#essence projects promo
{The Circus Of Mirrors}
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Did you ever heard of the scary tale that called "The Circus Of Mirrors" before… No? Well, it used to be an old scary bedtime story that parents tell their kids so they wouldn’t wonder around at night and to put them to sleep.
It said if you went to the forest in the middle of the night where not even the moonlight or the stars can reach you. You shall find a mirror within a huge tree that act as a portal to the Mirror world, where you shall witness the most unimaginable of things. it also said that there is a mysterious Circus within this world that belong to a miserable and sad Showman who rule this world and make sure that anyone who dare to enter his realm stay within it forever and become part of it.
…wanna see if the tales are true?
I decided to make an Essence Project myself even tho I am bad at coming up with clothes designs let along drawing… BUT!! I have been thinking of this may help me approve my talent so why not?
So with a lil help with some of my friends to plan the idea and roles of the Essence together, I present to you the Essence of Mirrors!! The roles are inspired by the tarot cards that would be mentioned along side the Roles.
Also I am a slow person when doing projects so this may take more then a month or so or maybe even less if I had the energy to work on it so~ yeah!!
[S-Tier] The Shattered Soul (Emperor Card) - Phineas//@idv-ask-the-showman
[S-Tier] The Guest (Fool Card) - Althea//@oletus-dryad
[A- Tier] The Gospel (Hierophant Card) - Laurence//@idv-news-boi
[A-Tier] The Guide (Chariot Card) - Lawrence//@idv-askchaoticduo
[A-Tier] The Wanderer (Devil Card) - Nathaniel//@idv-fifis-toybox
[A-Tier] The White Knight (Death Card) - Rue//@voidproject
[A-Tier] The Black Knight (Wheel Card) - Exe//@voidproject
[A-Tier] The Fallen Angel (Lovers Card) - Angel//@idv-artists-trio
[A-Tier] The Grieving Heart (Lovers Card) - Yami//@the-oletus-parlor
[A-Tier] The Moonlight (Moon Card) - Beth//@ask-idv-baker
[A-Tier] The Starlight (Star Card) - Phoenix//@ask-phoenix-idv
[S-Tier-Shop] The SunLight (Sun Card) - Flynn//@idv-ask-the-showman
Don’t worry I would still be working in the Wedding Ball Event stuff while at it, I just can’t wait until the even end so I posted it already =D!
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ask-idv-baker · 2 years
Birthday Event
So since my birthday is coming up, I decided to do a bit of a self indulgent project. So may I introduce
Kirby Essence!
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S Skin:
Kirby: Beth Anastazja
A Skins:
King Dedede:
Meta Knight: Beatriz Fernandez (@traditional-dancer-idv
Bandana Dee: Blindspot! Aesop Carl (@ask-blindspot-aesop
Elfilis: Elaine Schreiber (@idv-thespians
B Skins:
Adeleine: Edgar Valden (@ask-splatterbomb
Dyna Blade: Valentina (@ask-lyristidv
Rick: Angeline Bianchi (@askthepianist
Coo: V (@vthekidfromtheforest
Marx: Mike Morton (@ask-splatterbomb
Shop S Skin:
Shadow Kirby: Rue (@voidproject
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Everyone is free to join in, so don't be shy!
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kinopioa · 7 months
Sonic OVA thoughts (Part 1)
OVA is generally beloved by the fandom as a cool piece of Sonic media in the mid 90s. What gets me is how different it was compared to typical none canon Japan Sonic media at the time
For the follow up we have; -The 1992-94 Shogakukan Nicky manga of a timid kid
-The 1992 Sonic 2 promo manga, done by some of the artists in the previous Shogakukan Manga
-199?-1995 Harmony magazine exclusive art
-The 1994 TMS animated short featuring Eggman impersonating as Sonic out of jealousy
All of these typically depict Sonic (unless drawn by Oshima) as kiddier or cutesy, typically missing his attitude, or in the case of Nicky, is completely off base. This was even noted by Naka in development of Sonic Adventure, hence the need for the 1997 Project Sonic competition to reinvigorate edge and attitude
So OVA NOT being cutsey weirdly stands out for the period*
*While Junio/Toei's work for CD also isn't cutesy, that's core from games, not alt media, despite design difference
How does OVA stand out? Well...the prior context might've been why it didn't get to accomplish its goals
The OVA was initially rental tape only available between Jan 1996-March 1996, not getting a formal home release until May 1996. This is already odd, given rumors of it being intended to be a TV series but scrapped. The OVA was split into 2 parts originally, the first half focusing on going to the Land of the Darkness and fighting Mecha Robotnik, the latter focusing on Metal Sonic and the polar ice caps. The base story is concieved by Mayori Sekijima then scripted by Masashi Kubota, both having done full series by that point. Given 1997 Naka admitted that people in Japan didn't really know Sonic by that point (which was why Jam was made alongside lack of Sonic Saturn rep)...I have a feeling this wasn't that popular, despite ads
Anyway, the movie itself
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We start with a dark room with monitors and a motionless floating mech of Metal Sonic. Eggman proclaims that he needs Sonic's DNA (more loosely called lifeforce essence here) to complete Hyper Metal Sonic. Note: Hyper Metal Sonic references the new mold he had for Chaotix in games!
We then cut to aesthetic landscape expanses of the Land of the Sky. It helps give us a picture of their world. Refreshingly, not just checker spam that 2nd game devs randomly did a lot despite Sonic Team doing other types of locales. We also see the Old Man Owl flying a spluttering ship, more on that later...
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We end up at Sonic's island, composing of wrecked airplanes, buses-i-is that a Star Wars ship!? Pretty interesting, I wonder if they'll tell us where it came from-
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But we get interrupted with Tails showing Sonic his newest invention to try out. Sonic isn't interested, so Tails goes out to try it for himself, splashing Sonic accidentally
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Note: Tails does note Sonic can't swim here
We hear Tails calling for help soon after, which Sonic coldly ignores. This is something that gets me for this feature, Sonic has attitude, but is weirdly also dismissive of his friends that already run contradictory to games at the time. Even Tails screaming bloody murder doesn't do much as Sonic loudly tells him to shut up (Eng memes aside), only changing his mind when he see the old Owl Man crash through where Sonic was
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Tails checks on the blue blur to see if he's ok, which Sonic is. He notes that they should help the Old Man, but Sonic again tells him he's not interested, flat out out saying "hey, you can fly bitch, you do it!", to which Tails calls him out, then takes it upon himself to save the old man. While at first it goes well thanks to surfing, both soon realize they'll crash into the cliffside, to which he screams. At that point Sonic realizes "oh, they might die", then saves them
Speaking of, they seemingly know of this guy before this event. Who is he? How'd they meet? We'll never know!
Afterwards, Owl Man is in shock, which Sonic gets a Crabmeat (wouldn't that still have a Flicky given this period?) to pinch him, bringing him back to his senses, then rambling about how he was an expert racer in his day that got chicks. Tails reminds him that he had something important to say, and we learn that the President wants Sonic due to an emergency. Sonic and Tails then have the aesthetic plane sequence and head out, leaving the old man to watch over Sonic's...well, wreckage is more apt
We have more aesthetic shots showing the capital city of the Land of the Sky, though there's a weird lack of people here... Inside it's revealed Eggman has taken over, shooting Sonic/Tails, and having the President and his daughter held as hostage. We-
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Wait, this landmass is South Island!? What's with none canon Sonic media spamming South Island, when mainline games went to different areas
Seriously, most of the STI and Aspect Ltd 8 bit games do this unlike Sonic Team. Even Fighters by Sega AM2 did. Why? Sonic is noted to exploring other locales, likewise Eggman isn't too stationary if a plan fails one spot. It's just...why?
Also epic sub typo
Anyway, Eggman explains the history of the Land of the Sky and Darkness, and how they are 2 split halves. This bores everyone, so he demands Sonic to help him stop a generator in Eggmanland that's out of control, thanks to an upsurper called Mecha Robotnik (Black Robotnik in Japan). If it isn't stopped, the generator would destroy the Land of the Darkness, which would in turn destroy the Land of the Sky. Everyone again is bored, flat out sleeping, so he stresses that someone needs to bypass his taken traps and stop the generator. Sonic dismisses it, despite Sarah and the President begging, as he believes Eggman to be lying, which takes Tails to convince him to just do it. Sonic overall is pretty unhelpful here honestly. Eggman gives Tails a navigator (which Sonic questions way too late if it's rigged AFTER they fly out), and the plot's moving...
Oh nah, we just have Eggman and Sarah playing fighting games
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Contrary to popular belief, this is not a Sonic the Fighters ref. This OVA came out well before that arcade game was out
Ignoring filler, everyone's pretty lax about the kidnapping here. Sarah even threatens to stop being hostage, which...doesn't make sense. She's surrounded by a bunch of robots. We then have a mecha crash in and open its hatch, so we now know Eggman's up to something (which was obvious)
Back to Sonic/Tails
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Come to think of it, this all implies Sonic never fought Eggman there before. Which gives interesting implications of Eggman only causing trouble in the Land of the Sky, then retreating after failure to Sonic
Anyway, they crash land due to turbulence, and set out on a path straight to Eggmanland
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We have a montage of Sonic going through the various landscapes, with him noting how many robots (no Flickies, huh) and traps there are. Tails assures that it is the quickest path, leading directly to a warp zone (?), and the two wound up in E 44th St. in an ancient city
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We don't have much explanation for this area, and Tails confirms this isn't Eggmanland yet. Sonic scours the skyscraper to get a better view on their location, and the two head towards Eggmanland, only to be stopped by...
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Mecha Robotnik, who attacks and gives chase
Note, Sonic's unable to hurt him
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The two dodge its attacks, hiding behind a bus to figure what to do. Sonic notes that they can't waste time fighting it, and Tails notes the direction they should go....
Only for Sonic to moronically alert Mecha where they are by taunting it. Side note: contrary to rumors, this was never censored in English
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This Sonic is stupid, I'm sorry. He lacks tact Game Sonic would have
So anyway, the two are chased through the highway, reaching by a broken edge near the water. Mecha shoots by their feet, causing them to fall, and the two take advantage of the obscurity to try to trick Mecha Robotnik him into thinking they fell fully and drowned. But Mecha isn't stupid, so they get further chased. Mecha Robotnik soon shifts to shooting glue from its ass
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Due to a lightning shock, Tails gets scared and freezes, which gets him trapped. Before Sonic can save him, Mecha Robotnik shoots several missiles that home in on the hedgehog, with several causing explosions throughout the city as Sonic runs away. This alerts...
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Knuckles? So Angel Island doesn't exist? Just unexplained like Triple Trouble I guess...
I swear these noncanon devs never legit played Sonic outside Sonic 1-
Rant aside
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While it seems hopeless for Tails, it turns out that Sonic hitched a ride on one of the missiles, redirecting it to hit Mecha Robotnik
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It's a clean shot, but the blast weakens the structural integrity of the area. Worse, Sonic lands on the sticky glue from earlier, and the collapsing ground floods from the lake nearby. Mecha Robotnik wobbles back, about to shoot him, but right at the last second, Knuckles flies in to stop it, then frees Tails
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Tails unfortunately can't fly to Sonic as his tails are stuck and unable to spin for approximately 10 seconds before it becomes a literal none issue
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While Tails reaches the drowning hedgehog and tries to pull him out, Knux is distracting Mecha Eggman. Unfortunately he gets stuck in glue as well
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Mecha, running out of bullets, decides to crush the echidna. Tails finally manages to free Sonic
Who then-
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Hey, his right arm wasn't hit hit by the missile! Don't bullshit suddenly being able to cut through it
Now fully disarmed (kicks self), Mecha makes a retreat. Thanks to somehow being able to fly, Knux gets Sonic close enough to hurl him at the flying mech, leading to Mecha getting skewered and split
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Sonic and co leave, revealing Eggman and Sarah in the wreckage. The doctor fumes about how Eggmanland hosts something far worse than Mecha, which Sarah calls BS
Cutting to another scene, Sonic thanks Knux, with Tails mentioning this
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Yeah you guys really need a TV series to flesh this out, there are too many unexplained points for char introductions given how different this is to games, yet casually act like this is status quo. Also why is Sonic the only one shaded there?
Sonic and co realize the sun is setting, meaning that time is almost up before the generator explodes. So they head out, leaving Knux to do his own thing...for about 5 seconds
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Knux joins the two, defying gravity while Sonic constantly has to deal with awkward terrain. Given he's a dick, eh
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This isn't even an animation error, even bios for this OVA says he flies and not glides for some dumb reason. He's incorrectly referred directly as a mole in dub bios as well (like cuz Harimogura out of context is directly translated as "spiky mole")
But fans like his hat, so Knux is apparently excused for unexplained adaptation changes
That wraps up part 1 cuz of image limit, my thoughts
-Sonic is too douchey and dumb personality wise. His feats mask that for a lot of fans, but I don't buy it. Tails and Knux are alright though, especially with Tails copying Sonic's poses at bits, astraphobia, and his tech prowess, but Knux is just there. Eggman's good though
-The plot is messy. They needed to flesh out char origins for some, and the city
-This won't be fixed, but despite the expanse landscape, there's no fauna or other people shown. Feels weirdly empty
-I'm watching the Bandai Sub version. Eng dub there aren't major changes to plot though, and the translation error is strictly for DVD bios
-Not a fan of South Island being focus for Capital. It weirdly shrinks the world. Insert rant of how everyone is ignoring Sonic Team themselves changing locales
It's aesthetic and fun, but broken and poorly paced when looking past that. I can't fault the Eng dub
@randomthefox @darklightheart @beevean
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A couple of thoughts on the BigHit Music/BTS relationship and... that rumour!
First the rumour
So, let's get the rumour out of the way... [though I'll probably come back to it eventually].
Last month an anon directed me to a rumoured 2020 blind item, about two members, who hadn't extended their contract...
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This account is a known Taekook account. The comments/replies suggest the original poster of the blind doesn't exist and they posted this blind just before closing their account... but here's the thing why can't I find any reference to the original post. You're not telling me shit loads of Taekookers, hell OT7 and solo stans wouldn't have been all up in that shit if this blind was around in 2020. I never saw such a blind back then and I follow two big blind item websites (they have always intrigued me). This makes me think the post wasn't real. But perhaps there's a slither of truth in it...
Then on 11th Feb 2023, Crazy Days and Crazy Nights posted this...
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And in the comments, there is the prevailing theory that BigHit/HYBE is deliberately not promoting their (Tae and JK) solo project stuff as some sort of evidence to back this theory up. Despite the fact that BH doesn't promote work that they don't produce themselves. I have yet to see a tweet or Weverse announcement about RM's involvement in a K-Variety Show he's doing, or Hobi, Suga and Jimin's recent fashion brand deals. Why because those companies are more than capable of promoting their own work with the members themselves.
Tae's cooking show is currently being promoted by the broadcaster as per usual and JK's World Cup Single was for a different label so any promo would have been done by them. Also, if BH weren't supportive of these endeavours do you really think they would allow their staff to travel and work with the Tae and JK and and provide support on these projects? You knot
I also find it interesting that a blind item that is supposedly 2 1/2 years old is suddenly back again and linked to a recent company purchase and Blackpink. That just seems suspicious.
I'll leave that there for a bit...
Let's keep it on the down low...
Now let's look at HYBE and BigHit and why I think the boys might have more control than we currently see.
Earlier this week, in light of the whole HYBE/SM drama, I saw two TikToks from the same user that piqued my interest and how BTS might have more power than we think...
Now I, like many others, was under the assumption that HYBE had full control over BigHit, but after a little research, I've found that this TikTok is true and BigHit is a separate entity to HYBE itself...
This twitter thread from April 2021 (when Scooter Braun and Ithaca Holdings were purchased), is very insightful and all publicly available...
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So, in essence, when HYBE was in the process of purchasing Ithaca Holdings from Scooter Braun, Bang PD did something, he and the HYBE board (mostly made up of former BH Entertainment people) unlisted BigHit Music from the stock market and separated it off as private company. Still owned by HYBE but privately owned by them and independently operated and not affected by HYBE's dealings.
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Before I move on some context that's needed for later…
In 2018, BTS re-sign with BH
In 2020, we discover BTS's contract renewal will run from June 2020 to June 2024
October 2020 BH Goes public BTS get shares in the company
6 months later Big Entertainment splits in HYBE and BigHit Music.
By 2021 we learn they have extended their contract for the full 7 years to 2027.
2022 BTS go on break from group duties ahead of enlistment.
NOTE: I think Points 3 to 5 are very important to all of this....
(I hope we're all still here, lol)
Why do I think this is important and shows us why BH/HYBE is not out to get the boys?
Firstly, it shows that HYBE wanted BTS/BH to be protected in case anything happened to the rest of HYBE. This is pertinent considering the CDCN blind specifically mentions the purchase of the US company. How it's worded suggests that BTS profits paid for it and that the boys are in a slave contracts. If BH is sperate that suggests that their profits don't automatically go into HYBE's bottom line. Also, any idiot with a Google Degree can tell you in seconds that BH had one of the most progress profit sharing deals with its artists.
Additionally, we don't know who owns the shares in BH, we know that in March/April 2021, HYBE was the sole shareholder, what's to say that other entities are shareholders too... such as BTS.
Think about it, in 2020 HYBE/BH were trying to persuade BTS to do the USA thing, what if BTS who were not in a happy place with all the speculation of enlistment, plus covid, were close to saying no to an extension and a push into the USA. What if HYBE offered them something they could refuse, which would kill two birds...
What if BTS wasn't happy about BH becoming HYBE?
So why did BH not become HYBE in 2020 and waited until 2021? I wonder if the answer to this was BTS and their contract extension. Imagine this...
You're BTS and the company you've literally built, is about to go public and you as artists who were promised more control in your contract could potentially loose said control when the new company is formed. Add to this you've yet to officially extend your contract and said company want you to do something new and could benefit them massively (US market push & new ventures etc.).
Your BTS, what would you do?
Me I'd kick up a fuse until you made sure there were some provisions in place to protect your brand and your creative freedom.
Maybe, that's why BigHit didn't immediately become HYBE because BTS weren't fully onboard.
What would placate them?
Maybe making BH into a separate entity and giving the boys the control, they crave?
The would do two things, ease their minds about the USA push a little, as well as the change to HYBE.
However, this could happen straight away, and would take several months to implement, it's also possibly why the Scooter Braun detail didn't happen sooner. Prior to this happening, they were given share in HYBE, and I think during that six months they were given iron clad contract extensions that benefited them and BH (note not HYBE) greatly.
Another thing to consider... perhaps BTS are shareholders in BH Music the private company. All we know is originally when they private the company HYBE was the sole owner; once you're a private company you don't have to announce things about profits, stocks & share sales unless it's a takeover situation, unlike HYBE as public company.
I also think this private (and very possible) arrangement might be what led HYBE to purchasing stock in YG Plus because HYBE would get a slice of BTS revenue (from manufacturing/distribution costs that YG Plus generate) prior to BH/BTS getting their profits, because... what if, only a small portion of BH's actual profit can go into the HYBE's bottom line.
In conclusion, I think there was a slither of truth in the "original" blind item, but I wonder if it involved all the boys, perhaps led by the two (who we all believe to Taekook).
No, I don't think it was connected to their sexuality, but more likely their (BTS's) unease of the company they helped build going public and a possibly fear of being undermined by any new management, as well as the push into the USA.
The latest version of the blind, is most likely being stirred up by antis who want to isolate Taekook from the others (hence the constant HYBE don't promote their solo work, even though HYBE/BH don't do it for other members), making them out to be diva's who want more and more. Then use incorrect information in the process and therefore creating a blind that actually doesn't make factual sense.
The Blackpink thing? I have no idea.
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whackacole3 · 1 year
Keres Teivel, A Promo
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(art by @teddybearinc )
Keres, a deeply unsettling and abrasively domineering individual, went through the majority of her life in solitude, as her pervasive and abusive behavior repelled any potential friendship or relationships, rendering her an isolated figure most of her life.
And with this behavior, she had Lúcio Correia dos Santos was wrapped around her fingers for two years a story for the ages… but first, we must learn more about her.
She was born in Kavala, Greece born on December 13th, 2052 to Ellen and Foris Teivel already parents to two children, Phoebe and Luc, unknowing to what their child would become.
From her earliest days, Keres exhibited a disconcerting inclination toward rudeness and abrasive behavior, often submitting herself in heated conflicts with both peers and siblings that later escalated into physical altercations.
Her malevolent anger spared no one in its path, giving hostility to almost every individual unfortunate enough to cross her trajectory. Even her parents were subjected to the abuse that she was exerting.
The only thing she found joy in was fashion, forming a bond with the practice at a very young age. Often her family would try their best to get her to endulge in it as long as possible to keep her content. However, their endeavors were often in vain, for any misstep in her hobby would provoke a storm within her, casting her loved ones as hapless recipients of her unleashed anger.
When she reached the age of eighteen years her parent cut her out of the family and removed all communities with her. Curiously, this event failed to elicit any emotional reaction from her; instead, she exhibited a seemingly undeterred mindset. Without a care of the severe life change she had happen, she made her way to The States, where she channeled her flair for fashion into a spectacle that demanded attention.
She acted kind and caring to everyone at school and her job to elicit some sort of friendship and relationships. But it was all a façade to get people to trust her when really she couldn’t care less about anybody or anything.
Which is where we are now. This nefarious pattern of manipulation was precisely the path she tread upon in her dealings with the unfortunate Lúcio Correia dos Santos, a vulnerable soul merely 23 years of age, two years older than her.
After years of being friends, they eventually got into a relationship where everything went down hill. An eerie déjà vu gripped their dynamic, for she regressed to the very essence of her younger self, rekindling the disconcerting traits that had marred her childhood and teenagehood.
The radiant aura that once enveloped Lúcio, the upbeat, energetic, and overall happy man, Lúcio began to crumble at the scenes due to her influence. She got him to believe that he was useless and nothing without her and that she was simply helping him become better, that she was fixing him.
Though eventually, he found his way out of her grasp and into freedom.
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hannibalexchange · 1 year
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Calling all authors, artists, beta-readers, and pinch-hitters for an artist and an author too.
Before signing up please read the rules and schedule first.
Before heading to the Sign Up Form and entering the Discord Server.
Introduction in the server is necessary.
As of now, a new rule has been added:
"While this is a Hannibal exchange that means there are fruity things and murder then later consuming said victim. This is more of a celebration for pride month, that means the core of the stories or arts are allowed to have the core of Hannibal (NBC) but at the same time making LGBTQ+ very essence to be in the creations. Whether it's the history, the event, the struggle, and the joy.
This is a pride month celebration that includes Hannibal (NBC) rather than otherwise."
The sign up form will be closed on midnight of June 5th, 2023 following WIB timezone. What's next on the schedule, on the 6th of June, the pairings will be announced to each other. For now, the rules of communication between pairings haven't been published. So please wait on that.
Happy pride month!
Helps to get this exchange noticed are very much appreciated. Thank you everyone and the mod of the big bang blog project along with the mod of fanwork-exchange-promos! :)
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black-metal-artists · 2 months
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🔥 Introducing Shuravi 🔥
From the depths of Afghanistan and the US emerges Shuravi, a raw Atmospheric Black Metal project that delves into the turbulent history of the Afghan communist regime (1978-1992). Inspired by the likes of Judas Iscariot, , Trhä, and Vothana, Shuravi offers a profound musical journey through time and history.
🎶 Debut Album: "در دفاع از انقلاب/In Defense Of The Revolution" 🎶
📅 Featuring 4 epic tracks
⏳ Total runtime: 35 minutes
This album is a tribute to history, not politics. It captures the essence of a pivotal era through haunting melodies and atmospheric soundscapes.
Stay tuned for the cover art and exclusive clips of our music. Dive into the revolution with Shuravi and let the history echo through every note. 🔥
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@shuravi-w5z?si=VKEe7DdpQlH15dO1
Bandcamp: https://shuravi.bandcamp.com/album/liberation-promo
#Shuravi #AtmosphericBlackMetal #RawBlackMetal #NewMusic #AfghanHistory #InDefenseOfTheRevolution #MetalCommunity
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mykreatecube · 2 months
Modern Architects in Kolkata: Innovative Architectural Trends
Kolkata, a city steeped in history and culture, is also a thriving hub for modern architecture. The city’s architects are blending traditional influences with contemporary design principles to create spaces that are both functional and aesthetically stunning. If you’re looking to embark on a new architectural project, it’s crucial to understand the latest trends and find architects who can bring your vision to life. Here’s a look at some of the innovative architectural trends in Kolkata and the modern architects who are leading the way.
1. Sustainable Design
Sustainability is at the forefront of modern architecture, and Kolkata’s architects are no exception. Incorporating eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient systems, and sustainable construction practices is now a standard approach. These designs not only reduce the environmental impact but also create healthier living and working environments.
Example Firm: Interior Plus
Interior Plus is known for its innovative sustainable designs that blend functionality with environmental consciousness. Their projects often feature green roofs, rainwater harvesting systems, and solar panels, making them leaders in eco-friendly architecture.
2. Smart Homes and Buildings
With the advancement of technology, smart homes and buildings have become increasingly popular. These designs integrate automated systems for lighting, security, climate control, and more, enhancing convenience and efficiency.
Example Firm: Mkraft Interiors
Mkraft Interiors specializes in creating smart homes that offer the latest in technology and innovation. Their designs incorporate cutting-edge systems that make life easier and more efficient for occupants.
3. Minimalist Aesthetics
Minimalism is a key trend in modern architecture, characterized by clean lines, open spaces, and a focus on simplicity. This design approach creates a sense of tranquility and uncluttered living.
Example Firm: Vr Studios
Vr Studios excels in minimalist design, creating spaces that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Their projects often feature open floor plans, natural light, and a restrained color palette to achieve a serene environment.
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4. Adaptive Reuse
Adaptive reuse involves repurposing existing buildings for new uses, preserving the historical and cultural essence while meeting modern needs. This trend is particularly relevant in a city like Kolkata, with its rich architectural heritage.
Example Firm: Dreamline Promos And Interior
Dreamline Promos And Interio is renowned for their expertise in adaptive reuse projects. They skillfully transform old structures into modern, functional spaces while maintaining the original character and charm.
5. Biophilic Design
Biophilic design aims to connect occupants with nature, incorporating natural elements such as greenery, water features, and natural light into the built environment. This approach enhances well-being and productivity.
Example Firm: Sharmistha Ghose Basu
Sharmistha Ghose Basu is a pioneer in biophilic design in Kolkata. Her projects seamlessly blend indoor and outdoor spaces, using natural materials and incorporating plants to create harmonious, nature-inspired environments.
6. Mixed-Use Developments
Mixed-use developments combine residential, commercial, and recreational spaces in one project, promoting a sense of community and convenience. This trend addresses urban density issues and fosters vibrant, multifunctional neighborhoods.
Example Firm: Aj Design Studio
Aj Design Studio excels in designing mixed-use developments that integrate various functions within a cohesive design. Their projects often feature retail spaces, offices, and residential units, creating dynamic urban environments.
Finding the Right Architect for Your Project
When embarking on a new architectural project in Kolkata, choosing the right architect is crucial. Here are some tips to help you find the best fit:
1. Identify Your Needs
Clearly define your project requirements, including your budget, timeline, and specific design preferences. Understanding your needs will help you communicate effectively with potential architects.
2. Research and Shortlist
Conduct thorough research to identify architects who have experience with projects similar to yours. Look at their portfolios, read client reviews, and check their credentials. Shortlist a few firms that align with your vision.
3. Schedule Consultations
Arrange meetings with the shortlisted architects to discuss your project in detail. Assess their understanding of your needs, their approach to design, and their communication style.
4. Evaluate Proposals
Request detailed proposals from the architects, outlining their approach, estimated costs, and timelines. Evaluate these proposals based on feasibility, creativity, and alignment with your vision.
5. Check References
Speak to previous clients to gain insights into the architect’s reliability, work ethic, and ability to deliver on promises. References can provide valuable information about the architect’s performance and client satisfaction.
Kolkata is home to a dynamic and innovative architectural community, with firms like Interior Plus, Mkraft Interiors, Vr Studios, Dreamline Promos And Interio, Sharmistha Ghose Basu, and Aj Design Studio leading the way in modern design trends. Whether you’re looking to build a sustainable home, a smart office, or a mixed-use development, these architects offer tailored solutions that blend functionality, aesthetics, and innovation. By understanding the latest trends and finding the right architect for your project, you can ensure a successful and inspiring architectural journey in Kolkata.
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danielsiegelalonso · 3 months
Daniel Siegel Alonso Shares How to Crowdfund Your Album
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In the modern era of music, the term crowdfunding stands as the use of a small amount of capital from a large number of people to finance new ventures. As an independent musician, finding adequate funding for your music projects can often be termed as a struggle. As such, one increasingly popular way for musicians to raise funds is through crowdfunding support.
Daniel Siegel Alonso & His Alluring Journey
Daniel Siegel Alonso, a multifaceted musician who has reigned the music industry for years on and on has won the hearts and minds of millions. With the symphonic touch in his music, he has been able to win the hearts of many. Given that he has released 23 reclaimed albums, performed at prestigious venues, along with collaborating wth notable artists. Whether in the studio or on stage, Daniel Siegel’s passion for music is a spellbinding mastery of his skills.
Daniel Siegel Alonso arrives, trailing a thin miasma of weed fumes onto the stage to deliver incredible performances for his audiences of all ages. Throughout history, he has been able to deliver an indelible mark by mastering the art of performance. Such has been evident with the support he has received from his listeners.
Crowdfunding Your Album In Modern Era
It is more than just an ability to create a lasting impact in the realm of music industry, Daniel Siegel Alonso has never ceased to captivate his listeners. He as an artist also understands that a hefty amount of funding is required to uphold such performances. With the growing fandom and the veracity of artists in the music industry, crowdfunding one’s album can be considered a decent option to raise funds.
By understanding your audience, honing your craft, and embracing the essence of your performance, you can unlock a door of innumerable possibilities. In such a vista, artists uncover their immense potential and prepare themselves for crafting a compelling performance. In many ways, funding your album through crowdfunding can be proven as effective as any other source of funding. One must gauge the vitality of certain tips and tricks that goes into preparing the journey of crowdfunding your album.
Tips & Tricks For Achieving Success
Set Clear Goals
If you are in a band or performing as a solo artist potentially releasing your album, you’ll need to note these things:
Looking at the numbers to determine the fan base you’ve acquired.
The size of the venue booked.
List of implicit and inherent costs.
Moreover, doing many tasks as an artist that you can do would help you cut down on costs. Thus, such will assist you in reducing the overall costs and help create a more realistic budget. For instance;
Recording your own vocals at home.
Learning how to mix your own tracks
Carrying out your own marketing agenda.
Carrying out your own promo.
Impeccable Timing is Key
Having an eye out for similar gigs or music events happening in your vicinity could help you in assessing the potential supporters. Other gigs can really affect the way the support you receive for a campaign as potential supporters may be interested in buying your tickets. Thus, by being able to promote your music in such a time frame may be considered successful.
Creating a Campaign Video
The creation of an epic campaign video is one of the best promotional tools to your fandom. Seldom, it’s understandable to leave the final details such as explaining the reasons as to why you need funding out and focus on captivating the audience. Often, these factors are what make a campaign more effective than the rest of things combined.
One of the biggest benefits of crowdfunding is that it allows you to generate more funds from outside of your own pockets. Such a method is extremely assistive for independent musicians who may not have the necessary financial resources as a powerhouse. Overall, crowdfunding requires a lot of time and effort but with the most adaptable approach and attitude, this can help you achieve your music goal.
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gursimrankaur03 · 3 months
Unlocking Success: Getting Around Film Production Companies in Los Angeles
Capturing Imagination: Leading Film Production Companies in Los Angeles
The main film production companies in Los Angeles have been known to be conservers of numerous talents and creativity with focus on producing quality works. These are some of the film production companies in Los Angeles that have infiltrated the world of cinematic art by offering a diverse kind of portfolio by way of genre and codecs that now define and perpetuate the glories of buddy films and other types of motion pictures that are adored and appreciated by buddies and folks in common. When some may choose to focus on the so-called man or woman ethnic studies, there are film production companies in Los Angeles that deliver epic ness and play the field of innovation.
Los Angeles Commercial Production: A Hub of Creativity
Los Angeles commercial production serves as a mecca for storytellers, imparting an exceptional platform for innovative expression. Tracing the core of Los Angeles commercial production, it is the art of exploring and narrating a story, which is the manifestation of a certain emotion or message commonly associated with fine art on a deeper level. Look at the intensity of Los Angeles commercial production in Santa Monica, the break and relaxation on the beaches of Malibu each corner of the town acting as the stage for entailing and inspiring stories.
Leveraging Innovation: Los Angeles Video Production Companies
The Los Angeles video production companies make sure that they are always updating their skill sets and the kind of technology that is used in visible storytelling. With get entry to to latest equipment and cutting-edge techniques, these Los Angeles video production companies transform ideas into truth with breathtaking effects. No matter low it is an incredible 360-degree videos, or sweet aerial videography, Los Angeles video production companies leverage the power of generation to develop poignant studies.
Spotlight on Film Production Companies in Los Angeles
Home to movie enterprise, Los Angeles benefits with a prosperous context of establishment of film production companies in Los Angeles that have impacted on movie figures. From the indie gems all the way up to the blockbuster behemoths, the film production companies in Los Angeles are composed of different weaves of the tapestry of storytelling in the town. As institutions with a protracted background, film production companies in Los Angeles persist to introduce new ideas effectively throughout time and serving as inspirations to different generations of movie producers spherical the world.
Unveiling the Essence of Los Angeles Commercial Production
Los Angeles commercial production is extra than only a enterprise — it’s an artwork form. From idea improvement by Los Angeles commercial production to put up-production, each stage of the method is infused with creativity and ardor. From extravagant automobile commercials to important social endeavors, every single project made by the Los Angeles commercial production agency is concretely infused to stir a specific feeling and leave an indelible mark on the audience.
Getting Around the Landscape of Los Angeles Video Production Companies
As home to some of the most skilled and progressive Los Angeles video production companies within the global, Los Angeles is brimming with authorities and pioneers in the sphere of inventive and revolutionary Los Angeles video production. These Los Angeles video production companies function the spine of the industry, bringing creative visions to lifestyles with precision and flair. From company promos to tune motion pictures, Los Angeles video production companies excel in delivering notable content material that engages and entertains audiences.
Contact us at:
Email Address: [email protected] Phone: 646–417–5330 Address: 54 W 40th St New York, NY 10018
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360digitmg-ds-da-hyd · 5 months
Data-Driven Decision-Making: The Essence of Data Science Courses in Hyderabad
In today's fast-paced, information-driven world, data has become the lifeblood of organizations across industries. The ability to harness the power of data to make informed decisions is at the core of success, and this is where data science comes into play. Hyderabad, often referred to as "Cyberabad," has emerged as a prominent technology and innovation hub in India, and data science courses in the city are playing a pivotal role in nurturing professionals who can drive data-driven decision-making. In this article, we'll explore the essence of data science courses in Hyderabad and their significance in shaping the future of organizations in the digital age.
The Significance of Data-Driven Decision-Making:
Data-driven decision-making is the process of using data, statistical analysis, and information to guide actions and choices in organizations. It offers numerous advantages, including:
Want to learn more about data science? Enroll in this best institute for data science in hyderabad to do so.
Precision and Accuracy: Data-driven decisions are based on factual information, reducing the likelihood of errors and biases that can arise from intuition or guesswork.
Enhanced Efficiency: By analyzing data, organizations can identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement, leading to better resource allocation and cost savings.
Competitive Advantage: Data-driven organizations can gain a competitive edge by using insights to anticipate market trends, customer preferences, and emerging opportunities.
Improved Customer Experience: By understanding customer behavior and preferences through data analysis, businesses can tailor their products and services to meet specific needs.
Risk Mitigation: Data analysis can help identify and mitigate risks, whether financial, operational, or strategic, thereby safeguarding the organization's interests.
The Role of Data Science Courses in Hyderabad:
Hyderabad's dynamic tech ecosystem, with a multitude of IT companies, startups, research institutions, and educational organizations, has created a demand for data science professionals who can drive data-driven decision-making. Data science courses in the city are designed to address this demand by providing students with the essential skills and knowledge required for a successful career in this field.
Curriculum Emphasis: Data science courses in Hyderabad place a strong emphasis on topics such as statistics, machine learning, data analysis, programming languages like Python and R, and data visualization. These subjects are crucial for data collection, analysis, and interpretation, which form the foundation of data-driven decision-making.
360DigiTMG offers data science course in hyderabad to start a career in Data Science. Enroll now!
Hands-On Experience: Practical experience is a cornerstone of data science courses in Hyderabad. Students are encouraged to work on real-world projects, analyze actual data sets, and derive insights. This hands-on experience enables them to apply their knowledge to real scenarios and develop the skills needed for effective decision-making.
Industry Collaborations: Many data science courses in Hyderabad have strong collaborations with local industries. These partnerships provide students with access to real data sets, problem statements, and networking opportunities. Such connections open doors to internships, job placements, and industry insights.
Cutting-Edge Tools and Technologies: Data science courses in Hyderabad keep pace with the latest tools and technologies used in the field. Students are exposed to cutting-edge data analysis and machine learning tools, ensuring they stay relevant and competitive in the job market.
Multidisciplinary Approach: Data science courses in Hyderabad often take a multidisciplinary approach, allowing students from diverse educational backgrounds to acquire data science skills. This inclusiveness promotes a rich and varied perspective in data-driven decision-making.
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The Role of 360DigiTMG:
360DigiTMG is a leading data science training institute in Hyderabad that has been instrumental in providing courses focused on data-driven decision-making. The institute's approach combines theoretical knowledge with practical experience, enabling students to develop the skills and competencies needed for effective data analysis and informed decision-making.
360DigiTMG actively collaborates with industry partners to provide students with real data sets and problem statements. This exposure to real-world challenges prepares students to make data-driven decisions in their future careers.
The institute's instructors, many of whom have significant industry experience, bring real-world insights into the classroom, ensuring that students are well-prepared to apply data science concepts in the workplace. The Impact of Data-Driven Decision-Making:
Data-driven decision-making is transforming industries and organizations across Hyderabad, and its impact is far-reaching:
Business Optimization: Businesses in Hyderabad are increasingly leveraging data analytics to optimize their operations. By using data to identify inefficiencies, reduce waste, and streamline processes, they enhance productivity and reduce costs.
Enhanced Customer Experiences: Data-driven decision-making is being employed in retail, e-commerce, and the service industry to gain insights into customer preferences and behavior. By tailoring products and services to individual needs, businesses can create exceptional customer experiences.
Healthcare Advancements: In the healthcare sector, data analysis is improving patient care and treatment outcomes. Data-driven decisions are used to predict disease outbreaks, optimize healthcare delivery, and personalize treatment plans.
Financial Insights: The financial sector in Hyderabad relies on data science to make investment decisions, assess risk, and detect fraud. Accurate and timely data analysis is crucial for financial stability.
Urban Planning: Even urban planning in Hyderabad benefits from data-driven decision-making. The city uses data to address traffic congestion, manage resources efficiently, and enhance the quality of life for its residents.
The Future of Data-Driven Decision-Making in Hyderabad:
As the demand for data professionals continues to rise, data-driven decision-making is expected to become even more ingrained in Hyderabad's business and technological landscape. The city's tech ecosystem, research institutions, and educational organizations will play a crucial role in driving innovation and expanding the applications of data science.
Hyderabad is poised to become a global hub for data-driven innovation, and its workforce will be at the forefront of this transformation. Data science courses in the city will continue to evolve to meet the changing demands of the industry, ensuring that professionals are equipped with the latest skills and knowledge needed to drive data-driven decision-making.
Data-driven decision-making is at the core of success for modern organizations, and Hyderabad's data science courses play a pivotal role in shaping professionals who can lead this transformation. With their comprehensive curriculum, hands-on experience, industry collaborations, and cutting-edge tools and technologies, these courses equip students with the skills and knowledge to harness the power of data for informed decision-making.
In this digital age, the ability to analyze data and make data-driven decisions is a valuable asset for individuals and organizations alike. By enrolling in data science courses in Hyderabad, students are not only preparing for a successful career but also contributing to the future of data-driven organizations in the "City of Pearls."
360DigiTMG - Data Analytics, Data Science Course Training Hyderabad     
2-56/2/19, 3rd floor, Vijaya towers near Meridian school, Ayyappa Society Road, Madhapur,
Hyderabad, Telangana 500081
Phone  +91 99899 94319
Website URL:
Business Email:
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hsdigitalmedia · 5 months
Ad Film Agency In Nashik
HS Digital Media: Leading Ad Film Agency in Nashik
In the fast-paced world of advertising, creating compelling narratives that capture attention is key to promoting your brand effectively. HS Digital Media, a leading ad film agency in Nashik, is your partner in producing high-quality audio and video content that resonates with audiences. With over 25 years of experience, our team specializes in a range of productions, from TV commercials to music videos, and everything in between. Let’s explore what makes HS Digital Media your best choice for ad film production in Nashik.
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Comprehensive Audio & Video Production Services
HS Digital Media brings together a specialized team of audio and video production experts to create captivating content. Our expertise covers a wide range of services, including:
TV Commercials: We produce engaging television commercials that effectively promote your brand and reach a broad audience.
Ad Films: Our ad films are designed to tell compelling stories, making a lasting impression on viewers.
Digital Films: We create digital content optimized for online platforms, ensuring maximum reach and engagement.
Channel Promos: Our team creates exciting promos for television channels, capturing the essence of your brand.
2D & 3D Animation Films: We specialize in animation, bringing your ideas to life with stunning visuals.
Short Films & Music Videos: Our short films and music videos offer unique storytelling opportunities.
Corporate Audio Visuals: We create professional corporate videos that communicate your brand’s message.
Feature Films & Radio Spots: Our expertise extends to feature films and radio spots, providing a comprehensive suite of services.
Award-Winning Work and Industry Recognition
HS Digital Media’s film directors and production team have achieved significant recognition in the industry. Our work has been featured at the prestigious Cannes Lions Festival and promoted in The Lürzer’s Archive magazine. Additionally, we’ve earned numerous national and international awards, including:
These accolades reflect our commitment to excellence and creativity in every project we undertake.
Why Choose HS Digital Media in Nashik?
When you partner with HS Digital Media, you’re choosing an ad film agency in Nashik with a proven track record of success. Here’s why we’re the best ad film agency in Nashik:
Extensive Experience: With over 25 years of experience, our team understands the nuances of creating compelling ad films.
Specialized Team: Our audio and video production team includes experts in various fields, ensuring a comprehensive approach to your project.
Innovative Storytelling: We focus on creating unique and unforgettable narratives that resonate with your audience.
State-of-the-Art Technology: We use the latest technology and equipment to deliver high-quality production.
Client-Centric Approach: We work closely with you to understand your goals and ensure the final product aligns with your vision.
Contact HS Digital Media for Your Next Ad Film Project
Ready to take your brand’s advertising to the next level? Contact HS Digital Media ad film agency in Nashik to discuss your ad film project. Our team is eager to work with you to create compelling content that drives results and elevates your brand’s presence.
With HS Digital Media, you’re partnering with an agency that values creativity, quality, and client satisfaction. Let’s create something remarkable together. Contact us today and let’s start crafting your brand’s next compelling story.
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onrepeatnet7 · 6 months
Crafting Compelling Brand Experiences: A Journey with Professional Brand Studios
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Elevate Your Brand Presence with Our Professional Brand Studio Services
Looking for a brand studio that can breathe life into your brand. Look no further! Our brand studio specializes in crafting compelling brand identities that resonate with your audience. From logo design to brand strategy, we offer comprehensive solutions to elevate your brand’s presence and leave a lasting impression. Trust our experienced team to bring your vision to life and set your brand apart from the competition.
Unlock Your Brand’s Potential with Our Creative Branding Agency
Our creative branding agency is dedicated to helping businesses stand out in today’s crowded marketplace. With a blend of innovation and strategy, we craft unique brand experiences that captivate audiences and drive engagement. From logo development to brand storytelling, our team of experts brings creativity and expertise to every project. Partner with our creative branding agency to unleash the full potential of your brand and leave a lasting impact on your audience.
Transform Your Brand with London’s Premier Branding Agency
As a leading London branding agency, we understand the pulse of the vibrant city and its diverse audience. Our tailored branding solutions are designed to reflect the essence of London while aligning with your brand’s identity and goals. Whether you’re a startup or an established business, our London branding agency offers personalized strategies to help you connect with your target market and drive growth. Elevate your brand presence in the dynamic London market with our expert guidance and innovative approach.
Discover Exceptional Design Solutions with London’s Top Design Agencies
In the bustling creative hub of London, our London design agencies stand out as a beacon of innovation and excellence. With a keen eye for aesthetics and a deep understanding of market trends, we deliver bespoke design solutions that elevate brands and drive results. Collaborate with our team of skilled designers and strategists to bring your vision to life and make a lasting impact on your audience. Trust one of the premier London design agencies to transform your brand’s identity and leave a memorable impression.
The Role of a Design Strategist in Crafting Creative Solutions
As a design strategist, one orchestrates the convergence of design principles and strategic thinking to solve complex problems. With a keen eye for aesthetics and a deep understanding of consumer behavior, a design strategist navigates the intricacies of market demands and brand objectives. By fusing creativity with data-driven insights, they architect innovative solutions that resonate with target audiences. Their holistic approach ensures seamless integration of design elements with overarching business goals, making them indispensable in driving impactful design initiatives.
Elevate Your Content with a Professional Video Editing Agency
Entrust your visual storytelling to a reputable Video Editing Agency adept at transforming raw footage into captivating narratives. With skilled editors proficient in the latest editing software, a Video Editing Agency tailors each project to meet your unique vision and brand identity. From corporate promos to social media campaigns, they enhance the impact of your videos through seamless transitions, engaging effects, and polished post-production techniques. Collaborate with a Video Editing Agency to amplify your message and leave a lasting impression on your audience.
Unlock Your Brand’s Potential with a Premier Branding Agency in the UK
Propel your brand to new heights with the expertise of a top-tier branding agency UK. Specializing in crafting compelling brand narratives and visual identities, a branding agency UK leverages market insights and consumer trends to position your brand for success. Through meticulous research and creative innovation, they sculpt brand experiences that resonate with your target audience, fostering long-term loyalty and differentiation in competitive markets. Partner with a branding agency UK to cultivate a distinctive brand presence and drive sustainable growth.
Establish a Strong Brand Identity with Expert Branding in the UK
Elevate your brand’s visibility and credibility with professional branding UK services tailored to your unique needs. A dedicated branding UK agency combines strategic thinking with creative flair to develop cohesive brand identities that leave a lasting impression. From logo design to brand messaging, they ensure every touchpoint reflects your brand’s values and resonates with your audience. With meticulous attention to detail and a passion for storytelling, a trusted branding UK partner empowers your brand to stand out in a crowded marketplace and forge meaningful connections with consumers.
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Transform Your Digital Presence with a Leading Digital Branding Agency
Harness the power of digital platforms with a dynamic digital branding agency that specializes in crafting immersive brand experiences online. Through strategic content creation, targeted marketing campaigns, and innovative digital solutions, a digital branding agency amplifies your brand’s visibility and engagement across digital channels. From website design to social media strategy, they tailor each aspect of your digital presence to enhance brand awareness and drive conversions. Collaborate with a forward-thinking digital branding agency to navigate the digital landscape and establish a memorable brand presence that resonates with your audience.
Elevate Your Brand with Professional Brand Design Services
Looking for a branding design agency to elevate your brand’s visual identity. Look no further! Our team specializes in crafting memorable brand experiences that resonate with your audience. From logo design to comprehensive brand strategies, we bring your vision to life. With a focus on creativity and innovation, our agency delivers branding and design solutions that make an impact. Trust our brand design experts to transform your brand into a captivating story. Boost your brand presence with our professional services.
London Design Studio: Crafting Captivating Visual Identities
Elevate your brand’s aesthetic with the expertise of a London Design Studio. Our innovative team combines design prowess with London’s vibrant cultural influences to create captivating visual identities. From branding strategies to graphic design solutions, our studio offers a comprehensive range of services tailored to your needs. Partner with our London-based designers to infuse your projects with a touch of sophistication and flair that sets you apart in the competitive market. Let us bring your vision to life with our unparalleled design expertise.
Stand Out with Cohesive Brand Identities: Our Agency’s Promise
Embrace the power of branding and design to stand out in today’s competitive landscape. Our agency specializes in creating cohesive brand identities that leave a lasting impression. With a meticulous approach and a keen eye for detail, we ensure every aspect of your branding reflects your values and resonates with your audience. From conceptualization to execution, we’re dedicated to bringing your vision to life. Let us be your partner in success, guiding you through the intricacies of branding and design to achieve remarkable results.
London’s Creative Design Agency: Redefining Brand Connections
In the vibrant hub of London, our creative design agency London is here to redefine the way you connect with your audience. With a fusion of innovation and imagination, we breathe life into brands, creating experiences that inspire and engage. As brand design experts based in London, we understand the pulse of the market and leverage our expertise to craft compelling stories for your brand. From initial concepts to final delivery, trust us to be your partner in realizing your brand’s full potential.
Unlocking Brand Potential with London’s Brand Design Experts
Unlock the potential of your brand with the guidance of brand design experts London. Our team combines passion with proficiency to deliver branding and design solutions that drive results. With a deep understanding of market trends and consumer behavior, we craft strategies that resonate with your target audience. Whether you’re a startup or an established brand, our expertise lies in transforming your vision into a powerful brand identity. Let our London-based team elevate your brand to new heights through innovative and impactful design solutions.
Elevate Your Brand with Expert Digital Design Services
Looking for a digital design company to transform your online presence. Look no further! Our team specializes in creating captivating digital experiences that resonate with your audience. From website design to mobile apps and digital marketing materials, we blend creativity and technology to deliver outstanding results. Trust our digital design company to bring your vision to life and propel your brand to new heights in the digital realm.
Premier Graphic Design Agency in the UK for Stunning Visuals
As a leading graphic design agency UK, we craft visually striking designs that leave a lasting impression. From logos and branding to print materials and digital assets, our talented team combines artistic flair with strategic thinking to deliver designs that captivate your audience. Whether you’re a startup or an established business, our graphic design agency UK is here to help you stand out from the crowd and make your mark in the competitive market.
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Strengthen Your Brand with Our Expert Brand Identity Agency
Your brand’s identity is its essence, and our brand identity agency specializes in bringing that essence to life. Through meticulous research and creative exploration, we develop comprehensive brand identities that resonate with your target audience. From logo design to brand guidelines, our experienced team ensures consistency across all touchpoints, helping you build trust and recognition. Partner with our brand identity agency to create a compelling brand narrative that sets you apart from the competition.
Crafting Memorable Brands Through Expert Branding and Identity Design
In the crowded marketplace, a strong brand identity is essential for success. Our branding and identity design services are tailored to help businesses establish a distinctive presence. Whether you need a new brand identity or a refresh of your existing one, our team of experts is here to guide you through the process. With a focus on creativity and strategy, we deliver cohesive branding solutions that leave a lasting impression on your audience.
Discover Top Design Agencies in London for Creative Excellence
In the vibrant city of London, where creativity thrives, finding the right design agencies in London can be overwhelming. Look no further! Our agency stands out among the rest, offering unparalleled creativity and expertise to elevate your brand. From graphic design to digital solutions, we tailor our services to meet your specific needs and objectives. Partner with one of the leading design agencies in London and unlock the full potential of your brand’s visual identity.
Discover Top Digital Design Agencies in London
Looking for top-notch digital design agencies in London to elevate your brand presence? Look no further! Our directory features a curated selection of innovative agencies specializing in digital design, offering tailored solutions to meet your unique needs. From web design to app development, our list includes agencies renowned for their creativity, expertise, and cutting-edge solutions. Partner with a digital design agency in London today to unlock your brand’s full potential and stand out in the digital landscape.
Empower Your Brand with a Leading Branding and Marketing Agency
Empower your brand with the expertise of a leading branding and marketing agency. Our directory showcases agencies adept at crafting compelling brand narratives, designing memorable logos, and executing effective marketing strategies. Whether you’re a startup or an established business, collaborating with a branding and marketing agency can enhance your brand’s visibility and drive growth. Gain a competitive edge in your industry by partnering with a dynamic agency that understands the power of cohesive branding and strategic marketing.
Welcome to the Ultimate Branding House
Welcome to the ultimate destination for all your branding needs — a branding house dedicated to bringing your brand vision to life. Our roster includes talented professionals specializing in brand identity design, brand strategy, and brand development. Whether you’re launching a new venture or rebranding an existing one, our branding house offers comprehensive solutions tailored to your objectives. Elevate your brand presence and leave a lasting impression on your audience with the expertise of our experienced team.
Specialized UX Design Studio for Seamless User Experiences
Enhance user satisfaction and engagement with the expertise of a specialized UX design studio. Our directory features top-tier studios proficient in creating seamless and intuitive user experiences across various digital platforms. From wireframing to prototyping, our UX design studio prioritizes user-centric design principles to optimize usability and functionality. Collaborate with seasoned professionals who understand the importance of UX design in driving conversions and fostering brand loyalty. Elevate your digital presence and captivate your audience with exceptional user experiences.
Explore London’s Finest Design Studios
Dive into the vibrant world of design with leading London studio design firms dedicated to innovation and excellence. Our directory showcases renowned studios offering a diverse range of design services, from graphic design to product design. Whether you’re seeking bespoke design solutions or collaborative partnerships, our London studio design directory connects you with reputable firms renowned for their creativity and craftsmanship. Transform your vision into reality and make a memorable impact with the expertise of London’s finest design studios.
Craft Compelling Brand Stories with Seasoned Brand Designers
Unleash the power of captivating visuals and compelling storytelling with seasoned brand designers. Our directory features a curated selection of talented designers adept at crafting memorable brand identities and captivating visuals. Collaborate with experienced brand designers who understand the nuances of brand communication and consumer psychology. Whether you need a logo redesign or a comprehensive brand overhaul, our directory connects you with professionals dedicated to bringing your brand vision to life. Elevate your brand presence and leave a lasting impression with the expertise of skilled brand designers.
Elevate Your Content with Expert Video Editing Design
Looking for a video editing design company to bring your creative vision to life. Look no further! Our team specializes in crafting captivating visuals and seamless edits to enhance your content. Whether it’s for corporate videos, promotional material, or social media campaigns, our video editing expertise ensures your message shines through. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to quality, we’re dedicated to delivering results that exceed expectations. Trust our video editing design company to elevate your projects to the next level.
Bring Your Brand to Life with Motion Identity Design
Elevate your brand with our expertise as a motion identity design company. We blend creativity and technical skill to craft stunning visuals that resonate with your audience. From dynamic logo animations to memorable brand intros, our team excels in motion identity design that leaves a lasting impression. With a focus on innovation and storytelling, we’re committed to helping your brand stand out in a crowded digital landscape. Partner with our motion identity design company and watch your brand come to life in motion.
Experience Excellence with Top Video Editing Agencies
Searching for the best video editing agencies to fulfill your creative needs? Look no further! Our agency stands out as a leader in the industry, offering top-tier video editing services tailored to your specific requirements. With a team of skilled professionals and cutting-edge technology, we’re dedicated to delivering exceptional results that elevate your content. Whether you’re a business, influencer, or filmmaker, our video editing agency is your go-to partner for bringing your vision to fruition. Experience the difference with one of the best video editing agencies in the business.
Transform Your Footage with Leading Video Editing Services
Transform your raw footage into polished masterpieces with the expertise of a leading video editing services company. Our dedicated team of editors combines technical proficiency with creative flair to deliver results that exceed expectations. Whether it’s a corporate video, marketing campaign, or personal project, our video editing services are tailored to meet your unique needs. With a focus on quality and efficiency, we’re committed to bringing your vision to life with precision and professionalism. Choose our video editing services company for unmatched expertise and unparalleled results.
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imgpanda · 6 months
Savings Unleashed: Crack the Code with Getty Images Promotion Code
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Getty Images stands as a powerhouse in the realm of stock photography, offering an extensive library of high-quality images and multimedia content to photographers, creatives, and businesses worldwide. In this blog post, we delve into an exciting aspect of Getty Images: the opportunity to unlock significant savings through promotion codes. As we navigate the vast landscape of stock photography, we'll shine a spotlight on how leveraging promotion codes can empower users to access premium imagery at discounted rates. Join us as we unravel the potential for savings and discover how promotion codes can enhance your Getty Images experience.
Understanding Getty Images:
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Getty Images stands at the forefront of the stock photography industry, renowned for its vast collection of premium-quality images, videos, and other creative assets. Catering to photographers, designers, marketers, and businesses alike, Getty Images offers a diverse range of content to meet various creative needs. From stunning visuals to captivating multimedia elements, the platform serves as a valuable resource for individuals and organizations seeking top-notch imagery for their projects. In today's competitive landscape, where visual content plays a crucial role in capturing audience attention and conveying messages effectively, access to high-quality images is paramount. However, the cost of licensing premium content can sometimes be prohibitive, particularly for those working within budget constraints. This is where promotion codes come into play, offering a valuable opportunity to unlock savings and make Getty Images extensive collection more accessible to users. By utilizing promotion codes, photographers and creatives can enjoy discounts on image licenses, subscriptions, and other offerings, thereby maximizing their purchasing power and stretching their budgets further. In essence, understanding Getty Images' offerings and the importance of utilizing promotion codes go hand in hand. It's not just about accessing top-tier content; it's also about optimizing savings and making the most of the resources available on the platform. As we delve deeper into the realm of promotion codes, we'll explore how they can serve as a catalyst for achieving greater affordability and accessibility in the world of stock photography.
What are Promotion Codes?:
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Promotion codes, often referred to as promo codes or discount codes, are alphanumeric codes that users can apply during the checkout process to receive discounts or special offers on products or services. In the context of Getty Images, promotion codes serve as valuable tools for unlocking savings on image licenses, subscriptions, and other creative assets available on the platform. Here's how promotion codes work: When users come across a promotion code for Getty Images, whether through promotional emails, social media campaigns, or online advertisements, they are typically provided with a unique code consisting of letters and/or numbers. This code is entered into a designated field during the checkout process on the Getty Images website. Upon entering the promotion code and completing the checkout process, the discount associated with the code is applied to the total purchase amount. Depending on the terms and conditions of the promotion, users may receive a percentage discount, a fixed amount off their purchase, or other special offers such as free trials or additional credits. Now, let's explore the benefits of using promotion codes for discounts on Getty Images' image licenses and subscriptions: - Cost Savings: One of the primary benefits of utilizing promotion codes is the opportunity to save money on image licenses and subscriptions. Whether it's a percentage discount or a fixed amount off the total purchase, promotion codes enable users to access premium content at reduced rates, making it more affordable to license high-quality images for their projects. - Enhanced Value: By leveraging promotion codes, users can maximize the value of their purchases on Getty Images. The discounts obtained through promotion codes allow users to stretch their budgets further, enabling them to license more images or access higher-tier subscription plans without exceeding their spending limits. - Access to Premium Content: Getty Images' vast collection includes millions of premium-quality images, videos, and creative assets curated by professional photographers and content creators worldwide. With promotion codes, users can gain access to this exclusive content library at discounted rates, enriching their creative projects with captivating visuals and multimedia elements. - Flexibility and Convenience: Promotion codes offer users the flexibility to tailor their purchases according to their specific needs and preferences. Whether they're licensing a single image, purchasing a subscription plan, or exploring other offerings on the platform, promotion codes make it easy to enjoy discounts and special offers with just a few clicks. In summary, promotion codes serve as valuable incentives for users to access Getty Images' extensive collection of creative assets while enjoying significant savings on image licenses, subscriptions, and other offerings. By leveraging promotion codes, photographers and creatives can enhance their creative projects, stretch their budgets further, and unlock greater affordability and accessibility in the world of stock photography.
Finding Getty Images Promotion Codes:
Finding valid promotion codes for Getty Images can be an excellent way to unlock savings and access premium content at discounted rates. Here are some tips and strategies for locating promotion codes: - Sign up for Newsletters: Subscribe to Getty Images newsletters and mailing lists to stay informed about the latest promotions, discounts, and special offers. Many companies send exclusive promotion codes to their subscribers, providing them with access to limited-time deals and discounts. - Follow Getty Images on Social Media: Stay connected with Getty Images on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Companies often announce promotion codes and special promotions through their social media channels, giving followers the opportunity to snag exclusive deals. - Check Online Coupon Websites: Explore reputable coupon websites and deal aggregators to find promotion codes for Getty Images. Websites like RetailMeNot, Coupons.com, and Groupon often feature discount codes for various products and services, including stock photography subscriptions and licenses. - Visit Getty Images Website: Keep an eye on Getty Images official website for any ongoing promotions, discounts, or special offers. Companies occasionally run promotions directly on their website, providing users with access to exclusive deals and discounts. - Participate in Promotional Events: Keep an eye out for special events, sales, and promotional campaigns hosted by Getty Images throughout the year. Whether it's a holiday sale, a seasonal promotion, or a special event like Black Friday or Cyber Monday, these occasions often present opportunities to snag promotion codes and unlock significant savings. - Join Affiliate Programs: Consider joining Getty Images affiliate program or partnering with affiliate websites that promote stock photography services. Affiliates may receive access to exclusive promotion codes and special offers to share with their audience, providing both parties with mutual benefits. - Explore Partner Offers: Look for partnerships and collaborations between Getty Images and other companies or organizations. Partnerships may include joint promotions, discounts, or special offers for users who engage with both brands, providing additional opportunities to find promotion codes and save on Getty Images services. By utilizing these tips and strategies, photographers and creatives can increase their chances of finding valid promotion codes for Getty Images and accessing premium content at discounted rates. Whether through newsletters, social media, coupon websites, or special events, promotion codes offer valuable opportunities to unlock savings and enhance the value of your stock photography experience.
How to Redeem a Getty Images Promotion Code:
Redeeming a promotion code on the Getty Images website is a straightforward process. Follow these step-by-step instructions to apply a promotion code during the checkout process: - Select Your Desired Products: Begin by browsing Getty Images extensive collection of images, videos, or subscription plans. Once you've found the content or subscription that meets your needs, proceed to the checkout page. - Enter Your Promotion Code: On the checkout page, look for a designated field or text box labeled "Promotion Code" or "Discount Code." This is where you will enter the promotion code you have obtained. - Input the Promotion Code: Carefully input the promotion code into the designated field, ensuring that you accurately enter all letters and numbers. Promotion codes are case-sensitive, so be mindful of any uppercase or lowercase letters. - Apply the Promotion Code: After entering the promotion code, click on the "Apply" or "Redeem" button to activate the discount. The website will verify the validity of the promotion code and apply the associated discount to your order total. - Review Your Order: Once the promotion code has been successfully applied, review your order summary to confirm that the discount has been reflected in the total price. Ensure that all selected products and services are accurate before proceeding to checkout. - Complete Your Purchase: If everything looks correct, proceed to the checkout process to finalize your purchase. Follow the on-screen prompts to provide payment information and complete the transaction. - Enjoy Your Savings: Upon successful completion of your purchase, you can enjoy the savings obtained through the promotion code. Your discounted content or subscription will be available for immediate access, allowing you to start using Getty Images premium assets for your creative projects. By following these simple steps, you can easily redeem a promotion code on the Getty Images website and unlock savings on image licenses, subscriptions, and other creative assets. Whether you're purchasing a single image license or subscribing to a monthly plan, applying a promotion code during checkout can help you maximize your purchasing power and access premium content at discounted rates.
Terms and Conditions:
Before utilizing Getty Images promotion codes, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions associated with these discounts. Here's an overview of important details to consider: - Expiration Dates: Promotion codes often come with expiration dates, indicating the period during which they are valid for use. Be sure to check the expiration date of the promotion code and redeem it before it expires to ensure that you can take advantage of the discount. - Usage Limitations: Some promotion codes may have usage limitations, such as being valid for a single use per customer or per transaction. Pay attention to any usage restrictions specified in the terms and conditions to maximize the value of the promotion code. - Eligibility Criteria: Certain promotion codes may be subject to eligibility criteria, such as being available only to new customers, existing customers, or specific user groups. Verify whether you meet the eligibility requirements before attempting to redeem the promotion code. - Discount Restrictions: The discount associated with a promotion code may be subject to certain restrictions, such as being applicable only to specific products, services, or subscription plans offered by Getty Images. Review the terms and conditions to understand the scope of the discount and any limitations that apply. - Non-Transferability: Promotion codes are typically non-transferable and may not be exchanged for cash or used in conjunction with other offers, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Ensure that you adhere to the terms of use specified for the promotion code to avoid any potential issues. - Geographic Restrictions: Some promotion codes may be limited to specific geographic regions or markets. Verify whether there are any geographic restrictions associated with the promotion code and ensure that you are eligible to redeem it based on your location. - Changes to Terms: Getty Images reserves the right to modify or terminate promotion codes at any time, without prior notice. Be aware that the terms and conditions associated with promotion codes may be subject to change, so it's advisable to review them periodically for updates. By understanding and adhering to the terms and conditions associated with Getty Images promotion codes, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience when redeeming discounts on image licenses, subscriptions, and other creative assets. Be sure to carefully review the terms of use for each promotion code to maximize your savings and enjoy the benefits of premium content at discounted rates.
Maximizing Savings:
When it comes to maximizing savings with Getty Images promotion codes, strategic planning and savvy shopping tactics can help you unlock even greater discounts on premium content. Here are some tips and strategies for maximizing your savings: - Stack Promotion Codes: While Getty Images typically allows only one promotion code to be applied per transaction, you can still maximize savings by stacking multiple discounts through strategic planning. For example, if you have multiple promotion codes, consider splitting your purchases into separate transactions to apply a different code to each one. - Take Advantage of Special Offers: Keep an eye out for special offers and promotions that coincide with Getty Images marketing campaigns or seasonal events. These promotions may offer additional discounts, freebies, or exclusive deals that can further enhance your savings. - Bundle Purchases: Consider bundling multiple image licenses or subscription plans together to take advantage of bulk discounts and volume pricing. By purchasing in bulk, you can often secure lower rates per image or subscription, resulting in significant savings over time. - Opt for Annual Subscriptions: If you're considering subscribing to Getty Images premium plans, opt for annual subscriptions instead of monthly ones. Annual subscriptions typically offer lower rates per month and may come with additional perks or discounts, resulting in more substantial savings in the long run. - Explore Loyalty Programs: Some companies offer loyalty programs or rewards programs that provide additional discounts or benefits to frequent customers. Check if Getty Images offers any loyalty incentives or rewards for recurring purchases and take advantage of these programs to maximize your savings. - Combine with Cashback Offers: Look for opportunities to combine Getty Images promotion codes with cashback offers or rewards programs offered by your credit card issuer or third-party platforms. By earning cashback or rewards on your purchases, you can effectively reduce the overall cost of licensing images and accessing premium content. - Follow Getty Images Blog and Social Media: Stay updated on Getty Images blog posts, social media updates, and newsletters for announcements about exclusive promotions, flash sales, or limited-time offers. By staying informed, you can capitalize on time-sensitive opportunities to score additional savings on your purchases. By implementing these tips and strategies, you can make the most of Getty Images promotion codes and stretch your budget further when licensing premium content. Whether you're a professional photographer, designer, or business owner, maximizing savings allows you to access high-quality images and multimedia assets while staying within your budget constraints.
Addressing common questions and concerns about Getty Images promotion codes can help users navigate the redemption process more effectively and ensure a seamless experience. Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers: Are Getty Images promotion codes available to all users? Getty Images promotion codes may be available to different user groups, including new customers, existing customers, and specific market segments. Eligibility criteria may vary depending on the promotion, so it's essential to check the terms and conditions associated with each code. How do I redeem a Getty Images promotion code? To redeem a Getty Images promotion code, simply enter the code into the designated field during the checkout process on the Getty Images website. Follow the instructions provided on the checkout page to apply the promotion code and receive the associated discount. Can I use multiple promotion codes on a single purchase? Getty Images typically allows only one promotion code to be applied per transaction. However, users can maximize savings by splitting their purchases into separate transactions and applying a different promotion code to each one. Do Getty Images promotion codes have expiration dates? Yes, Getty Images promotion codes often have expiration dates, indicating the period during which they are valid for use. Be sure to check the expiration date of the promotion code and redeem it before it expires to ensure that you can take advantage of the discount. What are the restrictions associated with Getty Images promotion codes? Restrictions associated with Getty Images promotion codes may include usage limitations, eligibility criteria, geographic restrictions, and discount restrictions. Review the terms and conditions of each promotion code to understand any limitations that may apply. Read the full article
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aftereffectsprojects · 8 months
Creative Agency Promo Motion Design from Antony Parker on Vimeo.
✔️ Download here: templatesbravo.com/vh/item/creative-agency-promo/50191970
Creative Agency Promo: Unlock the flow of creativity with our new promotional video! Introducing professionally crafted visuals in vibrant 30-second and concise 15-second formats. This project includes a various resolutions – 4k, 2k, Full-HD, Instagram Stories and Reels. Our designers and animators have infused their expertise into each frame. Clear and concise text complements the visual experience, allowing you to delve into the essence of our creative approach. Get ready for an engaging journey – it’s not just a video, it’s a key to the world of our art.
Project Includes:
Original Version (4K, 2K, FullHD) – (0:30) Short Version (4K, 2K, FullHD) – (0:15) Insta Post Version ( 1080×1080) – (0:15) Instagram Stories ( 1080×1920) – (0:15)
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filmyartist · 10 months
Welcome to Filmtwist Creative Agency, your premier destination for cutting-edge creative content production in San Francisco. As a leading creative agency in California, we specialize in delivering innovative solutions that captivate audiences and elevate brands. Explore our diverse portfolio below and discover how we bring ideas to life through our expert video production and creative storytelling.
Home of Creative Content Production Excellence
At Filmtwist, we take pride in being a dynamic creative content company that goes beyond conventional boundaries. Our commitment to delivering unparalleled quality is evident in every project we undertake. From compelling narratives to visually stunning cinematography, we are dedicated to producing content that resonates with your audience and sets you apart in the digital landscape.
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Unleashing Creativity in San Francisco
Discover the magic of creative solutions in the heart of San Francisco. Our team of passionate professionals at Filmtwist leverages the latest technology and industry trends to create immersive and engaging content. As a hub for creative solutions in San Francisco, we understand the pulse of the city and infuse that energy into every project we undertake.
Elevate Your Brand with Filmtwist
Are you ready to take your brand to new heights? Join hands with Filmtwist Creative Agency and experience the transformational power of creative content production. Our flagship promo, "Bridges," exemplifies our dedication to pushing boundaries and crafting narratives that leave a lasting impression. Watch the video to witness how we seamlessly blend creativity with strategy.
Leadership Academy: Shaping Tomorrow's Visionaries
Step into the future with Filmtwist's Leadership Academy. Our videos capture the essence of educational excellence, highlighting the impact of our programs on tomorrow's leaders. As a creative agency committed to making a difference, we showcase how our innovative approach sets the stage for success.
Beyond Boundaries: BHPC Beverly Hills Polo Club
Experience the glamour and sophistication of BHPC Beverly Hills Polo Club through our captivating videos. As a beacon of luxury, the brand comes to life through our lens, demonstrating the power of creative storytelling in conveying the essence of a lifestyle.
Washington Yu Ying Public Charter School: A Visual Journey
Journey through the halls of Washington Yu Ying Public Charter School with our video production expertise. Our commitment to education is evident in every frame as we capture the spirit of learning and growth, making us a trusted partner for institutions seeking impactful storytelling.
Vitality Bowls: Organic Social Media Unleashed
In the realm of organic social media, our creative content production takes center stage. Dive into the world of Vitality Bowls and witness how we bring health and wellness to life through visually stunning content that resonates with a diverse audience.
NOMA North of Marina Photo Production: A Visual Symphony
Embark on a visual symphony with our photo production prowess in NOMA, North of Marina. Through our lens, we capture the essence of the location, creating a narrative that speaks volumes and sparks conversations.
Start the Conversation with Filmtwist
Ready to embark on a creative journey that transcends boundaries? Start the conversation with Filmtwist Creative Agency, your partner in redefining the language of storytelling. Our commitment to excellence, coupled with our innovative approach, makes us the go-to choice for those seeking unparalleled creative content production.
Creative Agency California: Redefining Possibilities
Filmtwist is not just a creative agency; we are the architects of possibility. Explore the intersection of creativity and strategy with us, and let your brand narrative unfold in ways you never imagined. Trust the experts at Filmtwist to elevate your brand through visionary storytelling and unmatched creative prowess.
Take the first step towards a transformative creative experience. Contact Filmtwist Creative Agency today, where every frame tells a story, and every story creates an impact.
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