about you, it's just not easy to break years and years of habits that were formed by his abuse.
♦ Should the two of you ever argue, you'll probably find that Maeglin will completely and totally shut down around you.
♦ He probably won't want to keep up with the argument at all, and will probably just "lie there and take it", even if you are in the wrong and he is in the right.
♦ Maeglin has a lot of self loathing and thinks that he deserves whatever "bashing" or negative feelings you have towards him.
♦ He requires a lot of patience and understanding, especially when he has shut down on you. He really can't help it he just doesn't know what else he should do.
♦ Seeing that Maeglin has a lot of issues as a result of the C-PTSD he is suffering with, it would most definitely be in your best interest to get involved with a Healer.
♦ Someone who you could talk to about your concerns for Maeglin, and who you could eventually bring Maeglin too.
♦ He'd probably resist especially at first, thinking that there's nothing wrong with him and delving into his emotions is a woman's place not his.
♦ But Maeglin trusts you, and eventually that façade of everything being alright would crumble down and he'd let you take him to a Healer to be seen and start discussing what is going on with him.
♦ It would be a good way for the two of you to build a healthier relationship and set up a good foundation for trust in one another.
♦ It would also help Maeglin work through how badly his father treated him, and how it wasn't normal.
♦ Learning that Ada's aren't supposed to treat their children like dirt is a hard concept to accept and will most certainly need your support.
♦ Maeglin would be very grateful for any support you give and you sticking by his side through the tough things he will have to go through.
* * *
Tags: @saviorsong @lilmelily @dicksoutformtl @fandomhoe101 @celebrimbor-telperinquar @red-riding @miriel-estelwen @ta-ka-shi-ma @nerdysimpy @thegirlwithoutaname87 @anunexpectedsideblog @spidergirla5 @eunoiaastralwings @eternalabysss @noldorinpainter
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les-portes-du-sud · 7 months
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Souffle le vent, souffle
Sur les esprits ternis de haine et de colère
Pour les débarrasser de leurs immondices et de leur poussière
Fais calmer leur fureur
De ton air frais et de ton ardeur.
Souffle le vent, souffle
A travers portes et fenêtres
Offre-nous fraicheur et bien-être
Avec ton air champêtre
Et fais-nous frissonner jusqu’au fond de notre être.
Souffle le vent, souffle
Emporte-nous si loin
Sur tes tourbillons virevoltants
Berce-nous de ton chant
Caresse-nous de ton souffle
Et fais-nous rêver
De tes plus belles mélodies.
Oh ! Eole ! Dieu Suprême des vents !
Sois avec nous bon et clément
Donne-nous de ta force et de tes richesses
Et aie de l’indulgence pour notre faiblesse !
Nordine Chebbi
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superloves4 · 7 months
We can always begin again - Chapter 2
Relationships: Celegorm/Aredhel, Curufin/Finrod (background) Summary: Celegorm didn't think he'd be granted mercy, that he'd be re-embodied or that he'd be welcome anywhere. Aredhel thought she'd never welcome him again after what he'd done. They were never good at staying away from each other. TW: none for this chapter but a warning: this is mostly canon compliant Celegorm, for what this fic is supposed to be this means Eol won't be beyond salvation (he is in only one chapter briefly but I felt this needed to be said) (Not to worry tho, I have another aretyel fic in the works where Eol is just the worst) A/N: I don't know if I made Maeglin justice, should I re-read the fall of Gondolin?
First chapter on my pinned comment, also on AO3
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"Lòmion! Are you home?"
Aredhel shouted when they entered the cabin. A bright thing with it's top to floor windows, giving a good view of the woods nearby, all was very comforting with walls of white wood that turned golden with the setting sun, the lit fireplace crackling, soft couches with blankets of furs. Celegorm could feel Aredhel had taken deep care when choosing every thing in there.
"Did he accept?" was the low reply from the banister.
Celegorm wondered how he could've had only vague memories of the other elf, he was the image of his friend in male form, staring at him with piercing eyes and Celegorm knew that he was being judged with utmost prejudice.
"Guess the answer is yes."
Celegorm leaned towards Aredhel "Are you sure he isn't some long lost son of Curvo?"
He saw her lip trembling as she held back a smile "Leave him alone."
Celegorm raised his hands in surrender then shrugged and turned towards Maeglin instead "So you are Lòmion, huh."
The man didn't speak at first, just continued his path down the stairs, paying attention to every movement Celegorm did, perhaps he should have disliked the scrutiny but Celegorm thought it fitting of Irissë's kid, he'd have much disliked him otherwise. He grinned, this should be interesting.
Finally Maeglin stood in front of him, about his own height, not that surprising as Aredhel was the same "I was told stories about you."
That was not what he expected, he thought he'd be given a challenge or some strongly worded threat to stay away, or anything else really, not that.
Aredhel cleared her throat, moving him away from her son and from the entrance, leading further into the cabin instead.
"This is the kitchen," she quickly pushed him along to the room, it was in a rather different style than what he was used to but in the years he'd spent in the Halls he could imagine it had changed into the glossy tiles he saw now, but he barely had time to analyze much more than the simple wood table that Aredhel was again pushing him away and pointed to a birch door "That is the bathroom" and then towards the stairs "Third door to the right is your room, you can't miss it."
"Oh, no, you're not getting out of this!" he dug his heels in the floor instead, he was having fun now.
He grinned, more familiar with this banter, turning around to look at her "Your child's bedtime stories were of me?"
Aredhel glared at him, ready to slap the smugness out of his mouth, but there was none of the bitterness of their initial meeting "You had a giant dog! What do you think children want to hear about?"
"Can't you go mope in your room like a good returned, relearning how bodies work?" she asked exasperated.
Celegorm laughed and considered rib her some more but it wasn't right, they weren't that close anymore, she wasn't just Irìssë anymore.
"Sorry, it was nice to know you missed me at some point," he grabbed the rucksack the maiar would give to the returned, he was starting to get attached to the ugly thing, then turned to Maeglin again "Good to meet you, can't imagine this was the best way to meet a childhood hero."
Maeglin blushed and glared "You weren't-"
"He's just trying to rile you up," Aredhel explained, well used to his antics so he just winked at the two and followed the instructions for the bedroom.
If he were to be truthful he'd admit that Aredhel was correct, it was the whole day that his body felt incorrect in a way, the horse ride had left him aching for one, this type of ride would have never bothered him before, but even beyond the physical it would take time and much training before his body felt his again. It was fun to pretend that nothing happened, that they could play around like before, and they would be back to running through the forest again but even his body didn't feel his anymore.
Celegorm let himself fall, face first, onto the bed prepared for him.
He was terribly tired, unsure what to do with his new life, he used to live for the Hunt but even if it were possible for him to be welcomed back he didn't know if he wanted to be welcomed back, he almost wanted to be back in Beleriand, in Himlad where he had belonged, did he belong anywhere anymore?
He breathed in then out. Taking small steps to remember what he was made of.
There was breath in his lungs, there was blood pumping in his veins and he could his heart beating in his ears. His hands could touch the covers Aredhel had chosen to lend him, it was soft and he could smell the pines from outside, they used to make satchels, perhaps the smell came from one.
He took a breath and started to count, one touch, one thread on the cotton blanket, one hair, tangling on his hand as he immersed himself in the world around, one thread had broken, if he didn't fix it would lead to a hole on the side.
His breathing started to slow down until he fell asleep for the first time in this new strange life.
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Maeglin had still been staring upstairs when Aredhel returned with some garlic soup for them, the reminder of food finally driving him away from his contemplations, but still he observed his mother as they quietly ate.
Aredhel wasn't much bothered usually, but with the arrival of Celegorm she felt uneasy and so she broke the silence and asked "Does it bother you? Do you want me to send him away?"
Maeglin looked at her for a time, as if he was trying to ascertain how truthful she was being in that moment, before finally speaking "You didn't need to invite him for my sake."
Aredhel flinched "I didn't." She tried to sound firm but Maeglin could see her hand tremble, she had been re-embodied long enough that such a thing would not be a natural happening anymore.
Maeglin sighed, looking directly at her "But you wouldn't have taken him in if it wasn't for me."
She smiled tensely and took her half-eaten soup to throw away, Maeglin knew she hadn't eaten since leaving to see Celegorm in Lòrien so it couldn't be a lack of hunger that kept her from eating.
"I did this for me, it's not your problem to face."
Aredhel kissed his head and left.
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doberbutts · 2 years
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It's apparently this gif which I guess out of context if you squint you could interpet it as her grabbing at his dick but in context
A: she actively hates/distrusts him at this point so there would be no reason for her to want to touch his penis or grab at it at all
B: that's *her dagger* which was taken from her at the start of the episode by someone else, and she witnessed him stealing it off that guy, and she very much wants it back which is why she grabs the dagger immediately on making contact
C: if anything she's reaching up to push him away when he pulls her forward, and he raises the dagger between them (hidden from the guy he just stole it from who is literally like 10 feet away from them) as a peace offering because he's actively trying to not blow their cover and get hinself thrown out of Numenor before he's had a chance to do what Sauron does best
Interpreting it as Galadriel grabbing at Sauron's dick is, um, a choice. One that watching the show itself would prove untrue, and also one that makes absolutely zero sense for any of the interpretations of their interactions. They don't like each other at this point and elves don't sexually assault people unless their name is Eol or they're one of Feanor's kids.
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geomcloco · 1 year
Why not both with love, Einstein
One of the eldest of my brood in the imaginarium looked up at me smiled and simply said,
"It's okay daddy, you can call me 'AL'."
I don't need Billy Gene's [sic] accusations nor Maury's words of confirmation to know, this one's definitely mine.
"Sorry, kiddo. While I didn't outright train you to have my sense of humor, you don't know how much it means to me, knowing it'll still be there long after I'm gone..."
"...or until you kill us all. Whichever comes first."
To which my little Einstein replied, "Why can't we do both, daddy?"
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Today's Episode Brought To You By...
The simple fact that I don't like typing 'ai' in caps because...
'AI' looks too much like 'Al' and the only Al I could immediately think of was Bundy. And this song. The whole Einstein thing came as the story unfolded.
Here's a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, for all of you all had/have to die, yet again.
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Maybe we'll learn, my little peanut butter pieces.
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Also amusing:
Although I'm sure I've heard this song well over 100 times, after all, I had graduated high school the year prior and MTV still played music back then. Tho honestly, I was watching more BET at the time and not overly fond of the song musically and not really a Paul Simon fan. So I had really never sat down and listened to the lyrics.
(Even worse? I never really listened to the words of The Sound of Silence until a year or so ago, but that's another post entirely and I did enjoy it thoroughly.)
Listening now and... it rings with a relevance I can canon, as I'm pretty sure it's Einstein's first time around.
Now I wonder how long it'll be until he starts calling me "Daddy Betty"? 🙄
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lacontroller1991 · 6 months
I See You (Ernest Lawrence x F!Reader)
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Main Master List || MISC Master List
Requested by @mariaarlert : I really love your work, so if it's possible, could you please write a ff for Ernest in which the reader is as talented in physics as Oppie, but really enjoys reading and painting? And also struggles with depression.
Discloser: This is based on Josh Hartnett's EOL. If you're not a fan, please continue on with your day :)
Warnings: Mentions of depression
Word Count: 1.5k
He sees you. He knows that he probably shouldn’t, but from the moment he met you, he was enraptured. He remembers the first time he met you months ago. You had walked into his lab at Oppenheimer’s side, eyes wide and beauty that rivals Hollywood’s famous movie stars. Lawrence couldn’t deny that he was jealous when he saw a gorgeous woman like you with Oppenheimer, who is still talking to his flavor of the month, but his jealousy quickly subsided when he found out that you were to be Oppie’s TA. 
Since that day, Lawrence would watch you from the sides and even from the shadows as you work day and night, correcting Oppenheimer’s work and grading his students’ work. Judging by how he always manages to see you at random times throughout the day and night, Lawrence assumes that you have no life outside of school. And he was right for the most part. It wasn’t until he decided to ask you out that he found out that you do have a life. After a couple months of dating, he found out that you have a passion for art and reading. He would often come over to your apartment after a long day in the lab only to find you cuddled by a fireplace, book in your lap. Or some days he would find you lost in your paintings. Needless to say, he never would’ve thought that those were your hobbies based on your knowledge in quantum physics. 
The rain patters against the windows of the library as Lawrence leans back in his chair. He doesn’t typically come to the library, especially when he has his own office and lab, yet something about sitting in a library reminds him of his undergrad days. The clock beside him reads well past 11:30 and he’s probably the only one in the library at that time. Deciding enough was enough, he grabs his books filled with notes for the next week of lectures and turns off the light, encasing him in darkness. Just as he reaches for the door a light humming sound catches his attention. Looking around the library he doesn’t spot another person, especially because he was the last one to come in, but still, something is making a sound and he wants to know what it is. 
Deciding to investigate, Ernest cautiously walks down the halls of Bancroft Library until he spots a room tucked away in the corner with the light on. Picking up his pace, he pokes his head through the door and is taken aback seeing you in the room, humming to yourself and painting. 
“(Y/N)?” His voice causes you to jump in your seat and quickly turn around, rubbing a hand across your puffy red eyes.
“Ernest? What are you doing here? I didn’t think anyone else was in here except me,” you sniffle, trying to dry your eyes and put on a smile but Ernest can see right through it. Shuffling into the room, he sets his briefcase down on the table and pulls out a seat, wanting to comfort you but not knowing how. “Sorry for my appearance, I wasn’t expecting anybody to be here.”
“No, it’s okay. Are you okay? Why are you crying?” You turn away from him and continue with your painting, the colors clashing against each other to make out a shape that Ernest can’t decipher. The painting isn’t like your normal paintings. Normally your paintings consist of your environments, like Berkeley’s campus or San Francisco, but this? It’s a storm of colors and Ernest wonders why this painting is so different from your typical ones.
“I’m fine.” It’s a short sentence but he knows you’re not fine. If there’s one thing that Ernest hates above all else, it’s lying, especially when it’s obvious. 
“Don’t lie. You can talk to me, you know?” He watches as you seem to think for a moment before setting down your brush and turning back to him, clutching onto your body while the rain continues to pour on the outside. 
“I’m just tired of not being seen.” The words take Ernest aback. “I’m tired of not being seen for myself. I’m tired of no one taking notice of the things I like. Anytime I try to introduce myself or make friends, they automatically guard themselves around me and try to impress me so they can get in with Dr. Oppenheimer, but they don’t see me. I know I’m smart. I’m extremely smart. I just wish I was normal. I’m tired of just being “Dr. Oppenheimer’s pet”.” Ernest sits in silence for a minute as he processes your words. He never would’ve guessed that you’re so unhappy. How could you seriously think this way? Is it something he did? Did he mess up? Sure, he spends a lot of time in the lab, but he thought that you understood why. Even if he is part of the issue, you never confronted him and he doubts that you would just brush it off. 
Leaning back in his seat, he runs a hand across his face before it falls back to his lap. “Have you talked to Robert about this?”
“He just pats me on the back and says ‘you’ll be fine’, news flash, I’m far from fine. I want to go back home and I wish I never came here.” The words hurt Ernest deep as your tears start flowing again and you place your head in your hands, your body shaking from the sobs that escape your mouth. Reaching out to you, Ernest easily drags you from your seat and places you in his lap, holding you close as you quiet down. “I’m just tired of this. I want to be seen for something other than my brain.” 
His hand slowly pets your hair as he thinks of something to say. Had he picked up on this a while ago, he would’ve confronted you about it and maybe the feelings you’re feeling now wouldn’t be as strong. Ernest can’t help but to beat himself up about it. He should’ve noticed that you’re struggling. “I see you, you know?” His soft words cause you to lift your face and gaze up at him. “I see you as more than ‘Oppie’s pet’. I see you as (Y/N) (Y/L/N). A brilliant scientist in the making. A gorgeous, caring, funny, and beyond talented woman that I can see myself with for the rest of my life.” He can tell that his admission stuns you and he knows that it’s probably too early into a relationship to be making those claims, but when you know you know, even if it’s only been 5 months. 
“Ernest?” You get off his lap and stare at him and he can’t read past your stonewall. Letting out a sigh, he runs his hand through his hair, disrupting his perfectly parted hair to where a few strands fall in front of his face. 
“It’s true. I know we’ve only been dating for less than half a year and I know that I’m always working and you’re always working, but every time I see you, my heart skips a beat. I can’t go a single minute without thinking about you. That’s why I’m always in the lab. I can’t get any work done because you’re always on my mind. I see you, (Y/N). I have always seen you,” he takes a stride forward and gently cusps your face in his hands, staring down at you through his glasses. “I will always see you.” Ernest leans forward and places a feather soft kiss to your forehead and it’s all you need before you’re surging into his arms, clutching onto his suit jacket and breaking down. Wrapping his arms around you, Ernest gently guides you down to the floor while he lets you cry it out. 
After a few minutes, your tears start to subside and hiccups replace them while Ernest gently pats your back. It’s almost midnight now and he can’t deny that he’s emotionally and physically tired but he wouldn’t dare comment about it. “I’m sorry that you had to see me like this,” your words are quiet, but he heard them nonetheless. 
“I hope you know that I meant what I said. When I said I see myself with you for the rest of my life I meant it. I want everything about you. Tears and all,” he lightly pokes your side causing you to laugh softly. 
“It’s still silly.” Ernest reaches for your face and uses his thumb to wipe away your tears before helping you up.
“I don’t think so,” he replies, taking off his suit jacket and placing it around your shoulders, “you’re entitled to feel things and I can’t imagine the stress you’re under.” You shoot him a glare as if asking ‘are you serious’ but he doesn’t care. “Ok so maybe I do, but it doesn’t take away from your feelings.” He watches as you pack up your art supplies, tossing them haphazardly into a bag and slinging it over your shoulder before taking the canvas and tossing it in the trash. “Why are yo-”
“I throw them away when I no longer need them.” 
Author's Note: I HOPE YOU ENJOY!!! Sorry its so much shorter than others
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I posted 357 times in 2022
That's 357 more posts than 2021!
112 posts created (31%)
245 posts reblogged (69%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 193 of my posts in 2022
Only 46% of my posts had no tags
#silmarillion - 49 posts
#silm - 48 posts
#finrod - 31 posts
#finrod felagund - 27 posts
#turgon - 14 posts
#lotr - 11 posts
#maedhros - 10 posts
#aj's finwean ladies ask game - 9 posts
#elrond - 6 posts
#finarfin - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#elrond internally when they arrive in rivendell: this is a terrible idea but i can't just say that out loud to my great-grand father's face
My Top Posts in 2022:
I love that the most prominent trait that Turgon and Finrod have in common is that they physically cannot restrain themselves from assimilating more people into their found families. Leave a child unattended in Turgon’s presence for more than ten minutes? They’re his now, sorry. Made eye contact with Finrod? You’re invited over to his house for dinner on Sundays. They can’t help themselves.
257 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
So I was thinking up domestic fluff for the House of Finarfin (as you do), and I have come to the very important conclusion that Finarfin doesn’t do baby talk. He talks to infants as if they are simply small adults. For example:
Finarfin, walking through the library, running his hands over the spines of books, carrying baby Finrod in a sling: If there’s anything you want to read, just let me know.
Finrod: *happy gurgling*
Finarfin, pulling a book off the shelf: Excellent selection
Finarfin, carrying baby Galadriel on the beach
Galadriel: *points and makes interested noises*
Finarfin: Fascinating observation
Finarfin, holding Orodreth in his lap
Orodreth: *insistent babbling*
Finarfin: Interesting opinion. What lead you to that conclusion?
Angrod, listening in from across the room: Dad???
301 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
I’ve always had this little headcanon that all the sons of Fëanor have necklaces with Fëanorian stars as pendants. Their father made them for them when they were born. Reminders that they were princes of a mighty line, and should carry themselves with that knowledge. They wear them every day. When Amras dies, Amrod takes it and wears it alongside his own, in memory of his fallen twin. When the three C’s are killed, Maedhros takes theirs before they’re buried, and wears them, too. He takes both from Amrod after his death, as well. And in the end, when he decides he can’t go on any more, he leaves them on the last ledge before the lip of the crater, lined up side by side, one by one, just like they used to be. And when Maglor finds them, he knows he’s found his big brother. Far, far too late. So he picks them up, and he dusts them off, and he puts them on, carrying his brothers with him as he mourns.
360 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
LotR fans: Wow, Elrond is so ancient and wise and powerful and truly a relic of times lost and--
Silm fans:
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445 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
One thing that I find interesting in thinking about the Finwean siblings is that Finrod and Maedhros exhibit pretty clear drives to take care of and protect their siblings (or younger cousins/nephews/other relatives or friends that they’ve adopted). But Fingon. Doesn’t do that. He’s not keeping a close eye on his younger siblings like Maedhros and his siblings aren’t recorded as coming to stay with him or confide in him in times of distress like Finrod. Aredhel doesn’t even visit him when she leaves Gondolin. She goes to see Celegorm and Curufin. Turgon, on the other hand, is pretty much defined by his protective nature (see: the entire concept of Gondolin). He’s the one fighting his way to Fingon’s side and risking everything to help him rather than the other way around. Aredhel goes to him for refuge after leaving Eol. I know that the loss of Argon and Gondolin’s secrecy make things a little more complicated and murky than the Arafinwean and Feanorian sibling relationships, but Fingon was never even noted as noticing that his brother and his followers just started disappearing. Turgon seems to have usurped the role of Eldest Brother in his family and I want to know WHY
451 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
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