#et papa
10millionotters · 1 year
Here’s my OC Confession 👀:
When Aly started working along the TF141, she developed a crush on Price without even knowing who he was. So even before they interacted, she used to take pictures of him and told her friends that she found him so cute.
Now when she thinks about it she’s so embarrassed and doesn’t want anyone to know.
(Price probably knew since the beginning tbh)
Oh this is so good let me just...
"So how do you like working with the Brits?"
It was a harmelss question really, but Aly could feel a faint blush colour her cheeks in a gentle red, "... it's... interesting."
Her small desk ached under the weight of her friend taking a seat, "Interesting you say?"
Words began tickling on her tongue, childish excitement was almost too much to bear. She could hardly recall the last time she had a crush on someone.
Could she even call this a crush? She hardly knew the man, all she knew that he was a Captain.
Captain John Price.
His squad was made up of young, but very capable people.
They made her work a lot easier but... her mind wandered off to the handsome stranger more than she'd like to admit to even herself.
"Come on, tell me more. Who is it? The one with the mowhawk?"
His name had hardly passed her lips before she had to hold back her laughter, "No no, he is very nice but it's not him-"
Oh no. Did she say too much?
"Fine...", Aly sighed, her eyes wandered from one end of the room to the next, making sure that nobody could hear what she was about to say, "It's their Captain."
Her hands were shaking lightly as she pulled up her phone.
The screen lit up, a candid photo of the man appeared on screen, he was deep in thought, sunlight dancing in his eyes as he intentively listened to a subordinate.
Her lips curled into a soft smile before she hesitantly showed the image to her friend.
"... okay... Okay I can see what you mean -"
"Listen he's handsome but that's it! I don't even know him, it's just... a passing fancy that's it."
--- 5 days later ---
Sleep wouldn't come easy.
Aly's hands blindly searched for her phone.
It was almost embarassing that she was still unable to delete the candid images of Captain Price off her phone.
Their formal introduction had been a lot ... warmer... than she had anticpated.
He was a kind man. Soft spoken, his eyes smiled alongside his lips.
He was firm in tone, secure in his actions but he was gentle when he needed to be.
She watched him comfort one of his team members when they got overwhelmed during a mission.
Blood rushed through her ears like ocean waves crashing against the shore.
Just thinking about the way he looked at her made her shudder, she always anticipated to hear his voice again, to talk to him...
Not just about missions.
During their debriefings he asked her about her physical well being, how she did mentally. He cared about her.
Even though he hardly knew her at all...
Shaking hands rested upon a racing heart, "I can't ... do this..."
But it began to feel inevitable.
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wormswurld · 2 months
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putting this on my wall.
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bambooochan6 · 4 months
just a reminder 🥹
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rebar-head · 13 days
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mama et papa!
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sobillyboy · 2 months
Ça fait un mois que je cours une à deux fois par semaine, c'est la première fois de ma vie que je m'y tiens !
Aujourd'hui j'ai couru 2km70 en 21 min, et c'est pas rapide, ni très long pour certains sûrement mais c'est un exploit pour mon corps !!
Je m'entraîne parce que le 1er mai je me suis inscrite à une course de 2,5kms et on dirait bien que je pourrais franchir la ligne d'arrivée avec une grande fierté !!
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nahkyl · 9 months
Does it ever drive you crazy ?
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Just how fast the night changes ?
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perdrelacellule · 2 months
Franchement si vous vous sentez apathique, engourdi, blasé de ce qui se passe dans votre vie en bien et en mal je vous conseille fortement le combo Servante écarlate + lire la bible + Shiny happy people. J'ai Jamais ressenti autant d'injustice et de colère et j'arrête pas de me dire "Tout est lié !! "
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direwombat · 5 months
wait hang on new au dropping
au where daddy la roux didn't take the coward's way out and went to prison instead. augustine still goes to college and ends up in montana as a ranger, syb still goes into the military and they essentially cut themselves off from their daddy (or at least syb does)
cue her surprise that, a decade later, she discovers three things
henri la roux is out of prison
henri la roux is in hope county, and
henri la roux is a fucking member of the project of eden's gate*, hand over his heart, a "changed man, billie!"
*grifting them because he immediately broke parole after learning his son currently lives in montana, and so long as he plays the part of the repetant sinner, the cult keeps him safe from the law
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comp-lady · 1 year
Title: Curled Together
Fandom: Ghost
Characters: Copia, Dewdrop, Others mentioned
-stumbles in 2 days late with coffee- So I took off day 11 since I just couldn't think of what to write, and I didn't want to force it
A ghoul in a pack rarely sleeps alone. This also applies to any human in a ghoul pack. Or so Copia has learned. He knew it in theory, but it is another thing to experience it.
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gremlins-hotel · 1 year
✈︎ grem/gremlin
✈︎ 21+
✈︎ they/he
✈︎ archaeology major! minor is us history.
✈︎ commission status: open
✈︎ my shit: a-flying-fortress | archaeologyfjones (ask blog) | twitter
my old shit: close-air-support (old main) | grem-archive (hetalia) | archaeojones (original ask blog)
✈︎ tag guide: 
misc: callsign gremlin checking in | gremlin shitpost | gremlin tankposting | gremlin’s things with wings | mooom! gremlin’s archaeologyposting again!
from the desk: alpha romeo tango | papa echo november
headcanon tags: mechanics of nations // eldritch abominations | alfred f. jones // daring to fly | mathieu williams // bear with me | mathieu & alfred // brothers earth and sky | arthur kirkland // salt wind and green garden | arthur & alfred // a king and his crown | arthur & mathieu // anchor spares none | ace family // new worlds divided | romano de cesare // luctor et emergo | ivan braginsky // Не остаться в этой траве | ludwig beilschmidt // meine Stärken und meine Schwächen
ship tags: romerica // spaghetti western | rusame // stardust on our boots | gerame // mach speed meta
my aus: sunfall // the wayward soldier | beartalia // hibernation or bust | harpytalia // world on the wing | unbound // a western saga | lemon sharks // friendly seas | ersatz // dark side of the moon
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fidjiefidjie · 10 months
Bon soir 🆕️ 😊📽 💙
JJAX 🎶 Capitaine Hard Rock (version papa)
Cover Richard Gotainer "Chants Zazous"
Images :les aventures de Tintin de Hergé
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messythings-blog · 4 months
Ce qui me termine le plus, c’est qu’on a eu 2 épisodes dont un qui vraiment fait avancer l’histoire, met plus de drama qu’il y a déjà, on apprend des trucs sur Vaggie… mais tout ce qu’on retient, c’est Alastor qui veut remplacer Lucifer dans le rôle paternel (et la none✨)
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blueiight · 9 months
i do think lestat character is slightly more derivative of the wolf hunter from company of wolves like the red coat the gun the titular company of wolves he so adores like lestat going to hunt wolves in the red coat the gun w/ his dear mastiffs & his later development of the coven/vampire court in a way their shared playful ‘if ima be bad ima be good at it’ type disposition than he is the beast from la belle et la bete cuz i rly felt bad for the poor beast😢😢baby beast…the beast is rly sympathetic in cocteau’s retelling in part bc of how enigmatic he is & belle is giving amc louis especially w/ how hot-cold she was and the whole ‘sickly father & rich family facing destitution’ subplot that guides her early hesitancy to accept the beast- she secretly adored him but was able to express that more once her family let it be known how they felt about her LOL. a beauty&beast lesxlou au needs to consider: the specter of papadu lac
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petitmonsieur1 · 11 months
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lolochaponnay · 4 months
Paul, un jeune garçon de ferme, renverse accidentellement son camion de maïs sur la route. Un fermier voisin arrive sur les lieux et lui dit : – Ecoute, laisse tomber tout ça pour le moment. Viens à la maison, dîne avec nous, et après je t’aiderai à relever ton camion. –Oh! merci, c’est très gentil à vous, mais je ne crois pas que papa serait d’accord. –Allons, ne fais pas de manières. –Bon, d’accord… Mais ça ne va pas plaire à papa. Après avoir dîné, Paul remercie son hôte : –Ah ! je me sens bien mieux, mais papa va vraiment être fâché. –Ne dis donc pas de bêtises. Et d’abord, il est où, ton père ? –Sous le camion.
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thegoddesswater · 7 months
🎃 Trick or Treat? 🎃
I offer you this small snippet of Blaise and Teran from Miadhachain Legacy.
Blaise hadn’t actually expected his parents to let him go to Teran’s, but whatever Teran had said had clearly convinced them to let him leave. A couple hours later, with his bag fit to bursting, filled with probably far too much stuff, Blaise sat in the passenger seat of Teran’s beat up coupe as they sped away from their parents’ house. “Teran?” Blaise ventured, “Can you tell me what’s going on yet?” They sat at a light, and Blaise watched his brother’s fingers drum anxiously on the steering wheel. Teran didn’t look at him, kept his eyes fixed on the car in front of them. “When we’re home.” The use of ‘home’ to refer to Teran’s assigned apartment was not lost on him. Something uncomfortable twisted its way up from Blaise’s stomach, settling like a hard lump under his collarbone. Teran spared a glance for Blaise. “You brought as much as you could? School work, clothes, toothbrush, all that?” “Yeah. I still don’t know why.” “I’m invoking my guardianship. Did you leave anything with Maman et Papa that we need to go back for?” Blaise stared at Teran. “You... Why couldn’t you tell me that?” “Would it have changed anything in what you brought?” That was what he was worried about? That Blaise hadn’t brought all of his important belongings? “Not really, but... I don’t understand.” “It’s a paperwork thing. I’m requisitioning a bigger place and I can get that with you as my dependant.” “You took me from Maman et Papa for a bigger apartment?”
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