#even if I have nobody to practise on lol
snoozingiris · 9 months
trying to write my first uhh spoken hypnosis induction script and oh my god. practised reading what I'd done out loud. how do you control your inflection?? how do you not stumble over every single word?????? there's a reason I write scripts I guess as opposed to speaking spontaneously
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melrosing · 2 months
People when Jaime feels detached from his children who he explicitly had to be detached from or their bastardy might be discovered and cause them to be brutally murdered: 🙄 he doesnt care about anyone but himself
yeah i think people just like. don't want it to be complicated lol. but idk what to tell them bc it very intentionally is?? you can decide that Jaime is unforgivable in your mind but you can't insist that others see it the same way, or that GRRM intended this as a black and white issue. several things are true at once like
Jaime's automatically placed his children in grave danger by agreeing to have them in the first place. he could've just not
he repeatedly increased that danger by continuing to have reckless sex with Cersei. he could've just not
he is incapable of grieving Joffrey, a child who might not have turned out quite the way he did if Jaime had intervened in some great or small way
but also
Jaime and Cersei's relationship is not purely hedonistic - it is built upon the maladjusted relationship they've developed from birth, and the trauma on both sides that has compounded their obsessions with the other. for two people essentially trapped at court in roles they've both suffered greatly within, it is not surprising that they continue to turn to one another, even if rationally they ought to know this has potential for severe repercussions (not just for themselves but their children besides). given the context it's just not that wild to me that they do this. like why do people smoke?? why do parents smoke around their children? why do parents smoke if they have children at all, knowing the risk that their child could lose a parent to this? these are questions a smoker might ask themselves and they're good ones, but if you're caught up in a habit (especially a maladjusted one), sometimes the answer doesn't feel straightforward. like you're getting away with it now aren't you?? you're still here now??
maintaining disinterest in his children is not just a safety measure for the kids, but a safety measure for Jaime. if he lets himself care for them, then what. he's still got a lifetime to spend at their side, knowing they cannot know, and nobody can know, that they're even his. he will never have children he can claim; all he can do is watch as a man he despises call them his, a man who has claimed Cersei too, and a man Jaime is sworn to protect. Jaime, a guy who has practised 'going away inside' since he was a kid, has understandably used this technique in a big way when it comes to his children
like man he fucking tries to mourn Joffrey. he tries to tell himself he'd avenge the kid, tries to work out the truth of how he died, thinks he must be a monster if he can't summon an ounce of affection for him, is entirely self conscious about it - but what can he fucking do, Joffrey was pretty uniquely vile and had no redeeming features. there is no foundation of a positive relationship to look back on, there are no fond memories he has of the boy, Joffrey never longed to know him nor loved him as an uncle, he's just some nasty ass kid who came between he and Cersei and wanted Jaime's beloved brother dead and believed Robert his father and perhaps never gave Jaime a second look. tbh at least Jaime tries to give a shit, I don't think it's super condemnable that he doesn't quite manage
by the time Jaime has finally idk... opened his fucking eyes, he is interested in being a father. he does try to intervene with Cersei's parenting, to help and guide his son, to begin an honest relationship with them that might be the foundation of a loving one. from what we see he obviously likes Tommen, worries for him, wants him to be happy and secure. as soon as he allows himself to love this kid, he does, and obviously wants to begin a new relationship with Myrcella as well
and i don't think you even have to forgive Jaime for the former to accept the latter, but when it comes to stories i don't see why people have this pov that actions have to cancel each other out and that Jaime cannot change his relationship w fatherhood bc of how it started out. why do ppl want characters to be static so badly it's insane to me
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Writing Share Tag!
Thanks for the tag, @theeccentricraven!!
Rules: Share some of your writing.
I want to share an excerpt from a brand new project I've been working on. It has no official title right now, but it's a teen romcom sort of thing, so let's just call it "Untitled Teen Romcom" lol.
Chapter 1 of Untitled Teen Romcom:
She and I actually go way back - she’s been in my life since primary school. I have known her since I was 5. Like it or not, she has always been there. So maybe her presence just takes me back to when I was a dumb 5-year-old chump.
She was the very first girl to ever break my heart. 
What do I mean by that? Well, long story… It all started about 10 years ago. Flashback!
It was supposed to be the happiest day of my life. Proposal day. I had been planning it for weeks, conferring with my best mates on all the finer details. 
Sebastian was in charge of rounding up the rest of the reception class to be my "guests'' (whatever that means… I think I just wanted to have witnesses for some reason. Five-year-old Zeke just did everything loudly. I went out of my way to draw attention to myself back then. Thankfully, I have grown up since. Mostly). Jacob's job was to distract Miss Jackson so she wouldn't interrupt (he’s the king of distraction. Always has been, and likely always will be. Nobody beats him at wasting everyone’s time. Even the people he claims to like. Like me. He’s great, though - don’t get me wrong. A world-class procrastinator, but also one of the funniest people I know). Even bossy little Eshe Brown had a role - making sure Hope looked extra pretty that day (actually, her real job was to distract her until I was ready to come out to reveal my big surprise. The thing with Eshe, though, is that she’ll look for any excuse to give someone a makeover).
This was it - the moment I'd been practising in the mirror every night for weeks. I had my speech scripted in my head.  I had it all meticulously planned out - get down on one knee, profess my deep admiration for Hope Kamani's unparalleled beauty, and pop the question for her to be my betrothed. Yep, you heard me correctly… I was going to ask Hope to marry me. 
Well...in the way that a 5-year-old asks someone to "marry" them anyway. But in my mind, this was deadly serious business. I think it was just a matter of wanting to finally do something about it after spending so long keeping it to myself. After months and months of admiring the beautiful Hope Kamani from afar, I was finally going to profess my undying love for her and ask her for the privilege of being hers. Tell her that I loved everything about her, that she made me the happiest kid in our class, that I thought about her every single day, and that I wanted to make her happy too (I can’t believe I still remember that part of the script…). Simple enough, right?
She caught my eye right from the start, with her bright, friendly smile and her shining dark hair styled in braided pigtails (that was her signature look back then. Right now, it’s single box braids with blue hair extensions). To me, she was the most beautiful girl in our whole class. Maybe even the entire universe! That is honestly how I felt about her at the time (5-year-old me was so dumb, good grief). She had to be my bride. I had to win her over somehow… no matter what. Even if it meant humiliating myself in front of all of our friends with a heartfelt, soppy speech. I was willing to put myself out there. I was willing to do that for her. She meant that much to me.
“Now’s the time,” Seb whispered to me once everyone was settled for lunch. Everything was perfectly in place.
Go time. It’s now or never…
I fixed up my posture and puffed out my chest, trying to seem bigger and braver than I actually felt. Channelling every ounce of bravado and charisma my little body could muster (I believe I was trying my best to exude the confidence and manliness of one of those grizzled bachelor fellows proposing to his one true love... At least that's what I'd seen on the telly at the time. My mother was into that sort of thing back then), I took a deep, fortifying breath and strode over to where Hope was sitting with a bunch of other girls. I then awkwardly cleared my throat to gain their attention.
“Oh, hi Ezekiel,” Eshe greeted me a little too loudly. She was clearly nervous on my behalf. “What are you doing here?”
“Hey,” I replied with the same level of clumsiness. Trying to pull myself together for the big part, I pushed past the shyness that was slowly beginning to creep in, before continuing. “I have something important that I need to say.”
They were listening. She was listening. 
"Hope Kamani," I proclaimed in my loudest, deepest and most mature and serious-sounding voice possible (which still came out an octave higher than intended). "You are the prettiest girl in our whole class. Actually, the prettiest girl in the entire world! At least, as far as I know.” 
At that, a quiet smattering of "oooooh" sounds rippled around the room (because at this point, I had gotten the attention of the entire class). I noticed Hope's eyes widened in surprise, her mouth forming a little 'o' shape as she looked around at her equally rapt audience of classmates. 
I went on with my passionate speech, unable to fight the big old grin spreading across my face at this next bit.
"And I don’t just mean that you look pretty. You do, but you are also funny, smart, so very nice, and just… really, really cool. I love you, Hope. I can't help but love you!" I grabbed her little hand in both of mine. 
Here goes nothing…
“So… will you mar--”
I couldn’t even finish the sentence. You know why? Because I was rudely cut off. The bloody sound of Hope’s high pitched, piercing laughter cut me off like a harsh knife. The raucous peal of Hope's laughter drowned out all the words I was meant to say next, sending my soaring confidence into a spiralling freefall. "HAHAHA! Oh my days, Ezekiel! You're TOO funny!" She doubled over, not even trying to suppress the obnoxiously loud uproar, hands clutching her stomach as tear-inducing cackles of mirth poured out of her mouth. 
That wasn’t meant to happen… 
At this point, most of my fellow classmates joined in on the laughter. I felt my face begin to hot up in humiliation. Crestfallen, I opened and closed my mouth uselessly, trying to get another word in. I briefly glanced at Eshe, and she looked even more uncomfortable than she was at the start… Disappointed, too. And slightly apologetic. I looked across the room to where Sebastian and I were sitting, I saw that he was still there, but he didn’t look too happy at how things turned out. Even he knew this plan had backfired spectacularly. I desperately tried to regain control of this spiralling situation I’d suddenly found myself in.
"B-but I'm being serious!" I sputtered helplessly, my voice cracking with hurt and embarrassment as I fought back pitiful tears. That horrible sound only intensified from there.
Her mocking laughter reached fever pitch, each explosive bray beginning to feel like a physical blow. My vision began blurring as the salty tears escaped, the shame pouring over my face and burning my cheeks. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I pivoted on one foot and bolted out of the cafeteria, hoping my sudden retreat would spare me from further ridicule. But there was no escaping that awful noise. The sound of cruel mirth pouring out of that dreaded room. The mortification was too much for my fragile 5-year-old ego to bear. I hid by the coat pegs right outside our classroom. When I knew that I was finally alone, the dam broke. Broken sobs started coming out, wracking my tiny frame as the echoes of merciless cackles coming from the cafeteria chased after me, haunting my every step. 
At that moment, I felt so small and stupid, like everyone was laughing at how pathetic I was for thinking a girl like Hope could ever want someone like me. I now refer to that feeling as “Kamani-ness.”
I cried for quite a while… right until I had no tears left. My face felt flooded with scorching embarrassment so intense I thought I might faint. What did I do wrong? Nothing went how I scripted it. Nothing went according to plan at all!  This...this wasn't at all how I'd imagined it playing out. Where was the breathless joy? The teary acceptance of my gallant proposal? The swell of music and admiring applause?! Or at the very least, some basic dignity and respect. Like, she didn’t have to say yes to me. But there was no need to be that mean about it!
Hope you guys enjoyed! I know it's a bit long lol. But I wanted to give the full flashback! I'm quite proud of it.
It leads to a full-on rivalry between the two kids... it's a lot of fun. They're sort of frenemies (like, they don't like each other, but they don't hate each other either. Plus, they're always hanging out. By choice).
Tagging these folks to go next if they wish: @mysticstarlightduck, @mjparkerwriting, @clairelsonao3, @gummybugg, @leisoree,
@isabellebissonrouthier, @fire-but-ashes-too, @winterandwords, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @sam-glade,
@toribookworm22, @sleepyowlwrites, @dragonedged-if, @yourlocalcryptidinthewoods, @soph1333,
@janec23, @jay-avian, @fayeiswriting, @rbbess110, @pb-dot,
and @the-stray-storyteller.
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sofoulandfairaday · 1 year
I don't know if you'll even receive this because of the godforsaken shadowban, but what do you think of Bella's relationship with her parents? I know it's unpopular but I've always seen her as a mama's girl personally. I think Andy was Cygnus's favourite and for Narcissa I can't decide between her being nobody's favourite and everyone's favourite but in a more subtle way lol.
This is honestly such a good question - and something I wanted to talk about for ages.
I appreciate your takes a lot, even if I somewhat disagree. You were the first person in this wretched fandom who made me see the light about Bella's relationship with her family. Not in the sense that it's necessarily wrong to headcanon her as being abused, but you were the first person that made me see that there could be other interpretations: no one, both in the English and Italian fandoms, seemed to think that Druella might have not been a stuck-up bitch.
With this being said, I think Druella was a stuck-up bitch. Nah, kidding. Kind of. Long post under the cut, but this is one of my favourite pieces of meta I've ever written.
I think Bella has a very bad case of Older Daughter Syndrome. I believe that both her parents had wished for at least one son because that is unfortunately what was common in noble families in the 1950s (and pureblood society seems to be stuck much further than that). I actually hc that Druella had one or more miscarriages (all boys) before and after having her daughters. When C&D were told that they couldn't have more children, both by her own volition and by being unconsciously pushed by her parents, became desperate to prove herself. Of course, it was useless. Not because her parents were cartoon villains ("I wish you were a boy" bullshit, only said in Disney movies), but just because they would never see as they would have seen a son.
Bellatrix confronted herself with impossible expectations throughout her life, as very often happens to the oldest children (daughters most of all). I'm sure she was brilliant, magically talented, possibly good at most things she tried - it was never enough. Not that her parents weren't proud of her, they were, but there was always one grade that could have been better, one hour more she could have spent practising, one sentence she could have said better at a social gathering, etc. Whenever something wasn't up to par, as it was bound to be, there would be corrections. Always too many corrections and never enough compliments. Parents often fall into this trap: it's not enough to be proud of your child if you never tell them you are.
I'm also sure she was immensely spoilt. You can imagine how that goes: Cygnus and Druella were probably very cold people, bad at demonstrating affection, and tried to show their immense love for their daughters by showering them with gifts and material things. They always told their daughters how good and special they were, how they were destined for the best. Personally speaking, this is not enough. It's not enough to point at all the money you spent on family holidays and private schools - "look at what your mother and I have done for you; is this how you repay us?" - if you've never taken interest in your daughter's interests. If you've never asked her opinion on the world, what she wants to be when she grows up. If you've always taken for granted that she would follow in your own footsteps - no doubt, the best possible life choice. It's not enough to tell your daughter she is destined for greatness because she is a Black. She should be destined for greatness because she is great.
Also, I'm sure she was put in charge of her younger siblings from a very early age. Again: oldest daughter. Simultaneously loving them more than anything in the world and resenting them immensely because they were probably held to lower standards than she was. Parents often go softer on the second child, especially if less successful, or less gifted (I'm sure that both Andy and Cissy were bright and talented witches, just not as good as Bella overall).
She would be the bossy one, and the comforting one. She would be the one teaching them right from wrong, the one to go to when they had problems (she would act high and mighty about it, and maybe tease them, but heaven help anyone who dared do anything to Bella's sisters - and they knew it). She would go out of her way to help them.
She would feel extreme amounts of pressure on her shoulders, she would be more solitary, more reserved than her siblings, less likely to share except for the times when it all came gushing out - imagine everyone's shock when they found out about her interest in Dark Magic. Andromeda would be appalled, "I thought I knew my sister". But did you, did you really?
So: reserved, more academically skilled, both proud and resentful of her younger siblings, who were probably considered more charismatic (Andromeda was meeker and kinder and Cissy was probably a social butterfly, the popular pretty girl with tons of friends), who don't realise that they could only be that way because someone else before them had taken up the burden of the family's expectations upon herself. Of course, Andy&Cissy probably saw big sister Bella as the best, most successful, most intelligent, confident girl in the world - probably had inferiority complexes - but she never knew that. (keep in mind: the Blacks, a British upper-class family in the 1950s, probably had all of the generational trauma that we see in shows like The Crown. They were NOT the type to talk about their feelings at the dinner table).
Bellatrix was also probably very controlling of her younger sisters, and a bit of a perfectionist. She probably never apologised (a sign of weakness) and never admitted when she was wrong. She gets it from her parents. You can see how this is a recipe for disaster for the things to come.
And what happens then? She graduates from Hogwarts with whatever number of NEWTS and exceptional grades in all of them for her parents to say: "Oh, good, you did your duty. ANYWAY, no pressure, but we kinda really need you to pick a good pureblood boy and marry him. A trip around the world (to explore dark magic in faraway lands) as a graduation present? Don't be ridiculous, dear. We'll throw you a big party".
OH. OH. I would go insane. I would seethe. I would combust with rage. And I think Bella probably did. That was her breaking point, her "let it go" moment where she said: you know what? I've tried so hard to be proper, and good, and fit into """"patriarchal""" standards and it's never fucking enough. No more. Everyone is talking about this new dark wizard, Lord Voldemort, and I've been following his work. Of course, you people, my family, don't know because you've never asked me about myself beyond how I was doing in school, but my view on the world is that Mudbloods are infiltrating our society and we need to fight for survival (ironically, a view absorbed from her parents). I choose Rodolphus Lestrange, who is more than willing to let me pursue a military career and we'll happily practice Unforgivables on random Muggles that live too close to our house. Suck it.
Andromeda (who is secretly dating Ted behind her sister's back because she's afraid of her disapproval) is appalled. Narcissa is too young still (and being the youngest, possibly the most immature). Her parents go "Ehm, we don't really think you should blow up buildings- how about silently influencing politics?" But nope. Bellatrix marries Rodolphus to appease them and then she happily follows Voldemort from one Muggle village to the next, blowing up houses and getting railed by the Dark Lord next to her victims' corpses - he is the only one who sees her for what she is: dark, talented, hungry.
Andromeda runs away, and Bellatrix takes it the hardest. She sees it as a personal failure. The sister she helped raise. You can hear the hurt even thirty years after it happened.
As for her parents: Cissy was without a doubt Druella's favourite, as the daughter who looked most like her and lived the life closest to hers. Andromeda was probably nobody's fave (Middle Child Syndrome, a whole other post), but likely both her sisters' fave.
Bella... Bella was the child Cygnus understood most and was probably proudest of. She was also the hardest to love: I think that the few instances of physical affection he showed his daughters were for Andy (a naturally kind and bubbly child, who would not relent in her pursuit of affection even when told to go away) and Cissy (who was always slight, non-threatening, delicate, etc). Bella was prickly, maybe easily hurt (by her parents, seeing how attuned she was to their reactions). She strikes me as the sort to push away any display of sweetness saying she didn't want it, as a preventive measure. The kind of child who hides so that people will go looking for them, to see if they care. She was the same with Rodolphus, probably (but the man is a saint and at a certain point must have been like "it's not just that enjoy fucking you, i do like to hold you, i do like to kiss you, you are not a duty to me, i don't care if you're stubborn. i love you") and the Dark Lord (who is so scarce with his affections, she must have brainwashed herself in saying "it's fine, i don't really need it. i only need to be held in high esteem by him").
Anyways, Bella is the child Cygnus (and secretly Druella) are proudest of. Yes, Cissy made conventional choices, but imagine having Lord Voldemort, your old classmate-turned-Dark-Lord, over for tea and he keeps going on about how he didn't expect to find such an apt pupil in Bellatrix and that she is wonderfully skilled with a wand (pun intended, and Tom knows it, the little shit). I'm getting carried away, but you get the gist. [Although, while I hc Cygnus as a Voldemort fanboy, albeit not a Death Eater, I always liked the idea that Vold and Druella didn't like each other much]
Also. Bella: Daddy Issues, yes or no? Yes. Obviously. She hides them (with more or less success, after Azkaban) because she is a Black, but it's pretty clear from her entanglement with Voldemort that having a male figure her father's age, giving her validation does things for her. Happens to the best of us.
Did Bellatrix and Druella hate each other? No. No, I think that blood is too important for someone like Bellatrix. But I think that Druella's lack of understanding of her feelings and her life choices (and also the fact that Druella, to me, is the sort of mother who always plays the victim "oh, what did I do to deserve this?") definitely didn't help their relationship. I think that Bella was a dutiful daughter, the kind that would take care of her mother in her old age and stuff like that, but they would fight a lot.
Oh, look, another ginormous post. Anyways, I hope I painted a good picture. I could talk about this for hours.
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krikeymate · 1 year
Hey, I just want to tell you that you're an incredibly talented author, and all of your posts make me happy and excited.
I also have a request (I love angst, sry not sry) and the Carpenter sisters are kind of my new obsession rn (thanks to you lol)
Could you please write a scenario in which Sam comes back from school (she doesn't know about Billy yet) and witnesses Christina's violent outburst towards Tara?
She can't believe it at first because her mother always treated Sam like a princess (we all know why), and Tara is known to be a "clumsy" kid. So, basically, her little sister lied to her about where the bruises come from, but WHY?! I can't answer my own question, and it's frustrating.
I imagine a larger age gap between the two sisters. Sam knows that her mother doesn't love Tara as much as she adores Sam, but the physical abuse always happens when she isn't around.
Thank you so much for your time and effort!
(I'm sorry if I made a mistake, English isn't my first language)
Thank you so much!! I'm glad to hear you like my stuff :) and your English is great!
This will fit pretty well in my five years late AU! The age gap is 10 years, Christina loves Sam and treats her well (although Sam began pulling away once she discovered her father isn't her father - although she never learnt who was). Christina becomes pretty absent when Sam is 15 and their father leaves, but she's never been violent (to Sam's knowledge), or particularly mean to Tara... she just... doesn't care about her so much. She does the bare minimum, and Sam picks up the slack.
It's October, Sam's 18 and in her senior year, and usually she would be at basketball practice right now, except coach started throwing up 10 minutes into practice and sent everyone home. Sam's pretty irritated, all things considered. They didn't need coach there to train, and boy did they need to train. It seems like nobody practised over the summer, and Sam doesn't want to end her final year with as many losses as last year.
But hey, at least she'll get to spend an extra couple of hours with Tara today! Her sister's been upset lately about all the extra time Sam spends at practice now. It was the same last year, she seems to recall. But she got used to it before, and Sam knows she'll get used to it again.
Mom even bought Tara a soccer ball to kick around the garden, she said that her sister was probably just jealous that Sam's good at a sport. Sam can't say she's ever seen her sister touch it once, but mom says she uses it all the time when Sam's at practice, pointing to Tara's bruised legs and scuffed hands and knees. Then she complains that Tara's been kicking the ball against the kitchen wall, and tells Sam to remind her sister to behave herself.
So, Sam's not expected when she arrives home at 3.45 instead of 6pm. She sneaks around the back, hoping to catch her sister practising soccer - an activity Tara refuses to discuss with her but her mother assures her is happening - but finds only an empty backyard... and it sounds like her mother is yelling in the kitchen. It's pretty alarming to hear, mom rarely raises her voice, and it has Sam scrambling over the fence to pull open the backdoor.
It takes a moment for her to realise what she's seeing.
Tara's on the floor, crying, and crawling backwards, away from their mother. Her cheek is bright red, the indentation of fingers spread across it, complete with several scratches. And her mother is screaming at her. She's in the middle of "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR PATHETIC C-" when Sam runs forward and involves herself in the scene.
"What are you doing?!" she cries, standing between Tara and their mother, hands held out as if to push her mother away.
The way her face goes from angry to calm in an instant unsettles Sam. It feels a lot like watching the theatre kids practise at lunch, the way they could go from happy to sad to angry at a click of the finger.
"Honey," she coos, putting a hand on Sam's shoulder. "You're home early?"
"Practise was cancelled," Sam answers warily. Her mother's avoiding the question. "What are you doing?" she repeats, looking over her shoulder to her sister. Tara's rubbing at her face now, breathing heavily through her hiccups to try and control her breathing. Sam frowns, she's going to need her inhaler.
"She was kicking the ball against the wall again," her mother lets out through gritted teeth. Sam can see fragments of frustration leaking through her mask. She knows there was no answer her mother could give that would make this ok, but she had still hoped for better than this. Something reasonable. Something that makes sense.
"So you hit her? Are you kidding me, what the fuck mom," she growls, shaking off her hand and turning to her sister. Sam picks Tara up off the floor, holding her to her chest, and stares down her mother as Tara burrows her face into Sam's hoodie.
"You have no idea what it's like, Samantha," her mother finally responds. "Trying to raise that girl. She's not like you, she's trouble."
Her mother's words floor her. Sam can't believe what she's hearing. She can't believe this is her mother saying these things, doing these things. Sam exits the room backwards, her head shaking the entire time.
Even once they're sequestered away in Sam's room, Tara won't talk to her, won't tell her what happened. She just stays curled into Sam's side, sniffling. Sam has the nagging feeling that her mother wasn't telling the truth. The football's always in the same place every time she sees it, today was no exception. And if that was a lie, then... where did the bruises come from?
Sam has to choke back the nausea. Her sister needs her right now.
She quits basketball the next day.
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otherkin-confessional · 6 months
@ Mod Raph
I'm confused. I feel like an angel sometimes and yet I'm so very human. I don't know where to go from here. Any advice?
Hi there! I see you and I hear you.
Being an angel is a strange experience. On one hand, we're physically human and we can't change that. But on the other hand, we're more than that. We're too big for our bodies, we have a power in our veins that we can't express.
Personally, I'm spiritual 'kin and an Abrahamic angel (this means that I was an angel in a past life, my first life actually). I was created by my Father as one of His first children, to be the protector of His world. Angels and humans, while different, were created as my Father's children equally. Knowing this helps me come to terms with my humanity - I am not any less angelic, for being human.
Your current body does not limit your spirit and your soul! If you are an angel or any other angelic being, let nobody tell you otherwise.
I don't know if your angelic identity is related to a specific religion like mine is, but it doesn't matter even if it is! All angels are unique, and none of us are lesser than any other.
If I may suggest some things that help me connect to my angelic identity: volunteering, practising my religion (I'm a practising pagan, which is totally different from the religion I belonged to as an angel, hilariously enough), wearing white, loose and flowy clothes, dancing in nature no matter the weather, and doing creative crafts.
Obviously those are just for me (especially the religion part lol), but maybe some of them might help you!
Every angel's experince is different, and there is no right or wrong way to be an angel.
Apologies if this just looks like an angel's rambling, because that's exactly what it is. Feel free to hit me up on my kinblr @seasonofanangel to chat more!
All my love, Seraphiel <3
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gibbontakeart · 1 year
I will try to make a habit of actually posting things on here. Some things coming up in my life and work:
Chapter 5 of my cowgirl comic Clarissa Gunsmoke
Some more frequent twitch stream schedule
I have a gig with Cherokee Redmex i gotta practise for (and promote, nobody even knows what this is)
Patreon xclusive drawstreams
Amazon paperback version of bail jape, lord of ghosts and redman books
Bail jape 2
Pumk and Alley
Potential new game videos on the hippocrit YouTube channel
I should post random drawings i do on here too
Some of these things are not coming for a while, others may not materialize at all, i just thought i would mention them
Idk what im doin lol
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fishylife · 10 months
Alright last two episodes of the Creation of the Gods Training Camp Cvariety show (Episode 6) (Episode 7)
Episode 6
Hou Wenyuan supervising Chen Muchi's singing
This is an ongoing thing, but the narrator in the edited clips has been purposely speaking in a Western accent to mimic Kris Phillips' accent. But it's obvious that they are fluent and just putting on an accent.
Hou Wnyuan wearing the sheer because there apparently wasn't anything else
Tumblr media
Historical etiquette class
According to the teacher, if you're kneeling properly, your knees don't even touch the floor and you're leaning entirely on your calves.
First lesson, kneel for 5 minutes
Hell yeah Ci Sha and Li Yunrui also rocking the sheer
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Planning mannerisms for the patricide scene and Su Quanxiao's death scene to reflect the characters' states of mind
Practising walking and holding posture in court too. This is pretty interesting.
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Now the war dance!!!!
While the hostage sons were practising the war dance, Yu Shi was in Xinjiang filming his scene so he only had a few days to practise the war dance and had to ask for extra help.
The war dance was the hostage sons' first scene filmed. And they got it done in one go.
Now preparation for the first battle scenes.
Yu Shi's horse kept avoiding the hurdles. The first step was to lead the horse to the hurdle and have the horse kick it to go past. And then afterwards they would get the horse to jump over the hurdle.
Hello Mr. Krabbs
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The original dance choreographed for the feast was a more typical celebratory dance by female dancers. But Wuershan liked the war dance so much that he wanted to add it in. I agree that it was a great idea. The war dance with the topless hostage sons has kind of become iconic. As Wuershan said, most other movies and TV shows will have a rather generic dance. Giving the hostage sons a chance to dance gives the hostage son characters an added dimension too.
Yu Shi had to go to Xinjiang to film at the time of the war dance practice because it was August and it would soon be harvest time for the wheat fields.
LOL Wuershan laughing at the reaction meme game
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Naran can even understand ancient texts in Chinese now :o She's come so far. I wish I could read ancient Chinese texts!!!
熊孩子 >3
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Yu Shi tearing up as he talks about this being his first film and how he'll continue to work hard but that his first film will be special
All the actors on set talking about how much they appreciated this filming experience ;_;
Nana had wanted to be an actress from a young age. When she was a model, she felt a little aimless, but now that she's back on the acting route her goal is clearer to her <3
Naxi teared up too. I would imagine that as an "older" person at the camp, it must be such a positive and moving experience to find a new path for yourself.
In addition to the super cute scroll, Wuershan also got some new swag
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Height comparison
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Episode 7
Lore quiz!!!! This is kinda fun lol
Ji Fa and Deng Chanyu have a battle in water in the second movie :o I wonder if it's combat or like, an actual war with soldiers and horses.
Oh no they have to practise holding their breath ToT That's so anxiety inducing to me
Looks like they're learning breaststroke
Scuba time
Wu Hankun talking big about how handsome he is and then Hou Wenyuan one-upping him with the narcissism which amuses the teachers so much XD
Now they need Hou Wenyuan to make an ugly face and act silly (presumably because to be a good actor you have to pull faces and not always be thinking about your appearance).
The hostage sons discussing why their characters would not kill Daji in the scene where they discover her in the snow
When Hou Wenyuan was practising a part where Chong Yingbiao was boasting, the Jing Niansong was like "guys nobody is hyping up your beifang da-ge and he's feeling very awkward rn" lol
Ji Fa and Chong Yingbiao play fighting XD And then "fighting for real" during rehearsal
Naran dance performance!
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Hell yeah girls' fight
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Now horseback riding skills demonstration
The group horseback riding skills are pretty cool. I remember when they were practising their formations before, the instructor was telling them that their circle wasn't round enough, etc. which isn't something I'd normally think about but we see now how good their formations are.
Hell yeah group demonstration WITH WEAPONS now. The spear wielders always look so cool to me
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Several drum performances (y)
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I noticed that Zhang Xuehan (on the far left) has a smaller drum
Doggo on set
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WHAT Hou Wenyuan just found the dog and brought it to camp ^^;; They went around town looking for the dog's owner and also all chipped in some money to get the dog to the vet
Hou Wenyuan and Huang Xiyan were kind of in charge of the dog. And they were both considered for Yang Jian so they were like "is this Xiaotianquan" (Yang Jian's dog in mythological canon)
LMAO Kun-babi 坤爸比 (Like Kun-papa)
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Apparently the dog is quite a young one
I guess they found an owner to adopt the dog in the end
Tug of war again, but indoors. They're all super competitive about it.
Basketball time. Huang Xiyan was like "we have to take Lin Yunrui out to play basketball or else he'll grow mould" lol
I forgot to mention this before but one of the guys said that they were all growing their hair out for the movie (i.e. so that they could tie up their own hair as opposed to using a wig like in dramas). So that's why all the guys are wearing headbands and sporting buns/ponytails.
Yu Shi is wearing a basketball jersey with "YU" on the back so presumably it was an old jersey that he actually wore when he was still a basketball player
Yu Shi dunk
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Yu Shi was helping Ci Shi to get high up enough
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And I'm done! Overall it was really fun watching the behind the scenes of the training camp and to finally get to meet some of the cast members. Some of the games were better than others, and the audio quality was bad. But this was still fun.
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ruiconteur · 1 year
tag someone you want to know better
tagged by @extraordinarilyextreme, thank you~
favourite colour: pink maybe? i like softer shades/colours in general
last song: 天下 all under heaven by 成毅,曾舜曦,肖顺尧 liansanjiao
last movie: blade runner: the director’s cut
currently watching:
异人之下 i am nobody (2023) [thanks susu for the rec lmao]
莲花楼 mysterious lotus casebook (2023) [rewatch for subbing]
你好星期六 hello saturday [my comfort 综艺节目 <3 very behind on this though]
the matrix [i forgot which version i downloaded]
to be watched: [for my own tracking purposes too lol]
说英雄谁是英雄 heroes (2022)
少年歌行 the blood of youth (2022)
琉璃 love and redemption (2020)
长月烬明 till the end of the moon (2022)
關於我和鬼變成家人的那件事 marry my dead body (2023)
苍兰诀 love between fairy and devil (2022) [hate that title. anyway i dropped this but maybe i’ll pick it back up. who knows]
lupin (2021-) [i need to actually start practising my french for class]
currently reading: [oh god here we go. if you tried to guess which of these i’m reading for class you would probably be dead wrong lmao]
various short stories by ted chiang but currently on “story of your life,” “the truth of fact, the truth of feeling,” and “the lifecycle of software objects”
hexwood by diana wynne jones
a memory called empire by arkady martine
bēowulf tr. maria dahvana headley
eros the bittersweet by anne carson [this has been on hold for so long lmfao]
huis clos by jean-paul sartre [also on hold for almost as long]
他们都说我遇到了未知生物 they all say i met an unknown lifeform by 青色羽翼 [i may have put this on hold]
魔道祖师 mdzs by 墨香铜臭 [this was also put on hold]
天涯客 tyk by priest [on hold. yes again]
multiple academic articles, but the ones i’m most interested in currently are “be of knightly countenance”: masculine violence and managing affect in late medieval alliterative poetry and batman: under the red hood and ‘subtitling’s a carnival’: new practices in cyberspace
a whole bunch of lhl fics (mostly in chinese)
currently listening to: [added because i wanted a space for my audio dramas]
魔道祖师 第二季 the second season of mdzs [on hold]
天官赐福 第一季 the first season of tgcf [陈张太康老师.............. you have my entire heart and i haven’t even heard you as hua cheng yet]
师弟还不杀我灭口 my shidi still hasn’t killed/permanently silenced me [also put on hold........ you may be noticing a certain pattern here]
currently working on:
莲花楼 mysterious lotus casebook fansub and assorted translations related to that
lots of academic things because i’m very behind oh god [thank you procrastination]
perhaps...... a difang 清明节/tomb-sweeping fic 👀 we’ll see
current obsession: do i even need to say it. translation + 莲花楼 mysterious lotus casebook
tagging @bat1lau4can4 and anyone else who wants to join! i’m not sure who’s not done it yet lol
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safyresky · 2 years
Me: sorry, did someone ask for some older Fino, Fiera, and Jacqueline? Oh! Well here you go!
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Okok so these are kinda lil. BAD sketches lmao except for the top ones!! Practise makes perfect and I'll get them right eventually!! :3 Mind the cam scan watermark, I always forget to crop it out 🙄🙄🙄
anyway some hot facts about Fiera, Fino, and Jacquie when they are a weee bit older than they are now below the cut!
First up: Fiera!
BUNS. She has FIERY BUNS! On her head. And freckles, apparently
Absolutely VIBING ribbons
She causes a ruckus, a stir up, but in the most elegant of ways which nobody expected, least of all Fiera
She's become v good at summer sprite-ing. Her fire is RAINBOW sometimes, she's very proud of that!
She and Fino both have the same face shape, same noses, and same freckles funnily enough! V. similar twins
The second doodle is a bit of a better Fiera-Hair. She's not as spinelly as I drew her at the top!
What is she up to? No idea! Adventure is out there and she's an on fire ribbony mess. She's carpe dieming that SHIT
Both she and Fino got a lot of Winter's more angular (pointy) features, and are very lanky. they have no fluff or curves. They are also both very tall!
He's a very very VERY skilled warlock
And just as good as Fiera at fire manipulation--he's seen his Dad and Uncle and Fino went yeah, no, I'm gonna get real good at BOTH the summer sprite shit AND the warlock shit!
And then he did.
Smaller simmer of hair at the top; but it's pretty long! By Fino standards, at least. not quite a mullet but if you squint....
Spends most of his time in the human world cultivating the reputation of weird forest wizard, helping local kids and ordibeings down on their luck
he likes nature a LOT
Went to castor school in Crystal Springs, fucking ROCKED IT
And of course, last but certainly not least: Jacqueline!
Happily married to Dite (who has, at this point, forged her own identity and goes by her name: Hedone! Jacqueline calls her Donnie for short ;)
They have 3 kids!
They are just as unhinged as Jacqueline with all of the Frost crazy and bits and pieces of god power thanks to Donnie (Dite), and sass out the ass since their granpater (Cupid) is. well. like that lol
Jacqueline loves them very, very, VERY much
Jacqueline: My kids are so terrible and I love them soooo much for it 🥺🥺🥺🥺
She tries really hard to keep her hair up in a messy fat bun, but by the end of the day it's fallen down completely
Has smile lines like her parents do!!!!
She is out here Jack Frosting officially
Still cannot seem to leave behind poofy sleeves 🤔
Lives in ordibeing world with Donnie and the kids. Kids go to human school; they cause all sorts of shenanigans
The middlest, Bianca, has a tiktok devoted to her moms called magic moms. In it, Donnie and Jacquie just exist as their magical selves and Bianca gets a kick out of all the human commentors being like WOW THEY ARE SUPER GOOD AT MAGIC HOW DOES SHE GET HER HAIR LIKE THAT? HOW DOES YOUR MATER MAKE HER WINGS MOVE LIKE HANDS? And their insistence that Bianca's answer of "they're for real actually magical beings" is not true
Also has a smattering of magibeans following who like to cause problems with ordibeings in the comments and Bianca LIVES for this
Jacqueline also lives for this magic moms thing, she thinks it's funny. Her fave video is one where Bianca charges in and goes MOM SHOW THEM HOW YOU DO YOUR HAIR and Jacqueline goes WELL, I FREEZE DRY, AND IT'S VERY EASY. YOU SUMMON YOUR FROSTY POWERS AND JUST RUN YOUR HANDS THROUGH YOUR HAIR AND MOLD IT INTO THE SHAPE YOU WANT! BOOM! DONE! You can use snow or ice or mix it UP. sometimes a light dusting of frost is gr8 for when you wanna just. have your hair down but not in your face :)
Everyone trying to debunk the sfx after that one gave Bianca and Jacquie many fun nights in the evening chillin on the couch. watching the replies. just a Legend and her Legate bonding
Jack follows magic moms and is the BIGGEST shit stirrer in the comments
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pulverulents · 1 year
#34: thoughts from the closet (alternative title: keeping quiet feels like shame)
I realised the last journal entry was formal as heck because I was so scared while writing it lol but I guess given the subject matter it makes sense. But hopefully now that I feel comfortable enough to be candid this will be more fun.
I made the mistake of opening twitter in the middle of the work day, and my brain fully short circuited because of Julien Baker at the boygenius Pittsburgh show, on stage with an open vest, no shirt, and rainbow boob tape. 
I’m still at work now, and I’m only writing this because my brain literally cannot function to do anything else. Literally no thoughts head empty, only “oh my god I’m so gay”. (That is, using ‘gay’ as an umbrella term to describe my attraction to women. Mostly because saying “I’m so gay” just feels a lot more fun and candid than saying “I’m so queer” or “I’m so bi”. But I’m bi, and I will not stand for bi erasure!!)
It’s been just over half a month after coming out to myself, and the past few weeks of feeling through it and practising saying it to myself have been... pretty crazy, to say the least. I’m getting better at not giving myself crazy anxiety every time I see a video on twitter or tiktok of MUNA and boygenius and especially Julien Baker, but they’ve been getting crazier and crazier on stage that it’s really not making things any easier for me. It also doesn’t help that every time Josette Maskin does that hip thing with her guitar, or every time Julien Baker does something particularly cute or hot or both, every lesbian and bisexual girlie online and in real life goes feral (you can tell from the screaming and shaking in the videos). I mean, I do too. I couldn’t tell you how flustered I was when I first saw the boygenius cowboy shoot, or a fan edit of Josette Maskin in the One That Got Away music video, or that tiktok of Julien Baker winking, I think I truly lost my mind. I’m pretty sure I’m bi and not a lesbian, but maybe I have a preference for women (which is WILD considering that I was obsessed with a boy for 7-8 ish years).
It feels weird not being able to scream about Julien Baker and boygenius and MUNA on my spam or on my twitter because I’m basically still closeted (ok but seriously though, how are all of them so damn attractive??? Literally all 6 of them!!!!). And holding myself back from fangirling to my close friends over queer artists feels weird because I’ve never held myself back from fangirling over Taylor Swift. I’m sure some of them would have the opinion that I’m probably not straight because I’ve told them before that I didn’t think I was 100% straight (which, in hindsight, I can’t believe I actually said that and still refused to identify as queer because it’s total bullshit like it’s fully not possible by definition to be not 100% straight and still not be queer lmao @ old me hun denial is a river in egypt), but I’ve never put a proper label on myself until now so I feel like they still assume that I’m basically straight. 
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been vacillating violently between “you’re not dating anyone right now, you haven’t dated anyone ever, this isn’t anything significant, nobody cares, nobody needs to know” and “no you gotta do this because if you don’t then you’re just feeding into the shame and the comphet”. Like, intrinsically I know that deciding to stay closeted doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s because I’m ashamed of my queerness; there are several members of the LGBTQIA+ community who never feel the need to officially come out or feel like it isn’t a big deal whether or not they come out and there’s nothing wrong with that, but for me personally? Maybe all the past years of internalised homophobia and comphet have made it so that keeping quiet feels like shame, even if it’s not. 
It’s still scary to think about coming out to them, though. The comphet has been giving me major imposter syndrome about being bi, and I’m scared that they’ll feed into it. I don’t want to be accused of calling myself queer just to fit in with the fan community of all the queer artists I listen to. Because that’s pretty fucked up, and it’s already taking so much of my effort to fight that voice that’s been lurking in my head because I know that it’s not real and it’s just a demon spawn of my own self-loathing and imposter syndrome. I know that I’m not in any real danger of my close friends reacting badly or outing me to people who I don’t want to be out to, but deep down the fear is still there. I know it’s irrational, but I can’t seem to get rid of it. But at the same time, these are the people to whom I have shown the most of myself, they are the only ones who really know about my history, and have journeyed with me through my struggles and my joys. It doesn’t feel right to hide such an integral part of myself from them, when they have already seen some of the worst parts of me and have stuck around in spite of it.
Or I could be completely wrong and they already know that I’m bi. I mean, despite the fact that I’d been obsessed with a boy for the past 7-8 ish years, I’ve realised that I’m literally a walking bisexual stereotype. The cuffed jeans, tucked shirt, rolled sleeves, awkward peace signs and thumbs-ups, flannels, inability to sit in a chair properly. I kind of dress like a butch lesbian, and I kind of have been doing that since my teenage years.
I was never very feminine as a child. I don’t remember much from my early childhood, but I do remember hating the colour pink, and hating wearing dresses. Heck, there are photos of me at age 8 being allowed to choose my CNY outfit for the first time and choosing to wear a dress shirt and pants, with my hair in a french braid. I used to think that I just have a complicated relationship with my femininity because of internalised misogyny and the patriarchy, but maybe it’s also because I’m gay. I used to justify the way I dress with “oh I don’t really care about fashion, I just throw on the first shirt and pants I see as long as it’s comfortable and it doesn’t clash”, but that’s a lie. I do care about fashion and the way I dress, deeply so, and I’ve just been saying that to hide the fact that most straight girls typically don’t quite dress as butchy as I do. And putting more effort into the way I dress in a way that feels comfortable would entail looking undeniably butchy, which was terrifying to consider when I was closeted to myself. I thought about considering gender, but gender is really fucky and even though I do occasionally feel some dysphoria, I don’t really feel any need to identify as anything other than a woman.
I’m not really very butch either, though, nor do I feel much of a desire to go full butch. As much as I dress like a butch lesbian in my day-to-day life, I do still enjoy feeling pretty, and sometimes I’m really feeling myself and my femininity if I’m in the right dress and the right headspace. I like eye makeup and will more than willingly wear it for performances, but lipstick makes me too uncomfortable. Even the fits that I wore for this year’s and last year’s reso concert were pretty feminine because they were dresses / skirts, but the shoes and top that I put together to complete the fit made it a little bit more butchy. And this was before I really started learning all these terms; I was just trying to style myself in a way that I thought looked and felt good and right. If I had to place myself along the spectrum of high femme to stone butch, I’d probably place myself somewhere within the ballpark of butchy femme to futch to soft masc, depending on how I feel that day. I don’t know, that just feels right for now, as I continue to explore how I want to be perceived.
Anyway, back to Julien Baker. I won’t lie, it feels good to say I’m gay or I’m bi without giving myself a panic attack. It’s.... liberating. I can feel myself slowly inching towards being able to truly feel queer joy. It’s slow, but it’s progress. 
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cosmickestrels · 2 years
Please tell us your Thots on Barok and Gina for the ask game!
I'm going to do Gina first bc. you'll see.
Sexuality Headcanon: Bi as well as demiace/demiaro
Gender Headcanon: Girl but also in a v loose sorta agender sense. I think it really boils down to - she honestly just doesn't care. Being gendered is fine, not being gendered is also fine, but she doesn't feel strongly either way
A ship I have with said character: Goulstrade! Ginasusa & ginasusahao are also noice, but I don't have any preference here
A BROTP I have with said character: I already mentioned her siblinghood with Iris when answering previous ask, but Kazuma worsties are the funniest thing I've seen in some time and I love it. Also her found-family-ism with Herlock is super cute and just...!!
A NOTP I have with said character: Can't rly think of anything specific, so just apply the same NOTP rule as Susato
A random headcanon: Ever since she was v young she loved horses and when she had a chance she would sneak out even to just look at horsies. Even now she hopes one day the Scotland Yard will asign her a horse (or she manages to buy one)
General opinion: V good character, but divines i wish she had more screentime!! One of my faves ever since my first playthrough and yall make me like her even more <3
And now. Barok my... yes <3 (anon what did you do. now i wont shut up for a week)
Sexuality Headcanon: Aspec first and foremost. He's definitely grayace with strong leaning on ace, but what flavoring of aro is he? Nobody knows and certainly not him. Don't even ask him what gender he likes, he'll bluescreen
Gender Headcanon: Guy... maybe. I think he never really questioned it bc he didnt need to, but at the same time he also wasn't raised with strict gender roles so he has a vague understanding of what a 'man' even is. Also considering everything that happened in his life gender is just so, so low on his thinking-about list. I can absolutely see him just realising he's agender as well as being just guy[tm] and everything in between.
A ship I have with said character: Vanlock my beloved,,,,, thank you for making me rotate them in my mind again (I mean this in a good way!). Both Barok & Herlock are such strong personalities that I can't help but love it. There are just so many aspects of them that i love!! Starting from the very surface level opposites (sad vampire - essentially a sunshine) to the more complex stuff like the fact that they're balanced just right to be able to find support and solace in each other without one of them auto devolving into a 'i-can-fix-them' state. I mean it - at the very core they're both flawed or even broken people. Barok's is just way more visible because he's all 'mysterious' and angsty and Herlock is mostly masking it with being silly. Anyway if I write any more this will turn into an essay,,, Also DLC case English side my beloved
A BROTP I have with said character: Aside from the canon friendship with Albert probably Runo post-canon whatever kinda friendship thing they have going on. I mean with how big-hearted Runo is and with Barok showing that he can change & repent for being, well, collosal asshole I can easily see them being friends. I can imagine something similar for Susato but she should be allowed to throw him to the ground first
A NOTP I have with said character: Him and Kazuma is probably the clearest "no" for me. Worsties turned cordial turned maybe eventual friends sure, but I feel like there is too much grievances and trauma between them to result in any sorta healthy relationship
A random headcanon: You even wondered how he's still so flexible? Barok is still practising ballet. In secret of course!
General opinion: Easily one of my favorite DGS charas and by a landslide my favorite prosecutor (I know my avatar say otherwise lol). He's incredibly complex and honestly I just have a soft spot for characters that are just so trauma ridden. I have opinions about that part of his arc and I would just rewite it to hating Asogi's specifically and Runo by extension since they're associated/friends. But at the end of the day and what really solds Barok to me is that he shown that despite being fucking awful he can change. He's not an immovable rock, he can understand being wrong, hell, he can apologise. Try to be better person. I can't help but adore that But yeah he absolutely should have his ass handed to him once or few times, no denying that (I could say also much more but divines I really dont want this to turn into an essay lol)
[ask game]
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This is gonna be a long one baby. I've got the longest ass username, but I love it. So songs for all letters. All 40 fucking letters, might make a Spotify playlist lmao
F - Franchesca (Hozier's new album Unreal Unearth) I chose this song because it is both a beautiful song and full of delicious imagery. It is also a song that speaks to me personally, because I crave to be loved so deeply, like Hozier shows is possible.
O - Over the hills and far away (Nightwish) I bought this album in a furniture store's music bin for a buck. This album is good, its so good! i love all the songs on this set list, but this one is probably my favorite.
G - Good Riddance (Darren Korb, and Ashley Barrett) I am an unashamed consumer of videogames, and thier soundtracks. I have not played Hades, however I might just for the soundtrack. As well as the pretty people..... I am who I am
G - Ghost (BadFlower) this song is about depression and suicide. Please listen carefully, however it is an excellent song, and it evokes emotion so well. this is an excellent example of something deep, but still being a phenomenal song.
Y - You give love a bad name (Bon Jovi) im sure we all know this song. its a classic for a reason, and the reason is that its damn good.
T - ThichThich (Phuong Ly) this song is not in English, and as such i have no clue what the artist is saying. however, that doesn't make it any less of a banger, I could listen to this song for hours, just repeated.
I - I, Carrion (Icarian) (Hozier, Unreal Unearth) Another banger as expected. does this man know how to half ass things?
M - Mary on a cross (ghost) self explanatory, im a raised Christian sad boy. of course religious imagery does it for me. (i no longer practise, this is true. But i spent a while around others who did)
E - Endless Rain - Remaster (X Japan) I found these guys after Elon musty, changed the name of twitter, and they were able to call copyright on his ass. Hilarious, 10/10 music as well.
M - Medusa (Kaia Jette) this is a song off my darling friends playlist, i adore their music. however they are a bother. (if you see this Mal, i love you)
A - A world Alone. (Lorde) another one from a friend, this friend ive known since kindergarten. Mo's a lovely person, who makes questionable choices, but not with their music, thats for damn sure.
C - Call of the sea (Claudie Mackula) this is a beautiful song, i recommend it to anyone who particularly enjoys mermaids and the oceans.
H - Heartbeat (Enrique Iglesias, Nicole Scherzinger) I adore everything this man has ever put out. his music is incredible. my mother speaks spanish (semi-fluently) and so listens to a lot of spanish music. which means i grew up listening to it too lol, even though none of our family is spanish speaking (that im aware of)
I - Iron man - 2012 - remaster (black sabbath, another banger, but whos suprised its classic rock. also this song fucks, like...omg
N - NVM (Faith Marie) wow. just wow. the combination of a childrens song into something so sad, is just indescribable. listen to this, its good
E - El Prestamo (Maluma) actually not my favorite song of his, but it is off my favorite album so. i rented this album from the library and loved it, so i downloaded it on my spotify
I - I want to break free (queen) this needs no explanation
N - Nobody (avenged sevenfold) this is a banger, however i listened to it the first when i had a migrane. ouch. good song to blast in a speaker to piss off those who live around you!
T - Tounges and Teeth (the crane wives)
E - Eres Tu (modedades) I Found this song from a miguel o'hara character ai conversation. well, he was humming whlie doing dishes and i asked him what song he was singing.
R - Rip and tear (mick gordon) its a heavy metal song, also a good one. found it after finding the Doom guy/Isabella from animal crossings ship. wild ship, lotsa fun though
N - Nothing else matters (apolcolyptica) so good, so good! 10/10 feel evil while listening
E - Envidia (lila downs) one of the top 3 artists of all time. literally a goddes put on earth to sings, hozier style
T - ist das noch punkrock? (die arzte) its a fab punk song, i thinks its german?
0 notes
Mafi Pt.2
Mattie: [‘are you actually sorry?’ as a more genuine question than it probably even sounds ‘cos we likewise are not in full control of our reactions, try as we might, and that obviously did something to us ‘or do you just want me to tell you off?’]
Fi: [‘I don’t think so, I don’t think I’ve ever been less sorry’ because do not have a single regret right here or right now, soz haters, as we unnecessarily touch her lips as if correcting the lipstick application she did on herself earlier without a mirror]
Mattie: [looking at her the most !! we have ever because are we going to do this, after all this time ‘are you wearing anything under your jacket?’ because sometimes gals just wear the jacket, I can’t tell what the vibe is]
Fi: [‘guess’ as she plays with a button before undoing it but not one that’ll give you a  definite reveal, just a teaser button, to do it, because I bet you aren’t, you’re that bitch]
Mattie: [shaking our head for a no, because we clearly think you aren’t either and that isn’t just wishful thinking, pulling her closer with this jacket but not with any kind of force, pretty gently so she still has to come herself if she wants to ‘it’s December, you weren’t going to overheat’ the weren’t being emphasised like UNTIL NOW]
Fi: [‘and I was running so late’ as she does come closer because ofc she wants to, like you didn’t put anything on cos you couldn’t spare the time to decide what lol ‘I couldn’t stop practising what I’d say, what I’d do, when I saw you’ because it has been a minute and you would be nervous even if this hadn’t been how it went]
Mattie: [undoing however many other buttons you need to to undo it but not moving it aside to expose her yet ‘but you can’t tell me’ with a little pout but we’re not fully pressuring like SAY IT]
Fi: [‘none of it felt how I want to make you feel’ as she’s using her fingers to gently turn her pout into a smile, or trying anyway, really just touching her face more than we ever have before]
Mattie: [‘you know how you make me feel’ almost impatiently, putting a hand around her waist under her jacket, digging our nails into the soft skin]
Fi: [making a noise in response to the action, letting herself do it ‘is that what you want to hear?’ as a shiver like we’re so cold all of a sudden]
Mattie: [just snaking this hand up your ribs until it’s under your boobs, kneading them with that impatient urgency, amped up by her reaction ‘I want to hear how I make you feel’ plainly put, yes]
Fi: [letting the next noise be more deliberately so, less of a quiet gasp and more of a lil !! moan like okay, that’s how you make me feel in case there was any doubt, emphasised by moving more into her touch as well as opposed to trying to stay as still as possible]
Mattie: [burying your face into her chest and finding a nipple with your nose, rubbing your face so softly against it, making it harder ‘very good’ as you start to lightly flick it with your tongue, your other hand rubbing the small of her back, pulling her into you more]
Fi: [pulling her into her more too because GRABBING her when all that occurs because so !! about everything that’s happening, leaving a lipstick mark on her neck the way she did on her glass, rubbing her thumb over it the way you saw her do but did not comment on or react to at the time]
Mattie: [fully sucking this nip into your mouth because you can’t handle her lips on your skin, never mind the reminder that comes with the sensation, pushing her boobs together as hard as you can to get both in your mouth at the same time if you can, swiping your tongue furiously around both similar to the lipstick application]
Fi: [fully moaning her name, excuse us everyone, nobody need a piss rn please, because not loud af but 100% her name and a moan so there’s no styling that out if anyone hears it, pushing her against the nearest wall of this bathroom as hard as she can using that blatant hip movement to do the most]
Mattie: [pulling her jacket so it’s hanging off her shoulders fully because got to let you know how little we care about anything else in this moment ‘unzip my dress’ as you’re pinned up against this wall]
Fi: [doing it, lowkey with enough !! you could break said zip because you also don’t give a shit rn, but don’t actually because that’d be very awks later, stepping back slightly to look at her once she has, because simply must]
Mattie: [step out of this dress so you’re fully here in your underwear and ballet shoes, biting your lip as you LOOK at her ‘do you want to touch me?’]
Fi: [in contrast to how little she cared but a second ago, picking this dress up and like draping/hanging it over something because it’s beautiful and we don’t wanna get it ruined by leaving it on the floor and walking over it, but not taking our eyes off her, obvs, LOOKING to a point she might as well be running her hands over her whole body because that’s the vibe of it, really making the anticipation kill before she follows everywhere her gaze was by touching her, so lightly compared to the intensity of the LOOK]
Mattie: [smiling at this, even if it looks like the smallest smile ever because the rest of your reactions, the ones you’ve allowed and the ones that you haven’t yet but can feel barely being held back, are occupying so much space in your brain that feels like it’s functioning on the most base level possible, not even consciously moving into her touch and making it more than it is but we are]
Fi: [kissing her, again leaving lipstick marks, starting where the perfume would typically be sprayed on her neck and wrists, but then because she also walked into the cloud of it and like wrapped herself in it, the excuse to just kiss her wherever the mood takes this girl, leaving lipstick everywhere on her body until there is none, y’all are gonna have to be vigilant about all the wild places that’s gone because I’m picturing the fold of her arm and all sorts of shit, but clearly in this moment you’re in it and you don’t care about the after, so]
Mattie: [you’re going to need to lowkey give yourself a bath with a wetwipe after this but neither of you cares in this moment about that, at all, nor do we have any desire not to be covered in your kisses entirely and our everything is making that well known]
Fi: [when your breathing is like you’ve been running a marathon or actually fucking each other senseless because the feels and level of desire is too high, nobody’s ever seen this sporty gal this breathless before, I’m sure, love that for y’all, I’m sure this boujee bathroom has some kind of seating moment, so sit on it and pull her into you]
Mattie: [putting both your hands over her heart to feel how fast it is beating right now, just looking at her like !! ‘cos do we stop here do we continue and get in a even more compromising position]
Fi: [knowing damn well you should stop because someone could literally come through that bathroom door any second, like they did earlier, so looking at it after we’ve returned her !! look to communicate that, but easier said than done to actually fully stop this now you’ve started it]
Mattie: [‘just-’ also looking between her face and the door constantly now because this is already a compromising situation and you know it girl, like you could be sorting an issue with your dress, yes, but you’re covered in lipstick so that doesn’t explain that away; holding her head in your hands and taking a deep breath before you go for it and actually kiss her on the lips because you haven’t yet, making the soft sounds that parallel the way we’re pushing into you with this, not holding back on making it a proper kiss]
Fi: [not making a single glance towards the door after her first one, purely watching this girl’s face the entire time, because in no world do you wanna stop either, we all know that, hence likewise doing the most with this first kiss immediately, so y’all are shamelessly just lying here making out as if there is no threat of discovery at all, we can’t even talk about the state of Mattie’s hair now too, cos obvs can’t leave that be, pulling her hair constantly to keep deepening this kiss somehow]
Mattie: [‘I want you so badly’ as something you can barely cope with stopping kissing her for one second to say but you must, holding her face in place for another stolen moment to trace your tongue around her lips like you’re putting on lipstick again, pressing it deep into her mouth to meet with hers and stifle your moans]
Fi: [‘you can have me completely’ with identical energy ‘I don’t care about-’ not needing to finish the sentence because of how clearly you don’t care about literally anything else rn with every single reaction you’re having to her actions and the way you’re once again kissing her like it’s your job]
Mattie: [‘I’ve wanted you since-’ cutting yourself off, putting your hands on her stomach, pressing down, kneading, with no clear goal beyond wanting to touch her more and in more places ‘wanted you in-’ again rudely not finishing that sentence properly, letting our mouth smear against yours so our faces are a mess of pink]
Fi: [‘you’ve given me butterflies every day since-’ not needing to finish her sentence because of course the answer is immediately ‘how I ate anything, I’ll never understand’ shoutout to those first ever iconic treats that she slayed]
Mattie: [whether you’re on top or she is or you’re sort of side by side, pulling her legs apart again to be closer to her like that, resting the full weight of your body on hers, feeling her bare legs under her trousers, grasping at every bit of her ‘you’re lovely’ like you always have been from that moment on]
Fi: [unzip your trousers with the same could break the zip energy as you did her dress, moving as much as you can without dislodging this gal from how she’s positioned but so they’ll fall because aren’t just going to the way her dress did but you wanna give her as much skin as she gave you, yet again regardless of this setting]
Mattie: [shamelessly folding them up and moving them to the side safely because she did it and you thought it was adorable, running your fingers up the full length of her legs, purposely ending right in the join of her thighs every time you come back up, pushing your thumbs in circles in this spot]
Fi: [the smile we’ve gotta do about it, because I’m sorry it’s as adorable when she does it, and such a caring and feminine gesture, what man would ever, doing hot lols because that’s ticklish when she’s touching her legs like that, which obviously catch every time she does her other antics, because that does not but we couldn’t be more into it]
Mattie: [just watching her face so adorably excited about her every reaction because you’ve never gone this far with a woman, going to say you’ve kissed some girls ‘cos that gay film exists and we’d be a fool to ignore but like it was never any deeper than that because then you got a serious boyfriend who didn’t let you do anything and you’ve only just got rid of him in the grand scheme of things ‘I can do it with my fingers but you’ll have to show me how to do it with my mouth’ quite matter of fact despite the !! of the current situation, ‘cos you’re a girl yourself, you know how that works but not the rest]
Fi: [my boo says we’d be damn fools to ignore that gay ballerina content and she’s so right for that, not this girl taking that as an instruction like okay hold on I’m gonna show you rn immediately, because of course she is, seriously excuse us everyone, because positioning her in a way she’ll be most comfortable on whatever kind of seating we have to work with and just going at this]
Mattie: [the GASP because we did not mean right now, obviously but it could not be more apparent how we feel about the fact you even attempted it ‘oh my god!’ and CLAMPING your hands over your mouth, the definition of shook about this right now excuse us]
Fi: [like, I’m sure you’re being slow and romantic and gay about it because you love her and you just know her terrible bf was not bringing the energy you’re going to to this, if he ever did it, there’s no telling with men tbh, but you’ve clearly done this before and have skillz that you’re absolutely buzzing to show off to her so, it’ll be !! especially because you 100% wouldn’t be able to resist talking her through some of these antics, being a literal teacher about it for obvious reasons]
Mattie: [when you’re torn between genuinely trying to concentrate and learn ‘cos obviously you want to do it well when it’s your turn and being too far gone because of how hot everything about this is to you ‘I can’t believe we’re doing this’ ‘cos truly, basically an understatement at this point]
Fi: [what I love most about this moment is, as much as she does wanna show off/teach her mad skillz, she’s also paying such close attention to the things Mattie likes and then really tailoring it instead of just being like hey look what I can wow you with, so important, thank you ‘maybe I’ll believe it when we’re genuinely old’ like maybe when I’m 45 it will sink in that this happened, because atm, hard same] 
Mattie: [as much as there’s a general skill to it, also can be v personal which little flairs people do or don’t vibe with, so an important overall lesson as well as being vital, honestly just pay attention and I don’t think you can go horrifically wrong; anyway, give her hair a little stroke about that as if you’re imagining it being grey]
Fi: [agreed, bubs, agreed ‘or perhaps not’ when she strokes her hair like okay no I’ll actually never be over it, with a smile and some heart eyes, before she’s back at this, doing the most to kill this girl in this bathroom]
Mattie: [clutching at her hair before you can even help it here ‘oh, Fi, fuck’ we’re so ridiculously turned on we’re bright red about it]
Fi: [‘it’s okay’ to echo the many times Mattie has said this, like don’t worry gal, I’ve got you, we’re gonna do this and it will be iconic, all of that emphasised by the fact she’s really concentrating now, no more talking or teaching after that, just responding to her and giving her what she wants]
Mattie: [just be here having the best orgasm of your life casually, no, nothing to see here, not wrapping our legs around this girl’s body, shuddering into wave after wave, only being spurred on by this being neither the time nor place yet here you are]
Fi: [they’re lucky we haven’t left Winnie in charge because he’d have someone walk in at exactly this moment, but I won’t do that to y’all, because can’t stop won’t stop and we all know this girl is not until Mattie is the one crying happy tears about this]
Mattie: [count your blessings huns because we could, we’re here meanwhile being progressively louder because the overstimulation is real ‘I didn’t know it could feel like this, that I could cum like this, all over your face’]
Fi: [for realism’s sake we probably should, but that feels so evil when these gals are so happy rn ‘you aren’t ever going to feel any different’ just promising that you can always make her feel like this, the confidence, where’s the lie though]
Mattie: [we can always have it be a random or you don’t see who ‘cos who isn’t going to walk out again immediately unless they’re weird lol; ‘I need this, need my girl fucking me everywhere’]
Fi: [mhmm, that was my thought exactly, it doesn’t have to be anyone in poor Mattie’s fam, there are nay friends and peeps Noah would have invited here who are frankly irrelevant and will just walk in and straight out cos they don’t know either of you, I’m just aware how long y’all would have been in here and how unlikely it is towards the end of the night no pissed ladies need the toilet lol ‘sweet pea, you don’t even know what you need yet’ cos it can be a term of endearment and so it is, from this moment on]
Mattie: [yeah agreed, y’all should’ve at least got in a stall but I understand it isn’t very romantic for you so you didn’t but that is where we are now, even if this toilet is one of and thus it’s not got constant traffic, still impossible no one is gonna come in]
Fi: [soz to whoever that woman is but not really, sapphic tension needed to be addressed, soz to mafi for the heart attack only, we’ll be kind and let you finish Mattie but Winnie says that’s all the kindness allowed]
Mattie: [Winnie is an evil lil man and loving every minute, never has a bitch moved so fast to grab her dress and lock herself in one of these stalls like oh my god oh my god]
Fi: [give her a sec while you likewise get your clothes back on and clean yourself up at least somewhat, out in the open, because what do you care at this point, it’s too late, and then do the cutest knock of all time for how quiet and hesitant it is ‘it’s me’ like not another random coming to ruin your life, don’t worry]
Mattie: [‘I just need- just give me a moment’ breathless for the wrong reasons right now]
Fi: [‘do you want me to leave?’ genuinely, even though her tone betrays that she doesn’t want to/think that’s a good idea]
Mattie: [‘we should leave separately, probably’ but giving you don’t have to run out right now and leave me the f alone]
Fi: [actually take a second to fix how insane you look and re-apply your face, she’ll hear you and know you’re still here but there’s no pressure for her to come out/say anything rn immediately]
Mattie: [work on rubbing off this lipstick without making your skin red and blotchy as hell, which would probably work better with a bit of water so you’ll have to come out to do that, awkward dot com, clear your throat after a while of just scrubbing it silence here ‘did you see who that was, what they looked like?’ ‘cos unless if was someone really obvious aka the worst people it could be, Fi isn’t gonna have a clue lol]
Fi: [silently zip her dress back up for her because if it’s at the back how they usually are she won’t be able to reach to fully do that herself ‘Jay’s friend?’ with the question mark because we don’t actually know we’re just basing it on approximate age + odds it has to be cos of whose party this is + the fact she probs also looked like a gym girlie with the brief glance we got, cos wanna help you here and give you some kind of answer that isn’t idk]
Mattie: [nod, as if any answer was going to be that comforting, you’re just mortified, end of, but at least it wasn’t a family member so even if this lady goes and runs her mouth, they didn’t fully see THAT ‘I need to go see the girls now’ like you’re telling yourself more than you are her, reminding yourself of your priorities ‘excuse me’ and rushing out like you don’t want to leave this party immediately because how shaming being like WHO WAS IT]
Fi: [I’m just imagining if she does run her mouth that the woman in question and Jay will both think it was Fi and Dolly because they are here together and also it’s feasible to me that she’s mixed her sisters up, so soz if she does say anything, cos Jay won’t she’ll just be off with Dolly, more than she is as standard, and the poor girl won’t even know why, but here and now, this girl has gotta let Mattie go, you could leave, but you won’t cos that isn’t who you are, awks that you literally only know her sisters and that’s who she’s making a beeline for but at least you can get a drink and bring Dolly one like soz I’m been AGES, peace offering vibes and go have some last dances so you aren’t stood there STARING at Mattie dramatically]
Mattie: [not you getting accused of being gay, also I thought this the other day that it’s hilarious that the sisters you think would be queer are the straight ones, fight those stereotypes hens; ANYWAY, focus all your attention on Lulu which she will love so Fi can take Dolly because this is all we can do when running out screaming is not an option lol]
Fi: [soz that we’re really confirming that it must be Dolly who we were gaying with cos insisting she dances with us until this party ends and the music is off because what else can you do, we know you put some secret alcohol in your drink to take the edge off but Dolly doesn’t need to, getting wasted isn’t the move, hence the dance sesh]
Mattie: [oh lord if either of your other sisters comes at you about this later, we cannot, meanwhile you start tidying up this party on the low because you just need to focus on being helpful now]
Fi: [the gay urge to go over and help her clean up, but don’t gal, resist, resist, focus on Dolly until she leaves, you can help her then if she’s still at it]
Mattie: [me like soz I might have to cockblock y’all now ‘cos she isn’t going to want to go out after this fiasco, mean of me but true, would lowkey be encouraging Dolly to go so hard in an obvious attempt to send y’all off there]
Fi: [I agree though, y’all should be cockblocked and because Dolly isn’t gonna go out, you’ll have to eventually go home and do some gay overthinking about every second of this function, after you’ve awkwardly helped her tidy up a lil bit]
Mattie: [soz girl, it’s just very legit, I will put you out of your agony after some time at home to likewise be cringing at everything we did and did not do and the mess of it all]
Mattie: I just wanted you to know that wasn’t your fault, I mean, I didn’t want you to think it was, if you were, it isn’t
Mattie: That was a very foolish thing of me to do and I take full responsibility for it
Fi: I wasn’t looking at it like there was fault to take, but okay, sure
Fi: thanks for clearing that up for me
Mattie: Well, it was wholly inappropriate, for so many reasons but there was no onus on you to behave in any sort of way, really
Mattie: it was my family function, after all
Fi: I’m not disputing wrong location, but if that’s the problem, I caused it as much as you
Mattie: No, you truly didn’t
Mattie: I don’t know what I was thinking, I should have never started that
Fi: I don’t need you to excuse my behaviour, I’m perfectly aware you weren’t thinking, because of me
Mattie: I ended up drinking too much for how little I’d eaten
Fi: you don’t have to do this, in fact, please, do not
Mattie: I don’t want to have made things between us awkward, or have upset you
Fi: what’s upsetting is, you’re genuinely trying to fob me off with something that we both know is false, something that makes me feel like I need to crawl into a hole
Mattie: no, no, that’s not what I’m trying to do, I’m trying to explain why I would have acted against all sense and got us into that mess
Fi: you’re trying to blame it on the alcohol, which I thought I’d left behind with schoolgirls and underage drinking
Mattie: you know that I would never normally act like this, I can’t
Mattie: because I’m not a schoolgirl, for God’s sake, I’m a teacher, my whole family was there
Fi: I know what it makes me if you were drunk and I wasn’t, the same thing it makes me every time any girl freaks out
Mattie: I didn’t say I was drunk, just that we’d had drinks, it was a weird party, weird night
Fi: it’s what you’re trying to say
Fi: a backpedal is a backpedal, and you’re allowed to do so, but it’s just, I’d rather you chose one that paints me in a less predatory light
Mattie: How could you possibly be the predator, by anyone’s imagining
Mattie: I started it and I’m the one who met you at school, as an authority figure, there’s no world in which I’m not the predator
Fi: because I’m the one who’s out, Mattie
Fi: and that’s enough for everyone to believe I’m the one who doesn’t know how to act appropriately
Mattie: and I’ve told you it was my fault and if anything comes out about it, I’ll say the same to whoever I have to
Mattie: if it does, I don’t even know who it was, it felt like all their friends were looking at me after that so
Fi: It doesn’t make me feel any better, how willing you are to fall on this sacrificial sword, real or imagined, is it supposed to?
Mattie: I think it’s the reality of the situation, from all angles I’ve considered it
Mattie: my family has no real reason or vested interest to judge you
Fi: no, the reality is, we didn’t do anything morally wrong
Fi: socially frowned upon, a little bit, I’ll admit, but you wouldn’t judge the other guests as harshly if you walked in on a similar scene
Mattie: Would we not
Fi: getting carried away at parties is the norm, had you barely finished uni like everyone else your age you’d be acting messier than you did tonight, give yourself a break
Mattie: but this wasn’t a University party, it was my sister’s engagement 
Mattie: a child could have walked in, Jesus
Fi: which would have been horrific, but they didn’t
Mattie: The point is that they could have and I wasn’t thinking about anyone but myself
Fi: a lapse in judgement isn’t a hanging offence, I’m not gonna allow you to punish yourself to an unwarranted level 
Fi: guests were actually drunk, your fictional child could have witnessed untold horrors as a result of the mass overindulgence
Mattie: I appreciate the sentiment but no other guest was having sex in public, I can guarantee you
Mattie: I’m not going to accept that that was at all appropriate, but I’ve said I’m not saying you’re inappropriate or it was your fault, just the act of
Fi: can you? 
Fi: there were other bathrooms they could have been using, you know
Mattie: please be serious, Fi
Fi: Shall we address your real stumbling block here, that way I can skip to the part where I tell you again you weren’t my teacher, until I’m blue in the face if necessary
Mattie: Would you have met me if I wasn’t a teacher?
Fi: potentially, you’re Dolly’s sister too
Mattie: and I was your form teacher
Fi: it doesn’t mean having to kid yourself you had any authority over me at the time, or that you honestly could, ever
Fi: we’re essentially the same age, I respect you as a person, not your form tutor title which lasted all of a year
Mattie: The point is I signed a contract to look after the well-being of and safeguard all the kids at that school, and you were one of them, like it or not, that’s the truth
Fi: like it or not, no I wasn’t, because I had privileges at that school I’m the first to hold my hands up to, we both understand why I was set apart, I didn’t sign an official contract to run the place, but I did, anyway
Fi: though, entertaining your version for a moment, if I were, you still didn’t do anything to harm me or null and void a single thing you signed up for
Mattie: Waiting for the moment something becomes legal or otherwise uncontentious, is no better
Fi: so I’m supposed to give up on you, am I?
Mattie: I know what happened to Dolly, what that did to both the twins’ lives
Fi: Dolly was a deeply unhappy and isolated underage girl who got exploited by a sick opportunist, a comparison doesn’t exist
Mattie: That isn’t how anyone would see it
Fi: I can try and change their minds too, one at a time or all at once, with the facts, but that’s all I can do
Mattie: Let’s just slow down 
Mattie: as far as we know right now, no one knows anything
Fi: Jay’s friend didn’t go running screaming back into the ballroom and announce it, no
Mattie: we just have to hope word doesn’t get back to Jay
Fi: I’ll hope she was too drunk to remember what she barely saw
Mattie: anything is too much
Fi: I’m sorry I didn’t stop it, the last thing I want is to hurt you, in any way
Mattie: it isn’t your responsibility to take accountability for me and my actions
Mattie: it’s fine, I’m just mortally embarrassed but hopefully no more comes of it, as we’ve said
Fi: I acted as well, it wasn’t only you
Mattie: I’m just sorry, okay, that’s all I needed to say
Fi: and we’ve both apologised now
Mattie: yes
Fi: you understand what my sorry covers and what it doesn’t, right?
Mattie: I think so
Mattie: but you can explain, if you’d like
Fi: as long as I’ve been clear
Mattie: have I?
Fi: yes 💎
Mattie: so we’re still friends
Fi: of course we are
Mattie: Thank goodness
Fi: It’ll be okay, almost no one at the party had the slightest idea who I was or how we met
Mattie: except Dolly and Lulu
Fi: thank god neither of them saw us is the overwhelming take away
Mattie: I’d have to run away, again
Mattie: perhaps to the Malaysian site of the college, would be about far enough
Fi: I obviously can’t give my blessing to such schoolgirl antics, kindly don’t
Mattie: I can’t make any promises until I stop feeling so queasy 
Fi: I’d promise to hold your hair back, sadly you may as well be in Malaysia for what it would be worth, because I can’t fulfil it with the distance regardless
Mattie: Did you arrive back in Surrey safely?
Fi: My arrival there isn’t required again until the new year 🥳
Fi: I get to stay in [somewhere close to her uni, because her parents would sort her a flat or something, they are those bitches]
Mattie: Oh, I see, sorry
Mattie: just assumed
Fi: a fair assumption, anyone else’s parents would see the pitfalls of allowing a 19 year old girl to live alone, especially after boarding for years and years
Mattie: could you get a flatmate, once you’ve made a friend you think you could stand to live with?
Fi: perhaps, unless I’m loving the solitude too much by then
Mattie: possibly
Fi: it’s been nice thus far 
Mattie: you’d recommend it then?
Mattie: I've only ever lived at home then in dorms or flat/house shares before this so
Fi: you know me, I can always look on the bright side 🌞
Mattie: it is what people strive for, independence 
Fi: and I’ve definitely fought for it, Allegra has the battle scars
Mattie: quite
Fi: Anyway, if I remember rightly, when you’re feeling sick [something Mattie did/told her to do during a school trip moment that we’ve clearly committed to memory] helps most
Fi: you should be doing that, not this 
Mattie: A simple goodbye would suffice 😌
Fi: it wouldn’t
Mattie: travel sickness and this are very different things, too
Fi: I don’t have the foggiest how to make you feel better about this though, I wish I did
Mattie: I’m sure it’ll all seem better in the morning 🌞
Fi: my cue to say good night? 🌝
Mattie: if you’re tired
Fi: wouldn’t be very Tigger coded of me
Mattie: you did seem insulted by the comparison
Fi: did I?
Mattie: unless bringing up your defiance to an ADHD diagnosis was a positive 
Fi: firstly, it’s a simple fact I apparently don’t meet the criteria, and secondly, Piglet is Winnie’s best friend, I’m defiant about not having that spot
Mattie: I never said I was Winnie, just that I loved him
Mattie: I’m probably more Piglet coded
Fi: oh please, you’re Winnie
Mattie: 🤔🤔
Fi: book Pooh, Disney can hang for all I care 
Mattie: well, I am very fond of honey but I’m not sure if I would go to the lengths
Fi: you’d go to the lengths he does for your friends and family, you do, I’ve witnessed it ☂️
Mattie: I’m sorry I made you feel like you wanted to crawl into a hole, that isn’t a good friend
Fi: I haven’t been a good one either, gatecrashing your sister’s engagement
Mattie: you were invited
Fi: but I showed up selfishly to see you
Fi: I shouldn’t have come
Mattie: I’m glad you came
Mattie: regardless of how it had to end
Fi: are you?
Mattie: of course I am 
Fi: you wouldn’t be feeling mortified if I hadn’t, there’d be no consequences to worry about the knock on effects of
Mattie: I suppose that’s true
Mattie: but I wouldn’t know if we were still friends or not, had you not shown
Mattie: and it was a nice thing to do for Dolly, even if you had other motives as well
Fi: Dolly won’t want to still be friends if this blows up
Mattie: We have to hope, then she’ll never find out
Mattie: learn our lesson from a near miss instead of a catastrophe 
Fi: why is learning lessons consistently a giant negative?
Mattie: I’m not sure that’s the angle you want to go with, when you go for your PGCE
Fi: well, let’s hope, in three years time, I’ll have done all the painful growing required to be less of an idiot, or it’s probably not a suitable career path
Mattie: I cannot participate in that thought spiral, with this long left before I have to be back in the classroom
Fi: it’s not a reflection on you, we’re not the same person
Mattie: We both behaved in the same idiotic way, and as you said, you have years left before anyone is expecting you to behave accordingly
Fi: you don’t typically, I’d be lying if I said that’s true of myself
Mattie: I don’t think the school would be any more forgiving than Dolly would
Fi: the school aren’t going to find out
Mattie: I can’t lose my job
Fi: No, I’d tell a million lies before I allowed you to take that big of a fall, you’re too good at your job
Fi: you love it
Mattie: You aren’t going to have to do that, it would be unconscionable for me to ask that if it was a possibility though
Fi: you don’t have to ask, if that’s what it comes down to, I’ll do it
Fi: my only consequence is going back to therapy like I did post divorce and pre-remarriage, and as you said, it does work wonders
Mattie: It’s wrong, I wouldn’t allow it
Fi: then it’ll be my word against yours, and I think it’s a fairly easy guess which of us everyone is more inclined to believe
Fi: our reputations precede us, remember
Mattie: I don’t think anyone would imagine I’d lie about having an affair with you
Mattie: lest they think I need something stronger than therapy, which rather hurts the keeping my job case
Fi: we aren’t having an affair, Mattie
Fi: you were drunk, I took things too far, as I am prone to do, that’s the story
Mattie: Is it the truth though
Fi: if needs be, for the sake of your job and your relationship with your sister
Mattie: I don’t like lies
Fi: you can’t lose your job and Dolly can’t lose you, both of those things are more important
Mattie: As far as we’re aware no one beyond a basic stranger knows so we can only act as such
Fi: I told you, I’m prepared for the worst outcome, I know what to do, don’t contradict my efforts and it’ll be fine
Mattie: No, Fi
Fi: my life isn’t over taking complete blame for this, I can go live in [wherever her dad lives], start again
Fi: yours would be, I should’ve cared more about that in the moment, but I didn’t, so I will now, I have to
Mattie: This is just ridiculous, you haven’t done anything wrong, and you’re in Uni, you can’t just leave
Fi: it’s a last resort, this could end here, as an embarrassing faux pas, hopefully
Fi: but I want you to be aware I have a plan, in case it doesn’t
Mattie: It will, regardless of how rightfully crushed Dolly would be, she isn’t a spiteful person, she wouldn’t do anything
Fi: God, she really deserves better friends than me
Mattie: and better sisters
Fi: I’m going to have to ghost her, aren’t I?
Mattie: No, no, don’t do that
Fi: I used her, like everyone else
Mattie: I mean, she invited you for her own purpose
Mattie: and a purpose you fulfilled, you didn’t ignore her as soon as you got there or anything, friendships are reciprocal like that
Fi: she didn’t have an agenda to her invitation
Mattie: you’re being too hard on yourself, you wanted to see me as well as her, that’s allowed
Fi: and look how that turned out, someone needs to be hard on me about it
Mattie: She needs friends, no qualifier
Mattie: I think that’s more important 
Fi: packing my bags and moving feels easier, but okay, sure
Mattie: you said you wanted hard
Mattie: You can’t see her often now anyway but if she needs you, show up, okay
Mattie: you know how to be a good friend, whatever you think
Fi: I do care about her, however much it doesn’t seem like I could be all that bothered, after what happened
Mattie: I know you do
Fi: I’ll be there
Mattie: Thank you
Fi: and for you, if you need anything
Mattie: I don’t want things to end like this, to feel so
Mattie: I shouldn’t have vented to you like that, all my fears, when I’m sure it’ll be fine, I didn’t intend to make you feel bad
Fi: who else could you vent to? I’ve put you in a position where you can’t talk to anyone about this
Mattie: it just feels like an overreaction, for all the things you’re suggesting now, I didn’t mean to take it to this level
Fi: I took it to this level, because I don’t want you to think I’m underreacting 
Fi: I know this is serious, I can take it seriously
Mattie: I don’t think that, I know you care
Fi: I didn’t mean to scare you either
Mattie: It’s perhaps not better to spiral together than alone but that was my intention when I first reached out
Fi: I’m sorry
Mattie: Don’t be, please
Mattie: no more than I am
Fi: maybe I should’ve gone out, made myself unreachable for a while
Mattie: I would have been worried
Fi: you don’t have to worry about me, I can look after myself
Mattie: when has that ever stopped me
Fi: I have plenty of space left to get another drunk tattoo
Fi: [because I vibe that on her 18th bday she did that, and it’s a lil star with a gold outline, sadly I can’t find a pic of one, cos the glee gal has one but it’s ugly af and filled in gold so no]
Mattie: [it must be a hard colour to do because you think it’d be easier to find than it is but still loves it, could always black and white one, as long as it's not a heavy black line]
Mattie: I can imagine your mother’s reaction 
Fi: unless I committed to my forehead, she’s unlikely to notice
Mattie: did she notice the star?
Fi: eventually, but that was pre having her precious baby boy join the school, these days I could chop off an arm and have it reattached as a leg and she wouldn’t express the slightest concern
Mattie: Maybe she’s giving you that freedom you fought for?
Fi: or maybe this era of my life is irrelevant to her because it doesn’t reflect back
Mattie: Have you talked to her?
Fi: 😅 why would I?
Mattie: well, you seem upset
Fi: of course not, if I’m irrelevant to her, she can be irrelevant to me
Mattie: okay, as long as you’re okay with how things are
Fi: I’ve learned to pick my battles
Mattie: I know
Fi: it’s my little brother you should feel sorry for, thrust into her full spotlight as well as having to walk in my shadow, poor thing
Mattie: I can speak to his form teacher, if you’d like
Mattie: Obviously I’ve kept an eye out
Fi: me too, he’s doing okay, considering
Mattie: he has plenty of people there for him
Fi: I’m going to invite Doll to spend her birthday in [wherever her dad lives again] as an alternative, since she doesn’t and lent term doesn’t start until the 9th
Fi: I don’t have to be back at uni until the 16th so
Mattie: Oh, right
Mattie: well I’m sure she’ll love that
Fi: I’m sure she’ll refuse me, she loves to
Mattie: it’s a nice offer nevertheless
Mattie: you’re leaving then?
Fi: not like that, but I have making up to do for her, and she’s told me enough about the tragic state of her birthday for it to be a clear starting point, if she wants it to be
Mattie: Yes, I suppose so
Fi: should you need me, I’m [however many hours, can’t be many because it’s probably europe somewhere] away 📌🌎🛫
Mattie: as you said, I don’t think Dolly will want to come
Fi: I’ll do my best to convince her but she’s as stubborn as I am
Mattie: Perhaps she will want to spend her birthday with her family, however ‘tragic’ it may seem
Fi: it’s understandable, I won’t hold it against her
Mattie: right
Fi: don’t be cross at me, I’m not calling you tragic
Mattie: I just think it’s rude, things are complicated, beyond face value, you don’t do yourself any favours being that flippant
Fi: I’m not going to write a giant footnote re using the word tragic to explain I understand it’s more nuanced, am I? You know what I mean
Mattie: Nevermind
Fi: Mattie 
Mattie: What?
Fi: you’re allowed to say what you want to say instead of brushing it off
Mattie: I did, I said it was rude
Fi: okay, if that’s it
Mattie: It is, you can’t expect to fix everything for her when you don’t know the half of it
Fi: I don’t have an expectation of actually fixing anything, like you just heard me say, it’s an alternative, so she doesn’t feel like she has none
Fi: you should be able to spend your birthday how you want to, if only that one day
Mattie: Her birthday is New Year’s Eve, it’s not radical that her parents combine parties
Fi: she’s dreading it, that’s my only consideration here
Mattie: because her and Lulu need to fix their relationship
Fi: which is out of my hands
Mattie: Yes, because I’m sorry this isn’t your business
Mattie: this is what I mean, you try to fix things when you can’t and shouldn’t be putting yourself in the middle
Fi: wow, fuck me then, I guess
Mattie: Can you just not appreciate that it’s insulting
Mattie: to act as if the people in their lives are sitting there twiddling their thumbs when it isn’t the case
Fi: it’s insulting that’s what you think a nice gesture means
Mattie: I find it insulting that you want to take my sister away from me and her family on her birthday
Mattie: I’m sorry but you asked me to speak candidly
Fi: it’s about what she wants, it’s more than insulting you think I’d engineer this for my own, what, saviour complex or something?
Mattie: You feel guilty, you want to whisk her away, you said it yourself
Mattie: it isn’t a nice gesture if you’re absolving yourself
Fi: forget I fucking suggested it, god
Mattie: I think that’s best
Fi: and it’s best you concentrate on your sister, since she’s none of my business 
Mattie: Don’t tell me mine, I’m aware
Fi: do you even know me at all?
Mattie: I could ask you the same question
Mattie: all I do is for them, for my job, that’s it
Fi: it’s not your failure, you’re not her mother, or the sister she can’t bear to be in the same room with
Mattie: but it is because it’s my job to fix this
Fi: and it’s mine as her friend, to help her make new non-traumatic memories and have experiences other girls her age have already had and taken for granted, it’s her 18th
Mattie: not everyone has the same experiences, that’s so narrow-minded
Fi: oh please, I’m not trying to force her into a tunnel, she’s screaming out for space, her own life
Mattie: She misses her sister
Fi: yeah, but she wants her own identity too
Mattie: She has one, and is more than capable of carving it out further
Fi: without my interference, you may as well finish your sentence to the . 
Mattie: her own identity explains itself, she can make the decisions and work out how that looks for her
Fi: because I’ve ever tried to make her into me or tell her what to do
Mattie: you think you know best
Fi: I can’t believe you see me like that and this is the first I’m hearing
Mattie: You literally said I didn’t know what I needed right before that girl walked in
Mattie: you monopolize how we react to this, in theory or otherwise and tell me what I can and can’t do and how and why you’ll be believed
Mattie: I had no reason to point it out before but this crosses a line
Fi: I don’t know where to start with any of that, how upside down it is
Mattie: then perhaps we do need to leave it here, I’ll go and focus on my sister
Fi: you do that, Mattie, how could I possibly resist telling you what to do for a final time?
Mattie: Quite
Mattie: you know, you could just take onboard one bit of criticism, accept that you’ve hurt me
Fi: one? you’ve just ripped apart my entire, supposed, personality
Mattie: after you made a mockery of all my attempts to help the twins
Fi: oh my god, it wasn’t about you, I’ve never done anything except praise your attempts, with them both
Mattie: you were rude about Lulu earlier
Mattie: as if her life hasn’t been upended by something she didn’t have anything to do with, never mind any knowledge
Fi: I took on board that criticism, but I draw the line at being utterly misunderstood
Mattie: We’re both upset, and scared of more to come, we can draw a line under this 
Fi: you have full artistic licence to draw any shape you wish
Fi: you were right the first time, I can’t be friends with you after this
Mattie: I appreciate your honesty, if nothing else
Fi: I’m glad the unappreciation isn’t total
Mattie: Ha, wow
Fi: my sentiments exactly
Mattie: I can’t handle this
Fi: again, I couldn’t agree with you more, you describe my mother to a tee and put all the attributes onto me, and I’m supposed to be a good sport about it
Fi: I don’t fucking think so
Mattie: I barely know your mother, still
Mattie: you can’t say I did it on purpose, when that’s impossible
Fi: you barely know me, apparently
Mattie: it seems like it now, thinking otherwise was my faux pas 
Fi: it’s irrelevant now
Mattie: you’ve said
Fi: no, you’ve said you think I’m borderline tyrannical, so if you’ll excuse me I have packing to do, where better to flee to than a country formerly under a dictatorship to process my wrongdoings
Mattie: It isn’t your fault, it was wrong of me to square it at you as if it is solely down to you
Fi: regardless, in your eyes I’m gigantically at fault, hence the character assassination, and I can’t square who I thought you knew I was with the person you’re saying you think I am
Mattie: oh this is such a mess
Mattie: you said it yourself, okay, that you were afforded privileges at that place, you were, you didn’t ask for them but of course it’s had an impact
Fi: I said it to erase a power imbalance that doesn’t exist, not to hurt you
Mattie: I mean that your faults, however they’re sized, aren’t just your own, no one’s are and I went too far in this conversation
Fi: drop it, I’m aware of my actual faults, and they don’t include saying that I had only just begun to give you what you want, ironically as we were interrupted, or caring enough about your future to want to keep it on track
Mattie: then here we are, your conviction that you’ve done nothing wrong
Fi: you’re upset because of me, I’ve done plenty wrong
Mattie: I am, I don’t know how to make that clearer
Fi: it’s clear
Mattie: I didn’t ‘freak out’ because you’re a girl, I freaked out because it’s wrong and I shouldn’t have done anything I did
Fi: I know why, there’s never been a ? around it
Mattie: I can’t undo it but I don’t know what I can do now to make it right
Fi: you don’t have to do anything unless your hand is forced by whoever saw us doing something herself
Mattie: what about you, I’ve just made it worse 
Fi: what about me? I’ll be fine, I keep telling you
Mattie: You’ve said I’ve given you an identity crisis and you’re fleeing the country so
Fi: name a first year uni student who isn’t having one, and going to visit my own father is hardly a cause for concern
Mattie: no, I suppose not
Fi: it must be that for me, putting away childish things means casting aside the notion that you understood me better than anyone
Mattie: I let you down
Mattie: because I wasn’t real before, not to you
Fi: I’m the one who barely knows you, that’s what hurts more than you thinking I’m a know-it-all bigheaded bitch
Fi: that’s where the true imbalance is, I told you everything about me and you couldn’t
Mattie: which is why this is inappropriate, you confided in me, in a role as a teacher, whether we like that or not, which I don’t, by the way
Fi: as my friend
Mattie: you said it, I couldn’t
Fi: but you did, sometimes
Fi: I haven’t just fantasised solidly for an entire school year
Mattie: no, I did, of course I did
Mattie: but I wasn’t meant to
Fi: it isn’t fair, we had no control over the circumstances of how we met
Mattie: I know, I had no intentions, that isn’t why I cared for you, but that’s how it will seem in hindsight
Fi: which is exactly why I should leave, give you a fresh start too
Mattie: I don’t want you to leave
Fi: it’ll be impossible if I stay, because I do have conviction I’ve done nothing wrong, just not in this conversation, it exists before in what I did, what I’d do again
Mattie: Just in private 
Fi: I don’t want to give you an identity crisis, Mattie
Fi: you’ve said so many times you think this is wrong
Mattie: only when it’s examined by people who don’t know the full story, which it doesn’t need to be
Fi: tell me what you want to happen, I’ll 😶
Mattie: You should go see your father, obviously, it’s the holidays
Mattie: but don’t stay away
Fi: I’m relieved, I really like my course
Fi: perhaps more than you 
Mattie: you’re an idiot then, in the nicest possible way
Mattie: You need to be here, you’re on the right path for you
Fi: I’m joking, I don’t like anything more than you
Mattie: Still?
Fi: unless I get to know you more and change my mind, but it’s unlikely, with the basics I’ve already got down
Mattie: that’s allowed, I could have some terrible habits you know nothing about
Fi: you know you’ve always been real to me, don’t you?
Fi: I may be young and stupid but I’m not that young and stupid
Mattie: it was me I was accusing of having to have a veneer of fakeness
Mattie: but I wasn’t exactly good at keeping that boundary in place
Fi: there’s a lot I’m not good at
Fi: I wish we could start this conversation over
Mattie: then lets
Mattie: it doesn’t paint either of us in a favourable light
Mattie: and I want you to know me, I always have, you know that, don’t you?
Fi: You haven’t been back on the bottle, have you? 
Fi: because if I have catching up to do I better had there first
Mattie: Um, no!
Mattie: I’m at my parents’ house, that would be close to a crime
Fi: you kill me
Mattie: I didn’t get a chance to
Fi: you know where I live, without any of my parents
Mattie: you did make a point to tell me
Mattie: though now that conversation is REDACTED… perhaps you ought to tell me again
Fi: [do obvs]
Fi: and I don’t have to go to my dad’s, that was a decision made in another, now non-existent, conversation too
Mattie: I will miss you when you do go, after we’ve finished what we started
Fi: I refuse to call you out for telling me what to do, sorry, I can’t
Mattie: You know it’s going to be what you need too
Fi: I miss you already
Mattie: I have so much to make up for, not just the time lost
Fi: and I have to show you what I meant, so there’s no more confusion about what I said
Mattie: 🥺 okay
Fi: I’ve barely begun to do anything to you
Mattie: I’ve never been more cross with a perfect stranger than I am that girl
Fi: medieval torture wouldn’t suffice
Mattie: I’ll be jealous
Fi: impossible
Mattie: I want to be the one benefitting from your knowledge
Fi: 🩰 is torture, the level you took it to, of course you’d like it
Mattie: I like how passionate you are, thinking about when you were a weird kid too
Fi: [tell her some more weird kid stories that I haven’t learnt enough history to make up because we just did the tudors and world war II constantly]
Mattie: You’re so adorable
Fi: there could be something diagnosably off with me, I don’t know
Mattie: no, you’re perfect
Fi: it feels bizarre to be blushing in an empty house
Mattie: I shouldn’t have let you go back to an empty house
Fi: I should’ve bought you with me, then it wouldn’t be
Mattie: It’s okay, we’ve both been suitably punished for our indiscretion now
Fi: in a bad way, not yet in a good one
Mattie: I can’t possibly think about what that might entail 
Fi: I understand why, as fun as anticipation is, making you wait for a single thing you want would be a foreign concept to almost anyone
Mattie: I’m aware this contradicts every single (sensible) thing I said
Mattie: but the way you didn’t wait or hesitate at all was 
Fi: I couldn’t
Mattie: I wouldn’t, given the chance again, aware how stupid that is
Fi: perfect time, imperfect place, I’ve said that consistently
Mattie: You looked so hot
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0ystercatcher · 1 year
Thank you for answering my question.
The issue of abortion is complicated for me as a woman. Personally I believe that abortion is immoral and that some methods of abortion are even barbaric. I understand at the same time that most women who abort are simply not fit or prepared for the realities of pregnancy, birth and child rearing. I don’t know whether abortion bans are the way to go because the whole culture around sex has become so much lax. I also find it revolting how not nearly enough responsibility is placed onto men when it comes to contraception. Ultimately some of our humanity is shed away when we don’t at the very least acknowledge that foetuses are in fact human lives that ought to have an intrinsic worth. Ideally, men would be held more to account around contraception, we women would practise discernment about the quality of men we invite into bed, rapists would be decapitated, and medical screenings for foetus health are improved so that abnormalities can be detected as early as possible.
i really disagree w you on perhaps the most important part of this message lol. abortion is not immoral in and of itself honestly, its a very morally neutral act. aborting also has very little to do with acknowledging fetuses have intrinsic worth or not, considering plenty of women who would fervently argue for that point still have abortions. it has nothing to do with ones humanity either. it is one of many tools women use to control our reproduction. thats literally it. women who have children do it, women who want children do it, women who dont want children do it, women can regret it and women can badly wish theyd had one.
what do you mean by "some of our humanity" anyways. our souls? our intrinsic worth? how do you earn or lose that? do you gain intrinsic value at conception or at the 20 week mark? at birth? does it only take an acknowledgment of humanity? i dont think anyone is in denial human fetuses are in fact human. nobodys talking about dog or cow abortions yknow.
ultimately, realistically, fetuses do not have any intrinsic value until someone (consciously or unconsciously) confers it to them. that is how value or worth Works. and since women are the ones gestating and growing the fetus they are the final arbiters of what they do wrt to that decision. social and economic and cultural context shape the decision and the conditions around it ofc, but when the choice is there, its individual women who ultimately take the final step and make it.
and yeah sure, the culture around sex is harmful to women (the laxness of it is only the current iteration of that reality, but the fundamental aspects have not significantly changed and tbh we were not better off in the more conservative era of it), men should share more of the reproductive burden, we should be careful abt who we partner with, etc etc. but i do not think abortion is a terrible burden we have to shoulder to ease this. abortion is one of many possible (hopefully) available solutions women should have to control their reproduction. nothing else. its really nothing special.
it should be available now, when these problems you mention are harming us, and it should be available in the future, when hopefully we do away with them. bc its not in itself a problem, or bad, or a burden, or immoral, or cruel, or whatever. its a tool. you generally dont need to use it all the time, but when you really need it around it makes life easier.
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realcube · 4 years
video games + blowjob 🎮
characters: bakugo, kirishima, sero & kaminari
tw// oral (giving), swearing, fem!reader, nsfw - minors dni
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all aged up!
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katsuki bakugo
♡ bakugo only finds the time to play video games once every millennia 
♡ most of the time, he’s working, training or spending time with you 
♡ also he only plays when the bakusquad arrange a time + date on the gc bc - he’ll never admit it - but he misses talking to them and playing like he used to, so the occasional Battlefield call they have really triggers a sense of nostalgia for all of them
♡ but the calls usually last a good while though lol - minimum 5 hours
♡ usually you let him be and don’t bother him during his calls bc you know how rarely he gets to call his pals but one day, he had been teasing you so much leading up to  his call - leaving you extra needy - and you couldn’t really help yourself
♡ so you snuck into the study room while he was playing, starting off by giving him a light massage which he enjoyed but the problem arose when you slowly got to your knees and began pawing at his sweatpants
♡ that’s when he noticed that you dressed up in your best lace for him too, which made him hard lol
♡ at first he looked pissed off and tried to ignore you but he kept losing focus on the game, his mind brimming with all the things he wanted to do with you
♡ eventually, he gave in and briefly muted his mic to hiss in your ear, ‘fine. but if you make a single fuckin’ sound or try to tease me, i’ll fuck you for all of them to hear, kay?’
♡ you simply hum in agreement before pulling both his boxer and sweatpants down without hesitation, then getting to work
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
bakugo growled deeply, at both your expert mouth movements around his hard member and at the shitty orders kirishima gave. “ ‘over here’ ? where the fuck is that?” it took an embarrassing amount of effort to suppress his moans while said that.
but he wasn’t all to blame. as you made it a point to deep-throat him as soon as you thought he was going to open his mouth to say something. 
“what happened to you, bakugo? you’re so quiet! is everything okay?” mina offhandedly pointed out while heading to the ‘over here’ that kirishima described. although you couldn’t hear what mina said since bakugo was wearing a headset, his reaction was enough to amuse you. 
bakugo snarled, immediately barking profanities at her, “shut it, pinkie! nothing’s fucking wrong! now get back to shoot-” he realised he was on the verge of climaxing so he desperately went to mute is mic before letting a moan escape his lips as he slumped back into his chair in pure bliss, his eyes rolling back into his head slightly as faint pops could be heard from his sweaty palms.
something about the pleasure you worked so hard to bring him an shot an indescribable sense of euphoria through his body, hence he reached down to ruffle your hair without averting his eyes from the screen. “good girl. now scram.”
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eijiro kirishima 
♡ again, he doesn’t really have time for video games; his main priorities are work, training & you 
♡ but sometimes video games can fall into the ‘you’ category bc occasionally he asks you to play super mario cart, animal crossing, wii sports etc with him
♡ the only time he plays video games without you is when he plays with the bakusquad on the arranged date they planned
♡ but before the call starts, you can tell he is really tense by the way he is biting his nails so you inquire about it and he kinda just gestures to your new - rather revealing - pyjama set then at his throbbing erection
♡ and ofc being the supportive gf you are, you offered to give him a blowie
♡he loved the idea but at first, he was kinda worried that he might get caught since he is usually very vocal during sex so obviously it’d be hard to just...stop
♡ however you reassured him that he’s manliest guy you’ve ever met so he’d definitely be able to resist a few moans
♡ so he came around quite quickly lol
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
“come over here quickly!” kirishima commanded proudly into the mic, a wide grin spread across his face at not only how good you were making him feel, but also at how well he was repressing his moans and the praise he so desperately wanted to give you for sucking so skilfully.
he had to say though, the amount of energy it was talking him to do all of the above was enough to leave him exhausted to the point that the game was just a blur of background noise. and the bakusquad could tell something was wrong as usually kirishima has the best aim out of them all but he has yet to make a single headshot.
although his eyes were glued to the screen, his mind was fixated on only you and how good you made him feel. as he approached his orgasm, he simply let his eyelids flutter shut as he focussed on the little movements you made; your tongue rubbing the underside of his cock, your occasional desperate attempts to deepthroat him, the way your lips wrapped perfectly around his girth, how you resorted to using your hands to take care of the parts of his length that your mouth couldn’t fit. 
“good job.” he hummed his praise for you as he felt you helplessly try to take him into your throat once more before he was ready to cum but the moments leading up to his high were interrupted by a “thanks, man!” from denki which made kirishima’s eyes widen before he hastily muted his mic, allowing himself to orgasm in your mouth from there and let out all the loud moans he had been hiding. 
“thanks, baby.” he said, slowly feeling the post-cum ecstasy fade as he leaned over to press a gentle kiss on your forehead, proceeding to slap his hand over your mouth as he noticed you were about to head in the direction of the bin. “swallow it.”
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hanta sero
♡ since sero became a pro-hero he definitely plays way less video games than he did before but he didn’t quit
♡ but whenever he does play, you’re either on his lap or giving him a blowie 
♡ so needless to say, this wouldn’t be your first time sucking him off while he played
♡ anyway, y’all were getting ✨spicy ✨ one day until he realised that he had a call + battlefield scheduled with the bakusquad
♡ deadass he was kissin’ down your neck while rubbing circles on your clothed clit until he just faltered like ‘oh shit i’ve got a call with ‘em today, don’t i?’
♡ DFRGTHYJU you were livid >:((
♡ bc he had got you all riled up and now he was just gonna leave 😩
♡ you asked him if he could skip the call just this once to finish what he started but he was like ‘bros before hoes’ while putting on his headset 
♡ but being the generous king he is, he unzipped to allow you to give him a blowie while he played 
♡ at first you were all pouty bc he should be the one giving you oral but once you realised that it was his offer or nothing, you begrudgingly got to your knees and began 
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
“eijiro, cover-- eijiro! kirishima!” he yelled into his mic, clearly getting riled up from the high action of the game and the matching high action of your mouth. “hellooo? you there, man? oi, i think kiri ‘s afk.” sero reasoned, looking at the frozen figure of his teammate. 
he felt the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat so he couldn’t help but look down at you, shooting you a cocky smirk instead of the moan you were expecting. he knew what you were trying to do but he wanted to make it clear that it wasn’t going to work on him.
sero had lots of practise at choking back moans and hiding orgasms so it was going to take much more than deepthroating to catch him off-guard. 
he momentarily muted his mic so he could instruct you to go deeper while simultaneously grabbing fistful of your hair to force you to deepthroat him once more, bringing him much closer to his orgasm.
eventually, he suddenly reached his climax but you didn’t allow him to mute himself; you wanted to see him struggle. but unfortunately for you, it was hardly an issue as by now, he was used to cumming silently. but you forgive him as the faces he mada are enough to make you wet as hell.
“alright, mr tough guy.” you purred in his ear, muting his mic for your sake, “let me ride you. let’s see how quiet you can be then, hm?”
challenge accepted. 
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denki kaminari 
♡ probably still plays video games a lot - even when he gets a job as a pro-hero
♡ but mans still got his priorities straight so if you ever approach him while he’s playing, saying that you’re feeling a bit horny, he’ll quit real quick lmao
♡ and a video games session with the bakusquad is no exception
♡ you’re feeling horny just thinking about the way he ate you out last night so you told him you want to return the favour as you watch him put on his headset
♡ you knew this was a special time with his friends though so you would’ve been too hurt if he said no but ofc he gladly accepted your offer
♡ but he still wanted to play though so he was a bit conflicted for a moment or two until an idea struck him
♡ ‘just blow me while i play, babe!’
♡ to say you were confused and a little concerned would be accurate, so you inquired further to make sure that he was 100% comfortable with it and he’d deal with the repercussions of a slipped moan 
♡ he seemed confident that it wouldn’t happen though - a little too confident. but this stemmed from the fact sero had told him that he lets his girl suck him off while he plays video games and nobody ever notices. but kaminari didn’t realise that sero’s impressive ability came from years of practise.
♡ you obliged though, happily setting yourself on your knees in front of him and taking his length into your mouth 
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
“thanks, man!” kaminari exclaimed cheerily, a bright smile spread across his face; partially due to his teammate’s praise but mostly how he’s made it so long into the call without a single moan despite the fact you were making him feel so good down there.
however, as you looked up at him and observed his cocky smirk, something snapped inside you - as it reminded you of the grin he wore last night that you got to see when he’d occasionally pull away from your soaking cunt for air. hence, you recalled how much of a tease he was yesterday and how it pissed you off to no end.
so now that he was sitting submissive to your touch in front of you, why not take your revenge?
your neck slowly retreated backwards to the point where the only thing connecting you to kaminari’s cock was a string of saliva, to which he instinctively whined, “hey! w-why’d ya stop?” completely disregarding the fact he forgot to turn his mic of so mina replied, “who stopped what?” out of confusion.
kaminari’s eyes widened and his face flushed in a way that brought you great amounts of satisfaction, so for being good entertainment, you rewarded him by unhurriedly enveloping his cock with your mouth once more. 
“oh, nothing!” kaminari choked back a moan, realising that his high was fast approaching so he acted accordingly, going to mute his mic, “one second gu-- ah~” the front is cock was finally  - and suddenly - welcomed into the walls of your throat, followed by rapid thrusts which was enough to result in an irrepressible groan escaping his lips.
luckily, his finger found the mute button before the bakusquad was forced to listen to the rest of kaminari’s orgasm. “fuck, baby~” he groaned, tossing his head back in pleasure as his hips jerked back and forth and before he knew it, he was at his climax. out of habit, he yanked his dick away to cum all over your face and chest, barley able to see the masterpiece he created through his heavy lids.
once he finished, he looked down at you with a proud smile, drool staining the corner of his lip, “always so pretty for me~”
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