#estonian animation
I've noticed that the whole world doesn't give a crap about him...
(Mentor in the style of 90’s Estonian animation)
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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[Image above+below: works of an Estonian artist, Kaljo Põllu (28 November 1934 – 23 March 2010) ]
Legends and myths about trees
Forest myths, Estonian traditional beliefs (2)
The world of the Estonians’ ancestors - Proto-Estonian mythology
The world of the Estonians’ ancestors is believed to have turned around a pillar or a tree, to which the skies were nailed with the North Star. The Milky Way (Linnutee or Birds' Way in Estonian) was a branch of the World tree (Ilmapuu) or the way by which birds moved (and took the souls of the deceased to the other world). These myths were based on animistic beliefs.
Some traces of the oldest authentic myths may have survived in runic songs. There is a song about the birth of the world – a bird lays three eggs and starts to lay out the nestlings – one becomes Sun, one becomes Moon and one becomes the Earth. Other Finnic peoples also have myths according to which the world has emerged from an egg.
It has been suggested by ethnologist and former president Lennart Meri and among others, that a Kaali meteorite crater which passed dramatically over populated regions and landed on the island of Saaremaa around 3,000 - 4,000 years ago was a cataclysmic event that may have influenced the mythology of Estonia and neighboring countries, especially those from whose vantage point a "sun" seemed to set in the east.
There are surviving stories about Kaali crater in Finnish mythology (Description of indigenous paganism by Finns who always believed in spirit beliefs). 
In the Karelian-Finnish folk epic, the Kalevala, cantos (songs) 47, 48 and 49 can be interpreted as descriptions of the impact, the resulting tsunami and devastating forest fires. It has also been suggested that the Virumaa-born Oeselian god Tharapita is a reflection of the meteorite that entered the atmosphere somewhere near the suggested "birthplace" of the god and landed in Oesel.
Estonian mythology is a complex of myths belonging to Estonian folk heritage and literary mythology, and the systematic documentation of Estonian folklore had only began in the 19th century. 
Therefore, information on Proto-Estonian mythology before the conquest of the Northern Crusades, Christianisation and incorporation into the European world and during the medieval era, is only scattered in historical chronicles, travellers' accounts and in ecclesiastical registers.
It can be difficult to tell how much of Estonian mythology as we know it today was actually constructed in the 19th and early 20th century. Friedrich Robert Fehlmann, one of the compilers of the Estonian national epic, Kalevipoeg in the introduction to Esthnische Sagen (Estonian Legends), states.
"However, since Pietism has started to penetrate deep into the life of the people...singing folk songs and telling legends have become forbidden for the people; moreover, the last survivals of pagan deities are being destroyed and there is no chance for historical research."
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森の神話・エストニアの民間伝承 (2)
エストニア人の祖先の世界 〜 原始エストニア神話
3,000~4,000年前に人口密集地域の上空を劇的に通過し、サーレマー島に落下したカーリ隕石 (カーリ・クレーター) は、エストニアや近隣諸国、特に「太陽」が東に沈むように見えた国々の神話に影響を与えた可能性がある、と民族学者で元大統領のレンナルト・メリらによって示唆されている。
フィンランド神話 (精霊信仰を常に信仰していたフィン族による原始宗教的な伝説) にカーリ隕石に関する物語が残っている。カレリア・フィンランドの民俗叙事詩『カレワラ』の第47、48、49カント (聖歌) は、その衝撃と、その結果生じた津波、壊滅的な森林火災についての記述であると解釈できる。また、ヴィルマア生まれのオイセルの神タラピタは、この神の「出生地」とされる場所の近くで大気圏に突入し、オイセルに落下した隕石の反映であるとも言われている。
“しかし、敬虔主義が人々の生活に深く浸透し始めて以来......民謡を歌い、伝説を語ることは、人々にとって禁忌となった; さらに、異教の神々の最後の生き残りは破壊されつつあり、歴史研究のチャンスはない。"
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raivos-world · 10 days
I'm Raivo and from Estonia
Age: Young adult
Pronouns: He/him (I'ma dude)
Fav colors: orange, green, black, brown
Fav season: Winter
Fav animal: ALL
Fav drink: Sweet tea
Fav foods: salad, meat, soup, veggies, fruits and pasta
Fav holidays: Halloween/Christmas/Thanksgiving
Religion: Agnostic
I live on a farm in the country but I live near the city
Hobbies: drawing, writing, collecting junk, watching Netflix and Tubi, walking while listening to music, obsessively organizing my figurines, books, song playlists + names by spellings, origins and meanings etc)
I likely have AuDHD and severe Dyscalculia
Some things I collect: feathers, bones, pencils, stray animals, books, sticks
Things I hate: bugs, spicy food, socks, the smell of cornbread, bread in general, literally any carbonated drink, being on a busy highway, bright sun, shirt tags, too much salt or pepper on food, life
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tubbytarchia · 2 months
Ugh I love video editing so much, like AMV type stuff, and I'm so upset I can't do that with mcyt!! I have to like, animate from scratch myself if anything!! Raghhh I miss video editing so much. I miss the art of AMVs
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alackofghosts · 1 year
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hehe kisski on the noseki
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Eerik Haamer - Sheepwashers (1944-45)
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plantsucc · 10 months
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heh. 3D modeling isn't so hard-
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Laivi Põder
Estonian contemporary artist
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animatedshortoftheday · 7 months
Velodrool (2015) [6 min] by Sander Joon | Estonia
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animblog · 5 months
Moulinet -- 2017 Sander Joon 05:44
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alucardsinep · 2 years
what's dnf? dive... nives.... Freddy?
dreamnotfound unfortunately :/
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thebearchives · 6 months
between paul aron and ollie bearman, who’s most likely to fall asleep in your lap? love you’re writing btw congrats on 2k ❤️
PAUL ARON is quite possibly the clingiest boy you will ever have the honour of dating. it doesn’t matter where you are, or what you’re doing, if you are near paul aron, your personal space is now HIS personal space. a hand on your thigh, legs intertwined, chin on your shoulder. no matter how little or large the place of contact, he has to be touching you in some way or else he just doesn’t “feel right” (his words). he will never pass up the opportunity to cuddle with you, or give you a hug. you are the object of his affections, and he will never let you forget that, not even for a second.
— little blurb under the cut!
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the movie playing on the tv had been forgotten some time ago, now nearing the end of the climax. it was a cute stop-motion animated movie— one that paul had seen about a hundred times since it was first released, saying something about how it reminded him of home in a silly way. you, yourself, had seen it more times than you could recount, but you’d only smiled softly and nodded when the estonian stopped on its cover and gave you a pleading smile.
you sat cozily on the couch, scrolling through the newer pictures in your camera roll now that the hectic weekend was finally over. ollie, as you’d come to find out, had ever so kindly stolen your phone after the qualifying session and proceeded to take it on a tour across the f2 paddock, taking selfies with anyone who was willing. you rolled your eyes as you sent him the pictures, knowing he’d want them for himself.
paul, who had been so excited for winding down after a race and having a movie night, was now fast asleep lying next to you, his head resting on your thighs. he’d fallen asleep about 20 minutes into the film, falling victim to your head scratching and melting into your lap.
your fingers were still tangled in his hair, twirling pieces when your phone buzzed with a cheeky reply from ollie. you pulled your hand away and sent back a text of your own, laughing softly when paul stirred immediately. with a sleepy whine, he shifted in your lap, burying his face against your stomach as he mumbled something against your sweater.
“what?” you bent down to hear him better.
paul huffed, pulling his head back slightly. “don’t stop.”
you rolled your eyes playfully, moving back into your original position. “alright, you big baby.”
as your hand gently made its way back to his hair, paul sighed and snuggled back into you. “love you.”
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week - June 26, 2023
1. California's Lake Oroville now at 100% capacity following megadrought; 1st time since 2019
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Once a stark example of the drastic effects of California's yearslong megadrought, Lake Oroville has rebounded and is once again filled to capacity, data from the state's Department of Water Resources shows.
Lake Oroville, the state's most beleaguered and second-largest reservoir, is at 100% of its total capacity and 127% of where it should be around this time of year - a huge boost after the climate-change-fueled megadrought sucked away nearly all its water supply.
2. Blue whales are thriving in California waters – the story of their amazing comeback
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If you’ve recently taken a Southern California whale-watching tour, you may have been lucky enough to come across earth’s largest animal. Pacific blue whales grow up to 110 feet long and can reach a weight of 200 tons. Decades ago, blue whales were nearly hunted to extinction, and although still listed as protected under the Endangered Species Act, marine biologists and researchers are heralding a “conservation success story,” unlike any other.
According to a study published in 2014 by researchers at the University of Washington, the West Coast blue whale population has bounced back at tremendous levels, recouping 97% of its pre-whaling population
3. Newborn left in Florida Safe Haven Baby Box adopted by the firefighter who found her
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Zoey is now 5 months old. Courtesy Zoey's family
A firefighter in Ocala, Florida, was pulling an overnight shift at the station in January when he was awakened at 2 a.m. by an alarm. He recognized the sound immediately. A newborn had been placed in the building’s Safe Haven Baby Box, a device that allows someone to safely and anonymously surrender a child — no questions asked.
“To be honest, I thought it was a false alarm,” said the firefighter, who wished to remain anonymous to protect his family’s privacy. But when he opened the box, he discovered a healthy infant wrapped in a pink blanket.
That baby would become his daughter, Zoey.
4. Iceland suspends whale hunt on animal welfare concerns
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Iceland's government said Tuesday it was suspending this year's whale hunt until the end of August due to animal welfare concerns, likely bringing the controversial practice to a historic end.
"I have taken the decision to suspend whaling" until August 31, Food Minister Svandis Svavarsdottir said in a statement. The country's last remaining whaling company, Hvalur, had previously said this would be its final season as the hunt has become less profitable.
5. He wanted to pet dogs for his 100th birthday. Hundreds lined up.
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Alison Moore had a unique idea to celebrate her father's 100th birthday: a pet parade filled with as many dogs as possible. Her father, Robert Moore, has always adored dogs and wanted to pet every one he saw. So, Alison took to social media and invited the community to join in the festivities. Little did she know that over 200 dogs and their owners would gather for the heartwarming event.
The parade brought immense joy not only to Robert but also to attendees like Rodger, who has Alzheimer's disease, and his daughter Denise, who hadn't seen her father smile so much in a long time. It was a day filled with wagging tails, smiling faces, and love that made Robert's milestone birthday an unforgettable celebration.
6. Historic decision: Estonia legalizes same-sex marriage
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Tuesday, the Estonian government has survived a vote of no confidence in the Riigikogu tied to amendments to the Family Law Act and related legislation, which is granting same-sex couples the legal right to wed. 55 members of the Riigikogu voted in favor of the measure, while 34 voted against.
It is proposed that the institution of marriage, as defined by family law, be modified so that  any two natural persons of legal age, regardless of gender, may marry. The words "man and woman" will be replaced with the words "two natural persons."
7. US approves chicken made from cultivated cells, the nation's first 'lab-grown' meat
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For the first time, U.S. regulators on Wednesday approved the sale of chicken made from animal cells, allowing two California companies to offer “lab-grown” meat to the nation’s restaurant tables and eventually, supermarket shelves.
The Agriculture Department gave the green light to Upside Foods and Good Meat, firms that had been racing to be the first in the U.S. to sell meat that doesn’t come from slaughtered animals — what’s now being referred to as “cell-cultivated” or “cultured” meat as it emerges from the laboratory and arrives on dinner plates.
That's it for this week :)
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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[Photo above by:  Ossi Saarinen]
Legends and myths about trees
Forest myths, Estonian traditional beliefs (6)
The world of the Estonians’ ancestors – Metsik, the forest elves
Metsik is the elf of the woodlands. According to ancient Estonian folklore, Metsik were wood elves who lived everywhere there were trees, from coniferous woodlands to shallow swamp forests. When Metsik appears to people, they assume the appearance of a bird, a wild animal, or a beautiful tree. A singing bird who truly is Metsik sings songs that humans can understand. They can also understand the language of the aspen tree that rustles in the wind for that aspen tree is Metsik.
If birdsong is heard, it may be a Metsik singing. People can hear Metsik in an aspen tree that rustles in the wind. Metiks are the guardian spirits of the forest. They do not approve of cutting down trees, bonfires and, above all, waste dumping. When people enter the forest with cruel intentions, Metik misleads them away from their sacred home.
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森の神話・エストニアの民間伝承 (6)
エストニア人の祖先の世界 〜 森の妖精メツィク
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tubbytarchia · 2 months
Thank you Animatsuri, you meant everything to me.
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2017, when I ran around with Eren and got chased by a T-Rex through multiple hallways
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2018, when I dragged my newly recruited anime watcher along
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2019, when I dabbled in something resembling cosplay for the first time (I am Mimikyu)
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2023, when I spoke to vendors for the majority of it but still had a blast and bought a really awesome Bulbasaur and will forever remember how sweet the vendor was
2024, last Animatsuri, when I tabled for the first and possibly last time, and had a blast doing it in spite of the trouble that I had to endure beforehand
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And got to see many of my little guys get adopted to good homes. And awesome cosplayers. And possibly the funniest Anime con social media post I've seen
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And, I participated in the AMV contest for the first time, and won. You can see both of my submissions on my channel, the winner is considerably less funny if you're not estonian though unfortunately :(
I was desperate for a Miku figure since she's close to my heart even if I haven't been active in the vocaloid fandom for a long time. I wanted a default Miku, but they had none, so I bought Sakura Miku. In the end, I got a default Miku plushie as one of my prizes
Thank you Animatsuri, I don't know what I will do without you when you were the reason I looked forward to just living long enough to make it to the next one, for many years, but maybe I can figure it out. I will find other cons to fill this space, even if I have to start spending money for travel to other countries, but I know that nothing will ever compare to what you brought into my life
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horsesource · 1 month
"A rather superficial thought has been going round my head for some time: no one listened to Antonin Artaud, but he was right. We have to get out of the insanity our civilization is creating. But drugs, alcohol, and in fine madness and/or death are no solution; we must find something else.
Meaning is withering…The forms I've known as mine are falling away. My writing is foundering, I’ve nothing interesting to say anymore, nothing worth trying to say…How many psychologists would call me insane if I told them that it feels as though I’ve lost my grip on everything? So that’s what’s driving you to hole up in the mountains!
Yes indeed, and now you’re really losing the plot, because even the mountains are coming apart. Losing cohesion because of melting ice, because of these heatwaves. The handholds are crumbling rocks are falling, this is how it is. And friends are crashing at the foot of the sheer rock face…something inside me is ringing in response, something that hurts and unbalances me.
It’s would have been so easy if my personal unhappiness could be summed up by an unresolved family issue…But no. My problem is that my problem isn’t mine alone. The misery my body is expressing comes from the world.”
Nastassja Martin In the Eye of the Wild
“We live, like all other life forms – animal, plant, fungal, bacterial – in the midst of enormously complex networks of semiotic life…A brain in a vat could never generate meaning. What is needed for mind is a living body in a lived world. Place, or umwelt, isn’t incidental. Places, and the tongues that ‘speak’ there, are a central aspect of what makes us. Human linguistic meaning-making in metaphor does not spring brand new and unbidden from the cosmos. It has evolved from natural metaphors and meanings which are gathered in evolutionary layers in all the life forms of this planet. The evolving organism draws on these hidden and nonconscious layers of meaning-making, and so do the poet, the artist and the scientist as they discover new forms of living knowledge. [..]
When meanings become unstable, inventiveness through exchange may be possible, and new habits may be made and laid down. But when reciprocity is refused or absent, then we are nothing but a chaos of broken relations. With that, we are in the presence of what the Estonian semiotician Ivar Puura called semiocide. Carelessness over meanings – in nature and in culture – is a symptom of relational sickness.”
Wendy Wheeler “In Other Tongues: Ecologies of Meaning and Loss”
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