#erasermic family hcs
soc69 · 7 months
Erasermic family general hcs:
- when shinsou has bad dreams or intrusive memories of his time in the system it’s hizashi he goes to, not shouta, because even though hizashi was only in the system a short while he understands what Hitoshi went through and how it feels to be abandoned and not know what to do with all the emotions that comes with it.
- eri used to be terrified on present mic. Not of Yamada hizashi, the sweet guy who signs as he talks and makes her chamomile tea when she can’t sleep, but of present mic who looks like a huge flightless bird and squaks weird slang all the time. The fear was fixed when she saw hizashi undergoing the transformation process one day.
- hizashi and shinsou have developed their own ‘sign slang’. As the ones who’ve used it most throughout their lives and with someone new to try it out with they started making their own signs for internet catch phrases and swear words and it pisses Aizawa off so much that he’s left out of the loop. This, in turn, only further encourages shinsou and hizashi to the point where half the time they’re not even making sense to each other but just gesturing randomly whenever shoutas around to piss him off.
- I’m pretty sure it’s canon that hizashi has, like, no nostrils (or maybe really really small ones) on account of his quirk as stoping airflow through your nose means you can make louder vocalisations, so, although everyone thinks mic would be the only one who can cook between him and Aizawa, the two of the basically function as two halves of the same idiot in the kitchen. Since your sense of smell makes up about 70% of your taste buds, despite hizashi enjoying cooking and be able to follow a recipe, without shouta there to taste test, hizashi’s cooking becomes absolutely repulsive and he has no idea. Shouta on the other hand, is perfectly capable of cooking but just refuses to learn because he thinks the system they have worked out now is perfectly functional.
- the first time hizashi is left to cook for Hitoshi alone during one of his early visits, he suffers such a culinary disaster since shouta wasn’t there to supervise. Mic makes sure to tell Hitoshi to tell him if it’s nice or not but the kid is far too polite for that and struggles through 2/3 of the meal that is somehow both sour and salty while also being so fucking spicy that Hitoshi thinks his ears are bleeding before Aizawa comes home and picks something off hizashis plate and immediately tells mic it’s the most disgusting thing he’s ever made and throwing out the entire meal. Hitoshi is absolutely flabbergasted, tears streaming, nose running, throat retching, as yamada and Aizawa both ask him why the fuck he didn’t say something.
- mic likes pretty much every type of music and has sampled practically every genre ever made and since eri has never had the chance to develop her own taste, he takes her on the axact same journey of self discovery. Eri ends up very similar to mic in that she likes a lot of different things but her absolute favourite genre ends up being ‘kawaii metal’ which mic and Hitoshi both find hilarious and let her play it all the time which Aizawa (who only ever listens to brown noise) absolutely fucking hates.
- Aizawa can’t drive. Like at all. He never learnt, never even took any lessons, never had any interest in it. Mic is older than him by a few months and got his lisence super quick and after that Aizawa decided he would never need to learn because he would always have hizashi to chauffeur him around.
- mic doesn’t get angry much so everyone thinks shouta is the scary one but the more you get to know Aizawa the more of a softy he becomes. Mic, on the other hand, is fucking terrifying when you piss him off. Hitoshi and eri have only ever seen it once when some bitch from Hitoshi’s old home ran into them and got mouthy. He’s the quiet anger type that just just radiates insane unpresidented rage and Aizawa finds it incredibly sexy.
- eri is the kind of kid who collects bugs from the garden and spends hours watching them crawl over her hands in absolute amazement because she’s never seen so many of them before. As we all know, mic is terrified of bugs, but eri did not know this until she invited all her little creepy crawly friends into the house for move night. Cue them all cuddled up on the couch one day when mic feels something crawling over his legs. At first he thinks it’s Aizawa as his legs draped over his lap and tells him to cut it out and Aizawa is like ‘huh?’, looks down, and sees the fattest, juiciest cockroach ever on yamadas leg. Aizawa, who also doesn’t really like bugs all that much, is like “zashi, do not fucking move” and eri catches on, turns around and is like “oh! Patrick is here” which makes mic finally notice and release the most deafening scream ever and jumps five ft into the air which knocks a sleeping Hitoshi to the floor who wakes up face to face with a massive fucking spider and joins yamada in the screaming match while Aizawa is using his quirk on mic so none of them go deaf while climbing the furniture to avoid all the bugs and screaming for everyone to calm down in an uncharacteristically high voice while eri just sits on the floor amongst the chaos like “I just wanted you guys to meet my friends”. The house gets fumigated after that.
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mooonpiess · 1 month
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snippet of the erasermic full fic im working on for those that r interested ‼️
i am, in fact, allergic to happiness 😞
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random bnha headcanons because theres worms in my brain. (more under the cut)
- Kaminari, Midoriya, Kirishima, Sero and Hagakure have ADHD
- Kirishima is a gay transman (started transitioning in middle school)
- Midnight is a wlw transwoman
- Shirakumo was pansexual and used he/they pronouns
- Kaminari has lightning scars and does his best to hide them (they're mostly in his back, chest and arms)
- Bakugou genuinely has anger issues and is in the process of getting diagnosed
- Ojiro, Yaoyorozu and Hagakure have body dysmorphia
- Jirou, Bakugou and Present Mic are all either HoH or fully deaf (i.e.: Present Mic has hearing aids and Bakugou needs them as well)
- Uraraka has an anxiety disorder (GAD, likely)
- Iida has restless leg syndrome
- Kaminari gets seizures when he overuses his quirk
- Shinsou, Uraraka, Jirou and Kaminari deal with migraines often
- Shoji and Midoriya have chronic pains
- Mineta got fucking expelled.
- he got his ass beat by like half of the class for the shit he was doing to the girls and some crap he said to Kirishima (who's openly trans)
- Asui, Iida, Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, Shinsou and Yaoyorozu are autistic
- Aoyama is gay and under the nonbinary umbrella
- Bakugou and Midoriya are also transmasc
- Midoriya's first binder was a birthday gift from the Bakugous (Bakugou half-jokingly wanted to make matching All Might binders for them)
- Tokoyami, Bakugou, Jirou, Todoroki and Shinsou often hang out together (either going to Hot Topic or just listening to music)
- the band/Jirousquad play whenever they have free time
- Satou stress bakes (Aizawa has walked in on him baking cakes at 2am several times)
- "... hey Mr Aizawa. Red velvet?" *deep sigh*
- most of the class has nightmares often and it's not new when they're awoken by or run into each other in the middle of the night
- Tokoyami having a nightmare, waking up with a scared Dark Shadow and then deciding to watch TV in the common room VS Asui curled up with a couple blankets on the couch because she also had a nightmare
- Jirou being hyperaware of her classmates' shallow breaths and shakes, feeling bad for not knowing what to do
- Bakugou wakes up the entire dorm by accident because he caused an explosion while waking up from a nightmare
- Koji uses sign language most the time and is semi verbal (autism and anxiety)
- Mirko is a lesbian
- Mr Compress is mlm
- Shinsou goes to sleep at 5am while Midoriya wakes up at 5am
- Shinsou, Kaminari, Tokoyami, Uraraka and Yaoyorozu are insomniacs
- Magne was like a big sister to Dabi (and he misses her. it was nice to know what it would've felt like to be the little sibling.)
- Bakugou is (stubbornly) teaching himself sign language
- Midoriya, Present Mic, Aizawa also know sign language (the Bakusquad are getting lessons from Midoriya)
- Monoma is on the aromantic spectrum
- Midoriya uses wrist braces and needs a cane (All Might and Recovery Girl are trying to get him to)
- Bakugou also needs wrist braces but refuses to get them
- Iida, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu and Bakugou are "Rich Kids With Family Issues" solidarity
- Natsuo used to the dye bits of red in his hair, but as he grew older, the red stopped growing
- it reminded him of Touya and he couldn't look in the mirror for the longest time
- Sero dislocates his shoulders often
- class 1a are banned from playing dodgeball (Recovery Girl had a really busy day the one time they played it)
- Todoroki and Yaoyorozu are gay-lesbian solidarity
- Kirishima, Uraraka, Tetsutetsu and Bakugou are gym buddies
- Midoriya learned English because of All Might
- Bakugou, Jirou, Kaminari and Shinsou are also fluent in English
- Midnight talked to Ashido, Yaoyorozu and Hagakure about their hero costumes and if they were truly comfortable wearing them; they ended up getting they fixed
- Shinsou sometimes uses his quirk to brainwash his classmates into doing self care
- "What're you doing, Sero?" "Oh, not much, just-" "Go drink water."
- Monoma, Midoriya, Kirishima, Denki and Bakugou have imposter syndrome
- if Yaoyorozu is caught off guard, she creates tiny figurines by accident
- Aizawa has had to catch Uraraka with his capture weapon a few times due to her sleep floating
- Shiozaki has extreme religious guilt
- Present Mic does his hair up while in his hero costume out of spite because high school kids used to make fun of Aizawa's hair when he used his quirk
- Kendo is bisexual
- she/they Fuyumi. you agree. reblog
- class 1a has sleepovers sometimes; blanket forts, movies, snacks, everything!
- (Aizawa knows and allows it every time. they deserve and need to be kids)
- sometimes they invite class 1b as well
- Monoma, Shinsou and Midoriya get along well to everyone's surprise
- Kirishima once ran into Dabi while buying hairdye but it was his day off and it looked like it was Dabi's day off too so he just pretended he never saw him grab a box of jetblack hairdye, shove it in his hoodie pocket and leave
- for the sake of his own sanity
- Hagakure can 'turn her quirk off' but only does so when she feels completely safe and comfortable, or when she's totally worn out
- when she did it for the first time around the rest od the class everyone was shocked
- "... is something wr-" "YOU'RE SO PRETTY???,?"
- Ashido, Uraraka and Kaminari hold Shoji's hands while crossing the street (mostly for fun, but he doesn't mind)
- Kaminari absent mindedly braided the hair on Ojiro's tail one day and he just let him
- Koji's bunny is an emotional support animal named Cotton
- Shigaraki decays door handles on purpose just to mess with the rest of the LOV
- he gets bored, okay?
- Aizawa teaches Eri sign language as a surprise for Mic (as well just so Eri has a way to communicate when she doesn't feel comfortable talking)
- Uraraka makes a casual comment about not having enough money to buy something for herself or her parents and Iida, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu and Bakugou hand her their credit cards like its nothing
- she is startled by that Every Time without fail
- Twice and Toga paint each other's nails
- Mr Compress lets Twice borrow his masks sometimes
- Himiko is a vegetarian, funnily enough
- Mt. Lady has chronic pains and stretch marks
- Bakugou has scars and burns from his own explosions (he wasn't born with perfect control over his quirk, and sometimes he takes his anger out on himself)
- Fuyumi and Natsuo's quirks are extremely powerful ice quirks, but Endeavor never bothered to train them and never let Rei teach them how to control their quirks
- while Fuyumi has Frost, Natsuo's quirk is called Subzero; he can lower his body temperature dangerously low and when he does so, whatever he touches freezes
- if he's emotional or focused enough, he can create icicles and wield them
- Todoroki considered dying his hair several times (black was on top of the list but after Dabi revealed he was Touya, he decided against it)
- the LOV took turns helping Dabi dye his hair
- Kurogiri helped Dabi with his staples (the only other person willing to do that was Himiko but everyone agreed it was a bad ideia)
- Spinner sticks around Dabi during winter because he's a human heater
- no one in the LOV liked Overhaul
- like, killing Magne was bad enough. but straight up child abuse? come on
- they know what it's like to be a kid and to be scared and hurt and they don't want that
- Himiko has nervous tics
- Hatsume is autistic and will infodump about her babies to anyone that will listen
- she and Midoriya infodump to each other
- sometimes, Kurogiri's gaze lingers on the morning sky. he finds clouds strangely amusing for some reason
- Aizawa and Present Mic have been together since they were 17 and have been married for nearly six years (they wear their rings on necklaces underneath their clothes)
- they officially adopted Eri first, then Shinsou
- (It's Free Real State Children)
- "I'm having another kid." "That's great, sensei-" "it's you. Mic and I have the papers already."
- Bakugou, Iida and Yaoyorozu tutor the class before tests
- Kaminari has dyscalculia and dyslexia
- Satou always has snacks on him (especially ones the made himself)
- he keeps an eye on Yaoyorozu and makes sure to give her something if he notices she's looking particularly pale
- most if not the whole class 1a has PTSD (this doesn't shock anyone. Aizawa is desperately trying to get them to talk to Hound Dog sometime)
- Aizawa needs reading glasses and refuses to wear them
- Aizawa and Present Mic & Midnight share custody of Sushi unironically (the cat Shirakumo rescued)
- Aizawa and Mic own other cats (Mochi and Tessie) (it's short for Tshirt, Mic thought it was funny)
- Iida and Yaoyorozu were at Aizawa and Mic's wedding due to their family status, everyone else was clueless to their marriage
- no one was aware they adopted Eri and Shinsou though
- like yeah Aizawa-sensei's taking care of Eri, BUT ADOPTION??
- "oh, Shinsou's in our class- HITOSHI AIZAWA-YAMADA?"
- Aizawa may have only two (2) legal children but by god does he love his other nineteen little bastards.
- Iida made a groupchat for class 1a for "school purposes" but it quickly descended into madness and he gave up
- the gc is now named something incoherent and incomprehensible and there's like seven other chats for different purposes (such as "dekusquad", "bakusquad", "the band" and "is this fucked up or are all parents like this?")
- Iida and Yaoyorozu keep note of everyone's allergies
- so does Aizawa
- Yaoyorozu has a bad relationship with food and often has trouble using her quirk due to it
- Tetsutetsu is a stealth transman (only Kirishima is vaguely aware)
- Kuroiro was extremely afraid of the dark as a child
- Ashido gets acid burns often (they're not too bad and mostly in her hands, but if it's a particularly bad day, she gets burns in her face)
- Kirishima has trouble walking/moving in general when he overuses his quirk
- Present Mic is mlm
- Aizawa is a gay transman
- Jirou and Kaminari are both bisexual
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dqllzdqys · 2 years
• Aizawa & Abused!GN!student reader
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• He knew before you told him, but he wanted you to tell him because he wanted you to be comfortable with him.
• He talked to Hizashi about you every Friday for months when he noticed. But Hizashi convinced him to leave it till you're ready.
• He asked to meet you after class when you come in with you're arm almost completely bandaged up.
• You told him, then he took you to RG and you and him sat in the teachers lounge drinking coffee, or tea.
• Dadzawa & Dadmic.
• Pride parades for LGBT kids <33
• He and Mic both have specific ringtones for you.
• Weekend movie nights & naps >>>
• Shinsou definitely become really close to you <3
• Gaming with shinsou >>>>
• Eri loves to play Mario kart with you <3
• Super supportive
• If you get nightmares he sits with you all night.
• If you ask him for a friend [Denki, Izuku, Mina, Monona, etc.] To come over he reads the whole file of them first.
• Lazy sundays.
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Sorry this is so short & kinda lazy but plz feel free to recommend things for me to write &lt;3
-Omiina / 🔖
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metablood · 2 years
Shouta !!! On ice ! (En/Fr)
In English
The shy little Shouta, 5 yo, see figure skating at TV and asks if he can do that instead of that boring baseball.
Granny-Aizawa takes him to his lesson every week, then to his ballet class, as the coach recommended. This coach sees a great potential in him.
Shouta loves to dance, what he hates is dancing in front of too many people. He has a terrible case of stage fright, it plummets his prestations during contests and shows.
With time, the pressure to get a good ranking spoils skating and dancing for him. He quits and focus studying and the UA exam.
After Oboro's death, he need to let off steam. He goes back to the skating rink as the crack of dawn so he can be alone on the ice. He discover how he loves to skate again, and he keeps practicing regularly, without any pressure.
Obviously, Hizashi is very happy to have a dance partner, even if Shouta prefers to dance at home or within their small friend group.
Shouta takes Eri to the skating rink, and teaches her the basics. Hizashi is uneasy on skates, but he films every session with his phone.
Eri watches Shouta skate with stars in her eyes, and wants to take lessons. Hizashi is more than happy for the opportunity to be a wholesome dancemom, pick her outfits and cheer. Shouta makes very clear with the coach that Eri is here to have fun, and not to make her cry.
Meanwhile, other heroes think Aizawa owns his mobility and core strenght to the practice of muay thai.
En Français
Le timide petit Shouta, 5 ans, voit du patinage artistique à la télé, et demande s'il peut faire ça plutôt que le baseball ennuyeux.
Mamie-Aizawa l'emmène chaque semaine à son cours, puis aussi au cours de danse classique, comme recommandé par le coach qui lui trouve du potentiel.
Shouta adore danser, ce qu'il n'aime pas, c'est avoir un trop grand public... Il souffre d'un trac terrible qui sabote ses performances en compétition.
Au bout d'un moment, la pression pour obtenir un bon classement lui gâche le goût du patin et de la danse. Il abandonne pour se concentrer sur son entrée à UA.
Après la mort d'Oboro, il a besoin d'un moyen de se défouler. Il se rend à la patinoire dès l'ouverture au petit matin pour être seul ou presque. Il re-découvre la joie de patiner, et continue de pratiquer régulièrement, sans se mettre la pression.
Naturellement, Hizashi adore qu'on l'emmène danser... Mais Shouta préfère que ce soit à la maison, ou parmi leur petit cercle d'amis.
Shouta emmène Eri à la patinoire et lui enseigne les bases. Hizashi n'est pas très à l'aise sur des patins, mais il documente ces sessions avec son portable.
Eri admire Shouta qui patine avec des étoiles dans les yeux, elle veut apprendre aussi. Hizashi est très heureux de cette opportunité d'accompagner Eri et choisir ses tenues. Shouta a une conversation ferme avec l'entraineur sur le fait qu'Eri est là pour s'amuser, et de ne pas la faire pleurer.
Pendant ce temps, les autres héros pensent qu'Aizawa doit sa mobilité et son corps gainé à la pratique de la boxe thaï.
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scorpio-sarah · 2 years
Quick little picture of the erasermic family.
My HC is Hizashi likes to brush Shinsou's hair to match his highschool self's hair style lol.
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marsrblg · 2 years
bnha fic recs <3 (pt 03)
multiple characters
moving in with them [midoriya, todoroki] (gn reader)
protecting their s/o during the i-island attack [bakugo, ururaka, todoroki] (gn reader)
watching their s/o fight a nomu on tv [midoriya, bakugo, todoroki] (gn reader)
realizing they're in love [shinsou, todoroki, hawks, dabi] (gn reader)
s/o who showers them in compliments [todoroki, midoriya, kirishima] (gn reader)
saving their s/o from hero killer [midoriya, todoroki] (gn reader)
kissing their scars [dabi, midoriya, iida, todoroki, shinsou] (gn reader)
pics of their s/o in their camera roll [bakugo, kaminari, kirishima, midoriya, sero, todoroki] (gn reader)
s/o is taller than them [bakugo, midoriya, todoroki] (gn reader)
them as secret admirers [bakugo, todoroki, midoriya] (gn reader)
their s/o gets a love letter from someone else [bakugo, todoroki, midoriya] (gn reader)
when they're jealous [bakugo, todoroki] (gn reader)
relationship hcs [bakugo, todoroki] (gn reader)
s/o has a resurrection quirk [aizawa, todoroki, bakugo, midoriya, kirishima, kaminari, dabi, tamaki, mirio] (gn reader)
watching a horror movie [midoriya, bakugo, todoroki] (gn reader)
wearing his hoodie [midorya, bakugo, todoroki, kirishima, kaminari] (gn reader)
when they have a crush [midoriya, bakugo, todoroki, kaminari, sero, tamaki] (gn reader)
meeting their family [midoriya, bakugo, todoroki, dabi, hawks] (gn reader)
reader's crush is revealed [kaminari, todoroki, bakugo, shinsou, monoma, shigaraki] (gn reader)
flustering them [midoriya, todoroki, bakugo, kaminari, kirishima, sero, tamaki] (gn reader)
complimenting them during battle [bakugo, todoroki, kirishima] (gn reader)
random fluff hcs [todoroki, bakugo, midoriya, kaminari, kirishima, tamaki, aizawa, shinsou, dabi, hawks] (gn reader)
texting them "can you come to my room?" [bakugo, midoriya, todoroki, kirishima, tenya, kaminari] (gn reader)
touching their scars [midoriya, todoroki, kirishima, aizawa, shigaraki, dabi, hawks] (gn reader)
sweet things they do [midoriya, bakugo, todoroki, kirishima, kaminari, shinsou, tamaki, dabi, hawks] (gn reader)
them as parents [bakugo, midoriya, todoroki, kirishima, mina, yaoyorozu, kaminari, hawks, dabi] (gn reader)
attractive things about them [bakugo, midoriya, todoroki] (gn reader)
falling asleep on them [midoriya, bakugo, todoroki, kirishima, kaminari, shinsou, tamaki, dabi, hawks] (gn reader)
realizing their s/o trusts them [bakugo, todoroki, kirishima, tokoyami] (gn reader)
autistic bf hcs [bakugo, midoriya, todoroki] (male autistic reader)
intimidating soft bf (reader has prosthetic legs) [kaminari, todoroki, monoma] (male reader)
hybrid bnha hcs [bakugo, kirishima, todoroki, midoriya] (gn reader)
giving them a piercing [bakugo, todoroki, midoriya] (gn reader)
flustering them [bakugo, todoroki, midoriya, shinsou, kaminari] (gn reader)
sneaking into reader's room [bakugo, tdoroki, tokoyami, poly erasermic] (gn reader)
asking to borrow their sweater [bakugo, midoirya, todoroki, kaminari, kirishima, sero] (gn reader)
accidental text confession [todoroki, kirishima, shinsou] (gn reader)
random bf texts [bakugo, todoroki, midoriya] (gn reader)
attractive things he does (gn reader)
first kiss hcs (gn reader)
he has a panic attack (gn reader)
shoto confesses (gn reader)
shoto being scared of storms (gn reader)
realizing he's in love (gn reader)
late nights with him (gn reader)
reader has a nightmare (gn reader)
shoto introduces his bf to his dad [cw homophobia] (male reader)
hugging shoto (gn reader)
jealous shoto hcs (gn reader)
confessing to shoto [cw gore, blood, shoto gets stabbed] (gn reader)
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dgalerab · 1 hour
Honestly I never thought about Dadzawa in the context of like... being obsessed with the nuclear family structure 🤔 that's an interesting way to think about the fandoms interest in it.
For me personally (as someone who does like Dadzawa), it's always been more of a reflection of my issues with my parents growing up and how I experienced parentification in addition to a deep innate desire to have had someone who would have literally sacrificed themself for my well being at that age like Aizawa does for 1-A. Plus I really love the dynamic between Aizawa and Midoriya. The complexity of the way Aizawa sees Shirakumo in Midoriya and how it influences the way he interacts with him and looks after him is just so interesting to explore and Aizawa acting as a parental figure to him is a vehicle in which to do that.
I'm with you on the not getting the obsession with having him adopt 1-A kids though. Don't get me wrong I'm not against him adopting if it makes sense in the context of the story being told but sometimes it feels like it happens for the sake of checking off that list of things successful adult lives need to accomplish and as a result can feel so forced. We can have Aizawa being parental and forming a deeper bond with one of his students without him needing to make them legally his. Family is deeper than some paperwork and the obsession with this possession is really uncomfortable to me. Why can't found family just be a mutual understanding and love of one another without needing to make it 'official' anymore haha.
So I definitely get where you are coming from with regards to the obsession with making the Erasermic family into a nuclear situation. I feel like it extends past the whole Dadzawa situation and into the way Aizawa and Mic are depicted. I cannot read fics where Aizawa and Mic's characters are diluted down to talkative flamboyant husband and unfeeling angry husband, not only because it does a disservice to the depth of their characters but because when people write them like that they are specifically doing it to make Mic coded to be the 'wife' of the relationship and it's so obnoxious. They can be in love and not fill the typical heteronormative roles in a relationship y'all. They are just two disasters 🫡
Sorry that was super longwinded and I hope it didn't come off as me trying to convince you to like Dadzawa because that is absolutely not what I was trying to do. I just thought the way you interpreted the interest in Dadzawa was insightful and had never considered it before and wanted to share my perspective! Also I like having in depth conversations about BNHA lmao. Hopefully that's okay! 🫶 Feel free to ignore this if you want.
oh god oh no the consequences of my actions haha
see, whenever i'm bitching and hating on fanon takes i always feel like i'm reacting to those ubiquitous "everyone knows this is canon lol" takes. i think any hc can be valid and from a place of someone genuinely exploring a potential story that speaks to them and like. let's be real canon is just not important enough to overwrite that potential, even if it's not necessarily "in character."
but i think a lot of the time you walk in to a fandom and everyone's just like yep this is The Take. and you're like. why. that's weird. and then i go and write a post being like EXCUSE ME YOU'RE ALL WRONG. and then inevitably it ends up landing on the people who are like. genuinely thinking about the characters and want to explore certain tropes and they're like. oh no. am i wrong?? and i have to be like nooooo not you you precious angel.
gonna be so real i forget it's not just my 10 reliable likers and mutuals who see my posts. ain u have nearly 3k followers pls.
anyway i think that fandom ultimately likes to have like. a lot of quick-start hcs. like a lot of the same-yness of fanon comes from the fact that sometimes it's just a social endeavor and not a literary one, and so there's a little bit of a speed dating type "here are the vibes let's chat and make things" element to fanon. but i think that also crosses over into really flat and sort of... idk if i want to say conservative but stereotypical takes? it's a fascinating phenomenon and it's both a boon of fandom bc it makes things very social and communicative and also a bit of a failing bc that sort of shortcut characterization does land on a lot of like. preconceptions that can be shallow or toxic or whatever
anyway this is a very round about way of saying tl;dr: you're totally valid and i just yell about certain attitudes being the fandom standard bc after a while my patience wears thin seeing the same take i think is wrong and i'm here on main being like NO. I DON'T LIKE THOSE STANDARDS. AND ALSO YOU'RE GOOFY.
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navajja · 2 years
My family hcs for the erasermic fam is that Hitoshi favorite parents is actually mic while aizawa is the strict 'i will ground you again' type, besides he and Hitoshi are too alike and that makes them fight a lot, you know, teenager rebellion kind stuff
Eri on the other hand adores Aizawa, she wanna be around him all the time. She likes mic as well but she is just very comfortable with aizawa
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hyperfixated-chaos · 3 years
Okay, so the context is kind of complicated and I think I might write the actual fic one day, so I won't give details, but there is a scene in my mind now where Aizawa and Yamada are talking about adopting Shinsou with him & his foster parents. And because they aren't legally married (for privacy purposes) they're gonna joint adopt/Aizawa's gonna be the main guardian but Yamada will have some legal rights too, and the foster parents are like "Oh, it's so sweet that you're such good friends that you wanna raise a kid together! :D" and Shinsou nearly busts out laughing. He dies, he be dead, he is deceased-
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fandom-joiner · 3 years
Erasermic Headcanons I Have
Summary: Just some headcanons I have
Word count: About 300
Send requests please. Rules here
Aizawa, Yamada, and Shinso all have a hard time going and staying to sleep but Eri usually doesn’t
She does have nightmares sometimes so Shinso will lay with her during the night while Aizawa and Yamada guard the door to make her feel safe
It’s also so Eri knows that Shinso is safe since the idea of him being in danger terrifies her
The three guys used to stay up almost all night
Mic would go to the kitchen at 3 in the morning and see Aizawa and Shinso with their arms full of snacks and guilty smiles
He just sighs and holds his hand out for a bag of chips
They still do this when Eri’s around but they’re much quieter because they don’t want to wake her up
Shinso will sometimes barge into Aizawa and Yamada’s room with a random thought he got in the middle of the night
Aizawa and Yamada (mostly Yamada) will do the same to him
It’s always written down
Sometimes it’s because everyone else is asleep but usually it’s so they can talk to Eri about it in the morning
They don’t want her to be left out
Eri starts doing the same thing when she’s older
The same goes for shower thoughts and they all get unnaturally frustrated if they forget it before getting to tell everyone
Aizawa hates doing interviews because they make him really anxious
When he first did an interview he had a panic attack
Aizawa taught Shinso vines
Shinso comes home and hears Mic scream “THIS BITCH EMPTY!” at the top of his lungs from the kitchen
Shinso’s just like “yup, this is normal” until he hears Aizawa, completely dead inside say “… Yeet.”
This kid was laughing so hard and he caused everyone to be concerned
Shinso later made Aizawa teach him his ways
He is now fluent
He heard Denki quoting vines and rolled up with “fuck your chicken strips.”
Denki fell in love right then and there
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soc69 · 7 months
Okay, so I’ve somehow fallen back into my eraser mic family addiction so here are some back stories that I’ve recently been theorising about and can’t let go of:
(Also I fully intend to make another post about specific Headcannons of how each of their dynamics with one and other work. This is pretty much entirely for my own enjoyment but hopefully other people will get something out of this too)
Yamaha Hizashi:
I’m pretty sure it’s canon that when mic was born he deafened both his mother and the midwife so I have a bit of a dark background headcanon for him based on this.
Basically, I think that mic’s mother tried really hard to raise him for a few years but I don’t think his dad was ever really in the picture (or if he was he left pretty early on) so it was just a newly deafened young women dealing with a bit of postpartum depression and a huge law suit from the doctor who delivered mic for his loss of hearing. She couldn’t work and was trying to get by on subsidy and disability checks until, eventually, she just couldn’t take it any more and handed him over to the state when he was about 3 or 4. He doesn’t remember much about his early years and luckily he was only in the system bouncing around different foster homes for a year or so until he got adopted by his moms who loved him so hard and taught him how to see the best in people. He has never once questioned their roles as his real parents and credits them with his becoming a hero for giving him the best life they could.
That being said, he grew up knowing the story behind him being placed in the system and never once held it against his birth mother either. When he was a teenager, she saw him in the UA sports festival and decided to reach out. Despite it feeling slightly awkward for hizashi at the start and his mother battling feelings of guilt when she first met him, they got past that and these days they meet up once or twice a month to check in on one another. Nowadays, mic just counts himself as really lucky to have not one, not two, but three moms in his life who all care about him and want to do what they can for him and his family.
As mic gets older, the early reckless use of his quirk as a crying kid and pre-support-gear-hero-wannabe starts catching up to him and he begins to loose his hearing. By the time he’s in UA he’s already considered hard of hearing and these days he can’t hear much of anything without hearing aids. Of course, Aizawa learned sign language at the same time hizashi did when he was first warned that he might go deaf one day and they’ve been teaching eri since she moved in with them. Hitoshi, however, already knew sign, as I will get into next.
Shinsou Hitoshi:
Soooo, we all know how fond this fandom is of giving Hitoshi the most tragic story ever and I’ve really struggled to break that cycle, so here we go.
I headcannon that Hitoshi’s mom died when he was very young, maybe even in child birth, and his father was absolutely heartbroken by this. He really did his best with Hitoshi but he was so much like the love of his life in so many ways that he could hardly look at him without wanting to sob. They had the same hair, eyes, smile - everything in Hitoshi was inherited from his mother and when his quirk manifested it was, once again, directly inherited from her.
I think, contrary to popular belief, Hitoshi’s dad didn’t see this as a curse. He loved his wife and everything about her, including her quirk, but it was just so painful for him to see it when he couldn’t see her. He turned to some less than healthy coping mechanism and, after a DUI, realised that he needed to get his life back on track if he was ever going to do right by his son.
He ended up relinquishing some of his custody to the state when Hitoshi was around 6 but retained visitation rights and would come and see Hitoshi every weekend, giving updates about his job search and making promises that he could come home soon. However, the visits gradually became fewer and further between until one day, after he had taken Hitoshi out for what he, at the time, considered the best day of his life, his social worker delivered the message that he had emigrated to US and wouldn’t be coming back. He left Hitoshi a letter apologising for not being a good enough man to take care of him and truly believing this was for the best. Hitoshi held onto that letter until he was 13 when, in a fit of rage after being fostered by the worst family yet, he tore it to pieces. Sometimes he still remembers the letter and cries that he doesn’t have it anymore because for the longest time it was the only evidence he had that someone had loved him. Nowadays though when he feels like this he knows he has three people waiting to prove that’s not the case anymore.
Since Hitoshi had been un-fosterable for the first couple of years in the group home, what with his dad still being in the picture, he basically wasted what are affectionately termed the “cute years” in the system, meaning that, as a preteen, he was pretty undesirable to potentially families. He bounced around different group homes and foster families that took in troubled youths since most people were scared of his quirk and didn’t take kindly to him trying to talk to them. He ended up learning sign language form a deaf kid in one of the homes he was in and used that to communicate to most adults so as not to scare them out of taking care of him to the point that it was put in his file that he had selective mutism.
When Hitoshi got into UA and started training with aizawa, aizawa noticed that Hitoshi was a little malnourished and seemed more skittish than the average teen ought to be. He took it upon himself to start taking him out for meals after their training and keeping a close eye on any signs or abuse or neglect in the future. By this point Hitoshi was living in a group home as it was the closest place to UA and, although there was no current abuse happening, Hitoshi had experienced some maltreatment in the past that made him cautious around authority figures and it was still all too easy for him to accidentally be neglected in such an anonymous home life.
Taking Hitoshi out for meals after training eventually turned into inviting him back to his house for meals which turned into quality family bonding for the entire erasermic clan. Eri starting calling Hitoshi ‘toshi-nii’ and asking where he was whenever aizawa came home alone after the first month, hizashi started insisting he stay the night whenever he was there past 6pm, and shouta subtly converted their home office into shinsous private bedroom by adding a fouton, removing one of the desks, and gradually clearing the bookcases so Hitoshi wouldn’t notice the added effort.
Pretty early on hizashi and shouta have a conversation about how much they both want Hitoshi to join their family but they’re equally scared of overwhelming him or putting pressure in him to say yes to them because they’re his teachers so they agree to wait for the right time. The right time eventually comes during a breakdown after Hitoshi has a nightmare when he’s staying over about his birth father. When he wakes up he goes looking for his letter before he remembers he doesn’t have it anymore and cries to erasermic that he’s all alone. It’s then that they tell him how much they want him to join their family. Cue the entire family ugly sobbing.
Aizawa Shouta:
I actually headcannon Aizawa as being the only one with a relatively trauma free upbringing. He’s just a grouch by choice.
He was, however, raised entirely by women. His dad left when he was about three so it’s been just him, his mom, and his two older sisters ever since. The oldest is 6 years older than him and the middle is 4 years older than him so he really is the baby of the family and they all treat him as such. He pretends to hate it but when they all show up for him after he gets banged up in hero work and fret over him he secretly loves the attention and it means the world to him every time they make a trip to see him.
His mother is an incredibly sarcastic women and it’s where he gets all his sass but she’s also very no nonsense and will put anyone in their place if they dare to talk bad about her family. His oldest sister is a lot like him but his middle is criminally similar to hizashi so they get along like a house on fire. That being said, everyone in his family adores hizashi and they had bets on when the two would finally confess their love for each other ever since shouta brought him and oboro over in their first year for a group project. (What they don’t know is that oboro was the one who snuck off downstairs that day and started the betting pool). When it come to eri and shinsou however, my god, ‘adore’ is not a big enough word. They would all die for those children and make sure to visit as often as possible.
So we all kinda know eri’s history already so I’m just gonna talk about how she responded to each of her new family members.
So obviously she immediately latches onto Aizawa as her hero and Aizawa adores her. He is biologically incapable of ever saying no to her (not that she really asks for much) and spoils her rotten, so, within a few weeks of moving in she has a new everything in every color. But that much we know already so onto mic.
I think it takes her a while to get used to hizashi as she’s instinctively very cautious around new people so, as much as it breaks mics heart, he has to spend the first couple of weeks of eris adjustment period staying with nemuri and visiting every other day until she’s more comfortable around him. The change happens when they’re having a bonding day at home and eri takes a tumble and nearly falls down the stairs from the top of the landing. On instinct, mic gets between her and the stairs and pushes her back up to safety but ends up falling down the stairs in her place. Eri immediately runs down to check on him apologising profusely and is absolutely terrified of how he’s going to react but mic just immediately pulls her into a hug and starts asking if she’s okay saying he was terrified she might of been hurt and from that point on eri realised that this man would never hurt her and so when he goes to leave that night she asks him to stay instead and he’s never spent the night at nemuris since.
As we’ve already established, she very quickly accepts Hitoshi as her brother but the exact moment it happens isn’t as easily pinpointed as it is with mic. One day she was shy and reserved around him and the next she was choosing to sit closest to him over everyone else on movie nights. It was such a seemless transition that no one even really noticed (except Hitoshi of course who clocked the change immediately and had no idea what to do with the fact that this little angel wanted him as a brother and definitely went to bed and cried about it the first time she chose to sit with him instead of her dads).
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mooonpiess · 1 month
did a mini roadtrip today so here are some erasermic roadtrip hcs!
hizashi drives
shouta’s driving makes him (and everyone else) anxious 💀
hitoshi and hizashi share aux
eri once added songs and everyone in a car was suffering from skibbidi toilet remixes 😭
shouta ALWAYS has to pee and it gets on everyone’s nerves
(they were only on the road for 30 mins)
on hour 9 hizashi is doing that angry dad move
two hands on the wheel
dead silence
shouta rubbing his back
hitoshi and eri (who just finished arguing) r just sitting there 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♀️
eri gets lost wherever they go
she became a backpack leash kid
shouta is the one to hold it
hitoshi likes to pull on the leash and trip her
yall hes her teenager older brother lers be so fr, hes rodrick to her greg
shouta is that dad that keeps everyone awake with his loud ass snoring
all minus hizashi (the only time he’s grateful to be deaf 💀)
hitoshi is having the silent frustrated tears lol
their pictures always come out a lil blurry but theyre not complaining
after a few days and getting back home everyone is relieved but man… it was so worth it.
they r such a fun lil family :’)
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otaku6337 · 3 years
All I want in life is for Hizashi to always take time to do little things like paint his kids nails. (And if I’m being self-indulgent, then let’s say that those kids are Hitoshi, Izuku and Eri because yes.) 
And maybe they’re a bit nervous the first time, or Eri is at least, but that’s okay, because Hizashi talks them through it, lets them choose their own colours (none of them get red, because all of them know the awfulness of blood on their hands-) so Hitoshi might have a dark blue, Izuku gold or green, Eri a soft pink or bright green, and Hizashi teaches them how to paint their nails. (He teaches, through that, how to make themselves feel good, feel pretty; how they don’t need to conform to societal norms to be happy with themselves, be that in appearance or Quirk or personality. How they can be themselves, and he and Shouta will love them unconditionally for it.)
If he drags Shouta in first, to be used as an example and test dummy, then he lets his husband choose a colour as well. That pastel yellow may or may not be what Hizashi lets the kids, rather messily but it’s their first try, paint on his nails as well. Nobody in school will comment on the matching nail colours, too wary of Shouta’s glare, but it goes noticed all the same. 1-A think it’s absolutely adorable.
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aizawamicfucker · 4 years
Erasermic fam dabble
In which shinsou has two adorable cats he’s been taking care of after school, with the most adorably embarrassing names
He didn’t know why it hadn’t occurred to him that they would be walking home together.
It’s been one week since he had moved into the aizawa-hizashi household but tonight was the first time he and aizawa trained since the move. It made sense of course, they lived together now and aizawa didn’t have anything else to do at the school because their training always runs so late but as they walked in silence he couldn’t help feeling a bit nervous as the got closer to the alleyway. You see he had a bit of a secret, not a secret really, he wasn’t hiding it or anything, he’s just never really told anyone before. But now he had to make a decision, wether to say something or not. He knew, logically, aizawa wouldn’t be mad at him or even be bothered by it, they had a cat, Jelly, back home so he knows aizawa likes cats but that didn’t make the anxiety go away.
There it is. He takes deep breath and stops in the entrance of the alleyway.
“Umm. I need to get some thing from in there” he said finally.
Aizawa stoped in his tracks and looked to where shinsou was pointing.
“You need something from that dark alley?” Aizawa said with a hint of skepticism. Not that shinsou could blame him, it was an seemingly odd request. 
“Yeah. Just umm give me a sec” he said bending down and fishing something out of his backpack. The second he pulled the food out of his bag an orange cat with big green eyes came leaping out from under the dumpster and a smaller black cat slowly sauntered over.
“Awe hey guys, I promise I didn’t forget about you” shinsou said in his softest voice with a little smile on his face. He gave them their food and watched them scarf it down. When he felt a hand on his shoulder, he looked up to see aizawa kneeling beside him with a fond look on his face as he reached out to pet one of the cats.
“How long have you been taking care of these little guys” aizawa said breaking the silence.
“I’ve been taking care of President Mac n’ Cheese for about 7 months and Eraserbed showed up about 2 months after that.” He smiled thinking back on the  memories. When he suddenly realized what he just said. Shinsou snapped his head up to look at aizawas face. He was no longer smiling.
“I- I’m sorry, I named them before we started training! I promise. their just little puns. Ya know? I didn’t mean an disrespect to your hero name. Or hizashi’s! It just Eraserbed is black and sleepy so I just thought and- and President Mac n’ Cheese ate my Mac and cheese when I first found him and he’s bright orange and the green eyes so- so - um” but shinsou’s ramblings were cut off with a laugh. It was so quite that he almost missed it but it was there. Aizawa laughed.
“You named a cat after me? And hizashi? You really are a handful kid” aizawa said as the smile returned to his face and he reached up to ruffle shinsou’s hair.
“Your not mad?”
“Why would I be mad?” Aizawa asked as he stood up and pulled out his phone out of his pocket.
“I don’t know, I guess that’s the only reaction I’m used to from adults” he said but paused as he noticed aizawas phone.
“What are you doing?” Shinsou asked, happy to changing the subject.
Aizawa gave him a once over but then answered “Calling hizashi.”
“Why?” He said as he felt a new wave of anxiety wash over his body. It didn’t last long though before-
“So he can come pick us all up, I don’t feel like carrying two cats and It looks like it might rain. Also he wasn’t too happy when I didn’t tell him about jelly before I brought her home so I think I should at least warn him before I bring home two more strays” aizawa said this as if it was obvious but shinsou was shell shocked.
“You- we- we’re taking them home?”
“Well yeah. We’re not just gonna leave them here”
And for the first time that whole night, shinsou knew exactly what to say.
“Thank you”.
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metablood · 2 years
Fics and HC Masterpost English/French
English fanfictions
EraserMic and Aizawa fanfictions
What if... Shigaraki made Aizawa go blind
The Yellow Sleeping Bag Backstory
Mirko and Aizawa eat Edibles ( crack + rarepair ;) )
Aizawa's coming out to his family... Hurt/Comfort
Hizashi loses Voice (hurt no comfort)
It's Just a Chocolate Box (Valentine day fluf)
Aizawa wakes up in a coffin (spooky but not gore)
Other themes
BakuChako fluff
Tamaki and Mirio fluff
AFO's backsotry told by Yoichi : Growing up in his shadow
Thirteen and Ragdoll angst
Short Present Mic angst
Todoroki Shouto's C-PTSD
Aizawa Headcanons (En and Fr)
Depressing Aizawa HC
Shouta !!! On ice !
Aizawa has a cat mutation
Aizawa was a parentified child
Aizawa's adoptive parents
What if... Deaf Aizawa
Micro fics (En and Fr)
Aizawa's mysterious injury
Petty Snipe
Shinsou's shortest fight
Fanfics en français
Mirko et Aizawa mangent des bonbons au Cannabis
La Grande Faucheuse erre dans Musufatu, des rencontres intéressantes
Lycée UA pour Héros Handicapés
Une Vallée de Flammes Vertes (Deku avec un alter Dragon)
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