#erm. helloo
steeltwigz · 1 year
Here's. That thing I did
I don't usually write so. Sorry if it's ooc! Also it has no title. (the plot is that Sonic is really upset and Tails is the only one who notices, which makes TAILS really upset. But it's mostly abt Tails. Takes place shortly after the end of the Metal Virus arc, slight divergence from canon becuz I didn't reread the comics beforehand)
Tails watched Sonic out of the corner of his eye. They were in a meeting with the rest of the Resistance, something about the clean-up efforts. The Metal Virus had just been eradicated, but they still had a lot of displaced Mobians and humans to relocate, and even more debris to sift through and clear out before they could really relax.
The meetings were really only trivial for Tails at this point since his task was always the same- build temporary shelters and help create or restore homes in areas G.U.N still refused to touch- and as such he wasn't really paying attention. He almost missed it then, when some volunteer rookie stirred at the far end of the room. They slammed the table, interrupting Amy's speech with a loud BANG that ricochetted through the large meeting space. The jolt of surprise caused Tails' fur to fluff up, and silence to fall as the rookie started shouting, how they were tired of cleaning, how the Resistance should be out there fighting, how Sonic had ruined everything by not "taking care" of Eggman when he had the chance, and look what good it did them. Tails' ears flattened against his head, and he stood up, too, to defend his brother (who repeatedly saved countless Mobian lives!), but Sonic deterred him with a hand on his shoulder and a gentle push to get him back into his seat. Amy then dragged the rookie out by the arm and the meeting was over.
"It's ok, Sonic." He whispered, almost conspiratorially. Because Sonic wasn't supposed to need help or have big, complex feelings. His foot tapped faster and he didn't quite meet Tails' eye.
Some volunteers shot a glance at Sonic as they walked by, equally split between those who seemed to agree with their upset teammate, and those who pitied their high-speed hero. Sonic, trying to save face, only stared at the far wall, reclining back and scratching his nose. His hand hadn't left Tails' shoulder yet, though the grip he was using was almost feather-light, as if Sonic was forcing himself to relax, something the fox kit mentally added to the list of tells slowly building in his mind. Only once everyone had filed out of the meeting room, bar Sonic, Tails, and their friends who had stuck around, did Sonic's grip tighten ever so slightly, his eyes narrowing for just a moment before returning to half-lidded annoyance. Tails' noted the rigid posture, the way Sonic had tucked his hand behind his head to try and smooth down his raised quills, the way his foot tapped under the table. Anyone would have assumed Sonic was simply annoyed. Maybe even a bit bored. But there was a small tremor- a crack only Tails recognized, through years of learning Sonic's mannerisms, and to Tails it was as glaring as the red alerts that he had programmed in his machines. Tails sighed through his nose, willing his fluffed up fuzz to return to normal. He rested his hand on Sonic's and leaned in so he could talk quietly.
"'Course it is." He shot back, only slightly louder than he needed to. Amy, who had wandered back into the room, glanced over at them, clearly worried. Sometimes Tails wished Sonic would be as easy to read as she was, if only so he had someone else to notice and help him.
Dodging her gaze with an ease learned from years of experience, Sonic cleared his throat and lowered his voice again. "Why wouldn't it be ok?"
Tails' breathing stuttered. Wasn't that the question of the century. That wasn't exactly what Tails would have described it as. How could he possibly say that it was ok that Sonic had been missing for six months, only to be thrust back into the midst of a global war, to think that he could have ended it all with Mr. Tinker but chose not to and be forced to watch the consequences build in real time. How was it ok that Sonic had to run from everyone, that he couldn't do anything but watch as Eggman polluted the planet, that Sonic couldn't even take a minute to rest, that it had been that way for months, relentlessly, and that they only barely stopped it. They were used to skin-of-their-teeth escapes, but nothing like this. Tails would sometimes lie awake at night knowing how Sonic must've blamed himself, and- worse- how many people, Mobians and humans alike, blamed him almost as much. And sometimes, when he really couldn't rest, Tails was left wondering if Sonic really kept believing that the virus wouldn't have won as it got worse. But sure. Of course it'd be ok.
Sonic noticed Tails' mind racing and nudged him out of his stupor. "C'mon, lighten up." His voice lacking any of the usual pep or energy.
Tails turned and met Sonic's gaze, cold like steel. It sent a shiver down his spine. "Sonic-" he started.
But Sonic had already stood up. He stretched, ruffling Tails' hair. He spoke louder this time, voice carrying through the room and dripping with false emotion. "Good talk, bud. But really, don't worry about it, 'kay? Amy'll show that punk a thing or two for me, right Ames?" He turned to her and smiled, to which Amy rolled her eyes and laughed, muttering a 'yeah, sure' that Tails barely heard over the pounding in his ears. Sonic winked then backed towards the door, glancing away when Tails lightly shook his head. "Well," he said, stretching again, "I'm gonna head out. Go for a jog, see if I can't find any leftover bots while I'm at it. See ya!" He said, before racing off.
Tails jumped up, shouting "Wait!" and reaching for his brother, but his hand only passed through the afterimage Sonic left in his wake. His fists clenched at his sides and he breathed harshly out of his nose.
The silence in the meeting room stretched on as Tails watched the dust settle back to the floor, Sonic's titular blue blur fading from his vision and his own namesakes beating the air in tandem. He suppressed an urge to growl, instead scrunching his nose and furrowing his brows. He could feel the eyes of his friends staring at him and it made the fur along his spine raise.
"Sooo," Amy said, after a minute of silence broken only by Tails' fluttering, "he seemed to take that pretty well!"
Tails' fur fluffed up again and he shouted, throwing his arms into the air, before hunching in on himself and storming back to his lab.
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rozalega · 18 hours
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sonny-whorezik · 1 year
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im sooooo drunk @ tyler
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rusty-gloinks · 11 months
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you know .it’s bad when I make an oc😔
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grvyrd-princess · 2 years
from now on i will b being unhinged asf always idcidcidcidc
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radiopixelctive · 1 month
i was pretty bored sooo.....
@mrfellsans helloo hello hello hey heyy wassup yea i know we don't talk much, like.. at all but. that doesn't mean i can't make fanart for ye you know uhuh
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sillay :3 ok next uhh
@thefreedomskeleton HELLO UUUUUHHH i saw you while being on different blog and erm. p. papyryss. papyrus cool. ERM. YEAH. i tried my best to not mess it up it was super difficult but i THINKK i succeeded......
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and finally
@jutudtkk6565 my guy hehe
basically it counts as doing fanart for myself. so silly!!1!
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k im done bye.
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aziraphales-library · 7 months
Havent asked before but, so here we go!
would you have any Artist Aziraphale recommendations? Or Artist Crowley?
Either one would be alright! —
You all are all angels,
thank you for making this blog!!! :D
Hi. We have #artist aziraphale and #artist crowley tags. Here are a couple more to add to both tags...
A Portrait For You by Izabella95 (T)
Aziraphale gets dragged out for the evening but not without bringing his sketchbook. He notices someone across the way and has to draw them. Anathema thinks he should give the drawing to the stranger. What could go wrong?
One Golden Glance (Of What Should Be) by Sunjinjo (G)
His first batch of pieces had all been starscapes, and increasingly big and dramatic ones at that. It’d turned out he’d really needed to get a lot of pent-up celestial creativity out of his system. Crowley discovers a new hobby. It might actually be a really old one, though, and the same sort of applies to Aziraphale. Can be read as a standalone work.
A Thousand Words by Kat_Rowe (T)
Aziraphale's been keeping a sketchbook for thousands of years. Crowley never knew that before, but somehow, it's no longer very surprising to him that he appears quite frequently.
The Poet's Eye by HolyCatsAndRabbits (E)
(Note that Aziraphale is called Ambrose in this fic) Ambrose watched Crowley stir into wakefulness just after the sun had fully risen. Ambrose was wearing a robe, sitting at the desk in his bedroom, scribbling out lines and phrases and sketches, trying to somehow capture Crowley on paper. Ambrose had never recited poetry during sex before, let alone written poetry while holding someone in his arms. He had, on occasion, stayed up all night frantically filling a notebook with ideas. Just not while staring at the man who’d fucked him the night before until he’d seen stars and all manner of other visions. Ambrose realized what had happened around three a.m., when he was in the middle of a series of drawings focusing on the line of Crowley’s neck as it curved up from his shoulder and then met the pillow. Ambrose had fallen into using "the poet’s eye" during sex, and he was still using it now, unable to stop seeing Crowley as a living work of art. It was the way he’d first glimpsed Crowley in the park, and here, with the beautiful firefighter lying naked in his bed, Ambrose was filling notebooks about him. The poor man had become his muse.
The Grand Design of Art and Coffee by kahlannightwing (E)
When sharply-dressed Anthony Crowley entered Azira Fell's coffee shop, the last thing the ex-bookseller expected was for him to be attracted to the painter. This was just a stop, per Gabriel's insistence, on Crowley's way to get rid of his art block. It was certainly not permission for Azira to develop feelings! Could it be that Crowley can fall as hard as he has?
Out of Suffering Into Love by Slow_Burn_Sally (E)
Aziraphale is a sexually repressed man who grew up in a religious household. Crowley is an artist with a sordid past. Both of them are afraid to love and be loved.
- Mod D
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legacyshenanigans · 1 year
I would love to see how you write the folks walking in on MC in the bathtub xD (Ominis may have to pick up on humidity/smells before being told)
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Sure thing!! I can do that 😊💖
Sebastian: *walks in to use the bathroom*
MC: *gasps at first and covers herself up not knowing who it was*
Sebastian: Oh! Hey *smirks* You don't have to cover yourself up, its only me *chuckles*
MC: *giggles before showing herself again*
Sebastian: ooooooof, damn, look at you, mmph.
Ominis: *walks in to use the bathroom*
MC: ...
Ominis: *smells MC's shampoo in the air* MC?
MC: *giggles* Yeees?
Ominis: *playful grin* are you in the tub?
MC: *giggles again* Yeeeeeeees
Ominis: *smooth chuckle* Need a hand with anything?
Garreth: *walks in to use the bathroom*
MC: Garreth?! *giggles slightly*
Garreth: *panic at first* Oh!? I..MC..You..*panic then curls into a mischievous grin* I mean...*clears his throat* Helloo~ *wiggles brows*
MC: *chuckles* Smooth, Weasley.
Leander (😑):
Leander: *walks in to use the bathroom*
MC: Get out..
Amit: *walks in to use the bathroom* Oh! *freezes, staring at MC*
MC: Oh! Amit *covers herself slightly*
Amit: I..I'm so sorry..*blushing*
MC: Its OK, I'll be done soon *smiles*
Amit: *stood there frozen, just staring and blushing*
MC: ....Amit?
Amit: *snaps himself out of it* S-sorry.
Everett: *walks into use the bathroom and sees MC in the tub straight away* OOH BOY *turns away* Erm..Sorry MC
MC: *covers up* Oh Everett I didn't hear you come in!
Everett: *still trying not to look* Y-Yeah, erm, fun fact, putting some dittany leaves in the tub can help cure aches and pains...
MC: Well..Thanks for the tip.
Everett: Yeah...Erm...I'm gonna go! Sorry again *runs out*
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adelphenium · 4 months
ok i don’t AT ALL want this to be aggressive or pressury, but genuinely curious what percent of reqs you do/how you decide if you want to do one? i love everything you do and have submitted 3-4 reqs and you haven’t bitten on any of them which is totally your prerogative and again i love and appreciate all of your art and the fact that you share it with us, but i had a moment of being like, are my asks going through or are my asks just not what you’re vibing? ok i think you’re great goodbye for now! 💕
helloo and thank you for the ask!!
i have to say, i don't have much of a coherent process when it comes to answering requests -- sometimes i'll get an ask with my favourite teams/players that i'll feel inspired to do right away, and sometimes i'll leave them and save 'em up for later! other times i'll want to try out different teams or get to reqs that are more time-specific (e.g. trades, injuries) but then i'll forget about them and miss my chance 😭😭 while i do have players + scenarios i'm not comfortable with drawing, that actually hasn't been much of an issue thus far.
i currently have in my inbox, let's see...
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uh. erm. 87.... and i also have some more started up in my drafts.........
i'm sorry to hear that i haven't gotten to any of your reqs; it's likely just me going through my asks randomly rather than being any systematic sort of issue !!
as much as i'd love to get to all of my reqs, realistically, i don't expect that i'll be able to complete them all...... i only have so much time for my hobbies as i'm also in school and working :")
if you'd really really like a certain piece, you can also consider commissioning me, though i understand that's not always feasible for everyone -- hopefully i'll be able to get to at least one of your reqs some time soon! tysm for asking + take care lovely anon!
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taegularities · 1 month
CMI baby Hana: Helloo babyy! So my question for you princess is what's your favorite thing to do with your Mama and Daddy? Alsoo, can I kiss your cheeks? You are sooo cute.
Hana: "Hello! Erm… Daddy weads to me, it's so fun. I never know how because I cannot wead, I never know how he does it! He says when I'm bigger I will know how to do it."
OC: "What about me?"
Hana: "Ermm… fow-ah picking on the hill. Look, these–" Points to a vase on the glass table at the back of the room. "Are my woses. A kish? I don't know. Mama, are they allowed to kish me?"
OC, smiling fondly – it seems Hana remembered to be cautious of strangers: "Wow, would you look at. Yes, I will allow it this once."
Hana, nodding: "Alright. Yes, you may kish my cheeks."
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helloo!! you're really kewl so erm. whag fandoms (or media) are you into?? :p
1NVAD3R Z1M #1!!!!!! >:333
1 alz0 <3 mlp, p0ny t0wn, zanr10, m0nzt3r h1gh, l0l zurpr1z3 and r0bl0x ^_^
I used to be a huge yandere sim fan but it feels weird playing it now after finding out abt the.. Stuff.. the creator has done..
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fernnshxj · 6 months
helloo rc9gn and mortal kombat enjoyers!!!!!!!!!!!!
made sum silly doodles of lucy n miori as kenshi and johnny cage a while back n they r quite silly
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n then i drew miori as kitana
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these aren’t for anything, just sillies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
idk i don’t rlly have much 2 post that’s recent so erm
probs gonna post summoroe older stuffs laters cuz why not :3
lucy belongs 2 @lucy6767
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tawus · 6 months
Hello, how are you? I see that you like Gannibal and God, I'm obsessed. I loved it. Have you seen any others that would be with a similar theme to that one that you recommend? 🙈
Helloo! It's so good, right? It's getting a 2nd season, which I'm very happy about 🎉 I was worried it might get dropped due to not having a huge fanbase. Erm, sadly I don't know many other shows like that, but how about you? Any shows you recommend based on our similar tastes?
Also who you going with - Daigo or Keisuke?
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tra1nchi · 26 days
Helloo! I'm one of ur anons~ guess who I ammmmm!!!
Btw smash or pass diluc? (Genshin impact)
Honestly no idea LMAOO I'm gonna guess a newish one tho?? Eeeppp
Also erm pass, he's not really my taste, sorry diluc dickriders 😔😔
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gulliblelemon · 1 month
Helloo 🔐 and 🍊?
Hi Emma!
🔐 something no one would guess about you
Erm… I don’t know. This is really difficult. I’m not sure what sort of assumptions people make about me. And I think my answer would be different based on whether it’s people in real life or online. I’m overthinking this aren’t I?? Maybe… that I have a deck of tarot cards, and I fucking love them. I’m shit at it, but I don’t care 🙃
🍊 favorite season?
NOT SUMMER. All the others are great 😅. Maybe spring? But honestly, I rejoice in all of them when they’re NOT hot and dry
Thanks for the ask!
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ticklygiggles · 2 years
Helloo :D hope you're doing great!
Just wanted to send in a prompt request heh ^^;- my apologies in advance since this is kind of long :')
Yk how Solomon can get pretty busy with stuff like experiments, research, magic stuff, etc.? What if the reader/MC accidentally initiates a tickle fight, but they’re not really ticklish, so Solomon has to win regardless (but without the use or aid of magic, potions, artifacts, etc.)? 
(Still a bit new to requesting woo, hope I didn’t mess up ^^; ) -Hakurei
Hiiii (I can't tag you dkfjfnf)!! I hope you enjoy this and I hope this is what you wanted!
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"Okay, fine. That is enough."
He gasped, jumping a little when you suddenly walked into his room, almost breaking down the door.
"What are y- eeeek!"
"If you're not going to do what I say, then I'll have to force you to."
"Ahahaha! Stop! S-tohohahap!"
Solomon giggled as you squeezed his lower sides, he tried to twist this way and that to dislodge your hands from his body without letting go of the pen on his hand, but he soon found it impossible as you easily followed him, still tickling him.
"Why ahahare you dohohoing thihis?!" He laughed, squeaking when your fingers wiggled up to his ribs.
"What do you think? Luke told me you were still locked in your room and didn't go out to eat," you explained, giggling when he doubled over with loud laughter. "Didn't I tell you to take breaks from time to time?!"
"I'm ahahahalmost fihihinishihing! Gahaha! Stohohop that!"
"I'm not stopping until you- oh!"
You were surprised when he suddenly turned to face you, he grabbed your waist and you squeaked, taking a step back, but you stepped on the pen Solomon had dropped and soon enough, both of you fell with a loud thud.
Solomon quickly regained himself, though, and he started to squeeze up and down your sides, but you...
"... erm, are you... not ticklish?"
You giggle, "well, I am a bit, it actually tickles, but I'm not as bad as you!" You said and Solomon looked at you, blinking a couple of times. "Hehe, you can't win against m- ah! What- What are you doing now?!"
Your cheeks flushed when he suddenly grabbed your wrists and pinned them above your head, gathering both in one of his hands. He looked at you with a smirk and you felt a shiver running down your spine.
"So, you're ticklish but not too much?" Solomon asked, his other gently cupping your waist, making you shiver slightly. "Where are you the most ticklish? Here?" He asked, his fingers gently fluttering against your waist.
You flinched a bit. "W-Well... No?"
Solomon chuckled, "then... over here?" This time he didn't touch you, but his fingers wiggled in the air, barely centimeters away from your stomach.
You sucked on it unconsciously, feeling the muscles trembling slightly. "S-Solomon, I don't-
"Or maybe here?" You flinched slightly when his hand moved up towards your ribs. "Or here?" You whined when he reached your underarms.
"Nowhere! N-Now, stop!"
"Nowhere?" Solomon hummed, tapping at his chin and scanning your squirming body. "You don't have a tickle spot nowhere... Not even here?"
You shrieked when his hand suddenly dropped toward the side of your ribcage, stopping just in time before touching you. Solomon laughed.
"I've heard that the back of the ribs is very ticklish," he said, wiggling his fingers. "I wonder why, is there any nerve there? We'll have to ask Satan later," he said nonchalantly.
You didn't know what was happening, but every word out if his mouth and every wiggle of his fingers were sending tingles down your body, making you twitch and sweat and blush. It was embarrassing and the anticipation was driving you crazy, so why was a smile curling your lips?
"Huh? What's so funny? I'm not tickling you, you know?" He said, smirking at you. "You're not ticklish, right? Not even the back of your ribs, right?"
Tickle, tickling, ticklish. Why were those words so embarrassing to hear now?
"Not even the back of your ribs... right?"
"I th-think- AHAHAHA!"
"Whoa! Are you laughing? Because I'm tickling you? Weren't you not ticklish? Hmm, it seems to me that this tickles a lot. Does it tickle?"
Solomon's fingers finally made contact with your body, his fingertips clawing against the back of your ribs. Your body twisted to the opposite side, exposing more of your ribs to his merciless tickling.
"Wahahahait! Hohohold uhuhup!" You begged, cackling. When was the last time you felt this ticklish? "Ohmygahahad, Sohoholomohon! Plehehease!"
"Hey, listen," Solomon said, moving his clawing fingers to the front of your ribs, making you throw your head back with nearly hysterical laughter. "I don't understand why are you laughing so hard right now. This is not very 'not ticklish' of you!"
"You ahahare mahahaking me feheheel like thihihis!"
"Eh?! No, I'm not!" He said. "I'm not using magic right now, I think you were just laying to me."
You shook your head, unable to talk between hysterical laughter. If it wasn't magic he was using, then it was simply all the anticipation Solomon had created in you?! This was dangerous! You really needed to show him who was the strongest here... That if he ever decides to stop tickling you!
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