#erasermic love child
chyarui · 4 months
you thought i was DONE giving shinsou everything he deserves??? you fools, you couldn’t be more wrong
anyways, two dads is better than one, present mic and eraserhead are married, and shinsou grew up happy. i will rewrite canon for this child.
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kirikami-my-beloved · 6 months
Hypothetically, if you combined Present Mic and Aizawa… wouldn’t the result probably be Trumpet from the PLF??
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You know what? Fuck it! aggressively throws old doodles I couldn't finish
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Gay dads I love them so damn much
Happy Krysta, then angst Krysta lmao (I love her so much dw🧡👌)
And yeah I'm currently working on my discord server!Will do the announcement soon dw!See ya byeeeee!
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puppyofpancakes · 2 months
What if I went feral and made 10 BNHA OCs within the next few days…
I have…thoughts….and perhaps even…ideas…
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fatkish · 5 months
Heyy, i wanted to request a Eresermic im which Aizawa has a biological daughter, but she is being bullied and they noticed when she was already thinking in ending it all.
I understand if this is too dark, i just lived something similar and my parents blamed me, so some confort would be apreciared hahaha
Thankss, i love your writing 🩷
(Oh my gosh, this hits so close to home because this happened to me. My parents grew up in the era where if boys were mean to you it was because they like you. So when I begged them to do something about my bullies, they did nothing. Needless to say, my childlike innocence was the only reason why I’m alive. Although I may be doing better than I was back then, nothing can erase the trauma from the unintentional neglect from my parents. I hope you don’t mind, but I’ll be basing this somewhat off of my own experience and I’ll be putting it in the Pro Heroes x Inner Child Series)
Erasermic x Aizawa’s Bullied Daughter Reader
(TRIGGER WARNING: This story has mentions of bullying, harassment, allusions to suicide and suicidal thoughts, depression and other potentially triggering topics. Please be advised)
Since you basically have two dads, you refer to Hizashi as papa and Shouta as dad
Your quirk was called restraint. Basically if you called someone by their real, full name, you could temporarily restrain them as long as you focused on them
But just like your dad, you also had to be able to see your target
But unlike your classmates, you were a late bloomer. You developed your quirk at age 8, which led to you being bullied by your peers
You knew that your dad’s worked really hard and that their jobs were really stressful at times. So the last thing you wanted was to be another source of stress for them. Which is why you didn’t tell them about the bullying
You were 11 when you just couldn’t take it anymore. You tried to deal with the situation on your own, you tried to fight your bullies who even started making fun of your dad’s being a couple
You tried not to let anyone’s words affect you but after so many years, you started to believe them too. And you began to bully yourself
You would tell yourself that your dad’s already had enough stress on their plates and that you were just a burden on them. You had started to mentally and physically beat yourself up
The bullies had started to use their quirks on you, resulting in bruises which you would hide with makeup that your Aunt Nemuri had gotten you since you started to develop acne
Since your dads would get home late, you had plenty of time to get home and cover up any wounds
One day, you just had enough
You decided that you were better off dead. You decided that you would take your own life after you got home and would leave a note before leaving the house so your dads wouldn’t have to deal with the body
Unknown to you, Aizawa had gotten a call from one of your teachers who was concerned about you. She had seen you fighting and decided to give Aizawa a call since your grades and overall performance had declined significantly
Aizawa had informed Hizashi of the call and they decided to go home early and wait for you. They believed that you were going through puberty and the hormonal changes were effecting your performance and were the cause
Imagine their surprise when you get home, covered in bruises, a busted lip that was still bleeding and a completely dead look in your eyes
Seeing their precious baby in such a state they immediately started to worry and begged you to talk to them
They had prepared your favorite food for dinner and even got you your favorite dessert as a treat. Seeing how sweet they were, you broke down and confessed your pain and your plan
Hizashi was balling his eyes out and wrapped you in his arms while Aizawa had clenched fists with tears in his eyes.
Aizawa made the call to your school demanding a talk with the principal and the parents of your bullies. While Aizawa was setting that up, Hizashi had you sit on the couch while he tended to your wounds, disinfecting them, cleaning them and bandaging them
He told you that he loves you even though you’re not his biological kid, you’re HIS little listener, his favorite kid in the whole world. He then picked you up and smothered you in hugs and kisses
Aizawa came back into the room and brought the food
That night, you guys are on the couch as you snuggled together under a blanket and watch your favorite movie
The next day, Aizawa and Hizashi dropped you off at UA with Nemuri, while they had a talk with your teachers and bullies. They decided that homeschooling would be the best for you right now since they want to make sure you heal mentally, physically and emotionally from this before you go back
They had told Nedzu what happened and he agreed that for the meantime, until you were mentally stable again, the safest bet would be to have you do your homeschooling at UA where you’ll be surrounded by people who can help you and prevent you from doing anything detrimental to yourself
Needless to say, they love you and you are their whole world and you’re the reason why they fight to come home. You’re their motivation and the reason they fight to protect
(I hoped this helps you and that you guys enjoy this)
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lolita-lollipop · 9 months
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(mostly Shinso)
WARNINGS: suicidal threats from the reader, not detailed but mentioned depression and dissociation, the reader is not okay, unwanted comfort. yandere(and all the things that come with it)
it's cold outside today.
As you dragged yourself through the front yard, scratches already lining your knees,you wished that you grabbed a jacket, or decided to do this during the summer season. The sedative they had given you hours ago was in full effect, putting weight on your shoulders and making your vision blur, putting you off balance again and again as you sprinted through the front door out into the garden. Everything just hurt, your head, your heart, your hands. You were just so finished with this bullshit, so done with fooling yourself into thinking you’d be okay.
Harsh sobs left your lips as you fumbled with the door trying to get any further, ever since they’d taken you it was made very clear that if you tried to escape, they would confine you to their side 24/7, but as times flew by and your desperation slowly pooled in the bottom of your soul, you stopped caring. You hated that these people treated you like a child, you hated how they belittled you, you hated the way you never had a say in anything, and especially you hated how you could never do anything about it.
Today was your breaking point.
They were doing what they usually did, pushing and pulling and shoving you around as if you were nothing but a baby, you already had very little sleep last night after your crying fit, so you weren’t very keen on being nice to them this morning.It was simple really, all you had asked for was some Tylenol for your headache, crying takes it out of you, they know that best. but they said no.
So out the door you ran, screaming and crying the whole way there. You knew that eri and shinso were here too, you knew that escape was practically impossible, and that your attempts would be worth nothing. But you needed this. You really did.
You regret it now. Now that you’re lying down on the grass in the front yard, your hands and knees covered in scrapes. Your head fuzzy and throbbing. It was quite the surprise that they hadn’t come out to get you yet, your sobs never halted though. It was a sad sight, just a puddle of a young girl crying herself into a migraine. It into got worse when you heard footsteps, and saw that familiar purple hair you could recognize as shinsos.
He said nothing, but he had a scary look on his face. He just grabbed your arm and tugged you up into his arms harshly. This of course did nothing for your intense panic.
“Please. Please don’t make me go back- please I can’t go back in there- shinso I love you- please I love you” you stammered out through sobs, punching at his test with all the force you could muster, as a hero in training it did nothing physically to him, but you could see the resolve behind his eyes falter.
“Should’ve thought about that before you ran. I made them calm down. You’re lucky it’s me instead of Aizawa out here” he spoke as he always did, coldly and lacking emotion. Only holding you tighter and beginning to walk back to the house. You dug your bare feet into the dirt, pulling back at him. it was pathetic, you knew. the lengths you were willing to go in the name of escape.
“Please. I can’t do this anymore- shinso I’m so tired. They make me so tired I can’t even think straight anymore. I just can’t take it anymore” you were begging in desperation at this point, squirming and scratching at him, anything to get him off, to let you go.
“They’re giving you the life you wanted. A life you would’ve killed to have” The chirp of the crickets in the garden overtook the conversation, and a long silence overtook the two of you. you could hear and see everything, the water flushing through the fountain,the buzz of the bees, the chirp of the crickets, it was too much, everything was hazy and blended together and you were left overwhelmed and terrified.
It's cold outside today , maybe that's the reason you keep shivering, maybe it's fear-actually, terror is a better word for it.
“I wanted that life willingly! I didn’t want this. I didn’t want to be taken from my home in the middle of the night. Even if I hate my parents, I can’t stand that I have no power! Please, you have to understand, I’m rotting away here, I have no purpose at all- please shinso-“he paused in his trek towards the door, taking a deep, calculated breath.
“Tell that to them.”
“shinso please- please I love you. I can’t go back there, please don’t make me, I can’t, if I go back they’ll hurt me, they’ll be upset shin, I don’t wanna get hurt again” you begged as he began to walk again, your heels were begging to bleed out of the cuts the harsh ground was making. Tears flowed freely down your face now, and you flailed and kicked and cried, he was stronger than you, the both of you knew that. You could see a little sympathy in the back of his eyes though, maybe he wasn’t dead internally. not yet.
“You know that isn’t true, they would never. Now hush. You’ll be fine, I love you too.” Planting a kiss on your forehead, he hoisted you up, brushing your hair out of your face and beginning to rub circles that usually would be soothing on your neck. A long pause rung out, a deafening silence overtook the two of you as you fully came to the realization that he wasn’t going to help you, and your attention was drawing to the crunch of hit boots on the rocky mud.
“I’ll kill myself.” He paused, and his head shot down towards you faster than you could even see. Your resolve had completely shattered by now, any words you said were mumbly and overridden by your tears and your heavy breathing. You were broken completely, utterly done with the world for putting you in this situation, you had been shattered into a million pieces, and shinso could see it. He could see how desperate you were. Something flashed in his eyes.
“I will, I would rather die. I can’t go back in there, if you make me I’ll jump off a roof, or I’ll fall down the stairs, or I’ll hang myself. I just- I won’t go back- not alive” you rushed out in between sobs, you had stopped fighting, instead opting for intense teary-eyed eye contact to make your point heard. Your hands now gripped the collar of his shirt, quivering. your heart was trembling, and so was your body, it would only be minutes till you would feint. This is it.
“Don’t say that- you don’t have to hurt yourself for freedom, just ask them and they’ll give you whatever you want, anything. They love you-“ he begun, stroking your hair as he held you. Your hands continued to shake as his eyes met your gaze. You wouldn’t go back, you couldn’t, shinso saw what it was doing to you. He saw the way you shrank from loud noises now and winced when getting up from the couch, how your eyes would sometimes go glassy as if you were in a different place entirely. He wouldn’t do this to you, he loves you too much right?
“I DONT WANT THE FREEDOM THEYLL GIVE ME, I WANT TO LEAVE. I WANT TO LIVE MY OWN LIFE. I’ll do it, you think I won’t but I will. Please- even if you don’t take me away from here- just let me run, say- say you couldn’t catch me. Just give me enough time to get in a taxi, you don’t even have to help me. Please shinso, I’m begging you” your silent years now turned into gut wrenching, stomach aching sobs. He was going to let you rot in that house, with your stupid dolls and toys and cats that you were far too old for. There… there’s no hope for you… I’d he doesn’t help- if he doesn’t help than you’re stuck for all eternity till you are nothing but a skeleton.
“You know I can’t do that” at his words your hands begun to dig in his neck, your cries hurt your stomach, that endless pit of despair slowly settling at the bottom. this is it. this is the end of your life.
“I would rather go live in hell than have to live here ever again. I- I just can’t do this anymore, they hurt me just so they can feel good helping me, everything I do makes me so tired, so weak. I can’t pick things up on my own, sometimes my knees are so weak I can’t even walk. I need them. Fuck I need them Shinso. Do you know how humiliating that is, how infuriating that is? They've ruined me, I’m not a whole person anymore. Please… please just- just let me have this” You could barely breathe at this point, your lungs filling up with that depressing feeling. As you spoke your sobs got worse and worse, till you were almost incomprehensible. You can’t do this anymore. You just can’t. Too locked up in your internal monologue you missed out on the shift in shinsos eyes, how his sympathy increased with every word you spoke.
“Oh baby… I-“ tears pricked at the edges of his eyes, and a deepset frown splayed across his face. He loves you, god he loves you so much. But… maybe you would be better off away, you aren’t happy here, you cry day and night till your stomach aches, you don’t eat, or sleep. You’re a shell. A shell of the girl he loves, is it so bad to want you back?? He can’t keep you like this, unhappy, in pain.
Much to your surprise, he slowly placed you on the ground, staring right into your souls with those eyes of his, letting a “shhh” come from his mouth, he pointed towards the road. Your eyes widened as you looked up at your big brother, immediately you threw yourself on him and squeezed as tight as you could in a hug, still crying all the way through. You didn’t know you could love somebody this much.
“I love you” he spoke, and immediately you pushed off your bare feet in a dash for the road, willing to run all the way back to town if need be. You didn’t even notice the blood seeping out from your feet due to the excess adrenaline running through your system, you were simply ecstatic. You made it a couple yards, not even sparing your brother a glance, you were free! YOU WERE FREE! You ran as fast as you could….
Only to be yanked back harshly. You let out a sob as arms engulfed you, swallowing you up whole, along with your dignity and will to live.
“That’s enough shinso. Oh don’t cry sweet girl, we’ll make you better don’t worry. If I had known you felt so- so awful I would’ve helped sooner” you recognized one of your captors, mic, by not only his voice, but also his smell, and how hard his arms were gripping you. You could feel the muscles he had squeezing you, holding you ever so close to him, and warming you up. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Immediate panic set into your bones, he’s gonna be so mad at you for running , and he’s gonna be livid that you threatened yourself. You can feel the punishments coming. you shivered in his arms, panic and terror washing over you, clouding any sense of judgment you had managed to keep.
"Please- Please don't make me go back- ill die pleas-" you sobbed, scratching at him with your short nails, digging your feet further in the dirt, you found yourself wincing as mud made its way into the cuts in your feet. It only made you cry more and more. you were halted in your begging though, all the air in your lungs being knocked straight out of your chest.
Mic hoisted you up much like Shinso had previously done, however his grip was iron l, impossible to budge and honestly, painful. He squeezed you and cooed into your ear in attempts to calm your nerves. Nothing was working however, you were too fragile, too easy to break. and you were broken all right, with the way you were sobbing into his chest, that was for sure. You just need time, comfort, safety, security. they would give you all of that and more, but you had to stay with them, you just had to.
It's cold outside, but god you would rather be frozen alive than brought back into that house. this is it for you. you're over. It's done.
“Don’t worry baby, we’ll make it all better soon.
I promise” ---------------------------------------------------- its been a while huh. I FIGURED OUT HOW TO DO A "Keep reading" CUT! YAY! I havent written something platonic in months but I feel like it was warranted so enjoy, this is pretty self indulgent so I hope it works for yall too. have fun. I hope everybody reading this has a lovely day, and remembers that they are loved somewhere by someone. Have a great day! see you next time!
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mooonpiess · 3 months
Sweetheart - EraserMic
Mic is injured, Shouta calls him a certain nickname and now thats all he focuses on.
962 words
(requests erasermic prompts and i will attempt to do them! its so fun!)
The pain was sharp and sudden.
Hizashi doubled over and heard a shout from a distance. The villain in front of him retacted his arm from Hizashi but was soon captured by Shouta’s scarf.
Hizashi couldn’t help but smirk to himself as his husband quickly took care of the villian. He groaned softly as he watched Shouta huff tiredly. He felt the world spin around him before he collapsed.
While on the floor, he was irritated more than anything that this was supposed to just simply be a shopping trip with Shouta and Hitoshi. They were just trying to get new shoes. Was that too much to ask for on their day off?
“Mic!” Shouta jogged the short distance to him. He got to his knees checking the wound on Hizashi’s abdomen. The store was cleared by mall security and he heard shouts from police for a medic.
Hizashi looked up to his husband, his eyes glossy. He simply just stared at the man, taking in his sweaty features. Shouta’s hair was still lifted off his shoulders and his quirk fizzed out, his pupils still a little red.
“Dad?” Hitoshi asked, trying to shove past the officers.
Shouta’s head snapped up as he heard his child’s voice, “Stay over there, Toshi!” He shouted. He noticed that he clearly didn't want to stay back, but evidently listened to his father.
Hizashi’s eyebrows furrowed as Shouta pressed a firm hand into the wound, “Stay with me sweetheart,”
Hizashi let out a soft laugh, “I like when you call me that,” There was a beat of silence and Shouta just pressed even firmer on the wound, before everything went black.
Hizashi woke up with a start. He squinted as bright lights of an all too familiar hospital room hurt his eyes. The beeping by his bed sounded fuzzy and he couldn’t hear the buzz from the lights, so he knew his hearing aids were out.
He glanced to his right side and saw Shouta slouched in a wooden chair, his arms folded over his chest, sleeping. He noticed that his wedding ring was now on his finger and his eyebrows shot up, surprised .
He reached an arm out to gently touch Shouta, causing him to wake up startled, “Hizashi,” Shouta sighed, relief clear in his voice. Hizashi couldn’t hear him, but read his lips. Aizawa grabbed a box from the bedside table and slipped both aids in Hizashi’s ears, “Better?”
“Yeah,” Hizashi’s voice popped from the lack of use, “Shit. Water,”
Shouta stood too quickly and fumbled to get the water on the other side of the room. He brought Hizashi a glass, refilling it once the first was gone.
“Jeez…” He mumbled, “How long was I out?”
“Two days,” Shouta answered, “That blade went all the way through you. You’re lucky it missed anything important. Zashi I should’ve-“
“If you say you’re at fault I will divorce you, Shou. You were doing what you needed to do, and so was I. We’re pro-heros, love, we know what we were signing ourselves up for,” Hizashi cut him off.
Shouta looked to be deep in thought, fiddling with his wedding ring.
“I like that ring,” Hizashi changed the conversation, “Who got it for you?”
Shouta rolled his eyes and glanced down to the black band. He clearly was lost in thought again.
“Shou. Darling, I’m okay. I promise,” He said, “Now you know how I feel, you get injured every other week,”
“Not every other week,” Shouta slumped in his chair again.
“Shou. I’m fine,” Hizashi said once more for emphasis, “Plus, you called me sweetheart. That itself would’ve brought me back from the dead,”
Shouta couldn’t help but chuckle. He looked away from his husband, clearly embarrassed.
“Say it again, please? It’ll make me feel good as new,” Hizashi said, reaching for Shouta’s hand.
Shouta rolled his eyes yet again, “No, it’s only for near death experiences now,” The couple eyed each other wordlessly and then Shouta leaned down to kiss Hizashi squarely, “I’m glad you’re alright,”
Hizashi kissed Shouta again, “That’s my line,”
The silence returned as they soaked in each other’s love. both of their hands in contact with parts of their bodies, both of them occasionally lazily leaning in to kiss each other. Shouta trailed a hand through Hizashi’s long hair, “We should call Hitoshi. He was there… he saw you…”
Hizashi caressed Shouta’s cheek, “I’m okay, remember?” He noticed his phone sitting beside the bed, he picked it up and dialed his son’s number.
Hitoshi answered after a few rings, “Dad? Are you okay?”
“You sound just like your father, kid,” Hizashi laughed softly, “I'm peachy. A little sore but okay,”
“It looked scary,” Hitoshi’s voice was small. Hizashi could picture him fiddling with his hair as he talked, “Pa wouldn’t let me see you,”
“I wouldn’t want you to see me like this anyway, darling. I’m sorry you had to see what you already did. But I’m okay. We’ll be home soon, okay?”
Hitoshi hummed, “Auntie Numuri says hi and feel better,”
“Tell her hi for us okay,” Hizashi laughed softly, “I love you, ‘Toshi, see you soon,”
“Bye dad. Love you,”
Hizashi waited on the line for Hitoshi to hang up and sighed, “I hate getting injured,”
“I hate seeing you injured,” Shouta leaned towards him again, “You’re okay now, and that guy is already locked up. Focus on healing so we can go home to Hitoshi and Nugget. We all know she loves you the most, somehow,”
Hizashi laughed again, “Somehow,” He repeated. He reached for Shouta’s hand again, squeezing it, “Call me sweetheart again,”
“Just this once, sweetheart,” Shouta teased, watching as Hizashi’s eyes fluttered shut again.
“Thanks, kitten,”
Now it was Shouta’s turn to be flustered.
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Platonic Yandere Bakeneko Erasermic and Shinso
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(Yes, you read that right. I’ve seen people suggest that I do nymphs or nagas for this lovable trio. (Fanon wise) But why not Bakenekos?)
Aizawa and Mic are pretty ancient creatures who’ve lived in this forest for a good while, Shinsou was an orphaned kit they adopted.
They are respected and merciful, they’ll help travelers and explorers but they aren’t afraid to wack a bitch.
Aizawa has personally tangled with Shigaraki and Dabi, mostly for territory and cause Shiggy is a little shit.
You came across them after fleeing from some sort of threat. Mic straight up adopted you, you’re his kid now.
Aizawa is slightly more skeptical to have you since you’re human and related to hunters until you bring up the fact that Shigaraki and Dabi kidnapped you and made you their child.
You’re not permitted to leave their section of territory as Shigaraki is a pretty dangerous naga who is currently causing multiple deaths to occur. It’s basically his way of guilt tripping.
Hitoshi is your protector now, he doesn’t want you to get hurt. Out of everyone on the roster, Tokoyami, Ochako, Kai and Eri and the Erasermic fam are the most mentally stable of the bunch.
If Deku or Shigadabi do end up dying in some way, then your best bet is with them.
But on the bright side, Erasermic are pretty damn good parents. They provide for you and teach you in their ways of survival. Also, they’re cats!! Aizawa and Mic can purr AND LOAF!
Hitoshi loves to fuck with you and has earned honorary big brother status. He comforts you and will not hesitate to protect or defend you. If you have a nightmare or have a panic attack, he’ll reassuringly chuff and purr as a way to soothe you.
All in all, they good kitty cats.
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mimez-meme · 12 days
All might and hizashi friendship headcanons‼️ mention of erasermic and Davemight.
They gossip in English
Whenever all might swears in English mic laughs and always says “didn’t take you to be such a swearer all mighttt~”
They love to go to a cafe after work whenever they canto talk about random shit:3
Known as the”power loud duo” (idk💀)
Defo went to a rage room together once but all might didn’t want to break anything cuz it’s “disrespectful” mic just had to tell him “dude, it’s a rage room all this stuff is here for us to break, it’s fine, I know you got anger in you so now’s the time to let it out! Come on! And he broke everything 💀
Both marvel fans and once the pair showed up to a costume party as Batman and robin (all might was Batman obv)
All might can laugh without moving his mouth and it scares the shit out of mic
They talk about different ways to kill villains
Once all might told mic that he likes his smile and mic started to frown and look a bit upset and all might was like “HUH IM SRRY DID I DO SOMETHING WRONG?!” Mic just laughed and was like “no.. don’t worry but thanks bud, I’m not use to compliments especially ones about my appearance..” all might felt bad and hugged him “it’s alright zashi..”
Mic is one of the few who knows what all might has gone through and how he actually feels(not all of it but most) but all might doesn’t know a lot about how mic actually feels and what he’s been through (it’s hard to get the both to open up but it’s harder to get mic to open up) so all might always tries to get hizashi to open up but he mostly fails. He knows about a friend that died, and his anger and guilt but that’s about it.
All might has shit music taste and mic always tries to get him to listen to better music and whenever he does and he like idk puts on a song that’s better all might just like “what is this..” and mic just reply’s with “come on dude it’s better then whatever shit you listen to, just.. vibe”
All might was the 2nd person mic came out to and was the 2nd to know about his crush on aizawa or about their relationship. All might was obv very supportive and tries to show his support the best he can, he once tried to bake him a cake (a rainbow one ofc) but.. uh it failed. and with that mic was the first to know about all might being gay/ace and aromatic mic was shocked but then hyped him up, they’re both just support buddy’s for eachother.
All might is the biggest erasermic fan, (along with nem) mic is the biggest Davemight fan
Mic has to correct all might on his English sometimes but other then that both their English is very good🤗
All might forgets his birthday, mic always remembers so whenever mic goes “happy birthday toshi!! What do you wanna do today?” All might just stands there confused “huh?..is it my birthday?” Mic is just use to it. “Yes now come on!” Mic always forces all might to wear a birthday hat or whatever so he remembers throughout the day and so others can wish him a happy birthday
Mic was also convinced that deku was all mights secret love child and so he asked all might “are you dekus father or something..?” All might obv just laughed and denied it, mic still brings up the possibility every now and then tho
All might use to play football when younger and got a bit of a leg injury cuz of it, mic use to play volleyball and some basketball aswell, they always start talking about it one way or another
They Always make sure eachother eat
Mic knowing how much toshi suffers and how he struggles to know who he is when not “all might” he always make sure all might knows he’s not useless and he has a purpose no matter who he is, and knowing that mic goes through something similar with his “two personalities” (yk, present mic and Hizashi Yamada??) all might does the same.
Dance together sometimes (all might isn’t the best dancer..)
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plusultraetc · 6 months
ask game!! fake dating real feelings. sounds like some good quality fluff!!!
AH OKAY SO this one is a relatively new WIP and it's a little out of my wheelhouse ngl, but I Love Them and so I am writing it anyway lol. It's also incredibly canon divergent. Like, we've left canon in the rearview, we're borderline making stuff up at this point.
Early 20s erasermic, Aizawa ends up meeting eight year old Shinsou through a case, and in an effort to keep the Commission from squirreling him and his brainwashing quirk away somewhere, decides to foster a child. The problem is, Aizawa lives out of a suitcase in a barren apartment, which means:
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Cue Aizawa and Mic committing like. Way too much to their pretend relationship while somehow remaining oblivious to each other's feelings. Aizawa's like "wow, Yamada is really good at pretending to be in love with me. And pretending to be in love with him is really easy. I will at no point consider this any more closely."
(Have some Aizawa hiding in the bathroom while the Commission's '''social worker''' visits Mic's apartment bc if there's one thing this fic is it's fun to write :D)
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 months
I found my old BNHA Selkie AU and here is the basis:
Magic and Quirks coexist. People figured out that magic caused Quirks cause people marrying into various families and all.
Izuku is Quirkless meaning his magical side is far enough away its faded out says the doctor. He lives with his mother who tells him to not go bear the beach due to her trauma as a child nearly drowning and his father left when he was five. Izuku though doesn't listen and often goes to the beach. Something about the water draws him in.
On day, during a beach clean up from the nature spirits/ insert other people, Izuku finds a box he suddenly has the urge to open. He feels himself frenzied, he’s ripping it open and there is a skin. He puts it on and he’s a seal.
Suddenly there are a million things clicking and his stomach is dropping.
Inko gets arrested for stealing the skin of a Selkie and then keeping her son’s skin from him. Izuku is taken into custody and given to EraserMic as they went through something similar (Hizashi is a fae of some sorts? I think I had Aizawa as a vampire but a note just says basic so I think I changed it).
I think its pretty fun
I have like one thing written but here is a rewrite of it;
Inko wasn't shocked when the police showed up at her job. She always knew her secret would be exposed one day. She had wanted Hisashi so bad, but he never looked at her. She hoped that he would grow to love her. He’d loved Izuku, laughed and was such a good father…
But he found his skin and left. She was left behind. She hoped to keep Izuku still, but... The sea draws its people. She knew that from seeing Izuku’s eyes always drawn to it.
“I’ll come quietly.” she says to the police who look relieved.
She’s only sorry she got barely five years with her husband, and thirteen with her son.
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ace-touya · 5 months
Top 10 mha characters I think are underrated
10 - Mustard. I love mustard, I know there’s a group of people who love mustard, but there’s not enough content of him for the rest of the fandom to love him too. If anyone has any mustard headcanons, throw them at me. Right now.
9 - the girls of class 1-A. The only reason they’re at 9 is because, out of everyone on here they’re probably the least underrated. But I swear we’re sleeping on all of them. Putting them individually would take up too many spaces but each and every single one of these girls own my heart.
8 - Monoma. He’s low down just because I know why hes underrated and it’s because his character depth was stolen from him. But he’s so interesting!
7 - Magne. Because I’m mainly in the LOV part of the fandom I do see a lot of Magne but still not as much as I would like. Please talk to me about Magne. Actually talk to me about everyone on here.
6 - Tokoyami. Need i say more? They’re so cool. I have so many headcanons about this funky bird guy. And the RELATIONSHIPS with this guy. Tokoyami and Dark Shadow!! Tokoyami and Izuku!! Tokoyami and Shoji!!! Tokoyami and Tsu!! Tokoyami and Hawks!!!!
5 - Geten. The only MLA character I actually care about honestly. I hate the rest of them, but Geten intrigues me. What is his connection to the rest of the Himura family? How did he end up where he is? Personally I like to think Rei has a sibling and Geten’s their child. I wanna know other people’s theories though! Also the fact he’s really quite young, especially compared to the other MLA members
4 - Tenya Iida. Lawful good class rep guy goes on a feral arc and plots revenge and people don’t talk about him?? Simultaneously a nerd and a jock?? Has an amazing big brother who I also adore?? The family drama with this guy. The body horror with him ripping out his own mufflers that one time. Like. Can we please talk about him more.
3 - Recovery Girl. Where would we be without this woman let’s be real with ourselves. She’s the only one with sense I fear. I’d like to think Izuku is pretty close to her now.
2 - Overhaul. I know there is an overhaul demographic out there however I am worried that they just find him hot. The way his relationship with Eri is just projection??? His connections to Tomura and AFO????
1 - Present Mic. People don’t understand him like I do okay. Please I’m begging he’s so much more than Just There Because Aizawa Is. I ship EraserMic SO MUCH but I NEED you to give him his personality back. Especially in rooftop trio stuff, he gets erased so much and people act like it’s just Oboro and Aizawa.
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kywaslost · 2 years
Hi there! This is my first request here and uh.. I really like your stuff... 👉👈..
I was wondering if it would be okay to ask for your interpretation or a story thing on erasermic (accidentally) adopting a very shy, and light self harming/deprecating deaf kid?
If it's not too much to ask!! I don't know how to do this I don't wish to over step ^^'''
Thank you ^^
You’ll Fit Right In - EraserMic
A/N: Man I am such a sucker for erasermic comfort!! So, hello! I’m really glad you like my writings! And I’m so glad you requested this because I love writing for erasermic but I basically trauma dump in every erasermic fic I post (including the one I’ve been working on in my free time…). I hope you really like this one!
Warnings: bad childhood, sh, self-deprecation
Aizawa and Hizashi weren't planning on adopting another child. They already had Shinsou, afterall, and Eraserhead was listed as one of Eri’s guardians, so she was around from time to time. But they couldn’t resist bringing you into their home.
You had a past much like Eri’s, except instead of being experimented on by a group of villains, you had been experimented on by the Commission. They wanted to try and create the perfect hero, but in the end they only messed up your quirk and caused you to go deaf. Hizashi and Aizawa were on the team that was sent in to rescue you. If you were honest, the only reason you went with them was because Hizashi knew JSl, and he was able to communicate with you way better than the Commission ever could.
When the two heroes found out you had no remaining relatives, they immediately asked for adoption papers. You tried to tell them that they didn’t have to keep you around, but they wouldn’t have it. They explained that they didn’t want to throw you to some foster home who didn’t know how to care for you, and that they already had experience handling situations like this.
So here you were, living with Eraserhead, Present Mic, and Shinsou, with the occasional visit from Eri. As expected, there were some bumps and setbacks. You were very shy, and meeting so many new people at once stressed you out. You went from living in a small, sectioned off room the size of a storage closet to a house with your own giant bed room that you could decorate any way you wanted. You sat down every meal with your new family, and eventually you had to get to know them.
Aizawa was the first one to notice your scars. You were sitting next to him on the couch as he graded papers. You had a cat in your lap, petting it gently as you read a book. Some would say Aizawa looked over at the wrong time, but he’d argue otherwise. The cat in your lap was pushing up the hem of your sleeve, and the teacher beside you could see thin, angry, red lines along your arm.
It startled him at first, and then it didn’t. He should have figured you would result in something like this. He tried so hard to make sure Eri didn’t harm herself, but he never thought to talk to you about this unhealthy coping mechanism. Shouta gently took your hand with his, turning it ever so slightly to get a better look at your wounds.
His touch caught your attention, and when you looked up at him, he looked at you with something between worry and distress. That’s when you realized that he had seen your arm. Tears immediately welled up in your eyes.
‘Y/N,’ Aizawa signed to you. ‘Let me help you. Tell me what’s wrong.’
You sniffled, then wiped your eyes with your other sleeve. ‘I’m not worth your time.’
You could have sworn Aizawa’s eyes glowed red for a split second. Now he’s angry with you, you thought to yourself. You’ve surely done it now. You wanted to look away but Aizawa began signing again. ‘That’s not true, Y/N. You are worth our time. We want you here.” His thumb lightly grazed your cuts again. ‘Please, let me know when you feel like doing this.” Shouta’s hand stalled for a moment. ‘I struggled with it too, when I was in high school and I lost someone very close to me. I know how to help you, you just have to let me.’
You may be very shy, but so is Aizawa. And you may be a bit self deprecating but so was Shinsou, and Aizawa and Hizashi could help with that. And for your unhealthy coping mechanisms, all three of them had dealt with. You just need to let them in, let them help you, and you’ll be alright in the end :)
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thetreefairy · 1 year
I hope you're having a good day/night. Platonic Aizawa and Present mic where the reader had abusive ‘Christianity’ parents because of her quirk (I’m going to say two blood manipulation, and you can pick the other one), and they threw her in a foster home because she was the ‘devil spawn’ or something and they put her in a foster home that’s where she met Hitoshi. So years later, the parents show up and ‘apologize’ and want to start new again. They didn’t mean that they needed her for money, or they could sell her to some rich guy who would pay for her since she had two quirks and was young and pretty.
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I don't know but I am worried that this is based of your real life with the trauma around christianity, so if you want to vent about anything my dms are open </3, also requests will take more time due to my studyin' gn!AFAB! reader Warnings: abusive themes, christianity, yandere themes, shouting, arranged marriage attempted, abuse of power, transphobia, misgendering, implied murder
Reader's quirks:
Blood manipulation, kinda like the blood-bending from A:TLA.
neuroelectric interfacing, like wanda you can read people's mind and awake their deepest nightmares.
m/n - mothers name
f/n - fathers name
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Reader used to love their birth parents with all their heart. When they gave them up for fostercare because their quirks were too demonic, their heart broke.
Their heart broke in a million pieces, but Reader's heart broke even more then they saw Shinso Hitoshi come into fostercare. They became friends due to their shared trauma, they trained together and they soon became siblings.
Their caretakers saw that, and they told all who even wanted to take one of the two in, that the two are not to be seperated.
So when the two pro-heroes; eraserhead and Present mic wanted to take the two in, the caretakers couldn't help but do a happy dance. Erasermic loved hitoshi, yes. But due to how he spoke about Reader they couldn't help but fall in love with them as well.
So when reader finally became comfortable enough to share their trauma surrounding religion and their concern about 'tainting' Eri.
The yandere tendencies started to become worse.
"Me and Reader are going out to that cat café we wanted to try!" Hitoshi shouted towards the living room while the two were putting on their jackets. "Alright, but don't make any detours and be home before dinner!" Hizashi shouted back at them with a smile. The timing was great, since Reader's biological parents wanted to have a chat with them.
But when the two opened the door, Reader's birth parents were infront of them. "My child, what have you grown!" The woman shouted while trying to grab Reader's hands, which caused Hitoshi to stand between them. "Don't touch them." He hissed, causing the woman to step back in surprise. Reader was frozen, they couldn't move and they didn't know how to react.
"Why, boy! We are her parents!"
"No, you aren't, you gave up those rights when you put them in fostercare. And they go by they/them pronouns so watch it." Shota said in a harsh tone, putting his hand on reader's shoulder, trying his best to be comforting. "My husband and I have granted you your request to speak to us, Reader and Shinso will not be presented for that conversation."
Hizashi and him wanted to keep the conversation a secret as to see what they wanted first, before bringing Reader's hopes up. "Do not forget, that they are legally our child." Hizashi chimed in.
M/n and f/n walked into the house, causing Reader to hide behind Shota and causing Hitoshi to shield them with his body. Glaring at the two adults. "Well this concerns reader's future!" M/n shouted, causing Reader to flinch. "Yes, we have found a way to rid her of her sins!" F/n tried to announce excitedly. "I would watch what you call them, and watch what you say."
Hitoshi hugged them thight, looking for a way to get reader and himself out of this situation. But he knew what quirk f/n had, and he didn't want Reader to see him use that quirk. Afterall it had been used to torture them.
"You just need to marry our high priest! He will clench your soul, reader! It is the perfect-"
"Get out." Hizashi said, his voice calm. The couple didn't listen and tried to get closer to Reader again. Reader activated their second quirk, causing the two to stand still while they see their nightmares. Hitoshi saw this as the perfect time to get them the fuck out of there.
He knew the look in their dads eyes, this wasn't going to end well, and Reader needs to stay in the dark about it.
When the two teenagers were upstairs and Hizashi texted hitoshi to blast some music. "That devil!" f/n shouted when the two were back to normal. "Oh, what hypocrits." Shota chuckled. "How dare you! We must live in gods light and we need to cleanse Reader's soul!" M/n shouted. Hizashi scoffed. "Well, you'll see soon enough if your god even wants you."
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candlecoo · 2 years
His majesty deku? Brainrot rn.
Is Hisashi allowed to use his quirk internationally? Does he have a special licence?
Also, how would All Might feel if he was like. Officially adopted into the family. Bc Inko's a Shimura, and All Might was Basically Nana's son, which makes him Inko's technical older brother... how would that go?
Also also, do Inko and Hisashi both freak out whenever a villain attack happens? Like, USJ, Training Camp..
I imagine during the Mall Incident, Shinsou went with them, bc he's Izukus Body Guard, but Izuku tells him to go have fun and buy stuff. And then izuku gets attacked. Shinsou would feel so guilty, but also would get Grilled by Lady Nagant, who picks them up from the police station.
Side note, if not responded to b4, who are Shinsou's parents in this AU? In a few AUs you have him adopted by EraserMic but here he's an Itunear Citizen.
Love your AUs! (Also, I was the one who sent the original ask abt hmd and it's been so cool to see how you've expanded the silly 3 am idea I had.)
- Hisashi does have an international quirk license, though it's only supposed to be for emergencies, however he likes doing party tricks with his quirk too much to fully restrain himself.
- All Might is honored but extremely overwhelmed at first, he hasn't had anything close to family(besides Izuku) since Nana died and now he's being welcomed into his predecessors long lost family. It's a lot. But he gets used to it and is happy.
- Hisashi and Inko both freak out! Of course they do that's their only child and he's throwing himself in dangerous situations. Not to mention that he's a prince and has the future of their country resting on his shoulders.
- Izuku gets at least two guards shadowing him in public at all times after the mall incident. Shinsou gets lectured majorly and has to do extra training after school with Lady Nagant.
- the Shinsou's family run a small farm in the town of Ontsa. It's a large family, like most Itunear households. Hitoshi was able to rank with the special guard because of both his friendship with Izuku and his quirk.
Thank you so much for sending that original ask this au has become one of my absolute favorites to work on and brings me so much joy!!!
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little-bumblebeeee · 1 year
My MHA/BNHA headcanons :)
• Mirio wanted to be an actor when he was young, and even starred in a few commercials.
• Dabi loves messing with the heroes so much that he randomly posts pictures from new online accounts of him posing and flipping of the camera over a recent crime.
• Kirishima was a very bitey child which really sucked for the people he bit.
• Tsuyu had a little tadpole tail in early elementary school.
• Ochaco goes on tumblr on a secret account so she could talk to people who were fans of hers, and later surprise them by revealing herself.
• Todoroki was and forever will be terrified of the movie Coraline.
• Tokoyami is a very small streamer who frequently plays horror games.
• Not related but that last one made me imagine a very smol Tokoyami trying to play video games.
• Bakugo was caught watching Hamilton.
• Denki found the edits of them all...
• Aoyama types 《☆°sigh°☆》 in the middle of text conversations.
• Kirishima and Denki really like Gorillaz.
• The class once saw Aizawa hopping in his sleeping bag after a cat ran out of said sleeping bag.
• Aizawa gave extra points to Ochaco one time because she doodled the class as cats at the bottom of her paper.
• Mineta is in heavy trouble with the teachers and Nezu, so much so that they are majorly considering putting Shinso in his place in class while he gets expelled for constantly harassing other students.
• Erasermic family (Aizawa, Mic, Shinso, and Eri)
• Shouji only removes his mask around certain people. Those people include Tokoyami, Tsu, Aoyama, and Kouji.
• He does this only with them because they make him feel appreciated and normal in different ways, even though being quote unquote "normal" in this world is so impossible with everyone's different takes on what normality even is.
• Shoto writes letters to Touya and keeps them in a safe little box. He always knew Touya would never see them, but it felt nice to feel like he was talking to him again.
• Sero ironically uses the word "icky".
• Aoyama says "icky" too, but completely and undeniably unironically.
• Hagakure had a point in her life where she tied a balloon to herself so people would know she was there.
• Jirou and Bakugo started to slightly get along after Bakugo revealed he could play drums. Not friends, but having a shared bond over music, even if they were into different genres.
• Momo donates to toy drives A LOT. Especially around Christmas.
• Ojiro used to play volleyball in Middle School by using his tail.
• Satou always bakes for the class after something big happens, and he gives extra to Momo if she fought because he knows she is weaker than usual.
• Kouda volunteers at animal hospitals whenever he gets free time
• Iida ugly cried watching Fruits Basket.
• Mina kind of regretted her hero name when she eventually graduated and became an actual hero.
• Don't worry though because the moment a little boy with purple skin came running up to her almost crying, she was perfectly fine with the name.
• Deku is 100% All might's secret love child. (Todoroki:* transforms into the 'ooh' cat from Puss in Boots*)
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