sag-dab-sar · 4 months
Sumerian Goddess, primarily from the city of Eridu
Mother of the Gods. Creator of Mankind, specifically in Eridu, elsewhere this role went to Nintur or Ninmah
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🔵 Information
From Gods Demons & Symbols by Black [Internet Archive Link]
"Nammu was a goddess who was considered, in some traditions, to have given birth to An (heaven) and Ki (earth) and to many more of the more ancient gods. Especially she was regarded as the mother of Enki. She came to be thought of as one of the mother goddesses. Her name is written with the same sign as engur, a synonym of abzu, and it is probable that she was originally a personification of the subterranean ocean." [p134]
Dictionary of Ancient Near Eastern Mythology by Leick [Internet Archive Link]
Her name is usually written with the sign engur which was also used to write Apsu. In ancient times she personified the Apsu as the source of water and hence fertility in lower Mesopotamia. She may well have been worshipped in Eridu before Enki, who took over most of her prerogatives and functions. Significantly he was called the son of Nammu. In spite of her decline following the superiority of Enki, during the Neo-Sumerian period, at least at Ur, she was still considered important enough to have statues commissioned in her honour and she also features in the name of the famous king Ur-nammu. In mythology, Nammu appears as the primeval Mother-goddess in Enki and Ninmah who 'has given birth to the great gods'. She has the idea of creating mankind as a help for the gods and it is she who goes to wake her son Enki, asleep in the Apsu, that he may set the process going. [p 124]
Handbook of Gods & Goddess of the Ancient Near East [Google Books Link]:
"Namma: Sumerian goddess of the primeval, subterranean ocean. In the lexical series Diri the name has a syllabic rendering na-am-ma. In some traditions she was the mother of the sky god An, the earth goddess Ki, and a number of other deities. Enki/ Ea, the god of freshwater and wisdom, was considered her son. In the myth of "Enki and Nin-mah," when the other deities began complaining about how hard they had to work, it was Namma who awakened Enki from his sleep to urge him to create more creatures to take on the work of the gods. However, he delegated the task to Namma, who then received the credit for creating human beings. There was a shrine to the goddess in Marduk's great temple at Babylon, and at least one other of her sanctuaries is known"[p222]
Excerpt from Oracc [Link]:
"Very little is known about Namma, who belongs to the oldest generation of Mesopotamian deities and is associated with the pantheon of Eridu. She is mainly known for her role in the cosmogony of early Mesopotamia and her importance in magic, which is restricted to texts written in Sumerian [...]. According to the god list An-Anum, tablet I line 28 [...], Namma bears the title "mother who gave birth to the heavens and the earth. Because this goddess's name is written with sign for "(cosmic) subterranean waters" (Sumerian: engur) Wiggermann [..] has called her the "Cosmic Ocean. [...] In the Sumerian poem of Enki and Ninmah (ETCSL 1.1.2, line 17 link) Namma is called the "original mother who gave birth to the gods of the universe", again according her primary status among all the gods and describing her role in Mesopotamian cosmogony"
Section from Enki & Ninmah (ETCSL 1.1.2) [Link]
*Bolded part that explains her mother of Gods role, and also her creating man (different deities depending on myth)
*How deity, people, and place names are spelled is wildly inaccurate in the ETCSL, they don't even follow their own rules. But I still did not change the quote
"The gods said, weeping: "He is the cause of the lamenting!" Namma, the primeval mother who gave birth to the senior gods, took the tears of the gods to the one who lay sleeping, to the one who did not wake up from his bed, to her son: "Are you really lying there asleep, and ...... not awake? The gods, your creatures, are smashing their ....... My son, wake up from your bed! Please apply the skill deriving from your wisdom and create a substitute for the gods so that they can be freed from their toil!" At the word of his mother Namma, Enki rose up from his bed. In Hal-an-kug, his room for pondering, he slapped his thigh in annoyance. The wise and intelligent one, the prudent, ...... of skills, the fashioner of the design of everything brought to life birth-goddesses. Enki reached out his arm over them and turned his attention to them. And after Enki, the fashioner of designs by himself, had pondered the matter, he said to his mother Namma: "My mother, the creature you planned will really come into existence. Impose on him the work of carrying baskets. You should knead clay from the top of the abzu; the birth-goddesses will nip off the clay and you shall bring the form into existence. Let Ninmah act as your assistant; and let Ninimma, Cu-zi-ana, Ninmada, Ninbarag, Ninmug, ...... and Ninguna stand by as you give birth. My mother, after you have decreed his fate, let Ninmah impose on him the work of carrying baskets."
The Harps That Once by Jacobsen [Google Books Link]
"Namma, Enki's mother, was probably seen as the power in the riverbed which, empty or nearly empty in summer, gives birth to the fresh waters, to Enki, in the spring flood. This interpretation gains a measure of support from the fact that the cuneiform sign with which her name was written served also, if supplemented with the sign for "water," to write the word for "river." Etymologically the name Namma goes back to Nin-imma (nin-immaran-amma nama›namma) "lady female genitals," a personification of the numinous power to shape, mature, and give birth to the child, and it is as birth goddess generally, rather than as goddess of the riverbed, that the text here characterizes her. That latter aspect she may conceivably have acquired because the mythopoeic imagination conceived of the great gash in the earth which the dry riverbed presents as the genitals of Mother Earth herself, and the prototype of all female parts everywhere. Namma's role as birth goddess generally and as the one who gave birth to man probably represents a local tradition, perhaps at home in Eridu. Elsewhere it is the goddess Nintur, or Ninmah as she is called in this composition," [p 158]
From Wiggermann "Nammu" [PDF Link]
*He disagrees with Jacobsen on Nin-imma, but Wiggmann addresses many other authors both agreeing and disagreeing but its too densely written for me to even remotely understand the back & forth between the Assyriologists.
"Nammu is an ancient goddess of Eridu, who plays a part in the local (and early national) mythology as creatrix/mother goddess and as supporter of Enki in Magic. Most references relate to either of these two roles [...] Only her epithet "(^munus)agrig-zi-é-kur-(ra-)ke", "true housekeeper of Ekur" points outside Eridu to the pantheon of Nippur, but it may be due to a confusion with Nin-imma, Enlil's scholar and scribe." [p 137 Column 2]
🔵 Titles / Epithets
*I did not use š, ḫ, or ĝ when typing these for ease of reading. See Sisterofiris' posts on transliterations [link] & normalizations [link]. Page numbers correspond to Wiggermann's Nammu PDF, linked above.
🔹Amaùtuanki — "Mother who gave birth to Heaven and Earth" (p137 column 2)
🔹Ama-palil-ù-tu-dingir-shár-shárra-ke-ne — "Mother, who gave birth to all the gods" [I kept dashes so it can be read] (p138 column 1)
🔹Amarhusheke — "Compassionate Mother" (p138 column 2)
🔹Amagal — "Great Mother" (p138 column 2)
🔹Agrigziékurrake — "True housekeeper of Ekur" (p137 column 2)
🔹Amadingirdingira | Modern— [Link]
"Mother of (the) Gods" in Sumerian
𒂼 — Mother, ama [Link]
𒀭𒀭— Many Gods, dingirdingir [Link]
𒀝 - "of" genetive case suffix, .a(k) [Link]
🔵 Iconography
She has no known iconography that has been found yet according to Oracc.
I made these tonight on my phone. Left has an ocean as its background to represent the "Cosmic Sea" aspect.
Its the Mesopotamian horned cap/crown of divinity then her name 𒀭 (diĝir) and 𒇉 (engur)
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(click on right its not cut off as mobile shows)
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kosmic-autokrat · 1 year
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done. I like to do exercises where I design ocs based off of a series's design philosophy, so I do it for nearly every game I play.
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skygodz · 2 years
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A Ziggurat at Eridu is a massive stone structure built in ancient Mesopotamia...but why and how was it built?
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ammg-old2 · 1 year
Sumer was the southernmost region of ancient Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq and Kuwait) which is generally considered the cradle of civilization. The name comes from Akkadian, the language of the north of Mesopotamia, and means “land of the civilized kings”. The Sumerians called themselves “the black headed people” and their land, in cuneiform script, was simply “the land” or “the land of the black headed people”and, in the biblical Book of Genesis, Sumer is known as Shinar.
According to the Sumerian King List, when the gods first gave human beings the gifts necessary for cultivating society, they did so by establishing the city of Eridu in the region of Sumer. While the Sumerian city of Uruk is held to be the oldest city in the world, the ancient Mesopotamians believed that it was Eridu and that it was here that order was established and civilization began.
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whencyclopedfr · 2 years
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Enki (également connu sous le nom de Ea, Enkig, Nudimmud, Ninsiku, Nissiku) était le dieu sumérien de la sagesse, de l'eau douce, de l'intelligence, de la ruse et de l'espièglerie, de l'artisanat, de la magie, de l'exorcisme, de la guérison, de la création, de la virilité, de la fertilité et de l'art. L'iconographie le dépeint comme un homme barbu portant un chapeau à cornes et de longues robes alors qu'il gravit la montagne du lever du soleil.
Lire la suite...
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What is certain, however, is that, for whatever reason, the Urban Revolution began in Mesopotamia and, it seems certain, in the region of Sumer. The earliest cities mentioned are Eridu, Bad-tibira, Larak, Sippar, and Shuruppak all of which are located in Sumer. Regarding the various theories as to why Sumer and not elsewhere, Kriwaczek writes that some scholars
see the emergence of civilization as an inevitable consequence of evolutionary changes in human mentality since the end of the last ice age…But we humans aren't really like that; we don't react so unthinkingly. The actual story would have to allow for the everlasting conflict between progressives and conservatives, between the forward and backward looking, between those who propose `let's do something new' and those who think `the old ways are best', those who say, `let's improve this' and those who think `if it ain't broke, don't fix it'. No great shift in culture ever took place without such a contest (21).
Once upon a time, in the land known as Sumer, the people built a temple to their god who had conquered the forces of chaos and brought order to the world. Those people then continued the work of their god and established order throughout the land in the form of the city. The answer to the question of why it happened in Mesopotamia instead of elsewhere can best be found in considering the culture of that particular society. The people of Mesopotamia, regardless of the region or ethnicity, shared the common concern with establishing and maintaining order and, because of their religious beliefs, a near-obsession with control of the natural world. It should not be surprising, then, that such a culture would have been the first to conceive of and construct the urban entity which most completely separates human beings from their natural environment: the city.
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preacherpollard · 13 days
Did People Really Live Hundreds Of Years?
Dale Pollard (Genesis 5) Genesis records those who lived for hundreds of years and it’s nearly unbelievable for some people and for others— it is. Look at some examples from Genesis chapter five: V.17 “Thus all the days of Mahalalel were 895 years, and he died.” V.20 “Thus all the days of Jared were 962 years, and he died”  V.27 “Thus all the days of Methuselah were 969 years, and he…
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superpte · 1 month
CITIES: Initially For TRADE, Of GOODS And IDEAS; Before The State; MARKET ECONOMY ALWAYS EXISTED, So Did HEALTHCARE, CAPITAL And INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL. These Notions Are Neither New, Nor Subjectable To Existential Criticism
CITIES APPEARED FOR TRADE, OF GOODS AND IDEAS; THE MARKET ECONOMY ALWAYS EXISTED, SO DID HEALTHCARE AND GENERALIZED CAPITAL DRIVEN BY INTELLECT Everything was not invented yesterday, but some modern activities are actually so ancient that they were behaviors which drove the evolution of humanity. So much for originality claims by modern buffoons. Technology and science, in particular, are older…
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theversevoyager · 6 months
In ancient Eridu, a world where the gods of Greek, Norse, and Egyptian mythologies coexist, lived a humble farmer named Kael. He tilled the land and cared for his livestock, but unbeknownst to him, he possessed an extraordinary gift - the power to summon storms. One fateful day, Kael accidentally triggered a tempest that swept through Eridu, revealing his hidden talent. As chaos ensued, he discovered that he could control the storm's fury with his mind. With newfound purpose, Kael learned to harness his power and became a beacon of hope in the mythical realm, where ancient legends and gods intertwined.
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harrelltut · 11 months
1968-michaelharrelljr.com's Domain Creator [D.C.] of enqi-nudimmud2.com's Pure BLACKANUNNAQI.tech GOLD MOUNTAIN [GM] RESERVES... Metaphysically Ascended Personally [MAP] 2 Aghaarta's [MA's] Inner Earth [Qi] Domain of TIAMAT's Enclosed Garden of Pure Delight... DEEP IN:side Tama-Re Deity HATHOR's Golden Black Sun Garden of the Grand Canyon's Imperishable Paradise [I/P] of Shamballah
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i.b.monk [ibm.com] mode [i’m] tech [IT] steelecartel.com @ quantumharrelltech.ca.gov
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quantumharrelltech.ca.gov Outside Our 1921steelecartel.tech MACHINE SKY Firmament Domain DOME… OVER Earth [Qi]
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1968-michaelharrelljr.com ANU GOLDEN 9 ETHER [AGE] kingtutdna.com Genetic LUZ Clone KING OF KINGS LORD OF LORDS.. Under the Shadow [U.S.] of Invisible DEATH [I.D.] LANGUAGE RITUALS in Old America [MU ATLANTIS]
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1968-michaelharrelljr.com Own Land called Eridu DEEP IN:side the Grand [DIG] Canyon's [D.C.'s] Imperishable Paradise [I/P] of Shamballah
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ARTIFICIAL 2023 AMERICA IN DEEP TROUBLE... 2024 WILL BEE ALOT WORSE 4 those Entitled Americans since the daylight had gone where pure light once was, and no light reigned
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Under Our Vast Pacific Ocean... We have the Tallest Peaks & Deepest Valleys on Earth [Qi]
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everything inside Aghaarta's Inner Earth BEE Gold Gold Gold
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Eye TIAMAT's [E.T.'s] Golden Planet Earth [Qi]
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1968-michaelharrelljr.com's Interplanetary MOON [I'M] Universe created a lunar orbit around TIAMAT's Golden Planet Earth [Qi] of Shamballah
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1968-michaelharrelljr.com Quantum Leaped 2 Aghaarta's [L.A.'s] Inner Earth [Qi]
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1968-michaelharrelljr.com being a symbol of resurrection as ANU ALYUN ALYUN EL
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1968-michaelharrelljr.com SEE TIAMAT's Enclosed Garden of Pure ANUNNAGI [PA] Delight [PAD]... DEEP IN:side Tama-Re Deity HATHOR's Golden Black Sun Garden of the Grand Canyon's Imperishable Paradise [I/P] of Shamballah
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© 1698-2223 quantumharrelltech.com - ALL The_Octagon_(Egypt) DotCom [D.C.] defense.gov Department Domain Communication [D.C.] Rights Reserved @ quantumharrelltech.ca.gov
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eddiepresley · 1 year
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ERIDU - Enuma Elish - 2nd album from Munich, a German Melodic Black/Death Metal outfit
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kosmic-autokrat · 1 year
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...well, I named her eridu. I forgot to post this one ahaha
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ztuff-ofzenzone · 29 days
As someone who adores and collects physical media, I LOVE the fact random play is a video rental store. The vibe is just great. Sure, its just a front for Phaeton business. But, it still counts! I love the whole store, it is probably my favorite location visually.
Yet, another but! This does bring up a question tho. Do they not have netlfix equivalent in their universe? Like, sure. New Eridu is somewhat post apocalyptic with the hollows appearing where ever and the ground Zero literally being old Eridu.
Like, they have internet. So, they could have streaming services. Now, I just want a chapter where streaming service is taking the clients.
Random thoughts by yours truly.
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rwac96 · 28 days
Crossover Crack Ship- Jaune Arc (RWBY) and Zhu Yuan (ZZZ)
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What are your head cannons for characters in different factions within Zenless being friends? (Example: Lucy and Corin being friends because they have the shared experience of not great parents based on what the game reveals).
Ooooooh I hadn’t thought about this til now—
I’m gonna try and include as many characters as possible in this!!
So first off, everyone in the Cunning Hares gets along with everyone in The Sons of Calydon. Considering Billy used to be a former member of the gang, I’d say the two work pretty closely/know each other fairly well. For specifics, I think Anby and Caesar have the same mindset when it comes to combat, and Nekomata and Burnice bond over being chaos gremlins. Nekomata would also love Piper, nap taking gang go Brrrr. I think the only ones who wouldn’t like each other would be Nicole and Lucy, and they tend to just hate each other in secret/behind everyone else’s back’s cause they care about their own groups too much.
Similarly, I think Belobog also has similar ties to Victoria Housekeeping. Lycaon and Corin both like Ben, but for different reasons. Lycaon likes Ben due to thiren solidarity, and Lycaon also thinks he’s a pretty decent guy who’s chill and all that. If Belobog ever needs a commission from Victoria, or vice versa, the transactions are made between those two.
Corin likes him cause of how gentle and understanding he is. She sees a lot of her new father figure Lycaon in him.
As much as it pains me to say it, I don’t really think anyone in Victoria Housekeeping would like the company of the more criminally aligned factions (so far being the Cunning Hares and Sons of Calydon). Sure, Victoria Housekeeping may not have the greatest moral compass, but they do have a reputation to uphold.
The only one I think does make sense is Corin and Nekomata considering their actions in canon. Maaaaaybeee if you squint, I can see Anby and Ellen getting along, too
Seth being the himbo that he is would definitely befriend Rina on accident. Like, she would just be doing the mind manipulation stuff and being super condescending and shit, and he’d be none the wiser and think her insults to be genuine compliments.
And obviously because of that, I think Rina and Jane would also be besties. Gaslight gatekeep girlboss solidarity.
Lycaon and Qingyi I think would also get along at least somewhat well, considering both are very peepaw coded characters. Lycaon also deems it good to have at least one cop friend for emergencies.
Soldier 11 often works with NEPS, but hasn’t been able to form a close bond with anyone outside of Phaethon due to how insanely busy she always is. She’d definitely like Qingyi the most if given the time to actually hang out with the NEPS faction.
Seth, if ever given the chance, would also probably like Anton’s company. The two have similar moral compasses and even more similar himbo mindsets.
Anton would also love Billy for the same reasons. He has to keep their friendship somewhat hidden though, lest Grace finds out Billy exists and tries to cut him open to see how he works.
Piper seems to be the mechanic of the Sons of Calydon group, so I think she’d get along with at least Koleda and Anton from Belobog. Solidarity in working with big machinery and all that y’know?
Soukaku would definitely be friends with Burnice, no explanation needed. Chaos gremlin x chaos gremlin.
Harumasa and Seth probably have a history together the same way Zhu Yuan and Miyabi do.
Until they reveal more about her, I don’t really know what to say about Yanagi, but I think she’d probably get along with people like Lycaon and Qingyi
I ran into Lighter once in Lumina square and he had dialogue about being kinda shy so y’know what, fuck it, anxious mf solidarity between him and Corin. Let the tall scary looking biker guy have social anxiety and let it be the most normal thing ever please Hoyo I beg do not make him like fucking Mika from genshin
I really hope they officially reveal the idol/livestreamer faction, as well as the vampire guy in Lycaon’s story quest soon, cause I’d love to see how their personalities are, and how they’d fit in with the rest of the cast
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Sumer was the southernmost region of ancient Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq and Kuwait) which is generally considered the cradle of civilization. The name comes from Akkadian, the language of the north of Mesopotamia, and means “land of the civilized kings”. The Sumerians called themselves “the black headed people” and their land, in cuneiform script, was simply “the land” or “the land of the black headed people” and, in the biblical Book of Genesis, Sumer is known as Shinar.
According to the Sumerian King List, when the gods first gave human beings the gifts necessary for cultivating society, they did so by establishing the city of Eridu in the region of Sumer. While the Sumerian city of Uruk is held to be the oldest city in the world, the ancient Mesopotamians believed that it was Eridu and that it was here that order was established and civilization began.
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