#even popular girls have their problems [nene]
mari-lair · 3 months
I’ve always found it strange how Aoi doesn’t have any female admirers, we only ever see guys attracted to her while Teru, someone who rivals her in popularity, canonically attracts both men AND women, you seem to be THE number 1 TeruKaneAoi fan, so I’m curious if you have any thoughts on that!!
It is quite strange! Even Yooko's big sister, a minor character, is described to be popular with both boys and girls. While our known beauty queen is only approached by boys.
So I do have thoughts.
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Let's start with what is so heavily implied or explicitly told to us: Aoi's beauty makes girls jealous of her, so they obsess so much about what they lack compared to Aoi that they end up resenting her beauty more than being in awe of it. They feel inferior so they want to put her down, which is hard cause aoi excels at many things, grades, basket weaving, gardening...
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(this Aoi with the music sheets draw is from when she was a kid, and kids are far worse at hiding their feelings, so I can imagine our multitalented Aoi is a better singer than the girl that 'unprompted' shoved her)
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Boys also flirt with her, even those who are already in a relationship flirt with her, and it seems her lack of apology for something that she never liked, makes people assume she gets a power trip out of it, like seducing guys and playing with their feelings is a habit.
Their view is "There is no way the ice queen that is 'better than me in every way' have self-esteem issues, she is just playing with Akane cause she likes the attention, she is such a heartless man eater." Or something similar, probably.
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Aoi doesn't allow others to get close enough to understand her and notice these rumors are nonsense so her bad reputation keep spreading.
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Aoi is not a person to her peers, she is the 'perfect girl', a walking impossible standard' the peak of feminine beauty. Which I believe is a particularly brutal standard in Japan.
It's also something Minami will never have to fear: She is cool and pretty! But she is far from the kind of girl you'll see on a magazine for insecure girls, with non conforming short hair, boy-ish clothes under her minimal maid outfit, and an aggressive, unfeminine attitude.
It's A LOT of contrast for the 1 page Nanami was shown in.
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The way we only see Aoi being trash talked in flashbacks, never during the main manga, makes me believe that while this rotten crowd that blame on their problems on Aoi does exist and has been making Aoi's life harder since she was young, it isn't every girl that hates her, that's just Aoi's habit of focusing on the bad and blocking out anything else.
This is admittedly more speculative, but I like to headcanon that if Aoi paid attention to her surroundings and interacted with others she would have a considerable amount of female admirers.
Take Nene for exemple: To her, Aoi is perfect and awesome and makes hearts flutter! She is so beautiful and talented and nice!! Nene is undeniably an admirer of Aoi, she switches between interacting with Aoi as a friend and as a blind fangirl constantly.
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Nene's gushing has many insecurities tied to it, it has a strong 'I wish I was like you!' quality, but most people who follow idols and love them to death also envy them. So if she smiled sweetly at other people instead of focusing only on her two friends, who knows how her female classmates approach would change?
Unfortunately, there is only this background girl that I have found directly interacting with Aoi, which isn't much.
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What is going on nameless girl?? Why are you smiling with Aoi but your hand is clenched into a fist? Are you being a fake bitch and hating every second you talk with Aoi? Or are you nervous the beauty queen is talking to you?? Who knows! I don't.
The whole 'you're the ideal of beauty, the perfect girl, not an individual' is also why we see guys harass her.
Believing what they want from her is the truth. There is a lot of misogynistic undertones to the idea that their 'ideal woman' is someone that they are entitled to, but I'm getting sidetracked.
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TLDR: The background girls are as obsessed with Aoi as the boys.
There are so many girls looking back at her here...
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These girls wouldn't make wild speculations about how bad Aoi is as a person unless they paid SO MUCH attention to her every move. If Aoi ever approaches these girls and tries to be nice and sweet they would very likely not change their views of her as a bitch, but I bet they would grow overly alarmed and flustered, overthink the hell out of the interaction as they do with her interaction with other people and assume Aoi is actively trying to seduce them with her 'charms' or something just as wildly gay and off the mark.
After all, both boy guys and girls seem madly in love with Teru AND Aoi in the new timeline where she doesn't have rumors around her.
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musicalmoritz · 10 days
I'm writing an AU that centers on Aoinene, but I'm worried about keeping Aoi and Nene in character 😿😿 Do you have any tips for writing them accurately even though the story's separate from canon ?? 🙁🙁🙁
Oooooh okay I love to yap abt writing. Here are some of the things I try to keep in mind while writing Aoi and Nene:
• Aoi is very emotional, but she doesn’t let it show outwardly until she’s pushed to a breaking point. Keep in mind, that breaking point for her is usually something very small and petty (like Nene asking her if she can go out with Akane). It takes a lot for her to fully break down though, because she keeps so much bottled up
• She also doesn’t get along with many people. She’s kind to them but if they linger too long, things get awkward. She’s very close with Nene and Akane but that’s about it (you could say Teru has grown on her recently tho)
• Arrogance is a major character flaw of Aoi’s, when she notices Akane and Nene have been acting weird it never crosses her mind to worry about them as people, but rather how their behavior impacts her. Despite this she is shown to care about them and look out for them, she can get pretty defensive over Nene. But when conflict arises she’s mostly thinking about herself
• Nene has a similar flaw, she’s very self-centered. But she’s self-centered in the way a lot of teenagers are, she’s consumed by her own problems and has a very romanticized view of the world. She puts her friends into boxes and gets confused when they act differently from how she expects. Despite this, she shows a strong desire to want to save them- and when she truly falls in love with someone, she makes an active effort to learn more about them (even if she’s sometimes misguided with it)
• Nene is also a very impulsive character, she makes decisions fast and wants solutions to her problems fast. She tends to jump into conflict without giving it much thought, which is why she usually relies on more level-headed characters for guidance. However, she can most certainly take care of herself when she’s left to her own devices
• Aoi avoids good things because she doesn’t feel that she deserves them, whereas Nene fights tooth and nail to get a happy ending. This could create a push and pull between them, Nene wants to give Aoi all her love but Aoi needs time
• Aoi is very affectionate and forward with Nene; holding her hands, complimenting her, confronting her when she wants to talk, etc. She can also be majorly passive-aggressive tho lol
(I know I’m focusing on their flaws a lot, I don’t want to to seem like I have a negative view on either of their characters, it’s just that these are the elements I see forgotten most often)
• Nene shows her love to her friends by bullying them. This doesn’t apply to her dynamic with Aoi, she’s actually Aoi’s biggest fan girl, but it’s worth keeping in mind if you’re going to have her interacting with Hanako or Kou
• Personality-wise, Aoi is more of an introvert while Nene is an extrovert
• They’re both hopeless romantics, Aoi is just less willing to admit it
• Contrary to popular belief, Nene does notice that Aoi doesn’t talk about herself much and presumably wants to know more about her. Aoi’s attention also makes her feel special (that one’s not rly related to characterization it’s just cute lol)
• Nene’s arc centers around her becoming more mature and less attached to her fantasy world, Aoi’s arc centers around her learning to be her true self and accept good things
I know this was a lot, I wanted to be helpful so I tried to cover everything I could think of😭 Don’t feel pressured to include EVERYTHING I listed here, it’s just good stuff to keep in mind. I hope this was useful!! Happy writing <3
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thelunarfairy · 9 months
Hey I LOVE your Yugi twins analysis post!! ( not because I like the toxicity/ incest I just think it’s a great analysis of tbhk) and I wanted to ask your opinion on a thing
Toilet Bound Hanako Kun as a series is a Gothic Romance
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I’ve been going insane about because I’m a huge fan of the genre
( some examples: Crimson Peak ( movie), Jane Eyre, Dracula, Rebecca ( novel and movie), The Fall of The House of Usher, etc)
and I’m 100% convinced by now but I need validation
agree or disagree?
Oh! Thank you!! I'm happy to know you liked it :3
Yeah, I don't like incestuous relationships either, but if it's in the story we have to analyze it.
I don't know if this helps you, but here in my country, this anime is within this genre. Even if elsewhere it does not have this classification, the story itself leads to this path.
"How is the Gothic novel characterized? The Gothic novel is an essentially hybrid manifestation, a link between the novelistic and the novel in which an atmosphere of mystery, affliction and terror prevails."
There's a strange duality to the relationships in this series. If I were to ask you if you could name me any JSHK romantic relationships that are TOTALLY HEALTHY, could you name them for me?
Mitsuba x Kou It's not canonically romantic yet, but even before it is, Kou is aggressive and demanding of Mitsuba, not to mention that he puts Mitsuba's wants above his own. Mitsuba, on the other hand, demonstrated a desire for "death together", which Kou tried to do without hesitation. A guy tried to take his own life for someone else, and Mitsuba wanted to trap him in the PP arch along with him.
Aoi x Aoi Akane is extremely possessive, aggressive, jealous and intolerant. When I say intolerant I am referring to anyone who has a romantic interest in Aoi. He doesn't give her the power of choice, he simply decided that she is his. Traces of an EXTREMELY abusive and DANGEROUS relationship, yes, imminent risk of death. Many REAL LIFE cases start like this. Aoi is jealous of Akane's popularity (in terms of friendships), and doesn't think twice before impaling him.
Hanako x Nene It follows a fine line between Aoi x Aoi, the difference is that Hanako is not aggressive, BUT, he is vengeful. We constantly see him punishing Nene when she shows interest in other guys. He makes decisions about her life alone without consulting her and without allowing her to choose what is best for her or not. He is jealous, possessive, insecure and needy. Hanako would be able to kill Nene if he believed it was the best option for her. I don't need to mention the PP arc or the number six arc. Nene is a girl who tends towards disrespect, she flirts with other guys in front of Hanako, even though she is about to enter into a relationship with him.
This is just a SUPERFICIAL summary of the three main ships in the series. They all seem to want to culminate in tragedy, something that fits into the gothic genre.
Besides of course, the relationship between the twins, a mysterious and dark relationship, you can't follow this relationship without thinking that there is "something strange"
If we compare, for example, the relationship between Edward Elric and Alphonse, we see here a healthy and common relationship between brothers, with its ups and downs and with great brotherly love between them. Remembering that Edward's entire journey is dedicated to his younger brother. Ed made a mistake in the past and his younger brother suffered a serious consequence, Ed took responsibility and promised to solve the problem. They are together almost all the time and yet you clearly see that it is a healthy relationship.
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Not in the case of twins. There's a strange ambiguity in what they consider "love", it doesn't feel like sibling love, and it's not ordinary love, it's something more obsessive, more… how can I say… suffocating? There's something I still can't see. It's not just "maybe it's incest" it's something more than that. Maybe one day I will be able to organize my ideas and think more clearly.
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So yes, JSHK fits into this genre, it fits into many other things in this genre too, I only focused on relationships because you talked about the twins' relationship.
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hanako-san · 3 months
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Finally, AidaIro allows her to move her gray cells in a non-romantic way. Which means she's finally starting to see beyond the romance and draw some good conclusions.
This happened several times in her case and a few times and I approve here too, even though I am aware that she can go back to her old self once she returns to normal.
I praised her so many times and she let me down. Now when she does it again I won't be surprised.
But I'm writing about it because this chapter made me realize that despite my hatred for her, I still love her.
I'm starting to see her as the nene from pilot that I really love.
I won't love Nene from the main story like Nene from the pilot. My love as it was for Nene from the main story will never be the same as the first time. I will never forgive her for the way she treats Hanako, I won't ship them, but at least I would like to be gentler with her. It's not that I hate her because I'm a HanaAoi shipper, she gave me solid reasons.
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She called herself a 'total idiot' like Nene from Pilot. But she is not a total idiot only in this other reality, but also in the reality she comes from. She must finally understand this!
She must understand that she has a problem within herself and her greatest flaw is her weakness for appearance and work on it!! She finally stopped pretending that everything is fine when she knows it isn't. Just like her situation with Aoi. She knows Aoi doesn't trust her, but she won't help her open up. She must understand that pretending that everything is fine and remaining silent is simply cowardice and that she will not hide it with her cheerful personality that she uses when things are difficult for her.
She needs to understand that she has been completely acting like an idiot and really want to change. But actually want to change. Show willingness to change, not just for a moment and everything goes back to normal when everything is fine. Only Total Change
The fact that she rejected this clown like Nene from the pilot means nothing. She was able to do it even few times, as she showed. She COULD do this before. But she never understood that it was her weakness because it was okay for her to be used by such jerks. She rejected the guy who insulted her. I also want to see her reject Teru her idol for Hanako, understand that what she did was wrong and hurt his feelings in chapter 104/96 and in general she behaved badly and is not a victim of her own decisions and wishes, but is guilty. She can't reject Teru for Hanako. Teru who harmed them. I'm not sure that she won't start simping for him when they return to their reality.
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I like how Yamabuki told her the truth to her face! THIS IS TRUE Finally a character for the series did it instead of treating her lightly because she is nene-chan and deserves special treatment, and she can treat everyone however she pleases nice or harshly, but others always have to be nice to her about everything. She is not a fragile girl, she is a strong woman mentally and physically. they treat her in this series as if she were about to break from fragility. when she can hide the terror that she is dying and that she is physically so strong, but she never uses this strength when necessary, only when she gets angry.
Yamabuki said what has always been known, she is megasimp, but I hope, a little hope, that AidaIro allows her to change.
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This part and all. It shows that what I meant in my post, that she got what she wanted like all the characters, but none of them is looks so happy because they lost something very valuable, each of them She is popular, but loneliness creeps in there. Aoi is also a really lonely person despite her popularity. They don't really like her for her sake, just because of her looks. It's all artificial. I hope this is starting to get through to her.
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I don't feel sorry for her, I just still find that scene hilarious. She didn't capture my heart and I have no sympathy for her because she deserved it.
And I'm not saying this because I hate her more than I love her, but I'm saying this so that she can learn something.
She got what she wanted, she got a boyfriend first. She often judged boys by their appearance and gave them disqualifications. which is simply bad and treating men as objects . She treats men the way she is treated by them. And in both cases it's just disgusting!
She said about Hanako 'it's like he's grown up a bit' This also happened and I have the impression that she realized that if Hanako had met her expectations, she and he would never have met and would have been together because he was an adult and she was a student. He met her expectations, but she can't have him anyway, and that's probably not what she wanted, right? She also got fame, but she feels 'a bit lonely' It's not what she expected. She got everything she wanted, but she also lost a lot. In this scene I see. A girl who is extremely lonely and thinks about the loss she has suffered and what happened was her dream, but she doesn't really want it and that's not what she wanted, and to understand that she likes the life she has, she will start to appreciate and respect Hanako.
I hope she understands that despite everything, Amane is more important to her and she will start to appreciate what she has and has received in her real reality. Things will really start to change, not just for a moment. There's a lot ahead of her, but maybe what happened will finally make her realize that she should value and appreciate what she got, instead of complaining all the time and thinking that others have it better.
Please, AidaIro, let her become Nene with pilot. Let her mature, let her be as she should be and as she shows from time to time.
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iamhereinthebg · 2 years
is aoi in your AU? Sorry if someone already asked this
hey Anon! Really sorry for the wait I wanted to do quick doodles to illustrate ahah
Thanks for the question and no problem no one asked me already :DD
I didn't know which au you were talking about so I will talk about her in both aus I have eheh
In mysteryfamau:
She is one of the mysteryfam's neighbor living in a house in the commercial alley. She knows Akane since he went to school the first time as Tsuchi's son (in kindergarten when they were around 5), and they have been friends since then.
Aoi in this au doesn't have the same fears and traumas as in canon since her dad left her mother when she was really young. Her mom has a really cool wife now because she deserves it and Aoi has a lovely family (this au is litteraly just me giving the characters a good life and shenanigans tbh) She loves breakdance, and roller-skate. She adores to annoy Akane, like setting him ridiculous alarms or climbing his walls to wake him up early with the worst ideas ever (Akane often ends up getting her into his blanket and throws her in the stairs, they love each other a lot ♥) She still masks her true personnality but she is more the happy-go-lucky-absolutely-everyone-loves-girl at school rather than how she is in the manga, so still popular and masking a lot but not with the same personnality. She is squatting the mysteryfam's house absolutely everyday and Tsuchi isn't even surprised to see her at any meals of the day. She just goes whenever she wants. Aoi also has been Nene's internet friend since she is 13 and she is so happy her friend ends up in the same town as her. She is an absolute menace, really sweet but can say the worst thing ever with a big smile.
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In after life city au
If you want more context for this au I advice cheking out this post (and this one for the info about her family)
Aoi lost her childhood friend who went missing at the age of 12 (Akane) and her best friend Nene who died at the age of 15. She is way more sad and angry than in canon and knows some stuff about her family's traditions. She also knows a little about exorcist stuff and has some powers but she never really used them, she only knows because of her grandpa who taugth her for protection. Once Nene dies, she becomes desesperate and goes deep into all those family stuff and hears that a city where the deads end up exists. Aoi gets ready to go there but doesn't know where the gates are, so she researches more about everything, especially about the Minamotos because she knows their family is more important about the relationship between the two shores. When she hears that the Minamoto's sons are going into the afterlifecity she decides to go with them, 'as protection' she says. She wants to get Nene back from the afterlifecity. Lemon is the only friend she has left and he will decide to go with her because he realizes how much she is drowning in her grief about her two friends. He goes as a lil robot (a kinda drone idk lemme be idiot about this) because he has no special blood and can't go there, and is definitely here as her voice of reason.
Aoi is in the city for her own reasons and will cause some problems to the Lords and also to the Minamotos. She hates Kyo with a burning passion.
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And that's all for now :DD thanks a lot for this question Anon it made me happy to talk about her ahah ^^
I adore how the two Aoi are just exact opposite of each other in this post lol
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kobunnie · 18 days
kohiko ;
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𝜗𝜚 day-to-day .ᐟ
⤻ rivals to lovers ; flirty x oblivious ; "aren't dating"
⤻ study dates, private, teasing and banter, casual flirting, competition, late-night talks, denial, tension, stolen touches, sharing playlists, staring when no one is looking
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𝜗𝜚 mixtape .ᐟ
⤻ 'groupie love' by lana del rey
⤻ 'simple' by kali uchis
⤻ 'no. 1 party anthem' by arctic monkeys
⤻ 'the beach' by the neighborhood
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𝜗𝜚 snippets .ᐟ
⤻ rolling eyes while forced to work on projects together, continuous use of: "stupid" "dumbass" "idiot" "moron" when things don't go right, competing for who is smarter
natsuhiko: "i don't think this is the answer" ko: "i think you're wrong." natsuhiko: "yeah, but who got the last answer wrong?" ko: "that only happened because some moron tricked me" natushiko: "and who was the idiot that fell for it?"
⤻ flirtatious banter causing misplaced jealousy as feelings grow deeper, stolen glances and denial
ko: "i can feel you staring at me, freak" natsuhiko: "just admiring how beautiful you are~" ko: "ew, can you just do your part?"
nene: "ko, are you ok? you're crumpling your homework . . ." ko: "what? i'm fine" nene: "oh! i see~ ... you're jealous!" ko: "huh? of what?" nene: "i spy with my little eye, natsuhiko talking to sakura!" ko: "i didn't even notice that." nene: "you liar! you're jealous! you totally like him." ko: "no i don't. he's a weirdo that flirts with every girl in school." nene: "he is charming though." ko: "whatever, i'm not jealous."
nene: "natsuhiko"s staring at you" ko: "shut up" rolling eyes after glancing his way to his circle of girls, a split second where gazes meet, a small smile and a wave of his hand causing butterflies in the stomach ko: "ugh, i don't even know what those girls see in him."
⤻ him confessing three times because of the belief that he was joking, liking him but unable to believe he reciprocated - problems with liking a popular charmer and flirter
natsuhiko: "ko, i like you." ko: literally laughs in his face "ok, whatever." natsuhiko: "i'm serious" ko: "right . . . and pigs can fly. bye, natsuhiko"
natsuhiko: "you know, you're really pretty in this light." ko: "uhm . . . ew" natsuhiko: "i'm gonna be honest, i like you, ko." ko: "who are you and what have you done with natsuhiko?" natsuhiko: "i like you." ko: "ugh, how many girls do you use this on? and how many girls actually fall for it?" natsuhiko: "this is not a ploy" ko: "seriously, natsuhiko? it's you, everything is a ploy. i have to go, i'll see you later"
natsuhiko: "i've tried to tell you this two times before you idiot" ko: "what are you talking about, freak?" natsuhiko: "i like you. you're beautiful and funny and smart. i spend my days trying to make you smile and laugh because when you do you're gorgeous. i understand why you don't believe me, but i mean it. you're the only person i look forward to seeing when i come here." ko: " . . . ok, weirdo. i guess i like you too."
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ur-hct-swxxthxart · 2 years
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🎀› Struggling to stand Nene walks through the front door of her house and immediately dropped her knife on the television stand. “Before you ask, No I’m not in any pain.” Sarcasm.
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thc-chaoz-tric · 2 years
Send 👁ϟ for your muse to catch a glimpse of one of my muse’s scars!
( i decided send bc why not. )
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♡› Nene laying in her bed, she didn’t even look at Cassandra but there was a abundant amount of cuts and scars and stitches some new some old, along her arms legs and stomach was immaculate. “Could you knock next time?”
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Hello! May I request hcs of Hanako, Tsukasa, And Nene with a fem! s/o who is hella rich and runs a school like Hyakkou Academy from Kakegurui? Idk if you’ve seen the anime tho (ignore this request if busy) have a great day!
Ooh! This is a great request! I’ve never seen Kakegurui but I’ve added it to my watch list! (≧▽≦) You have a great day as well!
Hanako-kun, Tsukasa, and Yashiro With A Rich Female S/O Who Runs The School - Mod Yashiro
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[Hanako-kun / Yugi Amane]
To be honest, he was kinda intimidated by you the moment he saw you strut down the hallway, seeing how everyone would immediately step out of your way for the first time
But he got sorta used to it once you two started dating
You wanna know the first thing he asked once y’all started dating?
“So...can you get everyone in the school to make doughnuts for me?”
It’s Hanako, what’d you expect?
He finds it really cool that your freakin rich too, like he’ll brag to everybody that he’s dating you
He’ll probably ask you to buy him some donuts too, since you’re rich it’d be no problem, right?
(Honestly? He just really wants you to get him some doughnuts-)
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Yashiro Nene [my babey girl]
Like you’re seriously everything she’s wanted in a partner
Rich? Check. Hot? Check. Popular? Check!
She tried literally everything to get your attention (including summoning a certain bathroom ghost)
Once you two start dating, she’ll feel so damn happy, but also kinda shy since she’s not used to all the attention she’s getting from everyone
She stutterers a bunch when it comes to talking you
She’s scared she’ll say the wrong things and ruin your reputation!
When you buy her jewelry or basically any kind of present, EXPECT HER TO BECOME A FLUSTERED MESS
“Y-Y/N-chan! You d-didn’t have t-to!”
She even notices a decrease of people making fun of her legs (because you freaking threatened them—)
She feels really lucky that someone so popular wants to date her
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Tsukasa Yugi
He finds it amusing how you can just snap your fingers and people will immediately rush to your side
Since you’ve got a bunch of money, does that mean you can buy everybody and make them work for you?
This chaotic boy never fails-
He just wants to rule the school with you :(
But other than that, he’ll most definitely not treat you any differently
Well, of course he’ll cling onto you a bunch and may ask you for a thing or two, but nothing else
He just sees you as someone who’s better than everyone else and wants the world to know-
Okay, so he’ll brag a little-
Actually, he’ll brag a bunch
But he’s just proud of his girlfriend being the boss bitch she is
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mari-lair · 1 month
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I got some asks about aoinene before so i may as well get my view on them off my chest.
( warning: I have a negative bias toward this ship and despite trying to be brief and unbias, I very very likely failed.)
To me, Aoinene makes each other worse, not as people, but as characters.
It's the kind of ship that the more I look at it the more empty their friendship feels, and yes sure they have their problems, but I don't mind when a ship have issues (hakubo and sumire are such a cool dynamic, 10/10 for me and they are a million times more 'toxic' then aoinene will ever be), but the aoinene problem is that they feel like fanservice. There is no conflict. There is nothing. They become shadows of themselves.
Aoi isn't stuck in the "I am an exposition girl :D" role because she is oblivious to the bigger story, and all they need is communication, Nene put her there. Iis insane that they've known each other for 2 years but she don't know anything about Aoi. Every time we learn something interesting about Aoi, is when she is seen in other's people's pov, even characters that barely interact with her like Teru and Mei have a better understanding of Aoi than Nene.
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To Nene, Aoi is the troupe of a perfect friend. Nene cannot process her flaws, she rejects the idea, and Aoi can't make Nene talk, face her own issues. So there is never conflict. Their friendship is a love that morphed into a horror situation. A staged friendship.
"Aoi is cute and nice and kind. I refuse to believe she wouldl ever be anything else, let's not think about how i was thrown in the trash by her, that aoi was mean, she was a fake. I will not accept her being the real aoi. I won't even think about it."
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"I know Nene is going through a lot but I need to play the happy girl with no troubles role for her. I won't ask about her problems or even show hints that I know something is off after learning about supernaturals, and that her crush is dead, and human sacrifices are a thing that happen. That's not what she wants from miss popular me."
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It reach the point where their fluffy arts feel like fanservice to me, more of a 'look! cute girls doing cute things!! Aren't they such good friends??' photoshoot magazine than a genuine bond.
Look at this beautiful and cute art for exemple.
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You would imagine the chapter is about them, that they will have some form of talk about their feelings in it, so much happened since the last time they talked after all!
Maybe Aoi apologize for throwing Nene out while Nene apologize for planning to die without Aoi's consent, making the same selfish mistake Hanako had done to her when he sacrificed Aoi so Nene could live. Maybe is just a quiet talk about how much things changed? A lighthearted but warm chat of how disorienting seeing supernaturals are as former girls that never had to deal with it? Something, anything, to connect them. Maybe the oposite, a big conflict that gets ugly now that the masks are down...? We had a lot of those in this arc, like kou and teru in chap 87, aoi and akane in chap 69, nene and hanako inc hapter 91! But no.
There is nothing. Is always nothing when they talk.
This beautiful cover art is from the chapter where Aoi issues were immediately brushed aside when she tried to bring them up and the usual bubbly Aoi was forced to come back.
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They are bafflingly shallow for how much time they spend together and how much potential is bubbling under their mask, keeping their basic dynamic from their introduction even when the characters are begging for something to change.
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So that's why I dislike them, they don't make each other better, they don't even have the gall to make each other act worse, they just make each other boring. Aoi is only allowed to be a fleshed out character when we get away from Nene's pov.
Is only through her interactions with other characters that any hint of dept, or hell, even fun quirks and overall aspects of her personality that are hinted with her friendship with nene, are explored or allowed to shine.
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There is potential though! And I could see myself enjoying writing a one-shot exploring how painful for both parties the shallowness of their relationship is in some alternative universe, but unfortunetely the fandom ruined it for me. Which is a shame, since Nene is aoi only other friend, and their charade friendship is genuinely valued/loved by the other.
I tried to read fics and analysis to see if I was missing something but the fandom have a 'omg they are so cute and can do nothing wrong! All their issues will disappear if they hold hands <3' take on them, with so much mischaracterization both girls become unrecognizable. There is also a lot of Akane and aoikane hate, even masked aoi hate, cause god forbid their dear girlboss angelic lesbian queen have any negative feelings towards her bestie or likes a boy whose main flaw used to be the same as Nene (idolizing her to the point of dehumanization), and while that is not the manga's fault, it does affect my negative bias for this ship, make it far stronger.
After 2 years in the fandom, I just don't have the patience for this ship anymore. I don't think people are secretly evil if they ship aoinene or project themselves onto the girls, but it just isn't my thing. I am not looking for a fight either Anon, I block people cause I want as much peace as i can, and if what they ship makes me uncomfortable, is not their problem, is mine. Let them have fun out of my sight so we both strive pls.
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amane-by-together · 3 years
I do adore || Yashiro Nene
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Yashiro Nene x Female! Reader
genre: fluff and shoujo ai (girls love)
summary: when yashiro gets tired for having unrequited love towards men starts to have romantic feelings for [name]
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“When every little thing you do, I do adore.”
Yashiro had always been head over heels to tall and handsome guys. The senpai whom she liked for three years, spent herself learning how to cook, sew and gardening, ended up getting rejected and calling her a radish.
Teru Minamoto. The president of the student council, known for his good looks and a kind personality. Yashiro had woken up from her fantasies and knew that she didn't deserve him, but he'll be the person she'll look up to instead.
The cream haired girl was frustrated about her love life and wanting to get a boyfriend to make her fairytale come true. It's hard being a romantic, that's what you get from reading romance and fantasy novels.
That's where Yashiro dropped her wishes on having a boyfriend due to her having unrequited love and insecurities because of her legs, decided to focus more on studies and friends. Guess what? She failed to do so.
[name] [surname] was a new student, she transferred a month ago and immediately got along with everyone. [name] and Yashiro started to become friends and had a lot in common, making them even closer.
For whatever reason, [name] never failed to make Yashiro's heart skip a beat. “Yashiro-chan~!” [name] skipped over to her seat and grins sweetly. “Guess what~?”
“Yeah?” Yashiro asked, a little nervous on [name]'s closeness. “Do you need something?” she winced. [name] started to talk about what happened about her day as Yashiro listened on every word she says.
Voices from other classmates started to fade around her and Y/n's voice is the only thing Yashiro can hear. The cream haired girl watched her small movements such as tucking hair behind her ear and the way she smiles brighter than the moon.
Yashiro's heart started to pound inside her ribcage. Her cheeks suddenly warming at the longer she stared at [name] while her thoughts are racing. ‘I don't understand why [name]-chan isn't popular, I mean she's very pretty, kind and caring and...’
Her thoughts were interrupted by a small giggle from [name]'s lips. Yashiro could've fainted right there, her giggles are very endearing, oh how she wished she could make her laugh like that.
Yashiro had never felt this much romance from her previous crushes. Most of them came from pure admiration and looks, seems like [name] outshined all of them. Other than wanting to be like [name], she wanted to be with hers also.
“[name]-chan, what do you think about my legs, by the way?” Yashiro twiddled her fingers, her magenta eyes darting away from the pretty girl's direction. [name]'s expression turned soft, she tenderly wrapped her hands around Yashiro's. This made her heartbeat quicken and her whole face turned into a beautiful shade of vermillion. "Sorry for the sudden question though, I j-just wanted to k-know..."
"Your legs look fine to me, Yashiro-chan." [name] replied, reassuring her with the sweetest smile she could ever give to someone. “I think you are cute too...” she said.
“R-Really?” Yashiro lights up and beamed. [name] nodded sheepishly. The cream haired girl was swooning so hard, she felt like a leading lady in a kdrama with cherry blossoms all around. [name] went back to her seat, leaving Yashiro to fan her blushing face in between stutters. ‘[name]-chan, called me pretty...’
Its not everyday where someone calls you pretty, for Yashiro, its more like a one in a million moment and the compliment was from [name] herself. And Yashiro absolutely adores her for that.
Yashiro glances towards [name] across on where she was sitting. [name] was looking over to the window while her cheek is resting on top of her palm, admiring the falling cherry blossoms during spring. “I'm falling for you everyday...” she whispered under her breath with a pink color tinting her cheeks.
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[name], a certain girl who is currently running around Yashiro's mind that night. The naivete couldn't stop thinking about her, she just got her first female crush. “[name]... why are you making me flustered...” she murmured against her pillows. Yashiro notices her hamster, Black Canyon, munching on a sunflower seed silently. “What should I do Black Canyon?”
Maybe she could write her feelings about [name] in her diary. Yashiro stood up and went over to her study desk to get her diary. She begins to write, wholeheartedly pouring out her love for [name].
“I want to hold her hand and whisk her away. I want her in my arms protectively. I wish we could be like feathers that softly fall for another. I want to feel your soft lips against mine. I wish you were mine...”
Yashiro sighed and slumped her shoulders with a flustered look on her face. She was too in love for [name] its driving her crazy. Who knew a girl who dreamed about a prince giving her a romantic fantasy dream would fall for a pretty and kind girl?
If only she was a guy, she blamed fate for being a girl who had fallen head over heels in love for [name]. Yet she feared a lot of things: What would [name] think about her sexuality and knew that she likes her? What if she starts to avoid her for it? It will be another rejection for Yashiro if that happened.
All Yashiro ever wanted, was to be together with [name]. The relationship where she can hold her hand, cuddling her in her arms, smothering kisses all over her face, she always wished to do that to [name].
Ring Ring!
Yashiro picked up the phone since it was her dear friend, Aoi, who was calling. She took a deep breath and answered. “Aoi...” she said.
“Good evening Nene-chan, I got bored and I decided to call you!” Aoi cheerfully said from the other line. Yashiro wanted to tell Aoi about her crush towards [name], yet she feared that Aoi is going to judge her for it. There's no way she could do that, right?
“Hey Aoi...” Yashiro held the phone near her ear, her hands slightly shaking because of nervousness. “There is something I want to tell you, please don't judge me for it...”
“You know you can tell me anything, Nene-chan.” Aoi assured her friend. Yashiro inhaled deeply, her cheeks warming up just by thinking about [name]. She was straight from the beginning yet she never saw it coming when she starts to fall for [name]. “So what is it you want to tell me?”
“There is someone I like...” Yashiro can feel herself getting hotter and hotter. ‘I never felt this gay towards someone, I swear...’
Aoi suddenly became excited and squealed slightly at her friend, she's a sucker for anything related to romance, she even fangirls in Yashiro's love life. “Was he an upperclassmen? Is he from another class or is he in our class?!”
Then, Yashiro finally told her. “Its from our class...” she paused to lick her lips and looked down on her feet, embarrassed that she's going to come out to Aoi. “And it's a her...”
“I have fallen...for [name]...” The cream haired girl admits. “And I really don't know how I came to love her, it's confusing me lately because I just really love her—”
“Kyaaa~!” Aoi squealed from the other line. Yashiro stopped from talking all of a sudden. “You're in love with [name]-chan? That's wonderful!”
“Y-You're okay with it?” Yashiro asked for confirmation, making sure that Aoi wasn't joking about it.
“Of course Nene-chan.” Aoi gleefully replies. “What do you like about [name]-chan?”
“She's very pretty Aoi...” Yashiro laid down on the bed and covered her eyes using the back of her arm. “Other than being pretty, she's kind, sweet and soft. There are times that I wished that she was my girlfriend but somehow I think it's impossible...”
“I don't even know if she likes girls...” Yashiro laughs bitterly. “Even if she does, she wouldn't like me back...”
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Day by day, Yashiro's crush for [name] continued to grow. With her blushing and her heart racing whenever [name] comes around. She also seeks advice from Hanako on how to win [name]'s heart, he was weirded out on how Yashiro came from liking guys to girls but he shrugged it off and helped her.
Their first method was her sneaking flowers and letters inside [name]'s locker. Yashiro filled her letters with her adoration and love for [name], unbeknownst to herself that a certain someone sneaked behind her. “Yashiro-chan~!”
“Gyah!” Yashiro jolted up in surprise, turning around and saw that [name] was grinning sheepishly. The cream haired girl stopped all of a sudden, her heart started to race and her cheeks turning red. “[n-name]-chan?!”
“Ah, I didn't mean to startle you!” [name] stepped back and swatting her hands. Cute. Yashiro thought to herself, staring at her even more.
‘Nene, you're too in love with this cutie—I mean person!’ Yashiro yelled inside her mind. [name] tilted her head and smiled, giving her a slight wave before walking off. ‘What should I do?’
Should she confess to [name]? Would this affect their friendship after that? Yashiro lifted her head and looked at the cherry blossom tree across the window, at that moment she had her decision.
‘I'm going to confess to [name]!’
[name] was hiding behind the wall, clenching her chest as she sneaked glances from Yashiro who was talking to Aoi in a rushed manner. [name] smiled before leaving her hiding spot. “Aoi, what am I going to do?”
“Hmmm~” Aoi thinks for a moment as she pointed at the cherry blossom at the distance. “How about confessing to her under the cherry tree from outside?”
Yashiro blushed. Thinking about confessing to [name] was already nerve-wracking. The problem is the result of the confession, the answer lies whether she's going to be rejected or accepted. “Should I really do it, Aoi?”
“We won't know unless you try, Nene-chan.”
'Are you really going to confess again?' Yashiro's inner voice asks her. The second thoughts of hers kept echoing in her mind and then she blinked. All of the negative thoughts were gone. “I'll try!” Yashiro cheered and Aoi clapped her hands happily.
”You can do it Nene-chan!”
Yashiro finally made her decision, she's going to confess to [name] on the cherry tree outside their classroom. There's no turning back and she would rather do this than hiding her feelings forever.
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“I can't tell [name]-chan to meet her by the cherry tree...” Yashiro teared up while shakily holding the love letter, she was too shy to ask her and [name] might take the hint that Yashiro was going to confess. “Oh well, there's no turning back now...” she tucked the letter inside [name]'s locker and ran off to the cherry blossom tree to wait for her.
[name] got out of the classroom minutes after Yashiro puts her letter. [name] went to her shoe locker to change her shoes, but when she opened the locker door, a letter fell out. ‘Hm? A letter?’ she raised the letter to her face and checked the sides. ‘I guess this is addressed to me...’
The [hair color] haired female puts the letter inside her bag. She quickly ran outside to the cherry blossom to see her admirer. [name] tilted her head in confusion to see Yashiro standing there. “Ah, Yashiro-san.” [name] scratched her cheek as she walked over to the cream haired girl. “I assume that you're the person whom I'm going to meet here, right?”
Yashiro saw [name]'s smile again, she can feel her apple cheeks burning again and her heart beating faster. “There's something I wanted to tell you, [name]-chan...” she said, her voice was slightly cracking.
A huge gust of wind blew over them, carrying the petals of the cherry blossom along with the sway of their hair. Yashiro clasps her hands together near her chest and shouted out her feelings. “I like you, [name]-chan!” Yashiro confessed with tears brimming out of her ruby eyes, betraying her straightness right there. “Please go out with me...”
[name] stood there speechless at Yashiro's confession, she assumed that the cream haired girl was attracted to prince-like males like Teru Minamoto. “B-But Yashiro-san, I'm just a normal girl.” [name] stuttered out. “I-I'm not like those prince charming that you always fantasize about!”
“So?” Yashiro asked in verge of tears. “Even if you're not those, I still like you despite of that!”
Yashiro couldn't handle this anymore and by the looks of it the confession wasn't running smoothly. Yashiro tried to runaway to hide her tears until [name] caught her hand. “Wait!” [name] yelled out.
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[name] saw that Yashiro was crying after that confession. “Yashiro-san...” [name] gently holds her hand, preventing the cream haired girl from running away. “Don't go...” she croaked out.
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“[name]...?” Yashiro stared at her, thinking why did [name] stop her from going. [name] teared up also, still holding Yashiro's hand with hers.
[name] mustered up a tearful smile and confessed also. “I have always liked you Yashiro-san...” she said.
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Yashiro couldn't believe what [name] just said. Did she just say that she likes her too? [name] likes her back? Yashiro cried even more and smiled. “R-Really?”
“Mhmm.” [name] and Yashiro felt happy now that they both confessed that they liked each other. “It's true that I like you Yashiro-san, and I want to go out with you too.”
Yashiro immediately hugged [name] which the latter returned the affection. “I'm so glad.” Yashiro softly cried, the person she had a crush on is finally hers, it seemed impossible that [name] would like her back, but the supernaturals lingering around the school looked so real, then maybe anything is possible after all.
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Yashiro and [name] pecked each others lips, pulling away with a smile now that they shared their kiss. “Nene-chan, wanna go on a date this Saturday?” [name] suggests.
“Of course.” Yashiro laced their fingers together as they walked back to their houses. This is one of the fantasies that Yashiro had dreamed of, being [name]'s girlfriend. There's nothing more she can ask for other than this realistic serenity she's feeling right now.
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wingsonghalo · 4 years
ONCE MORE I AM HERE to bring you TsuAko content because it’s my new purpose in life lskdlfk. Bringing you two mini-fics today, because just one of them wouldn’t have fit the theme too well haha. I might have to write something new for tomorrow pffff. The first one here is a little unusual in that it’s from Amane’s point of view!
Here’s your refresher if you still need it!: -Ako is a popular, cute girl who also happens to secretly be Kamome Academy Odd-Jobs, a well-connected mastermind who can make pretty much anything happen in the school for the right price. -She was hired to get Amane and Nene together by Aoi -She started out her plan by repeatedly asking out Amane until he finally said “I have a girlfriend” to get out of dating her, thus beginning a months-long fake relationship between Amane and Nene (which turned into a real relationship) -However, this job was a little more difficult for Ako than most, because she had actual feelings for Amane -Tsukasa and Ako have been dating for a while at this point. Amane does not know this, but he DOES know that Ako is a mastermind LOL.
Day 4: Regrets/Reincarnation
"Hey, Amane," Tsukasa asked him one night, as he settled into bed and watched Amane climb into his own. His amber eyes were alert and inquisitive. "What do you think of Ako-chan?"
"Ako-chan?" The nickname sounded strange to him, now that he knew what kind of person Ako really was. A title like aneki would suit her better, like thugs called their gang leader. Wait a minute, why was he asking this anyway? "She's... uh, well... pretty?" That was about as much as he could say without revealing that he knew a little too much about Futayoshi Ako-san.
"Right?!" His brother suddenly sounded even more awake, and he propped himself up on one elbow. "She's super popular! Everyone really likes her."
What was he so excited about? "Is that right?" he said with a forced smile.
Tsukasa grinned widely. "It is! Which is why it's really special that she spends so much time with me."
Wait, what? "Sh-She does?!" His voice had emerged as a fearful sort of squeak. How embarrassing.
"Well, yeah." His twin tilted his head a little at him. "We are going out, after all."
Amane fell out of bed.
"Whoa, Amane, are you all right?!" Tsukasa had sprung out from under his own covers, and he grabbed Amane's elbow to help him to his feet. "I haven't seen you fall out of bed like that since—"
"You're going out with Ako-san?!" he cut him off, grabbing onto his brother's shoulders as they stood upright again. "Why?!"
He frowned, a tinge of pink coloring his cheeks. "Because she's cute and fun to be with and we like each other," he mumbled. "Is that a problem?"
"Maybe!" he blustered. He gave his shoulders a little shake. "Listen, Tsukasa. Maybe it's not my place to tell you this. But there's something you need to know about her." He leaned close until they were nearly forehead to forehead, and whispered the truth: "She's a monster. She'll do any job around the school for the right price—breaking people up, getting them together, lying to teachers and other students, helping people get revenge...I think she's even got ties to the yakuza!" Their foreheads were thumped together now. "She's dangerous!"
"I know," Tsukasa sighed, a goofy smile spreading across his face. "I love that about her."
Amane reeled back in shock. "What?!" Taking a few steps back, he dropped onto his bed so he wouldn't tumble to the floor again. "You already knew?!"
"Of course," his brother replied with a shrug, sitting down on his own bed, too. The silly smile returned. "She's adorable when she's scheming."
For a moment, Amane just stared with his mouth hanging open. "But Tsukasa," he finally said, "what if she's just being hired to hang out with you? I don't want you to get hurt!"
Crossing his arms, his twin glared at him. "What, like it's not possible for her to actually like me?"
"That's not what I mean," he said. "It's just... she asked me out a bunch of times, and I found out that was for a job—"
"Oh, was it?" Tsukasa cut him off, eyebrows up in surprise. "Huh. That's kinda awkward, since she had an actual crush on you."
"Relaaaax!" he said, gesturing with both hands like he was calming an excitable horse. He smirked. "She's on Team Tsukasa now."
"I, I don't understand," Amane whimpered, holding his head in his hands. What could an evil mastermind like Ako possibly want with his brother?! Tsukasa was sweet, affectionate, and clever, but he was also loud, petulant, and oblivious to others' feelings. They hardly seemed like a good match! And on top of that, no one had ever actually dated Tsukasa before. Both Yugi twins had been dateless until very recently, as a matter of fact. "How long has this been happening?..."
"About a month now," he shrugged.
"A month?!"
"You gotta stop reacting to everything I say like you're an old man who can't hear me, Amane," Tsukasa grumbled, frowning again.
"B-But that means... you got together before Valentine's Day?!"
"Oh yeah," he giggled, and then smiled like he was recalling a fond memory. "She tried to give me chocolate-covered crickets as a prank. But I ate them anyway. Her face was so funny!"
Amane's entire world was crashing down around him. He flopped onto his back, staring at his ceiling with wide eyes. If he lived in a world where ruthless business mogul Ako-san gave chocolates to his brother, was there anything Amane truly understood?
"You look like you're having an existential crisis," Tsukasa said (correctly).
"Why didn't you tell me?" he finally muttered, his voice weak.
"You were kind of busy figuring things out with Nene-chan." Oh god, now his brother was staying quiet about his love life out of consideration for Amane's?! This was all backwards! Tsukasa was the childish one! Amane was the one who had to get Tsukasa out of all his messes! Tsukasa was the one who tripped and skinned his knee and cried, and Amane was the one who put a band-aid on him! That was just how things worked!
Was Tsukasa growing up more quickly than he'd realized?
Amane groaned and scrubbed his hands over his eyes as if he could rearrange his point of view manually. "So you've been... what, going on dates with her this whole time? Meeting up after school? Before school? Should I have been enforcing curfew?" he asked, and then let his hands flop back down onto the bed on either side of him.
"What, are you afraid I'm stealing away in the night to rendezvous with her?" Tsukasa snorted.
"A little," he admitted. "There's apparently a lot I don't understand."
"You don't need to enforce a curfew, Amane. We're the same age."
"Well, yeah, but...!" He turned his head to lock his eyes on his twin. "Your judgment isn't always the greatest..."
Tsukasa huffed, annoyed. "I'm not some dumb little kid anymore!"
"Tsukasa," said Amane flatly, "last week you licked something off the ground because you thought it might be grape juice."
"So it was OUTSIDE!"
"All right, fine," he conceded, rolling his eyes. "I'm not great at deciding what to lick. Except this time. I'm positive I've made a good choice this time."
"You make it sound like you lick Ako-san," he chuckled.
His brother just waggled his eyebrows with a smirk.
"Ugh, Tsukasa! Gross!" he groaned, chucking a pillow over at the other boy. It hit its target square in the chest, and Tsukasa fell back, laughing.
"She happened to like it!" he retorted, flinging the pillow back to him. It landed right over Amane's face with a flump.
He tossed it back. "I don't want to know that!"
"What, you mean you don't want tips?!" The pillow hit him again.
"Never as long as I live!" When Amane threw the pillow again, Tsukasa caught it, and then crossed the room to start gently pummeling him with it personally. Amane stood on his knees and retaliated with his remaining pillow, and for a while they just indulged in a childish pillow fight. There was no one there to scream at them to stop it, after all.
By the time they wore out, they were both flat on their backs on Amane's bed, their chests heaving and the lower half of their legs hanging off over the side of the bed. "Tsukasa," he breathed, turning his head.
He turned to face Amane, too, their eyes meeting. "Yeah?"
Amane felt a crease form between his eyebrows. "Just... are you happy?"
Tsukasa hit him one more time over the face with a pillow. "Yes. Don't worry about me so much."
Amane couldn't help it, though.
He caught sight of her near the lockers after school the very next day. Her fluffy brunette hair looked effortlessly beautiful as usual, and her uniform was crisp and well-maintained. You'd never guess from a glance that she was a black-hearted businesswoman.
"Hey," he tried to catch her attention as he approached her. "I need to talk to you."
When she turned to face him, her eyes lit up for the briefest moment before recognition darkened them again. "Oh," she said with a bit of a sigh, though her polite smile never faded. "It's you, Yugi-kun!" She fluttered her lashes at him winsomely.
Had that fleeting, genuine look of joy been because she thought he was Tsukasa?! "Are you really dating my brother?" He figured he should get right to the point.
She raised one eyebrow, and leaned back against her locker, crossing her arms. "Did he spill the beans?"
Well, that facade had crumbled quickly. Gone was the playful lilt to her voice and the girliness in her bearing. He was now speaking to a hardened professional. "He told me you've been going out for a month."
Ako shrugged, looking bored. "I guess that's about right. It's not really any of your business, though."
Amane narrowed his eyes at her. How could she be so impassive?! "Listen," he said, his voice dropping all pretenses of politeness as well, "I don't know what your game is with Tsukasa, but he's been hurt too many times by people he thought cared about him, and I'm not going to let it happen again." Taking a step forward, he crowded into her space. "So don't think I'll just sit back and watch while you make him your little puppet."
The pretty girl snorted and rolled her eyes. "Don't be ridiculous, Yugi. He's not my puppet."
Despite himself, a little of his defensiveness drained out of him, and his shoulders relaxed slightly. "Oh... well, good," he said.
"He's my boy toy," Ako said next.
Her lips turned up into a sadistic sort of smile. "He's fun to play with. He'd do anything for me, you know."
"Don't toy with my brother!" Amane barked, his hands curling into fists.
Ako pretended to examine her nails. "Why not? He likes it."
"He's more sensitive than he lets on!" said Amane, gritting his teeth.
"Oh I know," she said, and then chuckled. "I flicked him in the forehead once and he started crying."
"You're an evil woman!" he exclaimed, thrusting out an accusing finger at her. "Evil!"
"Hey!" a third voice interrupted, and both heads turned to see Tsukasa himself shouldering through the passing students. "Amane?" he said when he emerged. His face turned into something unfamiliar and stern. "Don't yell at my little flower like that!"
Ako grinned at Amane as Tsukasa wrapped a protective arm around her waist. "His little flower," she repeated smugly.
Amane's face felt hot. "I do not give my blessing to this union!" he declared, pointing at them both now. "Never!"
"It's not up to you, Amane," Tsukasa retorted, frowning. "I thought we were clear that you shouldn't worry so much about me."
"It's my fault," Ako said with an exasperated little huff. "I may have been teasing him a bit before you showed up." She shot her boyfriend a sheepish smile. "Sorry."
Tsukasa smiled back and booped her nose. "You know I can't be mad at you~"
"Don't poke me," she growled, slapping his hand away, but her cheeks were pink.
Amane blinked rapidly, barely restraining himself from screaming. What kind of bizarro world was this?!
"He looks like he's going to be sick," said Ako, and she took a step forward out of Tsukasa's hold. "Okay, let me be serious, then." Grabbing onto Amane's shoulders, she looked him straight in the eye and spoke deliberately: "I like your brother. He cracks me up, he's not a pushy jerk, and I find his weirdness oddly charming. I have no intention of hurting him." With that, she let go and crossed her arms again. "Is that good enough for you, Dad?"
Tsukasa's eyes were swimming with tears. "Awww, honey pie...!"
"Don't call me that."
It was the strangest declaration of love Amane had ever witnessed, but things were usually strange where Tsukasa was involved, and this seemed to be no exception. "I... I guess I believe you," he conceded reluctantly. "For now. But just... watch it."
"I'm terrified," Ako deadpanned, barely reacting as Amane's twin wrapped his arms around one of hers.
Amane huffed. She probably should be terrified. People that caused problems for Tsukasa tended to run into unexpected trouble some way or another. Amane was just as resourceful as this mastermind before him.
But as long as she really did care for Tsukasa... well, that was something they had in common.
It would do, for now.
Futayoshi Ako was used to being called by a variety of names, both flattering and not-so-flattering.
Those who didn't know her called her "pretty" or "cute." She was known as a beauty, a sweet girl, a model of femininity.
Those who knew of Kamome Academy Odd-Jobs called the mysterious individual "ruthless." "Terrifying." "A monster." "An evil mastermind."
And those who knew Ako for who she truly was... well, there were precious few people who fit into that category, but their names for her usually weren't very kind, and a lot of them could not be said in polite company.
One of these people, however...
"Hey, sugar bear!" chirped her boyfriend's voice, and before Ako could even turn to face him he had collided with her at top speed, wrapping her in a hug. He squeezed her. "I missed you!"
She shoved against his chest, because he was smothering her and also absolutely ridiculous. "Ugh, Tsukasa," she said when she could breathe again, "is it your mission to call me something mortifying every day?!"
He smirked at her. "Yes."
Ako rolled her eyes. That tracked. Besides being nauseatingly affectionate, Tsukasa was also a big prankster. He probably delighted in her embarrassed reactions. "You're going to totally ruin my reputation," she informed him, crossing her arms. "And then you'll owe me for all the jobs you made me miss out on."
"A price I am willing to pay," he said solemnly, placing a hand over his heart.
"Tsukasa," she said sternly, "I'm not kidding." She frowned at him. "It's fine if you call me humiliating things outside school, whatever. Just..." Nervously, she darted her eyes around their surroundings. Luckily, they had only drawn a few stares. "...Not here, okay?"
The devastated look on his face was almost enough to make her immediately go back on her command. Almost. His smile collapsed, and his shoulders slumped as the energy drained out of him. "Aww..." Still, he sighed in resignation. "Okay. I'll wait until after school."
She offered him a rare affectionate smile, and after taking one more quick look around to check for onlookers, she took his hand and squeezed it. "Thank you."
If only she'd known how much she would come to regret making him agree to this.
Look, Ako had a normal level of interest in her boyfriend. He was cute and funny and, all right, really fun to kiss. He was also one of the most embarrassing human beings on the planet, but he couldn't help that, and in fact, his unabashed, open affection for her had become one of her favorite things (not that she would tell anyone that).
But when he stopped calling her nauseating pet names, and clinging to her constantly... it was... well, a bit harder to cope with than she'd thought it would be. Secretly, Ako longed for the early days of their relationship, only a mere two months ago—stolen kisses behind locker doors, holding hands under tables, rolling her eyes at every new sappy endearment, feeling her heart start to race whenever he drew close because she never quite knew what was going to happen next when it came to Yugi Tsukasa.
But she knew what to expect now, because she had very clearly defined what proper behavior he should adhere to.
Damn, she should have known better than to request proper behavior. She hated proper behavior.
More than once, she wondered if she should just come right out and say it: I was wrong. Please keep surprising me like you always do, even if it causes problems. I love your unpredictability.
But that would involve going back on her word and acknowledging that she'd made a mistake, so it was out of the question.
They carried on like this for two entire weeks. Two weeks during which every moment she passed by with him in school was spent in the anticipation of nothingness, the yearning for what would never be. She cursed herself for ever putting limitations on him—who cared about her jobs?! This sucked ass! What was the point of having a weirdass embarrassing boyfriend if he couldn't do weirdass embarrassing boyfriend things?!
But the time came when Tsukasa finally slipped up one afternoon.
"Hey, what's shakin', dollface?" he greeted her as he approached. He leaned against the wall near her, giving her what was probably supposed to be a sly grin.
Ako straightened up, her sharp eyes training onto him. "What did you just call me?"
He already had that oh, crap look on his face. "Uh... dollface," he repeated. "S-Sorry, I know I'm not supp—"
"Why would you call me that?" she cut him off, taking a few steps closer to him and stopping when they were nearly chest-to-chest.
"B-Because your face is cute like a doll's?"
Ako raised a challenging eyebrow. "What, like I'm a toy to you? A silly little doll?"
Tsukasa's eyes were darting around looking for an escape route. "No, just—you've got a cute little dollface."
He made a little eep! sound as she grabbed his collar to pull him closer. Ako narrowed her eyes. "Call me dollface one more time," she hissed.
Her boyfriend gulped. His ocher eyes locked onto hers. "D-Dollface.”
She snapped, and yanked him down to devour his mouth in a kiss. Tsukasa made a muffled noise of surprise, but he got over it quickly and returned the gesture, one hand pressing on the small of her back while the other pushed up through her hair. Weeks of repressed affection spilled out in this one kiss, searing and desperate. Ako clung to him for dear life and attempted to make up for every moment they'd lost in the past half a month.
"A-Ako-chan," he breathed when she let him get some air, his voice hoarse in a way that made her stomach swoop, "I thought you didn't want me t—"
"I do want you," she insisted. "I was an idiot. Your clinging to me and embarrassing me in public with cutesy nicknames is what makes you Tsukasa, and, well..." Her face heated up, and she smoothed out his collar in apology as she took a step back. "I-I like Tsukasa."
His smile bloomed so wide it looked like it would burst off his face. "Ako-chan, I love you!" he exclaimed as he tackled her in a hug.
He was smothering her again, but she probably deserved to be smothered a little, so she just patted his back a few times awkwardly. Some part of her, in the back of her mind, was screaming a stream of question marks and exclamation points about his last words, but she put that aside. She would spend time freaking out about those implications later.
"Hey, cuddle bug," he cooed when he held her at arm's length again (Ako winced at that one, because it was even worse than usual). "Why didn't you just spend more time with me outside of school if you were feeling lonely?"
It was a fair question. Biting her lip, Ako shrugged. "I dunno... it wasn't so much being lonely; it was more like... something was still missing, even if you were your usual clingy self after school..." She met his eyes, hoping the contrition showed on her face. "What was missing was letting you be yourself." In a very tiny voice, she added: "...Sorry."
Tsukasa squeezed her cheeks like he always did when she blushed. "If it gets me results like this, maybe I should stop being Tsukasa once in a while anyway~"
She pouted as much as she could with her cheeks being squeezed. "I hate you."
"You don't mean that," he said as he kissed her nose.
Unfortunately, once more, he was right.
Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed this installment. Thank you all so much for all the kind words; I’m so happy you all are loving Ako as we do!! The regret was more in the second side-story, because Ako regretted making Tsukasa not be himself LOL.
See you tomorrow for more!! MWAH! <333
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xathia-89 · 6 years
Worming out a Snake
“Natsuki, just what are you wearing?” I looked up from my current position on the floor, to find Hideyoshi staring at me.
“Trousers, they’re designed for this sort of work. We keep getting rats and snakes in the stores, so I’m looking for nests,” I calmly explained. “But wearing a kimono means I can’t move quickly if I stumble on a nest by accident and get attacked.”
He was quick to stand me up. “It’s not a good idea for the Princess to be doing this work,” he scolded.
“I know generally what I’m looking for,” I was in disbelief that Toyotomi was dragging me back inside. “I grew up doing this sort of work!” I argued, eventually pulling my arm back. “My brothers were busy out collecting crops, and I had the slim wrists to get inside holes.”
“It’s putting yourself in unnecessary danger,” I was being reprimanded still as we entered the kitchens again. “Get one of the staff to do it.”
“Great idea, except they didn’t grow up on farms looking for these things,” I scoffed.
“I told you he’d find out before you could finish the job lass,” Masamune was busy laughing, and slung his arm over our shoulders. “There’s a visitor for you in the main hall Hideyoshi, something about marriage?” He frowned as I stiffened up slightly.
The vassal flushed bright red and quickly disappeared.
“I’m going back to snake hunting, we need the food supplies if someone’s getting married,” I bitterly stated to the room and stalked straight back outside.
It took me and Masamune a few hours, but we had the snakes skinned and ready for eating once I came back in with a bag full of them. It seemed a shame to waste the meat when there would appear to be an occasion to rise up to, and then Hideyoshi burst into the kitchen with his eyes a little frantic.
He didn’t even tell me off as he ducked under the covered counter we were working on, as a young and highly decorated girl popped her head in. She was all smiles and covered in very expensive fabrics.
“Have you seen Hideyoshi? He ran off when I kept asking him why my letters were being ignored?” She sighed.
“Sorry,” I smiled, “He’d be giving me a lecture if he was here, I went back out and did what he told me not to,” I chuckled. “I didn’t realise we had a guest tonight.”
“Sorry? ‘We’?” She looked me up and down. I was still in the trousers and top I’d made for the outdoor tasks, and I was being judged heavily for it.
“Yes, ‘we’,” Masamune grinned, enjoying the tension. “This is Lady Natsuki, Princess of the Oda,” he announced, waving his knife around flamboyantly. The woman snapped to attention almost and blushed faintly as she bowed.
“Oh many apologies, I thought you were a servant,” she mumbled.
“I take my duties as chatelaine seriously, and I am not one for formality. You are not the first to make the mistake and will not be the last,” I smiled, and bowed in response. “I’m sorry, who are you?”
“I am Lady Nene,” she proudly announced. “I am to be wed to Lord Hideyoshi,” she smugly added as I stabbed my knife into the chopping board. “I really need to find him,” she swiftly disappeared after my little display.
I stepped back from the counter and lifted the covers up. Masamune was already glaring at the vassal from the other side, as Toyotomi had the decency to look ashamed.
“I wondered what all those letters were,” I icily broke the silence. “I guess congratulations are in order then.”
“It’s not like that. Nene thinks we’re getting married because it was mentioned in passing years ago,” Hideyoshi started.
“Just get out of here,” I scoffed, going back to the meal preparation.
Nobunaga enjoyed the snake soup as did most of the hall. I purposely kept away from Toyotomi, and Masamune was very helpful in assisting me. Nene was able to corner Hideyoshi and made it clear that she assumed that the wedding would be taking place as soon as possible. She hadn’t made herself very popular unfortunately with the decision, as Nene either ignored or just didn’t notice all the glances in my direction every time it was mentioned. Oda summoned me suddenly and made a fuss over ensuring I was going to his tenshu, and then smirked as the comment was made about ensuring the sheets wouldn’t be cold for him in a short while. I glared at the male as I left the room, ignoring the intended effect it had had.
I poked the brazier that Oda only ever had going when I was needed of an evening or night time. He occasionally needed someone just to play go with at stupid hours, or reel off ideas to who wouldn’t be battle minded about the situation. It looked suspicious as hell, especially when you’re spotting coming out of your boss’ room at stupid o’clock. Hideyoshi had busted in on us one time and was surprised to find us in the middle of a game of go. It was at that point that Nobunaga had told his vassal to stop being so obvious about things and that it had taken him long enough to act on his feelings.
The Lord got the familiar board out along with all the pieces. “It’s been a while, I hope you haven’t stagnated in your abilities,” he casually shrugged as I was passed the black pieces automatically.
“Well, we’ll just have to keep playing all night if I have,” I replied, my feelings on events clear.
Dawn was threatening to break as we finished our third game. I never won, but I could make it difficult for Oda and use different strategies to make him plan otherwise. It was a good way for his mind to be sharpened.
A knock at the door surprised us both before Nobunaga called them in. Nene was surprised to find me there and then spied the board.
“Apologies, you are clearly busy,” she went to leave.
“Not as busy as I’d like to be, what is the matter?” Nobunaga’s voice was like ice and demanded obedience instantly as even I straightened my posture.
“I was searching for Lady Natsuki, there is a problem with my accommodation,” she replied and looked a little afraid.
“You need to meditate before starting the day,” this was my way of telling Oda I had to fight my own battles on occasions, even if it hurt every one of them around me to see me do it. I drew Nene away from the tenshu until we were out of hearing range. “The only problem you will have with your accommodation is that it is not in Hideyoshi’s manor, which is not in my domain, I suggest talking to Hideyoshi,” I sharply replied and went to leave.
“Does Hideyoshi’s manor not come under your domain then?” She questioned snobbishly.
“Hideyoshi’s manor is his domain. I am Nobunaga Oda’s and Azuchi’s chatelaine. I leave each of the warlords to manage their own manors, as I generally do not assume them incapable of running them,” I snapped, irritable from the lack of sleep. “Now if you will excuse me, I have my own quarters to return to-”
“You can’t have all of them to yourself,” Nene’s tone was haughty, and stopped me in my tracks. “I noticed that every time I mentioned my impending marriage to Hideyoshi, then at least half of the people around me would look at you, and you were purposely avoiding me and Hideyoshi last night,” she pointed out. “Then I saw how relaxed Masamune was with you, and you’ve just spent the night with Nobunaga!”
“Don’t talk like you know what’s really going off,” Masamune’s voice made us both jump, and he had a deep frown on his face. “You’re trying to ruin Natsuki and get Hideyoshi to yourself,” he had his arms folded and stood next to us both. “Natsuki plays go with Nobunaga through the night to help him think out problems and come up with new battle plans. Or she goes through them all with him, and always after working a full day in the castle too. Then she’s always helping me with the cooking when I need it, and she’s always a good person to come up with new dishes and has great ideas about food preservation for the troops. And I can’t blame her about avoiding you and Hideyoshi last night, this is the first any of us are hearing about marriage.”
“What?” Nene’s voice was small.
“Hideyoshi never told anyone he was due to get married,” I repeated to her. “More than a bit of a shock to find out you’re the mistress,” I shrugged and left swiftly, making sure to find one of the maids to tell them to not disturb me after a night of playing go again.
Nene was a long-staying guest and acted as her standing in society demanded. Where I acted completely as the farm girl I had grown up as. There was definitely no competition between us, especially when her father made a special visit to Azuchi to meet with Hideyoshi. Virtually all of my time was spent between Nobunaga and Masamune these days. I was either focused on cooking, or playing go between my chatelaine duties anyway.
“Out of my way!” A middle-aged man roughly pushed me aside, and the snake I was holding bit me hard on the opposite wrist before I could smash its brains in.
The maids instantly starting yelling for Ieyasu and Nobunaga much to the stranger’s surprise, and to see the icy glance of his lord froze the male to the core. The snake was luckily identified as not venomous, but there was still the matter of removing the teeth carefully so that minimal damage would be done.
“She’s just a maid, I do not understand the reason for this-” I overheard as Ieyasu led me to the war council.
Nobunaga looked relieved to see me as our arrival interrupted the whole process. “She’s our Chatelaine,” Oda casually corrected, and issued the directive for me to sit next to him. “And the Princess of the Oda,” he drove home. The man was pale.
“Why was she carrying around a live snake then?” He spat. “With such prestige, I would never allow my daughter to do anything like that!” The man gestured to Nene, as it became obvious as to the intentions of his visit.
“To identify if it was venomous or not, so she could react accordingly and either find the nest to get rid of it, or make our next meal,” Oda was casual about the whole matter, which was making everyone even more nervous. “It’s something that is just part of Natsuki’s charm,” he smiled, lifting my head up so our eyes met. He was definitely planning something from the gleam in his eye, and I was involved deeply as well. “Not becoming behaviour from my future wife, but I fail to see what harm it truly does, she has the devotion of all the staff naturally from her actions.”
The whole room did a spit take.
Ieyasu was ordered to escort me back to the tenshu after cleaning up from the day’s activities. I was desperate to find out the play on this one, and Nobunaga was making me wait.
I was dressed appropriately, my hair loose for once instead of styled out of the way, and in one of my basic kimonos which was covered over by a haori on my trip between our rooms. I was certainly eager to find out what the master plan was that Oda had as I made some tea in preparation.
It was some time before Nobunaga came up to the tenshu, and appeared to be humoured by the developments more than anything as he picked up the sake bottle left by the maids. Word would be all over Azuchi by morning as we made eye contact.
“It will either ensure that we have no repeats of incidents like that, or it will make monkey aware of what he needs to do,” Oda shrugged, and pulled back his covers on the futon. “You may as well get in,” he stated. “It will be warmer than staying out all night.”
I had to reluctantly concede. Nobunaga pinned me to him, his hands staying in friendly places as my head was resting against his chest. We said nothing as Oda was making me calm down, his fingers running through my hair in a soothing pattern.
“I have no intention of making anything change,” Nobunaga reassured me. “But it has been a few nights since you’ve properly slept, and I wasn’t intending on making the announcement so suddenly until that man made a terrible mistake. I needed to make a statement of sorts.”
“Hideyoshi didn’t look like he was going to object,” I sulkily added. “He worships the grounds you walk on. You announced the intention to marry me, he won’t dare contradict it.”
“He’s told me off on a few occasions,” I could hear the smirk in Nobunaga’s tone. “Over you nonetheless. But for now, you are to sleep. We need to make the monkey truly consider his situation, or I’m sending him far off,” I had to remember that the man currently looking over me was a warlord as much as the next male in this castle.
I was dressed as the princess over the next few days. Nene paled a little any time she saw me and realised that it wasn’t just a slip of the tongue about my status. She made all the formal efforts in greetings now as we passed, which I dutifully returned. The scars from the snake were still tightly bandaged, mostly to keep them clean especially with it being an area of the body that was frequently moved so the skin was liable to breakage. I hadn’t seen her father since the announcement, and I noticed that a lot of the staff were whispering behind our backs.
“They’re just shocked,” Masamune drew my attention from some distant murmurings. “I didn’t realise this was the plan he had to be honest,” Date kept his voice low as he tried to draw me away from everyone. “Hideyoshi has been staying at his manor since the announcement, and I saw Nene looking proud and accomplished this morning.”
“He didn’t?” I whispered, tears threatening.
“I’ve got people on it,” Masamune reassured me. “Come on, let’s go out to the gardens. I’ve been told Nobunaga is out there anyway and we don’t need anyone gossiping more than usual,” he gave me a sad smile and escorted me accordingly.
Oda was looking furious as we approached. I was almost expecting him to declare war on us as his head snapped up. I was tightly hugged in a surprise move.
“He’s an idiot, an absolute idiot,” Nobunaga growled, keeping his voice low as Date was staying close enough to listen. “He’s going to marry her-”
“What?” I was speaking in tandem with Masamune, both of us shocked and staring slack-jawed at the dark haired male.
“He’s marrying Nene, her father has something, I’ve already got Mitsuhide on it,” he bitterly complained.
“We’re playing go tonight,” I grumbled. “And can I stop being paraded as a doll yet? He’s marrying her, so it’s fine,” I complained, whilst gesturing to my overly dressy kimonos.
“No, it’s not fine,” Date frowned.
“But yes you can resume your unusual outfits again, I imagine the staff are missing your help as well,” Oda sighed, and I was released from their interfering for now.
Officially, there was nothing to be done. I had the maids draw me a bath, only to be told that Nene had apparently commandeered all of the amenities.
“Seriously?” I asked, looking surprised. “I thought she was staying at Hideyoshi’s manor?”
“Sorry, Lady Natsuki,” one of the girls apologised. “She insisted that she hadn’t been formally handed over yet.”
“Just get me some wash bowls then,” I sighed. “And if she’s got all of them just bring me some clean pots with hot water in,” I shrugged and departed swiftly.
I was absent-mindedly playing with my hair when the maids entered with a makeshift answer, an apologetic look on their faces. A brand new trough had been made, and they brought it in to fill it with the hot water much to my amusement.
“That’s one way to send it into service,” I laughed, slipping behind my screen to get changed.
I was already in bed when someone knocked at my door. I grunted and turned over, determined to ignore it until it was opened regardless. I wasn’t sure who was more surprised, Nene to find I was actually in my room, or me to find out that one of the warlord’s future wife’s was about to try snooping in my room. She bolted, only to not realise that I was a lot faster, and also stronger than I looked as I yelled for Masamune and Nobunaga. Hideyoshi was looking pale to find Nene pinned to the floor, especially considering how furious I had to be looking.
Half of the castle was awake, and Mitsuhide had returned. He wasn’t looking impressed, as all of the warlords were now gathered in the main hall. Nene was looking the picture of grace in the middle, as though there was a perfectly logical explanation for being caught in my room in the middle of the night.
“One of the maids mentioned she may have left my kimono in Lady Natsuki’s room,” was the best she could come up with. A collective groan erupted before Nobunaga was able to silence us all with a look.
“Why are you so insistent on marrying Hideyoshi? He made no mention of getting married to any of us,” Oda calmly asked.
Her smile was calculating. “It was the long-standing agreement between our parents-”
I couldn’t stop my laughter, as the whole room stared at me. “Sorry, an amateur mistake is not knowing the background of your target,” I grinned unapologetically.
Nene’s face fell, as Nobunaga turned his gaze to his other vassal. Akechi was calmly waiting his turn.
“Turns out that Nene’s father has been telling some blackened truths,” he smiled and reminded me a lot of the snakes I had been looking for. The one thing about snakes is that they were highly protective of their own, and that was Mitsuhide all over. “I have the evidence naturally, and the man is also in our dungeons as we speak.”
I left the main hall as Nobunaga nodded at me, and I was surprised to hear someone following me seconds after I left.
Hideyoshi had me in a tight hug from behind the second he caught up.
“I hated every second of that,” he muttered, unwilling to let me go. “Especially when I had to stop seeing you at nights, I didn’t realise how lonely it got,” he sighed, squeezing me softly. “She was very trying the entire time, I have no idea how you kept your head. I was losing mine when Nobunaga deviated from the plan and declaring that you were going to be his wife.”
“I am never letting Nobunaga pull that one again, and we both know that was his signal to you to step up the resources and find out what was going on,” I admitted, and started to lead Toyotomi towards my room before I was up in his arms.
“Your room may be closer, but I’m not letting anyone near you,” he sulked and promptly stalked off to his manor.
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eusyram · 6 years
Send ▨ for the mun & muse’s opinion of your muse.
my daughteru
“She’s pretty, she’s perfect, and she’s just about as popular as me! Heehee! Those innocent eyes and that guileless charm is enough to turn the knees of any man weak! I have to say her technique’s not bad, even if she’s fumbling around making an awkward fool of herself half the time!”
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“Well, they do say you have to let your children make their own mistakes before they can grow up. I’m looking forward to the day she gets her very own Love Triangle~”
“Although it is a problem that she’s so bad at picking up boys. Well, it can’t be helped.”
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“Who’d want to date a mini-me when they can have the real thing instead?”
omg kill me she’s cute
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w-who are you to attack my heart like this?! how dare you, how could you place this precious smoll on my dash and make me aware of her existence and attack all my cute defenses so mercilessly you cruel cruel creature.
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i don’t know anything about your series but i want to read it now!! ahhh!! and i don’t even know who anyone is but hanako and tsukasa are already creeping into my heart they’re too cute oh no i am weak---
i love her expressions, her reactions, the way she switches between cute girl and I AM ANGRY HEAR ME ROAR because she’s not just any girl, she’s got spunk and spirit and soul! a true SSSR with personality! and i really hope she finds her prince soon mary sue be damned
ugh ok lemme get ahold of myself um yeah so to sum up
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n-nene, would you m-maybe be willing to go on a d-d-date with me--
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evieonic · 4 years
Masterlist! (UPDATED: 8/21/2021)
Here’s a masterlist of all my current fics. As new ones are published, they’ll be added to the list. They are listed by publication date, with the title as a link followed by a summary of the work. If there are any trigger warnings, they are added as well. So is length of the work, fandoms and pairings. Please read the tags before reading the work. These links are attached to the fic itself so before reading, please take the time to read the tags.
You Were Good To Me (Published: Feb/6/2021)
       Pairing: Dazai x Chuuya
       Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
       Trigger Warning: Suicide by train. 
        Length: 1039 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
        Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title)
        Summary: “I shouldn’t have left you,” Dazai whimpered. 
Chuuya couldn’t see him but his tears were falling onto his face as he cradled his head. He wished he could push him away from the train tracks but he couldn’t. He didn’t exist in the same plane as him. 
Chuuya only smiled at that, closing his eyes as he heard the sound of the train coming closer. “It’s okay. We weren’t meant for this world anyway,” he said. 
Then the train came. 
And Chuuya was no more.
I Love You (Even Though You Don’t Love Me Back) (Published: Feb/6/2021)
     Pairing: Dazai x Chuuya
     Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
     Trigger Warning: None.
      Length: 3478 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
      Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title)
      Summary: Once Chuuya finally realized he was in love with Dazai, he was going to tell him. 
He was going to tell the one man who used him, manipulated him, the one man who he knew he should never confess his love to. 
But all of that pain was in the past. Dazai was a new man. A man who wanted to be good to Chuuya. So it was time to tell him his feelings. 
But there was one problem. Dazai doesn't feel the same.
Order Made (Published: Feb/6/2021)
    Pairing: Ash x Eiji
    Fandom: Banana Fish
    Trigger Warning: None.
     Length: 2467 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
     Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title)
     Summary: Many people don't realize when you die, you go through a recreation process. A process to forget your past life and become someone new. This is a retelling of how that process goes.
Too Late (Published: Feb/9/2021)
   Pairing: Dazai x Chuuya
   Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
   Trigger Warning: None.
    Length: 1006 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
    Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title)
    Summary: Those three sugary sweet words held the whole world for Chuuya. It was all he hoped to hear from Dazai even though he always knew he'd never hear it. 
He had lost hope to hear it, so he kept his own thoughts to himself. 
But then at the worst moment possible, that bastard just had to confess and finally tell Chuuya the words he had always hoped to hear. 
"I love you." 
It was so perfect. 
Except the fact that Dazai was bleeding out of his chest and seconds away from death. 
How unlucky for Chuuya.
From Way Back When (Published: Feb/10/2021)
   Pairing: Ash x Eiji
   Fandom: Banana Fish
   Trigger Warning: None.
   Length: 2214 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
   Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title)
   Summary: An old Japanese urban legend; When a person dies and is reborn, their face becomes the face of the person they loved most in their past life. 
Adapted legend based off of this; When a person dies and is reborn, their new life contains aspects based off of the life the person they loved most had. 
Example, if a boy who is Italian with red hair and freckles and lived in Turkey, say that a girl fell in love with this boy and died. She would’ve been reborn, possibly, as an italian boy with freckles with an attraction to red hair and to Turkish culture. 
Jayden is honestly just curious about Japanese legends. But he can't help but wonder if the strange thoughts he sometimes gets where he remembers a boy with blond hair and green eyes like his own... 
Is that someone he loved once in a past life?
From Now On (Published: Feb/12/2021)
  Pairing: Dazai x Chuuya
  Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
  Trigger Warning: None.
   Length:  6130 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
   Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title)
   Summary: When Dazai left the mafia in hopes of fulfilling his promise to Odasaku to protect the weak and save the orphans, he never really thought he'd start that promise off by adopting a little girl. 
And then another little girl.
And then another. 
Until Dazai's family grew to the point where he had nearly five children. 
But there's still one thing missing in his little family... 
This House For You (Published: Feb/17/2021)
    Pairing: Akutagawa x Atsushi
    Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
    Trigger Warning: Suspected Cheating.
    Length:  4498 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
    Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title)
    Summary: Even though Dazai and Chuuya are more than willing to give Aku and Sushi more money for the house, neither of them want to take more than they've already been given. 
But Aku is a little more willing to take than Atsushi. He has a special surprise for the love of his life and he's going to work hard to make that dream come true. 
Akutagawa is out and about 24/7, Atsushi begins to think he's cheating.
By The Time Chuuya Gets Home, Dazai Always Pretends To Be Dead (Published: Feb/20/2021)
     Pairing: Dazai x Chuuya
     Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
     Trigger Warning: Suicide attempts done in a light/comedic manner.
     Length:  3022 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
     Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title)
     Summary: Every time Chuuya comes home from work he gets an unexpected surprise, a surprise that really should scare every spouse whenever they come home, which is to see their husband dead on the ground. 
Dazai always pretends to be dead by the time his popular, rockstar husband gets home, and as weird as it sounds, they both love it.
The Best Kind Of Mystery (Published: Feb/24/2021)
    Pairing: Ranpo x Poe
    Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
    Trigger Warning: None.
    Length:  1966 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
    Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title)
    Summary: It's Ranpo's birthday today and Edgar has a special mystery collection for him to solve that will change their lives forever. 
Four books, four words. 
Will Ranpo be able to guess it?
Dance With Me In The Rain (Published Feb/28/2021)
     Pairing: Langa x Reki
     Fandom: Sk8: The Infinity
     Trigger Warning: None.
     Length:  1581 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
     Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title)
     Summary: “It’s just thunder you know,” Langa said, gently, “you’re okay.”
Reki immediately relaxed, “I know,” he said, looking up to him, “but it’s loud, it’s kind of nerve-racking.” 
“Well, then what if we…,” Langa pondered, thinking up something that could keep Reki distracted from the thunder. Aha! “What if we sing?” 
“Sing?” Reki gave him a look, “you want us to… sing.”
“Well, singing and dancing in the rain is fun sometimes,” Langa pouted, “and it would keep you distracted.”
The redhead gave him a doubtful look but laughed and indulged him, “okay, let’s try that.” 
On their way home in the rain, the thunder is scaring Reki so Langa tries to distract him by asking him to sing and dance with him in the rain.
The Misadventures Of No. 7 Hanako-kun and No. 8 Yashiro Nene (First Published: Feb/27/2021, Last Updated: March/1/2021)
    Pairing: Hanako x Nene
    Fandom: Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun
    Trigger Warning: None.
    Length:  4387 Words, 3 Chapters. Ongoing.
    Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title)
    Summary: Have you heard this rumor? 
Several years ago, there was a girl at our very school who fell in love with a ghost. 
She denied her feelings for him at first but eventually she realized she loved him so much that she wanted to be with him for all time. 
But because she was alive and he was a ghost, their lives would never be able to flow the same. 
Each day, she would get older, and he would most likely stay the same. So one day, in order to stay with him, she made a wish. 
She made a wish that she be made a ghost as well so she could stay with him until they could both pass over together. 
And even though the boy tried to tell her not to because he wanted her to live. He loved her too. 
So eventually, he granted her wish. 
And together, in the last stall of the girl’s bathroom, you can ask the two lovers to grant you a wish in regards to happiness or love. 
If your wish is pure of heart, they will grant it, together.
But who knows if such a tale is true, right?
The fluffy and sweet misadventures of the school's seventh wonder - the ghost couple of No. 7 Hanako-kun and No. 8 Yashiro Nene - and their human (friend) assistant, Yuki Hakanara!
What You Mean To Me (Published: March/3/2021)
   Pairing: Dazai x Chuuya
   Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
   Trigger Warning: None.
   Length:  1559 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
   Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title)
   Summary: “Why do you never react when I touch you?” Dazai asked curiously. 
At first, Chuuya was confused by that. He did react. Depending on the touch he would blush, shiver, moan, he’d react in different ways. 
“I do react,” he said, “what do you mean?”       
“I mean when I say sweet truthful things about who you are,” Dazai smiled with a look in his eyes as if he already knew the answer, “when i’m talking about how human you are.”
Chuuya doesn't believe in his worth as a person and Dazai is quick to correct that.
What Once Was Stolen (Published: March/5/2021)
   Pairing: Dazai x Chuuya
   Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
   Trigger Warning: Suicide Attempt.
    Length:  5394 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
    Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title)
    Summary: It's been a long time since Dazai went deaf. It was hard at first, but the change made Chuuya's relationship with his husband much closer than before. 
They read together, sign together, cuddle almost constantly because Dazai likes to hear the vibrations in his voice. 
But now, they have good news! Yosano knows a doctor who can cure him. 
There's just one tiny problem. 
Dazai's afraid of losing everything they have now and will go back to the way they used to be. 
Back when they were too afraid to show their true feelings.
I’ve Fallen Into An Impossible Love (Published: March/8/2021)
     Pairing: Xiao x Venti
     Fandom: Genshin Impact
    Trigger Warning: None
     Length: 4796 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
     Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title)
     Summary: “Childe,” Xiao glared at him, “when is he going to come on, I can’t stay any longer.”
“Just be patient, man, he’s the next act!” Childe said with an easy smile. Xiao only sighed, not liking that answer.
He had exams to study for, sleep he had to get so he wouldn’t be dead in the morning. This was a mistake, a worthless, worthless mist-
“Good evening, everyone!!” A cheerful voice rang out and Xiao looked up at the stage to see a boy with black braided hair, green emerald eyes, dressed up in a cute outfit with an adorable smile as he beamed at the crowd as if everyone was his personal friend and he was happy to see them.
Xiao’s jaw fell open from the sight of him, his eyes going wide.
As he started singing and dancing as if he was happy to be alive, Xiao could feel his heart beating faster and faster, his cheeks getting redder and redder.
Is this really what angels look like?
He was about to get his heart calm when…
Venti's eyes met with his for a second and he beamed at him, waving at him as if he was overjoyed to see him.
Oh, that did it. He was doomed now.
He has now fallen into an impossible love with an idol who doesn't even know him.
What Dazai Means To Chuuya (Published: March/9/2021)
   Pairing: Dazai x Chuuya
   Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
   Trigger Warning: Implied/Referenced self harm and self harm scars.
    Length:  935 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
    Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title) Tumblr: Link to Post
    Summary: He sniffled once, he sniffled twice, bringing his hand to his mouth to cover it as tears slipped down his eyes, flowing down his cheeks against his will. He tried to keep quiet so Chuuya wouldn’t notice but of course he did.        
       And he only smiled adoringly at him as if he was the most beautiful person he had ever seen. And Dazai was the most beautiful person he had ever seen and would ever want to see. Chuuya said nothing, only putting a gentle hand, caressing Dazai’s cheek as he pulled his hand away from his mouth so the same treatment he gave his left arm can be given to his right.
       No words were spoken. They didn’t need to be. Dazai understood the message Chuuya was giving him and it was breaking him but he didn’t mind it. It just felt so overwhelming to know that he was loved.
        And someone was happy he was alive and cared about the pain he has felt in the past.
OR: Chuuya kisses and worships Dazai body so he will know and believe that he is truly loved.
In Simple Joy and Peace (Updated: May/3/2021)
     Pairing: Luffy x Sanji
     Fandom: One Piece
    Trigger Warning: None.
      Length: 8552 Words, 2 Chapters. Completed.
     Platforms: Both Parts on Ao3 (Link in Title) Tumblr: Link to Part 1. Link to Part 2.
     Summary: He chuckled, tightening his arm around Luffy to bring him a little closer, “Oh, i know what you mean now,” he lowered his voice to a more charming tone as he leaned forward to kiss the black haired man but then he pulled away slightly, grinning cheekily, “your birthday?”
     “Sanji!” Luffy glared at him, propping himself up on his elbows as he slapped Sanji’s chest. “You know full well that tomorrow isn’t my birthday!”
     Sanji only laughed and brought his angry love back into his hold, “I know, I know, I’m sorry,” he chuckled and this time kissed him for real, making Luffy melt against him instantly. He pulled back to stare into those chocolate brown eyes he’s come to adore and decided to quit teasing the poor man.
      “It’s our wedding day,” he said softly, watching as those darling eyes widened and a blush dusted his husband-to-be’s cheeks.
     Luffy smiled as if he had been reminded of the most happiest memory he ever had and that’s exactly how he felt. Tomorrow, in the evening, the two of them were going to be wed. They would husbands, bound together in eternal love, until death do they part. And even after death, Sanji would never let Luffy part from him.
Damn Sick Bird (Published: March/16/2021)
   Pairing: Crocodile x Doflamingo
   Fandom: One Piece
   Trigger Warning: None
  Length:  949 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
  Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title) Tumblr: Link to Post.
  Summary: “You know,” he said, propping his chin into his hand, “next time I tell you that it’s going to rain, you should take an umbrella and the car to get to your office, you should probably listen to me.”
     Crocodile let out a growl, uncovering his face so his death glare would reach him, “The forecast on my phone was saying otherwise. And usually, I never get sick.”
     There it was, “yeah usually, you never get sick, that doesn’t actually mean never.” He grinned, “I know you’re handsome enough to pretty much be an immortal god of beauty, but that doesn’t mean you actually are one, love.”
OR: Crocodile gets sick and Doffy takes care of him.
One True Weakness (Published: March/17/2021)
     Pairing: Sukuna x Yuuji
     Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
    Trigger Warning: None.
     Length: 922 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
     Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title) Tumblr: Link to Post.
     Summary: It was a battle, a fight, they were trying to kill each other.
But then Sukuna's long black nails grazed Yuuji's neck...
And the poor boy snorted revealing his one true weakness. He was ticklish.
OR: Sukuna discovers how ticklish Yuuji is and stops their fight because he's found new entertainment in seeing Yuuji laugh.
These Feelings Of Love Just Won't Stop!!! (Published:  04/26/2021)        
        Pairing: Zhongli x Childe
        Fandom: Genshin Impact
       Trigger Warning: None.
       Length: 6432 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
       Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title)
       Summary: Having a crush on someone is a wonderful thing... 
Except when that crush has lasted for roughly eight years and that beautiful, living god of a man is still oblivious to your flirting. 
Someone please save Childe's poor soul, Zhongli and his handsome face is going to be the death of him!!!
Childe has had a major crush on Zhongli ever since they were in middle school and no amount of flirting is getting him closer to having this man realize he adores him. But maybe sparks will start flying when Zhongli asks him to spend spring break with him.
It's basically shy, gay-panicking 24/7 Childe x oblivious to gay flirting and obviously gay flirting model student Zhongli.
A Corset Can Kill A Man (Published:  05/3/2021)
         Pairing: Dazai x Chuuya
         Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
         Trigger Warning: None, however, this is NSFW, meaning it is explict and 18+. Please read the tags on ao3 before reading.
         Length: 5949 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
         Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title)
         Summary: Dazai tends to dress up in lingerie for his loving husband but he decides one night to surprise Chuuya with something new...
Dazai in a corset, anyone?
Wedding Night For Three (Published:  05/8/2021)
        Pairing: Dazai x Fyodor x Shibusawa
        Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
        Trigger Warning: None, however, this is NSFW, meaning it is explicit and 18+. Please read the tags on ao3 before reading. 
       Length: 4866 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
        Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title)
        Summary: Dazai had never dreamed of marrying not just one - but two people - and actually loving them with all his heart. 
He hadn't expected himself to fall in love with Fyodor and Shibusawa who were already boyfriends at the time and then having the three of them get married to each other.
The wedding was everything Dazai wanted, he couldn't be happier.
Except for one thing: Fyodor and Shibusawa out of their suits and fucking him into the goddamn mattress.
A Shock Collar Surprise For Daddy (Published:  05/12/2021)
           Pairing: Dazai x Chuuya
           Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
           Trigger Warning: Choking. Dazai pushes himself too far. This is NSFW, meaning it is explicit and 18+. Please read the tags on ao3 before reading.
           Length: 7868 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
           Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title)
           Summary: “Did you play with this new toy by yourself?”
“A little bit, sir,” Dazai stammered, sliding into his role quickly. “But only to make sure it was at a shock level comfortable for me.”
         “Ohhh, just for that, hmm?” Chuuya hummed, a dark smirk playing on his lips, “you didn’t touch yourself either? I should hope you didn’t because that’s a very important rule that I had hoped a good little boy like you would follow.”
         “N-No,” Dazai stammered, “I promise, I didn’t touch myself at all.”
         “So it was just trying to make sure the shock collar worked for you?” Chuuya smiled, “that’s such an honorable deed. I feel so honored. But there’s one little problem, dearest, i’m sure you know exactly what I mean.”
         “I-I’m not supposed to prepare toys that can cause pain and adjust them for myself by myself,” Dazai said, whimpering as Chuuya covered his jaw in kisses. He grinned, a rush of mischief overwhelming his senses, “I’m supposed to let Daddy help me.”
Age Before Beauty (Published:  05/19/2021)
           Pairing: Dazai x Chuuya
           Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
           Trigger Warning: Self harm descriptions, past suicide attempt descriptions, suicide, depression.
           Length: 4165 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
           Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title)
           Summary: Dazai fell onto the bed, on top of Chuuya and his arms wrapped tight around him as Chuuya kept hitting his back and screaming.
“Please!” He choked out, “Please, don’t go! They’ll kill you - you know they’re going to kill you - you know it!”Chuuya sobbed, raking his hands down his back. He wasn’t angry, not really, he just felt so hopeless. He had to touch him, everywhere and really touch him. This was going to be the last time he touched him and he wanted to make sure he remembered it.
Dazai tightened his arms around him. He, too, wasn’t angry. His heart was shattering like a piece of sugar glass. Falling apart like 100 year old paper. Why did things have to come to this? Maybe if this was happening long before he fell so deeply in love with this man, he'd be happy about this situation. It once was his dream after all.
But now he didn't want this at all. All he wanted was to live with Chuuya, spend days with him, grow old with him, be with him forever until death do they part.
However, unfortunately, someone has decided to ruthlessly attack the ADA and endanger everyone's lives, including Chuuya's, but they can be saved with a heavy price.
And the price is...
Dazai Osamu's life.
Dazai's Shinigami Record (Published:  05/26/2021)
     Pairing: Dazai x Chuuya
     Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
     Trigger Warning: Major Character Deaths, talk of death, suicide mentions, suicide.
      Length: 2882 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
      Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title)
      Summary: Before there was time, there were two Gods, the God of the Sun and God of the Moon. One day, these two Gods came together and fell in love, creating the earth, the humans, and the demigods that would help them care for the mortals. One such demigod was the demigod of mischief and death, Dazai.
People would come to him to pray for loved ones or for themselves not to reach untimely deaths or to pray for mischievous things (which was always Dazai’s favorite matter to take care of.)
And while Dazai did revel in the power that he had, he also hated it. Dealing with the matters of death was depressing to him, but what he hated most was how the relationship between mortal and god worked.
Dazai had been warned several times that the relationship between mortal and god had to be distanced. But he never listened to such advice.
But there then came a day where his whole life changed. He met a man with fiery red hair and beautiful blue eyes, a man so gorgeous, so lovely, that he had to have him as his own.
They fell in love.
And Dazai's painful, heartbreaking future was sealed.
I'm Not Going To Lose You (Published:  05/27/2021)
        Pairing: Chris Redfield x Ethan Winters
        Fandom: Resident Evil 8
        Trigger Warning: None.
        Length: 3492 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
        Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title) Tumblr: Link to Post
       Summary: “Chris…,” Ethan said again, stopping in his tracks, forcing Chris to look at him. “I don’t think I can keep going.”
“No, you can,” Chris insisted, “you have to."
Ethan only tried to push Rose into his arms again, his eyes beginning to tear up. He needed Chris to run so they both could survive. If they both survived, then he could die happy. "You both need to survive, okay? There’s no time to argue about this so you should just-”
Before Ethan could even finish his words, Chris wrapped a hand around the back of his head, his gloved fingers lacing with his hair while the other hand pushed the baby further into his grasp. Ethan didn’t have time to question the movement because the next thing he knew, Chris’s lips were on his own. His eyes widened as Chris pushed him further into the kiss, deepening it as his eyes slowly fluttered closed.
The kiss was warm and sweet, gentle and loving, it was everything he could ever want. It was short, too. Chris pulled away before he had a chance to kiss back.“
I’m not going to lose you." Chris said, "Not again.”
Papa Dazai (Published:  06/4/2021)
        Pairing: Dazai Osamu x Chuuya Nakahara
        Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
        Trigger Warning: Major Character Death.
        Length: 1437 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
        Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title) Tumblr: Link to Post
        Summary: “The fuck is this?” He grumbled, placing the hotdogs on the table. “Who is this?”
Dazai shrugged, allowing himself to come crashing down to reality, “I don’t know. He just approached me, calling me dad.”
“Daddy,” The little boy mumbled again before giggling and pointed at Chuuya, “Dada!”
“Nope,” Chuuya shook his head, “not dada.”
“But Chuuya~!” Dazai whined.
“Dazai, are you serious right now? It’s a kid and not even our kid!” Chuuya said, always being the voice of reason.“
But Chuuya, look at him!” Dazai smiled, lifting the boy onto his lap, “he looks just like us and plus we’d make such good parents! You’d make such a good dad, I just know it.”
Chuuya sighed angrily, reaching for a napkin and wiped at the little boy’s face. “Fine! We can at least have fun with him until we can find his parents, okay?!”
And with that, Dazai and Chuuya suddenly became fathers.
Ever Since July (Published:  06/23/2021)
        Pairing: Dazai Osamu x Chuuya Nakahara
        Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
        Trigger Warning: Major Character Death, depression, suicide, implied /referenced depression and self harm, hallucinations. Angst with no happy ending. Please do not read if it triggers you in any way.
        Length: 4252 Words, 1 Chapter. Not Completed.
        Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title)
        Summary: Dazai couldn’t quite place it even if he wanted to.
He knew there was something he was forgetting but he couldn’t quite place it. And to be quite honest, a part of him knew he didn’t really want to.
“What are you doing here, sitting so silently?” Said the adorable redhead leaning over him, blocking the sun from his eyes. So much for peace and quiet, Dazai thought, playfully. His peace could be ruined by Chuuya any second of the day if he so wished to.
“Enjoying the weather,” Dazai answered, watching as the sun made Chuuya’s eyes appear as if they were literal sapphires, all sparkly and beautiful.
“Really? You?” Chuuya grinned, “you usually never enjoy the weather.”
Dazai chuckled. He sometimes took pleasure in the small things… Even though it was rare.
He knew whatever he was forgetting, it had to do with Chuuya. But he wasn’t going to focus on it. He’d rather focus on how gorgeous he looked today; his red hair glowing like flames and his denim jacket somehow looking even sexier on him than it did the day before.
Dazai could melt from the sight of Chuuya in that jacket but... he knew something was wrong. And it's been that way ever since that day in July.
Lovers In The Moonlight (Published:  07/14/2021)
      Pairing: Sebastian Michaelis x Grelle Sutcliff
      Fandom: Black Butler
      Trigger Warning: Gender dysphoria discussions. This fic is also a songfic, if you'd like to listen along as you read, the song is called You're My Lover by Birdtalker.
      Length: 4267 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
      Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title) Tumblr: Link to Post
      Summary: It was the cold, empty space beside Sebastian that woke him up in the middle of the night. It was rare for Sebastian to wake up so randomly but he immediately knew what did it when he realized that his arms weren’t around the precious warm body of his beloved wife, Grelle.
Ever since he married his beautiful wife and began to sleep in the same bed with her, he couldn’t sleep nor stay asleep unless he felt her warmth beside him. He just couldn’t do it as much as it frustrated him. He had very, very, very few weaknesses and one of them just had to be something so petty like Grelle’s presence beside him whenever he did… well… anything.
So where could she have gone?    
The Man of My Dreams (Published:  07/26/2021)
     Pairing: Kazuha x Kazuha’s Friend (fanonically called Tomo)
     Fandom: Genshin Impact
    Trigger Warning: Pre Updates 2.0 spoilers, Major Character Death (kinda not really tho), Graphic Violence (kinda not really tho. If you have played through the story quest featuring Kazuha and got to the part about Tomo, that’s why these tags are here because that scene is described again in the fic.) This fic is also a songfic, the song is called Hitchcock by Yorushika. 100% recommend listening while reading, though you don’t have to. Song lyrics are in bold and italics.  
     Length: 5037 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
     Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title) Tumblr: Link to Post
     Summary: He couldn’t place it.
He watched as the raindrops fell, gently hitting the ground, creating puddles as he sat there on the bus, his cheek pressed against the cold window.
On any other day, he would be smiling, thinking of flowery words that could match the way this scene appeared to him. But right now, he couldn’t do such a thing.
Because he was too busy thinking about the dream he had last night. A dream about a world called Teyvat, in a beautiful city called Inazuma.
Normally, anyone would shrug off these dreams. However, Kazuha has these dreams every single night as the season of fall dwells closer.
And in every dream, there's always a man, a man whom he doesn't know nor has he ever met... yet somehow he knows that this man is important to him.
As if he is someone he lost long ago and has been missing ever since.
Remedy For A Broken Heart (Published:  08/15/2021)
     Pairing: Platonic only, characters: Gojo, Yuuji, and Megumi
     Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
     Trigger Warning: None, though technically contains a break-up and non-consensual tickling though it's all in good fun.
     Length: 1595 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
     Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title) Tumblr: Link to Post
     Summary: Yuuji's heart got broken by some chick at school and absolutely refuses to go to class. Megumi takes it into his own hands to get the strawberry blond happy again by calling Gojo-sensei who has some... talented tickling fingers.
Ticklish Experiments (Published:  08/21/2021)
    Pairing: Diluc/Zhongli
    Fandom: Genshin Impact
    Trigger Warning: None.
    Length: 1487 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
    Platforms: Ao3 (Link in Title) Tumblr: Link to Post
    Summary: Venti keeps telling Zhongli about this new thing mortals do called "tickling" and he wants to try it out on Diluc.
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Oozora Yuujin: Double Standard in Digimon/Appmon Fandom
Seriously, why is no one talking about this?
If you watch Tri and Appmon more carefully, you'll find that Oozora Yuujin has pretty much experienced ALL the Tri girls' main problems.  
1. Yuujin and Meiko: Being hurt both physically and mentally because of their cute, problematic partners.
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But compared to Meiko who can only cry and run, Yuujin (despite his low self-esteem, just like Meiko’s) has guts to stop Shutmon using his own body.
2. Yuujin and Sora: Caring for others while neglecting themselves.
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Worse, when they can't solve their own problems by themselves, they will pretend like they can handle everything on their own. At least, Yuujin finally opens up to welcome the others’ help, rather than throws himself into more trouble like Sora does. It's not all Sora's fault, though. Haru and the others are doing it right when they offer Yuujin help. While Taichi and Yamato can only complain and make Sora feel worse (Just imagine if it was Takeru who talked to her. The story would be different).
That being said, Yuujin still ends up diving by himself into danger to save Offmon, and needs Haru and Globemon to rescue them.
3. Yuujin and Hikari: Being possessed by god-like, balance-seeking yet destructive digital entities.
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Hikari, while her body is being taken over, still manages to resist Homeostasis from inside. Yuujin? Indeed, he manages to take over half of his body when being controlled, to call Haru’s name. But when Leviathan finally takes full charge of him, he helplessly lets Haru do everything, until Leviathan offers Haru to save the world by killing them both.
4. Yuujin and Mimi: Being alienated in new environments.
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We see Mimi get rejected by her new friends for her Daters Cafe, but still able to stay believing in herself and her ideal. While little Yuujin reacts to being rejected (even by someone he barely knows) as if no one would ever want to have him around again. Until Haru comes and helps him through it.
See the similarities and differences now?
This is only my guess, but the writers might intentionally put Yuujin through these "girls problems", to let us see the real Yuujin, which is not as perfect as he seems to be.
But why should "girls problems"? Why not giving him more masculine problems, such as unable to protect younger sibling, rivalry, or being a good leader, like Taichi and Yamato used to struggle with? Doesn't Yuujin resemble those two? An active, popular protagonist-like boy? They still can show Yuujin's flaws through "boys problems", right? So, why should "girls problems"?
I will try to answer this later, but let me get something straight first.
I enjoy Appmon. But I am sick seeing Yuujin being treated by the fandom as Taichi's expy (even after the plot reveals his vulnerability without Haru) just because he plays soccer, is a boy, and is said to be an ideal protagonist, when there is already Sora, whom Yuujin obviously shares more similar traits with, rather than with Taichi.
"But Yuujin can't be Sora's expy! Because Yuujin is portrayed as a popular, active masculine sportsman, and Sora is a girl just too motherly to be compared to one."
Yeah, right. You must forget how Sora was when she was a kid (she even played soccer too, for God’s sake!). And you didn't truly watch how Yuujin and Offmon's interaction went. If Yuujin can't be called as a patient, loving parent that is succeed in bringing up the cowardly Offmon to be a capable fighter, I don't know what he is to Offmon.
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I'm not saying that Yuujin should have been a girl, to make his character and this show proper. I'm also not saying that Taichi is better than Yuujin, or the girls. The point is, Taichi is the base character for most Digimon protagonists. And Yuujin, if he was really modeled after Taichi, should have faced those "girls problems" above with much more protagonist-like ways, like Mimi or Hikari does (who are not even the protagonists).
But, nah. Yuujin turns out to be a woobie, fragile distressed damsel. Something that Taichi would never become, but Sora and Meiko would.
And that is NOT a bad thing either. Personally, I never see any characters as bad. If they are written like that, then that's how they are. The only thing that can ruin the characters is either the writers' bad writing, unreasonable inconsistency, or the audience's high expectation. And those, of course, are not the characters' faults (I'm looking at you, 02-Sora).
However, Appmon writers are bunch of talents (or rather, trolls) that trick the audience to think of Yuujin as the Taichi for the un-Taichi-like protagonist: Haru. They also seem to be aware on how the double standard between boys and girls works, and use it to surprise the audience.
Writer A: Let's write a wimpy, shy introverted main character for the new Digimon series Writer B: All right, but sure he would overcome his weakness, take a level in badass, and save the world, right? Writer A: Of course. And that's why he would need “someone special” to be rescued from the baddies. It would mature him dramatically in no time. Writer C: Oh, a love interest! Interesting! *writes Ai-chan* Here she is! What do you say? Writer A: She's cute. But looks boring. Please make another. Writer C: *writes Eri* Here! Another one, but stronger and more confident. She would help the wimpy main character to grow a backbone. Writer A: Is she going to be kidnapped? Writer C: Well, maybe. That's how it usually works, right? Writer A: No, scrap that. It would reduce this show into another chickification trash. The older audience have had enough of that. Writer B: Hey guys, hear me out. Make another one like Eri. Strong, confident, and kind. But this time, change her into a boy. There wouldn't be any chickification if the victim was a boy. The older audience would never expect it either. They might not even realize.
I’ve seen some comments complaining about how Yuujin and Offmon had stolen the spotlight from Haru. But no one seems to ever complain about Yuujin’s “chickification”, which rendered him almost useless in the Ultimate 4 arc and the last arc (except for being Haru’s living emotional crutch and maybe, fetish fuel, as him being crucified under a time bomb, or put into bondage suit while being possessed/mind-controlled, seems to be well-received among his fans).
On the other hand, Eri impressively freeing herself from Knight is considered as a very compelling point that some even regard her as the best DigiGirl ever. If Eri ended up in Yuujin’s position, she would promptly be accused for being another chickification victim, like Sora, Izumi, and Nene.
Appmon cleverly avoids itself from being tagged with chickification trope, by subjecting a boy (Yuujin) to it. And not just a boy. He's (seemed to be)confident, active, kind, brave, protective, patient, one of the chosen ones, able to kick ass, in short: almost perfect protagonist-like boy.
If Yuujin was a girl, in this kind of kids/shonen anime,even with a "weak" protagonist like Haru; admit it.The way how she was treated throughout the series: being so much devoted to a boy, to the level being distressed, kidnapped, possessed, and finally sacrificed for the said boy’s character development, would be a “very annoying, yet unsurprising thing” to see, since Digimon has quite reputation in chickifiying its action girls.
Girl!Yuujin would be deemed as a Mary Sue subjected to the most severe chickification that Digimon series had ever done. No “female Taichi” would ever be tagged to her. Even if she played soccer and wore goggle.
Regardless of the special treatment Yuujin got from the fandom because of his gender, Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters, though might not be the best series, still nails at what it specializes the most. Surprising the audience while staying to be faithful to the plot and the characteristics of its casts.
No one would ever think that Yuujin being broken is the price that Haru has to pay, in order to grow himself as a real protagonist. Most audience might have expected that Yuujin would be Haru's mentor (or at least, rival) since he has already been a “protagonist” from beginning. But haha. Let alone mentoring, Yuujin has been always depending on Haru, like Haru is the whole world to him. Turns out Haru also feels the same way toward Yuujin. But instead of depending on, Haru chooses to be a protagonist (hero) that Yuujin can depend on, to make up for the fact that he can't save him from Leviathan.
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Appmon last episode is pretty much an antithesis to what it appears to be in the first episode. "Yuujin the confident hero and Haru the kindhearted side-character" has been flipped to "Yuujin the selfless, sacrificial lamb and Haru the dependable, determined hero".
More impressively, this ending doesn't come out nowhere. Yuujin himself admits that he has always been saved by Haru, both physically and mentally. This pattern is used throughout the series, yet a bit contradicted in the last episode.
In the last arc, the writers makes Haru rise up with determination to save Yuujin as usual, only to be forced to kill him off, in order to stay being a real protagonist and save the world (very cruel scenario, if you ask me). 
Last but not least. Yuujin never sees himself as a protagonist, or a hero, or a leader. He is just forced to be seen as one, despite his fragile heart and weak mental, which people tend to shrug off because of his first impression as the polar opposite of the un-Taichi-like protagonist, Haru. And that explains why Yuujin is so easy to be destroyed, unlike Haru.
Yuujin is right. He's no protagonist. Haru is the real protagonist.
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