#even tho his smile is barely visible
every-luffy-smile · 1 year
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ilycosy · 5 months
why is the thought of luke stealing your underwear and keeping them in his cargo pants so hot to me??? i……
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it's so hot bc it's totally real n possible ,,, he wld definitely steal anything of yours that he can grab w/o anyone noticing !!
lukes the type of guy that def ends up getting caught eventually tho .. maybe on purpose
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luke castellan has always been the golden boy of camp— never mean nor out of place, just the right amount of confident and talkative. perfect in every sense, with his pretty face and natural hermes boy charm.
which is why he finds it so hot, the actual scandal of it all fueled his fucked up sense of self even more. he knows it's weird to do, but he chalks it up to his father as another thing he can hate him for. besides, who expects a hermes child not to steal?
at first it starts off simple, just little things of yours that you won't miss. pencils and random things you fiddled with for a week before forgetting about it, then it turned into shirts. the shirts served a double purpose really, slipping them over his pillow so he can cling to and pretend like you're together— and then the more obvious answer.
he honestly hadn't thought about stealing your panties until he saw the opportunity— well, maybe he did, but he didn't actually expect himself to do it. until he did. it was like he was on autopilot, grabbing something from your cabin for another person when he saw your bunk. the small laundry basket caught his eye, he knew that he had to have it.
he barely looked at them before they were in his hands, he only paused for a moment to feel the intricate lace before stuffing them in his pockets. he puts them in the pocket closet to him for easy reach, the fabric lump isn't even visible with how the pants are designed and he's never been more thankful for cargo pants until now.
throughout the day he can't help but feel them to make sure they're real every chance he gets, hands in his pockets idly while he's talking to people— even you. pretending like he doesn't know everything about what you're saying, he smiles and nods, occasionally rubbing the fabric and fighting back the blood rushing down his body.
but back to what i was saying abt him getting caught (on purpose)
luke has always been sneaky, you've known this ever since you started dating him. he's always planning and learning certain things about you that makes you wonder if he's stalking you (he is but shh pretend u don't know), but you just brush it off as him being a good bf and a hermes child.
which is why you almost second guess your eyes when you spot a pair of panties tucked under lukes pillow— at first you thought the worst, but when you got closer you felt your stomach drop and churn when you saw it was an old pair of yours. half in disgust, but also there was a deep coil of desire in you.
you don't mention it for a while, at first he just thinks that you didn't see it the first time— so he keeps leaving them under his pillow still.
he couldn't be so wrong. when he finally has a moment away from the prying eyes of young campers and the annoyance of the other counselors, he takes you to the cabin. pushing you down against the bed completely forgetting that he planted them under the pillow.
he's leaving wet open-mouthed kisses down your neck onto your chest when you reach up to grab them, hooking your finger around the thin waistband— you hold them up smugly like a trophy. "you still haven't hid them?"
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ihave-atummyache · 4 months
you drive me crazy
Stray Kids Imagine
summary: things that makes the boys weak in the knees.
5.3k words
NFSW!!! 18+
(some smut but not really a smutty piece. super suggestive tho!!)
(im just gonna post this and pretend i havent been mia for weeks<3)
Bang Chan: low rise pants
Your boyfriend doesn't know exactly what it is about you in low rise pants that gets to him, but he knows he's always having to drag his eyes away from that little sliver of skin. The fact that one wrong move could have him catching a glimpse of your panties makes him feel like a horny little teenager.
The two of you decided to go out one night, just some fairly private club that you frequented together. He sat in your living room while you placed finishing touches on your outfit for the night.
It had been a while since you went out and you were super excited to wear an outfit that you had been imagining in your head for months, but you just never got the opportunity to wear it.
You slipped the cargo pants up your legs and looked yourself over in the mirror again. You look hot. The corset top you had on accentuated your chest perfectly and was low enough that only the strip of stomach just below your bellybutton is visible. You quickly grab one of your favorite necklaces, a delicate "C" pendant hang just below your collarbone and you smiled at yourself one more time before grabbing your bag and walking to the living room.
Chan glanced up from his phone while you slipped your shoes on and had to do an honest double take. You were slightly bent over and that little sliver of skin that has him wanting to bend you over every surface is exposed right to his lurking eyes. 
He stands quickly just as you straighten and approaches you from behind, pressing a kiss to the back of your shoulder. His hands find purchase on the exposed skin, his fingers sliding through your front belt loops and his thumbs rubbing over the warm skin of your hips, making goosebumps rise on your skin.
"You drive me crazy, baby," his voice is low and you let out a quiet hum when his lips brush over the back of your neck.
"I didn't do anything, Channie," you smile to yourself when you feel him smile against your skin.
"You know how much I love these pants. You're so pretty," he speaks up again, a shy chuckle following his compliment. You reach your hand back and scratch the back of his head, letting out your own chuckle.
"You compliment me too much," you tease and pull away from your boyfriend's arms to step out the door. He follows you out and his hand quick finds your hip again, holding you possessively close to his body as you make your way to the car.
It doesn't even matter if you have a little happy trail or if you're completely bare on that little spot. He just absolutely adores it. When you wear low rise pants in public, he secretly wishes you had a hickey over your hip so everyone knows that you belong to him. Or, even better in his opinion, a tattoo of his name or initial.
I imagine him being the type to be absolutely obsessed with a tramp stamp if you have one. His fingers always tracing over the lines when he’s looking at it or when he’s drilling into you from behind.
And if you happen to have a whale tail? It's over. You aren't even making it out the house. As soon as he lays eyes on the little string of your thong hanging out the top of your pants, all he wants is to pull them down your legs with his teeth and eat you out for hours.
Lee Know: flare leggings/yoga pants
Flare leggings make everyone's butt look good. It is a known fact around the world. It is also a known fact around the world that your sweet and loving boyfriend loves a good butt.
The first time Minho saw you in some black flare leggings, he didn't think much of it. You had told him earlier that you were going to a yoga class with one of your friends. Of course you would wear something along the lines of yoga pants.
You lean over and give him a quick kiss before you turn to leave and his eyes nearly pop out of his head at the sight. He was already sitting on the couch so he was essentially eye level with your ass, he had no choice but to look.
"Honey..." his voice trails off as soon as you bend over to pick up your bag from the ground, a low and involuntary groan leaving his throat. There's no way you had any underwear on and he so deeply wished he never had that thought because now his pants are significantly tighter than they were a few minutes ago.
"Yes? I need to go. What's wrong, love?" You turn to face him again. His eyes meet yours and he licks his lips before shaking his head.
"Never mind. Have fun!" He continues shaking his head, a smile cracking over his features. You eye him suspiciously before turning and heading to your yoga class.
The second time he sees you in flare leggings, you were meeting him at his house to go get some food with one of his friends and their significant other. You gently knock on the door before he opens it. His eyes immediately dart down and recognize the pants you have on, making him gulp.
You had on a cropped shirt with a cropped knit sweater and those damn black pants. You're smiling at him when his eyes finally meet yours again but his smile had quickly dropped.
"What's wrong? Did I do something?" You question, a frown taking over his features as your boyfriend clenches his jaw and shakes his head before stepping to the side to let you in. You wordlessly enter and kick your shoes off.
You sit your bag down at the table and before you even realize he's behind you, you feel a sharp slap on your ass. You jump at the sudden sting and immediately turn around. Minho's eyes only meet yours for a second before a smirk covers his face.
"You want my roommates to see you in these? I think I should burn them," He raises his eyebrows at you and you look down at your outfit, still confused before looking back up at your boyfriend.
"Min, I don't-"
"What? You're going to say you haven't noticed how amazing your ass looks in these pants when you wear them? No need to lie to me, princess. There's no way you haven't noticed," he interrupts you and you feel heat creep up your neck. You look away quickly but his hand grabs your jaw, turning you towards him before pressing a kiss to your lips.
"Mhm. Do I need to cancel our little double date so I can remind you that you're all mine? And I don't like people looking at what's mine, princess. You know that," He taunts and you blink at him a few times before shaking your head at him.
"What? You don't want me to fuck you so brainless that the only thing you remember is my name? That's so unlike you. I bet you don't even have any panties on..." he trails off, his fingertips grazing over your warm cheek before he presses his knee gently between your thighs and applies pressure to where you're pulsing in need because of his filthy words.
"We only have 20 minutes until we have to leave," you breath out and he presses against your core firmer, making a moan leave your mouth and your eyes flutter shut.
"Then you better cum quick, baby," he replies before crashing his lips against yours again.
Changbin: crop tops
Even if you have insecurities about your own belly, Changbin loves it. Whether you're soft or toned, he doesn't care. He loves rubbing his hands up your warm skin under your shirt and feeling the goosebumps rise on your skin at his gentle touch.
When you two started dating, it was quite cold so you didn't wear any crop tops around him. Once the weather finally started warming up, however, you wasted no time in whipping out the cropped shirts.
You two decided to grab brunch at a local cafe before going to the park to have a picnic since the weather had started warming up. Being spring, the air was quite cool in the morning but once you two were settling in for your picnic, the sun began to shine a bit brighter and it quickly became warmer, making you open your jacket, leaving your stomach exposed to the air.
Changbin doesn't even realize you have a crop top on until you stand and throw something away in a nearby trashcan. His eyes quickly drop to your stomach and he has to fight the smile makings it way to his face.
His sweet thoughts don't last long, however. His brain quickly morphs to the thought of the two of you last night when you whined out how he was too deep.
"I'm too deep, baby?" he teases and your eyes water slightly while you nod, placing your hand on your stomach.
"I feel like you're in my guts right now," you whine and he pushes all the way in before stopping, making you whimper.
"I am in your guts right now," he counters, a smirk on his face.
Then his thoughts quickly morph into the ending of the night when he pulled out and came on your stomach. The way your skin looked covered in his cum had him almost getting hard again.
"What are you thinking about, bun?" your sweet voice pries your boyfriend from his daydream and he blinks at you before his eyes dart down to your stomach again. You smile when you see him look. It's no secret he loves your belly.
"Why do you love my belly so much?" you smile, leaning on the table between the two of you. He mimics your position and also leans on his elbows, leaning into you.
"Why do you love mine?" he counters and you look up at the sky, as if the answer would fall from it, before making eye contact with your pretty boyfriend again.
"Touché,"  you reply and lean forward slightly before pecking his nose gently.
Even when the two of you are laying together, no matter what position you are laying in, his hands are drawing mindless shapes all over your tummy. If you're standing together in a line and you have a crop top on, his arm is either around your waist from the side or behind, his thumb drawing shapes on your warm skin and causing chills in its wake.
If you have a belly button ring, he often finds himself also fiddling with it randomly, like a fidget toy. He also loves buying you little bellybutton jewelry and of course tops that will show it off nicely.
He especially loves if you wear a crop top and he can see faint marks of himself from the night before. What some other people may see as just a small bruise on your side, he knows is the exact outline of his thumb.
He loves seeing the little red streaks on your stomach or crescent marks in your skin from him scratching at you when things get a bit intense for him to control himself.
I also see him as adoring those funny little baby tees with silly sayings on them. Would definitely buy you a baby tee that says "My bf knows how to fight" or one that says something like "Daddy's Princess" as a joke and then get completely flustered and cute and red if you ever actually wear it asdfhkkkg i love him.
Hyunjin: skirt
Okay I don't know exactly what puts this thought in my head but I just imagined Hyunjin liking a tall girl... like I just KNOW he loves a good set of long pretty legs. Honestly even if they’re short, I imagine he just likes long pretty legs.
So when he sees his lover in a skirt, their legs looking extra long and pretty, he loses his mind. He is definitely the type to absolutely worship every square inch of your body, so it is rare that you can actually wear skirts or shorts. Your thighs are usually littered with hickeys and bite marks that he is sure to replace every time they fade.
It’s honestly surprising that there isn’t an indent of his shoulders on the back of your thighs with how much time he spends with his head between your legs. Of course there ends up being evidence that he was down there.
He had been busy the past week and you guys haven’t been able to spend much time together and if you did, it was just a quick lunch during his break or you bringing him some coffee at the company or studio.
So, when your boyfriend texts you and asks if you want to come to dinner later, you practically jump up and down at the offer. When you’re getting dressed, you find a skirt that you had completely forgotten that you had and slipped it up your thighs.
You put on a cute fur cardigan and your black skirt and some comfy heels. You made yourself look extra pretty, although it would just be you, Hyunjin, and one of his hometown friends having dinner.
When Hyunjin arrived at your house to pick you up, you stepped out your door at the same time he was stepping up your stairs and he literally freezes at the sight of you. The heels you have on do something for him all in their own (we’ll save this thought for a pt 2…) and your legs look extra long in the combination.
You turn, a bright smile on your face and walk towards your pretty boyfriend. His hair has started getting longer and falling in his eyes so when you walk towards him, stopping at the step above him, you tuck his hair behind his ears and press a kiss to his forehead. He leans up and you press your lips gently against his.
His arms wrap around the top of your thighs, just under your butt and he gently lifts you, turns, and places you on the sidewalk.
“Hi, gorgeous,” he smiles against your lips and you can’t help but smile back at your cute boyfriend.
“I missed you,” you reply and he pulls back to look at your face before pressing a kiss to your temple and humming in agreement.
The entire ride to the restaurant, Hyunjin’s hand never leaves your thigh. His fingers subconsciously toy with the hem of your skirt while he tells you about his past few days and tries to catch you up on all the tea.
He doesn’t even notice your physical reaction to his hand accidentally drifting a bit higher as your skirt rides up, due to your wiggling around in your seat. He parks the car and unbuckles his seatbelt before turning his body towards you and placing both his hands on your thighs, the tips of his fingers sliding under your skirt.
He presses his lips to yours again and squeezes your thighs, making you gasp slightly into his mouth. He pulls back and looks at his hands on your thighs before settling back in his seat and getting out the car, quickly circling to open the door for you.
He holds your hand and helps you out of the car before closing the door behind you. He presses his lips to your knuckles quickly before dropping your hand and wrapping his around around your waist, settling on your hip instead.
“I’m so lucky,” he suddenly whispers and you blush. This is something you two often say to each other, both feeling equally as lucky to have each other.
He also loves skirts because of their…easy access. He is definitely the needy type that will just flip your skirt up and pull your panties to the side before fucking the daylights out of you. Whether it’s in the restroom of a restaurant or up against your front door when you’ve barely stepped inside, he likes the thought of being able to get to your pussy whenever he wants.
He loves to lay you back on the bed and eat you out with the skirt pushed up over your belly or laying over his head. He has no problems teasing you and lightly brushing his fingers against your panties at any chance he gets.
He just loves you and your pretty legs and wants to show you!
Han: thigh high socks
Han Jisung! Another one who is a sucker for pretty legs. He thinks that pretty things should be decorated, this includes your thighs.
He didn’t realize that seeing you in thigh high socks would get him going until Halloween came around. You two decided on matching costumes one night and you opted for a corny, overdone option, a sexy nurse and doctor. It was easy enough and the pictures would be cute so you both decided to do it.
Your sexy nurse costumes was complete with a pair of white fishnet thigh highs with red bows on the front of either thigh. Jisung was sat on your bed on his phone when you pulled the socks on and made your way over to your mirror. You pulled on some shoes then went to your vanity to top off your look with the perfect red lipstick.
When you leaned into the mirror, you knocked over some makeup which catches your boyfriend’s attention and he looks up from his phone at you. His view is you from the back, bent into your vanity and those thigh high socks hugging the plush of your thighs perfectly.
His throat ran dry and he gulps deeply before he catches your gaze in the mirror, already looking at him as you rub your lips together.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” you tease and he lets out a soft chuckle before grabbing his phone and snapping a picture of you.
“Hey!” You sit up straight and turn to face him, your hands on your hips, “I was joking!” you smile and make your way towards him. When you place a knee on the bed, his eyes drop back down to the lace hugging the top of your legs.
“Mm. I need to update my jacking off material. You looked a little too good bent over the desk with these on,” he grazes his fingers over the bows of your socks then around the lace then over the fishnets. You pull your other leg up on the bed, careful to leave your shoes off the comforter and place your hands around his neck.
“Oh? You like them Dr, Han?” You tease and he lets out another chuckle, looking up at your face again. That damn lipstick wasn’t making it any easier to not want to fuck you right now and forget about the whole Halloween party.
“I like everything you wear. You could come out in a parka or a burlap sack and I would still get hard,” he confesses and turns his head, pressing a kiss to the inside of your wrist.
“What do you like about them?” You ask, innocence lacing your tone, driving him even crazier.
“I’m thinking about how this material would feel on my cock. Especially when you start begging me to stop fucking your thighs and fuck you instead,” he places another kiss, slightly higher up your forearm, “I’m thinking about how this fishnet would feel on either side of my head,” another kiss against the inside of your elbow, then another kiss on your bicep before pulling back to look up at you.
Despite you instigating him originally, you feel yourself turn beet red at his words. He has a dirty, correction: filthy, mouth and he knows exactly how to use it to get you going (in more ways than one).
Jisung loves the way your thighs spill out the top of thigh highs when you sit down. The material barely containing your soft flesh and he just want to bite down on the skin.
If you ever have them on when you two start getting hot and heavy, the socks stay on (bc ur not gay). He rubs himself against the material, sometimes able to cum even if you aren’t there with the help of the sock.
Sometimes, when he’s extra needy, he’ll grab the sock from your hamper or drawer and wrap it around his cock before jacking off. He always feels like a creep afterwards but its the best way he has found to get release when he’s super pent up.
He tries to keep it a secret and you don’t have the heart to tell your cute little perv of a boyfriend that you know. Until, he is going away for a while on tour and opens his suit case to a pair of his favorite thigh highs, the ones from halloween, and a note in your handwriting.
Enjoy, my baby. Send me videos<3
Felix: lace
Okay let me explain. I imagine Felix just being an absolute horny little guy who also enjoys the classics. He LOVES a good set of lingerie. Which slowly turned to him just loving lace. When he sees you in a lace, corset top it doesn’t take much for his imagination to run wild.
Then when you had the audacity to show up to a party with a lace top and leather pants, he thought he was going to have an actual aneurysm. The combination of the leather and lace had him imagining he had just walked into his dream porno, you as the star.
The top was corset style and looked a little too similar to lingerie. When he asked you where you got it from and you leaned into him to whisper that you had ordered it online from a sex shop, he thoughts he was going to cum on the spot.
He could barely keep his hands off of you all night. It only worsened when you had returned to his side after a bout of dancing with some of your friends. His eyes followed a single drop of sweat that rolled down your neck and disappeared down the valley of your breasts and behind your lace shirt. That you ordered…from a sex shop.
When you two had gone shopping and you insisted he come into the dressing room with you, he didn’t think anything of it. You two usually did join each other in fitting rooms and bathrooms visits, call it separation anxiety.
You pulled your shirt over your head and Felix immediately cussed under his breath, making your brow drop to a frown as you threw your shirt to his lap.
“What?” you question and grab the new shirt, pulling it down and turning in the mirror a few times before Felix finally replies to you.
“You’re so fucking hot. Do you realize that? It’s taking everything in my power to not ask you to ride me right here, right now,” he suddenly says and you freeze before slowly turning to face him.
“Oh?” You question, a teasing smirk on your lips as you pull the shirt over your head again and his eyes drop to the black lace bralette again. It doesn’t have much liner and it isn’t helping that he can see your nipples through the bra too. Now that he knew what was under your hoodie, he wouldn’t be able to focus for the rest of your day together.
“Yeah. You know how I get when I see you in lace like this,” his voice is low, cautious that nobody outside the fitting room can hear your conversation. You walk towards him and place both hands on his shoulders.
He immediately leans forward and pops the bra against your skin with his teeth. There’s a light knock on the door and you pull away to continue trying on your clothes.
“Oops. Lets save this for when we get home, mister,” you tease and wink at him before pulling down your shorts, your panties match your bra and he groans again, making you smirk to yourself.
What finally sends him over the edge is when his phone vibrates beside him while he’s on a water break. It’s like you can sense when he’s on break and you always text him at the perfect time.
Sunshine: what do ya think? (: <link>
Felix’s jaw might as well have unhinged with how far it fell. The link took him to a site with a baby blue lingerie set. It was all lace with a few flowers strategically embroidered. He had to take a deep breath and stare at the picture for a while, trying his best to not get hard.
Sunshine: left on read? no likey?
The notification pops up at the tops of his screen and he realizes that he hasn’t replied to you after practically instantly reading your message.
Lixieee: i dont like. i love. i’m hard now. thanks<3
You simply loved the message and placed the order, excited for your new set to come in.
Seungmin: spandex shorts/biker shorts
It isn’t anything crazy and Seungmin swears he isn’t a perv. He just knows his baby is hot and knows what you have the capability of doing to him. He’s just a little obsessed with you.
You two were still best friends when he realized he had a thing for you in these tight little shorts. You had came to his house to just hangout. You weren’t looking too special, opting for some biker shorts and a hoodie and pulling your hair up into a messy updo.
He opens the door and you immediately hold your hand out to him, handing him the coffee you had picked up for him on the way.
“Hey, cutie,” you tease and step into his house before sliding your sneakers off and heading towards the living room. With your back turned, he got the opportunity to sneak a peak at your ass.
The biker shorts you had on left practically nothing to the imagination and he actually thinks he felt his heart stop when you bent over and he could make out the shape of your most private area through the shorts.
Okay maybe he was a perv.
“I like those shorts,” he comments and steps into the room before settling on the couch. You quickly plop down next to him.
“These shorts are a hit,” you comment nonchalantly and he looks over at you, waiting for you to elaborate. You chuckle and take a sip of your coffee.
“I wore these to the gym the other day with when I hit legs with Binnie and he said the same thing,” you reply and Seungmin feels himself clench his jaw at the thought of someone else looking at you the same way he had just been.
And you hit legs with him? Does that mean that he saw you squatting in these tight little shorts. Does that mean that he also saw you bending over the same way he just had? Had Changbin also made out the shape of your sweet cunt the same way he had? He turns away from you again to face the front.
You grab his arm and push it up to the back of the couch, scooting close to him and laying your legs over his thigh that was closest to you.
“What? Jealous?” you tease and Seungmin chuckles humorlessly at the accusation.
“Extremely.” He deadpans and glances over at you, your smile dropping at his confession.
“W-Why is that?” He threw you off with actually confessing to being jealous. You were used to him just teasing you back and you two bickering endlessly but never this.
“Because he got to see what’s mine,” he replies and shrugs and you open your mouth to reply but can’t think of the right words to say as a blush creeps up your neck at his words.
You definitely lose any sense of words when his hand drops to your bare thigh and starts kneading at the flesh. His hand creeps a little closer to your core and your legs fall apart slightly, granting him access. He lets out a laugh at how pliable you’re being and leans forward, setting his coffee on the table in front of you.
“No objections to that statement?” he raises his eyebrows at you and you snap your mouth closed before shaking your head.
“You can’t use your words, pup?” The nickname wasn’t anything new from him but the way his hand was rubbing your upper thigh and the way he is slowly leaning into you had your heart racing even more.
“Kiss me,” you command instead and he complies, leaning forward and pressing his lips to yours.
I.N: his clothes
Maybe it’s his possessive side but when Jeongin sees you in his clothes, his brain goes haywire. Sometimes he thinks you look so cute, especially if the clothes are swallowing you up. But sometimes, it makes him want to kiss you until you can’t breathe.
The first time you wore his clothes, it was completely unintentional. You two had just started dating and hadn’t taken many big steps in your relationship. So it was much to your, and Jeongin’s, surprise when you drunkenly called him while out with your friends.
You were practically begging him to come pick you up because you missed him and he couldn’t help but comply. He pulled up to the bar and you quickly made your way outside and sat down in his warm car. You smelled like straight liquor and vomit and Jeongin’s nose scrunched at the smell before he looked over at you.
“I didn’t throw up. I swear. Some stranger threw up on me and my friends didn’t want to leave yet. Can we go back to your house? I don’t have my keys…” you caught yourself about to ramble and trailed off but Jeongin just giggled at you.
“Of course,” he replies and put the car in drive before making his way to his house. Once you got there you asked if you could take a shower and borrow some clothes and he readily agreed. He sat out some shorts and a t shirt on the sink while you were in the shower and stepped back out to wait on you.
When you entered his room, he had to do everything in his power to not get hard. He had given you one of his comfiest t shirts, which also meant it was huge and it literally went almost down to your elbows.
“Come on, drunky,” he teases and lifts the blanket next to him. You blush and crawl into the bed next to him. He hands you a bottle of water and you take a few sips before handing it back to him and settling into his side.
“I’m sorry. Is this weird for you? If it is, I can go home. I know you want to take things slow but I don’t know how you feel about-”
“Y/n. Sweetheart,” he interrupts you and you snap your mouth shut, waiting for him to continue. He grabs under your chin and leans down, pressing his lips to yours. He tastes his toothpaste on your lips and for some reason, that also gets him going. The thought that if anyone else were to taste your lips, that they would taste like him.
“You look so pretty in my clothes,” he pulls away to say against your lips and you chuckle before leaning in to kiss him once more.
The way that you two got caught in your relationship was actually because of a tiny little detail. It stemmed from the two of you sharing clothes.
He had gotten a custom bracelet made for himself that was literally one of a kind in the world. You had gotten dressed up to go out and forgotten to put on a bracelet at your house so you asked your boyfriend if he could bring you one to make your outfit better. He agreed of course and later when you posted pictures on social media (pc: innie), you had the bracelet on. Stay was quick to zoom in and notice that it was the same custom bracelet that Jeongin usually wore.
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straykeedz · 8 months
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day 26: lee know x reader x han: mirror sex
tw: female anatomy; mentions of kink exploring but nothing too descriptive; fingering (f receiving); cum tasting; nipple play; unprotected piv sex (don’t!!! 🤨); blowjob; cumshot; choking if you squint; creampie; clit play; mentions of overstimulation but it’s not described; oral sex after reader’s been creampied oops; slight mxm if you squint ;♡
wc: 3,8k;
okay the premise is that i absolutely hate this fic. i started four different plots for this kinktober fic and i’m not satisfied with this at all, but i needed to post something otherwise i would’ve quit. i know myself. so bare with me if this sucks, i went through (i still am tbh) a creative block and couldn’t come up with anything better.
also, funny anecdote: 99% sex, 1% mirror lol
let me know if there's any mistakes - finished writing this super late at night so there might be!
this is part of my kinktober masterlist. you can find my regular masterlist here (tho it will not be updated until the end of kinktober) ♡
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smut below the cut, minors dni.
You’re not used to having two men in bed with you.
You’re not used to having two pairs of hands on you - touching your body, caressing it, squeezing it. You’re not used to having two tongues on your skin - licking every inch of your flesh; two mouths - biting every spot they can, praising you, humming against your body every time they get a reaction from you. 
One of them - your sweet, beloved boyfriend Jisung, a cutie pie in the streets, an absolute freak in the sheets. A man with whom you’d tried everything in bed - literally everything, and tonight is no exception. 
The other one - his best friend Lee Minho. 
It was Jisung’s idea to have a threesome with him. Your jaw had nearly dropped when he specified that he wanted to have a threesome with a man - not any man, his best friend. You’d assumed he wanted to see you in bed with another woman, never in a million years you would’ve guessed a scenario like this - you, sprawled on your bed, Jisung hungrily kissing your lips as Minho plays with your naked breasts, pinching one nipple with his fingers and teasing the other one with his lips. 
Well, let’s just say Jisung is a man full of surprises - not that you’re complaining, naturally.
“A threesome?”, your words nearly came out as a loud squeak. 
Beside you, Jisung simply nodded. “I mean, only if you’re up for it, too.”, he shrugged. “I can live without it.”
Kink exploring with Jisung was always fun and exciting and it never disappointed you. Never. Before sex with him, you didn’t even know you could cum from your nipples only, for example. Or that you could squirt. Or that you loved overstimulation. Or or or or. Kink exploring with him was honestly your favorite thing, and you wanted to do something for him in return, help him explore his kinks.
“No, it’s okay. I want to try it.”, you promised, intertwining your fingers with his. 
“Are you sure?” Jisung asked you, placing a kiss on the back of your hand. “You don’t have to say yes just because I want it. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable or feel pressured, love.”
“I’m not, I don’t feel pressured.”, you smiled at him. “Just… Do you have someone in mind? Someone you’d want to do this with?”
Jisung nodded. Now you were curious to see her - to see the woman he wants to do this with, together with you.
“Who is she?”, you asked him, but you saw him lift his eyebrows and blink a couple of times.
“Oh, it’s… it’s not a she. I was thinking…”, he trailed.
“Thinking…?”, you encouraged him.
 And you can’t really blame him - Minho’s hot as fuck and he surely knows what he’s doing in bed. His fingers are expert on your skin, despite this being the first time he actually touches you, but somehow he seems to know exactly where to touch you and what to do to make you squirm under his fingers. Said fingers wander all over the valley of your breasts, down your abdomen, until they stop right before he could brush your mould with his delicate digits. 
“Can I touch you down here?” Minho lets go of your nipple to look you in the eyes and ask you the question - big, dark eyes staring deep into yours, pupils blown and you actually find it cute. 
“Oh, God, please. Yes.” It should’ve come out from your lips - instead, it’s Jisung who says the words. You giggle, seeing your boyfriend so desperate and eager, and Minho chuckles as well. 
You nod, smiling at him. “Yes."
Your breath hitches when Minho’s cold fingers slip under the fabric of your panties and finally touch you there. The way he touches you is so different than when Jisung does it - his touch is timid, tentative, and his eyes are staring into yours to search for any sign of discomfort. He doesn’t know how you like to be touched down there, after all it’s only the first time you’re doing this. His fingers brush your entrance, and he bites his lower lip when he finds out you’re already wet - no, sopping, your panties are drenched in your arousal. 
“She’s wet?” Jisung asks Minho, his fingers replacing his friend’s on your nipple, unable to tear his eyes off of where Minho’s fingers disappear inside your underwear. 
Minho looks at Jisung, then nods. “So wet.”, he dampens the pads of his fingers, coating them in your arousal, then you feel his digits parting your folds, and you suck in a breath, wrapping your fingers around Jisung’s wrist. “Listen.” Minho tells Jisung, and then he slowly starts to move his fingers inside of you, until squelching sounds are all you can hear. 
Jisung lets out a shaky breath, then looks at you with full-blown pupils and flustered cheeks. “Oh, jagi, you’re so wet.”, he huffs. “You like having Minho touching you, don’t you?”, he pinches you nipple. At the same time, Minho’s fingers brush and tease the spongy spot inside of you, making your toes curl. 
You nod, biting your lip, unable to speak properly. 
“Touch her clit, hyung.” Jisung instructs. “She won’t be able to cum otherwise.”
Minho chuckles, then raises you eyebrows at you both, because he can feel you’re already close, and he hasn’t touched your clit yet. “Mh, we’ll see about that.”, he applies more pressure on your g-spot, making you whimper as your grip around Jisung’s wrist tightens. “Think you can cum like this, y/n?” Minho asks you, looking you in the eye. 
You nod eagerly, feeling already close to your first orgasm of the night. Jisung’s a bit confused now and slightly offended, because he never made you cum with his fingers on your g-spot before. Okay, maybe it’s because he gets so eager and needy that he just has to pull his fingers out and fuck you with his cock after a couple of minutes, but still. And now his best friend is about to make you cum with two fingers shoved inside of you, and it’s the hottest thing Jisung’s ever witnessed, and he wants you to witness it too. 
“Look at yourself, jagi.”, he holds your chin with his fingers, then turns your head to face the huge mirror doors of your wardrobe at the end of your bed. You’re met with your reflections - you, sprawled on the bed, Minho lying next to you, Jisung on your other side, staring in the mirror as well. “You’re so fucking hot, my sweet love. About to cum with another man’s fingers inside of that sweet little pussy of yours.”
And Minho didn’t even notice the huge ass mirror doors before - too lost in how incredibly sexy you are, with your chest quickly rising and falling, your legs shaking as his fingers quickly work you up to an orgasm. But now - now he’s unable to tear his eyes off of your reflection in the mirror, and he can’t wait to see how beautiful you look when you cum. 
“Fucking filthy…” Jisung mumbles, letting go of your chin, but you don’t move your head. “So fucking needy, look at you.”, he mocks you, then pinches your nipple, making you wince. 
Then, Jisung turns to look at Minho. “You wanna see how hot she looks when she cums? Wanna hear how sweet she sounds?”, he asks, and before he even realizes it, Minho’s nodding like crazy. “C’mon then. Make her cum, Min.” Jisung demands. 
And Minho does make you cum - fingers on your spongy spot, rubbing it mercilessly as your walls clench and your legs shake. You let out a muffled cry, closing your eyes as you release around Minho’s fingers, soaking them completely. The boys are speechless - both looking at your reflection in the mirror, an ethereal sight. Minho’s sure he won’t be able to forget it anytime soon - the way your fingers fist the sheets and your chest rises and falls as you bite your lip. 
You whine at the emptiness once Minho removes his fingers from inside of you - long, skinny digits glistening in your orgasm. “You should taste her, hyung.” Jisung speaks softly. 
Minho brings his two fingers to his mouth, then wraps his lips around them and sucks, swirling his tongue all over them to lick them clean - you taste amazing. “So sweet.”, he mumbles, pulling out his fingers from his mouth, and Jisung quickly wraps his hand around Minho’s wrist to wrap his lips around his hyung’s fingers, even though Minho’d already licked your arousal off of them. 
“Minho…” you shake him off of his own thoughts, and Minho’s eyes focus on you - cheeks flustered, still panting. “Can you fuck me now? Please.”
Minho’s eyes widen and Jisung hums around his hyung’s fingers. For a good second, he’s shocked, because he wasn’t expecting such words to leave your mouth. His eyes immediately flick to Jisung, and the younger boy smirks, releasing Minho’s fingers from his mouth. 
“Whatcha waiting for, hyung? You heard her.”, he says, grinning from ear to ear. Then, Jisung looks at you. “You need cock that bad, don’t you, jagi?” 
You nod, licking your lips. Jisung chuckles. “Don’t worry, jagiya. Minho’s gonna give it to you real good.”, he turns to look at his friend. “Aren’t you, hyung?”
Minho bites his lip, and his fingers begin to wander all over your body once again, pads of his digits brushing your nipples once again, feeling them harden under his touch. “I am, I am.”, he nods, and then palms himself over his boxers - now feeling incredibly tight. 
Now that he knows how your walls feel wrapped around his fingers, he can’t wait to find out how you’ll feel around his cock. It should feel at least a bit wrong - to be this impatient to fuck your best friend’s girlfriend, shouldn’t it? He shouldn’t be so turned on by this. However, in the confines of his black boxers, he’s rock hard. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he kneels on the mattress and hooks his thumb at each side of his underwear, beginning to pull it down his legs. You bite your lip at the sight of those beautiful dancer’s hips and thighs, and your eyes widen once his cock is finally freed - it slaps against his abdomen, hard and thick, tip beautifully pink resting against his abs. 
Again - it should’ve come out of your mouth, but it’s Jisung who swears under his breath at the sight of Minho’s cock - at least one and a half inches longer than his, and slightly thicker. And Jisung’s not small - the opposite.
You prop yourself on your elbows, looking Minho in the eye. “How do you want me?”, you ask him, hooking your fingers on the side of your panties, trying to pull them down your thighs, but it’s hard using just one hand, so Jisung helps you and slides them off completely. 
There’s only one plausible answer to that question in Minho’s mind. 
“On your back, like this. In front of the mirror.”, he answers a little too quickly. Ever since he saw your reflection in the mirror earlier, he knew he wanted to fuck you in front of it - see your head hang at the end of the bed, witness your eyes roll in the back of your skull as he pounds into you. 
Jisung smirks - he knows his hyung too well. 
You smile, too, positioning yourself just like Minho wants you, and you shiver when he places the palms of his hands on your knees, spreading your legs. Even though he made you cum earlier, you still feel a little shy to be this exposed in front of him - bare pussy on full display for him to see. Minho spits on his palm, then pumps his hard cock a couple of times. 
“Still okay with not using a condom?”, he asks you, staring into your eyes, wanting to make sure you’re still comfortable with him fucking you raw, like you agreed. You nod, a clear signal you didn’t change your mind. 
Jisung gets rid of his boxer just as Minho aligns his tip at your entrance, making your body jolt in surprise because it feels even bigger, prodding at your entrance, ready to slip inside any second now. 
“I’m putting it in now.” Minho tells you, and you suck in a breath when he finally enters you - thick tip parting your folds, slipping inside your wet, hot cunt. And once he bottoms out inside of you, Minho, too, needs a few seconds to recollect himself. 
Once again - it shouldn’t feel this good, to be buried inside your best friend’s girlfriend’s hot, tight pussy. He shouldn’t feel so eager to please you, to fuck you, to thrust inside of you ruthlessly until you’re falling apart on his cock, begging him to let you cum. 
It shouldn’t feel this good, but it does. It does, especially when Minho lifts his eyes to meet your reflections in the mirror - the sight so filthy and pornographic. Him, kneeling between your spread legs, balls deep inside of you - and you, lying down beautifully on the bed, one hand fisting the sheets and your other hand on Jisung’s thigh. Finally, Jisung - with his hard cock out, fingers wrapped around it as he too watches the scene before his eyes.
Minho begins to move at a slow and steady pace, knowing that if he goes too fast he’s not going to last. The way his cock moves inside of you is deliciously beautiful, hitting all the right spots, its tip brushing your g-spot with every movement, facilitated by how beautifully curved upwards his length is. 
You kick your head back, looking at Minho’s reflection in the mirror, a smile spreading on your face when you see his furrowed eyebrows and focused expression as he watches how your tits bounce with every thrust. 
“D’you like it?”, you purr, meeting his eyes in the mirror. “You like watching yourself as you fuck me?”
And Minho whimpers, hips snapping to meet yours. “Yes- fuck.”, he swears. “I like looking at you more, though. So fucking sexy.”, he compliments you, continuing to fuck you a bit faster now that he’s sure he won’t cum too soon. 
The room is filled with moans - yours, Minho’s, even Jisung hums contently from time to time, eyes set on where Minho’s body is connected to yours. He bites his lips at the sight of your pretty pussy lips spread around Minho’s thick length, and he can only imagine how tight you feel. He bets you’re dripping on the sheets, and he can’t wait to fuck you once Minho’s done with you. Right now, however, he needs to relieve some of the tension he’s feeling - cock painfully hard in his fist. 
“Think you can take care of me as well, jagiya?” Jisung asks you, lazily pumping his cock. “Think you can make me cum while Minho fucks you?”
You nod, and Minho thinks he’s about to pass out - fucking you and seeing you focused on making Jisung cum at the same time? This is even better than his fantasies. “I can, baby, you know I can. I can take care of you always.”, you whine, eager to touch your boyfriend’s cock.
Minho’s cock is pretty and he surely knows how to use it - but Jisung’s is your favorite. Long and thick enough, a long vein decorating the underside of it, and a dark pink tip - perfect. Perfect for you to wrap your hand around, perfect to take in your mouth - in your throat, actually, until your nose is completely buried in Jisung’s soft pubic hair, just how he likes it, before he’s shooting in your mouth. 
“That’s right, jagi.”  Jisung caresses your cheek, brushing your lower lip with the pad of his thumb as he gets closer. “I’m so fucking lucky to have you, so fucking lucky you’re mine.” It feels almost weird to hear these words come out of Jisung’s mouth when you have another man’s cock inside of you, but you know he means it, and you know he’s right. You’re his. “Now open that pretty little mouth of yours, my jagiya.”
You do, and then you feel his cockhead brush on your open mouth, before entering it. Minho doesn’t stop moving inside of you - eyes set on the image of you giving your boyfriend a blowjob while he’s fucking you. He has to grip your waist with his fingers to balance himself as he continues to thrust, eyes flicking from your stuffed mouth to the mirror, then back on your mouth and back on the mirror. 
“One cock’s not enough, mh?” Jisung mumbles, running his fingers through your hair. You slowly shake your head, humming. “Such a pretty little slut, isn’t she?” Jisung moans, turning his head to look at Minho, as you continue to suck on his tip - your fingers wrapping around the rest of his length to jerk him off. 
“The prettiest.” Minho bites his lip, still pounding inside of you. “She’s so tight, Han.”, he huffs, muffling a sound. 
Jisung grins. “I know.”, he chuckles. “You should try her mouth next. Feels like heaven.”
“Better than her pussy?” Minho pants. 
Jisung scoffs. “Yah, don’t be ridiculous, hyung. Nothing feels better than that pretty little cunt.”
It’s funny - that they’re having this kind of conversation while they’re both inside of you at the same time. It makes you hum around Jisung’s dick, which sends a shiver down his spine. You can feel he’s close, and that encourages you to cup his hot, heavy balls with your hand, knowing it’ll send him over the edge in record time. 
“God, jagi, you’re gonna make me cum.”, he breathes, kicking his head back as his whole body tenses. “Wanna cum on your tits. You gonna let me cum on those pretty tits?”, he rambles and nearly slurs his words, already seeing white. You hum once again, and he pulls away from your mouth, wrapping his own hands around his cock as he strokes himself swiftly. 
It’s a sight that blesses Minho’s eyes - Jisung’s cum paints the soft flesh of your tits mere seconds later, decorating your skin, some of it landing directly on your nipples, and as much as it sounds absolutely crazy in his mind, Minho feels the urge to lick them clean. Wrap his lips around your soft, sensitive nubs and suck them clean. It makes his cock throb inside of you. 
Jisung wipes his sweaty forehead with the back of his hand as he tries to regain his breath as his cock softens, still glistening in his own cum and your saliva. Minho can’t fucking wait to have your lips wrapped around his cock, too. The mere thought is enough to make his cock twitch once more.
“Fuck, I think- I think I’m close.” Minho mumbles, tightening the grip on your hip as he fucks you harder now. “Can I- fuck, can I-“
“You can do whatever you want.”, you pant, already feeling the familiar sensation in your lower belly as he mercilessly pounds into you, thick, veiny cock stretching you out so good you nearly see stars. “Fuck, Minho, do something, anything.”
Minho’s hands travels all over your body - his fingers smear Jisung’s cum on your tits as he collects some of it on his pads. Then, his fingers reach your mouth, and you gladly welcome them when he shoves them in your mouth, tasting your boyfriend’s cum off of his best friend’s fingers. Meanwhile, Minho’s thrusts turn unsteady and erratic. You’re both so, so close. 
“Where can I cum? Fuck, I’m so close, where-“
“Inside of her.” Jisung speaks, and you nod eagerly. 
“Inside, Min. I want it inside.”
Minho cums inside of you, with his hand gently wrapped around his throat - eyes set on your reflections in the mirror doors, watching how your eyes roll in the back of your head and your lips part as you release around him, your walls squeezing him tight, milking him until he gives you all of his cum until the very last drop. 
The sight is so fucking hot Jisung’s hard again. 
Minho’s movements come to an abrupt halt, and you’re both panting heavily, trying to regain your breath and consciousness. He’s careful when he pulls out - your legs are still shaking and you’re pretty sensitive, he doesn’t want to overstimulate you, he doesn’t know you actually love it. 
Luckily, your boyfriend does. 
An evil grin appears on Jisung’s face. “Why don’t you lick Minho clean, jagi?”, he suggests, and you eagerly nod, despite being exhausted. “I bet he’d love it.”, he grins at his friend, who’s still pretty dazed from his orgasm. 
Minho nods nonetheless, and kneels right next to you so that his now half-limp cock is close to your mouth. You nearly don’t realize Jisung’s presence between your legs, lying flat on his stomach, staring at your creampied pussy and biting his lip at the sight of Minho’s cum dripping from your hole. 
You wrap your lips around Minho’s cockhead at the same time Jisung places his tongue flat on your hole and laps at it. “Mhh, Minho tastes good, jagi, doesn’t it?” Jisung huffs against your lips, continuing to lap at your folds, tasting your orgasm mixed with his friend’s. 
“So good, baby.”, you hum, pulling out Minho’s cock from your mouth. Then, you look at the older boy and lick your lips. “Wanna find out how Jisung tastes like?”, you ask him. 
Minho really shouldn’t be nodding so eagerly. 
You chuckle, collecting some of Jisung’s cum from your chest with your digits, bringing them closer to Minho’s mouth. He wastes no time in wrapping his lips around them, humming as he sucks Jisung’s cum off your fingers, swallowing it greedily. 
“You liked it?”, you giggle, and Minho nods - full-blow pupils, absolutely sexdrunk. “I think you should lick it off of me, then. Here.”
Minho licks Jisung’s cum off your chest, and Jisung licks Minho’s cum off your stuffed pussy. 
You chuckle, running your fingers through Minho’s hair as he hums against your skin, swallowing every single drop until you’re completely clean. “Good boys.”, you praise them, and they both whimper. Predictable. 
Jisung lifts his head, lips a bit smeared with both your and Minho’s cum. “Jagi, I need to fuck you now, please.”, he practically begs, staring at you with big, doe eyes. You nod, smiling at him. “On your tummy.” Jisung instructs, and you nod once more. 
“This, hyung,” Jisung starts, gripping your hips and positioning your body so that your ass is up and your face flat on the mattress, looking at Minho as he speaks “is the exact reason why we’ve got mirror doors on our wardrobe.”
Jisung spits on his palm and pumps his cock a couple of times before aligning his tip to your entrance. Minho looks at you in the mirror. 
“So I can look at her fucked out expression while I give it to her from behind.”
-> reblog to support me if you like my works, “it’s good for motivation” my man chris bang once said. also, i love reading feedback (even in tags it's always highly appreciated) ♡
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cuckette · 2 months
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ft. og4!leon s. kennedy x fem!reader
tags. crossdressing, force fem, short instance of groping/harassment by some gross man, humiliation, dom!reader, a few misogynistic comments surprisingly not from leon, repressed homosexuality, leon n some unnamed cute guy, r slur is used ONCE by same gross dude, slight angst, implied/past sa very light tho, public sex, dub-con
note. title from white town duh has nothing to do w the fic. um unedited n quite bad not loving this but here u go.. 2000s clubbing.. I also want 2 say r slur is used by some dude who is just awful to leon in this.. not meant to be like . y’know there for shock value lol it’s a word I’ve been called a lot so that would be my last intention. um leon has some misogynistic thoughts but I don’t want them to come across as mine LMFAO I know that I do a very close pov so I don’t want my views to mix with the characters as people usually tend to think. comments n rbs greatly appreciated!
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“You hate me,” Leon states like an upset child, one false lash deep into a murky pit he couldn’t even grapple hook his way out of.
“No, baby.” You shake your head, smiling at him like you hate him. “I love you very much.” The other lash is stuck on, black and spiky in kitchen knife points. He blinks and the heaviness does not melt away like sleep. “My sweet girl.”
“You do,” Leon says, he makes a vague gesture towards his attire, scooping nothing but air with his cupped hand, “hate me,” he adds after a second, the words hang heavy in the air like sopping wet laundry or a body from a tree. You’re busy giving him a once over, a small hand lightly grasping his chin to keep his head up. You’ve never held him so gently before, but this is how girls treat other girls, he supposes. With great care.
“What?” You use a lint roller to pick up loose fibre and tricky stray particles of dust. “Because I made you all pretty, honey?” You lean forward, and Leon, besotted, closes his eyes as if you’re going to kiss him. “I just did your makeup, no kisses, Leon.” Of course, that’s right, he forgot, no kisses. You lick your finger and smudge your work to give him that freshly fucked and wanting more appeal.
“Sorry.” He looks at his reflection.
Blink. Blink. Blink. His eyes make a tacky noise, as if each blink is unsticking them.
He looks ridiculous, not even like a drag queen, they are tasteful and deliberate in their art. He looks exactly like what he is - a man in a wig. There is no pretty way to put it because what he is looking at is not very pretty. The wig tickles his neck like a pale whisper. It is shining too brightly in the way all fake things do, plasticky in the buzzing bathroom light. Metallic shimmer dusts his eyelids like crushed stars, iridescent-pearlescent is all the rage nowadays, it’s barely visible past the thick black that lines his eyes like you’re actively trying to worsen his bags and push him into panda territory.
Leon thinks it is a good idea to think of nothing ever again, like ever. If he didn’t have that thought, if he didn’t sit opposite you at the dining table confessional-style, if he shut his mouth and never spoke a word—Then he would not be sitting here closer to tears than he ever has been, fists clenched tight enough to make coal into diamonds.
You thumb the corner of his glossed lips. “Ready?” You ask him, then turn to face him, pulling a smile that is so mean it’s somewhat ugly and out of place on a face like yours. “Don’t speak or you’ll ruin it, ‘kay?”
A bag big enough to carry a lip gloss tube and nothing else dangles on your pinky as you check your face in the mirror, usually your gloss would be in Leon’s breast pocket, or his back pocket. Whatever pocket he has available.
Today he has nothing of the sort, embarrassingly, you place a tube between his pecs and it stays. You tip your head back and laugh at him, swiping it away a moment later. “I’m only joking, Leon.”
A considerable amount of muscle has been dropped since he came back from Spain. Cooking is hard, eating is harder, and he only really makes the effort when you visit. You don’t pry, so it’s only now that he notices, filling out your dress too well, that his edge has almost completely been lost to softness.
And it’s still there—He’s still a man with a dick and balls first and foremost. His arms are big, and his chest juts out in the wrong way. Wrong. It’s all so wrong.
This thought is neutered by your hand on his too-big bicep, fingers curling to his shape as you guide him along the stairs in matching kitten heels, he clutches the bannister for support like he’s going into labour.
Today you drive. “Got to treat you like a princess,” you say, smiling at him. All teeth. You take off your heels and kick them beneath the seat where they’ll surely tangle in the cables.
Leon reclines in his seat, closing his eyes and breathing in and out, two minutes away from inducing labour. Dramatics, y’know? Because he’s a girl today, not because he feels like he is being gutted by a claw machine.
You drive, he tosses and turns and squints at the road ahead to hide his creased brow. You drive, and he wonders what led him to this very moment, what has become of him and his pity party life. But Simon Says and Leon does. You say and Leon follows blindly like a die-hard fucking fan of Jesus would. A disciple, he guesses, but in some way even that is too much credit. At least they were, like, on equal grounds. He’s too passive to be Judas, and too much of an unbeliever to be any of the other ones. He is just some fucking mangey street urchin suckling on the teat of a wild dog that Jesus patted once and cured and would not leave the poor dude alone.
Unfortunately, Leon takes instructions better than he does dick and that is his problem. Yeah, that’s what he was trying to say before it all got away from him.
The bouncer questions nothing, no ID is needed, which is both a relief and an insult to Leon. Does he look that old? This makeup, this dress, this stringy mop of a wig it ages him.
The bass of a thousand beating hearts rips through him.
If Leon was a girl he’d simply kill himself. It hurts too much. The dress is itchy and his chest is sweating and his full face of makeup is melting his skin into goop and his feet are killing him. He’s sorry for all those times he requested a girl keep her stilettos on during sex. He’s sorry to you for buying you shoes on all those anniversaries, birthdays and Christmases. He’s sorry for that time he requested a lap dance in heels on your anniversary, his birthday, and that joint Christmas. He is sorry to every fucking woman for the system that has been put in place that requires them to wear heels to work and to dinner dates and to pick their kids up from preschool.
“Are you hurting, baby?” You place a cool hand on his cheek, feather-light, ensuring you don’t smear his pasty foundation. When he nods, pitiful, you coo at him. “Oh, big ol’ Agent Kennedy, I’m sure you can handle it, sweetie.”
Leon shakes his head again, firmer and sadder. “You can handle it,” you tell him, smiling dropping as fast as it came. A hand comes to rest on his waist then slides upwards along his naked back, courtesy of the open back of his blue dress, gliding over his pronounced shoulder blades. Lily-white and spread sideways like lotus petals or something akin to angel wings.
The two of you end up in a booth with four men and a red-headed girl who is decently pretty. She talks too fast for Leon’s liking, and each time she opens her mouth, which is a lot of fucking times for a long fucking time, her spit flies out and lands on his face in beads.
There is a man who’s tall and strapping in the way Leon likes his men in the private fantasies he keeps hidden in the lonely gallery that is his mind. His experience with dick starts with Jack and ends somewhere before you. Jack taught him how to work a dick, and if Leon were to kiss and tell, he’d tell this man how much he wants to play with it, stroke it and love on it.
(Only if he was a girl, which tonight he is.)
You’re midway through telling a story, leant in for added effect, elbows on the sticky table. “And Leon says, she’s like—“ Your voice fades out.
Another guy, stout and ugly, sort of piggish in the face, asks, “Is it a dude?” He jabs his thumb in Leon’s direction. “That’s a dude's name.”
“What, no.” You frown, breezing over your blunder like fingers on silk. “It’s a nickname, y’know, from when we were kids, ‘cause she looks like a dude.” Laughter lifts into the air like plumes of smoke. Leon feels like he is breathing it in, tiny shards crystallise in his lungs and choke him.
He shouldn’t be humiliated, there is nothing to be humiliated about because he is what you say he is. He’s a dude. But he is humiliated, and it is driving him mad, he has killed himself in a hundred different brutal ways in his head while you talk.
“She don’t talk, she got a problem?” He says in his nasty, thick voice. “Is she retarded?” It sounds like there’s phlegm lodged in his throat all the fucking time. “Feminist?” Good lord.
“Oh my gosh, like, I don’t think you can say that,” the ginger smiles nervously.
“She just gets a little scared around guys.” Your smile is so cold it chills him to his core. “Bad experiences, y’know?”
Not exactly wrong. Leon is weary of shared showers, he is weary of urinals, of stalls with busted locks, and he is weary of other men, but he would never say it and he would never show it. But now, sitting here as a girl, as a woman, he trembles.
“Oh, yeah?” The dude sits back, spreads his legs to accommodate a dick he likely doesn’t have. Then he leaves it at that.
You kiss him to make up for the silence, you grope his tits—his chest through the fabric of his dress, you raise your Von Dutch tee to show off your cute heart-shaped pasties. None of it is for Leon, it’s for the guys sitting in front of you, because as a woman you exist for men, to perform and flash your panties and act like you’re into it.
Which you are, he knows your pussy is wet ‘cause of that look on your face, eyes glinting like marbles, you’re getting off on him being stretched past his limits.
An hour later, you push him onto the dance floor, watching through throngs of people and Leon is met with the pig-faced guy, he’s pink and sweaty like one too. Leon denies every advance he lays out. Then fingers splay over the round of Leon’s ass, and his flesh is gripped so tight it mottles how dicks purple.
The guy says something and everything and nothing but fluff. You uppity slut—You think you can—Speak up—Y’know, even the ugliest bitches have wet little pussies between their legs—
Leon really does not.
Leon could push him off. He could break his fingers, disable him, kill him in the middle of this godforsaken dance floor. But he just stands there and stares like a real woman.
(But he has always stood there and looked death right in the eye, it comes hurtling, barrelling into him at full speed like a shit-caked asteroid and all he does is stand there. He’s not had the energy to get back up lately.)
The handsome guy, the one that is taller than Leon, the one that he likes a lot, steps in and saves him. And this is what it must feel like, to be swept off your feet. To be princess carried and loved sweetly by someone worn and rough.
Christ, this wig has a mind of its own. Infecting Leon’s psyche with its mushy bullshit. He wants to go home. He wants a beer and a drag from your cigarette. He doesn’t smoke, but he will tonight.
“Are you alright?” The handsome man somehow manages to shout gently over the music. He is so nice, and so handsome it feels wrong to look at him. Leon thinks he knows, and when this man smiles, Leon knows that he knows for certain. “I won't tell.” He grins down at Leon again, soft and brilliant and kind.
Leon passes you on the way to the bathroom, he tells you that it’s getting stuffy in here, then he leaves to get stuffed with cock in the ladies room as all good boyfriends do.
The click of heels makes him suck in a breath, he plants two hands on the broad chest in front of him, tightens around the dick in him so hard he might cut off all blood flow, salty fingers in his mouth keep him from crying out.
Leon knows it’s you from the clink of your bangles. The source of chatter is the red-headed girl, you likely motion for her to be silent—He counts to twenty then meets your eye under the gap in the door. He whimpers around the fingers in his mouth.
“Oh my gosh, there’s totally someone in there,” you gush to the other girl who gasps, “I saw, like, two pairs of shoes, really cute heels.”
“She’s luckyyy, I hope she’s getting it good,” she sighs, “hey, where’d your friend go by the way, the blonde one?”
“Leon?” You seem to pause, weighing up your options. “She’s a total fucking slut.”
“No fucking way!”
“Yes fucking way, I bet she’s gone home with some guy already—I mean, she might be in that fucking stall, wouldn’t put it past her.”
In the stall, Leon shifts, back bumping the wall as he pushes his hips out, grinding down on his dick like he needs this over and done with.
“I could never do that…” The redhead says, “It’s, like, so icky in here…”
“I don’t think Leon minds,” you muse, “I mean, like, don’t tell her I told you, but she gets on her knees in club bathrooms, like, she’s dirty.”
“I know!” You burst into giggles. “I told her that’s, like, way too far! I mean they don’t even clean these places properly, they send some underpaid dude with a Kleenex out to do the job.”
Leon’s knees ache with the guilt of sucking dick on his knees in a Kleenex-cleaned club bathroom. The dick inside of him throbs, a single push and it spills into the rubber.
The click of heels fades out as you and your newfound friend exit the bathroom.
“You let your friend talk about you like that?” The man asks, smiling still.
“She’s my girlfriend,” Leon says meekly in a voice that is not his. He has never been meek or scared or anything of the sort. Leon has guts, too many maybe, they make him stupid. That’s what he gets by on. That’s why Leon returns home. Because he tries not to make a place for feelings.
“I know.” The guy shrugs, he spins Leon around so his back is facing the mirrors. Leon twists his head to look. The striated planes of his back. Your nails in his skin.
Leon gets in your car and apologises.
“Aw.” You pinch his cheek, uncaring of your heavy hand now that his lipstick is smeared in rings around another man’s dick. “I know, baby, my girl just wanted to have fun.”
My girl, my girl, my girl. He’s not your girl. You’re his girl, and he’s your man and that’s the way Leon likes it. He likes to drape his arm over your shoulders in place of a coat when it gets windy, he likes to pay the bill on dates, he likes to drive you around and he likes to hold your shopping bags. Because that is good and swell and—It’s normal.
You drive him home without saying a word, letting him sit and drown in the weight of his problems until you help him inside, he’s hindered by 1.5 inch heels.
When Leon tries to take his dress off, you stop him. “Princess,” you coo, his teeth rot and he smells the cavities, “I want to play with you.”
“Not like this,” he begs, gazing up at you through his false lashes.
“Yes, like this, baby.” You sit him down on the couch, you take off your heels and then bend down to unbuckle the strap on his. That’s his job. Leon should be doing that for you, a tender grip on your ankle as he threads the metal through the needled holes. “Look at these.” You stand back up, taking the seat beside him, one of your small hands grabbing the underside of his thighs and spreading him open, a leg thrown over yours. “These cute tits,” you say, kissing his neck as you shove your hand down the low-cut neck of his dress, grabbing at his chest in pinching handfuls.
“Don’t call them that,” Leon says quietly, his ears pink like the pucker of his hole.
“I’ll say what I want, princess, okay?” You kiss him hard, teeth knocking into his and your wet tongue running over his front teeth like you want to scrape the plaque from them. “I’m going to fuck you like a girl,” you tell him, pushing his legs as far as they go, his toes curl.
“I don’t like that—“
“I don’t like your dick or your stupid sex talk and I don’t like being fucking pile drived, do you think I like being folded like origami you stupid fucking oaf?” It’s said in the same measured tone of voice you always use, the one that makes him feel stupid. “This is what it’s like being a girl, baby, gotta do what I want.”
Then you lift your hips, skirt shed and panties to the side, puffy pussy swallowing the tip of his cock as you sit on it, taking it inch by inch by inch by inch. All four of ‘em. You hold onto his ankles as you fuck yourself on his cock, a soft squelch everytime his cock bottoms out, slick dripping down his thick shaft and balls.
Leon doesn't like this. How you have him. How you’re taking him, but it doesn’t stop him from feeling good. Your pussy is wet and warm and it squeezes around him, gripping his cock like it’s all you’ve got to live for. You reach between your thighs to rub your swollen clit, but Leon beats you, wanting to make himself useful.
“Good girl,” you praise, eyes rolling back into your skull as you slow your pace, coming to a halt as you place a hand over his, urging him to rub you raw. Then you cum as he presses his thumb into your tiny bud hard, cunt spasming around his dick, letting out a gasp and toppling forward into his chest. Leon’s cock slips out of your cunt, rock hard and lonely, he holds you as his legs drop to the floor, feet on the floor where they belong.
“I didn’t… I didn’t get to…” Leon looks at your face and then his stiff dick, pouting almost.
“I know, baby.” You kiss his head tenderly, so tender he nearly forgets why he’s upset. “But you’re a girl now, right?”
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slytherinshua · 10 months
genre. fluff. secret relationship. warnings. kinda scandalous kissing spots (not really suggestive tho). jokes about jeokbong liking y/n. pairing. so mun x fem!counter!reader. wc. 1.5k. a/n. from this request!
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“I still don’t like that we have to go this far.” So Mun complained, his pout barely visible in the dark, “It’s cramped.”
“I never said we had to go to a closet. I just said somewhere private.” You defended. The closet had somehow been the first thing your boyfriend had thought of as a private place, and the space for 2 adult sized bodies was definitely limited.
“There’s nowhere private in the new base and you know that. The bedroom doors have windows since it was originally a warehouse.”
“I know. I wasn’t the one who couldn’t go a day without kissing their girlfriend.” You jabbed at him.
“I’m not the one who insisted on keeping this a secret!” He countered, crossing his arms in faux annoyance.
“Do you want to be teased by everyone? Cause I know I don’t… Especially Hana, god.” The muttered remark made Mun cringe as well.
“You’re right, this is better.” So Mun’s hands circled around your waist, pulling you closer in the already close space. “Even if I have to resort to kissing you in a closet.” 
You giggled, hands resting on his shoulders, tiptoeing in order to reach his lips, “How scandalous of you.” You mumbled, smiling against his lips but not putting any pressure into kissing him. So Mun seemed to get inpatient for you to initiate a proper kiss and kissed you first.
In the relationship, you were definitely the responsible one. It wasn’t like you wanted to be, but someone had to do it otherwise there was no way you two wouldn’t get found out by the rest of the team. So Mun did his part in trying not to be too obvious with his lovesick stares or want to be close to you, except recently he was failing.
He kept whispering in your ear at dinner that Jeokbong definitely liked you and was always staring at you. You had rolled your eyes at the thought. Even if he was, you were undoubtedly in love with So Mun and So Mun only. His fleeting jealousy was nothing you were concerned about. 
Mun didn’t like you brushing it off, though, and kept pulling your chair just a little bit closer to his with his foot under the table. It took multiple tries from you to make him stop, especially when Hana had almost picked up on it.
It had been a close call, but you hadn’t been caught yet. 
“Goodnight, baby.”
“Goodnight, Y/n.” So Mun smiled and you ruffled some of the curls on his head as he settled under the covers of his bed.
“I’ll go now, okay?” You crouched down, now being eye level with him. He sighed but nodded nonetheless. You kissed his forehead to sooth him before walking out of his room. You let your shoulders relax— another stressful day was coming to a close, another day where your relationship with Mun stayed a precious secret.
“What are you doing in So Mun’s room at 1 am?”
Hana’s voice made you jump slightly. You spun around, finding her leaning against the kitchen counter, munching on a candy bar and staring you down.
“You,” She pointed, “In his room. It’s late.” She swallowed her chocolate bar, narrowing her eyes a bit at you.
“He was just- I was just, uh-” You cleared your throat awkwardly. This was bad. “He was just showing me one of his old comics he made when he was little.”
“At 1 am?” Hana raised her eyebrow, obviously not buying it.
“Yeah…” You walked to the kitchen, flashing the most innocent smile you could muster and opening the fridge to pour yourself a glass of iced tea.
“Well, goodnight, then.” She nodded, hand resting on your shoulder to give you a couple pats. Her eyes widened, “You kissed him in the closet!?” 
You spat out your iced tea in utter shock. Fuck. Hana could read your memories. And you had completely forgotten about that. 
“No!” You yelled defensively, “I didn’t- we- we weren’t-” 
“Y/n, are you and So Mun-” 
“Are we what?” So Mun had walked out of his room, hearing the commotion.
You straightened, eyes wide, trying to relay some sort of message to Mun that Hana was probably about to figure it all out. He didn’t get it, though, and walked towards you both. Hana only needed a second of her hand on Mun’s shoulder to get his memory of it.
She glanced at you and then back to Mun, eyes wide as they darted between you both. You were frozen, panic-stricken in your spot. So Mun was oblivious as always, trying to figure out why you and Hana were acting so weird.
“We need a team meeting to discuss this.” Hana proclaimed.
You and Mun asked in unison, turning to the other at the same time as if you were synchronised robots. Hana huffed at the fact that you two were still feigning innocence. She quickly knocked on the other counters’ doors, stirring the drowsy adults.
After a couple minutes, they were all gathered around the kitchen table. Jeokbong was rubbing the sleep from his eye, while Motak kept asking what was going on, and Ms. Chu was ready to get the car to catch an evil spirit at any minute.
“Two of our counters have been hiding something from us, with no regard to how we feel about it or how it might hurt our feelings.” Hana started, a pointed gaze on you and Mun who sat next to each other, nervously sweating at the situation. By the time Hana had gone to get the other counters, you had filled So Mun in on everything and he was now as panicked as you, if not more. 
“What? What is it?” Jeokbong asked anxiously. 
“Mun and Y/n… are dating.”
The room practically exploded with shouts and questions. If any of the counters were tired before, they were definitely awake now. The commotion was frankly impressive. 
You had expected teasing, yes. But you had never expected it to be such a big deal. The two aces of the team suddenly being revealed to be seeing each other was quite a shock, though. Especially since no one had even suspected it until now.
“You’re dating Mun?” Motak asked for clarification, and you nodded quietly. “All this time, Jeokbong didn’t even have a chance?”
“W-What? No! No! I-I never liked Y-Y/n, don’t misunderstand!!” Jeokbong started defending immediately, but you barely paid attention.
Mun turned to you, whispering an “I told you” with a small frown. You wanted to kiss the pout right off his face, and you would’ve if you weren’t still surrounded by the rest of the team that were still throwing around question after question— none of which was being answered.
“How long has this been going on?” Ms. Chu asked.
“I never thought Mun could pull a girl like Y/n.” Hana teased. 
“Hey-” Mun defended.
“Guys, stop. Yes, I’m dating Mun, we’ve been dating for months." You weren’t sure why, but you ended up laughing. Even with the chaos that had ensued as soon as the secret got out, it was relieving that you didn’t have to hide it anymore.
You didn’t have to hide the fact that you were in love with So Mun.
You could hug him whenever you wanted. You could kiss him whenever you felt like it. You could go on dates without having to pretend to be going on errands or missions. You could be like a normal couple. You felt exhilarated by the thought.
So Mun nodded at your statement and wrapped his arm around your shoulder to pull you towards him, “Y/n’s my girl… got that Jeokbong?” 
Jeokbong looked utterly afraid for his life which made you crack up. Of course you knew that Mun was only being jokingly possessive of you, but the look on Jeokbong’s face was priceless, and soon the whole table was laughing.
“Now that we have that all cleared up, I think it’s best that we all get back to bed. It’s late for the kids and the grown-ups.” Ms. Chu told everyone.
“We’re not kids,” you complained.
“Sure you aren’t. You babies.” Ms. Chu smiled, patting your shoulder.
“If you two ever break up it’s gonna be awful for the team. So don’t you dare break up.” Hana warned you both.
“Don’t worry. We don’t plan to.” So Mun said confidently, making your cheeks flush.
“C-congratulations on your relationship.” Jeokbong stuttered quietly as he made his way back to his room.
“Thanks Jeokbong!” You replied cheerily.
“Yeah, thanks.” Mun smiled, kissing your forehead to intentionally emphasize it to him. 
“You know that wasn’t necessary.” You scolded him.
“How else is he supposed to get the message?” So Mun frowned.
“We already told-” You couldn’t even finish your sentence before Mun’s lips were on yours, kissing you in the now empty room. You raised an eyebrow at him when you pulled away, “You just want an extra excuse to kiss me, don’t you?”
↳ k-drama taglist: @yeonjuns-redhair,, @wolfmoonmusic,, @cha3w0n-hearts (abp & tuc only),, @tempobaekh (tuc only),, @edensgardenn
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kneelingshadowsalome · 7 months
Hey i just read some of your fics and i can’t lie..IM. IN. LOVE!!!! I absolutely adore your writing style too! When i saw you wrote something that included Roman Empire I screamed lol.
I was curious tho how would König from that au would’ve react to his lover being tired and pregnant carrying his heir. (Pregnancy kink alert) and their sex life looks during pregnancy 👀.
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(This is not a *fic* fic, I just love to do these cute little moodboards! lmao)
Roman!König gets so fussy when his little fairy gets pregnant 🥺
Their new hut is barely even built before she notices that her moonblood no longer arrives. When she tells König the good news, he's already the happiest man in the world but now he's about to burst from joy. All his dreams are finally coming true!
König is so proud of his queen, but he's also proud of himself. He’s been working hard every day – as a man should! – hunting and fishing and building their new home and making love to his woman, basically toiling from sunrise to sunset. Now that there's a baby on the way, he can finally catch his breath and concentrate on taking care of his wife and finishing the roof for their new house ❤️
And lovemaking! There's lots of it in the first months, but when the baby starts to grow, König refuses to "bully" her before the child is born. Says that in his homeland people believe that it can hurt the baby if a man tries to get an already pregnant woman pregnant again. As much as he would love to do his daily duties, he can't risk the health of their child so it will simply have to wait.
Man starts to talk to her belly before even a month has passed, and in his own crude language too. Doesn't see how his fairy queen is rolling her eyes at this – even a mighty warrior turns into a simpleton when they've managed to get a woman pregnant, it seems.
She’s not jealous, per se, she just thinks he’s being a bit silly :/ König likes to ramble to the baby even more than he rambles to her these days, and the baby bump is not even visible yet! And when it is, gods, he gets even more silly. Every morning König gives her a kiss, then goes down to her belly and gives the baby a kiss too, then says Guten Morgen with a wide, cheerful smile.
It’s nice to see that at least someone here is happy, because she’s not having it easy; her back and knees hurt all the time, she wakes up five times during the night, her feet are always sore, she has to pee constantly, and her appetite is gone. König isn't really helping: he tries to feed her all the time “to make the baby strong” and gets worried if she doesn’t eat enough.
So it's a good thing that König has his little building project going on, otherwise he would go mad :/ Man is working hard to build the animal pens before winter, hunt the food, and do some carpentry such as make them a sturdy enough bed (...) that he dozes off in the evening after eating three large bowls of stew. These two lovebirds are soon sleeping under a pile of furs, with König's large hand protectively over Fee's tummy while the embers in the firepit offer them warmth through the night ❤️
And if Fee was treated like a queen before, now she's almost like a goddess. Barely gets to prepare the food because König doesn't want Fee to exert herself. The only thing she's allowed to do is weave (they have this cute little vertical loom), and if she ever looks tired, König will order her to rest and comes to pet her head or massage her feet.
Starts to excitedly talk about how he will teach the child how to run and wrestle and hunt and fight, be it boy or a girl. He has to teach their little wolf cub to fend for itself if need be, right? When Fee cuts in and says that if it’s a girl she can always marry a strong husband, König looks at her in shock. His baby girl, marrying some ugly, big brute who just wants to force his head under her dress?? There's no way he’ll let that happen!
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qtboni · 10 months
ugh i cant get out of your fucking page. its like i live here like a rat
im back, hi, have another req bc i just thought of it and needed it in my veins.
how about some comfort from fatherfigure!price? like reader is sad kinda and he helps? maybe reader "accidentally" calls him dad, nothing to /srs
(im mentally okay i swear😭)
idk if you even do price tbh, i haven't seen it on your page tho
anyways i needed to write this somewhere or ill forget and like wither away into nothing or sum shit
im being dramatic. i think.
okay thats it bye bye dearest boni.
(sorry im constently blowing up your asks😭😭)
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PAIRING: Captain 'John' Price X Reader
C/W: comfort & humor! + gn!reader, explicit words, price playin' wit chu, somebody ate your cake (it was soap don't tell him tho /hj)
W/C: 1.3k
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"What's got you looking so down today, sergeant?" Captain Price asked in his usual stern voice as he entered the living room, noticing the dejected look on your face.
You had been sitting on the sofa for hours now, cleaning your holster and moping around. He approached you with a glass of water in hand.
"Somebody ate my cake," you slowly replied, your voice heavy with emotion. You didn't usually get sad over such small things, but today, you feel so tired.
"Are you telling me that you're this upset over a slice of cake?" he asked, a hint of amusement in his tone. Captain Price raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised to hear something like that coming from you.
"I guess I am," you said, your voice barely audible. You shrugged and looked down at your holster, not wanting to admit to being such a crybaby. "I was saving it for this specific rest day to ... indulge myself with sweets.."
Captain Price's expression softened as he placed the glass of water down next to you. He sat down on the sofa next to you and put an arm around your shoulders.
"Listen, sergeant," he said in a comforting tone, "It's okay to be upset about something. Everyone has their own quirks and things that are important to them. And in our line of work, we need to be able to deal with any situation and not let little stuff like this get us down."
"Thanks, Cap'," you said, a hint of embarrassment in your voice. You smiled at him, grateful for the reassurance.
"Any time," He replied with a soft smile. He then stood up and left the room, returning a few minutes later with two fairly large cookies, handing it to you. "Here, this should cheer you up."
"No way," You were overjoyed, your face lighting up with a smile.
"Yes way," He replied, playfully eyeing the cookies then to you. "Have it, yeah?"
"Dad, oh my god," You squealed excitedly, taking a bite out of the cookie, savoring the taste of the sweetness and the tenderness. "This is so sweet of you. Thank you so much!"
Oh no. Dad? Did you just call your captain, 'dad'?
Avoiding the embarrassment of calling your captain 'dad' in a moment of vulnerability, you silently prayed that he hadn't heard it. This was going to be awkward, and the thought of having to explain yourself was making you cringe.
Just play it off...
Now as much as Price wants to give you the other cookie for you to eat, he retracted his hand away from your grabby hands, not letting you get one.
"Cap?" Your hands stay levitated, clearly ready to munch on the cookie on your Captain's grip.
Did he caught on?
You had to think fast. Change the subject before things got too awkward!
"Are.. are you going to eat that?"
"Then why- actually no, just- isn't that for me?"
"Correct," He chuckles as he continued dangling the pastry infront of you.
You stared at him incredulously, your hand visibly itching to just pounce on the cookie and munch on it.
What was your captain doing?
"See, the funny thing is, kid," He trailed off as he waves the cookie back and forth with his hand up in the air. He smirks when your eyes followed the cookie's movement. "I haven't thought much of being a father."
Shit. Play it off...
You hummed in confusion, tilting your head in curiosity.
Where was he going with this? And also, can he just give you the cookie? After all, he gave it to you, right?
Just give me the cookie, dammit.
"Let alone..." He paused and looked at you in the eyes. Shit. "Someone calling me one, aye?"
You feel like you could sink into the ground and vanish from existence. The embarrassment was too much to bear!
Captain Price chuckles at you, "Don't play dumb on me now, sergeant."
Your mind is racing, trying to think of something to say. You stuttered a reply, "I- Capta-"
But before you know it, he interrupts your thoughts with his sharp wit.
"Oh? It was 'Dad' a second ago, wasn't it?" He retorded with a proud smirk playing across his lips, looking at you with an air of amusement and teasing. He knows exactly what to say to get under your skin and he's not afraid to use it to his advantage.
It's clear that he wants an answer, but all you can do is sputter a few incoherent words before retreating back into your shell. You feel a mix of embarrassment and frustration, wishing you could come up with a clever come-back, but the only thing that's clear right now is that Price has you stumped.
"Sergeant?" He calls out to you teasingly, awaiting for your reply to his question.
"Mhm?" You can feel your ears slowly turning red as your Captain's teasing hits a nerve. You can't seem to quite meet his eyes, instead looking at the ground with an embarrassed blush. You fidget with the straps of your holster, unable to quite figure out how to respond.
"Wasn't it 'Dad' a second ago?" Captain Price repeated as he raised an eyebrow, looking at you with a mix of amusement and confusion.
You blush in embarrassment as you realize he wouldn't let you get off easily withyour slip-up. You look down at the ground.
"I'm sorry, sir," You quickly clear your throat, hoping to regain your composure. Still unable to break your gaze from the floor, you mutter, "It won't happen again."
Suddenly, the cookie appeared in your line of vision that was still situated at the ground. You heard your captain sigh and tutted, drawing your attention back to him.
The cookie! The cookie?
He held the cookie out to you, a small smile playing on his lips as he waited for you to accept it. You were initially taken aback, feeling a surge of warmth and gratitude toward your captain.
"Didn't ask for an apology, kid," He said with a playful frown, seemingly amused by the situation. He took your hand and placed the cookie on it, his gaze locking onto yours. "Was just surprised is all, hm?"
"Still," You cleared you throat as straightened your posture and looked up at him, albeit still feeling the sting of embarrassment. "It's my bad."
"Mhm," He hummed softly and raised his hand up to your head. He gently pats your head affectionately, yet his hand ruffled your hair, leaving it disheveled. "Whatever floats your boat, kid."
The soft pat on your head sends shivers down your spine, and you give him a grateful smile.
"Thanks, Cap', again." You beemed up with a smile, raising the cookie to his vision.
He gives a small nod before turning to leave, leaving you with a sense of warmth and contentment that stays with you long after he's gone. You watch as he offered a small wave goodbye and you respond the same, feeling a sense of gratitude for his kindnesses and understanding.
You were about to take a bite out of the delicious cookie he had given you. But just as you were about to revel in the sweet taste, you heard his voice once more calling out to you and startling you.
Turning around, you saw him standing there infront of the doorway, his eyes gleaming with mischief as he continued to speak.
"Though," he began, his voice low but full of laughter spilling through, "The cake's delicious, kid. Would have it again, 10 out of 10," he finished with a wink, and you couldn't help but gape at his leaving form.
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navi / masterlist
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bigbadvoxbox · 3 months
Helllooo! I'm back with another ask
I was thinking a vox getting jealous because Valentino was being Valentino and flirting with (fem) reader and vox marking her up or something like that to just prove that reader is only his- sorry if this sounds confusing lol if it ain't coherent feel free to delete, hope u have a nice day tho!!
I love this! I wish bad violent things on Valentino so getting to write him getting rejected and shit will be fun!
warnings: nsfw. possessive sex. also unprotected sex, which u shouldn't do. semi-public/public sex (in a limo). also valentino exists in this. i hate valentino, so im gonna warn u that he's even here. fuck u valentino. marking + biting. vox has kinda like an ownership (?) kink idk what the word is but he likes the concept of you belonging to him. also warning for valentino being a gross pervy scumbag who flirts with anything with a hole.
- It was meant to just be a quick drop by with Vox, as he had to quickly stop by Valentino's studio for a quick discussion. This was your first time actually meeting the infamous Valentino. Vox had never really wanted you to meet him, for reasons unknown, but today he had no choice but to bring you along to his brief meeting.
- It went exactly like he was dreading it would.
- "Where you been hiding this little chula, huh?" Valentino asked, taking the back of your hand, and planting what started off as a light kiss, but very quickly became a long lick, leaving you feeling confused, as well as a bit mortified.
- Vox was very quick to take a step between the two of you, his eye twitching as he tried his best to keep that smile on his face, needing to keep up his stupid little act of respect so that this obnoxious bastard of a man wouldn't throw a tantrum. Valentino has power that Vox can use, so he can't just yet show just how much he dislikes the moth-demon.
- The rest of that quick little chat felt like eternity, and Vox could not WAIT to get the fuck out of those studios. Hell, he was considering fucking the shit out of you right then and there just to show Valentino that he needs to fuck off. He wouldn't outright say anything, but he sure as shit would show Valentino who you belong to.
- You barely got out of the studio and back into Vox's limo when he pounced on you.
- "That prick. He needs to learn to keep his hands off what isn't his." he grumbled to himself as he made quick work of laying you back against the seat, hovering over you. Within no time, your neck was littered with marks and bites, Vox making an effort to make them as visible as possible. Bright and clear enough for even Valentino's blind ass to see.
- Pure jealousy was fuelling him at that moment, as well as possessiveness. He was gonna make sure no other lowlife fucker ever DARED to even think about touching you ever again. That was his job alone. You were HIS girl.
- Part of him considered leaving his name on you somewhere, somehow, but no. That could wait. It would be too rash a decision right now, he should wait until you could both decide on such a thing together when you were thinking clearly. He didn't know if you'd be okay with that, so he decided against it, but the thought definitely lingered in the back of his mind.
- While his hands trailed all over your body, touching and groping everywhere, feeling what's HIS, he revelled in the feeling of your hands on his body too. He knew you only had eyes for him, and that you were just as irritated by Valentino's actions as he was. That only spurred him on, and next thing you knew, the two of you were barely even clothed in the back of his limo.
- Vox had you practically in every position in the back of that limo. At first, he was hovering over you, and it was sweet, close, passionate, then, he turned you two around so he was drilling into you from behind, rough, sinful, and messy. He liked this position, it gave him the perfect view of your bodies joining together as he gripped your hips, while you gripped the car door for stability, your shared heavy breaths fogging up the windows.
- Finally, he had you in his lap, riding him. He sat up, your chests pressing together as he took this opportunity, so close to you, to leave deeper bites and marks, now extending from your neck to your jaw and shoulders, even low enough to your tits.
- The limo was definitely shaking.
- After a couple rounds, you both decided you had made enough of a mess for one day, and had successfully gotten both of your frustrations out of your systems.
- A knock at the limo window caught Vox's attention, and he rolled the tinted windows down a tad, quickly covering you with his shirt. It was Valentino on the other side.
- "You've been parked out here for a while. Thought you were busy?" he said in a snarky tone. Vox couldn't help but smirk slightly, quickly looking for your approval, before rolling the window down a tad more, exposing the mess you two had made, as well as you, now only covered by Vox's shirt, which thankfully covered enough, only leaving you exposed from the collarbones up and the thighs down, but left just enough on display for Valentino to very clearly see the art gallery of hickeys and bite marks that littered your body.
- "We were busy."
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marvelobsessed134 · 5 months
I know Halloween is coming very quickly and I had this fic in mind of older nicki being a serial killer with his eyes on the young female reader
Somebody’s watching me
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So even tho Halloween is long gone I still wanted to fulfill this request so here it is! Enjoy!
Pairings: Older!Nikki Sixx x Fem!Reader
Warnings: smut, dark content! Serial killer!Nikki, dub con, sub reader, knife usage, blowjob, stalking
It was around 12:00 am and you were walking home from the club. Yes, not so safe as a young girl like you to be walking home alone this late. But you didn’t think much of it.
But little did you know, he was watching. The raven haired bassist that had a less than moral and legal hobby on the side. And he happened to have his eyes set on you.
He didn’t want to kill your though. Something about you intrigued him. And made him hard. He just had to have you.
Finally, you got inside your house, turning on the light and taking your coat off to hang it up in the coat rack.
Then, you walked into your bedroom to take your makeup off and put on your satin pajama’s before walking into the living room to grab a glass of wine and watch TV. You’re not feeling too tired and want to catch up on some 90 day fiancé.
Suddenly, as you were curled up on the couch, you heard your back sliding glass door open. Your eyes widened and you perked up, almost spilling your wine as you were on high alert.
You stood up, putting your glass on the side table before walking towards the dining room which had the door to the backyard.
Slowly walking towards it, you called out, “Hello? Is anyone there?”
Dumb move, girl. Because the next thing you know, you’re being pressed against the intruders chest, his hand covering your mouth.
You squirmed and tried to get out of his hold but you couldn’t. Crying in distress. “Shh bunny. Don’t want to alert the neighbors do we?” Your eyes widened at his words. That voice sounded familiar.
Turning your head, you saw the face of the man you’ve been crushing on for years.
“Nikki Sixx?” You asked, but was muffled by his hand. But the bassist understood what you meant. “In the flesh, baby.” He chuckled.
He dragged you into your room at the back of the house, tossing you on the bed after locking your door and pulling his knife out.
You were in shock, you didn’t make an effort to run. Though you should’ve. Nikki had a wicked smile on his face as he walked slowly towards you. His erection visible through this black jeans. Your heart rate picked up, goosebumps forming all over your body. Your core heating up. Something about this was kind of erotic.
“So pretty.” He muttered, his voice barely above a whisper as he trailed the knife down the side of your face. You shivered, partially from fear and being turned on.
“N-Nikki…what’s going on why are you in my house? How do you even know I exist-“
“Shhh…” he put his finger to your lips.
“You wanna know what I do when I’m bored? Hm? You wanna know that your idol is sick and twisted in the head? Hm? You wanna know about the groupies I’ve killed?”
Your eyes widened. No, no, no. No way Nikki would do such a thing! Sure, he’s done bad things but not this bad right?
You tried to squirm away but he gripped your wrist so tightly, and pressed his knee down on your lower stomach so you couldn’t get away.
“But don’t worry. You’re too sweet to be killed. I just want to keep you,” he moved to whisper in your ear, the knife lightly pressing into your rib cage, “forever.”
He pressed his lips to yours, and you began to passionately make out. You moaned into his mouth, going completely limp as you got lost in the feeling.
Nikki let go of the knife after he trusted that you wouldn’t run away. You just laid there as you watched him take his shirt off and unbuckle his pants. His cock sprung out and you immediately got down on your knees. Wanting nothing more than to taste him.
He slid his cock into your eagerly awaiting mouth, you closer your lips around him and allowed him to fuck your face.
“So good, such a good girl. Tight little mouth.” The bassist groaned. And it was in that moment that he one you were going to be his forever.
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nogenderbee · 9 months
Could I request headcanons of Dan Heng, Gepard, and Welt receiving head pats by their s/o because she thought they looked lonely and her mom used to pat her head to cheer her up?
Of course! I totally don't play favorites here... but anyway, I hope you enjoy it just as much as I did!
giving Dan Heng, Welt, Gepard head pats
TagList: @vodka-glrl @miya-akane
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⊱ Dan Heng was just minding his own business, probably standing or sitting somewhere with stern look, waiting for the rest when he felt someone petting his head...
⊱ he turned around way to quick, as if he was scared just to notice you and he immidietly let out small sigh
"What's the ocassion?"
"I just thought you looked lonely!"
⊱ his heart warmed up on your explanation as small, barely visible smile showed on his face
⊱ he thanked you in words and by treating you to some of your favorite snack later
⊱ most likely will say that your head pats are soft and actually made his day better but don't go around and spread that around... that information is just for your ears only!
⊱ now whenever he's just dozing off, he can feel himself being waked up by your hand on his head and his stern look always turns into small smile, no matter how often you do it
⊱ he's not the one to give head pats himself but if you ask him he'll do it for you too
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⊱ Welt's first reaction is simply being surprised. He'll literally look at you as if you caught him off guard with this before finally smiling gently with relief
⊱ he'll be polite and thank you before he asks for the reason behind it, he's not against the head pats, he just wanted to know why you did that just now of all times!
"Thank you, it's really nice of you to do that. But may I know the reason behind it?"
⊱ and when you tell him history about how you did it because he looked lonely and how your mother used to give you them, he'll be charmed
⊱ he thinks of it as a cute gesture and will not hesitate to show you the same kindness if you ask him for it
⊱ he'll not give you them out of his own free will tho... not because he dislikes but because it's not in his reflex
⊱ when you're seeming down or lonely, his first reaction is to rub your back and comfort you so it was probably Himeko who told him to do the same for you...
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⊱ Gepard reaction for your head pats always includes small blush accompanied by smile alongside
⊱ but there's actually a small difference between his reactions, depending if you catch him off guard or if he sees that coming
⊱ if you catch him off guard, he'll be more flustered and will show you how happy that headpat made him later
⊱ if he sees it coming tho, he'll still be just a tiny bit flustered but smile will appear almost immidietly on his face
⊱ he won't even move when you're giving him head pats since he doesn't want you to stop anytime soon and just enjoyed the affection he gets
⊱ if you tell him about how you did it because he seemed lonely and how your mother used to have them to you, he'll think it's so cute and adore your head pats even more
"That's really cute gesture of yours, thank you. I am sure your mother is an amazing women."
⊱ somehow he got that habit from you and now whenever you're waiting for him or seeme down, his hand immidiely wanders on the top of your head
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itsjusthockey · 5 months
CAN YOU PLEASEEEE WRITE A MATT BOLDY X READER?? theres not enough and i don’t have any ideas to write my own 😭 if it helps, maybe a team usa boldy x reader he was so sweet and super humble then. he really felt like he didn’t fit in because everyone was so good and he always felt overshadowed by the other boys even tho he’s prob better than many of them now 😭
Good Enough - Matt Boldy
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Just a short baby
Thank you for the request babe. I charged it a bit but I love it
More to come shortly
enjoy. wc: 840 (credit to gif maker) (don’t steal my work)
“Bolds, you’re gonna be late,” you glance at your phone screen, the screen showing that if he doesn’t leave-well didn’t leave five minutes ago, he’s not going to make his meeting on time.
He simply ignores you.
You wait one minute, then another, and finally turn over in the bed to look at him. His face is barely visible in the early morning hours, but you can make out the just of it. He’s staring, rather blankly, at the ceiling.
“Matty?” You try again.
Finally, he turns to face you, softly sighing and giving you a look that causes your heart to crack a bit. He looks sad, almost dejected, and you can’t fathom why. The night before, he’d been himself, and now the man in front of your eyes has none of the sparkle you’re used too.
“What's wrong, Matty, talk to me.”
You reach out to gently brush his cheek, hoping to entice him to lay out the thought playing his mind. You watch as he ponders, his gears turning, and then, after a moment, he finally speaks.
“I don’t honestly know what’s going on. I just woke up with a horrible feeling. One I haven’t had in a while.”
He tightens his lips after he speaks, almost as if he hates admitting any type of feeling out loud.
You go over what he says In your mind, and then you counter him, shuffling a bit closer to him.
“What feeling?”
As you ask it, you begin gently tracing your hands on his chest. You know he always relaxes when you do this, and once you start, you visibly see the tension in his face lessen.
“I feel like I’m not good enough like I don’t deserve to be here. I feel like I’m not a good fit, just like at juniors.“
His voice catches a bit, and you cuddle even closer to your boyfriend. You hate that he’s feeling this way. What he is saying couldn’t be less true, but Bolds is his own greatest enemy. He beats himself up like this, and it kills you when he does. You’ve never met anyone like him, someone so sweet, kind, and humble to a fault.
“Matthew,” you gently tap his chin, forcing him to meet your eyes. “We all get bad days. We all have bad thoughts, too. But please, baby, never think you’re not good enough to be where you are. You’re such an amazing player and an even better person. No one in this world deserves you, and no team does either. Minnesota is lucky they have you here.”
He stay quiet for a minute, and you would pay any sum of money to hear his thoughts. Instead of speaking, he pulls you in closer, hugging you as tightly as possible and molding your bodies together. He holds you so tight, almost too tight, but you find yourself gently rubbing his back anyway. A few minutes into his hold, he speaks again.
“You’re wrong, though.”
You’re about to fight him. Beat it into him that he is literally everything, but he interrupts you before you can start.
“You deserve me.” He kisses your forehead. “Actually, it’s more like I don’t deserve you, but I happened to get lucky coming here.”
You smile into him, tugging him impossibly closer and giving him a light kiss on his lips. You stay that way for a bit longer, and you can feel his tension leaving him as the minutes tick by.
Eventually, Matthew moves from your embrace and grabs his phone, tapping at it. He finishes, tosses it far away from the two of you, and slithers back into your arms.
“Your meeting?” You question, eyebrow raised.
He gives you a small smirk and then gives a small kiss to your jaw.
“Didn’t you know? I’m sick.” He fake coughs, and feels his forehead. “I let the GM know I need a personal day.
You roll your eyes at the boy in front of you but nonetheless pull him back into your hold deeper. It isn’t usual that you both get a day like this, so you’ll embrace sitting here and being with him for as long as you can. You have a few ideas of what you can do to let the day pass, and that includes movies, food, and reminding him as much as you can that he’s the best man you know.
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ackermonie · 2 years
im coming here again with some more soft-ish gojo
i feel like satoru wouldn’t be the self-conscious in a relationship. i feel like he’d completely trust you, because if he didn’t, he really wouldn’t just risk it all and be with you this way.
you’d trust him too. it would obviously take time, given his infamous reputation, but you would.
so gojo isn’t really bothered at first when you start to be a little more closed off than usual with him. be it when you just simply smile after he kisses you, or when he tries to start a conversation and your replies would just be a bunch of ‘ah’s and ‘mhm’s, if ther are any at all, but the consistency of it begins to get on his nerves.
you barely saw one another throughout that week. he’s busy, you’re busy, you only get to see eachother at nighttime and occasionally he’d get a glimpse of you in the morning before you leave for the day, despite that he always has been first to get out of bed while you sulk behind.
his petty ass starts to give you back the same attitude a a couple of days afterwards, and it pissed him off further when it looked like you didn’t even notice.
the cycle continues for a few more days, and satoru gets even more petty as the seconds go on because why the fuck are you treating him like that for no reason?? it’s not like you to keep shit bottled up without communication if he fucks something up, so he gets to be pissed all he wants.
what he doesn’t notice tho, is your fucked up sleep cycle, or lack thereof. he doesn’t spend the days with you to notice just how little your food intake is, and he only notices the dark circles under your eyes when it was too late.
you were leaning on the bathroom counter when he walks in. your eyes are squeezed shut, and gojo wasn’t aware someone can look so pale.
he freezes at the door frame for a few seconds, watching as you shake your head and bend down to splash some cold water on your face, but your hand slips.
you didnt even get the chance to get close to the tiled floor. a hand is secure around your waist while the other pushes at your chest until your back was flush against a solid figure, and you don’t understand why fight suddenly left your body as you turned into putty in gojo’s hands.
“satoru,” you try to call.
he slips a hand under your knees and slips you up bridal style, your head falling to his chest limply. there was a second of wooshing air before you feel the softness of your mattress underneath you.
“stupid, stupid,” gojo mumbles to himself. a hand slips to your face, and he delivers little tap-taps to your cheek. “hey, sweets. open your eyes up for me, huh?”
“i just…” you attempt a grab at his forearm. “give me a few seconds.”
“okay, okay, yeah.” satoru gives your body a do-over in a spiral of uncharacteristic panic. you’re not visibly hurt anywhere except for the light bruises on your calf, but that doesn’t calm down his nerves. “better be only a few seconds before i call shoko right fucking now.”
“don’t call anyone,” your eyes are still closed when you grab a clutch of the material of bis shirt. your voice is breathy yet choked. “i’m gonna be fine. just—“
he teleports away before you can finish your sentence, and your hand is suddenly grasping on air. you sigh out, letting your forearm fall to your forehead instead as you try to regulate your breathing, but you feel another woosh of air before a voice is booming in the room.
Gojo dumps the plastic wraps in his hand by your side and puts the glass of water he got on the nightstand.
“i got you sugar. you look like you need sugar. you look like you need plenty, actually.” he rambles and you feel yourself being pulled in a sitting position where your head perfectly falls to the crook of his neck.
right then, you both feel the world go silent.
you haven’t been in each other’s arms in some time. satoru is dumbfounded as he looks down at your face from his position, and he sees that your eyes are no longer squeezed shut. the peace on your features calms him down just a bit, and he has no other choice but to let go of the candy wrappers and wrap his arms around you.
“i’m just overworked.” you whisper a bit too weakly for gojo’s liking. he rests his cheek on the top of your head. “i’m fine.”
“you’re not fine,” he mumbles, shifting his position so he can be even closer to you. “you barely have any color in your cheeks.” he looks down at you when he feels your head shift, only to find a very fucking exhausted gaze looking up at him.
and he’s stupid. he’s fucking stupid for acting petty without communicating the way you always ask him to do. you are feather light in his arms, as a consequence, the way your cheeks are hollow make him loosen his grip on you because you do be looking very breakable.
“i’m sorry it took me so long to notice,” he tells you, and you can’t help yourself when a hand slips to his nape, and you pull yourself up enough to plant a kiss to his cheek. “i’m dumb. i thought you were mad at me.”
“i would’ve told you, ‘toru,” you tug him down to the mattress with you. instead of the other way around, the over-grown sorcerer’s head lands on your chest as you slip a hand in his hair. “let’s just nap a bit more before we head out, mhm?”
“head out? your ass isn’t leaving this damn bed until i put some fucking food in you.”
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sorcerous-caress · 7 months
Hi I hope your having a good day by the time you read this! I was hoping I could request Minthara, Karlach, Gale, and Zevlor (If you write for him) reacting to a Tav that looks visibly under the weather but ignores it to continue to do things rather than resting?
Heh I’ve got a cold that’s kicking my ass rn but even tho it’s the week before thanksgiving break my college classes are piling me with stuff to do ya know?
I'm currently dealing with similar things, anon. Life demands us to function even at our worst sometimes. The migranes can be ruthless. Please make sure to rest and take care of yourself. You're more important than your assignments and classes.
Dealing with a stressed Tav who refuses to rest.
[Fluff, comfort, nb!reader]
[Minthara, Karlach, Gale, Zevlor]
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As cruel and cold as she tends to be, there is certainly some tenderness deep inside her heart that's saved solely for you.
If it was someone else, she wouldn't have cared. If anything she expects her followers to work themselves to the death if it benfited her, she has no tolerance for the weak.
And yet, every principle she has ever held goes straight out the window when it comes to you. The sight of your visibly tired face and exhausted body makes her furrow her eyebrows in worry, forms a tightness in her chest.
She respects you immensely, and she knows for a fact you're not weak. If anything you're stronger than anyone she has ever met before.
Minthara wants to show that she can be strong for you too, prove herself as the capable and reliable partner you entrusted your heart with. Take the burdens off your shoulders and carry it on her own. No price is too great when it comes to ensuring your well being, whether it be a life or gold.
But even her own abilities only extend so far, she knows there are things that you simply can't let her handle. She feels as if she failed you when the only thing she can do is stand there uselessly whilst you struggle through your hardships.
Kind words of encouragement don't come easily for her. There's no softness left on her tongue, and tenderness is a foreign language long forgotten. Yet she tries, she still tries through failed awkward attempts and borderline counterproductive advice. She still tries to offer some sort of relief for you, to understand you better, to just be with you.
It pains her in a way, seeing you brush off your own health so easily and discard your wellbeing. You don't realise how much she envies you, envies having the health to spare to neglect.
The engine burns against her chest, sending her on a coughing fit more times than she could count, her time is nearing its end.
If she were you, she'd treasure it. Her life, her body, and her own pulsing heart.
Karlach still buries her feelings and comforts you, putting your needs above hers. Attempting to get you to smile again, tricking you into having at least a nap when you're especially exhausted.
You're a soldier, she reminds you, you're brave, strong, and capable. And she will always have your back no matter what, so don't go fighting the world on your own when it's better to take a step back and recover first.
She'd drown you with kisses, brighten your day up with hugs, and offer the most loving and tender touches. Each word coming from her mouth is filled with sincerity, yet it barely scrapes the surface of how deep her love is for you.
He's been there more than once. Hell, he still neglects his own health for his studies, even to this day. He can relate to you a lot.
It's the feeling of being left behind, everyone else seems to have their ducks in a row while you're struggling just to stay afloat ontop of the water. How tempting it is just to give in and sink, the threat of the abyss below whispering into your ears.
Yet you stay swimming, the both of you need to. Have to.
No matter how muddy and ruthless the current gets, no matter how aggressive the waves become. He'll hold your hand amidst the storm and anchor you to him.
Each one resurfacing the other whenever they start to drown, pulling each other up.
It's not the most healthy, he is self-aware enough to admit it. But he can't condem you for what he himself is guilty of, he can't tell you to take a rest when the orb bleeds his sins of greed through his chest.
He brings you food, peeled oranges and cut apples, sweet tea and freshly baked cookies. Shares his lunch and dinner with you, shares his own warmth too under the blanket.
He has experienced many things throughout his long life, he has lead an army in hell and did whatever he had to do for the sake of his people.
He has sacrificed many years, decades even of his own life for them. He would've given it all for them if he could, to ensure their freedom, to ensure the kids got to grow up safe and sound.
In the same way, he is ready to sacrifice his well-being to preserve yours. Ready to bear your responsibilities so you can go rest and sleep soundly.
So please, don't refuse an old person like him when he invites you over for some tea and to take a breath. He's absolutely certain that you can relay on him for whatever tasks you have, even stay at his own home if you require assistance.
A big part of why he managed to survive all those years of war, is because he knew when to ask for help, when to cast aside his pride and let even strangers lend a hand for the sake of his people.
He doesn't order you outright. He's not your general, and he doesn't have authority over you. Yet his voice is firm when he insists on you accepting help, allowing yourself this small mercy.
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straykeedz · 7 months
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day 28: seungmin x reader x hyunjin + sensory deprivation
tw: female anatomy; light bondage; degradation kink; seungmin calls reader a slut; praise kink; mention of fwb dynamics; blowjob; deep throating; cum swallowing; unprotected piv cockwarming (don't!!! 🤨); clit play; ♡
wc: 2,7k; ♡
this is part of my kinktober masterlist. you can find my regular masterlist here (tho it will not be updated until the end of kinktober) ♡
🔖 : @linos-kitten ; @luneskies ; @kxcies-blog ; @idunnomanmynamewastaken ; @cessixja ; @stolasisyourparent ; @kookiesbunny ; @xoxo-xoxo-bunny ; @ivyskzsworld ; @mal-lunar-28 ; @leetaste ; @sunnykynnie ; @channiesgoodgirl ; @seonghwatoothless ; @mrsminho ; @seungminluv3 ; @jin-from-the-block ; @aaasia111 ; @sulkygyu ; @whosanaanyway ; @y-ur--I ; @vixensss ; @nightimescapes ; @freckleboilix ; @dreamingaboutjisung ; @yourbeomiebear ; @tooskathepiratefromshield ; ♡
smut below the cut, minors dni.
It’s kinky, what they just proposed to you. 
Sensory deprivation. 
However, you agree immediately, before they could even finish explaining what they have in mind for tonight, which has them grinning from ear to ear. They really thought they couldn’t love you more and yet here you are: proving them wrong once more. 
“Such an obedient girl, look at you.” Seungmin caresses your cheek, looking you in the eye, before his gaze shifts to Hyunjin, kneeling behind of you. The older man, whose hair is messily tucked behind his ears, is currently trying to tie your hands behind your back using the silky strip of your nightgown as tightly as possible, careful, though, not to hurt you. “Letting Hyunjin tie your hands… you really love getting submissive for us, don’t you?” 
You nod, and Seungmin smiles, nuzzling his nose with yours. Hyunjin, in the meantime, has finished tying you up, and starts peppering your arms with kisses, dragging his plump, velvety lips all over your skin, from your wrists to your elbows, then your bare shoulders. A shiver runs down your spine, and you instinctively arch your back. 
“You look so fucking gorgeous like this, you have no idea, love…” Hyunjin huffs against your skin, nuzzling the nape of your neck with the tip of his cold nose, before placing a kiss between your shoulders. “I can’t wait to be inside you, fuck.”
A whine escapes your throat automatically as soon those words leave Hyunjin’s lips - the mere thought of having him inside of you, of feeling his long, hard cock stretching you open is enough to make your mouth water. Not to mention Seungmin in front of you - in a black, oversized t-shirt and grey sweats that leave nothing to the imagination, the print of his hard dick clearly visible despite the thick fabric. You want nothing more than to wrap your hand around his thick length, but when you try to move your hands - oh. 
Hyunjin smiles against your skin, and Seungmin notices your pathetic, failed attempt and chuckles too, clearly mocking you. “Oh! You want to touch me? I think you do. You think I didn’t notice the way you were staring at my dick?” Seungmin asks you, and even though he’s acting all tough and almost uninterested, his breath gets caught in his throat when you lift your eyes to look at him - big, doe eyes staring deep into his soul. 
“Yes, yes, please. I want your cock. I want your cocks.”, you beg, and he nearly chokes on air.
He’s wrapped around your finger. Hyunjin is too, freezing behind you. 
And the truth is that the three of you stopped being just friends-with-benefits a long time ago without even realizing it. Because friends-with-benefits don’t hang out every single night, and even if they do, they most certainly don’t fall asleep together - naked, entangled in the sheets, fingers intertwined, and they don’t wake up together the morning after. This is what the three of you have been doing for the past couple of months. It’s not even about sex anymore - there are days when the three of you remain fully clothed all the time, and only change into your pajamas when it’s bedtime. 
You’re their girl as much as they are your boys. 
Your dirty, filthy boys who can’t keep their hands off of you. Hyunjin - almost in an artistic way, delicately caressing your skin as if it were the most delicate canvas, scared to contaminate the absolutely perfect work of art that is your body. Seungmin - in a possessive way, groping, biting, licking every surface available. 
You often call them Yin and Yang jokingly - entirely different on the surface, but perfectly balanced, creating the perfect complicity, not only underneath the sheets. 
“I think you shouldn’t make our precious girl wait.” Hyunjin says to Seungmin, lips still ghosting your skin, and you know he won’t stop until your skin is covered in goosebumps. Occasionally, his gaze drops to your wrists, tied together, and his cock would twitch inside his boxers. 
Seungmin doesn’t tear his eyes off of you - so vulnerable, kneeling on the floor for them, surely it’s going to leave bruises on your knees. Good, he thinks to himself. He wants everybody to know that you’re taken. That there’s already someone who’s taking care of your needs - you have two somebodies. And they don’t like to share, ironically enough. 
“You’re right.” Seungmin responds, then crosses his arms over his torso and in one quick motion he pulls his t-shirt over his head and tosses it on the floor. You bite your lip at the sight of his naked chest - you want nothing more than to run your tongue all over his neck, his clavicles, his nipples, give them a long suck, then lick his abs, then down, down, down, until you reach the waistband of his underwear, peaking from his sweats. “You’re gonna be good and suck my cock like this? Kneeling on the floor like the pretty little slut you are?”
Degradation. Seungmin’s favorite.
You nod, and his words go straight to your heat, where you can feel wetness starting to pool in your panties. “Yes, I’ll be good to you. You know I can be good to you.”
Seungmin loves seeing you so desperate for his cock. He chuckles, untying the knot of his sweats. “That’s true, you always are good to me.” He lets his sweats slide down his thighs and legs until they pool at his ankles, leaving him in only his underwear. “My perfect slut, always so hungry for my cock.”, hooking his fingers on each side of his dark blue boxers, he pulls them down, allowing his hard, thick cock to slap on his abdomen once free. 
Seungmin’s cock is insanely beautiful, and so, so mouthwatering. A thick vein on the underside, tip a shade darker than his lips - average length and girth, you believe, although it feels much bigger when inside of you. Heavy, round balls, perfect to suck on, and neatly trimmed hair at the base decorating the whole. 
Seungmin chuckles when he sees you licking your lips. Then, he grabs your chin, holding it firmly between his thumb and index, not hurting you, though. “You want it in your mouth so bad, don’t you?” You nod once more, you know he isn’t expecting a proper answer to his question. Hyunjin, still kneeling behind you, starts to caress the sides of your arms with his cold fingers. “Then open your mouth and take it.” Seungmin says, jaw clenched. 
You open your mouth, gathering a gob of spit on your tongue - it should be enough to lubricate his cockhead, at the very least. Seungmin then wraps his fingers around his length and brings it closer to your mouth - the next thing you know, his tip is lying flat on your tongue. He shivers, and you do too. Hyunjin’s fingers move to your hips, toying with the fabric of your panties. 
“If it’s too much, or you simply change your mind, just bite, okay? Not too hard, though, please.”
And there he is, the sweet, caring Seungmin, who would tear the world apart for you. 
You hum, then wrap your lips around his cockhead, enveloping it in your warm, wet mouth. Seungmin hisses, closing his eyes. He kicks his head back and his fingers leave your chin, finding their way through your hair as he starts to thrust inside of your mouth. Slowly, of course, at first and not all the way in - but you know that’s not how he prefers it. He likes it deep and rough until your nose is pressed against the hair at the base of his cock. No, not barely touching it - fucking buried in it. 
As Seungmin takes his time, slowly warming you up, Hyunjin’s fingers continue to move until they brush the wet patch at the center of your now ruined panties, strategically avoiding touching your clit. Then, you feel him pulling your underwear to the side, and the cold air that hits your now exposed pussy makes you shiver and hum around Seungmin’s cock that’s repeatedly breaching your mouth. 
“Think you can cockwarm me like this, love?” Hyunjin asks, sitting on his heels, palming his hard-on with his free hand. You hum once again and nod slightly, Seungmin’s cock reaching a deeper spot in your mouth - now it’s barely touching your throat. “Fuck, you’re so perfect.”
Praise. Hyunjin’s favorite. 
He doesn’t bother to take off his clothes, he just drags his sweats and boxers down enough to be comfortable, freeing his cock as well. Now this situation is being kind of unfair to you, because you feel like you’re being deprived of two senses - touch and sight, because in the position you’re in, you can’t see Hyunjin’s cock. You can just imagine it, remember it -  you can just feel it. 
Hyunjin’s cock is just as pretty as him. It sounds weird and ridiculous, but you believe his cock matches his physical appearance perfectly. It’s long, maybe an inch longer than average, and slightly thinner than Seungmin’s, but perfect nonetheless, just like him. He usually shaves his pubes, but lately he’s decided not to, claiming that it’s more artistic to him. You don’t mind it, of course - in fact, you think it’s pretty hot. 
With one hand, Hyunjin helps you lift your hips, then positions his cockhead at your entrance, coating it in your arousal, and for a second you have to stop sucking Seungmin’s cock because of how overwhelming everything is. Hyunjin gets closer to your body until his chest is pressed against your back, and when he moves his hand from your hip, you let yourself sink on his cock. It stretches you out perfectly, parting your walls easily, and Hyunjin lets out a long, heavy sigh as his cock fills you to the brim, until all of it is buried deep inside of you. 
“Fuck, love, you’re fucking perfect. Feels so good.” Hyunjin chokes, resting one of his hands on your thigh, and holding your tied hands with his other one - cock hard, hot and throbbing inside of you. 
“Yeah, well, other people are trying to feel good, too, so shut your fucking mouth now and don’t even think about moving inside of her. I need her full attention.” Seungmin barks, glaring at Hyunjin, but you know he’s not really mad. It’s a game they always play - they bicker and shoot mean comments at each other, but it’s just for fun. Hyunjin chuckles, confirming your theory. 
“You’re not being very good to me…” Seungmin runs one hand through your hair, and you look at him with doe eyes, pupils full-blown. “That’s not what you promised me, you promised to be a good slut. What happened - is Hyunjin’s cock distracting you?”, you try to shake your head weakly, but it doesn’t convince him. “Oh, I think it is. I guess it just means I’ll have to fuck your mouth a bit rougher…”
He smirks cockily, and you immediately know that’s what he wanted all along. Not that you’re complaining - you love it when he uses your mouth to get off, it’s one of the hottest sights in the world. Seeing how his lips part, hearing those pretty sounds and moans as he tightens the grip on your hair, noticing the way his muscles flex and feeling the way his cock throbs inside of your mouth right before he’s releasing inside of it… How could you complain about something you’re craving so bad?
“Okay, remember: breathe through your nostrils, and scratch me with your teeth if you want me to stop.” Seungmin warns you, looking you in the eye. “I’m going to start fucking your mouth now, slut.”
One calls you slut, the other love. Two very different words to express the same devotion they feel towards you. You wouldn’t have it any other way. 
You open your mouth wider, welcoming all of Seungmin’s length inside of your mouth. The way he tastes is something you’re positive you’ll never have enough of - a bit salty at first, but then his skin tastes kind of sweet on your tastebuds. His white release is salty as well, however it’s also a bit sour most of the time, but it can taste nicer if he eats or drink something sweet. 
Saliva starts to drip from the sides of your mouth and down your chin, and Seungmin’s loving every second of it, especially when you occasionally make small, gagging sounds around his length, struggling a bit to take all of him as he pushes inside of you - so deep that his balls slap against your chin with each thrust. 
But when he starts to lose it - when he really starts to get lost in pleasure, is when he sees a few teardrops fall from your eyes and run down your cheeks and hears you sniffle. That’s when his thrusts turn erratic and unsteady, when the grip on your hair tightens, when hoarse moans and shaky breaths start falling from his lips. 
You inevitably clench your walls around Hyunjin’s cock, and he moans as well - a small, almost squeaky sound as his cock throbs inside of you. Hyunjin believes your clit’s been neglected long enough, and that’s why he moves his hand from your thigh to your sensitive, swollen nub. The moan you let out around Seungmin’s cock draws both of them closer to their highs. When Hyunjin sees Seungmin move his hand to the back of your head to hold it still, he knows his friend is close, and he starts rubbing your clit faster. 
“You’re fuck-ing filthy.” Seungmin’s cut off by a choked sound, continuing to pump his length inside of your mouth, the muscles of his ass flexing beautifully as he does so. “O-One cock’s not enough for you. You need-need two.” Hyunjin rubs you faster, moaning as well. “Perfect little slut, I love you.”
It’s the first time he says the three words. Hyunjin has already, a couple of times, and you have said it too, to both of them, but for some reason, Seungmin never felt brave enough. Right now, though, he feels like it’s the perfect time to let those words fall from his lips and change everything. Make everything better. 
“God, I love you so mu-ch…” he kicks his head back, and you know he’s about to cum. He’s about to release in your mouth and you’re going to gladly swallow everything he gives you. “You’re gonna make me- you’re gonna make me cum.”, he keeps thrusting, cock throbbing inside of you as you drool around his length, saliva landing on the floor together with the teardrops that fall from your eyes. “I’m- I’m cumming. God, I’m cumming.”
Nose fully pressed against his lower abdomen, balls against your chin, you find it hard to breathe through your nose as you feel Seungmin’s warm release fill your mouth. Hyunjin rubs you faster as you swallow around Seungmin’s softening length, and, drawing a couple of tighter circular shapes on your clit, he manages to fall you apart around his cock right before he shoots his load deep inside of you - involuntarilyand unexpectedly, filling your tight pussy with his warm seed. 
“Fuck, sorry, love, you felt so good around me.” Hyunjin pants, resting his forehead on the back of your head. You can already feel his hot release starting to drip from your hole, and you clench your walls, trying to keep it inside. 
Seungmin pulls his almost limp cock out from your mouth, allowing you to breathe properly as he dries your cheeks and chin with his thumbs. Then, it’s Hyunjin’s turn to pull out, gently helping you lift your lips, not caring about his sperm leaking from your swollen pussy and landing on the floor. 
“I love you.”, you say to Seungmin, looking him in the eye, voice a bit hoarse from the rough fucking. “I couldn’t say it back before, but I can now.”, you smile at him.
Seungmin drops on his knees, feeling absolutely spent, and then he cups your face with his hands as Hyunjin starts to untie the knot, determined to free your hands. Seungmin pulls you in for a kiss, and he can still taste himself on your lips, which makes him smile. When he pulls away, you don’t hesitate to turn your head to look at Hyunjin, who is now massaging your wrists, finally free. 
“And I love you too.”, you tell him, not missing the way a heartfelt smile spreads on his beautiful face, before he, too, leans in to kiss you on the lips. 
-> reblog to support me if you like my works, “it’s good for motivation” my man chris bang once said. also, i love reading feedback (even in tags it's always highly appreciated) ♡
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soft4gguk · 2 years
doom boy | knj
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Description: idol!namjoon x reader
Content: pwp. 18+
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: dom!namjoon, switch!reader, bratty reader, brat tamer namjoon oof!!, oral (m. receiving), fingering, protected sex, like two little slaps on the cheek (namjoon best boy tho i promise), ass slapping, pet names & use of the word ‘slut’, lil secret relationship?? gasp
Author’s Note: namjoon is bias wrecking me i think that should be excuse enough. sexy nukim performance that nobody prepared us for?? he's just so tall and buff it’s making me sick. @angsttd this one’s for u baby 🫡 here to serve u.
★ masterlist ★
This is a work of fiction. Please respect the members and their privacy. x
doom boy
When Eva’s eyes leave yours mid-sentence, your initial instinct is to follow her gaze, slightly puzzled as to what could’ve possibly caught her attention. Yes, you were in a room full of A-list celebrities, stars if you will, but it’s not like your job didn’t require you to mingle with said stars on the daily. It was hard to star-struck you at this point – not to mention Eva, who had quite literally sent out the invites to this party. She’d been responsible for the guest list, too. 
It’s then you realize she’s not star-struck, no. She’s meticulously calculating her next move. 
“I didn’t think they’d come,” she says, more to herself than to you. 
You smile, though it doesn’t quite reach your eyes. “Ah…”
“Does he know I know? About the two of you, I mean.”
“Yeah. I mean, you did walk in on us.”
She pleads with her eyes, apologetic though she knows there’s no malice behind your words, just teasing. “You’ll make me take that to the grave now, won’t you?”
“If I don’t, the NDA certainly will.”
“He’s walking this way…” her voice is slightly frantic and she stares down at the bar, eyes shooting daggers at the vodka soda she tightly grips to. 
“Just him?”
“No. Hobi’s with him.”
“That’s good. Less suspicious that way.”
Eva doesn’t know how it is you’re keeping your composure in times like these. She doesn’t know how you look so effortlessly unaffected by it, by him. It’s almost as if you were expecting it – the magnetic pull with which he seems to be walking towards you. 
It’s Hoseok the one that takes the lead, walking right in front of Namjoon and greeting the two of you with a smile. 
“Eva, ___!” He’s bubbly and it’s contagious and you can’t help but smile. Eva relaxes visibly, too. 
“Hobi, so glad you could make it,” Eva says, turning to Namjoon who catches up, now standing between you and Hoseok. “The both of you!”
“Our pleasure.” Namjoon’s voice makes you crack a smile that he doesn’t see, eyes focused on the way you twirl your straw around your fizzy gin & tonic. 
It’s small talk at first, mostly work related, serving as easy disguise, Eva and Hobi your accomplices as you begin to feel a shift in his body, that pull inevitably intoxicating now. It’s hard to fight it, let alone ignore it. 
He leans against the counter, eyes looking ahead at the myriad of liquor bottles adorning the wall adjacent to the bar. When he talks, it’s only for you to hear. 
“I have to rely on pure coincidence to see you nowadays.”
You smile. “I’ve been busy.”
“Oh, I know.”
“So have you, let’s not point fingers.”
He likes that, the assuredness with which you speak and the way your voice rarely falters, even when he can see the effect his proximity is starting to have on you. Your instincts get the best of you, and you can’t help but be grateful they did because when you finally face him, he’s looking at you, too. That signature smile adorning his face, the one that dimples his cheeks and meets his eyes a little too dreamily; like it was written with the outmost attention to detail by someone that was just as smitten as you. Only you’re not good with words, not in a way that would do the feeling honor at least. 
“Are you staying much longer?”
“No.” It’s barely audible, just for him to hear. “You?”
“I’m performing.”
“That’s a pleasant surprise. Maybe I’ll stick around long enough to catch it.”
He smirks, innocently in the eyes of anyone that isn’t you. “I do like to grant you a pleasant time.”
You look away, eyes back on your drink before you’re bringing it over to your lips, a sip of liquid courage that you prolong for more reasons than one. 
“Right,” you smile at him, a little too boldly, it almost makes him nervous. “I’m walking away now…”
That smile is still there as you turn around, stealing one last glance at him, the one that lets him know this is not where your evening ends. The one that sees you off with a promise. He tells himself to stop staring, to focus elsewhere the moment your back faces him but he’s too weak to listen to the voices of reason inside his head. 
You’re beautiful, tempting, alluring and all of the words in the dictionary his mind scavenges for. Namjoon is good with words and he’d find them all if it meant doing you justice. 
He eventually loses you in the crowd, hair falling over your shoulders and back, a tight little dress hugging you perfectly and it’s then he’s made aware the next couple of hours could very well be torture as he stands so close, yet so far away from you. 
You pride yourself in two things in this life: your work ethic and your poker face. You’ve come to realize that when working the field you do, the latter comes in handy to power said work ethic. Keeping it professional, but most importantly, keeping yourself unfazed. It’s a wave that ripples until it oozes confidence, another much needed trait in this industry. 
Right now, all your assets are failing you. 
It’s not like you were expecting the lyrics girl we can keep it low while we do the ride to be accompanied by innocent stage presence but alas, you’re surprised. And yes, it’s pleasant, only unpleasantly so as you try to keep your cool as the entire room rumbles in cheers, screams and what you’re pretty sure are a couple of moans and whimpers here and there. You get it, you do. But you can’t exactly join the frenzied state of the girls and boys alike. No – you’re holding more than just attraction for him. You hold a secret. 
He's sexy, confident, head rolling to the beat of the song and God when your eyes scan his body it’s hard for you to actually comprehend his proportions. Taller than most and lean, so lean yet buff. His clothes fit him like they’re painted on and you’re glad you’re not his stylist because you’d be out of a job by now. You can’t help but praise whoever took the executive decision to put him in a turtle neck, though, convinced that not even you could’ve done the job so exquisitely. 
You lock gazes, if only for a second and when your mind stops spiralling over the little moment you held you cuss it out. Dismissing it, reminding yourself that this not the time, nor is it the place. Reminding yourself that in reality, cruel as it is, it never is the time or the place for the little dynamic you two have developed over the past three months. 
But the moment he comes off stage and his gaze finds yours yet again, this time for longer, you know you’re doomed. 
Pun intended. 
You don’t mind it. The sneaking around, the fact that he’s essentially taking you home but in two different cars, the extra security and having to seal whatever happens behind closed doors with a signature. None of it matters because the moment you step through the door that he shuts behind you, he’s concealing you from it all, and with every step he takes to close the distance between your bodies, he distances you from reality. At least from the one that involves this messy situation that at times feels like an arrangement.
Not now, though. No. Right now it feels like the very last memory you have of his soft lips on yours, of the way he tasted and the way your breath hitched, electrifyingly so. You crave it now more than ever, but you’re not one to beg – at least not right away. 
He takes one last step forward and there it is, the way your body gives you away, a heaved breath leaving you and when it does, your chests touch. He looks down at where your bodies connect for the first time today, eyes finding yours a second after. 
“Want you,” he says, voice raspy as his hand wraps around your wrist gently, traveling down until his fingers are intertwined with yours. “Want you since I last had you.”
“Yeah?” He knows the question is rhetorical but he nods anyways, the sigh you let out fanning across his lips. 
“Fuck, ___. Let me have you.”
“You can have me.”
The hand that once gently held yours now finds its way tangled in your tresses of hair, exploring for all but a second before he’s tightening his grip, bringing you closer until your lips are touching, but he doesn’t kiss you. Not yet. 
“Can I? Will you be good?” 
Your lips part, eyes closing, silently begging for a kiss but all it earns you is a harsh pull, his lips now too far away for your liking. 
“Yes. Yes, I’ll be good.”
“Why should I believe you? You’re such a little brat, baby. Had to tame it out of you the last time.” He brings his lips to your neck, placing a soft kiss on your warm skin as his palm loses its grip, fingers gently massaging your scalp. 
“I promise I’ll be good, Namjoon. I’ll be good for you. Please.”
His hand wraps around the back of your neck, softly pulling you to him until he’s placing a peck on your plump lips. Your breath is erratic, pulse raising at the mere contact and you want more. You need more. 
“Please,” you plead.
“Yeah? You’re asking so nicely. You know I can’t say no to you, baby.”
You look up at him with glassy eyes, shaking your head, agreeing with him to your favour. “N-no.”
“I could never say no to you.” His voice loses that edge for a second, eyes staring into yours, telling you things your dizzy state can’t quite read but there’s no need for it. It all falls into bliss the moment his lips are on yours, with force this time. You melt into him, lips parting to let him in, his teeth nipping at your bottom one before his tongue soothes the action. You want his lips everywhere, his mark, too. He kisses you like he’s mentally mapping everything he's going to do to you and the anticipation becomes sweet torture. 
His free arm wraps around your waist, bringing you impossibly closer as your hands find his hair, fingers getting tangled in the locks. 
“Fuck, you’ve any idea how hard it was to perform with you in my direct line of vision?”
“No,” it’s an honest answer. You hadn’t even noticed that he could see you from up there. 
His palm closes around your fingers, his own getting lost in his hair for a second before he’s bringing both your hands down and in between your bodies until you’re palming his cock over the tight fabric of his slacks. He tightens your grip until you can make the shape of him perfectly with your touch. It makes you salivate.
“Did I paint you a picture?”
“Fuck. Want you in my mouth. Please.”
“On your knees, baby.”
You slide your body down the wooden door, a bit sloppily, out of character even and he lets out a chuckle, raising an eyebrow as he sees you struggle a bit to get on a comfortable position on your knees. The hardwood makes it hard. His fingers tangle on your hair again, bending over at the waist until he’s smashing your lips against his. 
“I’ll kiss them better afterwards. Promise.”
With sweet words and a kiss to your cheek, he lets you continue, eyes fixed on the way you fiddle with his belt buckle for a second before you’re freeing him from the constraint around his waist. When you undo the button of his pants, your hand pulls his shirt up until a little bit of his abdomen is exposed, soft yet firm as you place a kiss on the tanned skin. His breath hitches in anticipation, the feel of your lips against him already driving him crazy and his cock is not even out of his boxer briefs yet. 
“No teasing, ___.”
“I’m not,” you look up at him, agile fingers pulling his zipper down, palm closing around his clothed cock until he’s hissing. “Just like to take my time with you.”
“Hah-,” his words are lost the moment your teeth nibble at the band of his Calvin’s, warm breath hitting the sensitive skin of his pelvis. He feels like someone wired his every fucking nerve, so very supple to you. “We don’t learn, do we?” 
You shake your head, a smug little smirk adorning your face as you rejoice in the way he’s complying the more your mouth travels south. His pants come down to his thighs, boxers following right after until you’re met with the very object of your desire.
Namjoon has the prettiest cock you’ve ever laid eyes on. Your hand wraps so perfectly around it, his size ensuring your fingers barely touch and his length guaranteeing a long, thick stripe from your tongue – base to tip until it’s wet enough for your hand to glide comfortably. 
“Fuck,” his hand leans against the door, eyes following your every move, not wanting to miss the way your pretty lips wrap around his crown, tongue circling around the sensitive skin until you’re pulling a throaty moan out of him. 
You look up as your tongue laps at him, big eyes feigning innocence as you leave little kitten licks that tease him for long enough to catch him off guard, hand placed at his base as you force yourself down his dick until the tip is hitting the back of your throat, your gag reflex only making things harder for Namjoon who has to take a deep breath to stop himself from blowing his load right then and there. 
“You’re such a fucking minx,” he’s surprised he manages to get the sentence out in one breath, patience running low but his fun intensifying as you moan around his cock. If you didn’t have a mouthful right now, he could’ve sworn he saw the hint of a smile forming at your lips. Hands tightening on your hair, he pulls you away in one swift tug, smirking when drool drips down your chin as you try to catch your breath. 
“You like me there, baby? Want me deep?”
“Yes, please.”
He grabs the base of his cock, slapping the tip against your tongue when you open up for him again. 
“Hm. Should I fuck your mouth since you want to get brave?”
“Yes.” When you nod, his grip on your hair tightens. 
“Open up.”
You comply, laying your tongue flat and taking a deep breath before you start taking him inch by inch. The thrust of his hips is slow at first, a sensual pace that has you bringing your legs closer together, but soon enough he picks up pace, making you gag with every jerk of his hips. 
“Shit, that feels so good.” Your eyes begin to water, throat clenching around his crown. “You can take it, baby. Take it like my good little slut.”
You moan around his cock, the vibrations sending a dangerous signal all the way to his balls and he has to pull you off him to stop himself from coming – breathing erratic and chest flushed. Fuck, he could die this way and go happily. You look so fucked out, and all for him. 
He helps you up, getting down on his own knees the moment you’re on your feet. You giggle, rolling your eyes at his sudden change of demeanour.
“Promised I’d kiss them better.” He places gentle kisses on both your knees, his palms rubbing the red skin soothingly. “I can kiss anywhere you want me to and make it better.”
Your fingers get lost in his dark hair, eyes closing in pleasure as his hand snakes in between your thighs. You love the foreplay, his tongue and his fingers and the way they move so expertly around you but you don’t think you have the patience for it today. You have to fuck him. Now.
“Need you inside me, Joonie.”
“Wanna taste you, baby.”
“Please,” you whine. “I’m so wet.”
He bites his lip, eyes on yours as his hand travels further up, eyes widening and gaze darkening the moment he comes into contact with your naked cunt. You whimper when his fingers part your lips, digits gathering your slick before they tease your clit, not quite putting the pressure you need into it, just a feather light touch. 
“What’s this, huh?”
“M-my dress was too t-tight,” you say, shaky breaths leaving you.
“Hm, that’s right. So fucking tight, leaves pretty much nothing to the imagination.” His lips come into contact with your hips, biting over the fabric and you hiss, the burning feeling mixing with the pleasure. 
He stands up, coming face to face with you before he’s motioning over to his bedroom with a cock of his head, slapping your ass when you take the lead, knowing your way around his home rather well at this point considering he’d fucked you in most hard surfaces.
You remove your dress upon entering his room, relieved to have the tight fabric off your body. You throw yourself onto his huge bed, crawling towards the pillows to get comfortable. He’s got other plans, though. 
“Ah, not so fast. Stay there, baby.”
You simply smile at him, turning around so he can see you as you lay flat on the soft mattress, fingers lightly skimming your warm skin as you let him take you in. The dim light gives him a perfect view of you and you’re well aware that if this was any other man, you’d be too in your head to enjoy his eyes on you, but it’s Namjoon. His eyes dancing all over your naked body sends a rush of excitement pooling at your lower belly, and when his gaze finds your face and he smiles fondly, the feeling pools at your chest. 
He fully discards of his pants and boxers, shirt following not too long after and when his knee hits the mattress as he begins to make his way towards you, you take the time to take him in. He looks even more toned than the last time, if that’s even possible. Forearm flexing as he strokes his cock, thick thighs clenching as he makes himself feel good to the sight of you. 
His legs pry yours open as he stands between them, gaze dropping to your glistening cunt. 
“I love it when you get this wet,” his thumb circles your clit, traveling down to your center and then back up, easing the glide the more you gush for him. His voice is throaty when he says, “prettiest pussy.”
“Mm, ‘s yours,” your voice is airy, dreamy even as your eyes flutter closed, a moan escaping you when his ring and middle finger enter you. 
“Feel good, princess?” 
“Y-yes, fuck- can’t wait to have your cock inside of me. Please, Namjoon. Need you inside.”
“How badly?”
Before you can get words out, his fingers hook inside of you, hitting that spot immediately, making you buck your hips and let out a high-pitched moan. “So fucking badly, baby- please.”
“Ride me.”
“Shit- yes.”
You’re eager, that much he can tell. Probably thinking that control has been handed back to you as you confidently push him towards his sea of pillows and swiftly throw a leg around his body, straddling him. 
He pats the mattress around him until he finds the condom he’d thrown onto the bed before discarding his pants, bringing the shiny foil square to his lips and carefully ripping it open. You take the condom from him, rolling it down his shaft expertly, and a little impatiently, one hand leaning against his chest as the other guides his cock to your center, teasing yourself a few times before you begin to sink into him. 
You both throw your heads back, falling into the pleasure. It feels so good, so much so it doesn’t take you by surprise when you say,
“I feel so close already,” moaning as you roll your hips against his.
His big palms grip at the flesh, stalling your movements which earns him a scowl from you. 
“You cum when I say you can.”
“Joonie, please-” your voice is saccharine sweet but the attempts are unsuccessful, moan hitching on your throat as he thrusts into you with force, hand tangled in your hair once again. “F-fuck, baby.”
“God, you feel so good. Tightest pussy. Wanna fuck you forever.”
He’s merciless, fucking into you at an inhumane speed, with a force that you didn’t even think was possible from this angle, either. You can barely wrap your head around a thought, let alone articulate words as Namjoon leaves you a babbling mess on top of him. 
“You’re gonna make me c-cum- you’re gonna make me cum if you go that fast, please.”
He thinks it’s cute, the desperate little tilt to your voice, eyes struggling to stay open as they lock on his, pleading for mercy. His hand travels down your ass, groping the plump skin for a second before he’s delivering a hard slap that has your back arching, his name getting caught in your throat as you mewl in pleasure. His hips don’t stop their obliterating pace and your legs begin to shake as you start to hold back from coming. 
“Namjoon.” It’s a warning, head falling forward as your thighs close around his waist. 
“Be good, ___.”
“I-I can’t it feels too good, fuck!” you outright scream. 
“Thought you could get away- with being a brat huh, baby?” you can feel the strain in his voice, both from the physical exertion and the way his balls threaten to tip him over the edge anytime now. Your eyes flutter closed and he stops.
“What are you doing,” your question is frantic, so fucking close to your high you can feel it in your tongue. 
“Ride me, baby.”
Your hips begin to move, as slowly as you can muster but Namjoon knows your body too well, he knows you know how to get yourself off expertly with his cock and it’s soon enough that you’re crying out, a desperate little whisper.
“I’ll cum.”
“Look at me, ___.” He says, and when you don’t comply, too fucked out to hold eye contact, he grabs a hold of your jaw. “Don’t you wanna be a good girl for me?”
“Yes, fuck, I want to be a good girl for you.”
“Mm, yeah. I know you can do it, baby. Come on.” His grip tightens and you know what’s coming. Your gaze gives him the permission he needs, his big palm cupping your cheek, sweetly at first before he’s drawing it back slightly, slapping the flushed skin until you’re moaning. 
“Choke me,” you say, and he complies after another little slap to your cheek, big hands wrapping around your neck, just the right amount of force to have you feeling airy and just the good amount of lightheaded.
“You’re so sexy, princess. So fucking beautiful, too.” He tightens his grip around your neck ever so slightly as he brings your lips down to his. “Wanna cum?”
You don’t break the kiss. “Yes, please.”
“Cum, baby. Cum around this cock.”
You don’t need more encouragement than that, body relaxing as he loosens the grip on your throat, letting go fully as your orgasm hits you in the most mind-blowing waves of pleasure. You moan into his mouth, pulling at his hair as your body shakes on top of his. 
“Fuck, ___. I’m gonna cum.” You kiss him, throaty groans against your lips sending your mind into a frenzy as he shoots into the condom.
Your bodies grow weak, breathing erratic as little giggles leave the two of you, too fucked silly to even ask what it is you both find so funny – all you know is that it always seems to be the aftermath of your escapades. This inexplicable giddy feeling filling your senses, euphoric almost. 
If you weren’t too drunk in lust it’d scare you. 
“Wanna shower? Have some ramen? Fucking hate the finger food at those parties.”
“Want me to relay the message to my bosses?”
He laughs, leaning in to kiss you, deep and full of something you can’t quite decipher. 
“I’ll wait for you in the shower.” 
He pecks your lips once again and makes his way to his ensuite bathroom. 
You lay there for a while, deep in aimless thoughts that you know will land you nowhere but back in his arms, in the same dynamic, the same secret. 
Yet you don’t care. 
Doom seems to be blissful when it comes to him. 
stream the astronaut 👩🏼‍🚀!! and sexy nukim!! and left and right!! and JITB!! and christmas tree!! and with you!! and that that!! and bad decisions!! and proof!! lets get it besties 🫂
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