#eomer alphabet
wordbunch · 1 year
SFW alphabet: Éomer
a/n: this was requested by anon, I think (I barely keep track of who requests what, SORRY 🥺) y’all really love the Rohan siblings (valid) because I already have an Éowyn alphabet as well 😁 anyway this man is so FINE. I hope you enjoy, let me know in comments or reblogs! 💖💖💖
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) He is quite affectionate, I feel like, and almost subconsciously. It’s basically second nature for him to just wrap his arms around you or press a tender kiss to your forehead. He’s confident enough to do that in front of everybody, and a couple times you’ve been caught by someone during some more  intimate moments and steamy exchanges of kisses… so you try to eventually keep it down a bit. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) excuse me, we’re not here to befriend him, we’re here to date him
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) He secretly likes to cuddle, but it isn’t a must. He wants to have you close as much as possible, but sometimes it’s just enough to have your head leaning on his shoulder or something similar. When the two of you do cuddle, his favorite position is when you lay half on top of him with your head on his chest. It makes him feel extra protective of his beloved.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) He does!!! He loves his home and he would love to stay there with the person he loves, although it would take a special person for him to 100% be down for it. I feel like he can be very charming around others, and after a couple drinks, even a bit flirty, but once you steal his heart, there’s nothing to worry about. He isn’t the best at household chores and stuff, he’s a very important person and a warrior, so he never did much of that, but he’s always willing to offer his time and assistance.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) It would be short, concise, to the point and very respectful, but afterwards he would grapple with his emotions in secret and wonder if he’d done the right thing. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) Éomer would take some time courting you, because he hadn’t been in a long, serious relationship before and he wants to properly test out the waters. He isn’t a player in the full sense of the word, but he could be generally flirty, especially if a drink was involved. But he knows better than to ever make you doubt your importance in his life and his love for you. The more he gets to know you, the more sure he becomes that he wants to be with you for the rest of his life.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) For sure he’s a bit rough around the edges, which is to be expected, considering his life and his environment. He’s definitely a very emotional and passionate person, but he’d dutifully learned how and when to keep it down. With you he can just be himself, openly express his feelings and shower you with affection. Sometimes he forgets his own strength and picks you up with surprising ease, making you giggle with surprise and delight.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) Yes, he likes them (who doesn’t, oh come on), but in public he will quickly side-hug you when you run into one another throughout the day, and he will save the long, comforting hugs for within your own four walls. In those moments his arms will envelope you completely, and you’re free to bury your head in his chest. It works perfectly as a remedy against bad days and negative emotions. He is tall and thus in a perfect position to kiss the top of your head.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) As previously stated, he takes a bit of time to settle into your new relationship, and his feelings for you also gradually grow. He vividly remembers the situation where you were helping in the House of Healing - how kind and skilled you were, how you treated everyone with respect… and he just stood there, secretly admiring you for a bit, and it helped him realize that he was properly in love with you.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) I see Éomer as a very jealous person, he’s not blind and he sees how beautiful you are and how people look at you, and sometimes even get a little too bold and too close for his liking. He has no problem stepping in, and sometimes he will even feel a little bitter about the whole situation, but you make sure to reassure him in private that you have no interest in anybody else, romantically. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) His kisses are always passionate, often surprising (he just can’t help it with the cute sound you make when he does that!), and sometimes even a bit rough, and like… urgent. A good old proper kiss on the lips is the way to his heart. Besides everywhere, obviously, he likes to quickly kiss you on your temple in passing by, or when you’re sitting side by side at a formal dinner and he just can’t help but admire you!
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) He’s pretty good, and kids love him too - he has cool armor, he is strong, he can fight and he is good with horses! He will always try his best to give the time of day to any little kid that approaches him with curiosity and admiration.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) He’s an early riser and a busy person. If he must leave immediately after waking, he will leave your quarters quietly, with a parting kiss on your forehead. However, both of you prefer to at least have some breakfast together - if not in bed, then at least in the dining hall - so he can start his day with you, and you can talk about your daily plans, or simply enjoy each other’s presence.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) He loves to whisk you away as soon as he’s free to do so, for some proper one on one time - horseback riding to your special spot, the best one for stargazing, yet secluded enough for decent privacy. This will usually result in you returning to your chambers very late in the night, and not getting as much sleep as you wish, but it’s totally worth it.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) He takes it step by step, over time of course you become more comfortable with one another and more open, and gradually he becomes able to talk to you about anything. Don’t get me wrong, he is always honest with you, but he wasn’t immediately ready to talk about his deepest feelings. But you’re very happy that his walls eventually came down. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) Oh this is a difficult one… he IS fiery, but he knows that, as a good leader, he must learn how to channel that into good things. You’re his safe space and it’s extremely rare he gets angry at you; maybe only if you act recklessly and land yourself into a potentially very dangerous situation. But even then his emotions are coming from a good place - he just doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) He is somewhere in-between remembering every detail and easily forgetting stuff. To be fair, he has a lot of responsibilities and he needs to keep a lot of information on his mind, but he will never forget the important things. Éomer is also humble enough to ask for you to remind him of something, though he does feel a bit embarrassed. You find it amusing rather than too frustrating, most of the time. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) He was pondering whether he should propose to you yet, how to bring up that topic in conversation, when and how to do it… when he heard your voice from a distance, talking to somebody else. Éomer got closer to check out the situation, and you were helping a small child who got lost in the vast halls. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you, how sweet and protective you were being, but also logical and ready to take action. Maybe it’s not his favorite of all moments in the relationship, but it’s a very important one because it helped him make up his mind about asking for your hand as soon as possible.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) Éomer is definitely a very protective person, which partially comes from growing up with a younger sister. Even overprotective at times, he won’t hesitate to jump in and defend you verbally, physically or in any other way, even when the situation doesn’t necessarily call for it. You know he’s also anxious when you go horseback riding alone, because if you fall and no one is there to help you, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself. You don’t have many opportunities to be protective over him, but you do it in the form of comforting him after a tough situation or tending to his injuries.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) He does his best to give you at least one special date weekly, which you greatly appreciate, considering everything that he has to take care of day to day. When it comes to anniversaries and special celebrations, he is surprisingly sentimental and his gifts will, without fail, bring happy tears to your eyes (maybe Éowyn sometimes helps him, but that’s a secret). Many times he gave you flowers, or had them sent to your room, for no special reason except that he appreciates you. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) Taking a bigger load than he can bear, especially after the death of Théoden’s son - Éomer feels like he has to compensate for so many things, but it’s physically impossible to fill in the positions of other people. He will say yes to helping anyone and doing anything, but end up getting overwhelmed and lost in a pile of tasks. In those situations he is even more thankful for you because you know as soon as he’s pushing his limits and you, lovingly yet sternly, make him take a break.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) To be fair, he spends a lot of time with soldiers, fighting, and tending to horses so he doesn’t exactly find himself in an environment in which looks are a crucial aspect of him. He is proud of his hair and he will trim his facial hair, but not much concerns him except for that. He’s more concerned with his leadership and battle skills.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) It would be difficult and heartbreaking, certainly, but he wouldn’t feel necessarily incomplete. He’s self-assured, independent and strong, but he doesn’t even want to think about the possibility of losing you. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) Ever since he was a small child, he’s hated having his hair cut! He will only do it when it gets to a really annoying/impractical length, but either way he looks great, at least to you. However, more times than one you joined forces with Éowyn to tease him about it. Once she gave you a bunch of flowers, and you waited for Éomer to fall asleep soundly; then you braided his hair in intricate patterns and decorated it with the flowers… his facial expression upon realizing what you’d done was priceless!
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) He despises dishonesty so so much!!! He always wants you to be outright with him, even if it might hurt him. Because of that, it can be a bit difficult to prepare a birthday/anniversary surprise for him.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) Éomer needs surprisingly little sleep in order to be able to function properly all day - therefore, he usually falls asleep after you, and wakes up before you. Also when he sleeps, he is very very calm, he barely moves at all; you were actually a bit concerned the first time you witnessed it.
✨ taglist my beloved ✨ @lotrnonsense​​​​ @starlady66​​​​ @queenmeriadoc @entishramblings​​​​ @thesolarangel​​​​ @silversword7000​​​​ @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog​​​​ @averys-place​​​​ @valkyriepirate​​​​ @emmaarenstarr​​​​ @noldorinpainter​​​​ @asianbutnotjapanese​​​​ @adamgetawaydriver​​​​ @fenharel-enaste​​​​ @ironmandeficiency​​​​     @starryeyedrogue @dinofromspac3
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S is for "Soup"
“My sister has many admirable qualities, as you surely know,” Éomer muttered, quirking a brow at his intended brother-in-law. “I’m afraid cooking is not one of them. Do not feel obligated to suffer needlessly.”
“If I am suffering only a little for her happiness, it’s hardly needless,” Faramir pointed out with a valiant smile as he took up another spoonful of stew. The meat was slimy, the herbs soggy, the potatoes rock hard and the broth oversalted but it was made with love.  
Still…next time he might suggest his mother’s recipe, which even Boromir had mastered without much trouble.
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🍃Tolkien Masterlist🍃
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Smut: 🔥🔥
Fluff: 🌸🌸
Heated Fluff: ⭐️⭐️
Friendly: 🌈🌈
Angst: 🌨️🌨️
💙 Collage
💚 Oneshot
💖 Preference/Headcanon
💜 Quote
💞 Blurb
- Just A Girl 💚🌸
- Waited So Long 💚🔥
- Warrior Girlfriend 💙🌸
- Baker 💙🌸
- Break Stuff 💚⭐️
- Mermaid 💚🌸
- Tease 💞⭐️
- Sleepy Reader 💜🌸
- Princess 💖🌸
- Waited So Long 💚🔥
- Heart-Shaped Box 💞⭐️
- Queen of Pain 💞⭐️🔥
- Size 💚🔥
- Loved You Before 💚🌸
- Undressed 💙⭐️
- Elf Princess 💙🌸
- Chanel 💚🌸
- S&M 💚🔥
- So Tight 💞🔥
- Sunglasses and Flower Crowns 💚🌸🌈
- We Didn’t Start The Fire 💚🌸🌈
- Elf Princess 💙🌸
- She Knows It 💚🌈
- Big Girl 💚🌸
- Edge Play 💚🔥
- Tongue Piercing 💚🔥
- Waited So Long 💚🔥
- Sweet Prince 💚🔥
- Training 💚⭐️🌸
- Lyrics 💙🌸
- Toys 💚🔥
- Rebellious 💙⭐️
- Birthday Present 💞🔥
- Mermaid 💙🌸
- 9 to 5 💚🌸
- Accidental Confession 💚🌸
- Courting Gifts 💚🌸
- Queen Under The Mountain 💜🌸
- Relaxing Day 💙🌸
- NSFW Alphabet 💖🔥
- Old Lady Reader 💖🌸
- Leaving A Party 💙🌸
- A Kingly Tour Guide 💙🌸
- Sleeping Loves 💜🌸
- Jewellery and Paintings 💙🌸
- Breath 💚🔥
- The Kiss 💚🌸
- Never Tried 💚🔥
- King To The Rescue 💚🌸
- Secret Conversation 💚⭐️
- Meeting 1 💖⭐️
- Meeting 2 💖⭐️
- Meeting 3 💖⭐️
- Meeting 4 💖⭐️
- NSFW 1 💖🔥
- NSFW 2 💖🔥
- NSFW 3 💖🔥
- Lindir x Reader x Glorfindel 💞🔥
- Lindir x Reader x Glorfindel 2 💞🔥
- Favourite Position 💖🔥
- Fairy x Mermaid 💚⭐️
- Elves x Hobbit Women 💞🌸
- Elves Kissing 💖🌸
- Human and Elves 💞🔥
- Love Triangle 💙⭐️
- Kink Alphabet 💖🔥
- Two Lords and a King 💞🔥
- Poems 💞🌈
- Mediating The Kings 💞🌸
- Forehead Kisses 💞🌸
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gloomwitchwrites · 4 months
Oh my goodness Poppy! Congratulations on 1k, that’s so amazing and you so deserve it! For your 1k celebration, can I request an Eomer NSFW alphabet? We need more for that blonde horse lord and I can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Thank you so much! I really appreciate the love! Oh. My. God. Éomer is my beloved. I adore him. Of all the lotr men, he is my favorite. I would marry him without question. I’d give that man anything! Thank you so much for sending this in, and I hope you enjoy!!
Éomer x Female Reader
1k follower event rules
NSFW Alphabet Template (with a couple small changes on my end)
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // 1k follower event masterlist
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
This might be controversial, but I don’t think Éomer would be great at aftercare. At least at first. Hear me out! When it comes to intimacy and sweetness, Éomer knows what he’s doing, but I cannot see him knowing what to do during aftercare. He would help you clean up, but it’s not anything special.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of their partner’s)
Éomer loves your shoulders. Whenever you’re wearing a dress that reveals the shoulders, his first instinct is to lean down and place a soft kiss there. It’s also the first spot Éomer kisses whenever he removes your clothes.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
It always has to go inside you. Éomer wants to make sure you’re full of him all the time. He wants you dripping with it.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Once tried to go to a brothel but couldn’t go through with it. All the pretty women giving him attention made him nervous.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Experienced but with a caveat. Éomer isn’t unknown to sex, but what the two of you have doesn’t necessarily fit into what he’s experienced. He had to learn and adjust in order to align with your needs.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Loves a good missionary or modified missionary. Missionary isn’t vanilla folks! Éomer knows how to spice the position up. He also enjoys pressing you up against something and quickly getting under your skirts/dress for a quickie.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
I wouldn’t call Éomer goofy during the moment, but he does have a gentle sense of humor during the act. I can easily see him leaning into a playful softness that could send him or you into laughter.
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Carpets match the drapes but isn’t super well-groomed on the road. If he is in Edoras, he is better groomed.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Very good with intimacy. This is where Éomer excels. Éomer is liberal with compliments, and verbally expresses his love often. He is more likely to tell you how much he loves you and why he loves you before, during, and after the act.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Very comfortable with it, but doesn’t have the urge to do it if you’re around. He did it a lot when he was a younger man on the road and spent a lot of time away from Edoras.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Breeding kink. Hardcore breeding kink. This man wants to breed his woman, and you cannot change my mind about that. He wants to fill Meduseld with his children. I would even go so far to say that he might have a pregnancy kink which only makes him crave his wife even more when she’s pregnant.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Would rather be in a private place, but also cannot help himself when he really wants you. Éomer loves a good quickie where he can pull you into a dark corner and go at it. He’ll take the risk on that account. Otherwise, he wants to be in the bedroom.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Highly motivated. Éomer will happily get it on whenever. You could simply give him a look and he’s on it. Éomer is clearing the room or the two of you are leaving immediately. But Éomer is also respectful of your needs. He won’t initiate unless you show genuine interest, and he also knows to backoff if you’re not in the mood.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Never make you feel guilty for not wanting intimacy. Éomer respects consent and your feelings. This man has emotional intelligence, and will validate you when you’re not feeling it. He will never beg or push or guilt trip you for not wanting to have sex with him. He will also never do anything that might potentially injure you like choking.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Prefers receiving, and has a fantasy of you taking him into your mouth while he sits in the throne. Éomer does enjoy giving but he prefers using his fingers on you simply because he likes watching all the expressions you make.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends. Éomer is more of a slow and steady guy especially when he knows he has plenty of time with you. But as someone who likes quickies as well, Éomer will happily be a bit rough and fast when the moment calls for it.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Yes. Absolutely. With his breeding kink, Éomer wants to have you as often as he can.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Game to experiment but only with your initiation.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Pretty good stamina. Could easily go two rounds and possibly a third depending on the day he’s had.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Nah. No toys. Éomer wants to be the only one to give you pleasure.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Rarely. Éomer is too sweet for that. He might tease a little bit but it’s mostly for intimacy’s sake and not to punish or prolong pleasure.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not loud in terms of volume, but does talk a lot. Will verbally praise and give affirmations before, during, and after the act. He grunts more than he groans or moans.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Loves it when your thread your fingers through his hair and tug.
X = Xtra (an additional headcanon)
Sometimes walks up in the middle of the night and just admires you in your sleep.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Very high. Éomer needs to satiate that breeding kink.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Very fast. When he’s done, he’s done. Éomer is the type to roll on his back and immediately pass out.
@foxxy-126 @glassgulls @km-ffluv @firelightinferno @glitterypirateduck
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@ferns-fics @beebeechaos @hantheconqueror
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erraticpigeon · 8 months
♥️ Available fandoms ♥️
This is a list of fandoms and characters that I’m willing to write about. The characters are written in alphabetical order, and the ones in bold text are my favourites to write (but feel free to request any). Please remember that this list may change from time to time.
Dead Poets Society
Charlie Dalton, Knox Overstreet, Stephen Meeks
Lord Of The Rings
Boromir, Eomer, Eowyn, Faramir, Samwise Gamgee
Harry Potter (Golden Trio era)
Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, Ron Weasley
James Potter, Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon, Mary Macdonald, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black
Feel free to make a request, but please do read the rules first (rules are currently N/A)!
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mlmxreader · 8 months
Nsfw alphabet with faramir eomer and Kuai Liang please?
all gn!reader
A=Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Faramir is gentle and sweet, constantly checking in and doubling checking to see if you want or need anything; expect a lot of soft words and even softer touches. Eomer is trusting, he asks if there's anything you need or want and hopes that you'll be honest with him - he trusts that you'll tell him if there is anything. Kuai Liang is gentle, always touching you so softly as if he's worried that you're fragile, and always ensures that you have something to eat and drink, especially if he's been a little rough.
B=Body Part (Their favorite body part of their partners)
Faramir loves your ass, the sound it makes when he smacks it gently and the way it seems to welcome his cock so eagerly every time. Eomer adores your thighs, the way they look once he's finished biting and marking them and how they tremble when he makes you cum. Kuai Liang is an ass man, but his favourite body part will always be your back, how it glistens with sweat and how it looks with his cum splattered on it.
C=Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
Faramir prefers to cum in your ass, but he'll never say no if you ask him to cum on your face or in your mouth, either; he loves how greedy you are, sucking his cock to make sure you have every droplet. Eomer likes to cum in your mouth most of all, watching his cum and your spit mix together as you greedily try to swallow it but unable to stop the small dribble that trails from your bottom lip. Kuai Liang is traditional, he loves to cum in your ass and he won't really do it anywhere else; of course, if you ask him, he's more than happy to also cum on your back as well.
D=Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory)
Faramir's dirty secret is that he loves watching you scrape his cum off of your face and lick your fingers clean; he can't get enough of it. Eomer won't ever admit it, but he loves it when you tease him by flirting with other men in front of him; he knows it's a game, but he can't ever stop himself from playing along. Kuai Liang tries not to admit it or show it, but he adores it when you masturbate; hearing your breathy moans of his name and how your hand works so hard to give you what you want.
E= Experience (How experienced are they?)
Faramir is more experienced than what people assume, although he's not the most experienced in the world; he knows his fair share and he knows his way around. Eomer is very experienced, he's tasted a little bit of everything and certainly knows how to please you; he might need some explanation of kinks here and there but it's not much. Kuai Liang isn't well experienced, but he is knowledgeable enough; you might have to talk him through certain things, but he's a very quick learner.
F= Favorite Position
Faramir loves to have you riding him, with your hands on his shoulders and your lips on his. His hands on your sides as he gazes up at you. Eomer's favourite position is doggy, having you on your hands and knees as he palms and grabs at your ass and the back of your throat. Your hands gripping the sheets tightly. Kuai Liang likes to have you on your stomach, resting his weight on top of you as he holds your hands and kisses your neck and the side of your face.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
Faramir is quite serious, but he will also make a few teasing jokes to make you laugh breathlessly; he likes to see you smile and to hear you laugh as he's fucking you. Eomer can go either way; sometimes, he's making you laugh and he's giggling along, other times, he's all seriousness and he's entirely focused on making you cum. Kuai Liang is serious, but he has been known to tell a few dad jokes here and there, as well; he's mostly focused on your pleasure, though.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Faramir isn't well groomed at all; the hair is coarse and thick and long, a soft light brown colour just like what he has on his head. He doesn't see the point in doing anything except cleaning it. Eomer is well groomed, he keeps it neat and tidy, although the dark hairs are still long and thick and coarse; he likes to look presentable, even down there. Kuai Liang isn't well groomed. He doesn't understand why anyone would ever shave down there, especially given that the hair has a purpose, so he just leaves it.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
Faramir is very intimate, expect a lot of verbal affirmations especially, but also a lot of gentle touches up and down your back; he loves to treat you like royalty. Eomer is quite intimate, as he likes to treat you as best as he can; he's more physical, though, so expect a lot of touches and kisses as well as biting. Kuai Liang is always, always, intimate with you; he likes to be as close as possible, both physically and emotionally. Expect a lot of touching and kissing and verbal affirmations.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Faramir masturbates quite often, especially if you're not around; he moans your name every time, always picturing you riding him and cumming for him. Eomer doesn't masturbate often but he doesn't do it rarely, either; it usually happens when you aren't around and he's got the itch, working his hand on his cock and grunting your name. Kuai Liang never masturbates unless he's with you. He has a lot of patience and self control, so he only does it when you're doing it with him.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Faramir - spanking, praise, breeding Eomer - praise, biting, possession Kuai Liang - Daddy, mutual masturbation, praise
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Faramir - his bedroom, but also outside in the woods Eomer - he prefers to have you alone in his tent Kuai Liang - the bedroom
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Faramir's biggest turn on is when you're on his lap making out with him, his hand sneaking between your thighs so he can feel you becoming needy for him. Eomer is easy, a slight touch of the hand here or a whispered word there, flirt with someone else in front of him and he'll be ready to go. Kuai Liang gets in the mood when he feels you press your ass to his crotch and when you start murmuring about how needy you are; if you walk around in his clothes as well, that's a guarantee.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Faramir - degradation and humiliation Eomer - spitting and name calling Kuai Liang - anything that involves calling you names or being mean to you
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Faramir prefers to give, he loves to pin you beneath him on the bed and make you breathless and buck your hips against his mouth. He's very talented in that department. Eomer prefers to receive, but only so he can see his cum mix with your spit and dribble down to your chin as you struggle to swallow it all. He is quite well skilled at giving, though. Kuai Liang has no preference, but he is skilled at giving; he's not the best, but he has a few ways that he can make you squirm and moan for his mouth.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Faramir likes to keep things slow and sensual, telling you how much he loves you and making sure that you hear it properly; he's been known to be fast and rough at times, though. Eomer will do whichever you prefer; he doesn't mind either way, as long as you're happy and you're comfortable with the pace he's going, he's happy to do whatever. Kuai Liang prefers to keep it slow and steady, he enjoys romantic sex much more than anything else and loves to focus entirely on you and your pleasure above his own.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Faramir is always down for a quickie, no matter how often. Eomer is down if you ask him if he fancies a quickie. Kuai Liang doesn't love quickies, so it's a rare occasion but if you ask he'll be happy to go along.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Faramir is game to experiment, and he's happy to take risks within a certain boundary or two. Eomer is willing to experiment with you, but he's not super keen on taking risks. Kuai Liang doesn't experiment and doesn't take risks at all.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last)
Faramir - 2 or 3 rounds. 1 hour each. Eomer - 3 rounds. 1.5 hours each. Kuai Liang - 3 rounds. 2 hours each.
T=Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Faramir likes to get you some toys, a few anal beads and a few dildos, and he loves to use them on you as much as he can; he doesn't fancy using them himself, but on you? always. Eomer has very few toys, but it's only a couple and he always likes to use them on you; he makes sure that you know where they are. Kuai Liang doesn't own toys, but if you want him to get some or you want to use yours, he's more than happy for you to do so; he doesn't like using them on himself, and he won't ever, though.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Faramir can be the worst tease in the world, getting you so riled up and needy that you're squirming and trying to all but hump his thigh. Eomer isn't the biggest tease, but he's been known to do it here and there until you're begging for him to touch you and fuck you. Kuai Liang doesn't tease very often, it's very rare and he only does it on certain occasions; he doesn't like to tease, not really, but sometimes it can be fun.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Faramir is very loud, expect a lot of grunts and growls, breathy moans and hushed voices; his voice could echo through stone walls when he's fucking you. Eomer isn't very loud but he's not quiet either. Expect a lot of groaning and panting, hushed noises that would be louder if he ever allowed it. Kuai Liang is quiet, moaning under his breath and often whispering in your ear; he doesn't want to distract from your noises at all.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Faramir likes to wake you up with oral; he loves to get you all breathless and moaning for him first thing, tugging at his hair as you try not to fuck his mouth. Eomer loves to fuck you when he's got his armour on; something about your hot skin against the cool leather and metal just makes him wild. Kuai Liang likes to let you be his cockwarmer, sitting on his lap and trying not to move your hips or to grind down against him despite being so full.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Faramir is thick and long, about 7 inches in total when he'd hard as well as 4.5 inches thick with a slight curve to the left; he's cut, and he's more of a grower than a shower. Eomer is thicker but not as long, around 4 inches when he's hard with a girth of about 5 inches, no curve at all and cut, definitely a shower. Kuai Liang is long and girthy, about 8 inches in length and 4 in thickness with a slight curve upwards; he's cut but also neither a grower or a shower.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Faramir has a higher sex drive and is often always down for a good fuck or a quickie if you ask him. He's always happy to oblige whenever he can. Eomer has an average sex drive, when he's in the mood of course he'll be down, but that's not all the time; some days he really doesn't fancy sex. Kuai Liang has a pretty low sex drive to begin with but the longer he spends with you the higher it gets; once he's fully comfortable and you've been together a while, his sex drive is quite high.
Z = ZZZ (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Faramir always waits for you to fall asleep first; he likes to make sure that you're happy and content before he even thinks of falling asleep. Eomer falls asleep sooner than you do, and quite often accidentally wakes you up with his snoring; if you wake him he'll apologise and he'll pull you close again. Kuai Liang falls asleep around the same time that you do, holding you close to his body and feeling you drift off as he does the same.
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bonitacheirosa · 4 days
Hello! Thank you so much for writting for these caracteres, thank you for giving them so much love, i would like to request a SFW alphabet for Eomer, i Just really love him! Have a Wonderful day !
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ao3feed-tolkien · 2 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0s2ltu3
by MelhekhelMurkun
He shook his head, giving Eomer a smile that he knew looked sad.
“I cannot. I am not allowed to leave this property. My father forbids it.”
“Truly? You cannot even cross the border of the garden? Faramir, that is no life, not one you deserve. That is hardly a life at all.”
“I know. But it is mine nonetheless.” Faramir answered, and they fell back into companionable silence until the sun got low enough in the sky that Eomer risked walking back in the dark should he linger any longer.
Words: 1684, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of LOTR Alphabet Fairytales
Fandoms: The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Faramir (Son of Denethor II), Boromir (Son of Denethor II), Denethor II, Gandalf | Mithrandir, Éomer Éadig, Ioreth (Tolkien) (mentioned), Théoden Ednew (mentioned), Finduilas of Dol Amroth (Mentioned)
Relationships: Éomer Éadig/Faramir (Son of Denethor II), Boromir (Son of Denethor II)/Théodred (mentioned)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fairy Tale, Fairy Tale Elements, Im not quite sure what tale this would fit into most, i kinda made it up, but it has elements of fairy tales so, Magic, Isolation, Memory Magic, Memory Alteration, kind of, In a way, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Denethor's A+ Parenting, Unhealthy Relationships, as in Faramir latches on to Eomer way too quickly because he’s been isolated his whole life, theres some codependency aspects there
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0s2ltu3
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adeliniel · 2 years
SFW alphabet | Eomer
Wow, it’s such an incredible feeling to finally finish something you’ve started so long ago!
Long time no see, dearests! Hope you all are doing great.
No promises and no expectations this time.
Just read, enjoy and feel good.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
At first, Eomer is even ashamed that he fell in love with you, so he tries to avoid any public interactions and even pretends that he is not very happy to see you. However, when your relationship becomes more serious, he builds a completely opposite strategy, trying to protect you from the attacks of envious people. Eomer takes you everywhere with him and with subtle gestures shows others that you are his woman.
B = Body (Their favorite body part of their partner, why? Do they like touch?)  
Eomer adores your fingers. In his huge palm, your tender fingers seem so small and fragile. He could break them with one sharp squeeze, he knows it, and this paradox blows his head off. He likes to kiss each finger in turn, feeling your soft skin in front of his rough lips.
C = Courtship (What do they do to take your attention?)
At first, Eomer didn't even want to try to invite you on a date or confess his feelings. After all, he knew that he spent most of his time on military campaigns, and he thought you wouldn't want to wait. However, you began to spend a lot of time together when he was in Edoras, and rumors that you are now together spread faster than Eomer managed to make an official confession.
D = Domestic (Are they the type to settle down with you? Are they willing to help with chores? What is your daily routine with them?)
Yes, Eomer dreams of one day being able to leave the service and you (along with your future children) moving to a calmer and quieter place. However, today he can not accept the fact that you refuse to officially move to the palace and live in its rooms. Because he only feels at home where you two are.
E = Espousal (Do they want to marry you eventually? Who proposes to who?)
He never actually thought about marriage, but the longer your relationship lasts the more he considers proposing to you. It just seems right to Eomer for the two of you to be a lawful husband and wife. And the least in the world he would want to dishonor you or be the cause of gossip. 
F = Fragile (How protective are they of you? If they are, how do they show this?)
Eomer is probably the synonym to the word “protective”. He would panic if you cut your finger or accidentally hit something, and he cannot live with thoughts that you can be seriously wounded. The man would be extremely happy if you agreed to stay home and mind your business, but if you don’t he would try to keep you as close as possible to be sure you’re alive and safe.     
G = Gifts (What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they like receiving gifts?)
He could easily forget about your wedding anniversary, but for no reason would he forget to bring you at least a small bouquet of flowers when returning home from another military campaign. He isn't really aware of whether you wait for something special, but he considers flowers as the best and most universal present.  
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Eomer does not particularly like to hug. He prefers to kiss the back of your hand (if you're in public), or to kiss your forehead if the situation allows. Usually, he initiates a hug only when you meet after a long separation. His hugs are quite strong, he presses you so close that it becomes difficult for you to breathe. Sometimes he even hides his face in the crook of your neck and exhales noisily, thus tickling your skin.
I = Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)
Unexpectedly, but deep in his soul, Eomer is very worried about all sorts of romantic things. He knows that he is not a romantic at all, but he is afraid that he will not be able to satisfy your desires and needs. He learns quickly and never ceases to amaze you with various surprises.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
With a cold head, Eomer realizes that he has no reason to be jealous of anyone, because you were the first to confess your feelings. That is, you chose him among the other men around you. However, a hot heart makes his blood boil every time you talk to other guys or when someone shows a keen interest in you. He never accuses you of being jealous, but sometimes you still have to convince him that he is the only one for you.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses always seem hasty and nervous, as if he hesitates, as if he is not entirely sure that you will kiss him in return. Therefore, kisses on the lips, he prefers kisses on the forehead. He gently presses his lips to your forehead, and sometimes freezes for a few minutes, gently stroking your shoulders with his strong palms. In return, he loves it when you kiss him on the chin. In fact, because of the difference in height, you just can't reach out to kiss him somewhere else. And it seems infinitely dear to him.
L = Love language (What’s their love language?)
Time. Unfortunately, Eomer has to spend a lot of time on military campaigns, patrols and missions. That's why every minute spent with you is so precious to him. He knows that you also have a lot of work to do, but the fact that you leave all your business when he returns home and devotes all your time to him means much more to him than all possible words.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Eomer is an early bird. He wakes up almost at dawn, because there is a lot of work ahead. At first, according to the old habit, he dressed for the service quite noisily. But several times he caught your dissatisfied and even unhappy look and later tried to be quieter. Later, he even got into the habit of kissing you on the forehead every morning before going to work to the sounds of your unintelligible growl.
N = Nicknames (What do they call you? What do you call them?)
You jokingly call him "My best Rohirrim" or “The strongest man on the Earth” and it always makes him blush. He also tried to create some funny nicknames for you, but he pronounced it with such a serious voice, that everything sounded more cringy than fun. So he just goes with “Flower Lady” or “Dear wife”.  
O = Overture (How did everything start?)
You've known each other for a long time, because you both grew up in Edoras, played and quarreled, and had secrets. Then you went to study in another country, and when you came back, you realized that you two have changed a lot. Eomer saw the same. Instead of the simple girl next door, there was now a beautiful independent woman beside him who filled his thoughts and heart more and more, until he could no longer resist his feelings.
P = Pace (Are they fast-paced in a relationship? Or do they like to take things slow?)
The path of your relationship is more like an ECG than a romantic walk. Since Eomer has never been interested in a relationship before, everything that is happening now is new to him. Therefore, he acts in accordance with his own feelings and emotions, which change almost every minute.
Q = Queen/King (Who takes the initiative in relationships?)
Eomer likes to brag that he is the boss in your pair, but in fact he will not take a step without consulting you. Even during quarrels, he is usually the first to apologize, because your sad eyes do not allow him to live in peace and do everyday things until he is convinced that everything is fine between you.
R = Remembrance (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
That special day when you first accompanied him on his way to a military campaign. Eowyn usually played this honorable role, but after your engagement you were given the right to be a woman who goes along with the commander in chief. He felt as happy and proud as ever. Especially since he knew that in a few weeks you would meet him back home as well.
S = Salvage (What issues does this relationship help him to cope with?
Ever since you came into his life, Eomer has felt full, complete. It was as if all the pieces of the puzzle of his life were finally in place. He knew he didn't have much time for personal life, and the fact that you were willing to put up with his constant trips only confirmed his assumption that you were made for each other.
T = Tiny (How are they around children?)
All Eomer knows about children is that they have to have them sooner or later. He is not ready for his children now, but when he thinks about the distant future and perhaps old age, he definitely sees you as the mother of his descendants.
U = Ulterior (What’s their secret?)
He really likes it when you not only braid your hair, but also add flowers. Eomer sometimes likes to go with you on secret walks in the woods to collect wild flowers, which you then weave into your braids.
V = Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?)
From the outside, Eomer seemed to you quite carefree, or at least one who quickly releases heavy feelings and can move on. Later you learned that your husband not only keeps everything to himself, but also does not know how to share and talk about his pain. Many nights you heard him wake up and run away from you to the next room to suppress his grief there again in solitude.One night you just silently stopped him, grabbed his arm tightly, and then hugged him just as tightly, showing that he doesn't have to express his feelings in words to get support.
W = Wound (How do they feel about exposing their scars/injuries?)
Scars and wounds are an integral part of his life. Eomer does not perceive them as something special and would be very happy if his partner won’t pay attention to this. However, he likes it when in the morning you gently run his old scars with your fingers to wake him up.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon about your relationship)
Unlike Eowyn, Eomer cooks quite well. Even better than you. He is ashamed of this, because he considers household chores not a man's occupation, but rather - that it doesn’t suit a brave warrior. However, he is ready to step over himself again and again to see your eyes light up again when you eat what he has prepared for you.
Y = Yearning (How well do they cope when their SO isn’t with them?)
He is used to the fact that you often do not see each other for weeks or even months, so he does not feel much sadness. Eomer consoles himself with the thought that your reunion is getting closer every day. However, the closer he gets home, the more nervous he becomes, because he always worries that your feelings may have changed during a long separation.
Z = Zzz (How are nights spent with them?)
The army taught him to sleep at any time and in any position, but also to wake up from any sound. The first night you spent together, Eomer hardly slept, because when you moved in his arms, he was worried that something had happened and had to check if everything was okay. Eventually, the quiet family life relaxed him a little and taught him comfort, so now he sometimes complains that I can't sleep peacefully in a tent without you by his side.
Thank you for reading!
You can find more of my works right here
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beautifultypewriter · 4 years
Éomer Fluff Alphabet
Requested: No
Warnings: None
Full credit to whoever created this template (I still don’t actually know who that is). Gif credit to the owner. Also, I changed the prompt for letter Q from quaint to quickstep.
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Éomer loves your eyes. They’re grounding for him and just one look into your eyes is enough to soothe him. Whenever he’s away from you and he thinks about you, the first thing to pop into his head are your eyes, bright and shining. He swears that if he only had your eyes to look into for the rest of his life, he’d be fine with that.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Having a family is the traditional thing to do, so Éomer always figured that his life would eventually take that turn, but he never put that much thought into it. He was focused on other things. That is, until he met you. As the two of you spent more time together and his feelings for you grew, he started to picture a little family with you. Golden haired children running around Edoras, teaching his children how to ride, and his sons how to fight. He saw little girls with your eyes and your strength. And suddenly it all became real to him and he couldn’t wait to get to that point with you.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Éomer doesn’t seem like the cuddling type if you’re just standing in front of him, looking him over, but he loves holding you at night. His favorite part of the day is when he gets to climb into bed and pull you into his chest and just hold you tightly. His arms circled around you and his head resting against yours as you face each other. It brings him comfort and peace and it allows him to let go of the day, which is extremely important for him, as he has an incredibly stressful job.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Éomer really likes to do outdoor activities with you. He loves to take you riding and he loves to walk around Edoras with you. He loves to see the wind blowing your hair and he loves how the sun reflects on your skin. Dates are usually extremely last minute. They’re not planned days in advance, Éomer will just come up to you and ask if you want to take a walk or go for a ride whenever he has the time. The two of you do have standing dinner dates though. Every night that he’s in Edoras, the two of you will share your evening meal together.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
You bring so much happiness to Éomer’s life. You literally light up his world and he doesn’t know what he would do if he ever had to return to what he now sees as darkness. You are the bright spot that brings so much life to Edoras and the people of Rohan and Éomer could not ask for more.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
Éomer knew he was in love with you when he saw you helping an older woman with chores around her home. He knew you were kind and always willing to lend a hand, but seeing you carrying firewood for her and smiling at her stories, just showed him all the good parts of you and he knew that he needed you in his life and he vowed then that he would do everything in his power to make your life as wonderful as you’ve made his.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
He may not look like it, but Éomer is quite capable of being gentle, especially with you. Éomer is a warrior and there is nothing gentle about the way he fights and defends, so it came as a bit of a shock to you when he first held you. He was tender and his movements were slow. He knows what he’s capable of as a warrior and he would never want to hurt you, so he makes sure to always be gentle with you. The hands that hold you at night are not the same ones that hold his sword and that cut down enemies.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Éomer likes to take your hand in his when the two of you are sitting next to each other, whether it be at a dinner or a meeting, his hand will always move to cover yours. He likes to be close to you, but he knows he has to been seen as a serious, respectable man, so he never wants to take PDA too far. Clasping his hand with yours is a wonderful way for him to show you that he loves you and loves having you near him, without being too much.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
When he first saw you, Éomer was struck by your beauty. He was actually speechless, but no one really noticed as he’s not a big talker to begin with. As he got to know you better, he was impressed by your strength of character and how much you seemed to care about the people around you. He really hoped that you would come to care for him as well.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
In short – No. Éomer isn’t one to be intimidated by others, so he doesn’t really feel insecure when he sees other people flirting with you. He knows that the two of you love each other and some random person isn’t going to change that. That being said, he isn’t above walking over when someone is being really persistent and just kind of standing there as an imposing force. He doesn’t say anything, he just kind of stares at the person until they get uncomfortable and walk away.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
Éomer’s kisses are slow and tender. He wants to make sure that he puts all of his love into those kisses. Éomer also really loves to kiss your forehead. It’s so intimate and gentle to him and he enjoys those soft moments with you.
He initiated your first kiss. It was after he had taken you on an evening stroll and he was bringing you back home. The two of you were standing in front of the door to your home and before you could head inside, Éomer stepped closer to you. Slowly, he leaned down and pressed his forehead to yours. You stood like that for a few minutes before he finally leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
You did. It was late at night and you really should have been sleeping, but you didn’t want to leave Éomer’s side. He had his arm wrapped around your shoulders as the two of you stared at the crackling fire. You had never felt so safe and warm and you turned to Éomer with a sleepy smile and mumbled out, “I love you.” Then you pressed yourself closer to him and started toying with his fingers. Éomer was quick to turn your face back to his and return your sentiment, “I love you too.”
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
The very first time Éomer took you riding. It was a beautiful day, and he had the abrupt thought to take you out for a ride. Your relationship was still very new, so he was a bit nervous to ask you, but your enthusiasm eased his nerves a bit. The two of you were riding out in the fields beyond the walls of Edoras and Éomer was so taken back by your beauty, the wind blowing your hair back and your laugh carrying over the land as the sun reflected in your eyes. Then the two of you decided to take a break and let the horses rest. Éomer was tending to them as you sat in the grass, leaning back, and closing your eyes. You looked so calm and peaceful and it made Éomer feel so at peace that he sat next to you, placing his hand over yours. You smiled and he thought that this was the finest moment of his life.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Éomer is a really low-key kind of guy, so he doesn’t spoil you (and you’d never want him to). He’ll always make sure you have the things you need, but he’s not one to spend on frivolous things. He prefers to show his love for you in other ways.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
You are the early morning sun cascading over the land that he cares for. You are the fire casting a golden hue around the room the two of you share. You are shining, shimmering, beautiful.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
After Éomer gets crowned King of Rohan, he absolutely loves to call you ‘My Queen.’ He loves sitting in meetings and referring to you as his queen. He says it with so much love that you know it’s something special, but at the same time it is completely appropriate for others to hear him referring to you in such a way, which strikes the perfect balance for him. In private, Éomer calls you ‘My Love.’ He never says this when the two you are around people. It is reserved for the private, intimate moments that the two of you share. It’s whispered late at night before you drift off to sleep and it’s the first thing you hear in the morning when you wake up. ‘My Love’ passes his lips as he stares into your eyes, his fingers caressing your cheek right before he has to leave to defend Rohan.  
Q = Quickstep (How do they feel about dancing?)
Éomer is not big on dancing. If you want to dance at a feast, then it’ll take a lot of convincing. Luckily, this man will do just about anything to make you happy, so he will eventually cave, and you’ll be able to drag him into one dance. Usually that’s all you get though, just one dance. On your wedding day, you were actually able to get him to dance with you three times, but it only happened that one time and will never happen again.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Rainy days aren’t really Éomer’s favorites because he likes to be outside doing things, so you try to turn rainy days into quiet cuddling days where Éomer can just relax and not have to worry about anything. You let him sleep in and although he’s not entirely thrilled with having missed out on the morning, he is much more relaxed. He has a few things to attend to, but you make sure that he takes breaks and the two of you will sit together and talk or you’ll get back into bed and cuddle for a few minutes.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
When Éomer is sad the best way to cheer him up is to spend time with him. You make him feel happier just by being next to him, but he also really loves to do things with you. Any activity, it doesn’t matter what it is, as long as the two of you are together, will cheer him up. When you’re sad, Éomer tries to spend as much time with you as he can. He makes sure that your favorite meals have been prepared and he holds you close while you vent to him.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Éomer absolutely loves to listen to you talk about your day. He never gets to spend as much time with you as he likes during the day because of all of his duties, so when the two of you finally get to be together at the end of the day, he wants to hear about everything you did that day and about how it all went. Obviously, you love to ask him about his day as well.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Riding. Éomer always feels so free when he’s on his horse, riding with no particular destination in mind and nothing to worry about. Going on a long ride always calms Éomer and gives him the chance to clear his head, which is a much needed moment for him. Usually he’ll take you with him on these rides, but every so often he prefers to go alone, which you completely understand and respect.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
Again, Éomer is a low-key guy, so he doesn’t really like to show off. However, he is quite proud of his strength and his fighting skill. Éomer is an incredible warrior and that does give him a sense of pride, but he’s not overly confident to the point of arrogance. He’s aware of his skill, but he doesn’t go around flaunting it. He definitely loves when you compliment him when you see him training though.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
On the advice of Éowyn, Éomer invited you out for a ride. Riding with you is one of his favorite things to do because it’s so freeing for the both of you. It’s starts out as any other ride, the two of you race each other until your horses get tired and you stop to rest. You plop down in the grass, leaning back on your hands and closing your eyes. Éomer busies himself with the horses, but he’s actually fidgeting with the ring he got for you. Then he comes to sit next to you and when you open your eyes, you see him holding the ring and you’re taken back, not really expecting this. He clears his throat and tells you that he loves you and then he asks you to be his wife. It’s very simple, but it’s perfect and you say yes, obviously.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Carrying Your Love With Me – George Strait
Éomer has to be away from you a lot due to his position as a warrior (and later a king), but he always carries you with him. When things are hard, he thinks of you, of the love you two share and how no matter where he goes or what he does, he knows he’ll always be returning to you. Those are the thoughts that get him through the hardships of the day.
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Similar to his family thoughts, marriage is a traditional thing that he knew he’d do at some point, but he never thought seriously about until he met you. As he fell more in love with you, he knew that he wanted you to be his wife. The thought of proposing to you was a bit daunting, but his sister gave him some good advice, so he was better prepared for the task.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Éomer isn’t really interested in pets. He has his horse, who he doesn’t really see as a pet, but more of a companion, and he’s not really interested in adding any more animals into the fray.
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wordbunch · 1 year
Your fic titles are everything 😂😂😂 what is Aragorn Alphabet babyyyy (sfw or nsfw)?
I rarely do titles at all, I just hype myself up for writing 😂 my Eomer sfw alphabet used to be titled EOMER SLAYYY so there's that 🙈😂
SFW alphabet with king of the world Gondor coming sooonnnn 👀💛
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Eomer ~ Little
Alphabet Challenge Masterlist (700 Followers)
Words: 854
Warnings: Female Reader, lost child, single parent, mention of death/pregnancy loss, fluff/angst
The hands that suddenly gripped at your skirt surprised you, completely distracting you from what you were doing.  You quickly looked down and couldn’t help but smile at the young boy tightly gripping onto your skirt.
“Hello there little one,” You said, crouching down to his level, his eyes going wide.  “Aren't you just the cutest?  Where’s your Mumma?”
His bottom lip trembled, but he also seemed reluctant to move away, just shaking his head.
“It’s okay,” You said gently.  “I’m not going to hurt you.  Do you need some help finding your parents?”
He nods, large brown eyes welling with tears.
You smiled.  “Okay, come on then.  All these people must be giving you a fright, huh?”
Again, he nods, but takes your hand when you offer it.  You quickly finish at the stall and then start leading him through the market crowds, although, you had no idea who you were supposed to be looking for.
“Where did you last see them?”  You asked him.
He points in a general direction, and while you knew he probably got turned around out here, you hoped that it would be enough to at least see a worried parent looking.
You were surprised at how tightly he held your hand, and you couldn’t help but feel sorry him. “What’s your name little soldier?”
The little boy looks up at you shyly.  “The-Théodred miss.”
“What a lovely name,” You said, beaming at him.  “I’m Y/N, Théodred.  It’s lovely to meet you.”
He nods, his face turning red, staring at his shoes.
“Can you tell me what your parent’s names are?”  You asked, still looking around, but couldn’t see anyone obvious.”
“Éomer, miss.”
“Éomer, okay, that’s a star-” You paused as it sunk in just who this little boy was, and you looked at him again, and sure enough, the resemblance was uncanny.  “Théodred-”
The voice had you turning quickly, seeing none other than Éomer himself hurrying towards you.
Théodred’s eyes filled with tears and he quickly pulled free of your hand and run over to him. “Daddy!”
Éomer scooped him up, relief washing over him.  “There you are.  Don’t ever do that again!  You know to stay with me at all times.”
Théodred held onto him tightly, buried against his shoulder.  “I’m sorry Daddy.”
He sighed, holding onto him tightly.  “It’s okay, I’ve got you now.”  He meets your gaze.  “Uh, thank you, I’m sorry if he was any trouble.”
You smiled and gave a small curtsey.  “It’s no problem, my King.  If I’d realised who he was, I would’ve gone to one of the guards.”
Éomer gives a small smile, shaking his head.  “You don’t have to be so formal, I’m just glad that my son is alright, although, I’m a little surprised he went to anyone.  He…he is normally very shy.”
You went to explain a little more, when Théodred interrupted in a quiet voice, one that was only meant to be directed to Éomer, but you still heard it.
“She looked like Mummy.”
It was no secret of what happened to the queen a couple of years ago, the birth of their second child having taken its toll.  Éomer, and the rest of the kingdom, had been left devastated when her and the child were lost during the birthing.
Éomer’s expression draws a little painfully, and he gives a soft sigh, giving you an apologetic look. “I’m sorry, I thought coming out today would be good for him.  He…well he…”
You couldn’t begin to imagine what either of them had been through, of how hard it must be, so you shake your head.  “There’s no need to apologise.  I’m just glad I could help.”
He gives a strained smile in thanks and tries to take his leave, except Théodred squirms in his arms.
“Y/N!  Wait!”
The small voice stopped you as you had gone to walk away, and you looked back at him a little surprised.
Théodred’s little face flushed and he avoided your eyes shyly.  “Th-thank you.”
You smiled at him, your heart swelling a little.  “You are very welcome Théodred.  You look after your father, alright?”
He gives you a nervous smile and nods, before burying back against Éomer’s shoulder.
Éomer stares at you for a moment, seeming unsure.  “Y/N…” He clears his throat.  “Thank you again.”
You watched the two of them go, your chest aching a little as they disappeared back into the crowd, the people around seeming either not paying attention, or unfazed by their king being out on the streets.  The first time in a long time.
Sighing, you knew it would do no good to dwell on it, so you returned to your tasks for the day, but the thought of wanting to help them more was never far from the back of your mind.
Shaking your head, you scalded yourself, knowing that he would have all the support within the halls available to him.  There was little point in getting too mentally involved.
As you finally got back home for the day though, you couldn’t help but hope both Éomer and Théodred would be alright.
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Tolkien Kink Alphabet
(Which characters have these kinks)
A- Anal
Bilbo, Boromir, Kili, Legolas, Lindir, Thorin
B- Bondage
Aragorn, Fili, Haldir, Lindir, Thranduil
C- Creampie
Boromir, Fili, Glorfindel, Haldir, Thorin
D- Deepthroating
Aragorn, Bard, Boromir, Elrond, Eomer, Glorfindel, Haldir, Thorin, Thranduil
E- Exhibitionism
Eomer, Haldir, Kili
F- Fingering
Aragorn, Bard, Boromir, Elrond, Eowyn, Faramir, Legolas, Lindir, Thorin, Thranduil
G- Gags
Haldir, Lindir, Thranduil
H- Hair Pulling
Bard, Bilbo, Boromir, Eomer, Eowyn, Faramir, Fili, Frodo, Glorfindel, Kili, Legolas, Merry, Pippin, Thorin, Thranduil
I- Intimacy
Aragorn, Arwen, Bard, Bilbo, Boromir, Elrond, Eomer, Eowyn, Faramir, Frodo, Glorfindel, Kili, Legolas, Lindir, Merry, Pippin, Thorin, Thranduil
J- Jizz
Bard, Boromir, Eomer, Fili, Glorfindel, Haldir, Kili, Thorin, Thranduil
K- Kneeling
Elrond, Glorfindel, Haldir, Thranduil
L- Love Bites
Aragorn, Bard, Boromir, Eomer, Glorfindel, Haldir, Thorin
M- Multiple Orgasms
Aragorn, Arwen, Elrond, Glorfindel, Haldir, Legolas, Lindir, Thranduil
N- Nipple Play
Arwen, Bilbo, Faramir, Frodo, Kili, Legolas, Lindir, Merry, Pippin
O- Orgasm Denial
Haldir, Legolas, Lindir, Thranduil
P- Praise
Aragorn, Arwen, Bard, Bilbo, Boromir, Faramir, Frodo, Kili, Legolas, Lindir, Merry, Pippin
Q- Quickies
Bard, Fili, Haldir
R- Riding
Bard, Bilbo, Boromir, Elrond, Eomer, Faramir, Fili, Frodo, Glorfindel, Kili, Legolas, Lindir, Merry, Pippin
S- Spanking
Elrond, Glorfindel, Haldir, Thorin, Thranduil
T- Threesome
Elrond, Glorfindel, Thorin, Thranduil
U- Uniforms
Boromir, Elrond, Glorfindel, Haldir, Thorin
V- Voyeurism
Glorfindel, Haldir, Thranduil
W- Whips
Glorfindel, Haldir, Thranduil
X- X-Cross
Elrond, Haldir, Thranduil
Y- Yelling (REALLY loud moaning)
Aragorn, Arwen, Bard, Bilbo, Boromir, Elrond, Eomer, Eowyn, Frodo, Glorfindel, Haldir, Kili, Merry, Pippin, Thorin, Thranduil
Z- Zipper Sex
Aragorn, Bard, Eomer, Haldir
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Mobile Masterlist A-L
Hi all, I finally finished my mobile masterlist! Because of how many fics I have, and tumblr’s funny rule about word count per post, I had to split it up into two parts. On this post, you will find all my fics and headcanons for characters whose first name starts with A-L. The second part of my masterlist can be found here and in my description. 
If any of the links are broken or not working, please let me know!!
Last updated: 18 June 2021
Anakin Skywalker:
Andy Dwyer:
Dear Allie
Right Hand Man
Arthur Pendragon:
My Shot
Set Up
12 Days of Christmas
August Booth:
Babe Heffron:
The Gate
A Goddamn Virgin
Fake Boyfriend
Barry Allen:
Wine Tasting
Snowball Fights
Christmas Proposal
☂ Ship
Just Ask
Bellamy Blake:
For You
Dangerous Woman
Ben Wyatt:
Comic Con
Comic Couple
Bill Denbrough:
Don’t Go Back
Brian Cassidy:
Strip Club
My Wife
Bruce Banner:
History Has Its Eyes on You
Bruce Wayne:
Saved, Part Three (Originally a Joker x Reder fic)
Saved, Part Four
Let Me Love You
Christmas Present
OTP Parents Meme
Take a Break
Bucky Barnes:
Flannel Shirt
☂ Ship
Till the Day I Die
Playing in the Snow
Tree Decorating
Say It
Say It, Part Two
Say It, Part Three
Never Gonna Leave
10 Things I Hate About You
The Ravine
Thinking About You
Cozy Night In
Needed You
Braids and Tugs
Carl Grimes:
Best Friend
Carol Danvers:
Our Last Summer
Clint Barton:
Daryl Dixon:
The Claimers
David Nolan:
I Put A Spell on You
Derek Hale:
Scary Movies
Fall Sports
Diana Prince:
On Your Side
Dick Winters:
Digger Harkness:
Fellow Aussie
Donald Malarkey
Draco Malfoy:
Are You Okay?
Are You Okay?, Part Two
I Love Her
I Love Her, Part Two
Skipping Class
The Daily Prophet
Sew For It
Thank You for the Music
Emma Swan:
My Daughter
My Daughter, Part Two
OTP Parents Meme
New Year
Best of Wives and Best of Women
Eugene Roe:
Bedtime Rituals
What’s Your Name
The Night Before
Frank Castle:
A Wonderful Life
Fred Weasley:
Alphabet Soup
Seamus’s Sister Has Got It Going On
You’re Beautiful With Me
The Dursleys
The Dursleys, Part Two
The Burrow
One Last Time
Fire Whiskey
Count to Ten
Christmas at the Burrow
Spells, Dishes, and Perfect(ly Time) Snogging
When the Money’s Gone
Lay All Your Love on Me
Gabe Holbrook:
Kissing Santa
Stuck With You
George Luz:
I Know Him
George Weasley:
First Kisses
A Muggle Christmas
Matching Halloween Costumes
OTP Parent Meme
It’s Quiet Uptown
Secret Santa
Slipping Through My Fingers
Glenn Rhee:
Corn Maze
Do You Trust Me?
Graham Humbert (The Huntsman):
The Window
Icicle Licking
Lost in the Woods
Han Solo:
Harley Quinn:
French Bulldogs and French Kissing
Harry Potter:
I Love Her
I Love Her, Part Two
Warm Sweaters
Snape’s Daughter
I Loved, and I Loved, and I Lost You
Illya Kuryakin:
Owning Up
Isaac Lahey:
Haunted House
Tree Lighting
Into You
Clowns and Coffee Pots
Jason DiLaurentis:
First Date
Telling Him
Fashion Show
Biggest Mistake
Biggest Mistake, Part Two
The Elevator
She’s Mine
Are You Okay?
Best Friends
Bad Day
I’ll Stay With You
It’s Fun
Tiger Lily
Toy Story
It Hurts Me to See You in Pain
Cozy Night In
Fall Festival
First Kiss
You’re Back
3:00 a.m.
I’ll See You Around
OTP Parent Meme
Merry Marry
Hats, Portals, and Love
Fall Festival
Our Story
First Day of School
Jim Kirk:
The Bridge
Scary Movies
Drunk Carolling
OTP Parent Meme
Going Home
Does Your Mother Know
Jillian Holtzmann:
First Day
Surprise Party
Joe Liebgott:
Joe Toye:
Apple Cider
Pain in the Ass
John Murphy:
I Don’t Care
I’m Not Gonna Hurt Ya
Saved, Part Two
Saved, Part Three
Saved, Part Four
What Do You Know
I’ll Always Save You
You Can Trust Me
Jon Snow:
Who You Are
Sparks Fly
Jonathan Crane:
Field Trip
Killian Jones:
Your Secret is Safe With Me
Your Secret is Safe With Me, Part Two
Don’t Go
Kylo Ren:
Stay Alive
Love Returned
Leonard McCoy:
Savior, Part Two
Flannel Shirt
Don’t Go
Our Choices
Family Vacation
Doctor, Doctor
Halloween Party
Haunted House
Apple Bobbing
Honesty is the Best Policy
Christmas Wish
Safe With Me
Five Years
OTP Parents Meme
I Know
He Knows
Foliage Fiance
Christmas Mishaps
Letting You Go
Lewis Nixon:
Marriage of Equals
OTP Parents Meme
The Losers Club:
Ice Skating
Luke Skywalker:
I Know You
I Know You, Part Two
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musikat18 · 6 years
L, P, W, and Y with Eomer?
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
It’s something quiet and somewhere private. Eomer is not the most feelsy, grandiose man, so he would rather just get you alone where he has enough space to just make it about how he feels.
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He isn’t necessarily one to boast about your relationship, but he isn’t above firm reminders that you are his queen and no one else’s. As far as PDA goes, though, you’re not his accessory, you’re his wife, and so he keeps any overt signs of affection to private spaces so as not to make you feel like an object.
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Eomer loves having his hair braided, especially by you.
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
If he has to travel, he’s not happy, but he keeps it fairly well under wraps. He’s a big sappy letter-writer, Eowyn taught him how, do not tell a single member of the Mark.
(Fluff Alphabet! Send me letters and a character!)
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bkwrm523 · 6 years
Sharing since your the biggest Karl Urban stan I know: I rewatched the Lord of the Rings trilogy with my bff this week and finally realized that Eomer and Bones are played by the same guy. I've been a LotR fan since forever and can't believe I didn't notice it before! My excuse is that he looks totally different in both series (equally pretty in both though!)
Don’t worry about it, boo.  It took me forever to notice, too.
I know we have an Eomer nsfw alphabet lying around somewhere.  @musikat18 @annathewitch do you guys remember who posted it?  
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