#even if i don't love the plot which is essentially cheating
matan4il · 23 days
911 ep 707 first watch reactions
Oh man, I'm actually not sure I have that much to say about this ep.
The entire plot with Mara and her brother Tyson was very sweet, very nice, and way too convenient. One day, shows are going to stop using the phrase, "There must be something you can do!" like it's some secret magic phrase, that makes this sentiment into a reality, AND turns the person addressed into someone willing to risk everything, in order to do that one thing they can do, which is usually something they're very much not supposed to... That said, Denny was sweet, Mara was lovely, her with Tyson was very endearing, and Henren continued to rule.
The storyline with Maddie was nicely handled, both her trauma, and the way Chim helped her use it to figure out the case and help save everyone from the stalker. My little Madney heart absolutely loved it. And Maddie's distress over a baby involved felt very real and understandable, when she's a mom herself now.
But then in a sense, it was clear this has no long term repercussions, other than bringing Brad into contact with Bobby. With his burn scars, and what we know about the fire that Bobby caused in the past, we can guess where this is headed. I trust that 911 will delve into this coming clash with the same humaneness with which it tackles most storylines.
But I'll be honest, I don't really like where Eddie's headed. I know Shannon scarred him deeply, but he was able to let go of her, and allow her to walk away from him twice while she was alive. It's weird if it's now being implied that the reason why he was never able to move on to another serious r/s is that he was stuck on her. The way she died was traumatic and painful, and it made sense that, even accepting that they as a couple were over, he had a hard time dealing with her death, but Eddie seemingly moved on in s4 at the latest. It feels a bit like they don't really know what to do with him, and how to move him on, so they keep going in circles with his character. Kinda like they were with Buck in s6. None of what we saw in that season helped Buck get to some major breakthroughs that we've seen in this one, so this current storyline with Eddie might end in the same way.
I'm not saying it doesn't have the potential to move him forward, and I'm sure it will be presented as if it has whether it actually does or doesn't (kinda like how 618 presented Buck and Natalia as a move forward, even though it very obviously was not), but right now, I'm not enjoying it. I also... even with this idea of having Eddie run into a Shannon look-a-like, I feel they could have gone in a lot of different ways, and the one where he goes on a date with her while having a serious gf he's essentially cheating on, it just doesn't feel great, or true to Eddie's values. Which can be the point, right? That sometimes we're so shaken up, we do stuff that's uncharacteristic. If that's where they'll take it, then it's working, 'coz right now, everything about this feels a little off. Let's hope they do something actually constructive with this, and give Eddie real progress (rather than just give Tim an opportunity to re-use an actress he already said he really likes).
Small mandatory Buddifer moment was really lovely, even if far from what my shipper heart would want. Then again, I honestly feel it's so funny that Buck is dating Tommy, while being married to Eddie, his actual baby daddy. If there aren't a lot of fics shipping all three men already, then IDK fandom.
Thank you for reading! If you’re looking for more, you can find my s7 reactions tag here, and more of my Buddie meta and content in my pinned post. xoxox
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utilitycaster · 30 days
I don't know how you feel about it, but I was extremely frustrated last night when I found out that break was called after around 3 hours. I just felt that at that point they should have just made it a Crown Keepers episode instead of promising that BH would be back and then them barely being in the episode. I don't know, I'm usually really go with the flow with CRs creative choices, but this was just a real big swing and a miss for me. I wish this had all just been its own episode
So here's my feelings:
My thoughts on EXU Prime, and later Kymal, were that I love the player characters and their relationships and much of the worldbuilding (notably all of Niirdal-Poc and the Qoniira Tetrarchy) and I liked many of Aabria's NPCs but there were some pretty big gaps left in "what the fuck is going on" that left me feeling as though I wouldn't mind seeing the characters again but I didn't feel strongly about continuing the story in-world, if that makes sense. The Aevilux reveal, for example, was sort of what the main plot of EXU Prime hinged upon (ie, that was Myr'atta Niselor's motivation; that was what the deal with Ted was) and so the fact that didn't come out for over 2.5 years irl after it ended meant I'd just kind of said "well, some weirdo from Syngorn really wanted to do shit to Opal for some reason related to her sister, who is also her patron, and we don't know why either of these things is the case, and I guess that's what happened" and made my peace with it. Similarly, I don't know what the Nameless Ones want, and never have (other than, at one point, the circlet of barbed vision, and I don't know why they want it). I made a joke that Myr'atta, Poska, and Otohan are all kind of the same and honestly that is the thing: if you don't know why a villain is doing something - even if the reason is "because I love to be evil and terrible!" it's hard to care, and if those are only villains, it's hard to be invested in the story about the heroes either, even if you like the heroes as characters.
When I say I like how this ended, I mean it - I think it could have gone only a few ways, but I like that Morrighan and Opal have both become divine champions, Morrighan willingly and Opal less so (this is yet another case of "the gods don't do take-backsies on oaths", but also, I do feel for Opal despite it all because of Aimee's excellent work throughout). I mentioned how I felt about the exact details of Cyrus's death but I don't mind that he's dead. Fy'ra was a highlight throughout, as she frequently is, and I think she was faced with two extremely unpleasant choices and made a fascinating decision. But I'd have preferred to see this as a flashback (see next paragraph) or like. Just decide what happened. If I'm being extremely honest a lot of my issues with the Crown Keepers portion is that it felt like there was a very specific desired ending (Opal's complete corruption and Cyrus's death); I also said at some point well before that you can only do so much with the Crown Keepers while Dariax is there because Matt does, even if he's turning his brain off to play our Charisma-only kinda short king, know all the cheat codes for the main campaign. It's kind of like why how, even if the DM will control an absent player during RP, they usually have another player control in combat.
I don't mind that the Bells Hells portion was short. I think the choice to break where they did makes sense given everything else that went on. But I think that, criticism of the actual Crown Keepers portion aside, while you might have lost some of your audience for a Crown Keepers-only episode on the main feed, you would have preserved the drama of FCG's death better and gotten people more excited for the Crown Keepers if you had essentially run things exactly as done here but then just cut the two episodes together, which, as a pre-taped medium, they can now do! Hindsight is again 20-20 but: Run the first half of 92 as is. Break and tape a full Crown Keepers episode. Return to Bells Hells and narrate the message back from Dorian saying he'll be there, play out the rest of Bells Hells in the camp dealing with FCG's death, and then have Dorian arrive at the very end of that episode and end the episode when the party asks him what's been going on with him, then reveal there will be a Crown Keepers episode. Air your full Crown Keepers episode as episode 93, and then return to the main campaign with 94. It would have been better balanced in terms of time, people who wanted the Crown Keepers to return would have gotten hyped up, and people who dislike them or are neutral would have at least known what to expect and frankly if they skip the episode that's their choice to make. Hell, since there were 2 weeks? Could have even been like "hey, we'll do a Crown Keepers Marathon on Twitch and Youtube on some random weekday" to build up some hype!
So overall my answer is that I agree this wasn't a great creative choice. I don't think this means they shouldn't take big swings! But some will be misses and this was, while not an entire miss for me, at best a walk.
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emeraldspiral · 1 month
So like, one thing that kinda bugged me about Jane Eyre from just knowing the plot from pop-cultural osmosis that the movie doesn't address but the book to some extent does, is that Jane's happy ending is kind of a deus ex machina that falls into her lap without her having to change or make an active choice. Like, Bertha just dies conveniently to remove the one obstacle to Jane and Rochester being together so Jane doesn't have to choose between giving up the love of her life forever or compromising to be with him.
In the book it's clear that Jane actually did go through a character arc. She went from someone who claimed she'd get kicked in the head by a horse to make someone love her and being warned against that by Helen, to someone who resolutely refuses to compromise her morals when tested by the love of her life. In the story's climax, she also rejects St. John Rivers's offer of a loveless marriage, despite the temptation to accept him in the vain hope that maybe someday he might love her after all if she caves and continues to obediently cater to his every whim.
It's also explained in the book and not the movie that the reason Jane is so adamant that she can't be Rochester's mistress isn't just because it would be "sinful" but because she believes that to make such a compromise would make Rochester lose respect for her, which would doom their relationship.
However, even then, the idea is still kind of puritan and leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's the same thing the guest speakers preaching abstinence only at school would always say. That any man who asks you for sex without putting a ring on it first or wants you to move in before you're married doesn't really love you and will cheat on you and give you STDs and get you pregnant and then abandon you. Even if he thinks he really cares about you, giving in to him will make him see you as a whore he can take or leave on a whim because the lack of a contract makes it easy. But that definitely won't happen if you wait until marriage. Because who would spend all that money on a ring and a wedding and risk a messy divorce and alimony payments to cheat on you? It's not like there are zillions of other reasons why people cheat that have nothing to do with a lack of financial deterrents. No, married men never cheat. Especially not on good Christian women who were virgins when they married. Just ask my mother.
So it does still kinda bug me that Bertha just conveniently dies so Jane can get what she wants. It's a narrative cheat that happens in other stories too. It's like when the writers don't want blood on the hero's hands, so the villain just conveniently falls of a cliff or something. The authors know they've written themselves into a corner where there's no way to protect the hero's secret identity/save the people they care about/prevent the villain from doing more harm/etc... without the villain dying, but they think it would be immoral for the hero to do it. It's not always super egregious. Sometimes it's framed more as an unnecessary tragedy that the villain couldn't be saved. Or like, in ATLA, the only reason the pacifist option worked for Aang was because, like Jane, he had the willpower not to compromise.
But it feels kinda hypocritical because as the author you're essentially god and you've decided that a character can't take a course of action you yourself have decided was necessary. With Jane Eyre though, I think it's like, actually intentional. Like, within the text itself, god is real, god is omnipotent and all-powerful, and god decides when it's time for people to die. God explicitly blinded and maimed Rochester to punish him and then called Jane back to him when he renewed his faith. God created the problem of Rochester and Bertha's marriage that prevented him and Jane from being together in the first place and then god killed Bertha to remove that impediment.
And that's another sketchy aspect of Christianity. The idea that it's not okay to do certain things, but it's okay to pray for god to do it for you. Also, the idea of crediting someone else's misfortune that benefited you to a benevolent god who loves everyone equally. I guess that's where the belief that misfortune is god testing you or punishing you and good fortune is god rewarding you comes in handy.
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dross-the-fish · 10 months
Someone recommended Lore Olympus to me. I’ve only heard about it from 2 sources, them and you. They gave the positive. I’d like to hear the negative. What’s your beef with it?
It's a long list, I have a lot of beef.
A friend recommended it to me and I gave some of it a read. I was put off by the art style, particularly since the protagonist is supposedly plus sized but aside from being curvy with big tits in some panels I would never have guessed this was meant to be anything other than a conventionally attractive character.
I really don't like the depiction of Persephone, she comes off as being creepily young and naive and the narrative tries to play that up like it's charming. The vibe I get off of her is "sexy baby who needs a father figure to guide and protect her" until she randomly has to do something badass and then she gets all red-eyed and starts kicking ass and it feels like it comes totally out of left field.
Her relationship with Hades is so incredibly tedious, they have zero chemistry and he's so much older than her and more obviously experienced with everything that it's legitimately exhausting to imagine myself in his shoes being a grown man with a full time career teaching some barely out of high-school kid how navigate the world, giving her a job at my corporation, and essentially have her be dependent on me while I'm struggling with my own toxic failing relationship. What is the appeal of Persephone as a love interest here? That she's nice? That's really all there is to her for the most part, that she's "nice" and "cute" which isn't really enough to make someone attractive as a potential partner.
I can understand maybe wanting to help some kid get on her feet after spending her life in a Mormon cult but nothing about that kid would ever read as "Wife material" at least not to me or any other adult over 25.
The dynamic between Hades and Persephone is just weird. She's an incredibly sheltered 19 year old who's never had ANY life experience or social interaction outside of a small circle approved by her mother and he's ancient but physically equivalent to being in his 40's and a ceo or something who's already in a relationship with a female character who was clearly written just to make Persephone look better by comparison.
While we're on it let's talk about Hade's first partner. An unlikable piece of crap named Minthe who has some clear mental traumas and insecurities that the plot never handles because asking the writer to to give these characters depth or dimension is like asking a chimp to write a symphony and that just ain't happening. Yeah, Minthe who is a nymph and part of the lower class, also employed by Hades and completely financially dependent on him. She is abusive and manipulative and any time we might feel like we can sympathize with her because Hades is practically cheating on her the writers make sure to make her do something that depicts her as being as unlikable as possible. Can't have Persephone willingly be a homewrecker or competitive that might make her INTERESTING! We can't have her be interesting! It makes her less "Cute" and "wuvable" *barf*
There's also a couple of instances of SA and they aren't handled well at all. It's mostly played for drama and only comes up if we need the characters to be sad.
Then there's the art
oh boy the art....
Look I know my own art is pretty rough and not the most consistent but LO is just too much for me.
Sometimes Persephone's face is drawn in a way that makes her look almost like a little girl and she's frequently in skimpy clothing or in suggestive poses, even when nothing in the story calls for that. If you're going to make her look provocative maybe don't make her face so punchable and insipid looking.
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You can write this off as my personal bias. I loathe characters who are designed to look as "uwu baby" as possible. Unless it's specifically for a joke or something...
This is a bit of a nit pick but I have no idea how tall she or Hades are supposed to be.
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In this panel She can barely see over the counter here for some reason and she's frequently drawn as being roughly around elbow height with him,
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Just to illustrate how ridiculous of a height difference that is for two adults to have that's close to the height disparity between Edward Hyde and Adam Frankenstein. Unless Hades is between 7-8 feet tall there is no reason to draw your 19 year old character that much shorter than him.
Idk I didn't read all of it so I don't know if it gets better or if the characters improve but I found it to be a shallow experience that clearly I'm not the target audience for. Check it out and see what you think for yourself but there's my beef with it.
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llycaons · 9 months
got done with that really long cheating fic and here's what I got
like pros
really strong wx dynamic. the emotional scenes HIT and kept me coming back. love how they seamlessly went from 'best friends of 20 years' to 'deeply in love and ready to move in together' in under a weak with nary a dramatic miscommunication. that familiarity translated to well to romantic compatibility and joy in each other's presence. really lovely relationship dynamics and mutual obsession
the barbie princess and the pauper line
"She never tried to see me!" Wei Ying is babbling... "Never saw me, not me me, not, Wei Ying, this is my Wei Ying, no, just, some random husband, a husband she didn’t even try to like, she had to marry me but she —" His voice breaks. "She never liked me for me. Why would she like me for me."
there's another part when he talks like 'she didn't try to love me for me' and this is nearly verbatim the same song as Barbie" Princess and the Pauper "If you Love Me for Me", on the one hand this does kind of make wwx sound like a sulky child but on the other hand he's right and it's not fair and it's an emotional line that fits the story
some of the best cuddling I've ever read. dang. not enough authors dwell on the cuddling. also the naked in-depth conversations were really nice and intimate without always being sexual which I appreciated
that scene towards the end where wwx sees the video of his parents interacting with him and saying they loved him oooohh that went into resolving his abandonment issues so well
I really liked how wwx's relationship to sexuality was written. not his relationship to being into guys so much, but like, his relationship with sex? the demi tag put me off but it actually felt pretty true to his character even tho I see it differently for him in canon. of that makes sense. like I think his canon nonengagement with sex during the majority of the show (in the drama) is more related to trauma and just trying to survive bc in the CR arc he was definitely teasing in sexually aware ways but this also feels true for him? hard to explain
the jumping around in time was really neat, especially when each one has its own plot to be resolved and it all accumulated to the sum of its parts in the end
qs is a lawyer and so is jgy which was neat
otherwise???? very strange!!!
wwx and lwj not being aware of being into men until literally their 30s. lwj literally goes on a date with a woman and kisses her. and talks about wanting to be prepared for a gf. like apparently this setting is even more homophobic than ours but I still think that's really ooc! in the novel lwj did grow up in a hostile social environment and he knew how he felt at like age 15. idk I've grown up in a fairly accepting area and that's not something i've personally struggled with so this isn't a personal judgement on realism or w/e, it's a judgement on character. lwj responding to the suggestion he might be gay and reacting with defensiveness and repression may work for his younger self, but by 30 years old? I don't see it
wwx marrying a woman was less weird than I expected because it was essentially arranged/to repay his debt to the jiangs but the debt part doesn't even seem to matter after the marriage bc when wwx is upset at himself for cheating he's like 'oh shit I feel terrible' and 'I need to divorce her so I can be with lwj' but he doesn't spare a thought as to how that would retroactively fuck up his debt payment??? I liked how he was written in a lot of ways but this was so baffling. does he care abt it or not
lqr is the single kindest and most nonjudgemental adult wwx knows. now I love him. but that is just not accurate to his canon self. judgement and strictness is a huge part of his character
very little interactions with jfm or jyl, and I know jfm sucks but he DOES care about wwx and it was weird to see him entirely missing from wwx's life. and jyl! she's barely in it
overall very weak sibling dynamics, which I don't usually mind bc the romance is so well done, but it felt wrong even to me
jc and wq apparently married with KIDS god help her
the het sex scenes were weird and uncomfortable
NHS IS MARRIED TO A WOMAN actually that's not wild ig he could be bi but he always bickers w his wife while jc is happy w wq and they have kids and that just seems wrong I don't think jc should have domestic bliss im sorry its just not in his character he has a terrible personality and way too much history with the wens in canon obvi. nhs however is clever and strategic and I don't think he'd ever agree to marry someone he doesn't actually like? unless the implication is he's gay and also unhappily het married but even then if anyone could figure out a lavender marriage situation it would be him
qs was not villainized or anything and I liked how her story with wwx ended but there was a really stressful scene of wwx angrily punchnig a wall during one of their arguments and that just never came up again even though he apologized for the cheating so that was weird. like it's hard to ignore the gender dynamics of a younger woman married to a man against her will and I think he was overall very respectful but he at one point is upset that jc got a choice in his wife and wwx himself didn't, which would be fine except again his wife is WEN QING and it's hard to believe she willingly chose to marry him so it just sounds like he doesn't give a shit about women in the same situation even tho I'm sure in this setting it was mutual. somehow. also why are he and wq not besties 🥺
anyway I feel like qs was easy to side against bc wwx was so miserable bc of her so it felt like the reader was primed to dislike her. and I obviously don't want to downplay the homophobia wwx experienced in his unhappy het marriage but it felt very focused on the men in ways I did find misogynistic but since it's a story that focuses so closely on wwx and lwj I think that's hard to avoid? idk. there could have been another female character in it. I guess
also the drunk sex scene...he's not really coordinated but he's thinking pretty clearly so I felt okay about it but also??? why did they do that???
also later they have the little 'oh hehe you can do whatever you want to me' but besides that first sex scene there was nothing of even dubious consent
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soulsxng · 1 year
♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise?
☀ What's your rp pet peeve?
☢ What fads/trends are you so over?
@arcxnumvitae | The Monday Salt | Accepting!
♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise?
I had one mutual a while back that I was really looking forward to writing with, and it went super wrong. I'll preface this by saying that when we followed each other, it was the week I was getting married and going on my honeymoon, and was going to be really sparse for about two weeks.
Once I got back, I messaged them to ask if they might want to get a thread started, and they got back to me immediately to say yes, they were interested in Kadios, and in Jaspern, and they already had two of their muses in particular they wanted to use for it. I was like "Cool, they're always pretty easy to start stuff with, but fair warning, it looks like the muse you want to have interact with Kade is deaf, so there is going to be a language barrier there initially." Because Kade can't really use a translation charm or whatever to communicate with them if it's not a verbal thing. At least not that he knows how to use.
Which was fine with me, because that could be a really interesting dynamic, as they learn to interact with and understand each other. But they said they didn't like the sound of that, and so I said suggested that we could figure out an AU, that way I could feasibly make a reason as to why Kade would have known ASL already. (In his normal verse, he's a shifter that had spent most of his life in his beast form, and...had only just started staying in Gaea within the last year or two, so he didn't know any human languages, let alone ASL specifically)
They got frustrated with me, saying that they were no longer interested in Kade because I wasn't willing to make it so he would just know ASL "for her muse" that he didn't even know yet.
Oooookay. A little frustrating, and I was starting to get kind of an odd vibe, but I gave it another shot.
So I say "That's alright, I'm sorry it didn't work out, but we can still figure out something for -insert their muse's name- and Jaspern, if you want!"
And then they got all excited again, and told me that they had been reading some threads between me and another mun on here (who I'd been writing with for like two years at that point). They talked about how much they loved the ship between Jas and the other muse, but that they thought it would be fun if they could put their muse in it as like...as a mistress (or whatever the dude version of a mistress is lol), essentially.
Like, they expected Jas to just...cheat on this other muse, who he had a bunch of history with by then...with their muse that he didn't know at all...and end up having a love triangle/rivalry thing.
I put the brakes on that immediately, because like...first off, I don't usually just throw my muses into a ship instantly unless there's been a LOT of plotting beforehand. And even if I do put them in a straight up ship right away, it has to be someone that I've written with before, and I know how we mesh together, yknow?
Secondly, I won't even consider that if I haven't spoken to the other mun involved. Let alone for a ship that I'm so attached to in the first place-- I didn't even want to ask because of that alone, because it would literally have felt like spitting in my friend's face?
But they kind of got the picture and backed off (after arguing for a minute about how they would contact the other mun to get their permission, because they were "really convincing" and felt they could get them to agree, and I told them I wasn't comfortable with that), and instead said that they would "compromise" by just having their muse in their own ship with Jas...but only if it was exactly like this relationship he already had with the other muse from the relationship they'd wanted their muse to try to break up!
I was fed up and irritated, told them no, that wasn't cool, and got a big long post made about how I was unreasonable, and bitchy, and how they had tried to contact me multiple times and I "took forever to respond for like two weeks" (I WAS GETTING MARRIED--), so they "should have listened to that red flag, and saved [themself] the emotional trauma".
...Nobody took it seriously, which was a relief, and I ended up blocking them, but like????
What the heck man??????? Weird!
☀ What's your rp pet peeve?
Pretty much the above. People trying to force my muses into super specific or unreasonable things with theirs. Or trying to force relationships and stuff after I said either that I wouldn't be comfortable with it, or that it wouldn't really be feasible with my muses.
It's one thing to be like "Hey, I saw this cool AU idea, and it made me think of your muse! Would you be interested in doing something like that?", and another to be like "I've already thought out exactly what I want from my muse and your muse, and so your muse is going to do this, this, and this--", yknow?
☢ What fads/trends are you so over?
Super fancy post editing and stuff. ^^;;
Like listen, if that's your thing, and you enjoy spending time making your replies and icons and formatting look super sparkly and cute, that's great! Do your thing!
I just find that I end up getting distracted by all of it. Or, honestly, I'm not able to read the teeny, tiny, light pink writing, because my eyes are bad. So I don't really make a habit of interacting with too many people that do it unless their writing really draws me in.
Honestly I don't even care if you use icons at all. As long as you cut your posts when things get long, and we're enjoying the thread we have together, I'm happy!
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catchingbigfish · 1 year
writer q&a tag game
thank you for the tag, @words-after-midnight!! reading your answers after beta reading libaw is wild, i understand so much now lmao
i'm going to leave this as an open tag for anyone who wants to join!!
1. What is your absolute all-time favorite idea you've ever had?
so it goes, for sure.
2. Is there a question you've been asked in the past that really stands out to you and you still think about sometimes?
this is a weird answer, but an undergrad professor asked if a short story i turned in was the first chapter to a novel. it wasn't, and i tried for years to turn it into one, but he was wrong the whole time -- it was definitely not meant to be a novel. i think about that now because it reminds me that sometimes a story is meant to be a story, or a novel is meant to be a novel, and i don't have to try to shoehorn a story into an inappropriate format. (i have to keep re-learning this lesson, btw. i recently tried *again* to make that thing a novel.)
3. What is your favorite part of being a writer? What parts could you take or leave?
i absolutely love the way writing is an exorcism for me. even my found footage inspired short story helped me excavate and get rid of certain feelings, but on its surface it just seems like a fun horror movie treatment. my favorite part of the process is the language -- i love words and i love rearranging them until they sing off the page. i also find it so much easier to communicate in writing and love how it gives me the chance to connect with people.
the most difficult part of writing for me is not getting lost playing around in the story i've created. keeping a plot moving at a steady pace is my biggest difficulty. i still enjoy the challenge, but if i could just ghostwrite for people with better plots, i might consider it! also, what nico said about the state of publishing is why i stopped writing after college for such a long stretch.
4. What is your greatest motivation to write/create?
it's like scratching an itch for me, honestly. i don't know why i need to write, but i've done it since i was a kid, and it's always been there with me.
5. What is the best piece of advice you've ever read or been given as a writer?
my url is a reference to Catching the Big Fish by David Lynch, my favorite filmmaker. he talks about creativity in it, and full disclosure he is *heavily* into the transcendental meditation cult and credits that as his biggest source of creativity, buuuut what it really did for me was remind me that our imaginations are infinite and incredibly powerful at what it does.
6. What do you wish you knew when you were first starting out writing?
along the same theme as my previous answers: i wish i knew my imagination was enough and i don't have to compare my ideas to others', and that i can trust my own intuition about a story. (repeat after me: elle, that story is a short story, not a fucking novel)
7. What is your favorite story you've written TO COMPLETION? Link it if you'd like and can!
answering so it goes feels like cheating because i don't feel like it's actually complete, but my backup answer is a poem.
8. What is your favorite out-of-the-box quote?
i really like this line from the very first draft of so it goes: "She made her way back out to the street where the sun hadn’t risen and nothing had changed at all."
9. Which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? Why do you say so and how do you personally feel about their ideals?
right now, Rosalyn from conversion is my most interesting character because of this. Rosalyn -- and the rest of the primary characters -- use feminist theory to justify what is essentially health fraud and dangerous alternative medicine beliefs. i don't agree with them, but i fully understand how they got to this perspective, which is why i'm so interested in the topic and am writing it in the first place!
10. If you when you first started writing met you now, what would younger you think?
i don't mean to brag, but my younger self would think my current self rocks so fucking hard lol. to be fair, i had a *very* limited idea of what life could be like, so having cleared that bar she set wouldn't be a challenge to most people! the fact that i still write would be enough for them to fawn over me, i think.
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
Can you pinpoint every reason why you don't like sparxshipping? Also, i don't mean to be rude but don't you think that sparxshipping is so overrated? I lOVE your fanfictions about griffin and valtor and sadly there isn't much fanart with them. Honestly every fanfiction on ao3 about them is under your name. Are there people who ship griffin x valtor other than you?
Sure, I can pinpoint why I don't like the ship.
A big thing for the this ship seems to be the belief that Valtor likes the fact that Bloom is his equal in power because she has the Dragon Fire and he feels like she's someone that would be worth fighting. I say that canon points to the exact opposite where Valtor hates the fact that Bloom could be considered his equal because of the Dragon Fire and that's why he wants to get rid of her. I actually spoke more extensively about that in this post.
I also don't get the impression that Bloom can match Valtor in other ways that aren't connected to the Dragon Fire. He constantly gets the better of her whether it would be by cheating or emotionally manipulating her. I don't see any kind of balance in that relationship and that makes it impossible to function.
I do not see touching points between them other than the Dragon Fire and both of them having a temper. Valtor is everything Bloom isn't - manipulative, dishonest, power hungry, suave, seductive, slightly more strategic. Idk, I've just come across the claim that they're essentially the same one too many times and I don't see it at all.
I am not a fan of the idea that they're destined to be together because of their bond through the Dragon Fire. I think that's boring because they have no control over that bond. And idk if that is the canon canon version but I just recently learned that it might not be and for me it has always been canon - the Dragon Fire was Daphne's power at first and she gave it to Bloom. So Bloom wasn't even supposed to have it. You could argue that's an intervention from destiny but even so, I don't care. I want characters that connect through their own choices and experiences, not characters that were put together by the universe and don't have any other option but to be together.
Speaking of the Daphne thing, Valtor is allegedly a 1000 years old. That means that he's been around for a lot of Bloom's ancestors so he had the same bond through the Dragon Fire with the rest of them. Bloom isn't special or exclusive when it comes to that.
Also in that vein, the bond between them is never played up on his end in the show. He's even startled when Winx catch him in Alfea's library in 3x23, which means he didn't feel Bloom getting closer to him. He never uses the bond to his advantage so I don't think he cares about it. And Bloom only ever uses it to track him down when the plot remembers that convenience exists. It's not a big deal even though it could have been. In fact, it should have been.
That's right. I think that the bond between them had potential, just not in a romantic context. I think the dynamic between the two of them would have been at its most interesting if they'd really leaned into the power imbalance that already exists and made Valtor mess with her head by using the bond. He is the only person left that knows what it's like to have the Dragon Fire (if you don't count the Trix but they only had it briefly because they stole it so it's not the same). He could wreck her emotionally by poking to life a feeling of loneliness and isolation in her with the idea that her friends might love her but it doesn't matter because they don't understand the burden she carries and they never will. He could even try to use that into manipulating her to hand the Dragon Fire over to him. This dynamic is most interesting to me when Valtor hates Bloom's guts but is being strategical about it and Bloom hates him but she can't get over her emotions in order to counter the influence his words have on her. He could scar her so much worse than the Trix and Darkar ever did and it's a shame that never happened.
I don't feel like throwing stones in a glass house but I think a big reason people have for shipping this is that they project on Bloom and like Valtor. I kinda get the projection since I also do a certain amount of that when it comes to Griffin but I have zero interest in Valtor outside of him being an (potentially) interesting character. And I ship him with Griffin because I think that story has a lot of potential both on a thematic and on a character level. I just don't see as much potential in a relationship between him and Bloom.
I don't know if I'd call it overrated. People can ship whatever they want. If it does it for them, cool. I think the Dragon Fire bond is overplayed, though, because it is the most canon thing the ship hinges on.
Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying the stories. I just wish I could work faster so I could do more stories. (I have one other thing for them that's written but I have to make the aesthetic work and it's not cooperating. Also, the theme and characterizations need a lot of fixing as well.)
We definitely need more Griffin x Valtor content but not every fanfiction is under my name. I know because I've checked the tag. @her-majesty-wears-jeans, @trashcankitty12, @darcyinstilettos also ship them and have all written stories about them that are on AO3. @silverdragonstarlight also ships it but they've been inactive for a long while and the story they have on FFN hasn't been updated either. @ravensinthedaylight has also started a story on both AO3 and FFN that's under the Griffin x Valtor tag. I also know of other people who think Griffin x Valtor was a thing even if they don't actively ship it. A couple people on FFN have also told me that I've gotten them to ship it.
P.S. That's right, I have zero problems with the age difference. The thing is that Bloom was already 16 in season 1 if she thought her parents had bought her a scooter so by the time she meets Valtor, she's closer to 19 than she is to 18. And again, stones in a glass house - Griffin doesn't look much older than Winx and the Trix in those flashbacks with Valtor. Plus, he's an immortal. No one would be his age. And perhaps the biggest counter argument to the age thing - if Bloom is allowed to make decisions that concern the existence of the whole universe, she can probably handle picking out a man for herself. That imbalance between her and Valtor I mentioned isn't based on their age difference but on the different type of people they are and the fact that Bloom has trauma and emotional wounds that he is exploiting. It could still happen to her even if she were as old as he is. The age argument is just an excuse to hate on the ship imo.
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littleholmes · 2 years
Hello once again ^^ (Please excuse me for being in your askbox 3 times now!)
I was reading this post again and first time i shared my thoughts i forgot to add something i had been thinking before. (brainfry)
I feel like another reason why some fans took the cheater Gojo to heart is because he is stated to be attractive, in series and outside too. I mean, it is no surprise that he is very popular amongst fandom, both international and japan! But what i wanna add here, i think that people have the wrong idea of Gojo being aware that he is very attractive and ladies seem to like him (outwardly at least) but never in canon is Gojo actually shown to indulge anyone like that? Like, i don't mean to say that Gojo is involuntary celibate or anything of the sort, we do know he flirts but i just don't think that attractiveness should be linked or equated to being the type to lead women on and off or cheating even. And regardless, it does bring me back to my first point about Gojo simply not looking for any romantic relations because that's simply not the life he wants to lead, especially because of the circumstances of being a sorcerer. The strongest one too at that. One thing about Gege is he really loves dunking on Gojo and especially his die-hard fans, women too! He literally advises women not to pick Gojo, Nanami instead > and even states that Geto was/is more popular than Gojo. Bottom line, i think aromantic and asexual potential or even demi/pan should be considered.
Anyways, alot of fanon things tend to overlap canon and i personally don't like that. I keep in a very small corner of the fandom and only share my thoughts and opinions with people whom i find to be reasonable and understanding (like you for example!) and critical thinking the utmost. //
If you have any thoughts to share one this, please do! I enjoyed your takes and like your pov on the manga and it's characters. Again, i apologize for the inconvenience! <3
Hi again! No worries, don’t apologize🌸
This one’s a long one with spoilers so warning to those who come across this who haven’t read the manga!
I mean Gege dunks on Gojo because they actually hate Gojo. And I don’t say that with exaggeration, I’m not being hyperbolic, like…Gege legit does not like Gojo and they’ve been very clear about that. Which is *sigh* I’m gonna go off on a tangent really quick.
From a writer standpoint, I totally get why they don’t like Gojo, because as a character, Satoru is overpowered and essentially undefeatable with the exception of the prison realm, and it can be stressful trying to write around that on a grueling weekly schedule to advance the plot in a meaningful way when there’s someone like him around in your story. Then a large percent of the fandom loves him so there’s pressure to keep him okay to avoid backlash and it can cause some resentment, so I get it.
But I also kinda don’t like how Gege gets snarky about how people love Gojo. As a writer, if fans like one of my characters I hate, like it can be an ugh at times but still it’s nice to have people enjoying something increased, so I don’t make that reaction clear even if I’m put off. But if that’s how Gege copes with the pressure and this overpowered character they created then cool, but even if they’re just joking and actually likes Gojo, like, they could just not. I’ve seen how their comments have hurt some of the younger fans’ feelings, especially during popularity polls, and it’s just something that kinda bugs me about Gege.
But from a fan standpoint? I just sigh because while I understand, I really like Gojo’s character. Between him and BNHA’s Aizawa, I understand his motives in trying to change systemic issues through upcoming generations especially as someone close to thirty who taught students for a few years, and I understand the loss and the stress, but I digress
Character sexuality I think of like I do ships: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it’s up to interpret and it’s whatever the fan sees y’know? That’s what makes fandom awesome! Personally, I think of Satoru as bi/pan (when I use bisexual it includes all genders but I know many prefer the term pansexual for more clear inclusivity!). I can definitely see the potential there for him to be aro/ace! It works for his character.
And now, in thinking of Gojo and relationships, or rather his lack thereof, it’s kinda hard to even consider him in a romantic relationship because of the situations he’s encountered, especially the one he’s in at the moment. After all, he’s not in a relationship right now because he actually can’t be since he’s in the prison realm (unless he’s currently in love with one of the skeletons in there which, given the roughly two weeks or so that it’s been between Shibuya and now in the manga’s timeline, and the 1000 days it’s been for us, who knows).
Also, if he weren’t boxed in the realm at the moment, then there’s the fact that the person he had the most chemistry with is dead (and in typing this I’m realizing that that statement could potentially go for more than just Suguru😭). Which goes back to the whole, if he connects himself to anyone it could happen again thing, which then goes back to the whole strongest thing, but also the whole Jujutsu sorcerors don’t exactly have a long life expectancy thing, which then goes back to the loneliest thing because he’s the strongest. But I digress
idk I’m rambling but Gege doesn’t really like Gojo, I think of Gojo as bi but I’m cool with whatever anyone sees Gojo’s sexuality being, and I hope that kinda answered your questions/added to your thoughts😅
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otemporanerys · 1 year
For the fic asks: 11 & 14 for Bitter Harvest and 1 for species swap!
Bitter Harvest
11: What do you like best about this fic?
The whole thing gave me such imposter syndrome, my god, but essentially what I wanted to do with this fic was write something that was mostly internal, where I couldn't lean on dialogue and banter to get me through it; something procedural, where it had to have a plot with some interest; and a horror story that was genuinely scary. The third I can only gauge from reader feedback, and honestly two probably didn't get achieved, but the fact that I wrote something so different and it mostly worked is a huge point of pride for me.
I get very anxious about whether I can do descriptions, because I'm not a very visual person by nature; but there's a lot of passages in Bitter Harvest that I'm really extremely happy with. And delving into Anderson's POV was very rewarding.
(Read it if you haven't, dear followers, I think it's good)
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from this fic?
It doesn't really have a moral, apart from the whole man's humanity to man thing. There's a few plot points which are important (mainly the introduction of Sovereign who, surprise surprise, comes back later) but mainly I wanted to set up the bond between Anderson and Shepard. Anderson chooses to take Shepard, even though there are other options, and I don't think that's a strictly rational decision. She and her mother made a huge impression on him and Shepard will always be special to him.
Species swap
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
I'm currently working on a meta about the broader "why did I write species swap" (in case that's of any interest to anyone but me, lol) so for this one I'm probably going to stick to the more formal aspects here.
As I mentioned in a previous ask, writing Cultural Exchange as a oneshot was an unsuccessful attempt to get the story out of my system. It's got a bit of the first-installment weirdness (for example, I probably wouldn't have Shepherd know what a horse is if I was writing it now) but ultimately it's a story about Gareth falling in love with her and not realizing it.
Interregnum is kind of a strange beast, in that it was more or less a dumping ground for a lot of different ideas I had. The first chapter, with him seeing his mother in the hospital and hanging out with his sister, was originally going to be the third chapter of Life Behind Enemy Lines, but the scene where he talks to his dad dates all the way back to the extended draft of Cultural Exchange. (Lis is also in that draft, but she didn't have a name yet.) Chapter two was showing Gareth having a life outside Shepherd but still being helpless about her, and obviously with chapter four (the last stand) I wanted that oh moment.
Chapter three - the Torfan flashback - is also an odd duck, not in the least because I only decided to include it at the very last minute, and it doesn't really fit with the rest of the fic. Oh well, I'm doing this for free. Anyway, I decided quite a while after Cultural Exchange was posted that Gareth's first deployment as a sniper was on Torfan. The years worked out, and I thought it was as good an explanation as any for Why He's Like That. It went through a lot of drafts, which include several attempts at placing him on the ground, but I'm not a military writer by any stretch of the imagination and it all felt very flat. Bringing in Castor is probably a bit of a cheat, from the military procedure side of things, but I really needed an emotional anchor and G's relationship with his dad always gives me that.
There's a lot I could say about Life Behind Enemy Lines, but probably the thing that I like best is how I finally bring in Shepherd's POV. She's a bit of an enigma in Cultural Exchange, partially because I hadn't really done the background work to figure her out (and why would I, it was just supposed to be a oneshot, grumble grumble) and also - as it turns out - she's damned difficult. But that first chapter I think does a really good job of showing how deliberate she is in her decision-making, and her dedication to what she thinks she needs to do. One of the problems of ME2 in my mind is that Shepard is pretty passive about working for Cerberus, and I think that impacts fics, where I genuinely just don't understand why this Shepard doesn't hit the bricks. I wanted that to be an active decision for her - she's willing to ignore all of the red flags, and neglect her duty in terms of how the Hierarchy would view it, because she has a bigger goal in mind. And that says a lot about her.
Ask me about my fic!
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slytherintragedy · 6 days
Here's a warning before you roleplay with me! Not following these rules can and will lead to me unfollowing you. These are rules for a reason meaning they are to be followed as such. Don't like something I say? Delete me! Your negative comments have no effect here, only consequence. Plenty of other role-players, you can follow and roleplay with instead. It’s all about fun! So let’s make the most of it! I don’t like to be miserable, and I would never purposely make anyone else upset or miserable either. So, let’s have fun.
Make sure you read all G U I D E L I N E S and i n f o r m a t i o n accordingly before you interact with my muses
My muses will probably come off as sarcastic with a bit of a feisty attitude but when you get close to them you will learn that they aint all that bad, that they can be quite a sweetheart. Sometimes they are more of a talker than a listener and sometimes they are more of a listener than a talker. They value friendship and loyalty — They'd do mostly anything for someone they truly love. They're not afraid to take chances or go off on their own. They'll go off in a direction and try something completely wrong and learn their lesson. They pretty much like to keep their life private, so that means their relationship and their feelings are private, unless your personally close them! Most of them believe in love but it takes a real special person to catch their interest and keep it long enough for it to ever blossom into something more than just a crush. Their family and friends are the ones they trust with their life. If they choose to trust you, that is a huge thing. If they allow you into their heart? That’s even bigger.
None of my muses fall in love so easily but there are rare times when they can fall in love easily but when they are falling in love, they will most likely wait til the right time to tell you that they are. They will occasionally say ‘I love you’ to remind you that they do love you more than anything in this world. But if you break their heart, they will never trust you again or it will take longer to gain their trust this time than the first time around, only because they'll have a hard time trusting after getting hurt. They may get their moments when they get jealous, but they won't admit it because they find it such a silly thing, but it just means they are scared of losing you cause they love you more than anything.
I am not exclusive, but I am extremely selective and semi-private, so I reserve the right to deny any interaction between our muses. It has nothing to do with you, it’s about my comfort level. But most of the time I am usually very open to roleplaying with anyone unless I have reasons for not wanting to roleplay with someone.
Important! I absolutely will not tolerate any ooc drama whatsoever. I come on here to have fun and roleplay and meet new people, I’m not here for all of the petty drama that comes along with roleplaying sometimes. I don’t care to start drama but if you start drama with me, then I promise it's not going to end pretty, and you may regret it. It's a fast way to get yourself blocked. HOWEVER, this doesn't mean in character drama isn't allowed, in character drama is definitely allowed.
This is roleplaying essentials! Unless I’ve given you permission, I don’t want you to use my characters and do things with them that I haven’t given the okay to. Which means you need to understand that I am the one in control of them, not you so just don't try to control my muses and do not kill them. God-mod is never okay to do so please don’t do it here.
This blog Is Multiship/Multiverse! This means that they will have more than one relationship/plot going at a time. This does not mean any one of them is cheating on anyone, unless we discussed it beforehand. If you’re unsure of what this entirely consists of, please google it before trying to get into it. I just want to make sure you’re informed. Don’t force a ship down my or my muse’s throat! That’s absolutely not cool and fucking rude, so just don’t do it. If you force a ship upon my muse and me, I will not be accountable for my muse's actions towards your muse. However, I will not allow them to kill yours, I'm not that rude. The only thing I will let them do is to be a dick towards yours. It will inadvertently lead to you being blocked; I will not apologize because you are the one who broke the rules. I ship based on chemistry. Don’t assume we are shipping without talking to me. Just because my muse kissed, had sex, or flirted with yours doesn’t mean we are in a serious ship.
Their relationship upon interaction unless plotted out is single which means they are currently unattached. I’m completely fine with pre-established ships if properly discussed beforehand. 
Yes, I do write smut paras and posts, yes sometimes I'll post smutty pictures. However, I will not place them under read more, just because I shouldn’t have to. I'm sorry but if you have a problem with this then just don’t read my posts, it's that simple. I will always try my best to make sure I tag them NSFW, no promises tho cause shit happens and I may forget. You need to be 18+ in order to write smut with me, why? Because I’m in my twenties, which makes me a legal adult and I’m not going to jail if your mom or whoever is legal guardian of you finds our paras. It will fade to black before it even heads in that direction if you are younger than 18. Also, if you are legal age and uncomfortable with writing smut then we can make it fade to black, I have no problem with that. Smut however may be a rare thing that happens because the mun is very shy and inexperienced in that area. I will however try my best if and when it happens but if it sucks then I am sorry, I just don’t want to make promises or forbid it at all so I’m just gonna keep it at a rare thing because it can happen if threads lead in that direction or if a meme is sent or received.
The tag is:  ✪↬ɪ ωαѕ ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ɢᴏᴅ ʙᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴠɪʟ′ѕ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴍʏ ѕᴛʏʟᴇ ᴛᴏɴɪɢʜᴛ↫✪ ✘Trick or Treat✘
Please don't claim you are a relative of my muse unless you talk to me about it first. Only because I’d like to discuss their possible dynamic before jumping right into it, unless you know it’s a legit canon relative then that’s fine. Also, I’m not against anyone making OCs that are related to mine if talked about beforehand.
I will never ignore you! If you sent me a message or an ask, tagged me into something, or replied to something and I don’t reply? It’s mostly because Tumblr is being a douchebag and ate it. Honestly if we have a thread and I haven’t replied to it, and it's been quite a while. Please message me because more than likely I didn't see the reply, got distracted and forgot it, or I lost it. If you decide you want to drop something between our characters, for whatever reason, please let me know, don’t just disappear and/or ignore me because I will assume the worst, so yeah please tell me. I won’t get upset, I will respect your reasoning behind it, and I’d like to know rather than being left hanging.
I am not a meme source! Do not reblog a meme from me, reblog it from the source! The only time, I’ll be okay with it is if the source no longer exists. If you keep using me as a meme source then I’ll soft block you, simple as that. With that being said, if I post a meme, please don’t be scared to send one in. Even if we haven’t interacted yet or if we already have other threads. Send as many as you like as well. I don’t care if we have to skip ahead or a bit behind in the timeline, let's just build the story of our muses.
In order for me to even consider following you, you need to cut your posts. This is my biggest pet peeve, and I really don’t want my dash to be a clutter fuck. If you’re entirely unsure of how to do so, please google it, I don’t want to be rude I just want to make sure you’re informed.
For my sanity, I will be moving all asks onto a new post when answering them then linking the post within the ask itself. That way if you want to turn it into a thread, you don’t have to move it to a new post yourself. Which you are always welcome to turn ask replies into threads.
If I reply to certain threads faster than yours, it's nothing personal, it's just sometimes I only have muse for certain threads. I promise I’ll reply to our thread when I have muse for it til then it will be sitting in my drafts, unless I lost it or eventually ended up dropping it cause I had no muse for it. If I do drop it, I’ll try to let you know. And if it’s been a bit between replies I may ask if you received my reply or replied to our thread to see if it was lost. But because it's sorta hard for me to ask since I worry about annoying you, it’ll definitely take me a bit to ask. 
Right, for the sake of my anxiety and so I won’t eventually assume the worst. All I have to ask of you, is if you saw the reply to either a thread or ask then can you like it? You can unlike it afterwards, I just never know. And which how Tumblr can be at times, it’s better safe than sorry. I’ll do the same, if you want. Just let me know.
I do not own any of the Icons or gifs I use, unless stated otherwise. However I do own the headers I use so do not steal them. 
I do not claim to be any of the muses I portray nor will I ever!
I am duplicate friendly, crossover friendly, oc friendly, au friendly, multi friendly.
This is an Anti-JKR blog
I suffer from depression, anxiety, adhd, bipolar/mood disorders, and a few other things. So if I disappear without warning or take forever replying to things even though I'm around, I'm truly sorry. Sometimes my mood is just not there, or I get distracted, I try my hardest to get things done in a timely manner but unfortunately sometimes I just can't. Just know that it has nothing to do with you, that I appreciate your patience and understanding.
If you want to submit something to my muse or me, you'll have to put /SUBMIT at the end of my URL to do so.
I will never ever send anyone any hate messages since that is very immature, I only send adorable messages to try to make one smile but it’s very seldom that I send anything because I am a bundle of nerves and shy as fuck haha.
Oh, just a heads up, if you are looking for my muses' bio then all you have to do is CLICK their name.
This is a BILLY HARGROVE hate free blog. Any hate on him will not be tolerated at all. I don't condone his actions, but I do believe in second chances. And I solely believe his father is to blame for most of it. So if you are an anti-Billy Hargrove blog then kindly fuck off, you are not welcome here. I will cherish and adore him all I want; I will interact with whoever I bloody want.
While I absolutely hate DNI lists, this unfortunately has to be done.
Minors DNI
Haters DNI
Also as far as DNI lists are concerned, I don’t believe in them when it comes to ACTUAL people. I should be able to write with whomever I want, make my own judgments. If you don’t want to see certain people on your dash then block them and move on, blacklist their tag. But don’t be a child about it. I mean like realistically you can still interact with people who interacts with peeps on ya don’t like lists, don’t punish them for no reason. If ya aint cool with that, then it’s been nice to know ya, I guess.
Right, sorry but not sorry because I unfortunately have to do this for my own comfort. But let me start with this, just because you write a certain muse, doesn't mean that I won't write with them, I just won't ship with them. Yet if they are in bold, I won't interact with them at all and if they are in italic, then it's a maybe on rather if I'll interact with them or not. There will be some exceptions to this if I am comfortable with you as a writing partner and friend.
Rupert Grint
Matthew Lewis
Bonnie Wright
Noah Schnapp
Natalia Dyer { Only when it comes to Nancy and Steve }
Gaten Matarazzo
Lauren Cohan
Alicia Vikander
Rachel Zegler
Geraldine Viswanathan
Amber Heard
Halle Bailey
Melissa McBride
The Kardashians
Hailey Bieber
I don’t have many triggers but there are certain things I’d personally wish not to see. 
Also, I will tag any triggers, if asked.
The tag to block is: ✪↬ωᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴛʜɪѕ ɪѕ ɢᴏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʙʟᴏᴏᴅʏ ʜᴜʀʀɪᴄᴀɴᴇ↫✪ ✘Trigger Warning✘
0 notes
chaotic-plotter · 1 year
@dreamerinsilico <3 sent me a lot of emojis and i'm going to answer them all. from this ask meme
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
is it cheating to say "any of them"? 😂
i haven't written all that many so there's not a lot to choose from. we'll go with "a lighthouse five hundred yards down". at the time, i never planned on writing it, but the idea hit me like a damn anvil one really stupid humid day in summer 2021 and i was haunted until i finally wrote it.
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
the kind where people either tell me why something struck them or where they dive into language/images/etc. mostly because that's what i like to do when i read something (dive into language, images, etc) and also because, even though it's a super limited dataset, fic is the only place i can get random reader feedback (not writer feedback, i have critique partners). i come from throwing myself against (....and sliding on down) the glass hill of trad pub and had never actually gotten any kind of feedback/response from people who didn't know me or my writing before and it was really useful to see what people responded to, if they liked my style, etc.
💘Is there any posted fic you want to rework/re-edit/re-write?
funny enough.....yes? and also funny enough, i sort of get to? in a sense?
i started my long post-fall fic right after my first rewatch back in 2021 and i planned out the whole thing (yes it's still taking me 800 years to finish it, i apologize). but in reality, i sort of have a different outlook on will and hannibal post-s3 than i did at the time. and i'm really going to be rethinking the back half of that fic as i work towards finishing it.
so, essentially, yes, i wish i could rework those first 6 chapters (especially the first 2, wrt to writing style and tone especially!) to better fit whatever pivot i'm going to do in the last 4. i wouldn't change any of will's internal arc, i'm still happy with that, but there's plot stuff that i would.
🕯️was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
not one that anyone can read, but i tried, thinking it would be darkly funny and maybe a good time (why i thought this is a mystery) to write about will post sex with margot. but writing about it in a "will has had sex that was Not Enjoyable but hey it was Sex With a Real Human Person and is reminded of his profound loneliness and has a little cry in the bathtub about it" way.
.......yeah i legitimately made myself upset with that one and had to stop. maybe i'll circle back around to it when i'm not so profoundly lonely.
🪄what is your post-writing/sharing aftercare? How do you take care of yourself or celebrate yourself when you've finished a fic?
i don't have any writing aftercare 😛 i probably should though
mostly i just take a couple of days off from writing after i finish something. idk, does checking your email hoping someone comments count as aftercare? i'm afraid i'm a terrible obsessive and putting things down is not my greatest skill, even if i am exhausted and glad to be done with actively working on them.
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
hmmmmmm. well.
the next wip i actually have on the docket is a s1 nudist will au. i'm excited to jump back into hannibal's headspace after being outside of it for so long. he's absolutely insufferable and i can't wait to go full goose menace on everyone in the story (until it turns back on me and he never shuts up 😛)
and then, well, i've got another one-shot challenge after that, which is all about stretching muscles i rarely stretch 😏. i'm still deciding if i want to run a poll about it or if it should be a complete surprise
send me more asks if you like! i love these emoji meme post things
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caspianxth · 1 year
🤶 oh i just love all the normal american ones! Decorating the tree, making cookies, watching a bunch of christmas movies. My mom has gotten obsessed with hallmark movies the past few years, so that's what we do a lot too. We love to make fun of them. Do you ever watch them?
I don't watch the hallmark ones but ur so valid to make fun of them bc they're so so so weird actually!!! woman just up and abandons her life in the city w a boyfriend who loves her to go home for some reason ?? that she doesn't tell her boyfriend about ??? she starts falling for some guy in town despite being in a relationship!! big city boyfriend shows up and is somehow the Villain ??? even tho his girlfriend up and left their life without notice like that is Genuinely Concerning!! then he just goes 'oh u've cheated on me and fallen for another man, well I see have a great life' and leaves??? like his whole life wasn't just torn apart ???!!?!?!?!? I feel like that's the plot for 90% of them. I haven't watched them tho so u'll have to let me know jkhgkjdfgkjdf. also mood I love cookie making we make danish butter cookies piping essentially vanilla shortbread dough into hearts is Hard but I Will do it for the cuteness. also love baking taylor's chai cookies as do most swifties still gotta do that kdjhdkfjghkf.
we do the classics for christmas movies: animated grinch, frosty, rudolph, santa claus is comin to town, a year w/o a santa claus, a christmas carol w alastair sim as scrooge, scrooged if it's on, it's a wonderful life which makes my mom cry at the Beginning??!! not the end ??!? my mom always cries when little mary leans over the counter at the ice cream shop to tell george in his deaf ear she'll love him till the day he dies. we all just look at her like 👀 waiting for it djksfhdkjhgkdjh and then we do the 24 hours of a christmas story while we cook and such. I also like to do the first narnia bc santa's in that but that's a personal thing not a family thing.
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ianbbl · 2 years
Oh Aew would be proud.
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hezuart · 3 years
That anaversary aizen looks absolutely fabulous, he looks like a figure skater xd.
I heard along time ago the last arc of the anime was being animated finally bc they pulled a 90s sailor moon were the last season was not either animated or dubbed untill decades later.
I recall near the end of the current 366 episodes there was an episode were the creapy demon ppl woke up in hell and we're all bitter, and there was the other guy who was like, iM cOmEiNg FoR u IChIgO, but then is never mentioned again after and I'm like,why? Why is lt there just plopted randomly into a different arc that seams unrelated.
And locking aizen up underground seems ok, but It deff won't hold, and he will. Escape, and he will kill, you either need that one spell from star, dubbed, the darkest spell of moon the undaunted, a powerfull dark spell that killed immortal beings, that came from best character, eclipsa, the queen of darkness.
We need that.
Or stick him I'm crystal like eclipsa was in star. Is there no one who could trap him in ice or crystal for all eternity.
How about throw him into the centre of a volcano trapped and caged , forverr being killed by heat?
I assume there's space travel, send I'm into a black whole, were a black whole don't fuckin care if your immortal or fat, you will die
Yes, I love anniversary Aizen. His original octopus-butterfly hollow design was ugly so I'm glad he's back to being the fashion icon he is.
Locking Aizen up underground once is one thing, doing it twice after saying he got more powerful by just sitting there, and he escaped to battle the Quincy Soul King God... is another. I think he should have escaped at the end of the Quincy arc. That is the only feasibility.
I heard the anime is coming back for the Quincy arc as well, but because of COVID its probably going to be delayed. (I'm not gonna watch it until the Rain section of the arc then I'm dipping out. I'm only here for Zangetsu)
and funny that you mention that hell scene in the manga :)
-> spoilers for the new BLEACH 73 page anniversary chapter / thoughts/critique on it
So hey you had a premonition! Syazel .... returned? And his hole is outside of his body??? for some reason???
(I didn't understand the explanation or why / how that happens and what that means for the hollow)
And my friend and I were laughing because out of ALL the things. Kubo could do in this anniversary. He gave Syazel his dick back after going to hell. That is iconic. (that's where his hole was located, and now that its not on his body ... well...) This is the funniest thing Kubo has EVER pulled. Kudos to you, sir.
The entire internet is freaking out over Ukitake being in hell. Honestly Kubo has done far worse, and we've established that Soul Society is a corrupt system that hasn't changed, so I'm not surprised he would pull something like this.
At the same time, Kubo 1. cheated his audience. 2. continues to prove me right that he cannot bring himself to kill his characters
1. Hollows who have commit murder in their human life are sent to hell. Syazel and Aaorniero are two of these hollows, and yet, when they are killed, there is NO gates of hell scene. We see them there later in the hell chapter (which was more of a promotion for the fourth movie and I didn't believe it would hold any merit)
But the same goes for Ukitake. We never see the gates of hell take him. What, was hell late? Did hell's gates get lost like an uber before picking him up? It's bull. Withholding such vital information from your audience, not showing the gates of hell when they should pick up this soul IMMEDIATELY is ... I mean its a lie. Kubo lied to his audience.
2. Now we are told powerful shinigami are sent to hell when they die. First of all that sounds like a security threat. Wouldn't shinigami want revenge for that? Or attempt to escape? Why would they still hold loyalty after being sent to a prison of eternal suffering?
Also "Yhwach and Aizen" were the only ones keeping Hell's gates closed is way too convenient and doesn't really make any sense. I feel like Aizen should have deliberately gone to hell to retrieve powerful shinigami / hollows for his army instead of keeping it /closed/.
This is definitely a Kubo-doesn't-know-what-he's-doing-and-is -making- stuff-up-as-he-goes, but it might have a pinch of merit because of previous plot lines.... but either way, there's some big plot holes here, but again, its Kubo, so I expected nothing less.
Again, he can't kill off his characters. He introduced zombification, he introduced immortality through the hougyoku, he has Orihime and Hachigen's reversal / rejection abilities. He brought back Luppi, friggen.... a character who's entire upper half of his body was incinerated. Like.... come on. No. He's dead, you can't bring him back like that. That's a cop out and just weird. You're taking away consequences and grief.
(Also Yamamoto and Unohana deserve to be in hell far over Ukitake, they've done some fcked up stuff in their pasts unlike him)
Also Kubo's favorite character is Mayuri, which.... you're allowed to have a favorite problematic character. But Keeping said character alive and bared from the consequences of abusing his daughter, murdering innocents, and experimenting on your own squad members? Nah. Nope. Kill him, Kubo. Kill this dude.
(his weird attachment to Mayuri is probably why he keeps bringing Syazel back, since Syazel is Mayuri 2.0, but Syazel is the bad guy who does face consequences for his actions while Mayuri is not)
Also, I'm certain Kazui and Orihime are going to be THRILLED that their precious husband/dad is going to hell when he dies :)
(I just... Rukia teased Ichigo about leaving Orihime at home. She teased him about having a house wife who he leaves all the chores to. Orihime had two panels. She checks on her son who promised he would be at home and sleep. Kazui fcking breaks his promise like it never mattered to him and JUMPS out the window after pretending to sleep in front of his mother. ... An 8 year old... alone... in the middle of the night.)
Orihime is abandoned. She is not invited to SS, she is not informed of what is going on, her son leaves her.... I...
Orihime is a side character. She doesn't matter anymore. She hasn't mattered for a long, long time.
A part of me is glad she had little screen time, since she tends to waste it, but another part of me is embroiled with rage.
I've even see people try to defend this. "Orihime and Ichigo can't be together ALL the time, that's an unhealthy relationship!" and I'm like guys... that's not the point. The point is Orihime is not part of Ichigo's other life. Any shinigami stuff from now on is none of her business. She's going to stay at home while Kazui and Ichigo go off and save the world. Ichigo is going to be fighting by Rukia and Renji while Orihime watches from the sidelines, or worse, doesn't even know what is going on with her husband and son. Orihime is going to be uninformed and abandoned, because she has not proven she is capable of fighting by their sides(go on, @ me. I will fight this. She's a failure.), and also because she prefers a human life over a dead one. Which is ironic, because she married a dead man. Ichigo is a shinigami, and he will be one forever. god forbid she ever meets his Zanpaktou. She would tremble in fear at the monsters her husband harbors in his soul, especially when she realizes they don't care about her and would rather see her dead. (Zangetsu would absolutely kill Orihime. Not sure about Kazui, but Orihime has not accepted Zangetsu, she does not like either of them, and the feeling is assuredly mutual.) frick now I want to make a comic about this
Also still frustrated over Zangetsu's shikai / bankai regression. Kubo once again lied to his audience. Ichigo has no bankai. How ridiculous is that? The main character of BLEACH doesn't have a bankai. Insulting.
(RIP to Chad. He doesn't exist anymore. He's just gone. No mention, no cameo. Gone.)
Kazui is a demon child. That character from the novels? Hikone? They're the same character. Literally same personality, same power level. Its worse because Kazui is a liar. He constantly goes behind his parents' backs. He can summon creepy fish and creepy eyeballs and open portals like is ANYONE aware of this? How has SS not kidnapped Ichigo's son and experimented on him / locked away his powers yet? All substitute shinigami require a reiatsu controlling / spy badge to keep them in line. Where is Kazui's? Or is he just a weird fullbringer?
I was worried Kubo was gonna try and pull a knock off Boruto but luckily he kept the focus on Ichigo and the others. But that being said, Ichika and Kazui are now just... sort of there? Kazui was kinda just.... having his own adventure that doesn't matter to the plot at hand, and Ichika had some nice characterization at first but she just hid behind her dad the whole time.
I have a feeling Kazui is gonna step in at the last minute or do some major behind the scenes thing that indirectly interferes with the main plot so no one will realize how powerful and dangerous he actually is. Its sad because Ichika is the superior character in personality and likability, but she clearly is not going to have a bigger part in this.
Ichigo having a normal life after everything still feels extremely boring and uncomfortable to me. Everyone's like 'I'm still bLEACH!" but.... BLEACH just... doesn't feel like BLEACH anymore. It hasn't for a while now.
There's two new shinigami characters. Didn't care for the girl, but the Sign Language kid who talks to animals is adorable ... however... he just reminds me of Chad, and I just... it hurts knowing Chad has essentially been deleted. Chad and Orihime are officially benched. They have chosen the human world, and Orihime has given Ichigo his spawn so she has no more use/purpose to him anymore... ////sigh
Also. This is claimed to be a new "arc". So is the BLEACH manga coming back? What is happening. I thought Kubo was tired and didn't want to do BLEACH anymore. I thought Shounen Jump cut him off. People made so many excuses for Kubo and why the past two arcs have been so badly written the past 6 years and now almost everything they've attempted to defend him with has been revoked.
BLEACH is going to continue to screw up its plot lines and characters, so Its probably best for it to stay dead but I've seen a lot of Kubo stans drooling over this content, they're desperate for BLEACH's return, but its already given out all its possible revelations. There's really nothing else to top here. It's just going to make things up as it goes along ,and I'm not really here for half-assed writing like that, especially since the damage of rushing the previous manga has already been done. Kubo and Shounen Jump are riding off a money nostalgia. None of this was planned.
Honestly though.... overall feeling of this chapter, not as bad as it could have been.
Syazel stole the spotlight, and he's my friend's favorite character, so that's all that really matters.
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x-authorship-x · 3 years
Good day, I was rereading Until Dawn Breaks and the part where Shisui was beating the shit out of the ANBU trainees is so funny to me because their training consists of shattering bones, electrocuting people, and forcing horrifying visual hallucinations of death but misgendering someone??? Absolutely not. Props again for the unparalleled humor.
Question 1: Are you going to do anything with Mizukage Obito? He was essentially hijacking the whole system through Yagura, and the part where Kisame deflects is when Obito recruits him. (It also kills me how both Obito and Orochimaru wanted to be kage, didn’t make it, and then proceeded to basically become kage of other villages) And getting revenge by turning Kiri into a bloody cesspool probably sounded therapeutic to Tobs after Rin.
Question 2: Long-haired Obito??? The short hair is iconic but the long hair was a fucking LOOK. Obito may have been a disaster but his fashion sense was (mostly) impeccable. Long hair also feeds the whole (deranged lunatic) Madara imitation thing he has going on.
Lastly, may I introduce you to the idea of Root!Obito. No Madara/Zetsu, just Orochimaru and his criminal hands. Danzo could have easily faked most of the member’s death and moved the Root operations out of the village with Kamui. Plus, having not one but TWO of Konoha’s two most notorious kekkai in his collection of brainwashed soldiers? How can he say no to that? Obito with amnesia or sealed memory but still retaining his Protective Older Brother instincts and making sure the smol Root children have clean water, fresh food, warm housing, teaching them basic first-aid and shit because it’s technically not against the rules, they don’t have medical treatment, it’s not like Danzo has free access to a never-ending supply of gifted children, and the younger kids don’t know how, someone has to teach them, right? And Danzo has to keep up appearances on the council, so there’s more leeway. The Obito-Tenzou/Yamato mentor/brother relationship???? Plant boys chilling. Just, everyone aged younger than Obito imprints on him like a baby duckling. Everything is going well in Konoha under Minato’s leadership, the economy is improving, populations are increasing, treaties are happening, and then fucking Root gets discovered in its shit-show glory, and wow, so THAT is the reason why everything’s been so peaceful.
As always, thank you for replies and the brilliant writing.
Hey babe, nice to hear (see??? Read??) from you again~
Hey hey Shinobi might be murdering thieving lying cheating mercenaries... But they're not bigots 😌 i can let mutilation and torture slide but misgendering is just too far
1) Tobi: *destroys the whole of Kiri* it's free therapy
I'm not gonna lie to you.... Haven't got that far yet 💅🤣 I'm mainly gnawing on the whole sannin and konan issue ATM and honestly the clusterfuck that is Tobi's... everything plotline shit is so complicated I could start stabbing my screen if i have to do more math to try (and fail) to fix a timeline...again
2) Tobi is a hermit gremlin and hermit gremlins don't get haircuts ✊
3) ooooh that's a good plot bunny! Do you write at all? You should totally go for it, I have a hunch you have a soft spot for Obito lol. We love soft brotherly shenanigans AND planty bros. It fits too, if you think about Obito getting his whole torso etc fixed with that plant shit which then Danzo also uses to fix his Sharingarm (rip ew) so that could be an interesting connection, Danzo experimenting on his ROOT agents before using the successes on himself... Also extra slice of angst if Obito, with his memories sealed, has to help Itachi slaughter the Clan and he's wondering why these people look like him and have the same eyes even as he's helpless to follow his orders 😭 also so cool if the seal on his memories isn't perfect so he finds himself helping old people (the same old people from when he was a kid) with their groceries and shit as he passes through the village and he doesn't know HOW he knows that the old man is called hamada and buys clementines for his wife every Sunday but he DOES somehow :''''
Again, thanks for the ask!
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