#even if i know friends and family and my partner are there to reassure me
the-fifteen · 2 years
The tags i put in one of the last posts i reblogged really made me think about the status quo of how online discourse, specially on some LGBT circles, is just toxic as fuck.
I identify as bisexual and non binary. Probably to most of you, that just means "hey I'm attracted to everyone and my own gender is a bit ambiguous". But some people are out there looking for technicalities, asking for proof of your identity.
And the thing is, of course, i don't need to give people shit. This is my identity, this is who I am, this is how I feel. I don't need to discuss with anyone the fact that I am who I am, it already took years arguing with my own fucking self to reach an answers with which k was comfortable. And NOW i have to somehow prove this? Like some sort of rite of passing or scrutiny?
Given, this never happened to me. In fact, all I've received from everyone around me (except a few) is support when i told them I'm bisexual or non binary. No one put me to the test. No one asked for verification.
It's stupid to feel more scared about how your own "community" will judge you rather than the people outside of it, who can be anything but nice to one's identity.
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tiredsadpeach · 2 years
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hookhausenschips · 5 days
The Fastlane To Family {KR7}
500 Follower Special!!!
Summary: The new rookie slowly becomes the on grid child of the Iceman.
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As the newest and youngest member of the Formula 1 grid, I, Y/N, stood beside my race car, inhaling the mixed scents of burnt rubber and high-octane fuel. The roar of the engines filled the air with palpable anticipation.
I glanced around, absorbing the vibrant spectacle, the excited chatter of fans blending with the mechanical symphony of the pit lane. Yet, amidst all the noise and excitement, there lingered a silence in my heart—a void left by a father who walked away from our family when I was just a child.
Growing up, it was just my mom and me. She was my rock, cheering me on from karting races to junior championships. Despite her unending support, there was always a part of me that felt incomplete. I had a father, but I never really had a dad.
It was during my first official test as an F1 driver that I met Kimi Raikkonen. Known as the 'Iceman' for his cool demeanor on track, Kimi was a veteran of the sport, admired by many for his straightforward attitude and racing prowess. As I struggled with the complexities of handling my F1 car, Kimi noticed me.
"Remember, it's all about balance and knowing your limits," he advised one afternoon as he watched me analyze some telemetry data that looked more like a cryptic puzzle.
I nodded, feeling somewhat star-struck. "Thanks, Kimi. It's just a lot to take in all at once."
"You’ll get there. It takes time," he replied, his voice carrying a calming assurance.
After that initial moment of guidance at my first test session, Kimi’s role in my life began to deepen progressively. It wasn’t just about racing anymore; it was about finding a connection that spanned beyond the track.
Over the next few races, Kimi became a mentor and a friend. His advice was always practical, his presence reassuring. Somehow, he began to fill a gap I hadn't realized was so profound.
As the season progressed, Kimi taught me about resilience, about facing the media, and handling the pressures that came with the sport. His family occasionally visited the races, and I saw the loving father he was to his own children. It was in those moments I felt both a sense of warmth and a twinge of envy.
One evening, after a particularly grueling race in Monaco where I had spun out, Kimi found me sitting alone by the paddock, my head in my hands.
"Want to talk about it?" he asked, sitting beside me.
"It's just... sometimes I wonder if I’m cut out for this," I confessed. "I miss having someone to look up to. Someone who's there, you know?"
Kimi looked out into the distance before speaking. "I may not know all about your personal life, but on this track, you're never really alone. We’re a team. And if you ever need a bit of that... fatherly advice, I’m here."
His words were a salve to my bruised confidence.
A pivotal moment came mid-season during a particularly challenging weekend at the British Grand Prix. The weather was unpredictable, and so was my confidence in handling the car under such variable conditions. After a disheartening practice session, Kimi invited me to debrief over coffee, away from the bustling energy of the team garages.
As we sat down in the quiet of the motorhome, Kimi shared stories from his early days—mistakes he'd made and lessons he’d learned. "It's not just about fighting the car," he explained, "but cooperating with it, understanding it like a dance partner." His anecdotes were not only instructive but also peppered with his dry humor, making the lessons stick in a way that technical debriefs often didn't.
As the season progressed, our mentor-mentee relationship started to feel more like a friendship. Kimi invited me to join him and his family for dinner during a race weekend in Monaco. Sitting with his family, sharing laughs, and stories, I felt an inclusion that went beyond my expectations. His wife was warm and welcoming, treating me like a guest of honor, while his children eyed me with curiosity and shy smiles.
Our bond continued to strengthen as we faced various challenges together. During one stressful race in Singapore, where the heat and humidity tested every driver’s endurance, Kimi and I found ourselves fighting for podium positions. Post-race, exhausted yet exhilarated, we shared a long cooldown lap, discussing our individual races and the intense final laps.
“I saw you holding off Carlos behind you,” Kimi said, a note of respect in his voice. “You’re getting stronger every race.”
Hearing such words from Kimi wasn’t just a compliment; it was a form of validation from someone who had seen it all in the world of Formula 1.
Seasons changed, and my career in F1 began to flourish. With Kimi’s guidance, I improved not just my driving, but my understanding of the technical aspects of racing. His presence at critical moments of decision-making became something I relied on more than I had expected.
His mentoring had transcended the cockpit of a race car. Kimi had become a steadfast part of my life—a constant in a world marked by speed and change. Our bond, forged in the fast lanes, was built to last a lifetime, proving that sometimes, family finds you in the most unexpected places.
It was during a pre-race event that a journalist unexpectedly asked about my family. "I understand your father isn’t in the picture. How has that influenced you?"
I paused, looking over at Kimi who was signing autographs nearby, laughing with a young fan. Turning back to the journalist, I smiled.
"I grew up without a dad, that’s true. But I’ve found guidance, strength, and a bit of family right here in the paddock. Kimi’s been a great mentor and a father figure to me."
The racing season was nearing its end, and rumors about Kimi Raikkonen's retirement had been swirling in the paddock for weeks. However, nothing could have prepared me for the moment he confirmed it. We were in the team's motorhome when he gently broke the news to me personally.
"I think it's time for me to step back," Kimi said, his voice steady but his eyes revealing a hint of sadness. "Spend more time with my family, you know?"
I nodded mechanically, trying to process the information, but a storm of emotions was brewing inside me. As he continued to explain his decision, a sense of abandonment enveloped me, growing stronger and darker. It was as if history was repeating itself; just when I thought I had found a figure of stability and support, he was leaving.
"Kimi, you can’t leave," I blurted out, the words laced with a mix of desperation and anger. "You’re just like him—just like my father. You're walking away when I need you most!"
Kimi looked taken aback, his face softening. "Y/N, come here," he said, motioning for me to sit beside him. Hesitantly, I moved closer, trying to hold back tears that were threatening to spill.
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Listen, I know this might feel like I’m abandoning you, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I'm not leaving your life—I’m just leaving the grid."
The dam broke, and tears streamed down my face. "It just feels like everyone I depend on leaves eventually," I confessed, the pain of past and present mingling together.
Kimi wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into a reassuring hug. "Y/N, I’m not your father. I won’t just disappear. I promised to be there for you, and I intend to keep that promise. You’re part of my family now, and that doesn’t end with retirement. You'll always have a place with us, at our table, in our home. Anytime."
His words, genuine and firm, slowly seeped into my heart, easing the ache with the warmth of his assurance. "You mean that?" I asked, looking up at him.
"I do," he confirmed with a nod. "And hey, I'll be around. I’ll come to races when I can. And you’ll always be able to call me, anytime you need—about racing, or about life. Anything.”
As Kimi’s retirement neared, our interactions became tinged with a sense of urgency, each moment feeling more significant. One late afternoon in Italy, Kimi and I took a walk around the track, discussing life beyond racing.
“What worries you about all this ending?” I asked, curious about his thoughts on leaving the world he’d known for so long.
“It’s a big change, sure,” he admitted. “But life’s about phases. You end one chapter and start another. And remember, leaving F1 doesn’t mean disappearing. We’re family now, Y/N. That doesn’t end with retirement.”
His words were comforting, especially as I grappled with my own fears of abandonment. Seeing how he approached his transition with a mix of realism and optimism helped me understand that endings were also beginnings.
As we continued walking, the setting sun cast long shadows on the track, and Kimi stopped to look out over the circuit. “Every turn on this track has a story,” he mused. “Just like every phase in life. Make sure you live them fully, no matter the challenge.”
The conversation lightened my heart and cemented a new kind of bond between us. Kimi’s retirement race came, As Kimi drove his final lap, the crowds cheers felt like a celebration of more than just his career. It was a tribute to the enduring nature of chosen family, to the unbreakable ties that we had formed.
I felt a surge of gratitude. I might have lost a father early in life, but in this world of high speeds and fierce competition, I had gained something invaluable—a family on the track and a father figure who taught me more than just how to drive.
As the fireworks painted the sky, I realized that family isn't always defined by blood, but by the bonds we create and the promises we keep. Kimi had shown me that no matter the distance, those bonds can withstand more than we sometimes believe possible.
F1 Taglist: @hiireadstuff, @really-fucking-tired, @donteventry-itdude, @spookystitchery, @evie-119, @dhanihamidi, @leclercdior
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roosterforme · 11 months
Batting Practice Part 24 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley senses you're giving him the cold shoulder. He hates waking up alone, especially on his birthday. But the rec league tryouts and a shopping trip with Everett hopefully puts him one step closer to what he really wants. 
Warnings: Fluff, smut, angst and swearing
Length: 3800 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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Bradley woke up alone in his bed on his birthday. Sure, it was a work day for the two of you, but he couldn't help but feel like you'd become a little distant with him since Sunday evening. 
He wanted to move in with you and Everett, but it wasn't that simple. It was actually complicated as hell. And now he was thinking he shouldn't have been getting Everett's hopes up about it.
Things were moving fast. Probably too fast. Bradley was all in, but he didn't know if you'd even want to take things to the next level with him. Yeah, you wanted him to move in, but he wanted you to be his family. But you'd been married before, and there was no doubt that Danny had probably ruined that entire experience for you.
And not only had Bradley never moved this fast before, he'd also never thought about buying a ring before. He'd barely had girlfriends who lasted longer than a damn month, always bailing as soon as it was clear his feelings were nowhere near as strong as his partner's.
He wasn't sure exactly why you were different, but you were. He wanted to stick around. And he didn't like waking up alone anymore. And now he convinced himself to stop for a little birthday treat, but the Starbucks took so long, he was going to be late for work.
"Damn it," he growled. You had better coffee at your house, but you hadn't invited him to stay over the past few nights. 
Tryouts for the Navy baseball league were being held this evening. Bradley packed the red and white striped Phillies socks you and Everett gave him for his birthday for good luck. When he had asked yesterday if the two of you would be able to come watch, you'd given a vague answer about work and picking Ev up from summer camp.
Bradley drank his hot coffee too fast and had to practically run to the simulation room to get there on time. "Happy birthday," Nat crooned when he walked in out of breath. "Wow, you look like shit today."
"Thanks?" He was already grouchy, and now he had to sit by his best friend who was notoriously annoying when he was in a bad mood. But luckily Admiral Simpson was calling everyone to attention. 
After hours of testing out new simulation software, only stopping for a soggy sandwich for lunch, Bradley's mood hadn't improved. He missed it when you packed his lunch for him. You had sent him a text that said Happy Birthday! which he supposed was a good thing, but he wanted you telling him you couldn't wait to see him later. If you and Ev weren't at the tryout, then what was the point? He really only sent an application because he knew Ev wanted him to play in the first place.
"You ready to pitch?" Bob asked him with a grin in the locker room after they had been dismissed for the day. 
"Yeah," Bradley grunted.
He watched Bob's smile turn to a frown. "If you want to play shortstop instead, I'm sure nobody will care. I thought you were looking forward to this."
"I am," Bradley said, trying to sound reassuring. 
Bob hummed. "I can't wait to see Molly. I've barely seen her since Sunday with her work schedule, but she promised me she would be there."
And now Bradley was scared you wouldn't show.
You rushed out of work, your high heels clicking across the tile floor in the lobby. Thirty minutes. You had thirty minutes to pick Everett up and drive across town to get to Bradley's baseball tryout on time. 
As you drove to get Ev, you thought maybe this was why he didn't want to move in with you; everything you did was on the other side of the city from everything he did. Or, you thought, perhaps Bradley just didn't feel comfortable in your house yet. Or maybe he just really didn't want to be around you and your son all day, every day. But it didn't really matter, because your feelings were hurt. And you were finding it hard to be happy for Molly and Bob now. 
When Everett got in the car, the first words out of his mouth were, "Are we going to the tryout? Did you bring my sign?"
You nodded and told him, "Yeah, we can go. Your sign is in the trunk." He had spent an hour last night coloring on some poster board, making a sign so he could cheer for Bradley. 
"It's starting soon!" he whined as you drove as quickly as you could. The tryouts were being held at a beautiful facility near the naval base, and you actually got there with a few minutes to spare. Everett was out of the car and opening your trunk before you even grabbed your sneakers off the passenger side floor. 
"Calm down, Ev. It didn't start yet." You and he walked past Bradley's Bronco, and once you got onto the soft grass, you changed into your other shoes while you walked.
"I'm going to get a spot on the bleachers!" Everett called, running ahead of you. But your eyes caught on Bradley and Bob, standing next to each other and leaning on the chest high chainlink fence. They were facing away from you, looking out over the infield. You had missed Bradley all week, and you knew that you needed to get over the way you felt. He was right; you could revisit that conversation later. Right now, you just wanted him to come home with you and stay all night. You had cupcakes waiting for him just in case.
You were approaching them, ready to surprise him with a huge birthday hug, when you heard Bob ask Bradley, "Think you'll move in with them?"
Bradley took his backwards cap off, and you froze as he ran his hand through his hair. "I think we're holding off for now," he said, turning his cap the other way before leaning on the fence again.
"Why?" Bob asked. "Everett seems to think you'd make a great roommate. He said he wants you to move into their extra bedroom." He chuckled, but Bradley shook his head. Your heart was pounding, and you wanted to walk away, but you just couldn't. So you stood there with your high heels in one hand, feeling like you were going to cry.
"It's not that easy," Bradley said softly. "There's a lot to consider. I know Ev's excited about the idea of it, but the reality would be that his mom's boyfriend would be living there. I just don't know if it's what I should do."
Then Bob asked the question that popped into your mind. "Do you still have reservations? About Everett?"
"Hell no, man!" Bradley said loudly. He sounded angry. "No! I love that kid more than anything. I'd love to be his dad someday. I'd adopt him tomorrow. I just want to do right by both of them. And I'm not exactly sure what that means."
You were dizzy. His words hit you right in the chest. Your mouth was hanging open and you felt out of breath. He was talking about adopting Everett like he'd already made his mind up. 
"That makes sense," Bob said. "Does she know how you feel?"
Bradley was quiet for a few seconds. "She knows I love her. I told her I'm not going anywhere. I'm ready for more commitment."
You ran up behind him, closing the short distance and squeezing him around the waist from behind. 
"Kitten!" He turned, and then you were hugging him with your face smashed to his chest, smiling so hard.
"Happy birthday," you mumbled, kissing him just above the collar of his tee shirt. "I love you."
"I love you, too," he immediately replied, rubbing his big hands along the back of your suit coat and kissing the top of your head. 
You turned your head and said, "Hi, Bob." But then a loud whistle filled the air and you looked up at Bradley. 
He kissed you hard on the lips before he said, "Time for tryouts, Kitten."
"Will you sleep over later?" you blurted out as he pulled free of your grasp. 
He smiled and kissed the top of your head again. Then he bent and picked up his gear bag. "That would make me so happy." 
As he stepped onto the field with Bob, you called out, "You can do it, Coach!"
Bradley was sweating. It was hot, and he was nervous. "It's just for fun," he muttered to himself as he stood on the pitcher's mound. "Just a rec league." Then he threw a slider to the catcher and let out the breath he had been holding. When he glanced to his right, he saw Everett sitting between you and Molly, and he was holding up a sign that made Bradley smile.
He did not want to let that kid down, so he threw a decent fastball for his second pitch. He could hear you and Everett cheering for him as he threw a changeup. The catcher gave him a thumbs up before throwing the ball back, and Bradley was starting to feel good now. So threw two more sliders, and he just kept getting better. 
When the coach asked him to throw one more pitch, he went with a curveball. And then it was time for batting, and on his very first swing, he hit a home run.
He was a bit stunned, but he could hear Everett freaking out, so he ran the bases for fun while Bob and some of the other guys gave him high fives down the third baseline. 
"Damn, you played in college didn't you?" the coach asked as Bradley picked up his bat once again. 
"Yeah," he said with a laugh.
"That was an impressive hit. You've got a great arm, too."
"I actually used to play shortstop," Bradley told him, adjusting his hat and getting ready to bat again.
"Well if you want to pitch, then you made the team."
Bradley looked over to Everett and then back to the coach. "Seriously? I already made the team?"
Bradley tried to reel in his smile as he hit a few more balls and then went to sit on the bench while someone else tried their hand at batting. But he just couldn't wait to get up on the bleachers and tell Everett that he made the summer league team.
Bradley waited for the tryouts to officially end, hoping Bob would make the team too. His fellow aviator was fast and always seemed to make the catches in the outfield look like a walk in the park. When Bob joined him in the dugout, they stood next to each other, awaiting the final roster from the coach. 
"First base: Hamilton. Second Base: McPhee. Shortstop: Yang. Third base: Ruiz. Catcher: Hernandez. Pitcher: Bradshaw. Relief pitcher: Matthews."
Bob elbowed Bradley in the side and smiled at him. 
"Right field: Merrick. Left field: Wiley. Centerfield: Floyd. I'll post some bench positions as well. Thanks for trying out." 
Then the coach handed each of the starting players a navy blue and white cap. Once they were dismissed, Bradley had Bob in a tight hug. 
"I didn't know you'd be this excited, Rooster," Bob said with a laugh. "You made pitcher!"
"Oh, man," Bradley said, slapping him on the back before letting go. "I missed playing. You were right. This is going to be so much fun."
"You just want to show off for your girlfriend," Bob told him, slipping the cap on his head.
"You just want to show off for your girlfriend," Bradley replied, rolling his eyes and gathering his glove and bat together. Then he slipped his cap on as well, and they climbed out of the dugout, side by side. 
"I'm so in love with her," Bob mumbled, and Bradley saw Molly standing next to you and Everett, waving to Bob like she couldn't wait to see him. Then he looked at you, and Bradley's heart started pounding. But it was Everett running toward him with the poster board that really made Bradley smile. 
"Did you make the team?" he asked, and Bradley scooped him up in a hug. 
"Well they gave us these hats," Bradley said, putting his on Everett's head. "What do you think?"
"They made the team!" Everett shouted to you and Molly. Bradley carried your son over to you and kissed your lips. 
"We knew you would," you told him as you wrapped your arms around him and Everett. "You were so good, Coach."
"It's your birthday and you made the team!" Everett said, wrapping his arms around Bradley's neck. 
This was exactly how Bradley always wanted to be. He felt comfortable, welcome, safe and loved. He kissed Everett's cheek and nodded. "It's a pretty great day."
Everyone followed you back to your house, and you were thankful you had taken the time to get those birthday cupcakes for Bradley. He ended up tossing some hot dogs and burgers on the grill in your backyard, even though you told him you didn't mind cooking his birthday dinner.
"Go relax," Bradley told you, nodding toward your deck where Molly and Bob were blowing bubbles with Everett. "I'll take care of it." He kissed you and sipped his beer before flipping the burgers. 
You patted his butt in his snug baseball pants and whispered, "And later, I'll take care of you." His smirk as you walked away had you giggling. 
When you ate dinner on the deck as the evening sky darkened, you watched Everett where he sat on Bradley's lap eating a burger. "Are you going to get to throw all kinds of pitches? Are you going to start every game?"
Bradley held a napkin so Everett's ketchup wouldn't drip and answered every single question. He never seemed annoyed. He never gave you the impression that your son was irritating him. They seemed like they were cut from the same cloth, and honestly it made your heart skip wildly every single time.
"Yep, I get to work with the catcher about which pitches I should throw," Bradley told him. "And I get to start the games."
Then Bradley turned and smiled at you when Everett started interrogating Bob across the table. 
"I love you." The words came so easily now, you said them without thinking about it much. You'd missed him over the past few days, thinking he just didn't want to move in with you. But he probably just needed more time. You weren't in any hurry anyway. You and Everett could wait for Bradley to want to move in. 
"Love you, too, Kitten," Bradley replied, reaching for your hand. Molly grimaced and pretended to gag on her cupcake which made both of you laugh. 
"Like you're any better?" you asked her, kicking her foot under the table. 
"Never said I was," Molly replied, running her fingers through Bob's hair as he told Everett about the rec league. Bob reached up and took her hand in his, kissing her fingers while Everett asked him another question. 
"This was nice," you said with a nod, smiling at everyone before you stood to clean up the dishes. But Molly and Bob ended up cleaning everything while Bradley took Everett to get ready for bed. 
And a little while later, Bradley was the one one grunting in your ear. "This is nice," he groaned, unclasping your bra. "I love unwrapping my birthday presents." He palmed your breasts with a smile on his face.
"I can't wait to see what you wrap up for my birthday," you moaned as he scooped you up and set you down on your bed. You were completely naked for him except for your paw print necklace. He pressed a kiss to the charm before kissing your lips. 
"You can have anything you want, Kitten," he promised. And you thought about having a million more nights like this one, with family dinners and then Bradley's body pressed to yours. 
His shirt was off, biceps warm beneath your palms. "Well you can have anything you want."
Bradley froze with his lips on your nipple. He ran his nose down the valley between your breasts before kissing your sternum and looking up at you. "I want you to know that I am not going anywhere, Kitten."
You nodded and whispered, "I know that."
"I want to be here for you and Ev," he said, kissing the undersides of your breasts. "I want... I want you to know I'm not hesitating to move in because of me. So if you and Everett really, honestly want me here all the time, I have one condition."
You took a deep breath, getting nervous as your legs rubbed the rough fabric of his baseball pants. "What's your condition?" you asked softly.
"A stronger commitment," he said, nodding once like it was nonnegotiable. 
But you weren't sure what to think. "What does that mean?" 
Bradley's lips returned to your body after he said, "It means you'll be my family someday soon. I hope." 
He reached for your hands as you processed his words. Family. You already felt like he was. "Okay."
Bradley held your hands above your head and kissed you until you were whimpering for him. Then he unzipped his baseball pants and pulled himself free as you spread your legs wider. He ran his fingers along your pussy, head tipped back as he moaned your name. Then he coated himself up with his fingers before pressing inside you. 
"I love you," he whispered, fucking you nice and slow. It was his birthday, but you were the one getting it exactly how you needed it. "Love you so much, Kitten."
You combed your fingers through his hair, thinking about how he wanted even more of a commitment. What more could he give you right now? He made you feel like you had everything. 
On Monday, you let Bradley pick your son up from summer camp. Everett came bounding toward him, surprised and excited that Bradley was there.
"Are we going to practice baseball stuff today?" Everett asked after he hugged Bradley.
"Nope," Bradley told him, turning his cap backwards and leading him toward the Bronco. "I've got something important that I need your help with."
Everett gasped. "Like a secret mission?"
"Exactly like that," Bradley replied, opening the back door for Everett to climb in.
He'd given this a lot of thought after spending the weekend at your house, falling even more in love with the two of you. After Saturday morning pancakes and an outing to hunt for baseball cards, Bradley treated everyone to a movie and popcorn. The fact that you and Everett wanted him to sit in the middle because you both wanted to be by him had him grinning. 
"Are we going to be spies?" Everett's eyes were huge as he buckled himself in. "They go on secret missions all the time for stuff."
"Not quite," Bradley replied with a laugh. "I need your help shopping."
Everett groaned as Bradley closed the door and climbed in the front seat. "But I don't like shopping!" he complained, and Bradley was still laughing. 
"I don't really either, kiddo. But this is shopping for something really important to me," he said, starting the engine and pulling out onto the road. "Think you can help me out? Just this once? I'll get you a chicken nugget Happy Meal when we're done."
"Yeah," Everett sighed. And a few minutes later, Bradley was scooping him out of the booster seat and taking him inside the jewelry store. 
Once they were in front of the case of diamond rings, Bradley asked, "Do you think your mom would like any of these?" Maybe it was silly to ask a seven year old for help picking out an engagement ring, but Bradley knew you'd like the ring even more if they picked it out together. If you said yes.
Bradley's palms were starting to sweat as Everett scanned everything inside the case. Things were moving fast. There was a solid chance you were going to say no. Or tell him you weren't ready. But Bradley wanted this. He needed to know what was coming next if he moved into your house. He wanted to know he could be with the two of you forever. 
Just as he felt a wave of panic wash over him, Everett pointed at one ring in particular. "That one looks like a baseball," he said, looking up at Bradley and grinning. "I think she would like a baseball ring from you."
"Yeah?" Bradley asked, bending to look at it. When the shop owner came over, he only asked to see that one ring. It was really pretty, and it seemed like something you would wear. Just a solitaire diamond with a platinum band. It was elegant and simple. Not overly frilly, but still something that made you want to stop and look at it. And once Bradley was holding it in his hand, he really thought it was perfect. 
He braced himself to hear the price while he dropped the ring into Everett's hand. Everett tried it on his index finger and laughed at how big it was. The price was manageable, and Bradley briefly considered sending a picture of it to Molly for final approval before deciding against it. 
"You know what?" he asked Everett. "I think we did a good job with this."
"We did," Everett replied with a nod. "She's gonna like it."
Bradley handed the ring across the counter along with his credit card. "I'll take it." He had no idea if it would fit you, but they could deal with that later. Because now he was in a state of shocked anticipation. He wanted to drive right to your place and beg you to marry him. He wanted to show you the ring and hope you'd say yes. 
"She'll like anything you give her. Especially if you say you want to get married!" Everett said with wide eyes. 
"I hope you're right, kiddo," Bradley said, running his hand through his hair. But now Everett's forehead was scrunched with concern. "What's wrong?"
Everett got quieter as he asked, "Does this mean you'll be my dad?"
Bradley swallowed hard and knelt down in front of him. Everett's eyes were so open and sincere, curious to know what this meant for him. "Ev," he started, unsure about how to answer. "If your mom and I are going to get married, then I'll be there all the time. I'll move into your house. We can do your homework together, and eat dinner. And I'll take you outside to play every day. Does that make sense?"
"But will you be my dad?" he asked again, and Bradley pulled him into a tight hug. Because he wanted to be. But he couldn't make a promise without talking to you. Without proposing to you first.
"I hope so, okay?" Bradley's voice was deep and raspy. "I love you."
Our favorite coaches made the team! Do we think Ev and Bradley have good taste in rings? Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32
Don't forget to check out Bob and Molly in The Curveball!
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emjayewrites · 3 months
Private Landing (Lewis Hamilton Fanfic)(4/?)
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SUMMARY: In the high-speed world of Formula One, Lewis Hamilton subtly introduces a mysterious partner via Instagram after a slight mishap during an interview. Sparking media intrigue, everyone wants to know: who is the enigmatic figure that calls herself Mrs. Hamilton?
INSPO: this post
PAIRINGS: Sir Lewis Hamilton x Aurora "Rorie" Phillips-Hamilton (faceclaim is Justine Skye)
WARNINGS: drama, angst, sexual content, formula one b.s., pre-established relationship (with flashbacks). RATED M (18+)
TAGLIST: @queenshikongo3 @cocobutterqwueen @httpsserene @mauvecherie-writes @galatially @pausmoon @a-moment-captured @nikki01234 @yeea-nah @sirlew44 @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @weetjy @lewisroscoelove @hxneyclouds @questionable-behaviour @marzzrambles @lovebittenbyevans @tian-monique @alika-4466 @saintslewis @cherry2stems @mitruscity @burberryfilms @planetmimi @woderfulkawaii @d3kstar @liamundi @trinitoldyouso @scorpiobleue @pharaohanubis0 @certifiedlesbianbaddie @blveeeeeee @sugardontbesweet @omgsuperstarg @bluesole16 @serpenttines-library @peyiswriting @royallyprincesslilly @jasmindaughteroftheworld @laptiteantillaise @purplelewlew
A/N: Please let me know if you want to be added/removed from the taglist. The headers/dividers are by @inklore
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CHAPTER 4: Summer Break '23
The summer break had finally arrived, and Lewis couldn't contain his excitement. After a grueling first half of the season, he was ready for some time off to relax and recharge. Plans for two trips were set: one with his best mates Miles, Andrew, Louis, and Jas as well as Rorie and some of her girlfriends for a one-week cruise around Turkey, and another with his family to Colorado for relaxation and bonding time.
He missed hanging out with his boys, but he also missed his wife. Lewis wanted her to be with him in Belgium when he finished the first half of the season, but she had an interview with Bustle to prepare for, not to mention check in with Lyric and make sure everything was running smoothly at home. He was immensely proud of her for all of the opportunities that came her way, and he was certain that there was so much in store for her.
This break from racing was much needed for him, especially since his team's performance thus far had been subpar. They were struggling to keep up with their main competitor, Red Bull, and it was taking a toll on him mentally. He thought he had left all his emotions behind on the track, but they followed him even as he escaped to the Kusadasi port with his wife as they waited for their friends to arrive.
"Is everything alright?" Rorie asked, noticing the worried expression on her husband's face.
"I just can't stop thinking about the races and how we're not performing as well as we should," Lewis replied.
Rorie placed a reassuring hand on his arm. "You're still an amazing driver, Lewis. Don't let this get to you."
"I know, but I hate losing," Lewis sighed. "I want to win another championship for my team."
"Well, that's something we can work on when we get back," Rorie said with a smile. "But for now, let's enjoy our break and each other's company."
“You’re right.” Lewis nodded and leaned in for a kiss from his supportive wife. She always knew how to comfort him and put things into perspective.
“I’m always right,” giggled Rorie as he placed tender kisses along her jawline. He grumbled an indecipherable reply and the deep timbre sent shivers down her spine.
"Rorie!!" The sound of Kiara's high-pitched made Lewis groan and facepalm.
"You invited her, really baby?" he asked, irritated, as he moved away from his wife’s embrace.
"Of course I did," Rorie replied with a scoff. "KiKi is fun, and I think she has a little crush on Miles."
Lewis's eyes widened as he realized Rorie's intentions. "Please don't tell me you're trying to set them up."
"And if I am?" Rorie raised an eyebrow before striding off to greet her friend.
"Girl!" KiKi smiled widely as she took in the luxurious multi-level yacht that they were on. "I know your man got money, but this is wild! Thank you for inviting me; I bought Casamigos!"
"Yes!" cheered Rorie as she gave KiKi another hug. "I can always count on you to get the party started."
A small smirk appeared on Lewis' face. Despite her annoying demeanor, he had to give it to KiKi for bringing the fun. Whenever Rorie drank Casamigos, she turned into a bona fide freak in bed - something he definitely looked forward to.
Maybe inviting KiKi might not be bad after all, he thought. If he could get even two minutes of “special time” with Rorie, that would certain make him feel a whole lot better.
"Hey, Lew!" she spoke to him and he replied with a friendly wave. "You spent a lot of money on this yacht, my friend. I can already tell that this is going to be a trip of a lifetime."
Lewis chuckled at KiKi's comment, knowing that she was right. He had spared no expense in renting out this impressive yacht for their vacation. It was the least he could do for his closest friends and wife, who had been by his side through all of his races and training sessions.
"Something like that. How was your flight?" Lewis asked, trying to make conversation with KiKi as they waited for the rest of their friends to arrive.
"It was good," KiKi replied with a smile. "I ended up watching movies the whole time. Where's Miles fine ass at?"
Lewis rolled his eyes at KiKi's flirtatious comment. "He'll be here soon."
"I'll be surprised if you don't have him wrapped around your finger by the end of the night," Rorie teased.
KiKi rolled her eyes playfully. "Please, I already have him wrapped around my finger."
Just then, Miles, Louis, Andrew, and Jas arrived and joined them on the yacht. Miles hugged Rorie and Lewis before greeting KiKi with a kiss on the cheek.
"Hey gorgeous," he said with a charming smile. "Long time no see."
"Hey yourself, handsome," KiKi replied, batting her eyelashes flirtatiously.
The rest of Rorie's friends arrived on the yacht - Tia, Ayesha, and Britt. They were all excited to see each other and catch up. Tia and Ayesha were Rorie's closest friends from college and Britt was her childhood best friend.
As they settled into the yacht, Lewis went to check on the captain and make sure everything was in order. Meanwhile, Rorie and her friends grabbed some shots from the bar and headed to the deck.
"Can you believe it's been eight years since we graduated?" Tia exclaimed, raising her glass. "Cheers to us still being friends!"
They all clinked glasses and downed the shots.
"I can't believe we're all here together," Ayesha said with a smile. "It's like old times."
Everyone nodded in agreement, reminiscing about their college days and how much they had grown since then. Tia and Ayesha were both successful lawyers now, while Britt had pursued her love for photography and found success as a freelance photographer. KiKi had established a catering business in New York.
"Yeah, except now we're all successful women with our own careers," Britt added. "Rorie especially - Mrs. Hamilton and budding socialite."
Rorie laughed at Britt's words, feeling grateful for all the blessings in her life. She never imagined she'd end up marrying a world-renowned race car driver, but here she was, living her dream.
"Speaking of which," Rorie said, eyeing KiKi slyly. "What about you, KiKi? When are you going to settle down?"
KiKi rolled her eyes and took another sip of her drink. "I'm living my best life as a single woman," she replied with a smirk.
"She's too busy chasing after every hot guy she sees," Miles chimed in, earning a playful slap from KiKi.
"Funny coming from the one who slid into my DMs less than a day ago," KiKi retorted, causing everyone to fall silent with their jaws hanging open in surprise.
Lewis muttered under his breath, "Wow," and shot a telling look towards his best friend.
The group burst into laughter at Miles's expense and he playfully pretended to be offended.
"Hey, I have a reputation to uphold," he joked. "But in all seriousness, KiKi is a catch. Any guy would be lucky to have her."
KiKi grinned, knowing that Miles was just trying to make up for his slip-up. She didn't want to waste any more time talking about relationships when they were supposed to be having fun and letting loose on the yacht.
"Enough about me," she said, grabbing another bottle of Casamigos from the bar. "Let's focus on having a good time!"
Everyone eventually settled in, deciding to change into their swimwear and take a dip in the crystal clear waters surrounding the yacht. They all jumped off the deck and into the refreshing sea, laughing and splashing each other. The yacht sailed further into the Aegean, the warm sun and gentle breeze making for a perfect day out on the water. The group relaxed on the deck, enjoying drinks and snacks while taking in the beautiful views around them.
Meanwhile, Britt was busy capturing all the beautiful moments with her camera. She wandered around the yacht, snapping photos of everyone enjoying themselves. Lewis noticed her from where he sat with Rorie.
"Britt's really talented," he commented.
"Yeah, she's always loved photography," Rorie replied.
Suddenly, KiKi stood up from where she was sitting next to Miles.
"Alright guys," she announced with a grin. "It's time for our next activity: never have I ever!"
There were groans of protest from some members of the group while others whooped with excitement. Lewis and Rorie exchanged a knowing look, already anticipating the chaos that was about to ensue.
"I'll start!" KiKi declared, throwing back her shot of tequila before proclaiming, "Never have I ever hooked up with someone on a yacht."
This immediately caught everyone's attention and they all looked around at each other, trying to gauge who had done it and who hadn't.
Miles took a shot and laughed. "Looks like you're out, KiKi."
KiKi shrugged nonchalantly. "Hey, it was a yacht party. Things happen and I'll do it again." She shot Miles a flirtatious smirk, causing him to chuckle.
"Don't start nothing you can't finish, baby,” he teased her with a suggestive wink.
"Bring it on, Daddy," responded KiKi, causing everyone to hoot with laughter.
Rorie went next, taking a gulp of her drink before declaring, "Never have I ever went skydiving."
Lewis took a shot, causing her to laugh and give him a high five.
The game continued, with each person revealing some wild or funny experience they'd had. It was now Jas' turn and he glanced around the group with a glimmer of mischief in his eyes.
"Never have I ever kissed someone of the same gender." Jas declared.
All the women took shots, laughing as they did so.
"Wait, what?" Lewis exclaimed, his eyes widening in surprise. "You've all kissed another girl?"
"Well, yeah! It's a pretty common thing," Tia replied with a shrug.
Rorie chuckled and nudged her husband. "Don't worry, babe. You're the only one for me."
Lewis grinned and pulled her in for a kiss, causing KiKi and Miles to make gagging noises.
"Okay okay, let's continue the game," Jas interjected with a laugh. "You're turn Lou."
Louis thought for a moment before saying, "Never have I ever gone skinny dipping in the middle of winter."
Everyone laughed and took shots, except for Miles who shook his head. "Why would anyone do that?"
"It was a dare from my sorority sisters in college," Ayesha explained with a grin. "I couldn't back down."
"Alright, my turn," Tia said with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Never have I ever had a one-night stand with a celebrity."
The group immediately turned to Britt who took a sip of her drink.
"Who was it?" Miles asked, already sensing that this was going to be good.
"I'm not telling," Britt replied with a sly smile.
Lewis whistled impressed. "Damn girl, you're full of surprises tonight."
Jas laughed and put an arm around Britt's shoulder. "You're definitely our wild card for this trip."
Ayesha was next, "Never have I ever tried anal sex."
The group erupted into laughter at Ayesha's unexpected declaration.
"Shit, where did that come from?" Miles asked, still laughing.
"What? It's just a question," Ayesha defended herself with a shrug.
Only Rorie and Lewis took a shot. Rorie giggled and whispered something to Lewis, causing him to laugh.
"What was that?" KiKi asked curiously.
"Just reminiscing about our honeymoon," Rorie replied with a wink.
Tia grinned mischievously, "Okay okay, let's keep playing before we all get too fucked up."
"Okay okay, my turn," Britt said eagerly. "Never have I ever had sex in a public place."
Some took shots while others shook their heads in disbelief.
"Wait, seriously? Where?" KiKi asked with wide eyes.
Britt's cheeks warmed and shrugged. "In a movie theater parking lot."
Everyone's jaw dropped at her bold confession.
"Damn girl, you're truly are wild as hell," Jas exclaimed with a laugh. "It's always the quiet ones, bro."
It was now KiKi's turn again and she turned to Rorie and Lewis with a mischievous glint in her eye.
"Never have I ever been caught having sex by someone I know," she declared.
Everyone turned to Lewis and Rorie with curiosity, wondering if they would take a shot or not. With a chuckle, Lewis lifted his glass to his mouth and downed the drink in one go. Then, he picked up his wife's glass and did the same.
"You freaky bastard," Louis said with admiration.
"Y'all gotta chill though, for real," Miles commented. "You guys gonna end up having another baby."
"What? Who caught you guys?" Britt pressed excitedly.
Lewis smirked and leaned back in his chair. "That's for me to know and for you to never find out."
"It had to be almost everyone on this yacht, though," KiKi retorted, earning her a chiding glare from Rorie. "What? Don't look at me like that, mamas. You know it's the truth. I caught y'all a few times."
"Same here!" Miles concurred, raising his hand.
"Me too," noted Jas with a laugh.
"Okay okay, let's keep playing," Tia interjected with a grin.
The game eventually came to an end as everyone was starting to feel the effects of the alcohol. They all stumbled back to their cabins, laughing and joking along the way. Once they were in their respective rooms, Rorie and Lewis cuddled with each other in bed.
"This has been a great night," Rorie said, resting her head on Lewis' shoulder.
"It has," Lewis agreed, running his hand through her hair. "Thank you for planning this. I needed a break from all the racing drama."
"Anything for my husband," Rorie replied with a smile.
Lewis felt a surge of love for Rorie wash over him. He knew that she always had his back, no matter what.
“Of course,” she responded, staring at him intently.
“What if I want you to take off this shirt?” he said as his finger pulled down the strap tentatively. “I don’t think you need all these clothes on, sweetheart.”
He leaned in for a kiss, but their moment was cut short by muffled moans coming from the adjoining room.
"That's probably KiKi and Miles," Rorie said, trying to hide her smirk.
"Yep, sounds like they're having a good time," Lewis replied with a smile. "I can't believe you actually set up my best friend with yours."
The moans grew louder and more enthusiastic, prompting laughter from both Lewis and Rorie as they listened to their friends' escapades.
“I thought you said that the walls were sound proof?”
Lewis shrugged at his wife. “Shit, I guess not.” His fingers roamed her bare shoulder, making their way downward to cup her breasts.
“How can you still be in the mood? The noises don’t bother you?” Rorie said, swatting his hands away.
“I can ignore it.”
“Well, I cannot,” scoffed Rorie as she turned over. “No snookie.”
“Nope, it’s too awkward.”
Lewis let out a disappointed sigh as he glanced down at his semi-erect penis. It was straining against the confines of his boxers, aching for release, yet he highly doubt that will happen. This was definitely not how he planned on having the night end, and suffice to say, he was going to have a word with KiKi and Miles.
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The next morning, everyone woke up to a beautiful sunrise over the ocean. They all met in the dining area for breakfast, still laughing and reminiscing about the previous night's game.
"Good morning, lovebirds," KiKi teased Lewis and Rorie as they walked in holding hands.
"Shut up," Rorie blushed, playfully swatting at KiKi.
"I'm just jealous," KiKi sighed dramatically. "Miles is too tired from last night to even hold my hand."
“Must be nice,” Lewis grumbled under his breath while everyone else laughed.
They settled down at the table to eat breakfast. The mood was light and carefree as they chatted and made plans for the day.
"So what are we doing today?" Louis asked, taking a sip of his coffee.
"Well, Lewis and I were thinking we could all go out on a boat for some water activities," Rorie suggested. "We could also explore Bodrum for a bit."
"That sounds like a great idea," Tia said.
"Yeah, and then maybe we can all have a seafood lunch later?" Jas added.
"Sounds perfect to me," Britt agreed.
"Where do we go after Bodrum?" wondered KiKi.
"We have about two days in Bodrum then two days in Rhodes. From there it's Antalya for three days and we spend the rest of the time in Cappadocia," said Lewis.
The group spent the rest of the morning getting ready and packing their beach bags. Rorie and Lewis had arranged for a private boat to take them out on the water, equipped with all the necessary equipment for various water activities.
As they boarded the boat, everyone was in high spirits, excited for a day of fun and adventure. They made their way out to sea, taking in the stunning views of the turquoise water and rocky cliffs.
They took turns jet skiing and banana boating. The group spent several hours out on the water before making their way back to shore. They were all exhausted but thrilled from their day of adventure.
"That was amazing!" exclaimed Britt as they docked at Bodrum harbor.
"I haven't had that much fun in a long time," added Tia with a smile.
"We should definitely make this an annual tradition," suggested Jas.
Afterward, they explored Bodrum, taking in the sights and sounds of the beautiful coastal town. The group settled down at a nearby restaurant for lunch, enjoying the fresh seafood and soaking up the vibrant atmosphere of Bodrum. As they ate and chatted, Miles approached Lewis with a serious expression. "Hey bruv, can we talk for a sec?"
Lewis nodded and followed Miles away from the rest of the group.
"I just wanted to say thank you for setting me up with KiKi," Miles said sincerely.
"It wasn't me, it was Rorie," Lewis replied with a smile. "But I'm glad it's working out."
Miles sighed and looked out at the ocean. "It's just been so long since I've been with someone and she makes me feel alive again."
Lewis could see the genuine happiness in Miles's eyes as he spoke about KiKi. He put his hand on Miles's shoulder in support.
"I'm happy for you, man," Lewis said.
Miles smiled gratefully at his friend before they headed back to join the rest of the group.
The group explored more of Bodrum, visiting local markets and souvenir shops before finishing off lounging on the yacht. Their time in Rhodes and Antalya was the same: exploring, eating amazing food, immersing themselves in activities like hiking and riding ATVs.
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Soon, they arrived at their final destination, and the group couldn't help but feel excited and curious about what Cappadocia had in store for them. The landscape was unlike anything they had ever seen before - a surreal mix of dusty red and white rock formations scattered across the horizon.
After a few hours on the road, they finally arrived at their hotel, an elegant cave accommodation carved into the side of one of the fairy chimneys. The rooms were luxurious and spacious, with soft lighting and plush furnishings.
"Welcome to Aza Cave Hotel, Hamilton Party," the concierge greeted with a warm smile. "Please, have some tea."
A waiter came around offering Turkish tea. Each of them took a cup and sipped slowly, savoring the rich and aromatic taste.
"This is really good!" exclaimed KiKi. "Do you guys sell this? I would love to take some back home."
"Of course, ma'am," said the concierge. "I'll make arrangements to have a selection gift box placed in your room. It contains all of our popular blends."
The group thanked the concierge and took some time to freshen up before meeting in the lobby to head to dinner at the hotel's terrace restaurant. As they made their way to the restaurant, the group couldn't help but admire the stunning view of Cappadocia at sunset. The orange and pink hues of the sky reflected off the unique rock formations, creating a magical ambiance.
Once they were seated at their table, the hotel staff brought out a delicious spread of traditional Turkish dishes - from savory kebabs and dolma to fragrant rice pilaf and mezze platters. Everyone dug in eagerly as they discussed their plans for exploring Cappadocia.
"We have an early morning start tomorrow," Rorie said as she took a sip of her wine. "We're going on a hot balloon ride."
"I can't wait!" exclaimed Britt, bouncing in her seat with excitement.
"It's going to be amazing," added Jas, grinning from ear to ear.
"How early is early though?" she wondered aloud, making everyone turn to stare blankly at her.
"What? I'm just saying what everyone is thinking," KiKi defended herself with a laugh.
"Early is early, Kiara," Miles teased, nudging her side. "Why? You need extra time for some beauty sleep?"
"I mean, yeah," nodded KiKi with a grin. "Y'all have been tiring me out. I don't think I've stayed up this late since college."
"If you're getting old, just say that, girl," joked Tia, causing KiKi to hit her playfully with a napkin.
"Never that, sweetie," she retorted, "but I need some time to relax too."
"They have a spa here, y'know?" Ayesha said. "We can hit it up later."
"Say less, girl!" KiKi grinned widely.
"I mean since the girls are gettin' their massage on, I say we hit up a game of pool after the balloon ride," suggested Jas with a sly grin.
"You think we would want to play another game with you after you just cheated during basketball?" teased Lewis, reminding everyone of how Jas had cheated during their pickup game while they were sailing to Antalya.
"Oh come on, it was all in good fun," Jas defended herself with a laugh. "But seriously, we should do something active."
"I'm down for pool," said Andrew. "Or maybe bowling? I heard there’s a bowling alley here."
"We could go for a hike tomorrow instead," Louis suggested. "I heard there are some amazing trails around here."
"That actually sounds perfect," said Miles.
"Okay, so that's settled then," concluded Lewis. "We'll go hiking tomorrow."
The group continued chatting and laughing as they enjoyed their drinks and snacks. Eventually, Rorie looked at her watch and realized it was getting late.
"Guys, as much as I'd love to stay out all night with y'all, I think I’m going to head to bed soon," she announced.
"Yeah, same here," agreed Ayesha. "We have an early start tomorrow."
"Okay, let's call it a night then," said Tia.
The group said their goodnights and headed back to their rooms. Lewis and Rorie made their way down the echoing hallway, the dim light casting long shadows across the walls. Upon entering the room, Lewis wasted no time in pulling Rorie closer to him, his eyes filled with longing. He leaned in, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss that spoke volumes of the desires burning within him. Rorie could feel the intensity of his touch, the heat of his body pressing against hers, igniting a fire deep within her soul.
Rorie gently pulled away, a look of concern in her eyes. "Lewis, we really don't have time for this," she whispered, trying to reason with him. "It's almost midnight, and we need to be well-rested for our early morning balloon ride."
"I'll be quick," he says as he plants kisses down her neck.
“You always say that,” Rorie chided as she rolled her eyes. She allowed his kisses to trail downward to that special spot on her collarbone. Rorie couldn't help but let out a small moan as Lewis continued to kiss her, his hands roaming over her body. She had to admit, she was tempted to just give in, but she knew they would regret this in the morning. “You have fifteen minutes. Can you work with that?”
Lewis grinned mischievously, his hands still roaming over Rorie's body. "I can work with anything," he replied, his voice laced with desire.
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The next morning, the group gathered in the lobby of the hotel bright and early. They were all dressed comfortably for their hike and ready for a day of adventure.
Rorie noticed Lewis standing off to the side, looking a little tired.
"Did you get any sleep last night?" she asked him softly.
"Not really," he admitted with a sheepish grin as he waggled his eyebrows. "But it was worth it." He added a light slap on her ass for dramatic effect, causing Rorie rolled her eyes playfully and give him small smile.
They were greeted by the hotel staff with warm towels and fresh coffee before heading out to meet their tour guide.
"Good morning, Hamilton Party!" exclaimed the guide, a friendly man named Murat. "Are you ready for an unforgettable experience?"
The group eagerly nodded as they boarded the van that would take them to the balloon launch site. As they drove through the quiet streets of Cappadocia, Murat shared interesting facts about the region's history and culture.
They arrived at the launch site just as the sun was starting to rise. The sight of dozens of colorful balloons filling up with air against the backdrop of Cappadocia's unique landscape took everyone's breath away.
"Wow," whispered Miles in awe.
"This is going to be incredible," said Lewis with a grin.
After a safety briefing from Murat, they climbed into their designated balloon basket and took off into the sky. The feeling of weightlessness and the stunning views around them left everyone speechless.
As they glided over fairy chimneys and valleys, Murat pointed out notable landmarks and answered any questions they had. The whole experience was truly magical.
After an hour-long flight, they landed smoothly back on solid ground. Everyone clapped in excitement as they made their way back to Aza Cave Hotel for a well-deserved breakfast.
"That was absolutely amazing!" exclaimed KiKi as she dug into her plate of Turkish pastries.
"I can't believe we got to see Cappadocia from above," added Britt with a dreamy smile.
"It was definitely one for the books," said Jas with a satisfied sigh.
"Did I tell you guys how much I love y'all?" Miles said with a playful grin as he wiped crumbs off his mouth.
"You don't have to say it," KiKi replied, giving him a warm smile. "We know."
“No but seriously,” said Miles. “I love you guys for real. This has been one of the most amazing weeks of my life. I truly appreciate our friendship. To friendship!” he lifted up his cup of coffee and everyone joined with their various glasses.
“To friendship!” everyone toasted.
"I can't believe we almost didn't come here," Ayesha said with a shake of her head. "We would have missed out on so much."
"I know, right?" agreed Jas. "But I'm glad we took this trip together."
"Me too," Lewis added, putting his arm around Rorie's shoulder.
"This has been one epic adventure," Britt said with a sigh. "But now it's time to go back to reality."
"Don't remind me," KiKi groaned playfully. “I want to stay in Turkey forever.”
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Days later in London......
Alexander sat in his office at The Sun, sifting through the documents that the private investigator had handed him. He couldn't believe what he was reading.
"Are you sure about this?" he asked, looking up at the PI.
"Positive," replied the PI. "I double-checked all my sources and everything adds up."
Alexander leaned back in his chair, trying to process this information. He had been tasked with finding out any secrets or questionable behaviors of the Hamilton family, and this was certainly a bombshell.
"And how did you find all of this out?" he asked the PI.
"I have my ways," replied the PI with a smirk.
Alexander nodded, still deep in thought. "Anyone else knows about this?" he asked.
"I highly doubt it," said the PI.
"Good, we’ll be the first tabloid to break the news then. Well, thank you for your work on this," he said to the PI. "I'll make sure your payment is sent over promptly."
As soon as the PI left his office, Alexander pulled out his phone and dialed his boss’ number.
"Hello?" answered his boss, David, on the other line after a few rings.
"David, it's Alexander," said Alexander in a serious tone.
"Any news?”
“Tons. You wouldn’t believe what I’ve just found out about Rorie Hamilton.”
"Well done, Alexander," said David with a hint of excitement in his voice. "This could be the story of the year."
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egcdeath · 1 year
kith and kin
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pairing: joel miller x f!reader (pairing from the soccer parents AU)
summary: your parents finally meet joel in the midst of celebrating your daughter’s birthday. 
word count: 8.3k
warnings: brief mention of past abuse, a little tough love from reader’s mom, no use of y/n, cursing, alternate universe: no apocalypse, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, joel is a little anxious, your daughters are sassy, very lightly edited
author’s note: i’ve had the worst writers block recently, but i love this pairing too much to let them go. feel free to send me any requests!
previous part / series masterlist
Joel paced back and forth in your bedroom, the padded sound of his socks hitting the floor pleasant at first but was becoming a bit of an annoyance by the tenth consecutive minute of the sound of pacing.
Chloe’s birthday was in just a few days and your parents had rented out a cabin on Canyon Lake, inviting you and one of her friends to come along. Seeing as you’d been together for around a year now and that there was no better time than the present, you figured it was probably about time for Joel to meet your parents.
“Joel,��� you finally said sternly, zipping up your suitcase and looking up at your partner. “Relax, honey. They’re gonna love you. I mean, they’re gonna have to love you since I love you. That’s how it works, right?” you walked over to him and gently grabbed the bottom of his shirt, pulling him into what you hoped would be a reassuring kiss.
“I don’t know,” he murmured, pressing his forehead against yours. “What if they don’t think I’m good for you?”
“Well, this may be breaking news to you, but we’re not living in the 1700’s. We don’t exactly need my parents’ approval to have a relationship.”
Joel walked away from you, grabbing his own bag from where it laid on the floor. “I know, it’s just… I want them to like me. I don’t want you to have to feel like you needed to choose between me and your family and secretly resent me for years over that.”
“Maybe let’s unpack that last part some other time. But you’re so likable and charming, they’d have to be crazy to not like you.”
“I admire your belief in me, but it’s been well over a decade since I’ve had to meet and woo someone’s parents. What if I’m rusty?”
“Don’t be rusty, just be yourself!” you tried, smiling at your own terrible dad joke.
“Ha, ha,” his laughter was forced and monotone.
“Not the time?” You knew it was bad when Joel didn’t even respond to one of his beloved dad jokes.
“Nothing to be sorry about. But everything is gonna go great, okay? And if not, you have a few days to make them love you, yeah?”
“You’re right,” he admitted reluctantly, seemingly just wanting to move on from the conversation. “You ready to go?”
“I am. Are you?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
When you arrived at the cabin, your parents were sat on the front porch, seemingly deep in their own conversation before noticing your car pulling up.
Chloe was quick to hop out of the car, excited to see her grandparents. Given that they were practically attached at the hip, Sarah followed close behind Chloe, with the pair receiving hugs from your parents as they greeted the girls.
Still firmly seated in the car, Joel took a deep, yet shaky breath, giving you an idea of just how nervous he was to be meeting your parents. Wanting to give the man a bit of reassurance, you grabbed ahold of his slightly trembling hand and squeezed it hard.
“I promise you have nothing to worry about. You’re gonna have a great time, and my parents are probably gonna love you more than they love me. Got it?” you asked firmly, trying to sound sure of yourself despite the minor nerves you were facing yourself.
“Got it,” Joel parroted, although he didn’t exactly sound sure of himself.
“C’mon,” you beckoned, unstrapping yourself before getting out of the car. After a very subtle moment of reluctance, Joel’s door opened and your partner stepped out of your car as well.
The moment he got out of the car, you grabbed his hand, squeezing it once again as a small demonstration of your support before leading him up to the porch.
The girls were already making their way inside when you finally reached your parents, your mom giving you a tight hug and setting her head on your shoulder.
“It’s been too long,” she declared as she squeezed you for a few more beats, finally pulling away to analyze the man you had brought with you. “And who is this?”
“Mom, Dad, this is Joel. He’s Sarah’s dad,” you stepped back to wrap your arm around Joel, a slightly territorial move to show your parents that whatever you had going on was serious. “He’s also my boyfriend.”
“Nice to meet you, Joel” your mother greeted, shaking Joel’s hand and maintaining a somewhat loaded eye contact with him. She smiled at him, but her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes.
Your dad didn’t even bother with the pleasantries, giving Joel’s hand a firm squeeze and one solid shake. Both of your parents looked rather skeptical of the man, but you hoped that the stern look you were offering them was warning enough for your parents to behave around your boyfriend.
As everyone left to put away their luggage, you stayed downstairs with your mother, who indicated she wanted to have a separate conversation with you.
“What’s up?” you asked her, crossing your arms over your chest defensively in anticipation of what she might say. Based on that loaded interaction on the porch, you already had a good idea of where this conversation is going.
“Is this the Joel from Chloe’s soccer games?”
Shit. The one time your parents remember the name of someone you disliked just happens to be the one time you bring them home.
“Oh, I didn’t realize you remembered that,” you attempted to casually brush off. “It is.”
“The one you couldn’t stand?” your mother pressed, her brows furrowing as she looked at you with what seemed like disbelief.
“That was a while ago! Before our kids got closer and I got to know him better. And really it wasn’t even like I couldn’t stand him, it was more like he mildly annoyed me and we would argue sometimes. Even then, I kinda just had a crush on him. That’s why I told you guys about him in the first place. Notice how you don’t know the names of anyone else on the team who I don’t like?” you spoke quickly as you attempted to justify what you’d told your parents in the past.
“Stop. Just stop,” your mother rubbed the bridge of her nose and took a deep breath. Growing up, you were all too familiar with that move of exasperation. “Why do you keep doing this?”
“Doing… what?” you said meekly, almost scared of what was going to come next.
“Finding men that don’t treat you right. Men who aren’t good for you?”
Oh. So that was what this was about. It was less about Joel, and more about your parents not trusting you to take care of yourself.
One of your biggest fears after exiting your relationship with Nathan laid in the ways that people would treat you after finding out you had stayed in a relationship that was abusive. Sure, there was the sympathy that always came with finding out about someone’s past trauma, but then there was the judgment that came with finding out you stayed. You knew people would question your ability to take care of yourself and your daughter, and you knew people would question your ability to find a significant other who didn’t end up toxic. It shouldn’t have surprised you that your mother was grilling you like this—after all, it was her that you turned to on nights where you had nowhere else to go, bringing your daughter to her home on days where things with Nathan got particularly tough.
“No! No, no, no,” you protested, emotions that had spent far too long simmering on the back burner beginning to come forward. “Joel is the best thing to happen for me in a long time.”
“Honey,” your mom sighed and looked at you with what could only be described as pity. Frankly, it made you want to crawl out of your skin. “You sound just like a teenager again, defending Nathan.”
You nearly had a visceral reaction at the comparison of Joel to Nathan. You just wished your mother could understand that even though she may have heard some of the things you’d been through, that you had lived through those things, and you would never make that kind of mistake again.
“Mom, Joel is nothing like Nathan,” you expressed passionately. “He’s an amazing partner and he may have only been in Chloe’s life for a short bit of time, but he’s a far better father to her than Nathan’s ever been.”
“I want to believe you, and I am going to give him a chance. But just know that things even seem like they might go South, your father and I will be fighting tooth and nail to keep Chloe safe. You’re an adult; you can make your own decisions, but we won’t let her go through something like that again.”
You understood the implication of her statement and frowned. You knew that your parents just wanted the best for you and your daughter, but this whole thing just made you feel like a child. Why were you being punished for being a victim? Did your parents really trust you so little? Little enough to think that you would intentionally put your daughter in harm’s way?
“Okay,” you uttered, defeat evident in your tone. “But there’s nothing to worry about with Joel.”
“I certainly hope so,” your mother said with a sense of finality.
You found yourself sitting by the lake as Joel played with the kids, deep in thought as you pondered the situation. Maybe inviting Joel was a bad idea. Your parents clearly weren’t happy and your partner certainly wasn’t comfortable. At the very least, the girls seemed to be excited to spend some time on a little vacation with the man.
Chloe ran over to you, pulling your attention away from the cyclical motion of the water as it approached and receded over and over again.
“Come look at our sandcastles! They’re really detailed,” she said excitedly, grabbing your hand and attempting to pull you up. Her excitement was contagious, causing you to completely disregard all the negative feelings you’d been stewing in after your conversation with your mother in favor of adopting some of your daughter’s enthusiasm.
“Okay, okay, I’m coming,” you laughed, following your daughter out to the shore as she practically ran all the way over to her creation.
You squat down next to Sarah and set your hand on your brow so you could protect your eyes from the sun as you looked upon the three sandcastles in front of you.
“Well, what do you think?” Sarah asked, her tone just as excited as Chloe’s.  
“I am very impressed. Great work, guys,” you expressed, beaming at the people around you.
“But which one is your favorite?” your daughter asked, shooting you a cheeky look that you were becoming all too familiar with.
“They’re all my favorite,” you replied, evaluating the castles.
“Boo,” Sarah jeered, clearly hoping for a better answer. “Which one is your actual favorite?”
“Hmm,” you fake-pondered aloud, bringing your free hand to your chin to make you seem like you were far deeper in thought than you actually were.
“We don’t have all day, mom,” Chloe commented, setting a hand on her hip.
“Hey! Good deliberation takes time,” you replied. Given that everyone was sitting by their own castle, it wasn’t very hard to pick out which one belonged to your boyfriend. Seeing as you were in the mood to mess around, you proudly declared Joel’s castle as your favorite, despite his castle not looking so hot.  
“That one,” you said, trying to hide entertainment on your face as you pointed to the least technically impressive castle. Joel’s expression matched yours as he clearly bit back an entertained smirk.
“Whaaat? C’mon, I have a moat!” Chloe gasped, throwing a hand over her heart to show just how offended she was.
“And I have a mermaid! What does his have that ours doesn’t?” Sarah protested as she gestured over at her sand mermaid.
“She’s just biased because they’re in love or whatever,” Chloe scoffed. “Don’t worry, Sare. You’re a winner in my eyes.”
“Aw, stop, I love yours too!” Sarah grinned, going in to hug her friend as the two began to compliment aspects of each other’s sandcastles.
You couldn’t wipe the smile off of your face if you tried. Somehow, being around your little found family always made you feel a bit better. Even if your parents didn’t approve and never came around to Joel, that didn’t change the fact that you genuinely were happy with the man, and even happier with the blended family you’d created.
“Girls!” your mom yelled from inside, drawing all of your attention away from the beach and towards her booming voice. “Lunch is ready!”
“I’ll race you back inside?” Sarah offered. Chloe was off on her feet before she could even respond.
You and Joel took your time getting back to the house, walking slowly as you filled him in on your mother’s one-on-one confrontation with you. Despite the joy in the moment just prior, the reality check of having to deal with your parents had brought both of your moods back down rather quickly.
“I don’t think your parents like me very much,” Joel admitted to you, a hint of shame in his voice.
“I-“ you wanted to lie to him, to at least bring a little comfort to your boyfriend who had been worried sick about your parents not liking him. “It’s not your fault, it’s Nathan’s. They think I… they basically think I have a type. It doesn’t help that they think I used to hate you.”
“Fuck,” Joel exclaimed quietly, looking away from you. “I’m sorry, I just… I want them to like me. I’m already so nervous, I feel like I’m gonna shit a fucking brick. How can I make them like me?”
“Just be yourself, okay? And relax. I’m gonna love you regardless of whether or not my parents like you. Nothing's gonna change because of what my parents think of you. At the end of the day, I’m the one crawling in bed with you, not them. Who cares what they think?”
“I care. Deep down, you care too.”
“Joel, please,” you stopped and grabbed his hands, gently tugging him over to you. “I genuinely do not care. I love you. I love our family. Nothing is going to change that, okay? Nothing.”
Joel looked at you anxiously, his eyes a bit more defeated than usual. The two of you made wordless eye contact, communicating something heartfelt without using one word.
“We’re gonna be okay, regardless of how this weekend turns out. Okay? Just be yourself and my parents will eventually come around. If they don’t, it’s their loss.”
The round table at the patio of the lake house had a shape that in any other setting you wouldn’t even really notice, but only seemed to create more tension in this particular context.
You sat next to Sarah and across from Chloe, who sat next to your mother. It just so happened that Joel and your father were sitting across from each other at the table, and you could already feel the stare down just waiting to happen.
“So Chlo, what are you wishing for for your birthday?” your mom gently asked as your daughter took a bite of her food.
“Hmm,” she hummed as she thought. “I don’t really know. And if I did know, I wouldn’t tell you! Remember, wishes don’t come true if you tell people. But I am very happy to be here with everyone. So maybe my unofficial wish is to have more family time.”
“That is a great wish, Bug,” your dad agreed. Sarah smiled mischievously at the nickname and Chloe threw her a playful glare.
“So how is school going, ladies?” your mom asked them, looking between Sarah and Chloe.
You glanced over at Joel, mostly to make sure that he was doing okay under the pointed gaze of your father. Sweat beaded at his forehead and you weren’t quite sure if it was from the dry heat or from the daggers your dad was currently shooting at him.
Thankfully, your kids seemed to be blissfully unaware of the one-sided war going on at the table. You attempted to reach under the table and grab Joel’s hand, but the odd shape of the table didn’t allow for that. He was on his own for the duration of lunch.
The conversation mostly flowed between your mom, Chloe, and Sarah, with your father occasionally butting in to comment on something. All you could do was sit and watch while your dad grilled your boyfriend with only his eyes, with not one thing you could do about it.
Finally, it seemed like everyone had finished their meals, and that Joel could finally get up and be put out of his misery. But fate didn’t seem to be on his side, as he somehow wasn’t off the hook yet.
“Why don’t you all go try out one of the trails? Joel and I are gonna stay behind and do some dishes,” your dad proposed, making pointed eye contact with your boyfriend.
The girls happily agreed with the plan, excited and oblivious of the fear that had just coursed through yours and Joel’s veins with the idea of him being alone with your father.
“Hold on, ladies. You’re still wearing flip flops. How about you go change into better shoes, then we’ll go explore a trail. Sounds good?” you asked, hoping to buy yourself a moment of time to give Joel a pep talk.
Chloe nodded affirmatively and the two of them headed inside to change. At least you could have one private moment with Joel before he had to face off your father.
You stood up and pushed in your chair before grabbing Joel’s hand and squeezing his slightly shaking palm as hard as you could.
“You’ll be okay. Just relax,” you said under your breath so that your parents wouldn’t notice. “Remember, you can’t say the wrong thing. Even if they despise you, I’ll still love you. Okay?”
“Okay,” Joel agreed, although he didn’t seem completely convinced.
“You got this,” you reiterated, letting go of Joel’s hand as the girls came back outside, talking about some show they’d been watching.
When you glanced away, your father had begun picking up plates, looking at Joel like he expected him to be doing the same. That was your cue to leave.
You mouthed good luck at Joel before your mother ushered you all away. You had no idea how your dad was going to act around your boyfriend, but you certainly hoped for his sake that he wouldn’t be too terrible.
After you and the girls left, Joel and your father picked up the dishes outside in silence, with Joel focusing on finding his composure and maintaining it, and your father being completely unreadable.
Joel politely opened the door for the man, even with his hands filled with plates, cups, and silverware. Your father simply gave Joel a curt nod rather than a verbal thank you.
He followed your father into the kitchen, trailing a few steps behind him before setting down the content of his full arms into the sink. Joel did his best not to overthink this interaction, but it was going to be his first one-on-one with one of your parents, and your father had already spent the past hour giving him a nasty glare.
The following silence was awkward and thick. Almost like those tension filled silences you and Joel had the first few times you were together with stakes that somehow felt even higher.
Joel stood at the sink, silently scrubbing away at a dish, hoping that an awkward silence would be the most of his woes that day, rather than any sort of verbal confrontation.
“You do the dishes often?” your dad asked out of the blue, breaking the awkward silence with an even more awkward question.  
“Uh,” he tried not to show how thrown off he was by the question. Maybe if Joel could treat the interaction as less of an interrogation and more of a way for your dad to get to know him a little better, things would be slightly less awkward. “I do. I mean, I’ve been a single dad for almost 13 years. Someone had to wash the dishes, and it wasn’t gonna be Sarah.” Joel chuckled awkwardly, but your father didn’t even crack a smile.
“So if you had a wife, she’d be doing the dishes?”
Joel was once again thrown off, this time by the accusatory tone your father had asked the question with. Joel tried to give the man a bit of grace—your dad was probably trying to get a good read on him, so he would try not to let it get under his skin too much.
“What? No! I-I never said that. We’d probably split our house chores. I mean, that’s what your daughter and I do.”
There. That was a good enough answer. Tell the truth while explaining why him and his daughter were a good pair.
“Oh?” your father began with the raise of a brow, setting down the dish he was working on. “Well, why don’t you have a wife?”
Joel was completely taken aback by the blunt question, but assumed it was fair enough game to ask about. He would probably wonder the same if he were in your father’s shoes.
“Uh, my last long-term partner left shortly after Sarah was born,” he answered quietly, afraid of the judgment that your father may pass upon him, and slightly ashamed to admit what happened in the past.  
“Oh,” if Joel wasn’t mistaken, it almost seemed like your father’s tone shifted, as if he wasn’t expecting that answer. “That sounds hard. Do you know why?”
It almost felt like that answer had humanized Joel the slightest bit in your fathers eyes.
“It’s a long story,” Joel dismissed, not particularly wanting to get into all the details at that very moment. “Leaving was better for her mental health.”
“Okay,” your father simply accepted, although Joel had a feeling that answer didn’t quite suffice.
“But things are better now, with your daughter around,” Joel added. “Sarah’s probably happier now than I’ve seen her in a long time. I can’t really speak for Chloe, but based on what I’ve been told, she’s been doing better too. It’s been really nice to finally have another parent around to be able to split duties with. I just wish I’d found your daughter earlier,” Joel gushed, hoping that your father would find his answer pleasing enough.
Your father was unresponsive to Joel’s statement, finishing up the last of the dishes before finally speaking again.
“You talk a lot,” your father said simply, turning off the water flow of the sink and turning to face Joel head on. “I’m not gonna beat around the bush here. I’m glad to hear that things are working well for you two right now. I don’t know how much you know about Nathan. I don’t particularly care how much you know either. What I do care about you knowing is that I will never see my daughter suffer like that again. Understand?”
Joel was taken aback by the abrupt change in tone, and just when he thought tensions between them were easing up. “Y-Yes, yeah I-“
“So if you ever put your hands on my daughter, or raise your voice even an octave higher than it needs to be at her, there will be hell to pay. Get it?”
“I do, uh, I get it,” Joel wasn’t even completely sure how he was supposed to be reacting to this sudden rant.
“I want you to say it. You’re not going to mistreat my daughter, and you’re not ever going to lay a finger on her. And god help you if you do anything to Chloe.”
“I swear. I swear I’ll never hurt your daughter or your granddaughter ever,” Joel’s words were rushed, and he swore he could hear his rushed heartbeat in his own ears. The sudden confrontation being jarring was an understatement, but he supposed that’s how your father intended it to be.
“Good. I’m going to hold you to that,” was all that your father said as turned to dry his hands off on a towel. “Thanks for helping with dishes.”
“No problem, sir,” Joel choked out, like his heart wasn’t still in his throat. He took that as an indication that he was dismissed, and he set down the things in his hand before walking back outside and heading straight to the lake—far away from your father.
As you were heading back from your hike, you were surprised to run into Joel. He looked slightly disheveled, but particularly relieved to see you. The girls seemed just as pleased to see him, talking his ear off all the way back to the lake house. You occasionally glanced over at your mother, trying to get some sort of read on her opinion of Joel, but it didn’t seem to be working.
“So what happened?” you asked as you stepped out of the bathroom, exchanging your towel for the soft pajamas you’d brought with you. “You seemed pretty shaken up after lunch.”
“Your dad just really grilled me,” Joel explained, turning off the lamp on his side of the bed as you flopped onto the mattress next to him.
“My dad can be an ass sometimes. I apologize,” you muttered, curling up beside Joel. “And I apologize for bringing you here. I didn’t know they were gonna be like this.”
“It’s not your fault,” Joel assured, hoping to bring you a little consolation.
“It is, though. I’m the one who suggested that you come. I wasn’t thinking,” you whispered as you set an arm and your head on top of Joel’s torso.
“They were gonna have to meet me eventually. Better now than at the wedding, right?” Joel quipped.
“Right,” you agreed, looking up from where you’d set your head on your partner’s chest. “Hold on, are you proposing to me right now?”
“No, not yet,” Joel began to backtrack.
“Good. You’ll need my parents’ blessing first,” you teased. “Too soon?”
“Maybe a little,” Joel stifled his laugh.
“Ugh, I’m exhausted,” you groaned. “I can’t even imagine how you feel.”
“Also exhausted, mixed with a little bit of defeated,” Joel sighed, looking up at the ceiling. “You meant it when you said you’ll love me even if your family doesn’t, right?”
“Of course!” you exclaimed, sitting up a little so you could make better eye contact with your boyfriend. “Of course I will love you even if they don’t,” you promised.
Joel still didn’t exactly look like he was buying it.
“Joel,” you began, tone stern and serious. “Every day, you make my life so much better. You bring me so many laughs and smiles, you’re always there when I need to rant, and you’re the most reliable person ever when it comes to parenting shit. You’re probably the best thing that’s happened to me since Chloe was born. So yes, it would be great if my parents loved you as much as I do. But until they figure that out, I could care less about their opinions.”
That answer finally seemed to resolve some of the insecurity Joel was feeling around wanting to impress your parents, as he didn’t bring it back up for the rest of the night.
It was far too early to be awake, but Joel was having a hard time sleeping. Sure, you peacefully snoozed next to him, and of course Joel was comforted by your sleeping presence, but despite the pep talk you gave him, the knowledge that your parents disliked him and that all of his fears had come to light weren’t allowing him to rest very well.
With not much else to do and an arm that was quickly falling asleep (thanks to your cuddling), Joel snuck out of bed and down the stairs. Maybe he could catch the sunrise on the lakefront.
As he made his way to the patio, he heard a few sounds coming from the kitchen, and went to investigate. He was surprised to find your mother already walking around the kitchen, seemingly making a coffee for herself.
“Morning,” Joel greeted, voice raspy as he announced his presence.
Your mom turned around and offered him a pressed smile. She clearly was not expecting visitors this early in the morning.
“Morning,” she repeated. “Would you like some coffee?”
“That would be great,” Joel smiled, sitting down at the kitchen table while your mother worked on putting together another mug.
“You an early riser?” your mom asked Joel, bringing a mug and some creamer over to him.
“Thank you. And no, not really. Your daughter and I usually trade off on who’s gonna wake up early and get the kids ready for school while the other gets to sleep in. I just couldn’t sleep all that well today,” Joel shrugged as he prepared his coffee just the way he liked it.
“That’s sweet,” she hummed, taking a sip from her drink.
Joel sipped his coffee as well, and found himself surprised at the quality of the drink. “This is really good,” he acknowledged. “Is this a pour-over?”
“It is! How did you know?” your mother sounded quite excited that you were able to identify any way of brewing coffee, let alone identifying how his drink was made from just one sip.
“I can taste the difference,” Joel explained.
“See! That’s what I’ve been telling my husband.”
“I also may or may not have seen your dripper. But from one coffee connoisseur to another, this is amazing coffee. I’ve always said a pour-over gets you the best flavor.”
“I completely agree! These new, fancy drip machines just don’t do coffee justice. Keurigs, Nespressos, they’re all hunks of junk to me.”
“Well someone gifted me a Nespresso for Valentine’s Day after seeing my dripper and calling it prehistoric. I use it, of course, but it doesn’t compare.”
“Since it was a gift, I can forgive that,” your mother laughed, taking a hearty sip. “Do you ever grind your own beans?”
“When I can,” Joel replied, thinking about the fresh bag of beans he had sitting on the counter back home.
“Ah! Good boy,” your mother exclaimed, clearly pleased with Joel’s answers. “You do any other special things in the kitchen?”
“Eh, not particularly. I do enjoy being in the kitchen, though. I mean, being a single parent, I didn’t really have many options but to learn how to cook since I didn’t have anyone else to carry me in that area. I will say, we’ve been baking more often. Turns out, I can make a pretty mean focaccia.”
“Baking? With my daughter? You sure you’re talking about the one upstairs? I swear I’ve been trying to get her to bake for years and she just… hates it! What’s your secret?”
“I don’t know. The honeymoon phase, maybe?”
Your mom laughed aloud at Joel’s joke. He had to hold himself back from beaming with pride. He could barely speak to this woman the day before, and now he was making her laugh?
“Whatever it is, bring some over next time. I need to be the judge of this ‘mean focaccia’.”
Next time? Thank god for not being able to sleep.
“Of course!” Joel said with what may have been a little too much enthusiasm. He sipped some coffee from his mug while he thought about something else to say to fill up the silence, but your mother began to speak once again.
“So Joel, I want to know more about you. Other than the fact that you raised an adorable kid, like coffee a lot, and used to argue with my daughter during the soccer season.”
“She told you about that?” Joel asked, unsure of how to react. He wanted to laugh at the fact that you’d shared that with your parents, either before your relationship began or recently as some sort of fun fact, but he was still walking on eggshells around your parents.
“Yeah,” your mom acknowledged. It almost seemed as if she wanted to be casual about it, but also was curious for a bit more context.
“It was a long time ago,” Joel explained as if he could make it better. “It was never anything serious.”
“Well, how did you go from arguing every week to… this?”
“After the girls became friends, they kept setting us up to do things together. After that, things progressed pretty naturally. I think we just clicked. Realized we’re a good team and like each other’s company. I mean, I really love her and Chloe. I’m really happy with our little family.”
“Family?” your mom questioned with raised brows and a tilt of her head.
Joel wondered if he’d said the wrong thing or overstepped some sort of boundary. “I mean, I guess. I would say we… function as a family?”
“So there’s no secret engagement or secret wedding I need to know about,” your mother probed.
“No! Not at all,” Joel confirmed, hoping to quell some of the concern that had seemed to find itself on her face.
“And you didn’t come here to get a blessing for an engagement?” she implored.
“No! This is only my first time meeting you guys. I mean, I’m more worried about making a good impression than getting your approval on our potential marriage. Besides, I’m not really sure she’s interested in marriage after…”
Your mother nodded as Joel trailed off, not needing him to finish his sentence to understand where he was going.
“How much has she told you about Nathan?” she queried, seeming to be even more curious about this question than she was about some of the previous questions.
“Bits and pieces. Some things I’ve inferred,” Joel answered.
“Yeah. It was pretty bad for her and Chlo,” your mother simply stated. “Maybe we’ll talk about it some other time. It might help you understand why my husband and I have been the way that we’ve been towards you.”
“No, I get it. If anyone I loved had to go through those things—let alone my daughter, I would react the same way. I’d probably be worse,” Joel stiffly chuckled into his drink. For a moment, Joel thought about punching Nathan. The perfect cathartic moment for hurting and harassing the woman he loves. He’d do it again. And he’d do it to any person who even attempted to hurt you, Sarah, or Chloe.
“I just want to wrap her up in bubble wrap,” your mother admitted. “I never want her to be hurt again, and I know it isn’t possible, but I just want to be so sure that she’ll never be hurt in that way again. I apologize for being hostile, but you understand, right?”
“Of course I do,” Joel said earnestly. “And if it’s any consolation, I would never, ever do anything to intentionally hurt her. I know what it’s like to have a wall built around your heart and to swear that you’ll never let anyone in again. Your daughter let me in, and I’d never want her to regret that.”
Your mom seemed to think for a moment, getting up and setting her mug in the sink before sitting back down across from Joel.
“Either you’re really manipulative, or you really love her. I’m gonna hope for all of our sakes it’s the latter.”
“I can guarantee that it is.”
“I’m gonna believe you. But only because I want to try that focaccia.” Though your mom stated that with the cadence of a joke, Joel couldn’t help but feel that there was some hint of truth behind her words. Sure, this conversation hadn’t fixed everything, but it seemed like she trusted him just a bit more.
You crept down the stairs, clearly trying to be quiet, but failing at doing so. You approached the kitchen and yawned aloud, attempting to alert Joel and your mother of your presence.
“Good morning,” you greeted the pair. “You better not be interrogating my boyfriend,” you told your mom as you sat down next to the man of the hour.
“Nothing of the sort. We were just talking about baking. Why didn’t you tell me you bake now? And why haven’t you baked with me?”
“I guess I just didn’t have the right pastry chef,” you chimed, stealing Joel’s mug and taking a sip of his coffee. “Did Joel tell you that we’ve been working our way up to sourdough? I just ordered some starter the other day.”
“Oh wow. You’re like a completely different person. I don’t even know you anymore.”
“Sorry,” you apologized insincerely.
“Does this mean you’ll start baking with me when you come home?”
“Sorry mom. I’m loyal to my pastry chef. Has he told you about his focaccia? It’s really good. We’ll bring it next time you invite us over.”
You pulled your chair a little closer to Joel’s and held his hand under the table, a simple reassurance that you were there, and you weren’t going to let your parents treat him any way he didn’t deserve to be treated.
“You are breaking my heart,” your mom said, clutching her chest jokingly. “Although you mended it when you mentioned bringing bread.”
Luckily, it seemed like this day had started off far better for everyone—but particularly your boyfriend and mother. The two of them were getting along swimmingly, working together to whip up breakfast, carrying the conversation throughout the meal, and even going on to converse while the girls played at the beach.
If nothing else, you were glad that Joel was growing on your mother. You still couldn’t really get a read on your father’s opinion of your boyfriend, but hopefully with your mom now on his side, she would be able to talk some sense into your father.
It just so happened that your parents had planned to set up a few things around the house in preparation for the birthday festivities for the following day, and your mother had somehow managed to talk Joel into helping them out with their preparation. Since your boyfriend would be setting up, you were tasked with distracting the girls with a day out on the town, leaving your boyfriend alone in the lake house with your parents.
As things seemed to be going well between your mother and Joel at the very least, you at least weren’t too worried about your parents shredding your partner to bits while you pampered the girls and took them shopping.
Despite this fact, you still checked in with your partner multiple times throughout the day, getting updates about things he was doing with your parents, or any particularly interesting conversations they’d had during the day. For the most part, things seemed to be going well, but as the evening began to come in, you began to hear less and less from Joel, making you the slightest bit worried.
Once you got back to the lake house, you were pleasantly surprised to hear the sound of laughter coming from the back patio, paired with the familiar scent of a bonfire. The girls seemed more than pleased to go straight to the backyard, walking off far ahead of you.
By the time you reached the patio, Sarah and Chloe had already found spots to sit around the fire, and Joel was tossing some more firewood into the pit while seemingly laughing at a conversation going on between himself and your father. Although you couldn’t have seen the evening going this way when you initially came the previous morning, you couldn’t have been happier that everyone seemed to be getting along.
You found your own seat by the fire and Joel came back to sit next to you as your mother began to ask the girls a few questions about their day.
After getting as comfortable as you could on what was essentially a rock turned into a bench and leaning onto your partner, you and Joel quietly roasted marshmallows as your daughters excitedly chatted away, just happy to be able to sit and relax after a busy day. You were curious to hear all that occurred between Joel and your parents while you were away that had made them open up to each other more, but you could certainly wait.
“So girls, what was the highlight of your day?” your mom asked, turning to face your daughters.
“We had really nice manicures. The woman who did my nails was so much better than mom is. No offense, mom.”
“None taken,” you laughed at your daughter’s blunt statement.
“If it makes you feel better, you can’t be any worse than my dad,” Sarah offered, only contributing to your laughter.
“You’re probably right,” you agreed, playfully nudging Joel.
“I thought we understood that anything regarding my artistic ability is a soft spot?” he attempted to defend himself, but it was already too late.
“Sorry, Joel,” your daughter giggled, encouraging Sarah to giggle along with her.
“I also really liked our manicures, but we went to this really cute café with really good pastries and drinks!” Sarah exclaimed, gratefully accepting the slightly burnt—and just the way she likes it—s’more that you passed her.
“We only got decaf drinks, don’t worry,” you explained as you watched Joel hand Chloe a s’more of her own. “But everything was really good.”
“You would know, since you tried everything,” Chloe teased.
“Thirteen-year-old Chloe is even more sassy than before,” you teased right back. “It’s called the mom tax. Since I was your chauffeur all day, I got to steal a little nibble of your pastries. I think that’s fair.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” Sarah added in, grinning mischievously at you.
“I would probably do the same,” Joel interjected, coming to your defense.
“See? This is why I keep you around,” you squeezed his arm and grinned up at your partner.
“Ugh, you guys are always being so gross,” Chloe laughed. “Do you see what we have to put up with?” Chloe directed at her grandparents.
“You know, one day you’ll find someone that you want to be gross with too,” your mother explained.
“No way,” your daughter giggled, standing up and stretching. “Do you wanna go get ready for bed, Sare?”
“Sure!” she said cheerily, popping up and heading inside with her friend.
“Seems like they had a good day,” your father commented once the pair were gone.
“I think so. I hope so. Chlo was pretty bummed when she found out her dad was going to be out of town during her birthday, but I’m pretty sure this has made up for it. Thank you for putting this all together,” you acknowledged.
“Of course! Anything for our girls,” your mom said, smiling softly at you as she reached out to put a hand on your knee.
“Well what did you guys get up to while we were gone?” you asked, hoping to get a little insight into what you missed while you were gone.
“Joel and I did some baking, then he helped your father put together some decorations. Speaking of which, you’re gonna have to help me put up some final touches before the big day.”
“Of course,” you agreed, happy to do anything that would make your daughter’s special day more special.
“Hey, don’t worry about it. I can finish up and help you with whatever needs to be done,” Joel offered.
“You’ve already worked so much today, Joel. We  couldn’t possibly ask you to do anything else,” your mother practically gushed. Joel seemed like he was going to protest, opening his mouth before your mother cut him off. “I insist.”
You couldn’t believe that just the previous morning your mother was lecturing you over this man.
“Well, I’m not gonna argue with that. But if you need any help at all, I am more than willing to be there,” Joel reiterated.
“Thank you, but that won’t be necessary,” your mom stretched her arms behind her head and yawned. “I’m getting a little tired. Would you like to go set up now?”
You were getting the feeling that the question was less of a question and more of a direction, but you agreed regardless, pressing a kiss to Joel’s cheek before you went back inside with your mom to help set up the last few things for Chloe’s birthday.
Setting things up was about as eventful as you thought it might be, other than the absolute raving your mom was doing over your partner, and the occasional sound of muffled laughter coming from the patio.
“I’m starting to think you like my boyfriend more than you like me,” you commented offhandedly as you tied off a balloon.
“Oh I do,” your mother agreed. “You think I’m bad? You should see your father. Yesterday he was so wary of Joel, but today those two have just been giggling and bonding all day. I should’ve known it was a wrap after your boyfriend made a stupid dad joke,” she glanced over at the glass door leading to the backyard.
“So what changed his mind?” you asked, setting down the balloon. “What changed yours?”
“After talking to him for a while, it was just very obvious how much he loves you and the girls. He also just happens to be a very likable guy. I don’t know how you ever managed to hate him before.”
“I already told you, it was like we were flirt-arguing!” you insisted.
“I know, I’m just teasing. I’ll still be a little cautious, but he seems like a good guy. Now, after he and your dad got over their little awkward thing, they absolutely hit it off. Just started bonding over everything under the sun. Their love of guitar, their love of DIY projects, their love of you…”
You smiled to yourself as you listened to your mom. It was great news that Joel had been able to bond with your parents, despite whatever feelings they’d had towards him previously.
“That’s good to hear. I’m happy you both finally came to your senses. He was worried sick about you guys not liking him.”
“Well, he’s got nothing to worry about now,” your mom flashed you a smile that matched yours as she finished off the balloons. “I think that’s all we needed to do. I’ll wake you up in the morning if I need any extra hands then.”
“Please don’t,” you groaned, pulling yourself out of your chair and glancing back over at the back door, where Joel and your father still seemed to be having a great time. When you looked back over, your mother was approaching you with open arms.
“I’m sorry, honey. I know you’ve already been through so much, and you wouldn’t purposely put yourself through that again,” she began as she embraced you. The apology was like music to your ears. You just hoped that Joel had also received some form of apology from your parents, as he was the one receiving the majority of the pushback. “I’m proud of you. I’m proud of you for leaving Nathan, and I’m proud of you for focusing on yourself, and I’m proud of you for finding someone good for you when you were finally ready.”
“I love you. I’m pretty fond of your boyfriend, too. Goodnight,” your mother bid you farewell, and you couldn’t even think of a proper response before she was already going up the stairs. You had much to process tonight.
Long after you’d fallen asleep, you woke up to the feeling of the mattress shifting its weight. When you turned over onto your side to see what the disturbance was, you just barely made out your partner in the dark.
“It’s just me,” Joel whispered as he settled in bed next to you. Like you were a magnet, you found yourself clinging onto him almost automatically.
“Hi,” you mumbled, voice thick with sleep.
“Hi,” he repeated, settling his arm on your hip.
“How was today?” you asked, nudging Joel over enough for him to be on his side so that you could spoon him.
“Really good, I think. I think your parents kinda like me now,” he yawned, relaxing into your touch as you held him.
“Kinda?” you muttered sleepily. “What did I tell you? They’d come around eventually.”
“You were right. I should’ve listened earlier,” he confessed as he fell into a more and more relaxed state.
“Maybe. I could care less about their opinion of you. That’s what I wish you listened to earlier,” you explained. “But I am happy that they like you so much.”
You were up bright and early to put the last little finishing touches on Chloe’s birthday decorations. You and your father taped up a few ‘happy birthday’ signs, while your mother and Joel worked on decorating Chloe’s birthday cake. Not much longer after you came downstairs, Sarah found herself downstairs helping to put her own creative spin on the cake as well.
After some discussion of when it would be acceptable to wake up Chloe, you all headed upstairs to her room to wish her a happy birthday.
As her door opened and everyone began to sing slightly off-key rendition of ‘Happy Birthday,’ Chloe slowly began to sit up as she grew more and more awake before she broke into a fit of slightly embarrassed laughter.
It was quite the scene, and probably not the most ideal wake-up call, but your daughter grinned and expressed her gratitude regardless, getting out of bed so she could attempt to pull everyone into a big group hug.
“Ugh, I love you guys so much,” she sighed fondly. “How did I get the best family ever?”
You were starting to wonder the same yourself.
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cultofdixon · 5 months
Strong, Healthy, that’s all that matters
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Part 2 to “You do what you can” • Alexandria is a wonderful luxury the group was given. Even with the ups and downs • ANGST/SFW/NSFW - Nudity • TW: Miscarriage Mentioned / Pregnancy / Vomiting & Excessive Nausea / Canon Violence
Requested by: Anon
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“Why are you out here and not inside with Y/N?” Carol asked her best friend from her porch while he sat on the fence fiddling with his crossbow.
“Doc gave her a sedative. She’s safe, don’t gotta watch her”
“Then why are you biting your thumb every now and then?” She comments on his anxious habit resulting in Daryl stopping himself from continuing.
“She’s weak, can barely stand weak. I’m tryin’ to think of what to do for her when the best thing for her right now is sleep and the IV that doc put in her. He comes by every hour to give us a new one and take the old one to refill. Rick or I change it but I don’t know what else I could do”
“Well, how about I make something that I ate during my pregnancy that I knew I kept down…see if Y/N can handle it. If not, I’ll keep making things pregnancy friendly with what we’ve got.”
“I heard what yea said when they took her to the infirmary.” Daryl hung his head low to avoid her shocked expression. “You wished she’d lost it, then she wouldn’t be useless when we take this place if people fuck with us enough.”
“If yea mean it, then do that shit for my partner and our baby. Otherwise I’ve got it.”
“Yet you’re siting out here and not being with her. Doesn’t matter if you can’t do anything but watch her sleep or hell, sleep with her why not. That’s doing something” Carol states walking past to go to the pantry.
“You look ridiculous by the way!” He had to make one last comment which got a laugh out of the woman.
After a bit more time sitting on the porch to think of anything else he could do for his partner, he decided it was best to listen to his best friend. But when he entered the bedroom Y/N took, she wasn’t in bed and her IV bag was unhooked from her and clamped to keep it from continuing to dispense. Daryl was about to let his anxiety take over when he heard splashing of water.
The second he peaked his head into the bathroom, Y/N quickly turned to him.
“Hi…how are yea…” His face distorted to the mixture of smells happening in the room. “feeling? What is—-“
“Vomit. I didn’t…make it to the toilet or the trash can at least and puked all over my clothes” Y/N frowns feeling awful about it as she quickly turned away to avoid her tears being noticeable. It’s small potatoes but she’s crying anyway…and again.
Daryl brought himself to kneel by the bath gently taking her chin bringing her attention onto him. He then took care of wiping away the tears bringing out that smile of hers as he leans against the edge of the tub.
“I’ll get you clean clothes. There’s sweats I saw….uhm. Did you take your IV out? Do I have to get—-“
“No it was uhm. The IV tubing was one like a screw in and not a needle piercing the plastic” Y/N showed him that she taped the excess tubing to her arm and did her best to keep it dry. “It’s honestly hard to explain and just easier to show you when I put it back in”
“Puttin’ your old nursing days to use”
“Surprised you even remember that…and it was just a clinic” Y/N laughs softly sinking a bit into the water that was starting to lose its warmth.
“Everythin’ you’ve said to me, I’ve kept to memory. You’re my girl.” Daryl gave her a soft smile which she will take to memory as she brought her hand to rest on his cheek watching him kiss the inside of her palm.
“You know you don’t have to be calm with me…” Y/N reassures even when he gave her a confused look. “I have gotten pretty good at reading your expressions, especially your infamous blank ones…I know you don’t like it here. It’s…scary and I’m not gonna get used to it instantly either or like the others”
“All I want is to keep my family safe. Something doesn’t feel right here but all I gotta do is keep y’all safe”
Y/N smiles bringing herself to the edge pressing a kiss to his lips as he happily returns the gesture.
“Need help out?” Daryl asks when Y/N pulled the stopper out to let the water drain. She nods watching him stand up holding his hands out for her to take carefully.
The second Daryl helped her stand to her feet his eyes fixated on something that anxiously took Y/N’s attention.
“What happened?”
“Nothin’. Nothin’ bad” Daryl states still staring as he helps her out of the tub and reaching for the towel on the sink she set out for herself. “You’re showin’” he says while gently wrapping her in the towel and finding the opportunity to rest his hand on her belly after giving her a quick glance for any signs from her of not wanting him to do such.
But his large hands make it look like nothing in comparison to Y/N keeping the towel from covering her belly a moment so she could rest her hand on her small but growing bump. She couldn’t help the tears that started to form at her waterline when looking at the small bump as she was worried ever since she found out she was pregnant and had this 1 in a million case of intense nausea that the baby wouldn’t grow.
Yet here they were admiring the small thing as Daryl rest his forehead against hers a moment while they both looked before he wrapped her entirely in the towel and picking her up bridal style carrying her back to the rest of bedroom.
Once she dressed in the sweats and long sleeve Daryl had gotten out for her, it felt like a cue for Rick to step in without knocking but Y/N was used to that. She grew up with the guy.
“How are yea feeling?”
“I’m doing okay” Y/N gave him a tired smile while showing Daryl how to reconnect the IV bag. “Did you need something?”
“Yeah you remember Deanna coming in to introduce herself to you?”
“Yeah?” The confusion grew on her partner’s face to what he was getting at.
“She’s throwing a welcoming party or whatever they’re called for our infusion to the place. She wants you to come if you’re feeling well enough”
“I could just lie—-“
“Yeah I know but I have to go and so are the kids. I’d just. Like it if you came” Rick says on his way out before Y/N could say anymore on the matter. She turned to Daryl and before he could share his concerns on why he doesn’t exactly feel welcomed…
“You don’t have to come if you don’t want to. Frankly I don’t…really want to either. I never fit in with this kind of crowd” Y/N rest her head on Daryl’s shoulder feeling his arm snake around her bringing her close. “You just be safe with whatever you do and I promise you I will be safe.”
“You just know what to say huh?” Daryl chuckles lightly pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “I’ll uh…well, I wanna check out the place when there’s not a lot of people ‘round”
“Can you make sure the wall is actually secure?”
“That what you’re really worried about?”
“I’m pregnant, Dar. I’m worried about a lot of things”
The night of the party came and Rick quietly approaches Y/N’s bedroom knocking on the door frame watching her attention go from the full body mirror to him. She was wearing a dress that was more on the fitted side and showed off her bump, the dress was given to her by Deanna. As if she wanted to show everyone who the pregnant newcomer was.
“You look miserable”
“Yeah but not in that sense. The doc came by to check me out…as per request by—-“
“Jesus fucking Christ”
“And he said I should be fine to go. So I can’t really stand up this party…especially since she also dropped this dress off and it’s like. She wants everyone to know I’m the pregnant one”
“Yeah I don’t quite understand this whole “reliving the old life” Alexandria’s got going for it. But I’ve found a sweater in my closet that I think you’d like to wear over the dress.” Rick tossed his sister the grey sweater that she instantly put on. “Well don’t we clean up nice”
“You miss it?” Y/N questions as she sits on the edge of the bed slipping her untied converse with ease as Rick instantly knelt down to help her by tying them. “The old world?”
“Honest? I don’t”
“I missed my sister, now I see her everyday” Rick stood to his feet once he tied her shoes and helped her up. “I don’t ever want to go back to rarely ever seeing you”
The first thirty minutes of the party, Y/N was approached by those simply introducing themselves to the newcomers and the occasional woman that was too curious about her pregnancy. She even had to swat someone from touching her belly. It seemed to only get worse when one of Deanna’s sons, Aiden walked over trying to do his usual shtick.
“Come here often?”
Gross. “Nope” Y/N tried to brush him off but he kept his place.
“I saw yea come in on a stretcher. Thank god a bombshell like yourself pulled through”
“I wasn’t dying”
“Ah well. Still”
“Still what? Did you not see the man glued to my side or the smallest but obvious reason why I had to be rolled into this shithole?” Y/N glared at the man while holding her belly as Aiden cleared his throat.
“I uh. Just thought you were fat—-“
“EXCUSE ME?!” Y/N scoffs about to break this man in half when Maggie cut in and physically shoved the guy back.
“Woah watch it. I was having a conversa—-“
“Yeah and it’s done, unless you want me to let her beat you to a pulp”
“Like her weak ass can even land a punch”
And without another word, Maggie moved out of Y/N’s way and she didn’t hesitate to land a good one right in the kisser. Aiden instantly fumbled back about to fight back when Reg instantly pulled his son away letting Deanna take care of the situation. But Y/N had enough of being there.
“Come on Rocky, let’s get you home before the ref realizes what happened to her bitch of a son” Maggie quickly wrapped an arm around her friend’s shoulders walking out of the house and heading toward the Grimes’s residence.
“Hope Daryl is having a better time than I am.” Y/N frowns feeling the sick feeling return.
Meanwhile Daryl was checking out the bike frame Aaron had shown him and while he was making a plate for the archer’s partner…Eric wobbled in.
“Hey you never told us your wife’s name”
“She’s not my—-Y/N—We ain’t married.” Daryl fumbled a bit as he had that strange old world feeling when it came to their “situation”.
Y/N Grimes is the love of Daryl Dixon’s life. Neither of them like labels.
Daryl calls her sunshine, darling, and lovely.
Y/N calls him my love, babe, and the occasional Darbear for the fun of it.
The archer calls her his partner to others and some part of him would love to use my wife.
So what’s stopping me? Daryl thought as Eric gave him a confused look after his scrambling.
“I know we just met but do you mind if I push?”
“Why do yea want to?”
“Because I feel like it. I talked to Y/N when we were both in the infirmary” Eric leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed. “She’s a catch, and fate brought you two together…you don’t need a fancy wedding for a union anymore. I get some don’t like labels or whatever, but honestly, those labels are sometimes not for you…besides” He reached into his pocket tossing a ring box at the archer. “She loved that”
Such little time in the infirmary lead to a lot of unanswered questions. But Daryl found himself heading back to the Grimes’s residence with a wrapped plate of spaghetti and a ring in a velvet box. Nothing too fancy. Nothing like what the brides have in the old movies. It suited them. That’s how perfect it was.
“Hey Dixon!” Pete calls out to Daryl carrying a few things in his hands as he stalls by the steps. “Got a few things for your woman after doing a bit of research and what happened tonight”
“The fuck happen tonight?”
Pete gave him about the same level of blank staring before handing him one of those instant ice packs. “She punched the Monroe boy. Should help with the bruising. Plus found one of these pregnancy books in what we are suppose to call a library? Anyway and some nausea meds”
“Thanks…” Daryl accepted everything as he watches him leave before quickly picking up where he left off heading inside.
The archer quickly dropped the plate off on the kitchen island before making his way upstairs and into their shared room finding her still awake. Y/N still wearing the sweater her brother gave her but was finally out of that stupid dress. When she locked eyes with her partner, some part of her wished she still wore it for him to see but she was more focused on everything he carried.
“You were busy tonight”
“Uh. I guess.” Daryl brought himself to sit beside Y/N feeling her lips instantly press onto his cheek the moment he sat before resting her cheek against his shoulder. “Heard about your right hook”
“Dumbass deserved it…”
“Gotta point him out for me, so I know who to fucking show who’s boss”
“I sort of already did, but I will” Y/N laughs lightly against him, taking the offered instant ice pack to crack it and hold it on her dominant hand. “What else you’ve got?”
“I’ve got yea a plate in the kitchen. Had dinner with Aaron and his partner Eric. It was…nice. I wish you were there with me” Daryl kissed the top of her head as she snuggled up into him humming in response. “The doc also gave me meds for yea to try when it comes to your vomiting”
“I can take down fluids so I don’t need the IV anymore. That’s one good thing happening”
“That’s great” Daryl repeated the phrase once more before carefully pulling away from Y/N setting down the nausea meds along with the pregnancy book that peaked her interest—-for only a short moment.
Because the archer getting down on one knee instantly brought her attention away.
“Daryl Dixon. What are you doing?”
“Something…something stupid? I…I know about what we think of labels and shit but I can’t shake this”
“Daryl…” Y/N softens bringing herself entirely to the edge of the bed.
“I’ve been wanting to call you my wife since the last month of peace back at the prison. I want and am gonna spend the rest of my life with you…and this peanut is just. Our overflowing love onto another human being…”
“So poetic of you, Daryl Dixon…” Y/N laughs softly bringing his face into her hands as the tears instantly fell from her touch.
“I love you so much, sunshine”
“I love you so much more Darbear” She smirks hearing his annoyed laugh escape his lips as she gently wipes away his tears. “Now are you going to ask me? Because I don’t need a ring to tell the world how much I love being your wife”
Daryl gently pulls away to take the ring box out of a pocket in his vest as it surprised Y/N slightly when he opened it. It brought out a small tearful laugh to the silver arrow wrapped into a ring. It was a little cheesy but it was for them.
“Will you be my wife, Y/N Grimes?”
“I do, Daryl Dixon. I sure as fucking hell do”
It’s been about two months since then. Y/N was now six months pregnant and Alexandria went through…a lot.
The wall collapsing
The herd
Carl losing an eye
Maggie’s pregnancy announcement
Losing a lot of Alexandrians
It took about a month to fix the wall and collect themselves, slowly bringing themselves back to a sense of normal.
The morning came slowly, or slower than usual…
Y/N shifted slightly in the bed feeling the discomfort truly grow in her back once she opened her eyes. A soft groan escaped her lips which stirred Daryl awake as he lifted his head to check her face for anything but kept his hand secured on her belly.
“The baby isn’t going to kick every time your hand is there”
“She does. Sometimes”
“She huh? What happened to strong and healthy…that’s all that matters?”
“That’s still fact. Don’t mean I can wish for somethin’ on the side” Daryl whispers as he pressed a kiss to her belly which resulted in a laugh from his wife but also a kick hitting his hand. “That’s my girl”
“Rick caught me up on your supply run just the two of you…promise you’ll be safe?”
“I always do don’t I?”
“Yeah but last time you came home with a knife wound in your shoulder”
“Alright, fair enough” Daryl brought himself to sit up and help his wife do the same as Y/N gently caressed his cheek worried about him. “I promise”
Because I have a weird feeling about today
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babyouran · 2 months
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Trust Me! - y/n is introduced to the host club, though her immediate disinterest catches the members' interest to make her a part of their community.
pairing - fem!reader x host club members
apart of - ouran add-in
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"Fujioka, haven't we spoken about where to do our project already? I'm afraid this isn't the right way to the library," Y/n mentioned, currently having her wrist wrapped with the other girl's fingers.
Just a few months ago the duo were placed together as partners and had grown a close relationship together. Haruhi was the first person to befriend Takahashi Y/n, not even knowing her family's occupation. She saw the girl by herself reading and figured they might have a similar interest to talk about and soon enough became friends. Such a true relationship was refreshing for both of the young ladies, someone who didn’t care about all the superficial things and just about what mattered mostly. 
"Takahashi Y/n, trust me, this may not seem like a good place to study but it will soon prove useful," Haruhi tried to reassure her, pulling out the young woman's full name to show she was serious. Haruhi’s eyes were narrowed showcasing that she was on some type of mission to get the fellow young woman more involved. 
"If you insist," She sighed, letting the other girl drag her around, even though she was very capable herself.
"Takahashi-sama, may I ask you a question?"
"Takahashi! I saw that your fath-'' Voices began to try and start up conversations with the girl, but none were successful since her dear friend was on a mission to get her to Music Room 3. In a rush, Haruhi fastened her speed to the room yelling a curt goodbye to the student.  
"And we are here," Haruhi exhaled deeply, the girls stood in front of the door. One girl's expressions held pride and excitement while the other had confusion and a hint of worry.
"Fujio-" Y/n began, turning around but was interrupted by her dear friend.
"Again," She sighed. "Call me Haruhi, you don't have to be so formal, there aren't people watching you all the time," She smiled lightly at the slightly taller girl. 
"Correct, Haruhi-chan, I'm a little confused about why we will be studying in a music room," She tilted her head, to get a better look at the sign and express confusion. "Music room three to be exact," She corrected herself.
"This is where I go after school, this is where the club I am in resonates, and sometimes it serves as a nice laugh!" She exclaimed. "Though some of them can be very annoying, they are also sweet."
"I don't need any more friends," Y/n deadpanned. "I followed my father's wishes and made one, making more would be a nuisance.”
"Nonsense! Takahashi, it's not a bad thing to make new friends, and these will be good ones, trust me," Haruhi tried to reason with her. It was clear since the beginning that Y/n was very closed off when it came to the truth of her home life. But this was a prominent feature that she thought would help connect her with the boys who resided in Music Room 3. 
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- flashback -
"Hello, I'm Fujioka Haruhi, pleased to meet you," She bowed in front of the girl sitting daintily in her yellow dress engrossed in a story.
"Ah," She sighed, continuing the story. "Takahashi Y/n," She turned around to face her fellow student and put on a light smile upon her lips. Though it was harder to identify the gender of the student she figured she was a girl because of her very soft nature.
"What are you reading?" Haruhi peeked over the book, getting much closer to Y/n’s face than originally intended. When she lifted her head to look into the fellow girl's eyes, their noses almost touched. Y/n didn’t flinch, she just scrunched her eyebrows in the slightest bit and took a small glance down back at her story. 
"Norwegian Wood, it is a very interesting romance story,” glancing back up towards the girl she continued, “Fujioka, I'm going to make an inference and please don't be offended. You're a female correct? Yet, you don't care about social standards and little things like clothing. You're also content with people assuming you are a boy. If I may add, you differ a lot from fellow students here which concludes that, most likely, you have a different background than them here," Y/n observed, looking her up and down. "If you would like me to use he and him pronouns I will," 
Haruhi stared at the once quiet girl, she had gotten everything spot on. It was odd how easily she was able to read Haruhi since most of the students couldn't even figure out her gender. But in reality, most students did not give her the time of day to even try and figure out a basic thing as such. 
"You can just use female pronouns when it is the two of us," She sat at an empty desk beside Y/n, now staring intently at her. "How did you-"
"You were kind, most richer children only talk to other children once they know their status and how it affects them. Your features also seem feminine, so in all honesty, I just took a guess," She shrugged. "Suppose I was correct,"
"Yeah, scarily correct,” Haruhi's eyes narrowed at her before a smile began to form on her lips, chuckling to herself. “Would you like to be partners for the English class? I have my guess that we will get along well," Haruhi expressed.
"I don't have anyone else myself, and my father commanded me to make a friend, so I think that is an intelligent idea," She put the book away and looked hopefully at Haruhi. For some odd reason, Haruhi felt her stomach flutter a bit, almost as if a tiny butterfly was flying about inside.
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"I trust you," Y/n admitted. "But I don't trust that this situation will work in the ways you hope it will, I'm not in the mood to be bombarded by music students. I will not want to join any orchestra, I simply want to finish a new book in French I got," Y/n explained, suddenly yanking a book out of nowhere and showing it to the girl.
"Please, Takahashi-sama, I'll owe you a favor. Just give it a chance?"
"I will do it, but the favor I want you to give to me is about my name. Please refer to me as Y/n, and don't use any title after, unless it is chan," Y/n told the girl, showing a faint smile. Haruhi nodded and opened the doors to the empty classroom with boys waiting.
"Welcome to the Ouran High School Host Club, how can we help darlings like you?" A blonde asked, hand facing up with his palm open. He was not wearing the normal uniform but instead dressed in a captain outfit, as if he were the captain of a boat.
"These are your.... friends? Where are the instruments?" Y/n turned to Haruhi, very confused.
"Ah! Haruhi!" The blonde jumped from his position running over to the girl. "You need to try this sailor girl costume we got," The man jumped up and down, running to the side of the room to grab it. He resembled a very excited puppy who just got a chance to get a treat. 
"Haruhi, who is your friend?" A boy with auburn hair pops up, a carbon copy of him standing on his right and staring at Y/n intently. The two looked more mischievous than comforting, silent side eyes shared. 
"Haruhi, thank you for your suggestion, but I think I will just read in the library," Y/n nodded to her, swiftly making her way out of the room, her strides quickening to get out of the room. The boys' attentions were now all peeked and focused on her. Tamaki had finally recognized the new guest, dropping the dress from his grip and walking to try and reach her. The door was slammed shut as soon as Y/n made it outside, Tamaki’s face right by the large door moments from being smacked by it. 
"Shoot," Haruhi grumbled. "I guess she was right again,"
"Who is she?" The other twin repeated.
"Her name is Takahashi Y/n," She told them, pinching the ends of her hair. "I thought it would be good for her to meet some new people, you guys are kind of like her in ways. It doesn’t matter much now…”
"Takahashi?" The black-haired boy with glasses walked over, his notebook propped open. "She is the daughter of the Mamoru Takahashi. That man is very well established through his electronics company. He's top of the line in the field," Kyoya informed the group, reading a page from the notebook.
"She's that popular? Wait, you don't mean the line of electronics called 'Taka', that's made by them?" Haruhi asked bewildered.
"Her family, they are an interesting sort. I don't have much about them because they are more on the mysterious side. I'm surprised you were able to befriend her," Kyoya mentioned.
"My favorite cake mixer is from them, I always ask the cooks to use it! It whips up the ingredients so good and it tastes extra yummy," The lolita type boy added, running to Haruhi. "I heard they are coming out with a new dessert maker! I can hear my tummy grumble just thinking of it!”
"I like the watches, very high tech," Mori expressed.
"The TV's are great for watching my reality shows!" Tamaki exclaimed.
"I have some of her products," Haruhi mumbled. The group turned to look at her, almost as if they were confused she could afford something. "I'm not poor, I might not have as much as you guys but some of their stuff is affordable," She rolled her eyes.
"Isn't Takahashi the one girl in our class, some people bombard her because they want to see what she would look like without that mask," Hikaru remembered, recalling that she was sitting by Haruhi on multiple occasions.
"I forget she wears that sometimes," Haruhi chuckled to herself. "I’ve grown used to it, I don't ask about it anyway since it could be personal. But it does a fine job in helping conceal her identity." 
"We must get her here!" Tamaki declared. "Gather up! I have a plan, men!,” his pointer finger raised in the air, Hikaru and Karou’s own hands in a position of a salute. “Oh! Haruhi too,"
"I don't know about this.”
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Y/n was sitting in the library, a mask covering the bottom half of her face as always. It did not take her long to forget about the past events and completely engulf herself in a new story. 
"Psst," A person poked her shoulder, interrupting her peaceful reading bliss. 
"If you would like a free product I'm not the one to ask, though we appreciate all of our customers who purchase our pro-" She started to ramble, still reading the book but remembering what her father told her to say. It was programmed into the young woman's brain by now as if memorizing lines for a play. 
"No! No, that's not why we are here," The voice interrupted her, now fully gaining her attention.
"Not many people come into this library, especially in this section," She hesitantly said, very confused about why this person was here now. They were dressed up in a trench coat, wearing a fake mustache and a barre to top the outfit.
"I'm undercover, I need your help with something," They cupped their hands over their mouth, to give the image that it was a secret.
"Pardon me?" She questioned, completely muddled. "I won't take part in any 'undercover investigation'. If you need me then you will have to speak to my lawyers beforehand, or at least my father," She reached into her pocket, just to grab a bookmark as she now figured her quiet space wasn’t about to stay as quiet but the action startled the man. He rushed to keep her hand in her pocket, figuring that she might be reaching for a phone instead to make the call. 
"No! No, wait look," He ripped off the mustache, making a face of hurt afterward. "Suoh Tamaki, president of the Ouran High School Host Club! I'm afraid we didn't have a proper introduction earlier, my beauty," He got up from the chair, grabbed her hand, and placed a kiss on the top of it.
"Um," She pulled her hand away, right afterward, grabbing a handkerchief from her backpack nearby and wiping off any remains. "You're a friend of Haruhi's, that's nice. But I'm not in the mood for more friends, kind offer, but no thank you," She replied, clutching her book and moving away from the once quiet spot in the library.
"You ruined it boss," Kaoru chimed in through a walkie-talkie. 
"That's why we have multiple plans. Your turn boys,"
Y/n left the library, walking back to the previous classroom where lessons were held earlier that day. She was merely a foot away from the door before someone lightly bumped into her.
"Sorry, Yah!" A boy with a blonde wig yelped. "We exchange students from Germany," He answered, his twin with the same blonde wig but it was curved to the right instead of left. They had on a dirndl and kept leaning into each other.
"Vill ye help us with class?" The other asked, with a horrible impression of a German accent. 
"I can't. I took a class in German culture and language when I was younger. I don't think they wear those kinds of outfits everywhere. You're the twins for that club, right? I am okay and should be leaving now," She trailed off, eyes warily looking back at the two boys bickering over a small object. Y/n made her way to the cafeteria, now having limited options of where she may go. 
Finding an empty lunch table in the back, she took a seat, letting out a deep breath, and looked around for any suspecting fellows.
"Hiya!" A blonde boy popped up on her side, considerably shorter and having a younger look to him.
"Oh, hello," She gave a slight wave, eyes darting back down to her book. Y/n silently thought to herself he was just trying to be polite and that would be the end of it, what are the chances of running into someone from the same club for the third time? 
"Please, please," The boy started, moving closer to Y/n and putting on a pouty face. "I-I came in here with my dad, I can't find him. He was going to get me cake, and now I can't have it," He went into a full-out sob, tears flowing down his face and hiccuping resounding around the area.
"Okay, where was the last place you saw your father?" She inquired, giving him a spectacle look, Y/n hesitantly patted the boy on the shoulder. He looked somewhat familiar, yet she couldn't put her finger on it.
"In a music room. My dad said-" He once again broke out into a fake cry while Y/n took his hand and let him lead the way to where he once was. "He's a part of a club here," The blonde mumbled. 
"A club? Your father is a student. Wait a minute-"
"You found my son. Thank you. Please come in." The 'father' thanked her, now wearing the same fake mustache another blonde had tried.
"No, you both are a part of that club. Just like those other guys,” Y/n took a step away from the duo. “Why are you following me?"
"Um," The 'father' voiced refusing to look Y/n in the eyes but instead stared straight ahead. 
"Do I get my cake now?" The blonde pulled out the walkie-talkie and spoke into it.
"Why are there walkie-talkies?" Y/n pondered.
"They are like that," Haruhi chimed in, sneaking up on Y/n.
Y/n flinched, stepping aside to make room for her friend, "Haruhi, your friends are kind, but I'm a little confused about all of this."
"Takahashi Y/n, in the same year and class as Haruhi and the twins. The only daughter of the Takahashi family wears a mask and enjoys her peace. Good at figuring things out," He stopped, looking at the girl whose eyes were wide open with confusion. "Well Somewhat. Yet I can't get much more on you," He walked closer to her.
"That's all you need to know, more than you do. Ootori Kyoya, your father is Yoshio, and you have three other siblings, all older. Your family is well established as well, I know more about you than you will ever know of me. It shall stay that way, I don't need people knowing much about me, it's... odd," Y/n voiced, walking into the club room and searching for a phone.
"Y/n, wha-" Haruhi began.
"I'm sorry, I have a feeling I'm going to get in trouble if I continue speaking. I hope I didn't offend any of you and our family relationships can stay well, I just need to make a call," She started plucking in the digits for the number. 
"Takahashi, why must you consult your father on a friendly conversation with fellow teenagers?" Kyoya wondered.
"I can't say, I mean I'm- well," She didn't know what to say, she didn't have an excuse ready at the moment, she was caught fully off guard.
"Join the club," Tamaki spoke up, walking over and taking the phone from her hand, the butler on the other line speaking into it. "You interest me, the whole club, the school. We just have tea with fellow students, you can do the same," He offered.
"Thank you, but-"
"Think for yourself," The 'father' from earlier chirped up.
"I,” Y/n looked down at the phone resting in the hand of the club president, an inviting smile on his face. For once, she felt that she had control of her life and her choices, she felt that way when with Haruhi and wouldn’t mind it becoming something more frequent. “I suppose it could prove useful for our company, and it could be enjoyable," She muttered, a small smile appearing on her features hidden underneath the mask, though Haruhi knew Y/n enough to be able to recognize the little changes in her facial features to tell she was happy. 
"Great! Y/n, welcome to the Ouran High School Host Club!”
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an - hello, this was just something silly I made up to introduce y/n to the rest of the group, the next chapters will be adding y/n into episodes. (There is a reason she wears a mask, not COVID-related or sickness, it will be shown later on. Y/n often uses titles like ‘senpai’ similar to the characters in the anime/manga)
hope you enjoy it! please let me know what you think!
next chapter - Beware of the Physical Exam!
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vampirenigh · 1 year
Envy is useless
Sumarry: Someone talks bad about you in they're presence.
Characters: Tighnari, Cyno, Kaveh, Wanderer.
Warnings: Just some bad words.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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🍄You were with Tighnari on a patrol in the forest because he wanted your company. It was very comforting for him. Your scent calmed him when he was with his head in the clouds.
🍄But after a while the two of you started to hear two people talking and laughing after some bushes. At first Tighnari was about to tell them to go home because this isn't a place to play but stopped in his track because of two motives.
🍄First they were forest rangers that he put on a patrol not an hour ago that would've took four hours and second because they were talking about you so he stayed with you behind them to hear more.
🍄"Did you saw what Tighnari's partner did last night? She almost collected some poisonous mushrooms for a poison last night. But Collei was there to stop her because it was to dangerous." "I know. Who would've thought that Tighnari's partner would be such a bad person and try to poison somebody? "
🍄Those statements made Tighnari's blood boil. Not because you did that but because they were making conclusions on some assumptions. It was a total misunderstanding. You are a very skilled poison maker because you come from a family where to be able to make poison it was a bare minimum. You just wanted to teach some new forest rangers about the poison and how to know how fatal it is.
🍄He saw you feeling down at those words so he took action and went to the two forest rangers.
🍄"What are you doing here? Didn't I put you to a patrol? And what are you two talking about? Are you stupid?" When the forest rangers heard that voice they stood up immediately and saluted Master Tighnari. But that didn't impress him. "You think you are the most intelligent here? You even know why Y/n took those poisonous mushrooms? To teach you, you idiots. You can't even say what is good to eat and what not! Get out of my face and go do your work. I don't have all day long here."
🍄The two ran away as fast as they could and then Tighnari came back at you and resumed his patrol.
"Do not even try to apologize to me. They should be apologizing to you because they assumed something so stupid. You shouldn't feel guilty because you wanted to do a good thing. That is why I love you. You always think about others before yourself. Even if sometimes you take it too far and make me worry."
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⌛He had a rare day off and decided to spend it with you. And you decided to spend it in the forest because is very calm and comforting.
⌛Cyno didn't care to much about where he is if he can be with you all day long. He spend his day admiring you and your personality.
⌛But after some time you two hear some whispers in a distance. Because you two were curious and because they could make a crime or a plan for it you and Cyno decided to investigate.
⌛When you saw who it was you were about to reassure Cyna that it is nothing to worry about but stoped mid sentenced because your sister and her friend started talking about you and it made you froze.
⌛Cyno saw this and started being on guard. He didn't care that it was your sister or anyone else.
⌛"Can you believe that my sister got to be with the General Mahamadra? How is it possible? Just look at her! She is so ugly and so clumsy! I remember a time when she tried to cook something and almost burned the kitchen down!" "I know! To think that the General Mahamadra would step so low... Do you think that she seduced him!? " "Possibly... "
⌛After the last statement Cyno couldn't stop his anger and goes straight at them. "Hey mind telling me what were you two talking about?" The girl were surprised and sayd "N-Nothing... " "Well let me tell you two something you made two crimes right now. You started to talk being someone's back and you lied to the General Mahamadra himself!"
⌛Cyno was about to send them to the court but you stopped him and told him to stop. "Fine.. I'll let you two go just because your sister doesn't want to see you in prison. So go already! I don't have all day to spend on you two!"
⌛Whit the last statement he took your hand and took you to a nice place to see the sunset.
"I don't understand why you let your sister go with that but I'm not gonna get in your problems if you don't want me to. But for you to know you are the most beautiful person in the world and I love you a lot."
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🎨You went to his office to spend some time with him because he said that working alone is boring. So here you are with your boyfriend watching him do another project.
🎨But he was very happy that you were here because you made the place more comfortable with your presence. But that didn't last for long. After some time you two heard a feminine voice who was talking a bit too lout for your liking and Kaveh knew who it was. His secretary. He wanted to get up and tell her to shut up but stoped in his track when he heard what she was saying.
🎨"Yes, Yes. Don't worry about it. By the end of the month I will make Kaveh mine. Yes. I know that he has a girlfriend. But did you see her? She is so ugly. How did she manage to get Kaveh? For sure she did something! Of course I'm confident about my plan. I will lead the photos first and then try to get close to him. What photos? The ones that we made whit Y/n. Tha false ones."
🎨At that Kaveh got up and went out. The girl who was talking over the phone froze and closed the call fast. "H-Hello sir... W-What are you d-doing here? " "I work here don't I? But the question is what are you doing here? You are fired. But before leaving leave here that photos and everything that you have against my Y/n!" The girl took everything out and ran away crying. Then Kaveh went back into his office and put on fire everything that discriminates you.
"Don't worry about everything Darling. I will trust no one when it comes to you. You are the only one I trust and you are the most beautiful person I laid my gaze on. Don't let people like her say thing like that to you."
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🎐To say the least. This boy is very blunt and is very hard to get close to his heart because of his terrible past. But if you managed to get so close to him and can tolerate him best believe that he would never let someone talk to you in an ill way in front of him. And would never forgive anyone who did you wrong. So good look with him.
🎐You went with him on a walk and enjoyed the sun with your boyfriend who was admiring you the whole time you guys were out but a group of girls caught his attention and yours to by the way you froze.
🎐"Did you see the Wanderer with Y/n? Who thought that he will get with a person like her?" "Yes. Did you see the way he was looking at her? For sure she did something to him. How could a person like her get such a handsome boyfriend? " "Maybe she seduced him?" "Whit what? Did you see her body?"
🎐The last statement was his last straw. He went straight to the group of girls. "Hey! How dare you say something like this about a person like Y/n! You ugly bitches who can't even afford to get a boyfriend but talk like that behing someones back. You talk about her appearance when you can't afford to say something nice about yourself. You are so ugly that it makes me puke." He would've continued to insult them but you come to him "Kuni that is enough. You can stop now." "But-" Then he saw your eyes and took your hand and then took you away from those arrogant people.
🎐He took you to a nice place and started to hug you really close.
"I know I'm not the best at comforting someone but I know how it feels to be judged like that. I won't forgive anyone who made you suffer and I will make them suffer more! But for you to know I love you idiot. Don't make me say that again. Because I won't! Now let's continue our walk. We don't have time to think about some stupid idiots."
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gyu-effect · 9 months
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[♡] seungcheol as blank space. “hi.” you said a little breathlessly, as you waved at the well dressed man in front of you. he turned to look at you and immediately raised an eyebrow, looking amused that you had approached him. but that didn’t deter you from continuing your introduction. “hi, i’m-” you began but he cut you off. “l/n y/n. yes, of course i know you.” even though it shouldn’t have been shocking that he knew you, you could still feel heat creeping up your cheeks. “uh, thank you? i mean- i mean even i know you!” you immediately cringed at your words, wishing the ground would just swallow you up but the man opposite to you seemed unfazed by it. if anything, he took a step closer to you, as though interested in seeing where this conversation was going to go. “oh, is that so?” choi seungcheol asked, his voice dropping a little and causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach. just how bad was your crush on this man? “i bet your daddy told you a lot of things about me, didn’t he?” you opened your mouth to argue that even though it was a known fact your father and his never got along as friends, your father never looked down on the choi family as business partners. though he did tell me to stay away from you at this party. seungcheol cut you off before you could explain yourself saying, “didn’t your father ask you to not speak to me?” this statement caught you off guard, as you hadn’t expected seungcheol to guess this much. “uh yeah,” you began sheepishly, determined to not let your father’s reputation affect this golden opportunity. “but you know, i’m allowed to make my own decisions. besides, i don’t allow my father’s choices to determine my enemies and friends.” seungcheol cocked his head a little and for a second you were worried that you had said something stupid, but then he just burst out laughing, the sound resonating through your ears like music. “of course, of course. you shouldn’t let others actions affect you.” he said, his eyes twinkling with an amusement that caused a shiver to run down your spine. then, he took another step closer to you, until you could almost feel his breath on your cheeks before saying, “still, isn’t it dangerous for you to talk to me like this? especially when you are looking this pretty and can get any man you want?” you rolled your eyes at his statement in an attempt to cover up the squeal that was about to erupt from you. pretty? pretty? choi seungcheol called me pretty? “i’m pretty sure i know what i want.” you said and for the first time in the evening seungcheol smiled at you warmly, all the flirtiness gone from his mannerism. somehow, that made you fall even more for him. “want to see the stars from the balcony with me, then?”
[♡] jeonghan as champagne problems. the rain pelted against the window of the speeding train as jeonghan stared out of the window aimlessly, feeling his heart grow heavier and heavier as the train rode on deeper into the night. what had gone wrong? how could everything go so wrong when he had just told you yesterday that he was the happiest man alive? he was sure, he had been so sure that you too loved him like he loved you. and- and all his friends had reassured him that you looked at no one else except him like that way, like he was the only star in the night sky. he stared back at his reflection on the window. did he always look this sad and tired? he wanted to cry; he wanted to scream and pull out his hair as the sadness ate him up from inside. “is this seat taken?” he turned to the person standing in front of the cabin door, nodding numbly as he crumbled the ticket for two in his hand. he had planned so much for you. so much. he had thought of asking you out with this ring which was now sitting heavily in his breast pocket, taking you back to his summer home that you always wanted to see tonight, and just so much, so much more. he remembered the look of horror you had on your face when he finally confessed that he loved you when the two of you dancing, the way your smile fell when you realised he wasn’t joking or didn’t mean it platonically- jeonghan clutched his hair in anger, pulling it in hopes that the searing pain would be lesser than the one in his heart. how could he? how could he do that to you? he had overstepped the boundary of friendship, thought that you loved him differently like he did and now you were completely out of his grasp. his foolish actions had costed him his friendship and now he had lost his best friend too. would he be able to face you again? the very thought of losing you even as a friend scared him. why was he such an idiot? would you be able to face him again? and what was he supposed to say to his friends? he could already imagine seungcheol and joshua saying that he would find someone else; someone who could actually love him and that he just give you some space to mend back the friendship. but no one could replace you. he could never love anyone the way he loved you; jeonghan was sure about that. “heartbreak?” the man asked and jeonghan glanced at him, hoping he wouldn’t have to talk much because he wasn’t in the mood at all. “don’t worry,” the man continued, completely unfazed by jeonghan’s attitude. “it will go away slowly. everything does.” he found himself nodding to the man’s words, trying to flood his mind with all the beautiful memories he had with you. “i hope so.” he muttered, finally feeling the tears fall.
[♡] joshua as paper rings. “shua.” you whispered, gently prodding your sleeping boyfriend’s cheeks. all you got was a grunt from him as he tightened his grip around you to pull you impossibly closer to him than you already were. “shua. my love. baby. sweetheart.” apparently fourth time was the charm because joshua finally opened one eye, looking at you lazily as though asking you to go on. “baby,” you began excitedly (as if it wasn’t three in the morning) “do you remember the time we went on a date but it started raining and we parked the car so far that we had to run all the way back?” you could tell that he was still sleepy from the way he smiled at you slowly, gently rubbing your back as though trying to lull you back to sleep. “of course, love. how could i forget. we were drenched from head to toe. on top of that we couldn’t find our car and even though jeonghan’s was right in front of us, he refused to give us a ride because of how wet we were. said something about ruining his car seats.” you whined at the memory and joshua finally opened his eyes fully to look at you, his hands moving up to now cup your cheeks. “i was so tired that day. and wet. and cold.” joshua leaned in and kissed you softly, moving his lips slowly against yours. “yeah.” he muttered, lips brushing against yours. “my poor baby was so tired and i was so worried that you would catch a cold.” you giggled as you remembered how much joshua had babied you following that incident. “i was totally saved because of the amount of times you had doused me in water because of your ‘sunday morning’ obsession.” “oh hush.” he whispered playfully, booping his nose against yours. “you love it when i baby you.” you laughed lightly, nodding at his words. “i do. you are so lucky i love it when you are babying me, hong joshua.” he shook his head, pulling you into a hug and you buried your head into the crook of his neck. “nuh uh. you love me regardless of whether or not i baby you.” you fisted his shirt in your hand, wrapping your arm tightly around his torso. “yeah. i love you so so much. i love you beyond anything in this world.” joshua gently kissed the top of your head and you could finally feel the exhaustion of staying up so late wash over you. you thought of all the fun activities you had done with him, and felt a familiar warmth bloom in your chest. “babe.” he said suddenly, mischief shining in his eyes. “remember the time you looked like a ghost?” now it was your time to groan. “you smashed my face on the cake, shua. what do you mean by i looked like a ghost?”
[♡] junhui as gold rush. his eyes casually flicked to yours and you immediately looked down, your hand gripping the brush tightly to prevent the flush from creeping up your cheeks. you could hear all the girls beside you giggling and whispering about the model; after all he was just too handsome, the perfect person to be painted on a canvas. slowly, you looked up again but wen junhui was still looking at you, this time with a smirk on his face. you hated the way he always casually sat in front of your class like it was the students’ fault he was here. you hated the way he would have his head on his hand, elbow on the desk as he posed. you hated the way his soft hair fell on his beautiful face, giving you the urge to brush it out of his eyes. you hated the way his god-crafted lips parted into a smirk everytime he caught you staring for a bit too long. and you hated the way he made you feel. this time was no different as you looked back at your canvas hastily, feeling your stomach turn as your heart skipped a beat. what was so great about him anyways? he was just a model because of his great looks. if you went around catching feelings for all the models you painted, then god forbid if your father would still send you to these special girls only art classes. you faintly heard the bell toll and even before the teacher could tell it was time to go, all the girls were scrambling to pack their brushes and paint. you too got up almost immediately, not wanting to be left alone with junhui but as you struggled to undo the bow of your apron, your elbow hit the easel, dropping the canvas and your paints. you let out a cry and hurried to get them back, but just before you could grab the one which had rolled off far, you found junhui’s outstretched hand towards you, holding the paint. “here you go.” you heard his deep voice as he smiled at you, causing your heart to stutter once more. “th-thanks.” you stammered, snatching the paint and putting it back. “need help with the apron?” he asked softly and you shook your head furiously, adamant to get out of this room as soon as you could. “no, thank you. i can do it myself-” “and knock over the canvas again?” you glared at him and he just smirked back at you, the cockly self back again. “i- well, okay i guess.” he got up on his feet in a second and gave you a hand, which you gladly took. but you hadn’t expected him to be this strong when he pulled you up, gently turning you so that your back faced him. “by the way, you draw amazing.” he hummed, removing the knot from your back. “um, thank you.” you muttered as the apron came out, turning to face him one last time. the two of you stared at each other for a while, not sure of what to say. the sunlight that had slipped in through the stone window gave him a soft ethereal glow, something which you knew even a painting couldn’t capture, making him look almost like a god. “so, um,” junhui began nervously, all of a sudden avoiding your eyes. “would you like to go and see the gardens with me?”
[♡] soonyoung as gorgeous. you watched as he held your gaze for a while, before slowly walking towards your seat with a smirk. suddenly you felt heat creep up your cheeks and you looked away, despite staring at the said man dancing on the dance floor for the past hour. “hey.” he said, sliding onto the seat beside you, quickly ordering a drink for himself. taking in a deep breath (which was a mistake because you ended up inhaling his cologne instead) you turned to face him with a smile before saying, “hi. i was watching you dance.” “i noticed.” he said with a wink, before taking a sip of his drink. even though he was the one who was sweating, you were definitely the one who was feeling hotter. of course he had noticed! that’s why he approached you in the first place! “you feeling hot?” the man beside you asked, snapping you out of your embarrassing thoughts. “huh? oh yeah. but you know, who doesn’t feel hot in a club, right?” you laughed awkwardly at your joke, your only relief being the man’s smile widening. “yeah. especially when you are sitting next to a hot girl, right?” he asked. you stared at him for a second before shaking your head, biting your lips hard to prevent a smile from forming. “smooth. very, very smooth. you don’t even know my name and yet you are already hitting on me?” you asked and he just tilted his head at you, as though studying you. why did he have to look so hot doing such a humane action? “well you don’t know my name either and yet you were staring at me the entire time.” you rolled your eyes, admitting defeat. “oh well, that’s because you dance really, really well. and uh, i was seeing you before with your friends. you seemed to be a very fun person.” he jutted out his lips in a pout and you found yourself internally screaming. wow so he was cute and hot? “you sure you were checking me out? and not one of my friends?” this time, you spluttered on your drink. “wh- what? no, of course not-” he laughed, shaking his head. “don’t worry, i'm just pulling your leg. though if you are interested, i could introduce you to my friends. they are really hot too. even though i’ll be sad to let you go.” you immediately shook your head. “no no no! i, uh, i’m only interested in getting to know you.” his smile widened, and despite how sexy he had looked before, he looked really sweet now. “good because even i want to know only you. i’m kwon soonyoung by the way.”
[♡] wonwoo as wildest dreams. a sigh escaped your lips as you stared at the setting sun on the horizon, wonwoo’s hand brushing against yours like a ghost. the highway was completely empty except for the two of you, the deafening silence a reminder of how you actually felt right now, despite being with the person you loved the most. “what’s wrong?” his deep voice resonated, shaking you from your thoughts. you looked up at him as he smiled at you warmly, his glasses catching the sunlight which was now beating down on both of you. “nothing. nothing, actually.” you said looking away, unable to meet his eyes anymore. you could feel your heart weighing down with each passing second, and you couldn’t get yourself to tell him your burden and ruin the little romantic getaway he had prepared for the both of you. “if it makes you this upset,” wonwoo hummed, cupping your face and turning you towards him, “it’s not nothing, okay?” you nodded, letting out another sigh. “it’s just that- it’s just that you are going to leave- leave me-” your voice caught, as you fought back the tears threatening to form. wonwoo frowned at your statement, before pulling you into a hug. “leave you? i’m not leaving you, love. you know i have to leave the country; this opportunity is too important for me to miss.”. “i know, i know.” you muttered, burying your face into his chest. “it’s just that- our relationship is already a secret and it was already so hard to meet up and now that you are going to go away, it’s going to become worse.” wonwoo rubbed circles on your back slowly, trying to calm you down. but it wasn’t really working, not when you knew that there were high chances of your relationship disappearing into nothingness. as if the two of you didn’t even exist together in the first place. “and no one will know.” you sobbed, the tears falling freely now. “and no one will know what happened between us. no one will know why we are sad or how we ended up like this. no one will even know how much we loved each other. “ at this wonwoo just laughed lightly, causing you to look up at him and give him a glare. “okay, okay sorry baby.” he said, kissing your forehead. “but i can never, ever forget about you. you’ll always be seared in my brain, in my memories and in my each and every breath. you are a part of me and i cannot even think of not loving you. okay, my love? i’ll always love you. and if you stop loving me, i’ll always keep loving the memory of you.
[♡] jihoon as delicate. the cold air ripped through his hair as he clung on to your waist in order to not fall off from the bike. you let out a whoop as you sped down the street, the sound coming out much louder in the quiet night than jihoon would have expected but nonetheless he felt a smile push through his cheeks. you were right; this was what he needed instead of being cooped up for more hours in his studio, looking for inspirations in his blank brain. speeding through the night as the two of you laughed, all the heaviness and pressure he had been feeling slowly lifted off his shoulders and he felt a slight giddiness flow through his veins now. finally, you came to a halt, parking your bike on the bridge over the han river. you hopped off the bike and jihoon followed suit, copying your actions to lean against the railings. you smiled at him and he felt a small chuckle escape him at your action. despite dating for so long, he still felt his skin tingle with electricity when your elbow brushed against his. “isn’t this great?” you hummed, looking at the horizon as you sighed contently. jihoon’s brain, which a few minutes ago was a complete mush from being stuck in the same room for hours now seemed to be running at a thousand miles per hour. you looked so pretty, so pretty, despite wearing just casuals, staring dreamily at the city lights blinking in the distance. the dark water gently lapped below the two of you and when he didn’t respond, you turned to look at him. you had always been kind and patient with him, he who always had had some difficulty expressing himself and yet you always understood him perfectly. even now you seemed to understand what he was trying to say, looking at him like he was the most precious person in the world. “yeah.” jihoon said after a while. “yeah, this is great. i wish i could take you out on a proper date though.” you laughed, your laughter which was like music to his ears, before saying, “oh well, i had brought you here to help you get some inspiration but consider this as a date then.” slowly, he slid a hand down your arm until it grasped your hand, before pulling you into a kiss. the night was still cold, and his thin shirt and shorts barely gave him any warmth. but somehow, your lips on his caused warmth to bloom in his heart, slowly spreading to his entire body. “i love you so much.” he murmured against your lips before wrapping his other arm around your waist to pull you in closer.
[♡] seokmin as love story. you could feel your nails digging into the stone wall, as you anxiously watched the gates of the building neighbouring to yours. the warm sunlight bathed your skin in heat, and you were sure it was picture worthy but you couldn’t care less even if you were on a vacation in the alps right now. “ma’am, we should go back-” began the maid beside you before you shushed her with an angry glare. couldn’t they understand the situation? couldn't they see how terrified you were? your heart was beating loudly against your ear as you held your breath tightly when the huge oak doors of your father’s residence swung open. out stepped lee seokmin, eyes scanning the ground anxiously as though looking for something. then his eyes flicked up and met yours, and you felt a sudden happiness course through your veins as he smiled back at you gently. letting out a small scream of delight, you turned and ran down the stairs, clutching your gown so as to not trip and ruin the moment. but would it really matter? especially now, knowing that nothing, nothing mattered to you except for the fact that your father had said yes to seokmin’s proposal? “seokmin!” you said as you flung into his open arms, nearly knocking him off his footing and he stumbled back a little but quickly regained his balance, engulfing you like you were his life line. “my love,” he muttered softly into your hair, almost causing your knees to give away. “he said yes. your father said yes.” you looked up at him and smiled, his warm eyes holding all the love he had for you in this world and you nearly felt dizzy from it, and finally the setting sun was a beauty you could acknowledge. thinking back of all the hardships you both had to go through because you loved each other pulled a painful string in your heart, and you felt tears sting your eyes. seokmin frowned worriedly, immediately cupping your face to brush away the tears with his thumb. “what’s wrong, my love?” he muttered, and you shook your head smilingly. “n-nothing.” you choked, a laughter bubbling as you thought of just how much you loved him, that you were even willing to give up the comforts of the palace for him. “i just- it’s just that- god, i love you so much.” the corners of his lips curled up in response, before he enveloped your lips in his, devouring them like this was your last kiss. you too clung on to his back, nails digging into his shoulder blades as you kissed him back in the same fiery passion. “i love you too,” he murmured against your lips. “i love you too so, so much.”
[♡] mingyu as i knew you were trouble. “should we be doing this?” you whispered against his lip, feeling this weird sense of foreboding in your gut as you leaned in to kiss him. kim mingyu just smirked back at you, as though asking you to reply to your own question. when you didn’t respond, he just cocked his head and said, “we don't have to do it if you don’t want to, princess.” you stared at him for a second, your mind in a whirl. there he went again. always throwing you into confusion of what you thought you wanted and what you actually wanted. because you knew mingyu was bad for you; he was someone you had never ever thought you would associate yourself with. and yet here you were, in the arms of the very man you were very sure you shouldn’t be with. but you could never stop yourself. could never stop yourself from chasing him, loving him, touching him, kissing him- you stopped all your thoughts by pressing your lips against his, and mingyu responded back to your action by wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you in impossibly closer. his lips moved against yours and all thoughts were truly lost as the only sound you could now hear was the thumping of your own heart in your ear. you loved him so much. you loved the way he made you feel, you loved the way he made you feel special, loved the way he always worshipped you. then why was it that when you weren’t with him, you regretted your actions? then why was it that each time the two of you secretly planned to meet up, you would promise yourself that you would use this opportunity to break up with him even though you always ended up losing your resolve whenever he smiled at you so cutely? was it because he was the man your father had warned you against? was it because of the fact he somehow knew everything about you but you knew so little of him? you felt one of mingyu’s hands slowly trace your back, rising higher and higher until it was cupping your cheek. he then tilted your head ever so slightly, giving him a better access to your mouth and you sighed contentedly. “i love you, princess.” he groaned as kissed the corner of your lips, before moving them southwards towards your jaws. “i-” your eyes fluttered close as he pressed a kiss under your ear, teeth grazing the soft skin as he soothed down the area with his tongue. “i-” you began again, but this time for some reason you couldn’t continue your statement. i love you. i love you! how hard was it to tell that? you loved him; you loved kim mingyu so why couldn’t you tell him that? why could you feel bile rising up your throat, ripping you off your voice to say those simple words? by now mingyu had caught on with your hesitation and he withdrew a little, looking at you concerningly. immediately you felt bad but he just shook his head, saying, “i don’t think you are well princess. should we catch up another time?” you wanted to scream no! but all you could do was look down at your feet, unable to meet his eyes. you felt him brush past you as he walked out of the room. “we’ll meet again, princess.” he said, before disappearing into the shadows of your hallways. but you let out a sigh, knowing that the again, was going to be much, much later.
[♡] minghao as willow. “slow down! slow down!” you yelled, but minghao just laughed, still pulling you as the two of you ran through the tiny cobblestone road. the garden beside you was a blur, partly because your lover wasn’t letting you stop and admire anything, not even your favourite english roses on the arches above you and because you were laughing too much because of the sudden enthusiasm he was showing. “where are we going, hao?” you asked once again but he just looked at you and smiled sweetly, nearly causing you to stumble as your heart stuttered a little. “just follow me, my love. okay?” he said, and you found yourself nodding, as though in a trance. a small part of you was worried that you would get lost; the garden was so huge and it had been only a week since you and minghao had discovered it. still, you trusted him that he knew his way because he seemed to be moving deeper into the garden confidently. lost in your thoughts, you didn’t see that minghao had stopped until you crashed into him, him immediately caging you in his embrace so that you didn’t fall. you felt your cheeks flush as you looked up at him slightly embarrassed. “sorry.” you muttered but he just smiled fondly at you, gently brushing his nose against yours. “it’s okay, i should have warned you when i was pulling you so hard.” you smiled back at him, and he buried his face into the crook of your neck. “i wanted to show you something.” he muttered and you hummed, asking him to go on. “yesterday i was trying to search for some nice flowers for you and i stumbled upon this place.” he said, finally letting you go from his grasp and you turned towards the direction he was looking at. a small gasp escaped your lips as your eyes met the scenic beauty in front of you. there was a huge lake, its crystal blue waters reflecting the beautiful willow trees growing on its edges. it almost looked like waterfalls were cascading from every side but instead of water, green leaves were falling into it. you felt minghao’s hand brush against your back and you let out a breath you didn’t know you had been holding in, causing minghao to chuckle. “this place,” you began, spinning to look at him, “is so pretty!” there was nothing more you loved in this world other than being able to enjoy such a beautiful place minghao, and this place felt like heaven right now. a gentle breeze blew against the two of you and you could feel the tranquillity of the moment settle in you as you leaned in to rest your head on minghao’s shoulder. “but,” minghao said, kissing the top of your head, “this place isn’t as pretty as you.”
[♡] seungkwan as back to december. you stared at him through the huge cafe window, wondering for the millionth time if this was the right thing to do. seungkwan seemed unaware of your presence as he scrolled through his phone, even though the window was just a little away from his table. suddenly his previously bored face lit up in a smile as a notification came up, him eagerly typing back something. you felt your heart clench painfully as you remembered the old memories, regret rising up your throat once again. maybe he found someone else better? maybe asking to meet up with him was a bad idea? taking in a deep breath to calm yourself down and ignore the intrusive thoughts, you pushed the door of the cafe and walked in until you reached his table. seungkwan looked up almost immediately, his smile dipping before it grew a little more, indicating that it was forced. “hi.” you said, sitting down on the chair opposite to him. “how are you? how are your sisters? how is your work? how-” all of a sudden he reached forward and grabbed your hand, catching you completely off guard and making you forget the entire greeting you had prepared and rehearsed for him. “y/n.” he said, this time with a softer and more genuine smile. “calm down, okay? take a deep breath in.” you found yourself automatically doing what he had just told, breathing in deeply as he slowly let go your hand. his eyes dropped down to your other hand and with a jolt you remembered the bouquet in your hand. “oh, this is for you!” you said, carefully handing him the flowers you had just bought. seungkwan’s face was unreadable as he took them from your hand, carefully studying them. “i bought lilies.” you said a bit nervously, not sure how he would receive it. “because-” “because it's our favourite flower.” he completed, looking up to meet your eyes. even though he tried to keep a blank and composed face, you could see the sadness and pain hiding in them; emotions that he shouldn’t have to deal with but here he was, heart completely shattered because of you. he cleared his throat and put aside the bouquet, saying, “so, you wanted to meet me?” your heart sank a little at how unfazed his statement had sounded. but it wasn’t his fault, was it? after all, you were the one who wanted to break up. you were the one who said you couldn't do this anymore and this relationship felt like a burden. you were the one who left him all alone, throwing away those lilies he had just bought for you. “seungkwan i- i- still love you.” you said, your voice a broken whisper. you saw him open his mouth but you raised a hand to continue, before looking down at your lap as the first tear fell. “i- i was a fool. i felt like i wasn’t free anymore. and i felt that those thoughts were like a burden to you. but when i left you, i released- i realised that not once had you complained about me being a burden and that i- and that i still- i still loved you. i missed you every single day and i still miss you and i’m just so so sorry for everything. for breaking your heart, for pushing you away when all you did was love me-” you felt a hand cover your mouth and you looked up, only to find seungkwan’s face inches away from yours. his eyes were watery and he slowly removed his hand from your mouth, before taking your hand in his. “don’t-” he began shakily. “don’t. okay? you were never a burden to me. and you never will be. and i- and i too still love you. never could forget about you, ever.” you exhaled slowly at his words, feeling a huge weight lift off your chest. “then- then can we start again? even just as friends?” you asked and he smiled at you softly. “you didn’t need to ask again, love.”
[♡] vernon cruel summer. you let out another scream of joy as the wind whipped through your hair, arms outstretched as you tried to feel the summer breeze on your fingertips. vernon glanced at you quietly, a smile on his face as he turned his eye back on the road, even though it was surprisingly empty. the two of you had decided to spend the last week of summer at your ‘secret getaway beach’, and while vernon knew the beach wasn’t any secret place, he was even more shocked to see the empty seaside as he parked the car near it, devoid of any tourists. “hey babe?” he asked, as you practically jumped out of the car. “don’t tell me you rented out the entire beach or something like that.” you turned to him and batted your eyelashes, saying, “who? me? of course not, i would never do something like that for you.” vernon let out a laugh at this, shaking his head as he tried to make a serious face at you. “no, seriously. did you?” by now the two of you were standing together behind the trunk of the car as he opened it, and you rolled your eyes at him as you picked up one of the small suitcases. “of course not, nonie. i’m so broke i had to ask you for a ride here. how can i afford to rent a beach? is that even possible?” he shrugged, picking up the other one and closing the door shut. then, he took your outstretched hand and walked with you towards the edge of the lapping waters. “i don’t know.” he muttered, staring at the setting sun in the horizon, which had painted the waters orangish pink. “that definitely sounds like something you would do.” you laughed at his statement, before dropping the luggage in your hand and turning to give him another mischievous smile. vernon had a millisecond to realise what you were up to but before he could react, he found himself being pulled into the sea, a wave crashing into his body as salt water flooded him in every direction. he could still hear your shrieks and laughter, you grip on his hand tightening so that you didn’t lose him and he felt his heart squeeze at your actions. “hey!” he said as he came up to the surface, sputtering as he laughed. “you could have killed me!” you gave him a playful shove, giggling at his statement. since when did you look this pretty under the orange lights of the sun? “yeah sure. i was holding you very, very tightly. i wouldn’t let my god tier boyfriend be swept away just like that.” you said with a wink, causing him to roll his eyes. “the sea’s stronger than you.” he said, as a matter of fact and this time, you rolled your eyes. he gently laughed, before pulling your body towards him to wrap you in a hug. “only you would be crazy enough to think that you are stronger than the sea.” he felt you laugh as he gently rested his chin on your head, enjoying the moment before him.
[♡] chan as all of the girls you’ve loved before. your hands brushed over his head, gently rubbing the soft strands of his hair in your fingers. chan looked up at you with a smile. eyes shining almost as brightly as the stars overhead. “what’s it, love?” he asked, lifting his hand to take yours which was resting on your windowsill. when chan had rapped on your window and asked if you wanted to go stargazing with him, you thought he had meant that the two of you would sneak out and then make it back in before your parents could notice. you didn’t realise he meant stargazing from your window, with him sitting in the roof below your window while you sat against the window sill. in that way, according to your loving boyfriend, if your parents came in he would just run for it and you could make an excuse of feeling hot or in case you didn’t like stargazing, you could always go back to sleep (you didn’t tell him that even if you didn’t like it, you would lie about it just to spend time with him). “nothing.” you hummed contentedly, causing his grin to widen, showing all his perfect teeth. your heart skipped a beat at just how beautiful and ethereal he looked under the moonlight, beaming at you like you were actually one of the stars. “just wondering how i am so lucky to have you as my boyfriend, considering your reputation as a…bad boy.” at this chan let out a laugh, pulling your heartstrings at the sound of it. you always loved his laughter, it being the first thing that made you fall for him and this time was no different; you could feel yourself falling for him for the millionth time. “is that my reputation in college?” he asked, eyes crinkling as he smiled back at you adoringly. you shrugged, before saying, “i don’t know. that’s what all the girls had warned me when they came to know i was dating you. and yes, i had heard those lingering rumours at the beginning. that lee chan was a total heartbreaker and had a huge list of girlfriends back in high school.” he laughed again, before gently pressing a kiss on the back of your hand. “oh well, i did have lots of girlfriends before but that was because i thought i liked them. but don’t worry, we always parted after a few dates so there's no way i could have broken their hearts.” you smiled at him softly in assurance, even though you knew the chan you were dating would never use someone's feelings. “well, at least you learnt a lot from those failed dates.” this time he let out a gasp, as though he was hurt by your statement. “are- are you saying that you wouldn’t have dated me back then? i would have loved you like this even back then!” you tapped your chin, pretending to think. “hmmm, depends. were you this cute back then?” “y/n! that’s so pretentious of you!” you laughed, leaning down to press a kiss on his temple. “i was just kidding, chan. i would love you at any point of time.”
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A/N || this was the most most self indulgent thing ive ever written and yes i know some scenes are similar but i just went with the vibes the songs give me. this is also my longest headcanon (ik, it went completely out of hand) but i hope you guys enjoy it!
TAGLIST || @hanicore​ @alyssng​ @amethyistheart​ @hyneyedfiz​ @weebotakuboy​ @angelfeverdream​ @romeosbreastmilk​ @y00nzin0​ @candidupped​ @ashkuuuu​ [if you want to be added to my taglist, fill in this form!]
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weevil-wallflower · 16 days
A Jedi & A Droid
Cal Kestis x Jedi!Reader
Summary: Your life was never the same after You stumbled upon another Jedi and a droid.
Warnings/Tags: No warnings, SFW, hurt/comfort, minor angst, fluff, mutual pining, no use of Y/N, no pronouns used, pre/during Jedi: Survivor, minor spoilers for Jedi: Survivor.
A.N.: My third entry for Cal Kestis Week 2024! Prompts: Day 3 - Droid & Day 4 - "We shouldn't be doing this".
I am so late but responsibilities called! Also, this story, initially meant to be simple, got wayyy out of hand and turned into a combination of little snippets. So a bit of a wordy one but I am so happy to finally write this, as the idea had been sitting in my drafts for so long plus I really enjoyed writing it! I think this is one of my best stories yet :3 Gif by me!
Also on AO3!
Word Count: ~6,800
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After the crew of the Mantis had split apart, Cal found himself adrift in the galaxy with only BD-1 by his side, spending years drifting between missions and without a crew—a family. While working for Saw Gerrera, he had formed strong friendships with fellow rebels; Gabs, the Klatooinian twins Koob and Lizz, and Bravo. However, it never felt quite the same. He longed for the camaraderie and companionship he had once known, yearning for a friend, a family and perhaps even a partner, to share in their journey’s hardships and victories.
Then, one fateful day, while Cal and BD-1 were navigating through a crowded spaceport, they came across You—running desperately from a squad of unrelenting stormtroopers. Cal's sharp senses detected the hurry in your movements and the terror in your expression as You ran through the packed streets, desperately trying to evade capture.
Without hesitation, Cal leapt into action, his instincts kicking into overdrive as he made his way through the chaotic crowds, dodging blaster fire and weaving through narrow alleyways in pursuit of You. Out of breath, he finally caught up to You, halting You in your tracks and reached out a hand to offer his help.
“Come with us!” The redhead urged, his voice firm yet reassuring as he glanced back at the approaching stormtroopers. “We have a ship. We can help you escape.”
Despite the opportunity presented before You, You hesitated, your eyes wide with fear and uncertainty as You weight your options.
“I’m not getting in a stranger’s ship!” You protested, your voice trembling with apprehension.
Cal’s gaze softened, understanding the gravity of your situation as he met your gaze with unwavering determination.
“You have a better idea?” He asked, his tone gentle yet firm as he kept his hand extended towards You.
You still appeared hesitant but the thunderous footsteps of the approaching stormtroopers and the urgent “Beep-bo-beep!” from the droid perched on the redhead’s back sealed the deal, making You choose the lesser of two evils. With a slight nod, You reached out to take the redhead’s hand, feeling a sense of trust and reassurance wash over You like a wave. Was it the Force trying to tell You something? You had no time to dwell on it, however, as Cal led You to his ship.
As the three of you boarded the Mantis, Cal’s eyes widened with excitement when they fell on the lightsaber strapped to your side, realisation dawning on him.
“You’re a Jedi!” He exclaimed, surprise apparent in his voice. “That’s why those Imps were after you.”
The knowledge brought him some hope, knowing that he had finally found another Jedi besides Cere, after all these years.
You simply nodded and hesitantly took the offered co-pilot seat as the ship soared through the vast outer space. You were unable to shake the feeling of apprehension that gripped You. The knowledge that Cal now knew You were a Jedi filled You with a sense of unease, knowing all too well the dangers that come with being hunted throughout the Galaxy. The thought of bounty hunters and Imperial forces closing in on You sent a shiver down your spine, and You couldn’t help but wonder if trusting Cal was a mistake.
However, as You stole a glance at him while he piloted the ship, You noticed something that caught You off guard—a lightsaber attached to his belt, just like yours. Your eyes widened in surprise as You turned to face him, your voice barely above a whisper.
“Are you… are you also a Jedi?” You asked, your voice full of uncertainty.
Cal’s face lit up with a smile, his green eyes sparkling with excitement and happiness.
“Yes, I am!” He exclaimed, voice full of joy. “I can’t believe I’ve finally found another Jedi!”
“Me too…” You whispered as the revelation sent a wave of relief washing over You. And sure enough, You felt his Force signature resonate around You, feeling his resilience, determination and a strong connection to the Light Side of the Force. However, while the signature carried traces of sorrow and grief, You were surprised by how warm and comforting it felt, enveloping You like a protective blanket. You were unable to remember the last time You felt someone’s Force signature—much less one as soothing. The feeling replaced your earlier apprehension with a sense of solidarity and companionship, relieved to know that You were not alone.
However, it still took time for You to feel comfortable around Cal, despite his warm demeanor and infectious enthusiasm. But slowly over time, You found yourself gradually opening up to the redhead, sharing stories of your past and your hopes for the future. Yet, a lingering sense of caution remained, a barrier that felt insurmountable at times.
But BD-1, Cal’s loyal droid friend, proved to be a source of comfort and solace during those moments of uncertainty. Seeing how happy Cal was once more, all because of your presence on board, BD-1 went out of his way to make You feel welcome with his cheerful chirps and friendly demeanour, offering You small gifts and gestures of kindness that never failed to bring a smile to your face.
And as You watched the little droid trot around the ship, trilling with excitement, You couldn’t help but feel a sense of gratitude towards him. His efforts to make You feel comfortable and at ease did not go unnoticed, and You found yourself growing fond of BD-1 in return.
Cal, too, noticed the bond that was forming between the both of you, and he couldn’t help but smile at the sight of his droid friend bringing joy and laughter into your life like he did for him. Seeing You happy lifted Cal’s spirits in ways he couldn’t fully explain, and he found himself opening up to You even more, sharing his hopes and fears with a newfound sense of trust and vulnerability.
Overall, BD-1’s efforts to make You feel comfortable and welcome were essential in helping You overcome your initial apprehension and form strong bonds of friendship with Cal and the droid. There were numerous instances which contributed to strengthening your bond with both of them.
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One day, Cal and BD-1 ventured out on a mission while You agreed to stay behind on the Mantis to look after it and to provide backup support if needed. But when the duo failed to return when they should have, a sense of worry began to settle deep in your mind. Especially when You were unable to contact them via the comms. Time appeared to stretch on endlessly as You waited for their return, each minute that passed only made your concern grow. Feeling restless, You paced the length of the ship, your footsteps echoing in the empty corridors as You anxiously awaited their safe return.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, just when You contemplated going out to search for them, You heard footsteps and beeping sounds. You quickly rushed down the ramp to be greeted by the sight of Cal, looking a little worse for wear but otherwise unharmed. Your worries melted away in an instant as You ran over to greet him.
“Cal, you’re back!” You exclaimed, relief evident in your voice.
The redhead grinned wearily, his expression softened by your sight. “Hey…” He greeted, his voice tinged with exhaustion. “Sorry for the delay. We ran into a bit of trouble out there.”
Before You could respond, BD-1 chirped excitedly, leaping down from Cal's back and presented You with a tiny gift he ejected from his stim dispenser. With a delighted giggle, You accepted the gift, a simple trinket made from scavenged materials—a token of BD-1's affection and friendship.
As You thanked the little droid for the thoughtful gesture, Cal couldn't help but chuckle at the scene unfolding before him.
"Well, it looks like BeeDee gets all the attention," he quipped, his tone light-hearted as he approached you. "No warm welcome for a valiant hero like me, huh?"
You grinned at his playful remark, thankful that despite the dangers they faced on their mission, Cal and BD-1 had returned safely, and that was all that mattered in the end.
As you all walked back inside the Mantis together, Cal's arm draped casually over your shoulder, You couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging wash over You. And when BD-1 chirped happily beside You, You knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you would face them together as a team.
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Another day, You remember sitting alone in the quiet solitude of your quarters at the back of the Mantis. With the weight of loneliness and longing pressing heavy on your heart, You couldn't help but feel the ache of missing your long-gone family and friends. Memories of happier times filled your mind, each recollection a bittersweet reminder of the bonds You had lost to the war of the Galaxy.
Meanwhile, out in the common area of the ship, Cal paced back and forth with furrowed brows, his concern for You evident in the worried lines etched upon his face. He had sensed your melancholy from the moment You had withdrawn to your quarters, and despite his best efforts to coax You out of your seclusion, You had insisted that You were fine, not wanting to burden him with your troubles.
But BD-1, after sensing your distress, took it upon himself to cheer You up. With a soft chirp, the little droid scuttled into your quarters, carrying an assortment of gifts and trinkets.
You looked up when BD-1 dropped the presents at your feet, startled by the unexpected intrusion. But when You gazed into the droid’s photoreceptor lenses, You noticed something—empathy, compassion and a silent invitation to share in his company.
With a small smile, you reached out to accept the gifts that BD-1 had brought for You, each one a small token of friendship and comfort in the midst of your loneliness. A handcrafted charm bracelet, a bundle of aromatic herbs, and a holorecording of soothing music—all thoughtfully chosen to lift your spirits and ease the ache in your heart.
As You held the gifts close to your heart, a wave of gratitude washed over You, grateful for the droid’s unwavering support and companionship.
When Cal noticed BD-1 entering your quarters, he longed to join in as well, wanting to do everything he could to make You feel better and suddenly, an idea came to him. Quickly, he brewed a cup of your favorite caf, its rich aroma filling the air. With each measured step, he poured his heart into the simple act of preparing the beverage, hoping that it will bring You some solace in the midst of your turmoil.
As the redhead slowly walked into your quarters with the steaming cup in hand, he felt a sense of relief wash over him at the sight of the little droid’s offerings laid out before You on your bed. He was grateful for BD-1’s presence, knowing that the little droid was looking after You in his own unique way, offering You comfort when You needed it the most.
When You saw Cal enter your quarters with hesitant steps, You couldn’t help but feel a surge of warmth in your chest at the sight of him. The small, sympathetic smile he wore tugged at your heartstrings, and as You watched him walk closer, your lips curved into a small smile of your own.
Slowly, Cal extended the cup towards You, his gesture a silent offering of support and understanding. And as You accepted the cup of caf, You felt a sense of gratitude, knowing that with Cal and BD-1 present, You were never truly alone, even in your moments of solitude. Their presence and unwavering support filled the room with a comforting sense of companionship that eased the ache in your heart.
When Cal moved to leave You to your thoughts, as You had requested earlier, a sudden impulse seized You. “ Cal, wait!” You called out, surprising yourself with the words.
Turning back to face You, the redhead’s expression was one of curiosity, his eyes searching yours.
“Would you… would you mind staying here for a while?” You asked, your voice soft with uncertainty. “I could use the company…”
A flicker of emotion passed through Cal’s eyes; a mixture of surprise, gratitude and something deeper You couldn’t quite recognise. With a small nod, he settled into the seat opposite You, his presence along with BD-1’s providing reassurance amidst your troubled thoughts.
And as you all sat together in the comfort of your quarters, the warmth of the caf and the gentle hum of conversation filled the air, slowly dissipating the tension from earlier. With each passing moment, You found yourself drawn deeper into the warmth of Cal’s presence, the sound of his deep voice soothing your worries.
As You listened to him speak, your gaze wandered, taking in the details of his appearance with a newfound appreciation. His fiery red hair, the brightest You had ever seen, seemed to glow in the soft light of the room.
His green eyes, so vibrant and full of life, sparkled with intelligence and kindness, drawing You in with their magnetic charm. And as You met his gaze, You found yourself captivated by the depth and warmth that lay within them, a reflection of the soul that resided behind those beautiful emerald orbs.
His freckles, scattered like constellations across his sun-kissed skin, added to his charm, giving him an air of boyish innocence that belied the immense strength and resilience he possessed. And though his face carried the marks of battles fought and hardships endured, each scar only served to enhance his rugged allure, a testament to the trials and tribulations he had overcome over the years.
While You took in the sight of him, bathed in the soft glow of the room, You couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and admiration wash over You. In that moment, surrounded by the comforting embrace of his presence, You knew that You were in the presence of someone truly special—a friend, a confidant, and perhaps something more.
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As time went on and the bond between You and the duo deepened, You developed a deep, almost parental affection for the little droid, despite not understanding what he said half the time. Often, in moments of excitement or tenderness, You found yourself affectionately calling BD-1 "Beebee" or "BB-1," much to Cal’s amusement.
During one particularly heartwarming moment by the campfire during a stop on Bogano, as Cal's hand brushed against yours and the stars twinkled overhead, You couldn't resist reaching out to BD-1 with a soft smile.
"Come here, Beebee," You cooed, beckoning the droid closer.
BD-1 chirped happily, nuzzling against your side with a warmth that made your heart swell.
Cal chuckled at the endearing nickname, his eyes crinkling with affection as he observed the exchange.
"You're my little bebe!" You exclaimed, unable to contain your adoration for the droid, causing Cal's laughter to fill the air, a melodic sound that echoed through the night.
"You're going to spoil him with all that love," he teased, his playful tone only adding to the warmth of the moment.
You grinned, feeling a sense of contentment wash over You. "Well, he deserves it," You replied, reaching out to pat BD-1's head affectionately.
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Another one of your adventures led you all to an enchanting night market, where the dim glow of colourful lanterns illuminated the bustling streets. Cloaked in hooded robes that disguised your identities, You and Cal strolled through the bustling streets and crowds of people. The outer rim planet that you all had landed on was far from the watchful eyes of the Empire, but the threat of being hunted down as Jedi still lingered, necessitating caution in your movements.
As you both moved through the sea of sellers and stalls, You couldn't help but steal glances at Cal, admiring how handsome and mysterious he looked in his black cloak.
Cal too stole glances at You from beneath his hood, unable to contain his admiration. The way your eyes sparkled with curiosity as You took in the sights and sounds around You, the delicate curve of your smile as You marveled at the many stalls— it all filled him with a warmth that he couldn't quite explain.
His thoughts drifted to uncharted territory as he found himself yearning for more than just companionship with You. The urge to reach out and hold You close, to feel the warmth of your embrace and the softness of your touch, tugged at his heartstrings with an intensity he hadn't anticipated.
But the redhead knew better than to act on such impulses, especially in the midst of such a perilous situation. The threat of danger loomed overhead, reminding him of the risks involved in allowing his emotions to take control. And yet, despite the rational voice of caution in his mind, he couldn't shake the longing that stirred within him whenever he looked at You.
And as You turned to face him with a curious expression, he felt a rush of warmth fill his chest, the desire to protect and cherish You overwhelming any doubts or fears that lingered within him. In that moment, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the night market, Cal knew one thing for certain; he would do anything to keep You safe.
The redhead’s thoughts were interrupted when You suddenly rushed inside a bookstore with shelves full of interesting titles. Among them, a book on how to learn Binary stuck out, with a cover full of symbols and characters that attracted your interest.
"Hey, Cal, check this out!" You exclaimed, excitedly holding up the book after he caught up to You. "I've always wanted to learn Binary, especially now so I can understand Beebee better. What do you think?"
Cal glanced at the book, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I think that's a great idea," he replied, his voice warm with encouragement. "Learning Binary could definitely help you and Beedee communicate more effectively."
Turning to BD-1, who was perched on Cal's shoulder, You addressed the droid with a playful grin. "What do you think, Beebee? You think I can learn Binary? Then you and I can gossip like schoolgirls, won't that be fun?"
Cal chuckled at your remark, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I definitely think Beedee will have some juicy gossip to tell you," he quipped, eliciting a series of excited beeps from the droid. "But yeah, learning Binary sounds like a fantastic idea. Just promise me one thing: as long as you both don't gossip about me, I'm all for it."
You giggled in response before purchasing the book and tucking it safely into your robes. For some reason, You hadn’t thought to ask Cal for lessons, thinking You could learn on your own and not wanting to trouble him as he already had too much on his plate. But now, with the book in hand, You were eager to begin learning.
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After weeks turned to months aboard the Mantis, You received communication from a distant friend from within the rebellion You worked for, presenting You with a difficult choice. The holographic image flickered to life from within your now fixed comms unit, revealing the face of a trusted ally, their voice filled with urgency and determination as they extended an invitation for You to return to the rebellion.
For a moment, You felt torn, the call to duty and the desire to make a difference in the Galaxy making You feel conflicted. The rebellion was your way of fighting for freedom and justice alongside allies who shared your ideals and convictions.
But as You glanced around the familiar surroundings of the Mantis, the faces of Cal and BD-1 staring back at You with concern and uncertainty, You realised that this ship had become more than just a travelling vessel—it was your sanctuary, your home.
Cal, ever perceptive to the turmoil raging within You, approached with a gentle hand resting on your shoulder, his eyes filled with understanding and empathy. “Whatever you decide, know that we’re here for you,” he said, his voice soft and reassuring. “You’re a part of this crew, a part of this family, and we’ll support you no matter what.”
With a heavy heart, You weighed your options, torn between the duty to your cause and the love for your newfound family.
In the end, You made your decision, lead on by your stubborn sense of duty to the cause. The call to serve the rebellion beckoned with an undeniable urgency. In a way, You and Cal were very similar, feeling like you both needed to keep fighting, unable to shake the sense of duty that weight heavily on both of you.
Cal accepted your decision with great reluctance, having half a mind to join You but he had his own duty to fulfill for Saw Gerrera’s rebellion.
When the moment of your departure drew closer, Cal and BD-1 stood beside You as You gathered your meagre belongings, their expressions a mirror of your own conflicted emotions, as You prepared to leave. The duo knew that your absence would leave a void aboard the Mantis that would be difficult to fill.
Cal, ever stoic and composed, held his emotions in check, offering You a reassuring smile as he bid You farewell. His words of encouragement and support echoed in your ears, reminding You that You were not alone in your decision, no matter how difficult it may be.
BD-1 on the other hand, unable to contain his emotions, wailed and cried, clinging to your legs desperately as You attempted to walk down the ramp of the Mantis and onto the planet. The little droid’s cries of distress tore at your heartstrings, filling You with a sense of guilt and anguish as You struggled to pull away.
“Beebee, it’s okay,” You whispered, calling him with that endearing nickname, your voice thick with emotions as You tried to soothe the distraught droid. “I’ll come back, I promise. We’ll see eachother again soon.”
But BD-1’s cries only grew louder, his little legs clinging to You in a desperate embrace, refusing to let go. Tears welled in your eyes as You looked into the droid’s photoreceptors, seeing the depth of his sorrow reflected back at You.
As he watched BD-1 cling to You with such desperation, witnessing the droid’s anguish and your distress, Cal felt a pang of sorrow and longing grip his heart as well. He slowly approached you both, gently reaching out to the droid. “’We shouldn’t be doing this’,” he murmured softly, his voice laced with sorrow as he pried BD-1 away from You. “We must respect others’ decisions…”
The redhead wanted nothing more than to embrace You, to hold You close and offer You comfort in this difficult moment. But he knew that if he allowed himself to give in to that temptation, he would break down completely. With a heavy heart, Cal settled for a handshake instead, his touch gentle yet firm as he bid You farewell. He knew that letting You go was the right thing to do, even if it tore him apart inside.
With a heavy heart, your touch lingered on Cal’s hand before You gave BD-1 one last reassuring pat before finally stepping away and descending down the ramp. And as You walked away, the echoes of BD-1's cries followed You, a haunting reminder of the sacrifice You had made in the name of duty.
As your silhouette faded into the horizon, Cal couldn’t shake the weight of grief that settled in his chest. Watching you leave, he couldn't help but reflect on the bond that had formed between You, him and BD-1, realizing how much he and the little droid had come to cherish You.
In the short time You had been aboard the Mantis, You had become like family to them. And now, just as they had grown accustomed to your presence, You were leaving them, all too soon, like so many others before You.
The thought of saying goodbye was nearly unbearable, a painful reminder of the transience of life and the fleeting nature of companionship in a Galaxy ripped apart by conflict and suffering. But even as the pain of loss threatened to overwhelm him, Cal knew that he couldn't hold You back, knowing all too well that your duty to the rebellion was a call You could not ignore.
As Cal returned inside the Mantis, a heaviness settled upon him, weighing down his spirit with the burden of your departure. Unable to muster the resolve to fly the ship just yet, he found himself sinking into melancholy, the empty space around him echoing with the absence of your presence.
Sitting in the cockpit, Cal held BD-1 close to him, the little droid providing what comfort it could with its mechanical chirps and beeps. But even as he clung to BD-1, a sense of loneliness overcame him, a stark reminder of the void left behind by your absence.
"BeeDee," Cal murmured softly, his voice tinged with sadness. "We... We both really did come to love our new friend, didn't we?"
"Boo-woo..." BD-1 beeped in response, his photoreceptors dimming with sorrow as he nestled closer to the redhead. In that moment, as they sat together in the silent cockpit, Cal sought solace in the presence of his loyal droid.
BD-1 then emitted a flurry of hurried beeps, crying out to Cal with urgency, telling—demanding him to bring You back right this instant. Cal felt a pang of sadness grip his heart as the desperation in BD-1's cries mirrored his own inner turmoil, reminding him of the depth of the bond that had formed between him and You.
"We shouldn't be doing something like this..." Cal repeated solemnly, shaking his head as he recalled his earlier words when BD had clung to You. "We can't force someone like that..."
His voice was heavy with resignation, a reflection of the harsh reality they faced. Despite their wishes and desires, they couldn't force You to stay, no matter how much they wanted to. The decision was yours alone to make, and they had to respect that, no matter how difficult it may be.
BD-1 emitted a series of mournful beeps in response, his sorrow palpable as he nestled closer to Cal, seeking solace in his presence. Together, they sat in the quiet confines of the cockpit, grappling with the emptiness left behind by your departure, silently hoping that You will return to them one day.
Meanwhile, as the evening turned into night, You found yourself immersed in the routine of life within the rebellion's base once more, but the memory of leaving your newfound family behind weighed heavily on your mind. Amidst the chatter and activity of your fellow rebels, a sense of longing gnawed at your heart, aching for the companionship and camaraderie You had experienced aboard the Mantis.
In the quiet solitude of your old quarters, You unpacked your belongings, the Binary language book You had purchased a few weeks earlier catching your eye. The sight of it brought back precious memories, reminding You of the laughter, the warmth, and the sense of belonging You had felt with Cal and BD-1. In that moment, You realised with a pang of regret how big of a mistake You had made in leaving them behind.
With resolution burning within You, You made a spur-of-the-moment decision to return to the Mantis, hoping against hope that it wasn't too late. Racing through the dimly lit corridors of the rebellion's base, your heart pounded with anticipation as You hurried towards the landing pad where the ship was stationed.
As You approached, the silhouette of the Mantis came into view, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight. Relief washed over You as You realised despite the few hours that had passed since You had left, the ship was still there, almost as if waiting patiently for your return.
You ran up the ramp and inside the ship, your breath coming in ragged gasps as your gaze fell on the solemn figures of Cal and BD-1. For a brief moment, confusion flickered across their faces, but it quickly gave way to surprise and joy as they realised that You had returned.
BD-1 was the first to react, emitting a series of excited beeps as he rushed towards You. Tears welled up in your eyes as You knelt down to greet the little droid, wrapping your arms around his small frame in a tight embrace.
"I'm so sorry," You whispered tearfully. "I didn't mean to leave you. I didn't realise how much you both meant to me until I was gone."
BD-1 chirped softly in response, his photoreceptors gleaming with happiness as he nuzzled against You. Meanwhile, Cal approached slowly, his expression a mixture of relief and concern as he watched the emotional reunion unfold before him.
"Welcome back," he said softly, his voice tinged with emotion.
With BD-1 by your side as a reassuring presence, You rose from your embrace with the droid and turned to face Cal, the weight of your emotions spilling over as You threw your arms around him in a tight hug.
As You hugged Cal, your heart overflowing with emotion, he returned the embrace just as fervently, his strong arms enveloping You in a comforting hold.
"I'm so sorry, Cal," You whispered once more, your voice trembling. "I didn't mean to leave you both..."
Cal held You at arm's length, his gaze meeting yours with a mixture of relief and sincerity. "You mean a lot to us, you know," he said softly, his voice carrying the weight of his feelings. "We've come to rely on you, to count on you. And when you left..."
His voice trailed off, the unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. But before You could respond, BD-1 let out a series of joyful beeps, trotting over to nuzzle against You in his own display of affection.
The redhead grinned fondly at the droid before turning his attention back to You. "Beedee's right. You're not just a member of the crew," he continued, his words filled with warmth. "You're family. And we're just grateful to have you back where you belong."
Tears of gratitude flowed down your cheeks as You gazed at Cal, feeling the weight of his words sink in. In that moment, surrounded by the love and acceptance of your chosen family, You knew that You were exactly where You were meant to be.
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Your adventures continued, roaming the Galaxy with Cal and BD-1. Despite using your book to teach yourself Binary and spending more time with BD-1, your grasp of the language remained shaky at best, leading to frequent misunderstandings with your droid friend that often led to comical yet occasionally embarrassing moments.
During one very tense mission on a remote planet, BD-1 emitted a series of urgent beeps, which You interpreted as a call for action. Without hesitation, You activated the nearest control panel, thinking You were helping to disable a security system. But your actions did the opposite instead, triggering a blaring alarm and alerting nearby guards.
Cal chuckled softly at your mistake, but his amusement turned to concern when You misinterpreted BD-1's attempts at giving directions using the help of his holomap. Confused by the droid's beeps, You accidentally led the way into a dead-end corridor, much to Cal's bemusement.
"Oh, wrong turn…" You mumbled sheepishly, earning a sympathetic pat on the back from Cal.
As the mission progressed, so did your series of misunderstandings. At one point, BD-1 signaled for a left turn, but You mistook it for a right, resulting on a wild goose chase through a maze of corridors. Cal laughed good-naturedly as You backtracked, feeling slightly embarrassed but grateful— and very surprised—for his immense patience.
Later, during a small respite from missions, BD-1 chirped happily and nudged You, prompting You to offer the droid a sandwich You had just made.
Cal chuckled again, gently correcting your mistake. "He's asking for a power recharge, not a snack," he explained, suppressing a grin.
Blushing, You quickly helped BD-1 into the charging station, feeling a bit silly but grateful for the opportunity to learn.
As you three continued your journey, your misunderstandings with BD-1 became both more frequent and more amusing. One memorable incident during a mission on a remote outpost, BD-1 quickly warned You about a slippery surface ahead. However, You misinterpreted the droid's chirps as encouragement for a fun slide.
With a playful grin, You ran and launched yourself onto the surface, expecting a thrilling ride. Instead, your feet flew out from under You, and You landed with a loud thud that sent a cloud of dust into the air.
Cal rushed over, concern etched on his face, but as he helped You up and noticed You were fine except a few scrapes, his expression softened into a grin.
"You really need to work on your Binary," he teased, his eyes twinkling with mirth.
Blushing furiously, You burst out into laughter along with him, grateful for his good humor and unwavering support.
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One evening, as the three of you sat around a campfire beneath a blanket of stars, the flames casting flickering shadows across the campsite, You couldn't help but steal glances at Cal when he wasn't looking. His red hair, illuminated by the warm glow of the fire, appeared to shimmer like molten copper, framing his face in a halo of fiery strands.
His freckled cheeks, kissed by the suns of countless worlds, added a touch of youthful charm to his rugged features. And when he laughed, his eyes sparkled like twin galaxies, filled with a light that seemed to chase away the darkness.
But it wasn't just his appearance that captivated You—it was the effortless grace with which he moved, the strength and agility evident in every fluid motion. His muscular yet lithe physique reflected countless hours spent honing his skills, preparing for the challenges that lay ahead.
Lost in admiration, You found yourself drawn to him in ways You couldn't quite explain, feeling a sense of déjà vu during that moment as You admired him. And as You watched him tend to the fire, his movements sure and purposeful, You couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in your chest.
While the flames danced and crackled, Cal couldn't help but steal a glance at You as well when he thought You weren't looking. He felt a surge of gratitude and relief to have You there with him, especially after the rest of the Mantis crew had split, each going their separate ways.
In those quiet moments by the campfire, Cal's thoughts drifted to the challenges you had faced together so far—the battles fought and the bonds forged in the crucible of adversity. And through it all, You had stood by his side, a constant companion whose presence filled him with a sense of hope and purpose.
He also admired your determination to learn binary, your willingness to laugh at your own mistakes, and the genuine warmth and affection You showed towards BD-1. In your company, he found a sense of peace and belonging, something he hadn't felt since the fall of the Jedi Order.
Lost in his thoughts, the redhead couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for You, grateful for your unwavering support and companionship. And as he watched You, a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.
Cal's gaze remained on You longer than usual, a hint of something more lingering in his eyes. As the crackling of the fire filled the silence, he reached out to gently brush a stray strand of hair from your face, his touch sending a shiver down your spine.
"Are you alright?" he asked softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
Caught off guard by the intensity of his gaze, You nodded, unable to tear your eyes away from his.
"I... I think so," You stuttered, your heart racing in your chest.
In that moment, the world around You seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you in the soft glow of the campfire. Without another word, Cal leaned in closer, his lips brushing against yours in a tender, hesitant kiss.
Time seemed to stand still as You melted into his embrace, the warmth of his touch sending sparks of electricity dancing across your skin. In that moment, nothing else mattered but the two of you, lost in the embrace of the night.
As You pulled away, breathless and flushed, Cal's eyes sparkled in their intensity, his calloused hand reaching out to intertwine with yours.
"I've been wanting to do that for a long time," he admitted, his voice filled with a mixture of longing and relief.
With a smile, You squeezed his hand, feeling a sense of peace settle over You. "Me too," You whispered, knowing that in that moment, You had found something worth fighting for amidst the chaos of the Galaxy.
As You and Cal continued to lovingly gaze into each other's eyes, soft little footsteps filled the air, accompanied by the joyous chirps of BD-1. However, in your post-kiss daze, You misinterpreted the droid's enthusiastic speech, thinking he was teasing You for being all googly-eyed over Cal.
"Beebee, not now," You whispered nervously, blushing furiously as You tried to compose yourself.
Cal laughed, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he gently nudged You. "I think BeeDee is just happy for us," he teased, his tone laced with affectionate amusement.
You shot him a sheepish grin, realising You mistook the little droid once again. "I guess I still have a lot to learn," You admitted.
Cal's teasing grin softened into a warm smile as he squeezed your hand. "Well, lucky for you, I'm an excellent teacher," he replied, his teasing tone hinting at something more than just language lessons.
You couldn't help but blush at the underlying implication of his words, a flutter of excitement dancing in your chest. You leaned in to kiss him once more and as the tender moment between You and Cal lingered, bathed in the soft glow of the campfire, BD-1’s lenses suddenly whirred to life, capturing the scene in a flash of light. Startled, You pulled away from the kiss, blinking in surprise as You turned to see the droid standing nearby, his photoreceptors zooming in and out as they focused on You and Cal with mechanical precision.
“BeeBee, what are you doing?” You asked, a mixture of amusement and curiosity apparent in your voice.
Cal chuckled softly, his arm still wrapped around You as he glanced at the small droid with a playful grin. “I think BeeDee wanted to capture the moment,” he explained, his eyes alight with amusement.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the unexpected gesture, feeling a rush of warmth fill your chest at the thought of having a memento of this special moment.
“Well, I guess we’ll have to thank BeeBee for the souvenir,” You replied, leaning into Cal’s embrace with a contented sigh, giggling when You heard the little droid let out an excited “Whoop!” in response.
You, Cal and BD-1 settled back into the quiet comfort of the night, the image captured by BD’s lenses served as a reminder of the bond You shared with the other Jedi—a bond formed from friendship and love.
As silence once again fell upon the campsite, You found yourself lost in a moment of quiet reflection. The memory of how Cal and BD-1 had found You, helping You escape from the stormtroopers, flooded your mind with a wave of gratitude. If it hadn't been for them, You might not be here, nestled in Cal's arms, sharing laughter and companionship under the starry sky.
With a sweet smile, You turned to Cal, the flickering flames casting shadows across his features. "You know," You began softly, "I often find myself thinking about that day when a Jedi and a droid came into my life. If it weren't for you, I don't know where I'd be now. Thank you, Cal, for everything."
Cal's gaze met yours, his expression tender and sincere. "You don't have to thank me," he replied gently. "I'm just grateful that we found each other. You've become a part of our family, and I wouldn't have it any other way."
His words warmed your heart, filling You with a sense of belonging that You had never known before. With a grateful nod, You leaned even further into his embrace, savoring the comfort and reassurance of his presence. In that moment, surrounded by the silence of the night, the warmth of Cal's love and the joyous chatter of BD-1, You knew that You were exactly where You were meant to be.
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tiredsadpeach · 2 years
Fun fact about me I only ever smoked for the first time at work when I had a headache and asked for ibuprofen and got offered a delta 8 vape instead
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sorencd · 9 months
could you write something about reader being scared of wilson cheating on her but then he conforts her? cuz with the history of cheating that he has i would be scared lmao
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a/n : thank u sm for the req! i love me some good old comfort w wilson. i don't know how this turned into 1.4k i told myself i would keep it short lol. reader is a doctor btw! and charlotte is the name i gave ur friend :)
w.c. : 1.4k
"dude, are you okay?"
your friend's sudden voice that came out of nowhere brought you back from your mindless gazing, you didn't even notice that you were absent-mindedly staring off into space. a few patients got scared because they thought you were judging them with your stare, and after a few complaints, your friend finally approached you to ask if you were okay.
"you're definitely not okay."
"i'm- yeah! i'm totally fine. you were saying?"
she crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow, not believing a single word that came out of your lips. you knew your actions were giving away too much, but even if you tried hiding the fact that something was bothering you, she'd probe and pry more relentlessly.
"what's wrong? there's something wrong. are you okay?"
you sighed defeatedly, there's no more escaping her. figuring that there isn't much to do aside from telling her what's on your mind, you pulled your friend into an empty room and shut the door. resting your back against the surface and in a hushed whisper, ushered her to come closer.
"are you pregnant?"
"what- no! charlotte what on earth- say that again and i'm no longer telling you."
"ok ok! i'm shutting the fuck up. you may continue."
a brief pause encapsulated the unoccupied room before you opened your lips hesistantly. opening up to people was something you always found hard to do, whether they be a family member or a close friend, you could never easily voice out your thoughts. but you couldn't really hold this in any longer, you needed to tell someone.
"i've been feeling... an awful lot insecure lately. not the kind that involves my appearance! that's saved for tuesdays."
"then what kind?"
"it.. it's about wilson.."
"what did he do? do you need me to chop off his-"
"no no! none of that! it's just... i'm scared i'll just end up as another ex-this or ex-that or someone that house would mention to him and james would gag whenever he hears my name. i don't know maybe i'm just being over-dramatic."
"have you tried telling wilson about how you’re feeling?"
"i've tried starting the conversation.. but i'd always end up chickening out. so now i'm stuck with these self-deprecating thoughts and i don't like it one bit." you ended with a huff, hiding your face behind your hands and tiredly letting your shoulders slouch down. "it's hard talking to patients when every single one of them would ask me if 'everything's alright', i should be the one asking them that!"
"you know, you shouldn't be bottling your feelings. a relationship goes two ways, don't be scared to tell any of this to wilson! asking for reassurance is never a bad thing, and it doesn't make you needy or demanding or whatever, it's your right as his partner! i'm sure wilson would understand, he loves you very much, how could he not?"
"you're right.. i'll talk to him when he have lunch together."
"you won't chicken out?"
"i won't. i swear."
"you better. i'll be watching you."
you quickly opened the door to avoid staying in the room for too long, you didn't want someone to catch you too talking about personal matters. charlotte waved you off before returning back to her department, leaving you alone. you decided that for the remainder of your vacant and spare time you were going to rehearse what you plan on telling wilson, you didn't want to embarrass yourself and stutter the entire time. so you scurried away into your office, determined to go through with your plan.
if anyone were to press their ear against the door, they would have heard your incessant muttering and would've thought you were insane. you had your feet propped up on the table as you recited word for word how you were going to tell all of this to wilson, despite knowing that when the time comes, all of it would be useless and you'd go completely off script. but it gets your mind off of things so you carried on. a familiar knocking pattern resounded over your hushed whispering, it was wilson. he had this specific knocking style that you grew accustomed too. you felt a shiver run down and a dreaded feeling dripped in each step you took on your way to open the door for james, since you kept it locked, not wanting anyone to see you panicking in your office. you twisted the door knob slowly, and behind it was wilson. standing happily and his usual dorky smile making an appearance when he saw your face.
"hi. you ready to grab lunch?"
you turned your head to the side before answering, a habit that always showed whenever you were nervous and you never seemed to be able to get rid of it. to try and avoid him from gaining any suspicion that something's wrong and notice how tense and sweaty your palms were, you tried making small talk. 'i'm not myself at all.'
the entire short walk to the canteen you listened to wilson ramble about some case house had, and how they're having a hard time diagnosing the patient. and no matter how hard you tried focusing on wilson's voice the gnawing feeling won't stop buzzing and crawling at the back of your mind, you felt sick.
wilson, from the moment you opened the door to your office, knew something was up. you didn't have that bright favorite smile of his, nor did you have any snarky remarks to say while he was storytelling. you didn't contribute to the conversation at all, and it wasn't like you. it carried on even until you two came back from the canteen and retreated to his office. he wanted to ask you what's wrong, but he didn't want to pressure you into saying anything you aren’t ready to tell him. so instead he waited until you were the one to approach him. he was also half-nervous that if he ever asked, you'd just suddenly blurt out that you two should break up. and he'd rather not have that happen.
"james.. i'm..." now it was wilson's turn to be nervous. "you love me, right?"
you had this.. sad look on your face that wilson wasn't used to, he couldn’t describe it. you looked defeated, tired even. he began to replay the last few days, you were fine! you were your usual, loving, witty, happy self!
"yes, of course i do." he replied with all seriousness, dropping the files he picked up to reorganize them. "why do you ask?"
"it's nothing, really. and i don't know why i did."
he gently approached you, careful not to seem condescending when he gently took a hold of both your wrists.
"i'm pretty sure you going quiet is never a good idea and is 'nothing'. come on sweetheart, you can tell me anything."
when you looked up into his eyes and found nothing but sincerity, you cracked and gave in. you told him everything that was on your mind.
"i'm- i was.. i was scared, james. i was scared that you'd leave me for some... better girl or something i don't even know myself, and that i'd just end up as another one of your exes. i don't want that! i don't want any of this to end and i'm so so scared that it eventually would and i can't do anything about it and i couldn't tell you earlier because i was scare you'd get mad or somethi-"
the soft mention of your name stopped you from rambling on any further. and now you were in his embrace, his arms wrapped around you perfectly and tightly. when wilson pulled away, youhad tears threatening to fall from your eyelids.
"i'd never leave you for anyone else, (y/n). why would i when i already found the one? i already found you. you just- complete me. i can't put into words how much you make me feel content or- or happy, loved, it's like you were always here. i would have to be an idiot to let you go. besides, you know too much about me. you're stuck with me forever."
he still managed to make you laugh despite the tears running down your cheeks. you probably looked insane, laughing and crying at the same time.
"you're- i love you, james."
"i love you too, (y/n). don't ever be afraid to talk about anything, okay?"
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© sorencd . 2023 ─ do not copy, repost, translate or claim any of my works as your own.
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moocheesee · 2 months
Hiiii mochiiii LMAOOO (totally didn't talk to you just now ANYWAYS)
Tokyo revengers Mizo Middle Five, Mochizuki, shion madarame, and obv kazutora, (if you want add more) with a clingy, childhood best friend reader to lovers, or they can already be lovers.
There literally isn't enough mizo middle five content out there 😭
Hope you have fun with this hehehe!
this is such a cute idea omg😭💞
𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗯𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱
I apologize that i couldn't include all of the Mizo Middle Five bc damn they're tough to write-
𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘯𝘦𝘶𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘭!! 𝘍𝘓𝘜𝘍𝘍 𝘈𝘏𝘌𝘈𝘋!!
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𝙈𝙤𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙯𝙪𝙠𝙞 𝙆𝙖𝙣𝙟𝙞
• this ones my favorite omg
• your Families are friends that's how you met!
• Playdates w Mochi were always the best but he would tease you for not being able to catch up w him
• you're one of the few people not afraid of this big guy even if he's angry
• and he appreciates it so so much
• he's the best friend you need and actually listens very well (sucks at giving advice though)
• y'alls favorite type of dates is going to eat
• his dream partner would be someone who eats as much as him but he's gonna like someone who eats less too (he can finish your food dw)
• that being said y'all got together pretty early
• depending if you confessed first because he's gonna take ages making sure you're actually interested in him that way
• he's prolly very self concious but he never shows it
• pls reassure him
• you love to hug him and he loves to hug you back (he gives the best hugs fight me on that)
• loves when you hang on his arm!! He's proud of his strength and flexes every chance he gets so you can compliment him<3
• also loves to give piggy back rides or just letting you sit on his shoulders + plus doesn't hesitate to swoop you up and carry you when you're tired - no matter your weight
• style his hair!! Your fingers in his hair while he's sitting on the floor is the best way for him to relax😭
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𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙈𝙖𝙙𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙢𝙚
• you two stuck like glue ever since y'all met at the playground when you were smaller
• even then Shion was all bark but no bite and you helped him when he got beat by older kids lmao
• so now years later you two still chill together in your room (i hc that he prolly has some beef w his family so he prefers to not be home at all)
• man knows where the keys to your home is if he's not simply coming in through the front door (your parents don't mind anymore)
• they probably didn't even believe he's a deliquent help
• naps on your bed >>
• you're the only one (and Izana) who can tell him to stfu without getting beat
• obv you patch him up after a fight and he didn't manage to keep you out of his gang business but ig you don't mimd if you still stick around
• he slowly started to fall for you with the way you cared for him and didn't mind if he disappeared for days when he needed the break
• that's why every time you touched or hugged him his heart would beat faster (pls don't ask why he's gotten red he's gonna deny it)
• i doubt he'll confess first though brother is in denial
• it was you who indirectly asked him and he went ?????
• he's gonna be so happy and you can see that on his giddy smile <3 Will only genuinely laugh and smile like that privately w you tho
• he needs a little push after you confessed but let's say he's clingy too after you two got together (more than you)
BONUS! Once a dude tried to threaten you and had the misfortune of Shion witnessing it. That guy got pulled away and you could imagine what happened to him (Shion sent you a cute little Selfie w the beaten guy after)
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𝙆𝙖𝙯𝙪𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙖 𝙃𝙖𝙣𝙚𝙢𝙞𝙮𝙖
• okay so this ones a lil different
• you two were friends right before Toman was founded
• he wouldn't tell you about his family problems but you knew something was wrong
• he's gonna be more hesitant with being touched by you. Not that he doesn't want to, he's simply not used it
• you two had a routine with feeding and petting stray cats and he started to feel very comfortable around you
• that was until the thing w Shinichiro happened
• you heard about it from your parents but couldn't see him before he got to juvie
• you also didn't see him until he got out again much later
• you were walking home when saw him standing there leaning against a wall. He has been waiting for you.
• you two caught up and got closer again this day
• but he was way more distant than he used to and you were the only one who could see it despite his attitude
• fast forward to the Bloody Halloween you witnessed everything that happened (decide if you're in Toman or Valhalla)
• you managed to confess to him before he got you to leave before the Police came
• this time you didn't leave his side and visited him as often as you could in juvie
• that's when he confessed to you too<3
• after he got out there the second time you were there and you could finally go on dates.
• still hesitant and shy when you touch or hug him but he gradually got used to it
• going on rides w him as a date!!
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𝙔𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙞 𝙆𝙖𝙯𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞
• ahhhh this cutie!!
• being childhoof friends w him means being childhood friends w the whole group
• but you seemed to always spend more time w Yamagishi
• ofc you're gonna be his number one to rant about gangs to
• and you didn't mind one bit
• you didn't join Toman w the rest of them as you preferred to stay out of the danger
• which meant you're the one Yamagishi goes to to get patched up
• you're his crush obv and he's the one to confess after the whole crew teased him about it for too long
• was ecstatic when you said yes
• going to arcades is going to be y'alls favorite type of dates!! Also amusement parks even tho he probably hates the higher rides
• can't help but grin widely when you steal his glasses and wear them for fun
• loves when you hug him or hold his hand!! He has the most adorable blush on his face when you do
• he's gonna tease the shit outta you at times too
• plus he may be shy around you but he initiates physical touch himself too
• i feel like he's the type to randomly start tickling you (may or may have not got accidently hit by you and his glasses broke AGAIN)
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heyclickadee · 7 months
Saw another “why would Tech even be interested in Phee” take out in the wild, so here’s a partial list of Phee’s many attractive qualities, because the double standard of every other character vs Phee is exhausting:
(Quick disclaimer—this isn’t me saying anyone has to like the ship. You don’t. It’s fine. Don’t ship things you don’t want to ship. Dislike the way it’s been written in the show if you want. Ship these two with other people or with no one if you want. I don’t care. This is just me being tired of people being weird about Phee):
1. She’s smart. She can improv her way through dealing with death traps and she’s got an area (areas) of expertise that Tech knows relatively little about. That makes her interesting. Also hot.
2. She’s gorgeous. Look at her. She’s ridiculously pretty.
3. She’s a great storyteller. Yeah, she changes her stories every time, but that’s at least part of why Tech is paying attention, because he notices that.
4. She’s a stone cold badass. And she’s a FUN stone cold badass. Disarmingly charming stone cold badass.
5. She’s a remarkably good person. She steals artifacts so that refugees can hang on to a bit of their culture in diaspora. This seems to be what pushes Tech from, “Oh, she’s interesting,” to, “OH. SHE’S BRILLIANT AND I MIGHT BE IN LOVE.”
6. She’s not nice, but she is kind, and that’s honestly a quality that she and Tech share. Phee isn’t soft, she’s not going to talk in therapy speak, she’ll push a little hard sometimes, but gosh darnit if she isn’t the person who would always stop to help someone with a flat tire (or respond to finding out some friends are broke, jobless, and on the run by immediately taking them back to her secret refuge so they can rest and recoup).
7. She’s incredibly direct and unafraid to speak her mind and…okay. This is going to get long. And I know some people will disagree with this, and that’s fine because everyone is different, and wants different things. But. Speaking personally from my point of view. The fact that Phee gives as good as she gets would be a really reassuring quality to have in a partner. I see a lot of myself reflected in Tech, but one of the many, many ways in which we’re very different is that I’m a consummate people pleaser, and Tech is very much not. At all. I don’t think he has a people-pleasing bone in his body.
But, here’s the thing—about half of my people pleasing comes from being terrified that I’ll say or do something that inadvertently hurts someone, and that person won’t just tell me or give me the chance to explain or make things right. And for how that relates to dating, I had people—friends and family—keep trying to set me up with incredibly shy men through most of my early twenties, no matter how many times I objected, because they had this perception that I was soft, wishy-washy, and needed to be treated with kid gloves. And…no. I’m opinionated as hell. I���m relatively confident about certain things. I just shut down my ability to project any of that because I was terrified of running roughshod over people without meaning to. But when I’m around someone who I know is willing to disagree with me, who I know will explain why, and who I know will push back if I take something too far? About 90% percent of my people pleasing and social anxiety evaporates. I know I don’t have to walk on eggshells around them—and that they aren’t going to walk on eggshells around me, either. They’re going to be direct about their issues and treat me like a freaking adult.
And, honestly, the fact that Phee doesn’t walk on eggshells around Tech (who also gives as good as he gets—Tech isn’t soft, nice, or shy and retiring; he’s confident as hell and he should be, because hot damn)—is. I don’t know. I like that she’s direct, and that she will recognize and pull back if she’s gone too far. This is projecting a bit, but, speaking personally, I would rather be with someone who treats me like an adult and tells me what’s up even if it’s uncomfortable than someone who never, ever tells me when they’re upset because they’re afraid of hurting my feelings and just lets me stew in social confusion all the time.
8. She can more than hold her own in a fight and she carries a sword around. That’s hot, I’m sorry.
9. Phee’s fantastic with Omega. She talks to her like she’s a person, she doesn’t ever shut Omega down, she’ll tell her stories, she’ll joke around with her, and she’s generally very respectful while also not holding her to the same standard she would if Omega were an adult. She’s even a little protective of Omega, even though Omega isn’t at all her responsibility. I think the moment that took Phee from ‘cool’ to ‘fantastic’ for me was towards the end of ‘Entombed’ while the Deadly Giraffe of Death was collapsing; Phee’s right there trying to shield Omega alongside Hunter. And. Like. Omega is Tech’s baby sister, he’s probably going to notice that how Phee treats her. Massive points in her favor for this.
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azedakude · 6 months
Would I be able to request the jojos with a chubby s/o who's severely insecure? Like to where they won't want their partner to touch them and, even when presented with reassurance, they won't believe them as they tell them they look good? I suffer with this a bit, insecurities grow due to family and friends telling me to lose weight and be more active. It always gets to my head yk?
❁ 𐑮𐑮 ¡note 𖥻 autor! ﹆ i totally understand that!, if you need a safe place to blow off steam when you're feeling this way, feel free to message me and we can chat! <3 sorry for the severe delay !! and, i'll do a few headcannons of this, if you don't mind. i hope you like it, you are very strong for coping with this situation on your own! ♡
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ᰍ ★ ៸៸ #꯭# ❨ ♥︎ ❩ JoJo's with a insecure s/o !
✦ He always understood that you feel this way about your body, most of the time he does his best not to bother you with compliments, or physical affection, and everything so that you can be comfortable around him. Instead, Jonathan would speak to you sweetly and very patiently, making you understand that your body is valid, and your feelings and insecurities are too. “Sweetheart, you shouldn't get carried away by bad comments about your body, they don't make sense. Could you tell me the next time someone says those comments to you? I will make them understand that those blasphemies should not be said to my partner. They do not know what magnificent person they are talking about.” little by little, Jonathan will help you manage your insecurities, facing them with you, making you see that you are not alone in this battle, he will always be by your side.
✦ Although Jonathan has rarely admitted it out loud; more than anything to not make you uncomfortable, he is fascinated by your cheeks and love your rolls; since he find it extremely attractive and even adorable. — He has the habit of holding your hand whenever he can; caressing it and also getting lost in your eyes, when caressing your hand; he will always write nice things with his index finger on your palm.
✦ From time to time, every time you fall asleep on Jonathan's chest due to fatigue, he will begin to caress your scalp with his right hand, while with his left hand he will begin to lightly pat your back, enhancing your sleep. At the same time; Jonathan will whisper various compliments and sweet words in your ear, admitting all the admiration he has for you. “I know you don't feel comfortable when I tell you these things when you're awake, but... I really love you for who and how you are, Y/N, no one and nothing can change that. You are perfect in my eyes, and that is the most important thing to me.”
✦ There were very few occasions when you wore a dress; but when that occasion passed where you used them, Jonathan would simply appreciate you from top to bottom, loving you with his eyes and smiling from ear to ear when he saw your beauty. “You are an angel in my eyes... I had never seen such perfection, until I saw you.” Jonathan would be the first to remark how divine you look in such clothes, always asking your permission to place his hands on your waist, and then kiss you gently.
✦ Although he is an extremely funny and hilarious guy, when you feel comfortable enough to tell him about your insecurities about your physique; he took action on the matter in a subtle, but at the same time direct way. — Joseph from time to time, if not almost always; he would buy a bouquet of flowers, every day was a different types of flowers to give to you; the flowers would always be accompanied with a poem handwritten by himself (with artistic help from Caesar Zepelli, obviously) “I may not be worthy of your presence, but I am willing to move heaven, sea and earth to show you that my love for you will never die, and will never change, because I have fallen madly in love with you, and no one else; my heart belongs to you, Y/N. — JoJo.”
✦ Every time he has the opportunity, Joseph will place tender and slow kisses all over your body, especially on your shoulders and abdomen, since these two places are his favorite parts of your body. Also, when he feels playful enough, he will tenderly caress your waist, hips, thighs and shoulders. — Every little physical affection that Joseph gives you, he will do it with total love and care, always looking for one of your best reactions, without wanting you to feel uncomfortable, since, for him, you are the most important person in his life.
✦ Joseph loves to carry you bridal style, or carry you in his arms in general; whenever you are in his arms, Joseph will kiss your cheeks and whisper tender compliments in your ear, occasionally hiding his own face against your neck to tickle you to make you laugh. “I love carrying you in my arms, you know? It makes me feel like that blue knight, who comes to rescue you.”
✦ When it comes to someone disrespecting you and insulting you because of your physique; regardless of who it is, Joseph will take it completely personally and take matters into his own hands, literally. — If it is completely necessary, Joseph will not hesitate to fight with the person who has disrespected you.
✦ He would listen to you vent about your insecurities, showing that he would always be there for you through thick and thin, without forgetting that he would gently hug you after each vent; asking you if he can kiss your forehead. “I want to see you well, Y/N, I will never leave your side, I will help you and I will be in your worst moments.” Jotaro will always tell you the same thing and he will always demonstrate it in different ways.
✦ Jotaro didn't care much about how you looked physically, but since you confessed to being insecure about your physique; he began to be much more patient with you regarding your insecurities. From time to time, Jotaro would hug you from behind every chance he got, whispering nice compliments in your ear. “You are very pretty, you know that?”
✦ He would be the type of boyfriend who would listen to you vent about your insecurities at every moment; always paying maximum attention to how you feel, and then knowing how to react and cope with the situation so that you feel better. — In turn, after each vent, Jotaro will ask you if he can hug you and comfort you for a long time, listening to you, pampering you and giving you affection.
✦ Like Joseph, he would act extremely defensive if someone outside disrespected you regarding your insecurities; without hesitating for a second to defend yourself, both verbally and physically. With the difference that, after that, Jotaro would stay by your side, comforting and supporting you.
✦ Josuke would have in mind about your problem with your physique; ttherefore, he would always try to listen to you and support you above all, accompanying you in every relapse and every progress you present, always encouraging you and giving you compliments so that you can see yourself through his own eyes. “I understand that it is difficult for you.. But believe me, my love, you are more than perfect just the way you are. You shouldn't change anything.”
✦ He would always make sure you eat your meals; since he would not want you to begin to neglect yourself in other equally important ways based on your insecurity, since for him, everything about you is important and must be taken care of with the well-deserved care.
✦ Whenever he has the opportunity, Josuke will always ask your permission to hug and caress you, while whispering nice compliments into your hair, protecting you in the middle of the hug, so that you feel safe. “I will protect you from every evil in this world, my love, I promise.”
✦ Apart from caressing your body, he will always ask your permission to give you multiple butterfly kisses on certain parts of your body; to tickle you, while he whispers nice compliments and positive affirmations between kisses.
✦ Giorno would try everything in his power to make you feel better about yourself; whether it be with positive affirmations, caresses, physical affection and more than anything; unconditional attention and listening above all, since, for him, you are the most important person in his universe.
✦ Whenever you feel insecure about your body, Giorno would ask you to do breathing exercises with him; to calm you down and keep you at peace, and then ask your permission so he can hug you and hold you in his arms; while repeating nice phrases to cheer you up.
✦ You would be the perfect muse for Giorno; and he would demonstrate this in his paintings, every time he wanted to paint and portray you on a canvas, he would always ask your permission before doing so, having you as a reference and divine muse. After each painting, he would take the liberty of kissing you, caressing you, pampering and hugging you.
✦ Whenever the two of you go to sleep, Giorno will whisper nice compliments and positive affirmations in your ear with a sweet voice, while he caresses your arms and places tender kisses on your temple. “You are the most divine person I have ever seen in my life.. Did you know that? I will remind you every day, so that you always keep it in mind and do not forget.”
✦ She would have been clear from minute one that you felt insecure about your physique when you decided to tell her about your insecurities; since then, Jolyne took the time to listen to you, accompany you, support and love you; always making it clear to you that she loves you just the way you are.
✦ Jolyne would get straight to the point every time she gave you a compliment; always leaving you clear and present that for her, you are the most perfect person she has ever seen, while she would always ask your permission before hugging you and comforting you so that you feel better.
✦ Little by little, Jolyne would encourage you to wear dresses; while she would encourage you to see yourself in the mirror, while she highlights each unique, beautiful and divine part of your body, starting from the tip of your head, to your feet, without forgetting to give you a thousand and one compliments, kissing you and hugging you in the process. “I will always say it and I will never get tired of telling you; pretty face, you are beautiful just the way you are, you are like a lotus flower; beautiful and delicate.”
✦ Jolyne would be the type of girlfriend who wouldn't mind in the slightest and would always try to find the perfect opportunity to carry you in her arms in bridal style, always to make you smile and cheer you up emotionally. — While smiling at you, looking into your eyes and repeating positive affirmations in your ear, so that you see yourself as perfect as she sees you in her eyes.
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