#even tho s2 did him DIRTY.
beelzeballing · 10 months
clawing at my own face and ripping out my hair and rolling around in the dirt why did they write edizzy like that why are they LIKE THIS. i havent even ALLOWED myself to ponder ed's "i loved you... best i could" and how he waited until he thought izzy was dead and the last person who loved him had abandoned him to start his murder-suicide mission with the ship because if i let myself think about it its gonna be over for me dude. like you cannot imagine how over it will be for me. something something mitski i'm your man "so when you leave me, i should die. i deserve it, dont i?" something WHAT IF I STARTED SCREAMING AT THE SKY!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!
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miimo96 · 2 months
Thoughts on My Adventures with Superman S2 FINALE
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This has me kinda scared because Normally when this happens, it usually means 2 thing's; 1 this is either going to be Very long episode or 2, Somebody's going to die, and with the way the creator's have been teasing us with Tweets about Kara's demise, I'm guessing it's the ladder, and if that's the case WTF DC
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Also if had a nickel for everytime that a Giant spaceship threatened to Destroy Earth as a way to Rebuild krypton in a Superman story, I'd have 2 nickels, which isn't alot, but it's weird that it's happened twice
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So lemme get this straight, this Lex is smart enough to build the parasite suit, have a fail safe for that, is able to frame Superman gaining Millions of followers and government access, infuse Kryptonite to Kryptonian built robots, but isn't smart enough to come up with a fail safe when said robots get hacked!?....yeah I call Bullshit
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Hell yeah the Cavalry's here! oh, and Sam too I guess whatever, listen the FANS might've forgiven your ass for abandoning lois 6 episodes ago, but I sure as hell don't, in all seriousnes tho I am glad he got some sort of character development regarding his relationship with Superman, seeing it as how he is now trying to help him instead of ya know, Trying to Kill him 😅 btw I kinda feel stupid for asking myself how the heck they turned invisible, only to realize they were actually holding on to Only the character who Can turn invisible Lol 😅😅 also did anyone else immediately thought've Lobo when he said the Main man, no, just me
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Wow I can't belive they actually gave Kara the Winter soldier treatment, from the brainwashing, Down to him effing reactivating it like freakin Zemo, Well looks like Clark's gonna have to fight his cousin again, hopefully he doesn't end up like last time, or if not maybe Jimmy can talk some sense into her, Seeing as how it was seeing a picture of Jimmy which resulted in her breaking free from Brainiacs control, maybe this where he can finally confesses his feelings for her, Omg I would love that ^w^
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Wait you're telling me Brainiac Did it, that he's the reason why krypton exploded, that HE Killed clarks and Kara's parents!? Oh nah Brainiac gotta die now, also has anyone else how similar he is to Zod, from his reasoning, to his personality, to even this whole effing scenario, like This is some shit Zod would've done, and it's funny because I was actually thinking about this not to long ago about how we technically don't need Zod in this show because Brainiac fits that role perfectly, especially with how he's been depicted this season, Omg if this was an intentional Detail on their part, then it's official, this show never ceases to Amaze me
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Uh oh scary Kara's back, Damn it Brainiac why you gotta be such a Bitch; Also it may be nothing, but the way those missiles were moving kinda reminded of the way Darksides Omega beams would move, which got me thinking about something; What if Kryptons technology is possibly made from Apocalypse
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This shot is ABSOLUTELY Beautiful; from the colors, to the camera work, to even the Symbolism between him and the Sun, everything was just Screams Superman
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Tbh out of all the anime tropes they've done this season, I gotta say Talk no jutsu the 1 was NOT expecting them pull, and ya know what, I'm actually kinda glad they did, because it just fits Superman's MO; Superman has always been represented for kindness not his strength, like even if you've done him dirty, he'll still always choose to help you because that's just who he is, hes the person who just wants to help, he'll carry the weight of the world on his shoulders, he's the person who will try to stop a threat with his words before having to result to violence, he's the Man of Steel not because of what he can do, but because of who he is and always will be, hence why this trope works perfectly for him, it's the Perfect representation of what he embodies, Compassion, That's what makes him Superman
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Ok I have a few things regarding this scene, 1st off i Absolutely love my 2 star children, 2nd of all Kara don't throw him into the sun, that's how make Nuclear man 😂 3rd of all, in all honesty, I was not worried 1 bit when Kara got shot mainly for 2 reasons; 1 even tho she was clearly shot by Kryptonite, they were directly near the sun and if I remember correctly, the Sun is what gives them their power, granting them the abilities to heal from critical wounds as well as even more strength, and because 2, kryptonians have invulnerable skin meaning she won't burn up from the sun even if she falls into it, all in all touching scene but No stakes
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Kara's lighting's, Kryptonite Saber, Clean animation, Super sayian references!? OMG this episode is AMAZINGGG!! Also Kara's lighting's Red!? Ngl but I SWEAR I thought it was gonna be yellow, not because it would only go good with her hair, but because it in my opinion, it just fits her better, plus we did see kinda of it Start to spark in her fight against Brainiac 2 episodes ago, and since Clark's is blue it would only just made sense for hers to be yellow, hopefully maybe it can like evolve in season 3 or something, don't get wrong I like the Red but in my opinion, it just feels like a missed opportunity, In other News
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Eff yeah Brainiac's Dead! Be honest, how many of you actually thought kara was dead after that scene, because my heart immediately stopped after she passed out 😅
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Also can we talk about how Amazing Kara's suit looks, like Omg this Has to be one of the best desings I've seen, I just love everything about it from the colors to the boots all the way to especially the Cape, like I just love how it looks like a scarf UwU
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AH siblings being siblings 😊 btw Love how he still has the shirt from when he was kid, Such a full circle moment, also when it comes to Kara's, this Kara, the kara from injustice 2, the CW show and even The FLASH movie are All of my favorite Kara's, every single one of them EXPECT and I can't believe I'm saying this, the 1 from the DCAU, like I'm sorry but in my opinion she was just too much of a hot head, and she barely had any screen time in Justice league, like I don't understand how did we stray so far from God, also she was incredibly weaker when it came to her cousin, this 1 on the other hand can slap her cousin around like it was a normal Tuesday, So yeah that's my Hot take come at me In the comments I dare you
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Well well well looks like instead of mommy dosen't need you anymore, it's more like We don't need Mommy anymore, hell yeah Lex's finally going to be the Villain next season and I soo can't wait, oh and what's this, it looks like slade is gonna be his right hand now, oh yeah Slex is Definitely becoming cannon
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🎵 Super rizz, Super rizz, here comes Clark's Super rizz 🎵
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And with that another amazing end to another amazing series, Overall this season was freakin Epic, from the animation, to the music, to the character designs minus the robots, everything was just epic, from Start to finish; only thing to do Now is wait for season 3, but I wanna know you're thoughts, What did YOU think of season 2, and what was your favorite episode or moment from this series, comment or just leave a like if ya enjoyed this Thoughts on series, and lemme know if I should do more of this, Anyway I'mma head out because this took a while for me to write and I'm feeling kinda burnt out, Anyway yeah thank you for reading and I can't wait to see you again in S3, and with that, Superman Saturday's has come to an end, well, for now anyway ^^;
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kaolinite91 · 7 months
My ATLA Live Action Review
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Update 270224: why they add new icons and did another bait of katara and zuko placement? No you can't say it is not intentional...😂🔥🌊💕
Okaay..as you know.. I am a long fans of ATLA and pretty hardcore for the 3 animation books (not really a fans of the comics and TLOK tho).. as you know too..after the live action movie disaster, we really lower our expectations..but after the Netflix OPLA and some of the ATLALA trailer..I kinda increase my expectations..
I watched all 8 episodes yesterday (it premiered 22 Feb 2024 at 15.00-23.30 WIB)..
Let's see my general favorites part, not so favorite and then some takes for each main characters (for me it's a good and acceptable live action and worth to watch!)
Spoilery Area
Favorite parts:
- they explore the air nomads culture more, a bit of how airbender doing their bending.. and also the heart wrenching genocide on screen 🫠 I was crying... Also monk Gyatso!!! Huhuhu
- The costume and trinket are super details and vibrants which really beautiful. Although I wish they make it a bit dirty because that outfits supposedly a daily used outfits but for me it was just too clean and spotless 😂
- The lighting during bending and even during night combats is bright!!!! Finally I can see anything! It kinda feels like the LOTR battle of helms deep because we know it's night but it still bright enough to see what is happening! A rare occurrence in many series or movies nowaday (yeah Loki S2 I am looking at you)
- the CG!! For me is very decent and believable.. okay I knew for Appa it's look a bit dirty and not real enough..but they shot it in a day clear!! You know how cg nowadays always hidden in a dark screen..so it's still pretty good and need to be appreciated. And even Momo behaves like my cat..and I feeling emotional for him too..(especially on the last episode huhu)
- They add more details that I believe only a fans speculation before..and I thought its show how they probably researching on the fandom thought too (example, Ozai marking Zuko by putting his hand directly onto his face)
- It's not a 1on1 copy so it's still surprising what's gonna happened in each episodes and also which episodes actually it's referencing to. Ep.3 is the good example on combining Haru + Jet arc and also Theo arc, with the Katara and Sokka sibling clash due to difference believe (in the animation it happened during the canyon episode)
- Jet..so handsome..I am sorry..I understand now why Katara like him in the animation hahahaha
- Dallas Liu as Zuko!! *Chef kiss his combat and his intonation~~ aaaaaaa
- they build the mental burden of fire nation characters early on. I think it was to smoothen the Zuko to Gaang if there's a S2
What I don't really like:
- They changed characters traits and weaknesses which later impacting other characters trait too. For example, Sokka not sexist made him a tamer brother for Katara, which later impacted her character too..(gonna explained more in my characters takes review).
- No Haru in this live action...I FEEL DEVASTATED
- Suki why are you becoming so awkward 🥹🫠 (the only part I feel cringe during the entire 8 episodes was unfortunately during Suki and Sokka interaction huhuhu..while in the animation that's my favorite part..)
- apparently Oma Shu legend changes now....🤔
- they really burned anyone to crisps huhuhu. I never imagined that Katara's mom died from burning alive and in agony..huhuhuuu the same also happened to Monk Gyatso if I remembered correctly huhuhu)
- the bending stances for some people kinda off. Some of the time it looks perfect (Zuko..wow!!and the earthbender in the ep 1 *applause), but sometimes it not firm enough, especially for the earthbenders in Omashu....;A; it could be better...
My review on the characters
Gordon as his actor really looks like Aang, especially when he smiles. His voice is similar too. Although this Aang is a bit too serious, mature and rarely joking. I know..it maybe because the tone of this LA also a lot more darker..(but I wish he enjoy himself more...🥹🥹). He really feels like an adult in a child body for this live action...(but this was the development which I wish the animated Aang in Book 3 did).
I feel bad for him tho.. every adult really blamed him for disappeared that night (Bumi, Suki's mom, even the other Avatars). The adult avatars seems to be a broken and imperfect adult too....I wonder if Yangchen gonna be different?
I was so happy when he finally met Monk Gyatso again in the spirit world and when he said that all of this that happened in the past was not Aang's faults. Because it really is NOT his fault..Oh poor boy.
Tho now I wonder why Gyatso only stayed in the spirit world for that particular moment...? He said that time working differently there.. but Katara and Sokka whom also was in the spirit world are still alive.. so it's should not be too long, right?
I wonder when Aang gonna try learning waterbending tho? And how can he visited Roku's temple quickly?
Ian looks like Sokka.. and I always laughing whenever he's doing his dry jokes..haha (but unfortunately it's not many..maybe because we only have 8 episodes).
Anyway, Sokka here is a very responsible leader, kinda awkward, felt more introverted than his animation counterpart. He actually has Stark vibes from Frieren in this LA.
One of weakness from the original Sokka is how extremely sexist he is..which rooted from how sexist the water tribe in general. However this LA toning it down until it almost none for Sokka. And this impacted his relation with Katara, because in LA, he actually still felt like older brother!! Even since early episode..
The actress actually nailed as her..I love how she looks like when she is in Katara's outfit. I think her Katara is more gentle, (maybe because of her natural face), thus her Katara tends to looks like smiling a lot.. which is a good thing. But unfortunately in some scenes --which I wish gonna have a lot more intense emotion (anger or headstrong) --it was not really shown perfectly.
As I written above, some of her traits kinda disappear here. In the animation, she IS the mother of the Gaang. Very bossy sometimes and very scary when angry. She is independent and know what she wanted to do and mostly the one who reminds Aang and Sokka to finding the waterbending teacher for Aang in the NP. However, due to the change of traits she felt like a normal younger sister for Sokka and even Aang. She often ask "so what we gonna do now?" And Aang is the one who was like.."we need to go to the North Pole ASAP!!"
Anw, I love her bending tho.. I think the water animations looks very good! Especially when fighting with Zuko or other firebender. She seems to be very adaptive and perceptive, because she used other bending movement for her own waterbending skillsets. What I think can be improved is maybe her stance.. in LA, she used a pretty advance waterbending with loads of water.. but her legs stance not wide and make it looks like not firm and balance enough...
Dallas Liu!! Standing applause for you because for me you ARE Prince Zuko! His intonation very similar to Dante Basco's Zuko. I also learned that he actually really love Zuko and did research for both of his predecessor (yes, Dante n Dev Patel's Zuko too). I was impressed with his martial art skills. His firebending look very believable, he also did his own stunt I think? especially when doing bending n using weapons..
His acting as a confused but honorable young man also very good. I cried 3 times in this LA, which were during airbender genocide, Katara's mom death and when Zuko cries after his father announce banishment (when he was just laying on his bed helpless, tired, sad and defeated). We can see how he's just a boy..and I cried.
I love his interaction with Aang too. He seems more open to conversation early on. Even when Aang asking about the type of brush that he used for his journal... he answer it.. hahaha.
He loves Iroh and really respected Luten. We can already see him as a honorable young man early on.
Intermezzo Shipping potential
Zutara: Zuko and Katara interactions mostly during battle,, but there're one scene which I count as zutara crumbs in Ep. 3. When he touched Katara's scarf in slow motion. I wonder if it was the setup for the slowburn unrequited love of Zutara (aaah why my OTPs road so painful) but it's huge for me!! I was screaming when I saw this scene. Also when Aang, Katara and Zuko interacted in Kuruk's shrine, when Aang said " Don't be too hard" " I am not talking to you" was very funny haha. During the battle also, he seems to noticed Katara's bending progress, which is funny because it shows how Zuko really is a bending nerd, both in the series and during the interview (Dallas once said that waterbender really difficult because you need to stay still with a low stances)..both loves bending!!
Jetara: Well... now I understand why Katara like Jet in the original, because he looks hella FINE, in the LA he looks so handsome! xD but anyway, I think Jet in the LA was combination of Haru and Jet. In the beginning when he said " my wife and my brother and law", I was like... hmm maybe Jetara is very plausible too. I hope the LA gonna use different take and gives him a redemption arc too. It'll be so saad if he ends up like in the original ;_;
Harutara: Not possible. Haru not even in this LA....so saaaaaad. Really wish his character indeed combines with Jet tho. Hopefully it gonna change Jet's fate a bit
Kataang: They changed the secret tunnel story, Katara was trapped with Sokka and not Aang. But when they playing with water together they're seems very cute! besides in the final episode Katara said " I need you" to the spirit-combined Aang. So it still possible for a proper writing of their relationship! Which is great! ( because my only complain of the original Kataang is how OOC the characters sometimes)
Sukka: Suki looks very pretty in the LA. However the writing made her an awkward girl who seems to be very shy and cannot convey her words clearly. she seems to greatly simping for Sokka without clear reason. I mean, during her interaction with Sokka, she rarely talking... Just staring to him....awkwardly.........she is kinda like Fern in Frieren hahaha. So their interaction here is like Fern x Stark, thus it still very possible. BUT I miss the original Suki characteristics though.. I miss her lines" I am a warrior but I am a girl too". Too bad it's not in this LA..
Yue x Sokka: LA Yue has more confident and autonomy than the original. Her vibes here is like the animation Suki. She can chose partner for herself and since she's not betrothed to Hahn anymore, her relationship with Sokka isn't gonna be awkward. If she was not need to sacrifice herself to be a moon...they could be canon. (Also, Yue could waterbend?!)
Yue x Hahn: I never ever ship them in the original series. Because original Hahn was an arrogant and annoying young man, but here in LA, he's very kind, listen to other's feedback , was handsome too. He respect Yue and basically a very good man (he has Haru's vibes). So when he's dead I was so saaaaaad.... but, because now Yue becoming Moon spirit, I believe Hahn's spirit return to the Ocean. Thus they could be together again.. dancing eternally as part of Tui and La.
Fire Nation
Iroh: I love how he already portrayed as a pacifist FN who loves his nephew so much. In the original, early Iroh still a bit morally grey.. but in this LA, they just makes him friendly to the avatar and the spirit world since the beginning. So glad when he explained what sacrifice that Zuko's did to the 41th army (his current crewmates). Zuko deserves love!!
Ozai: He was more enigmatic and manipulative than in the original. He likes to gaslighting his children. I found it confusing in the beginning...because he appears to be more emotional (sometimes I noticed his teary eyes when talking to his children), which makes me (as the watcher) thought that he was actually care. But apparently not.. he did that just so his children can fighting to get his approval. For example, when Azula mentioned Zhao as the one who found the avatar, Ozai was like "no it's your brother Zuko", which made Azula even more angry and envied the 'unlucky Zuko'. While in reality, Ozai did that so Azula fueled with hatred to his brother and can be motivated to be the very best. The original Ozai more stoic and seems to be more on brawn than brain. But this Ozai is more psycho..
Azula: ooh poor princess Azula, hated by her mother unloved by her father. She's only a tool for Ozai. In the LA, Azula sometimes looks calm and deadly, but most of the times in front of her father or friends, she always lose her temper, and can't really control herself. I actually miss her original calm, precise and deadly self.. but maybe it's the mental build up for her last Agni Kai?? Anyway WHERE IS HER BLUE FLAME?? is it for the next season? I saw her flame color changed to blue for a second right before she doing the lightning bending... but still... Where is her blue flame? it just different without her signature flames..
Tylee and Mai: they not show their skillsets yet, but Mai already shown that she's the calmest one and has clear mind in compare to Azula.
Zhao: I hate him. I think the actor did a good job because I really want to punch him on the face. His appearance was different with the original (lieutenant Gee more looks like the animation Zhao). He's a lot more like snake in this LA.
41th crewmember: Yeah they should be very loyal to Zuko.. glad in the end they respected him again. Although maybe they're all dead after the battle in NP. Still sad that Iroh didn't sing Four Seasons song with them in this LA..huhuhu
But TLDR. This Live Action is very enjoyable for me and has reached my expectations
Not too many scenes that made me feel cringe (only the Suki part I guess)
so.. 9.5/10 for me.
Ps. I was writing till finished but somehow tumblr cannot save it and half of my review gone... And I am not in the mood yet to rewrite all of it again...*cries
pps. finally finished! some review probably changed since I forgot what I was writing before...
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ofmd s2e2 rewatch where i pause to jot down my thoughts and other random shit
not quite a reaction post, not quite a liveblog. this post is gonna be unpolished and messy bc this is the only way i know to process my emotions abt these episodes enough that i can actually start talking coherently about them.
s2e1, s2e2, s2e3, s2e4, s2e5, s2e6, s2e7, s2e8
did not notice the first time around that buttons is sleeping with his legs sticking up resting against the side of the ship. king.
oh god the face stede makes after he breathes out all wistfully is so pained... ogughuhg heartbreak......
why is the groom cake topper dirty ed were you kissing it. ed. edward.
hNNNG ed pushing the painted bride figurine closer..... im gonna throw up
like i can literally feel the tears burning in his eyes. the way his chest starts shaking with sobs but he's managing to keep the sobs in for like one more second. he's trying so hard to hold it in and i've cried like this before and it physically HURTS
also oughg the song. run from me baby... run my good wife... run from me baby..... you better run for your life........ ED THINKS THAT'S WHAT STEDE DID!!! RAN AWAY FROM HIM!!!!! and he thinks that was stede running for his life bc like, he thinks he's inherently monstrous and unlovable and hnnnnnnnnngggg. ed teach go to therapy challenge.
the crew responding to zheng's wake-up bell is so relatable. me when my alarm goes off at 6am
ok so the running bit where stede's crew has never heard of China before. is kinda weird to me. and honestly it kinda runs back to what zheng said in the last episode "one thing i've learned in my time here: you people know so little" about nobody knowing how valuable indigo is. like the show is portraying your average caribbean pirate as really ignorant and only like, ed stede and fucking ricky are on par with zheng yi sao. and i mean knowledge doesnt equate to intelligence so like the indigo thing i didnt really bat an eye at but when it was played for comedy with olu not knowing how to pronounce china i was like... hm. but the season's just started so maybe im reading too much into it but idk. it's a weird writing choice to me.
loving how at the start of last season the crew almost mutinied bc stede was a soft captain but now roach is out here embracing how all of them are "tender as hell."
love how lucius and pete have their romantic reunion chat just. fully in front of an audience
stede looks. so upset. watching lupete kiss. this man misses his boyfriend so fucking bad
lucius not even trying to hide how much he Does Not want to be stuck with stede in towels
also hi the sky in this scene is so pink. it was blue when buttons was doing tai chi so i guess this is sunset. day one complete.
buttons confirmed sea witch one of the best scenes in s2 so far. intrigued by auntie saying "i have looked for you far and wide" like are there other sea witches and auntie only wanted buttons?? or is buttons literally the only sea witch in the world. i want the lore.
ed. eddie eddie edward. ed my beloved babygirl. i would fuckinggg die for you
ok but also there is literally no way frenchie didnt see ed when he walked in like ed is standing Right There. i love when directors do stuff like this tho it's so funny to me. "ok joel just walk in there and pretend like you dont see taika standing literally right in front of you"
just noticed ed was polishing the handle to the wardrobe (the main wardrobe) right there. he's tidying up. getting his affairs in order before he— *i break down into inconsolable sobbing*
i wont like tho it was very funny to me when we finally got this full scene and ed's "and no more stede" turned out to be "no more izzy." very fun for me
god i LOVE when we get pirate code shit. none of these rules ever make sense it's always just whatever works for the plot's sake. "that's the code of the sea: the new first mate always kills the old first mate. it's always been like that" i don't think it was literally ever like that i think the writers decided that making up this bullshit rule would add drama to the situation. it's like how pirates can win duels by rendering their opponent's sword inoperable (as if pirates ever had like ritualistic duels). or next episode when zheng yi sao is gonna kill them for mutinying against ed. i love how all the logistics of the plot are always some handwavy-bullshit bc the show just Does Not Care about this shit. this is the ed and stede show and everything else is just superfluous set dressing
we were all fixated on lucius living in the walls none of us predicted that it could be izzy living in the walls
"start with his leg see where it goes" frenchie what does this MEAN
archie thinking jim was asking which leg to cut off and just. answering the question genuinely. is so fucking real lmao me too girl
archie when izzy's leg starts gushing: aye yai yai!
stede telling everyone in laundry abt his whole romance with blackbeard. and stede telling zheng and auntie abt blackbeard when he thought they were just soup sellers. you KNOW stede's been telling literally everyone he meets abt how he's looking for his beloved ed.
lol ok but cuba was not written on the map in the one shot and then stede says "oh, hang on, he might be in cuba!" and it cuts back to the map and he underlines the word "cuba" which somehow mysteriously appeared on the map while stede was chatting. 10/10 no notes
also GOD do i relate to stede so hard sometimes. it did not even occur to stede to ask lucius how he's been until lucius points it out and then he's like "oh! right! how are you??" and he does genuinely care but he was just so absorbed in his own shit it did not occur to him to ask. like. ohhhh baby does that hit home
LLOOKING OVER HIS SHOULDER "oh, yeah. now you care?" AND THNE SHAKING HIS HEAD AS HE WALKS AWAY god i LOVE this soap opera
ok but buttons looks very confused when auntie says "i see you've adopted the humble form of a man" and then she hands him the book abt shapeshifting. like did she know that he doesnt know how to change form or what.
auntie asks buttons to bless their travels. anyway this is how stede somehow didnt get everyone killed in e1 despite the fact that they were at sea for a few months and he had no idea what the fuck he was doing.
LOVE auntie's little... yell? whimper?? before shuffling away nervously. incredible performance.
also the spellbook thing is in chinese. pretty cool how buttons knows how to read chinese.
ed jumpscare 2!
love how irl frenchie using the wrong hand for that throat-slitting pantomime would be unimportant but the show acts like that's something that could actually give frenchie away bc they need to really nail home the fact that Ed Is A Fucking Genius
another thing ed is: INCREDIBLY HOT. he is being intimidating and evil to frenchie rn and i am very very into it.
obsessed with archie casually picking some random gore off her hand
also obsessed with how jim is just poking at izzy's leg. they learned how to butcher animals as a kid tho so i guess they're not really grossed out by severed body parts lmaoo
also also obsessed with how izzy would absolutely have not survived this at all. i love this show
list part 2:
ok im sorry but "he's our dick" does not feel earned to me. like they use that fantastic shot of the whole crew in episode 6 last season but what's crucial abt that shot is izzy isn't hanging out with the crew. he's sitting away in the corner monologuing abt how he thinks maybe ed might not want to kill stede.
i do think it's significant tho that jim wasn't there for izzy at his worst aka threatening to withhold rations for laughing at him. like they weren't part of the vote to mutiny against izzy. but frenchie was and frenchie was like "start with his leg see where it goes" which does not seem like he's really that invested in keeping izzy alive.
also it's weird how we don't see fang at all for this bit with hiding izzy in the walls. like he would be the one i'd expect to have the strongest connection to izzy bc he knew izzy before the show started and he was hugging and comforting izzy last episode.
anyway imo jim keeping izzy alive is more abt them missing when they were on the ship with olu and the whole crew and the ship was like a family, not necessarily abt feeling loyalty to izzy specifically. i could be wrong tho who knows.
one thing i do know is that it is VERY important to point out how jim is struggling really hard with everything, archie is not. she wasnt there for the co-captaining era at all and she seems to be rolling with everything like it's all expected. this includes the wedding raid and ed pointing a gun at her last season and stuff. even now she's mostly just confused by why jim is bothering to try and keep izzy alive. but she acts like the amputation and the violence are all what she expected.
yay kissing!! with the shit stuffed up their nose and covered in blood and jim still holding the leg GOD I LOVE THIS SHOW
hnng when archie says "you have... hope" jim's jaw tenses and they visibly swallow after the word "hope." god jim is going through it
"the wooden demon boy that thirsted for life" god i love this game of telephone that the show is playing with pinocchio it's so fucking funny
archie definitely still says a few syllables after "no i was cleaning up blood" while jim was leaning in for another kiss but none of it forms a coherent word. relatable.
ed's "ohhhhohoho. ohoho" is so funny to me. this man is so jealous that other people are getting to kiss ppl they like but not him.
hm archie and jim are not actually kissing when we cut to the shot of ed standing in the stairwell. i imagine this is an editing goof or something
jim and archie pulling away like two kids who got caught kissing under the bleachers during gym class or something. incredible. one of jim's nose plug rags is mysteriously missing now. i think archie ate it.
ed shushing frenchie. nothing to say here but "i need him carnally"
"take the fuckin leg" ed does NOT like mess!!!
"he was your friend" well jim. he might have been ed's friend. but he had a very strange way of showing it.
why does it sound like ed has spurs on his boots
also. i want to know about auntie's filing system. ahead of it's time, you say?? tell me more. hi my name is jess and i love sorting things
ah yeah olu mispronouncing china moment
olu and zheng are cute tho ngl
roach is having an orgasmic experience drinking soup. very relatable.
love that stede called the broth "insane" like fics so often get stede's voice wrong bc he will randomly say casual slang in a way that contradicts his general s1 vibe of stuffy frilly rich guy. but he's more like your average dad whose general grammar when speaking is pretty outdated but he's also trying to use slang to fit in with his kids
oh god stede is trying so hard with lucius it is giving SUCH awkward dad vibes. "when i was young and edgy" and "mr. cool" STEEEEDE
"my spicy little rat boy" im so sad that lucius hates that pet name bc this is the funniest thing black pete's ever said
aw nooooo the way pete jumps when lucius yells at him :(:(:(
yo wee john has like a wristband with all these sewing needles and shit stuck on it that's such a cool costume detail
the first thing izzy says after waking up is "my leg" and in my head im hearing it in the spongebob meme voice
first: very funny how ed responds "yeah!" like, laughing about the whole. amputation thing. and then secondly i am obsessed with "up in Leg Heaven" he is so fucking quirky. i love him.
"have you come to take the other one" yeah you'd probably enjoy that huh izzy.
love ed's dangly earring. gender.
smthng abt how izzy is instantly exhausted and dismissive when ed tells izzy to take the gun vs how ed was also bored and dismissive when izzy said "i have love for you." idk if there's anything there im just making tenuous connections in my head rn
help. ed clenching his fists when he's standing with his back to izzy. he really wants izzy to do it but also even deeper than that he really doesn't he wants to live
izzy starts to laugh the same way he started to cry last episode with like a really loud sudden gasp of air. also he laughs so weirdly jesus christ
also jesus this is so fucking dark. i mean obviously but im fucking reeling right now from ed trying to get izzy to kill him and izzy's response is just "do it yourself you fucking pussy." fuck.
more thoughts on this scene here
"i loved you... best i could" i actually dont have a lot of thoughts abt this at all aside from it just seems like a weird thing for ed to say. idk. i have a few metas abt this saved that ive been meaning to read so maybe that will help me deconstruct this but i think i'd need more time to figure out why this line feels weird to me. it could literally just be that i dont like blackhands at all but idk. probably not gonna unpack my feelings for a while tho bc in terms of everything i want to dig into from these 3 episodes alone this is at the bottom of that list lol
love how ed tells frenchie "go live" right before he steers them into a storm and tries to doom everyone on the ship.
"two messed-up kids probably" i know this is one of those things that some viewers are just always gonna have a problem with but it's so fucking funny to me how stede is like. never seeing his children again. and is like "yeah they're probably traumatized by how i was a bad father. well that's for mary and doug to deal with!"
lucius winking when he calls stede quite the fuck-up. i love this snarky gay
anyway for how fucked up the vibe is on ed's ship at least they weren't playing human puppet or making people catch rats with their teeth
shit this is longer than the last post. anyway list part 3:
ok i completely forgot abt this scene where the crew back on the Revenge is talking in the hallway before they go confront ed but i think it's rlly interesting how jim is the only one who says anything abt how ed's sudden cheery mood is NOT a good thing. fang is like "do we think he's better?" and jim's like "fuck no!" and frenchie's like "idk he seemed pretty calm to me." like this is so fucking juicy to me. jim knew this wasn't "better." i think this is because jim kinda gets it. they know what it's like to be told you're only meant for violence. and they know what it's like to want something softer. last season i probably wouldnt have said jim understood ed's suicidal tendencies but the way jim KNOWS that this isnt better makes me wonder if they understand this, too.
altho when they go outside and ed is like "it's a bad storm! and i took the wheel! and im gonna fire into the mast! we're all gonna die!!" jim yells "what do you want, you piece of shit!" (in spanish) so maybe they dont get the suicide bit of it. but they did understand that ed wasn't better.
oh ed's voice in "what do i want?" is so whiny and sad. babygirl is fucking going through it. good thing the rain is hiding his tears ahaha. ha.
"all love dies im just hastening the process" objectively this is fucked up but also it is so funny to me that he's like "i got dumped so now nobody else is allowed to be happy and in love." he broke up all the couples at the end of s1 and he raided a fucking wedding. babygirl i love you. you are so unwell
VERY RANDOM THOUGHT and i would have to go back to last episode double check but i dont think any of the background crew are women?? it's just archie??? which kinda bums me out a bit like i dont only want female rep in the main cast i want to see random background women too. i could be entirely wrong abt this tho just in this scene i only see dudes in the background
anyway archie being like "alright i guess we're fighting" bc this is archie's normal. archie is just kinda resigned to her life being shit.
stede crossing out "dead" and circling "alive" is so fucking funny to me hfjkhdjvgdfjk like. manifesting.
but also he does kinda manifest that in the next episode doesnt he?? he loves ed back to life ahaha oh god oh fuck *starts sobbing*
"looks like he's gotten back into arson" okay and??? wee john's an arson enthusiast also, cmon lucius dont judge a man for his hobbies
stede's fucking face when he considers what lucius said abt "maybe his time with you is the best it's gonna get for him" like i think he tries to think abt it and just. cant. he cant fucking accept that. god im gonna throw up.
i cant get over how archie is like. yeah bro it's fine. it's cool just kill me im not gonna hold it against you.
jim's like "YOU WERE GONNA DO IT ANYWAY!!" and ed's like "teehee yeah :3 u got me"
oh bro some of the random background crew people just fully go overboard huh. damn. rip those guys.
ok so im choosing to believe that izzy fired a lucky shot there bc the man couldn't even shoot himself point blank in the skull but im supposed to believe that he got ed right in the arm from the other side of the deck in the middle of a crazy storm and the ship rocking like crazy and izzy's probably suffering from like, insane amounts of blood loss?? i dont buy it. i mean it doesnt matter at all but i think he was trying to hit ed's general torso area and if ed didnt have his arm held out izzy would've missed. like i said tho this makes no fucking difference. it's just a fun little headcanon hehe
love how ed laughs like an absolute maniac here. babygirl u are so unhinged.
wait it's fucking wild how in the middle of all this we to cut to auntie putting the map back together and then we see that zheng is bringing her fleet over land. anyway this is foreshadowing obviously but like considering the song choice and cutting this between ed's suicide attempt and then the crew mutinying. is a choice. and idk why they made that choice yet.
it is a pretty dramatic reveal tho. i didnt appreciate that the first time but holy shit. she's just pulling her ships all the way to the caribbean. girlboss.
and then the mutiny. the relief on ed's face hurts me so fucking much
other thoughs about this scene here
so first of all. auntie saying olu can be allowed to clean up random hairs around the desk and zheng being like "there's not that much hair" girl you know you're lying. her hair is so long and so gorgeous and you KNOW random strands end up making scary-ass hair spiders if somebody doesn't regularly sweep things up
second of all: olu pretending there's a carrier bird with a messege for zeng to give her a break is SO CUTE. OLU. OLU YOU ARE SUCH A SWEETHEART.
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starofhisheart · 11 months
MAJOR SPOILERS FOR OFMD S2 EP6-7 under the cut
Ok, that was A LOT. I have so many feelings but no coherence so i'm gonna do this bullet point form but def not in order, just in order of me remembering wtf happened lol
-IZZY AND WEE JOHN IN DRAG!!!!! Wee John looked STUNNING with that Divine-esque appearance and Izzy had that transmasc drag king kind of thing going on (iykyk) that made me love him even more
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-Izzy singing LA VI EN ROSE took me tf out!!! i'm glad he got to finish it after the *ahem* distractions bc Con's voice is so beautiful I could listen to it forever. We better get it in the album!!! Also someone posted the lyrics translated and i cannot get over the lyrics:
"It's him for me,/And me for him, for life/He told me, he swore to me, for life"
-But not only was he singing the second half had fucking gentlebeard doing the dirty in the next room asdfghjkl which.....was hot, ngl. The passion was electrifying. I'm sorta glad we didnt rlly see it with everything that happened after bc it all kinda left a bad taste in my mouth.
Also Stede Bonnet canonically gets turned on by violence confirmed
Or trauma. Whatever.
-What else happened in ep 6 cause all i can think of is drag and singing and sex-
-oh yeah there was that shortlived sexually-charged torturer who i distinctly recall him being in another scene in the promo so unless that got the cut perhaps he's not dead...?
-Lupete missing all the action cause they were doing the nasty all night lmao so real
-Jim best wingman (gender neutral)
-Stede...Stedey boy, can I call u that? Now i'm gonna say this nicely, but WHAT THE FUCK DUDE? Stede in his white guy w undue confidence era fr. Zheng Yi Sao was so right for what she did truly
-But in all seriousness i feel like this whole thing in ep 7 was such a parallel to s1 but also a very necessary bit of conflict in their journey together that was bound to happen. THey want different things and neither is wrong or right for that. Stede did react poorly tho but like he just had sex w the love of his life, his first man, and Ed the very next day is like "aight i'm out". I'd be pissed too. After killing someone which we know is a big trigger for him historically.
But Ed also had a valid reaction. He's wanted to retire for a while and stede knows this but it hasn't seemed to have sunk in quite yet. He fears that Stede only sees Blackbeard and...its fair of him to have that impression tbh. These are two messy, traumatized dudes who have never had a real relationship and there's gonna be bumps. I hope we get s3 so we can better explore that like Djenks wants.
-Ok back to the fun stuff:
-Izzy barging in on GB and the docking joke. love his cringefail ass.
-the edizzy apology which was so typical of them. i expected it but bc i'd been building it up in my head all week w twitter pals it felt a bit anticlimactic but thats not the shows fault. it was very much in character and if they're satisfied so am i. i always have fic for more
-stizzy commiserating over losing ed pls thats all i've ever wanted!!!!!
izzy: "when i told him i loved him he-"
stede, like he's heard this story before: "shot u yes"
and the look they gave each other after!!!!! stizzy nation how we feelin?!
-izzy being like "stede no" when he was on his macho bullshit w zheng yi sao (also motivated by trauma bc he just lost ed, he cant lose MORE family!!!). i just like how protective iz seems of stede now.
-izzy''s "you're good for him" CRYING THROWING UP ETCETERA
-ed catching 1 fish and deciding thats his life now. adhd realness fr
-the swede whew is it hot in here or is that just jackie's effect on her husbands?
-jackie and ed actin like old friends. swede highkey shading ed adfghjkl
-anyway im sure there's more but i need to rewatch. there r things i wont go into bc its possible spoilers for the finale (tho its mostly just speculation some is based on bts not everyone may have seen). i am looking forward to and terrified for the show to end next week thats all i'll say
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justmy-account · 4 months
Suspicious Minds thoughts
I finally got to read one of the Stranger Things books!
Suspicious Minds is a book written by Gwenda Bond and its Stranger Things prequel. It takes place in June 1969-September 1970 and it’s mostly about Dr. Martin Brenner and Terry Ives. We see how Terry started with this project and her experience with it. Don’t forget that everything thats in this book is secondary canon, that means that it may or may not be truth, or that if the show says something otherwise, it doesn't mean the book is complete nonsense.
I just wrote down some important information from the story, or some interesting facts. There’s a lot of them, so I color-coded them, bc why not, it’ll be better ig.
Terry’s personal life, her friends etc.
Brenner’s personal stuff
Kali’s personal stuff
how the experiment worked
terry trying to figure out whats the experiment abt
abt El
Brenner sorts out people into categories immediatly as he sees them(gender, hight, weight, race, intelligence estimate, potencial estimate)
Kali was 5 in 1969, so she was born in 1964, therefore was 20 in s2
b4 kali came to the lab, “the powers of other subjects we’re unsatisfying”
kali insisted on the name kali, didnt like when people called her “eight”
in 1969 terry had a boyfriend named Andrew, they and their friends used to smoke together(tho terry rather just drink, bc when she smoked she literally felt like seeing ghost)
terry worked as waitress
her roomate stacey told her abt some study where she participated. stacey said it was very weird and it wasnt worth the money(15$). terry didnt have that much money, so she tried it
becky was very protective over terry, but she approved bc they needed the money
becky lived in their parents house while terry lived in collage. it’s the same house as the one where they live now/in the show
terry was known as person who asks million questions
she pretended to be stacey at the experiment(it took place in psychology hall at their campus) bc she didnt sign in or sth and stacey was already signed up
terry wanted to change the world, she wrote letters to the congresmans etc., so she participated in the study bc she wanted to be “part of something big”
she was studying in bloomington, the following experiments took place in hawkins, where they(terry+other ppl that participated in the experiment)drove once a week
brenner was impressed by terry from the very start
in the first sitting they gave terry drugs and brenner asked her abt the worst day of her life(the day of her parents’ funeral-they both died in car crash) and tried some psychological stuff like “put all that pain and grief to a box and then throw the box away”
next time she went to the sensory deprivation tank
becky is four years older than terry
terry had the talent to leave good first impression
later terry didnt have to go to school thursdays bc the lab freed her and she got credit for the study(therefore she couldnt just leave the study cuz her grades depended on it)
terry participated in the study with three different people from her school;
Ken: even when they were looking for women to participate in the experiment, he said that his psychic abilities told him to participate
Alice: she wasnt studying, but she worked with her uncle in his auto-mechanic shop(idk hows it called), she tried to look as dirty as possible, so people would trust her with fixing their car
Gloria: was from a pretty rich family, studies biology and participated in the study bc she wanted to see how it works in labs. later she realized that the hnl may not be doing stuff as they should be
they didn’t know what’s the experiment for, but their theory was that maybe they’re trying to find some usage for LSD-that would explain why they gave them the drugs and did some like “excersises” with them
Alice was getting electro-shocks, once she saw “a monster with too long arms and flower-like head” in her mind, which could be demogorgon
once terry went to the wrong door in the hospital and met kali
kali said she likes secrets
terry thought kali might be brenners daughter(she called him papa), and maybe the experiment is for her, that shes sick and theyre looking for medicine for her
terry went to library and found mentions of three brenners but none of them was martin. got me thinking abt richard brenner theory
brenner thought he hypnotised terry and told her to bug phone at gloria’s parents’ store
terry wasnt hypnotised, so she remember it, and told gloria abt it. gloria was okay with putting it to the phone, cuz it wasnt their home phone, and didnt want terry to have a problem
kali eventually told brenner that “a nice pretty lady visited her and promised she’ll come back”
brenner didn’t want kali to meet other people except doctors, so she doesn’t lose her powers or sth
after she tried sensory deprivation tank, she got angry and didnt like it there, and that made her powers work
terry and her lab friends(+andrew) started to doubt abt the experiment and wanted to take some of the drugs they use at them to analyse them, go to brenners office and stuff like that
terry managed to get to brenners office(ken was pretending that he’s choking so everyone was distracted with him), she found files named “secret”, “mk ultra” and “indigo”.
she also found files named “001”,”002”,003”,…,”010”. after them she found file “project indigo”, so i assume that el, kali, henry etc. were all part of project indigo.
brenner later found out through camera footage where terry went
andrew dropped out of school bc he publicly stood up against Nixon during his speech abt the war in vietnam
since he wasnt in school anymore, he couldve been chosen to go to war
brenner wanted to “punish” terry for going around the hospitala nd stuff, so he called his friend in washington dc so they pick adrew to the war
during one trip, alice seen to the future and she saw El. she saw how she refused to do some experiment and then killed the guards(we saw this scene in the show in s1)
when kali was using her powers, she didnt struggle with starting, but it was hard for her to stop
brenner doesnt understand children(his words), but he considers himself to be “dad type”
six months after the start of the experiment(july-december 69) brenner noticed terry is pregnant(they were doing some tests on her and noticed it)
brenner didnt want terry to know that she pregnant(father is andrew btw), he told her that if she gets stomach pain, she shouldnt go to the doctor, bc they wouldnt know what to do with it, bc he said its bc of the drugs and gave her some medicine for it
terry was using “the void”
they thought the girl that alice saw(el) was in the hospital as some other children(we know it was in the future), so they decided to look for her(in alices mind)
they later figured out that alice saw the future, bc brenner was older, she saw cars she didnt recognize, machines that didnt exist yet…
in february terry was eating a lot bc of all the stress, so she thought shes gaining weight bc of that(but she was pregnant)
it kinda doesnt make sense that she didnt notice that she didnt have her period for like three months but idk
terry tells brenner to leave her alone, and thats exactly what he wants(he wants to make her angry, have emotions)
she talks to kali often in the void, they’re pretty good friends
kali used her powers to visit alice once(terry told kali abt her friends)
brenner was worried shell use her powers to escape
b4 andrew left for vietnam he broke up with terry(or they went on a break idk how to call it)(but andrew was very great boyfriend dw)
ken has some issues with his family, they never minded “weird” till he started dating a boy
terry asked kali to distract brenner
she went to brenners office again, she took pictures of the files, in the mk ultra file there were their files
kali told papa that she was talking to terry and he found the pictures she took(wasnt really mad tho)
he just gave her another manipulatational speech abt theyre the good guys
also the things with terrys period was solved that she still has her period, so ig the drugs messed sth up, but i dont think its biologicaly possible, but what do i know, ill just go with it
terry called some reporters from hawkins to come to hnl and werie artcile abt it
brenner said hes busy so they were with another doctor
the photograph suggested taking picture of him with the subjects and thats when the infamous photo was taken
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at some point terry connected the dots and realized she’s pregnant
ken predicted that it’s girl
andrew died(i fucking cried)(terry found out by calling his parents)
terry didnt go to the lab bc of it
she wants to start a new life and disappear
ken named her baby jane(bc of jane goodall)
kali told brenner that alice sees in the future so he managed to get some form to permanently move alice to the lab
rest of them had a plan; glroia turned on the fire alarm, kali used her powers to make alice look dead, and terry went to alices room and started blaming brenner for her death(she knew that shes not dead btw). ken waited outside with a car. gloria pretended to be a doctor that took alices body to autopsy(brenner and his team probably never found out that alice actually didnt die). alice went to canada where part of her family lived and she stayed there. the rest of the gang went back home.
earlier that day brenner gave terry some drug or medicine and that made her water broke
i like it was “show-accurate” that her water broke in the kitchen, same as in the show, even the dialouge was the same
brenner was one of the doctors that were there and he just took el
thatd mean that els birth day is somwhere in june 1970 btw
terrys friends believed her that el/jane is alive
ken’s new boyfriend was a soldier and he worked for the hnl(what a coincidence) and he got a photo of El from somwhere(btw, ken said that he thinks/predicts that he’ll find love in hawkins so ig he was right)
that’s pretty much it
i really really liked this book, id love to read other stranger things books, but i dont think ill be able to do that cuz i cannot get any where i live. id recommend this book to everyone interested in stranger things, there’s no like mind blowing new facts abt the experiments, but it definitely gives you interesting information on how it actually might be. im the kind of person thatd like to know everything abt everything, so reading this book made me gain some new information abt my fav show, so it was really worth it. it was a very quick read, the book has like 317 pages, i managed to read it in like two days, so it was really anyway thats it ig yeah
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kelzen · 1 year
Pretty happy with s2 so far. Looove love love Elayne and Mat so much. The feel of the books is still there, the NAMEDROPS ughhh.
My nitpicks I just need to get out from the first 3 episodes below the cut tho
Nynaeve's third arch scene (NOT INCLUDING THE RED DRESS AT THE START. PHEWWW). It didn't bring home why she's in the Tower, or if it was trying to tell us WHY she's there, it just fell flat after the emphasis from her scene with Ihvon and Maksim.
In the books she very much chooses to be what she despises because it's the only way to do what she needs to do. She abandons a perfect life to be Aes Sedai vs "whelp they're dead guess I'll go be Aes Sedai." "Do this for yourself" but then she still tries to bring her daughter through with her rather than giving it all up because she has to do this. In the show, she's doing it because she has nothing left but to go back through the arch.
Ishamael being so out in the open w/ the Seanchan. It didn't feel necessary, and he could still get in Perrin's head in a dream rather than physically being there if they wanted to show him playing on Perrin, Rand, and Mat's fears.
UNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO they did him so dirty and I'm going to be grumpy about it for a little while.
The music isn't standing out to me compared to s1. I keep seeing ppl commenting on how good it is but I just don't hear it the way I did for s1! It's mostly just background melodies.
Egwene's scene w/ Liandrin..........I'm not digging how there was no punishment for that, or at least Liandrin shielding her from the Source. A novice who's been in the Tower 5 months being ballsy enough to do that to a full sister and no immediate consequence? Not even a "report to Sheriam for penance"? Rafe's favoritism for Egwene is a little eh.
I'm still hoping Perrin's story really goes off. Please. PLEASE...
Don't care for the sul'dam and damane costume designs but that's minor and I'll get over it.
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artsyhamster · 4 months
haven't seen enough ofmd fancontent lately ever since the fandom's outrage over s2 , if i may ask, what motivated you to continue producing content for this fandom? is it the characters and setting that got you hooked ? (no pun intended) , or is it something else ? :o
i know this sounds like an interview but im actually genuinely curious, I've been with ofmd since it's release but departed from the fandom quickly
God I wish I knew lol. The short answer is probably a mixture of brain rot, love for a certain character and spite
The long answer is. Longer. (that's your rambling warning lol)
I watched the show and Fandom from afar when season 1 was airing, I always kind of wanted to watch because the Fanart intrigued me (and I already knew from the Fanart who my favorite would be, too lol) but I could smell it would be a show that would grip my brain tight and not let me go and I wasn't ready for that, so I put off watching it.
Then season 2 was drawing near and I finally watched in one go.
It was okay! It was sweet but it didn't grip me as expected, however what was as expected was that Izzy was my fav. I loved episode 1x10, that one probably interested me the most bc it set up a nice cliffhanger for more.
Then I slept on it and basically woke up insane over it the next day, I could not tell you 😭 suddenly I was fully locked on to that show. Then season 2 dropped and it just continued like that. Full on obsessed with every episode, like damn. I loved watching. Up to the point where I didn't, because the final episode was a letdown, it was such letdown. Why I didn't drop it afterwards idk.
I saw some awful takes online about Izzy and especially people who liked him, I got some awful messages too and it triggered my spite & fight center. Because fuck it, I love this character dearly, and even tho I think s2 did every character dirty, I still love them for what they could have been.
I see ofmd like a sandbox, that gave us an interesting setting and great characters and as long as I have love and ideas for this sandbox I'm gonna be here drawing (and occasionally writing lol)
So yeah, a mixture of obsession, spite and mostly lbr my love for Izzy 🤷
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ethereal-originate · 8 months
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AXEL: (B) S1, she really didn't leave an impact to me, since she was eliminated early. All she was is a person who believes the zombie apocalypse will happen. But she nice enough to make breakfast for everybody (even tho it was gross). S2, I started to like her more since she tries to be nice and makes friends as possible. It great that she has hobbies of Art 🎨(I will like to see more of that than Zombies since no teenagers talks about Zombies). I honestly didn't expect her and Ripper will happen. It actually cute pair together. But, I didn't like how they were making out a lot in ep 7. But I understand why the writer did it so they can be double eliminated. It feels dirty that she got eliminated bc she a “biggest threat” even tho there Caleb & last season winner, Priya. If there S3 , I want both of them to agreed to focus on the challenge while together. If Ripper is eliminated early, the writer can focus on Axel. I wonder how Axel family will react if she brings Ripper for family dinner. 😆
BOWIE: (B) S1, he alright. I like his friendship with Emma. Wishing they talk more. S2, I like when he giving relationship advice to Ripper and he feels bad for cheating when Raj doesn't like it.
CALEB: (B) S1, Actually surprised he the first person to be eliminated. S2, from the person to be eliminated to a person who actually got to the finals. He alright. He got more role this season. His relationship with Priya is alright. I didn't like when they are fighting again when Caleb ally with Julia, it was nonsense.
CHASE: (D) He a jerk. He delusions and has no remorse for cutting Emma car brakes. I don't know why no one defend Emma when she trying to tell Chase it over.
DAMIEN: (B) One of my favorite characters.
EMMA: (C) S1 is just about her and Chase. She could have simply ignored Chase. And just say no whenever he says something. S2, she finally break up with Chase and hope in S3 it won't be the same as S1
JULIA: (B) Julia & MK friendship came out of nowhere. I won’t be surprised since the writer always write things out of nowhere and it only 13 episodes they can make, so of course they will fast paced.
MILLIE: (C) She was ok.
MK: (C) She was meh in S1. But the writer did good for making me hate both her & Julia. Isn’t it dumb that she exposed herself that people shouldn't underestimate her in a live reality show?? She literally caught stealing! Like how come no contestants aren't threatened by her? Shouldn’t she be arrested? I feel S3 she won't have no purpose since everybody knows she & Julia are cheaters. I won't be surprised she will be the first person to be eliminated. I will like to see 2 new villains taking their places, pretending to be nice as Alejandro did.
NICHELLE: (B) Same as Caleb & Axel. She didn’t left an impact but revealed she doesn’t do her own stunts. S2, I actually thought she will be in the finals. But sadly no. Hollywood should hire her for the hard work she been doing. I like her friendship w/ Damien and hopefully in S3 she will train him.
RAJ: (B)
RIPPER: (B) S1 he gross. I waited for this guys to be eliminated early. When they hint that his parents are abusive, I felt sorry for him. In S2, I started to like him more. He become a better person this season. Did he realize that girls are strong & wise bc of Priya & Axel? I’m honestly surprised he developed a crush on Axel. This guy has a lot of confidence to win Axel heart. 😆 It so romantic once he found out Axel interest, he wrote a poem just for her. Very Sweet! 💕 Hope these 2 last forever and isn’t written terribly like the other former couples.
WANYE: (B) Just like Raj, he such a goofball. I’m ok that he S2 winner. ZEE: (A) Also one of my favorite characters! He funny and nice. Im so glad they don’t have to shove down my throat that he disabled, like very dumb woke shows/movies. He just a guy who born as an amputee. Nothing wrong with that! I actually love that a Soda company made him to sponsor their drinks! 😆 Never change Zee!
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makoandharu · 2 years
Hi, thanks for all the rant about FS2, like I won't lie a part of me did enjoy but I know 100% stem from the fact that the characters are so much serotonin free (pun non intended) for me that just seeing their face make me happy (and I also did like seeing them hang out) but story was 😭😭😭 why did they do that??? Haru just go to Hungary without telling anyone?? What?? HE WENT PAST THAT?? And how he said he is okay to not be normal, that line i hate it so much IT'S NOT HARU CHARACTER!!! I never truly mind Haru going pro given the genre (tho the stories where he is not are *chief kiss*) but make him say that?? No just no!!! And how they lessen Makoharu bond??? Wtf?! Or Makoto in general... Also Asahi, the last scene with him wtf was that??? God why did him dirty?? Also where is my natsunao swimming??? Natsuya didn't complain about that for all this time to not see them??? And what Rei's dream?? WHY HARU CALLS SOUSUKE?? I know it's the spotlight color but I still need to know??? You can tell me that and now give me the answer??? And you can at least give Iwatobi swimming club random npc to the club like S2, why Romio, Shizuru and Ayumu have to be alone? What's Gou and Isuzu uni? I like how Kaede become part of the group but it was waaaay too fast (people complain about Hiyori but it makes sense seeing his proximity with Ikuya) and what's Albert's point? Like the idea of him becoming free is nice on paper but on practice it fall flat, like the imagery is nice but didn't do much... Also Ryuuji and Kaede's cousin plot lead to nowhere?? What happen to him actually, why making them parallel MH?? What's even is his name again?? Like design wise I love him but we could literally cut him off and nothing change?? I think FS would have gain to be an S4 and S5 to develop more the story... It felt too fast and too slow, like I love the characters interactions and that's about it... Wish it was just 1h45 of the Tokyo gang talking at Maron... S2 was the best ending of free and I love everything that went after!!! (Well beside FS) honestly KA are lucky my love and bias toward the cast are THAT strong I eat everything up but man did they did my comfort anime dirty and I hate it, sorry for the long rant wanted to let all our, tho I am glad the fandom stick together on that
Honestly i hate that we ended up with more questions than answers not bc fs2 was intriguing and left us wanting more but rather bc it was so dumb and braindead and hollow that it did nothing at all to advance the plot it itself had laid out in part 1. Like i don't want s4 explain and fixing things bc it's irreparable to me. There is no way Makoto should forgive Haru for his behaviour, there's no way Haru's behaviour can be justified bc it didn't make any sense in the first place. There's nothing to do with Kaede's brother's story + Ryuuji bc they missed the chance and it's too late but then why set up the parallel and continue it in this movie with the whole "drop the chan" if you're not doing anything at all with it?? It's literally just out of place scenes now bc they don't get any ties back to the story so it's purely shite story telling. There's no way to fix Rin's character (who spent LITERALLY the entire show having the most incredible development only for them to absolutely annihilate all of that for WHAT), and even having Ssk FINALLY overcome all his problems and make a recovery and participate in a relay with Rin and win gold is just. Overshadowed by *checks notes* Haru who's been swimming all his life, the guy who's literally described as someone loved by the water, passes the fuck out from one leg of a relay. Not ssk overworking himself, not Ikuya or Rin trying too hard, but literally the guy who's ten times better than all of them combined..... passed out from swimming. Like fuck off actually. I know it's supposed to be a movie and suspension of belief is a thing and yeah whatever he was overworking himself but it just DIDN'T MAKE SENSE HARU JUST WOULDN'T DO ANYTHING HE DID IN THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah we're loyal to free bc of what came before this and i know most of us will remain but it's bc of the community we've created and the way we understand these characters, and not bc fs2 was worth us sticking around for. Death to author or whatever
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chumpovodir · 1 year
uggghhhhhh covid finally got my stupid ass and its not so bad so far except that i cant seem to fall asleep at all and i got my first anxiety attack yesterday. so that was super cool and fun :^)
ive been binge-watching and finished the netflix castlevania show so i'm just gonna ramble about that for a bit to keep my mind off things.
first off i gotta say i LOVE what they did with the characterization since. yknow. the castlevania game protags are usually very very boring and one-note (at least the ones i've played. yes, my standards are that low). eng voices are good too, delivery can feel a little ehhh with some of the characters but as far as casting choice goes they hit it outta the park imo.
but woof they rly did my man hector dirty!!! which is a shame because he's one of the very few non-belmont protags and i get it they're mashing 2 different, direct prequel-sequel game timelines into a single continuity WHILE introducing original plot threads they cant ALSO make the dude beat on dracs ass after the trio does it the first time. i want to say i wish we at least got to see a duel between him and trevor like in Curse of Darkness, when he gets his ass handed to him the first time, but with everything that goes down in s3 dude would feel like even more of a punching bag. just feels a little unfair that as a protag character maining his own game he pretty much got reduced to fanservice AFTER they set him up with a bacsktory and motivation that goes past the canon-typical revenge story, while isaac got a whole character overhaul and well-thought out, complete story arc. like i wish they at least let him properly betray drac on his own terms rather than be goaded into it, i get they were trying show him as being easy to manipulate (but why tho....) or carmilla being especially manipulative. and then s3 happened and that was just a....weirdly porny mess tbh.
i know the general consensus is that the show would've been just fine if they capped it at s2, and i tend to agree but it leaves so much unsaid. idk if it would've been any better to make s3-s4 a straight adaptation of Curse of Darkness and shift the focus entirely to isaac and hector since s1-s2 was almost a straight adaptation of the prior game. i think this was definitely a case in a show where they couldve benefitted from a timeskip to make it work, while still accommodating isaacs story arc. like it wouldve also helped s4 feeling rushed af wrt the resurrection of dracula thread if it had a whole nother season to build up to it, and since that thread was straight lifted from CoD anyway.
like. i really did love the mystery-horror vibes of the lindenfeld arc but having it wedged in between the frankly unnecessary styria arc and whatever the fuck was going on with alucard was hard to get through ngl
also folks say the dialogue is cringy but i thought it was fine...? like yeah sure they started getting a little too liberal with the f-bombs towards the end but i think the dialogue that actually mattered was interesting and had alot of personality behind it, and it was fun seeing the characters play off each other.
and im saying all this perfectly aware of all the shit that went down with the show creator, which is why i waited a good whole 3 years after the fact to watch it so please dont come at me for that
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They did Jaskier so dirty this season, I AM MAD.
the hair is terrible and greasy, the costumes are ridiculous, and indeed, he does not sound funny at all here.
I hope there will be a new song, and a good one at least.
Idk, this trailer made me nostalgic to season 1. Even tho it was way simpler, it was still more exciting and authentic. I also miss that Henry, he was put together during that time imo.
It's scary how people can change and they don't even notice that.
I am glad I didn't watch S2. Jaskier looks rough... And I read
he will have a love interest with a guy who is a child in the books. They made him an adult in the series... I don't get those changes. Why? What for? And Lauren is still saying she is faithful to the material...
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themikewheelers · 7 years
Concept: A Stranger Things 2 AU where everything's exactly the same except it's not completely ignoring Dustin and Lucas's importance to Will
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lotho · 2 years
Opinions For Pasion De Gavilanes 02
Also spoilers 
Oscar is not a fucking cheater.
I have herd complains on how he is a dick and such in the beginning, but for me he was a funny dick. He also gets really good development as the series goes on, he also loves Jimena like a fuck ton. 
Even if he is greedy and money hungry he still clearly cares for the people in his life and is actually really grateful, like when he gave money too Leandro for his business and supported him.
     2. The Twins are pretty funny (02) 
No reason I just think the twins are pretty funny. They're assholes and perhaps murders but I find them pretty entertaining. There spoiled kids for sure and sorta freaky/weird for having a threesome with the same girl. But I find they really funny and actually way better than Juan David’s character! Who in bye next one-
     3. Juan David Is a pretty boring/bad character 
Maybe I just simply do not like that he is just a cheap version of Juan Reyes, or maybe because HE IS FUCKING A MOM AND HER DAUGHTER. He is suppose to be the leader of the family, the oldest of the second generation of the Reyes, his role is sorta suppose to be mentoring his siblings and younger cousins while also growing alongside them. But he as much depth to him a slice cheese sandwich.  They could have put him as being stressed for being the oldest, having to be like his father and be mature and shit. Oldest child syndrome or something idk I just really don’t fucking like his character I think its a waste. 
    4. Franco’s Absence(?) 
Okay he is kidnapped or something, idk I didn’t go that far cause I felt like episodes started to get worst as it went on and that the actor was busy with his own shit but what I didn’t like was how the characters reacted to it. I feel like it is a trend were they see the worst in Franco due to misunderstandings but this one pisses me off. 
The brother Reyes just accepted that he left the family???? In the beginning of the series ever since Libra died both Oscar and Juan are quite a bit protective of Franco, hell their really protective towards each other! The Reyes I know would not accept one of them being missing after all the shit they went through and having the many enemies they do. They also know he really loves Sarita, and probably his kids. But then they really accept his absence?!?! 
Also when did he leave? His kids seem to know nothing about them. 
Though the clips of him coming back and him and Sarita is really comforting and cute, got I hate how they treated this adorable couple. 
     5. Gabriela Is Done Dirty. 
Like wtf, why is she still the worst? Where did the character development go!?!?!??!??!?! I hate that they made her into a villain again. 
Tho I do like and hate how they still kept her as the same villain, how they kept she was sorta sexism towards her daughters in the beginning kept happening with Gaby. Her traditionalist ideals harming the people she suppose loves, but idk.
   6. Andres’s Treatment as LGBTQ+ Character With His Love Interest 
I just herd of the spoilers so take this from a grain of salt, so I am unsure if this is totally accurate or not. 
So apparently Andres got with an older man and that is just a really fucking stupid trope in novelas I really hate. To make things interesting the young gay character has to be with an older man character? I hate that LGBTQ characters need some sorta of taboo instead of having a normal romance like the straight parings.
I do actually really like Andres tho, he is likable character and is like a passive but more confident Franco.  
Leandro was one of my favorite characters in the original and though that even if his is the stereotype gay man, he was a great character all the round and was super funny. I think he is pretty decent rep for the time.
 So I am sorta disappointed with the rep with Andres with his love interest, overall though he is alright.  (Also for anyone still watching is Juan still homophobic? Like in the original he is canonically homophobic and Franco is more or less not with the Oscar scene but idk. 
Also random but I love the scene so much It makes me laugh a lot.)
  7. Family means nothing in 02. 
The whole thing with the first season was about family, how your suppose to be together no matter what and support even with each other downfalls. The brother even after everything loved each other and care so much, the same goes with the sisters.
The second gen of Reyes fucking do not like each other. I saw the pictures of Gaby and Andres saying they don’t care for the twins, the twins fighting the older brother constantly, Juan David sorta looking like he thinks with more with his dick, so on so forth.  The fights between the brother and sisters still had some sort of love towards them and they still protect each other. I feel no familiar connection towards these fuckers and I hate it. If these guys went poor like Juan, Oscar, Franco or deal with a force like Fernando like how the sisters did, I think they would have actually killed each other among themselves. 
   8. Villains suck. 
I cannot actually name any of them currently but they are so not iconic like in the first season. 
That is just a simple fact, enough said. 
    9.  No good Ships 
I hate the Juan David with Rosario  I hate Juan David with Muriel (she could so MUCH better) 
I hate Andres with the older dude. 
Gaby with her boyfriend is eh, the dude is just not interesting. 
Norma and Juan are still bland as ever. 
The friendship with Andres and Muriel is pretty good I guess. 
(Glad they stopped the Juan David love triangle with Andres tho)
   10. The Plot Is just overall a mess and Where are the other characters?
The plot lines in the original were connected, in this one it is just all over the place. 
And I know that some actors couldn't come on the show again but fuck man, I miss Eva. I also thought their uncle would stay in contact at least? What about Ruth and Benito? The two brothers and their family who own the grocery store?What about my queen pepita? I know they brought back Panchita with a different actress but they just completely butchered her character, what ever happened to her being the voice of reason? 
Rip Sebastian Boscán, his life was taken away too soon. 
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mrs-cameron · 3 years
obx characters ranked? 💛
bet 😚 i went all out huh, even came up with the categories
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congrats pussy, you’re officially her bitch - kind of self-explanatory, i’m whipped for them
pope - loml, i get butterflies when he is brainstorming;
rafe - i mean, are we surprised? just look at my blog. the suspense he brought this season is UNMATCHED, i was genuinely afraid of his next move the whole time. perfect villian and i’m a whore for drew starkey;
sarah - i will not stand her slander!!!! she’s my princess and my baby and must be protected;
jj - breaking my silence… i was never a jj girl :* that being said he’s an incredible character with good backstory (that was completely ignored in s2 and FOR WHAT) and i want him to thrive with his boyfriend pope;
CLEO CLEO CLEO - season 3 main girl, i’m obsessed! i wonder how old she is in show tho
heyward - did i put a parent above other pogues? damn right i did. he’s so supportive of pope and that’s the father figure we love to see.
low hanging fruit bro - i like them, close to faves but not quite
barry - hilarious dude, i’m so invested in what the cameron family will do to him since he ratted them out?? he’s no one from the cut and he did them dirty, you know. revenge when;
john b - loved him more when they focused on pope lol, he’s okay and i don’t particularly dislike him, but will make fun of him every chance i get;
kiara - they simply did her wrong by giving up good storyline (aka being the outcast in the kook academy) and put her back to school with the boys for what? 2 scenes? they’re lazy when writing for kie and it shows.
i love the rooster - they’re okay, i say i like them then switch my attention to someone else and forget them (girlboss category oop)
rose - i want her to scheme more next season, she’s so sneaky and i love that for her. ward’s ride or die he doesn’t deserve this woman;
peterkin - rip girlboss, you would’ve loved seeing ward blow up on the druthers.
love the idea of me, don’t love me - i could write the characters better that the creators, i jus know them like that 🙄
john a - baby STAY DEAD! if the clip at the end of the season isn’t a flashback i’ll be crying and screaming and throwing up;
topper - beam me up softboy, i love the simps as much as the next person but him stalking sarah doesn’t sit right with me;
wheezie - get behind me love, we’re getting you out of this mess IMMEDIATELY. the way the don’t show her struggles in the house of psychopaths is ridiculous, hello, she’s a child??? trauma for life;
kelce - gets more time in my fic rather than the actual show, he’s hot and i want more of him.
i think we should kill em all - fuck them 😌
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harrowscore · 2 years
ouoh, a ship bingo! *rubs hands* Levi x Hange, Jean x Mikasa (just because i can :D), Beth x therapy, Ymir x Christa
Well, the bingo really doesn't work for ships but I could still do it for all these characters and then give my brutally honest opinion about the pairings. I hope that's okay!
So... *rubs hands*
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"they got done dirty by the creator": please assume this is true for the whole AoT cast lmao, and while Hange's treatment wasn't as bad as other characters's, their (spoilers) death is completely ruined by the ending of the series. It seems like their sacrifice (and Erwin's, and everyone else's) is meaningful, as said by Levi's last spoken words, but as the last pages reveal... it's all absolutely useless, 11 years of pure void basically :))) And I found it really unfair since these. weren't the premises of the series? Like, at all? Also, the bingo doesn't really show it but Hange is probably in my top 5 characters of the series, I love them <3
As for Levi/Hange: absolutely adore their friendship but mainly as brotp. Never got around the supposed "romantic vibes", I don't see them at all. Sorry 😅
Mikasa (........ *sighs deeply*):
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...... now it seems I don't give a shit about him but I do, I swear lmao. His character arc was definitely on point, though I can't say I'm "obsessed" with it.
Jean/Mikasa: I find it painfully boring, sorry skskksks. I mean, his crush for her is cute and all but I have a great dislike for the "x character is pining after y since forever, y doesn't care at all until suddenly boom! they care!" trope because imo it excludes the most important thing in fictional romance: the build-up. Tho Jeankasa is not nearly as offensive as [insert canon Mikasa's longtime infatuation here]. I'm happy for the fans who kinda got what they wanted in the epilogue (they're heavily implied to have got married) but tbh it's so obvious that Jean is going to be forever second place to Eren, I feel very bad for him. It was all so cringe 😂 So, yeah, I don't care for the ship but I don't actively dislike it or anything.
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Omg she got done SO dirty. "Not enough screen time" as in: she basically disappears and turns into an incubator for like, 40+ chapters lmao. And obviously since we're talking about AoT, her having a child doesn't serve any purpose, not even symbolically, except getting her out of the way for the finale act. Really sad, considering all the character development she went through.
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As for YumiHisu: the only (semi)canon romance that's actually valid. Isayama can't write romance to save his ass but ironically he did something right with the wlw pairing. Both character and build-up wise, YumiHisu is 👌👌👌 I just wish Ymir didn't unceremoniously die off-screen after s2 🙄😥
Beth (my absolute beloved!!!):
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"the best character in the work" well, of course. There's not much competition 😅😂 And as for the popular ship thing: I don't care much for Beth/Benny, especially in the book (he is much colder and emotionally distant there, while in the show you can see he really cares for her). I like Show!Benny tho, and clearly both actors got some good chemistry. As for Beth/therapy: OTP obviously <3
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