#especially the 'chop him up' part felt Really personal
crescentmoonrider · 3 months
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Even though you're gone, we still a team Through your family, I'll fulfill your dream
I'll Be Missing You (1997) - Puff Daddy feat. Faith Evans & 112
20 notes · View notes
boydepartment · 10 months
I'm sorry, I'm late- Hwang Hyunjin (oneshot version)
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Description: Y/n is a student teacher in a small town in France. Hwang Hyunjin is an idol who decided to run away after trouble started to arise again. He finds himself in the class where she helps, quickly they peaked each other’s interests. Both of them ran from something and it landed them in this small town in the middle of practically nowhere. One thing they both know is that the past always catches up and it is only a matter of time, so they better make the most of it.
Warnings: cursing, maybe a touch of dark subjects. There is French in this story, I am currently studying the language and I am not an expert. If you happen to speak the language and notice a mistake, please tell me! I am happy to learn and correct myself!      
a/n- this is a really old story i wrote a few months ago, and i still think about it, so i decided to compile all the chapters into one whole story. i always reread this story too IDK i cleaned it up a little too
wc- 25k ? MASTERLIST
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Chapter 1: His eyes
You sat up slowly, feeling the sun through your thin curtains. Your body felt refreshed, oddly enough. Looking over at the clock on your wall you hopped up.
You were late to class! You ran to the wardrobe to get a quick outfit. Throwing on some old clothes the ever so kind old lady, Gram, across the street gave you when you first moved here as a housewarming present. She also made you her special pasta, the thought made your mouth water, but you didn’t have time to relish that thought. You rushed to your bathroom washing up to look presentable enough to be running around a classroom helping the teacher. You grabbed your flats which were by the door and threw your book bag over your shoulder. Feet out you started running down the worn old street.
                “Morning Y/n!” One of your neighbors yelled from across the way. You mustered a morning as you kept running. You could not be late! That would look unprofessional! You started to see the town in the distance and took a second to breathe. What time was it now? You dug through your bag and found the watch you bought from the general store. 7:45am.
Alright! Finally slipping your flats on you took note to remind yourself to take a bath when you got home, especially since you ran barefoot all that way. You started to run again down the hill not noticing the person at the bottom. You ran straight into him, your bag swinging around you.
                “DÉSOLÉ! JE SUIS EN RETARD! (Sorry, I am late)” You yelled and kept running. Normally you learned not to apologize much here, but you really rammed into him.
However, it was worth it! You got to the small classroom in the tiny-tiny school in time.
                “Bonjour, Y/n. (good morning, Y/n)” Your higher up greeted you. You greeted him back with a nod and sat down in your desk which was sat by his. You were learning how to teach art here. Since the teacher was getting old and Mr. W noticed that you weren’t one of the young people to just leave the small French town after his semester class, he decided to take you under his wing. He would tell you how to thoroughly teach an art class, as well as help you with your French. For the most part a lot of people in town would cut you some slack, they pretty much picked up that you were young and at least trying to speak to them as much as you possibly could.
The classroom started to fill with young adults, it was the usual class, until someone who wasn’t ordinary showed up. It was the guy you rammed into at the end of the hill. The more you looked at him the more he stood out to you. His hair was chopped horribly, and his clothes had what you assumed to be the logos removed. You have read an abundance of true crime books in your youth so to say this man didn’t raise all the red flags would be a lie. He didn’t look like he would harm anyone though, that is what truly through you off about him. He looked like a scared ally dog.
Eventually you got tasked to clean up the brushes from last class, you quickly got up and went to the broken-down sink at the back of the room. You let them soak and you listened to the head teacher guide the class through the lesson. Soon that will be you leading the class, you couldn’t wait. Mr. W really knew how to captivate the learning starving artists, soon everyone was working as the record player near his desk started to play famous classical pieces. Your eyes drifted to the young man in the corner, once again catching your interests. You watched as he deliberately and carefully let the small delicate brush hit the thick paper. The sun hit him beautifully and you started to notice little details about him. Then he made eye contact with you, and you quickly went back to soaking and cleaning the brushes, you even went as far as cleaning various old materials used earlier on in the week.
As much as you tried to get your mind off him, you couldn’t. Huffing you grabbed a stool and sat next to him. He looked at you with a terrified look, he looked as if you caught him sneaking a cookie from the cookie jar before dinner.
                “You’re new here, I ran into you…” You mumbled and kept looking at him, he looked down quickly at his work.
                “I- yeah. It’s okay…” The young man went back to his painting.
                “Do you speak French?” You watched his line work again; his eyes watched the brush intently.
                “Very little, I have visited Paris many times, but I don’t stay long.”
You let out a small huff of a laugh, “Paris is quite far from here.” This caught his attention and he looked at you.
                “Good.” He said softly then turned back. You two have been talking in a soft tone due to people around you trying to focus.
You decided to keep talking, “did you just move here? I haven’t seen you around.”
                “Yes, a couple weeks ago. I was at the Inn until I moved into the neighborhood above the hill.” He dipped his brush in the paint again and kept the steady hold.
          ��     “You live in the same neighborhood as me.” You said, “you’re also mainly a landscape artist.”
The man looked stunned, and he dropped the brush, “how can you tell?”
                “The way your lines are deliberate, you’re calculating in your head instead of feeling out the page and medium emotionally.” You said and made eye contact with him; he was a total mystery to you. After living in this town a couple of years, you learned about almost everyone. The town only sometimes got any new visitors until this guy just showed up.
                “You can pick up on that?” The man spoke softly, he seemed to walk on eggshells around you. Did you hurt his feelings? There was nothing wrong with deliberate and calculated lines.
                “Yes, mainly because I wish I could do that in my art.”
He picked up the brush again and dabbed it on the paper, “what mediums and styles do you work in?”
                “Portrait and abstract. For portrait I work in charcoal and watercolor, for abstract I work in all different types of stuff I can get my hands on.” You spoke softly. When a ghost of a smile graced his features, you almost felt your heart stop and you didn’t know why.
                “I hate working in charcoal and abstract.” His eyes followed his brush strokes again.
                “Which house do you live in?” You asked him.
He smiled again, “you ask a lot of questions.”
                “We haven’t had someone new actually move in since I moved in.” You quickly answered back.
The man acknowledged your statement, “the one with the dead rosebush in the front.”
                “It’s not dead forever!” You said rather defensively, mainly because you live right next to this house which you thought was vacant still, “it just needs some help.”
                “Ah so you know the house I live in?” He picked up a thicker brush.
                “Yes, you’re my neighbor. It is a small neighborhood in a small town. Also why is-“ you were going to ask him about his hair when Mr. W called you by his desk. You excused yourself and walked over. He ended up tasking you to clean up the chalkboard, something about his arm hurting him. If you translated that correctly.
As you cleaned up the old-fashioned school board you felt eyes on you, you knew they were the mysterious stranger’s.
Well, your mysterious neighbor.
After the class was dismissed, you helped clean up for the day and Mr. W excused you. When you grabbed your bag and walked out of the classroom you saw the mysterious stranger again. He saw you and you noticed he got nervous again.
                This guy was very odd.
You approached him, “you can go home now.”
                “You wanted to ask me something though.” He said and you two walked out of the school building. You looked up at him trying to remember what on Earth you were going to ask him earlier. You pouted a bit trying to remember.
                “If you don’t remember then I live next door.” The man said, he went to turn to the direction of the neighborhood, and you stopped him again.
                “Wait, what’s your name?” You had grabbed onto his sleeve. His lean figure whipped around.
                “Hwang Hyunjin.” Part of his expression told you he was nervous to say this, but still answered you.
                “Can I give you a nickname to help me remember?” There was no way you wanted to forget his name let alone accidentally pronounce it wrong. Between speaking English and now heavily studying French, sometimes your pronunciations could get a little wonky.
You saw him smile warmly at you, “Sometimes people would call me Jinnie.”
                Jinnie… How cute.
You nodded and repeated it then introduced yourself, “I am Y/n. Y/n L/n.” You put your paint-stained hand out for him to shake. He gladly took your hand and shook it. His hand was quite larger than yours and the next thing you knew he turned away and waved. You stood there dumbfounded, this man, Jinnie, was odd. But he was interesting and young like you. Part of you felt like you had to help him, no one really helped you when you moved to town. You didn’t want this man to go through that too. You made up your mind, you would show up at his door tomorrow and walk to school with him.
Your feet made their way to the heart of the small town, you greeted the locals, they were now kind to you and warm. You belonged here now to them. It was a foreign feeling, being a part of a community that was kind to you. Walking into the bookstore where you help part time you were greeted by your coworker.
                “Ah… Vous n'avez qu'à balayer le plancher. (I need you to sweep the floor)” She didn’t always give you tasks like this, most of the time it was restocking shelves or working the counter. However, you didn’t mind sweeping the floor. You nodded and went to the back room to retrieve the broom and dustpan. Everything was older and you thrived in this environment. You could be doing nothing at all, or cleaning, and you are happy. You loved it here. Maybe you romanticized a little too much though. The thought made you smile to yourself. After your sweeping your boss had you tidy up some shelves.
                “Um, Y/n!” She peeked her head in from one of the shelves, “A demain(see you tomorrow)??”
                “Oui. (yes)” You said simply, you planned on popping in tomorrow after school anyways, if she wanted you to help out too, you would gladly do so. You saw her smile at you then nod, walking off to other tasks. Once you were done you said your goodbyes and started to walk back home. Your little neighborhood wasn’t far from the town. Part of you felt excitement bubble up in you, remembering your new neighbor.
When you walked up the hill it was already nighttime, you honestly think you should start carrying a walking stick especially because it was a pretty empty field surrounding the small jumble of brick homes. The trees didn’t start until the back of the neighborhood. You never went that way though. Whenever you walked into the beaten path you found yourself once again becoming happy, seeing someone new here really greatened your appreciation for this town. You wondered if Jinnie had the same appreciation as you.
You unlocked your small house which you would be lying if you said it wasn’t some little cottage. You decorated it the past two years like that on purpose. Kicking off your flats you remembered how dirty your feet were. Letting out a small laugh, you walked towards the bathroom and drew yourself a bath. As you waited for the water to fill, you made yourself some tea. It was dark out now and you felt it would be a great way to end your night. As you washed your hands in the sink, you had a perfect view of your neighbor’s living room. You didn’t want to be creepy, so you closed the curtains, but not before taking note of how peaceful he looked reading a book that clearly enthralled him. Your heart pounded and next thing you heard was the kettle whistling. Quickly shaken out of your thoughts you waited to pour yourself a cup and head back to the bathroom.
Slipping into your nightgown which was yet another gift from your birthday last year from the kind lady across the way. She wanted to always repay you for bringing her your homemade pumpkin bread once every other week. She was your first friend here. You went under your covers and made sure your alarm clock was on this time. You had to get up a little early anyways, you wanted to walk with Jinnie to school.
Shockingly, your alarm did wake you up. Excitedly you hurried to get ready, your feet pitter pattered to the wardrobe. You grabbed a dress and another sweater; you were always one for layering even if summer was quickly coming. That means you would have another year of student-teaching experience under your belt. It also meant you would spend more time at the bookstore soon, which made excitement bubble in your stomach. You walked to the bathroom and once again got washed up for the day. Teeth, hair, the homemade lip balm you made yourself, all done!
You slipped your socks and boots on, today felt like a boots day. The breakfast menu was some fruit and toast, you really had to pick up more food soon at the market. Maybe you would go in a couple days on Sunday, the town always had merchants come in and it was outdoor. You nodded to yourself and finished eating. Grabbing your bag you headed to the neighbor’s home, the one with the sad rosebush.
To say you were a little nervous would be a lie, you weren’t used to being the one to almost chase after someone, but Jinnie intrigued you. You knocked a couple times and he answered, seemingly already dressed.
                “Good morning, Y/n.” His voice was soft. Jinnie’s eyes looked tired.
                “Good morning Jinnie, do you want to walk with me to the school?” You really hoped he would say yes, he could be the only friend you have that was actually your age. Jinnie smiled down at you.
                “I would love to actually, let me grab my things.” He went to shut the door but then opened it, “you can come in.”
You took up his offer and decided to look around the house, it had been vacant since you had moved in. But it surely didn’t look like it got worn over time. You saw how he had already had stuff hung up, his art which looked recent, there was no sign of dust stains.
                “I have been painting a lot since I moved here.” He said now next to you, you nodded slowly.
                “I see most of them are of the town.” You noted, you recognized the general store and the fountain in the middle of town.
Jinnie hummed, “I used to paint flowers a lot, sometimes people or still lifes. But after moving here I have been inspired by the architecture.”
You finally got a look at his clothes, “you are wearing normal clothes today. No torn off logos.”
His brows furrowed, “you take note of everything don’t you? Our neighbor across the street gave me these. Said I was her old husband’s size.”
                “She did the same for me too.” You smiled at the memory, “if you want to thank her, I bake her bread once every other week. You can join me.”
His eyes, which were once tired, lit up, “I love bread.”
                “We will have to make extra then.”
After you talked about the pumpkin bread recipe you two started your walk to the school, the sun now just rising over the town.
                “It is hard to not romanticize this town.” He suddenly spoke, “although the people here sometimes act like they hate me.”
You let out a small huff of a laugh, “they do that to newcomers, if you want, I can help teach you some basic phrases. It will help them warm up to you more.”
                “You would do that?” Jinnie asked you, the cool spring breeze brushing through his hair.
                “Yes, in exchange that you help me with landscape art.” You said and put your hand out again, to shake on it.
                “Deal.” This time he actually grinned and shook your hand. You saw his toothy grin for the first time that morning. This man was dangerously charming.
You really couldn’t help the small glances you two would exchange during class, the small smiles, everything. He was an instant click for you. However, you didn’t let him distract you from your work, Mr. W would kill you if he found out you were getting distracted by some random boy. You started to study the art history books Mr. W assigned for you to take notes on, he always said if you wanted to teach a subject you had to know the history behind it. Your favorite artists were all landscape-based artists, mainly because you couldn’t do it. Your art was either the small details of people’s faces, or complete disordered abstract. Your mind once again wandered to Jinnie who was now cleaning his brushes, his art study on the town that was hung up by the door of his home was almost perfect in a way. You wondered how Jinnie himself just did that.
After the class, you picked up your history books and thanked Mr. W. Since it was Friday you wouldn’t see him until Monday, unless he called your landline asking you to come in. When you walked out you saw Jinnie waiting there for you once more.
                “Mr. W really knows how to capture the attention of students.” Jinnie spoke and held the door open for you. You walked out and waited for him this time.
                “I am very thankful to be able to learn from him, he wants me to take his teaching position when he is ready to retire.” Your bag swung a bit when you flipped around to face him.
                “You are very welcoming; I am sure you will be a good teacher.” Jinnie said, you two walked down the dirt path, almost to where the crossroad was.
                “Thank you,” you smiled at him, “I have to go to work… Which is in town…” You weren’t very good at goodbyes or see you laters.
                “I can bring you dinner tonight if you want, I mean you are helping me out with getting settled here. It’s the least I can do.” You two now stood at the crossroads.
                “I get home sort of late… Tomorrow though would be better, since I work in the morning and will be done by the afternoon.” You offered, you were curious to how good his cooking is, and you would never pass up on a free meal.
                “Alright, Saturday evening, I will cook and bring over the plates.” He nodded to himself. Before you were about to say goodbye he already flipped around and waved to walk home.
Jinnie was certainly a person you wanted to figure out, you even found the urge to try and paint him in your sketchbook. That urge hasn’t happened to you since high school.
While doing your chores in the little bookstore you saw some tourists, it seemed like your little town was gaining traction and that made you nervous. You liked how it was a small place to live, under the radar. This sort of put a damper on your mood, it had you overthinking.
It kept you over thinking into the next day as well, especially because that Saturday morning more tourists came by, and it scared you. You didn’t want people here, you realized while sweeping you had no right to say that. You were once a foreigner here too. Sighing, you kept mopping the same spot over and over.
                “I think it’s clean.” Someone spoke softly behind you, you turned around to see your other shop owner’s daughter, she was your second friend in town. She got you a job here with her mom in exchange of you tutoring her in English.
                “I-I’m sorry. There is just a lot on my mind…” You mumbled; she turned her head in confusion.
                “The recent abundance of tourists or that handsome man every girl in town is raving about?” She had a wicked grin on her face, “there are whispers about him living in the same neighborhood as you.”
You set the mop to the side, “it’s just the tourists, you know that makes me nervous and there seems to be more of them.”
She nodded, “you can head home early if you want, I need to make some extra money some of the girls in town want to make the handsome man cookies this weekend and I need to buy powdered sugar tomorrow at the market for the finishing touch.”
You thanked her and started to pack up, before you left you turned around, “oh by the way, his name is Jinnie.” You winked at her and walked out. The shop owner’s daughter felt like your sibling, although she wasn’t around often due to her schooling in the next town over. The time you spent with her you cherished. You took a deep breath then smiled to yourself, you had something to look forward to tonight and that was dinner with ‘the handsome man.’ You thought it was so cute that the girls were gossiping about him.
To thank Jinnie you stopped by the general store and picked up some flowers, that weren’t dead like the ones in his front yard.
                “Y/n!” You flipped around and saw your other neighbor, the kind old lady, Gram. You grinned at her; you had already paid for the flowers, so you went over to her.
                “How are you, Gram?” It was nice to see her out and about.
                “Well, I made friends with your next-door neighbor, Hyunjin.” She said and put stuff in her basket. You decided to walk with her and help her with her shopping.
                “Did you?” You asked and got something from the shelf she pointed to. Gram let out a small hum.
                “Yes, and I found out stuff about him for you.” She spoke slyly.
You laughed a tiny bit, “oh really?”
Gram let out a huff and nodded, “yes, he is a few months older than you. He traveled a lot, and he used to sing.”
                “That’s new information to me.” You mumbled to yourself.
                “I can’t hear you when you mumble.” Gram said back.
You apologized quickly and repeated yourself again.
                “There is a lot of things I feel you two could learn from each other.”
Your brows furrowed and pondered what she could mean by that. It was quite an odd thing to say but then again, she was odd herself. You helped your neighbor with the rest of her groceries and walked her back home.
                “Oh, tomorrow, Gram, I am going to the morning market, I will make pumpkin bread for you tomorrow as well, all fresh ingredients.” You said as you helped unpack her groceries in her kitchen. It was filled with old photos of her family; she also had a little collection of porcelain bunnies.
                “I am so excited for that dear.” Gram spoke from her chair in the living room. You finished up and walked in her very floral living space.
                “Is there anything else you need?” You asked.
                “Tell Hyunjin to bring me back my recipe when he’s done with it.” Gram then waved you off.
He borrowed a recipe?
You walked across the street to your humble abode and started to get ready for dinner with Jinnie. You set the red roses down on the table then started to your bathroom. You took a quick sponge bath and tried your best to look presentable. You had thrown out all your makeup a few months after you moved here, and you didn’t want to check the chest at the foot of your bed which was locked up with your old stuff for a reason. Out of sight out of mind. You dug in your wardrobe and saw a nice floral dress and slipped it on. Tying the back you smiled, Gram had a very good fashion sense in her youth. You rummaged through the little box of sewing supplies she gave you and found ribbons, you tied your hair with them. If he was making dinner you had to look presentable. Skipping to the kitchen you dug around your cabinets; you had wine somewhere around here. It was a housewarming present from the man who sold you this home. It had to still be okay… right? You never opened it. As you were rummaging there was a knock on the door, startled you hit your head on the top of the cabinet.
                “Ow…” You mumbled and wobbled up to the door. When you opened you saw Jinnie standing there with a basket in his hands, he must’ve gotten dressed up as well. He looked astronomical even with his choppy messed up hair.
                “Can I come in?” He spoke, a smile gracing his features.
You stepped out of the way and let him in, “do you like red wine? I am pretty sure I have a bottle here. Somewhere.” You mumbled and he followed you into the kitchen.
                “I could use a glass.” He set the basket down by the flowers. You had already resumed crouching by the cabinet, next thing you knew he was next to you helping you search.
                “Oh, the flowers on the table are for you. Figured you’d want something alive.” Chuckling at your own joke you moved the olive oil.
                “There it is.” Jinnie said while laughing slightly with you. He grabbed the bottle and set it on the counter, then put his hand out to help you up. You gladly took it and his soft hands held yours, then quickly let go when you were situated. Much to your dismay.
                “I do love the roses; they are my favorite actually.”
The corners of your mouth curved, “we will have to nurse the bush in your yard then.”
                “That we will.” He walked to the table, and you grabbed your glasses and the wine. Meeting him at the table you saw that he made pasta.
                “Gram said you really liked her pasta, so I tried my best.” Jinnie said and set the table.
                “I love her pasta; she made it for me when I first moved here.” You were quite surprised that he did this. You set the glasses down and poured the wine.
                “So, she said.” Jinnie motioned for you to take a seat and you did, he quickly followed. You saw he was waiting for you to take a bite. When you did you swore you could cry. It tasted so good, it wasn’t quite like Gram’s however, it was still so amazing to your taste buds.
                “You really- wow.” You wiped your mouth with a napkin, “this is really good.”
Jinnie grinned and took a sip of his wine, “I am so relieved, I was a little worried.”
                “You shouldn’t be, this is amazing Jinnie thank you.” You took another bite then washed it down with a small sip of wine.
Jinnie started to eat his food and he looked surprised, “you weren’t just lying to make me feel better, wow.”
Him being surprised by his own cooking made you laugh, hard. He looked up at you and started to laugh.
                “I thought you were just lying to be nice. Honestly.” Jinnie spoke between giggles. You kept giggling.
                “Tomorrow I am going to make that pumpkin bread for Gram, I just have to go to the market in the morning.” You said and took another bite of this amazing recipe.
                “May I join you? I heard the guy at the general store talk about the Sunday markets.” Jinnie asked. You nodded.
                “Of course, you can come with me, I’d love that.”
The way he was so charming and thoughtful really had you entranced. Jinnie was still a mystery to you and maybe that is what made you attracted to him. Or maybe the fact he has been the only guy around your age staying in this town longer than a semester. You didn’t know, but you weren’t complaining.
Chapter 2: His laugh
                “Good morning Jinnie!” You grinned as you swung open your door, the morning breeze already rushing at you.
                “Good morning, Y/n. I haven’t seen you in forever.” He joked as you locked up your home, you smiled remembering the previous night. Your dinner with him. Before he had left, you helped him clean his plates and you two pretty much finished half of the wine.
You two walked down the path to town, you really liked getting to walk with him. He started to open up and talk to you little by little. You think he realized he was in the same position as you, you were the only person near his age.
                “Gram said you told her you can sing, I forgot to ask you about that last night.” You said and he almost dropped his basket.
                “Gram told you?” He chuckled, you two were now at the top of the hill.
                “She did, I would like to hear you sing.” You said and looked at him, the sunrise warming both your bodies.
                “Maybe, I prefer dancing though.” Jinnie said and turned to you.
                “Dancing, singing, what else can you do?” You asked, Gram was right, he was something.
Jinnie smiled to himself, as if remembering something, “well, I can speak Korean too, some Japanese, uhhh…”
Your jaw was on the path, “and now you want to pick up French? That is very impressive.”
                “Korean was my first language,” Jinnie spoke softly, the tired features washed on his face again.
                “Can you show me your dancing one time?” You asked, wanting to change the subject. Jinnie once again smiled.
                “I would love to.”
You two arrived at the Sunday morning market not much later then that conversation. The heart of the town was bustling, you recognized the tourists again. You looked down and then up at Jinnie when he tugged the sleeve of your sweater.
                “What do we need to pick up?”
Some of the ingredients you already had at home, “we just need eggs, pumpkin puree, and cinnamon butter.” You said to him as he leaned down so he could hear you. He nodded and led you to the dairy stand. When the guy asked him what he wanted in French he started panicking and looked to you. You cleared your throat.
                “Je voudrais cinq œufs, sil vous plait. (I would like five eggs please)” You said to the man, he nodded and handed you the five eggs carefully. You softly set them in Jinnie’s basket and paid for them.
                “Merci! (Thank you)” You said to the merchant and continued on your way.
                “Thank you.” Jinnie said down to you. You smiled up at him.
                “This will be your first lesson, okay?” You grabbed him and pulled him to a bench. He sat down and you sat next to him.
                “Okay I am ready.” Jinnie said, his hands still gripping the basket.
                “When you ask for something, you say, ‘Je voudrais’ that directly translates to, ‘I would like.’” You explain to him, he repeated it back to you and you helped with pronunciation.
                “Then right after you say what you’d like, you then end it with ‘sil vous plait’ which means ‘please.’” Once again, he repeated it back to you, you smiled.
                “If you want you can even say, ‘merci,’ which is, ‘thank you.’” You further explained, “if you’re REALLY thankful, you can say, ‘merci beaucoup.’” He nodded and took note of your mini lesson.
Standing up you put your hand out instinctively, he grabbed it, and you led him to the next stand, this one had fruits. This is good practice. Plus, you wanted an orange to snack on. You led Jinnie up to the stand and he looked a little nervous. You told him how to ask for two oranges. When the guy asked him what he wants, he gulped and then spoke.
                “Je voudrais…” He looked down at you, you looked up at him and squeezed his hand, “deux oranges, sil vous… plait.”
You grinned at him, you handed the man the required money and you two got your oranges.
                “Jinnie that was amazing I am so proud of you.” You shook his arm that didn’t have the basket in it, in celebration.
                “My pronunciation was… okay?” He looked down at you, you nodded.
                “You did really well. The guy didn’t even look annoyed at you!” You giggled then continued to drag him around with you to get the other ingredients.
When you two were about to leave someone called his name, he whipped around and saw a group of five girls run up to him. You recognized one of them, it was your boss’s daughter.
                “We wanted to make these for you!” One of the girls said, another girl handed him a bundle of what you assumed were the cookies. He smiled awkwardly at them.
                “Ah… Merci… beaucoup!” He looked at you and you gave him a thumbs up. The group of girls started to giggle before practically running away. You heard whispers of, bel homme, and il est tres gentil. It made you laugh a bit and you two started your walk home.
                “What were they saying as they were walking away?” Jinnie asked you as you opened your front gate for him. You started to laugh as you dug in your pockets for your keys.
                “They were saying you were beautiful and very kind.” You saw his shocked expression and then you turned to open your door to your home.
Walking in, he set the basket down on the counter, and his gift on the table.
                “Well, that was very…” He looked at you.
                “Gentille.” You finished for him. Jinnie nodded and giggled then repeated what you said.
                “Gentille of them.”
You started to unload the groceries, leaving the ingredients for the pumpkin bread out. You saw at the bottom of his basket he had Gram’s recipe at the bottom. You smiled to yourself.
                “What can I help with?” Jinnie asked breaking you out of your thoughts.
                “Could you get the bowls and stuff please?” You asked him, he nodded and started on his first task. He retrieved them in no time and soon you two were baking.
                “JINNIE, CAN YOU GRAB THIS?” You wobbled your way from the back pantry where all the flours and sugars were, he quickly rushed over and grabbed the flour too, helping guide you to the kitchen.
                “Okay we did it!” Jinnie said and wiped his face. You started to laugh, and he looked at you with a confused look.
                “You have pumpkin puree on your face.” You reached up and wiped it off his forehead, still giggling at him.
Jinnie looked away from you, a smile on his face.
                “Can you preheat the oven?” You asked as you started to mix all your ingredients. He hopped to it instantly.
Once the bread was in the oven you two found yourselves looking over the bookshelf in your room, “you have a lot of good reads.”
                “Thank you.” You sat down on your bed and watched him, “I needed books to keep myself occupied when I first moved here.”
                “You don’t have a phone or a laptop?” He asked and turned around, holding a book of Monet’s work and history.
                “I do, they are just locked away, if someone in town wants to contact me, they can just use the landline.” You said simply.
Jinnie looked up from the book and right at you, “in that chest by your bed?”
You nodded, you didn’t look up from the book you were reading, “mhm.”
                “Can I ask why they are locked away?” You felt the bed shift, he sat by your sprawled out body.
                “Can I ask how you found yourself here?” You sat up now looking at him with curious eyes.
Jinnie thought for a moment, “I ran away.” He looked away from you as if he was ashamed of himself. Your features quickly softened.
                “It’s… It’s okay…” You spoke, just above a whisper.
Jinnie looked at you, “I was a coward. I am a-“
                “I ran away too.” You said quickly, his eyes widened, “there was a lot going on for me back home, um it became too much so I packed everything and left.”
                “Y/n, I understand that more than you know.” He said and grabbed your hand.
You looked up at him, “maybe one day me and you will go more into detail about why we ran.” You stood up still holding onto his hand, “but as for right now, we have pumpkin bread to deliver.”
                “You know when I was a little girl, I used to have the most beautiful blond hair.” Gram said as she sliced the bread for you and Jinnie. She insisted you two have one piece even though it was your gift to her.
                “Your hair is still beautiful, Gram.” Jinnie said to her.
Gram let out a quiet laugh, “Hyunjin you are too kind…” She plated the bread and poured some iced tea for you both, and for her. Then she sat down.
                “Have you ever had Y/n’s pumpkin bread?” Gram asked Jinnie. He shook his head, “you’ll love it, I remember when she first made it for me.” Gram winked at you, and you smiled bashfully. Then you three dove in. Jinnie instantly complimented your baking. Gram told you this was your best batch yet.
                “I had help this time so maybe that’s why.” You smiled at Jinnie.
Gram laughed, “you better help her more if this is how good the bread is going to be!” She joked. You and Jinnie helped clean the cups and plates and she led you two to her living room.
                “I want to show you guys photos in my youth.” She sat you guys on the couch and then plopped herself in the middle of you two. Gram started to talk about how after some events, her and her husband decided to move into this little town to get away. Neither of them knew a lick of French but they learned together. You could tell Jinnie was absolutely enthralled with her romantic tale. His eyes lit up and he would ask her questions, she gladly answered. It made your heart warm; he was so effortlessly charming.
At some point she wanted to take her late afternoon nap, so she kicked you two out, Jinnie walked you to your door.
                “Walk with me to school tomorrow?” He asked with hopefully eyes.
                “I wouldn’t miss it Jinnie.” You spoke and stood at your doorway, the warm air in contrast to the breeze outside.
                “I will pick you up this time.” He said, you nodded and before you could say goodbye, just as usual he flipped around and waved. You shut the door behind you. Giggling you rushed to the bathroom, it was time to take a bath and settle down for the day. You still had to study your art history too. Oh, Jinnie just made you so giddy!
 The next morning you knew you overslept because you heard knocking on your bedroom window. You groaned and rubbed your eyes, when you saw his silhouette through your curtains you hopped up and ran through your house, your slippers making you slide. Quickly, you opened the door and waved him in. Jinnie’s warm smile woke you up more.
                “Uh here if you didn’t have breakfast um make something, the pantry is yours!” You ran back to your room to get ready for the day. You threw on some old pants and a t-shirt. Your hair was a mess and part of you was a little embarrassed that Jinnie saw you like this. You threw on a straw hat and jacket, almost falling over you put on your boots.
                “JINNIE IS MY BAG OUT THERE!?” You yelled from your room. You heard him quickly walk around.
                “YES, I GOT IT!” He spoke back. You smiled and walked out, now ready to leave and walk to school with him. When you met him by the door, he handed you your bag.
                “Thank you!” You smiled and next thing you knew you two were walking to the school.
                “Oh, I woke up a little early this morning, so I made sandwiches for us, if you want to eat them with me after class.” Jinnie said and showed you the wrapped sandwiches in his bag, “I also took the two oranges from your fruit bowl.”
                “I will look forward to it, I shouldn’t have work today so I would love to have lunch. Especially your cooking.” Your heart felt warm around him again.
Jinnie let out a soft hum of acknowledgement, “I want to thank you by the way.”
You looked to him as you two just walked made it at the top of the hill, “why’s that?”
                “Welcoming me here, you could have just let me figure it out on my own, but you haven’t.” He spoke softly, “you are letting me depend on you.”
                “Well, you still have to help me with my landscape art.” You nudged him, Jinnie giggled.
                “I have that planned actually; I am trying to find a nice landscape for us.”
This sort of confused you, “you don’t want to paint the town?”
                “I will always paint the town, however, let’s say you get frustrated, at least you’ll have a nice view to calm you down.” He explained, “my first day here when I was still at the inn, I painted the general store, or at least tried to, and I couldn’t get it right. Then someone walked by, and it was the most beautiful view I have ever seen.”
You felt a pang of something, your stomach did flips, who captured his eye?
                “Did you ever get to see your view again?” You asked, Jinnie looked down at his feet, smiling to himself.
                “Almost every day actually.”
That’s odd, “do you know their name?”
                “Yes.” Jinnie giggled once more.
                “Do I know them?” Yes, you were nosy, you couldn’t help it.
Jinnie let out another laugh, except this time he threw his head back then looked at you, “yes you know them.”
You started to ponder as you two walked up to the school, “wait what’s their name?”
                “Y/n.” Jinnie opened the door for you, and you walked in, then spun around.
                “Yes?” You asked and took off your hat, Jinnie smiled at you and tried to fix your messy hair.
                “That’s their name.” He said simply and started to walk to the classroom. He left you dumbfounded in the middle of the hall. Once back to reality you started to run after him.
During class Jinnie would make an effort to not pay any attention to you, especially after how flustered he made you right beforehand. It made a little spark inside you; you thought it was funny. The way you’d catch him staring and then he’d dramatically look away. It made you laugh to yourself while you studied your history books. Mr. W started to teach the class about August Friedrich Schenk. You tuned in a bit always being interested by the way there was always an overwhelming dread in the art August Friedrich produced. You struggled painting animals so maybe that’s also why the artist also intrigued you. After the lecture Mr. W assigned you to run some errands to the other teachers, things like reports, attendance, stuff like that. You quickly did as you were told and found yourself greeted by your soon to be coworkers. One of them didn’t have a class for another hour so you found yourself making small talk.
                “Is Mr. W still being nice?” She asked and started to write her lesson plan on the board. She was the poetry teacher, Ms. Felicity.
                “Yes, thankfully, it is really different from being an art student in his class.” You took a sip of tea that she offered you in a paper classroom cup, “he has always been nicer to me though. I am thankful for that. He really has taken me under his wing the past two years.”
                “I’m glad, especially since you’ll be working here soon.” Ms. Felicity turned around and smiled at you.
                “Do you live in the next town over?” You asked, suddenly curious. She nodded.
                “It is quite the commute but it’s worth it.”
You nodded; you remembered the town over was very nice.
                “You know. I wanted to be the art teacher, but here I am doing poetry.” She spoke softly.
You two continued to talk until it was time for you to head back to Mr. W. You found yourself happy that maybe you made a new friend. You seemed to be lucky in that department lately. Walking back into the classroom you saw that Mr. W was close to finishing his lesson. You sat at your little desk and waited for the class to be dismissed.
                “Alright, you have your assignments for the next week, remember due March 13th. I will see you guys tomorrow.” The international students started to leave, Mr. W gave you more things to study for the upcoming week
                “I am very proud of your progress lately, Y/n.” Mr. W said, you gleamed at the praise.
                “Thank you so much, Mr. W!” You quickly picked up your notebooks and bag, packing up. Your teacher made small talk with you about the next assignments for the art students and then sent you off.
Once again you met Jinnie outside of the classroom, “hungry?” He asked. You smiled at him and placed your hat back on your head.
                                                                        ��                       ~+~
                “The school has poetry too?” Jinnie asked as you two sat in the grass still in short distance to the school. You were laying on your jacket and you suddenly sat up.
                “Yes, did you not look at the classes?” You laughed and took another bite of the wonderful sandwich Jinnie made for you two.
                “Well… While signing up I was in a bit of a rush.” He said and sipped his reusable water bottle.
You finished off your sandwich and laid back down, “makes sense how you just appeared out of nowhere.”
Jinnie laughed, “I really did huh?”
                “Yes, shockingly. You just poofed.” You flipped on your stomach and looked up at him.
                “Is that why you ask me so many questions?” Jinnie teased.
You nodded, “that is exactly why I ask you an abundance of questions. You pique my curiosity.”
                “At least you don’t just see me for my looks.” He said quietly. Your brows furrowed and you could sense the sadness in his tone. It was a total 180. You wondered where it came from, especially where the statement itself came from. Yes, he was handsome, however did the people who he ran away from just see him as that?
                “No, I see you for your cooking.” You wanted to lighten the mood, anything to get that smile back on his face.
Jinnie rolled his eyes and smiled down at you, “okay Y/n. I see how it is.”
                “Alright! We both have homework to do!” You stood up and put your hand out. He took it and you helped him up, cleaning up your mini picnic you two went on your merry way.
                “We definitely should plant pumpkins in July.” You said and skipped along with him.
                “So, they’ll be ready for Halloween, right?” Jinnie asked, you hummed.
                “Exactly! The town actually does a whole thing for Halloween. It is really cute, too many tourists though.” You said, noticing once more he was lost in thought.
                “Hyunjin…?” You tested the waters of saying his actual name, this caught his attention instantly.
                “Am I in trouble?” Poor guy looked and sounded terrified, you laughed slightly.
                “Nono I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
Jinnie nodded to himself, and he thanked you softly, “it’s just some weird stuff coming back to me again, I’ll be okay.” He reassured you.
                “I understand what you mean, that happened to me on my first birthday here. I hung out with Gram the entire day.” You recalled the memory, “it was weird not being around anyone I knew.”
                “My birthday is in two weeks.” He said suddenly.
Your eyes widened, “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME SOONER!” You practically jumped on him; soft giggles escaped his lips.
                “We’ve been busy it didn’t come up.”
You huffed as you two made it up the hill, “what day?”
Jinnie thought for a moment, his way of keeping you in suspense, “hmmm I don’t remember.”
He looked offended that you used his actual name, “now I’m not going to tell you.”
                “Jinni- “
                “March 20th.”
You laughed at his suddenness, “okay good! We can plan something!” Jinnie looked at you, he looked a little unreadable.
                “You don’t have to…” He mumbled bashfully, you two walked into your neighborhood.
                “Well, I want to, I don’t want you to have the same sad birthday as me when I first moved here.” You were determined, “what kind of cake do you want?”
                “May I request your pumpkin bread?” He asked hopefully. You grinned at him.
                “Yes, you may!”
The past week you and Jinnie would continue this routine of walking together to school and if you didn’t have work, you or he would make lunch. At one point he brought you lunch at work; it made you feel special. You found yourself cherishing his attention. He was way different from everyone else you have ever met. Hyunjin’s personality was as bright as the reflection of the sun on the water, and you were basking in it. There was never much to do in this town, you didn’t mind. But now that Jinnie was here, you had lots to look forward to, your schedule didn’t seem as mundane.
Saturday night you two were having dinner at your home once more, this time he brought you flowers, and you were cooking. You had music playing from the old music player in your living room.
                “What did Mr. W pull you aside for yesterday? I forgot to ask.” You said as you stirred the seasonings for the oven baked potatoes.
                “You forgetting to ask something? Impossible.” Jinnie joked. You turned around and gave him the stink eye, he giggled.
                “He wanted to look at my sketchbook, he said on Monday he wants me to bring in some of my work that’s on a canvas.”
You flipped around, “no way.” Jinnie gave you a look as if he didn’t know why you were surprised, “he’s scouting you!”
                “Psh no.” He waved his hand then took a sip of the wine he brought for you both.
                “Psh yes.” You said back and started to pour the seasoning on the potatoes. Once they were in the oven you sat down next to him at the table.
                “Mr. W takes one student from the class and scouts them, then if he chooses you then you get a trip to Paris for a chance to display your work at a gallery.” You explained, “I got picked my first year here when I was a student, look.” You stood up and grabbed the picture frame that was on your side table in the living room. You stomped back over and showed him the photo.
                “See look.” You shoved the picture frame in his hands, “I was really young and he really took me in. I owe him a lot.”
Jinnie smiled at your photo, you were holding what he presumed to be your artwork, you didn’t look much different, “your hair was shorter.”
                “That’s what you’re taking from this? Jinnie!” You grabbed the frame from him again, but he didn’t want to let go.
                “Wait I wanna look at you more.” Jinnie giggled, you sighed and let go of the frame. After a few minutes of him asking questions about your younger self he handed it back.
                “You really think he’s scouting me?” Jinnie asked and poured more wine for himself and you.
                “Absolutely! Whenever I walk by your station I may or may not peek at what you’re working on.”
Mr. W had to be scouting him, this is what your mentor does when he notices talent. Jinnie had that talent.
                “You look at my work while I’m working!?” He dramatically waved his hands around and it made you giggle.
                “I did when we first met, didn’t I?”
Jinnie thought for a moment then nodded, “okay you did but I let you.”
                “And why did you exactly?”
                “I told you; I think you’re pretty, beautiful, gorgeous even, the most beautiful view here. Why wouldn’t I give you the opportunity to be charmed by my work.” The wine must’ve started kicking in because he was getting bold.
You face heated up and you felt yourself scoffing, “you still have to teach me your methods. I am still holding you to that.”
                “I hope you do.” Jinnie said and leaned back smiling. He talked more about his walks he would take when you were working, saying he finally did find the perfect spot to take you painting. You eventually pulled out the bake potatoes and set up your plates, you also fried vegetables. Plating the food, you set it down in front of him.
                “This smells wonderful.” He smiled up at you. You smiled back warmly and sat in front of him, “can you teach me something?”
You picked up on him always wanting to learn something from you, “coffee grounds are bad for your drain… uhhhh…” You thought for a moment, “I don’t think Vincent Van Gogh killed himself.”
                “Oh? Elaborate.” Jinnie loved listening to you, and you loved listening to him. Eventually you two finished eating and you found yourself digging under your bed for old artwork. He wanted to see your portrait work.
                “Most of them I sold to tourists at the market when I first moved here. These are the leftovers.” You handed him the canvases and he looked at your art in awe. It ranged from big to small pieces, all capturing these people’s details. Their very soul on your canvas.
                “These are beautiful…” He breathed; he traced the canvas with his finger extremely delicately. You looked down.
                “You should’ve seen the ones that were sold, I didn’t want to let them go but I had to make money, and this was before my bookstore job.” You spoke sadly, he looked up at you.
                “We will make more pieces like these together.” Jinnie then looked down and more at your other artwork. The thought made your soul happy; you went to dig more under your bed and found old sketchbooks, one labeled abstract and you handed it to him.
                “These were from highschool, if they are a bit dark, I apologize, I don’t really like looking back at these much.” You handed it to him and ever so softly he took it and started flipping through the pages. You found yourself scooting next to him and looking at the worn pages with him. Your eyes went to his face, he looked concentrated as he read the words hidden in your work.
                “You made these in highschool?” He whispered, you nodded.
                “It wasn’t the best time in my life… Some decisions I made led me here though, so I guess part of me should be thankful.” You whispered back. The music from the living room still playing a bittersweet tune.
                “I can relate, although my last year was when I sold myself.” He flipped the page; you were studying him while he studied your work.
You looked back at the sketchbook in front of him, one day you knew you would find out about him. Maybe that night was tonight, “can you tell me?”
Jinnie looked back at you softly setting the book down, he was so gentle with your work, “yeah… I can tell you. But you can’t tell anyone else otherwise I have to leave.”
                “I promise.” You looked him in his eyes, you could drown in them. He stood up and led you to sit down next to him on your bed. You shifted so one leg was dangling off and the other was folded on the bed. He sat forward, hands together. He looked stressed.
                “Jinnie you don’t have to tell me if you aren’t ready.” Your hand found his way to his shoulder, and he looked at you.
                “No, it… it’s okay, I want to tell you.”
You nodded and got ready to have your listening ears on.
                “I used to live in Seoul, like Korea. I was very popular,” he looked away, “I was an idol, that’s why I can sing and dance. People really loved me, as much as I liked it, popularity comes with controversy. Almost every week something was wrong or something horrible was being said to me.” Jinnie took a deep breath and you grabbed his hand, he squeezed it and continued, “as much as I loved being in the spotlight and seeing the adoring eyes of people, I couldn’t take the constant pressure, getting in trouble for rumors someone else started, things I didn’t even do, I was tired, I was always scared of someone always watching me, so I ran the second I could. It is irresponsible of me, and I am sure the past month people have been freaking out, but maybe not, I don’t know, I wasn’t allowed to be active anyways when I left.”
Your hand squeezed his again, “I don’t think you’re a coward Jinnie, I just think you were burnt out and lost. That is okay and it doesn’t make you any less of who you are.”
He nodded, “thank you.”
                “Anything for you.” You spoke wholeheartedly.
                “Can you tell me why you ran?” He asked, you took a deep breath and nodded, Jinnie turned his whole body towards you, now he held both your hands in his large ones. He always wore the same rings.
                “In high school, I didn’t have a lot of friends, so when I finally did make them, I was naïve. I really landed myself in the wrong crowd. I was young and stupid to think these people actually did care for me. One of them I thought I fell in love with,” you felt your eyes start to water, “I was wrong, it wasn’t love, my frontal lobe hadn’t even developed so how was I supposed to know that what was happening to me wasn’t love.”
A tear fell from your eye, and he caught it with his hand. You continued, “at some point it started getting really bad, I got really scared for my safety and my family’s safety so I ran. I never looked back.”
Jinnie held tightly onto your hands, “thank you for telling me.” His voice was calming, and you found yourself crashing into him, hugging him desperately. He cradled you in his arms and let you cry.
                “It’s okay… Y/n let it out… I know…” His hand found its way to your head, and he played with your hair.
                “I miss being home, but I know it’s safer for everyone that I left.” You said in between sobs. Hyunjin just held onto you tighter.                 “I know… I know exactly what that feels like.” Hyunjin kept wiping away your tears as they fell, at some point he let a few of his own tears fall.
Chapter 3: His Kindness & His Birthday
When you woke up the next morning you had a killer headache, when you stood up your head felt like someone took a bat and constantly smacked you.
                “God…” You mumbled and walked toward your bathroom, you cleaned yourself up and started to recall what happened last night. When you walked out of your room you smelled food; good food, was Jinnie still here? You walked down your hallway quickly and saw him standing by the stove, he was cooking. Your curious eyes silently watched him as he stirred what you presumed to be scrambled eggs. He must’ve brought cooking ingredients over from his home. You watched as he swayed back and forth to the music he had playing on; he really could dance. It made you smile to yourself; he really could feel the music. It was impressive.
You didn’t want to embarrass him, so you walked back to your room and called his name.
                “Jinnie!” You re-walked down the hallway.
                “Cooking breakfast!” He called back, you walked into the kitchen, he turned around and grinned at you. The sun was peeking through the curtains, and he was illuminated beautifully, “good morning. Are you feeling okay?”
                “I have a bit of a headache.” You said and looked at what he was cooking, you were right, scrambled eggs.
                “Here, I’ll get you some water. Watch the eggs please.” He spun around and started getting you your glass. You hummed and watched the eggs; it was scarily domestic. Part of you didn’t mind, Jinnie is kind and you have never related to anyone as much as him.
Jinnie handed you a cold glass of water and took over the food again, “drink up, if needed we can run to a less secluded town for headache meds.”
                “I think I might still have some in the cabinet in the bathroom…” You pondered and sipped the water. He started to plate the eggs and put jam on the toast.
                “Where did you get all this food?” You asked, as you sat down on the table. He quickly put the food down and sat with you.
                “I had some back at my house and then I picked up the jam this morning from the general store.” He said simply.
You nearly choked on your food, “you walked to town this morning?”
Jinnie nodded, “mhm, after our crying session last night we must’ve both passed out. You were still asleep when I woke up, so I wanted to make you breakfast.”
                “That’s very kind of you.” You took a bite of your food and once again your tastebuds were delighted.
                “I figured it would be nice after yesterday.” He spoke softly. Yeah, yesterday… You were hit with waves of memories. He ended up telling you why he ran, and you told him why you ran too. He was an idol… Like a celebrity?
                “Do you have any questions? You have a cute funny look on your face.” Jinnie looked up at you.
                “So you were-“ You didn’t even know how to ask.
Jinnie wiped his mouth of any crumbs, “an idol, performer, celebrity, whatever you want to call it.”
You nodded, “are you ever going to go back?” Part of you didn’t want him to. Your eyes just watched him as he shrugged and looked away from you.
                “Not for a while…” He mumbled, then made eye contact with you, “so you’ll be bothered by me for a long time.” Jinnie smiled at you which you gladly returned to him.
                “I look forward to it.”
The next week on his birthday you showed up at his home in the early morning, you were surprised that he was already up. Sometimes you noticed you had to grab the key under his mat and get him out of bed.
                “Good morning, Y/n!” He said in a sing song voice, you noticed his basket was packed full of things.
                “Good morning, Jinnie!” You grabbed the pumpkin bread from behind your back, “happy birthday!”
You saw his eyes light up and he grabbed the bread, smelling it. After, he set it down and pulled you in a hug, “thank you!”
When he pulled away, he put his hands on your shoulders, “you’re free today right?”
                “Yes, I called off for your birthday.” You smiled brightly up at him.
Jinnie clasped his hands together, “perfect!” He quickly rushed to his basket and put the bread in, “we are going for a walk!”
                “Right now?” You questioned.
                “Yes!” He grabbed his basket and your hand, “we need to pick up your art supplies!”
After the pitstop at your home, you two went on your way.
                “It’s your birthday I should be surprising you!” You walked and swayed your bag back and forth. He giggled and copied your actions.
                “Well, this is how I want to spend my birthday.” Jinnie said, he led the way, walking in front of you. He would steal glances at you as you two walked.
                “Where are we heading?” You were so curious as to where your mysterious neighbor, companion, friend, was leading you.
                “You never fail to be so curious.” His voice was warm.
                “Welllllllll!” You continuously swung your bag back and forth.
Jinnie turned around to look at you and turned his head, there was something in his eyes you couldn’t pinpoint, “do you trust me?” He asked.
You nodded your head, “yes I do.”
                “Perfect.” He grabbed your hand and continued to lead you. You really tried not to get nervous, then your hand would become sweaty.
He started to lead you to the back side of the neighborhood, you decided to keep asking him questions.
                “Is thiiiis… A nice place we’re going to?”
                “Of course, it’s nice, I’m actually surprised that you haven’t been here.” He spoke.
You looked at him, “I don’t usually go this way. Can you still dance for me.”
Jinnie giggled, “yes Y/n.”
                “Yes, Y/n only for you.”
You started to swing your hands back and forth, you two were walking next to each other now.
                “Okay we are getting close so close your eyes.” Jinnie said excitedly.
Your eyes closed and you couldn’t help but smile, you let him guide you deeper into the trees. Your feet almost betrayed you a couple of times, with the rock and loose dirt, but he caught you and just held onto you tighter. You felt his warm hands on your arms then they covered your eyes.
                “No peeking.” He said, you let a giggle out.
                “I’m not peeking!”
                “Suuuure.” He teased.
In the next minute he took his hands off your face, “okay wait here.” You heard him giggling and shifting around.
                “I have to get cushions down n stuff.” He explained, “keep your eyes closed!”
                “I am! I am! I promise.” You covered your own eyes. You heard him shuffle around more until finally.
                “Okay open!”
When you opened your eyes you were met with a beautiful scenic lake, and Jinnie was standing there with a ‘well?’ stance.
                “I found this place a little while ago while getting lost to the town, total opposite direction. But it was worth it.” He jogged up to you, “plus it’s perfect to paint.”
You never really had someone be this thoughtful in years, let alone someone who wants to take care of you just because. It was hard to not get a little emotional.
                “Wow…” You breathed.
                “Perfect right?!” He grabbed your hand and sat you down on the cushion. He pulled out the canvases and paints.
                “Just try to paint it, I want to see you do it. Not how I do it.” He said and sat down next to you. You nodded, still in awe about this whole thing. You took out your brushes and started to paint, this time you felt eyes on you. You weren’t watching him paint; he was observing you now.
                “You’re making me nervous.” You spoke just above a whisper.
                “You do this to me all the time.” Jinnie leaned closer to you, you could feel his breath on you.
                “Does it make you nervous?” Your eyes kept going back and forth from the view to your canvas. You kept your stomach erupt in butterflies when he leaned even closer to you.
                “Yeah, it does.” Jinnie said, “you’re doing great by the way, I don’t see why you need my help with this.” He continued to watch you paint in silence, you were about halfway done.
                “Did you even need my help?” Jinnie teased.
You whipped your head over to him and bumped your face with his, he started giggling almost manically.
                “What?” You questioned him, waving the paintbrush, you ended up splattering paint on him. Now both of you were laughing.
                “You know what!” He grabbed a brush and started whipping paint at you too. You two started to battle with paintbrushes. The different color droplets started to spray everywhere.
                “Ah! Jinnie!” You grabbed a glob of blue acrylic paint and whipped it at him, he retaliated by grabbing yellow paint. At some point you two were chasing after each other.
                “Get back here!” Jinnie said, you turned around and saw he was right behind you. You yelped and started to run backwards right into the lake. Jinnie started laughing at you now that you were soaked. But when he skidded at the edge of the lake, he slipped on the mud. His body landed right next to yours with a splash. His head peaked out of the water, his hair everywhere. The water droplets mixing with the paint that stained his face. You didn’t know how he could look more beautiful.
                “Look who’s laughing now.” You teased him. His large hand splashed water at you. You gasped and splashed water back at him. You both eventually stood up still splashing water at each other. You started to try and wade away from him, still laughing. You made it out of the water and kept running.
                “Y/nnnnn!” He whined, you turned around and taunted him. You closed your eyes and stuck your tongue out. Before you knew it, he was dragging you back into the lake. You were yelping and laughing.
When you opened your eyes, you saw he was right on top of you, “whoops I fell in too.”
                “You schmo!” You laughed, closing your eyes again, and tilted your head back, letting the lake soak your hair.
                “Schmo?!” He grabbed your shoulders and lightly shook you, your giggles escaping you. When you opened your eyes again your hair was partially blocking your view. But once again you were met with his eyes staring back at you with that far off look he had earlier. Jinnie smiled at you like you were a warm cup of coffee on the coldest day of the year. His hand, still dripping with the lake water brushed your hair out of your eyes.
                “Tu es belle (beautiful girl).” Jinnie whispered under his breath.
                “Where did you learn that?” You whispered back, his hand cupped your cheek.
                “Picked up stuff from Gram.” His eyes never left yours, “she wanted me to know how to compliment you, to woo you per say… I intend to do so. Is it working?”
                “Oui.” You grinned at him and tilted your head back again, partially because you didn’t want him to see your flustered face. Your face burned when you felt his soft lips touch your cheek; your breath hitched, and you looked up at him.
                “Was that too much?” He asked his voice wavering slightly, one of his hands still held onto your waist and to the side of your face.
                “It wasn’t enough.” You put your hands on his cheeks and kissed him. He jumped a bit before quickly melting into your touch.
                “I think that this piece is better than any of my landscapes.”
You looked at the painting you created which was now hung on his wall, “you helped create it.”
                “The paint splatters really do add to the landscape, don’t they?” Jinnie placed his hands on your waist, “definitely my favorite birthday present, this year.”
                “I’m glad this birthday was good for you.” You grinned up at him and tackled him into a hug. He started laughing.
                “You made it better.” He kissed your forehead.
                “Walk with me to school tomorrow?” You questioned.
                “Mmmm I’d have to check my schedule… I think I only have a rose bush to nurture with a gorgeous girl in the afternoon… Yeah, I can fit you in for a walk in the morning.”
The next few weeks were peaceful, you and Jinnie’s routine became a part of your lives. He started to sleep over often, and you would sleep over at his home frequently as well. Your favorite thing to do with him was cook, sometimes he would sway with you while the pasta boiled. He would softly spin you while the bread needed to rise. Jinnie was a dream come true in your world. Your heart never felt so safe with anyone before. Life was simple and you two cherished that. The way he would look at you with love and adoration in his eyes is something you will always cherish.
Now you were painting in the living room of his home, he was picking up groceries so you two could bake together for Gram. You bit the end of the wood on your paintbrush, a sick habit you have developed over time. One Jinnie would giggle at.
                “My intended I’m home!” He called from the door, you quickly hopped up and followed his voice. There he was in all his glory, with his basket overflowing with groceries. You grinned and practically jumped in his arms. Jinnie yelped and then returned your giggles.
                “Miss me?”
                “Always.” You pulled away and led him to his kitchen. You helped him put away groceries and started to set up for the now weekly bread. Gram was very happy about this.
                “Oh, I also picked something up from the back of the market.” Jinnie sprung up and walked back outside, the way he sauntered always made you smile. He made you smile, especially when he came back from outside with this giant box.
                “This guy at the back of the market was selling things, and I noticed on your bookshelf you have a lot of old golden spine books at the top of your shelf.” He spoke excitedly, you honestly forgot about those old children’s books at the top, your main priority now was the old art books. Jinnie set the box on the counter, “the guy I think said that he had no idea if it still works, but! Even if it doesn’t maybe you could take the cases and make a collage.”
You opened up the big box and saw a ton of old VHS tapes, with a player to watch them. You saw old films from the 90s that ranged from The Titanic to old Disney Princess movies. Your eyes lit up, before you left home you had an obsession with movies of any kind. Your obsession slowed down when you moved here.
                “Jinnie what about a TV?” You looked up, questioning him.
He gave you a toothy grin, “when I first bought this house he mentioned a REALLY old TV in the attic. If it doesn’t work, we can just take a trip to the next town over.”
Once again, your eyes lit up, “Jinnie!” You hugged him again and he smiled into your neck.
                “I figured it would be nice to watch movies other than art documentaries in class, not that I don’t love them.” He mumbled, still holding onto you as if you would disappear any minute, “I also picked something else up.” He pulled away from you and pulled something out of his pocket, it was a small gold necklace, with a rose adorned on the front.
                “Jinnie…!” Your breath hitched.
He spun you around and placed the necklace on you, “he was also selling antique jewelry, he discounted it for me. It reminds me of the rosebush that’s now blooming outside of my house. All because of you.”
You turned around and hugged him tightly. Hwang Hyunjin was everything you wanted in a partner...
                “You’re so thoughtful.” You pulled away from him, looking at him with stars, “we can set up the movie night tonight and thank you so much for the necklace! Now! Gram has some bread to be made!”
Jinnie nodded with the same dreamy look and you two started baking up a storm. Gram was very happy seeing you two spend so much time together. You noticed how overtime Jinnie really did pay so close attention to her stories. He loved them, especially the love stories. Part of him didn’t seem real to you. When you two parted ways from Gram she gave you and Jinnie a hug and you two walked back across the street.
                “You seem to pay more attention to me than Gram now.” He teased, opening his door. You huffed as he let you in first.
                “I can’t help it, you’re cute when you’re enthralled in something.” You spun around.
Jinnie chuckled, “I’ll set everything up, do you want to maaaaybe plate some fruit and bread for us pleaaaase.”
                “Didn’t you just have my pumpkin bread at Grams?” Your eyes teased him. Jinnie whined and you quickly gave in. You skipped into the kitchen and started to make a snack, it was getting late and you assumed you were sleeping here so you sidetracked into his room. Looking around you found your set of pajamas that you kept at his home. Then you skipped back into the kitchen and finished plating your guy’s food. From the room you heard him curse slightly, you walked in and set the plates on the coffee table. Squatting by him you softly rubbed his back.
                “Want tea too?”
Jinnie nodded, his brows furrowed. You could tell he was determined to make this movie night work. It was something you really loved about him; he would try. You were never used to men like this growing up. You happily started the kettle and made tea.
                “MY DEAREST INTENDED!” He started running into the kitchen, “I did it! I did it!”
                “Are you sure you want to go through the chest?” He asked as you knelt at the foot of your bed, you took a deep breath and nodded.
                “I think it’s time, plus I might’ve stole a couple photo albums, you’ll get to see baby me.”
Jinnie grinned at this and you unlocked the big trunk, it was like how you left it two years ago, almost three. You had an old sweater, joggers, your backpack, laptop, phone, everything.
                “Woah.” Jinnie said and started digging through the trunk of stuff. He was really looking for the small photo albums. You took out your phone and laptop, tossing them aside.
                “I totally forgot I packed this.” You giggled as you picked up a copy of The Shining.
                “Are you a Stephen King fan?” He mumbled, still looking for the photos of your past. You hummed.
                “I was, then I read IT and got weirded out.”
You heard Jinnie laugh, then he pulled out something from your backpack, “a Taylor Swift CD?”
                “I WAS LIKE 19!” You retorted; he started giggling more.
                “I prefer Lana Del Rey, but I can enjoy Taylor Swift.” He teased you, then he finally found what he was looking for. The small old photo albums.
Your body curled up next to him as you pointed out various family members, he listened intently. You thought going through this old trunk was going to be horrible, but with Jinnie, it wasn’t. He asked questions about your family and you happily answered them laughing or with stories that were stored in your memories. You even got reminded of some stuff. If something sparked a story in Jinnie he would tell it to you as well.
                “You’d love my mom.” Jinnie said and giggled at your baby photos.
                “I think my mom would love you, my dad is hard to win over though.”
Jinnie chuckled then looked at you with a serious look, “do you think we will ever see them again? Or even get to meet them?”
                “God, I hope so…” Your voice was quiet. You wanted so badly to introduce Hyunjin to your parents. You know they would love him and be so happy for you. He is everything your parents wanted for you. Respectful, smart, charming, they have always wanted that for you. Now that you have it, you want them so badly to see you this happy. They would be proud of you.
                “I think we will get to meet each other’s families.” Jinnie spoke suddenly. You looked at him.
                “You think?” Now you were fully pulled out of your thoughts.
Jinnie nodded, his hair falling in front of his eyes, which you pushed softly away.
                “I know we will get to. You are my intended after all.”
You ended up being right about Mr. W scouting Jinnie for the next exhibit in Paris.
                “Jinnie you have to except it.” You paced back and forth, your feet pittering and pattering on the old wood.
                “Y/n I don’t know. Don’t you think that’ll bring too much attention to me?” You two were currently talking about whether or not he should take it. At this point the semester was nearly over, and that means the Paris trip would be soon. You knelt by him on the couch.
                “You could always do a fake name… Maybe cover your face…” You looked up at him, “Jinnie this is really big for your art.”
He looked conflicted, “if that doesn’t work then what am I going to do? Go back and leave you here? I can’t do that…”
                “You’re worried about having to leave me?” You leaned your head on his knee, he caressed your cheek. His fingers drifted to the necklace he gave you weeks ago. You seemed to only take it off while you bathed. Not that he paid attention to that or anything.
                “Of course, I am, I know I wouldn’t have a choice if I was found out.”
                “Hyunjin…” You stood up and sat next to him, his hair had grown out more and he had the same scared dog look to him again. Just like he did when you first met him.
                “Y/n, I don’t know what I would do, I know I sound crazy and I know it hasn’t been that long, I know I wear my heart on my sleeve and I know I romanticize every little thing, I can’t just- I-“
You put your hand in his, “it’s okay Jinnie. We aren’t at that yet, and that might not even happen.”
He nodded and took a deep breath, “I’ll explain my situation to Mr. W. Tell him my conditions and then we will go from there.”
                Your lips curved into a smile, and you kissed his cheek, “I’m so proud of you, Hyunjin, even if you decide not to go.”
Jinnie looked at you and he looked more relaxed, he squeezed your hand, “I love you so much.”
You had to force your brain to not make your tears flow, “I love you more.”
                “I’ll talk to him tomorrow after class,” he stood up, “I want you to come with me if I go to Paris.”
Jinnie pulled you with him, your body crashed into his and he held you.
                “You do?” Your eyes loved the sight of him.
                “I do.” He lifted both of your hands on his shoulders and put his on your waist, “I know you have work but-“
                “I want to go with you, I want to support you. I’d go anywhere with you.”
Jinnie smiled warmly at you, “I’ll have to hold you to that.”
                “You still have to sing to me.” Your eyes playfully narrowed at him, he huffed and swayed you two.
                “I sing to you all the time, it’s not my fault you’re always already asleep.” He gave you a funny look back. You pretended to be offended.
                “No fair! Sing me to sleep tonight!” You said, he giggled and spun you. You ended up crashing into him.
                “Say please my intended.”
You looked up at him, “please sing me to sleep tonight.”
Jinnie kissed you softly, you kissed him back and whined a bit when he pulled away, “as you wish.”
The next morning on the walk to school Jinnie really took in his surroundings like it would be the last time to. It really scared you. He wouldn’t get out of bed until you two absolutely had to. He wouldn’t let go of you while you cooked breakfast, and he wanted you to stay in the kitchen when he prepped your guys’ lunch.
                “Jinnie are you okay?” You noticed how he really was looking at the sunrise on the hill. He looked at you and sighed.
                “I’m just preparing for the worst.”
You were worried about him, “Jinnie, I know what I said but if you really don’t want to do this-“
                “My love, I’ve always wanted to have my art in an exhibit, and- and you’re right. I need to at least try. Maybe he won’t even care that I want to go by another name. That’s pretty normal for artists.”
                “That is true…” You nodded and mumbled, “but what if he looks up your legal name?”
                “I don’t think he will.” Jinnie said, “at least I really hope not.”
When you two finally made it to school you noticed how he didn’t let go of your hand. Usually he would, you both decided to only tell Gram about your relationship.
                “It’ll be okay Hyunjin…” You said to him, he nodded and walked into class first, finally letting go. You quickly followed after him. The whole time you could tell he wasn’t paying attention, his leg would bounce, and his brush would shake before it hit the canvas. It really hurt your heart to see him like this. You didn’t know what to do about this. He wanted this but his past life was still holding him hostage. No matter what though, you were determined to be there for him.
Chapter 4: Broken Trust
After class you waited for Jinnie to stop talking to Mr. W, you picked at your fingernails trying to calm yourself down. Seeing how nervous he was made you feel like throwing up. Taking a deep breath, you leaned your head back against the wall.
                “It’ll be okay…” You mumbled to yourself. Your eyes closed and you tried to calm yourself down. Part of you knew Jinnie had to go back at some point, even you had to go back at some point. You just hope that maybe it would be you two together going back and facing what you both left. You should really call your parents soon… Your eyes shot open, and you stood up when the door opened. Jinnie smiled at Mr. W and wished him a good day. Then he turned to you.
                “He is totally okay with it.” Jinnie beamed at you and hugged you tightly, “I really want you to come with me.”
Your giggles started when you felt his hair tickle your face, “I will be there.”
                “I want to call my parents.” You said to him a couple days later. He looked up from his plate with wide eyes.
                “Are you sure?” Jinnie asked, his mouth full, eyes still wide.
You swallowed hard and nodded, “I’m sure. I think they need to know that I’m okay, all I left them was a note saying I’d be back soon. I feel guilty about it.”
Jinnie nodded, “do you want me to be next to you when you call?”
                “Please. I know it’s sort of a lot to ask but- “
He grabbed your hand from across the table, “nothing is too much for you to ask of me.”
Your nerves calmed and you nodded, “thank you Jinnie.”
                “You’re most welcome, my intended.”
After dinner you two sat on the floor, your landline phone and your actual cell phone next to each other. The plan was, if the landline didn’t get an answer, then it was a last resort to turn on your old cell phone and call.
                “Are you nervous?” Jinnie asked as he sat cross-legged in front of you. Your shoulders shrugged.
                “What if they get mad at me? What if they hate me for leaving?”
Hyunjin took a deep breath, “did they know what was going on?”
You nodded softly, “my dad even went to the court room, he stayed outside but he knew what was going on.”
                “I don’t think they will be mad.” Hyunjin lightly pushed the phone towards you. You took a deep breath and started to dial. Your hands shook and Hyunjin held your free hand.
                Brrrr brrrr brr- click
                “Hello?” It was your dad’s voice, you felt that feeling in your throat. You were choked up. You froze. Hyunjin mustve sensed this because he tried to get you back to reality asap.
                “Dad?” You said quickly, thankful Hyunjin snapped you out of it.
                “If this is some joke, I don’t think this is very fucking funny.” Your father’s voice was stern, just as you remembered it.
                “No-No it’s me. Y/n L/n, it’s me, your kid, the one who used to eat the dead flies off the bay window.” You spoke quickly, you saw Jinnie give you a funny look. He was trying to not laugh or make fun of you in this moment.
                “Y/N!” Your dad sounded relieved to hear your voice, “I-I’m so glad you’re okay… We didn’t know when you were going to come back, and you never answered any calls.”
                “I know… I’m really sorry, I was stupid and thought everything was going to be safer if I left.” You spoke softly.
Your dad let out a sigh, “Kiddo, your heart was in the right place… Home is safe now, we moved, and the door is always open for you.”
Your eyes started to water, “you guys moved?”
                “Yeah, a couple months after you left, we figured you left because of the situation, some people were saying that he finally- I don’t even want to get into it.” There was a pain in his voice.
                “I’m so sorry. I feel like it was my fault, I still feel like if I didn’t- “
Your dad interrupted you, “Y/n. Nothing was your fault.”
The tears fell and you covered your mouth, choking on a sob, you heard your dad tell you to breathe. Something that when you were a teenager, he had to tell you quite often. You were almost an exact copy of him, he knew how bad it could get. You missed this familiarity.
                “I’m sorry.” You repeated.
                “It’s okay, I promise. I will give you our new address, visit whenever you want. Please call whenever you want. I know you probably don’t want to disclose where you are and that’s okay. I’m just so happy you aren’t dead.”
Your father gave you the new address and you wrote it down. After catching up a bit, the call ended. Jinnie stayed by your side the entire time, he read his book and held your hand. When the call was finished, he softly set the book down.
                “How do you feel?”
You tackled him in a hug on the couch, “I’m so happy Hyunjin!”
                “Okay Y/n is everything packed?” Jinnie asked, you nodded. After you called your dad, Jinnie figured going on a nice weekend trip would help with the heaviness of the past couple weeks. He didn’t tell you where you guys were going, but you trusted him with everything.
                “Can you pleaaase tell me?” You asked as you two walked to the town for the millionth time. He started to pack your bags in the rental car.
                “No, it’s a surprise.” He evilly giggled. You whined.
                “Can you give me a hint?” You leaned against the car.
Jinnie looked at you with his hand on his hip, “no.”
                “Have I been there before?”
He rolled his eyes and pecked your lips, “I really hope not.” He closed the trunk and you two started your drive.
                “I haven’t been in a car in forever.” You mumbled looking around the interior. Jinnie laughed a little and kept his eyes on the road.
                “Don’t get carsick, it’s sort of a long ride.”
You hummed and nodded, “Jinnie?”
                “Yes, my intended?”
                “Are you excited for the Paris exhibit?”
Your eyes watched as his toothy grin formed, “yes Y/n I’m ecstatic.”
                “Good!” You smiled, matching his grin.
As the car ride carried on, you started to doze off. Jinnie said it was okay if you fell asleep, so you let yourself doze off. When you woke, you were still driving, so you fell asleep again.
                “I have to get gas; do you have to use the restroom or anything?” He shook you softly awake. You stirred and looked at him sleepily. His smile at you warmed. He looked at you as if you were a warm blanket after a long day outside during the coldest of winters.
                “Mmm I’m hungry…” You mumbled and took off your seatbelt.
                “Okay let me gas up and I will go in with you.”
You nodded and waited for him, after he fed the car, he parked in the lot and opened your door for you. Your hand found his and you two walked to the little convenience store. When your eyes landed on all the snacks and things they practically sparkled. You hadn’t seen stuff like this for years.
                “Jinnie! Look!” You pulled him to the sunglasses. You grabbed a pair and put one on, “do these look nice?”
                “Hmmmm, try these ones.” He said and switched them out. You giggled as he put them on your face, after adjusting them and looking into the mirror you nodded. They were circular and red, very old fashioned.
                “I like these!”
Jinnie helped you to get some snacks and he paid for them, much to your dismay. Before you knew it, you two were on the road again.
                “We are almost there I promise, I know we have been driving for a few hours…” Jinnie mumbled and glanced at you. You sat there munching on some snacks in your new sunglasses.
                “Okay Jinnie.” You smiled and took another bite.
He wasn’t wrong, you two were almost there, at some point when the mountain road cleared your eyes met the blue ocean.
                “Oh my god!” You practically jumped out of your seat.
                “Nice way to kick off the summer?” He asked.
You turned to him, your hair a mess, sunglasses slanted, clothes disheveled, “YES!”
Jinnie smiled and started toward the small home he rented for the weekend. It was a walk from the beach and right when he stopped the car you started running toward the water. You craved the warm sand on your toes and the cold water on your skin. Your feet didn’t stop until you jumped into the water, clothes and all. You saw Jinnie laughing and jogging after you. He always looked like a dream, someone so perfect could only be in your imagination. Yet… Here he was. He wasn’t imaginary, he was just perfect in your eyes.
                “This is amazing!” You laughed and waved your new shades back and forth. Jinnie stood by the water letting it hit his feet. You noticed how he was taking it all in as well.
                “I know we have to take a trip to Paris next week, but I thought that this would be a nice way to relax before things get busy again.”
You jumped out of the water and hugged him, getting him, all soaked from the ocean.
                “Ah!” He jumped and tried to get out of your grip.
                “Jiiiiinnnnie!” You whined and looked up at him, his eyes softened, and he kissed you. Perfect, you caught him off guard and you threw both of your bodies into the water. Just like back at home in the lake, where he kissed you the first time. His laughter rang through your ears, you didn’t think you would ever get tired of hearing his laughter. Jinnie’s crazy, loud, stupid laughter. It could make symphonies jealous.
You two laid in bed with the balcony doors open. The moon shone in, illuminated the room in a pale blue. Almost like the room’s saturation was turned down. The ocean waves could be heard, sometimes the breeze would move the curtains. You laid there playing with his hair, you took in every mole and every imperfection. To you though, the imperfections is what made him human. It’s what made him your intended, just as you were his.
                “I need to get it cut before the exhibit.” He mumbled into your arm.
                “My boss at the bookstore used to trim mine.” You whispered. Hyunjin nodded.
He slowly opened his eyes; he was so beautiful inside and out. Yeah, sometimes he was a little odd, memories flashed in your head. Sometimes he would chase the birds on the way home from class, other times you noticed he just wanted to watch movies to cry. Hyunjin was one of a kind in your eyes, he was caring and compassionate. No other person compared to his kindness. No other person compared to his uniqueness in general.
                “Do you know why I call you my intended?” He asked and his hand found its way to your cheek. Your mouth curved slightly.
                “Why is that?”
                “I intend to stay with you. No matter what.” He softly kissed your cheek.
Your breath hitched, “you think I’m worth that?”
                “You’re worth more than anything, that’s why I spoil you so. You deserve it, you deserve everything. I want to be the one to give you that happy ending.” Hyunjin pulled away from you, eyes locking, “you have made this the best few months I have had in a while. You gave me hope that my childish fantasies of love were true. I am so glad I found that my hopes are within you.”
                “I want a happy ending with you.” You breathed, he smiled at you.
                “What kind of ending?”
You leaned on your back now, “I dunno, maybe one where we are all old and sometimes gross,” you heard him laugh before you continued, “maybe have a nicer home somewhere else, one where we own it together.” You turned to him, “maybe even get a dog or cat. No birds though, you’d chase it away.”
You felt his lips on yours, “it sounds perfect.”
                “What about…?” You looked at him.
                “Hmm?” Hyunjin asked, shuffling under the blankets.
                “What about your family?”
Hyunjin’s face fell a bit before going back to a lovestruck look, “I will have to go home at some point, but I will always come back to you. I promise.” He kissed your hand.
                “I love you, Hyunjin.”
                “I love you most, my intended.”
On the car ride home, you felt yourself getting really carsick, like REALLY carsick. The previous day you two ate at some seafood place and it was not agreeing with your stomach. In the morning you threw up the fish and Jinnie had to watch over you. He made jokes with made you laugh. It wasn’t all bad. You learned that even if he got grossed out, he would still be there.
You two stopped at the gas station once more and this time he bought a matching pair of sunglasses, just to make you smile. Everything felt too good to be true. When you two got home, it felt right to be home with him. Everything felt so perfect with him. He led you to your room and straight to your bathroom. You had to bathe after that long car ride. Jinnie helped you wash up and it was the most vulnerable you have ever been around another human. It opened your world to what you were missing. After what happened you tended to close your world heavily. You didn’t want to love when you didn’t know what love even was. Now you do.
                “My intended, I am going to grab some clean clothes from my house. Lay down here, do you need anything while I am away?” He set you down by the bed, your wet hair soaking the pillow.
                “I’m okay.” You smiled up at him, he looked down at you, eyes full of adoration. Jinnie nodded and headed out of the door. You started to fade in and out of consciousness. The drive and the food poisoning were really hitting you. You were tired, exhausted even.
At some point, you faded awake and you felt Hyunjin lay next to you, he held you tighter than usual. Your neck felt wet, but you just assumed that he showered or something. Your body just turned more into him, you let him hold you. His breathing was staggered and you would have asked if he was okay, if your own body wasn’t on shut down.
                “I love you so much, please know that.”
The next morning you woke up feeling so much better. The sickness was out of your system, you could hear the birds in the morning. The light shown in your curtains, it felt perfect. You got up thinking Jinnie was making breakfast, skipping in the kitchen you noticed that there was a plate of food. But no Jinnie. Your brows furrowed and you looked at the scene in front of you. The plate of seasoned potatoes and eggs, his sketchbook, and a note.             
                           Y/n, I don’t even know how to start this, I guess I should just explain when I got back to my house to pick up my clothes one of my old friends was there, he started bawling and hugging me when he finally saw me again he started saying how they looked for me everywhere, even though they weren’t technically allowed to, he said that Mr. W ratted me out to JYP. That is the company I am signed to. He ratted me out Y/n, and they came to pick me up. Apparently, I am allowed to work again. They paid Mr. W handsomely to give them My location, and he did.
Your eyes started to well up, you knew he was too good to be true. You took a deep breath and continued to read.
                               I didn’t want to leave; I told my friend I didn’t. But when I was about to walk out toward your house, the rest of my friends were there too. Some of the strongest people I know were crying when they saw me. People who usually don’t hug me, hugged me. I wanted to wake you up. Take you with me, I wanted you to always be in my world. But I was vetoed quickly. I am so sorry that I have to leave like this. When things settle down I promise I will come back for you. I always will. I am leaving you with my sketchbook. I promise Y/n, I promise you my Intended. I will be back. I am so very much in love with you.
-Your Intended forever, Jinnie.
Originally, you felt sad. Now a wave of anger washed over you. You put on your shoes and ran out, it was Monday, you were supposed to leave for France with Jinnie today. That wasn’t going to happen because of someone whom you looked up to. And for what? Money.
Your feet led you to the school, anger was an understatement. You slammed open the school door and stormed into the classroom. Mr. W stood there, looking at you with a shocked expression. He clearly wasn’t expecting you so early.
                “What is wrong with you!?” You yelled.
                “His friends were looking for him Y/n.” Your mentor said simply, “I did the right thing.”
                “You did the right thing for MONEY!” Your voice still raised, “I am going to the exhibit fucking alone, I am taking his work WITH me.” You started grabbing all of Hyunjin’s canvases.
                “Hyunjin was going to go back eventually when he HEALED, you sold him out because of your own selfish wants and needs.” You spoke with a lace of venom in your tone.
Mr. W scoffed, “again Y/n he was going to go back eventually, they needed to know where he was, I just delivered. And how on Earth are you going to do this without me? I taught you everything you know. You are supposed to take my position here.” You did not like when men talked to you like this.
                “I went to the exhibit last year, and I think if I explained how you sold out the artist picked this year, they will fucking understand why you aren’t there to join me. Find another apprentice, I am leaving.”
And that you did, you meant what you said. The driver that was going to take you to Paris showed up, Mr. W didn’t meet you at your home like he was supposed to. He was a rat, a selfish waste of space. The driver helped you with Hyunjin’s work and your own work. You might as well try and turn this situation positive. The whole drive there was awkward.
The whole exhibit felt wrong.
It felt like something was missing.
He was missing.
Only one good thing came out of it, people liked yours and his work, many people asked to sell his work to them. You declined but sold all your own work. You sold all your possessions through the bookstore manager back at that small French town. You erased your existence there. You settled down in a small abode in the city. In the heart of Paris, you resided. Mr. W got a bad reputation at that school, the poetry teacher told you. She hunted you down after you left. She would give you updates on what was happening. Until eventually she would stop calling. That was the last connection cut from that little French town.
Slowly, your own art got more recognition. A year had passed, and you got popular in the art scene. You could afford more, as much praise as you were getting, you still felt so very empty. Most nights you found yourself looking up above the mantle, your favorite piece. It was priceless to you, your favorite landscape.
You sat on the couch mentally preparing for your next meeting, it was going to discuss the next exhibit location. Taking a deep breath, you leaned back. You finally made a name for yourself but at what cost. It wasn’t even your fault. The world you learned was littered with selfish people. The more meetings, the more people, the more people, the more your optimistic mindset declined. There was never a day that went by where you didn’t miss Hyunjin immensely. You researched him behind the scenes, you kept an eye on him. When he posted on their Instagram that he purchased one of your works, you bawled for days.
Taking another breath you stood up, he knew where to find you, yet he hasn’t. That isn’t on you. Grabbing your things you headed down to the lobby of your apartment. You sat in a boring meeting until someone rushed in, it wasn’t so mindless anymore.
                “I am so sorry, someone literally stole my bike and I had to rush here.” The man was very tall, hair a mess now. His clothing was impeccable. He had a warm drink in his hand, his glasses almost falling off his nose. He quickly walked to his seat, which was next to you.
When the meeting went on you started to get curious of the man next to you. He was attractive, no lie. Your stubborn heart wasn’t going to pine after him though. When the meeting ended and the location of your exhibit was chosen you quickly walked out.
You flipped around and saw the man goofily run up to you, “yes…?”
                “I wanted to introduce myself, I absolutely love your work and it took a lot of digging to even get into that meeting.” He fixed his glasses.
                “Oh.” You said simply. The grown man nodded and stuck his hand out.
                “I am Kim Namjoon.”
You smiled and shook his hand, “Y/n.”
You two started to walk together, “so that’s your real name?” He sparked conversation with your closed off demeaner so easily.
                “Yes, you didn’t think my name was actually ‘intended’ did you?” You asked, adjusting your coat. It was cold in the spring, although summer was coming quickly. You could just tell.
Namjoon let out a laugh, another unique laugh. You felt yourself smile softly to yourself.
                “Well, I wasn’t sure. Sometimes people have distinctive names.” He spoke with a tone that was so interesting to you. This Namjoon was an interesting individual.
                “I think your name is nice, I’ve never heard it before.” You spoke. Your bag swung a bit, you looked up at him. Namjoon’s brows furrowed.
                “You haven’t?” He asked.
                “I mean, it could be familiar, but I don’t know. Should I know it?” Your voice was teasing. The banter made Namjoon smile.
                “Well, I was just. I was just in a music industry so it threw me off slightly.” He said quieting his voice.
                “Oh?” You asked.
                “Yeah, I was in a k-pop group. Sometimes I still make music, but the group is only sometimes now. I don’t mind, the space from all of that lets me enjoy other forms of art.”
Your heart got reminded of what it was stolen of.
                “That’s good that you are growing every day.” You said, your tone was cold. A total 180, Namjoon didn’t seem to notice though. As he walked you to your apartment he asked about your work, about you, he made sure you were comfortable.
You ended up letting him in your apartment.
                “So, you were in a k-pop group?” You were curious, “was the company bad in any way?”
Namjoon’s brows furrowed, confused by your question. Also confused by your sudden interest in that part of his life.
                “Well, when I first started yeah it was rough. But then we just started controlling our own little section of the company. So, I am now in charge of what I do.” He spoke, sipping the tea you made for him.
                “Ah…” You sat down at the table with him, you looked out the window at the city. This window of the house barely showed the Eiffel Tower.
                “You are different then how I expected you to be.” Namjoon spoke. You perked up.
                “What is that supposed to mean?”
He let out a laugh, “its not a bad thing, with how dark your work is, part of me expected a very tortured very damaged person. However, looking at you now, I can still see you have a little spark in your eyes.”
Your eyes softened, you really thought that spark was gone from your soul. But if a complete stranger saw it, maybe the spark wasn’t died out completely.
                “You can?” Your voice softened, you didn’t want to cave so easily. However, you felt your walls starting to crumble. When you moved to Paris and started to get popular you were telling men and women left and right to fuck off if they wanted to court you. It was even worse if they TRIED to court you. But Namjoon, he seemed sincere. Your heart dropped when you saw your piece above the mantle. You caved in on yourself. Namjoon picked up on this.
                “Was that too much? I’m sorry.” He quickly apologized, you rapidly shook your head no.
                “it’s just been a while since I have sat down with someone like this.” You took a sip of your own tea, “it isn’t bad. Its just something different for me.”
Namjoon nodded, “I am in Paris for about a week, I was actually planning on going to your exhibit because either way I wanted to meet you, but I am ranting, anyways, if you would like to do this more, like sit down and talk.”
You looked up at him and smiled, “I would like that.”
                He was a little awkward, but maybe he was charming you slightly.
You two ended up exchanging numbers after he had tea with you that one day, a couple days passed and you two decided to go to a local restaurant down the road. He was going to meet you at your apartment, and you would buzz him up. You put on your makeup and got dressed, back in the small town your clothing was lighter colors. Now you noticed it was all black and navy blue. Dark maroons sometimes littered your wardrobe as well. As you got changed you didn’t see the text reading that Namjoon couldn’t make it today. When your door buzzed you let whoever was here, up. When there was a knock at the door you rushed over, your long black dress flowing as much as it could with your long cardigan over it. You slipped your heels on and opened the door.
                “Jinnie- “
Chapter 5: I’m Sorry, I’m Late
“Jinnie-“your voice got caught in your throat. There he was, in front of you. His hair was different, but the curves of his face and his moles were exactly where you remembered him. You tried to draw him many times over the past year; you could never perfect him.
                “I’m sorry, I’m late.” He spoke, his voice was just as you remembered it. God…
In a shock to yourself your face contorted, “late for what Hyunjin.” Your cold voice stunned you.
                “I had a feeling you would be upset with me.” His voice was calm, he looked somewhat different, his hair was blond and long. It was a total 180 from the short choppy dark hair of Jinnie.
                “Can I come in?” he asked softly. You took a deep breath and stepped aside. He walked in, his clothes were different too. More chic, he looked expensive.
You walked over to your phone to see that Namjoon asked to reschedule, what rotten timing.
                “You still have our piece we made together, over the mantel.” He noted. Your heart wanted to be so mad at him. You were livid, he had left for a year, no words, no letters, nothing. Hyunjin just watched you from afar as you did him. It’s not like you had any way to contact him. He could’ve easily contacted you, but he didn’t.
                “Why are you here?” You asked trying to sound stern, it wasn’t real though. When it came to him your heart was on your sleeve. Your cold tortured artist façade now crumbled completely; it always did when your heart missed him.
                “I’m here for your exhibit.” He turned around and looked at you, now leaning on the arm of the couch, “your home is nice.”
                “My exhibit isn’t until a few days.” Your voice once again slightly quivering. You felt your posture stiffen.
                “I know that.” Hyunjin walked toward you, your eyes weren’t on him, but you could hear his shoes. His now expensive, shiny, pointy, stupidly classy shoes.
You finally gained enough courage to look at him, his brown eyes looking straight into you. The rolls were reversed now, your heart was the scared dog.
                “I said I was late because I heard from the grape vine about Namjoon visiting for your exhibit.”
Your eyes widened, how? It was one day…
                “My friend is friends with Namjoon’s friend. He apparently talks nonstop about you and your work. When Chris, my friend, told me, I came here as soon as possible.” He went to grab your hand and you pushed it away.
                “So, you only came here when you found out someone who has an interest in me was now getting to see me?” Obviously, this hurt you. It felt selfish and that wasn’t the Jinnie you knew.
                “Y/n you know I don’t mean it like that…” Hyunjin’s voice was pained. It broke you a little more knowing it was because of your own words. You walked past him, and you heard his footsteps following you. Whipping around you poked his chest.
                “You didn’t even reach out to me! You bought one of my works second hand! You knew exactly where to find me!” Your voice raised, “I waited for you!”
                “I know you did, and I am so sorry, I got caught up in so many schedules. And it was a lot. My parents missed me, and I missed my friends and the next thing I knew- “
                “And then you have the absolute AUDACITY to come to my home when I just started getting over you!” You backed him to the edge of the couch again.
Hyunjin looked at you with wide eyes, then they trailed down to your neck, “are you sure about that?” His voice was just above a whisper. Your brows furrowed and your hand came up to touch what his eyes were glued to.
                It was the necklace he gave you, in your defense you never take it off. It just became apart of you, just like he did.
                “Don’t think I didn’t notice my works wrapped up under the couch either.” He wasn’t walking on eggshells anymore, he was stomping. Your eye twitched.
                “What do you even want to get out of this Hyunjin!?” You didn’t look at him.
You felt his warm hand softly grab yours, he was back on eggshells again, his grip was as if you were blown glass.
                “I want you just as I always have.”
That was it, there was absolutely no getting over him. Any progress you made in the past year was gone. You looked away from him.
                “Please… Look at me…” He was trying not to cry, “say anything please.”
                “Not even a text? Or a letter?” Your voice broke, the floodgates had opened wetting your face.
Hyunjin wiped your tears as quickly as they leaked out of his favorite pair of eyes, “I tried, I didn’t know what to say. I will admit I am being impulsive and stupid. I shouldn’t have dropped everything the second I heard Namjoon was going to be at your meeting.”
Your brows furrowed again, and you looked up at him, “you dropped everything?”
                “Yes, in a heartbeat, the second Chris told me I booked a plane ticket without telling anyone. I was scared and I couldn’t- I couldn’t let you- “
The anger was back, and you pushed his hands off his face, “you couldn’t let me get over you!?” You turned your back to him and hugged yourself.
                “I couldn’t let someone else have you! Y/n, I messed up so badly. I know I did, I hurt you and left you with a stupid note and I didn’t even think about how much it would hurt you in the morning. I was overwhelmed. I should have visited you right when I knew you were here.” Hyunjin was desperately trying to get you to hear him out. Your heart was in a war between loving him and hating him.
Hating him was fueled by how much you were in love with him.
                “You have until my exhibit, to fix this. To prove to me that you won’t just leave again with a stupid note.” You turned around and his eyes filled with hope. The same hope before yours and his relationship was tainted.
You ended up having to let Hyunjin stay in your guest room, he didn’t book any kind of hotel or anything. He truly just bought a ticket to France, to you. The rest of that day was spent with him walking around your home and taking what you presumed to be mental notes.
Your outing with Namjoon was going to get rescheduled at your exhibit. At this point, your childish heart wanted the entire Earth to stop so you wouldn’t have to be with anyone but Hyunjin. But the adult brain in you told you that Hyunjin needed to prove that he wouldn’t just leave again.
The next morning you woke up and flipped over, totally forgetting yesterday’s events. When you heard music playing from your living room you got scared. You sprung up and rushed in, no one was in the living room. It was BRIGHT too, usually you have the curtains closed.
When you entered the kitchen, there he was. You weren’t dreaming.
                “Oh, did I wake you?” He turned around, his beautiful face more visible to you now. You mentally thanked the headband he had on.
                “No, I just-“ you didn’t know what to say.
                “I opened your curtains in the living room and in here, you have beautiful views of the city.” Hyunjin smiled at you and set a plate down at your small table, meant for two.
                “You made breakfast?” You asked, eyeing the plate. Your eyes then went up to him, he looked tired, he was still in his pajamas. Hyunjin nodded.
                “I am really jetlagged, so it was hard sleeping. I woke up really early and so I made breakfast.” Even through his drowsiness he smiled for you. You mumbled a thank you and sat down. You saw that he made a really good-looking fruit bowl with oatmeal.
                “I have hard boiled eggs in the fridge too. All picked up this morning. I didn’t want to use your food without permission.” He said and set down spoons and forks for you both.
                “You could have… It’s okay…” Your voice was quiet.
                “Do you have any plans today?” Hyunjin asked you. You took a bite of the fruit in the fruit bowl. He even picked the best fruit for you. You shook your head no.
                “Would you want to take a walk with me today? I was thinking about getting ice cream or a genuine French Crepe.” He took a sip of his tea.
                “Aren’t you worried about being recognized with me? Don’t you have fans?” You took a sip of your tea now.
                “Well, don’t you have fans now?” He slyly smiled at you, “I’ve heard some rumors about you.”
You gave him a look, “what do you mean?”
Hyunjin did one of his eye smiles and giggles, “you know at first, I was a little jealous when I heard that everyone in the art scene wanted to court you.” He sipped his tea and wiggled his eyebrows. You couldn’t help the little laugh that escaped you.
                “Not everyone.” You looked away, “they stopped after a bit.”
Hyunjin set his glass down which got your attention again, “ah of course they did, you gained the reputation of being unobtainable.”
                “Is that what they call me now?” You asked, now taking a spoonful of oatmeal.
                “Maybe, I wouldn’t call you that though.”
                “Confident, are we?” You asked him.
The man in front of you looked at you, a small huff of a laugh coming out of his nose, “maybe.”
He held the umbrella for you both as you walked down the busy street with him. A scene your heart never thought would come true.
                “Your clothes are darker colors now.” He noted, “they look nice on you.”
You nodded, “thank you, your hair doesn’t look choppy anymore.”
Hyunjin threw his head back and laughed, he almost hit you with the umbrella, “I got scolded and forced to get a haircut, they don’t let me touch it now.”
                “Your work?” You questioned. Hyunjin let out a hum of a yes. You frowned, “doesn’t it bother you…? Being put in a box like that?”
                “Oh, every day, but it’s worth it when I am on stage, dancing, singing, I missed it truly. I got my spark back.” He spoke with stars in his eyes.
                “Well, that’s good then. I am glad your trip helped you appreciate what you have.” You said and pushed your dark sunglasses up again.
                “My return though made me miss dearly what I gained on that trip.” Hyunjin said in a hushed voice, near your ear.
You looked at him, as much as you wanted to fight it, your heart belonged to him. It wasn’t time yet though; your mind was still scared.
                “The café is up there.” Hyunjin broke eye contact with you then led you to the café.
He ended up ordering for you in French, he spoke with confidence. It was a change from the markets in that oh so small town. You both sat outside after he paid.
                “I studied French on my free time when I got back.” Hyunjin spoke and took a bite of his sweet treat.
                “I was wondering how you spoke so confidently.” You sipped your hot coffee; you also picked a strawberry off your plate.
                “It made me think of you.” He spoke and gave you that stupid eye smile. It was almost torture.
You looked away biting back a smile, he was too charming for his own good. The little things he did were too much. It made your heart win the war over your brain.
                “Was the bed warm? In my guest room?” You questioned.
Hyunjin nodded, still smiling at you. He seemed thrilled to just be around you, “mhm!”
                “That’s… That’s actually a relief, I don’t usually have overnight guests.” Your lips curved into a smile. You looked up at him and his head was turned in question.
                “What?” You asked.
                “You don’t have guests?”
You shook your head no, “I don’t have people over like at all. One time my mom visited but that was a few months ago.”
                “You don’t get lonely?”
Your mind filled with memories of you sipping wine by yourself, letting a couple tears slip while the fire was the only thing that warmed your body. Quickly you snapped out of it.
                “No.” Your answer was short, “I did that before didn’t I?” Correction, you did that before you met Hyunjin. Then he opened your world only to leave you on the dark side of the moon.
                “Well, I just thought because your art style changed dramatically. The colors you used were always dark, dark reds, blues, blacks, greys. No more yellow or lavender.” He said simply.
                “Do you study my work?”
Hyunjin smiled again at you, with a knowing look, then he shrugged, “finish your coffee its going to get cold.”
The next day he made you breakfast again, this time it was muffins and fruit. He even cut the fruit into little shapes; you know that he specially hand cut each shape due to the fact you didn’t own any kind of food cutters.
                “Good morning!” Hyunjin said cheerfully.
                “Did you rest well?” You asked sitting down, Hyunjin nodded.
                “I slept a lot better than last night; I usually get over jet lag pretty quickly so.” He set your food down and sat down next to you, “I also made peppermint tea this morning.”
                “Thank you…” You felt your face warm and the small butterflies erupted from your chest to your heart.
                “So today, are you busy with anything?” Hyunjin asked, you took a bite of your muffin. It was pumpkin.
                “Did you make these?” You looked at him, it tasted exactly like your pumpkin bread. Hyunjin nodded with a grin.
                “We made it so much that when I had free time, I wrote down the recipe. I used to make it in my dorm whenever I missed you. Let’s just say I gave my friend who actually bakes a run for his money.” He giggled and took a bite of his muffin.
                “That’s… Really sweet of you…” You spoke quietly, you saw Hyunjin smile warmly to himself. Part of you knew he truly does love you as much as you still love him. Your mind was starting to forgive him. Your mind then went to his original question.
                “I only have a small meeting today for the food being served at my exhibit.” You ate some fruit.
                “May I come with you?” Hyunjin asked. Your mind fought it and thought it over. Your heart once again won.
                “I think your insight will help.” Your words came off warm. You saw Hyunjin’s eyes widen a bit at your kind tone, then he smiled.
Once more he held your umbrella as you two walked, today it was actually raining so you actually needed the covering.
                “I don’t think it will rain the day of your exhibit.” Hyunjin’s feet slapped against the stone streets of Paris.
                “You looked up the weather?” Your eyes looked up at him. Part of him was offended and you can tell.
                “Can you please stop being so surprised that I do the bare minimum?” He looked down at you, he didn’t want to start an argument. As he was a man who preferred to communicate and say his emotions. He could never hold in how he was feeling, and you remembered that. One time you two had a small argument in the small town, he just said how he was feeling.
                “I’m sorry I am just trying to- I don’t even know. You’re right I need to have more faith in you.” You didn’t look at him anymore, “It’s really wrong of me to assume that you are going to do the worse.” You swallowed, you didn’t want to cry. But he was right. Hyunjin sighed and pulled you to the side of the sidewalk, under an awning. The rain was starting to get loud.
                “Y/n you have every right to be cautious of me. I understand what I did and I shouldn’t have just-“
                “Hyunjin…” You looked up at him, “you are right, I need to be more open minded, you were never wrong to me in that small town and you didn’t have a choice to leave. You said so in your note.” You dug through your purse and grabbed your wallet.
                “What’re you…?”
You kept digging until you pulled out his note, the one he left you at your small cottage, “you said yourself you wanted to take me with you, but you were shot down.”
                “You keep it with you…?”
Your eyes looked away from him and to the note that was in your hands, “yes I keep it with me…”
Hyunjin’s hand touched yours and he took a deep breath, “I’m still so sorry.”
                “It’s okay… Again, I know you didn’t have a choice, and I know you were so busy with your life and I started to become busy too and our lives just got so complicated… I need to stop being so cold to you…” Your voice was shaky, and you took a deep breath.”
                “Hey… It’s okay…” Hyunjin’s hand slowly and cautiously went to your cheek. You looked up at him, he smiled at you, “hi.”
Your heart loved the view in front of you and so did your mind, “hi.”
                “Let’s get to the meeting, okay? We don’t want to be late.”
That’s what you two did, you made it in one piece even in the rain. The meeting consisted of different cheese and wine tastings. Hyunjin would giggle at you everytime your face scrunched from the strong wine flavor and you would laugh at him when the cheese he ate tasted bad.
                “You said this one tasted good!” Hyunjin pouted while you were giggling evilly.
                “I thought it tasted great… Maybe your taste buds are broken.” You said smugly.
Hyunjin’s jaw dropped and he looked stunned, “MY taste buds!? You like bad cheese apparently!” He said loudly. You had to quiet him down while laughing. You two got a little tipsy while trying all the wine, you were nowhere near drunk, but you could feel a little buzz. You and Hyunjin were just constantly laughing at everything. In your heart you felt that this was perfect, you could live every day with him if you could. Before you two headed out you both made sure to drink water and have a couple slices of bread. Much to Hyunjin’s excitement.
When you two decided on the little snacks and drinks for your exhibit you two started your walk home, together. The buzz was starting to wear off which was good. Being publicly intoxicated could ruin both your public image, as if being alone together wasn’t enough to stir controversy. That fear wasn’t on either of your minds though, at least not at the moment. You and Hyunjin were both drunk on each other’s company.
                “I cannot believe you made me try that gross cheese!” Hyunjin said as you two walked on the sidewalk. The rain started to clear up, so he didn’t bother opening the umbrella.
                “You tried to get me drunk!” You joked back, Hyunjin dramatically gasped.
                “I would never! You drank the same amount as me!” He placed his hand over his heart. You let out a laugh and through your head back. You missed this so much, you missed him so much. You and Hyunjin exchanged glances at each other as you two walked and talked.
                “You know I wonder how our neighbor is…” You thought to yourself.
                “Gram?” Hyunjin asked and cocked his head to the side.
You nodded and messed with the rings on your fingers, “I still feel guilty for just leaving and selling everything.”
                “I am sure she would understand, maybe we could invite her to your exhibit!” Hyunjin suggested, your eyes lit up.
                “That is such a good idea!” You grinned up at him, Hyunjin gave you a funny but endearing look.
                “I think we should…-“ His voice trailed off and he looked in front of him. Your eyes followed him but before he could figure it out, he pulled you into the alley and started rushing.
                “What is this about?” You felt yourself giggle a little and you let him lead you. You were still in love with him, you couldn’t help it.
                “I think someone recognized one or both of us.” He turned three corners in the small alley and stopped to look around.
                “So, you dragged us into a sketchy ally?” You felt yourself laugh at him, he looked down at you confused and then looked around.
                “I guess I did… I panicked, okay?” You could tell he was a little embarrassed, once again you let a giggle slip out.
                “I just don’t want to have to leave again.” Hyunjin spoke softly, his voice was quiet. Your eyes softened when you looked at him.
                “You think they’d follow you again?” Your curiosity peaked. Hyunjin gave you a look and nodded.
                “Oh yeah, they will follow me to the ends of the Earth. I mean my brothers would, they aren’t actually blood brothers but they are the closest I have to them.” He was rambling, it made you forget you two were in some random alleyway.
                “Will I ever get to meet them?” You looked up at him and leaned against the wall. Hyunjin looked down at you.
                “You want to meet them?”
You nodded, “well of course I would. They’re important to you, are they not?”
                “Yeah… Yeah they are.” Hyunjin’s eyes kept staring into yours. His mind was running a mile a minute. You felt the rain start again, it was only a sprinkle and it felt nice. You looked up still leaning on the wall taking in the nice weather. You could hear Hyunjin breathe through his nose, and you looked up at him again. His brows were furrowed, and he looked frustrated.
                “Are you okay?” You asked, now you were genuinely concerned.
                “Please…” He mumbled, now it was your turn to look confused. The rain started to become heavy again, soaking both of you.
You heard Hyunjin mumble something and then look away.
                “I’m sorry I couldn’t hear you because of the rain.” You spoke.
                “Please let me kiss you again.”
In the middle of the sketchy alleyway, you let him kiss you. The war between your mind and heart was over, they made a truce to love Hyunjin.
And only Hyunjin.
The next morning you woke up to Hyunjin next to you, he was still sound asleep. Hyunjin looked so peaceful, it was just like when you woke up next to him in that little cottage of yours. Except now you two are older. His face was illuminated by the sun bouncing off your white walls. He was beautiful. You think if you ever spent a year without him again you would be heartbroken forever.
You carefully slipped out of bed, making sure that you wouldn’t wake him. You got up and did your morning routine and called your manager, you had an idea.
                “Hello Miss L/n.” Your manager said cheerfully, “what do I owe the pleasure?” Her voice was always so powerful.
                “Do you remember the first exhibit when my work started to become popular?” You asked as you went through the fridge to make pancakes for you and Hyunjin.
                “Ah yes, the one that was meant for Mr. W’s student Sam. But then Sam couldn’t make it?” Your manager always remembered; it was probably because you paid her to do so but still.
                “Yes, that one, I want to put those pieces out again this next exhibit. I have Hyu- Sam, here with me. I would like him to see his work in an exhibit.” You spoke and started to stir the pancake mix.
                “How kind of you Miss L/n.” You heard her type from the other end, “I will add that to your exhibit and the pamphlet. This afternoon I will send someone over to pick up yours and Mr. Sam’s.”
                “Thank you.”
Your manager started typing again and hummed to herself, “alright, they will be there in the afternoon.”
                “Thank you, Mrs. Jean.”
You said your goodbyes and continued to make breakfast, blueberry pancakes and coffee. Smiling to yourself you started to flip the pancakes. You jumped when you felt arms slowly snake around you.
                “Good morning.” Hyunjin mumbled and buried his head in your shoulder.
                “Morning Jinnie.”
Hyunjin giggled and buried his head more in your shoulder, “I missed that.”
You hummed and he didn’t let go of you while you cooked. You moved to the right, Hyunjin moved to the right. You took a step back, Hyunjin took a step back.
                “Breakfast smells great.” Hyunjin was still very sleepy, you could tell.
                “I am glad, I figured I would make up for you making breakfast the past couple days.” You laughed out of your nose.
                “You don’t have to make anything up for me.” He finally let go of you when the food was done and set.
                “Oh, I have someone coming over today to pick up some artwork for the exhibit. Do you mind running errands?” You asked and sipped your hot coffee. You put creamer in it, Hyunjin didn’t put creamer in his. You took note of that.
He pouted, “why can’t I be here?”
You gave him a look, “Can you please just trust me. Pleaaaase.” You pouted back. Hyunjin groaned and took a bite of his pancake, after he drowned it in syrup, of course.
                “Yes. I can run errands, anything for you.”
Your smile widened and you giggled at how much of a lovesick dork he was. It was hypocritical of you to laugh though, you were the same lovesick dork for him. You always were.
The day of your exhibit rolled around and you woke Hyunjin up.
                “Get up we have to get ready!” You grinned.
                “My ticket isn’t until 6pm.” Hyunjin rolled over again, his beautiful form facing you. You shook him again.
                “Don’t you want to walk into my exhibit holding hands with me?”
You have never in your life seen someone get ready THAT quickly.
                “Blue or black suit?” Hyunjin asked.
You looked up at him. He had light makeup on and his hair was pulled back in a ponytail, he looked divine already. He could show up in his pajamas and he would look so good.
                “Blue, navy blue.” You said and looked back at your vanity, you were deciding how to do your hair and makeup.
                “Is that because you’re wearing navy blue.” He teased. Your face grew hot.
                “Noooo…” You mumbled, he let out a loud obnoxious laugh that you were in love with.
You finished getting ready and you waited for him by the door, adjusting your hat and sunglasses. As much as wearing sunglasses indoors made you kind of look like an asshole, you became known to do so. You started wearing them at your first exhibit, it was so people couldn’t see you crying over Hyunjin and how you wanted him to be there so badly. You took a deep breath, maybe it was time to ditch the sunglasses.
                “You look beautiful.” Hyunjin said from behind you and looked at you in the mirror, “can we take a photo?”
You nodded and looked up at him, he whipped out his phone and took a mirror selfie with you. He took a few photos, one of him kissing the side of your head, one of him holding you, another one of him actually kissing you. He would have memories and photos of you with him.
                “We are going to be late Jinnie.” You laughed. He nodded and you two headed out to the driver.
When you two arrived early you talked to your manager and introduced her to Hyunjin. She was very excited to meet this other artist. Just like you, she fell in love with his art too. Mrs. Jean was also clearly scouting for another client. It made you smile with pride. You were always so proud of Hyunjin. They ended up talking about art, thank god your manager kept the surprise. She was clearly trying to sell him on becoming a client, part of you hoped so. That meant he would have to come to Paris more. Which means he could see you more.
Time passed and people started showing up to your shared exhibit. When you walked around and people chatted with you, you saw Hyunjin was chatting with a group of men that you recognized as people from his group. He didn’t look tense around them, and it didn’t seem like he was in too much trouble for running away again.
You sipped on your champagne and grabbed a couple of cheese slices from the table.
                “Good evening.” You looked to your side and saw Namjoon. Uh ohhh. You smiled warmly, trying not to panic. You ended up setting your little cheese plate to the side.
                “Oh! Hi Namjoon!” You were really trying not to panic. I mean you guys didn’t even go out, you had tea with him once.
                “Your exhibit is really beautiful! I am excited to go through the rest of it.” He smiled at you.
                “Thank you, Namjoon that means a lot.” You smiled, he smiled back and before you knew it you felt a hand on your waist.
                “Oh my god I know you.” Hyunjin said and put his hand out, Namjoon shook it.
                “You’re an idol too, right?” Namjoon spoke, “part of that group Stray Kids?”
Hyunjin nodded and shook his hand back, “yes, I am Hyunjin.”
                “Ahhhh yes you are talked about a lot, I have heard your name float around before.” Hyunjin shrugged with a sly smile. You could help but roll your eyes at Hyunjin being childish.
Hyunjin and Namjoon talked a little about work before Namjoon excused himself to look at the rest of the exhibit.
                “I have something to show you.” You grabbed Hyunjin’s hand with your free hand. You set your champagne down. Hyunjin smiled at you and nodded. You led him to the part of your exhibit that was dedicated to him. You saw as his eyes widened and he looked at you then back at his artwork. They were still in pristine condition.
                “You didn’t get to see your work in an exhibit, I wanted to make that up to you.” You said quietly. Hyunjin looked at you like you were the world to him. He was at a loss for words.
                “Do you like it?” You asked, scared you overstepped.
                “Y/n… I love it…” He mumbled, still in shock, “I love you so much. I-“
You watched, heart beating out of your chest as he got down on one knee. Your mouth was agape. He pulled out a small box, the ring shining under the exhibit lights.
                “I was planning to do this after the exhibit but my heart is telling me there is no other perfect time for this. I love you, y/n. I will make up for the time lost for the rest of my life with you. I thought about you every day and I will continue to only think of you every day. I want you to be my future, you already are my everything. My intended. Will you please marry me.”
Maybe you should have worn your sunglasses because you were crying over Jinnie again, but not because of sadness.
                “Yes Jinnie!”
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imtryingbuck · 2 months
Too Late part two
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!Reader. Fem!Reader x Conrad (whoever you picture)
Summary: part two of Too Late
Word count: 2,613
Warnings: angst. fluff. lies? Steve makes an appearance. 
Part 1
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Now in the two years since she had left she finally felt at peace, she found herself.
For close to a year Conrad would visit Y/n in her little sanctuary that sat alone in the woodland area, for those months Y/n didn’t trust him of course she didn’t he was a member of Hydra, the bad guys who spend years and years destroying the goodness that was James Buchanan Barnes, destroyed and killed those that didn’t bow down to them and abide by their rules.
And while yes Conrad decided not to put a bullet in her head like she had asked for him to do, choosing to open her eyes to the betrayal, he chose to give her a second chance in life he was still the guy apart of a terrible organisation.
Even though she didn’t trust him she did have to admit that she appreciated his help, appreciated his company. Every time he visited he brought supplies and food for her, he even showed up once with a van that had a ray of different livestock in the back so she could start a little farm up like she had wanted to do.
Y/n tried, she really did try to not get too comfortable with Conrad but he was just so easy to talk to about everything and anything, she appreciated that he never once mentioned Steven and his betrayal with Natasha. She hated how funny he was, she hated how much she missed him when he left to go back to the monstrous organisation that was Hydra. Hated how he occupied her mind when he wasn’t there helping around the house fixing things and only accepting a nice cold glass of homemade lemonade from her.
She definitely hated how much he looked so attractive when he chopped fresh firewood for her.
She especially hated that.
It wasn’t fair, he was supposed to be the enemy yet he had treated her better in those few months than anyone had ever.
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It had been exactly four months, three weeks and two days since Conrad had last been to visit and she hated it. Though she had the many animals to keep her company she had to admit she was kind of going a bit crazy.
Molly the cow would look at her like she was insane when Y/n would be perch upon on the wooden little stool that Conrad had made for her, talking to the cow as she milked her. Y/n swore that one time the black spotted animal rolled her eyes at the woman once.
Y/n walked into the pigpen fussing over the month old piglets that were the most precious little things she had ever laid eyes on. When her leg was knocked she looked down to see Grumpy, named perfectly for his grumpiness, she patted him on his head telling him to hold on for food, chuckling lightly when he snorted in response. The moment she finished putting the food in the trough she heard the unmistakable sound of a car coming up the gravelled driveway.
Nobody had ever come up to where she lived apart from…
“H-he’s back” she mumbled to herself before dropping the bucket with a clank and running out finding herself nearly tripping over her own foot when she had to turn back around to shut the gate of the pigpen.
Running to the front of the house she saw the same car Conrad always came in, her eyebrows pulled together when she saw two figures sitting in the front, as the car got closer her heart started beating faster as she noticed Conrad and another figure she had come to know because of Steve.
“Y/n-“ Conrad shouts as soon as he gets out of the driver side door “-god I’ve missed you” he jogs over to her and wraps his arms around her frame, pulling back when he notices she doesn’t hug him back but is staring at the other person who stands by the car. “I can explain everything I promise”
“It’s nice seeing you again Y/n.”
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Two sets of eyes moved back and forth as Y/n paced around in front of them. One was nervous the other didn’t care about her reaction, well lack of one. Conrad went to speak but the other person in the room shook their head.
“Y-you lied-“
“I didn’t lie-“
“You didn’t tell me the truth!”
“Because I couldn’t, I’m sorry Y/n”
“It’s true Y/n. He couldn’t tell you the truth”
The truth being that Conrad was never a member of Hydra but a SHIELD agent. He had been undercover for four years. There were a handful of agents that were sent undercover and Conrad was one of them, the plan was to take Hydra down from the inside.
From what Conrad had said that it had worked, they had successfully captured members of Hydra one by one.
“Bu-but your meant to be the enemy”
“Yet you trusted him”
Y/n’s eyes squinted at the man sat next to Conrad “I understand that I’ve got real bad judgment when it comes to trusting men Fury”.
“I understand your confused but to be honest Conrad never lied to you-“
“I’ve been thinking he’s the bad guy from the moment he kidnapped me!”
“And yet you trusted him enough to let him come into your home”
“I-shut up. Okay so why are you telling me now?”
“I’ll let him fill you in on that. I’m going to go, it was nice meeting you again Y/n, truly. Goodbye”
Y/n watches Fury stand up fixing his trench coat before nodding to both of them then leaving. Taking the car with him. Leaving with a promise, promising her that Steve doesn’t and will never know that she’s alive.
Conrad’s eyes never moved away from Y/n, patting the seat next to him sighing a breath of relief when she sits. ��I’m sorry for not telling you the truth about me, I wasn’t allowed to.”
“No I understand, sorry for overreacting”
“You didn’t-“ he chuckles “I missed you”
“I missed you too”
“So I erm I-I told Fury I want to retire and he’s accepted it, bu-but I was wondering i-if you would have me, here I mean”
“You want to say here? With me?”
“I haven’t got any family anymore a-and I feel happy here”
Conrad hated the silence that followed, he was about to tell her that it didn’t matter, that he would still come to visit, that he was sorry for overstepping when she finally spoke.
“We’ve got piglets. They are the cutest things ever, want to come look?”
“Well yeah you live here now so…”
He moved so fast wrapping his arms around her, bringing her into his chest. Mumbling thank you over and over again.
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In a way Conrad went off script when he took Y/n from her shared apartment with Steve, it was Hydra’s plan all along. The plan was to find a way to destroy Captain America. They had heard from a Hydra agent that was undercover with SHIELD that America’s golden boy had a girlfriend but was cheating on her with the black widow. The plan was to use Y/n as a way to get Steve to stop destroying their ‘hard work’. They were going to blackmail him, telling him that they won’t tell Y/n about his straying ways as long as he did what they said.
It was foolproof as the double agent told them that Steve was in love with Y/n.
Even though he had been cheating on her with someone she thought was her friend.
But Conrad knew that Hydra would hurt her just to get Steve to break. And that wasn’t something he could stand by and watch so he told the team he had been in charge of that he had gotten word that it was time to go ahead and kidnap Y/n. He did have to admit that it was admirable that she put up a fight against ten men who were ten times bigger than her, he hated it when Mitch punched her.
Due to having eyes on him he had to act as if the tears that were coming out from her pretty eyes wasn’t bothering him when she watched her boyfriend and friend sleeping together. When the Avengers showed up he couldn’t stop his eyes from rolling as Steve tries to make a pathetic attempt at explaining his betrayal. He did have to force himself to stifle the laugh that tried to make its way out when Natasha had tears in her eyes hearing that she meant nothing to Steve.
Conrad’s heart clenched at hearing that she was pregnant because she had already asked him to kill her, a thing that he agreed to do even if he didn’t want to. But hearing that she had lost her unborn baby made his heart clench even harder.
Getting her out of the rundown facility was easy as his team were to focused on keeping their eyes and guns trained on the Avengers. Getting her to the farmhouse that sat alone in the middle of nowhere was easy even if she was driving him mad when she kept asking him where he was taking her.
Fury found out that it was Conrad that had ‘killed’ Y/n a few months back when he had to meet the man to talk about how the progress was going. Fury was angry. He had met Y/n a handful of times he thought she was sweet, nice, definitely didn’t deserve to have her life to be ended the way it was. That was until Conrad told him the truth.
For the four months, three weeks and two days since he hadn’t seen her it had drove him insane he wanted so badly to reach out to her and let her know that he was thinking about her, that he was definitely coming back to her. Fury made him go no contact with her until the dust settled around them.
Conrad begged Fury not to let Steve know about Y/n being alive or where she was, Nick wasn’t a stupid man he knew that Conrad had clearly grown fond of Y/n. Finding out what Steve had done, he gave the man pacing around in his office his word. Steve would never find out.
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“Con! We’ve got a runner!” Y/n screamed trying to chase after one of the pigs who decided to make a run for it. “She’s coming your way”
“I’ve got eyes on her! I’ve got her!” He cheered picking up the animal, who actually sighed in defeat.
“Shes so fast it’s unbelievable”
“I know, she was on a mission to get away” he laughed placing the pig back down into the pen.
“Her mission fail- what?”
“I love you”
“I love you too”
“Gimme a kiss- wait…”
It had been two years since Conrad had joined Y/n at the farmhouse after retiring, in those two years Conrad had confessed his feelings for her, he understood that she probably needed some time since how her last relationship had ended so he was completely shocked when she jumped into his arms and kissed him. Through them two years they lived happily in complete ignorance of the world around them.
“What?” Following Conrad’s eyes looking up at the sky she frowned. “That’s one of SHIELD’s jets Con…”
“I know. Stay close to me okay”
They watch in silence as the jet lowers on the field just at the back of their home, the door comes open and the ramp begins to descend. They share confused glances at seeing no one making an appearance, when someone finally stands in the doorway Y/n gasps.
It’s been four years to that day since she last saw him. Those four years weren’t kind to him honestly. His hair was longer and he was even sporting a beard. He looked bigger in muscle though his face was slimmer, his once bright blue eyes were now sunken and dull.
“H-how did he find us?” She whispered unable to move her eyes away from him.
Steve Rogers had found them.
And unfortunately was now making his way down the ramp.
Since Y/n had her eyes trained on his approaching figure she didn’t notice the rest of the Avengers making their exit from the jet. Even Loki and Bruce were there.
“You-you made out that you’ve been dead for four years and yet here you are shacking it up with the enemy” his voice was deeper than it use to be.
“How did you find her?” Conrad asked standing in front of her, not liking the way Steve’s eyes moved up and down her body.
“You let me believe that you was dead baby, for four years I’ve-“
“What are you doing here?” She cut him off.
“Fury. He’s not as sneaky as he thinks.”
“Why are you here Steven?”
“I want you back” Steve states as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“Not happening. Leave all of you”
“Baby I made a mistake-“
“Don’t come any closer Rogers. I mean it” it’s now Conrad’s turn to interrupt him. Steve cocks his head to the side and laughs. But does as the other man says.
“He’s Hydra baby-“
“He was undercover for SHIELD. Please leave now”
“Is that what he told you?”
“It’s what Fury told me. Leave”
“Just come home okay, I can be better please baby I love you”
“I’m already home. Tony, Bucky please get him gone”
Bucky looks at her with an unreadable expression on his face “it’s nice to see you again Y/n/n. Come on Steve she’s happy here let-“
“No. No because she isn’t. She can’t just run away and pretend she’s dead-“
“You was cheating on me Steven. With my so called friend as well. I’m happy here, I don’t want you anymore”
“Natasha meant and still means nothing to me baby, it was a mistake, one that I want to make up for. Please just come home”
“I don’t care, I stopped caring about you and her a long time ago. I won’t ask-“
“Just come home!” Steve shouts cutting her off.
“She is home! Just leave and move on”
Standing there Steve shakes his head slowly before looking back up to Y/n. “D-do you really love him?”
“I do”
“Does he make you happy?”
“He does”
Nodding, defeat and acceptance written on his face. “I really am sorry for everything I did Y/n, I-I never wanted to hurt you, I’m sorry truly.”
Leaving Conrad’s side she walks closer to Steve, standing in front of the man who she loved so much, the man who broke her heart. “I forgive you Steve, I’m happy now. Conrad is a great person and he makes me happy”
“I’m glad. I-I’ll always love you Y/n. Goodbye” Steve says before walking backwards and turning around to walk up to the jet. Everyone all except Natasha nods or waves to Y/n before following their captain.
Watching the jet leave Conrad moves closer to her wrapping his arms around her waist, kissing her neck. “You alright my love?”
“I’m more then alright, come on I’m starving and let’s not forget I am eating for two”
Hand in hand with Conrad she walks into their farmhouse seeing the positive side to seeing Steve again, it felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.
At first Steve cheating on her was the worst thing that ever happened to her, but now four years later she was finally happier than ever before with the man who loves her and their unborn baby.
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Tags: @imcinnamoons | @pigeonmama | @vicmc624 | @capsbestgirl77
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faulty-writes · 6 months
hi! do you think you could do a iida x f!reader where they’re the daughter of sir nighteye, and when he eventually dies they go after chisaki for revenge but iida talks them out of it, and uses his experience with stain to convince them.
sorry if this is too specific, i just really like ur writing, especially the iida ones!
[ Hello dear anon. Apologies that this took longer than anticipated. I ended up having to split this into two parts. So no worries, the second part will be published as soon as I am able. But I hope you enjoy this. I like the aspect of Sir Nighteye having a daughter and her having to deal with his passing. ]
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He took EVERYTHING from you and left only an empty void where your heart once resided. It felt like a violent storm drowned you in a suffocating ocean of sadness after your father, Sir Nighteye, died. But this wasn’t as bad as the suffocating worry that your friends surrounded you with.
Since Toshinori had a personal history with your father, he tried to comfort you after this unfortunate event, but you chose to isolate yourself instead. Despite your father’s passing, you knew he would be disappointed that you distanced yourself from everyone, including the man he idolized.
If you got around to cleaning the countless All Might items, he had accumulated over the years, it would be a nightmare. It was bad enough that you had to attend and deliver a eulogy at his funeral. During your speech, you choked on your words and sobbed in front of everyone until Tenya, your closest friend, politely ended it.
After that, he guided you to a private location where you cried into his chest for what seemed like hours. It’s hard to recall if you thanked him for that, but the whole event was a blur. With time, the tragic feeling of sadness gradually changed into anger as you got used to living without your father.
Wait…no that’s not quite right. Anger wasn’t the right word to describe it. The bloodthirsty need for vengeance was more accurate. Yup. You may ask, against whom? Overhaul, otherwise known as Kai Chisaki, caused your father’s demise.
And in your vengeful mindset, you laid out a plan that would, hopefully, confront him and avenge your father’s death. Once you did, you believed it would honor his memory because it would rewrite how he died in vain.
It was evident that your dark cloud of thought followed you to school the following morning, since your classmates’ raised eyebrows, and looked shocked, or just plain concerned when they saw you or passed you in the hallway.
“Ribbit, I know Y/n is still upset over what happened. But she hasn’t talked to anyone about it since,” Tsuyu said, and Eijirou nodded. “Yeah,” he replied, crossing his arms. “I’m worried about her. She’s giving off an aura scarier than Bakugou right now,” the angry blond growled.
“What the hell did you just say!?” He demanded, rising from his seat before grabbing Eijirou by the front of his uniform. Tsuyu ignored them, while Tenya tried to get their attention. “I insist you refrain from engaging in physical aggravation during class hours!” He snapped, chopping his hand through the air.
“Class hasn’t even started yet, damn four-eyes!” Katsuki snapped in response, making Tenya sigh. He believed that Katsuki was certainly rude, and it was unlikely that he’d ever gain the patience to practice proper social manners.
He pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to calm his frustration when Tsuyu spoke again. “Maybe you should talk to her Iida,” she suggested. “You’re her closest friend, right?” Her question was followed by a look of curiosity, and he returned that curious expression while clasping his chin, contemplating.
“I suppose that is correct,” he replied before looking your way. You were slumped over at your desk with your arms resting against its surface. “I am afraid that while I have been attempting to provide comfort for Y/n over the weeks since the death of her father, I have been rather unsuccessful.” He hated admitting that.
“I assumed that she required space and time so as to not further aggravate her emotional state,” he explained before taking a deep breath. “But perhaps a direct approach is needed,” he looked at Tsuyu and walked past Katsuki and Eijirou who paused and observed where he was heading.
“He’s going to talk to Y/n?” Eijirou asked, looking at Tsuyu and Katsuki huffed before dropping his hands to his sides. “Just what the hell does four-eyes think he’ll accomplish by doing that?” he questioned, crossing his arms as he continued to watch.
As Tenya approached, he noticed you mumbling to yourself. Your words, however, were indistinguishable. He stood there for a moment, curious if you noticed him. However, you seemed rather oblivious, so he cleared his throat, hoping to catch your attention.
This didn’t work. “Very well,” he stated, “pardon my reach.” He laid his hand on your shoulder and proceeded to shake you. “Hm?!” Your eyes widened, and your muttering stopped. You clenched your jaw, and turned your head, prepared to snap at whoever was disturbing your not murderous and vengeful thoughts about Chisaki.
However, you latched onto your lip when you saw who it was. “Oh,” a small wave of panic washed over you. Had he heard what you were muttering? If that was the case, you needed to play it cool or dumb. However, it wasn’t easy to fool Tenya, especially since his incident with Mei at the Sports Festival.
You glanced away while rubbing your neck. Here goes nothing. “Oh hey, Iida,” you replied, ignoring how your stomach churned and twisted into knots. As a hero student, you hated feeling nervous, although, given the negative emotions you had been experiencing lately, this feeling was more than welcome.
You frowned and focused on Tenya again. It was scary, in a way, to think that he probably knew more about how you felt than anyone else. Yes, you pushed everyone who attempted to comfort you away and although your actions were justified due to the recent tragedy that occurred, Tenya was persistent.
It was a wonder what he’d think if you told him that the tiny voice of reason in your head seemed to vanish whenever your thoughts switched to Chisaki, and hatred engulfed your heart. He narrowed his eyes, gazing at you with concern.
“Are you…well?” He asked. “Well?” You repeated, your eyes glossing over and your gaze turning toward the front of the classroom. “Yes…I am well,” you replied, but your voice lacked emotion, and that alarmed him even more.
He had been rather concerned about your well-being and state of mind after your father’s death. When Tensei was greatly injured, he experienced such emotional turmoil that he almost lost his sense of heroism and logic.
He would hate to see you go down the same path, even though you claimed to be fine. Yet, when you turned to look at him, he noticed something in your eyes, and it made his stomach turn. He swallowed heavily but decided to address it later.
“I see,” he took a step back and pressed a hand against his chest. “Are you…certain you are feeling well?” He questioned, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. He did not want to believe that you would lie to him. However, he also knew there was a chance that you didn’t even know how you were feeling now.
Emotions were quite hard to explain at times and traumatic events tended to cause one to feel “numb” and as such, a lack of emotion followed, and made it difficult for one to truly grasp just how they felt. He supposed you were also going through the various stages of grief, which too was understandable.
Your whole life changed overnight, and yet the world continued to turn. Forcing you to abide by its rules when all you desired was a break, a mere moment to recollect yourself. Yet, this did not happen. He knew how frustrating that was.
Perhaps that is why his words were of no use to you now and he was better suited to continue to play the role of support. That was quite efficient in most cases because it allowed the individual the space they so required while at the same time, knowing that there was someone there to reach out to when needed.
“Yes,” you replied. Once again, your voice was barely audible. It was almost as though someone was pulling a string and speaking for you. A single recorded phrase that meant nothing and although he did not like it, he had to accept it. At least for the moment.
He nodded. “Very well, I am certain you already know that I will always be present if you require any assistance or perhaps…someone to lend an ear and discuss the ailments you are experiencing,” he stated, chopping his hand rhythmically through the air.
“Yes,” you replied, staring blankly at the front of the classroom again. He curled his lips and shook his head in uncertainty. Nevertheless, he turned around and walked back to Tsuyu and Eijirou, who were now joined by Shoto and Izuku.
“H-hey Iida,” Izuku greeted cheerfully. “Hello,” he replied, grasping his chin, and tapping it with his finger. Tenya ignored how they exchanged glances and the silence that filled the air was broken when Eijirou snapped, “Well!?” Izuku was startled by his outburst while Shoto raised his eyebrow.
Tenya glanced at him. “What happened with Y/n!? Is she okay?!” He urged, and Shoto turned to Izuku. “Y/n?” he questioned, and Izuku shrugged, uncertain of the conversation taking place. Tsuyu walked over and laid her hand on Eijirou’s back, making him recoil before looking at her from over his shoulder.
“Oh heh, sorry,” he replied. He got emotional and sometimes let it go to his head. “We’re all concerned about Y/n,” she explained, glancing at Izuku and Shoto. “It’s going to be a while before she’s okay again. I know she must miss Sir Nighteye.” All of them did.
“Ribbit, but I’ve noticed something off-putting about Y/n lately too,” something that wasn’t sadness nor anger, but an entirely different emotion she couldn’t quite put her finger on. “Hm,” she tapped her lips before looking at Tenya.
“Actually…” she said. Maybe she could describe the emotion she saw in you after all. “The way she’s acting reminds me of Iida,” she commented. “Pardon?” Tenya replied, perhaps the most confused among his friends. “Don’t you remember, Iida?” she asked. “After your brother was injured,” she clarified.  
Izuku frowned. “Y-yeah, I remember that T-Todoroki-kun and I w-went after you,” or rather it was a matter of lucky circumstance that they happened to be in the same area as Tenya at the time. “We…defeated The H-Hero Killer together…” he continued, “and a-after…Iida admitted that…” His hands curled into fists.
He had a hard time remembering the emotional impact of that day. Shoto, noticing his friend’s distressed state, placed a hand on his shoulder. He wasn’t much for physical affection, but since making friends at Yuuei, he learned how to provide comfort.
Izuku turned to him, but Shoto’s eyes shifted to Tenya. “Iida went after Stain like a fool,” he said, never one to sugarcoat anything. Although he seemed unaware of the awkward tension he had created. “You let your anger cloud your judgment…I let it cloud my judgment too,” he admitted.
Thinking back to how he used to be, so angry and closed off to the world. He was truly thankful to his friends for helping him escape his shell. Eijirou’s jaw dropped, and his eyes widened as if he had seen the most horrific sight. “Wait…” He paused, making sure he understood everything.
“Are you suggesting that Y/n might…” he shuttered to think about it, but nobody expected someone as rational as Tenya to do what he did either. All eyes turned to him, and quite frankly, he was at a loss for words. “Well, I…” he straightened his posture and pushed his glasses up, looking in your direction perplexed.
“I am not certain…” although given your insistence that you were fine, you may still be in denial about what happened or hiding your true emotions just as he did. “Talking to her hadn’t helped provide you with a clue?” Shoto asked, now making everyone look at him.
Eijirou chuckled and laid his hand on Shoto’s shoulder. This made him tremble in response and look at the redhead as if he insulted his ancestry. “I think you’re being too blunt,” he stated, making Shoto knit his eyebrows. “Blunt?” He repeated but Tsuyu spoke up. “Todoroki-kun makes a good point,” she said.
“Then again, nobody knew what Iida wanted to do until it was too late,” she tapped her chin a few times, letting her eyes linger on you. “Maybe we need to observe her,” she suggested, making Eijirou raise his eyebrow. “Observe her? What do you mean, like keep an eye on her?” she nodded.
“What do you think Iida?” She asked, noticing he was frowning. “I am not certain that is the best strategy as it may invade the barriers of privacy,” he stated, chopping his hand lightly through the air. “However, perhaps that is the only option we have left…” he concluded.
“S-so how can w-we do it?” Izuku peeped up. Eijirou grinned. “Yeah! We have to be stealthy, right?” He asked, turning to Shoto who wore a blank expression as he thought. “I don’t think we need to spy,” he said a minute later. “Just keep an eye on her like Tsuyu suggested,” he noted.
“It doesn’t mean we need to watch her all the time. We just need to make sure she doesn’t hurt herself or wander somewhere alone,” he clarified. “Oh, okay,” Eijirou said. “So, give her space but talk to her when we think she’s doing something suspicious?” In a way, it still seemed dishonest.
“Perhaps that is best,” Tenya said, but in the back of his mind he couldn’t help but wonder if, like him, there was a chance you’d wander off when you suspected no one was watching you. Regardless, it was his job along with your mutual friends to prevent you from walking down a dark path from which there was no return.
“All right, everyone in your seats,” Shota stated as he walked through the door. “Yes sir!” Tenya immediately said, scrambling to get to his seat just as his friends did. While he normally paid attention in class, he found his gaze drifting to you.
You looked intensely focused on your thoughts instead of the lesson Mr. Aizawa was currently teaching. He might be pleased to know he was right. Within your mind, you devised several plans to confront Chisaki. These were the ideas you scribbled down in your notebook.
You assumed that nobody would look at it especially given your unique situation. Yuuei insisted you have sessions with the lifestyle guidance counselor, Ryo Inui also known as the Hunting Dog Hero: Hound Dog. Usually, these sessions are one hour long on selected days of the week. Today was one of those days.
As to not disturb your afternoon hero training too much, the sessions took place during lunch. Ryo usually kept quiet, to your surprise, during the first 25 minutes of the session to give you time to eat. The remaining time was used to talk about how you were feeling, and how you were dealing with the loss of your father.
But you told him what you told everyone else: that you were fine. Of course, he didn’t buy that. “One day you’ll have to face how you feel!” He growled at you. Oh, if only he knew what you were about to do. “If you can’t handle that, come to us!” You hated it when he gave this speech, even if he had a valid point to make.
“You rely on us heroes to protect you even from yourselves!” You knew he meant well but letting someone else handle your demons just seemed wrong. Although that could be your stubborn and determined attitude speaking. Your father taught you how to be cold and calculated in a sense, and to do nothing short of your best.
Yet maybe that played into your naive plan regarding what you wished to do to Chisaki. Nevertheless, the session ended without you learning or improving. Your rushed footsteps echoed down the hallway as you exited your classroom and headed to Gym Gamma.
You had some regret not taking your hero costume with you to your session with Ryo, but it didn’t matter now. You carried it with one hand while your other was wrapped around the strap of your backpack which hung off your shoulder. As you turned the hallway corner, you stumbled back and fell to the floor with a thud.
The suitcase containing your hero costume flew and bounced on the floor a few times. It then hit the opposite wall near an empty classroom. Your backpack contents spilled out, littering the floor. You sat up, hissing softly.
“Ouch…” you muttered before someone stepped in front of you. “Apologies,” when you looked up, Tenya stared back at you. He was dressed in his hero suit, apart from the helmet that normally concealed his face.
“Hm?” When he realized he had run into you, he leaned onto one knee and glanced at you from head to toe. “Are you injured? Forgive me, I was not anticipating someone coming around the corner at the accelerated speed you were going,” he explained.
“Yeah well…” You glanced away, irritated. “I’m not injured…” you muttered. “Then may I assist you in gathering your things?” He asked, referring to the contents of your backpack. You sighed and slowly sat on your knees.
“Yeah, I guess,” you replied, picking up the first few items within reach. Tenya walked around and picked up one of the textbooks. He handed it to you before grabbing the notebook you were writing in earlier that morning.
After placing the textbook in your backpack, you grabbed said notebook. However, it slipped between your fingers when Tenya handed it to you and landed on the floor again. Your vengeful ideas were scribbled across its pages and were now laid open for the world to see.
You cursed yourself for hesitating because that allowed Tenya to pick up the notebook and curiously look at what you had written down. Your heart pounded and you could only helplessly watch his eyebrows knit together.
“Pardon but-” You jumped to your feet and snatched it from him. He looked shocked by your behavior. “W-what are you even doing here!?” You demanded, clenching the notebook to your chest, and glaring at him. He blinked a few times, and you noticed a suspicious look in his eye.
“I…was merely assisting an injured classmate to Recovery Girl,” he replied. You huffed “Good for you,” in response before frantically picking up the rest of your things. You shoved them into your backpack and grabbed the metal suitcase containing your hero suit.
“Y/n?” Tenya asked, watching the spectacle with serious concern. However, he remained silent as you raced down the hallway. This was despite his urge to exclaim that running in hallways was prohibited. Little did he know your cheeks burned red.
‘Stupid, stupid, stupid!�� Out of all the things he could have seen. Well, maybe you could just…make some excuse if he asked about them. Something along the lines of getting your emotions out on paper. Yeah, that sounded fine. Writing was a form of coping, right?
Although you weren’t certain how much of that Tenya would buy, the way he looked at you the rest of the day only indicated that his suspicions were high. You tried to ignore it to the best of your ability and avoided him when you could.
You knew that might come back to bite you, but you didn’t care because there were more important things to do. Like conducting research regarding Chisaki’s whereabouts. Luckily, it was easy to fool Principal Nezu and the rest of your teachers.
Simply, you told them that you needed time for yourself and felt overwhelmed by your emotions. You couldn’t be disturbed while doing research. Although you felt some remorse for using your father’s death as an excuse to do your vengeful research, it would be worth it.
They granted you a week off without consequence. The only condition was that you had to stay within Yuuei student housing grounds and continue your regularly scheduled sessions with Hound Dog. A small price to pay, not that you were going anywhere, not yet at least.
Although the student dorm was a bit eerie during the day because of the dead silence with the occasional creaks and cracks of the building settling, you tried not to let this disturb you as you started your week-long research. Of course, your friends were concerned when they noticed you were absent from class.
In addition, you rarely left your room during the evening. However, none were more concerned than Tenya. Frankly, he couldn’t help but think back to the strange writing you had in your notebook. It wasn’t that hard to figure out that those writings and your current behavior were connected.
“A-are you sure about this I-Iida?” Izuku asked. “Yeah, I mean she could just be trying to express herself. Nothing’s more manly than taking control of your emotions!” Eijirou declared with a smile while Tsuyu thought quietly.
“I’m most certain the writing within her notebook was not merely a method to cope with her emotions,” he replied sternly. “Are you sure?” Eijirou asked before Tsuyu spoke up. “Ribbit, well if Iida is right then Y/n needs our help,” she concluded.
“Well, if there’s something wrong and she’s going to go through with what she wrote, I agree,” Eijirou said. Izuku clenched his jaw, his features twisted with uncertainty. “B-but we…we can’t just f-force help onto h-her…” he stated before glancing away, trying to devise a reasonable solution in his head.
“W-what if they try to…l-leave? They haven’t even b-been in class lately a-and…” he frowned. He hated thinking you would do something sneaky like him, Shoto, Tenya, Eijirou, and Momo had when The League kidnapped Katsuki.
Leaving in the middle of the night without telling anyone and running around the city in disguises wasn’t the nicest or smartest thing they could have done. Not to mention how they neglected Tsuyu’s feelings on the matter. However, at least they patched things up and Eijirou and her were closer than ever.
All eyes seemed to linger on the ground. More than likely, they were all thinking the same thing Izuku was. “Maybe…we can ask Yaoyorozu for help?” Tsuyu suggested, naturally catching everyone’s attention. “May I ask you to elaborate on your suggestion?” Tenya replied, and Eijirou nodded.
“Yeah, why ask Yaoyorozu for help?” he asked. “I’m sure she can figure out a way to keep track of Y/n without us interfering,” she explained. “Huh…” Eijirou thought about her words, glancing at Izuku who seemed concerned about the idea of asking Momo for help while Tenya sighed.
“Perhaps it would be beneficial to use alternative methods to ensure we don’t worsen Y/n’s already fragile condition,” he said before looking at Tsuyu. “Do you believe Momo could provide such a solution?” Tsuyu smiled, the tip of her tongue sticking out from between her lips.
She nodded in response to Tenya’s question and with some hesitance, the four of them sought her out. “I’m honored that you’d ask for my help,” Yaoyorozu said, placing a hand on her chest. “But I don’t know what I can do,” she said, tapping her lips a few times.
“Y/n is entitled to a little privacy and time alone to sort out her feelings. I can’t imagine what she’s going through,” she said with a frown. “That’s exactly why we need your help!” Eijirou exclaimed, curling his hands into fists.
Yaoyorozu looked at him, her eyebrow raised. “Come on, there must be something you can do,” he said while Tsuyu laid a comforting hand on his back. “Iida is mostly concerned about what he found in Y/n’s notebook,” she explained. “Her notebook?” She asked, looking at Tenya perplexed.
“I’m not certain if the writings found in her notebook were a coping mechanism that assisted her in organizing her complex array of emotions or perhaps…plans she wishes to enact,” he explained. Silence lingered in the air shortly after. Eijirou looked at Izuku before walking toward Yaoyorozu.
“Whatever it is, Iida is right to be concerned. We all are!” He stated, determination shining in his eyes before grabbing Yaoyorozu’s hands. She looked shocked by this action, almost as if it were foreign. He leaned forward, locking eyes with her.
“He’s doing the right thing by bringing this to our attention. Even if Y/n doesn’t want our help, we need to prevent her from making a big mistake,” he said, tightening his grip on her hands. “So please,” he brought her hands against his chest where his heart pounded erratically.
“Will you help us?” He asked. “Mm…” she glanced away, thinking for a moment. “Alright,” she said, standing up. “I think I have a solution,” extending her arm, it glowed a faint blue hue before several oval-shaped devices fell onto the floor, each one clinking as they piled on top of one another.
“Huh?” Eijirou looked at the devices, clearly confused about what they were while Tenya picked one up, examining it closely. “These are motion devices,” Yaoyorozu explained before a larger, more rectangular device manifested from her arm. She quickly grasped it before it hit the floor.
“Here,” she said, holding it out to Tenya. He looked perplexed but took it, nonetheless. She smiled proudly and placed a hand on her hip. “That will alert you when the motion sensors are set off, but it may be impossible to tell what sets them off,” she explained.
“Still, I know it will help with your request,” Tenya enclosed his hand around the device. “Thank you very much for your assistance. I am most certain this will help indeed,” he replied, smiling at Yaoyorozu. She returned it and looked at Eijirou, Tsuyu, and Izuku.
“I believe we should find appropriate locations for these motion devices,” Tenya said, kneeling to gather them in his hand. “R-right!” Izuku replied, helping him pick them up while Eijirou laid his hand on Yaoyorozu’s shoulder.
“Yeah, thanks! We owe you one!” He grinned like a madman showing off his pointy-shark-like teeth and while that may unsettle some, she nodded. “Glad I could help,” she said, “especially if Y/n needs it.” A frown came to her face. “I hope they’re alright.” It was evident she was just as worried as everyone else.
Following this, Tenya carefully considered the proper locations for the motion devices. He believed the most beneficial locations were the front steps of the Class A dormitory, the entrance to the nearby forest, and along the road to Yuuei High. Yes, these particular spots would also be triggered throughout the day.
However, there was more likelihood that, if by chance you would leave, you’d do it at night. The days following were some of Tenya’s most emotionally heightened. He was constantly on edge, waiting for something to happen.
When night came, he always woke up to the sound of the motion devices going off. However, every time he hurried outside, he found that something else triggered it. Like an animal curiously passing by in the dead of night.
While his friends lost hope or doubted that the writings Tenya described in your notebook were malicious, something told him that was not the case. Perhaps one could call it intuition, but he could not accept that those writings were merely emotional expressions.
He believed they were motives. Plans you wished to take into action, and he would not rest until he caught you in the act or prevented you from doing it. So, he continued to wait, and the following night, he was jolted out of his sleep when the device went off as it had done many times before.
He hitched his breath, immediately grabbing his glasses. Despite being in his sleepwear, he slipped on a light jacket, put on his jogging shoes, and left his sleeping cap on his bed. The last thing he grabbed was the device that had jolted him awake and went to your room.
He noticed that your door was left ajar. “Mm…” Despite respecting the inner sanctum of another’s living space, he placed his hand on the doorframe and peered into your room. Even with the lights shut off, he noticed that your bed was undone, and you were nowhere to be found.
He also noticed that the dresser drawers were open, almost as if you rushed to gather clothing before disappearing. His grip tightened on the doorframe, his nails digging into it briefly before he ran down the hallway. He knew his frantic steps might alert his classmates and wake them from their sleep.
However, he did not care, there was a more pressing matter at hand. This was, of course, finding you and possibly stopping whatever horrific act you wished to commit. He had to find you before it was too late. He had to save you.
He pushed past the front door of the student dorm and hurried down the stairs as the cool night air evaporated his breath. He looked back and forth along the road that surrounded the student campus, and his heart sank when he realized you were nowhere in sight.
Silence fell over him, accompanied by the cries of owls and the chirping of insects in the distance. Then he extended one leg out in front of him, bending it at the knee and extending the opposite leg behind him. His calves shifted and six small engines appeared that sparked to life with a loud rumble.
A deafening silence fell over the world around him as his eyes focused forward. He was about to take off to search the surrounding areas where he had placed the motion devices as he had done countless times before. The only difference was that he was certain you had left the premises this time.
While it could have been easy enough to assume you had merely woken up in the middle of the night to have a snack or use the restroom, it appeared you had taken provisions. This was enough to convince him you were out here.
His engines backfired temporarily when a hand grabbed his shoulder, surprising him and breaking his concentration. “Wow, heh, sorry Iida,” Eijirou said, flashing him a smile. “We were wondering if you’d be out here,” Tsuyu chimed in, coming to stand next to Eijirou. Tenya knit his eyebrows.
“Well, heh,” Eijirou rubbed the back of his head, “you kind of woke everyone up with your rushed footsteps…and Izuku wanted to know what happened,” he explained, nervously. Tsuyu nodded. “When he noticed you weren’t in your room, he searched the dorm, ribbit.”
She then shrugged. “I figured you’d gone after Y/n or something else that triggered the motion sensors,” she explained, pressing one finger to her chin. “Yeah, but we didn’t want you to search alone anymore or go after Y/n by yourself, considering how determined you can get sometimes,” Eijirou said before looking around.
“I was just preparing to track her down,” Tenya explained, almost sounding irritated that he had been interrupted despite knowing his friends meant well. “We’ll help then!” He declared and ignored Tenya’s raised eyebrow.
“I am not certain that is the most beneficial-” Eijirou grabbed onto his shoulders, shaking him. “Which way do you want us to go?!” He asked frantically, and yet again Tenya looked at him with a raised eyebrow before a sigh passed his lips. He felt annoyed but knew that, perhaps, the more help he got the better.
Then again, this was a delicate situation and if more than one person approached you, there was a chance you’d become hostile. That is why he needed to ensure that he found you first. But regardless, he nodded. “Very well,” he said, clasping his chin in thought.
“Perhaps Tsuyu can provide assistance in searching behind the campus. I will search the area up ahead,” he stated, motioning with his hand. “Right, I’ll go this way!” Eijirou exclaimed before running in the opposite direction. In Tenya’s mind, he wondered if they’d get in trouble.
The teachers keep a close eye on the student housing, but surely, they’d understand this situation if Tenya explained it to them. “Good luck on your search Iida,” Tsuyu said before hopping off the ground at a great distance. He watched her soar through the air and turned to see Eijirou looking back and forth a long way down the path.
He trusted that they would do the right thing if they happened upon you but now wasn’t the time to sit and contemplate that. Once again, he got into position, and without delay he was gone in a flash, leaving nothing but lingering gray smoke behind.
The world blurred around him as he sped by, yet it all seemed to be happening in slow motion. The piercing wind against his body felt like a thousand tiny cuts across his exposed flesh, but he didn’t care. Like a true hero, the only thing he focused on in this moment was you.
Near the wooded area, opposite the student dormitory, he slowed his pace and leaned over. Placing his hands on his knees, he panted softly and wiped the sweat from his face. His chest felt heavy, and perhaps that was the weight of responsibility he felt.
He needed to find you, but how? There were endless possibilities as to which direction and path you had taken. Even with his friends searching the area, what was the likelihood that they’d find you before the sun rose? His soft panting continued, and the cool air around him made his moistened skin sting.
The feeling of doubt was beginning to linger in the back of his mind when he felt something vibrate in his pocket. “Hm,” he paused and leaned up before pulling out the device. He looked at it perplexed as it continued to vibrate in his hand.
He pondered for a moment if this was merely another false alarm and that an animal had triggered one of the many motion sensors that were scattered about the area. However, as he lifted his head and glanced into the distance, he noted the trees that made up the nearby forest.
He couldn’t recall at this moment if he had placed a motion sensor in the location he was currently in, but perhaps this was a sign. He swallowed thickly and placed the device back into his pocket before his engines reeved again and he took off for the forest.
The ground underneath him seemed to change in density, its surface turning thicker and more slippery. Perhaps that was due to the mud that accumulated in the area, and he had to slow his pace the closer he got to the entrance of the forest to not slip and fall. He would despise being covered in mud.
Taking a deep breath, he ignored the pounding of his heart in his chest as he cautiously walked up to the first set of trees and noticed a small square device resting against the base of one of the said trees. When he got closer, the device in his pocket vibrated once more.
“Hm,” he clasped his chin and looked at the ground. Although it was dark, the moon allowed him just enough light to be able to make out footprints that led into the forest. “Mm,” he frowned and slowly kneeled to examine them closer.
It was impossible to tell if these were your footprints or perhaps someone else’s, but either way time was ticking away, and seconds were precious now. It was evident that there was a chance you had deviated from the path and instead, took refuge in the forest.
If that were true, then not only were you in danger of getting lost but potential animals could cause harm to you as well. Regardless, if there was a sliver of a chance that you had attempted to hide yourself in the greenery, he needed to take it.
With that in mind, he headed to the forest. He cautiously glanced around and despite the darkened sky looming above him, the small amount of light provided by the moon helped outline the trees and the path that nestled between them.
[ Part II ]
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threadbaresweater · 10 months
Taking Chances
Nanami x reader. A close friendship, a cozy dinner in, and an accidental nap set the stage for a long withheld secret: you're in love with your best friend, and he just might feel the same way. 2.3k words. Kissing, making out, confessions. A repost from a long-abandoned blog.
Nanami Kento was in love.
Of course he wasn't going to admit that to anyone, not even himself. Nor would he admit it to his pompous, loud-mouthed friend who would immediately run and shout it to the world on his behalf. He's especially not going to tell the very person he has these feelings for, because that would only complicate your relationship, and he rather enjoyed the arrangement you have.
Your friendship with him was a familiar one. He wasn’t exactly a comfort in terms of affirming words or gentle touches, but you knew he’d be there for you regardless. He was always around when you needed him most, and if he wasn’t, he managed to find a way to get to you faster than anyone else could. He'd been your date to weddings, to stuffy office parties with cheap liquor and terrible food. He'd seen you through the worst break-up of your life, driving you home at three in the morning after you had tried (and failed) to drink away the pain.
All this time, he'd been your voice of reason, your steadfast, stoic support who never seemed to show his emotions, if he even felt them. Something must be said for the man who was able to keep a straight face in the face of danger or adversity. He'd seen more than enough death and destruction in his lifetime. He'd kept his cool under countless life-threatening situations while barely breaking a sweat.
Perhaps the most dangerous thing of all, however, was the person who had fallen asleep on his shoulder during the last thirty minutes of the movie. You'd invited him over for dinner– you knew he'd take over in the kitchen, and you were right. After he stood by and silently watched you butcher an onion to put in the sauce for your pasta, he slipped in behind you and grabbed the knife so quickly you barely knew what was happening. You smelled him, though, and you closed your eyes for a moment while your heart raced and your hand drifted to your cheek where his hair had barely touched your skin. Turning to find him scraping your poor onion bits into the trash, you laughed, watching him pull another from the pantry and chop it with incredible precision, adding it to the simmering broth on the stove.
Dinner was perfect, of course, the conversation easy and comfortable. He had mentioned having an early day tomorrow, but you'd been a little needy lately, craving companionship. Your best friend was out of town and you'd been a little lonely without her to jabber to every night.
"Stay and watch a movie with me," you said. It wasn't a question. Kento knew it, and with a resigned sigh, he settled in on the couch, looking a little stiff and slightly uncomfortable. You threw a blanket over him and giggled, gasping when he cracked a tiny smile. He didn't move the blanket, though.
You didn't tell him it was a movie you'd watched over and over again. It didn't matter, really; you just wanted him to stay. Aren't we all a little clingy now and then? you thought to yourself, feeling your eyes grow heavy. Just for a minute, you thought, closing your eyes, your body heavy with exhaustion.
The subtle weight of your head on his shoulder was a little surprising to him. He turned to look down at you and froze for a moment, his breath catching in his throat. Instinct told him to lift your head, but he let you rest there instead as he took in the relaxed, peaceful expression on your face, your lashes pillowed against your cheek, lips slightly parted. A strange thing happened then– Kento blushed, letting out his breath after he realized he’d been holding it for a few seconds too long. The movie played on in the background and he completely missed the ending, but he didn’t mind. Truth be told, he wasn’t all that invested in it anyway.
Tentatively, he raised a hand and smoothed it over the crown of your head, lowering his face slowly to press his lips against your hairline with a sharp inhale through the nose. He’d been close to you before, of course, but something about the intimacy of your tiny apartment and your shallow, steady breathing painted you in a different light that he’d never experienced, but had perhaps dreamed of on his own lonely nights. Friendships like yours were one in a million, and he’d loathe the day it was over if he admitted his love for you and you refused it. It was risky, he knew.
But so was not telling you.
Gently, so as not to rouse you, he shifted so that he could stand, making sure to support your head so it didn’t fall when he moved his shoulder away. Your soft, sleepy moan took him by surprise and his face grew hot. He stopped, watching your pretty eyes flutter open and try to focus on his face.
“Kento?” you said, blinking slowly.
He swallowed hard. “You, ah, fell asleep. I should go.”
You rubbed your eyes and shook your head, reaching out to grab hold of his wrist and pull him back toward you. “Mmm. Stay.” Your head still addled with sleep, you couldn’t possibly know what you were doing to him, how his will was crumbling right before your tired eyes. The feelings you’d been hiding during the day were raw and honest in your lucid state, and you smiled softly at him as he sat back down beside you. You hugged his arm and nuzzled your head against his shoulder. “I miss you when you’re not here.”
He stared straight ahead and nodded once, though his hand found yours and he pushed his fingers into the spaces between yours and squeezed– just a little, but enough to make you smile and flex your own fingers in response. “But I’m not here all that often.”
“Exactly,” you countered. “You need to come around more.”
“I wait for your invitation. I didn’t realize it was open-ended.”
“Well, it is.” You turned, draping your legs over his lap and slipping your arms around his waist. He was broad and warm, and you could hear his heart against your ear. “Starting now.”
Nanami whispered your name, bending so that his breath stirred the hair on top of your head. He always knew what to say in every circumstance, but here and now– he couldn’t find the right words.
“This is a bad idea.”
“What? You staying here? Keeping me warm?” You giggled nervously, feeling the tension grow between the two of you. Your hands trembled, palms damp and hot against the fabric of his shirt.
“What are you implying? Don’t be coy,” he warned. Thumb and forefinger lifted your chin so that you had no choice but to look into his deep, brown eyes. Even in the dim light of the TV in front of you, the blush at the top of his cheekbones was undeniable. His eyes were sparkling with some kind of warning, lips slightly parted, his warm breath just inches from your face.
You couldn’t hide your smile, and you sat up a little straighter, staring right back at him with a certain defiance. “I want you to stay.”
“Hmph. Is there anything else you’re asking for? You know I don’t like playing games.”
He was so close you could see the tiny wrinkles around his eyes, the way his bottom lip glistened when he ran his tongue over it in anticipation of what he wanted you to say. Fingers trembling, you lifted a hand to his cheek and touched him gently, inching closer until there was nothing but a breath of space between you. “I want you to kiss me.”
Anticipation shot through his veins when your lips brushed against his, and he lowered his eyes, letting his own fingers fan out over the side of your neck, thumb pushing under your chin to tilt your face up even further. “You’re sure?”
“Goddamnit Kento,” you whispered. He kissed you then, soft lips pressing against yours with agonizing tenderness. He took in a sharp breath through his nose and squeezed his eyes shut, brow furrowed while he willed himself to be calm. Caution thrown to the wind, he pressed his fingertips into the nape of your neck and held you in place, kissing you more firmly now. Your body came to life as if you were being kissed for the very first time. Nanami was practiced, that much was for sure. Fleetingly, you wondered just how many women had been brought under his spell, but the warm, wet curl of his tongue against the back of your teeth halted any coherent thoughts about it you might have had. He kissed you until your head was dizzy and you felt drunk on his lips. He kissed you until his own need for oxygen overtook his senses and he was forced to pull back, though one broad hand at the base of your spine held you against him, ensuring you couldn’t run away even if you wanted to.
You definitely didn’t want to.
If anything, you needed more of his kisses, of the comfort of his body pressed against yours. He studied your face seriously, and you hooked a couple of fingers under the collar of his shirt, toying idly with the buttons. “What now?” you asked, not meeting his penetrating gaze.
“Are you asking what I want to happen, or what I think should happen?”
“Why are you answering all of my questions with questions?”
“Why are you asking such open-ended questions?” he countered, one corner of his mouth lifting into a lopsided grin.
You flicked the base of his throat and pushed your face into his chest to laugh, curling your fingers into his shirt. “Because I want to know how you feel.”
Nanami hummed, his hand smoothing upward along your spine and down again, settling at your waist. “I want to know how you feel first.”
“Will it change your answer if I tell you?” you asked, staring now at his lips. Your stomach did a little flip and you had the sudden urge to tell him how you felt again without using your words.
He did the talking for you with a firm, open-mouthed kiss, leaning forward into you so that your back was against the couch cushions and he was in control, one hand skimming up your side to cup your cheek. This kiss was deeper and more intense than the first, and the press of his body against yours made you weak to his advances. His lips skirted down over your jaw and to your neck. “Does this make it clear?” he whispered, just below your ear. He lifted your chin to give him better access to the hollow of your throat where he traced his tongue upward, then captured your mouth once again. You lifted your hips slightly, already desperate to be even closer to him.
“I love you,” you murmured onto his tongue. Those three words sent him reeling. He stopped and pulled back just slightly, both hands cupping your face.
“Are you sure?” he asked. “You know I don’t take those words lightly.”
You nodded, holding his intense gaze. “I know. And I wouldn’t say them if I didn’t mean them.”
The silence between you was buzzing, electrified with your revelation, with the sensation of your shared kisses and your bodies pressed so close together. You were still tired, admittedly, though you knew there was no hope of sleeping anytime soon. Before he responded, you saw it in his eyes. The love, the devotion, the feelings he’d been trying so diligently to keep from you for so long. You realized then that you’d seen this expression on him several times before, but it had never really registered until now. Now, in this quiet, incredibly intimate moment between two friends, you saw the love he’d been harboring for you all this time.
“I love you,” he confirmed, diving down for another all-consuming kiss. Rationale be damned, he couldn’t bear to spend another moment denying his feelings for you.
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faramirsonofgondor · 4 months
I’ve seen a lot of people say that Padme’s death was Anakin’s breaking point/what pushed him past the point of no return but I honestly think that his breaking point was when Obi Wan said “you were my brother Anakin, I loved you.” Throughout their on screen relationship we see Anakin constantly striving for Obi Wan’s approval and love, whether he admits it or not. At the beginning of aotc Anakin literally tells Obi Wan that he sees him as a father figure. However, after Anakin’s mother dies there is a noticeable strain in relationship, which is probably due to Palpatine’s influence. Anyways, throughout the clone wars we constantly see Palpatine messing with Anakin’s perception of the Council and Obi Wan, making Anakin feel like he needs to prove himself in order to gain their trust/approval/love.
(Admittedly, Obi Wan did not really do a great job of making Anakin feel appreciated or loved either, especially with the whole Rako Hardeen thing. I think part of it is also that they have very different love languages too. Obi Wan seems to be more of an “acts of service” and “quality time” type of person while Anakin is a “words of affirmation” and “gift giving” type of person.)
I think at the end of the day, Anakin was looking for someone to give him some sort of paternal love and he needed some sort of verbal confirmation about it. Which is exactly what Palpatine gives him. Meanwhile, Anakin seems sort of resigned to his relationship with Obi Wan and he has a consistent belief that Obi Wan thinks the worst of him. This is briefly disputed in RotS when Obi Wan says he’s proud of Anakin and that Anakin is a great jedi, but I think his confrontation with Palpatine sort of shook that conversation from his mind. Furthermore, Anakin’s conversation with Mace Windu probably made Anakin feel like none of the council trusted him or took him seriously (which contradicts his earlier conversation with Obi Wan).
Also, trust goes both ways. Since the council had such a mistrust of Anakin, he felt like he couldn’t go to them with his issues, or like they were hiding information from him. But with Palpatine, he had to put his trust into the idea that he means something to Anakin and that he’ll be able to get him to fall. Palpatine doesn’t have to be coerced or found out by Anakin, he just straight up tells him that he’s a sith, which is an extreme risk to make. When presented with the option of entrusting the council (who does not extend the same trust to him) or Palpatine, the man who groomed him into feeling like he had no other options, he’s obviously going to pick Palpatine.
But here’s where Anakin’s breaking point comes in, after Anakin kills the Separatists, after he chokes Padme, after he kills the padawans, after he accepts Palpatine’s offer, after fighting Obi Wan and getting his limbs chopped off, after all that Obi Wan looks Anakin in the eyes and tells him that he was his brother, and he loved him. After all the heartache Anakin went through, after all the times he felt like he wasn’t enough for Obi Wan, after all the times he felt like he couldn’t confide in Obi Wan (and confided in Palpatine instead), after resigning himself to the idea that he’ll never have Obi Wan’s love or approval, that’s when Obi Wan reveals that he had it the entire time, that he cared for Anakin just as much as Anakin cared for him, that he had truly believed in Anakin and trusted him, that the distance between them had hurt Obi Wan too, and that Obi Wan was distraught to be opposing Anakin, that Obi Wan didn’t want to be Anakin’s enemy but Anakin hadn’t given him a choice because he thought he’d already known how Obi Wan felt. It must’ve broke Anakin to yearn for Obi Wan’s love for so long, and only realize he’d had it the whole time, and now he’ll never have it again.
All those times Anakin had believed Obi Wan disliked him, that he didn’t care for him, that he’d hated him for all the mistakes he made, and it’s only after he makes a choice he can’t come back from, only after he decides to return Obi Wan’s “hatred”, that realizes that it was never the case at all. That Anakin was the one who drew the line the in the sand, that maybe their relationship had been cracking, but Anakin was one who looked at those cracks and had decided that it wasn’t worth the effort to mend, that it was better to throw it away. All the while Obi Wan had looked at those cracks and loved Anakin anyways. And maybes that’s what makes him finally break, maybes that’s why he yells that he hates Obi Wan, because maybe if Anakin had known, he could’ve saved the relationship on his end, and maybe if he’d trusted Obi Wan, then maybe they could’ve saved Padme together, and defeated the sith. But Obi Wan never told him, and now the both of them were stuck with ruins of their relationship, always wondering about what could’ve been.
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an-au-blog · 7 months
Thought: so many merman buggy aus out there and so little merman Shanks. I get it, Buggy lends himself to being a pretty bluehaired merman and the clownfish pun is too good to ignore. But god I love the idea of kid Buggy getting thrown overboard and almost drowning until a mysterious redheaded figure saves him. Buggy waking up on shore and seeing someone sitting crosslegged with their back turned to him, stumbling to get up and drowsily walking over to said figure, who turns around towards him and Buggy’s eyes are still foggy, but those pants are extremely baggy and he tries to wrap his mind around how this guys sitting „Oh thank god you’re awake! Almost thought you wouldn’t make it.“ Buggy’s eyes focus and he takes in the young boys features. Red hair, tan skin, pretty brown eyes, not wearing a shirt. And then Buggy comes even more to himself as the boy continues babbling on „Easy! Sit down for a second. I don’t know if walking is supposed to look like this but you’re pretty wobbly.“ That kid has a really sharp set of teeth… and there seems to be something wrong with his hands, his fingers connected by a paperlike membrane up to his knuckles. And finally Buggy’s eyes fall down further and he notices the reason why he couldn’t make out how the other guy was sitting for a second. „… I can’t believe it.“ most people were lucky if they ever got a glimpse of merfolk once in their life. Now Buggy is talking to one eye to eye.
Just… let Buggy fall in love with creature!shanks for once. Let that clown be swept off his feet by a handsome merman! You could even have OG Shuggy breakup angst in there. Shanks basically becoming a member of Rogers crew right away when he brings Buggy back to ship, being an invaluable asset due to his abilities, which Buggy grows incredibly jealous of, especially since he is still cursed with his Chop Chop Abilities. And then it goes to shit after Roger’s dead because Buggy learns that Shanks wants to become HUMAN, even tough Buggy would slit a throat to be a merman like Shanks and Shanks doesn’t even want to go after the One Piece? It feels like a slap to his face. Shanks meanwhile has been wanting to become human for ages just because he feels him being a merman has kept him from his chosen family for too long. Rogers death just cemented that in his brain even more. He was never able to see the same places all of his friends did, he was the one waiting by the ship when everyone boarded land and went exploring. He was keenly aware how different him and his best friend were not just in personality, where they balanced each other out he felt, but on a fundamental level as well. That’s why he never took the initiative to take Buggy’s hand when they where both laying on the beach and talking about the future. That’s why he never asked to kiss Buggy because he feared the rejection. If he could just be human things would be easier. He could dance on the deck and drink with his best friend and he could help Roger fight and he could- well he just could have all he ever wanted! He would miss diving and the ocean and the way he could just FEEL the weather change with just a slight change in current, but even if he lost all that, it would be worth it.
And then he gets what he wants just to see his father figure get executed and watches Buggy storm away in the rain and he balls his fists at his side in despair because how was any of this fair?
Yyy i adore this! I like how it's a switch-up in the usual au standard ::D
I love the idea of having Buggy kinda swoon at first sight. Mermaids are already fabled to be these magnificent beings, rivaling the beautiful of any land dweller.
Shanks is a sight to behold. And yes, Buggy had never seen a mermaid, but even if he had, he doubts they'd like him. His charisma, his shine, his entire existence made Buggy gawk in awe.
When he became part of the crew Buggy was so happy. He couldn't even believe it! He was happy because not only does he get to see his new friend every day, but he actually gets to have one.
Slowly he realizes it's... well, to say it lightly, not as idealistic. Still, one of his favorite things was when they swam together. Whenever Buggy's feet touched the water, be could never stay truly mad at him. Shanks was an undeniably better swimmer, but he would take him to the prettiest reefs, the coolest fish, and the best views. Maybe even one time, they were under water for so long that Buggy forgot he needed air, so Shanks shared his own. He could breath under water so it was a bit like giving first aid mouth to mouth, but Buggy always liked to thunk of it as their first kiss... No one else thought of it as such. He couldn't even dream of asking but it was a delusion that kept him satiated.
He loved the ocean. And he loved Shanks. And their life was bliss at sea.
But then the unspeakable happened and he ate something he was never supposed to. No... he didn't eat it, he was forced to because of Shanks. That was something he would never forgive him. From then on seeing Shanks swim was only a painful reminder. It felt like salt in a wound.
To make it all worse, he finds out Shanks wanted to give it all away? Everything they had? Their legacy, the sea! And for what? A pair of boney legs???
On the other hand...
Shanks had felt Buggy slowly getting more and more standoffish towards him and he couldn't do anything about it. He could never be with the crew, not in any meaningful way. There were so many things he wanted to do on solid ground. And of course the crew got to do all the exciting adventuring, but all he got to do hear about it. To top it all off, even when his captain was being executed, he couldn't be there for him. He felt like a liability more than anything and he hated it.
So when Buggy came back upset, Shanks decided to tell him what he felt, open up. Let's say it went less then ideal. Buggy left for good, his father figure was dead and he couldn't even be with him in his last moments, he was cursed with this damn tale when the ones his heart went out to where on land.
... He was lost.
A decade or so, Buggy almost drowns. He fell in the water and could feel his consciousness simmer down. He was dying and must have been hallucinating, because he felt a pair of strong arms hug him from behind and then he woke up washed up on the shore.
The amount of salt water must have been inhumane because on top of that, for a second he thought he saw an adult version of the same merman who saved his life so long ago in the same manner. But he also knew it was impossible. The oceans were a vast and dangerous place. The chance of Shanks being there - same place and time as Buggy was close to none. Not to mention how festered the waters were with sea kings. No matter how fast a swimming one is, there's no way of our swimming a sea king.
Still... it was odd that there was a sudden income of driftwood with supplies. Oddly specific and useful supplies.
Buggy felt like even if there wasn't whatever he saw, there was someone... or something there. He decided, why not, and shouted a "I can see you there," (he couldn't) "you can come out now."
He didn't expect anyone to appear. And he definitely didn't expect his old cremate - Shanks. Shanks who had changed so much... he was well built, one armed, scarred and... was he... was he wearing pants?!
"Hey, Buggy... it's been a while..." Shanks smiled.
Okay, sorry, I have this hc that Bughy loves swimming, or I gues... used to... and I added the mouth to mouth thing because when you have a crush you read into everything too much and idk... sorry if it sounds like I'm retelling what you wrote, I love your idea <333
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snnrinc · 2 months
Codename: ROOK
Ch. 1 - Outside Contractual Obligations [AO3 Portal]
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— PAIRING : Dabi/Touya Todoroki x F!Reader x Hawks/Keigo Takami
— WARNINGS : NSFW (Not in this chapter), Noir AU, No Quirk AU, Porn With Plot, Sexual Tension, Threesome - F/M/M, Drugs Blood and Violence, Crime Scenes, Organized Crime, Murder, Eventual Smut, Cunnilingus, Double Penetration, Masturbation, Analingus, Mildly Dub-Con, Not Canon Compliant, AFAB reader, She/her pronouns for reader
— SUMMARY : Being a police officer in a city where crime runs high and respect is non existent has got to be one of the shittiest jobs you've ever had. But it pays the bills. However, once you and detective Keigo Takami are assigned a case that deals with the murder of a prolific law enforcer and the subsequent chain of disappearances happening all over Musutafu, you realise that having your bills up to date is most definitely not worth all the danger you're up against. Especially when that danger is named Dabi, one of the most sought after criminals that you've been trying to catch red handed for years. Nonetheless, this is your only opportunity to make your job finally mean something, so you and Keigo decide to go undercover right in the jaws of peril, its razor sharp teeth waiting to bite into your neck like a guillotine. But you won't back out now, will you, officer? Good luck on the job, codename Rook.
— NOTES : This was supposed to be a smutty one shot I have no idea what the fuck happened. It's been gathering dust in my Docs for over a year and yet this is the only chapter I have 💀 I left notes for myself saying "don't go overboard with the plot because the point is for them to FUCK" and now here we are. It definitely worked. For sure... Still hope you enjoy!
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“A big-name agent of ours went missing a few months ago. No trace of his whereabouts until a couple weeks ago, when his body was found in the dumpster behind a hole-in-the-wall restaurant. Well, parts of it anyway.”
The man in front of you took a final puff from his dying cigarette and promptly extinguished it in the ashtray in front of him, right next to a bowl of sweets with generic labels. He exhaled the smoke in billows and it vanished in the air, lingering with a pungent smell of tobacco and an awful chocolate flavouring. Your nose scrunched up slightly and you resisted the urge to cough.
“We have no evidence left at the crime scene and the body being chopped up makes it near impossible to determine the murder weapon,” he continued. “We have some of our best agents dealing with the autopsy and the case as a whole, but no clear suspects so far.”
“This seems like highly classified information. So why are you telling me this?”
You closed the file you were handed and placed it back on the desk, eyes shifting to detective Enji Todoroki sitting across from you, watching the way his eyebrows dropped down just a little in an expression that seemed to almost be judging your intelligence.
Really, you felt like you should be the one judging here.
To say you were confused would be an understatement. When you were called into Enji's office, you had assumed you did something wrong on the job, since most people in your workplace seemed to overlook you even when it came to small tasks. Sometimes you felt that if you wouldn't turn up to work one day, no one would notice. Usually, you didn't mind — being invisible meant you could do your work in peace without being bothered by unnecessary small talk or the occasional office drama that you sometimes overheard in the break room. You were just an officer, one of the lowest ranks in the force, so the only time you expected any attention was when something went wrong.
When Enji personally came to look for you before you went on patrol for your shift you felt your stomach drop. Yes, the job sucked a good majority of the time, since you noticed you were often not taken seriously by your colleagues, sometimes probably even considered a liability when dealing with more violent cases. But like any other person roaming the earth, you still had rent to pay and food to buy if you wanted to continue existing, and working for the Public Safety Commission ensured you did just that and still had some money left for your more frivolous wants. Straightening your back, you followed Enji to his office, every bad scenario playing in your mind only getting worse when, as soon as you sat down, he dropped a file containing the case details on the desk in front of you, pushing it forward in a silent prompt for you to read it.
And now here you were, bombarded with information about a murder you were pretty sure you were not qualified to deal with, at least judging by your contractual obligations. You had half a mind to ask if you'd be getting paid more if you worked on the case, but you bit your tongue from the overwhelming feeling of uneasiness creeping up your spine.
“Of course, I don't expect you to understand things so quickly.” You resisted the urge to roll your eyes at his comment. “But surely you've gathered by now that you have been assigned as an assistant to this case.”
“That much is obvious,” you couldn't help but retort. “The question is still why?”
“I was meant to be assigned to this case, but the crime rate has spiked in recent months. I have bigger issues to deal with, so the Commission decided that we need someone that can slip under the radar.”
Ah, so they just needed some cannon fodder. Part of you thought you should've expected as much from the Commission.
“I still think I'm terribly underqualified to be working on this case.”
Enji leaned back into his chair, tapping one of his armrests with his index finger. “So do I, but you'll be working under detective Takami.” He heaved a sigh and allowed a sarcastic undertone to lace his voice, “Who should've been here to give you a quick overview of the case progression so far, but who are we to count on his punctuality?”
Wait a second, working under who?
You blinked and did a double take at him, replaying his words in your mind as if trying to dissect their meaning. This was fantastic in the worst possible way. Not only did you practically have a murder case of a prominent agent dropped into your inexperienced and unsuspecting arms, you were now the right hand of the second best detective of the Commission, Keigo Takami.
If only you had these kinds of odds bestowed upon you if you played the lottery, surely you'd have won enough to ditch this job.
You thought back to what Enji had just revealed to you and couldn't shake the feeling that there was a different reason why they would ask an officer to help with this case, other than just “slipping under the radar”. With one of the best detectives taking over, you figured the Commission wouldn't be stupid enough to allow someone like you to get in the way of the investigation.
As the questions multiplied in your mind, your tongue was tied, unable to figure out a way to put your doubts into words, especially since you knew Enji would do nothing to soothe them.
There was a knock on the door breaking your train of thought, before it opened to reveal detective Takami, an easygoing smile etched on his lips, his gloved hands buried inside the pockets of his shearling jacket, with only one coming up to push his aviator sunglasses that were resting on the bridge of his nose to the top of his head.
“Sorry I missed the introductions,” he said, “but I'm sure we weren't called here just to chat.”
“At last you grace us with your presence, detective. A little while longer and our officer here would've taken over the case in your stead.”
You whipped your head towards Enji, almost ready to ask him if he was serious, before you looked back at Keigo to see him meet your gaze.
“I'm Keigo Takami, it's a pleasure to meet you.” He gave you a charming smile and extended his hand for you to shake. You grasped it firmly and introduced yourself. “So, were you one of the first responders at the scene?”
“Actually,” Enji interjected, “the officer is unfamiliar with the case at the moment, save for the basic details.”
“Oh?” Keigo frowned in confusion.
“As of today, this is your new assistant in this case.”
Keigo blinked a few times, then shook his head and huffed a laugh. “I'm sorry. What? An officer? Not that I mean to doubt your judgement or anything, but isn't this case a little too sensitive for an officer to deal with?” He turned towards you. “No offence.”
“None taken, I'm a little confused myself.”
Enji sighed and massaged his temple with one hand before he leaned forward. “You see, your role in this case will be a little more... 'hands-on' than usual. I mentioned we don't have any concrete suspects, but we do have an idea of the organisation that might be responsible for the murder, which is why we need to employ your help for the investigation.”
“I don't see how this is anything new,” Keigo said. “We've been investigating the League for a while, they operate in this area. Tying them to this murder would be the most obvious first step.”
“The League?” you interfered.
Enji raised an eyebrow at you. “Are you familiar with them?”
“Uh, yeah.” Your eyes shifted between the two men watching you. “They've made a name for themselves amongst the police officers. We've been trying to catch a few of them in the act but they always slip away.”
“Unsurprising for the police force,“ Enji scoffed and you frowned. “Let's hope we won't have the same disappointing results in this case. We have no time to waste on pathetic failures.”
Keigo looked at you from the corner of his eye and noticed the way your shoulders tensed up. He leaned over and dug his hand into the bowl of sweets on the desk, effectively catching both of your attentions. With a fistful of candy, he resumed his questions for Enji who was dishing out your responsibilities.
“So is this about the NOMU Program?”
Enji's eyes narrowed. “How do you know about that program? It's classified information, even for you.”
Keigo shrugged and shoved some more candy into his mouth. “If it is about that, I'd argue that's even more reason why we shouldn't drag an officer into this.”
“Sorry,” you interjected. “What is the NOMU Program?”
“Don't concern yourself with things outside of your duties,” Enji snapped.
“Come now, let's be courteous with our colleague,” Keigo said with a light-hearted tone before turning to you. “It's a codename used by the League. We figured it stands for Network of Metahumanoid Units. A fancy name that's probably got to do with their attempts at reanimating corpses.”
Fuck, so now you were dealing with zombies? Sure, technology as a whole was impressive, but it was nowhere near sophisticated enough to bring someone back from the dead. As far as you knew, every attempt to reverse death was futile. So then why would someone bother?
Enji noticed the confusion in your eyes and spoke before you could ask any questions. "They're planning to use them as weapons. Keigo called them corpses because essentially that's what they are: on the brink of brain death.”
“The only reason why they don't collapse is because the League is pumping them full of a drug called Trigger that boosts their baser powers,” Keigo continued, earning an annoyed glare from Enji at how readily he presented the classified information to you. “We've only had a few attacks reported so far, and we weren't sure what exactly we were dealing with, so we had our top agents deployed to deal with them. Which is why the police weren't mobilised.”
“Sounds like a pretty important omission to me,” you countered with a frown. “So is this what we're dealing with here? Drugged up zombies?”
“We're still unsure,” Keigo answered. “If this victim was supposed to be part of the NOMU Program, then we wouldn't have a body cut up into pieces on our hands. Maybe they're trying to send a message.”
“That's where you two come in," Enji announced. "This time, you will not be dealing with any forensic analysis, suspect interrogation or evidence collection. Instead, you two will act as our eyes and ears and infiltrate the League.”
An insurmountable amount of pressure crashed over you and clenched your muscles in a vice grip, to the point where you almost felt as if it would crack your bones at any moment. You tried to control your expression in an attempt to stop your shock from washing over your face, but surely the vein that started throbbing painfully in your temple was enough proof.
“Hold on.” You raised your hand again to signal for Enji to slow down. “You mean to tell me you called me here to act as your spy?”
Enji scowled. “I don't like it either. They shouldn't send a rookie in for such a big case. I should've been the lead, but it wasn't my decision to make, so I suggest you suck it up and do your job.”
Your voice was exasperated, “There are so many ways that this could go wrong if you send me out there! I'd just hold detective Takami back!”
“I have to agree,” Keigo said. “It's best if I work on my own as usual.”
“Well you see, Takami, things are not so easy in this line of work,” Enji snarled, then produced two folders from his briefcase and stood up, handing them to you and Keigo. “Commission's orders and instructions. Read them thoroughly. Good luck with the mission detective, officer.”
And with that, he stepped out of the room and you felt as if all oxygen made an exit along with him, your heart pounding in your chest so hard you could almost hear it through the grave silence that fell over the room as you read the instructions:
As of today you will refer to yourself as Rook and to your mission partner as Hawks. Forget your real name. Return your weapons, badge, uniform and any other equipment that may be in your possession at the reception of the PCS HQ.
While infiltrated do not contact anyone outside including family members, friends, acquaintances and other PSC employees except for your partner.
You will not have any accolades attached to your name. Your achievements will not be disclosed by the PSC if you succeed. You will receive no posthumous awards if you die. This is your duty to fight for the people. Failure to comply could result in dismissal, sanctions and/or prosecution.
Destroy this document after reading.”
This job was so not worth it.
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You watched the grainy screen of the tube TV perched in a corner of the office intently, listening to the news broadcasted somberly by the anchor along with your colleagues. Keigo was by your side, expertly twirling a pen in his fingers, but his focus was zeroed in on the screen, his nose and mouth buried in the raised collar of his jacket.
After the discovery of the body of the Commission's agent, the disappearances around Musutafu increased by a concerning margin. What was worse was that not all of them were agents, some were simply civilians that seemingly had powerful or useful builts and abilities, like the person whose face was now on the screen, their name, last known location and clothes they were last seen wearing listed underneath the picture.
You crossed your arms over your chest and frowned. If this was what you were dealing with, even with your training and experience you were unsure how you'd survive as a double agent. You had no special skill, no upper-hand tactic and you couldn't rely on Keigo—Hawks—for fear that you'd hold him back and compromise the mission.
With how they had you bring back anything that would suggest you'd ever had any contact with the Commission, it really seemed as if they were trying to erase any trace of your existence. This job was all you had, all you ever worked for since you were just a bright-eyed trainee at the police academy, ready to take on any danger coming your way if it meant you could save someone else from it.
How naïve.
Maybe you should've just given up when you were still a child, still able to choose a path that would fit you and your capabilities more. The society in which you lived was unforgiving to weak people, so you had to adapt. But women were not always respected in the police force, and those who were got there because of their network rather than their own abilities more often than not. Not to mention that a police officer's chances of advancing without having someone behind them were close to none.
In other words, there was no way out for you. But at least you weren't exactly the perfect catch for whatever the League was planning, by the looks of things.
From the fog of your worries, you felt Hawks tap your shoulder to catch your attention. His collar was now pushed down neatly and you could see the serious way in which his lips were pursed. He gestured with his head for you to follow him and you complied with a nod.
You reached his office, after stopping by your desk to collect the last bits and pieces you had left laying around, and sat down in front of his desk, one hand worriedly rubbing your chin as you looked out the window. His eyes never left you as he sat down and leaned back in his chair, the pen he was playing with earlier still in his hands. He watched carefully as your brows turned downward in a frown that casted a shadow of concern over your eyes, before he put the pen down on the desk, the sound making you turn to look at him.
“I know you're worried,” he started, “but I want you to know I won't let anything happen to you.”
You let your hands fall into your lap. “Please, don't worry about me. I don't want to be a drawback in this mission.”
“You won't be,” he said, but noticed you were unconvinced when the corner of your lip lifted in what was supposed to be a polite smile, but didn't quite reach your eyes. “You graduated as the top eighth trainee in the police academy, surpassing like, what, 22 of your classmates? That's pretty impressive.” You stared at him in a mix of confusion and surprise and he shrugged nonchalantly. “I've read your file. You've got a lot of potential, officer.”
You smiled and nodded as thanks. In the past, this kind of compliment would've left you feeling all warm and fuzzy on the inside, feeding into your pride and fuelling your determination to get even better. But now, the comment felt like tossing a coin down an endless pit, nowhere near enough to fill the hollow space in your chest and, despite its value, ultimately useless. When did your outlook on your job get so sour?
Maybe it was when you were put up for disciplinary action after attempting to stop one of your fellow officers from brutalising a murder suspect. Or maybe when you had one case shut down because the culprit was the daughter of an acclaimed attorney that somehow found the perfect team of lawyers to render the evidence null. Or maybe it was simply after you had graduated from the academy and were thrown out into the real world. Any way, perhaps this was the universe's way of making up for all the times it fucked up. By giving you a new opportunity.
You picked up the pen from Hawks's desk and fiddled with it. “Officer, huh? I thought my new name was Rook.”
Hawks chuckled. “They're really terrible at picking codenames, huh? Sounds like we're just two bird enthusiasts with no imagination.”
You chuckled at his comment and after a moment you bent down to rummage through the box in which you had collected your remaining possessions from your desk, pulling out a document. You opened it, quickly finding the file in which you and Hawks took notes about your action plan.
“So,” you started, scrolling through the notes, “you were saying you already have a way to get inside the League?”
Hawks leaned forward on his elbows to get a better look at the notes. “Well, yes and no. Enji didn't tell you this, but remember how I said we've been investigating the League for a while? Well, I've been in contact with one of the members. I managed to get close enough for him to think I'll soon defect and join them.”
“So you've been planning to go undercover for a while now?”
“It's the only way I could squeeze any information out of them. They seem pretty loyal to their cause, so getting one of them to become an informant for the PSC was highly unlikely.”
You nodded in thought. “So who's your contact?”
“A guy named Dabi.”
Your blood ran cold and your eyes shot up to Hawks. You knew that name too well. Not only was he notoriously known among the law enforcement as one of the most dangerous members of the League, but he was the person responsible for numerous counts of arson in your area, courtesy of his pyromaniacal tendencies. You'd been trying to find a way to get closer to catching him for years. Each time, he slipped out of your hands, your attempts always too late or too little.
You knew what Dabi was capable of, and without the comfort of a self defence weapon and protective equipment by your side, you feared you'd be turned to ash before you even tried to get any information out of the League.
You stared through Hawks for a few seconds. His eyes searched your expression as he frowned in confusion at your sudden change. You noticed that and blinked a few times, clearing your throat.
“So this contact is our ticket inside, but how do I get him to trust me? I think I'd be found out before I even get to talk to him.”
“No need to worry, I'll send him your way somehow. You then offer to be their informant. We'll have to act separately to avoid raising suspicion, so if we cross paths, try acting like you don't know me personally.”
You nodded in acknowledgement then remained quiet for a second before frowning in thought.
“I don't understand. If you already have an in, then why would the Commission send me to help?”
Hawks sighed. “You heard what the Commission said, you'll be the bait.” He leaned back in his chair. “The League is reluctant to let me join because I'm a well-known detective. They know who I am and what I do, but they don't know you. If you manage to convince them you're also just a crooked law enforcer, that would be the last step we need to finally get inside.”
“How am I supposed to do that?”
Hawks regarded you thoughtfully, tilting his head and looking you up and down. His scrutinising eyes seemed to glow as the final rays of dusk poured through the blinds of his office window. Before he even spoke, you knew that his idea would not be to your liking.
“Say, how comfortable are you with flirting?”
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myers-meadow · 1 year
Letter by letter. Thomas Hewitt x f reader
Title: Letter by letter
Pairing: Thomas Hewitt x fem reader who is not from the USA.
Summary: As part of a school project, Thomas starts exchanging letters with a penpal from oversees. With her, he finds a freedom to be himself, to express himself fully, and his longing to have her near grows ever more. One day, an unexpected guest shows up at the doorstep of the Hewitt's.
Warnings: sfw. canon-typical allusions to the murdering and cannibalism. Implied kidnapping at the end. Written in third person. No name used, written as a reader-insert.
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It was years ago that the letters started. One of those projects of the school Thomas went to back then; to have an international pen pal. Some young pupils never got beyond the first letter, shoved the reply in a drawer and forgot about the entire thing, but not Thomas. Despite struggling with writing sometimes; the cramped fingers, the ink stains, the messy handwriting, and his shyness; he pushed through, letter after letter.
It started with that postcard of Fuller he sent with his introduction, purchased from his mama’s store, and his dearest pen pal sent one back of the city she lived close by. Told him some cool history about the buildings in the picture.
When he hit his growth spurt, earlier than the other kids, he quit school and started working at the meat plant. It was a relief to be away from school and the other students, and the work provided him with a sense of purpose. To her, he was able to write about the butchering, about how it felt. About his skills with the cleaver, how he could feel himself grow stronger, that he was so good at it that he could cut through bone with ease, that he could make just as many clean finished chops as his established colleagues. He left out what they called him when they thought he couldn’t hear.
It was exhilarating to Thomas. His dear pen pal, an entire sea away, didn’t know anything about him. The freedom he felt to express himself to someone who knew nothing of the ridicule he faced, who wasn’t able to see what he looked like, didn’t know anything about him other than what he told her. He grew into himself when he wrote to her, free and true.
The money for the expensive international stamps he squirreled away from his salary at the meat plant – shrugging his shoulders when the family made a comment about it. None had tried to touch this aspect of his life. Luda Mae especially saw his excitement as a new letter arrived and was glad for it.
She was named after a love song, she said, and she was just a year younger than him. Her birthday was on the cusp of spring into summer and each year it was as if he felt the approach of it like a flower emerging from its bud. He was fifteen when she wrote that he could call her a nickname – even if it may be because he kept misspelling her long, foreign name, it didn’t matter. She was a writer, a poet, after going to school for as long as her parents could afford to send her, she worked as a typist at a firm she never named. She often sent him little excerpts from stories she was working on, which he praised even if he didn’t understand entirely what they were about. After all, she took the time to translate them into English so he could read them. It made him feel special. Appreciated. As if his opinions really mattered to her.   
Even despite his struggles to word himself, it seemed she understood him. He knew it was impossible, but wanted desperately for it to be true. His daily life couldn’t be further from hers. After all, she wouldn’t feel the same satisfaction when cutting a bull’s throat, or feel the ache in her muscles, the words echoing in his head, after a day of work. At the same time, he doesn’t have hands stained with ink or broken nails from the force he hit the keys of the typing machine with.
The frequency of the letters increased and by now Thomas must be one of the only ones keeping Fuller’s postman in business. There were flowers in ink around his name in the greeting of the newer letters. After he was done reading a verse from the bible before bed, he read with her most recent letter to commit it to memory, as he did with them all. Did she reread his letters to her too? He hoped so. And as he laid down in bed, curtains still open so he could stare at the stars, he thought of her. Of a warm body beside his own. What would her voice sound like, her accent? How would his name sound on her lips?
It was barely a week later, and the postman handed him a new letter. Thomas ripped it open, reading it as he stood on the lawn, thinking that the work could wait. After all, the tourists were already dead. Their firsts… And there was no going back now. It meant many things for Thomas and the family – one of which was: no more work at the meat plant. No more insults. His eyes racked over the letter greedily. His confidence had grown since taking his first human life, and he felt he could do anything. He couldn’t wait to tell her that things had changed – leaving out the unsavoury bits, of course. Stalking inside and up the stairs, he sat down on his bed to write his response.
The day after, the doorbell sounded just after noon. Unlikely to be a neighbour as there weren’t any for miles. Tourists then? Thomas grunted as he remembered he was the only one home, and slammed the cleaver down into the wooden table. Wiping his hands on his filthy apron, he threw it off as he marched up the stairs. As he swung the door open, the most unlikely sight stood in front of him. It was her. How did she get here? The angels must have blessed him. Just to look at her, to have her close enough to touch was more than he’d ever hoped for. He stared and stared, eyes wide, as she introduced herself. Voice sweeter than honey.
She said her name, pronounced differently from how he’d said it in his head, and then: “I’m so sorry to be a bother, but is Tommy home perhaps? I’d love to see him.”
It fell silent, as he stared at her, expecting her to fade like a mirage. As he saw her falter, he scrambled, gesturing to himself. Out of his back pocket he grabbed the recent letter, he liked rereading it so he kept it with him, and showed her. Then pointed from his name to himself. Regretting how gross he must look, hands not even washed, tie crooked, sweaty from the heat in the basement. Not that she looked any less sweaty, but she still looked like an angel.
“Tommy, it’s you!” she said, instead, and hugged him. “You’ve no idea how long I’ve waited for this moment. Is it unexpected? I sent you a letter but it may not have arrived yet. Can I come in?”
Of course, he let her, with his heart beating out of his chest. Now that she was here, there was no single possibility in his mind that she’d ever leave again.
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ndoandou · 10 months
Ikevamp bois playing modern games part 2
Vincent is way into.. gartic phone
Qnd perhaps skribble.io
Like way into it
He would sit down 12 hours in front of the computer and guess what HES BEEN PLAYING GARTIC PHONE AND SKRIBBLE.IO IN A LOBBY OF RANDOMS
Hed obv speedrun a drawing in a short period of time and manage to make it look *chefs kiss*
Imagine if skribble.io had a vc feature tho
No no, like imagine if people were actually toxic in this goofy ahh game
They would yell down vincent down the mic telling him to go play with photoshop
Randoms are salty that vincent can draw and portray even the most ridicilous prompts which results him with the highest score always
Not to mention hes really good at guessing even the shittiest drawimgs from other ppl
"Broer how- that persons drawing looks ridicilous, even arthur's dog could draw that"
"Don't be mean theo! I could guess the drawing from the emotional connection i felt from it"
Jean has a shitty brick nokia phone
And he really loves playing snake II
No im serious
Well i suppose momte doesnt trust him with any other phones than that
the last time he was given a smartphone he downloaded some hack and slash game
took the word slash literally and then proceeded to cut the phone into two
comte was too stunned to speak
momte didn’t want his kids to miss out on gadgets but he cant have jean destroying his smartphone
BINGO! a nokia 3310 it is! 
jean didnt know how to react at first, but he found it easier to navigate and thats when he found out baout snake II
found it a bit pointless at first but despite saying that, he doesnt realize that thats the only thing he does besids fencing
snake II is his pre workout
the only thing he will be doing before his fencing practice
before meals
and before bed
‘‘jean are you sure you haven’t had enough of snake II..?’‘ comte asked causiously as he never know how his son Jean would react
jean looked at comte and stayed silent for a hot minute
its official
He plays league of legends
Napoleon is deffo a jungle/top main
Jungle preferabbly
Bros actually cracked coz hed turn any non meta champs into an absolute beast
I see him being especially good with pantheon jungle
Hed play league with jean tbh
And jean would be a dedicated top
But i dont see jean being the best player..
No, like imagine napoleon defending jean from "top troll" and getting spammed "?" On his lane
Napo would literally go to that persons lane just to steal their minion last hits
If hes feeling extra hed even use pantheons ult to yeet over to that player to ks all the minions on that person's lane 😭
"Jgl troll gg"
Ok napo is actually not toxic and is rly nice to play with
Hed even supp for you if ur learning a new champ
Hes only toxic to people who are toxic to his buddies
Ill be honest
Comte looks like someone who would download all games from every ad pop up he gets
And im talking about anything gacha related
He does not care whether the game is explicit or not as long as he can collect pretty characters
Is he interested in the gameplay??? Probably not.
"For what reason did you spend $$$$$$ on xxx game???" Leonardo asked as he scrolled through comte's in game billings, cocking an eyebrow
"Hm? Well i simply wanted to collect all of these lovely looking characters."
"Without leveling up your characters?"
"Do you understand how to play this game?"
Comte only looked at him with his unwavering smile
"honestly this is the most ridicilous spending ive witness from you, heh" Leo snorted
"Much appreciated, but i dont recal asking for any input, old friend" comte retorted
Leo looked at him and sighed
"Honestly at this point i shouldn't be surprised"
This took me forever to upload because i coulndn't figure what type of game comte would play then one day i was like AHAAAAA
Also i didn't proof read as always so pls dont chop my head off :"))
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howfarethestars · 6 months
Do you ever think about how scared Thor was to lose Loki… He experimented Loki hating him and denouncing him as his brother, so soon after Loki had said 'never doubt that I love you', he saw Loki ignore his pleas and let go because Odin said no and Thor's brain chemistry was changed forever.
1 ) His response was 'We all did' when Loki asked him 'Did you miss me?'. The fact he didn't consider that Loki was particularly asking about him, he was desperate to make Loki believe that others care about him, that all missed him. It will convince Loki.
I wonder if he spent an year trying to fight his own thoughts that Loki didn't actually hate him or Loki didn't care about him so he let go
2) He says 'I will tell father...' right after 'stay with me, okay' trying not to cry like a baby, thinking Loki will stay if he knows that Odin is proud of him.
All I want to say is Thor is so soft and pure hearted, it pains me to see that he thinks that he doesn't deserve love and he is bound to believe so because everyone he loved left him, that nobody loved Thor, they loved the hero, the prince, the protector.
Sorry I'm crying
oh my god anon…that’s the thing i’m sensitive about :(
i think (?) i’ve talked about this on here or at the very least on twitter but truly truly i think that every action thor takes post-thor (2011) can be traced back to what happens to him in that movie. it really is the formative experience of his life in a very bad way.
thor’s always been unsure of himself, i think. we know that both loki and frigga can see through his facade before the coronation, so we know his whole self-assured cockiness is on some levels an act. and he goes to loki for so much reassurance and guidance and trusts him so much. i can’t imagine what it must have felt like at the most tumultuous time (so far) in thor’s life to hear loki say he doesn’t love him, that they aren’t brothers. and for loki to kill him!!! i mean, fuck, guys. imagine what that would make thor think. “loki thinks that i’m a bad enough person that i should die”. and doesn’t even disagree with him. thor just accepts that he’s beyond saving and puts himself up on the chopping block, essentially bc loki asked him to.
and also those are really good examples of thor putting everyone else’s feelings before his own that i hadn’t picked up on. thank you for sharing cause i think you’re absolutely right. with the “we all did” line, i do think he was trying so hard to convince loki that he was loved by everyone, not just himself. i think, honestly, that thor was trying to like…delegate (for lack of a better word) his love for loki, in a way? kind of diluting his own emotions so he doesn’t appear as vulnerable. it’s something he does in parts of the dark world, too, especially in the scene where he’s trying to convince loki to join their quest to the dark world. “that hope no longer exists to protect you.” we know that he’s bluffing, and i think he’s bluffing bc he doesn’t want to be the only one who cares, since he thinks loki hates him. and also, yes i absolutely do think that thor fully believed that loki hated him. i don’t think thor knew that loki still cared about him at all until the end of ragnarok…
AND this is making me insane bc you’re RIGHT…if thor doesn’t think loki loves him, ofc he’d say “i’ll tell father…” bc he doesn’t think that loki would’ve sacrificed himself for just him 😭😭 WHAT THE HELL
but yeah :( you’re right. thank you for the pain. respectfully fuck loki for making him feel that way
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ratlesshonret · 7 months
Things I LOVED About Pocket Mirror ~ GoldenerTraum & Little Goody Two Shoes (as a long-time series fan)
AKA, the long-awaited positivity post.
This is a direct follow-up to my posts "The (few) Things I Didn't Like About Pocket Mirror ~ GoldenerTraum" and "My (few) Issues With Little Goody Two Shoes"
Those posts trended very negative because, well, lists of complaints are inherently negative. However, despite my (honestly, kinda nitpicky) complaints, I do want to show that I still adore these games. And thus, I will be giving my list of things I think GoldenerTraum and LGTS did right.
Well, to be fair, these games did most things right. But I'll pick the ones I think stand out the most.
This post contains spoilers, as always. Rant below the cut.
Part 1 - GoldenerTraum
-The new lore introduced in this game, alongside the entirely new ending, are just great. Really solid ways to expand the section of canon that Pocket Mirror focuses on without changing the game very much.
-I love the convenience factor of this game versus the original. Less clunky required menu openings, less instances of "what do I need to examine to progress," and just generally smoother gameplay.
-I can't do this without mentioning the graphics. Complete and utter upgrade in every way. The original always looked great, but now looking back on it, its definitely not as polished as the modern style.
-(I know this is a positivity post, but I do wanna say I prefer the original Lisette sprite. I love the new one as well, but I think the new "heavy frills and detailed wrinkles" artstyle, while it generally works for the period and wealth the game is set around, doesn't fit Lisette.)
-Back to positivity now, the higher resolution theaters are really good. I originally wished they'd be changed/reanimated, but that was a mistake on my end. After all, why mess with perfection?
-GoldenerTraum and the accompanying anime opening are amazing. Full stop. Best intro to maybe any game ever. Everblooming Wild Rose Coronation is also great. (Though if I were to be fully honest, I kinda wish it only played after the Dawn ending instead of every ending. But that's a nitpick.)
-The removal of the bloat in the prologue is very much appreciated. On replays, the dance hall area feels very drawn out and unimportant, and generally a slog to go through. While I still don't like replaying this section, it is MUCH more bearable with the excess meat chopped off. It always felt like filler, anyway.
-The CGs that were updated look much nicer. No elaboration on this one, that's where my thought ends.
-Actually, yes elaboration. This is about the CG of Lisette coming out of the mirror before her first chase. The redraw is so pretty. I love Lisette <3.
-Improved visibility in many dark areas makes me a very happy person. While it maybe does remove some of the tension and atmosphere, it makes the game more accessible for new players who now won't need to feel around in the dark for ten minutes to find the candle in the Sugary Supper area, or whatever.
-Henri sprite.
-Finally, and I want to loop back to the character sprites, I love how they give an option to return to the original sprites. I love when remakes/remasters have some kind of "nostalgia mode" so that the original versions of things aren't lost.
Part 2 - Little Goody Two Shoes
-Music is great. I still prefer Pocket Mirror's OST, but holy hell some of the tracks in this game get lodged in my brain sometimes.
-Art is fantastic. I love the CGs, so many of them are so detailed and pretty. I might set some of them as my computer backgrounds, that's how good they are.
-Speaking of, the sprites are really good. I love some of Elise and Rozenmarine's sprites, especially.
-Strange Boy finally getting a name is nice. Now I don't need to call him Strange Boy. (I will still call him Strange Boy.)
-In general the environments are beautiful. One of the few ways this game is a straight step-up from Pocket Mirror. The tiny waterfall in the river looks so pretty, especially during the day. And that's just one example of an environmental piece that really stood out.
-I want to praise Thursday Witching Hour, or as I called it in my last post, "the only one that's better than bearable." It is a genuinely tense section, and scarier than anything in Pocket Mirror. It was the only thing in either game to really make me aware that this is a horror series.
-I do generally like the mechanics of hunger/money management, and the minigames are fun (except Kiss the Rat.) The intense effort that must've been put into the art and design of these short games you only play to make money was not lost on me.
-The characters are charming (exceptmuffy), about on par with Pocket Mirror's believe it or not. Rozenmarine is the only one I can speak heavily on, since her endings are the only routes I've done, but she's so cute and I love her. Freya also seems very great, which is why I have her route lined up to do next. Elise herself is also much different from how I assumed, but I love her as a protagonist.
-The sheer amount of lore this game introduces, from how Elise's deal with Strange Boy went down, to how the Pocket Mirror made it into Goldia's hands in the first place, is downright amazing for a lore nerd like myself.
-While this game didn't make me as emotional as Pocket Mirror does at any point (both of Lisette's endings still make me sob like a baby,) I did feel pretty empty inside after sacrificing Rozenmarine during the "canon" ending. And games that put me into a literal depressive episode after finishing are the ones I remember the most and love the most.
-The sheer amount of endings does give this game good replay value. Of course, that is undercut by... literally the dozen things I mentioned in my last post, but it does give me reason to stick it out.
-The fact that even the background characters have consistent personalities is nice. I love when games pay that close attention to detail. Though I will say that most of the ones without large-scale speaking sprites did kinda blend together into one person in my head, and in some cases they may as well have been one person. But on my next playthrough, I'll definitely take the time to pay attention to who says what lines, rather than just skimming the text itself.
-The dates are really cute, especially the associated scenes. You do not know the scream I let out when Rozenmarine finally dropped the L-bomb on Elise. That scene was adorable, despite being undercut by my constant (and later proven correct) dread of her dying painfully soon.
-Seriously, just the fact that you are playing as a lesbian is great. I can't think of many games, other than ones explicitly marketed as "yuri romance" or "lesbian dating sim" that have this kind of casual representation. It warms my heart a lot to see it not fall to the pitfalls of "has to be a visual novel or dating sim" or "only hinted-at representation."
-My final compliment for now, I adore Rozenmarine in general. I'm a very character-focused person, and I now have a new character to rotate and hyper-fixate on in my mind.
Part 3 - Outro
I love these games. A lot. I don't want to ever give the impression of "GoldenerTraum is a bad remake" or "LGTS isn't a good sequel" because those things aren't true. Despite my complaints, my opinions on these games are 90% positive.
All of this to say... I'm not falling out of love with this series. While the original Pocket Mirror holds a special place in my heart as "maybe the best thing Astral Shift has ever made," I still love their newest projects all the same. And nostalgia plays a big part in that place it has in my heart.
I love you, Pocket Mirror. And I love you, Little Goody Two Shoes.
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rhysdarbinizedarby · 9 months
Relax, I’m From The Future
A conversation with writer-director Luke Higgingson
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Relax, I’m From The Future was a surprise fav of mine at last year’s Fantasia Fest, and it’s finally getting a theatrical release! The movie is a punk rock sci-fi comedy with a lot of wit and even more heart starring Rhys Darby (Flight of the Conchords, Our Flag Means Death) and Gabrielle Graham (Possessor, Twenties) as an unlikely duo trying, sort of, not really, to save the world. I got a chance to speak with writer-director Luke Higginson a few weeks ago about all the work that went into his debut feature. Read our (lightly edited for clarity) conversation below!
Tell me, how do you describe this movie to other people?
It’s very much my attempt to work through my anxieties about the future and the state of the world in a way that might bring me some comfort without eliminating the very real cynicism I have about it. [My short film in 2013] started as a simple joke idea — the idea of an unprepared timetraveler — and then when people sort of liked that film more than I expected, I thought about how I would make that meaningful enough to expand it. And as I noodled on that, Trump got elected, and Covid happened, a lot of terrible things happened… It really became a source of therapy for me to write this ridiculous film and pump my anxieties into it. That’s really where I found what the film was about.
There is an incredible dynamic between Rhys and Gabrielle — how did you work your story with them?
Gabriel Graham was the first person that I knew I wanted to cast [as Holly]. I saw Brandon Cronenberg’s Possessor, and she had such presence, but I didn’t know if she was funny, so I watched Twenties… it was clear she had comic chops.
For Casper [Rhys Darby’s character], you have to be on board with following him even when he does some questionable things. And also, he’s on screen for so much of the movie that it had to be someone with real energy, especially in a script that’s mostly people talking to each other. There weren’t a lot of people that I felt fit that. Then when his name was floated, it was immediately like omg holy shit that would be amazing! My producers at Wango films are phenomenally gifted at getting scripts in hands. I spent a couple of days building up a dossier of arguments for why he should do the film. And when we got on the call and he was just like “Hey, so I just wanted to meet ya and make sure you were ok with me doing this movie”, I was blown away. He had this tiny little window where we could get him for 15 shooting days and he agreed to come up [to Hamilton, Ontario] and do it. I’m still pinching myself about that, it was amazing.
In terms of working with them, because of that window of time, there was no time for rehearsal. There was barely time for Rhys to learn his lines. I got one hour of Rhys and Gabby in a room together before the first day of shooting… Something clicked, it was like Oh it’s Casper and Holly, they’re hanging out!
The scene in the playground — where the two of them are sharing a bottle of booze and talking — was incredibly cold, absurdly cold. And they were both very underdressed for that weather. They were both improving and bouncing off of each other. That was the scene where I felt like ah there’s something special between these two in particular. It was cool, it was really special, both of them are just amazing.
Wait, the shooting schedule was only 15 days?
We had Rhys for 15 days, and we shot for 18 days, but Rhys is in almost all of the movie.
How did the music in the movie play into writing your story and how did you manage to clear all those songs?
I knew a ton of people in the Toronto indie-rock punk scene and I always knew that if I ever got to make a movie, I knew all these great songs that no one knows. I listened to a lot of that stuff writing the film — Holly being part of the punk scene was very important to the character. I gave [Gabrielle] a playlist of a bunch of 70s CBGB stuff, she watched a documentary on Poly Styrene. That really embodied the vibe of the music. I wanted it to be all Toronto music on the soundtrack, it’s basically a split between songs from bands that I played with or went to see back in the day and bands that are still operating right now. The big coup was getting Pup involved, which was really exciting. They didn’t have to say yes at all, but they really were big fans of Rhys and [because of Covid] I think they were a little itchy to get on stage in front of a bunch of people. We got to use a few of their songs, as well as Metz and Bad Waitress and a couple of other great bands.
In terms of the licensing side what I didn’t expect as a problem was that many of those bands no longer exist and never had any kind of official existence in terms of paper work or legality, so I perhaps foolishly did not see that coming as a problem. Anagram, Sailboats Are White, Lunchmeat — all great bands that I love, but [licensing their songs] was a trickier thing than I thought it was gonna be.
What are some of the challenges or joys that you encountered in the editing room, putting this thing together?
The editing process was long, longer than I expected. My baby was 6 months old when we started shooting, which was a real challenge for me and my wife. I literally edited the film with my baby next to me, so it took a while. But really, it was about matching the film to Rhys’s rhythm. When we [cast] Rhys, who’s one of the best improvisers comedically in the world, I knew that [for the edit] I was gonna want both sides of the conversations he has with Gabby. So any time that Rhys is talking to another person, there’s two cameras going at the same time and that really allowed us to use the little moments of inspiration and improvisation. If Rhys gives you a piece of gold, you know that you have it covered. That was big, I think both in the shooting and in the editing.
Time travel can be a tricky narrative device! How did you build the rules of this universe?
I knew right off the bat that I was neither capable nor interested in doing something scientifically “accurate”, but you also don’t want the audience to feel like you don’t give a shit. It has to feel like there’s an internal consistency. So my guiding principle was that rules of time travel are going to be what serves the humour and the story, and then once I have those things, to make sure it’s internally consistent. It actively subverts what I felt was the most common tropes — like in Terminator, you have to be naked to travel through time, in my movie you have to have no skin showing of any kind. In most time travel movies you can go back and forth, in mine you can only go back. When drafting it out, I went with the ideas that I found funny, then once I had the beats, I worked very hard to make sure it was internally consistent within that.
What was screening your film at Fantasia like?
It was incredible, I can’t say enough good things about Fantasia. I wanna shout out programmer Carolyn Mauricette, who saw a very rough cut of the film without any of the sound mix or special effects. She saw it, she got it, she connected to it. It just meant so much, that phase of the editing process, you’re very emotionally fragile, you have no idea if you’ve made something that works or not, and that was such a vote of confidence.
What are you hoping people take away from this?
I am genuinely very excited for people to see Rhys do this. I feel like he uses some muscles that you don’t get to see him use normally, he’s such a star. And I think Gabriel Graham is incredibly slept on, like she’s a successful actor but I think way more people should know her. I’m gonna sit in on a bunch of screenings — I never need to watch the movie again, but I do love watching the audience watch it, and there are some moments in the back third of the movie that I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing an audience react to.
I didn’t even ask you about Julian Richings!
He’s incredible! I got him [cast as Percy] by recording a video begging him to be in the movie because he’s a legend! I first saw him in Hard Core Logo when I was a teenager, he’s so captivating. So ya, I recorded a shameless message and sent it to him, and luckily he is the sweetest man in the world, just the easiest person in the world to work with — I can’t say enough nice things about him.
I think this movie has a lot for a lot of different crowds of people — you got the gays, you got the nerds, you got the horror fans -
Those are all my people! Those are my favourite type of people!
I’m excited for people to see it!
Me too!
Source: Bad Critic
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shathyar · 1 month
on vulpes, and cruelty.
some background, but vulpes is a boy who grew up in the confines of an unimportant tribe that was eventually annexed into the legion. vulpes' loyalty and service was given to the legion as a sort of gift for saving them from annihilation at the hands of another tribe. vulpes, though at the time was their smallest and weakest, very quickly grew into his role. he took beatings well, learned quickly, cut without asking too many questions (at first, then eventually he stopped asking all together).
the most important thing to be garnered from this: vulpes' obsession with caesar, and the undying need to do right by his name. caesar, to vulpes, is the pinnacle of humanity. the best that humanity has to offer, this man was his saviour, essentially. though training was harsh, especially under the circumstances of vulpes' albinism making life in the mojave more difficult than it had to be, caesar saw a potential in him that would have otherwise gone unnoticed. it is by caesar's will that vulpes is a frumentarii, and is still alive to begin with. he owes everything to caesar.
that said, growing up within the legion was also a good way to develop some habits that do not die too easily. as frumentarii, i have touched on this briefly, but they are charged with getting information in any which way. subterfuge, involving yourself in things you normally wouldn't, twisting some rules to get the final product; anything and everything. m*rder, mayhem, and even s*x. in the latter type of encounters, vulpes started playing with his food, so to speak, at a relatively early age, he entered the frumentarii by his 20th birthday and that's when this behaviour started to really run rampant.
women would come up dead, scarred beyond almost recognition. he would pull out teeth, break their legs or arms (sometimes both), pull their hair so hard until it scalped them, all sorts of cruel things. once he got the information he needed, he did whatever he had to do to get out of a situation. and his brain always defaulted to "maim" in those situations. killing was always the easiest, for him. conversation, letting them down easy, leaving the next morning all felt like a terrible loose end that he needed to tie up. so he did, by killing them. but he didn't stop at killing them, he would desecrate them, as i said. stabbing too often, pushing them on others, maybe he lured a few into the legion whether into service or slavery depending on if it was a man or woman. (women were far more frequent than men, but there were men.)
vulpes once, probably, got a good nod and word in from caesar for the amount of slaves he had acquired for them. on top of the lottery in nipton, he played all sorts of jigsaw-like games when it came to small settlements to conquer. there was always the choice: play along, or be put to the sword. there was always fairness to him though, as much of a double-edged blade as this might be. every man got a lottery ticket, but every man was drawn the same. from saint to sinner, everyone was on the chopping block before vulpes. caesar had elevated vulpes so high in both his personal regard and within the legion, that caesar's lack of restraining him was something vulpes took as an opportunity. caesar did not care, truthfully, how he achieved these results, only that he had.
the only time caesar had to tell him to lay off was the killing of his informants. to caesar, these people could be exploited and blackmailed into further exploitation so that they may continue playing the fool. to vulpes, he had gotten all he could out of them and wanted them out of the picture completely and wholly. this was starting to earn vulpes in particular a nasty reputation on the strip. years went by, though, and that reputation slowly died down. there are stories and rumours of him killing people he lays with, but those are (for the most part now anyway) simply specculation.
everyone else, especially slaves and those outside of the legion, were playthings. vulpes is both respected and feared -- respected for his fairness in his dealings, but feared because of his dealings. his personal squadron has very mixed feelings on him, but the general consensus is fairly good. the people that work with him directly like him, to some degree. maybe they don't wholly agree, but they turn their gaze when he does something abhorrent.
much like lanius, vulpes really only takes orders from caesar anymore. anyone else who even tries ends up beaten for it. not even in the arena, just flat out berated and beaten. some of them fight back and there is a scuffle, but vulpes is very good about handling this type of conflict. most people know to stay out of it when vulpes starts to get twitchy. he has a bloodlust that the legion is very good about sating for him. in open conflict, such as large battles, vulpes has been known to be quick and ruthless. there is a fairness to him, but there is no honour.
i am going to project a little of my own personal experiences, but i would go on a gander and say vulpes has antisocial personality disorder (obviously undiagnosed and untreated and running extremely rampant.) the only people that are really people to him are other legionaires (thin ice), other frumentarii (begrudgingly), and caesar (god-figure). and i am not kidding, this man sees caesar as an actual god-king, he has some repressed homosexual feelings about him but absolutely worships the ground that caesar walks on. if caesar said "jump" vulpes would launch himself into the air at a moments notice.
to vulpes, most people aren't really people, they are either instruments or obstructions. his job, to him as frumentarii, is to get rid of obstructions. he has a stark and clear disconnect with those people who are especially not in the legion. there is no sympathy or empathy with them, you will either join the legion or you will be crushed under it.
his favoured weapon is a machete or hunting knife, he hates guns, and really really loves choking people or digging his fingers into their eye sockets.
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ttodorokiii · 2 years
How would yanderes TodoBakuDeku (poly or separate, your wish) react to the reader yelling at someone on the phone? Or being really pissed after she got a letter from someone? You can decide what it can be about
reactions | BNHA
note. hey anon!!! sorry for my VERY LATE RESPONSE, but I just wanted to apologise!!! I hope you don’t mind that I did them separately cuz I don’t have much experience on writing poly!!! 💔💕
warnings: YANDERE, OBSESSION, possess*ve themes, strong language, obsessive themes, verbal fighting.
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Shouto tries to be rational with you, he knows what he’s done is so wrong in many many levels but he can’t bring himself to regret it. Though when he first saw your anger filled reaction,..
Shouto knew he had to make it up to you. He had kidnapped you for Gods sake. It was a slow process, but he tried his best.
And the first instinct that came to him was to provide you with your phone back. It was the LEAST he was doing after all.
He had ALOT to make up for….
But now, he was starting to strongly regret it.
You were angry, that made Shouto concerned for you… you were a very headstrong person, and that made him so obsessed with you in the first place.
But your anger could be fatal.
He needed to handle this ‘Karina’ on his own… you sounded so heartbroken too…
That made him so unbelievably angry. He will ruin them.
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You were such a stubborn person it infuriated him. Katsuki didn’t want you to go to the door and answer it, he was there, he could do it himself.
Maybe you were just looking for an excuse to get away from him, Katsuki bit the inside of his cheek as he watched you close the door, and turn back to him, looking at a letter of some sort.
He watched carefully as your grip on the paper tightened, he could see the way your body tensed as you managed to sit down beside him on the couch.
Your stare never left the paper sheet, “what’s wrong?” Bakugou asked in his gruff tone, staring at you a carefully.
Your tone wavered as you responded, breaking his heart. “I-I’m fired Katsuki…. T-They fired me!” You cried.
Katsuki quirked a brow at that,, a small smile on his lips mirrored one of satisfaction. “I CANNOT B-BELIEVE THIS…” anger laced your tone as he quickly masked his satisfaction, with the mask of anger.
“These stupid fucking people!! I-I was doing my job good! H-How can they! I-I will RUIN THEM!”
He barely stuffed his laugh in. “I told you, princess.”
He laughed so loud at that.
“Don’t take out your frustrations on me, now. You had it coming pfttt.”
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He was scared.
“I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT PIECE OF SHIT… AGH YOU WERE RIGHT… I-I can’t believe I trusted him!” You were screaming so loud it made his ears vibrate.
You were crying angrily as the words escaped your mouth, izuku could hear the trembling of your lips as he hid under your bed.
Which was stupid, you could catch him anytime. It wasn’t his fault though, he didn’t know you were coming home early.
“I-I WILL CHOP OFF HIS DICK I SWEAR TO DEAR GOD… fucking son of a bitch!” You kept on cussing your cheating (now) ex boyfriend as you sniffled.
A part of him felt so happy but your saddened him to no end. You didn’t deserved that, no one did… but especially you.
Izuku felt his heart churn with pain. “I-I am so angry, Natasha!” Izuku clenched his fist tightly as he felt a rush of rage flow in his vines.
Someone was going to die tonight.
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sunnydayjackass · 2 years
I could get hc from jack's reaction to s/o waking up in the mood to dye her hair pink
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You’ve been in the bathroom for a very long time, you didn’t know what exactly had gotten into you but it’d been stuck in your head.
After staring in your mirror for long enough, hands bracing against the lip of the sink- at some point you just made the commitment to it. Brushing through your hair, beginning to pin back sections of it and then rummaging through your drawers for a stained plastic bowl, application brush, some all purpose plastic gloves that never quite fit right- on anyone you swear- and bottles of dye you’ve accumulated over time on similar impulses. The smell of bleach and developer mixing together hits your nose as you begin to stir the mix with the soft clicking of plastic. A cursory back look in the mirror, you shed your shirt left in just a sleeveless undershirt that you decide a bleach splotch or dye can survive.
Ordinarily, Jack wasn’t one to interrupt you- especially when it was the bathroom but…well, this was longer than anything else. Brow furrowed, he makes his way down the hallway and raises a gloved hand to knock gently on the closed door. “Sunshine…? Are you alright?” He sounds more concerned than anything. Worrying if maybe you’ve gotten sick, if you’re having another lapse of Ian centric intrusive thoughts, or god forbid anything worse.
You’ve already got bleach setting on your hair, foils carefully folded around the layers when you answer the door and you’re sure you look…well…a tinge ridiculous as Jack just stares at you. Of all the things he’d thought about you doing in there- this really hadn’t crossed his mind. “O-Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to intrude on you- I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. What’re you doing?” Well…it was obvious but there was just the wondering…why? Jack didn’t see anything wrong with your hair in the color that it was, he rather liked it that way- the way he’d met you. You just give him a little grin and laugh as you keep the door open and turn back to leaning over the sink as you continue to apply bleach to your hair.
“I just…I dunno, I wanted to do something different. Pink just felt right, I guess.” You give a little shrug, “Maybe it’s your influence.” You tease, glancing over your shoulder. You’ve since come to remember he won’t show up in the mirror. “Besides, I already dress like a clown at work. May as well have fun hair to go with the ensemble.” You roll your eyes about it but Jack can tell you’re genuinely excited to dye your hair, the process of change. His features soften, relax, upon finding that this was just something you’ve chosen to do on the mood of what seemed to be a good whim.
You feel him behind you as he inspects the different sections of hair and foils, “Do you want some help? For the back area? I’m no hairdresser but I think you can walk me through parts so you don’t miss spots.” He offers rather cheerily and he can see the grin split your lips in the mirror.
“Yeah! That’d be great- it’d really be a good help.” Jack carefully takes the brush from your hands and the small bowl as he finishes helping you apply the bleach and fold the foils as carefully as he can. They aren’t as good as yours but you don’t seem to pressed by his handwork as you crane your neck about in the mirror to get a good look. You pick up your phone and set a timer to rinse out and sit on the toilet while Jack settles on the lip of the tub just watching you fondly. “…what? I look stupid right now, don’t I? You’re thinking you’re living with some batshit crazy person who just decided to dye their hair pink.” Jack chuckles warmly in reply giving a shake of his head and resting his elbows on his knees.
“I don’t think it’s stupid at all, Sunshine. I mean, sure I liked your hair the way you had it but- pink will suit you I think.” It’s hard to envision but frankly Jack doesn’t care what you do with your hair, dye it whatever color, chop it all off, he’d love you all the same. “Would you want help with the dye too?” He offers sweetly, watching you tap a little on your phone before setting it aside and giving him another sunny smile.
“Yeah, if you wouldn’t mind.” You’re so enthused and excited, it’s infectious as warmth blooms in Jack’s chest. He gets up from his place on the tub, pausing to press a kiss to your forehead before disappearing into the kitchen to retrieve your morning drink of choice and bring it to you while the pair of you hunker down in the bathroom. You accept the warm mug with an appreciative hum as you take a sip before setting it down on the counter. Jack helps you pass the time, keep your mind occupied from the tingling itching sensation while the bleach works into your hair. The timer can’t go fast enough as you shuffle past him and Jack moves out of your way as you quickly start the shower head and begin to scrub the bleach out of your hair with a low moan as you can finally give your scalp some rubbing. Your hair now blonde- you waste no time gently toweling the extra moisture away before dumping a healthy amount of pink dye in another bowl after cleaning the brush. It’s something like bubble gum, like cotton candy, and Jack realizes well…he might like this more than he thought. His bright blue hair, your soon to be pink, it’s…cute.
He's quiet as he watches you paint sections of hair carefully, strand by strand before finally looking to him to help you get the back which he happily accepts the help. Towel draped around your shoulders, you sit backwards on the lid of the toilet as Jack helps. As the color begins to process through your hair, you seem to almost bounce on the balls of your feet after you get up, looking at yourself excitedly in the mirror. Time ticks along and your head is again under a stream of water, though Jack again offers to help- large fingers massaging your scalp as he shampoos your hair, swirls of pink suds circling the drain. It's a domestic gesture, one that Jack rather enjoys- anything to help you, to show you how happy he is to be by your side and help you do tasks such as these. Not long after Jack is shooed out of the room at your insistence- that you want to dry and style your hair.
The pout is small but halfhearted at best, Jack obliges and settles in the living room for the final reveal. Occupying himself by trying to familiarize himself with the tv and its remote. Trying to find something or anything to watch in the meantime. It’s still a bit of a struggle but he’s slowly learning- half from watching you and your patient teaching. He’s a few scenes into Sixteen Candles when you re-emerge from the bathroom. Your hair is now dried and immaculately styled, your hair a (preferred shade) of pink that catches the light just right in almost a halo like glow and you’re absolutely beaming, swelling with pride and assuredness of your decision. Jack feels his breath hitch, caught in his throat. Maybe he’d had a few reservations about it but they were blown out of his skull as he takes you in. “Sunshine! You look incredible!” he hurries off the couch to cradle your head in his hands, fingers carefully weaving through the soft tresses to admire the color against his yellow gloves, “You’re look so sweet.” He peppers your face with soft kisses over the span of your cheeks, your nose, your foreheads and you seem further elated by him. You hold his wrists and lean into his affections.
“I dunno, I guess I…kinda wanted to match with you a little maybe y’know?” The thrumming of Jack’s heart almost threatens to break out of his chest as he smiles widely, resting his forehead against your own before capturing your lips in a slower, more deliberate, kiss.
“…I love you so much, Sunshine.”
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