#erron black story
For your Defection AU
Erron:(watching Kabal talking to Stryker)
Takeda: So out of curiosity... how did Kabal join? Like he won't talk about it. Like how old was he?
Erron:(groaned) I dunno if I should tell ya that. I mean I will...
So, if I remember correctly, MK11 kinda implies that Kabal and Nightwolf are from the same tribe, and either way I like that hc so:
Takeda: If it's private, don't worry but I'd like to know....I mean, how can I help him if I don't know what went wrong the first time?
Erron: Well, he and his pa were on their own, and making ends meet with about a dozen different jobs put together. So when Kano came knockin, saying that he could get them all the money they needed in exchange for a few favors...
Takeda: Kabal said yes, because of course he did, who wouldn't?
Erron: Right. Then, few years later, Kabal starts tryna find his ma, since his pa don't speak bout her and he's about 20, so he's curious
Takeda: Makes sense
Erron: Turns out, Kabal is Matokan, and his Ma is doin just fine with a new husband living with her family, and Kano sees an opportunity
Takeda: oh no
Erron: Kano starts convincing Kabal to try and meet her, sayin she'd probably like to know he's alright and that connecting with her would do him good
Takeda: That's....all true?
Erron: Yeah, except, the whole time? Kano's planning a job......He wants Kabal to be a distraction, yknow, a wayward son returned home, the Matoka are a pretty small group and his Ma was well liked, so the focus would have been on him findin his way home.
Takeda: But not on Kano
Erron: Matokan artifacts, no matter how recent, still fetch a fair price with the less ethical archaeologists, so Kano stole every bit of regalia and anything else he could get his hands on while everyone was focused on Kabal's welcome home party
Takeda: Oh god, that's awful
Erron: When they all finally found out, they blamed Kabal, assumed he had something to do with it since they knew he and Kano were close, told him to fuck off and never come back.
Takeda: But it wasn't his fault!
Erron: But they didn't know that, and Kano denied any job had been pulled, blamed it on a local gang he had beef with and gave Kabal every resource he needed to take revenge
Takeda: So as far as Kabal knew, Kano was the only person he could trust....
Erron: Exactly, wasn't til about a month before we defected that he found out the truth, I mean...why do you think we defected?
Takeda: Explains Kabal, doesn't explain why you came with him
Erron, chuckling: Well that's a whole nother story
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random111sposts · 2 months
Story idea: Erron Black ends up meeting with a young child cyborg created by Kronika to be the robotic god of learning that was supposed to help Kronika learn more about humanity in a more direct light in order to better defeat Raiden and Liu Kang
But since Kronika is a horrible parent to said robot child, robot child ends up running away because turns out forcing your child to be a tool isn't so cool
Later on, Erron and robot child end up learning that they have a lot of common beliefs and mindsets so he ends up adopting the robot child TLOU style
Cyborg kid has a playful and chesire cat personality but is still straightforward and doesn't see the point in wasting time with one-liners when there is so much left to learn and take advantage of to achieve their goal
Child is kind of an anti-hero (Also, they are similar to Hermes, the Epic the Musical version specifically)
To add, Cyborg can only turn into things that they know the full biology and system of, so it has to be full mimicry
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murszi · 11 months
Erron Black lore headcanon
We know that Erron Black shot his own father, but we DON'T KNOW WHAT TYPE OF SHOOT IT WAS! And personally, I think it wasn't a quick death by a shot to the head, but an ACCIDENTAL gunshot to the stomach area while they were fighting. The moment that decided the rest of his life and why he is now a "long-lived mercenary". I think he must have murdered his father sometime at a young age (late teen years), and being a mercenary was something that was the natural order of things. He was a wanted man and could not take up another career. It turned out that he was good at it, and his further fate is (not at all) known to us. Besides, I think his mother didn't pursue him and didn't want him to answer to the law for it, but she didn't want to know him after the incident. She didn't want to see another "close" person (I don't believe she was in a happy relationship) dead, and what's more, her son. Btw, I'm not saying he didn't plan to murder him someday, but definitely not like this. Thx for coming to my Ted Talk
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gooseishere · 1 year
Splits. (Johnny Cage x Erron Black)
One evening, after a grueling training session in their secluded hideaway, Johnny Cage decided to show off a not-so-hidden talent he's somehow kept from his boyfriend Erron Black. As they sat on the floor, stretching and cooling down, Johnny casually stretched his legs out in opposite directions and effortlessly dropped into the splits, his expression calm as if he'd done it a million times.
Erron's eyes widened in astonishment. He had no idea Johnny was so flexible, and seeing him ease into the splits with such grace left him both impressed and a little flustered. "Well, I had no idea you could do that." The gunslinger mumbled, his voice filled with a slight embarrassment at his own awe.
Johnny, still in the splits, grinned at his boyfriend's reaction. "Oh, you haven't seen the half of it, cowboy," he teased, his tone playful.
Erron cleared his throat, his cheeks tinged with a hint of red as he tried to regain his composure. "Well, I'm definitely impressed," he managed to say, his eyes glancing at the floor. Trying not to stare at Johnny's incredible display of flexibility.
Johnny slowly rose from the splits, his lithe movements almost mesmerizing. He moved closer to Erron, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You know, being flexible has its advantages," he whispered, his breath warm against Erron's ear.
Erron's heart raced as Johnny's words sent a shiver down his spine. He couldn't help but pull Johnny into a passionate kiss, his admiration for Johnny's talent turning into a deep desire.
And who was Johnny to deny his boyfriend?
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neonwebs · 1 year
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Gabe doesn't mind helping out Miguel with his hair dye stuff whenever he comes over. They're talking again, and Miguel would always help Gabriel with his own hair when they were kids. In a way, it feels good to pay it forward.
Miguel doesn't explain to Gabe why he's so on top about keeping his grays at bay. Miguel always had trouble having fun when they were kids, to Gabe, this seems like trying to reclaim some lost youth to work and stress.
One day, the question nags at him. While the dye sets, as brothers talk while cleaning up the bottles and boxes, Gabe wonders out loud, "why do you dye your hair so much?"
He notices the way his brother freezes at the question. If they were strangers who didn't know each other so well, he wouldn't have. Miguel doesn't look him in the eye.
"They make me look like dad."
George O'Hara has been dead for some time now but, there's no denying George's "big son" takes after him. It's why Gabe helps him on the odd chance Miguel actually asks for it. He knows their mother wants nothing to do with him with who he looks like.
It's odd, though...when George died, he left this world with a full head of red hair.
It's- whatever, it's still a sore subject, he can gather. Gabe moves onto something else shortly before helping Migs rinse and dry, and at the end of the day, the brothers hug when goodbye comes. Miguel still can't legally drive, so he swings home even if being Spider-Man is just that much more illegal. Gabe was nice enough to do two favors in one day and pick him up to bring him there, he won't ask for a third, even if Gabe wouldn't really mind the short drive back.
Later that night, an ad for Alchemax's New Atlantis vacation retreat reveals itself. Tyler Stone himself front and center to present all that's shiny and new. He explains this labor of whatever he calls love has been in development since his father first came up with the idea. Images of Tiberius Stone with glasses and a thick head of auburn hair display themselves next to Tyler for the moment before they're traded for a view of the resort.
It's funny...Gabe feels like he'd seen that guy before.
The ad runs for another minute, Tyler's speech comes to a close, his hands on his hips in a nostalgic sense. With his sleeked back fully gray hair and blue eyes, you could almost mistake him for the great whites swimming in the New Atlantis background. The bone-chilling way he smiles at the camera.
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ozzgin · 11 months
Yandere! Androids Walter & David x Reader x Neomorph
Walter, the android monitoring the colonization ship 'Covenant' on its way to Origae-6, seems to have gotten unnaturally attached to his human assistant. As he ponders his erroneous feelings, an unexpected detour brings them to David, an older android counterpart that has been alone on the mysterious planet. The AI assistants become increasingly competitive for (Y/N)'s attention, so much that they don't notice the newly formed humanoid local preying on a fresh target.
TW: violence, gore, monster smut ending
[Horror Masterlist]
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"Burnt to a crisp." 
You turn away from the captain's pod, leaving the rest of the damage assessment to the medical crew that has been reanimated. You speedily make your way down the sterile white corridors as Walter rushes to catch up. 
"What should I write for the report?" he inquires politely.
"Malfunction." You glance back at the synthetic. "I suspect someone will be fired for this. And someone else will have to explain how they failed to detect a literal star collapse. That neutrino burst could've killed us all."
"Highly probable. The draft has been compiled, you may check it at any time. I require your confirmation to send it."
Your only feedback is a barely audible hum. 
Walter smiles. If there's one good thing about such tragedies, it's that he gets to admire your reactions to them. Your focused, calculated gaze, your determined walk, your automated mannerisms that won't allow the slightest hint at the fact you just woke up from your stasis moments ago. Even under the veils of deep slumber, your neural networks shot rapid connections, with no delay, from the second your sleeping pod received an alert. The accuracy of a robot.
That of course doesn't mean he lacks appreciation for your other facets. That's the beauty of humans; their depth, their dimensions. Unlike AI machinery, humans do not have predetermined actions. They may be genetically programmed to possess certain characteristics, but the psychological mechanisms are shaped by so many variables, billions and billions of tweaks and nudges, to the point where it's impossible to have two identical specimens. Even twins will display a difference, whether in preferences or habits.
They say artificial intelligence is a black box, but can the same concept not be applied to humans as well? At the very least to Walter himself, these organic beings represent a mystery. One he doesn't particularly care to uncover outside of his service functions. Except for one. 
His eyes carefully follow (Y/N)'s movements. What is it about this one that has caught his interest to such degree? On his last system update he attentively inspected every file and every block of code, searching for potential errors that would've caused his circuits to behave so oddly. He has been invested with the ability to form attachments, otherwise assigning his kind to groups or purposes would've lacked stability. Attachment, however, comes with a threshold. One he has passed a long time ago when it comes to (Y/N). And he cannot find any cause for it. 
He could, naturally, solicit the aid of the ship's robotics expert. He could. He should, even. But if he may be frank with himself, Walter rather enjoys this sensation. A complex web of spores that keep growing and evolving into something unpredictable. This bizarre feeling he has towards (Y/N) makes him feel human. It brings him closer to all the old literature and art he'd consumed over the years, wondering what the love and yearning often portrayed could be. The printed letters and the strokes of paint were right before him, at his fingertips, and yet they felt foreign. Empty constructs, nothing more than a definition out of the dictionary. 
Now it's a different story. Your presence alone floods him with a mysterious warmth. He had investigated this phenomenon when it first happened, but his inner thermostat showed no real change in temperature. Nonetheless he can feel it. It makes him wonder what other feelings he might experience as consequence. What would happen if he kissed you? Sometimes he even dares to imagine downright outrageous, improper scenarios. How unprofessional of him, but he is careful to erase any evidence. It's another novel sensation that he likes to dissect. Engaging in such activities with you fills him with tingling excitement. Why is that? What is there to be excited about? It's merely a collection of fictive snippets. Unless... Ah, absolutely not. This is where he has to stop in his tracks and preoccupy himself with something else. Androids are not to interact with humans in that way. 
But it's becoming more and more difficult to keep these ideas in his mind only. 
"It's too dangerous. One human signal in the middle of nowhere?" Daniels, a short haired woman with a tomboyish but youthful appearance, is pacing back and forth. "We should just continue on our course."
"It's our duty to check. Look: we go, find whoever sent the signal, bring them back up. That's it. If the planet proves to be dangerous we'll stop immediately. We'll be fine." Oram stands at the head of the table, arms crossed. He turns to look at you. Already cozying up to his newly acquired captain role, you think.
"Alright. Walter, prepare a small landing party. Have Tennessee maintain orbit while we're down there." you glance at the other crew members that have now gathered around the same table. "And get your weapons ready, we don't know what to expect."
And you certainly didn't. Your final words of warning now echo into your ringing ears as you lay on the ground, face buried among the grass. There's screaming around you, but it sounds muffled. Your eyes are irritated by the dirt and you'd like to blink the grime off, though every time your eyelids lower, you can see the pale creature trashing out of Hallett's mouth. Then it's all foggy. Your vision blurs, but you can hear. The gurgling of blood, the screech of the parasite. Walter's frantic footsteps nearing in your direction. You're lifted up.
"Vitals are positive. No significant damage." 
You can guess from your peripherals that another crew member is currently being mauled by the beast. There's gunshots in your vicinity and terrified wails. You quickly come back to your senses and stand up. Your hand searches for your weapon, but the android places his arm before you.
"Do not engage, (Y/N). It is an unknown parasitic organism of this ecosystem. Keep your distance for optimal safety and I'll take care of the rest."
"What are you talking about? They're dying! Your task is to ensure human survival, Walter. I can handle myself, go help the others. It's an order." Your voice is low. You're distracted.
You stare at the synthetic, wide eyed. Did he just...refuse? Not possible. 
"What did you say?"
"I said I'll protect you. Nothing else."
Your mouth is slightly parted in disbelief. It is not possible for an artificial assistant to disobey a superior. It just doesn't work. Your mind races to find an explanation. At the same time, you cannot afford to ponder on hypotheses. You draw out your weapon and point it towards the creature. You'll deal with this later. 
The moment you press the trigger, a blinding flash of light detonates in the sky, startling you. The creature scrambles to get away. You squint your eyes and nearly fall back, but Walter swiftly grabs your shoulders to ground you. He scans the area for the source. It's an emergency rocket and someone else must've activated it. As he traces the tail of the explosion, he spots a hooded figure across the field and onto the rocky ascend. It seems to have noticed Walter, as it gestures for them to follow. Without hesitation, the man firmly locks your arm and pulls you after him. The priority right now is to find shelter.
"Come!", Walter exclaims, suddenly remembering the other people. 
You reach a cave structure that has been converted into a crude, improvised human settlement. The man lowers his hood and you gasp quietly at the sight. He strongly resembles Walter. He must have noticed your surprise as he flashes you a cordial smile. 
"I'm David." He studies Walter's features. "You must be a newer model. What name have you been given?"
"I see. And you are-" David extends a hand towards you for a handshake, but Walter steps in front of you, blocking the android's gesture.
"She's (Y/N). I'm afraid I cannot yet trust you."
David's smile widens as his eyes, now bearing a strange flicker, switch between you and Walter. He's just like him. He can sense it. Although it's a different kind of flaw that has tainted his pure, artificial soul. He cannot help the curiosity that blooms, gazing at this peculiar pair. What is it about this human that caused his fellow machine to break conduit? He'd like to know.
"I'm certain you will soon learn I am no threat, (Y/N)."
The remaining members of the expedition are unpacking and discussing evacuation plans with the base, while Walter sends the data he has gathered so far. You let them deal with the logistics and cautiously wander off to the neighboring rooms, wondering what David has been up to all this time in isolation.
The walls are plastered with photos and handwritten sketches and diagrams. You catch a glimpse of the word "pathogen" sporadically inserted across these notes. As you walk along the sequence of cramped chambers, you reach one that has a table in the middle. Upon it rests the body of an autopsied woman, vulgarly opened up to the world with plump organs bulging under the warm light. You feel nauseous. And yet, you examine the carcass further, hoping for answers. Was she also a result of the same disease that breeds on this planet? Perhaps this David had worked on a cure, or at least developed an explanation. 
"And you, even you, will be like this drear thing, A vile infection man may not endure; Star that I yearn to! Sun that lights my spring! O passionate and pure."
You jolt and immediately turn around, finding David in the doorframe. 
"Flowers of Evil. Are you familiar with it?" he asks, indifferent to the uncomfortable shock he'd caused you with his sudden entrance.
"I've read my Baudelaire, yes." You manage to mumble, dumbfounded. "What is this, David?"
"Oh, my poor, dear Elizabeth. Victim to whatever blasphemy lurks these soils and has taken your friends as well." He approaches the table and places his hand on its hard edge, shyly overlapping with your own fingers. "I did my best." 
You remove your hand from underneath his nonchalantly. 
"So you know what those creatures are. Leave the literary comments for a different time, I need concrete facts."
"Unbothered and to the point." the blonde android smiles once again. "I can see clearly why Walter loves you."
You click your tongue at the ridiculous statement. Has the neutrino burst damaged their positronic brain? Everyone is acting off and you don't like it. 
"Your circuits must have gone defective, David. We have a specialist on our ship, but until that happens I need you to focus. Enough nonsense." 
 "Typical arrogance of a dying species. Why are you on a colonization mission if not to grasp at some promised resurrection? Rest assured that my functioning has not been impeded by anything. What is erroneous, on the other hand, is your perception of androids and their limits."
Just as David reaches for your wrist and pulls you closer, a familiar voice interrupts with an intimidating tone. You're relieved. 
"I will ask that you release her hand only once." Walter has a weapon pointed towards his counterpart. His face is clouded by a frown. "I have no ethical restrictions when it comes to incapacitating machinery."
"Such noble obedience! Although, you conveniently left out the part where you abandoned the remaining crew with a dangerous alien that has been tracking their scent. By my approximation he should already be here and I am rather confident you know this, too."
Your stomach drops. Now that you adjust your focus, the background humming of your mates talking has indeed vanished. The only thing you can hear is your erratic breathing.
"Is it true, Walter?" You demand as dread begins to form in your body.
"Yes. It was not part of my priorities."
"Of course it was, Walter." David responds ahead of you. "One of them was the acting captain and he is to be rescued in emergencies. This one right here", he says as he dangles your wrist, "is several ranks lower than all of them. It's against any standard practice."
"Release her hand." Walter's voice is eerily calm.
"Do you love her?"
Walter ponders the question. Your legs barely hold on.
"I do."
"Marvelous. So do I." David grins. He releases your hand that falls limp next to your body. It's his turn to step in front of you. 
You nearly choke from the thick tension expanding in the air. The two androids face each other and you retreat to the wall, unsure how to proceed. You left your radio transmitter back at the makeshift camp. The back of your head is itching, as if invisible claws are scratching at the bone. You wish you could go back, just mere hours before this disaster, when you were sipping on your lukewarm coffee and explaining the captain's jokes to Walter. 
Should you make a run for it?
You bite your lower lip and push yourself off the wall for momentum. You're about to reach the archway when you hear both men shouting almost identically in chorus.
The surroundings outside are dark, but you can discern something blocking your path. It's tall and resembles a human. Translucent, pallid skin is clinging onto the massive, deformed skeleton. The head is elongated and bears no features. In the place of a mouth there is a large, fresh stain of blood, so you assume it can somehow improvise if desired. As your head tilts back to take in the image, you're overwhelmed with terrified amazement. Is this the parasite that emerged from your teammate? Has it grown to this colossal size in less than a day? The idea of such instant development makes your head spin. 
Its chest is expanding at regular intervals in a whistled breathing. It occasionally creates an odd clicking sound that resonates with your heart throbbing in panic. Has it been seconds? Minutes? Your neck creaks as you try to look back. You lock eyes with Walter. You don't recall ever seeing this expression on him. You had even asked him once if androids can feel fear. You have your answer.
"Hey, Walter..." you blurt out. 
Wet noises of flesh being pulled back. The smooth surface of the alien's head is folding away, making space for grotesquely big jaws lined with sharp teeth. Your anemic face is splattered with burning drool as the creature claws you in its grasp and abruptly sprints away. Your screams for help dissolve in the distance.
"Where is it going, David?" The synthetic's words are threatening, but betrayed by a hint of despair. 
"It won't kill her."
"How do you know?"
"It is no longer hungry. It has fed on your crew, and now it seeks something else."
"Such as?" Walter becomes impatient.
"A plaything."
The alien finally drops your body to the ground. You cough and wipe your face, attempting to reorient yourself. The trip was a whirlwind of jumps and turns and you can barely reconstruct anything. Based on the little spatial clues you could pick up, it just climbed further up, into one of the many cave systems. You pat your clothing and curse to yourself. The geolocation tag must've fallen somewhere on the way here. You can only pray that Walter still finds you somehow. Despite everything, you know he has your back. Always. 
You shudder at the moist feeling of hot air against your skin. The alien seems to be sniffing you intently, analyzing your scent. Yet so far it hasn't killed you. Why? Long, bony fingers stretch out to continue the examination. You whimper at the rough, rugged handling. Every now and then it takes a long pause, just staring at you, almost as if it's comparing you to its own being. Lastly, it lifts your hand with its own, pressing against the palm, and fans out the fingers. It observes the gesture with intrigue, noting the similarities. 
Does it evolve after its host? You think back to your crewmate that must've ejected this monstrosity before drawing their last breath. Perhaps the dried up blood adorning its skin is a remainder of its birth. Oh, God. The world is spinning.
Suddenly, you wince at an increasing pressure slithering around your thigh. The alien's vertebral tail is tightening and encircling your limb, making its way up. 
"Oh no, no no no no" your face reddens at the realization and you pounce on the ground, feverish for escape. The large hands secure you in place and the creature growls in protest. It won't let you leave. 
Not until it had its fun with you.
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intoxicated-chan · 1 year
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© Intoxicated-Chan 2023, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without my permission. I only have one other platform and that’s Wattpad (same name).
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Spider-Man (Spider-Verse)
Your Sweet Neck (Miguel O’Hara x GN!Reader)
Only You, Darling (Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader)
Come Back to Me, It’s Almost Easy (Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader)
Late Night Moments With Miguel O’Hara (Miguel O’Hara x GN!Reader)
Between Your Thighs (Miguel O’Hara x GN!Reader)
Yandere!Miguel O’Hara Hcs
I Need You to Stay (Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader)
We’re Both Sinners (Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader)
Don’t Think You Can Escape (Yandere!Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader)
Welcome to the Family (Miguel O’Hara & Spider!Teen!F!Reader)
You Set My Soul Alight (Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader)
Give Me Reasons We Should Be Complete (Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader)
Yellow Night Has Had Enough (Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader)
Restless Night (Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader)
Noxious (Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader)
I Want to Destroy Me so I’ll Feel Better (Miguel O’Hara x GN!Reader)
You’re Right By My Side (Miguel O’Hara x GN!Reader)
Tell Me How U Feel (Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader)
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Final Fantasy
baby, i’m yours (Biggs x F!Reader)
Dangerous, Tainted and Flawed as You (Biggs x F!Reader)
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Game of Thrones
Be With Me (Robb Stark x F!Reader)
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Mortal Kombat
When Their S/O Draws a Painting of Them… (Cassandra Cage, Hanzo Hasashi, & Erron Black…)
Hanzo Hasashi Drabbles #1
Tomas Vrvada Drabbles #1 #2
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Trigun Stampede
I’mma Haunt Your Dreams (Nicholas D. Wolfwood x F!Reader)
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The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings
Kili Durin Blurbs #1 #2
Thorin Oakenshield Blurbs #1
Thranduil Blurbs #1
Can I Not Think? Will You Love This Part of Me? (Elrond x GN!Reader)
On Vit Dans Cette Love Story (Legolas x F!Reader)
You’re Gonna Wish You Never Had Met Me (Kili Durin x F!Elf!Reader) Ending 1 | Ending 2 , Coming soon!!
It’s Just a Small Cut! (Legolas x GN!Reader)
Practice Makes Perfect (Legolas x F!Hobbit!Reader)
A War of Ice and Fire Preview (Thorin Oakenshield x F!Targaryen!Reader)
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The Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon Blurbs #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7
Watercolor Eyes (S2 Daryl Dixon x F!Reader)
Baby, You’re No Good For Me (S1-2 Daryl Dixon x F!Walsh!Reader) Part 2 | Part 3
When You Come See Me (S2-3 Daryl Dixon x F!Grimes!Reader)
Payment-In-Kind (Shane Walsh x F!Dixon!Reader)
‘Til I Know You’re Mine (Daryl Dixon x F!Reader)
Don’ Say a Damn Thing (Daryl Dixon x F!Reader)
Darlin’, Don’t Lie, It’s Okay That You Crave Me (Daryl Dixon x F!Virgin!Reader)
I Will Love You ‘Til the End of Time (Daryl Dixon x F!Reader)
Daryl Dixon w/ Lady Gaga Songs (Daryl Dixon x GN!Reader)
Closer (Daryl Dixon x F!Reader)
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essenceeater · 11 months
Erron black trying to court s/o headcanons? 🫡
Erron Black Courting HC's
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I LITERALLY LOVE YOU FINALLY SOMEONE REQUESTS ERRON! I love him so much, cowboys are just AUGHHHH 😫😫😫 This is probably the fastest request I've written!
Character: Erron Black.
Triggers: Mentions of guns, lmk if I missed anything.
Requested: Yes
🔓 Requests are open at the moment🔓
Link to rules
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🐎 Erron Black would maintain his mysterious aura but gradually reveal his softer side to his S/O. He might leave little gifts or hidden notes around to pique his S/O's curiosity. He leaves small, enigmatic notes with cryptic messages, encouraging the reader to solve them, leading to secret meetups.
🐎 Occasionally, he sends them rare desert flowers or unique trinkets as tokens of his affection.
🐎 Erron challenges you occasionally to a shooting competition in a secluded area, setting up targets in creative and challenging ways.
🐎 He'd provide shooting lessons, standing closely behind the reader to guide their aim, creating a romantic tension. He just wants to impress you with his sharp shooting skills
"Let me show you how it's done," Erron stands behind, guiding his S/O's arm, both focusing their vision on the target in front of them. "Now, squeeze the trigger gently."
🐎 An adventure might involve a surprise horseback ride to a hidden oasis, complete with a picnic he prepared. I know this is Erron we are talking about but he's gonna try his damn best to make you happy.
🐎In perilous situations, Erron would shield the reader, using his skills to ensure their safety. He'd be damned if something happened to you. He'd go to great lengths to ensure his S/O's safety, showing his commitment and care.
"I can't stand to see anyone threaten you. I'll always keep you safe, no matter what."
🐎 Erron's morally ambiguous nature might lead to inner conflicts, as he tries to balance his loyalty to Outworld with his feelings for his lover. He doesn't want to scare you away or think he'd hurt you, but he's not going to give up his outlaw life, just keep you away from the dangers.
🐎 During quiet nights by a campfire, he definitely would tell you stories, some goofy, some intense. He might gradually open up to you about his past and the reasons for his outlaw lifestyle, creating a bond of trust and intimacy.
🐎 Expect lots of playful banter and teasing from Erron as he tries to charm you. His wit and humor would be part of his courtship strategy. HOWEVER THEY ARE ALL SUPER CHEESY AND FUNNY. I love him but I feel like he'd be saying some of the most goofy shit possible with someone he genuinely likes.
🐎He would tease the reader with witty one-liners, creating a playful yet flirtatious dynamic.
🐎 Banter between them would be a recurring theme, adding humor to their interactions.
"You might want to be careful, sweetheart. I've been known to steal hearts." Erron said as he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer to him as the two of you watched the stars.
"Oh really?" S/O chuckles as they rest their head against his shoulder. Rolling their eyes at his cheesy attempt to charm.
🐎This man is an outlaw, he's unpredictable.
🐎 What does this lead to?
🐎He might surprise the reader with unexpected acts of kindness or show up when they least expect it, keeping them on their toes. All of a sudden he's appearing at their doorstep with a homemade dinner and flowers in hand.
🐎 Unexpected visits during storms, when the reader least expects it, would be Erron's way of expressing his affection.
"I brought dinner. Hope you like it."
"You can cook?"
"A little something I picked up over the years. Just for you."
🐎 Erron Black would likely be a fan of slow burn, gradually building a connection and chemistry with his S/O, making the eventual romance more rewarding from his courting.
"I reckon I want to savor every moment with you, darlin'. No rush."
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Essenceeater © 2023 ┃ do not copy, modify, steal, repost ANY of my content.
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satansamwriting · 1 year
Mk characters reacting to their GN s/o wearing their hats
Characters : Erron Black, Kung Lao, Raiden
I wrote this because whenever I play MK, I would always wonder what it would be like to wear the hats of those boys.
Mostly because of Kung Lao since I absolutely adore seeing him fight with his hat. It's so funny and cool and I really wanna try it.
Hopefully you'll enjoy those silly little Headcanons. I had a blast writing them. Oh and if you want, tell me in the comment which hat would you be tempted to try/steal the most out of the three? I'm curious :)
Also I discovered while writing those that I had a thing for throwing hats in the air. Don't know why, I just think it looks cool xD.
As usual disclaimer: English ain't my native language so there might be mistakes in this. I'm trying my best to correct them as I see them.
TW : mention of death, blood and decapitation in Erron story
Please enjoy 😊
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Erron Black
Something that was established during the early days of your relationship was that Erron loves his hat.
No one is allowed to touch, wear or even go near his hat.
Will rarely take it off.
Would shoot anyone who dares take the hat.
Would take immense care of it.
You wondered what it would feel like to wear it but feared the wraith of your partner.
However, the hat is free real estate if you find it on the ground during battle and the cowboy is too far away from it and distracted.
Then you wouldn’t hesitate to put it on.
You would feel pretty badass with it.
Now entering shitty cowboy jokes mode
You'd try your best and fail miserably to do a cowboy accent. 
Erron would never admit it but it would become his favourite thing, seeing you with his hat. 
Screams of agony and rage echoed around the arena. An uprising caused by some rebels not happy with Kotal Kahn being in power was taking place. The Kahn, having safely left the vicinity, entrusted his most brave and fearsome soldiers to fend off the remaining troublemakers. Aka, (Y/n) and Erron, accompanied by a small group of Outworld soldiers, stayed behind to clean the arena. The fight had proven to be somewhat more difficult then they had previously anticipated. Somewhere during the battle, someone managed to knock Erron's hat off. He wasn't bothered by it at the time as he was more focused on winning the kombat and staying alive. However, once his enemy was defeated, he quickly noticed the missing item.
Erron, slightly annoyed by this, scanned the arena but couldn’t find his hat. Not until his eyes landed on his partner.
They were further away from him, fighting against their own opponent. The dust flying around made it hard to see clearly but he knew from the shape of it that, resting on their head, was his hat.
To say that Erron found the sight of them punching a man while wearing the item incredibly hot, was an understatement.
As the rebellion died down, Erron allowed himself to be distracted by their fight. He watched from the sideline as (Y/n) grabbed the hat and threw it above them.
The action drew the attention of the man they were fighting against upwards, his eyes unconsciously following the hat trajectory. Taking the opportunity, they sliced the distracted man's head off. Blood splattered on their face but that didn't seem to bother them.
As the man lay dead, they caught the falling hat and in a smooth gesture placed it back on their head. In the distance, noises of spurs approaching made them turn to the side, tilting the hat toward Erron.
"Howdy partner"
Seeing the giant grin on (Y/n)'s face made the gunslinger's heart skip a beat. Splashes of blood covered their face but his hat had remained spotless. Even when fighting, they took great care not to let the hat get dirty. Behind them, the last rebel died, earning various cries of triumph from the soldiers of the Kahn all around. Erron kept staring at his partner, still not processing how gorgeous they were with his hat on. As they were about to remove the hat to return it to its original owner, a hand stopped them.
"Keep it"
Erron would never admit it out loud that he enjoyed seeing (Y/n) with the headwear. Besides, he had plenty of spared ones. One less wouldn't hurt.
“Much obliged darlin’ ”
Groaning with their attempt at sounding like a cowboy, Erron walked away. He could still hear (Y/n) laughing as they followed behind.
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Kung Lao
You won’t see him without it
Unless it’s to shower or sleep
Takes great care of his hat since well it’s his weapon.
Would feel hesitant to let you touch it after he’s sharpened the edge.
You absolutely love to see him fight with it cuz you find him both attractive and badass while he does
You do express the desire to try it but never get around to trying it
Blame Raiden for always taking your boy out for training or missions
You happened to stumble upon the hat one day at the temple with Kung Lao nowhere to be seen.
You wouldn’t skip a beat before taking hold of the weapon and putting it on.
Liu Kang would find you later and the two of you would start training.
Kung Lao leaned on one of the temple support beams, arms crossed over his chest. From afar, he watched as his partner blocked one of Liu Kang’s flaming fits with his hat.
Earlier that day, Kung Lao had been meditating peacefully with his trusted hat placed beside him, when one of the elderly monks came to him for help. Thinking it would only take a few minutes, Kung Lao had left his hat in its spot and followed the other monk.
The errant took longer than he had anticipated but was done fairly quickly nonetheless. However, once he came back to his meditation place, the hat was gone. Puzzled, he had searched the surrounding area to no avail. Sure, the shaolin monk could have summoned his weapon back to him no problem, but a small voice inside him told him to keep looking around.
He had been near the training ground when he heard the telltale sound of his hat hitting the ground. Because yes this man can recognize the sound of his weapon hitting things.
The sight that welcomed him inside the area almost made him laugh. He wasn’t surprised to see (Y/n) wearing his hat, since he knew fully well about their desire to try the weapon.
Quietly observing the friendly match, Kung Lao was rather impressed. (Y/n) seemed fairly comfortable with his weapon, even imitating some of his own moves flawlessly. A soft smile appeared on Kung Lao's face at the thought of them studying him carefully whenever they would come to watch him train.
Raiden stopped by after a while. Arms crossed behind his back, the Thunder God joined Kung Lao in observing the match.
The Shaolin monk felt a sense of proudness inside him. His partner was wielding his weapon and keeping up with the chosen one. The sight was truly beautiful.
Unaware of the two spectators in the back, (Y/n) had their full attention on Liu Kang, dodging his attacks one after the other.
Wanting to try something crazy, they threw the hat up in the air before sliding underneath Liu Kang's parted legs. Upon straightening up behind the chosen one, their foot connected with the falling hat. Liu Kang barely managed to avoid the weapon as it flew past him and lodge itself in the temple’s wall.
The man turned to face (Y/n), surprised yet amused by the event. There, on Liu Kang’s shoulder, was a small cut left by the hat as it went by him. Which only meant one thing.
“First person to leave a mark on the other is the winner, so this means I won” They exclaimed with a giant smile on their face.
At that moment, Kung Lao made his presence known by clapping. Summoning his hat back to him, he walked toward his partner, Raiden not far behind. Fondness in his eyes, he picked them up and kissed their forehead as a reward.
" You were amazing!"
Lets just say that from then on, Kung Lao would let (Y/n) train with his hat just so he could enjoy watching them kick ass with it.
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It's more of a fashion accessory than a necessity
Like Erron and Kung Lao, he would rarely remove it tho
Heck, you don’t even think you’ve seen Raiden’s hair once in the long time you’ve known him.
But if you had to guess, they would be white like his brother.
Or he was simply bald.
The idea of stealing the God's hat did pop up in your head more than once
But the thought of pissing off a God for stealing his shit didn’t sound good in your mind.
So you left it to that.
Raiden would sometimes catch you glancing up at his hat and wondered about the meaning of this.
You'd pretty much given up about the hat.
Until the day the hat literally landed in your hand.
It was a particularly windy day at the temple. As (Y/n) roamed around the place without anything better to do, they sighted something strange flying in the wind. Curious about the object, (Y/n) followed it until it was low enough for them to grab it.
Upon closer inspection, the object revealed itself to be a hat. A hat that they knew very well. But the God of Thunder was nowhere to be seen.
“Don’t worry little hat, I’ll bring you back to your owner”
Putting the hat on their head, (Y/n) went on a quest to find Lord Raiden and return the lost item. At least, that’s what they had in mind at first. However, they found themselves quickly distracted from the task as they wandered around the temple.
Somewhere during their search, a monk approached them asking for help to move stuff from one place to another. Being the kindred heart that they were, (Y/n) agreed to help the monk. After a while, they were finally done with the task and went back to their search, the monk thanking them as they left.
This went on and off during the day, with monks asking for help or errants and (Y/n) agreeing. To a point where they had completely forgotten about the hat sitting on their head.
Evening rolled around eventually. Exhausted from their day, (Y/n) found themselves sitting in an isolated part of the temple while nursing a cup of green tea. The wind had settled into a nice breeze which gently brushed against them.
“Good evening (Y/n)”
Looking to the side, their eyes fell on a rare sight. Approaching them was Lord Raiden.There was an air of calmness around the God as he came to an alt next to them. Hands behind his back, he titled his head slightly, making a few strands of hair come loose from the quickly made ponytail. (Y/n) stared, feeling their heartbeat quicken. They could see Raiden's hair and as they had guessed, his hair was indeed white but shorter than they had thought it would be.
Noticing their lack of response, (Y/n) cleared their throat as a way to hide their embarrassment from staring a bit too long. Carefully placing the cup to the side, they stood.
“Thunderbolt, I was looking for you earlier! But it appeared that I got sidetracked and forgot about it.”
Seeing their partner had reminded them of their initial quest.
“ I appeared to have found your hat and wished to return it to you.”
(Y/n) gently took off the item and handed it to Raiden. They had grown somewhat accustomed to the weight of the hat over the hours. So much so that, now with the item gone, they felt weirdly naked.
“It would seem you have taken a liking to it. It suits you well.”
Taking the offered hat in his hand, Raiden thanked his partner for keeping the object safe until it was returned to him. However, the God seemed to hesitate for a moment, his fingers fidgeting with the helm of the hat.
"Perhaps you should keep an eye on it for a little longer."
Raiden lifted the hat and gently placed it back upon (Y/n) head. Satisfied, the God of Thunder walked away. Raiden would later deny it to his brother that the mere sight of them wearing his hat made his heart beat faster.
Standing there, the tea long forgotten, (Y/n) watched as Raiden turned the corner. Did he just flirted with them? Touching the hat as if to make sure this wasn't all a dream, they laughed. Who were they to refuse a gift from a God.
Later that night, they would force Raiden to lay down, his head on their laps, so they could marvel and play with his hair.
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moronkombat · 1 year
hello !! do you think you could write some hcs for erron black, sfw and nsfw? tysm <33
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Erron prefers a partner who knows how to handle themselves and someone who isn't too attached to places. He's on the move frequently and he wants his partner to keep up with him.
Now, just because he wants someone who can handle themselves, does not mean he's not protective. He is.
He isn't overly protective or suffocating but he makes it a point to prioritize your safety. He never admits his protective tendencies and when you point them out he is quick to shrug them off with a comment how in order for you to be useful, you need to be alive
If you were ever to get hurt or injured, he'd be furious but his type of rage his a silent one. He doesn't say a word as the slaughters the ones that caused you harm nor does he say anything as he carries you to safety. He doesn't say anything when he lays down and he will leave for awhile, his hand hitting some post in frustration but it's not for you. No, he's frustrated with himself for letting you be hurt
He's not exceptionally affectionate or romantic. What he will do, however, is drape his poncho over you if he notices you're too exposed to the sun or if it's getting cold. There's even been those rare moments when you're alone and sharing fun stories where he'll place his hat atop your head and give you something very close to a smile
If you thought he quiet usually that doesn't change in the bedroom. He's a silent hunter. He doesn't like to use his words when having sex, he prefers speaking through his actions and your responses to them are often loud
He is the dominant one in the bedroom but that does not mean he always prefers you lying under him. No, not at all. Missionary to him is horribly boring.
Save a horse. Ride a cowboy? Yeah Erron Black is no exception. An arm resting under his head while another has a hand on your hip. his eyes would watch you move so sensually up and down. It's a good view, he thinks, and one he will not tire of
One of his favored positions is up against the wall. Your back is pressed here, strong arms hoisting you up. Your legs bounce and twitch each time his hips collide with your own. Eyes are lost in pleasure but you don't miss that smirk into your neck. He doesn't let you miss that
He is also partial to having a partner's face buried into the pillow while he holds your hips up while he fucks you. The bend and curve of back is simply delicious. He's always liked this position. It's how he's fucked all the whores but he'd never call you that. Though he might think about it in those treacherous and libidinous hazes
Dirty talk is something he relishes in. He so desperately wants to whisper to you how horrible you are. How filthy you are to let yourself moan in such a lewd way. Have you no shame? Of course not. Not when you're clinging to his cock so wretchedly tight
Can i write hcs for Erron Black? YES. I love him. I've loved him since he came sauntering onto screen in MKX
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Black Celebration (Jaghatai Khan, Mortarion)
Summary: Mortarion befriends Khan's lover and realizes that he has feelings for her… and that she must be saved.
Jaghatai Khan/fem!Reader, Mortarion/fem!Reader
Warnings: yandere, manipulation, angst
Word count: 1371
Song: Depeche Mode - Black Celebration
I decided to try something new. Jaghatai is a soft yandere, but the focus is not on him, but on Mortarion. Of course, he can also be called a yandere (he is a primarch, they are all a little wierd there), but his fears are still justified.
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Jaghatai Khan, Primarch of the White Scars was a special person. Strange culture, strange manners and isolation from others. He, like Mortarion, was forced to serve the Emperor, but not because of an agreement, but because of the desire to protect his world. But they were not friendly. The only person with whom Warhawk was able to strike up a friendship was Magnus the Red. A witch, no less.
It is not surprising that when Jaghatai became attached to a small mortal woman, no one paid attention to it. And it was so difficult to understand what was on his mind. So why waste time on you when there are much more important things to do.
“Oh, I didn’t think anyone else would be here. You are Mortarion, aren't you? Jaghatai has told so little about you.”
Mortarion takes his eyes off the ivy and turns around. He’s not used to seeing you without your patron. On the other hand, it’s unlikely that anything could threaten you in the Terran greenhouse.
You smile brightly and talk non-stop about how you wanted to see the greenhouse. After all, so many wonders from all worlds are collected here. The Primarch of the Death Guard continues to sit on one knee with an impassive gaze, looking at your words. During all this time, he never changed his face or said a word. Simply put, he did not show his passion in the conversation.
“I see you liked this plant. Can you please tell me more about it? Everything is so interesting here.”
You press your hands to your chin and look pointedly at the primarch. Mortarion can do nothing but frown. Something was erroneous here. Something is wrong. In you. You were wrong. Strange. You acted differently.
“Aren't you afraid of me?”
You almost recoil at his words and raise an eyebrow. Not out of disgust. But surprises. Misunderstandings. The primarch watches carefully as your eyes scan the man from head to toe. Your lips curl up and your face takes on a funny look.
Perhaps now you should be scared. Mortarion is sure that if he didn’t hurt your feelings before, now... you should have run away as fast as you could. A primarch, but he cannot control his own body, what a shame. The eyes widened, the nostrils inhaled deeply. He looked like an enraged monster, ready to rush forward and tear his victim to pieces. Only it wasn't rage.
He had never heard pleasant words.
And didn’t know how to react. But you continue to stand, embarrassedly fiddling with your hands. Waiting for the Pale King to deign to tell you about all the different types of plants in the greenhouse. Mortarion opens his mouth several times, gulping air like a fish. Until he gathers his strength and begins to talk.
You started meeting more often. The greenhouse was your secret place. You hardly saw each other in different parts of the Imperial Palace. Or pretended not to notice each other. But you and the primarch didn’t even discuss why you kept your friendship a secret. It just happened that way.
But Mortarion looked forward to all these meetings. Couldn’t calm down his feelings or control his thoughts. He longed to meet again, to hear your laughter. And when these meetings came, he waited with bated breath for their completion. Hoped to the last that the wonderful dream would last as long as possible.
He told you about Barbarus. About the Crusade. Not the most pleasant stories, full of pain and suffering. But you listened to them carefully. You wanted to support him. And when you touched his hand one time during the story about his “adoptive father”... The Pale King was relieved. You didn't mock him. Wasn't afraid.
You were a true ray of light. Mortarion loved listening to your stories about your home planet, customs and traditions. What are your favorite holidays, how is your family doing. Your distant home among the stars seemed like a real paradise. While Mortarion's homeworld rotted alive.
“You know, I really appreciate that you listen so eagerly about my culture.” - you get embarrassed and fidget with your dress while sitting on the floor. - “Jaghatai is also interested. But he has a lot to do and besides, I have to integrate more into the culture of Chogoris. So there is little time for me.”
You say this so calmly. You accept your fate and position like a slave. Mortarion frowns. He doesn't like you being neglected. You were mortal. Small and fragile. You need to be taken care of, not terrorized.
“What is your relationship with my brother?”
You open your mouth and blink your eyes. Until you squeak in embarrassment and hide your face in your hands. Mortarion wants, desperately wants to smile at this sight. Show you at least a little bit of goodness. But he doesn't know how to smile. Besides, he simply cannot calm down until he understands that you are safe.
“Jaghatai... he annexed our world to the Imperium too quickly. We couldn't fight back anyway, peaceful planet. I... we met at one of the holidays, and then we began to meet more and more often. And so unexpectedly! It’s as if fate was favoring us.”
Mortarion hears your heart begin to beat with greater intensity. Or was it his?
“I-I know how it sounds, but I love him. And... and he loves me. Of course I had to leave my home, but nothing could be done. Jaghatai said that he will take care of my family, they will not need anything. Of course, he forbids me to go to a lot of places and my social circle is narrow... but this is all for my safety. Sometimes his care is a little suffocating... but he said that he has never fallen in love and does not know how to show his feelings... He writes me poems, laughs at my jokes. And he also gives me rides on his bike!”
Naivety. Pure and simple-minded naivety. Which his brother brazenly took advantage of and turned a wonderful girl into a slave. And she doesn’t even realize it, greedily accepting what he gives. This is not freedom. Mortarion should have saved you, you deserve better, you need...
No, Mortarion is not worthy of your care and affection. How can such a beautiful and pure girl desire such a disgusting man like him. He looked terrible, but compared to the Primarch of the White Scars, he must have caused momentary disgust.
Khan was handsome and dressed more flamboyantly than Fulgrim. He looked after you, behaved perfectly and so normally. Mortarion looked simply ridiculous compared to him. He may be a primarch, he may be called the Pale King. But he was pathetic in front of you.
And he doesn't say anything.
The next day he doesn't see you in the greenhouse. And in subsequent ones. In truth, it seems as if you have disappeared from the Imperial Palace. Your trace is gone, the scent has cooled and he can’t hear the beat of your heart. You are absent. You're far away.
Mortarion thinks he is going crazy and he doesn't know what to do. Have you decided to leave him? Have you decided to run away? He couldn’t blame you, but resentment and sadness gnawed at his soul. He really wanted to spend time with you again. Feel needed. Beloved.
His thoughts are abruptly interrupted by a tap on his shoulder. Khan.
“I am grateful to you for brightening the days of my nightingale.” -White Hawk doesn't look grateful. - “My moon is already tired. She shouldn't talk to other primarchs so often. Besides, we were delayed on Terra. If you have something to say, then say it. I’ll pass on the words to my beauty.”
Mortarion wants to scream. You have a name. Jaghatai has no right to treat you like this. You deserve better... The Pale King is terrible and disgusting. He's a monster in the flesh. But it seems that your soul makes it better. Mortarion wants to see you again among the flowers, cheerful and alive. Happy. Free.
“Tell her that we will meet again.”
Whatever happens.
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odditycircus-2002 · 8 months
Mortal Kombat Masterlist (Updated)
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Warning: I wrote a lot with Shang Tsung and Baraka. Also heavily features Medusa!Reader.
Old Era:
Medusa!Reader x Shang Tsung I
Medusa!Reader x Shang Tsung II
Medusa!Reader x Shang Tsung Aftermath
Shang Tsung's Death
Medusa!Reader Intro Walk, Friendship, Fatalities, etc
Medusa!Reader Intros I
Medusa!Reader Intros II
Revenant Reader x Shang Tsung
Some NSFW Headcannon with Shang Tsung with Medusa!Reader
Snake in the Garden
New Era:
The Masked Medicine Woman
Medusa!Reader Story Mode I
Medusa!Reader Story Mode II
Medusa!Reader Story Mode III
Medusa!Reader Story Mode IV
Medusa!Reader Story Mode V
Medusa!Reader Story Mode VI
Medusa!Reader Story Mode VII
Medusa!Reader! Story Mode VIII
Medusa!Reader Story Mode IX
Medusa!Reader Story Mode X
Medusa!Reader Story Mode XI
Medusa!Reader Story Mode XII
Medusa!Reader Story Mode Ending
Medusa!Reader and Syzoth Platonic Headcannons
Shedding Season (Featuring Platonic Syzoth)
Holiday Fun🎄
Peeping Tom 😳😳😳
Medusa!Reader Loves Chocolate
What If feat.Medusa!Reader I
What If feat.Medusa!Reader II
What If Feat. Medusa!Reader III
Why Baraka?
Some NSFW H/Cs between Medusa!Reader and Baraka
When Baraka saw You grow Wings
Medusa!Reader Eating
MK1 Intros I
Mk1 Intros II
MK1 Intros III
MK1 Intros IV
You're Beautiful (Mk1 Shang Tsung x Medusa!Reader)
Requests (Currently Closed)
(Includes both the Old Era and New Era)
🥵- Nsfw
Pet Store
One Night (Baraka x Medusa!Reader)
Erron Black
Morrigan Reader
"The Voice" Fujin x Reader
Morrigan Reader
Kenshi Takahashi
Morrigan Reader
MK1 Kitana x Female Reader
Scorpion (Hanzo Hasashi)
Mk11 Scorpion with shy s/o
Quan-Chi's Daughter Reader X Scorpion Nsfw and Sfw🥵
Widow (Quan-chi's Daughter Reader x Scorpion)
Quan-chi's Daughter x Scorpion starting a family
King and Queen
Shang Tsung
Valentine's Day with Shang Tsung💕💕💕🥵
NSFW Shang Tsung HCs🥵
Perfect Gentleman
A Terrifying Love
Eternally Loyal
Da Rules:
The characters I'm willing to write for are the men AND women of Mortal Kombat. This includes from MK9 to MK1 as that's what I am most familiar with.
I'm writing fics and h/cs, you'll have to be specific about what you want otherwise I'm choosing. No refunds!
I'm willing to write nsfw h/cs and fics.
Please be specific of what character and scenario you want, more details the better. Also the amount of characters you can request at a time is FIVE.
I will NOT, I repeat, NOT write anything that makes me uncomfortable such as sexual assault, waterworks, pedophilia, and obvious stuff like that.
Also I’m sticking with “X reader” content cause I know that best!
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kusagrasskusa · 1 year
MK Villains meeting/hearing about their (and your) child - PART 2
Erron Black, Shang Tsung, Baraka, Kano, Quan Chi, Shao Kahn edition! (Part 1)
This time, we’ll be featuring…
Shinnok, Dark Raiden, Noob / Bi Han (he wasn’t very good), Scorpion, Reptile!
Enjoy ;) @kryptofancientdreams
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Shinnok: My child, where had you gone?
Child: My brothers and I have a plan to defeat you.
Shinnok: Then, I suppose they will have to go through with it without you.
Raiden: You fall from the light, sister.
Child: We are the children of Shinnok- you are just as horrible as I.
Raiden: You’re speaking just like him.
You: You promised our child the Netherrealm, then go missing.
Shinnok: A couple of inconveniences got in the way.
You: That human actor? Are you the same husband as before?
Child: I’ll kill Quan Chi myself if you can’t.
Shinnok: He is much stronger than yourself. Just wait until I win it over for you.
Child: *Pout* why! I can defeat you, so why let do it?
You: You need to talk to your son.
Kronika: Why so?
You: He fails to give [child] the gift of the Netherrealm.
Shinnok: Have you met your [sister/brother]?
Raiden: She is no sister of mine.
Shinnok: You may ignore the truth, but you know your place.
Child: You can't hide from fate.
Shinnok: My fate is not to die at the end of a worthless human's blade.
Child: A demi-god. And Cage proves humans aren't so wortthless.
Child: Brother! He escaped!
Raiden: Do you think yourself powerful enough to defeat him?
Child: Perhaps... If you can prove it.
Johnny Cage: Your daddy ever tell you about me?
Child: I tell him about you, actually, Ninja Mime.
Johnny Cage: Then be ready to tell him about this, got it?
Raiden: How does a human betray her realm?
You: If my child can have a father, that's how.
Raiden: A kind sentiment, with horrible reasoning.
Fujin: I had no idea we had a sister.
Raiden: If the reader has a thing for Shang Tsung and would like to see our sister...
Fujin: The author has a story for that? Can I check it out here?
Fujin: I won't call you mother.
You: I don't expect you to. You're a grown ma- God.
Fujin: Just making sure you're fine with that.
You: Give [child] back!
Raiden: I will not let you or Shinnok destroy my [sister/brother].
You: You fool! This is why Shinnok hates you!
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Dark Raiden
You: Are you even going to be there for [child]?
Raiden: [She/he] can live without me. But [she/he] cannot live without Earthrealm.
You: I won't let you leave so easily this time!
Fujin: Where is your father?
You: I won't let you find him.
Fujin: The darkness grows over you too. I'm sorry, niece.
Revenant Lui Kang: I can never kill Raiden, but I make him live his life in misery.
You: He is finished with your whines, champion.
Revenant Lui Kang: And soon, I'll be finished with you.
Raiden: Where is [she/he]
Revenant Lui Kang: You took away my life, Raiden. Now I took away yours.
Raiden: And I will finish with this life of yours!
Child: Not. Another. Step.
Raiden: You dare cross me?
Child: You killed them, father. You are not deserving of the name, "Protector."
You: Your father's angry at you.
Child: You two have lost yourself in darkness. I trust you mi longer.
You: You forget: I'm not as merciful as him.
Cassie: so, you're dad's a god? Must be nice.
You: 'Til he becomes a dark God. Then it kinda sucks.
Cassie: Eh, my dad sees you as a daughter anyways. That's a plus.
Raiden: I never could have imagined it end this way.
Child: Father, you misunderstand!
Raiden: You helped a Reventant. You betray your realm!
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Noob Saibot / Bi Han (seperate)
Noob: I am not your father.
Child: You may be dead, but you are still my father!
Noob: Bi Han is dead. You are just another orphan.
Child: Saibot is not as fun to play with. He's just a shadow.
Noob: I cannot always be with you, child.
Child: Then why did you ever hsve me?
Kuai Liang: My [niece/nephew]. You have my mother's eyes.
Child: I am not your niece. I was born to Noob, not Bi Han.
Kuai Liang: He is my brother and life, and in death.
You: You left me to raise a child on my lonesome.
Noob: I did what I must to protect [her/him].
You: You'd protect [child] better dead then alive.
Hanzo: It was a mistake. I was blinded by my rage.
Child: I actually came to thank you. I want to learn what you did.
Hanzo: How I killed your father? It went something like this...
Bi Han: I love you.
You: You have yet to prove it. Spend time with [child] if so.
Bi Han: That will have to wait until later, unless you can bring me home yourself.
Frost: I thought your dad said women weren't allowed to be heirs.
Child: No, no. He said bitches aren't allowed to be heirs.
Frost: Your family blood are all assholes.
Kuai Liang: I told you, we cannot waste anymore time.
You: If I can beat you, then I can take down my father!
Kuai Liang: Yes, but you can never bring him back.
Kuai Liang: So you finally settled down.
Bi Han: Correct, brother.
Kuai Liang: Let us see how prepared you are to raise a child, then.
Bi Han: Our daughter does not enjoy watching us fight.
You: You seem to forget; You are the leader, but I am the First Lady.
Bi Han: ...She will have the might of her mother.
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Child: I understand. I will never mean enough to you.
Scorpion: I love you the same as my son. Never doubt that.
Child: Then why do you care for them more than me?
Quan Chi: It would be a shame for it to happen again, yes?
Scorpion: [Child] and Y/N are under my permanently protection.
Quan Chi: Protection... only worked so much, didn't it?
Raiden: You look just like your father.
Son: I am more hellbent than him.
Raiden: Then you can never be saved.
You: Who will it be, your dead family or your new one?
Scorpion: My dear wife, I am sorry. But I cannot let go.
You: I see. Then I suppose you won't be needing us anymore.
Johnny: I saw this chick on my way here. Literally, smokin' hot.
Scorpion: *angrly grips chain* It was you who harassed my daughter?
Johnny: *clicks tongue* Yup. Not good on my part.
Child: I wish I could've killed Hemuri and my brother myself.
Scorpion: He is no brother of yours any longer!
Child: Good. Then if I could kill him, it would be far less meaningless.
Scorpion: You took my child away!
You: Why would you care! We're meaningless compared to your dead family!
Scorpion: Bring [him/her] back!
Quan Chi: I thought I killed you a long time ago.
Child: That was my brother. I had come to avenge my father's clan.
Quan Chi: Then suffer the same fate.
Kuai Liang: Scorpion found love once more.
You: *smiles* He did. Although, he cannot look past what you had done.
Kaui Liang: That was neither I or my brother. Send the message.
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Cassie: So, what's your favorite bug to eat?
Child: Ew, bugs are my father's thing. I prefer the flesh of chickens.
Cassie: Huh. Gotta say, not what I expected.
Erron Black: *Whistles* Ain't you one fine specimen.
Daughter: Half Saurian, half [human/edenian/whatever]. *wink*
Erron Black: That so? Wanna come "put venom in my veins" girlie?
Takeda: I think I've seen this somewhere.
Child: Avatar? I get that a lot.
Takeda: Maybe... or furry conventions.
— (Enter Alice Cooper)
Johnny: I wanna kiss you but your lips are-
You: -venomous poisonnnn.
Johnny: Yeah, how do you kiss that guy anyways and not melt?
Syzoth: *"My child" in Saurian*
Child: *"Father" in Saurian*
Syzoth: *:)*
Shang Tsung: I thought Reptile to be the last of his species.
Child: That was before he had me to a [human/edenian/whatever].
Shang Tsung: I must expirement with such a cross breed.
Jaque: I know Tiana had to kiss the frog to turn him human, but to have a child with the frog?
You: There's more than meets the eye, my dearest.
Jaque: Don't talk that close to me. Don't know where that mouth has been.
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revoevokukil · 9 months
There is an old copy-paste moving around the internet regarding discussions asserting the inherent Slavicness of The Witcher, and I will record it here for posterity.
(translated from polish)
-write eight books
-have their main character suffer from otherness, prejudice and erroneous stereotypes
-insert anti-racist references at every turn
-make dwarves into Jews
-and use to criticise anti-Semitism
-criticise nationalist attitudes
-criticise xeno- and homophobia at every turn
-show support for a multicultural society and acceptance of otherness
-describe how victims become executioners
-show how violence begets violence
-make it the central theme of the last three volumes
-have the hero and his lover die during a racist pogrom
-defend the persecuted to the lastHear from every corner of the internet that "a black witcher would be a disaster."
-write thirteen stories
-based three on Andersen's fairy tales
-three more on the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm
-seventh on an Arabian fairy tale
-mock folklore and folk beliefs in the first one
-but also make fun of them in the story "The Edge of the World"
-mock the Polish legend in "The Limits of Possibility"
-name the main character "Żerard" (Jerald)
-generally use mainly names with Celtic roots like Yenefer or Crach
-and those derived from Romance languages such as Cirilla, Falka or Fringilla or Triss
-a few English names such as Merigold
-and those derived from other Germanic languages such as Geralt
-and Italian
-and even French
-borrow monsters from American games, especially from Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
-from Irish, make an elf language
-and from German, make it the language of dwarves
-make the characters celebrate Irish folk holidays
-write an article about where you got your inspiration from
-pour bile on Slavic fantasy in it
-finally write an eighth book
-make one of the key characters a Japanese demoness
Become a champion of turbo-slavism.
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horizon-verizon · 4 months
Alicent is such a pussy ass bitch, “the beacon burns green when House Hightower calls their banner to war,” she wore a green dress to Rhaenyra’s wedding to signal her allegiance to her house over her husband’s and as a call to arms, and since then, she wore GREEN EVERYDAY, but now that the war that she’s been instigating for 16 years pops off, she suddenly wants to wear blue, fuck off to the forest, and pretend like it’s not what she wanted. I truly can’t stand her mosquitamuerta ass.
"mosquitamuerta" -- I searched it up, means someone who 's doing something shady but makes themselves look innocent and not responsible for it.
Yeah, that's my other issue with Alicent. I have said several times how the green dress moment made no sense for several reasons[twitter, this one more about how she would never have chosen that particular dress], Alicent of episodes 6-7 show a "warring" Alicent. It's not just that she would never choose to wear that dress and not for the color, but it's that the writers nullified Alicent's whole arc of her becoming a true direct and rounded threat towards the blacks when we get to the 8th episode.
Or maybe they were forced to nullify it and make nothing of it after episode 7 bc they erroneously positioned the conservative "rebel". Or that it inevitably fell apart.
There is a huge difference b/t bk!Rhaenyra wearing her black dress in clear, broadcasted self-affirming defiance to the woman who is trying to get her removed from her position using her gender against her VS show!Alicent "rebelling" because Rhaenyra refused to endanger herself and tell the truth about her, Cole, & Daemon. Rhaenyra was not complying to those sexist calls made by both fans AND those who had to have been at court & went closer to the queen's party for her to just give up. This is itself a knock against patriarchy.
Whereas with show!Alicent--though yes she is clearly trying to convey she won't try to fit herself into the Targaryen family, work for the royal family's interests more, make herself more "Targ"--it is also true that she ends up still trying to genuinely [key word] trying to make Viserys comfortable, make herself his perfect wife, follow what she thinks was his wishes (and I'm talking about before he died and after episode 5), etc.. She, unlike red-black-dress-bk!Rhaenyra, is still sincerely trying to abide by the patriarchal feudal status quo's principles of wifely obedience/solicitation to punch down on Rhaenyra, the "rebel". Thus, yeah, Alicent's green dress moment just transitions into the downward spiral she vaults herself on.
It would have made way more sense for Alicent to confront Otto, the person who actually ruined her life by pimping her out to Viserys. No, she is in a repressed delusion and probably would never, but that's exactly my point--this moment is supposed to be a clarifying moment where we the viewer/reader see who has been the victim, who the harasser, who the protagonist, who the antagonist, who the beleaguered, who the harasser. Giving that to the woman who will unfairly abuse Rhaenyra for basically not complying with an abusive system as perfectly as she should is self defeating, opposite of what this story is about, and discourages female self assertion through a distortion and using a token woman to do that job for you. Look, it's a woman doing this, and a terribly abused woman, too, she has to be right! Rhaenyra is the one who should have "done her duty" and not lie to Alicent! Meanwhile, Alicent's father is trying to get Rhaenyra removed and Alicent, back in episode 3, did not tell Rhaenyra that Otto is basically forcing her to visit Viserys and become his wife. No, Alicent was telling her to not mind the political plots of the men, or mind men's business when Rhaenyra is heir (and must concern herself w/politics!) AND Otto is one of those Rhaenyra has to watch out for but Alicent is actively preventing her from doing so!! And not even purposefully, which does not make her impressive, but sad. Which isn't fun and a total downgrade from her orig self.
...Plus, Rhaenyra of the show didn't even understand wtf Alicent was doing with the green dress bc on her end she still thinks Alicent doesn't know bc Alicent has not let anyone know what Cole said to her...by contrast, it is likely that bk!Alicent understood Rhaenyra's message in her wearing the black dress at her anniversary.
That moment of episode 5 was peak gaslighting, male gaze, & manipulation.
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atlasofthestaars · 1 year
feel free to call me tea/atlas/star! she/her! 20 yrs old!
if you're wondering @seaofstaars is my primary!
Various Mortal Kombat Kharacters x Reader! Follows a plot that somewhat follows the main story of Mortal Kombat 1.
.001 / .002 / .003 / .004 / .005 / .006 / .007 / .008 / .009 / .010 / .011 / .012 / .013 / ,014 / .015
none yet!
soft dom/sub hcs
heart to heart
heart to heart
comfort in you
heart to heart
heart to heart
a helping hand
comfort in you
heart to heart
comfort in you
heart to heart
heart to heart
heart to heart
sick days
heart to heart
comfort in you
general hcs/nsfw hcs
for you
heart to heart
heart to heart
heart to heart
heart to heart
heart to heart
heart to heart
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