#erend  is here too
paperbackfable · 2 months
Erend: they don't Id me at the liquor store anymore because they see the light has left my eyes
Erend: We're playing Scrabble. It's a nightmare.
Alva: Scrabble? Scrabble's great.
Erend: Not when you're playing with Zo, it's not. They put words like "ephemeral" and I put "dog".
Varl: You're ignoring all your problems.
Aloy: I know.
Varl: You also know it's an unhealthy coping mechanism?
Aloy: I'm ignoring that fact as well.
Zo: In your opinion, what's the height of stupidity?
Aloy: turning to Sylens How tall are you?
Aloy: You lying, cheating, piece of shit!
Sylens: Oh yeah? You're the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD.
Aloy: I'm leaving you, and I'm TAKING BETA WITH ME!
Varl, picking up the strike board: I think we're gonna stop playing now.
Aloy: Want do you want to be for "Halloween"?
Beta: Loved.
Aloy: Don't do this.
Sylens: I will not stand to be disrespected like this!
Aloy: Then sit.
Alva: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the things you lost throughout your life...
Zo: It would be nice to have my sense of purpose back.
Aloy: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this.
Beta: My will to live! I haven't seen this in years.
Erend: I knew I lost that potential somewhere.
Varl: Mental stability, my old friend!
Alva: Ancestors, could you guys lighten up a little?
Varl: What do you think Kotallo will do for a distraction?
Aloy: Probably, like, whistle or throw a rock. That's what I would do.
Building explodes and several car alarms go off
Aloy: ...or they could do that.
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robo-dino-puppy · 15 days
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little comforts
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imma-dragon53 · 1 year
Hey. I wrote a thing. Just a short lil Drabble about Kotallo and Beta playing strike. check it out. 
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felrend · 2 years
People on Twitter asking for peoples Tumblr accounts 🤣🤣🤣
You leave my thirst dungeon alone!
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nerd-artist · 29 days
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I had to draw this tribute to Singularity, one of my favorite quests in Horizon Forbidden West.
Here’s a fake comic book cover too. I wish we had more official comics featuring Aloy and Erend on an adventure 🧡
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meggannn · 5 months
aloy in the slack channel: everyone should be added now and assignments have been sent for the month so refresh your inboxes and ask gaia if you have any issues
erend: Go team!!
talanah: @everyone anyone want to hunt an apex stormbird with me, meet me by the west exist in 5min, bring your own arrows
varl: aloy when are you updating your icons, yours and talanahs are still the default so i keep getting you both confused
avad: Hello Am I Using This Correctly? How Is The Weather Out West?
anonymous: If you continue to fill this message board with prattle, I shall install a virus into the network that restricts you all to five messages per day before all your focuses will crash. Consider yourselves appropriately warned and do not touch the lab door for the next twelve hours, as I have cultures growing and the lab must remain at a certain temperature.
aloy: Sylens I know you know how to use mute so shut up and leave if you don't like it
alva: Hi everyone, and hi Sylens, just to let you know, I don't want to be presumptuous or anything but the plural of "focuses" is actually foci! Quen scholars have debated this rigorously, and colloquially the Old Ones said focuses all the time, but grammatically I just thought you might want to know the more accurate word!
alva: ALSO I'm so glad we can chat here now, I'll upload you all some files here so we can learn and use some terms that the Ancestors used! TTYS!!! (talk to you soon)
beta: Aloy keeps forgetting to respond to my request for admin access formally so I've hacked her account and am assigning myself a fellow moderator of this chat just to tell everyone this is for WORK ONLY. I'll make several separate threads for any other idle chat or interests, but please keep it on topic here.
kotallo: Hello, everyone. Apologies for the message, I'd just like to test that this text-to-speech function works. Send. Oh I needn't say "send"? Thank you, GAIA.
[beta has created #off-topic]
[beta has created #events-and-schedules]
[beta has created #find-a-friend-(to-take-you-down-the-mountain)]
[beta has created #old-world-resources]
erend: can we have one for music too?
[beta has created #old-world-music]
seyka: Hi all, am I doing this right?
anonymous: Enough.
[anonymous has locked this thread]
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seramilla · 5 months
Carmilla is sitting in her rocking chair holding baby Emily while on the bed Sera and Odette are reading a story to Clara. Sera is teaching Odette to read and enjoying it while Clara is listening to the story that the two are reading to her. Carmilla feels so wonderful like she's dreaming she is a about to pinch herself to make sure it isn't a dream but stops herself if this wonderful life she has is a dream she doesn't to wake up.
Carmilla had moved the rocking chair she'd used for Odette and Clara out of storage, and into the bedroom she shares with Sera to be closer to her during the recovery. It allows her the opportunity to keep an eye on Sera, while still sitting there and holding Emily, appreciating all the tiny, uniquely baby things about her, from her microscopic hands, to the little wings she still hasn't learned how to control yet.
Carmilla has swaddled her, but her wings keep breaking out, flapping and flittering under the cloth as the little angel looks up at Carmilla, tiny fist shoved in her baby mouth and doe eyes starting up at her other mother, full of mystery and wonder. She notices Emily's eyes had opened much sooner than Odette and Clara's. She's also extremely feisty for a creature so new to the world. Maybe she takes more after Carmilla, after all.
Clara and Odette enjoy some time on the bed next to Sera. Odette's been helping Clara try to learn to speak more clearly by reading to her, and she and Sera help the toddler pronounce the words that appear in the animal picture book Odette brought into the room for her.
Clara's really good at saying things like "cat" and "dog". But she hasn't quite mastered "hippopotamus" or "elephant". Her pronunciation of the latter sounds more like "erend foot", and every time Clara says it, Odette erupts into fits of giggles.
"No, Clara, not like like!" Odette snickers. "EL-AH-FUHNT!"
Sera can't hide her own muffled laughter behind her hand. She doesn't want Clara to think she's making fun of her. But the little girl is so funny in her lessons, she can't help herself.
"You'll get it one day, Clara," Sera says, before picking up the toddler and holding her in her laps. Sera winces a little when Clara leans a little too far into her stomach. Sera deals with it, though, like a champ.
Carmilla smiles, and draws her attention away from her partner and other children to look back down at Emily. The little angel has finally fallen asleep amidst all the excitedment. At least someone is getting some good sleep around here, Carmilla thinks with a grin.
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discar · 5 months
HZD Terraforming Base-001 Text Communications Network
Chapter 31 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
Created: 23 days ago
Edited: 87 times
Last edited: 5 minutes ago
To Mother
To War-Chief Sona
To Mother [stick with the more personal tone]
I found The Anointed Aloy [she knows Aloy doesn't like being called that] deep in the Forbidden West. She believes that the secret to stopping the Red Blight, and perhaps even ending the Derangement, is here. We have settled into an Old Ones base [even with our Seeker blessings, that will make her uncomfortable] a permanent camp in the mountains. It is safe here. We have numerous allies, including Erend, the Oseram Vanguard. Sun-King Avad has implied his support. [that's confusing, and she wouldn't care anyway]
You're going to be a grandmother! [too light]
I met a girl. [too flippant]
One of those allies is an Utaru woman named Zo, who defied her leaders to fight the Red Raids. [don't bring up defying elders] She is intelligent and compassionate. [mother won't care] I am going to bring her back to the Embrace eventually. I think you'll like her.
[should this be part of the previous part?] There is also a Tenakth soldier named Kotallo who seems interested in our tales of battle against the Carja, and a woman from a new tribe, from across the sea [too confusing] and a lorekeeper named Alva from a distant tribe. Alva is very interested in our stories and customs, but is careful to ask me how to ask for permission to enter our holy sites [sounds bad] and I'm sure she will have much to speak to the Matriarchs about.
These new enemies we're facing, mother, these Zeniths... it's hard to describe them. They are immortal [she won't believe it] They bear the sins of the Old Ones [too fanciful] They have new machines that obey their commands, worse than the Eclipse cultists and their dark corruptors. Sometimes I'm not sure how we are surviving against one or two at a time, and they have hundreds. Aloy is a terror in combat. We have a plan, but it's all so beyond me. I'm not sure it will actually work. Not because I doubt Aloy or the others, just because it relies so much on things I am only now learning. GAIA [don't try to explain GAIA] The All-Mother says [makes me sound like a prophet] Our allies believe this will work, and I have to trust them.
Aloy has a sister [too flippant] The Zeniths made their own Anointed [confusing and blasphemy] The Zeniths had a captive. We managed to rescue her, and I've managed to get through to her, but she's scared and she's been alone her entire life. She reminds me of Aloy, but not in the good ways. She's smarter than the rest of us put together, but she doesn't know what to do with it and has no practical skills. She can't even sew up her own clothes. She hides in her room most of the time. Aloy has been talking to her, and sometimes it helps but sometimes it makes things worse. It's like watching someone yell at their reflection. [don't reference clones] They're too alike. I'm trying to get her to step out of the Base camp to see the sunrise, but it's hard. I think she's scared of not having a ceiling over her head. She always sleeps in, too.
There's a lot to see, outside the Embrace. New people, new machines I couldn't have even imagined. It's not like the Matriarchs say, all cursed heathens. [too aggressive, don't contradict the Matriarchs] It's beautiful, but frightening too. I wish you could see it, even though you'd hate it. [probably too much]
I hope this letter finds you well.
Your son, Varl.
[GAIA said she can print this out, but I think I should copy it out by hand]
[maybe I should just delete this, I'm probably going to be the one going to Nora lands anyway]
Chapter 31 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
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aescela · 2 years
The Gaia Gang Dormitory
Anyway I noticed the three little bunks of Alva, Erend and Kotallo in the Base are carefully designed and very In Character(tm) and here's my essay nobody asked for.
1. Erend
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His bunk looks as if a workshop had a baby with a college dorm and then exploded. It is as clumsy and slightly careless as Erend is, all his things strewn haphazardly over the place. There's an apron for blacksmith work, clothes, tools, bottles and the keg of ale he shared with Kotallo. A chair with a reading lamp too, interestingly, but unusable since he parked a chest on it. Erend sometimes has a very bad opinion of himself (wrongly so) as well as a daydreamy, somewhat immature streak and that is reflected in his unwillingness to tidy up, because why bother. It's very Him in every way, a little muddled but oddly charming.
2. Alva
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She is a scholar through and through. Her bunk has barely any decoration or clutter since she spends 99,9% of her time getting excited over the data in the archive. She's a family person who likes to keep in touch with her loved ones - she has a little desk with a handwritten letter to her family, a holo diary and scrolls. Her bed looks as if she never sleeps there. Probably doesn't. Probably never sleeps at all.
3. Kotallo
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Kotallo is mentioned several times preferring privacy and alone time, stated so by the other inhabitants of the Base including Gaia. This is reflected in his room being the only one with an improvised curtain shielding his bed from view. He stores some trophies in his bunk (like the scorcher heart that I remember being WAY smaller when he pulled it out of the carcass...), vessels of what looks like scrap metal and spare parts - tools of a soldier to keep his weapons ready for use. He mentions the Base could use some color, so he brought some Tenakth decor in. In Sky Clan magenta, interestingly, not Hekarro's colors. What is most striking is the kitchen corner with sausages (?) and the cute pumpkin candle holder that looks like Zo crafted it. He likes to cook, apparently? It is never mentioned by him or any of the others. Overall a surprisingly cozy ensemble that fits Kotallo's personality - stoic, practical warrior with a soft, broody streak.
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focusontheheart · 11 months
Meet the Team - @boobaloof
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Hi! My name is Babs. I worked on Aloy’s lineart for the Erend route on FOTH! I first discovered Horizon when I purchased my first ever PS4 in 2019 (The version that came with Shadow of the Colossus, God of War, and Horizon). I had been a bit adamant on playing it at first, seeing as how I sucked major ass at managing the Ps4 controls— but when I got over myself and bravely opened the game, I got thrusted into the most beautiful, lush world that soon dragged me under in the most blissful of ways.  From that day onwards, my creative side took over, drawing and writing to my heart's content. I’m a deeply creative person who didn’t quite have that something to create about back then— so when I  played this game, I fell in love. I could finally let that creative side of me thrive freely.
See the Q&A with Babs below the cut!
Q: What is a favorite piece of work you've done (i.e. completed, working on, in concept)?
I personally can’t choose from my artworks because— I mean, who knows what comes next. I know I’ll always one-up myself for the next one, so just choosing one is pretty difficult. I feel a special connection to each of my pieces, each telling a different story and showcasing what techniques I knew back then. 
But if I had to choose, I’ve been quite proud of my latest Ereloy piece— That one where they’re kissing in the middle of the smoke in the battlefield? Yeah. This one.
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When it comes to writing it's completely different. My favorite piece, my magnum opus thus far, has been and will probably always be Allow.  That was a monster of an emotional fic for me and where I pulled at my own hair the most during the process. Building that ‘something-special-between-two-people’ in writing is such a difficult process— and a frustrating one for me, too, seeing as I’m a very emotional person.
Q: What are some of your favorite tropes to write, draw, or read?
I am very corny and very bitter. I like character introspection, angst, and character studies, I like drawing/writing/watching relationships develop and create small pockets of reality where everything feels like a dream. 
Friends to lovers is a must for me, and I like Modern AUs every now and then, too. 
Also— I adore re-imagining characters in different styles and worlds, be it canon or AUS. It’s fun to play around with what’s been established and translating into other AUs while keeping what makes the characters them, well, them. It’s also one hell of a creative exercise. 10/10 would recommend.
Q: What is an unexpected or fun fact about you?
Marine biology student over here! I’ve always loved the planet I live in, and the life it nurtures— I used to be a rowdy kid with an unhealthy obsession with wildlife, animals, dinosaurs, and adventure. Having a limitless source of undying curiosity didn’t help, either— so, this is the life I’ve chosen for myself. 
I hope to bring honor to it one day.
Q: What has been your favorite thing about working on this project so far?
Watching it all come together! It’ll be like this massive book with many different stories and special moments– who doesn’t love stories made with the utmost love and devotion? That aspect alone is what makes them special. 
And this project is certainly special.
Working with the Erend team was super fun, too. Balancing life and working on the project certainly taught me many things! Especially when the outcome is just. so. good–!
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marshsano · 2 years
Here’s a crazy idea I came up with; what if in Horizon you could cook and eat the machines? The Nora are the only tribe who knows this and one day Aloy offers to make dinner for her friends, they think she’s joking and laugh it off until she’s butchering an entire trampler in the kitchen. She and Varl don’t understand the problem, wait, you guys DON’T eat machines? The meat looks like burnt glowing blue steak, but Erend and the others swears it was the best meal they ever had together.
just because i liked this prompt so much, i spent like the last week drawing a comic for this! here you go! (as someone who is NOT very experienced in comic making.)
[read right to left!]
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granted i’m a little out of practice with drawing horizon characters, so bear with me! first post of the new year too.
the idea of eating machines is both morally questionable AND hilarious to me. aloy takes down a tremor-tusk with kotallo, and as he takes the gun away, he turns to see her prepping it to eat later? or aloy and alva take down a slitherfang and aloy keeps shouting for alva to not hit too hard so that they can use the food later??? everyone would lose their minds.
also varl and aloy being in on some big cool thing together is just so cute to me.
aloy is such an oddball to other people too, so i think it’d be really funny to see other people react to her. hope i did this justice!
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Planting the Seeds - Aloy/Seyka Fanfiction
Seyka, as it turned out, was extremely competent at life-threatening tasks… and only mediocre at everything else.
“I’m planting,” Seyka said, lifting her chin just so.
“We call it gardening.” Exasperation and amusement warred in Zo’s tone. She rested a hand on her pregnant belly as she eased to the ground beside Seyka.
The path to Varl’s gravesite was littered with holes: some with poorly packed soil and tiny sprouts, some with whole saplings crammed into spaces far too small. The summer wind, absolutely frigid at this altitude, whipped up the mountainside.
Even the saplings were shivering.
Aloy covered her mouth to hide her laughter. “Gardening, huh? When you said you were ‘too busy’ to come hunting with me, I expected—”
“Combat practice? Rock climbing?” Seyka’s eyes gleamed. “Listen, those were fine when my tribe’s survival was at stake, but I’m on vacation now. You’ve got to learn to relax, sunwing.”
She’d started calling Aloy that a few weeks ago: sunwing. “Because your hair is red like the sun. Also, because of how you face-planted when we first met.” Then she laughed and laughed as Aloy’s cheeks turned as splotchy red as her hair.
Now Seyka pulled it out to poke fun at Aloy—but the nickname still made Aloy’s stomach flip.
A bit like flying, actually.
Aloy’s face flushed. Zo smirked, which made it so much worse. Shit. The group knew Seyka was… special… to Aloy, but none of them had asked for details. On the one hand, it was nice that she was offered privacy. On the other hand, it left Aloy wondering how much they’d surmised—and what was fabricated to satisfy their curiosity.
“I can relax,” Aloy spluttered. “I put candles in my room—”
“Oh right. You do have a room. I forgot, because I’ve only ever seen you drifting asleep on your mounts between distress calls.”
A challenge.
Aloy crossed her arms. “Oh, oh. You’re one to talk. Filling every waking minute with combat practice with Kotollo and Erend.”
“That was six times.”
“In six days.”
Seyka’s smirk turned devilish. “Well. You could invite me into your room, with its spectacular candle-filled ambiance. We could always test your bed. Learn to relax together.”
Zo continued tending the sprouts, as if they weren’t having this conversation beside her. But she was listening aptly, if her knowing smile was any indication.
Aloy, meanwhile, felt like she was in the middle of the desert. Heat slid up her spine, warmed her veins until she might die of embarrassment. “Really? Just going straight to that, huh?”
“You started it, sunwing.” And with a wink, Seyka redirected her attention to the sapling. “The point is, relaxing is important. You must have hobbies other than saving the world, right?”
Aloy stared, jaw unhinged.
Because she didn’t.
Not really.
Seyka clapped her hands together, giving the pine sapling at her knees one final pat—like one might a friendly dog. “There we go. Perfect.” The sapling was perched at a precarious angle, jutting out over the abyss. The next strong wind might blow it over—and Aloy opened her mouth to say that.
But Zo stepped in smoothly, felt the roots, and the soil, and smiled. “It will have to fight to survive… but with a nurturing hand, it will prove it’s stronger than all the others.” She gestured at the other saplings and sprouts, none of which had the same fight ahead of them.
“Oh. I’ll be so fucking nurturing.” Seyka said aggressively.
Aloy scrubbed her face. “I’ll leave you to it, then.”
(Read it here on Ao3!)
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robinpixels · 5 months
Have you ever thought about how much worse the dynamic between Beta and the Zeniths are, when you do up the timeline and realize she could be as young as fourteen/fifteen? In no way a developed socially adept child because she grew up with freaking holograms and had no positive physical contact?
If you ignore the age bit. Beta probably only knows physical touch through the Specters and maybe some robotics around the ship. The first time she has physical contact that’s nice isn’t even from Aloy. It’s from Varl. And then he gets brutalized and she has no one to hug her or pull her close because Aloy is also socially inept (and possibly 19/20). Zo is trying to deal with the loss of not only the guy she liked but her baby’s dad. The others aren’t even sure how to connect. Though Erend might cause he’s a sibling.
But just. Does anyone else realize how traumatized Beta actually is and how much worse it is for her?
Opinion or your own thoughts? Cause this has me very concerned for how Beta could be mentally for the next game.
oh hello!! haha, god its been so long since i've put my hzd/hfw thinking cap on but i love chattin' shop and opinions and i've a few to toss around
to start around my thoughts personally i've always interpreted beta from the time we know her to be about 18! not from any hard concrete evidence, so this is definitely not a correction, i just gleaned so from initial impressions and from a personal bias in my head how its quite poetic to me if Aloy were staring back at someone that could resemble a version of herself back when she first started her journey. Then lending to her personal frustration when said mirror doesn't in actuality resemble her (or Lis, in her view) at all. its even more devastating to me in this sense too 'cuz what she could have had as a 'childhood' is essentially already all gone. but yeah, long story short - while if i'm honest i don't think she's a child anymore, she is definitely very much so floundering and struggling in her young adulthood (i still stand by how she's depicted in False Negative, like that's just Her to me, Tessa u absolute wonder u).
god, ur probably right about her not having positive physical contact all this time - either violence or nothing up until the point she meets the GAIA squad. the concept of the bond beta and varl could have had always makes me SO sad to think about, it could have been so good, and personally it does frustrate me how they never leaned more into it to the detriment of both varl and beta. they could've had such a beautiful meaningful friendship (please pardon 'Ro is Annoyed at How Varl was Treated as a Character In-Story, Part Infinity, but this does touch upon it). It's undeniable she's been through a whole hell of a lot in that brief span of time she was on Earth and away from the Zeniths - the whole crew has, and as trauma does it's definitely gonna leave them all scrambling.
but in my wholesale opinion i gently pat ur head and assure you she will probably be alright at the end of the day! while FW was imo incredibly garbled in its delivery in places it does make clear that coming together to form a community to withhold against adversity is the goal here, and one everybody at Base recognizes and I feel are making great strides to get there! i have faith in this motley crew - Alva is Alva, bubbly and cooperative as ever; Kotallo's stoic but incredibly warm and well-meaning; Erend is Erend, he's always been good to his friends; Zo as an Utaru probably knows better than anyone the importance of community support and cooperation. as for Aloy i think she's taken that good bopping to the head in regards to learning to depend on people and letting people depend on her - she's got a lot of solitude issues herself as is to be expected but it really did warm me seeing how she's trying to get over them for the sake of everyone around her, and is enjoying finally leaning on that community too. my most precious babygirl. i'm very proud of her
i'm absolutely positive beta is in astoundingly good hands - they're all in astoundingly good hands w one another! it's been so cute to me how post game you can tell she's starting to heal and engage with others, just how the team had done before and after her. While absolutely I think they're all going to have their missteps and stresses and maybe a falling out here or there as they try and adjust, I honestly think the horizon series is at its core all about having compassion and care for your fellow man (albeit taking no shit from them at the same time) and the world you live in, so I doubt any of them will even accidentally leave Beta behind. she's got a sister, a mom, and a wholeass family now!! i adore how all the post-game content has been beta shyly but slowly but surely getting better, determined as she is to contribute the ways she can now.
hahaskdaflj; you were probably expecting an angstier response out of me and oh believe me i love the angst!! but i also have such a soft spot for when horizon goes all Indomitable Human Spirit on us it makes me go all gooey. i think the kids will be alright <3
on a funnier note to an extent i believe in beta precisely BECAUSE she's already a little unhinged. girl came in with the box already banged up and inherently fucked up. yeah miss beta 'let me just knock myself out cold and tear this implant directly out of my head that'll thwart em' sobeck will fit right alongside that hall of madness now known as Base GAIA she'll do just fine and dandy. i've gotten such a taste for unhinged sapphics lately and when horizon delivers it DELIVERS
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amageish · 3 months
Attempting to predict the Lego Horizon Adventures roster
So, Horizon is getting a LEGO game! Certainly a pleasent surprise
Let's talk about the roster.
When it was first announced, my assumption was it would be a LEGO game with a typical LEGO game giant roster... but all the promo material has focused on Aloy and Varl specifically, with the main customization appearing to come in the form of multiple costumes they can put on - not all-new characters.
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From the previews, we know there's even the option to play as Aloy and Varl wearing costumes based on other Horizon characters. Some of these seem very cute and it will be quite funny when Aloy puts on a fake beard. Take that, people complaining about her having peach fuzz!
That said, we also do know multiple player characters are coming. All the press material mention "Aloy and friends" in a broad sense and previews mention Varl as just being the first ally we unlock... So who else is coming?
Here's my prediction...
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I think it'll be a small batch of fully-voiced characters with unique interactions between them - like we saw between Aloy and Varl in the trailer. I picked these 10 as they are all characters from Zero Dawn who appear in the final sequence (some depending upon the actions of the player), come back in some way in the sequel, and/or were included as playable in the board game adaptation.
This would give us ten main characters: Aloy, Varl, Erend, Sona, Sylens, Vanasha, Uthid, Aratak, Nil, and Talanah. We also know there's some side-content said to increase replayability that hasn't been announced in detail yet, so I could see Talanah having a Hunter's Lodge challenge that unlocks her as playable, paralleling how she is a full-on AI ally of Aloy in the final boss if you complete her side quests.
If we get more ZD characters, then I think Rost, Vala, and Teb would all make sense... I could also see Ikrie and Janeva making it in too - they're not super important to the game itself, but are big in the fandom. Lots of other options exist as well - perhaps some characters, like Petra and Avad, will be both available as cosplays for other character and as well as as their own playable characters? We'll see.
I personally would like Forbidden West characters too - especially Kotallo and Seyka - but I imagine they will be DLC if anything, given how Zero-Dawn-focused the game appears to be thus far... Hopefully they are in the base game though!
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Hello there!
a little "about me" post
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my art
♡ My AO3 ♡ My Ko-fi ♡ My Cara ♡ My Pillowfort ♡ My Wattpad ♡
I'm a very long-winded person and when I like doing something, I like doing A LOT of it. I have a lot of fandoms, I like pretty art and cats, I write and muse about stuff - it's all a huge mess if I put it in one place. So that's why I decided to split my obsessions into several neat piles, so people could have an easier time deciding whether to follow, ignore or block my stuff according to their preferences.
Order an OC commission on my Ko-fi ♡
Here are my blogs which you're free to explore and follow as you like:
» ur-friendly-nbhd-cardassian
The main blog where I shout into nothingness. But where I also post lots of Star Trek, mainly about Cardassians (bc I love them). I do not do Garashir, tho, look for that particular bit elsewhere (not bc I don't ship them, but bc I'm severely overfed to the point of having an allergic rection). My focus Cardassian is Damar, followed by Dukat. I'm super open to reblogging your OCs, though. My other favorite fandoms you might come across on this blog (which I don't post enough about to make a separate blog): Mass Effect, Discworld, Tolkien, Detroit: Become Human, Apex Legends, Marvel/DC, Hunger Games. I also ramble, post about writing in general, reblog some fitting memes and pets/animals, share my own photography, reblog art etc.
» pixie-in-a-moonlantern
The initiated already know: Baldur's Gate 3 brainrot blog. I post my OC screenshots, my own and reblogged fanfiction, reblog A LOT of blorbos (Halsin, Gortash, Raphael,..), whether it's art or headcanons. I do not have any VP tools, so my screens are only lightly edited to be prettier, and that's it. I prefer to avoid posting negative stuff, so it's just batshit obsession and thoughts.
» shaved-wampa
Diehard fans surely got the joke: Star Wars brainrot, and that goes for every conceivable piece of the fandom, even the bits you might not agree with - I don't discriminate. My all-time favorites are: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bode Akuna. Yes, just the two, because I also have a huge pile of characters I love, but don't really focus on: Padmé, Ahsoka, Ventress, Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, Din Djarin, lil Grogu, Cody, infinite number of other Clones, ... soooo many. My top two are just the guys I actually write about. Bode's and Obi-Wan's fics are unfortunately on hold right now (sigh).
» cyber-vianne-77
As the name suggests, this is my Cyberpunk 2077 blog. I used to do a lot of virtual photography in that one - and yes, this time I mean real VP, though still no paid tools, just vanilla and free mods. I love Goro Takemura and ship my fem V with him heavily - wrote a dope fanfiction about them called 'Broken' (and following parts 'Gimme Danger' and 'Last Caress'). I reblog other cp77 vp (especially of Goro) and fanart. I don't currently play the game or shoot photos, but I have a large collection I plan to drizzle over the next few months, until I maybe decide to go back to cp77 for a while again and finally play Phantom Liberty that's been waiting for me for a long time now xD.
» sergeant-sassy
A mix of obsessions with one man in common: John Hopkins, a British actor :). Seen in Midsomer Murders and lately heard in various games as a voice actor. I've fallen for him for the first time 20 years ago - and he returned to me as Erend in Horizon games (Zero Dawn & Forbidden West). I love the games and its characters and take a lot of screenshots, too :). So it's a weird dump of Ereloy, Kotaloy (because Noshir) and Midsomer Murders :3
» goodness-all-around
My "assorted dopeness" reblogs. It's getting 0 attention so I just usually post shit to cardassian or to my private collection to avoid overflowing my main.
I will update the list if I happen to change things or add/remove blogs. Thanks for your attention and see you in the activity notifs! 💛
Bits of trivia: I'm Czech, cis woman (bi & poly and, frankly, hyper), 32, in a relationship, mom to a 5yo boy, a writer struggling to finish and publish her first original novel, drowning her sorrows in fanfic instead :). I got to most of my fandoms quite late in life, because where I live this info only started to properly flow in with the coming of the internet. I'm usually a casual fan, though when I hit a gold vein I can get a bit obsessed. I love writing fanfiction, which is mostly why I'm here on this site. I self-insert a lot (therapy writing) and usually ship us, with the rare occasion of finding a couple where I can identify with one of them (or mold them to my image because I like or even fancy them). I've spent my life believing I was hetero and discovered I'm not only once I (finally) was in a hetero relationship and had a kid, so... my ships are also hetero. It's a habit, not hating, I don't discredit any gay ships (maybe quietly to myself when they don't make any sense to me character-wise, lol). My AO3 account: XindiChick I usually try to write even the most niche of my ships in a way that doesn't require much knowledge of the original, so you're welcome to browse and read to your heart's content if you happen to like my style. I welcome any interactions, especially comments, because I don't get many.
I think it's something everyone should always be aware of, but I've also seen many people ignoring this unsaid rule:
- lest they get blocked. I'm not here to argue with you about why I like certain characters and why you think I shouldn't. Go simp for your own top picks on your own blogs and leave me alone. Same goes for any of my personal trivia I shared.
DISCLAIMER: My blogs are a safe space for everyone who doesn't go around hating on everyone else. I will block indiscriminantly assholes of every shape, color, faith, gender, orientation etc., just as I will happily interact with good people of any kind. Idc what your deal is, I just wanna enjoy being on this platform, so if you plan to rain on it, don't expect me to indulge you.
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Icons by: @rpschtuff
By the way, a fun fact known only to people aware of my main fanfic novel, The Casualty, the Cardassian in my username was actually born Bajoran, but raised Cardassian, which is why she's a Cardassian in heart and spirit. She's your friendly reminder that not all Cardies are the same and as a nation have the capacity to be much better than how they were presented in the DS9, which is what she's trying to achieve.
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discar · 5 months
HZD Terraforming Base-001 Text Communications Network
Chapter 23 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
Zo: Alva, I have questions about your empire's agriculture.
DIVINER: Well, I'm not an agriculturalist or a biologist, but I'll answer what questions I can!
Zo: Do you have land-gods? Machines that tend your fields?
DIVINER: No, we had to learn to do everything ourselves! Much of it was discovered in the labs belonging to Eileen Sasaki, which is why she's one of our most revered Ancestors. The Empire wouldn't exist if we couldn't expand our fields!
Zo: I suppose our reliance on our land-gods has limited our expansion.
DIVINER: Um, this might be an awkward question...
Zo: That's fine.
DIVINER: And by awkward, I mean insulting.
BoyNextDoor: Apologizing before the insult. Erend, you can learn a thing or two here.
Zo: Yes it is.
Zo: …
Zo: So what was your question, Alva?
DIVINER: Do you um, know how to farm?? Without your land-gods, I mean!
DIVINER: Sorry!!
Zo: Oh, that. Yes, we do. Not all our villages are directly in the paths of the land-gods. We haven't expanded much, but we have some.
MARSHAL Kotallo: The Tenakth have always had fine relations with the Utaru.
Zo: One of the biggest problems my people have is that we are passive. The land-gods provide more than enough for what we need. Even in our outer villages, we rarely actually need to farm. It is always easier to just sit by and let nature take its course.
FlameHairSavior: In my experience, the people in power generally want things to stay the same.
Zo: True, the Chorus is the worst, but this is a problem common among the Utaru. As much as I wish otherwise, the Chorus are not forcing their own passivity on anyone. This is simply the way we are.
BoyNextDoor: Except for a few brave members of the tribe who will charge into a Cauldron with a couple of strangers.
Zo: You say the sweetest things.
BoyNextDoor: How old are you, twelve?
β: flirt on your own time its science now
DIVINER: Right! Zo, did you have a reason you were asking about the Empire??
Zo: I found a story of the Old Ones about an empire making a colony. It just got me wondering if your people had the expertise to do something like that.
β: what story was it
Zo: Terra Nova.
β: i dont know that one
DIVINER: I don't either! But I'm guessing it's sci-fi?
Zo: What's sci-fi?
DIVINER: ...oh, wow, I just realized how much cultural context you're all missing.
FlameHairSavior: We are not having a movie night. At least not until I can go two consecutive days without having to put out literal fires.
DIVINER: I'm sorry to say, I don't think this is something that can be solved with a movie night!!
β: sure it can there are documentaries on film making or whatever
DIVINER: Oh, documentaries!! Those would be so useful!
DIVINER: I don't have any on my Focus, though!
β: nether do i
β: neither
DIVINER: It's a movie for teaching you about something!
FlameHairSavior: I've changed my mind; we can watch one.
FlameHairSavior: Though I do seriously need to find a day without an emergency.
FlameHairSavior: I found a Tenakth town in the desert that is flooded, and still doesn't have any drinking water.
BoyNextDoor: What were you doing back in the dessert?
FlameHairSavior: Okay, this was a while ago. Back when I was traveling to Vegas.
MARSHAL Kotallo: Many of our villages are suffering from such problems.
MARSHAL Kotallo: We still live off the land where possible, one way or the other. We don't just steal everything from our neighbors. We are not savages.
β: also raiding is not a sustainable long term economic practice
β: pirate nations never last long and aloy said all the bandits are always starving
FlameHairSavior: Yeah. That was back in the Sundom and the Sacred Lands, though. The rebels seem to have things a little more thought-out.
MARSHAL Kotallo: They are attempting to wrest control of Tenakth society. There is more to them than mindless raiding for supplies.
DIVINER: So! I've looked over the archive, and there aren't really any documentaries??
DIVINER: Well, there's one on the history of sourdough bread, but that's probably not going to be interesting to anyone??
MARSHAL Kotallo: What in the name of the Ten is sourdough bread? That sounds like something that has been fouled and is unsuitable for consumption.
DIVINER: I don't know! I haven't watched it!
β: aloy we have a new mission for you
FlameHairSavior: I don't know what sourdough bread is either, and I'm not finding any.
β: no not that you need to find the documentary on film making
FlameHairSavior: And where would I find that?
β: youre supposed to be the anointed chosen baby or whatever thats your job
FlameHairSavior: If there's an undamaged library or something out there, no one has told me about it.
DIVINER: There's one in the Quen lands! Well, not UNDAMAGED, but much less damaged! It's where we obtained much of the Legacy we still have today!
β: see there you go
FlameHairSavior: I'm not going to the Quen lands.
FlameHairSavior: No, but I can come back to the base to smack you.
DIVINER: ...did Aloy somehow get all the way back to the base in seconds to smack Erend??
DIVINER: Oh, never mind, I see.
FlameHairSavior: What?
Zo: How WOULD you go about finding specific data, Aloy? Surely this has happened to you before.
FlameHairSavior: Usually, if it's important, I at least have a lead. I knew Faro was at the center of everything, so I went to Faro HQ. Then I found out about other bunkers and labs. That sort of thing.
DIVINER: All right! Then that just means you have to go to Hollywood!
FlameHairSavior: [Sigh.gif]
FlameHairSavior: Fine. Where is it?
ADMIN [GAIA]: The location of the former Hollywood Boulevard is approximately three hundred and thirty-six miles south-west of this facility. Assuming constant use of striders, and not accounting for detours or sleeping, it would be wise to budget at least forty hours for the outgoing trip.
FlameHairSavior: …
FlameHairSavior: I'm not riding forty hours straight to get you a movie.
β: erend what are your plans for the weekend
Chapter 23 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
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