#even more considering I'm on Buck's pov
lover-of-mine · 7 months
Fuck it Friday!
I was tagged by @spotsandsocks @wikiangela @daffi-990 @dangerpronebuddie @steadfastsaturnsrings thank you.
It's barely still friday for me, but I've been writing the Buck proposes to Natalia and picks a fight with Eddie fic, and I kinda wanna share this snippet so I will lol prev snippet.
“Can you pretend you're not mad at me for a second?” Buck begs, and Eddie gives him a disbelief look. “What do you want from me, Buck? Because I’m not a good enough friend for you, so what are you doing?” “I deserved that,” he mumbles, looking down, and Eddie huffs.  “Yeah, but I didn't!”  “Eddie,” Buck tries, but he shakes his head. “No, okay? I needed a minute to get on board the stupidity of you wanting to marry someone you’ve known for six months, who left you before, and I didn’t deserve you accusing me of being a bad friend.” “I didn’t get why you needed time to get on board,” Buck mumbles, voice as small as he feels under his gaze and he just looks at him like he's crazy. “Because I’m in love with you, jackass,” Eddie snaps, breathing heavily.
No pressure tagging 🩷, everyone please consider yourselves tagged for inspiration Saturday if you did this already: @eddiebabygirldiaz @bucks118 @honestlyeddie @try-set-me-on-fire @watchyourbuck @housewifebuck @wildlife4life @giddyupbuck and you if you have something to share 💜
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leothil · 3 months
fic recs: archive edition 30
I was considering putting this project on hiatus over the summer, especially as I'm away at our summer cottage for several weeks now, but I've gotten asked if new rec lists will be out and that made me quite happy! :) So here you go! We're moving into 2022 now and the fandom was slowly starting to see some hints of where 5B would be taking us.
Previous rec lists are found here!
kiss me, kiss me (i don't know if i can let you go) by ipretendtobesane (@usereddie) As Buck is leaving one evening, Eddie kisses him goodbye without thinking about it. And Buck gives him a kiss back. And then it keeps happening, but they keep not talking about what it is. There's not way that can lead to any misunderstandings. 10.3k words, rated G
Come then, and be broken by @unintentionalgenius During a call Buck disappears without a trace, and a detective thinks it fits the pattern of a killer who seems to target first responders. Eddie does not handle it well, and we get to see him, Maddie, Bobby, and Chimney try to process their fear and grief. Heed the warnings and tags. 98.2k words, rated E
am i more than you bargained for yet? by lecornergirl (@clusterbuck) Or, what happens when I wax poetic about Eddie in eyeliner to Emma one too many times. The 118 put together a charity talent show, and if Eddie is going to perform an alt rock song, Buck will damn well make sure he looks the part too. 4.1k words, rated E
your voice as my lullaby by talktothesky (@thatbuddie) Soft established relationship fluff where Buck comes home a little drunk from a wine night with Maddie. 1.5k words, rated G
i'm headed to the mountains by hammersmiths (@henswilsons) Abby POV fic mostly during and after 3x18, of her trying to deal with Sam getting hurt in the train derailment and what she did to Buck, and why. 7.8k words, rated G
Happy reading, and thank you for the continued engagement with my posts!
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scoonsalicious · 5 months
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1.2 Bucky
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Lily McIntire, trainer for new SHIELD recruits at the Avengers Tower, has been in love with her best friend, Bucky Barnes, from the moment she met him. She's been content with her role of the #1 girl in Bucky's life, even if it means she has to sabotage a romantic relationship or two. It'll be worth it when he realizes that they're meant for each other, right? There's just one small problem: Lily McIntire never expected Bucky Barnes to fall for You.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, mentions of alcohol consumption, some mild derogatory language against women, by women.
Word Count: 960
Previously On...: Natasha Romanoff invited you out to meet her single Avenger teammates. There's only one she warned you to stay away from...
A/N: For Bucky and Lily's POV sections, Major is referred to by name, and without use of you/your. It just made my life easier, lol.
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
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He clocked her the minute she walked through the door of the bar. How could he not? She was stunning, what with the way she carried herself as she moved through the room, the way her hips swayed as she walked. Bucky liked to think of himself as a gentleman, but just the sight of the unknown woman in front of him was inspiring decidedly ungentlemanly thoughts. 
He couldn’t believe his luck when she walked right up to Natasha, giving her a hug and joining her and Wanda at their table. His mind had been running, trying to come up with an excuse to approach her; he couldn’t believe he’d ended up with such an easy in. 
“Remember how we talked about staring, Tin Man?” Sam said, coming up alongside Bucky and noticing his distraction. “How some girls might find it downright creepy?”
Bucky ignored his friend’s jab at his expense. “Who’s that?” he asked, jutting his chin toward where the woman sat with his teammates.
Sam cocked his head, considering the girl who had captured his friend’s attention. “I think that’s Nat’s friend… (Y/N)--something. Nat said she might be joining us. Heard the girl was pretty, but damn!”
Bucky turned to look at his friend. “What do you mean, you ‘heard she was pretty’?” 
Sam shrugged. “Nothing. Just that Nat said she was inviting her pretty, single friend out with us tonight and maybe those of us without girlfriends might want to consider putting a little extra care into our appearance.”
Bucky glanced around at his friends– they did seem a bit more put together than usual, even Parker. But then he frowned. “How come Nat didn’t say anything about her to me?” He couldn’t help but feel slightly offended at being left out. Did Natasha not think he was good enough for her friend?
“Come on, man,” Sam said good naturedly, slapping Bucky on the back. “You may not have a girlfriend, but you sure as shit ain’t single!” 
Sam started laughing, but Bucky wasn’t sure he understood the joke. That happened a lot, unfortunately. There was so much about this time he just didn’t get, and he often found himself too embarrassed to ask for clarification. 
“What’s so funny, boys?” Bucky felt a small arm slink itself around his waist, and Lily was pressing herself into his side. He smiled down at her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and squeezing her gently. He was never too embarrassed to ask Lily to explain the crazy ways of this modern world to him; she always approached his time-dysphoria, as they’d come to call it, with compassion and understanding. He was infinitely grateful to have her as a friend. One of his best.
“Exhibit A,” Sam said pointedly to Bucky. He turned to Lily. “Buck’s just curious about Nat’s new friend,” Sam said, a sly grin taking over his features. “What do you think, Lil? She’s hot, right?”
Bucky felt Lily stiffen beside him. “She’s alright, I guess,” Lily said after a minute of looking the woman over. “If you’re into that basic, skanky look.”
Bucky watched as Nat’s friend took off her leather jacket and draped it behind her chair. God, the skin of her back and shoulders looked so soft, he caught himself wondering what it would be like to run his fingers across it. “I think she’s gorgeous,” he found himself saying.
Lily looked up at him in surprise. “Really, Jamie? I have to admit, I’m surprised. I thought you had more refined taste than that.” She gave him a disgusted look before disengaging herself from his hold and walked back toward the pool table to line up her next shot.
“Yeah, Jamie,” Sam mocked once Lily had moved beyond earshot. “How dare you find the attractive girl attractive, you asshole!”
“Knock it off, Sam,” Bucky said, trying to ascertain why Lily would seem to have a problem with the way the woman looked. He thought she looked amazing. Easily one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen, in this, or any of his decades.
Sam chortled. “Man, you hate being called ‘Jamie.’ Why haven’t you asked her to knock it the fuck off by now?”
Bucky shrugged, putting thoughts of Lily’s words aside as he glanced at the woman sitting with Nat and Wanda again. “I dunno; she likes it, and it’s been four years already. Feels kinda weird correcting her on it, now.”
Sam rolled his eyes. “Yeah, cause God forbid your friends actually call you what you want to be called.”
When he didn’t respond right away, Sam looked over and caught Bucky staring at you. “Hello,” he said, waving a hand in front of Bucky’s face. “Earth to Barnes? You okay over there?”
“Yeah,” said Bucky, blushing at being called out. “It’s just… she’s really pretty, you know?”
Sam sighed. “Alright. Now, I was gonna make my own play, but seeing as it’s been a dog’s age since you got any action, I’m gonna be a good friend and be your wingman on this one.”
Bucky smiled and turned back to the high top, delighted to see the woman looking back at him, this time, the sweetest smile playing across her lips. “Thanks, Sam,” he said. 
Sam gently nudged him with his elbow. “Don’t mention it, pal. You know I can never say ‘no’ to a charity case.”
“Guys,” Lily called over to the two of them. “We’re starting a new game, come on.”
Bucky looked back, giving the pretty girl one more glance. Were her lips as kissable as they looked? He wondered. Get it together, Barnes, he chastised himself. You’re 106-years old, not a fucking teenager. 
But damn if she wasn’t making him feel like one tonight.
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captain-hen · 4 months
I have been telling my friends that season 7 is a bridge. Also, that Tim had a plan and as he wasn’t in the last 2, the story isn’t as he planned so he spent the whole season taking the characters there. Meaning healing from last trauma to add new traumas and building the foundations for the next season, foundations he thought were going to be build.
For example:
- Chim and Maddie fostering Mara is the bridge to Maddie and Chim having another child, maybe adopting this time.
- Hen and Karen will adopt Mara, and I’m not quite sure about the next step because I’m thinking about Captain Hen but I don’t think it’ll happen in the next season.
- Bi Buck we know what bridge that is even if some people don’t want to accept it.
- Eddie, being bad written, is the bridge to prioritising and putting himself first for them establishing boundaries with his parents. (Kind of Buck did). Also, to discover himself and what he really wants. Healing.
- Bobby to realise he’s a hero and that his works wasn’t over, especially now that Gerrard is back.
- Athena hasn’t been a proper cop this season and both times (Harry incident and whatever the fuck was the Amir thing) she has used her power so I think something will happen there that’ll make her stop and think.
The reason why the wasn’t room for development is because for some stories, it was the end (Chim being traumatised in his wedding by Doug) and for other stories it was the beginning (the whole episode 7x10)
i'm sorry, i don't want to sound like i'm being dismissive of your opinion because you're entitled to it, but i don't agree with any of this. to start with, it's too bad that tim couldn't tell the story he wanted to after s4, but that's not an excuse for him to come back two seasons later, throw a temper tantrum and ignore everything that's happened since that isn't convenient for him. lol. as for the rest, let's break it down:
this sets up for maddie and chim having another child...except we don't actually KNOW how THEY feel about it. they've never talked about having more kids, let alone fostering. we never saw any of this from their POV, we were just up and told that they wanted to do it for henren. which is a beautiful thing for them to do, but we don't know what they feel about it, if they've considered the logistics of having a second child, about jee having a sibling—none of it!
my issue with henren this season was that they recycled the plot of them having trouble with expanding their family for, what, the...third time? it's so tired and feels like misery porn at this point (and let's not even get into the uncomfortable racial elements around the way mara was written in 7x05).
something as monumental as the bi!buck arc should have been explored better. sorry. aside from his conversation with maddie, we barely got to see buck do any kind of serious self-reflection about this major part of his identity and his relationship with tommy, has, well. it's just been written in a very strange and off-putting way post 7x05. sorry to say.
whatever happened with eddie is really not the way to get him to prioritize himself! think about it. for the first time he prioritized his own grief in trying to get catharsis with kim. and it backfired on him spectacularly. he hurt his kid. he lost christopher. i don't think he's ever gonna recover from this guilt. if anything, what's happened will only reinforce his belief that he should never prioritize himself, ever. the thing with kim didn't lead to any kind of healing, it made everything a million times worse. he was quite literally punished by the narrative for his grief and it's quite sickening. and given how things were handled this season i highly doubt it will be treated with any kind of nuance or care in the next.
this has not been the first time athena has abused her power—only the most egregious instance of it—and it won't be the last. if abusing her power in s1 and harassing a teenage girl then didn't get her to stop and think, i don't think this will. sorry.
my entire point, is that most of the things you've mentioned here was incredibly last minute. madney fostering mara. the eddie/kim plotline. eddie's conflict with chris. the bobby and amir plotline. everything in 7x10 felt like an afterthought. why is it that bobby's life was in serious danger and yet we barely saw anything of him? why didn't we get to see more the firefam being worried over him and holding vigil? how is it that eddie and chris didn't even have a single conversation before chris went away to a different state?
you don't use all ten episodes of a season just to set up new plot points for the rest without developing or concluding the stuff already going on in a meaningful manner that makes sense. sorry.
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snarkythewoecrow · 2 months
Several Sentence Sunday ⚡️
thanks @theotherbuckley for the tag, and I do have something, but I'm way too tired to even drag my eyes over it for typos rn, so this is probably a hot mess, sorry not sorry, but yeah, bucktommy, part of a introspection type piece from buck's pov regarding his given name of Evan and Tommy using it for him, and yeah, this is section is smutty (and if you want to do this, consider yourself tagged)
He’d rolled his eyes, as he wasn’t picky, up against a wall or on the floor, sweet or filthy, all that mattered was closing that distance between them, but in the end, out of the options, having Tommy curled around him, spooning him, felt right—even if it came with a certain vulnerability.
And having Tommy behind him, the blunt head of his cock at Buck’s entrance as he shushed him in reassurance, rubbing it against his hole, nudging the back of his sack, had him holding his breath.
Somewhere between one heartbeat and the next, it started to make sense—it wasn’t a bad type of vulnerability, but more importantly, that feeling could only exist because it reflected off his love—his love for the man behind, for Tommy Kinard and his stupidly attractive chin.
They weren’t just fucking—this was making love—and it seemed pretty likely from the thousand clues that he’d missed in the last few weeks, it was the same for Tommy, too.
“Easy, breathe for me, Evan—inhale, then bear down when you feel me, just like we talked about—it’ll help, trust me—that’s a boy,” Tommy said. “I got you, Evan.”
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pedroshotwifey · 8 months
WIP Wednesday!!
Thank you, @nerdieforpedro for tagging me, ily, babe!
So, in true wifey fashion, this week's wips are the same as last's. 🫠 The only difference is that I'm now on the next chapter of Favorite Bounty and have written a tiny bit more for To the Flame and the other foursome wip. Here are some snippets!
FB: This chapter is actually coming from Din's pov! Definitely a new thing for me, but it really works with the story.
Eventually, Din caught himself. It had only been a few weeks since you had joined him and Grogu on the crest, but he could already feel the urge to protect you, to claim you as his own, to have you in his sights at all times. When he came to terms with that fact, he made up even more excuses to cover it up. It was instinct. He had just gone too long without human interaction, he was just naturally protective, the list goes on. He did pride himself for a little while, for the way he was able to hold back from you—it was a harder task than he would have thought.  Not only did he have the urge to keep you safe, he also had a nagging want to bend you over a crate and fuck you into oblivion every time you passed by him in the hull. Fortunately, he had a sound enough mind to refrain from doing that, but he couldn't help but to place his palm on the small of your back each time, gently urging you past him. Unfortunately, just that action was enough to have him stiff in is pants, suddenly in dire need of solitude so he could find his quick release instead of holding one of his hands in front of his crotch for the next hour.
TTF: We're finally getting somewhere! This chapter is going to be spicy, and then the next one is going to get real. 😈
The thin cotton of your panties does practically nothing to tame the wetness seeping out of you and onto Javi’s pants. You tighten your arms around him as you rock yourself quicker, the coil tightening further within you. You’re moaning, gasping, and whimpering against Javi’s lips, the kiss growing sloppier with each pass.  Your cheeks burn with embarrassment as you consider your current behavior. Never in your life have you acted so ridiculously…feral. You honestly can’t think of another word for what you’re doing right now, grinding up against this man like an animal, licking and nipping at his plush lips without restraint.  The only reason you don’t slow is because Javi's acting the same way. Like he can’t get enough of you. His hands are gripping your hips so tightly that you’ll likely bruise, his own bucking against yours every time you grind particularly hard. The noises that tumble from his lips are downright filthy. 
Foursome WIP: Frankie x Joel x Din x Reader. Yup, this is going to be fucking nasty.
So now you stand here, your lips parted as you take in the sight of three imposing men. All three of them are naked. Two are standing, their cocks erect and throbbing in the air as the third one kneels and grasps one in each hand, alternating which dick gets his tongue. Each of the men above him have a steadying hand on his head as they grunt and moan. The room is dim, curtains draped around the whole thing. A circular bed sits behind the men, taking up about a third of the room. There are two plush chairs pushed into the unoccupied corners of the room. You decide silently that it’s the perfect atmosphere for what it’s designed for.  You only stand in the doorway for a few seconds before one of the standing men catches your eye, smirking as he nudges the man next to him and tugs on the hair of the man below him. Soon, all three of them are facing you, each of their gazes hungry but welcoming.  “Sorry to get the party started without you, darlin’, but we didn’t think you were gonna show,” the man who laid eyes on you first says.  You feel a heat climbing up your body, your cheeks turning pink as you take in his deep voice and charming southern drawl. 
Let me know if anyone would like to be tagged in any of these!!
NPT: @kewwrites @princessanglophile @strang3lov3 @notjustjavierpena @beefrobeefcal (this may or may not be me begging for a glimpse of beefro in space 😗) @romanarose @janaispunk @ezrasbirdie @tightjeansjavi
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breakaway71 · 4 months
For the director's cut: there's a fire burning in my bones?
Oh, man, this fic. THIS FIC. This fic has been on my mind a lot, actually, since my current 9-1-1 WIP is less a general crossover, and more a stealth crossover with fire burning. So while it's primarily a 9-1-1 fic (the working title is buck sees dead people, and I'm trying very hard to write it in a way that no working knowledge of JATP is required), it's involved a lot of re-reading to make sure the crossover parts are consistent with the story. IDEK. Look, sometimes it's just better to let the muse have their way, and the muse was pretty demanding about this one. ANYWAY! Back in the golden days of the JATP fandom, I had a lot of ideas. It was a hyperfixation that hit hard, and I was jotting down story ideas faster than I could even start writing any of them. But when the Big Bang challenge came along, there was only one story I could even contemplate writing, and that was a story about Julie becoming a ghost. I knew I wanted it to be essentially a season 2 fic. And I knew I wanted Julie to experience being a ghost, but not have her actually have to die in any kind of permanent way. That was it. Everything else that happened throughout that entire story - the entire plot, really, and the ships and the soul bonding aspects in particular - were little "eureka!" moments I had in the course of writing. Usually these brainstorms hit at 3am and had me jotting notes in my fic notebook by flashlight:
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Fire burning also never went through a significant editing process. Aside from general tweaks, I was deliriously happy with how the story turned out, considering I pantsed the hell out of it. The most interesting thing, for me, though: Originally, I thought this story would end up being gen fic, or maybe Julie/Luke. When Reggie found her in the music room... Look, you know how it feels when something just unlocks inside you? And you're like "MY GOD. YES. THIS." That scene, the opening to fire burning, was my first real PING! moment about Julie and Reggie. (And I was clearly doomed forever after that moment.) Reggie wasn't even originally the one who was supposed to find her! But I wanted so badly to show the balance of her friendship with all three of the boys, so I decided it made more sense for it to be someone other than Luke in that scene. And the way everything fell into place after that, right up until the first true OT3 scene, happened almost entirely by accident. I fell in love with the idea of all of them together much the same way Julie did. A little at a time until it felt more like an inevitability, and I couldn't even pinpoint the moment I realized it was going to happen. Also: I had two absolute favorite scenes in this fic. The first is when Julie is sitting at the piano, and feels Reggie's teardrop on her hand, from where he's sitting and watching over her body in the hospital. If I was capable of serious art, that is the scene I wish I could somehow convey in visual form, which is probably why Reggie's POV ended up being the first timestamp I wrote. My other favorite scene was after the ritual, where Julie can finally 'talk' to her dad and tells him about dating Luke and Reggie. Writing Ray will always be a personal favorite for me (Family Matters was another story that happened mostly by accident tbh), and trying to determine what his reaction would be in that situation was stupid amounts of fun. WHEW OKAY I HOPE I'M DOING THIS RIGHT AND YOU ENJOYED THIS BIT OF COMMENTARY!
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dangerpronebuddie · 4 months
Hi darling, I hope your day is going well 🩷
I'm still thinking about the idea of under pressure being on Buck's pov, and I think some of the framing choices might back that up a little bit too? Specifically the framing of the gym confrontation because of the way that's literally the only scene where we see Buck tower over someone, and the idea that we are seeing him like that because we're on Buck's head and he is trying to make himself bigger is an interesting way to look at that. I don't think the idea during the episode was of making the Buck scenes be on his pov, but there's definitely an argument to be made that the editing of the show gives that idea if we consider the way 704 is edited in a similar way.
Hi baby 🩷
Yes! It might not have been as deliberate as 7x04 but there are definitely some Choices made. If we were supposed to see this as Eddie's introduction to the team- not just Buck, we would've seen more of him getting to know Hen and Chim (which we know happened behind Buck's back since Chim told Eddie about Abby). We don't know their first impressions of Eddie, just seemingly that they all hit it off. But the framing of it all is so interesting, the gym scene most of all.
They usually make a point to place Buck a little higher in scenes (like you pointed out in your framing meta 🩷), but when he's with Eddie- especially in any one-on-one conversations- he's below or equal to him (despite that pattern breaking in 7x09 and 10). Making him appear bigger and more intimidating is quite a choice, especially when none of the others see him as menacing at all. Chim already knows how he is and Eddie didn't take the bait for a fight, already seeing right through him. But Buck doesn't know that. He keeps trying to start something even after Eddie points out the root of the problem. Deliberate or not, choosing to make it seem like Buck is towering over him is an interesting choice to make. And every scene with Eddie starts with Buck first. The Whatta Man scene, the gym scene, the grenade- every time we see Eddie, it's because Buck is looking at him/ knows he's there.
And I have to say, the callbacks to 2x01 in 7x04 are INSANE. That episode might not have been deliberately from Buck's pov, but we know 7x04 was. The parallels there are endless! Buck turning at Eddie's introduction and focusing on his devastated expression, Buck peacocking in the gym trying to get Eddie's attention, even Chim being a witness, Buck only doing something because Eddie was going to have all the fun (yeah he only went because Tommy was taking Eddie's attention but the jealousy is still there- he didn't want Eddie to have all the glory to himself from the grenade call either). The fact Eddie's first shift is that present in Buck's mind is CRAZY.
And even what we see of Eddie in both episodes speaks to Buck's scenes being entirely his pov. Eddie was a little closed off in the beginning anyway, but he was close enough to the others to be friendly with them and even offer to help Chim with his pictures. But what Buck knows about Eddie is what we know in both episodes. The difference is we see Eddie as a Big Damn Hero in 2x01 and a walking ray of sunshine in 7x04 (which is absolutely adorable btw). But we as the audience- and every other character- most definitely sees Eddie as more than both those things. But in those episodes, we don't.
Whether the writers planned it that way or not, the editing was certainly Interesting™ lol.
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quietbluejay · 5 months
Angel Exterminatus 9
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is he actually on the defensive here?
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that's not what you were mainly doing but this does successfully shift the conversation topic
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Oh, Fulgrim went full Nietzsche.
But also I don't actually know that Perturabo meant wrong in the moral sense here. but, then again, Fulgrim is also trying to go "i reject your reality and substitute my own"
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(eyes emoji)
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(eyes emoji repeated four times)
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I wonder if he knows that Fabius murdered Soulaka yet
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He's got a point you know
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WHEEZE How very 40k.
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whatever reason/plot he suckered perturabo into doing this for is still up and running
This is not going to go the way that Perturabo thinks it will.
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mood this is weirdly the most personally relatable perturabo has been in this entire book I realize saying that makes me come off like a maniac
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kroeger is just here for violence and i respect that just realized something kroeger would get along swimmingly with the combaticons aside from the whole fact that they're alien robots and he's as xenophobic as the rest of the imperium and he's human* and the Combaticons are as anti-organic as any given Decepticon *blah blah transhuman blah blah so the answer is simple: we trap vortex and kroeger together inside a get-along body bluejay you can't have sticking two people together inside a get-along body be the solution to everything
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forrix is the only one with any scintilla of common sense in this book well maybe wayland has some
anyways i think this was the bit that @krynnmeridia said was "one of the best scenes in the entire Horus Heresy"
OH the next interlude is baby fulgrim outsider POV this time
ah i figured out whither ferrus in the last interlude he's attempting to haunt the narrative but not doing a very good job of it you could say his flesh is his flesh was too
i will not apologize for bad jokes
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Perturabo is the guy on a dev team who avoids getting promoted like the plague the project manager is his nemesis a lot of the time he's also The Worst to have reviewing your code
he's repairing his limited edition transformers figure warhound titan automaton
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"what's giving up one more oath" vs "keeping my word is all i have" but also perturabo's lack of initiative strikes again "part of him looked forwards to it, because then he would be free of his debt to fulgrim" get help, please oh wait i forgot this was warhammer
okay if 40k Guilliman's song is Tongues by Joywave and Mortarion's song is Radioactive by Imagine Dragons I'm never going to let that one go either Sorrow by The National then Perturabo's is Sea Lion by Sage Francis, Or maybe Waterline.
Ma, Ma, look what I did, Ma Look what I did to my hands, I broke em You gave me the stone, gave me the chisel Didn't say how to hold em Didn't say give away every piece of the puzzle Till I was left with nothing But I took it upon myself to crush it up and distribute the dust Get in the bus, hop in the van Jump in the water, crawl to the land Build another castle out of the sand Break it down and then I get into the saddle again Going city to city I'm already lost, tell the boss Who is new in town I'm-a ride this horse till it bucks me off And I'm forced to shoot it down
come for the overused meme reactions, stay for the mid 2000s hip hop recs
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even in this freaking book i can't escape McNeill simping for Magnus
I'm pretty sure this is Ahriman's wine, ftr
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BAD especially since at the beginning of the scene it mentions how tired he is hey so like are their things that can drain your life force in 40k? ...what would Fulgrim even DO with his life force, though? eat it??? I still have a bad feeling about this though
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a lot, actually especially if he considers himself expendable or that his sacrifice would be worth it
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oh yeah a thought re: the entire play which is that mcneill, writing a book with no female characters, had to wedge in a spot so he could be weird about women
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Definitely some kind of life drain
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lmao is it though i think the one thing iron warriors do better than anyone else is no, perhaps i am being too mean. i shall remain silent.
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lmaooo that's the first time I've seen anyone call an Ultramarine a popinjay, that's not their usual type of epithet
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Help why is this so funny don't stare into the warp and drive, kids! it'll come back and bother you while you're trying to work
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I am feeling the Maoism in this Chilis tonight
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Methinks the primarch doth protest too much (re dramatics)
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i dunno i feel like the enemy you saw kills you a lot of the time in war but what do i know
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Hey remember all that dramatic irony with Lorgar back in the very long opening of Know No Fear? Yeah.
okay i know Perturabo survives this because he's at the siege of terra
Annnnd I hit image limit. To be continued next time!
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outrunningthedark · 5 months
I’ve never seen shippers sabotage their own ship quite like this before. And I’m wondering who keeps telling them to harass everyone on the show for buddie, it doesn’t make sense. Its already has/will have effect on what Tim is willing to do. He’s seems to be getting more frustrated by the day with it.
I know twitter's a cesspool (which is why I have never been there), but tumblr, for me, is worse considering so much of the negativity is coming from people who want a Repressed Eddie arc. Had Eddie and Tommy actually been approved**, the very people finding things to criticize about Tommy (and Lou to an extent, because he uses cameo; JLH gave a very well known pro-Buddie comment via cameo, did we forget that?) would be saying "God FORBID Buck stays in the background so Eddie can have his moment!" Which I one hundred percent support. But the fact that we KNOW the tone would flip on a dime if the roles were reversed does nothing to help their POV. **and #unpopularopinion, even if the excuse really was that Eddie's coming out needed to be treated with more care, how tf did Tim go from EddieAna with talks of repression and panic attacks and Ana knowing he couldn't commit, to that? Sounds like he just wanted to skip to the part where Eddie (and then Buck, who was supposed to make out with Tommy in 7x04) was kissing a dude on screen. I think Tim does a lot of good things for the ship, but I'm ngl...I'm starting to side-eye him with some of these choices he's making. Karaoke scene just because he felt like it even though he knew it would not actually help Buddie in any way? Buck or Eddie making out with a dude they've known for...a few weeks? despite being new to that? Eddie without a shirt at any opportunity when Ryan has gone on record about abandoning modeling because he didn't like the hyperfocus on people's looks? Is he a fan? Or a show runner?
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lover-of-mine · 4 months
i'm just gonna say this, for someone who wanted tommy's attention he's shown zero hesitation in dropping plans with tommy or ditching him to go be with eddie. almost like he really did misunderstand the assignment and projected things on to the wrong person all along.
Look, I'm literally the first person to say that I don't understand their relationship at all, and we don't really know if Buck is not going to drop the date for Bobby, since he is wearing the same shirt in the hospital and we don't know how the timeline of the episode is gonna go, but it is very interesting. Even more when you consider the way the rest of Buck, bothered and bewildered was about not recognizing people and making the wrong choice because of it with quite disastrous consequences (the mom killing her son quite literally because she couldn't see him clearly and the whole thing with Harry where they even recast Harry) narratively the only answer to the situation is that Buck was not seeing things clearly and misunderstood his own feelings. Even more when you consider the way 704 was on Buck's pov and that was literally the only episode was Tommy was truly likable the whole time, since then he's been kinda meh, and the way Eddie was acting during it, Buck projecting is the takeaway that makes more sense.
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lesbianrobin · 2 months
for the ask the author, 1 6 and 7 :D
thank youuu <3
1 which character pov do you enjoy writing the most?
ok so i am going to answer this for 9-1-1 and stranger things if that's ok <3 for 9-1-1 one might think that it's chris or eddie considering i've written their povs the most but i actually Love writing bobby pov and buck pov!! bobby because his voice feels so distinct to me and buck because his mind is just such a crazy place. like eddie is fun and i definitely tend to go for his pov more often either because it works better for the plot or bc it comes more easily, but buck is such a fascinating little bug to me. also writing buck pov lets me be like maddie is an angel and the best person alive and she's sooooo strong and perfect <333 bc that's his sistermom and he loves her soooo much. maddie pov is similarly fun bc she looks at buck towering over her with fuckin ham hocks for biceps and she's like That Is A Baby.
and for stranger things to this day the most fun i've ever had was writing nancy's pov! i think i only did it the one time but it was a blast. much like buck and bobby her voice is very distinct and her mind is an insane place to be. she has a habit of making absolutely batshit choices while acting like they're normal which is very fun to write!
6 which of your current wips or story ideas are you most excited about?
i literally can't even pick i think it's a tie between my st/911 crossover, the buck cult fic, and a buck amnesia fic that i'm working on. i'm also like So stoked ab the podcast fic but i'm not vibrating about it as much because i've been able to share more of it with y'all fnvjdjcd
7 which of your current wips or story ideas is driving you up the wall?
i have a prompt for the gotcha that i'm literally so into but it's like. inspired by a song. and i LOVE the song that's why i basically begged for this prompt but i've actually never set out to write a fic based on a song before and i'm struggling a lot with like. how literal to be yknow how close do i stick to the lyrics and how much do i go off of the Sentiment etc. it should be easy but it just is not rn fkvjdjcjd
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lovestuckyhatemarvel · 7 months
Okay so the entirety of the WEBTOON is out and so is the KDrama. Both have, in fact, been out for a bit, but I needed to get my thoughts together. Obviously, if you haven't interacted with either piece of media, this is going to be a spoiler it. I'm specifically going to be talking about suicide and the way it's used in the WEBTOON as this particular character backstory and subsequent original death were both changed a lot. If you don't want to read about suicide, fictional or otherwise, or you don't want spoilers, please don't read on.
And if you want to know what's going on or want to know the full context of the WEBTOON because you've either never engaged with the material or have only watched the show? I recommend reading the comic on manhwa instead of WEBTOON since manhwa seems to be totally free. And in order to not take a while (plus lot of ads since you get 1 free chapter per day + 3 ad chapters that last 3 days) to read it there, you'll need the webtoon app and 15 bucks. And no matter what WEBTOON is gonna really yell at you if you do even a single screenshot.
Okay, to start off with, there are some things that don't change for Mr. Yu regardless of medium. No matter what, at the beginning he's seen as cold and distant. He's also extremely buttoned up and more than a little bit awkward around Jiwon to the point where he actually seemed suspicious to me at first because he was just always around when something was about to happen, and Jiwon did not know why that was happening, so neither did I.
It takes until chapter 46 of the WEBTOON for it to be revealed that Jihyeok also traveled back in time and died before. Up until that point, his goals and motivation are still somewhat mysterious. Even though they are like, fully dating by that point. But I don't consider that the biggest change. After all, the WEBTOON is from Jiwon's POV mostly, and the show took a much more widespread approach, which made sense. Also the show had to condense the entire comic into like, 16 episodes. That's a lot to get through.
So here are the things that I actually consider the biggest changes to his character and I promise I'll explain why those lead to the writer's choice of death for him making way more sense for that version to me.
1.) Jihyeok has known that he was romantically interested in Jiwon since before they officially spoke to each other in college. He even specifically saves Pang (the cat) because Jiwon liked that cat and he saw her interacting with that cat. He even saved the cat for her after Jiwon's ex poisoned the cat (yeah, she's literally always had terrible taste in men before Jihyeok).
2.) He quit his job at U&K after Jiwon married Minhwan in an attempt to move on because he still loved Jiwon. Probably wouldn't have been good to be the boss over the newlywed couple you're secretly like jealous over.
3.) The day Jiwon dies, Jihyeok goes to visit her because he learned she'd fallen ill. He sees her take a cab away from the hospital and isn't sure if he should go talk to her. And then he hears a scream and arrives just in time to see her die. He is devastated and arranges and pays for her entire funeral while wishing he could give his own life to go back to fix his own mistakes. Like literally. We get this information extremely clearly.
I think all of this combined with the fact that otherwise in his life, he's made no other choices for himself, makes Jihyeok killing himself make a sort of tragic sense. And also I've seen people say that there was 'no reason' for him to kill himself, and I've just got to wonder if the people who said that read that chapter at all. He literally says multiple times across 2 flashback chapters why he wants to die. Like I don't agree with suicide, but as someone who has battled, and is still battling, depression my entire life, and knows what it's like when it feels like your life has been kind of chosen for you? Going through a situation that he did has got to be devastating. Like in a completely soul crushing way. And if you have nothing to anchor you in life, it's not surprising when that life ends in heartbreak.
And from a literary standpoint there is something deeply tragic about a man who didn't truly make a decision for himself until it was too late and so the only choice he actually makes is how and when to die. The show has a different sort of tragedy in that he never decides how he lives or dies in the show for his first life. I believe my interpretation is further supported by the webtoon making his new life filled with choice. Like a lot of choices.
He is constantly making actual decisions in his new life.
He actually pursues Jiwon, he stands up for himself and others more at work, he actually ends things with Yura and gets her sent away pretty quickly (she doesn't die in the novel and straight up isn’t in the WEBTOON), and then he actually quits for the right reasons. He quits because he never wanted to run U&K in the first place, so he goes off to run his own company and leaves his sister to run it since she's the one who wanted that life. And she's better at it.
And I honestly think the show makes his character a little weaker for not having his arc focus on his choices, both good and bad. That's not to say he doesn't start making choices in the show, but it's more along the lines of 'I'll actually commit to this choice other people made for me'. Well, with the big exception being marrying Jiwon.
Jihyeok's decision to take his own life wasn't a good decision. It's not one I can agree with in real life, but from a writing choice, I like it for the story way more than a random car accident. I like the implications for the character and his arc way more if it's intentional. I think it's a stronger choice if this time he chooses to live and not to die. And also I really liked how it got then mirrored in Minhwan inadvertently killing himself with what was supposed to kill Sumin. I feel like overall the deaths in the WEBTOON in general, but especially with Jiwon, can be governed by the idea of choice, and the show lost that a little bit.
Also in the comic he literally opens his eyes and the first thing he hears and sees in his new life is Jiwon and you cannot tell me that's not the cutest fucking thing.
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(shhh i know this ask is like a short story but let me just rave) i just wanna say i’ve recently gotten back into reading fanfic (sparked by my lovee of mota and my infatuation with ours truly, bucky egan) and true north BY FAR is one of my favorite fics i’ve ever read. i hardly ever dabble in oc centric fics but the way that i’m obsessed with frank is so lovely. i need rose and dorothy and amelia and all my girlies to be as happy as possible forever and always. (majorly pining for some rosie and rose action but anything you write will be stellar) ALSO. they way that bucky is so obviously bucky is amazing writing on your part.
anywho, i know we’ve gotten a few glimpses into buckys pov, but do you plan on writing a chapter or even a section that’s more bucky centric?
id loveeee to see buckys love for frank from his pov, especially considering his mental decent as the story progresses (especially after chapter 8 lol)
Oh my gosh this is so kind and nice and wonderful! Thank you for your words!! I am so happy that you've gotten back into fanfic AND that you love the story so much! Frank and the girls are so fun to write, and I'm enjoying their personalities and banter so much. I try SO hard to write the actual characters in character, trying to make their tone of voice and inflections as accurate as possible, and the fact that you think Bucky is so Bucky in True North is just such a huge compliment! Thank you!! (and never apologize for long asks/comments, I LOVE them, hahahahaha)
I do plan to add Bucky and his pov in very soon! Especially once the boys land, he'll need to have a lot of conversations (ribbing) from Buck and the others. But mostly Buck. I have briefly considered starting chapter 10 out with Bucky's POV, based on how chapter 9 is going to play out, and I'm trying hard to keep that in, just need to do some rewriting so it's not so clunky. But, have no fear, we WILL get Bucky's POV and chapters very soon! (definitely in chapter 11 for SURE!) And especially as the story progresses and we get closer to him going down, we'll be going back and forth between our couple pretty regularly.
Thank you SO MUCH again! 🥰
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littlespoonevan · 1 year
Y'know it's kinda funny. Back when I shipped buddie in s3/s4, I always thought if they ever go canon, Buck will realize first. Then since s5 I was convinced it would be Eddie. And now after the last episode I'm kinda back to thinking it would be Buck. Also considering that he's got the couch thing going on, it would make so much sense. Idk, I'm not fully convinced it's gonna happen at all but anyway I'm soo excited to see what happens in the finale. This better be good!!
right??? i'm the same!! it's funny the way it sort of shifts depending on whose pov we get more of. like i definitely think part of why i became so devoted to the idea of eddie realising first following last season was because we got to go so deep into his head whereas buck was Impossible to read for much of season 5. and now, because the couch theory is so intrinsically tied with buck's desire for romantic love and the link has been made to the buckley diaz family it's hard to imagine him realising his feelings not being the culmination of that storyline, y'know??? ultimately it's hard to say where it'll go (even though we all know where we want it to go lmao) but i'm definitely excited to see what happens to the couch in the finale 😅
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homerforsure · 2 years
Since yday was 100 days to Halloween, how about “Halloween party” m’dear :) 🎃
I'm told it is now 83 days til Halloween. Sorry to get to this so late! But thank you for choosing this one since it was the only one I got to do from hockey!eddie's pov.
“I’m not allowed to sit on the furniture,” Buck said without a hello. 
“Is it like a new guy hazing thing?” Eddie asked. 
Buck’s face filled the screen so completely that Eddie couldn’t gather any context clues about what was going on. There were patches of what looked like dirt on his face and Eddie thought he was standing in front of a door, but it was just too hard to tell. 
“He thinks I’m going to ruin his couch. He told me if I sat on anything, he’d send me a bill.”
At first, Buck didn’t answer. Then with a sigh, he pulled the phone back so Eddie could see more of him and okay yeah. That was a lot more of him. 
If Eddie had been asked to consider the kind of Halloween costume he thought Evan Buckley was likely to wear, Sexy Firefighter probably would have been at the top of his guess list. The reality didn’t disappoint. Red and yellow suspenders framed Buck’s bare chest and abs and did nothing to hold up whatever he was wearing on his lower half. The black material hung dangerously low on Buck’s hips and it was lucky for Eddie that Buck was also wearing a ridiculously tiny plastic fire helmet on his head or he might have had to think about why his mouth was going dry while looking at his friend. 
“Why are you shiny?” he asked and Buck’s expression grew more distressed. 
“I thought it needed a little something extra. I did all the soot, you know-” Oh, okay. That was what was on his face. “-just from some matches. And then I thought if I was actually fighting a fire, I’d be all sweaty, so I found some cooking spray in the kitchen-”
“Buck,” Eddie groaned.
“And it’s your fault! I wasn’t even going to come to this party.”
In a surprise twist, Eddie is looking non-platonically at Buck well before I thought he would be in this tale so that's fun.
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