#ep 232
team-5-supremacy · 2 months
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imjustexistingtbh · 1 year
also? that weather? absolute banger
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clairikine · 1 year
The Randy Newman Memorial Airport, aka BER
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diabeticgirl4 · 1 year
Shoutout to Michelle Nguyen for inventing music
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trixiegalaxy · 6 months
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mindless-hyena · 1 year
Wtnv 223 spoilerrrrrrrs
Ok so before I get into the drama of Carlos and Cecil, I wanna talk about the episode. It was very well done. The imagery was amazing and to me what the plot line was about was like giving up so much of your own safety to help another’s that you need help which reminds me of Carlos and Cecil’s dynamic they are trying to help each other but refuse to take care of themselves and are making it worse. Tragic
Anyway,  oh my gosh the drama the drama the drama. so first off of Cecil called Carlos Dr. Carlos Robles and not just Carlos or Dr. Carlos which is weird to me but whatever and then not saying like my husband AND father my child, but just father of my child little bit passive aggressive I don’t know could be reading into it, but whatever then the whole thing of them not being able to communicate??? Like they will not communicate for the life of them and it’s so URGGGGGGGGG there’s definitely some thing brewing like there’s going to be a fight. Carlos is going to spend the night at Steve Carlsberg‘s house or something because somethings happening y’all I’m very excited and whenever I get stressed out about them them, I just relisten to the last episode of the alpha arc because that monologue SO GOOD it’s just oh my gosh it’s so just sweet and heartbreaking and all the things so yeah, good episode 7.5/10
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nerdandjock-comic · 9 months
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Nerd and Jock Ep 232
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worldsbeyondpod · 9 months
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Hi again from the WBN social media manager! I'm excited to share with you all my next creation for the WBN Unofficial Cookbook Club.
I had to make Suvi's favorite bone marrow sandwich from Ep. 16; the description of its taste and textures sounded unlike anything I had ever tried before. Learning on the Ep. 16 Fireside Chat that Aabria basically invented this sandwich during a holiday trip made it extra special.
I bought the beef bones at my local supermarket, drizzled a little oil and a light sprinkling of salt on the surface of the bones, and then roasted them in the oven at 450°F / 232°C for about 20 minutes. Once the tops of the bones were browned, I took them out of the oven, scooped out the marrow as best as I could into a smaller bowl, and seasoned the marrow with a dash of savory salt, some cracked black pepper, and a dash of crushed red chile flakes.
Melon can be hit or miss for me, so I opted to sub in some fuyu persimmons instead. It's currently persimmon season, so I had a bunch on my counter ready for use. If you want to try this at home for yourself, make sure you get fuyu persimmons instead of hachiya! They have vastly different ripening processes and textures. I peeled and sliced the fuyu persimmons lengthwise, both so that I could see the gorgeous sand-dollar-like pattern on the inside of the fruit, and because the surface area of the slice would fit better on the area of the bread.
To assemble the sandwich, I sliced a store-bought baguette open and spread the seasoned bone marrow onto the top and bottom of the baguette. I considered toasting the baguette, but I enjoyed the softer texture of the bread as it was. I layered the persimmon slices across the marrow spread, and then loosely folded some store-bought prosciutto on top of the persimmon. Closed the sandwich, cut it in half, took a bite, and immediately understood everything Aabria was raving about. Dang.
A reminder that everyone and anyone is welcome to try their hand at the foods of Umora! Tag us or use the #WorldsBeyondNumber hashtag to show us your interpretations of this world’s delectable delights (either irl or artistic renderings!).
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wolfchans · 2 years
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♡ endless chan gifs ♡ [231 - 232] / ∞ – Channie’s Room ep. 62
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suplexjones · 3 months
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being the elite ep. 232
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trashlie · 1 year
Darker ILY Theories: the Shinae + Gun Kim theory
The time has COME. I keep telling myself to write this post but I keep putting it off because honestly, this one makes me feel sick. I’ve been talking about it again with friends while rereading the Black and White Formal arc, and in light of the current FP episode (232) I think it’s time to bring this one back into the fray. 
As a big disclaimer this post deals with sexual assault noncon theories of underage girls. 
Sometime ago I read a theory that Shinae was at the formal for Gun Kim. There’s been so many theories about the formal. Even recently, there’s been talk about the way Yui had Shinae style her hair seeming similar to how Nessa wore hers, and how she insisted that Shinae meet her husband. I don’t think by any means that discounts this theory at all, because Yui sure knows how to multi-task doesn’t she. 
The Kim formal really set up a LOT of story and action. It’s the moment ILY reveals what kind of story it is - not that there weren’t hints and clues before, because we could already see the discord in Nol and Kousuke’s relationship’ the stress in Shinae’s life and her fight with her father; the money struggles; her friends. But the formal introduced so many elements. It showed us how off Alyssa and Nol’s relationship is. It showed us how sinister Yui really is. It fully introdduced Sangchul and how lecherous he is. The Chess theory, the manipulation, the drugs, all of it was at the forefront finally.
And also, we met Gun Kim. 
Gun is interesting, because he’s the character we know the least about at this point - and his eyes are always closed. He’s always felt sketchy, even as far back as the black and white formal itself. The characters even comment on it. What is someone who looks like Shinae doing at this formal? Mr. Kim likes all women. 
Now that we know how chummy the Kims and Yui/the Hiraharas are, the more sinister it feels. Gun Kim, with his several connections to media conglomorates. Gun Kim, whose father* stepped down from his position as CEO of Hirahara Corp due when facing several sexual assault charges. Gun Kim, father to Sangchul Kim whose prep school has been rife with sexual abuse cases. 
(* presumably Gun’s father. Youngchul Kim. Sangchul Kim. It checks out)
At the time, maybe he didn’t seem SO bad. A negligent father. A womanizer, a playboy. But in light of what we’ve learned, I think we can revisit the scene and find some clues laid out, waiting for their time to come. 
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He makes his grand appearance - convincing the bartender to give underage girls alcohol. Even without the later context, this is terrible, but now that we know what we know.... it feels even more skeevy, even more dangerous. Letting young girls drink, get intoxicated, so that they’re easier for him. Ugggh. 
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He sure makes himself real comfortable with the girls, too. Sure, there’s nothing inherently wrong with this. What a gracious host. But we know better. And we also know you don’t put your hands on people who don’t even know you. Seeing Alyssa’s face, you wouldn’t ordinarily think anything of her smile mask; she uses it all the time, why would this be any different. But in light of ep 232.... I’ll try to save all my 232 posts for the end so I can put it under a readmore and avoid spoilers. 
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Isn’t it weird, that he can instantly recognize Shinae? Oh sure, maybe it’s because someone who doesn’t know who he is isn’t from this world, so she has to be Yui’s special guest. And look, Yui and Gun are business partners. Friends, even, since Sangchul seems to know so much about Nol and his family via Gun. Through who else would they know about Nol and his not-much-of-a relationship with Alyssa? So, surely Yui has told Gun about Shinae, since she’s the topic of Kousuke’s interest, right? 
But no, I feel horribly, uneasily certain that Yui has shown Gun pictures of Shinae, described her to him, maybe even told him how much fun she is. How she’s got so much personality, that he’ll just enjoy her. Even typing this makes me feel ill ugh. The thought that Gun and Yui are in cahoots not simply by way of business but by way of an even darker, more sinister business is fucking horrifying. 
So not only does he instantly recognize her for who she is but 
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Is it wrong to pay her a compliment? It’s not like he said anything inappropriate. And yet. And yet Shinae is uncomfortable. And yet he is a stranger, a man she doesn’t know, acting too friendly, someone who already knows of her. Danger, danger, danger, danger!
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This man gives me the creeps SO MUCH and it’s everything about THIS. His expression, those closed eyes, something about him feels smug and smarmy. Everybody gets drink, everybody gets inebriated, everybody gets to have fun. He’s gross, he’s disgusting, he’s encouraging drinking. We know what kind of fun a man like him wants to see and have. 
And he’s not simply enabling underage drinking. 
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Even after Nol expresses that he doesn’t want a drink, he’s still pushed to have one, still expected to be “respectful of the host”. The host who is pushing alcohol on minors!!! Like, even on its own that’s clearly beyond irresponsible, because you can definitely get the sense that he wants to see what happens when a bunch of kids loosen up, when they all let down their inhibitions, when they all get sloppy and start making mistakes. Like, let’s not pretend otherwise. He wouldn’t be encouraging the drinks at all if he didn’t want something to happen, if he wasn’t hoping for that to transpire. 
Like, really mull over that for a moment.
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The word choice that’s used here is important, both for the things said and unsaid. Kousuke and Nol may have met Sangchul for the first time, but they’re not stranger to Gun I’m sure. I can’t imagine this is the first Kim formal they’ve had to attend, and even if so, everyone in attendance seems to know Gun’s reputation. Sangchul is one of six children - but only one of two from the same woman. How many women has he been married to? How many more has he simply been with? 
And how many of them young. Or against their will? 
Sangchul didn’t learn his tactics from no one, let’s not forget that. 
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Sangchul only knows coercion, bribery, blackmailing, manipulation. If you’ve got a hot girl, you must’ve ha to force her hand, must’ve had to black mail her to get her to agree. It could never be as simple as a girl just liking him, no. It must be some seedy, skeevy, manipulative tactic. 
Sexual assault runs in the family. Sangchul learned from watching his father, who no doubt learned from Youngchul. When you see women as property, as items, you don’t see them as people. Even if she refuses, they’ll get what they want in the end, won’t they? UGH. 
Kousuke and Nol react in surprise - alarm - because the implications of his wording is creepy. Nol knows Shinae is being forced to attend this formal, she’s not here of her own volition and wouldn’t even accept his offer to safely get her out of there. He probably wonders exactly that - is that why she’s here? And he’s possibly not entirely incorrect. 
Yui sweeps in to note that Gun isn’t being so literal, but we know how those two operate. I think as readers we are meant to read into that. It’s not there just for the boys to become alarm, it’s there for us to understand that Gun is not a safe man for Shinae to go alone with. Especially because as readers we already know Shinae feels off, she’s having a drink, AND the episode has quietly informed us that Sangchul roofied her. 
And this man comes sweeping in, calling Shinae a cutie, promising to introduce her to everyone. 
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Even in her addled state, Shinae knows there’s something weird about the use of family, but she’s dazed (she’s drugged), she isn’t feeling right in the head, this whole event has  been a nightmare for her so far, she’s being thrown into situations she’s ill-prepared for, so it’s so easy to gloss over it. 
But the text emphasizes it itself. 
It IS weird.
This is ALL weird. 
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Does this not make you feel disgusting? Does this not make you want to scream? He’s talking like she’s a pony or something. A grown man parading a minor around, talking about how she’s a cutie, everything is so perfect, her dress - which is modest only in the front and leaves her whole back and parts of her waist bare - everything. And the question about is she your new wife?
How many other pretty young things has he paraded around like this.
How many other pretty young things has he wed? And how many of them were forced against their will, bribed, manipulated? What did he hold over their heads? 
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I don’t have to spell it out. We know. We all know. 
Look at Gun with his eyes closed, that stupid smile on his face. What was it quimchee said of why Mr. Kim’s eyes are always closed? Living is easy with eyes closed. He can turn a blind eye to anything, he can encourage anything. Was the drink too much, he wonders. Was she feeling unwell, he muses. Oh well, it doesn’t matter, my son has her. :) 
Gun Kim is no fool. He’s not naive. He is a horrible, vile man and he knows exactly what he was doing, sending an unwell girl who was previously drinking underage off to “rest” with his creepy, vile fucking son. 
But Ashlie, you’re asking. I thought you said that Shinae is at the formal for Gun, but he knowingly sent her off in that state with his son, surely knowing what kind of horrible thing he’ll do to her. If she’s for him why didn’t he take her?
He’s the host, of course he can’t take her anywhere yet. 
She’s the after party. 
jfkafjkfakjfajkafjkafj GOD that felt gross to write I’m sorry but I just KNOW that’s his line of thinking, I just KNOW that’s what this was supposed to be. Everything went awry when dick-punched Sangchul and escaped. 
We know well enough now that the Kims are just as vile and atrocious, that they breed a special kind of especially horrible violence, that sexual violence is NOTHING to them - perhaps even fun. The way Sangchul needled Nol about Alyssa makes me so sick, because it tells you everything about how he views and treats women, the kinds of things he, too, has probably done. 
All I can think of now is that Yui and Gun are in on this. Of course they are, this is their sleazy empire. Business partners that go further back, deeper than we ever realized. Yui, who has no qualms about playing with peoples’ lives, who gets a thrill out of breaking people down, out of their misery. Gun, who thinks girls and women are ripe for the picking, who enjoys a nice pretty young thing? UGGH UGH UGH death wouldn’t be enough punishment. Prison wouldn’t be enough. NOTHING that happens to them will ever be satisfying enough but GOD I WANT TO SEE THEM TOPPLE AND FALL. 
Spoilers for ep 232 ahead:
I think we can already see how this ties in to the current FP episode, right? 
I had absolutely NO idea he was this close. Like... I’ve worried about his connections to media conglomerates, I’ve worried about the women he’s been with and how Sangchul learned that behavior, but to see him on the other side of the door of the bathroom in which Alyssa is hiding.... horrifying! The way he calls her sweetheart like he’s some placating father, except we know better. The expression on her face when she hears the girls talking about her but worse, when she hears Gun ask if she needs any help. 
It’s her body language when she finally comes out, so meek and small, arms held close to her body like she’s trying to take up as little space as possible.
And it’s the implication that he’s going to drive her himself. Alone. 
Not even a manager to spare for her? Or worse, is he a manager? An agent? Is he her superior in this role? There’s so many horrifying, stomach-churning possibilities and in the end, it doesn’t matter which he is, because the point is: he has that access. 
He doesn’t need to be their manager, their agent. He has connections. He has Yui. He has his name and influence and power and money and most of all, he has dirty little secrets. So much blackmail. So much dirt. 
I’m so fucking scared for Alyssa RUN GIRL RUN GET THE FUCK OUT OF THAT ;___________; 
I’ll put more thoughts in my actual 232 thought dump post but for now: Gun Kim may not have gotten a hold of Shinae, but he’s not left for want is he ;________; 
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The Terror: When, How, Where... (PART 2)
See Part 1 here (ep 1 thru 5) See Part 3 here (Ep 10)
For Context I am trying to make a timeline with locations from The Terror. You will find here:
1. Probable location and coordinates
2. Probable date
3. Travel distance and speed
4. Death count
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List of Locations identified so far:
Location 1 - David Young's grave (71.22, -96.60) - Sept 5 1846
Location 2 - Ships Position September 1846 (70.25, -98.00) - Sept 12 1846
Location 3 - Ships Position June 1847 (70.15, -98.30) - May 24 to Jun 11 1847
Location 4 & 5 - The Cairn and the Ice Camp (69.66, -98.27) - May 28 1847
Location 6- The Ships in January 1848 (70.055, -98.59) - January 10th- 17th 1848 
Location 7- The Ships in April 1848 (69.88, -98.57) - April 22nd 1848 
Location 8 - Fairholmes' Last Resting Place (69.72, -98.35) - April 23rd 1848 
Location 9 - Terror Camp (69.644, -98.24) - April 24th-26th  1848 
Location 10 - Netsilik Massacre (69.62, -98.05) - April 25th 1848 
Location 11- Hodgson is found - Mutineers: (69.56, -98.06) - April 27th 1848 
Location 12 - Hodgson is found – Crozier (69.54, -98.14) - April 27th 1848 
Location 13 - Fitzjames Collapses (68.94, -98.79) - June 10th 1848 
Location 14 - Gibson's death (68.860, -98.73)  - June 27th 1848 
Location 15 - Fitzjames' Death (68.78, -98.21) - July 28th 1848 
Location 16 - The NorWest Passage (68.7, -98.06) - July 28th 1848
Location 17 - Hospital Camp (68.68, -97.74) - August 3rd 
Location 18 – Bridgens' death (68.70, -97.95) - August 10th 
Loocation 19 - It's Rat Meal Time (68.73, -97.99) - August 3rd 
Location 20 - Crozier Ambushed (68.67, -97.84) - Augsut 10th 
Known and historical locations are in blue
Proposed locations by Franklin Researchers in orange
Proposed locations by yours truly in pink
Historical locations but for which the show took liberties... in red
Analysis below the line
1927 Admiralty Map
Use this link ^ to see the Famous 1927 Admiralty Map
Matching the Show
Episode 6- A Mercy
This is it, folks! The LAST of the bottle episodes. Next one is going to make me go absolutely insane...
Location 6- The Ships in January 1848 (70.055, -98.4)
Date: January 10th 1848
Nighttime - 13h 01 min
Daylight - None
Twilight - 9h 59 min
Sunset: N/A- Sunrise: N/A
So! This episode is the beginning of trying to understand when and what the fuck is going on. :')
Timestamp declares it is January 1848
Following timestamp announces this is 2 weeks after Episode 5, which we put between December 14 and December 20 in Part 1 (will need to edit.. :') ). First proposed date: Between December 28 and January 3
Fitzjames tells us it's 1 week from Sunrise (17th Jan for that latitude) which brings our Second proposed date: January 10
Lady Jane's Christmas Pudding (Hear, Hear) was offered to the men the week before. So, either it was not served on December 25th or the Third proposed date is: January 1st.
Considering that 1. and 3. are undeniable, I must conclude that my assessment of the timeline for episode 5 in Part 1 was Incorrect It would, therefore, put the death of Blanky's leg closer to December 27th
I must also conclude that January 10th is our date for the beginning of the episode and that the pudding was served on Jan 6th for Epiphany rather than Christmas. (This seemed so important to me for some reason...)
Now! For Location!
In part 1, I used the proposed location from the 1927 admiralty map for the position of the ships in Sept 1846 and their position in May/Jun 1847 to calculate the travel speed of the ships drifting with the Pack. Which was about... 0.04 miles per day.
Considering that there is 232 days between May 24 1847 and Jan 10 1848, the ships would have drifted approx 9.3 miles SW from their summer position (Location 3 - 70.15, -98.30). and, now, I wanted to make an additional extrapolation from the known position in April 22nd but... well, you'll see that was more difficult than expected when we move on to episode 7 so... instead, we'll use that 9.3 Miles SW from May 24 1847, so, about near (70.055, -98.4).
To be noted that I tried to pinpoint Location 6 for my own litle fun because it is not that relevant. They're in the pack, that's it. Their position in April is much more interesting. Also to note, you'll see when I get to Location 7 that my proposition puts Location 6 closer to Location 3, which is counterintuitive considering that it would mean that the pack drifted much faster between Jan and April (3 months) than between June and Jan (6 months). I propose to revise Location 6 for a future edit of this fun rabbit hole. The 0.04miles a day for the pack drift may have been accelerated during the summer months (June to September), even without a full thaw. For future consideration...
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Thankfully, we remain in the vicinity of Location 6 for the next event so we don't have to go through all of THAT again... :')
Date: January 16th to January 17th 1848
Nighttime - 12h 34 min
Daylight - 34 min
Twilight - 9h 52 min
Sunset: 12:01 pm- Sunrise: 11:27 am
Jacko dies of lead poisoning
Carnivale goes up in flame and we're all sad.
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For the Death Count, now...
Lt. Irving gives us a count of 116 men onboard the ships
This sounds inexact... At the end of December, by my count, we had 121 men still "alive" on the expedition (22 Officers and 99 men). 8 of those are on a vacation in the Fairholme party (Not counted as dead yet). This would mean we have 113 men on Terror and Erebus.
DEATH COUNT: 7 (Total: 13)
19 Officers and 95 Men remaining
To be Noted: The 3 dead officers I counted are the doctors and since no other officers names are mentioned, I assumed that was it... We will adjust when we get to VPN.
Episode 6- Horrible from Supper
There we go, folks! This is where I began to go absolutely INSANE trying to figure out all of this... Thank God this one is easy for the dates... and wow, I'm sure there is actually a paper for all that stuff somewhere out there but... I was either too lazy to find it and this is what I will die doing instead OR it's VERY obscure and I might as well do it myself...
Location 7- The Ships in April 1848 (69.88, -98.57)
Date: April 22nd 1848
Nighttime - None
Daylight - 17h 25 min
Twilight - 6h 35 min
Sunrise: 3:52 am Sunset: 9:16 pm
Departure from Ships
And now I'm going to go absolutely rabid about the location...
I have a problem and it might have to do with my lack of understanding of how coordinates work, which renders this whole post frustrating... The thing is... the thing is. The position given by Fitzjames on his amendment of the VPN is... I don't understand it... he says they landed at 69°37'42.0"N 98°41'00.0"W (69.63, -98.68) but then proceed in saying that they left the ships 5 Leagues NNW of the Cairn (Location 4 - 69.66, -98.27).
(See the summary map for episode 6)
Oh, Jimmy FitzJimmy... That... that's not a NNW-SSE line... :') It's also not 15 miles... Did they have different Latitudes in 1845? I would need to research...
So, anyway, I will, instead try to figure out what would be the location based on the 5 league (I expect this was an approximated distance) and here is my proposition for a rough Location 7 (69.88, -98.57 or 69°52'N, 98°34'W)
For comparison purposes, the position from the VPN will be identified in yellow in the summary map.
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Next Location: That would Location 8! Poor Lt Fairholmes party.
Location 8 - Fairholmes' Last Resting Place (69.72, -98.35)
Date: April 23th 1848
Nighttime - None
Daylight - 17h 30 min
Twilight - 6h 30 min
Sunrise: 3:48 am Sunset: 9:18 pm
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For the date: They have not yet reached Terror Camp and it looked to be either very early in the morning or late at night. I will suppose late at night, which would make the landing at Terror Camp to be made the next day. If Fitzjames and Crozier went to deposit the VPN the same day they arrived at TC, then this would make it April 24th.
For the Location: They mention that Fairholmes made 18 miles from the position the ships were at in June 1847 (Location 3 - 70.15, -98.30) and they had to find themselves in the path of Crozier and Co, close to the coast. Now, 18 miles... they certainly did not make the calculation on top of their head. From Part 1, we know that Gore had to travel 33.5 miles to get from the Ships in Location 3 to the Cairn in Location 4. 18 miles would have been a little bit over half-way there. In next image, I traced the path from Location 3 to Location 4 and Location 7 to Location 4 and you'll see why this is confusing:
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Half-way from Location 3 to Location 4 would have been nowhere near to where Crozier and Co could have found Fairholmes. Maybe it wasn't as much as a straight line as I made it to be here or maybe Mr. Fitzjames is still confused about distances and Lat. Long position... Maybe I've been wrong this WHOLE TIME and they're counting in Nautical Miles and I'm about to throw my whole being out of the window.
Anyway, in order to preserve my Sanity, I will mark Location 8 at a very subjective position based on the flow of the episode rather than the information they gave... Now you understand why I became feral about this. Location 8 (69.72, -98.35) and that would be 30 miles from where the Ships were in June 1847...
Location 9 - Terror Camp (69.644, -98.24)
Date: April 24th 1848
Nighttime - None
Daylight - 17h 40 min
Twilight - 6h 20 min
Sunrise: 3:42 am Sunset: 9:23 pm
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Date is given by the VPN - They arrive the day before going to Victory Point. Morfin dies.
For the Location, I would like to go back to our dear friend the 1927 Admiralty Map which identify where McClintock found the grave of Lt. J. Irving, a Camp and Many Relics. It is just slightly South East of Victory Point. Now, in the show, when Crozier and Fitzjames held hand, the first thing they saw was the Camp, vs when Gore climbed the ridge, he saw the Cairn.
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Either the show moved the camp a little bit closer to the shore or they "landed" at a southerner position than Gore did. Either way, I feel that for a couple miles between the two points, we can go with the historical marker. Also, for my sanity. I will therefore arbitrarily put Location 9 at 69.644, -98.24, about 2 miles from the Cairn and I feel that this is a good location for it.
Last Location for Horrible from Supper (dear Lord)
Location 10 - Netsilik Massacre (69.62, -98.05)
Date: April 25th 1848
Nighttime - None
Daylight - 17h 50 min
Twilight - 6h 10 min
Sunrise: 3:37 am Sunset: 9:28 pm
Date: Same as the VPN (from Episode 8)
Location: Irving was assigned to go East by Lt. Little. Therefore, we'll sorta assume that it was a due East.
Now, when they split from Hodgson, Irving mentions that they are an hour before they are due before they are to return to Terror. Assuming that they would be on a hunting trip of 6 hours (this seems long but probably necessary considering they are starting to grow desperate for fresh supplies), this would make their split at the 2h mark and Irving went South. Assuming they may have walked another 15 minutes (they were due to turn back to where they split in 30 min), then we're up to 2h 15min away from camp.
They did not seem to be walking in any kind of fast pace, that they might have stopped on the way and that they are on an uneven ground and tired from hauling their sledge to TC, I will assume a steady pace of 2.5 miles per hour. This would put them a generous 5.6 miles away from TC. (To be checked with Hickey story next episode) and therefore, Location 9 is (69.62, -98.05)
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And with this, we are DONE for episode 7!
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Loc 7 to Loc 8
Travel time - 2 complete days (arrival eod)
Travel Distance: 10.6 NM / 12 miles / 20 km
Average Travel Speed - 6 miles a day
Travel Condition - Hauling Sledges and following a track - Pack is now littered with Seracs. This must have been gruesome - Comparable speed to Gore's Party.
Loc 8 to Loc 9
Travel time - 1 day
Travel Distance: 5.1 NM / 6 miles / 9.5 km
Average Travel Speed - 6 miles a day
Travel Condition - Hauling Sledges and following a track - High Ridge - Half distance on shale
Loc 9 to Loc 10
Travel Time - 2hours 15min
Travel Distance: 5.6 miles
Average Travel Speed - 2.5mph
Travel Condition: On foot, no heavy load, hunting - Not a straight line.
DEATH COUNT: 1 (Morfin) + 8 (Fairholmes) + 2 (Irving/Farr) (Total: 26)
14 Officers and 89 Men remaining
7 Men remaining on Ships
14 Officers and 82 men in Terror Camp
Episode 8 - Terror Camp Clear
Buckle up Buttercups, the horrors are coming...
So, first, let's do with the date. The next few movements are all the same date:
Date: April 25th 1848
Nighttime - None
Daylight - 17h 50 min
Twilight - 6h 10 min
Sunrise: 3:37 am Sunset: 9:28 pm
What I want to figure out is the hour by hour of that day ahah
Location 4 -The Cairn (69.66, -98.27)
Crozier and Fitzjames deposit the famous VPN.
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Now, I could go on an on about how confusing the VPN was for me but I'll leave it at that... I would like to make the exercise of counting the dead men tho :)
Officers - 9
Franklin, Gore, Dr. Stanley, Dr. McDonald, Dr. Peddie, Fairholme, Hornby, 1 unnamed (Fairholme party or Carnivale)
Men - 15
Braine, Hartnell, Darlington, Morfin, Orren, Young, Torrington, Strong, Evans, Heather, Bryant, + 4 (Fairholme party or Carnivale)
So, as a note, that would not work because we have 7 deaths from the Carnival (4 named) and 8 from Fairholme (1 named) and I have only 5 unnamed left to make the VPN 24. *sigh*
Location 9 - Terror Camp (69.644, -98.24)
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And then back to
Location 10 - Netsilik Massacre (69.62, -98.05)
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And THEN Back to
Location 9 - Terror Camp (69.644, -98.24)
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So let's see how much walking Crozier has made today from the beginning of the episodes: 11 miles!
1.3 miles from Cairn to TC
4.9 miles from TC to Location 10 (Bird's reach)
Now we know that the average man walks 3mph
Crozier would have spent maybe 45 minutes to walk back from the cairn with Fitzjames (making brotherhood and stuff)
And then he would have to pace himself for Blanky to follow to Location 10, so, perhaps 2mph. - 2h 30 min to make it to Location 10.
In total, Crozier would have walked at least 6h that day and 12.5 miles
If the hunting parties were sent out from 6 am, that would mean that Irving and Farr would have been murdered around 8h30. He needed time to do his business, maybe 10 minutes (what are the Netsilik doing in the meantime?) By the time that Hickey runs back and forth to get Hodgson, who had gone in another direction, we can assume another 30 min, it is now 9:10 am when the Netsilik are massacred. To go back to camp, I assume they would have walked at fast pace, dragging Irving and Farr on their sledge, they could have made it back in 1h 30min. It is now 10h40.
It looks like Fitzjames and Crozier went back as Hodgson was entering the camp again, or just about. so they would have left the Cairn at 10 am and they would have left the Camp for the Cairn maybe around 8 am.
Let's say there's a bit of shouting, going around, getting Irving on Goodsir's table... they leave to go BACK to Location 10 around 11 am and they reach it around 2:30 pm, make their 10 min investigation and then make their way back starting at 2:40 pm.
They are back just in time for supper around 5:20 pm.
Yep, they could have done all of that in one day. Which is EXACTLY what I wanted to check. What a trek...
Anyway, I think Hickey was scheduled to be hanged around 8pm. Good time to die.
DEATH COUNT: 32 + Pocock + 9 (unknown) (Total: 68)
61 Total remaining
7 Men remaining on Ships
40 with Crozier
11 Mutineers and 3 Reluctant (Hodgson, Goodsir, Diggle) (counted on the screen... and Golding who is going back and forth)
And now, before we go on to Episode 9, let's do an Interlude for how we're going to proceed moving forward:
How We Move Forward
Ok, here is what this section about:
So far, I've been using clues from the show and known historical facts to know where the Cold Boys were, how they got there and who was still around.
Now we enter absolute speculation.
on the subject of LOCATION
Yes, we have a fine map (thank you 1927 Admiralty Map) that let us know where all of the Franklin Artefacts had been found over the course of 75 years but y'all will soon understand when I say that this is where the show accuracy ends.
For one, the most recognizable spot for me is McClintock's Boat Place. And Welp! Maybe one could argue that it is where Hickey attempted his little fake ritual in Episode 10. To which I will answer: ah... probably not? But that is the ONLY scene that could make sense for McC's BP...
Then we have the two famous graves: Le VesconteOrHarry Goodsir and the Peglar Skeleton/Bridgens and we have to ask ourselves, how accurate did the showrunner /author wanted to be about the specific placement of these deaths... After all, a wasteland of shale is a wasteland of shale.
In anyway, I will go over each of the Locations from the 1927 map to try and match a potential scene.
On the subject of TIME:
Now, we no longer have the luxury of dates so we will need to rely on everything else to let us know of the passage of time.
Sunrise/Sunsets - Which will help us identify the overall months
Grooming - These men get beardy.
Health - Declination and recoveries
Travel speed - If locations are known, we can match the date if we suppose a travel speed.
On the subject of SURVIVORS:
I will not keep up with the count. We know they all died and the show did not actually keep track of them. There seem to be as many that left Terror Camp as there are when Peglar collapses. I was mostly interested in doing for episode 8 because I wanted to keep tab on how many left with Hickey, etc but it was just hell to manage for this part.
On the subject of GROUPS:
Now we have 2 groups, the Mutineers and the Frankliners (Crozier and Co). I assumed that Hickey was mostly following the Frankliners at a distance of 4-6 miles behind.
Now, we enter Hell.
Episode 9- The C, The C, The Open C
The episode opens on a known Location and date (thank God), Location
Location 9 - Terror Camp (69.644, -98.24)
Date: April 26th 1848
Nighttime - None
Daylight - 18h 01 min
Twilight - 5h 59 min
Sunrise: 3:32 am Sunset: 9:33 pm
They burn their dead.
I assumed this would be the next day because they're still gathering their deads. - Kinda brutal to ask them to walk the day after the attack.
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40 Frankliners
14 Mutineers
Location 11/12 - Hodgson is Found
Mutineers Location (11): (69.56, -98.06)
Frankliners Location (12): (69.54, -98.14)
Date: April 27th 1848
Nighttime - None
Daylight - 18h 01 min
Twilight - 5h 59 min
Sunrise: 3:32 am Sunset: 9:33 pm
This one is the first difficulty because we need to match a time, an intention and a speed.
First, I would like to propose that this is either the 26th again or the 27th and I will argue for the 27th.
We find Hodgson as he is so famished that he eats his own boot. We can suspect that he would, indeed, be very hungry after having ran through the night from the Tuunbaq. But he would have had supper the night before AND having been on three quarter rations since January. I, of course, have never been hungry enough to resort to eating my shoes but I imagine that if I was in Hodgson situation, I would keep the edible boots for as long as I can. Would he be hungry enough to start eating leather on the morrow of the attack, or more likely 2 days later?
Also, the frost bite on his cheeks suggest he's been outside for at least night.
Hickey and Co have been pulling their sledge, probably for the first couple of hours after Tuunbaq's attack. The difficulty here is to determine how long they would have gone without stopping and how far they would have walked. We've established previously that a sledge party would make, at good pace, 5 miles per day, assuming 4-6 hours of pulling with relays of the men, therefore, we could convene that 1.3 mph could be an acceptable speed for them who are fleeing from Tuunbaq with at least 1 reluctant puller (Goodsir) and 1 confused (Diggle)
We've also established that men on foot without sledges can go from twice to three times that speed. And I suspect that when Fitzjames declared 23 unknown, they actually scouted around the camp to find those men. If scouts were sent in the morning while they were gathering the dead, then they could have made a 2-3 miles search radius. If I was Hickey, I would have pushed for at least 3 hours that night to avoid detection (if we say that Hickey was scheduled to be hanged around 8pm, then they stopped at 11pm). So! in the night of the 25th, they are, at least 3 miles out of the camp.
Now that they are out of camp, they need to do 2 things: 1) Rest. They would not have been able to pick up the pace right back first thing in the morning. 2) Put more distance between themselves and the Frankliners. I suspect that they would have made only 4hours of pulling on the 26th, bringing us just about a whooping 7.8 miles out of Terror Camp.
Finally, it is impossible to detect what time of the day it is when they find Hodgson but looking at the tired look of the crew, maybe an hour in? That would be another 1 miles. So let's average that they found Hodgson after running 9 miles out of Terror Camp
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Now that we have a radius, let's talk about direction...
I think it is fair to say that Hickey would have followed the same route as Crozier, seeing that he specifically asked Gibson to take a map. But Crozier was going to follow the coast in case they saw leads. Would Hickey do the same?
3 more things to consider:
1. They left in the fog, without much visual clues to orient themselves. 2. They took the map but Hickey was hoping to get Hodgson on board for his navigational skills (or maybe that was BS, who knows).
3. Mid Episode 9, Tozer reports that the Frankliners are 6 miles AHEAD of them, even though Hickey left first. We'll revisit that later...
Now, on the subject of the third point, it is very possible that Hickey would have rested more often... I just think it's funnier to suggest that he spent the night going in the wrong direction and then just circled back to follow the Frankliners... They realised it when they sent Golding back to Crozier for spying.
So here's the 25th to 27th route I propose for Mr. Hickey:
Mr. Hodgson would have had wandered approx 5 miles SE of Terror Camp. (69.56, -98.06)
As for Crozier, well, I suggest they took this route starting on the 26th, making 5 miles per day and this is where they would be when Hodgson was found (69.54, -98.14), putting them 3 miles away from each group:
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The next scene is where it starts getting hazy and we need to get imaginative in how we account for time past.
In the next scene, we se ethe frankliners are struggling to pull their sledges. Blanky is limping badly and, then, Mr. Fitzjames collapses, complaining about the Heat.
Location 13 - Fitzjames Collapses (68.94, -98.79)
Date: June 10th 1848
Nighttime - None
Daylight - 24h
Twilight - None
Sunrise: N/A Sunset: N/A
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About the DATE:
Time indicator to consider:
The health of the crewman JFJ is sharing his boat with:
When we left Terror Camp, the sick tent was empty, except for Pocock. While the men where most likely not at the top of the health when they departed, no one was on the verge of dying. Looking at the crewman, he is not only sick, he is emaciated. A quick google search tells us that sickness can make one lose up to 5 pounds a week. Perhaps in, their condition, one could thinkthat the rate could be a bit higher, say... 6 lb? From the crew for which we have the information, we deduce that they were, on average, 5' 6'' so we can use that as a reference to suppose the weight of that sailor. If we assume a BMI borderline to underweight when leaving Terror Camp, we would have weight, maybe... 120 pounds?
Now, severely underweight would put him at 95 pounds, which would be a drop of 20 pounds. Assuming 6 lb, that would be a guesstimate of 3 weeks and a half for him to deteriorate... let's give them a chance and say a month and a half since Terror Camp.
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I think that's reasonable... JFJ didn't look great after the Tuunbaq attack but that shirtless scene proved that he was still quite fit.
About the Travel Speed:
See after Location 19
About the Location:
See after Location 19
Location 14 - Gibson's death (68.860, -98.73)
Date: June 27th 1848
Nighttime - None
Daylight - 24h
Twilight - None
Sunrise: N/A Sunset: N/A
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About the DATE:
Time indicator: Facial hair. Courtesy of not having much shaving available, the Mutineers are looking quite rugged. Let's discuss the hairiest: Mr. Goodsir and Lt. Hodgson.
Hodgson starts his time with the Mutineers with a 2 day shadows between his muttonchops. Same for Mr. Goodsir.
See Below the Before/After
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And now, huh... wow... that changes a man... I'd say this is looks to be about.. errr... medium beard? According to menhairstylestoday.com, this would take 1 to 2 months to grow at a rate of half an inch a month. Yeah, I can believe these are 2 month old beards. So, there!
Location? Speed travel? Well, I'll stop you right there.. I don't know yet.
Location 15 - Fitzjames' Death (68.78, -98.21)
Date: July 28th 1848
Nighttime - None
Daylight - 20h 50 min
Twilight - 3h 10 min
Sunrise: 2:11 am Sunset: 11:01 am
Time Indicator: More Hair. For this one, I will trust the hair because I somehow think the Frankliners would have kept themselves more groomed than the Mutineers.
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Taking the angle into account, this is, what... 1.5inch? 2 inch?
Hair can grow at about 0.5 in a month. So, 3 months since Terror Camp.
Time Indicator: Crews' health: It is very evident that they're all getting thinner, sicker but Fitzjames and (most surprisingly) his boat mate are still alive! Considering the risk of infection and the progression of scurvy... it can't have been more than a couple of weeks since Fitzjame's collapse but, not, like, the next day? Can a doctor please stand up for this?
Time Indicator: The amount of food left.
No. I will NOT go there. There's enough math being done wtf...
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Location 16 - The NorWest Passage (68.7, -98.06)
Date: July 28th 1848
Nighttime - None
Daylight - 20h 46 min
Twilight - 3h 14 min
Sunrise: 2:13 am Sunset: 10:58 am
Finally, finally! We have it! A Date, AND a location! :D Thank you Mr. Blanky!
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So, this is the day after JFJ's death, June 28th.
On Blanky's map, we can read known locations: McGillivray Bay, Pt. W. Smith... Congratulations Mr. Blanky :') You are a true hero.
Supposing he can see McGillivray Bay from where he sits, he would find the Passage at Location 16 (68.7, -98.06)
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And wow... does that make me feel like finding my own NW Passage, being able to reconnect all those lost locations from before :')
Back to location 15! Blanky would probably not have walked all that much, given he was in pain and only wanted to draw Tuunbaq to him and toward the Ice. I'd be generous and give him a good 5 miles before he had to sat down. From what Lt. Little reported before they had to stop for Fitzjames, the ice was to the west so we'll assume Mr Blanky walked south west while the party proceeded south east. This would put Location 15 at (68.78, -98.21)
Location 17 - Hospital Camp (68.68, -97.74)
Date: August 3rd
Nighttime - None
Daylight - 19h 33 min
Twilight - 4h 27 min
Sunrise: 2:48 am Sunset: 10:21 pm
Peglar collapses
See Location 17 reasoning for date of the camp
As for Position, well, we're just going to be a little off out of
Location 17 - Bridgens (68.70, -97.95)
Date: August 10th
Nighttime - None
Daylight - 18h21
Twilight - 5h 39 min
Sunrise: 3:23 am Sunset: 9:45 pm
Basically, we all agree that Bridgens is the Peglar Skeleton. Thank god I know where that is! Now, it is interesting that there was a paper published in 2022 about the real location of the Peglar Skeleton (assuming McClintock took his lat and long wrong) but since we are dealing with a 2018 show, we'll go with McClintock's account.(68.70, -97.95)
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Sweet, now, about the TIMING
Considering where Location 15 put us, we were quite near the point of collapse for Peglar. I think we could give them a two more days of pulling before it's poor Henry Peglar's turn. No other reason than having previously established that there is a MUCH slower pace now (News is courtesy of Lt. Little) and they left Fitzjames' grave roughly 10 miles from Bridgens' last sighting . I propose the timeline to be thus: Peglar collapse on August 3rd and dies on August 10th. He didn't look like he had wasted away very long. Bridgens immediately leave the party, travel a couple of miles and lay down to die. Has he is seen going in the direction Golding came from (the Mutineer's camp, North), I assume that the Hospital camp is now further south than where the Peglar Skeleton was found.
Loocation 18 - It's Rat Meal Time (68.73, -97.99)
Date: August 3rd
Nighttime - None
Daylight - 19h 33 min
Twilight - 4h 27 min
Sunrise: 2:48 am Sunset: 10:21 pm
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About the TIMING:
I suspect Hickey made Goodsir cut Billy the same day they pitched their tent, just to assure his dominance while so close to the Frankliners (6 miles out).
Cripse.... that would have been a 1 month old dead body to eat...
This gives us a location: (68.73, -97.99)
Now, the problem I am having is this... Night falls when Hodgson come to tell his little church story... There will be no dark sky until Mid to late August... so I am mostly going to believe that was only twilight.
Location 19 - Crozier Ambushed (68.67, -97.84)
Date: August 10th
Nighttime - None
Daylight - 18h21
Twilight - 5h 39 min
Sunrise: 3:23 am Sunset: 9:45 pm
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About the TIMING:
Bridgens lays down to die the day Crozier is taken. I don't think he moved from there.
About the Location: Close to Hospital camp, by the shore.
Sophia Cracroft found snow in London in August 1848?
Blanky was still waiting for the Tuunbaq after they pitched tents for Hospital camp?
I think these two scenes are just out of order and for dramatic effect: Basically pitching the fate of Crozier failing to save anyone.
SO! Now that we know where 99 days of walking (April 27th (Location 12) to August 3rd (Location 16 - Hospital camp)), we can average the pace of the walk.
First, let's establish some distances:
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About 100 miles, then! I would like to propose the following pace, to take account for the time passed and how tired the men would become. So this would be a decreasing pace and accounting for camping time due to weather (there should still be monstrous hail and blizzard until June), etc.
15 miles first miles at 3mph = 5 days
2 day of rest - 3 days of bad weather
20 miles at 2mph = 10 days
2 day of rest + 2 days of bad weather
25 miles at 1.5 mph = 20 days
3 days of rest + 3 days of bad weather
40 miles at 1mph = 40 days
3 days of bad weather + 6 days of rest
This would put Location 13 - Fitzjames Collapses 60 miles out of Location 12 (45 days travel time) around (68.94, -98.79), right next to Terror Bay :')
I'm also very happy that this would actually match the position of a camp and 2 graves from Halls and Schwatka's expedition! Sometimes I feel like I'm a genius but right now, I swear I'm just holding on for dear life...
and, if we assume that Hickey kept the pace with the Frankliners, this would put
Location 14 - Gibson's death 70 miles out of Location 11 (60 days travel time) around (68.860, -98.73)
Here's the summary Map for Ep 9:
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Conclusion: Episode 9 was a mess and this is 12 hours of work...
Part 3 will be for Episode 10.
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cityof2morrow · 11 months
Bella Brand: Bella's Beauties 001
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Published: 11-7-2023 | Updated: 6-25-2024 (fixed typos) SUMMARY “Inspired by the wealth of Bella Goth lore from the Sims/SimCity franchises (aka the “simsverse”), the Bella Brand Series includes more than a dozen sets and 230+ new business-themed items. Lore suggests that the wealth/influence of the Gilman, Crumplebottom, Bachelor, and Goth families increases considerably under Mortimer and Bella Goth, especially the latter. So, this series imagines what a prestigious Bella-based brand might look like…” From health and beauty products to novelty items, Bella’s Beauties (SimCity Social, Playfish/Maxis, 2012) caters to SimCity’s social and creative sims – who also happen to love the Bella Brand. A percentage of proceeds go to the Bella Beneficiary Fund. "Bella’s Secret Garden products soothe the body and calm the mind. There’s nothing more soothing than an overpriced tube of lotion, available in endless love, forbidden fantasy, love spell, pear glace, strawberry champagne, and vanilla glace."
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DETAILS Requires ALL EPs/SPs. You need Mesh Set 001 (Simmons, 2023) and the Display Counter (BellasSecret_Counter_Somedaythesun)from the TS2 Maxis Match Lingerie Store Set (SomedayTheSun, 2023) – these items are required for all textures to display in-game. The counter uses recolors from the Bosenklavier Model B grand piano (Bon Voyage EP). Find recolors for the counter interior in the Bella Brand: Retail Floor Set (Simmons, 2023). Recolors may include swatches for items in other Bella Brand sets such as signs, packages, cosmetics, etc. Objects in Sims 2 are limited to two recolorable parts, so not all items are recolorable in the same way. Find additional recolors for Bella Brand sets on this site under #ts2recolors, #co2recolors, and #co2bellabrand.
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ITEMS Bella’s Beauties Display 001 (356 poly) – 5 slots plus additional slot(s) for tall deco or objects you need to hide Bella’s Beauties Display 002 (330 poly) – place over display 001, 5 slots plus additional slot(s) for tall deco or objects you need to hide Bella’s Beauties Mini Display (232 poly) Bella’s Beauties Display Deco (708 poly) Bella’s Secret Garden Lotion (~568 poly) Bella’s Secret Garden QuickShower Mist (~210 poly) Bella’s Secret Garden Body Cream (~229 poly) Bella’s Secret Garden Moisturizer (~866 poly) Bella’s Secret Garden Skin Masque (550 poly) Bella’s Secret Garden Fresh Formula (644 poly) DOWNLOAD (choose one) from SFS | from MEGA
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Functional Cosmetic/Hygiene Products Items can be used from any surface or a sim’s inventory and will boost hygiene/comfort. After several uses (12 by default), the product will need to be replaced. When using cosmetics from a sim’s inventory, wait until the sims finishes using the first item BEFORE selecting the second one. Otherwise, the second object will be removed from the inventory. Both the object and plug-in files are needed for each item to work properly in-game. Number of uses and motive gain are tuneable in simPE (BCONS: 0x00 = number of uses, 0x002 = hygiene, 0x03 = comfort). Some Assembly Required Display 002 has 7 slots and the 6th and 7th are actually below the shelf itself (I needed it to be this way for one of my own projects). The easiest way to build the cosmetics without having to worry about slots 6 and 7 is to: 1) Turn “move objects” on. 2) Place Display 001 and fill it with items. 3) Position the Display Deco (the arch) on the same tile. 4) Place Display 002 on the same tile and fill the first 5 slots with items. See the picture for reference. If you’re display isn’t up against a wall, you might want to have Display 001 and Display 002 facing in different directions to prevent traffic jams among browsing customers. CREDITS No copyright infringement intended. All trademarks belong to their respective owners. CCA = Creative Commons Attribution. Thanks: @catherinetcjd, @gayars, @gummilutt, @haziewhims, @kashmiresims (Rach’), @somedaythesun, whoward, Easy Shine Removal Kit (PF Forest, 2023), Reducing GUIDs/OBJs Tutorial (HugeLunatic, 2022), Sketchfab and Blender Communities. Sources: SEE CREDITS (ALT).
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vestaclinicpod · 1 year
Audio Drama Sunday - 20th August ✨
I must admit that I dedicated A LOT of listening hours this week to the new Hozier album (which is incredible omg) but I still had some great audio drama listening!
🌲@hellofromthehallowoods (129) What a fun break from episode convention! I’ve been highly suspicious of Nimbus from the start, and I feel vindicated that he’s not a normal cat as well as relieved that he doesn’t seem to be overtly malicious. I can’t relate to Nikignik’s dislike of felines, but it did really make me chuckle when it was revealed that all indescribables fear cats… Buddy, you can fear something without reviling it! Ough and the look-in on Jackie HURT MY FEELINGS so bad!! I can’t cope with sad dogs 🥺
🦀 @thesiltverses (30) TSV is back, babey!!! The sound design at the start of the episode was phenomenal, I loved the way they weaved music in with the sound effects in such a fluid way (the river sure does rise!) And oh man, Faulkner, you fucking idiot. They know!! They all know!!! It is such a delight to hear some of my favourite VAs doing their amazing work again. Méabh de Brún has absolutely annihilated me already. I’m obsessed with this discovery that the Trawlerman appears to still favour Carpenter while the Caring Maiden seems to slip away the more Carpenter seeks her. I should have started a S3 bingo because I was hoping so badly that Carpenter would join up with Hayward and Paige!! This season is going to be amazing. I’m so ready. 
📻 @monstrousagonies (108) Mab!! The queen returns! I am ever so slightly skeptical that Apocacorp is all bluster . . . I just feel like, even if that is the case, they’re not going away without more of a fight . . . 
🌒 @monkeymanproductions Moonbase Theta, Out (finale part 1) OHHHHH SHIT!!! It’s all kicking off on the moon!!!!! I love Alex’s sweet, sincere hopefulness in: ‘We’ve been through the end of so many things but we’re still here’ 💙 Isn’t that just it! I don’t want to give away the major spoiler because the ep only just dropped but oooohhhh my god! I was wondering if this might happen and wrote the idea off. This changes everything!! 
🎙 Welcome To Night Vale (232) HELL YES. I have been waiting literal YEARS to get into this business with the Desert Otherworld and its impact on my favourite scientist and the impact of both on my favourite community radio show host. My popcorn is ready, let’s get into it!!! 🍿
🤴I finished season one of InCo by @itmeblog! This is micro-scifi at its best and if you’re a fan of extensive single-person casts, InCo does it remarkably!! I'm really looking forward to seeing how the story develops!
🧬 Regina Prime (6) OOF I think this is one of the most intense episodes we’ve had yet! The acting was amazing in this one, Jess pulled out a full Youtuber apology and managed to keep that edge in her voice to give you the prickling sensation that something isn’t quite right. 
 💫 Wolf 359 (48) Ugh what an absolute mind fuck! I’ve been tying myself in knots trying to work out how I would personally react and cope if faced with a scenario where one of my friends is not the person I knew but is otherwise indistinguishable from them. And I just don’t know!
🎩 @ethicstownpod (8) AAH!! Ethics finale!!! This show has been a wild ride from start to finish and WOW what an ending!! I really don’t want to give anything away to people who haven’t listened yet but I’m almost ashamed that I didn’t see this coming and if you haven’t listened to Ethics you really really need to!!! 
🥾@doyoucopypod (6) More questions than answers from this episode of Do You Copy! What does Reese know?! What doesn’t like you listening?? What doesn’t like you listening?!??! 
🐬 More spectacularly odd @patterspod P Files! It’s fun to hear the obvious mistake being made and I’m really looking forward to Ryan facing the consequences of certain actions….
I hope everyone has a lovely week!
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goodwhump-temp · 1 year
Ichigo; Bleach Whump Zanpakto to Arrancar Finale Arcs
Arrancar Arc (S6-S8) Bount Arc (S4-S5) Shinigami Arc & Soul Society Arc (S1-S3)
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The New Captain Shūsuke Amagai Arc
9x02 / Ep 169 New Development, the Dangerous Transfer Student Appears! - Pancaked 9x03 / Ep 170 Desperate Struggle Under the Moonlit Night, the Mysterious Assassin and Zanpakuto - Blinded/lost consciousness multiple times 9x06 / Ep 173 The Appearance of the Great Evil! The Darkness in the House of Kasumioji - Elbow to the head multiple times, piled on 9x07 / Ep 174 Break the Mirrors Boundary! Ichigos Captivity - Blinded unconscious, paralyzed 9x10 / Ep 177 The Reversal of Rukia! The Rampaging Blade - Blinded unconscious 9x11 / Ep 178 The Nightmare Which is Shown, Ichigos Inside the Mirror - Trauma, emotional pain, choked, hollowfied, knocked back 9x13 / Ep 180 The Princess's Decision, the Sorrowful Bride - Kicked off the roof, panik 9x14 / Ep 181 The 2nd Division Sorties! Ichigo is Surrounded - Stabbed, bleeding, punched multiple times, wanted 9x15 / Ep 182 Amagis True Strength, the Released Zanpakto - Soloing the new captain 9x21 / Ep 188 Duel! Amagai VS Ichigo - Thrown, fireballed to the ground twice, hollowfied/Rukia reaction, trapped by fire rods, pain, fall, mask sliced 9x22 / Ep 189 The Fallen Shinigamis Pride - Knocked back, hit with fireball, briefly unconscious, exhausted, collapse
Arrancar vs. Shinigami Arc
10x01 / Ep 190 Hueco Mundo Chapter, Restart! - Hollowfied, exhausted, shot, bloody, stabbed, dies (recap episode), stabbed, leg punched, knocked down 10x02 / Ep 191 The Frightening Banquet, Szayelaporro Theater - Exhausted, headbutted, knocked down 10x03 / Ep 192 Nels Secret, A Busty Beauty Joins the Battle!? - Kicked, knocked back multiple times, weak, punched multiple times, arm slowly broken, extreme pain, carried, squeezed unconscious 10x06 / Ep 195 The Ultimate Union! Pesche's Seriousness - Knocked down, unconscious, back stomped on, limp, knocked down multiple times, painfully squeezed, passes out, thrown against a wall, head squeezed, arm snapped 10x07 / Ep 196 Joining the Battle! The Strongest Soul Reaper Army Appears - Weak, kicked in the gut, kicked in the face multiple times, almost passes out 10x10 / Ep 199 Holy Birth, The Resurrected Szayel Aporro - Weak 10x12 / Ep 201 Nnoitra Released! Multiplying Arms - Hand electrocuted 10x14 / Ep 203 Karakura Town Gathers! Aizen VS the Shinigami - Thrown
Arrancar: Decisive Battle of Karakura Arc 12x14 / Ep 226 Fierce Fighting Concludes? Towards a New Battle - Knocked down, sliced
Zanpakutō Unknown Tales Arc 13x03 / Ep 232 Sode no Shirayuki VS Rukia! Confused Heart - Knocked down, half frozen, pain, bleeding forehead 13x04 / Ep 233 Zangetsu Becomes an Enemy - Thrown around, pinned, soul taken out of body, pain, knocked against a wall, blasted, weak, hollowfied, sliced multiple times, convulsing, tearing himself from the inside, exhausted, passes out 13x05 / Ep 234 Renji Surprised?! The Two Zabimarus - Unconscious, paralyzed, arms pulled outside of him, extreme pain, collapses unconscious 13x06 / Ep 235 Clash! Hisagi VS Kazeshini - Hollow form restrained/pain 13x09 / Ep 238 Friendship? Hatred? Haineko & Tobiume - Knocked down, briefly restrained 13x10 / Ep 239 The Awakening Hyorinmaru! Hitsugaya's Fierce Fight - Trapped 13x11 / Ep 240 Byakuya's Betrayal - Restrained, betrayed 13x16 / Ep 245 Pursue Byakuya! The Confused Gotei Divisions - Inhales toxin, collapses unconscious, panic of treatment, still sick, restrained 13x17 / Ep 246 Special Mission! Rescue Captain Commander Yamamoto! - Chained/restrained, burned hand 13x18 / Ep 247 Decieved Shinigami! The World Collapse Crisis - Plot to trap Ichigo/In danger, exhausted, trapped by fire 13x19 / Ep 248 Dragon of Ice and Dragon of Flame! The Strongest Showdown - Trapped by fire, attacked by the fire multiple times, caught on fire, pain, trapped in fireball 13x24 / Ep 253 Muramasa's True Identity Revealed - Entrapped 13x25 / Ep 254 Byakuya and Renji, the 6th Division Returns - Trapped 13x26 / Ep 255 Final Chapter: Zanpakuto The Alternate Tale - Trapped, unconscious, restrained, knocked down multiple times, bloody forehead
Arrancar: Downfall Arc 14x02 / Ep 267 Connected Hearts! The Left Fist of Certain Death - Hit by powerful blast 14x03 / Ep 268 Hatred and Jealousy, Orihime's Dilemma - Hit by powerful blast 14x04 / Ep 269 Ichigo and Uryū, Bonded Back to Back - Knocked down, sliced, collapse, bleeding 14x05 / Ep 270 Beginning of Despair… Ichigo, the Unreachable Blade - Huge explosion, mask shatters, weak, absolutely beaten up, thrown/kicked/punched multiple times, choked unconscious, shot through the chest 14x06 / Ep 271 Ichigo Dies! Orihime, the Cry of Sorrow - Shot through the chest, dies, true hollow form, Orihime + Uryu reactions, badass oh my GOD 14x07 / Ep 272 Ichigo vs. Ulquiorra, Conclusion - Rukia/Chad/Renji reactions, horn sliced, mask breaks, collapse 14x21 / Ep 286 Ichigo's Return! Protect Karakura Town - Mask evaporates, squeezed, falls, Kenpachi panic, scared of Kurotsuchi 14x27 / Ep 292 All Out War! Aizen vs. Shinigami - Getting absolutely disrespected by Aizen 14x31 / Ep 296 The Shocking Truth…The Mysterious Power Within Ichigo! - Hollow shocked right out of him, headbutted, kicked off the roof, smothered 14x32 / Ep 297 The Extending Blade?! Ichigo vs. Gin! - Knocked back, sliced 14x36 / Ep 301 Ichigo Loses His Fighting Spirit!? Gin's Expectation! - Face sliced, mask knocked off, weak, bullied x3, headbutted, depressed 14x37 / Ep 302 The Final Getsuga Tenshō!? Ichigo's Training! - Drowning, thrown, sliced, knocked down, stabbed, hollow ripped out of him, pain, blood 14x41 / Ep 306 For the Sake of Protecting! Ichigo vs. Tensa Zangetsu! - Knocked down, bleeding in real life 14x43 / Ep 308 Goodbye…Rangiku - Holy badass im freaking 0ut 14x44 / Ep 309 Fierce Fighting Conclusion! Release, the Final Getsuga Tenshō! - Caught in nuclear-explosion, burned arm, choked, sword broken, knocked back, bleeding, thrown, weak, stabbed in the chest, makes Zangetsu cry, sacrifices his powers, collapse 14x45 / Ep 310 Ichigo's Resolution! The Price of the Fierce Battle - Sad, collapses unconscious, extreme pain, wakes from 10-day coma
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trixiegalaxy · 6 months
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