#even if I'm literally in the middle of torturing him.
memento-morri-writes · 9 months
"Out of one box, into another."
I- uh... I wrote more about my DnD character. Sorry it's not WIP content, but poor Rook had the worst session ever tonight (technically yesterday, since it's almost 1 am), and I was Very Inspired.
TW for violence, abuse, vomit, panic attacks, drinking, and death (in a dream).
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transcript under the cut.
Strong arms grabbed Rook and pulled him away from the wall where he was sandwiched. Rook whipped around, heart pounding, expecting to see a familiar hulking goliath man. He breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing that it was Warren who had pulled him free, not Olvar. Shaking, Rook backed away from Bullosa, Aki, and Maka, pressing himself deep into a corner. His breath came in shallow pants, and his heart was racing
Rook had never heard her voice sound so warm, so loving. In fact, the only time he had ever heard happiness in her voice had been a kind of sadistic joy when she toyed with him.
Suddenly the neat, simple house felt too small. The walls felt crowded, like they were pushing in on him. His lungs and limbs were screaming, and his heart felt like it was about to burst out of his chest.  Taking the bottle in one hand, he pushed out of the house, letting the door swing closed on its own behind him.
Warren was silent for a long moment, but eventually he spoke again. “Those scars, did she give those to you?” Rook nodded. “Sometimes it was her personally, sometimes she was content to just watch.” His stomach twisted as he remembered those sessions. Wolf lounging in a chair while Olvar beat or whipped Rook bloody.
He looked around at the three people surrounding him. He had never once in his life imagined having three people who cared about him so much. Who cared enough to follow him when he vanished, and check up on him. He felt comfortable, sitting here on the roof with them.
Rook was only semi-aware of what was happening as Canan and Warren hauled him down from the roof. He only became more aware when they got inside and Warren pushed him towards the door that had been closed ever since Rook had arrived.  “Nnnn-no,” Rook stuttered. “I d-don’t need to sleep in there. The couch is fine.” He tried to push himself away from Warren, but stumbled.  Warren grabbed him again, and propelled him towards the door. “You’re sleeping in a bed. At least for one night.” Sensing the hopelessness of his situation, Rook gave in and allowed himself to be led into Rowan’s room. He was vaguely aware of pink walls and numerous vibrant decorations scattered around the room. Warren led him to the bed, and Rook collapsed onto it, still mostly dressed.
Beyond the door, he could see CaptainWolf’s crew all gathered around the door, laughing. Aki and Maka stood at the front, one on either side of the captain. Their laughter was the loudest, and even above the din of the crew, and his own rising panic, he could hear them. “You were a fool. You should never have trusted us. Maybe if you hadn’t, you would be free.” But as the walls of the room crept in, Rook knew that wasn’t true.His last thought as the walls began to crush him, and as Olvar’s fingers squeezed the life from his body, was simple. It was always going to end like this.  Rook bolted awake, heart racing. A scream was building in his throat, but he quickly clamped his mouth closed, biting his tongue in the process. His stomach heaved and he leaned over, vomiting bile into the bucket beside the bed. As he lay back, panting, Rook heard Captain Wolf’s voice in his head. “Out of one box, into another.”
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artemismoorea03 · 5 months
DP x DC Prompt: Backup Plans
Danny had a list of 'backup plans' and plans for his backup plans. If his secret got out and his parents didn't take it well he needed a backup. If the world found out he had a back up for that. If both happened there was a third plan. If the worst came true and his loved ones all died in a fiery blast and he was potentially forced to live with Vlad - there was a backup for that too.
Most of the back ups meant living in Sam or Tuckers house without knowing, leaving with Jazz to another city, moving into the Ghost Zone, or leaving America all together (he was thinking Antarctica because of the cold, distance and frequent Ghost Portals that opened there).
But there were backup plans for that too, because if Vlad was determined enough he would go to the ends of the earth (literally) to find him. So, with Clockworks blessing and very vague gesturing towards one section of the Zone he started looking for backup plans in the Infinite Realms.
Which is how he ended up in Gotham City when a natural portal opened up. It was the middle of the day - not ideal - and he appeared right in the middle of a crowded room - even less ideal. It seemed like some kind of... reward ceremony? There were people in spandex on a stage, looking surprised as Danny got ready to book it.
At least that was until one of the spandex wearers approached him. He was wearing all black with pointy... ears? and some kind of bat symbol on his chest.
"Alien, Meta or being from another dimension?" He simply asked.
"Uh... the third one?" Danny replied, looking around anxiously as the bat-guy reached into his belt, pulling out what looked like a PDA but without buttons. Seeing Danny's confusion he turned it on, the screen lighting up with a form.
"Alright. Come stand over here with me and fill this out."
Danny didn't know what was happening but was even more concerned when he actually read what the not-PDA said.
Alternate Dimension Traveler Documentation Form 301
"Do... you get visitors from other dimensions a lot?" Danny asked, following bat-guy to the corner.
"Oh... and that's okay?"
"If they're not here to cause trouble, yes."
Danny smiled at this, "Well I'm definitely not here to do that. I'm looking for a backup plan."
"Backup plan?"
"Mhm." Danny said looking at the not-pda curiously as he tried to figure out how to work it. "You know, in case my parents find out what I am and try to cut me open, my Godfather tries to kidnap or torture me, or my Government captures me and performs legal experimentation's on me as a way to destroy an entire dimension and potentially all connecting dimensions - including yours... say to you have a stylus or something? I'm not sure how this works."
Bat-guy simply blinked slowly, then put his hand on his shoulder as he lead him further from the crowd and sat him down. "You use your finger. See, tap where you want to type and go from there."
"Oh, neat! Thanks bat-dude."
"It's Batman, and you are?"
"Phantom. Danny Phantom. Nice to meet you."
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ladykailitha · 1 month
Paper Hearts Part 1
Remember how my posting schedule was going to be based on strictly vibes from now on? Yeah this is why. I have three chapters of this completed and only two of most everything else because I hurt my right wrist on Wednesday evening (I think I overextended my elbow and it fucked up the tendons in my wrist, because I've done that before on my arm and it feels like that).
So instead of getting more work done on stuff that is literally paragraphs away from the end of the chapter I'm having to tap into my backlog. Which is what it's for. But it is annoying.
I am also aware it's nearly May, but my muse was never one for sense.
Summary: Hawkins High is selling paper hearts to help raise for senior prom. $3 for red romantic hearts and $1 for pink friendship hearts. Steve hasn't dated anyone since the horrific breakup with Nancy on Halloween and so he decides that he's going to send pink hearts to senior girls who wouldn't normally get any hearts at all. When Eddie hears about this he can't help be intrigued. It goes against his very well curated Munson Doctrine. But as events keep throwing them together, Eddie learns there is more to King Steve then meets the eye.
Also a note: the use of the other's last name when it's their point of view is deliberate. As they get to know each other more, the more first names get used.
Steve was staring at the huge sign with a sense of dread. In big pink and white letters on a red background screamed the words:
Valentine’s Day. That time of year for lovers and romantics. That used to be him. But not since Nancy broke his heart by breaking up with him for Jonathan Byers.
There would be no paper hearts in locker this year. Not even pink ones. Nancy had well and truly blown up his life and she got to walk away scott free.
He didn’t know what to do anymore. He pinched his nosed and rubbed the end. He wasn’t going to cry in the middle of the fucking main hall of Hawkins High.
Just before he was about to start moving again someone shoulder checked him, sending back to the floor and all his stuff sprawling around it like some fucked flower.
“Watch it, Harrington!” the voice growled as whoever it was sped off down the hall.
Steve didn’t even bother looking to see who it was. It could have been anyone these days. His former friends. Billy and his ilk. Hell, even the nerds and geeks got in on the action lately.
He knelt down to start cleaning it up when someone else kicked his books toward the lockers. He managed to get most of it picked up when he reached for the last notebook. Someone stepped on his hand and ground down, hurting Steve and ripping the cover off the notebook, crinkling the first couple of pages.
He shoved it into his bag and cradled his hand to his chest. He looked at his watch and sighed. Lunch was nearly over and he hadn’t even made it to the cafeteria yet.
There was nothing for it, he had to get to his next class. He walked into the class room just as the bell rang, but instead of heading for his usual spot near the front he made for the back of the class. There were always a few empty seats around Munson. The guy was terrifying on a good day.
And Steve hoped it was a good day.
Eddie made to class on time by the skin of his teeth. He slid through door just as the bell rang above his head. He was about to lope over to his usual spot in the back when he stopped dead in his tracks.
He looked up at the front at the deliberately left open seat and back at the seat next to his with a raised eyebrow. He wisely said nothing as he flopped into the torture device known as the chesk. Dair? Whatever the hell it was called where some unspeakable horror thought to combine a desk and a chair.
Eddie glanced sidelong at his new companion. The recently deposed king of Hawkins High sat slumped in his chesk, head down, just staring at its surface as if held the meaning to life the universe and everything.
Which if Harrington asked him, he would have been told forty-two.
He pulled out his notebook and noticed that Harrington did not do the same. Curiouser and curiouser. He pulled out a pencil and settled in to avoid falling to sleep today.
He was taking notes and doing the assignment like he was supposed to when about half way through class the teacher called out to him.
“Mr. Harrington!” she shrieked. “If you are going to be sitting in the back, please have the decency to pay attention in class!”
A couple of kids snickered.
“You were talking about how the Fool is used to lighten the absolutely horrific scene above him of Lady Macbeth as she tries to get blood out of her gown,” he muttered, scratching his cheek with his left hand.
That was when the teacher and Eddie noticed the same thing at the same time.
Harrington was cradling his right hand to his chest.
“Mr. Harrington is there something wrong with your right hand?”
“I accidentally hurt it during lunch,” he said with wince.
The teacher tapped her foot and crossed her arms. “And why didn’t you see the nurse?”
“It happened right before class,” Harrington muttered, “and I didn’t want to be late.”
The teacher huffed and shook her head. “I will give you note for your next teacher, but you will see the nurse after class, am I understood?”
He nodded.
“Mr. Munson,” she cried out, shrill. “If you’ll share your notes with Mr. Harrington after class so he does not fall behind.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
He continued to keep an eye on Harrington throughout the whole class but whenever their English teacher tried to catch him out, she would fail every time.
When the bell rang Eddie started shoving his stuff into his backpack. “You sure you even need my notes, Harrington? That was pretty impressive shit you pulled out of your ass today.”
Harrington just shrugged. “Just because I was paying attention doesn’t mean it won’t bleed out of my ears with all the algebra and chemistry stuff I have later.”
Eddie winced in sympathy. “Yeah, I hear that. What’s your locker number and I’ll just slip a copy of my notes in the slots.”
“They got you on a lower locker?” he asked with a grimace. “That’s jacked up. Even Mr. Super Senior here got a top locker. Does the secretary hate you or some shit?”
Again Harrington shrugged. “I’ve got to go. I’ll catch you later.”
Eddie folded his arms at looked at him. “You’re not going to the nurse’s station, are you?”
This time it was Harrington who winced.
“That’s what I thought,” he huffed. “I’m walking you to said nurse’s station because it could be broken and if you don’t get that looked at, you’ll be in more than just a world of hurt, man. You could fuck up your hand for life and you wouldn’t be able to anything in that hand ever again.”
Steve’s eyes went wide as all color drained from his face.
Eddie grabbed both of their backpacks and headed for the door. “Yeah, shit.”
Harrington hurried to catch up, hand still cradled to his chest.
“How did you know that could happen to my hand?” he asked softly.
Eddie eyed him sidelong, but the kid wasn’t being an ass. In fact he would say Harrington was being earnest.
“My uncle works at the machinist plant up the road,” Eddie explained. “One of his buddies broke his hand on the machine and refused to get it looked at. Guess how well that worked?”
“Was it the plant’s fault?” Harrington asked. Eddie cocked his head to the side. “That you uncle’s friend got hurt?”
Eddie reared his head back in shock that Harrington would even ask.
“No, man,” he said shaking his head. “He was goofing off, being a dick. Uncle Wayne always said that if you knock on every door asking for the devil, one day he’s gonna answer.”
“What happens when the devil comes looking for you?” Harrington muttered to himself and Eddie couldn’t help but wonder what this kid had seen.
Because he knows haunted. And Harrington looks like he has an attic full of ghosts.
Once they got to the nurse’s station Eddie waited for him. When the other boy came out he asked how it went.
“She says it doesn’t feel broken,” he huffed. “But that if it doesn’t improve over the weekend after icing at least three times a day, to come back on Monday and she’ll order an x-ray.”
Eddie nodded. “Right. See you around, Harrington.”
He had barely turned around when Harrington called out to him. “Wait!”
Eddie turned back around to have a piece of paper shoved into his hand. “I got the nurse to excuse us both.”
And before he could even reply the other boy was tearing off down the hall as if the devil himself was chasing him.
And after that comment he’d heard, Eddie couldn’t be sure he wasn’t.
Steve was curled up on his bed, icing his hand, staring up at the ceiling, and wondering where the fuck his life had gone so wrong.
Okay so he could answer that one, actually. Demogorgon ate his girlfriend’s best friend while in his backyard. While him and said girlfriend were having sex for the first time.
Yeah... that was all kinds of fucked up.
He still couldn’t believe that Nancy sided with Jonathan about him taking pictures of their first time.
So now Valentine’s Day was two week away and he was dateless, friendless, and unpopular. He wished he could just be called a loner. But a loner was cool and Steve wasn’t even that anymore.
He just had to make until the end of may and then he could graduate, leaving this town in his rearview mirror for good.
Steve knew that he would have to struggle through this fucking holiday and Senior prom then it would be smooth sailing from there.
He had all this money that he would normally spend on his girlfriends, but now he didn’t even have that. He supposed he could blow it all on beer and weed and then he could enjoy the weekend for a change.
Steve sat up suddenly, the ice pack falling from his hand to hit the floor with sploosh!
Now that was an idea.
He still had one thing in the school that was nonpareil and that was gossip. In fact, it was easier to hear all the dirty little secrets because no one cared if he was standing there.
A smile spread over his face.
That could actually work. It would be a great way to spend his allowance and it would be fun.
He got up and put the ice pack back in the freezer. He couldn’t do anything about it right then but once his hand was better he would formulate his little plan.
Steve was suddenly excited for the first time since he dropped Dustin off at the middle school’s Snow Ball.
He was going to make this holiday fun even if he had to manufacture the fun himself.
Eddie was pissed. A little at himself, but mostly at how Harrington was being treated.
He had to sit through lunch and listen a bunch of stupid jocks brag about stomping on Harrington’s hand when he was trying to pick up his stuff off the floor in the hallway yesterday.
They had been hoping for an actual break, but the asshole thought he’d only bruised it.
The reason Eddie was a little mad at himself for this was because he was the one that had shoulder checked Harrington. He had only been trying to get the guy out of his daze. Not send his shit flying.
And then to have someone deliberately stepping on his hand. Fuck. Not even Hagan ever went that far.
Stev–Harrington didn’t deserve that kind of bullying. No one did.
But he could see the twisted sort of appeal, though. And fuck if that didn’t make his stomach turn.
To see the deposed king and want to mock that? Want to dig the hurt in as deep as he could? To drive home the lesson that popularity was fleeting and that existence was a curse?
Yeah, Eddie could see the appeal.
But he wouldn’t. He might make fun of literally everyone and everything but his own interests, but to make turn that into actual cruelty? That was were he drew the line in the sand.
He went home feeling sick to his stomach. And of course Wayne picked up on it immediately.
He jutted his chin at the chicken and rice on Eddie plate that he had only merely pushed around with his fork.
“What’s got you so twisted around the bend?”
Eddie put his fork down and hid his mouth with his clasped hands, elbows on the table.
“I fucked up today,” he murmured. “I didn’t mean for it to go as it did.”
“What did you do?”
So Eddie told him. “I wasn’t trying to hurt him, but he got hurt anyway.”
“That does sound pretty bad,” Wayne agreed. “And as you say, you were trying to help only for it to go very awry. And since you didn’t about it until after the fact you couldn’t apologize and that’s what’s eating you up inside.”
Eddie nodded around his fists, his lower lip quivering.
“You’ll just have to find a way to apologize on Monday,” Wayne said wisely.
Eddie sighed. It was the best he could do. It wasn’t as though he could call the guy up or show up at his house. The first because he didn’t have the guy’s number and the second because he’d get the cops called on him so fast by the neighbors.
It would just have to wait until Monday.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
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ro-is-struggling · 1 year
Breakfast Is Served || Stucky x Reader
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Summary: Bucky decides to have you for breakfast. When Steve interrupts you, he asks him to join in and the both of them feast on you. 
Warnings: SMUT MINORS DNI, Porn without plot (like there's literally no plot, just filth), dom!Bucky (trust me, it’s a warning), fingering, edging, oral sex (f & m receiving), penetrative sex, dirty talk, slight degradation/name calling (slut), cum play kinda, praise kink, overstimulation, threesome, fluff at the end. No real Stucky action, just them having their fun with the reader ;) (although Bucky kinda fucks them both in a way👀)
English is not my first language
Word count: 7800
Notes: it's my first time writing both a threesome and a Stucky x Reader fic so I'm sorry if it sucks :(
Also this is a direct continuation of Let Me Help so READ PART 1 HERE
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Bucky's hand traveled from your hip to your ass, squeezing your flesh over the thin fabric of your pajama pants before giving you a spank. It wasn't hard, just enough to awaken a tingling sensation on your skin, but you still let out a moan. It was more from surprise than pain, jumping in place as soon as his hand made contact with your backside. Your eyes darted down the hallway, checking to make sure Steve didn't emerge from the bathroom before pushing your hips back, making contact with Bucky's semi-hard cock. 
It was wrong. You knew it was wrong. Steve and Bucky were your friends and you weren't supposed to play with them like that. Not only had you betrayed your agreement with Bucky, but you had dragged Steve into the middle of it all. You were a horrible person, a depraved whore, but you couldn't help but feel a desperate attraction to both of them and you were tired of hiding it. Screw your friendship! This was more fun anyway.
"Did you enjoy making him cum?" Bucky growled in your ear, planting a couple of wet kisses along your neck before pulling away only a few inches so he could remove your pants. You put up no resistance, letting him do whatever he wanted with you. "Of course you did, you dirty little slut. You're soaking through your panties." 
Bucky's fingers stroked your pussy over the small cotton fabric covering you, paying special attention to your swollen bundle of nerves that was desperate for some friction. It felt wonderful, but it wasn't enough. You needed more, much more. Your pussy was aching for relief and a simple rubbing over your panties wasn't going to get you there.
"Bucky, please." You whimpered, grinding your hips against his hand in a desperate attempt to create more friction. Maybe if he was quick you could get the relief you so desperately craved before Steve interrupted you. 
"What is it, doll? You wanna cum, is that it?" He sounded so condescending that you were sure if you were in any other situation you would have hit him for talking to you that way. But at that moment you were too desperate to pretend that his teasing tone didn't turn you on. "Are you that desperate that you don't even care if Steve walks in on us?" 
"He won't if you're quick, Bucky, pleaseee." You begged him, feeling tears of frustration begin to form in your eyes. You were ready to cry if that's what he wanted, anything to feel his hands exploring your body as he brought you to that sweet relief.
"And what makes you think you deserve to cum?" You could hear the smile in his voice. He was enjoying torturing you, raising your hopes as he pushed your panties aside only to move his fingers up and down your wet folds avoiding the place where you needed him most. 
"Only good girls get to cum and you've been a very, very bad girl." The rasp in his voice did nothing to ease the pressure in your stomach, it only added fuel to the fire burning inside you.
You wanted to cry, the frustration mixed with the excitement was starting to become too much. You needed relief and you needed it now, you were willing to do anything to get it. You opened your mouth to beg one more time, at this point you knew how much Bucky enjoyed it. However, the only thing that came out of your mouth was a moan of surprise as you felt Bucky's index and middle fingers suddenly thrust into your dripping hole. 
Your velvety walls welcomed them gladly, your pussy crying out in pleasure as you finally got the attention you so desperately needed. When Bucky curved his fingers inside you, he reached that soft, spongy part inside you that made you see stars. You dropped onto the counter, eyes closed as you bit down on your arm to keep from moaning. Wave after wave of pleasure coursed through your body, pure electricity traveling through your veins as your warm, wet walls clenched over Bucky's fingers, clinging desperately to them in an attempt to hold them in place until you got the relief you so desperately needed.
"Why didn't you tell me you liked Steve, doll?" Bucky's deep voice echoed behind you, the fingers of his free hand entwining in your hair and tugging the strands until he brought your ear close to his mouth. "The three of us could have had some fun... Oh you like the sound of that, don't you, doll? Of course you do, you naughty little slut."
"F-fuck, Bucky, please... I'm so close." You begged, feeling your orgasm approaching. Every word out of Bucky's mouth, every gasp or degrading nickname went straight to your center, his filthy mouth working together with his fingers to push you closer and closer to the edge. 
"You wanna cum, baby? You wanna cum on my fingers?" You nodded fervently, mumbling incoherently as you felt the knot in your stomach tighten with each movement of his fingers. You were so close you could feel the force of your orgasm struggling to break free.
"Well, too bad."
And just like that, Bucky removed his fingers from inside you, leaving you unsatisfied and confused. You couldn't contain the frustrated whimper that escaped your lips, tears building up your eyes as your pussy tightened around nothing, missing Bucky's long fingers.
"Bucky, what the hell?" you tried not to scream so as not to alert Steve, but the annoyance was clear in your voice. 
"I told you, doll, only good girls get to come." He kept eye contact with you as he brought his fingers to his mouth, savoring your taste on his skin as he moaned against his digits. You couldn't look away even though you wanted to, mesmerized by the sensual flick of his tongue. He gave you a cocky smile before returning to his place at the table, closing the newspaper that had been left forgotten there and folding it in two as if preparing to go about his morning routine.
"Bucky we don't have time for this. Steve is gonna come out of the shower any minute now."
"That didn't seem to matter to you two seconds ago." You let out a snort at the arrogance in his voice, shaking your head as you prepared to disappear into your room to take matters into your own hands. However, Bucky didn't let you get past him, closing his fingers around your arm to stop you. "I didn't say you could leave. I'm not done with you yet." 
And just like that, he had you under his spell again. 
You let him pull you closer to him, enjoying the way his hands roamed your body, caressing every inch of skin in their path. His playful fingers slipped underneath your pajama top, up your stomach until they reached your breasts. Your nipples reacted to his touch immediately, hardening under his palms. When he pinched them, you bit your lip to keep from letting out a moan.
You didn't question him when he removed your panties, you just reveled in the softness of his caresses as he moved the piece of fabric down your legs. Once they were on the floor you stepped out of them, letting Bucky settle you on the table in front of him with your legs spread and your pussy exposed to his hungry gaze. The blue in his eyes had darkened letting you know how desperate he was for you. 
"I'm hungry, doll. You interrupted my breakfast and now you're not leaving this table until I'm satisfied." Bucky didn't give you time to react, he just dove right between your legs, lapping up your juices like a man starving.
Your hands flew to his hair, pressing his face against your center to make sure he didn't go anywhere this time. His tongue was very skilled and knew exactly what to do to make a mess of you. Granted, you were already very sensitive from all the edging, so you weren't going to last long anyway, but you knew full well that even if you weren't so desperate, Bucky was capable of taking you over the edge at record speed with his sinful tongue. 
When he caught your clit between his lips and sucked you let out a loud moan. Your back was to the hallway, so you momentarily forgot about the possibility of Steve appearing there at any moment. The whole world around you ceased to exist as you felt your orgasm approaching for the second time. 
Your thighs closed around Bucky's head, trapping him in place as your body began to shake with pleasure. It felt as if your orgasm was going to be too intense and for a moment you panicked. You tried to pull away from Bucky to catch your breath and give your body some time to prepare for what was to come, but he wouldn't let you. His hands closed over your hips, fingers digging into your flesh to hold you in place. 
"Fuck, Bucky, I can't... 's too much." You mumbled incoherently, but he didn't stop. He showed you no mercy as he licked your pussy like it was the tastiest candy he'd ever tasted, taking what he wanted from you. 
However, fate forced him to give you a break when Steve's horrified and embarrassed voice brought you back to the real world. The blond apologized awkwardly, unsure of how to react to such a situation. He had made the mistake of entering the room while drying his hair with a towel after his much-needed shower and didn't realize what was happening until it was too late.
"Don't be sorry, Steve. You're just on time for breakfast." Bucky spoke, emerging from between your legs to look at his friend. He moved his chair to the side, leaving a space at the table for him to sit down to feast with you as well. Steve froze in place, though he couldn't stop his eyes from traveling to your glistening pussy. It looked so pretty and inviting, tempting his self-control.
"Don't worry, she doesn't mind. Don't you, doll?" Steve felt his cock twitching in his pants as he looked up to see you. You looked completely wrecked, your hair disheveled and your eyes glassy. Your breathing was accelerated, your chest rising and falling rapidly as you tried to come down from your high.
"Steve, please." You begged in a hoarse voice. "I need you, baby." You sounded pathetic, completely desperate, but it was enough to convince him. Steve approached you slowly, sitting down in the free chair next to Bucky. He was tense, you could see it in the stiffness of his shoulders, but the darkness in his eyes told you he wanted this as much as you did. He was just a little nervous.
"I don't know how- I never have-" He tried to explain his situation, but stopped himself both times. He knew you guys wouldn't judge him for his lack of experience, but he still felt silly admitting he had no idea how to eat a woman out.
"That's okay, pal. That's why I'm here." Bucky gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder before returning his attention to you. "Just watch and learn." He buried his face between your legs once more, leaning slightly to the side so Steve had a view of the way his tongue flicked over your clit.
You let out a loud moan as Bucky's lips made contact with your wet folds, pulling your head back as you let yourself be carried away by the pleasure. It was the most beautiful sight Steve had ever seen. You looked like an angel with the sunlight streaming through the window framing your figure, one that promised to make his darkest fantasies come true. The sounds escaping from your mouth were music to his ears, the pleas for more going straight to his cock. He couldn't wait to be the cause of your cries of pleasure, to have his name fall from your lips like a mantra as he pushed you over the edge. 
"This little bundle of nerves right here is your best friend when you're trying to get a woman to come." Bucky's voice snapped him out of his thoughts, bringing him back to reality. He reluctantly took his eyes away from your expression of pure pleasure, concentrating on the valuable information his friend was providing. "Here, you try it... don't worry, I promise you she'll love it. Just start slow, don't put too much pressure."
Steve moved his trembling hand to your center, taking the time to caress the soft skin of your thighs before running a finger over your glistening folds. You were so wet that he had no difficulty at all, his digit sliding easily up to your clit. He then followed his friend's advice, drawing small circles over the bundle of nerves without applying too much pressure.
"F-fuck." He heard your breathy moan and lifted his gaze to watch you. Your eyes were closed, your teeth clenched over your lower lip as you tried to contain the involuntary twitching of your hips. You wanted to let Steve take his time exploring your body, to learn with you how to please a woman, but you were also desperate for relief. 
"See? She likes that! Don't you, doll?"
"Y-yes, yes! Steve, please." You begged. His finger felt good, but you needed more. You wanted to feel more of him, to have him show you how much he wanted to make you cum.
"Oh, she's so close." Bucky let out a low chuckle. "She's desperate to cum. But she needs more, so why don't you settle down there in between her legs? I'll guide you through what she likes." 
Steve was desperate to taste you, so as much as he felt the funny feeling of nerves in his stomach, he settled down between your legs. He couldn't resist the urge to kiss your thighs, slowly making his way to the place where you needed him most. He could smell your desire from there, see your pussy dripping with need as your anticipation grew.
"Start by licking a line up her slit, then focus your attention on her clit. Go slow." He heard Bucky instructing him and he followed his orders to the letter. Steve moaned as he felt the sweet taste of your arousal against his tongue, the vibrations adding to the pleasure he was giving you. 
"She tastes good, doesn't she?" Bucky asked him, a knowing smile plastered on his lips. 
"Fuck yes," Steve spoke against your pussy, his breath crashing against your sensitive clit and making you gasp. "It's the sweetest thing I've ever tasted."
"I know, right?" The brunet nodded, patting his friend's back lightly before pulling away a little to give him his space. There was something incredibly erotic about the way the two men talked about your taste like it was some nectar of the gods, it made you feel special in a way, desired. No man had ever eaten your pussy with such desperation before. "Try putting your tongue inside her, it's even better."
You didn't even have time to process Bucky's words before you felt Steve's tongue pushing its way into your tight hole. His nose was rubbing your clit in a delicious way and you had to fight your body not to move your hips against his face. You knew this was his first time doing something like this —even if it didn't feel like it— and you wanted to let him be in control, to work out what he felt comfortable doing. But when he moved his tongue inside you, your body twitched involuntarily, your nervous system responding automatically to the rush of pleasure coursing through you.
"Oh, fuck… just like that, baby… don't stop." You moaned desperately, voice laced with need as you buried your fingers in his hair to hold his head in place. "You're doing so good for me, Stevie... such a good job, m-making me feel so goo- fuck!" your praise only encouraged Steve more, giving him the confidence he needed to start experimenting with his techniques. His cock was painfully hard in his pants again, throbbing every time he earned a moan from you. But his pleasure didn't matter at that moment, all he wanted was to feel you cum on his tongue. 
"Does that feel good, doll?" Bucky's deep voice echoed in your ears. "You like to feel Steve's tongue deep inside you?" you moaned back as Steve moved his tongue in a different way, reaching new places that made your vision blurry. "Of course you do, you slut. You love to get tongue fuck by him while I watch... you love being our little fuck doll, ready to please and take everything we give you." 
Bucky's hands roamed your body, caressing your breasts over your pajama top. Your nipples stood hard under his fingers, a clear sign of how turned on you were. You felt like you were on fire, your head spinning with pleasure. The combination of Steve's sinful mouth and Bucky's dirty words were too much for your poor system and you were short-circuiting, reduced to a mess of incoherent moans as you felt your orgasm approaching for the third time. You didn't even realize Bucky had removed your shirt until you felt his lips closing over your left nipple, sucking on the little bundle until you let out a whimper of pleasure.
"She's getting close." Bucky warned Steve, talking to his friend as if you weren't in the room. It was incredibly hot the way he could tell you were close to cumming without you having to tell him. He knew you that well. "Put a finger inside her, you're gonna want to feel her clenching around it as she cums, trust me."
"Fuck, right there, Steve, please." You moaned as you felt his finger pressing against that spongy place deep inside you. You dropped onto Bucky, hiding your face in his shoulder as you felt your orgasm approaching. The knot in your stomach tightened with each flick of Steve's tongue over your abused bundle of nerves, a warm sensation spreading through your abdomen as your legs began to tremble.
"You're gonna be a good girl and cum for us, doll?" Bucky encouraged, murmuring in your ear as he pinched your nipples between his fingers, adding a slight sensation of pain that mingled with pleasure in a delicious way. "You're gonna be a good girl and cum all over Stevie's face? Look at him, he wants it so bad, baby. He's desperate to feel you cum."
As if he sought to add veracity to Bucky's words, Steve moaned against your pussy, making your eyes roll to the back of your head. He felt your warm walls closing around his finger, burying it deep inside you as your hips moved against his face, fucking yourself into him. You were so tight and warm that he couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to be inside you, to feel your velvety walls tightening around his member as you came, milking his cock until there wasn't a drop of cum left in him.
"Suck her clit into your mouth, hard." Bucky instructed and Steve obeyed, closing his lips over the bundle of nerves and sucking hard. Your hips lifted off the table and Bucky had to press his arm against your lower belly to hold you in place. That added a new sensation, a pressure that threatened to push you over the edge. 
"C'mon, doll, cum for us. We want to hear you. We want to see you come undone for us, c'mon." And as if Bucky's words were a command, your body immediately complied. The moan that escaped your lips was a sound neither Steve nor Bucky would ever forget, traveling straight to their cocks as they pushed you over the edge. 
Your orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks, wave after wave of pleasure coursing through your body as you cried out. Your trembling legs closed around Steve's head, holding him in place. Not that he was complaining, he was more than happy to stay between your legs, licking everything you had to offer him. Your essence was his new favorite drug, the only thing he wanted to savor for the rest of his life. However, he was forced to pull away from you as you began to cry from the overstimulation, your body unsure of what to do as it felt both so good and so overwhelmed at the same time. 
You could hear Bucky's voice in the distance, praising you for behaving so well, but you were too far gone to be able to process exactly what he was saying. Your mind was spinning, eyes slightly out of focus. All you could do was feel. Feel the electricity coursing through your veins. Feel Steve's hands caressing your legs as he watched you in complete awe of your beauty. Feel Bucky's warm breath against your neck as he spoke, his lips brushing your skin with every word that came from his lips. It was the hardest you had ever come in your life, neither your body nor your mind seemed prepared to withstand such pleasure.
“Are you there, doll?” You only managed to weakly nod your head, doubting your ability to form coherent sentences at that moment. "Good, cause we're not done with you yet." Your eyes opened wide at his words, not knowing how to feel about it. You were tired, destroyed by the force of your orgasm, but at the same time the possibility of feeling Bucky and Steve's hands on your body again were too tempting to pass up. 
"You think you can handle it?" You nodded again, looking up at Bucky with sparkling eyes. "Use your words like a big girl."
"Yes, I can handle it, please." You assured him in a raspy voice, sitting up straight on the table, posture erect and gaze expectant as a way of showing Bucky that you were a good girl who knew how to behave.
"Always so eager to please, my good girl." He smiled, planting a soft, sensual kiss on your lips.  You kissed him back with fervent enthusiasm, burying your fingers in his hair to draw him even closer to you. When you moaned against his lips he picked up the pace, his tongue entering your mouth and engaging with yours in a sinful dance that took your breath away. 
You lost yourself in the moment, the world around you disappearing as you surrendered under Bucky's dominance. He was a damn good kisser and knew exactly what to do to leave you dazed when he broke away. He always had to hold back a proud smile when he saw the effects of his lips on your face, your half-closed eyes slightly unfocused with no thought behind them, only desire. And that time was no exception. 
You whimpered when his lips parted from yours, immediately seeking contact again. But he stopped you, giving you a firm look that told you to stay in place. "Don't be rude, doll." He said, shaking his head. "Show poor Stevie some love too. We don't want him to feel left out."
Remembering that you weren't alone there, your gaze fell on Steve. He looked like a mess, tangled hair, cheeks slightly flushed and puffy lips still glistening with your release. His appearance contrasted with the innocence in his eyes in a delightful way. It awakened something in you, a fire deep within you that urged you toward him. So you answered your body's needs, pulling Steve to you and pressing your lips to his.
You didn't have to fight him to gain dominance, he willingly surrendered to you the moment your tongue caressed his lips. You could taste yourself in him, the sweet evidence of your release still present in his mouth. That only fueled you more, wanting to repay him for making you feel so good. Your hands roamed over his body, caressing his chest, down his flat abdomen to the bulge in his pants.
Steve moaned against your lips as he felt your palm press against his erection, cock throbbing in his pants desperate for relief. He had cum about 20 minutes before, but it didn't really feel like it. He was just as desperate —if not more so— for your attention as he had been in the morning. He needed you more than he'd ever needed anyone. You were the only one who could make him feel that way. You owned him body and soul. 
There was nothing he could do to stop his body from reacting to your touch - and he didn't want to anyway. All he could do was relax under your touch and trust you to bring him back to that sweet abyss of pleasure. When your hand went inside his underwear he let out a pathetic moan. He didn't care about being right in front of Bucky —hell, part of him liked that he was there—, he didn't even care about showing how needy he was. All he cared about was feeling you close to him, feeling your hands on his body as you brought him to the edge. 
"Aw, poor Stevie needs some release." Bucky teased, a playful smile plastered on his lips. "You wanna give it to him, don't you, doll? You wanna make him feel good?"
"Yes! I want to make you both feel good." You turned your gaze away from Steve to focus on Bucky for a moment, though your hand remained buried in his pants.
"Of course you do. You're such a good girl for us." Bucky kissed you once more and you felt Steve's cock twitch beneath your hand as he watched the two of you. "Ready for your breakfast, doll?"
Bucky carried you in his arms to the couch, declaring that it would be better if you settled somewhere more comfortable for what he had in mind. He had Steve sit on one end of the couch, placing you next to him as he took a moment to remove his pajama top. 
"Well, go on doll, eat your breakfast." He said as you looked at him expectantly, waiting for his permission or some sort of instruction. Bucky gently caressed your cheek before turning your face to Steve. He was looking at you with big, dark eyes full of pleasure, his dick throbbing as he understood the implications behind his friend's words.
You didn't waste a second, your hands traveling quickly to Steve's pants to free his member from its confinement. Your eyes met his one last time, a silent question written in them. He nodded, giving you the consent you needed to continue.
Your tongue pressed against the vein that ran along the underside of his shaft as you licked a long line from the base of his cock to the tip. Your tongue trailed up his skin in an almost torturous manner, giving him a small taste of what was to come without actually giving it to him. His eyes never left yours, deep blue orbs staring intently at you as you teased him. You were having your fun, taking your time to find out what things made Steve react. He knew it and enjoyed it too. He was desperate for relief, yes, and there was nothing he wanted more than to feel your lips wrap around his cock, but he enjoyed the tension in the air, the extra attention you were putting on him. It made him feel special in a way. So he let you have your fun, holding back the urge to thrust his hips upward as your tongue circled around his flushed, swollen tip.
"I knew you'd taste fucking delicious, baby." You moaned against his cock, reveling in the salty taste of his pre cum. "I need more." Steve didn't have time to even process your words before he felt your lips closing over the tip of his cock, sucking it into your mouth. The moan that escaped his lips was pathetic, but he was too lost in pleasure to care. He had never felt anything like that before. It was almost overwhelming. Just the image of his cock slowly disappearing inside your mouth was enough to drive him over the edge, his balls tightening with the threat of release.
"She's really good at that, isn't she?" Steve heard Bucky's voice in the distance, making him remember you weren't alone.
"Y-yeah, f-fuck, so good." He managed to mumble between ragged breaths, fists clenching on the material of the couch until his knuckles turned white.
You felt like a goddess being praised by both men, pure pleasure coursing through your body even when neither of them were touching you. All it took was their lustful glances and desperate comments to ignite the fire in your stomach once again. 
For a moment you forgot your own satisfaction, ignoring your throbbing pussy in order to concentrate on pleasuring Steve. It wasn't as if you weren't enjoying it, you loved feeling the weight of his cock on your tongue and hearing the moans of pleasure escaping his lips. It was more than enough to keep you on the edge, though not enough to push you beyond it. But you didn't care, all you wanted was to give him the relief he needed, to hear him moan your name as he emptied his load into your mouth, painting the back of your throat white. Showing Steve pleasures he didn't know about, being the first woman in his life to touch him like that and make him feel so good was pleasurable enough for you.
At least, until you felt Bucky's hands gripping your hips. He settled you on the couch without any trouble, manhandling you as if you weighed nothing until your face was pushed against Steve's dick and your ass was up in the air. He positioned himself behind you, caressing the soft skin of your ass before giving you a hard spank that took you by surprise. You flinched, letting out a moan that vibrated around Steve's dick in your mouth. You heard him curse under his breath, throwing his head back as he tightened his grip on the couch cushions. Bucky chuckled under his breath, repeating the action a couple of times, no doubt in an effort to push Steve over the edge. 
When Bucky pressed his member against your wet pussy, you knew he was teasing you too. He slid his shaft up and down your folds, intentionally missing the spot where you needed it most. You tried to push yourself against him, silently telling him you were ready to take whatever he wanted to give you, but his firm grip on your hips prevented you from doing so.
"What is it, doll? You seem desperate." Bucky teased, enjoying the whimpers that escaped your lips, muffled by Steve's cock that kept you from communicating properly. "You want me to fuck you, is that it? You want me to fuck you while you have Steve's dick buried deep down in your throat, huh?" 
The desperate moan you let out was all the confirmation Bucky needed. As much fun as it was to be in control, playing with you and by extension Steve, he was getting impatient. His hard cock was throbbing with need, tip red and swollen as drops of pre cum leaked from the slit. So he buried himself inside you giving you almost no warning, pushing you against Steve's cock with the force of his thrust. You gagged around him, eyes rolling into the back of your head as a rush of electricity spread throughout your body.
Bucky lost himself in you for a moment, relishing in the way your warm, wet walls closed around his member. He held still for a moment, giving you a chance to adjust to his member, before he began to move his hips against yours in a torturous rhythm. There was no time for gentleness, to take his time with you and slowly bring you —and him— to the edge. There was a sense of urgency in the air, of desperation, that enveloped the three of you as you worked together to get some relief.
Each thrust of Bucky's hips pushed you further onto Steve's member, your uncontrollable moans vibrating around him adding to the pleasure he felt. As your hands began to toy with his balls, his abdomen tensed, feeling his orgasm getting closer and closer. He didn't want to cum yet, he didn't want the moment to end. He wanted to enjoy the warmth of your mouth on him for a while longer, so he fought to contain the pleasure he was feeling. It wasn't an easy task, not when Bucky seemed to be making you feel so good with every little movement. He had to fight his body not to push his hips up since he didn't want to hurt you, squeezing the couch cushions tightly as a way to keep himself grounded.
"You can grab her hair, Stevie, she doesn't mind." Bucky's voice echoing in his ears made him open his eyes. Though it was a mistake because seeing the state you were in —eyes watery, pupils dilated, lips swollen around his cock— did nothing but tighten the knot in his stomach, bringing him closer to the breaking point. "She likes it. You can use it to guide her movements, like this." 
Bucky grabbed your hair in a fist, his fingers burying themselves in the messy locks to get a firm grip on your head. When he pulled you back hard, you couldn't help but let out a whimper of mixed pain and pleasure. He pushed you away from Steve until only the tip of his cock remained buried in your mouth, ordering you to suck on it before slowly lowering your head back down to him. For the next few moments, Bucky controlled the rhythm and the way you pleasured Steve, making you bob your head up and down his dick at a tortuous peace, effectively fucking him with your mouth. 
His assault on you never ceased, his hips moving slowly and sensually against yours as he used you for his and Steve's pleasure. He enjoyed the control, how powerful it made him feel to have you both moaning desperately because of him. Seeing Steve's face as he tried not to cum and feeling the way your velvety walls closed around his cock was an explosive combination. A sinful image that brought him closer and closer to his orgasm. So, to try to bring you closer to your limit as well, he pushed your head down, forcing you to take Steve's cock down your throat. He held you in that position for a few seconds, enjoying the pathetic whimpers that involuntarily escaped Steve's lips. 
When you gagged, Bucky lifted your head up and away from Steve's dick to give you a chance to breathe. He pulled you closer to him using the firm grip he had on your hair, pressing his torso against your back as he tilted your head so he could get a better look at you. You were a mess of tears and saliva, your swollen lips slightly parted as you struggled to breathe.
“She loves being used, don’t you, doll?” Bucky said, placing a kiss on your cheek. It was a tender touch that contrasted with what he was saying, a way of rewarding you for your good behavior. "Tell Stevie how much you like to be used, baby. Tell him it's okay if he fucks your throat or pulls your hair." He tilted your head so you could look at Steve, never loosening his grip on your hair.
"I-I love being used... I want you to use me for your pleasure, baby." You managed to say between accelerated breaths, feeling your walls tighten around Bucky's cock with every word that escaped your lips. "I want to feel your cock down my throat as you come undone for me, baby, please."
Steve almost choked on his own saliva as he swallowed, unable to believe that what was happening was real and not part of one of his deepest fantasies. It didn't seem real to him to have you naked in front of him, tears in your eyes and lips swollen as you begged for his cock. It was too much for him, he was convinced that his poor heart wouldn't be able to hold out much longer —in fact, he was surprised that he hadn't already had an asthma attack from his labored breathing. But still, he needed to feel your throat closing around his cock even if that was the last thing he did. He needed release and you were the only one who could give it to him.
When Bucky pulled you into him again, Steve reached out to cup your face. You leaned into his touch, enjoying the gentleness of his caress, a nice contrast to the roughness and intensity of the moment. Slowly, his hand slid upward, losing itself in your messy locks. He gathered your hair in his fist in a gentle grip, slowly easing himself into this new and unfamiliar territory. You gave him a small smile, a way of reassuring him that you were okay with it to try to calm his nerves. That seemed to help, because you felt him tighten his grip on your hair before guiding your mouth to his member again.
You let him take control, his hands guiding the movement of your mouth as you felt Bucky increase the pace of his thrusts. All three of you were close to the edge, you could tell by the desperate way your bodies were moving, but none of you wanted the moment to end. You wanted to live forever in that beautiful bliss, wrapped in each other's warmth as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through your bodies. However, you were determined to make Steve cum before you did. You needed to feel his cock throbbing in your mouth as he emptied his load down your throat, fingers clutching at your hair to hold you in place. You needed to hear him moan your name in desperation as you drove him to the edge of pleasure.
“Oh f-fuck, I'm s-so close." Steve tried to warn you between shaky breaths. You moaned around him, using every trick you knew to push him over the edge. His grip on your hair tightened, pain mixing with pleasure as you felt Bucky's fingers toy with your clit seeking to bring you to the same state of desperation as Steve. 
You felt his cock throbbing in your mouth, his balls tensing in your hands as you gently played with them. He was so close to cumming that you could almost feel his load on your tongue, so you pushed him a little further, taking all of him until his cock reached your throat. The sensation was too much for poor Steve, your wet, tight hole closing around him in a delicious way. He couldn't fight his body any longer so he let himself go, pressing you down on his cock as he emptied his load down your throat with a loud moan of your name.
"Oh fuck, she loves that." Steve heard Bucky moaning in the distance, too lost in the pleasure coursing through his body to reply. "She's squeezing me so tight, fuck... You love having Stevie's dick buried down your throat, don't you? You love the taste of his cum in your tongue, you cock hungry slut."
The whimper you let out was pathetic and went straight to Bucky's cock. "Yes! I've wanted to taste it for so long." You admitted, looking straight into Steve's half-closed eyes. Fuck your friendship! "You taste so good, baby... best breakfast I've ever had." And as if you wanted to show Steve how good he tasted, you kissed him allowing him to savor himself on your lips. 
Bucky groaned behind your back, finding the scene in front of him incredibly erotic. It was as if you knew exactly what to do to push him over the edge. "That's it, such a good girl for us, doll." He praised you as he quickened the pace of his thrusts, feeling his orgasm approaching. "You take us both so well, like you were meant for it, f-fuck! You wanna be our good girl forever? Let us please you whenever you need? I promise, we'd take such good care of you, wouldn't we Steve?"
Bucky's mind was clouded with pleasure, but that didn't make his words any less true. It was a genuine offer he was making. He wanted to have you with him forever, he wanted Steve to have you forever, and you to have both of them. It was pretty obvious that that was what you were meant to be, it was the only explanation for the way you felt, for the way you connected on such a special level. You weren't just friends, you never had been and he was tired of pretending.
"Yes! Yes we would." Steve rushed to say, not needing much time to think about his answer. The three of you together just felt natural, it had been that way all your lives and it had to stay that way until the end of your days. "Please, sweetheart, be ours."
You couldn't have refused an offer like that even if you wanted to, not when Steve was looking at you with puppy dog eyes and cheeks slightly flushed red, not when Bucky was spreading kisses on your back in such a tender way while he waited for an answer. But the thing was, you didn't need to give one, they knew you were theirs. You knew you were theirs. That had been the case from day one, long before you and Bucky started fucking.
"I'm yours, always have been, always will be." You admitted with a smile, feeling your chest filling with a warm sensation as Steve joined your lips in a kiss. It was sweet and tender, contrasting with the force of Bucky's thrusts.
"Oh that's it, my good girl... I'm gonna mark you with my cum... f-fuck... claim you as mine as I fill your tight pussy with my cum, just like Steve did your that pretty mouth of yours... you ready, baby? Are you ready to feel my cum buried deep inside your cunt?"
"Yes! Bucky, please. I need you to fill me up, please, mark me as yours... I need to feel you, baby, pleaseee." You didn't care anymore about how pathetic or needy you sounded, you were too far gone to do that. All you wanted was to feel that sweet relief coursing through your body.
"Then cum for me, doll. Let us see you come undone for us one more time and I'll give it to you, c'mon!" Bucky didn't have to do much more to push you over the edge, your body responding to his commands as if he were in charge. A couple of quick thrusts, the rubbing of his fingers against your clit, and you were cumming on his cock with a choked cry.
The intensity of your orgasm took you by surprise, your whole body twitching as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through your nervous system. Your body gave out and you fell on top of Steve, hiding your face in his neck as Bucky fucked you through your orgasm in pursuit of his own. Steve held you against him, supporting you and stroking your hair as you struggled for breath. He whispered sweet nothings in your ear, but you weren't able to respond since your mind was too overwhelmed with pleasure. You appreciated it though, it helped keep you grounded as you felt a new pressure forming in your stomach.
The pleasure never ceased, it only increased with each thrust of Bucky's hips. It was almost painful, your body squirming from the overstimulation. But at the same time it felt so good that you let Bucky hold you in place, digging his fingers into the skin of your hips as he chased his own orgasm.
"F-fuuckk, Bucky, I can't... 's too much, please." You mumbled incoherently against Steve's chest, but your whines were interrupted by a long moan that announced another orgasm. The spasms of your poor abused pussy pushed Bucky over the edge, triggering his own orgasm just seconds after yours. You felt his cock throbbing inside you as he emptied his load, rope after rope of cum painting your velvety walls white. 
You whimpered as he pulled out of you, feeling empty without his cock buried deep inside you. Yet he was back beside you in an instant, sitting on the couch and settling you on his lap. You could feel your juices mixing with his and running down your legs as your over-sensitive pussy still twitched with the aftershocks of your orgasm. Your muscles ached and you felt tired, but still a satisfied smile formed on your face.
"It's okay, we got you, we got you." Bucky murmured against your hair as he pulled you tight against his body. "You did soo good for us, doll... such a good girl." Your heart fluttered at his words, the tone of his voice much softer and more tender than he had used to call you that so far. 
You let the warmth of Bucky's body soothe your overwhelmed senses, matching your breathing to his as you slowly came down from your high. When you finally opened your eyes, you met the adoring gaze of Steve first, who was sitting next to Bucky with your legs stretched across his lap. His fingers traced invisible patterns on your skin, his way of helping to soothe you and keep himself grounded at the same time. He looked adorable with his big puppy dog eyes looking at you as if you were the only important thing in the room, patiently waiting for you to come around.
When you looked up you found Bucky watching you in a similar way, blue eyes full of love as he held you against his chest. It made you feel incredibly special, loved. Butterflies awoke in your stomach, fluttering around as you realized that this was the place you always wanted to be. You belonged with them, Steve and Bucky were your home.
You reached out a hand to cup Bucky's cheek, thumb caressing the soft skin of his face as your other hand intertwined with Steve's. "I love you guys." You simply said, your voice soft and tired, but sincere. 
They shared a quick glance before Steve said, "We love you too, sweetheart."
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Tags: @pono-pura-vida @itdobe-foggy
Thank you so much for your support! It means a lot, especially in a fic like this one where I don't feel that confident with my smut writing skills
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jungkookstatts · 7 months
Big fan of your work! Since requests are open I was wondering if you may do a jk smut “holy sh*t i think you got ME pregnant” riding and complete  eagerness for jk 🫣
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[Summary]: Jungkook is a little too obsessed with the idea of making you his. About making you both his wife and the mother of his kids.
[Theme]: Non-Idol AU (or Idol AU, however, you see it), Established Relationship AU, Pre-Fiances(?) AU
[Rating]: 18+ literally just sex, oral (m receiving), doggy, spitting, choking, ass slapping, hair grabbing, creampie, cockwarming, impreg kink, dom jk, sub reader, literally just vile I'm sorry
[Word Count]: 2,016
[A/N]: This literally took me almost 4 months, I apologize deeply. I also wrote it and then reread your ask and realized I didn't really follow it too much ㅠㅠ I am sorry I hope you still like it. My mind just went "woo-woo sex!!"
Your boyfriend is a big brat. Sometimes, even a bigger brat than you.
This all started because he was being a big cunt driving you home from your date. He took you out to a fancy restaurant for your 3-year anniversary, but for some reason, he was being a complete prick all the way home. Something about how you looked at the waiter a certain way and he didn’t like it.
So now here you are, your silk dress thrown somewhere on his bedroom floor, and your panties ripped down the middle. He’s naked and rock-hard in front of you, looking down at you on display on his sheets.
“You think it’s funny, huh?” your boyfriend smirks, his tongue coming out to lick at his lip piercing.
“I mean, yeah, a little,” you laugh. He’s so pent up, so overworked over nothing. You literally want to marry this man — he has nothing to worry about. It’s funny, but you’re also extremely turned on. Jungkook mad and jealous, is a huge, dangerous combination you can’t help but bend at the knees over in the bedroom.
His eyebrows knit together angrily as he pushes your legs up, his cold fingers sliding up your folds.
“A-ah,” you gasp, wiping the laugh off your face. His long fingers play with you, sliding and circling your juices between your folds.
“Not so funny now, is it?” he chuckles. He inserts a finger into you, and you grab onto his wrist in a useless attempt to calm him down for a moment. But he takes your wrist on his own, pinning it against the bedsheets next to your head. “Am I a joke, hm?” he whispers against your neck. “You think it’s funny to look at other men when I take you out?”
“N-No, Kook,” you swear. “I only look at you.”
“Damn right you do,” he bites your neck harshly, causing you to arch your back into his chest. You know for a fact you’re going to be purple and blue tomorrow. “You’ve got a smart mouth, Y/n,” he smiles against your ear. “Let me fix it for you.”
“K-Kook,” you whine, knowing where this is going.
“Get up,” he demands. You feel your pussy tremble at the look in his eyes. He’s going to torture the shit out of you, and you couldn’t be more excited and scared at the same time.
Your boyfriend sits down at the edge of his bed, spreading his legs and pointing to the space on the ground in between them for you. You fall onto your knees, sliding your hands up his thighs until they’re inches from his swollen cock. He’s so hard — it almost looks painful. But he looks down at you with hooded eyes, smiling devilishly at the events to come.
“Suck it,” he demands. And you do.
With your small hands wrapped around his cock, you give him a test pump before licking a long stripe from base to tip. The sensation has his head falling back, and you feel yourself dripping onto the floor at the sight of his Adam's apple bobbing from pleasure. You put him into your mouth, your tongue flattening against his frenulum so deliciously, that he grabs your hair in his fist and pushes you down further. The action causes you to gag, not ready for the sudden change in pace. But you accept it graciously, adjusting to his length in your mouth as you move with the pace his hand on your hair sets for you.
It’s always hard to adjust to him. You hate to admit it, but your big-brat boyfriend has a big-brat cock. You don’t think in the three years you’ve dated him you’ve been able to call yourself “used” to his size. But he likes it rough. He warned you when you said you didn’t like rough sex all those years ago that he’d change your mind. And boy, has he. You’re an absolute slut for this man, and he gets a tiny ego boost every time you submit yourself to him like this.
“That’s it, baby,” he coaxes you.
You bob your head onto him, looking up at him with your full mouth, eyes watery and big. He almost cums at the sight, pushing you off for a moment to compose himself.
You come off with a pop, a messy line of spit connecting your mouth to his dick.
He grabs your jaw with his palm, his thumb jutting into your mouth. You take his thumb in your hand, enclosing it around your lips and sucking on it just as you sucked his dick.
“Open,” he demands again. You do, opening your mouth and pushing your tongue out. Your boyfriend leans forward, taking your chin in his fingertips, and spits into your mouth. You smile, giggling with a mouth full of his spit when he slightly sits back, looking at all of you. He was about to say something, but you lean into him, taking his dick into your mouth again and sucking him harder and faster.
“A-ah-Y/n,” he moans quietly, although his grip on your hair returns harshly. “Ffuckkk—hah.”
He nearly laughs at the pleasure; you’re so perfect for him it’s funny. You know every single one of his pleasures, and he knows you do when you begin to play with the skin between his balls and cock as you fuck him with your mouth. The sensation has him pulling you off his cock again for good, himself on the edge of release.
“Get on the bed,” he pants.
“How?” you ask, resting your hands on his thighs. He leans forward again, but this time his hand comes around your neck, choking you a little more harshly than you expected. Your eyes search for him, completely lust-filled and intense.
“How I like you best,” he whispers against your lips. You lean in to kiss him, but he pulls away, teasing you in the most evil way possible.
You pout, but get up on your feet and lay down front-first against the sheets. You feel him come up behind you, touching the back of your thighs softly, gliding his hands up your skin until they meet the round of your ass. You listen to him moan softly as he spreads them apart, taking a good look at your swollen, dripping cunt.
“God, you’re so wet,” he nearly whines. “You gonna let me knock you up, sweetheart?”
“Mmhm,” you whine. The anticipation of his cock inside of you is getting too intense, and you wiggle your ass at him in an attempt to get him to get a move on. But he only slaps your ass hard, surely leaving a handprint. You gasp sharply, toes curling at the surprise.
“Fuck, I want to put a baby in you so bad,” he slaps your ass again. “Wanna show everyone how swollen I’ve made you. That you’re carrying my baby because you’re my girl.”
“J-Jungkook,” you gasp as he lands a third harsh slap on your ass. You almost feel like you might cum — he’s always hinted at wanting kids with you, but hasn’t really brought it to the bedroom. It’s hot, to say the very least. That, and the combination of his big hand slapping your ass.
“No one would question you’re mine,” he grabs your hips, pulling them up into the air where he situates the tip of his dick against your cunt. “You’d be too busy having my babies to give anyone else a glance other than me.”
You open your mouth to say something, but he’s already pushing inside of you, stretching you so well like how he always does. You fold your arms in the space above your head, arching your back into him as he slowly bottoms out. This position always allows his cock to kiss your cervix so delicately, you squirm knowing he’s going to pump you so good once he’s finished.
“Fuck,” he spits, panting at the sheer feeling of your walls around him. “Y-You good?”
You just moan against his pillows, nodding your head as you push your hips back, slipping further into him than you were before. Jungkook grabs your hips tightly, pressing his fingertips harshly into your skin as he pulls out and slams back in with force. You moan loudly into the fabric, but Jungkook pays you no mind, pushing your head further into the sheets as he fucks you like a demon.
His hips slap against yours, and you find yourself coming undone within minutes of his torture on you. The man behind you only laughs, his thrusts becoming harder, trying to push past the absolute grip you have on his cock from your orgasm.
“God, you’re so tight,” he groans, head lulling back in disbelief. “You’re all mine,” he grabs your ass harshly before landing another slap onto it. “Say it, Y/n. Say you’re mine. Say you belong to me.”
“Koo,” you tremble, completely overstimulated from your orgasm.
“Dammit,” he grips your hair in his fist, forcing you to look up. His body looms over yours, his breath tickling your ear as he demands again, “Say it.”
“I’m yours, Koo,” you whine. “I’m all yours; only yours.”
He grunts in your ear at your words, dick slightly twitching inside of you. The way you say his name sounds so sweet. He never wants to hear his name from another pair of lips. It only sounds right when it’s coming from you. The thought of you being his forever, of the diamond ring sitting in the top drawer of his closet wardrobe, looms over him. God, he can’t wait. He’s so eager and so very impatient. He wants you, he wants you as his — as his wife and the mother of his children — so badly, he can almost taste it. He wants to be your husband already.
“Fuck, dammit,” he curses, head resting against the back of your shoulder. He still fucks into you, hips unrelenting and only quickening with the orgasm he denied of himself just a while ago while you were sucking him off looming over his head. “M’ gonna cum.”
“Cum for me, baby,” you permit him. Your voice sounds like honey in his ears, and you find yourself cumming for a second time when his thick, hot ropes spill into you. It’s so much — his sweet voice filling your ear as pleasure takes over his body, the way his cum pumps into you filling you with so much of him you feel so full and used.
“A-ah, Y/n,” he says softly, kissing your shoulder with wet, soft kisses. “Fuck, you’re so good to me.”
“I love you,” you respond as your knees give out on you. He simply falls on top of you, letting you lie down with his cock buried deep inside of you. He plugs you up, even though he’s softening slowly by the minute.
“I love you, too,” he smiles.
“I think you might have gotten me pregnant,” you slightly turn your head toward him. Your boyfriend comes up to you, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“I guess we’ll find out,” he smiles gently.
“You’re fine with that?” you ask him, a little surprised.
“Yeah,” he hides his face in the crook of your neck. “I want like…an entire army of children with you, so I’m completely fine with that idea.”
“I’m not having more than two kids,” you scoff.
He simply looks at you with his bunny eyes, feeling embarrassed by his eagerness.
“Maybe three, but that is pushing it,” you change your mind. Fuck, this man has you wrapped around his finger.
“Regardless, I’m gonna make you mine,” he says surely, turning you on his back.
“I am yours,” you confirm as you push the hair out of his face.
“Officially,” he corrects you.
You don’t even have to ask what he means by that when he stares at your ring finger gently before kissing you into the pillows, the hand on your waist slowly tracing circles on your lower stomach with his thumb.
[End. Do not copy. Original work of @jungkookstatts , 2023]
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absolutebl · 30 days
This Week in BL - We Are Surprised
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
May 2024 Wk 2
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Wandee Godday (Sat YT) ep 2 of 12 - Oh it’s fucking great. It could all go horribly south, of course. But it’s awesome at the moment. Messy gay and one of them is already pining? Got to love it. Including the negotiation.
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I’d love a good sex negotiation, it’s almost as good as linguistic negotiation. This show makes me happy. All that said, it’s moving awfully quickly for a 12 episode run. Not sure what’s gonna happen on the backend. 
My Stand-In (Thai Fri iQIYI) ep 3 of 12 eps - I’m still enjoying it but I’m ready for him to die again now. 
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We Are (Weds iQIYI) ep 5-6 of 16 - Toey is going after the Namgoong Award for Best Wingman this year, I see. And in exchange, literally all the rest of the friends are going to be his wingmen. It’s adorable. I also like that Phuwin got to be the aggressor for the first kiss. I like that this is mostly just boys flirting, and not really any prescribed seme/uke stuff. In general, I think these last two episodes I improved the show in my regard a lot. But then middles are always GMMTV's strong point, it’s whether they can stick the landing that’s an issue.
Two Worlds (Thurs iQIYI) ep 9 of 10 - Apparently we have the Frodo walking into Mordor episode. Also the sides were cute. In Thailand (like Taiwan) all gangsters are gay, apparently. 
Only Boo! (Sun YouTube) ep 5 of 12 - It’s cute but very cringe and dorky. Silly singing. Terrible pickup lines. Still, that was a ridiculously charming confession.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Unknown (Taiwan Tues YouTube & Viki) ep 12fin - Oh so good. Very few shows that feature one-sided long-term pining of this kind can resolve the unevenness of that power dynamic into a more stable and equal footing with such class. We really got to see the object of the desire turn completely around and become equally besotted. An age gap, stepbrothers trope like this one is hard enough but at this length? Very well acted boys! Unknown managed to show the older brother softening in a believable way that’s pretty unusual in narratives of this type.
All in all?
Unknown is a wonderful BL with a pitch perfect portrayal of long term pining, age gap, and the stepbrothers trope. The acting and chemistry are ON POINT (especially from the leads) which made the resulting characters very believable. When it dwells in intimate family drama, it's stunning. It's slightly less successful when it leaves the home and goes gritty. It's few flaws are the result of curtailed length. It could have used more breathing room to deal with side plots, characters, and companion character development. The editing was occasionally choppy and packed with flashbacks that broke the emotional tension. Still, those are mere quibbles. This is an excellent show that I know I'm going to be recommending a lot. 9/10
Finally Taiwan hits another one out of the park.
Blue Boys (Korea Sat YouTube) 4 of ? - Oh it’s so good, and they are so tortured and it’s just charming and I can’t EVEN. I just love it. I love that Korea is giving us this right now. You’re an idiot if you’re not watching this show, it’s truly spectacular.
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At 25:00 in Akasaka AKA 25 Ji Akasaka de (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 4 of 10 - Well well well Japan. I see how you kneed. I enjoyed this episode better than the first two, and I am way into our Bad Boy second lead. I can already feel myself succumbing  to the syndrome. Next week = the obligatory onsen ep! 
Living With Him AKA Kare no Iru Seikatsu (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 5 of 10 - Omg most adorbs failed linguistic negotiation. 
Boys Be Brave AKA Roommates (Korea Thurs Viki) ep 5-6 of 8 - I love the side couple. It’s a shame we’re finally getting some truly great class conflict and it’s relegated to crumbs.
Love is like a Cat (Korea Mon Viki) eps 11-12fin - Well that was a waste of time. There was no connection (of any kind) between the leads. The language thing was hella weird and likely added to that. The past history of the Korean character was necessary to know from the start, its lack throughout, meant there was no depth to his character. They tried to tackle all the interesting stuff in the final 2 eps. AND they even killed the dog. I never thought I'd type this sentance, but Peach of Time is better.
I don’t know. 5/10 I guess
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All in all:
A disappointing lackluster and barely cohesive BL about a jerk Thai actor (speaking Thai) who has to work for a Korean animal rescue cafe as a publicity stunt. It's difficult to believe the leads like each other, let alone fall in love. The acting is stiff, the characters lack motivation and cohesion, and there's not much to recommend this show beyond some pretty visuals. Also, they kill the dog. All in all, a disappointing and unsuccessful joint venture that mostly highlighted that between Thailand and Korea the style of BL, narrative approach, language cadence, and acting techniques all clash.
It's airing but...
Lady Boy Friends (Thai WeTV grey) 16 eps - reminds me a bit too much of Diary of Tootsies only high school. Not my thing. DNF unless it turns a corner and is truly amazing.
You Made My Day (Thai YT) ep 1 of 5 - mini series staring the I Will Knock You couple Tar & Bom, started but I couldn't find it. I also didn't try very hard.
A Balloon's Landing (Taiwan movie) trailer - A frustrated Hong Kong writer, Tian Yu, meets a Taipei street gangster, Xiang (Fandy Fan from HIStory2: Crossing the Line), and the two of them embark on a journey to find the Bay of Vanishing Whales. Along the way, they discover unexpected twists and turns and close bonds, which brings out the message that "there is always someone like you in this world who is waiting for you. This released to cinemas in Taiwan, no word on international release.
Memory in the Letter (Thai WeTV) - it's done, tell me if I should bother?
Fan's Only Corner
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Someone asked in a comment (which tumblr promptly ate) about group sleepovers in BLs. It's happened a few times but the only one I can recall being noted and particularly lovely (and VERY college) was in Nitiman. There's also one in Lovesick.
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Next Week Looks Like This:
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5/16 Blossom Campus (Korea Thurs Gaga & iQIYI) ep 1 of 6 - Strongberry doing classic uni BL! Weeee!
5/19 OMG Vampire (Thai Sun ????) ep 1 of 10 - LeeFrank are back - not unlike the undead (as it were). But how do we feel about it? Unsure given their track record.
Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
May Releases
VBL (Taiwan) is releasing 4 'Special Episode' epilogues to their 4 2023 shows every Friday this month on Gagaoolala, Viki & Viu. Not sure on search terms or how to find these. (Or, frankly, if we need them.)
5/10 – You Are Mine
5/17 – VIP Only
5/24 – Stay By My Side
5/31 – Anti Reset
5/25 The Time of Fever AKA Unintentional Love Story 2 (Korea movie) trailer - HoTae & DongHee are back but unfortunately not in a cinema near me. Side couple from Unintentional Love Story, same actors, same character names. I love them. I NEED TO SEE THIS.
5/28 My Biker 2 (Thai movie YT?) - trailer
5/31 The Time of Huannan (Taiwan movie) - May not be BL
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LOVE a smile kiss. Love it. Two killer kisses from PondPhuwin. Elegantly done, boys. Thank you very much.
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I love them a lot all of a sudden. (All We Are)
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It's hard to give MaxTul a run on their crown as best bodies in BL, but boy these two are giving it their, erm, best. (Wandee Goodday)
(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are a pain.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly @renafire
If ya wanna be tagged each week leave a comment and I will add you to the template. Easy peesy.
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whatifyoulivelikethat · 9 months
cursed hours, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: You know what your boyfriend is? That's right – horny. (Can relate.) And, you know what, you are too. Jeon Jungkook is super mega ultra hot. (Facts.) But. Even you don't fuck doing cursed hours. You try to delicately explain to your love that there are, in fact, suboptimal times to be asking for banging. (This conversation ends exactly in the way that everyone is predicting.)
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; established relationship; playful banter and shitty jokes; in which Jungkook tries to listen to your grievance but then he remembers what you look like naked and then the Calvin Klein's fly off; crack and fluff; smut (fem reader, ball torture JK is a freak, m-receiving oral, handjob, edging, penetrative sex (doggy), clitoral stimulation, m-masturbation); squabbling tbh; non-idol!BTS - short black-haired!JK with his two lip rings; the parenthesis are the reader’s inner thoughts
crackhead best laid plans / counter point / well dressed couple no need to read the others, but they’re there if you want more happy birthday, Jungkook! XD
It was the middle of the day.
“We need to talk.”
Your boyfriend and absolute love of your life, Jean Jungkook, vehemently shook his head and puffed his cheeks. It was quite sad to see that all of his previously bleach-blond (read: extremely fried) long waves were gone, but his current shorter black hair made him look even younger (carding territory, for real). At least he got another lip ring next to his first one. Not really to make up for anything. Just because he felt like being your forever wet dream (he was, keke).
You cocked an eyebrow. “Excuse me?”
“No talk.” He stuck his tongue out (the disrespect, hah). “Nothing good comes out of your girlfriend saying, we need to talk.”
You opened your mouth. Nothing came out (or in… yet). He had a point. He wasn’t going to like what you had to say. (Be strong!) You had to say it anyway.
“Jeon Jungkook, you can't wake me up at six in the morning with your rock-hard dick shoved against my ass cheeks and expect me to have enough brain function to cooperate.”
Big pout. The biggest pout with the biggest peepers.
“But... I'm horny.”
Irrefutable argument, surely. He was horny.
(Yeah, when are you not?)
You laid down the law with vigorous hand waving. “Two in the morning? Okay. Three? Eh, pushing it but I can sleep right after. But six? Six in the morning?! That is too much. That (that) is cursed hours. There’s no way I can go back to sleep then. Cursed. I’m not a morning person. You’re not a morning person. Why is you dick awake?”
Big shrug. (Big dick too, wait, what?) “He’s an all-day person,” he nodded sagely. “Your tits and butt are right there. What can I do?”
Your eyes twitched.
“You’re the one who wants me to sleep in panties!”
Your boyfriend shook his head primly (and childishly and one-hundred percent like a freaking annoying little shit). “No,” Jungkook clarified. Very serious. Too serious. “I want you to sleep naked. You’re the one being unreasonable.”
You gasped dramatically. “I’m not waking up with jizz all over me… again!”
“Hence the compromise! That’s why I wake you up first… and then jizz all over you!”
This conversation would be a lot more (ahem) concerning if Jungkook wasn’t grinning like a madman and you weren’t clutching your non-existent pearls in a state of fabricated shock (although you would have pearls if he jizzed all over your neck right now, eh, eh, okay, never mind), anyway, you knew damn well that Jungkook would probably stop for, mmmm, a couple weeks, then promptly forget this conversation, and inevitably wake you up way too early to hump your sleepy ass (literally).
You weren’t with him because he listened (we can see that).
“I am just saying,” you lowered your tone, still lighthearted but somewhat stern now. “If you want me to be receptive and not grumpy, six in the morning is not the time. You can rub yourself all over me if you want but it’s very unlikely that I will be in the mood. I don’t want to get mad to you. That’s why I’m telling you now.”
Jungkook firmly nodded. Ah, he understood! Finally. He raised his rigid hand against his temple in salute.
“Okay. From now on, I’ll hump you to completion instead.”
You gave him a blank stare of utter disbelief.
That playful grin with those gleaming lip rings bounced forward and tackled you onto the bed as you continued gawking at him, shell-shocked. Really? (Really, dude?) But you could tell he was apologetic, showering your neck and cheeks with kisses, saying between blossoming laughter, “Sorry, sorry, you just look so cute when you’re mad,” and you were trying to stay mad. The principle of it all. Hmph! “I’m mad!” You vocalized with a huff. Maybe if you said it, you would mean it. (You didn’t.) “Yep, you’re definitely mad, so mad…!” This idiot was repeatedly mushing your cheeks with his big palms and deliberately piling on the aegyo. You squinted your eyes into lines. “Stop messing with my cheeks!” “Don’t wanna!”
You chopped his head.
Your idiot – cough, sorry, boyfriend, love of your life, darling, all that fluff stuff – made a fake dying noise but you didn’t catch on to his admission of defeat (couldn’t trust it anyway, this was Jeon Jungkook), and grabbed his wrist, pinning it down onto the bed and getting right up in his face, planting your palm his broad chest and shoving him (which did approximately nothing, you really do need to work out).
“I’m being serious here. I’m telling you something that would piss me off and you hate it when I’m mad at you so I’m warning you in advance. I’m working on myself too, but sunrise is really pushing it,” you emphasized, practically sitting in his lap now, your (his) big white t-shirt spilling over his bare thighs. Nobody wore pants in this household. Jungkook could barely keep his underwear on (foreshadowing). “I didn’t want to get mad at you this morning out of nowhere, but you’re not good at taking the hint.”
Those glittering chocolate eyes softened. “Oh. I’m sorry. I get excited…”
“And you can get excited,” you sighed, letting go of his wrist and patting the top of his head. “I only want you to be aware of how I’m feeling at that time and it’s a whole lot of why do humans have to sleep, waking up sucks ass. Not good for horny.”
Damn, these big rueful peepers were going to be the death of you. “You know me. I like being with you more than anything in the world. I don’t like being without you. Even sleeping is such a pain,” Jungkook finished with a puff.
You smacked his (very firm) chest. “I’m not telling you leave me alone. Just don’t ask me to fuck, because the answer is most likely going to be no at that time of day. Wait for me to wake up, at least!”
He grabbed the front of your (his) shirt and you tensed, thinking he was about to shake you, adjusting to be a bit more stable on his legs and then your shin slid to the front of his crotch and both of you abruptly fell silent (a shocking moment in this household).
He was trying very hard not to grin but you could see it in those dark brown orbs.
He really was your favorite person. Really. He had an intense, passionate outlook on life. Tried hard at everything and made a fuss when certain things didn’t work out as he planned. Slowly learned to let things go but still picked up too many interests. Still thought he could do anything (and you believed with him, so maybe you were both the problem). Jungkook always told you he was grateful that you were so into about the things you liked (read: obsessive), because he made him feel less weird, made him feel that someone could match his energy, made him feel like he finally met his person, someone loved to live life as much as he did.
Romantic, yeah?
“Why is your dick hard?” you accused.
Your (lovable but idiot) boyfriend grinned. “Just remembering what you look like naked.”
Really romantic.
You backed off his lap and forced his legs open.
Which was how you ended up yoinking off Jungkook’s Calvin Klein's (with force and a tangle of legs and maybe a yelp if you bothered to listen), and did not take off your shirt as you got to your knees and curled your tongue around his already-hard-and-getting-harder cock. Sure, he was saying stuff (blah blah that’s not fair blah, the usual), but you cared not. Zero fucks given. Hey, if Jungkook was going to be all horny on you whenever he felt like it, you were going to give it to him whenever you felt like it too. He needed to be punished for being insufferable!
(Never mind that this has been going on for years.)
“Come on, take off your… oooh, fuck…”
(Your predictable arguments ended in predictable ways.)
You spared no expense. Tongue all over his length. Dripping saliva. Porn-star-esque, complete with the slurping it all back up and jamming the head of that throbbing cock into the back of your throat, squishing it against the pocket of saliva. Nasty. Yo, you didn’t have sex to be elegant. You had sex to watch Jungkook’s torso shudder uncontrollably and hear him whine in the middle of him yanking off his oversized black t-shirt, his head of crazy messy black hair popping out. You watched as he emerged like a just-saved, half-drowned vacationer and then his eyes rolled back like he had been knocked out, all while you bounced your head up and down, running your tongue along the base and his balls, making sure to be extra soft at the tip and caress the slit with the gentlest of kisses. Not enough to pressure to really get him off, but so much pleasure, lovingly swirling your tongue around and pressing your lips against the sensitive skin.
Then you did what any reasonable person would do (heh) and replaced your soothing mouth with your punishing grip, pumping him roughly.
Your tongue circled around his balls and both slid into your mouth, sucking on them as you jacked him off. Any intelligent response was immediately annihilated by the gargling moan Jungkook choked out, falling back to his hands. Mmmm, those arms. The tension was making his muscles bulge, the dark colorful tattoos on his right arm gleaming in the bedroom light, his left just as shapely and defined. You switched between each side, sucking and licking and toying with his balls while your hand built up a furious pace, grinning as you felt his length twitch and throb. Glassy, dark brown orbs glanced down to watch, the ends of his black hair stuck to his cheeks, mouth open, pink lips glossy.
The look in those eyes.
So needy.
You delicately trapped one of his balls between your teeth and sucked hard before pulling your lips back and grinning. The reaction was immediate. The shiver visible, the hitched breath sharp, the tremble lingering at his shoulders, exasperation and desire flashing over his expression. Jungkook pleaded with you, knowing full well he didn’t want you to listen to a single word he was saying.
“N-No, please, d-don’t make me a f-freak…”
(Not sure how to tell you this, Jungkook, but you’ve been a freak since day one.)
“You like it,” you replied (with his nut in your mouth, smacking it with your tongue as you spoke). “Don’t lie to me.”
“No, I like it when you’re nice,” Jungkook stressed and he was very stressed because your hand was slowing down and that was not a good sign.
“Oh, yeah?” you taunted. Totally unnecessary but totally necessary. You let go of his cock and switched balls, squeezing the other saliva-covered one in a slippery, punishing grip that make Jungkook yelp with an edge of panic.
His cock jolted, sticking straight up.
You gave him the look of see what I see?
Jungkook sputtered, frantically waving his hand about. “N-No! It’s not what it looks like!”
(It’s not… it’s not what it looks like? What does it look like then, huh?!)
You raked your teeth over his balls and started sucking and tugging on them.
His right hand instantly flew to his dick (bombastic side-eye) and he started desperately jacking himself off as you used precise pressure and tongue to tease him. He was loudly moaning in reckless abandon, “H-Harder, yeah, like that, oooh, fuck, yes, don’t stop, don’t fucking stop” (criminally offensive side-eye), but you obeyed, gripping the inside of his thigh and ravishing his balls. You could barely see from your peripheral vision but you could certainly feel the force of Jungkook’s firm, tight grip around his stiff length.
Your panties were also getting uncomfortably drenched.
Suddenly his hand froze up, his whole arm shaking. You glanced up. White teeth biting the left edge of his lower lip, lashes fluttering, jaw clenched. Muffled scream in his throat. The line from his neck to torso to abs to crotch to tattooed hand choking his hard cock was incredibly hot. Even hotter was how dark the head was becoming, angry purple-red and beading pearly translucent pre-cum.
“Fuck, I almost came, fuck…”
(Was that not the goal or are we missing something here?)
You spoke sloppily with his nut halfway in your mouth.
“Thought you were going to jizz all over me.”
His dark brows furrowed, gasping for breath, trembling all over. “You know I would ask you first, I’m not a big meanie,” Jungkook pouted, opening his eyes when you knocked away his hand, then his peepers popping open wide as you picked up his vicious pace with a smirk, lowering your shoulder to squeeze his balls at the same time (zero chill here). It could have been your name somewhere in that strangled moan. Could have, but it wasn’t that discernable and you were unbothered, even as his hands flew up and grabbed your (his) shirt, practically ripping it off in frustration.
“Please, ack, please…!”
You stopped.
Jungkook nearly yelled bloody murder and snatched you by the waist, lifting you far too easily. He was two beats away from suplex-ing you onto the bed if it wasn’t for the horny beating out his frustration of being edged for the second? third? whatever time. You were almost worried (not really), but everything worked out (kind of). There were always condoms on the nightstand (for reasons) and it took Jungkook record time to rip one open and slide it on before forcefully grabbing your ass (you had been trying to move away for… reasons) and dragging you back to him from a growl, flipping the bottom of your (his) shirt up.
Somehow, in the tangle of legs and arms, you had managed to slip off your panties and put them on the other nightstand so Jungkook wouldn’t rip them off your body.
(It has happened before.)
At the sight of your naked and wet pussy, Jungkook forgot how to be mad.
You looked back to see a pair of shining, starry-eyed dark brown orbs.
“You really do love me.”
You blinked at him (what do you say to that?). “Y… Yeah? Woah!”
Turned out horny also beats out romance (?) and now Jungkook was balls deep and you were gasping and beating up the pillows in attempt to get your bearings because, holy fuck, he was insanely hard (scientific term). Your lower torso dropped and you both moaned in unison, satisfaction from the sudden depth, the ache perfectly fulfilled at this angle. Thrust in, push back, overwhelming rush heating up your chest and down your legs, beginning right where you both left off.
Rough, fast, and deep.
Your (and probably his) knees were really feeling it. You didn’t care. (Classic.) The fullness was unbearable and addictive and it made your walls spasm, squeezing around him as your eyelids fluttered, skin prickling hot and heartbeat leaping to your throat. The wave swelled in your chest and pooled down, amplifying the sensation of slapping hips, pitching your moan, you fucking him and him fucking you, a joint effort, the grip on your hips tightening, fuck, he was so strong, not slowing down even in the middle of your orgasm, your mind fizzling to white noise.
And then.
You suddenly realized it was weirdly silent behind you.
You tried not to snort in laughter (being nice, of course) as you realized Jungkook was whining behind his bitten lip, trying desperately not to cum in your crushing fervor. Not that you were going to let up. Absolutely not. In fact, you moaned breathily and reached back with one hand, tugging on the flapping shirt and pulling it over your head, bunching it up. Heard him gasp, but now your hair was all over your face (didn’t think that through, did you). There was no time to correct. You shoved the ball of fabric under your chin and dropped your shoulders, ramming back into his crotch with a wet smack, a vicious bolt of painful pleasure flaring up your inner thighs and spreading over your lungs, knocking the wind out of you.
“Ah, Jungkook!”
Didn’t think that through, did you?
You nearly choked on your own moan (and a mouthful of your own hair), entire body shaking from the force of orgasm bursting within, your inner walls clamping down and hips flinching, carnal pulse radiating throughout your core, breathless, lust-blindness, your ass jerking forward from another powerful thrust, and then Jungkook made a series of noises that could only be described as unholy.
(Wanton moaning, spitting swears, using various higher entities’ names in vain, things like that.)
You basically faceplanted into the t-shirt, vibrating from the high.
Down for the count.
But not out.
You reached back and wrapped your fingers around Jungkook’s balls, firmly squeezing.
He let out a quivering groan of approval, long fingers on your hips tightening, pressing his twitching cock inside you. No intention of leaving. The tension was so electric that you could feel the sparks flying up your belly (or was that your arm falling asleep from this unnatural position, who knows) and you sucked in a ragged breath, not sure what was coming over you but it was so unbelievably arousing that all you could do was smile.
You couldn’t really breathe since you were mostly face-first into the mattress.
Thankfully, Jungkook had a brain (bless) and sighed contentedly, sliding his hot (read: scorching) hands up your sides and pulling your body up. You let go of his nuts, panting, feeling him slide out, drawing in a tight breath – his skin like fiiiiiiire (don’t sing it) – relaxing as you felt his fingers fan out over your breasts.
This was nice.
He squeezed your breasts and toyed with your nipples, sending pleasing tingles all over.
“My back is getting sweaty,” you chuckled. “You’re burning up.”
“No, you’re hot.”
Whines (his) and a flop onto the bed later (you), and you ended up on your back, catching your breath while looking up at the ceiling. Ah, that was nice. You didn’t think too much about your limbs akimbo. There wasn’t any shame. After all, this was your home and this was your love. Attentive, caring, enthusiastic (about laundry and dishes and fucking especially) love of your life Jeon Jungkook who was definitely not a freak. Nope.
You felt a hand on your knee.
Then you felt your legs being dragged apart even wider.
The slapping sound of hand on dick.
You turned your head to see Jungkook masturbating while staring at your pussy, used condom still on the bed. Oi! How was he still going? You were pretty sure he blasted out several nuts worth of cum (and the fullness of that used condom was the visible proof, oop).
“Hey. I’m still here,” you reminded him.
Heavy exhale and brief glance at your tits. “I know,” Jungkook shuddered, voice low and gravelly. “And you’re so fucking beautiful, fuck.”
“I’m not a porn video,” you joked, secretly enjoying how heatedly he was getting himself off to your sexy bits.
“You really need to make some for me,” he replied absentmindedly, reaching out to spread your pussy lips. You flexed them. They made a wet, lewd sound. Obscene. Jungkook moaned and tightened his grip, speeding up, running his finger over your exposed clit. “At least send nudes.”
“I’m physically next to you almost all the time,” you gasped. “Whachu need nudes for?”
This really wasn’t the time for a full-on conversation and soon you both forgot about it, lost in the haze of pleasure. Your eyes slid shut, arms fanned out over the bed, back arching, following that racing feeling. Basking in it. You were sure he was watching and you let him enjoy the show, spreading your legs and letting your hips be guided by his rough fingertip, clenching your jaw at the sensitivity. Almost too much was the perfect amount of pressure, rubbing over your throbbing nerves, aching tension dispersing over your muscles, nearly uncontrollable, so close to the edge, his name in a husky whisper, closer, listening to his breathing shallow, tighten, closer…
Your eyes opened, lids heavy, watching him though lashes and the haze of moans.
Jungkook was gazing back at you, up and down, lust-drunk on your body, his chest flexing, his black hair over his eyes, sweat beading along his temples, shuddering again at your eye contact.
“You… You fuck me up.”
You smiled and was about to say, you too, but then your pent-up orgasm shot up your torso and you hissed at the intensity, your hand flying down and harshly gripping his wrist. Head snapping back, spine arcing, mouth open to an airless moan, fighting to leave your lungs as the powerful continuous flinching overtook your hips, each pulse thundering against his fingertip, your juices seeping out.
Slick painted over your pussy lips clenching around nothing.
Jungkook sucked in his inhale and groaned, cupping his palm around the head of his cock. Heat and tremors and visible lust, the pleasure sinking, sinking, and you heard Jungkook whimper, looking down to see that his hand was turned, his long fingers digging into the soft dip of his balls and roughly massaging them as he came.
You watched.
Glanced up at his face.
Your boyfriend glared back.
“Don’t… say… anything…” he wheezed.
You did not listen.
(No one is surprised.)
“You’re a slutty freak, huh.”
“Oi!” he barked, yanking his hand away from you, and then his face contorted, instantly regretting vacating your pussy. You peeled open your puffy lower lips with two fingers and wiggled your tongue at him. “Hey! Stop that. I’ll–”
Faster than light (and smoother than butter), you shot off the bed as Jungkook threatened you with his cum-covered hand. “I don’t think so!” All these years with Jeon Jungkook and he still looked shocked when you knew exactly what he was thinking. “Get back here!” You did not. You ran to the bathroom instead and proceeded to fight on opposite sides of the door as he tried to get in and you tried to lock it.
“Why are you only strong at times like this?” Jungkook whined as you threw your weight into the door and locked him (and his cum hand) out. “Let me in!”
“No! Not until you wash your hand in the kitchen.”
“I promise not to wipe it on you.”
“I don’t trust you as far as I can throw you. Which is not very far.”
“You should!”
“Throw you?”
The whine on the other side pitched. “Open the door…”
You sighed. (Uh oh.) Opened the door. (Duck!) And smacked Jungkook’s wrist as he tried to wipe his dried cum onto you in a bout of maniacal laughter. (You punk!) Naked wrestling match (nice) and some neck chopping infused minutes later, you managed to shove Jungkook’s right hand under the sink faucet and blast water over it, fiercely gripping (and very much enjoying) his forearm to prevent him from being a brat.
And he was laughing, the bubbly sound drifting between you and him, laughing with his left arm around your waist and his face in the crook of your shoulder and neck, his warm breath tickling your skin, pulling your close as you vainly tried to avoid his sweat (failing spectacularly). Asshat.
He sighed, breathless and shivery, nuzzling your jaw with his (big) nose.
“I love you.”
He was a freaking annoying brat but he was your freaking annoying brat and, to be honest, you loved it.
“I love you too. If you splash water on me, I will waterboard you next time we shower together.”
Jungkook pouted and squeezed your boobs with his left hand. Now that was talent.
“Aw, how’d you know…”
You turned the water off.
“Stop playing with my tits.”
“My nutties are sore. It’s the least you can do.”
“You did that to yourself.”
“Nu uh. I’m wholesome.”
(The lie detector test determined that was a lie.)
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I love your blog so much!! You're without a doubt my favorite writer on this app, you write yanderes so so well and you just manage to capture so amazingly the personality of EVERY character you write, especially Byakuya, i love him so much, and you just write him so well, i've been reading and rereading your works nonstop!
Could i please request yandere Byakuya with a Reader who's very kind and gentle and they like to follow him around (not in an annoying way, but in an attempt to try to befriend him and make sure he is okay during the killing game, since he is kinda excluded for being an ass). Better yet, how would he react to Reader actually leaving him alone after he went too far, or was too mean to them
Love everything you post so much, feel free to deny, remember to eat and drink water!
Thank you so so much! I'm happy i could make you happy! 🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Sweet ‘n Sour | Yandere Byakuya Togami
It’s honestly an honor
That you’re transmigrated into an anime/game
Too bad it’s the killing game of Danganronpa
And of course, with you thrown in the middle things are really unpredictable
So you’ll comfort yourself in being as kind to these characters as you possibly can
Especially Byakuya
A fan favorite and an intriguing ally throughout the game
Of course, you just gravitate toward him
Even though he sneers and insults you
Sometimes threatens
But you don’t mind…
Even though….
Those comments are beginning to hurt 
It’s one thing to love a meaner character through the screen but in person, it’s pretty hard
despite your inclination to maintain your usual smile and gentle actions
After a while, you just stop trying 
Too bad some may consider that your biggest mistake:
“Honestly I was hoping you’d turn up as one of the corpses during this farce; it probably would have made it even more interesting.”
That was it.
That was the last straw for you. Toko could have all his time and attention for all you care. The sheer fact you’ve put up with this for so long disgusts you. To hear your own life be spat on by the guy you’d been trying to extend a helping hand to–it was despicable. (Of him or of you, you couldn’t decide.)
“Ah, I see. Have a good night then.”
That was the last time you went out of your way to speak to him; immediately changing your schedule to accompany someone else. Since you’d been away with Byakuya you almost forgot how kind the rest of the group was. 
“(Y/n) I’m so happy you’re willing to hang out now! Let’s make donuts together!”
“After that I hope you’ll indulge me and Naegi in a puzzle of sorts.”
“I-if it’s alright with you..”
It was refreshing. 
To be told you were actually wanted around was somehow so fulfilling.
What terrible company you’ve been keeping.
“I’d love to!” Within a matter of days you are feeling the warmth of friendly interactions; whereas the man you’re avoiding is having a….less than stellar reaction.
Toko was excited that her Byakuya-sama had finally chased you. A rival weak enough to be effected by words wasn’t much of a rival at all! But upon your absence in only a few hours into his daily routine Byakuya had made an intense realization. 
That he desperately desired your attention on him.
He didn’t have to actually see you skirting your routine with him to know he hated the thought of you spending any amount of time with his classmates rivals. It literally made his skin itch and his throat close up with every minute away from you. Naturally he doesn’t care that even Toko is unnerved by the tantrum he throws. Books are strewn about, the shelves dangerously leaning against one another. All of it just an emphasis of the palpable malice emanating off of Byakuya. In the middle of the ruins he just stands still. 
Alarmingly still.
Like a predator looking out. 
Are they hunting? Scoping? Contemplating the ways to torture their enemies?
No one really knows.
Even when he pulls at his hair and belts out in an uncouth laughing fit. In an instant he stops demanding Monokuma show himself this instant. He needed to find you. Now. He’ll make it a point to inform the headmaster of his own teaching. 
Because apparently you–being the kind and gentle soul you are should be able to withstand all kinds of people. Especially him. Always him. So he’ll offer his own guidance by keeping you within arms reach at all times. 
He expects you to persist against anything he can throw at you.
How else are you going to rule the world as a Togami?
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farfromstrange · 8 months
6 Totally Random Matt Murdock Headcanons that keep me up at night
Pairing: Matt Murdock x afab!Reader
Summary: Just some Matty headcanons today!
Warnings: Mentions of Smut! 18+ MINORS DNI! (Not proofread)
A/n: I was planning on writing a fic, but then I found this in my drafts and thought I would finish it. Yes, I did write those at three in the morning every time I woke up. That's...that's not unhealthy at all or anything.
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1. Volume
Matt is a very vocal person in bed. I'm not talking full-on screaming though.
While there are times he is quiet to hear your breathy moans and whines as he’s pounding into you and he hears you begging for “More, more, more…” as soon as he feels you around his cock, it’s game over for him. He loses that tiny bit of self-control. He grunts and groans, and sometimes, when he feels particularly in the mood, he whines and whimpers because you treat him so well.
Don't even get me started on when he goes down on you. He will moan just from the taste of you, and then some more when your hands tangle in his hair, causing the slightest amount of pain. He thrives off of it.
He wants to show you how good you make him feel, not just the other way around, and ever since he has noticed that you like it when he makes noise, he makes sure to moan every so often when you're fucking or making love or simply enjoying each other's bodies in all the ways possible. He trusts you enough to do it, to let himself go and surrender himself, and you reward him for being a good boy.
2. Eating...
We have established that Matt Murdock is the King Of Eating Pussy. The love for giving oral runs deep, not just in his desire to please and never take anything in return. Not just because he wants to make you feel good. It's literal torture on his sensitive senses when he doesn't get to drown between your legs at least once.
It's his form of worshipping you, of praying to you in a highly blasphemous context when he thinks about the things you have moaned, but he would do it time and time again. He loves it. The taste alone gets him high and then it's all he focuses on. It calms him.
I truly believe that hearing your heartbeat, the blood rushing in the veins of your thighs, and the taste of your arousal mixed with pheromones do something to him that lets out some sort of animal whenever he smells you. And then he just needs to have you or he will go crazy. It's the same with your natural scent.
Matt Murdock gets off on the mere taste of his partner’s arousal. He can taste it in the air. He makes sure to make you come on his tongue at least once when you’re getting intimate, and not just as foreplay. He does it before, during, and after, depending on his and your mood. He knows what buttons to press, how hard to suck on your clit and he knows how to slide his tongue inside of you and fuck you with it until you’re shaking. He will keep your thighs spread wide and hold you down, but let you wrap your legs around his head and clench around him because he loves the momentary loss of oxygen.
3. Consent.
He will only ever touch you when he knows that you want it. He won’t fuck you when you’re not in the right mental state because he doesn’t want to take advantage of you. He makes sure to ask and communicate and when your answers are not clear, he stops the scene. He can hear it in your heartbeat and he would never cross that line, not even when he is horny and full of adrenaline in the middle of the night.
He would ask you for permission to fuck you when you're asleep, maybe, so he won't have to wake you when he comes home late from patrol, but even then he needs vocal confirmation beforehand to know he won't cross a line. So every night when he leaves, he asks if you'd still be okay with it, and after learning that he would be anything but mad when you say no, you give him the most honest answer.
4. Cuddles
When he has a bad day, he wants nothing more than to be held by you. Either he is the little spoon or, and that happens the most often, he places his head in your chest as you entangle your limbs with his and hold him close, raking your nails through his hair.
He relaxes when you massage his scalp, but he also enjoys your touch on his tense shoulders, and that's when he likes to be pampered like a little princess. Pampering, in this case, is cuddles. He wants all the cuddles you can give him.
It's nights like these that he realizes how in love he is with you, and how safe he feels when he's in your arms. But God forbid anyone finds that out. He will not admit that he enjoys being pampered by you because that would make him seem vulnerable, and we all know our dear Matthew, don't we?
5. Concerts
This came to me randomly, but since he has sensitive hearing, it would be hard for him to go to concerts with you. However, he will make sure to follow along to the venue, drop you off, and then I'm certain he would find a rooftop somewhere further in the distance, put some earbuds in to protect his sensitive ears, and he would listen.
He would filter your voice out of the crowd and imagine himself dancing to the music with you. He loves how excited you get when your favorite artist is playing. He knows you're aware of what he's doing, and you make sure to whisper, "Thank you," under your breath.
Listening to you have fun at a concert would also broaden Matt's horizons when it comes to music, and you would catch him playing your Playlist at home while cooking one day, humming along.
One of these days, you will find a way to take him there with you, but until then, he makes sure you at least know he's listening while you're having the time of your life.
6. Neck-holding
This doesn't need an explanation, but I will give it to you anyway.
Matt loves holding your neck, sexually and non-sexually. He loves feeling your pulse, the way you respond to him, and he loves how much closer you get whenever he does it.
He'd be like, "Come here, sweetheart." And you would jump into his lap, cuddling into him, while he holds you with one arm around the rest of your body, the other wrapping gently around your neck.
And in bed, you guys probably know how it would go.
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Do you guys want a Part 2? Maybe some angst?
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swannieluv · 5 months
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.𖥔 ݁ ˖꩜ (Almost) free – (PLATONIC) Wriothesley x Teen!Reader
✦⸼࣪⸳ 𝐖𝐜: 1,5k
✦⸼࣪⸳ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆!!: Mentions of torture (?) and food poisoning.
✦⸼࣪⸳ A/N: HII! This was my first time writing a request and writing for Wriothesley, so I hope you can enjoy it!! Tumblr ate my last (three) draft before I posted, so I had to put an screenshot </3.
✦⸼࣪⸳ @wenutted
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╰┈─➤Wriothesley was certainly a man with a lot of work to do. As the Duke of Meropide Fortress, his duty also extended to the most "troublesome" prisoners in the place. Among them was none other than [Name], a juvenile offender bold enough to steal from authority figures in the city of Fontaine.
It was during a summer afternoon that he met them. Wriothesley was on the wait for the arrival of a criminal on reports of serial thefts of jewelry and priceless possessions. There were no witnesses or traces that could lead to the identity of this thief, so even the Marechaussee Phantom was unable to follow their tracks, coming to the conclusion that they were someone ingenious and extremely experienced at what they did.
Well, what he didn't expect was that the notorious bandit he had been waiting for was a teenager with a bad sense of humor and terrible acting.
The "menace on the loose" who was giving the Fontaine authorities such a headache was right there in front of him, caught after falling asleep in a very comfortable seat inside the Court of Fontaine. It could be said that their carelessness had handed them over to their own hunters.
When asked abouth how they had managed to flee so fast from the crime scenes and hide themselves. The only answer they gave, with a straight face, was:
“I was literally just going in and out through the front doors.”
Quite the unexpected answer.
"Your Grace?" Wriothesley was cut short from his thoughts by two fingers snapping in front of his eyes. The only person brave enough to do that, without a doubt, was them. "What are you thinking? I thought we were going to have tea together."
"Me? Well, I was remembering the first time you set foot in this place." He crossed his arms and let out a little sigh. Their sentence was running out with each passing second, and he didn't want to admit that he would miss them if they left.
"Oh, when I gave you the middle…" He quickly shushed them with a hand right in front of their face.
"Yeah, I know. You were terrible to deal with back then." He ran his fingers through their hair playfully, messing it up.
"But I'm better today," they retorted with a simple sentence that carried a deep weight behind it.
A few months had passed since the incident with the Beret Society. [Name]'s behavior had changed drastically since they had been invited to join the group. In the end, it had all been a tremendous lack of humanity on Dougie's part; recruiting the youngest prisoner in the place and putting them through the same punishment he used with adults while handling the Aqua Doloris.
Before, they were sharp in their comments and too relaxed for their own good, one of the reasons that led them to this place after all. It quite amazed Wriothesley at how they ended up avoiding being caught by the Marechaussee, when they definitely didn't even know how to hide or lie.
They played a big part in their little game against Dougie, making Wriothesley start to pay more attention and spend some extra time supervisioning them.
"If I leave, Your Grace will miss me so much that you'll want to lock me up in that cell again. But guess what? You won't,” they sarcastically declared while jumping down the stairs.
“If you fall down those stairs, you won't be able to leave here before recovering; You know that, right child?” Wriothesley could imagine them falling. It wouldn't be their first time hitting the ground hard.
But contrary to expectations, it was Wriothesley who tripped and almost fell down the stairs, holding on tightly to the banister; trying his best to act as if nothing had happened. An embarrassing silence between them.
It was all that could be heard, them laughing at him, who remained motionless in place. Maybe he really was going to miss that little pest who, until now, had given him nothing but trouble. There was only one day until they're officially a free citizen again, but even though they joked about the possibility of leaving, their final decision had not yet been made.
"You really are fearless, aren't you?" He chuckled and looked straight into their eyes. "Not everyone has the nerves to joke like that, maybe I should ask for your sentence to be increased or something..."
Click, click.
Soft footsteps approached them, a sound they were both used to hearing through Meropide.
"I brought tea."
From the top of the stairs, Sigewinne had a smile on her face, carrying a small tray with her. At the sight of it, their faces instantly paled. As Sigewinne didn't have the same senses as humans, her cooking was peculiar, to say the least.
"Did you ask her to do it?" Wriothesley whispered to the teen as he watched Sigewinne walk down to them.
"Definitely not. She must have heard we were supposed to do it today."
The two exchanged glances, as if in telepathic communication. The current plan was to escape from the tea without hurting the feelings of the melusine in front of them. So as soon as she got close enough, the lame excuses began.
"Well, Sigewinne, I'd love to enjoy this wonderful drink with you but," she said in a pained tone, a terribly fake performance, "my tummy hurts, so I'll pass this time. You can give my cup to His Grace, he loves tea after all."
They held their belly, pretending to be in pain. But as always, Sigewinne knew how to get around the situation.
"Hm? There's nothing to worry about, this tea is good for the intestinal flora."
"Wonderful news, right, [Name]?" Wriothesley nudged Sigewinne lightly. After all, revenge is a dish best served cold. "Unfortunately, I won't be able to join you two. Duty calls, child.”
Their jaw dropped. That's it, there was no way out of this. Wriothesley could only grin at them and walk away while [Name] was being forced towards their usual tea-time spot. His grin had the exact following translation: "You're doomed."
And so, [Name] had to drink the cursed beverage.
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Knock, knock.
Wriothesley's head rose to look at the door. He was just finishing his paperwork, something he could do another day, but which he needed to pretend he was doing so as not to make it so obvious why he wasn't drinking the tea Sigewinne had made.
"Who's there?"
"Someone who’s going to be outside the Fortress as soon as they can," the familiar voice on the other side of the door mocked, sounding like [Name] had finally made his choice, "I don't really like the part about being a juvenile offender or something like that."
Wriothesley let out a low laugh and let them in. He was genuinely not surprised by such a decision. [Name] was a thief on the loose around Fontaine and never stayed in one place for long. Name's preference to not remain contained within the walls of Meropide Fortress was certainly not surprising.
"What made you not want to stay here?" He crossed his arms and leaned further back in his chair; it was a rather comical situation for him.
"Here is nice. I've got food, a roof over my head, people to talk to," they mimicked his action and crossed their arms, "and you're here. But I do miss my true freedom outside those thick walls."
He stared at them with a fond smile on his face. He was quite sad that he would need to say goodbye to that child. Even if selfishly, Wriothesley secretly wished they wouldn't leave Meropide yet. Maybe he did have a favorite prisoner, after all.
“Now, can I get my ‘ultra mega hyper master favorite prisoner’ title before I go?”
They looked at him with stars in their eyes. To be honest, it was quite laughable.
“We’ll see how it goes.” He placed down the papers in his hand, waiting for them to speak more. Wriothesley definitely couldn't do that, even though it would be hilarious to see the other's reaction.
He got up and walked over to them. Unlike expected, Wriothesley hugged them and patted their head. And with a big smile on his face, he could proudly say:
"Enjoy your life out of here, little prick.” He gave them a playful, painless smack on the head.
“Thank you, Your Grace; but…”
They smiled mischievously at him and pointed to the door. Through it, came Sigewinne with her snack tray.
“To show my appreciation towards Your Grace and the great time I had here, I kindly requested my little friend Sigewinne to prepare the best pastries ever.”
The snacks presented to him had a suspicious smell. Maybe Sigewinne was also voluntarily partaking in this small prank. It was hard to say because of her usual smile.
“Just for you.”
In the end, even he couldn't escape getting a taste from his own medicine.
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✦⸼࣪⸳♡ BONUS:
“I thought you would be free. What happened, [Name]?”
Sigewinne put a finger over her mouth, trying to understand the reason why they would stay inside such a place when they wanted to be free.
“I got sentenced to more time for ‘murder attempt through food poisoning’.”
“Towards who?” She tilted her head in confusion, an interested look in her face.
They silently pointed towards the Duke.
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moondustpugh · 8 days
The Hate Formula
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: Living in the same building, across from each other shouldn't be much of a problem, right? But how come you and Joe tend to always push each other's buttons every day? Is it because you both truly just hated each other or is it because there was something more to it?
Author's Note: Welcome to another enemies to lovers fic! :) Let's also welcome back our bff, Sara. I'm sort of excited about this because it's so chaotic and fun and as you all know, I usually write angsty sad fics. So, I'm kind of having fun with this one. I hope you all enjoy! Please comments are always welcome! Thank you!
Wordcount: 2.9K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five - part six - part seven - part eight - part nine - part ten
Two Years Ago…
The sun was beating down in the city of New York. It was the middle of July, and the heat was basically a torture for you at the moment. You and your best friend, Sara, were just moving into your new apartment building. The both of you had been roommates since you graduated college, and you both have finally earned enough money to actually rent a nice and bigger apartment. It was both of your dream apartment with the nice kitchen, marbled top counters and big glass windows that overlooked the city skyscrapers. 
However, as much as you both were excited with the new apartment, the New York summer heat wasn’t really helping. You were already in shorts, tank top, and your hair was up in a messy ponytail and yet, you were still sweating so much. You both have spent the last two days taking everything out of your old apartment and bringing them into the new building. You and Sara would switch back and forth driving the U-Haul truck, and you both would carry your new furnitures up into the new apartment. You didn’t even realize you had so much stuff until you were packing up your things and had to throw most of the unnecessary ones away. 
But today was your last day of moving the rest of your things. All the heavy stuff was already set up and organized in the apartment and the only thing that was left were just boxes of your clothes and miscellaneous stuff for the kitchen. 
“I’ll take this last box and I can go drop off the U-Haul truck back.” Sara said, grabbing the last remaining box at the back of the truck. 
“Are you sure? I can go with you.” You suggested.
“No, it’s alright. I got it. Maybe I can pick up some pizza for dinner tonight?”
You nodded your head in agreement. “That sounds good. I’m too tired to make dinner.”
Sara chuckled softly, agreeing with you as you both entered the building. You were carrying another box, following behind her and entering the elevator. You loved this new apartment. It was fancy, nice and everything was new. It even had a security guard outside the building that made you feel safe. You couldn’t help but feel proud of how far you two had come.
Ready to finally set down the last box, you followed Sara down the hall when you were greeted by a man from across the hall. He looked familiar, and he looked like he was about your age too. He was, however, shirtless, and he had a grin on his face the moment he saw you. 
“Looks like I got new neighbors across the hall.” His English accent slipped through his voice. 
You couldn’t help but stare at him for a moment. He was cute and not to sound too desperate, you rarely have any men interact with you. Especially cute and handsome men. Immediately, you were already hooked as soon as you heard that accent slip through his voice. His chocolate button eyes sparkled as he smiled at you. His curly brown hair was all disheveled, but it made him look more attractive. 
“I’m Joe.” He grinned excitedly.
Setting the heavy box down on the floor, you introduced yourself. For a moment, you were reluctant to shake his hand because you were literally all sweaty and dirty from doing all this moving. Joe, however, didn’t hesitate to shake your hand. Instantly, you were already charmed by him. 
Or maybe this heat was just getting into your head.
“So, are you new in the city?” Joe asked.
“I’m actually from Chicago, but I’ve been living in New York for five years now.” You cheekily grinned at him. 
“I’ve never been to Chicago, but it seems like they have great and beautiful people over there.” 
You knew exactly what he was doing. 
You knew he was flirting with you, and you couldn’t help but flirt back. He was cute, and him standing here in front of you shirtless was making you slowly fold for him already. 
God, you were pathetic. 
How were you already blushing and all flustered because of this man? You literally just met him two seconds ago. 
“So, you’re moving in with a roommate?” Joe nodded his head towards Sara. 
Looking over your shoulder, the door of your apartment was open, and you could see Sara setting down the boxes and organizing the kitchen. 
“Yeah, that’s Sara. She’s my best friend.” 
“Well, it’s nice to meet you. I hope I’m able to get to know you better.” Joe leaned against the doorframe, a flirty grin still plastered on his face.
Before you could say anything else, the door behind him swung open and a woman with disheveled hair looked at the both of you furiously. She was fixing the strap of her mini dress, and she barely had put on her other high heels. You felt your heart drop to your stomach as soon as you saw the angry look on her face. You were literally flirting with someone who had a girlfriend. 
Wait, was she even his girlfriend? 
And if he had a girlfriend, then why was he flirting with you?
“Really?!” The woman exclaimed, slapping Joe’s arm. “You take me to your place, fuck me, and I haven’t even left yet, and you’re already flirting with another girl?!” 
Your eyes widened as you stood there dumbfounded at what she just told him. Your lips parted about to reason with her that you didn’t know he had a girl inside his apartment, but she had started yelling at Joe. She swung her purse to hit him on his stomach, making Joe groan and hunched down in pain before she turned to look at you with wide angry eyes. 
Oh god. 
You couldn’t believe you fell for it. 
You couldn’t believe that you fell for Joe’s charms and flirt talk, only for you to find out that he was a player. He had another girl in his apartment, and he was flirting with you? 
What the fuck was wrong with him?
The woman set her palms on his chest and pushed him away and nudged you with her shoulder to push you aside before walking away. You stood there, feeling astounded because you couldn’t even comprehend what just happened. You were exhausted, you were sweaty, and you could barely feel your hands from carrying heavy boxes all day. Your brain was too fried to even deal with this. You couldn’t help but blame the heat for getting too much into your head. 
Joe looked over his shoulder, watching the woman walk away as he shook his head and turned back to you. 
“She’s just overreacting.” Joe explained. 
Tilting your head at him, you raised your brows and let out a scoff. 
“Oh really?” You asked, irritated. “Or you’re just a player?”
You shook your head in disbelief, picking up the box from the floor and walked inside your apartment and slammed the door shut behind you. 
You couldn’t believe that you actually fell for that. 
Looking up from what she was doing, Sara knitted her brows as soon as she saw you enter the kitchen. She couldn’t even describe the expression that was on your face when you had set the box down on the floor.
“What happened?” Sara asked. 
“Stay away from the man across the hall.” You said. “He’s a pig.”
Sara just chuckled softly, shaking head. Knowing you for the last couple of years, she knew you could be overdramatic sometimes, especially when it came with men. Although, she didn’t actually expect that the first day in this new apartment was going to be the first of many fights that you and Joe would have. She also didn’t expect that this was going to be something that she was going to start dealing with for the next two years. 
As you got up early the next morning, you went for a quick jog around the neighborhood and as soon as you came back into the apartment building, you saw Joe leading a different girl out of his place. You couldn’t help but shake your head and felt disgusted by his behaviour. Then, as days, weeks, months went by, it was the same thing almost every week. 
It annoyed you to the core.
You found out a month later that he was an actor and that was why he looked so familiar when you first met him. It wasn’t like you have seen his projects before. Just that one Stranger Things show, but you barely even finished it. However, his little celebrity status wasn’t what you really cared about. You were more disgusted by the fact that he thought he could get whoever he wanted and act like this just because he was an actor. 
Ever since then, you had promised yourself to never fall for anything that he would tell you ever again. 
Present Day…
The Friday night rush hit the subway station a little too early. You just got out of the office, and you were ready to just go home and snuggle under your comfy blanket. Your eyes studied the many faces of people inside the subway car as you held onto the metal pole. It was packed and everyone was literally shoulder to shoulder. 
Thank god that your stop was next because it was starting to smell in there, and you hated it when it was this crowded in the subway. Walking out of the station, you decided to stop by at a local shop near your apartment building and pick up some snacks. As you walked through the aisles, you didn’t even care what you picked out on the shelves. You just started putting everything in your basket, whatever that looked satisfying to you. It was Friday, and you had a long, exhausting day. You deserved a little treat after all the stress from work that you have been dealing with. 
Arriving at your apartment building, the moment you exited out the elevator, you instantly saw Joe walking out of his apartment. His curly hair pushed back, he was in fancy clothes, and a playful grin tugged on his lips the moment his eyes caught you. You rolled your eyes at him as he chuckled softly when he passed by. 
“Is that what you're going to do on a Friday night?” Joe asked, looking down at the plastic bag that you were holding in your hand. 
You stopped in your tracks and turned to look at him with an annoyed expression on your face. The last thing you wanted to do was deal with his obnoxious behavior. 
“Do you ever mind your own business?” Your eyes were literally giving him a death glare. 
Joe’s grin widened as he took a few steps forward closer to you. His index finger softly grazed the top of your nose as he poked it. Immediately, you made a face and swatted his hand away. 
“Not with yours.” Joe murmured, amusement all over his face.
You could feel the anger and frustration coming up in your emotions. You didn’t understand how he never got tired of annoying you. It has been two years since you have moved in and every day, Joe always found a way to make you feel irritated. You didn’t care one bit if he was an actor. You didn’t care if he has a little celebrity status. 
He was still disgusting, and he was still a pig. 
You felt your nose flared in anger as you grimaced at his little comment. “Is there someone else you could torture?!”
Your voice raised as Joe laughed softly and poked your nose again. 
“Yes, but I like doing it to you.” 
“And what are you going to do, hm?” You raised your brow at him. “You’re gonna go out there and pick up a new girl again?”
Joe shrugged, “Well, at least I’m not spending my Friday night with a bag of Doritos and a pint of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream.”
“Well, at least I’m not an asshole.” You retorted back.
Pushing him out of your way with your shoulder, you could see the playful grin that kept tugging on his lips, but you ignored it as you unlocked your door and immediately slammed the door shut behind you. Groaning in frustration, you set the plastic bag on the dining table and saw Sara walking out of the bathroom. Her hair was still wet from the shower, and she was holding a towel to dry it. 
“What did he do now?” Sara asked. 
Sara had lived with you in this apartment building for two years now, and she knew exactly what was happening whenever you entered your apartment with that look on your face. There was no one else in this world that could get under your skin but Joe. Not even your annoying boss or co-workers at work could get you all worked up like this, and Sara could see that every time.
Sometimes Sara would wish that Joe would literally get under your skin, so the both of you could stop playing this game and admit what you two actually felt for one another.
But she would never say that to you nor would admit what she could see between the both of you.
She knew it would just enrage you even more. She couldn’t help but just shake her head and chuckle at your reaction all the time because after all, it seemed like she was the only one who could see why Joe tends to push all your buttons so easily.
“He’s just being an asshole like always.” You grumbled, taking out the snacks that you bought from the plastic bag. 
Sara laughed softly, grabbing the bag of Doritos, opening it. She tilted her head at you and said, “You know, I don't understand why can’t you both just ignore each other?”
You gazed up at her with an even more frustrated look on your face. “Are you kidding? You think I don’t wanna do that? He’s the one who’s always starting something.” 
“Always?” Sara raised her brow at you. 
What was she trying to say? 
When you didn’t answer her question, she added, “Remember when he had a package that was accidentally left on our doorstep, and you held it hostage for two weeks?”
You knitted your brows, stuttering for a moment and said, “He… He deserved it. Besides, I was doing everyone a favor.” 
“Holding his package hostage until he kept the noises down from his apartment wasn’t doing everyone a favor!” Sara argued. “You two were arguing in the middle of the hall every day, and that was a lot noisier.” 
You rolled your eyes, scratching your forehead in frustration. You shrugged your shoulders and pursed your lips without even arguing back with Sara because yeah, you did that on purpose because you just wanted to piss him off the way he always pissed you off all the time. 
“Are you still mad about what happened two years ago?” Sara asked.
You scoffed, stunned at the subject that Sara had brought up. 
“No!” Your voice sounded defensive. “Yes, I clearly fell for his charms but that was before I knew how much of a fuckboy he is.”
Sara chuckled, rolling her eyes at the excuse that you were throwing at her. She never pressed the subject every time she would see that the angry meter on top of your head was starting to spill over. Sometimes she would just imagine grabbing the both of you and banging each other’s heads to see if you both would realize how ridiculous this stupid game you two kept playing. She never understood how both of you weren’t tired of it after two years.
“Which is too bad.” You added, grumbling under your breath. “Because he’s cute.”
Sara stuffed her mouth with Doritos as she settled herself on the sofa. She lets you continue grumbling under your breath until you have let all your feelings out. That was what she always did because then, she would be able to really see how strong your feelings were for Joe. She knew you were just angry with how he behaves, so Sara just let you do your thing as she started browsing movies on Netflix. 
“Hey! That’s my Doritos!” You scolded her after you finally had gone back to reality.
“Too late now.” Sara deviously smiled, throwing a piece of Dorito at you. “Are you done?”
“Done with what?”
“Grumbling over Joe.”
“I wasn’t—” You exhaled a sharp breath. “You know what, I’m gonna go freshen up. You can pick the movie for tonight.”
Walking away, you went to shower to wash away today's stress and settled next to Sara later that night. Holding the pint of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, you reached over and grabbed some Doritos from the bag that was sitting on Sara’s lap. As you focus your attention on the movie, you couldn’t help but let your mind wander somewhere else. You couldn’t help but recall your little conversation with Joe from earlier. 
“Are we this sad? Spending Friday nights like this?” You asked Sara, turning to face her. 
Sara shrugged, gazing up at the ceiling for a moment as if she was thinking about your question carefully. 
“Maybe.” She answered. “But at least we’re not getting our hearts broken.”
Laughing softly with her, you nodded your head in agreement. 
@palomahasenteredthechat @sunvick @eddies-acousticguitar @demonsanddemogorgons @joesquinns @mmunson86 @ghostinthebackofyourhead @corrodedcoffincumslut @figmentofquinn @tlclick73 @munsonluvrr @ali-r3n @ficsbypix @capricornrisingsstuff @missonlypost @ali-in-w0nderland @amberolivia666 @lalalala-melmosworld @niallersfreckles @nanas-lasagna @emma77645 @indulgence-be-thy-name @readergf @ladamari68 @1paire2vans @d4rk4ng3l86 @paleidiot @josephquinnsfreckles @readergf @mvnsonlover
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spiderpussinc · 10 months
are the 2099 comics THAT bad in terms of racism plus other weird writing choices??? i'm starved for miguel content and would like to read the original comic run but i keep seeing the debate of the original comics being problematic and/or downright just BAD bad (not to mention miguel is supposed to have mexican heritage but he's straight up a white redhead lol)
Some people may disagree but speaking as a latinx writer; it's bad because it is racist, yes! On multiple fronts!! And beyond that, it's also bad as a complete failure of comics structure and compelling narrative.
Longpost, on readmore;
I say this as a long-time capeshit reader, as politely as possible: Miguel's comics are a *paycheck* book. As in; a series a writer does monthly to be paid for it, but with middling aspirations and downright negative characterization depending on where their mood is.
The first few issues of his 1992 run are relatively complete and well-balanced, may even trick you into thinking this story is going somewhere; but that's only because they're the /character pitch./ Ill skip to the end and tell you upfront. That 1992 series ends with the implosion of the whole "2099" line of comics (an universe that included other books, like ghost rider, doom, etc, by other writers) due to dwindling public interest and mass cancellations. The end of that run is basically meaningless, since the whole thing got retconned - and even before that a guest writer had came in and made mistaken character reveals pdavid wasnt happy with and wanted to erase before the finale. The event book that wrapped up that universe was unironically, literally called -- "2099: Manifest Destiny."
Now, I don't like Peter David's writing. I think he's obsessed with the idea of building harems out of his female characters (when he's not fridging them, or making them act ~crazy~ to further alienate them from the protagonist) and it is the kind of grueling, joyless reading experience I can only describe as making you feel Oily Inside. This goes as far as multiple stalking plotlines, the inclusion of a guest appearance from AU s/x slaver Hulk in later years, Miguel's mother being strongly implied to have been forced into conceiving him by his real dad who's the evil CEO of alchemax, general torture painporn. His broader supporting cast is so interchangeable and disposable that they were literally disposed of.
In terms of the racism; I have mentioned how he uses cultures as tokens and does 0 research whatsoever. The way it feels and the way it is deployed is through a lens of Exoticism - tourism. Miguels suit is allegedly "a dia de los muertos costume" b/c pdavid seems to think that holiday is mexican halloween. In the orig book, you'll see plenty of broken japanese and stereotypical orientalist caricatures - after killing his first love interest, pdavid introduces a japanese girl who is unironically, literally named "Xina" (that pretends to be chinese on occasion) to fill in the vacant role. Miguel himself falls right into all the usual latino stereotypes — short tempered, drug addict, sex magnet "latin lover" (this last one also applied to his brother Gabriel, who for the longest time is characterized by just Going Through A Lot Of Girlfriends). And it's kind of insane bc he's still being drawn as a deeply deeply white man, but not even that takes off the burden of the racial microagressions!!! They're the only times pdavid seems to remember that heritage! Then there's the commemorative hanging page. Since you mention the redheadedness; thats another insane thing to me. He has 0% of irish in him. His dad is Blond. Who is this man?
Most of the info in the 2099 run is either revealed to be a lie midway thru (miguel is not mr o'hara's son, nor addicted to rapture) or completely retconned away to be rewritten in new runs. Different writers have tried to come in and do miguel in other team/event books but frankly nothing stands out and most of them get marked as alternate-miguels. Unfortunately, every time marvel decided to give another shot at spider-man 2099 they also brought pdavid back. The newer books were never a success, and theyre just as filled w/ the garbage i mentioned earlier (wow! Steampunk spider-woman is given to pdavid for *ONE* issue and instantly tonguekisses gabriel before leaving, so novel. More fridging ensues. Stalking. Etc.) 2099 as an *universe* has been retconned so many times Nothing is consistent and Nothing is set on stone and frankly i think they should make it an AU separate from main canon and build a whole new world already.
The art in the 2015 + runs consists mostly of tracing, and more of that oily weird feeling applied to fem chars. Perhaps you have noticed in this entire hate review have never once spoken about Miguel's heroic plots and memorable villains --- he has none. At least nothing I can remember or distinguish. (Interchangeable, disposable, etc) There is a vague inkling of "this is an anti-stabilishment spiderman, he fights against The Public Eye, the Corporation Cops!" at the start but much like his cultural illiteracy pdavid has no real insightful politics commentary, so that dissolves into the background in time. Its all buzzwords. All of his plotlines are solved in circuitous or soap operaish extradrama ways; and while some of this is present in other superhero comics, what stands out to me MOST is how utterly fucking joyless Miguel's comics are. It's like going through a slog on obligation. They genuinely gave me a headache every time.
ATSV does a great job of reinventing Miguel and rebuilding the parts of him that showed real promise. Being a different tone-swapped spiderman, futuristic, being more on the tech-science side of crime fighting. Him being a single dad with a daughter is also new. (And he is single! There is no singular mention of marriage or a wife anywhere, he's a geneticist, multiple spider-men we see in this movie were literal clones made in tubes - i am fond of the idea he's a transmasc dad but even if you think he's cis he could have made that baby himself. Adoption is also always there.) I think its very clear ATSV didn't want to bring any of pdavids major weird shit w fem chars to the big screen on the hopes that miguel gets rebooted eventually. I think he's gay. Nobody can prove me wrong.
On that note, Steve Orlando (queer writer, also wrote for DC's midnighter/apollo) did some of the latest 2022/2023 Miguel miniseries. Another reboot! Those were "2099: Exodus" and "Spider-man 2099: Dark Genesis" - i think its campier/trying to tackle superhero plots more head on and trying to do something wide wacky cast focused at Marvel's personal request, but Miguel's future is very up in the air rn. I do really hope they reboot him into something closer to ATSV with latines at the center soon.
What I always reccomend for people curious abt miguel: read his first 3ish 1992 issues, get a general feel and close the book as soon as you feel annoyed. It won't get better. Remember none of it is canon nor has been relevant in over two decades. If you want to know the wider context of his messy chronology, check out some of the 2099 "all comics" type of youtube videos, theres some pretty easy to digest summarizations if u dont wanna waste ur time reading stuff that just got retconned again lol. Most writers now are operating on vibes and that is a freedom you should also allow yourself in your own fanwork.
Putting his panels out of context can be very funny though. (For further curiosity or tangents, there's always my meta tag)
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lnkedmyheart · 8 months
I know Chuuya is less more obvious obsessed with Dazai but can you gives us more examples of him ? I know I'm pain in the ass , but I love reading soukoku evidence or any posts about them ( literally ANYTHING related to them ).
He, in the middle of corruption, when he has no control over himself, cannot differentiate friend from foe, more or less just floats in the back of his own consciousness, yelled Dazai's name, found him and punched him in the face gently enough to not behead him after he had just ko-d an ability dragon. That is not including the fact that he knew Dazai wasn't dead cause he could feel it in his bones or something and jumped out of a plane to near certain death just to save him.
In the ova with Kunikida, Chuuya randomly followed him around because he suspected Dazai could be the one involved.
In his meeting with Yosano and Kenji he automatically assumed Dazai blabbed about him to the ADA. (Understandable tbh cause he did talk to Oda about him).
In the dhc parts of dead apple novel he specifically fixated on saving Dazai despite previously talking about how he didnt give a shit about Dazai and only needed to save the grunts. "Wait for me, shitty dazai". What about the grunts Chuuya?
Man described Dazai's ideal date when asked about what he considered a good date idea just so he could insist he wont do that.
In the same interview Chuuya randomly brought up Dazai again saying he would like to spend his evening drinking when Dazai is not around.
Bro popped into the basement just to see Dazai and annoy him the moment he found out Dazai had been captured after 4 years of seperation and the first thing out of his mouth is comparing him to a billion dollar masterpiece and to drag him super close to his face by the hair and bring up their (ex) partnership.
They both live rent free in each other's heads in wan.
Bro has Dazai in his list of dislikes but freaks out anytime he is actually hurt. Not the guy who tried to murder him, not his bro who offed all his friends, not the other dude that offed all his friends, not his own torturer. The guy he will trust with life and humanity. Yea.
Has mentioned that they are fated in the high school au games. Used corruption when Dazai died in beast au.
Still knows Dazai like the back of his hand and can predict his motives and moves. If Dazai has a PhD in Chuuyology than Chuuya is working on his post doc in Dazaistic.
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lynnlovesthestars · 7 months
Do you think Wyll would enjoy fucking Tav's ass? Can you give us a lil hc pls?? 🫶anon
CW: anal play, anal sex, wyll goes batshit crazy. I will divide between afab and amab.
Wyll x reader
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You see those fingers? He coax every filthy sound from your lips with them, and he does it so effortlessly you wonder how much practice he had cause you are a MESS under them.
When he fucks you he's always trying to tease you:
If you are AFAB, and he's eating you out, he'll make sure one of his fingers slowly, tantalizingly, reaches your rim just applying a little pressure to see how you react, and he's elated to see how you buckle your hips trying to get more out of it. "Oh princess, you gotta be patient" He'd admonish you lovingly as he ghosts over your tight hole. Or when he has you bent on the kitchen counter, and he's fucking your squelching pussy. You are spread open for him and your ass is in full display? He's torture you with his fingers.. it starts with a graze and it escalates with your tongue wetting his digits, and be assured the moment he dips the first finger in, you are coming undone. From then he becomes obsessed with how you moan his name when he'd add a finger in your tight ass while fucking you. You are so sensitive that he knows you are gonna be coming way before he is, so he just fucks you through your high, and he's not gonna stop once your bliss has reached it's peak. He's literally gonna keep fucking your over stimulated pussy until you are a shaking mess under him and he's fucking another orgasm out of you. He'll make sure your pussy will be sore before he fills you up with his cum.
If you are AMAB, he'd take his chance while he's sucking you. His mouth would be wrapped around your dick as you are restlessly fucking his mouth, he wipes away the drool with his free hand, and at the sight of his drenched fingers it crosses his mind. So he starts with little prodding, and he already can feel your cock twitching, until he's almost knuckle deep in your tight hole and your steady rhythm quickly turns franctic. Up until then he was always the one taking your fat cock in his ass, but as you squeezed that finger like madness? He wanted to ask you to switch to find out what it felt around his hard on.
we all agree that this man is an ass man, and he'll make sure to remind you every time he's touching, kissing, fingering or fucking it.
"Oh your ass is so.. is so.." He'd grunt breathlessly. "Fucking perfect"
" I'm a bit frustrated, can I eat your ass?"
"this ass is mine, you understand?"
He’s very careful while preparing you, he’s gonna do the #research to find the best lubricant, which in the time canon yr would be grease, and he’s gonna take his time stretching you, for few reasons: 1. he doesn’t want to hurt you, 2. He likes how desperate you get 3. he’s massive
so he’s gonna take all the time necessary. He even buys a few plugs that he puts in for a bit while he’s taking his time with foreplay. Like dude is gonna make sure you are relaxed completely before he’s gonna take you. Whether he’s gonna suck you or eat you out, he’s gonna have his meal first.
the moment he’s sinking in? MESS, he’s gonna be a mess. The sluttiest moan escapes his lips just at the tightness of your hole. He’s not even sure he can thrust twice before coming, but what truly edges him? That whiny moan you make when he starts moving. Then it's like his brain is mush.
He's literally drunk on the feeling, on your sweet gasps, on how you melt for him to the point that he needs you closer. His hands move from your shaky hips to wrap around your middle and press you deliciously close to him, your back firmly pressed against his chest and your neck all for him to kiss.
He's literally dumbfucking you as he basically gets dumbfucked as well, you swallow him so well he can't help but lose the last bit of his control, and so do you.
It becomes all sloppy movements and filthy sounds as you can feel your whole body one step away from combustion, you are going to come and you are going to make a mess.
“Hells I'm I'm heaven” He moans loudly and has his hips rut against your ass, and his hand reaches your core. You can feel it so close as it takes him a mere desperate second to make you come undone under his touch.
You don't realize he has come until you can feel his cock sliding out, and his cum dripping out of you.
You don't care that in that moment you were laying on your orgasms, you were perfectly okay cause Wyll was still holding you to him.
He doesn't skip the aftercare, he actually draws you a bath as he changes the sheets.
You are covered only with a towel when you make your way out. Wyll is already laying under the sheets for you to join him.
The second he hears your body dipping in the softness of the bed, he's already close to you again.
His hands would find a nice place to rest on your hips, murmuring sweet nothings and lullying you to sleep.
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astrophileous · 8 months
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The above image does not indicate the reader's physical appearance.
Pairing: Derek Morgan x Female Reader
Synopsis: When Derek is forced to go undercover for a case, he doesn't expect to encounter the past that has haunted him for years.
Status: On-Going
Warning(s): 18+ NSFW MATERIALS (minors be advised, dni), alternating timeline, non-linear plot, implied age gap (undefined), canon typical violence, past trauma/abuse, child abuse, undercover life, organized crime, use of narcotics, illegal arms trade, human trafficking, mentions/talks of serial killers, physical violence, physical torture, violence against children, cursing and other foul language, use of firearms, use of explosives, talks of reproducing, etc. (please see each individual part for the complete list of warnings)
Criminal Minds Masterlist
Author's Note: I'm literally SO EXCITED for this one, you have no idea (I even made a special banner and divider for the story, look!!!). It's gonna be a short one, only four parts, but I hope you'd still like it. There's a snippet of the first part below to keep yourself on your toes 👀 (special thanks to @avis-writeshq for being the best and most supportive beta ever). Your support means tons to me, so plsss don't forget to LIKE+COMMENT+REBLOG
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♤ One || I'm in It for the Money ♤
When Derek is forced to go undercover for a case, he doesn't expect to encounter the past that has haunted him for years.
♡ Two || Let's Put On a Show ♡
As his undercover life begins, Derek finds that the biggest enemies he has to battle are past memories and resurfaced feelings.
◇ Three || You Need to Get Ready ◇
To be added.
♧ Four || It's Time to Go ♧
To be added.
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The scene below is a sneak peek from the first part of The Countdown.
You waited until Temples was out of earshot before addressing Derek, "Fancy seeing you here."
"Yeah. I wish I could say the same."
You smiled somewhat sadly at the taste of venom in Derek's voice. The damp and moldy air in the forgotten factory stood no chance against the sting of Derek's cold glare. It was easy for your body to ignore the chill, pretending that Derek's indifference didn't bite through your skin. Your heart, though, was a different story.
"I didn't know it was gonna be you," was what you ended up saying after a full minute of silence. "When Jimmy told me that someone would be coming in, he didn't tell me anything else. I wasn't expecting you."
It was the most sincere string of words you had uttered since showing up in front of him. For a moment, something twitched in his chest, and Derek loathed the fact that you still had that effect on him even after years had passed. But as frustrating as it was, Derek didn't think petty would suit him well as a middle name, so he swallowed the bitter lump and forced his shoulders to relax.
"So, this is where you've been all this time? Living as a ghost?"
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Taglist is open. Leave a comment or send me an ask to be added!
Taglist: @citrusiove @kneelforloki @prentissim @bunbunbl0gs @lubunnii @alluring-andrayav @sammyrenae68 @burkayyy @mggspo
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198 notes · View notes
soap-ify · 3 months
HEY RURU!! I rlly adore reading your makes, it truly helps me identify what kind of a slut and whore that I am, but. Can I request some fluff? Like my best friend, (13 years of friendship since middle school) got with my boyfriend and I'm so like confused and mad, and like sad. I just don't know what to do at this point, I literally almost committed last night with ov3rd0$e. Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful, but if I could read one last thing before I don't want to live, it would be your writings :))
hi anon! i know it's been like two weeks and i hope you have been doing well. i am terribly sorry that happened to you, i understand how horrific that must have felt. moments like these makes one believe that the whole world is against you but please, do know that i'm always here for you if you need someone to vent. you deserve to be happy, and i'm here to listen. i genuinely hope you are doing alright now.
some morning simon fluff just for you. (no cws except reference to ghost's past)
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there is nothing simon adores more than waking up next to you, your legs tangled with his, your head cozily buried into his chest — it most certainly looked like a mess from a distance. a mess he’d do anything to live over and over again.
it was a sweet reminder of your existence, and somewhat, his too. a reminder that he had survived it all somehow, all those gruesome missions and fights, all the torture he had too endure once, he had survived it. his life had just begun when had crawled out of that damn grave, his destination being you even if unbeknownst to him at that time.
“mmh, si…” your soft drowsy mumble snapped him out of his thoughts, causing him to look down at your stirring form, your head pulling away from the comfort of his chest to look over at him. oh, how he loved this sight of yours — forehead damp from the heat radiating off him, your eyes slightly puffy and hair a mess. it was as if you had made it your personal mission to attack his heart in the best way possible.
“g’mornin’, love.” his voice was hoarse from slumber, one hand reaching out to gently caress the back of your head, adoring the way you nuzzled into him. your calm breathing was his favourite sort of melody — the tranquility he had fought so hard to achieve, now finally nuzzled within his arms. his treasure.
“slept well, hm?” he pressed a chaste kiss on your forehead, ignoring your muffled protests of your forehead being ‘sweaty’ and all the shite he couldn’t care any less about.
“i did…” you huffed reluctantly, feeling the familiar fuzzy feeling storming within your stomach at the sight of him, his cheeks visibly flushed from sleep, hair disheveled. you wondered how he’d respond from being called adorable, maybe you’ll have to try some other day.
“you were snoring all night.” your words caused him to lazily grin and lean in as close as your bodies allowed, burying his face into your neck, your warmth wrapping around him like a blanket. a home that he finally had.
“can’t help it. you make me sleep like a baby, love.”
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