#eric bemis x reader
xo-yaaaaaas-xo · 4 months
I feel like posting for the really under rated shows and movies like santa clarita diet, my babysitters a vampire, and there’s an alien in the attic because i’ve been looking for any kind of posts on the characters for so long and on different platforms like wattpad AO3 and on here and there’s relatively nothing and it makes me so sad. These characters are so good but there’s no recognition.
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bunnyberry5 · 2 years
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Just wrote an Eric Bemis x Reader smut fic on ao3 for anyone interested :)
(Reader is a zombie in this)
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Friends. Eric Bemis x Reader
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Warnings: None! 
Eric Bemis x Reader
Sorry couldn’t find a better gif. Just a slightly longer than planned oneshot I had in my head since starting watching season 3. 
You could remember the day your life took a slightly strange turn. Abby had asked you to drop off the notes from your English class as she had yet again missed another day of school. Being the amazing best friend in the world you obviously agreed to drop them round at the end of the day. Originally you had just planned to slip them through the letterbox, send her a text and make your way home, no need to hang about you had work to do. Things soon changed when you came up to your friend's house, only to notice that her front door was open a little, and from what you could see through the house there was a trail of destruction leading into the kitchen. Most people would turn around, call the cops, or not do what you did, which was to walk into the house, following the path of chaos.
When you entered the kitchen, slowly as not to alert anyone in the house, you did not ever expect to see what was before you.  Sheila, Abby’s mum, was standing covered in blood with what looked like an… ear hanging out of her mouth, while a body laid on the floor, blood leaking everywhere. Abby and Eric, your other friend, looking somewhat horrified but not nearly as surprised as you probably looked. It was only when Joel came into the house carrying a bag of cleaning supplies that anyone had noticed you were there.
“Shit!” Joel cried from behind you, “Y/N is here! What a nice surprise, look, Sheila, Y/N our daughter's friend, is here.” Sheila, Abby, and Eric all span round to see you looking horrified.
“Y/N! Hi!” Nobody really knew what to do. After some serious explaining, later on, Abby and Eric sitting down with you to explain everything, even introducing you to the talking head in the basement,  you found yourself helping clean up the blood through the kitchen. Safe to say, since that day you Abby and Eric had all become considerably closer, especially now that you were involved in everything in their lives, even the weird and wonderful.
You loved being friends with the duo, being able to relate to both of them. When it came to Abby, you always enjoyed her company, mostly because she was just as badass as yourself, believed in the same causes, shared the same music taste, and general ‘I’m the boss’ attitude as you. Abby, and her family were so much fun to be around, putting aside the somewhat homicidal tendencies of her mother, but no matter how similar you and Abby were, Eric was always the one you gravitated towards.
Eric was the biggest nerd going. Academic genius, lover of books and films, massive fanboy about basically anything that could be considered dorky, and you loved it. He was shy, sweet, caring, and unbelievably funny, even if he didn’t know it. From a while before the dead guy in the kitchen incident, you had a little crush on him, but after you became closer since then you realised just how wonderful he really was. Any time he could, he went above and beyond for everyone, even when it risked his safety. You couldn’t help but love him really, he was a total dorky dreamboat, you knew nothing would really come of it, but it was always nice to imagine. So when he offered to help you with some chemistry homework you were more than happy to let him be the hero.
When you knocked on his door his mum answered. You liked his mum, she was a bit forward but it was sweet how much she cared about her son’s interests and you loved her raw confidence in herself.
“Hello Y/N, Eric said you were coming by,” She smiled, welcoming you into the house. “You know where his room is, have fun.” Winking at you, she walked away into the kitchen. Giggling a little bit, you jogged up the stairs ignoring the little flutter of butterflies in your chest as you made your way to his door, feeling nervous as you knocked and waited to go in, not wanting to intrude on him. When he opened the door, a shy sorta grin on his face you couldn't help but smile brightly back at him.
Oh, how he loved that smile. You may have had a little crush on him for a few months or so but Eric, well eric was bloody smitten and for as long as he could remember. You were wonderful in every way. Sure you were gorgeous, and he thought you were one of the prettiest people he had ever come across, but that wasn’t why he adored you. You were simply you, unapologetically Y/N all the time. You knew what you liked, you worked hard on what you enjoyed, you were smart, kind, caring, and soft but there was always that badass side to you. You were complex but yet so easy to read. Some people didn’t get you, thinking you were a bit weird, but Eric loved that he could read you so easily. It was as though you were a book, but rather than it being in English it was in a language only Eric understood. He got that you had this dark side, you were a strong independent woman, but he loved seeing your softer moments when you helped people, or when you geeked out to him about the latest Marvel films or some Harry Potter fanfiction you had been reading before class, Eric adored you so when he looked at your big smile as you stood in his doorway, he couldn’t do anything to stop the butterflies from swirling around in his stomach and chest.
“Heyyyyyyyyy Eriiiiiicccc,” you beamed at him, dragging it out like an over-excited child.
“Hey, Y/N,” he blushed, loving how eager for everything you always were, “er come in, I’ve got all the books set out on the desk we need.”
As you walked into the room, you looked around, just admiring all the posters and merchandise that hung from the walls. Sitting down at his desk you looked at a framed photo of you, Abby and Eric, it was from before you were really close at all, if you remember correctly it was from the beginning of the year on some class retreat you had taken, the first time you had really joined the duo. That was ages ago now, you had no clue this photo had even been taken but the fact he had it made your heart flutter a little more than it already had been.
Eric smiled down at you before pulling up a stool to sit next to you at the desk. He helped you with all the questions you were stuck on, making sure you understood everything he was talking about. He loved watching as you listened, properly making sure you understood everything he was telling you. After what felt like only a few minutes, but was really closer to a couple of hours you were done, the sun beginning to set outside the windows. Eric couldn’t help but feel a little bit sad as you packed up your stuff, before really thinking it through, he suddenly blurted out,
“Doyouwannawatchamovie?” He cringed knowing how stupid he must have sounded. You giggled, noticing the blush in on his cheeks getting darker and darker.
“What did you even just say?” You smiled, laughing a little at how flustered he was.
“I was wondering if you wanted to watch a film, I’ll walk you home after if… actually, you know what don’t worry I don’t know why I asked, its getting lat-”
“What do you want to watch then?” You smiled, setting down your bag, moving to sit on the edge of his bed. Both Eric and yourself were a bit taken back by what was happening. Eric had neither planned to ask, let alone you agree to stay and watch a film, and you were a bit surprised he had asked at all. Trying to stop himself from stumbling over his words, he replied, rambling a little
“Well I have Lord of the Rings, but that's kinda nerdy so we can stream something instead. I have Netflix or Prime, it’s up to you really.” You liked seeing him this flustered, it was incredibly cute.
“Lord of the Rings is good.” Eric beamed at this response. God you're perfect, Eric thought.
After setting it all up, Eric turned back to see you sitting a bit comfier in his bed. As much as he loved seeing you in his bed, awkwardness crept into him a little, realising he hadn’t thought this much through, so as the film began to play he perched on the side of his bed, not trying to get to close in case you weren't comfortable with that. You noticed his awkwardness, deciding he needed to realise you were more than happy for him to get closer, you tugged him a little bit towards you, slowly bringing him closer so you were half hugging, you lay down a bit more than he was, your head just gently resting on his chest. Through the thin material of his t-shirt, you could hear his heart beating at an unnatural pace, which worried you, but as you went to pull away, an arm wrapped itself around your shoulders. You smiled, settling in closer to before turning your eyes to the small tv screen as the film played.
Eric kept his eyes fixated on the screen, worried that if he moved you would pull away and the moment would be gone. Now the awkwardness he placed upon himself was gone, his heart returning to a semi-normal heart rate, he was beaming inside as you cuddled against him. He wasn’t sure what this meant really, but he didn’t much care, right now at this moment he was just happy to be this close to you.
Around halfway through the first Lord of the Rings film, he noticed the sun had completely gone down, and the head resting on his chest had become heavier, your breathing becoming softer, more even. He looked down to see you had drifted to sleep in his arms. He smiled a warm feeling dancing in his chest. Trying not to disturb you too much, he lent down, just enough to kiss you gently on the head before pulling the blanket from beside you around him and yourself. Quietly he whispered a goodnight to you, smiling as he turned back to watch the film. Eric had no idea where this would go with you, but as the too drifted into a land of dreams, he couldn’t have been happier.
An hour or so later, Lisa came to check on her son and Y/N, having not heard much from them. As she entered the room, she couldn’t help but smile at the sight in front of her. The Tv was now running a long list of credits, and in the light of the TV screen, she could see her son cuddled up to Y/N, both of them happy in each other's arms as they slept. Snapping a picture to send it to Y/N’s parents to let them know they were okay, she smiled as she shut the door behind her, leaving her son to dream peacefully next to the one who had captured his heart.
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quackmyback · 5 years
Why isnt there fanfiction on Eric Bemis?
Hes a little nerdy bean
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strangeflyboy · 5 years
༚✧˳⁺⁎ WHO I WRITE FOR ⁎⁺˳✧༚
if you would like to make a request for a headcanon/fic but are unsure of what characters/fandoms i write for, this post is for you! i will definitely add characters to the list as time goes on. some are not as well-known as others, but they are on the list because i’ll gladly write for them! also, if there is a character that you would like me to write for that is not on this list, send me an ask about them and i’ll get back to you on whether or not i feel comfortable enough with it because, as any writer would, i want to make sure i can capture the characters’ personalities well enough! if you want to see what i’ve already written, go here!
jonas kahnwald
magnus nielsen
martha nielsen
mikkel nielsen
ulrich nielsen
billy batson
freddy freeman
john constantine
kara zor-el
lena luthor
nate heywood
ray palmer
sara lance
zari tomaz
H A R R Y  P O T T E R
draco malfoy
fred weasley
george weasley
harry potter
hermione granger
luna lovegood
remus lupin
sirius black 
lucifer morningstar
bucky barnes
carol danvers
loki laufeyson
peter parker
peter quill
rocket raccoon
scott lang
stephen strange
steve rogers
tony stark 
S T A R  T R E K
james kirk
leonard mccoy
pavel chekov
S T A R   W A R S
kylo ren
poe dameron
dean winchester
jack kline
sam winchester
abby hammond
cliff booth
eddie brock
eggsy unwin
eric bemis
murphy mason
peter rumancek
rick dalton
roman godfrey
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gender-snatched · 3 years
A fluffy gender neutral!vampire!reader x eric bemis fict where the vampire rules are you can drink animal and age normally OR you can drink human blood and stay young forever. Also Charlie Kelly from It's Always Sunny is Y/N's father figure. A crack fic for the ages. Oh also Y/N's worst enemy is a clone high version of Thomas Edison cuz that guy can die twice.
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First Times. Eric Bemis x Reader (SMUTTTTTTT)
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OKAY so for this let's just pretend that that bitch Ramona doesn't exist and Eric never did the deed with her. ENJOYYYYYYYY
Requested by @papertoes
Eric Bemis was not experienced when it came to sex. He was awkward and nerdy, and most girls didn’t actually know him, and when they did they either knew because of the fact he was a massive nerd or because he was friends with Abby. Well, that was until Y/N had come into his life.
Some months back, Y/N had transferred to the same school as Eric and Abby. Being new, she had no idea where she was going so when she stumbled across the pair, she was very happy to find out they were heading to the same class, and from what she could tell, Eric had an identical timetable.
After a few weeks of her following and becoming close, Eric had fallen head over heels for her, and Y/N felt the same. After Eric finally got the confidence to ask her on a date, one which went really well, they began dating, which lead them to this moment.
Y/N was laying with her head on his chest, her hands tracing little patterns over his t-shirt. Eric’s laptop sat on his legs, his arm around her back, pulling her closer to him. As the film played out on the small screen, Eric couldn’t stop as his mind wandered. It was something he had thought about a lot of recent but wasn’t sure how he was meant to bring it up to her. It wasn’t something they had really talked about but after the last few months, it felt like it was something that needed to be talked about.
“Have you had sex?” Eric all but blurted out, a blush crawling onto his cheeks. He paused the laptop, placing it on the floor next to them before turning back to her, worry in his eyes. Y/N chuckled, sitting up to face him. “Sorry, don’t worry you don’t have to answer, well, you can if you want too, but don’t feel like you have to answer…” He rambled on, feeling butterflies flutter around in his chest.
“Hey, Eric, you’re spiralling sweetie,” she giggled, taking his hand into hers. “Yes, I have had sex. I was in a relationship at my old school with a guy, and we had sex a couple of times. Why do you ask?” Eric could feel the heat rising as the blush deepened on his cheeks.
“I just… I haven’t and I wanted to know if you had, or if it was something you’d want to do… with me, but I didn’t want you to feel like you had too.”
“Eric, of course, I would, but if you haven’t done it before, I want you to be ready when it happens, and I want you to feel comfortable when it happens.” She lent in, gently kissing him on the lips, something he quickly responded to. He knew he wanted this with her, she may have only been his first proper girlfriend, but he felt incredibly comfortable with her. Pulling back, he smiled at her,
“I’m ready Y/N if you want too,” Y/n nodded, smiling as she pulled him in for another kiss. Eric felt nervous, but he wanted this, that much was evident from the growth in his boxers. Y/n smiled against his lips, her hand coming to rest upon his thigh. Eric moaned just a little into her mouth, giving Y/N the chance to slip her tongue through his lips. Much to her surprise, his tongue took over, being the most dominant.  
His hands found her hips, gently tugging at her shirt. When he pulled back to check if she was okay, she simply smiled, pulling her top away to show she was okay. His eyes wandered over her chest, landing on her bra and what was hidden beneath them.
“Woah,” he breathed, a smile tugging at his lips. Y/N smiled, before coming up to kiss him again, grabbing his shirt as she went. With the shirt gone, she moved down to his trousers, gently tugging them away to leave him in his boxers, his dick tenting inside. The original nerves had gone as he reached down to remove her shorts.
They broke apart, Y/N’s lips coming down to his neck, trailing down until she was at the waistband of his boxers. Looking up before continuing she asked softly,
“Are you sure you want this? We can wait longer if you need it.”
“Y/N, please, I want this,” he practically moaned, causing Y/N to smile. Gently pushing down the waistband of his boxers, Y/N carefully ran her hand up his thigh. With one last look at him, noticing how his eyes were blown with lust, she gently grasped his dick, her hand rubbing up and down before she kissed the tip. As a loud groan escaped his lips she took him in her mouth, sucking him down, his moans becoming very encouraging.
Eric ran his hand into her hair, guiding her a bit. He became a mess under her as her lips did wonderful things to him. He felt like he was getting close, just as she pulled away. Sitting up she unclasped her bra, freeing her breasts to him. Instantly his hands came out and held onto them, squeezing just a little, gently pinching at the nipple. When she moved forward his lips found one of the hard nubs, a small string of moans falling from his lips. Pulling off with a pop, Eric looked her in the eyes, seeing how flustered she was already, making him want even more.
“Y/N, I love you, I wanna make sure you wanna go ahead with this,” even though this was his first time, he still wanted to make sure she was okay, that’s just who he was.
“I love you too, and yes I want his as long as you do,” he nodded, still a little breathless from the blow job he had received not long ago. “Good, so I want to make sure you’re comfy, so do what would you rather, me on top, or you on top.”
“Can I go on top, just so I can go at my pace?” Y/n nodded, pulling him in for another kiss. Slowly they shifted, so she was laying under him, Eric supporting himself as he kissed her. His lips began to trail down her body until he was at her lace panties. He pulled them away, before asking, “can I touch you there?” It was adorable how nervous he was really. Y/N only moaned in response. His fingers slowly traced between her folder, mumbling about how wet she already was. His finger slowly pushed into her, pumping back and forth, as she moaned. His thumb came up to rub against her clit as a second finger joined the other.
“Please Eric, I need you to fuck me,” she moaned, feeling the knot in her stomach. Eric shifted, leaning over to his dresser table to find a condom. He had brought them when they first got together. Once it was rolled over his rock hard dick, he began to line himself up at her entrance, before gently pushing into her, a number of curses escaping him until he bottomed out, both of them groaning.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…” his eyes closed, mouth forming into a small little ‘o’ shape. Slowly his hips began to move, leaning down to kiss Y/N as his pace increased. It wasn’t long before the pair of them were right on the edge, moaning into each other's mouths. When his hand moved to rub her clit that was it, her body exploded, walls clenched, dragging him over the edge with her. With a few last pumps, he was drained, falling a little onto her before he pulled away, chucking the used condom towards his bin. Still naked covered in sweat, Y/N pulled him down to lay with her, his head resting above her breasts.
“How you feeling?”
“Amazing, thank you for that.”
“Any time. You’re cute when your all flustered, I liked it,” she smirked, kissing gently against his head.
“I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too.”
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Love Struck. Eric Bemis x Reader
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Warnings: None
“If you like her just tell her.” Abby smiled, sitting herself down next to Eric who was staring at her from across the cafeteria.
“You make it sound so easy,” he scoffed, eyes remaining on her.
“It is! Worse thing that can happen is she says no.”
“Right...because being rejected by the one you love is no terrifying in the slightest.”
“Come on man, you’ve been pining over her since grade eight,” Abby said, biting down on her apple, her eyes following the path that Eric’s had. “Look, she’s coming over, just talk to her.”
“No, she won’t even notice u-“
“Hey! Y/N!” Abby called out causing Eric to panic.
“What are you doing!?” He shout-whispered to his friend, seeing as y/n changed her course and headed towards where the pair sat. “Oh god. Oh god. Oh god!” Before he had a chance to run, she was at his table, sitting herself down across from them.
“Hi, Abby, Eric what’s up?” She smiled sweetly. A red blush settled along Eric’s freckled.
“Hey, Y/N. Eric wanted to ask you something and I have to go over there and see… Winter. I’m going to see Winter. Eric, ask her.” A sly grin on her face as she left, leaving Eric mentally cursing her, panicking about what he was meant to say. He knew what Abby meant, but he didn’t know how.
“What’s up then Eric?”
“Er… well, I was going to ask... but don’t worry its nothing, Abby was just being Abby, it doesn't matter,” he stammered, the light red on his cheeks getting darker and darker.
“Okay,” Y/n said very confused. A silence settled around them for a few minutes. Eric had literally gone face to face with the living dead but he as they sat in silence he was more nervous and worried than ever. He was about to get up and leave when Y/n asked, “hey, there’s a new Marvel film out, I haven’t seen it yet. Do you maybe want to watch with me this Saturday?”
“Oh, er.”
“It’s okay if you don’t want to, but you’re cute and smart so I’d like to get to know you a little better,” she smiled.
“Yeah I’d love that, I can pick you up if you like?” He couldn’t help the butterflies that flew around in his stomach or the smile along his face.
“Yeah, sounds like a good plan to me,” pulling out a notebook from her bag she scribbled down her number, slipping the paper across the table. Gathering her belongings she stood, smiling down at him. “It’s a date then.” As she walked away Eric muttered to himself, with a smile on his face,
“It’s a date.”
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Santa Clarita Diet Masterlist
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Friends (x Reader)
Love Struck (x Reader)
First Time (x Reader Smut) 
Body and Baby (x Reader)
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Ron Weasley 
So...  (x Reader)
Fred Weasley 
Crosswords (x Reader)
George Weasley
Last Names (1) (x Reader) 
Last Names (2) (x Reader)
Last Names (3) (x Reader)
On the Run (x Reader) 
Talking to the Sky (x Reader) 
Fred/George Weasley
Tolerable (x Friend!Reader) 
Draco Malfoy
Braids (xReader)
Sam Winchester
You Smile Like You’re About to Cry (x Reader)
Dean Winchester 
The Innocent Saviour (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)(x Reader) 
Sam/Dean Winchester
Siblings (x Sibling!Reader)
Jake Peralta 
Drunk Feelings (1) (x Reader)
Drunk Feelings (2) (x Reader)
Drunk Feelings (3) (x Reader)
LOOK AT ME! (x Reader)
Rosa Diaz
Going Foward (x Reader)
Necklace (x Reader)
Little Black Dress (x Reader) SMUT
Raindrops (x Reader)
Eric Bemis 
Friends (x Reader)  
Love Struck (x Reader)
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