#essential oil for arthritis pain
unicornhealth · 1 year
The Power of Scents: Essential Oils for Arthritis Pain and Inflammation
Essential oils have been used for centuries to alleviate various ailments, including pain. Many people turn to essential oils for pain relief as they are a natural and non-invasive alternative to over-the-counter or prescription pain medications. Some of the most popular essential oils for pain relief include lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, and frankincense. These essential oils for pain relief are known for their anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and calming properties.
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skinrangeonline · 2 years
How will ayurvedic medicine heal Arthritis?
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Ortho Veda oil has shown excellent results in recovering from arthritis problem whose major symptoms are:
1)   Inflammation
2)   Pain
3)   Swelling
4)   Aching
5)   Stiffness
The word” arthritis “  itself indicates joint inflammation. It is the loss of cartilage that gives rise to inflammation, intense pain and mobility issues to the person and that can spread across other connecting issues which are ligaments and tendons.
Researchers point out 100 types of arthritis that can happen at any age , pertaining to nutritional deficiency , sedentary habits, and alcoholism.
Types of Arthritis
Let’s understand the selected major types of arthritis damaging the physical mobility and mental health are:
1)   Inflammatory arthritis
For unexplained reasons, several people have been diagnosed with inflammatory arthritis. It gives rise to swelling, pain and stiffness. Without experiencing injuries or cuts, one can get affected with inflammatory arthritis in several joints. Damage is done to the surface and also to the bones. Examples are rheumatoid arthritis, reactive arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondilytis
2)   Degenerative
Degenerative arthritis is characterized by loss of cartilage from the surface of the bones which actually holds the bones together, causing lubrication and smooth movement.
3)   Connective tissue disorder
In this type of arthritis, one experiences destruction in the tendons and ligaments apart from cartilage. It can further damage the connecting tissues of skin, lungs and kidney. The examples of connective tissue disorder are:
1)   Scleroderma
2)   Lupus or SLE
3)   Dermatomyosytis.
4)   Sjogren’s
4)   Metabolic
This type of arthritis occurs in the form of deposits of uric acid crystals in the area of joints due to disorder in the urinary system. And it leads to development of gout arthritis. It is one of the major signs noted in diabetic persons in the form of sudden pain and swelling.
5)   Septic
It is the result of bacterial or fungal infection that can affect the knee and hip area of the body. Infection from the external sources like injury or surgery, reaching the joints and bones through the blood
6)   Childhood
It is a juvenile rheumatoid arthritis which can do permanent damage to the bones.
For any of the above mentioned types of arthritis , Ortho Veda oil will be highly effective.
Lakhs of people have realized the value of Ortho Veda oil within a few days of use.
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Key factors that determine the positive impact of this veda oil are:
1)   Composition : Cow milk, Black sesame oil, Wild asparagus, camphor and eucalyptus are the major ingredients. No chemicals added. The composition is 100% natural and ayurvedic
2)   Ortho Veda oil price:  Ortho Veda oil price in India is cost effective. You can buy it easily from SKinRange online store at a moderate price. You can also get from Amazon at a discount right now.
3)   Recovery effects: a) It will boost blood circulation and warmth in the affected area.
b) It will reduce swelling and inflammation.
c) It will produce relief from pain.
d) It will prevent cartilage loss.
e) It will boost lubrication and flexibility in joints.
4)   Certification : Ayush Certified vata massage oil.
5)   Side effects if any:No side effects found.
Direction of using this ayurvedic oil
Apply and massage the oil on the affected area as many times a day.
In order to boost immunity, strength, flexibility and longevity of bones and joints, you must eat vitamin D, C and calcium enriched foods along with Omega 3 fatty acids and zinc. Further, you must keep the habit of practicing exercise or yoga for keeping your joints and bones active.
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organichealingoils · 1 month
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It is a good natural expectorant that has been used to treat coughs and the flu. It also helps to remove mucus and phlegm that have been lodged in the air passages, as well as relieve congestion. It can be breathed to relieve a sore throat and improve breathing. Organic Gaultheria Essential Oil is also a digestive aid that may be rubbed into the belly to ease gas and constipation. It reduces inflammation and improves blood circulation. It can be used to relieve muscular spasms, joint discomfort, backaches, and weary muscles. It has also been shown to reduce pain from arthritis, sciatica, and rheumatism. It is also beneficial for relieving menstruation cramps. Its pleasant, camphor-like scent alleviates feelings of stress, anxiety, and dread.
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drramakantkumar · 10 months
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theearthsessentials · 2 years
"Say Goodbye to arthritis joint pain. Cedarwood Essential Oil!"
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topguncortez · 1 year
Hangman 33 “Show me where it hurts.” Pls
pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Female!Reader prompts list! warnings: needles, chronic pain, arthritis, tears, FORE HEAD KISSES
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You knew that you were going to wake up in pain the next day. It was supposed to be an easy gym set, just some light leg work followed by thirty minute walk on the treadmill. Usually, it wasn't an issue, you would wake up feeling that good type of muscle soreness. But you had been feeling a bit sick the past couple days and you knew that you were going to be in pain.
You could hardly get out of bed, your knees and hips aching, your spine feeling like cement had been poured down it. It took you nearly ten minutes to pull yourself to your feet, and it felt like pins and needles. Tears filled your eyes as you shuffled your way to the bathroom to do your morning routine. You bit back a cry as you lowered yourself down to the toilet.
When you had first met Jake, you had tried hiding your condition from him. You had been battling arthritis your whole life, being diagnosed at a young age. You had grown used to the constant dull pain in your joints, the weekly injections, and missing school/work when the pain got to be too much. It was a lot for one person to deal with, and you didn't want Jake to have to do the same. But after watching you struggle to walk up his stairs one day, he grew concerned, and you told him.
He hated that you thought you couldn't tell him about your arthritis. He wanted to be able to help you when you needed it. After you told Jake, he did all the research he possible could about arthritis and chronic pain. He read articles, attended doctors appointments with you, helped you when the pain became too much.
Jake was a great help when he was here, but sadly, he couldn't be all the time.
You let out a shaky breath as you tried to reach for the ginger tea on the shelf. You had already planned to take some Tylenol, and curl up with your heating pad. You texted your physical therapist and sadly she couldn't get you in for acupuncture.
Your whole body felt weak as you picked up the tea kettle and poured the hot water into your mug. You very slowly walked to the couch, holding your mug tightly in your hands, worried that your hands could give out at any moment and send scalding water to the ground. You gently eased yourself down on the couch, letting out a groan as your body sunk into the soft cushions.
You weren't sure when you fell asleep, but you woke up to Jake's worried face in front of you, gently running his hand over your cheek.
"Jake?" You croaked out, "What are you-"
"You hadn't been answering your phone all day," He said softly, "Margaret said you didn't go to work, so I got worried."
You nodded, "I couldn't go. I just. . . hurt."
"Show me where it hurts?" Jake asked, and watched as tears welled up in your eyes, "Oh sweet girl, why didn't you call me sooner?"
"I didn't want you to miss more work," You cried, "I thought I would be okay on my own."
"You don't ever have to do things on your own with me around," Jake said and leaned down to kiss your forehead, "How about a bath and a massage?" You nodded, "Alright. I'm gonna help you sit up." You nodded again as Jake put his strong arms under your back and arms, moving your body from a laying down position to a sitting one. You let out a cry and Jake pressed his lips to your forehead, "I know, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
Jake gave you a minute before he picked you up in his arms, another loud cry leaving your lips. Jake hated causing you more pain, but he knew that you would feel better soon. When he got you upstairs, he gently set you down on your vanity chair.
"I'll go draw your bath and change," Jake said. He moved around the room quickly, drawing your bath and adding some drops of essential oils in, as you tried to strip from your clothing. You tried to lift your shirt over your head, but even that caused you to cry out in pain.
Jake stopped what he was doing and ran to you, "Hey, let me help you."
"I can do this," You shook your head and Jake nodded. He had learned one thing over the years that you still wanted to do as many things as you could despite the pain. When you were fully naked, Jake helped you to your feet as you walked towards the bathroom. You could smell the lavender and rosemary oils. You gripped Jake's hands tightly as you stepped into the bathtub and he helped you gently lower yourself into the hot water.
Jake sat on the other side of the bathtub on the ground, and watched you. You let out a sigh as you settled into the water, feeling the ache in your joints go from a nine to at least a five. Everything still hurt but it was a bit more manageable.
"Do you want to ice down after this?" Jake asked, gently moving his hand in the water.
"No. Just put the lotion in the fridge," You said and Jake nodded, "You already did, didn't you?"
He smiled, "Yeah, I did," He sat up on his knees and leaned in to kiss your forehead, "I rewarmed your tea and got you some more Tylenol. Your physical therapist said she can get you in tomorrow morning. I already got tomorrow cleared so I can take you."
"In sickness and in health," Jake said, and caressed your cheek, "I made a promise. And I mean it." You nodded and Jake placed yet another kiss on your forehead, making you smile.
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booksbeansandcandles · 10 months
With cold and flu season fast approaching, I want to post herbal recipes I am finding. These are not mine, and not medical advice!!!
Plant Origins of Thieves Oil
Clove: clove buds originate from the evergreen tree Syzygium aromaticum or Eugenia caryophyllata. These flower buds contain up to 20 percent essential oil, and are incredibly pungent, thanks to the major active chemical component called eugenol.
Rosemary: rosemary is a popular herb that comes from a small evergreen plant that belong to the mint family. It is native to the Mediterranean region, and possesses strong anti-inflammatory properties .
Eucalyptus: eucalyptus trees are native to Australia, Tasmania, and nearby islands. They’re the popular plant exclusively enjoyed by koala bears, and come in many different species. The oil is derived from the leaf of the eucalyptus tree, and is commonly used in cold remedies.
Cinnamon: cinnamon oil and the dried spice cinnamon both come from the bark of the true cinnamon tree (Cinnamomum zeylanicum). Essential oils that come from the leaf, bark and root of the cinnamon tree are much different, but the most common used version in Thieves oil is the cinnamon leaf. The active component in cinnamon bark essential oil is cinnamaldehyde.
Lemon: lemons come from a small tree in the Rutacea family. Lemon essential oil is derived by cold-pressing the peel of the lemon fruit, which is rich in different phytonutrients and beneficial compounds.
Thieves Oil Recipe
As long as you have all of the necessary essential oils on hand, you can easily make your own version of Thieves oil at home.
Ingredients: Master Blend
80 drops of clove essential oil
70 drops of lemon essential oil
40 drops of cinnamon essential oil
30 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
20 drops of rosemary essential oil
Combine all of the above essential oils in a dark amber coloured 15 milliliter (0.5 fluid ounce) glass bottle. Make sure you store it a cool, dry place, away from heat and light.
Benefits and Uses of Thieves Oil
This thieves oil recipe can be used to address certain health ailments, check out the benefits and uses below! Not medical advice
1. Relief from Aches and Pains
This Thieves oil recipe is loaded with plenty of anti-inflammatories to ease muscular and joint aches and pains. Rosemary and eucalyptus oil have actually been found to relieve rheumatoid arthritis, as well as muscle and joint aches and pains. You can dilute Thieves oil in a carrier oil (like jojoba oil, almond oil or grapeseed oil) to be used topically on the ache or pain. Typically the ratio is 1 drop essential oil to 4 drops carrier oil.
2. Immune System Support
Thieves oil was used to protect the “thieves” from the Black Plague, so you can be rest-assured that this oil provides some hefty immune support. Clove and rosemary essential oils are powerful antibacterials and anti-fungals. They’ve both been shown to have significant anti-microbial effects against dangerous bacteria like Staphylococcus epidermidis, Escherichia coli, and Candida albicans.
Massage the blend on your feet, lower back, neck and behind your ears for daily immune support. You can also diffuse Thieves oil to allow the essential oil molecules to enter your blood stream after they’ve entered your lungs! To get Thieves oil into your lungs is to diffuse the oil in a diffuser. Diffuse 15-20 drops of Thieves oil for 15 minutes, 3-4 times a day.
By live life fruit.
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sad-sad-detective · 9 months
Kind of weird question, but... Do you have any ideas\headcanons about possible ghouls health problems?
I think about Mountain and his sometimes sore back. Because of his height, he can often face inconveniences in everyday life and not only. Especially in order not to bend in doorways or hit your head, fit into chairs and bending to pick something. Thank Satan that there is Aether with his strong hands and creams with essential oils and ghoulettes who taught him to join their spa day and yoga. Although the last point is a rarity. Because you won't be ready for the splendor and grace of their bodies while you're trying to repeat at least half of their exercises.
Mommy Cumulus with her magical first aid kit with colored vitamins, patches, bruise cream and headache pills.
Swiss is definitely delighted with the attention and love when she or Aether heal his knees after tricks and falls.
Or Popia with insomnia and migraines from fatigue. At such moments, ghouls are ready to cling to him from all sides and purr until he falls asleep.
Ohh, I personally would LOVE to join the ghoulettes' spa day!
I think that the ghouls are prone to occupational diseases, like back pain or repetitive stress injury, or tendinitis. Swiss, Sunny and Aurora, aka the dancing trio, are no strangers to muscle and/or ligament strains. Swiss is also known for not once hurting his tail. Actually, this is how he met Aether - because he hurt his tail AGAIN and was taken to the infirmary.
Dewdrop often has sore neck because of his vigorous headbanging. Also I headcanon that his hands and feet are always cold due to circulation problems. Maybe, it's just his water heritage, because Rain also has cold hands and feet. Or some health problems run in the family.
I've already mentioned Windstille's arthritis once or twice, it is one of work-related diseases of piano players and organists. Cirrus sometimes feels similar pain in her hands. Fortunately, Aether knows how to deal with it! In his absence, Dew helps Cirrus by keeping her hands warm and thus reducing the pain.
Copia's migraines and insomnia? Yesss. Being the leader of the Church is stressful enough, besides there are always some intrusive thoughts in the back of his mind that he is expendable, like his predecessors, no matter how hard he works. You know who is really good at making these thoughts go away? Phantom.
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esoteric-chaos · 1 year
Rosemary - The Mundane and the Magical 101
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Native to the Mediterranean this shrub has been valued as a brain tonic since Ancient Egyptian times. In the days of the ancient Greeks, Rosemary was valued by students revising exams and is still used for memory today along with some very tasty dishes.
Family: Labiate
Native to: Mediterranean
Parts harvested: Arial parts
Soil Type: Free draining dry or coastal sites
Watering: Every 1-2 weeks if grounded, Once a week if potted
Harvest when: Mid-May to mid-summer
Plant when: Spring
Sun position: Full sun
CAUTIONS: Avoid if pregnant. ALWAYS check with your local herbalist and doctor before consuming any medicinal medicine as they will be able to direct you on proper dosages. Some medications can also interact and so can some conditions with certain herbs.
Uses in Herbalism and healing:
Within digestion to protect the stomach lining from irritation and inflammation. To reduce bleeding and diarrhea. 
An excellent brain tonic, increases blood flow to the brain, clears the mind, heightens alertness, improves concentration and memory.
Reduces inflammation and muscle tension. Makes a great migraine and headache cure.
As a hot tea Rosemary relieves fevers, sore throats, colds, flus and chest infections
Reduces heavy menstrual bleeding
Enhances elimination of wastes
Relives pain in arthritis
Can be made into oils, salves, honeys and teas
Uses in Magic:
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Very cleansing when burned, rids space of negativity and purifies space
Drives away nightmares and promotes good sleep when places under pillow
Aids memory and concentration 
Aids in protection when burned or used in spellwork
Aids in clarity overall (situations, metal, etc)
Used traditionally in healing dolls to promote vitality and purification 
To wash the hands before healing work, to cleanse the energy field
Typically a fantastic supplement for Frankincense 
Grow Rosemary at your doorstep for this herbal ally to protect your home
Rosemary herbal infused oil
What's an infused oil? An infused oil is a herb that has been steeping in an oil such as olive oil for cooking or even magical purposes. This is NOT an essential oil! Today I’m going to teach you a folk method.
Supplies needed: Dried rosemary, oil of choice (Recommend olive oil for cooking)
Kitchenware: Grinder (If using whole herb), two 1-quart mason jars with lids, paper bag and cheesecloth.
Instructions: Fill the mason jar half way with dried coarsely ground Rosemary. Add oil to reach the top of the jar and close the lid tightly. Place the jar in the paper bag and store in a warm place.  Shake the jar for several minutes twice a day for 1-2 weeks. Then strain the oil into another jar, secure the lid, and let sit for a few more days. Strain the oil again with a fine cheesecloth. Pour the herbal oil in a clean, dry jar and store in a cool dark place. 
Will last 1-2 weeks stored out of the fridge, will last up to a year in the fridge.
Sources and reading material:
Please remember while I provide sources, some content is my own UPG from working for years intuitively with this herbal ally. What you do not see from my sources assume it is my UPG and take what information you will. Always cross reference and research yourself. All medical knowledge will be sourced.
Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs (Expanded and Revised Edition) by Scott Cunningham
Herbal Remedies for Everyday Living by Anne McIntyre
The Complete Herbal Tutor by Anne McIntyre
UPDATED: 3/29/24
Want to check out my other posts? Look at my Masterpost
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unicornhealth · 1 year
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Get Essential Oils for Arthritis for Relief
Arthritis generally affects millions of people worldwide. It causes pain, swelling, stiffness, and reduced mobility in joints. While there are many conventional treatments for arthritis, some people prefer to use natural remedies, such as essential oils. Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts that can be used topically or inhaled to provide pain relief and reduce inflammation. Some of the most effective essential oils for arthritis relief include ginger, turmeric, frankincense, peppermint, and eucalyptus. These oils can be applied topically, added to a warm bath, or diffused in the air to help soothe joint pain and stiffness.
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madamlaydebug · 5 months
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This chakra is connected to your emotional body and your creativity.
Problems in this energy center can result in emotional problem, problems with relationships and sexual problems.
A unbalanced sacral chakra can also result in a addiction such as drugs, sex, money or gambling. Something that will fill the hole in the emotional body.
There is also some common disease connected to a unbalanced second energy center, such as:
-lower back pain
-genital problems
-Issues with the hip area.
What to do to balance the second chakra?
There is many things to do here are some that I find very useful:
⭐️Dance, dancing get the flow of energy going and connects us to our creativity.
⭐️journaling. This is the number one tool. Journal on all your emotion. This will help to let go of negative emotions that is stuck in the body and the energy field.
⭐️Yoga, for both the first and the second chakra yoga is a fantastic tool.
⭐️Essential Oils, for the second chakra we have Sandalwood,Ylang Ylang and Jasmine.
⭐️Crystals, there are some great crystals for balancing and charge this chakra. I like Fire Opal or Carnelia or Orange Calcite.
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reliqvia · 2 months
having the most extremely excruciating arthritis pain today and normally this would be the point where i hop in the bath for 11 hours straight and soak in salt and essential oils and all kinds of bullshit and just marinate until the pain goes away but the plug in my bathtub is broken so all the water just drains out instantly and i can’t stand up in the shower and i have no money and no job and no father figure and my laptop is broken but hey. at least margaret thatcher is still dead
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triciamfoster · 1 year
Essential Oils: Rosemary  Rosmarinus officinalis
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The following information is from Essential Oils for Beginners: The Guide to Get Started with Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Althea Press.
DESCRIPTION  Rosemary essential oil is extremely versatile, as it is useful for treating a number of illnesses as well as for aromatherapy and meditation. It is derived from the flowers of Rosmarinus officinalis. Though some companies provide rosemary oil derived from other rosemary species with similar fragrances, those oils have different properties. Rosemary essential oil is an evergreen, but its fragrance is not overly woody. Instead, it is fresh, sweet, and strongly herbal, with slightly medicinal undertones. With a thin consistency, this essential oil is typically steam distilled. When used in aromatherapy, it is considered a middle note.  
ORIGIN  France, Spain, Tunisia  
PROPERTIES  Analgesic, antiarthritic, antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, antirheumatic, anti- septic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, astringent, carminative, cordial, decongestant, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, hepatic, hypertensive, nervine, restorative, rubefacient, stimulant, stomachic, sudorific, tonic, vermifuge, vulnerary  
APPLICATION  Rosemary essential oil should be diluted 50:50 with a carrier oil prior to use. It is suitable for direct inhalation, diffusion, and topical application. It is also suitable for ingestion.
PRIMARY USES  Improves circulation; eases arthritis and rheumatism pain; relieves muscle cramps; combats dandruff, hair loss, and dull skin; reduces oily skin and acne; alleviates respiratory discomfort; helps colds and congestion; repels insects.  Rosemary essential oil can be used to formulate nontoxic disinfectants and other household products, bath products, and lotions. It is an excellent addition to massage oils, particularly when blended with lavender. It is extremely stimulating to the mind and is great for combating mental fatigue. Heralded for its ability to help users remain focused and alert while studying, working on mentally draining projects, and driving long distances, rosemary essential oil is even a great natural remedy for easing mental fog caused by hangovers.  When used in meditation, rosemary essential oil alleviates stress and anxiety, aids in promoting focus and mental clarity, and increases intuition.
SAFE USE  Conduct a patch test before using rosemary essential oil on your skin. This is one of the few essential oils that is considered to be safe for applying undiluted; however, some individuals can suffer skin irritation when the oil is applied topically. Rosemary essential oil can be toxic if ingested, and is best for aromatherapy and topical applications.
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Pure cassia oil promotes blood circulation in the reproductive organs and has also been used to treat erectile dysfunction. It may be rubbed into the belly to increase blood flow and performance. When used topically, its anti-inflammatory properties rapidly decrease symptoms of Rheumatism, Arthritis, and other aches. It is used to treat menstrual cramps, stomach pain, and bloating. It has been used for decades to cure indigestion, and it also relieves stomach aches, gas, constipation, and indigestion. With all of these advantages, its sweet and cinnamon-like perfume adds a natural scent to the environment, and topical application on the wrist keeps you fresh all day.
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𓆩 𝑽𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓: 𝑴𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏 𝑴𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒔 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒚𝒆 𓆪
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Vetiver (in French, vetyver) is a fast-growing perennial grass from the Poaceae family of plants, which also includes lemongrass and citronella. It also can grow very tall! Vetiver also has a large, interlinked root system from which the essential oil of the plant (used widely in perfumery and incense production) is derived.
Vetiver is native to Southern India, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia, but today is widely cultivated in various countries around the world, including Reunion, Haiti, the Philippines, Japan, the Comoro Islands, West Africa and Polynesia.
► So...It’s just grass?
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No! Vetiver can not only produce small purple-brown blooms, but It’s also used in many different ways therapeutically. Vetiver is sometimes applied directly to the skin for relieving stress, as well as for emotional traumas and shock, lice, and repelling insects. It is also used for arthritis, stings, and burns. Vetiver is sometimes inhaled as aromatherapy for nervousness, insomnia, and joint and muscle pain. Vetiver oil has a very distinct woody/earthy smell, making it a must have for grounding techniques when using essential oils.
► So... What exactly do they look like?
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► Do they symbolize anything?
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It's said that the vetiver root symbolizes vitality.
► Tell me more!
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This grounding and earthy essential oil was a staple in the traditional medicine of ancient China. It was used as a treatment to soothe and replenish dry skin, balance the emotions, ease negativity and energize, calm and cool the body. Chinese physicians actually prescribed vetiver, which when used with meditation, was a means to restore “Yin” deficiencies, which were often associated with depression.
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