#even now that i'm going through a rough patch i'm convinced it would have been 10x worse if i still had instagram
echobx · 4 months
I feel like high school sweethearts jj maybank fic would be so cute if you need jj ideas
author's note: okay so,,, bc this is so close to the OC!fic I've been working on for over a year now, I'm gonna give you HCs also bc my brain isn't letting me write at the moment
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you meet in detention, you're first time in detention, JJ's not so much. he knows his way around, how to sneak out especially and when he proposes the idea you decide to just do it, to follow him out.
from that day on he will always try and get you to move more out of your shell, be more poguey than you have been ever before.
he doesn't even realize that he's falling for you until a guy from the football team asks you out on a date.
JJ tries to convince you to not go, but he doesn't have a good enough reason, because surely being in love with you won't convince you to stay.
but the date goes well, and you don't know why you hate that it does. maybe you would've liked it more if it went horribly.
JJ introduces you to the Crew after knowing you for just a month, and they all welcome you with open arms.
so when you come almost crying to Kiara about how weird everything feels, and she has a hard time to not laugh in your face for how oblivious you are, it all starts to dawn on you.
but risking your friendship with JJ? you aren't sure if it's worth it.
and when John B dares him to kiss you in a game of Truth or Dare, he can't find a good answer to not do it, and you can't either.
when you officially start dating, nothing changes much. sure you go out with him, and your alone time is now split into friends stuff and making out, but other than that it's the same.
you have a few rough patches, especially while in school because people start to make up rumors of JJ cheating on you, and even though you know he would never, it still gnawes on your ego.
college is better that way, although the distance doesn't feel so good either. but you get through it with weekend visits or fully focusing only on JJ when you are on break and can go back home.
and at your graduation dinner, JJ finally decides to propose, not having wanted to pull your focus away from studying if he had done it earlier, he says.
of course you say yes, he's the love of your life after all.
the ceremony is rather small, just your family and friends, at the beach.
and when you find yourself pregnant JJ takes care of everything, even going so far to be the stay at home dad for the first two years, and then the next two because two kids are better than one.
he does everything in his power to let you have the family and the carrier you always wanted.
and there isn't a single day that you ever regretted skipping detention with him.
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
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restinslices · 8 months
Bi-Han x Reader (no gender specified)
Word count: 1499
Summary: Just some sad angst about Bi-Han’s significant other leaving him from his POV. Inspired by that scene of Kaz telling Inej to stay and Inej saying she'll have him without his armor. You don't gotta know the scene to know what I'm talking about. Just follow the plot.
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Bi-Han had a thousand thoughts spinning in his head and none of them wanted to quiet down.
He couldn't even focus on one. There were multiple voices in his head screaming at him, all of them wanting to be the loudest but all of them failing. It'd been like this ever since you made it clear that you were leaving.
Maybe some of this was his fault. No. Not maybe. This was his fault. He had become neglectful, and the edges he had became sharper and sharper. It seemed like he hurt you every time you got close.
Bi-Han being foolish and prideful thought it'd all go away. There was no need for deep talks, or breathers, or whatever else you managed to think of. He convinced himself it would all smooth over eventually. This was just a rough patch and it didn't seem to actually danger his relationship.
How wrong he was.
Time passed. Neglect built. Finally you two got into a huge argument and it seemed like this tipped the scales against him. You would be leaving.
He stood nearby but refused to look at you. Didn't matter though. His brain punished him anyway, making him relive the moment you slipped your ring off. It slipped off effortlessly, like it was always meant to come off. Like you two were always meant to fail.
Your stuff was gone, so he didn't understand why you were still here, but he didn't complain. You said something about grabbing a necklace, but he never saw you grab it and the last time he looked at you, you weren't wearing one.
Bi-Han had another problem besides his inability to look at you for an extended amount of time. His hands felt empty. He tried to pass time and fill that void by cleaning his mask with a hot rag, but it didn't work. It's not just that his hands were empty, it's that you weren't in them. It was weirdly funny when he thought about it. Bi-Han wasn't big on physical touch and whispering sweet nothings. He was capable of all the cutesy shit that was typical in relationships, he just didn't care for it.
But now? All he wanted to do was wrap his arms around you and force you to stay. He wanted to whisper every sweet thought he had about you in your ear. He wanted to praise everything about you, and he didn't mean just your looks. He wanted to praise you about the stupidest things; your walk, how you pronounce certain words, your laugh, how you look when the sun hits you, everything. Anything to make you stay. But he didn't. He stayed silent and he assumed that silence bothered you based on your sigh.
“I guess this is it then” you spoke, and it made his heart clench in his chest as he realized this would probably be one of the last things he heard you say.
He made a small noise of acknowledgement in response.
“Am I to take your grunting as words?”.
“Goodbye” he forced himself to say, but the words came out through gritted teeth. He could hear your footsteps get closer until you were in front of him. Your soft hands touched his, only to slide his mask out his hands and onto the table. He couldn't help but look at you then, taking in and memorizing every feature you had. There were plenty of things you didn't like about yourself. You were only human after all. Bi-Han disagreed about all of it though. If there was one thing he was forced to look at until his final days, he'd choose you everytime. He was just really bad at showing it and he hated himself for it.
“Is… is there nothing else you want to say? Just 'goodbye’?”
“What else should I say?”. You nodded then and a small “ok” left your lips. His fingers started to itch the second you looked away, that emptiness making itself known again. He didn't have his mask in his hands anymore, so his fingers tapped against each other, wanting desperately to grab you.
You had only taken one step.
He didn't mean to say it. He didn't even notice he said it until you turned to look at him.
“Stay” he said more firmly. His hand grabbed your wrist as if that would trap you with him forever. The tapping stopped, finally content now that you were touching. “I want you to stay”.
“And if I don't want to?”
“I need you to stay”.
It went silent then and he wished he could read your mind. Your face gave nothing away but sorrow and as tough as he tried to act, he knew his face looked the same. “I want you…”. He meant to add something else, but what was there to add? He couldn't pinpoint what about you he wanted. He just wanted you. All of you. Good, bad, ugly. He wanted it.
“And how do you want me to be?” You said after a second. “Obedient? Obeying your will? Being at your side when it's convenient and behind you when it's not?”. He looked away, not able to take how your brows furrowed when speaking and his hand slipped from your wrist.
He felt your hand touch his cheek and move his face to look at you. He couldn't help but close his eyes and lean into your touch, finding comfort in how familiar your hand felt against him. The world was incredibly cruel. It gave him the power to freeze everything but time.
“Do you want me to stay silent? To take what you give me and ask for nothing more? To never speak up? To just accept life for what it is?”.
His eyes scrunched together. Each word felt like a dagger being twisted inside him. Your voice narrated his memories and all he could see was how many times he took you for granted. If he could, he'd beat himself over the head and yell at himself to keep you close instead of doing what was natural and pushing you away.
“I want you Bi-Han”.
His eyes opened then, hoping maybe you changed your mind.
“But I want something different. And you… I'm not sure you're capable of change”. Your hand slipped from his face and he immediately grabbed your hand. He was delusional. He hoped the physical contact could somehow reignite the spark. Stupid and wishful thinking, but he hoped the Elder Gods were listening and would answer his prayers.
“I can change” he managed to get out. It was a lot quieter than his previous words, even if he meant for it to come out powerful and assertive. Something had to change your mind and convince you to stay. He'd bring all your stuff back by himself if he has to. He just didn't want you to start moving again.
You sighed and shook your head, “you don't change. This is just who you are and I can't take that from you”.
“Stay with me. Don't go”.
“I thought the Grandmaster would never beg or plead”.
“I do”.
Bi-Han was taught from a very early age that Grandmasters didn't negotiate. They never begged or pleaded or showed any signs of weakness. They ruled over their clan with perfection and always stood tall. Unmoving. There was no such thing as weakness.
But he was so incredibly weak when it came to you. Grandmasters didn't beg or plead but Bi-Han did, and he'd beg over and over for you to stay if it'd work.
That's the thing though. It wasn't working and he knew it.
He was far too late.
“I hope you know I loved you Bi-Han”
“I love you”
“Then stay”
You smiled then. A smile that had absolutely no joy in it. Only mourning. Your hand slipped out of his and you reached up to wipe away the tears he didn't even know had fell. He wondered why you weren't crying. Whenever you fought recently, you always seemed to cry. Sometimes it'd be a few tears, other times you'd storm away and he'd hear you sob. Did he exhaust you this much? You had no more tears to spill? Did he really push you that far past your limits?
“I hope in our next life we're different. I hope we spend forever together”. Bi-Han wanted to argue with you. He wanted to shout at you and tell you that all of that could happen in this life, but he didn't. You made up your mind. It was clear. He didn't know what to say anymore. You loved him and he loved you so how did he mess it up this bad?
Your hand lingered until it finally left his face for the last time. You walked away, and this time he didn't stop you.
He watched you as you went, replaying your life together in his head and what he should've done differently.
I tried to pick the least threatening gif I saw and that was actually difficult. Where is your kindness sir? Also why is the indented shit spaced out so ugly in the beginning? Summary and word count not having one long line is gonna haunt me.
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laura1633 · 3 months
I can't stop thinking about 8. with Omega Max and Alpha Charles, except that it's not slick but milk. I'm just a little obsessed with his chest and the thought of him lactating around his crush, oh my
First up for the omegaverse prompt game (I do have lots of your prompts and I will pick through as many as I can)
This was a wonderful adjustment to the prompt anon 😍. I do firstly have to apologise because this did turn into lactation kink which I have no idea how to write 😂
These omegaverse prompts are mostly just going to be rough and ready rather than fully fledged fics so hopefully you will all forgive me for that and still enjoy them for what they are (this one was was a little longer than intended)
Tags: Lactation kink
The first time it had happened Max had assumed it was a coincidence. 
He had been chatting to Charles in some fancy bar when his nipples started tingling and his breasts felt as if they were slowly starting to swell. It was strange. Not strange enough to concern him immediately though. Charles always made him feel funny. Butterflies in his stomach. Slick in his panties. It was only when noticed that there were wet patches forming on the front of his shirt that he had squeaked and scurried off to the bathroom to clean himself up. 
He’d been expecting his top to be damp with sweat so the discovery of milk trickling from his nipples had set off a whole array of alarm bells that resulted in a mad dash down to a late night pharmacy to get his hands on a pregnancy test.
It had come back negative which he really should have known. Other than letting one of his pit crew go down on him after his win in Vegas he hadn’t engaged in any sexual activity for at least the last nine months.  Still, he’d only ever heard of omegas lactating when carrying or nursing a pup so it was worth ruling the possibility out. 
He’d hoped it had been a one off. A bizarre experience that he would laugh about one day, but it kept happening. Over and Over but always around Charles. The Monegasque would only need to smile in his direction and Max would feel slick dripping from his pussy and milk leaking from his tits. He may as well have been melting into a puddle on the floor, it probably would have left less mess. 
He had tried his best to get things under control by himself.  He’d taken to wearing extra layers and using nursing pads to soak up the worst of it. It was only ever masking the problem though,  Charles was still making him leak even if it was now happening under four layers of clothing. So, after much deliberation Max had hauled himself off to a doctor’s to get check out.
He had been expecting a complicated diagnoses. What he had received was an elderly beta doctor looking him square in the eye and asking him if the alpha in question was one he would like to be bred by.  Max had of course, like any self respecting omega, shook his head vigorously in response but the flush of crimson on his face was seemingly more convincing an answer.
It was true. The image of Charles breeding him was one he’d conjured up many nights whilst laying out in bed with a silicone knotting device pushed up inside him. He’d just never expected his fantasies to make his breasts leak. 
The official diagnosis:  On set lactation resulting from an urge to be bred by a particular alpha.
The cure : to talk to said alpha.
The prognosis : Not good. There was not a single chance in hell Max was going to tell Charles that his tits leaked milk whenever he came close. 
And so Max had tried his best to carry on as normal. He joked around with Checo in the garage. He played padel with Lando in Monaco. And he leaked fucking milk out of his tits around Charles.
It had been absolutely fucking fantastic. It had never been as bad as right now though. 
Max fidgets around trying to make himself comfortable as he tries to ignore the fact that he’s been placed right next to Charles at the FIA gala ceremony. Despite all of the omega’s successes he really was starting to feel like the universe hated him.  There seemed no other logical reason why his white shirt was darkening against his nipples as he waited to go up on stage and collect his trophy. 
It really didn’t help that watching the ceremony was about as interesting as watching paint dry.
“You okay?” Oscar leans in from where he’s sat on the other side of Max and gives the Dutch omega a look of concern. 
“Fine. Why?” Max tries to keep his eyes focused on the stage ahead. He’s almost certain that he’s blushing but right now the colour of his cheeks are the least of his problems, Charles’ alpha scent is filling his nostrils and making his tits feel like they’ve swollen to the size of footballs. If it goes on any longer Max’s chest is going to feel so heavy he’ll probably tip over if he tries to stand up. He supposes he will at least have two pillowy breasts full of milk to cushion his fall.
“You’re whining” Oscar says gently as he lets a hand rest on Max’s thigh and gives it a reassuring squeeze, “Are you sure you’re fine?”
“Just nervous” Max tries his best to smile. If he was going to speak to anyone about his little problem then Oscar wouldn’t be such a bad choice. He doubts the younger Omega would make any huge dramatics out of the situation.
“What’s going on?” Charles leans right across Max to join in the conversation, his earthy scent flooding Max’s nostrils once more and Max is sure that the fabric of his shirt stretches in response to his expanding chest.
“Nothing, just nerves” Oscar gives Max’s thigh another reassuring squeeze before turning his attention back towards the stage.
“This never gets any more interesting does it?” Charles giggles. The alpha is so close that Max can feel the warmth of his breath as he laughs, “We have another hour before it’s our time.” Charles inches himself back in his chair much to Max’s relief. Most of the damage has already been done though, Max’s panties are soaked and he can feel milk trickling down his chest all the way to his stomach. As he chances a glance down he realises that his shirt has turned see through where the material is damp. 
The omega pulls his jacket around himself and tries to hold it across his body. He has at least had the foresight to bring a spare shirt with him to change into before he gets up on stage but he’s determined not to slip into it yet or that will also be drenched by the time his moment in the spotlight arrives. 
It’s starting to feel uncomfortable though. His nipples itch as his shirt rubs against them and his breasts feel heavier each time Charles talks to him. As much as he was hoping to avoid the indignity of having to try and milk himself in a bathroom stall he’s not sure he has much choice. If his breasts swell any further his shirt is going to rip at the seems. 
“We should maybe go for some food or something afterwards?” Charles mumbles quietly against Max’s ear. Unfortunately Max’s response is a lot less discreet, the omega keens happily but his happiness is short lived as he feels another gush of milk leak from his left breast and he’s quickly brought back down to reality. He can’t sit opposite Charles in s restaurant in this state. 
He’s pretty certain that other people must have noticed something odd going on. The milk doesn’t have the strongest smell but there is something rather soapy about the aroma and the scent is starting to spread outwards. The omega jumps up from his chair and sprints out the room as quickly as he can as he bolts towards the bathroom and shuts himself away in a stall. 
When Max slides off his jack and looks down to see what the damage is he finds his shirt soaked at the front. None of this seems remotely fair.
“Max? Are you in there?”
Max yelps as he hears Charles’ voice and his breasts tingle and expand on cue like some unwanted new party trick.
“Did I upset you? Sorry I didn’t mean to. We don’t have to go out, I just thought - “ Charles trails off and Max realises its because he is whining loudly from where he has shut himself inside the toilet cubicle, “Max I think you need to let me in or I need to go get Oscar or - “ 
“No” Max whimpers, “Please, it is  just - “ The omega sighs as he tries to work out what he can possibly say that will explain this all away. There isn’t anything though.  He’s a complete and utter mess. There is one thing he is certain of above all else, he can’t go on like this. The thought makes him want to sob. The omega steels himself before opening up the door and coming face to face with Charles. 
“Max -“ 
“I had a sort of accident.” Max mumbles. His jacket and bowtie still hung on the back of the door leaving his crinkled wet shirt on full display as it stretches wet across the broadness of his chest. 
“Oh my god” Charles immediately shuffles himself into the stall and closes the door behind him, “What happened? Are you hurt?”
“It’s milk” Max keens helplessly.
“You’re pregnant?! Who got you pregnant?” Charles’ eyes darken as his chest puffs out. 
“I’m not pregnant!” Max reaches out and runs his hands over his stomach to show how flat it is and then, because he can’t hold it in any longer, he blurts out the secret he has been trying to hold in for so long, “This is because of you.”
Charles freezes. He looks surprised, startled, confused. 
All of which Max thinks are perfectly valid repossess to an omega telling you that you are the reason they are currently lactating. 
“Me?” Charles’ mouth opens and closes a few times as if he’s trying to elaborate on his question. Instead he just settles on repeating himself “Me?”
“I always do it when you are close to me. Always with the milk and the swelling and the tingling,“ Max pauses before starting to babble to fill up the silence once more, “My body wants you to breed me.”
It’s not an eloquent explanation. Nor is it the way Max had wanted to explain his little affliction to Charles. 
“You want me to breed you?”
“My body wants you to breed me?” Max tries to draw some sort of distinction between his brain and his body. In reality they are both pretty much on the same page, Max goes all mushy brained whenever Charles is close and he’d quite happily let the alpha fill him with one or two tiny Leclerc pups if Charles was up for it.
“I don’t understand.” 
“Whenever you talk to me or smile at me or come near me this happens” Max looks down to the ever growing wet circles around his nipples, “It is because I want you.”
Max’s breath catches as he hears the low rumble coming from Charles. The alpha’s scent has shifted again, it’s not sour notes this time, it’s thick and warm enough to make Max want to melt right into Charles’ arms.
And Charles - 
Well, Charles doesn’t look immediately put off by all this. 
“Does it hurt?” Charles lifts his hand and reaches towards Max’s chest but stops short of actually touching the omega much to Max’s dissatisfaction. Max lets out an unhappy little sound and tries to push his chest towards where Charles’ hand is lingering. It’s in that moment that Max finally accepts that when it comes to Charles he has almost no control over what his body does. He’s just a walking ball of hormones falling apart every time he is close to the most handsome alpha he has ever seen. 
Charles cups his hand against Max’s breast and the omega tries his best to bite back a desperate whine as his shirt rubs agains this erect nipple. 
“Shhh it’s okay” Charles coos softly, “You want me to help you get cleaned up?”
Max nods meekly as he lets Charles slowly start to unbutton his shirt. There is a steady rumbling coming from the alpha now. Louder and louder. The vibration like an engine revving. Max is sure that the only time he’s ever made an alpha rumble this loud before was when their cock was inside him.
“Fuck” Charles growls as he eases the shirt off and soothes his hands over Max’s breasts . There’s still milk trickling down, his skin sticky and wet. Yet far from looking disgusted Charles is licking right across his lips. Max tries not to let himself get carried away by trying to work out what exactly that means.
“This is all because of me?” Charles growls again, low and possessive. The alpha’s hand cups and squeezes against Max’s right breast and the trickle of milk starts to build in to a stream. 
“For you” Max mumbles but the words come out as little more than a breathy moan as he sees the milk dripping down over Charles’ fingers and hand, white liquid splashing against the Monegasque’s jewellery. It feels so obscene yet Charles’ eyes are just widening in fascination and he’s bringing his own fingers to his mouth to lick them clean.  
Max holds his breath. The milk tastes sweet. Sugary even. Max knows because he tasted it in one of his weaker moments. Charles’ tongue licks over his fingers again, lapping up the last few drops that have dripped down to his knuckles. 
“You taste beautiful” Charles looks up, his eyes flickering as they meet Max’s gaze, “so good.”
Max feels his skin tingle. His chest tight. Body vibrating. He tries to hold as still as possible. Nothing feels real.  The lactating. The sight of Charles licking milk off his fingers. The sound of clapping and cheering filtering in from the room next door. It’s like a fever dream. 
Charles puts his hand back on Max’s tits, massaging and cupping the flesh and watching the way the drops of milk form and then drip down. 
“This is - “ Charles squeezes again and watches another bead of milk form, “Fuck you’re so pretty. Such a pretty omega.”
Max’s legs shake as Charles leans closer and starts to lap up the milk that is falling down over the curve of his breast. The alpha’s tongue is warm and wet against his skin. 
The omega arches his back and pushes his chest closer to Charles’ mouth. He has never been an overly dominant omega when it comes to sex, he prefers to encourage rather than demand but his hands are twitching by his side as he considers tangling his fingers into Charles’ hair and pulling the alpha down on to his nipple. 
“All for me?” Charles looks up and grins excitedly as he runs his tongue around where Max wants it. The movement slow, deliberate, in control. 
It’s too much. Not enough. Max isn’t even sure anymore. He’s leaking from more than just his chest, his panties are soaked and there’s slick racing down his thighs. 
“Please” Max’s voice is breathless, his cheeks burning red as he watches Charles’ mouth close around his nipple. The alpha latches on and Max groans happily at the sudden rush of relief and pleasure he feels. 
Charles sucks the nipple in his mouth and pulls off with a wet slurping popping sound, his lips now glistening wet. 
With milk.
With Max’s milk.
With Max’s milk that he’s just sucked out of his body. 
“Alpha!” Max whimpers and arches his back as Charles dives back in, this time massaging his hands against the flesh as he purses his lips and sucks more firmly. Over and over until Max can feel the milk spurting right into the alpha’s mouth. 
It makes him feel light headed. His nipples seem to have a direct line to his pussy. Each time Charles sucks and flicks out his tongue Max feels the sensation go right through his body until there is more and more slick gushing out of him. His tits throb. His clit throbs. His toes curls in his shoes. The sight of Charles attached to his tit - lapping, sucking, wet and filthy - makes him whine unashamedly. 
Charles pulls back to take another breath, the alpha panting, milk dripping down off the roughness of his stubble. When he goes back in he goes for the other breast, mouthing around the area before wrapping his lips around the nipple and sucking it into his mouth.
Max almost buckles this time, his legs barely keeping him upright. 
Charles is growling around him. One of the alpha’s hands cupped to his breast and the other - 
The other is - 
Max moans and throws his head back as Charles’ hand dips below the waistband of his trousers and down into his panties. The alphas fingers brush lightly against his clit. The faintest and briefest of touches before Max is coming, his whole body spasming as he feels another spurt of milk shooting into Charles’ mouth and sees it drip down from side of the alpha’s lips. 
His body feels lighter. Floaty. Wet. So, so wet. 
Charles groans as he pulls back. His pupils blown. Face damp. He look stunning. Hair ruffled. Cheeks red. 
Max lets his own instincts take over as he gets his hands into Charles’ hair and pulls the alpha into a kiss. It tastes sweet as he licks up and into Charles’ mouth and tastes his own milk. 
Charles is hard, the alpha’s cock pushed against Max’s leg. Nice and big as it presses into the fleshy part of the omega’s thigh. Max can’t help but wonder how much bigger it gets when it knots. The thought alone makes his breasts tingle. 
“Forget going for dinner” Charles tugs at Max’s bottom lip with his teeth, “Come back to my hotel with me.” 
Max nods without hesitation. His body is already dripping all over, his pussy slick wet and ready to take the alpha’s knot, milk still dripping down over the curves of his breasts and down the contours of his body. 
He’s not ashamed anymore though. How can he be when he sees how much it’s turning Charles on. If anything he realises that maybe it’s been some sort of courting ritual all along. His body providing something his alpha wants. Because Charles is surely his now. Fully and completely. 
“Perfect little omega” Charles praises, his eyes wild as he goes back to smothering Max’s chest with warm wet kisses. 
Max closes his eyes and purrs as he hears the low possessive growl Charles makes as he continues to lick up the milk made solely for him. 
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winterrrnight · 1 year
prompt 21 and 23 with rafe pls🙏🏻
thank you for the request anon!! Can't believe it took me this long to write this, but here we finally have it! I hope you like this and it is up to your expectations <3
PAIRING: soft!rafe cameron x gn!reader
SUMMARY: rafe has a little fun with you as you are baking cupcakes
WARNINGS: fluffy fluff fluff!! + I do beta read my fics but sometimes I miss little errors so if you see any grammatical/spelling error(s) please ignore them :)
EDITH SPEAKS: so I've been getting so late with the celly requests!! The celly ended days ago and I have quite a few requests in my inbox at the moment. I hit a little rough patch and didn't have much time to work on my fics, but I'm doing okay and I'm here to continue writing!! I hope you all like this <3
PROMPTS REQUESTED: "put me down!" "I'm not putting you down." "Put. Me. Down." "You're enjoying it, I know you are." & "Am I your lockscreen?" "You weren't supposed to see that."
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Wheezie's birthday is coming up and you wanted to make cupcakes for her, just as a little gift. You had initially decided to make those on your own, but when you shared the idea with Rafe, he insisted he helps you.
Knowing the last thing he would do is help, it took a lot of convincing from his side to get you to say yes. You finally gave in and said yes, but you definitely weren't happy about it.
And now here you are, glaring at him as he stifles his laughter, because he successfully applied the cupcake batter to your nose and cheeks, putting a cherry on the top of your nose, making you look like a clown.
You aren't very sure how it happened; one second you're searching through your spice drawer to find the cinnamon powder and just as you turn around the next second, you're basically being attacked with food.
"RAFE!" You yell, the coldness of the batter on your cheeks causing a very small shiver to go down your spine.
He can't keep his laughter in, so he bursts out laughing, but you don't know why he's finding it all so amusing, especially your angry expression should be making him scared.
It takes a few moments for Rafe's laughter to calm down, but when it does, he gently removes all the batter from your face and also gives you the cherry to eat.
Another few minutes later you have your cupcake batter filled in your moulds and are ready to go in the oven.
"Could you set a timer for 20 minutes?" You say to Rafe, handing him your phone as you're busy keeping the cupcakes in the oven. He takes the phone from you and just as he turns it on, the lockscreen grabs his attention instantaneously.
It's a picture of him smiling as he's looking up at the sky. He has no idea you took this picture of him, but he does have to say, he looks so good in it.
"Am I your lockscreen?" He says, and you look up at him, suddenly remembering about it. You feel your cheeks heat up as you walk a little closer to him.
You both haven't been dating for long, it's barely been a complete two months, so even when you do the little things for each other, it tends to send little firecrackers in your stomach each time.
"You weren't supposed to see that," you say, your face still red as you try to grab your phone from Rafe's hands. But you fail miserably, as he starts to run away from you with your phone still in his hand, his giggling not stopping.
"Rafe!" You call out as you run behind him, trying to catch ahold of him but he's had a headstart and he's a good distance ahead of you. You've completely lost track of him and you're calling out his name, trying to figure out where he is, but you don't get any response back.
After a bit more of searching, you spot him on the balcony, his back towards you. You walk up to him and whisper, "boo!" in his ear. He turns around with the biggest grin on his face, and he gives you your phone back.
"I think that's pretty cute," he says, as he wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer, pressing a kiss to your forehead. You smile into his chest, thinking about all the times you've stared at his picture on your lockscreen without realising how much time has passed.
Suddenly, he picks you up off your feet and you let out a scream at his actions, you being hoisted up on his shoulder now.
"Put me down!" You say, as he takes you both out of the balcony and back into the house.
"I'm not putting you down," he states.
"Put. Me. Down." You say, more sternly this time, but he doesn't listen to you.
"You're enjoying it, I know you are." He chuckles. Well, technically, he isn't wrong, but you would never admit that to his face because that would just only boost his ego a lot more.
When he reaches the living room, he finally puts you down on the couch, and gently gets on top of you, careful enough to not exert his complete body weight on you.
"Hey," he whispers, moving his face closer to yours, and nudging your nose with his.
"Hi," you giggle, feeling his hair brush your cheeks which creates a tickling sensation. He smiles, and presses his lips softly against yours. His lips move slowly, trying their best to show you how much you means to him. You sigh with satisfaction as you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer.
You gently pull his entire body weight on you, allowing him to rest properly. His head rests on your chest and your fingers massage his scalp gently, causing his mind to gradually feel more sleepy.
You gently smile at the sight in front of you, and you move your fingers to brush out the hair falling in his eyes. He gently shifts at the movement, moving his face a little closer to yours.
"I'm not too heavy right?" He mumbles sleepily, his eyes still closed.
"Oh no baby, you could never be heavy," you whisper, resuming running your fingers through his hair. Very soon, your boy has drifted off in your arms.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am @ragingsammie @maybankslover @totalswag @madelynie @chenslucy @ietss @elle-mp3 @viawritesstuff
357 notes · View notes
turtletaubwrites · 9 months
Gone Too Far ~ Part 20
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Pairings: Zoro x Fem!Reader, Sanji x Fem!Reader, Robin x Fem!Reader, Sanji X Robin
This is part 20 of the Series 'We've All Got Needs,' linked below:
Word Count: 4411
We've All Got Needs Masterlist
Ao3 Link (Ch. 10 of We've All Got Needs cont.)
Summary: The crew splits up to enjoy time on Water 7. Then everything goes wrong. Can your crew hold together when it's being torn apart?
Rating/Warnings: AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, 18+ Only, MDNI, Reader-Insert, Swearing, ANGST, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Polyamory, Pet Names,
A/N: !!SPOILER WARNING!! Spoilers for the anime for the Water 7 arc. I'm sorry y'all, I had to write it, so please have my tears. This part is rough, but I swear there will be breaks ahead. Plus, I hope you enjoy the extra smut scenes from the missing month, an extra sweet and smutty one will be posted tomorrow! 💜
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You grumbled as you got ready for the day, wanting to stay in bed with Robin for the next week.
“Come, botanist. Let’s explore together.”
That stopped your grumbling, and you followed her out on deck. 
Usopp was hugging the mast, and you left Robin’s side for the first time to go pat him on the shoulder.
“You took great care of her, Usopp.”
“Thanks, Y/N. I know all the tinplate patches don’t look like much, but they bring back a lot of fond memories.”
“Why don’t you keep some of them? You can make something cool out of them, like a decoration for the Merry.”
Usopp broke out into a grin.
“That’s a great idea! But don’t tell Luffy, he still wants me to make him a statue.”
“Ha, you have my word.”
“Hey, Needy.”
You had started walking back to Robin, but Zoro’s voice carried over from the bow of the ship. Your body already itched to be close to her again, but you walked toward your swordsman as he leaned over the railing. 
“Hey, babe.”
Zoro stared down at you for a moment, before reaching an arm toward you. Stepping toward his warmth, you let him pull you into a hug.
Outside of sparring, you hadn’t had much time with Zoro since you’d been so focused on Robin getting better. A twist of guilt hit your stomach, but you breathed through it. 
It’s only been a few days, and she almost died. 
Still, part of you had started to worry that he was upset. It’s been a couple months now since you first started seeing each other. Zoro hadn’t had any more blowups recently, and it seemed like things were going well. 
The calm didn’t feel safe though. You wanted to believe that if he was harboring any resentments or pain that he’d come to you, talk to you about it. But he hadn’t brought anything up. It made you uneasy sometimes. 
Knowing that a lot of that fear was your own trauma from past relationships, you fought not to project it onto Zoro. 
I just wish he’d talk to me about his feelings. 
You pulled him tight against you at that thought. At the three little words that you were too much of a coward to say out loud, even after all this time. 
Afraid that you’d scare him away. Afraid that he didn’t feel it too. Afraid that he’d never examine his own feelings enough to know if he could feel it or not. 
Those thoughts made you feel sick, and you knew most of it was your own shit. You didn’t want to think about him that way. 
But no matter how clear you got your mind on those thoughts, you still felt too afraid to tell him. 
“I’m glad she’s okay,” he whispered against your temple.
“Me too.”
You took a deep breath in, still trying to convince your body that it was true. That she was okay. 
“Are you gonna… spend the night with her again?”
You pulled back, searching his eyes.
“I, uh…”
He frowned at you, and you tried not to roll your eyes. 
He’s trying to tell me what he needs. He just doesn't have enough practice yet. 
“Would you like some time with me tonight?”
Zoro looked away from you, but nodded.
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
“Now look who’s needy,” you teased, winning you a playful grin from him as he picked you up. Then he stopped, setting you back down as he looked out across the bow. 
“Hey, I think we’re there.”
Most of the crew ran up, shouting as you all squinted to see the island. 
“He’s right, I can see Water 7!”
Luffy’s excited words had you covering your eyes from the sun, until you could see the island coming into view. It was massive, built of gray stone, huge numbered gates surrounding all sides. Everyone was speechless for a moment as a giant fountain came into view, spiraling water into the air, towering in the center of the island. Canals flowed down, spilling back down into the ocean. 
You squeezed Zoro’s arm before making your way to Robin, loving the way her face lit up at the sight. 
Holding her hand, you laughed as you sailed through the town. Everything was floating. Instead of streets, people took small boats led by strange fish creatures across the water. 
The crew found a place outside the city to dock, and you watched your swordsman furl the sails. His strong arms were mesmerizing as he pulled the rope, but your breath caught in your throat as the mast started to crack. 
“Are you trying to break the ship,” Usopp yelled, as everyone panicked.
“No! All I did was pull the ropes like I always do. Holy shit, if the Merry’s falling apart this easy, we’re lucky we made it here at all.”
Ice sank into your stomach at Zoro’s words. You knew it was bad, but the mast seemed like it was barely holding on to the ship now, swaying dangerously overhead. 
Nami took charge, declaring that Luffy and Usopp accompany her to turn in the reference letter to have the ship looked at, and to trade in the gold from their last big score. 
“I guess I missed my chance to go with them,” Chopper pouted as he watched the group head toward the city. 
“You can come with us later if you like.”
Hearing Robin’s voice still gave you shivers. 
“Really? Can we go to a bookstore?”
“Yes, of course.”
“That sounds great,” you agreed, reaching for her hand again. “I wonder if they have a nursery here, I'd love to see what plants they have available in a floating city.”
You rushed to give Zoro a kiss, then ran after Robin and Chopper as they left the ship. 
A small part of you felt bad for not searching the ship to kiss Sanji goodbye, but it was quickly drowned out by Robin’s laughter, and the feel of her arm around your waist while you followed Chopper. 
The city was bustling, street vendors hawking wares, while citizens laughed and bartered. The people were almost strangely friendly here, even to pirates. 
Sometimes a little too friendly.
That thought got stronger the more you and Robin were showered with compliments as you walked past. 
“This town is full of Sanji’s,” Chopper noted, and it left you and Robin in a fit of laughter at the thought of your amorous lover. 
A lot of the townsfolk were wearing painted wooden masks, and you stopped by a vendor to take a look as Robin reassured Chopper that they were just masks, not monsters. 
“It seems the people here take the sea train to San Baldo Island where they hold a costume carnival every day.”
You tilted your head at Robin, while Chopper asked how she could know that. 
“The people walking by are talking about it.”
“And you hear everything they say?”
You tried not to tense your hand in Robin’s, hoping she would answer his question. 
“I can’t help it. Ever since I was young, I’ve made it a habit to keep a critical eye and ear on my environment.”
Her tone toward Chopper was sweet and light, but you felt yourself going still. 
What has she been running from? Why is she so scared?
“Look at that, I think we found your bookstore,” Robin observed.
Chopper ran forward, talking excitedly. You knew public spaces were difficult for him alone, so you found yourself reaching out for him. He shifted into his massive human form, and you raced forward to join him, dropping your hand from Robin’s for a moment. 
“Hold on, Chopper, we’re coming.”
You followed him through the doorway, seeing that he was already perusing the shelves, and that no one seemed to be bothering him. 
I’m glad everyone here is so friendly.
Robin hadn’t joined you yet, so you stepped back outside.
The street looked the same. Vendors, customers, people in masks. 
Ice cold fear shot through you. 
Where’s Robin?
“Chopper! We have to go.”
“But, Y/N,” he said, a pile of books in his large arms. 
“Robin’s missing!”
Panic raced through you, and you saw Chopper’s eyes fill with concern as he left the books on the counter. 
Chopper shifted into his reindeer form, and you yelled her name as he followed her scent.
She’s okay, she probably just got distracted.
What if Aokiji came back? What if he took her?
What if she’s hurt?
Robin didn’t answer your calls, but you kept trying until your voice got hoarse. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N, it’s like her scent just vanished.”
“What do you mean vanished?”
“I don’t know, it just stopped,” the note of panic in Chopper’s voice as he explained wasn’t helping your speeding pulse. 
“Hold on…” 
Chopper lifted his nose to the air, and hope gripped your chest.
“There’s something else over here. I know that smell.”
Racing to look around the corner, your hope dropped when she wasn’t there. Instead, you found Sanji.
He was sitting on the edge, looking out to sea with a pile of groceries beside him. 
“Sanji! Have you seen Robin?”
Chopper's hooves clattered on the stone as he caught up to your frantic steps. Sanji frowned at him.
“I just saw her. It seemed like she ignored me, and she was walking with a large person in a masked outfit. I thought that was you in your human form, Chopper.”
“It wasn’t m-”
“She’s missing, Sanji!”
You gripped his arm, watching him take in your features, your panicked eyes. He gestured behind him, looking around the area.
“I followed her over here, and it seemed like she just disappeared.”
“So did her scent.”
Your ears were starting to ring as they spoke, and you pulled away, shouting her name. 
“Angel, hold on!”
He clambered after you, grabbing the groceries as he and Chopper followed. 
Your voice was cracking, and your breaths were ragged. 
Sanji dropped the bags again, wrapping his arms around you. 
“We’ll get her back, Y/N. We’ll always get her back.”
They convinced you to hop into a boat while you continued to call for her around the area, before heading back to meet with the rest of the crew. 
You noticed Sanji and Chopper had started speaking in hushed tones, and you were able to pull yourself together enough to start listening. 
“I hope she’s alright. I feel uneasy.”
“Do you need an examination?”
“No, Chopper, it’s not like that. It’s what the admiral said, all that terrible stuff he said about Robin’s past…”
Your voice was raspy and empty as you interrupted.
“Protecting this troublesome woman leads to nothing but regret.”
They turned to you, brows tensed in concern. You kept going. 
“He said that every group she’s ever been a part of has been destroyed, everyone except for her.”
You glared defiantly at them, anger bubbling in you. 
“But I don’t care about her past. I don’t care what he said.”
Sanji gripped your knee while Chopper nodded.
“None of us care, sweetheart. We’re going to get her back.”
“The Merry can’t sail again.”
You couldn’t understand Zoro’s words as Chopper and Sanji started to argue. Your fists clenched hard, nails digging into your skin as you tried to make sense of everything.
“It just seems so extreme, it's our same old Merry, we’ve traveled with her so long.” 
Sanji’s emotional words brought you into the moment, only for Zoro’s calm, unaffected voice to make your mind go sickly still. 
“You just answered your own question. Human beings get stronger after hardship, but ship’s wounds just pile up. The shipwright said her keel is broken, she won’t even make it to the next island.”
Chopper started to cry, and you almost sobbed as you watched Sanji touch the top of his hat to comfort him. 
“We need to find Ro-”
“Hey, everyone!”
Nami’s frantic voice interrupted your plea, and you watched her climb onto the deck. She was carrying a large briefcase, and was dripping with sweat and tears. You ran to her, fresh panic flooding your veins.
“Are you o-”
“Usopp’s hurt! Some assholes called the Franky Family stole most of our money for the Merry, and they- they…”
Everyone surrounded her, all speaking at once while you moved her hair out of her face, taking the briefcase from her trembling arms.
“Where’s Usopp?”
Chopper’s serious voice broke through Nami’s staggered breaths. You felt like your world was spinning as the boys set out to find him, and to go after the pieces of shit that hurt your friend. 
Zoro’s face was inches from yours, his hands gripping your arms. 
“Stay here with Nami. Protect the Merry. Okay, Needy? You need to stay here. Protect that money so we can get a new ship.”
Nami gripped your hand while Sanji kissed your temple. 
Zoro’s eyes burned into yours. 
“Promise me, Needy.”
“I promise,” you managed to whisper, voice still shot from yelling Robin’s name. 
Nami’s palm was clammy in yours as you watched your crewmates head back into danger. 
Why is this happening?
It felt like years had passed when you finally saw the five Straw Hat boys walking home, Luffy back with his crew, and Chopper’s human form carrying Usopp’s bloody, limp body.
You sat on deck against the unstable mast, and tried not to scream at everyone.
We need to find Robin. 
“Angel, are you okay?”
Sanji was crouching in front of you, soft eyes searching yours.
His lips pursed as he nodded, and he looked like he was about to speak when Chopper yelled.
“He’s awake!”
Relief moved through you for your friend as you followed the crew inside. But you caught Sanji’s eyes, and knew that he was still thinking about your missing archaeologist too. Reaching for his hand as you went through the door, you caught the sound of Usopp crying out. 
“This wouldn’t have happened if I was strong like you guys. It’s all my fault, I’m so ashamed of myself!”
Even covered in bruises and bandages, Usopp lurched forward, catching Zoro off guard as he wrapped his arms around one of his thighs. Zoro seemed to panic, flailing a bit, unsure of what to do as Usopp wept against him. 
Tears streamed down your face. You knew all too well the fears of failing the crew because you weren’t strong enough. 
“It’s not that big a deal, alright. Calm down.”
Zoro squirmed as Usopp still clung to him, and you rushed forward, rubbing Usopp on the shoulder until he let Zoro go. He clung to you now, and you didn’t know what to say. You just held your friend, letting your own tears fall quietly as he kept sobbing in your arms.
“I lost the money, what are we gonna do about the Merry?”
“You need to rest, Usopp, or you won’t get better,” Chopper pleaded, the threat of tears in his voice. 
Luffy was finally able to calm Usopp a bit, declaring that they would find that asshole, Franky. 
“Besides, even if we can’t get our money back, we still have a hundred million berry, so don’t worry about it!”
You thought the vein in Nami’s forehead would pop when she scolded him. The crew had lost two hundred million berry on Usopp’s watch.
Poor Usopp. This is awful.
The thought of what a shitty day it was brought you back to Robin, and you almost screamed to get everyone to focus on her. But Usopp’s hopeful voice made your stomach twist in knots. 
“Is Merry gonna be okay? Can we get her fixed with the money we’ve got? There’s all these awesome shipwrights, you talked to them about it, right?”
Luffy glossed over the pain, smiling as he broke the news. 
“Uh, yeah, we did. But we decided to get a new ship instead. The Going Merry has taken good care of us, but it looks like our journey has to end here. But look, there’s a bunch of great ships we can still afford,” Luffy said lightly as he showed Usopp a catalog from the shipyard.
Feeling the pain from the silent crew with the captain’s choice, the look in Usopp’s eyes made your heart break. 
You watched him build himself up again, trying to convince himself that it was a joke. 
Until he looked at all of your faces, the truth evident. 
“Does it mean we don’t have enough for the repairs? Is it because I lost the money?”
You tried to move back to him, wanting to reassure him, but Zoro’s firm hand on your shoulder stopped you. 
Usopp was yelling at Luffy now, demanding the truth, and you’d never seen Luffy’s face like this. Not when looking at a friend. 
His teeth were clenched as he held his words in, sweat beading on his brow. Until he started yelling back. 
Zoro moved past you then, stepping in to stop the fight. You caught eyes with Nami, your pain echoed in hers.
“I don’t see what I’m doing wrong, he’s the one saying all this dumb shit.”
Nami broke in to stop Usopp, begging him to calm down and rest. 
“Who cares about me? How can you all just sit here when he's making jokes about getting a new ship?”
Luffy was shaking now as he started to yell back.
“I’m not joking about anything, this was a hard decision for me too!”
“Oh yeah, I feel really sorry for you,” Usopp growled, before grabbing the ship catalog out of his hand. “Already window shopping for a new toy!”
You gasped as Usopp slammed the pages to the ground, wishing this nightmare would fucking end so your crew would be safe and happy again. 
“Are you trying to pick a fight with me, Usopp?”
He kept yelling at your captain, demanding to know that it was his fault for losing the money, his fault for failing the Merry. 
Luffy finally said the words, the painful words that none of you wanted to hear. But you hoped it would stop the fight. 
“The Merry can’t be fixed.”
But that awful truth didn’t stop the fight. Usopp denied, and accused, and bartered. Then he demanded.
“Don’t give up on the Merry!”
Hot tears stung your cheeks as you stood frozen. 
More yells and accusations toward Luffy felt like whips snapping in your face, almost making you flinch with each swing. 
Sweet Chopper moved toward Usopp, hoofs quivering as he reached out. 
“I know you’re upset, but you need to calm down.”
“Not until we settle this, I won’t let you take the Merry away from me! You’re ignoring your crew, ignoring your friends. I can’t believe that’s the kinda captain you turned out to be.”
Usopp had stood and grabbed Luffy by the front of his shirt. He wasn’t listening to any of your voices as the crew pleaded with him to stop. 
“I thought you were better than this!”
“You’re not being fair, Usopp-,” Nami tried again, before Luffy flung out his arm for her to stop.
“You stay out of this. It was my call. We’re getting a new ship whether you like it or not.”
Usopp was sweating through his bandages now, dark spots of blood showing through some of them. You didn’t know your friend could make a face like the one he had right now. You felt like you were going to throw up. 
They kept screaming, and you couldn’t follow the words anymore as you watched in horror. Sanji tried to step between them, but Luffy pushed Usopp to the ground, yelling in his face. Nami cried out, and you tried to run forward, but Zoro stopped you again. You almost screamed at him. 
Luffy’s next yell pierced through it all.
“Fine, if you don’t like the way your captain does things then why don’t you get-”
Sanji’s leg was so fast as it spun, launching Luffy straight through the kitchen table, shards of wood and dust flying. You gaped at your cook, rage and sweat dripping from him. 
“This is going way too far. What the hell is wrong with you? If you don’t watch it you’re going to say something you can’t take back, so calm down.”
Sanji was shaking now, breath ragged, and you felt your lips quiver at the anger in his eyes. 
Luffy crawled from the broken pieces of the table, and apologized. You felt a breath of relief, before Usopp tore it away. 
“If you’re gonna throw away the Merry, might as well throw me away too.”
Sanji tried to step in again, but then Usopp laid out his own fears before the crew. You felt raw, aching. You wanted to reassure your friend, but how could you, when you felt the same way he did about being weak?
“It’s not like it was before. You’re all too strong for me now. You can’t even trust me to guard our money. You don’t want weak people on your crew do you?”
Nausea flooded you, your own guilt and shame at your weakness making you hate yourself in this moment. 
“I’m leaving the crew. This is goodbye.”
It’s only a matter of time before something like this happens to me. Maybe I should follow Usopp. Maybe he's right. 
Most of the crew lurched forward, calling for him until he shut the door. Part of you was screaming to join him, to leave the crew before you could fail them, before you could hate yourself for failing them. 
“Luffy, what are you doing, go after him!”
Nami’s frantic voice kept pleading with him, but he stayed down, eyes dark. 
“Fine, have it your way then.”
Nami ran out the door, Sanji and Chopper following. You heard the three of them calling his name, but you couldn’t get your feet to move. Luffy and Zoro stayed, their silence heavy. Finally, Luffy stood, moving outside. You ached for him, finally free to follow.
Usopp’s voice carried over from the shore, and you grabbed Nami’s hand. 
Please, Usopp, please come back.
“I challenge you to a duel, Monkey D. Luffy! At ten tonight. If I win I'm taking the Merry, and I’m leaving.”
The silence on deck was deafening as you watched Usopp’s limping form move toward the city.
Robin’s still missing. 
You hated yourself for it, but thinking about Robin was the only thing keeping you from falling into self pity. The only thing keeping you from leaving the ship in shame along with Usopp. 
So you dug through her quarters. She was so private, and you felt sick as you searched for any kind of clue for where she might have gone. 
You could hear Nami pleading with Luffy through the thin walls to apologize, and talk things through. 
“It’s gone too far already.”
You shivered at Luffy’s tone, and kept on your hunt. 
It wasn't long before you heard your boys screaming at each other, and you sank to the floor, too spent to try to stop them. 
I’m worthless. I can’t protect anyone. I can’t do anything. 
Nami tapped lightly on the door, calling your name softly. 
“Y/N, it’s ten.”
Swallowing your self pity, you followed your friend to the deck again, watching Usopp’s silhouette against the city lights as he moved closer. 
“Listen up, I don’t want any of you leaving the ship,” Luffy called over his shoulder.
You grabbed onto Chopper’s small arm as he started screaming, crying for them not to fight. 
But nothing would stop them now. 
Usopp started pelting Luffy with all different types of ammo, and you couldn’t hear what they were saying over the waves, and Chopper’s cries. 
You thought Luffy was going easy on him at first, letting Usopp hit him, but soon you saw your captain jumping off the ground in pain shaking off what looked like caltrops. 
Then the air around Luffy was filled with flames. Luffy made it through the smoke, and you almost screamed as you saw him pull his fists back. But before he could make contact, Usopp kept shooting star after star, and you watched your friend, the sniper, hold his own against your captain.
For a while, at least.
Luffy was looking wrecked, and you felt a twinge of disgust in yourself that you felt proud of Usopp for hurting him so badly.
This is horrible. 
Then Luffy pulled back again, and this time, his fist hit. You sobbed as you clasped your hand over your mouth. Usopp swayed for a moment, and you could see more blood draining from him even from a distance. 
You fell against the railing, barely holding yourself up as Usopp collapsed. 
“At least it’s over now.”
Zoro’s steady voice made your head whip around, finding him looking as he usually does. Stoic, seemingly unmoved. Your mind was too filled with pain to think clearly, and then Sanji’s voice broke through. 
Chopper was crying, trying to jump off the ship to help Usopp. Sanji was holding him trying to stop him and you wanted to scream. 
“I’m a doctor-”
“He’s not a part of our crew anymore.”
Chopper shifted into his human form, but Sanji tackled him. You sank to the ground as you watched everyone fall apart.
“Chopper, it’s bad enough that he lost the fight. If you pity him now, you’ll end up hurting him even more. He knew this is how it might end when he challenged Luffy. We need to give him dignity in defeat.”
“That’s such bullshit,” you growled, voice cracking. You might have yelled if your voice wasn’t shot.
Sanji glanced back at you with pained eyes. Chopper used that moment to break away, running off the ship toward Usopp’s crumpled body. 
Pulling yourself to your feet, you went to Nami, clasping your cold hands together.
Luffy made his way back, his head lowered under his hat, and you let out a sob at the pain in his cracking voice.
“It’s too much.”
Zoro didn’t even turn to face him as he took a breath.
“This is what it means to be captain. You can’t doubt yourself. If you lose your confidence, then who can we have faith in?”
Emptiness filled you as everyone stood silent. Then Zoro had to say the last words, the truth that twisted like a knife. 
“Usopp can never return to the crew.”
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Thank You for Reading! 💜
TurtleTaub Fanfic Masterlist
We've All Got Needs Masterlist
Part 21
Tag List: @astheni-a | @ferns-fics | @heilee | @iamn1ya | @ghostfacefricker6969 | @onlybassoon01 | @apothicgloom | @slyhersophia | @cyberaestheticals
A/N: I'm sorry 😭😭😭 We won't be sad forever! I hope you enjoy the sweet and smutty extra scene with Sanji tomorrow, I'll make sure we have a good mix to get us through all this angst 💜
Buy me a coffee ☕🙏🏼
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minkkumaz · 1 year
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there used to be so much love there, just two people completely infatuated with one another. you've been through so much with haemin, and you thought maybe he'd fight for your relationship. but even after all this hurt part of you still loved him.
PAIRING jung haemin x fem!reader WC 2.0k TAGS lovers to exes. angst. growing apart. asshole haemin. somewhat a timeline of denial to acceptance. miscommunication. OMI NOTE another little something for my @woonhakist because i love writing for her. except unlike prince sungho it's actually angst. sorry sungho ur getting booted out of this. this has been in my drafts for about a month but now i'm motivated to get it done for u hehe. i hope you like. ^_^ (inspired by just me by rin)
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the skys were clouded with pillows of dark gray. it had been rainy recently, the smell of wet pavement becoming more distinguishable as it continued. you wanted to assume that maybe it was his fault. the reason behind why your days were always so dark.
it was common to fear the unknown. being innocently unaware of what was going on behind the scenes was slowly eating at your insides; making you feel as if you were the dead carcass of a street animal, being fed on by rats.
things were different recently, he was different. haemin was going out more than usual, a breath of fresh air in comparison to the introverted persona you were used to. despite your worries, he convince you that you didn’t need to know where he was all the time.
“i’m just hanging out with kyungmin and a few other friends. do you have to be so worried?” he groaned.
“it’s not like that, haem! i just got curious…”
shouldn’t you be glad? that feeling of relief knowing he was blooming into a person that could celebrate with others. it was growth, but not in the way you expected. more or less, he was growing into someone unrecognizable.
phone dials were met with an empty line. and even when he did answer, he ended the call with a simple ‘bye’ and not ‘i love you more.’
still, you loved him to the moon and back. every couple went through a rough patch, you understood that when you agreed to be with him. though it was difficult to convince yourself you were content with how things were playing out.
often you took long walks to distract yourself from the unread text messages. it was this time at noon that was most gloomy. your umbrella collected droplets of water, dripping down the side to barely avoid you.
you saw couples on the streets, holding hands happily. they took photos together and shared hot drinks with eachother to battle the slight cold. you envied them.
because in your head, that position seemed almost unreachable. he was so far away from you, farther than you could even realize. what used to be something special between your heart and his wasn’t recognizable.
that day, you stopped going on walks. everything reminded you of the boy that was falling out of love. you came home quickly, trying to outrun your own thoughts. the bronze plate with your apartment number came into view as you dug through your bag to get the keys.
fumbling with the lock for a second, you finally open up to your home. immediately your gaze lands on an extra pair of shoes by the door, making your heart skip a beat slightly. tugging off your own, you set down your umbrella in a corner to dry.
when walking farther into the house, you see haemin sitting comfortably on the couch. he looked busy on his cell phone, paying almost no mind to your presence.
“haem! i didn’t know you would be home, where were you?” you smile fondly, letting yourself sit next to him.
“oh. i was just out for a bit.” he barley acknowledged your existence, angling his phone slightly away from your view. you noticed this, but said nothing.
“did you have fun? it was pretty rainy out today so i hope you weren’t cold.”
“yeah, it was fine.”
“that’s good! did you eat while you were out? i can always make us something for dinner, though i do need to get some groceries–”
“are you done with your questions?” he said bitterly, setting down the device to look at you.
“i’m sorry haem, we just haven’t spoken in awhile and i wanted to see how your day was.” you said in a whisper.
“don’t be so clingy, y/n. we see eachother everyday.” he tells you.
“oh. you’re right, i don’t know why i was being so silly.”
“mhm.” he mumbles under his breath before getting up from his seat towards the bathroom. 
after the door shut behind him, the pit at the bottom of your stomach grew deeper. this wasn’t like him at all. the excitement that would underlie his stoic demeanor because all the love he had for you was overflowing disappeared. could you even call it love when you didn’t exactly know what it was?
every romantic word hes ever told you felt meaningless; what happened to ‘you’re so pretty, y/n. you’re so sweet?’
you could hear haemin’s muffled voice from down the hall, before movement of caps and containers echoed the bathroom walls. it sounded like he was on a call with somebody. he came out soon after, shaking the remaining drops of water off of his clean hands. 
“i’m going out.” he calls out to you before pulling his coat off the rack.
“wait! didn’t you just go out? i can go with you if you’d like!”
“no, i’ll be out late and i know you get agitated if you’re in public for too long.”
“can’t you just stay in for a little then? what about a movie night like we always used to have?” you rushed over to him, desperate to spend any sort of time together, “i just miss you haem..”
“did anything i say get into your head? you don’t need to so clingy, i’m just going out with a couple friends.”
“haemin…” you reached out to his hand, fingertips barely getting the chance to touch him before he was pulling away like you were the plague.
“god. i can’t do this anymore, y/n. i just want to live without you bothering me constantly!” he complains, sliding both of his shoes on forcefully.
“what is that supposed to mean?” you furrow your eyebrows worriedly.
“it means that i’m having a hard time pretending like i haven’t fallen out of love with you.” he sighs, “just give it a break, y/n. you knew were never going to last."
it felt like your world was collapsing around you. there was a confused look on his face as you stood there silently, trying not to cry. you wondered what it felt like to die, and if it felt anything like this.
they say your life flashes before your eyes, yet all that flashed was memories of what you and haemin used to be. you felt stupid to think that maybe it was salvageable, but the sorry truth hurt much more than this ill fantasy.
“but you promised me. you promised me that we would work through everything together, haem. was that a lie?” you choked.
“i wouldn’t make an empty promise like that, don’t twist my words.” he muttered.
“i’m not twisting anything! when you first confessed to me you said so many sweet things and promised to always–”
“i said give it up. that was almost a year ago, okay? you can’t expect me to keep a promise like that for so long.”
“are you serious right now haemin? after all that we’ve been through?” you uttered with a hurt tone.
“i cared about you, okay? but i can’t handle this anymore.”
“you’re my first boyfriend, i– i can’t let you go without at least talking first!” your words came out as a broken sob, but haemin only looked at you with disgust.
“and you were my worst.” he scoffed, “i can’t be with someone who isn’t mature enough to understand when i need time away.”
“don’t even look at me right now, y/n.. i don’t want to hear you speak. i’ll come back and get my things later.” he leaves you with a bitter ending, before leaving out the door.
watching the love of your life leave you with no closure and not a second word was starting to physically pain you. you felt yourself drop to your knees as his sentences rung in your mind, stringing themselves into a sequence of utmost heartbreak.
cold hardwood floors comforted the red - hot heat that began to rise up your face like a wild fire. you were embarrassed of yourself, disappointed that you couldn’t grow enough for him to see you. see that you could change.
and while he was out with no doubt in his mind that he made the right decision, your world was shattering in the comfort of the home you used to share with him.
the only time he messaged you was him asking for you to pack up all of his stuff for an easier pickup. it was clear he didn’t want to see you anymore than he had to. would he see how mature you had become in the four hours he was gone if you obeyed him?
boxing up all of his things neatly, you stripped every memory the two of you ever shared together. your house feeling ever so empty from the lack of love, trapped in between cardboard walls. 
for what it was worth, you attempted to write a note to send off with him. however, your vision was too blurry with your tears, and you couldn’t keep them in. the smudged ink added for dramatic effect, but it was too much that it was impossible to read coherent words.
your head was scrambled everywhere, and for a second you thought he was right when he said you were immature. it felt like when you were back in highschool giving him silly love notes to hide in his backpack pocket. it reminded you of how he said that they were all still there, as he never bothered to clean them out.
why couldn’t things be the way that they used to? throwing away so much because there was a lack of communication. you wanted to see him, be with him. feel the pure touch of his lips sending shockwaves to your beating heart.
but since that day, you never saw him once. rushing to grab all of his things and get out of your life, barely escaping your desperate grasp. what was once a fond moment became a distant daydream.
you were so blinded by your infatuation for him, despite the fact he never thought of you like that. once again you failed to understand much.
and things only got harder from then on, your plush pillow absorbing your tears. the air in your room only grew heavier as time continued. 
at first days, then weeks, and months were going by that you gave him so much love from afar. a comfortable distance through your phone screen where he couldn’t spit such hurtful words to you again. it was difficult to bear with his selfish sense of care.
stalking him on social media didn’t get you anywhere really. he already moved on from you. though you were unsure whether your jealousy blossomed from the fact that she was beautiful, or that he moved on extremely fast. maybe it was both.
posts of his hand intertwined with hers, captioned with cheesy song lyrics that used to hold so much meaning to you. your music taste always tended to rub off on him. 
there were long paragraphs declaring how much she meant to him, and how she was such a breath of fresh air in comparison to his past relationships. these sacred words that used to be yours. and while you remembered what the two of you had together, he could only think of her.
still, you loved him.
but things got easier, even when you thought they wouldn’t. it took some time for you to realize that being alone was a lot easier on the heart. 
there was a big takeaway from this, being that the only thing he taught you what it was like to feel unloved. though everything that happened when things were okay, you’d never take for granted. 
the sky felt brighter, and you made your walks frequent again. you remembered thinking how dreary he’d make your days seem, but it felt like you were finally able to see the sun again. because throughout the multitude of stars in the galaxy, one always shone the brightest.
even when you were blinded by a haze, it was still there. maybe you were the star.
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easyezsworld · 10 months
"Peter?" The teenager softly calls out, starting to jog towards the brunette when he sees him leaning against the concrete wall of the building.
The older man was in rough shape, to say the least. His spider-suit torn and dirty, his mask nowhere to be seen. His hair was everywhere, some strands falling over his bruised face.
"Hey, Miles.. seems like they've finally gotten me—" Peter manages to choke out before coughing up nearly a puddle of blood in front of him.
"That's.. that's not good." The injured man says, softly groaning at the pain before leaning his head back against the wall while softly grunting to himself.
"Peter, come on! We gotta leave before we get caught!" Miles hisses, advising Peter to run away with him and get to a better and safer place so that he could patch him up.
But all that changed when those dark brown eyes looked up at him, filled with guilt and remorse. Miles didn't like where this was going. He had seen that same face one too many times.
Miles shook his head, an indication of determination and the fact that he would not let go of Peter. They've known each other for less than a decade, but they have bonded so well.
Miles could not lose him.
The younger male stood up, trying to pull the injured Spider-Man up with him. Peter could only dryly chuckle as more blood spewed and slipped past his chapped lips, the crimson substance rolling down his chin.
"Give it up, kid.. I'm not going back." His hopelessness made Miles try even harder, his grunts as Miles tried to pull Peter, proving that he was genuinely trying to bring Peter back with him.
"Peter, please. Don't do this." Miles was practically in tears, his bottom lip trembling as he desperately tried to convince Peter to follow him back to a safer place.
Peter suddenly pulled him down next to him before using the tiniest amount of strength left in his fragile body to wrap his arms around the teenager. Miles was caught off-guard, his eyes widening slightly before he crumbled in his arms and started to cry.
"It's okay, Miles." Peter croons, a reassuring smile on his cracked lips as he ran his boney fingers through Miles' raven coloured afro. Though, both Miles and Peter knew that the end was near for the older man.
The boy could not utter a word, sobs escaping his lips as tears ran down his tanned cheeks. He held onto Peter's torn up suit, sobbing into the older's chest like there was no tomorrow.
"Peter.." Miles could only whimper as he continued to cry and wail into the man's chest, his whole body shaking with sadness and frustration.
First Uncle Aaron, now Peter? The poor boy could not handle this much. He was only 15. He was at an age where he should be hanging out with friends, not crying into a man's chest, and hoping that he would not leave him like how everyone else did.
Peter could only rub the boy's back in small, comforting circles. Letting him know that he was still there, even if it was not for long.
"I'm sorry." Peter could only whisper, silent tears of his own starting to roll down his pale cheeks as he started to feel his breath getting more shallow than it had ever been before.
"Take care. Love ya', kiddo."
Slowly, Miles could feel Peter's body getting colder and not giving off that familiar welcoming aura as it was replaced with one of grief and loss. The boy could only cry, holding onto his corpse in an unforgiving grip. He felt defeated, like nothing was in store for him at all.
That was it, Peter was dead.
Miles couldn't do anything about it.
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ener-lol · 6 months
the day i did meth
yeah, forget about my “notes” from the previous entry. I had no idea what I was in for.
okay, so... I read a lot about different substances and comparing my experience with the information I gathered, I'm fairly convinced that what we consumed was meth.
of course, without testing the pills themselves, there is no certainty, but I'm 100% sure that whatever is in those pills is not MDMA.
now, my experience.
I felt the pills hit quickly, but very subtly. as time progressed, the effects became exponentially stronger. once you get to the high, it's incredible. everything feels like it's perfect and shiny. you can stay awake forever, and bust out your best dance moves, and have incredibly complex and long conversations, and also come up with jokes and quips at lightspeed, and laugh anywhere like a maniac. also, you have no appetite at all.
it feels a bit like shrooms, but instead of having an emotional or spiritual component, it feels like your brain is working faster and harder to make everything feel better. that's the good part, and it's really fucking good.
now, THE BAD PART...
we took the pills at 2am.
first, in the club, i didn't quite feel paranoid, but I didn't want anybody near me. i was super uncomfortable because everyone kept bumping into me. when you're on MDMA, you're supposed to feel this sense of community and love for those who surround you. I didn't. I wanted all these people to keep their fucking distance. also my mouth got really dry and I had to start drinking lots and lots of water (which can actually be dangerous!)
when we got back to Alfonso's apartment at around 5am, the hours passed on and on and on and we just couldn't come down, we couldn't stop talking, and we couldn’t sleep!!! this thing kept us awake all night long. it was truly mind blowing to realize that, with the right substance, you can talk for 7 or 8 hours straight with someone, and never run out of things to say or even lose a single idea.
at around 11am, we went out for breakfast and sat in a park bench. I was still high as fuck, and we were talking and laughing maniacally about everything that was going on at the park. people were staring because we were clearly out of our minds.
at the same time, something in me started to warn me about this feeling being too good to be true; I knew I had hacked my brain into thinking that reality is so much brighter than it actually is. I kept having fun, but in parallel I started to get ready for the price I would have to pay.
I got home at around 1pm (about 11hrs after the first dose) and I was still totally fucked up. I was so accelerated, I had the most extreme shower of my life. then, I went to pick up my dog from the neighbor, who was watching him while I was gone, well, um... doing meth 🤪
next, at around 3pm, I tried to shut the blinds and get some sleep, but I couldn't. I managed to stay perfectly still and quiet for an hour, but I couldn't get to REM. I woke up, ordered some snacks and finally had something to eat after about 20 hours of fasting,
then, at 7pm, I had what felt like a horrible withdrawal episode, and started pacing around the room talking to myself out loud, trying to make some sense out of the whole experience. I was absolutely ON EDGE, again, a full 17 FUCKING HOURS after my first dose.
lately I've been in a good place in my life, so it was the right time to have this experience. I say this because I can totally imagine that someone who is going through a rough patch could try this shit out, have their mind blown, and immediately get hooked on it.
reading other people's experiences, what I learned about meth is that you can keep having more and more and more and stay in that zone indefinitely, and then it takes over your fucking life. this shit is really dangerous.
so, to summarize... I would say that the high of being on meth is amazing and unlike anything i've ever experienced, but I wouldn't ever want to face the consequences of using it again and I don't think anyone should even touch this shit.
I finally decided to have 20mg of clotiazepam and 150mg of pregabalin and pray that this fucking cocktail will allow me to sleep through the night.
this day has been absolutely fucking crazy. i will never forget it.
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bluecookies02 · 2 years
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summary: Yawara and Hizashi have been flirting for months now, and after a rough fight they choose to act up on their feelings
cw: fingering, creampie, usage of daddy once teasingly, pinning, Tiger's phat pussy
word count: 2.5k
a/n: commission done for @the-cookie-guy
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"Have I been here before?" Mic talks to himself, looking at the same shades of green for the past 10 minutes. His wounds were starting to tingle and burn quite a bit, and he knew that if he didn't find his way out soon he'll have to resort to yelling again. His vocal cords wouldn't appreciate that right now so he does his best to wake up his inner instinct that he abso-fucking-lutely doesn't have. But that doesn't stop him from convincing himself that he "feels the exit 'this way' " for the third time that night.
Despite having a long ranged quirk he always somehow got his fair share of injuries and he was once again left to drag his ass home.
It's what his job comes with and he wouldn't have it any other way, yet he hates the moment when he has to go to an empty home and scrap himself back together. Even someone as cheerful as him can have their spirit broken up sometimes, battles pick no favorites.
The adrenaline was still rushing through his body, and he was hyper-aware of his surroundings. Tall trees and thick bushes didn't give him any sense of security, terrain like this being his weakness, that's why he didn't let himself relax just yet. Soon he'll be out in the clear, and he can get all of the rest he deserved.
His mind recalls the fights, moments where he could've done better. He doesn't loathe it but he wants to make a great effort to improve. Since his quirk isn't as advanced in hand-to-hand combats he relies heavily on other people's protection sometimes. He replays the scene of his close colleague jumping in to fend off a handful of villains off his back, one after the other as he just stood there, caught by surprise. He didn't even see any of them, and he didn't pick up on any movements or sounds.
Finally, street lights shine from the end of the woods, making him sigh in relief.
He feels disoriented, the fight started while the sun was still out, and now he can see the moon through the leaves, shining down on him. He's not particularly tired physically, but his mind craves some deserved rest. Maybe he'll grab a drink or two with his friends or go and indulge in a late-night coffee with someone on the way.
He hears chatter, a familiar crowd of people sticking out on an empty street. He's immediately a bit better, soaking up in their liveliness. Some have bandages all around their limbs, ice packs pressed to their bruises yet they are still as cheerful as they were before. Not everyone had a spirit like theirs, if he could pick, he would always choose to go on missions with them.
As soon as someone can spot him, they are yelling his name, relieved and happy to see that he's okay.
He speeds up to the sidewalk, eager to join in.
"I'm sooo glad all of you are okay, that was a rough one out there" he gleams, rushing to greet everyone. He's a tad bit too loud, the control over his voice not worth the effort but thankfully no one seems to mind.
"Mhm! They scattered us around pretty well, it took ages to regroup! But with you, we have everyone here" Pixie chimed in, giving him a bottle of water and a first aid kit. He chose to sit on a bench, spraying some water on his surface injuries before deciding which ones are worth the bother of patching up.
"We have to go and assess the damage and give that boring report, but we believe Tiger can help patch you up and you both can join us for dinner later if you're not too exhausted!" Pixie urged, a wink sneaked in after she glanced at Tiger.
They were quick to leave, a bit too quick and Mic knew there was something suspicious. Well, he also knew what that "something" was, and he didn't mind. Being a wingman himself he saw right through the wingladies cheeky tactic.
"What took you so long" a teasing voice came above him, accompanying him on the bench.
"Sorry, not all of us are as familiar with this area as you, Tiger" he teased back, looking him up and down.
He barely had a scratch on him, the only telling sign that he was in any kind of fight would be the torn thigh highs and the mud on his skirt.
"Those look better that way anyway" Mic muses, watching as Tiger takes hold of the gauze, looking around to see if anyone was still close enough to hear.
"You're impossible" he comments, grinning like an utter fool.
"Aha, and you obviously can't resist my charms, at leasI try to hide it" Mic hikes up his shirt, showing the wound on his ribs.
"I'm pretty sure I just need this one taken care of, the other ones are child's play!" he pulls the shirt up a bit more than necessary, extremely bold with his efforts. It's been going on for months now and he was eager to finally push it in a more serious direction.
"Be gentle~" his muscles flex, and he's sucking in his stomach when the cold water hits his injury, trailing down to his belly button before Tiger secures everything with gauze and bandages. He lingers with his palm on his stomach, admiring how small Mic was compared to his large fingers.
Mic's face is flushed, embarrassed by the way his body shook and trembled at the cold, and he's ready to lower his shirt but he takes note of his colleague, his cheeks painted dark crimson and his lips tugged beneath his teeth.
"Don't tell me you're blushing...ah~ how unprofessional of you!" Mic tugs his shirt up further, watching Tiger's every move.
"I might have a nasty scratch somewhere here, why don't you take a look?" and he thinks it might've been too far when Tiger forces his shirt down, leaning dangerously close to his face.
"We don't want to end up on the cover of some tabloid now, don't we?" he pulls Mic up by his wrist, straightening himself out.
"My place is two blocks from here...I would assume-"
"Oh shit, yeah uhm, sure" Mic fails to hide his excitement as he's being pulled (more so dragged down the street). He passed out and this is all inside his head. He's positive.
He suddenly feels none of his injuries, adrenaline ringing in his ears. They're quick to fumble inside the apartment, and Tiger has him pinned against the door, his breath hot against his cheek.
It's not unusual for heroes to get tangled in various sexual relationships with each other. Work came with an awful lot of stress and responsibility so blowing off some steam was necessary once in a while. Mic sure put a ton of effort to get him this riled up, it wouldn't be a shame if this night was fleeting.
"You're vile, Hizashi, just asking me out on a date would've been fine" Tiger guides them to his room, messily kissing Mic and almost having him trip over all of his toys. Hizashi doesn't comment on it, but he finds it so painfully adorable, keeping the topic locked up for now until he wants to mess with him again.
"Well, a date would be too simple? No?" He mumbles, careful not to bump into something as he grabs Tiger by his forearms, pushing him back a bit.
The older man fights the whine threatening to spill past his lips, watching tentatively as Mic discards his headpiece, placing it on the bedside table.
"Don't tell me you didn't like all of the attention? The buildup? I'm the number one romantic in this town!!" He questions, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, kissing him once again, inching them towards the bed. His leg is propped between Yawara's thighs, his body weight leaning against the muscular man.
Tiger's heart thumps in his throat as his knees hit the bed, Hizashi following him right when his back hits the mattress.
Mic's lips crash into Tiger's and his touch is urgent, confident, already ghosting over any exposed patch of skin he can reach. He's barely letting himself breathe, holding the back of Yawara’s head as he mewls against his mouth. His boney fingers dip into the plush of his exposed thighs, the skirt he was wearing riding up to his hips.
They're soft now, the muscles he wore with confidence melting due to his quirk.
If they weren't so pent up, they could take their sweet time, but tonight, it would be agonizing. Months worth of courting each other caused them to act desperate and hungry, and in addition, they couldn't foresee that today would be the day it would all snap.
"You want this so bad don't you daddy? Someone to take care of you? Don't be shy!" It's not a real question, it's a sarcastic and playful remark, yet Yawara still nods, spreading his legs further apart. He already accepted that nickname from how often Mic used it, might aswell be a brat and ignore it out of spite.
Mic drags his tongue over his teeth, inching his fingers to his hips like he's contemplating if taking everything off is worth it. He looks so pretty like this, Hizashi wouldn't forgive himself if he didn't get a chance to see that skirt bouncing as he fucks the man, his dick throbbing at the thought. His fingertips slip over the wet patch of his panties, cooing at how warm it is, dipping further between his legs.
"I'm just playing nice 'Zashi, don't think I'll let you have your way every time" Tiger keens, his hand reaching down to push his underwear to the side.
And despite being so turned on right now, Mic's heart flutters at that last part, not being able to linger on the topic for longer now that he gets a glimpse of Yawara's pussy.
He makes an oath to have a good taste whenever that 'next time' happens. He might act tough now but if he got any more riled up than he already was, he might as well cream his own pants. That's definitely not a great first impression, right?
"What if you like it so much, you can't resist having me in charge again and again and again~..."
Slowly he works him open, stretching him out with care, showing him that he knows his body like the back of his hand despite touching it for the first time ever. That weird feeling of having your first night with someone and everything just slots into place.
Yawara struggles in his hold, grabbing ahold of his forearm, urging him to go deeper, even though his knuckles are fully pressed in, two fingers pumping in and out of his cunt.
"And what if I think that you're not that good?" he bites back when Mic's palm presses flush against his clit, deep, fast strokes of his fingers causing it to rub against the overly sensitive nub.
Mic hums, plastering his free hand over Tiger's crop top, his nails poking at the hardened nipples, flicking them gently as they become more and more prominent under the fabric. In contrast, his chest is soft to touch, tits jiggling with every violent thrust of his hand.
There's a hiss that leaves Yawara's lips, followed by a rough growl, thrusts of his hips becoming erratic and rushed.
Tiger drools, stealing glimpses of Mic's pants, the smell of him filling his senses. And maybe he doesn't even know it, but the subconscious sway of his hips against thin air gives out exactly how impatient he's getting.
"You anxious about fucking me properly?" Tiger urges, pulling Mic down for another long, sloppy kiss.
With a low groan, he unbuttons his belt, pulling Yawara's body to the edge of the bed so that he can line up with his hole, his clothed cock pressed flush against him, where his fingers were mere moments ago.
Tiger feels empty, and he's dangerously close to begging, the feeling in his tummy familiar, nearing his high.
Mic isn't as chatty anymore, his witty comments fading away when he takes his dick out of his boxers, sinking it inside Tiger's waiting pussy in one swift motion.
His cock twitched as soon as he bottomed out, his hips jerking into him out of instinct.
Mic was the only man Yawara knew, who could pound his pussy so ruthlessly while his hands still explored his body so sweetly. It was intoxicating, addictive and he needed more. He needed him. Despite him holding his hips down, he managed to sway his hips just right, meeting Mic's thrusts one by one. Mic's strong hands tangled in his skirt, using it as leverage as he fucked into the older man.
He admired the way his pussy took him so well, his cock disappearing all the way in and then coming back out. He was hazed, forgetting how much time passed as he plowed in and out of Yawara, the intoxicating rhythm putting a strain on his muscles as he couldn't have it in him to slow down.
Tiger was a mess, whines and cries coming from his sore throat as he begged for him to make him cum.
With a hard grip on his ass and more praise for the way he took him so well...that was it. He couldn't take it anymore. He was pounding that spot just right and his hands were sending shivers through him. He couldn't hold back anymore and Mic could tell. He was clenching down on him as he continued to slide in and out, eager to keep him inside or get him deeper.
Hizashi leaned over him, his body propped on his strong chest, hands sneaking under the small of Yawara's back.
He somehow became lighter, easier for Mic to raise up, until Mic noticed the structure of his body going slack, partially limp in his hold as Yawara stretched and tried to hold onto Hizashi.
His pace was deep and more meaningful, his cock dragging along the velvety walls that were squeezing him of every drop he had. The feeling of him throbbing as his warm cum painted his insides white threw Yawara over the edge, his legs shaking as he continued with small ruts into his shivering cunt. A particularly load moan came from Hizashi, the control on his quirk faltering. Yawara squeezed his legs tight around his torso, his back arching into the other man's grip.
Hizashi can now practically wrap his palms around his waist, his fingertips almost touching.
He curses himself for finding it hot, and amongst many kink, this might be the most unique one he's gonna develop.
Mic moves to pull his dick out slowly, smearing the cum that threatened to spill onto the sheets with the tip of his cock.
"So...can I take you out on a date?" Mic mumbled, letting out an airy laugh.
"Only if I get to make it even for this first." Yawa grins, adjusting his underwear back in place.
They are kinda awkward for a while until Tiger pulls Mic to his chest, letting him rest there until both of them are ready to get up. His limbs are somewhat normal now but he's soft enough for Mic’s head to sink comfortably into the plush skin.
“I probably should've warned you about my quirk…I'm sorry that you had to see that. I never managed to control it” Yawara sighs, ears turning red in embarrassment.
“...I'm gonna be honest, If I wasn't hard in the first place, that would make me pop a boner on the spot”
Mic moves to drape his arms over him, adjusting himself on his breasts. “Don't worry about it okay, I very much don't mind” he mumbles, his cheeks squished against his chest as he sinks deeper, exhaustion catching up. Yawara only hums in response, cuddling into him.
And if Yawara kept his end of the promise that same morning, he's to have a very uncomfortable few encounters with his neighbors.
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demonsandco · 3 years
I searched through your blog and I'm honestly so surprised you don't have more Simeon content. That being said, if you're still doing it, can I get the WHOLE smut alphabet for Simeon?
You’re right! It’s a shame cause he’s very much one of my favorites now that we get to see more of him in game! Normally I wouldn’t do the entire alphabet like this because it’s… a lot, but Simeon deserves it uwu. This is nearly 3000 words, which makes it my longest post yet by a long shot!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Simeon is such a sweetheart after sex. He’s not actually sleepy, but his limbs feel like jelly and he’s full of so many soft, loving emotions. All he wants to do is keep his partner close in his arms, slyly stealing kisses from their lips and whispering words of love in their ear. He’s not eager to get up or move at all, but he’s willing to have a bath or grab some water if they join him. Sex leaves him feeling rather emotional and vulnerable, and he really just wants to feel them near him and hear their voice.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Simeon’s favorite part of his body is his hands. He wears gloves often to protect them, leaving his skin feeling so soft and smooth. He’s a very hands on type of person, and he’s quite skilled with them, too. One of his favorite things to do during sex is run his hands up and down his partner’s sides, feeling their warmth under his palms.
In turn, Simeon loves every part of their body. If he had to pick just one part, though, it would be their eyes. He’s a firm believer in the saying that “eyes are the windows to the soul” and he could lose himself in their gaze. He’s fond of maintaining eye contact, watching their expression shift as they get close and memorising the different shades and tones that make up their eye color.
(Cont under the cut)
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Simeon cums so much, both in quantity and frequency, but he hates the messiness of it. It feels good in the moment, but it gets cold and sticky way too quickly for his liking. He really likes to see his partner covered in his cum, as though he marked them as his in a way only the two of them would know about, but he’s always quick to help clean them up before it gets uncomfortable.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Simeon really doesn’t have anything that he would call a dirty secret. All the sexual experiences he’s had in the past have been quite tame and he’s very much not the type of person to feel ashamed about his past actions or keep them secret. He’s an open book when it comes to relationships and sex.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Contrary to popular belief, angels are allowed to have sex. As long as it doesn’t impact their duties, angels can do whatever they want with their private lives, and Simeon very much took advantage of that. He’s had quite a few partners in the past, especially before the war took place. His original rank as a Seraph gave him a lot of popularity among other angels. His experiences have taught him a lot about how to make his partner feel good in many different ways, but he never really had the chance to figure out what he enjoys. There’s a huge opportunity for them to experiment with his body and to teach him more than just the basics.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Simeon is really open to experimenting and trying out new positions, so he doesn’t have just one favorite. However, the positions he enjoys most are ones where he can see his partner’s face, especially if the position lets him pull them against his chest when he feels the need for closeness. He’s open to just about any position, though, even if it seems rather absurd at first.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Simeon isn’t goofy enough to ruin the moment, but his playful nature definitely shines through. If he’s in bed with someone, that means he feels close to them emotionally, too, so he feels comfortable enough to not stay serious all the time. Sometimes things go wrong in the moment or something silly gets said out loud on accident. He doesn’t see anything wrong with laughing it off or jokingly teasing each other. He’s good at telling when the mood allows for some laughs and when some composure is necessary.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Being an angel, Simeon’s body is almost entirely hairless. Besides the hair on his head, the only other hair on him is a small patch above his cock and a very faint happy trail. He doesn’t enjoy the feel of shaving, but he does keep it very neatly trimmed at all times. Colour wise, it matches the hair on his head perfectly.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Simeon is quite romantic in the moment. Love and intimacy are very important aspects of sex to him, and that comes through in most of his actions. His pace, his preferred positions, everything reflects that intimacy that he craves. Through it all, he’s sweet talking to his partner, letting them know how good they make him feel, how important they are to him, and how much he loves them. He knows he might come across as too intense, but he wants to make sure they know that sex isn’t just about the physical aspect for him.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Simeon rarely, if ever, feels the need to masturbate. Without a partner, sex really isn’t something he thinks about often, and if he does have a partner, he’d much rather take care of his need with them, rather than on his own. If he does end up jacking off, though, he always ends up fantasising about them, and he finds that he can’t actually cum without imagining them being there with him.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Unsurprisingly, Simeon has a corruption kink. It came as a huge shock to him when he first realised it, but something about having his sweet little human tempt him and lead him down a path of “sin” excites him. It feeds into his rebellious nature that he constantly tries to control. It gives him a rush of adrenaline whenever they convince him to do something shameful or lewd and he finds himself enjoying it and even craving more instead of actually feeling shame.
As well, Simeon also has a massive praise kink. He always strives to please his partner as best as he can and getting positive reinforcement, something he rarely hears normally, sends shocks of pleasure shooting down his spine. The more praise he gets, the more eager he is to be good. If he’s being bratty, praising his good behavior in the past gets him to behave much quicker than a “punishment” would.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Simeon’s preferred location is either his or his partner’s room. It’s a place that feels safe and familiar, while also offering privacy. They can take as much time as they want and be as loud as they feel like without having to worry about anyone bursting in.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Getting Simeon turned on is pretty easy. All his partner needs to do is be direct with their advances. Their boldness excites him. He isn’t the type of person to get turned on by seemingly innocent actions, so their intent needs to be clear. That, alongside some suggestive touches, is more than enough to get him in the mood.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Simeon is usually open to trying anything once and there’s not a lot that he’s opposed to, but he is very serious with his boundaries. He refuses to allow sex with his partner to start impacting his day to day life. Skipping classes, missing meetings, or even risking being late to something, even if it’s not important, in favor of sex is a big no for him. He makes his boundaries very clear from the start, and will quickly become harsh if his partner doesn’t respect them.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Simeon has almost no experience in oral, giving or receiving, but it quickly becomes one of his favorite things. He could spend hours between his partner’s thighs without getting bored. While he’s rather hesitant and unsure at first, he’s very skilled at reading their reactions and starts adjusting his technique to make them feel as good as possible.
He doesn’t enjoy receiving quite as much, but he still loves it! It’s so easy for his partner to make him cum or overstimulate him with just their mouth. The warm wetness of their mouth feels divine and their breath is so hot against his skin, he can’t help but cum embarrassingly quickly.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Simeon greatly enjoys taking his time with his partner, keeping a slow and sensual pace and exploring every inch of their body with his mouth and hands. He’s not a fan of rushing, even as he gets closer to his peak, he keeps his pace steady, his body molding against theirs. He’s not opposed to going faster if they prefer that, but his favorite pace will always be slow and intimate.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Simeon is not a fan of quickies. He’ll be open to trying it at least once, but he knows from the start that it’s not his cup of tea. The whole thing just feels so rushed and impersonal to him. The most important part of sex to him is the intimacy and emotional connections, and quickies feel very lacking in comparison. If anything, they leave him craving his partner even more than before.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Simeon is very open to experimenting and he’s always excited to learn and experience new things. He’s willing to try anything once, even if it’s something that he’s pretty sure he won’t enjoy. The idea of taking risks also interests him, but it needs to only be a perceived risk for him to participate. Something like messing around in an empty classroom at RAD is exciting, but it needs to be afterhours when the school is empty and the door has to be locked for him to feel comfortable.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Simeon’s stamina is not the best, at least at first. He can go for more rounds than the average human just because he’s an angel, but he’s so unbelievably sensitive that the rounds themselves are rather short. It’s been so long since he’s had anyone touch him sexually that he ended up cumming in his pants the first time he was with his partner. With time, his stamina will improve drastically, probably to the point where he could easily outlast them, but he needs some practice to get there.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Toys aren’t something Simeon has ever really thought about using or has ever owned. When he sees the huge variety of toys that exist, he feels excited to try them out, mostly relying on his partner’s preferences and recommendations to pick some. He quickly learns that he really enjoys having them use different toys on him and, in turn, he loves the new opportunities the toys give him when it comes to pleasuring them in return. The possessive, prideful part of him that is usually buried very much prefers making his partner feel good on his own, without toys to help, but most of the time, he doesn’t mind.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
The first time he teases his partner, it’s entirely accidental, his habit of going slow and taking his time exploring their body ends up making him tease them. Once he sees the way it makes them feel, though, he starts doing it on purpose, wanting to see more of their reactions. He’ll relent, with a smug little smile on his face, if they start begging, but until then, he plays the innocent card, pretending not to realise what he’s doing.
As much as he likes to dish it out, Simeon really can’t take much teasing. He’s so sensitive and desperate that he’ll start begging immediately, willing to do anything just to feel more of their touch.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Simeon is naturally very loud and he lets out the prettiest sounds. At first, he tries to muffle them and keep his volume down. He talks quite a bit, at least while he’s still able to form coherent thoughts, and loves to whisper sweet things to his partner in a breathy tone. The closer he gets to cumming, the more his words devolve into delicate gasps and high pitched moans. When he cums, he lets out the longest, breathiest whine that no amount of gritting his teeth or covering his mouth could smother. He’s very vocal throughout, and without some sort of soundproofing, his voice can very much be heard through the walls.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Simeon has a hard time controlling his wings during sex. He can’t focus hard enough to keep them hidden and they tend to have a mind of their own, fluttering and puffing up depending on how he feels. They’re quite sensitive in the moment too, especially at the base. In the end, he finds himself wrapping his wings around his partner as he pulls them close, keeping them warm and safe under his feathers. Unfortunately, this usually means that the bed is covered in feathers from all his flapping and wiggling.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Simeon has such a pretty cock, so perfectly smooth that it almost looks like a drawing rather than an actual dick. He’s large enough to be impressive without seeming intimidating, with just enough girth to feel like a stretch, but not be painful. It’ll still take some prep for his partner to take him, but it won’t be too difficult with some patience and plenty of lube.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Simeon’s libido isn’t very high at all, and sex isn’t something that’s on his mind constantly. What matters to him most is spending quality time with his partner, regardless of what they’re doing together. They usually need to be the one to actually initiate things, since he has no qualms with pushing down his need to avoid ruining the moment. With how much he values physical touch, it’s not hard for cuddles to become something more, and as long as there’s time for it, Simeon will never say no.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Sex doesn’t exactly leave him feeling sleepy, but it does make him feel extraordinarily relaxed. He tends to follow his partner’s lead, staying awake longer if they don’t plan to sleep right away. With how warm and soft he feels, though, he has no trouble falling asleep quickly, cuddling them close to his chest to absorb more of their body heat. If it’s up to him, he prefers to share some casual pillow talk together, before falling asleep soon after. If he can avoid having to get up and be functional, he will.
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strawbearisamu · 3 years
promises [summer collection: vol 3]
❀ timeskip! matsukawa issei x gn! reader | wc: 1.2k
summary: snapshots of the promises he made you, 8 years at a time from when you were 8 to 16 and finally a proposal at 24.
note: volumes are not connected this is a standalone story.
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"hey! you can trust me," he smirked.
"oh yeah? do you remember the first promise you made?" you grinned.
❀ eight — accidents
in the sweltering heat of the sun, slippers warm from the heat, slapping against the tarmac in your little cul-de-sac, you chased him. the humidity of summer enveloping you, you wipe the sheen of sweat off your forehead, panting to catch your breath, "i give up, you win issei!"
he beamed in response, so obnoxious yet so pure, you couldn't help the little smile that graced your lips too.
"that means you have to try it! ride the bike side to side, it'll go faster!"
"side to side?" you asked, a little unsure of what he meant, getting on your little bicycle.
"yeah! it'll work, trust me," he boasted, "i saw it on tv!"
"promise?" you asked, fingers gripping a little tighter on the worn rubber handles of your bike.
"promise!" eight-year-old issei said in excitement before riding off ahead of you.
"side to side," you mumble under your breath, before pedaling up the slope, fast, your younger self blissfully ignorant of the burn in your calves and thighs, you steer your bike towards the left, then the right, then the left, and again and again. somehow convincing yourself that it was working, you gave him a thumbs-up as he looked back towards you, "catch up slowpoke!"
"i will!" you huffed at him, provoked, speeding up, as the gears of the bike started whirring louder, the wind whistling in your ear. you reach a hard corner and issei is still way ahead of you, one harsh turn tips the scales in the equilibrium of gravity as you crash and collide onto the ground.
"yn!" issei shouts, turning back and pedaling towards you.
you sniffled a little, rubbing the bloody gash on your knees, hands now a little grimy and stained from the tarmac, the rough road scraping your arms and knees, blood running along your elbows.
"you promised it would work!" you frown at him, as he leaned towards you, poking your bruise in curiosity, "OW!"
"i'm sorry y/n! they said it on tv!" he said panicked, scratching his head, before pushing you back to his house as you sat on his bike. his mom horrified at the wound, patching you up and forcing her son to apologise to you again.
"okay that's a little unfair, i was 8!" he crossed his arms.
"okay fine. ah! what about that one time!" your eyes lit up as you recalled the memory.
❀ sixteen — sneaking out
"issei," you squeezed his forearm, "we'll be fine right?"
"relax, i've done this before, we'll be fine." he assured, a playful glint in his eye. "i promise, don’t you trust me?" he inched down towards you as you nodded.
and so the both of you snuck past the napping guard, the small rusty back gate creaking as he gently pried it open, grabbing onto your wrist and dragging you along behind him, navigating the overgrown path.
giggling, you clutched onto your bags and each other as you ran, in the sports shoes you changed into just for this, in the humid summer heat, uniforms clinging onto the layer of sweat on your skin, palms sweaty against each others, a burning ache in your calves and thighs as you tried to keep up with him.
tapping your cards hastily, and hopping onto the first train. settling onto the seats of the semi-packed train. with the cool air of the air conditioning blowing in your face, and issei by your side, you still yourself in the moment, admiring him, his face, memorising the texture his curls, the slant in his lids, the curve of his lips, the scenery beyond the windows, imprinting it all in your mind, hoping you would never forget, only smiling when he raised a brow at you.
four stops later, you guys arrive at your destination. all the elaborate stealth just to eat at your favourite little ramen shop tucked away at the fourth stop. the both of you bursting into adrenaline-fuelled giggles as soon as you stepped onto the platform.
you slurped the last of your ramen, letting out a satisfying sigh. "we actually did it!" you grinned, proud. you and issei occupying two of the eight limited counter seats in the cramped little shop.
"we sure did," he smiled at you, resting a palm on your head before wiping away the layer of sweat on his forehead as you stared. "something on my face?" he teased, eyes finally meeting yours as your gazes lingered on one another, allowing yourselves the privilege to indulge. his deep-set eyes boring into yours with an emotion so raw and indescribable that even in the years you would spend apart, you would never forget them.
"aha! another broken promise, we were called into office the next day issei, and i distinctly remember you saying we would never get caught," you snickered.
"hey none of that matters now, only the promise i'll make you today," he defended, reaching across the candle-lit table for your hand.
❀ twenty-four — proposals
"yn," he reached into the pocket of his blazer with his free hand, pulling out a red, velvet box, popping it open to reveal a ring.
you let out a soft gasp, your bottom lip quivering slightly as you blink back the tears welling in your eyes.
"yn, i may have broken a lot of our promises, and i will admit i’ve been a bit of an asshole. but this time, i promise you, i will do everything in my power to be a damn near perfect partner for you, to make you the happiest spouse, to love you through thick and thin, through the good and the bad, through everything. as long as i’m with you.”
"issei…” a tear rolling down your cheek, “you promise?" you whispered.
"i promise." he nodded, thumb gently caressing your cheeks, wiping away the tear. the same grey eyes from 8 years ago boring into yours once again.
"that's what you said all those times too," you laugh.
"i guess you'll just have to trust me again, will you marry me?" he smiled.
"issei, i’ve never said no to all your dumb ideas, not when we were eight, not when we were sixteen," you paused, gaze falling to the ring in his hand then back at him as you soaked in the moment. the soft candle light illuminating his face, his eyes sparkling a little as they reflected the light, curls falling softly, the expectant look on his face as he fiddled the ring between his fingers.
"so are you marrying me or not?" he pouted a little in frustration.
"and i certainly am not saying no at twenty-four, yes, of course i'll marry you issei." the smile on his lips widen impossibly, impatiently sliding the ring onto your ring finger, as though he couldn't wait another moment longer.
"i can't believe you said yes, now you're stuck with me forever," a goofy smile playing on his lips, issei gets up, moving towards you, pulling your sitting form into a hug. "i love you so much," his leans his forehead against yours before guiding the back of your head into his chest, an arm wrapped around your shoulder.
"we still have to do a ceremony dumbass and you better not break your promise again," you warned, voice muffed into his top as he kissed the top of your head, "i won't babe."
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sol’s comments ❀: wahaha self indulgence again :> that whole bicycle thing is based on a true story and im positive he meant sway side to side instead of steer side to side now that ive watched yowamushi pedal (aka now that im a pro cyclist). also me and my bff used to sneak out a lot during free sessions so the 2nd part was inspired by that hehe.
m.list ·˚ ༘ ꒱ | each and every reblop is appreciated ☻ (+ free hugs)
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galaxyedging · 2 years
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When the West Was Wild
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
Silva x OFC (no description, a last name is given in later chapters)
Word count:2k
Story summary: A women making her own way in the lawless West has her quiet night interrupted by a stranger in need. While helping him she finds a few unmet needs of her own.
Warnings: Guns, talk of racism, no racist language.
Chapter summary: Our heroine gets to know the strange man on her doorstep a little better.
In the brief moment she had been frozen in fear the blood stain on the man's shirt had already grown. The large hand that had been stemming the bleeding, lay limp at his side. Whether he had intended to do her harm or not, she couldn't let a man die in front of her. If he survived only to turn around and kill her, at least she would leave this world with a clear conscious. Pulling the bandana from his neck, she balled it up, pressed it against his wound. Her minded raced through the options, she needed help. If she tied something around the wound, she could slow his bleeding, run to get Mary. One of the reasons they had got to talking was that Mary was a nurse like her mother. If anyone could help, it was Mary. Whether it be with skill or just plain stubbornness, Mary wasn't letting anyone die that she could help. Just as she was planning how she would bandage his arm up, Thomas came running her wooden porch stepped.
The suddenness of the sound flared her anxiety up. "Thomas!"
"Sorry, Ma'am." He averted his eyes as he spoke. It was only then she remembered she was in her underwear.
Now wasn't the time for her to be modest. "Go get Mary. He's been shot in the arm. It looks pretty bad."
"From the looks of it, he killed that man over there. Are you sure I should leave you alone with him?"
"Yes." The lack of hesitation in her answered surprised even her.
Thomas disappeared just as fast as he had appeared. She watched his outline fade into the night. For the second time that night the stranger surprised her while she was distracted. His hand came up to cover hers. He didn't look like he had the energy to speak.
"You're safe. I'm getting help. Just hold on." She tried to soothe him.
It seemed to work as he nodded before slipped back into unconsciousness. The next time he awoke was to a shotgun aimed at his head. Not that he realised straight away.
It had been a long night for him. Mary had patched him up. Cleaned his wound, stitched it without so much as a peep from him. That had worried them, so did the fever he ran for a while. When it came down before dawn, Thomas insisted that they get some sleep. He'd watched over the stranger for now. With what he had found outside he wasn't taking any risks. It wasn't too long ago that the women had convinced him to take a break and eat. Thomas was at the kitchen table when the stranger came to. That's how she ended up here, pointing a gun at him while he blinked awake.
"Ma'am, you really ought not to point a gun at a man unless you intend to shoot him." He voice was rough with sleep and she assumed thirst. It was deep, calm and without a trace of fear.
"Who says I don't intend on shooting you?" She shrugged.
"The clean bandage around my shoulder. The comfy bed I'm laying in. That's an awful lot of trouble to go to for a man you intend to shoot." He countered.
"Maybe that was before I decide I was going to shoot you. How about you answer some questions and see I change me mind back?" She backed away lowering the gun.
He tried to sit up only to find the wrist of his good arm chained to the bed. "It doesn't look like I have much choice now, does it?"
"Not much of one, no. Did you kill the man outside." Straight to the point, he admired that.
No reason for him to beat around the bush either."Yes, Ma'am. It was him or me and it sure as hell wasn't going to be me."
"He shot you, you shot him. Why?" There was no implication in her question. She just stated a fact.
He looked uncomfortable. "He was chasing me."
"Why?" She narrowed her eyes.
"For the reward money. Something tells me you already knew that." He was observant, Thomas had already shown her the wanted poster. "For what it's worth, I'm innocent."
"I'm sure no guilty man ever said that." There was levity in her voice. Silva was quickly trying to paint a picture of the woman that was both his saviour and captor.
"Like I said for what it's worth, which probably ain't much." Surprisingly, the look on her face told that it did carry some weight with her.
"If you're innocent, why are they looking for you?"
"It don't matter. They want me dead." He sat up suddenly, groaning at the paint in his arm. "What did you do with the body? If someone finds..."
"We took care of it." The dead man wasn't a law man, the last thing any of you needed was a man found dead outside your home. The pigs had made quick work of disposing of it. The stranger seemed to relax, just a little. "Thank you. I'm grateful. For that and this." He winced as he gestured to his shoulder.
"Well, I still haven't decided if it was all for nothing yet. I'll ask again why are they looking for you?"
"They said I killed a man."
"Truth be told I'm not a Saint but I never killed anyone I didn't have to. They're saying I killed a man in cold blood. They framed me. I swear."
"Why would they frame you?"
"I found work, a weeks ride from here, a quiet town. I took bounties for the local sheriff. His daughter took a liking to me. Nothing untoward happened. She was just sweet on me, paid me attention. My rotten luck that someone I knew came riding through, a cousin of mine. The Sheriff wasn't great pleased at him daughter taking an interest in me to begin with, he was furious when he found out the name I was using was fake name.." he paused "... and that I was passing."
"For white."
Sometimes she forgot herself, just because she didn't have a problem with people because of their racing, doesn't mean the world felt like that.
"That afternoon he was drunk, he got a little too rough with a prisoner. He cracked the man's skull on the bars of his cell. Killed him outright. When I came to collect my money, he was waiting. He smeared blood on my clothes. Told me to run so he could shoot me and save face. I was lucky, in his drunken stupor, every shot went wide. I escaped. It didn't stop him sending people for me. That man was the last one. I don't expect you to sympathise with why I was treated the way I was...."
"I'd say she'd be might sympathetic to it." Thomas appeared from the other room. Even though she hadn't necessarily been afraid to be alone with the stranger, Thomas's return was a welcome one. She smiled at the man that had become more family than friend.
"Maybe you both would be." The stranger took in the tall, barrell chested black man. If he's race did irk some people enough his sheer size would have invited trouble. Challenges from men trying to prove their worth. Or worse trying to profit from his strength. "But I can't expect you to just believe me. The way I see it though you only have two options. Kill me or let me go. If you let me go, I'll be on my horse and as far away as I can be by nightfall." With his injuries she didn't think he could ride a horse. His shoulder needed to heal, one of his ankles was swollen. Mary said he wouldn't get far on it, she was usually right. They figured he injured it dropping from his horse.
"We doubt you'd make it far friend." Thomas's tone was anything but friendly.
The strangers eyes turned to her, they locked with hers as she regarded him.
"I take it the name on the poster is the fake one? What should we call you?"
His eyes narrowed on her as if he were debating what power his name could give her. "Silva." He eventually supplied.
"Well, Silva, you are right. I can't keep you chained up here. Your horse is outside in the barn. I wouldn't be returning your guns though. I have no assurance that you won't turn them on us. You are welcome to try and leave." She gestured to his leg, then to the man next to her as she spoke. "Thomas's wife Mary treated you, she doubts you'll get far on that. The shoulder will take time to heal. If you truly are innocent, you should take some time to heal before moving on. There's a small storage room in the barn it's big enough for you to sleep in." Out of the corner of her eye she saw Thomas visibly relax at the fact that she wasn't letting the man stay in her home with her. "I will host you. Mary with check on your wound. Hopefully, you'll be on your feet before the weather turns."
Silva's eyes tore from hers to look at Thomas. She clearly had this all planned out. Silva worried that Thomas wouldn't be as gracious. Thankfully, he saw no ill intent from the man, only caution.
"That is most kind of you Ma'am." She interrupted to give him her name. He repeated it before continuing. "If it's all the same to you I'd like to leave." He looked up at his chained hand. Thomas looked at her for permission first before moving to unchain the man.
"Thank you." Silva nodded. "Give my thanks to your wife too. I am forever grateful that she didn't let me succumb to this."
"She didn't do it for you. It's more a point of personal pride that she never let any souls be claimed on her watch." There was a gentle humour in Thomas's tone.
"Well, I am thankful for her pride then." An accord fell between the two of them.
Silva lowered his legs to the ground, wincing as the injured one touched down. Despite it he tried to stand only to hiss in pain before dropping back down on the bed. He clutched his shoulder as he did so.
"Maybe I could take you up on your offer." He gritted out.
She was a little relieved that he wasn't leaving in his shape. "When Mary gets home she said could apply a splint to help you walk if you needed it. I doubt it will get you riding but it should get you up and about."
"Then she'll earn more of my thanks." The defeated look on his face made him look small despite his broad stature.
"I'll bring you some food. Some things to clean up. Thomas, can you gather some wood for the splint and a strong branch for a support, please?" Thomas nodded, many hands make light work and they'd both feel better with their guest on his way out of her home. He hesitated to leave though.
"Silva." She called while still looking at Thomas. "You were right about another thing too. You shouldn't point a loaded gun at someone you don't intend to shoot. This one isn't loaded at the minute." Both men's eyebrows raised in surprise. Dipping her hand into the apron at waist she pulled out a small six-shooter. "This, however is loaded and always with me." Before Silva could respond she took aim through the open window, at the clay pots lining her sill. Two of them exploded in quick succession. Pottery, soil and flowers rained down. "Three shots left. I hate to make it two by the end of the day."
Silva wasn't sure if that threat was exclusively for him or Thomas was included too. He was sure of one thing, he liked this woman.
Tags @kirsteng42 @babydarkstar @prolix-yuy @thegreenkid @hquinzelle @fangirl-316 @gracie7209 @jedifarmerr @doommommy @scorpio-marionette @sturkillerbase @harriedandharassed @aynsleywalker @mswarriorbabe80 @quica-quica-quica
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simmer-rhi · 2 years
Willow Creek Rotation - Spring, Year 3
Pancakes Family - Playing Dress Up
After a recent conversation with her new friend Bella Goth, Eliza has finally convinced Bob to try something new in the bedroom.
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Bob: Lize, I don't know about this, I just feel silly...
Eliza: Well, Bella said that her and Mortimer do this all the time, it helps keep their spark alive... and we've been going through a bit of a rough patch, please can we try? I'll even do that thing you like....
(Sorry I did have an idea of what they are role playing but I'm unwell now with a cold so my brain is broken. But I love the idea that even in sexual role play Eliza and Bob are quite reserved)
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I guess that bonding really worked - that night, Bob headed up to bed with one thing on his mind - he would really love to have another baby! He will wait until tomorrow and speak to Eliza about it.
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rreyie · 4 years
bubble bath
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summary- after a long and excruciating week, you need some downtime with onyankopon. what batter way to relax than with a bubble bath and some bathroom intimacy?
warnings- intimate nudity, smut, bathroom sex, unprotected sex
a/n- there is a severe lack of onyankopon smut in here, time to change that
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"darling, are you in there?" you hear a deep voice call from outside the door.
you were submerged in your tub filled with water, bubbles floating on the surface. the room smelled of fruit and vanilla which was an effect of the bubble bath you put in the water. thick clouds of steam floated around the room as you relaxed, your body completely at ease. 
"yes, onyankopon", you respond. "you can come in if you like, but i have nothing on..."
the silver doorknob twists and in walks his tall figure, looking down at you in the tub. he was wearing a suit with a black tie, most likely because of his work- also because he always preferred to dress formally.
"all the more reason to come in here and check on you", he grins. "how are you doing? i'm sorry i didn't come and say hello sooner, i had a whole stack of paperwork to go through."
"it's alright", you say. "i've just been sitting here for who knows how long, my muscles have been killing me today."
"oh, i'm so sorry dear", he says, and kneels beside the tub. you could smell his cologne on his collar. "you could always ask for help from me, you know that right? i could give you a nice massage if you need one later."
"thanks, honey", you smile. "but all i need right now is your presence. i've missed you all day."
"say less", he said. "may i join you? it smells lovely, what did you use in this?"
you picked up the bottle that rested on the side of the bathtub. "papaya vanilla bubble bath. got it from that new soap store downtown."
onyankopon began to undo his tie, the strip of black silk soon fell to the floor. he quickly picked it up, not wanting to get it dirty. he slid off his jacket, followed by his shirt and pants until all that he was clad in was his boxers. you could specifically remember getting him that pair of grey boxers for the holidays one year, and it warmed your heart that he was still wearing them. soon he slid his fingers between the waistband of his boxers and his skin, and tugged them off.
he walked over to you and dipped a foot in the bath, but quickly pulled it out with a hiss. "how hot did you make this bath, you're going to burn! i bet this water is at the boiling point!"
"hot water feels better, plus that's the soothing part of the bath!" you giggle. "sorry that i made it too hot, i guess i can put in some cold water if it's that bad..."
"you don't have to, i'll get used to it", he said. he dipped his foot in once again, this time sinking it down so it was submerged. sighing, he placed another foot in and crouched down, and sunk himself into the water.
"okay, this isn't too bad now, in fact it's nice..." onyankopon said. "come here. i haven't seen you all day, can i have some love?"
"of course", you say. you scoot over to where he was sitting in your large tub and sit next to him, planting a kiss on his warm cheek. he slung an arm around you and pulled you closer to him, feeling his wet skin on yours. he put a hand on your jaw and tilted it up so you could see his bronze eyes looking into your orbs. slowly, he guided your lips to his to meet in a kiss, one that you two had been craving all day.
his tongue became curious at it explored the depths of your mouth, feeling him slide around in your mouth as you let out a small moan. he stopped, and looked at you with that smirk you had seen ever since you knew him.
"getting a little riled up, i see", he smirked. "in the mood tonight?"
"i have been for the whole week", you said. "but you've been busy and i didn't want to bother you."
"how could this stunning face possibly bother me?" he asked, cupping your cheek. "you never are and never will be a nuisance, you got me?"
you nod. a tender smile starts to take form on his face, and he pulls you in again. a palm of his rests on the back of your head gripping your hair, another still on your cheek. he tugged at your bottom lip, tongue one again dipping into your mouth. your hands were on his broad back, nails ever so slightly digging into his supple flesh.
his lips trail along your face, then down to your neck where he pressed another few gentle kisses to your skin. a hand of his travels along your back and eventually to your chest, giving your breast a firm squeeze as he continues to explore your mouth. his thumb rubs around the areola of your perked nipple, making the heat down in between your legs begin to pool and fill you up with a warm sensation.
"why don't we get out of here so we don't make a mess?" he asks you, pulling away briefly. "the water will spill out of the tub if we keep this up."
he gets up, and you can see very clearly that he's as needy as you are. his dick was standing up, a few veins protruding through the shaft. he reached out a hand to you, hoisting you up from your seated position in the tub. you both step out, the water dripping down your bodies and onto the plush bath mat on the floor, creating dark drops that stained the fabric.
"bend over for me, will you?" he asks, guiding you to the counter. you could see your reflection in the mirror, which was now fogged with condensation from the steam. your hair was damp, parts of your chest were covered in little patches of leftover bubbles you didn't care to wipe off. onyankopon was standing behind you, watching in amusement as you stared at yourself in the mirror.
"you look so pretty, bent over for me like that", he purrs. "guess you can't help but stare."
those words went straight down south. you could feel yourself clamp around nothing, something onyankopon seemed to enjoy seeing from the smug look on his face. he reached over to a nearby cabinet and pulled out a bottle of lube, the kind that you both had been using since you started to do these types of things with each other. he squirted some into his palm before rubbing it and smoothing some onto his cock, slightly pulsating in his touch.
“tell me if i go too rough, darling”, he whispered to you, giving your ass a gentle squeeze and lining up his cock at your entrance.
he inched himself in slowly, your eyes clenching shut due to his sheer size and girth. this was always the hardest part of having sex with him, but the pain would soon be over. you let out a pathetic whimper, something that he took as a signal to keep going.
once he was all the way in, he thrusted himself out to try and feel your walls clench around his tip- which was one of his favorite sensations to feel from you. he pushed back in, the tip just brushing your cervix. it was a tight fit, but you two could make it work.
“oh god...” he gasped. “you’re feeling so good... love you so much. i’ll make you feel real good.”
so then he began to pump in and out of you, hands on your waist holding you in place while you were smooshed up against the cold marble countertop. you’re sure that if you were on your back right now, you would be able to see a bulge in your tummy. well, better keep that in mind for next time.
his pace was slow and endearing like always. since the first time you got with him, he always liked to take things slow to savor the moment. and he did it right every single time.
“o-oh...” you moaned. “you’re s-so big...”
his balls slapped up against your little clit, adding some extra stimulation. each plap, plap, plap sound was like music to your ears. behind you, he was letting out some deep grunts as his fingers dug into your waist, tightening his hold.
“f-fuck, m’ gonna cum”, he grunted. “do i-“
“yes, please go inside!” you yelped, almost out of breath. “please, please onyankopon...”
this begging of yours seemed to convince him enough. with another three sloppy, rough thrusts, he let out an especially loud moan as he came to a stop and spilled his cum inside of you. and holy shit was there a lot of it. the feeling of him dumping inside of you sent you over the edge, a broken whimper filling the room as you came to your high. the feeling was overwhelming, to the point where your legs felt weak.
as soon as he pulled out, you could already feel his release spill out from your hole, mixed juices dripping down your pussy to your inner thigh. onyankopon chucked at the sight.
“alright. sit down, let’s get you all cleaned up”, he laughed. “you did amazing, by the way- like usual.”
you were too out of breath to form a response, only muttering an “uh huh” back to him.
“made you feel good like i promised, didnt i?” he asked you, grabbing a white towel from the towel rack. he kneeled down to where you were now sitting on the counter, and began wipe your thighs.
your eyes grew tired, as the rest of your body did as well. onyankopon noticed this, and without another word carried you to your shared bedroom. neither of you even bothered to change into your pajamas. after gently placing you in the bed as if you were porcelain, he tucked himself in as well, curling up next to your body and pulling the comforter over you two.
“i love you, my darling. sleep tight.”
he placed a kiss on your forehead, and turned out the lights.
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stellocchia · 3 years
Uhhhh... Motherfucking au where everything's the same but SBI is canon and techno is a person with morals and empathy.
So the 16th was an overreaction and he actually regrets it. He got really swept away with everything in pogtopia and Wilbur egging everything on didn't help. So when he starts his retirement he actually means it and there's no wither arc
He still forgets to tell anyone he's in retirement so the butcher army kinda happens as it did before. He actually willingly follows them back to lmanberg for a trial (he doesn't just immediatelly comply with them of course but no actual battle Takes place)
He gets executed without trial and wether he has the totem or not he doesn't use it. He loses a life, figuring that if he gives them their show of power this whole shitshow is finally gonna be over.
He finds Tommy and like any decent person but especially a brother he takes him in officially. No raccooning needed. He focuses on helping Tommy recover a bit, both physically and mentally while doing his thing and keeping an eye out for lmanberg, if they decide one life wasn't enough.
Hiding from dream and stuff is p much the same
Phil comes back by himself.
They don't exactly have any reason to go to lmanberg so they don't exactly do.
Well. Mostly. They sometimes sneak around especially when dream is there to kinda scout what's going on. It's a compromise. Techno is gonna support him in getting stronger and getting info for his endgoal of getting the disks back and Tommy will hold back for now and be patient.
Butcher army still moves onto dream anyways because... Idk I feel like quackity would've gotten to him anyways like. Why not yknow.
The festival happens and the community House scene is pretty similar
Dream blames it on Tommy, wants the disc tubbo has, Tommy reveals himself.
The whole thing is just hilarious because. Yknow. People didn't know Tommy was alive. So first they thought dream was insane and then Tommy fckin entered the stage. Techno backs him up. Tubbo is pissed. His reasons are pretty different while also being pretty much the same.
Tommy let him think he killed himself and was okay doing so while going after his stupid discs. He's alive so there's the possibility he actually did blow up the community House and give them trouble with dream. Lmanberg and techno aren't cool or anything. After the execution they were just mutually ignoring each other. Lmanberg thinking he was like. Scared or some shit.
Listen. Tubbos just been having a hard time ok.
They still kinda have their shouting match because both have been bottling up shit
Dream gets the disc
Dream announces doomsday
Tommy sides with tubbo
Techno is ok with that. He didn't have an agenda. He's in retirement. He makes it clear though that this means that that's where they part. Techno's taking his retirement very serious. Techno and him had the compromise that techno would help Tommy get ready to get the disks back before releasing him back into the wild. If Tommy gets involved now, this deal ends.
Techno's Not getting involved with this conflict.
Tommy pretends to think for a few seconds but there was never a decision to be made in his mind.
They hug and part ways
Tommy still rallies the people
It still falls apart after he leaves
People are still pissed at him
So doomsday arrives and it goes pretty much the same except. Yknow. No techno or philza.
Dream releases several withers like. One or two hours early because he's a fucking bitch. (Here he actually has wither skulls himself)
And when I say several I mean several
Once he has enough spreading chaos and keeping everyone busy he builds the tnt grid and yeah.
Lmanberg is a crater anyways.
However. Philza (who in this au actually bothered to learn about the country he helped rebuilt and lived in for weeks) went and got all of ghostburs stuff the night before because. Yknow. I want him to a bit more of a good person in this.
Also. Yknow. Friend.
There's still a lot of shit blown up. The minecraft-blade-soot-innit family ain't saints. They got ghostburs shit. That's it.
So afterwards most of the shit goes the same with dream. The scenes on the grid etc etc etc
When Tommy after a long day enters his house there's technoblade and Phil and ghostbur who've been waiting for him to come home after that shitshow. They comfort him, tell him he can always come visit them in the Arctic or even live there with them if he wanted. He declined but thanks them anyways
They spend the night just to make sure he'll be okay.
The next day they go back to the antarctic
Mostly the same stuff as in canon happens
Tommy and Tubbo still get the gear for the fight against dream themselves. Tommy made the decision to do the disc thing without techno during the community House scene and he wants to respect techno by not going back on that. Though he knows if really necessary he could go and barely need to do any convincing for Techno to help him out with some gear
Getting worried about tubbo he doesn't want to chance it but not wanting to put techno on the spot he tries to steal and very similar to canon techno just pretends to be too busy to care.
When they leave techno Phil and ghostbur are also waiting for them though not on the prime path. They're a bit off to the side and them and the duo don't talk. Tommy's already done that with them after he got dreams invitation. Theyre just there to see him go off.
They're not with the saving group but they don't need to be and one of the first things Tommy does after his victory is private message them that he's safe and they won and dreams in prison.
He comes over for dinner the next day to tell them in more detail so they know what's going on and that's about it for season 2
I'm not getting into season 3 now and probably never but a few tidbits about it
Tommy still has to somewhat earn the diamonds for his hotel from philza. The minecraft-blade-soot-innit family might be semi functional but that doesn't mean Phil just gives them money whenever they ask for it. That's not how you raise kids.
Tommy obviously sends them an invite to the hotel opening anyways and techno asks what the VIP perks are
Tubbo and Tommy still have to work through a lot just like in canon. Add to that that tubbo doesn't quite know what to think about Tommy and his family being this close again. On one hand they weren't involved with doomsday like in canon and have just been keeping to themselves since Techno's execution. On the other Techno's behaviour in season 1 is still fresh in his mind and "he was having a rough patch" kind of doesn't just give him closure on that. Like he's not mad. He just doesn't know what to think of it. Cuz like. Techno's not trying to redeem himself or anything. He started his retirement because after getting out of that ravine and the adrenaline fading and just having time to think and realize what happened he realized that he couldn't let himself be controlled by the voices anymore so it's like. Going from full on alcoholic to no alcohol at all ever within a day. And to make that possible he focuses just on his retirement. This isn't about becoming a better person per se it's about not getting so strung up in shit that you tell your younger brother to die while sicking withers on him. He recognizes that he fucked up. He accepted lmanbergs judgement of executing him. Now he just wants his fckin peace. And that's kinda weird to think about for someone in tubbos position. Because. Yeah.
Thinking about Tommy spending time with his family like everything's peachy irks him because. Kinda makes it seem like everything's resolved. Like he's okay with them just having a happy ending despite them not really deserving one. But with time he realizes that Tommy needs them as a support system and that getting worked up about it just isn't worth it.
Uhhhhh and that's about it I think
Ooooh, semi-functional family sbi and clingy duo angst? Love that!
I do wonder how the whole exile debacle would go if they were actual family, especially considering that Phil was in New L'Manburg and therefore knew about the exile and could go visit Tommy freely, same with Techno actually (except for the being in New L'Manburg part), but, like, for him we can pretend he didn't know. Like, would Phil try and go visit Tommy more then once? Or would Dream find a way to keep him away? Maybe make him think he has no right to meddle with Tommy's life just now?
Also I wonder how Ranboo would be involved in all of this. Because if Techno and Phil were not there during Doomsday I doubt they invited him to live with them and I doubt they made the Syndicate, so would Ranboo live with Tuboo? Would he try to act as a sort of mediator for Clingy Duo?
Like, there are so many possibilities for this....
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the-gay-trashmouth · 3 years
So I’m the worst. As soon as I started the Newsies Gift Exchange my mental health took a nose dive and my school decided to ramp up the assignments to 100. I never forgot and I have been working on it when I had the time so here it is! I'm so sorry I'm late @annihilatedthenightstalker . I hope you enjoy my very very late gift. I am so sorry. 
Prompt- Jack's really scared for some reason and David sees him cry for the first time, its then he finds out just how touch-starved Jack is.
If there was one thing David knew, it was that Jack Kelly would be the death of him. He wasn’t even mad about it, it was just a simple fact of life that he had come to accept.
That's what he thought as Sarah shoved him awake, telling him in no kind words that his Cowboy was at the window and he needed to go take care of it. He yawned before pushing off the bed and making his way to the open window where Jack did, in fact, sit waiting for him.
He leaned out the window, fixing him with an unimpressed look. “What are you doin’ here so late? Don’t ya have a bed waitin’ at the lodge?”
Jack shrugged, but he was shaking like he’d seen a ghost. David’s expression went from annoyed to concerned as Jack spoke.
“Yeah, well, I couldn’t sleep none and I thought- well you like all that star stuff and the skies real clear so-” he gestured shakily, “I thought we could go watch some, may-maybe you could tell me all that stuff you learned about the patterns and stuff.”
David watched him carefully, watched the way he couldn’t sit still, the way he was glancing around like something would pop out to get him any second now. After a moment he sighed, “yeah… yeah okay Jackie. Lemme get dressed and I’ll meet ya on the roof, a’ight?”
Jack nodded quickly, already climbing the ladder. David watched him for a moment, concern twisting in his chest. He turned back to see Sarah watching him with tired eyes.
“That’s not what I meant when I said make him go away,” she said flatly.
David shrugged, “he doesn't look too good, Saz. I can’t just let him go wander the streets like this,” he argued, though Sarah didn’t look convinced. Thankfully, she didn’t push it, just rolled her eyes and laid back down.
“Whatever, don’t complain to me when you're exhausted tomorrow.”
He sighed, tugging a patched sweater over his undershirt and fastening his suspenders to his pants. She had a point, but he wasn’t about to admit it. Besides, he couldn’t just leave Jack to his own devices, not when he’s like this.
When he pulled himself up to the roof, the first thing he saw was Jack, still pacing with his hands still shaking. David tried to shake off his anxiety as he pushed himself to a stand, but the lingering clench of concern twisted around his heart. He didn’t like seeing Jack like this, it hurt too much.
“You’re gonna walk a hole in your shoes if you keep that up,” Jack jumped at his voice, but a shaky grin still found its way onto his face.
“Oh well, you could patch ‘em up for me, couldn’t ya Dave?”
David rolled his eyes, nudging Jack’s shoulder as he passed, “might could, question is would I?” he pulled one of his sheets down from the line before sitting down.
Jack just grinned, taking his place beside him, “‘course ya’ would, what kind a partner wouldn’t?”
He snorted, nudging Jack’s shoulder with his own. He was right, of course, Dave would do anything he could for him- Jack knew damn well he would too. Everyone did.
“Keep tellin’ yourself that, Kelly.”
Jack grinned, nudging him back before leaning on his hands to look at the sky. David followed suit- Jack was right. It was an incredibly clear night. He could see so many stars, he could even make out a few major constellations.
After a moment of silence Jack elbowed him in the ribs, pointing up to the stars, “That one there’s the big dipper, ain’t it?”
David followed his finger, trying to connect the pattern he was seeing. It was a bit difficult because his hands were still shaking. “Yeah, I think so- ya know the big dipper’s just a part of a bigger constellation, Ursa Major. A bear.”
Jack tilted his head, dropping his arm to his side and squinting at the sky, “don’t look like no bear to me.”
The other boy snorted, using his own hand to point out the rest of the pattern, “yeah see- there's the head and the big body, and those little stars make the legs- see? Bear.” Jack just tilted his head farther, blonde hair falling into his face.
“I don’t- hang on, yeah. Yeah I see what you mean, ‘s like one of them stick figures, right?”
“Yeah, basically, I mean it’s really abstract. See, right near it is Leo, it’s supposed to be a lion.”
Jack followed his finger again, watching as he pointed out the stars and traced the lines. Jack squinted at it, “yeah- it just looks like a bunch a dots to me”
David snorted, looking over to see Jack watching him with a soft smile. He tilted his head, nudging Jack’s shoulder again. As much as he would love to go on and on about the stars and the stories behind him, he had to find out what was wrong.
“So, I know ya didn’t come here lookin for a lesson on astronomy. What’s wrong with ya? Somethin’ happen with the boys?”
Jack froze, still staring at the sky. David could see him trying to keep his easy grin but it was forced. Somehow that hurt worse than a frown.
“Nah Dave, nothin’ happened with them…”  he trailed off, picking at the concrete beneath him.
“Well what’s wrong? And don’t say nothin- I know when you’re lyin.”
“Aw c’mon, you wound me! I don’t lie-”
David cut him off, rolling his eyes, “fine. ‘Improvin’ the truth’ or whatever- not much of a difference.”
Jack chuckles, leaning forward to rest his chin on his knees. “Yeah, you’se too observant for ya’ own good sometimes.”
“And you’re too stubborn for yours,” he shot back, taking a breath before continuing to speak, voice much softer this time, “what’s eatin’ at ya, Jackie?”
Jack shuddered, face hidden behind his messy bangs. He was quiet for a moment before he muttered something just under his breath.
“I can’t hear ya, Jack,” he said plainly, leaning forward to try and catch his eyes. Jack just looked away,
“My Pa…. he’s… Spots just got news that he got out a’ the pen,” David’s breath caught in his throat as Jack spoke, his words shaking.
“Oh shit,” he breathed. For once, The Walking Mouth had been rendered speechless. Jack laughed, rough and strained.
“Yeah.. oh shit..” he pulled his legs up to his chest and rested his chin on his knees. David set a hand on his shoulder, mind too frantic to linger on the way Jack tensed under his touch.
“Are you okay? He- he don’t know where you’se stayin’ does he? Shit- he can’t- Jackie..” now it was David’s turn to shake, the hand not gripping Jack’s shoulder running through his curly bed head. Jack shrugged, adamantly refusing to look at him. David cut himself off, words dying in his throat.
“Jackie…” he dropped the hand from his hair to his lap, “what are you gonna do?”
Jack shrugged again, but David could feel his shoulders begin to shake. David waited for a moment as Jack sucked in a shaky breath. “I don’t know Dave… I mean I don’t- I don’t think he knows where I’se stayin’ but what if he does?”
David let the hand on his shoulder drop to his back, rubbing small circles into the thin fabric of his shirt like his mama would do when he was in a state. He didn’t know what to say and his mind was racing to come up with something. Something to fix it, something to make it all better.
Nothing came to mind.
Jack was still shaking but he leaned into Davey’s touch, taking in shuddering breaths as he hid his face in his knees. “Dave I- I don’t know what I’m gonna do…”
When he finally looked up, there were tears in his eyes. Davey’s heart clenched as he sucked in a harsh breath. Jack never cried- sure he got upset, angry enough to punch a hole through a wall or anxious to where he couldn’t breathe, but he never cried.
Davey didn’t know what to do with that.
“I’m scared, Dave…”
That was the final straw. David gripped Jack’s shirt with shaking hands and jerked him into his long arms. He wrapped around him, using his height to his advantage as he enveloped Jack in a shaking embrace.
“Oh Jackie…” he buried his nose in his hair, pushing back his own tears.
Jack froze for a moment, just long enough for David to worry he’d gone too far before there were fingers digging into his back and Jack “Cowboy” Kelly was sobbing into his shoulder.
“I- fuck Dave-” David shushed him as he cried, arms tightening around him as the older boy cried his eyes out into his shoulder. He could feel his sleeves soaking through but that was the least of his worries right now. He was too busy trying to comfort the shaking mass of boy in his arms to give a dmn about his stupid shirt.
“It’s okay Jackie- let it all out. It’ll be okay. We’ll figure it out. You can stay with us or- or hell I'm sure Spotty would let ya crash at the Brooklyn Lodge if he shows up in ‘Hattan,” he spoke frantically into Jack’s hair, trying everything to reassure him that there was no way his father would get anywhere near him. Jack just shudder out something between a laugh and a sob.
“Spotty don’t let no one but Racer stay at the lodge,”
“Spotty ain’t gonna leave you on the streets Jackie,” David pulled back just a bit, ignoring the soft whine that came from Jack, “none of us will, for that matter. You’se family, Jackie, an’ family don’t let family suffer.”
Jack blinked at him, tears still flowing from his eyes. When he spoke it was broken and strained, “you’re too good to me, Dave-”
David cut him off, thumbing away his tears, “no- people just ain’t been good enough.”
Jack sniffled, leaning into his palm. “Can I…. shit, can I stay here? Just for tonight. I don’t.. I don’t wanna walk back alone…”
Davey managed a smile, hand still cupping his cheek, “Jackie, you can stay as long as you want.”
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