#erik rants
itsillyakuryakin · 6 months
"He's a red flag"
"He's manipulative"
"He'll ruin your life"
That's kinda the whole point of marrying him, so????
"He plays mind games"
So did my mother.
"He's Nico Rosberg!"
Yeah that's the one I want.
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thankz2them · 5 months
technically everyone FOR THE RECORD thanks i can say i’m straighf csuse im transmasc . also cause i said so. so whoever (NEIL.) said they dont like my kind is WRONG and prob being racist because I’m nawt LGBTQ. Hope this helps!
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tboyquicksilver · 10 months
Fuck it we ball thinking about Chev and how him ending but with Emma makes me tear my eyes out lmao. I hc him as aromantic and like I know it's not canon but he's expressed how he doesn't want romance and sees it as unnecessary and like for aro people in particular (and ace but this is a more romantic context) others say, "Oh you just haven't found the right person yet," and that's basically what happens in Chev's route. It's not outright said but it's basically the premise. Essentially Emma meets Chevalier and is scared of him at first yadayadayada Clavis makes her deliver thing I forgot the name of and then if I remember properly they were talking and it gets to the topic of romance (because of course it does) and he says something along the lines of, "I don't see the need for romantic relations because it clouds a king's judgment and I don't see it as necessary," and yeah that could just be seen as him wanting to be a perfect king and stuff but that shouldn't just cross a prince's mind you know? (Sadly i dont have the screenshots) So as his route progresses and Emma develops romantic feelings for Chev blah blah blah he opens up to her and shows his true colors. Now don't get me wrong I loved those part and the one at the soldier graves is one that comes to mind immediately. Once again I don't have the screenshots for some reason I suppose I'll just playthrough his route a third time I get the chance and edit if I even remember but anyways it was talking about how he doesn't remember names of people he doesn't see as important but he remembers the soldier's names BECAUSE of the fact that they were important to Rhodolite (if that's how you spell it lmao) and thus important to him. Back to the topic at hand they get closer and honestly I'm here for that. He's not as on guard and you can tell that he IS human and stuff and I feel like a close platonic relationship is perfect for that but alas it's an otome and at the end of the route they get together and even if it doesn't seem like it, it follows the trope of quote unquote, "finding the right person," and I hate that so fucking much!!! There could have been such great rep in my opinion if cybird had done that! Now that I've lost steam for continuing this I feel that I've sufficiently gotten my point across and would just like to say some things. First of all I'm not saying that Chevalier HAS to be aromantic in your own personal canon nor am i ingoring the canon if you're a stickler it's just that I'm so very passionate about this and would like to have it out somewhere. Second of all I'm not saying I hate your for shipping yourself/your oc with him I think oc x canon if great if like none of the fanfics are doing that for you and it's great for creativity imo! Thirdly even if you don't hc him as aromantic you still can't look me in the eyes and tell me he's straight./j
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Just thought that these screenshots I actually DO have would be nice to share. In the end this is just me ranting about my favorite guy and if this pisses you off despite the fact that I'm not forcing you to have this hc you can (disrespectfully) fuck off. I just really want to see more aromantic and aroace rep in general because it genuinely makes me so happy and if you have a problem with that you can leave. Uh anyways thanks for coming to my tedtalk. Also tagging my friend cause she wanted to see it! We love talking about this lol @perfectlyuniqueperfection
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platossoulmates · 1 month
one thing i see often about movie cherik specifically is people assuming erik is staunchly anti-telepathy but this is simply not true. there are multiple times when erik tells charles to stay out of his head, yes, but these are all moments when he is exceptionally angry. we know erik likes that charles thinks there’s good in him, and we also know he disagrees. he tells charles to stay out when he believes his anger will make charles see his true nature.
but there are also moments where he welcomes charles inside his mind. when they train in first class, charles asks “may i” and wiggles his fingers, and erik agrees without hesitation despite having no idea what charles plans to do. he trusts him. multiple times throughout the prequel movies, when he is without his helmet, he brings up the fact that charles could make him do whatever he wishes. he is joking, but the fact that he can joke about it at all shows just how deeply he trusts him. he never shows disgust or mistrust towards charles ability- in fact his whole fight is that no one should have to hide their mutation
even when he puts the helmet on the first time, he says “sorry charles, it’s not that i don’t trust you” he simply knows that he is disappointing him- knows that without the helmet, charles would be able to stop him, but also knows he wouldn’t, and is therefore saving them both from the what ifs when he chooses to wear it
tldr; erik never actually had a problem with charles inside his head! and it drives me crazy when that’s the whole basis of fics even though erik trusts charles more than he has ever trusted anyone else from the very moment they meet
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onyxdoesthingsithink · 2 months
Cherik- My rant about Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr's relationship.
X-Men First Class
Charles was the first person to ever believe that Erik could be good. Charles in the movie always believed in Erik, and of course it was Charles being optimistic as a person, but he really did believe in Erik.
Through out the movie they really started to trust eachother, and care. They became close very fast, and lets not forget THIS SCENE:
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I think my favorite part of the movie of these two is the ending of them arguing and physically fighting even- but the second Charles got shot he dropped everything and rushed to his side, cradling his body and holding his head on his lap.
He then choked Moira blaming her, but the second Charles says "she didn't do this... You did." Erik stops and practically crumbles.
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"I want you on my side."
Was Erik's understanding they're different point of views but doesn't want to leave the only person that's believed in him and his power could be used for good.
X men Days of Future Past:
Literally just arguing husbands in a divorce.
For most of the movie, it takes place in 1973 and we have Charles being a drug addict to deal with... Well, everything. Raven and Eric left him, the others most likely died from experiments (judging by what Raven says in X-Men:Apocalypse) it was just him and Hank.
Then Charles quite literally helps Logan plan a jailbreak for Erik from the Pentagon but you know things happen.
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I'm also pretty sure these two literally just accidentally gave each other abandonment issues
But the ending of this movie was similar to first class, with the two, once again, going they're Separate ways after a squabble- which is Erik Trying to kill many US officials to show that mutants should be treated seriously.
This is the main disagreement between Charles and Erik through every movie- Erik always using violence to prove that mutants are superior, but Charles sees mutants and humans as equals. He just wants peace.
Even without using his powers though, Charles always somehow reasons with erik- or in this case reasons with Raven to reason with Erik.
Xmen Apocalypse:
I'll skip straight to the ending of this movie, of when Raven reasons with Erik. She tells him that yes, he lost his wife and daughter- but he hasn't lost everything.
And what does he think of In that scene? Charles. Erik thinks of how Charles believed in him at the very beginning- but notice how they didn't even add anyone else? Not Raven or anything? Just Charles and what he did.
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When Apocalypse was threatening to kill Peter he didn't do anything- when Apocalypse was choking Raven out, he didn't stop it. But his breaking point was when he found Charles and was going after him.
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"You sure I can't convince you to stay?"
"You're psychic, Charles.you can convince me to do anything."
Yet he walks away and charles respects that decision once again. No matter what, Charles sticks to his moral of, "just because one loses they're way doesn't mean they're lost forever" and he really is proving this over and over with Erik.
Their relationship is so complex yet so interesting. They may not be designated 'lover's but they sure as hell aren't just Friends.
I barely scratched the surface of these mens relationship- only briefing over 3 movies (and hell I could have said a lot more about them) and not even touching the comics or X-Men 97'- But I had fun writing it.
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accelactor · 1 month
It’s so cool watching newcomers joining the Cherik pit although many of them seem worried to ship these two. And while I think it’s sad that shipping culture has become like this (making ppl concerned whether a ship is right or not while forgetting the main reason ppl ship them because it’s fun, they looks good together, shipping brings join, etc), I find it extremely funny that no matter how many years pass, Charles and Erik’s behavior will NEVER be seen as straight.
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Charles&Erik + not being able to shoot each other
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starlight-artbby · 4 months
The X-Men 97 finale was everything and more. The way that I screamed because I KNEW! We were gonna get the Death!Gambit Plotline so hopefully more Romy and hopefully it gets adapted well. I can not wait for the X-Men to get reunited.
But I really would love to know where the fuck Storm, Morph, and Wolverine are. Hopefully they are safe.
Now onto the episode. Good thing Bastion died because he doesn't deserve any kind of redemption. The X-Men are too good sometime (just my personal opinion) I am so happy Kurt didn't die cause the way that I genuinely was scared that he would get killed scared me.
Seeing Sinister grow old and bald made me fucking day. Cause I already knew Phoenix was coming and she ate down (per usual)
Also Rogue beating up Bastion was so damn satisfying especially since it was in the name of Remy. I am so happy the Jubilee and Roberto made up. I also thought that Magneto and Xavier were going to kiss like multiple times.
I love how Scott was telling Logan to heal it was perfect just like how I love how Morph was there for Wolverine. Like Morph is down bad for him and you can not convince me otherwise.
I also loved seeing that Magneto was thinking of Wanda, Pietro, and Polaris. We should really get to see them. And damn does Pietro look like his daddy.
The fight sequences where so gorgeous and the way the X-Men refused to abandon each other when stopping the asteroid was everything to me. They are family and it's time to show it. I loved when Roberto saved Jubilee and how Jubilee slayed by blasting Bastions face.
The talk between Nathan, Scott, and Jean made me emotional. I hope they get an opportunity to be with their son even just for a little bit. I also knew good and damn well that they were gonna run into apocalypse. I can not wait for the next season I genuinely super fucking excited.
Also we finally got Bishop back!!! Woo hoo!! And Forge and Bishop going on a mission to save the X-Men is gonna be worth seeing. Very curious about who they plan on bringing with them. Like obviously I believe they are gonna have Roberto and Jubilee but aside from that who else.
On another note I hope Jubs is okay because she lost her family right infront of her eyes.
Loved the episode so fucking much!
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rankirakira · 6 months
X-MEN 97 Episode 1 and 2 SPOILERS
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My thoughts
GOSH the character designs and everyone is so hot and have beautiful hair ❤️❤️❤️
The animators love Logan's barechest 👀
Really enjoyed the animation especially during the action scenes and I love the tag team and power combos for each X-Man.
I hope to see more Morph and his friendship with Logan bcs their scenes r playful especially the end of episode 2 when Morph transforms to Sabertooth and they playfully spar with each other.
I wish that Logan is not too hung up on Jean. The Logan, Scott, Jean love triangle was meh and it's not my cup of tea. I want Logan and Scott to just become friends. And Logan being an uncle to Scott and Jean's son.
The hint of Cherik 👀❤️on episode 2 and that picture
Idk what's going on with Magneto and Rogue. I saw online that in the comics they were in a relationship which is yikes. Here I am wishing that the hand scene with Magneto and Rogue is more of father and daughter relationship. Gambit x Rogue is endgame and no one should interfere with them. I want Gambit to be happy
The cliffhanger on episode 2 😲
The end credits. I wonder if that is foreshadowing for future episodes. Bcs I think the end credits ends without the cursor opening Wolverine, Magneto, and Rogue.
For future episodes that I look foward, I wish Ororo 😭 comes back, more character centric episodes or silly episodic with characters such as Morph, Jubilee, and Nightcrawler. Also, episodes focusing on character relationships.
Anyway thank you so much for reading my thoughts and rants because I don't have anyone to talk about it.
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secretly-a-catamount · 3 months
I’m sorry, but if you think that Raoul wouldn’t switch places with Christine to be bait for the Phantom if he could, you’re just objectively wrong (it’s okay, I still love you).
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xxplastic-cubexx · 23 days
logan on that plane when the divorcees started arguing had to have been AT LEAST one of his top 20 worst moments in life if not at least one of the most awkward like imagine not liking flying in the first place and then the plane starts being crumpled like tin foil once the metallokinetic gets frustrated and now we're all nosediving towards the middle of the ocean
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Why are the actors who played lyle and erik menendez so fine a little bit too fine. omg bruh, I wanna talk about a few things about the show. If u don't know who lyle and erik menendez are, they basically killed their parents. They live in a ver Rich lifestyle and home the dad Jose menendez mol*ested the boys at a very young age to teens he would touch them very inappropriately the mom knew about it and she didn't approach or care and she also was apart of the abuse too, so the brothers killed there parents, honestly the case is so sad and the fact that they'll never be free when there's so much evidence makes it even sadder. #justice for the menendez brothers!!!
Ryan Murphy is so incredibly selfish that he exploited not one but two cases he did that show dahmer, and it caused a lot of backlash for the victims the fact that Netflix allowed it to happen. He didn't do anything but made money off there trauma and exploited them for money, I watch a few episodes of dahmer and stopped because it made it seem like dahmer was the victim, and it was so trifling to the victims and families.
I'm watching the lyle and erik menendez show, and it's so disrespectful asf to the brothers it spread so many lies and false information. In the end, it made it seem like the parents were victims and the brothers as monsters. Also, wtf is wrong with Ryan Murphy? He made it seem like the brothers had something going on romantically, like really incest? Also made erik gay which he was not by the way and the way he made lyle's character in the show, he made lyle this snobby, typical Rich guy, who's loud, angry, aggressive when in reality he was not.
It's so sad that the brothers and other families are being exploited through their trauma and pain. Fuck Ryan Murphy🖕 but I will say the actors did an amazing job and acted there asses of I will give them that and they put on and amazing performance 👏
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itsillyakuryakin · 5 months
Oh to be tall, rich and handsome (oh to be Jenson Button)
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And speaking of professor Charles Xavier I believe he's the more morally questionable and more manipulative character within x men like yes I believe him to care about mutants and the x men but the way he goes about things especially in 97 we get to see him be a bit more manipulative and morally grey the way he treated magneto is a prime example we're supposed to view magneto as a bad guy but when you think about it magneto has never pretended to be something he isn't he doesn't view himself to be morally superior he always says exactly what he means, and the fact that Scott despite not liking magneto and having issues with him actively stopped Charles from doing something unthinkable because even he found it somewhat disturbing really says something like he couldn't stop it a second time and I get why but still... And the fact that magneto actively attempted to play by Charles rules only to be betrayed yet again like he said he would be and how the un lady said it perfectly when it happened no one seemed surprised scared yes but not surprised because magneto was right, and right when magneto escapes he actually ends up saving the x men and other heroes with the black out and yet was still viewed as the enemy despite the fact magneto was still merciful and caring he offered the others to join him so they wouldn't have to be killed needlessly... And without taking any of this into account or how and why magneto might be reacting like this Charles first reaction was to break his mind and violate him despite magneto himself say he (meaning Charles) was always a trusted friend that he left his mind open to again I get why but still I don't think Charles should be entirely viewed as a good guy because it's not as simple as that... And don't get me started on the president launching missiles at the asteroid out of fear and desperation nearly causing the whole population to go extinct if it weren't for magneto yet again everyone would be dead and he's still viewed as the bad guy .. like you cannot convince me that magneto is bad in any way
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grahambaham · 18 days
Something that has always annoyed me is the habit of many fans to declare that a villain of a certain piece of media is in the right when they are most definitely not.
A few examples that I can think of right now are Thanos, Magneto and Doom. What. The. Fuck.
First of all, Viktor Von Doom barely even has anything to be right about. The guy’s goal in life is to get as powerful as possible and use that power to rule the world or whatever, prove to everyone he’s smarter than Reed Richards (he is not) and to inflate his own ego as much as is psychically possible. Though that last one could be a result of the first two I guess. He basically wants the basic ass stuff all villains want, even if it’s not what they’re focusing on specifically. There is nothing for him to even be right about, my guy. Alright so the wanting to rule the world thing isn’t for his ego, though it helps. It is because he has a fucking god complex and thinks he’s the only one who can truly do it and properly protect the Earth from any future attacks. Everything about Doom basically boils down to his ego.
Now, I understand how Megneto, otherwise known as Max Eisenhart (Erik Magnus Lehnsherr is just an alias), can be a sympathetic villain. He’s gone through a lot and when very simplified his goal seems fairly noble. Dude just wants to protect mutants, make sure they’re safe and living their best lives or whatever. The problem is that he believes mutants are the superior species and treats humans how you might treat a mosquito. He wants to eradicate them completely, and so the world would be there for mutants to rule over and live happily ever after or whatnot. Any of that sound familiar to you? Yeah… Anyway, the point is that even though we can understand how he might’ve come to the point where he’s willing to do such horrible things, that does not mean he is right at all. People seem to think that the humans deserve it for the way they’ve treated mutants, even though there are a lot of good ones who most certainly don’t do that shit AND so many of them are children too. Because you do know that Max would legit murder even the little toddlers? Not for any reason other than ‘they’re human’. So yeah, he was not in the right. He was not the good guy all along or whatever. He is a villain and a horrible person who has also been treated horribly their whole life. Those two things can both be true. Having a bad childhood does not excuse your shitty actions though.
Last and certainly least we’ve got Thanos. First of all, that fucker did not give a shit about overpopulation or whatever in the comics. Bro wanted to court Death so he went around murdering people and destroying planets to impress her. Not very noble of him, I gotta say. Now as for the MCU, his goal is in fact to kill half the universe so more people could get more resources because he’s seen the way the poor live because of that lack of food and other things essential to living. Now, instead of using that infinite fucking power that he had in his hands to create more shit to give to everyone or, I don’t know, anything else? They’re called INFINITY stones for a reason? This fucker instead decided to just commit genocide real quick. I genuinely believe the only people who think this loser was right are actual children. Twelve years old at the most. Because there is no way in holy hell that grown men and women think Thanos was good and smart to use the INFINITE POWER IN HIS HANDS to just KILL A BUNCH OF PEOPLE INSTEAD OF SAVING MORE BY JUST WISHING FOR MORE RESOURCES OR FUCKING WORLD/UNIVERSE PEACE OR WHATEVER THE FUCK? Thanos is secretly twelve years old and hasn’t gained any critical thinking skills yet, I swear to fucking god.
So yeah, I guarantee whichever villain you think was right was not in fact right, they’re simply easy to sympathise with or their cause is. But if their way of making that sympathetic idea come true is murdering/torturing/conquering etcetera, then THAT MEANS THEY AREN'T RIGHT AT FUCKING ALL.
Good night.
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bertoyana · 5 hours
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no no YOU DON'T GET IT. charles just got shot and he's crying because he knows he has to break erik's heart. he just GOT SHOT he's bleeding out and he's crying because he knows it has to end. you don't get it!!! he promised erik, all those months ago, that he wasn't alone, he promised him that THIS TIME it was going to be different, and everything that just went down in the beach proved him wrong!! it just proved that erik was right about the humans. and charles swore up and down that it could be differet, that it WOULD be different. and he's bleeding out and yet he's crying because HE KNOWS he was the one that gave erik hope about them and he knows now that he has to be the one to take it away!! erik is on his knees (literally) asking him to be by his side. he's gripping onto his hope and onto charles (which is the same thing to him really) leaving claw marks on him, he's asking him to be by his side holding onto the last thread of hope and charles KNOWS he has to be the one to take it way from him. I'M SICK. james mcavoy YOU ARE SICK be careful out there old man i'm IN YOUR WALLS
we literally start watching this movie knowing how it's gonna end. we know they will go their separate way and that they have their days counted but THEY DON'T KNOW THAT. they were doomed from the start it was never going to work but they didn't know that!! they were so alone their entire lives and they are so desperate to make it work and it WON'T WORK. I'M GOING TO BE SICKKK. ACTION MOVIE MY ASS THIS IS AN HORROR MOVIE GIRL THE LEADS ARE BREAKING EACH OTHER'S HEARTS AND TRAUMATIZING EACH OTHER IN THE WORST WAY POSSIBLE
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