#eras your stockholm 2
evermoredeluxe · 4 months
Taylor performing Guilty As Sin? as the surprise song on guitar at The Eras Tour in Stockholm, Sweden (N2) on May 18, 2024 (x)
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workingforthewidow · 1 year
What is up bitches and hoes. Ya girl is back. And by back I mean my cat brain was able to hyper fixate on something long enough to write for it. Also I’m in my ‘final girl’ ‘slasher fucker’ era. So be prepared for some fucked up shit. I am unhinged and hot for men that wear masks and kill people and people that just kill people in general. So onto the show. This is my first time writing and posting in forever so plz be nice lol
Pairings: Otis Driftwood X Stockholm syndrome!reader (darling is in so deep there’s no coming back). Reader X platonic Firefly family.
She/her pronouns for reader. I tried to keep descriptions to a minimum, did mention pulling readers hair a lot but I mean i pull my husbands hair a lot and he has short hair so yeah.
Warnings: as stated reader is in deep for Otis like so much Stockholm syndrome going on. Slight smut. I think like 1 single use of Daddy in a power play way. Reference to non-con. This is Otis we are talking about so he can be a warning himself. But also OOC Otis. His mood swings will give you whiplash. Blood. Lots of blood. Killing people. Guns used in a sexual way. Knives. If there’s any major i missed please let me know! But yeah- don’t like it don’t read it.
Word count: 4,245
God i am so feral for this man.
Also a big THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU to the person who inspired me to write again go check out their work if you haven’t: @lovely-cryptid
Ugh i am so nervous to post this but imma do it! Link to part 2
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She sometimes wondered if her family even knew she was missing or that she had even left. The whole reason she was out on that lonely road was her attempt to leave everything behind, everyone behind. So in a sense she did succeed in that but this was not what she had in mind when she pictured her freedom from her mother and her step-father. She had pictured herself in a big city with a cute little apartment with big windows that looked out over a park or maybe water. She’d have a good job but nothing too fancy. Working in a bookstore maybe or a flower shop. Something where she could be creative. But this wasn’t that magical place. Not even close.
Well you could say that she got to be creative in some sense. If you count being the muse and model for an insane blood thirsty ‘artist’ as creative. Sometimes he did let her pick out some of the smaller details of his work. Like how the hair was styled if it involved a human. But for the most part she was there for him to use when he needed to take out his anger and frustration. “Fucking my pretty little princess always cures the artist block” he would say as he pounded into her without a care for how she felt. All that matter was he got his dick wet. She didn’t mind thought. It kept him happy and she loved him when he was happy. He was kinder.
She could have never imagine this would be her life when she ran out of her mother’s house a year ago. A year, had it really been a year? Was it October already? She couldn’t be too sure. He rarely let her out of his, their, room unless it was to eat at the table as a family. The last time she was able to see a calendar was in August when he took her to the ‘museum’ to give Captain Spaulding the newest exhibit.
She had to beg on her knees for him to let her come along with him. That led to him agreeing with a stipulation of course, “Already on your knees princess might as put that mouth to work. Show me how badly you wanna go.” After giving into his demands she was able to leave the Firefly house and make the trip to see Spaulding. They only stayed a few minutes. Enough time for him to set up his ‘art’ and for her to see that the calendar read “August 17” but looking back what if that was wrong? It didn’t have the year on it, that calendar could have been from 5 years ago for all she knew.
At that point she figured she might as well ask him the date. She had been good the last few weeks. He had even told her that himself. He was being nicer only calling her a slut or a whore when he was fucking her in anger. But now he was calling her sweet things like ‘princess and sweetheart’ he had even called her baby once. But Baby heard him say that and hit the fan mad. Not that Baby didn’t like her. In all fairness her and Baby had become pretty good friends. She would even dare to say best friends. When he was being nice he would let Baby come to the room and talk to her. If he was being really nice and she had been really good for him, he would let her go to Baby’s room. That was the best. Baby would do her hair and makeup and dress her up in pretty outfits. He only let her wear her tiny jean shorts, which she was pretty sure he had cut shorter then when she bought them and a shirt that barely covered her breast. During the winter he had let her wear one of his flannel shirts over her outfit after Mama Firefly got onto him when the poor girl about froze to death. Texas winters could be as brutal as Texas summers if you were in the right place.
“Otis?” She called softly from her place on the bed but then cringed when she realized her mistake. He had been working on a new ‘project’ all morning his back to her and she couldn’t really see what was being created.
“Try again Princess. Get it right or I’ll have to punish you. And you’ve been so good for me for so long.” He didn’t even turn to look at her but she knew he was smirking to himself. He always found pleasure in the little roles he had created for them. But this was no game or play that came to end. This was her life.
“I’m sorry Daddy,” Otis was sure if he hadn’t had been listening for the response it would have been too soft for him to hear. He heard the bed squeak signaling she had moved. In the corner of his eye he could see her kneel next to him and soon felt her hand on his thigh. He looked down to see her staring up at him with her big innocent eyes. His innocent little pretty princess. His naive little sweetheart.
“Good girl, what do you want?” He ran his hand through her hair once before grabbing a fist full at the base of her skull forcing her to stay looking up at him.
“Um, I, I, um. Just was wondering, what’s the date?”
“Tuesday.” Was that all she wanted. Interrupted his work for that.
“No, like what is the date? Like what month is it and the day?”
He tightened his fist in her hair making her whine at the pain “Why the fuck does it matter? Have some place to be? A hot date waiting for you?”
With tears pricking at her eyes she tried to follow his hand to relieve the pressure on her head. “No, no. I only want to be here with you. No where else. With no one else.” She made her eyes wide again trying to get back on his good side with her innocent look. He loved that look.
He loosened his grip on her hair and scratched his chin as if he had to think long and hard about the date.
“It’s October 30. Now why the fuck does it matter? It ain’t your birthday seeing as Baby isn’t fucking around insisting on a party for her little best friend. So what’s so important about today huh?” He had bent down his nose brushing against hers lips barely brushing.
“It’s been a year. A year since you brought me home with you.” She smiled. He may be mean when he’s angry but she did fell at home with him. He did care for her. He did love her. At least that’s what she told herself.
“Didn’t think you’d be so much a little romantic princess. What you want some little anniversary dinner? Think I’m gonna buy you little presents? This is your present sweetheart. You ain’t dead.” He growled in her ear and moved away from her face. “Now get back on the bed and shut your fucking mouth. I’m almost done and if you interrupt again I’ll have Tiny take you down to the basement for the night.”
Her eyes went wide in terror. She hated the basement. Tiny wasn’t bad, they had become pretty good friends. But the basement was not fun. It was dark and cold and damp. Otis had made her stay in the basement when he first brought her to the house after picking her up off the side of road where her car had ‘broken down’ aka where RJ had shot her tires out. It took her a few days to calm down and stop the kicking and screaming. It had only taken a few whips with his belt and the threats of deaths for her to finally listen to him. But she realized once she was being good that he did just want what was best for her. She saw how many girls he brought in and killed. But he chose her. He saved her and kept her safe. Kept her warm and well fed. And as long as she was good for him he was good to her.
“Yes, sir.” She responded quickly as it was a toss up if he wanted her response at all or if that itself would get her to the basement. She crawled back up the bed and laid out on her stomach facing him so she could watch him work. He was painting today.
He turned briefly looking to see if she followed his demand. Which she had, as she always did- his perfect little princess. How lucky he was when he found her. He hadn’t planned originally on keeping her but she was different from the others. She screamed sure but there was something about her eyes. He could tell she was naive but also wouldn’t mind some blood. Her eyes screamed innocence but at the same time he could tell she had seen some of the horrors of this world. He would later learn that horror of hers was from her abusive parents. She didn’t tell him outright but her nightmares usually came along with sleep talking and he had pried a lot of her in her unconscious state.
“Good girl, princess.” He praised her before turning back to his work. She did as she was told and stayed silent for the next hour while he worked. Finally by midnight he was done and she had passed out waiting for him on the bed. He grabbed her hair again and pulled her up, her hands flying up to grab his wrist and looked up at him with now wide awake eyes. “All done princess. You want dinner?”
Oh right they didn’t eat dinner. Odd, Baby normally always came to collect them for dinner when Otis was working. She knew that he would get caught up in his work and forget to feed her little best friend.
She nodded as best she could with his grip on her hair. “Yes please.” She didn’t realize how hungry she was until the thought of dinner crossed her mind.
“Come on then hurry up. Put these on.” He ordered throwing her short skirt and shoes at her. Why was he making wear her shoes? The skirt she knew, even if it barely covered her it was enough to keep Hugo off her a bit. But the shoes? She wasn’t supposed to wear shoes in the house that was one of the rules. “Mama didn’t make enough dinner for us. Seems she forgot about us. Figured I’d be nice and take you somewhere. That’s what you wanted right? Some kinda anniversary dinner?”
“If that’s what you want. I just want to make you happy.” She said slipping on her shoes as ordered.
“Of course you do sweetheart. Come on lets go.” Otis grabbed her wrist and pulled her down the stairs and out to his truck. He threw her into the passenger seat before getting in the driver side. Once the truck was started the radio came on playing her favorite Frank Sinatra song.
She gasped and smiled wide. “I love this song.” She said without thinking before clasping her hand over her mouth. Another one of his rules- Don’t speak unless given permission. She looked up at him with her big eyes. “I’m sorry I was just excited and…”
Otis moved his hand to her thigh gripping the skin so hard she knew she’d have a handprint shaped mark in the morning. She stilled and waiting for his next move.
“Don’t have to apologize for that sweetheart. You’ve been a good girl. Maybe it’s time to change the rules a little, yeah?” He smiled at her with his wicked smile that would send shivers down anyone else’s spine and pulled her closer to him running his hand higher up her thigh. “You be a good girl while we’re out and when we get home. Tomorrow I’ll think about changing your rules.”
She took a breath. He was happy with her. So happy he was going to change her rules. Maybe she would be allowed to leave the room without him. Spend more time with Baby and Tiny. Or even Mama. She loved Mama. Mama was everything she wished her mother had been.
Finally Otis pulled the truck off to a 24 hour roadside dinner. There were only a couple cars, probably belonging to the workers, and a few long haul trucks. Otis got out and pulled her along with him. Once her feet hit the ground he wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her forehead, “Be good.” It was a simple command and a simple warning. “Be good” meant not only behave in general but also “don’t you dare tell anyone what happens at home.” He had only taken her out in public once, outside of her trips to Captain Spaulding’s, when he took her to buy her new outfits for her to wear for him. And by outfits of course that means bras that barely hold her tits and panties that barely covered anything. Along with a few short skirts and shorts. He didn’t like when Hugo eyed his woman. But oh how Otis loved to see his princess dressed up for him.
She reached up and kissed him on his cheek. She knew he loved it when she showed him affection. “Of course. Always a good girl for you.” She promised him.
They made it to the door and he was even kind enough to hold the door open for her. The waitress at the counter greeted them and told them to find a seat anywhere. He found them a booth far in the corner away from everyone else and pulled her down in his lap grabbing the menu. He let her trail her fingers over it reading each line and finally pointing out what she wanted. Of course, the sweetest thing on the menu. The waitress made her way over and smiled at them.
“Y’all need a minute or are you ready to order?”
Otis tightened his grip on her waist and she knew that meant stay quiet.
“Water, coffee, bacon and scrambled eggs, and the waffles.” He didn’t even look the waitress in the eye. “Chocolate chips on the waffles.”
She must have been really good if he was letting her have sweet treats.
The waitress nodded, writing down the order, before going to the kitchen.
They sat in silence. His hand drifting up and down her leg as they waited. A few minutes go by and the waitress reappears with a tray holding the drinks and food. “Here ya go darlings. Anything else?” Otis waves her off with a huff and she retreats back to the counter where a few truckers are sitting.
He takes a slice of bacon and chews it loudly in her ear before holding a piece to her mouth. “Eat up princess. I’ve been thinking about this whole anniversary non-sense and I think if I’m being so nice getting you this food then when we get home we will play one of our little games.”
She nodded happily, giggling and wiggling in his lap feel him grow harder under her. Playing games meant he was happy and in a good mood. She let him feed her until the plates were cleared. The waitress returned at that point slapping the bill on the table before turning on her heel walking away. She obviously did not enjoy being waved off earlier.
“Did you like it Princess? Wanna come back?” Was the game already starting? He didn’t normally ask her her preferences. “I didn’t like. I don’t think we’ll be back.”
“It was okay. Not as good as Mama’s cooking.” Mama made the best waffles.
Without a word and without looking at the bill Otis stood up and started walking her to the door.
“Sir you need to pay the bill! Excuse me!” The waitress yelled from behind the counter. Otis smirked down at his girl and chuckled darkly. He then whirled around and pull his gun from his waistband.
“I don’t have to do shit bitch.” He then grabbed her hand and threw her back in the truck speeding away towards home.
He was driving far past the speed limit, as fast as a bat out of hell. She looked up at him with her big eyes then down at the gun in-between them in the seat of the truck. He had never brought it out in front of her. He liked to use his knifes, belts, or even his hands on her. She couldn’t even name a time she had a gun this close outside of being on a police officers hip.
“Not gonna fucking bite you. What the little princess never seen a gun before?” He eyes burned on her. She shook her head. “Well then Princess, why don’t we start the game now?” He grabbed the gun and pressed it against against her temple. “Open those legs pretty girl.” She did as she was told and he moved the gun down her body until it was between her legs. “You fucking get off on this and cum without permission I will blow your brains out. Don’t care how much a pretty fuck you are. Understood?”
She let out the breath she didn’t realize she was holding, “Yes.”
He slid the barrel of the gun against her folds making her shiver against the cold metal. He kept it up at a steady pace for what felt like hours but he made sure to never reach right where she wanted him. She was looking straight ahead trying to find any landmarks showing they were close to home. Right as she was about to work up the nerve to ask him, he finally hit her sweet spot. She moaned and threw her head back.
“There we go princess. Don’t forget the rules.” He moved faster bringing her close to the edge and pulling away. Finally the light of the house came into view. He stopped the truck but continued playing with her for a few minutes before pulling the gun away from her core.
He looked it over before grabbing her chin, “Open wide sweetheart. You made my gun dirty, now you gotta suck it clean. Be a good girl.” Be a good girl. Yes she is a good girl for him. She opened her mouth sticking out her tongue letting him slide the barrel into her mouth. She began licking and sucking her juices off the shiny metal when she heard a click. She gulped and looked at him to see his wicked smile. “Good girls don’t have to worry if the safety is off. And you’re a good girl right?” She nodded and continued until he finally pulled away wiping her spit off on his shirt. He then got out of the truck pulling her along with him as always. “Good girl, now you have 2 minutes to get that pretty ass upstairs and ready in our room. Wear the white.” Oh he really wanted to play today. He only had her wear a white set if he intended to stain it red. “Timer’s already started Princess I’d hurry if I was you.” He slapped her hard on her ass kicking her into gear. She darted into the house trying to be careful not to knock anything over. She reached the threshold of their room when she heard him slam the front door shut meaning she had about 1 minute left. She ripped off her clothes and threw on the first white lace bra and panties she could find. Once she was dressed she dropped to her knees sitting back on her heels, hands in her lap, looking up and waiting.
Otis finally opened the bedroom door and smirked at the sight before him. She was so pretty like that. Ready and waiting to suck his cock. He walked up to her stripping his clothes as he walked holding his belt in his hands. “Ain’t you a sight for sore eyes? On the bed arms up.”
She followed his orders and laid down arms against the headboard. She knew the drill at this point. He looped the belt around her wrist securing her to the bed. He then tied a blindfold around her eyes. This game was her favorite. She didn’t know why but he always was happier after they played this game.
A drawer opened and she heard the clicks of metal against metal. She then felt an ice cold blade against her throat. “One sound. One single sound and I will gut you like a pig. Got it?” She nodded to the best of her ability. “Good girl now be quiet.” The knife moved across her body slowly. She had yet to feel skin break. He moved up and down her arms and her legs. Around her bellybutton and traced the insides of her thighs. Then the feeling was gone. And she heard the rustling sound of clothes being thrown on and the bedroom door slamming.
This wasn’t part of the game. He was suppose to cut her, carve his name on her and lick the blood. Slice her up with tiny cuts that would bead some bubbles of blood enough for him to paint her in but not enough to kill her or even truly hurt her. But he never left before it was over. He didn’t always stay long afterwards, aftercare is not in his vocabulary but he never left before they were done.
Had he decided he was done with her? Was he going to get RJ and Tiny so they could be ready to take her body when he was done with it? Questions and thoughts started whirling in her head. Fear creeping up on her. She was alone again. She was alone and going to die. Her life with the Firefly’s wasn’t perfect but it was hers and she was enjoying it.
Tears started to slip from her eyes wetting the blindfold that had been tied to her. Maybe he was going to leave her here to starve. Let her have a final meal and then starve her. Her tears soon turned to sobs and before she knew it her breathing was getting shaky. Everything was spinning even though she couldn't see anything. Her brain was spinning it felt like. Her body was shaking violently.
“The fuck is wrong with you girl?” His voice boomed into the room and he removed his belt from her hands pulling her into his lap before taking off the blindfold. He was being oddly kind, like he was worried about her.
She continued to shake and sob for a minute before finally calming down enough to look at him. “You, you, you left. You never leave until the game is finished. Left me alone again.”
He sighed and rolled his eyes. “Someone wondered up the property Princess. Had to make sure the cops weren’t showing up. Don’t need the pigs here when I have a pretty little runaway in my bed.” Then in a rare moment, a very rare moment that had only happened once when he was drunk but she counted it because it was the only time it happened; he kissed her. Like a real kiss from someone you love not a power play. “Ain’t nothing gonna happen to you Princess. I promise.”
She wiped her eyes and looked up at him like he was the center of her whole universe, “You won’t abandon me, right?” It was barely a whisper almost as if she was unsure if she could ask.
Otis brushed her hair out of her face and kissed her forehead, “You’re mine forever silly girl. I love you.”
Those three words. The three little words he knew would hook her right in again. He didn’t have to worry about anything as long as he dangled that little carrot in front of her face once every couple weeks. He wasn’t sure if he even meant it. In the beginning he knew he didn’t but now as time had gone on he wasn’t sure anymore. Maybe this pretty little princess from the other side of Texas was changing him.
“I love you too.” She sighed kissing his neck before snuggling into him. There would be no wicked game for a few hours. He would be kind. He would let her sleep next to him. Let her snuggle up on his chest while he played with her hair. Let her have a few hours where they played like they were a normal couple, just a man and his girl sleeping the night away.
But Otis Driftwood was anything but just a man. He was different and he knew it. But she was different too. Maybe she was meant to be here. Meant to be his girl forever. But that was a problem for another day. A day when he was 7 beers deep and didn't have to think too hard.
“Goodnight Princess you can sleep now. I ain't going anywhere. And when you wake up, I’ll let you go to Baby’s room.” He kissed her hair again and moved them down on the bed throwing the blanket over them.
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foxes-that-run · 1 year
So it goes
So it goes tells the story of the 2014 Victoria Secret After Party: ''All eyes were on Harry and Taylor when they turned up. [...] The drinks were flowing until 3am, when they snuck out of a rear exit five minutes apart to avoid being pictured together." In context of the 2015 timeline 1989 (I know places established they wanted their relationship to go private) and 1D’s Four (with Stockholm Syndrome) had just been released. They were photographed the after party:
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This was a pivotal night:
this outfit from that VS Show is also at 3 mins in I don’t wanna live forever (and cardigan refers to this sequin smile) and
In Only Angel Harry says he doesn't have eyes for the VS angels “She's an angel, My-my-my only angel”
Harry wore the coat
So it goes has only been played live 8 times and not yet on the Eras tour. The last time it was played was in the last Rep show in Tokyo, (9:38) with 2 other rare songs for the Rep Tour: I Know Places and Wildest Dreams. Harry Styles was in Japan that month and wrote Little Freak before he left Tokyo.
3 December 2014 - Harry and Taylor seen dancing till 3am at the VS After party, where they were described as having "all eyes on them."
6-23 January 2015 - Harry and Taylor break up somewhere between here. See 2015 timeline
14 February - Style music video released, Two Ghosts and If I could fly written.
24 February - Taylor meets Calvin Harris, if she already had lyrics about the muse 'doing a number' on her on the 3rd Calvin could not be the muse. Harry's Winding wheel post
3 March - So it goes was written soon after Oscar Gorres became a father on this date. At that point "Taylor already had the lyrics" Shellback had the melody. Screenshots of the Grammy article:
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11 march - Calvin breaks up with his girlfriend.
Taylor met Joe 15 months later.
Fun fact: Taylor's only lyrics "so it goes" are in Haylor songs, the very first night, So it goes, Style and You are in Love.
Live performances
So it goes has only been played live 9 times, ever. For a fan favorite love song this should further confirm it is an emotional song to Taylor at the time. She's also played it at particular times and paired it with particular songs:
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June 22, 2018, Wembley. Where Harry lives. First time played was 2 months into the tour. Taylor also had Niall Horan as a guest in an NYC shirt. The same night Harry was very emotional, he sung Still the One in Madison Square Garden. Taylor later had that suit in the Me! video. It’s unclear why this date was so special, though it was 1 year and 2 days after his step-dad passed.
July 10, 2018, Landover, with State of Grace
July 14, 2018, Philadelphia, with Treacherous. Close to State of Grace/Temper Trap arm/tattoo anniversary.
July 22, 2018, New Jersey. End of Live on Tour.
July 28, 2018, Foxborough, news of Harry's break up with Camille broke 2 days later.
August 4, 2018, Toronto, with Come Back... Be Here (1 of 2 live performances of CBBH). Harry left LA for Italy and was seen driving a Maserati (was it a dead end street?)
September 1, 2018, Minneapolis
November 21, 2018, Last reputation show, played with Wildest Dreams. Harry had been in Tokyo and wrote Little Freak in the same period.
November 20, 2023, Eras tour, with Me! wore and made the Stadium green.
[Verse 1] See you in the dark All eyes on you, my magician All eyes on us You make everyone disappear, and Cut me into pieces Gold cage, hostage to my feelings Back against the wall Trippin', trip-trippin' when you're gone
The first verse sets the scene, similar to the articles Harry and Taylor are the focus of many, drawn to each other and wanting to keep their connection secret.
In Hoax, Taylor has a similar lyric to magician "Your sleight of hand"
'Gold cage, hostage to my feelings' refers to being trapped by love. Similar to Stockholm Syndrome, which was released only 2 weeks before the VS party, Taylor is trapped in a gold/gilded cage (a luxurious prison) by love.
[Pre-Chorus] 'Cause we break down a little But when you get me alone, it's so simple 'Cause, baby, I know what you know We can feel it [Chorus] And all the pieces fall right into place Getting caught up in a moment Lipstick on your face So it goes I'm yours to keep And I'm yours to lose You know I'm not a bad girl, but I Do bad things with you So it goes
So it goes is a lyric in Style. In the chorus Taylor lets us know that when they are away from others they have great chemistry. She also refers to lipstick, referred to in many 1989 songs. Taylor is described as a 'bad/good girl often, she talks about it in Miss Americana and also in:
Style: And I got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt
Question...?; Good girl, sad boy
Only Angel: That she's gonna be an angel, just you wait and see, When it turns out she's a devil in between the sheets
[Verse 2] Met you in a bar All eyes on me, your illusionist All eyes on us I make all your gray days clear And wear you like a necklace I'm so chill, but you make me jealous But I got your heart Skippin', skip-skippin' when I'm gone
The afterparty was in Basement bar. The illusionist/magician references are enjoying knowing that she and her muse will leave together without others knowing. 'Make all grey days clear' tells us the muse is British.
[Bridge] You did a number on me But, honestly, baby, who's counting? I did a number on you But, honestly, baby, who's counting? You did a number on me But, honestly, baby, who's counting? Who's counting? (One, two, three)
The bridge tells us more about her relationship with her muse, they have a history, have hurt each other before and are wanting to move on. Though she says she is letting it go she is also keeping score. At this point the events of Red, 1989 and most of the one direction songs about TS had transpired between them.
In Grapejuice Harry starts the song with 1, 2, 3 and ends on 1 (I.e let’s start again) here Taylor also counts 1, 2, 3 after “you didn’t a number on me but honestly baby who’s counting”
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dulc3vida · 6 months
thinking so hard about my you!au where rafe kidnaps u and keeps u in a cage in his basement at tannyhill until u get stockholm. like it's definitely him in his season 2 curtain bangs and insanity era. while they are very similar, joe and rafe are worlds apart. rafe has money and the law on his side but is no where near as resourceful or crafty as joe. rafe wouldn't fall for what beck did (pretended to love him so she could be let out) BUT he wouldn't be as patient/restrained as joe. rafe is letting bodies pile up around the island while joe constantly says that he did what he had to do for love and that all the people he killed were out of necessity. rafe isn't like that. he's impulsive, yes, but he doesn't feel the guilt or moral dilemma that joe does about taking someones life. the people rafe kills are justified bc they were in his way. he puts you in the cage because after he kills your ex and tells u about it (he saw you guys arguing ONCE), you freak the fuck out bc you didn't even know rafe knew your name. you probably tutored him one time and he fell obsessed with how nice you were to him (basic human kindness, but rafe and joe are both incredibly delusional so he thought u were tryna send him telepathic messages). rafe cameron, the man of the island, has all the resources in the world to keep you in that cage and is not gonna let you out until you learn to love him.
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erastour13 · 4 months
Stockholm Night 2!!!
🚨spoilers below! 🚨
This night broke night 1s record for the most attended show in the stadium!
The 22 shirt read “A lot going on at the moment”
Taylor is mixing it up for 1989 sets and wore the pink top with the red skirt!
The surprise songs were Guilty As Sin? And a mashup of Say Don’t Go/Welcome To New York/Clean
Taylor said it feels like it’s just the beginning of tour but she’s already on the 89th show (hint that more dates are coming?!?!?)
What else did you notice from the eras your night 89?!?!
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also do you have any advices for the concert? Like bathroom wise and those practical things!
I WENT ON NIGHT 1, so on the guitar I got I think he knows x Gorgeous, and on the piano Peter - WHICH I AM SO INCREDIBLY DEAD FOR. Stockholm really won surprise songs wise frfr, and I bet IKEA’s sale have gone down 30% in ave by now.
Guide to the eras tour á la Ida
♡ Be there early. Personally I arrived at the arena 8 hours before the concert, which is not necessary - but since there was a shopping center close by, I had a really good time with a bunch of other swifties. They are the loveliest people and the amount of compliments, singing and joy shared is INSANE.
♡ Make friendship bracelets!! It’s a lovely way to connect, and don’t be afraid to ask people on trading!! Security with major guns even had sleeves full of them.
♡ Keep hydrated the entirety of week before to avoid a bunch of toilet breaks. Personally, I didn’t go once during the concert - but if you’re quick I’d recommend going in between Lover and Fearless, or Red and Speak Now (both somewhat longer switches)
♡ Don’t live it through the screen. I didn’t record at all with the knowledge that the internet would be flooded with other’s content - therefore I could live it there and then, and look back on the beautiful memories through other’s photos and videos. (Had the lovely company of my mother who recorded my screaming, and that’s definitely real fun looking back at. So for me, that’s the exception)
♡ Don’t be afraid to go all in with your clothing. The more extreme the funnier.
♡ Bring a bag if allowed!! (in sweden all bags were strictly forbidden due to the high terrorist threat level) and comfortable shoes!!
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🖍 ♻️ 🤔 🛠 ❤️ late as hell but I only just saw the one you answered!
okay hopefully third time’s the charm cause tumblr has eaten two attempts now
🖍️ Post any sentence from your wip
“At least Jace is sitting at the table instead of underneath it. Internally sighing he looks at the coffee mug sitting just out of reach, taunting him. He should’ve known that was just wishful thinking.”
♻️ A scrapped idea for your current wip
Jace was gonna see his father in coagc but I couldn’t figure out how to work that in with the way it’s playing out so it’s been scrapped. Who knows though it could still happen
🤔What's a story you'd love to write but haven't even started yet?
Let’s Play Our Game is currently nothing more than a title, an empty doc, and a dream lol. But anyways so like it’s victorian era and Porter is a sorta Doctor Frankenstein type character (this does not mean he is now smart and he’s definitely not wise). He’s trying to revive Jace, who he killed on their wedding night. I’ve not decided if this is still gonna have magic or if it won’t. If it does have magic then the clones are still clones. If it doesn’t then the clones are folks that just look remarkably like Jace that Porter has been coercing/kidnapping in order to do experiments on them to figure out a way to bring Jace back. At the time of the fic he’s had j2 the longest, and j2’s brain is like fully cooked, broken, developed like stockholm syndrome. J3 was kidnapped not too long after j2 stopped showing any promise in the experimenting, he’s fairly broken but he’s not as far gone as Blue. J4 is Porter’s most recent victim, she’s been fighting him every step of the way, she’s not reacting as badly to the experiments but it’s not really going the way Porter wants either. Ellie is like fully trying to gain strength to break all of them out, even blue who’s like sorta become Porter’s assistant, and kill Porter. Porter on the other hand is fascinated by Ellie, and how she’s not backing down or showing any signs of breaking. In some ways she reminds him of Jace and it both compels and infuriates him. Several several things happen, Jace is like haunting this narrative the whole way through. It’s very gothic horror vibes
🛠️is there a scene or anything in the wip you are struggling with right now?
Gods yeah I’m stuck on the connecting parts between what I’ve got written rn for the beginning and what happens later that night at the end for chapter 2. It’s been a lotta writing and deleting and rewriting and deleting and staring at bullet points that frankly are not helping out all that much rn lol
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jackieswift · 11 months
Surprise songs for Stockholm
Hey Taylor!
I know you probably don't remember me (and that's totally fine because you're meeting so many fans and I really adore that with you), but I'm Jacqueline! You invited me to the reputation secret session in London and I was the girl that flew home from my school trip in India to be there and meet you.
Anyways, as a Swedish swiftie I died when I found out that you will take The Eras Tour to the city I grew up in. I know you've done so much for me already, but I would very kindly like to ask you to consider maybe playing one of the songs on this list when you are in Stockholm. Because that would mean the world to me!
Better Man - The song that helped me survive my toxic relationship. He destroyed me just a few days after this song first came out, and ever since, this song has meant SO much to me. I was really happy that you decided to record it and put it on Red (TV). And hearing it in the city where I met him, the city he still lives in but the city I left, it would be the most special thing!!!
Mean - The song that helped me through the long and horrible school days in Stockholm when I was bullied. I used to lock myself in the bathroom and listen to this song during our breaks. So you playing it in Stockholm would be the best message to my bullies! Also, as a kid I used to joke that "one day Taylor Swift will come and play this song in Stockholm for me" so maybe teenage me could have her dream come true?
Tim McGraw - I don't have an emotional story to this song. I just really love it. This is one of the songs that inspired me to start writing my own music. I just think it's beautiful and since I'm one of the people that love debut, I would love hearing a song from the album as a surprise song.
Last Kiss - My all time favorite song...but you already know that. I know you will play it on july 9th in Switzerland, but maybe just maybe you could play it in Sweden too?? Just because one of your biggest fans in Sweden was born on july 9th (and she had her last kiss on december 13th). And the song is really gorgeous. So pretty pretty please at least consider it? (Love youuuu)
You're On Your Own, Kid - Wonderful song!! It's really special and as a memeber of the Swedish class of 2020 (which means I graduated this june and spent 2/3 of my uni time online because of the pandemic) your speech makes the song even more special too. And the girl next to me at the theater for The Eras Tour film has this as her favorite song. We therefore died when we got it as a surprise song in the film, but getting it in real life would be even cooler.
I Did Something Bad - I love the setlist for The Eras Tour so much but THIS SONG, what happened? Because you know screaming THOSE words during the reputation stadium tour was just the greatest thing ever. So please let us relive that moment!
New Year's Day - I cried my eyes out to this song on your livingroom floor so getting to relive that but in a stadium full of people that all love you would be great. I understand that it would be painful for you and you shouldn't do it if you're not comfortable with it!!! But the whole "hold on to the memories , they will hold on to you" always brings me back to that night, October 13th 2017!
You're Losing Me - Same with this song, if it's too painful, just don't do it. I want you to have a great time. But God I love this song so I needed to add it to the list! To me, this song reminds me of friendships that I've had, but that have ended. All of the people that have left me or that have just stopped keeping in touch. The people that I loved so much, but that didn't care the same for me. Me fighting to keep them in my life but them not caring. And it ending with me thinking "of course they don't want to have me in their lives, why would they? I'm worthless."
Teardrops on My Guitar - You know I'm THE BIGGEST FAN of this song. It doesn't matter that I'm 24 now and not 12 (that I was when I first fell in love with the song). I still love and adore this song. I had totally given up on ever getting to hear this song live, but when we found out we would get two surprise songs every night I kind of got my hope up. And this is another one of the songs that totally inspired me to start to write songs.
@taylorswift @taylornation
Thank you so much for reading through this list. Maybe you got an idea or maybe you didn't. No matter what, I love you so much and I can't wait to see you again next year! Until then, I'll go to the theater and see The Eras Tour movie again and keep dreaming about the days I'll get to see you next year.
Lots of love,
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tilbageidanmark · 4 months
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Movies I watched this week (#177):
2 Stanley Donen musicals with Jane Powell:
🍿 I've been worn-out with so many mediocre movies recently, so I decided to open the week with the charming Royal wedding (1951). The nonsensical romantic plot about the bachelor-siblings each falling in love in England, wasn't first rate, and Jane Powell was no Ginger Rogers. But with 2 famous dance numbers, 'The hatrack duet', and 'The rotating room' (Gif Above) and a couple of others, it got me to a good start. Like all musicals from that era, I'm always taken by how subtle is the editing of all these dances, they feel like they're composed of single continuing takes.
With a surprising role to Winston Churchill's actual daughter, Sarah, as the dancing paramour.
🍿 Seven brides for seven brothers on the other hand was impossible to enjoy. A myth-building fantasy of out-dated gender and sexual politics that would never work today. 7 "incel" backwoodsmen, all virgins - and gingers - kidnap 7 wholesome woman, to make them fall in love with them, sung to a happy tune about the literal 'Rape of the Sabine women'. And it all goes down from there. It also feature sub-par musical score, and second-rate dancing numbers, with full-on uninspiring cast. 'Stockholm Syndrome: The movie', and Harrison Butker's Feel-good Guilty Pleasure. 1/10.
2 more with the original “Joker”, Conrad Veidt:
🍿 The cabinet of Dr. Caligari, a dark, distorted and transgressive story from 1920, the original German Expressionistic horror film. Somnambulism, serial murderer, oppressive authoritarianism and fearful insanity. Played in a distinct visual style, with a suspicious Schopenhauer-looking Dr. Caligari, theatrical rather than a cinematic feel, and a subconscious dread that the little village world we thought we knew, maybe is an insane asylum in disguise. The id of the Weimar Republic, in the years between the end of the first World War, and the Beer Hall Putsch. WOW! 9/10.
🍿 In Michael Powell's childish The thief of Bagdad, Veidt played the evil villain Jaffar in brown-face. Like 'One thousand and one nights' it's a mixed collection of theatrical adventures from the 'mysterious orients', Persia, India, Egypt and Mesopotamia. So basically how England saw the exotic "colonies" at the peak of its empire. It tells of flying horses, magic carpets, giant spiders and a genie in a bottle. Cheesy and kitschy. 3/10.
After waiting for many months for Alex Garland's semi-controversial Civil war, it finally dropped. But the most radical aspect of the movie is Its Name, the fact that it dared look at the future and call it what it is without sugarcoating it. As a political thriller, the discussion it may foster outside the plot is more interesting than the story of these journalists as they chase after a scoop. I still want to see a movie about the upcoming Civil War of 2027, but this one kind-of-missed the mark. There were two memorable scenes in it, the brutal confrontation of (uncredited!) Jesse Plemons, and the bold execution of the President of the US, as he's begging for his life on the floor. 7/10.
Miyazaki's re-watches X 4:
🍿 First time re-Watch ♻️: Hayao Miyazaki's romanticized homage to Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Porco Rosso. Sea pirates of the Adriatic Sea in 1930's Italy, led by a Errol Flynn hero in the 'Red Barron' mold, but who'd been mysteriously transformed into a pig. Miyazaki's fascination with early century European fantasies, as well as his dreams of flying and many steampunk airships. Straight adventure in a Tintin style animation, with familiar Joe Hisaishi score. 9/10.
🍿 When 'The boy and the heron' finally hits here, I may go back and watch all of Ghibli Studio movies once more. Until then, checking out Miyazaki's many shorts, some of which he made for display at their museum. Mei and the Kittenbus (2002) is a cute riff on 'My neighbor Totoro'. (This copy is of poor quality).
🍿 On Your Mark (1995) is a beautiful fairy tale in 'Blade Runner' style about 2 young policemen who are saving a winged girl. A sci'-fi music video. 7/10.
🍿 Yuki's Sun, an early short from 1972, about another strong-willed girl, an orphan who perseveres.
Otto Preminger's deferential political drama Advise & Consent from 1962, about a senate hearing to confirm Henry Fonda as a secretary of State which develops into a play about conformity of the institutions. Two boogeymen haunt the world of Washington DC, the spectre of communism, and the shame of homosexuality. Cynical and inspired. Also, Charles Laughton's last role. 7/10.
Life belongs to us (1936) is an unusual documentary: A pure propaganda film commissioned by The French Communist Party in 1936. It was supervised by Jean Renoir, and directed by Jacques Becker and a collective of other filmmakers. Solidarity with the proletariat, and against the exploiting capitalists of the ruling class, as well as fascism, and unabashedly pro-Soviet and pro-Stalin. Historically interesting.
French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson was among these co-directing the Communist film above. He also did for the documentary Reunion (1946). It's about the logistical and human aspects of transporting millions of displaced people and POW's after the end of World War 2. Includes footage from Dachau.
Another Reunion (2024) - this is a new 'whodunit' murder mystery, with 7 youngish characters stuck in a an isolated mansion when one of them is shot to death. They were going for the delightful 'Game Night' vibes (and even had one of the actors in both films). It didn't get great reviews, but I enjoyed it. 7/10.
"So what you are trying to say... is... that the killer is one of us" timestamps at 35:00, exactly 1 hour before the end of the movie.
I've never been a huge Julia Roberts fan, but in Erin Brockovich she slayed it. With her tits out, short skirts and bimbo heels, her struggling single mother who takes no shit from anybody, spunky, relentless and resolute, she's irresistible and mesmerizing. A terrific feminist role, with Soderbergh's famous yellow filter, and the real Erin Brokovich as the waitress in the beginning. I love everything about it, the rhythm, edit, score and humor. "Scott" the guy at the water board office with his funky pants, mousy Tracey Walter, the 'Happy ending' when the David's win over Goliath for a change.
Also, I haven't been to Hinkley, but spent too much time in Adelanto, another Armpit of a desert hell-hole close by, so the locations were all very familiar. And so good - 10/10. Another of my frequent comfort re-watches ♻️.
3 earlier works by Steven Spielberg:
🍿 "You ain't getting shit out of me!..."
Spielberg's only comedy 1941, a juvenile orgy of noisy destruction. A nonsensical excuse for exaggerated big budget mayhem, with too much going on but without a single joke which lands. It does have Toshiro Mifune though, and a constipated Slim Pickens. I only re-watched it, because the girl who played the first shark attack victim in 'Jaws', repeated the same role here, and because she just died last week. Otherwise 2/10. ♻️.
🍿 Firelight, Spielberg's very first feature film, made in 1964 when he was 17. Only 3 minutes were ever released of the two hours plus science-fiction. He later used a similar UFO story in 'Close encounters of the third kind'.
🍿 Amblin' (1968), his first completed film shot on 35 mm, about 2 hippy hitchhikers, a boy and a girl, who meet at the desert. This was the film that led to Spielberg being signed for a long term contract with Universal, the youngest person ever.
🍿 Also, Martin Scorsese's first film, What's a Nice Girl Like You Doing in a Place Like This? made in 1963 while still a student. A light New-Wave tale about a writer obsessed with a painting. It was the first collaboration with the then 23-year-old Thelma Schoonmaker, who helped him shape it into a slick story.
First watch: I've never seen any chapters of the franchise, but after that laudatory New Yorker article about George Miller, I decided to check out his original 1979 Mad Max. Dystopian societal collapse? Near future ecocide? Sign me up. It's a senseless car-culture nightmare world with strutting, beserk gangs of psychopathic Droogs. But it has nice, empty roads driving nowhere, and baby-face Mel Gibson looking innocent and not-yet formed, exacting his revenge.
“Pretty good bullshit right there.”
Morgan Spurlock's last docudrama Super Size Me 2: Holy Chicken!, an excellent follow-up to his original success. An ironic experiment about the American pastime of consuming fast food, over-eating junk and getting fat. A clever story, showing how the fast food industry had re-branded itself as 'healthier' in recent decades, but stayed as poisonous and corrupt as always. Meanwhile, in a real life installation, he became a chicken farmer himself, and opened a real fried chicken sandwich restaurant in Toledo, OH, to prove his point that marketed 'Health' is fake hype. 8/10.
Interestingly, at the same time as this film in 2017, in the midst of the #MeToo movement, he outed himself, admitted to be a sexual harasser, and self-ended his career.
RIP, Morgan Spurlock!
🍟 🍟
I didn't watch Craig Ferguson's late night show when it was running, but I like his shtick, and his 2017 stand up Craig Ferguson: Tickle Fight is very funny. I found it on the giant Wikipedia list of Netflix Original Stand Up Specials. 9/10.
The Life of the Jews in Palestine is a fascinating 1-hour documentary from 1913, silent of course, and created by a Jewish Ukrainian-Russian filmmaker to be shown at the 11th Zionist Congress in Vienna that year.
With crystal-clear cinematography, it's a travelogue into an unknown land, full of agriculture, before the introduction of cars, and showing certain harmony before the fuck-ups began. 8/10.
Spacey Unmasked, a disgusting BBC exposé about fallen hero, great actor and despicable sexual predator Kevin Spacey. A Harvey Weinstein of the gay type. So his father was a literal Nazi who raped his brother... And yes, creepy Frank Underwood was a Force of Nature....
4 Way-off left field animated shorts:
🍿 Veter (“Wind”), one of the few wild Armenian films from the Soviet era that I've seen (apart from 'The Color of Pomegranates'). Bizarre permutations at a nuclear test site. An absurdist, post-Chernobyl take on WarGames. Without a dialogue, but with a sudden burst of "We are the world" sung by dinosaurs, with inflated sex dolls and deranged video games. Must be seen to be believed! 8/10.
I wonder what kind of hallucinogenic drugs were available over there around 1988?
🍿 Watching TV, a National Film Board of Canada satire from 1994, about violence on television. 7/10. I’m so glad I never watched TV.
🍿 Tomorrow's Leaves, a beautiful, symbolic poem about nature and sports. My second by the Japanese Studio Ponoc. They were illustrators who had left Ghibli, and it shows.
🍿 The Tale of the Silly Little Mouse, a standard Russian cartoon from 1940. It's about a baby mouse who can't fall asleep. With music by Shostakovich. 1/10.
(My complete movie list is here).
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studentparxie · 1 year
Waterparks - INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Album Review
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I'm going to be honest, I'm still trying to comprehend this album at the time I'm writing this. There's just so much going on, lyrically and sonically. The themes of this album are very personal and are vulnerable topics. Religious trauma and finding his definition of true love are very prevalent within the lyrics. The songs were placed in an extremely specific order because the album is meant to tell a story.
Before I dive into the songs, let's talk about the album cover. It may just come across as a blue poison dart frog on top of a red background at first glance, but there is a deeper meaning to that. The bright red is supposed to be a passionate, violent, and hyper-sexual aura surrounding the frog. Awsten always represented himself with the color blue, since the color blue reminds him of his most vulnerable self. Frogs are seen as dirty and foul creatures through a biblical lens, which made Awsten feel that way because of religion. In a way, the frog is a metaphor for Awsten and he's surrounded by this violent and hyper-sexual aura. He specifically chose a poison dart frog because they are not naturally poisonous, they consume stuff that makes them toxic.
Even the title has some meaning to it. Intellectual Property represents the mental real estate that you'll give something in your head. It creates an environment to explore the themes of religious trauma and true love. These themes are placed separately throughout the album so you won't feel overwhelmed and there is time to explore each theme thoroughly.
This is a really pretty song. It makes me feel like I'm flying. It works really well as the opening song of the album since it introduces the themes of the album. Lyrics like "Jesus Christ won't text me back" hints at the theme of religious trauma, while "it's been a pleasure, it's nice to meet you" possibly represents letting people go and meeting someone new. This short track attracts you into the album, leaving you wanting more.
Oh boy, this song is bonkers. It feels so evil and goes hard. It sounds like a sensory overload but in a good way. This is a fast emo-punk song that doesn't hold back. Awsten's online persona is usually goofy and chaotic, but this song portrays that that's not who he is all the time. He feels these really super dark and negative feelings sometimes and in this song, he really lets it all out.
This was the first single released for the album and it felt very appropriate to kick off this era of Waterparks. It's light and summery, and it's supposed to make you feel warm inside. It introduces the love story aspect of the album. This song sounds like falling in love for the first time. There is a playful twist with the theme of religious trauma, as heard in the lyric "I know your dying wish is to be baptized in my spit." Honestly, this is a really good song to introduce Waterparks to someone. It's fun, playful, and can get stuck in your head every now and then.
One of my personal favorites on the album. It gives off a similar vibe that FUNERAL GREY does, but it's not exactly that. It's still bright and summery, it has some negative undertones though. It's about meeting someone for the first time and forming a hyper-fixation around them which isn't necessarily healthy. This hyper-fixation is shown with the lyric "It's like my brain isn't mine/you moved into my mind." Though, Awsten is self-aware of it and recognizes it's a problem. It's like he's wrapped up in the honeymoon phase of a relationship. "The syndrome feels Stockholm" is a line demonstrating that he's already established trust in this person. Overall, this song is really cute and sweet and sounds like pure serotonin.
This short and infectious song has such a positive energy, it sounds like I'm at the beach. It's about the feeling of being in a one-sided relationship or showing interest in a potential partner, so Awsten hangs out with 2 best friends to not think of that person. The funky synths and simplicity of the song make it such an earworm, you'll have a hard time getting this one out of your head.
This song is astronomical. The falsettos make my brain so happy. It feels like being transcended to an alternate, mystical realm. The title of the song is a reference to the Pixar movie Onward, as it is a quote from that movie. This song deals with the infatuation with someone, focusing on the lack of a relationship while being invested in this person. The instrumentals complement the meaning of the song really well, passionate and mystical. It's another of my favorites on the album, and Kurtis Conner at the end is the icing on the cake.
In this song, we can hear the change in tone of the album. It's still a pop-rock anthem but is not really a cute song. This song signifies the realization that he is sabotaging the relationship. He is struggling to find time for his partner, though his mental health is holding him back. The repetition of "What the fuck is wrong with me?" in the track represents that Awsten is self-aware that he is the problem in the relationship. The meaning and lyrics of the song contrast with the catchy and fun sound of this track. The woohoos in the chorus are infectious and the bass line just makes you feel all kinds of funky.
Oh buddy, oh God, this song is absolutely off the walls. Waterparks has gone full metalcore on this one. It's so dark and evil, everything feels like it's caving in on Awsten. The distorted vocals, heavy guitar, repetition of the refrain, and breakdown all just work so well in this song. "My inner child needs a bulletproof vest" could possibly mean that Awsten wishes that he could protect his younger self from being exposed to religious ideologies. The final refrain literally sucked the life out of me. I need this song injected into my veins.
Coming out of the darkness, this hard-hitting pop-rock track navigates through the strain of the relationship. Whether it's communication issues or reflecting on each other's actions, they try to fix these problems with sexual intimacy. With a feature from blackbear, he delivers a quick and catchy verse as the partner of the relationship. Awsten's and blackbear's vocals complement each other very well, blending in with each other seamlessly.
In all honesty, this song wrecked me. Accompanied by an acoustic guitar, this ballad is about one's relationship with love. The opening line "Nothing stays the same/I feel love a different way" shows how love changes as you grow. Awsten looks back at the past and realizes that his love was maybe more of an obsession. Some relationships were soft and some ended more catastrophically. As he matured and grew as a person, his love matured with him. The way someone looks at the concept of love, it's always evolving as you mature. Love has different meanings at every stage of your life. From the bridge all the way to the final chorus, I always get choked up. It's beautifully devastating.
Okay so, there is a lot to unpack in this song alone. The sound is a lot more electronic-heavy with hyperpop and punk influences. The lyrics are the most vulnerable and personal I have ever heard. Awsten vents about some hyper-personal problems he's been facing for a while. The theme of religion pops back up with lyrics like "Now, Jesus hates my guts it's getting personal" and "Am I going to Hell in my sleep or will God forgive me?" He is also learning to use his negative feelings as an advantage. Feelings like jealousy, exhaustion, guilt, and heartbreak are prevalent in this bombastic track. Awsten clearly isn't afraid to hide his negative traits anymore and learning to be authentic with himself. This is heard with the line, "I wear my red flags like a cape." This song is so theatrical and instrumentally complex, it scratches every part of the brain just right. After my first listen, I was left speechless. The outro will never fail to give me chills.
In conclusion, this is the best album Waterparks have ever made. They reach new heights both sonically and lyrically. It's a really personal one for the band, especially for Awsten. I highly recommend listening to this album, it's ambitious in all the right ways. If you listen to the album, the general rule for Waterparks albums is to listen in complete darkness, with no phone, but you can listen along with the lyrics. They suggest that because you don't really get the first listen back. In general, I give this album a 10/10 across the board. Each song is unique and has its own quirks in them, and the pacing works really well to keep you engaged. This is the essential Waterparks album.
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The Eras Tour Surprise Song 2024
Surprise songs in Tokyo, Japan
Night 1
• Guitar: Dear Reader
• Piano: Holy Ground
Night 2
• Guitar: Eyes Open
• Piano: Electric Touch
Night 3
• Guitar: Superman
• Piano: The Outside
Night 4
• Guitar: Come With The Rain
• Piano: You’re on Your Own, Kid
Surprise Songs in Melbourne, Australia
Night 1
• Guitar: Red
- announces "The Bolter"
• Piano: You're Losing Me
Night 2
• Guitar: Getaway Car × august × The Other Side of the Door
• Piano: this is me trying
Night 3
• Guitar: Come Back...Be Here × Daylight
• Piano: Teardrops On My Guitar
Surprise Songs in Sydney, Australia
Night 1
• Guitar: How You Get the Girl
- The Albatross
• Piano: White Horse × Coney Island with Sabrina Carpenter
Night 2
• Guitar: Should've Said No × You’re Not Sorry
• Piano: New Year’s Day × peace
Night 3
• Guitar: Is It Over Now? × I Wish You Would
• Piano: Haunted × exile
Night 4
• Guitar: Would've, Could've, Should've × ivy
• Piano: Forever & Always × Maroon
Surprise Songs in Singapore
Night 1
• Guitar: Mine × Starlight
• Piano: I Don’t Wanna Live Forever × Dress
Night 2
• Guitar: long story short × The Story Of Us
- announces "The Black Dog"
• Piano: Clean × evermore
Night 3
• Guitar: Foolish One × Tell Me Why
• Piano: This Love × Call It What You Want
Night 4
• Guitar: Death By A Thousand Cuts × Babe
• Piano: Fifteen × You’re on Your Own, Kid
Night 5
• Guitar: Sparks Fly × gold rush
• Piano: False God × "Slut!"
Night 6
• Guitar: Tim McGraw × cowboy like me
• Piano: mirrorball × epiphany
Surprise Songs in Paris, France
Night 1
• Guitar: Paris
• Piano: lolm
- Added TTPD on setlist
Night 2
• Guitar: Is It Over Now? × Out of the Woods
• Piano: My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys
Night 3
• Guitar: Hey Stephen
• Piano: Maroon
Night 4
• Guitar: The Alchemy × Treacherous
• Piano: Begin Again × Paris
Surprise Songs in Stockholm, Sweden
Night 1
• Guitar: I Think He Knows × Gorgeous
• Piano: Peter
Night 2
• Guitar: Guilty as Sin?
• Piano: Say Don't Go × Welcome To New York × Clean
Night 3
• Guitar: Message In A Bottle × How You Get The Girl × New Romantics
• Piano: How Did It End?
Surprise Songs in Lisbon, Portugal
Night 1
• Guitar:
• Piano: Fresh Out The Slammer × High Infidelity
Night 2
• Guitar: The Tortured Poets Department × Now That We Don't Talk
• Piano: Your On Your Own Kid × Long Live
Surprise Songs in Madrid, Spain
Night 1
• Guitar: Sparks Fly × I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)
• Piano: I Look in People's Windows × Snow On The Beach
Night 2
• Guitar: Our Song × Jump Then Fall
• Piano: King Of My Heart
Surprise Songs in Lyon, France
Night 1
• Guitar: The Prophecy × long story short
• Piano: Fifteen × You’re on Your Own, Kid
Night 2
• Guitar: Glitch × Everything Has Changed
• Piano: Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus
Surprise Songs in Edinburgh, Scotland
Night 1
• Guitar: Would've, Could've, Should've × I Know Places
• Piano: 'tis the damn season × Daylight
Night 2
• Guitar: The Bolter × Getaway Car
• Piano: All Of The Girls You Loved Before × Crazier
Night 3
• Guitar: It's Nice To Have A Friend × dorothea
• Piano: Haunted × exile
Surprise Songs in Liverpool, England
Night 1
• Guitar: I Can See You × Mine
• Piano: Cornelia Street × Maroon
Night 2
• Guitar: This Is What You Came For × gold rush
• Piano: The Great War × You're Losing Me
Night 3
• Guitar: Carolina × no body, no crime
• Piano: The Manuscript × Red
Surprise Songs in Cardiff, Wales
Night 1
• Guitar: I Forgot That You Existed × This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
• Piano: I Hate It Here × the lakes
Surprise Songs in London, England
Night 1
• Guitar: Hits Different × Death By A Thousand Cuts
• Piano: The Black Dog × Come Back...Be Here × Maroon
Night 2
• Guitar: thanK you aIMee × Mean
• Piano: Castles Crumbling with Hayley Williams
Night 3
• Guitar: us with Gracie Abrams on the piano
• Piano: Out Of The Woods × Is It Over Now? × Clean
Surprise Songs in Dublin, Ireland
Night 1
• Guitar: State Of Grace × You’re on Your Own, Kid
• Piano: Sweet Nothing × hoax
Night 2
• Guitar: The Albatross × Dancing With Our Hands Tied
• Piano: This Love × Ours
Night 3
• Guitar: Clara Bow × The Lucky One
• Piano: You’re on Your Own, Kid
Surprise Songs in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Night 1
• Guitar: Guilty as Sin? × Untouchable
• Piano: The Archer × Question...?
Night 2
• Guitar: imgonnagetyouback × Dress
• Piano: You Are In Love × cowboy like me
Night 3
• Guitar: Sweeter Than Fiction × Holy Ground
• Piano: Mary's Song (Oh My My My) × So High School × Everything Has Changed
Surprise Songs in Zürich, Switzerland
Night 1
• Guitar: right where you left me × All You Had To Do Was Stay
• Piano: Last Kiss × Sad Beautiful Tragic
Night 2
• Guitar: closure × A Perfectly Good Heart
• Piano: Robin × Never Grow Up
Surprise Songs in Milan, Italy
Night 1
• Guitar: the 1 × Wonderland
• Piano: I Almost Do × The Moment I Knew
Night 2
• Guitar: Mr. Perfectly Fine × Red
• Piano: Getaway Car × Out Of The Woods
Surprise Songs in Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Night 1
• Guitar: Superstar × invisible string
• Piano: "Slut!" × False God
Night 2
• Guitar: Speak Now × Hey Stephen
• Piano: this is me trying × Labyrinth
Night 3
• Guitar: Paper Rings × Stay Stay Stay
• Piano: it's time to go × Better Man
Surprise Songs in Hamburg, Germany
Night 1
• Guitar: Teardrops On My Guitar × The Last Time
• Piano: We Were Happy × happiness
Night 2
• Guitar: the last great american dynasty × Run
• Piano: Nothing New × Dear Reader
Surprise Songs in Munich, Germany
Night 1
• Guitar: Fresh Out The Slammer × You Are In Love
• Piano: ivy × Call It What You Want
Night 2
• Guitar: I Don't Wanna Live Forever × imgonnagetyouback
• Piano: loml × Don't You
Surprise Songs in Warsaw, Poland
Night 1
• Guitar: mirrorball × Clara Bow
• Piano: Suburban Legends × New Year's Day
Night 2
• Guitar: I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) × I Can See You
• Piano: Red × Maroon
Night 3
• Guitar: Today Was A Fairytale × I Think He Knows
• Piano: The Black Dog × exile
Surprise Songs in London, England
Night 4
• Guitar: Everything Has Changed × End Game × Thinking out Loud with Ed Sheeran
• Piano: King Of My Heart × The Alchemy
Night 5
• Guitar: London Boy
• Piano: Dear John × Sad Beautiful Tragic
Night 6
• Guitar: I Did Something Bad
• Piano: My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys × coney island
Night 7
• Guitar: Long Live × Change
• Piano: The Archer × You're On Your Own, Kid
Night 8
• Guitar: Death By A Thousand Cuts × Getaway Car with Jack Antonoff
• Piano: So Long London
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spindrifters · 2 years
zo i see your director’s commentary ask and i’m dying to know how you came up with marginalia. like…it’s so well thought out i can’t even comprehend where this idea would come from. give me all the fun facts i will eat them up xx
my brain started buzzing in about seventeen different directions when I saw this and I think the unifying answer is...
this is a resistant reading of the original books.
joanne created the foundations of some really interesting worldbuilding, and then expressed zero curiosity about it. there's just no interest whatsoever in unpacking the cultural shorthands she reached for. the eugenics of blood purity. the magical capital of who's allowed a wand and what wizarding society says about their personhood based on that. (I stg that scene in goblet of fire where winky gets sacked is a foundational trauma of my childhood.) magical theory. the otherness of werewolves and giants and those pushed to the margins. there's no curiosity about unpacking any of that because her pov character, harry, is inherently uncurious. because he doesn't need to be. he really isn't affected by these things in any way, and his perspective on those who are is... benevolently neoliberal. he's living in a really comfortable position, all things considered, and he's rewarded at the end by a narrative that says an ideal outcome is a return to that status quo. (which ultimately is going to just lead to the rise of the next fascist movement. they've already had 2 in under a century. after all, voldemort is a product of his environment.)
I think a lot of what we do as a fandom is dive into those queer slippages anyway, giving perspective to those who are affected by the conditions jkr created, whether she was aware she was doing it or not. (I tend to think not). but I started wondering what happens when you push that to the extreme and say the quiet part out loud. there are a lot of 'voldemort won' AUs that do this, but I couldn't be less interested in canon era, which is how we ended up with this timeline and obviously my boys remus and sirius as our point of view into it.
and then things got funky. in my little writer brain this was going to be all remus's story, but then I was like. well shit. I need sirius's perspective, too, so this doesn't come off as stockholm syndrome. and very, very quickly it became obvious that this was two intertwined stories about breaking cycles of abuse and trauma recovery. I started digging into the ways that systems of oppression damage everyone, including those purportedly at the top of the food chain. and then because I'm a maximalist at heart I was like hey let's explore print culture and traditional education and deconstruct the myth of the great man while we're at it, because these are all things joanne glorifies in her books that I have got feelings about.
ask me for the director's cut
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theswarmanthology · 2 years
Salla, 26, Helsinki, Finland
"i consider myself a part of the overall mcr tumblr community. i haven't really made an effort to form deeper friendships inside the fandom yet but i start every day scrolling the dash like reading the morning newspaper just like everyone else and i mostly contribute by frank-posting in the tags section."
Fast Facts: How long have you been a fan?: 3-5 years Did you get to see MCR live before this tour?: No, this tour was my first time seeing MCR How many shows on this tour did you attend in total?: 2-4 Favorite album: Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge Show experience out of 10: 10 Did you cry at your show?: Yes
Which date of the tour did you attend? 06/14/22, Gröna Lund, Stockholm, Sweden
When did you get your tickets for your show? Was it a struggle, or were they easy to grab? for this show it was easy because the venue was an amusement park and there were unlimited season concert passes that grant you access until the park's at capacity. i got mine a couple days prior to the show and my friend got hers on our way there from the airport.
Did you attend with anyone else? i went with my best friend of 10+ years who's part of the reason i got big into mcr
Did you camp out? Yes
If you camped out, how was that experience? Was it worth it? it was worth it in the end. overall it wasn't a bad experience just a little disorganised when it comes to the number system. venue security were lovely though.
What did you wear? skinny jeans and a mesh long sleeve with a fluffy top on top and a beret all in black obviously
Where were your seats? pit, 2nd/3rd row, frank's side
What was your favorite song(s) from the setlist they played at your show? deathwish and house of wolves (back to back no less, i was so out of breath)
What song were you most hoping to hear? Did you get to hear it? deathwish! this was my third and last show and they didn't play it at my two previous shows so i was desperate to hear it live that night and i did!
What was your favorite moment from the show? probably mikey smiling at people in the crowd during the bridge to famous last words. he wasn't just glazing over people i felt like he was really looking at everyone's faces individually and it felt so special. that song live always makes me cry so i was just sobbing and smiling back at him at the same time haha. an honourable mention to gerard making fun of mikey for taking a photo of the crowd for his instagram.
What was the most unexpected moment from the show? there was a rainbow in the sky and everyone started pointing at it and going "rainbow, rainbow, rainbow" and it took so long for gerard to figure out what was happening. they all looked so confused but when they finally got it they all, frank in particular, really cracked up about the fact that people just really wanted them to see the rainbow.
Did you snag any merch? What pieces? i Finally got the boy zone shirt for my friend (third time's a charm) and the skeleton long sleeve for myself
Many fans describe seeing MCR live as feeling like coming home. Did you experience anything like that at your show? something like that definitely! it's like for two hours or so you're teleported to somewhere beyond space and time where the only thing that exists in the world, the only thing that matters is that moment and you feel so connected with the band and everything else just disappears.
If you could change one thing about your show experience, what would it be? towards the end of the show there were people taking advantage of the fact that people let them come to the front to get water and they just stayed there and didnt go back to their original spot. cutting in front of someone isn't cool and makes you look stupid.
Has your perspective or opinion about the band changed since seeing them on this tour? If so, in what way? 100% yes. i became a fan the summer before the halloween comeback announcement so when i thought of my chem i thought of the revenge era because that's my favourite and most of the content circulating my part of mcrblr at the time was from that era. seeing them so full of life and excitement and love this tour has completely changed it for me though. this is the reality of my chemical romance, they're back, they're better than ever and they're not going anywhere.
What advice would you give to people seeing My Chemical Romance in the future? respect each other, don't cut in line, look out for the people around you and have fun!!!
Anything we didn't ask that you feel obliged to share or talk about? whenever i got a little peek of ray through the crowd he was shredding all of our faces off
Thanks, Salla! She can be found on Tumblr at @poolsofblood.
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slowlydamageme · 2 years
My overall thoughts on Slow Damage
SPOILERS FOR ALL ROUTES AHEAD YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED they're mostly vague but still read at your own risk
Having finished the game after bingeing it for like 2 weeks straight I'm left feeling a little conflicted.
When looking at the story as a whole it's a solid 9/10. If it wasn't a hardcore BL game I'd be recommending it to all of my friends because woaaa it's soooooo goood!!
However, there are so many little things with the game that bug me.
The sequential route setup
The way the routes are set up kind of made me feel like everything before Fujieda's route was just there to extend the length of the game. Don't get me wrong though! Taku, Rei, and Madarame's stories were enough to keep me coming back for more in the moment but once you get the full story through Fujieda everything else feels like filler. It 100% feels like they wrote his route first then were all like "ah, we need more boys for Towa to fuck otherwise the fans will be disappointed" I get that it's common practice in VNs to have the 'canon' pairing so to speak but it never felt quite so egregious in dmmd and it just left me feeling 'meh' to see it happen here. It doesn't help that while I was playing through Rei and Taku's routes I noticed that they didn't really feel 'complete'. I had chalked it up to covid-era development woes but then realized "oh... THIS is the story" after tens of hours when I finally made it to the final chapter of the game.
If I had to compare it to something that a lot of people would be familiar with then Rei/Taku's routes would be the 2003 anime version of fullmetal alchemist, Fujieda's would be brotherhood, and Madarame's route would land somewhere in the middle of the two in terms of how 'complete' they all feel.
And now to actually complement the format
Despite the shortcomings described above, the way the routes are set does help the story tell itself in small pieces sometimes. I am actually surprised by how much narrative consistency there is between routes. After you play through Rei/Taku's stories you get to sit there finger-wagging them every time they suspiciously disappear because you know EXACTLY what they're up to. And the package that shows up in Madarame's route being significant in Fujieda's route was really good and sheds some light on Sakaki's behaviour in Madarame's route too. They were good little flavour touches that add depth to the game so I can't entirely fault the N+C team for telling the story in the order that they did.
I'm going to complain about the semes now
Honestly, I found them all a little boring? Perhaps that's a result of having such a strong and interesting MC but Towa shines far brighter than any of the guys he can end up with on the main routes (ie not Kotarou/Mayu). Rei was the only one with a remotely interesting character design at first glance and was the only one that didn't immediately strike me with a 'bara daddy but softer' vibe. Of course, that kinda got ruined by the fact that his route is all about him becoming more 'manly' (whatever that means) so I don't even know what to think about him anymore to be honest. Taku's design is stereotypical for a slightly rough around the edges doctor type character so I wasn't impressed there. Furthermore, he was ruined for me because of how much he knows and how much he keeps from Towa. He's the closest thing Towa has to a trustworthy parental figure and he's not very trustworthy at all. Madarame.... well... If I had played this game like 7+ years ago I probably would have loved him but as it stands his kidnapping, grooming, and Stockholm syndrome-ing of Towa just turned my stomach the entire time I was playing his route. Hits a little too close to home for me to like his route even the slightest although the scene where Towa is disguised as one of Toono's bodyguards and walks up to him all secret agent style to tell Toono that Madarame wants to speak with him was 9999/10 It's not a real critique, I know, but I spent so much mental energy just trying to get through it that I don't really have much to say about him other than he's a god damn asshole. Fujieda is a weird one. I think his character design is hella boring just like the rest but he grew on me during his route. His personality feels a little like a more uptight Taku but he's also more trustworthy by the end of his route than I felt Taku was at the end of his. He's def my favourite of the four, even if I wish he was just a liiiiiittle more interesting i think the scars were probably trying to achieve this but by this point in the game I'm so used to everyone being fucked up that it's not very impactful to me.
So basically what I'm trying to say is... why are all the really interesting characters (in terms of both design and personality) just 'side' characters rather than having full routes for themselves? Igarashi, Kotarou, and Mayu deserved better imho and Eiji might be ace but I wish he had some sort of small side-route or something... And don't even get me STARTED on Ikuina I have so many feelings about this strawberry flower boy. I guess this is what fanfiction is for I suppose.
Slow Damage has an absolutely amazing story with all the dark, gritty, debasement you'd expect of an N+C game and the MC is by far one of the most likeable of all their games imho. Sadly, if you're like me you're going to have to be in it for the long haul to get to a conclusion that makes the story feel complete and once you do it might make the other routes feel a little disappointing. Still, I would recommend this game to anyone that likes the kind of dark stuff N+C puts in their games because it was 100% worth the coin I spent on it despite my misgivings.
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elanorfairbairn · 5 months
Hi Taylor,
This is very out of character for me and especially for this account...but I have a very important reason.
First of all i'm using this kind of private account that isn't active, because my girlfriend loves surprises.
Hi Taylor, i'm 19 and live together with my 20 year old girlfriend Line. When i'm telling you she's a MAJOR fan, i'm not exaggerating. She's been a fan since Evermore and have really hyper fixated on you since. She loves to reference you in different conversations and she always speak good of you. How extreamly intelligent and talanted, and how much of a simply good and generous human being you are. She really love you and the things you do. She has a tiktok account MrPerfectlyLine (see the wordplaying?? GENIOUS) were she talks a lot of you, and have e.g helped a lot of swedes understand how the eras tour worked and how to get there, begining all the way from explaining the basics how to get tickets as it was a new progress for a lot of people. If you havn't seen any of her videos I would really recommend them, but a warning, most of them are in swedish. I wont waste much more time for anyone reading this, so lets get to business.
We're from Sweden and will attend night 2 in Stockholm, we will sit in section 109 (I wont put the seats on the internet for obvious reasons, but I would tell you or your managment team in a heartbeat). My girlfriend dreams of getting the 22 hat like all little boys and girls out there. She's to humble to mention it on her tiktok account so I think this is my que to step in. I'm begging of you to for a tinnnyyyy second look over the possibility of giving her the hat, she would be so happy. Just look for the SPARKLING blondie, with self made blue jeans full of references to your songs, in section 109 and make (not just her year) her life. PS. She spent HOURS and DAYS drawing on those jeans haha. Also, she will attend both night 1 and 2 in Stockholm. If you would consider playing Mary's Song any night, she would die! But in a good way!!
I feel like this post is a mess but it's good enough, it has a message that I hope is readable. If someone out there sees this and feel like Line somewhat would deserve the 22 hat (as everyone ofcourse doo <3), would you please tag Taylor and Taylornation so miss Swift sees this. I love you. Thank you so much.
Best regards
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gokitetour · 10 months
The top ten amazing things to do and see in Sweden
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Explore the captivating attractions of Sweden, a nation that skillfully combines modern elegance with unspoiled beauty, on an exploration voyage. From the colorful cities of Stockholm to the unspoiled wildness of Lapland, Sweden offers travelers a plethora of incredible experiences and sights to behold.
In Stockholm, where the modern cityscape juxtaposes with the old Gamla Stan, start your Swedish experience. Discover the Royal Palace and become engrossed in the galleries and museums' rich cultural tapestries. Travel west to Gothenburg, a city renowned for its charming waterways and vibrant food scene, or go to Malmö to see the impressive Turning Torso building.
For those who love the outdoors, Kiruna's Northern Lights dance across the sky, and the Stockholm Archipelago's unspoiled splendor provides a peaceful haven. Getting a tourist visa for Sweden is crucial as you organize your trip from India. With the Sweden tourist visa from India, you may make the most of everything this Scandinavian treasure has to offer, from the calm countryside to the vibrant cities. Prepare to be enthralled by the enchantment of Sweden, where a remarkable experience awaits you around every turn.
Here are some amazing things to do and see in Sweden.
1. Enjoy a kayaking adventure: There are plenty of summertime activities in Sweden, even if the country's adventurous activities are mostly seasonal. Paddling a kayak or canoe across breathtaking scenery is one of these amazing experiences. You'll undoubtedly have the time of your life and an amazing vacation to Europe over the glistening blue lake and beneath the pure, brilliant sky.
 2. Visit the Gothenburg Garden Society one evening: What to do in Sweden won't ever be an issue for you because there are so many amazing sights to visit and activities to partake in. Visiting the Garden Society of Gothenburg, which is housed in the walled city on the nation's western coast, is one such incredible experience. This area, which is home to sites like the Rosarium and Palm House, is full of sights that will captivate you with their vibrant hues. Just remember to bring along your camera!
3. Sail across the Gota Canal in a boat: The Gota Canal, a 19th-century canal that links the nation's lakes and rivers, is a breathtaking sight to see. However, taking a boat ride or hiring one and traveling around the rivers is the best way to discover it. Additionally, you may choose the kind of boat path you want to follow because the entire canal is 200 kilometers long.
4. Take a look at the Gothenburg Art Museum.
As one of the most visited sites in Sweden, the Gothenburg Museum of Art is without a doubt the greatest for art lovers in the nation. This location is home to the best creations by painters ranging from Van Gogh to Picasso, showcasing life from all backgrounds and times. In addition to going on a guided tour of the museum, you can purchase some really original presents from its on-site store before you leave.
 5. Visit Kolmarden Animal Park to go animal spotting: Kolmarden Park is a unique location that may satisfy your inner explorer and animal enthusiast, unlike other wildlife parks. Featuring over 600 different kinds of wildlife and exhilarating rides like a roller coaster and safari gondola ride, this area is the epicenter of fun and definitely one of the best things to do in Sweden.
6. Experience the classic Swedish way of life at Skansen: One of the best things to do in Stockholm, Sweden, is to visit Skansen, the oldest open-air museum in the world, and experience the way of life that the people of that era lived. This location provides a vivid image of life in the past with its meticulous reconstruction of a 19th-century hamlet.
7. Savor the breathtaking cityscape views from Turning Torso: The Turning Torso, at 623 feet and 54 stories, is without a doubt the nation's highest structure. While the building's soft spirals contribute to its attractiveness, the views of Malmo from the top two stories are much more stunning. To visit the 54th floor, though, you would need to schedule an appointment because it's a residential building.
8.Sample some traditional Swedish cuisine: Sweden has its own specialties, just like any other European nation, so there's no excuse not to indulge your inner gourmet by sampling the greatest Swedish foods. Some of the most well-liked meals in the nation include semla, vaffeldagen, crayfish august, potatoes with marinated salmon and dill, and lingonberries.
9. Look for Sweden's "best things to buy.": Certainly, shopping is a requirement when traveling, particularly if you're on vacation in Europe. Sweden offers plenty of pleasures for shopaholics, just like Italy and Paris do. The options are virtually limitless. Skin care basics, licorice, deal horses, Scandinavian-styled fabrics, and denim are just a few of the best items you may purchase as presents or mementos to bring home.
10. Savor the excitement at Liseberg Theme Park: Liseberg, one of the nation's oldest and busiest theme parks, is located near Gothenburg. It promises a wide range of exhilarating experiences for both adults and children, from the spooky to the fast. Go right here if you want to experience an exciting and adventurous day. There's no need to hesitate. It promises to be a day you won't soon forget during your whole vacation in Europe.
The astounding variety of activities and sights in Sweden ensures that every visitor will have an amazing trip. From the busy streets of Stockholm to the serene splendour of Lapland, Sweden offers a diverse range of experiences that skilfully combine modernity, nature, and culture.
It's important to keep logistics in mind when you plan your Swedish adventure, particularly for visitors from India. Obtaining a Sweden visa from Delhi is essential to guaranteeing a smooth visit to this marvel of Scandinavia. Getting a visa lets you see all of Sweden's wonders, including seeing the Northern Lights in Kiruna, strolling through the ancient Gamla Stan, and experiencing Malmö's artistic appeal.
If you're thinking about how much a Sweden tourist visa costs from Mumbai, remember that spending money sensibly will lead to a more fulfilling experience. Whether seeing the thriving Gothenburg art scene or traveling the Stockholm Archipelago, the wonders of Sweden can only be fully appreciated with a well-planned itinerary that includes a well-considered visa application.
Get ready to be mesmerized by Sweden's allure, where each city and scenery offer a singular and remarkable experience. Allow your memories of Sweden to last, molded by the smooth ease of a well-planned vacation that includes the necessary components of a Sweden visa from Delhi and careful consideration of the Sweden tourist visa cost from Mumbai.
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