#erin and kelly
tvshowscouples · 2 months
If you love Erin&Kelly (Chicago PD / Chicago Fire) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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shivy-roy · 3 months
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Loving Annabelle (2006) dir. Katherine Brooks
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sevcasejay1chicago · 10 months
We chose you- Matt, Kelly, Jay
Summary: You hear Erin Lindsey bad mouthing you in the bathroom at Molly’s. She opens up old wounds that only your boys can heal.
Warnings: cursing, mentions vomiting, diabetic
Authors note: Here it is my loves. This is a request from an anonymous friend. I hope you enjoy!
Molly’s was packed. Stella was hosting her monthly karaoke night. The night was young, the drinks were cold, and the people were packed in the bar. You were sat at a back table with Jay, Will, Matt, Kelly, and Natalie. The music wasn’t the worst your group had heard, but that was the last thing on your mind. You and Will Halstead were up next. You had lost a bet to him earlier that day, so now you were stuck singing We Are Never Getting Back Together by T-Swift. Will won the bet, which got you on stage. The catch was that you got to pick the song.
When Stella loudly announced your song and called you and Will up, you practically had to be dragged away. You couldn’t believe that you had been talked into this. Hopefully the liquid courage would be enough.
About half way through the song, you realized that a very drunk Erin Lindsey with flirting with Kelly and Jay. Their attention was solely on her and, from the looks of it, they were not pushing her away. You felt anger rise in your chest, but locked eyes with Will and kept singing.
Once the song was over, you handed your mic to Will and stormed off into the bathroom. Reaching a stall, you immediately went in and sat down, grabbing toilet paper to blot the tears away in hopes of Matt not noticing that you had been crying. You figured Kelly and Jay wouldn’t notice, given that they were entertaining Erin.
Suddenly, you heard giggling as the door swung open. You huddled up with your feet above the view from under the door, hoping that nobody knew you were there.
“They could do so much better than her.” Erin slurred, giggling as Hailey Upton handed her a wet paper towel.
“Erin.” Hailey sighed, crossing her arms as she watched her drunk companion dab the paper towel on the back of her neck.
“What? She’s not as pretty as me. She has WAY more issues than me. I mean, I could hide my feelings for the most part. She’s just so whiny. I even feel bad for Matt.” Erin slurred, slapping the paper towel onto the counter and scoffing loudly. “They just pity her. Why have her when they could have me?” Erin asked as she walked out of the bathroom.
Hailey muttered something under her breath before she gave her reply, which got drown out by the music and then the door shutting behind her. You, however, were completely horrified. Deep down, you knew she was just talking shit. Right?
Pulling yourself together, you made your way back to your table and practically sat yourself in Matt’s lap as you eyed Kelly, Jay, Erin, and Hailey. You laid your head on his shoulder as you took a sip of his water.
“You okay baby?” Matt asked, lifting your hair from the back of your neck as he felt the heat coming from you.
“I don’t feel good. Can we go home?” You whispered in his ear before laying your head back onto his shoulder.
Matt rubbed your back and nodded. “Absolutely. Let me go collect the guys.” He replied, starting to stand and hand you off to Will to keep you company.
“Just leave them. Will can fill them in and Upton can bring them home.” You said, pouting at Matt. “I really don’t feel good and I wanna go home.” You whined, giving him your best puppy dog look, though you were literally getting nauseous by seeing the way Erin was all over them.
Matt eyed you and finally gave in with a nod to Will. “Alright baby. Come on. Let’s get you home.” Matt said, standing with you braced against his chest, kissing the top of your head.
After a short goodbye to the people at your table, Matt guided you through the crowded bar and out of the side door. He kept his hands on your waist and almost laughed when you breathed in a lungful of the cool night air. From there, he picked you up, bridal style, and carried you to Jay’s truck, easily depositing you into the front seat and buckling you in.
“Just tell me if you need me to pull over, ‘kay?” Matt told you, cupping your burning face in his palms.
“Kay.” You hummed closing your eyes and enjoying the coolness of his hands. You had to hold back a whine when he moved back and closed the door, missing the coolness of his hands and the comfort he brought you.
Matt drove home with your hand in his, making sure to be easy on his stops and turns. When he parked the truck, he looked over to notice that you were asleep with your head leaned against the back of the seat, your face toward him. Instead of waking you up, Matt quietly took you out of the car and carried you inside. He tried to gently undress you, but you woke with a start when the cool air hit your chest.
“Shhhh. I’m just changing your clothes baby.” Matt soothed, leaning over you to make eye contact. He could see the fear in your eyes until you recognized him. An old PD casing coming back to haunt you if Matt had to guess.
You breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, laying back again. “I’m good. I’m ‘Kay.” You slurred, still pretty drunk and very much half asleep.
Matt nodded. “Okay baby. I’m almost done and then we can go to bed.” Matt whispered, quickly changing you into one of his shirts before laying you against your pillow. “Need anything?” Matt asked sweetly, tucking the blankets around your shoulders.
You thought back to Erin’s comment and quickly shook your head, almost regretting how much it hurt to do so. “‘M good. Go back n have fun.” You whispered, starting to turn over and go to sleep.
Matt chuckled and started taking off his clothes. “No ma’am. I’m staying here with you.” Matt said, tossing his clothes in the hamper, along with yours. “Let’s remove your makeup so that your eyes aren’t irritated in the morning.” Matt proposed, walking toward the bathroom for your makeup wipes.
You wiped silent tears from your face as the feeling of being a burden almost immediately tried to swallow you whole. You weren’t completely sure if he was doing this out of habit or obligation after hearing Erin’s comments. “You don’t have to.” You said, trying to make your voice sound strong.
Matt came back in the room, wipes in hand. “Baby.” Matt cooed, immediately coming to your side. “Shhh. It’s alright.” Matt shushed, taking you into his arms as you shook with a sob. “Baby. What’s wrong? You feel sick?” Matt asked, knowing throwing up was a major fear of yours. You did, so when you nodded, you weren’t exactly lying. “Need to go to the bathroom?” Matt asked with a hum, staying calm to hopefully promote the same feeling within you.
You shook your head. “Sleep.” You whispered, sniffing and pulling yourself together.
Matt nodded. “Okay hunny. Hang on.”
Your loving boyfriend then proceeded to wipe your face clean of makeup and tears. Holding the wipe to your nose to blow after the crying made you sniffly. Then he tucked you back into bed and kissed your forehead.
“I’ll be right back to cuddle sweetheart.” Matt promised. He was only gone for a few minutes before he returned with some water, meds for your hangover tomorrow morning, and a trash can. “Trash can will be on the nightstand if you wake up feeling sick.” Matt said, placing it on his side of the bed, which meant you would end up waking him if you got sick in the night.
Matt finally slid into bed, plugged in your phones and turned out the lights. You weren’t going to object when Matt immediately pulled you into his arms since he initiated the contact. Instead, you got comfortable and fell into a fitful sleep.
You barely stirred when Jay and Kelly stumbled in at 5 am, but you were immediately hit with the smell of alcohol when you woke a few hours later. Luckily, Matt was already up and cooking in the kitchen, so he didn’t hear when you made a mad dash for the bathroom and threw up everything you consumed the night before. Afterwards, you brushed your teeth and showered, needing to make sure that the smell of vomit didn’t linger and to calm your racing heart. You brushed again before going out to join Matt in the kitchen.
For the next several days, you dodged Kelly and Jay. Constantly making an excuse to not be in the same room as them. You even went to bed early every night and slept on Matt’s side of the bed to ensure that the other two wouldn’t touch you at night. Every time you saw the boys do something for the other or heard them talking to each other in a loving way, your heart twisted in sadness. They sound and look so happy when you aren’t bothering them. The thought made you physically sick, which led to more vomiting and skipping meals, claiming that you had a big lunch or ate a snack.
However, you failed to notice that the boys were in fact taking notice of your presence, or lack thereof. It was bothering them, but they weren’t going to push you. They knew that you had your moments when you needed to be left alone, so they did just that until they couldn’t anymore.
A week after the incident at Molly’s, the boys were setting up their Friday night date night. They figured, since you haven’t wanted to be around them, that you wouldn’t want to be around other people. They were just finishing setting up when you walked through the door. Everyone stopped and looked at you. You were frozen in place, pale as a ghost and trembling as you breathed erratically. Everyone stayed frozen for a moment until you threw your stuff on the counter and ran for the bathroom.
All three boys were hot on your heels. Matt got there first, pressing you against his side with one hand and keeping your ponytail back with the other as you bent at the waist over the toilet. You were still hyperventilating and shaking.
“Shhhhh. It’s okay. It’s okay. I’m here.” Matt shushed, lightly rubbing your right side. It seemed odd that he could feel your ribs after only a week of barely touching you.
Jay and Kelly were moving about the master bathroom, both getting things you normally liked when you were sick. Jay eventually came over with a wet wash cloth and laid it over the back of your neck while taking your temp with the forehead thermometer.
“No fever.” Jay announced, reaching up to rub your back. He startled slightly when you flinched. You have never flinched when any of the boys touched you, when your sober anyway. Jay and Matt made eye contact when it happened, but were quickly drawn back to you as you heaved loudly.
“I-hmmm. Just l-leave, Pl-hukk.” You tried to plead, being cut off by a gag.
“No way.” Kelly said, taking you by the hips. You were swaying slightly now, the hyperventilating, plus the heaving and you locking your legs was clearly causing you to lose your balance. “Kneel down baby.” Kelly coached, pushing your hips slightly down to lead you onto your knees.
“Mm-m.” You shook your head, moving closer to Matt. “G-go. Ju-out!” You tried to exclaim, but it ended in a whisper as you sagged into Matt’s arms.
“Woah!” Matt said, catching you and lowering you to the ground.
Kelly immediately took a towel down and pillowed your head with it. Jay knelt down to check your pulse as Matt helped Kelly pull you into the recovery position.
“Pulse is strong but tacky.” Jay announced, keeping a hold of your wrist.
“Y/n? Open your eyes.” Matt called, tilting your face upwards to open your airways more.
You didn’t respond. Kelly took out the blood pressure machine and handed Jay the glucose monitor. The exchange was done silently and the devices were used immediately. Jay gasped as your blood sugar came up on the small device.
“Holy shit. It’s 45!” Jay exclaimed, immediately diving for the bag and pulling out the glucagon and spraying it into your nose.
“BP is pretty high for her, which makes since with a blood sugar that low.” Kelly commented, standing to run to the kitchen and grab you some orange juice.
“Let’s take her to the living room. Can you grab the trash can just in case?” Matt asked Jay, shifting you into his arms as you began to stir. “Shhhhh. We gotcha.” Matt murmured as Jay nodded and grabbed the first aid kit and trash can, following Matt out into the living room.
Matt barely had you laid down when you woke up. Immediately, you attempted to get up, still feeling nauseous and kinda flighty. You felt like a caged animal needing to escape.
“Hey hey hey. No baby.” Matt exclaimed, pushing you back down. “You just passed out from low blood sugar. Kelly is getting you some juice I think.” Matt soothed, sitting down next to you.
“M fine.” You said, trying to push yourself up again.
“Bullshit.” Kelly said, walking into the room with Jay behind him.
“Fine my ass.” Jay muttered, ripping open one of your zofrans and giving it to you.
You took the Zofran and sipped on the orange juice that Kelly brought in. Everyone was staring at you, but you averted your gaze as you began to connect the dots on what just happened. You knew what was coming next.
“Alright. Spill. What’s been going on with you lately?” Jay asked, sitting on the coffee table and trying his best not to seem intimidating.
You shook your head. “Nothin.” You said, trying to sound normal.
“No. That’s not an answer.” Kelly said, coming to kneel next to you. “You’ve been avoiding us, mostly me and Jay, for a week now. What did we do?” Kelly asked, pleading with his eyes.
“You really wanna know??” You exclaimed, hands trembling from more than low blood sugar. “I’m just surprised you haven’t gone back to Erin. I’m sure she’s still in town.” You scoffed.
“What?” Kelly and Jay both said.
“At Molly’s, she was flirting with you and you were flirting back. Then you didn’t come home until 5 am.” You had tears streaming down your face. “Erin didn’t know I was crying in the bathroom when she told Hailey how much better she is than me and how sorry she feels for you guys for having a needy girlfriend.” You explained, hastily wiping the tears from your face.
“Baby, we-“ Jay started, but you shoved the orange juice into his hand and reached for the trash can instead.
Matt pulled your pony tail back again as Kelly reached over to steady the trash can. You were just panting heavily, but saliva was dripping into the trash can along with your tears. Luckily, the Zofran was completely dissolved under your tongue.
“Shhhhhh. Breathe baby. Slow down.” Matt soothed, rubbing your back. “Let it pass baby. Just breathe and let it pass. You’ve gotten yourself all worked up.” Matt whispered, letting you keep the trash can as long as you needed to, but hoping that this was just nausea from anxiety.
You nodded, spitting and letting Kelly take the trash can. You immediately turned into Matt and hid your face in his neck. You let yourself sob, having been pent up for too long. You missed this. You missed your boys.
“Baby. We chose you.” Jay said, placing a hand on your back. “She did try, but we chose you and Matt.”
“We would never chose her.” Kelly said, sitting down next to Matt. “We had our fun, but that was the past. You and Matt are our future.” Kelly explained, placing a hand on Matt’s thigh.
“And we love taking care of you. We love that you love us enough to trust us with anything.” Matt said, planting a kiss on the side of your head. “I knew they wouldn’t leave us because I know how much they love us. How much they love you.” Matt whispered.
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radiocity · 3 days
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The L Word: Lookbook ↳ 2.01, Life, Loss, Leaving
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pernillecfcw · 4 months
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The absolute shithoursery I love it 😂😍
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audhdlittlebitch · 1 year
“music lover with strong autistic vibes” is one of my favorite genres of character
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princeloww · 4 months
why is erin kelly (author of the broadchurch book) so weird about alec hardy and women
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thena0315 · 4 months
Back when One Chicago occasionally showed new romance/hook ups between shows
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Now everyone, especially the newbies, stays on their own shows
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orpheuslookingback · 1 year
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Film & Fashion #5
Bird of Prey (2020) dir. Cathy Yan
Costume design by Erin Benach, Anthony Almaraz, Corey Bronson, and Kelly Porter
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theoffice-imagines · 10 months
Dwight’s prank
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Pairing: David Wallace x reader
Warnings: None
Requested: @ricflairdrip20
Request: prompt # 23 & #29
For as long as you can remember, you’ve always been the one who had been the most hurt by those who thought you could call your “friends.”
One of the things that has attracted you to David Wallace is the fact that he was a good listener to anyone who needed an ear to trust. Though he hasn’t listen to you yet, he was more than willing to. Seemingly more than willing to do it and when he took notice in how you seem down one day, that was when he decided he was going to walk up and talk to you.
David stopped halfway, his tongue had gone dry as he couldn’t form the words he wanted to say to you. He always chooses his words wisely when it comes to talking to someone, but now he realizes it’s when he’s about to walk up and talk to you. Finally, something in mind had come up and he started to speak, but he spoke in a soft voice that you almost missed it. It was surprising to say the least, it spooked you as were deep in thought and you never get spooked, that wasn’t like you at all.
“What’s on your mind?” he asks softly, causing you to jump.
You deny the fact there was anything wrong at all.. well, at first.
As eerie as this may sound, David Wallace had been noticing you better than noticing anyone else in the office. David didn’t mean to do it, he was just so taken by your beauty that he couldn’t help but to keep an eye on you. Before you could speak to even try to deny things, David noticed as he looked closer that you seemed to be short of breath and and sweating as if you had just come back from running a marathon. Seeing you in this condition is where his concern for you grew even more than it already had. You said nothing as David takes the empty spot next to you as he asked you again, a bit differently this time.
“What’s happened? Did something happen?”
You don’t respond at first, but than decide it was best to be honest with him and so you told David why you were looking so upset and how your day had been going so far. You didn’t want to get anyone in trouble, but you felt you had no choice this time and called that person out to David as you begin explaining.
David wasn’t too pleased to say the least after hearing your story and he wanted to get to the bottom of it.
“You know that weight loss competition we’re doing?”
David nods as you continue.
“Well, Dwight thought it would be funny to trick me into thinking I’m helping him out with a new client and what does he do? Well he drops me off at an abandoned warehouse in a bad part of town and left with my purse as well as my phone.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yes.. but don’t worry! I’m okay, I wasn’t before but now I am.”
David sighed.
“Stop pretending you’re okay, because I know you’re not.”
“I’m not pretending-“
“Yes you are!”
Before you could say another word, David storms away and you know exactly where he’s headed.
So you follow him.
Once you got to the office, David walks up to Dwight and interrupts his phone call. Dwight immediately gets defensive and even more so when David confronts him of what he did to you.
“Let’s make this the last time I hear of this!”
“Oh come on..”
“You left her in a bad part of town, Dwight!”
“So? I took her purse what’s the big deal?”
“It is a big deal, Dwight!”
“She burned calories walking back here-“
“That’s not how healthy weight loss workout!”
David had to pull himself out of there as he was close to losing it, you followed. Once he had calmed down enough after the events of defend/protecting you, he turns towards you and says only one thing.
“You don’t deserve to be treated that way. You deserve so much better, (Y/n).”
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tvshowscouples · 21 days
If you love Erin&Kelly (Chicago PD / Chicago Fire) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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serendipity-in-love · 11 months
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Chicago P.D. (TV Series 2014– )
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dundermisfits · 1 year
Michael Scott Headcannons
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Michael Scott x reader
Requested: @maleahoswick
• In the beginning, the relationship is kept secret until Dwight finds out about it shortly after you and Michael inform David Wallace
• Not everyone in the office is approving, Kevin is always on the lookout to see if it’s true, sort of how he spied on Pam and Jim. Angela doesn’t approve, she likes to believe that your love is fake
• Most everyone in the office is approving, even in the warehouse below, they all approve and it’s most surprising to know that Roy is one of those that is more supportive than others
• You and Michael seem to have everything in common but you honestly don’t
• When you’re sick, Michael will make you take a sick day, even if you’ve taken them all up he will make you stay home and rest
• Being insulted by the fact Ryan invited you and not Michael to his weekend campout was easy for you turn him down and say you wouldn’t be going if Michael was not invited
• Seeing that Michael is still a little vulnerable to Jan, you have no problem sticking up for Michael whenever she tries to pull a fast one on him, trying to talk him into leaving you, you just weren’t having it
• When it happened one too many times, you let her have it and from that point on, she stays from you both
• You take things slow in the start of your relationship. By about a year into it, you move in together and two years after, you both are engaged
• If you have to work any late nights, Michael will stay with you. But as each person is leaving, he’s doing it more in a way as your boyfriend than he is your manager, and that is something kept between the two of you
• If someone disrespects you in anyway, especially in front of him, Michael will get upset and start defending you immediately, putting that person in their place
• Michael is your comforter during panic attacks and surprisingly, so is Dwight at times if he’s there as well
• Sometimes he likes to leave little gifts on your desk before you arrive. It could be anything from your favorite chips, soda, to your favorite candy with a little note attached to it
• When you had gotten the iPod during secret Santa, you knew immediately it was from Michael and had sort of the same reaction as Ryan did in that episode, only you were more gentle about it
• It wasn’t like you didn’t appreciate it because you did, to you, it was always the thought that counted but truth be told, you were a little embarrassed this happened in front of everyone
• You both LOVED pretzel day, Michael would always wait in line for you both and would brings yours back when he returns because you were often busy with some work
• When you meet Michael, he was with Carol at the time, and because you weren’t there when she rejected his proposal, you comforted him as he told you about it
• This all happened before you got together, so when she refused while breaking up with him, you agreed to go to Jamaica with him, and that’s where things begin for you both
• Michael becomes overly protective of you after Roy’s attempt to attack Jim, so he bans Roy from the building unless escorted by Hank. Your safety to Michael has always been his top priority.
• Michael loves to brag about you and to show you off when given the open opportunity
• Threat Level Midnight was a blast to film
• Michael just loved you to pieces as you did for him
Requests: open
• Michael Scott
• Dwight Schrute
• Jim
• David Wallace
• Angela
• Pam
• Karen
• Kelly
• Erin
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radiocity · 12 days
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The L Word: Lookbook ↳ 1.14, Limb from Limb
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lcvesjj · 4 months
Who I write for
Please read my request rules before sending in an request!
song fics masterlist
request rules
requests are currently : OPEN
S.W.A.T. (2017)
- Deacon Kay
- Chris Alonso
- Jim Street
- Hondo Harrelson
- Dominique Luca
- Jessica Cortez
- Victor Tan
Chicago PD
- Erin Lindsay
- Jay Halstead
- Hailey Upton
Chicago Fire
- Kelly Severide
- Leslie Shay
Criminal Minds
- Derek Morgan
- Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau
- Emily Prentiss
- Aaron Hotchner
- BAU (platonic)
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hedghost · 1 year
Pick a WOSO Player, Get a Sapphic Book Rec!
Part Two
note: please check content warnings before reading as some may have adult or triggering content - feel free to ask me about anything!
Links: Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Guro Reiten: Ophelia After All by Racquel Marie
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Lotte Wubben-Moy: The Priory of The Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
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Rachel Daly: Love and Other Disasters by Anita Kelly
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Millie Bright: The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid
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Lauren Hemp: Hani and Ishu's Guide to Fake Dating by Adiba Jaigirdar
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Chloe Kelly: The Girls I’ve Been by Tess Sharpe
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Aitana Bonmati: The Lesbiana's Guide to Catholic School by Sonora Reyes
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Beth Mead: The Henna Wars by Adiba Jaigirdar
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Frida Maanum: Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree
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Kim Little: The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers
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Lauren James: She Who Became The Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan
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Gio Queiroz: Afterlove by Tanya Byrne
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Erin Cuthbert: Late to the Party by Kelly Quindlen
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Stina Blackstenius: How to Excavate a Heart by Jake Maia Arlow
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Leah Galton: Her Body & Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado
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as requested @russolover <3
honestly i still have more so expect a part 3 at some point
follow me here on storygraph for more recs 🤭🤭
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