#even if i went a little crazy with my star brush
polakina · 4 months
on his knees for you
pairing: javier escuella x reader
rating: mature
outline: a robbery goes sideways, and your already rocky friendship with a fellow camp mate is put to the test as you evade the guards of Van Horn
warnings: cursing, so much bickering, canon-typical gore and violence, flirting, slightly suggestive (this is by far the tamest thing i've ever written)
requests are open! hope you enjoy, petals <3
a/n: i can't believe how many notifications i've gotten about my works over the past week. its fucking crazy. thank you so much, you're all absolute stars
It was a simple job, really. Get in, steal the bonds, and get out.
But nothing ever went as simple as the original plan, did it? Not with the Van Der Linde gang. There was always a little bit of improvisation to be had. Which was exactly what you were doing right now.
Bullets firing past your ears, blood running down your leg, the target’s personal guards chasing you down the winding paths of Roanoke Ridge.
One day earlier.
The plan was set. Arthur, Bill and Lenny were to infiltrate the building and steal the bonds, while Micah and Charles handled the guards. You and Javier were on lookout, posted at the entrance gates. 
You were all stationed just outside of Van Horn, your target being the mansion and its occupiers. Trelawny had brought intel of bonds on their way through Van Horn to Annesburg, stopping off at the mansion overnight. Roanoke wasn’t a place anyone wanted to be caught up in at night.
“It’s fucking freezing out here,” you muttered, leaning further against your horse, absorbing his body heat as much as you could. It had been hours of waiting around and checking on the mansion. No movement whatsoever since the sun began to set. Darkness was nearing and the coach was nowhere to be seen.
Javier stood beside you, rifle in hand, eyes fixated on the road to the right, where the coach should appear from. “Want my poncho?” He asked, glancing at you briefly.
You didn’t even cast him a look as you responded. “Wouldn’t want to ruin your style, Escuella. I think I’ll survive without it.” You sighed, and moved from your position, heading further down the road, hiding in the trees to watch from a different position, seeing the road winding down Roanoke Ridge to New Hanover.
The two of you had never gotten along. He didn’t like your attitude one bit. You were snarky, cold. Something you’d developed after years of running with Arthur and John. He’d try and make conversation, you’d brush it off. He’d invite you on a fishing or hunting trip, you’d decline and say you preferred to hunt alone. He couldn’t win. You never sat with the camp during his songs or meals, you were always perched somewhere else, keeping lookout. That’s what you did. That’s all you ever did. 
So after a few months, he gave up. Not exactly understanding your harshness to him, he just accepted it instead. He returned your cold comments and your mean stares. Years passed and you bickered like enemies living beside one another. 
You whistled out to the group as you spotted the coach. Your whistle blended with the birds, so it was undetected by the gourds watching the bonds.
Everything went smoothly, Arthur, Lenny and Bill making quick work of breaking into the bonds lock box, and you heard the guards grunting and groaning as they hit the floor from Micah and Bill’s attacks.
Through your scope, you spotted as the boys grabbed the bonds, throwing them into their satchels. Drifting your rifle along the side of the mansion, you sensed something wrong with Bill. He was arguing with Micah. More so than usual. 
“What’s going on?” Javier whispered, lying beside you, hidden between the trees.
You shushed him, focusing on Bill. Their argument grew even more heated, and you caught a glimpse of lantern light behind them. You watched as they turned, cursing loudly before returning fire. Micah had scurried off during the brawl with the guards, seeking other treasures and getting himself caught in a scuff with guardsmen minding their own business.
“Shit, shit,” Javier cursed, throwing an arm over you and holding you down, protecting your head as bullets fired your way. “He can’t keep his head for one mission, puta madre!”
Arthur had ordered for, if the mission went south; which you had good money on it that it did, that you scatter. Split up and evade Van Horn at all costs, go the long way around New Hanover until it was safe to return back to camp so you were sure you weren’t followed. 
They had the bonds, all they needed to do was escape without getting caught. But you wouldn’t have minded if Micah got murdered in the. Just when you thought he’d found your last nerve, he managed to hit another one.
“I think this is our cue to leave,” you said through gritted teeth, pushing yourself onto your feet and grabbing your gear. Javier was on your heels, close behind. You hiked deeper into Murfree Brood territory, constantly keeping an eye over your shoulders for lantern light.
“Our safest path is through Roanoke,” Javier said from behind you, following your path through the trees. “The guards won’t dare follow us through there this late at night.”
You halted suddenly, whipping around to face Javier. He was caught off guard, almost stumbling into you, a surprised expression on his face. “Are you crazy, Escuella? Murfree Brood hunt here at night. If it’s not the guards who get us, it’ll be them. And I’d rather take my chances with bullets rather than-”
A bullet shot through the wind, straight through your leg into the tree behind you. It caught your words in your throat and you almost crumbled to the ground under the pain firing down your leg. Javier didn’t even blink as he wrapped an arm around you, catching you before you fell. He pulled his gun from its holster at his hip, pointing it over your shoulder and firing it straight into the head of the guard who fired at you first.
It drew attention. Of course, it did. Javier pulled you away from the scene, down the winding path leading to New Hanover. His arm stayed firmly around your waist, and you tried to hold in your groans of pain as your feet collided with uneven terrain, worsening the sting of the wound.
You both heard voices, coming from the top of the hill of which you had just descended. Javier pulled you around a large oak tree, pushing your body against the bark which pulled a pained gasp from your lips. “Fucking hell, Javier. At least try to be gentler with-” His hand clamped over your mouth, his body pressed against yours as he looked past the tree trunk to the guards making their way past you, checking their surroundings as they went. 
“You need to learn to shut up once in a while,” he whispered, looking back to you. His hat was tipped down his head, shielding his eyes. “I’m trying to save you and you’re still complaining.”
You looked up at him, your mouth still firmly covered, your hand wrapped around his wrist, instinct from when he shut you up. He smelled of whiskey and firewood, his scent filling your nostrils. His hand wrapped around your waist protectively, tightening as the footsteps grew closer.
Pulling his hand down, you noticed his skin never left yours. It rested around your neck. Softly, no pressure in his fingers, but the heat of his palm burned against your pulse, and he felt your heart rate jump. “Thought you would have wanted to get rid of me, Escuella,” you whispered, looking up at him. 
But he just looked down at you, surprised. “What?”
“Get rid of me. Hand me off to some guards searching through half the woods for us.” Your gaze never wavered. “Would certainly save you the trouble of dealing with me back at camp.”
He just smirked, tilting his head up, his eyes turned down to look at you. “And why would I want to get rid of you? Perhaps I enjoy the trouble you cause me. Ever thought about that?” His eyebrows raised as you stood there, unable to form words. “So are you going to  shut up and behave yourself while I get you out of here? Or are you going to keep talking until they figure out where we are?”
Javier waited for your response, but it never came. You just bowed your head, sealing your lips in a thin line. He took that as a sign that you’d ‘shut up and behave’. 
The men eventually left, abandoning their search for you, leaving both you and Javier a window of opportunity to flee.
The sun poked out above the trees from the makeshift camp Javier had set up in New Hanover. You were shielded by the canopy of branches, the fire in front of you keeping you warm. But it wasn’t doing anything good for the bullet wound in your leg. You stretched out your leg, wincing at the pain shooting through your body.
“I told you not to try and fix it by yourself,” you heard Javier say as he emerged with an armful of firewood, dropping it by your bags. “Your hands will shake before you’ve finished stitching it.”
You glared up at him. “Would you suggest I just leave it? Cut my leg off?”
Javier rolled his eyes at you, kneeling in front of you, his knees on either side of your wounded leg. “I would suggest…that you should wait for me. I’ll stitch it for you.”
Pulling his knife from the holster at his ankle, he sliced the blade through the fabric of your pant leg like butter. All the way up to your hip. “Hey!” You called out. “They were new pants.”
“I’ll buy you a replacement. Now shut up.” He was always harsh with his words, but now, it was even more so. A slight pang of worry soaked his tone.
“You’re such an ass sometimes-ow!” His fingers pushed against the wound on your leg, blood pooling out to the floor. “The fuck was that for?”
He looked indifferent as he looked up at you. “Feeling for any shrapnel. You don’t have any, thankfully, or else this would have hurt a lot more than its about to.”
“I could have told you that,” you grimaced as he began cleaning the wound. Applying pressure to one end of the bullet hole only forced blood through the other side. You could see both the entry point and exit point of the wound, stretching across the left and right sides of your leg.
You were both silent as he cleaned your leg, but you gasped as he pulled out a needle. He saw a panicked flash across your face, seeing it appear as quickly as it fled. “Easy,” he soothed, patting your knee. “I’ll be quick. You won’t feel it.”
“Don’t lie to me,” you whispered, your eyes only focused on the needle.
He sighed, leaning closer, tipping your chin up to meet his softened gaze. “Okay. You will feel it. But not much. A bee sting, that’s all it feels like. But it’ll be easier if you lie down.”
“Your muscles tense when you sit upright. You could at least be comfortable while I stitch you up.” He helped you into a more comfortable position. Javier still straddled your shin, one of his hands pressed against your thigh while his other stitched the hole closed. You laid there, his poncho acting as your pillow as you looked up at the trees.
You ignored the sting you felt each time the needle pierced your skin. Javier wasn’t wrong, it did feel like a bee sting. What’s more important, was that you could manage that sort of pain. “Thank you,” you said quietly, but you weren’t certain he heard you at first, until the needle stopped in your skin, his actions immoveable. Lifting your head and straining your neck, you met his eye. There was a small smile on his face, the corners of his moustache turned upwards with his laugh lines driven deep into his skin. You always did like his smile. That was the one thing that never changed about him. 
“It’s the least I can do,” he smiled, turning his attention back to your stitches. “It’s sort of my fault you got shot in the first place.”
“Sort of? You mean ‘entirely’?” You laughed as he playfully slapped your other leg with the back of his hand.
“Quit laughing,” he chuckled with you. “Or I’ll end up stabbing you in the wrong place.”
He finished quickly, wiping away any trace of blood before gently bandaging your leg. His soft touch lingered for a little while, his thumb gently rubbing soothing patterns into your skin. Your breath stopped in your throat as his touch rose higher. Higher up your thigh. To where your thigh met your hip. He was so fixated on it, he didn’t realise what he was doing until he felt your pulse beating at an ungodly rate at the top of your inner thigh.
His eyes flicked up to yours, where you laid, patiently. You were curious what sorts of thoughts were running through his head right now. What sort of cogs were turning in that brain of his.
You pushed yourself up onto your elbows, your face closer to his than it had ever been before. “What?” You coaxed, too curious to keep quiet now.
“Nothing,” he moved to lean back, his hands drifting down your thighs, but they never left your body before you grabbed the front of his shirt, holding him in place.
“What did I say? Don’t lie to me, Javier.” Your voice never raised above a whisper. It didn’t need to. You were so close a whisper felt like a shout.
He didn’t respond. He couldn’t speak. The close proximity had rendered him faulty in speech. So instead he closed the gap. His lips touched yours, his body melting against your touch. You didn’t expect it. All those years of bickering. All those years of cruel comments and nasty looks. Nothing prepared you for this. But you welcomed it.
Javier leaned you back, your head meeting the poncho  as you felt his body settle on top of yours. Breaking away for air, you saw a softened, kinder look in his eye when he looked at you. “Is this your apology for me getting shot?” You asked, smiling against his lips as he kissed you once more.
“Is it working?” His lips moved to your neck, hovering above your skin to a point where it tickled.
“Then perhaps I’ll try a different angle,” he smirked, unbuttoning your pants, encapturing your lips in a soft kiss, his tongue slipping into your mouth. He had a lot of making up to do.
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prettylittlels · 5 months
I Can See You
summary: You meet Rachel's costar at the academy gala, what will happen next? (tom blyth x actress!reader)
inspired by I Can See You (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift
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As an actress, I spend a 70% of my time meeting and interacting with actors, actresses, singers, directors, producers, and people who work in the same industry as i do. A 90% of those people are just passers, travelers that only visited my life. Only very few manage to stay, important enough to make me care for and about them: true friends. Like Rachel Zegler, for example. I met her at the 2022 Golden Globes afterparty, and we kicked off a nice friendship. And a rather weird one, might i add. Rach and I enjoy playing rather exquisite games: i make her try the most horrendous food i find, and she tries to find the perfect man for me.
-Rach, I already told you- i tell her, laughing without even trying - I've lost hope! You gotta accept that i don't have a love life!-
-You're lying to yourself! - she smiles with me- You think I haven't seen the way you look at every couple we meet?-
Maybe she was right. I haven't had a boyfriend in years, maybe I am a little touch-starved. But that was until I met him.
You brush past me in the hallway
And you don't think I, I, I can see ya, do ya?
I've been watchin' you for ages
And I spend my time tryin' not to feel it
As an actress, i spend a lot of time bring invited to galas and events. Tonights entertainment was the Academy's annual gala. I picked out a gorgeous black sparkly dress that caught everyones attention, as I imagined. Getting out lf the car, I slowly made my way to the red carpet, starting to pose for the flashing cameras. Shouts and screams came from everywhere i went. Not only for me, of course; in fact, thay were yelling Rachel's name too when i arrived. She came up to me and gave me a big hug, as we started to take pictures together. I also noticed that a certain co-star of hers, was looking our way. Don't you think I can't see you?
But what would you do if I went to touch you now?
What would you do if they never found us out?
What would you do if we never made a sound?
As an famous actress, I can't just do whatever I want and say whatever i please. The cameras are everywhere. But God, did I want to go talk to you.
'Cause I can see you waitin' down the hall from me
And I could see you up against the wall with me
And what would you do, baby, if you only knew?
That I can see you
As an actress, people expect me to be there when they need me, available for everyone and waiting for directions. But, only this time, I was waiting for something else to happen. When I walked down the hidden hallway on my way to the women's bathroom, you were there. I didn't want to do anything reckless! But here we are.
And we kept everything professional
But something's changed, it's somethin' I, I like
They keep watchful eyes on us
So it's best that we move fast and keep quiet
You won't believe half the things I see inside my head
Wait 'til you see half the things that haven't happened yet
Tom and I started dating shortly after the gala. Being with him was everything I needed: he's a gentleman, a caring person, a funny one, and of course, a very sexy one. The weeks passed and we were both as happy as ever. After the night we met, the cameras that caught our longing stares published the photos and the public strted going crazy, speculating and giving their opinion about our encounter. Oh, they have no idea.
That I could see you throw your jacket on the floor
I could see you make me want you even more
What would you do, baby, if you only knew?
That I can see you
They had no idea that how it was being In a relationship with tom. The envious fangirls wished they were me. They don't I know that I can see him for what he truly is. They don't know that I can see him discarding his clothes on the floor. Yes, even that leather jacket of his that I love so much
I could see you in your suit and your necktie
Passed me a note saying, "Meet me tonight"
Then we kiss, and you know I won't ever tell, yeah
And I could see you being my addiction
You can see me as a secret mission
Hide away and I will start behaving myself
I remember how I pulled you closer by your tie, and unbuttoned your shirt. How you admitted you've been watching me for ages. How we agreed to keep this a sceret, However, I knew he'd be like a drug. And I get drunk on it whenever he's around
I can see you.
I can see you, Tom.
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Package Deal (Ona Batlle x Reader)
Based on THIS request!
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Day of the 'Incident'
You brush off the hair that is currently all over your face. You can tell from the fact you can feel the bedsheets a little more than usual that you’re naked under the sheets.
You had a bit of a history during your time in Barcelona, the girls tried to help you stop throwing yourself at women at bars but they all knew why you did it, and who was the reason.
Ona Batlle.
The woman always felt so out of your league. Instead of even making an attempt to make a move, you went from introverted shy Y/N that the girls met 3 years ago, to extroverted ‘chica-magnet’ (Mapi’s nickname for you) Y/N. They knew you only did it because you didn’t want to face the possible rejection of Ona, even with them reassuring you she most definitely had feelings for you too!
The one rule you always kept to was to never sleep with any of your ‘chicas’. Just an exciting night, dancing with them, buying them drinks, a bit of kissing here and there and then making sure they get home safe. All the girls thought you had been sleeping around so they’ve been trying to intervene for a while, but little did they know you’d never go that far with anyone you didn’t love. Well apart from now of course.
A few weeks ago…. (One day before the transfer window opens)
“Ona you have to be kidding me, what the fuck is this?” You shove your phone in Ona’s face. It’s a post talking about a rumour of her moving to Manchester United. You’re pacing around the Barcelona locker room at seeing the news.
“You know I’d tell you if I was moving. My contract is up next month so it’s just speculation!” She sighs. You’re not sure whether to take her word for it as you know she’s always wanted to play in the WSL. Ever since you left Arsenal a few years back you’ve craved being back in the UK. Closer to your England teammates and your family.
“The transfer window opens tomorrow, are you not worried?” You ask her, concerned at the thought of losing your best friend. She shakes her head, As much as you try to forget your feelings for her, losing her to another country is something you’re not willing to accept.
Your phone vibrates in your pocket and it’s a message from your best friend Ella Toone. You quickly glance at the message and it puts a sad smile on your face. You quickly shove your phone back in your pocket.
“Look, no matter where we are you’ll always have me Y/N” Ona says as she hugs you. You sigh as you melt into the hug.
“I know, I know” You sigh “Promise you’ll tell me if you leave?” You say which earns you a nod in return from the Spaniard.
A few days later (Transfer window open)
You feel your phone vibrating like crazy and see your Twitter notifications going wild.
“No..no...no..un-fucking-believable. So much for telling me Ona” You clench your jaw seeing the headline
‘Spanish star Ona Batlle transferred to Manchester United for a 18 Month contract! Welcome Ona!!’ There’s a photo of her in a manchester jersey. You cant help but think how the colour really suits her but that quickly fades. You dial her number. Voicemail. You ring the next person you can trust.
“Hola chica magnet! How can I be of assistance? Need a lift home-"
“Mapi, where the fuck is Ona!?” You ask, pacing around your room.
“Did she not tell you? She left for Manchester this morning. The party we had was her farewell party but she didn’t tell any of us as she didn’t want anyone being upset. You know what she’s like” Mapi sighs.
24 hours before the 'Incident'
You get off the plane and instantly put your sunglasses back on. Your hangover from your hard night in Barcelona last night is still having its effect on you.
“Y/N!!!” You hear your England teammate scream as she runs to you in the baggage area. You instantly grab her and pull her into the tightest hug. “I’ve missed you so much Lessi” You say with you face shoved into her shirt.
“I’m so happy you’re coming to stay with me for a bit. It’ll do you some good to be with us” Alessia smiles at you and helps you with your bags “Jesus Y/N how much did you need? Might as well move back to the UK at this rate!” You laugh whilst your best friend complained about how heavy your stuff was.
Back to the 'Incident'
You take in the sight of the girl laying next to you, also completely naked.
“Enjoying the view” You hear the Spanish girl say.
“Very much so” You lean in and kiss her neck, gently pecking the marks you had left on her the night before.
“Wait Y/N, I’m sorry” Ona says
“For what? Leaving me? Not telling me you were leaving? Not talking to me for 2 weeks?” You say sounding slightly irritated but you were no longer as angry as you were when you found out.
“All of it. I should’ve told you before I finalized the move. I was scared and didn’t want people knowing. I didn’t want to leave you guys but also need the experience here in Manchester” She says whilst gently running her fingers through your hair.
“I can’t say I’ve totally forgiven you, because it hurt Ona. It hurt a lot” You avoid eye contact with her “But at the same time, maybe we needed this. I needed to make a move and clearly a bit of liquid courage helped me last night” you blush causing her to smile at you.
"Wait I just wanna clear something up. I’ve only ever slept with two people. You and my ex. I never slept with anyone from the bar. Just a distraction and I pre-warned them. I just.. I needed a distraction from you” You look into her eyes, trying to gauge how she’s feeling.
“Well maybe if you made a move sooner, last night would’ve happened way sooner” Ona smirks whilst straddling you. You smile at her and lean into heated kiss with her. You can feel your stomach doing flips, you’ve finally got her.
Just as things were getting heated Ona’s phone starts ringing.
“Hey Tooney!..Oh shit..I’ll be on my way in 10! Tell Marc I’m so sorry” Ona says springing out of bed and throwing her training kit on quickly.
“Want me to drive you? Alessia said I can come watch you guys during training as long as I don’t distract you all” You say also chucking on some clothes. You grab your backpack and go and get in the rental car to wait for Ona to finish getting ready.
Once you arrive at the training grounds you slip away when Ona greets the team for the training session.
“Are you sure they have no idea?” Tooney asks you quietly away from the group, whilst you’re straightening out your new shirt.
“Absolutely clueless mate” You smirk as you walk out hiding behind the staff.
“Alright ladies! Some amazing news for you all! We managed to bag another signing. Thought I’d let you all know properly before you see it over our social media posts!” He says grinning. “Wait but we’ve already got Ona? Who else?” Ella asks, playing along.
You jog out onto the pitch with your number ‘24’ on your jacket.
“Hiiiii” You say waving at them all. Out of the whole team only the staff, Marc and Ella knew of your transfer to United. You also were promised by Marc that you’d spend less time on the bench with United as you were more of a super sub in Barcelona.
“WHAT THE FUCK” Alessia lifts you up and you both fall over. A lot of the girls start piling on top of you both. You’ve always been fairly close with the United girls as you grew up with a few of them, it was a no brainer to join them. After everyone gets off of you Ona stands next to you and links your pinky with hers whilst sending you a smile.
“Now, we aren’t actually having a big training day. Was thinking we do some 5-aside tournaments for an hour or two and then you lot go out for some team bonding!” Marc announces, dropping the orange vests on the ground for when everyone picks out their teams.
After the 5-aside tournaments (Your team was you, Mary, Ona, Alessia and Ella) and being awarded your trophy for your team winning, you all go out later on to a local bar that you had all got a VIP room in.
“I can’t believe you’re staying here permanently” Ona beams at you, unable to stop smiling giddily.
“I’ve got the same length contract as you too! Maybe we should become a package deal” You wink.
“Is that you asking me something Y/N?” She smirks.
“Fucks sake Ona” You laugh “But yes, will you be my girlfriend? I refuse to lose you now that I’ve moved all the way here to be with you” You lean in to kiss her, hearing a few yells from your teammates. “Oi you two get a room!” Mary yells.
“Of course I’ll be your girlfriend. Have you managed to find somewhere to live?” Ona asks you.
“Well funny you should mention it, Marc said until they find me decent accommodation, I’ll be sleeping in your spare room” You giggle “I highly doubt I’ll sleep in that room”
“Hopefully we wont be doing much sleeping mi amor. So much to catch up on” Ona winks. “Watch it Batlle, I can always move back!” You joke, causing her to hug you. “Nope, you said it! You said we are a package deal!” She cheers whilst hugging you tightly.
Hopefully you guys enjoyed this one! Again I'm working through like 4/5 requests at the moment and you should hopefully see another one shot this week! I'm still more than happy to take requests. There are a few unfortunately I wont be doing due to not knowing players well enough but I'm keeping them in my asks so that I can go back to them! I'm keen to write for Keira soon, because who doesn't love Keira!
Thanks for all the support!!
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gliphyartfan · 5 months
Happy New Years folks! Another year ended and another year begins!
@yanderelinkeduniverse @ice-cream-writes-stuff @linked-heroes @screaming-until-god-hears-me @imprisioned-in-the-hole @crestfallenmermaidan @eternadreeblissa
Gosh, so much done, so much left to do! I hope what I produced left you guys happy!
I can go on and on about how I appreciate you guys for sticking with this little old blog. But I'll settle with a New Years one-shot that I knew you'll enjoy!
For those who played TOTK you'll know what location I'm mentioning (not that subtle), for those who haven't played, i kept it very vague for everything else.
I'm using the 'Wild was yanked back to his era for his second journey and time shenanigans meant it was only several months for the chain and (y/n) and maybe a year or two for him.' Idea for this cause why not?
Happy New Year folks! And Thanks for spending another year on this blog with me! I hope to impress you guys this new year! 🥰
"What was it like in your world?" The winds were a gentle noise around them. strong yet peaceful.
The recent portal had taken them back to Wild's era. Though in one of the recent Sky Islands that popped up in his Hyrule.
The one they were one, the Great Sky Island, wore it's named proudly, the sight of the sun just below the horizon from so high up, it's lingering hue a faint echo of the brightness that was known by all, the stars quietly claiming their place on the earth's darken sky.
(y/n) could never grow tired of the sea of stars above, and to be closer to them than she had ever been in her life was incredible.
Something she definitely wasn't capable of seeing back home unless she left the city.
So sitting by the waters of the largest 'lake' on the island (and questions on how water was even produced there sprung in her head.) looking up at the beautiful starry sky, she had been understandably distracted and hadn't realize Hyrule had settled next to her until his shoulder brushed against hers and he spoke up.
"Well, the new year." He said, his voice soft.
(y/n) hummed in reply, ah yes, they had been discussing that before they entered the portal, "Well...it's very different for everyone." (Y/n) chuckled under her breath, "No culture is the same but the general public celebrates pretty much the same way in big cities."
She shrugged one shoulder and smiled, "It can be a pretty crazy thing at times."
Hyrule let out an amused huff of laughter, "You have a good point there, I've never experienced a culture quite like yours so hearing you talk about it is always fascinating. It's hard to believe you've lived there all your life." Hyrule tilted his head, "And how do you celebrate?"
His eyes flickered up to the starry heavens above before looking back at the woman beside him.
She grinned, "There's a big party normally. Sometimes we sing songs, some times we dance, we definitely eat a lot. And of course, most of the time the adults get drunk until they pass out."
"Sounds fun." Hyrule said happily.
"I guess my personal favorites were when things didn't go to plan."
"What didn't go to plan?" (y/n) and Hyrule turned to Four walking over to them.
"Also Time said to stay away from the edge."
"Oh, that's the eighth time he said that, I got it already! and we just talking about how the New Year was celebrated back home." She answered as he settled down on her opposite side. "My personal favorites were when things didn't go to plan."
"So you liked new year plans going wrong?" He asked, eyebrow raised in question.
"I liked it when people found a workaround when something went wrong." She clarified.
"There was always something about watching what could have been a tragedy turn into a memory that everyone involved talked about years later."
(Y/n)'s smile as she thought of some special occasions was contagious and Four smiled back warmly. "I like to imagine what kind of trouble you caused back home, because I know there must have been a lot." Four teased.
"That is false! I was an innocent bystander during those times!" She cried, mock offended by his accusation. Four couldn't help but laugh at how silly she looked. (Y/n) rolled her eyes.
"Food's ready!" (y/n) let herself fall on her back, looking over to the others behind her.
Wild was tapping a wooden spoon on his cooking pot, catching everyone's attention.
"Get it while it's hot!" He declared cheerfully.
Everyone gathered around to get their share. It wasn't long before everyone sat around eating, chatting casually about anything they could think of.
"You'll be able to get us down from here tomorrow right Cook?" Legend asked between bites.
"Yeah yeah, I have a few rides that can easily get us all down." was the cheerful answer.
"Can't you use your...uh...pad?"
"You can call it a slate, it's the same either way, and probably! I like my method better though."
"Doesn't make me feel confident." was the answer to that.
"Well Excuse-"
(y/n) happily ignored them as she hummed in happiness with each bite she took. Wild's rice and curry was always a delicious treat. Especially when he added a side of delicious chicken. She was eating it and still craved another bowl! Then again, all his meals were amazing, so it was expected.
"So (y/n), you never said what was your favorite new year's mishap." Four spoke up during the tail end of the meal. Everyone had their seconds (and some had thirds) and plates were stacked to be cleaned.
"What's this now?" Warriors spoke up, everyone's attention turning to Four.
"(y/n) was talking about how she celebrated the new year back home." Hyrule responded.
"Was she?" Warriors raised a brow at her.
"Then it turned into what her favorite memories were and she answered that it was when celebration turned differently than expected." A nod from (y/n) confirmed Four's statement.
"So what was it?" Legend asked her, "your favorite mishap?"
"Oh loads of times." She answered, "When one year, a sudden snowstorm disrupted our outdoor New Year's Eve plans. Instead of feeling disappointed, we embraced the unexpected and had an impromptu indoor celebration with close friends, turning it into a cozy and memorable night."
"That sounds rather nice." Sky commented.
"On another occasion, transportation issues prevented me and some friends from attending the new year's party at my house. We decided to explore the local area looking for help, but stumbled upon a charming small gathering, and ended up forming new connections that made the night surprisingly delightful." She continued, "They even helped us get home and we merged our groups into one big gathering!"
"That does sound like a lovely way to spend a New Year's Eve." Wild said, elbows on his knees.
"Yeah, mom still calls them up and sends them care packages." She replied, smiling softly, "But my favorite new year's mishap...hmm.." She tapped her chin in thought.
"Oh yeah! When I was little, final two hours before we counted down to bring in the new year, the lights around the whole area went out unexpectedly, leaving us in complete darkness."
"Really? Everyone must have panicked." Wind commented, looking curious.
"Yeah, a bit! It would have been scary, but not even half an hour later, people were lighting candles, turning on any available lights that had a separate power source, lighting up glow sticks, which are like luminescent stones but have several colors and only last a short while, and people started playing music."
(Y/n) continued, grinning at her fond memories. "What was more fun was when people started lighting fireworks in the middle of the streets, which is illegal mind you! It was so fun watching the fireworks going off and than people hiding the evidence when the police, uh our version of knights? came around to check on what was going on."
"It must have felt like a wonderful night indeed." Wind commented in awe.
(y/n) laughed at his remark.
"It was cold to the point my ears and face was aching, I still remember my nose being runny as hell, I was shivering like everyone else!" (y/n) sighed happily, "and I remember how there was so much laughter and excitement. us kids running around with handheld lights, we were like oversized laughing fireflies with the way we zoomed back and forth through the street."
The young girl continued reminiscing, smiling brightly, thinking about her family and friends, happy memories of the past celebrations she'd spent with them.
She missed them all dearly.
"It all sounds so nice." Four said, his eyes shining brightly, "People back home would spend more time worrying if the power went out rather than trying to make the situation better."
"I'm pretty sure that's the general sentiment with most of our eras."
"Every family for themselves if such a situation happened." Hyrule piped in with a shrug, never really celebrating much in his era.
"You guys never lived in a city where the lights are on 24/7." (y/n) smirked as she reminded them.
"Even in the middle of the night, the city is always awake in some way. So when the power goes out, there's a level of excitement that comes with it." She laughed and shrugged, "I mean it sucked cause ya know, no power, but we always made it work in some way."
She looked up at the night sky.
"I still remember how my mom and dad gathered us up and sat us on the roof of their car, horseless carriage that moved with electricity and oil." She smiled as the mouths that opened to ask what a car was closed shut.
"Watching the fireworks light up the sky, hearing people laugh and play music. Having the food vendor pass by and set up shop at both ends of the street and us getting to eat delicious food while bundled up as much as our parents could..." a sniffle was heard from her, she quickly shook her head and blinked her teary away with a chuckle, "I..It was everything I never realized I wanted to experience! ...And..." her smile dimmed.
"It's one of those moments that'll never truly be replicated again. no matter what."
She sighed again, still happy but with some bittersweet sadness. "Moments like that are one of a kind you know."
"Wish we could have experienced it with you."
"I wish you guys could have been there too." She said, smile a bit bigger, though still sad.
Wild, having taken a seat next to her during the meal, reached over and rubbed circles on her shoulder.
"At least we know it would have been nice to have seen the festival, and it certainly seemed like it was spectacular." Wild pointed out, "but it seems like you had a great time, and that's what matters to me."
(y/n) smiled at the blond boy's gesture.
"Thanks," She replied, placing a hand on top of his and leaning against him slightly.
"I bet the fireworks were amazing." Wind sighed wistfully, "wish we could have seen it."
"I know." She groaned, shaking her head sadly, "that was always the best part! People would either go watch the fireworks and set them off themselves!"
"Maybe next time, if we're lucky enough, we get to see some." Legend added quietly as he gave her a sympathetic look, "Though I doubt it'll be as amazing as the ones back home."
(y/n) smiled appreciatively and nodded. "It's the memories made that make them amazing. So I'll love every moment if there's fireworks.
Everyone chatted amongst themselves, talking about some of the ways they all celebrated the new year.
Each equally unaware of the things happening below on the Surface.
They weren't witness to the chaos happening around the Skyview Towers.
How smoke filled each of the bases, keeping anyone near from approaching.
At Lookout Landing, people were scrambling, trying to find the answer, some suspecting that it was ready to explode.
In a way, they were right.
"What the hell??"
Back on the Great Sky Island, everyone looked at Wind as he stood up and looked towards the distance.
Everyone followed his gaze, all equally confused as they saw several bright flames shooting high into the air.
"The fuck?!" Legend exclaimed, shooting up to his feet.
"Wait, did we miss something?! Cook! I thought you said most monsters don't come up here?!" Warriors snapped at him, already reaching for his sword.
"No, no, no! They don't!" Wild waved his hands in front of him frantically.
They all watched as the bright flames shot up into the night sky, each person was wondering what exactly happened.
Gasps erupted as each ball of flames bursts into an eruption of bright colors.
Fireworks, as large as buildings and as numerous as a crowd of children celebrating the New Year together.
"Holy shit!" Wind yelled in shock, standing in bewilderment with Legend and Hyrule beside him,
"Who set off those fucking fireworks?!"
(y/n) stood up and slowly turned in a full circle, noticing how the fiery displays seemed to surround Sky Island.
Wild pulled Wind close to him and whispered something quickly before he tapped at his slate and after a blue circle appeared at his feet, vanished into tendrils of glowing blue.
Wind pulled out his Pirate's Charm and held it at the ready, in another moment, Wild's voice was heard.
"It's coming from the Skyview Towers! They're all shooting these things into the sky!"
"Isn't that a bad thing?!?" Twilight asked frantically, standing a bit closer to an awestruck (y/n).
"N-No? I don't think so? It's just...shooting fireworks?"
"Well someone decided to go big or go home." Hyrule said under his breath as he stared at the constantly changing lights bursting in the sky.
(y/n) stared open mouthed at the brilliant fireworks exploding around the outskirts of the Sky Island, staring at the spectacle above them, seemingly enthralled by the display.
"Purah is probably going ballistic right now." Wild said as soon as he arrived back where the blue circle was, "Those towers are for shooting people in the air, not fireworks."
"I'm sorry, it shoots what?"
"Damned cannons." Twilight muttered, a grimace clear on his face, "(y/n) we should...(y/n)?"
(y/n)'s attention taken hostage by the lights in the sky, simply turning slowly in place in order to take in as much as she could.
"It's beautiful..." (y/n) breathed, eyes sparkling as she looked at the beautiful spectacle surrounding them.
Everyone soon settled down, not sensing any danger despite the sudden excitement.
She, and slowly everyone else, was mesmerized by its beautiful display.
It's bright colors turning night into day. A constant stream of color, lighting up the world in a dazzling display of light and beauty.
It was a sight they could never forget, nor could they ever hope to replace.
(y/n) sighed softly, a content smile on her lips as she looked up at the fireworks.
"I hope you guys back home are doing alright." She whispered under her breath, a hand resting over her heart.
A small, yet sad smile graced her features as her eyes began to fill with tears.
"I miss you, Mom, Dad, everyone...I miss you guys so so much..."
She took a deep breath, "But I'm doing alright. I'm not letting things keep me down."
(y/n) could just imagine her mom and dad fretting over her, her friends sarcastically teasing her while looking her over to see if she was ok. Her sister threatening to lock her in her room if she ever worried her again.
She could practically see it in front of her, how it made her heart hurt.
She missed them, missed spending time with them.
But she knew she wasn't the only one feeling like that too. They probably were worried sick over her.
She sighed, closing her eyes for a moment, just focusing on the noise around her.
And if she strained her hearing just a bit, she could faintly hear the chatter, the laughter, and the sounds of celebration from a memory that was already many years old.
She missed her loved ones dearly.
She opened her eyes again and gazed out at the night sky with so many lights that reminded her of home.
She'll be ok.
She smiled as she watched the others point of the fireworks that caught their eye, Wild snapping picture after picture as quickly as he could.
"Another year, another set of memories." Soft quiet laughter escaping her.
And she stood there, enjoying the beautiful view surrounding her.
In the distant behind them, a pumpkin headed figure sat on the edge of the floating island above them. Slowly kicking their legs as they watched the group below them.
Shoulders shaking in silent mirth as each kick seemed to set off another firework.
An echoy giggle sounded from within the pumpkin.
'Happy Happy Home/Friend/Warmth! Happy Happy Sillies!! Which means Happy Happy me!'
With another giggle, the figure hopped off the ledge, vanishing with the next breeze appearing.
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tiredly101 · 1 year
New Neighbor part 5
Pairing: Wally Darling x Writer! Male reader
New Neighbor Masterlist
Summary: Wally's has been crushing for too long so Barnaby decides that exposing him would not hurt anyone, right? Right?
Main Au (Illustrated Au), honestly did not think this would be loved so much but oh well. Picture done by @eechytooru
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Barnaby was honestly a disaster creator waiting to happen, sometimes this was a good thing and other times this was a bad thing. This was one of those time where it is a bad thing.
Barnaby knew about Wally's huge little crush on M/n which meant him trying to make those two happens. Their dynamics was almost like shy x calm suave flirt and it drives Barnaby crazy! They could not not be a couple, they need to start dating ASAP and if he had to butt in so be it.
"M/n! I need to tell you something important, like world crisis important!," Exclaimed Barnaby basically barging in into M/n's shop which left him frozen in motion. He had a cup of tea in his hand and was about to sit down to write in his typewriter, his eyes were open in shock and his mouth was open softly as a small squeak left him, it was almost as if his soul left his body for a couple of seconds.
"W...what happened Barnaby?," Asked M/n while setting his cup down on the table and basically throwing himself on the chair while his glazed eyes turned into a fixed stare on Barnaby.
"Well, I need to tell you that Wally likes you! As more than friends of course," said Barnaby and it took a couple of minutes for M/n to finally process his words.
"M/n," Barnaby said while waving his hand in front of M/n's face which earn him a soft whimper as a response.
"I know... well kind of, I had a gut feeling but I just pushed it aside as me trying to have hope," said M/n when the feeling of nausea finally left him. 'I really should stop sitting out of nowhere with such force' was something that crossed his mind.
"Well he does! You should try asking him out, he will definitely say yes!," Barnaby said making M/n smile at the thought of seeing Wally blushing and stuttering a yes.
"Maybe I will Bar, maybe I will," was all M/n while getting lost in thought. He didn't even realize when Barnaby smiled and left the shop, he only realized when he felt the sun on his face. The sun was starting to set and M/n decided this would be a good time to ask Wally out.
M/n walked down the street and knocked on Home's door, Home seemed happy to see M/n if anything they looked smug? M/n brushed it off while waiting for Wally.
Wally opened the door and a blush made itself home in his cheeks when he saw M/n who only smiled softly at him.
"Hello neighbor... what are you doing here?," Asked Wally shyly while looking at the ground feeling the heat in his cheeks worsen by the second.
"Well my darling, you and I, tomorrow at eight I will pick you up and take you to dinner at Gepeto's and then we will dance under the stars, alright?," Asked M/n with no type of fear or doubt which left Wally confused. What was happening?
"Are we going? What?," Asked Wally softly finally looking at M/n's eyes who only held love on his gaze.
"I'm taking you out on a date Wally, if you accept of course," said M/n while smiling at Wally whose blush went from a soft pink to a soft red, this made him laugh softly while he leaned forward never taking his eyes from Wally. Wally nodded rapidly since he knew his words would betray him and M/n smile grew before he kissed him which made Wally's whole face become a fire red while hearts flew around and some steam came off his head. M/n smiled when he pulled away from Wally and kissed his hand before walking away shouting in the distance:
"See you tomorrow at eight my darling"
Part six is being made! Let me know if you want to be tagged!
Tag list:
@farleyis @whynot5243 @fluffyart5000 @blueberricowboi @bonesbonesbonesuponbones @who-let-me-write-this @eyesarefullofstars @pr5is1ng @just-random-post @ghosteezofvispast @nettaw @sleepyscxry @theorchardcollective @thelostboys11 @darling-w @ametistacollinsworld @vampyrefay @cloudeecheer @lacunaanonymoused @waywardstardustcollector @welcome-home-puppets
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 1 year
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dating an international soccer superstar means making some sacrifices when it comes to being a normal couple. but kaiser’s determined to kick off 2023 on the right foot with the help of a few surprises. all he hopes for is that you’ll appreciate his ‘creativity’ as much he does. (+insp.)
gender neutral reader
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“Welcome home, darling~”
You nearly fainted right there and then, and you swore you felt every emotion fathomable to mankind in those two seconds it took you to enter your shared home with your soccer star boyfriend and see him greeting you. It was unlike Kaiser to even greet you by the door to begin with, always preoccupied with his soccer training or busy with something else in the house. 
“What the fuck, Kaiser?” You sputtered, unconsciously taking a few steps back as if you were going to run out of the door. Your boyfriend simply smiled at you as if you were the crazy one between the two of you. Wordlessly, he turned on his heel and motioned for you to follow him. You hesitated, still adjusting the sight that you had just seen, and you rubbed your eyes to make sure you weren’t dreaming.
“Daaaaaarling!” Kaiser yelled from inside. “Don’t keep me waiting!”
Maybe passing out and laying sprawled out on the floor was the better option.
Treading through the house as if a bomb had been planted inside, you were welcomed with a far more sensible sight instead. Kaiser grinned, gesturing to what looked like a cake and a generous assortment of snacks laid out on the dining hall table.
“What’s this…?” You asked, still convinced that you had died and gone to heaven. 
Kaiser sidled up to you, sneaking a naughty arm around your side and pulling you closer to him. His hips brushed against yours, and he shrugged. “Just a little something. Why do you look so surprised? Is it so wrong for me to dote on my favorite person?”
“No, it’s not that…” You eyed him with wide eyes. 
“Good, good! I know I’m out of the house a lot with my job, so I thought I’d prepare a little treat for you. It’s not much, but I’ve worked hard on this, you know. It was a whole hassle trying to avoid paparazzi while I went out to buy this cake.” He shook his head exasperatedly, as if he was reliving the moment inside of his mind. “But all in good effort! I managed to get you your favorite.”
You didn’t like where this was headed. It wasn’t like you didn’t trust Kaiser or that you had no faith in him, but if there was one thing you learned about the world, it was that all good things always had some sort of caveat to them.
You swallowed, inwardly bracing yourself. “Be honest with me, Kaiser… What do you have up your sleeve? Did you break something? And more importantly… why are you dressed like that?”
The aforementioned ‘that’ in question was the awful get-up Kaiser had greeted you at the door with. He had thrown on a crisp black button-down shirt and a vest decorated with golden accents. You recognized it as something he had picked out on one of his shopping sprees overseas, but you could have sworn it was a very expensive piece of clothing—something meant solely for nice occasions. To add to your confusion, he had gone the whole nine years with his accessories: arm harnesses, a sword brooch and chain, and a beautiful azure bowtie that complemented the dark blue of his hair.
But, to your demise, the most striking part of his appearance wasn’t simply his formal clothes.
No, it wouldn’t be Kaiser if it weren’t dramatic to all hell and back.
“Why are you wearing bunny ears?” You choked out. “I-Is there something you need to tell me? Have I… not been good enough to you at night when we’re alone together?”
Kaiser raised an eyebrow, scrunching his face up. The hand at your waist squeezed you gently as if in warning. “What kind of nonsense are you spouting? It’s the new year. I saw something online, and I thought it would be the perfect surprise for you! It’s like a two-for-one deal. Not only do you get a bunch of snacks, but you get something even better! Star striker, ace of Bastard Munchen, the soccer world’s emperor: Michael Kaiser all dressed up to keep you company.”
Being hit with a sledgehammer and being able to communicate with aliens would make more sense to you at that moment. 
“What are you looking at online then?” You gasped, purposefully filtering out all of the self praise. “Where did you even get that thing?”
“A man has his secrets. As for the ears… I heard that it was the year of the rabbit. I thought it would be fitting to usher in the new year with something festive. And besides…,” Kaiser remarked. He winked at you. “Don’t I look absolutely stunning?”
You wondered where in your life you fucked up, to the point that you somehow managed to end up in a relationship with this eccentric striker, and also somehow end up still horribly attracted to him despite all of his reckless tomfoolery. If there was a higher being watching over you and controlling your life, you prayed that they would find some enjoyment out of your predicament. At least that way, someone would be enjoying this more than you were.
“C’mon.” Kaiser nudged you, breaking you out of your thoughts. “It’s rude to leave someone hanging when they ask you a question.”
As if you haven’t been doing that this entire time, you grumbled inwardly. Kaiser tilted his face towards you expectantly, the black bunny ears that were attached to the crown of his head moving in tandem with him. 
“Y-Yeah…!” You managed out. Forcing a cheerful grin to your clearly confused countenance, you flashed a weak thumbs-up at your enthusiastic lover. “If you were trying to surprise me, it- uh- it worked! I couldn’t have expected this at all.”
He frowned, unimpressed with your lackluster response. “I know you can give me better than that. Where’s all the usual hurrah you have for me? Aren’t I the light of your life? The apple of your eye? Surely you can praise me better than that?”
You gritted your teeth through your deadpan smile. Had it not been for the fact that, despite everything, you still loved Kaiser very, very much and the fact that his salary was probably a little too good to pass up on, you would have risked everything to strangle him with your bare hands for his audacity. The hand wrapped around your waist slunk up your chest and neck, and his fingers grabbed at your cheeks to get you to properly meet his gaze.
His strikingly blue eyes peered straight into your own, and the ghost of an all-too-confident smile pulled at his lips. “I’m waiting, darling. Reward me, won’t you? I worked hard to pull all of this off for you.”
You took a deep breath, and you were reminded of the snacks all laid out. Maybe getting sentimental right in front of Kaiser, especially when your nerves were definitely all frazzled, wasn’t the most logical of choices, but for some reason, your heart softened a bit. Maybe it was because Kaiser had mentioned all the effort he had gone through just to buy you your favorite cake, but something tugged at your chest. 
Sure, Kaiser was always going to be over the top and sometimes downright exhausting with his theatrics, but underneath all the ridiculous gestures and flowery words was a man who genuinely had nothing but loads of love for you. And even now, when he could have simply brushed aside the new years and flown overseas to wherever he had his games next, he purposefully insisted on staying behind to be with you, going through all the troubles with his management to even head out and prepare all of these treats for you.
And… dress up. You appreciated the effort, to put it in the nicest terms you could.
“Thank you for this,” you said. You reached out towards him, and you wrapped your hands around his face, tugging him closer to you. Kaiser’s eyes widened in surprise at your sudden boldness, and you tucked your face into his hair so that he couldn’t see how flustered you were getting at your own self. 
You whispered into his ear, “I don’t think words will suffice, so…”
“Oh?” Kaiser breathed. You grabbed his face with both hands, making sure the boy wouldn’t slip away just to make fun of you, and you gently pressed your lips against his for a sweet kiss. You could feel Kaiser stiffen for a split second, caught off guard, but that surprise just as quickly morphed into his usual swagger. He smirked against your mouth, and he fully pulled you towards him, holding you against his chest as he deepened the kiss.
Before he could get too carried away with it though, you wisely yanked yourself off of him. Swiping at your mouth, you ignored the way heat flooded your face and chest. “Not too fast! Don’t wanna start off the new years by being naughty.”
Kaiser stuck his lips out into a faux pout. “Awww, we’re dating though! What couple doesn’t get a little handsy every now and then!”
“Us.” Your focus strayed away from him and towards the table filled with snacks. True to his word, anticipation bubbled up in your chest at the sight of your favorite cake. Decorated beautifully with an expert patisserie’s hands, you couldn’t wait to bury your face into a big slice. “I want to try some of the snacks you’ve prepared for me. It wouldn’t be fair to you if you went through all the trouble of getting me all of this, and I didn’t end up eating any of it because a certain somebody here couldn’t keep his hands off of me.”
You could see Kaiser debating inwardly between taking his chances versus giving in. He chose the latter, letting you go and guiding you towards the table. Like a gentleman, he slid your seat out for you and pushed you in once you were settled, adjusting his bunny ears as he picked up the cake knife he had set out.
“You’re lucky I like you so much. I would never do this for anybody else. Well, except maybe for myself,” he hummed. You watched with bated breath as he sliced you a piece of cake, carefully transferring it to a plate and setting it in front of you. You waited for him to grab his own slice (“Don’t you worry, darling! I’ve already checked with my manager to make sure it’s okay for me to have some,” he proudly announced) and take a seat next to you. 
“It means a lot.” You beamed at him. “I know I didn’t sign up for anything easy when I started dating you, but… it’s nice to know that you’re doing so much to be with me.”
He huffed to himself proudly, tossing his long hair over his shoulder. He reached for a fork, twirling the silverware between his fingers. “Well, of course I’d go above and beyond for my darling. If my management would just let me, I’d even hire a whole fireworks show dedicated to our undying love to ring the new year in, and that way, the entire city here could see how in love we truly are-”
“-It’s alright! I don’t need anything as big as that!” You hurriedly cut in. “Having you by me for new years is enough!”
“You sure? The offer still stands for next year, you know.”
“I’m very sure!” You shut down. 
Kaiser nodded, still smiling smugly to himself. “If you insist. It looks like cake and my company will have to do for this year. Although I’d say that’s a treat of its own. And now I know you agree too. Here’s to another prosperous year then, darling. Don’t you dare take your eyes off of me. I’m only going to become more and more breathtaking.”
“Happy new year, Kaiser. I’ll cheer you on with all I have, as I always have.” You reached under the table, and you squeezed his thigh encouragingly. He glanced at you lovingly, and his eyes fluttered as if a new idea crossed his mind.
He held his fork teasingly over your plate, and he pointed at your lips. “Seeing that I’ve gone through all the trouble of getting you your cake, dressing up, and surprising you with everything… Why don’t we keep with the theme? Won’t you let your beautiful bunny emperor feed you to kick off 2023?”
You immediately deadpanned. 
“Absolutely not! I can feed myself, thank you very much!”
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nyctophiliq · 1 year
OK ok idea for once. Kiriko and/or widow dragging their hands through an s/o's short hair bc aaahshdhdhdhrhdhhejdjd I melt when people do it. Like an s/o who can't help it at all. Maybe the S/o is annoyed at them and kiriko or who ever you choose just runs her hands through the S/Os hair and their mood immediately changes as they visibly relax, idk I'm sudjdnjduchdhfhcjfnffjfnfndndj fluffy please touch my fluffy hair imckjdnxjdnjennshdjjc
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✮ — 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐂𝐇 ; kiriko kamori, amélie 'widowmaker' lacroix, elizabeth caledonia 'ashe', brigitte lindholm
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content warning. afab! reader, sfw ! — lowercase writing intended, mention of blood and injuries, nothing but fluffy things
moss' notes; here you go magie mage, sorry this took forever :/ added ashe because moss' wife is ashe <3
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you were used to kiriko getting home late, like around midnight, and at first, you were all angry and red about it but got used to it since she always came home by twelve am, without a scratch on her. but tonight she didn't even make it to twelve, better yet, she came home in the morning, wrapped in bandages here and there and with a few cuts on her face!
x "what were you thinking, kiriko! if your mother gets a wind of this i will never ever see you again! hell, you might not even be allowed to see the light of day until you turn old and wrinkly." you went on and on about how reckless she was, acting as her mother instead of her mother.
kiriko just sighed, starring blankly at you, barely listening into whatever you were saying. she understand that you were worried, she thought about calling you to let you know she will be coming home later but things got so heated she lost her phone. so she beared your loud words, a little bored of it as she sat next to you on the couch. but she did nothing your looking kinda wrong, as if you haven't brushed it or had a hat on. she reached out to fix it, ran her fingers through your hair like a brush. you looked at her like she was crazy, your mouth still moving with concern but as soon as her fingertips reached your scalp, pushing on it you shut up, leaning into her touch like a pet would.
x "why so silent now? i wanted to hear the end."
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it was unlike amélie to let herself be wounded, she always choose to fight from a distance and there was little to no chance of anyone detecting her from the heights she climbed up to.
x "both you and your agents made a stupid plan, especially you! the one who was leading the mission, what were yo thinking going in with this kind of plan?"
there was hardly any more way to express how stupid her plan was and most would have stopped at half of the rambling your were still going at. amélie just sat there, enduring your harsh words thrown at her that she knew were just a sign that you were worried sick when she came home with a bleeding bandage on her arm.
she herself has no idea what made her reach out with her bad arm, try to caress your face and anger you even more, but all your words seemed to choke into a sigh as her finger dig through your locks, massaging your scalp the slightest.
x "cheriè you are always so easy to calm, always surprises me."
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you always told her to never try and lift the heavier pieces along, that she should either call reinhart or use one of those machines in her workshop to lift them up! but of course, she has to show off how strong she is, call it 'a little more workout'.
x "if you wanna work out you go to the gym, not lift those giant pieces of metal all by yourself! you wanna hurt yourself worse than this, is that what you are going for?"
brigitte just chuckled at your distressed words, letting you bandage up the cut on her arm while she iced the bruise on her other hand’s knuckles. you were going on and on about how dangerous lifting those things are, and that if it happens again you surely won’t let angela patch her all the while leaning closer and closer, trying to see better.
the taller girl smiled at your efforts, trying to blow your hair out of the way and when you finally had enough, dipping your head back to hopefully get rid of the strand making your life miserable brigitte cupped your cheek, caressing the skin under your eye for a second before sneaking her fingers along the roots of your hair.
x "you are always right my heart, won’t happen again.
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— ASHE...
elizabeth loved going out to the local bar with some of her gang members to drink, and ruff some people up before getting home but tonight she picked a bigger fish than she could fry and bob wasn't there to help her out. so she came home with a few bruises
x "could you be more reckless? i get you don't like people messing with you but you are smarter than this!" you fumed as you cleaned the blood from under her nose with a towel wet with warm water.
ashe just rolled her eyes at your comments, having an internal monologue of speaking back to you, trying to defend herself but even if she tried to speak you wouldn't even notice because of how angry you were. she just gazed at your face, following the way your lips moved with every word, how the skin on the corner of your eyes creased when you took a second to look at her face rather than her nose then turn your body to re-wet the cloth.
your hair seemed to bother you, as you kept fixing it, pushing it to the side, then to the other side in between words, trying to get it to stop bothering you. ashe noticed, much rather focus on you struggling with your hair than your words. she reached her hand out, pushing the hair out of your face the way you liked it before raking her finger in your hair, dragging her fingertips across your head with some pressure.
x "ain't that good my darling? consider it my sorry for worryin' ya pretty self."
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tag list; @darlingmisa @soffisalive @sevikasangel @pixiegirlz @gonegonethankyouuu
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
Baby Fever Loki & "You're the end of the rainbow, my pot of gold,
You're daddy's little girl to have and hold.
A precious gem is what you are,
You're mommy's bright and shining star." (Al Martino - Daddy's Little Girl)
a/n: Thanks for the request, friend! I adored this so much, omg! I loved writing for this song! 🥺🥰❤ I hope you like it! 🥺
Warnings: None, this is so, so fluffy
Word Count: 712
Tagging: @lokisgoodgirl @lovingchoices14 @evelyn-kingsley @jennyggggrrr @acefeather2002 @lulubelle814 @vbecker10 @theaudacitytowrite @lady-rose-moon @fictive-sl0th @aagn360 @mostclevermiss @linaax @peaches1958 @simping-for-marvel @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @stupidthoughtsinwriting @eleniblue @loki-laufeyson-1054 @multifandom-worlds
Lyric-Drabble-Mania Masterlist
Based on this song:
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Sing Me to Sleep
If anyone would've asked Loki in the early days of being an 'Avenger', whether he would prefer to go back to Asgard or stay at the compound, the answer to this question would've been as clear as the day... Going back to Asgard. Nowadays, the God would choose this compound above everything. Not just because you, his wife, were there, no... Since five months and four days, he didn't just come back home to his wife, but also to his baby girl; his own flesh and blood.
It was one of these days, where you and Loki had to choose which one of you should go on a small mission with Nat and Clint. It was a question which needed not much time to get answered. Loki loved to be at home on father duty and you enjoyed to have a small break from time to time. Long story short, you went out on that mission and Loki stayed with Ella.
Being a father was never something on the God's 'bucket list' - until he met little Eisa. Crazy how things could change. Meanwhile, he wouldn't trade being a father for anything in this world - and not even in the nine realms. Nothing could compare to this. Loki looked down, smiling. Nothing could compare to this precious, little creature sleeping tightly on his bare chest right now, with her little legs dangling over each side of his ribcage and tiny hands balled into fist to rest on his muscular pecs. No silver or gold. Not Asgard's throne or any other throne. No tesseract or other infinity stones. Nothing. His heart would never fail to skip a beat, when his eyes landed on Ella; almost aching at how much he loved her. He adjusted the blanket, which covered his legs, half of his upper body and Ella, of course.
It had been a long night for the father-daughter team. Ella was restless, didn't sleep very much, cried a lot and kept Loki on his feet as well. Therefore, it was no wonder that merely after the sun had risen and Ella had her breakfast, that Loki was laying down with her again, hoping for the both of them to get some more sleep. It wasn't rare that the little girl didn't sleep well in the first night when you were gone on a mission for a few days. Loki's guess was that she simply just missed you. Ella felt when you were around - and not around, of course. Believe it or not, but drinking from a bottle at night was something entirely different, than drinking from mama's breast - that was at least how Loki believed Ella thought.
A small whimper, coming undoubtedly out of Ella's tiny, pouty lips pulled Loki out of his thoughts. Within seconds, all his attention had shifted to his baby daughter. "Hey, princess... You already awake again, huh?" Another soft whine. "What's wrong, sweet girl?" The God adjusted her position slightly, tried to make it even more comfortable for her. "You can't tell me you are not tired. You've been awake almost the whole night. You have to get some sleep, sweetheart," he cooed. His thumb started to trace soothing circles in her onesie clad back, while his other hand brushed through her tiny raven curls, trying to lull her back to sleep. Unfortunately, it didn't really help, so Loki decided to draw the Joker card... Singing. "Do you want daddy to sing for you, princess?" And again, another whine. "I take that as a yes." Loki said, quickly pressing a kiss on her forehead. "Alright, let me think... Oh, I think I've got an idea. Your mama showed me this song." The God tried to remember the lyrics, before he cleared his throat and started to sing. "You're the end of the rainbow, my pot of gold. You're daddy's little girl to have and hold. A precious gem is what you are, you're mommy's bright and shining star." Like so often, the singing seemed to do the trick. Ella's whines and whimpers stopped, got replaced by calm and steady breathing. She had fallen back asleep. An amused, quiet chuckle left Loki's lips. "You just love hearing daddy sing for you, don't you, my precious gem."
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kana2025 · 4 days
Swimmer Himbo Jaehyun x Lifeguard Reader | Beach Himbo
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Word Count: 1K+
Genres & Warnings: Erotic Romance, Jaehyun and Reader have sex, Reader is AFAB, Reader also more of a dom (nothing too crazy, smut stays simple and vanilla) Jaehyun is a Himbo swimmer, reader is lifeguard, flirting.
Synopsis: Lifeguard Y/N finds herself irresistibly drawn to Jaehyun, a charismatic swimmer whose presence ignites sparks of desire by the pool. As their eyes meet and tension mounts, they are both consumed by the promise of a seductive encounter waiting to unfold.
The sun blazed high in the sky, casting a golden glow over the pool. As the lifeguard on duty, you kept a vigilant eye on the swimmers, ensuring everyone stayed safe. Most days were routine, filled with the usual crowd of families and kids splashing around. But today, Jaehyun was here.
Jaehyun, the star swimmer known for his charmingly clueless nature, was hard to miss. With his broad shoulders, toned abs, and infectious grin, he drew eyes wherever he went. He was the quintessential himbo—sweet, gorgeous, and sometimes a bit dense, but endearingly so.
"Hey, lifeguard!" Jaehyun called out as he climbed out of the pool, water dripping from his perfectly chiseled body. "How's it going up there?"
You couldn't help but smile at his friendly demeanor. "All good. How's the water?"
"Refreshing," he said, shaking his head and sending droplets flying. "You should join me sometime."
You laughed, shaking your head. "I'm supposed to stay on duty, remember?"
Jaehyun gave you a playful pout. "Even for a little break?”
Your heart skipped a beat at the suggestion, but you maintained your professional stance. "I'm here to make sure everyone stays safe, including you."
He chuckled, the sound deep and warm. "Alright, alright. But if you change your mind, I'll be right here."
As Jaehyun settled onto a lounge chair, you tried to focus on your job, but your eyes kept drifting back to him. He was the epitome of physical perfection, every muscle defined and glistening in the sunlight. You watched as he stretched out, his abs flexing with each movement, and felt a warmth spread through you that had nothing to do with the sun.
"Enjoying the view?" Jaehyun's voice broke through your staring.
You blushed, caught off guard. "Just making sure you're not getting into trouble."
He flashed his signature grin, a blend of innocence and mischief. "Who, me? Never."
Your heart fluttered at his charm. "Just keep behaving yourself."
Jaehyun's eyes twinkled with playful intent. "I'll do my best. But it’s hard when you look so good up there."
You felt your cheeks heat up even more, and you quickly glanced away, trying to focus on the pool. But Jaehyun wasn’t done. He stood up and walked over to the lifeguard chair, his presence commanding and irresistible.
"Mind if I join you up here for a minute?" he asked, his voice low and enticing.
You swallowed hard, the proximity making your pulse race. "I'm supposed to keep watch..."
"Just for a minute," he insisted, his hand lightly brushing yours. "I promise I won't be a distraction."
Too late for that, you thought, but nodded nonetheless. Jaehyun climbed up and sat beside you, his body warm and close.
"So, what’s it like being the most responsible person here?" he asked, his tone light and teasing.
You laughed softly. "It's a lot of watching and waiting. And occasionally rescuing people."
"Well, you make it look good," he said, his eyes lingering on you. "Really good."
You turned to face him, your breath catching at the intensity in his gaze. "You’re trouble, you know that?"
He smiled, leaning in closer. "Only the best kind."
The air between you was charged, the world around you fading as you locked eyes with Jaehyun. His hand found its way to your knee, his touch gentle but electrifying. "How about after your shift, we grab a drink? I promise to keep my shirt on, if that's what it takes."
You laughed, the tension breaking just enough to feel the warmth of his words. "I might hold you to that."
"Deal," he whispered, his lips dangerously close to yours. "I'll be waiting."
As Jaehyun climbed down and returned to the pool, you couldn't help but watch him, anticipation bubbling inside you. The hours until the end of your shift stretched out, each minute bringing you closer to what promised to be an unforgettable evening with the most charming swimmer you'd ever met.
After your shift ends you meet up with Jaehyun and leads you to the private lounge area of the pool complex, a secluded space reserved for staff and VIPs. The soft lighting and plush seating created an intimate atmosphere, and you could hear the gentle lapping of the pool water in the distance.
As the door clicked shut behind you, Jaehyun turned to face you, his expression a mix of excitement and nervousness. "So, um, you sure about this?" he asked, his voice deep but tinged with uncertainty.
You stepped closer, a playful glint in your eyes. "Oh, I'm more than sure. I've been waiting for this moment."
His eyes widened in surprise, but a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "I like where this is going," he said, his voice tinged with anticipation.
With a mischievous grin, you closed the distance between you, pressing your lips against his in a kiss that was anything but innocent. Jaehyun responded eagerly, his hands finding their way to your waist as he pulled you closer.
Breaking away for a moment, you looked him in the eye, a playful smirk on your lips. "Ready for some fun?"
Jaehyun's grin widened, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Absolutely."
With that, you pushed him back onto one of the lounge chairs, your movements confident and assertive. Straddling his lap, you leaned in close, your lips hovering just inches from his.
"You know," you whispered, your breath hot against his ear, "I've always wanted to take the lead."
His breath caught in his throat, and he swallowed hard, his eyes darkening with desire. "I'm all yours," he replied, his voice husky with anticipation.
You wasted no time, trailing kisses down his neck, nipping and sucking at his skin with a hunger that matched your own. Jaehyun's hands roamed over your body, exploring every curve with a mix of reverence and excitement.
You could feel the heat building between you, the tension palpable in the air. With practiced ease, you stripped away his swim trunks, exposing him fully to your gaze. His breath hitched as you took him in, a flush spreading across his cheeks.
Leaning down, you captured his lips in a heated kiss, your hands trailing over his chest and abs, feeling the firmness of his muscles beneath your fingertips. Jaehyun moaned into the kiss, his hands gripping your hips as he pulled you closer.
"I want you," he whispered, his voice thick with desire.
You smirked, your confidence growing with each passing moment. "Then I’ll guess you’ll have me."
With that, you guided him inside you, both of you gasping at the intensity of the sensation. You moved together with a rhythm that was, all-consuming each thrust driving you both closer to the edge of ecstasy.
As you reached the peak of pleasure, you cried out his name, your body trembling with release. Jaehyun followed soon after, his own release mingling with yours in a symphony of passion.
Afterward, you collapsed against him, both of you breathless and spent. Jaehyun wrapped his arms around you, holding you close as you caught your breath.
"That was amazing," he murmured, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You smiled, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over you. "I told you I wanted to take the lead."
He chuckled, his fingers tracing lazy patterns on your skin. "And I'm so glad you did."
As you lay entwined, basking in the afterglow of your passion, you knew that this was just the beginning of a thrilling new chapter in your relationship.
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thathermitweirdo · 10 months
Sibling Issues
Hi everyone! This is a oneshot I wrote over TWO years ago. Kinda crazy, but here we are. I wanna start moving some oneshots over here to tumblr, but if you’d like to read more, check out my Wattpad :)
Anyway, Enjoy!
Xisuma sat on the edge of his storage tower, just as the sun began to descend over the jungle. The dusty orange glow of the horizon caused the leaves to gleam in the sunset. With the wind brushing through his chestnut hair, the admin took in a deep breath of fresh air. His helmet sat on his lap, allowing X to breathe freely.
Hermitcraft season seven had come to its end. Xisuma had let the hermits head to season eight, while he stayed behind to wrap everything up. The quiet was nice, to take a few moments to enjoy the peacefulness of the empty server. No pranking or firework rockets in the distance, the only sound was the rustling of the leaves that shook with the wind.
Xisuma watched silently as the sun slowly crossed over the horizon, the sky turning dark as the moon began to take its place in the sky. Stars twinkled above, gleaming down on the quiet little server. The admin shut his eyes, feeling the wind against his face, the gentle breeze brushing against his cheeks.
"Alright Xisuma. Enough wasting time. Get back to work." The Brit spoke to himself with a heavy sigh, placing his helmet over his head as he got to his feet.
The admin snapped his fingers together, a purple screen appearing before him. Xisuma typed away at the keyboard, hesitating as his hand hovered over the 'enter' key. This could risk everything that he had worked for. The identity that he had built, the life that he had created from scratch, it all could come crumbling to the ground if something went wrong.
"This needs to be done," Xisuma said to himself, trying to reassure his decision, although he didn't sound saddened or hesitant, even as he continued to speak. "I can't just leave him in the void. I never should have banned him to begin with."
He quickly pressed the 'enter' key on the screen, and within moments, Xisuma had spotted the chat message popping up.
<EvilXisuma joined the game>
Typing in another command, Xisuma hit enter once again, his brother suddenly teleporting right in front of the admin. Ex was stunned at the unfamiliar method of travel, dazed after returning from the void. It had been so long in the silence, the cold, empty, darkness that he had been locked away in.
Ex ripped off his helmet, dropping to his knees as he gasped for fresh air. He had breathed in the air of the void for so long that it burned his lungs to breathe the air of the overworld, but the evil hermit didn't care. It felt so fresh and warm, it was the greatest thing that Ex had felt in months.
He looked up at his brother, Ex still breathing heavily as his eyes flashed with burning hatred. There were deep scars across the Brit's face, much worse than the marks across Xisuma's face. The cuts and slashes were covering the majority of his face.
"Why...why am I here..?" Ex panted, his eyes trailing to the ground, unable to meet the steely glare of his brother. Xisuma smiled.
"I couldn't leave you there."
His brother laughed at that. "Oh, you couldn't leave me there? Well, you took EVERYTHING AWAY FROM ME!" Ex snapped with his eyes looking up from the ground, the fire in his glare quickly burning out as he looked back to the safety of the ground.
"It would have been better if you had just left me there." He muttered underneath his breath, Ex placing his helmet over his head and adjusting it with a scowl across his face.
"I know," Xisuma said, staring down at his helpless brother. "But you also know I couldn't do that."
The two were silent for a couple moments, neither attempting to lock eyes with one another. After what felt like an eternity, Ex finally spoke up.
"W-...what season is it..? Last I remember, I was in season six, then I was suddenly back in the void."
"It's going to be season eight soon enough," Xisuma explained, "we just finished season seven. You and I are currently in my season seven base."
Ex smiled cruelly. "So, you're letting me join season eight?" He asked jokingly, Xisuma letting out a weak chuckle in response, his eyes narrowing.
"You'd tear everything apart. I can't let you do that."
"What? Just because you don't want the hermits to know the truth about you?" Ex asked tauntingly, his tone mocking the admin. Xisuma pulled out his blade, he and his brother locked eyes with one another. Ex grinned at this.
"There he is. There's the Xisuma that I know.." he said with a flat chuckle, Ex's words causing him to be met by the tip of his brother's sword.
"You don't know me at all." Xisuma growled, Ex audibly laughing.
"I know you better than any of the hermits ever could. I know the real you. You, Xisumavoid, are a heartless, cruel, monster. You kill anyone who figures out who you really are, just like how you killed Python and Biffa, along with anyone else who stood in your way."
Xisuma grinned, dragging the sword across his brother's neck. "They were the smart ones. But everyone else is too dense to realize. They all think that I'm just a derp, that I'm just 'good old Xisuma'. And they'll never think any differently of me."
Ex cussed underneath his breath, knowing that it was true. Although, the cussing turned into quiet laughter underneath his breath. The evil hermit smiled at his brother.
"So you're going to kill me? So no one will know?"
Xisuma smiled. "You know me so well, brother."
"Then, let me at least ask one question."
Xisuma thought for a moment, but he slowly nodded in agreement. Ex looked up at the admin, his eyes no longer filled with hatred, but with sorrow.
"Do you regret it? Any of it?” His brother asked earnestly, eyes filled with what seemed to be pleading.
“You stole the life that I was going to have,” He went on. “And you put me in the void while you ran off to join hermitcraft. I could have come along, I could have had something more than this worthless life in the void!”
X rolled his eyes, slightly raising his blade, but his brother persisted and he continued.
Ex stood up and stepped closer, almost taunting his sibling. The pleading gaze changed, shifted to a cold, yet burning determination. “But instead, you discard me while constantly lying to the people you called your friends! You gave me all these scars and made me this way! So tell me, brother, do you regret any of it?! From ruining my life to killing those hermits you called your friends?!"
Xisuma thought for a moment, then slowly, yet reluctantly nodded. "I do. I do regret one thing..." he said, lowering his sword away from his brother's neck.
Ex could barely react as the sword was shoved through his chest, Xisuma's face practically glowing with insane joy as a crazed grin spread across his face. Blood trickled down the netherite blade, dripping off the sword and into a small puddle on the ground.
"I regret not getting rid of you sooner."
Ex chuckled drowsily at that, it was clear he was beginning to lose consciousness. Xisuma pulled his blade out of his brother's chest, causing Ex to fall to the ground. He looked past the admin, looking out at the jungle, a weak smile coming across his face.
"T...the one thing I wanted to see while I was in the void...more than anything…” He began to cough and choke, blood running up his throat and spewing out his mouth as he tried to speak. “—was the sun..nice to see you w-waited just s-so I couldn't get the thing I wanted m-most.."
"Quit whining." Xisuma growled as he stabbed his sword into Ex's side, pulling out the blade once his brother had stopped breathing. A warm puddle of crimson blood surrounded the body, the admin dropping his weapon beside his dead sibling.
"I never really did like you. You were nothing more than a nuisance if you ask me." Xisuma said carelessly, shrugging it off as if Ex had meant less than nothing to him.
"Messing with you, the hermits, anyone really, all of this is more fun than you could ever imagine, Ex." Xisuma said, speaking to his brother as if he were still alive.
"The rush of killing, it's incredible. You wouldn't know. You were nice compared to what I've done, and that's why you're dead.” He said, dragging his gloved finger through the warm blood on the edge of his blade.
“This is all a game, and you just couldn't figure out how to play it right."
Xisuma stepped into spawn, the other hermits waving at him. They had been waiting for the admin before starting the new season. The large group of hermits all smiled and greeted him, unaware of what he had just done. Xisuma grinned and acted like his 'regular' old self.
The season started and all the hermits ran off to gather materials. Keralis had joined Xisuma in a small group with a few other hermits, gathering wood and stone to start. He noticed X joining the server, waving happily before coming up to the admin when everyone else was out of earshot.
"What took you so long, Shiswami? I almost thought you weren't coming!" He laughed, smiling at the admin. Xisuma chuckled, his smile sweet and his voice calm.
"Oh, you know, just sibling issues."
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akslz · 8 months
"You must be an angel"
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---- Hello!! this is my first post here so apoligies if its not formatted well. Regardless; here is a mediocre ( orignally written on a03 by me, linked here) story I wrote on a whim, about a broken family put back together once they move to Nockfell after an incident with Knives (our main character) and her mother. She and her brother meet the gang and silliness ensues. AKA a shitty modern day SF fanfic because head full, this is a self-insert character so sorry no y/n. she is loosely based off of me so blah blah ok here backstory time & yes there is homestuck refences and NO I do not care ☹ let me do what I do #autism !! English is a poor language for me so apologies for mistakes!! None of the fanart/ images used are mine, credits to owners!-----
End of the Beginning
what seem like decades ago, Knives lived with her semi put together family in the ever so urban Houston Texas. With her twin brother Vinnie (or Vin) and her eldest brother Silas everything was just peachy. That was until their father had died of heart complications when Knives was just 11.
After that sad excuse of a day the widowed Miki became a pathetic shell of a mother. She lived by her ever empty bottle of wine or shitty canned beer. To the point where she became more of a roommate than a mother. Knives had to do something about this.
She wasn’t going to sit back and watch as her older brother work his senior year of high school away at some mediocre grocery store just so Miki could blow most of his minimal paycheck on alcohol. On April 14th, just days away from knives & Vins’ birthdays, knives decided to confront her mother. Here’s how the interaction went down. (First person pov)
“You crazy bitch who do you think you are?!” you mother slurred as she quickly tried to grab the bottle of wine that you started to pour down the drain.
“Me? Crazy? Please.” You said in a monotone voice as you finished dumping out the bottle and swiftly moved out of the way of your monstrous mothers’ grasp. Your brothers used to go onto the roof when things were easier, they taught you how to fight, or ‘strife’ they called it. You had gotten well at defending yourself over those couple of months. even being able to use your newfound skills against a creep at the mall.
“Please don’t do this, I just want to help you momma I promise!” you said grabbing her hands and looking up into her glazed eyes.
“Let go of me! You brat! I’m an adult and I can do as I want! Do not tell ME what I can and can’t do!” she said as she pushed you forward; causing your smaller body to hit the counter behind you.
As brush your long hair out of your face and you steady yourself you look back to your mother to see her lunge at you. You could never hurt your mother. Not ever. She’s just a little girl who’s distraught over her husband and best friend of 16 years dying. You couldn’t punish her for lashing out. She’s just scared.
 You feel warm now, you have a stinging spot on your head so instinctually you went to scratch it. Then comes the pain, it’s almost everywhere; you groggily open your eyes to look at your hand as it feels wet, blood. It was blood. You jolt up, now realizing you’re on the dining room floor. Your full vision slowly comes back, and you’re horrified at the sight. Chunks of your beautiful hair is sprawled around you.
 Your hair that held the last memory of your father. You used to crawl into bed with him and your mother in the mornings that you woke up before them. He used to always tuck your hair behind you bejeweled ears and hum you back into a light sleep. You grasp a chunk of the mangled hair and spread it between your fingers. Slowly beginning to cry. The pain on your extremities was nothing compared to this. You just slowly lowered yourself back onto the fake hardwood floor and cried, cried because you didn’t know what else to do.
 You wanted nothing but for everything to go back to the way it was. You starred at the entrance to your apartment, watching the very minimal light from the peep hole shine in, casting light on the dust particles in the air. It felt like the world was spinning in slow motion. You were dreading the time Silas and Vin come back from the music store. You cried for what felt like hours. You eventually sat up and noticed the keys to one of the two cars your family had owned was missing. You weakly stood up and hobbled to your mothers’ room, seeing drawers strewn over the already messy room.
“Great. Pansy ass bitch.” You said as your voice cracked. Crying again as you realized your mother had fled.
 You didn’t care though as you heard your brothers obnoxiously loud keys jiggle the lock open. You shuffled into the dining room, quickly observing the scene left behind. A broken wine bottle, small spots of blood with of course your white hair scattering the room. You dropped to your knees and touched your head for the first time since you woke up. You began sobbing again. The rest was a haze. You vaguely remember your older brother cupping your head; asking what happened. The only thing you could mutter was ‘’ Momma”. That’s all he needed to hear.
After that it’s a blur. Due to your mothers fleeing and your brother being freshly 19, he gains custody of you and your twin.
Beginning of the End
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~Time skip: 3 years after incident, age:15~
You innocently lean against your bed, plucking mindlessly at your well-loved bass. The vibrations running through your fingers.
“yo“ Vinnie says as he comes into your shared room, pushing up the shades he always adorned and swooping his platinum hair out of his face. You found it funny, you rarely see him without the sunglasses.
“Hey man, did Bro mention anything about what school we’ll be goin’ to after we move?’’ you questioned as you shut off your amplifier and faced him fully. He sat down at his desk and kicked his feet up on the nearby bedpost.
“Yeah, actually he did, it’s near the shithole surprisingly, so we could probably skate to & from the hellhole instead of riding in the bus” He referred to the apartments we planned to live in as the ‘shithole’ because in all honesty, it wasn’t lavish. On the website it looked quite old, but it’ll do for the three of you. The real name of your new crib was ‘Addison Apartments’.
You set your bass down as you glanced at your mostly packed room. The stacks of cardboard boxes occupying most of the free space.
‘’I can’t believe this our last weekend in Texas...” Vinnie sighed and got up to stand next to you as you turned to glance out the window of your Highrise apartment. You’re not going to miss the hustle and bustle of urban Texas; the constant traffic and shouting kept you up frequently. You leaned onto your brother as he comfortingly wrapped an arm around you and sighing.
“I know, it’ll be a nice change though, Nockfell looks chill.” He said rubbing circles onto your arm.
Later on you go into the bathroom to take off your makeup, when your mother defaced you she gladly didn’t do as much damage as you initially thought. Your long hair now was medium length with layers. You honestly loved the change of appearance. You also decided to dye the tips of your hair a dusty rose because you’ve always liked the idea of a colorful head of hair, even if its just a little.
“Finally, I finished packing the moving van with my and my brothers’ shit’’, you thought, never understood why they needed so many electronics, turntables, keypads, electric pianos, they had it all. They sure did love their pop music. You, Knives, on the other hand liked all music types, but you really loved heavy metal. The way that Sanity’s Falls bass shook your head every time you listened to it just make your love for metal grow. You laughed at how ironic it was that your name was Knives, AND you liked heavy music, how metal is a name like that?
Vin stumbled out of the entrance to the apartment building, his headphones sitting heavily on his shoulders as he chucks his skateboard and your roller skates in the back of bros’ pickup. You had all finished getting ready for the drive, you and your twin glances at each other and then to your guardian.
Bro wiped sweat from his forehead and adjusted his pointy shades “Alright y’all let’s get this show on the road, its a long drive so let’s get started. I wanna make it at least halfway by tonight.”
You and Vin were going to drive the pickup while Bro drove the chunky U-Haul. Although you both couldn't legally drive, your brother decided on a whim to teach the both of you a couple months ago so you had a general idea of what you were doing. You were nervous to make the lengthy drive because you had a fear that if you got pulled over that you and your brother would both be sent to juvey.
Regardless, you made the drive. The 48 hour journey was taxing but when you stepped out of the car in Nockfell you realized that this place was way different than Texas and you had no clue what was to come.
After reconnecting with your eldest brother after the long drive you made your way into the lobby as your brothers unlocked the moving van. You realize that there was no receptionist desk only a small mail cubby area. you remembered that Bro mentioned you would be staying in unit 403. So you made your way over to that cubby and you realized that you needed a key to unlock. \
You did not know where to obtain such key so being the genius you are you stuck your smallest fingers' nail into the key slot and tugged & wiggled out a little bit to see if it was unlocked and thankfully it was! you grabbed the few pieces of junk mail that had already gathered and threw them away, then picked up the thin envelope that contained the apartment keys and gently opening it and removing the keys
you made your way to the elevator and hit the button for your floor you jogged quickly to your apartment and unlocked it. You push open the door to see a glum looking room with a green-gray carpet that held a few stains.
You scrunch your nose due to you smelling heavy cleaner and bleach, but at least it was clean, you quickly set down the keys and make your way out leaving the door open so you and your siblings can easily go in and out without having to worry about the door.
After you brought up all the boxes with your name on it and set them in your room you put your hands on your hips, sighing, and glancing around the room. You were excited to finally have your own room away from your brother, but it would be a change because you had been bunking with him since you two were little. Reminiscing about all the times you had spent together was making you feel nostalgic.
Vin and Bro had made a quick run to the grocery store so they could stock up on some essentials for the fridge. You sat down and sliced open one of the cardboard boxes that was labeled “CDs” you were rummaging through it when you heard some mumbling coming from outside your room and heavy footsteps. You were surprised because you thought it would take your brothers a longer time to arrive back home, so you brushed yourself off and pushed the door open.
Your eyes widened in shock when you realize that the two people you heard in your apartment were in fact not your brothers but two strangers. One being a tall male with tanned skin and long brown hair having deep set eyes that carried bags heavier than anything. This person wore a cannibal corpse shirt with a beat-up flannel and gray jeans. The other person that you couldn't assume the gender of had electric blue pigtails hanging from each side of their head & wore red ripped jeans with fishnets underneath, combat boots along with a black crew neck, you also noticed that this person wearing what looked like a mask, you didn't think twice though because a lot of people these days were very expressive. It looks quite cool.
“uh…. hi...” you said sweetly but quietly, slightly hiding behind the door frame because you didn't know if these people were a threat or not. Just in case you reached over to your desk and put your hidden hand on it to feel for the box cutter you had laying on it.
“Oh! Hey man” the tall one with long hair said as he lifted his ringed hand and waved “sorry to intrude like this dude just wanted to give an introduction because we were told that a new tenant would be moving in, I’m Larry, Larry Johnson.” He took a step closer to you holding out his dominant hand for to shake.
“Hi... I’m Knives, yeah me and my brothers just moved here, nice to meet you” you reluctantly grabbed his hand your long nails accidentally brushing against him.
“Knives? Like the utensil? That's a cool ass nickname!” He said smiling noticing the gap in between his two front teeth. It kind of made him look like a Bunny.
“Thank you! But that's my real name.” You said awkwardly smiling leaning your head fully against the door frame of your room.
“Oh, and uh this is my friend Sal, but you can just call him Sally face! It's kind of like his nickname.” Larry said elbowing his shorter friend getting a low toned laugh out of Sal.
So, the mystery person is a guy, good to know. You could tell that you and Ben would get along well with them both.
“So, you said you had brothers, right? Where are they?” The bluenette questioned while stuffing his hands into his pockets.
“They went to the store I think but they should be back soon. How old are you guys?” you questioned. Quickly stuffing the box cutter into the backside waistband of your shorts and quickly tucking your Motley-Crue band shirt over it. You swiftly moved away from the door frame and took a step right outside the door and leaned against the wall, kicking one of your ankles over the other while withholding eye contact with Sal.
"we're both fifteen, how about you?" Larry questioned eyeing you 
"same. My twin is fifteen too, His name is Vin, I think you two would get along well. He likes cannibal corpse." you lied straight through your teeth, not knowing why. Vinnie never really liked metal. Hopefully he'll lie as well to cover your white lie. You were never good with people.... safe to say you're nervous for what's to come.
Every story starts somewhere
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Hi hi I somehow forgot to mention that this story is NOT following canon events, i.e. no cult, just some vague paranormal activity   !All original characters belong to me, none of the canon characters mentioned are mine and do not have the rights to them!
You had spoken with the two for about 15 minutes before they saw themselves out. After they’d left you had mentally slapped yourself for being so socially inept, Vin and Silas would definitely make fun of you for this one.
“Hey hey Knives! We’re back with some food!” Silas said as he loudly slammed the door with his foot.
“And we bought apple juice! So come get some before I finish it all.” Vinnie barked as you made your way out of your now unpacked room.
“Thanks bro!” you said smiling widely at your older brother as he messed up your hair
The three of you lingered in the kitchen as you unloaded the groceries and unpacked the kitchen essentials.
“Something really weird happened earlier-“you said turning to face them both, you were met with darkened plastic sunglasses awaiting you to continue speaking
“These two guys from the apartments came to introduce themselves, Larry and Sal, surprisingly they were very chill. I kinda lied about you liking cannibal corpse to Larry though vin...” you said sheepishly smiling and covering your face with your hands.
“ Man what the hell why? I don’t dig metal that much” Your twin asked jokingly.
“They were just so… intriguing! I got embarrassed and it just slipped out!”
“Chillax sis its alright, don’t sweat it. So, these guys are what? Hardcore church burners?” Vin said making the demon horn motion with both of his hands.
You and Silas laughed as he obnoxiously headbanged.
“No not really, at least not from what I could tell. They were very nice. I’m pretty sure they go to our school since we’re all the same age. “Vin nodded for you to continue.
“Larry is a tall dude with what I have to say is the most beautiful hair I’ve ever seen on a man” you said throwing your hands up in defeat. Both of your brothers scoffing sarcastically.
“Then there’s Sal- “you began to remember the sight of the boy, something about him captivated you. Whether it was his unique hair, His killer style, the tone of his voice…...or the way his hands looked with all those rings on them… and the way you thought they’d look on you…
Girl, what the hell are you thinking?! You just met him? Stop being weird. You seriously needed to stop letting your hormones take control of you like this.
You’d realized your brother was looking at you strangely.
“Hellooooo? Anyone in there?” Vin said waving a hand in front of your face.
“Is she having another episode?” Silas asked, setting down the box he was moving and walking over to you.
“What? Oh sorry, No I’m fine, I just got lost in thought you guys don’t worry” you nervously laughed as they back away from you, relaxing their attention.
“Shit man you really worried me for a second…Anyways continue with what you were telling me about this Sal girl” Vinnie sighed now sitting on the counter across from you.
“Sal is a guy- “you said rolling your eyes “– but anyways. He’s sweet, he has this bright blue hair that’s really dope. He also wears this mask? I’m not sure what its about but it fits him, he has the same style of Larry he’s just a liiitttlllleee short…” you said making a “small” motion with your index and thumb.
“Hey, it’s not like the little guy can control it!” Vinnie said getting off the counter and poking at you.
You and he laughed as you made your way to his room to help him unpack his belongings.
The next day was Saturday. You were making your way down to the lobby with your brother to explore the area when on your way out of the dingy elevator you bumped into someone, accidently knocking something out of their hands.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry!” you apologized quickly kneeling to pick up papers and a purple school folder off the ground.
“It’s okay! I should’ve been looking where I was going” the feminine voice said giggling.
You handed the girl what you assumed was her schoolwork.
“Hey…are you new around here? I’ve never seen you before? And I think I’d remember someone this pretty” the girl said.
This girl was also quite pretty. With long brown hair and piercing green eyes, she wore a long purple shirtdress with purposely torn black tights. Along with a chunky black choker and heavier makeup, you started to really like this girl already.
“Thank you so much! You’re pretty too, and uhm yeah! Me and my brother just moved here recently, My names Knives. This is my brother Vinnie.” You said gesturing to Vinnie who threw up a weak wave to her as he seemed in awe.
“Knives?! That’s so awesome! My name’s Ashley but everyone just calls me Ash. Do you have insta or anything like that? You seem realllyyyy cool and I’d love to get to know you-“she said as she pulled out a lavender iPhone from her sleeve “- but I’m supposed to be tutoring with my friends right now and I’m already late, I’m afraid they’ll think I’m dead if I’m any more late” she said holding her phone out to you.
“Yeah, I do! Also, no problem I understand, you seem pretty chill as well!” you said slightly smiling as you typed your username into the search bar and then clicked on your profile as it came up. You handed Ash her phone back, she waved goodbye and jogged into the elevator.
“she seems nice, It seems like everyone here has awesome hair…” you said looking to Vinnie
“DID SHE FOLLOW YOU YET? LET ME SEE YOUR PHONE NOW, GIVE IT GIVE IT GIVE IT” he said reaching for your phone which was in your hand.
“Jesus man here fine, have a look god!” You laughed handing it to him. Vinnie snatched it out of your hand and flying to Ash’s’ profile.
You looked over his shoulder as he looked through her pictures, she had about 15 posts. Most were landscape but there were some of her and her friends. She was friends with Sal and Larry! That’s convenient! Vinnie swiped through the post of her and the guys on the 4th of July, there was also a pair of boys you hadn’t recognized yet. Safe to say you were excited to meet them both as well.
“Yo are these the guys you were talking about yesterday?” Vinnie said clicking on the profile mention on the picture, pulling up Sals’ account.
“Yeah! That’s cool that they’re friends. Makes me excited to hangout with them.”
Your brother finally handed your phone back after sending Ashley’s account to himself, you internally laughed at how eager he was to swoop this girl off her feet. You somehow made your way back to those pictures of Sal and everyone else on the 4th. You admired Sal, eventually tapping onto his profile, your thumb hovered over the ‘Follow’ button and you hesitated.
What if he thinks I’m a stalker? He didn’t even mention his socials so what if he thinks negatively of me just following him out of the blue? What if-
Then your eyes glance up at the notification you’d just received,
“New follower: @TheOG_SF – Sal Fisher”
CHAPTER 5 (4 was an update on the story):
Why is everything different now?
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Heyyyy, finally got this damn story updated, my apologies, im learning more English now so they should be more frequent!
Holy shit, you thought, quickly swiping up the notification to dismiss it.
Were you hallucinating? You truly hoped you weren’t.
“ Yo are you alive?” you glanced up to Vinnie with a wide eyed expression
“ah yeah sorry…don’t know what washed over me, lets go” you said walking past him to the main doors to exit
You and your brother had eventually made your way into a nearby resale/music store. The both of you going to see if you could replace some of the CDs you’d had before you moved.
Unfortunately for you and him some of the discs were snapped or scratched up during transit from Houston to Nockfell. The two of you slowly made it outside; you rummage through your cluttered tote to get the keys to the truck. You eventually find them and toss them to vin.
Once we pulled into the parking lot of the music store vin took the keys out of the ignition and glanced to you. You were chewing on your fingernails again, that’s something you did when you were nervous. Or in deeeeeepppppp thought.
You just kept starring at the follower request, not knowing what to do. You’ve combed through all of ash’s’ friends’ profiles except sals. You were just…too nervous. You were never this nervous.
“Dude just follow him back, it’s been like 20 minutes.” Vin said leaning over to watch your phone. “Absolutely not! What if he thinks I’m weird? Or what if he just did it on accident, or what if-“ you kept talking as your brother slothed his arm over and gingerly accepted the follow request. You sat silently in shock as he shrugged. “Well alright... ill just leave my phone in the car I think” you said hooking your purse over your shoulder. Overthinking everything that could happen if he didn’t accept your request.
You rummaged through CDs, you only had a couple stuffed in your hands; Bring Me The Horizons’ “Suicide Season”, Pierce The Veils “Misadventures”, Madonna’s ‘’like a virgin’’, and finally Dark Thrones “Transvilaian Hunger”. Quite opposites if you ask me, you thought to yourself as you maneuvered through the thin isles of the shop. As your sifting through discounted vinyl’s you hear the chime of the electric doorbell, the one that annoyingly chimes every time someone enters or exits. You decide to ignore it and continue looking.
“Speak of the devil” Vinnie breathed out quietly and smirked as he gestured to who entered the store; Of course, it was Ash and her group of friends. One of those friends being Sal. You swiftly turn back to the vinyl bin. Pretending to be interested in its contents to seem busy.
“Oh hey! Look who it is” you heard the deep grungy voice of who you assumed was Larry. You still didn’t look up, frozen from anxiety. You never really felt like this… you didn’t understand why everything was changing so suddenly. You reluctantly turned around and smiled. “Hey knives! Looks like you discovered our best kept secret” you heard ash giggle as she threw her hands up in defeat.
“yeah” Sal laughed “This record store is one of the only good things in Nockfell” he continued. “Oh yeah? Well, I’d have to say its awesome, glad I found out yall’s ‘little secret’ “you said making air quotations.
“Believe me, we have better secrets than this.” Said an unfamiliar voice. “Well its nice to finally meet you, only today had they mentioned meeting you and trust me, they were all eager for me to meet you, I’m Todd” A shorter ginger boy with rounded glasses appeared from behind the other three. “Well, it’s nice to meet you too, Todd” you smiled; “Also, this is my partner, Neil” Another guy emerged, the same height as Todd. He waved sweetly and grinned.
“You having a party without me? Unbelievable.” Your brother jokingly scoffed as he finally came to take some of the spotlight off you. “Yo, nice to see you guys in person, I’m Vinnie, but I just go by vin.” He said as he shoved his rap CDs into your arms to go fist bump your new friends. “Nice to meet you man! I heard you liked cannibal corpse, right?” Larry said enthusiastically as he looked at vin.
“Yeah man...I love them…!” Vin said side eyeing you through his shades. Making you giggle
“Oh word? That’s sick, I love them too.” You heard Sal say to your twin. You caught yourself starring at Sally. He was just a lot to look at to be fair, not in a bad way. In a way you’d look at a renaissance painting, just taking in the intricacy. The guys were all conversating about what-not, you noticed how Sal spoke with his hands a lot. That’s funny, you do that too….
“Knives? You alright?” Ashley said waving a hand in front of your face, Todd furrowing his eyebrows confused while waiting for your response. “Huh? Oh yeah sorry I was just starring off into space.” You said as your eyes widened. You catch Todd exchanging a look to Ashley, and she returned that look; you had no clue what language they were speaking with their eyes.
You and your group checked out with your minimal items, you and Vinnie ended up leaving with the group. The five of them somehow walked to the record store? They must really like this place. The six of you have to somehow fit into Silas’s truck. Vinnie and Larry in the front seats, Ashley, Todd, and Neil in the back seats… Where were you going to sit? Where was Sal going to sit?! They definitely did this on purpose. 
Chapter 6 coming soon, thank you!!!
32 notes · View notes
ikeromantic · 9 months
CinderAlice pt2
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The winner of the IkeRev 1K AU story poll was Cinderella! Featuring the Black Army guys and Alice as Cinderella. 2900 words Pt. 2/4
Part 1
Alice finally pulled herself out of bed some hours later. Her step-sisters and Lady Tremaine were already gone, off in a hired carriage to the palace. “At least I have the house to myself,” she muttered as she shuffled to the kitchen.
Technically, she wasn’t allowed to cook food for herself, but the lady never noticed as long as she didn’t use much and cleaned everything up after. Tonight, she promised herself something sweet.
She set her dress on a stool and began pulling out the cream and sugar, berries and flour. Outside, dusk was slipping into evening and she could see the faintest light from the first star of the evening. “I wish there was something better than this,” she sighed. “I just wanted . . . I don’t know. I guess it’s stupid. And here I am, talking to myself. Also silly.” Alice gave a dry laugh. 
As she turned back to the table, a strange blue glow caught her eye. Alice turned back toward the window. She expected to see someone passing by with a magic crystal lantern, but instead, there was a man. He stood just outside the window, staring in, and the glow was coming from him. “AHHHHHHH!” She screamed and threw the spoon in her hand at him. 
“Ah! Ouch! Hey!” The man caught the spoon just before it hit him. “That’s no way to greet a fairy godfather, now is it?” 
“A what?” Alice grabbed a nearby frying pan, ready to defend herself. 
“Fairy. Godfather. Didn’t you just make a wish, sweetie?” He smiled brightly. 
She had, of course, heard of such things. In stories. But she had to admit, if there was a fairy godfather, they would look just like this guy. Ethereally pretty, skin aglow with the touch of magic, a cheery look in his eye, and a sparkle in the air around him. “I did,” she said finally, lowering the pan. 
“Oh good. Because I had my heart set on a makeover today!” He came through the window and walked to the table. When he snapped his fingers, the entire kitchen turned into a fancy dressing room. The counters became vanities with hair and makeup tools, the pantry turned into a walk-in closet hung with gowns a queen could wear, and the dish rack became a shoe rack. 
Alice blinked and set the pan down, only realizing as she did that it was a hairbrush now. “I - I don’t understand.”
“Oh honey, we are going to that ball tonight. And we are going to be the prettiest people there.” He laughed at her expression of surprise. “You wanted a night like a dream, right? So . . . I’m here to make sure it happens. When I’m done, you’ll be too gorgeous to look away from. Although -” He looked her over with a grin, “you’re already irresistible.”
She felt her cheeks heat at the compliment and the glint in his eyes. “Ummm. Ok. I don’t really know what I should do. I don’t - I can’t pay you anything, Mister - ah, Godfather, sir.” 
“As if I’d accept a penny.” He crossed the space between them. “And please, don’t call me mister. It makes me feel old. Call me Seth.” 
Alice nodded mutely. She wasn’t sure what to say or do. This didn’t feel real, but it was too crazy to be anything else. “So how does this work?”
“Like so.” Seth guided her over to one of the vanities and sat her down. A comb and brush appeared in his hands and her hair fell out of its bun. He grinned at her surprised gasp. “Don’t look so surprised,” he laughed and bent close to add, “I’m just getting started.”
His breath tickled her cheek and his lips were so close to her ear that Alice could almost feel the satin brush of them as he spoke. Her eyes went wide and heat stained her face. 
Seth’s smile held a knowing look as he met her gaze in the mirror. “You know you don’t need to go to a royal ball to have a good time. We could throw our own little party here.” His voice was low and husky, different completely from the bright sing-song tone of his introduction. 
“I . . .” Alice swallowed, trying to think clearly. 
“Just kidding.” Seth straightened, his playful expression back in place. “Now let’s get this makeover going!”
It took him almost no time to style her hair and apply her makeup. He swapped out her dress with a gesture, going through a whole season’s worth of designs and colors. Some, Alice had to walk and turn in, giggling as he commented on the fit like she was in a fashion show. Every outfit was incredible, but none felt quite right. Until a familiar multi-colored silk settled over her skin. 
“Seth! This dress! It looks -” her voice trembled a little as she smoothed her hands over the embroidery of the bodice. “It looks just like the one I made. Only . . . are these real jewels? And this, it’s thread of gold!” The panels looked like painted silks instead of barely matched swatches, and the layers of the skirt fell lightly together like flower petals.
His smile was kind and a little wistful. “It’s the dress you would have made. Your vision, recaptured by magic.” 
She reached out and clasped his hands. “I want to wear this one. Please!”
“It looks perfect on you. All you need now are the accessories.” Seth stepped around her to place a choker on her neck, his fingertips caressing the nape of her neck for a breathless moment. 
Her heart sped up as he slipped a bracelet onto her wrist, but she got ahold of herself as his hands brushed her ears. “Wait! I have earrings.” She fumbled at the skirt, remembering they were in the inner pocket. Though her dress now should have no such feature, she found them anyhow as if under the layers of silk, she still wore her apron and rags. 
Seth laughed as he took them from her hand and put them in. “Lovely.” He took a step back and looked her over. “The only thing you need is a stylish pair of shoes. And I know just the ones.” He snapped his fingers and they appeared on her feet. Lady’s slippers cut from magic crystals. They held a soft glow that lit the silk of her dress from beneath, and made the entire outfit gleam. 
Alice laughed and spun, making the skirt flare and swing around her legs. “This is amazing! Thank you Seth! You are the best fairy godfather a girl could want!”
“Your smile makes it all worthwhile.” He set a hand on her shoulder. “Just remember, fairy magic isn’t permanent. The spell holding this outfit together expires at midnight, so don’t stay out too late.” 
“Midnight! Got it!” She hugged him. “You really are the best!” Then she pulled back, realization dawning on her. “But wait, I don’t really know where to go! And I can’t walk there . . . not dressed like this.”
Seth shook his head, laughing. “You don’t think I’d forget to provide you with a ride. And you already have the address.” He closed his hand and then opened it again, revealing a scrap of paper with an address scrawled on it. “This is where you go and -” he pointed toward the window, “there’s your ride.”
“This is the paper from that man I bumped into! Sirius! He works at the castle?”
“Sir Oswald is the prince’s senior advisor.” Seth raised an eyebrow, teasing. “You didn’t know?”
“Oh my god! I bumped into Sir OSWALD!” She felt mortified. Not only had she slammed into him but then she hadn’t recognized him either. “This is too embarrassing.”
Seth grinned and slipped a finger under her chin, tipping her face up. “Don’t worry. Tonight, you aren’t the serving girl from Central. You are a mysterious princess, exotic and lovely. Now go and have fun!”
And just like that, Alice found herself in a sparkling white coach pulled by a team of bay stallions. The coachman took the scrap of paper with a nod and they were off.  
As they drew closer to the palace, the evening filled with soft strains of music and the hum of distant conversation. Alice felt elated, excitement and nervousness coursed through her the louder the sounds became. When the coach rolled to a stop, and the carriage door swung open, she almost didn’t step out. But the coachmen smiled up at her kindly and held out his hand, so she took it. After, she was handed off to a palace guard who guided her up a wide gilded marble staircase to the ballroom door. He knocked once, and the door swung open to reveal a tall man with gorgeous mauve hair and eyes of rose-petal pink.
“Sir Godspeed,” Alice gasped. Everyone knew Fenrir Godspeed. He was a knight, a hero, and often spent time in town helping people. He was also supposed to be a bit wild and unpredictable, which she could believe, seeing him up close. There was something mischievous in his smile, something that made her heart pound.
“Just Fenrir. Nobody calls me Sir,” Fenrir laughed and held a hand out to her. “So who’re you?”
He pulled her close, leaning in to look at her expression. “Not sure, huh?” Fenrir chuckled and then reached up to ruffle her hair. “Don’t look so nervous, Alice. Royal balls are just like any other party.”
She nodded. “Ok. I - I’ve never been to one before. I don’t want to look silly.”
He ruffled her hair once more before taking her arm and turning her to face one side of the room.
“See that guy over there in the hat that looks like a giant mushroom?” 
“No one’s gonna notice as long as you don’t look sillier than that guy. Got it?” Fenrir nudged her. 
Alice couldn’t help but giggle. The man he’d mentioned did look pretty ridiculous. 
“You look even prettier when you smile like that.” Fenrir’s gaze was warm and friendly. “Guess what? I’ll do you a favor. I’ll keep an eye on you tonight and if you look bored or out of place, I’ll rescue you. Got it?”
“Got it.” She grinned at him. But there was still a tension to her shoulders that she couldn’t quite shake. Alice looked away, not wanting him to see that she wasn’t completely cheered. 
Fenrir’s thumb grazed her cheek. “Hey! That’s not the smile I wanted to see.”
“Heh. Yeah. Sorry. I just - are you sure it’s ok that I’m here? Even if I don’t make an idiot of myself, I’m just a servant. I cook and clean all day. Everyone else is noble and -”
He took her chin in his hand and gently turned her face back toward him. “Hey. Don’t let anybody tell you where you do and don’t belong. My buddy the Prince held this ball for all the people of Cradle and he’d want you to have fun.”
It looked like he wanted to say more, but he was being called over by a group of ladies. Sir Godspeed was very popular, and having met him, Alice could understand why. She patted his arm. “Thanks Fenrir. I’m going to go have a good time.”
“That’s the spirit.” His fingertips grazed her jawline, sending a little shiver through her as he let go. Then he gave her a thumbs up and then sauntered over to his fans to see what they wanted.
Feeling better, and a little more relaxed, Alice made her way into the ballroom. There were people dancing in the center with people standing at the edges and chatting in groups.She did not see her step-mother or step-sisters, though she knew they were here somewhere. Hopefully she could avoid them for the night. 
Her eyes lit on a table of sweet treats in one corner, and she decided to grab a snack. They looked delicious. Chocolates that looked like flowers and tiny cakes with pearls of icing and -
“Why hello there little lady! I was hoping I might see you here tonight.” 
Alice spun at the words and came nose to chest with the tall, amethyst-eyed man from town.  “You! You didn’t tell me you were Sir Oswald! I am so, so sorry I bumped into you!”
Sirius smiled and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. “It was my fault. And I hope you don’t hold it against me.” He chuckled, his smile kind. 
“I . . . thanks. I don’t.” Alice took a step back, hoping he wouldn’t notice the heat in her cheeks. There was something about being so close to a man like him that made her pulse race. Which was silly. He was just being nice, afterall. She returned his smile. 
“So it looks like you were about to sample one of the petit fours? The glace are the best. Here, try this one.” He picked up a small caramel tartlet and held it out for her to take a bite. 
Alice felt herself go even redder. She couldn’t remember anyone feeding her a bite of anything, ever. It felt like an intimate gesture, but she didn’t want to be rude. She leaned forward just enough to take a small bite, and felt his fingertip brush her lip as she came away. It was impossible to focus on the pastry. 
“Pretty good, isn’t it?” Sirius didn’t seem to notice how red she was getting, or if he did, he was kind enough to pretend. 
She had no idea how the tartlet tasted. Her lips still felt buzzy from that satin barely there touch but she wasn’t going to tell him that. “Yep. Delicious.”
He glanced away, a thoughtful look on his expressive face. “Would you like to dance with me?”
“Dance? I - I don’t really know how.” 
Sirius held out his hand to her. “Let me show you.”
Alice felt more than a little nervous about it, but the couples on the floor did look as if they were having fun. And what was the point of going to a royal ball if you didn’t dance? She set her hand in his, feeling the large, calloused palm enclose her fingers. 
He led her out onto the dance floor and then turned to face her. Sirius kept holding her right hand, but set her left hand on his shoulder and put his left on her upper back. “Alright. I’m going to go slow, little lady. Just follow my lead, ok?”
And then they began to move. Alice felt horribly awkward at first. Step forward, and to the side and feet together and - she just kept focusing on not stepping on him or tripping. But his smile and the confident look in his eyes made her begin to relax. 
“Now you look like you’re enjoying yourself.” Sirius smiled. “I’m glad.” His expression turned a little bashful. “You know, I was just thinking, I’ve met you twice now and I still don’t know your name.”
“It’s -”
“Hey old man! Stop hogging the prettiest girls to yourself.” Fenrir tapped Sirius on the shoulder, interrupting the conversation. 
“Hey! I’m not that much older than you.” He let his arm drop, but kept hold of Alice’s hand. 
Fenrir chuckled. “Yeah, says the senior advisor. Anyway, you had enough time with her. If she’s dancing, it’s my turn.” 
Sirius sighed. His violet eyes found Alice’s gaze, and she saw the flicker of something incredibly tender in their depths. “If it’s alright with you?” At her nod, he let go of her hand and took a step back. “I’ll catch up with you later.”
“Of course. Thank you for showing me how to dance.” She gave him the best curtsy she could do. 
“That guy was teaching you how to dance? You should have asked me. I can show you how to really move.” Fenrir grinned, his smile full of joy and a hint of pride. 
Alice couldn’t help but smile back. “Alright. But this is my first time to dance, so go easy on me?”
Fenrir laughed and took her hand. “The only thing you gotta remember is this.” He pulled her close until their noses were almost touching. “Trust your partner.” Then they were moving. He walked her through another set of steps, similar but with a very different feel to dancing with Sirius. Step and step and step and tap and - 
She squealed as he swung her out and then spun her back against him, surprised. But it was so much fun she was laughing too. 
“See? Now let’s go!” 
From there, his speed increased, and Alice found the best way to keep up was really just to follow his lead and trust him. He spun her in circles and tossed her in the air, slid her between his legs and out the other side to catch her again. They were both laughing and it was honestly the most fun she’d had in a long time. So different from the reassuring solidity of Sirius, though Alice supposed it wasn’t a good idea to compare the two. Like apples and oranges. 
When Fenrir paused to let Alice catch her breath, there was a literal line of ladies waiting to dance with him next. She even spied Druzilla waiting. “You should probably see to your fans,” she sighed. “I don’t mind. I think I need a break anyway.”
He ran a hand through his hair. “Alright. But don’t go far. I’d like to dance with you again. You’re a great partner. I can’t believe it’s your first time at a ball!”
Alice felt giddy from the the compliment. She hadn’t expected to have this much fun tonight, nor to get a dance with two of the most famous and beloved men of the royal court. It was everything she could have dreamed of.
Part 3
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thewritingstar · 5 months
Pls do a story of bc and butch with kinda nsfw🙏💕
Merry Christmas! I hope all of you had a wonderful holidays and hope the new year treats you all well. This might be the only fic I posted this year (ik ik) but for some reason when I saw this ask, my fingers danced across the keyboard and I didn't think twice about things. It felt freeing and fresh and I haven't written like this in such a long time, I had almost forgotten that I could.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this. I will say it is very slight nsfw, I may not even consider it that either. But this is where my mind took me. I was looking at a more fluffy approach to their relationship so I do hope you like it. (if its not what you had in mind, send in another request)
I hope everyone enjoys reading this and I hope I can continue to post more next year because I do love writing. Requests are always open :)
Rating: T (some sexual themes implied)
Hummingbird Heartbeat
Adrenaline, it makes you do crazy things.
It was one of her favorite things. Doing crazy things to get that sensation that ices over your body and your heart pounding. It was rare that her hands would get sweaty from anticipation or that her heart beat a little too fast. However, she tried anything to get that feeling.
Maybe she was a junkie for it. Maybe it wasn't that healthy to want to feel that way. It wasn't like she wanted it constantly, but when you can fly and shoot lasers and see the world in a different way, your standards become a little higher.
Rollercoasters were one that most people did. So Buttercup and her friends would fill up in Mitch's shitty van and go to the nearest theme parks to get that adrenaline coursing through their bodies. It was satisfying for a moment but she needed more.
Once Butch became part of their pack in high school, thats when it got good. They would race each other in the sky and throw chunks of buildings at each other. Sometimes they would fly up to the top of a skyscraper and free fall until they were an inch from the ground and see who would fly first.
They were always getting into dangerous situations but never involving their other friends because Buttercup might be fearless, but she wasn't stupid. Sometimes these things were just for the two of them.
But even when she would close her eyes and gravity would take hold of her, that anticipation still wouldn't get the smallest itch out of her system. She was afraid that she never would get that feeling.
She had told him of this stupid idea in her head about not getting to feel a rush beyond the usual. Perhaps it wasn't possible. He would listen and then suggest deep diving into the ocean or running though a fire. She said no to the latter.
Then one night in the summer after they had graduated, they went to the forest. They came here often enough that she had memorized a few of the trees wood patterns.
It was just the two of them. It was normal for them to hang out but lately she's been wanting it more. She loves her friends but there was something about being around someone who knew your mind before you've even spoken a word.
She thought it was gonna be one of those nights where they float above the trees and gossip about everything and nothing at all. It could be a serious talk night where they share their troubles and let them soar until they reach the stars.
When they got to their spot, Butch took out a bandana that had a dark green swirly pattern on it. Buttercup raised her eyebrows.
"What am I suppose to do with this?" She questioned.
He only laughed and approached her. He spun her around so she faced the trees and covered her eyes. His chest was against her back much closer than they had been before. His fingertips brushed some of her hair and he was gentle as he tied it.
"Fly." He whispered in her ear.
They say that your other senses get heightened once one is removed. Right now all she could focus on was the smell of his cologne. Pine and campfire, a slight smoke to him that she desperately tried not to take a deep breath to smell him better.
Her heart pounded when he told her to fly.
"I can't see." She whispered.
Why was she whispering? Why did she feel small when they were the only ones here?
She could feel his laugh on her neck.
"No shit. I'm gonna tell you where to go so you don't smack into a tree."
She had never heard him so serious.
"I promise." He whispered to her.
Slowly her feet came off the ground. She wasn't as scared as she was worried. She didn't want to crash but the trees were so close to each other that she wasn't sure if flying through them with her sight would have her not have a scrape or two.
But instead of coming back down, she bolted into the trees. She could feel the wind in her hair and Butch calling behind her.
"Right! Left" Left! Right"
Even though she couldn't see, she didn't feel anything but the rush. Sometimes she would turn over or do a corkscrew and hear Butch laugh behind her. If a tree branch did hit her, she didn't feel it. She only felt alive.
"You're doing great, Doll!" She could hear his voice.
Doll. That was the nickname he had for her. It didn't suite her. Not like the other ones. Sugar for Bubbles was common for most people to use. It lost any sliver of endearment and Butch liked to called that usually when he was being sarcastic with her.
She once asked him why he called her doll but he only shrugged. He said something about not even realizing that he did it. She dropped it after but she noticed every time. She also would call him doll in spite of him, but he never seemed to mind.
Her heart picked up and she wasn't sure if it was the thought of connecting with a tree in a millisecond. So she kept going for a few more minutes until Butch told her to ease up and they came across a small clearing.
Her feet connected to the ground and she took off the blindfold with a smile.
"That was crazy!" She jumped up. It was definitely a rush she had craved. "I've never felt more alive!" She shouted to the open sky.
"See told you I wouldn't let you crash." He smiled as he join her on the earth.
Maybe it was the adrenaline pumping through her and maybe it was a mix of emotions. Maybe it was the way the moonlight captured his face. Maybe it was the way her heart always seemed to beat around him. Maybe, just maybe, she craved something more.
And maybe she grabbed the front of his black shirt and yanked him until their lips smashed together. Maybe it was the way that he didn't hesitate for a single second and pulled her closer. Or maybe it was the way that when they pulled a part for a single second he whispered,
Finally, against her lips.
Somehow her back was against a tree and she didn't mind the slight roughness. Her hand found his hair and her legs found their way around his waist.
Sometimes she would lay in her bed and stare at the ceiling while her sisters were asleep and think about his eyes. How they were a dark velvety green but the light could capture them in a way that would make her lips part slightly. She would think about what would happened if she admitted something she didn't believe herself. She would mostly think about how it would be to kiss him.
She didn't wonder anymore.
It was warm and felt perfect. One of his hands stabilized him with the tree and the other held was holding her up at her ass. Ever so often his lips would turn up into a smirk when he gave a small squeeze and a noise she would never let anyone else hear except him would escape her.
They made out for a while and her hand slipped under his shirt and traced against his abs. She wanted more. She wanted this to not be some flimsy make out session in the woods where they would never speak about it again. She didn't want to go to college in the fall without her hand in his. She didn't want anything but him.
Because kissing him sent an electric pulse through her in a way it never has before. No amount of rollercoasters, free falling or daring each other to do dumb shit could give her this rush. Maybe her hormones were going ballistic and maybe it was the moment itself, but she could feel the world shift and the stars started to align. Perhaps thats too much but thats what it felt like. Perfection.
She liked the way his body molded to hers. A perfect fit like a puzzle piece. Yes it was clique but to think that someone was made especially for her but if she was honest, it was true. Who else got to say that some genius monkey decided to create your own personal destruction? Little did that monkey realize, he created all her desires.
Butch shifted until there was no space between them. Until the bulge in his pants was felt by her and grinding to a shaky rhythm. She wanted to ignore that feeling and focus on his lips, not because she didn't want to feel him, but because she could feel just how much there was of him. She was certain if they started anything else against this tree, they wouldn't stop till morning.
"Butch." She moaned into his mouth.
"Yeah?" He grunted and suddenly his hand was under her shirt and she shivered as she remembered she didn't wear a bra.
His lips found her neck and she's trying her best to remember what she was gonna say. The rush is too much in the best way possible. While he's busy making her blush and pant, her brain decides to remember it all.
"This isn't it, right?" She say between breaths.
He stops and looks at her. His pupils are blown wide and a sloppy smirk is on his face that he can't remove.
"Whats it?"
His fingers are still tracing her skin under her shirt.
"This." She points between each other and now she feels like an idiot for ruining the moment.
Of course he surprise her when he places a quick kiss against her lips. Its much softer and tended then before and its more gentle than anything.
"I hope not." He says. "Its okay if it is, if that what you want, but I'm not very good at lying to you so there's no point."
It was true. Butch could put on a performance for the cops or his dads, even his brothers to get out of trouble. But no matter how hard he tried, he could never keep anything from her. Not even when they were younger and hated each others guts. Blossom would grill the boys and they wouldn't budge but then they would locked eyes and his mouth would open.
She smiled. "Good, yeah thats good. I don't want this to be it."
Her feet came back to the ground and she smooth her shirt as he fixed her hair.
"Its a shame you didn't bring your car." She said as they walked.
"Why would I bring my car if we can fly?" He questioned.
She decided that he looked cute, very cute, when he didn't pick up on things.
"Oh, no reason." She shrugged.
She saw his eyes widened and she could have sworn he blushed. Never thought she would see the day that Butch would get shy.
His hand rubbed the back of his neck.
"I just wasn't thinking about that."
"I know." She smiled. "Still, it would of been fun."
He shrugged. "I don't know. I mean yes it would because who wouldn't want that, but I'd like to have more room than the back of my car."
"Why you don't want me pressed up against the window? Or better, me on top of you until not even the air can get between us?" She teased and their fingers touched.
Butch held in a groan. No doubt the image was running through his mind. "Well when you put it like that."
Buttercup laughed and hit his arm. She then wrapped her arm around his bicep and tried to keep it together when she felt him flex. She felt giddy and light. It was weird. Usually she was tough and content with everything around her but the smile would not come off her face. Maybe this is what being Bubbles was like. Maybe she understood her sister more. Or maybe she was just in a haze from him.
They arrived at the entrance of the forest where they had started. It was well into the night and she held down a yawn. She didn't want to leave yet, she just wanted to stay and be held by him.
"I don't want to leave." Butch said. She liked that they were on the same page.
"Me either."
He turned and tilted her chin up so he could see her eyes.
"How about tomorrow I pick you up in my car and we go and get breakfast and see a shitty movie at the drive in at night?"
"Butch Jojo are you asking me out on a date?" Again with her teasing. They always teased each other and she hoped it was still okay if they were together.
"I guess so. But you will be paying if you want any of this and I'm not a cheap date." He gestured to his body.
She rolled her eyes and stood on her toes and flung her arms around his shoulders. She probably could have floated up to be at his eye level, but it felt more romantic this way.
"I'd pay anything for you." She said and kissed him again.
He pulled away and brushed her bangs from her eyes.
"I'll see you tomorrow gorgeous." He said. "I'd fly you home but I'm scared of your sisters if they see me."
He was not joking.
She understood and she didn't want him to either. She didn't want anyone to know right now just because she just figured it out too. It was hers for a moment and she want to bask in it for a little.
He pressed one more quick kiss to her lips before letting her fly off into the night.
She arrived home to Bubbles passed out on her bed and Blossom sitting with a book with a small light on.
Buttercup said nothing as she kicked off her shoes and changed into her pajamas. She tried not to notice Blossoms stare on her but it was nearly impossible as she slid into her bed.
"Have a nice night?" Blossom asked as her book was set on her nightstand.
"Yep." Buttercup said she stared at her nails.
Buttercup made the mistake of looking up at her sister who stared at her with a knowing expression. Blossoms lips curled up into a smile.
"What?" Buttercup asked and she felt her heart pick up.
"Nothing, I'm just glad you had a good night."
"Oh, yeah. It was fun. Well good night."
The sound of the lamp flicking off didn't have Buttercup close her eyes. Instead she stared at her ceiling where dim plastic stars glowed. Her smile still didn't leave as she replayed her night in her head and the possibilities of tomorrow.
She began to close her eyes and drift to sleep before she heard her older sister whisper,
"Your lipstick was smudged."
"Blossom not now-"
"Lipstick?" Bubbles voice cracked in the dark.
"All over her mouth like an animal with rabies." Blossom added.
"Oooo" Bubbles giggled.
"No, shut up." Buttercup threatened.
"You owe me five bucks Blossy."
"Five bucks!" Buttercup whined.
"Could of been ten if we got to Christmas." Blossom laughed.
"I hate both of you."
Bubbles giggled again. "Well we love you."
"So what time is he picking you up tomorrow?" Blossom asked smugly.
Now she wanted to throw her pillows at them. Buttercup flipped over on her side, back to her sisters to hide her blush even though they couldn't see her to begin with.
"Oooooooo." They both cooed at the same time.
"Go to bed!"
Her sisters laughter died down eventually just in time for Buttercup's phone to light up.
Sweet dreams, Doll
She had felt the rush of adrenaline thousands of times, yet right now, seeing that message, scratched the itch that she had craved for years.
Thank you so much for reading!!! I appreciate you taking the time to read/ leave comments.
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ga-u-1737 · 4 months
The Silent Idol: Stuck in a mind of Stardom
Chapter 1
Mount Rageous.
Mount Rageous is a place of wonder. Full of wishes and fame of any kind. It's mostly full of teens and young adults, having that 80's and 90s feel while living there or even visiting the place.
Like in any other world, they have celebrities of all kinds, singers and performers being the most popular out of all of them. There are tons of famous singers and songwriters in Mount Rageous, but the most well known are the overnight twin celebs, Velvet and Veneer.
They are well known for their top songs "Watch me Work" and another "Mount Rageous(the song)," they are also well known for being really talented with their work.
Especially since they were invited and accepted to perform at the Rage Dome Show tonight.
Tons and tons of crazy fans were excited to see them at the show, especially Velvet who was mostly everyone's favorite for how she sings and performs. But what was supposed to be an excited and glorious night ended up turning into of what the Mount Reagons calls it, "The Dome show Incident''
It was almost time for the Rage Dome Show to start, everyone was pushing each other just so they could see the twin pop stars live on stage. The Rage Dome was a thing every singer and performer dreamed of going to, Velvet was in her make-up room, carefully adding her lipstick around her mouth.
She grabbed a dash of blush around her face, before looking at herself in the mirror. Breath slowly
She always dreamed of being famous ever since she was a little kid, now making it this far in her life, at only 19, almost 20 years old. Having books about her and her twin brother Veneer, being interviewed, meet and greets, and praised by thousands and thousands of fans, some even draw fanart of them
Now performing in the Rage dome show, it seems like everything was wrapped around her finger, finally having everything she wanted, everything she dreamed of and wished for,
“Ten minutes till showtime” Crimp, who was Velvet and Veneer’s assistant, called out on the door, tapping very slightly which caught Velvet off guard a bit.
“In a minute Crimp,” Velvet called out, sounding annoyed, she added the final touches of her hair and added her performance costume.
She walked out the door gracefully, noticing her brother Veneer near the outside door, looking a bit impatient.
“Took you long enough to get ready,” Veneer scoffed, his arms crossed.
Velvet rolled her eyes groaning in the process. “Well, if we, or me are going through the Rage Dome Show, we need to look our best.” She brushed her chest contraption for any spec of dirt or dust. “I don't want to be caught dead with my face looking like a old woman”
Veneer shook his head slightly and sighs. He loves his sister dearly, but sometimes she can be a pain sometimes, especially her obsession with fame and money.
But he doesn’t let it ruin his mood, she’s still his older sister and he likes seeing her happy, and if anything, he will do anything for her to be happy and pleased.
“Showtime is starting in just 4 minutes” A producer yelled out of the outside door.
It was almost time.
Velvet slowly breathed in and out, ready for the show to begin. “Ready for this?” Velvet asked, pulling a hand out to Veneer. “Pretty soon we will become mega stars and have everything we wanted and dreamed of”
Her smile made Veneer perk up, grabbing and shaking her hand with delight. “Always have been, always will.”
The show was going amazing, great even. Screaming fans were buzzing with energy and excitement as they saw the two popstar duo were giving their all during their performance, giving an excelling performance of their latest single, “Mount Rageous.”
Everyone went crazy as Velvet sang the last few verses reaching up a high note, people were practically almost fainting of the twin popstars. The crowd cheered as the two finished the last note of the song, praying for them for an encore, the stage flooded with bright lights and cameras filming the two.
“I’m pretty sure, you guys want an encore!” Velvet shouted at the microphone, making the fans go berserk. She laughed gently, listening to the lovely cheers and happy comments shouted towards her and Veneer.
“Okay then!” Both Velvet and Veneer looked at each other both with eagerling smiles, snapping their fingers.
The lights went pitch dark, another song starting to transition, fans stimulated and shrieked over it, ecstatic for the show playing one more song for them.
But a horrific blood-curdling scream disrupted the cheers and applause, the lights went on, bright lights surrounding the huge stage. The crowd went dead silent, holding their breath.
The cameras aimed and focused on the stage, seeing the tragic scene unfold. The audience is silent, the only sound was uncontrollable crying and weeping of Veneer, holding Velvet tightly not letting go of her. Her body was pale, unresponsive, her breathing was shallow sounding uneven and a pool of blood continued to spew from her head surrounding her, staining hers and Veneer’s clothes.
That didn’t matter to him, he didn’t care that his mascara was streaming down his face, his makeup completely ruined from crying.
“Someone help, please!” Veneer cried out, still clutching his sister tight in his arms, “Please my sister is dying please!”
The Medical team worked carefully and efficiently as they tried to stabilize and revive Velvet from near death, checking her vitals and administering first aid.
The ambulances sirens were screaming and flashing lights of red and blue, everyone around panicked and was terrified of what was happening.
“What’s going on?”
“Is Velvet alright, what happened?”
“What the hell happened, did she fall?!”
“What’s gonna happen to her?”
Whispers were spreading from left to right in the audience, trying to figure out what happened seconds ago.
The paramedics carefully put Velvet in the stretcher and carried her to the ambulance
Eventually, the vehicle left in a rush, speeding through the traffic on the road. The injured Velvet lay in the stretcher, with the breathing tube that was helping her breathe stability.
She opened her eyes only slightly, the siren noises invading her ears.
She was in and out of consciousness and in severe pain, trying to take in what was happening around her. She shook slightly, the constant disturbing noises of cars and the ambulance siren made her feel uneasy, the deafening noises were all blurred into one unsettling roar that was difficult to bear and hear through small ears.
The noise made her already bleeding aching head even worse, forcing her to close her eyes tight, holding back a few tears from the electrifying throbbing headache.
The sudden jolts from the ambulance made the pain if not already unbearable to begin with, a few tears streamed down her cheeks, she never experienced this type of pain before, she clenched her hands tight hoping for the pain going from all over her body to end
Veneer sat silently and patiently in the waiting room, eyes darting towards the other Rageons. Young adults, some with children, and the elderly were scattered across the room, in their own thoughts and worries. Few of his fans who were also in the waiting room recognized and whispered about the recent incident.
Too concerned about his sister’s well-being and health, the idol tries to ignore the constant whispers and uncomfortable stares, remaining quiet and closed off.
“Excuse me, is Veneer here?” A nurse, coming from the hallway behind her, holding a clipboard in her hands, her face full of concern and worry.
“Um, yes I’m here miss” Veneer responded, walking towards the nurse, he sighed and fixed his composure,
“Is my older sister gonna be alright?” He asked, looking directly in her eyes, tears starting to form under his mascara.
The nurse clenched her hand onto the clipboard as she looked at the notes on Velvet. She didn’t want to give him false hope and unrealistic expectations. She put the clipboard away from her hands before responding with gentle honesty and genuine sincerity.
“Your sister Velvet is currently in critical condition, but she is stable. We just operated on her and are observing her and monterting her heartbeat and brain activity at the moment.
“Is it okay if I visit her for a bit?”
The nurse shook her head slightly.
“Unfortunately, visiting hours are close to finishing. And we are keeping a close eye on her as I said earlier, so I'm afraid that you won’t be able to visit her today.” She took the popstar’s hand and squeezed it gently.
“We are doing our best to rescue her. She is in good hands and we are doing everything they can to make sure she goes back to her regular everyday life.” She says softly, wiping the tears from Veneer’s face.
Her sad yet gentle smile made Veneer light up a bit, only a bit though.
“I promise as soon as Velvet’s a little more stable then I'll provide you with enough information on her condition and her injuries.” the nurse soothed, giving her one final smile before letting go of his hand
Veneer wiped the final tears from his eyes, a tad bit of mascara smearing in his face. “Okay then…Please let my sister be okay.” Veneer sniveled, he walked away from the waiting room, taking deep breaths to calm himself down and cool his nerves.
Not before long, he found himself opening the door to his and Velvet's place, he felt the familiar surroundings. He turned on the bright dimmed lights wanting to see everything clearly, everything was exactly where it was when they left, as if no time had passed and the Rage Dome Show and the whole incident was just a nightmare.
If it was, Velvet would’ve been already in bed exhausted and tucked under the covers like a tired toddler, while he would eat something he would command Crimp to make for dinner, and watch tv or a movie on the big screen hanging on the wall before going to bed himself.
But it wasn’t, though he deeply wished it was. The traumatic memory from the Rage Dome show invaded his mind, he wanted to erase and forget it but he couldn’t ignore the fact that his older twin sister experienced a horrific accident during one of the best things she dreamed of and wished for.
The guilt and worry was eating him away, he started to shake again, unable to process what happened hours ago and the fear of what Velvet is going through, being in horrible pain and aching.
He didn’t feel hungry nor the need to get a quick midnight snack, even though he needed something to eat. He didn't have the motivation or energy to command Crimp to make him something
He slumped on the couch, feeling exhausted and numb, hoping to find some distraction from his worries on Tv. However it was only showing the news about what happened at the Rage Dome Show. He turned it off quickly, not wanting to remember the traumatic and stressful event.
Right now all he wanted was to be alone with his thoughts, trying to process everything.
He headed to his bedroom, his body fatigued, exhausted, and drained. He collapsed onto the king size bed, pulling the covers almost above his head. He was both tired physically and emotionally, trying to process the trauma both he and Velvet experienced and the memories of the accident.
He hopes to forget it permanently and everything to go back to normal but he knew that was impossible.
The horrifying images of Velvet, the blood, and the constant worry if she will be okay made him overwhelmed, the guilt weighing him down and his heart sinking.
Despite his efforts, he remained awake, constantly tossing and turning in bed. The thoughts of images of Velvet covered in blood kept invading his mind, making it difficult to relax and sleep. Tears formed in his eyes again, filled with the constant guilt and regret.
After a while, he succumbed to tiredness and drifted to a deep sleep after many times of turning and tossing in bed.
His thoughts still filled with the memory of his sister's condition, but eventually was able to rest and escape the harsh reality, ready to escape the sleep provided for him with his mind going blank.
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An au where Velvet and Veneer are actually talented in this but Velvet almost dies
Part 2
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isabellavolere · 1 year
Transformers Prime—Part 5: Victories Short-Lived
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Next Part->
Vroom, vrooom! You groggily wake up, lifting an eye as you hear a car revving its engine. You roll onto your side and try to go back to sleep when you hear the car rev again, this time a little bit louder than before. 
What idiot’s revving his car engine on a Saturday morning? What a jerk. 
All of a sudden you bolt upright as you realize the car engine belongs to Cliffjumper. Getting out of bed, you jog to the front of your house and open the front door, leaning out of the door frame. To your astonishment, Cliffjumper is parked in the driveway, headlights flashing in greeting.
“Are you crazy?” You ask in a hushed tone. “What are you doing parked in the driveway? If my parents catch you they will go crazy!”
“Good morning to you too,” replies Cliffjumper sarcastically. “Don’t worry, your parents left about an hour ago.”
You frown and step outside, closing the door behind you. Walking over to Cliffjumper you say
“Well I’m glad your loud engine didn’t wake them up like it did for me. Do you know where they went?”
“No idea. Besides, I was getting bored sitting in your driveway so I decided to wake you up. We can head to the base and watch cartoons,” says Cliffjumper excitedly. “Wait, do you even like cartoons?” He asks.
You shrug one of your shoulders and reply, “I don’t mind them.”
“Great, let's get going. But maybe change out of your pajamas first.”
You look down at your black tank top and knee length plaid shorts and grin sheepishly. 
“Yeah maybe. Be back in a flash!” You say and race back inside. 
You put on a vintage Star Wars shirt and denim jean shorts, brush through your hair, put it in a ponytail, and then tie your f/c bandana around your forehead. 
After a quick once over in the mirror you slip on some shoes and walk back outside. As you walk back to Cliffjumper you can hear the hum of a motor and are surprised to see Arcee pull into your driveway with Jack straddled on top. He’s wearing a white motorcycle helmet with a tinted visor that he quickly takes off as he dismounts, tucking it away before walking over to you.
“Good morning Jack. What brings you two here?” You ask, curious as to how he and Arcee found your house.
“Morning y/n. Me and Arcee were just out for a little drive and uh, thought we’d see if you guys were still here,” he said, glancing back to Arcee.
“Out for a little drive huh?” Asks Cliffjumper.
“We were just heading back to base,” says Arcee.
“Wanna race?” You turn to Jack and say mischievously.
“Oh, bring it!” Says Jack, turning to grab his helmet.
You walk over to Cliffjumper and hop in the passenger seat. 
“A race, huh?” Cliffjumper asks as he backs out of the driveway.
“Oh come on, a 1969 Dodge Challenger like you can go from 0-60 in 5.2 seconds, you can totally smoke them!” You say enthusiastically.
“Well I know that,” Cliffjumper laughs as he lines up with your house’s rusty mailbox.  
Arcee and Jack pull up to the right of you and you roll down the window.
“Ready to lose, Jack?” You ask in a teasing voice.
“You wish,” comes Jack's reply, muffled slightly by the helmet. 
You smirk and roll up the window, getting ready for the race.
“On your marks, get set, GO!” Yells Arcee, and both her and Cliffjumper shoot off, wheels screeching. 
The force of the acceleration pushes you backward and you whoop loudly as cacti and other landscape rushes past you. Arcee was fast, you had to give her that, but as you watch, Cliffjumper slowly begins creeping up on her. You lean over and watch the line on the speedometer go up and up, marking 60 mph, 70, 80. You were going faster and faster and soon enough, you were in the lead. The speedometer now marks 92 mph and the desert is only a blur as you hurtle down the road. Looking in the rear view mirror, you grin as you see Arcee and Jack a few inches behind Cliffjumpers’ bumper.
“You know, for a two wheeler Arcees’ not doing too bad, huh?” Says Cliffjumper, and you can practically see the smirk on his face.
“Yeah, but if she really wasn’t doing too bad she wouldn’t be behind us,” you tease.
Cliffjumper lets out a boisterous laugh and says “That’s true. How fast are we going anyway?”
You look down at the speedometer and reply “Cruising at 107. Not bad for a muscle car!” 
Cliffjumper laughs again and says “No, not bad at all.”
A large mesa towers over the car and you recognize it as the one the Autobot base is hidden in. Cliffjumper slows down and drives through the tunnel. The thrill of the race catches up to you and you can’t help but beam as Cliffjumper parks and lets you out, transforming after you’re out. You walk over to Jack and was about to tease him about losing when Optimus walks over and says “Autobots, prepare to…” but doesn’t finish the sentence. 
“Roll out?” Guesses Arcee.
“Remain here. Ratchet, Cliffjumper, you’ll come with me. Arcee, we’ll be outside of communication range for some time so I’m putting you in charge,” says Optimus.
“Aww,” you whine quietly, frowning up at Cliffjumper. “Our victory is cut short and Optimus snatches you for a mission. Not fair.”
“I know, right? Now we can’t rub our success in their faces.”
You snicker as he grins and winks at you.
“Tell you what kid, when I get back we can do a victory lap around the base, sound good?”
“Deal. Make it a quick mission, ok Cliff?” You smile.
Cliffjumper smiles slightly but drops when Optimus calls for him.
“I’ll see what I can do, y/n.” 
He walks over to Optimus and looks back at you once more before transforming and driving through the groundbridge behind Optimus. A moment of silence fills the base as the last lights of the portal dim.
“Ok, so, what’s on the activities list?” Asks Jack, turning to Arcee.
“I’m going on patrol,” she says in a bored voice.
“But Optimus told us to stay,” Bulkhead says. 
“When you’re in charge you can call the shots,” replies Arcee. “Bee, with me! Bulkhead, you’re in charge.”
With that, Arcee and Bumblebee transform and race down the tunnel, leaving you, Jack, Miko, Raf, and Bulkhead.
“And then there were five,” you mutter under your breath.
“So, um, what’s on the activity list?” Bulkhead asks. 
“How about band practice?” Miko offers and you turn to her, watching as she begins hooking up a black electric guitar to a Fender amplifier. 
“But we’re not a band,” points out Raf.
“Why so antisocial? Come on Raf, do you play anything?” She asks enthusiastically.
“Um, keyboard?” He says, lifting up his computer.
“Laptops and samples, good! Jack?” She turns a hopeful face to Jack. 
Rubbing a hand on his neck, Jack says “I, uh, sometimes mess around on the harmonica.”
“Do I look like I do country?” Asks Miko in a condescending tone. Almost desperately, Miko looks to you. “Please tell me you play something. Guitar, drums, anything?!”
“Weelll, I-I play the flute. And the violin…aand the piano. A bit.” You give her a small smile, somewhere between a grin and a grimace. 
Miko signs dramatically and raises her arms. “Well maybe you and Jack can start a bluegrass band. For now, just cover yourselves in fake blood and jump around screaming.” 
You share a look with Jack and shrug. Just then Miko starts strumming her guitar and a loud song blares out of her amplifier. You cover your ears, mirroring the other kids, but it does no good. Over the music you notice green flashing lights coming from the computer monitors, signaling  an alarm going off. Bulkhead seems to notice the alarm too because he waves at Miko to stop. 
“Oh come on!” She whines. “You can’t handle raw power?”
“Proximity sensor. Quick, hide!” Exclaims Bulkhead.
You rush to the same binding spot under the railing as the day before, and just in time, because Agent Fowler wastes no time in walking briskly into the base. Just as he walks in, you notice Mikos’ amplifier is still hooked up to her guitar, which she is still holding. 
Crap! I sure hope Agent Fowler doesn’t notice the wire coming from behind Bulkhead. What’s he yelling at Bulkhead about? Something in Nebraska? Maybe he’s too busy with Bulkhead to notice…yeah probably not.
“So,” Agent Fowler concludes. “You tell Prime that-since when are you bots electric?”
Dang it. 
“Uhh…” Bulkhead looks from you and back to Agent Fowler.
“What do we do?” You whisper shout to Jack, who grimaces and slides past you.
“Hey. How are you doing?” He asks. 
You roll your eyes, but since you have no other idea, follow the other kids. To say Agent Fowler looked bothered by the fact that four teenagers just stepped in front of him was an understatement.
“Contact with civilians! Team Prime has really gone off the rules with this one. No, don't tell me, you're running a daycare!” 
Bulkhead looks flustered and if bots could blush, you were sure he would be bright red. But with quick thinking, Jack makes up an excuse.
“We’re interns,” he begins.
“Student interns!” Raf adds.
“Earning extra credit in auto…” Jack trails off, unsure of what to say.
You look to Miko and then quickly back to the agent, trying to recover the mistake.
“It’s both, cause you know, they’re cars and robots so we came here to study them for extra credit…so um…”
The look Agent Fowler sends you tints your cheeks pink, but you firmly meet his stare.
“Ok, let’s move. I’m taking you all into federal custody for your own protection,” he says, walking down the stairs towards you. 
Bulkhead steps in front of you and the other kids, firmly saying “We are protecting them.”
“Is that so? Well, maybe you can explain that to my superiors at the Pentagon,” says Agent Fowler, angrily punching numbers on a telephone hanging by the stairs. 
“Don’t use that phone! It’s…out of order,” says Bulkhead quickly, crushing the phone with one of his large fingers. 
Agent Fowler looks up at Bulkhead, and you can feel the anger practically radiating off of him.
“This isn’t over, Bigfoot! Not by a long shot!”
Agent Fowler turns around and stomps up the stairs. He stalks into the elevator, turns around, and jabs the button. The elevator door closes with a dull thud, and after a moment of silence you let out a breath, blowing stray hairs out of your face.
“Well, I don’t think that could have gone any worse,” you say.
Jack lets out a nervous laugh and Miko turns to you saying, “Did you see the look on his face when Bulkhead crushed that phone? That was awesome!” 
“I have a feeling that’s not the last we’re hearing of Agent Fowler,” Raf says.
“Maybe not, but for now we don’t have to worry about him,” you say, climbing up the rusty yellow ladder that leads to the large computers. 
You sit down in one of the chairs, replaying the last few moments in your head.
Agent Fowler backed off pretty quickly to Bulkhead. For a guy who puts on this ‘tough guy’ act, he doesn’t seem to want to pick a fight with the Autobots. Interesting.
You log on to one of the human sized computers, hoping to see where Cliffjumper, Optimus, and Ratchet are. You turn around when you hear the other kids climb the stairs and head to the tv, Miko tuning it on and lazily flipping through stations until she finds an interesting one. You sign and shake your head as Miko and Jack begin to argue about the station, turning back to the computer. 
All is quiet for a few moments before an alarm blares through the base and the computer screen flashes brightly in your face. You cover your ears with your hand, but it does little to muffle the sound. 
“My ears!” Whines Raf, or at least that’s what you think he said.
“It’s an S.O.S. From Fowler,” comments Bulkhead, pulling up the alarm on one of the computer monitors. 
“Did you trace it?” Asks Raf.
“Hm, location scan incomplete. Oh well,” says Bulkhead, shrugging. 
“Oh well?” Asks Jack incredulously. “Seriously?”
“Fowler’s a jerk!” Retorts Bulkhead.
“Whether you like the guy or not, the Decepticons may have him!”
“Jack’s right,” you say, frowning. “And Agent Fowler knows the location of the Autobot base. If the Decepticons interrogate him, I bet they’ll make him talk.”
“Yeah, y/n has a point. I mean, didn’t we all see how fast Fowler backs down from a bot? The Decepticons will totally make him squeal!” Adds Miko.
“But we lost the transmission. Fowler could be anywhere,” says Bulkhead. 
“Maybe I can narrow it down.” Says Raf as he sits in a chair next to you.
He grabs a laptop from his backpack and types furiously while explaining, “About five years ago, the government started microchipping their agents. You know, like owners do with pets.”
“Raf’s right. That’s what they had to do to my dad when he joined the army,” you say, watching Raf’s laptop screen. Jack and Miko look from you to Raf with confused and slightly concerned expressions on their faces.
“What? I saw it on tv,” defends Raf. “Anyway, if I can hack into the Fed’s mainframe, maybe I can pinpoint Fowler's coordinates.”
“You know how to hack? But you’re like, two years old!” Exclaims Miko.
“Twelve,” corrects Raf. “And a quarter!”
“Hmm, if you work on that, I can try logging into the mainframe,” you say, sitting at one of the computers. “If I can find the transmission from Agent Fowler, I can access the last coordinates transmitted from his helicopter.”
“You too?” Asks Miko, throwing up her hands. 
Raf looks up at you and you meet his gaze, intrigue flicking through his eyes before you turn back to your work. 
A few minutes later you pump your fist in the air triumphantly as you call out “I got it! Latitude 39.5 degrees north, 116.9 degrees west.”
“Ok, wait here,” says Bulkhead, already typing the coordinates into the groundbridge. 
“Aww, don’t break up the band!” Wines Miko. 
“Uh, Jack, you’re in charge,” says Bulkhead, ignoring Miko. 
He rushes through the groundbridge, leaving us alone. 
“And then there were four,” you say dully.
“I guess we have the run of the place,” shrugs Jack.
“I guess so. Hey Miko, do you-Miko? Miko!” 
You scan the base but don’t see her. Looking again, your eyes lock with Jack and you can see worry flash across his face.
“What should we do?” He asks.
“Bulkhead may have not even realized she’d follow him!” Raf exclaims.
“Miko hasn’t seen the cons’ in action like we have. She has no idea,” says Jack.
Your head swims with visions of the cons doing all sorts of horrible things to Miko.
Oh, foolish girl! Why did you follow Bulkhead? He’s supposed to be your guardian but he can’t protect you from everything!
“Are the coordinates still locked into the groundbridge?” Asks Raf.
“Yep, still there,” you nod.
“Y/n, can you turn the ground bridge on from the computer?” Jack asks.
“Uh, yeah I think so,” you say, and start pulling up the ground bridge access.
“Good, fire it up. You’re in charge,” he says as he steps down the ladder.
Making up your mind, you take a breath and say “uh, now you’re in charge,” as you head towards the ladder.
“In charge of who?” You hear Raf say as you slide down to the ground floor.
“Jack, wait,” you say, running to Jack.
Jack stops and turns around, waiting for you to catch up with a silent question in his eyes. 
“What, you didn’t think I’d let you try and rescue Miko all alone did you? I’m coming with you,” you say, trying to sound more confident than you felt. 
He looks over at you and nods once, a fierce determination set in his eyes. You close your eyes and take a deep, steadying breath, readying yourself for the battle you felt was sure to come. You open them and look over to Jack, nodding your head once, to tell him you were ready. 
“Here goes nothing,” you say, stepping closer to the groundbridge.
“Jack, y/n, wait! I’m coming too,” says Raf, running next to you. 
You reach the groundbridge first with Jack and Raf following close behind you. You jump through the groundbridge, which feels like an assault on your senses. Bright purple and green lights swirl around you, which looks like the aurora borealis was turned into a portal. A loud sound somewhere between a whooshing and a buzzing can be heard, and when you jump out of the portal, what meets your eyes is worse than you could have imagined. You are in the middle of a wide rocky canyon, and what else is in the middle of the canyon but the freaking Decepticon warship! 
Oh. Not good.
With your gaze transfixed on the warship, flashbacks of the first time you saw the ship cross your mind. You don’t even register that a few Decepticons come out of the ship with their guns loaded and ready to fire until you hear Bulkhead and Miko scream your name, which snaps you out of your stupor. The Decepticons begin firing and you, Jack and Raf dodge the blasts. Raf starts walking backwards, but he loses his footing and falls over, curling into a ball to make himself as small as possible. Without thinking you launch yourself on top of Raf, shielding his body with yours. Hearing a honking noise, you look up to see Bulkhead in his alternate form pulling up next to you, doors opening so you, Raf, and Jack can jump in quickly. You dive through the passenger door and scoot over to the driver side of the car, Jack sitting next to you and Raf sitting in the backseat. 
After receiving our thanks, Bulkhead asks “What are you doing here?”
“We were worried about Miko!” Have you seen her?” Asks Jack.
“She’s in the backseat, Jack,” you say, looking through the rear view mirror and making eye contact with the girl. 
She gives you a guilty grin and you roll your eyes. After driving behind a big boulder Bulkhead stops and opens the doors.
“Everyone out! And this time, please wait here,” begs the green bot, driving away. 
He drives up a sort of ramp and starts climbing up the side of the canyon.
Ha like Miko’s going to do that. I bet she’s not even here.
You look around you and sure enough, Miko is nowhere to be seen. You sigh dramatically, like a tired parent, and scan the canyon for Miko. Not seeing her, you figure she’s probably still inside of Bulkhead. At least she has a better chance with Bulkhead then roaming around the canyon, being an easy target. 
“Wait, where’s Miko?” Asks Jack worriedly.
Took you long enough. Luckily I’m way ahead of you Jack.
“Probably up there with Bulkhead,” you say, scanning the canyon walls. “If I can only figure out a way to get up to the warship,” you mutter.
“What if a Decepticon took us up there?” Jack asks in a worried voice.
“Hmm, that might work if we can find one,” you say, still focused on the canyon walls.
“I think we just did,” says Raf.
You turn around and are face to face with two purple Decepticons.
Well, that’s not ideal.
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mlwritersguild · 1 year
🎬 fall, identity, trail !
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The Subplot, by @2manyfandoms2count
AO3; no powers au, movie star au, meet-cute, fluff
When Marinette Dupain-Cheng decides to go all in to test one of her designs for the Flight of the Ladybird movie, she didn’t quite expect her fall to also be metaphorical.
Who knew a movie set could be so favourable to subplots?
Chapter 1
“Ladybug, I know you’re in there!” 
Marinette’s heart raced as she leaned against the broom closet’s closed door, rethinking all of her actions of the previous week.
“Please, my Lady. Please let me see you.”
She sighed, turning around and placing her hand on the door handle. Maybe this wouldn’t go poorly. 
She hoped so, anyway. 
She took a deep breath, and opened the door.
Marinette looked at the inflated mattress, four metres below, wondering if maybe she was being crazy even considering doing this. This movie was an independent project, even if it did star some up-and-coming names in the industry; it would be watched by some people, but probably not those who might notice the subtlety of a nice hem, or a higher pleat number  for a fall that would only last a couple of seconds. Was it really worth risking breaking a bone for it? Especially with no one around to help if something went wrong?
Then again, a little voice in her head reminded her, you did love a good bouncy trampoline experience when you were younger. This can’t be that different.
It would go quickly, anyway – she’d jump once, twice at most, if the camera she’d set downstairs hadn’t captured satisfying footage from a costume-designer perspective. The actress didn’t deserve it, Marinette supposed, remembering how dismissive Miss Chloé Bourgeois had been of anyone who wasn’t a fellow Actor (with a capital A – for all intents and purposes, exclusively headliners); however hard she tried, though, she couldn’t get herself to ignore the conscientious bone in her body.
A shame that meant scuttling around the movie set after dark, long after anyone else had left the premises. She’d have to make it quick, and she’d have to make it count.
She took a deep breath, readjusted the mask she was wearing (both part of the costume, and a way to evade security camera identification), and jumped, squealing with joy as she plummeted towards the ground. She felt the rush of air against her cheeks, adrenaline coursing through her veins making an exhilarated laugh escape her lips. 
Too soon, her body hit the mattress, interrupting her breath. She breathed heavily, smiling widely, thinking she was definitely jumping again even if–
“Oh my goodness, Miss, are you alright?!”
Marinette froze at the sound of the voice, wondering if the mattress could swallow her up whole. She felt it depress on her left side, and thought that maybe her silent plea had been answered.
“Miss?...” A mop of blond hair and concerned, bright green eyes suddenly appeared above her. The sight winded her more than the fall had.
“Hi,” the intruder breathed. 
“Hi,” she replied, warmth invading her cheeks. 
The man’s face – a part of her brain wondered if someone in their twenties constituted a man, or if “guy” was more appropriate – hovered closer to hers, and had she not been sprawled out on the ground, she didn’t doubt that she would’ve been drawn to him, too. There was something familiar about him, although she couldn’t quite place it.
“May I…” He cleared his throat and held out his hand.
“Oh, um,” she stammered, trying to push herself up but utterly failing at the task, given the mattress’ total lack of support. She smiled apologetically at her saviour, giving him her hand. “Yes, please.”
Their hands brushed, and Marinette felt a jolt of electricity at the touch, which she attributed to the static of her dress’ fabric.
“Oops, sorry,” the stranger said, pulling her up nonetheless.
“Don’t be!” Marinette replied hastily. “I’m so sorry I scared you. And for being here when I really shouldn’t be.”
Now that she was upright, although the mattress made her stance pretty wobbly, she could appraise her companion; clad in all black, she assumed that he had to be a security guard. He wasn’t as stocky as one might have expected, but he definitely wasn’t scrawny either, she thought, her eyes lingering on the well-defined biceps emerging from his t-shirt. 
“I won’t tell if you won’t.” The guy’s chuckle shook her from her reverie; his eyes sparkled with mischief, a truly enchanting sight that made Marinette’s cheeks warm even more. She was extremely glad that her mask covered them.
“It’ll be our secret, then.” She smiled, placing a finger on her lips.
He really had pretty eyes, she mused, diving into his gaze like she’d dived from the set’s tower. He seemed lost in a daze, staring straight into her eyes, the silence between them lengthening, and yet not feeling uncomfortable. 
She blinked, then, and he looked away, shaking his head.
“If I may…” he started, before interrupting himself.
“Yes?” she encouraged him.
“That dress is beautiful. You looked like a real ladybug in flight.”
“Really?” Marinette smiled shyly, replacing a lock of hair behind her ear. “I’m so glad, it’s the intended effect. What with the movie title being Flight of the Ladybird and all.”
“It looked so… ethereal. It’s really perfect on you.”
“Oh, thank you, but this isn’t mine. I hope it’ll look even better on Miss Bourgeois, even though heaven knows she deserves to be knocked off of her pedestal by a good fashion critic.”
“Not an acting one?” The guy crossed his arms over his chest, an amused smile playing at his lips.
“Clearly, she doesn’t listen to those, else she would’ve given up ages ago.” Marinette rolled her eyes. “But from the day someone dared criticise her sunglasses, she mysteriously stopped wearing them.”
“Now that you say it, you’re right…” He raked a hand through his hair. “You’re very observant, Miss…”
“Mr. Agreste?” A deep voice interrupted Marinette before she could utter a reply. “Mr. Agreste! The car is waiting.”
Marinette’s eyes widened as the dots connected in her head, and she realised why her partner in secret sneaking around seemed so familiar. 
Of course, she’d never personally met Adrien Agreste, the male lead of the movie, being on the women’s costume design team. As a teen, though, she’d often gawked at his modelling pictures, obviously more for the clothes than the person wearing them, but he had made those more appealing. She stared at Adrien, wondering how someone who’d been on every billboard in Paris could seem so… normal.
“I guess that’s my cue.” Adrien winked, starting to jog backwards towards one of the set’s exits. “I guess I’ll see you around?”
Marinette simply nodded, too dumbstruck to formulate a response as she watched him turn around and run through the doors.
And just like that, he was gone. 
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