#is drabble less than 100 words or 1000?
imma-dragon53 · 1 year
Hey. I wrote a thing. Just a short lil Drabble about Kotallo and Beta playing strike. check it out. 
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chronically-ghosted · 6 months
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Madame Ghosted invites you to a world of mysticism and magic! Enter through the veil for a night beyond your wildest dreams! the portal between this world and the next will be open for one week: March 31st - April 6th
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let's get our freak on at the devil's sabbath for 1000 followers - pick a mystical art! (one at a time please)
augury 🦉 - a powerful omen of things to come. send me this and i’ll share a paragraph from one of my wips and talk a bit about it (feel free to pick a specific wip/on-going series if you'd like)
astrology 💫 - discern your past by studying celestial bodies. send me a pedro boy from either the cute and cuddly prompt list or the smutty list and i'll write a drabble
mediumship 👻 - communication between familiar spirits or spirits of the dead and living. mutuals, i love you so much! send me this and i'll tell you which pedro movie i think you're most suited to
palmistry ✋🏼 - divine the future in the palm of your hand. send in a pedro character with a trope/mood and i'll give you three fic recs
numerology ⚖️ - draw meaning from the symbols in your life. ask me anything you want to know - anon or otherwise - or we can play a game! (would you rather, FMK, etc.) (feel free to check out my brand-spankin' new about me page for any inspiration)
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sappy thank you note below the cut:
i cannot translate all the gratitude, love, and awe i feel in my heart into words. thank you SO MUCH for every follow, reblog, comment, and follow you've all given me. when i am in a bad place, i come here for friendship, community, and kindness. when i need a laugh, i come here. when i need to get my rocks off, i come here (yeah, that's not a pun). when i need to feel surrounded by some of the greatest people i've ever met, i come here <3
it's been less than a year since i did my 100 follower milestone with a similar mystical theme, so it only seemed right i do it again. and to my surprise, a lot of those at that milestone are still around today. i'll tag some friend-o's below, but truly, thank you so much to all one thousand of you!
@sp00kymulderr @perotovar @gnpwdrnwhiskey @trulybetty @theywhowriteandknowthings @suzdin @kteague @heareball @tvversionperson @bitchwitch1981 @dilf-din @agentjackdaniels @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @whatsnewalycat @tightjeansjavi @hellishjoel @futuraa-free @covetyou @morallyinept @5oh5-library @opallouu @beskarandblasters @luxurychristmaspudding @pedrorascal @janaispunk @burntheedges @ladamedusoif
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 5 months
for the 'bored fanfic writer' ask game
25, 27, 29
Thanks for sending these questions! :) (Link to the ask game)
29) Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic.
Found this paragraph floating in isolation at the bottom of the doc for a random Sloanshir idea that never really got going. But this random paragraph definitely slaps:
He rolled over and stared at the armchair by the porthole. Empty, but for the pall cast on it by a memory. It was funny how many years of pleasant memories—how many books from Garak he’d read while curled up there, how many lovers in his lap—had been overshadowed by a single interaction. But getting rid of the chair, or even moving it elsewhere, would have meant giving Sloan the power to destroy any part of his life simply by touching it.
25) Have you ever upset yourself with your own writing?
Haha yeah... T_T Usually I'm fine if I know the fic is gonna work out okay (or if I can at least picture a happier potential post-fic future), but if I know that the ending of the fic or projected future is also a big bummer then I run a very high risk of upsetting myself so much that I don't finish the fic lollll.
So, I don't actually upset myself at all while writing horrible creepy sloanshir hurt/no comfort or whatever, because even if the comfort's not in the scope of the fic, I so strongly believe in Garashir ending up together in any given scenario that I just extrapolate in my mind that it'll be fine eventually. XD
The only real problem comes in when I attempt to write Garashir bad endings (for the ship or for either person involved). Like... I REALLY wanted to finish writing my wip about the events of "The Quickening" making Julian slowly go full mad scientist once he's back on the station, but writing it made me too sad because it was important to the concept that it needed to have a devastatingly tragic ending. T_T
27) Is there a fic you were nervous to post/share? Why?
Literally every single fic I've ever written. XD But that's not a helpful answer lol.
I always feel extra nervous posting rarepair fics. With Garashir, there are TONS of canon interactions to model their behavior after, and I've also read soooo much fic about them, which means I have a very good understanding of their dynamic at various points in the timeline of canon, and I know what characterization choices work for me and what doesn't. With Siskarak, there are not that many eps that show the two of them interacting so there's more extrapolation involved in figuring out their dynamic and how to translate that into a sexual relationship, and in terms of fic I have written a solid chunk of what's even out there so I usually put tons of pressure on myself to make sure it's good. And not only good, but like, meshes well with canon and actually follows from what we know about the characters, because I want people to understand how I got from point A to point B.
In addition to that, the longer the fic (or the longer I've spent on the fic), the more nervous I feel when I post. More words, more potential to write something unclear or OOC. XD More time spent, more critical I am of it by the time I post it, because I feel like it should be better than it is given the amount of effort spent. In all honesty drabbles (100 word fics) or other very short ficlets (anything <1000 words) don't make me all that nervous to post anymore, purely due to the time spent writing being so low, which is why I've been posting so many short fics lately lmaooo. If I can bang something out all at once and post without thinking, that's ideal, because then I agonize over it waaaay less beforehand and I don't feel bad if it doesn't get many readers. XD
Posting explicit fics also always makes me a lil nervous, due to the potential embarrassment of what if I've gotten something so wrong that it takes the reader out of the steaminess of the moment.
All that said, my "Second Skin" Siskarak fic, you're a criminal as long as you're mine, recently made me very nervous to post, because it's rarepair smut and it's the second longest thing I've written all year, haha. (Everyone PLEASE go tell me I did a good job, I worked so hard on it.)
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moni-logues · 2 years
She's made it to 1k followers! Huzzah! Hooray! 🎉🥳🎉🥳
Much earlier in the year (or maybe even towards the end of last year), I stated I wanted to try my hand at writing Actual Drabbles (i.e. 100-word stories) and then I saw @minisugakoobies do a little prompt game for drabbles and I remembered that I wanted to do something similar!
So here we are. Here's the deal:
You send me a one-word* prompt and a member (*the word can be an emoji if you'd prefer!)
I write you a 100-word drabble.
That's it!!!
Submit your 1000:100:1 drabble prompt here!
1. I am less than 24 hours from leaving for a four-week holiday to South Korea. I'm going to be busy! I'll be having fun!! I'll be embarrassing myself trying to speak Korean! I will be trying to fill these as quickly as I am able (and I hope that 100 words will be very doable!) but please have patience; it may take me some time to answer your request.
2. I may not fill every request! I have no idea how many I'll get, no idea how long they'll take me, no idea how much time I'll have. It may be that some prompts are very similar! It may be that your request is for a member that I've already got 10 requests for and I kind of don't want to write them anymore! Please don't take it personally if your request does not get filled. I'll be keeping any I don't fill now and may go back to them later. Or I may not! Who knows.
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novankenn · 10 months
Looking for some FeedBack
I do understand not all of what I write is what people want to read... but I am curious to see what my readers feel is a good limit for posts...
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bunysliper · 2 years
That definitely helped, thank you! Can you also explain the difference between all different kinds of fics? Like fic, ficlet, Drabble, etc.
Absolutely! So for the most part, the classifications are based on length. Drabbles are 100 words and double drabbles 200 words. Back in the day in the X-Files fandom, there were 155 word challenges. We also had vignettes, which are 500-1000 words long and are generally just little snapshots/snippets/single scenes. Ficlets and vignettes are pretty synonymous imo, but personally I would say that ficlets can be a longer than 1000 words but less than 2000, because once you're over about 1500, you've just got yourself a regular sized short fic.
After you surpass the ficlet word threshold, you basically have fics and short stories. You can have specific length classifications of fics, too. In the Castle fandom, we do the Castle Ficathons which have specific mini, regular, and maxi minimum lengths, and in other fandoms or in multi-fandom challenges, we've done Big Bangs, which were also based on a minimum specific word count, too (one I did was 15k minimum). Novella used to be used as well, to talk about fics that were longer than short stories (which some people say are around 5000-10000 words) but shorter than novel length (which we say for NaNoWriMo means 50k words), but for the most part we don't toss that one around much anymore. (We totally should bring it back. Novella sounds so fancy. Same with vignette.)
You can also have oneshots (single chapter fic) and two shots (2 chapters), and then multichapter fics. I might argue that anything over a oneshot is automatically a multichapter fic, but I've also seen it where people classify anything over 2 or 3 chapters as a multichapter fic instead.
:) I hope I could answer some of your questions, Anon! Let me know if there's anything else you'd like to know. :)
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bro-atz · 6 months
What is drabbles???
hi love! strictly speaking, a drabble is a short story of exactly 100 words but most ff writers use it to reference a short story less than 500 or 1000 words
i haven’t written any ff less than 500 words in my entire life, so under 1k for me means a drabble
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zyrafowe-sny · 9 months
Jagodzianka's 2023 ao3 wrapped [writers edition]
click here for the original post by floydsin!
and here's my 2022 wrapped
How many words have you written this year? I've posted 33,388, and I kinda wish I didn't include 55 of them.
How many works did you publish this year? 31, though many were 100 word drabbles/drabble sequences (23 had less than 1000 words)
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? I am going to cheat a little. I'm proud that I was a Whumptober completionist and posted at least one drabble a day every day in October. It actually cost me one or two subscribers, but it is what it is.
What work of yours has the most hits? arm-upgrading is a love language
What work of yours got more feedback than you expected? It's not my most kudosed fic, but I was a little surprised my Chickadee drabble beat out other drabbles of mine.
Favorite title you used LuLuRoe is my underappreciated punny title (combo of Lilith's nickname Lulu and the MLM LuLaRoe)
If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most? Umm...all unique, I'm afraid. We've got an old nursery rhyme (ashes, ashes, we all fall down), a scout song inspired by a 19th century poem (a circle's round), Green Day (is the cop or am I the one that's really dangerous), and OK Go (while our bone's keep looking back (this will be the one moment that matters)).
Pairing you wrote the most for this year? Ballister/Ambrosius, mostly movieverse
Favorite pairing you wrote for this year? Also Ballister/Ambrosius
What work was the quickest to write? Probably one of my many drabbles or smubbles, though it's highly variable how long drabble editing takes. Other than that — arm-upgrading is a love language was remarkably quick to write (for me).
What work took you the longest to write? Well, I started Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future in December 2022, put it on the backburner for many months, and made enough progress in November/December that I finally have the first chapter up. The first chapter of phantom limb pain has been in the works almost since late July/early August but wasn't posted until November (some interruptions when sick/busy but was never truly on the backburner even when I wasn't adding words).
How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year? Ahahaha. Unclear how many I will actually work on, but we're into double digits.
What’s your longest work of the year? LuLuRoe at 4,853 words
What’s your shortest work of the year? I posted 11 fics that were 100 words exactly.
What WIP are you taking into next year with you? Many! phantom limb pain (and 1 or 2 one shots in the series), Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future, The Tragic Tale(s) of Jody Scab, my unposted Prince Ballister AU, years from the land of the bird, and others.
What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag? Drabble. Yeah, that checks out.
Your favorite character to write this year? Ack. Um. Maybe Luz Noceda? Though Vee and Camila are both up there.
The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year? Flapjack in an unposted WIP
What’s one pairing you want to explore next year? Possibly Aladarius as a new-to-me pairing to write.
Which work of yours have you reread the most? Probably Intervention.
How many kudos in total did you get this year? I got 1,383 on fics I posted this year — less than last year, but I wrote more niche stuff for less active fandoms.
Which work has the most comments? Party Like It's 2007 because of a long thread with theprincessofdenial. After that, arm-upgrading is a love language.
Did you do any collaborative works this year? Nope
Did you write any gifts this year? Yes! I wrote Hush Little Baby (Owlbeast) as part of the Fic Exchange Coven. LuLuRoe and The Tragic Tale(s) of Jody Scab were both written for theprincessofdenial.
Did you receive any gifts this year? Yes! Sugar Cubes from theprincessofdenial and First Step to Friendship from AnimationAdventures (organizer of the Fic Exchange Coven event!)
What’s your most common category? Gen my (still) beloved despite the unexpected Goldenheart plot bunnies
What do you listen to while writing? mostly the chaos of my household
Favorite work you wrote this year? Intervention is definitely high up there. Luz and Vee are both very dear to me, and I intended to write this missing scene from Blood Brother for months before I actually did. I poured a lot of myself into Luz — particularly my experience with executive dysfunction and depression —and didn't even realize it until I read some lovely comments. phantom limb pain is still a WIP, but I am proud of what I have so far and am proud that I am pushing myself out of my comfort zone of one shots. It took me months to post that first chapter — needed to be sure I was dropping enough breadcrumbs for future plot points and a rough go with COVID slowed me down significantly — but it's actually up and roughly twice as long as I expected. The second chapter still needs a lot of work, but I am chipping away at it.
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? One of my favorites is this one from is the cop or am I the one that's really dangerous: Ambrosius says, "Because I love you," and Ballister's (aching, concussed) brain tries to comprehend love without trust, love with reservation, love that takes the twisted words of others over the bone-deep knowledge that comes from a shared life. I've been enjoying the "[Character] says, '[X],' and [Y]" construction. Adjectives in parentheses are also part of my brand, and of course we have the good old rule of three with the repetition of "love."
Biggest surprise while writing this year? I really, really wasn't expecting multiple multi-chapter WIPs, but here we are. I also wasn't expecting to write much shippy fic after writing mostly-gen last year (the smubbles were an even bigger surprise).
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Anyone want to send in requests for Krasinski blurbs/drabbles?
For clarity sake, I consider blurbs are up to 100 words, and drabbles anything less than 1000 words. Depending on the prompt, I’d respond with something 100ish to less than 1K words.
Keep your requests simple, please. The less room for creativity, the more difficult it is for me to come up with something! Personal flaw, I suppose. If it helps, I love a good trope or song fic, situational/quote/image prompts also welcome.
I will respond to whatever inspires me. No promises to fill all requests. Also just checked and I have some requests that have been chillin’ in my inbox for way too long … maybe I’ll get to some of those?
Now that I’ve taken all the pressure off myself 😂 Send your requests to my ask!
For now this is today (Sunday) only!
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anlian-aishang · 3 years
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I’ve been writing on tumblr for a year - here’s the advice I would have given to myself.
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It’s not easy.
It’s not easy, not for anyone. No one would tell you it’s easy, and if they do, they’re not telling the whole truth. Now, is it worth it? I would say 100% absolutely yes!
It’s not a competition.
Can you have a favorite artist? Sure. Can you say that one is definitively better than another? No. Writing is an art. Everyone has their own style, which should be celebrated, not compared.
Of course, it’s nearly impossible to ignore notes, right? It’s a big bold number at the bottom of the post. You get cute little lightning bolts to tell you when you get more notes. In a perfect world, I would advise others to completely ignore notes. In a more realistic sense, I would urge others never to compare notes between themselves and other authors because...
There’s so much randomness - it can’t even be called a fair fight.
And I say this - not as a casual phrase - but as someone who majored in statistics. There are so many levels of randomness on tumblr. Will your followers be asleep, busy, afk when you post? Will it be buried by other things on their dash? Your fic may not show up in tumblr’s tagging system. On the other hand, it might show up in others’ orbits. There is so much randomness, and this is before we even get into the ripple effect of reblogs, it should not be viewed as a competition because it’s not a fair fight.
The fics that you love the most - they might not take off, and the fics that you rush through, they might be the ones that do.
I’m not sure why this phenomenon is. I have a few theories, but nothing that I can say for sure. What I do know, though, is that it is indeed a phenomenon.
There are so many authors I have seen express the same exact sentiment: I spent 5 days on this fic and it got three notes / It’s the fic I have been staying up till 4 AM writing and it turned out to be my least popular fic / 12k words and not even 12 notes.
On the other hand, the fics that you don’t really care about, didn’t try as hard on, spent little time writing and editing, those often are the ones that do surprisingly well.
Like I said, I can’t say for sure why this happens. If I had to guess, I’d say word count is a factor as well as specificity. Okay, so what do I mean by that?
Fics that authors feel so passionate about are likely to be longer. Well, more words demand more time and few are the people who have a ton of time. It’s less of a commitment to read a 600-word drabble than a 10k fic. You can read about 1000 words on a bus ride, but not much more than that. So, quick fics, they’re more likely to be quickly read and quickly liked/reblogged, but of course - the fics we love the most are unlikely to be short.
And specificity. If an author is super enthusiastic about a fic, it’s unlikely to be generic, right? You probably have a very precise vision in mind - something particular you envision, feel, and want to write about. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. So, if you write this incredible breakup fic, it’s going to thrill those in your audience who love breakup fics, however, it will also isolate those in your audience who don’t like (or even read) breakup fics. This is not to say that you shouldn’t write it! It’s just to say that the more specific a fic is, the more potential it has to detach part of your audience - but also, that potential to really thrill part of your audience.
[NSFW example: To speak more on the point above, think of a particular fetish you have. That one deep down that you’ll probably never speak freely about and maybe won’t even admit to yourself. It’s super rare and not nearly in the realm of vanilla. Now, wouldn’t it be awesome to see a fic about it? It would make your day and then some! Wouldn’t you be so thankful to see that fic? Wouldn’t you be so happy and grateful that the author wrote it? At the same time, though, you wouldn’t expect it to get a ton of notes cause barely anyone has that fetish in the first place. Now, take that same idea and apply it to whatever specific idea you have in mind for your fic. The logic still applies.]
Burn-out is common - so don’t be scared of it!
Seriously, who wouldn’t get burnt out from this? Writing day in and day out, requests stacked on top of each other, so many WIPs and even more ideas, it’s overwhelming to say the least. On top of it all, it’s for free! No one gets paid to do this. In the end, we do this for fun, but oftentimes - it feels more like work without pay.
For many, even when we’re not writing, we’re not on a break - as our minds are still thinking about writing, so that’s even more time spent. There’s also guilt that often accompanies not writing. We think about how long certain requests have been waiting, the events we put on months ago that still aren’t finished, the multichapter fics and their updates. It’s taxing.
So, take a break! I’ve always always always found that this helps. It can be any length of time. It can be one day, three days, a week, a month, a year or more or forever. I would discourage any deadlines for yourself. Don’t say, “I’ll come back to this Wednesday.” You don’t even have to say, “I’ll come back to this when I feel like it.” Just do something else until you feel that spark naturally come back. Detach a little bit. Take a walk, call a friend, draw something, play a video game. When you are itching to write again, it is so much easier and the fics will turn out so much better. When an author wants to write and when they don’t - it’s clear. Give yourself a break, you and your readers will be thankful for it.
Anything that you wrote is more than you ever had to.
Don't feel guilty. That's the first thing. Next, don't feel guilty for anything that you didn't get done, that isn't finished, that you haven't even started. You have volunteered your time to provide others. There is no contract, and even if you told yourself or others that you would write something, of course you don't have to!
It's silly, because this sounds obvious, but it's important to remind ourselves of this: you are not obligated to write a single thing. Remember that anything you have written is more than you ever had to. Don't feel unsatisfied with what you didn't get done, feel proud of yourself for what you did do.
A great writer does not mean a great person.
It’s easy to fall head over heels. In person, it’s hard to find someone that has the exact same interests as you. So, when we do find that person online, we get attached super fast! Finally, we found someone that loves this character as much as I do!
However, this does not mean a friendship, at least, not necessarily a close one. Something might happen that makes you go hmm and question their character. Oh. Maybe they’re homophobic. Oh. Maybe they’re a cyberbully. Oh. Maybe they disagree with me in this way that is unignorable. Oh. Maybe they’re just a bad person? It can feel awful to have the rug swept out from under you, but it’s something that could easily happen. Now, you don’t have to live with your walls up, but just be prepared for that possibility.
You will make some of the best friends you will ever have.
Of all that has happened in my year writing on tumblr, by far the best thing has been the people that I have met. There have been some shitty ones, but I would take ten thousand hateful anons for every single friend that I have made on here. Friends that I talk to every day, friends that check up on me and I on them, friends that send me tiktoks and say “this made me think of you”, friends that play video games with me, friends that send me snapchats, friends that write me stories, even friends that have connected with me on linkedin and facebook XD, friends that would do anything for me and I for them.
These friends will understand you, relate to you, be your friend in a way unlike anyone else. They mean the world to me and I love them with all my heart. If not for tumblr, I never would have met them and I would have missed out on a lot of happiness.
Here, and in all aspects of life, don’t be afraid to ask for help.
You are someone's favorite author. You are someone's best friend. You have a whole community of people, online and in person, who want nothing but the best for you, who are rooting for you, and who are here to help you.
No one gets through anything alone, so don't hesitate to ask for help.
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herdecisions · 3 years
favourite writers/fics 😭💓
“fics” = I’m personally referring to... any fanmade written material; drabbles, headcanons, fics, etc.
drabble (around 100 words) -> ⚡️
ficlet (less than 1000 words) -> 📝
headcanon -> ✨
one-shot -> 🌟
fiction (more than one chapter/expected to have a part 2 at least) -> 📚
longfic (more than 5000 words) -> 📑
text/sms style -> 💬
alternate universe (AU) -> 🌈
missing link/link changed :( -> 🚫
@/atsymu, @/veenxys, @/lovelyiwa, @/iwas-baby, @/yuichi-ro, @/misss-chrisss, @/lace-bun, @/chihirolovebot, @/sukunababy, @/kumzume, @/sunarc, @/semifilms
—Fics: Safe-For-Work—
Attack On Titan
Multi AOT “HOW TO KNOW IF THEY’RE IN LOVE” 🚫—by @/sunalma
Armin x Reader “armin with dimples” ⚡️—by @/ygrvie
Multi Danganronpa “SLOW DANCING” ⚡️—by @/chihirolovebot
Byakuya, Nagito x Reader “byakuya and nagito (separate) x sick! reader” ✨—by @/chihirolovebot
Byakuya x gn!Reader “pulling away for an instant, and then devouring each other” 🌟—by @/chihirolovebot
"haikyuu and when you ignore them" ⚡️—by @/escapenightmare
Multi Haikyuu x Reader “how they kiss you p.1” & “p.2” ⚡️—by @/demxnscous
Haikyuu x Reader "guess I'll just sit in bed alone.." 💬—by @/semifilms
Haikyuu x Reader "YOU PRETEND YOU DON'T LIKE THE RING" 🚫—by @/sanmiya
Haikyuu x Reader “being a girl sucks…” 💬—by @/semifilms
Haikyuu x Reader "HAIKYUU BOYS TEACHING YOU HOW TO DRIVE" —by @/bbysamu
Kuroo, Bokuto, Atsumu, Suna x Reader "Random Emotional Things the Haikyuu Boys Have Said" ⚡️—by @/todoroki-sweetheart
Tsukishima, Suna, Sakusa x Reader “learning that you didn’t like him at first” 📝—by @/luvbub
“Bokuto and Kuroo working at Dairy Queen ft. Tsukishima” 🚫—by @/satischerry
Osamu x Reader “bully samu would watch all of yns favorite movies when she's away” 📝—by @/sugawarassoulmate
Suna (x Reader) “dad Suna being emotional cause his daughter got lots of cards for Valentines Day & as a result was working really hard on a special one to give, but turns out the special one was actually for him” 📝—by @/augustinewrites
Suna x Reader "suna has never shared his bed with anyone before" 📝—by @/tetsuphobia
Suna x Reader “”that escalated quickly”” 📝—by @/yeonniesblog
Tsukishima Kei x Reader “”do you love me?”” 📝—by @/katsuchans
Jujutsu Kaisen
Multi JJK “Super Bowl Sunday w/ the JJK boys and men” ✨⚡️—by @/fanficbrainrots
“Ranked: Realistic Body Counts of the JJK Guys” ✨—by @/sandsorghum
Tokyo Revengers
Mikey x Reader “”you need to get laid boss”” 📝—by @/crewella
—Fics: Not-Safe-For-Work—
Attack On Titan
Multi AOT “AOT boys & their lingerie preferences” ✨⚡️—by @/6oldie
Armin x Reader “Armin who has you wear cute dresses all the time but doesn’t let you wear panties whenever you go out with him and his buddy Eren 💕” 📝—by @/arlertbabe
Armin x Reader “u and Armin are in a yatch on ur way to a aphrodisiac isle where its gonna b ur vacay” 📝—by @/maries-gallery
Armin X Reader “armin being called baby boy” 🌟—by @/dumbdemonslayertexts
Armin X Reader “dear, you [ part I ]” 📚—by @/temptedbysyn
Eren X Reader “each Eren’s s*x tips?” 📑—by @/ficsforeren, @/the-princess-button, @/smfics
Death Note
L x Reader “dom!L x bratty!sub!reader L & the reader get into an argument and reader says something along the lines of ' i faked every orgasm I ever had with u' (a very obvious lie), and L decides to punish her” 📚—by @/simplysober
Multi Haikyuu x Reader “accidentally walking in on you changing” ⚡️—by @/kira-fluff
Multi Haikyuu x Reader “crush me like a butterfly” ⚡️—by @/hyeque
Atsumu x Reader "do it for me" 🌟—by @/kenzumekodma
Kita Shinsuke x f!Reader “he claimed he’d be ‘out of your hair’ for good, so why does it feel like he’s always watching you?” 📑—by @/kurosukii
Kenma x Reader “Kenma x attaboy!! 🍑” 📝—by @/sugarawassoulmate
Semi x Reader “Your Biggest Fan” 🌟—by @/sunarc
Yamaguchi x Reader “UH HARD DOM YAMS?” 📝—by @/introloves
Jujutsu Kaisen
Getou x Reader “SWEETHEART” 🚫—by @/s-ugei
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p-and-p-admin · 2 years
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I am overwhelmed at the number of DMs and comments asking how people can get involved with #scratchthatniche22 and where they can access the "Borgin and Burkes Reclaimed Prompts". So I guess we might as well throw open the doors a little early to those who select a prompt from Borgin and Burkes rather than the upcoming releases. The presentation is linked in the box at the top of this post. Please click the purple box in the top left corner of it to enable the audio. Festival Details * All entries must feature SS/HG as the primary pairing * We want you to “scratch that niche” and celebrate the pairings less written. Each entry also has to feature a micro pairing (<100 fics for it on AO3 & FFN) as a background or backstory pairing * All characters depicted in sexual situations must be 18+. There will be both a Judges' Award and a Peoples' Choice. The link for the popular vote will be posted at the close of the submission period. Beware the taboos! We don't want to yuck your yum but please respect our Judges' boundaries and do not include the following in your story. Failure to do so will result in disqualification. * No one under 18 in sexual situations * No incest * No Bestiality * No Necrophilia Competition Categories * Short fics Division - 1000 to 5000 words * Long fics Division - 5001 to 15,000 words * Fan art, Photo Manipulations &Aesthetics Non-Competition Categories * Showcase Fic includes drabbles 1 - 999 words & longer fics (15001 words+). * Art Showcase includes all fan art, manips & aesthetics not wishing to compete Sign-ups remain open for the duration of the writing/creating window. * 4 Weeks for Shorts: 2nd of July 2022 * 8 Weeks for Long, Fanart & Showcase: 30th of July 2022. Results will be released at a date TBC when we know how many submissions there are to be read. How to Submit: * Complete the registration form https://form.jotform.com/210935203085045 You will receive a confirmation within 48 hrs * Tag the event and put in the Author's Notes of AO3 or FFN net (your choice) that it is for #scratchthatniche22. * Please send a link to your fic to our email address; [email protected] So we can promote your work to our members.
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Weird question but do you think Lotor has experienced weather before?
Hear me out.
Daibazaal is gone, right? It was decimated before he was born. The Galra live on a warship now (multiple warships?) and they burn down any planet they happen to colonize, as far as I know. Do they keep some for housing Galra? Unsure. I'm just assuming it's only the warship.
So Lotor, all his life before he was given Ven'tar's planet, probably never has lived on a planet before. His world is neatly contained on a warship, and there's no weather in a warship.
Just— imagine. Lotor being so mesmerized by rain, on Earth or somewhere else or wherever he is. Whether it's a light rain or a heavy downpour, a warm rain or really cold. Thunder. Lighting. Grey skies and petrichor. The pitter-patter melody of raindrops hitting anything. The puddles. The ripples in said puddles. Just— JUST IMAGINE OKAY
Brought to you by me having that idea suddenly while writing my Void-be-damned drabble. I don't think it's a drabble anymore— how long is a drabble supposed to be, anyways?
— OC anon
Oh, no, I totally agree… Lotor has never experienced weather before. Please imagine him+snow
Traditionally speaking, a drabble is 100 words exactly; these days it generally means a short (less than 1000-ish words) fic that is more about character study than plot (IMO).
I’d say you’re probably long past drabble lol
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sunflower-swan · 3 years
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One of my goals this year was to kudo and comment on 100 fics (1k or longer). Not because shorter fics are not worthy, they totally are - I write TONS of drabbles - it just felt like a good metric for this goal. It would be super easy to read a hundred, less than 500 word drabbles, ya know? So I wanted that added challenge.
Here is January! I read a lot of Harry Potter, a lot of rare pairs, and a lot of smut. Hopefully you find something here that you might enjoy as well. :)
Happy New Year, Lovey by @krumpufferao3  Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Madam Rosmerta/Ron Weasley Rating: Explicit WC: 6367 Summary: It's Ron Weasley's first New Year's Eve without Hermione Granger at his side. He finds himself at The Three Broomsticks, alone and enjoying the view of the beautiful, exotic and much older Madame Rosmerta. Will Ron ring in the new year lusting over the first woman to stir his libido or will he spend it fulfilling his youthful fantasies?
I read this because KrumPuffer had listed Rosmerta/Ron as a favorite pairing and I wanted to write them a gift drabble. KrumPuffer’s writing is beautiful and this fic was sexy as hell. Before this fic, I wouldn’t have ever really considered this pairing, but I totally dig it now. Age gap!
Prologue by @aedwritesfic  Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Draco/Harry Rating: Teen WC: 4565 Summary: Ten years after the war, Harry stumbles across Malfoy in a Muggle club. What could have been an awkward encounter might just be a new beginning.
Literally everything about this fic was pure perfection. It would have been all too easy to go in a smut-for-no-reason direction. But adavision is better than that, instead weaving a tale of two complex characters accidentally stumbling upon each other and making an effort to get to know each other. 100/10 recommend. And then go read everything adavison has written because she is #writinggoals. 
Next Week by @samunderthelights  Fandom: The Flash (TV 2014) Pairing: Barry Allen/Leonard Snart Rating: General WC: 1000 Summary: After meeting up with Leonard every week for a year and a half in secret, Barry decides that it's time to come clean about his feelings for him.
I’ve never watched The Flash and had no idea who these characters were going into this fic. Sam contributed a few fics to the @ziggystardustminifest last month and I learned that they are the master of angst! Despite having no prior experience with this fandom or these characters, I still felt a deep connection to the story, which I think says a lot about Sam’s skill to pull the reader in and then rip out their heart.
Nott a Pott of Perfect Amortentia by Amebb42 Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Theo/Harry Rating: Teen WC: 1667 Summary: Something unexpected happens when Harry and Theo's Amortentia potion goes wrong.
I wish I was this clever when coming up with titles! This fic was a big inspiration when I was writing my first ever NottPott last week. The side characters running commentary was both hilarious and straight up in character. Super cute accidental bonding fic! 
It’s Raining Weasleys by @lorbie05  Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Hermione/Percy, Hermione/Ginny, Hermione/Arthur, Hermione/Fred/George, Hermione/Charlie, Hermione/Bill Rating: E WC: 1850 Summary: In hindsight, maybe partaking in a secret ritual dedicated to Circe at The Burrow had been a bad idea. She had been doomed from the start.
If anyone could write six lemony-goodness scenes in less than 2k words and include knotting, Lori can AND DID! I think Percy and Arthur were my favs, though they were all HOT! Hermione is a very lucky witch in this fic. 
Hermione Granger and the Day Ron Weasley Called her a Slut (Part 1 of Eighth Year OT3 series) by ellebesea Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Hermione/Draco/Harry Rating: E WC: 1179 Summary: To be honest, Harry had also found Hermione’s determined mingling with the Slytherins to be odd, but he knew better than to actually confront her about it. Besides, he isn’t exactly one to talk, is he? Not when one considers his newfound urge to show his dick off to Malfoy, anyway.
Important info to know about me: I am not a Harmony shipper. But for some reason, when Draco is thrown in, I dunno... it works for me, lol. BAMF Hermione, who knows what/who she wants? Yep. Loved it. Ron can eff right off. 
Scorching Hot Threesomes and Silent Co-existence: Harry Potter’s Guide to Life Post-Voldemort (Part 2 of Eighth Year OT3 series) by ellebesea Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Hermione/Draco/Harry Rating: E WC: 33,591 Summary: Honestly, he's not sure how he should feel about the events of last night, but his cock doesn't seem the least bit confused. His first time, beyond a few handies behind a greenhouse or shed, and it was a threesome with his gorgeous best friend and - he might as well admit it - the hottest guy he's ever met. Or: the sequel to Hermione Granger and the Day Ron Weasley Called her a Slut. Hermione is still a badass, Ron is slightly less foolish, Draco Malfoy manages to convey a whole lot without saying much, and maybe, just maybe, Harry will get a clue.
Judging from the post dates, this fic was written over the course about a year and a half. The beginning isn’t bad, but it’s evident that the writer grows in the craft in the later chapters. That being said, the night that I binged this fic had been at the conclusion of the most chaotic day of my (9 year) career. I found this buried in some bookmarks and it was exactly what I needed to bring myself back to center: an unapologetic smut-filled threesome fest. First of all, hot, Hott, HOT. Second of all, the relationship between the trio was very balanced, no one ever was always the center of attention and I really liked that. Harry being a virgin their first time? Okay, sure, I guess. Moving beyond that, then ending was super fucking sweet and brought the whole story to a very happy conclusion. I would love to read more about their lives post-this story. 
And the Spiders from Mars by @phenomenalasterisk ​ Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: many Rating: Mature WC: 4615 Summary: A collection of my drips and drabbles I manage to pull together for the Ziggy Stardust Mini Fest. These are unconnected, pick and choose which chapters to read based on your tastes. Tags updated as I go, with additional details in chapter headings. Came here for a specific tag? Check to see which day it's from and go to that chapter. Came here for a specific ship/character? Check the chapter titles for a cheat sheet. Each chapter is labeled for content as well.
Phe wrote some really fantastic drabbles for the @ziggystardustminifest. Seriously, they are all brilliant stories and beautiful writing. The Bowie inspiration is so evident in them all. There’s even an artwork! Which I could not stop staring at for at least a full minute! 
Not a whole lot, but, shrug. It’s what I had time to read. Love Fest is going on at the moment, so I think I’ll have a special post for everything I read for that. If you read something you love, please leave kudos and comments for the authors. Even a single emoji brings warmth to our hearts and a smile to our faces. Kudos are nice; comments are nicer.
Or, if you have a rec you think I’d like, then drop me an ask!
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timelesslords · 3 years
is there a rule for how long a drabble is? like at what point does it turn into a one shot?
I'm pretty sure the old school technical definition of a drabble is 100 words exactly, but now people just use it to describe short pieces (so like less than 1000 words typically). I think ficlet and drabble have sort of morphed colloquially to mean kind of the same thing because ficlet used to be fics between 100 and 1000 words, like the transitional phase between a drabble and a one shot.
I feel like using the word drabbles now sort of implies that it was written quickly or without much effort, which was not necessarily the case before but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I think most people would classify one shots as one chapter stories that are above 1k words in length.
What's really interesting is when people stop considering one chapter works one shots, because you can have a whole 50k story in one chapter, so does that still count as a one shot? Personally I feel like my limit is in the 10k-15k range because any longer and it feels too narratively complex to be classified as a one shot but i know others disagree.
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write-baby-write · 3 years
Fanfiction 101: The Basics
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Fanwork is a crazy thing because it can be fun and frustrating at the same time. Obviously, it’s fun because it’s a way to express passion about something. But it’s also a demanding activity. To create something good, it’s crucial to have the skills to do so. Writing fanfiction is no different from any other form of fanwork: it takes time, a lot of effort, some basic knowledge and some specific knowledge. But for now, I’ll stick to the basics.
When it comes to fanfiction, an author has to consider a few topics during the creative process. The most common ones are genre, length, characterization, relationships among characters and how similar the piece is to canon. Let’s talk briefly about each one of them.
It sets the tone of a scene or an entire piece. Aside from the ones used on literary world, fanfiction also has fluff, smut, humor, angst, hurt/comfort, dark and vent. Yes, there are others, but don’t forget that we’re talking about setting the tone of a story.
One thing some writers do a lot in one of the fandoms I’m part of is to add the genre in the warnings. I could ramble a lot about the misuse of warnings and what I think about revealing the gender of a story, but I would digress too much from the basic notions of fanfiction. This is a subject for another post.
The length of fanfiction is determined by its word count, which is precisely what makes this metadata part an important information in a fanfic. By definition, any form of writing, even if it has just a few words, qualifies as fanfiction. Each story has its own length and it can have as many words as the author see fit.
Dribble: 55 words long
Drabble: though some might say anything under 1000 words is a drabble, its definition specificies that drabbles have exact 100 words.
Double drabble: 200 words long
Trabble/tribble: 300 words long
Pentadrabble: 500 words long
Flash fiction: 500 words or less
Ficlet: any work with word count between 100 and 1000 words (A.K.A. what people usually call drabble 😏)
Short fic/short story: word count between 1000 and 17500 words
Novella: word count between 17500 and 25000 words.
Novelette: word count between 25000 and 40000 words.
Novel: over 40000 words.
Long fic: though the concept may vary, works with more than 10000 words are considered long fics. It usually has a complex plot and multiple parts/chapters.
Characters and Pairings/Relationships
Not every story has one, but on Choices fandom, those are the things that usually draw fans to a certain book. Fanfic authors can either keep the essence of a character (canon compliant) while writing them or give them different traits writing them out of character. Though it’s common to find fics mentioning the presence of OOC characters on the header because some of us don’t appreciate significant changes in characterization, it isn’t mandatory.
Pairings refer to any characters in romantic and/or sexual relationships. Though the original concept implies romantic relationships between two characters (one true pairings), some can extend its meaning to polyamorous relationships (OT3/4, moresomes). When we think about relationships in fanworks, it’s important to mention a few concepts:
Main pairing: a relationship that exists in canon and is popular in the fandom (e.g. Liam Rys x MC, Damon Salvatore x Elena Gilbert, Peter Parker x Mary Jane Watson);
Rarepair: a relationship that may exist in canon, but isn’t popular in the fandom (e.g. Hana Lee x MC, Jeremy Gilbert x Anna Zhu, Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff)
Crack ship: a relationship created by fans and it only exists in fanworks. It includes pairing up main characters with non-romanceable characters, relationships between love interests, love interests and non-romanceable characters, relationships between non-romanceable characters (i.e. Drake x Olivia, Klaus Mikaelson x Stefan Salvatore, Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes)
Fanfiction which doesn’t include any sort of romantic or sexual rellationships are known as gen. They’re not so popular in our fandom, but I love them. I mean, who doesn’t like a good friendship or family fic?
Canon compliant x Canon divergent
This is probably the best part of writing fanfiction in my opinion. So many things can be done if you explore canon complaint stories like writing missing scenes to give further explanations about a event or character’s behavior, fix-it fics to adapt the scene to your liking, flashbacks, future fics and so on. On the order hand, canon divergent stories are the ones because they allow a fanfic author to be creative and imagine those characters in a new setting. The possibilities are endless when you write an alternate universe version of a story.
But much like characterization, some people are only interested in stories based on the original setting. It’s important to give a heads up to your reader if your story is canon compliant or divergent.
That’s it for this week! Did I miss any topics? Do you have any suggestions? Let me know by commenting, reblogging or sending me a message/ask.
Happy writing/reading!
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