#eshays suck
Had a wild (and slightly funny) trans experience at the train station the other day.
I was walking from one platform to another platform through a long tunnel, listening to music, wearing a long pair of shorts and a black t-shirt. Overall, I look pretty masc, right? Not to some kids apparently!
These two eshay kids are behind me yelling “Oi Miss!” And it becomes apparent to me that there is no one else in the tunnel. They are talking to me. The younger one (maybe 12/13?) comes around one side, the older (15/16?) on the other. The older one points at the younger one and goes “Yo Miss! He’s got the hots for you!” (Genuinely what he said).
Aha! They have fallen into my unintentional trap! Time to use The Man Voice™
“You know I’m a guy, right?”
They begin to panic about potentially being attracted to a man.
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daenystheedreamer · 4 months
Hiii fellow Aussie here. How would you rank the teen characters by how likely they are to be/be friends with eshays? Dance or main era or both idm :3
(Arya would be near the top I love her but she would absolutely be into all of that even if only to piss off Ned and Cat)
oh arya 100% like lommy and hot pie thats eshays 😭 she's vaping with them at the frankston train station. gendry eshay adjacent. sansa is like throwing up in her mouth when she sees them with arya. meera is upselling them the weed that sucks a bit. robb is eshay adjacent.... that man has no fashion sense and you know he goes through a mullet phase. jon not an eshay but some of his friends are. to him its like Well it takes all types i respect everyone's gender identity. and asha. well is tris botley not an eshay. aegonii comes across as an eshay but idk i also see him as one of those sex pest grammar school boys snorting cocaine at some sydney hotel. jace and luke are eshays and thats why its okay aemond killed that 14yo
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driftwooddestiel · 5 months
its funny the guys in my year think theyre above being eshays cos they make fun of them or whatever but theyre literally exactly the same as eshays just most of them are rich and dont call themselves eshays. theyve still got the mullets the buzzcuts rhe vaping the general rudeness etc etc. but then theyre like ‘lol [suburb] sucks its full of eshays’… bro you are one degree away from eshaydom you were an eshay a couple years ago i remember it 😭 youre fooling nobody
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yeetus-feetus · 11 months
Okay random question but what are eshays like up in Sydney?
They wear a lot of Adidas and Nike- they're obsessed with overpriced shoes, have really really stupid haircuts, they bark at people they think are 'emo'. And they vape so much I'm pretty sure they're brains have shrivelled up, they're actually idiots. They drink so much rockstar and alcohol they'll probably die of liver failure in their late 30's too. They're self entitled and rude, they literally think they run the place, and they speak mostly in pig-latin so half the time they make no sense at all- which is kinda funny when they try threatening you. Also the ones in my town throw shit at me when I leave the house. Like I can't go anywhere without them harrassing me and calling me a faggot tranny. Most of them play football, track and field (which is why I had to stop), and they hang out at all the skateparks with their oilslick scooters which sucks because now I have nowhere to skateboard. Also they're all highschool dropouts, which gives us much cooler dropouts a bad name. Oh and a lot of them end up doing traineeships to become tradies, so I fear for the future of our infrastructure because they can't even do basic math.
Basically a bunch of loser asshole bullies who are gonna end up with a bunch of kids from different women because they skipped class and never learned about protection. And if they don't end up dead they'll end up in jail for assault and harrassment. Or idk, maybe get sued for poor quality building and creating unsafe working conditions.
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Topics of conversation with my coworker today include
Biblical incest
The Royal Family
How Humans Suck
How animals should overtake us
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sunsetcurvecuddles · 3 years
Britgate has gone too far... let aussie jatp take its place
absolutely crying at every single possibility this entails and this reply does NOT do it justice i’m gonna need other people to pitch in. #aussiegate
honestly my first thought...i hate to say it but alexs fanny pack and fancy sneakers and zip off pants are ... i mean..  i mean bro they’re kinda eshay not gonna lie. and hes dating a skater??? like cmon...just say all you guys do is hang out at bus stops and go
julies childhood crush was scotty from abc3s prank patrol.
willie is the kind of person who replies to everything with either “yeah, nah” or “nah, yeah” or “yeah, nah, yeah!”
reggie never shuts the fuck up about fairy bread and fruit rollups from when they were kids and how much he fucking misses being a kid and the others are like dude you can still eat those things no one is stopping you.
he was also obsessed with mr squiggle as a kid.
luke never got his pen license
alex came out because of ian roberts. he thought if one of his dad’s favourite footie players could do it, so could he.
reggie’s reaction when he finds out sizzler closed down.
alex grew up in adelaide and then moved to wherever the boys live and they all make fun of him for having a posh accent
for the record emily worked at centrelink. i just know she did. she just has the vibe. no she cannot accelerate your claim.
reggie is obsessed with daryl braithwaite
ray calls the kids anklebiters (affectionate)
all the boys wanted was to get onto triple js hottest 100 and in ‘95 they scraped in by like 4 places or something and had a huge party.
any time luke in the show says “that sucks” or something just replace it with him going “ah shit, devo”
caleb covington runs an outdoor weekend-long music festival
luke tells bobby to “fuck off, cunt (affectionate)” every day of their living lives and when he finally confronts him post-s1 he says “excuse me, mate (derogatory)” and that’s how trevor knows he has deeply, thoroughly, completely broken luke’s heart
aussie jatp fans please for the love of god contribute to this i cannot live up to its potential on my own
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poptod · 3 years
The Breeding Kings, pt. 14, (Ahkmenrah x Reader)
Description: And the blame.
Notes: WC: 5.6k
Crimson painted his clothes as Batnoam fell to his knees, rushing to support his uncle's limp neck. Abdhamon's mouth gaped open as his head lolled to the side, the whites of his eyes rolling back to expose red veins, crawling up to his cloudy iris. A sharp gasp tore through you as you saw this. Batnoam cradled the corpse in his arms, calling his name again and again but never crying. No, he shook the weak shoulders, as though he were trying to wake the man up, not hug him.
Ahkmen grabbed you by the waist, pulling you close with the sudden realization that someone here killed Abdhamon. Someone stabbed him, someone was capable of murder, and he only knew five out of twenty-plus people, and even those relationships were no more than a scant introduction.
Others around him had the same idea––people grouped into each other, drawing closer to those they trusted and staring wide-eyed at anyone they distrusted. Murmurs ran through the crowd as Batnoam finally raised himself to his feet.
"How did this happen," he said, his voice trembling and low.
The mumbles disappeared into silence.
"Who did this?!" He barked louder, causing you to flinch back into Ahk's hold.
"Calm down, Batnoam," Ahk said softly.
"Don't tell me what to do!" He seethed, his hands curling into fists. "Someone here did this. We're four days' travel from any city."
Ahk's grip on your shoulders grew tighter.
"None of you are leaving till the murderer steps forward," said Batnoam as he met the eye of every listener.
"We don't have enough food to just stay here," Khawa said, stepping forward. "We need to keep moving."
"I'll starve all of you out," Batnoam growled. "I don't care how long it takes."
Frightened words poured from the mouths of onlookers, panicked by the sudden proclamation.
"My people need to be in Babylon within the week, we can't afford this kind of break," interrupted one of the women standing beside the Egyptian soldier Makko had warned Ahk about.
"You think I can afford the death of my uncle?" Batnoam responded bitterly.
"I don't –"
"No one is leaving. I want all of you inside this tent, now," Batnoam said as he drew out his sword, pointing everyone towards the white tent that the corpse of Abdhamon bled out under.
Awkward looks were followed by shuffling as Batnoam barked the order again, thrusting the curved blade towards the group. Ahk backed both of you away, rushing you into the tent and pulling you to the furthest corner, and sitting down quietly in hopes of avoiding suspicion.
Over time with you, Ahk slowly realized you only rarely initiated touch with him or anyone, but now you were pressing yourself against him, nearly sitting in his lap. You were wrapped around his arm, your legs half propped up on his own crossed legs.
"We'll do this organized," Batnoam said, watching carefully and counting those seated. "Clean. Fair. Unlike the coward who took Abdhamon in the night instead of facing his opponent like a man."
Ahk grimaced.
"I want you all to pick a representative," he said. "Someone you believe will protect your innocence, should you have it."
You and Ahk looked to each other.
"Do we.. both go up?" He asked softly.
"Do not ask me," you said, raising your hands defensively.
"Hey," someone whispered, tapping you on the shoulder.
You turned and Ahk followed as they tapped his shoulder, as well.
"You can go with us," Makko suggested, gesturing to his group.
"Who's speaking for you?" Ahk asked.
"Absolutely," Ahk agreed without hesitation. He then turned to you and said in a much softer voice, "right? Is that alright?"
"Yes, that is good," you said quietly, your gaze darting between him, Makko, and Batnoam.
"Okay. Are you feeling alright?"
"Well..." you sucked in a breath as you looked up at him, "no. I do not see... the dead very much."
"Ah," he mumbled.
It was understandable––he was, in a way, desensitized to violence, and found himself more comfortable around it than many others were, but still less comfortable than people such as. He had never been sure whether or not you'd seen the actual death of your family members, and going by your current reaction he'd venture to guess you hadn't. Unfortunately, he wasn't sure what was worse; seeing your parents killed, or having them go missing without a single trace, like they'd never existed in the first place.
He began to wonder about Batnoam, about his parents, if he'd lost them and that was why he was with his uncle now. Batnoam was old enough to be on his own––a little over 20 years old––but that didn't mean he was self-sufficient.
Those thoughts, those questions, left his mind as you curled further into him, feeling your rapidly beating heart through his arm clutched to your chest. He shuffled to try and hold you.
"Don't worry," he murmured, his lips pressed to the top of your head. "I'll keep us safe."
How he would do that he had no idea, but he was assured he would sooner walk into the ocean than leave you defenseless.
Both of you fell asleep, leant against each other until someone knocked Ahk's supporting hand with their foot, collapsing your fragile tower. Ahk looked up in a blunder, recognizing Khawa above him holding a torch.
"What is –" you mumbled as you sat up, before being interrupted.
"I am to question all of you," she said, looking to each of her counterparts, and then to you.
"Oh for fuck's sake," Ahk sighed. "This is going to take forever. The desert isn't exactly a safe place to hold a murder investigation."
"I am fully aware of that, Aganu," she said sternly. "What would you do?"
He had no reply, which was in itself its' own answer. He shrunk into himself and crossed his arms, relenting to Khawa, who nodded her head curtly before beginning with Eshai.
Each interview took hours, leaving the whole of the caravan cooped up, cramped, and irritable. Rumors spread easily beneath the white tent, even into the next morning. Khawa only managed to get through three people by sunrise, leaving you and Ahk to scuff the dirt floor, Ahk braiding short, curled strands of your hair, and you petting your cat curled up after a long night of wandering. Almost all the mud from the dead sea was gone by now, but it still left traces of red in the locks.
Shirat had been plucking her lute for the past couple hours, though there was no melody or rhythm to the notes, and she played very quietly so as to not draw attention. Eshai didn't have that same aptitude, and paced for the hours following his interrogation. Similarly, Makko couldn't stop talking, spouting theories and worries without thought.
"Vhat do you think he will do to whoever did zis?" He asked in a quiet voice, broken by his relentlessly bouncing leg.
"I don't know, Makko," Ahk said, the same thing he said for the last six questions.
"Maybe.. he vill cast zem into the desert?"
"I don't know."
"Maybe he vill just kill zem," he shrugged.
"Well... where does he come from?" Ahk asked, his hands falling from your hair as he focused onto Makko.
"I don't think he ever said," Makko said, pulling at his lip with tense fingers. "He might have said zat he was on the Euphrates, but I do not know for surely."
"That's mostly Babylonian, isn't it?"
Makko shrugged, his eyes falling to the ground.
"They're eye for an eye types," Ahk said quietly.
"... I hope so," Makko mumbled, earning a surprised look from Ahk. He quickly explained himself with, "I do not trust those who can take a life."
"I don't blame you," he said as he returned to your hair, continuing with the small, half-done braid hanging near your ear.
Once his arms tired of holding up his hands, he dropped them into your lap, shifting to wrap himself around your torso from the back. He rested his chin on your shoulder, taking in your scent deeply till he leant on your cheek.
"Be needing something?" You asked with a halfhearted chuckle.
"No," he sighed, enjoying how wholly he could wrap around you, hiding you from sight. "Just a little tired."
"You did sleep," you said.
"A little," he said with a small nod. "Not going to sleep for a while after this."
"Oh. You will still help me to get sleep, yes?" You asked, twisting to try and face him, only to bump your nose with his and turn rapidly away in embarrassment.
"Yeah," he mumbled, slowly resting his chin back on your shoulder as you tried to breathe. "Of course."
Khawa returned with the last of her own people, her attention then turning to Ahk, who was still wrapped around you and dozing uneasily. You nudged him after noticing her look.
"Your turn, Egyptian," she said, turning to leave, leading him to a corner of the abandoned edges of camp, where no one could hear them speak.
He gulped through a tight throat as he sat down on a boulder, his knees pressed tight together and his hands intertwined neatly in his lap. Khawa spared him little mercy, sitting down across from him with a seething look, her glare burning through his consciousness. He hadn't done anything––at least not to his knowledge––but she already had him sweating bullets.
"How had you met this group?" She began with, never blinking even once while Ahk tried to stutter out an answer.
"Batnoam, um.. he and Yogi were talking in one of the shops at Jericho, and, uh... they found out we were going the same direction, so Batnoam introduced us to his uncle," he said, fidgeting with the growing tail end of his hair.
"And how did you meet Yogi?"
"In Egypt," he said with a nod. "My friend introduced us, they worked at the school I attended."
"Why are you travelling through the desert?"
"We're trying to find Yogi's home. They weren't... they aren't safe in Egypt. Yogi thinks Harappa will be better for them," he answered quietly.
"Why is it not safe in Egypt for them?"
"I'm... honestly.." he trailed off as he tried to recall what exactly had spurred the escape on, as there were several occurrences leading up to the decision. "Yogi kept trying to learn what the priests were teaching me and some of the other noble's children, and the soldiers didn't like that, so... I, um, I found them locked beneath the palace."
"Because they were trying to... learn?" She asked with an odd look.
"I know," he said, sighing. "I never claimed Egypt had great ideas when it comes to immigrants and the poor."
"No one really does," she said quietly.
A moment of silence passed before the questions resumed, continuing into the late morning when Khawa finally returned Ahk to the tent. The walk back was equally as silent, Ahk's hands curled into anxious fists even as he sat back down next to you, calming only with your touch on his thigh.
"Are you good?" You asked, your eyes flickering all over his body as though you were searching him for wounds.
"I'm fine," he mumbled, looking away.
"Yogi," a quiet voice said from above, nudging you on the leg. You neck craned up to Khawa. "I need to ask you questions, too."
"Oh," you said, glancing around before picking Sephys carefully off of your lap, and placing her in Ahk's.
Khawa offered you her hand, pulling you up when you took it. You cleared your breath, brushed your clothes of dust and hair, and followed Khawa out of the tent, glancing back to Ahk with a tented brow tight with anxiousness. He had to bite his cheek to avoid following after that look.
She asked you the same questions––why you were there, how you'd come across the troupe, and how you met your companion. You answered to the fullest extent till Khawa leaned in, her tone sobering further as distant conversation muttered in the wind.
"Have you met Aganu's family?" She asked.
"No," you said. "He has not seen my family, too."
She stared at you, seemingly gauging your expression.
"Is he... violent?"
"Not as I have seen," you said, shaking your head.
"And his friends? Have you met them?"
"Yes, they are... full of money, but good people," you said.
Another moment of silence passed before she relented with, "alright. We can go now."
When you returned, you sat back down next to Ahk, earning his attentive worry.
"Did she rattle you?" He asked, scanning you much like you'd scanned him when he came back.
"No, I am good," you chuckled, gently pushing away his tight-gripped hands.
"What did she ask you?"
"Please do not talk about your interviews with each other," Khawa said in a stern but low voice, looking up from the wooden pipe in her hands.
"Sorry," you said instinctively.
"What've you got there?" Ahk asked, squinting as he tried to make out the pipe's intricate details marking up and down the pipe.
"Azullu," she said, pinching more of an herb from an antelope-skin bag, and stuffing it into the bowl end of the pipe, where a crescent moon was carved.
"What is it?" You asked as Ahk shuffled forward on his knees.
He peeked into the small, drawstring bag, to where ground leaves had been dried and turned into a green herb. With a whiff, he easily recalled the scent.
"Hey, we've had this before," he said, nudging you without looking away from the bag.
"We have?"
"It does have many names," Khawa said, shrugging.
"Shemshemet, the, uh..."
"Ohh, the shemet!" You said with the biggest grin he'd seen all night and day.
"They say it is bhang, in Harappa," Makko informed you, glancing briefly away from his embroidery; a long, white sheet half in his lap and half in Eshai's, the both of them sewing tiny beads of faience to the silk fabric.
"You know about my home?" You asked, your excitement giving way for shock (albeit still excited shock). You were practically beaming, leaning closer to Makko who sat across from you in the small circle.
"A little," he said with a nod. "I learned about it while.. working in a library."
"You worked in a library?" Ahk asked.
"Well –"
"You can read, then?" You asked, your eyes growing wider as you expectantly awaited his answer.
"A little," he said again, this time more subdued.
"Alright, I would like some help starting a fire," Khawa stated suddenly as she stood, her pipe in hand.
"Why?" Caifas asked in almost a whine.
"It's already so hot," Eshai added quietly in the Akkadian language.
"Fine. You want to wait to have this?" She gestured to the pipe. "Then you can wait until the night."
She sat back down, her words bringing a dead stop to the conversation held in the circle of seven. In the middle of the silence Ahk's heart began to pound, overflowing with a sudden worry considering the sanity of Batnoam's methods. Food had been his main concern, but now that he thought of it, no one there had any access to water. At all. He dug his uncut nails into his palm, digging in deeper than he'd ever been able to with polished and clean nails.
"How long do you think Batnoam will keep us here?" He asked softly, staring at the ground and addressing no one in particular.
"I do not know," Khawa said in a strained voice.
"We are in a drought, aren't we? We probably aren't going to get more water until we reach Terqa," Ahk said with strained hands.
"I do not think Batnoam cares," you murmured, looking behind you.
Ahk followed your gaze to the distant form of Batnoam, towering over the tiny bushes growing in the somewhat moist area of the desert. He was searching through the tents and tarps, tearing apart beds and campfires in search of something, something which he could apparently not find.
"You are right," you said to him quietly. "We do need to travel alone."
"No, we just need to travel in smaller groups," he said, hoping his words would be of some comfort to you.
You didn't verbally respond, but you leant your head on his shoulder and sighed deeply. He revelled in that touch.
The morning passed into noon and into night, at which time Ahk realized he'd only taken two swallows of water throughout the whole day. His tongue could barely move from the roof of his mouth and he was rubbing his eyes incessantly, partially from the wind that blew burning sand into them, and partially because they were already dry to begin with. Batnoam made no progress, but the people who sat beneath his sword were growing antsy.
Perhaps the only good part of the day finally progressing into the evening was that the seven of them now had a good excuse to light a fire. One could not see the stars sitting beneath a tent, so with Batnoam's permission you went to gather bits of brush and sticks, bringing them back to Khawa's seat.
Once she was satisfied she began to light the fire, muttering incantations to herself in languages neither of you could understand. Instead of asking, you pulled Ahk back down to his own seat, and enjoyed the slow process of creating and taming fire. He moved to find Batnoam, but you pulled him down before he could stand and intertwined your hand with his. That kept him unbreakably near to you.
The fire easily burnt through bits of leaves and soft fibers, glowing just long enough to light the larger parts of wood on fire, as well. Soon the campfire was crackling away, lighting up the darkened tent and allowing Khawa to finally pull the packed pipe out from underneath her robes.
She stuck a thin stick in the fire, lighting the tip of it and bringing it into the bowl. By breathing in from the mouthpiece she inhaled the smoke, allowing it to pour out from her nose and mouth before she drew in again, assuring it would stay alight. Khawa then passed it to Eshai, who was sitting beside her.
Smoke from both the pipe and the campfire began to drift to the ceiling of the tent, pooling in the highest spot till a grey haze blurred out the more distant parties. The smell reached each corner, causing more than a few people to look their way, but none dared to say anything.
Shemshemet––or azullu, as Khawa called it––did wonders for relaxing the body in both physical and mental aspects. His grandfather had used it for the poisoning of the limbs, when his joints began to ache and creak with weary use. Now he called upon its' psychic properties, breathing in deep in hopes of an even deeper cleansing, ridding him of the less useful anxiety. You did the same, inhaling a massive cloud of smoke that billowed out from between your darkened lips.
"Wow," he said involuntarily after the last puffs of smoke left you. You giggled, your hand coming up to cover your mouth that remnants of the herb still left.
"Thank you," you said with a bow of your head in his direction that also left him laughing despite himself.
While desert days could roast an egg on a rock, the evenings were almost pleasant, chilled only by winds that called for yet more campfires to be started. Carpets, bags, and blankets were stuffed away in the corners of the open, white tent, making room for warmth that soon filled up the camp. Batnoam was still nowhere to be seen and had left Bahiti, a woman from Egypt, to survey the people.
No meat was cooked. No searing, no scents, only the burning bowl of shemshemet still drifting skyward. Everyone had unanimously, as well as silently, agreed that tonight would be a night of very little in hopes of preserving their food for the prolonged stay in the Shamiyah desert.
If Ahk stood, which apparently counted as 'suspicious' to Bahiti, he could find the edge of the land beyond the shallow dip in the dunes, towards distant mountains, still short but ragged with red rock. In the night it was little less than a silhouette, a darkened outline beneath the glowing horizon leading up into ink-black night. He had never been further from the Nile, and despite the less-than-suitable circumstances, he still enjoyed the mystery of a land he'd only ever heard about in his caretaker's stories as a child.
Since the bowl, and thus the herb, was shared, passed around by seven people, Ahkmen felt less of the effects than usual. No mind-blowing high or giddy behavior, but instead a vague calmness that helped compress the occurences of the last day and a half.
Abdhamon was dead. His nephew, Batnoam, had learned a fair amount from him, but Ahk correctly surmised he didn't know the desert quite as well as the elder did. That meant many of the stops along the way, many of the oasises, would be lost to the caravan, and water would be more scarce.
"Where do you zink he is?" Makko asked in a whisper, subtly looking out past Ahk's head.
Makko nodded.
"I think he's searching our belongings," Ahk said, turning 180 to look as well before Makko reached panicked hands forward and pulled him back into place.
"Do not let him see you," he said with wide eyes.
"Calm down," Ahk chuckled. "He won't hurt us for no reason."
"He did threaten us with a sword," Khawa added quietly, a pointed argument that left both Ahkmen and Makko silent.
Ahk, who didn't have many hobbies outside studying astronomy and reading, managed to fit seventeen braids into your hair without you noticing. Tiny, woven strands now littered your head, a mark of someone who cares about you, though you wouldn't see them, at least not for a long while now.
You kept yourself busy for a while––helping Makko, Eshai, and Khawa embroider the silk cloth, or working on mending your own tattered clothes, but you soon tired of sewing. For the last hour you'd been doing nothing but playing with Sephys, and even she was growing sick of you.
"Yogasundari," he murmured, tapping your arm. You immediately turned to him. "Come lie down with me."
"You are going to sleep?" You asked, but still followed him as he lay on his back, trailing as though you were tied to him.
"No, I want to show you something."
As promised, Ahk couldn't quite get tired what with all the ruckus, and since the fires were going on their last embers, the sky would be clearer now than any other time.
A day and a half of waiting, and at last you were on your backs next to each other, staring up at the same stars. His shoulder brushed yours, but your hands remained folded neatly on your chest.
"Did you know the pyramids are the stars?" He asked, tilting his head to you.
".. how?" You asked in a soft, mystified voice.
"The entrance to Osiris' palace lies in the brightest star," he said as he raised his arm, pointing to Sirius. "Sirius, and then Orion."
"They are.. together?"
"Well the pyramids, the three large ones that I took you by, they are matching to the belt of Orion, and the great Sphynx of the city matches the great Lion of the sky," he said, shifting to point to the lion's constellation. "That is where the sun rises in the aftermath of creation."
"In the death?"
He nodded.
"And the belt of stars," he gestured to the ring of white stardust painting the middle of the sky, "is the Nile, on earth. With the living."
"So in death... the river is the stars," you said, turning from the stars to him.
"A little, yes," he chuckled, adoring the humored gleam in your eye.
"And the Pharaoh is the stars," you said.
"Yes, when Pharaohs die, they become the stars. Particularly over..." he scanned the sky for a moment, "there."
A cluster of bright stars remained hidden near the horizon.
"Ah," you whispered, nodding. "I am happy to see you are doing good with your... your promise."
"Which one?" He asked, recalling what you were talking about only after he'd asked.
"You will tell me what you know, remember?" You said as you met his eye expectantly. "I will give you all the beer you want."
"Don't worry about that," he said, sitting up with a tone of seriousness in his movements. "You don't need to make me anything or give me anything. I came with you willingly and I will share with you willingly."
You giggled, closing your eyes and turning away with reddened cheeks. Your knees propped up, hands coming to fall beside your head, even as you shook your head to yourself.
"What?" He asked with a grin.
"You will share with me?" You asked through your giggles.
"Everything," he answered.
"Everything?" You repeated, your brows quirking up.
You shot up, reaching a lightning-fast hand forward and snatching the scarf off his head. He let out a small, subdued shout from the suddenness of it.
"I do look good?" You asked, situating the scarf over your already existing hat, as well as over all the braids Ahk had managed to fit into your hair.
"Wonderful, as always," he chuckled.
"Then I will have your shirt too," you said, and before he could process what you said you were tugging at his shirt, undoing the tassels and buttons and practically ripping it off his body.
"Hey!" He said indignantly, his mouth falling open as he stared at you confused.
Somehow, you managed to fit his shirt over your clothes as well, now wearing double-hats and double-shirts while Ahk only had his pants and sandals left.
"Meanie," he said, plucking the scarf off your head and wrapping it around his bare waist.
"Here, you need this, for your head," you said, unable to stop giggles from pouring out of you as you set his shirt over his head. He laughed, his vision mostly blocked by the large piece of fabric.
"Mother Goddess," Makko interrupted, turning to both of you with a very strange look on his face. "How long have you two been married?"
"Honeymoon time," Caifas said quietly.
"Honey-what?" You asked, at the same time Ahk said –
"We're not married," said Ahkmen far too quickly. His eyes darted to you and back to the group at large.
Everyone fell silent as they gave him odd stares.
"What??" He asked again, and they dropped it.
"What is honeymoon?" You whispered, tugging at his arm.
"Nothing. Phase of moon," he mumbled.
Footsteps grinding against rock and brush interrupted the murmurs of conversation passing around the tent. Ahk turned to see Batnoam, black crescents beneath his eyes and a dagger in his hand as he approached the caravan. He pulled you into him, shielding you away as Batnoam passed by, headed towards the center to address those who stared at him.
"Nassor?" He called; the name of the Egyptian soldier.
Ahk could physically feel his will shrinking as Nassor stood, his tall, dark form sticking out amongst the light colored robes of his group. He stepped forward without flinching.
"You tossed this away," Batnoam said, practically growling the words as he pointed the bloodstained dagger directly at Nassor's neck. The man still didn't flinch. "I know you were carrying it while we were travelling. The hilt is quite recognizable."
"You have no proof," Nassor stated flatly, crossing his arms.
"We're a thousand spans from any government, Nassor," he spat. "I don't need evidence to do in with you."
"You w-"
Nassor's word stopped with the gushing of blood, his own dagger thrust into his throat. You gasped sharply, backing up into Ahk as you once more covered your mouth, wide eyes burning with fear.
With a harsh pull, Batnoam leased the blade from Nassor's neck, allowing the soon-to-be corpse to fall to his knees. Shouts and claims of insanity began to come from the crowd, something Ahk should've expected sooner than he did.
"Quiet! All of you," he barked above the noise, pointing the dagger covered in two men's blood to the crowd, causing drops of it to fall upon them. "Bahiti says there's another. Someone who told Nassor what to do."
Ahk glanced to those surrounding him both near and far, a sudden agitation building in his veins.
He's going insane, he thought, his eyes darkening.
"That person, or persons, is going to step forward," he met each listener's eye, "or I'm going to start killing till I find the right one."
You gave Ahk a look that screamed, 'what the fuck'.
"You can't do that!" Someone cried, but was quickly hushed by a hand over their mouth. Others voiced such things in wavering tones.
Batnoam reached into the crowd, dragging out one of the men from Cyprus by his hair. Ahkmen hadn't met the man before, but he had a short stature, long hair, and was clawing at Batnoam's hands in an attempt to release them. His woman companion leased a cry of his name; Aegeus. At the sight of this you dug into your bag, searching frantically for some sort of potion that would be of use in such a situation.
Before you could find anything befitting, Makko suddenly shot up from his spot beside Ahk, yelling something he couldn't process till the whole of the tent turned dead silent.
"It's me," he'd said, a proclamation both you and Ahk had a visceral reaction to.
"What?" Ahk said astounded.
"I'm –" his voice cracked, "I did not kill anyone, but I'm probably ze reason your uncle is dead."
Batnoam, who was still holding the man by his hair with a knife to his throat, paused to listen with dead eyes. Attention fell to Makko, who began to shake with the many eyes pointed towards him.
"My father's wife hired men to do away vith me. I had to leave my home, but I am sure those hunters would chase me even here," he said, growing quieter as he finished.
"Why has she done that?" You asked.
"Mostly to legitimize her son's claim to the throne," he mumbled.
"The throne?" Batnoam repeated, seemingly in the same state of disbelief and shock as everyone else. He released the man, who scrambled back to his wife.
Ahkmen, sensing an opportunity, decided to look out across the faces. Most had open mouths, others wide eyes, but all paying ardent attention, except two men sitting close to each other, who only looked up sparingly to glare at Makko.
"It's them," he said suddenly, interrupting Makko's next sentence as he pointed a finger to the two men. He stood and continued with, "they're the only ones not surprised by what you're saying."
All eyes turned to the two men, one of which began to look rather frightened, while the other turned to anger.
"Just because we're not paying attention doesn't mean we know what you're talking about," one of them said with a glare.
"It's hardly evidence," the other said.
"Haven't we been over this?" Ahk asked, empowered for the first time in days to tease. He tapped his chin as though he was thinking it over. "Oh, right. We're weeks away from civilization. No law requires proper evidence... it's only what we know."
One of the stranger's faces paled, while the other hardened, glaring at Ahkmen.
Batnoam motioned to Aegeus––the short, stocky man with the terrified wife––who steeled his expression, grabbed the two men, and threw them forward to land in front of Batnoam, their faces scratched and scuffed with dust. Stress still remained knotted into his features, shifty eyes switching between the members of his own group and Batnoam.
"How did you say you were from? How you got here?" Batnoam demanded, now pointing the blade to the men knelt before him.
"Theodore said he was from mainland Greece," Aegeus answered for him, his voice broken and cracking. "But Mopsus travelled recently from the Persian Gulf. Elam, I believe."
"Elam, they have made much grief with Assyrians," Batnoam said, eyes flickering between the two men. "Someone must've payed you off, and you killed my uncle to cover your tracks, just in case anyone knew who Makko is."
He leaned in, pressing the dagger up against Mopsus' neck, drawing a thin sliver of crimson blood.
"I live for killing filth like you," he spat.
With that, he shot the blade in a straight line, slicing open his throat. Mopsus let out garbled sounds as bubbling blood poured from him, filled his mouth so as to make him choke on his own lifeline. Ahk curled you into his chest, hiding your face from view as he fell from his knees, thumping onto the carpet floor. He could feel you flinch at each sound, and the panicked breathing that followed.
Another body thumped to the ground before Batnoam stood, straightening his back as he gazed down upon the mangled bodies still bleeding out onto the carpets.
"Alright," he breathed out, tossing the dagger to the side. "Let's get the hell out of this desert."
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steponmepinkjun · 3 years
oh right yall actually call it mcdonalds over there thats crazy. way too many syllables. but yeah while we know felix as the bright and cute boy who becomes friends with everyone, theres no way he'd be able to keep that up in customer service. no one can. mf will instantly revert to the dark and intimidating image they tried to give him in the earlier eras bc of his deep voice. ppl pull up at the drive through and he just goes "hi ok what do you want." even the brightest people i know dampen as soon as they step foot into a maccas they work at, that shit is soul-sucking. that being said i do see him having fun bullying the managers into liking him bc thats what the eshays do and somehow it works. they just be a shit but get away with it cause theyre hot. i see this so vividly you dont understand maccas!felix was real i swear it
HYPEBEAST WANNABE HOODRAT THATS IT THATS ESHAYS straight up better wording than i could explain it lmfao. BUT YOU SEE IT NOW LIKE i hate eshays and i love my boys but i See It. besides teenagers are constantly tryna be people theyre not just to fit in so its not really a stretch for such a drastic change to happen in their personalities like it couldve totally happened i can see it. except chan left aus at like 13 so he was probs actually just an eshay in the making that never went through the full conversion LMAOOO
OK BUT LIKE THATS SO VALID OF YOU QUEEN... KNOW YOUR WORTH.... thats not stupid at all imo i actually feel the same for the most part. like yes i get all sulky when i realise people dont like me or whatever but thats only bc i Know im that bitch and i Know im worth it. worth more. i be all "hhuuu i want an s/o :((" but as soon as someone Breathes in my direction im like hmmm youre okay and objectively worth my time but i can do Better. can i actually do better? who knows! i dont go outside often enough to find out my ass is unemployed w like 2 friends lmAOoo but thank you, the reassurance does help, esp from a stranger on the internet who isnt like. incredibly biased LOL "I have genuinely spent the better part of several days looking forward to you possibly sending me more messages" that shit hurted. on god that shit hurted im !!!!! glad i could make your days at least somewhat more entertaining, you've definitely made mine. i laughed way too hard at your descriptions on how youd go off at a bitch who tries to slander the homies lmAOOO i felt that shit in my soul tho like if ppl hurt me ill be like well fuck you too bro but ppl even just give my friends a slightly less than ideal vibe i will physically manifest in their doorway at ass o clock in the morning and make sure they'll have nightmares about me for the next six years. genuinely considering jumping bitches for the homies at some point but quickly remembered i am a Noodle and will get my ass kicked. this is why i wanna take up martial arts no one will be able to stop me then. im here for skz bodyguard sara tho like go clock some sasaengs bitch!! ill hold your hoops girl go gettem!! in my experience skz havent actually had many bad sasaeng cases like most groups - probs bc theyre one of the few that dont really shove the whole 'boyfriend image' down your throats, cause their target audience is wider than just young women - but ppl do be getting real creepy w their families n shit like. chris's sister got a tiktok and shes still a minor and people were making some creepy ass comments about her and some even fucking shipping her with felix which is straight up disgusting, so like i might just take up hacking as a side gig so i can drop the addresses of these bitches and all the bullies who gave chan shit in school and you can go ham. team effort 🤝🤝
YOURE 5'8??? ok thats tall for me but thats literally like an inch taller than chan and felix GIRL you are not the giant you think you are. okay maybe if you wore platforms. you give me the energy of someone who would wear those like massive ass platform stripper heels just to assert ur dominance over them weak ass "alpha male" type guys who constantly need to be the tallest in the room. thats very powerful energy u got there im jealous, my 5'2 ass gonna be looking like an angry kitten tryna square up to someone and steal their kneecaps. how changbin is like short as hell for a cis dude and still manages to give off such strong vibes is a mystery to me. give me your secret, seo changbin. -felix bi anon
I s2g I pull up to the drive thru and see Felix and suddenly I'm a sugar momma w money to spare 😂 suddenly I'm "lemme treat you" vibes, suddenly I'm "lemme take you away from this life" energy, suddenly I'm talking him away from the deep fryer like I'm hostage negotiation, suddenly I'm picking him up after his shift and taking him to the Olive Garden on some "see honey, you ain't built for this hustle, you a classy broad, lemme show you the finer things in life 😌" ordering another $2.50 appetizer like I'm Somebody jshwjwjsjjd no but like ACTUALLY.... I S2G I have met, worked with, and cherished retail!Felix many times over my many years in crustomer service and I KNOW he's the cute lil burnout who won't hesitate to help you with closing duties, is always down to take an extra break w you to smoke you out and is universally beloved by all customers but absolutely hides in the walk in cooler every chance he gets. Retail will suck the fuckin soul out of you in the worst way I s2g, but I think Felix would be the type that's sweet as hell on the outside, but the second he's in the break room he pops OFF 😂 in that sense we'd def get along. Everyone needs their Sunshine Coworker. Personally I see Felix as the type that would be soo good at commission based retail, like he smiles and you melt, so you just get put under his spell immediately. He's also pays so much attention to detail that'd he'd know every detail of every product and be a killer salesman. And the idea of Felix just walking around all casual-like in a suit while he's selling fancy watches or some shit 😳 wit his lil bougie ass lmfao. And I just know that 3Racha work at Chipotle or somethin together and are CHAOTIC AS FUCK. Like the manager tries their hardest not to schedule them together because they're so off the rails together 😂 or probably like a skate shop or something.... Yeah very much that. Hyunjin would work at Sephora or the Guerlain or Tom Ford counter at a high end department store and you cannot change my mind. One time i saw someone say that if Innie wasn't in skz he'd be unemployed asf and I was like DAAAAMN WHY YOU GOTTA DO MY BOY LIKE THAT 😭 JUST CAUSE HES AN AQUARIUS SO HES A LIL SPACEY AND CHAOTIC LMFAO LET HIM LIVE 😭😭😭
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OK no like on God I would actually have to smack a bitch for that kind of shit. His little sister?! Like Jesus fuck people are SICK AND TWISTED, SICK AND TWISTED... I'VE HAD IT OFFICIALLY.... I literally always forget any of them have siblings like in my mind they all crawled out of a little dewdrop-covered flower in a fantasy land forest, the idea that they are Actual Humans that were like born n stuff conflicts with how perfect they are, my gene pool could NEVA. That's so fucked though like.... Please some people really do be reading way too much fanfiction, that's straight up weirdo behavior, thats goon shit. That's get your ass beat with a quickness type shit, that's really "I will physically punt you like a fuckin football straight out your own window so you can be forcefully made to touch some fuckin grass" shit. I feel like I do love a lot of aspects of fandom, and I've been around the block and then some fandom wise (I was a part of the OG twilight fandom before the movies even came out... I have seen some DEMONS.....) but I def can't engage w most people in kpop fandoms. There's just like a weirdness to the amount of total disconnect w reality that they seem to think is normal behavior. A lot of weird performative activism shit that's totally unrelated to the topic, like I literally came out here to have a good time, not watch yall force some lil kid to speak on an issue they're not qualified to speak on and then attack them for being ignorant... And a lot of these people are KIDS, like straight up 14 year olds out here starting drama and mess. And don't get me wrong, I'm a messy bitch that lives for drama! But to come out w the most unabashedly psychotic and chronically online take of all time, and then when someone checks you for being a fuckin weirdo to scream "I'm a minor and your bullying me!!!" first of all if you don't get your ass on the fuckin school bus 🙄 why the hell you online when you have math homework? Take all the energy you're pouring into the internet and pour it into your school's yearbook committee or somethin, worry about your GRADES before you worry about your bias, child 🙄 and then it's hella animosity cause I'm "too old to be a fan" like baybeeeee, I don't know how to break this to you, but who do you think has the money to buy all this merch? You think they set these price points with your parents spare change in mind? You think your allowance is what pay their bills??? You think you're bankrolling the whole operation with your lunch money???? Peep the merch that costs one of my whole paychecks after shipping and tell me I'm too old to be a fan 🙄 it's not my fault that these idols couldn't hug you even if they canted to cause they'd catch a case, whereas I've been alive long enough to cook them dinner and give them life advise. I am SAGE, I am WISE, ya buncha fetuses 😂 And the idols that are my age? BAYBEE if you think Wonho gonna holla at a high school girl you are absolutely 1000% trippin 🙄 but I digress, cause I go feral for that man, oof 🥴 very much WOOF WOOF BARK BARK for that mans. But anyways. Yeah lemme find the names of anyone who was ever mean to the boys and suddenly it's "Alexa, play 'Pull Up' by Cardi B."
LMFAO THATS LITERALLY SO FUNNY CAUSE LIKE when I used to go out on the town n whatnot 😌 back in my stunt queen days 😌 I used to wear either these huge platform creepers covered in 2inch spikes that were sharp as hell, or I'd wear these 8inch stripper heels 😂 cause make no mistake, there's a reason strippers wear them, they comfy as HELL and even when I was drunk asf I never tripped or fell over lmfaooooo. Honestly tho like it's very much Leo energy for Changbin. I felt in my soul he was a Leo before I looked up the boys signs, he just has absolute "the world is a stage and I am THE lead role, bitch, whether you like it or not, yall can't TAKE ME" energy it's insane. I mean, as he should, like, it's very justified. They all embody their signs so well it like trips me out. I die for it, but I also die because of it. How they get anything done with three fuckin virgos tho, I will never understand 😂
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thevelvetroad · 4 years
50 questions
tagged by the lovely @watersandwolves
what is the colour of your hairbrush? black
name a food you never eat? cherry tomatoes, it’s the only thing i cannot stomach. 
are you typically too warm or too cold? def too warm
what were you doing 45 minutes ago? working, im on break rn 
what's your favourite candy bar? anything but bounty or cherry ripe
have you ever been to a professional sports game? yeah a few, mostly just afl footy matches 
what is the last thing you said out loud? ‘what the fuck was that?” to my coworker cos we heard someone scream
what is your favourite ice cream? halo dairy free cookie dough ice cream. i eat it by the pint.
what was the last thing you had to drink? water 
do you like your wallet? i don’t mind it, it’s very old 
what is the last thing you ate? i just had tandoori chicken and pilau rice 
did you buy any new clothes last weekend? nah
what's the last sporting event you watched? haven’t watched sports in a very long time
what is your favourite flavour of popcorn? i like the caramel one or buttered for savoury taste
who is the last person you sent a text message to? @fineosaur cos we have break at the same time 
ever go camping? i rly love camping and i used to all the time with my f*ther
do you take vitamins? like 10 a day baby #deficiencysquad 
do you regularly attend a place of worship? not regularly enough 
do you have a tan? we just came out of winter in aus so im pretty ashy atm but im hoping i will soon 
do you prefer chinese or pizza? chinese, but i do love a good thin crust italian margarita 
do you drink your soda through a straw? does a g&t count as soda cos i drink that with a paper straw 
what colour socks do you usually wear? white or black, sometimes red with my docs 
do you ever drive above the speed limit? for legal reasons i drive completely on the speed limit at all times, especially at night and totally not while blasting bring me the horizon  
what terrifies you? my mum 
look to your left, what do you see? my coworker 
what chore do you hate most? i actually like doing chores if no one tells me to do them so i can’t think of one i hate the most except for maybe cooking 
what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? it’s normal for me but i rly exaggerated accent makes me think of eshays (look it up) 
what's your favourite soda? not rly any of them cos they’re too sweet but i do like sparkling water with lime cordial 
do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? drive thru maccas 
what's your favourite number? 6
who’s the last person you talked to? my coworker
favourite cut of beef? i don’t rly like beef, except when it’s with racists 
last song you listened to? numbers - FKA twigs 
last book you read? im reading the fox was ever the hunter
favourite day of the week? friday 
can you say the alphabet backwards? i can’t even do it forwards 
how do you like your coffee? straight black, but i also like masala chai 
favourite pair of shoes? docs
time you normally get up? 1 minute before class 
what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets but i do appreciate a nice sunrise 
how many blankets on your bed? only my duvet but in winter it was 4 blankets on top of that 
describe your kitchen plates? there’s flat ones and then there’s ones with curved edges and then we have these ones for pasta which are a bit deeper and have a brown rim 
describe your kitchen at the moment? neat but too small - my mum 
do you have a favourite alcoholic drink? g&ts, beer and red wine i can’t choose one
do you play cards? nah, im the one who gets played
what colour is your car? apparently it’s gun metal grey. it’s real sexy 
can you change a tire? nope and im fucked if anything happens 
your favourite state? i’ve lived in 3 in australia but i can’t choose one cos they all kinda suck 
favourite job you've had? i’ve only had one where i was paid in a pathology lab and lets say its not my favourite 
tagging:  @go-catch-a-chickn @the-bisexual-disaster @livhatesolives @chasingforeverandaday @lightninginabottle0613 @ohnoshefell
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alcoholgoddess7 · 4 years
i can’t tell if Alex telling tom he gave someone tonsillitis from getting his dick sucked in front of all the eshay’s was the funniest thing or most EMBARRASING thing ever lmao....
i was just standing there trying not to laugh awkwardly or say anything jfhjksdhfkjdhfkjhdskjfhkjsdhfkjsdh
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thereallvrb0y · 3 years
thoughts on eshays 🤨🤨🤨
they suck
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